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Economics Letters 6 (1980) 255-259 255

North-Holland Publishing Company



Carlos M. JARQUE and Anil K. BERA

Austrahan Nutional University, Canberra ACT 2600, Australiu

Received 27 October 1980

We use the Lagrange multiplier procedure to derive efficient joint tests for residual
normality, homoscedasticity and serial independence. The tests are simple to compute and
asymptotically distributed as x2.

1. Introduction

‘Classical regression analysis’ assumes the normality (N), homo-

scedasticity (H) and serial independence (I) of regression residuals.
Violation of the normality assumption may lead the investigator to
inaccurate inferential statements. Recently, tests for normality have been
derived for the case of homoscedastic serially independent (HZ) residuals
[e.g., White and Macdonald (1980)]. Similarly, the effects of violation of
the homoscedasticity assumption have been studied and tests for this have
been derived for the case of normally distributed serially independent
(NZ) residuals [e.g., Breusch and Pagan (1979)]. Additionally, the conse-
quences of violation of the assumption of serial independence have been
analyzed and tests for this have been derived for the case on normally
distributed homoscedastic (NH) residuals [e.g., Durbin and Watson
(1950) and Breusch (1978)]. The appropriateness of these and other
‘one-directional tests’ (i.e., tests for either N or H or Z) may depend
strongly on the validity of the conditions under which these were derived
(e.g., we have found that the power of our normality test-see section 2
-may be seriously affected by the presence of serial correlation). In
general, it is thought that these conditions should be tested rather than
assuming their validity from the start. In this paper we suggest an

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256 C.M. Jurque, A. K. Benz / Tests for normali~v, homoscedustxity, serial independence

efficient ‘three-directional test’ for residual normality, homoscedasticity

and serial independence (NHI) and comment on the ‘one and two-
directional tests’ that arise as particular cases of the procedure used.

2. The test statistic

We consider the regression model given by y, = xjp + U, with sta-

tionary residuals U, = y,ar_, + . . . +y,u,_, + cc, where xj is a 1 by K
vector of fixed regressors including a constant satisfying the conditions
set out in Amemiya (1977), /_Iand y = ( y,, . . . , y,) are vectors of unknown
parameters and e,, . . . ,cT are T serially independent residuals with zero
population mean. We assume that the density of e,, say g(c,), has a
single mode and ‘smooth contact with the e-axis at the extremities’. More
specifically, we assume g(e,) to be a member of the Pearson Family of
distributions. This is not very restrictive due to the wide range of
distributions encompassed in it (e.g., particular members of this are the
Normal, Beta, Gamma, t, F and Pareto distributions). ’ This means that
we can write [see Kendall and Stuart (1969, p. 148)]


where44~~)= /[(cl, - q>/(cor - ~6, + c2t~fNd~t and E, = u, - ~~~~~~

- . . . -Y~u,_~. Since tit denotes the mode of the density we can assume
this to be the same for all t, i.e., we can set tit = c,. We can show that
E[e:] =cO,/(l - 3c,,) and that when ci = c2, =O, g(e,) reduces to a
normal density with mean zero and variance co,. Therefore we can
reparameterize our model so that c *, = c2 and, considering additive
heteroscedasticity, set co, = u* + z+, where z; is a 1 by q vector of fixed
variables satisfying the conditions set out in Amemiya (1977). We now
define @(CO = /(c, - ~,)/(a* + z$ - c,et + c2c:)dc,. Initially we pro-
ceed as if the U, were observed. We assume to have T +p observations
and regard the first p residuals u _p+, , . . . , u. as constants. Then we have
that the logarithm of the likelihood function is given by

4c,,c2,u2,~,~) = -
*=,-00 1
l$ln[ Jm ewbk)% + i
+k>. (2)
’ Our test is derived for the Pearson Family and hence, for this, we know it will have
optimal properties. However, the test is not restricted to members of this family.
C. M. Jarque, A.K. Beru / Tests for normality, homoscedustiaty, serial independence 251

To derive our test statistic we make use of the Lagrange multiplier

procedure. This establishes [e.g., I$eusch and APagan (1979)] that under
H, : 6, = 0, the statistic LM = d;[ 5fz2- $, 4,: ‘$,,I ~ ‘ci, is asymptotically
distributed as a x2 with m degrees of freedom (XL), where 8 = (e;,&)’ is
the m + n by 1 vector of all parameters in our model and e2 is of
dimension m by 1; d, = i3l(e)/d6’, for j= 1,2,;g1, =E[-CU((3)/a0,ae,‘]
for i,j = 1,2;1(8) is the logarithm of the likelihood function and the ^
denotes that all quantities are evaluated at the restricted maximum
likelihood estimator of 8.
Here we let 0, = u2 and 6; = (c,,~,(~‘,y’). Recall that when c, = c2 = 0,
g( z,) becomes the normal density and note that when (Y= 0 and y = 0 we
obtain HI residuals u,. Hence we define our null hypothesis as H, : 0, = 0.
Then, using the procedure described above, we can show that-after
some computations- one arrives at *

