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Jeff Archer


2 Introduction
3 Layer One
9 Layer Two
11 Layer Three
13 Layer Four
16 Qrypter’s Core
20 Conclusion & Indicators of Compromise

Appendix A FileInterceptor.java
Appendix B Patched Cipher.java

Jeff Archer

Qrypter RAT is one variant of several Java RATs developed by the QUAverse Research and
Development group, a cryptic threat group (possibly Turkish1) providing different evolutions of RAT-
as-a-service (RaaS) products.
Other names for the same family of RATs are Quaverse RAT, Qarallax RAT, and QRAT. Qrypter has also
been classified in OSINT under the more general aliases jRAT and Adwind, but the use of these terms
appears to be more widespread, and they may be considered “umbrella” detection aliases
encompassing a broader set of Java RATs.
The first RAT with the QUAverse “brand” appears to have been observed first in May 20152, and
reported on in September 20153 by SpiderLabs. The Qrypter sample we analyze here was first
uploaded to VirusTotal in November 20174 and a similar variant was reported on by Certego in
December 20175.
The sample was sent via phish and delivered through an embedded link to a JAR file -
swift_bbva_factura553.jpg.jar - on a compromised WordPress site. The sample was identified as
Qrypter RAT shortly after one of its C2 domains - vvrhhhnaijyj6s2m[.]onion[.]casa – was revealed
to be a QUAverse-designed dashboard specifically for Qrypter variants:

Figure 1: Qrypter dashboard

This paper will cover our reverse engineering and analysis of Qrypter. Qrypter uses Java reflection 6 to
dynamically load classes and invoke methods from each successive layer. As such, analysis of the RAT
will be reviewed in “layers”, where each layer is the next dynamically-loaded file (or files) from the
previous layer, starting with the initial JAR.


Jeff Archer

Layer One
The initial JAR delivered to the target was decompiled with Procyon7 (via Bytecode Viewer8).
The JAR contains 96 Java classes and seven resource files ending with the extension .so.
The classes and resources have obscure names meant to obfuscate functionality, as does the
package that contains them: xul.elegim.

Figure 2: Decompiling swift_bbva_factura553.jpg.jar

The manifest within the JAR specifies the main class as xul.elegim.HopaxIgumak.


Jeff Archer

The resource files contain unintelligible data, with the exception of 1662.so which appears to be a
serialized LinkedHashMap9. The keys of the hashmap are strings containing relative file paths. The
values are string arrays containing two values: The resource file that contains the encrypted content
of the file specified in the key, and the AES key used to decrypt that content. An example entry:
[0]: /xul/elegim/1661.so
[1]: jÀ.32b34414b5a6a0
In this case, 1661.so contains the encrypted content for a file called Loader.class in the file path
resources/qeaqtor. The AES key used to decrypt 1661.so is jÀ.32b34414b5a6a0.

Figure 3: Contents of 1662.so, a serialized LinkedHashMap

After decompiling the class files and extracting the resource files from the source JAR, NetBeans is
used to load the files into a new project where the decompiled code can be debugged.
The entry point of the RAT is the main() function of xul.elegim.HopaxIgumak, as indicated in the
main() calls a function in another class file, which in turn makes a call to another function in another
class, and so on down several layers in an effort to hinder analysis and obfuscate functionality.


Jeff Archer

The primary function of the first layer of the RAT is to set up variables and system properties for use
by the second layer. Java system properties function similarly to environment variables, but are local
to the Java platform10. The following two system properties are set by the first layer:
q.main-class  operational.Jrat
q.encryptedPathsPath  /xul/elegim/1662.so

Figure 4: Call to setProperty() in xul.elegim.Urofori

Figure 5: Setting q.encryptedPathsPath

As seen above, the RAT instantiates and accesses a series of randomly-named arrays stored
throughout the various classes of Layer One to store, move, and retrieve data.
Another obfuscation tactic can be seen in the next series of function calls, which load in the contents
of 1661.so byte-by-byte into the 37th element of an array before writing the bytes back to a
ByteArrayOutputStream and casting the result back into a byte array: A roundabout way of reading in
the contents of 1661.so to a buffer.


