Term Premia: Models and Some Stylised Facts

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Benjamin H Cohen Peter Hördahl Dora Xia

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Term premia: models and some stylised facts1

We review methods and models for estimating term premia on long-term government bonds. We
then use these models to estimate term premia on US and euro area bonds and explore their
recent behaviour. Although the models produce different estimates for the level of term premia,
they largely concur on the trends and dynamics. While low (and sometimes negative) term premia
have helped to keep yields unusually low, recent yield movements have tended to reflect shifts in
expected short-term rates rather than in the premia. We find that co-movements in real term
premia (rather than inflation risk premia or expected rates) have contributed to co-movements
between yields in the United States and the euro area.
JEL classification: G10, G12.

Yields on long-dated bonds are made up of two parts: the returns expected from
comparable, shorter-dated instruments over the same time period, and an additional
component, or term premium. This term premium is normally thought of as the extra
return (a risk premium) that investors demand to compensate them for the risk
associated with a long-term bond. But it may also be influenced by supply and
demand imbalances for a specific instrument, or several other factors. Typically,
expected interest rates and term premia are extracted using models based on a small
number of risk factors, under the assumption that consistency is maintained between
yields at different maturities through the absence of arbitrage opportunities. The
models are estimated from market data, in some cases supplemented by survey data
and macroeconomic indicators.
In this Special Feature, we examine some methods and models used to
distinguish these different bond yield components. We focus on benchmark
government bonds for the United States and the euro area. Both of the
corresponding yield curves benefit from deep, liquid markets with a broad range of
maturities, and act as benchmarks for the pricing of many other assets worldwide.
We then make use of this decomposition to study recent drivers of US and euro
area yields. In recent years, government bond yields have not always responded
predictably to macroeconomic or monetary policy news. Long-term yields in the
United States remained stubbornly low even as the Federal Reserve initiated a series
of interest rate hikes away from zero starting in late 2015. From mid-2016, as growth
prospects have picked up, yields in both the United States and in Europe have trended

The authors would like to thank Claudio Borio, Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul, Hyun Song Shin and
Philip Wooldridge for comments and Bilyana Bogdanova and Nicholas LeMercier for research
assistance. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
those of the BIS.

BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018 79

Key takeaways

• We review various models that aim to separate the expectations and term-premium components of bond

• Applied to 10-year government yields in the United States and euro area in recent years, the models produce
different estimates for the levels of the term premia, but broadly agree on the trends and dynamics.

• Historically, term premia have tended to be more closely correlated across the two economies than are
expectations of short-term rates.

higher, but long-term yields have not always kept up with those at the short-term
end. Analysts have debated the causes and implications of a flat, or even downwards-
sloping, term structure at a time of broadly robust growth.
The various models we study give different estimates for the levels of estimated
term premia, but they tend to agree on the general trend and dynamics. In particular,
all estimates point to an overall downward trend in term premia both in the United
States and in the euro area since the 2007–09 Great Financial Crisis (GFC). Premia
have increased somewhat recently, but are still well below pre-GFC levels. The models
also tend to find that premia are highly correlated across currencies, while interest
rate expectations are not. Changes in rate expectations, especially for real (inflation-
adjusted) interest rates, have driven yields at times, including those of US Treasuries
in the last year or two. But low term premia have also contributed to the recent
puzzling behaviour in yields and the term structure, including through international
The first section discusses the basics of term premia models and explores how
they are used to separate the various components of market yields. The second and
third apply these insights to benchmark 10-year government bond yields in the
United States and the euro area. The fourth asks what correlations across the different
estimated components can tell us about the drivers of US and euro area rates. The
last section concludes.

Methods for estimating term premia

As mentioned above, long-term interest rates can be broken out into a part that
reflects the expected path of short-term interest rates and a term premium.2 In
standard finance theories, the latter part represents the compensation, or risk
premium, that risk-averse investors demand for holding long-term bonds. This
compensation arises because the return earned over the short term from holding a
long-term bond is risky, whereas it is certain in the short term for a bond that matures
over the same short investment horizon. While some types of investor, such as
pension funds, may consider long-term bonds less risky given their long-term
liabilities, most other investors would tend to view them as more risky.
More generally, though, the term premium would reflect this type of
compensation for risk only if markets were perfectly functioning and frictionless. In

See also Kim and Orphanides (2007) for a review of key concepts and methods.

