Inside RavenDB 4 0

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Inside RavenDB 4.

Oren Eini

Hibernating Rhinos

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Welcome to RavenDB ..................................................................................................................................... 5
About this book ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Who is this for? ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Who am I? ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
In this book… ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Zero to RavenDB ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Setting RavenDB on your machine .................................................................................................... 13
Your first database ................................................................................................................................... 15
Working with the RavenDB Studio .................................................................................................... 19
Your first RavenDB program................................................................................................................ 22
The client API ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Document identifiers in RavenDB...................................................................................................... 42
Document metadata ................................................................................................................................ 49
Distributed compare-exchange operations with RavenDB...................................................... 51
Testing with RavenDB ............................................................................................................................ 53
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 56
Document Modeling ..................................................................................................................................... 57
Beyond relational data modeling ....................................................................................................... 58
Using RavenDB as a key/value store ................................................................................................ 60
Modeling considerations in RavenDB .............................................................................................. 61
Common modeling scenarios............................................................................................................... 64
Advanced modeling scenarios ............................................................................................................. 70
Additional considerations for document modeling .................................................................... 73
ACID vs. BASE............................................................................................................................................. 81
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 83
Deep Dive Into the RavenDB Client API................................................................................................ 84
Writing documents .................................................................................................................................. 85
Reading documents ............................................................................................................................... 100
Caching ....................................................................................................................................................... 107
Changes API .............................................................................................................................................. 111
Projecting data in queries ................................................................................................................... 112
Cross-cutting concerns on the client............................................................................................... 113
Document revisions ............................................................................................................................... 115
How RavenDB uses JSON ..................................................................................................................... 118
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 118
Batch Processing With Subscriptions.................................................................................................. 120
Processing a batch of documents in a subscription .................................................................. 125
The subscription script ........................................................................................................................ 126
Error handling and recovery with subscriptions ....................................................................... 138
Subscription deployment patterns .................................................................................................. 141
Using subscription for queuing tasks ............................................................................................. 143
Versioned subscriptions ...................................................................................................................... 145
Subscriptions, background jobs and the role of the admin .................................................... 148
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 150
Distributed RavenDB ...................................................................................................................................... 151
RavenDB Clusters ........................................................................................................................................ 152
An overview of a RavenDB cluster ................................................................................................... 152
Your first RavenDB cluster ................................................................................................................. 154
Client interaction with a database group ...................................................................................... 166
Replication of data in a database group......................................................................................... 169
Distributed atomic compare exchange operations ................................................................... 181
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 185
Scaling Distributed Work in RavenDB ................................................................................................ 186
Growing your cluster ............................................................................................................................ 186
Multiple data centers and geo-distribution.................................................................................. 189
Ongoing tasks and work distribution ............................................................................................. 195
The ever-watching supervisor .......................................................................................................... 196
Ensuring a minimum number of replicas...................................................................................... 199
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 202
Sharing Data and Making Friends with ETL ..................................................................................... 203
ETL processes to another RavenDB instance .............................................................................. 204
Use cases for ETL between RavenDB instances ......................................................................... 211
Sending data to a relational database ............................................................................................. 215
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 223
Querying and Indexing in RavenDB .......................................................................................................... 224
Querying in RavenDB ................................................................................................................................. 225
The query optimizer .............................................................................................................................. 226
The RavenDB Query Language .......................................................................................................... 229
Spatial queries ......................................................................................................................................... 253
Aggregation queries .............................................................................................................................. 255
Indexing in the background ................................................................................................................ 256
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 259
Static Indexes and Other Advanced Options..................................................................................... 260
What are indexes? .................................................................................................................................. 260
Querying many sources at once with multimap indexes ........................................................ 268
Full text indexes ...................................................................................................................................... 270
Getting the most out of your indexes .............................................................................................. 276
Spatial indexes ......................................................................................................................................... 286
Indexing referenced data..................................................................................................................... 294
Dynamic data............................................................................................................................................ 297
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 298
MapReduce and Aggregations in RavenDB ....................................................................................... 299
Executing simple aggregations.......................................................................................................... 300
Defining your own MapReduce indexes ........................................................................................ 307
Querying MapReduce indexes ........................................................................................................... 316
Recursive MapReduce .......................................................................................................................... 318
MultimapReduce indexes .................................................................................................................... 322
Dynamic aggregation with MapReduce indexes......................................................................... 324
Multi-step aggregation processes .................................................................................................... 327
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 329
Working with Indexes ............................................................................................................................... 330
Creating and managing indexes ........................................................................................................ 331
Deploying indexes .................................................................................................................................. 348
Auto indexes and the query optimizer ........................................................................................... 352
Indexing and querying performance .............................................................................................. 354
Error handling in indexing .................................................................................................................. 357
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 359
Security, encryption and authentication................................................................................................. 361
Securing your Ravens ................................................................................................................................ 362
Introduction to transport-level security and authentication ................................................ 363
Setting RavenDB up in a secured mode ......................................................................................... 367
Authentication and authorization .................................................................................................... 376
Externalizing certificate management ........................................................................................... 382
Auditing accesses to RavenDB........................................................................................................... 384
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 384
Encrypting your data ................................................................................................................................. 386
Setting up an encrypted database .................................................................................................... 388
Full database encryption ..................................................................................................................... 390
Encrypted data on the wire ................................................................................................................ 398
Key management .................................................................................................................................... 399
Backing up encrypted databases ...................................................................................................... 404
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 405
Running in production ................................................................................................................................... 406
Production deployments .......................................................................................................................... 407
System resources usage ....................................................................................................................... 409
Common cluster topologies ................................................................................................................ 413
Database group topologies ................................................................................................................. 418
Databases, drives and directories .................................................................................................... 423
Network and firewall considerations ............................................................................................. 425
Configuring the operating system .................................................................................................... 426
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 427
Monitoring, troubleshooting and disaster recovery ...................................................................... 428
Ongoing monitoring .............................................................................................................................. 429
Finding out what your server is doing ........................................................................................... 434
I/O operations in RavenDB................................................................................................................. 439
Troubleshooting connection issues................................................................................................. 446
The Admin JavaScript console ........................................................................................................... 448
Disaster recovery strategies............................................................................................................... 449
Routine maintenance ............................................................................................................................ 451
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 452
Backups and restores ................................................................................................................................ 453
How backups work in RavenDB........................................................................................................ 454
Setting up backups ................................................................................................................................. 461
Restoring databases .............................................................................................................................. 467
Backups are not for high availability .............................................................................................. 470
Restoring to multiple nodes at the same time............................................................................. 471
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 473
Operational recipes .................................................................................................................................... 474
Cluster recipes ......................................................................................................................................... 475
Database recipes ..................................................................................................................................... 481
Miscellaneous operational tasks ...................................................................................................... 488
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 492
Index ................................................................................................................................................................. 493

Welcome to RavenDB
RavenDB is a high performance, distributed, NoSQL document database. Phew, that is a
mouthful. But it probably hits all the right buzzwords. What does this actually mean?
Let me try to explain those terms in reverse order. A document database is a database that
stores “documents”, meaning structured information in the form of self-contained data (as
opposed to Word or Excel documents). A document is usually in JSON or XML format.
RavenDB is, essentially, a database for storing and working with JSON data. You can also
store binary data and a few other types, but you’ll primarily use RavenDB for JSON
RavenDB can run on a single node (suitable for development or for small applications) or
on a cluster of nodes (which gives you high availability, load balancing, geo distribution of
data and work, etc.). A single cluster can host multiple databases, each of which can span
some or all of the nodes in the cluster.
With RavenDB 4.0, the team has put a major emphasis on extremely high performance. I am
going to assume I don’t need to tell you why that’s a good thing :-). Throughout this book,
I’m going to explain how that decision has impacted both the architecture and
implementation of RavenDB.
In addition to the tagline, RavenDB is also an ACID database, unlike many other NoSQL
databases. ACID stands for atomic, consistent, isolated and durable and is a fancy way to
say that RavenDB has real transactions. Per document, across multiple documents in the
same collection, across multiple documents in multiple collections; it’s all there, the kinds
of transactions developers can rely on. If you send work to RavenDB, you can be assured
that either it will be done completely and persist to disk or it will fail completely (and let
you know about the failure): no half-way measures and no needing to roll your own
This seems silly to mention, I’m aware, but there are databases out there that don’t have
this. Given how much work we’ve put into this particular feature, I can empathize with the
wish to just drop ACID behaviour, because making a database that is both high
performance and fully transactional is anything but trivial. That said, I think this should be
one of the most basic requirements of a database, and RavenDB has it out of the box.
There are certain things that a database should provide; transactions are one, but you also
need manageability and a certain degree of ease of use. A common thread we’ll explore in
this book is how RavenDB was designed to reduce the load on the operations team by
dynamically adjusting to load, environment and the kind of work it is running. Working
with a database should be easy and obvious, and to a large extent, RavenDB facilitates that.
This book isn’t meant to provide documentation; RavenDB has quite a bit of documentation
that tells you exactly how to use it. While informative, documentation tends to be dry and it
hardly makes for good reading (or for an interesting time writing it). A blog post, on the
other hand, tells a story – even if most of mine are technical stories. I like writing them, and
I’ve been pleasantly surprised that a large number of people also seem to like reading them.
I’m a developer at heart. That means that one of my favorite activities is writing code.
Writing documentation, on the other hand, is so far down the list of my favorite activities
that one could say it isn’t even on the list. I do like writing blog posts, and I’ve been
maintaining an active blog for close to fifteen years.1

About this book

What you’re reading now is effectively a book-length blog post. The main idea here is that I
want to give you a way to grok RavenDB.2 This means not only gaining knowledge of what
RavenDB does, but also all the reasoning behind the bytes. In effect, I want you to
understand all the whys of RavenDB.

1 You can find it at

2Grok means “to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the
observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience.” From Robert A.
Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land.
Although blog posts and books have very different structures, audiences and purposes, I’ll
still aim to give you the same easy-reading feeling of your favorite blogger. If I’ve
accomplished what I’ve set out to do, this will be neither dry documentation nor a
reference book. If you need either, you can read the online RavenDB documentation. This is
not to say that the book is purely my musings; the content is also born from the training
course we’ve been teaching for the past decade and the formalization of our internal
onboarding training.
By the end of this book, you’re going to have a far better understanding of how and why
RavenDB is put together the way it is. More importantly, you’ll have the knowledge and
skills needed to make efficient use of RavenDB in your systems.

This book has been written and re-written several times. In fact, looking at the commit logs,
I started writing it in July of 2014. Writing something of this scope, and at the same time
pushing the product itself forward is not easy and would not have been possible without
the help of many people.
On the technical side, I want to thank Adi Avivi, Dan Bishop, Maxim Buryak, Danielle
Greenberg, Judah Himango, Karmel Indych, Elemar Junior, Grisha Kotler, Rafal
Kwiatkowski, Grzegorz Lachowski, Marcin Lewandowski, Jonathan Matheus, Tomasz
Opalach, Arkadiusz Palinski, Pawel Pekrol, Aviv Rahmany, Idan Ben Shalom, Efrat Shenhar,
Tal Weiss, Michael Yarichuk, Fitzchak Yitzchaki and Iftah Ben Zaken.
The editors, who had the harsh task of turning raw text into a legible book. Erik Dietrich,
Laura Lattimer, Katherine Mechling and Amanda Muledy. All the errors you find were put it
by myself after the last round of edits, I assure you.
The early readers of this book, who had gone above merely giving feedback and actively
contributed to making this better. Andrej Krivulcik, Jason Ghent, Bobby Johnson,Sean
Killeen, Gabriel Schmitt Kohlrausch, Cathal McHale, Daniel Palme, Alessandro Riolo, Clinton
Sheppard, Jan Ove Skogheim, Daniel Wonisch and Stephen Zeng.
Thanks you all, it would have been much harder, and likely not possible, without you.

Who is this for?

I’ve tried to make this book useful for a broad category of users. Developers will come away
with an understanding of how to best use RavenDB features to create awesome
applications. Architects will gain the knowledge required to design and guide large-scale
systems with RavenDB clusters at their cores. Operations teams will learn how to monitor,
support and nurture RavenDB in production.
Regardless of who you are, you’ll come away from this book with a greater understanding
of all the moving pieces and how you can mold RavenDB to meet your needs.
This book mostly used C# as the language for code samples, though RavenDB can be used
with .NET, Java, Go, Node.js, Python, Ruby and PHP, among others. Most things discussed in
the book are applicable even if you aren’t writing code in C#.
All RavenDB official clients follow the same model adjusted to match different platform
expectations and API standards. So regardless of the platform you use to connect to
RavenDB, this book should still be useful.

Who am I?
My name in Oren Eini and over a decade ago, I got frustrated working with relational
databases. At the time, I was working mostly as a consultant for companies looking to
improve the performance of data-driven applications. I kept seeing customer after
customer really struggle with this, not because they were unqualified for the task, but
because they kept using the wrong tools for the job.
At some point I got so frustrated that I sat down and wrote a blog post about what I thought
an ideal datastore for OLTP applications (online transaction processing applications, a
fancy way to say business applications) should look like. That blog post turned into a series
of blog posts and then into some weekend hacking. Fast-forward a few months, and I had
the skeleton of what would eventually become RavenDB and a burning desire to make it a
At some point, building RavenDB felt not like I was creating something from scratch, but
like I was merely letting out something that was already fully formed. As I mentioned, that
was over a decade ago, and RavenDB has been running production systems ever since.
In that decade, we have learned a lot about what it takes to really make a database that just
works and doesn’t force you to jump through so many hoops. In particular, I came from a
Microsoft-centric world, and that world had a big impact on the design of RavenDB. Most
NoSQL solutions (especially at the time) had a very different mental model for how they
should operate. They put a lot of attention on speed, scale out or esoteric data models, often
at the severe expense of ease of use, operational simplicity and what I consider to be
fundamental features such as transactions.
I wanted to have a database that would make sense for building web applications and
business systems; you know, the bread and butter of our industry. I wanted a database that
would be ACID, because a database without transactions just didn’t make sense to me. I
wanted to get rid of the limitations of the rigid schema of relational databases but keep
working on domain-driven systems. I wanted something fast but at the same time could
just be thrown on a production server and would work without having to pay for an on-call
A lot of the design of RavenDB was heavily influenced by the Release It! book, which I
highly recommend. We tried to get a lot of things right from the get go, and with a decade in
production to look back at, I think we did a good job there.
That doesn’t mean that we always hit the bullseye. Almost a decade in production——
deployed to hundreds of thousands of machines (of sometimes dubious origin) and used by
teams of wildly different skill levels——will teach you a lot about what works in theory,
what the real world can tolerate and what is really needed.
For the RavenDB 4.0 release, we took the time to look back at what worked and what didn’t
and made certain to actually use all of that experience and knowhow to build a much better
end result.
I’m insanely proud of what came out of the door as a result of it. RavenDB 4.0 is a really
cool database capable of doing amazing things, and I’m really glad I have the chance to
write this book and explore with you all the things you can do with it.

In this book…
One of the major challenges in writing this book was figuring out how to structure it. There
are so many concepts that interweave with another and trying to understand them in
isolation can be difficult. For example, we can’t talk about modeling documents before we
understand the kind of features that are available for us to work with. Considering this, I’m
going to introduce concepts in stages.

Part I — The basics of RavenDB

Focus: Developers
This is the part you will want new hires to read before starting to work with RavenDB, as it
contains a practical discussion on how to build an application using RavenDB. We’ll skip
over theory, concepts and background information in favor of getting things done; the
more theoretical concepts will be discussed later in the book.
We’ll cover setting up RavenDB on your machine, opening up the RavenDB Studio in the
browser and connecting to the database from your code. After we get beyond the “hello
world” stage, we’ll introduce some of the basic concepts that you need to know in order to
work with RavenDB: building a simple CRUD application, learning how to perform basic
queries and in general working with the client API.
After covering the basics, we’ll move into modeling documents in RavenDB; how to build
your application so that it meshes well with document-based modeling; what sort of
features you need to be aware of when designing the domain model and how to deal with
common modeling scenarios; concurrency control and dealing with data that doesn’t
always match the document model (binary data, for example).
Following on this high level discussion, we’ll dive into the client API and explore the
advanced options RavenDB offers: from lazy requests to reduce network traffic, to the
optimal way to read and write a lot of data very quickly, to performing partial document
updates, to how caching is an integral part of the client API.
We’ll conclude the first part of the book with an overview of batch processing in RavenDB
and how you can use highly available, reliable subscriptions to manage all sorts of
background tasks in your application in quite an elegant fashion.
Part II — Distributed RavenDB
Focus: Architects
This part focuses on the theory of building robust and high performance systems using
RavenDB. We’ll go directly to working with a cluster of RavenDB nodes on commodity
hardware, discuss data and work distribution across the cluster and learn how to best
structure systems to take advantage of what RavenDB brings to the table.
We’ll begin by dissecting RavenDB’s dual-distributed nature. RavenDB is using both a
consensus protocol and a gossip protocol to build two layers of communication between
the various nodes in the cluster. We’ll learn why we use this dual-mode and how it adds
tremendously to RavenDB’s robustness in the presence of failures.
After going over the theory, we’ll get practical: setting up RavenDB clusters, exploring
different topologies and studying how clients interact with a cluster of RavenDB nodes.
We’ll cover distributed work, load balancing and ensuring high availability and zero
downtime for your applications.
One key reason you’ll want to use a distributed system is to handle bigger load. We’ll cover
how you can grow your cluster and even run RavenDB in a geo-distributed deployment
with nodes all around the world. RavenDB clusters aren’t just collections of machines. They
are self-managing entities, sharing load and distributing tasks among the various nodes.
We’ll talk about how clusters are self-monitoring and self-healing and how RavenDB takes
active steps to ensure the safety of your data at all times.
Modern systems are rarely composed of a stand-alone application. So to finish up this
section, we’ll explore how RavenDB integrates with other systems and databases. RavenDB
was explicitly designed to make such integration easier. We’ll go over how to create data
flow that automatically synchronizes data to different destinations, be they RavenDB
instances or even relational databases.

Part III — Querying and indexing

Focus: Developers and architects
This part discusses RavenDB indexes data to allow for quick retrieval of information,
whether a single document or aggregated data spanning years. We’ll cover all the different
indexing methods in RavenDB and how each of them can be used to implement the features
you want in your systems.
RavenDB has very rich querying and indexing support. We’ll start by exploring the
RavenDB Query Language (RQL) and the kind of queries that you can perform. We’ll look at
how RavenDB processes and optimizes your queries to answer them as fast as possible.
Then we’ll get to the really fun stuff. RavenDB’s queries can answer a lot more than just
where Status = 'Active'. We’ll look at full text queries, querying multiple collections at
once and faceted search. We’ll look at how RavenDB can find similar documents and
suggest to the user different queries to try as the user tries to find a particular nugget of
Spatial queries (searching based on geographical data) will be covered in depth. We’ll also
cover how you can find documents not based on their own data, but on related documents’
data. Similar to but simpler and faster than JOIN from relational databases, the ability to
efficiently find documents using related documents can greatly simplify and speed up your
queries. One of the strengths of RavenDB is that it is schema-less by nature, and that
doesn’t stop at data storage. RavenDB also has very powerful capabilities for querying over
dynamic data and user-generated content.
MapReduce in RavenDB is a very important feature. It allows RavenDB to perform
lightning-fast aggregation queries over practically any dataset, regardless of size. We’ll
explore exactly how this feature works, the kind of behaviors it enables and what you can
do with what are effectively free aggregation queries.
Finally, we’ll go over the care and feeding of indexes in RavenDB: how you can create,
deploy, monitor and manage them yourself. We’ll talk about how the RavenDB query
optimizer interacts with your indexes and how to move them between environments.

Part IV — Security
Focus: Operations and architects
RavenDB is used to store business-critical data such as medical information and financial
transactions. In this part, we’ll go over all the steps that have been taken to ensure that
your data is safe, the communication channels are secure and only authorized users are
able to access your database.
We’ll cover how to set up RavenDB securely. RavenDB’s security model is binary in nature.
Either you run RavenDB in an unsecured mode (only useful for development) or you run it
in a secured mode. There are no half measures or multiple steps to take.
Setting up RavenDB securely is easy——although making it easy was certainly not easy—
—and once set up, RavenDB takes care of all aspects of securing your data. Data in transit is
encrypted, and clients and servers mutually authenticate themselves. We’ll discuss how
RavenDB handles authentication and authorization, as well as how you can control who
gets to the database and what they can access.
We’ll also cover securing your data at rest. RavenDB supports full database encryption,
ensuring that not even a single byte of your data is ever saved to disk in plain text. Instead,
RavenDB will encrypt all data and indexes using 256-bit encryption. Your data will be
decrypted on the fly as needed and only kept in memory for the duration of an active
We’ll also cover other aspects of running an encrypted database: how you should manage
encryption keys and how to back up and restore encrypted databases.
Part V — Running in production
Focus: Operations
This part deals with running and supporting a RavenDB cluster or clusters in production,
from spinning a new cluster, to decommissioning a downed node, to tracking down
performance problems. We’ll learn all you need (plus a bit more) in order to understand
how RavenDB works and how to customize its behavior to fit your own environment.
We’ll go over the details you’ll need to successfully deploy to production, like how to plan
ahead for the resources you’ll need to handle expected load (and how to handle unexpected
load) and the kind of deployment topologies you can choose from and their implications.
We’ll also go over the network, firewall and operating system configurations that can make
or break a production environment.
Just getting to production isn’t good enough; we are also going to cover how you can stay in
production and stay there healthily. We’ll discuss monitoring and troubleshooting, what
sort of details you need to keep an eye on and how RavenDB surfaces potential issues early
on. We’ll discover how you can dig into RavenDB and see exactly what is going on inside
the engine. We’ll go over the kinds of self-optimizations RavenDB routinely applies and
how you can take advantage of them.
We’ll cover common issues and how to troubleshoot them, diagnosing and resolving
problems while keeping the cluster up and functioning. We’ll learn how to plan for disaster
recovery and actually apply the plan if (and when) disaster strikes.
We’ll spend a whole chapter discussing backups and restores. RavenDB supports several
options for backing up your data: offsite hot spares, full binary snapshots of your data and
highly compressed backups meant for long term storage. We’ll discuss backup strategies
and options, including backing up directly to the cloud. More importantly, we’ll cover how
you can define and execute a restore strategy, a critical——though often (sadly)
overlooked——part of your overall backup strategy.
Finally, we are going to close this book with a set of operational recipes. These are ready-
made answers to specific scenarios that you might run into in production. These are meant
to serve both as a series of steps for you to follow if you run into a particular scenario and
as a way to give you better insight into the process of working with RavenDB in production.

So there’s a lot going on in this book, and I hope you’ll find it both interesting and
instructive. But remember, the one thing it isn’t meant to do is replace the documentation.
The purpose of this book is to give you a full background on and greater understanding of
how RavenDB works. I’m not covering the nitty-gritty details of every API call and what
parameters should be passed to it.
In many cases, I have elected to discuss a feature, give one or two examples of its use and
where it’s best utilized and leave the reader with the task of reading up on the full details in
the documentation.
This book is meant to be more than API listing. It is meant to tell a story, the story of how
you can make the best use of RavenDB in your applications and environment. So, without
further ado, turn the page and let’s get started.

Zero to RavenDB
The very first step we need to take in our journey to understand RavenDB is to get it
running on our machine so we can actually get things done. I’m deferring discussion on
what RavenDB is and how it works to a later part of this book because I think having a live
version that you can play with will make it much easier to understand.

Setting RavenDB on your machine

For this section, I’m assuming that you’re a developer trying to get a RavenDB instance so
you can explore it. I’m going to ignore everything related to actual production deployments
in favor of getting you set up in as few steps as possible. A full discussion on how to deploy,
secure and run RavenDB in production is available in the “Production Deployments”
I’m going to go over a few quick install scenarios, and you can select whichever one makes
the most sense for your setup. After that, you can skip to the next section, where we’ll
actually start using RavenDB.

Running on Docker
The easiest way to get RavenDB is probably via Docker. If you already have Docker
installed, all you need to do is run the following command (using PowerShell):
$rvn_args = "--Setup.Mode=None --License.Eula.Accepted=true"
docker run
-p 8080:8080
-e RAVEN_ARGS=$rvn_args

Docker will now get the latest RavenDB version and spin up a new container to host it. Note
that we run it in developer mode, without any authentication.
The output of this command should look something like Listing 2.1.
_____ _____ ____
| __ \ | __ \| _ \
| |__) |__ ___ _____ _ __ | | | | |_) |
| _ // _` \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| | | | _ <
| | \ \ (_| |\ V / __/ | | | |__| | |_) |
|_| \_\__,_| \_/ \___|_| |_|_____/|____/

Safe by default, optimized for efficiency

Build 40038, Version 4.0, SemVer 4.0.4-patch-40038, Commit 4837206

PID 7, 64 bits, 2 Cores, Phys Mem 1.934 GBytes, Arch: X64
Source Code (git repo):
Built with love by Hibernating Rhinos and awesome contributors!
Using GC in server concurrent mode retaining memory from the OS.
Server available on: http://a698a4246832:8080
Tcp listening on
Server started, listening to requests...
TIP: type 'help' to list the available commands.
ravendb> End of standard input detected, switching to server mode...
Running non-interactive.

You can now access your RavenDB instance using http://localhost:8080. If something is
already holding port 8080 on your machine, you can map it to a different one using the -p
8080:8081 option.

Running on Windows
To set up RavenDB on Windows, you’ll need to go to, select
the appropriate platform (Windows x64, in this case) and download the zip file containing
the binaries.
Extract the file to a directory and then run the Start.cmd script or
Server\Raven.Server.exe executable. This will run RavenDB in interactive mode, inside a
console application, and you can access the server by going to http://localhost:8080 in
your browser.
If something is already using port 8080, RavenDB will fail to start and give you an “address
in use” error (more specifically, EADDRINUSE). You can customize the port and host from the
command line by issuing this command:
Server\Raven.Server.exe --ServerUrl=http://localhost:8081

That will run RavenDB on port 8081, avoiding the conflicting port issue. You might need to
try another port as well if port 8081 is also taken on your machine, of course.

Running on Linux
To set up RavenDB on Linux, you’ll need to go to, select the
appropriate platform (Linux x64, most likely) and download the tar.bz2 file containing the
Extract the file to a directory and then run the script or ./Server/Raven.Server
executable. This will run RavenDB in interactive mode, inside a console application, and
you can access the server by going to http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
If something is already using port 8080, RavenDB will fail to start and give you an “address
in use” error (more specifically, EADDRINUSE). You can customize the port and host from the
command line by issuing this command:
./Server/Raven.Server.exe --ServerUrl=http://localhost:8081
That will run RavenDB on port 8081, avoiding the conflicting port issue. You might need to
try another port as well if port 8081 is also taken on your machine, of course.

Using the live demo instance

Without installing anything, you can point your browser to and
access the public demo instance that we have available. This is useful for quick checks and
verifications, but it isn’t meant for anything more serious than that.
Obviously, all data in the live instance is public, and there are no guarantees about
availability. We use this instance to try out the latest versions, so you should take that into
consideration. In short, if you need to verify something small, go ahead and hit that
instance. Otherwise, you’ll need your own version.

Your first database

At this point, you’ve already set up an instance of RavenDB to work with, and you’ve loaded
the RavenDB Studio in your browser. For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to assume from now
on that you’re running RavenDB on the local machine on port 8080. Point your browser to
http://localhost:8080, and you should be greeted with an empty RavenDB instance. You
can see how it looks in Figure 2.1.

Empty RavenDB node

What we have right now is a RavenDB node that is a self-contained cluster.3 Now that we
have a running node, the next step is to create a new database on this node.
You can do that by clicking the Create Database button, naming the new database
Northwind and accepting all the defaults in the dialog. We’ll discuss what all of those mean

3Actually, that’s not exactly the case, but the details on the state of a newly minted node are
a bit complex and covered in more detail in Chapter 6.
later in this book. Click the Create button, and that’s pretty much it. Your new database is
ready. Click on the Databases button on the left to see what this looks, as shown in Figure

New empty database

Creating sample data

Of course, this new database contains no data, which makes it pretty hard to work with.
We’ll use the sample data feature in RavenDB to have some documents to experiment
with. Go to Create Sample Data under Tasks in the left menu and click the Create button.
Clicking this button will populate the database with the sample Northwind dataset. For
those not familiar with Northwind, it’s a sample dataset of an online store, and it includes
common concepts such as orders, customers and products. Let’s explore this dataset inside
of RavenDB.
On the left menu, select Documents, and you’ll see a view similar to what’s pictured in
Figure 2.3, showing the recently created documents and collections.

Northwind documents view

Collections are the basic building blocks inside RavenDB. Every document belongs to
exactly one collection, and the collection typically holds similar documents (though it
doesn’t have to). These documents are most often based on the entity type of the document
in your code. It’s very similar to tables in a relational database, but unlike tables, there’s no
requirement that documents within the same collection will share the same structure or
have any sort of schema.
Collections are very important to the way data is organized and optimized internally within
RavenDB. We’ll frequently use collections to group similar documents together and apply
an operation to them (subscribing to changes, indexing, querying, ETL, etc.).

Our first real document

Click on the Orders collection and then on the first document in the listing, which should be
orders/830-A. The result is shown in Figure 2.4. For the first time, we’re looking at a real
JSON document inside of RavenDB.
An orders document
If you’re used to working with non-relational databases, this is pretty obvious and not too
exciting. But if you’re mostly used to relational databases, there are several things to note
In RavenDB, we’re able to store arbitrarily complex data as a single unit. If you look closely
at Figure 2.4, you’ll see that instead of just storing a few columns, we can store rich
information and work with nested objects (the ShipTo property) or arrays of complex
types (the Lines property).
This means that we don’t have to split our data to satisfy the physical constraints of our
storage. A whole object graph can be stored in a single document. Modeling will be further
discussed in Chapter 3, but for now I’ll just mention that the basic modeling method in
RavenDB is based around root aggregates.
In the meantime, you can explore the different collections and the sample data in the
studio. We spent a lot of time and effort on the RavenDB Studio. Though it’s pretty, I’ll be
the first to admit that looking at a syntax highlighted text editor isn’t really that impressive.
So let’s see what kind of things we can do with the data as a database.

Working with the RavenDB Studio

This section will cover the basics of working with data within RavenDB Studio. If you’re a
developer, you’re probably anxious to start seeing code. We’ll get into that in the next
section—no worries.

Creating and editing documents

When you look at a particular document, you can edit the JSON and click Save, and the
document will be saved. There isn’t really much to it, to be honest. Creating new documents
is a bit more interesting. Let’s create a new category document.
Go to Documents in the left menu, click Categories under Collections and select New
document in current collection , as shown in Figure 2.5.

New document in current collection

This will open the editor with an empty, new document that’s based on one of the existing
categories. Note that the document ID is set to categories/. Fill in some values for the
properties in the new document and save it. RavenDB will assign the document ID
automatically for you.
One thing that may not be obvious is that while the studio generates an empty document
based on the existing ones, there is no such thing as schema in RavenDB, and you are free
to add or remove properties and values and modify the structure of the document however
you like. This feature makes evolving your data model and handling more complex data
much easier.
Patching documents
The first thing we’ll learn is how to do bulk operations inside the studio. Go to Documents
on the left menu and click the Patch menu item. You’ll be presented with the screen shown
in Figure 2.5.

Patching the categories

Patching allows you to write a query that executes a JavaScript transformation that can
modify the matching documents. To try this out, let’s run a non-trivial transformation on
the categories documents. Using a patch script, we’ll add localization support—the ability
to store the category name and description in multiple languages.
Start by adding the code in Listing 2.2 to the query text.
from Categories
update {
this.Name = [
{ "Lang": "en-us", "Text": this.Name }
this.Description = [
{ "Lang": "en-us", "Text": this.Description }

Click the Test button, and you can see the results of running this operation: a category
document. You can also select which specific document this test will be tested on. The
before-and-after results of running this script on categories/4-A are shown in Figure 2.6.
Categories localization with JavaScript patching
Patch scripts allow us to modify our documents en masse, and they are very useful when
you need to reshape existing data. They can be applied on a specific document, a whole
collection or all documents matching a specific query.
It’s important to mention that for performance reasons, such bulk operations can be
composed of multiple, independent and concurrent transactions instead of spanning a
single large transaction. Each such independent transaction processes some portion of the
data with full ACID properties (while the patch operation as a whole does not).

Deleting documents
If you want to delete a particular document in the studio, you can simply go to the
document and hit the Delete button. You can delete a whole collection by going to the
collection page (in the left menu, choose Documents and then select the relevant collection
in the Collections menu), selecting all the documents in the header row and clicking

Querying documents
The previous sections talked about how to create, update and delete documents. But for full
CRUD support, we still need to read documents. So far, we’ve looked at documents whose
IDs were already known to us, and we’ve looked at entire collections. In this section, we’ll
focus on querying documents based on their data.
In the left menu, go to Indexes and then to Query. This is the main screen for querying
documents in the RavenDB Studio. Enter the following query and then click the query
button: from Companies where Address.Country = 'UK'
You can see the results of this query in Figure 2.8.

All companies in the UK query results

This section was meant to show you the basics of using the RavenDB Studio, not to be a
thorough walkthrough of all the options. This overview is mostly here so you’re familiar
with the basics of using the studio and can see the results of what we’re doing in code in the
next section, where we get to actual coding.

Your first RavenDB program

We’re finally at the good parts, where we can start slinging code around. For simplicity’s
sake, I’m going to use a simple console application to explore the RavenDB API. Typically,
RavenDB is used in web/backend applications, so we’ll also explore some of the common
patterns of organizing your RavenDB usage in your application later in this chapter.
The code samples in this book use C#, but the documentation can guide you on how to
achieve the same results in any supported clients.
Create a new console application with RavenDB, as shown Listing 2.3.
dotnet new console --name Rvn.Ch02
dotnet add .\Rvn.Ch02\ package RavenDB.Client --version 4.*

This will setup the latest client version for RavenDB 4.0 on the project. The next step is to
add a namespace reference by adding using Raven.Client.Documents; to the top of the
Program.cs file.
And now we’re ready to start working with the client API. The first thing we need to do is to
set up access to the RavenDB cluster that we’re talking to. This is done by creating an
instance of DocumentStore and configuring it as shown in Listing 2.4.
var store = new DocumentStore
Urls = new[] { "http://localhost:8080" },
Database = "Tasks"


This code sets up a new DocumentStore instance and lets it know about a single node—the
one running on the local machine—and that we are going to be using the Tasks database.
The document store is the starting location for all communication with the RavenDB
cluster. It holds the configuration, topology, cache and any customizations that you might
have applied.
Typically, you’ll have a single instance of a document store per application (singleton
pattern) and use that same instance for the lifetime of the application. Before we can
continue, however, we need to go ahead and create the Tasks database in the studio so
we’ll have a real database to work with.
The document store is the starting location for all RavenDB work, but the real workhorse
we typically use is the session. The session is what will hold our entities, talk with the
server and, in general, act as the front man to the RavenDB cluster.

Defining entities and basic CRUD

Before we can actually start using the session, we need something to actually store. It’s
possible to work with completely dynamic data in RavenDB, but that’s a specific scenario
covered in the documentation. Most of the time, you’re working with your entities. For the
purpose of this chapter, we’ll use the notion of tasks to build a simple list of things to do.
Listing 2.5 shows what a class that will be saved as a RavenDB document looks like.
public class ToDoTask
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Task { get; set; }
public bool Completed { get; set; }
public DateTime DueDate { get; set; }

This is about as simple as you can get, but we’re only starting, so that’s good. Let’s create a
new task inside RavenDB, reminding us that we need to pick up a bottle of milk from the
store tomorrow. The code to perform this task (pun intended) is shown in Listing 2.6.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var task = new ToDoTask
DueDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1),
Task = "Buy milk"

We opened a new session and created a new ToDoTask. We then stored the task in the
session and called SaveChanges to save all the changes in the session to the server. You can
see the results of this in Figure 2.9.

The newly created task in the studio

As it so happened, I was able to go to the store today and get some milk, so I need to mark
this task as completed. Listing 2.7 shows the code required to handle updates in RavenDB.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var task = session.Load<ToDoTask>("ToDoTasks/1-A");
task.Completed = true;

You’ll notice several interesting things, even in this very small sample. We loaded the
document and modified it, and then we called SaveChanges. We didn’t need to call Store
again. Because the task instance was loaded via the session, it was also tracked by the
session, and any changes made to it would be sent back to the server when SaveChanges
was called. Conversely, if the Completed property was already set to true, the RavenDB
client would detect that and do nothing since the state of the server and the client match.
The document session implements the Unit of Work and Identity Map design patterns.
This makes it much easier to work with complex behaviors since you don’t need to
manually track changes to your objects and decide what needs to be saved and what
doesn’t. It also means that the only time the RavenDB client will send updates to the server
is when you call SaveChanges. That, in turn, means you’ll experience a reduced number of
network calls. All of the changes will be sent as a single batch to the server. And because
RavenDB is transactional, all those changes will happen as a single transaction, either
completing fully or not at all.
Let’s expand on that and create a few more tasks. You can see how this works in Listing 2.8.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
session.Store(new ToDoTask
DueDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(i),
Task = "Take the dog for a walk"


Figure 2.10 shows the end result of all this playing around we’ve done. We’re creating five
new tasks and saving them in the same SaveChanges call, so they will be saved as a single
transactional unit.

All the current task documents

Querying RavenDB
Now that we have all those tasks, we want to start querying on the data. We’ll get to how to
query them from code in a bit, first I want to show you how to query data from the studio.
Go to Indexes and then Query in the studio and you’ll see the query page. Let us find all the
tasks we still have to do, we can do that using the following query: from ToDoTasks where
Completed = false. You can see the results of this in Figure 2.11.

Querying for incomplete tasks in the studio

We’ll learn all about querying RavenDB in Part III. For now, let’s concentrate on getting
results, which means looking at how we can query RavenDB from code. Let’s say I want to
know what kind of tasks I have for the next couple of days. In order to get that information,
I can use the query in Listing 2.9. (Remember to add using System.Linq; to the top of the
Program.cs file.)
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var tasksToDo =
from t in session.Query<ToDoTask>()
where t.DueDate >= DateTime.Today &&
t.DueDate <= DateTime.Today.AddDays(2) &&
t.Completed == false
orderby t.DueDate
select t;

foreach (var task in tasksToDo)

Console.WriteLine($"{task.Id} - {task.Task} - {task.DueDate}");

Running the code in Listing 2.10 gives the following output:

from ToDoTasks where DueDate between $p0 and $p1
and Completed = $p2 order by DueDate

ToDoTasks/2-A - Take the dog for a walk - 5/14/2017 12:00:00 AM

ToDoTasks/3-A - Take the dog for a walk - 5/15/2017 12:00:00 AM
ToDoTasks/4-A - Take the dog for a walk - 5/16/2017 12:00:00 AM

The query code sample shows us using LINQ to perform queries against RavenDB with very
little hassle and no ceremony whatsoever. There is actually a lot going on behind the
scenes, but we’ll leave all of that to Part III. You can also see that we can call .ToString()
on the query to get the query text from the RavenDB client API.
Let’s look at an aggregation query. The code in Listing 2.10 gives us the results of all the
tasks per day.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var tasksPerDay =
from t in session.Query<ToDoTask>()
group t by t.DueDate into g
select new
DueDate = g.Key,
TasksPerDate = g.Count()

// from ToDoTasks
// group by DueDate
// select key() as DueDate, count() as TasksPerDate

foreach (var tpd in tasksPerDay)

Console.WriteLine($"{tpd.DueDate} - {tpd.TasksPerDate}");

If you’re familiar with LINQ, there isn’t much to say about the code in Listing 2.10. It works,
and it’s obvious and easy to understand. If you aren’t familiar with LINQ and working with
the .NET platform, I strongly recommend learning it. From the consumer side, Linq is quite
beautiful. Now, if you were to implement querying using LINQ, it’s utterly atrocious—take
it from someone who’s done it a few times. But lucky for you, that isn’t your problem. It’s
So far, we’ve explored the RavenDB API a bit, saved documents, edited a task and queried
the tasks in various ways. This was intended to familiarize you with the API and how to
work with RavenDB. The client API was designed to be very simple, focusing on the
common CRUD scenarios. Deleting a document is as easy as calling session.Delete, and all
the complex options that you would need are packed inside the session.Advanced
Now that you have a basic understanding of how to write a Hello World in RavenDB, we’re
ready to dig deeper and see the client API in all its glory.

The client API

We’ve already used a document store to talk with a RavenDB server. At the time, did you
wonder what its purpose is? The document store is a main entry point for the whole client
API. It holds the server URLs, for one. (So far we used only a single one, but in many cases,
our data can span across multiple nodes.) It also holds the default database we will want to
operate on, as well as the X509 client certificate that will be used to authenticate ourselves
to the server. Its importance goes beyond connection management, so let’s take a closer
look at it.

The document store

The document store holds all the client-side configuration, including serialization
configuration, failover behavior, caching options and much more. In a typical application,
you’ll have a single document-store instance per application (singleton). Because of that,
the document store is thread safe, with an initialization pattern that typically looks like the
code in Listing 2.11.
public class DocumentStoreHolder
private readonly static Lazy<IDocumentStore> _store =
new Lazy<IDocumentStore>(CreateDocumentStore);

private static IDocumentStore CreateDocumentStore()

var documentStore = new DocumentStore
Urls = // urls of the nodes in the RavenDB Cluster
Certificate =
new X509Certificate2("tasks.pfx"),
Database = "Tasks",

return documentStore;

public static IDocumentStore Store

get { return _store.Value; }

The use of “Lazy” ensures that the document store is only created once, without you having
to worry about double locking or explicit thread safety issues. And you can configure the
document store as you see fit. The rest of the code can access the document store using
DocumentStoreHolder.Store. That should be relatively rare since, apart from configuring
the document store, the majority of the work is done using sessions.
Listing 2.11 shows how to configure multiple nodes, set up security and select the
appropriate database. We’ll learn about how to work with a RavenDB cluster in Chapter 6.
We still have a lot to cover on the document store without getting to clusters, though.

The client API, just like the rest of RavenDB, aims to just work. To that end, it’s based on the
notion of conventions: a series of policy decisions that have already been made for you.
Those decisions range from which property holds the document ID to how the entity
should be serialized to a document.
For the most part, we expect that you’ll not have to touch the conventions. A lot of thought
and effort has gone into ensuring you’ll have little need to do that. But there’s simply no
way that we can foresee the future or anticipate every need. That’s why most of the client
API parts are customizable.
Customizations can be applied by changing various settings and behaviors via the
DocumentStore.Conventions property. For example, by default, the client API will use a
property named Id (case sensitive) to store the document ID. But there are users who want
to use the entity name as part of the property name. So they’ll have OrderId for orders,
ProductId for products, etc. 4
Here’s how we tell the client API to apply the TypeName + Id policy:
documentStore.Conventions.FindIdentityProperty =
prop => prop.Name == prop.DeclaringType.Name + "Id";

4 I’ll leave aside Id vs. ID, since it’s handled in the same manner.
Don’t worry. We won’t go over all of the available options, since there are quite a few of
them. Please refer to the online documentation to get the full list of available conventions
and their effects. It might be worth your time to go over and quickly study them just to
know what’s available to you, even if they aren’t something that you’ll touch all that often
(or ever).
Beside the conventions, there are certain settings available directly from the document
store level that you should be aware of, like default request timeouts, caching configuration
and event handlers. We’ll cover all of those later on. But for now, let’s focus on

A database holds a lot of information. Usually, it’s pretty important that you have control
over who can access that information and what they can do with it. RavenDB fully supports
this notion.
In development mode, you’ll most commonly work in unsecured mode, which implies that
any connection will be automatically granted cluster administrator privileges. This reduces
the number of things that you have to do upfront. But as easy as that is for development, for
production, you’ll want to run in a secured fashion. After doing so, all access to the server is
restricted to authenticated users only.
Caution: unsecured network-accessible databases are bad for you.
By default, RavenDB will refuse to listen to anything but localhost in unsecured mode. This is done for security
reasons, to prevent admins from accidentally exposing RavenDB without authentication over the network. If you
attempt to configure a non-localhost URL with authentication disabled, RavenDB will answer all requests with an
error page explaining the situation and giving instructions on how to fix the issue.
You can let RavenDB know this is something you actually want, if you’re running on a secured and isolated
network. It requires an additional and explicit step to make sure this is your conscious choice and not an admin

RavenDB uses X509 client certificates for authentication. The good thing about certificates
is that they’re not users. They’re not tied to a specific person or need to be managed as
such. Instead, they represent specific access that was granted to the database for a
particular reason. I find that this is a much more natural way to handle authentication, and
typically X509 client certificates are granted on a per application / role basis.
A much deeper discussion of authentication, managing certificates and security in general
can be found in the Chapter 13.

The document session

The session (also called “document session,” but we usually shorten it to just “session”) is
the primary way your code interacts with RavenDB. If you’re familiar with Hibernate
(Java), Entity Framework (.NET) or Active Record (Ruby), you should feel right at home.
The RavenDB session was explicitly modeled to make it easy to work with.
We tend to use the term “document” to refer both to the actual documents on the server and to manipulating
them, client-side. It’s common to say, “load that document and then…” But occasionally, we need to be more
We make a distinction between a document and an entity (or aggregate root). A document is the server-side
representation, while an entity is the client-side equivalent. An entity is the deserialized document that you work
with client-side and save back to the database to become an updated document server side.

We’ve already gone over the basics previously in this chapter, so you should be familiar
with basic CRUD operations using the session. Let’s look at the session with a bit more
scrutiny. One of the main design forces behind RavenDB was the idea that it should just
work. And the client API reflects that principle. If you look at the surface API for the session,
here are the following high level options:
• Load()
• Include()
• Delete()
• Query()
• Store()
• SaveChanges()
• Advanced
Those are the most common operations that you’ll run into on a day-to-day basis. And
more options are available under the Advanced property.
Disposing the session
The .NET implementation of the client API holds resources that must be freed. Whenever you make use of the
session, be sure to wrap the variable in a using statement or else do something to ensure proper disposal. Not
doing so can force the RavenDB client to clean up using the finalizer thread, which can in turn increase the time it
takes to release the acquired resources.

As the name implies, this gives you the option of loading a document or a set of documents
into the session. A document loaded into the session is managed by the session. Any
changes made to the document would be persisted to the database when you call
SaveChanges. A document can only be loaded once in a session. Let’s look at the following
var t1 = session.Load<ToDoTask>("ToDoTasks/1-A");
var t2 = session.Load<ToDoTask>("ToDoTasks/1-A");

Assert.True(Object.ReferenceEquals(t1, t2));

Even though we called Load<ToDoTask>("ToDoTasks/1-A") twice, there’s only a single

remote call to the server and only a single instance of the ToDoTask class. Whenever you
load a document, it’s added to an internal dictionary that the session manages, and the
session checks the dictionary to see if the document is already there. If so, it will return the
existing instance immediately. This helps avoid aliasing issues and also generally helps
For those of you who deal with patterns, the session implements the Unit of Work and
Identity Map patterns. This is most obvious when talking about the Load operation, but it
also applies to Query and Delete.
Load can also be used to read more than a single document at a time. For example, if I
wanted three documents, I could use:
Dictionary<string, ToDoTask> tasks = session.Load<ToDoTask>(

This will result in a dictionary with all three documents in it, retrieved in a single remote
call from the server. If a document we tried to load wasn’t found on the server, the
dictionary will contain null for that document ID.
Budgeting remote calls
Probably the easiest way to kill your application performance is to make a lot of remote calls. And a likely culprit is
the database. It’s common to see a web application making tens of calls to the database to service a single request,
usually for no good reason. In RavenDB, we’ve done several things to mitigate that problem. The most important
among them is to allocate a budget for every session. Typically, a session would encompass a single operation in
your system. An HTTP request or the processing of a single message is usually the lifespan of a session.
A session is limited by default to a maximum of 30 calls to the server. If you try to make more than 30 calls to the
server, an exception is thrown. This serves as an early warning that your code is generating too much load on the
system and is a circuit breaker.5
You can increase the budget, of course, but just having that warning in place ensures that you’ll think about the
number of remote calls you’re making.
The limited number of calls allowed per session also means that RavenDB has a lot of options to reduce the
number of calls. When you call SaveChanges(), you don’t need to make a separate call per changed entity; you can
go to the database once. In the same manner, we also allow you to batch read calls. We’ll discuss the Lazy
feature in more depth in Chapter 4.

The client API is pretty smart about it. If you try to load a document that was already
loaded (directly or via Include), the session can serve it directly from the session cache.
And if the document doesn’t exist, the session will also remember that it couldn’t load that
document and will immediately return null rather than attempt to load the document

Working with multiple documents

We’ve seen how to work with a single document, and we even saved a batch of several
documents into RavenDB in a single transaction. But we haven’t actually worked with

5 See Release It!, a wonderful book that heavily influenced the RavenDB design.
anything more complex than a ToDoTask. That’s pretty limiting, in terms of the amount of
complexity we can express. Listing 2.12 lets us add the notion of people who can be
assigned tasks to the model.
public class Person
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

public class ToDoTask

public string Id { get; set; }
public string Task { get; set; }
public bool Completed { get; set; }
public DateTime DueDate { get; set; }

public string AssignedTo { get; set; }

public string CreatedBy { get; set; }

From looking at the model in Listing 2.12, we can learn a few interesting tidbits. First, we
can see that each class stands on its own. We don’t have a Person property on ToDoTask or
a Tasks collection on Person. We’ll learn about modeling more extensively in Chapter 3, but
the gist of modeling in RavenDB is that each document is independent, isolated and
What does this mean? It means we should be able to take a single document and work with
it successfully without having to look at or load additional documents. The easiest way to
conceptualize this is to think about physical documents. With a physical document, I’m able
to pick it up and read it, and it should make sense. References to other locations may be
frequent, but there will usually be enough information in the document itself that I don’t
have to go and read those references.
In the case of the ToDoTask, I can look at my tasks, create new tasks or mark them as
completed without having to look at the Person document. This is quite a shift from
working with relational databases, where traversing between rows and tables is very
common and frequently required.
Let’s see how we can create a new task and assign it to a person. Listing 2.13 shows an
interesting feature of RavenDB. Take a look and see if you can find the oddity.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var person = new Person
Name = "Oscar Arava"

RavenDB is transactional, and we only send the request to the server on SaveChanges. So
how could we print the person.Id property before we called SaveChanges? Later in this
chapter, we’ll cover document identifiers and how they’re generated, but the basic idea is
that the moment we returned from Store, the RavenDB client ensured that we had a valid
ID to use with this document. As you can see with Listing 2.14, this can be quite important
when you’re creating two documents at the same time, with references between them.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var person = new Person
Name = "Oscar Arava"

var task = new ToDoTask

DueDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1),
Task = "Buy milk",
AssignedTo = person.Id,
CreatedBy = person.Id

Now that we know how to write multiple documents and create associations between
documents, let’s see how we read them back. There’s a catch, though. We want to do it

RavenDB doesn’t actually have references in the usual sense. There’s no such thing as
foreign keys, like you might be used to. A reference to another document is just a string
property that happens to contains the ID of another document. What does this mean for
working with the data? Let’s say that we want to print the details of a particular task,
including the name of the person assigned to it. Listing 2.15 shows the obvious way to do
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
string taskId = Console.ReadLine();

ToDoTask task = session.Load<ToDoTask>(taskId);

Person assignedTo = session.Load<Person>(task.AssignedTo);
$"{task.Id} - {task.Task} by {assignedTo.Name}");

// will print 2

This code works, but it’s inefficient. We’re making two calls to the server here, once to fetch
the task and another to fetch the assigned user. The last line of Listing 2.15 prints how
many requests we made to the server. This is part of the budgeting and awareness program
RavenDB has, aimed at reducing the number of remote calls and speeding up your
Error handling
Listing 2.15 really bugged me when I wrote it, mostly because there’s a lot of error handling that isn’t being done:
the task ID being empty, the task document not existing, the task not being assigned to anyone…you get the drift. I
just wanted to mention that most code samples in this book will contain as little error handling as possible so as
not to distract from the code that actually does things.

Having to go to the database twice is a pity because the server already knows the value of
the AssignedTo property, and it could send the document that matches the value of that
property at the same time it’s sending us the task. RavenDB’s Includes functionality, which
handles this in one step, is a favorite feature of mine because I still remember how excited I
was when we finally figured out how to do this in a clean fashion. Look at Listing 2.16 to
see how it works, and compare it to Listing 2.15.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
string taskId = Console.ReadLine();

ToDoTask task = session

.Include<ToDoTask>(x => x.AssignedTo)

Person assignedTo = session.Load<Person>(task.AssignedTo);

$"{task.Id} - {task.Task} by {assignedTo.Name}");

// will print 1

The only difference between the two code listings is that in Listing 2.16 we’re calling to
Include before the Load. The Include method gives instructions to RavenDB: when it loads
the document, it should look at the AssignedTo property. If there’s a document with the
document ID that’s stored in the AssignedTo property, it should send it to the client
However, we didn’t change the type of the task variable. It remains a ToDoTask. So what
exactly did this Include method do here? What happened is that the session got a reply
from the server, saw that there are included documents, and put them in its Identity Map.
When we request the Person instance that was assigned to this task, we already have that
information in the session and can avoid going back to the server to fetch the same
document we already have.
The API is almost the same—and except for that call, everything else remains the same—
but we managed to significantly cut the number of remote calls we make. You can Include
multiple properties to load several referenced documents (or even a collection of them)
efficiently. This is similar to a JOIN in a relational database, but it’s much more efficient
since you don’t have to deal with Cartesian products and it doesn’t modify the shape of the
Includes aren’t joins
It’s tempting to think about includes in RavenDB as similar to a join in a relational database. And there are
similarities, but there are also fundamental differences. A join will modify the shape of the output. It combines
each matching row from one side with each matching row on the other, sometimes creating Cartesian products
that can cause panic attacks for your DBAs.
And the more complex your model, the more joins you’ll have, the wider your result sets become and the slower
your application will become. In RavenDB, there’s very little cost to adding includes. That’s because they operate
on a different channel than the results of the operation and don’t change the shape of the returned data.
Includes are also important in queries. There, they operate after paging has applied, instead of before, like joins.
The end result is that includes don’t modify the shape of the output, don’t have a high cost when you use more
than one of them and don’t suffer from problems like Cartesian products.

Include cannot, however, be used to include documents that are referenced by included
documents. In other words, Include is not recursive. This is quite intentional because
allowing includes on included documents will lead to complex requests, both for the user to
write and understand and for the server to execute. You can actually do recursive includes
in RavenDB, but that features is exposed differently (via the declare function mode,
which we’ll cover in Chapter 9).
Using multiple Includes on the same operation, however, is just fine. Let’s load a task, and
with it we’ll include both the assigned to person and the one who created the task. This can
be done using the following snippet:
ToDoTask task = session.Include<ToDoTask>(x => x.AssignedTo)
.Include(x => x.CreatedBy)

Now I can load both the AssignedTo person and the CreatedBy one, and there’s still only a
single round trip to the server. What about when both of them are pointing at the same
document? RavenDB will return just a single copy of the document, even if it was included
multiple times. On the session side of things, you’ll get the same instance of the entity when
you load it multiple times.
Beware of relational modeling inside of RavenDB
As powerful as the Include feature is, one of the most common issues we run into with RavenDB is people using
it with a relational mindset—trying to use RavenDB as if it was a relational database and modeling their entities
accordingly. Include can help push you that way because they let you get associated documents easily.

We’ll talk about modeling in a lot more depth in the next chapter, when you’ve learned
enough about the kind of environment that RavenDB offers to make sense of the choices
we’ll make.

Deleting a document is done through the appropriately named Delete method. This
method can accept an entity instance or a document ID. The following are various ways to
delete a document:
var task = session.Load<ToDoTask>("ToDoTasks/1-A");
session.Delete(task); // delete by instance

session.Delete("ToDoTasks/1-A"); // delete by ID

It’s important to note that calling Delete doesn’t actually delete the document. It merely
marks that document as deleted in the session. It’s only when SaveChanges is called that
the document will be deleted.

Querying is a large part of what RavenDB does. Not surprisingly, queries strongly relate to
indexes, and we’ll talk about those extensively in Part III. You’ve already seen some basic
queries in this chapter, so you know how we can query to find documents that match a
particular predicate, using LINQ.
Like documents loaded via the Load call, documents that were loaded via a Query are
managed by the session. Modifying them and calling SaveChanges will result in their update
on the server. A document that was returned via a query and was loaded into the session
explicitly via Load will still have only a single instance in the session and will retain all the
changes that were made to it.6
Queries in RavenDB don’t behave like queries in a relational database. RavenDB doesn’t
allow computation during queries, and it doesn’t have problems with table scans or slow
queries. We’ll touch on exactly why and cover details about indexing in Part III, but for now
you can see that most queries will just work for you.

6You can call session.Advanced.Refresh if you want to force the session to update the
state of the document from the server.
The Store command is how you associate an entity with the session. Usually, this is done
because you want to create a new document. We’ve already seen this method used several
times in this chapter, but here’s the relevant part:
var person = new Person
Name = "Oscar Arava"

Like the Delete command, Store will only save the document to the database when
SaveChanges is called. However, it will give the new entity an ID immediately, so you can
refer to it in other documents that you’ll save in the same batch.
Beyond saving a new entity, Store is also used to associate entities of existing documents
with the session. This is common in web applications. You have one endpoint that sends the
entity to the user, who modifies that entity and then sends it back to your web application.
You have a live entity instance, but it’s not loaded by a session or tracked by it.
At that point, you can call Store on that entity, and because it doesn’t have a null document
ID, it will be treated as an existing document and overwrite the previous version on the
database side. This is instead of having to load the database version, update it and then
save it back.
Store can also be used in optimistic concurrency scenarios, but we’ll talk about this in
more detail in Chapter 4.

The SaveChanges call will check the session state for all deletions and changes. It will then
send all of those to the server as a single remote call that will complete transactionally. In
other words, either all the changes are saved as a single unit or none of them are.
Remember that the session has an internal map of all loaded entities. When you call
SaveChanges, those loaded entities are checked against the entity as it was when it was
loaded from the database. If there are any changes, that entity will be saved to the database.
It’s important to understand that any change would force the entire entity to be saved. We
don’t attempt to make partial document updates in SaveChanges. An entity is always saved
to a document as a single full change.
The typical way one would work with the session is:
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
// do some work with the session

So SaveChanges is usually only called once per session, although there’s nothing wrong
with calling it multiple times. If the session detects that there have been no changes to the
entities, it will skip calling to the server entirely.
With this, we conclude the public surface area of the session. Those methods allow us to do
about 90% of everything you could wish for with RavenDB. For the other 10%, we need to
look at the Advanced property.

The surface area of the session was carefully designed so that the common operations were
just a method call away from the session, and that there would be few of them. But while
this covers many of the most common scenarios, it isn’t enough to cover them all.
All of the extra options are hiding inside the Advanced property. You can use them to
configure the behavior of optimistic concurrency on a per-session basis using:
session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;

Or you can define it once globally by modifying the conventions:

documentStore.Conventions.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;

You can force a reload of an entity from the database to get the changes made since the
entity was last loaded:

And you can make the session forget about an entity completely (it won’t track it, apply
changes, etc.):

I’m not going to go over the Advanced options here. There are quite a few, and they’re
covered in the documentation quite nicely. It’s worth taking the time to read about, even if
you’ll rarely need the extra options.
Hiding the session: avoid the IRepository mess
A common problem we see with people using the client API is that they frequently start by defining their own data
access layer, usually named IRepository or something similar.
This is generally a bad idea. We’ve only started to scratch the surface of the client API, and you can already see
there are plenty of valuable features (Includes, optimistic concurrency, change tracking). Hiding behind a
generic interface typically results in one of two situations:
• Because a generic interface doesn’t expose the relevant (and useful) features of RavenDB, you’re stuck with
using the lowest common denominator. That means you give up a lot of power and flexibility, and in 99% of
cases, the interface won’t allow you to switch between data store implementations. 7
• The second situation is that, because of issues mentioned in the previous point, you expose the RavenDB
features behind the
IRepository. In this case, you’re already tied to the RavenDB client, but you added another layer that
doesn’t do much but increase code complexity. This can make it hard to understand what’s actually going on.
The client API is meant to be easy to use and high level enough that you’ll not need to wrap it for convenience’s
sake. In all likelihood, if you do wrap it, you’ll just wind up forwarding calls back and forth.
One thing that’s absolutely wrong to do, however, is to have methods like T IRepository.Get<T>(string
id) that will create and dispose of a session within the scope of the Get method call. That cancels out a lot of
optimizations, behaviors and functionality,8 and it would be a real shame for you to lose these features of

The Async Session

So far, we’ve shown only synchronous work with the client API. But async support is crucial
for high performance applications. That’s why RavenDB has full support for it. In fact, that’s
the recommended mode, and the synchronous version is actually built on top of the async
version. The async API is exposed via the async session. In all respects, it’s identical to the
sync version.
using (var session = documentStore.OpenAsyncSession())
var person = new Person
Name = "Oscar Arava"
await session.StoreAsync(person);
await session.SaveChangesAsync();

using (var session = documentStore.OpenAsyncSession())

var tasksPerDayQuery =
from t in session.Query<ToDoTask>()
group t by t.DueDate into g
select new
DueDate = g.Key,
TasksPerDate = g.Count()
List<ToDoTask> tasksToDo = await tasksPerDayQuery.ToListAsync();

7 The 1% case where it will help is the realm of demo apps with little to no functionality
8Unit of Work won’t work. Neither will change tracking, optimistic concurrency you’ll
have to deal with manually, etc.
foreach (var task in tasksToDo)
Console.WriteLine($"{task.Id} - {task.Task} - {task.DueDate}");

Listing 2.17 shows a few examples of working with the async session. For the rest of the
book, we’ll use both the async and synchronous sessions to showcase features and
behavior of RavenDB.
RavenDB splits the sync and async API because their use cases are quite different, and
having separate APIs prevents you from doing some operations synchronously and some
operations asynchronously. Because of that, you can’t mix and use the synchronous session
with async calls or vice versa. You can use either mode in your application, depending on
the environment you’re using. Aside from the minor required API changes, they’re
completely identical.
The async support is deep—all the way to the I/O issued to the server. In fact, as I
mentioned earlier, the synchronous API is built on top of the async API and async I/O.
We covered the basics of working with the client API in this section, but that was mostly
mechanics. We’ll dive deeper into using RavenDB in the next chapter, where we’ll also learn
how it’s all put together.