Jeff Archer

After 1661.so is read into memory, the AES key jÀ.32b34414b5a6a0 is used to instantiate a
SecretKeySpec object. An AES decryption Cipher is created with this SecretKeySpec and used to
decrypt the byte array of data read in from 1661.so to a Java class named qeaqtor.Loader. This
confirms our earlier hypothesis that the seven resources files (*.so) contain AES-encrypted data, and
that the LinkedHashMap serialized into 1662.so shows the relationship between these files, the AES
keys that decrypt them, and the name of the class described by the resulting decrypted data.

Figure 7: Initialization of an AES SecretKeySpec with the key

Figure 8: A Cipher initialized with the SecretKeySpec decrypts the byte array containing the content of 1661.so

Jeff Archer

The RAT then uses ClassLoader.defineClass()11 to dynamically define the class qeaqtor.Loader
from the byte array containing the decrypted content of 1661.so. It gets the methods from this
loaded class, and uses Java reflection to dynamically invoke12 the method go() from qeaqtor.Loader,
with xul.elegim.HopaxIgumak and null as arguments. This is functionally the same as executing:
Loader.go(xul.elegim.HopaxIgumak, null);

Figure 9: Using Java reflection to invoke go() dynamically with two args (seen at bottom)

Since Loader.go() is invoked dynamically, with no access to the original source code, it is impossible
to continue debugging the RAT.
To overcome this, we can create a new class FileInterceptor with a single method interceptFile().
This function takes a byte array of data and a destination file name as arguments, and writes that
data to the destination file specified. The full code of this class is included in Appendix B.
We add FileInterceptor to our project and inject a call to interceptFile() right after the line of code
which decrypts the contents of 1661.so. Using this method, we are able to pass the byte array of
decrypted data and the file name Loader.class to interceptFile() and thus “intercept” the class file.


Jeff Archer

We can then decompile this class file back into the Java source code with ByteCodeViewer, add it to
our project, replace the invoke() call with a call to our decompiled class, and continue debugging as
usual – bypassing reflection entirely. With the decompiled code of qeaqtor.Loader, we have reached
Layer Two.

Figure 10: Intercepting the decrypted contents of 1661.so and writing them to Loader.class

Figure 11: Replacing the call to invoke() with a call to the decompiled Loader class

Figure 12: The decompiled qeaqtor.Loader code

Jeff Archer

Layer Two
Obfuscation is still prevalent in Layer Two, but the execution flow is more succinct i.e. we do not see
layer upon layer of function calls before reaching some executable code.
We start at the function go() which was invoked with xul.elegim.HopaxIgumak and null as
arguments. xul.elegim.HopaxIgumak is assigned to Loader.bootsrapClass. This misspelling and
others like it in Loader (e.g. Loader.chache instead of “cache”) as well as some of the more unique
variable names (qeaqtor, encryptedPathsPath, etc.) provide good string indicators for detection
go() loads in the two system properties set in Layer One – q.main-class and q.encryptedPathsPath
- and assigns them to Loader.main_class and Loader.encryptedPathsPath respectively. The RAT
loads the serialized object stored in the file pointed to by Loader.encryptedPathsPath (remember
this was 1662.so, a serialized LinkedHashMap object) into a LinkedHashMap object named
Loader.paths. It then makes a call to resource() with the argument “criminals”. resource() in turn
calls bytes().

bytes() combines the base and path passed to it and looks for this full path in Loader.chache (in
this case, it looks for the path /resources/criminals). If the path is not present in Loader.chache
(another LinkedHashMap), it then looks for the path in Loader.paths. Upon finding the file path in one
of the two LinkedHashMaps, the next steps mimic those used to decrypt and define Loader. In this

The path - /resources/criminals - is found in Loader.paths. Remember that this map contains a
string key and a string array of values for each key. The first element of the values array is the relative
path to the file containing the encrypted contents of the resource specified in the key. The second
element is the AES encryption key used to decrypt those contents.