80 BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018

reality, a number of other influences may affect bond yields, and thus the estimated
expectations and term premium components. One such influence is supply-demand
imbalances, such as those brought on by outsize official sector purchases of
government bonds in recent years. Such effects may be compounded by burgeoning
demand for long-term bonds from insurance and pension funds, as they try to hedge
duration risk, especially in an environment of falling yields (Domanski et al (2015)).
Sometimes institutional factors might lead to outsize investor demand for specific
maturities, creating a “preferred habitat” effect that will be reflected in term premia
(Modigliani and Sutch (1966), Vayanos and Vila (2009)).
One simple way of estimating the term premium is to subtract a survey measure
of the average expected short rate from the observed bond yield. There are some
drawbacks with this approach, however. Survey data are not updated frequently and
(typically) include only a limited set of forecast horizons. Surveys may not always
represent actual expectations of market participants, for instance because forecasters
compete for business or for influence through their calls or because one or more
large players have a disproportionate impact on the market.
The modern term structure literature provides an alternative way of
disentangling term premia and interest rate expectations.3 The starting point is the
assumption that bonds are priced in a way that precludes arbitrage opportunities
across all maturities. In other words, the pricing is assumed to make it impossible to
form a portfolio consisting of bonds with different maturities that generates a riskless
Typically, these models represent the time-series dynamics of bond yields with
simple vector autoregressions. Restrictions are then imposed to reflect the no-
arbitrage assumption across the entire maturity spectrum, giving rise to alternative,
risk-neutral dynamics for yields. The differences between the actual (“objective”) and
the risk-adjusted dynamics reflect market participants’ risk preferences. By exploiting
these two dynamics, it is possible to decompose yields into expectations of future
interest rates and term premia.
Much of the term structure literature has relied on models where a small set of
yield-based factors is assumed to drive bond yield movements. One example is the
model proposed by Adrian et al (2013, henceforth ACM), which uses principal
components of bond yields as pricing factors.4 The factors are weighted sums of
yields with weights derived through statistical techniques. These models are
appealing for their simplicity. That said, the yields so derived are prone to
overreacting to changes in the general level of interest rates because they rely only
on yield information. In particular, they may tend to interpret a change in interest
rates as evidence that the steady-state (long-run) interest rate has changed
correspondingly. This leads to exaggerated movements in distant-horizon interest
rate projections.
But there are alternative approaches. Precisely because term structure models try
to capture the very high persistence of yields, ie their tendency to be highly correlated

See eg Duffie and Kan (1996), Dai and Singleton (2000) and Joslin et al (2011).
In principal components analysis, a set of time series (such as bond yields of different maturities
observed over time) is used to generate a second set of series (principal components), which are not
correlated with (orthogonal to) each other and which, as a group, capture a large share of the
variation in the original series. The first principal component usually accounts for the most variation
in the underlying variables; each additional principal component allows a more accurate rendering
of the original series.

BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018 81

over time, some researchers have included interest rate survey data in the models,
even as they recognise the shortcomings of such data.5 Kim and Wright (2005,
henceforth KW) use one such model to estimate US term structure dynamics based
on survey data on future three-month interest rates. Just as in the previous set of
models, however, the factors driving interest rates are derived only from interest rates
Other models include macroeconomic factors in addition to, or instead of, yield
factors. These macroeconomic factors are motivated by what investors are likely to
care about when pricing bonds. Typically, they include inflation and some measure of
economic activity.6 Whatever the choice of factors used, these typically also
represent the risk factors in the pricing model, ie the factors that determine the size
and the dynamics of risk premia. An example of such a model is the one used by
Hördahl and Tristani (2014, henceforth HT), which includes data on nominal and real
(index-linked) yields, inflation, and a measure of economic slack (“output gap”), as
well as survey data on future short-term interest rates and future inflation rates.
With more data and assumptions, we can obtain still more detail about the
components of long-term yields. Specifically, we can split the term premium into two
parts: a real risk premium – the compensation required to bear risk associated with
variable future short-term real interest rates – and an inflation risk premium, which is
related to uncertain future inflation developments.7 And one can separate the
expectations component into a part that reflects average expected future short-term
real interest rates, and another that captures expected average inflation until the
bond matures.
As with any estimation exercise, there are important caveats. For one thing, all
term premia estimates are model-dependent, and also subject to parameter
uncertainty. Second, previously estimated term premia will change over time as the
model parameters are updated, insofar as the most complete and up-to-date
information is seen as useful in capturing earlier developments in model-implied
expectations and premia. Third, macro data revisions will lead to changes in estimates
based on models that use macro data. In some cases, such as with potential output
series that are used to calculate the output gap, revisions can at times be substantial.
Revisions of estimates therefore complicate the real-time performance of these
models. And models that rely on unobserved variables such as the output gap are
sensitive to the estimation of those variables, for instance, the measurement of trends
as more data become available.
Moreover, any model should be seen as a useful simplifying tool, but one that
does not necessarily capture various real-life influences. An example of the latter is
the recent experience with policy rates stuck at the zero lower bound (ZLB) or, in some
cases, below zero (see eg Wu and Xia (2016, 2018)). For a number of reasons, zero or
negative interest rates are likely to behave differently from positive ones. Models that
do not explicitly take into account the probability of hitting the ZLB are good
approximations when interest rates are far away from it. But, when interest rates are

See eg Kim and Orphanides (2012).
Examples include Ang and Piazzesi (2003), Hördahl et al (2006), and Rudebusch and Wu (2008).
Typically, this requires inflation data in addition to yields, in order to construct a real stochastic
discount factor alongside the nominal one. Moreover, data on real (index-linked) bond yields are
helpful to pin down the dynamics of real yields, but not strictly necessary. The Hördahl and Tristani
(2014) model uses real yield data in addition to nominal yields, macro factors and survey information.

82 BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018

close to it, such models might generate interest rate forecasts below the bound as
well as biased term premia estimates.

US term premia estimates and recent developments

We start off by comparing estimates of term premia on 10-year US Treasury bonds

obtained from the three term structure models discussed above. These are the ACM
yield-factor-only model, the KW yield-factor model with additional information from
surveys, and the HT macro-finance factor model that also includes survey information.
Graph 1 plots the premia estimates from each of these models. The left-hand
panel also plots a model-free alternative estimate, calculated as the 10-year yield
minus the corresponding 10-year average short-rate expectation, as reported once a
year by the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF).
The graph illustrates how different methods can generate different levels of the
term premia. Estimates derived from the ACM and the HT models can differ by as
much as 200 bps. The discrepancy partly reflects the assumptions embedded in these
estimates, as discussed above.8
Nonetheless, these models broadly agree on the trends and dynamics of premia.
All estimates suggest a general downward trend since the GFC. The trend accounts
for a large share of the overall evolution in the 10-year yield (Graph 1, right-hand

Ten-year US Treasury yields and term premium

In per cent Graph 1

Term premium Term premium and expectations component1

3 6

2 4

1 2

0 0

–1 –2
00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18
HT ACM KW SPF 10y US Treasury yield Average expected short
10y term premium rate

ACM = Adrian, Crump and Moench; HT = Hördahl and Tristani; KW = Kim and Wright; SPF = Survey of Professional Forecasters.
Based on Hördahl and Tristani (2014). Decomposition of the 10-year nominal yield according to an estimated joint macroeconomic and
term structure model; yields are expressed in zero coupon terms.

Sources: Adrian et al (2013); Hördahl and Tristani (2014); Kim and Wright (2005); Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; authors’ calculations.

The discrepancies are not, however, explained by fitting errors implied by the models, as these
models tend to fit the yield data very well. For example, the standard deviation of the residual
between the observed 10-year yield and the corresponding yield from the HT model is below 9 basis
points over the January 1981 to July 2018 sample period.

BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018 83

Ten-year US term premium and possible drivers Graph 2

Term premium vs T-bill dispersion1 Term premium and official holdings Term premium and output gap4
of government debt3
Per cent Per cent USD trn Per cent

1.5 1.5 6 9

1.0 1.0 5 6

0.5 0.5 4 3

0.0 0.0 3 0

–0.5 –0.5 2 –3

–1.0 –1.0 1 –6
02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 03 08 13 18
Average term premium2 Average term premium (lhs)2 ACM term premium
T-bill forecast dispersion US Treasury securities (rhs) Output gap
The shaded areas in the right-hand panel indicate recession periods as dated by NBER.
Difference between 75th and 25th percentiles of one-year ahead three-month Treasury bill yield forecasts from the Survey of Professional
Forecasters (SPF). 2 Average of Adrian, Crump and Moench (ACM), Hördahl and Tristani (HT) and Kim and Wright (KW) term premium
estimates. 3 Sum of US Treasury securities holdings by the Federal Reserve and foreign officials. 4 Output gap estimate by CBO.

Sources: Adrian et al (2013); Hördahl and Tristani (2014); Kim and Wright (2005); Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; Federal Reserve Bank
of St Louis (FRED); Datastream; authors’ calculations.

panel). All the models would agree that rising 10-year US Treasury yields in 2017–18
largely reflect an increase in the expected short rate over the subsequent 10 years.
Correlations of monthly changes in premia estimates from different pairs of models
range from 0.77 to 0.92.
What might explain the fall in term premia since the GFC? Two potential
contributing factors could be declining uncertainty about the projected path of short
rates, and demand pressures from central banks and other price-inelastic purchasers
of Treasuries.
The general decline in the term premium during 2009–13 coincided with a
smaller dispersion of survey expectations about future rates (Graph 2, left-hand
panel). This reduced uncertainty may reflect forward guidance and other Fed
communications policies. The fall in dispersion may also have reflected the smaller
distance of short-term rates from zero, combined with the perception (reinforced by
the Fed’s forward guidance) that any rate increases were unlikely in the near
term.9 This pattern ended around the time of the 2013 “taper tantrum”, when
comments from Fed officials led the market to expect an imminent removal of
monetary accommodation.
Purchases by the Fed and by the official sector outside the United States also
played a role. The post-GFC downward trend in the term premium coincided with a
sharp rise in the Fed’s and foreign official holdings of Treasuries, in line with the
notion that demand pressures from these sources helped to push down yields
(Graph 2, centre panel).

Towards the end of this period, policy rates and some bond yields did fall below zero in a few
economies, including the euro area, although not in the United States.

84 BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018

In addition, the downward trend of the term premium in the decade since the
GFC may have been linked to the more appealing risk properties of bonds.
Specifically, bond yields tended to fall in response to any sign of setbacks in the
economic recovery as investors raised their expectations of further monetary stimulus
or pushed back the expected start of policy normalisation. As often happens after a
severe crisis, awareness of “tail risks” rose, and with it the desire to insure against such
risks. Hence, in the GFC’s aftermath, bonds took on some insurance-like properties.
As a result, investors may have been willing to hold bonds even as the term premium
fell towards zero or became negative. The resulting flight to safety boosted the
demand for safe assets. Tighter regulatory requirements may also have played a role,
such as for banks’ holdings of liquid assets or collateralisation of derivatives positions.
We can uncover some further general properties of term premia when we look
over a longer time span. For one thing, term premia are normally countercyclical –
although, as discussed above, tail risk concerns helped keep term premia low after
the GFC. In other words, they tend to rise when output is below potential or the
economy is in recession, as investors seek higher compensation for being exposed to
interest rate risk in bad times (Graph 2, right-hand panel). The fall in term premia
during the current recovery represents a return to this pattern. And near-zero term
premia are not unprecedented: for much of the 1960s, the premium hovered just
above zero. From 1961 to 2018, however, the average according to the ACM model
(which can be estimated over the longest time period) was around 160 basis points.
In addition to term premia, each modelling approach produces estimates of
average expected short-term interest rate over any given horizon. All four measures
discussed above show falling 10-year average expected short rates after the GFC
(Graph 3, left-hand panel). The ACM model, which relies exclusively on yield
information, displays a sharper initial decline, followed by an earlier rise. All four
measures agree that the average expected short rate increased in 2017 and 2018.

