Pedo 2016-18 PDF
Pedo 2016-18 PDF
Pedo 2016-18 PDF
2. Define and classify space Regainers. Write in detail about any two
space Regainers.
1. Vitality test.
2. Bitewing radiographs.
3. Pit and fissure sealants.
4. Pedodontic treatment triangle.
5. Psychic triad.
6. Bruxism.
7. Autism.
8. Moyer’s mixed dentition analysis.
9. Diet counselling.
10. Window of infectivity.
[LK 671] FEBRUARY 2017 Sub. Code:4217
1. Growth curve.
2. Aversive conditioning.
3. Social learning theory.
4. Keyes triad.
5. Ugly duckling stage.
6. Masochistic habits.
7. Down syndrome.
8. Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis.
9. Knutson technique.
10. Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
[LL 671] AUGUST 2017 Sub. Code:4217
1. Define space maintainers. What are the indications and contra indications
of distal shoe space maintainers? Discuss the space management for a 5
year old child with premature loss of 84.
1. Space regainers.
2. Home.
3. Strip crowns.
4. Preventive resin restoration.
5. Mouth guards.
6. Mineral trioxide aggregate.
7. Gum pads.
8. Sugar substitutes.
9. Management of anterior crossbite in children.
10. Aversive conditioning.
[LM 671] FEBRUARY 2018 Sub. Code: 4217
2. List the various caries preventive measures. Write in detail about pit
and fissure sealants.
1. Child neglect.
2. Enamel hypoplasia.
3. Glass ionomer cement.
4. Systematic desensitization.
5. Growth curve.
6. Inhalation sedation.
7. Oral screen.
8. Sodium fluoride.
9. Management of children with anterior cross bite.
10. Pulpotomy in young permanent teeth.