Workshop Catalog: Training & Development
Workshop Catalog: Training & Development
Workshop Catalog: Training & Development
w w w. h r. u t a h . e d u / t r a i n i n g /
About Training & Development
At the University of Utah, people are our greatest assets. The Human Resources Training & Development
Department is committed to helping faculty and staff cultivate the skills and knowledge necessary for success
by providing numerous professional learning opportunities at no cost to all employees.
A well-equipped workforce is essential to best serve the needs of our organization and our community.
Whether you are looking to acquire new knowledge, or just want to hone existing skills, the Training &
Development Department exists to help you with your professional and personal aspirations.
C o m m i t m e nt
The Training and Development Department strives to meet the needs of University employees. Our
trainers are experienced professionals that bring a combination of real work experience and training
expertise. We have been managers, supervisors, directors, and front-line employees. We have
led teams, departments, and organizations. We have struggled with relationships, career
direction, and organizational politics. Now as trainers we are committed to bring
our knowledge, combined with yours, to help you achieve your goals and
W o r ks h o ps
Training and Development offers over 40 workshops at no cost to
University employees. Our classroom instruction accommodates
a variety of learning styles. We utilize lecture, discussion, case
studies, role playing, video clips, assignments outside of class,
self-assessments, and other interactive activities. Our work-
shops are offered multiple times each year to accommodate
your busy schedule. We can also bring our work-
shops on-site to your department or to an off-site
A broad range of workshops are
offered in areas such as:
meet the training & development team
A n d r e a D. B row n
Director of Training & Development
Andrea has worked at the University of Utah for over ten years. She is
currently the Director of Training & Development. Her previous posi-
tions at the University of Utah include Manager of Employee Relations
and Equal Opportunity Investigator.
Prior to working at the University, Andrea worked for six years at the
Utah Anti-Discrimination and Labor Division. Andrea has an M.S. in
Organizational Communication from the University of Utah and a B.A.
in Interpersonal Communication from the University of Montana.
Te r r i J o L o r z
Training & Development Coordinator
Terri Jo has been a manager, director and owner of her own consult-
ing firm. She has been involved in training and consulting in organi-
zational development since 1991 serving clients and organizations
throughout the United States. She now brings her experience and
expertise to the Training and Development Department and oversees
leadership development.
She loves her three cats, her husband and her children – not neces-
sarily in that order. She is an avid reader and aspires to be an avid hiker.
R ya n P e t e rs o n
Assistant Training & Development Coordinator
Since 2001, Ryan has been an active member of the Salt Lake Society
for Human Resources Management, and served as President in 2009.
He also serves on the Utah Human Resource State Council and will
be State Director-elect in 2010. Ryan has work experience in vari-
ous positions of administration, business development, project man-
agement, marketing, sales, customer service, and human resources
spanning public, private, and nonprofit organizations.
Ryan lived in Japan for five years and served as a Japanese translator in Park City during the 2002 Salt Lake
Winter Olympics.
K i m E n d e rs en
Office Support Coordinator
Manager Essentials is designed for managers and future managers. The workshops offer a broad base of manage-
ment expertise that will support supervisors in creating a productive environment and personal career progression.
A Certificate of Completion is offered for those who complete the one required workshop, seven additional Manage-
ment Essentials workshops, plus eight online Management Essentials modules within a two year period.
e-Discipline, Grievances
and Separation
Ensure that you are taking the right
steps in the discipline process and
e-Equal Oppor tunity in
understand what a grievance is and
how it is managed. the Work Place
Learn what you need as a manager
or supervisor to help prevent and
e- On-Boarding New respond to sexual harassment and
Employees discrimination in the workplace, and
On-Boarding can help you keep to comply with the Americans With
that new employee. Make sure you Disabilities Act.
have a strategic long-term plan for
integrating employees into your
Per formance Reviews
Understand how to make your per-
formance reviews = a culmination of
a yearlong process of feedback and
tracking of your employee’s prog-
e-Accounting for the New
Super visor
e-Leaves and Employee
Benefits Many managers are not accoun-
tants, MBA’s, or bring a lot of experi-
Leaves and benefits can be con-
ence in finance. Learn some key re-
fusing and frustrating. Identify
sources and processes for ensuring
your resources and key informa-
that your budget is well thought out
tion for understand leaves and
and well managed.