Once /resource/criminals is found in Loader.paths, the AES key is retrieved from the values array
and used to decrypt the contents of 1920.so, which contains the encrypted data of criminals. This
data decrypts to a GZIP archive, whose contents are then extracted by bytes() and stored in a byte
array. The end result: bytes() returns the decrypted contents of the file path passed to it, and the
path is then added to Loader.chache for future use.

Figure 13: bytes() loads classes from serialized LinkedHashMaps, decrypts them into a GZIP archive, and returns the contents of the archive (a class file)
Jeff Archer

bytes() returns the contents of criminals which are then stored in Loader.criminals, another
LinkedHashMap. This map’s keys are file paths – similar to Loader.paths . However, the values are
byte arrays as opposed to string arrays, and the byte arrays contain the raw contents of the file
specified by the key.

After initializing Loader.criminals, the RAT displays the same pattern used in Layer One for defining
classes dynamically, loading defineClass() from a ClassLoader object and invoking the method
multiple times to define the classes specified in the static variable qeaqtor_resources. resources()
and bytes() are once again used to decrypt and unpack these class files. These classes are the
remaining classes found in Loader.paths and those originally serialized into 1662.so:

Figure 14: qeaqtor_resources contains the same classes in Loader.paths (derived from 1662.so)

Figure 15: Loop used to unpack and define the classes in qeaqtor_resources

After the remaining classes are defined, the method go() is invoked via reflection from the last class
defined by the loop: qeaqtor.Header.

Injecting another call to interceptFile() into this loop, we are able to intercept the decrypted class
contents and add them to the project as we did with Loader. We can then step into Header.go() and
into the third layer of Qrypter.

Jeff Archer

Layer Three
In Layer Three, the RAT uses a different method of obfuscating execution: Overriding methods of the
native java.net package in qeaqtor.URLConnection, qeaqtor.URLStreamHandler, and
qeaqtor.URLStreamHandlerFactory. Of note, qeaqtor.URLConnection.getInputStream() has
been overridden to return a ByteArrayInputStream returned from Loader.criminal() (in contrast, the
original, native function is used to return an input stream from an open URL connection 13).
Similar to how ClassLoader.defineClass() was used to dynamically define classes in previous layers,
Header.go() uses URLClassLoader and the overridden classes from java.net to surreptitiously
define another new class: operational.Jrat. It does so by constructing a custom URL object, passing
the following arguments to the URL constructor:

Parameter Value passed by Header.go()

protocol ‘q’ + a random long generated at runtime
host null
port -1
file The classpath of the current JAR
handler The input stream returned by
Loader.criminal(), having been called from the
overridden URLStreamHandler and
URLConnection classes

Figure 16: qeaqtor.URLConnection.getInputStream() has been overriden to return a custom input stream from Loader.criminal()


Jeff Archer

Revisiting Loader.criminal(), this function returns a byte array containing the contents of the path
passed to it (in this case operational.Jrat), as found in the map Loader.criminals:

Figure 17: Loader.criminal() returns the contents of a file found in the Loader.criminals hashmap

Having loaded operational.Jrat into memory, Header.go() invokes Jrat.main() using reflection.

Another call to interceptFile() in Loader.criminal() will do for getting the code for operational.Jrat.
However, since we know that the map in Loader.criminals contains the raw file contents of each file
in its keyset, we can alternatively iterate through the entire map and intercept every file and its

for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> entry : Loader.criminals.entrySet())

String key = entry.getKey(); // file name
byte[] value = entry.getValue(); // file contents
FileInterceptor.interceptFile(value, key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('/') +

Jeff Archer

After decompiling and loading in the code from operational.Jrat, we enter the fourth layer of

Jeff Archer

Layer Four
Very little obfuscation exists at Layer Four: operational.Jrat.main() gets straight to the point by
attempting to open an input stream on a class file named operational.iiiiiiiiii (though labeled with a
.class extension, this resource is in fact an executable JAR). It reads in data from this JAR, writes it to
a temporary, randomly-named .class file, then attempts to execute the file as a separate process. It
then loads operational.JRat (as opposed to the current class operational.Jrat), and invokes its
main() method:

Figure 18: operational.Jrat attempts to execute a new JAR and call operational.JRat.main()