Going below the session

“Ogres are like onions,” said Shrek. In a way, so is the client API. At the top, and what you’ll
usually interact with, are the document store and the document session. They, in turn, are
built on top of the notion of Operations and Commands. An Operation is a high level
concept, such as loading a document from the server.
Deep dive note
I’m going to take a small detour to explain how the client API is structured internally. This shouldn’t have an impact
on how you’re using the client API, but it might help you better understand how the client is put together. Feel
free to skip this section for now and come back to it at a later date.

The LoadOperation is the canonical example of this. A session Load or LoadAsync will
translate into a call to the LoadOperation, which will run all the associated logic (Identity
Map, Include tracking, etc.) up to the point where it will make a call to the server. That
portion is handled by the GetDocumentCommand, which knows how to ask the server for a
document (or a set of documents) and how to parse the server reply.
The same GetDocumentCommand is also used by the session.Advanced.Refresh method to
get an updated version of the document from the server. You won’t typically be using any of
that directly, going instead through the session. Occasions to use an Operation directly
usually arise when you’re writing some sort of management code, such as Listing 2.18,
which creates a new database on the cluster.
var dbRecord = new DatabaseRecord("Orders");
var createDbOp = new CreateDatabaseOperation(dbRecord);

A lot of the management functionality (creating and deleting databases, assigning

permissions, changing configuration, etc.) is available as operations that can be invoked in
such a manner.
In other cases, you can use an Operation to run something that doesn’t make sense in the
context of a session. For example, let’s say I wanted to delete all of the tasks in the database.
I could do it with the following code:
store.Operations.Send(new DeleteByQueryOperation(
new IndexQuery { Query = "from ToDoTasks" }

The reason that the tasks are exposed to the user is that the RavenDB API, at all levels, is
built with the notion of layers. The expectation is that you’ll usually work with the highest
layer: the session API. But since we can’t predict all things, we also provide access to the
lower level API, on top of which the session API is built, so you can use it if you need to.

Document identifiers in RavenDB

The document ID is a unique string that globally identifies a document inside a RavenDB
database. A document ID can be any UTF8 string up to 2025 bytes, although getting to
those sizes is extremely rare. You’ve already seen document IDs used in this chapter—
people/1-A, ToDoTasks/4-A and the like. Using a Guid like 92260D13-A032-4BCC-9D18-
10749898AE1C is possible but not recommended because it’s opaque and hard to read/work
By convention, we typically use the collection name as the prefix, a slash and then the
actual unique portion of the key. But you can also call your document hello/world or
what-a-wonderful-world. For the adventurous, Unicode is also a valid option. The
character U+1F426 is a valid document ID, and trying to use it in RavenDB is possible, as you
can see in Figure 2.12. Amusingly enough, trying to include a raw emoji character broke the
build for this book.
Unicode gave us Emojis, and the birdie document
While going full-on emoji for document identifiers might be going too far9, using Unicode
for document IDs means that you don’t have to worry if you need to insert a Unicode
character (such as someone’s name).
RavenDB and Unicode
I hope it goes without saying that RavenDB has full support for Unicode. Storing and retrieving documents,
querying on Unicode data and pretty much any related actions are supported. I haven’t talked about it so far
because it seems like an obvious requirement, but I think it’s better to state this support explicitly.

So RavenDB document IDs are Unicode strings up to 2025 bytes in length, which must be
globally unique in the scope of the database. This is unlike a relational database, in which a
primary key must only be unique in the scope of its table. This has never been a problem
because we typically use the collection name as the prefix to the document key. Usually, but
not always, there’s no requirement that a document in a specific collection will use the
collection name prefix as the document key. There are a few interesting scenarios that open
up because of this feature, discussed later in this section.
Human-readable document IDs

9Although, when you think about it, there’s a huge untapped market of teenage
Usually, we strongly recommend to have document IDs that are human-readable (ToDoTasks/123-A,
people/[email protected]). We often use identifiers for many purposes. Debugging and
troubleshooting are not the least of those.
A simple way to generate IDs is to just generate a new Guid, such as 92260D13-A032-4BBC-9D18-
10749898AE1C. But if you’ve ever had to read a Guid over the phone, keep track of multiple Guids in a log file
or just didn’t realize that the Guid in this paragraph and the one at the start of this section aren’t, in fact, the
same Guid…
If you’re anything like me, you went ahead and compared the two Guids to see if they actually didn’t match.
Given how hard finding the difference is, I believe the point is made. Guids are not friendly, and we want to avoid
having to deal with them on an ongoing basis if we can avoid it.

So pretty much the only thing we require is some way to generate a unique ID as the
document ID. Let’s see the strategies that RavenDB uses to allow that.

Semantic (external) document identifiers

The most obvious way to get an identifier is to ask the user to generate it. This is typically
done when you want an
identifier that’s of some meaningful value. For example, people/[email protected] or
accounts/591-192 are two document IDs that the developer can choose. Listing 2.19 shows
how you can provide an external identifier when creating documents.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var person = new Person
Name = "Oscar Arava"
session.Store(person, "people/[email protected]");

The people/[email protected] example, which uses an email address in the document

identifier, is a common technique to generate a human-readable document identifier that
make it easy to locate a document based on a user provided value (the email). While the
accounts/591-192 example uses a unique key that’s defined in another system. This is
common if you’re integrating with existing systems or have an external feed of data into
your database.

Nested document identifiers

A special case of external document naming is when we want to handle nested documents.
Let’s consider a financial system that needs to track accounts and transactions on those
accounts. We have our account document accounts/591-192, but we also have all the
financial transactions concerning this account that we need to track.
We’ll discuss this exact scenario in the next chapter, where we’ll talk about modeling, but
for now I’ll just say that it isn’t practical to hold all the transactions directly inside the
account document. So we need to put the transactions in separate documents. We could
identify those documents using transactions/1234-A, transactions/1235-A, etc. It would
work, but there are better ways.
We’re going to store the transaction information on a per-day basis, using identifiers that
embed both the owner account and the time of the transactions: accounts/591-
192/txs/2017-05-17. This document holds all the transactions for the 591-192 account for
May 17th, 2017.
RavenDB doesn’t care about your document IDs
RavenDB treats the document IDs as opaque values and doesn’t attach any meaning to a document whose key is
the prefix of other documents. In other words, as far as RavenDB is concerned, the only thing that
accounts/591-192 and accounts/591-192/txs/2017-05-17 have in common is that they’re both
In practice, the document IDs are stored in a sorted fashion inside RavenDB, and it allows for efficient scanning of
all documents with a particular prefix quite cheaply. But this is a secondary concern. What we’re really trying to
achieve here is to make sure our document IDs are very clear about their contents.

You might recall that I mentioned that RavenDB doesn’t require documents within a given
collection to be have an ID with the collection prefix. This is one of the major reasons
why—because it allows you to nest document IDs to get yourself a clearer model of your

Client-side identifier generation (hilo)

External identifiers and nesting document IDs are nice, but they tend to be the exception
rather than the rule. For the most part, when we create documents, we don’t want to have
to think about what IDs we should be giving them. We want RavenDB to just handle that for
RavenDB is a distributed database
A minor wrinkle in generating identifiers with RavenDB is that the database is distributed and capable of handling
writes on any of the nodes without requiring coordination between them. On the plus side, it means that in the
presence of failures we stay up and are able to process requests and writes. On the other hand, it can create non-
trivial complexities.
If two clients try to create a new document on two nodes in parallel, we need to ensure that they will not
accidentally create documents with the same ID. 10
It’s important to note, even at this early date, that such conflicts are part of life in any distributed database, and
RavenDB contains several ways to handle them (this is discussed in Chapter 6 in more detail).

Another wrinkle that we need to consider is that we really want to be able to generate
document IDs on the client, since that allows us to write code that creates a new document
and uses its ID immediately, in the same transaction. Otherwise, we’ll need to call to the
server to get the ID, then make use of this ID in a separate transaction.

10If the user explicitly specified the document ID, there’s nothing that RavenDB can do
here. But for IDs that are being generated by RavenDB (client or server), we can do better
than just hope that we’ll have no collisions.
RavenDB handles this by using an algorithm called hilo. The concept is pretty simple. The
first time you need to generate an identifier, you reserve a range of identifiers from the
server. The server is responsible for ensuring it will only provide that range to a single
client. Multiple clients can ask for ranges at the same time, and they will receive different
ranges. Each client can then safely generate identifiers within the range it was given,
without requiring any further coordination between client and server.
This is extremely efficient, and it scales nicely. RavenDB uses a dynamic range allocation
scheme, in which the ranges provided to the client can expand if the client is very busy and
generates a lot of identifiers very quickly (thus consuming the entire range quickly).
This is the default approach in RavenDB and the one we’ve used so far in this book. There’s
still another wrinkle to deal with, though. What happens if two clients request ID ranges
from two different nodes at the same time? At this point, each node is operating
independently (indeed, a network failure might mean that we aren’t able to talk to other
nodes). In order to handle this scenario properly, each range is also stamped with the ID of
the node that assigned that range. This way, even if those two clients have managed to get
the same range from each node, the generated IDs will be unique.
Let’s assume the first client got the range 128 - 256 from node A and the second client got
the same range from node B. The hilo method on the first client will generate document
IDs like people/128-A, people/129-A, and on the second client, it will generate
people/128-B, people/129-B, etc. These are different documents. Using shorthand to refer
to documents using just the numeric portion of the ID is common, but pay attention to the
full ID as well.
It’s important to note that this scenario rarely occurs. Typically, the nodes can talk to one
another and share information about the provided ID ranges. Even if they can’t, all clients
will typically try to use the same server for getting the ranges, so you need multiple
concurrent failures to cause this. If it does happen, RavenDB will handle it smoothly, and
the only impact is that you’ll have a few documents with similar IDs. A minor consideration

Server-side identifier generation

The hilo is quite nice, and it generates human-readable and predictable identifiers.
However, it requires both client and server to cooperate to get to the end result. This is not
an issue if you’re using any of the client APIs, but if you’re writing documents directly
(using the RavenDB Studio, for example) or don’t care to assign the IDs yourself, there are
additional options.
You can ask RavenDB to assign a document ID to a new document when it is saved. You do
that by providing a document ID that ends with the slash (/). Go into the RavenDB Studio
and create a new document. Enter in the ID the value tryouts/ and then click on the Save
button. The generated document ID should look something like Figure 2.13.
Server side generated document ID (tryouts/0000000000000000021-A)
When you save a document whose ID ends with a slash, RavenDB will generate the ID for
you by appending a numeric value (the only guarantee you have about this value is that it’s
always increasing) and the node ID.
Don’t generate similar IDs manually
Due to the way we implement server-side identifier generation, we can be sure that RavenDB will never generate
an ID that was previously generated. That allows us to skip some checks in the save process (avoid a B+Tree
lookup). Since server-side generation is typically used for large batch jobs, this can have a significant impact on
What this means is that if you manually generate a document ID with a pattern that matches the server-side
generated IDs, RavenDB will not check for that and may overwrite the existing document. That’s partly why we’re
putting all those zeros in the ID—to make sure that we aren’t conflicting with any existing document by accident.

This kind of ID plays quite nicely with how RavenDB actually stores the information on
disk, which is convenient. We’ll give this topic a bit more time further down in the chapter.
This is the recommended method if you just need to generate a large number of documents,
such as in bulk insert scenarios, since it will generate the least amount of work for

Identity generation strategy

All the ID generation strategies we’ve outlined so far have one problem: they don’t give you
any promises with regards to the end result. What they do give you is an ID you can be sure
will be unique, but that’s all. In the vast majority of cases, this is all you need. But
sometimes you need a bit more.
If you really need to have consecutive IDs, you can use the identity option. Identity, just like
in a relational database (also called sequence), is a simple always-incrementing value.
Unlike the hilo option, you always have to go to the server to generate such a value.
Generating identities is very similar to generating server-side IDs. But instead of using the
slash (/) at the end of the document, you use a pipe symbol (|). In the studio, try to save a
document with the document ID tryouts|. The pipe character will be replaced by a slash
(/) and a document with the ID tryouts/1 will be created. Doing so again will generate
tryouts/2, and so on.
Invoices and other tax annoyances
For the most part, unless you’re using semantic IDs (covered earlier in this chapter), you shouldn’t care what your
document ID is. The one case you care about is when you have an outside requirement to generate absolute
consecutive IDs. One such common case is when you need to generate invoices.
Most tax authorities have rules about not missing invoice numbers, to make it just a tad easier to audit your
system. But an invoice document’s identifier and the invoice number are two very different things.
It’s entirely possible to have the document ID of invoices/843-C for invoice number 523. And using an
identity doesn’t protect you from skipping values because documents have been deleted or a failed transaction
consumed the identity and now there’s a hole in the sequence.

For people coming from a relational database background, the identity option usually
seems to be the best one, since it’s what they’re most familiar with. But updating an
identity happens in a separate transaction from the current one. In other words, if we try to
save a document with the ID invoices| and the transaction fails, the identity value is still
incremented. So even though identity generated consecutive numbers, it might still skip
identifiers if a transaction has been rolled back.
Except for very specific requirements, such as a legal obligation to generate consecutive
numbers, I would strongly recommend not using identity. Note my wording here. A legal
obligation doesn’t arise because someone wants consecutive IDs since they are easier to
grasp. Identity has a real cost associated with it.
The biggest problem with identities is that generating them in a distributed database
requires us to do a lot more work than one might think. In order to prevent races, such as
two clients generating the same identity on two different servers, part of the process of
generating a new identity requires the nodes to coordinate with one another.11
That means we need to go over the network and talk to the other members in the cluster to
guarantee we have the next value of the identity. That can increase the cost of saving a new
document with identity. What’s worse is that, under failure scenarios, we might not be able
to communicate with a sufficient number of nodes in our cluster. This means we’ll also be
unable to generate the requested identity.
Because we guarantee that identities are always consecutive across the cluster, if there’s a
failure scenario that prevents us from talking to a majority of the nodes, we’ll not be able to
generate the identity at all, and we’ll fail to save the new document. All the other ID
generation methods can work without issue when we’re disconnected from the cluster, so
unless you truly need consecutive IDs, use one of the other options.

Performance implications of document identifiers

We’ve gone over a lot of options for generating document identifiers, and each of them
have their own behaviors and costs. There are also performance differences among the
various methods that I want to talk about.
Premature optimization warning
This section is included because it’s important at scale, but for most users, there’s no need to consider it at all.
RavenDB is going to accept whatever document IDs you throw at it, and it’s going to be very fast when doing so.
My strong recommendation is that you use whatever document ID generation that best matches what you need,
and only consider the performance impact if you notice an observable difference—or have crossed the hundreds
of millions of documents per database mark.

11 This is done using the Raft consensus protocol, which covered in Chapter 6.
RavenDB keeps track of the document IDs by storing them inside a B+Tree. If the document
IDs are very big, it will mean that RavenDB can pack less of them in a given space.12
The hilo algorithm generates document IDs that are lexically sortable, up to a degree
(people/2-A is sorted after people/100-A). But with the exception of when we add a digit
to the number13, values are nicely sorted. This means that for the most part we get nice
trees and very efficient searches. It also generates the most human-readable values.
The server-side method using the slash (/) generates the best values in terms of suitability
for storage. They’re a bit bigger than the comparable hilo values, but they make up for it
by being always lexically sorted and predictable as far as the underlying storage is
concerned. This method is well suited for large batch jobs and contains a number of
additional optimizations in its codepath. (We can be sure this is a new value, so we can skip
a B+Tree lookup, which matters if you are doing that a lot.)
Semantic IDs (people/[email protected] or accounts/591-192/txs/2017-05-17) tend
to be unsorted, and sometimes that can cause people to want to avoid them. But this is
rarely a good reason to do so. RavenDB can easily handle a large number of documents
with semantic identifiers without any issue.
Running the numbers
If you’re familiar with database terminology, then you’re familiar with terms like B+Tree and page splits. In the
case of RavenDB, we’re storing document IDs separately from the actual document data, and we’re making sure to
coalesce the pages holding the document keys so we have a good locality of reference.
Even with a database that holds a hundred million documents, the whole of the document ID data is likely to be
memory resident, which makes the cost of finding a particular document extremely cheap.

The one option you need to be cautious of is the identity generation method. Be careful not
to use it without careful consideration and analysis. Identity requires network round trips
to generate the next value, and it will become unavailable if the node cannot communicate
with a majority of the nodes the cluster.

Document metadata
Document data is composed of whatever it is that you’re storing in the document. For the
order document, that would be the shipping details, the order lines, who the customer is,
the order priority, etc. You also need a place to store additional information that’s
unrelated to the document itself but is rather about the document. This is where metadata
comes into play.

12RavenDB is using B+Tree for on disk storage, and uses pages of 8KB in size. Bigger
document IDs means that we can fit less entries in each page, and need to traverse down
the tree, requiring us to do a bit more work to find the right document. The same is true for
saving unsorted document IDs, which can cause page splits and increase the depth of the
tree. In nearly all cases, that doesn’t really matter.
13 Rolling from 99 to 100 or from 999 to 1000.
The metadata is also in JSON format, just like the document data itself. RavenDB reserves
for its own use metadata property names that start with @ , but you’re free to use anything
else. By convention, users’ custom metadata properties use Pascal-Case capitalization. In
other words, we separate words with a dash, and the first letter of each word is capitalized
while everything else is in lower case. RavenDB’s internal metadata properties use the @
prefix, all lower cased, with words separated by a dash (e.g., @last-modified).
RavenDB uses the metadata to store several pieces of information about the document that
it keeps track of:
• The collection name—stored in the @collection metadata property and determines
where RavenDB will store the document. If the collection isn’t set, the document will
be placed in the @empty collection. The client API will automatically assign an entity to
a collection based on its type. (You can control exactly how using the conventions.)
• The last modified date—stored in the @last-modified metadata property in UTC
• The client-side type—This is a client-side metadata property. So for .NET, it will be
named Raven-Clr-Type; for a Java client, it will be Raven-Java-Class; for Python,
Raven-Python-Type and…you get the point. This is used solely by the clients to
deserialize the entity into the right client-side type.
You can use the metadata to store your own values. For example, Last-Modified-By is a
common metadata property that’s added when you want to track who changed a
document. From the client side, you can access the document metadata using the code in
Listing 2.20.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var task = session.Load<ToDoTask>("ToDoTasks/1-A");
var metadata = session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor(task);
metadata["Last-Modified-By"] = person.Name;

Note that there will be no extra call to the database to fetch the metadata. Whenever you
load the document, the metadata is fetched as well. That metadata is embedded inside the
document and is an integral part of it.
Changing a document collection
RavenDB does not support changing collections, and trying to do so will raise an error. You can delete a document
and then create a new document with the same ID in a different collection, but that tends to be confusing, so it’s
best to be avoided if you can.

Once you have the metadata, you can modify it as you wish, as seen in Listing 2.19. The
session tracks changes to both the document and its metadata, and changes to either one of
those will cause the document to be updated on the server once SaveChanges has been
Modifying the metadata in this fashion is possible, but it’s pretty rare to do so explicitly in
your code. Instead, you’ll usually use event handlers (covered in Chapter 4) to do this sort
of work.

Distributed compare-exchange operations with RavenDB

RavenDB is meant to be run in a cluster. You can run it in single-node mode, but the most
common (and recommended) deployment option is with a cluster. You already saw some of
the impact this has had on the design of RavenDB. Auto-generated document IDs contain
the node ID that generated them to avoid conflicts between concurrent work on different
nodes in the cluster.
One of the challenges of any distributed system is how to handle coordination across all the
nodes in the cluster. RavenDB uses several strategies for this, discussed in Part II of this
book. At this point, I want to introduce one of the tools RavenDB provides specifically in
order to allow users to manage the distributed state correctly.
If you’ve worked with multi-threaded applications, you are familiar with many of the same
challenges. Different threads can be doing different things at the same time. They may be
acting on stale information or modifying the shared state. Typically, such systems use locks
to coordinate the work between threads. That leads to a whole separate issue of lock
contention, deadlock prevention, etc. With distributed systems, you have all the usual
problems of multiple threads with the added complication that you may be operating in a
partial failure state. Some of the nodes may not be able to talk to other nodes (but can still
talk to some).
RavenDB offers a simple primitive to handle such a scenario: the compare-exchange
feature. A very common primitive with multi-thread solutions is the atomic compare-and-
swap operation. From code, this will be Interlocked.CompareExchange when using C#.
Because this operation is so useful, it’s supported at the hardware level with the CMPXCHG
assembly instruction. In a similar way, RavenDB offers a distributed compare-exchange
Let’s take a look at Listing 2.21, for a small sample of what this looks like in code.
var cmd = new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation<string>(
key: "names/john",
value: "users/1-A",
index: 0);
var result = await store.Operations.SendAsync(cmd);
if (result.Successful)
// users/1 now owns the username 'john'

The code in Listing 2.21 uses PutCompareExchangeValueOperation to submit a compare-

exchange operation to the cluster at large. This operation compares the existing index for
names/john with the expected index (in this case, 0, meaning we want to create a new
value). If successful, the cluster will store the value users/1-A for the key names/john.
However, if there is already a value for the key and the index does not match, the operation
will fail. You’ll get the existing index and the current value and can decide how to handle
things from that point (show an error to the user, try writing again with the new index,
The most important aspect of this feature is the fact that this is a cluster-wide, distributed
operation. It is guaranteed to behave properly even if you have concurrent requests going
to separate nodes. This feature is a low-level one; it is meant to be built upon by the user to
provide more sophisticated features. For example, in Listing 2.21, we ensure a unique
username for each user using a method that is resilient to failures, network partitions, etc.
You can see how this is exposed in the studio in Figure 2.14.

Viewing the compare exchange values in the studio

We’ll talk more about compare-exchange values in Chapter 6. For now, it’s good to
remember that they’re there and can help you make distributed decisions in a reliable
manner. A compare-exchange value isn’t limited to just a string. You can also use a complex
object, a counter, etc. However, remember that these are not documents. You can read the
current value of compare-exchange value using the code in Listing 2.22. Aside from
checking the current value of the key, you get the current index, which you can then use in
the next call to PutCompareExchangeValueOperation .
var cmd = new GetCompareExchangeValueOperation<string>("names/john");
var result = await store.Operations.SendAsync(cmd);

Aside from getting the value by key, there is no other way to query for the compare-
exchange values. Usually you already know what the compare-exchange key will be (as in
the case of creating a new username and checking the name isn’t already taken).
Alternatively, you can store the compare-exchange key in a document that you’ll query and
then use the key from the document to make the compare-exchange operation.
If you know the name of the compare-exchange value, you can use it directly in your
queries, as shown in Listing 2.23.
from Users
where id() == cmpxchg('names/john')

The query in Listing 2.23 will find a document whose ID is located in the names/john
compare-exchange value. We’ll discuss this feature again in Chapter 6. This feature relies
on some of the low-level details of RavenDB distributed flow, and it will make more sense
once we have gone over that.

Testing with RavenDB

This chapter is quite long, but I can’t complete the basics without discussing testing. When
you build an application, it’s important to be able to verify that your code works. That has
become an accepted reality, and an application using RavenDB is no exception.
In order to aid in testing, RavenDB provides the Raven.TestDriver NuGet package. Using
the test driver, you can get an instance of an IDocumentStore that talks to an in-memory
database. Your tests will be very fast, they won’t require you to do complex state setup
before you start and they will be isolated from one another.
Listing 2.24 shows the code for a simple test that saves and loads data from RavenDB.
public class BasicCrud : RavenTestDriver<RavenExecLocator>
public class Play
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }

public void CanSaveAndLoad()
using (var store = GetDocumentStore())
string id;
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var play = new Play
Author = "Shakespeare",
Name = "As You Like It"
id = play.Id;

using (var session = store.OpenSession())

var play = session.Load<Play>(id);
Assert.Equal("Shakespeare", play.Author);
Assert.Equal("As You Like It", play.Name);

There are two interesting things happening in the code in Listing 2.21. The code inherits
from the RavenTestDriver<RavenExecLocator> class, and it uses the GetDocumentStore
method to get an instance of the document store. Let’s break apart what’s going on.
The RavenTestDriver<T> class is the base test driver, which is responsible for setting up
and tearing down databases. All your RavenDB tests will use this class as a base class.14
Most importantly, from your point of view, is that the RavenTestDriver<T> class provides
the GetDocumentStore method, which generates a new in-memory database and is
responsible for tearing it down at the end of the test. Each call to the GetDocumentStore
method will generate a new database. It will run purely in memory, but other then that, it’s
fully functional and behaves in the same manner as a typical RavenDB server.
If you’ve been paying attention, you might have noticed the difference between
RavenTestDriver<RavenExecLocator> and RavenTestDriver<T>. What’s that about? The
RavenTestDriver<T> uses its generic argument to find the Raven.Server.exe executable.
Listing 2.25 shows the implementation of RavenExecLocator.
public class RavenExecLocator : RavenTestDriver.Locator
public override string ExecutablePath =>

The code in Listing 2.24 is using xunit for testing, but there’s no dependency on the testing
framework from Raven.TestDriver. You can use whatever testing framework you prefer.
How does Raven.TestDriver work?
In order to provide fast tests and reduce environment noise, the test driver runs a single instance of the RavenDB
server using an in-memory-only node binding to localhost and a dynamic port. Each call to the
GetDocumentStore method will then create a new database on that single-server instance.
When the test is closed, we’ll delete the database, and when the test suite is over, the server instance will be
closed. This provides you with a test setup that’s both very fast and that runs the exact same code as you will run
in production.

Debugging tests
Sometimes a test fails and you need to figure out what happened. This is easy if you’re
dealing with in-memory state only, but it can be harder if your state resides elsewhere. The

14 Not strictly necessary, but this is the easiest way to build tests.
RavenDB test driver provides the WaitForUserToContinueTheTest method to make that
scenario easier. Calling this method will pause the current test and open the RavenDB
studio, allowing you to inspect, validate and modify the content of the in-memory database
(while the test is still running). After you’ve looked at the database state, you can resume
the test and continue execution.
This makes it much easier to figure out what’s going on because you can just look. Let’s test
this out. Add the following line between the two sessions in the code in Listing 2.21 and
then run the test:

When the test reach this line, a magical thing will happen, as shown in Figure 2.15. The
studio will open, and you’ll be able to see and interact with everything that’s going on
inside RavenDB. One nice feature I like for complex cases is the ability to just export the
entire database to a file, which lets me import it into another system later on for further

Peeking into running test instance mid-test

At this time, the rest of the test is suspended, waiting for you to confirm you’re done
peeking inside. You can do that by clicking the button shown in Figure 2.16, after which
your test will resume normally and (hopefully) turn green.

Press this to continue the test

The test driver can do quite a bit more (configure the database to your specifications,
create relevant indexes, load initial data, etc.). You can read all about its features in the
online documentation.
At this point in the book, we’ve accomplished quite a lot. We started by setting up a
development instance of RavenDB on your machine.15 And we learned how to set up a new
database and played a bit with the provided sample database.
We then moved to the most common tasks you’ll do with RavenDB:
• Creating/editing/deleting documents via the studio.
• Querying for documents in the studio.
The idea is to get you familiar with the basics of working with the studio so you can see the
results of your actions and learn to navigate the studio well enough that it’s useful. We’ll
talk more about working with the studio throughout the rest of the book, but remember
that the details are covered extensively in the online documentation and are unlikely to
need additional verbiage.
Things got more interesting when we started working with the RavenDB API and wrote our
first document via code. We looked at the very basics of defining entities to work with
RavenDB (the next chapter will cover this exact topic in depth). We learned about creating
and querying documents and were able to remind ourselves to buy some milk using
We dove deeper and discussed the architecture of the RavenDB client, as well as the use of
Document Store and Document Session to access the cluster and a specific database,
respectively. As a reminder, the document store is the single access point to a particular
RavenDB cluster, and it allows you to globally configure a wide range of behaviors by
changing the default conventions.
The session is a single Unit of Work that represents a single business transaction against a
particular database and is the most commonly used API to talk to RavenDB. It was designed
explicitly to make it easy to handle 90% of pure CRUD scenarios, and more complex
scenarios are possible by accessing the session.Advanced functionality.
From the client API, we moved to discussing how RavenDB deals with the crucial task of
properly generating document identifiers. We looked at a few of RavenDB’s identifier
generation strategies and how they work in a distributed cluster:
• The hilo algorithm: generates the identifier on the client by collaborating with the
server to reserve identifier ranges that can be exclusively generated by a particular
• Server-side: generates the identifier on the server side, optimized for very large tasks.
It allows each server to generate human-readable, unique identifiers independently of
each other.

15The steps outlined in this chapter are meant to be quick and hassle-free, rather than an
examination of proper production deployments. Check Chapter 15 for details on those.
• Identity: generates a consecutive numeric value using a consensus of the entire
cluster. Typically the slowest method to use and only useful if you really need to
generate consecutive IDs for some reason.
You can also generate the document ID yourself, which we typically call a semantic ID.
Semantic IDs are identifiers that have meaning: maybe it’s an external ID brought over
from another system, or maybe it’s a naming convention that implies the content of the
We briefly discussed document metadata and how it allows you to store out-of-band
information about the document (auditing details, workflow steps, etc.) without impacting
the document’s structure. You can modify such metadata seamlessly on the client side (and
access it on the server). RavenDB makes use of metadata to hold critical information such
as the document collection, when it was last modified, etc.
Last but certainly not least, we discussed testing your applications and how the RavenDB
test driver allows you to easily set up in-memory instances that will let you run your code
against them. The test driver even allows you to stop a test midway through and inspect
the running RavenDB instance using the studio.
In this chapter, we started building the foundation of your RavenDB knowledge. In the next
one, we’ll build even further on that foundation. We’ll discuss modeling data and
documents inside RavenDB and how to best structure your system to take advantage of
what RavenDB has to offer.

Document Modeling
Modeling your data is important—crucially so. That’s because RavenDB, and any other
database, needs you to understand how it’s actually storing information, what features it
has available for you to utilize, what impact different modeling decisions will have on your
data, the amount of work the database needs to do, etc.
If you get it wrong, you may be forcing the database to do an exponential amount of
additional work. On the other hand, if you play to the database’s strengths, you can get a
robust and easy-to-build system. So, overall, no pressure whatsoever.
Relational-based modeling is so frequently encountered that, in most cases, you don’t even
see people talk about the relational part. They refer to relational data modeling as just
“data modeling.” But when you try to apply a relational modeling solution to a non-
relational system, the end result is usually…suboptimal.
Documents aren’t flat
Documents, unlike a row in a relational database, aren’t flat. You aren’t limited to just storing keys and values.
Instead, you can store complex object graphs as a single document. That includes arrays, dictionaries and trees.
Unlike a relational database, where a row can only contain simple values and more complex data structures need
to be stored as relations, you don’t need to work hard to map your data into a document database.
That gives you a major advantage. It simplifies a lot of common tasks, as you’ll see in this chapter.
The problem is that this is extremely well-entrenched behavior, to the point where most
people don’t even realize they’re making decisions based on what would work best for a
relational database. So the first section of this chapter is going to deal with how to get away
from the relational mindset, and the second part will focus on how to model data for

Beyond relational data modeling

You’ve likely used a relational database in the past. That means you’ve learned about
normalization and how important it is. Words like “data integrity” are thrown around quite
often. But the original purpose of normalization had everything to do with reducing
duplication to the maximum extent.
A common example of normalization is addresses. Instead of storing a customer’s address
on every order that he has, we can simply store the address ID in the order, and we’ve
saved ourselves the need to update the address in multiple locations. You can see a sample
of such a schema in Figure 3.1.
A simple relational schema for orders
You’ve seen (and probably written) such schemas before. And at a glance, you’ll probably
agree that this is a reasonable way to structure a database for order management. Now,
let’s explore what happens when the customer wishes to change his address. The way the
database is set up, we can just update a single row in the addresses table. Great, we’re done.
Well, it would be great…except we’ve just introduced a subtle but deadly data corruption to
our database. If that customer had existing orders, both those orders and the customer
information now point at the same address. Updating the address for the customer
therefore will also update the address for all of its orders. When we look at one of those
orders, we won’t see the address it was shipped to but rather the current customer address.
When a data modeling error means calling the police
In the real world, I’ve seen such things happen with payroll systems and paystubs (or “payslips,” across the pond).
An employee had married and changed her bank account information to a new shared bank account with her
husband. The couple also wanted to purchase a home, so they applied for a mortgage. As part of that, they had to
submit paystubs from the past several months. The employee asked her HR department to send over her most
recent stubs. When the bank saw paystubs made to an account that didn’t exist, they suspected fraud. The
mortgage was denied and the police were called. An unpleasant situation all around.16

It’s common for this issue to be blamed on bad modeling decisions (and I agree). The
problem is that a more appropriate model is complex to build and work with, expensive to
query and hard to reason about in general.
A lot of the wisdom about data modeling is limited by only seeing the world through
relational eyes. The relation model offers us tables, rows and columns to store our data,
and it’s up to us to hammer the data into the right shape so the relational database can
accept it. Along the way, we have to deal with an impedance mismatch between how
software (and our minds) model the data and how we’re forced to store it to the relational
A document database like RavenDB doesn’t solve this problem completely. It’s entirely
possible to construct models that would be a poor fit for the way RavenDB stores data.
However, the way most business applications (and in general OLTP systems) think about
their data is an excellent fit for RavenDB.
You can read more about this by looking at Domain Driven Design17 and, in particular,
about the concept of an Aggregate Root.
What are aggregates?
One of the best definitions I’ve read is Martin Fowler’s:
A DDD aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit. An example may be an order
and its line items. These will be separate objects, but it’s useful to treat the order (together with its line items) as a
single aggregate.
An aggregate will have one of its component objects be the aggregate root. Any references from outside the
aggregate should only go to the aggregate root. The root can thus ensure the integrity of the aggregate as a whole.

In the context of RavenDB, this is highly relevant since every RavenDB document is an
aggregate and every aggregate is a document. Modeling techniques for aggregates work
well for document-oriented design, and that gives you a great resource for modeling in the
real world.
But before we can start running, we need to learn to walk. So let’s start by learning how to
use RavenDB with the most basic of modeling techniques: none.

Using RavenDB as a key/value store

RavenDB is a document database, but it’s also quite good at being just a key/value store.
That’s mostly accidental, but as part of making sure we have a fast database, we also

16This ended up being sorted out eventually by uttering the magic words: “computer
error.” But it was very exciting for a while there.
17 The book is a bit dry, but I remember being very impressed when I read it the first time.
significantly reduced the cost of storing and loading documents without any of the other
benefits of RavenDB.
With the restriction that the data must be JSON, using RavenDB as a key/value store makes
a lot of sense. It also makes sense to use RavenDB to cache information, to store the
shopping cart during the purchase process or just to hold on to the user session data—all
classic models for key/value stores.
RavenDB doesn’t impose any additional costs on storing/loading documents by default, so
you get to use a fast database with the simplest of all access models. Typically, complexity
in key/value modeling resides in generating the appropriate key and in what sort of
operations you can do on it.
For the purpose of using RavenDB as a key/value store, it’s likely the following features will
be most relevant:
• You can generate the document identifier independently of the collection used.
• Loading saved document(s) can be done in a single call by providing the ID(s) to load.
• RavenDB provides automatic expiration for documents, which you can use with
caching/session data.
• You can perform searches using document identifiers as a prefix (and even using glob-
like searches).
• Includes can be used to fetch related data without having to make multiple remote
The nice thing about using RavenDB as a key/value store for such information is that you
aren’t limited to just those key/value operations. If you’re storing shopping cart data inside
RavenDB, you can also start pulling data from there. You can see the most popular item
being purchased or do projections on inventory or any of a whole host of things that will
provide you with useful knowledge.
In a typical key/value store (Redis, for example), you’ll have to manually track such things.
However, RavenDB allows you to query and aggregate the data very easily.
But using RavenDB just for key/value data is somewhat of a waste, given what it’s capable
of doing with your data. So, without further ado, let’s dive into document modeling in

Modeling considerations in RavenDB

The reason we cover modeling in this chapter is that I want you to get a feel for some of
RavenDB’s capabilities before we start discussing modeling techniques. The kind of
features that RavenDB has to offer are directly relevant to the models you’ll write.
RavenDB as the application database
A common bad practice is to integrate between different applications using a shared database. This has been
looked down upon for quite a while. RavenDB makes no attempt to cater to those who use it as shared database.
Instead, it shines in its role as an application database.
Typically, shared database solutions suffer because they attempt to force disparate applications to treat the data
in the same manner. This is a pretty bad idea, since different applications tend to treat even very similar concepts
in a variety of ways. The most common example is a billing application and a fulfillment application. Both have the
concept of a customer, and both actually refer to the same thing when they talk about a customer. But the
fulfillment application needs to keep track of very different data from the billing application. What will the
fulfillment app do with the CreditScore field, and what can the billing app gain from looking at the
ShippingManifest details?
Each application should model its data independently and evolve it as it needs to. Keeping everything in a shared
database leads to required coordination between the various application teams. That results in increased
complexity in evolving the data model as the various applications are being worked on.
However, even though the different applications are separate, they still need to share data between them. How do
you do that with RavenDB? We’ll talk about that a lot more in Chapter 8, but the answer is that each application
has its own database, and we can set up information flow between the servers by using RavenDB’s built-in ETL
In this way, each application is independent and can evolve and grow on its own, with well-defined boundaries and
integration points to its siblings.

We typically encourage you to use DDD techniques for modeling in RavenDB since they fit
so well. A core design principle for modeling documents is that they should be
independent, isolated and coherent, or more specifically,
• Independent, meaning a document should have its own separate existence from any
other documents.
• Isolated, meaning a document can change independently from other documents.
• Coherent, meaning a document should be legible on its own, without referencing other
These properties are easier to explain using negation. First, a document isn’t independent if
it can’t stand up on its own. A good example of a dependent document is the OrderLine. An
OrderLine doesn’t really have a meaning outside the scope of an Order, so it should be a
Value Object inside the Order document. An Entity is defined as something with a
distinct and independent existence. And that’s how you treat documents: as entities. If a
document exists only as a part of larger whole, the model should be to refactor the whole
thing to a single document.
Second, a document isn’t isolated if changing one document requires you to also update
additional documents. For example, if updating the CustomerBilling document
necessitates updating the Customer document, they aren’t isolated. A document should be
able to change independently from other documents. Otherwise, there’s an unclear
transaction boundary involved. With each document isolated, the transaction boundary
(meaning what can change together) is much clearer. It’s drawn at the document level.
Lastly, a document isn’t coherent if it’s not possible to make sense of it with just the
information it contains. If you need to go and look up additional state or information from
other documents, the document isn’t coherent. A good example is the Order document and
the ShippingMethod. If, to ship an order, we need to go and look at the Customer document,
then the Order document is not coherent.
Looking at physical documents
A great trick for document modeling is to consider the data as, well…documents. What I
mean by that is physical documents—the kind you can actually hold in your hand and get a
paper cut from. A lot of the same considerations that apply in the real world apply to
document modeling.
If I hand you a document and tell you that you need to fill out this form and then go and
update that form, you’ll rightly consider the process normal government
behavior/bureaucratic/Kafkaesque.18 If I gave you a form and told you that, in order to
understand it, you had to consult another document…you get my point.
When modeling, I find that it helps to picture the document in its printed form. If it makes
sense as a printed page, it’s probably valid in terms of document modeling.

Denormalization and other scary beasts

Anyone taking a relational modeling course knows that “store a fact only once” is a mantra
that’s just short of being sacred (or maybe not even short). The basic idea is that if you
store a fact only a single time, you are preventing update anomalies, such as when you
updated a person’s date of birth in the employee record but forgot to update it on the “send
a card” listing.
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement in principle. But the problem is that sometimes
this isn’t the same fact at all, even if it looks the same. Let’s consider the notion of a
Customer, an Order and what the Address property means in this case. The Customer entity
has an Address property that holds the address of the customer, and the Order has a
ShipTo property.

Why are we duplicating this information? Well, this isn’t actually the same information,
even if the content is the same. On the one hand, we have the Customer.Address, which
represents the customer’s current address. On the other hand, we have the Order.ShipTo
which represents a point-in-time copy of the customer address, captured at the time we
created the order. Those are important distinctions.
One of the more common objections to the kind of modeling advice found in this chapter is
that the data is denormalized. And that’s true. But for the most part, even if the same data
appears in multiple locations, it doesn’t have the same semantic meaning. And the notion of
point-in-time data is important in many fields.
RavenDB has quite a few features that help in working with normalized data
(LoadDocument and projections are the two main ones, and they’re covered in Part III), but
you need to consider whether it make sense to traverse document references in your
model or whether you’re breaking document coherency.

18 Circle the appropriate choice

The most useful question you can ask yourself in this situation is whether you’re looking at
the current value (in which case you need normalization) or the point-in-time value (in
which case you’d use a copy).
And with all of this information now in our heads, we can turn to concrete modeling
scenarios and how to deal with them.

Common modeling scenarios

Giving you advice on how to model your application is beyond the scope of this book. While
I highly recommend the DDD book in general, it isn’t always the best choice. Proper DDD
modeling takes a lot of discipline and hard work, and it’s most appropriate only in specific
parts of your system (typically the most highly valued ones). RavenDB doesn’t have any
requirement regarding how you should model your data in your application. You can use
DDD, you can use business objects or data transfer objects—it doesn’t matter to RavenDB.
What matters is how you structure the data inside RavenDB, and that’s what we’ll be
talking about for the rest of this chapter. We’ll focus on concrete scenarios rather than
generic modeling advice. Instead of trying to advise you on how to model your entire
system, I’m going to focus on giving you the tools to build the model as you need it to be, so
it will play best with RavenDB.
To make things interesting, we’re going to use a kindergarten as our data model. As you can
expect, we have the concepts of children, parents, registrations, etc. On the face of it, this is
a pretty simple model. We can model it using the code in Listing 3.1.
public class Parent
public string Name { get; set; }

public class Registration

public DateTime EnrolledAt { get; set; }
public EnrollmentType Type { get; set; }

public class Child

public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }
public Parent Father { get; set; }
public Parent Mother { get; set; }
public Registration Registration { get; set; }

The code in Listing 3.1 is obviously a simplified model, but it’s a good place to start our
discussion. A core tenet of modeling in RavenDB is that we need to identify what pieces of
information belong together and what pieces are independent of one another. Recall our
discussion on the basics of document modeling design. A good document model has
documents that are independent, isolated and coherent.
With the basic model in Listing 3.1 and our understanding of a kindergarten, we can now
proceed to explore aspects of document modeling. We’ll start with the most obvious one. In
this model, we don’t have documents, we have a document: just a single one per child.
That’s because we’re embedding all information about the child in the document itself. Why
would we do that?

Embedded documents
A document model is very different from a relational model. It would be typical in a
relational model to have a separate table for each class shown in Listing 3.1. A concrete
example might work better, and Listing 3.2 shows how this model works for registering
Alice to our kindergarten.
// children/alice-liddell
"Name": "Alice Liddell",
"Birthday": "2012-05-04T00:00:00.0000000Z",
"Mother": {
"Name": "Lorina Hanna Liddell",
"Father": {
"Name": "Henry Liddell"
"Registration": {
"EnrolledAt": "2014-11-24T00:00:00.0000000Z",
"Type": "FullDay"

All of the information is in one place. You can see that we used a semantic ID, children/,
with the child name as the document ID. This works well for data that’s well known and
predictable. The data itself is centrally located and easy to access. Looking at the data, it’s
easy to see all relevant information about our Alice.19
For the most part, embedding information is our default approach because it leads us to
more coherent documents, which contain all the information relevant to processing them.
We aren’t limited by format of schema; we can represent arbitrarily complex data without
any issue, and we want to take full advantage of that.
So if the default approach is to embed data, when wouldn’t we want to do that? There are a
few cases. One is when the data doesn’t belong to the same document because it’s owned
by another entity. A good document model gives each document a single reason to change,
and that’s the primary force for splitting the document apart.

19 Except maybe which rabbit hole she wandered down…

In the case of the kindergarten record, the obvious example here are the parents. Henry
and Lorina are independent entities and are not fully owned by the Alice record. We need
to split them into independent documents. On the other side of things, Henry and Lorina
have more children than just Alice: there’s also Harry and Edith.20 So we need to consider
how to model such information.

Many-to-one relationship
How do we model a kindergarten where Alice, Harry and Edith are all the children of Henry
and Lorina? The technical term for this relationship is many to one. Unlike the previous
example, where we embedded the parents inside the child document, now we want to
model the data so there’s a distinct difference between the different entities. You can see
the document model as JSON in Listing 3.3.
// children/alice-liddell
"Name": "Alice Liddell",
"MotherId": "parents/1923-A",
"FatherId": parents/1921-A",

// children/henry-liddell
"Name": "Henry Liddell",
"MotherId": "parents/1923-A",
"FatherId": parents/1921-A",

Listing 3.3 shows21 both Alice and Henry (you can figure out what Edith’s document looks
like on your own) with references to their parents. I’ve intentionally not included semantic
IDs for the parents to avoid confusion about what information is stored on the side holding
the reference. Alice and Henry (and Edith) only hold the identifier for their parents’
documents, nothing else.
How is this model reflected in our code? Let’s look at Listing 3.4 to see that (again, with
some information redacted to make it easier to focus on the relevant parts).
public class Child
public string Name { get; set; }
public string FatherId { get; set; }
public string MotherId { get; set; }

20 The real Harry and Lorina had a total of 10 children, by the way.
21 I removed all extra information from the documents to make it clearer.
Instead of storing the parent as an embedded document, we just hold the ID to that parent.
And when we need to traverse from the child document to the parent document, we do that
by following the ID. To make things faster, we’ll commonly use the Include feature to make
sure that we load all those documents in one remote call, but that doesn’t impact the data
model we use.
What about the other side, when we need to find all of Lorina’s children? We use a query, as
shown in Listing 3.5.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var lorina = session.Load<Parent>("parents/1923-A");
var lorinaChildren = (
from c in session.Query<Child>()
where c.MotherId == lorina.Id
select c

You can also run this query directly in the studio by going to Indexes and then Query and
using the following query: from Children where MotherId = 'parents/1923-A'.
As you can see in Listing 3.4 and 3.5, we’re being very explicit when we move between
documents. RavenDB doesn’t allow you to transparently move between different
documents. Each document is a standalone entity. This helps ensure you don’t create silent
dependencies in your model since each document is clearly delineated.
Using lazy operations
In Listing 3.5, you can see we have to make two separate calls to the server to get all the information we want.
When going from a child to a parent, we can use the Include feature to reduce the number of calls. Going the
other way, Include wouldn’t work, but we don’t have to give up. We have the option of making a few lazy
operations and only going to the server once. We’ll see exactly how this is possible in the next chapter.

The many-to-one relation is probably the simplest one, and it’s incredibly common.
However, when using it, you need to carefully consider whether the association should
cross a document boundary or remain inside the document. In the case of parents and
children, it’s obvious that each is a separate entity, but orders and order lines are the
reverse. In the case of orders and order lines, it’s just as obvious that order lines do not
belong in a separate document but should be part and parcel of the order document.
There are many cases where that distinction isn’t quite so obvious, and you need to give it
some thought. The decision can be situational and, frequently, it’s highly dependent on the
way you use the data. An equally valid decision in the kindergarten case would be to embed
the parents’ information in the child document and duplicate that information if we have
two or more siblings in kindergarten at the same time.
It depends what kind of work is done with the parents. If all or nearly all the work is done
with the children, there’s no point in creating a parent document. (It isn’t meaningful inside
the domain of the kindergarten outside the scope of the children.) However, if we wanted
to keep track of parents as well (for example, maybe we want to note that Mrs. Liddell
takes two sugars in her tea), then we’ll likely use a separate document.
Children and parents are all well and good, but what about when we ramp the example up a
bit and explore the world of grandchildren and grandparents? Now we need to talk about
many-to-many relationships.

Many-to-many relationship
A many-to-many relationship is a lot more complex than a many-to-one relationship
because it’s usually used differently. In our kindergarten example, let’s consider how we
can model the grandparents. Each grandchild has multiple grandparents, and each
grandparent can have multiple grandchildren.
When we were working with parents and children, it was obvious that we needed to place
the association on the children. But how should we model grandparents? One way to do it
would be to simply model the hierarchy. A grandparent is the parent of a parent. That
seems like an elegant reflection of the relationship, but it will lead to a poor model.
Grandparents and grandchildren have an association between them that’s completely
separate from the one going through the parent, and that deserves to be modeled on its
own, not as a side effect.
The next question is where to put the relationship. We can add a Grandparents array to the
child document, which will hold all the document IDs of the grandparents. We can add a
Grandchildren array to the grandparent document and store the children IDs there. Or we
can do both. What should we choose?
In the context of many-to-many associations, we always place the record of the association
on the smaller side. In other words, since a child is likely to have fewer grandparents than a
grandparent has children, the association should be kept on the child document.
The users and groups model
A more technical example that frequently comes up within the context of many-to-many associations is the users
and groups model. A user can belong to many groups, and a group can have many users. How do we model this?
A user typically belongs to a few groups, but a group can have a lot of users. So we record the relationship on the
smaller side by having a Groups property on the user document.

Traversing a many-to-many association from the grandchild (smaller) side can be done by
simply including and loading the grandparents, as shown in Listing 3.6.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
Child alice = session
.Include<Child>(c => c.Grandparents)
Dictionary<string, Parent> gradparents =

Following the association from the other side requires us to query, as shown in Listing 3.7.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
Parent grandparent = session.Load<Parent>("parent/1923-A");
List<Child> grandchildren = (
from c in session.Query<Child>()
where c.Grandparents.Contain(grandparent.Id)
select c

You can also run this query directly in the studio by going to Indexes and then Query and
using the following query: from Children where Grandparents[] in ('parents/1923-

The code in Listing 3.7 will load Alice’s mother and all of her grandchildren. In this case, we
see a slightly more complex query, but the essence of it remains the same as the one in
Listing 3.5. We have separate documents and clear separation between them. In other
words, we can query for related data, but we don’t just traverse the object graph from one
document to another.

One-to-one relationship
A one-to-one relationship is a pretty strange sight. If there’s a one-to-one relationship,
shouldn’t it be an embedded document instead of having a separate document? Indeed, in
nearly all cases, that would be a better idea.
There are a few reasons why I’d want to store a part of a document in a separate document.
Usually this would be the case if we have a document that’s conceptually the same but has
very different access patterns. In the order example, we might have the order header,
which is frequently accessed and looked at. And then there’s the full order, which might be
very big (lots of line items) and which we don’t need to access often.
In this case, it might make sense to create a document just for the order header (call it
orders/2834/header). But using a projection will be almost as good, and we’ll discuss
those in Chapter 4. This saves us the need to split our data. The typical way you’ll build one-
to-one relationships in RavenDB is to utilize document ID postfixes to create a set of related
documents (orders/2834 and orders/2834/header, for example).
This tends to result in clearer intent since it’s obvious what each part is doing and what it’s
meant to be. But even so, it’s often not advisable. Just putting it all in a single document is
easier in most cases.
Another scenario that might require you to split a document is if you have a real need to
have concurrent activities on a document. This is generally pretty rare. Since a document is
the unit of concurrency in RavenDB, you’ll model your documents so they’ll have a single
reason to change. But sometimes there are reasons to allow concurrent updates on a
document—for example, if you have properties on the document that are useful for the
application, not the business model.
Case in point, imagine in an order system that we want to add a feature for tracking an
order. A customer representative may mark an order for tracking so they can see what kind
of steps a particular order goes through and take action at various points in the workflow.
Such an action needs to be recorded, but it doesn’t actually impact the behavior of the
system in any way. It is fine to add or remove tracking on an order at any point in time,
including during concurrent updates to the order.
One way to do that would be to always use patching (also discussed in the next chapter) to
update the document, but a better way to handle this kind of requirement is to create a
dedicated document orders/2834/tracking that would hold all the details about the users
tracking this order. This makes it an explicit action in your domain instead of just tacking it
onto the existing objects.

Advanced modeling scenarios

The RavenDB modeling techniques that we’ve explored so far are good for modeling
standard business data. You know how to build your entities, how to deal with
relationships between them and how to identify whether they should be separate
documents or nested in the same document. But there’s also a good deal of sophistication
we can apply to non-standard scenarios, which is the topic of this section.

Reference data
Reference data is common, and it can be anything from a list of states to tax rates to
localized text. The common thread for reference data is that it’s typically small and not
really interesting in isolation. Such data only gets interesting when you start working with
a lot of it.
It’s typical to ignore the modeling concerns for such items—to just throw them in a pile
somewhere and not give it any thought. With the list of states example, the most natural
way to do it is to define a document whose ID is states/ny and has a single Name property
with the value New York. That would work, but it’s hardly the best way to go about it.
Going back to basic principles, such a document will hardly be coherent or independent.
Indeed, such a document makes little sense on its own. Instead of storing each state and
each configuration value as its own document, we’ll raise the bar a bit and introduce
configuration documents. You can see the example in Listing 3.8.
// config/states
"AL": "Alabama",
"AK": "Alaska",
"AS": "American Samoa",
"WV": "West Virginia",
"WI": "Wisconsin",
"WY": "Wyoming"
Modeling reference data in the manner shown in Listing 3.8 has several advantages. It’s
much easier to work with the data. Instead of issuing a query, we can just load the
document in one shot, and it’s ready for our consumption. It means the database has less
work to do, and it plays nicely into the way RavenDB caches data. It also means we can
reduce deserialization costs and make it easier to edit and work with the reference data.
In fact, because this is a single document, we can also get RavenDB to do some tasks for us,
such as revisions. We’ll discuss that in more detail in Chapter 4, but RavenDB has a built-in
revisions capability. This can be very useful when you’re talking about reference or
configuration data since it’s easy to see what the changes were (or revert them).

Hierarchical information
Working with hierarchical data is complex because there are cases where you need to
traverse the hierarchy, and that traditionally has been expensive. In many cases,
hierarchies are recursive and have no limits to their number of levels (although, in practice,
the number is usually known to be small).
We need to make a distinction between several types of hierarchies. The first hierarchy is
quite simple and can comfortably fit into a single document. An example of such a hierarchy
is comments in a discussion thread. The entire thread is a single document, and all the
comments in the thread always reside in that document. In such a case, storing and
working with the hierarchical nature of the data is quite trivial since you’ll often just
traverse the data directly after loading the document from the server.
A commonly-seen example of a hierarchy that doesn’t fit the “everything in a single
document” model is the company hierarchy. Each employee is an independent entity, and
we can’t store them all as a single document. Instead, we’ll strive to model the hierarchy
explicitly as an independent concept from the employees. In this case, we’ll have the notion
of a department, which will record just the chains of who reports to whom. The idea is that
we separate the hierarchy out since the position of an employee in the hierarchy is
orthogonal to most aspects of the employee.
The notion of a separated hierarchy document gives us a lot of simplicity. Hierarchical
operations and queries (all direct and indirect reports, for example) are easy and natural,
and the separated hierarchy document works well with caching and the use of Include.
The final example for modeling hierarchies in RavenDB is when we need to model the
hierarchy directly in the model. Departments in an organization might be a good example;
their location in the hierarchy is important to what they are. In this case, we’ll typically
model such a relationship as many to one or many to many, at each individual level. That’s
the simplest method for handling such a requirement.
This works as long as we only need to handle a single level, but it doesn’t handle
hierarchical queries. Finding all the departments under R&D, regardless of whether they’re
directly or indirectly attached, requires a bit more work since we’ll need to define indexes
that are able to walk through the hierarchy. We haven’t talked about complex operations in
indexes, so I’ll just mention that RavenDB’s indexes can use Recurse to work with
hierarchical data and leave that topic to Chapter 10, where we’ll cover it in depth.

Temporal data model

Temporal data is often a challenge because it can really mess with the way you think about
information. Despite the fancy name, temporal data is just a way to store data that has a
relation to time. The best example I’ve seen for temporal data is payroll. Consider the
notion of a paycheck. An employer and employee have a contract stipulating that, for a
given amount of work, a given amount of money will be exchanged.
The problem is that this contract can change over time. An employee can get a raise, earn
additional vacation days, negotiate better overtime terms or all of the above. For extra fun,
you may get some of those changes retroactively. This sort of thing makes it hard to figure
out what exactly you’re supposed to do. (What if these terms change mid-month? How
would you handle overtime calculation on a shift between 8 PM and 4 AM that falls in that
The way to model temporal data in RavenDB is to embrace its document nature fully,
especially because in most temporal domains the notion of documents and views over time
is so important. Consider this situation: a paystub was issued on May 1st, and then a
retroactive pay raise was given. How is that money counted? It’s easy to see that when we
model the data as physical documents, we don’t try to model a paystub as a mutable entity
but rather a point-in-time view. Any changes that were made during the time frame it
covered will be reflected in the next paystub.
This approach makes it much easier on you. You don’t have to keep track of valid time,
effective time and bitemporal time all at once. You just store facts and the time at which
they were stored, just as if you were keeping all your printed paystubs in a drawer
The same applies to contracts and other things that mutate over time. Consider the
documents seen in Figure 3.2. They represent the same contract, with modifications over
time as things change.
Contract documents and changes over time
The key is that, when we consider references to this contract, we can select what kind of
reference we want. When looking at the employee’s record, we’ll have a reference to
contracts/hourly/1234-A, which is the current version of the contract. But when issuing a
paystub, we’ll always reference a fixed revision of this contract, such as
contracts/hourly/1234-A/2013-05-21. This way, we set ourselves up to choose whether
we want the point-in-time information or the current (continuously updated) version.
If this sounds similar to the way we decide if we’ll copy data from another document to get
a point-in-time snapshot of it or reference it by ID to always get the latest data, that’s
probably because it is similar. And it makes dealing with temporal data significantly

Additional considerations for document modeling

A major challenge in modeling data with RavenDB is that different features and behaviors
all have a very different impact on the cost of various operations, and that in turn impacts
how you’ll design and work with your model. In this section, we’ll explore a few of the
features that we haven’t gotten to know yet and their impact on modeling data in RavenDB.
I recommend going over this section briefly now and returning to it when you’ve finished
this book. By then, you’ll have the complete picture and will be able to make more informed

Handling unbounded document growth

What size should a document be? It’s an interesting question that frequently comes up with
regard to modeling. A good range for a document is somewhere on the order of kilobytes.
In other words, if your document is very small (a few dozen bytes), is it really a document?
Or is it just a single value that would be better off as a reference data document, as we
discussed earlier in this chapter? On the other hand, if you document is multiple
megabytes, how easy it is to work with it?
Maximum document size
RavenDB has a hard limit on document sizes, and it’s around the 2 GB mark. (Documents are often stored
compressed, so a 2 GB JSON document will typically be smaller inside RavenDB.) But the biggest document I recall
seeing in the field was about 170 MB. We had a discussion with the customer regarding modeling and about the
fact that, while RavenDB is a document database, it’s perfectly capable of handling multiple documents.

RavenDB itself, by the way, is just fine with large documents. The problem is everything
else. Consider a page that needs to display a 12 MB document. What are the costs involved
in doing this?
• Reading 12 MB over the network.
• Parsing 12 MB of JSON into our entities (this often means using a lot more memory
than just the 12 MB of serialized JSON).
• Generating a web page with some or all of the information in the 12 MB document.
• Discarding all of this information and letting it be garbage-collected.
In short, there’s a lot of work going on, and it can be very expensive. On the other hand, if
you have anemic documents, we’ll typically need to read many of them to get anything
meaningful done, which means a lot of work for the database engine.
Here’s the rule of thumb we use: as long as it makes sense to measure the document size in
kilobytes, you’re good. RavenDB will generate a warning in the studio when it encounters
documents that are too large,22 but it has no impact whatsoever on the behavior or
performance of the system.
There are two common reasons why a document can be very large. Either it holds a single
(or a few) very large properties, such as a lot of text, binary data, etc., or it contains a
collection whose size is not bounded.
In the first case, we need to consider whether the large amount of data is actually a core
part of the document or if it should be stored externally. RavenDB supports the notion of
attachments, which allows you to, well, attach binary data to a document. If the data can be
stored outside the document, regardless of whether it’s binary or textual, that’s preferable.
Attachments in RavenDB don’t have a size limit and aren’t accessed when loading the
document, so that’s a net win. We’ll learn more about attachments toward the end of this
The more complex case is if we have a collection or collections inside the document that
have no upper bound. Consider the case of an order document. In retail, an order can
contain up to a few hundred items, but in business-to-business scenarios, it’s not
uncommon to have orders that contain tens and hundreds of thousands of items. Putting all
of that in a single document is going to lead to problems, as we’ve already seen.
Who modifies the big documents?

22 By default, that’s set to 5 MB, and it’s configurable.

While big documents are typically frowned upon because of the awkwardness of working with large amounts of
data (network, parsing and memory costs) there’s another, more theoretical aspect to the problems they bring:
who owns a very big document?
Remember that good document modeling implies there’s only a single reason to change a document. But if an
order document contains so many items, that likely means there are multiple sources that add items to the order,
such as different departments working with the same supplier. At that point, it isn’t a single document we’re
working with. It’s multiple independent orders merged into a single, final shipping/billing order.
Again, falling back to the real-world example, we’d find it strange if a van stopped by our store and started
unpacking crates full of pages detailing all the things a customer wanted to purchase. But when we’re working on a
single document, this is pretty much what we’re doing. Instead, we’ll typically accept individual requests from each
contact person/department and associate them with the appropriate billing/shipping cycle.
In other words, the reason we split the document isn’t so much to artificially reduce its size but because that’s how
the business will typically work, and doing it any other way is really hard. Splitting it so the document structure
follows the structure of the business is usually the right thing to do.

