Colburn 1964

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ht. J. Hcot Mass Tn~nxfir. Vol. 7. pp. 1359-1384. Pergamon Press 1964.

Printed in Great Britain




Abstract-A general method for the correlation of forced convection heat-transfer data is proposed,
which consists in plotting, against the Reynolds number, a dimensionless group representing the
experimentally measured data from which film heat-transfer coefficients would be calculated, namely,
[(tr - ta)/Ar&S/A), or its equivalent, h/cc, multiplied by the two-thirds power of the group, (cp/k).
Data are cited from the literature which show that the resulting plots of heat-transfer data for flow
parallel to plane surfaces and for fully turbulent flow inside tubes, coincide (when the properties are
taken at the “film” temperature) with the best data on fluid friction plotted in the customary manner,
as the friction factor

against the Reynolds number. For flow at right angles to tubes, however, the friction and heat-transfer
factors differ, the friction factors being higher.
The equations successfully employed for representing heat-transfer data in streamline flow inside
tubes have been modified for plotting with the same coordinates as used for turbulent flow; and a quan-
titative allowance is suggested for the effect of free convection at low velocities by including a function
of the group, (n”&3Azg/& There is seen to be no relation between heat transfer and friction in the
viscous region.
The method of correlation here proposed is shown to be particularly valuable in the transition region
between streamline and turbulent flow in tubes, since heat-transfer factors may show “dips” analogous
to those for friction. The controlling variables in this region are fully discussed in the light of the
available data.

NOMENCLATURE (through minimum section)

Throughout the paper, self-consistent units are [kg/h cm2], [lb/h fts];
used. In the following list, illustrative units Gr, Grashof number;
are given in both the Metric and English systems, L, heated length in direction of
using meter, kilogram, hour, “C, and kilogram- flow [ml, PI;
calorie in the former, and foot, pound, hour, “C, differential length [m], [ft];
and pound-Centigrade heat unit in the latter. number of rows of tubes in the
direction of flow;
A, surface area [m2], [ft2]; pressure drop [kg/ms], [lb/fts];
G, [kg/h m2], [lb/h ft2]; frictional resistance, force units
Gm, maximum mass velocity per unit surface area [(kgims)
__~_ _.______. (m/h h)l, KWft2>@/h h)l;
* Contribution No. 128 from the Experimental Station R-c Reynolds number ;
of the E. 1. Du Pont de Nemours &Company, Wilmington,
Del. S, cross-sectional area [m2], [fta];
t Reprinted from Trans. Amer. Inst. Chem. Engrs W, weight flow rate [kg/h], [lb/h];
Vol. 29, 1933, by permission of the Editors. a, constant ;
H. 6 M-40
1360 A. P. COLBURK

h, constant; pa. viscosity at average tempera-

c, (-2% specific heat (at constant pres- ture [kg/h m], [lb/h ft].
sure for gases) [kg Cal/kg degC],
[P.c.u./lb degC]; Dimensionless groups
cv, heat capacity at constant vol- dG!p. Reynolds number* for flow in
ume [kg Cal/kg degC], [P.c.u.,;lb conduits ;
de&l ; C/pcA,L. Reynolds number for flow across
4 inside or equivalent hydraulic pipes ;
diameter [ml, [ft]; LGj,L. Reynolds number for flow paral-
d outside diameter ofpipe [ml, [ft]; lel to plane surfaces ;
d: clearance between tubes in a hdik. Nusselt number;*
row normal to direction of flow c&k, Prandtl number :*
[ml, WI; dcGi’k, Peclet number ;*
f, friction factor; WcjkL, Graetz number ;+
ST, acceleration due to gravity d3p2/3htg,‘p2, Grashof number ; *
[m/h hl, F/h hl; /d&t. Schmidt number;$,
h, film coefficient of heat transfer h/rG, Stanton number.:
[kg Cal/h m2 degC], [P.c.u./h ft2
de@1; ALTHOUGH great strides have been made in the
J7 heat-transfer factor; correlation of forced convection heat-transfer
k, thermal conductivity [kg Cal/h data in recent years, the state of knowledge has
m2] (degC/m), [P.c.u./h fta] not been entirely satisfactory because of the large
(degC/ft) ; number of different equations and plots neces-
kat diffusion coefficient ]m2jhJ, sary to treat the various types of apparatus, flow
W/h1; conditions encountered, and fluids used, and
m, constant; also because the often-mentioned possible
constant; relationship with fluid friction has not been con-
$9 differential pressure force units clusively demonstrated or its limits clearly de-
Kkgim2)(m/h h)l, [WfWftih fined. It is the purpose of this paper to simplify
WI; the field of forced convection by introducing a
r, factor in Prandtl equation; general method of correlating heat-transfer data
6 temperature [“Cl, [“Cl; which can be used for the entire range of turbu-
ta, average fluid temperature [‘Cl, lent and viscous flow in various types of appara-
[“Cl; tus, and which results in a strikingly direct
average wall temperature [ .‘C], comparison with friction data.
[“Cl; The method of correlation proposed is to plot
film temperature = ta :- h(f((, (tI/cG)(cpik)213 versus dG/p, where lz is the film
ta> [“Cl,[“Cl;
coefficient of heat transfer between fluid and.
film temperature for viscous solid, i.e. the quantity of heat transferred per
flow = ta + gtw -- t,) [“C], [“Cl; unit time, unit surface area, and unit temperature
mean temperature difference difference, c is the specific heat of the fluid (if a
across film [“C], [“CJ; gas, at constant pressure), G is the weight vel-
U, linear velocity [m/h], [ftjh]; ocity, i.e. the weight of fluid flowing per unit
Urn, maximum velocity (through time and unit cross-sectional area, CLis the
minimum section) [m/h], [ft/h] ; * Names adopted by “Ausschuss fiir WPrmeforschung
8, coefficient of thermal expansion im Verein deutscher Ingenieure” [23] and used by
U /&$I, ElideM; McAdams [36].
t Name suggested by McAdams [36].
density [kg/m3], [lb/ft3] ; ; Name proposed at Round Table Conference of
viscosity at film temperature Chicago meeting American Institute of Chemical
[kg/h ml, [lb/h ftl; Engineers, 15 June 1933.

viscosity of the fluid, and d is the characteristic previously used type, where (hd/k)/(cp/k)l/3 was
linear dimension such as diameter. The groups plotted versus dG/p. That the two methods are
(h/cG), (cp/k) and @G/p) are all dimensionless very similar is evident from the relationship
so that any self-consistent set of units can be between the old and new ordinates:
used. These groups are also known as Stanton,
Prandtl and Reynolds (St, Pr and Re) numbers,
It can be readily seen from the definitions of h
and G that the group @/cG) is equal to the ex-
pression [(?I - ~2)~A~~](S~A), where tl - tz is
the temperature change, At, is the mean tem-
perature difference between the fluid and the Plotting the old ordinate versus Reynolds
surface, A is the heat transfer area and S is the number was the same, however, as plotting
cross-sectional area for flow.
As explained in the appendix to this paper,
this procedure of correlation has its basis in the
Reynolds analogy, but includes a function of against dGjp, which thus involved plotting a
c,u/k to correct for differences between the function against itself, when it is considered that
tem~rat~e and velocity dist~butio~. Accord- the expe~mental data are given by the expression
ing to this modified analogy, and ordinate given
above is, under certain conditions, equal to one- a3
half the friction factor, f, which can be defined
in terms of either the overall pressure drop or the and that values of this function do not vary
frictional resistance as follows :* widely as compared with variations in dG/p. It
is of interest tbat this ordinate is essentially the
+f=----- (1) one introduced by Reynolds, as shown in the
put A=gz’ Appendix.
where AP is the pressure drop (in weight units) A helpful feature of the proposed method of
per unit cross-sectional area, g is the acceleration presenting data is that the value of the ordinate
of gravity, p is the density of the fluid, u is the is a direct function of the temperature change in
average linear velocity of the fluid, and R is the a heat exchanger, and the effect of varying the
frictional resistance (in force units) per unit sur- velocity of flow in the exchanger on the exit
face area. A corresponding heat-transfer factor, temperature is indicated at once. Furthermore,
j, can be defined in terms of either the overall for given temperature conditions, the design of
temperature change or the heat-transfer coefi- heating surface is seen to be practically set by the
cient : ratio of surface area to cross-sectional area; for
flow inside tubes, for example, this ratio is pro-
portional to the length divided by the diameter.
The function of q/k here employed was
Under conditions where the modified Reynolds obtained from previous correIations of Morris
analogy holds, j is equal to +A but under other and Whitman [4Z], Hinton [21], Cox [9], and
conditions there is no equality between these two Sherwood and Petrie [56]. While the exponents
factors and different symbols are therefore chosen of the cp/k group proposed by these workers ran
to represent them. from O-3 to 0.4 on the old ordinates, which
Besides presenting a direct comparison of heat would be from 0.7 to 0.6 on the new, the 0.66 or
transfer and friction, this method of plotting 3 power was chosen because it is more or less of
data has another advantage which is best under- an average vahze. Since the theoretica Prandtl
stood by a comparison with the most popular equation, discussed in the Appendix, utilizes a
* There is no significance in the use of +$-rather than f different function of cp,/k,it is of interest to show
to represent Rjpu2, other than the fact that this symbol has how the action differ. A comparison is given
customarily been so defined in this country 1691. by Fig. 1, which indicates that the fimction used
1362 A. P. COLBURN

FIG. I. Variation of heat-transfes coeficient with (cl*//?) as predicted by various equations.
Reynolds equation: h = 4 @.T.