However, when attempting to decompile operational.JRat and operational.iiiiiiiiii, we find that

none of the decompilers included in ByteCodeViewer are able to successfully decompile the class/JAR
without errors (FernFlower14 comes closest to a functional result). Without the decompiled code, we
have no way of circumventing additional reflective method calls and debugging the RAT.
Looking at operational.iiiiiiiiii, we can examine some of the (many) classes included in the JAR, but
heavy obfuscation makes it difficult to determine the flow of execution. There are some helpful pieces
of information we can extract: Two resources in the JAR – sky.drive and X/VN/x.A – appear to be
KeyRep objects – serialized cryptographic keys15.
We can see some operations implementing the RSAPrivateKey interface, as well as the initialization
of an AES secret key in


Jeff Archer

Additionally, we see another call to doFinal() (and other Cipher operations) in

Figure 19: The contents of X/VN/x.A and sky.drive (not shown) within iiiiiiiiii.class appear to be serialized cryptographic keys

Figure 20: AES SecretKeySpec defined in


Figure 21: Cipher operations found in


Jeff Archer

Thus, while we cannot determine the exact functionality of the classes within iiiiiiiiii.class, we can
deduce that, like the layers before it, it performs decryption operations in order to produce the next
layers of the RAT.

In order to overcome the problem of failed decompilation, we can use an imperfect, but satisfactory
Instead of intercepting decrypted files via the FileInterceptor class, we can patch the native
javax.crypto.Cipher library itself to intercept the decrypted file content from doFinal() (the function
performing decryption) before returning it to the caller. The modified code of Cipher is included in
Appendix C.
In order to patch the native library, we create a new directory tree javax/crypto. We create a new Java
file in crypto called Cipher.java, and write the modified code to this file. The source code for Cipher is
located on Docjar16 and we need only modify the doFinal() function used by the RAT:

public final byte[] doFinal(byte[] input)

throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {

// Input sanity check

if (input == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null input buffer");

byte[] ret = spi.engineDoFinal(input, 0, input.length);
Random ran = new Random();
File newFile = new File("captured/" + (ran.nextInt() &
Integer.MAX_VALUE) + ".file");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
} catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage());
System.exit(1); }
return ret;

Since we cannot know the file name when the function is called, we assign random positive integers as
filenames and use context to rename the files later. This solution is not perfect, but it does get us every
decrypted layer of the RAT quickly and easily. 17

EDIT (September 2018): Bytecode Viewer was updated which may allow for successful decompilation of Qrypter
at present. Additionally, it is recommended to use System.currentTimeMillis() or a similar function instead of a
Random, to generate filenames. You may be wondering why that wasn’t my original approach. I am too.

Jeff Archer

javax.crypto.Cipher sits within the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) JAR stored within the Java
Development Kit (JDK)’s path. In order to patch the JCE JAR, we need only compile the patched source
code and update jce.jar:

Figure 22: Patching jce.jar with a modified version of Cipher

After running the RAT again, we capture all decrypted files. Of those captured, only six are new to us,
and all six appear to be parts of the RAT’s core, indicating operational.Jrat was not far off from the
core of the RAT.

Qrypter’s Core
Two of the files captured are executable JARs. The significant differences between the two appear to
be in the use of slightly different resource names and the content of three of their resources:
config.json, Key1.json, and Key2.json. Two of the other files captured appear to be these JSON
configuration files:

Config #1 Contents:
Config #2 Contents:

The IP address listed in Config #2 appears to have resolved to the vvrhhhnaijyj6s2m[.]onion[.]casa

domain holding the dashboard for Qrypter. The jrat[.]io URL listed in both configs was unable to be
reached at the time of analysis, but historical screenshots suggest it is another JRAT dashboard. This
may be an artifact of the reuse of code from other JRAT variants in Qrypter.