So how do we handle large documents? We typically split them into smaller pieces along
some sort of business boundary. Let’s consider the case of a bank account and the
transactions we need to track. Keeping all the transactions inside the account document
isn’t feasible on a long-term basis. But how are we going to split them? Here, we look at the
business and see that the bank itself doesn’t look at the account and all its history as a
single unit.
Instead, the bank talks about transactions that happened on a particular business day or in
a particular month. And we can model our documents accordingly. In the bank example,
we’ll end up with the following documents:
• accounts/1234—account details, status, ownership, conditions, etc.
• accounts/1234/txs/2017-05—the transactions in this account on May 2017
• accounts/1234/txs/2017-04—the transactions in this account on April 2017

Within a given time frame, we can be reasonably certain that there’s going to be an upper
bound to the number of transactions in an account. I quite like this approach because it
aligns closely with how the business is thinking about the domain and it results in clear
separation of documents. But you can’t always split things apart on such a convenient
boundary. What happens if there isn’t a time element that you can use?
At that point, you still split the document, but you do so arbitrarily. You can decide that
you’ll generate a new document for the items in the collection every N items, for example.
Often, that N value is some multiple of the typical page size you have in your system. If we
go back to the example of order and items in the order, assuming we don’t go the route of
splitting the order itself into separate requests, we’ll just split the order every 100 items.
So, we’ll end up with the following documents:
• orders/1234—the order header, shipping details, billing, etc.
• orders/1234/items/1—the first 100 items for this order
• orders/1234/items/2—the second 100 items for this order
The order document will contain the IDs of all the items documents (so we can easily
Include them), as well as the ID of the last items document, so we’ll know where to add an
item to this order.
This approach is a bit clumsier, in my eyes. But if we don’t have another alternative natural
boundary, this will work fine.

Cached queries properties

A common modeling technique is to keep track of some cached global state inside our
entities. The most trivial example I can think of is the customer.NumberOfOrders property.
I want to call out this behavior specifically because it’s common, it makes sense and it’s
usually a bad idea.
But why? Well, let’s consider why we need to have this property in the first place. In most
domains, a property such as NumberOfOrders doesn’t comprise an intrinsic part of the
customer. In other words, the information is interesting, but it doesn’t belong inside the
customer document. Moreover, in order to keep this property up to date, we need to
update it whenever we add an order, decrement it when an order is deleted, etc. For that
matter, what do we do about an order that was returned? Does it count? What about the
replacement order?
In other words, this is a pretty hefty business decision. But most of the time, this property
is added because we want to show that value in the user interface, and issuing an
aggregation query can be expensive. Or, rather, an aggregation query is expensive if you
aren’t using RavenDB.
With RavenDB, aggregation is handled via MapReduce operations, and you don’t pay any
cost at all for querying on the results of the aggregation. We dedicated a whole chapter
(Chapter 11) to discussing this topic, so I’ll go into the details there, but the impact of such
a feature is profound. Cheap aggregation means that you can do a lot more of it, and you
don’t have to manage it yourself.
That frees you from a lot of worries, and it means you can focus on building your model as
it’s used. You can let RavenDB handle the side channel operations, like calculating exactly
how many orders a customer has and in what state.
Another problem with customer.NumberOfOrders is how you update it. Two orders
generated at once for the same customer may result in lost updates and invalid data. How
does RavenDB handle concurrency, and how does it impact your model?
Concurrency control
RavenDB is inherently concurrent, capable of handling hundreds of thousands23 of requests
per second.
That leads to a set of interesting problems regarding concurrency. What happens if two
requests are trying to modify the same document at the same time? That depends on what,
exactly, you asked RavenDB to do. If you didn’t do anything, RavenDB will execute those
two modifications one at a time, and the last one will win. There’s no way to control which
would be last. Note that both operations will execute. That means that in certain cases, it
will leave marks. In particular, if you have revisions enabled for this collection, there are
going to be two revisions for this document. We’ll discuss revisions in the next chapter].
Change Vectors in RavenDB
RavenDB makes extensive use of the notion of change vectors. A change vector is composed of a list of node IDs
and etags. A node ID uniquely identifies a node, while an etag is a 64 bit number that is incremented on every
operation in a database. Each time a document is modified, it’s associated with the current etag value and a new
change vector is generated.
This change vector uniquely marks the specific version of the document globally and is used for optimistic
concurrency control, for various internal operations and caching. We’ll discuss change vectors in detail in the
Chapter 6.

The last write wins model is the default option in RavenDB except when you’re creating
a new document. When the RavenDB client API is generating the ID, it knows it intends to
create a new document, and it sets the expected change vector accordingly. So if the
document already exists, an error will be generated.
What about when you want to take advantage of this feature? You can ask RavenDB to
enable optimistic concurrency at several levels. The following code enables optimistic
concurrency for all sessions created by this document store.
store.Conventions.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;

And you can also enable this on a more selective basis, on a particular session, using the
following snippet:
session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;

Or you can enable it on a single particular operation:

session.Store(entity, changeVector);

In all cases, the RavenDB client API will send the expected change vector to the server,
which will compare it to the current change vector. If the current change vector does not

23Not a typo! In our benchmarks, we’re always saturating the network long before we
saturate any other resource, so the current limit is how fast your network cards are in
packet processing.
match the expected change vector, a ConcurrencyException will be thrown, aborting the
entire transaction.
The first two options use the change vector that the server supplied when the document
was loaded. In other words, they would error if the document was modified between the
time we fetched it from the server and the time we wrote it back. The third option is a lot
more interesting, though.
The ability to specify the change vector on a specific entity is quite important because it
allows you to perform offline optimistic concurrency checks. You can render a web page to
the user and, along with the document data there, include the change vector that you got
when you loaded that document. The user can look at the document, modify it, and then
send it back to your application. At that point, you’ll store the document with the tag as it
was when we rendered the page to the user and call SaveChanges. If the document has
been modified by anyone in the meantime, the operation will fail.
In this manner, you don’t need to keep the session around. You just need to pass the change
vector back and forth. As you can see, the change vector is quite important for concurrency,
but it also plays another important role with caching.

RavenDB uses REST over HTTP for communication between client and server. That means
whenever you load a document or perform a query, you’re actually sending an HTTP call
over the wire. This lets RavenDB take advantage of the nature of HTTP to play some nice
In particular, the RavenDB client API is capable of using the nature of HTTP to enable
transparent caching of all requests from the server, which provides the client API with
some assistance. Here’s how it works. Each response from the server contains an Etag
header. In the case of loading a single document, that ETag header is also the document
etag, but if we’re querying or loading multiple documents, that ETag header will contain a
computed value.
On the client side, we’ll cache the request from the server alongside the URL and the ETag
value. When a new request comes in for the same URL, we’ll send it to server, but we’ll also
let the server know we have the result of the request with a specific ETag value. On the
server side, there are dedicated code paths that can cheaply check if the ETag we have on
the client is the same as the current one. If it is, we’ll just let the client know that it can use
the cached version, and that’s it.
We don’t have to execute any further code or send anything other than 304 Not Modified
to the client. And on the client side, there’s no need to download any data from the server.
We can access our local copy, already parsed and primed for us. That can represent
significant speed savings in some cases because we have to do a lot less work.
If the data has changed, we’ll have a different ETag for the request, and the server will
process it normally. The client will replace the cached value and the process will repeat.
You can take advantage of that when designing your software because you know certain
operations are likely to be cached and thus cheap.
RavenDB also has a feature called Aggressive Caching, which allows the RavenDB client
API to register for changes from the server. At that point, we don’t even need to make a call
to the server if we already have a cached value. We can wait for the server to let us know
that something has changed and that we need to call back to the database to see what that
change was. For certain types of data—config/reference documents in particular—that can
provide major performance savings.

Reference handling, Include and LoadDocument

Earlier in this chapter, we looked at various types of relationships between objects and
documents, like embedding a value inside a larger document, many-to-one and many-to-
many relationships and more. While we were focused on building our model, I skipped a bit
on explaining how we work with relationships beyond the diagram stage. I’d like to return
to that now.
There are two separate operations that we need to take into account. Fetching related
information during a query or a document load can be done using an Include call, which
we already covered in Zero to RavenDB. I’m pointing this out again because it’s a very
important feature that deserves more attention (and use). It’s an incredibly powerful tool
to reduce the number of server requests when working with complex data.
The second operation is querying, or more to the point, when I want to query for a
particular document based on the properties of a related document. Going back to the
kindergarten example, searching for all the children whose mothers’ names are Lorina
would be a great example. The child document no longer contains the name of the parent,
so how are we going to search for that? RavenDB doesn’t allow you to perform joins, but it
does allow you to index related data during the indexing phase and then query on that. So
querying the children by their mothers’ names is quite easy to do, using the LoadDocument
feature. LoadDocument is discussed in full in Chapter 10.
I’m mentioning it here because knowing that it exists has an impact on the way we model
data. Be sure to read all about what LoadDocument can do and how it works. It can be of
great help when deciding how to model related data. In the end, though, the decision
almost always comes down to whether we want a point-in-time view of the data or the
current value. For the first option, we’ll typically copy the value from the source to its own
document, and for the second, we can use LoadDocument during indexing and querying and
Include when fetching the data from the server.

Attachments and binary data

RavenDB is a JSON document database, but not all data can be (or should be) represented
in JSON. This is especially true when you consider that a document might reasonably
include binary data. For example, when working with an order document, the invoice PDF
might be something we need to keep.24. If we have a user document, the profile picture is
another piece of binary data that is both part of the document and separate from it.
RavenDB’s answer to that need is attachments. Attachments are binary data that can be
attached to documents. An attachment is always on a document, and beyond the binary
data, there’s an attachment name (which must be unique within the scope of the parent
document). Attachments are kept on the same storage as the documents, although in a
separate location, and can be worked on together with documents.
That means attachments can participate in the same transaction as documents with the
same ACID semantics (all in or none at all). There’s no size limit for attachments, and a
single document can have multiple attachments.
The ability to store binary data easily is important for our modeling, especially because we
can treat attachment changes as part of our transaction. That means an operation such as
“the lease is signed” can be done in a single transaction that includes both the update of the
Lease document and the storage of the signed lease scan in the same operation. That can
save you a bit of a headache with error handling.
When modeling, consider whatever external data is strongly related to the document and
should be stored as an attachment. The easiest mental model I have for doing this is to
consider attachments in email. Imagine that the document is the email content, and the
attachments are just like attachments in email. Typically, such attachments provide
additional information about the topic in question, and that’s a good use case for
attachments in RavenDB.

Revisions and Auditing

Tracking changes in data over time is a challenging task. Depending on the domain in
question,25 we need to be able to show all changes that happened to a document. RavenDB
supports that with its revisions feature.
The database administrator can configure RavenDB to keep track of document revisions.
Whenever a document is changed, an immutable revision will be created, which can be
used later on to follow all changes that happened to a document. RavenDB can be set to
track only specific collections and to only keep track of the last N revisions, but often you’ll
choose “track everything” since disk space is relatively cheap and those domains need this
accountability. It’s better to keep too much than not enough.
Revisions also can apply to deletes, so you can restore a deleted document if you need to.
One way of looking at revisions is as a way to have a copy of all changes on a per-document

24A signed PDF invoice is pretty common, and you’re required to keep it for tax purposes
and can’t just generate it on the fly
25 This is common in insurance and healthcare, for example.
Auditing is a bit different. While revisions tell you what changed, auditing tells you by
whom and typically what for. RavenDB supports this kind of auditing using client-side
listeners, which can provide additional context for the document whenever it’s changed.
We’ll discuss listeners and their use in more depth in Chapter 4.

When storing documents inside RavenDB, you can specify that they will expire at a given
point in time. RavenDB will periodically remove all the expired documents automatically.
This is a relatively small feature, but it’s nice to be able to implement functionality like “the
link in this email will expire in 12 hours.”
We’ll see how to use the expiration feature in Chapter 4. There isn’t much to say about it
besides that it works, but it should be noted that the expiration is a soft one. In other
words, if you specified an expiration time, the document might still be there after that time
has passed because RavenDB didn’t get around to cleaning it yet. By default, RavenDB will
clear expired documents every minute. So the document might live just a bit longer than
expected, but not terribly so.


The final topic in the modeling chapter is one of the more important ones. ACID stands for
atomic, consistent, isolated and durable, while BASE stands for basically available, soft state,
eventually consistent. Those are two very different approaches for dealing with data.
RavenDB uses both, in different parts of its operations. In general, ACID is what we always
strive for. A fully consistent model makes it easy to build upon and reason about, but it also
can be quite expensive to build and maintain. In a distributed system, ensuring atomicity
can be quite expensive, since you need to talk to multiple machines for each operation, for
example. On the other hand, BASE give us a lot more freedom, and that translates into a lot
more optimization opportunities.
In RavenDB, all operations on a document or attachment using its ID (put, modify, delete)
are always consistent and run in an ACID transaction. Bulk operations over sets of
documents (update all that match a particular query, bulk insert, etc.) are composed of
multiple separate transactions instead of one very big one.
By default, when you save a document into RavenDB, we’ll acknowledge the write when the
data has been saved on one node in a durable fashion.27 You can also ask the write to be
acknowledged only when the write has been made durable on multiple nodes (using the
WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges method) for additional safety. We discuss all such
details in Chapter 6.

26 Obviously, this does not alleviate the need to have proper backups.
27That means that the data has been written to disk and fsync() or the equivalent was
called, so the data is safe from power loss.
One of the typical balancing acts that database administrators have to do is to choose how
many indexes they will have. Too many indexes and the write process grinds to a halt. Not
enough indexes and your queries are going to require table scans, which are horrendously
expensive even on moderately sized databases.
The reason for the tradeoff is that a transaction must update all the relevant indexes on
every change. That means that index updates are right there in the main pathway for
updating data, which explains why they can so severely degrade performance. When
designing our indexing implementation, we took a different approach.
Indexing in RavenDB is handled as an asynchronous task running in the background
whenever there are updates to the database. This means that we don’t have to wait for the
index to finish updating before completing the write. And that means that we have far
better opportunities for optimizations. For example, we can roll up multiple changes that
happened in different transactions into the same index update batch.
This also allows us to be able to prioritize certain operations on the fly. If we’re under a
load of pressure right now, we can reduce the amount of time we spend indexing in order
to serve more requests. This follows the idea that we always want to be able to return a
result from RavenDB as soon as possible and that, in many cases, a triple-checked answer
that came too late is worse than useless.
Indexes in RavenDB are BASE in the sense that they can lag behind the documents they
reflect. In practice, indexes are kept up to date and the lag time between a document
update and an index update is typically measured in microseconds. The BASE nature of
indexes allows us to achieve a number of desirable properties. Adding an index to the
system doesn’t block anything, and updating an index definition can be done in a side-by-
side manner. Various optimizations are possible because of this (mostly related to batching
and avoidance of locks).
What are the costs in waiting
Waiting for indexing or waiting for replication is something that you have to explicitly ask for because it costs. But
what are those costs? In the case of replication, it means waiting for another server (or servers) to get the
information and persist it safely to disk. That can add latency in the order of tens of milliseconds when running on
a local data center—and hundreds of milliseconds if your cluster is going over the public internet.
For indexing, this is usually a short amount of time since the indexes are updated quickly. If there’s a new index, it
may take longer because the write will have to wait for the index to catch up not just with this write but also with
all the writes that the new index is processing.
We typically measure RavenDB performance in tens or hundreds of thousands of requests per second. Even going
with just 10,000 requests per second, that gives us a budget of 1/10 of a millisecond to process a request. Inside
RavenDB, requests are handled in an async manner, so it isn’t as if we’re holding hundreds of threads open. But
additional wait time for the request is something we want to avoid.
For the most part, those costs are pretty small, but there are times where they might be higher. If there’s a new
index running, and we asked to wait for all indexes, we may be waiting for a while. And we want the default
behavior to be as predictable as possible. That isn’t meant to discourage you from using these features, but we
suggest that you give it some thought.
In particular, spraying the waits at any call is possible and it will work, but it’s usually not the best solution. You
typically want to apply them in specific scenarios: either high-value writes (and you want to make sure that it’s
saved on multiple nodes) or if you intend to issue a query immediately after the write and want to ensure that it
will be included in the results. Otherwise, you should accept the defaults and allow RavenDB the freedom to
optimize its operations.

The BASE on indexing behavior is optional. You can ask RavenDB to wait for the indexes to
update (using the WaitForIndexesAfterSaveChanges method) so you have the option of
choosing. If this is a write you intend to immediately query, you can force a wait. Usually,
that isn’t required, so you don’t need to pay the cost here.
You need to be aware of the distinctions here between queries (which can be BASE and lag a
bit28) and bulk operations (many small transactions) and operations on specific documents
(either one at a time or in groups), which happen as ACID transactions. Taking advantage of
the BASE nature of indexing allows you to reduce the cost of querying and writing, as well
as selectively apply the decision on a case-by-case basis.

Modeling data in RavenDB isn’t a trivial topic, and it isn’t over just because you finished
this chapter. I tried to highlight certain features and their impact on modeling, but I suggest
finishing the book and then reading this chapter again, with fresh perspective and a better
understanding of how things are playing together.
We started by looking at RavenDB as a simple key/value store. Just throw data in (such as
session information, shopping cart, etc.) and access it by a well-known key. That has the
advantage of giving us fast operations without hiding the data behind an opaque barrier.
We can also use the expiration feature to store time dependent data.
From the trivial model of key/value store, we moved to considering real document models.
By looking at how documents in the real world—physical ones—are modeled, we made it
much easier to explain document models to the business. Reducing the impedance
mismatch between the business and the application is always a good thing, and proper
modeling can help there. Of course, don’t go too far. Remember that documents are virtual
concepts and aren’t limited to the physical world. We then looked at the issue of
denormalization and noted the difference between the same value of the data and the same
meaning of the data.
The next topic was actual modeling. We looked at how we should structure embedded
values to store data that’s intrinsically part of the document instead of holding that data
outside of the document. We looked at how to model relations and collections, many-to-one
and many-to-many associations. Then we covered more advanced modeling techniques,
such as how to handle references and configuration data and how to deal with temporal
information and hierarchical structures.
Next, we went over some of the constraints that we have to take into account when
modeling, like how to deal with the growth of a document and what constitutes a good size

28 The typical lag time for indexing is under 1 ms

for a document in RavenDB. We looked at concurrency control and how change vectors are
useful for optimistic concurrency and for caching. And we examined why we should avoid
caching aggregated data in our model (NumberOfOrders).
We looked at handling binary data with attachments, as well as auditing and change
tracking using the revisions feature, and we learned that we can expire documents natively
in RavenDB. Reference handling at indexing and query time was briefly covered (we’ll
cover it in depth in Chapter 9), as it’s important to how you model your documents.
A repeating theme was the use of semantic IDs to give you better control over documents
and their meaning—not so much for RavenDB’s sake29 but because it increases
understanding and visibility in your domain. Using document IDs to “nest” documents such
as accounts/1234/tx/2017-05 or having meaningful document IDs such as config/states
helps a lot in setting out the structure for your model.
The final topic we covered was ACID vs. BASE in RavenDB. Documents in RavenDB are
stored and accessed in an ACID manner, while we default to BASE queries to get higher
performance and have more chances for optimizations. This behavior is controlled by the
user on a case-by-case basis, so you can select the appropriate mode for each scenario.
Our next chapter is going to cover the client API in depth, going over all the tools that you
have to create some really awesome behaviors. After that, we’ll get to running clusters of
RavenDB and understanding how the distributed portion of RavenDB is handled.

Deep Dive Into the RavenDB Client API

In this chapter, we’re going to take a deep dive into how the client API works. We’re going
to show mostly C# code examples, but the same concepts apply to any of the RavenDB
client APIs, regardless of platform, with minor changes needed to make things applicable.
There are still some concepts that we haven’t gotten around to (clustering or indexing, for
example), which will be covered in their own chapters. But the client API is rich and has a
lot of useful functionality on its own, quite aside from the server-side behavior.
We already looked into the document store and the document session, the basic building
blocks of CRUD in RavenDB. But in this chapter, we’re going to look beyond the obvious and
into the more advanced features.
One thing we’ll not talk about in this chapter is querying. We’ll cover that extensively in
Chapter 9, so let’s keep it there. You already know the basics of querying in RavenDB, but
there’s a lot more power for you to discover.
This chapter is going to contain a large number of code examples, and it will discuss the
nitty-gritty details of using the client. It’s divided into brief sections that each deal with a

29 The database doesn’t care what your document IDs look like.
specific feature or behavior. I suggest reading this over to note the capabilities of RavenDB
and coming back to it as needed in your application.
For the rest of this chapter, we’ll use the classes shown in Listing 4.1 as our model, using a
simplified help desk as our example.
public class Customer
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

public class SupportCall

public string Id { get; set; }
public string CustomerId { get; set; }
public DateTime Started { get;set; }
public DateTime? Ended { get;set; }
public string Issue { get; set; }
public int Votes { get; set; }
public List<string> Comments { get; set; }

Writing documents
Writing documents in RavenDB is easy, as we saw in “Zero to RavenDB”. If we want to
create a new support call, we can use the code in Listing 4.2 to do so.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var call = new SupportCall
Started = DateTime.UtcNow,
Issue = customerIssue,
CustomerId = customerId

This is the basic behavior of RavenDB and how you would typically work with saving data.
But there are lot of additional things that we can do when writing data. For example, let’s
say the user might have sent us some screenshots that we want to include in the support

Working with attachments

You can add attachments to a RavenDB document to store binary data related to that
document. Let’s assume the user sent us a screenshot of the problem along with the call.
Listing 4.3 shows how we can store and retrieve the attachments.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var call = new SupportCall
Started = DateTime.UtcNow,
Issue = customerIssue,
CustomerId = customerId

foreach (var file in attachedFiles)

session.Advanced.StoreAttachment(call, file.Name,


Note that we’re using the session to store both the support call document and any
attachments the user might have sent. An attachment is basically a file name and a stream
that will be sent to the server (with an optional content type). When the call to
SaveChanges is made, the RavenDB client API will send both the new document and all of
its attachments to the server in a single call, which will be treated as a transaction. Both the
document and the attachments will be saved, or both will fail.
That was easy enough, but now how do we retrieve the attachments? The list of
attachments for a particular document is accessible via the session, as shown in Listing 4.4.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var call = session.Load<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B");
var attachments = session.Advanced.GetAttachmentNames(call);

// render the call and the attachment names


Calling GetAttachmentNames is cheap; the attachments on a document are already present

in the document metadata, which we loaded as part of getting the document. There is no
server-side call involved. Note that the result of GetAttachmentNames doesn’t include the
content of the attachments. To get the attachment itself and not just its name, you need to
make a separate call, as shown in Listing 4.5.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var call = session.Load<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B");
var attachments = session.Advanced.GetAttachmentNames(call);

using (var stream = session.Advanced.GetAttachment(call,

// process the content of the attachment

Each call to GetAttachment will make a separate call to the server to fetch the attachment.
If you have a lot of attachments, be aware that fetching all their information can be
expensive due to the number of remote calls that are involved.

Working with the document metadata

In the attachments section, we noted that attachment information is stored in the
document metadata. RavenDB uses the metadata for a lot of things. Most of them you don’t
generally care about (etag, change vector, etc.). But the document metadata is also available
to you for your own needs and use.
An actual use case for direct use of the document metadata is pretty rare. If you want to
store information, you’ll typically want to store it in the document itself, not throw it to the
metadata sidelines. Typical use cases for storing data in the metadata are cross-cutting
concerns. The preeminent one is auditing. You may want to see who edited a document, for
In order to demonstrate working with the metadata, we’ll consider creating a support call.
This is a complex process that has to go through several steps. In this case, when we save
the document to RavenDB, it’s still in draft status. Typical modeling advice would be to
model this explicitly in the domain (so you’ll have an IsDraft or Status property on your
model), but for this example, we’ll use the metadata. You can see the code for setting a draft
status in the metadata in Listing 4.6.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var call = new SupportCall
Started = DateTime.UtcNow,
Issue = customerIssue,
CustomerId = customerId

var metadata = session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor(call);

metadata["Status"] = "Draft";


We can call GetMetadataFor on any document that has been associated with the session. A
document is associated with the session either by loading it from the server or by calling
Store. After the document has been associated with the session, we can get its metadata
and manipulate it.
Changes to the metadata count as changes to the document and will cause the document to
be saved to the server when SaveChanges is called.

Change tracking and SaveChanges

The document session implements change tracking on your documents, as you can see in
Listing 4.7.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var call = session.Load<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B");

call.Ended = DateTime.UtcNow;


The session’s change tracking (and identity map) means that you don’t have to keep track
of what changed and manually call Store. Instead, when you call SaveChanges, all your
changes will be sent to the server in a single request.
You have a few knobs available to tweak the process. session.Advanced.HasChanges will
let you know if calling SaveChanges will result in a call to the server. And
session.Advanced.HasChanged(entity) will tell you when a particular entity has
changed. You can also take it up a notch and ask RavenDB to tell you what changed, using
session.Advanced.WhatChanged(). This will give you all the changes that happened in the
session. The WhatChanged feature can be nice if you want to highlight changes for user
approval, for example, or if you just want to see what modifications were made to your
model after a certain operation.
You can also tell RavenDB not to update a particular instance by calling
session.Advanced.IgnoreChangesFor(entity) . The document will remain attached to the
session and will be part of any identity map operations, but it won’t be saved to the server
when SaveChanges is called. Alternatively, you can call session.Advanced.Evict(entity)
to make the session completely forget about a document.
These operations tend to only be useful in specific cases, but they are very powerful when
utilized properly.

Optimistic concurrency
We covered optimistic concurrency in Chapter 3, but only in the most general terms. Now,
let’s take a look and see how we can use optimistic concurrency in practice. Listing 4.8
shows two simultaneous sessions modifying the same support call.
using (var sessionOne = store.OpenSession())
using (var sessionTwo = store.OpenSession())
var callOne = sessionOne.Load<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B");
var callTwo = sessionTwo.Load<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B");
callOne.Ended = DateTime.Today;
callTwo.Ended = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);


In the case of the code in Listing 4.8, we’re always going to end up with the support call end
date set to tomorrow. This is because, by default, RavenDB uses the Last Write Wins
model. You can control that by setting store.Conventions.UseOptimisticConcurrency to
“true,” which will affect all sessions, or you can change it on a case-by-case basis by setting
session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency to “true” on the session directly.

In either case, when this flag is set and SaveChanges is called, we’ll send the modified
documents to the server alongside their change vectors when we read them from the
server. This allows the server to reject any stale writes. If the flag were set to true, the code
in Listing 4.8 would result in a ConcurrencyException on the sessionTwo.SaveChanges()
This ensures that you can’t overwrite changes you didn’t see, and if you set
UseOptimisticConcurrency, you need to handle this error in some manner.

Pessimistic locking
When changes happen behind our backs to the document we modified, optimistic locking
handles it. Pessimistic locking, on the other hand, prevents those changes entirely.
RavenDB does not support pessimistic locking. And while you really need support from the
database engine to properly implement pessimistic locking, we fake it in an interesting
way. The following is a recipe for using approximating pessimistic locking in RavenDB. We
mention it not so much because it’s a good idea, but because it allows us to explore several
different features and see how they work together.
Using pessimistic locking, we can lock a document for modification until we release the
lock or until a certain amount of time has gone by. We can build a pessimistic lock in
RavenDB by utilizing the document metadata and optimistic concurrency. It’s easier to
explain with code, and you can find the Lock and Unlock implementations in Listing 4.9.
The locks are opt-in
In RavenDB, both the pessimistic lock explored in this section and the optimistic lock in the previous section are
opt-in. That means that you have to explicitly participate in the lock. If you’re using
UseOptimisticConcurrency and another thread isn’t, that thread will get the Last Write Wins
behavior (and might overwrite the changes made by the thread using optimistic concurrency).
In the same manner, the pessimistic lock recipe described here is dependent on all parties following it. If there’s a
thread that isn’t, the lock will not be respected.
In short, when using concurrency control, make sure that you’re using it across the board, or it may not hold.
public static IDisposable Lock(
this IDocumentSession session,
string docToLock)
var doc = session.Load<object>(docToLock);
if (doc == null)
throw new DocumentDoesNotExistException("The document " +
docToLock + " does not exists and cannot be locked");

var metadata = session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor(doc);

if (metadata.GetBoolean("Pessimistic-Locked"))
// the document is locked and the lock is still value
var ticks = metadata.GetNumber("Pessimistic-Lock-Timeout");
var lockedUntil = new DateTime(ticks);
if (DateTime.UtcNow <= lockedUntil)
throw new ConcurrencyException("Document " +
docToLock + " is locked using pessimistic");

metadata["Pessimistic-Locked"] = true;
metadata["Pessimistic-Lock-Timeout"] =

// will throw if someone else took the look in the meantime

session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;

return new DisposableAction(() =>


There’s quite a bit of code in 4.9, but there isn’t actually a lot that gets done. We load a
document and check if its metadata contains the Pessimistic-Locked value. If it does, we
check if the lock time expired. If it isn’t locked, we first update the document metadata,
then enable optimistic concurrency and finally call SaveChanges. If no one else modified the
document in the meantime, we’ll successfully mark the document as ours, and any other
call to Lock will fail.
The Lock method returns an IDisposable instance that handles releasing the lock. This is
done by removing the metadata values and then calling SaveChanges again. If the lock has
timed out and someone took the lock, we’ll fail here with a concurrency exception as well.
Avoid your own distributed pessimistic locks
There’s a reason why RavenDB does not include a pessimistic lock feature, and I strongly recommend you avoid
using the recipe above. It’s here to show how you’d use several different features at once to achieve a goal.
Actually handling a distributed lock is a non-trivial issue. Consider a RavenDB cluster with multiple nodes. If two
lock requests go to two distinct nodes at the same time, both of them will succeed.30 The two nodes will quickly
discover the conflicting updates and generate a conflict. But it isn’t guaranteed they’ll discover it inside the
lock/unlock period.
Another issue is the subject of timing. If two clients have enough of a clock skew, a client might consider a lock to
have expired even though it’s still valid. Proper distributed locking requires a consensus protocol of some kind, and
those aren’t trivial to build or use. RavenDB does have a consensus protocol, but pessimistic locking is usually a
bad fit for an OLTP environment, and we decided not to implement it.

A typical use for pessimistic locks is to lock a document while a user is editing it. That
might sound like a good idea, but experience has shown that, in most cases, it leads to
trouble. Consider, for example, version control systems. If you’re reading this book, you’ve
likely used a SCM of some kind. If you haven’t, I suggest you pick up a book about source
control and prioritize it over this one: learning about that is far more foundational.
Early source control systems (SourceSafe is a good example) used locks as their
concurrency model, and that led to a lot of problems. Say Joe locks a file and then leaves on
vacation. All of his coworkers then have to wait until he gets back before committing code
to that file. This is a typical problem that arises in such cases. The same happens when you
have pessimistic locks. Implementing pessimistic locks requires you to also implement
forced lock release, a feature that tells you who locked the document and a whole slew of
management functions around it. It’s typically easier to implement optimistic concurrency
or merging, and it matches most users’ expectations more.

Offline optimistic concurrency

We looked at online optimistic concurrency in Listing 4.8, where we loaded a document
into the session, modified it and then saved. In that time frame, if there was a change, we’d
get a concurrency exception. But most software doesn’t work like that. In a web
application, you aren’t going to keep the document session open for as long as the user is
on the site. Instead, you’ll use a session-per-request model, most likely. And the user will
first load a page with the document’s content and modify it in another request. There isn’t a
shared session in sight, so how can we implement optimistic concurrency?
All you need to do is send the change vector of the document to the user and accept it back
when the user wants to save the document. Listing 4.10 shows an example using two
separate sessions with concurrency handling between them.
string changeVector;
Supportcall callOne;

using (var sessionOne = store.OpenSession())

using (var sessionTwo = store.OpenSession())
callOne = sessionOne.Load<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B");

30 We’ll discuss in detail how RavenDB clusters work in the next chapter.
changeVector = sessionOne.Advanced.GetChangeVectorFor(callOne);

var callTwo = sessionTwo.Load<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B");

callTwo.Ended = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);


using (var sessionThree = store.OpenSession())

sessionThree.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;

callOne.Ended = DateTime.Today;

sessionThree.Store(callOne, changeVector, callOne.Id);

sessionThree.SaveChanges(); // will raise ConcurrencyException


The code in Listing 4.10 first loads the support call in sessionOne. Then the code loads it
again in sessionTwo, modifies the support call and saves it to the server. Both sessions are
then closed, and we open a new session. We call Store, passing the entity instance and the
change vector that we got from the first session, as well as the document ID.
This gives the RavenDB client API enough information for us to do an optimistic
concurrency check from the time we loaded callOne in the first session. In a web scenario,
you’ll typically send the change vector alongside the actual data and get it back from the
client to do the check. You might also want to check out the Changes API, which is covered
a little later in this chapter. This might help you get early change notifications when you
need to implement offline optimistic concurrency.

Patching documents and concurrent modifications

The typical workflow with RavenDB is to open a session, load a document, run some
business logic and call SaveChanges. When you follow those steps, the session will figure
out what documents have changed and send them to the server. This model is simple and
easy to follow, and it’s the recommended way to work.
However, there are a few scenarios in which we don’t want to send the entire document
back to the server. If our document is very large and we want to make a small change, we
can avoid that cost. Another reason to avoid the full document save is because we have a
scenario that calls for concurrent work on a document.
Let’s consider the SupportCall.Votes property. Two users may very well want to vote on
the same support call at the same time. One way to handle that is to load the support call,
increment the Votes property and call SaveChanges. In order to handle concurrent
modifications, we can utilize optimistic concurrency and retries. But that’s quite a lot of
work to write, and if the document is large, there’s also a lot of data going back and forth
over the network for little reason. Listing 4.11 shows how we can do much better.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
session.Advanced.Increment<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B", c =>
c.Votes, 1);


What the code in Listing 4.11 does is generate a patch request, rather than load and save
the full document. That request is stored in the session, and when SaveChanges is called, it
will be sent to the server (alongside any other changes/operations made on the session, as
usual). On the server side, we’ll apply this operation to the document. This patch request is
safe to call concurrently, since there’s no loss of data as a result of executing the patches.
Which is faster, patching or load/save?
The hasty answer is that patching is faster. We send a lot less data, and we need one less round trip to do so.
Winning all around, right?
But the real answer is that things are bit more complex. The patch request is actually a JavaScript function that we
send. That means we need to parse and run it on the server side, potentially marshal values into the script
environment and then marshal it back. Conversely, the code path for loading and saving documents in RavenDB is
well trodden and has been optimized plenty. That means in many cases it might be easier to just load and modify
the document directly, rather than use a patch.
Patching isn’t expensive; I want to emphasize that. But at the same time, I’ve seen codebases where all writes had
to be made using patching because of perceived performance benefits. That resulted in an extremely hard-to-
understand system that was resistant to change. The general recommendation is to utilize patching only when you
need to support concurrent modifications.
Note that in most cases concurrent modifications of the same document is not the default. A properly modeled
document should have a single reason to change, but it’s common that documents have additional data on them
(like the Votes property or Comments) that are important to save but don’t have any real business logic
attached to them.
That kind of change is fine to do using patching. If you find yourself trying to run serious business logic in patch
scripts (we’ll see exactly how to do this in a bit), you should move that into your own business logic.
Here’s another important consideration for patching. You don’t need to worry about concurrency between
patches on the same document. There’s no guarantee as to the order in which the patches will run, but there isn’t
going to be concurrent/interleaved execution of the scripts on the same document.

A slightly more complex example of the use of patching is adding a comment to a

SupportCall. Just like before, we want to support adding a comment concurrently. But to
make things a bit more interesting, we’ll add a business rule: a call that has been ended
cannot have additional comments added to it. Listing 4.12 shows the obvious way to
accomplish this.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var call = session.Load<SupportCall>("SupportCalls/238-B");
if (call.Ended != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot comment on closed call");

session.Advanced.Patch(call, c => c.Comments,

comments => comments.Add("This is important stuff!"));


In Listing 4.12, you can see how we moved from using the simple Increment call to the
Patch, which allows us to either replace a property value completely or add an item to a
collection. If you look closely at the code in Listing 4.12, you’ll find that there’s a hidden
race condition there. If the business rule is that we can’t add comments to a closed call,
we’re able to load the call, check that its Ended property is null and then send the patch
request to the server. In the meantime, however, another client could have closed the call,
and yet we’d still add the comment.
The seriousness of this issue depends entirely on the domain and the model. It’s possible
that you do want to add comments during that period, or it’s possible that allowing it could
break important business invariants.
Patch requests are sent as part of SaveChanges
It’s probably obvious, but I wanted to spell this out explicitly. Calls to Patch, Increment or Defer don’t go to
the server immediately. Instead, they’re added to the list of operations the session needs to execute and will be
sent to the server in a single batch (along with any modified documents) when SaveChanges is called. If you
have multiple patch operations in the same session on the same document, they’ll be merged into a single patch.
And if there are multiple patches on different documents, they’ll all be executed within the same transaction, as a
single unit.

There are two ways to avoid the race condition. We can send an change vector to the server
asking it to fail with a concurrency exception if the document has been modified since we
last saw it. That works, but it defeats the whole point of using patches for concurrent
modification of the document. The second alternative is to move the invariant check into
the script itself. Calls to Increment and Patch are actually just wrappers around the Defer
call, which allows you to add work to the session that’s to be sent to the server when
SaveChanges is called.

In Listing 4.13, we’re dropping down to using Defer directly to manipulate the patch
request ourselves, with no wrappers. As you can see, this is a bit involved, but overall it’s
pretty straightforward.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
session.Advanced.Defer(new PatchCommandData(
id: "SupportCalls/238-B",
changeVector: null,
patch: new PatchRequest
Script = @"
if (this.Ended == null)
throw 'Cannot add a comment to a closed call';
Values =
["comment"] = "This is important stuff!!"
patchIfMissing: null));


The code in Listing 4.13 passes a PatchCommandData, containing the relevant document ID,
to Defer. The key part is in the PatchRequest itself. We do the check on the document and
fail if the call has already been closed. If it hasn’t, we add the comment to the call. You can
also see that we don’t have to deal with string concatenation here since we can pass
arguments to the scripts directly. There’s also the option to run a script if the document
does not exist. This gives you the option to do a “modify or create” style of operation.
Using this method, we can be sure that we’ll never violate the rule about adding comments
to a closed call. A cautionary word, though: this is more complex than anything we’ve dealt
with before, and I would only recommend doing it if you really must. Running logic in this
manner inside the database is a powerful technique, but it’s also usually a bad idea because
of its potential for abuse. Problems that come with abusing this feature include the scripts
being run under a lock, which prevents the database from completing transactions quickly.
If you find yourself doing something like this frequently, stop and reconsider.

Deferring commands
In the previous section, we used the Defer method to register a PatchCommandData on the
session, to be executed when SaveChanges is called. But Defer is more generic then this. It’s
a general mechanism for the user to register arbitrary commands that will be part of the
same transaction as the SaveChanges.
The RavenDB API is like an ogre. It has layers
Like the popular character Shrek, The RavenDB API is composed of layers. At the top, you have the document store
and the document session. Those are built using the operations concept, which you typically won’t use directly.
And the operations are handled via the request executor, which allows you to generate requests directly to the
server (and take advantage of RavenDB’s authentication and automatic failover).
The case of Defer is a good example. Instead of forcing you to drop down all the way, we expose an extension
point in the session so you can plug in a command of your own and piggyback on the session handling of

The available commands range from putting and deleting documents and attachments to
applying patches to deleting documents using a prefix. Aside from the patch operation, the
rest are only useful in rare cases. The most common use of Defer beyond patch is when you
need fine-grained control over the operations that will be executed in a single transaction,
to the point where you want to control the ordering of the operations.
RavenDB doesn’t allow the changing of a document collection, so if you need to do this,31
you can’t just update the @collection metadata. Instead, you must first delete the old
document and then create a new one with the appropriate collection. The session doesn’t
allow you to both delete and modify a document. And for the purpose of discussion, let’s
say that we have to make this in a single transaction, so no other client sees a point in time
where the document was deleted.
To be clear, this is a strange situation, dreamt up specifically to showcase a feature that
should be only used in special circumstances. This escape hatch in the API is specifically
intended to prevent you from being blocked if you need something we didn’t foresee, but I
can’t emphasize enough that this is probably a bad idea. The emergency exit is important,
but you don’t want to make it the front door.
Another reason to avoid using Defer is that it’s lower in the RavenDB client API layers.
Instead of dealing with high level concepts like entity, you’ll be dealing with the direct
manner in which RavenDB is representing JSON, the blittable format (which we’ll discuss
later in this chapter). That format is meant to be high performance, and things like
developer convenience were secondary in its design.

Bulk inserting documents to RavenDB

RavenDB is fast, really fast, but it still needs to face operational realities. The fallacies of
distributed computing still apply, and I/O takes a non-trivial amount of time. That means
when you want to get the best speed out of RavenDB, you need to help it achieve that.
Listing 4.14 shows the absolute slowest way to write 10,000 documents into RavenDB.
var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++)
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
session.Store(new Customer
Name = "Customer #" + i

For fun, I decided to run the code in Listing 4.14 against the live test instance we have. That
instance was in San Francisco, and I was testing this from Israel. The test instance was also
running as a container inside an AWS t2.medium machine (two cores and 4 GB of memory,
with burst-only mode). In other words, this performance test was heavily biased against
RavenDB. And the results aren’t great. In fact, they’re bad.

31 And this should be a very rare thing indeed.

Stacking the deck
I’m going to be talking performance numbers in this section, and I wanted to make it clear that I’ve intentionally
chosen the worst possible situation for RavenDB and then compounded the issue by using the wrong approaches.
This is so I can show the real costs in a manner that’s highly visible.
I’ll refer you again to the fallacies of distributed computing. I’m trying to select a scenario that would break as
many of those fallacies as possible and show how RavenDB is able to handle them.

This is because we’re running each write as an independent operation, and we have to wait
for the previous operation to complete before we can start the new one. What’s more, the
database server handles just a single request concurrently, which means we have no way to
amortize I/O costs across multiple requests. This is the absolute worst way you can write a
large amount of documents into RavenDB because most of the time is spent just going back
and forth between the client and the application. For each request, we have to make
another REST call, send a packet to the server, etc. On the other side, the server accepts a
new request, processes it and commits it to disk. During the entire process, it’s effectively
idle, since most of the time is spent waiting for I/O. That’s a big waste all around.
You can see the various times nicely when looking at the Fiddler32 statistics. Each request
takes about 220–260 milliseconds to run. Writing the first 1,000 documents took four
minutes and six seconds, and 2,000 requests took eight minutes on the dot. The full 10,000
documents would take 40 minutes or so.
Granted, we’re intentionally going to a remote server, but still… What happens when we’re
running the writes in parallel? The code in Listing 4.15 will show us how to do this.
var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Parallel.For(0, 10_000, i =>
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
session.Store(new Customer
Name = "Customer #" + i

Using the method in Listing 4.15, I was able to write 1,000 documents in 56 seconds. We
got to 2,000 in a minute and a half, 3,000 in a minute and 50 seconds, etc. The reason for
the speed up is actually related to how thread pooling is handled on the client side. Since
we make a lot of blocking requests, the thread pool figures out that we have plenty of
blocking work and creates more threads. That means we have the chance to do more

32The Fiddler web proxy is a great debugging tool in general, and it’s quite useful to peek
into the communication between RavenDB’s server and clients.
concurrent work. So as time goes by, more threads are created and we make additional
concurrent requests to RavenDB.
The total time to write 10,000 documents in this setup was two minutes and 52 seconds. So
we’ve gotten done 20 times faster than we did using sequential writes. The code in Listing
4.15 is still using synchronous calls, which means the client side is spinning threads to
handle the load and we’re limited by the rate of new thread creation on the client.
RavenDB also supports an async API, which is much more suitable for scale-out scenarios
because we aren’t holding a thread for the duration of the connection. Listing 4.16 shows
how we can write all those documents in parallel, using the async API. The code is a tad
complex because we want to control the number of concurrent requests we make. Spinning
10,000 concurrent requests will likely load the network and require careful attention to
how they are managed, which is out of scope for this book. Instead, I limited the number of
concurrent connections to 128.
var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(128);

async Task WriteDocument(int i)

using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession())
await session.StoreAsync(new Customer
Name = "Customer #" + i
await session.SaveChangesAsync();

var tasks = new List<Task>();

for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++)



The code in Listing 4.16 is also using a local method, which is a new C# 7.0 feature. It allows
you to package a bit of behavior quite nicely, and it’s very useful for small demos and
internal async code. This code writes 1,000 documents in just under 10 seconds, and it
completes the full 10,000 writes in under 30 seconds (29.6, on my machine). The speed
difference is, again, related to the client learning our pattern of behavior and adjusting
itself accordingly (creating enough buffers, threads and other resources needed; warming
up the TCP connections.33)
However, we really had to make an effort. We wrote explicit async code and managed it,
rate-limited our behavior and jumped through several hoops to get a more reasonable level
of performance. Note that we went from over 40 minutes to less than 30 seconds in the
span of a few pages. Also note that we haven’t actually modified what we’re doing—we
only changed how we’re talking to the server—but it had a huge impact on performance.
You can take it as a given that RavenDB is able to process as much data as you can feed it.
The typical concern in handling writes is how fast we can get the data to the server, not
how fast the server can handle it.
RavenDB contains a dedicated API and behavior that makes it easier to deal with bulk
loading scenarios. The bulk insert API uses a single connection to talk to the server and is
able to make much better use of the network. The entire process is carefully orchestrated
by both client and server to optimize performance. Let’s look at the code in Listing 4.17
first and then discuss the details.
var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();

using (var bulkInsert = store.BulkInsert())

for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
bulkInsert.Store(new Customer
Name = "Customer #" + i


The code in Listing 4.17 took two minutes and 10 seconds to run on my machine—which is
interesting, because it seems slower than the async API usage sample, right? Except there’s
one problem. I made a typo when writing the code and wrote a hundred thousand
documents instead of ten thousand. If I was writing merely 10,000 documents, it would
complete in about 18 seconds. The code is fairly trivial to write, similar to our first sample
in Listing 4.14, but the performance is many times faster.
To compare the costs, I ran the same code against a local machine, giving me a total time of
11 seconds to insert 100,000 documents (instead of two minutes remotely). If we wanted
to compare apples to apples, then the cost for writing 10,000 documents is shown in Table.

33 TCP slow start can be a killer on benchmarks.

Bulk insert costs locally and remotely
Remote Local
Session 41 minutes 20 seconds
Bulk Insert 18 seconds 6.5 seconds

You can see that while bulk insert is significantly faster in all cases, being over three times
faster than the session option (Listing 4.14) locally seems insignificant when you consider
that it’s over 130 times faster in the remote case. The major difference, as you can imagine,
is the cost of going over the network, but even on the local machine (and we’re not even
talking about the local network), there’s a significant performance benefit for bulk insert.
Amusingly enough, using bulk insert still doesn’t saturate the server. For large datasets, it’s
advisable to have parallel bulk insert operations going at the same time. This gives the
server more work to do, and it allows us to do optimizations that increase the ingest rate of
the server.
The way bulk insert works is by opening a single long running request to the server and
writing the raw data directly into the database. That means we don’t need to go back and
forth between the client and server and can rely on a single network roundtrip to do all the
work. The server, for its part, will read the data from the network and write it to disk when
it’s best to do so. In other words, bulk inserts are not transactional. A bulk insert is actually
composed of many smaller transactions, whose size and scope is decided by the server
based on its own determination, in order to maximize performance.
When the bulk insert is completed, you can rest assured that all the data has been safely
committed to disk properly. But during the process, the database will incrementally
commit the data instead of going with a single big-bang approach.
For the most part, RavenDB performance is ruled by how many requests you can send it.
The more requests, the higher the degree of parallelism and the more efficiently RavenDB
can work. In our internal tests, we routinely bumped into hardware limits (the network
card cannot process packets any faster, the disk I/O is saturated, etc.), not software ones.

Reading documents
We just spent a lot of time learning how we can write documents to RavenDB in all sorts of
interesting ways. But for reading, how much is there really to know? We already learned
how to load and query a document; we covered that in “Zero to RavenDB.” We also covered
Include and how to use it to effortlessly get referenced documents from the server. What
else is there to talk about? As it turns out, quite a bit.
In most applications, reads are far more numerous than writes—often by an order of
magnitude. That means RavenDB needs to be prepared to handle a lot of reads, and those
applications typically have a number of ways in which they access, shape and consume the
data. RavenDB needs to be able to provide an answer to all those needs.
The first feature I want to present allows you to dramatically increase your overall
performance by being a little lazy.

Lazy requests
In Section 4.1.7, which dealt with bulk insert, we saw how important the role of the
network is. Running the same code on the local network vs. the public internet results in
speed differences of 20 seconds to 41 minutes, just because of network latencies. On the
other hand, moving from many requests to a single request in bulk insert is the primary
reason we cut our costs by two-thirds on the local machine and over two orders of
magnitude in the remote case.
I talked about this a few times already, but it’s important. The latency of going to the server
and making a remote call is often much higher than the cost of actually processing the
request on the server. On the local machine, you’ll probably not notice it much. That’s
normal for running in a development environment. When you go to production, your
database is typically going to run on a dedicated machine,34 so you’ll have to go over the
network to get it. And that dramatically increases the cost of going to the database.
This problem is well known: it’s the fallacies of distributed computing. RavenDB handles
the issue in several ways. A session has a budget on the number of remote calls it can make.
(This is controlled by session.Advanced.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession .) If it goes
over that limit, an exception will be thrown. We had this feature from the get-go, and that
led to a lot of thinking about how we can reduce the number of remote calls.
Include is obviously one such case. Instead of going to the server multiple times, we let the
server know we’ll need additional information after this request and tell it to send that
immediately. But we can’t always do that. Let’s take a look at Listing 4.18, showing two
queries that we can’t optimize using Include.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var customer = session.Load<Customer>("customers/8243-C");
var countOfCalls = session.Query<SupportCall>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerId == "customers/8243-C"))

// show the customer and the number of calls

// to the user

A scenario like the one outlined in Listing 4.18 is incredibly common. We have many cases
where we need to show the user information from multiple sources, and that’s a concern.
Each of those calls turns out to be a remote call, requiring us to go over the network. There
are ways to optimize this specific scenario. We can define a MapReduce index and run a

34 In fact, it’s likely that a database cluster will be used on a set of machines.
query and Include on it. We haven’t yet gone over exactly what this means,35 but this is a
pretty complex solution, and it isn’t relevant when you have different types of queries. If we
wanted to also load the logged-in user, for example, that wouldn’t work.
RavenDB’s solution for this issue is the notion of lazy requests. A lazy request isn’t actually
being executed when you make it. Instead, it’s stored in the session, and you get a Lazy<T>
instance back. You can make multiple lazy requests, one after another, and no network
activity will occur. However, as soon as you access the value of one of those lazy instances,
all the lazy requests held up by the session will be sent to the server as a single unit.
All those requests will be processed by the server, and all the replies will be sent as a single
unit. So no matter how many lazy requests you have, there will only ever be a single
network round trip to the server. You can see the code sample in Listing 4.19.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
Lazy<Customer> lazyCustomer = session.Advanced.Lazily

Lazy<int> lazyCountOfCalls = session.Query<SupportCall>()

.Where(c => c.CustomerId == "customers/8243-C"))

// no network calls have been made so far

// force execution of pending lazy operations explicitly


// if ExecuteAllPendingLazyOperations wasn't called, it

// will be implicitly called here.
int countOfCalls = lazyCountOfCalls.Value;
Customer customer = lazyCustomer.Value;

// show the customer and the number of calls

// to the user

As the code in Listing 4.19 shows, we can define multiple lazy operations. At that stage,
they’re pending. They’re stored in the session but haven’t been sent to the server yet. We
can either call ExecuteAllPendingLazyOperations to force all pending operations to
execute, or we can have that happen implicitly by accessing the Value property on any of
the lazy instances we received.
Why do we need ExecuteAllPendingLazyOperations?

35 We’ll cover this technique when we discuss MapReduce indexes in Chapter 11.
The existence of ExecuteAllPendingLazyOperations is strange. It’s explicitly doing something that will happen
implicitly anyway. So why is it needed? This method exists to allow users to have fine-grained control over the
execution of requests. In particular, it allows you to set up a stage in your pipeline that will request all the data it’s
going to need. Then it will call ExecuteAllPendingLazyOperations to fetch this explicitly.
The next stage is supposed to operate on the pure in-memory data inside the session and not require any calls to
the server. This is important in advanced scenarios, when you need this level of control and want to prevent the
code from making unexpected remote calls in performance-critical sections of your code.

The performance gain from Lazy is directly correlated to the number of lazy requests it’s
able to batch and how far away the actual server is. The more requests that can be batched
and the further away the database server, the faster this method becomes. On the local
machine, it’s rarely worth going to the trouble, but once we go to production, this can get
you some real benefits.
Note that, as useful as Lazy is, it’s limited to requests you can make with the information
you have on hand. If you need to make queries based on the results of another query, you
won’t be able to use Lazy for that. For most of those scenarios, you can use Include. And of
course, Lazy and Include can work together, so that will usually suffice.

Streaming data
When dealing with large amounts of data, the typical API we use to talk to RavenDB is not
really suitable for the task. Let’s consider the case of the code in Listing 4.20.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
List<SupportCall> calls = session.Query<SupportCall>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerId == "customers/8243-C"))

What will happen if this is a particularly troublesome customer that opened a lot of calls? If
this customer had just 30 calls, it’s easy to see that we’ll get them all in the list. But what
happens if this customer has 30,000 calls? Figure 4.1 shows how a query is processed on
the server in this case.
A query using request buffering
The server will accept the query, find all matches, prepare the results to send and then send
them all over the network. On the client side of things, we’ll read the results from the
network and batch them all into the list that we’ll return to the application. Eventually,
we’ll read the results and return the full list to the application.
If there are 30 results in all, that’s great, but if we have 30,000, we’ll likely suffer from
issues. Sending 30,000 results over the network, reading 30,000 results from the network
and then populating a list of 30,000 (potentially complex) objects is going to take some
time. In terms of memory usage, we’ll need to hold all those results in memory, possibly for
an extended period of time.
Due to the way memory management works in .NET,36 allocating a list with a lot of objects
over a period of time (because we are reading them from the network) will likely push the
list instance, and all of its contents, into a higher generation. This means that, when you’re
done using it, the memory will not be collected without a more expensive Gen1 or even
Gen2 round.

In short, for a large number of results, the code in Listing 4.20 will take more time,
consume more memory and force more expensive GC in the future. In previous versions of
RavenDB, we had guards in place to prevent this scenario entirely. It’s easy to start writing
code like that in Listing 4.20 and over time have more and more results come in. Our logic

36 The behavior on the JVM is the same. Other clients environment have different policies.
was that, at some point, there needed to be a cutoff point where an exception is thrown
before this kind of behavior poisoned your application.
As it turns out, our users really didn’t like this behavior. In many cases, they would rather
the application do more work (typically unnecessarily) than to have it throw an error. This
allows them to fix a performance problem rather than a “system is down” issue. As a result
of this feedback, we removed this limitation. But we still recommend always using a Take
clause in your queries to prevent just this kind of issue.
All queries should have a Take clause
A query that doesn’t have a take clause can be a poison pill for your application. As data size grows, the cost of
making this query also grows until the entire thing goes down.
The RavenDB client API contains a convention setting called ThrowIfQueryPageSizeIsNotSet , which will
force all queries to specify a Take clause and will error otherwise. We recommend that, during development, you
set this value to true to ensure your code will always be generating queries that have a limit to the number of
results they get.

Very large queries are bad, it seems, but that isn’t actually the topic of this section. Instead,
it’s just the preface explaining why buffered large queries are a bad idea. RavenDB also
supports the notion of streaming queries. You can see what that would look like in Figure
A query using request streaming
Unlike the previous example, with streaming, neither client nor server need to hold the full
response in memory. Instead, as soon as the server has a single result, it sends that result to
the client. The client will read the result from the network, materialize the instance and
hand it off to the application immediately. In this manner, the application can start
processing the results of the query before the server is done sending it, and it doesn’t have
to wait. You can see the code for that in Listing 4.21.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var callsQuery = session.Query<SupportCall>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerId == "customers/8243-C"));

using (var stream = session.Advanced.Stream(callsQuery))

while (stream.MoveNext())
SupportCall current = stream.Current;
// do something with this instance

Instead of getting all the results in one go, the code in Listing 4.21 will pull them from the
stream one at a time. This way, the server, the client API and the application can all work in
parallel with one another to process the results of the query. This technique is suitable for
processing a large number of results (in the millions).
The use of streaming queries requires you to keep a few things in mind:
• The results of a streaming query are not tracked by the session. Changes made to them
will not be sent to the server when SaveChanges is called. This is because we expect
streaming queries to have a high number of results, and we don’t want to hold all the
references for them in the session. That’s because if we did, we would prevent GC from
collecting them.

• Since streaming is happening as a single large request, there’s a limit to how long you
can delay before you call MoveNext again. If you wait too long, it’s possible for the
server to give up sending the rest of the request to you (since you didn’t respond in
time) and abort the connection. Typically, you’ll be writing the results of the stream
somewhere (to a file, to the network, etc.).

• If you want to modify all the results of the query, don’t call session.Store on each as
they’re pulled from the stream. You’ll just generate an excess of work for the session
and eventually end up with a truly humongous batch to send to the server. Typically, if
you want to read a lot of results and modify them, you’ll use a stream and a Bulk
Insert at the same time. You’ll read from the stream and call Store on the bulk insert
for each. This way, you’ll have both streaming for the query as you read and streaming
via the bulk insert on the write.

When you need to select whether to use a regular (batched) query or a streaming query,
consider the number of items that you expect to get from the query and what you intend to
do with them. If the number is small, you’ll likely want to use a query for its simple API. If
you need to process many results, you should use the streaming API.
Note that the streaming API is intentionally a bit harder to use. We made sure the API
exposes the streaming nature of the operation. You should strive to avoid wrapping that.
Streaming should be used on the edge of your system, where you’re doing something with
the results and passing them directly to the outside in some manner.

An important consideration when speeding up an application is caching. In particular, we
can avoid expensive operations if we cache the results from the last time we accessed them.
Unfortunately, caching is hard. Phil Karlton said:
There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation and naming things.
Caching itself is pretty trivial to get right. The hard part is how you’re going to handle cache
invalidation. If you’re serving stale information from the cache, the results can range from
nothing much to critical, depending on what exactly you’re doing.
With RavenDB, we decided early on that caching was a complex topic, so we’d better
handle it properly. It’s done in two parts. The server side will generate an etag for all read
operations. That etag is computed by the server and can be used by the client later on. The
client, on the other hand, is able to cache the request from the server internally. The next
time a similar request is made, it will send the cached etag to the server alongside the
When the server gets a request with an etag, it has a dedicated code path, optimized
specifically for that, to check whether the results of the operation have changed. If they
didn’t, the server can return to the client immediately, letting it know that it’s safe to use
the cached copy. In this manner, we save computation costs on the server and network
transfer costs between the server and the client.
Externally, from the API consumer point of view, there’s no way to tell that caching
happened. Consider the code in Listing 4.22.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var calls = session.Query<SupportCall>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerId == "customers/8243-C"))

using (var session = store.OpenSession())

// this query will result in the server
// returning a "this is cached" notification
var calls = session.Query<SupportCall>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerId == "customers/8243-C"))

The client code doesn’t need to change in any way to take advantage of this feature. This is
on by default and is always there to try to speed up your requests. Note that while the
example in Listing 4.22 is with queries, caching is prevalent in RavenDB. Loading a
document will also use the cache, as will most other read operations.
The cache that’s kept on the client side is the already-parsed results, so we saved not only
the network round-trip time but also the parsing costs. We keep the data in unmanaged
memory because it’s easier to keep track of the size of the memory and avoid promoting
objects into Gen2 just because they’ve been in the cache for a while. The cache is scoped to
the document store, so all sessions from the same document store will share the cache and
its benefits.
Time to skip the cache
Caching by default can be a problem with a particular set of queries—those that use the notion of the current
time. Consider the case of the following query:
.Where(c =>
c.StartedAt >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7)
&& c.Ended == null);
This query is asking for all opened support calls that are over a week old.
This kind of query is quite innocent looking, but together with the cache, it can have surprising results. Because the
query uses DateTime.Now, on every call, it will generate a different query. That query will never match any
previously cached results, so it will always have to be processed on the server side. What’s worse, every instance
of this query will sit in the cache, waiting to be evicted, never to be used.
A much better alternative would be to use the following:
c.StartedAt >= DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7)
By using Today, we ensure that we can reuse the cached entry for multiple calls. Even if you need more
granularity than that, just truncating the current time to a minute/hour interval can be very beneficial.