Interpersonal Skills &
The power of effective communications and professional
relationships is in your hands. It is demonstrated
through your skills, your thinking and your
commitment. This series is designed to
give you the tools and understand-
ing that will support you in being
influential, getting results, and
managing your outcomes.
A Certificate of
Completion is offered for
those who complete five
Interpersonal Skills &
Working with Others
workshops within a
two year period.
L i s t e n i n g S k i ll s
Listening is a skill that will bring out the best in you and others. It is key to professional and personal
relationships, effective management, and creating a positive environment. It can also be extremely
difficult because emotions, past experience, and lack of good role models can undermine your best
intentions. This workshop explores what is at the core of being a great listener.
N av i g at i n g C o m m u n i cat i o n S t y les C o n fl i c t M a n ag e m e n t
Sometimes different communication styles Learn how to interact in ways that minimize
make it hard for us to talk to each other. conflict and how to deescalate a conflict when
This workshop explores four different styles it occurs. Understand what is at the heart of
and how those styles can clash or compli- conflict and how to detach from emotional and
ment each other. You will discover your own stressful encounters.
strengths as a communicator and, as you
learn, about others styles you will be able C o m m u n i cat i n g in a D i v e rs e
to develop personal strategies for increased
communication effectiveness.
E n v i ro n m e n t
We all have beliefs about what differences
mean in terms of the people we work with.
C r e at i n g E ffec t i v e R e l at i o n s h i ps Understanding our assumptions and how
Professional relationships support one’s pro- those impact our behaviors and interactions
fessional goals, can open doors, and lead is important. Learning to be aware and wise
to effective collaboration. But often person- will help us to build an environment that is fair,
alities and differing personal and professional inclusive and where all can fully contribute.
agendas can get in the way. Learn how to
create strong, positive relationships and how
to manage those relationships when a diffi-
cult conversation is required.
professional development
Everyday you are making an informal presentation to your peers and leaders about your abilities to
manage your time, present yourself to others, be strategic, and to produce results. Make sure you
are presenting the best you have to offer. Through this workshop series you will learn how to put your
best foot forward and strategically align your efforts with your professional goals.
A Certificate of Completion is offered for those who complete five Personal Development workshops
within a two year period.
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B us i n es s writing convey, and the messages you send can be
Communication is the lifeblood of an organi- crafted and shaped to convey positive and
zation. Unfortunately, many employees are polished communications.
ineffective in their written communications
and undermine their efforts through lack of P r es e n tat i o n B as i c s
clarity and concision, and use of poor gram- We all present either informally or formally.
mar. Learning how to write a professional, Delivering a strong presentation is putting
well crafted, and clear message will not only your best foot forward and allowing you to
help you as you communicate through writ- effectively persuade and shape desired out-
ten messages, but also in your verbal inter- comes. This workshop introduces you to
actions. the tools you’ll need to create and deliver
powerful presentations to a variety of audi-
S t r at eg i c C o m m u n i cat i o n ences.
Each communication interaction sends an
important message about you. This work-
shop is designed to help you understand
how you communicate currently and how to
be a powerful and professional communica-
tor. The words you select, the attitudes you
Page 11
Most employees understand that customers are important and that customer service is as critical to success as the
services offered. The challenge is how to maintain a pleasant interaction when the customer is anything but pleasant,
and how to go the extra mile when you are out of gas. Don’t despair. This workshop series will renew your commitment
to excellence and renew your energy through lively discussion and practical skills.
A Certificate of Completion is offered for those who complete the two required workshops plus three additional “Being
Exceptional at Customer Service” workshops within a two year period.
