60-Item Test (Let, Natural Science)

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ACADEMY Natural Science

DIRECTION: Read and understand the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following human activities reduces the level of ozone in the atmosphere?
A. Using large banks of solar cells for energy production
B. Destroying large areas of the equatorial rain forests
C. Using artificial lighting in scientific polar stations
D. Releasing of fluorocarbons from aerosol cans

2. If two variables X and Y are directly related, which of these is NOT true?
A. When X is low, Y also is low
B. As X increases, Y also increases
C. When X increases, Y decreases
D. A high Y is associated with a high X

3. Why is incineration NOT favored as a method of waste disposal?

A. It releases noxious gases
B. It is expensive for a country like ours
C. It requires large energy expenditures
D. The country lacks funds to install incinerators

4. The existence of extraterrestrial life may never be proven but this idea will become more scientifically acceptable
over time if ______________.
A. no one claims this is wrong
B. no one disputes this idea in a specific forum
C. increasing scientific evidence supports the idea
D. alternative hypotheses are proposed and confirmed

5. Which of the following activities will help reduce water pollution?

A. Throwing only liquid wastes.
B. Using organic fertilizers in farms.
C. Cleaning with soap instead of detergents.
D. Treating waste water before it is discharged.

6. Three liquids A, B, and C were studied in a laboratory. Liquid A was found to float over B and C. It was also found
that liquid A flows fastest among the three. What can be said about liquid A?
A. Densest and most viscous C. Least dense and most viscous
B. Densest and least viscous D. Least dense and least viscous

7. A stainless steel spoon feels colder than a plastic spoon because stainless steel ________.
A. is really colder than plastic
B. has a lower temperature than plastic
C. absorbs less heat from the hand than plastic does
D. conducts heat away from the hand faster than plastic does

8. What may occur when there is a severe damage to some parts of the brain due to lack of blood supply?
A. Heart attack C. Rheumatic heart disease
B. Hypertension D. Stroke

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ACADEMY Natural Science

9. Why does the level of water in a beaker rise after a stone is placed in it?
A. The stone and water occupy the same space.
B. The stone takes the place occupied by water.
C. The stone has more mass than the water.
D. The water weighs less than the stone.

10. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. The gas phase has the least kinetic energy.
B. Solid particles have the strongest attractive forces in between.
C. Molecules of solids and liquids are most closely packed than those of gases.
D. Solids and liquids have more molecules per unit volume, hence their densities are higher

11. What do you call to protein coat of viruses?

A. capsid C. flagella
B. fimbriae D. pili

12. What kind of mirror is used in cars to give the driver a wider area and smaller image of the traffic behind him/her?
A. Concave C. Double concave
B. Convex D. Plane

13. Why is it NOT advisable to repeatedly open the door of a refrigerator?

A. It leads to wastage of electrical energy.
B. It will loosen the hinges of the refrigerator’s door.
C. Repeated opening introduces bacteria into the refrigerator.
D. The warm air outside lowers the temperature inside thus making it less efficient.

14. The prevailing wind systems experienced in the Philippines are _____.
A. East and West Monsoon C. Northwest and Southeast Monsoon
B. North and South Monsoon D. Northeast and Southwest Monsoon

15. Jane placed some mothballs inside her cabinet. After a week, they were all gone. What happened to the mothballs?
A. They condensed C. They melted
B. They dissolved in air D. They sublimed

16. All of the following contribute to the greenhouse effect, EXCEPT

A. Extensive deforestation C. Forest fires
B. Excessive use of detergents D. Uncontrolled burning of wastes

17. Which of the following concepts BEST differentiates an earthquake’s intensity from its magnitude?
A. Intensity cannot be measured while magnitude can be measured using a seismograph.
B. Intensity describes the depth from which the earthquake originated while magnitude
refers to the energy of the earthquake.
C. Intensity refers to the strength of the quake while magnitude refers to the degree of
destruction it causes at its epicenter.
D. Intensity is a measure of how much damage an earthquake caused at the surface while
magnitude is the strength of the quake.

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ACADEMY Natural Science

18. Why do we hear thunder some seconds after seeing lightning?

A. Light appears brighter in the sky.
B. Light travels faster than sound.
C. Sound travels 1.331 m/s.
D. Sound is released later actually.

19. When do doctors declare dengue fever as an epidemic?

A. When everyone is suffering from colds.
B. When two people are hospitalized from the neighborhood.
C. When every household of fine houses are sick with high fever.
D. When the proportion of patients reach at least 15% of the population.

20. The El Nino phenomenon which grabbed control of the world’s weather machine is identified by climatologists as
A. Lack of rains, droughts, crop failure.
B. Landslides, flash floods, warm air currents.
C. Heavy downpours, tropical storm in some parts of the Earth.
D. The presence of red tides, high and low tides, and strong winds.