Prandtl equation:

Proposed equation: 11m=(cJk)“‘”

herein and that of the Prandtl equation are versus Reynolds number, dG/p, there are three
nearly the same from q/k = 1 to cp/k = 10, distinct regions indicated by the data: First, at
but that for higher values, the Prandtl predicts Reynolds numbers less than 2300, the data fall
lower results. It is thus apparent that data on on or near a straight line which represents
water, where cpjk runs from 2 to 10, could Poiseuille’s law as given by the equation :
hardly be used to determine a choice between
the Prandtl and the proposed equations, but
there should be little doubt for values of cpL/lk
above 100, i.e. for viscous oils.
Applications of the proposed method to flow Secondly, from a Reynolds number of 2300 to one
inside of tubes, flow across single tubes and tube of about 3000, the value of friction factor rises
banks, and flow parallel to plane surfaces will about 50 per cent, so that at 2300 there appears
be discussed separately below. a considerable “dip”. Thirdly, at Reynolds num-
bers greater than about 3000, the data fall in a
1. HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FRICTION band which can be represented by a smooth
INSIDE TUBES curve yielding decreasing values of friction
Since the mechanism of heat transfer is de- factor with increasing Reynolds numbers. Visual
pendent on the flow conditions, it is a helpful observations have shown that below a Reynolds
preliminary step in the study of heat transfer number of 2300, the flow is streamline or viscous.
inside tubes to outline the effects of flow as and that above, it is turbulent. Drew, Koo and
indicated by data on fluid friction. McAdams [14] have made an extensive correla-
Fluid friction. When data on pressure drop tion of data on friction for turbulent flow, and
under conditions of isothermal flow are plotted have found that the band of data for smooth
as friction factor, as defined by Equation 1, pipes at Reynolds numbers greater than 3000

can be represented with less than f10 per cent conveniently expressed in a formula, problems
deviation by the equation: in this range are best solved from plots. Equa-
tions (4) and (5) and dips under conditions of
ff = OXlOO 4 0.0625 (~!G/~)-e*s~ (5) heating and cooling for various ratios of w/pf
When the pipe wall is being heated or cooled are shown by the dashed lines on the r&me
so that there is a temperature gradient through chart given by Fig. 16.
the fluid in the pipe, it has been shown by data Heat transfer. In utilizing the proposed method
of Keevil and McAdams [26] that in the viscous of correlation for heat transfer inside tubes, it
region, equation (4) can be used if the viscosity was expected that there would be found dis-
is taken at a fihn temperature, tvf, defined as tinctive regions in the same ranges of Reynolds
follows : numbers as for fluid friction. Therefore an
attempt was made to cover the widest possible
range of conditions reported in the literature,
where ta is the average fluid temperature in the especially for the dip region.
length of pipe under co~ideration, and tw is the In the turbulent region, at high enough
average wall temperature; and that in the tur- Reynolds numbers to ensure the data being out
bulent region, at least for Reynolds numbers of the dip, several of the most reliable sets of
greater than 7000, equation (5) holds if the pub~shed results were correlated as shown later,
viscosity is taken at a film temperature, tf, after recalculation of the viscosity to a film tem-
defined as follows : perature, tf, and the points both for heating and
for cooling were found to fall very close to the
5f = fa + 4 (tw - fa). (7)
friction factor line represented by equation (5),
Keevil and McAdams first plotted their non- thus showing for this region complete agreement
isothermal data as friction factor versus Reynolds with the modified Reynolds analogy. There
number in which the viscosity was taken at ta, results the following equation for heat transfer
and obtained a series of curves for various tem- for turbulent flow in pipes:
perature differences which were similar in shape
i = (~~~~ (C~~~~)Z’3
to that for isothermal flow. It now appears that a
-_ 0,0007 + O-065 (dG/‘pf)-“.32. (8)
particularly significant feature of this plot is, that
the transition from viscous to turbulent flow, as This equation can be approximated by the fol-
indicated by the lower part of the dip, occurs at lowing formula :
a value of Reynolds number of 2300 based on
j = (h/cG) (c&k)2’3 = 0.023 (~G,$.LJ)-~‘~.(9)
the viscosity, b, at the average fluid tempera-
ture, ta, even though the friction is dependent on As shown by equation (3), this formula can be
the viscosity at the film temperature. It is thus expressed in the old manner by multiplying both
apparent that when the data are plotted so that sides by Reynolds number, which gives :
they can be extrapolated to any temperature
W Wlr.Lf) = ~~~~~)~(c~f~~)1~3
conditions by using film-temperature Reynolds
numbers, the line for the viscous region will ex- 0.023 (dG/~f)O’8. (9a)
tend to Re = 23~~a~~f, and that the curve in It will be noted that expressed as above, the
the turbulent region will begin at Re = 2300 pa/ present results are quite comparable with the
pf. It will therefore be appreciated that for heat- equation for heating during turbulent flow in
ing liquids, the viscous line will extend consider- pipes recommended by h&Adams [38]:
ably farther than a film Reynolds number of
2300, and therefore the dip of the friction factor (hd/~)/(C~a/k)O’4= 0.0225 (dG/~l)a)s’s, (10)
will be accentuated, whereas for cooling, the where the viscosity is taken at the average &id
transition from viscous to turbulent will occur temperature, ta.
before Re = 2300, and the friction factor will In the viscous region it was found that corre-
not go through so great a dip as that in iso- lations of previous investigators could be
thermal flow. Since the dip region cannot be utilized by rearranging the equations obtained
1364 A. P. COLBURN

from the data. McAdams [39] has recorrelated by increased free convection. This divergence,
most of the reliable data from the literature therefore, undoubtedly results from the differ-
according to the theoretical equation of Graetz ence in the velocity distributions, as pictured by
[20], modifications of which have recently been Keevil and McAdams [26], owing to greater vis-
discussed in the light of experimental data by cosity of the liquid near the pipe surface than in
Kirkbride and McCabe [27] and Drew, Hogan the center of the pipe during cooling, and de-
and McAdams [13]. The Graetz equation, which creased viscosity near the surface during heating.
assumes a parabolic velocity distribution and This effect must be a function of the viscosity
absence of free convection currents, can be change across the cross-section, which can be
approximately represented, for values of WcjkL relatively expressed by the magnitude of the
greater than 10, by the equation: ratio,p&f. Byincluding this factor to the 4 power
in equation (II), it has been found possible to
(11) bring the data for heating and cooling into
approximate agreement. To evaluate the free
where h, is the heat-transfer coefficient based on convection effect, data at high Grashof numbers
an arithmetic mean temperature difference and were necessary; these were noted in the cotn-
W is the weight flow per unit time. This equation pressed air runs of Nusselt [44] at low Reynolds
can be rearranged to solve for the newly defined numbers and in the results on water in a large
heat-transfer factor as follows : diameter pipe of Colburn and Hougen [8]. Plots
of these data, shown later by Figs. 3 and 7, were
compared with equation (1 l), after including :t
factor of (&,/l~_~)iIs,
ranging from 1.15 to 1.27 fo;
In this form, the viscosity is included to the same the Colburn and Hougen data. Lines drawn
power in both sides of the equation and will through the points of similar Grashof numbers
cancel, hence it is immaterial whether it is taken deviated from the theoretical line representing
at tvf as for friction in the viscous region or at tf equation (1 I), and the ratios of the observed to
or even at ta. McAdams’ correlations show that theoretical values of j were then plotted versus
data on heating are from 50 to 120 per cent Grashof number as shown on Fig. 2. A point
higher than the theoretical equation, which he was also included for a deviation of 27 per cent
ascribed to free convection, and that data on at a Grashof number of 4000 to represent an
cooling are about equally above and below the average deviation of the oil data given on the
theoretical equation. plots of McAdams from the theoretical equation
It was pointed out by Colburn and Hougen after a ~~jpf correction had been applied. The
[8] that heat-transfer data in the range of viscous equation representing the line drawn through the
flow, and sometimes in the lower range of Rey- data is as follows:
nolds numbers for turbulent flow, would be in-
j(act)/j(theoret) = (I .- 0.015 Gri Y;R. 4i 2)
fluenced markedly by the Grashof number,
(dsp2pAtgi;u2),where /3is the coefficient of thermal
expansion of the fluid (equal to the reciprocal of I . Hydrocarbon 011s
7 ) L Compressed or (Nusselt!
the absolute temperature for gases). However,
the Grashof numbers are about the same for
cooling as for heating so that while the effect of
free convection might explain some of the devia-
tion of the data from the theoretical curve it
cannot explain the wide divergence between the
heating and cooling values. Furthermore, data
of Drew [ 121on the heating of glycerine in a tube d3pUtj3g
Groshof number.
of small diameter indicate a greater increase in Pf2
heat-transfer coefficient with increase in tempera- FIG. 2. Effect of free convection group on heat tr.m\:;3~
ture difference than can be explained entirely in viscous flow.