C r e at i n g a P o s i t i v e C us to m e r E x pe r i e n ce - R eq u i r e d
Customer service can help an organization create loyalty, create a strong word-of-mouth reputation and
increase workplace productivity and effectiveness. The skill and art of customer service is under-
standing the needs of the customer and meeting those needs with empathy and commitment to
C us to m e r C a r e C h a lle n g es - R eq u i r e d
When is it appropriate for a cus-
tomer service representative
to draw a line and either
hang-up or walk-a-way?
Are there processes
in place for referring a
problem customer to a
manager or other pro-
fessional? Once things
start to escalate, what
can a customer
care repre-
sentative do
to calm things
down? What
if a customer
is threatening
or intimidating?
Handling the unusu-
ally difficult customer
can be a challenge. This
workshop will help you
learn the skills to turn
anger into problem
solving, frustration into
gratitude, and build a
loyal customer through
professional interac-
Page 12
P e rs o n a l R es p o n s i b i li t y & N av i g at i n g C o m m u n i cat i o n S t y les
A cco u n ta b i li t y Sometimes different communication styles make it hard
A willingness to take ownership for your career, your for us to talk to each other. This workshop explores four
outcomes, and your achievements can be the single different styles and how those styles can clash or
most important thing you do. Personal responsibil- compliment. You will discover your own strengths as
ity and accountability is a mindset of asking yourself a communicator and as you learn about others styles
important questions such as: What do I need to start you will be able to develop personal strategies for in-
doing and stop doing? How can I be more effective at creased communication effectiveness.
work? What can I learn from my successes and fail-
ures? And how do I realize that I am the most impor-
tant force in my life and utilize that to have a greater
L i s t e n i n g S k i ll s
Listening is a skill that will bring out the best in you
and others. It is key to professional and personal re-
lationships, effective management, and creating a
positive environment. It can also be extremely difficult
because emotions, past experience, and lack of good
role models can undermine your best intentions. This
workshop explores what is at the core of being a great
Page 13
This Certificate program is designed to help University staff create successful and stimulating careers, develop
a professional reputation for excellence, and to gain the soft skills necessary for the work environment.
A Certificate of Completion is offered for those who complete five Excellence in Personal Job Performance
workshops within a two year period.
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understanding HUMAN RESOURCES
The Understanding Human Resources (HR) series is designed to help you know your HR resources and con-
tacts, prepare you to deal effectively with HR issues, and to support you as a manager or other staff member
who handles HR processes for your department. You will learn about University policies and procedures, the
Office of Equal Opportunity, formal discipline processes, how to interview and hire, the specifics and possible
impacts of the FMLA, and more.
A Certificate of Completion is offered for those who complete all five Understanding Human Resources work-
shops within a two year period.
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Personal GROWTH & Development
Are you dealing with a lot? Our personal development workshops are offered to promote personal health and well-be-
ing by providing strategies that can help you deal with stress, anger, change, and even difficult people.
Personal Development classes are taught in partnership with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by Tina Halli-
day, LCSW. The University Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential, free service to all eligible employees
and member of their household. The EAP was created to help with a variety of personal concerns, including family and
relationship issues, stress, grief, depression, anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, workplace issues, management consulta-
tion, and more. The EAP can also provide advice and referrals to help resolve legal issues, financial issues, and child-
care and eldercare concerns. The EAP is an access point to your behavioral healthcare and chemical dependency
treatment benefit.
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This Personalized Certificate Program is offered to support individuals in creating a series of workshops that are con-
nected and foundational for their career.
A Certificate of Completion is offered for those who develop a proposal, complete the 5 workshops identified in the
proposal and write a conclusion essay within a two year period.
Support Staff
(Designed for all Support
Level Employees)
This class will provide important information on CIS,
Human Resources, and Financial and Busi- n e s s
Services. All participants will complete a “just
for you” page with the most important informa-
tion for support level staff: business unit, orga-
nization ID key contacts and how to reach them,
and more.