Term premium and expectations components of US 10-year yield

In per cent Graph 3

Average expected short rate over 10 years Decomposition of 10-year yield (HT)1

5 3

4 2

3 1

2 0

1 –1

0 –2
00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18
HT ACM KW SPF Real risk premium Average expected real rate
Inflation risk premium Average expected inflation
ACM = Adrian, Crump and Moench; HT = Hördahl and Tristani; KW = Kim and Wright; SPF = Survey of Professional Forecasters.
Decomposition of the 10-year nominal yield according to an estimated joint macroeconomic and term structure model; yields are expressed
in zero coupon terms.

Sources: Adrian et al (2013); Hördahl and Tristani (2014); Kim and Wright (2005); Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; authors’ calculations.

BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018 85

When we decompose the US 10-year yield further into real and inflation-linked
components, we find that much of the initial decline in long-term yields during and
after the GFC was due to a sharp drop in average expected real interest rates as the
crisis unfolded. This was followed by a more gradual decline in expected real rates
during the great recession that followed (Graph 3, right-hand panel). This observation
is in line with the notion that investors’ perception of the natural rate of interest may
have fallen significantly during this time. Moreover, although the real risk premium
remained elevated during and immediately after the Lehman collapse, it declined
sharply as the Fed progressively eased monetary policy via unconventional measures.
The decomposition also suggests that much of the rise in long-term yields in 2017–
18 has been due to higher expected future real interest rates. By contrast, expected
future inflation, the real risk premium and the inflation risk premium have changed
little, with the real risk premium remaining unusually low.

Euro area estimates and recent developments

Similar to US Treasury yields, the euro area’s benchmark long-term government bond
yields declined more or less steadily during the GFC and its aftermath.10 However, in
2014, euro area yields started to fall more rapidly than those in the United States. This
was largely due to the market’s anticipation of the ECB’s asset-buying Public Sector
Purchase Programme (PSPP) and its subsequent implementation (from early 2015).
With a brief interruption, when they jumped in May–June 2015,11 euro area yields
continued to decline until the second half of 2016. Since then they have risen only
modestly, even as US yields have increased more decisively.
To an even greater extent than for the United States, much of the decline in euro
area yields up to mid-2016 reflected falling term premia (Graph 4, left-hand panel).
The timing of this fall underscores the important role that supply-demand imbalances
such as the ECB asset purchases (and the related market expectations) can play.
Moreover, with economic growth weak, the hedging properties of core euro area
sovereign bonds became particularly valuable to investors, leading them to tolerate
even deeply negative term premia.
As for the United States, term premia estimates for the euro area differ
depending on the model used, though they agree on the overall trend and dynamics.
The centre panel of Graph 4 displays 10-year premia estimates calculated following
the ACM methodology, alongside the HT model estimates and estimates from a
model used by the Bank of France.12 These estimates are less correlated than for US
models. While the correlation of changes in premia between the HT and the ACM
model is around 0.55, the premia estimated by the Bank of France are essentially
uncorrelated with the other two. Apart from limited correlations, these estimates also
differ in their overall levels. Towards the end of the sample period, the difference

Benchmark government bond yields in the euro area are often proxied by government bond yields
in France or Germany, as the credit risk of these bonds is deemed to be negligible.
This episode corresponded to a short-lived deterioration in market liquidity. See Riordan and
Schrimpf (2015).
These models make use of different euro area benchmark rates: the HT model uses 10-year French
government bond yields, the ACM model 10-year German government bond yields and the Bank of
France 10-year OIS rates on EONIA. However, these benchmark rates are very close to each other,
with an average absolute difference of around 25 basis points.