Equation (11) can then be amplified to include varies over wide limits, lines predicted by
both the effects of viscosity changes and free equation (14) are given for various values of Gr.
convection as follows : For values of Wc/kL less than 10, Drew,
Hogan, and McAdams [13] showed that for
cases of constant pipe-wall temperatures, the exit
fluid is practically at the pipe wall temperature,
so that if the heat-transfer coefficient is based on
an arithmetic mean temperature difference, the
data tend to approach as a maximum an asymp-
where tote expressed by the equation:
+ = (/L&J (1 + 0.015 Gr1’3)3, (15) h,d 2 WC
k rrkL (16)
Gr = (d3p2A@g/$).
The factor, 4, is chosen to affect the heat-transfer or upon rearranging
coefficient only as the cube root in order that it
can be conveniently represented graphically to-
gether with the term L/d. Typical values of Gr
and $ are given in Table 1, and to indicate the Such an equation is represented by horizontal
magnitude of the effect on the heat-transfer co- lines on a plot of j versus dG/p.
efficient, values of 1$1/~are also included. It The most interesting feature of the new corre-
should be noted that equation (15) represents lations is the appearance of the data in the dip
only an approximation based upon the few data region. It was found that the location of the data
at present available and that further data are depended on the ratio of p&f, just as for friction
necessary to make possible a more accurate ex- in the dip region, and also on the ratio of length
pression. On the following plots of the data of to diameter. Since a simple equation could not
Nusselt and of Colburn and Hougen, where Gr be developed for these relationships, it was felt

Table 1. Typical values of 4 for tf = 62”C, Af = 25 degC


Diameter Heating cooling

Fluid Gr (1 + 0.015 __-
Gr1/3) +/3 p/3
(cm) (in) P&f 4 P&f 4

Air, 1 atm. 1.25 0.5 1.24 - 1.9 1.24 - 1.9 1.24

1 atm. 2.5 1.0 31000 1.49 - 3.3 1.49 - 3.3 1.49
1 atm. 5.0 2.0 248 000 1.93 - 7.2 1.93 - 7.2 1.93
10 atm. 2.5 1.0 5000000 3.56 - 45 3.56 - 45 3.56

Water 0.63 0.25 88 000 1.67 1.25 5.7 1.80 0.8 3.6 1.50
1.25 0.5 700 000 2.33 1.25 15.6 2.50 0.8 10.0 2.15
2.5 1,O 5600000 3.67 1.25 61 3.94 0.8 39 3.40
5.0 2.0 44 800 000 6.32 1.25 310 6.75 0.8 200 5.85

Gas oil 1.25 0.5 66 000 1.61 1.2 4.8 1.69 0.83 3.3 1.49
2.5 1.0 530 000 2.21 1.2 13 2.35 0.83 9.0 2.08
5.0 2.0 4250000 3.41 1.2 81 4.35 0.83 56 3.83

Light H. T. oil 1.25 0.5 3700 1.23 1.52 2.8 1.40 0.66 1.06
2.5 1.0 29 000 1.46 1.52 4.7 1.68 0.66 1.26
5.0 2.0 235 000 1.93 1.52 10.9 2.20 0.66 1.68

(Gas oil (42), pz00 = 52.5 lb/ft3, j3 = O.O007/degC, p300 = 9.7, p550 = 4.8, plooo = 3.7 lb/h ft; Light heat transfer
oil (55), pzoo = 57.5 lb/ft”, B = O.O007/degC, pzoo = 145, ~~~550
= 24, plooo = 8 lb/h ft; water, B~P = O.O003/degC.)
1366 A. I’. COLBUKN

that the most expedient method of formulating same apparatus as the heat transfer, and these
general information for this region was by the points are in excellent agreement with the line
preparation of a resume chart on which the far which also represents equation (5). It should be
turbulent region could be represented by a curve stated that the high pressure runs of Poensgen
of equation (S), the viscous region by lines repre- [46] on cooling steam, shown by Fig. 4, were not
senting equations (14) and (17), and the dip corrected for radiation, which may account for
region by curves estimated from plots of all the their being so much higher than the curve. The
available data in this region. Such a chart is points shown on Fig. 6 for Eagle and Ferguson’s
given in Fig. 16. To show how the plotted experi- [I 51 experiments were taken from curves of their
mental data agree with this resume chart, lines smoothed data, as they unfortunately did not
are included on the plots of data which represent include their original data. Only a portion ctt
what would be predicted by the chart for average Sherwood and Petrie’s [56] runs on water wan
experimental values of the variables involved. plotted on Fig. 6-every fifth run was taken
Correlations of experimental data ,fkom t/w from their table of original data. Since the water
literature. The data chosen from the literature for temperature changed considerably in passing
heat transfer inside tubes are summarized in through the pipe in their experiments the tem-
Table 2. perature used for the correlation was that allou-
A comparison of equation (8) for heat transfer ing for a changing heat-transfer coefficient by ;I
in the turbulent region with data is given by method suggested previously [7]. Burbach’s [3]
Figs. 3 to 6, 8 to 15, inclusive. It can be seen data on Fig. 13 are about 100 per cent higher
from the plots that the line representing equation than the curve, but these data have previously
(8) shows satisfactory agreement with most of been shown to be unusually high by Lawrence
the data beyond the dip region; about as many and Sherwood [32]; they were included herein
points lie above the line as below. Figures 3, 6. only to exemplify the dip region. lndsmuch as
8, 9 and 12 also show friction data taken the the oil data for both heating and cooling plotted

Heating Cooling
Investigator Ref. Fluid Diam.

Nusselt 44 Air 2.21 77 0.76

Nusselt 44 Carbon dioxide 2.21 27 0.83
Josse 24 Air 2.31 58 0.76
Poensgen 46 Superheated steam 3.94. 99.41 1.1’
Colbum and Hougen 8 Water 1.8 74 2-8
Eagle and Ferguson 15 Water 1.3 2-6
Sherwood and Petrie 56 Water I .26 97 1.8-3
Burbach Water 0.5 25-400 I .5%10
Morris and Whitman 42 Water 1.57 196 2.1-2.4
Morris and Whitman 42 Gas oil 1.57 196 25-29 1.3-l .h 2241 0.72-0.84
Morris and Whitman 42 Straw oil 1.57 196 M-48 1 G2.8 32-230 0.45SO.67
Morris and Whitman 42 Light motor oil 1.57 196 85-160 2.4-3.1 2W740 0.3-0~45
Keevil and McAdams 26 Velocite B oil 1.26 110 67-100 1.6-4-9
Keevil and McAdams 26 Rabbeth I oil 1.26 110 52-56 1.9-2.4 85-190 0.59-0.68
Kraussold 28 Machine oil 2.67 117 300-500 0.43-0.72
Kraussold 28 Transformer oil 2.67 117 loo-130 0~66@83
Sherwood, Kiley and
Mangsen Light heat transfer 1.5 61 234 68-90 1.4 2.2

1 Ai.
l lotm
n 3otrr
+ 4atm

‘3 rl3otm
<- Al6otm
--IN a Friction

FIG. 3. Nusselt-heating air and carbon dioxide. L/d = 27.

Air-l atm, Gr = 40 000, 4 = 4, (L/d)/4 = 6%.
Air4 atm, Gr = 500 000, 4 = 11,(L/d)/4 = 2.5.
Air-16 atm, Gr = 15 000 000,4 = 100,(L/d)/4 = 0.27.

FIG. 4. Poensgen-cooling superheated steam.

FIG. 5. Josse-heating air. L/d = 58.