Page 17
WORKSHOPS Orientation
The Training and Development Department offers The University provides New Employee Orientation for
targeted training to specific audiences in order to all new employees. Orientation provides employees
meet the specialized needs of that audience. The with important and useful information regarding ben-
following workshops have been developed for the efits, safety, information security, sexual harassment,
designated groups. discrimination prevention and other topics. Orientation
gives new employees a good head start as they begin
their career with the University of Utah.
Team Communication & Collaboration:
Lost at Sea Survival Simulation – De-
partments and Workgroups C a m pus E m ploy e es
This two-hour workshop is designed for depart-
ments and workgroups to foster better communi- New campus employees can attend New Employee
cation and team awareness. Collaboration and Orientation in-person or complete online orientation
camaraderie will be strengthen as employees work lessons. New Employee Orientation consists of train-
together to problem solve a survival scenario and ing on Benefits, Information Security, Workplace Safe-
then together identify important and practical strat- ty, and Sexual Harassment Prevention. Employees
egies to take back to the work environment. Please who attend orientation in-person will still have access
note, this workshop is offered as an onsite training to the online lessons. (Campus employees also include
session only. employees of the School of Medicine, College of Phar-
macy, College of Nursing, and College of Health.)
Page 18
other services
G ro u p Faci li tat i o n M e d i at i o n – C o n fl i c t pared to expensive seminars or
Meetings can be an essential com- R es o lu t i o n conferences.
ponent of a department’s opera- Workplace mediation is offered Our trainers will work with you to
tions, but can also be a poor use of through the Employee Assis- identify the best training for your
time if not planned and executed tance Program. If you are expe-
well. Training and Development can
needs. In addition, we can cus-
rience a conflict in the workplace tomize the workshops to offer a
provide a trained facilitator to work and desire outside help, contact
with a department to plan and facili- just-in-time learning environment.
your Human Resource consul- We are willing to discuss any ac-
tate all types of meetings. Facilita-
tant to determine if mediation is commodations your department
tion helps create a safe, neutral en-
vironment where people can share the right intervention. You can may need; however, we do ask
their perspectives and ideas. Your also contact the Employee As- you to consider the following:
group will be able to problem solve, sistance Program yourself by
make decisions, and communicate calling (801) 587-9319 or (800) • Please set aside a minimum of
more effectively. Facilitators also 926-9619 or visit http://uuhsc. two full hours for training pre-
provide structure to your meetings, sentation. Most of our training
ensuring that the time spent is more classes take four hours, but
efficient and productive. Our skilled we can shorten the time if the
facilitators are experts at managing needs of your department re-
human dynamics and can help your
O n s i t e Tr a i n i n g quire it.
group follow an agenda and avoid Do you need training for a group • Workshops are most effective
circular and tangential discussion, of employees, or even your en- with at least 10 people.
while managing counterproductive tire department? The Training
interpersonal dynamics. • Please give four weeks notice
& Development Department can
when scheduling an on-site,
bring training to you! On-site
A facilitator should be engaged and whenever possible, pro-
departmental training allows you vide three different dates on
to focus on the issues affecting which to present.
• Meetings are not effective your workplace while presenting
• Team dynamics are difficult to a consistent message to your To schedule an on-site training
manage staff. Your staff will have the session, or for more information,
• Discussing emotionally charged opportunity to engage in discus- contact the Training and Devel-
or complicated topics sions about real-life challenges opment Department.
The facilitator will meet with you in
and problem-solve for future
departmental success. And be- *mileage charges may be
advance to best understand your
unique needs, and work with you cause your department is work- assessed if traveling off-campus
to create a strategic approach. To ing and learning together, there
schedule a facilitator, contact the is greater support for the imple-
Human Resources Training and mentation of the training tools
Development Department. and content. On-site training
also saves your department time
and money. Because we come
to you, travel time is reduced.
