Gene Mutation

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A single chromosome contains thousands of

genes, each encoding a protein.

Most genetic code tables designate the codons for amino acids as
mRNA sequences
• Each codon consists of three bases (triplet). There are 64 codons.
They are all written in the 5' to 3' direction.
• 61 codons code for amino acids. The other three (UAA, UGA, UAG)
are stop codons (or nonsense codons) that terminate translation.
• There is one start codon (initiation codon), AUG, coding for
methionine. Protein synthesis begins with methionine (Met) in
eukaryotes, and formylmethionine (fmet) in prokaryotes.
• The code is unambiguous. Each codon specifies no more than one
amino acid.
• The code is degenerate. More than one codon can specify a single
amino acid.
• All amino acids, except Met and tryptophan (Trp), have more than
one codon.
• For those amino acids having more than one codon, the first two
bases in the codon are usually the same. The base in the third
position often varies.
• The code is almost universal (the same in all organisms). Some
minor exceptions to this occur in mitochondria and some
• The code is commaless (contiguous). There are no spacers or
"commas" between codons on an mRNA.
Gene Mutations
• Small scale: one gene is

• Any change to the DNA

sequence of a gene:

Nucleotides/Bases may be
added, missing, or
Gene Mutations: 2 Types
Point Mutation Frameshift Mutation
Point Mutation
• One base (A, T, C, or G) is substituted for another
Base pair substitutions- two types
a) Transitions
• Convert a purine-pyrimidine to the other purine-pyrimidine.
• 4 types of transitions; A G and T C
b) Transversions
• Convert a purine-pyrimidine to a pyrimidine-purine.
• 8 types of transversions; A T, G C, A C, and G T
• Case: Sickle-cell anemia

• 3 Possible Consequences:
– nonsense mutations: code for a stop, which can translate the
– missense mutations: code for a different amino acid
– silent mutations: code for the same amino acid
Frameshift Mutation
• One or more bases (A, T, C, or G) are added or deleted

• Case: Cystic Fibrosis

• Caused by: Base pair deletions and insertions

– Insertion: adding a base

– Deletion: removing a base
Gene Mutations
• KEY IDEA: A mutated gene will make a
mutated protein

• Mutant proteins are trouble!

–They do not go where they are
supposed to go
–They do not do what
they are supposed to do
sickle-cell anemia
Example: Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
• What is it?
– Autosomal, recessive disorder

• Who gets it?

– Anyone; most common in Caucasians

• Prevalence
– 1 in ~3,000 Americans has CF
– 1 in 23 white Americans carries the
mutant allele!

• Symptoms
– Thick mucus in the lungs and digestive track
– Constant lung infections and impaired digestion
Cause of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
• The “CFTR” gene is mutated
– 3 base pairs are deleted

• Mutant protein is missing an

amino acid and cannot fold


Mutation of a gene = Mutant


Dysfunctional proteins cause

the symptoms of the disorder
Process of Mutations: Mutagenesis
a) Spontaneous: mainly during DNA Replication

• 1 in 109 (a billion) replicated base pairs or 1 in 106 ( a million)

replicated genes. Mistakes occur during DNA Replication just
before cell division. This is natural error rate of DNA
• Many spontaneous errors are repaired.

b) Induced mutations: Caused by MUTAGENS

• Mutagens increase mistakes 10–5 (100 thousand) or 10–3 ( a

thousand) per replicated gene

• Physical mutagen: Ex: radiation from UV rays, X-rays or extreme

• Chemical mutagen: molecules that misplace base pairs or
disrupt the helical shape of DNA.
Physical Mutagen: X-rays and Gamma Rays
Cause Breaks in DNA

Ionizing radiation
chromosomes and
can cause deletions,
inversions, and
Physical Mutagen: Mutagenesis by
Ultraviolet Irradiation
• Hydrolysis of cytosine to
a hydrate may cause
mis-pairing during

• Cross-linking of
adjacent thymine forms
thymidine dimers,
which block DNA
replication and activate
DNA repair
Chemical Mutagens
Intercalation of an Acridine Dye
Causes Frameshift Mutations

--(+) charges molecules

--Incorporated into DNA
--DNA is more rigid
--Change conformation

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