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Lin Cheng 
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of 
Master of Engineering (Research) 
Science and Engineering Faculty 
Queensland University of Technology 
June 2014 
Agent-based model Airport Airport design Evacuation plan Group dynamics Passenger flow 
Pedestrian model Simulation 
Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method i 
ii Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method 
Passenger traffic in an airport reflects the level of economic development, 
business activity and tourism of a city. A good passenger experience is likely to 
result in repeat visits, which not only generate airport’s financial profit, but also 
satisfy the need of other stakeholders such as operating airlines, retailers, passengers 
and visitors. Hence, passenger experience has become a major factor that influences 
the success of an airport. In this context, passenger flow simulation has become a 
significant approach in designing and managing airports. 
The literature review in this thesis revealed that grouping is a common 
phenomenon among pedestrians. However, most research failed to consider the 
group dynamics when developing pedestrian flow models. In order to reflect more 
realistic passenger flow conditions, the group dynamics must be included in the 
An agent-based model is a feasible and effective approach to model passenger 
movements in airports. Unlike many models that treat passengers as individual 
agents, the proposed model in this thesis incorporates group behaviour attributes as 
well and evaluates the simulation performance of passenger movement within 
airports. Results from experiments show that incorporating group behaviour, 
particularly the interactions with fellow travellers and wavers can have significant 
influences on the performance and utilisation of services in airport terminals. The 
impacts can be seen in terms of dwell time at each processing unit, discretionary 
activity preference, and the level of service (LOS) at processing areas. 
Based on the airport passenger flow model that includes group dynamics, a 
case study of an airport evacuation event has been conducted. The simulation results 
show that the evacuation time can be influenced by passenger group dynamics. The 
model also provides a convenient way to design airport evacuation strategy and 
examine its efficiency. 
For airport designers and operators, the model also provides a convenient way 
to investigate the effectiveness of space design and service allocations, which may 
contribute to the enhancement of passenger airport experiences. The model was 
Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method iii 
created using AnyLogic software and it was initialised using the data obtained 
through previous research existing in the literature. 
The main contributions of this thesis are embodied in the following four 
aspects: (1) improve the understanding of group dynamics among pedestrians; (2) 
provide a more realistic agent-based passenger flow model by incorporating group 
dynamics; (3) demonstrate the influence of group dynamics on passenger flow in an 
airport departure terminal; and (4) introduce the potential application of the agent- 
based pedestrian flow model in design and management of pedestrian facilities. 
iv Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method 
Table of Contents 
Keywords .................................................................................................................................................i 
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. iii 
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... v 
List of Figures ...................................................................................................................................... vii 
List of Tables .........................................................................................................................................ix 
List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... x 
Statement of Original Authorship ..........................................................................................................xi 
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................. xii 
Publications ......................................................................................................................................... xiii 
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................................. 1 
1.2 Knowledge Gap ........................................................................................................................... 2 
1.3 Research Aims and Scope ............................................................................................................ 3 
1.4 Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 3 
1.5 Thesis Outline .............................................................................................................................. 4 
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................... 5 
2.1 The Need for Modelling Pedestrians............................................................................................ 5 
2.2  Pedestrian  Modelling  Methods  ....................................................................................................  6  2.2.1  Model 
Classification  .........................................................................................................  6  2.2.2  Social  Force  Models 
.........................................................................................................  7  2.2.3  Cellular  Automata  Models 
................................................................................................  9  2.2.4  Agent-Based  Models 
......................................................................................................  11  2.2.5  Combination  of  Modelling  Approaches 
..........................................................................  14  2.2.6  Validation  of  Pedestrian  Models 
..................................................................................... 16 
2.3  Pedestrian Group Dynamics....................................................................................................... 18 2.3.1 Ubiquitous 
Social  Groups  ...............................................................................................  18  2.3.2  Group  Size  in  Statistic  Models 
.......................................................................................  20  2.3.3  Pedestrian  Speed  and  Group  Size 
...................................................................................  22  2.3.4  Walking  Behaviour  of  Groups 
........................................................................................ 24 
2.4 Airport Passenger Flow Modelling ............................................................................................ 26 
2.5 Evacuation Models..................................................................................................................... 28 
2.6 Pedestrian Modelling Software .................................................................................................. 30 
2.7 Chapter Summary ...................................................................................................................... 32 
DYNAMICS IN AN AIRPORT TERMINAL ................................................................... 35 
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 35 
3.2  Airport  Passengers  .....................................................................................................................  35  3.2.1  Arrival  in 
the  Airport  ......................................................................................................  35  3.2.2  Pedestrian  Group  Assemble 
............................................................................................  39  3.2.3  Pedestrian  Characteristics 
............................................................................................... 40 
3.3 Pedestrian Interactions ............................................................................................................... 43 
Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method v 
3.4  Airport  Environment and Passenger Interaction With the Airport Services .............................. 45 3.4.1 Pedestrian 
Interaction at Check-in Area ......................................................................... 47 3.4.2 Passenger Interaction at Security 
Control  .......................................................................  48  3.4.3  Passenger  Interaction  at  Customs 
...................................................................................  50  3.4.4  Passenger  Discretionary  Activities 
................................................................................. 51 
3.5 Model Structure and Model Validation ..................................................................................... 53 
3.6 Chapter Summary ...................................................................................................................... 65 
4.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 67 
4.2 Model Configuration.................................................................................................................. 67 
4.3 Pedestrian Behaviour at Check-in Process ................................................................................. 68 
4.4 Passenger Behaviour at Security and Customs .......................................................................... 72 
4.5 Discretionary Activities and Retail Choices .............................................................................. 76 
4.6 Result Analysis and Discussion ................................................................................................. 78 
4.7 Chpater Summary ...................................................................................................................... 79 
EVACUATION PROCESS ............................................................................................. 81 
5.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 81 
5.2 Configuration and Procedure During Evacuation ...................................................................... 82 
5.3 Behaviour Responses to Emergency Evacuation ....................................................................... 84 
5.4  Results  and  Analysis  ..................................................................................................................  85  5.4.1 
Distribution  of  Passengers  in  the  Airport  Terminal  ........................................................  85  5.4.2  Evacuation  Time 
............................................................................................................. 88 
5.5 Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 91 
5.6 Chapter Summary ...................................................................................................................... 92 
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 93 
6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 93 
6.2 Thesis Summary ........................................................................................................................ 93 
6.3 Research Contribution ............................................................................................................... 94 
6.4 Research Limitations ................................................................................................................. 96 
6.5 Recommandtions ....................................................................................................................... 96 
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 99 
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................... 111 
A. Flight Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 111 
B. IATA Level of Service (LOS) Framework .............................................................................. 112 
C. Pedestrian Density Map of the Airport Departure Terminal .................................................... 113 
vi Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method 
List of Figures 
Figure 2-1 Illustration of pedestrian movement in 4 consecutive time steps (Blue, et al., 1997). ......... 10 
Figure 2-2 Pedestrian moving on hexagonal cells (Köster, et al., 2011). .............................................. 11 
Figure 2-3 General elements of an agent-based model (Macal & North, 2011).................................... 13 
Figure 2-4 Representative simulation result of two intersecting pedestrian streams using the 
social force model (Helbing, et al., 2005). ........................................................................... 17 
Figure 2-5 Illustration of the strip formation in two intersecting pedestrian streams (Ando, et 
al., 1988)............................................................................................................................... 17 
Figure 2-6 The sizes and proportions of subgroups within a crowd (Singh, et al., 2009). .................... 20 
Figure 2-7 Observed group size distribution and zero-truncated Poisson fit (gray curve) 
(Moussaïd, et al., 2010). ....................................................................................................... 21 
Figure 2-8 Effects of group size on pedestrian walking speed (Moussaïd, et al., 2010). ...................... 22 
Figure 2-9 Group size interdependencies regarding to speed (Schultz, et al., 2010). ........................... 23 
Figure 2-10 The avoidance action taken by people walking straight towards another (Singh, et 
al., 2009)............................................................................................................................... 25 
Figure 2-11 Illustration of the measurement method (Moussaïd, et al., 2010). ..................................... 26 
Figure 2-12 Group formations according to Moussaïd, et al. (2010) (Karamouzas & Overmars, 
2010). ................................................................................................................................... 26 
Figure 2-13 Agent-based modelling software [Macal and North as cited in (Ma, 2013)]. .................... 31 
Figure 3-1 Pedestrian classification according to role and travel purpose in the simulation 
model. ................................................................................................................................... 36 
Figure 3-2 Example of relationship of arrival time for enplaning passengers and type of flight 
(Ashford, et al., 2011b). ....................................................................................................... 36 
Figure 3-3 Accumulative passenger arrival pattern in an airport at three different time periods 
of a day. ................................................................................................................................ 38 
Figure 3-4 Flow chart of passenger generating process. ....................................................................... 39 
Figure 3-5 Pedestrian assemble process. ............................................................................................... 39 
Figure 3-6 Overview of the terminal (a) landside of the terminal; (b) airside of the terminal. ............. 46 
Figure 3-7 Airport departure processes. ................................................................................................ 47 
Figure 3-8 Illustration of airport check-in area and check-in process. .................................................. 48 
Figure 3-9 Illustration of airport security control area and detailed processing sequence. ................... 49 
Figure 3-10 Illustration of airport customs area and detailed processing sequence. ............................. 50 
Figure 3-11 Passenger activity and decision making process in an international departure 
terminal. ............................................................................................................................... 54 
Figure 3-12 Overview of airport departure terminal simulation environment (landside of the 
terminal). .............................................................................................................................. 56 
Figure 3-13 Overview of airport departure terminal simulation environment (airside of the 
terminal). .............................................................................................................................. 57 
Figure 3-14 Illustration of pedestrian dynamics at check-in area. ......................................................... 58 
Figure 3-15 Illustration of pedestrian dynamics at security area. .......................................................... 59 
Figure 3-16 Illustration of pedestrian dynamics at customs area. ......................................................... 60 
Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method vii 
Figure 3-17 Illustration of pedestrian dynamics at discretionary area. ................................................. 61 
Figure 3-18 Simulation data of passenger dwell time distribution in the airport departure 
terminal. ............................................................................................................................... 62 
Figure 3-19 Simulation data of passenger dwell time at airport processing activities. ......................... 63 
Figure 3-20 Simulation data of airport discretionary activities and auxiliary airport operation 
status. ................................................................................................................................... 64 
Figure 4-1 Facilitation and overall congestion at check-in for three different scenarios. 
Passenger travelling: (a) alone; (b) in groups; (c) in groups with wavers. ........................... 69 
Figure 4-2 Pedestrian density map of check-in area for three different scenarios. Passenger 
travelling: (a) alone; (b) in groups; (c) in groups with wavers. ............................................ 70 
Figure 4-3 Pedestrian density at check-in area during check-in opening hours. ................................... 71 
Figure 4-4 Regroup, queue and dwell times at the check-in process for the three different 
scenarios. .............................................................................................................................. 72 
Figure 4-5 Passenger’s behaviour at security process. Passenger travelling: (a) alone; (b) in 
groups. .................................................................................................................................. 73 
Figure 4-6 Regroup, queue and dwell times at (a) security and (b) customs for the two different 
scenarios. .............................................................................................................................. 74 
Figure 4-7 Density maps at security and customs area for the two different scenarios. Passenger 
travelling (a) alone; (b) in groups. ........................................................................................ 75 
Figure 4-8 Pedestrian density in the waiting area between security and customs. ................................ 76 
Figure 4-9 Passenger discretionary time in airport for three different scenarios. Passenger 
travelling: (a) alone; (b) in groups; (c) in groups with wavers. ............................................ 77 
Figure 4-10 Retail visits in the airport for three different scenarios. Passenger travelling: (a) 
alone; (b) in groups; (c) in groups with wavers. ................................................................... 77 
Figure 5-1 Airport environment defined in our simulation. The exits are marked as red circles. 
(a) check in area and retail (landside); (b) Security, Customs, Boarding and retail (airside). 
............................................................................................................................... 83 
Figure 5-2 Typical response followed by passengers during evacuation. ............................................. 85 
Figure 5-3 Overview of the landside of the terminal during evacuation. .............................................. 86 
Figure 5-4 Overview of the airside of the terminal during evacuation. ................................................ 87 
Figure 5-5 Average evacuation time of passengers on: (a) level 4, landside; and (b) level 3, 
airside for the two different settings. .................................................................................... 89 
Figure 5-6 Pedestrian density map during the evacuation process. (a) level 4; (b) level 3. .................. 90 
Figure C-1 Pedestrian density map of the airport departure terminal after whole day simulation. 
(a) level 4; (b) level 3. ........................................................................................................ 113 
viii Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method 
List of Tables 
Table 2-1 Frequency distributions of 18 observations (James, 1953). .................................................. 18 
Table 2-2 Mean walking speed (m/s) of pedestrians in different group sizes. ...................................... 24 
Table 2-3 Comparison of agent-based modelling toolkits (Ma, 2013). ................................................. 32 
Table 3-1 Example of passenger arrival rate at check-in counters in three periods of the day 
(IATA, 2004). ....................................................................................................................... 37 
Table 3-2 Adjustment of IATA passenger arrival pattern in international airport departure 
terminals. .............................................................................................................................. 38 
Table 3-3 Passenger arrival time distribution and arrival intervals for the first flight on 
timetable. .............................................................................................................................. 39 
Table 3-4 Age distribution of global airport passengers (IATA, 2013b). ............................................. 41 
Table 3-5 Gender distribution of global airport passengers (IATA, 2013b). ........................................ 41 
Table 3-6 Country of residence of airport departure passengers in 2012-2013 financial year in 
Australia (ABS, 2013). ......................................................................................................... 41 
Table 3-7 Percentage of departure passengers travelling for business and leisure purpose in 
2012-2013 financial year in Australia (ABS, 2013). ............................................................ 41 
Table 3-8 Influence of age, gender, travel purpose and group size on passenger walking speed 
in airport terminals. .............................................................................................................. 42 
Table 3-9 Passenger activity preference in airport. ............................................................................... 43 
Table 3-10 Time passengers spend interacting with check-in personnel (Kirk, 2013).......................... 48 
Table 3-11 The percentage of passengers failing certain mandatory activities at security (Kirk, 
et al., submitted). .................................................................................................................. 49 
Table 3-12 Time passengers spend in each activity at security (Kirk, 2013). ....................................... 49 
Table 3-13 Time passengers spend in each activity at customs (Kirk, 2013). ...................................... 51 
Table 3-14 Probabilities for passengers to use public services in airport departure terminal................ 51 
Table 3-15 Dwell time distribution for airport discretionary activities (Ma, 2013). ............................. 52 
Table 3-16 Discretionary activity occurrence time, location and criteria. ............................................. 52 
Table 3-17 Default parameter setting in the simulation. ....................................................................... 53 
Table 3-18 Comparisons of queue and dwell times at check-in, security and customs between 
the actual time and the simulation. ....................................................................................... 55 
Table 4-1 Input parameters of the model. ............................................................................................. 68 
Table 5-1 Exits assigned for passengers of different security levels. .................................................... 84 
Table 5-2 Pedestrian response time to terminal evacuation signal. ....................................................... 85 
Table 5-3 The distribution of agents in the airport terminal under the setting of passengers 
travelling: (1) alone; and (2) in groups. ................................................................................ 88 
Table A-1 Flight timetable in the model. ............................................................................................ 111 
Table B-2 IATA LOS Framework (IATA, 2004). .............................................................................. 112 
Table B-3 IATA LOS Congestion Standards (Ashford, Mumayiz, & Wright, 2011a). ...................... 112 
Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method ix 
List of Abbreviations 
AAA Australian Airport Association 
ABM Agent-based model/modelling 
ABMS Agent-based modelling and simulation 
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics 
ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 
CA Cellular Automata 
CAFE Cellular automata with force essentials 
HiDAC High-Density Autonomous Crowds 
IATA International Air Transport Association 
LOS Level of Service 
OPC Outgoing Passenger Card 
STD Scheduled Time of Departure 
x Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method 
Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method xi 

Statement of Original Authorship 

The work contained in this thesis has not been previously submitted to meet 
requirements for an award at this or any other higher education institution. To the 
best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously 
published or written by another person except where due reference is made. 
Signature: _________________________ 
Date: _________________________ 
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Principle Supervisor 
Professor K.D.V. Yarlagadda, my Associate Supervisor Professor Clinton Fookes 
and Dr. Vikas Reddy for their continuous support and guidance throughout this 
research project. This thesis would not have been possible without their 
encouragement, insightful comments and valuable advice. 
Thanks to my colleagues who also gave me lots of support and advice through 
personal communication. I am most grateful to Wenbo Ma for introducing me the 
research project and helping me with difficulties in programming at the beginning of 
my research. 
I would like to thank the staff at the Science and Engineering Faculty and HDR 
Support Officers who provide me with an excellent research environment and gave 
me patient explanations to my questions regarding my enrolment and research 
Finally, special thanks to my family and friends for all their love and 
encouragement. Words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you. Thank you! 
xii Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method 
• Cheng, L., Reddy, V., Fookes, C., & Yarlagadda, P. K. D. V. (2014). 
Impact of passenger group dynamics on an airport evacuation process 
using an agent-based model. Paper presented at 2014 International 
Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, 
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 
• Cheng, L., Reddy, V., Fookes, C., & Yarlagadda, P. K. D. V. (2014). 
Agent-based modelling simulation case study: assessment of airport check- 
in and evacuation process by considering group travel behaviour of air 
passengers. Paper presented at Measurement Technology and its 
Application III, Shanghai, China. 
• Cheng, L., Reddy, V., Fookes, C., & Yarlagadda, P. K. D. V. ANALYSIS 
presented at 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling 
Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), Vienna, 
Austria (in press). 
• Lin Cheng, Vikas Reddy, Clinton Fookes, Prasad K.D.V. Yarlagadda, 
‘Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Passenger Flows in Airports 
Using an Agent-Based Model’, Manuscript submitted for publication. 
• Philip J Kirk, Lin Cheng, Vesna Popovic, Ben Kraal and Clinton Fookes, 
‘Improving airport passenger experience: Using agent-based modelling to 
understand potential effects of self-service technology’, Manuscript 
submitted for publication. 
Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method xiii 
xiv Modelling Airport Passenger Group Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Method 
Chapter 1: Introduction 
Passenger experience is one of the most critical aspects that measure the 
service quality of an airport. In order to enhance the passenger experience, it is 
worthwhile to investigate the passengers’ activities during their airport experience. 
The main objective of this research is to understand the impact of group dynamics on 
passenger activities in the airport. This chapter provides an overview of the proposed 
research. Section 1.1 presents the research background and motivation. Section 1.2 
addresses existing knowledge gaps and research questions. Section 1.3 describes the 
research aims and scopes. The methodology used to achieve the research goals is 
presented in Section 1.4. Finally, Section 1.5 includes an outline of the remaining 
chapters of the thesis. 
Revenue of airports nowadays is gradually transferring from aviation related 
sectors to non-aviation sectors (retail revenues) and also from traditional airline 
sources (lease arrangements) to passengers (fees collected from ticket sales) 
(Harrison, Popovic, Kraal, & Kleinschmidt, 2012; Schultz, Schulz, & Fricke, 2010). 
In Australia, it is reported that 44% of airport revenues are generated from non- 
aeronautical segments in major airports (AAA, 2012). As a result, passengers are 
now considered as one of the most important stakeholders, which have led to airports 
becoming increasingly passenger focused. Despite facing the difficult global 
economic conditions in recent years, passenger air traffic is keeping a vigorous 
growing trend. In the past two decades, air travel growth is on average 1.8 times that 
of global GDP. This figure had increased to an unusually robust 2.5 in 2012, even 
under the pressure of rising jet fuel prices (IATA, 2013a). 
Along with the growing profits driven by the passengers, strong growth in 
passenger numbers on the other hand has placed increasing pressure on existing 
aeronautical infrastructure and airport landside arrangements. Crowded airport and 
long queues directly lead to the degradation of passenger experience and Level of 
Service (LOS) in the airport terminal (Correia, Wirasinghe, & de Barros, 2008). 
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) pointed out that the 
Chapter 1: Introduction 1 
overall rating for the quality of service in the monitored airports (including Adelaide, 
Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney) decreased and no airport achieved the rating 
standard at least as ‘good’ in 2011-2012 (ACCC, 2013). A good passenger 
experience is likely to result in repeat visits, which not only generate airport’s 
financial profit, but also satisfy the need of other stakeholders such as operating 
airlines, retailers, passengers and visitors (Popovic, Kraal, & Kirk, 2010). On the 
contrary, a poor experience has been identified as a threat to a city/country’s 
economic stability (London First, 2008), and prosperity (Crawford & Melewar, 
2003). Hence, passenger experience has become a major factor that influences the 
success of an airport. In this context, passenger flow simulation has become a 
significant approach in designing and managing airports (Schultz, Lehmann, & 
Fricke, 2007). 
Grouping is a universal social phenomenon among pedestrians. Literature 
shows that up to 70% of people in a crowd are actually moving in groups and social 
interactions in groups can greatly influence crowd behaviour, (Moussaïd, Perozo, 
Garnier, Helbing, & Theraulaz, 2010). 
Models have been used in simulating pedestrian behaviour for decades. Most 
of the models treat pedestrians as individual agents and neglect the group dynamics 
among them (Ma, Fookes, Kleinschmidt, & Yarlagadda, 2012). Although treating 
pedestrians as individuals is a much easier way to model pedestrian dynamics and 
requires less computational load, it can lead to less realistic simulations results. 
Therefore, this research is designed to fill the existing knowledge gap by 
incorporating group dynamics in pedestrian flow modelling in an airport 
In airports, one can always see following scenes: friends chatting with each 
other in check-in queues; wavers or well-wishers saying goodbye to those who are 
leaving abroad; families sitting in a coffee bar waiting for boarding; tour groups at 
the duty-free shops purchasing souvenirs. Such ordinary moments indicate that the 
airport is a complex system where social interactions are ubiquitous. Therefore, it is 
necessary to consider passengers as collective social groups instead of individual 
unrelated units in the simulation. 
2 Chapter 1: Introduction 
The aim of this research is to develop an agent-based model for investigating 
the impact of group dynamics on passenger flow in an international departure 
terminal. To achieve this research aim, the primary research question which needs to 
be answered is: 
• How do the group dynamics influence the behaviour of passengers’ in an 
In an effort to have a better understanding to this question, several sub- 
questions are further developed: 
• What are the differences between the behaviour of passengers travelling 
with groups and those who travel alone? 
• How to interpret passenger social characteristics and behaviour using a 
simulation model? 
• What are the simulation results and what do the results indicate? 
The scope of work undertaken is to apply the model to a departure terminal of 
an international airport. The are two reasons why the departure terminal is used as 
the simulation subject of this research: (1) the departure terminal is a complex system 
that consists of areas with different functions and security levels, which enrich the 
activities of passengers; (2) passengers in the airport have diverse characteristics and 
abundant social interactions, which is perfect for studying group dynamics among 
heterogeneous agents. 
The methodology to achieve the research objective can be summed up as the 
following three main steps: 
• Model selection 
• Model development 
• Result analysis 
A valid modelling method is the foundation of this research project. Most 
findings and conclusions in this research are based on the results from the simulation 
model. Therefore, in the model selection stage, large numbers of pedestrian 
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 
modelling methods are compared and the optimum method – the agent based 
modelling method is selected. After choosing the modelling technique, the model 
needs to be developed according to the simulation subject. The model was created 
using the AnyLogic platform and its parameters were initialised using recent research 
data published in the literature. A proper validation is necessary to ensure the model 
reflects the actual situation in the airport terminal. Once the model is completed, 
different inputs and settings can be used to simulate different scenarios in the airport 
terminal. Meanwhile, key data is collected to compare the behaviour of passengers 
that travelling with groups and travelling alone. By analysing the causes of the 
differences in the simulation results, the impact of group dynamics on passenger 
flows can be demonstrated. 
The overall structure of the thesis takes the form of six chapters, including this 
introductory chapter. The remainder of this thesis has been organised in the 
following way. Chapter 2 reviews the literature related to pedestrian modelling, and 
group dynamics. Chapter 3 demonstrates the implementation and configuration of the 
proposed agent-based model in this thesis. Chapter 4 uses the agent-based model to 
analyse the impact of group dynamics on passenger flow in the airport departure 
terminal. Chapter 5 applies the model to a case study investigating the influence of 
group dynamics on pedestrian evacuation process. Finally, Chapter 6 concludes the 
research contribution of this thesis and points out the limitations. Recommendations 
for future research are also provided in Chapter 6. 
4 Chapter 1: Introduction 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 
This chapter demonstrates the existing technologies of pedestrian modelling 
and simulation. Section 2.1 explains the need for pedestrian models in understanding 
pedestrian behaviour and their applications in current society. Section 2.2 introduces 
current pedestrian modelling approaches and analyses the advantages and 
disadvantages of each modelling technique. Validation methods of pedestrian models 
are also investigated. Section 2.3 examines the characteristics of pedestrian 
behaviour and highlights the importance of group dynamics. Section 2.4 discusses 
the models for the purpose of airport passenger flow modelling. Section 2.5 describes 
the use of pedestrian models for studying crowd evacuation. Section 2.6 compares 
different pedestrian modelling software. Finally, Section 2.7 summarises the 
literature review and identifies the knowledge gap. 
Pedestrian behaviour has been persistently studied for approximately a century 
now. Early studies were mainly focused on designing traffic regulations and 
pedestrian safety protections (Ceder, 1979; Moore, 1953). As time progresses, 
improving the quality of construction projects to create more pleasant and user- 
friendly pedestrian facilities has been the relentless pursuit of modern architects and 
designers. With the improvement of computer technology, pedestrian models have 
been widely used and considered as an essential tool to assessing the performance of 
building design and quality of the pedestrian facilities (Helbing, Farkas, Molnàr, & 
Vicsek, 2002; Osaragi, 2004; Schadschneider et al., 2011; Teknomo, 2006). 
One of the most important applications of pedestrian models is in urban 
planning. Not until recently, transportation models are focused on motorised 
transport in urban areas (Kitazawa & Batty, 2004). However, pedestrians are the 
most vulnerable elements in the traffic system and the largest road user groups, thus 
deserve more considerations (Harney, 2002). In order to implement a walking- 
friendly urban environment, efforts need to be placed on investigating the impact of 
the proposed plan on pedestrian behaviour. This can be achieved by analysing 
pedestrian flow and patterns through the pedestrian models. Furthermore, by using 
pedestrian models, urban planners can assess the attractiveness of certain locations 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 5 
for new projects such as shopping centres, theme parks or museums to make sure that 
the layout of urban space and land-use structure are optimised. 
Pedestrian models are also helpful in improving efficiency and safety in public 
environments such as airport terminals, train stations and theatres. They are not only 
used as a tool for understanding pedestrian dynamics at public places, but also 
support transportation planners or managers to design timetables, assign and allocate 
staff, and predict potential delay or congestions. As a result, pedestrian models help 
creating a positive passenger experience. Simulation models play a significant role in 
the study of pedestrian evacuation. Research argued that in many instances, the 
victims’ fatalities or injuries were caused by the behaviour of the crowd itself instead 
of fire, explosions, or other external hazards (Helbing, Buzna, Johansson, & Werner, 
2005). Due to the potential threat of injury, full-scale evacuation practices are not the 
best approach for researchers to investigate pedestrian behaviour during the 
evacuation process. On the other hand, computer models are economical, time- 
saving, risk-free, and easy to modify. Moreover, they have the ability to conduct 
repeat experiments. 
2.2.1 Model Classification 
In the past decades, large numbers of approaches have been proposed for 
modelling pedestrian behaviours. Modelling methods can be classified according to 
different characteristics. In terms of modelling scope, there are macroscopic models 
and microscopic models. The main object of macroscopic models is the temporal 
evolution of the crowd density (Bauer, Seer, & Brändle, 2007). Macroscopic models 
treat pedestrians as a whole and ignore the local dynamics of individuals and 
interactions between pedestrians. Because of this, macroscopic models have the 
advantage in terms of computational load. However, researchers found that they are 
also not well suited for illustrating the effect of environmental change on pedestrian 
flow performance (Teknomo, Takeyama, & Inamura, 2000). Moreover, macroscopic 
models often assume that the population is comprised of homogeneous agents in an 
equilibrium state, which cannot represent real-world situations (Johansson et al., 
6 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
In contrast, individual properties are distinguished in microscopic models. 
These models focus on the behaviour and decision making of individual pedestrians, 
as well as the effect on other pedestrians around them. Microscopic models have the 
potential to overcome the limitations of previously discussed macroscopic models by 
incorporating a set of pre-determined rules. By defining the behavioural rules 
properly, the microscope models are able to present more accurate pedestrian 
behaviour in a greater variety of situations (Camillen et al., 2009; Pluchino, Garofalo, 
Inturri, Rapisarda, & Ignaccolo, 2013). However, a detailed pedestrian model needs 
support of rich data sets that slow down the computational speed (Bauer, et al., 2007). 
Examples of microscopic models are: physic-based social force models (Helbing & 
Molnár, 1995), geography-based cellular automata models that follow pre-designed 
rules (Fukui & Ishibashi, 1999), and agent-based models which allow agents to 
interact with others as well as surrounding environments according to their own 
attributes (Macal & North, 2005). 
Apart from the modelling scale, pedestrian models can also be categorised by 
whether they are discrete or continuous, deterministic or stochastic, rule-based or 
force-based, high or low fidelity (Schadschneider, et al., 2011). In this thesis will 
mainly introduce the following three microscopic models: social force model, 
cellular automata model and agent-based model. 
2.2.2 Social Force Models 
Social force models are probably the most known method in the group of 
continuous models. Lewin and Cartwright (1952) suggested that the changes of 
human behaviour can be guided by social forces or social fields. Based on this 
concept, Helbing and Molnár (1995) proposed the basic equation of the social force 
model to describe pedestrian motion, 

= F⃑ 
0 + ∑ β 
αβ + ∑ B 

αB + ∑ i 

αi . 

They assumed that a pedestrian’s total motivation F⃑ 


can be influenced by four 

main factors: (1) F⃑ 

0 – the desire of this pedestrian α to reach a certain destination or 

goal; (2) ∑ β 
αβ – the total influence from other pedestrians β such as the repulsive 
effect of others; (3) ∑ B 
αB – the total repulsive force generated to avoid a border or 
an obstacle B; and (4) ∑ i 
αi – the attraction of other persons or objects i. 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 7 
In addition to the above four main effects, the social force model can be 
applied to demonstrate complex pedestrian behaviour by adding a fluctuation term. 
This fluctuation term enables modellers to consider random variations of pedestrian 
behaviour and make extension from the basic formula. Therefore, a more general 
form of the social force model is now defined by, 
dw��⃑ dt 

= F⃑ 

+ fluctuations. 
Using the social force model, several observed collective phenomena in 
pedestrian crowds have been successfully reproduced. This includes the lane forming 
behaviour in crowds and the oscillatory walking pattern at a narrow exit (Helbing & 
Molnár, 1995) as well as the mechanisms in escape panic situations (Helbing, Farkas, 
& Vicsek, 2000). Helbing, et al. (2005) conclude that the simplicity and small 
number of parameters are the main advantages of the social-force-based simulation. 
Moreover, it is suggested that those parameters in the model do not need to be 
calibrated for each new situation, which makes social force models adaptive when 
applying to different simulation environments. 
However, some researchers suggested that it is not easy to model heterogeneity 
and complex behaviours using social force model since the goals, characteristics and 
interactions of pedestrians must be represented through equations (Manenti, 
Manzoni, Vizzari, Ohtsuka, & Shimura, 2012). Moreover, simulation update of 
Helbing’s model is O(n2) because each agent is influenced by all the other agents. 
This may limit the computational ability of the social force model to simulate many 
agents (Henein & White, 2005). Another disadvantage of the social force model is 
that in high density environments, agents will ‘shake’ or ‘vibrate’ unnaturally 
(Pelechano, Allbeck, & Badler, 2007). In spite of these drawbacks, the social force 
model is still very popular and has become the foundation of many other subsequent 
pedestrian models. 
Derived from the social force model, a HiDAC (High-Density Autonomous 
Crowds) model had been used to address the problem of simulating high-density 
crowds in dynamically changing virtual environments (Pelechano, et al., 2007). 
Through analysing the crowd scenes, Mehran, Oyama, and Shah (2009) evaluated 
the interaction forces among pedestrians and successfully detected and localised 
abnormal behaviours in crowds. Parisi, Gilman, and Moldovan (2009) proposed a 
8 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
modification of the social force model that overcame the limitations of Helbing’s 
model in describing the experimental data of pedestrian flow in normal conditions. 
Moussaïd, et al. (2010) had extended Helbing’s model to simulate the walking 
behaviour of pedestrian social groups by adding an extra social interaction term into 
Helbing’s social force formula. 
2.2.3 Cellular Automata Models 
A relatively novel model called Cellular Automata (CA) uses intuitive rules 
that make the model easy to understand without complex mathematical equations and 
thus demand less computation than social force models. In cellular automata models, 
space is represented by a uniform grid of cells. At each discrete time step, the values 
of variables in each cell are updated according to a set of local rules and the values of 
variables in the cells at its neighbourhood (Zheng, Zhong, & Liu, 2009). 
The idea of cellular automata was originally introduced by Von Neumann and 
Burks (1966) with the purpose of modelling biology self-reproduction. It was then 
developed and applied to a wide variety of purposes because physical systems that 
containing many discrete elements and local interactions are convenient to convert 
into cellular automata (Wolfram, 1983). Cellular automata has been extended to 
model pedestrian movement by Blue, Embrechts, and Adler (1997) who analysed 
multidirectional microscopic behaviour in a crowded open space. Blue, et al. (1997) 
introduced a ‘bump’ rule to avoid pedestrian being locked in one position at high- 
density hypothetical floor area. At each time step, each entity in the matrix moves 
one step towards its destination according to the sequence of the entity number. If the 
forward movement is blocked by the other entity, the pedestrian will sidestep into the 
next cell relative to its movement. If the next cell is still occupied, the pedestrian will 
‘bump’ the occupant to make sidestep, and so on, until an empty cell is found or one 
entity is bumped off the floor matrix (Blue, et al., 1997). Figure 2-1 illustrates the 
bumping rule between entities. At time step 2, entity 11 and 12 both desire to move 
into cell (2, 2). According to the bumping rule, entity 11 bumps entity 12 into the 
adjacent cell of its desired cell at time step 3. The entities move toward their 
destinations afterwards. Though Blue’s model is based on simple local rules, it is 
instructive that cellular automata can be used to model pedestrian movement and 
more realistic pedestrian interactions can be demonstrated by optimising the rule set. 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 9 
Figure 2-1 Illustration of pedestrian movement in 4 consecutive time steps (Blue, et al., 1997). 

Schultz, Lehmann, and Fricke (2006) proposed an improved cellular automata 

model to simulate evacuation process in an airport terminal. The model considered 
the effects of repulsion potentials, friction and clogging behaviour, as well as a path 
finding/guidance algorithm. However, the author only proposed the methodology and 
no specific scenario is simulated to prove this method is valid to present passenger 
behaviour during emergency. 
Yuan and Tan (2007) proposed a two-dimensional basic cellular automata 
model to simulate evacuation from a room with multiple exits. The simulation 
environment is divided into square cells with a dimension of 0.4×0.4 m, since it was 
suggested to be the typical space occupied by one pedestrian in crowded areas 
(Weidmann, 1992). The author set the standard time step to 0.29 s according to the 
1.65 m/s nervous state velocity and the 0.48 m average movement per time step. 
However, setting the same speed for each pedestrian does not reflect real-world 
situations. The authors suggested that secondary time steps can solve the problem, 
but at the cost of increasing computation time. 
Köster, Seitz, Treml, Hartmann, and Klein (2011) applied the cellular automata 
to study the influence of group formations in a crowd. In their work, they divided 
space into hexagonal cells (Figure 2-2), thus creating two additional natural 
directions than square cells. The local rules applied in this model are based on the 
intuitive of the designers, while lack of support from social science. Therefore, the 
10 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
authors highlighted the need for greater cooperation between social scientists and 
Figure 2-2 Pedestrian moving on hexagonal cells (Köster, et al., 2011). 

To summarise, the cellular automata models portray the interactions between 

pedestrians by intuitively understandable rule sets, rather than complex mathematical 
functions. It also provides an easier treatment of complex geometries than models 
with long-range interactions (Schadschneider, 2001). Therefore, one can easily 
implement cellular automata on computers and the computational speed is 
exceedingly fast compared to other microscopic pedestrian models. However, CA 
models have the disadvantage of dividing space into coarse cells, which may lead to 
larger errors than social force models in which space is not discretised (Köster, et al., 
2011). Moreover, no contacts are allowed between agents in Cellular Automata 
models, and individuals can only move when the adjacent cell is free (Pelechano, et 
al., 2007). 
2.2.4 Agent-Based Models 
Agent-based modelling and simulation (ABMS) is a relatively new approach to 
modelling systems comprised of autonomous decision-making entities called agents. 
Unlike the Systems Dynamics approach that applied the ‘top-down’ systems view, 
the agent-based models are built from the ‘bottom-up’ by simulating the interaction 
between individual agents (Macal & North, 2005; Zheng, et al., 2009). In agent- 
based models, agents follow some pre-determined rules of behaviour, which allow 
them to execute various behaviours appropriately in the modelled system. This 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 11 
unique characteristic makes ABM particularly suitable for the study of pedestrian 
behaviour in complex environments. 
Bonabeau (2002) presented a comprehensive introduction to the basic 
principles of agent-based simulation. He pointed out that agent-based simulation is a 
mindset more than a technology. Therefore, even the traditional differential equation, 
as long as it describes the dynamics of one of the constituents of the system, is an 
agent-based model. Bonabeau summarised three benefits of ABM over other 
modelling techniques: (1) ABM captures emergent phenomena; (2) ABM provides a 
natural description of a system; and (3) ABM is flexible. In order to support this 
conclusion, Bonabeau provided examples of the application of agent-based 
modelling in the area of simulating flow (traffic, pedestrians), market, organizations, 
and diffusion. After the examples, Bonabeau concluded that ABM can bring 
significant benefits when simulating human systems. 
A series of systematic tutorials on agent-based modelling and simulation 
(ABMS) have been presented by (Macal & North, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011). In the 
tutorials, the authors described the theory and foundations of ABMS, identified 
ABMS development tools, illustrated the general procedures to build an agent-based 
simulation model and provided opinions on the relationship of ABMS to other 
conventional modelling techniques. It was suggested that a typical agent-based 
model composed of three elements: 
• Agents: A set of agents as well as their characteristics and behaviour. 
• Agent relationship: The relationship and interaction method between 
• Agents’ environment: The agents’ environment, including the interaction 
between agents and the environment. 
These elements should be defined and programmed in order to create an agent- 
based model. Figure 2-3 shows the structure of a typical agent-based model. 
12 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
Figure 2-3 General elements of an agent-based model (Macal & North, 2011). 

A STREETS model was proposed for investigating pedestrian behaviour in 

urban centres (Schelhorn, O'Sullivan, Haklay, & Thurstain-Goodwin, 1999). 
Pedestrians are initialised with social-economic characteristics and behavioural 
characteristics. Social-economic characteristics defined the attributes such as gender 
and income of the agents and are used to create pedestrians’ travel plan. While 
behavioural characteristics include the detailed behavioural factors such as speed, 
visual range and fixation. Pedestrians were ‘released’ into the simulation 
environment according to a Poisson distribution. The whole simulation was 
controlled by a SWARM observer, which also collects the interaction information in 
the model. However, this STREETS model was under development and no 
experiment had been run on this model to test its performance. The authors pointed 
out that the navigation of pedestrians was sometimes unreliable and pedestrian group 
behaviour should be incorporated in the model. 
In order to improve crowd safety in public places, Pan, Han, Dauber, and Law 
(2007) presented a multi-agent based framework for simulating human and social 
behaviour in emergency situations. Through modelling pedestrian interactions at the 
microscopic level, the simulation was able to capture emergent human behaviour 
such as competitive behaviour, queuing behaviour and herding behaviour during 
evacuation. Although the extension of the model to statistical analysis and other 
design parameters were still under development, it showed a potential usage of the 
framework in improving the crowd safety in designing pedestrian facilities. 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 13 
Based on Reynolds’s OpenSteer environment (Reynolds, 1999), Qiu and Hu 
(2010) proposed an agent-based simulation system for modelling crowd behaviour 
with group structures, in which agents can move randomly, avoid obstacles and 
maintain group structures. The group movement is governed by the rule that each 
group is assumed to have a group leader and the leader would influence the decisions 
of other group members. However, in real-world situations, pedestrian groups are 
often composed of friends and families, where it is not necessary to have a group 
Based on pre-determined behaviour and local interactions, agent-based models 
can provide unprecedented understanding to the emergent properties of interacting 
agents in complex circumstances where intuition fails (Farmer & Foley, 2009). 
However, human behaviour often includes soft factors which are difficult to quantify 
and calibrate. Plus, a complex agent-based model is hardly fully documentable for 
others to reproduce the similar results. Therefore, this has consequences on the 
trustworthiness of the results produced by agent-based models and it was suggested 
that the quantitative outcomes of a simulation should be interpreted only at the 
qualitative level (Bonabeau, 2002; Klügl & Rindsfüser, 2007). Furthermore, ABMs 
are generally more computationally expensive than cellular automata and social force 
models, thus, modelling large systems is still a challenge for agent-based models 
(Bonabeau, 2002; Zheng, et al., 2009). 
2.2.5 Combination of Modelling Approaches 
New pedestrian models have a trend to combine multiple traditional modelling 
approaches (Zheng, et al., 2009). Traditional pedestrian modelling approaches were 
mainly proposed to address some specific problems. For example, the social force 
models demonstrate how individuals’ movement can be influenced by others and the 
environment; cellular automata models are good at describing behavioural rules and 
spacial relationships; agent-based models are often used to demonstrate emergent 
behaviour by simulating the interactions between heterogeneous agents and the 
environment. As pedestrian behaviour and simulation environments are becoming 
more and more complex, one modelling approach is often used in combination with 
the advantages of other techniques. 
Bandini, Federici, Manzoni, and Vizzari (2006) presented a Situated Cellular 
Agents (SCA) model for simulating crowd dynamics. In the model, agents’ actions 
14 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
take place in a discrete and finite space. Agents were defined with types, states, and 
the site of space. According to a set of sensors, agent can interact with others and the 
environment. A case study of an underground station is described in order to show 
how the methodology was applied (Bandini, et al., 2006). 
Song, Yu, Wang, and Fan (2006) introduced a new CA model entitled cellular 
automata with force essentials (CAFE) to investigate crowd behaviour during 
evacuation. The model is based on traditional CA model that used a lattice to 
represent the evacuation area. While interactions between pedestrians are classified 
into three types of forces: attraction, repulsion and friction. The author stated that this 
improved model is both computationally efficient and included some crucial human 
behaviour in crowds. Kormanová (2012) also presented a pedestrian movement 
model that combined cellular automata and social force approach. 
Henein and White (2005) created an agent-based local-interaction model which 
avoids the direct consideration of every agent’s effect on all other agents. The space 
in the model is divided into square grid cells. Agents apply force to their 
neighbourhood agents according to preset rules. A floor field is used to provide local 
interaction information for individual agents. By adding a force floor field in the 
model, the model successfully demonstrated a typical arching structure at the exit 
when simulating crowd evacuation. This model combines the concept of cellular 
automata, social force and agent-based model. It overcomes the computational 
inefficiency of the social force model, but at the same time, shows the force effects 
on crowd behaviours. 
Above examples show the combination of different modelling techniques only 
in the category of microscopic models. In fact, the combination of techniques is not 
limited to a certain modelling scope. Modelling approaches from different scopes can 
be applied in one pedestrian simulation. Asano, Iryo, and Kuwahara (2010) 
combined a microscopic pedestrian simulation model with a macroscopic tactical 
model in a cell-based network to evaluate pedestrian flow. There are two modules in 
the proposed model: a tactical model and an operational model. The tactical model is 
a macroscopic model. It determines the desired directions of each pedestrian, which 
are used in the operational model. Then the operational model determines the actual 
microscopic movement of pedestrians. 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 15 
2.2.6 Validation of Pedestrian Models 
Model validation is one of the most difficult issues in crowd modelling and 
simulation. The validation of pedestrian behavioural model requires large amounts of 
detailed data. Due to the complexity of natural systems and the non-determinism of 
human activities, it is hard to compare real-world observation data with outputs in 
pedestrian models. As a result, the validation of a pedestrian model still remains a 
significant problem for modellers (Xing, Lees, Nan, & Viswanthatn, 2012). Though 
there are no universal validating approaches, video films, photographs and direct 
observations are the most common evaluation methods to study pedestrian 
behaviour. Face validity and empirical validity are two commonly used criteria when 
assessing agent-based models (Gatersleben & Van der Weij, 1999; Klügl, 2008; 
Klügl & Rindsfüser, 2007; Zhou et al., 2010). 
The face validity is the outcome of face validation. The face validation insures 
the process and the results are reasonable and plausible within the theoretical 
framework and the knowledge of domain experts (Klügl, 2008). Examples of face 
validation can be: experts examine the parameters defined in the model, the 
simulation environment and compare pedestrian behaviour between simulation and 
real-world observation. In contrast, empirical validity is conducted by quantitatively 
comparing key figures produced by the model and those collected from the 
experiment or the reference system (Klügl, 2008). It is suggested that empirical 
validity is the most effective approach to establishing model validity (Zhou, et al., 
2010). These two validation criteria will be applied in the proposed model as well. 
The validation method is explicitly mentioned or implicitly demonstrated in 
some research on pedestrian models. Klügl and Rindsfüser (2007) presented an 
agent-based model for simulating pedestrian traffic in a railway station. Data from a 
PDA-based observation at several stairways and all exits were used for model 
validation. In addition, the simulation system was able to save the simulation as a 
video, which is useful for face validation. Using the social force model, Helbing, et 
al. (2005) had successfully reproduced the phenomenon of stripe formation of two 
intersecting pedestrian streams (see Figure 2-4) that had observed by Ando, Ota, and 
Oki (1988) (see Figure 2-5). 
16 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
Figure 2-4 Representative simulation result of two intersecting pedestrian streams using the social force model 
(Helbing, et al., 2005). 
Figure 2-5 Illustration of the strip formation in two intersecting pedestrian streams (Ando, et al., 1988). 

Vizzari, Manenti, Ohtsuka, and Shimura (2012) investigated the pedestrian and 
group dynamics in crowds. They proposed a simple experiment to test the validity of 
the model. It was observed in the experiment that pedestrian pairs can easily form a 
line to avoid facing crowds. However, pedestrian groups with bigger numbers of 
members had difficulties to form such a line shape, thus they tend to form a 
triangular shape which is similar to the ‘V’ shape observed by Moussaïd, et al. 
(2010). Then, a simulation model was applied to the experimental scenario and 
showed consistent pedestrian dynamics with the previous experiment. After the 
validation, the model is further adopted to simulate real-world scenarios. 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 17 
2.3.1 Ubiquitous Social Groups 
In real life, it is a common phenomenon that many of the pedestrians are 
walking in groups. It is easy to identify a group of people through the interactions 
and characteristics of the members such as appearance, gender and age. However, the 
existing crowd modelling approaches tend to neglect the existence of pedestrian 
groups, which leads to less convincing results. 
Researchers have been studying the behaviour of pedestrian social groups for 
more than half-century. In order to investigate the size determinant in small human 
group interaction, James (1953) observed 22,625 pedestrian samples in 18 public 
situations in Eugene and Portland, Oregon. The observations were taken in the winter 
and spring, 1950. Several different places including public markets, playgrounds, 
schools, swimming pools, public beaches were chosen as observation sites. The 
diversity of observation times and locations ensures that the observation results 
reflect the common behaviour of pedestrians of different roles. The observation 
shows that crowds are split into ‘free-forming’ small groups with varying sizes. The 
group relationship was identified through the face-to-face interactions such as 
gesture, laughter, smiles, talk, play, or work. A total of 15,486 small groups were 
recorded in the observation. The observation results are consolidated into Table 2-1. 
Group size 1 indicated that individuals are also considered as small groups that only 
have one group member. From Table 2-1, it can be calculated that more than half of 
the observed population are in groups with at least two members. 
Table 2-1 Frequency distributions of 18 observations (James, 1953). 
18 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
A similar field study was conducted by Aveni (1977), who interviewed 204 
celebrating fans in a football event. The findings of the study showed that three 
quarters of the crowd were with one or more friends. This result shows higher group 
proportion in crowds than James’ observation. The reason for the this difference may 
be that the data in this research was collected in a special sports event, which may 
not reflect the group behaviour of mundane crowds in a variety of different locations. 
In spite of this, this study still suggests that crowds consist of both individual 
pedestrians and persons in groups. 
It has been decades since the research carried out by James and Aveni. The 
social background has greatly changed, so are the ways people communicate and 
interact. Therefore, it is necessary to examine whether the crowd preserves group 
behaviour in more recent studies. Singh et al. (2009) investigated the behaviour of 
pedestrian subgroups by means of filming and observation. The behaviour of crowds 
was recorded every 10 seconds for half an hour in the following four locations: 
Nottingham train station, Broadmarsh shopping centre, Clumber Street and 
Nottingham University campus. Pedestrians in these four locations represent crowds 
in three environments: travelling, shopping and working. As can be seen from Figure 
2-6, a large percentage of people in crowds are in subgroups of two or more 
members. In travelling environment (train station), the percentages of people in 
groups are about 55%. In shopping environments (Broadmarsh shopping centre and 
Clumber Street), the percentage is about 65%. On university campus where people 
study or work, the figure is about 47%. The varying numbers in different observation 
locations indicate that the proportion of people in groups can be influenced by the 
surrounding environment. One limitation of the observation approach is that the 
observation period is not long enough. Therefore it is possible that observers only 
captured a small section of the big picture which may cause deviation to the ‘ground 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 19 
Figure 2-6 The sizes and proportions of subgroups within a crowd (Singh, et al., 2009). 

To investigate the walking behaviour of pedestrian social groups, Moussaïd, et 

al. (2010) analysed pedestrian behaviour in a low population density condition A and 
moderate density B. Detailed observation time and location are not given in the 
research. The result shows that the proportions of pedestrians belong to a group are 
55% in population A and 70% in B, which occupied the majority of total 
populations. The author made an explanation to the difference between populations 
A and B: population A was recorded in a working day, while population B was 
observed on a Saturday afternoon in a popular commercial walkway. This means one 
can expect a higher frequency of groups in leisure areas and spare times. 
The above studies show that in the real-world, large proportions of pedestrians 
are in social groups. The percentage of people in groups within a crowd ranges from 
40% to 70%. This percentage will change according to different times and 
environment situations. Generally, more groups can be observed in leisure areas in 
public holidays (Moussaïd, et al., 2010). The existence of ubiquitous social groups 
indicates that not only the individual-level, but also the group-level behaviour needs 
to be included in the modelling program in order to carry out realistic pedestrian 
2.3.2 Group Size in Statistic Models 
In order to quantitatively calculate the distribution of free-forming pedestrian 
group size, James (1953) fitted the sample group sizes (shows in Table 2-1) into two 
distribution models: the negative binomial model and the Poisson model. The 
goodness of fit was compared by the chi-square test. The result showed that the 
20 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
fitting of the negative binomial model was much closer to the observation data than 
the Poisson model. The explanation to this was that Poisson distributions require a 
constant mean throughout the observation, thus it is more suitable when the social 
situation is relatively stable. On the other hand, the negative binomial can be 
considered as a group of different Poisson distributions collected together, therefore 
it is more accurate to use the negative binomial model in fitting data collected from 
18 different observations in this case. Although this is a reasonable explanation to the 
fitting results, the author failed to make further attempts to support his conclusion. 
Therefore, this study would have been much more convincing if the author had tested 
the Poisson model in a stable social context and compared the goodness of fit with 
the negative binomial model. 
Coleman and James (1961) reanalysed the data collected by James (1953) and 
stated that the frequency distribution of group sizes can be fitted by the truncated- 
Poisson (T-P) formula. The derivation of this formula is based on the assumptions 
that there is a constant probability for a group to lose and gain a member at anytime, 
and finally the distribution of group sizes in the system will reach an equilibrium 
state. Using this mechanism, Moussaïd, et al. (2010) fitted his observation data with 
a zero-truncated Poisson formula. The fitting results in Figure 2-7 shows that the 
Poisson model well presents the observed group sizes in population A, while in 
population B, the model predicts a higher proportion of individuals and lower 
proportion of groups of size 2. Nevertheless, the model reflects a similar tendency of 
the group sizes in observation. The use of statistical models in fitting the distribution 
of the group size provides a reference for generating pedestrian groups in the 
proposed model in this thesis. 
Figure 2-7 Observed group size distribution and zero-truncated Poisson fit (gray curve) (Moussaïd, et al., 2010). 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 21 
2.3.3 Pedestrian Speed and Group Size 
Henderson (1971) had suggested that the desired speeds within pedestrian 
crowd are Gaussian distributed with a mean value of 1.34 m/s and a stand deviation 
of 0.26 m/s. More recent research shows that pedestrian walking speed can be 
influenced by many factors. Those factors include environmental factors such as 
crowd density, widths of the walkway, and mixture of the flow as well as personal 
factors like age, gender, physical abilities and purposes of trip (Harney, 2002; 
Moussaïd, et al., 2010; Rastogi, Thaniarasu, & Chandra, 2011). In addition to these 
determinants, some research has observed that the group size significantly contribute 
to pedestrian speed. 
Moussaïd, et al. (2010) measured the walking speed of pedestrian groups with 
different sizes and concluded that pedestrian walking speed decreases linearly as the 
size of the group increases (Figure 2-8). However, as can be seen from Figure 2-8, 
this linear relationship is obtained by fitting curve to merely three data points. 
Therefore, a more persuasive conclusion would include more data points that stand 
for group speed of different group sizes. Besides this, the speed of individuals (group 
size of 1) is also worth investigating. Nonetheless, this research reveals a trend that 
the group speed reduces with the increase in size of the group. 
Figure 2-8 Effects of group size on pedestrian walking speed (Moussaïd, et al., 2010). 

Similar findings were discussed in the research of Schultz, et al. (2010), who 
recorded and analysed the walking behaviour of passengers in Dresden International 
Airport. Figure 2-9 compares the differences in speed between groups with one and 
three members. As the author had expected, groups with three members are clearly 
22 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
slower than groups that only have one member. Since it was mentioned in many 
studies that the environment has great influence on pedestrians’ waking speed (Finnis 
& Walton, 2008; Harney, 2002; Rastogi, et al., 2011), above research results can 
only be applied in airport environment and cannot represent the pedestrian speed at 
any other situations wilfully. 
Figure 2-9 Group size interdependencies regarding to speed (Schultz, et al., 2010). 

For comparison, Table 2-2 summarises the mean walking speeds for pedestrian 
group with varying sizes at different locations in previous research. Tarawneh (2001) 
investigate the speed of pedestrians when at 27 crosswalks in the Great Amman 
Area, Jordan. Results show that pedestrian group size with three or more people walk 
much slower than smaller groups when crossing the street. Tarawneh argued that the 
reasons could be: (1) pedestrians in small groups (single or couple) feel less secure in 
the crosswalk; and (2) larger groups of pedestrians are more likely to engage in 
conversations during the walk. However, the author overlooked the particularity of 
the environment. In crosswalks, the speed of pedestrians is often constrained by 
traffic signals. Moreover, dwelling in the crosswalk may cause potential safety 
hazards. Thus, pedestrians in crosswalks tend to finish crossing as fast as possible 
and the effect of group interactions is relatively weak during this time. This can be 
seen from that individuals or couples were faster than larger groups by only 0.02 m/s, 
which is hardly noticeable. 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 23 
Mean walking speed (m/s) 
Source Locations 
Group sizes 1 2 3 4 5 >5 Tarawneh (2001) Crosswalk 1.35 1.35 1.33 - - - 
Klüpfel (2007) 
World Exhibition 
1.38 1.28 1.24 1.24 1.22 1.10 
Schultz, et al. (2010) 
International Airport 
1.36 1.06 0.96 - - - 
Rastogi, et al. (2011) 
Sidewalks - 1.19 1.06 0.91 1.01 0.99 Wide Sidewalks 
- 1.13 1.01 0.98 0.90 - 
Precincts - 1.09 1.00 1.00 0.89 0.83 
Table 2-2 Mean walking speed (m/s) of pedestrians in different group sizes. 

Rastogi, et al. (2011) reported that pedestrians travelling in groups walk at an 
average speed and almost 73% of the pedestrians who fall behind will catch up with 
other group members by increasing their speed. Rastogi also observed an interesting 
phenomenon: on sidewalks, pedestrians in large groups (have 5 or more people) 
often split into smaller sub-groups in order to avoid incoming pedestrian flow. This 
splitting behaviour decreases the group sizes, but increases the speed of pedestrian 
sub-groups. Therefore, it can be seen from Table 2-2 that the mean speed of five- 
people groups is faster than that of four-people groups on the sidewalks. This 
phenomenon is absent on wide sidewalks and precincts because there is no restriction 
in space and large groups are not necessary to split into small sub-groups. 
2.3.4 Walking Behaviour of Groups 
From the filmed evidence, Singh, et al. (2009) discovered the avoidance 
behaviour of pedestrians that walk in groups. Figure 2-10 shows the percentage of 
avoidance action taken when facing incoming pedestrians. It shows that in most 
cases, a person or a group of people will move to the right (34%) or left (44%) to 
avoid colliding with others (the ratio of people moving to the left is higher than that 
of moving to the right, a possible explanation of this phenomenon is that the 
experiment was conducted in UK, where left-hand traffic rule is applied). Only 22% 
of the groups will split in order to avoid colliding. This finding indicates a group of 
people are trying to remain together if possible. The social connection between group 
members creates an invisible bond that forces them to maintain a group structure, as 
is described in Helbing’s ‘social force’ theory (Helbing & Molnár, 1995). Singh also 
24 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
noticed in their research that if a group is split to avoid more than one obstacle, the 
group will remain apart and regroup once all the obstacles have been avoided. 
Figure 2-10 The avoidance action taken by people walking straight towards another (Singh, et al., 2009). 

Moussaïd, et al. (2010) investigated the spatial organisation of walking 

pedestrian groups in two different population densities by analysing the average 
angle and distance between group members (Figure 2-11). It has been suggested that 
at low density, people in the same group walk in a horizontal formation which 
enables them to communicate with other group members easily [Figure 2-12 (a)]. 
While at moderate crowd density, this structure is hard to maintain without 
interfering with pedestrians outside the group. Therefore, the linear group structure 
will bend in the middle and form a ‘V’-shaped formation. Moussaïd, et al. pointed 
out that this bending is forward in walking direction instead of backward, thus 
facilitates the social communication between group members [Figure 2-12 (b)]. 
Though bending backward is a more flexible structure against the opposite pedestrian 
flow, it impedes the interaction within the group. Finally, at high density, the 
physical constraints would prevail over the social interaction, group members will 
walk behind each other and form a ‘river-like’ formation [Figure 2-12 (b)]. This 
‘river-like’ formation is also noticed in the crowd observation conducted by Singh, et 
al. (2009). 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 25 
Figure 2-11 Illustration of the measurement method (Moussaïd, et al., 2010). 
Figure 2-12 Group formations according to Moussaïd, et al. (2010) (Karamouzas & Overmars, 2010). 


In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on airport 
passenger terminal design, analysis and modelling. Tosic (1992) offered a 
comprehensive review about global airport terminal models. The review introduced 
the features and proposed applications of the models, along with their strengths and 
weaknesses. Generally, model inputs are physical layouts of the building, flight 
schedule, arrival time of passengers and processing rates. The evaluations of the 
model usually consist of the queue length, utilities and waiting times at all facilities. 
Although some literature had considered passengers as groups of people, how the 
group dynamic influence the group behaviour at each activity and overall system 
performance were not illustrated nor analysed. In spite of this, those models provided 
valuable references for future model designs. 
Takakuwa and Oyama (2003) proposed a simulation model to examine the 
passenger flow in the departure terminal of Kansai International Airport in Japan. In 
their research, they found that only 4% of total time in the terminal was spent in 
formalities. While the most amount of time was spent in travelling between places 
26 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
(48%). The rest of the time was spent in waiting (25%) and other discretionary 
activities (23%). The simulation showed that by adding supporting staff and making 
use of business class and first class counters for economy class passengers, the 
boarding rate can be dramatically improved. 
Schultz, et al. (2010) investigated passenger dynamics in the airport terminal 
by analysing field data from Dresden International Airport. The research pointed out 
that about 50% of passengers were travelling in groups and the group size has 
significant influence on passenger speed. Other factors that influence passenger 
speed are gender, travel purpose (business/ leisure) and the amount of carry-on 
Popovic, Kraal, and Kirk (2009) presented an observation technique that 
investigated how passenger activities mediate people’s experience in the airport. In 
the study, detailed passenger behaviour in the airport was recorded. It was found that 
passengers travelling in groups had a considerable waiting time at the security 
process. The video showed that after the security screen, people wait for their group 
members in the middle of the walkway to passport control. The findings of the study 
provide valuable information for modelling passenger behaviour and group dynamics 
in this thesis. Using the same observation technique, Livingstone, Popovic, Kraal, 
and Kirk (2012) reported results of passenger landside retail experience in airports. 
Through the data collection from 40 passengers, researchers found that the existence 
of passenger’s travel companion can influence passenger’s landside dwell time and 
shopping behaviour in discretionary activities. The limitation of the observation 
technique is that passengers who participated in the research were aware that they 
were being recorded. On the other side, the low efficiency of video recording and 
data processing restricted the technique to only a small number of people. 
Ma, et al. (2013; 2012; 2011) introduced an individual agent decision model to 
simulate stochastic passenger behaviour in airport departure terminals. Using 
Bayesian networks, the conditional probabilities of passengers’ advanced traits 
(shopping preference, hunger level, technology preference, etc) were calculated 
through the basic traits (age, gender, nationality, flight class, etc.). By considering 
the restriction factors (such as remaining time and walking distance) passengers in 
the simulation can behave autonomously based on the results of Bayesian network 
inferences. However, the simulation did not explain how the group dynamics 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 27 
influence the passengers’ decision making process and what will happen if 
passengers were in a group where group members have very different behaviour in 
their advanced traits. 
In previous studies of pedestrian evacuation, the vast majority of researchers 
chose to use computer modelling technique instead of the full-scale evacuation 
practice (Gwynne, Galea, Owen, Lawrence, & Filippidis, 1999b; Santos & Aguirre, 
2004; Schadschneider, et al., 2011; Zheng, et al., 2009). The major concerns of a real 
evacuation trial are: (1) the potential threats of injury to volunteers; (2) the lack of 
realism reaction during experiment. For example, arising stress and panic; (3) the 
limit of reproducible results in repeat experiments; and (4) full-scale evacuation can 
be too expensive and time-consuming. As a result, many of the phenomena and laws 
during an evacuation are only carried out by the model simulation (Gwynne, et al., 
1999b; Schadschneider, et al., 2011; Zheng, et al., 2009). 
Gwynne, Galea, Owen, Lawrence, and Filippidis (1999a) summarised 22 
different evacuation models in their review. Based on the nature of model 
application, those models are categorised into three different manners: optimization, 
simulation and risk assessment. The optimization models try to find out the optimal 
evacuation path, exit or flow characteristic, simulation models tend to demonstrate 
the behaviour and movement observed in the evacuation, while risk assessment 
models attempt to define potential hazards and bottlenecks in evacuation process. 
Helbing, et al. (2000) summarised the characteristic features of escape panics 
and presented a model in the framework of the self-driven many-particle system. The 
model simulated several important phenomena in the escape panic: (1) transition to 
incoordination due to clogging; (2) ‘faster-is slower’ effect due to impatience; and 
(3) ignoring alternative exits due to the mass behaviour. The authors suggested that 
this model is based on plausible interactions and it is suitable for drawing 
conclusions about possible escape mechanisms. However, the crowd dynamic in this 
model is based on a generalised force model which fails to consider the group 
dynamics within pedestrian. Thus, a more realistic model could be adding a term of 
interaction force in the proposed acceleration equation to indicate the group 
interaction between pedestrians. 
28 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
Santos and Aguirre (2004) also presented a critical review of emergency 
evacuation simulation models. They pointed out that one common shortcoming of 
the reviewed models lay in the absence of inclusion of social psychological relevant 
group level processes. However, they also noticed that in some extreme situations 
where mass behaviour exists, most potential evacuees do not have enough 
opportunities to interact with their fellow group members, thus in those situations, 
the distinction between group and individual level evacuation behaviour is less 
Bonabeau (2002) summarised the benefits of the agent-based model: (1) agent- 
based modelling (ABM) captures emergent phenomena; (2) ABM provides a natural 
description of the system; (3) ABM is flexible. These advantages make agent-based 
modelling ideal for simulating evacuation process. By using an agent-based fire 
escape example, the author demonstrated how a column in front of the emergency 
exit unexpectedly reduced the injury and increased the speed of the flow. The 
simulation result is verified by real-world experiments and indicated that the ABM 
can capture the emergent phenomenon in a natural way. 
Based on an enhanced cellular automation model, Schultz, et al. (2006) 
proposed a stochastic model to evaluate pedestrian dynamics under emergency cases 
in airport terminals. They stated that airports are divided into public and non-public 
areas. Thus different security levels are required. They also suggested that a managed 
guidance system is necessary during the emergency situation, because in a static 
guidance system, the pre-defined routes cannot be guaranteed to be safe for 
Zheng, et al. (2009) discussed the advantages and disadvantages of seven 
evacuation modelling techniques. Those methods include cellular automata models, 
lattice gas models, social force models, fluid dynamic models, agent-based models, 
game theory models, and approaches based on experiments with animals. They 
concluded that all agent-based models are microscopic. They are more 
computationally expensive compared to other models but have the ability to model 
heterogeneous humans. They pointed out that a new trend of crowd evacuation 
models is based on the combination of multiple approaches because of the 
complexity of pedestrian behaviour. 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 29 
In this thesis, a new evacuation model which incorporates group dynamics will 
be introduced in Chapter 5. The model is created using the agent-based model and 
simulates an evacuation event in an airport. It is assumed that the panic behaviour 
does not exist in the evacuation so that the pedestrian group behaviour can be 
preserved and analysed. 
Along with the extensive utilisation of pedestrian modelling, an increasing 
number of pedestrian modelling software has been developed. Different software can 
be based on completely different modelling methods and computational algorithms. 
This can lead to the inconsistency of the results generated across different modelling 
software (Schadschneider, et al., 2011). However, some research showed that 
modelling with different software can produce results with no large differences. 
Castle, Waterson, Pellissier, and Bail (2011) compared the performance of a grid- 
based pedestrian modelling software – STEPS 4.0 with a continuous space modelling 
software – Legion Studio 2006. Two case studies of rail stations in UK were 
investigated and the performance of each model regarding gate-line clearance and 
passenger density was analysed. The results from two models were generally similar 
despite quite different approaches. 
In the case study presented by Castle, et al. (2011), two modelling software 
applied different approaches to representing movement and collision avoidance 
algorithm. Despite this, the authors made every attempt to ensure the parameters in 
the two models (such as the building layout, passenger arrival distribution, walking 
speed distribution) to be the same. However, the two models are stochastic with 
respect to passengers’ behavioural preference, which is impossible for the results to 
be identical, even for two runs of the same model. This example shows that 
comparable results can be obtained from simulation software with different 
modelling approaches as long as they have consistency between the configurations. 
The Transportation and Planning Section of the Delft University of Technology 
developed two models for pedestrian flow simulation: NOMAD and SimPed 
(Daamen & Hoogendoorn, 2003). These two models were designed for different 
purposes. NOMAD is a microscopic model which models individual pedestrian 
behaviour. Hoogendoorn and Daamen (2004) used NOMAD to investigate the 
effects of installing entry/exit gates on pedestrian behaviour in the transfer station. 
30 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
The modelling results showed that the simple rules used by the designers can provide 
satisfactory level-of-service to the transferring pedestrians, and the gates could be 
installed without compromising passenger safety. SimPed is a macroscopic model 
which describes pedestrian flows. By comparing the observed traffic flow 
characteristics on a platform with simulation results, Daamen and Hoogendoorn 
(2004) concluded that SimPed can reflect key characteristics of the passenger flow 
on the platform, which are valuable to assess the design of a transfer station. 
Macal and North (2010, 2011) had reviewed simulation software that enables 
agent-based modelling method. Those software include public software that freely 
available such as Repast (2013), Swarm (2013), NetLogo (2013), MASON (2013) 
and proprietary toolkits such as AnyLogic (2013). Comparison between agent-based 
modelling software is summarised in Table 2-3 by Ma (2013). Figure 2-13 illustrates 
the ease of model development of selected example of ABMS environment against 
their modelling power. As can be seen in Figure 2-13, the AnyLogic simulation 
software stands out in comparison with others due to its strong modelling power and 
user-friendly feature. Therefore, it is chosen as the simulation platform to model 
passenger flow dynamics in this thesis. 
Figure 2-13 Agent-based modelling software [Macal and North as cited in (Ma, 2013)]. 

AnyLogic is the only simulation tool nowadays that supports all common 
simulation methodologies which include system dynamics, discrete event, and agent- 
based modelling (AnyLogic, 2013). The Pedestrian Library of AnyLogic software is 
dedicated to simulate pedestrian flows in ‘physical’ environments. In the software, 
pedestrian agents move in continuous space and interact with other pedestrians and 
different kind of obstacles. The pedestrian movement is governed by the customised 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 31 
social force algorithm, while the pedestrian dynamics are defined in the style of 
Table 2-3 Comparison of agent-based modelling toolkits (Ma, 2013). 


This chapter has introduced the need for pedestrian models. Pedestrian models 
have made an important contribution to understanding the behaviour of human 
crowds. By successfully simulating pedestrian dynamics, pedestrian models are 
widely adopted in designing the layout of street networks, examining the efficiency 
of building evacuation strategy, evaluating the performance of pedestrian facilities, 
and so forth. 
Generally, there are macroscopic models and microscopic models. In 
macroscopic models, the details of pedestrians’ movement and interactions are 
neglected. Research is mainly focused on the space allocation for pedestrians by 
assuming the agents are homogeneous. Therefore, it is not suitable for investigating 
crowd behaviour emerging from the interaction between agents. Microscopic models 
on the other hand, overcome the limitation of macroscopic models by considering 
pedestrians as individual agents. By defining behaviour rules properly, microscopic 
models present more accurate pedestrian behaviour in a greater variety of situations. 
32 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
Memory and computational power are no longer the constraints as they used to be in 
large-scale simulation of many detailed interacting elements, which make 
microscopic model simulation becoming a practicable approach. Three typical 
microscopic models: social force, cellular automata, and agent-based models were 
introduced and their advantages and disadvantages were compared. 
Research had demonstrated that large proportions of pedestrians are in groups. 
The percentage of people in groups within a crowd ranges between 40% and 70% at 
different places and times. Researchers also discovered that the size of a pedestrian 
group can influence pedestrian walking dynamics such as speed, group formation, 
and avoidance behaviour. It was proved that the group size can be modelled by the 
Poisson distribution, which provides a reference for quantitatively creating 
pedestrian groups in the model. 
The aim of this research project is to simulate passenger flow in an airport 
terminal in order to provide better airport experience for passengers and easier 
management for airport operators. Since safety is considered to be the number one 
priority for an airport, it is necessary to investigate passenger dynamics during 
evacuation as well. Although many pedestrian models had been used in modelling 
airport passenger flow and crowd behaviour during evacuations, the literature 
reviewed appeared to show a very limited understanding of how passenger group 
dynamics affect the passenger behaviour in the airport environment. Grouping is a 
common social behaviour and it has been proved to have great influences on 
pedestrian behaviour. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate group behaviour when 
creating pedestrian models. 
Among a broad range of pedestrian simulation software, AnyLogic is selected 
as the simulation tool in this thesis because of its advanced features in modelling 
agent-based models and user-friendly interface. This thesis aims to evaluate the 
impact of group dynamics on passenger flow in an international departure terminal 
using the agent-based modelling technique. Detailed implementation of the model 
will be presented in the next chapter. 
Chapter 2: Literature Review 33 
34 Chapter 2: Literature Review 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger 
Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport 
This chapter demonstrates the creation of an agent-based model based on 
fundamental considerations about group behaviour in pedestrians. The model 
describes the daily operation of an international airport terminal and simulates 
passenger activities from the moment of entering the terminal to boarding the 
In an agent-based model, three key elements need to be identified and 
modelled: agents, agents’ environment, the interaction between agents and the 
environment (Macal & North, 2010). This chapter describes the development of the 
model according to these three elements. Section 3.2 introduces the arrival of airport 
pedestrians and their characteristics. Section 3.3 defines rules of the interaction 
between pedestrians. Section 3.4 demonstrates the airport departure process and the 
detailed passenger activities at each processing unit. The validation method of the 
model is presented in Section 3.5. 
3.2.1 Arrival in the Airport 
Pedestrians in the model are categorised into passengers and wavers. 
Passengers are those who will complete all airport departure process and board on 
the plane, while wavers (or well-wishers) are fellow companions, who accompany 
the passengers in the airport but do not board the flight. In terms of air travel purpose, 
passengers are further divided into leisure and business class (see Figure 3-1). 
Since the agents in this model were characterised as airport pedestrians 
(passengers and wavers), their arrival time in the model will possess general airport 
passenger attributes. One of the most critical influences of the passenger arrival time 
in an airport is his/her flight schedule. A flight timetable is provided by the reference 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 35 
international airport. The timetable includes information such as the flight number, 
destination, aircraft type and the scheduled departure time. There were an estimated 
6,500 passengers that leave the airport daily. By allocating flight seats to each flight 
according to the flight types in the timetable and assuming every aircraft was at 80% 
capacity, a total 6202 passengers were calculated (Kirk, Cheng, Popovic, Kraal, & 
Fookes, submitted). This is the agent number in the simulation. The flight timetable 
is attached in Appendix A based on a typical Wednesday schedule in the 
international airport. 
Figure 3-1 Pedestrian classification according to role and travel purpose in the simulation model. 

The overall flow rate of arriving passengers for a single flight has shown some 
general arrival pattern. Ashford, Mumayiz, and Wright (2011b) provided an example 
of accumulative passenger arrivals before Scheduled Time of Departure (STD) for a 
British airport is shown in Figure 3-2. As can be seen in Figure 3-2, almost all 
passengers of an international flight had arrived 60 minutes before scheduled flight 
departure time. While this figure for domestic flights are 20 minutes. 
Figure 3-2 Example of relationship of arrival time for enplaning passengers and type of flight (Ashford, et al., 

Travel Role 
Passengers Leisure 
36 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
The arrival pattern can be influenced by many factors such as airport 
accessibility, public transportation, security requirement and traffic situation. Even 
for one airport, the arrival pattern can vary at different periods of the day 
(Ahyudanari, 2003; Stefanik, Kandera, & Badanik, 2012). In spite of these, airports 
share some universal arrival behaviour for international travellers: (1) almost all 
passengers had arrived 60 minutes before scheduled flight departure time; (2) leisure 
passengers arrive earlier than business passengers; (3) for each flight, its check-in 
peak hours usually happen 100 – 120 minutes prior to scheduled departure time; and 
(4) peak hours in the morning are relatively shorter but busier compared with that in 
the afternoon and in the evening (Ahyudanari & Vandebona, 2005; Ashford, et al., 
2011b; Stefanik, et al., 2012). 
International Airport Transport Association (IATA, 2004) showed an example 
of the passenger arrival rate at check-in counters at three different periods of a day in 
an airport in Table 3-1. For most departure passengers, it is noted that they tend to 
complete their processing, travel related activities before other discretionary 
activities (Popovic, et al., 2010). Because check-in is the first processing activity in 
the departure terminal, it is reasonable to assume that the passenger arrival rate at the 
airport equals to the rate they arrive at check-in counters. Assuming the arrival rate 
of 00:00 to 06:00 is the average of the time periods: 18:00-24:00 and 06:00-10:00, 
the passenger arrival rate at an airport can be transformed to an accumulative 
passenger arrival pattern (Figure 3-3). 
Period of day 
Percentage of passengers per flight arriving at the Check-in counters by 10 minute periods prior to flight departure 120- 110 
110- 100 
100- 90 
90- 80 
80- 70 
70- 60 
60- 50 
50- 40 
40- 30 
30- 20 
20- 10 
10- 0 06:00- 10:00 
0 0 1 2 6 10 20 26 20 12 3 0 
10:00- 18:00 
0 1 3 8 11 15 17 18 15 10 2 0 
18:00- 24:00 
3 4 6 9 11 14 15 15 15 7 1 0 
Table 3-1 Example of passenger arrival rate at check-in counters in three periods of the day (IATA, 

Compare Figure 3-3 with the passenger arrival pattern presented in Figure 3-2 
by Ashford, et al. (2011b), the characteristics of the IATA arrival pattern is more 
likely to be a domestic flight (the latest passengers arrive in the airport about 20 
minutes prior to flight departure) rather than an international flight. Thus, to obtain 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 37 
the distribution of passenger arrival for international flights, the time axis in Table 
3-1 need to be shifted forward for 60 minutes, as is shown in Table 3-2. 
100 90 ) % ( y 
120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 
Figure 3-3 Accumulative passenger arrival pattern in an airport at three different time periods of a day. 
Period of day 
c n e 
u q e r 
f e v i 
50 40 
06:00-10:00 t a l u m u 

10 0 
Arrival time in airport prior to flight departure (min) 
Passengers per flight arriving at the airport by 10 minute periods prior to flight departure 180- 170 
170- 160 
160- 150 
150- 140 
140- 130 
130- 120 
120- 110 
110- 100 
100- 90 
90- 80 
80- 70 
70- 60 00:00- 06:00 
1.5% 2% 3.5% 5.5% 8.5% 12% 17.5% 20.5% 17.5% 9.5% 2% 0% 
06:00- 10:00 
0% 0% 1% 2% 6% 10% 20% 26% 20% 12% 3% 0% 
10:00- 18:00 
0% 1% 3% 8% 11% 15% 17% 18% 15% 10% 2% 0% 
18:00- 24:00 
3% 4% 6% 9% 11% 14% 15% 15% 15% 7% 1% 0% 
Table 3-2 Adjustment of IATA passenger arrival pattern in international airport departure terminals. 

Given the airport timetable (Appendix A) and the passenger arrival pattern 
(Table 3-2), it is able to calculate the arrival intervals between passengers and 
introduce passengers into the airport successively. A flow chart of the passenger 
generating procedure in the model is presented in Figure 3-4. Take the first flight on 
the timetable as an example, it departs at 3:30 a.m. and has 222 passengers on board. 
According to the passenger arrival pattern in Table 3-2, the pattern in the period of 
00:00 to 06:00 should be adopted in this case. Arriving passenger number at each 10 
minute period before flight departure can be calculated and the arrival intervals can 
be obtained (see Table 3-3). The program can therefore ‘inject’ agents into the 
simulation environment at the predetermined rate. 
38 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Figure 3-4 Flow chart of passenger generating process. 
Time prior to departure (min) 
180- 170 
170- 160 
160- 150 
150- 140 
140- 130 
130- 120 
120- 110 
110- 100 
100- 90 
90- 80 
80- 70 
70- 60 
Passenger number 
3 4 8 12 19 27 39 46 39 21 4 0 
Arrival rate (passenger/min) 
0.3 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.9 2.7 3.9 4.6 3.9 2.1 0.4 0 
Table 3-3 Passenger arrival time distribution and arrival intervals for the first flight on timetable. 

3.2.2 Pedestrian Group Assemble 

Agents will be assembled into groups with predefined sizes while they are 
entering the simulation environment. The distribution of pedestrian group sizes in the 
model was calculated by a zero-truncated Poisson distribution with an expected 
group size value: λ = 1 (Moussaïd, et al., 2010), 
N i 
= e−λ 
i!(1−e−λ) λ 

where N i 
is the probability for an agent to have the group size of i(i = 1,2,3...). 
While an agent is generated, the program calculates its group size i based on 
the group size probability N i 
in the above equation, and assembles this agent with 
subsequent (i − 1) agents as a group. Once the predetermined group size is reached, 
and a passenger group is generated, wavers are added into the group. The distribution 
of waver number of a passenger group is assumed to be a zero-truncated Poisson 
distribution as well, with an expected value: λ = 1. Therefore, a complete pedestrian 
group in the model is composed of passengers and wavers. The group assembling 
process in the model is illustrated in (Figure 3-5). 
Figure 3-5 Pedestrian assemble process. 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 39 
'Inject' Read flight 
agents according to arrival rate 
Passenger source 
Waver source 
Calculate passenger group size 
Calculate waver number 
Group Assemble 
Pedestrian group 
Choose passenger arrival pattern 
Calculate passenger arrival rate 
Pedestrian arrival in the model has two modes: ‘Individual arrival’ and ‘Group 
arrival’. Under the ‘Individual arrival’ mode, there will be no group assembles in the 
model. The group size will be automatically set to 1. This kind of setting enables the 
comparison between dynamics of passengers who are travelling alone and those who 
travelling in groups and therefore allows the investigation of the effect of group 
dynamics. The model is also able to ‘switch off’ wavers in order to examine the 
influence of wavers on passenger behaviour. 
3.2.3 Pedestrian Characteristics 
In the real-world, airport passengers have their personal characteristics which 
influence their behaviour and activity choices in the airport. Those characteristics 
include physical related factors (e.g. age, gender, mobility) and psychological related 
factors (e.g. familiarity with the airport and departure processes). All these factors 
need to be considered in order to develop a complete model. Due to limited access to 
detailed passenger information in the reference airport, the characteristic data used in 
this model is referred to aviation organisation reports, previous research and 
assumptions which will be stated later in this section. 
Age, gender, residential status and travel purpose are four basic characteristics 
of passengers in the model. These four factors can influence advanced passenger 
characteristics such as mobility and shopping preference through defining certain 
rules. How these rules are defined will be explained later in this section. Table 3-4 
and Table 3-5 summarise the distribution of airport passengers’ age and gender 
provided by the global passenger survey carried by IATA (2013b). According to the 
country of residence, passengers in the model are divided into Australian resident 
and overseas visitors. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provided the information 
of departure passengers’ country of residence in 2012-2013 financial year (refer to 
Table 3-6) (ABS, 2013). ABS had also investigated passengers’ main reasons for 
their journey. Those reasons include convention/conference, business, visiting 
friends/relatives, holiday, employment, education, and ‘other & not stated’. For 
convenience, these travel reasons are categorised into two travel purpose: business 
and leisure (see Table 3-7). 
40 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Age range <25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 >65 
Percentage in total passengers 10% 31% 23% 18% 11% 7% 
Table 3-4 Age distribution of global airport passengers (IATA, 2013b). 
Gender Male Female Percentage in total passengers 
59% 41% 
Table 3-5 Gender distribution of global airport passengers (IATA, 2013b). 
Country of residence 
Australian resident 
Overseas visitor Percentage in total passengers 
58% 42% 
Table 3-6 Country of residence of airport departure passengers in 2012-2013 financial year in 
Australia (ABS, 2013). 
Travel purposes Detailed reasons Percentage Total 
Convention/conference 3% Business Employment 10% 2% 
Education 1% 
Visiting friends/relatives 23% Holiday 58% 85% Other & not stated 4% 
Table 3-7 Percentage of departure passengers travelling for business and leisure purpose in 2012-2013 
financial year in Australia (ABS, 2013). 

The four basic characteristic factors: age, gender, country of residence and 
travel purpose will be initialised to each agent according to the percentage rate 
showed in the above tables. The age and gender are assigned to each agent when the 
agent enters the system. Since passenger groups usually share common features of 
country of residence and travel purpose, these two factors are initialised to each 
agent after the pedestrian group had finished assembling and will assume passengers 
in the same group have a common country of residence and travel purpose. Based on 
the four basic characteristic factors, two advanced characteristics: speed and activity 
preference can be defined. 
Previous research had shown that passenger walking speed in airport terminals 
can be influenced by passenger characteristics such as age, gender, travel purpose 
and group size. Table 3-8 summarises the influence of these four factors on 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 41 
passenger walking speed in airport terminals. Calculation of agents’ speeds in the 
model has following three steps: 
(1) Using Table 3-8, calculate the agent’s speed under each one of the four 
factors separately: v 

, v 

, v 

, and v 

(2) The agent’s speed is initialised by the average speed calculated in step 1: 
v = average(v 




(3) Agents in a group with group size i will adjust their speeds so that each 
agent (numbered by 1, 2, 3... i) can have the same speed: 

= v 

= ⋯ = v 

= average(v 



Influence factor 
Source Category 
Standard speed (m/s) 
deviation (m/s) 
Age Finnis and Walton (2008) 
Age < 15 1.38 0.24 15 < age < 30 1.46 0.22 30 < age < 55 1.49 0.23 Age > 55 1.37 0.28 
Gender Schultz, et al. (2010) 
Male Female 1.40 0.22 1.27 0.22 Travel purpose 
Business 1.36 0.22 Leisure 1.00 0.23 
Group size 
Schultz, et al. (2010) 
Group size = 1 1.36 0.23 Schultz, et al. (2010) 
Group size = 2 1.06 0.21 Group size >= 3 0.96 0.19 
Table 3-8 Influence of age, gender, travel purpose and group size on passenger walking speed in 
airport terminals. 

Beside the mandatory processing activities such as check-in, security check 

and customs, passenger in the airport often undertake discretionary activities which 
include: buying food and drinks, duty-free products, using airline services, etc. The 
choices of these discretionary activities are controlled by the activity preferences 
which vary with different passenger characters. Table 3-9 illustrates the probabilities 
for passengers to undertake airport discretionary activities. The probability values 
shown in the table are based on assumptions along with related research findings. 
Past research showed that passengers under 26 are more likely to shop in souvenir 
shops and café while passenger with elder age more inclined to brand-name 
commodities (Perng, Chow, & Liao, 2010); female passengers spend more time in 
shopping than male passengers (Castillo-Manzano, 2010; Freathy & O'Connell, 
2012); individuals on business spend less time in shopping than those travelling on 
42 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
leisure purposes (Freathy & O'Connell, 2012); foreign passengers like to dispose all 
foreign currency before returning to one’s country of origin; passengers travelling in 
groups or have accompanies to see him/ her off consume more on average than 
individuals (Castillo-Manzano, 2010). 
Similar to the calculation of agents’ speed, there are two steps in calculating 
the activity preference for an agent: 
(1) Using Table 3-9, calculate the probabilities for the agent to undertake 
certain airport activity under each one of the five influence factors 
separately: P 

, P 

, P 

, P 

and P 

(2) The probability for the agent to conduct this activity is initialised by the 
average speed calculated in step 1: 
P = average(P 




(3) Repeat step (1) and (2) to calculate the probability for all the four activities 
listed in Table 3-9. 
Influence Factors 
Food and beverage (%) 
Specialty retails (%) 
Duty-Free shops (%) 
Airline services (%) Age <25 15 8 8 2 25-35 10 12 10 5 35-50 10 11 12 8 >50 8 10 11 5 Gender Male 10 
8 10 5 Female 12 15 12 5 Travel purpose 
Business 10 5 6 8 Leisure 13 15 9 5 Country of residence 
Australian 10 8 9 7 Foreign 12 12 15 8 Group size 1 8 8 10 5 2 10 12 12 6 >=3 10 15 12 6 
Table 3-9 Passenger activity preference in airport. 


Pedestrians in the airport are mainly driven by specific goals: passengers want 
to finish airport processes and board their flights; wavers accompany passengers in 
the airport and send them off. Therefore, this thesis mainly considers the interactions 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 43 
within pedestrian groups. There are some rules that govern the relationship and 
interactions of a group: 
• During movement, pedestrians in the same group have the same target. 
• While moving, a group of people will try to maintain a ‘V’ shaped special 
structure in order to facilitate communication as described in Section 2.3.4. 
• All group members will try to keep a uniform speed, except the situations 
such as avoiding obstacles and collision with other pedestrians. 
• If group members fall behind due to any reason other group members will 
slow down their speeds until the stalled group member catches up. 
• At mandatory processes such as check-in, security and customs, passengers 
who finish the process faster need to wait for all other group members to 
complete the process and assemble the group before moving on. 
• If time is allowed for discretionary activities, the activity to undertake is 
decided by the all group members. Once the activity is chosen, pedestrians in 
the same group will undertake the same activity together. 
• In the condition that a pedestrian group is allowed to undertake discretionary 
activities, all group members will decide whether to undertake or not. The 
chance for a group to undertake discretionary activity is assumed to be high 
in the model. If anyone of the group member decides to undertake 
discretionary activity, the whole group will go together. According to activity 
preference defined in previous section, each pedestrian has a certain chance 
for not taking any discretionary activity. Suppose a group is composed of 
three pedestrians (numbered as 1, 2, 3), whose probabilities of not taking any 
discretionary activities are p 


and p 

respectively. Then the probability for 

this group not taking any discretionary activity is calculated as p = p 

× p 


. On the contrary, the probability for this group to undertake discretionary 

activity is 1 − p 

× p 

× p 

. As a result, it can be expected that the 

probability for a group to undertake discretionary is higher for larger groups. 
• If a pedestrian group has decided to conduct certain discretionary activity, the 
detailed activity is decided by the average activity preferences of each group 
members. For example, if a group is composed of three pedestrians 
44 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
(numbered as 1, 2, 3) whose probabilities of undertaking activity A are a 

2 and a 

respectively. Then the probability for this pedestrian group to 

undertake activity A is: 1/3(a 

+ a 

+ a 

). In the same way, the probabilities 

for all possible activities can be calculated. 
The model environment is an airport departure terminal, which is divided into 
landside and airside. The landside of the terminal is open to the public and is used 
more for social activities between passengers and wavers, while the airside of the 
terminal is only accessible for passengers. Level 4 (Figure 3-6.a) is the landside of 
the airport, where check-in counters are located. Level 3 (Figure 3-6.b) is the airside 
of the airport, where passengers need to pass through security check and customs 
before boarding. Similar retail shops and airport services are located at both landside 
and airside to provide passengers with convenience. The red dots in Figure 3-6 
represent food facilities, yellow dots are for specialty retail, purple and blue dots 
indicate airport and airline offices. Additional facilities such as ATMs, public toilets, 
phone booth and money exchange services are illustrated using symbolic signs. 
Figure 3-7 illustrates a high-level description of passenger departure processes 
in the model. Passenger activities are categorised into processing activities and 
discretionary activities (Kraal, Popovic, & Kirk, 2009). Processing activities are 
mandatory for passengers before boarding the plane. On the landside of the terminal, 
passengers check-in for their flights, while on the airside, they pass through security 
check and customs before entering airside and boarding. Discretionary activities are 
considered as any other activities undertaken by passengers during non-processing 
time (Kraal, et al., 2009; Livingstone, et al., 2012). It can happen between two 
sequential mandatory activities as is shown in Figure 3-7. Examples of discretionary 
activities in the proposed model include random walking, store browsing, having 
food and using airport services. 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 45 
Figure 3-6 Overview of the terminal (a) landside of the terminal; (b) airside of the terminal. 
46 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Departure Processes 
Landside Airside 
Check-in Security Customs Boarding 
Figure 3-7 Airport departure processes. 

3.4.1 Pedestrian Interaction at Check-in Area 

In order to guarantee there is ample time left for security measures, passengers 
are often advised to arrive at the airport three hours before the standard flight 
departure time. In the model, the flight check-in process starts at 2.5 hours prior 
flight departures and closes on 25 minutes before the departure time. At level 4 of the 
international airport, passengers are required to undertake the check-in process. 
Figure 3-8 illustrates the layout of a row of check-in counters on level 4 of the 
departure terminal. In the model, a row of check-in service counters (eight counters 
per row) are assigned to the check-in process of each flight. Among the eight 
counters, there are two counters for business class passengers (passengers travelling 
for business purposes) and six counters for economy passengers (passengers 
travelling for leisure purposes). 
Passengers who arrive at the airport before check-in start will wait in waiting 
area close to the check-in counters. At the time of check-in, the model assumes that 
all eight check-in counters are open for passengers to check-in. Passengers enter the 
check-in area and queue before the check-in counters if necessary. When they reach 
the head of the queue, they will approach an available staff member to process their 
check-in documents and hand over their baggage that they do not wish or are not 
allowed to carry on to the aircraft’s cabin. Once they are processed, they leave the 
check-in area. The time passengers spend interacting with check-in personnel has 
been attained in the airport (Kirk, 2013). In the model, the interaction time is set 
according to Table 3-10. 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 47 
Activity Minimum (min) Maximum (min) Average (min) Interacting with check-in staff 
0.68 6.92 2.95 
Table 3-10 Time passengers spend interacting with check-in personnel (Kirk, 2013). 

For passengers travelling in groups, they will wait for stalled group members 
before they enter check-in queues, and after check-in, they will wait in the waiting 
area until the group is reassembled and then move on to other destinations as a 
group. If the group contains wavers, wavers will not enter check-in queues. Instead, 
they wait outside the queues until passengers finish the check-in process and will 
move on together after the group is reassembled. 
Figure 3-8 Illustration of airport check-in area and check-in process. 

3.4.2 Passenger Interaction at Security Control 

At security control, all passengers and their baggage are checked. Figure 3-9 
shows the layout of the security control area and detailed security checking sequence. 
Passengers queue at the security checking entrance. When they reach the head of the 
queue, security personnel will lead the passenger to an available security desk. At the 
security desk, any bags carried by passengers are placed on the X-ray machine and 
passengers pass through the metal detector. If a passenger successfully passes the 
metal detector and his/her baggage successfully pass the X-ray examination, the 
passenger will go to the end of the X-ray machine to collect the baggage. 
48 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Figure 3-9 Illustration of airport security control area and detailed processing sequence. 

There are possible failures for both passengers and bags. Processing failure 
rates for passengers at their first attempts listed in Table 3-11 are estimated through 
the observations conducted by Kirk, et al. (submitted). Passengers who fail the metal 
detector are required to pass through it again or undertake an extra body check. If 
any bags fail the X-ray check, the passenger will be asked to unpack their bag. Time 
statistics of each detailed activity at security have been collected by Kirk (2013) 
(refer to Table 3-12) and the activity time in the model was set accordingly. 
Domain Problem Fail at 1st attempt Security Bags through X-ray 15% Metal detector 10% 
Table 3-11 The percentage of passengers failing certain mandatory activities at security (Kirk, et al., 
Activity Minimum (min) Maximum (min) Average (min) Unpacking 0 2.58 0.83 Being scanned 1 
(second) 5 (second) 2 (second) Interacting with staff 0 1.48 0.25 Repacking 0 7.55 0.83 Extra security 
check 0.37 4.02 1.53 
Table 3-12 Time passengers spend in each activity at security (Kirk, 2013). 

It is unlikely that passengers who travel in a group can finish the security 
process simultaneously. Passengers who finish the process earlier will wait for the 
remaining group members at the small waiting area between security and customs 
processes. There are seven desks with X-ray machines and metal detectors available 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 49 
at security checking area. In the simulation, not all seven desks are available at all 
times. Available desks can be automatically calculated by the program. In the default 
setting, two desks are available at all times and two additional desks are opened each 
time the passenger number in the queue increases by fifteen. 
3.4.3 Passenger Interaction at Customs 
The security control process is closely followed by the customs process. Figure 
3-10 shows the sequence of the customs operation process. Similar to the check-in 
and security control process, passengers queue before being processed by customs 
personnel. Once finished document checking, passengers will wait for their group 
members in the waiting area right behind the customs area and then move on to their 
next discretionary period. At customs, there are six desks available to process 
passengers. In the simulation two desks are available at all times to process 
passengers, and two additional desks are opened each time the queue length increases 
by fifteen passengers. 
Figure 3-10 Illustration of airport customs area and detailed processing sequence. 

At customs, passengers can either approach customs with their Outgoing 

Passenger Card (OPC) completed or incomplete. If the OPC is incomplete they have 
to return to the desk area before the customs queue and complete the document. The 
passenger then either proceeds to the customs staff member, or joins the queue if one 
is present. The failure rate for filling OPC is 15% by default in the model (Kirk, et 
al., submitted). The time for undertaking activities involved in the customs 
processing is set according to Table 3-13. 
50 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Undertaking Activity 
Average (%) 
(min) Interacting with 
check-in staff 
100 0.18 2.47 0.8 
Filling out OPC 15 1.77 4.83 3.22 
Table 3-13 Time passengers spend in each activity at customs (Kirk, 2013). 

3.4.4 Passenger Discretionary Activities 

Based on agents’ characteristics, Section 3.2.3 had defined the discretionary 
activity preference for following four categories of activities: (1) food and beverage; 
(2) specialty retails; (3) duty-free shops; and (4) airline services. However, it was 
assumed in the model that passengers’ personal traits have no influence on some of 
the passenger activities and passengers have uniform probability to undertake these 
activities in the airport. These activities are categorised into ‘Public services’. The 
probability for one passenger to use any of the public services was assumed to be 
20% in the model. Among those who will use public services, the probabilities of 
pedestrian doing certain sub-activities in the model are assumed in Table 3-14. 
Public services Percentage of undertaking ATM 20% Telephone 10% Money exchange 10% Restroom 
50% Net kiosk 10% 
Table 3-14 Probabilities for passengers to use public services in airport departure terminal. 

By adding ‘Public services’, all possible discretionary activities in the model 

have been introduced. Though the probability of passengers undertaking each 
discretionary activity has been defined, agents’ activity choices are not merely based 
on probability. Another major constraint in passenger activity choices – the 
remaining time to the flight departure, needs to be considered. Since the ultimate 
goal of all passengers is to board their flight, all discretionary activities can only be 
undertaken when time permits. Ma (2013) had summarised passengers’ dwell time 
distribution at each discretionary activity (see Table 3-15). In the model, passengers’ 
dwell time in corresponding activities were set according to the data presented in 
Table 3-15. 
As can be seen in Table 3-15, the longest time passengers spend in 
discretionary activity is about 30 minutes. In the model, the time from boarding start 
to flight departure is 30 minutes in the default setting. Given the information that all 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 51 
mandatory processes take about another 30 minutes for passengers to complete 
(Kirk, 2013), passenger decision making rules for discretionary activities can be 
Activity Minimum 
Maximum (min) 
Food and beverage (landside) 
27.50 29.17 Normal distribution, mean = 28.48 
Food and beverage (Airside) 
21.67 23.33 Normal distribution, mean = 22.22 
Specialty retails and duty-free (landside) 
5.00 7.50 Normal distribution, mean = 6.18 
Specialty retails and duty-free (airside) 
10.00 12.50 Normal distribution, mean = 11.4 
Airline services 
* 5.00 15.00 Uniform distribution 
ATM 1.00 1.17 Uniform distribution 
Telephone 1.00 5.00 Uniform distribution Net kiosk 26.67 28.33 Uniform distribution 
Money exchange 2.33 3.17 Uniform distribution 
Restroom (landside) 2.67 3.83 Uniform distribution 
* Time data of airline services are estimated by the author. 
Table 3-15 Dwell time distribution for airport discretionary activities (Ma, 2013). 
Interval number 
Definition Location Minimum time required 
prior departure 1 Arrival to start check-in Landside 
90 minutes 2 Finish check-in to start security 
Landside 80 minutes 
3 Finish customs process to start 
Airside 30 minutes 
Table 3-16 Discretionary activity occurrence time, location and criteria. 

Discretionary activities in the departure terminal can occur between three 

processing intervals. According to the time sequence, these process intervals are (1) 
from arrival to start check-in; (2) from finish check-in to start security check; and (3) 
from finish customs process to start boarding (refer to Figure 3-7 and Table 3-16). 
When passengers are on processing intervals, they will assess the remaining time to 
flight departure to make sure the time is enough to continue unfinished processing 
activities and successfully board their flights. The required minimum time to the 
flight departure in the model is summarised in Table 3-16. Only after the minimum 
time requirement is met, can passengers start deciding whether they are going to 
undertake discretionary activities and what activity they should undertake according 
to their group activity preference. 
52 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
After introducing passenger behaviour and group dynamics at each processing 
activity (check-in, security control and customs) and discretionary activity, 
passengers’ interaction with an international airport departure terminal from 
passenger arrival to departure can be concluded in the flowchart shown in Figure 
3-11. According to the flowchart, agents in the model can interact with each other 
and airport services autonomously and form the whole structure of airport operation 
system. Since the agent-based model is based on individual agents’ behaviour and 
their interactions with airport services from the ‘bottom-up’, it is highly important to 
ensure each functional unit in the model performs correctly. The validation process 
of this model is conducted using the face validation (or empirical validation) and 
statistical validation as was introduced in Section 2.2.6, and will be demonstrated 
later in this section. 
The default input parameters of the airport passenger flow simulation model 
are listed in Table 3-17. The flight timetable presented in Appendix A is imported 
into the model to provide flight information. The model is built on the AnyLogic 6.8 
( platform to simulate the daily operation of the airport. 
Activities of each agent in the system were updated successively according to preset 
characteristics within a discrete-event structure of the AnyLogic simulation software. 
Parameters Value 
Basic time parameters Time from check-in open to flight departure 150 minutes Time from check-in closure to flight 
departure 25 minutes Time from boarding start to flight departure 30 minutes Pedestrian parameters Arrival pattern 
(individual / group) Group arrival Existence of wavers Yes Processing parameter Add one (Check-in) staff when 
passenger number in queue increases by 1 Add one (Security) staff when passenger number in queue increases by 15 
Add one (Customs) staff when passenger number in queue increases by 5 Passenger failure rate at metal detector 
10% Bag need extra security check 15% Passenger complete OPC before customs 85% 
Table 3-17 Default parameter setting in the simulation. 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 53 
Arrive in Airport 
Time to departure > 90 min? 
Security Control 
Undertaking discretionary activity 
Time to departure > 80 min? 
Conduct activity? YES Select activity 
Undertaking discretionary activity 
Time to departure > 30 min? 
Conduct activity? Select activity 
Undertaking discretionary activity 
Conduct activity? Select activity 
Figure 3-11 Passenger activity and decision making process in an international departure terminal. 
54 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
The face validation is based on the knowledge of domain experts. The 2D/3D 
animation of the model not only gives an overview of the simulation, but also plays 
an important role in face validation. In the animation, passenger behaviour such as 
walking, waiting and grouping can be directly seen. The interaction between 
passengers and the airport environment in different areas like check-in, security and 
customs can also be analysed. Figure 3-12 and Figure 3-13 show the overviews of 
the 3D simulation environment of an international airport departure terminal on 
landside and airside. Detailed pedestrian dynamics at different areas in the airport 
terminal are illustrated in Figure 3-14, Figure 3-15, Figure 3-16 and Figure 3-17. By 
comparing the visualised crowd behaviour with the experience of airport experts, the 
processes and structures of the model can be assured. 
The statistical validation is conducted by comparing key figures generated 
from the simulation model (Figure 3-18, Figure 3-19 and Figure 3-20) with the 
observation data from the airports. Since the collection of observation data from a 
real airport environment is extremely labour intensive and time consuming 
(Livingstone, et al., 2012), available data are limited in the areas of interests such as 
average queuing time and total dwell time at each departure process. After the data 
comparison, parameters in the model are calibrated in order to adjust the model 
output data to the observation data within tolerable differences (differences between 
average observation times and simulated times less than 2 minutes). Table 3-18 
compares the actual data obtained at each process and the simulation results. It shows 
that the simulation is reflective of the actual situation. 
Queue times [min] Dwell times [min] Actual (Kirk, 2013) 
Actual (Kirk, 2013) 
Min 0.58 0.48 1.95 3.60 Max 42.81 56.85 53.56 62.00 Average 12.88 12.58 16.65 18.76 
Min 1.23 0.74 1.90 3.28 Max 17.09 8.39 21.06 20.02 Average 3.75 3.53 6.88 7.86 
Min 0.33 1.16 0.55 2.13 Max 15.46 30.22 18.58 36.40 Average 4.80 5.57 6.00 7.50 
Table 3-18 Comparisons of queue and dwell times at check-in, security and customs between the 
actual time and the simulation. 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 55 
56 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 57 
58 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 59 
60 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 61 
62 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 63 
64 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
This chapter has introduced a novel pedestrian flow simulation model of an 
international departure terminal. This simulation model had for the first time, 
explicitly introduced pedestrian group dynamics into the model which has allowed 
the model to be more realistic and reflect the real-world scenarios in the airport 
The development of the model is introduced according to the three key 
elements of an agent-based model: (1) a set of agents; (2) agents’ relationship and 
interactions; (3) simulation environment and agents’ interaction with the 
environment. The agents in the model are airport pedestrians who can be 
characterised into passengers and wavers. Passengers are further divided according to 
their travel purposes (business or leisure). 
Agents arrive in the simulation environment according to the information in the 
flight timetable. The flight departure time and passenger number on board define the 
arrival pattern of a flight. Upon agent arrival, pedestrian groups are assembled 
according to Poisson distribution. Based on previous research and survey in airport 
passengers, the model defines four basic pedestrian characteristics: age, gender, 
country of residence and travel purpose. These four basic characteristics are the 
foundation of defining advanced pedestrian attributes such as mobility and airport 
activity preference. Pedestrian movement and activity choice are governed by pre- 
defined rules. The interaction within pedestrian groups can be reflected on individual 
pedestrians waiting for other pedestrians in the same group at processing activities 
and group members making discretionary activity choices together. The airport 
environment and detailed airport departure processes are demonstrated. Passenger 
dynamics at each processing activity (check-in, security control, customs) and 
discretionary activities were also introduced. 
The model is validated by face validation and statistical validation. The face 
validation shows that the behaviour of pedestrians in the airport is normal and the 
airport departure procedure is correct. The statistical validation ensures the time 
agents spend in the simulation environment is comparable to the actual time 
collected from the airport field observation. The validation process shows that the 
Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 65 
model reflects the real-world situation and thus can be used to analyse passenger 
The next chapter demonstrates how the model can be used to analyse 
pedestrian group dynamics in the airport. To achieve this, the results under different 
pedestrian settings will be compared. The model will be run under the settings that 
pedestrians arrive individually, in groups, with wavers and without wavers in order 
to investigate the group effect and the influence of wavers. 
66 Chapter 3: Developing an Agent-Based Passenger Flow Model with Group Dynamics in an Airport Terminal 
Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics 
on Airport Passenger Activities 
In this chapter, the simulation model proposed in Chapter 3 will be used to 
investigate the impact of group dynamics on pedestrian airport activities. To 
understand the influence of pedestrian groups, the model compares the simulation 
results under different settings. Through comparing the results obtained from the 
setting that passengers travelling alone and passengers travelling in groups under the 
same condition that no waver exists, the influence of group dynamics can be shown. 
The impact of the existence of wavers can be obtained by comparing passenger 
groups’ activities between wavers existing and when wavers are absent. The analysis 
of group dynamics is based on processing activities: check-in, security control, 
customs process and discretionary activities in the airport. 
This chapter starts by introducing the model configuration in Section 4.2. 
Section 4.3 and 4.4 analyses the influence of pedestrian group dynamics on 
pedestrian behaviour at check-in, security control and customs. This is followed by 
Section 4.5 which investigates the group dynamics at airport discretionary activities. 
Finally, experimental results, analysis and discussions are presented in Section 4.6. 
The input parameters of the model are shown in Table 4-1. To evaluate the 
effect of group dynamics on facilitation and overall congestion at each airport 
processing unit, simulations were run under three different scenarios and results were 
compared. The scenarios are passengers travelling: (a) alone; (b) in groups of varying 
size; (c) in groups of varying size with wavers. The configuration of pedestrian group 
structure and the existence of wavers can be defined on pedestrian arrival in the 
The impact of group dynamics on passenger behaviour can be seen by 
comparing the results from scenarios (a) and (b). By comparing scenarios (b) and (c), 
we can understand whether wavers have influence on passengers’ behaviour in 
Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 67 
airport terminals. Since wavers are not permitted to enter the airside, the activities 
undertaken at airside are only compared between scenarios (a) and (b). 
Parameters Value Basic time parameters Time from check-in open to flight departure 150 minutes Time from 
check-in closure to flight departure 25 minutes Time from boarding start to flight departure 30 minutes Processing 
parameter Add one (Check-in) staff when passenger number in queue increases by 1 Add one (Security) staff when 
passenger number in queue increases by 15 Add one (Customs) staff when passenger number in queue increases by 
5 Passenger failure rate at metal detector 10% Bag need extra security check 15% Passenger complete OPC before 
customs 85% Import resource Flight timetable Appendix A 
Table 4-1 Input parameters of the model. 


Figure 4-1 illustrates the screenshots taken for the same flight (EK433 in the 
flight timetable) and timeline (02:30 a.m.) of the simulation. From the model 
observation, it can be seen that passengers who travel in groups will wait for group 
members in the pathway after finishing the check-in process, as was defined in the 
model setting (refer to Section 3.4.1). This waiting behaviour of passenger groups 
can cause congestion in the pathway behind the check-in area and slow down the 
passenger flow. More severe congestion can be seen in the scenario where passenger 
groups are accompanied by wavers (Figure 4-1.c). 
For a clearer visual comparison, a pedestrian density map at the check-in area 
is calculated and shown in Figure 4-2. The density maps presented below recorded 
the maximum observed pedestrian density at each point of the check-in area during 
the check-in period of the specific flight (EK433). At the model runtime, areas with 
the pedestrian density values equal or greater than the critical density threshold are 
painted with red colour. Areas with the lowest density will be painted with blue 
colour. In this case, the critical density is 2 pedestrians/m2. The waiting areas for 
pedestrians to reassemble their groups are highlighted in black round rectangle in 
Figure 4-2. From the density map, we can see that in scenario 2 (passengers 
travelling alone), the maximum pedestrian density in the waiting area is higher than 
68 Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 
that of scenario 1 (passengers travelling in groups). While scenario 3 (passenger 
travelling in groups with wavers) shows the highest pedestrian density in the waiting 
area during check-in period. 
Figure 4-1 Facilitation and overall congestion at check-in for three different scenarios. Passenger travelling: (a) 
alone; (b) in groups; (c) in groups with wavers. 
Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 69 
Figure 4-2 Pedestrian density map of check-in area for three different scenarios. Passenger travelling: (a) alone; (b) 
in groups; (c) in groups with wavers. 
70 Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 
Figure 4-3 shows the change of pedestrian density in the waiting area during 
the check-in period. The density data in the model is collected at 1 minute intervals, 
from the start of flight check-in to the close of check-in counters. It can be seen in 
Figure 4-3 that pedestrian density in the waiting area has the lowest values over the 
check-in period in scenario 1 (passenger travel alone). The average density in the 
waiting area for scenario 1 is 0.05 Ped/ m2. The density values in scenario 2 
(passenger travel in groups) has a higher average density of 0.18 Ped/ m2 over this 
period. The highest values over the check-in period can be seen in scenario 3 (groups 
& wavers). The average density of scenario 3 is 0.8 Ped/ m2. At the most crowded 
time, the pedestrian density can reach about 1.5 Ped/ m2 in this scenario. 
The density data obtained in the model can be transferred to IATA Level of 
Service (LOS) standard (refer to Appendix B) (IATA, 2004). The average density in 
scenario 1 and 2 reach the level A (excellent) in the LOS standard, while the LOS in 
scenario 3 is only equivalent to level D (Adequate) according to the standard. 
However, it should be noted that because of the existence of the waver, the total 
number of pedestrians in scenario 3 is different from that of scenario 1 and 2. 
Therefore, the influence of group dynamics on pedestrian density in the waiting area 
can only be seen from the comparison between scenario 1 and scenario 2. 
1.4 ) 2 m / d e p ( 
y t i s n e 

d n a i r 
t s e d e 


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 
Time from check-in start (min) 
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 
Figure 4-3 Pedestrian density at check-in area during check-in opening hours. 
Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 71 
Data collected from above three different simulation scenarios at the check-in 
process show that passenger group dynamics influence the check-in queue time and 
dwell time (Figure 4-4). The check-in dwell time is the average time elapsed between 
passengers entering the check-in area and leaving it with their companions (if there 
are any), while check-in queue time is the average time elapsed between passengers 
entering the queuing area and getting served by the check-in staff. From the table in 
Figure 4-4, it can be noted that passengers travelling in groups or with wavers spend 
approximately 2 minutes to regroup after the process. This leads to a longer dwell 
time at the check-in process. 
Alone In groups 
In groups with wavers Regroup time [min] 0.00 1.79 2.01 Queue time [min] 10.79 14.75 17.69 Dwell time [min] 
15.28 21.10 24.63 
Figure 4-4 Regroup, queue and dwell times at the check-in process for the three different scenarios. 

The model results also suggest that the time passengers spend in queuing can 
be influenced by group structure. It can be seen that passengers travelling alone 
spend approximately 5 minutes less in the queue when compared with passengers 
travelling in groups. A possible explanation for witnessing such a trend could be the 
congestion caused by people waiting to regroup with their fellow travellers around 
the queuing area. In essence, ignoring group dynamics in agent based modelling may 
yield results that may not accurately represent the real-world observations. 
Figure 4-5 compares two passenger flow conditions at the same time point in 
the simulation. Since wavers are not allowed to enter the airside, the comparison is 
only between passengers travelling: (a) alone and (b) in groups. In the model, 
72 Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 
passengers who travel in groups wait for stalled group members until all members 
complete the security check. Those who finish the check earlier will wait in the 
narrow area (marked in red) between security check and customs queue. 
Figure 4-5 Passenger’s behaviour at security process. Passenger travelling: (a) alone; (b) in groups. 

The security checking time depends not only on passengers, but also on their 
luggage. If their luggage fails at the X-ray scanner, passengers may be required to 
open their luggage for further inspection. Therefore, security checking time for group 
members can vary significantly. As a result, time can be long between the first 
member and the last member of the group passing through the security check. 
Moreover, the waiting members can lead to congestion in the area between security 
and customs, since there is no room specially designed for waiting in this area. 
Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 73 
Consequently, longer dwell time and queuing time can be found at security and 
customs for group travellers (Figure 4-6). 

Alone In groups Regroup time[min] 0.00 1.08 Queue time [min] 

1.09 1.33 Dwell time [min] 4.74 5.99 
Alone In groups Regroup time [min] 0.00 1.50 Queue time [min] 
2.99 3.08 Dwell time [min] 4.64 6.41 
Figure 4-6 Regroup, queue and dwell times at (a) security and (b) customs for the two different scenarios. 

Figure 4-7 illustrates the density maps at security and customs area. The 
density maps recorded the highest pedestrian density values during the day (24 
hours) in this area. The waiting area between security and customs is highlighted in 
74 Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 
the red rectangle. Compared to the scenario that passengers are travelling alone, 
more serious blockage can be found in the waiting area when passengers are 
travelling in groups. Figure 4-8 demonstrates the comparison of pedestrian density in 
the waiting area during the full simulation run (24 hours in the simulation). Because 
of the waiting behaviour in pedestrian groups, the density values when passengers 
are travelling in groups (average 0.14 Ped/ m2) are higher than the scenario that 
passengers are travelling alone (average 0.03 Ped/ m2). 
Figure 4-7 Density maps at security and customs area for the two different scenarios. Passenger travelling (a) alone; 
(b) in groups. 
Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 75 

0.9 ) 2 m / d e p ( y t i s n e d n a i r t s e d e P 

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 
Simulation time (min) 
Alone Group 
Figure 4-8 Pedestrian density in the waiting area between security and customs. 


To investigate the influence of group behaviour on passengers’ discretionary 
activities, the average time passengers spend on discretionary activities are recorded 
in Figure 4-9. The simulation result is obtained by averaging the data of 5 
experiments for a single flight with 222 passengers on board. As can be seen from 
Figure 4-9, passengers travelling alone have the most amount of time for 
discretionary activities. The reason for this is that passengers who travel alone spend 
less time in mandatory processes compared with passengers travelling in groups and 
with wavers. Thus, they are left with more time to spend in discretionary activities. 
Figure 4-9 also shows that as the group structure becomes more complex (i.e. from 
passengers travel alone to passengers in groups and in groups with wavers), 
passengers spend more discretionary time at the landside than that at the airside. This 
finding, while preliminary, suggested that the form of passenger groups has influence 
on passengers’ discretionary choices. This result is also intuitive. Since wavers are 
unable to progress to the airside, passengers which accompanied by wavers are more 
inclined to stay on the landside. 
76 Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 
Alone In groups 
In groups with wavers Landside 8.02 12.43 18.50 Airside 46.75 35.79 29.92 Total 54.77 48.22 
Figure 4-9 Passenger discretionary time in airport for three different scenarios. Passenger travelling: (a) alone; (b) in 
groups; (c) in groups with wavers. 

Alone In groups 
In groups with wavers Landside 37.4 98.6 174.0 Airside 49.0 110.0 92.6 Total 86.4 208.6 266.6 
Figure 4-10 Retail visits in the airport for three different scenarios. Passenger travelling: (a) alone; (b) in groups; (c) 
in groups with wavers. 

Figure 4-10 compares passenger retail choices for three different scenarios by 
counting the shop visits. The visit count in Figure 4-10 calculates the sum of total 
number of pedestrians (include 222 passengers and their companions if there are any) 
who entered retail shops (includes (1) food and beverage; (2) specialty retails; (3) 
duty-free shops; and (4) airline services) on the landside, the airside and the entire 
departure terminal respectively. The visit of a passenger group to a shop is counted 
as the total number of people in the group. It is obvious that compared with 
Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 77 
passengers travelling individually, more visits to the retail shops can be seen on both 
landside and airside when passengers travel in groups. On average, when passengers 
are travelling alone, there are 37.4 and 49.0 visits for retail shops at landside and 
airside, respectively. The figures grow to 98.6 and 110.0 when passengers are 
travelling in groups. For those travelling in groups with varying number of wavers, 
the numbers are 174.0 and 92.6. It can also be seen in Figure 4-10 that the existence 
of wavers contributes to higher probabilities of shopping at the landside. Without 
wavers, in either passenger travel alone or with other travel companions, they are 
more likely to choose retails at the airside. This can be explained by the fact that 
passengers tend to complete their mandatory activities before their discretionary 
activities (Popovic, et al., 2010). Therefore, they prefer to pass all necessary 
processes such as security and customs and ensure that they have flexible time for 
discretionary activities at the airside before boarding an aircraft. 
Through the simulation of the international airport, it is shown that agent-based 
simulation can be used to analyse group dynamics of pedestrians in a complex 
environment. The results in this study suggest that the group dynamics have 
significant influence on passenger activities in the airport terminal in terms of dwell 
time and activity preferences and therefore influence the airport operation. 
Although the group behaviour in the simulation is defined by simple rules 
(refer to Section 3.3 and 3.4), some general conclusions can be made. In airport 
processing activities such as check-in, security and customs, the group dynamics can 
potentially lead to congestion and longer dwell times. Such scenarios can lead to 
congestions and potential flight delays which can contribute to a lower level of 
service (LOS) and poor passenger experience. Furthermore, they may also leave the 
passengers with less time for discretionary activities which may not be favourable for 
airport retail operators. Group dynamics can also be a major factor, if not the only 
one, which affects passenger discretionary activities and retail choices. It shows that 
passengers with groups are more likely to choose retail activities than those who are 
travelling alone; and the presence of wavers can contribute to higher landside retail 
78 Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 
This chapter has analysed the influence of group dynamics on passenger 
processing activities (check-in, security, and customs) and discretionary activities 
using an agent-based model. Results from both visual and statistical aspects show 
that when group dynamics exist, pedestrians behave differently from the situations 
where group dynamics are absent in an airport departure terminal. It is a common 
phenomenon that many of the pedestrians are walking in groups in the airports. 
Therefore, in a complete and realistic pedestrian flow model, the group dynamics 
should be considered. 
The agent-based model not only assists in understanding pedestrian behaviour 
in an airport, but also provides an essential tool to assess the performance of airport 
design and the quality of the pedestrian facilities in the terminal. The next chapter 
provides an example to illustrate how this agent-based pedestrian flow model can be 
used for investigating the effectiveness of an evacuation process in the airport. The 
evacuation case study presented in the next chapter considers the group dynamics as 
well and analyses the influence of group dynamics on pedestrian evacuation. 
Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 79 
80 Chapter 4: The Impact of Group Dynamics on Airport Passenger Activities 
Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of 
Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport 
Evacuation Process 
The safety of passengers is a major concern to airports. In the event of crises, 
having an effective and efficient evacuation process in place can significantly aid in 
enhancing passenger safety. Hence, it is necessary for airport operators to have an in- 
depth understanding of the evacuation process of their airport terminal. Although 
evacuation models have been used in studying pedestrian behaviour for decades, 
little research has been done in considering the evacuees’ group dynamics and the 
complexity of the environment. 
In this chapter, the agent-based model is used to simulate a passenger 
evacuation process in an international airport departure terminal. Due to limited 
access to detailed evacuation strategy in the airport, part of the evacuation procedure 
is based on assumptions. For example, different evacuation exits were allocated to 
passengers based on their location and the security level to ensure a more effective 
evacuation process. In order to simplify the model, the simulation scenario is an 
evacuation drill instead of a real evacuation event where panic behaviour should be 
considered. It is assumed that participants of the evacuation practice are only 
passengers and their fellow companions, airport staff are not included in the 
The remainder of this section is organised as follows. Section 5.2 demonstrates 
the configuration of the model and the procedure of the evacuation process in the 
model. Section 5.3 describes the behaviour response of airport passengers to the 
evacuation. Section 5.4 provides the simulation results and analysis, while Section 
5.5 concludes the findings using the agent-based simulation and points out the 
Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 81 
Different from other building environments, an airport is considered as a 
complex system that comprises multiple stakeholders and social interactions (Wu & 
Mengersen, 2013). For example, before boarding the flight, passengers are required 
to pass mandatory processes which include check-in, security process and customs. 
Therefore, the security level varies in the airport, which needs special consideration 
during the evacuation. 
The layout of the airport departure terminal used in the simulation is shown in 
Figure 5-1. As can be seen from the terminal layout, three emergency exits (marked 
as red circles) are available on both landside (level 4) and airside (level 3) of the 
terminal. In the event of an evacuation, passengers will be notified by an emergency 
alarm, and then they will make their way to the nearest exit under the guidance of 
building wardens and airport staff. Passengers will remain at designated assembly 
points until it is safe for them to re-enter the terminal. 
In our simulations, we presume there are three security levels (these could be 
adapted based on the operating conditions of the airport). Passengers who have not 
been examined by the security personnel are categorised as having security level 1 
status; passengers that passed security but not the customs have security status level 
2; passengers that pass both security and customs possess security status level 3. In 
our model, it is assumed that only certain exits are accessible to people depending on 
their security level status as described below. 
The landside of the terminal is the public area. The crowd on the landside is 
treated to be on security level 1, along with all outgoing passengers who have not 
cleared the security check. They will choose one exit among the three located on 
level 4 that has the minimum walking distance while evacuating the airport. 
Situations are more complex on the airside of the terminal. On the airside, there are 
two mandatory processes: security and customs and different security levels are 
imposed on them. Passengers belonging to security level 2 will evacuate through exit 
2 on level 3, and passengers with security level 3 will evacuate through exit 3 on 
level 3. 
82 Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 
Figure 5-1 Airport environment defined in our simulation. The exits are marked as red circles. (a) check in area and 
retail (landside); (b) Security, Customs, Boarding and retail (airside). 

In the simulation, once the emergency ceases passengers returning into the 
terminal will keep their security level status intact, so that they can continue to finish 
their remaining processes rather than doing them from the beginning. However, the 
Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 83 
simulation is flexible and different policies can easily be implemented and tested 
(e.g. the policy that all passengers must be re-scanned on entry, regardless of their 
security levels when they are evacuated). Table 5-1 summarises the corresponding 
exits for pedestrians with different security levels. 
Security Level Domain Emergency exits 
1 Security unchecked 
Exit 1,2 and 3 on Level 4 Exit 1 on Level 3 

Security checked; Customs unchecked 
Exit 2 on Level 3 
3 Customs checked Exit 3 on Level 3 
Table 5-1 Exits assigned for passengers of different security levels. 


The likely behavioural response of the evacuees is essential to the model. 
There are two levels of behavioural responses: global and local (Filippidis, Galea, 
Gwynne, & Lawrence, 2006). The global behaviour level outlined the general escape 
strategy. At the start of the evacuation alarm, passengers and airport staff will spend 
some time to respond to the signal. After recognising the situation, passengers need 
to decide the evacuation option, for example, the available exits and the closest 
distance to the exit. Passenger groups with different opinions may spend more time 
on discussion. This period of time is described as response time. After making the 
decision, passengers will move towards the chosen exit, during this period, the 
movement time is recorded. Due to potential congestion in front of the exits, it is 
possible that passengers need to wait before they make their way out. Another reason 
that could lead to longer waiting times is that passengers travelling in groups will 
wait for fellow passengers to regroup around the exit area. They generally ensure that 
all group members are safe and would like to evacuate together. The evacuation time 
for a pedestrian (passenger) is defined as the time when the evacuation alarm set off 
to the time that the pedestrian leaves the exit. Typical steps passengers take during an 
evacuation can be seen from Figure 5-2. 
On the local behaviour level, based on individual’s personal attributes such as 
age and travel purpose, pedestrians have different degrees of knowledge about what 
to do when evacuating. Therefore, people in the model have varying response times 
to the evacuation alarm. Based on assumptions, the response time of passengers with 
84 Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 
different attributes in the model is defined in Table 5-2. During the movement, 
passengers in the same group will compromise their speed to the slowest group 
member in order to travel at the same speed. 
Figure 5-2 Typical response followed by passengers during evacuation. 
Influence factor Category Response time (sec) 
Age < 15 20 
15 < age < 30 8 
30 < age < 55 12 
Age > 55 15 
Male 8 
Female 11 
Travel purpose 
Business 12 Leisure 15 
Group size 
Group size = 1 10 
Group size = 2 20 Group size >= 3 40 
Table 5-2 Pedestrian response time to terminal evacuation signal. 


5.4.1 Distribution of Passengers in the Airport Terminal 
In order to demonstrate the general behaviour of passengers and ensure the 
reliability of the experimental results, the evacuation event is set at 7:30 AM, one of 
the peak times of the day to collect more sample data. An overview of the terminal 
during the evacuation process is illustrated in Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4. Table 5-3 
summarised the distribution of passengers in the airport departure terminal. The 
results are collected from five experiments in two scenarios: passengers travelling (1) 
alone; and (2) in groups of varying sizes. There are no wavers in this simulation 
because pedestrian numbers in the two simulation scenarios need to be comparable in 
order to investigate the impact of pedestrian group dynamics. 
Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 85 
Respond to signal 
Move toward exits 
Wait before exits (due to congestion and regrouping) 
Complete evacuation 
86 Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 
Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 87 
On average, there are approximately 1000 passengers in the simulation system 
at 7:30 AM (Table 5-3). In the condition of passengers travelling alone, on average 
218 passengers (22% of total passengers) are found on level 4, while 782.2 
passengers (78%) are on level 3. These figures changed to 361.2 (36%) and 644.6 
(64%) under the condition that passengers are travelling in groups. 
One of the most distinctive characteristics of an agent-based model is that 
agents are able to act autonomously in the simulation environment. This advanced 
feature strongly reflects the real-world human behaviour. As a result, even at the 
exact time-point of several experiments, the agent number in the system, agents’ 
positions and their undertaking activities can be different. 
Number of agents in the experiment Passenger travelling alone Passenger travelling in groups Exp 
No. level4 level 3 Total level4 level 3 Total 
1 219 771 990 343 654 997 2 222 768 990 378 626 1004 3 212 789 1001 328 678 1006 4 217 786 1003 
381 629 1010 5 220 797 1017 376 636 1012 Avg. 218 782.2 1000.2 361.2 644.6 1005.8 
Table 5-3 The distribution of agents in the airport terminal under the setting of passengers travelling: 
(1) alone; and (2) in groups. 

5.4.2 Evacuation Time 

The differences in building layouts, passenger numbers and activities require 
the evacuation process to be analysed separately on level 4 (the landside) and level 3 
(the airside). Figure 5-5 compares the time distribution of the evacuation event on 
both levels between the simulation setting of passengers travelling (1) alone; (2) in 
groups. It is shown that the total evacuation time of passengers travelling in groups 
is longer than that of passengers travelling alone. On level 4 and level 3, passengers 
in groups spend 146.18 and 173.45 seconds to finish the evacuation. The figures are 
93.68 and 146.76 for passengers travelling alone, which are 36% and 15% shorter in 
Distinct time differences can be found on all sub-events of the evacuation 
process on level 4 as well as the response time and waiting time on level 3. This 
result of response time indicates that the initial response of passengers who travelling 
in groups is slower than those travelling alone. It can take longer time for passengers 
88 Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 
in a group to communicate with each other and make decisions in response to the 
evacuation signal. The waiting time for passengers who are travelling alone is mainly 
caused by the congestion in front of the exit. While for group travellers, the waiting 
time is not only due to the congestion, but also the time associated with ‘regrouping’. 
Therefore, the waiting time for passengers travelling in groups is reasonably higher. 
Figure 5-5 Average evacuation time of passengers on: (a) level 4, landside; and (b) level 3, airside for the two 
different settings. 

level 4 (landside) 
160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 
Response Movement Waiting 
Total evacuation Alone 10.03 57.58 26.05 93.68 In groups 28.55 76.04 41.58 146.18 
level 3 (airside) 
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 
Response Movement Waiting 
Total evacuation Alone 10.08 98.23 39.85 146.76 In groups 24.29 99.88 54.58 173.45 
Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 89 
Figure 5-6 Pedestrian density map during the evacuation process. (a) level 4; (b) level 3. 

On both level 4 and level 3, passengers spent the majority of their evacuation 
time on the evacuation movement. Because of the group dynamic, larger groups are 
supposed to move slower than small groups or individual travellers (Santos & 
Aguirre, 2004; Schultz, et al., 2010). This behaviour is well illustrated on level 4. 
Passengers travelling in groups on level 4 spend approximately 20 seconds longer in 
moving during the evacuation. However, the movement times under the two different 
settings on level 3 are very close. A possible explanation for such a phenomenon is 
that the pathways to the exits on level 3 are narrower than those on level 4 (as can be 
seen from the highlighted areas in Figure 5-6). Severe congestion was observed all 
90 Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 
along passageways through to exit on level 3. Thus, passengers who are travelling 
alone had to slow down due to congested passageways and their speed was 
comparable to those travelling in groups. On the other hand, passengers on level 4 
had more open space, which allowed those individual travellers to advance towards 
the exit quickly. 
The simulation of the evacuation process in the airport terminal shows that the 
agent-based model can be applied in evaluating the performance of pedestrian 
facilities. Based on passenger’s locations in the airport, three security levels are 
differentiated, which require passengers to evacuate through different exits. The 
simulation results suggested that passengers with group dynamics spend longer time 
in making decisions, moving to the exits and waiting for other group members during 
the evacuation. 
This simulation technique prevents the potential risks in real practical trials and 
reduces research expense. Moreover, the simulation results provide valuable 
information such as how passengers react to an evacuation signal, which route to 
choose in the evacuation and the average time for passengers to finish the 
evacuation. The simulation is also to report congestions through the 3D visual 
demonstration during the evacuation. The evacuation model offers an expedient way 
for airport managers to propose and test evacuation plans. Given the information of 
flight schedule and passenger number, the evacuation simulation can be run at any 
time of day and the simulation results will provide valuable information for them to 
respond proactively to any potential congestion. 
However, a few limitations of this case study need to be acknowledged. First, 
the proposed model is not designed for the extreme evacuation situation. Under 
extreme cases, there is no guarantee that the pre-defined escaping routes are safe for 
the evacuees. Second, the evacuation subjects in the model are all passengers. 
However, in the real-world, there are large numbers of airport staff that need to be 
considered as well. As part of future research, we would like to consider a phased 
evacuation approach i.e. only areas directly threatened will be evacuated first and 
areas at lesser risk will be evacuated later. Furthermore, different exit strategies 
employed at various airports could also be trialed using this framework. The 
Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 91 
dissemination of evacuation information among passengers and further addition of 
attributes to agents (such as age, gender, spatial cognition) will also be explored 
along with the inclusion of airport staff into the model. 
This chapter demonstrated a case study of simulating an airport evacuation 
process using an agent-based model. The evacuation strategy applied in this 
simulation divides passengers into three different security levels and evacuates 
passengers through different exits. The model is able to capture passenger behaviour 
during evacuation visually and collect passenger evacuation time statistically. This 
enables airport operators and building planners to design evacuation strategy and 
terminal layout according to the simulation results. By comparing evacuation time of 
individual passengers and passengers in groups, the impact of group dynamics during 
airport evacuation process can be seen. Experimental results demonstrated that group 
dynamics can significantly impact pedestrian behaviour during the evacuation and 
the total evacuation time in the airport. 
92 Chapter 5: Case Study – Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on Airport Evacuation Process 
Chapter 6: Conclusions 
This chapter summarises the main areas covered by this research, discusses the 
major findings and how they contribute to new knowledge of pedestrian modelling. 
In this chapter, the research questions raised at the beginning of this thesis will be 
answered. Limitations of this research will be considered and future research 
direction will be recommended. 
Nowadays, airports are becoming more and more passenger focused and 
passenger experience in airports is highly valued. Under this context, this research is 
motivated to investigate passenger behaviour in airport terminals using a passenger 
flow model. The literature review in Chapter 2 revealed that grouping is a common 
phenomenon among pedestrians, while most research failed to consider the group 
dynamics when developing pedestrian models. In order to reflect the actual 
passenger flow condition, the group dynamics must be included in the model. 
Chapter 3 demonstrates the detailed procedure of building a passenger flow 
model using an agent-based method. The model defined pedestrian characteristics 
such as age, gender and travel purposes. Pedestrian group attributes were 
implemented in their characteristics as well. 
In Chapter 4, the model was used to analyse the impact of group dynamics on 
airport passenger activities. Simulation results were compared under three different 
scenarios: passenger travelling (1) alone; (2) in groups; and (3) in groups with 
wavers. The results from both visual and statistical analysis showed that the group 
dynamics can significantly influence passenger behaviour in terms of dwell time at 
processing facilities and discretionary activity choices. Therefore, the group 
dynamics can influence the passenger experience and level of service in the airport. 
Publications arising from this work can be found in (Cheng, Reddy, Fookes, & 
Yarlagadda, 2014a), (Cheng, Reddy, Fookes, & Yarlagadda, in press) and (Cheng, 
Reddy, Fookes, & Yarlagadda, submitted). 
Chapter 6: Conclusions 93 
In Chapter 5, a case study was conducted to demonstrate how the agent-based 
passenger flow model can be used by airport operators to examine the efficiency of 
an evacuation strategy. By comparing evacuation time of individual passengers and 
passengers in groups, the impact of group dynamics during an airport evacuation 
process was analysed. The simulation results shows that group dynamics can 
significantly impact passenger behaviour during airport evacuation process and the 
total evacuation time. A publication arising from this work can be found in (Cheng, 
Reddy, Fookes, & Yarlagadda, 2014b). 
The primary objective of this research was to investigate the influence of group 
dynamics on passenger behaviour in airports. By simulating pedestrian flow in an 
international airport terminal using an agent-based model, the influence of group 
dynamics on pedestrian behaviour has been found and analysed. The main 
contributions of this thesis are embodied in the following four aspects: 
1. Improve the understanding of group dynamics among pedestrians. 
The literature review in this thesis had suggested that crowds consist of both 
individual pedestrians and people in groups. The percentage of people in groups 
within a crowd ranges from 40% to 70% at different occasions. Researchers also 
discovered that the size of a pedestrian group can influence pedestrian walking 
dynamics such as speed, group formation, and avoidance behaviour. As a result, one 
should pay attention to group dynamics when developing pedestrian flow models. 
2. Provide a more realistic agent-based passenger flow model by 
incorporating group dynamics. 
An agent-based modelling approach was applied in developing the pedestrian 
model in this thesis because of its advantages in modelling pedestrian behaviour in 
complex environments. As the simulation environment becomes more and more 
complex, research had suggested a trend to combine multiple modelling approaches 
into one simulation. This statement can be supported by the proposed model in which 
heterogeneous agents are created according to the agent-based mindset, while the 
pedestrian movement is governed by the customised social force algorithm. 
94 Chapter 6: Conclusions 
The most significant feature of the proposed model is that it considered 
pedestrian group dynamics in a complex environment (an international airport 
departure terminal in this case). Pedestrians in the model have their own attributes 
which allow them to interact within groups, with pedestrians from other groups and 
the airport environment. The model is able to collect statistics and present real-time 
3D visualisations during the simulation. This advanced feature enables the statistical 
validation and face validation of the model, and provides data for analysing 
pedestrian group dynamics. 
3. Demonstrate the influence of group dynamics on passenger flow in an 
airport departure terminal. 
By incorporating group dynamics into the agent-based model, simulation 
results of different scenario settings had shown that the group dynamics have 
significant influence on passenger activities in the airport terminal in terms of dwell 
times, waiting behaviour and choices of discretionary activities. 
In airport mandatory processing activities such as check-in, security control 
and customs, passengers with group dynamics had a larger dwell time in the 
processes. The waiting behaviour of passengers travelling in groups can lead to 
higher pedestrian density in the waiting areas around the processing areas, which can 
cause congestions and a lower level of service (LOS). Moreover, longer dwell time 
in processing activities means less time for passengers to undertake discretionary 
activities, which is not favourable for airport retail operators. Passenger group 
dynamics can also influence the choices of retail activities. It was found that 
passengers travelling in groups are more likely to undertake retail activities than 
those who are travelling alone. The existence of wavers contributes a higher landside 
retail opportunity. 
4. Introduce the potential application of the agent-based pedestrian flow 
model in design and management of pedestrian facilities. 
From the airport design and management perspective, the model can be used to 
test the impact of design changes, allocate optimal queuing area based on passenger 
traffic, measure peak capacity and analyse the effectiveness of airport processing and 
discretionary facilities. Running such a simulation provides flexibility and insights 
into the design process at no extra cost. An application of the model in analysing 
Chapter 6: Conclusions 95 
potential effects of airport self-service technology can be found in Kirk, et al. 
Furthermore, if terminal operators could run the simulation beforehand by 
simply importing flight schedules and passenger quantity, then simulation results can 
provide valuable information for them to respond proactively to potential 
congestions. The density map in Appendix C shows the pedestrian density in the 
airport terminal after a whole day simulation. According to the density map, airport 
operators can easily predict critical congestion areas, and therefore take preventive 
Hence, we envisage that such a simulation tool can be critical to airport 
designers and operators. An airport with minimal congestion will in turn assist in 
providing a positive experience for passengers using the airport. However, the 
potential application of the model is not limited to the airport terminals only. It can 
be extended to simulate pedestrian behaviour in all public pedestrian environments 
such as railway stations, shopping centres, and theme parks. 
The limitation of this thesis lies in the lack of access to detailed airport data, 
which leads to difficulties in model development, validation and calibration. For 
agent-based models, the accuracy of decision making processes and human activities 
determine the reliability of the model. Passenger attributes such as gender, age and 
culture background all have influence on the passenger’s behaviour, retail choice and 
environment cognition. However, due to the lack of access to such empirical data, 
the model was considerably simplified by using data obtained from previous research 
papers or empirical assumptions while simulating the human behaviour. 
As was mentioned in the previous section, a limitation of this research was the 
access to airport passenger characteristic data. Therefore, it is recommended that 
future research be undertaken in the following areas: 
1. Field data collection of pedestrian characteristics 
Since the environment can influence pedestrian behaviour and group dynamics 
such as the proportion of people in groups, the group size and group speed, it is 
96 Chapter 6: Conclusions 
necessary to collect further field data from the reference environment in order to 
build a realistic model. To build a pedestrian model for an international airport 
terminal, one needs to consider field data such as basic pedestrian status (e.g. arrival 
time distribution, passenger group size, waver status) and personal information (such 
as gender, age, nationality, destination, travel purposes, etc). 
2. Explore passenger discretionary activities and retail behaviour in 
A large proportion of airport revenue is generated in the airport retail segment. 
High-quality airport retail service can contribute to higher passenger satisfaction and 
enhanced airport experience, which in turn attracts more passengers and benefits the 
airport. Therefore, future study investigating airport passenger retail activity would 
be very interesting. The agent-based model can be used to simulate the retail and 
purchasing behaviour of passengers with different characteristics. 
3. Investigate the application of agent-based pedestrian flow model 
Future research should also concentrate on the application of agent-based 
pedestrian flow model. The model can be used as a tool for airport operators to 
propose regulations, test the level of service (LOS) in each processing unit and sub- 
system, and design new airports. 
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110 Bibliography 
Flight schedule used in the model: 
Flight Departure 
Passenger Quantity 
Departure Gate 
Entrance Number 
Check-In Counter Number EK433 3:30 222 81 1 1 QF123 6:20 134 82 2 2 EK434 7:25 222 83 3 3 
DJ080/EY6117 8:20 134 80 4 4 DJ186/EY6189 8:20 134 77 5 5 DJ066/EY6194 8:30 134 79 6 6 
DJ175/VA175 9:00 134 85 7 7 HT531 9:00 128 78 8 8 SQ256/VA5668 9:10 241 75 9 9 DJ4191 9:15 134 
86 10 10 IE701 9:30 120 84 11 1 QQ371 9:30 51 79 12 2 CX146/AY5832 9:35 241 83 13 3 DJ4197 
10:30 134 76 14 4 DJ181 10:30 134 86 15 5 PX004/QF349 10:40 180 82 16 6 VA007/DL6795 11:20 222 
84 17 7 NZ136/CA5104 11:15 251 80 18 8 QF015/AA7380 12:30 258 75 19 9 QF051/9W4051 13:40 
258 78 20 10 TG474/LH9759 14:20 251 85 21 1 SQ236/LH9773 14:40 265 77 22 2 NZ734/CA5139 
16:45 134 82 23 3 PX026/QF379 17:40 99 80 24 4 QF125/AA7303 17:40 134 81 25 5 DJ068/EY6195 
17:45 134 86 26 6 DJ082/EY6190 18:00 134 76 27 7 DJ188/EY6188 18:30 134 75 28 8 HA444 18:35 
180 85 29 9 EK435 20:45 222 84 30 10 SB153 21:20 134 76 31 1 FJ922/QF347 22:40 134 83 32 2 
BR316/QF329 22:45 243 85 33 3 SQ246/LH9783 23:45 265 86 34 4 MH134/KL4101 23:50 265 77 35 5 
Table A-1 Flight timetable in the model. 
Appendices 111 
Description LOS Flow Delay Comfort A. Excellent Free 
None Excellent B. High Stable Very Few High C. Good Stable Acceptable Good D. Adequate Unstable 
Acceptable for short time Adequate E. Inadequate Unstable Unacceptable Inadequate F. Unacceptable 
Total system breakdown Unacceptable 
Table B-2 IATA LOS Framework (IATA, 2004). 
LOS standards (square meters per occupants) Sub-system A ..B.. ..C.. ..D.. E.. ..F.. Check-in queue area 
1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Total Wait/circulate 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.5 1 
System Hold room 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 
Breakdown Bag clain area 2 1.8 
1.6 1.4 1.2 Government inspection 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 
Table B-3 IATA LOS Congestion Standards (Ashford, Mumayiz, & Wright, 2011a). 
112 Appendices 
Figure C-1 Pedestrian density map of the airport departure terminal after whole day simulation. (a) level 4; (b) level 
Appendices 113 

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