Dominic J. Ashby: Department of English 521 Lancaster Ave 103 Mattox Hall Richmond, KY 40475
Dominic J. Ashby: Department of English 521 Lancaster Ave 103 Mattox Hall Richmond, KY 40475
Dominic J. Ashby: Department of English 521 Lancaster Ave 103 Mattox Hall Richmond, KY 40475
Curriculum Vitae
September 15, 2018
Ph.D. English, Composition & Rhetoric. Miami University, 2013
M.A. English, Literary & Cultural Studies. West Virginia University, 2003
Eastern Kentucky University, Dept. of English and Theatre. Assistant Professor, 2014–present
Book Chapters
Ashby, Dominic. “Uchi/Soto in Japan: A Global Turn.” Comparative Rhetoric: The Art of Traversing
Rhetorical Times, Places, and Spaces, edited by LuMing Mao, Taylor and Francis, 2014. Reprinted
from Comparative Rhetoric, a special issue of Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 43, no. 3, 2013, pp.
Conference Proceedings
Ashby, Dominic, Margaret Frozena, and Jason Peerce. “I Hear What You’re Saying: Bringing New
Media Pedagogy to Basic Writing.” Innovations in Teaching & Learning: Inaugural Proceedings of
the 2017 Pedagogicon, edited by Russell Carpenter, Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe, Matthew
Winslow, and Shirley O’Brien, New Forums Press, 2017. The proceedings appear as a special
section in The Journal of Faculty Development, vol. 31, no. 3, 2017, pp. 63–67.
Ashby, Dominic. “To Say a Turning Word: Zen Rhetoric as Situated Enlightenment.” Kentucky
Philological Review 31: Bulletin of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting, edited by Jimmy Dean Smith,
Northern Kentucky University, 2017, pp. 57–67.
Ashby, Dominic. “Both Insiders and Outsiders: Re/Framing Identification via Japanese Rhetoric.”
Re/Framing Identifications, edited by Michelle Ballif, Waveland, 2014, pp. 309–315.
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Book Reviews
Ashby, Dominic and LuMing Mao. Review of Zen Buddhist Rhetoric in China, Korea, and Japan, edited by
Christoph Anderl. Rhetoric Review, vol. 32 no. 3, 2013, pp. 368–373.
Ashby, Dominic. Review of Writing in the Devil’s Tongue: A History of English Composition in China, by
Xiaoye You. JAC vol. 32 no. 1, 2012, pp. 416-424.
Ashby, Dominic. Review of The Idea of English in Japan: Ideology and the Evolution of a Global Language,
by Philip Seargeant. TESOL Quarterly vol. 45 no. 1, 2011, pp. 194–196.
2018 Dominic Ashby, Trenia Napier, Jill Parrott, and Erin Presley. “Reading with Purpose:
Making Reading Matter for Writing.” 2018 Thomas R. Watson Conference, University
of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Accepted; to be presented 25 October 2018.
Dominic Ashby, Lisa Bosley, and Russell Carpenter. “When Writing Tutors Become
Reading and Writing Tutors in an IRW Course.” The 42nd Annual Conference of the
National Association for Developmental Education, National Harbor, MD. 23 February 2018.
2017 Dominic Ashby, Lisa Bosley, Clint Stivers, Margaret Frozena, Shawne Alexander, and
Russell Carpenter. “The Impact of Course-Embedded Consultants on Students’
Revision Processes in a Co-Requisite Course.” Kentucky Association for Developmental
Education (KADE) Conference, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Lexington,
KY. 27 October 2017.
Dominic Ashby, Margaret Frozena and Jason Peerce. “There’s Something About
Access: New Media and Student Engagement in Basic Writing.” 2017 Pedagogicon:
Innovations in Teaching and Learning, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY. 19
May 2017.
Dominic Ashby. “The Rhetoric of Nostalgia in Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises: A Narrative
of Celebration, Critique, and Cross-cultural Affiliation.” 2017 International Conference on
Narrative, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 23–26 March 2017.
2016 Dominic Ashby. “Reimagining the Changes of the Past: Nostalgia as Rhetoric.” Rhetoric
Society of America Conference, Atlanta, GA. 27–29 May 2016.