21. Trace the energy transformation when the flashlight is on.

A. chemical  light  electrical C. electrical  chemical  light
B. chemical  electrical  light D. electrical  light  chemical

22. Which is NOT an effect of increased urbanization?

A. increase of flooding C. decrease of wetlands
B. increasing volumes of solid wastes D. preservation of natural habitats

23. The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure. When the pressure is 30 cm of mercury, the volume is
600 cm3. Find the pressure when the volume is 250 cm3.
A. 12.5 cm of mercury C. 72 cm of mercury
B. 28 cm of mercury D. 65 cm of mercury

24. Children in upland places are found affected by goiter. Which of this situation may help this group of children?
A. Add iron to diet C. Add iodized salt to diet
B. Expose the children to ultraviolet rays D. Add iodine drops to diet

25. Which of the following conditions regarding the positions of the earth, moon, and the sun could possibly result to
a solar eclipse?
A. The sun is between the earth and the moon.
B. The moon is between the sun and the earth.
C. The earth is between the sun and the moon.
D. The earth, moon, and sun are at right angles to each other.

26. Why are green plants considered autotrophs?

A. They can build any kind of substances.
B. They depend on other sources for their food.
C. They have many pigments that capture light.
D. They can build simple inorganic substances into complex organic substance.

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ACADEMY Natural Science

27. What do you call the point in the orbit of a planet when it is farthest from the sun?
A. Apogee C. Perigee
B. Aphelion D. Perihelion

28. The following practices promote sustainable development EXCEPT

A. reforestation C. selective hunting
B. recycling D. cyanide fishing

29. Which of the following events is predicted to be a result of global warming?

A. Thinning ozone layer C. more severe earthquakes
B. Rising ocean level D. larger volcanic eruptions

30. Which of the following is the correct level of organization of living things from complex to simple?
A. cell, organ, organism, organ system, tissue
B. cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
C. organism, organ system, organ, tissue, cell
D. tissue, cell, organ, organ system, organism

31. What will be formed when radium isotope with 88 protons and 138 neutrons undergoes alpha decay?
A. Actinium Atom (Ac222) with 89 Protons C. Radon Atom (Rn222) with 86 Protons
B. Francium Atom (Fr222) with 87 Protons D. Thorium Atom (Th232) with 90 Protons

32. What is the correct order of steps in scientific method?

A. gather data, formulate hypothesis, have a question, develop method, draw conclusions.
B. formulate hypothesis, have a question, draw conclusions, gather data, develop method.
C. have a question, formulate hypothesis, develop method, gather data, draw conclusions.
D. develop method, have a question, formulate hypothesis, draw conclusions, gather data.

33. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of energy in the biosphere?
A. Energy flows a one-way path.
B. Energy is conserved in biosphere.
C. Energy follows a cycle through the web of life.
D. Energy leaves the living system in the form of heat.

34. Which of the following scenarios is an example of physical change?

A. burning metal
B. changing of iodine crystals into a violet gas
C. formation of two gases during electrolysis of water.
D. formation of a black solid from heated iron and sulfur.

35. Good weather usually prevails in a high pressure area. This is because the descending air which characterizes a high
pressure area __________.
A. cools and increases its capacity to hold water vapor.
B. warms and increases its capacity to hold water vapor.
C. warms and reduces its capacity to hold water vapor.
D. cools and reduces its capacity to hold water vapor.

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ACADEMY Natural Science

36. What type of solar radiation is effectively absorbed by ozone layer of the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. gamma C. ultraviolet
B. infrared D. x-ray

37. Which of the following devices best applies the concept of magnetism exerts a force on electric current?
A. electric generator C. magnet
B. electric motor D. transformer

38. In which layer of the atmosphere do all the weather changes happen?
A. mesosphere C. thermosphere
B. stratosphere D. troposphere

39. Which law of force and motion explains this occurrence, when a rocket is propelled upward by the powerful
downward discharge of exhaust gases?
A. acceleration C. action and reaction
B. inertia D. universal gravitation

40. How is the conservation of mechanical energy described in the falling object?
A. A falling object loses kinetic energy and gains potential energy.
B. A falling object loses kinetic energy and loses potential energy.
C. A falling object gains kinetic energy and gains potential energy.
D. A falling object gains kinetic energy and loses potential energy.

41. What nuclear process occurs in the explosion of an atomic bomb?

A. disintegration C. fusion
B. fission D. hydrogen reaction

42. Which of the following observations provides evidence to support Continental Drift Theory?
A. Boundaries of the plates form folds and faults
B. Presence of the Pacific Ring of Fire around the Pacific Plate
C. Similar plant and animal fossils are found across the shores of different continents
D. The continents are once joined in a supercontinent called Pangaea

43. Which of the following planets are classified as terrestrial?

A. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
B. Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Uranus
C. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
D. Venus, Mars, Saturn, Neptune

44. In this interaction, one organism benefits while the other is neither harmed nor benefitted.
A. commensalism C. mutualism
B. competition D. parasitism