LM= +/(6&) + (1/24)(~,/& - 3j2]

+(1/2)[f’Z(Z’MZ)-‘Z’f] + T[r’r], (3)

where p, =BT=,ui/T, f’=(f ,,..., fT) with f, =(uf/p2)- 1, Z=

(.Z,,..., I~)‘, M=Z, - l(l’l)-‘1’ with 1 being a T by 1 vector of ones,
and r’ = (r ,, . . . ,rp) with r~ = ET= ,u+_,/E~= ,u:.
The above statistic could be computed if the u, were actually observed.
In regression analysis, however, one does not observe the residuals.
Nonetheless, it can be shown that we can replace, in (3), U, by the
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) residuals fi, and that this does not affect
the asymptotic properties of the test. We shall denote the resulting
statistic by LM,,,. Noting that ZT= ,2i, = 0 we obtain

LM,“, = T[b,,‘6 + (b, - 3)2/24]

+ (l/Z)[j?‘Z(Z’MZ)-‘Z’j + T[i’i], (4)

where \/6,=&/&l*, 6, =fi,/jii, fij =Z~,,t’i;/T, f’=(i,,...,fT) with

l =(Cf/fi2)- 1, and i’=(i ,,..., fp) with ?, =BT=,C,tl,_,/XT,,fi~. The

* The proof of this and related results is available from the authors
258 C. M. Jarque, A. K. Bera / Tests for normality, homoscedasticity, serial independence

first term in (4) is identical to the LM residual normality test for the case
of HI residuals [e.g., Jarque and Bera (1980)], say LM,. The second term
is the LM homoscedasticity test for the case NI residuals [e.g., Breusch
and Pagan (1979)], say LM,. Finally, the third term is the LM serial
correlation test for the case of NH residuals [e.g., Breusch (1978)], say
LM,. Therefore, it is interesting to note that these ‘one-directional tests’
may be combined as above, to obtain a joint test for residual NHI.
LMNHI is, under H,, asymptotically distributed as x;+~+~ and H,
would be refitted if the computed value of LM,, exceeded the desired
significance point on the x:+~+~ distribution. The test is asymptotically
equivalent to the likelihood ratio test and this implies that it has, for
large-samples, maximum local power. In addition, it is simple to compute
requiring only OLS residuals. As a result, it should prove to be a useful
diagnostic check in the analysis of regression residuals.

3. Concluding remarks

To finalize let us note that we can use the procedure presented in

section 2 to derive efficient ‘two-directional tests’. Firstly, we can assume
N and obtain a test for HI. For this we set ci = c2 = 0 in (2) and test
HG : a = 0 and y = 0. This gives LM, = LM, + LM, which is, under
Ht, asymptotically distributed as x:+~. Secondly, we can assume I and
obtain a test for NH (this may be particularly useful in cross-sectional
studies). Here we set y = 0 in (2) and test Hl: c, = c2 = 0 and (Y= 0. The
result is LMNH - LM, + LM, which is, under H[, asymptotically dis-
tributed as x:+~. Thirdly, we can assume H and obtain a test for NI. For
this we set (Y= 0 in (2) and test Ht : c, = c2 = 0 and y = 0. This gives
LMNI = LM, + LM, which is, under H[‘, asymptotically distributed as


Amemiya, Takeshi, 1977, A note on a heteroscedastic model, Journal of Econometrics 6,

Breusch, Trevor S., 1978, Testing for autocorrelation in dynamic linear models, Australian
Economic Papers 17, 334-335.
Breusch, Trevor S. and Adrian R. Pagan, 1979, A simple test for heteroscedasticity and
random coefficient variation, Econometrica 47, 1287- 1294.
C. M. Jurque, A. K. Bern / Tests for nornudity, homoscedasticity, serial independence 259

Durbin, James and G.S. Watson, 1950, Testing for serial correlation in least squares
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Jarque, Carlos M. and Anil K. Bera, 1980, An efficient large sample test for normality of
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Kendall, Maurice G. and Alan Stuart, 1969, The advanced theory of statistics, Vol. 1.
(Griffin, London).
White, Halbert and Glenn M. MacDonald, 1980, Some large sample tests for non-normality
in linear regression models, Journal of the American Statistical Association 75, 16-28.

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