Dominic Ashby. “To Say a Turning Word: Zen Rhetoric as Situated Enlightenment.”
Kentucky Philological Association Conference, Western Kentucky University, Bowling
Green, KY. March 2016.
2015 Dominic Ashby. “Idealized Girlhood and the Rhetoric of Japaneseness: The Figure of
the Japanese Schoolgirl as a Trope for Maintaining Regional Identity.” Kentucky
Dominic Ashby 3
Dominic Ashby. “Uchi/Soto in Japan: A Global Turn.” MLA Annual Convention, Boston,
MA. January 2013.
2012 Dominic Ashby. “Both Insiders and Outsiders: Re/Framing Identifications in Japanese
Rhetoric.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference, Philadelphia, PA. May 2012.
Dominic Ashby. “Between Outside and Inside: Anime and Manga as Gateways to
Japanese Rhetoric.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, MO.
March 2012.
2011 Dominic Ashby. “Ainu Activism: Movements of Indigenous Rhetoric through Time and
Place.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, GA. April 2011.
Dominic Ashby, Amir Hassan, and Mandy Watts. “Multimodal Remix and/as Cultural
Critique.” Poster Session. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta,
GA. April 2011.
2010 Dominic Ashby. “Representing Japan, Embodying America: The Rhetoric of Two
Japanese-American Memoirs.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference, Minneapolis MN.
May 2010.
Eastern Kentucky University—Graduate Courses
Topics in Modern Rhetoric: Rhetoric of Popular Culture, ENG806 (Fall 2018)
Fan interactions with, participation in, and production of popular culture produce endless moments of
meaning-making. The course introduces foundational theories of cultural studies; delves into fan
studies as a continuation and specialization of cultural studies; explores how cultural studies, rhetoric,
and composition intersect in such areas as derivative works (fan art; fan fiction), para-texts (such as guild
websites and walkthrough videos created by MMO players), fan criticism and archives (production of
wikis; participation in forums) and other forms of interactive meaning-making.
Introduction to Graduate Studies in English, ENG801, co-taught with Rick Mott (Fall 2017)
Introduces students to major schools of critical and rhetorical theory. Models the inquiry method of
research, from proposal, to draft, to presentation, as students explore research topics of their choice.
Discusses English studies, professional opportunities, and the job search.
Literature and Film. Special Topic: Cinema Anime, ENG345 (Fall 2016, Fall 2017)
Students learn the basics of film theory and explore the history of Japanese animation, or anime.
Students engage anime as a transcultural phenomenon, exploring the influences upon anime and the
influence anime has on film and animation outside of Japan. The class explores examples of several
genres and focuses on the works of major anime directors. The class explores fan interactions and
productions, such as fansubs, fanfiction, and anime blogging.
Introduction to Technical & Professional Writing, ENG300 (Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016)
The course emphasizes writing technical and professional communications for defined audiences,
purposes, and situations. Explores document design principles and strategies, and introduces students
to genre analysis strategies and fast prototyping as ways of matching writing and documents to
contextual and audience needs. Students work on both individual and group projects, practicing stages
of project proposals, progress reports, reports of findings, and usability testing of documents.
Special Topics in English Studies: Japanese Pop Culture in Translation, ENG200 (Fall 2015)
Students study Japanese manga, or graphic novels, as a popular art that makes use of highly complex
meaning-making strategies to produce a wide range of stories and styles. The course explores several
genres and authors, tied together by the theme of stories that involve Japanese artists’ depictions and
retellings of western stories and cultures.
Research, Writing, and Rhetoric, ENG102 (Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017; ePortfolio sections
Spring 2018)
A writing course refining components of ENG 101 studying information sources and research methods;
accessing, critically reading, evaluating, integrating, and documenting primary and secondary sources;
utilizing information technology for inquiry, analysis, and argumentation. Uses an inquiry method
approach; most recently, coupled with ePortfolios and semester-long revision to enhance audience
awareness, information literacy, and use of media to enhance their ability to reach and move audiences.