Our on-site trainings are provid-
ed at no cost,* saving your de-
partments hundreds when com-
Page 19
Many of the programs offered in this catalog are offered through collaborative efforts between the Human
Resources Training & Development Department and other organizational entities. We would like to thank the
following for making our programs so successful:
Career Services
Environmental Health & Safety
Financial & Business Services
HIPPA Privacy Team
Hospital Education & Development
Human Resources Administration
Human Resources Partners
IT Training Center
Marcos Gomez
Marriott Library
Office of Information Security
TACC Center
Tina Halliday and the Employee Assistance Program
University Training Consortium (UTC)
Page 20
your step by step guide to training &
Want to jumpstart your career? Are you ready for a change? Continued professional training is a proactive way to
engage in your future. The workplace is continually evolving and our classes will help you learn new skills and provide
you with the tools that you will need to face new demands and challenges. Here you will find all the information you will
need to know to guide you through your training path.
On Your Mark! • Inform your manager of your cess of our programs, and for
registration, and add your class other University employees who
Because time is such a valuable re-
to your calendar. take our programs in the future.
source, it is important to identify your
training needs and make a plan of
action. Go! Great Job!
It is time to take action and get You’ve attended and participated in
• Define your goals and training
trained. Our training workshops are training, but you’re not finished yet.
objectives. What areas do you
need to improve? What do you meant to be informative, interactive,
• Reflect on what you’ve learned.
want to get out of training? and, yes, even fun!
Review the information we’ve
• Be on time. In most cases, we provided and your notes to keep
• Talk to your manager about
have condensed a lot of infor- the information and skills you’ve
training opportunities you are
mation into a relatively short learned fresh and applicable.
interested in.
period of time. Starting the
• Use your tools. Apply what
• Look through the catalog, or class on time allows for more
you’ve learned into the work-
contact Human Resources to interaction and better instruc-
place. You don’t need to use all
find the best fit for your needs. tion on the topics to be covered.
the tools and skills provided, but
Please plan ahead for transpor-
try them out in the “real-world,”
tation to the workshop.
Get Set! measure their success, and in-
• Participate. Participants come corporate the ones that work for
Now that you’ve identified a training
to class with a wealth of knowl- you.
need, it’s time to get registered and
start along your training path. edge and experiences. Our
• Participate in our 30/90 day
workshops are richer when we
evaluations. We want to know
• Register online at learn from the instructor and
if what you learned in our work-
edu/training, or by phone at our fellow participants. Don’t
shops is truly applicable in the
(801) 585-2300. Classes be afraid to speak up, ask ques-
workplace, and what you think
are filled on a first-come, first tions, and make comments.
now that you’ve had the oppor-
served basis, so register as
• Get to know your fellow partici- tunity to further reflect on your
early as possible to guarantee
pants. Our participants come training.
a spot. If the class you want is
full, there is still a chance we from all areas of the University;
• Come see us again!
can get you in. To be added to campus, hospital and clinics,
a waiting list for a class, please health sciences, to name a few.
contact Kim Endersen by email This is a great opportunity to
at Kimberly.endersen@utah. network with your peers.
edu, or call (801) 585-2300.
• Give us feedback. Your feed-
back is vital to the ongoing suc-
Page 21
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Par ticipate in Training & De- Where are T&D classes and workshop
velopment Classes and Workshops? held?
Our classes and workshops are open to all current fac- All classes listed in the catalog are offered at the Hu-
ulty and staff. man Resources building located at 420 Wakara Way,
Suite 105 in Research Park unless otherwise specified.
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Appendix A: Parking & Transportation
If there is no parking in the HR lot (420 Wakara) - please use the lot to the west of 421 Wakara. See maps below.
Enter in the driveway - right before 421 Wakara. Park to the far west. Human Resources is on the north side of Wakara
– you will need to cross the street. - see below.
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Take Wakara (Research Park) to Komas Drive. If you are heading east it is the first street you can turn right or south
on. Take Komas to 650 and park in the west parking area and enter the building on the west side. Go through the
front doors and then go through the doors right by the stairs (do not go up). There should be a monitor and signs in
the building to help you find your way.
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