86 BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018

Ten-year euro area government bond yield and term premium
In per cent Graph 4

Term premium and expectations Ten-year term premium Average expected short rate over 10
component1 years

3.6 3 4

2.4 2 3

1.2 1 2

0.0 0 1

–1.2 –1 0

–2.4 –2 –1
10 12 14 16 18 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18
10y euro area bond yield ACM2 BoF3
Average expected short rate HT Consensus
10y term premium
ACM = Adrian, Crump and Moench; BoF = Bank of France; HT = Hördahl and Tristani.
Based on Hördahl and Tristani (2014). Decomposition of the 10-year nominal yield according to an estimated joint macroeconomic and
term structure model; yields are expressed in zero coupon terms; French government bond data are used. 2 ACM estimates are calculated
by applying the ACM model to the zero-coupon German government bond yields. The sample period spans from August 1997 to July
2018. 3 Based on Monfort et al (2017). 4 Based on the six-to-10 years ahead Consensus Economics forecast for the three-month interbank

Sources: Hördahl and Tristani (2014); Monfort et al (2017); Consensus Economics; authors’ calculations.

between the HT and ACM estimates is around 140 basis points. Since 2016,
Consensus Economics has published quarterly long-term interest rate forecasts that
can be used to back out model-free 10-year term premia estimates. These estimates
(dots in Graph 4, centre panel) are closer to the HT premia and the Bank of France
estimates, whereas the ACM estimates differ from the survey measure by around 100
basis points in recent quarters.
It is not clear exactly what lies behind the wide range in premium estimates
across models. But one reason why the HT model tends to produce considerably
lower estimates may be that it relies on an array of data types, whereas the ACM
model uses only nominal yield data. As noted above, a model that relies only on yield
information may be more prone to interpret the very low level of interest rates in the
past few years as evidence that the steady-state interest rate level has fallen
substantially due to the highly persistent nature of interest rates. The HT model, by
contrast, is further disciplined by the inclusion of real yields, macroeconomic data and
survey expectations. Consistent with this, as noted, the HT average expected short-
term interest rate is closer to the expectations expressed by survey respondents
(Graph 4, right-hand panel).
Just as in the United States, euro area term premia have been influenced by
official sector asset purchases (Graph 5, left-hand panel) as well as the output gap
(centre panel). A rise in official holdings likely helped to keep euro area bond yields
low, but the steady (and clearly announced) pace of purchases makes it difficult to tie
short-term fluctuations in the premia to these purchases. While weak macroeconomic
performance may well have played a role after the GFC (for example, by pushing

BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018 87

Ten-year euro area term premium and possible drivers Graph 5

Term premium and domestic official Term premium and output gap3 Decomposition of 10-year yield (HT)4
holdings of government debt
Per cent EUR trn Per cent Per cent

2.4 1.6 3 2.0

1.8 1.2 2 1.5

1.2 0.8 1 1.0

0.6 0.4 0 0.5

0.0 0.0 –1 0.0

–0.6 –2 –0.5

–1.2 –3 –1.0
00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18
Average term premium (lhs)1 Average term premium1 Real risk premium
Public sector securities (rhs)2 Output gap Inflation risk premium
Average expected real rate
Average expected inflation
Average of Adrian, Crump and Moench (ACM), Bank of France (BoF) and Hördahl and Tristani (HT) term premium estimates. 2 Cumulative
purchases under Eurosystem’s Public Sector Purchase Programme; excluding debt securities issued by supranationals; book value. 3 For
2018, IMF WEO forecast. 4 Decomposition of the 10-year nominal yield according to an estimated joint macroeconomic and term structure
model; yields are expressed in zero coupon terms; French government bond data are used.

Sources: Hördahl and Tristani (2014); Monfort et al (2017); ECB; IMF, World Economic Outlook; authors’ calculations.

investors to safe assets), the steady narrowing in the euro area output gap since 2014
has been accompanied by a further drop in the term premium.