Student Success Seminar for English Majors, ASO100 (Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2018)
An introduction to the programs of the University and College of Arts and Sciences, specifically for
English majors. Discussion of how to study, what to consider in choosing a profession, and what career
opportunities exist for graduates from the College’s programs. All new students are expected to enroll in
a Student Success Seminar their first semester at the University.
Introduction to Reading, Writing, & Rhetoric, ENG095R (Fall 2016, Summer 2017, Fall 2017, Summer
Focuses on critical reading and academic writing. Provides strategies for comprehending and analyzing
source material and integrating sources with written work, with an emphasis on thesis development,
organization, voice, and style. ENG 095R combines the objectives of both Developmental
English/Writing and Developmental Reading. Because this is an accelerated course, students attend
weekly, one-hour workshop sessions with the class’s Course Embedded Consultant. I include an audio
essay project in this course, where students analyze a favorite song and remix their spoken analysis with
the song.
course included instruction in rhetorical analysis, research, and conventions of American academic
writing. In addition to writing individual analysis and research projects, students produced group video
essays drawing from their research papers.
Composition, Rhetoric, and Research, ENG102 (Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2005, Spring 2007, Fall
2007 [Honors], Spring 2008)
Second-year composition course with an emphasis on academic research, argument, and
documentation. Students received an introduction to library and database research methods, and
composed several research-related genres such as proposals, literature reviews or annotated
bibliographies, extended researched arguments, and in-class presentations. I linked the assignments in
such a way that each project built into the next.
Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric, ENG101 (Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Summer 2002, Fall
2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Spring 2008)
First-year composition course with an emphasis on audience, genre analysis, and using genre
conventions. Students composed in a variety of genres, including literacy narratives, rhetorical analyses,
interviews, and multimodal projects. I planned the course around different themes each year, including
regional identity and place.
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Chair of four M.A. Thesis Committees: Frank McClure, “Composition, Creative Writing, and Queer
Rhetorics,” in progress, 2018; Jason Robert Harmon, “BVE and the Composition Classroom,” in
progress, 2018; Lucas Green, “The Rhetoric of Sports Journalism Blogs,” 2017–2018; Cynthia Held,
“A Rhetorical Analysis of the Online Discourse of Open Access Advocates,” 2016
Research Advisor, McNair Scholars Summer Research Opportunity Program: Kelsey Noel,
“Intersectional Feminism and Female Comic Book Heroes,” Spring 2016–Summer 2016
Honors Thesis Advisor, EKU Honors Program: Kamela Popiwczak, “The Cost of Emptiness: Voids
of Cisgender Male Anorexia Depictions in Literature,” Spring 2018–present
Member/reader for six M.A. Thesis Committees (Fall 2015–Spring 2016, Fall 2016–Spring 2017, Fall
2017–Spring 2018, Fall 2018); Outside Reader, M.A. Mentored Scholarly Project (Fall 2015)
Independent Instructional Designer and Subject Matter Expert for Camp Fire National
Headquarters, Kansas City, MO, Summer 2018
Co-designed two six-hour self-directed online writing courses for use in Camp Fire leadership
training on the topics “Writing for Social Media” and “Grant Writing”
2015–Present Developmental Writing Coordinator. Eastern Kentucky University.
• Coordinate 8 faculty and liaise with the Assistant Chair, the Assistant Director
of the Noel Studio (Writing and Communication Center), and the Office of
Student Testing and Placement
• In 2017, co-wrote a grant proposal that brought $25,000 in state funding to
cover employment and training of Course Embedded Consultants and
professional development for faculty to assist with the move courses from a
Developmental model to a fully Co-requisite, credit-bearing model
• Revised curriculum and proposed new courses that fundamentally changed
the Developmental Reading and Writing programs into integrated Reading
and Writing courses and introduced a Co-requisite course that blended
Developmental Reading/Writing with First Year Composition
• Lead yearly program assessment in the form of anonymous assessment
reading of sample student papers, followed by PD sessions for faculty and
Course Embedded Consultants
• Create and maintain a bank of documents and teaching resources for faculty
course planning and training
2012–2013 Coordinator, BUS102: Writing for Business Decision-Making, Howe Writing Initiative.
Farmer School of Business, Miami University.