45. Why toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay?

A. To neutralize the acid in the mouth
B. To remove the bad breath of the mouth
C. To help good bacteria living in your mouth
D. To help enzymes degrade substance that are harmful to your mouth

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ACADEMY Natural Science

46. Which of the following has the longest wavelength?

A. Blue C. Red
B. Green D. Yellow

47. Which of the following is the correct sequence of mitotic phases?

A. metaphase, anaphase, telophase, prophase
B. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
C. prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase
D. telophase, anaphase, metaphase, prophase

48. Sugar and starches are called ___.

A. Carbohydrates C. Nucleic acids
B. Lipids D. proteins

49. Which of the following processes is the correct sequence of central dogma of molecular biology?
A. replication  transcription  translation C. transcription  replication  translation
B. replication  translation  transcription D. translation  transcription  replication

50. Which of the following events is the possible consequence of eutrophication?

A. Death of fishes and algal bloom C. Acid deposition in bodies of water
B. Existence of invasive fishes D. Excessive chemicals mixed with water

51. Which of the following statements is TRUE about nuclear fission?

A. Matter from the lighter atoms is changed into energy.
B. Scientists can combine lighter atoms to form heavier atoms.
C. The energy process is identical to that which occurs in the sun.
D. Energy is obtained by getting nucleus of atoms to break up or split.

52. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about comets?

A. Comets are mostly frozen gases and cosmic dust.
B. Comets glow by their own light.
C. Comets generally have elongated elliptical orbits.
D. Comets may go around the sun in any direction.

53. The history of the Earth has been divided by scientists into eras. Which of the following shows the arrangement of
these areas into the proper sequence from the oldest to the most recent?
A. Precambrian, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic
B. Paleozoic, Cenozoic, Precambrian, Mesozoic
C. Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian
D. Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic

54. Which of the following best explains why farmers burn rice straw and hull during seasons of harvest?
A. Ash from burnt rice hulls and straws are rich in compounds that could neutralize acidic soil so
that more crops will grow.
B. Burning rice hulls and straws produce compounds that act as repellant for pests which may
damage plantation.
C. The smoke produced by burning rice hulls and straws stimulate growth and fruit bearing of trees.
D. Rice hulls and straws are burned so that more spaces will be available for planting next set of crops.

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ACADEMY Natural Science

55. Which of the following examples best illustrates application of Boyle’s Law?
A. A tire becomes harder as more air is pumped into it.
B. A sealed aerosol can explodes when thrown into a fire.
C. A balloon expands and bursts when exposed to direct sunlight.
D. A scuba divers stops at certain depths as he ascends to the ocean’s surface.

56. Which of the following statements represents a physical change?

A. An antacid tablet forms bubbles when dissolved in water.
B. A flashlight beam slowly gets dimmer and finally dies out over time.
C. The lawn grows thicker every day because fertilizers were added into the soil.
D. Frozen mango juice melted when left standing at room temperature for 30 minutes.

57. Mimosa pudica, locally known as Makahiya is called as such because its leaflets tend to close when touched. This
organismal response to a given stimulus is called:
A. Hydrotropism C. Geotropism
B. Thigmotropism D. Phototropism

58. Why is it difficult to integrate nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into the nitrogen cycle of the biosphere?
A. Nitrogen is very abundant in the atmosphere.
B. Living organisms quickly absorb nitrogen gas.
C. Oceans quickly absorb nitrogen gas.
D. Few organisms can directly utilize atmospheric nitrogen.

59. Which of the following sentences about greenhouse effect is INCORRECT?

A. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere which are returned to the earth’s surface.
B. Greenhouse effect is important in maintaining the temperature of the earth.
C. Greenhouse effect is due to gases that absorb the green region of light from the sun.
D. Greenhouse effect increases the overall surface temperature of the earth.

60. Temperature is defined as the average translational kinetic energy of the molecules. Suppose hydrogen and oxygen
molecules in a gas sample have the same temperature, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Oxygen molecules have the same speed as Hydrogen molecules but have less kinetic energy.
B. Oxygen molecules have the same speed as Hydrogen molecules but have more kinetic energy.
C. Oxygen molecules have the same kinetic energy as Hydrogen molecules but travel with lesser speeds.
D. Oxygen molecules have the same kinetic energy as Hydrogen molecules but travel with greater speeds.

1. D 11. A 21. B 31. C 41. B 51. D
2. C 12. B 22. D 32. C 42. C 52. D
3. A 13. A 23. A 33. C 43. C 53. D
4. C 14. D 24. C 34. B 44. A 54. A
5. D 15. D 25. C 35. B 45. A 55. D
6. D 16. B 26. C 36. C 46. C 56. D
7. B 17. D 27. B 37. C 47. B 57. B
8. D 18. B 28. D 38. D 48. A 58. D
9. B 19. D 29. B 39. C 49. A 59. C
10. A 20. A 30. C 40. D 50. A 60. C

Prepared by: Mr. Glen S. Mirabete, Natural Science Reviewer 7|Page

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