We can gain further insights into the movements of euro area bond yields by
decomposing the 10-year yield into its four components (Graph 5, right-hand panel).
According to the HT model, while the drop in the euro area yield during the GFC was
mainly due to falling average expected real interest rates, much of the sharp drop in
2014–15 seems to have been due to a rapidly falling real term premium. In contrast
to the United States, where (except for a spike in 2012) inflation risk premia were
more or less stable after the GFC, the fall in euro area yields was reinforced by a drop
in the inflation risk premium. In other words, insofar as the ECB PSPP placed
downward pressure on yields, it did so by lowering term premia, and more so on
nominal than on real bond yields. In 2017 and 2018, modest increases in expected
interest rates and in the inflation risk premium component led to a moderate increase
in bond yields, although a decline in the real term premium offset much of the effects
of changes in the other components. For US yields, by contrast, rising expected real
rates have been accompanied by relative stability in the other components and have
been largely passed through into nominal yields.

88 BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018

Cross-country correlations

Term premia are typically highly correlated across sovereign yields in different
countries, contributing to significant co-movements in the yields.13 Term premia in
the euro area and the United States have indeed followed one another closely in
recent years. The rolling one-year correlation between monthly changes in US and
euro area term premia has typically hovered between 0.6 and 0.9, although it has
displayed wider swings since the GFC (Graph 6, left-hand panel). In particular, the
rolling correlation dropped markedly after the Lehman collapse in 2008, at the peak
of the euro area sovereign debt crisis in 2012, and as the ECB launched its bond
purchase programme in 2015. However, there was a clear surge in the correlation of
term premia around the time of the taper tantrum in 2013, when rising global premia
reflected declining global risk appetite as the outlook for US monetary policy became
less certain. The high correlation is largely driven by the real components.
Correlations of real risk premia tend to be much higher than those of inflation risk
premia (centre panel).
Looking back further in time, US and euro area term premia typically tend to be
more correlated than the respective expectations components (Graph 6, left-hand
panel). Historically, the term premium correlation has generally been above 0.5,
reaching at times up to 0.93. In contrast, the correlation of interest rate expectations
between the United States and the euro area has fluctuated between 0 and 0.6. This
correlation has even fallen below zero during some periods, including 2003–04, when

Co-movements of estimated components of US and euro area 10-year bond

Correlation coefficients Graph 6

Correlations of premia and Correlations of real and inflation risk Correlations of expected real rate
expectations component premium and inflation
1.0 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0 0.0

–0.5 –0.5 –0.5

–1.0 –1.0 –1.0

02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18
Term premia Real risk premia Expected real rate
Rate expectations Inflation risk premia Expected inflation
The vertical lines indicate the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy (Oct 2008), Taper tantrum (May 2013) and Eurosystem’s Public Sector Purchase
Programme (Mar 2015).
Twelve-month rolling correlation; based on monthly changes of the stated variables; based on Hördahl and Tristani (2014).

Sources: Hördahl and Tristani (2014); authors’ calculations.

See eg Jotikasthira et al (2015).

BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018 89

the fed funds rate was lowered to a then record-low 1%; the 2013 taper tantrum; and
late 2015, when the Fed made its first post-GFC rate hike, with the ECB not moving in
tandem. The low correlation of interest rate expectations reflects low correlations of
both expected real rates and expected inflation (Graph 6, right-hand panel).


Yield curve models can offer a number of insights about the drivers of movements in
US and euro area benchmark yields over the past several years. The estimated term
premia can differ sharply depending on the model used but, in most cases, they have
trended downwards since the GFC. While low term premia have helped to keep yields
low, recent yield movements have tended to reflect shifts in expected short-term
rates, particularly for the United States in 2017–18. Real risk premia, rather than
premia for inflation risk, appear to have generally played an important role, while
expected real rates have had a greater effect on expected short rates than expected
inflation has.
What drives the term premia? We have identified a number of possible factors,
including uncertainty, official sector purchases, the business cycle and regulation. But
the relative impact of these factors can shift over time and is very hard to measure.
Moreover, other factors may also be at work. Sound estimation methods for the bond
yield components are an important first step in understanding how these factors play
out in bond markets and the wider economy.

90 BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018

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