• Coordinated 6 instructors and directed 60 sections (900+ students) of BUS102,
a required course in the core BUS curriculum
• Developed and organized curricular materials for BUS102 instructors
• Lead new instructor orientation and monthly staff meetings
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2009–2011 Assistant Director, Howe Writing Initiative. Farmer School of Business, Miami
• Met with Business faculty to assist in the design of writing assignments to
make use of writing pedagogy best practices
• Lead assignment and curriculum development workshops for Business faculty
• Consulted with Business students in an embedded writing center, assisting
with writing for assignments, internship applications, and job search materials
• Delivered student-focused presentations and workshops on topics including
the rhetoric of business genres, writing for business audiences, and
assignment-specific topics
“Integrating Reading and Writing for Rhetorical Analysis.” Quality Enhancement Plan
PD, Eastern Kentucky University, August 3, 2018.
“Using Google Drive in the Writing Classroom.” Department of English and Theatre
PD, Eastern Kentucky University, February 2, 2018.
2017 “Grading all the Things! Strategies for Timely, Effective Responses to Student
Writing.” First Year Writing PD, Eastern Kentucky University, August 2017.
“‘But I’m Not a Writing Teacher!’ Making Writing Work in Your Classroom.” Teaching
and Learning Dialogue series, Eastern Kentucky University, March 7, 2017.
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2016 “Understanding The New MLA Style.” First Year Writing PD, Eastern Kentucky
University, August 2016.
“Developmental Reading and Writing PD: Syllabus Design,” presented with Lisa
Bosley. Eastern Kentucky University, August 2016.
“Developmental Reading and Writing PD: Teaching Strategies,” presented with Lisa
Bosley. Eastern Kentucky University, June 2016.
2015 “Using Google Drive and Google Docs in the Classroom,” presented with Rick Mott.
Department of English and Theatre PD, Eastern Kentucky University, October, 2015.
“First Year Writing Rubric Workgroup Report,” presented with Jay Sarver. First Year
Writing PD, Eastern Kentucky University, August 2015.
“Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due: Enabling Responsible Source Use in the 21st
Century Classroom.” Department of English and Theatre PD, Eastern Kentucky
University, March 2015.
2014 Howe Writing Center May Workshop: Improving Student Writing and Learning Across the
Curriculum. Workshop Facilitator. Miami University. May 21–23, 2014.
2012 “Survey Research: Issues to Consider.” Presentation to English 735: Research Methods.
Miami University. February 20, 2012.
2011 “Keys to Editing Your Own and Students’ Writing,” presented with Lisa Blankenship
and Caroline Dadas. Farmer School of Business Faculty Writing Workshop, Miami
University, April 2011.
2010 “Visual Impact: Design Principles for Effective Teaching,” presented with Lisa
Blankenship and Ann Updike. Farmer School of Business Faculty Workshop, Miami
University, November 2010.
2009 “Digital Web Spinning: Blogging and Web Design for the Composition Classroom,
Part I—Blogging With Wordpress.” Digital Writing Collaborative, Miami University,
November 2009.
“Wordpress, Blogger, Ning, Facebook: Do All of These Terms Leave You ‘Twitter’-
pated?” presented with Amber Nichols-Buckley. Digital Writing Collaborative, Miami
University, February 2009.
“Data and Recommendations from Spring 2007 English 101 Writing Skills Survey.” Co-
presented with Jay Dolmage. English 102 Instructor Workshop. West Virginia
University. May 2007.
Eastern Kentucky University
Member, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences Curriculum Committee (Fall 2018–Present)
Member, Drafting Team for Revising the University’s Policy on Faculty Responsibility for English
Composition (Fall 2017)
Member, Search Committee for Noel Studio Assistant Director (Summer 2016)
Alternate, College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (Fall 2015–Fall 2016)
Miami University
Member, Rhetoric and Writing Committee (Fall 2013–Spring 2014)
Discussion Leader, Summer Reading Program, Office of Liberal Education (Summer 2008 &
Summer 2013)
Chair, Conference Planning Committee, Miami English Graduate and Adjunct Association (Fall
2009–Spring 2010)
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Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC)