Glossary of Larder Terms

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1) Demi-Devil----------- Poultry stuffed with truffles
2) Denerver--------------Remove sinews
3) Denoyauter-----------To stone ( fruits e.g. Olives; peaches)
4) Depouiller----------- To skin of fish or poultry
5) Doree----------------- Golden ( crush; surface)
6) Douilles-------------- Piping tubes for sausages
7) Eberber--------------- Beard trim ( mussles, oyster)
8) Ecailler--------------- Scale (fish)
9) Ecaillage ------------ Prepare of fish
10) Encroute------------ Wrapped in pastry cust
11) En Papillote--------- Wrapped in grease proof/butter paper
12) Epaule---------------- Shoulder
13) Epices---------------- spices
14) Eplucher------------- to peel or to skin
15) Esccrote------------- Endive leaves used in salads
16) Escargot------------ Snail
17) Estomac------------ Stomach
18) Fqrcir-------------- to stuff
19) Farine-------------- Flour
20) Fender------------- slipt ( milk; cream)
21) Flambe------------ Flamed, singed
22) Foi----------------- Liver
23) Foigras------------ Gooseliver
24) Foncer------------- to line ( patty tins)
25) Fouetter----------- Whisk
26) Frappe------------ Iced; chilled
27) Fricandelle------ Garlic flaoured steak of raw minced meat ( German origin)
28) Fume------------ Essence; smoked (stock)
29) Garniture-------- Garnish
30) Gelinette--------- Grouse
31) Gingembre------- Ginger
32) Glacicre---------- Ice-box
33) Godiveau-------- Forcemeat
34) Gout------------- Taste
35) Graisse---------- Fat, grease
36) Gras------------- Plump
37) Gras double---- Tripe
38) Gretter--------- To scape
39) Grenodin----- Larded veal stock
40) Grillede------- Grilling ( meat)
41) Grosso piece---- Joint
42) Godiveau-------- Forcemeat
43) Gout---------- --- Taste
44) Graisse--------- Fat, grease
45) Gras---------------- Plump
46) Gras double--------- Tripe
47) Gretter--------------- Scrape
48) Grenodin------------ Larded veal stock
49) Grillede----------- -- Grilling( meat)
50) Grosso piece-------- Joint
51) Eacher--------------- Chop, finely mince
52) Eanche-------------- Haunch
53) Eareng--------------- Herring
54) Eaut-gout------------ Fine taste
55) Earret---------------- skin; knuckle
56) Jombon------------- Ham
57) Lait------------------ Milk
58) Laitance------------ soft roe
59) Lattue--------------- Lettuce.

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