The cache works by utilizing HTTP caching behavior. Whenever we make a GET request, we
check the cache to see if we previously made a request with the same URL and query string
parameters. If we did, we fetch the cached etag for that request and send it to the server.
The server will then use that etag to check if the results have changed. If they didn’t, the
server returns a 304 Not Modified response. The client will then just use the cached
response that it already has.
While most read requests are cached, there are a few that aren’t. Anything that will always
be different, such as stats calls, will never be cached. This is because stats and debug
endpoints must return fresh information any time they’re called. Attachments are also not
cached because they can be very large and are typically handled differently by the

Aggressive caching
Caching is great, it would seem. But in order to utilize caching by RavenDB, we still need to
go back to the server. That ensures we’ll get server confirmation that the data we’re going
to return for that request is indeed fresh and valid. However, there are many cases where
we don’t care much about the freshness of the data.
On a heavily used page, showing data that might be stale for a few minutes is absolutely
fine, and the performance benefits gained from not having to go to the server can be quite
nice. In order to address this scenario, RavenDB supports the notion of aggressive caching.
You can see an example of that in Listing 4.23.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
using (session.Advanced.DocumentStore.AggressivelyCache())
var customer = session.Load<SupportCall>(
The code in Listing 4.23 uses aggressive caching. In this mode, if the request is in the cache,
the RavenDB client API will never even ask the server if it’s up to date. Instead, it will
immediately serve the request from the cache, skipping all network traffic. This can
significantly speed up operations for which you can live with a stale view of the world for a
certain period.
However, just operating in this mode indefinitely would be pretty bad since you’d never
see new results. This leads us back to the problem of cache invalidation. Aggressive caching
isn’t just going to blindly cache all the data for all time. Instead, the first time it encounters
an instruction to aggressively cache, the client is going to open a connection to the server
and ask the server to let it know whenever something changes in the database. This is done
using the Changes API, which is covered in the next section of this chapter.
Caching behavior in a cluster
Typically, RavenDB is deployed in a cluster, and a database will reside on multiple machines. How does caching
work in this context? The caching is built on the full URL of the request, and that takes into account the particular
server that we’ll be making the request to. That means that the cache will store a separate result for each server,
even if the request is identical otherwise.
For the most part, the etags generated for HTTP requests among servers should be identical for identical data since
it uses the change vectors of the documents to compute it. However, different servers may receive documents in a
different order, which may result in a difference in the actual results. That shouldn’t impact the behavior of the
system, but we skipped doing cross node caching for now.

Whenever the server lets the client know that something has changed, the client will
ensure the next cached request will actually hit the server for the possibly updated value.
Take note of that, because you might be caching a lot of different queries, documents, etc.
The client isn’t asking specifically for changes it has in its cache. Instead, it’s asking for all
changes on the server.
In this way, whenever the server lets the client know that a change happened, the client
knows to check with the server for anything in the cache older than that notification. When
we do this, we still send the cached etag. So if that particular response hasn’t changed, the
server will still respond with a 304 Not Modified and we’ll use the cached value (and
update its timestamp).
Why isn’t aggressive caching on by default?
Aggressive caching isn’t on by default because it may violate a core constraint of RavenDB: that a request will
always give you the latest information. With the requirement that aggressive caching must be turned on explicitly,
you’re aware that there’s a period of time where the response you receive might have diverged from the result on
the server.

The idea is that, with this behavior, you get the best of both worlds. You have immediate
caching without having to go to the server, if nothing has changed. But if something might
have changed, we’ll check the server for the most up-to-date response. Given typical
behavioral patterns for the application, we’ll often be able to use the aggressive cache for
quite some time before a write will come in and make us check with the server.
Changes API
We mentioned the Changes API in the previous section since the aggressive caching is
using it. The Changes API is a way for us to connect to the server and ask it to let us know
when a particular event has happened. Listing 4.24 shows how we can ask the server to tell
us when a particular document has changed.
var subscription = store.Changes()
.Subscribe(change => {
// let user know the document changed

// dispose to stop getting future notifications


Typically, we use the code in Listing 4.24 when implementing an edit page for a document.
When the user starts editing the document, we register for notifications on changes to this
document. If it does change, we let the user know immediately. That allows us to avoid
having to wait for the save action to discover we need to redo all our work.
The Changes API works by opening a WebSocket to the server and letting the server know
exactly what kind of changes it’s interested in. We can register for a particular document; a
collection; documents that start with a particular key; or even global events, such as
operations or indexes.
Changes API in a cluster
In a cluster, the Changes API will always connect to one node, and changes must first flow to that node before
the changes will be sent to the client. The failure of a node will cause us to reconnect (possibly to a different
server) and resume waiting for the changes we’re interested in.

The Changes API is meant to get non-critical notifications. It’s cheap to run and is pretty
simple, but it’s possible that a failure scenario will cause you to miss updates. If the
connection has been reset, you might lose notifications that happened while you were
reconnecting. It’s recommended that you use the Changes API for enrichment purposes
and not rely on it. For example, you might use it to tell if a document has changed so you
can not only give early notification but also ensure you have optimistic concurrency turned
on so it will catch the change on save anyway.
Another example of a way you might use the Changes API is with aggressive caching. If we
missed a single notification, that isn’t too bad. The next notification will put us in the same
state. And we’ll be fine because the user explicitly chose performance over getting the
latest version, in this case. Yet another example of Changes API use might be for
monitoring. You want to know what’s going on in the server, but it’s fine to lose something
if there’s an error because you’re interested in what’s happening now, not the full and
complete history of actions on the server.
For critical operations—ones where you can’t afford to miss even a single change—you can
use Subscriptions, which are covered in the next chapter. They’re suited for such a
scenario, since they guarantee that all notifications will be properly sent and

Projecting data in queries

In the previous chapter, we talked a lot about modeling and how we should structure our
documents to be independent, isolated and coherent. That makes for an excellent system
for transaction processing (OLTP) scenarios. But there are quite a few cases where, even in
a business application, we have to look at the data differently. Let’s take a look at our
support case example. If I’m a help desk engineer and I’m looking at the list of open support
calls, I want to see all the recent support calls and the customer that opened them.
Based on what we know so far, it would be trivial to write the code in Listing 4.25.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
List<SupportCall> recentOrders = session.Query<SupportCall>()
.Include(c => c.CustomerId) // include customers
.Where(c => c.Ended == null) // open order
.OrderByDescending(c => c.Started) // get recent
.Take(25) // limit the results

The code in Listing 4.25 is doing a lot. It gets us the 25 most recently opened support calls,
and it also includes the corresponding customers. We can now show this to the user quite
easily, and we were able to do that in a single request to the server. Under most
circumstances, this is exactly what you’ll want to do.
However, in order to pull the few fields we need to show to the user, this does mean that
we need to pull the full documents for the support calls and the customers to the
application. If those documents are large, that can be expensive. Another way to handle this
is by letting the server know exactly what we need returned and then letting it do the work
on the server side.
We can do that by specifying a projection during the query. Projections allow us to control
exactly what is being returned from the query. On the most basic level it allows us to decide
what fields we want to return, but we can actually do a lot more than that.
Let’s see how we can use a query to project just the data that we are interested in. You can
see the details in Listing 4.26.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var recentOrders = (
from call in session.Query<SupportCall>()
where call.Ended == null // open order
orderby call.Started descending // get recent
// fetch customer (happens on the server side)
let customer = session.Load<Customer>(call.CustomerId)
select new
// project just the data that we care about
// back to the client
CustomerName = customer.Name,
.Take(25) // limit the results

There are a few things to note in Listing 4.26. First, we no longer include the Customer in
the query. We don’t need that because the result of this query isn’t a list of SupportCall but
a projection that already includes the CustomerName that we want. The key part, as far as
we’re concerned, is the call to the session.Load<Customer>() method. This is translated
into a server side load operation that fetch the related Customer document and fetch just
the Name field from it.37
The output of a query like the one in Listing 4.26 is not a document, it is a projection and as
a result of that, it isn’t tracked by the session. That means changes to a projection won’t be
saved back to the server when SaveChanges is called. You can call Store on the result of a
project, but be aware that this will create a new document, which is probably isn’t what you
intended to happen.

Cross-cutting concerns on the client

The RavenDB client API is quite big. We already discussed the notion of layers in the design
of the client API, allowing you to select at what level you want to work at any given point in
time. There is quite a lot that you can configure and customize in the client behavior. The
most common customization is to change the conventions that the client by providing your
own logic.
Most of the decisions that the RavenDB client API makes are actually controlled by the
DocumentConventions class. This class allows you to modify all sorts of behaviors, from
how RavenDB should treat complex values in queries to selecting what property to use as
the document ID in entities.
If you need fine-grained control over the serialization and deserialization of your
documents, this is the place to look. And the DocumentConventions class holds important
configurations, such as the maximum number of requests to allow per server or whether

37This is possible because we are using a synchronous session and queries. If we were
using async queries, we’ll need to use RavenQuery.Load<Customer> in the Linq query.
we should allow queries without a Take clause. Listing 4.28 shows an example of
controlling what collection an object will find itself in.
store.Conventions.FindCollectionName = type =>
? "customers"
: DocumentConventions.DefaultGetCollectionName(type);

In Listing 4.27, we’re letting RavenDB know that Customer or any derived type should be in
the “customers” collection. That means that we can create a class called VIPCustomer that
will have additional properties, but it will be treated as a Customer by anything else
(indexing, queries, etc.). Such options allow you to have absolute control over how
RavenDB will work within your environment.

Event handlers
Alongside conventions, which are typically reactive, you can use event handlers to perform
various operations during the execution of requests by RavenDB. The events are available
as events that can be subscribed to at the document store level or the individual session
The following events are available:
• OnBeforeStore
• OnAfterSaveChanges
• OnBeforeDelete
• OnBeforeQueryExecuted
This allows us to register to be called whenever a particular event happens, and that in turn
gives us a lot of power. Listing 4.28 shows how we can implement auditing with the help of
the OnBeforeStore event.
store.OnBeforeStore += (sender, args) =>
args.DocumentMetadata["Modified-By"] =

Listing 4.28 will ensure that whenever the document is modified, we’ll register in the
metadata which user made the modification. You can also use this event to handle
validation in a cross-cutting fashion. Throwing an error from the event will abort the
SaveChanges operation and raise the error to the caller.

Another example of using events is to ensure that we always include a particular clause in
our queries, as you can see in Listing 4.29.
store.OnBeforeQueryExecuted += (sender, args) =>
if (args.QueryCustomization is IDocumentQuery<Customer> query)
query.WhereEquals("IsActive", true);

The code in Listing 4.29 will apply to all queries operating on Customer and will ensure that
all the results returned have the IsActive property set to true. This can also be used in
multi-tenancy situations, where you want to add the current tenant ID to all queries.
The full details of what you can do with conventions and listeners are in RavenDB’s online
documentation. I encourage you to browse the documentation and consider when it might
make sense to use listeners in your application. Using them can be quite a time saver
because listeners can be applied globally with ease.

Document revisions
In the previous section, we briefly mentioned auditing. In this section, we’re going to take
the notion of auditing and dial it up a notch, just to see what will happen. Certain classes of
applications have very strict change control requirements for their data. For example, most
medical, banking, payroll and insurance applications have strict “never delete since we
need to be able to see all changes on the system” rules. One particular system I worked
with had the requirement to keep all changes for a minimum of seven years, for example.
With RavenDB, this kind of system is much easier. That’s because RavenDB has built-in
support for handling revisions. Allow me to walk you through setting up such a system.
Go into the RavenDB studio in the browser and create a new database, as we have seen in
“Zero to RavenDB.” Now, go into the database, and on the left side menu, click Settings
and then Document Revisions.
You can configure revisions globally for all collections or a single particular collection. For
the purpose of this exercise, we’ll define reversions for all collections, as seen in Figure 4.3.
You can enable revisions by clicking on Create default configuration, accepting the
defaults by clicking OK and then Save.

Setting up revisions for all documents

Now that we’ve enabled revisions, let’s see what this means. Go ahead and create a simple
customer document, as seen in Figure 4.4.

Customer document revisions

You can see that this document has a @flags metadata property that is set to
HasRevisions. And if you look at the right-hand side, you’ll see a revisions tab that you can
select to see previous revisions of this document. Play around with this document for a bit,
modify it, save and see how revisions are recorded on each change.
Revisions in RavenDB are created whenever you have revisions enabled and a document is
modified. As part of saving the new document, we create a snapshot of the document (and
its metadata, attachments, etc.) and store it as a revision. This allows us to go back in time
and look at a previous revision of a document. In a way, this is similar to how we work with
code. Every change creates a new revision, and we can go back in time and compare the
changes between revisions.
Revisions in a cluster
In a cluster, revisions are going to be replicated to all the nodes in the database. Conflicts cannot occur with
revisions, since each revision has its own distinct signature. One of the most common usages of revisions is to store
the entire document history when you have automatic conflict resolution. We’ll cover this behavior in depth in
Chapter 6.

As part of configuring revisions on the database, you can select how many revisions we’ll
retain and for what period of time. For example, you may choose to keep around 15
revisions for seven days. Under those conditions, RavenDB will delete all revisions that are
both older than seven days and have more than 15 revisions after them. In other words, if
you’ve made 50 changes to a document in the span of a week, we’ll keep all of them and
only delete the earliest of them when they’re over seven days old.
From the client side, you don’t really need to consider revisions at all. This behavior
happens purely on the server side and requires no involvement from the client. But you can
access the revisions through the client API, as you can see in Listing 4.30.
List<SupportCall> revisions = session.Advanced

The code in Listing 4.30 will fetch the most recent revisions and provide you with the
revisions of the document as it was changed. You can also page through the revision
Revisions from an older version of your software
One thing you should note when using the revisions feature is that over time, as your software evolves, you might
see revisions from previous versions of your application. As such, the revision document might be missing
properties or have properties that have been removed or had their type changed.
Because revisions are immutable, it isn’t possible to run migration on them, and you need to take that into
account. When working with revisions, you might want to consider working with the raw document, rather than
turning it into an instance of an object in your model.

Once a revision has been created, it cannot be changed. This is done to ensure compliance
with strict regulatory requirements, since it means you can treat the data in the revision as
safe. It cannot be manipulated by the client API or even by the admin.
I’ve found that some applications, without the regulations requiring versioning, make use
of revisions just because they give the users an easy way to look at the changes on an entity
over time. That was especially true in one example I can recall, where the user in question
was the business expert in charge of the whole system. This feature was very valuable to
her since it allowed her to see exactly what happened and who took the action. (The
application utilized a listener to implement audits, as shown in Listing 4.29). It was quite
interesting to see how much value she got out of this feature.
In terms of cost, revisions obviously increase the amount of disk space required. But given
today’s disk sizes, that isn’t usually a significant concern. Aside from disk space utilization,
revisions don’t actually have any impact on the system. Revisions are also quite important
for ensuring that transaction boundaries are respected when replicating changes in the
cluster38, handling historical subscriptions39 and ETL processes.

38 See “Transaction atomicity and replication” in Chapter 6.

39 See “Versioned Subscriptions” in the next chapter.
How RavenDB uses JSON
The RavenDB server and the RavenDB C# client API use a dedicated binary format to
represent JSON in memory. The details on this format are too low level for this book and
generally shouldn’t be of much interest to outside parties, but it’s worth understanding a
bit about how RavenDB thinks about JSON even at this stage. Typically, you’ll work with
JSON documents in their stringified form—a set of UTF8 characters with the JSON format.
That is human-readable, cheap to parse and simple to work with.
But JSON parsing requires you to work in a streaming manner, which means that to pull up
just a few values from a big document, you still need to parse the full document. As it turns
out, once a document is inside RavenDB, there are a lot of cases where we want to just get a
couple values from it. Indexing a few fields is common, and parsing the JSON each and
every time can be incredibly costly. Instead, RavenDB accepts the JSON string on write and
turns it into an internal format called blittable.40
A blittable JSON document is a format that allows RavenDB random access to any piece of
information in the document without having to parse the document with property traversal
cost of (amortised) O(1). Over the wire, RavenDB is sending JSON strings, but internally, it’s
all blittable. The C# client is also using the blittable format internally since that greatly
helps with memory consumption and control. You generally won’t see that in the public
API, but certain low-level operations may expose you to it.
Blittable documents are immutable once created and must be disposed of once you’re done
with them. Since the document session will typically hold such blittable objects, the session
must also be disposed of to make sure all the memory it’s holding is released. An important
consideration for the overall performance of RavenDB is that blittable documents always
reside in native memory. This allows RavenDB fine-grained control over where and how
the memory is used and reused, as well as its life cycle.
On the client side, using the blittable format means we have reduced memory consumption
and reduced fragmentation. It also reduces the speed of caching significantly.

In this chapter, we’ve gone over a lot of the advanced features in the client API. We looked
at working with attachments and understanding how we can use them to store binary data.
Then we moved on to working with the document metadata in general. The document
metadata is a convenient place to stash information about our documents that doesn’t
actually belong to the document itself. Auditing is one such example, and we saw how we
can use listeners on the events that the client API exposes to us.
We looked at how change tracking is managed and how we can get detailed information
from the session about what exactly changed in our documents. Then we examined how we
should handle concurrency in our application. We looked at optimistic concurrency in

40 I don’t like the name, but we couldn’t come up with anything better.
RavenDB and even implemented pessimistic locking.41 Online optimistic concurrency can be
handled for us automatically by the session, or we can send the change vector value to the
client and get it back on the next request, thus implementing offline optimistic concurrency.
There’s another way to handle concurrency—or just to save yourself the trouble of
shuffling lots of data between client and server—and that way is to use patching. The client
API offers patching at several levels. Setting a value or incrementing a number is supported
by a strongly typed API, but more complex tasks can be handled using Defer, which also
offers you the ability to write JavaScript code that will be executed on the server to mutate
your documents.
We also looked at various ways to get a lot of data into RavenDB, from a sequential
SaveChanges per document to running them in parallel to using the bulk insert API to
efficiently push data into RavenDB. We saw that the major limiting factor was typically the
cost of going to the database and that different approaches could produce significantly
different performance profiles.
After looking at the various ways we could write data to RavenDB, it was time to look at the
other side: seeing how we can optimize reads from the server. We had already gone over
Include in “Zero to RavenDB,” and in this chapter we looked at lazy requests, allowing us
to combine several different requests to the server into a single round trip.
The mirror image to bulk insert is the streaming feature, suitable for handling an immense
amount of data. Streaming allows us to start processing the request from the server
immediately, without having to wait for the complete results. This allows us to parallelize
the work between client and server and gives us the option to immediately start sending
results to the user.
Following the reading and writing of documents, we looked into caching them. The client
API has sophisticated caching behaviors, and we delved into exactly how that works, as
well as how it reduces the time we need to provide answers to the user. Caching allows us
to tell the server we already have the result of a previous call to the same URL. And it
allows the server to let us know if that hasn’t been modified. If that’s the case, we don’t
need to send any results on the wire, and the client can use the cached (parsed and
processed) data immediately. RavenDB also supports the notion of aggressive caching,
which allows us to skip going to the server entirely. This is done by asking the server to let
the client know when things change and only going to the server then.
That option is also exposed in the client API, using the changes API. The changes API gives
you the ability to ask the server to tell you when a particular document, collection or set of
documents with a given prefix has changed. This lets users know someone has changed the
document they’re working on, allows them to implement features such as “this data has
changed,” etc.

41 Although you shouldn’t probably use that in real production code.

Next, we looked at how we can project the results of queries and document loads on the
server side using projection. Projection allow you to modify the shape of the data that
RavenDB will return to the client. This can be done by simply returning a subset of the data
from the documents—or even by loading additional documents and merging the data from
associated documents into a single result.
We looked at cross-cutting concerns on the client and how we can apply behavior
throughout the client once. We can modify the client behavior
by controlling how RavenDB decides what class belongs in what collection, as well as
serialization and deserialization. Listeners allow you to attach behavior to certain actions
in the client API, giving you the option to customize certain behaviors. We looked at adding
auditing to our application in about three lines of code and even saw how we can limit all
the queries on the client to only include active users as a cross-cutting behavior.
Following cross-cutting behaviors, we moved to looking at the revisions feature in
RavenDB and how to use it from the client side. The versioning feature asks the server to
create a new revision of a document on each change. Those revisions are immutable and
create an audit trail and change log for the documents in question. While this is primarily a
server-side feature, we looked at how we can expose the revisions to the user through the
client API and allow the users to view previous versions of a document.
Our final endeavor was to cover at a high level the native serialization format that RavenDB
uses, the blittable format. This format is meant to be extremely efficient in representing
JSON. It’s typically stored in native memory to reduce managed memory consumption and
garbage collection costs down the road. You don’t typically need to concern yourself with
this, except to remember that it’s important to dispose of sessions when you’re done with
This chapter is a long one, but it’s still not enough to cover the full functionality. There are
plenty of useful features, but they tend to be useful in specific, narrow circumstances or
only make sense to talk about in a larger scope. We’ve barely discussed queries so far, but
we’ll do so extensively when we get to Chapter 11 and, beyond that, when we discuss
The next chapter is a good example of this. We’ll dedicate that chapter to handling data
subscriptions and all the myriad ways they make data processing tasks easier for you.

Batch Processing With Subscriptions

RavenDB needs to handle some very different use cases in its day-to-day operations. On the
one hand, we have transaction-oriented processing, which typically touches a small
number of documents as part of processing a single request. And on the other hand, we
have batch processing, which usually operates on large amounts of data. Implementing
those kinds of processes with the OLTP mode is possible, but it isn’t easy to do.
RavenDB supports a dedicated batch processing mode, using the notion of subscriptions. A
subscription is simply a way to register a query with the database and have the database
send us all the documents that match the query. An example of this might be, “Give me all
the support calls.” So far, this sounds very much like the streaming feature, which we
covered in the previous chapter. However, subscriptions are meant for batch processing.
Instead of just getting all the data that matches the criteria, the idea is that we’ll keep the
subscription open forever.
The first stage in the subscription is to send all the existing data that matches the query.
Depending on the amount of data, this can take a while. It’s done in batches, and RavenDB
will only proceed to send the next batch when the current one has already been
acknowledged as successfully processed.
The second stage in the lifetime of a subscription is when it’s done going through all the
data that’s already in the database. This is where things start to get really interesting. At
this point, the subscription isn’t done. Instead, it’s kept alive and waiting for new or
updated documents that match the query. When that happens, the server will immediately
send that document to the subscription. In other words, not only did we get traditional
batch processing, but in many cases, we also have live batch processes.
Instead of waiting for a nightly process to run, you can keep the subscription open and
handle changes as they come in. This keeps you from having to do things like polling and
remembering the last items that you read. RavenDB’s subscription also includes error
handling, high availability and on-the-fly updates.
With subscriptions, work is divided into two distinct operations. First we need to create the
subscription. Then we need to open it. Subscriptions aren’t like queries; they aren’t
ephemeral. A subscription is a persistent state of a specific business process. It indicates
what documents that particular subscription has processed, the query it is using, etc.
You can create the subscription through the RavenDB studio. In the same database that we
used in the previous chapter, go to Settings and then Manage Ongoing Tasks, and you’ll
see the task selection dialog shown in Figure 5.1. Ignore the rest of the tasks and select
Subscription. You’ll see the subscription edit form. Now, name the task
“CustomersSubscription” and enter from Customers in the query field. That’s it. You can
save the subscription. The result of this is shown in Figure 5.2.
Database tasks selection dialog

The newly created customers subscription

You can also do the same through code, as shown in Listing 5.1. Here, you can see how we
create a subscription for Customer documents.
var options = new SubscriptionCreationOptions
Name = "CustomersSubscription"

Regardless of whether you created the subscription manually or via code, the result is a
named subscription. But the question is, what exactly is that? In the studio, if you go to the
edit subscription page, you’ll see the option to test a subscription. If you select that option,
you’ll see a result similar to Figure 5.3.
Testing the customers subscription
Those are our the documents in the Customer collection, but what does this mean? A
subscription is a way to go through all documents that match a query. On its own, it isn’t
really that interesting because we could see the same details elsewhere in the studio. But
the point of subscriptions isn’t for you to manually go to the studio and inspect things. The
point is that RavenDB will send those details to your code. You can see this in Listing 5.2,
where we open the subscription and start handling batches of documents.
using (var subscription = store.Subscriptions
// wait until the subscription is done
// typically, a subscription lasts for a very long time
await subscription.Run(batch => /* redacted */ );

There isn’t much in Listing 5.2. We open a subscription using the subscription name, and
then we Run the subscription. I redacted the actual batch processing for now. We’ll see
what that looks like in the next section.
After calling Run, we wait on the returned task. Why do we do that? In general, a
subscription will live for a very long time—typically, the lifetime of the process that’s
running it. In fact, you’ll often have a process dedicated just to running subscriptions (or
even a process per subscription). What we’re doing in Listing 5.2 is basically waiting until
the subscription exits.
There are fewer reasons than you might think for a subscription to exit. Problems with the
network will simply cause it to retry or failover to another node, for example. And if it
processed all the data that the database had to offer, it will sit there and wait until it has
something more to give, rather than exiting. However, there are a few cases where the
subscription will actually exit. The first, of course, is if you intentionally close it by
disposing the subscription. It’s safe to dispose the subscription while it’s running, and
that’s how you typically do an orderly shutdown of a subscription.
Next, we might have been kicked off the subscription for some reason. The admin may have
deleted the subscription or database. Or perhaps the credentials we used were invalid.
Maybe the subscription connection was taken over by another client. As you can see, most
times the Run method will return only if you manually disposed the subscription. For most
other cases, it will throw when there’s no way for it to recover. We’ll cover more on this in
the subscription deployment section later on in this chapter.
The actual batch processing of the documents is done by the lambda that’s passed to the
Run call on a background thread. In Listing 5.2, we used the subscription name we
previously created. This is typical to how we’re using subscriptions. The subscription ID
should be persistent, usually stored in configuration or loaded from the database. It’s used
to represent the state of the subscription and what documents have already been
processed by that particular subscription.
You can set your own subscription ID during the Create call, which gives you a well known
subscription name to use, or you can ask RavenDB to choose one for you. Note that even if
you used your own subscription name, it still needs to be created before you can call Open
on it. But why do we have all those moving parts? We create the subscription, open it, run it
and wait on the resulting task, and we haven’t even gotten to the part where we actually do
something using it.
The reason for this is that subscriptions are long-lived processes, which are resilient to
failure. Once a subscription is created, a client will open it and keep a connection open to
the server, getting fed all the documents that match the subscription criteria. This is true
for all existing data in the database.
Once we’ve gone over all the documents currently in the database, the subscription will go
to sleep but remain connected to the server. Whenever a new or updated document
matches the subscription query, it will be sent to the subscription. Errors during this
process, either in the network, the server or the client, are tolerated and recoverable.
Subscriptions will ensure that a client will receive each matching document at least once.42
Subscription in a cluster
The subscription will connect to a server in the cluster, which may redirect the subscription to a more suitable
server for that particular subscription. Once the subscription has found the appropriate server, it will open on that
server and start getting documents from it. A failure of the client will result in a retry (either from the same client
or another one that was waiting to take over). A failure of the server will cause the client to transparently switch
over to another server.
The entire process is highly available on both client and server. The idea is that once you set up your subscriptions,
you just need to make sure the processes that open and process your subscriptions are running, and the entire
system will hum along, automatically recovering from any failures along the way.

Typically, on a subscription that has already processed all existing documents in the
database, the lag time between a new document coming in and the subscription receiving it
is a few milliseconds. Under load, when there are many such documents, we’ll batch
documents and send them to the client for processing as fast as it can handle them. The

42Although errors may cause you to receive the same document multiple times, you’re
guaranteed to never miss a document.
entire model of subscription is based on the notion of batch processing. While it’s true that
subscriptions can remain up constantly and get fed all the changes in the database as they
come, that doesn’t have to be the case. If a subscription isn’t opened, it isn’t going to miss
anything. Once it’s been opened, it will get all the documents that have changed when it
was gone.
This allows you to build business processes that can either run continuously or at off-peak
times in your system. Your code doesn’t change, nor does it matter to RavenDB. (A
subscription that isn’t opened consumes no resources). In fact, a good administrator will
know that he can reduce the system load by shutting down subscriptions that are handling
non-time-critical information with the knowledge that once the load has passed, starting
the subscriptions up again will allow them to catch up from their last processed batch.
This is done by having the client acknowledge to the server that it successfully completed a
batch once it has done so, at which point the next batch will be sent. It’s the
acknowledgement of the processing of the batch that makes this process reliable. Until the
client confirms receipt of the batch, the server will not move forward and send the next
Okay, that’s about all we can say about subscriptions without actually showing what they’re
doing. Let’s see how RavenDB handles the actual document processing.

Processing a batch of documents in a subscription

We’ve previously seen the Run method, back in Listing 5.2. But what we haven’t seen yet is
what’s actually going on there. The Run method is simply taking a lambda that will go over
the batch of documents. Listing 5.3 shows the code to handle the subscription that we
redacted from Listing 5.2.
await subscription.Run(batch =>
foreach (var item in batch.Items)
Customer customer = item.Result;
// do something with this customer

After all this buildup, the actual code in Listing 5.3 is pretty boring. The lambda we sent
gets a batch instance, which has a list of Items that are contained in this batch. And on each
of those items, we have a Result property that contains the actual document instance we
sent from the server. This code will first get batches of all the customers in the database.
Once we have gone through all the customer documents, this subscription will wait, and
whenever a new customer comes in or an existing customer is modified, we’ll have a new
batch with that document. If there are a lot of writes, we might get batches containing
several documents that were changed in the time it took us to complete the last batch.
What can we do with this? Well, quite a lot, as it turns out. We can use this to run all sorts of
business processes. For example, we may want to check if this customer has a valid
address, and if so, record the GPS coordinates so we can run spatial queries on it. Because
of the way subscriptions work, we get a full batch of documents from the server, and we
can run heavy processing on them. We aren’t limited by the data streaming over the
network, and unlike streaming, we won’t time out. As long as the client remains connected,
the server will be happy to keep waiting for the batch to complete. Note that the server will
ping the client every now and then to see what its state is and to detect client disconnection
at the network level. If that’s detected, the connection on the server will be aborted and all
resources will be released.
Subscriptions are background tasks
It may be obvious, but I wanted to state this explicitly: subscriptions are background tasks for the server. There’s
no requirement that a subscription will be opened at any given point in time, and a subscription that wasn’t
opened will simply get all the documents it needs since the last acknowledged batch.
That means that if a document was modified multiple times, it’s possible that the subscription will only be called
upon once. See the section about versioned subscriptions if you care about this scenario.

One of the things we can do here is open a new session, modify the document we got from
the subscription, Store the document and call SaveChanges on it, right from the
subscription lambda itself. But note that doing so will also typically put that document right
back on the path to be called again with this subscription, so you need to be aware of that
and protect against infinite loops. There are also a few other subtle issues that we need to
handle with regards to running in a cluster and failover. We’ll discuss those issues later in
this chapter.

The subscription script

Subscriptions so far are useful but not really something to get excited about. But the fun
part starts now. Subscriptions aren’t limited to just fetching all the documents in a
particular collection. We can do much better than this. Let’s say that we want to send a
survey to all customers with whom we had a complex support call. The first step for that is
to create a subscription using the code in Listing 5.4.
var subId = store.Subscriptions.Create<SupportCall>(
call =>
call.Comments.Count > 25 &&
call.Votes > 10 &&
call.Survey == false

Figure 5.4 shows the newly created subscription on the server side. You can see that the
filter we provided on the client side was turned into a server side script that decided
whatever a particular SupportCall is a match for this subscription.
This subscription filters support calls on the server side
We’ve registered for subscriptions on support calls that have more than 10 votes and over
25 comments, and we add a flag to record whether or not we’ve sent the survey. It’s
important to note that this filtering is happening on the server side, not on the client.
Internally we’ll transform the conditional into a full query (see Figure 5.4) and send it to
the server to be evaluated on each document in turn. Any matching document will be sent
to the client for processing. Of course, this is just part of the work. We still need to handle
the subscription itself. This is done in Listing 5.5, and you can see the actual subscription in
the studio in Figure 5.4.
await subscription.Run(batch =>
foreach (var item in batch.Items)
SupportCall call = item.Document;

var age = DateTime.Today - call.Started;

if (age > DateTime.FromDays(14))
return; // no need to send survey for old stuff

using (var session = batch.OpenSession())

var customer = session.Load<Customer>(

call.Survey = true;

session.Store(call, item.ChangeVector, item.Id);

catch (ConcurrenyException)
// will be retried by the subscription

SendSurveyEmailTo(customer, call);


There’s a lot going on in Listing 5.5. Even though we removed the code that actually opens
the subscription (this is identical to Listing 5.4). For each item in the batch, we’ll create a
new session, load the customer for this support call and mark the call as having sent the
survey. Then we’ll call Store and pass it not only the instance that we got from the
subscription from but also the change vector and ID for this document. This ensures that
when we call SaveChanges, if the document has changed in the meantime on the server
side, we’ll get an error.
Don’t use the store.OpenSession in batch processing
The code in Listing 5.5 uses batch.OpenSession instead of store.OpenSession. Why is that? Well, this is
where I need to skip ahead a bit and explain some concepts we haven’t seen yet. When running in a cluster,
RavenDB will divide the work between the various nodes in a database. That means that a subscription may run on
node B while the cluster as a whole will consider node A as the preferred node to write data to.
RavenDB handles that transparently, by replicating the information across the nodes in the cluster, including
optimistic concurrency using the document’s change vector, as we discussed in the previous chapter. However,
reading from one node and writing to another can lead to subtle concurrency issues. RavenDB can handle these
issues, but they can be surprising to users. It’s generally better to write back to the same node you’re reading
In order to avoid that, you should use batch.OpenSession (or batch.OpenAsyncSession) to create the
session. This will ensure that the session you’ve created will operate against the same node you’re reading from
and thus will allow us to reason about the state of the system with fewer variables.

In Listing 5.5, the concurrency exception is an expected error. We can just ignore it and
skip processing this document. There’s a bit of trickery involved here. Because the
document has changed, the subscription will get it again anyway, so we’ll skip sending an
email about this call for now. But we’ll be sending the email later, when we run into the
support call again.
Finally, we send the actual email. Note that in real production code, there’s also the need to
decide what to do if the email failed to send. In this case, the code is assuming it cannot fail
and favors skipping sending the email rather then sending it twice. Typical mail systems
have options to ignore duplicate emails in a certain time period, which is probably how you
would solve this in production.
Instead of using explicit concurrency handling, we can also write the code in Listing 5.5
using a Patch command, as shown in Listing 5.6.
await subscription.Run(batch =>
foreach (var item in batch.Items)
SupportCall call = item.Document;
var age = DateTime.Today - call.Started;
if (age > DateTime.FromDays(14))
return; // no need to send survey for old stuff

using (var session = batch.OpenSession())

var customer = session.Load<Customer>(

session.Advanced.Patch<SupportCall, bool>(
c => c.Survey,

SendSurveyEmailTo(customer, call);


In Listing 5.6, we’re doing pretty much the same thing we did in Listing 5.5. The difference
is that we’re using a Patch command to do so, which saves us from having to check for
concurrency violations. Even if the document has changed between now and the time the
server sent it to us, we’ll only set the Survey field on it. In Listing 5.6, we’re also sending the
survey email before we set the Survey flag, so a failure to send the email will be thrown all
the way to the calling code, which will typically retry the subscription. This is different
from the code in Listing 5.5, where we first set the flag and then sent the email.
The main difference here is in what happens in the case of an error being raised when
sending the survey email. In Listing 5.5, we’ve already set the flag and sent it to the server,
so the error means that we didn’t send the email. The subscription will retry, of course, but
the document was already changed and will be filtered from us. In Listing 5.5, if there was
an error in sending the email, it won’t be sent.
Subscribing to documents on the database we’re writing to
There are a few things to remember if you’re using the subscription to write back to the same database you’re
subscribing to:
• Avoid the subscription/modify loop. When you modify a document that you’re subscribing to, the server will
send it to the subscription again. If you modify it every time it’s processed, you’ll effectively create an infinite
loop, with all the costs this entails. You can see in Listing 5.5 and Listing 5.6 that we’re careful to avoid this by
setting the Survey flag when we process a document and filter on the flag in Listing 5.4.
• The document you received may have already been changed on the server. Typically, the lag time between a
document being modified and the subscription processing the document is very short. That can lead you to
think this happens instantaneously or, even worse, as part of the same operation as modifying the
document. Nothing could be further from the truth. A document may be changed between the time the
server has sent you the document and the time you finished processing and saving it. In Listing 5.5, we
handled that explicitly using optimistic concurrency, and in Listing 5.6, we used patching to avoid having to
deal with the issue.
• If you’re using subscriptions to integrate with other pieces of your infrastructure (such as sending emails),
you have to be ready for failure on that end and have a meaningful strategy for handling it. Your options are
to either propagate the error up the chain, which will force the subscription to close (and retry from the last
successful batch), or you can catch the exception and handle it in some manner.

On the other hand, in Listing 5.6, we first send the email, then set the flag and save it. This
means that if there’s an error sending the email, we’ll retry the document later on.
However, if we had an error saving the flag to the server and we already sent the email, we
might send it twice. You need to consider what scenario you’re trying to prevent: emailing
a customer twice or not at all.
Instead of relying on two-phase commit and distributed transactions, a much better
alternative is to use the facilities of each system on its own. That topic goes beyond the
scope of this book, but both idempotent operations or deduplication of operations can give
you a safe path to follow in the presence of errors in a distributed system. If the email
system recognizes that this email has already been sent, the code in Listing 5.6 will have no
issue. We’ll never skip sending an email, and we’ll never send the same email twice.
Distributed transactions and RavenDB
The main reason we have to face this issue is that we’re forced to integrate between two systems that don’t share
a transaction boundary. In other words, theoretically speaking, if we could create a transaction covering sending
the email and writing to RavenDB, the problem would be solved.
In practice, RavenDB supported distributed transactions with multiple resources up until version 3.x, when we
deprecated this feature.
Version 4.0 removed it completely. Distributed transactions (also known as two-phase commit or 2PC) sound
wonderful. Here you have a complex interaction between several different components in your system, and you
can use a transaction to orchestrate it all in a nice and simple manner.
But it doesn’t actually work like this. Any distributed transaction system that I’ve worked with had issues related to
failure handling and partial success. A distributed transaction coordinator basically requires all participants in the
transaction to promise that, if it tells them to commit the transaction, it will be successful. In fact, the way a
coordinator usually works is by having one round of promises, and if all participants have been able to make that
promise, there will be a second round with confirmations—hence the “two-phase commit” name.
The problem starts when you’ve gotten a promise from all the participants, you’ve already confirmed with a few of
them that the transaction has been committed and one of the participants fails to commit for whatever reason
(hardware failure, for example). In that case, the transaction is in a funny, half-committed state.
The coordinator will tell you this is a bug in the participant—that it shouldn’t have made a promise it couldn’t
keep. And commonly, coordinators will retry such transactions (manually or automatically) and recover from
transient errors. But the problem with the line of thinking that deems this an issue with this particular participant
and not the coordinator is that those kind of errors are happening in production.
For one project, we had to restart the coordinator and manually resolve hanging transactions on a biweekly basis,
and it wasn’t a very large or busy website. Joe Armstrong, inventor of Erlang, described43 the problem far better
than I could:
The “Two Generals’ Problem” is reality, but the computer industry says it doesn’t believe in mathematics: two-
phase commit44 always works!

There’s another issue with the code in Listing 5.5 and Listing 5.6. They’re incredibly
wasteful in the number of remote calls that they’re making. One of the key benefits of using
batch processing is the fact that we can handle things, well, in a batch. However, both
Listing 5.5 and Listing 5.6 will create a session per document in the batch. The default batch
size (assuming we have enough documents to send to fill a batch) is on the order of 4,096
items. That means that if we have a full batch, the code in either one of the previous listings
will generate 8,192 remote calls. That’s a lot of work to send to the server, all of which is
handled in a serial fashion.
We can take advantage of the batch nature of subscriptions to do much better. Turn your
attention to Listing 5.7, if you would.
await subscription.Run(batch =>
using (var session = batch.OpenSession())
var customerIds = batch.Items
.Select(item => item.Result.CustomerId)
// force load of all the customers in the batch
// in a single request to the server

foreach (var item in batch.Items)

SupportCall call = item.Document;
var age = DateTime.Today - call.Started;
if (age > DateTime.FromDays(14))
return; // no need to send survey for old stuff

// customer was already loaded into the session

// no remote call will be made
var customer = session.Load<Customer>(

43This particular lecture was over a decade ago, but I still vividly remember it. It was that
44There’s also the three-phase commit, which just adds to the fun and doesn’t actually solve
the issue.
// register the change on the session
// no remote call will be made
session.Advanced.Patch<SupportCall, bool>(
c => c.Survey,

SendSurveyEmailTo(customer, call);

// send a single request with all the

// changes registered on the seession

Listing 5.7 and Listing 5.6 are functionally identical. They have the same exact behavior,
except Listing 5.6 will generate 8,192 requests and Listing 5.7 will generate two. Yep, the
code in Listing 5.7 is always going to generate just two requests. The first is a bulk load of
all the customers in the batch, and the second is a single SaveChanges with all the changes
for all the support calls in the batch.
Note that we’re relying on the Unit of Work nature of the session. Once we’ve loaded a
document into it, trying to load it again will give us the already loaded version without
going to the server. Without this feature, the amount of calls to Load would have probably
forced us over the budget of remote calls allowed for the session.45
Listing 5.7 takes full advantage of the batch nature of subscriptions. In fact, the whole
reason why the batch exposes the Items list property instead of just being an enumerable
is to allow you to make those kinds of optimizations. By making it obvious that scanning
the list of items per batch is effectively free, we’re left with the option of traversing it
multiple times and optimizing our behavior.

Complex conditionals
We already saw how we can create a subscription that filters documents on the server side:
it was shown in Listing 5.4. The code there used a Linq expression, and the client API was
able to turn that into a query that was sent to the server. Listing 5.4 was a pretty simple
expression, and the code that handles the translation between Linq expressions and
queries is quite smart. It’s able to handle much more complex conditions.
However, putting a complex condition in a single Linq expression is not a recipe for good
code. A better alternative is to skip the convenience of the Linq expression and go directly

45Remember, that budget is configurable, but it’s mostly there to help you realize that
generating so many requests is probably not healthy for you.
to the query. In Listing 5.8, we’re going to see how we can subscribe to all the support calls
that require special attention.
var options = new SubscriptionCreationOptions
Name = subscriptionName,
Query = @"
declare function isAnnoyedCustomer(call) {
var watchwords = ['annoy', 'hard', 'silly'];

var lastIndex = call['@metadata']['Last-Monitored-Index'] || 0;

for (var i = lastIndex; i < call.Comments.length; i++)

var comment = call.Comments[i].toLowerCase();
for (var j = 0; j < watchwords.length; j++)
if (comment.indexOf(watchowrd[j]) != -1)
return true;
return false;
from SupportCalls as call
where isAnnoyedCustomer(call)

The interesting code in Listing 5.8 is in isAnnoyedCustomer inside the query. We’re
defining a few words that we’ll watch for, and if we see them in the comments of a support
call, we want to give the call some special attention via this subscription. We do that by
simply scanning through the array of Comments and checking if any contain any of the
words we’re looking for.
Use the subscription test feature
Any time that you need to run non-trivial code, you should consider how you’ll debug it. The subscriptions
RavenDB offers give you a lot of power and they can carry the load of significant portions of your business logic.
Because of that, it’s very important that you be able to test and play with them as you develop them.
For this reason, RavenDB has the subscription test feature. This feature will apply the subscription logic on top of
the database and allow you to see the results of your filter or transformation scripts. We’ve already gotten a taste
of that in Figure 5.3, but the more complex your queries are, the more useful this feature will become.
There’s one item to consider here, though. A subscription test works just like a subscription. It matches all the
documents in the particular collection you’re operating on and applies the script to each and every one of them,
giving you those that matched successfully. However, if your script filters out many of the matches and you have a
large amount of data, it may take the subscription test a while to find enough documents that match your
subscription filter.
You can reduce that time by selecting the document it started the scanning process from so the test doesn’t have
to scan all the documents in the collection. This is one of the options in Send Documents From. While you’ll
typically use “Beginning of Time” as the default, it can save some time if you position the subscription directly on
the first of the documents you want to process.

The one interesting tidbit is the use of call['@metadata']['Last-Monitored-Index'].

What’s that for? Remember that a subscription will be sent all the documents that match its
criteria. And whenever a document is changed, it triggers a check for a match with the
subscription. That means that if we didn’t have some sort of check to stop it, our
subscription would process any support call that had a comment with one of the words we
watch for every single time that call is processed.
In order to avoid that scenario, we set a metadata value named Last-Monitored-Index
when we process the subscription. You can see how that works in Listing 5.9.
await subscription.Run(batch =>
const string script = @"
var metadata = this['@metadata'];
var existing = metadata['Last-Monitored-Index'] || 0;
metadata['Last-Monitored-Index'] = Math.max(idx, existing);
using (var session = batch.OpenSession())
foreach (var item in batch.Items)
// mark the last index that we
// already observed using Patch
new PatchCommandData(
id: item.Id,
patch: new PatchRequest
Script = script,
Values =
["idx"] = item.Result.Comments.Count
patchIfMissing: null,
// actually escalate the call

We are simply setting the Last-Monitored-Index to the size of the Comments on the call
and saving it back to the server. This will ensure that we’ll only get the support call again if
there are new comments with the words we’re watching for. The code in Listing 5.9 is going
out of its way to be a good citizen and not go to the server any more times than it needs to.
This is also a good chance to demonstrate a real use case for Defer in production code. The
use of Defer means two things: one, we don’t need to worry about the number of calls and,
two, we’ve handled concurrency.
Maintaining per-document subscription state
Subscriptions often need to maintain some sort of state on a per-document basis. In the case of Listing 5.9, we
needed to keep track of the last monitored index, but other times you’ll have much more complex state to track.
For example, imagine that we need to kick off a workflow that will escalate a call once it passes a certain threshold.
We might need to keep track of the state of the workflow and have that be accounted for in the subscription itself.
Using the metadata to do this works quite nicely if we’re talking about small and simple state. However, as the
complexity grows, it isn’t viable to keep that all in the document metadata, and we’ll typically introduce a separate
document to maintain the state of the subscription. In it, we’ll track support calls, and SupportCalls/238-B
will have a SupportCalls/238-B/EscalationState document that contains the relevant information for
the subscription.

Listing 5.8 and Listing 5.9 together show us how a subscription can perform rather
complex operations and open up some really interesting options for processing documents.
But even so, we aren’t done. We can do even more with subscriptions.

Complex scripts
We’ve used conditional subscriptions to filter the documents that we want to process, and
since this filtering is happening on the server side, it allows us to reduce the number of
documents that we have to send to the subscription. This is awesome in itself, but a really
interesting feature of subscriptions is that we don’t actually need to send the full
documents to the client. We can select just the relevant details to send.
Say we want to do some processing on highly voted support calls. We don’t need to get the
full document; we just need the actual issue and the number of votes for that call. Instead of
sending the full document over the wire, we can use the code in Listing 5.10 to achieve our
goals more efficiently.
var options = new SubscriptionCreationOptions
Name = subscriptionName,
Query = @"
from SupportCalls as call
where call.Votes >= 10
select {
Issue: call.Issue,
Votes: call.Votes

What we’re doing in Listing 5.10 is filtering the support calls. If the call has less then 10
votes, we’ll just filter it. However, we aren’t limited to just filtering the full document. We
can also return an object of our own. That object can be built by us and contain just what
we want to send directly to the client, and RavenDB will send it.
There’s an issue here, however. In Listing 5.10, we’re creating a subscription on
SupportCall. However, the value that will be sent to the client for the subscription to
process is not a SupportCall document. It’s a projection created during the subscription
run. That means that, on the client side, we need to know how to handle such a thing. This
requires a bit of a change in how we open the subscription, as you can see in Listing 5.11.
public class SupportCallSubscriptionOutput
public string Issue;
public int Votes;

var subscription = store.Subscriptions


await subscription.Run(batch =>

foreach (var item in batch.Items)
SupportCallSubscriptionResult result = item.Result;
// do something with the
// result.Issue, result.Votes

In order to consume the subscription in a type-safe way, we create a class that matches the
output that we’ll get from the subscription script, and we’ll use that when we open the
subscription. Scenarios like the one outlined in Listings 5.10 and 5.11 make this flexibility
very useful.
If this was all we could do with the subscription script, it would have been a good way to
reduce the amount of data that’s sent over the wire. But there are actually more options
available to us that we haven’t gotten around to yet. Consider Listing 5.6. There, we get the
support call and immediately have to load the associated customer. That can lead to a
remote call per item in the batch. We’ve already gone over why this can be a bad idea in
terms of overall performance. Even with the optimization we implemented in Listing 5.7,
there’s still a remote call to do. We can do better.
We can ask RavenDB to handle this as part of the subscription processing directly. Take a
look at Listing 5.12, which does just that.
var options = new SubscriptionCreationOptions<SupportCall>
Name = subscriptionName,
Query = @"
from SupportCalls as call
where call.Votes >= 10
load call.CustomerId as customer
select {
Issue: call.Issue,
Votes: call.Votes,
Customer: {
Name: customer.Name,
Email: customer.Email

In Listing 5.12, we’re using load as part of the processing of the subscription on the server
side. This allows us to get the customer instance and send pieces of it back to the client. In
order to consume it, we’ll need to change the SupportCallSubscriptionOutput class that
we introduced in Listing 5.11 to add the new fields.
When processing the output of this subscription, we can directly process the results
without making any other remote calls, even to load the associated document. In Listing
5.13, you can see how we’d process such a subscription.
public class SupportCallSubscriptionOutput
public class Customer
public string Name;
public string Email;
public string Issue;
public int Votes;
public Customer Customer;

var subscription = store.Subscriptions


await subscription.Run(batch =>

foreach (var item in batch.Items)
SupportCallSubscriptionResult result = item.Result;
SendEscalationEmail(result.Customer, item.Id);
// other stuff related to processing the call

You can see that we use an inner class to scope the meaning of the Customer here. This isn’t
required. It’s merely a convention we use to bring some order to the client-side types.
Error handling and recovery with subscriptions
What happens when there’s an error in the processing of a document? Imagine that we had
code inside the lambda in the Run method and that code threw an exception. Unless you set
SubscriptionWorkerOptions.IgnoreSubscriberErrors ,46 we’ll abort processing of the
subscription and the Run will raise an error. Typical handling in that scenario is to dispose
of the subscription and immediately open it again.
Assuming the error is transient, we’ll start processing from the last batch we received and
continue forward from there. If the error isn’t transient—for example, some
NullReferenceException because of a null the code didn’t check for—the error will
repeat itself. You might want to set an upper limit to the number of errors you’ll try to
recover from in a given time period, choosing to just fail completely afterward. This
depends heavily on the kind of error reporting and recovery you’re using in your
Note that this applies only to errors that came from the code processing the document. All
other errors (connection to server, failover between servers, etc.) are already handled by
RavenDB. The reason that we abort the subscription in the case of subscriber error is that
there really isn’t any good way to recover from it in a safe manner. We don’t want to skip
processing the document. And just logging the error is possible (in fact, that’s exactly what
we do if IgnoreSubscriberErrors is set), but no one ever reads the log until the problem is
already discovered, which is typically very late in the game.
In other words, RavenDB will take care of all the issues related to talking to the database,
but the error handling related to your code is on you. In practice, you generally don’t have
to worry about it. An error thrown during document processing will kill your subscription.
We saw in Listing 5.3 that after we call to Run, we need to wait on the resulting task. If an
error is raised during document processing, the subscription will close and that error will
be raised to the caller of the Run method.
The typical manner in which you’ll handle errors with subscriptions is to just retry the
whole subscription, as shown in Listing 5.14. There’s a lot of things going on in this listing,
so take the time to carefully read through the error handling.
while (true)
var options = new SubscriptionWorkerOptions(subscriptionName);

// here we configure that we allow a down time of up to 2 hours

// and will wait for 2 minutes for reconnecting
options.MaxErroneousPeriod = TimeSpan.FromHours(2);
options.TimeToWaitBeforeConnectionRetry = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);

var subscriptionWorker = store.Subscriptions

46 And you probably shouldn’t do that.


// here we are able to be informed of any exception that happens
during processing
subscriptionWorker.OnSubscriptionConnectionRetry += exception =>
Logger.Error("Error during subscription processing: " +
subscriptionName, exception);

await subscriptionWorker.Run(async batch =>

foreach (var item in batch.Items)
// we want to force close the subscription processing in that
// and let the external code decide what to do with that
if (item.Result.Company == "companies/832-A")
throw new UnsupportedCompanyException("Company Id can't
be 'companies/832-A', you must fix this");
await ProcessOrder(item.Result);
}, cancellationToken);

// Run will complete normally if you have disposed the subscription

catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error("Failure in subscription: " + subscriptionName, e);

if (e is DatabaseDoesNotExistException ||
e is SubscriptionDoesNotExistException ||
e is SubscriptionInvalidStateException ||
e is AuthorizationException)
throw; // not recoverable

if (e is SubscriptionClosedException)
// closed explicitly by admin, probably

if (e is SubscriberErrorException se)
// for UnsupportedCompanyException type, we want to throw an
exception, otherwise
// we continue processing
if (se.InnerException is UnsupportedCompanyException)


// handle this depending on subscription

// open strategy (discussed later)
if (e is SubscriptionInUseException)


Listing 5.14 shows a typical way to handle errors in subscriptions. For completion’s sake,
I’ve included all the common error conditions that can be raised from the Run method. The
first few items involve non-recoverable scenarios. The database doesn’t exist, the
subscription doesn’t exist or is misconfigured or the credentials we have are invalid.
There’s no way to recover from those kinds of errors without administrator involvement,
so we should just raise this up the stack until we catch the attention of someone who can
actually fix this.
The next part handles errors when the subscription was closed explicitly by an
administrator. RavenDB will automatically recover from failures and accidental
disconnects, but the administrator can also choose to explicitly kill a subscription
connection. In this case, we’ll report this to the caller, who can decide what to do about it.
Simply retrying is probably not a good idea in this case. A subscription can also fail because
another client is already holding onto it, or a client came in and kicked our subscription
from the subscription. Both of these cases are strongly tied to the deployment mode you
have and will be discussed in the next section.
What about subscription script errors?
We’ve talked plenty about what happens when there are errors on the server side (automatically recover), on the
client side (thrown to caller and handled by your code) and the like. However, there’s one class of errors that we
didn’t consider: what would happen if there’s an error in the query that we use to evaluate each document?
Consider the following snippet: select { Rate: 10 / call.Votes) } . It isn’t meant to be meaningful,
just to generate an error when the Votes property is set to zero. In this case, when evaluating the script on a
support call with no votes, we’ll get a error attempting to divide by zero. That error will be sent to the client and be
part of the batch.
When the client accesses the item.Result property on that particular document, the exception will be raised
on the client side. In this way, you can select how to handle such errors. You can handle this on the client side in
some manner and continue forward normally, or you can let it bubble up as an error in the subscription, which
should trigger your error-handling policy, as we saw in Listing 5.15.

All other exceptions would typically be raised from within the batch processing code. A
very simple error handling strategy can be to just try an error backoff for retries. So on the
first error, you’ll retry immediately, if there is still an error, wait for 5 seconds and try
again. Keep adding 5 seconds to the sleep time until a certain maximum (such as 1
minutes). In many cases, this is enough to handle transient errors without having to get an
admin involved in the process.
Exactly how you’ll handle error recovery in your system is up to you and the operations
teams that will maintain the application in production, and it’s tied very closely to how
you’re using subscriptions and deploying them.

Subscription deployment patterns

Talking about a single subscription in isolation helps us understand how it works, but we
also need to consider how subscriptions are deployed and managed in your systems.
Subscriptions are used to handle most batch processing needs in RavenDB, which puts
them in an interesting place regarding their use. On the one hand, they’re often performing
critical business functions. But on the other hand, they aren’t visible. (A failing subscription
will not cause an error page to be shown to the user.)
Subscriptions are usually deployed in either a batch-and-stop mode or in a continuous run.
The continuous run is a process (or a set of processes) that are running your subscriptions
constantly. The database will feed any new data to them as soon as it’s able, and all
processing happens live. That isn’t required, mind you. Under load, the administrator is
perfectly able to shut down a subscription (or even all of them) to free up processing
capacity. When they’re started up again, they’ll pick up where they left off.
In batch mode, the subscriptions are run on a schedule. When they run out of work to do,
they’ll shut themselves down until being run again. Listing 5.15 shows how you can write a
self-stopping subscription.
var options = new SubscriptionWorkerOptions(subscriptionName)
CloseWhenNoDocsLeft = true
using (var subscription = store
await subscription.Run(batch =>
// process batches until we run out of docs
// that match the subscription
The CloseWhenNoDocsLeft option will cause RavenDB to abort the subscription if there are
no documents to send. This is useful for processes that start, run through everything that
happened since their last run and then shut down again.
Another aspect of subscription deployment is the notion of high availability. On the server
side, the cluster will ensure that if there was a failure, we will transparently failover to
another node. But who takes care of high availability on the client? Typically you’ll want to
have at least a couple of machines running subscriptions, so if one of them goes down, the
other one will carry on. However, if the same subscription is running concurrently on two
machines, that can lead to duplicate processing. Now, your code needs to handle that
anyway, since subscriptions guarantee processing at least once and various error
conditions can cause a batch to be re-sent. However, there’s a major difference between
handling that once in a blue moon and having to deal with it constantly, leaving aside the
issue that we’ll also have higher resource usage because we need to process the
subscription on multiple nodes.
Luckily, RavenDB subscriptions don’t work like that. Instead, a subscription is always
opened by one and only one client. By default, if two clients attempt to open the same
subscription, one of them will succeed and the other one will raise an error because it
couldn’t take hold of the subscription. This is controlled by the
SubscriptionOpeningStrategy option set on the Strategy property. The various options
of this property are
• OpenIfFree—the default. The client will attempt to open the subscription but will fail
if another client is already holding it. This is suitable in cases where you’re running
subscriptions in batch/schedule mode. If another client is already processing it, there’s
no need to process anything yourself.

• TakeOver—the client will attempt to open the subscription even if a client is already
connected to it. If there’s a connected client, its connection will be closed. This is used
to force the subscription open operation to succeed for a particular client. If an
incoming subscription try to take over an existing one, which also has a “take over”
strategy, the incoming subscription will “loose” the contest.

• WaitForFree—the client will attempt to open the subscription, but if there’s already a
connected client, it will keep trying to acquire the connection. This is suitable for high
availability mode, when you have multiple clients attempting to acquire the same
subscription and you want one of them to succeed while the rest stand ready in case
that one fails.

For high availability processing on the client, you’ll set up multiple machines that will run
your subscriptions and open them using the WaitForFree option. In this way, those clients
will compete for the subscriptions. If one of them fails, the other will take over and
continue processing them. The use of multiple machines for handling subscriptions also
allows you to split your processing between the machines.
Failure conditions in a distributed environment
Failure handling in a distributed environment is hard. When both clients and servers are distributed, this makes for
some really interesting failure modes. In particular, while we promise that a subscription will only be opened by a
single client at a time, it’s possible for the network to split in such a way that two clients have successfully
connected to two different servers and are trying to process the same subscription from them.
That scenario should be rare, and it will only last for the duration of a single batch, until the next synchronization
point for the subscription (which ensures global consistency for the subscription). One of those servers will fail to
process the batch acknowledgement and return that error to the client, eventually aborting the connection.

You may decide that you want certain operations to be handled on one worker node 47 and
configure those subscriptions to TakeOver on that worker node and WaitForFree on any
other worker nodes. This way, a particular subscription has a preferred worker node that it
will run on, but if that one fails, it will run on another. In other words, each worker node
will run only its own preferred subscriptions unless there’s a failure.
When your deployment contains multiple worker nodes that are all processing
subscriptions, you need to be even more aware of the fact that you’re running in a
distributed system and that concurrency in a distributed environment should always be a
consideration. We already talked about optimistic concurrency in Chapter 4, but with
distributed databases, we also need to take into account eventual consistency and conflicts
between machines. We’ll start talking about the distributed nature of RavenDB in Chapter 6
in depth.
For subscriptions, we typically don’t care about this. The batch processing mode means
that we already see the world differently and it doesn’t matter if we get a document in a
particular batch or in the next. One thing to be aware of is that different subscriptions may
be running on different nodes and thus getting the documents in a different order. (All of
them will end up getting all the documents. There’s just no guaranteed absolute order
across the distributed system.)

Using subscription for queuing tasks

In this section, I want to utilize subscriptions as a processing queue for a few reasons. For
one thing, it’s a very common scenario for using subscriptions. For another, it lets us
explore a lot of the RavenDB functionality and how different pieces are held together. What
we want to do is to be able to write an operation to the database and, when we’ve
successfully processed it, automatically delete it.
Going back to the email-sending example, our code will write EmailToSend documents that
will be picked up by a subscription and handled. The code for actually doing this is shown
in Listing 5.16.
using (var subscription =

47I’m using the term worker node here to refer to machines that are running business
processes, subscriptions, etc. This is to distinguish them from RavenDB nodes.
await subscription.Run(async batch =>
using (var session = batch.OpenAsyncSession())
foreach (var item in batch.Items)
// logging / warning / etc
await session.SaveChangesAsync();

There’s actually a lot going on in Listing 5.16 that may not be obvious. First, we’re
processing a batch of documents, trying to send each one in turn. If there’s an error in
sending one of those emails, we’ll skip further processing.
However, if we were able to successfully send the email, we’ll register the document to be
deleted. At the end of the batch, we’ll delete all the documents that we’ve successfully sent.
However, we won’t touch the documents that we didn’t send. The idea is to dedicate the
EmailToSend collection for this task only. That means that in the EmailToSend collection,
we’ll only ever have one of two types of documents:
• EmailToSend documents that haven’t been processed yet by the subscription and will
be sent (and deleted) soon.
• Documents that we tried to send but failed to.
Those documents that we fail to send are interesting. Since the subscription has already
processed them, we won’t be seeing them again. However, we didn’t lose any data, and an
administrator can compare the current state of the subscription to the state of the
EmailToSend collection and get all the failed documents.

At that point, the admin can either fix whatever is wrong with those documents (which will
cause them to be sent to the subscription again) or they can reset the position of the
subscription and have it reprocess all those documents again (for example, if there was
some environmental problem). This mode of operation is really nice for processing queues.
For simple cases, you can just rely on RavenDB to do it all for you. In fact, given that
RavenDB subscriptions can work with failover of both clients and servers, this gives you a
robust solution to handle task queues that are local to your application.
One thing to note—RavenDB isn’t a queuing solution, and this code doesn’t pretend that it
is. The code in Listing 5.16 is a great way to handle task queues, but proper queuing
systems will offer additional features (like monitoring and built-in error handling) that you
might want to consider. For most simple tasks, the fire-and-forget operations, you can use
RavenDB in this mode. But for more complex situations, you should at least explore
whether a proper queue can offer a better solution.

Versioned subscriptions
The subscriptions we’ve used so far are always operating on the current state of the
document. Consider the following case:
• You create a subscription on the Customer collection.
• You create a customer document and modify it three times.
• You open and run the subscription and observe the incoming items in the batch.
What will the subscription get? It will get the last version of the customer document. The
same can happen when the subscription is already running. If you’ve made multiple
modifications to a document, when the next batch starts, we’ll just grab the current version
of the document and send it to the subscription. This can be a problem if your subscription
code assumes that you’ll always get the document every time it changes.
The good news is that we can utilize another RavenDB feature, revisions (discussed in
Chapter 4), to allow us to see all the changes that were made to a document.
The first step to exploring this feature is to enable revisions on the collection you want. In
this case, it’s the Customers collection. Set the minimum retention time for two weeks, and
again make a few modifications to a customer document. When you run your subscription
once more, note that you’re again getting just the latest version of the Customer document.
The reason you only get the latest version of the document is that the subscription, too,
needs to let the server know that it’s versioned. This is because the data model for
versioned subscriptions is different. Let’s take a look at Listing 5.17 for an example of a
simply versioned subscription that can detect when a customer changed its name.
new SubscriptionCreationOptions
Name = subscriptionName,

using (var subscription = store.Subscriptions


await subscription.Run(batch =>

foreach (var item in batch.Items)
Revision<Customer> customer = item.Result;

if (customer.Previous.Name !=
// report customer name change

The key parts to the code in Listing 5.17 is the use of Revision<Customer> as the type that
we’re subscribing on. RavenDB recognizes that as a versioned subscription and will feed us
each and every revision for the Customer collection.
Note that the data model as well has changed. Instead of getting the document itself, we get
an object that has Previous and Current properties, representing the changes that
happened to the document. In other words, you’re able to inspect the current and previous
versions and make decisions based on the changes that happened to the entity.
This feature opens up a lot of options regarding analytics because you aren’t seeing just a
snapshot of the state but all the intermediate steps along the way. This has uses in business
analytics, fraud, outliers detection and forensics, in addition to the general benefit of being
able to reconstruct the flow of data through your system. The way versioned subscriptions
work, we’re going to get all the changes that match our criteria, in the same order they
happened in the database.48
If I wrote to customers/8243-C, created a new customers/13252-B and then wrote to
customers/8243-C again, I’ll get the changes (either in a single batch or across batches) in
the following order:
• customers/8243-C—(Previous -> Current)
• customers/13252-B—(null -> Current)
• customers/8243-C—(Previous -> Current)

This can be useful when running forensics or just when you want to inspect what’s going
on in your system.
Handling revisioned document creation and deletion

48Again, different nodes may have observed the events in a different order, but it should
roughly match across the cluster.
When a new document is created, we’ll get it in the versioned subscription with the Previous property set to
null and the Current set to the newly created version. Conversely, if the document is deleted, we’ll get it with
the Current set to null and the Previous set to the last version of the document.
If a document is deleted and recreated, we’ll have one entry with (Previous, null) and then another with
(null, Current). This feature is also useful if you just want to detect the deletion of documents in a

Just like regular subscriptions, we aren’t limited to just getting all the data from the server.
We can filter it, as you can see in Listing 5.18.
new SubscriptionCreationOptions
Name = subscriptionName,
Query = @"
from Customers (Revisions = true)
where Prervious.Name != Current.Name

The code in Listing 5.18 will only send you the Customer documents whose names have
been changed. The rest of the code in Listing 5.17 can remain the same, but we now don’t
need to check if the names have changed on the client side. We’ve done that already on the
Versioned subscriptions use the document revisions
This might be an obvious statement, but it needs to be explicitly said. The backing store for the versioned
subscription is all the revisions that are stored for the documents as they’re changed. That means that it’s
important to know the minimum retention time that’s been configured. If you have a weekly subscription run and
the versioning is configured to keep data for a day, you’re going to miss out on revisions that have already been
The administrator needs to make sure that, when using a versioned subscription, the retention time matches when
we’re actually going to call to the subscription.

A natural extension of this behavior is to not send the full data to the client but just the data
we need. An example of this can be shown in Listing 5.19.
new SubscriptionCreationOptions<Versioned<Customer>>
Name = subscriptionName,
Query = @"
from Customers (Revisions = true)
where Prervious.Name != Current.Name
select {
OldName: this.Previous.Name,
NewName: this.Current.Name

The code in Listing 5.19 isn’t that interesting except for what it’s actually doing. It’s filtering
the data on the server side and only sending us the old and new names. The subscription
handling code on the client side just needs to take the old name and new name and notify
whoever needs to know about the name change.
Versioned subscriptions give you a lot of power to work with your data (and the changes in
your data) in an easy way. The ability is of particular interest in reversed event sourcing49
because you can go over your data, detect a pattern that matches a particular event you
want to raise and publish it.

Subscriptions, background jobs and the role of the admin

Systems typically accrue additional behavior over time. As business processes mature and
evolve, so does the demand on our systems. The way we’ve talked about subscriptions so
far is mainly as a core part of the application itself—something that the developers would
write, build and manage. But that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, it’s common for
subscriptions to be used as “aftermarket” entry points for modifying, extending and
supporting the system.
Consider the case of wanting to send all new users a welcome email after they’ve
registered. We could do that as part of the application itself, but given that this is a self-
contained feature, we don’t actually have to involve the developers. We can write a
subscription that would monitor new customers and send them the email.
For flexibility, we don’t want to write it in C#. We don’t need an application. We just need
to be able to run a script to process those documents. I’m using the Python client API in
Listing 5.20 to perform this task. (I could have used node.js, Ruby, etc. I’m using Python as
the example here because it’s a great scripting language, and one I’m very fond of.)
##!/usr/bin/env python3

from pyravendb import RavenDB

def process_batch(batch):

with batch.open_session() as session:

for item in batch.items:
customer = item.result
if customer.WelcomeEmailSent:


49 Event projectioning? I’m not sure this is a word.

customer.WelcomeEmailSent = True


store = document_store (
urls = ["http://rvn-srv-2:8080"],
database = "HelpDesk"

with store.Subscriptions.GetSubscriptionWorker(
id = "new-customers-welcome-email"
)) as subscription:

The code is quite similar to the way we would do things in C#. We open a document store,
open the subscription and pass a method to process the document batches. The use of
Python typically means shorter development time and more freedom for the operations
team to modify things. That can be a great thing or a horrible thing.
Subscription in a dynamic language
A major advantage of writing such scripts in a dynamic language is the low overhead and friction. We don’t need to
define classes. We can just use the shape of the data as it came down the wire. That makes everything simpler.
On the other hand, you need to be aware that doing so requires discipline. You must be sure to version your
subscription’s code in step with the rest of the code.

Subscriptions, even if they’re written in another platform, are still considered to be a part
of your system. RavenDB is meant to be an application database, not a shared database
between a multitude of applications using the same data. Even if there are additional
processes going on, they should be (eventually, at least) all owned by the application itself.
The beauty in using a scripting language for those kind of tasks is that they allow you to
simply set up a subscription without any sort of application, compilation, etc. A single script
per business process is usually enough. Since those are background batch processes, it
doesn’t usually matter if the language isn’t very fast. You can trade off convenience for
speed in this case with a clear conscience.
One thing that isn’t in Listing 5.20 is error handling. In previous examples in this chapter, I
spent some time discussing error handling, and any subscription scripts you have most
certainly do need to have something there. But a conscientious admin will have already set
up a watchdog for this, reporting errors and raising alerts accordingly. Any production
system is made of a lot of moving parts. It’s very likely that the infrastructure to manage
such scripts, restart them if there is an error and alert you if they haven’t recovered is
already in place.
I’m mentioning this because it’s important that it is in place. The nasty side of this kind of
approach is that it’s easy for what would turn out to be a critical business process to be
developed in a completely “Shadow IT” approach; that is, this subscription is running on
some server somewhere and will continue to do so until a reboot, at which time stuff
breaks and no one really knows what.

When RavenDB got subscriptions for the first time, it was just a small section: a minor
feature that was meant to handle an esoteric scenario that only a single customer had run
into. From that modest beginning, this feature has blown up to completely replace most
batch processing handling in RavenDB. It’s not the first thing you’ll use in every situation,
but for anything that isn’t about responding to a user request, it’s usually a match.
In this chapter, we looked into what subscriptions are, how to do batch processes with
RavenDB and subscriptions, how to filter and modify the data on the server and how to
accept and process the data on the client side and write it back to RavenDB in an optimal
fashion. We looked at integrating with external systems via the email-sending example,
including how to handle failures and partial failures both in RavenDB and in the external
Using subscription for ETL work
It’s tempting to use subscriptions to handle ETL50 tasks, such as writing to a reporting database. While it is possible,
RavenDB has better options to handle ETL. See the discussion on this topic in Chapter 8.

We spent a lot of time discussing how to handle errors in subscriptions, how to deploy
subscriptions into production and how we can ensure failover and load balancing of the
work among both client and server using subscriptions. The subscription open strategies
allow us to have a hot standby client for a subscription, ready to take over from a failed
node and continue processing. On the server side, RavenDB will automatically failover
subscriptions from a failed database node to a healthy one in a completely transparent
Another great use case for subscriptions is implementing task queues. And we looked at
that, including error handling and recovery. We also discussed the ability to fix an issue
with a document that failed and have it automatically reprocessed by the subscription.
We then looked at versioned subscriptions, where we ask RavenDB to give us a before-and-
after snapshot of each and every change for the documents we care about. This is a great
help when producing timelines, tracking changes and handling forensics. This feature relies
on the versioning configuration on the database and exposes it directly for batch
processing needs. We can even write a subscription script that would filter and send just
the relevant details from both old and new versions of the document to the client side.

50Extract, transform, load—the process of moving data around between different data
storage systems.
The next part of the book is going to be exciting. We’re going to learn how RavenDB is
working in a distributed environment, and we can finally figure out what all those cryptic
references to working in a cluster mean.

Distributed RavenDB
We’ve looked into RavenDB with an eye to finding out what it can do, but we’ve only just
scratched the surface. We’ve covered enough for you to be able to write simple CRUD
applications, but there’s a lot more we haven’t covered yet. The chief topics we’ve yet to
cover are running RavenDB in a distributed cluster and querying data.
I struggled to decide the order in which these two topics should show up in the book.
Queries are important, but RavenDB is quite capable of handling a lot of the decisions
around them on its own. And while queries and indexing can have a major impact on
coding decisions, the distributed aspect of RavenDB should be a core part of the design of
your architecture. For that reason, I decided to cover RavenDB’s distributed nature first. If
you only intend to run RavenDB as a single node, you can skip this part and go directly to
the next, but I still recommend reading through it to understand what’s available to you.
A cluster is always recommended for production deployments for the high availability, fault
tolerance and load-balancing features the cluster brings to the table.
You may have noticed that the RavenDB philosophy is to make things as obvious and easy
to use as possible. Admittedly, working in a distributed environment is not a trivial task,
given the challenges you’ll face with your data residing on multiple (sometimes
disconnected) nodes, but RavenDB makes it easier than the vast majority of other
distributed solutions.
The next chapter will first cover a bit of theory around RavenDB’s design. Then we’ll set out
to build a multi-node cluster on your local machine and see what kind of tricks we can
teach it. We’ll finish with practical advice on how to best use the distributed nature of
RavenDB to your advantage. Following that, we’ll dive deep into the innards of the
distributed engine inside RavenDB. You’ll learn how the sausage is made, knowledge that
can be very useful when troubleshooting.
Next, we’ll talk about integrating RavenDB with the rest of your environment. RavenDB is
rarely deployed on pure greenfield projects that don’t have to talk to anything else. We’ll
discuss integration strategies with the rest of your organization, ETL processes between
different systems and how we mesh it all into a single whole.
RavenDB Clusters
You might be familiar with the term “murder of crows” as a way to refer to a group of
crows.51 It’s been used in literature and the arts many times. Of less renown is the group
term for ravens, which is an “unkindness.” Personally, in the name of all ravens, I’m torn
between being insulted and amused.
Professionally, setting up RavenDB as a cluster on a group of machines is a charming
exercise (though the term “charm” is actually reserved for finches) that brings a sense of
exaltation (a term that’s also taken, this time by larks) by how pain-free it is. I’ll now end
my voyage into the realm of ornithology’s etymology and stop speaking in tongues.
On a more serious note, the fact that RavenDB clustering is easy to set up means that it’s
much more approachable. You don’t need an expert on hand at all times to set up a cluster,
and it should mostly self-manage. That means the decision to go from a single server to a
cluster is much easier, and you can get the benefit of that sooner.

An overview of a RavenDB cluster

A RavenDB cluster is three or more machines52 that have been joined together.
But what’s the point of doing that? Well, you can create databases on a RavenDB cluster,
and you can specify that the cluster should manage them on its own. A database can live on
a single node, some number of the nodes or even all the nodes. Each node will then hold a
complete copy of the database and will be able to serve all queries, operations and writes.
The cluster will also distribute work among the various nodes automatically, handle
failures and recovery and in general act to make sure that everything is humming along
Operations in RavenDB are usually divided into cluster-wide operations (including cluster-
wide operations that impact only a single database) and internal database operations. For
example, creating a new database is a cluster-wide operation, while writing a document to
a database only impacts that particular database.
The reason this distinction is important is that RavenDB actually operates two distinct
layers in its distributed system. The first, at the cluster level, is composed of nodes working
together to achieve the same goal. This is done by using the Raft consensus protocol and
having the cluster members vote to select a strong leader among themselves.

51If you’re interested in learning why, I found this answer fascinating:
52It doesn’t make a lot of sense to have a cluster with just two nodes since we’ll require
both of the nodes to always be up, in most cases. There are certain advanced scenarios
where such topology might make sense, and we’ll touch on that briefly in Chapter 7.
This leader, in turn, is responsible for such things as monitoring the cluster’s health,
selecting the preferred node that clients will use for each database, configuring the
databases and making sure there’s a consistent way to make decisions at the cluster level.
But at the database level, instead of selecting a leader, the nodes are all working together,
cooperatively and as equals.
Why would we want that? Wouldn’t it be better to have just a single mode of operation?
The answer is that it probably would be simpler but not necessarily better. Let’s examine
the pros and cons of each approach and how they’re used by RavenDB.
Cluster consensus with a strong leader (Raft algorithm) provides strong consistency. The
leader ensures that, as long as a majority of the nodes are functioning and can talk to one
another, we’ll remain in operation. The strong consistency mode is quite nice since it
means the cluster can make a decision (such as add a database to a node), and we can be
sure this decision will either be accepted by the entire cluster (eventually) or we fail to
register that decision. That means that each node can operate on its own internal state for
most operations, resulting in a more robust system.
The CAP theorem and database design
The CAP theorem, also called Brewer’s theorem, states that given consistency, availability and partition tolerance,
a system must choose two out of the three. It’s not possible to provide all three options.
In practice, since all production systems are vulnerable to partitions, it means you can elect to be either CP
(consistent and partition tolerant) or AP (available and partition tolerant). Different database systems have
decided to take different design directions to handle this issue.
RavenDB has opted to be CP and AP. That isn’t quite as impossible as it sounds. It’s just that it isn’t trying to be CP
and AP on the same layer. With RavenDB, the cluster layer is CP (it’s always consistent but may not be available in
the presence of a partition), but the database layer is AP (it’s always available, even if there’s a partition, but it’s
eventually consistent).

However, if a majority of the nodes aren’t available, we can’t proceed. This is pretty much
par for the course for consensus algorithms. Another issue with consensus algorithms is
that they incur additional network round trips for each operation. For cluster maintenance
and the configuration of databases, RavenDB uses the Raft consensus protocol. The
RavenDB implementation of Raft is codenamed Rachis.53
Databases, on the other hand, are treated quite differently. Each node in the cluster has a
full copy of the topology, which specifies which nodes host which databases. That
information is managed by the Rachis, but each node is able to act upon it independently.
The connections between the databases in different nodes do not go through Rachis or any
other consensus protocol. Instead, they’re direct connections among the various nodes that
hold a particular database, and they form a multi-master mesh. A write to any of those
nodes will be automatically replicated to all the other nodes.

53 Rachis is the central shaft of pennaceous feathers.

This design results in a robust system. First, you define your cluster, distribute your
databases among the nodes, assign work, etc. Once the cluster is set up, each database
instance on the various nodes is independent. That means it can accept writes without
consulting the other instances of the same database.
The design of RavenDB was heavily influenced by the Dynamo paper, and one of the key
features was the notion that writes are important. If a user is writing to the database, you
really want to hold on to that data. In order to achieve that, RavenDB uses multi-master
replication inside a database, and it’s always able to accept writes.
In other words, even if the majority of the cluster is down, as long as a single node is
available, we can still process reads and writes.
This is a lot to digest. At this point, it’s probably all a bit theoretical for you. We’ll get back
to the different layers that compose the RavenDB distributed architecture later on. For
now, let’s get ready to set up our first cluster.

Your first RavenDB cluster

We’ve worked with RavenDB before, but only with a single node. What you might not be
aware of is that we actually worked with a cluster. Admittedly, it’s a cluster of a single node,
and it isn’t that interesting from the point of view of distributed systems. However, even a
single node instance is always running as a cluster. That has the advantage of the same
codepaths always being used and exercised.
Another major benefit is that you don’t need any special steps to get to a cluster. All you
need to do is add a few nodes. Let’s see how it works in practice. To do this, you’ll close any
instances of the RavenDB server you currently have running and open the command line
terminal to the RavenDB folder. We want to reduce the amount of work we have to do per
node, so open the settings.json file and ensure that it has the following properties:
"Setup.Mode": "None",
"License.Eula.Accepted": true

These are needed to skip the setup wizard and EULA acceptance screens, which happen by
default when you start a new instance of RavenDB.
Downloading RavenDB
In “Zero To Hero,” we went over how to download and set up RavenDB for various environments. If you skipped
that step, you can go to the RavenDB download page at and download the package
for your platform. The rest of this chapter assumes that you’ll run all commands inside the uncompressed RavenDB
directory, after you have updated the settings.json file.

The first thing we want to do is run an instance of RavenDB. I suggest running each
RavenDB instance in its own terminal window, since that makes it easy to see the behavior
of individual nodes:

This command will run a RavenDB instance listening to on port 8080, logging to
the Logs/A directory and storing the data in the Data/A directory. You can point your
browser to and see the familiar studio. Let’s create a new
database and call it “Spade.” The result should look like Figure 6.1.

A simple database on a single node

Let’s go into the database and create a couple of documents: “users/1” and “users/2,” with
your first and last name as the name. We’re creating this database and those documents
simply so we can see how we can grow a RavenDB cluster.
Now, we need to bring up another RavenDB node. Typically, you’d do that on a separate
machine, but to make the demo easier, we’ll just run it on the same node. Open a new
terminal session and run the following command:

This time, we run the RavenDB instance bound to (note there’s a “2” at the end,
not a “1”) and with the same 8080 port. Logs go to Logs/B, and the data is stored in the
Data/B directory. By utilizing the 127.*.*.* local IP range, we can easily run distinct
RavenDB instances on the same machine and tell them apart.
You can go to and see the studio, as well. However, unlike the
instance running in, there are no databases in the’s
Another difference between the two nodes can be seen at the bottom center, as shown in
Figure 6.2.
The node tag in two nodes
You can see in that the node is marked with a question mark, indicating an
unknown node. That’s because this is a new node that didn’t have any operations made on
it. On the other hand, the node had a database created on it and, as such, is
a single node cluster marked with the node tag A.
Now, let’s add a node to our cluster. Go to, Manage server and then to
Cluster. The cluster management screen is shown in Figure 6.3.

A single node cluster in the management screen

Click Add node and enter The new node will show up as a cluster
member, as shown in Figure 6.4.
Our cluster after adding the second node
If you visit in the browser, you’ll observe several interesting things. First,
at the bottom, you can see is no longer an unknown node. Instead, it has
been designated as node B.
Node tags and readability
To simplify matters, RavenDB assigns each node in the cluster a tag. Those tags are used to identify the nodes.
They don’t replace the node URLs but rather supplement them. Being able to say node B instead of or even WIN-U0RFOJCTPUU is quite helpful, we found. This also helps in more complex
network environments where a node may be accessed via several hosts, IPs and names. From now on, I’m going to
refer to nodes by their tags instead of continuing to write the IP:Port over and over.

You can also see that we have the “Spade” database, but it’s marked as offline on node B.
This is because this database is only set up to be held on node A. To spread the “Spade”
database to node B, you’ll need to click the “Manage group” button on the “Spare” database,
which will take you to a page allowing you to add a node to the database. Select node B, and
then choose “Add node to group.”
HTTP, TCP and the firewall, oh my!
In the configuration we’ve used so far, we used ServerUrl to specify what interface and port we’ll be listening
to. However, this applies only to the HTTP interface of RavenDB. There is also a TCP interface, mostly used for
direct communication between RavenDB nodes. Because we haven’t explicitly specified a ServerUrl.Tcp
setting, RavenDB will use the ServerUrl configuration with a random port. As long as you are running on the
local machine (or if you are running in a trusted environment without firewalls blocking connections), that would
just work.
When setting up a cluster on multiple machines, remember to set ServerUrl.Tcp (you can specify just the
port, or a hostname or IP and the port). For example, we could add --ServerUrl.Tcp=38080 to the server
command line. In this case, it will use for TCP communication for node A. For node B, it will
use, etc.
You can also set ServerUrl.Tcp to a hostname/port combination, such as rvn-srv-01:38080 or in which case RavenDB will use these. Such a configuration can be a good idea if you are
running in the cloud and want to expose HTTP traffic to external parties (binding to the external IP), but inter-
cluster communication can be routed through internal IPs (allowing you to use the lower cost network traffic cost
inside the same data center).

That’s it. You now have a database that spans two nodes. You can go to node B and see that
the status of the “Spade” database has moved from Offline to Online, and you can enter
into the database and see the users/1 and users/2 documents that we previously created
on node B. RavenDB has automatically moved them to the secondary node.
You can play around for a bit with this setup. Create and update documents on both nodes
and see how they flow between the two database instances. Next, we’re going to take our
cluster and poke it until it squeals, just to see how it handles failure conditions.

Kicking the tires of your RavenDB cluster

Running on two nodes is an interesting experience. On the one hand, we now have our data
on two separate nodes, and assuming that we’ve actually run them on two separate
machines, we’re safe from a single machine going up in flames. However, two nodes aren’t
actually enough to handle most failure cases.
Let’s consider a situation where a node goes down. We can simulate that by killing the
RavenDB process running node A (the one running the server on Now, go
to node B (, Manage server and then to Cluster. You’ll see that both nodes
are there but none of them is marked as leader. This is because node B is unable to
communicate with node A. (This makes sense since we took node A down.) But there isn’t
anyone else in the cluster that it can talk to.
At this point, the cluster is unable to proceed. There’s no leader to be found, and there’s no
way to select one. The database, on the other hand, can function just fine. If you go to the
“Spade” database on node B and add a new document (users/3), you’ll observe there’s no
issue with this at all. The new document was created normally and without issue. This is
because each database is independent. Each database instance will cooperate with the
other instances, but it isn’t dependent on them.
How do clients respond to node failures?
When a node fails, the clients will transparently move to another node that holds the database they’re connected
to. One of the tasks of the cluster’s leader is to maintain the database topology, which clients will fetch as part of
their initialization (and then keep current). We’ll talk about failover from the client side more later in this chapter.

Now, you can start the first node by using the following command:

The node will start and reconnect into the cluster. If you check the cluster state, you’ll see
something similar to Figure 6.5.
New leader selected after recovery of failed node
It’s possible that in your case, the leader will be node A. There are no guarantees about who
the leader will be.
Next, you can check the “Spade” database inside node A. You should see the users/3
document inside it, which was replicated from node B.
So, our database remained operational even while we had just a single node available.
However, our cluster was down since it couldn’t elect a leader. But what does this mean?
Well, it means that during the time we only had node B, we wouldn’t be able to do any
cluster-wide operations.
Those operations include creating a new database and monitoring the health of other
nodes. But a lot of database-specific configuration (anything that impacts all instances of a
database) goes through the cluster as well. For example, we wouldn’t be able to schedule a
backup with the cluster down,54 and you’ll not be able to deploy new indexes or modify
database configurations.
Operations in a failed cluster
The list of operations that you can’t perform if the cluster as a whole is down (but isolated nodes are up) seems
frightening. However, a closer look at those operations will show you that they’re typically not run-of-the-mill
operations. These are one-time operations (creating indexes, setting a backup schedule, creating databases,
adding nodes to a cluster, etc.).
Normal read/write/query operations from each database instance will proceed normally, and your applications
shouldn’t failover automatically and immediately. On the other hand, background operations, such as
subscriptions or ETL, won’t be able to proceed until the cluster is backed up, which requires a majority of the
nodes to be able to talk to one another.

Remember when I mentioned that running with two nodes in a cluster is strange? That’s
because any single node going down will result in this half-and-half state. Normally, you’ll
run three or more nodes, so let’s expand our cluster even further.

54Of course, we’ll be able to create a backup manually. See the discussion about cluster-
wide tasks later in this chapter.
Expanding your cluster
You can probably guess what we’re going to do now. In exactly the same way that we
previously added node B, we’re going to add the three new nodes. To do this, you’ll execute
the following commands:



Then, in the studio, go into “Manage server,” then into “Cluster,” and add the new nodes
(,, The end
result is shown in Figure 6.6.
A five nodes cluster
You can click on the nodes in the cluster to open the studio on each node. When you do so,
look at the tab headers. It will tell you which node you’re on, as you can see in Figure 6.7.

An easy way to know which node you’re on is to look at the tab icon
Now that we have our cluster, we still need to understand the layout of the databases in it.
Here’s what it looks like when we open the studio on node D, as shown in Figure 6.8.
The Spade database as seen from node D
The “Spade” database is marked as offline because it doesn’t reside on this node. This leads
us to a few important discoveries. For one thing, databases that we manually configured
are going to remain on the nodes they’ve been configured to run on. It also appears that we
can see the entire cluster topology from every node.
Now, let’s actually use our cluster and create a new database. We’ll call it “Pitchfork.”55
Everyone knows that a proper pitchfork has three tines; the four-tine pitchfork is used for
shoveling manure, while a novel three-tine pitchfork is the favorite tool of Poseidon. As
such, it’s only natural that our “Pitchfork” database will have a replication factor of three.
Once that’s done, we’ll just create the database and observe the results.
Since we didn’t explicitly specify where the new database will reside, the cluster will
distribute it to three nodes in the cluster. This means we now have a five-node cluster with
two databases, as you can see in Figure 6.9.

55 I’m on a garden tools naming streak, it appears.

A spade and a pitchfork in our RavenDB cluster
Figure 6.9 shows the studio from the studio in node D. So we have Pitchfork on three nodes
and Spade on two. You can go ahead and create a few documents on the Pitchfork database
and observe how they’re spread to the rest of the database instances in the cluster.

Appropriate utilization of your cluster

Setting up a five-node cluster just to run a couple of databases seems pretty wasteful. node
E doesn’t even have a single database to take care of. Why would we do something like this?

Typically, production clusters are set up with either three or five nodes. When a cluster size
exceeds five nodes, it’ll typically have dozens of servers running in tandem. We’ll discuss
large clusters later in this chapter. If you have one or two databases, you’ll typically deploy
a three-node cluster and make sure that the database(s) on it are spread across all the
nodes in the cluster.
Sometimes you’ll have a five-node cluster with the data replicated five times among the
nodes. This is for maximum survivability. But in most cases, when you go to five nodes or
higher, you’re running a number of databases on the cluster. For instance, consider the
situation in Figure 6.10.
A cluster hosting a whole garden shed of databases
In Figure 6.10, you can see that we created eight databases and that they’re all spread out
throughout the cluster. This means that there’s no single point of failure for the cluster. In
fact, we can lose any node in the cluster and still remain in full operation.
I intentionally defined some of the databases so they’ll only run on two nodes instead of
three. In this configuration, it’s possible to lose access to a few databases if we kill node A
and node B. A proper configuration will have each database reside on three nodes, so you’ll
have to lose more than half your servers to lose access to a database.
Typical deployment in a cluster
The normal approach to deployment in a cluster is to decide how important your data is. It’s common to require
the data to reside on three separate nodes, regardless of the cluster size. In more critical systems, you’ll either
have this spread out across multiple data centers or have a copy (or copies) of the database being maintained by
the cluster in a second data center by RavenDB. We’ll discuss this feature in Chapter 7, which covers external

It’s important note that, so far, we’re running completely open to the world. This is possible
because we’re listening on the loopback device, so no external actor can get to those
RavenDB servers. This obviously isn’t how you’ll run in production, and you ought to read
the Chapter 13 on proper deployment and security of your cluster before you expose a
cluster to the wild wild web.

The role of the database group

We saw what a cluster looks like and how we can distribute databases among the different
nodes in the cluster. This is all well and good, but we still need to understand what we’re
doing with all this data as it’s spread out among those nodes. First and foremost, we need to
define some shared terminology.
A database can refer to all the individual instances of the database in the cluster, to a
specific instance or just to the abstract concept of storing your system data in a database.
Because this is confusing, we’ll use the following terms to make it clear to what we refer:
• Database instance—exists on a single node, usually part of a larger database group.
Typically referred to as “the database instance on node A.”
• Database group—the grouping of all the different instances, typically used to explicitly
refer to its distributed nature. For example, “The ‘Spade’ database group is spread over
five servers for maximum availability.”
• Database topology—the specific nodes that all the database instances in a database
group reside on in a particular point in time. For example, “The ‘Spade’ topology is [B,
• Database—the named database we’re talking about, regardless of whether we’re
speaking about a specific instance or the whole group. For example, “We use the
‘Spade’ database to store that information.”
Now that we have a shared vocabulary, let’s see if I can explain exactly what’s going on. A
database group is composed of one or more database instances, each of which holds a full
copy of the data in the database. The replication factor on the database group will
determine how many copies we hold for that database.
The primary reason for this duplication of data is to allow us high availability. If a node
goes down, we still have a copy (and usually two) of the data, and the cluster can shuffle
things around so clients can talk to another node without really noticing that anything

Client interaction with a database group

We’ll spend some time exploring the interaction between clients and the database
instances because that’s usually what you’d be concerned about. We’ll describe the
behavior of the nodes a bit later. Many elements connected to this topic are intermingled,
with both client and server cooperating to get to the best result. We’ll start our exploration
with the code in Listing 6.1.
var store = new DocumentStore
Urls =
"http://128.0.01:8080", "http://128.0.02:8080",
"http://128.0.03:8080", "http://128.0.03:8080",
Database = "Spade"


The code in Listing 6.1 lists all the nodes in our cluster and will talk with the “Spade”
database. This is interesting because the “Spade” database only exists on nodes B and A.
(You can see the database topology in Figure 6.10.) Why are we listing all the nodes in this
As it turns out, we don’t actually need to do so. Listing any node in the cluster is enough to
be able to properly connect to the “Spade” database. Each node in the cluster contains the
full topology of all the databases hosted in the cluster. And the very first thing that a client
will do upon initialization is to query the defined Urls and figure out what the actual nodes
are that it needs to get to the “Spade” database.
Why list all the nodes in the cluster, if any will do?
By listing all the nodes in the cluster, we can ensure that if a single node is down and we bring a new client up,
we’ll still be able to get the initial topology. If the cluster sizes are small (three to five), you’ll typically list all the
nodes in the cluster. But for larger clusters, you’ll usually just list enough nodes that having them all go down at
once will mean that you have more pressing concerns then a new client coming up.
For extra reliability, the client will also cache the topology on disk, so even if the document store was initialized
with a single node that was down at the time the client was restarted, the client will still remember where to look
for our database. It’s only a completely new client that needs to have the full listing. But it’s good practice to list at
least a few nodes, just in case.
Once the client gets the database topology, it will use that to talk to the actual database
instances themselves. We talked about the different layers of the RavenDB distributed
machinery earlier in this chapter. We’re now moving from the cluster layer to the database
layer. And each database instance is now working on its own, without relying on its siblings
in the group.
That has a lot of implications on how RavenDB works. On the client side, if the client is
unable to talk to a node (TCP error, HTTP 503, timeouts, etc.), it will assume that this
particular node is down and will switch to the next node in the list. All the clients get their
topology from the cluster, and the cluster ensures that we’ll always report the same
topology to the clients.56
By default, all the clients will talk to the first node in the topology. We usually call this the
preferred node, and any of the other nodes in the topology are called the alternates. A
failure of any of the alternates wouldn’t even register for the typical client configuration
since the client will only talk directly with the preferred node.
A failure of the preferred node will mean that all clients will failover to the same alternate.
The cluster will also notice that the node is down and update the topology accordingly. The
clients will get the updated topology, which will now have the first alternate as the
preferred node in the topology. The failed node would be demoted to a standby mode since
the cluster doesn’t know what state it’s in.
Once it comes back up, the cluster will wait for it to catch up and then add it back to the
bottom pool of active nodes for this database. Because the failed node is added as the last
option in the pool, it won’t be usurping the role of the preferred node. This ensures that if
the failed node experiences further failures, the cluster won’t have to cycle the preferred
node each and every time.
The simplest failure mode
While it may seem that an alternate failing (the client isn’t even going to notice) or the preferred node failing
(cluster will demote, clients will automatically switch to the first alternate) is all that we need to worry about,
those are just the simplest and most obvious failure modes that you need to handle in a distributed environment.
More interesting cases include a node that was split off from the rest of the cluster, along with some (but not all)
of the clients. In that case, different clients have very different views about who they can talk to. That’s why each
client is able to failover independently of the cluster. By having the database topology, they know about all the
database instances and will try each in turn until they’re able to find an available server that can respond to them.
This is completely transparent to your code, and an error will be raised only if we can’t reach any of the database
instances. While this ensures that we’ll always have someone to talk to, it can cause some interesting behavior for
our system. We’ll discuss this later in this chapter, in the section about conflicts.

From the point of the view of the client, there isn’t really much to be said about the cluster.
As far as your code is concerned, you operate normally, and RavenDB will take care of

56Of course, it’s possible that a node has an outdated view of the topology, but there are
mechanisms in place to ensure that clients will figure out that their topology is out of date
and refresh it.
everything behind the scenes. However, there are still a few things you need to concern
yourself with.

Write assurances for high value data

Here’s how a database group works. Whenever a write is made to any of the database
instances, it will disseminate that write to all the other instances in the group. This happens
in the background and is continuously running. Most of the time, you don’t need to think
about it. You write the data to RavenDB, and it shows up in all the nodes on its own.
You do need to think about it, however, if you have some writes that are important. It isn’t
enough to ensure that you wrote that value to a single node (and made sure it hit the disk).
You need to be sure that this value resides in more than one machine. You can do that using
write assurance, which is available using the WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges
method. An example of that is shown in Listing 6.2.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var task = new ToDoTask
DueDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1),
Task = "Buy milk"
.WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges(replicas: 1);

The code in Listing 6.2 should look familiar. There isn’t much to change when you move
from a single node to a cluster. But here we are asking the database instance we wrote to
not to confirm that write until it has been replicated at least once.
This increases the time it takes to get a reply from RavenDB, sometimes significantly so.
You’re now not only paying for the network round trip to the server and then the writing of
the data to disk. You’re also paying for another network round trip and the disk write cost
per each additional replica. Using this frivolously will likely slow your application and
introduce problems when you don’t have enough replicas. While RavenDB will happily deal
with going down to a single node and your application can use that, if you use
WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges, an error will be raised.

An important aspect of this feature to remember is that when

WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges is used, it doesn’t involve a distributed
transaction. In other words, even if we haven’t been able to write your value to the number
of replicas you wanted, we still wrote it to some of them. In the case of Listing 6.2 and the
“Spade” database, if node A is down, we’ll be able to write to node B. But we’ll later fail
because we can’t replicate the write to node A. The client is going to get an error, but the
data was written to node B. This is a powerful feature, but you need to be aware of the
possible pitfalls of using it.
Load balancing and service level agreements
Earlier in this chapter, I said that by default we have a single preferred node and a few
alternates just standing by. This can be a big waste. Our nodes are typically quite similar,
and doubling or tripling our processing power just to let most of it go idle is not a good use
of resources.
RavenDB allows you to change that behavior as well. Instead of all the clients talking to
only the preferred node, you can ask them to load balance all the reads between every node
in the group. It’s even possible to take timing into account and have each node prefer to
read from the fastest node it observed.

Configuring client read balancing behavior from the server side

The system administrator can configure such behavior, as shown in Figure 6.11 globally or
the client can specify that using the conventions. Updates to the server side configuration
will typically be reflected with clients on the next request the client will make (at which
point it will learn that it needs to update its configuration). The server side configuration
will override any client side setting.

Replication of data in a database group

We’ve seen that every node in a database group will have a copy of all the data. This is
easiest to reason about when you have a single writer node. However, RavenDB doesn’t
work in this manner. You can make writes to any node in the database group, and that
write will be recorded and replicated to all the other nodes in the database group.
How is this done? Each database instance holds a TCP connection to each of the other
database instances in the group. Whenever there’s a write on that instance, it will be sent to
all the other instances immediately. Note that’s not done as part of the write operation but
in an async manner. If the database instance is unable to replicate the data, it will still
accept that data and send it later.
During normal operations, the lag time between a write on a database instance and it being
replicated to all the other nodes is usually around twice the ping time between the
machines. Since we don’t need to set up a connection just for that write, it’s already ready
and waiting. This also means you can see at any point the connections that a database
instance has opened, which is useful when diagnosing issues. You can see an example of
that in Figure 6.12.
A database group with three nodes, one of which is down
What about when there are failures? Well, when a node fails for any reason, the cluster will
detect that and demote it. When it comes back up, the database instance will have to wait
until it’s as up to date as the other database instances in the group. Only then will the
cluster let it fully join the group.
In Figure 6.12, you can see that node C is down. The cluster has detected it and designated
node B as the mentor node for node C. When node C comes back again, it is node B that will
send it all the changes that it missed, and it will only graduate to be a full member in the
database group when node B deems it ready.
We commonly talk about document replication, but we’re actually replicating more than
just documents. All the data inside a database is replicated to every database instance. That
obviously includes documents, but it also includes tombstones (which is how we replicate
deletes), attachments and revisions. The last inclusion deserves a bit of explanation.
The async nature of replication in RavenDB leads to some interesting questions. For
example, what happens if you modify a document several times in short order—fast
enough that it was modified several times before the document could be sent to the other
database instances? In this case, when we replicate the document to the other siblings, we
replicate the latest version that we have and skip replicating all the intermediate versions.
Sometimes, however, you care about each individual change. For that reason, when you
enable revisions on your database, we’ll also send them to the other database instances. In
this way, you can see the full modification history of your documents, regardless of which
server was used to write them and of the speed of replication.
Undefined order in a distributed environment
All the database instances are going to end up with the same revisions for the document, but it’s not certain that
they’ll end up in the same order. It’s possible that revisions created on different servers will show up in a different
order because there’s no way for us to determine which came first. Consider it a scaled up version of a race
condition. You’ll learn more about how RavenDB handles such things in the section about conflicts and change

Another question that’s typically raised with regards to the async nature of replication is
how transactions are handled across replication boundaries. This is the topic of our next

Transaction atomicity and replication

Transactions in RavenDB are important. Relying on ACID transactions reduces a lot of the
complexity that one has to deal with. However, given that RavenDB transactions are not
distributed, it’s interesting to consider how the transactional guarantees are preserved in a
distributed cluster.
Consider for a moment the code in Listing 6.3. It’s a simple bank transaction that moves
$10 from my account to yours,57, which I’m sure will be a delightful surprise.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var you = session.Load<Account>("accounts/1234-A");
var me = session.Load<Account>("accounts/4321-C");

you.Amount += 10;
me.Amount -= 10;


There’s nothing very interesting about Listing 6.3 in itself. The interesting bit is what will
happen over the network, in this case. This is sent to RavenDB as a transaction and
persisted as such, but you already knew that. The key here is that it’s also replicated as a
single transaction. In other words, all the other database instances will always have both of
those changes replicated to them as a single batch, indivisible.
Replication batches
RavenDB isn’t actually replicating a single document at a time. When we need to replicate data between nodes, we
send a large amount of data at once. The size of the batch and what it includes is decided by RavenDB based on
things like the amount of the data that needs to be sent, the number of documents and a few other factors that
are implementation dependent (such as the speed of replication).
In most cases, we send everything that’s changed since the last successful replication. And during normal
operation, we effectively send a replication batch for each transaction. If there are a lot of writes, each batch will
likely include data from multiple transactions.
What RavenDB guarantees is that writes made in the same transactions will always be sent to the other database
instances as a single batch and won’t be broken into separate batches. In other words, we maintain the atomicity
property across replication.

57This isn’t even close to how money transfers really work, of course, but it’s a classic
example and easy to reason about.
This applies to all the changes that you make in a transaction, modifying documents,
attachments, etc. They’re all going to be sent to the other database instances as a single
transaction. There’s one caveat, however. Consider the code in Listing 6.4, which transfers
money from your account to the tax authority.
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var you = session.Load<Account>("accounts/1234-A");
var tax = session.Load<Account>("accounts/48879-B");

you.Amount -= 3;
tax.Amount += 3;


The code in Listing 6.4 will probably sadden you a bit since no one usually likes to pay the
taxman. However, it also exposes an issue with how RavenDB is replicating transactions. In
this case, the document accounts/1234-A is involved in two separate transactions. Let’s
assume that we now need to replicate everything from Listing 6.3 onward (meaning my
transfer of money to you and your payment of taxes).
We’ll further assume that we instructed RavenDB to send the data in as small a unit as
possible. When the database instance needs to replicate the documents to another instance,
it will replicate them on a per transaction basis. Starting from the transaction that was
generated for Listing 6.3, we’ll replicate accounts/4321-C but not accounts/1234-A. Why
is that?
The accounts/1234-A document will not be replicated because, though it was changed in
the transaction for Listing 6.3, it was also changed by a later transaction (the one from
Listing 6.4). Since we replicate only the current state of the documents and, in this case, we
configured RavenDB to send the smallest possible batch size, we’ll replicate only the
documents that were modified in Listing 6.3—not documents that were modified in the
transaction for Listing 6.3 and then later modified by another transaction.
This means we’ll first have a batch-replicated accounts/4321-C document (my transfer of
the money) and then another batch with the accounts/1234-A and accounts/48879-B
documents (your payment to the taxman). A client reading from another instance may then
get an invalid state.
Luckily, everything is not lost. If you need transaction atomicity in a distributed fashion,
you have a few options. You can make sure that the documents you care about are always
updated together. This will ensure that these documents are always part of the same
transaction and sent in the same batch. But this is often awkward to do.
Another option is to use revisions. When you enable revisions on a collection, a revision is
written whenever a document is modified. It’s written as part of the same transaction, and
it flows across replication in the same indivisible batch as any other operation. When
RavenDB gets a revision of a document that’s newer than the one it has, it will update the
document to match the revision. In effect, we’ll send the entire transaction in Listing 6.3 as
it was so that a client observing a second node can never see a partial transaction.
As you can see, revisions are a very powerful feature, and they’re used in more scenarios
than might initially be expected. The idea behind relying on revisions to handle transaction
consistency is that, in many cases, it doesn’t matter. A proper document model follows the
isolated, independent and coherent tenets, which usually means you don’t need this feature.
But when you do, and it most certainly will come up,58 the key here is that you aren’t
paying for tracking all the intermediate values unless you actually need this.
A lot of RavenDB features use the “pay to play” model, meaning if you aren’t using a specific
feature, you don’t need to pay the performance cost of supporting it.

Change vectors
In the previous section, I mentioned that when a database instance gets a document
revision that’s newer than its copy of the document, it will update the document to match
the revision. This lays the foundation for ensuring transaction boundary consistency across
servers. But this doesn’t answer an important question: what does “newer” even mean?
The easiest way to answer that question is to take a look at the clock. After all, “newer” is a
function of time, and we can just check what time the document and revision were
modified. But that doesn’t actually work when running in a distributed system. Each
machine in the cluster may have a slightly different idea about the time, and clock drift is a
serious problem. Beyond that, concurrency in the cluster may mean that operations have
happened at the exact same time or close enough that we can’t tell otherwise.
This is confusing and can cause quite a headache in a distributed system. In order to deal
with this, RavenDB uses change vectors (they are sometimes also called vector clocks) to
tell when things happened. A change vector is comprised of the node ID and a sequence
number (the etag). Whenever a modification happens on a database, a change vector will
be generated. Here are a few examples of change vectors:
• A:1
• B:2
• A:3, B:1
• A:3, B:3, C:5
For the purpose of discussion, A/B/C are the node IDs and the numbers are the per-node
sequence number. You can see that, with A:1 and B:2, there’s no way for us to provide any
order. This is because they’re local to each node and there’s no dependency between them.
On the other hand, the A:3, B:1 change vector provides us with more information. We
know that it came after A:3 and after B:1. Because of this, we can tell that it’s after A:1, but

58It’s not something you’ll use for everything, but in most applications there’s one or two
places where it can be really useful.
we can’t tell whether it happened before or after B:2. On the other hand, it’s clear that A:3,
B:3, C:5 happened after everything else. In other words, we use change vectors to record
the observed state in each node, and we can piece out the timeline from that point onward.
The different nodes in a database group will try to ensure that each database instance is
aware of the last etag on each node so they can create a coherent timeline across the
cluster. This isn’t meant to be a 100 percent foolproof solution, but it’s a useful
optimization for certain operations. Always having the last etag from the nodes also makes
it easier to reason about concurrency in the cluster. You can see for yourself that when you
save a document, it will have a change vector entry from the node you saved it on, as well
as for all the other nodes in the cluster.
Change vectors and how they come into play are pretty hard concepts to grasp just by
talking about them, so let’s do some practice. We’ll create a new database called
“ChangeVectorTrialRun” on two of the nodes in the cluster. Then we’ll go into the database
and create a document called users/1.
Change this a few times, and we can observe the @change-vector property in the
@metadata. Even though we’ve only modified this document on a single node, you can see
that the database instance also includes the change vector from the other instance as well.
Take a look at this example in Figure 6.13.

A document change vector in a cluster

Using this change vector, this document was written at or after etag 7 on node A and at or
after etag 5 on node B. We created this document on node A, so how can we have a change
vector entry for node B here? The answer is simple: we know what the etag of node B was
because it told us on our last replication batch. We’ll incorporate this information in future
change vectors.
Change vectors are incredibly important inside RavenDB (and in many other distributed
systems) because they allow us to know, without relying on a shared clock, when things
have happened. This turns out to be quite useful in many cases. For example, let’s assume
that a database instance received a document via replication but already has this document
How would the database instance know if the document that arrived via replication is an
old version of the document that we should ignore or if it’s a new version that needs to
overwrite the existing document? The answer is that it uses the change vector to tell. In this
way, even if a document is modified on a different server each time, we can still know
whether our version is newer or older than the version we just received via replication.
However, “newer” or “older” aren’t the only options that we have. There is also the option
of a conflict update.

A conflict occurs when the same document is updated on two nodes independently of one
another. This can happen because of a network split or because of several client updates
that each talked to different nodes faster than we could replicate the information between
the nodes.
Let’s consider the simplest case. Say we have the document users/1 whose current change
vector is A:7, B:5, and we modify it on nodes A and B concurrently. On the database
instance on node A, we’ll have the change vector A:8, B:5, and on node B we’ll have A:7,
B:6. In this case, there’s no way for us to tell which version of the document is newer than
the other. This is a conflict. In a distributed system, you can either choose to run a
consensus (which requires consulting a majority on every decision) or accept the potential
for conflicts. For document writes, RavenDB chooses to accept conflicts as a tradeoff of
always being able to accept writes.
The question is this—how are we going to handle such a case? Let’s generate a conflict
manually and see how this is handled. First, however, we need to disable automatic conflict
resolution so we can observe what is going on behind the scenes. In the Studio, go to
Settings, Conflict Resolution. This is how you let RavenDB know how you want it to
resolve conflicts as they happen. By default, we resolve conflicts in favor of the most recent
version59. You can see what this look like in Figure 6.14.

59Note that different nodes may have different clocks. RavenDB doesn’t attempt to
compensate for this and will use the latest timestamp from the conflicts in its automatic
Configuring server side conflict resolution policy in the Studio
Uncheck the option to automatically resolve to the latest version and click on Save. Now we
are ready to create some conflicts. As you’ll shortly see, conflicts occur when there is
effectively a race in the cluster between modifications to the same document on different
nodes. This is a bit hard to reproduce, so we’ll take the heavy-handed approach and
reproduce a conflicts by shutting down nodes and modifying documents independently on
each node. Here’s how we’ll do it:
• Kill node B. (It’s running on You can do that by simply closing the console
window that’s running it.
• Modify the users/1 document on node A so its name property will be “John,” and save
the document. You can see how this will look in Figure 6.15.
• Kill node A. (It’s running on
• Bring up node B by executing ./Server/Raven.Server.exe --
ServerUrl= --Logs.Path=Logs/B --DataDir=Data/B.
• Modify the users/1 document on node B so its name property will be “Doe,” and save
the document. You can see how this will look in Figure 6.16.
• Bring up node A by executing ./Server/Raven.Server.exe --
ServerUrl= --Logs.Path=Logs/A --DataDir=Data/A.

First version of users/1 document after modifications on node B

Second version of users/1 document after modifications on node A
At this point, an interesting thing will take place. If you watch the Users collection, you’ll
notice that it’s empty and that the Conflicts entry in the studio is showing there’s a
conflict. Go to Documents in the studio and then to Conflicts, and you’ll see the missing
In fact, you’ll see three versions of this document, as displayed in Figure 6.17. For
developers, the screen shown may look very familiar. It’s showing a conflict just as you
would get in any source control system. You can also resolve it in the same manner: by
deciding what changes to accept and saving. Change the Name property to be “John Doe” and
click Save.
Manual conflict resolution in the studio
The conflict is now resolved, and you can see the document is back in its proper place—the
Users collection. As you could see, getting to the point where we could reliably generate a
conflict was a rather involved process. Conflicts aren’t expected to happen frequently. At
the same time, production systems have a nasty habit of throwing up a lot of hurdles, even
during normal operations. Conflicts can and do occur in production systems, especially
busy ones.
It wouldn’t be reasonable to expect a manual intervention each and every time you need to
resolve a conflict. Instead, RavenDB has several conflict resolution strategies that you can
• If the documents are identical (same change applied on multiple nodes), they can
automatically be merged. This also applies if the document was deleted in multiple
nodes and we detected a conflict.
• You can specify your own conflict resolution behavior by writing a JavaScript function
that applies to all conflicts and produces a merged output. We’ll see an example of that
• You can designate a node whose changes will be considered authoritative, and all
conflicts will be resolved in its favor.
• Finally, you can choose to resolve to the latest version based on wall clock time.
The appropriate strategy to use heavily depends on your actual use case. In some cases,
just accepting the latest version is perfectly fine. In others, you don’t want to lose writes
just because they conflicted. Probably the most well known scenario for such a
requirement is the notion of the shopping cart.
A user’s shopping cart document may have gotten into a conflict, but we absolutely don’t
want the user to have stuff fall out of their cart just because we had a network hiccup.
Consider the documents shown in Listing 6.5.
// on node A
"Name": "Oren Eini",
"Items": [
"ProductId": "products/2134-B",
"Quantity": 2,
"Name": "Milk"
"ProductId": "products/9231-C",
"Quantity": 1,
"Name": "Bread"
// on node B
"Name": "Oren Eini",
"Items": [
"ProductId": "products/2134-B",
"Quantity": 1,
"Name": "Milk"
"ProductId": "products/8412-B",
"Quantity": 2,
"Name": "Eggs"

RavenDB, of course, has no idea how to merge such a conflict. But we can teach it. Go back
to the Conflict Resolution view that we looked at in Figure 6.14. Click on the Add button
to add a conflict resolution script for a particular collection. Listing 6.6 has the code to
properly resolve such a conflict on the ShoppingCart collection.
var final = docs[0];

for (var i = 1; i < docs.length; i++)

var currentCart = docs[i];
for (var j = 0; j < currentCart.Items.length; j++)
var item = currentCart.Items[j];
var match = final.Items
.find(i => i.ProductId == item.ProductId);
if (!match)
// not in cart, add
match.Quantity = Math.max(

return final;

The code in Listing 6.6 will merge the two different versions of the shopping cart, resulting
in the document shown in Listing 6.7. With a merge script such as the one in Listing 6.6,
RavenDB can automatically resolve conflicts as they happen, with no interruption in
service. The cart in Listing 6.7 has been intelligently merged, so we don’t have any
duplicate products and we kept the higher number of milk bottles between the versions of
the cart that we merged.
"Name": "Oren Eini",
"Items": [
"ProductId": "products/2134-B",
"Quantity": 2,
"Name": "Milk"
"ProductId": "products/9231-C",
"Quantity": 1,
"Name": "Bread"
"ProductId": "products/8412-B",
"Quantity": 2,
"Name": "Eggs"

Not all collections deserve such attention, of course. For some, you’ll choose to only get the
latest version or define an authoritative source that will resolve such conflicts. When you
need to write such a script, the studio can be a great help. That’s because in addition to just
defining the conflict resolution script, you can also debug it inside the studio.
Distributed atomic compare exchange operations
In Chapter 2, I introduced the compare exchange feature (sometimes known as cmpxchg).
This feature allows you to perform atomic compare and swap operations at the cluster
level. As you can imagine, this feature relies on the strong consistency available to the
RavenDB cluster via the Raft consensus protocol.
Consider the code in Listing 6.860, which show how to use this feature to ensure unique
username reservation at the cluster level.
var cmd = new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation<string>(
key: "names/john",
value: "users/1-A",
index: 0);
var result = await store.Operations.SendAsync(cmd);
if (result.Successful)
// users/1 now owns the username 'john'

Because this is a cluster level operation, it goes through the full consensus protocol.
RavenDB will only answer to such a command after a majority of the nodes in the cluster
confirmed its acceptance. This ensures that the cluster as a whole make this decision. If you
attempt a compare exchange operation from a node that cannot reach a majority of the
nodes, the compare exchange operation will fail.
This feature is useful when you want to do highly consistent operations at the cluster level,
not just the individual node. As you we already discussed, concurrency in the cluster is
complex. Even when you have optimistic concurrency checks, two clients talking to two
different nodes may both succeed to write to a document. RavenDB will quickly detect and
flag this as a conflict, with the usual semantics on how to handle this.
In the vast majority of cases, this is what you want. Cluster wide operations require
coordination of the entire cluster (actually, we only need a majority of the nodes). This
means that in a 3 nodes cluster, you’ll require 2 nodes to confirm an operation for it to
succeed. With 5 nodes in the cluster, you’ll need 3, etc. See Table 7.1 in the next chapter for
full details on this.
As a result, you’ll usually save the compare exchange usage for things that must be done in
a consistent manner. There are usually fewer of these than you would initially assume.
Let’s look at a more complex example of using the compare exchange feature in RavenDB.
Consider the following scenario. We have a bunch of support engineers, ready and willing
to take on any support call that come. At the same time, an engineer can only a certain
number of support calls. In order to handle this, we allow engineers to register when they

60 The same code was already shown in Listing 2.21 from Chapter 2
are available to take a new support call. How would we handle this in RavenDB? Assuming
that we wanted absolute consistency?
Listing 6.9 shows how an engineer can register to the pool of available engineers.
const string key = "engineers/available";

public void RegisterEngineerAvailability(string engineer)

while (true)
var get = new GetCompareExchangeValueOperation<List<string>>(
var getResult = _store.Operations.Send(get);
if (getResult == null)
// empty, so create a new one
getResult = new CompareExchangeValue<List<string>>(
index: 0, // new
value: new List<string> { engineer }
var put = new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation<List<string>>(

var putResult = _store.Operations.Send(put);

if (putResult.Successful)

// someone pushed a new engineer, retry...


The code in Listing 6.9 is very similar to how you would write multi-threaded code. You
first get the value, then attempt to do an atomic operation to swap the old value with the
new one. If we are successful, the operation is done. If not, then we retry. Concurrent calls
to RegisterEngineerAvailability will race each other. One of them will succeed and the
others will have to retry.
The actual data that we store in the compare exchange value in this case is an array. You
can see an example of how that would look in Figure 6.18.
The available engineers compare exchange value in the Studio
Compare exchange values can be simple values (numbers, strings), arrays or even objects.
Any value that can be represented as JSON is valid there. However, the only operation that
is allowed on a compare exchange value is a wholesale replacement.
The code in Listing 6.9 is only doing half of the job. We still need to be able to get an
engineer to help us handle a support call. The code to complete this task is shown in Listing
const string key = "engineers/available";

public string PullAvailableEngineer()

while (true)
var get = new GetCompareExchangeValueOperation<List<string>>(
var getResult = _store.Operations.Send(get);
if (getResult == null)
// no support engineers, wait and retry
string engineer = getResult.Value[0];

CompareExchangeResult<List<string>> result;
if (getResult.Value.Count == 0)
var del =
new DeleteCompareExchangeValueOperation<List<string>>(
result = _store.Operations.Send(del);
var put =
new PutCompareExchangeValueOperation<List<string>>(
result = _store.Operations.Send(put);

if (result.Successful)
return engineer;

// someone took an available engineer

// while we were running, let's try again...

The code in Listing 6.10 is a bit more complex. Here we read the available engineers from
the server. If there are none, we’ll wait a bit and try again. If there are available engineers
we’ll remove the first one and then try to update the value. This can happen for multiple
clients at the same time, so we check whatever our update was successful and only return
the engineer if our change was accepted.
Note that in Listing 6.10 we use two different modes to update the value. If there are still
more engineers in the available pool, we’ll just remove our engineer and update the value.
But if our engineer is the last one, we’ll delete the value entirely. In either case, this is an
atomic operation that will first check the index of the pre-existing value before performing
the write.
It is important to note that when using compare exchange values, you’ll typically not act on
read. In other words, in Listing 6.10, even if we have an available engineer, we’ll not use
that knowledge until we successfully wrote the new value. The whole idea with compare
exchange values is that they give you atomic operation primitive in the cluster. So a typical
usage of them is always to try to do something on write until it is accepted, and only then
use whatever value you read.
The acceptance of the write indicates the success of your operation and the ability to rely
on whatever values you read. However, it is important to note that compare exchange
operations are atomic and independent. That means an operation that modify a compare
exchange value and then do something else needs to take into account that these would run
in separate transactions.
For example, if a client pull an engineer from the available pool but doesn’t provide any
work (maybe because the client crashed) the engineer will not magically return to the pool.
In such cases, the idle engineer should periodically check that the pool still contain the
appropriate username.

In this chapter, we’ve touched on most of the distributed portions of RavenDB. We started
by spinning up our own cluster, and we played around with creating various databases on
it. We looked at how we can manage a database inside the studio and how RavenDB is
actually spreading a database group into multiple database instances on the various cluster
We talked about how the client API works with a RavenDB cluster, how we can ensure that
a write is replicated to a minimum set of replicas before the server will confirm it and how
we can ask the client API to load balance our work among the different nodes in the
database group.
We discussed the difference in the distributed nature of RavenDB at the cluster layer
(consensus, majorities required) and the database layer (multi-master, can act
independently) and how it affects our code. If there is a failure that knocks out half of the
cluster, we’ll not be able to do cluster operations. But reading and writing on each database
will proceed normally, and clients will failover silently to any surviving nodes. Certain
operations (creating databases or defining new indexes) will not work until the cluster is in
a stable state, but the most common day-to-day operations can proceed with each database
instance acting on its own and merging its operations with its siblings.
That behavior can lead to conflicts, and we explored some of the options RavenDB has for
resolving those conflicts. You can set up automatic conflict resolution based on a preferred
node, selecting the most recent version, or you can even provide your own logic to merge
conflicting versions automatically. The RavenDB studio also contains a conflicts section
that allows you to inspect conflicts and manually resolve them.
We then discussed transaction atomicity in replication, how RavenDB will ensure that all
changes that happen in the same transaction are always replicated in the same batch and
how we can use revisions to ensure that holds true even for documents that were later
changed independently. We looked at change vectors and how they are used by RavenDB to
piece together the absolute order of events and know what happened where and when.
The final topic we covered was compare exchange values in RavenDB. These allow you to
perform distributed and atomic compare and swap operations and are an important
primitive for many distributed operations. RavenDB exposes this directly, giving you the
ability to manage distributed state in a reliable way by leaning on the consensus protocol
that drives the RavenDB cluster.
In the next chapter, we are going to cover how to design your cluster, how to define your
topology for geo-distributed environments, and, in general, how to scale your RavenDB
Scaling Distributed Work in RavenDB
In the previous chapter, we covered a lot. We went over how RavenDB clusters and
database groups work. We looked at the nitty-gritty details, such as conflicts and change
vectors. And we saw how a cluster can handle failover and recovery. But we haven’t talked
about how to actually make use of a cluster. This is primarily what we’ll cover in this
chapter: how to properly utilize your RavenDB cluster to best effect.
We’ll cover how to grow your cluster to include a large number of nodes, how to host a lot
of databases in the cluster, how we can automatically have the cluster adjust the nodes a
database resides on, which will ensure a minimum number of replicas, and how we can
deploy RavenDB in a geo-distributed environment.
But first, we need to go back a bit and discuss the distributed mechanisms in RavenDB—
the cluster and the database group. The separation RavenDB makes between a cluster and
a database group can be artificial. If you’re running a single database on all your nodes, you
usually won’t make any distinction between the cluster as a whole and the database group.
This distinction starts to become much more important if you’re working in a system that
utilizes many databases.
The simplest example for such a system is a microservice architecture. Each microservice
in your system has its own database group that’s running on the cluster, and you can define
the number of nodes each database group will run on. This tends to be easier to manage,
deploy and work with than having a separate cluster per microservice.
Another example of a situation where you’ll have multiple databases is multitenancy,
where each tenant gets its own separate database. This makes it simple to deal with tenant
separation, and you can adjust the number of nodes per tenant easily. This approach will
also allow you to scale your system in a way that’s convenient. As you have more tenants,
you can just add more machines to the cluster and spread the load among them.
That said, note there’s a certain cost for running each database instance. It’s usually easier
for RavenDB to have a single large database than many small ones. The general rule of
thumb is that you shouldn’t host more than a hundred or so active databases per machine.

Growing your cluster

RavenDB is using Raft as the underlying consensus protocol for managing the cluster. The
Raft Paper is a truly impressive read, mostly because the paper manages to make one of the
hardest tasks in distributed programming understandable. I highly recommend reading it,
even if you never intend to dig into the details of how RavenDB or other distributed
systems do their magic.
The simplest way to explain how Raft works is that the cluster makes decisions based on
majority confirmation. This quick explanation does a great injustice to both the algorithm
and the Raft Paper, but it simplifies things enough for us to reason about them without
deviating too much from what’s really going on. Majority confirmation is defined as having
a particular value on N/2+1 of the nodes, using integer math and assuming that N is the
number of nodes. In other words, if your cluster size is three, then a majority would be two.
Any value that was confirmed by any two nodes is considered committed.
Table 7.1 shows the majority calculation for several common cluster sizes. Note that even
numbers have the same majority as the odd number preceding them. Because of that, you’ll
typically have an odd number of nodes in your cluster.

Cluster size Majority

2 2
3 2
4 3
5 3
7 4
9 5
15 8
21 11
51 26

Table 7.1: Majorities for different-sized clusters

This majority behavior has a few very interesting implications you should consider. First,
you’ll note that if we had a failure condition that took out more than half of our cluster, the
cluster as a whole will not be able to make any decisions (even while individual database
instances will operate normally). In a cluster of five nodes, if there aren’t any three nodes
that can communicate with each other, there’s no way to reach any decisions.
On the other hand, the more nodes there are in your cluster, the more network traffic will
be required to reach a consensus. In pathological cases, such as a cluster size of 51, you’ll
need to contact at least 26 servers to reach any decisions. That’s going to impose a high
latency requirement on anything the cluster is doing.
In practice, you rarely grow the cluster beyond seven members or so. The cost of doing that
is usually too high. At that point, you’ll either set up multiple independent clusters or use a
different method. The cluster size we mentioned is for voting members in the cluster, but
the cluster doesn’t have to contain only voting members. We can just add nodes to the
cluster as watchers.
These nodes don’t take part in the majority calculations and are only there to watch what’s
going on in the cluster. As far as RavenDB is concerned, they’re full-blown members in the
cluster. They can be assigned databases and work to be done, but we aren’t going to include
them in the hot path of making decisions in the cluster.
Using this approach, you can decide that three or five nodes in your cluster are the voting
members and all the rest are just watchers. This gives us the ability to make decisions with
a majority of only three nodes while the actual size of the cluster can be much higher. Of
course, if a majority of the cluster’s voting members are unable to talk to one another
(because they’re down or because the network failed, say) then the cluster as a whole will
not be available.
What are cluster operations?
We’ve talked extensively about clusters being down. Actually, we’ve spent more time discussing it than the time
most clusters spend being down. A cluster being down means database operations continue normally but we can’t
perform any cluster operations. And what are all those cluster operations?
Basically, they’re anything that requires us to coordinate between multiple nodes. A non-exhaustive list of these61
includes creating and deleting databases, creating and deleting indexes, handling subscriptions and ETL processes
and completing a backup.62
In all these cases, the operations need a majority in the cluster to process. The underlying logic behind all these
operations is that they aren’t generally user-facing. So even in the event of a cluster going down, you’ll be able to
continue serving requests and operate normally, as far as the external world is concerned, while your operations
are bringing up the failed nodes.

Figure 7.1 shows a cluster using three member nodes and two watchers. Node E is the
leader, and it’s managing all of the nodes. Creating a database on this cluster will cause it to
allocate database instances to both member nodes and watcher nodes, but the cluster
leaders can only be nodes A, B or E. If two of them are down, the cluster as a whole will also
be down, and you’ll not be able to perform cluster operations (but your databases will
function normally otherwise.)

61 The full list can be found in the online documentation

62Backups will happen on their regular schedule when the cluster is down, but they’ll fail to
be reported to the cluster and may run again after the cluster has recovered.
A cluster with members and watchers
A cluster being unavailable doesn’t usually impact ongoing database operations. The actual
topology at scale is something the operations team needs to consider. A single large cluster
is usually easier to manage, and the cluster can add as many watchers as you need to
handle the load you’re going to put on it. The databases themselves don’t care what node
they run on, whether they’re voting members or just watchers. And the cluster can manage
database instance assignments across all machines with ease.

Multiple data centers and geo-distribution

It’s easy to reason about RavenDB’s distributed behavior when you’re running on the local
network or in the same data center, but what about when you have multiple data centers?
And what about when you have geo-distributed data centers? Those are important
considerations for the architecture of the system. Because there are so many possible
deployment options, I’m going to use AWS as the canonical example, simply because there’s
so much information about it. You should be able to adapt the advice here to your needs
easily enough, even if you aren’t using AWS.
Inside the same availability zone (same data center) in Amazon, you can expect ping times
of less than a millisecond. Between two availability zones in the same region (separate data
centers63 that are very close by), you’ll typically see ping times that are in the single-digit
millisecond range.
The default configuration for the RavenDB cluster is each node expects to get a heartbeat
from the cluster leader every 300 milliseconds. When running in the same data center,
that’s typically not a problem unless there’s a failure of the leader (or the network), in
which case the cluster as a whole will select a new leader. However, what happens when
we start talking about geo-distributed data centers? Let’s use Table 7.2 as a discussion
A few AWS data centers and their locations
Data center Tag
N. Virginia us-east-1
Ohio us-east-2
N. California us-west-1
London eu-west-2
Singapore ap-southeast-1

Ping times64 between these data centers are quite different. For example, N. Virginia to
Ohio is 30 milliseconds, and N. Virginia to N. California is already at around 70
milliseconds. N. California to London is twice that at 140 milliseconds, and Singapore to N.
Virginia clocks in at 260 milliseconds.
Given that the default configuration calls for an election if we didn’t hear from the leader in
300 milliseconds, it’s clear that you can’t just throw a cluster with one node each in N.
Virginia, Singapore and London. The network latency alone would mean we’d be unable to
proceed in most cases. However, that’s just the default configuration and is easily changed.
The reason I’m dedicating so much time to talking about latency here is that it has a huge
effect on your systems that you should consider.
If you have the need to run in multiple data centers—or even in geo-distributed data
centers—you need to think about the latency between them and what it means for your
application. There are two options you should consider. The first is having a data-center-

63Note: this assumes the connection between those data centers doesn’t go over the public
internet but rather dedicated lines. If the connection between the data centers is over the
public internet, expect higher latency and more variance in the timings.
64 The ping times between these data centers were taken from
spanning cluster. The second is to have a cluster per data center. Let’s review both of these

Single cluster, multiple data centers

When you have a single cluster spanning multiple data centers, take note of the expected
latency and behavior. The actual configuration of the cluster timeout is easy to set (the
configuration option is Cluster.ElectionTimeoutInMs, defaulting to 300 milliseconds),
but that’s the least interesting thing about this scenario.
When running in a geo-distributed cluster, you need to consider the various operations you
use. The cluster timeout is merely the maximum amount of time the nodes will wait for a
notification from the leader before deciding that there isn’t one and an election needs to be
held. If there’s work the cluster needs to do, it won’t wait for the timeout to happen.
Instead, it will always execute it as fast as it can.
On the other hand, an excessively high timeout value means the cluster will take longer to
detect that there’s a failed leader and recover from that. In general, the cluster will typically
recover from a failed node in up to three times the timeout value, so that needs to be taken
into account. On the WAN, I’d suggest you raise the timeout to three to five seconds and see
how stable that is for your environment. A lot of it will depend on the quality of the
communication between the various nodes in your cluster.
We’ve talked a lot so far about the cluster and the effect of latency on the cluster, but most
of the time we’re going to operate directly with the database, not the cluster. So how does
running in a geo-distributed environment affect the database replication?
The answer is that it generally doesn’t. The database-level replication was designed for
WAN, and there aren’t any hard timeouts like there are at the cluster level. The cluster
needs to know there’s an active leader because, if there isn’t, the node needs to step up and
suggest itself as the next leader. But at the database level, all nodes are equal. Any
disruption in communication between the nodes is handled by merging the data from all
the nodes at a later point in time, resolving any conflicts that may have occurred. This
means that a database group is much easier to deploy in a geo-distributed environment
with high latency; the nodes are fine with delays.
Database instance distribution in the multi-data-center cluster
RavenDB assumes that all nodes in a cluster are roughly equal to one another, and when you create a new
database, it will assign instances of this database to nodes in the cluster, regardless of where they’re located. If
you’re running in a multi-data-center cluster, you probably want to explicitly state which nodes this database will
reside on so you can ensure they’re properly divided between the different data centers.

Another consideration to take into account is that there’s also the clients. A client running
on the London data center that connects to the Singapore node for all queries is going to
suffer. By default, RavenDB assumes that all nodes are equal, and the cluster will arbitrarily
choose a node in the database topology that the client will typically work with.
In the previous chapter, we talked about load balancing and how we can ask RavenDB to
handle that for us automatically. One of the options available for us there is FastestNode.
This option will make each client determine which node (or nodes) are the fastest, as far as
it’s concerned, and access them according to speed. This mode, in a geo-distributed
configuration, will result in each client talking to the node closest to it. That’s usually the
best deployment option for such an environment because you’re both geo-distributed and
able to access a local instance at LAN speeds.
There’s a potential problem to think about. When your system is composed of parts far
enough apart that it can take hundreds of milliseconds to merely send a packet back and
forth, there is the issue of consistency. If you’re writing a document in one area, it’s not
guaranteed that you’ll see the write in another area. In fact, you’ll always have to wait until
that write has been replicated.
We talked about write assurances and WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges in the
previous chapter, but it’s very relevant here as well. After you make a write with the
FastestNode option, the next session you open might access a different node. In order to
ensure that the next request from the user will be able to read what the user just wrote,
you need to call WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges . Alternatively, if this is a write for
which a short delay in replicating to all other nodes is acceptable, you can skip it and avoid
the need for confirmation across the entire geo-distributed cluster.

Multiple clusters, multiple data centers

A single cluster spread over multiple data centers can be convenient for the operations
team since there’s just one cluster to manage everything. But it can also create headaches.
Using the data from Table 7.2 as an example, if we have two nodes in London and one node
in N. Virginia, our leader will tend to always be based in London. Any outage between the
two data centers will leave the cluster fully functioning in London and unable to complete
anything in N. Virginia (since it can’t reach the other side).
Another problem is that failover between data centers is not something you’ll want to do.
You might want to fail to another data center, but having a web app from the N. Virginia
data center go all the way to the database instance in London imposes a very high latency.
If a page is making just eight database requests, it’s going to take over a second to answer
and render a single page. And that’s just calculating the network round-trip costs. In such
cases, it’s often preferable to send the web traffic directly to the London data center until N.
Virginia’s is fully up again.
In such a scenario, having a single cluster will actually work against us. The problem is that
the client API will automatically failover to any available node, but in this case, we don’t
want that. We can’t tell the client not to failover to nodes in our cluster. That doesn’t make
sense. The appropriate way to handle this is to create separate clusters, one in each data
center. In this manner, each data center’s cluster is independent and manages only its own
nodes. The client API in each data center is configured to point to the nodes in that data
center only.
In this case, because failover stops at the cluster boundary, there will be no failover
between data centers. But we still need to deal with a tough problem. How are we going to
handle sharing the data between the separate clusters?
Sharing data between clusters
A RavenDB cluster is a standalone unit. It manages itself and doesn’t concern itself much
with the outside world. There are situations, however, where you want to have data shared
among multiple clusters. This can happen if you want an offsite replica of all your data or if
you’ve decided to have different clusters in each data center rather than a single cross-
data-center cluster.
A replica isn’t a backup
It’s tempting to think that an offsite replica is also going to serve as a backup and neglect to pay careful attention
to the backup/restore portion of your database strategy. That would be a mistake. RavenDB’s external replication
support provides you with an offsite replica, but it doesn’t present good solutions to many backup scenarios. It
doesn’t, for example, protect you from an accidental collection delete or tell you the state of the system at, say,
9:03 AM last Friday.
An offsite replica gives you an offsite live copy of the data, which is quite useful if you need to shift operations to a
secondary data center. But it isn’t going to allow you to skimp on backups. We cover backups (and restoring
databases) in Chapter 17.

Setting up replication between clusters can be done easily because RavenDB makes a
strong distinction between a cluster and database group interactions. In this case, this
allows us to define a replication target that’s not part of the cluster itself. We can do that in
the database by going to Settings, Manage Ongoing Tasks and then adding an External
Replication task. You’ll need to provide the URL and database name for the destination.
Then, save the new replication. If you don’t have an additional cluster to test this on, you
can specify one of your own nodes and create a separate database to replicate to.
Replicating to the same cluster
On the face of it, it seems strange that we can set up an external replication from the cluster back to itself. Why
make it an external replication, then? Well, this can be useful if you want a copy of the data that wouldn’t be a
failover target for the clients. It may be an offsite backup or just a dedicated database that’s set up to do some
kind of job (such as run ETL processes).

Ongoing tasks in general are quite interesting, and we’ll discuss them at length in the next
section. For now, we’ll focus on what the external replication feature means for us. Once
we’ve finished configuring it, the cluster will assign one of the database group nodes to
keep that replica up to date at all times.
It’s important to remember that, at the database level, we treat the replica as just another
destination. The cluster is not managing it. That means that cluster-level behaviors—such
as conflict resolver definition, failing over for the client and index replication—are not
replicated. An external replica is just that: external. You can configure both the source
cluster and the destination replica in the same manner, of course, but there’s nothing that
forces you to do so. In fact, the other common reason to set up an external replica is to have
a different configuration.
A good example of this is when you want to have expensive indexes and only run them on a
particular machine. Maybe you need to run pricey analytics or to do certain work on a
specific location. Using external replication gives you the ability to control the flow of the
data without also dictating how it’s going to be processed.
What would it take to have an offsite replica for our cluster? It’s quite easy. In the studio, go
into Settings, then to Manage ongoing tasks and click Add. Choose External
Replication and fill out the URL and database name, and that’s pretty much it. The cluster
will assign that replication target to one of the database instances in the database group,
and it will immediately start replicating the data to the target.
It’s important to understand that, for all intents and purposes, this is just the same
replication that happens between different nodes in the same cluster. The nodes don’t
know (or care) that this particular replication target isn’t in their cluster. That’s important
to know because it means you can use all the replication features, including waiting for
offsite replication to occur or ensure distributed transaction boundaries, across disparate
geo-distributed clusters.
External replication between two clusters will detect conflicts in editing the same
documents in separate clusters and will resolve those conflicts according to each cluster
conflict resolution policy.65 Figure 7.2 shows the result of a cluster that has defined several
external replications from the cluster, for various purposes.

Several external replication tasks and their responsible nodes

In Figure 7.2, you can also see that the responsible node portion has been emphasized, and
you can see the node tag responsible for keeping each replication target up to date. You can
also see that the cluster has assigned each external replication task to a separate node.66.
External replication - delayed
One of the use cases for External Replication is to have an off site replica of the data. This works quite nicely in
most cases, but it does suffer from an issue. If the problem isn’t that your main cluster died but rather that

65The conflict resolution will then flow to the other cluster as well, so it’s highly
recommended that you have the same policy configuration on both clusters—that is, unless
you have a specific reason not to, such as one-way replication or a meaningful difference in
the tasks that the different clusters perform in your system.
66The cluster will make that determination on its own, and it may not always perfectly
distribute the work among the nodes in this fashion. Overall, however, the work will be
distributed among all the nodes to create a rough equality of work
someone deleted an important document or updated a whole bunch of documents in a funny way, the off site
replica will reflect these changes. In some cases, that is not desirable, since you want to have some gap between
the time the data is modified in the main cluster and when the data is modified in the off site replica.
This can be done by configuring External Replication to add a delay. The replication will not send the data
immediately, rather, it will replicate the data only after some time has passed. For example, you can configure
External Replication to delay for six hours, in which case the off site will be six hours behind the main cluster at all
If something happened to the data in the main cluster, you can go to the offsite cluster and get the data from
before the change. This can be very useful at times, but it doesn’t replace having a backup strategy. This is the kind
of thing that you setup in addition to proper backup procedures, not instead of.

We haven’t discussed it yet, but that’s one of the more important roles of the cluster:
deciding what work goes where.

Ongoing tasks and work distribution

The cluster as we know it so far doesn’t really seem smart. It gives us the ability to
distribute configuration, such as which databases go where, what indexes are defined, etc.
But it doesn’t seem to actually do very much. Well, that’s only because we’ve focused
specifically on the flow of data inside a database group rather than on the flow of work.
What does that mean, to have work assigned to a database group? The simplest example is
the one we just talked about: external replication. If we have three nodes in this database
group, which node will update the external replica? We don’t want to have all three nodes
do that. There’s no real point in doing so, and it can cause unnecessary network traffic.
Instead, the cluster will assign this work to one of the database instances, which will be
responsible for keeping the external replica up to date.
Another example of what it means to have work assigned to a database group is an hourly
incremental backup of your data, as well as a full backup on a weekly basis. You don’t want
to have this backup run on all three nodes at the same time. Beside the fact that this will
increase the load on the system across the board, we don’t really have any use for triplicate
backups of the same data. This is where the work assignment portion of the cluster comes
into play.
Whenever there’s a task for a database group to do, the cluster will decide which node will
actually be responsible for it. That seems pretty simple, but there’s a bit more to the story.
Assigning work is easy, but the cluster is also watching the nodes and checking how healthy
they are. If a node is down, the cluster will reassign the work to another node for the
Take the case of a backup, for instance. If the responsible node is down during the
scheduled time, another will shoulder the load and make sure you don’t have any gaps in
your backups. In the case of external replication, another node will transparently take over
keeping the external replica up to date with all the changes that happened in the database
Another type of work in the cluster—one we’ve already talked about in this book—is
subscriptions. The cluster will divide all the subscriptions between the various nodes in the
database group and reassign them on failure without your code needing to change anything
(or typically even being aware of the failure). Other types of work that we can define for the
database group include ETL processes, which are covered in the next chapter.
A fun way to experiment with this is to create some work in your cluster (a few external
replications or subscriptions would do just fine) and then close one of the nodes. You’ll be
able to see the cluster recognize the failed node and move work around to the surviving
ones. A test you can run, which will give you a taste of RavenDB’s failover capabilities, is to
have a client writing to the database and a subscription open when you close the node.
(Make sure to close the node that the subscription is assigned to.) You shouldn’t notice
anything happening from the outside. Both subscription and client will silently move to
another node, and everything will just work. You can monitor all of the work in the
database group from the Ongoing Tasks page as you run this experiment.
But you aren’t the only one watching the state of the cluster. There’s another entity in play
here. That entity is the supervisor, and it’s what’s responsible for making all those separate
pieces cooperate seamlessly in the face of error conditions.

The ever-watching supervisor

The cluster is continuously measuring the health of each of its nodes, using a component
known as the supervisor.67 The supervisor will detect any errors in the cluster, react to a
failed node by reassigning work and, in general, keep everything running.
This is important enough to mention here and not in the operations portion of the book
because the supervisor also gives you a wealth of information about the state of the
different nodes, as well as the database instances that are running on them. In addition to
reassigning work to surviving nodes, it’s also responsible for a very important role: the
promotion and demotion of database instances.
Given that RavenDB is a distributed database and not a military organization, what does
that mean, “promotions and demotions”? Consider the case of a database group that has
two database instances. We want to increase the number of replicas, so we add a new node
to the database group. The process is fairly easy. All we need to do is to click Manage group
in the studio and add the new node.
On large databases, the process of adding a new replica can take a while. During that
process, the newly added node isn’t really part of the group. It can’t take over work in the
group (we certainly don’t want its backup until it’s completely caught up, for example), and
we don’t want to fail clients over to it (since it doesn’t have the full data yet). Because of
this, when you add a new node to a database group, it isn’t added as a full-fledged member.
Instead, it’s added as a promotable instance.

67 I always imagine it in bright neon green tights and a cape, flying around and spouting
cliches as it keeps everything in order.
But what does “promotable” mean? It means it can’t be assigned work for the database
group—that it can’t be failed over to. In fact, it is work for the database group since one of
the full members will have to start pushing data into this new node until it’s fully up to
date. This goes on until the supervisor can confirm that the new node is caught up with the
state of the database group and that it’s finished indexing all the data we sent to it. At this
point, the supervisor will promote the node into a full member in the database group, work
will be assigned to it and clients will consider it a failover target.
That works when we’re talking about new nodes, but what happens when we have an
existing node fail? If a member node fails, we don’t want to go back into the usual rotation
as soon as it recovers. We want it to pull all the changes that happened in the meantime
from the other members in the database group. Because of that, the supervisor can send a
node to “rehab.”
A node in rehab isn’t a full member of the cluster. It behaves exactly like a promotable
node, for the most part. Like a promotable node, one of the other members in the database
group will connect to it and update the recovered node until it’s fully up to date, at which
point the supervisor will promote it to full member again.
The only important distinction between a rehab node and a promotable node is what
happens when all the members in a database group are down. This is only relevant in
pathological cascading failure scenarios. Consider a cluster of three nodes with a database
residing on nodes A and B. First, we have node B failing for some reason. (Perhaps the
operations team took it down to apply patches.) The supervisor will detect that and move
node B to the rehab group. Node A will assume all duties that were previously assigned to
node B. You can see this in Figure 7.3; the red R icon for node B indicates that it is in rehab
Database topology graph for a database in partial failure mode
When node B comes back up, node A will send it all the updates it missed. However, we’re
in somewhat of a pickle if node A is also failing at this point (the operations team is now
rebooting that node, without giving it time to get node B fully up to date). On the one hand,
we don’t have any working members to failover to. On the other hand, node B is
functioning, even though it’s currently in rehab.
At this point, when there are no more active members in the database group, the
supervisor will rehabilitate an active node from the rehab group and mark it as a full
member in the database group, restoring functionality to that database. This isn’t ideal, of
course, because it might be missing writes that happened to node A and haven’t been
replicated yet, but it’s better than losing access to the database completely.
Keep calm and serve requests
You might have noticed that the scenario requiring us to rehabilitate a node in rehab is most easily explained via
an operator error. Though rare, such things happen on a fairly regular basis. About a quarter of production
failures68 are the result of human error.

One of the primary goals of RavenDB is that the database should always be up and responding. That means we do
automatic failover on the client and will always accept writes as long as there’s a single node functioning. The idea
is that we want to free the operations team from routine tasks that can be handled automatically. For the same
reason, RavenDB utilizes the supervisor to automatically and transparently handle failures for you. Having taken
that role upon ourselves, we strive to make as complete a job of it as possible.
Features such as sending nodes to rehab and rehabilitating nodes are part of that. They’re there to handle rare
edge cases in production and to avoid getting into situations where a temporary failure becomes a permanent one.
That said, the operations team has a critical role in keeping RavenDB running. The supervisor can only do what it
was told to do, and there are too many variables in real production systems to account for them all. The design of
RavenDB takes that into account and allows you to override the supervisor decisions to fit your needs.

The clients are also aware of the nodes in rehab, and if they’re unable to talk to any of the
members, they’ll try to talk to the nodes in rehab as a last-ditch effort before returning an
error to the caller. A major reason we run this logic on both the clients and the supervisor
is that this allows us to respond to errors in a distributed fashion in realtime. And this is
without having to wait for the supervisor to find the failure and propagate the information
about it throughout the cluster and the clients.
Using demotions and promotions as needed, the supervisor is able to communicate to
clients (and the rest of the cluster) that are the preferred nodes for a particular database
group. Note that a failure doesn’t have to be just a down node. Something as simple as
running out of disk space can also cause a database on a node to fail and be sent to rehab
until that situation is fixed.
The supervisor is always running on the leader node, and it operates at the cluster level. In
other words, it requires consensus to operate. This protects us from a rogue supervisor
deciding that all nodes are unresponsive and taking them down. But as long as it has the
majority of the clusters’ votes, the supervisor is the authority on who’s up or down in the
cluster. Clients will avoid talking to nodes the supervisor can’t talk to, even if they can
reach them.

Ensuring a minimum number of replicas

When you create a database, you also specify the number of replicas for that database. This
is used by the cluster to decide how many database instances it should create for this
database group. One of the roles of the supervisor is to make sure that this value is
maintained over time. What do I mean by this?
Well, consider a three-node cluster and a database that was created with a replication
factor of two. The cluster assigned this database to nodes A and B. After a while, the
supervisor notices that node B is down. It moves the node to the rehab program and hopes
that it will recover. However, if it is down for too long (the default value is 15 minutes), the
supervisor will decide that it can’t assume that node B will come up any time soon and it
will need to take action to ensure we have enough replicas for the data in the database.
At this point, the supervisor will create another database instance on another node (C, in
this case) and add it to the database group as promotable. At that point, the database group
will look like Figure 7.4.
Database topology when the supervisor adds another node to a database group on the fly.
One of the nodes in the database group is a member in full health. This is node A, shown in
green in Figure 7.4. We have node B in red in rehab, and we have the new node C, shown as
yellow P, that was added as promotable. At this point, we have a race between node B and
node C. Node C is getting all the data from the other members in the database group and
becoming a full member. Meanwhile, node B is recovering and getting up to speed with all
the changes it missed.
Either way, one of them will cross the finish line first, and we’ll have three full replicas of
the data in the database. At that point, the supervisor will delete the extra copy that’s now
no longer needed. Figure 7.5 shows how the database topology will look if node C has
managed to catch up completely while node B wasn’t responsive.
Database topology with two healthy replica and a failed node B that will soon be deleted.
If node B is down for long enough, it will no longer be a part of the database group topology
when it’s back up, and the cluster will tell it to delete the copy it currently holds. This is the
situation that is shown in Figure 7.5. You can also see in both Figure 7.4 and Figure 7.5 that
the cluster has ensured that work assigned to the database (the ETL task and the backup) is
distributed to working nodes.
On the other hand, if node B recovers in time and catches up to the rest of the members
before node C is ready, the supervisor will promote node B to being a database group
member again. The supervisor will then let node C know it needs to delete the now-
extraneous copy.
Rebalancing of data after recovery is in the hands of the admin
In the scenario outlined above, if node B was down long enough that we removed the database from it and moved
it to node C, what would happen when node B recovers? At that point, all of its databases have been redistributed
in the cluster, and it’s effectively an empty node. RavenDB will not start moving databases back to node B on its
own and will instead require the operations team to instruct it to do so. Why is that?
The supervisor has acted to ensure that the number of replicas for a database is maintained, which is why we allow
it to just create a new replica on the fly and move the database instance between nodes. However, we don’t know
what the state of node B is at this point. It may fail again. Even if it’s here to stay, the act of moving a database
between nodes can be pretty expensive.
It requires a lot of disk and network I/O, and that isn’t something that we want to just do on the fly. We only do
that automatically to ensure we keep the minimum number of copies required. Once the incident is over, restoring
the state is in the hands of the operations team, which can move the database between the nodes according to
their own schedule.

The logic behind the supervisor behavior is that a node is allowed to fail for a short amount
of time (network partition, reboot for patching, etc.). But if it’s gone for a long time, we
need to assume it won’t be coming back up, and we need to take action. It’s important to
take this behavior into account during maintenance. You need to let the supervisor know
that it shouldn’t take action and get in the way of the actual operator, who is handling
The supervisor’s decisions can have a serious impact. For that reason, big decisions, such as
moving a database between nodes, will generate an alert for the operations team to review.
Those alerts can be reviewed in the Notifications Center.

We started this chapter by talking about how we can grow our RavenDB cluster. We
learned that, after a certain size, it doesn’t make sense to add more members to a cluster.
We should add watchers instead. Those are non-voting nodes in the cluster that are still
fully managed by it. The advantage is that we have a single cluster and only a single thing to
manage, but we don’t suffer from large majorities and the latencies they can incur.
From a single large cluster, we looked at what it would take to work with RavenDB with a
geo-distributed environment. We looked at the implications of that and the pros and cons
of having a single cluster span multiple geo-distributed data centers or having a separate
cluster per data center. If we have separate clusters, we need to share data between them,
and external replication is the answer to that. External replication allows you to tie
separate clusters together by replicating all changes to another database, not necessarily
on the same cluster.
This is a good option for offsite replicas and to tie separate clusters together, but it also
demarcates a clear line between the database instances that are in the same group and an
external replication target. Database instances in the same group share work assignments
between them, clients can failover from one instance to another in the same group
transparently, etc. With external replication, the only thing that happens is that data
flowing to the replication target isn’t considered to be a part of the database group at all.
We looked into the kind of work you can assign to databases, such as backups and
subscriptions or filling up promotables or in rehab nodes to allow them to catch up to the
rest of the nodes in the cluster. The supervisor is responsible for assigning the work, and it
can reassign work if a node failed.
The supervisor has a critical role in ensuring the proper functioning of a RavenDB cluster.
In addition to monitoring the health of the cluster, it’s also capable of taking action if there
are problems. A failed node will be moved to rehab until it’s feeling better, and a node that’s
down for too long will be automatically replaced by the supervisor.
This was anything but a trivial chapter. I tried to focus on the high-level concepts more
than the nitty-gritty details. The purpose of this chapter is to get you to understand how
RavenDB operates in a distributed environment. It isn’t about how to actually run it in such
an environment. That’s handled in the “Production Deployments” chapter.
Beyond just setting up a cluster, you also need to know how to monitor and manage your
systems. That’s covered in Chapter 16, which is dedicated to that topic. We’ll also talk a bit
more about the implementation details that I intentionally skipped here. Your operations
team needs to understand what’s going on, exactly. This chapter was about the overall
In the next chapter, we’ll talk about how we can integrate with other systems in your
organization, and we’ll introduce the concept of ETL69, which allows RavenDB to write data
to external sources automatically.

Sharing Data and Making Friends with ETL

While talking about distributed work with RavenDB so far, we’ve focused primarily on the
work that RavenDB is doing to replicate data between different nodes in the same cluster,
either as part of the same database group or between different databases in potentially
different clusters. This mode of operation is simple because you just set up the replication
and RavenDB takes care of everything else. But there are other modes for distributing data
in your systems.
Replication assumes that you have another RavenDB instance and that you want to
replicate everything to it. When replicating information, that’s what you want, but we also
need to share a part of the data. ETL70 is the process by which we take data that resides in
RavenDB and push it to an external source, potentially transforming it along the way. That
external source can be another RavenDB instance or a relational database.
Consider a microservice architecture and a “customer benefits service.” This service
decides what kind of benefits the customer has. It can be anything from free shipping to a
discount on every third jug of milk. And the logic can be as simple as “this customer is in
our membership club” and as complex as trying to compute airline miles. Regardless of
how the customer benefits service works, it need to let other parts of the system know

69 Extract, transform, load

70 Extract, transform, load
about the benefits that this customer has. The shipping service, the help desk service and
many others need to have that information.
At the same time, we really don’t want them to poke around in the customer benefits
database (or worse, have a shared database for everything).71 We could design an API
between the systems, but then the shipping service would be dependent on the customer
benefits service always being up. A better solution is to define an ETL process between the
two services and have the customer benefits service publish updates for the shipping
service to consume. Those updates are part of the public contract of those services, mind
you. You shouldn’t just copy the data between the databases.
Another example is the reporting database. RavenDB is a wonderful database for OLTP
scenarios, but for reporting, your organization likely already has a solution. There’s little
need to replace that. But you can’t just dump the data from RavenDB directly into a
relational database and expect things to work. We need to transform the data as we send it
to match the relational model.
For all of those needs, RavenDB has the notion of ETL processes. RavenDB has built in ETL
to another RavenDB instance and to a relational database (such as MS SQL Server, Postgres,
Oracle, MySQL, etc.). Because RavenDB has native relational ETL, brownfield systems will
typically start using RavenDB by replacing a single component at a time. RavenDB is used
to speed up the behavior of high value targets, but instead of replacing the whole system,
we use ETL processes to write the data to the existing relational database. We’ll cover that
later in this chapter, discussing the deployment of RavenDB as a write-behind cache.
In most cases, the rest of the system doesn’t even need to know that some parts are using
RavenDB. This is using RavenDB as the write-behind cache. Some part of your application
reads and writes to RavenDB directly, and RavenDB will make sure to update the relational
system. We’ll start by talking about ETL processes between RavenDB instances because we
explore the whole ETL process without introducing another database instance.

ETL processes to another RavenDB instance

Any nontrivial system is going to have at least a few ETL processes, and RavenDB has a
good way to handle those. The simplest ETL process between two RavenDB nodes is when
we tell RavenDB we want to send just a single collection to the other side. We first need to
configure the connection string we’ll use. Because RavenDB ETL works between clusters,
we may need to define multiple URLs, and it’s easier to put it all in a single location.
Go to Settings and then to Connection Strings and create a new RavenDB connection
string. The easiest way to do this is to create a new database in your cluster and set up the
connection string to it. As you can see in Listing 8.1, I’ve defined a connection string to the
helpdesk database in the live test instance.

71Doing so is a great way to ensure that you’ll have all the costs of a microservice
architecture with none of the benefits.
Defining a connection string to another RavenDB instance.
With the connection string defined, we can now go ahead and build the actual ETL process
to the remote instance. Go to Settings and then to Manage Ongoing Tasks. Click the Add
Task button and then select RavenDB ETL. You can see how this looks in Figure 8.2. Give it a
name and select the previously defined connection string.
What about security?
We’ll cover security in depth in Chapter 13, but given that we’ve shown a connection string, I wanted to address a
not-so-minor issue that you probably noticed. We don’t have a place here to define credentials. This is because
we’re talking to another RavenDB server, and for that we use x509 certificates.
In practice, this means that inside the same cluster, ETL processes don’t need any special configuration. (Nodes
within the same cluster already trust one another.) Outside the cluster, you’ll need to register the cluster’s
certificate with the remote cluster to allow the ETL process to work. You can read the full details of that in the
security chapter.
Defining an ETL process to another RavenDB instance
Now we need to let RavenDB know what will be ETL’ed to the other side. We do that by
defining scripts that control the ETL process. Click Add New Script and give it a name,
such as “Employees to Helpdesk.” Then select the employees collection below, click on Add
Collection and then on Save. The result should look like Figure 8.3.

Defining a simple “copy the whole collection” ETL script

Because we didn’t specify anything in the ETL script, RavenDB will just copy the entire
collection as is to the other side. That’s useful on its own because it allows us to share a
single collection (or a few collections) with other parties with very little work.
ETL is a database task, with bidirectional failover
In the previous chapter, we learned about database tasks and how the cluster will distribute such work among the
different database instances. If a node fails, then the ETL task responsibility will be assigned to another node.
Take note that in cases where we replicate to another RavenDB instance, we also have failover on the receiving
end. Instead of specifying a single URL, we can specify all the nodes in the cluster. If one of the destination nodes is
down, RavenDB will just run the ETL process against another node in the database group topology.

It’s very important to remember that ETL is quite different from replication. When a
RavenDB node performs ETL to another node, it’s not replicating the data—it’s writing it. In
other words, there are no conflicts and thus no attempts to handle conflicts. Instead, we’ll
always overwrite whatever exists on the other side. As far as the destination node is
concerned, the ETL process is just another client writing data to the database. That’s done
because the data is not the same. This is important because of a concept we haven’t touched
on so far: data ownership.
Data ownership in distributed systems
One of the key differences between a centralized system and a distributed system is that, in a distributed
environment, different parts of the system can act on their local information without coordination from other
parts of the system. In a centralized system, you can take a lock or use transactions to ensure consistency. But in a
distributed system, that’s not possible, or it’s prohibitively expensive to do so. Because of this limitation, the
concept of data ownership is very important.
Ideally, you want every piece of data to have a single well-defined owner and to only mutate that data through
that owner. This allows you to put all the validation and business roles in a single place and ensure overall
consistency. Everything else in the system will get updates to that data through its owner.
A database group, for example, needs to handle the issue of data ownership. Conceptually, it’s the database group
as a whole that owns the data stored in the document. However, different database instances can mutate the
data. RavenDB handles that using change vectors and conflict detection and resolution. That solution works for
replication inside the database group, because all nodes in the group share ownership of the data. But it doesn’t
work for ETL.
The ETL source is the owner of the data, and it distributes updates to interested parties. Given that it’s the owner,
it’s expected that the ETL source can just update it to the latest version it has. That means if you made any
modifications to the ETL’ed data, they would be lost. Instead of modifying the ETL’ed data directly, you should
create a companion document that you own. In other words, for ETL’ed data, the rule is that you can look but not
An example of such a companion document is when you have ETL for help desk system users. The users/123-B
document is owned by the users’ database, and the help desk system will store all the information it needs about
the user in the users/123-B/helpdesk document, ensuring there’s no contention over the ownership of

So far, we’ve only done ETL at the collection level, but we can also modify the data as it’s
going out. Let’s see how we can do that—and why we’d want to.
ETL Scripts
Sometimes you don’t want to send full documents through the ETL process. Sometimes you
want to filter them or modify their shape. This matters, since ETL processes compose a part
of your public interface. Instead of just sending your documents to a remote destination
willy nilly, you’ll typically only send data you’re interested in sharing, and in a well-defined
Consider the employees we sent over the wire. We sent them as is, potentially exposing our
own internal document structure and making it harder to modify in the future. Let’s create
a new ETL process that will send just the relevant details and add a script for sending
redacted employee information over the wire. You can see what this looks like in Figure

Using ETL with a script to redact the results

When we’re using an ETL script to modify what’s sent, it’s essential to take into account
that RavenDB will send only what we told it to. This seems obvious, but it can catch people
unaware. If you don’t have a script, the data sent to the other side will include attachments
and go to the same collection as the source data.
However, when you provide your own script, you need to take responsibility for this
yourself. Listing 8.1 shows a slightly more complex example.
var managerName = null;
if (this.ReportsTo !== null)
var manager = load(this.ReportsTo);
managerName = manager.FirstName + " " + manager.LastName;

Name: this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName,
Title: this.Title,
BornOn: new Date(this.Birthday).getFullYear(),
Manager: managerName

The script in Listing 8.1 will send the employees, their title, their birth year and their
manager over to the other side. You can see that the script is actually full-blown JavaScript
and allows you complete freedom as to how you extract the data to load into the remote
server. A word of caution is required about using functions such as load in this context,
though. While this will work just fine, the referencing document will not be updated if the
referenced document has been updated. In other words, if the manager’s name has been
updated, it will not trigger an update to the employees that report to this manager.
A good solution is to limit yourself to just the data from that particular document. That
makes it easy to ensure that whenever the document is changed, the ETL process will
reflect that change completely on the other side.
Resetting the ETL process after update
It’s common to test out the ETL process as you develop it, but by default, updates to the ETL script will not be
applied to documents that were already sent. You can use the “Apply script to documents from beginning of time”
option during the script update, as shown in Figure 8.5, to let RavenDB know that it needs to start the ETL process
for this script from scratch, rather than apply the update only to new or updated documents.

Resetting the ETL process after a script update

This is done to avoid an expensive reset that would force RavenDB to send all the data all over again for a minor

Looking on the other side, you’ll be able to see the replicated document, as shown in Listing
"BornOn": 1966,
"Manager": "Steven Buchanan",
"Name": "Anne Dodsworth",
"Title": "Sales Representative",
"@metadata": {
"@collection": "Employees",
"@change-vector": "A:84-4Xmt8lVCrkiCDii/CfyaWQ",
"@id": "employees/9-A",
"@last-modified": "2017-12-04T12:02:53.8561852Z"

There are a few interesting things in the document in Figure 8.2. First, we can see that it
has only a single change vector entry (for the destination database). Also, the last modified
date is when it was written to the destination, not when it updated on the source.
Multiple documents from a single document
Another interesting ETL example is when we want to push multiple values out of a single
document, as shown in Listing 8.3.
Name: this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName,
Title: this.Title,
BornOn: new Date(this.Birthday).getFullYear(),

City: this.Address.City,
Country: this.Address.Country,
Address: this.Address.Line1

The results of the script in Listing 8.3 can be seen in Figure 8.6. You can see that the
Employees documents were sent, but they’re also the addresses documents. For those, we
use the prefix of the source document to be able to identify them after the fact.
Multiple outputs from a single source document on the destination
An important consideration for sending multiple documents from a single source document
is that on every update to the source document, all the documents created from this one
are refreshed. You don’t have control over the IDs being generated and shouldn’t assume
that they’re fixed.
Attachments and Revisions with RavenDB ETL
Attachments are sent automatically over the wire when you send a full collection to the destination. However,
revisions are not sent automatically. If you do use a script, there’s currently no way to indicate that attachments
should also be sent. This feature is planned, but it wasn’t completed in time for the 4.0 RTM release. In the same
vein, another upcoming feature is support for ETL processes on top of the revision data, similar to how it’s possible
to use subscriptions with the current and previous versions of the document.

Use cases for ETL between RavenDB instances

When you have a complex system, composed of more than a single application, it’s
considered bad form to just go peek inside another application’s database. Such behavior
leads to sharing way too much between the applications and will require constant
coordination between them as you develop and deploy them. A boundary between
applications is required to avoid such issues.
Shared Database Integration Anti-Pattern
This kind of behavior is called the shared database integration and is considered to be an anti-pattern. For more
information on why you should avoid such a system, I refer you to Martin Fowler’s post on the matter and in
particular to the summary, “most software architects that I respect take the view that integration databases
should be avoided.”
One way to create such a boundary is to mandate that any time an application needs some
data from another application, it will ask that application. In concrete terms, whenever the
help desk system needs to look up a user, it will go to the user’s application and ask it to get
that user’s data. This is often referred to as a service boundary.
The problem with such a system is that many interactions inside a particular service
require information owned by another service. Any support ticket opened by a user will
require a call from the help desk service to the user management service for details and
updates. As you can imagine, such a system still requires a lot of work. In particular, even
though we have a clear boundary between the services and the division of responsibility
between them, there’s still a strong temporal coupling between them.
Taking down the user management service for maintenance will require taking down
everything else that needs to call to it. A better alternative in this case is to not rely on
making remote calls to a separate service but to pull the data directly from our own
database. This way, if the user management service is down, it doesn’t impact operations
for the help desk service.
Note a key difference here between this type of architecture and the shared database
model. You don’t have a single shared database. Instead, the help desk database contains a
section that’s updated by the user management service. In this manner, the ownership of
the data is retained by the user management service, but the responsibility for maintaining
it and keeping it up is that of the help desk service.
If the user management service is taken down for maintenance, it has no impact on the help
desk service, which can continue with all operations normally. The design of the ETL
processes in RavenDB is meant to allow such a system to be deployed and operated with a
minimum of hassle. That’s also partly why the ownership rules and responsibility for
changes is built the way it is.
ETL is explicitly about sending data you own to a third party that’s interested in it but
doesn’t own it. As such, any change you make will, by necessity, overwrite any local
changes in the destination. If you’re interested in a shared ownership model, ETL is not the
method you should use. Rather, you should choose external replication, discussed in the
previous chapter.

Modeling concerns for ETL processes

An important aspect of using ETL processes in a multi-service environment is the fact that
the ETL process itself is part of the service contract that needs to be deployed, versioned
and managed as such. In particular, the format of the documents that are sent via the ETL
process compose part of the public interface of the service. Because of this, you should
think carefully about the shape of the data you expose and the versioning considerations
around that.
Listing 8.1 is a good example of exposing just enough information to be useful to the other
side without leaking implementation details or other aspects that may change over time.
The ETL process design accommodates for the fact that you may have different processes
and different outputs for different destinations. In this way, you may collaborate with
another service to update your contract while maintaining the same behavior for all others.
Another option is to only allow additive changes; adding a property would be fine but
removing one wouldn’t. That usually works, but unfortunately Hyrum’s Law applies. Even
such innocuous changes can break a third-party application.

Controlled exposure of data via ETL

Beyond using ETL for disseminating documents between services, there are a few other
scenarios in which it can be useful. A typical usage scenario for ETL is sending data from
production (after redacting any sensitive information) to UAT or CI instances, allowing you
to test realistic data sizes—and with real-world data.
Sending redacted data from production to UAT is just one application of a larger concept:
controlling the degree to which you expose data to outside parties. We’ll discuss
authorization in detail in Chapter 13, but for now, know that RavenDB allows you to define
permissions at the database level.
Sometimes, you need to apply such permissions on a per-collection or a per-document
level. In some cases, it’s per field or even dependent on the exact data in the document to
control who sees the data. The ETL process in RavenDB offers a nice way to manage that
using the customization scripts. You can select exactly which collections you want to send,
and you’re free to decide what data to send and what data to hold back.
The target database in this case will usually be another database in the same cluster, which
you’ll allow access to based on your own internal policies. This gives the operations team a
lot of freedom in designing and implementing data exposure processes and policies.

Case study: ETL usage in point-of-sales systems

Another ETL usage example is data aggregation. One use case we’ve seen many times is the
embedding of RavenDB inside a larger application. In this manner, each instance of the
application also has its own instance of RavenDB. Consider a point-of-sales system in a
supermarket, running its own copy of the store management application and talking
directly to its own local database.
In such a case, we want to send some of the information we have (the new sales generated
on that particular POS system) to the central server. At the same time, we have the central
server send updates to each of the POS systems with new prices, products, etc. However,
there’s no need to send all the data back to the server or to have each POS system contain
all the sales across the system. Figure 8.7 shows the data flow between the various
components of the system in such a scenario.
Data flow diagram for a POS system with replication and ETL processes.
The central server in the store will send updates using external replication to all the POS
machines. In turn, whenever there’s a new sale, the POS will use an ETL process to update
the central server in the store, telling it about the new sales that were rung up on the
machine. You can also imagine the same architecture writ large when you zoom out, with
the central server of the supermarket chain updating each store in turn and aggregating all
the sales across its stores.

Failover and recovery with ETL in distributed systems

The ETL feature in RavenDB, like any other feature, was designed with the knowledge that
networks fail, have outages and can slow you down. In general, networks are not something
that you can rely on. The ETL process was designed to be like the replication process in that
it’s resilient in the face of such issues.
In the worst case scenario, when the ETL process has no way to communicate with the
other side, it will wait until the destination is reachable again and proceed from where it
left off. In other words, it’s a fully offline, async process. If the other side is not responding
for any reason, we’ll catch up when we can.
That is the worst case, but we can usually do better. An ETL process is an ongoing task in
the cluster, and that’s key. It means that while the task is assigned to a single node, it’s the
responsibility of the cluster as a whole. If the node that was assigned to the ETL process is
down for whatever reason, the cluster will move the task assignment72 to another node,
and the ETL process will proceed from there.
Being robust on just the sender side is all well and good, but we’re also robust on the
receiving end. Part of defining the RavenDB connection string in Figure 8.1 was to add the
URL of the destination. In this case, we have just one server. But if we have a cluster on the
other side, we can list all the nodes in the cluster, and RavenDB will ensure that even if a
node goes down on the other end, the ETL process will proceed smoothly.

Sending data to a relational database

In addition to supporting ETL processes to another RavenDB instance, there’s also support
for the ETL process to relational databases (Microsoft SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL,
etc.). The idea here is that RavenDB holds the master copy of the data and wants to send
the data to a relational database. This is desirable for many reasons.
You probably already have a reporting infrastructure in your organization. Instead of
having to build one from scratch for use with your data inside of RavenDB, you can just let
RavenDB schlep all that data to a relational database and use your pre-existing
infrastructure. It’s also common to use this feature during migrations from a relational
database to RavenDB. Instead of trying to do it in a big bang sort of way, you’ll slowly move
features away from the relational database; but you’ll use the ETL feature in RavenDB to
make sure that the rest of the system is not actually aware that anything has changed.
Finally, a really interesting deployment model for RavenDB is as a write-behind cache.
Because of RavenDB’s speed and the different model, it’s often much faster than a relational
database for many types of queries. That makes it ideal for the kind of user-facing pages
that need speedy reactions. Instead of moving the entire application to RavenDB, you can
move just the few pages that have the most impact for users.
In many cases, you can use RavenDB in this manner as a read-only cache, albeit one that’s
much smarter than the usual cache and has excellent querying capabilities. But it often
makes sense to use RavenDB for writes as well, if the scenario demands it. And in this case,
you’ll write directly to RavenDB and let RavenDB write to the relational database behind
the scenes. That can be very helpful if your relational database is struggling under the load
since a large portion of it will now be handled by RavenDB instead.
The impedance mismatch strikes back
Translating between the document model and the relational model isn’t trivial. Let’s use the sample data as an
example. We have the notion of an Order document, which contains an array of Lines. However, there’s no
good way to represent such an entity in a single table in the relational model. In order to bridge the gap in the
models, we can use the ETL script to transform the data. Instead of sending it to a single table, we’ll send the data
from a single document to multiple tables.
The concept of data ownership can also complicate things. As with RavenDB ETL, we need to be the owners of the
data. In particular, the way that RavenDB implements updates to the data is via DELETE and INSERT calls, not

72 Assuming that your license allows dynamic task distribution, that is.
via an UPDATE. This is because we don’t know the current state in the relational data, and we need to make sure
we have a clean slate for each write.
That means you need to modify your foreign keys on the destination tables because they may be violated
temporarily during the ETL operation until RavenDB makes it all whole again. If you’re using Oracle or PostgreSQL,
you can set such constraints as deferrable so they’ll be checked only on commit. If you’re using a database
that doesn’t support this feature (such as Microsoft SQL), you’ll likely need to forgo foreign key constraints for the
tables that RavenDB is writing to.

We’ll start with a simple ETL process for Employees as a way to explore the SQL ETL
feature. Before we can start, we need to have created data in Microsoft SQL with the
appropriate table. You can see the table creation script in Listing 8.4.

Once you have created this table in the relational database, go into the RavenDB
management studio, then to Settings and then to Connection Strings. Create a new SQL
connection string, as shown in Figure 8.8. You’ll need to provide your own connection
string. Note that you can test that the connection string is valid directly from the studio.

Creating a new SQL connection string

Note the identity issue
In Figure 8.8, you can see a SQL connection string that uses Integrated Security=true . This is possible
because the user that RavenDB is running under has permissions for the database in question. In this case, it’s
running as if it were in debug mode under my own user. In production, RavenDB will often run as a service
account, and you’ll either need the operations team to allow the service account access to the relational database
or use a username and password to authenticate.
You can now go to Settings and then Manage Ongoing Tasks. Click Add Task and select
SQL ETL. You can name the ETL process and select the appropriate connection string to use
here. Before we can really start, we need to let RavenDB know which tables are going to be
used in the ETL process and what column in the destination table is going to be used as the
document ID column. Note that this doesn’t have to be the primary key of the table in
question. It just needs to be a column RavenDB can use to place its document ID in. You can
see such a configuration in Figure 8.9.

Specifying a table to be used in the ETL process

Select the Employees collection on the transformation script on the right and use the script
from Listing 8.5.
Name: this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName,
Birthday: this.Birthday

Click Add on the transformation script and then Save for the ETL process and head into
your SQL database to inspect the results. You can see the output of select * from
Employees in Figure 8.10.

Result of SQL ETL script on the relational database side

You can now play with the data, modifying and creating employees as you wish. RavenDB
will make updates to the relational database whenever a document is changed. This is done
in an async and resilient manner. If the relational database is slow or not responding for
any reason, it won’t impact operations for RavenDB and we’ll retry the ETL operation until
we’re successful.

Multi-table SQL ETL processes

The example in Listing 8.5 is pretty simple. We have a one-to-one match between the
documents and the rows that represent them. We did have a bit of fun with the
concatenation of the first and last name into a single field, but nothing really interesting
was going on there. Let’s tackle a more complex problem: sending the Orders documents to
the relational database.
Here, we can’t just rely on one-to-one mapping between a document and a row. An Order
document can contain any number of lines, and we need to faithfully represent that in the
SQL destination. We’ll start by first defining the tables that we need on the receiving end, as
shown in Listing 8.6.
Company NVARCHAR(50) NOT NuLL,



Once we’ve created the tables in Listing 8.6, we can proceed to actually define the ETL
process for orders. First, we need to add the new tables, as you can see in Figure 8.11.

Adding additional tables to the SQL ETL process

Once we’ve configured the additional tables for the ETL process, we can get started on
sending the data over. We need to let RavenDB know both that we’re going to be using
these two tables and that it needs to send multiple values to the OrderLines table. This
turns out to be easy to do. The reason we need to define the tables upfront for SQL ETL is
that we’re generating matching functions to be called from the script. In the case of the
script to send the Orders to the relational database, these are loadToOrderLines and
loadToOrders, as you can see in Listing 8.7.
var total = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < this.Lines.length; i++) {

var line = this.Lines[i];
total += line.PricePerUnit * line.Quantity * (1 - line.Discount);
Quantity: line.Quantity,
Product: line.Product,
Price: line.PricePerUnit

Company: this.Company,
OrderedAt: this.OrderedAt,
ShipToCountry: this.ShipTo.Country,
Total: total,

The script in Listing 8.7 iterates over the Lines in the order, telling RavenDB that we need
to send the object to that table as well as compute a running total of the order. Lastly, it
calls to loadToOrders with the final tally for the Orders table. Only when the script
completes will RavenDB actually call into the relational database and update it.
You might have noticed in Listing 8.7 and Listing 8.5 that we didn’t specify the OrderId or
DocumentId columns. That’s because we implicitly define those when we set up the tables
that the SQL ETL process will use.

The care and feeding of production-worthy SQL ETL processes

With RavenDB ETL, there isn’t a lot that you need to verify to get things right. But with SQL
ETL, there are a few common pitfalls that you need to be aware of. Probably the most
important one is the notion of indexes. Unlike RavenDB, relational databases usually don’t
learn from experience, and they require you to define indexes explicitly. You should define
indexes on the relevant tables on at least the column used to hold the document ID.
Whenever RavenDB updates a document, it issues a set of DELETE statements for each of
the relevant tables. For example, such a DELETE statement might look like the code in
Listing 8.8.
DELETE FROM OrderLines WHERE OrderId = 'orders/830-A';
DELETE FROM Orders WHERE OrderId = 'orders/830-A';

As you can imagine, such statements are sent frequently during normal operations. That
means that the relational database is going to be doing a lot of queries on the OrderId field
(which is the one RavenDB is using to store the document ID). If the field in question isn’t
indexed, that can cause a lot of table scans, negatively impact the performance of the
relational server and slow down the ETL process.
Append-only systems
Sometimes you have a system that’s built to never delete data—in fact, a regulator might require you to keep all
data. In such cases, you can configure the SQL ETL process to use inserts only. This is configurable on a per-table
basis. And it can also be a performance boost in some cases because we can directly insert the data without first
running a set of DELETE statements to clean up the previous incarnation of the document we’re sending over.

If you look at the tables creation script in Listing 8.6, you’ll note that we explicitly handled
that. In the Orders table, the OrderId field is marked as the primary key (which is clustered
by default on SQL Server). This means that searches on that field are going to be very fast.
With the OrderLines table, the situation is a bit more complex.
Here, we can’t use the OrderId as a primary key because a single order has multiple lines.
We define a throwaway primary key using identity, but we mark it as NONCLUSTERED and
define a clustered indexed on the OrderId. This kind of setup is ideal for the RavenDB ETL
process. All deletes and writes from RavenDB will always use a clustered index, and that
minimizes the amount of operations that the relational database needs to perform.

Errors and troubleshooting

As usual, we can’t close a topic without discussing the error-handling strategy. Just like the
RavenDB ETL process, the SQL ETL process is a task at the cluster level that’s always
assigned to a node. If the node in question fails, the cluster will assign the task to another
node, which will proceed from the same place the previous node stopped at.
There are two more general classes of issues that need addressing, the first of which is
when the relational database cannot be accessed, for whatever reason. If the relational
database is down, too slow to respond or inaccessible, that would halt the entire ETL
process and cause RavenDB to keep retrying the process until we’ve successfully connected
to the relational database.
Handling deletes in ETL
In both RavenDB ETL and SQL ETL, dealing with document changes is actually relatively easy. What’s more complex
is handling deletes. This is because we need to propagate the delete to the other side, but the delete is an absence
of something. So how do we know what isn’t there?
RavenDB needs to deal with this problem in many different forms. It’s relevant for replication between databases
(both inside the same cluster and external replication between clusters), for ETL processes, for indexes and even
for backups. In all cases, this is handled via the tombstone concept. A tombstone is an entry that marks the
absence of a document.
Usually you don’t care about tombstones; they’re an internal implementation detail. For ETL, what you need to
know is that a deletion of a document will trigger the ETL process as usual, and it will remove the matching records
on the destination side.

Another type of error is when we fail to complete the ETL process for a single statement.
For example, in Listing 8.5, we’re sending a Name field that is composed of the FirstName
and LastName of an employee. If the length of the employee’s name in question exceeds 50
characters (as defined in the table creation script in Listing 8.4), we’ll not be able to process
that document. In such a case, when there is an error that pertains only to a particular
document, RavenDB will proceed with the ETL process, rather than halting it entirely.
An alert will be raised and the admin will need to resolve the issue, either by limiting the
size of the name we send or by extending the size of the column on the relational table. The
example of the column length is a simple one and illustrates the issue quite nicely. There is
a non-recoverable error in the document that prevents us from completing the ETL process
for that particular document but doesn’t halt it for others. Other examples include a
violation of not-null constraints and violations of foreign keys.
Because they don’t halt the ETL process, it can be easy to miss the fact that some
documents haven’t been sent over. RavenDB generates an alert when this type of error
occurs. You can see such an error by going to one of the Employees documents and
increasing the size of the FirstName field until it is over 50 characters and saving. RavenDB
will attempt to send the update over but fail, and you’ll get the error shown in Figure 8.12.
Showing ETL errors inside the Studio
The error-handling strategy RavenDB uses in such a scenario is based on the assumption
that as long as we’re making progress, it’s better to alert than to fail completely. But if the
number of errors exceeds a certain threshold, we consider the entire ETL process to be
failing and stop processing it until an admin tells us otherwise. The reasoning behind this
behavior is that we want to ensure proper progress, but we don’t want to limp along, failing
on each and every document that we try to send.

In this chapter, we went over the ETL processes supported by RavenDB. An ETL process
allows you to take the documents residing in RavenDB and send them over to another
location. This can be another RavenDB node or even a relational database. Along the way,
you have the chance to mutate and filter the data, which opens up a lot of avenues for
interesting use cases.
We looked at a few such examples. One was relying on RavenDB ETL to distribute a set of
records to related services so they’ll have their own copy of the data and can access it
without making a cross-service call. In this case, the ETL process is part and parcel of the
service public interface and needs to be treated as such. Another option is to provide
partial views of the data. Access to production-grade data can be given to developers
without allowing them to be exposed to details that should remain private, for example. We
also looked at the reversed example, seeing how we can send data from multiple locations
(the point-of-sales systems) to a central server that will aggregate all that data.
RavenDB also supports automatic ETL processes to a relational database. You can use
scripts to decide how RavenDB will transform the document model into the table model,
including non-trivial logic. This allows you to use RavenDB in a number of interesting ways:
• As an OLTP database while your reports are handled by the ETL target
• As a cache, for both reads and writes, with RavenDB sending updates to the backend
relational database.
• As part of a migration strategy, where you move different segments of your
applications to RavenDB while others continue to operate with no change.
We looked at some of the details of the ETL processes: how they handle failure and
recovery and what kind of response you should expect from them. With ETL processes
between RavenDB instances, you get failover on both the source and destination, with each
cluster able to route the ETL process to the right location even if some of the nodes have
failed. With SQL ETL, a RavenDB node going down will cause the cluster to move the task to
another node, while a problem with the relational database will halt the ETL process until
the remote database is up and running.
RavenDB employs a sophisticated error-handling strategy with regards to errors writing to
relational databases, trying to figure out whether a particular error is transient and
relevant for a single record or should impact the entire ETL process. In the first case, we’ll
alert you about the error and continue forward, while in the latter, after alerting, we’ll stop
the ETL process until an admin has resolved the issue.
We looked into some of the more common options for utilizing ETL processes in your
system, and I tried giving you a taste of the kind of deployments and topologies that are
involved. It’s important to note that this is just to give you some initial ideas. The ETL
features are quite powerful, and they can be used to great effect in your environment. I
encourage you to think about them not just as a feature to be used in the tactical sense but
how they play in the grand architecture of your system.
In the next part of the book, we’re going to start on an exciting topic: queries and indexes in
RavenDB. This has been a long time coming, and I’m almost more excited than you are at
this point.

Querying and Indexing in RavenDB

We are pretty far into this book, but we haven’t yet really talked about one of the most
important aspects of a database: queries. We’ve mentioned queries in passing in previous
chapters, but we’ve been focused on other details.
This is because as important as querying is, getting your data model right and
understanding the distributed nature of RavenDB is of paramount importance for a
successful system. These are often somewhat amorphous topics that are quite hard to
relate to, whereas queries are much easier to talk about, primarily because it is so very easy
to look at a query and then look at its results.
This book is meant to give you an in-depth view of how RavenDB is working, so we’ll start
by actually looking into the query engine and how RavenDB processes queries. We’ll dig
into the query optimizer and index generation process, as well as how queries are handled,
optimized, executed and sent to clients. These details are important if you’re going to make
the most of your queries, so I’m going to go through all them before actually diving into
what you can do with queries in RavenDB.
I suggest at least skimming the next chapter (which talks about the RavenDB query engine)
before heading into the one after (which actually teaches you how to actually query). This
is especially important for those trying to analyze the behavior of RavenDB or find a good
way to handle a specific scenario.
Personally, I consider this kind of discussion fascinating, but I realize that I might be in the
minority here. I expect that most readers will have a lot more fun when we get to actually
running queries. RavenDB has a powerful query language and some unique features
around querying, indexing and managing your data that make it easier to find exactly what
you want and shape it just the right way. MapReduce indexes allow you to perform
aggregation queries with very little cost, regardless of the data size.
Advanced features such as facets allow to slice and dice the data as you show it to the user,
and suggestions allow you to correct the user if they are searching for something that isn’t
quite right. RavenDB also allows you to perform full text queries on the cheap, execute geo
spatial searches and gain fine-grained control over indexed data.
After talking about the query engine, we are going to tackle simple queries using the
RavenDB query language to get you familiarized with the way queries work in RavenDB.
Next, we are going to look into some of the more advanced features, such as full text search
and various querying options.
We are going to discuss how to use RQL for projections and transformation of the data on
the server to select just what you are going to get from the query. This allows you to get
exactly what you need with very little effort, reducing the number of remote operations
you have to make.
Following all of that, we are going to dive directly into how RavenDB indexes data, how you
can gain control over that and when it makes sense to do so. The layered design of
RavenDB also shows itself with indexing and querying; you have several levels you can plug
yourself into, depending on exactly what you need.
Here we’ll also discuss how you can use patching and queries together to update your
documents en masse, migrate between versions and perform operational tasks such as
correcting data or adding new behavior to the system.
We’ll tie it all together with a discussion of how you can use these features in your
application to get the most out of your data. Simply knowing that specific features are
possible isn’t enough; you have to consider what will happen when you start using several
of these features at all the same time, taking you several levels higher in one shot.
This part of the book targets developers using RavenDB and operations teams supporting
RavenDB-based systems, whether from inside your applications or while you are trawling
the data to figure out what’s going on in there.

Querying in RavenDB
Queries in RavenDB use a SQL-like language called “RavenDB Query Language,”73
henceforth known as RQL.74
You’ve already run into the RavenDB Query Language when using subscriptions, even if I
didn’t explicitly call it out as such. Both subscriptions and queries use RQL, although there
are a few differences between the two supported options. The idea with RQL is to directly
expose the inner workings of the RavenDB query pipeline in a way that won’t overwhelm
If you’re interested in a simple listing of query capabilities and how to do certain queries,
head over to the online documentation, where all of that information is found. I find it
incredibly boring to list all that stuff. So instead, we’ll cover the material by examining it in
a way that gives you insight into not only how to query RavenDB but also what RavenDB
actually needs to do to answer the query.
Where is the code?

73 Aren’t you surprised?

74 Pronounced “Rachel,” like my wife, and because it’s funny.
This chapter is going to focus solely on the query behavior of RavenDB. As such, we’ll be working in the studio,
generating queries and looking at documents. We’ll look at code to consume such queries from the client API in
later chapters.

Here, we’ll first take a brief look at how RavenDB is processing queries. Then we’ll get
started on actually running queries. We’ll start from the simplest scenarios and explore all
the nooks and crannies of what you can do with RavenDB queries. And the place to start is
with the query optimizer.

The query optimizer

When a RavenDB instance gets a query, the very first thing that happens is the query
optimizer analyzes it. The role of the query optimizer is to determine what indexes should
be used by this particular query. This is pretty much par for the course for databases.
However, with RavenDB, there are two types of queries. You may have a dynamic query,
such as from Orders where ..., which gives the query optimizer full freedom with
regards to which index that query will use. Alternatively, a query can specify a specific
index to be used, such as from index "Orders/ByCompany" where ..., which instructs
RavenDB to use the Orders/ByCompany index.
Queries are always going to use an index
You might have noticed that we’re only talking about the selection of the index to use. However, you might also be
familiar with query plans failing to find an appropriate index and falling back into querying using a full scan.
RavenDB doesn’t include support for full scans, and that’s by design. Queries in RavenDB are fast, and they will
always use an index. Using full scans is excellent for when the size of your data is very small, but as it starts to
grow, you’re going to experience ever-increasing query times. In contrast, RavenDB queries always use an index
and can return results with the same speed regardless of the size of the data.

What happens when the query optimizer is unable to find an index that can satisfy this
query? Instead of scanning all of the documents, inspecting each one in turn and including
it in the query or discarding it as an unsuccessful match, the query optimizer takes a
different route. It will create an index for this query, on the fly.
If you’re familiar with relational databases, you might want to take a deep breath and check
your pulse. Adding an index to a relational database in production is fraught with danger. It
is possible, but it needs to be handled carefully. In contrast, RavenDB indexes won’t lock the
data, and they’re designed to not consume all the system resources while they’re running.
This means adding a new index isn’t the world-shattering spectacle that you might be used
to. In RavenDB, it’s such a routine event that we let the query optimizer run it on its own, as
Now, creating an index per query is going to result in quite a few indexes in your database,
which is still not a great idea. It’s a good thing the query optimizer doesn’t do that. Instead,
when it gets a query, the optimizer analyzes the query and sees what index can answer it. If
there isn’t one, the query optimizer creates an index that can answer this query and all
previous queries on that collection.
Indexing in RavenDB is a background operation, which means the new query will be
waiting for the index to complete indexing (or timeout). But at the same time, queries that
can be answered using the existing indexes will proceed normally using these indexes.
When the new index has caught up, RavenDB will clean up all the old indexes that are now
superseded by the new one.
In short, over time, the query optimizer will analyze the set of queries you make to your
database and will generate the optimal set of indexes to answer those queries. Changes in
your queries will also trigger a change in the indexes on your database as it adjusts to the
new requirements.
Practically speaking, this means that deploying a new version of your application won’t
invalidate all the hard work the DBA put in to make sure all the queries are optimized.
Learning on the side
You don’t have to do the new version adjustment on the production system. You can run the new version of your
system on a test instance of RavenDB and let it learn what kind of queries will be performed. Then, you can export
that knowledge into the production system during a quiet time, so by the time the new system is actually
deployed, the database is already familiar and ready for the new workload.

Let’s get started with actual queries. In the studio, create a new database. Go to Settings,
then to Create Sample Data, and click the big Create button. This will create a sample
database (the Northwind online shop data) that we can query. Now, go to Indexes and then
List of Indexes. You’ll note that there are three indexes defined in the sample database.
We’re going to switch back and forth between List of Indexes and Query quite often in
the instructions that follow, so you might want to open the Query in a separate tab and
switch between the two.
Go to ‘Query’ and issue the following query:
from Employees

You’ll get a list of employees in the studio, which you can inspect. You can view the full
document JSON by clicking on the eye icon next to each document. If you look at the list of
indexes, you’ll see that no new index was created, even though there are no existing
indexes on the Employees collection. This is because there isn’t any filtering used in this
query, so the query optimizer can just use the raw collection documents as the source for
this query—no need to do any work.
The same is true for querying by document ID or IDs, as you can see in Listing 9.1. The
query optimizer doesn’t need an index to handle these queries. It can answer them directly.
from Employees
where id() = 'employees/1-A'

from Employees
where id() in ('employees/1-A','employees/2-A')

However, what happens when we start querying using the data itself? You can see the
result in Figure 9.1. In particular, you’ll note that RavenDB reports that this query used the
Auto/Employees/ByFirstName index.
RQL query for employees named Andrew
Switching over to the indexes listing will show you that, indeed, a new auto index was
created to answer these kinds of queries. Let’s test this further and query by last name
now, using the following:
from Employees where LastName = 'Fuller'

You can see the results of running this query in Figure 9.2.

The merged auto index can answer queries by first name or last name or both
The query optimizer has detected that there’s no index for this query, looked at the
previous history of queries on the Employees collection and created an index that can
satisfy all such queries in the future. If you were fast enough, you might have managed to
catch the Auto/Employees/ByFirstName index disappearing as it was superseded by the
new index.
Now that you’ve experienced the query optimizer firsthand, let’s give it a bit of a workout,
shall we? Let’s see what kind of queries we can do with RavenDB.
The RavenDB Query Language
We decided to require that all queries must always use an index, and that decision has a
few interesting results. It means that queries tend to be really fast because there’s always
an index backing the query and you don’t need to go through full scans. Another aspect of
this decision is that RavenDB only supports query operations that can be answered quickly
using an index. For example, consider the following query:
from Employees where FirstName = 'Andrew'

This kind of query is easy to answer using an index that has indexed the FirstName field
because we can find the Andrew entry and get all the documents that have this value.
However, a query like the following is not permitted:
from Employees where years(now() - Birthday) > 18

This query would require RavenDB to perform computation during execution, forcing us to
do a full scan of the results and evaluate each one in turn. That isn’t a good idea if you want
fast queries, and RavenDB simply does not allow them. You can rewrite the previous query
to efficiently use the index by slightly modifying what you’re searching for:
from Employees where Birthday < $eighteenYearsAgo

The $eighteenYearsAgo variable would be set for the proper time, and that would allow
the database to find the results by merely seeking in the index and returning all the results
smaller than the given date. That’s cheap to do, and it’s the proper way to run such queries.
In general, you can usually do a straightforward translation between queries that require
computations and queries that don’t, as above. Sometimes you can’t just modify the query.
You need to tell RavenDB it needs to do some computation during the indexing process.
We’ll see how that’s done in Chapter 10.
Queries can also use more then a single field, as you can see in Listing 9.2.
from Employees
where (FirstName = 'Andrew' or LastName = 'Callahan')
and Address.Country = 'USA'

Using the sample data set, this should give two results, as shown in Figure 9.3. In that
figure, you can also see some of the options available to inspect the index behavior. Viewing
the index definition will tell you what is indexed and how. And the indexing performance
statistics will give you all the details about the costs of indexing, broken down by step and
action. This is very important if you’re trying to understand what is consuming system
resources, but that will be covered in the next part of the book, discussing production
deployments and how to monitor and manage RavenDB in production.
Available operations for inspect index state
Far more important for us at this point is the View index terms page, which can expose
the internal structure of the index to you. This is helpful when you need to understand how
RavenDB is processing a query. If you click the View index terms link, you’ll be taken to
the index terms page, where you’ll see the index fields. Clicking this will show you what
was actually indexed, as illustrated in Figure 9.4.
The indexed terms for the various fields in the index
Why is this so important? Even though Figure 9.4 doesn’t show all the values, it shows
enough to explain how RavenDB will actually process the query. The first thing to
understand is that RavenDB is going to treat each field in the query separately. The query is
broken into three clauses, and you can see the result of each in Table 9.1.
Query clauses and their individual results
Query Results
FirstName = 'Andrew' employees/2-A

LastName = 'Callahan' employees/8-A

Address.Country = 'USA' employees/1-A, employees/2-A, employees/3-A,

employees/4-A, employees/8-A

The reason that RavenDB deals with each field separately is because it stores the indexed
data for each field independently. This allows us a lot more freedom at query time, at the
expense of having to do a bit more work.
RavenDB’s indexes aren’t single-purpose
If you’re familiar with common indexing techniques in databases, you know there’s a major importance to the
order of the fields in the index. The simplest example I can think of is the phone book, which is basically an index to
search for people by “LastName, FirstName.”
If you have both a first and last name, then the phone book is easy to search. If you need to search just by last
name, the phone book is still useful. If you only have a first name, however, the phone book is basically useless.
You’ll have to go through the entire thing to find any results.
In the same way, indexes that mash all fields together into a single key and then allow searching on the result are
very efficient in answering that particular kind of query, but they can’t really be used for anything else. With
RavenDB, we index each field independently and merge the results at query time. That means that our indexes can
be used in a more versatile manner, and they’re able to answer a much wider range of queries at a small cost of
additional work to merge them at query time.

To answer the query in Listing 9.2, RavenDB will find the matching documents for each of
the clauses, as shown in Table 9.1. At that point, we can use set operations to find the final
result of the query. We have an OR between the FirstName and LastName query, so the
result of both clauses is the union of their results. In other words, the answer to FirstName
= 'Andrew' or LastName = 'Callahan' is (employees/2-A, employees/8-A).

The next step in the query is to evaluate the and with the Address.Country = 'USA' clause.
Because we have an and here, we’ll use set intersection instead of a union (which we use
for or). The result of that will be (employees/2-A,employees/8-A), which appear on both
sides of the and. Similarly, and not uses set difference.
The end result is that a single index in RavenDB is able to be used by far more types of
queries than a similar index in a relational database. This is at the cost of doing set
operations on queries that have multiple clauses. Since set operations are quite cheap and
have been carefully optimized, that’s a pretty good tradeoff to make.

Operations in queries
As I mentioned, queries in RavenDB do not allow computation. We saw some simple
queries earlier using equality and range queries at a glance. In this section, I want to talk
about what kinds of queries you can make in RavenDB and dig a bit into how they’re
actually implemented.
The standard query operations you would expect are here, of course, as well as a few more,
as shown in Table 9.2.
Operators and methods that can be used in queries
Operation Operators / Methods
Equality =, ==, !=, <>, IN, ALL IN
Range queries >, <, >=, <=, BETWEEN
Text search Exact, StartsWith, EndsWith, Search
Aggregation Count, Sum, Avg
Spatial spatial.Contains, spatial.Within, spatial.Intersects
Other Exists, Lucene, Boost

Equality comparisons
The first and most obvious operators are equality comparisons (‘=’ or ‘==’). As you can
imagine, these are the easiest ones for us to find since we can just check the index for the
value we compare against. It is important to note that we only allow the comparison of
fields against values or parameters. This kind of query is fine: where FirstName =
'Andrew' as well as this: where FirstName = $name. However, this is not allowed: where
FirstName = LastName.

These type of queries count as computation during query and can’t be expressed directly in
RQL. Don’t worry—you can still make such queries. But you need to use a static index to do
that, which we’ll discuss in Chapter 10, which is dedicated to just that topic.
Inequality queries are more interesting. Remember that RavenDB uses set operations to
compute query results. A query such as where FirstName != 'Andrew' is actually
translated to: where exists(FirstName) and not FirstName = 'Andrew' . In other
words, you’re saying,“Find all the documents that have a FirstName field and exclude all
the documents where that FirstName is set to 'Andrew'.”
There’s also IN, which can be used in queries such as where Address.City IN ('London',
'New York')—a shorter way to write where Address.City = 'London' or Address.City
= 'New York'. However, IN also allows you to send an array argument and write the query
simply as where Address.City IN ($cities), which is quite nice. ALL IN, on the other
hand, is a much stranger beast. Quite simply, if we used ALL IN instead of IN, the query it
would match is where Address.City = 'London' and Address.City = 'New York'. In
other words, it’ll use and instead of or. This is a strange and seemingly useless feature. How
can a value be equal to multiple different values?
The answer is that a single value can’t, but an array most certainly can. Consider the
document shown in Figure 9.5, with an array of territories. We can use ALL IN in our query
to find all the regions that have multiple territories in them, like so: from Regions where
Territories[].Name ALL IN ('Wilton', 'Neward')

The regions/1-A document contains an array of Territories

This query shows two new features. First, we have ALL IN, which shows how we can match
multiple values against an array. A common usage of this feature is to filter documents by
tags. The user can select what tags they’re interested in, and you use ALL IN to find all the
documents that match the requested tags.
The second new feature is the usage of the Territories[].Name path and, in particular, the
use of [] in the path. Within RQL, the use of the [] suffix in a property indicates that this is
an array and the rest of the expression is nested into the values of the array. This is useful
both in the where clause and when doing projections using select, as we’ll see later in this

Range queries
For range queries, things like > or <= are fairly self explanatory, with BETWEEN as a nicer
mechanism for actually querying over a specific range. BETWEEN is inclusive on the low and
high ends. In other words, consider the query in Listing 9.3.
from Employees
where HiredAt.Year BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994

The results of the query in Listing 9.3 will include employees hired in 1992, 1993 and 1994.
We could have also written the same query with string matches, as shown in Listing 9.4.
from Employees
where HiredAt BETWEEN `1992` AND `1995`

The query in Listing 9.4 will also match all the employees hired in 1992, 1993 and 1994.
But why? It’s because of a minor trick we use here. The actual date format used by
RavenDB is ISO 8601, so technically speaking, the query in Listing 9.4 is supposed to look
like this: HiredAt BETWEEN '1992-01-01T00:00:00.0000000' AND '1995-01-
01T00:00:00.0000000'. In practice, RavenDB considers such queries as string operations
and allows us to do the BETWEEN operation using just the prefix.
This is because of the way RavenDB processes range queries. For non-numeric values,
range queries use lexical comparisons, which means that just specifying the prefix is
enough for us to get the required results. That’s why RavenDB uses ISO 8601 dates. They
sort lexically, which makes things easier all around at querying time.
For numeric values, we use the actual number, of course. That too, however, has some
details you should be familiar with. When RavenDB indexes a numeric value, it will actually
index that value multiple times: once as a string, which allows it to take part in lexical
comparisons, and once as a numeric value. Actually, it’s even more complex than that. The
problem is that when we deal with computers, defining a number is actually a bit complex.
Range queries on mixed numeric types
If you use the wrong numeric type when querying, you’ll encounter an interesting pitfall. For example, consider the
products/68-A document in the sample dataset. Its PricePerUnit is set to 12.5; yet if we query for
from Products where PricePerUnit > 12 and PricePerUnit < 13, RavenDB finds no results.
The problem is that we’re using an int64 with a range query, but PricePerUnit is actually a double. In this
case, RavenDB indexed the PricePerUnit field as both double and int64. However, when indexing the
12.5 value as int64, the value was naturally truncated to 12, and the query clearly states that we want to
search for values greater than 12, so RavenDB skips it.
A small change to the query, from Products where PricePerUnit > 12.0 and PricePerUnit
< 13.0, will fix this issue.

RavenDB supports two numeric types: 64-bit integers and IEEE 754 double-precision
floating-points. When RavenDB indexes a numeric field, it actually indexes it three times:
once as a string, once as a double and once as an int64. And it allows you to query over all
of them without really caring what you use to find your results.

Full text searching

So far, we’ve looked at querying the data exactly as it is. But what would happen if we ran
the following query?
from Employees where FirstName = 'ANDREW'

Unlike the previous times we ran this query, now the FirstName is using a different case
than the value of the field in the document. But we’d still get the expected result. Queries
that require you to match case have their place, but they tend to be quite frustrating for
users. So RavenDB defaults to using case-insensitive matching in queries.
On the other hand, you could have written the query as shown in Listing 9.5 and found only
the results that match the value and the casing used.
from Employees
where exact(FirstName = 'Andrew')

Within the scope of the exact, you’ll find that all comparisons are using case-sensitive
matches. This can be useful if you’re comparing BASE64 encoded strings that are case
sensitive, but it’s rarely useful otherwise.
By default, queries in RavenDB are case insensitive, which helps a lot. But what happens
when we need more than a match? Well, we can use StartsWith and EndsWith to deal with
such queries. Consider the following query:
from Employees where StartsWith(FirstName, 'An')

This will find all the employees whose names start with 'An'. The same can be done with
where EndsWith(LastName, 'er') for the other side.

Note that queries using StartsWith can use the index efficiently to perform prefix search,
but EndsWith is something that will cause RavenDB to perform a full index scan. As such,
EndsWith isn’t recommended for general use. If you really need this feature, you can use a
static index to index the reverse of the field you’re searching on and use StartsWith, which
will be much faster.
Of more interest to us is the ability to perform full text searches on the data. Full text search
allows us to search for a particular term (or terms) in a set of documents and find results
without having an exact match. For example, examine Figure 9.6, where we’re searching for
a company that has the word ‘stop’ in its name.

Full text search queries on companies’ name

The result of this query is that we’re able to find two results. What makes this interesting is
that, unlike the EndsWith case, RavenDB didn’t have to go through the entire result set.
Let’s go into the terms for the Auto/Companies/BySearch(Name) index and see how this
We have two fields indexed here. The first is Name, and if you click on that, you’ll see 91
results—one for each of the companies we have in the sample dataset. The other one is
named search(Name) and is far more interesting. Clicking on it shows 223 results, and the
terms that are indexed are not the names of the companies. Figure 9.7 shows a comparison
of the two fields.
List of indexed terms for Name and search(Name) fields
When we do a simple equality query, such as where Name = 'Consolidated Holdings",
it’s easy to understand how the database will execute this query. The Name field’s terms are
sorted, and we can do a binary search on the data to find all the documents whose name is
equal to "Consolidated Holdings". But what happens when we query using

The answer is in the way RavenDB indexes the data. Instead of indexing the Name field as a
single value, RavenDB will break it into separate tokens, which you can see in Figure 9.7.
This means that we can search for individual words inside the terms. We search not the full
field but rather the indexed tokens, and from there, we get to the matching documents.
Full text search is a world unto itself
I’m intentionally not going too deep into full text search and how it works. If you’re interested in learning more
about full text search, and I personally find the topic fascinating, I recommend reading Lucene in Action and
Managing Gigabytes. They’re both good books that can give you insight into how full text search works. Lucene in
Action will give you a practical overview. Managing Gigabytes is older (it was written about twenty years ago), but
it’s more digestible for handling the theory of full text search. These books aren’t required reading for
understanding how to use RavenDB, though.

Most of the work was already done during the indexing process, so queries tend to be very
fast. Full text search in RavenDB also allows us to do some fascinating things. For example,
consider the following query:
from Companies where search(Address, "London Sweden")
The Address property on the Companies documents isn’t a simple string; it’s actually a
nested object. But RavenDB has no problems indexing the entire object. The results of this
query include companies that reside in the city of London and the country of Sweden. This
powerful option allows you to search across complex objects easily.
It’s worth noting the order in which the results have returned from the query. In order to
better see that, we’ll use a select clause (we’ll talk about that more later in this chapter) to
fetch just the information we’re interested in. See Listing 9.6 for the full query.
from Companies
where search(Address, "London Sweden")
select Address.City, Address.Country

The results of the query in Listing 9.6 are really interesting. First, we have six companies
that are located in London. Then we have two that are based in Sweden. Here’s the
interesting part: this isn’t accidental. RavenDB ranks the results based on their quality. A
match on London would rank higher than a match on Sweden since London was the first
term in the query. (Switch them around and see the change in results). This means the
more relevant results are nearer to the top and more likely to be seen by a user.

RavenDB uses the Apache Lucene library for indexing, which means that there’s quite a bit
of power packed behind these indexes. Lucene is a full text search library that can support
complex queries and is considered to be the de facto leader in the area of search and
Unfortunately, Lucene is also temperamental. It’s tricky to get quite right, and it’s not
known for its ease of use or robustness in production systems. Even still, this library is
amazing, and whenever you run into search anywhere, it’s a safe bet that Lucene is the core
engine behind it. For that reason, it’s common to consume Lucene using a solution that
wraps and handles all of the details of managing it (such as Apache Solr or ElasticSearch).
In the case of RavenDB, a major factor in our Lucene usage is that we’re able to have our
storage engine (Voron) provide transactional guarantees, which means our Lucene indexes
are also properly ACID and safe from corruption without us needing to sacrifice expected
performance. In general, all the operational aspects of running Lucene indexes are handled
for you, and they shouldn’t really concern you. We’ll discuss Lucene in more depth in
Chapter 10. But for now, I want to focus on the querying capabilities that Lucene provides.
If you’re familiar with Lucene, you might have noticed that RQL is nothing like the Lucene
query syntax. This is intentional. Lucene queries only find matches, while all else, like
sorting of projections, is handled via code. This makes it a great tool for finding information
but a poor tool for actual queries. That said, you can use an RQL query and the Lucene
method as an escape hatch to send queries directly to Lucene.
The following query uses the Lucene method to query with wildcards, which isn’t
supported by RavenDB.
from Companies where Lucene (ExternalId, "AL?K?")

There are some scenarios where this is required, particularly if you’re upgrading an
application from older versions of RavenDB, which exposed the Lucene syntax directly to
users. But in general, RQL should be sufficient and is the recommended approach.
Typically, you’d only use Lucene on static indexes where you have control over what fields
are indexed.
Built-in methods in RQL are case insensitive
Built-in methods (such as the ones listed in Table 9.2) are case insensitive, and you can call where
startsWith(Name, 'And') or where StartsWith(Name, 'And') without issue. Note that field
names are case sensitive, though.

Most of what you can do with Lucene is available natively in RQL. For example, we can use
the Boost() method to change the way queries are evaluated. Consider the query in Listing
9.7, which expresses a fairly complex conditional and ranking requirement using Boost()
from Companies
where Boost(Address.City = 'London', 3) or
Boost(Address.City = 'Paris', 2) or
Address.Country IN ('Germany', 'Sweden')

The query in Listing 9.7 will select companies based in London, Paris or anywhere in
Germany or Sweden. The effect of Boost() on the results is that a document matching on
London would be given a boost factor in the ranking. This means that the query in Listing
9.6 will first get results for London, then Paris and then Germany and Sweden.
This may seem silly, but there are many search scenarios where this can be a crucial
feature. Consider searching on messages. A match on the Subject field is more important
than matches on the Body field, but we want to get results from both.
An interesting issue with boosting is that it isn’t quite as obvious as you may think.
Consider the query in Listing 9.6. If we change the last clause to be Address.Country IN
('Germany', 'France'), we’ll start getting Parisian companies first, even though the boost
on London-based companies is higher. The reason for that is because the Parisian
companies will have two matches to their names (both Paris and France) while the London
companies will only have one. The results from Paris will be considered higher quality and
be ranked first.
Exposing the raw score
The query result also includes the @index-score metadata property that exposes the scoring of each result.
You can inspect this to figure out why the final sort order of a query is the way it is.

We could adjust that by increasing the boost factor for the London-based companies, but in
more complex scenarios, it can be hard to figure out the appropriate ratios. In practice,
when using such techniques, we aren’t usually too concerned with absolute ordering. The
expected consumer of these sorts of queries is the end user, who can scan and interpret the
information as long as the ranking more or less makes sense.
Projecting results
We’ve looked into how to filter the results of a query, but so far, we’ve always pulled the
full document back from the server. In many cases, this is what you want to do. In Chapter
3, we spent a lot of time discussing how you should think about documents. One element of
the trifecta of document modeling (cohesive, coherent and isolated) is the notion that a
document is cohesive. From a modeling perspective, it doesn’t usually make sense to just
grab some pieces of data from a document without having it all there.
At least, it doesn’t make sense until you realize that you often need to display the data to
the user, picking and choosing what will be shown. For example, an order without its order
lines may not be very meaningful in a business sense to the user. But knowing that an order
was made on December 17th is probably enough information to recall they required
expedited shipping on their last-minute holiday shopping to get it in time.
In this section, we’re going to take documents apart and then mash them together. In
almost all cases, projection queries are used for either subscriptions or for feeding the data
into some sort of a user interface. If you need to actually work with the data, it’s generally
better to get the full document from the server and use that. It’s also important to
remember that on the client side, projections are not tracked by the session, and
modifications to a projection will not modify the document when SaveChanges is called.
The simplest query projection can be seen in Listing 9.8.
from Companies
select Name, Address.City, Address.Country as Country

The query in Listing 9.8 will produce the results with three fields: Name, Address.City and
Country. A single simple projection of fields and the use of aliases from this query is
demonstrated in Figure 9.8. You can see that we didn’t specify an alias for the
Address.City field and that the full name was used in the resulting projection. On the other
hand, the use of aliases, as we can see in the case of Country, allows us to control the name
of the field that would be returned.
A single document result in a projection query
In the case of the query in Listing 9.8, we’re only projecting simple fields, but RQL is
capable of much more. Listing 9.9 has a more complex projection example, projecting both
objects and arrays.
from Orders
select ShipTo, Lines[].ProductName as Products

A single projection from the results of the query in Listing 9.8 is shown in Figure 9.9. This
query is a lot more fun. You can see that there’s no need to flatten out the query and that
we can send complex results back. The projection of Lines[].ProductName is more
interesting. Not only are we projecting an array, but we’re actually projecting a single value
from the array back to the user. I don’t think that I need to expand on how powerful such a
feature can be.
Projecting array and complex object from a document
The select clause listing is an easy, familiar way to get a specific piece of data out. But it
only lets us select what we’re getting back and rename it using aliases. RavenDB is a JSON
database, and as smart as the select is, it’s best for dealing with mostly flat data. That’s
why we have the ability to project object literals.

Projecting with object literals

SQL was meant to handle tabular data. As such, it’s great in expressing tabular data but not
so great when we need to work with anything but the most trivial of documents. With RQL,
you aren’t limited to simply selecting the flat list of properties from the document. You can
also project a complex result with the object literal syntax. Let’s look at a simple example of
using object literals to query in Listing 9.10.
from Orders as o
select {
Country: o.ShipTo.Country,
FirstProduct: o.Lines[0].ProductName,
LastProduct: o.Lines[o.Lines.length - 1].ProductName,

The result of the query in Listing 9.10 for document orders/1-A is shown in Listing 9.10. As
you can see, we’re able to project the data out not only using property paths but also using
complex expression, pulling the first and last products from the order.
Alias is required with the object literal syntax
The query in Listing 9.10 is using from Orders as o, defining the alias o for the Orders collection. This is
required when using the object literal syntax since we need to know the root object the expression starts from.
"Country": "France",
"FirstProduct": "Queso Cabrales",
"LastProduct": "Mozzarella di Giovanni",
"@metadata": {
"@id": "orders/1",

The key to the object literal syntax is that this isn’t a JSON expression; it’s a JavaScript
object literal, and any valid JavaScript expression is going to work. For example, let’s take a
look at Listing 9.12, which shows a slightly more complex example.
from Orders as o
select {
Year: new Date(o.ShippedAt).getFullYear(),
Id: id(o)

Because JSON doesn’t have a way to express dates natively, we can use the new
Date().getFullYear() to handle date parsing and extracting of the year portion of the
date. You can see the projection of the document identifier as well. In addition to the usual
JavaScript methods, you also have access to functions defined by RavenDB itself, such as id.
A full list of the functions available for your use can be found in RavenDB’s online
We’ll look at one final example of the kind of projections you can make with the object
literal syntax, mostly because I think it’s a beautiful example of what you can do. Listing
9.13 shows a query that will get the two most expensive products and the total value of the
from Orders as o
select {
TopProducts: o.Lines
.sort((a, b) =>
(b.PricePerUnit * b.Quantity) -
(a.PricePerUnit * a.Quantity)
.map(x => x.ProductName)
Total: o.Lines.reduce(
(acc, l) => acc += l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity,

There’s a lot going on in this small bit of code, so let’s break it into its individual pieces.
First, we use the object literal syntax and define two properties that we’ll return. For
TopProducts, we sort the lines by the PricePerUnit in descending order, grabbing just the
names, and then take the first two items. For Total, we simply use the JavaScript reduce
method to calculate the total price on the order during the query. If you’re familiar with
JavaScript, this is nothing special, but it expresses a lot of the power available to you when
you project using the object literal syntax.
Projections are applied as the last stage in the query
It’s important to understand that projections—either simple via select o.ShippedTo.Count,
o.Company or more complex using the object literal syntax— are applied as the last stage in the query pipeline.
In other words, they’re applied after the query has been processed, filtered, sorted and paged. This means that the
projection doesn’t apply to all the documents in the database, only to the results that are actually returned.
This reduces the load on the server significantly since we can avoid doing work only to throw it out immediately
after. And it also means that we can’t do any filtering work as part of the projection. You can filter what will be
returned but not which documents will be returned. That has already been determined earlier in the query
Another consideration to take into account is the cost of running the projection. Especially with object literal
syntax and the method declarations that we’ll soon explore, it’s possible to make the projection query expensive
to run. RavenDB has limits to the amount of time it will spend evaluating the projection, and exceeding these
(quite generous) limits will fail the query.
I want to emphasize that you shouldn’t be reluctant to use projections or the object literal syntax in particular. This
can significantly reduce the amount of data that’s sent over the network, and it’s usually preferred when you need
to return a list of documents and are only interested in some of the data in them for display purposes.

The object literal syntax is quite flexible, but it has a few limits. In particular, take a look at
Listing 9.13 and how we compute the cost of a particular product by using the following
formula: l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity. However, I forgot to also include the discount
that may be applied here. The formula for the discount is simple. The new way to compute
the price of a product is simply l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity * (1 -l.Discount).
That’s easy enough, but it repeats three times in Listing 9.13, making it a perfect example of
a violation of the “don’t repeat yourself” principle. If we were writing code using any
standard programming language, we would wrap this in a function call to make it easier to
understand and so that we would only need to change it in a single location. Luckily, RQL
also has such a provision, and it allows you to define functions.
Listing 9.14 shows how we can use the function declaration to properly compute the
product price while avoiding repetition.
declare function lineItemPrice(l) {
return l.PricePerUnit *
l.Quantity *
(1 - l.Discount);
from Orders as o
select {
TopProducts: o.Lines
.sort((a, b) =>
lineItemPrice(b) -
lineItemPrice(a) )
.map(x => x.ProductName)
Total: o.Lines.reduce((acc, l) =>
acc + lineItemPrice(l),

In Listing 9.14, we first declared the function lineItemPrice. This took the line item and
computed the total amount you would pay for it. Once this was declared, you could then
use the function inside the object literal.
Declaring functions in queries
You can declare zero or more functions as part of the query, and they will be visible both for each other and from
the object literal expression. Such functions can do anything you want, subject to the usual limits of projections.
(You can’t take too long to run since it will time out the query).
Inside the function, all the usual JavaScript rules apply, with the exception that we’ll ignore missing properties by
default. In other words, you can write code such as l.Who.Is.There, and instead of throwing a TypeError,
the entire expression will be evaluated to undefined.
Declared functions can only be used from inside the object literal expression and are not available for the simple
select expression syntax.

I’m sure you can imagine the kind of queries that declaring functions make possible. You
can tailor the results of the query specifically to what you want, and you can do all that
work on the server side without having to send a lot of data over the wire.
In fact, there’s one more way to project data from queries: using a function directly. This
method is usually employed when you want to return objects with a different shape in the
query. Before we see how this can be done, a word of caution; it’s usually hard to deal with
heterogeneous query results, with each object being a potentially different shape. There are
some cases where this is exactly what you want, but it usually complicates the client code
and shouldn’t be overused.
Listing 9.15 shows how we can project a method directly to the client, doing what’s
probably the world’s most ridiculous localization effort.
declare function localizedResults(c) {
case "France":
return { Nom: c.Name };
case "Brazil":
return { Nome: c.Name };
return { Name: c.Name };
from Companies as c
where id() in ('companies/15-A', 'companies/14-A', 'companies/9-A')
select localizedResults(c)

The result of this query can be seen in Figure 9.10, where you can see that different
documents have different shapes. I had a lot of fun writing the query in Listing 9.15, but I
wouldn’t want to have to deal with it in my code. It would probably be too confusing.

RQL query results for the projecting via a method call

To summarize projections, we have the following options available to us when we query
• Getting the whole document back. This can be done by omitting the select clause
entirely or using select o or select *, with o being the root alias of the query.
• Projecting values from the document using simple select expressions, such as select
o.ShipTo.Country, o.Company as CompanyId . This allows us to control what’s sent
back and lets us rename fields. We can also project nested values and dig into arrays
and objects, but this is intentionally made simple to ensure that we can process it
quickly and efficiently.
• Projecting values from the document using object literal expression gives you far more
power and flexibility. You can utilize JavaScript expressions to get the results just the
way you want them. This includes doing computation on the returned result set and
even declaring functions and doing more work inside the function to avoid repetition
and to make it easy to build complex queries.
• Projection values as the result of a single method call in the select, such as select
localizedResults(c). In this case, the shape and structure that will be returned is
completely up to you. You can even return null or undefined from the method call,
and that will be sent to the client (where you’ll need to be careful about handling it, of
Of the four options we have, you need to remember that only the first option will give you
the full document back. In all other cases, you’ll be returning a projection. This is important
from the client side because the client API won’t be tracking a projection, and changes to
the projection will not be saved back to the server when you call SaveChanges.
Querying by ID
If you look at Listing 9.15, you’ll see an interesting type of query. There, we’re querying by document ID and
specifying a projection. This may seem like a strange thing to do. Surely it’d be better to just get the documents
directly if we know what their IDs are, no?
Querying by ID is handled differently. Instead of going through an index, if the query optimizer can see that your
query is using an ID, it’ll fetch the relevant documents directly using their IDs and pass them to the rest of the
query for processing. This applies when you’re querying by ID and don’t have additional filters, sorting or the like
that would require the use of an index.
This allows us to define projections on a single document (or a group of them) and use all the power of RQL
projections to get back the results we want. For large documents, this can be significant savings in the amount of
data that goes over the network. And that’s without the server having to make any additional effort since this is an
exception to the rule that queries without an index to cover them will have an index created for them. In this case,
the query optimizer can use the internal storage indexes and avoid creating another one.

We looked into all the different ways we can project results from a document as part of a
query, but there’s still more we can do. We can use RQL to work with multiple documents.
That’s the topic of the next section.

Loading and including related documents

In general, queries in RavenDB apply only to a single document. That is, you can ask
questions about a single document and not about other documents.
Querying on relations
The previous statement isn’t quite true. You can actually query on related documents and even across
heterogeneous document collections using RavenDB, but only when you’re the one who’s defining the index. We’ll
discuss static indexes in the next chapter, so I’ll hold discussion of that until then.

In other words, you can query on every aspect of a document quite easily, but it’s not trivial
to query on related data. If you’re used to SQL, then the simple answer is that RavenDB
doesn’t allow joins. Recall the three tenets of document design: coherent, cohesive and
independent. With proper modeling, you shouldn’t usually want to join. RavenDB has ways
to enable that scenario, and they’re discussed in the next chapter.
That said, it can be very useful to grab some data from related documents during the query.
Consider a query to show the list of recent orders. We can query it using from Orders
where Company = 'companies/1-A', and the result is shown in Figure 9.11.

The results of simple query on orders

As you can see in Figure 9.11, the output is the document. That document includes useful
fields such as Company and Employee. This is great, but if we intend to show it to a user,
showing employees/6-A is not considered a friendly act. We can ask RavenDB to include
the related documents as well, as you can see in Listing 9.16.
from Orders
where Company = 'companies/1-A'
include Company, Employee

Figure 9.12 shows the output of this in the studio, and you can see that we’ve gotten the
company and the employees back from the query. We’ve already talked about the include
feature in Chapter 4 at length. It allows us to ask RavenDB to send us related documents as
well as the query results themselves, saving us the network roundtrip to fetch the
additional information.

Viewing included results in the studio

Including related documents is very useful, but if we just intend to show the information to
the user, sending the full documents back can be a waste. We can do better by using load.
In Listing 9.17, you can see a small example of pulling data from multiple documents and
returning that to the user.
from Orders as o
where Company = 'companies/1-A'
load o.Company as c, o.Employee as e
select {
CompanyName: c.Name,
EmployeeName: e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
ShippedAt: o.ShippedAt

It’s important to remember that the load clause is not a join; it’s applied after the query has
already run and before we send the interim results to the projection for the final result.
Thus, it can’t be used to filter the results of the query by loading related documents and
filtering on their properties. It also means that load doesn’t impact the cost of the query,
and the database will only need to handle a single page of results to send back to the client.
You can also use the load() method inside declared functions or inside the object literal.
We could have skipped the load o.Company as c and used CompanyName:
load(o.Company).Name instead and gotten the same results. Load is also supported for
collections, as you can see in Listing 9.18.
from Orders as o
where Company = 'companies/1-A'
load o.Employee as e, o.Lines[].Product as products[]
select {
CompanyName: load(o.Company).Name,
EmployeeName: e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
ShippedAt: o.ShippedAt,
Products: products

In Listing 9.18 we pull all the related products from the lines. Note that we indicate to
RavenDB that the result is an array by using products[], but we use products in the object
literal (since it’s an array instance value there). The same would be the case for simple
select. We don’t need to specify the [] postfix for RavenDB to know that this is an array.
Loading documents in such a manner allows you to bring together a complete picture for
the user. This is typically done as a way to feed the results directly from RavenDB to the UI,
with minimal involvement of middleware between the UI and the results of the query. For
includes, you’re actually getting the real documents back. Modifications on them will be
sent to the server when you call SaveChanges. But when you’re using load, you’ll typically
get a projection back, which isn’t tracked.
With load, you typically have fewer bytes going over the network, but sometimes it’s easier
to do certain things in your own code. Even though load and object literals allow you to
shape your results in some pretty nifty ways, don’t try to push too much into the database
layer, especially if this is business logic. That road rarely leads to maintainable software
Sorting query results
All the queries we’ve made so far have neglected to specify the sort order. As such, the
order in which results are returned isn’t well defined. It’ll usually be whatever RavenDB
thinks is the most suitable match for the query. That works if you’re using queries that
match over complex conditionals, but it’s usually a poor user experience if you query for
the orders a user made in the past six months.
RQL supports the order by clause, which allows you to dictate how results are sorted. Take
a look at Listing 9.19 for an example.
from Employees
where Address.Country = 'USA'
order by FirstName asc, LastName asc

The query in Listing 9.19 reads like a typical SQL one, and that’s by design. However, you
need to be aware of a very important distinction. Consider the query in Listing 9.20.
from Employees
where Address.Country = 'USA'
order by LastName asc, FirstName asc

The query in Listing 9.19 is very nearly the same exact query as the one in Listing 9.20.
However, the sort order is different. Why does this matter? It matters because, in both
cases, we used the same index:
“Auto/Employees/ByAddress.CountryAndFirstNameAndLastName,” in this case. This is
one of those cases where you needed to have experienced the pain to understand why this
is such an important detail.
Typically, databases will use an indexing format that allows the database to quickly answer
specific order by clauses. Similar to the phone book we discussed earlier in the chapter,
they can only be used for the purpose for which they were created. It’s possible to use the
phone book index to answer the query in Listing 9.19, but it isn’t in Listing 9.20. RavenDB,
however, doesn’t use such single purpose indexes. It indexes each field independently. That
means it’s able to answer both queries (and any combination thereof) using a single index.
The more flexible index and sorting behavior makes little difference if the size of the data is
small. But as the size of the data increases, this means that you can still offer flexible sorting
to the users, while other databases will typically be forced to do full table scans.
Another important factor of sorting in RavenDB is that it’s applied after the filters. In fact,
the RQL syntax has been designed so each step in the query pipeline corresponds to its
place in the query as you type it. You can see that, in the queries in Listing 9.19 and 9.20,
the order by comes after the where clause. That’s because we first filter the result, and
then we sort them.
This is more flexible, but it has a downside. If you’re querying over a large dataset without
a filter and you apply sorting, then RavenDB needs to sort all of the results and give you
back just the first few records. This is usually only a problem if your query has hundreds of
thousands of results to sort through. In such cases, it’s usually advisable to filter the query
to reduce the number of results that RavenDB needs to sort.
You aren’t limited to sorting by the fields on the document. You also have the following
sorting options:
• order by score()—order the results by how closely they match the where clause
(useful if you are using full text search or using OR in the where clause).
• order by random()—random order, useful for selecting a random result from the
• order by spatialdistance()—useful for spatial queries and will be discussed later
in this chapter.
• order by count()/order by sum()—allows ordering the results of queries using
group by, discussed later in this chapter.

The sort order can also be impacted by how you want RavenDB to sort the fields. For
example, consider the following query: from Products order by PricePerUnit desc. If
you run it, you’ll get some peculiar results, as shown in Figure 9.13.

Unexpected ordering with numeric order by

The issue is that RavenDB doesn’t know the type of the PricePerUnit field, and as such, it
defaults to lexical ordering. In this case, this means that 7 is sorted after 62.5. In our order
by clause, we need to let RavenDB know what kind of sorting we want to do. An example of
how to do just that can be seen in Listing 9.21.
from Products
order by PricePerUnit as double desc

The as double in Listing 9.21 instructs RavenDB to sort the results as doubles. You can
also use as long to specify that the data should be sorted as natural integers, truncating
any fractional values. The way as long and as double work is they direct RavenDB to use
a dedicated field with the numeric values in the index instead of using the string value for
sorting. There’s also the ability to sort using as alphanumeric, which will do exactly what
you expect and apply alphanumeric sorting to the query.
Deep paging is discouraged
Sorting and paging usually go together. Paging is actually specified outside of RQL, so we won’t be seeing it in this
chapter. However, paging in RavenDB is pretty simple, in general. You specify the number of results you want and
the number of results you want to skip. The first option, the number of results you want to get back, is obvious and
easy for RavenDB to deal with. The second, not so much.
For example, if you want to get the first page, you specify start as 0 and pageSize as 10. If you want the
second page, you specify that start is 10, and so on. This works well as long as the depth of your paging isn’t too
excessive. What do I mean by that?
If you expect to be issuing queries in which the start is very high (thousands or higher), you need to be aware
that paging will happen during the sorting portion of processing the query. We’ll get all the matching results for
the query, sort them, and then select the relevant matches based on the page required.
However, the more deeply you page, the more work you force RavenDB to do. If you need to page deeply into a
result set, it’s typically much better to do the paging in the where clause. For example, if we were looking at
recent orders for a customer and we expected customers to want to look at very old orders, we’d be better off
specifying that the pages we show are actually dates. So the query will become where OrderedAt <
$cutoffPoint. This will significantly reduce the amount of work required from RavenDB.

There isn’t much more to say about sorting In RavenDB. It works pretty much as you would
expect it to.

Spatial queries
Spatial searches allow you to search using geographical data. We’ll explore them in more
depth in Chapter 10, but we can do quite a lot with spatial queries without any special
preparation. Spatial queries require that you have spatial data, of course, such as a lng/lat
position on the globe. Luckily for us, the sample data set also contains the spatial location
for many of the addresses in the database.
Spatial queries are expressed using the following basic spatial operations:
spatial.within(), spatial.intersects(), spatial.contains() and
spatial.disjoint(). You can read more about the kind of spatial queries that are
supported by RavenDB in the online documentation. For now, let’s have some fun. The
spatial coordinates of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) are 47.448 latitude
and -122.309 longitude. We can use that information to query for nearby employees that
can pick you up if you come through the Seattle airport. Listing 9.22 shows just how to
tickle RavenDB to divulge this information.
from Employees
where spatial.within(
spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude),, 47.448, -122.309, 'kilometers')

The query in Listing 9.22 results in two matches: Nancy and Andrew. It’s pretty simple to
understand what the query is doing, and I wish most spatial queries were that simple.
Unfortunately, in the real world, we have to deal with much more complex systems. A good
example of that would be the London Orbital motorway (M25). It’s sort of a circle that
surrounds London. I drew it out on a map as a polygon and then asked RavenDB to find all
the employees that live within that area. You can see the polygon on a map in Figure 9.14.

Polygon for the London Orbital

You can see how we query RavenDB using this polygon in Listing 9.23.
from Employees
where spatial.within(
spatial.point(Address.Location.Latitude, Address.Location.Longitude),
spatial.wkt("POLYGON((-0.38726806640625 51.72477396651261,0.1483154296875
51.67881439742299,0.2911376953125 51.579928527080114,0.2581787109375
51.439756376733676,0.1483154296875 51.347212267024645,0.1483154296875
51.288847685894844,-0.1153564453125 51.25448088572911,-0.4669189453125
51.3094554292733,-0.560302734375 51.41578143396663,-0.494384765625
51.494509016952534,-0.538330078125 51.61064031418932,-0.490264892578125
51.677111294565,-0.38726806640625 51.72477396651261))")

The actual polygon in Listing 9.23 is unlikely to be a very accurate representation of the
London Orbital (I drew it by hand, and quite roughly, too) but it’s a good demonstration of
RavenDB’s spatial query capabilities. As it turns out, of all the employees in our dataset,
only Steven lives in London.
I find that pretty much the only way to reason about spatial queries is to draw them out on
a map. Otherwise, I’m completely lost. Typically, when you have the need for spatial
queries, you also have a good idea of what you actually need and can translate that need
into the appropriate operation using the basic building blocks that RavenDB provides. We’ll
touch more on spatial queries in Chapter 10, and they’re covered in detail in the online

Aggregation queries
Aggregation in RavenDB can be used either directly from RQL using group by or by
building your own MapReduce indexes. In both cases, however, the underlying
implementation is the same. Aggregation in RavenDB happens during indexing, not during
query, and as such is much cheaper than aggregation queries in other databases.
Let’s start by looking at the simple aggregation query in Listing 9.24.
from Orders
group by Company
where count() > 25
order by count() as long desc
select count(), Company

This query is quite trivial: listing the companies with the most orders in descending rank if
they have more than 25 orders in total. Simple and obvious. But there’s a lot going on
behind the scenes. As usual, the query optimizer will generate an index for us to answer
this query. This index will serve all queries on Orders that group by Company.
The interesting bit is that the index is going to handle the actual aggregation for us. In other
words, during indexing, we’re going to do the grouping and write the already computed
results to the index. When we query, we don’t need to do any additional work—only look
up all the companies in the index with more than 25 orders and return that immediately.
When there’s a new order, the index will not need to recompute the entire aggregation
from scratch but will be able to just update the relevant details. We’ll discuss this in detail
in the next chapter, so for now I’m going to defer further explanations.
RQL aggregation support is pretty basic. You can do most simple queries directly in RQL,
but as the complexity grows, you’ll likely find it easier to define a static index and handle
MapReduce in that fashion.
Regardless of what you’re using—a group by in your queries or a MapReduce index—the
idea that aggregation queries are cheap has some really interesting implications for your
system. When you make an aggregation query, instead of making sure you have caching in
place, a way to update the cache and a scheduler to recompute results, all of that is done for
Let’s see why this is so important. Consider the query in Listing 9.24. In a relational
database, this kind of query is actually quite expensive. Even assuming we have an index on
the Company field, the relational database will need to go over all the results and count
them, filter those that don’t have enough, order and them sort them. If the number of
orders is high, that effectively means that the relational database needs to read through all
the orders (or at least the entire index on the Company column).
RavenDB, on the other hand, already did this work during indexing, so when you make the
query, RavenDB just grabs all the companies that have more than 25 orders, sorts them and
gives them back to you. This is significantly cheaper—cheap enough that you don’t need to
worry about how up to date your reports are. Unlike other databases, RavenDB can help
you avoid the need to only do aggregation during off hours, leaving you with data that’s
usually 24 hours old. Instead, you can have an aggregation that keeps up with the incoming
flow of the data and is very close to real time.

Indexing in the background

Indexing in RavenDB will always happen in the background. This has been mentioned a few
times previously in this book, but it’s important to call it out explicitly and explain what it
means. When you write a new document or update an existing one, RavenDB doesn’t wait
to update all the indexes before it completes the write operation. Instead, it writes the
document data and complete the write operation as soon as the transaction is written to
disk, scheduling any index updates to occur in an async manner.
Why is RavenDB doing this? There are several reasons for this behavior. First, it means that
writes aren’t going to be held up by the indexes, so adding an index will not negatively
impact your write performance. This changes the equations of more indexes = slower
writes and fewer indexes = slower reads in favor of another alternative: more indexes
impact indexing speed, not write speed.
Another reason for this behavior is performance. RavenDB can apply multiple
optimizations to indexes that are running in an async manner to start with. Instead of
having to update all the indexes on every write, we can update them in batches. A single
slow or expensive index isn’t going to impact any other index or the overall writes in the
There are a few additional reasons, such as being able to add indexes dynamically and on
the fly to busy production systems and being able to update indexes in a side-by-side
manner. In the next chapter, we’ll discuss a bit more about the actual indexing architecture
of RavenDB and how it operates. For now, let’s focus on the implications of this design
Writes are faster and indexes are operating independently. However, a client that’s fast
enough can modify the data and then query on that data before it’s been indexed. This is
called a stale read, and there are several strategies to handle it.
Stale queries, documents and replication, oh my!
From the point of view of a single node, a stale read can only occur when you’re querying an index. Loading a
document or querying by ID is always going to use the internal collection and can never result in a stale read. So a
query such as from Orders where id() ='orders/1-A' will always return a non-stale result.
RavenDB makes a distinction between indexes (which allow stale reads) and document access (via Load or query
by ID), which can never yield stale results.
This applies when you’re running on a single node. When running in a cluster, you need to take into account that a
write request to a particular node may not have been propagated to the node that you’re currently using. This may
result in what’s globally a stale read, even though the data you received is the most recent the queried node has.
For both replication lag and indexing lag, there are similar strategies. WaitForIndexesAfterSaveChanges
and WaitForReplicationAfterSaveChanges allow the client to wait until the operation has been
processed by additional nodes or by the relevant indexes. This means that you get a choice. You can ask RavenDB
to wait until the operation is complete or accept that the updates will happen shortly in the background.

Stale reads sound scary, but most of the time you don’t really need to pay the full cost of
getting up-to-the-nanosecond updates. By the time you show the information to the user,
that information might have already been modified, after all. And the cost of ensuring you’ll
never see stale data is very high indeed. That’s why caches are introduced so often. It’s
usually better to get a response out, even if the information is slightly out of date, than to
wait until we get an authoritative answer that’s not relevant by the time we hand it to the
end user.
RavenDB ensures that if you’re getting a stale response to a query, you’ll know it. The query
statistic’s IsStale result will be set to true, allowing you to make decisions based on this
fact. In addition to knowing that the query result is stale, you’ll also know the timestamp
for this information.
You can also request that RavenDB wait until the index is up to date with the current
changes by calling WaitForNonStaleResults on the query. This option will ensure that you
get the most up to date information, but at a slight delay. Finally, you can choose to wait at
write time by calling WaitForIndexesAfterSaveChanges , which will cause RavenDB to wait
until the indexing process for these changes has completed before acknowledging the
Choosing the appropriate option depends on your specific needs, so let’s explore a few
The indexing lag is usually very short
On most systems, the time between a document write and the indexes applying it measures in single-digit
milliseconds. We talk a lot about that in this section, but in most cases, you need to issue a write immediately after
a query before you can encounter a stale result from the index.

The most problematic scenario for stale indexes is the Create/List pattern. The
application makes a change (such as adding a new order) and then shows the list of items
that should include the newly created document (the customer’s recent orders). In this
case, the user has a reasonable expectation to see the change they just made, and the query
immediately after the save might be fast enough to allow the query to get the index before
it had a chance to complete indexing the new data.
This is a good place to use WaitForIndexesAfterSaveChanges. In addition to saving the
value, you’ll also wait for the index. And only then will you query for the new data. But why
not do this all the time? The reason this isn’t the default is that it’s almost always not what
you want in terms of performance.
Creating or modifying a document is not always followed by an immediate query for a list
of items. In all of those cases, there’s no real reason why you’d want to wait until indexes
ran. Your data is now on RavenDB, and the ACID nature of the database ensures that it’s
safely stored on disk.
In addition to waiting on the write, you can also wait on the read, using
WaitForNonStaleResults. This is usually not a good idea. If you need to wait, do the wait
on the write (which is far rarer than reads). The problem with waiting on the read side of
things is that you may be waiting for something that isn’t related to you. Consider the case
of showing the list of recent orders for a customer that didn’t just create a new order. Is
there any sense in waiting for all the other orders (by other customers) to complete
indexing before you get the results? Until the new documents have been indexed, RavenDB
doesn’t know to which customer they belong, so it will mark the results as stale. But the
same results will be returned after the index is up to date anyway.
RavenDB lets you avoid paying for what you don’t use
This section can be complex to understand, particularly with regards to why we chose to have async index by
default. It’s because not doing so would mean you’d have to wait for the indexes to complete on every write, and
they’d require coordination with the queries to ensure you’re reading the latest information.
The part about slowing the write is not so hot, but the part about getting the latest information is surely what you
want, no? Well, that depends on what this costs. A study of relational databases 75 shows that they spend over 30%
of their time just managing locks of various kinds. This is a truly stupendous amount of effort to spend on
managing locks, and a large part of that is to ensure you get the properly consistent guarantees.
In contrast, RavenDB has chosen to avoid this entirely. Writes aren’t held up because of indexes, queries don’t wait
for indexes to complete and indexes can do their own work without waiting for each other or for document writes.
For the vast majority of cases, what you’ll notice is that things are faster and don’t take as many resources.
However, someone must pay the piper at some point, which is why RavenDB allows you to choose to pay the price
and wait for these tasks on a case-by-case basis. This way, you don’t pay the full cost when you almost never need
the benefits.

Async indexing also works with hard resets, shutdowns and the like. Indexes and
documents are actually stored in separate stores, each of them fully transactional. If the
database restarted for any reason after a document was modified but before it was
indexed, the indexing process will just pick up from where it left off and complete the work.
One of the major advantages that RavenDB has for production usage is that all indexes are
always built in an online fashion. That means that adding an index doesn’t take any locks
and can be done even on busy systems. This allows RavenDB to create new indexes while
the system is working, and it’s one of the key reasons why the RavenDB query optimizer is
able to do its work in this manner. Adding a new index in production is no longer a task you
schedule for late at night over the weekend. Rather, it’s something that can happen during
normal operations.

75“OLTP – Through the Looking Glass, and What We Found There” by Stavros
Harizopoulos, Daniel Abadi, Samuel Madden, Michael Stonebraker.
This lets RavenDB analyze and optimize your queries and indexes on an ongoing basis. It’s
also applied to indexes you create manually. We’ll discuss them in detail in the next
chapter, but it’s worth noting that when you update an index, the existing one is going to be
kept around while the new version of the index is being built—only to be automatically
(and atomically) replaced when the updated version has fully caught up.

In this chapter, we looked at how to query in RavenDB. We started by looking at the way
RavenDB processes queries using the query optimizer, including the way RavenDB is able
to generate indexes on the fly to optimize your queries. We then looked into RQL and all the
nice things that we can do with it to query your data.
Beyond the simple equality and range queries, we showed how you can use advanced
features such as full text search and spatial queries. All of the queries that we looked at in
this chapter use RavenDB’s automatic indexes, so while the features that are exposed are
quite rich, note that in the next chapter we’ll introduce user-defined indexes that allow you
to take the kind of queries you can make to the next level.
Queries in RavenDB do not allow any computation to occur during the query phase. This is
done to ensure that queries in RavenDB can always use an index to answer the query
promptly and efficiently. RQL does allow you to perform computation inside the select,
either to project specific fields out or to massage the data from the query in every way
imaginable. RQL is flexible enough that, using the object literal syntax, you can transform
the result from the document into just the right shape you need, including pulling data from
other documents using the load option.
The query language is quite rich, and you can do a lot of transformations using its
capabilities. But be aware that while computation during projection is allowed, it does add
to the cost of the query. (We need to run the JavaScript code on the results.) This isn’t
usually an issue, but if you have very complex logic or computation, that can impact the
query performance.
Queries in RavenDB can project data from other documents or include the whole
documents on the way back from the server, reducing the need to do another network
round trip to the database. This can be done using load, which gives you access to a related
document, and using include, which lets RavenDB know that you’ll need this related
document in the client shortly so we might as well send it now.
From plain queries, we moved to talk about aggregation, using group by in RQL to
aggregate information about our documents. Aggregation in RavenDB is done using
MapReduce, which we’ll explore more thoroughly in the next chapter. Aggregation is done
in the background and in an incremental fashion, allowing the database to perform
aggregation queries not when you’re actually waiting for the results but rather beforehand.
This makes aggregation queries in RavenDB very fast and enables a whole new set of
features because you no longer have to work so hard to get an aggregated value from the
Where typically you’ll worry that an aggregation query can consume too many resources
and cache it (requiring you to manage the cache, the updates to it, etc.), with RavenDB, you
can just make the query. The database will take care of returning the results and updating
the final tally whenever documents are modified or inserted.
Finally, we talked about the async nature of RavenDB indexes. This nature allows us to
optimize many aspects of RavenDB, allowing us to use batches, enabling online index builds
and opening the path to the query optimizer’s ability to define indexes on the fly. It does
mean that you need to be aware that, by default, writes will complete without waiting for
indexes, but there are ways to wait for the indexes to complete as part of the write or even
during the read (although that is not recommended).
In the next chapter, we’re going to talk about customer indexes (called static indexes in
RavenDB) that you’ll define. We’ll also cover what kind of fun we can have with them and
what features and queries they enable.

Static Indexes and Other Advanced Options

In the previous chapter, we looked at how we can query RavenDB, and we mostly let the
query optimizer handle indexing things for us. In the next chapter, we’ll talk about
MapReduce indexes and in the one after that, we’ll dive into the actual details of how
indexes are implemented in RavenDB and the wealth of metrics that show how indexes
work and behave, which is very useful for performance monitoring and troubleshooting
issues. This chapter, however, will primarily discuss how you can define your own indexes,
why you would want to do that and what sort of options this provides you.
Indexes in RavenDB are split across multiple axes:
• Auto (dynamic) indexes vs. static indexes.
• Map-only indexes vs. MapReduce indexes.
• Single collection indexes vs. multi-collection indexes.
In addition to the types of indexes, they also offer quite a bit of features and capabilities, so
it’s a big topic to cover—but it’s also one that gives you a tremendous amount of power and

What are indexes?

Indexes are how RavenDB can answer questions about your documents without scanning
the entire dataset each and every time. An index can be created by the query optimizer or
by the user directly. It works by iterating over the documents and building a map between
the terms that are indexed and the actual documents that contain them. After the first
indexing run, the index will keep that map current as updates and deletes happen in the
Listing 10.1 shows a simple way to construct an index. The code in Listing 10.1 has nothing
to do with RavenDB but is provided so we’ll have a baseline from which to discuss how
indexes work.
Func<string, List<User>> BuildIndexOnUsers(List<User> users)
var index = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
for (var i = 0; i < users.Count; i++)
if (index.TryGetValue(users[i].Name, out var list) == false)
list = new List<int>();
index[users[i].Name] = list;

return username =>

var results = new List<User>();
if (index.TryGetValue(username, out var matches))
foreach (var match in matches)
return results;

The code in Listing 10.1 is meant to convey a sense of what’s going on. We’re given a list of
users, and we iterate over the list, building a dictionary that would allow fast access to the
user by name. This is all an index is, effectively. It trades the cost of building the index with
a significant reduction in the cost of the query.
If there’s a query you only want to perform once, you’re probably better off just scanning
through the entire dataset since you’ll do that anyway when creating an index. But if you
intend to query more than once, an index is a fine investment. Consider the two options
shown in Listing 10.2.
// the right way
Func<string, List<User>> findUserByName =
List<User> usersNamedOren = findUserByName("Oren");
List<User> usersNamedArava = findUserByName("Arava");

// the wrong way

List<User> usersNamedOren = BuildIndexOnUsers(largeNumberOfUsers)("Oren");
List<User> usersNamedArava = BuildIndexOnUsers(largeNumberOfUsers)("Arava");

In the first section in Listing 10.2, we generate the index and then use it multiple times. In
the second section, we create the index for each query, dramatically increasing the overall
cost of making the query.
The code in Listing 10.1 and Listing 10.2 is about as primitive an index as you can imagine.
Real world indexes are quite a bit more complex, but there’s a surprising number of details
that are actually unchanged between the toy index we have here and real-world indexes
used in RavenDB.
Indexes in RavenDB are implemented via the Lucene search library, hosted inside Voron,
RavenDB’s storage engine. An index in RavenDB can contain multiple fields, and a query
can be composed of any number of clauses that operate on these fields. But in the end, we
end up with a simple search from the queried term to the list of documents that contain the
term in the specified field, just like our dictionary usage in Listing 10.1.