1-O atm, Gr = 40000, 4 = 3.5, (L/d)/4 = 17.
05 atm, Gr = 10 000,4 = 25, (L/d)/4 = 23.
0.1 atm, Gr = 400, 4 = 1.4, (L/d)/4 = 41.
1368 A. P. COLBURN

; I

FIG. 6. Water in tubes. Heat transfer and friction.

on Figs. 8-12, 14 and 15 indicate fair agreement may result in higher heat-transfer coefficients
with equation (8) at Reynolds numbers high than predicted by equation (8).
enough to be out of the dip, both the use of film
temperatures and the particular function of R&urn6 charts ,for fluids in tubes
cpjk are considered to be substantiated by these A r&urn6 chart is given by Fig. 16 for both
results. It can now be explained why Morris and heating and cooling, which should permit the
Whitman [42] found their data for heating and solution of heat-transfer and friction problems
cooling oils could not be brought into agreement in the viscous, dip, and turbulent regions. The
by use of the film temperature, tf, since most of recommended heat-transfer curve for the tur-
their heating data were in the dip region as bulent region is a representation of equation (8)
shown by Fig. 11 and therefore were considerably and is identical with the friction line representing
below the usual turbulent line. equation (5). The heat-transfer linesin the viscous
The dir, region is well exemplified for liquids region are obtained from equation (14); the
of various viscosities by Figs. 8-11 for heating asymptote lines for cases of constant surface
and Figs. 12-15 for cooling. Although the data temperature come from equation (17). For the
of each investigator cover a range of values of dip region, curves were drawn as suggested by
temperature difference and p&f, which would Figs. 7-14, the curves leaving the viscous lines at
mean varying values of +, lines are shown, for dG,‘pf = 2300 ~~,,/pf. The friction line for the
average values of 4, predicted from the rCsumC viscous region js obtained from equation (4).
chart, Fig. 16. The dip region is barely suggested In using this chart the following features
on Figs. 3 and 5 for heating air. While there are should be remembered :
not sufficient data available at present to locate Mean fluid temperature. The mean fluid tem-
their position definitely, it is felt that interpola- perature can be taken as the average of inlet and
tion among dip lines shown on the r&sum&chart outlet temperatures when the temperature rise
will be satisfactory for approximation purposes. or fall is small. For other cases, the correct
The application of equation (14) for ciscous temperature can be obtained from a chart pre-
Jlow and free convection conditions is shown by viously published [7].
predicted lines on Figs. 3, 5, 7-10, 12-15. Film temperature. In heat-transfer calculations.
Figure 3 indicates that even in turbulent flow, the average film temperature, tf, defined by
conditions which cause high Grashof numbers equation (7), should be used in determining the

FIG. 7. Water in tubes, low velocities. Data of Colbum and Hougen for upward flow
in a 3-in vertical pipe, L/d = 24.

l Heat transfer

IO00 2 5 10000
FIGS. 8, 9, 10,ll. Oils in tubes-heating.
FIG. 8. McAdams and Keevil-heat-transfer and friction data.
Rabbath I oil (q/k) = 52-56, 4 -” 4.
L/d = 110 &z//q) = 1.9-2.4.

0.01 I I
0 Friction
l Heat transfer 1

0 oa+
4 IOOO~,
FIG. 9. McAdams and Weevil-heat-transfer and friction data
Velocite B oil (q/k) m=67-100, + f 4.
L/d y 110 (pul+d =- 1.6-4.9.

viscosity. In frictiorz calculations the average film temperature Reynolds number is less than 2300,
temperature, tf, should be used when the the flow is streamline ; the arithmetic mean
Reynolds number on a mean fluid temperature temperature difference should be used. The value
basis is greater than 2300; for lower Reynolds of (L/d)/+ should be computed, which will prob-
numbers, the film temperature, t,f, defined by ably require an estimation of L. It should be
equation (6) should be used. noted that L is the heated or cooled length of
Mean temperature difirence. When the Rey- tube before mixing occurs, not the composite
nolds number on a mean fluid temperature basis length of several tubes in series. At the respective
is greater than 2300, the logarithmic mean tem- film Reynolds numbers, the heat-transfer and
perature difference should be used; when less, friction factors can then be read from the
the arithmetic mean. resume chart. For constant surface temperature,
Procedure in using chart. First obtain the mean the lines, (L/d)/(cp/k)2/3 represent maximum
fluid temperature, ta, the average film tempera- values which the heat-transfer factor, j, cannot
ture, tf, and for these temperatures the ratio. exceed.
&tcf. Calculate the Reynolds number on both One of the main values of this chart is that it
the pa and pf bases. If the Reynolds number on supplies a procedure for predicting heat transfer
the pa basis is greater than 2300, the flow is tur- in the dip region. Where a number of viscous
bulent; the log mean temperature should be flow heating problems are to be solved, equation
used, and the heat transfer and friction factors (13) is simpler to use than Fig. 16, but where
will be located either on an interpolated &pf there is doubt as to the range of Reynolds num-
line, or on the main turbulent curve at an abscissa ber covered, Fig. 16 will be useful. Since, as
of Reynolds number based on pf, except for previously mentioned, the heat-transfer ordinate
cases of large Grashof numbers. If the mean- of this chart is equal to

x L/d=04
+ L/d=122
’ L/d=2*34

FIG. 10. Sherwood, Kiley and Mangsen-heat-transfer data.
Light heat transfer oil (cp/k) = 68-90, 4 c 4,
(pn/l*r) = 14-2.2.

*Light motor oil



FIG. 11. Morris and Whitman-heat-transfer data, L/d = 196.
Gas oil (cp/k) = 2% 29. (/l&f) = 1.3-1.6, $ % 8.
Straw oil @p/k) = 40- 88. (p&f) = 14-2.8, + & 8.
Light motor oil (cp/k) = 85-160. (pa//q) = 24-3.1, 4 & 6.
1372 A. P. COLBURN

i o Friction
1 l Heat tmnsfer
1000 2 5 I(

FIGS. 12, 13, 14, 15. Liquids in tubes-Cooling.
FIG. 12. McAdams and Keevil-heat-transfer and friction data,
Rabbeth I oil (cp/k) = 85-190, 4 G 1.
L/d = 110 (p&f) = 0.59-0.68.

t2 - tl d -C/A a3
using Fig. 16 in the turbulent region over pre-
At, 4L ii k ’ vious plots is the reduction in the number of
necessary physical properties from p, k, and
the height of the ordinate is directly related to (cp/k)lj3 to P and (cp/k)2’3. This is of particular
the temperature rise or fall of a fluid passing help with gases, where k varies with temperature
through an exchanger. The very marked reduc- but (cpjk) is independent of both temperature
tion of the temperature rise of oils in the dip and pressure over moderate ranges. A list of
region is brought out in a striking manner. The values of (cp/k) for gases is given by McAdams
effect of increasing the velocity on the tempera- [37]. Convenient alignment charts for the vis-
ture rise is shown to be very small for fluids in cosities of many liquids and gases at various
fully developed turbulent flow and thus indicates temperatures are given by Genereaux (191 and
directly why the capacity of a heat exchanger for values of (q/k) of many liquids by Vernon
can often be doubled with but little decrease in WI.
temperature rise. It should be remembered that
the variable, At,, is the mean temperature differ- 2. HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FRICTION
ence between the fluid and the surface, not the ACROSS TUBES
overall temperature difference between two Single tubes. A comparison between heat
fluids on opposite sides of the surface, so that transfer and friction for flow of fluids across a
the use of the temperature rise ordinate is limited single cylinder is given by Fig. 17. While it has
to cases where only the one film resistance is been shown by various investigators that the
considered. heat-transfer and friction coefficients vary
An advantage of considerable convenience in markedly around the circumference, the present

FIG. 13. Burbach-heat-transfer data.
Water (q/k) = 15-10, 4 i 2.
d = 0.5 cm.

+ Transformer oil
l Machine oil
0.001 I
300 5 Kloo z 5 I 100
FIG. 14. Kraussold-heat-transfer data, L/d = 117.
Transformer oil (cp/k) = 100-130. (p&f) = 0664l~83, 4 t 2.
Machine oil (q/k) = 300-500. (p&q) = 0.43-0.72, 4 t 1.

treatment is limited to the average overall effects. The figure given by McAdams also contains a
The curve for friction was obtained from a corre- line for friction following a suggestion of Davis
lation by C. B. Shepherd [54] of experimental [lo] which shows deviations between the friction
data from the literature, particularly those of and heat transfer similar to that of Fig. 17. It is
Eisner [ 161and later investigators. The curve for concluded that the turbulence set up in the air
heat transfer was obtained from the correlation stream by the cylinder causes a large share of
by W. H. McAdams [40] of experimental data the drag on it whereas only the surface friction
for air on the basis of hd/k vs dG/p. The ordinates is useful for transferring heat. At high Reynolds
were divided by the abscissas and by (cp/k)l’3 to numbers the turbulence becomes disproportion-
give the ordinates used herein: (h/cG)(cp/k)2/3. ately large.

FIG. 15. Morris and Whitman-heat-transfer data, L/d = 196.
Gas oil (cpik) = 22- 41. (pLn,‘pf)z- 0.72-0+34, d, & 4.
Straw oil (c:p/k) = 32-230. (p,,//+) -7 0.45-0.67, d, & 2.
Light motor oil (cpik) ~: 200-740, (,~,/p~) -- 0.3 -0.45. 6 i I,

In an excellent treatment of this case, White to draw a curve through the points parallel to
1701 assumed that the surface friction at a plane the single tube results, which extended over a
surface under the same velocity conditions could much greater range of Reynolds numbers. This
be used to represent the skin friction or “tan- curve can be represented over the range of
gential drag” on a cylinder, and that the remain- Reynolds numbers from 2000 to 40 000 by the
der was “form drag” only. The skin friction was following equation:
then shown to check the heat-transfer data on a
plot of (h/cG)(cp/k) vs (dG/& thus differing from
Fig. 17 only by having (cp/k) taken to the first (18)
power in place of the two-thirds.
Staggered tube banks. Data of the following The friction data points were not included on
investigators have been plotted on Fig. 18: the same figure, since the correlations found by
Reiher 1501, Rietschel[52], Carrier and Busey [4], Chilton and Genereaux [S] indicated that they
Allen [l], Soule [SS] and Dehn [I 11. In the corre- would vary with the ratio dJd, when plotted in
lation of data on flow across staggered tube a manner analogous to that used on the heat-
banks given by Fig. 18, it is apparent that the transfer data, i.e. as $f’=.= Rp/GFfi _ (Mpg/G:)
ratio of the clearance, ds, between adjacent pipes (d&dtN) vs dPG&, where N -= number of
in a row, to the pipe diameter, dP, had practically rows of tubes.
no effect on the heat-transfer coefficients over a For banks of tubes on a square arrarlgemetlr.
range of values of the ratio from 0.15 to 4, at only two sets of data were found; Reiher’s
least for Reynolds numbers greater than 2500, results coincided with the line for single cylinders,
when the data were plotted as (h/cG7,)(r~/kP3 vs while Dehn’s few points were about 20 per cent
QGm/p, where GnL is the maximum velocity (or lower. Dehn’s data on staggered banks are also
velocity through the minimum area) and dP is lower than Reiher’s by about the same amount.
the diameter of the tubes. Plots were also made
of the data as (h[cG,)(c~/k)2/3 vs dsG&, and R&me’ chart jtir fluids across tubes
(hicG&~lk)2’3 vs dGa/p where d is the equivalent A resume chart for this case is given by Fig. 19.
hydraulic diameter of the bank and Ga is the The heat-transfer line for staggered banks has
velocity based on the average cross-sectional been extrapolated as indicated by the dashed
area; but in these plots the data spread, and de- portions, although in the region of low Reynolds
pended on the value of d,ld,. In obtaining the numbers where the flow is practically viscous,
best line through the data it seemed reasonable the ratio ds/dp may enter. Lines for pressure drop

< Oco2




0coOl II
IO 2 5 100 2 s IOW 2 5 lx00 2 5 KOOOO z 5 lcKJOO00

FIG. 16. Transfer processes in conduits.

k cy 2’3 t2 - tl d
Heat transfer. j =
CC k 0=x4Lk. 0 2’3

Mass transfer. j _

Friction :

4 = (p&f)(l + 0.015 Gr1’3)3.

Gr (d3p2/3Atg/p2). PC77 inert gas pressure;
h, ’ heat-transfer ‘coefficient ; g, gravity ;
K, molar mass-transfer coefficient ; c, specific heat ;
G, mass velocity; PJ, viscosity at film temperature;
M, molar mass velocity; pLa, viscosity at average temperature;
d, equivalent diameter; k, thermal conductivity;
L, Iength; kd diffusion coefficient ;
R, frictional resistance; p, density;
AP, pressure drop ; 8, coefficient of expansion.
pgf, logarithmic mean partial pressure of inert gas in film;
(Self-consistent units, e.g. lb, h, ft, P.c.u., degC.)

have been included for various ratios of d,ld, In terms of the friction factor used herein,
and again the solid portions indicate ranges equation (19) becomes :
covered by data, and the dashed portions extra-
polations. These lines are based on the correla- if= !!?! ds
tion of data by Chilton and Genereaux [5] G; rrd,N
expressed mathematically for the turbulent (34
region as:
For the viscous region the results of Sieder and
APpg= 1.5 (1gl Scott [57] on two different spacing can be repre-
G;N sented by the equation:
1376 A. P. COLBURN

friction in the viscous region [5] as defined by

equations (7) and (6), respectively.
The great contrast between the heat-transfer
and friction lines in the turbulent region shows,
particularly for large spaces between the tubes,
that most of the resistance is due to eddy
turbulence and is not useful for heat transfer.
It is definitely shown that the use of a friction
line for predicting heat transfer would be very
loococtiDooOunsafe for flow across tubes.
FIG. 17. Heat transfer and friction single cylinders.
Friction, &t’= Rlpu’.
Heat transfer, j = (h/cG)(~p/k)~:~. Remarkable agreement between friction and
heat-transfer data in both the viscous and turbu-
lent regions is shown by Fig. 20, in which the
$f= 2.34 i”l!!)-’ El-l. lines represent friction results as correlated by
Hopf [22] and the points, heat-transfer data of
the following investigators: Jtirges [25], Elias [17],
This equation was used to obtain the lines shown
and Fage and Falkner 1181.Both the heat-trans-
for friction in the viscous region. The opposite
fer and friction data in the turbulent region can
effect of the ratio ds/dp on friction in the viscous
be expressed by the equation :
and turbulent regions suggests that although the
ratio has no effect on heat transfer in the tur-
bulent region, it probably enters in the viscous, (22)
as mentioned above.
It should be noted that the film temperature, This case had been previously used with the
tf, should be used in computing Reynolds num- greatest success in developing theoretical analo-
ber for both heat transfer and friction in the gies between heat transfer and friction. Prandtl
turbulent region, but the film temperature, tvf, for [48] and Latzko [30] made frictional analogies

1000 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 10000 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 100000

FIG. 18. Heat transfer, staggered tube banks.


t- t

FIG. 19. Transfer processes, staggered tube banks.

Heat transfer :

h, heat-transfer coefficient; p*f, logarithmic mean partial pressure of inert gas in film;
K, molar mass-transfer coefficient ; Ph inert gas pressure;
G,, mass velocity through mininu.un area; g, gravity;
Mm, molar mass velocity; c, specific heat ;
d, slit width between tubes ; pf, film viscosity;
d outside tube diameter; k thermal conductivity;
$ number of rows; kd, diffusion coefficient ;
R, frictional resistance; p, density.
AP, pressure drop;
(Self-consistent units, e.g. lb, h, ft, P.c.u., degC.)

for the turbulent region similar to those for flow which is also the eauation of the friction line on
inside pipes. Pohlhausen [47] derived the follow-
ing equation for the viscous region:
tf=!2_O66 L_G-1’2
G2--’ (p > ’ (25)

Thus Pohlhausen introduced mathematically for 5

this case approximately the same function of the
where L is the length of the plate in the direction (q/k) group which has since been found neces-
of flow and the function #(c&k) can be approxi- sary to correlate data for gases and liquids inside
mated by 0*66(cp/k)1’3. tubes. The exact agreement between heat-transfer
Equation (23) can be written: and friction data in both the turbulent and vis-
cous regions is particularly striking when com-
j=$@)el3=@66 E)-‘,, (24) pared to the results on flow inside and across
1378 A. P. COLBURN

Heat transfer data L. cm

l Fage and Falkner I.20
x Fage and Falkner 0953
v Fage and Falkner 0.602
A Fage and Falkner 0.333

1000 2 5 10000 2 5 100000 * 5 0
FIG. 20. Transfer processes, plane surfaces.

heat-transfer coefficient ; pa, logarithmic mean partial pressure of inert gas in film:
molar mass-transfer coefficient ; c. specific heat;
mass velocity; CL, film viscosity:
molar mass velocity ; k, thermal conductivity ;
length; kc!, diffusion coefficient;
frictional resistance; ,j, density.
(Self-consistent units, e.g. lb. h, ft, P.c.u., degC.)

The high values of Jiirges results at low type [6]. The equations given in the resume charts
Reynolds numbers is due to the effect of free are therefore suggested for preliminary estima-
convection. The Grashof number, (L3psg/3At/r_L2), tion of mass transmission coefficients, Unfor-
is high, due to the large value of L, and amounts tunately, experimental values of p and kti are
to around 300 000 000, whereas the Grashof now available for only a few gas mixtures.
number in Fage and Falkner’s experiments was
only at most 50 000 because of the small size of CONCLUSION
the heating surfaces used by them. In the correlation of heat-transfer and friction
results for this paper, an attempt has been made
MASS TRANSMISSION AND FLUID FRICTION to study data observed under the widest possible
It is hoped that a similar analogy with fluid range of conditions. For this reason the choice
friction can be extended to mass transmission, of the data included has been based mainly on
and that an equation similar in form to equation their covering unique conditions, and a large
(2) involving mass-transfer rates, partial pressure amount of excellent data in the literature for
differences, and the group (p/pkd), can be em- flow in tubes was not correlated since they would
ployed with the same ordinates as apply for heat have fallen in line with those selected. In con-
transfer. A somewhat similar method has already structing the resume figures from the plotted data,
been shown to give agreement with data inside several conditions were found where additional
tubes on the basis of an equation of the Prandtl results should be obtained. These are as follows :

(a) For flow in tubes: heat-transfer and friction Mech. Engrs 33, 1055-1136 (1911); also F. L.
BUSEY, Trans. Amer. Sot. Heat. Vent. Engrs 18,
data in the dip region for both heating and
172-204 (1912).
cooling; heat transfer for heating viscous oils at 5. T. H. CHILTONand R. P. GENEREAUX, Trans. Amer.
a high enough range of Reynolds numbers to Inst. Chem. Engrs 29, 161-174 (1933).
ensure the results being beyond the dip (in 6. A. P. COLBIJRN, Zndustr. Engng Chem. 22, 967-970
Figs. 8-11, only the two least viscous oils of (1930).
7. A. P. COLBURN, Zndustr. Engng Chem. 25, 873-877
Morris and Whitman covered a high enough
range); heat transfer during heating and cooling See also in W. H. MCADAMS, Heat Transmission,
in vertical and horizontal pipes in the streamline p, 147. McGraw-Hill, New York (1933).
region under carefully varied conditions to deter- 8. A. P. COLBURNand 0. A. HOUGEN, Bull. Univ. Wis.,
mine the separate effects of free convection as a Engng. Exp. Sta. Series, No. 70 (1930) ; extract in Ind.
Engng Chem. 22, 534-539 (1930).
function of Grashof number, and of the radial 9. E. R. Cox, Trans. Amer. Sot. Mech. Engrs PET 50,
change in the parabolic velocity distribution as a 13-19 (1923).
function of the viscosity change across the cross- 10. A. H. DAVIS,Phil. Mug. 41,899-908 (1921); reprinted
section; heat transfer in the viscous region, parti- in CollectedResearches, Nat. Phys. Lab. (Teddington,
England) 19,205-211 (1926).
cularly at very low Reynolds numbers, when the
11. K. DEHN, Forsch. Geb. Ingen. 2, Forschungsheft 342
pipe wall temperature varies with length; velocity (1931).
and temperature distributions during the heating 12. T. B. DREW, Trans. Amer. Inst. Chem. Engrs 28,
and cooling of liquids covering a large range of 171-189 (1931); Zndustr. Engng Chem. 24, 152-157
values of q/k to assist in evaluating the functions (1932).
13. T. B. DREW, J. J. HOGAN and W. H. MCADAMS,
of cpjk and t&f to be used in heat-transfer Trans. Amer. Inst. Chem. Engrs 26, 81-117 (1931);
equations. (b) Flow across tube banks: heat Zndustr. Engng Chem. 23, 936-945 (1931).
transfer and friction data at low Reynolds num- 14. T. B. DREW, E. C. Koo and W. H. MCADAMS, Trans.
bers for various tube spacings. (c) Plane surfaces: Inst. Chem. Engrs 28, 56-72 (1932); abst. in Chem. &
Met. Engng 39, 314 (1932).
temperature and velocity distributions for the
15. A. EAGLE and R. M. FERGUSON, Proc. Roy. Sot.
heating and cooling of liquids covering a wide A127, 540-566 (1930); Engineering, Lond. 130,
range of q/k. (d) Other types : heat-transfer and 691-693,788-790,821-822 (1930); Proc. Inst. Mech.
friction data on other types of heat-transfer Enars. Lond. 2.985-1074 (1930).
surface, particularly various baffle arrangements 16. F. E&R, Mitt. Preuss. Versuch. Wasser- u. Schifbau,
Heft 4, Berlin (1929).
in the shell side of heat exchangers. 17. F. ELIAS, Abh. Aerodyn. Inst., Tech. Hochschule
In conclusion, the hope is again expressed that Aachen 9, 10 (1930); Z. angew. Math. Mech. 9, 434-
most of the investigations of heat transfer for 453 (1929) 10, 1-14 (1930); translated in Nat. Adv.
forced convection in the future will include Comm. Aero., Tech. Memo 614. Govt. Printing
observations of friction data in the same appara- Office, Washington (1931).
18. A. FACE and V. M. FALKNER, Brit. Adv. Comm.
tus and that these will be reported along with Aero., Rept. and Memo. No. 1408 (1931).
those for heat transfer. 19. R. P. GENEREAUX, Industr. Engng Chem. 22, 1382-
1385 (1930).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 20. L. GRAETZ, Ann. Phys. 18,79-94 (1883); 25,337-357
The writer wishes to acknowledge the valuable sug-
21. A. G. HINTON, Quoted by H. M. SPIERS, World
gestions and criticisms of T. H. Chilton and W. H.
Power Conference, London, 1928, Technical Data
McAdams, and also the helpful comments of those who
on Fuel, pp. 101-103, World Power Conference, 1928.
read and discussed preprints of the paper before and at
22. L. HOPF, in H. GEIGER and K. SCHEEL, Handbuch der
the meeting.
Physih 7, p. 158. Springer, Berlin (1927).
23. M. JAKOB, Z. Ver. deutsch. Zng. 75, 969-971 (1931).
REFERENCES 24. E. JOSSE,Z. Ver. deutsch. Inn. 53, 322-330 (1909).
J. R. ALLEN, Trans. Amer. Sot. Heat. Vent. Engrs 23, 25. W. J~RGES, Gesundh.-Zng., B&heft 19, Reihe‘l (1424);
141-159 (1917). also W. NUSSELT and W. JURGES, Gesundh.-Zng. 45,
H. BLASIUS,Forschungsarbeiten, Heft 131 (1913). 641-642 (1922).
T. BURBACH, in R. HERMANN and T. BURBACH, 26. C. S. KEEVIL and W. H. MCADAMS, Chem. and Met.
Striimungswiderstand und Wdrmeiibergang in Riihren. Engng 36,464-467 (1929); further data given in W. H.
Akad. Verlag. (1929). MCADAMS, Heat Transmission, p. 112-l 14, 190-199.
W. H. CARRIER and F. L. BUSEY, Trans. Amer. Sot. McGraw-Hill, New York (1933).

27. C. G. KIRKBRIDEand W. L. MCCABE,Zndustr. Engng 58. L. C. SOULE, Trans. Amer. Sot. Heat. Vent. Engrs 19,
Chem. 23, 625-631 (1931); discussed by T. B. DREW, 391, 411 (1913).
Zndustr. Engng Chem. 23,1180-1181 (1931). 59. T. E. STANTON,Phil. Trans. ROY. Sot. Lond. A190.
28. H. KRAUSSOLD,Gebiete Zngenieurw. 2, Forschung- 67, 88 (1897).
sheft 351 (1931). 60. T. E.. STANTON,Brit. Adv. Comm. Aero., Rept and
29. F. W. LANCHESTER,Brit. Adv. Comm. Aero., Rept. Memo., No. 94. Appendix (1913j: Technical Reoort.
and Memo. No. 94 (1913); Technical Report, pp. 45-47 (191%ljj.
pp.41-44(1912-13). 61. T. E. STANTON, Brit. Adv. Comm. Aero., Rept and
30. H. LATZKO,~. nngew. Math. Mech. 1,268-290 (1921). Memo., No. 497, Appendix (1917).
31. A. E. LAWRENCEand J. J. HOGAN, Zndustr. Eng& 62. T. E. STANTON and J. PANNELL,Phil. Trans. Roy. Sot.
Chem. 24. 1318-1321 (1932). Lond. A214, 199-224 (1914); reprinted in Collected
32. A. E. LAWRENCEand T: K. &ERWOOD, Zndustr. Engng Researches, Nat. Phys. Lab. (Teddington, England)
Chem. 23, 301-309 (1931). 11, 295 (1914).
33. L. B. LOEB,Kinetic Theory of Gases, p. 212. McGraw- 63. W. STENDER, Der Wiirmeiibergang an strtirnerrdeh
Hill, New York (1927). Wasser in vertikalen Riihren. Springer, Berlin (1924),
34. H. LORENZ,Phys. Z. 28, 446-448 (1927). 64. S. TARASSENKO,Physik. Z. 30, 252-256 (1929).
35. H. LORENZ, in Vortrtige aus dem Gebiete der Aero- 65. G. I. TAYLOR, Brit. Adv. Comm. Aero., Rept and
dynamik und verwandter Gebiete (Aachen 1929), Memo., No. 272 (1917).
edited by A. GILLES, L. HOPF and T. VON KARMAN, 66. G. 1. TAYLOR, Proc. London Math. Sot. (2), 20, 19h--
pp. 183-189, Berlin, 1930. 212 (1921).
36. W. H. MCADAMS,Heat Transmission, p. 96. McGraw- 67. G. LTAYLOR, Proc. Roy. Sot. Land. 129,25--29 (19301.
Hill, New York (1933). 68. H. C. VERNON, in W. H. MCADAMS, Heat Trans-
37. W. H. MCADAMS, ibid., p. 167. mission, p. 342. McGraw-Hill, New York (1933).
38. W. H. MCADAMS, ibid., p. 169. (Note that points 9, 15, 22, 24, 31 and 34 should be
39. W. H. MCADAMS,ibid., pp. 207, 209. disregarded due to the use of incorrect data on the
40. W. H. MCADAMS. ibid., p. 219. temperature coefficient of the thermal conductivity.)
41. W. MARGOULLS,Chaleur et ind. 12,269-277, 352-362 69. W. H. WALKER, W. K. LEWIS and W. H. M~ADAMS.
(1931). Principles of Chemical Engineering, p. 75. McGraw
42. F. H. MORRIS and W. G. WHITMAN,Zndustr. Engng New York Hill, (1927).
Chenz. 20, 234-240 (1928). 70. C. M. WHITE, Trans. Inst. <‘hen!. Engrs 10, 66 86
43. E. V. MURPHREE,Industr. Engng Chem. 24, 726-736 (1933).
(1932). 71. L. B. WOOLFENDEN, in W. H. MCADAMS, Heat Trurr~-
44. W. NLJSSELT,Forschungsarbeiten, Heft 89 (1910); mission, p. 155. McGraw-Hill, New York (1933,.
extract in Z. Ver. deutsch. Zng. 53, 1750-1755, 1808%
1812 (1909). APPENDIX
45. J. PANNELL,Tech. Rept, Brit. Adv. Comm. Aero. 1,
The rate of heat transmission between a sur-
22-30 (1916-17).
46. R.P0~~~~~~,Forschu~gsarbeiten,Heft191-192(1917); face and a fluid passing over it in turbulent
extract in Z. Ver.deutsch. Zng. 60,27-32,47-51 (1916).
motion has long defied purely theoretical solu-
47. E. POHLHAUSEN,Z. angew. Math. Mech. 1, 115-121 tion because of the lack of simple mathematical
(1921). relationships for turbulent flow itself. In evalu-
48. L. PRANUTL,Physik. Z. 11, 1072-1078 (1910).
49. L. PRANDTL,Physik. Z. 29, 487-489 (1928). ating the friction between the moving fluid and
50. H. REIHER, Forschungsarbeiten, the surface, empirical
Heft 269 (1925) ; correlations of experi-
extract in Z. Ver. deutsch. ZP. 70. 47-52 (1926). mentally measured values by use of dimension-
51. 0. REYNOLDS,Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil.‘Soc.‘14, 7 less groups of variables have been necessary in
(1875); reprinted in 0. REYNOLDS,Scientific Papers
place of theoretically determined equations.
Vol. 1, pp. 81-85. Cambridge University Press (1900).
52. L. RIETSCHEL,Mitt. Prufungsantalt f. Heizungs II. These empirical relations for friction have been
Liiftungseinrichtungen, Kijnigl. Tech. Hochschule very successful in interpreting data for both gases
Berlin, Heft 3 (1910). and liquids on the same basis. Because the
53. L. SCHILLERand T. BURBACH,Physik. Z. 29,340-342 transfer of heat and the transfer of momentum
(1928); Z. Ver. deutsch. Zng. 72, 1195-1196 (1928).
54. C. B. SHEPHERD,Private communication.
are analogous processes, many relationships be-
55. T. K. SHERWOOD,D. D. KILEY and G. E. MANGSEN, tween them have been developed for the purpose
Tvans. Amer. Inst. Chem. Engrs 28, 154, 70 (1932); of utilizing friction data in the prediction of heat-
Industr. Engng Chem. 24, 213-277 (1932). transfer rates.
56. T. K. SHERWOODand L. M. PETRIE, Industr. Engng Osborne Reynolds [.51] pointed out in I874
Chem. 24, 736,45 (1932).
51. E. N. SIEDERand N. A. SCOTT,Jr., Advance paper, that the transmission of heat from a hot fluid to
Amer. Sot. Mech. Engrs, meeting, 6 June (1932). a surface was probably directly related to the

fluid friction exerted by the fluid on the surface.

In 1897, Reynolds, as quoted by Stanton [59], (31)
postulated that the “motion of heat” should be
analogous to the “motion of momentum”, and, where a, b, and m are constants.
using an early modification of the following Reynolds [59] predicted that the ratio of the
equation for pressure drop inside a pipe : thermal conductivity to the viscosity of the fluid
would affect the heat-transfer coefficient. Prandtl,
apd T2 however, first mentioned the significance of the
() P
(26) group, CCL/k,in his comparison of the equations
for heat conduction and momentum transfer.
derived the equivalent of the following equation According to the kinetic theory of gases [33], the
for heat exchange inside a pipe: transfer of momentum is directly analogous to
atd 12 the transfer of energy, and k = l-6 G&L. For
---=a $-+ , (27) diatomic gases where cp/cV is equal to 1.4, the
am ( 1 theoretical value of q/k becomes O-87. For air,
where apjaL and at/aL are the rates of change of the value of CCL/kbased on experimental data is
pressure and temperature, respectively, with about 0.76, which is not far from unity, especially
length of the pipe of diameter, d, through which when compared with values for water between
the fluid with density, p, and viscosity, CL,flows 2 and 10, and for oils up to 1000. It was shown
with average velocity, U; a and n are constants. by Stanton [61] from data of Pannell [45] that
Later Stanton [60] and Lanchester [29] stated the for air flowing in a heated pipe, the velocity and
Reynolds theory more fully and expressed their temperature distributions were almost coinci-
results in the following equations : dent, and Elias [ 171showed a similar relationship
between the velocity and temperature fields for
air flowing over a heated plate. For these cases,
where CCL/kis almost equal to unity, equations
or (28) and (29) very nearly check the heat-transfer
h = +fcG. (29) data for flow inside tubes and parallel to plane
The friction factor from equation (1) was shown Prandtl [48] and Taylor [65] independently
by Blasius [2] in 1913, by Stanton and Pannell introduced a modification of equations (28) and
[62] in 1914, and by many investigators since, to (29) to apply to cases where cp/k is not equal to
be a function of Reynolds number, dG/p. unity. Their treatments considered a viscous
Strangely enough, until recently no correlations film next to the solid surface in which pure con-
of heat-transfer data have been made as h/cG duction and laminar flow prevail, and a tur-
vs Reynolds number, probably owing to the bulent core in which the velocity and temperature
early introduction by Nusselt [44] of correlations fields coincide. Their resulting equation is:
as hd/k versus Reynolds number or Peclet
number, (dcG/k). +fcG
h = 1 - r + r(cp/k) ’ (32)
For example, Prandtl [48] derived equation
(28) independently in 1910 by showing that the where r = ratio of the velocity at the film-core
fundamental equations for heat conduction and interface to the average velocity in the tube.
momentum transfer would be analogous where Later Prandtl [49] showed from his theory of
q/k = 1. His expression for frictional resistance turbulence that the value of r should decrease
was, however, with increasing Reynolds number, and this con-
clusion was shown to be roughly checked by
Stender’s [63] data for water in tubes as recal-
culated by Lawrence and Hogan [31], although,
so that his resulting expression for heat transfer unfortunately, other factors such as water tem-
was the equation obtained previously by Nusselt : perature and temperature difference also affected
1382 A. P. COLBURN