Jeff Archer

Jeff Archer

Figure 23: A screenshot of the jrat[.]io dashboard from 2015

Jeff Archer

The two other files captured appear to be additional configuration variables stored in XML, pointing to
the resources within the JARs containing the specified values:
XML #1 Contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<comment>Support: https[:]//jrat[.]io</comment>
<entry key="SERVER_PATH">/iQA/Fjx/ywe.u</entry>
<entry key="PASSWORD_CRYPTED">/f/Zl/rcZ.S</entry>
<entry key="PRIVATE_PASSWORD">/X/VN/x.A</entry>

XML #2 Contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<comment>Support: https[:]//jrat[.]io</comment>
<entry key="SERVER_PATH">/R/xw/X.SXn</entry>
<entry key="PASSWORD_CRYPTED">/U/NJO/MYB.sn</entry>
<entry key="PRIVATE_PASSWORD">/UYf/gK/CgJ.ehY</entry>

The other classes in the core JARs are heavily obfuscated, using different functions spread throughout
several classes to deobfuscate strings dynamically. Unfortunately, many of these classes fail to
decompile successfully as well.
However, much can be gleaned about the RAT’s features from the information that is intelligible – such
as the presence of four DLLs in com.key and com.protector18192021 which are dropped on the target
machine (if its OS is Windows). These DLLs share a helpful PDB string indicator:
We see evidence of cross-platform functionality in the util package which contains generic, a package
containing common functions such as compressing files, starting a shell, downloading and running JAR
files, and more; mac, containing a single class to escalate permissions on a Mac targets; and window,
with two classes to edit the registry and start wscript.exe, passing it a file path. The server package
appears to contain the core functionality of the RAT, including several classes that set the RAT’s
configuration and establish communication with the C2 server.

18 https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/a6be5be2d16a24430c795faa7ab7cc7826ed24d6d4bc74ad33da5c2ed0c793d0
19 https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/1afb6ab4b5be19d0197bcb76c3b150153955ae569cfe18b8e40b74b97ccd9c3d
20 https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/2ed9d4a04019f93fd80213aae9274ea6c0b043469c43cf30759dd19df3c4e0a0
21 https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/7da7e2e66b5b79123f9d731d60be76787b6374681e614099f18571a4c4463798

Jeff Archer

Figure 24: Examining the inner functionality of Qrypter

Pivoting off of this information and the intelligence taken from the above configuration files, we were
able to find a similar (but not identical) JRAT sample analyzed by MalwareBytes Labs in January 2017.
MBL analysts were able to further deobfuscate the strings in the core of the RAT to discover additional
functionality such as recording the user’s webcam and microphone, downloading other JARs as PNG
files, and sending information back to the command & control server in the form of a JSON report 22.


Jeff Archer

Conclusion & Indicators of Compromise

In this analysis, we dissected Qrypter, a recent Java RAT making use of heavy obfuscation, encryption,
and high-level Java features such as reflection to evade detection and make analysis more difficult.
We circumvented reflection by intercepting files as they were decrypted or read in by the RAT, using a
custom Java class and decompiling them, if necessary. After decompilation failed in the deeper layers
of the RAT, we patched the native Java Cipher library in order to continue analysis. This allowed us to
disassemble Qrypter down to its core, from which we were able to glean actionable intel for detection
as well as some insight into the core functionalities of Qrypter.
Indicators of compromise and additional code used during analysis are included in the attached
Please share further intel about Qrypter, questions, corrections, or feedback to @jeFF0Falltrades.



Jeff Archer

Appendix A: FileInterceptor.java

package xul.elegim;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.StreamCorruptedException;

* Writes data from a byte array to a file in a custom destination.
* @param data The data to write to file
* @param destFileName The filename to write to
public class FileInterceptor {
public static void interceptFile(byte[] data, String destFileName)
if (!destFileName.endsWith(".class"))
// Note that not all of these will be class files,
// even if they are written with a .class extension
destFileName = destFileName + ".class";
// Modify the output directory here
File newFile = new File("captured/" + destFileName);
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
} catch (StreamCorruptedException s) { return; }
} catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage());
System.exit(1); }

Jeff Archer

Appendix B: PatchedCipher.java

public final byte[] doFinal(byte[] input)

throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {

// Input sanity check

if (input == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null input buffer");

byte[] ret = spi.engineDoFinal(input, 0, input.length);
Random ran = new Random();
File newFile = new File("captured/" +
System.currentTimeMillis() + ".class");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
} catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage());
System.exit(1); }
return ret;


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