the value of r. Taylor [66] utilized a mathematical high values of cp/k, such as oils. Lorenz [35] in
method based on the theory of velocity gradients 1930 plotted both pressure drop and heat-
in turbulent flow, to develop relationships for transfer data from radiator tests and was pos-
the temperature gradient. His analysis led to an sibly the first to use a plot of hicG vs Reynolds
infinite series which remains to be mathematically number.
interpreted in order to be of assistance on this
problem. Recently, Taylor [67] further discussed
the original Reynolds analogy and showed that DISCUSSION
it is based on physical conditions not satisfied 0. A. HOUCEN (written): In this paper for the
where heat flows between the pipe wall and the first time, coefficients necessary for calculating
fluid, and thus the theory could not be expected heat transmission into any fluid flowing in a
to hold exactly under the usual conditions of pipe have been presented on a single graph
heat transfer. Eagle and Ferguson [15] and later covering the turbulent, stream line and inter-
Murphree [43] considered a buffer zone between mediate regions; in these correlations the
the viscous film and the turbulent core. Murphree dimensionless group h/cG is used instead of the
assumed that in the buffer zone the degree of usual Nusselt number hd/k; the viscosity values
turbulence is a function of the distance from the are taken at the average film temperatures in-
surface, and obtained a table of values of hd,‘k as stead of the temperature of the main stream,
functions of dG/p and p/k. Data of Woolfenden though the transition to turbulence occurs at a
[71] on temperature and velocity distributions for Reynolds number of 2300 based on the viscosity
water flowing inside pipes, however, indicate a at the average main stream temperature-these
radical difference between these distributions in appear to me to be the important contributions
the turbulent core. For example, when the made.
Reynolds number was about 80 000, the velocity It is my opinion that the analogy between
in the turbulent core varied as the 0.15 power of friction and heat transmission has been over-
distance from the wall, whereas the temperature emphasized by many investigators. . . . Although
varied only as the 0.06 power, indicating much there is nearly an exact analogy between the two
less resistance to heat transfer than to momen- processes for turbulent flow through pipes and
tum transfer in the core. As a result, the Prandtl flow parallel to plane surfaces, this similarity
equation would be expected to give low results breaks down entirely for viscous flow, inter-
when cplk differs considerably from unity. A mediate flow, and flow across tubes. There is,
derivation of the correct theoretical equation for further, no analogy between the two processes
these conditions would require a knowledge of for flow around bends and through contractions
the exact effect of cpjk on the relation between and restrictions. The analogy between heat flow
the temperature and velocity distributions. and friction seems to be the exception rather
Other treatments of the relationship between than the rule.
heat transfer and fluid friction have been pre- . . . In view of the great difficulties involved in
sented by Latzko [30], Lorenz [34], Schiller and obtaining accurate data on heat transmission,
Burbach [53], Tarassenko [64], and White [70]. particularly in the measurement of point and
Recently Margoulis [41] published a comprehen- average temperatures and of the rate of fluid
sive review of the various theoretical papers and flow, it would be well for technical periodicals
compared equation (29) with Nusselt’s [44] data to restrict for publication only the experimental
on gases in tubes. Margoulis plotted the data as work of those who have had extensive experience
h/cc versus Reynolds number and found good in this type of work. The large amount of experi-
agreement between the lines for friction and the mental work on heat transmission published by
heat-transfer data, though, as seen from Fig. 3, amateurs has made the task of correlations and
his check with one point in the viscous region is evaluation of experimental data very difficult, as
a coincidence. For liquids, Margoulis employed is well illustrated in the present paper.
the Prandtl equation and found a fair check with E. N. SIEDER (written): The general method
data on water, but did not try it on liquids with proposed by Dr. Colburn is perhaps the most

rational and covers the largest field of data yet engineering research at the Experimental Station
published. The method brought out in his paper of the du Pont Company represent significant
should allow more accurate predictions of heat contributions to the field of fluid flow and heat
transfer rates in the critical region. The use of transfer. They are of a type none too common and
the film temperature certainly seems logical for greatly needed in chemical engineering, namely
correlation of heat-transfer and pressure drop in the correlation of diversified experimental
data in the region of viscous flow. However, I am results. . . .
not entirely certain that film temperatures should There are other fields of chemical engineering
be used in correlating heat-transfer and pressure in which this type of correlation is not only
drop data in the region of turbulent flow. . . . A essential as a mode of attack but is an especially
large volume of data on cooling of fluids inside difficult one. The field of heterogeneous systems
of tubes, which I have correlated on the basis of often involving the dynamics of reactions offers
main stream properties, shows an excellent check more complicated variables even than are offered
with the published data on heating also corre- in fluid flow and heat transfer. In many cases the
lated in the same manner. I would advocate the complexity is so great that relations of a statis-
use of two distinct curves-one for cooling and tical type are used. Here both diversity and
one for heating-with the fluid properties taken number of tests are essential to the drawing of
at the main stream temperatures. . . . accurate conclusions.
I have found that recent transfer tests taken A. P. COLBURN (written): The kind criticisms
with values of Re below 2300 show that the use of Professor Hougen, and of others who have
of dp gives better correlation than d. However, discussed the paper, both at the meeting and
there is some indication of a change in heat- through personal communications, have
transfer rates with different values of d, and dp. prompted the author to make several revisions
LINCOLN T. WORK (written): The two papers in the paper as originally presented, and these
from the division of fundamental chemical are included in the form here published.

R&ume-Une m5thode penerale pour la correlation des donnQs de transport de chaleur par con-
vection for&e est propose%, qui consiste a porter, en fonction du nombre de Reynolds, un groupe
sans dimensions representant les don&es mesur6es experimentalement a partir desquelles les co-
efficients de transport de chaleur de film seraient calcules, c’est-a-dire, [@I - fz)/Af,J(S/A), ou son
equivalent, h/CC, multiplit par le groupe (cp/K) Cleve a la puissance deux tiers. Des don&es sont
citQs a partir de la litterature qui montrent que les diagrammes resultants des don&s de transport
de chaleur pour l’tcoulement parallele a des surfaces planes et pour Gcoulement entibrement turbulent
dam des tubes, comcident (lorsque les proprietes sont prises a la temperature de “film”) avec les
meilleurs renseignements sur la perte de charge portQ de la facon ordinaire, sous forme du coefficient
de perte de charge lintique

en fonction du nombre de Reynolds. Cependant, pour l’bcoulement perpendiculaire aux tubes, les
coefficients de perte de charge et de transport de chaleur different, les coefficients de perte de charge
&ant plus eleves.
Les equations utilisees avec suc&s pour rep&enter les don&es de transport de chaleur dam un
6coulement laminaire dans les tubes ont et6 modifiQs pour des traces avec les msmes coordonnees
que celles pour Ecoulement turbulent; et une modification quantitative est sugg&e pour l’effet de la
convection libre a faible vitesse en ajoutant une fonction du groupe (d3p2fiAtg/p2). On voit qu’il
n’y a pas de relation entre le transport de chaleur et le frottement dam la region visqueuse.
On montre que la m&ode de correlation propo& ici est particulierement valable dans la region
de transition entre l’6coulement laminaire et Ecoulement turbulent dam les tubes, puisque les
facteurs de transport de chaleur peuvent presenter des “creux” analogues a ceux pour le frottement.
Les variables de contrale dans cette region sont discutees completement it la lumiere donnees connues.
1384 A. P. COLBURN

iiHHOTa4lcJI-lIpe~~araeTcFl 06IQlti MeTO;l 06pdOTKili 3KC~ep~lllleHT3;IbHbI)C,&aIlHblX 110

TeIIJIOO6MeHy lIp%I BbIHy?KfiAeHHO& KOHBeKqHH, 3aKnIOYaIOIQmticR B npe~cTaunerlmi 3TIlx
mmacmeTc~ Icp3$@flHeIIT TennooGMem [(tl- f~)/ht,]G/A) ~II ero 3KmrmIem- h/&Y,
yMHOmeHHbIti Ha KOnlIUIeKC (Q/k) B CTelIeHR 2/3. O6paBoTKa JlklTepaTypHbIX %aHHLIX, IIO-
KaamaeT, YTO pe3ynbTaTbI OII~ITOB no TeIIZIOO6MeH~ B Imomio-napannej?baoM lIoTOI(e11 llpll
QmmecKI4x napaweTpo3 I<Onpe~emmqefi TeimepaType) c CaMbIimi HageiKfibIm :~arrfi~mlII(~
KO3@$IH~IleHTa TpeHIiFl

OT wlce.2 PetiHonbHca. OzIIaKo, IIpH 0riTetiasm TpyT, uofl npmlbm ~-\-r;lcj\r

TpeHHfl I? TeIInoO6NeHa IIeO~I'lHaKOBbI(KO?@@~HeHT TpeHGlfl BbILUe).
YpaBHeHLiR, C yCIIeXOM IIpEMeHfIeMbIe &7IFI 06pa60TKH RaHHbIx 110 TL'lI;rOOi,M~~Hy IllIll
mMHHapHOM TeYeHml BIIyTpM Tpy6bI, MO,?&IH~I~pOBaFlbI TaKHM 06pa30M, cITO nlOifiH0Iii'rIO-
Zb30BaTb Te ltteKOOpAHHaTbI, 9TO M IlpFl06pa6OTIte AaHHbIX AJIR Typ6SZIeHTHOrO 'TerleIIHE.
FIpegnomerr cnoco6 KomwcTBeHHoro TqeTa ~~060~~0l KoaueKI~m npa IIA~KIIX CIEO~OCTRS
IIyTeM BBeAeHElR KOMIIJIeKCa (cf3p2,3Atg/p2). OseBLiAHO, <(TO ;T.iiR RR3KIlX Tesemil HHT 3BBIlCH-
MOCTH nle;Kaj-KO3#@lQBeHTOM Temoo6Meaa 11 TpeHHR.
nOKa33H0, YTO IIpeAJIOxteHHbI@ MeTO;I o6o6weHm AaHIIbIx MOitCeT 6bITb yClleIllliOIICIIO-
zb30BaH xnft 06nacTn rrepexona 0~ .ilanmiapworo TeYemm K TypQneHTEtonry B Tpy%ax,
OnpeAe;rmonl~e nepeMemble 3.m 3~0fi 06nacT~1110~p06~0 paccmoTpeHbr B CBeTe n~iem~rlxcfr

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