Indexes come in layers—and with an identity crisis

I’ll be the first to admit that this can be quite confusing, but RavenDB actually has several
different things internally called “index.” At the lowest level, we have Voron indexes, which
is how RavenDB organizes the data in persistent storage. As a user, you don’t have any
control over Voron indexes. A Voron index is used to find a document by ID, for example, or
to return a list of documents that belong to a particular collection, without any further
A Voron index is updated by the storage engine directly as part of the transaction and is
always kept in sync with the data. Unlike the async nature of higher level indexes in
RavenDB, these indexes in Voron (sometimes also called storage indexes) guarantee full
consistency to the reader. You’ll rarely be able to see them in use or affect them in any way,
but they’re crucial for the well being and performance of RavenDB.
I did mention this is confusing, right? Because while we call these Voron indexes, our
regular (exposed to the user) indexes are also stored in Voron. But instead of being part of
the storage engine, they’re stored inside the storage engine to ensure the index data is
transactionally safe and can recover from an error such as an abrupt shutdown.
Even for the user-visible indexes (what you’ll generally mean when you’re talking about
indexes), there are several different levels. At the outer edge of the system, you have the
index that was defined for you by the query optimizer or that you manually created. This,
however, is not the actual index but rather the index definition. It merely tells RavenDB
how you want to index the data.
Then, we have the actual process of indexing the data (which resides in the Index class and
its derived classes) and the actual output of the indexing process, which is also called an
The good news about this naming mess is that you’re rarely going to need to think about
any of that. As far as the outside world can tell, RavenDB allows you to define indexes, and
that’s pretty much it. But if you’re reading the code or interested in the implementation
details, you need to remember that when we’re talking about an index, you might want to
verify what index we’re talking about.
For this chapter, we’ll use the term index definition for the definition of what’s going to
be indexed and the term index for the actual indexed data generated from the indexing

The first index

In the studio, go to the Indexes section and then to List of Indexes. Click the New index
button and give the index the name “MyFirstIndex.” This screen allows you to define an
index by writing the transformation function from the document format to the actual
indexed data.
RavenDB uses C# and Linq to define indexes, and Figure 10.1 shows the simplest possible
index: indexing the FirstName and LastName from the Employees collection.

A simple index over the Employees collection

An index is just a C# Linq expression on a collection that outputs the values we want to
index. The index in Figure 10.1 isn’t a really interesting one, and it usually won’t be a good
candidate for a static index. There’s nothing there that can’t be done using an auto index
the query optimizer will create for us. Nevertheless, let’s see how we use such an index.
Listing 10.3 shows how we can query this index. Instead of specifying that we’ll use a
collection, which will cause the query optimizer to take over and select the best index to
use, we’re explicitly specifying that we want to use the “MyFirstCollection” index.
from index 'MyFirstIndex' where FirstName = 'Andrew'

Except for the explicit index, the rest of the query looks familiar. Indeed, everything that
we’ve gone over in the previous chapter still applies. The difference is that, in this case, we
have an index that defines the shape of the result in a strict fashion. That doesn’t seem like
such a good idea until you realize the shape of the index and the shape of the source
document don’t have to be the same. Consider Listing 10.4, which shows an updated
definition for “MyFirstIndex.” It indexes a computed value rather than the actual values in
the document. Also consider Listing 10.5, which shows how to query the new index.
from emp in docs.Employees
select new
Name = emp.FirstName + " " + emp.LastName

from index 'MyFirstIndex' where Name = "Nancy Davolio"

The result of Listing 10.4 and Listing 10.5 is quite interesting, so it’s worth examining
further. In Listing 10.4, we define an index whose output is a computed field, which in turn
is the result of a concatenation of two values. In Listing 10.5, you can see that we’re
querying over the index and finding a result, even though the source document never
contained such a field.
The example here is silly; I’ll be the first to admit it. But it nicely shows off an important
feature. You can run computation during the indexing process and then query over the
result of said computation. This is quite powerful because it allows you to do some pretty
cool things. For example, consider Listing 10.6, which shows an index (“Orders/Total” in
the sample dataset) that does a more interesting computation.
from order in docs.Orders
select new {
Total = order.Lines.Sum(l => (l.Quantity * l.PricePerUnit) * ( 1 -

In Listing 10.6, we’ve computed the total value of an order. The formula we used isn’t too
complex, but it’s also not trivial. What makes it interesting is that this allows us to run a
query such as the one in Listing 10.7.
from index 'Orders/Totals'
where Total > 100
order by Total as double desc

The query in Listing 10.7 demonstrates a few key concepts. Once the indexing process is
done, the computed field is just that: a field. It means that you can filter using this field as
well as sort by it. The computation has already happened at indexing time, and the cost of
the query in Listing 10.7 is the cost of a seek to the relevant location in the index, plus the
cost of sorting the results according to the indexed value.
Index definition must be a pure function
RavenDB places several limitations on the index definition. Primarily, it requires that the index definition be a pure
function. That means that for the same input, the index definition will always produce the same output. One of the
reasons that RavenDB uses Linq for defining indexes is that it’s quite easy to define a pure function using Linq. In
fact, you need to go out of your way to get a nondeterministic output from a Linq expression. And the syntax is
quite nice, too, of course.
In particular, usage of date time functions or random, as well as trying to access external resources, is not
allowed. This lets RavenDB assume that identical inputs will produce identical outputs and is important for
reindexing and updates.
Most importantly, this query involves no computation during its execution, only index
operations. In contrast to a comparable query in SQL, which would have to sum all of the
order lines for each Orders table, we can take an enormous shortcut by running the
computation once during indexing and reusing it in our queries. We’re going to spend quite
some time exploring what kind of fun we can have with this feature.
Computation during indexing vs. computation during query
In the previous chapter, we mentioned that RavenDB does not allow you to perform queries that will require
computation during the query, such as from Employees where FirstName = LastName . In order to
answer such a query, RavenDB will need to check each individual document, which is incredibly expensive.
You can get an answer to the question you actually want to ask, though, which is “Do I have users whose first and
last name match?” You do that using a static index, such as
// Employees/FirstAndLastNameMatch index definition from employee in
docs.Employees select new { FirstAndLastNameMatch = employee.FirstName ==
employee.LastName }
And you can query this index using the following query: from index
'Employees/FirstAndLastNameMatch' where FirstAndLastNameMatch == true .
This query can be performed as a simple indexing operation instead of an expensive full scan. This is a common
thing to do with RavenDB: shift the cost of the computation to indexing time as much as possible. Queries are far
more frequent than updates, so this kind of cost-shifting makes a lot of sense. Of course, even so, if you have
several operations you want to do on specific collections, you’re better off having them all on a single index rather
than having a separate index for each.

Doing computation during indexing is a neat trick, but how does RavenDB handle the case
where a document was updated? That’s quite simple, as it turns out. All RavenDB needs to
do is simply run the updated document through the indexing function again and index the
resulting values.

How the index actually works

There are a lot of moving parts here, so we need to clearly define what the terms we use
• Document—the RavenDB JSON document.
• Index entry—all of the fields and values that have been indexed from a particular
document. Frequently, it will be a subset of the fields from the document that is being
indexed, but it can be some computed fields as well.
• Term—the actual indexed value that’s stored in the index. This is usually the same as
the value of the field being indexed, but it can be different if you’re applying full text
For example, let’s assume we have the JSON document in Listing 10.8 and we query using
from Dogs where search(Name, 'Arava').
'Name': 'Arava Eini',
'Nick': 'Dawg',
'@metadata': {
'@id': 'dogs/1',
'@collection': 'Dogs'

What will happen is that RavenDB will produce an index entry from this document that will
have the structure {'Name': 'Arava Eini'} and will mark the Name field as using full text
search. This requires additional processing, and the actual terms that will be indexed are
shown in Listing 10.9.
index = {
'Name': {
'arava': ['dogs/1'],
'eini': ['dogs/1']

The search(Name, 'Arava') will then be translated into what’s effectively a search on
index.Name['arava'] to get the proper matches.

This isn’t how the index works at all. But it’s a very good lie because it allows you to reason
about what’s going on and make intuitive guesses about the behavior of the system without
actually having to deal with the full complexity of managing an index. For example, you can
see from the data we keep in the index in Listing 10.9 that we aren’t storing the full
document in the index. Instead, we only store the document ID.
This means that the query pipeline first needs to run the query on the index and get the list
of document IDs that are a match for this query and then go to the document storage to
load the actual documents from there.
Queries, stale indexes and ACID documents, oh my!
In the previous chapter, we talked about async indexes and the possibility that a query will read from an index
before it’s done indexing new or modified documents. An interesting wrinkle here is that the index doesn’t contain
the actual document data, so after the index is done giving us the document IDs, we need to go to the document
storage and load the documents.
One of the promises that RavenDB provides is that document reading is always ACID and must be consistent
(within a single node, at least). That means even if the index itself hasn’t caught up to changes, the data it pulls
from the document store will have everything up to date.

Another important aspect of how queries work in RavenDB, which you can see in Listing
10.9, is that the Name field was not indexed as a single term. In other words, if we looked for
index.Name['Arava Eini'], we wouldn’t find anything in the index. This is because we
searched for the terms in the index. And during indexing, we broke the name to its
constituents’ parts and made all letters lowercase. At query time, we can apply the same
transformation and be able to find the individual terms.
If we were indexing the name without full text search, we’d index the term arava eini. So
the only thing this will allow is for us to run a non-case-sensitive query. Using exact(), of
course, will store the term in the index as is and will require a case-sensitive match.
We already saw, in Figure 9.4 in the previous chapter, that you can pull the terms that are
actually indexed from RavenDB and inspect them, which can help you understand why
your queries return the results they do.
All of this explanation is here to hammer home the fact that at the index level, we aren’t
querying on your documents’ properties. We’re querying on the output of the indexing
function, and that may bear little resemblance to how your index looks. The Total field in
Listing 10.6 serves as a good example for this feature. The documents don’t have a Total
property, but we can compute it during indexing and query on it.
Security considerations
It’s worth noting that a static index is just a C# Linq statement, which means you have a lot of power in your hands.
An index can transform a document into an index entry in some pretty interesting ways. Combine this with the fact
that the shape of the index entry and the shape of the data can be completely disconnected from one another and
it’s easy to understand why we’ll spend most of this chapter just skimming over all that you can do with indexes.
This power has a downside. Static indexes can do everything, including running arbitrary code. In fact, they are
arbitrary code. Defining static indexes is an operation that’s limited to database administrators for that reason.
Auto indexes defined by the query optimizer do not have this issue, obviously, and will be defined for users of all
permissions levels.
You can also use the Additional Sources feature in indexes to expose additional classes and methods to the
index definition. This goes beyond having a simple Linq expression and allows you to run any code whatsoever on
the server. It’s mostly meant to allow you to perform complex logic in the indexing and enable advanced scenarios
(using custom data types on client and server, with their own logic, like NodaTime). You can read more about the
Additional Sources feature in the online documentation.

We can also filter data out during indexing. The indexing function takes a collection of
documents and returns a collection of index entries. It can also return no index entries, in
which case the document will not be indexed. This can be done using a where in the Linq
express that composes the index definition. Listing 10.10 shows an example of filtering out
employees without a manager for the “Employees/ByManager” index.76
from employee in docs.Employees
where employee.ReportsTo != null
select new

Only employees who have someone to report to will be included in this index. There isn’t
usually a good reason to filter things during the indexing process. The reduction in the
index data size isn’t meaningful, and you’re usually better off having this in the query itself,
where you can make such decisions on a per query basis. We’ll see another usecase for
filtering the raw data to the index in a bit, when we discuss multimap indexes.

76 The general recommendation is that you have a single index per collection with all the
fields that you want to search defined on that index. It’s better to have fewer and bigger
indexes than more and smaller indexes.
Storing data in the index
A query in RavenDB will go to the index to find the results (and the order in which to return
them) and then will usually grab the document IDs from the results and load them from the
document store. Since the typical query will return full documents back, that’s usually what
you’ll want to do.
Sometimes, such as with the Total field in Listing 10.6, you want to compute a value during
indexing and use it in your projection. By default, RavenDB will store only enough
information in the index to handle the query—not to get data out of the index. So as it
stands, we’ll need to recompute the Total after the query.
We can ask RavenDB to store the field. Go to “Indexes,” then “List of Indexes” and click
“Orders/Totals” index. This will take you to the index edit screen. Click “Add Field” and
then set Total as the field name. Next, set “Store” to Yes. You can now save the index. This
setting tells RavenDB that it needs to store the value itself (and not just the parts that it
indexed) in such a way that we can later retrieve it.
We can project the Total field from the query, as you can see in Listing 10.11.
from index 'Orders/Totals'
where Total > 10.0
select Total, Company, OrderedAt

Listing 10.11 also shows that we can project a standard field, Company, without storing it.
This works because if the value isn’t stored in the index we’ll try to get it from the
document. Last, we also project the OrderedAt, which follows the same logic. It isn’t stored
in the index, so it’s fetched directly from the document.
Stored fields are used primarily to store the result of such computations, but there’s a small
performance advantage in projecting everything from the index. We don’t need to do the
document load, and in some very specific circumstances, that might be helpful. Document
load is a very cheap process in RavenDB. It happens so frequently that it’s been heavily
optimized, so there’s usually not much point trying to store fields in the index.
Storing data in the index will also increase its size and the time it takes to actually index
since it needs to do more work. Unless you actually need to get the projection out, it’s
usually not worth it.

Querying many sources at once with multimap indexes

Sometimes, just querying a single source isn’t enough. In the sample database, we have
several types of users. We have Employees, the Contact person on Companies and the
Contact person for Suppliers. If an application needed to allow a free-form search over all
of these users, how would that work? Would we need to perform three separate queries?
We could do that, but it would be pretty complex. Instead, we can define an index that will
use more than a single source of data.
Go to Indexes and then to List of Indexes. Click New Index. Then, name the new index
“People/Search” and click Add map twice. You can see the content of the map functions in
Listing 10.12.
from e in docs.Employees
select new
Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName

from c in docs.Companies
select new

from s in docs.Suppliers
select new

The three map functions in Listing 10.12 each point to a different collection. RavenDB will
use the information from all three map functions to generate a single index. This means
that you can now query on all of these collections as a single unit. There are a few things to
notice, though. First, multimap indexes require that all the maps in the index have the same
output. Note that we indexed a Name field in all three maps even though the Employees
collection has no such field.
The other important factor is that it’s usually awkward to have to deal with a
heterogeneous result set. When you’re querying, it’s nice to know what shape of data to
expect. A query on a multimap can return any of the collections that the multimap index
covers. Because of that, it’s usually best to project the data out into a common shape, as you
can see in Listing 10.13.
from index 'People/Search' as p
where Name in ('Mary Saveley', 'Nancy Davolio', 'Wendy Mackenzie')
Collection: p["@metadata"]["@collection"],
ContactName: (p.Contact || { Name: p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName }).Name

The output of the query in Listing 10.13 can be seen in Figure 10.2. You can also remove the
select clause for this query to see how the results will change when you get three different
types of documents back from a single query.
Common output shape for results from multimap index
In a way, the multimap feature is similar to a union in a relational database. It allows you to
query over multiple sources and get the results back from any of them. However, there’s no
limit on the shape of the results like there would be with a union, although that’s quite

Full text indexes

The query in Listing 10.13 is nice, but it’s awkward. We wouldn’t want to ask our users to
specify the full name of the person they’re trying to find. We’ll typically want to do a
smarter search…a full text search, one might even say.
In the previous chapter, we looked at some full text search queries. They looked like
search(Name, 'Nancy') and allowed us to efficiently search for results without the
expense of scanning all of them. Listing 10.9 is a good example of how RavenDB breaks up
the terms during indexing for quick lookups and speedy searches. But so far, we only
looked at it as dynamic queries. How do I make use of the full text search capabilities of
RavenDB using static indexes?
Full text search in RavenDB is composed of the following elements:
• The analyzer you’ve selected.
• The values and manner in which you’re querying.
• The field or fields you’re indexing.
The analyzer for full text search is defined on a field or fields in the index, and it determines
how RavenDB will break apart the text into individual terms. We’ve seen such an example
in Listing 10.9, but let’s consider the following string: "The white knight is running to
the princess's tower to slay the dragon". How would full text search operate on
such a string?
Full text search analysis
RavenDB will hand over this string to the analyzer and get a list of terms back. This is an
extremely simplistic view of what’s actually happening. But it’s important to understand it
so you’ll have the proper mental model of what’s actually going on under the hood. The
simplest analyzer will do nothing to the text provided to it, and you’ll get it back as is. This
is what exact() does with dynamic queries—it lets RavenDB know that we should use the
no-op analyzer, which does case-sensitive matches.
The default analyzer that RavenDB uses isn’t doing much more than that, merely allowing
us to query in a case-insensitive manner. This is done by converting the input string to
lowercase (with all the usual casing required for Unicode-aware programs, of course). It’s
important to note that the analyzer runs during indexing and during query time. In this
way, what ends up querying the actual index data structures is a value that’s been passed
through the analyzer during the query and compared to a value that was passed through
the analyzer during the indexing.
Just changing strings to lowercase isn’t that interesting, I’ll admit, but analyzers can do
much more. By default, when you use search(), you’ll use something called the “standard
analyzer,” and that’s when things start to get interesting. The analyzer will break the input
string into individual terms on a word boundary. So the previous string will be broken up
to the following terms:
• the (3x)
• white
• knight
• is
• running
• to (2x)
• princess’s
• tower
• slay
• dragon
Note that we have made the terms lowercase and that the term the appears three times
and to appears twice. In many languages, there are certain words that appear so frequently
that they’re meaningless noise in most cases. In English, those would be words like a, the,
to, from, is, are, etc. These are called stop words and are stripped from the terms the
analyzers will return because they add no semantic value to the search results.
The terms we end up with are
• white
• knight
• running
• princess
• tower
• slay
• dragon
Note that the possessive “s” in princess's is something that the standard analyzer has
removed. We could also reduce words to their stems, such as turn running into run. The
standard analyzer doesn’t do this, but you can select an analyzer that would do that.
Analyzers are usually specific to the language (and sometimes even the specific business
domain) that you’re working on. The standard analyzer is a good default for English and
most Latin-based languages, but sometimes you’ll need more. In that case, you can look at
available analyzers and use them. A full list of the analyzers available by default with
RavenDB can be found in the online documentation. Because RavenDB uses Lucene behind
the scenes, it’s quite easy to find analyzers for most needs available that can be readily used
by RavenDB. You can also define your own custom analyzers quite easily as well.
Let’s look at how analyzers modify how RavenDB indexes documents. Figure 10.3 shows a
sample document that we’ll focus on.

Sample documents for playing with full text search

Go ahead and create this document, and then create an index named test/search with the
index definition in Listing 10.14.
from n in docs.Notes
select new
Plain = n.Description,
Exact = n.Description,
Search = n.Description

After adding the index definition, you’ll need to customize the way RavenDB will index
these fields. Click the Add field button and enter “Search” as the field name, then click
Advanced and select Search as the value for the Indexing dropdown. Add another field and
enter “Exact” in the name field. Then click Advanced and select Exact as the value for the
Indexing dropdown. You can see how this should look in Figure 10.4.
Configuring the test/search index fields with different analyzers
And with that, you can click Save, and we’re done. You can now go to the index Terms to see
the different indexing methods that were used on each of these fields. The results are
shown in Figure 10.5.

The indexed terms for the same values using different analyzers
The Plain field was indexed as is, but in lowercase. (Note the first the in the string). The
Exact field is almost the same, but it preserves the casing. (Again, notice the The at the
beginning.) And the Search field is probably the most interesting one. There, we can see the
whole process of breaking it up into individual terms, filtering out stop words and stripping
the possessive “s” out.
Now, let’s do some queries on this index.
Full text search queries
Querying a full text search field is an interesting experience because what we think we’re
doing and what’s actually happening is so often drastically different, yet the end result is
the same. Consider the query from index 'test/search' as n where search(n.Search,
"princess flower tower").

If you run this query, you’ll find that this actually matches the document, even though the
word flower is nowhere to be found. That’s because of the way RavenDB processes queries
on full text search. It’s enough that we have any match to be considered enough to return
the result. More advanced options, such as phrase queries, are also available when using
Lucene directly, such as the following queries:
• where lucene(n.Search, ' "princess tower" ') —phrase query match (note the "
in the query) because there’s a princess followed by a tower in the text, even though
we don’t have the ' in the query.
• where lucene(n.Search, ' "running princess" ') —also a match because the
word running is followed by a princess (with the stop words removed).
• where lucene(n.Search, ' "running knight" ') —not a match. There’s no running
followed by knight in the text.
As you probably remember, the lucene() method allows you to drop down directly into
the Lucene syntax and compose complex full text search queries. I’m using it here primarily
because it allows me to demonstrate the way full text search matches work. They’re not
quite so simple. You can read more about the full power of Lucene in the online
documentation, but I want to focus on understanding how the queries work. Let’s take, for
example, the search() method and how it operates.
The search() method accepts the query string you’re looking for and passes it to the
analyzer for the specified field. It then compares the terms the analyzer returned with the
terms already in the index, and if there’s a match on any of them, it’s considered to be a
match for the query. There’s also the ranking of the results to take into account. The more
terms that are matched by a particular document from the query, the higher it will be in the
results. This is affected by such things as the term frequency, the size of the document and
a lot of other things that I’m not going to cover but are quite interesting to read about.77
What happens when we’re making a query on a full text field (one with an analyzer
defined) without using search()? Let’s see:
• where n.Search = "princess tower" —No match. There’s no term princess tower
for this field.
• where n.Search = "dragon"—Match. There’s a term dragon for this field.

77See the Lucene in Action and Managing Gigabytes books, recommended in the previous
This is really strange, isn’t it? But take a closer look at Figure 10.5, and it will be clear
what’s going on. There’s a term dragon there, and when we use equality comparison, we
compare against the terms directly, so we find a dragon but we don’t find a single term
princess tower. When we use search() or lucene(), we’re performing more complex
operations, which allows us to do more interesting queries.
For the same reason, it’s not meaningful to talk about sorting on a full text field. The value
you’re sorting on can be any of the terms that were generated by the analyzer for this field.
If you want to sort on such a field, you need to index it twice: once as a full text field and
once as a normal field. You’ll search on the full text field and sort on the normal field.
This leads us nicely to an important discussion: how to work with fields in the index.

Full text search fields

RavenDB doesn’t require anything to match between the source document and its index
entry. We saw that previously in Listing 10.14, when we indexed a single field from the
document three different times, with different analyzers for each field. In many cases, you’ll
use the same field names, but there’s no requirement to do that. This behavior is
intentional because it gives you a lot of freedom with regards to how you’re able to build
your index and perform queries.
Listing 10.14 showed an example of how we can index a single field multiple times. Listing
10.15 shows the index definition for Companies/Search, which show the reverse scenario,
where we’re searching over multiple fields in the document using a single field in the index
from c in docs.Companies
select new
Query = new[] {

The index definition in Listing 10.15 adds three different fields to the Query field on the
index entry. When creating this index definition, you also need to register the Query field as
full text search (as we’ve done with the Search field in the previous example). The question
is, what does this give us?
This type of index is typically used to serve search pages directly. For example, we can run
the following queries on this index:
• from index 'Companies/Search' where search(Query, "ALFKI") —Search
companies using the external ID.
• from index 'Companies/Search' where search(Query, "Alfreds") —Search
companies by full text search on the company name.
• from index 'Companies/Search' where search(Query, "Anders")—Search
companies by full text search on the contact person’s name.
Note that in all cases, we get the same result (companies/1-A). A user can type any of the
above into the search text box and get the result they’re looking for. Gone are the days of
search pages with dozens of fields and extra long waiting times. You can search on any of
the interesting fields that a client may remember without any hassle.
This is something that’s quite easy to do but can significantly improve the life of our users.
Now they have much greater freedom in querying, and they don’t need to limit themselves
to knowing exactly what value to search in what field. One of the things I recommend you
do in such pages is to directly go into the details page, if there’s just one result. This gives
the users the impression that they can type just enough for your system to recognize who
they’re talking about and take them to the right place. It may seem like a small thing, but
these are the kind of things that make a user really appreciate a system.
Of course, it’s not always this easy. What happens if I know what I’m searching for but I
can’t quite get it right enough for the index to find it? There’s a lot more that you can do
with indexes in RavenDB.

Getting the most out of your indexes

Indexes are typically used to answer very specific questions, such as “Give me all the
documents that match this criteria in this order.” But RavenDB indexes are actually capable
of doing much more. In this section, I want to highlight three of the more interesting
capabilities of the indexes in RavenDB.
• Suggestions—allowing you to ask RavenDB what the user probably meant to ask
• More like this—suggesting similar documents to an existing one.
• Facets—slicing and dicing of the data to provide you with detailed insights into what’s
going on in large result sets.
I’m going to cover them briefly here, mostly to introduce them and explain where and how
they should be used. I’ll leave the details on all the myriads of options and advanced
features they have to the online documentation.

In the sample data, we have the companies/8-A document. It’s for a company in Spain,
whose owner name is: Martín Sommer. Note that diacritic over the í. It’s reasonable for
someone to not notice that and search for Martin. In this case, they’d find nothing. This can
be frustrating, so we have a few ways in which we can help the user find what they’re
looking for.
In the same way we’ll automatically go to the details page if there’s only a single result,
we’ll also ask RavenDB if it can think of what the user meant to ask for. This can be done
using the suggestions feature. Before we can use it, though, we need to enable it in the
index, as shown in Figure 10.6.

Marking a field as having the suggestions feature

With this change, we let RavenDB know that we’ll be asking it to suggest options to queries
the user has made. This typically requires RavenDB to spend more time in indexing,
preparing all the options that a user can misspell in a search query, but the results can be
astounding to users. Consider the query in Listing 10.16.
from index 'Companies/Search'
select suggest(Query, "Martin")

We’re asking RavenDB, “What could the user have meant by ‘Martin’ in the Query field?”
RavenDB will try to look at the data in the index for this field and infer the intent of the
user. If you care to know the details, RavenDB breaks the terms into pieces during the
indexing process and scrambles them to simulate common errors. Those all go into an
index that’s used during query. This does increase the cost of indexing, but the cost of
querying suggestions is typically very low. I wouldn’t suggest78 applying this globally, but
for user-facing searches, the dataset is typically pretty stable, so that works out great.
The result of the query in Listing 10.16 can be seen in Figure 10.7.

78 Pun intended.
Suggested alternatives for “Martin”
You can use the results of the suggestion query to show results to the user, or you can ask
them what they meant, similar to how Google does it. This feature tends to get enthusiastic
responses when users run into it.
I gave an example in Unicode because it’s clear how it would be hard to use, but the same is
possible using any type of misspelling, such as that in listing 10.17.
from index 'Companies/Search'
select suggest(Query, "Summer")

The query in Listing 10.17 will give sommer and cramer as the possible suggestions for

I focused heavily on finding what the user meant when they misspelled something and
didn’t find anything, but suggestions can also be useful when you did find something but
want to let the user know there are additional alternatives they might want to explore.
Sometimes, this can give the user a reason to go exploring, although the “more like this”
feature is more appropriate there.

More like this

My toddler likes playing “what looks like this” and it’s a lot of fun. In a more serious setting,
there are a lot of use cases for “find me more stuff that looks like this.” In bug tracking, it
might be finding a previous occurrence of a bug. With a product catalog, that might be
finding another item that’s roughly the same.
What the “more like this” feature is and isn’t
The way “more like this” works is quite simple, beneath the surface. You mark a field as full text search and define
it to have a term vector. These two things together provide RavenDB the ability to build a query to find similar
documents. There is a bit of smarts around how we decided the query should actually look, but that’s the basis of
how it works.
In many cases, this simple approach works well to find similar and related documents, especially if your dataset is
large and the documents and data you’re indexing are complex. In this case, the more data you have, the more
information RavenDB has to decide upon a similar document vs. what’s just random noise, common in your
This isn’t the basis of a recommendation engine, though. It’s a good start and allows you to hit the ground running
and demonstrate a feature quickly. But while there’s quite a lot of tuning that you can do (see the online
documentation for the full details), it’s a feature that was developed to find documents based on shared indexed
terms and nothing beyond that. True recommendation engines can do much more.

To make true use of the “more like this” feature, we typically use a large dataset and utilize
large text fields that give us enough information to distinguish between noise and what’s of
real value. This is especially true when we’re talking about user-generated content, such as
comments, posts, emails and the like. It’s of somewhat less use for static fields, but there
are still quite a few interesting use cases for this feature.
We’ll start by defining the Orders/Search index, as shown in Listing 10.18.
from o in docs.Orders
select new{
Address = new[]{o.ShipTo.City, o.ShipTo.Country},
Products = o.Lines.Select(x => x.Product)
Before we can start performing a “more like this” query, we need to configure a term vector
for these fields, as shown in Figure 10.8.

Defining term vectors (for use with more like this) in the Orders/Search index
Setting a field to use a term vector tells RavenDB we need to store enough information
about each index entry to not only be able to tell from a term what index entries contained
it but also to be able to go from an index entry to all the terms that it contained. A term may
appear multiple times in an index entry (common when we’re using full text search). For
example, the word term has appeared multiple times in this paragraph. A term vector for
the paragraph will contain a list of all unique words and how often they appeared.
Why didn’t we define full text search on the fields in Orders/Search?*
You might have noticed in Figure 10.8 that we didn’t set the fields to use full text search. Why is that? The values
we’re going to put into these fields (a city, a country or a product ID) are all terms that we don’t want to break up.
In this case, using full text search on those fields would break them apart too much. For example, if we have a city
named “New York,” that is the city name. We don’t want to break it into “New” and “York”.
Another thing to note is that the Address field in the index is actually using an array to store multiple values in
the same field. It’s similar to using an analyzer, but for one-off operations, this is often easier. You can look at the
index terms to see what got indexed.

With all of the preparations complete, we can now actually make our first “more like this”
query, which is shown in Listing 10.19.
from index 'Orders/Search'
where morelikethis(id() = 'orders/535-A')

The query asks RavenDB to find similar orders to orders/535-A based on the
Orders/Search index. This index has two fields marked with term vectors, which are used
for this purpose. The orders/535-A document has a single purchased product
(products/31-A) and was shipped to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Based on this, RavenDB will
construct a query similar to this one: where Address = 'argentina' or Address =
'buenos aires' or Products = 'products/31-a'

Note that the casing on the query parameters is intentional because the data comes directly
from the index terms, which were changed to lowercase by the default analyzer. I’m doing
this to explicitly show the source of the data.
The result of the query in Listing 10.19 is 65 results. It’s the same as if we replaced the
morelikethis() call with the equivalent query that we figured out manually. Note that
issuing the query on orders/830-A, for example, will have 25 items in the query that will be
Why go into so much detail about how this is actually implemented? Well, consider the
implications. As we know, in such queries, the more matches we have, the higher the rank
of a result. So this explains how we get the “more like this” aspect. We query on the
matches, and the higher the number of matches, the more we’ll consider it similar to the
target and return it. It’s magic demystified but hopefully still pretty cool and a nice way to
give the user something to follow up on.
I’m not going to cover all the options of morelikethis() here, but I wanted to point out
that you have a great deal of control over exactly how RavenDB is going to match these
documents. Take a look at Listing 10.20, where we want to apply the morelikethis() only
on the Address field.
from index 'Orders/Search'
where morelikethis(id() = 'orders/535-a', '{"Fields": ["Address"] }')

The results of the query in Listing 10.20 is just 15 similar orders: those that were sent to
the same city and country. Other options allow you to decide what terms will be considered
for the morelikethis() query based on their frequency of use and overall popularity. You
can find the full details in the online documentation.
We’re now going to look at another element of the RavenDB querying capabilities: facets
and how we can use them to get all sorts of information about the result set for your

To query is to ask a question about something. Usually the questions we ask are some
variant of “give me all the documents matching this pattern,” such as when we ask to get
the last 50 orders from a particular customer. This is easy to understand and reason about.
We run into problems when the size of the result set is so big that it’s not meaningful for
the user.
Consider the case of a support engineer fielding a phone call. The customer reports an
error, so the engineer searches the knowledge base for all articles with “error” in them. As
you can imagine, there are likely going to be quite a few of these. The poor engineer is
unlikely to find something meaningful using such a strategy. On the other hand, very often
we have a pretty good idea about the general query we want but not a clue how to narrow
it down.
Facets are widely used, but they’re the sort of feature that you don’t really pay attention to.
A good example of that would be YouTube. As you can see in Figure 10.9, searching
YouTube for “Dancing” is an interesting experience. How would I be able to choose from
over 280 million different videos?
Faceted search in YouTube
Facets allow me to narrow down the search quite easily by exposing the inner structure of
the data. There are two searches shown in Figure 10.9: the first doesn’t have any filters
applied, and the second filters for 4K and uploaded today. This reduces the results to a far
more manageable number. It also gives me additional information, such as the fact that
there are no matches with the type “Show” in the results. You can see another good
example of facets in commerce. If I want to buy a new phone, I have way too many options.
Searching eBay for “phone” gives me over 300,000 results. Figure 10.10 shows how eBay
uses facets to help you narrow down the selection to just the right one.
Facets can help a customer to narrow down to the exact product they want
In some cases, this is just there to help you feed the system the exact query it needs. In
many other cases, facets actively assist the user in figuring out what kind of questions they
need to ask. The feedback from the numbers in Figure 10.10, in contrast to the match / no
match indication in Figure 10.9 is another factor, giving the user the ability to guide their
Facets are a cool feature indeed. Let’s see how you can use them in RavenDB. Facets require
that you define an index for the fields you want to query and apply facets on. In this case,
we’ll use the Product/Search index in the sample data set. We’ll start with the simple
faceted query shown in Listing 10.21.
from index 'Product/Search'
PricePerUnit < 10,
PricePerUnit between 10 and 50,
PricePerUnit between 51 and 100,
PricePerUnit > 100
) as Price,

The results of the query shown in Listing 10.21 can be seen in Figure 10.11. The query itself
is composed of three facets: a range facet on the PricePerUnit field and two field facets on
Category and Supplier. As you can see, in the case of the range facets, we grouped all the
matches in each particular range. And in the case of the field facet, we group by each
individual value.

Faceted query results

The query in Listing 10.21 is simple since it has no where clause. This is where you’ll
typically start—just giving the user some indication of the options they have for queries.
Let’s say the user picked suppliers 11 and 12 as the ones they want to drill down into. The
query will then look like the one in Listing 10.22.
from index 'Product/Search'
where Supplier in ('suppliers/11-a', 'suppliers/12-a')
PricePerUnit < 10,
PricePerUnit between 10 and 50,
PricePerUnit between 51 and 100,
PricePerUnit > 100
) as Price,

In Listing 10.22, we’re querying over the same facets, but we’re now also limiting it to just
particular suppliers. The output of the Price facet will change, as shown in Listing 10.23.
"Name": "Price",
"Values": [
"Count": 1,
"Range": "PricePerUnit < 10"
"Count": 6,
"Range": "PricePerUnit between 10 and 50"
"Count": 0,
"Range": "PricePerUnit between 51 and 100"
"Count": 1,
"Range": "PricePerUnit > 100"

As you can see, the number of results per each range has changed to reflect the new
filtering done on the query.
The facets portion of the query is the very last thing that happens, after the entire query
has been processed. This means that you can use any where clause you want and filter the
results accordingly. However, any query that uses facet() must return only facet()
results and cannot use clauses such as include or load.
Faceted queries are typically combined with the same query, sans the facets, to show the
user the first page of the results as they keep narrowing down their selections. You’ll
typically use the Lazy feature to combine such multiple queries, as was discussed in
Chapter 4.

Spatial indexes
In Chapter 9, we discussed spatial queries and used them with automatic indexes. Using a
static index gives you a high degree of control over the spatial indexing that RavenDB will
perform on your data. Let’s create a new index called Companies/Spatial, as shown in
Listing 10.24.
from c in docs.Companies
select new
Name = c.Name,
Coordinates = CreateSpatialField(

The CreateSpatialField method instructs RavenDB to use the provided latitude and
longitude to create a spatial field named Coordinates. As usual, even though there are
some companies with a null Address.Location, we can safely ignore that. RavenDB will
handle null propagation during the indexes and save us from all those null checks.
With this index, we can now perform spatial queries. You can see such a query in Listing
10.25, querying for companies within a mile of 605 5th Ave. S., Seattle, Washington.
from index 'Companies/Spatial'
where spatial.within(Coordinates,, 47.5970, -122.3286, 'miles'))

The query in Listing 10.25 has a single result: the White Clover Markets company. You can
also use the CreateSpatialField to pass a WKT string representing any arbitrary shape that
will be indexed by RavenDB. So far, this seems to be pretty much the same as we’ve
previously done with auto indexes. Static indexes allow you to customize the spatial
indexing behavior. So let’s see how.
Go to the Companies/Spatial edit index page and click on the Add field button. Set the
Field name to Coordinates and click on the Spatial toggle. The result should be similar to
Figure 10.12.
Spatial field indexing options
You can use these options to have fine-grained control over exactly how RavenDB will
index your spatial data and process spatial queries. Of particular interest is the Max Tree
Level field, which controls how precise the spatial queries are going to be and directly
relates to the cost of spatial indexing.

How RavenDB handles spatial indexing and queries

This section isn’t going to be an exhaustive study of how spatial indexing works, nor will it
dive too deeply into the actual implementation. The first topic is too broad for this book
(and there are excellent resources online), and the second topic is unlikely to be of much
interest to anyone who isn’t actually implementing the querying support. Full details on the
spatial behaviors and options are available in the online documentation. What this section
is going to do is to give you a good idea of how RavenDB performs spatial queries—enough
so that you’ll be able to reason about the impact of the decisions you’re making.
RavenDB offers three different spatial indexing strategies:
• Bounding box
• Geohash prefix tree
• Quad prefix tree
To demonstrate the difference between these strategies, we’ll use the Terms feature to see
what’s actually going on underneath it all. Go into Companies/Spatial and edit the
Coordinates field to the BoundingBox strategy. Click Save and then go into the index terms.
You should see something similar to Figure 10.13.
Bounding box indexing behind the scenes
The bounding box strategy is the simplest one. Given a spatial shape, such as a point, a
circle or a polygon, it computes that shape’s bounding box and indexes its location. These
are the Coordinates__minX, Coordinates__minY, Coordinates__maxX and
Coordinates__maxY fields that you can see in Figure 10.13.

As for the actual values of these fields, these are the spatial coordinates that match the
bounding box. Whenever you make a query, RavenDB will translate it to the same bounding
box system. You can see a sample of this query translation in Listing 10.26.
// actual query
from index 'Companies/Spatial'
where spatial.within(Coordinates,, 47.5970, -122.3286,

// what actually gets executed

from index 'Companies/Spatial'
where Coordinates__minX >= -125.3341 and
Coordinates__maxX <= -119.3230 and
Coordinates__minY >= 45.5707 and
Coordinates__maxY <= 49.623237136915
As you can imagine, this is a pretty cheap way to handle spatial queries, both during the
indexing portion and at the time of the query. However, it suffers from a number of issues
related to the accuracy of the solution. In many cases, you wing it and get by with a
bounding box, but in truth it’s limited in the kind of queries it can perform and how well it
can answer them. In particular, the bounding box assumes that the world is flat (or at least
that the bounding box is small enough that it can ignore the curvature of the earth).
Let’s move to the next option and look at the geohash strategy. Go to the index, update the
spatial option to GeohashPrefixTree and save the index. Now, go to the index terms, and
you’ll find something similar to Figure 10.14.
Geo hash indexing behind the scenes
The pyramids you see are the actual geohashes, but before we can start talking about how
RavenDB uses them, we need to explain what they are. The way geohashes work is by
dividing the world into a grid with 32 buckets. They then divide each bucket in the grid
further into another 32 buckets, and so on. You can play with geohashing in an interactive
manner using the following sites:

A map showing the top level of geohash

By looking at the map in Figure 10.15 and the terms from Figure 10.14, we can see that the
prefix 6 covers most of South America. The next level we have, 69, is mostly Argentina, and
69y is Buenos Aires. In other words, the longer the geohash, the more precise it is.
A map showing multiple levels of geohash
Look at the spatial indexing options in Figure 10.12. You can see the Max Tree Level there,
which determines the accuracy of the spatial indexing. This, in turn, determines the length
of the geohash. A tree level of 9 (the default) gives us a resolution of about 2.5 meters. That
somewhat depends on the exact location on the earth that you are searching.
When indexing a shape, RavenDB will pixelate it to the required resolution and enter the
geohashes that cover it. The more irregular the shape and the higher the precision
required, the more work that’s needed to generate the terms that match the query. At
query time, we do the reverse and find the matches. Note that with the geohash strategy,
the geohash is used to find the relevant shapes in a rough fashion, after which we check
whether all the shapes inside the geohash matched our actual query.
In other words, with spatial queries using geohash (or quad), there are two stages to the
query. First, do a rough match on the shapes. This is what you can see in the index terms.
Second, have the actual spatial geometry check to see if the shape matches the query.
The quad tree strategy is similar in many respects to the geohash but uses a different
coordinate system (a grid of four buckets, hence the name quad). Quad buckets are always
squares, while geohash buckets can be rectangular. This might make a difference if you’re
using heatmaps and want a more predictable zoom in/out.
Coordinates terms when indexing using quad prefix tree
Geohash is more widely used, and it’s supported by many platforms and tools. The
selection of geohash or quad typically doesn’t have any major effect on indexing speed or
queries; it primarily depends on what you’re going to be using this for. If you’re going to
display spatial data, you’ll probably want to select a mode that works best with whatever
mapping component you’re using.
Bounding box strategy is much cheaper at indexing time and can produce very quick
queries, but that’s at the expense of the level of accuracy you can get. This is good if what
you typically care about is rough matches. For example, if your query is something like
“find me the nearest restaurants,” you likely don’t care too much about the shape. On the
other hand, if you’re asking for “give me all the schools in this district,” that’s something
quite different, and you’ll care about the exact shape the query is processing.
The performance cost of spatial indexing is directly related to the tree level you chose, and
a very granular level with complex shapes can cause long indexing times. You’ll usually not
notice that, because indexing is async and doesn’t hold up other word, but it can impact
operations when you are creating a new index or storing large number of entities to the
database all at once. In particular, if you have an expensive spatial index, it is usually better
to avoid indexing documents that have very high rate of change since RavenDB will need to
re-index them every time, even if the spatial fields didn’t change.
In such cases, it might be better to move the spatial data to a dedicated collection
containing just that, so the documents with the spatial data will only be indexed if they
change. This is typically not required, since even with spatial indexing, the indexing is fast
enough for most cases, but it can be a valid approach if you need to speed up indexing times
and are getting held up by the spatial indexing level you require.
Splitting the spatial data to a separate collection brings up an interesting issue, though.
How do we deal with indexing of data that is located on multiple documents?

Indexing referenced data

The document modeling rules we’ve reviewed so far call for documents to be independent,
isolated and coherent. Documents should be able to stand on their own without referencing
other documents. Sometimes, however, you need data from a related document to create a
good search experience.
For example, using the sample dataset, you want to search for employees using the name of
their manager. In general, I dislike such requirements. I would much rather have the user
first search for the appropriate manager and then find all the employees that report to this
manager. From many perspectives, from the purity of the model to the user experience you
can provide, this is the better choice.
In particular, searching employees by a manager’s name leads to confusion about which
manager you’re talking about if more than one manager have the same name. Even so,
sometimes this is something you just have to do. The users may require it to behave in this
manner because the old system did it this way, or maybe the model they use actually calls
for this. So how would you do it?
One way to handle this requirement is to store the document field on the related entity. In
other words, you’d store the manager’s name in the employee document. That works, but it
will rightly raise eyebrows when you look at your model. This isn’t a value we want to
freeze in time, such as a product’s price or its name in the Orders collection. A manager’s
name is their own, and they’re free to modify it as they wish. If we stored that name in the
employee document, it would mean we’d have to update the employee document whenever
we updated the manager. That is…not so nice, even if RQL makes it easy, as you can see in
Listing 10.27.
from Employees as e
where e.ReportsTo = $managerId
update {
e.ManagerName = $managerName;

The only thing that’s of interest in Listing 10.27 is the passing of parameters to both the
query and the update clause. Other than that, it’s a perfectly ordinary query. However,
having to do such things will likely result in the ghost of “you shoulda normalized that”
haunting you. In particular, while this can be a viable solution for certain things, it isn’t
elegant, and it goes against the grain of the usual thinking in database design.
Another option is to ask RavenDB to handle this explicitly during the indexing process, as
you can see in Listing 10.28.
from e in docs.Employees
let manager = LoadDocument(e.ReportsTo, "Employees")
select new
ManagerFirstName = manager.FirstName,
ManagerLastName = manager.LastName

I’ve created Listing 10.28 as an index named Employees/Search. And I can query it as
shown in Listing 10.29:
from index 'Employees/Search'
where ManagerLastName = 'fuller'

As you can see, we’re able to query the related information. But how does this work? In
Listing 10.28, you can see the use of an unfamiliar function: LoadDocument(e.ReportsTo,
"Employees"). This is the key for this feature. At indexing time, RavenDB will load the
relevant document and allow you to index its values. Note that we need to specify which
collection we’re loading the document from.
This is all well and good, but what happens when the manager’s name changes? Go ahead
and change employees/2-A’s LastName to Smith. Then execute the query in Listing 10.29
again. You’ll find no results. But if you run it on ManagerLastName = 'Smith', you’ll find
the missing documents.
In other words, when using LoadDocument in the index, you can index data from a related
document, and it’s RavenDB’s responsibility to keep such related data up to date. In fact,
this is why we need to know which collection you’re loading the document from: so we can
watch it for changes (in a similar way to how we watch the collection that we’re indexing).
The loaded documents can be from the collection we’re already indexing (as is the case in
Listing 10.28) or an unrelated collection.
The cost of tracking related documents
The LoadDocument behavior doesn’t come without costs. And these costs come in two areas. First, during
indexing, we need to load the relevant document. That may require us to read a document that currently resides
on the disk, skipping many of the performance optimizations (such as prefetching) that we apply when we need to
index a batch of documents. This cost is usually not large and is rarely an issue.
Of more concern is the fact that whenever any document in a collection that’s referenced by LoadDocument is
changed, the index needs to scan that index. It also assesses whether any references need to be reindexed. This is
usually the more expensive portion of this feature.

When you consider using the LoadDocument feature, first consider whether this is used to
paper over modeling issues. In particular, LoadDocument allows you to do “joins” during the
indexing process. That can be very useful or lead you down a problematic road, depending
on your usage. In particular, if a large number of documents reference a single document
(or a small set of them), then whenever that referenced document is changed, all the
documents referencing it will also need to be reindexed. In other words, the amount of
work that an index has to do because of a single document change can be extremely large
and may cause delays in indexing.
These delays will only impact the specific index using LoadDocument and will have the
effect of making it do more work. But other work on the server will continue normally, and
queries (including to this particular index) can run as usual (but may show outdated
results). Other indexes or operations on the server will not be impacted.
The whole referenced document vs. referencing documents can be a bit confusing, so an
example might be in order. In Listing 10.28, we have the Employee referencing the manager
using the ReportsTo field. In other words, the referencing document is the Employee and
the referenced document is the manager. (In this case, it’s also a document in the
Employees collection.) The topology of the references is critical in this case.

If the number of employees that report to the same manager is small, everything will work
just fine. Whenever the manager document is updated, the employees managed by this
document will be reindexed. However, consider the case where all employees report to the
same manager and that manager’s document is updated. We’d now need to index
everything that referenced it, which can be a huge number of documents.
Remember that the reindexing will happen on any change in the referenced document. In
Listing 10.28, we are only using the manager’s FirstName and LastName, but RavenDB will
reindex the referencing employees even if the only change was an updated phone number.
LoadDocument is a very powerful feature, and it deserve its place in your toolbox. But you
should be aware of its limitations and costs. Unfortunately, it’s used all too often as a means
to avoid changing the model, which will usually just defer a problem rather than fix the
modeling issues. All of that being said, if you aren’t going to have a large number of
references to a single document and you do want to query based on data from related
documents, LoadDocument is a really nice way to do so.

Dynamic data
RavenDB is schemaless. You can store any kind of data in any way you want—to a point.
This flexibility doesn’t extend to querying. You do need to know what you’re querying on,
right? Of course, you can query on fields in a dynamic fashion, and it will work because the
query optimizer will add the new field you just queried onto the index. But adding a field to
an index requires us to reindex it, and that isn’t quite what we want. We want to be able to
say, “This index will cover any of the fields I’m interested in” and have that done regardless
of the shape of the data we index.
We can do that in RavenDB quite easily with a bit of pre-planning. Let’s look at Listing
10.30, showing the Employees/DynamicFields index and how RavenDB allows us to index
dynamic fields.
from e in docs.Employees
select new
_ = e.Address.Select(field =>
CreateField(field.Key, field.Value)
__ = CreateField(e.FirstName, e.LastName),
Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName

There are several things going on with the Employees/DynamicFields index in Listing
10.30. First, we used the _ variable name as an index output to indicate that this index is
using dynamic field indexes. (Otherwise, RavenDB will error with an invalid field name
when you query.)79 You can see that you can mix and match dynamic index names with
static field names. RavenDB doesn’t mind, it just works.
We also used the CreateField method twice. The first time, we used it to index all the
fields inside the Address object. In this way, we aren’t explicitly listing them one at a time,
and if different documents have different fields for the Address object, each document will
have different fields indexed.
The second time we called CreateField is much stranger. This created a completely
dynamic field whose name is the employee’s FirstName and whose value is the employee’s
LastName. This an example of dynamic fields that are created explicitly. With the index
defined, we can now start querying it, as you can see in Listing 10.31.

79We can only use _ once in an index output, and the name of the field doesn’t matter when
you use CreateField, so we typically just use __, ___, etc. for the dynamic field names.
from index 'Employess/DynamicFields'
where City = 'London'

Even though the index doesn’t have an explicit field named City, we can still query on it.
For that matter, we can also query using where Nancy='Davolio'. You can add any field
that you want to the Address object, and it will be indexed. No two documents must have
the same fields; the Employees/DynamicFields shown in Listing 10.30 can accept any
structure you want. Dynamic fields complete the schemaless nature of RavenDB and allow
for complete freedom of operations.
It’s still recommended that you mostly use static indexing, mostly because it’s easier to
reason about and work with. While RavenDB doesn’t actually care for the field names you
have, it’s usually easier if you use dynamic fields only when needed. In particular, we’ve
seen users that used dynamic fields to index every single field in their documents. That
works, and sometimes you’d want to do this. But in most cases, it’s an issue of “we might
need this in the future” and is rarely, if ever, used.
Indexing documents has a cost that is proportional to the number of indexed fields, so
indexing things that you’ll likely not need will end up costing time and disk space for no

We started this chapter by discussing what indexes are in RavenDB. We saw that, like an
onion,80 indexes come in layers. There’s the index definition, specifying what and how we
should index, the index on disk and the actual indexing process. We started working with
indexes explicitly by defining indexes using Linq expressions. Such expressions give us the
ability to select the fields (and computed values) that we want to be able to index.
We looked into how the indexes actually work, starting from a document being
transformed into the index entry by the index definition all the way to the actual processing
that happens for the data being indexed. We looked at how the values we index are broken
into terms according to the specified analyzer and then are stored in a way that allows
quick retrieval of the associated documents. We also saw that we can store information
directly in the index, although that’s reserved for special cases.
Once we covered what indexes are, we started to look at how we can use static indexes in
RavenDB. Multimap indexes allow us to index more than a single collection in one index,
giving us the ability to merge results from different sources in a single query. Full text
search is a world unto itself, but RavenDB contains everything you can wish for in this
We looked at how full text search analysis processes text and how it’s exposed in the index
terms in the studio. RavenDB allows you to utilize full text search using both purpose-built

80 Or an ogre.
methods (such as StartsWith(),Search(), etc.) and a lower level interface exposed via the
Lucene() method that lets you interface directly with the Lucene engine.

A nice trick you can use in indexing is to merge multiple fields from the index into a single
field in the index entry, which allows you to query over all these fields at once. This kind of
behavior is perfect for building search pages, avoiding the need to have a field for each
option and simplifying the user interface to a single textbox. In the area of search, your
users will surely appreciate you looking like Google, and RavenDB makes such behavior
quite easy to implement.
In fact, as we have seen, indexes aren’t limited to just plain searching. Features such as
suggestions allow RavenDB to analyze your data and guess what the user actually meant to
search, and “more like this” can be used to find similar documents to the one the user is
looking at.
Facets are a way to dissect the result set you get from a query and gather additional
information from it. Instead of forcing your users to go through thousands or millions of
results, you can have RavenDB slice and dice the results so the users can dig deeper and
find exactly what they’re looking for. These last three features (suggestions, “more like
this” and facets) are primarily used when you need to directly expose search operations to
the users. They allow you to provide an intelligent and easy-to-use interface to expose the
data from your system in a way that can be easily consumed, without having to work hard
to do so.
RavenDB also supports the spatial queries, allowing you to find documents based on their
location on the globe. We looked at how such indexes are defined and what you can do with
them. We also dove into how they’re actually implemented and the varying costs of the
levels of accuracy you can get from spatial queries.
We peeked into how RavenDB allows you to query related data by calling LoadDocument at
indexing time. This moves the responsibility of updating the indexed data from related
documents to RavenDB, which may increase the indexing time but has no impact on the
cost of querying the information.
Finally, we looked at how RavenDB allows you to define indexes on dynamic data without
needing any common structure between the indexed documents. This is useful for user
generated data and when you’re working on highly dynamic systems. Instead of the usual
complexity involved in such systems, with RavenDB, you can just make everything work.
The database will allow you to store, retrieve and query the data in any way you want.
In the next chapter, we’ll look into RavenDB’s MapReduce indexes, what they can do for
you and how they actually work.

MapReduce and Aggregations in RavenDB

MapReduce is an old term. It came from Lisp and was used as early as the 1960s. For a long
time, it was primarily known only by functional language aficionados, and it was rarely
seen outside their circles. In 2004, the Google paper “MapReduce: Simplified Data
Processing on Large Clusters” was released, and MapReduce was instantly a big hit in the
distributed programming circles. Everyone had to have a distributed MapReduce
RavenDB is a distributed database, and it uses MapReduce. However, it doesn’t do so in the
context of distributed computing. Instead, RavenDB uses MapReduce for aggregation of
data on each node independently. If you’re used to MapReduce jobs that run on large
clusters processing terrabytes of data, this might look very strange. But RavenDB isn’t
using MapReduce to break apart large computations across different machines. Instead, it
uses MapReduce to break apart computations across time.
It’s usually easier to explain with an example, so let’s jump into that.

Executing simple aggregations

Listing 11.1 shows a simple aggregation query, giving us the total number of orders and
items purchased by a particular company.
from Orders as o
group by o.Company
where o.Company = 'companies/1-A'
select count() as NumberOfOrders,
sum(o.Lines[].Quantity) as ItemsPurchased,

The query in Listing 11.1 should be familiar to anyone who’s used SQL before. Now, let’s
analyze what RavenDB must do in order to answer this kind of query:
1. Find all the Orders documents where the Company field is set to 'companies/1-A'.
2. Iterate over all of those, count their number and sum the number of line items in each.
3. Return the results to the client.
This seems quite straightforward, but it has a couple of issues—in particular, the first two
steps. The sample data we’re using has just over a thousand documents in the database.
There isn’t much we can do to make any query expensive over that dataset. However, with
real-world datasets, we’ll typically deal with collections that contain hundreds of
thousands to many millions of documents.
Consider the first step, which is finding all the Orders documents with the Company field set
to a value. If I have a few million documents to scan, that alone can be quite expensive, both
in I/O (to read the data from disk) and computation (to check equality so often). This is
obviously something that we can optimize with an index. It’s the next step that’s hard to
work with.
If a company has a lot of orders, then the process of iterating over each of these orders can
be extraordinarily expensive. Consider the case where you want to show the number of
orders and the number of items purchased on the company page. This is a small amount of
information that can tell you how important this particular customer is.
However, if we need to repeat the second step each time we run the query, that can get
expensive very quickly. What’s worse is that the more important the company, the more
orders and items this particular customer purchased from us and the slower things will
become. This method won’t work. It’s punishing success, and that isn’t something we want.
Typically, you won’t run such queries directly because of their cost and time to run.
Instead, you’ll write a job that will run these queries at idle times and cache the results.
Then you only have to deal with cache invalidation, making sure that this job is never run
under load, explaining to users that the results are delayed and so on and so forth.
Suddenly, this is a big task. It’s complex and will take time to complete.
But all you really wanted was to put a couple numbers on a page, and suddenly you need to
deploy a background job, monitor its cost and execution and wait until the daily or weekly
run to get updated numbers. Such a high cost of aggregation will usually cause such
features to be dropped.
And even if you don’t have enough data to require such measures, aggregation queries are
still typically costly for the database—enough so that they’re used sparingly in most
RavenDB’s aggregation doesn’t work like this.

The gory details of aggregation in RavenDB

Instead of gathering all the data and then aggregating it all in place, RavenDB uses
MapReduce to break apart the aggregation computation into discrete steps: the “map” and
the “reduce.”
Let’s look at how RavenDB actually processes the query in Listing 11.1. Run the query in
the listing and then click on the index button in the results, as shown in Figure 11.1.
We’re going to go deep into how RavenDB is handling aggregations. You’ll not typically
need to know this level of detail, and you can feel free to just skip this section if you don’t
think you need such knowledge. I’m including it here because it’s important to understand
the implications of how things work and that aggregation queries in RavenDB are very
Getting to the index details on the query page
You can already see that an aggregation query in RavenDB is also using an index. In
addition to the usual options, such as the index terms and performance statistics, there’s
also the MapReduce visualizer, which we’ll look at in more detail later. For now, click on the
View Index option, which should open the index details page shown in Figure 11.2.

A MapReduce index aggregation Orders by Company

Figure 11.2 shows the structure of the index. Operating over Orders, it groups by the
Company and aggregates over them. One thing to note here is that there’s no mention
anywhere of companies/1-A. Even though the query in Listing 11.1 mentioned it, the index
isn’t operating on that particular value but rather on the generic concept of aggregating by
the Company field.
In other words, as usual, RavenDB looked at the query and generalized the operation to
answer any question using Company. But what about the aggregation?
Aggregation is actually handled via two separate actions, map and reduce. The first stage
runs a map operation on each of the documents, grabbing just Company,
sum(Lines[].Quantity) and Count = 1 from each of the Orders documents. The second
stage is to group them all by Company and run the reduce operation to get the final result by
each of the Company field values.
If this doesn’t make sense to you, don’t worry. RavenDB contains a few tools specifically to
help you understand how the MapReduce process works.
In the Indexes tab, go to Map-Reduce Visualizer and then select the
Auto/Orders/ByCountAndLines[].QuantityReducedByCompany index from the dropdown.
Then search for the following document IDs: orders/396-A and orders/445-A. The result
should look similar to Figure 11.3.

The MapReduce visualizer allows us to inspect the internal structure of the index
Clicking on the {"Company":"companies/1-A"} rectangle in Figure 11.3 will give us more
details about that particular value, as you can see in Figure 11.4.
A single reduce result and the total reduced value for a MapReduce index
With the details in Figures 11.3 and 11.4, you can now see exactly what I mean when I talk
about map output and the resulting aggregation. The documents we selected (orders/396-A
and orders/445-A) both belong to companies/1-A, and we can see that for orders/396-A,
the map output was {"Company": "companies/1-A","Count": 1,"Lines[].Quantity":
38}. Indeed, if we go and inspect the document, we’ll see three line items, with quantities of
15, 21 and 2, totaling 38. For orders/445-A, we can see that the total quantity is 20, with a
single line item.
This is interesting, but what’s even more interesting is the aggregated value. For
companies/1-A, you can see the aggregated values of a total of six orders for this company,
with a final quantity of 174 items ordered. Clicking on the aggregation summary will take
us even further down, into the individual page entries, as you can see in Figure 11.5.
Individual mapped entries for companies/1-A
In Figure 11.5, you can see all the details for each of the entries for companies/1-A. This is
the lowest level we need to inspect as well as the reason why RavenDB implements
aggregation in such a manner. I’ve already spent several pages now just explaining what’s
going on. Why is the aggregation implementation for RavenDB so complex?
The reason is quite simple, actually. We don’t run aggregation queries once; instead, we
compute the aggregation result once, and then we store it. When we issued the query in
Listing 11.1, we queried only for results for companies/1-A, but the index that the query
optimizer generated for us applies to all companies.
In fact, if we now run the same query but for companies/2-A, we’ll be able to reuse the
same index. And in fact, we’ll have to do very little work. The query will use the index and
fetch the already precomputed results for companies/2-A. It won’t have to actually perform
any aggregation whatsoever. All the work has already been done.
As great as that is, you might be asking yourself why there’s this level of complexity. After
all, surely we could have done the same thing without so many moving parts, right? That’s
correct, but there’s one additional item that you need to consider. How are we going to
handle updates?
The MapReduce indexes in RavenDB aren’t simply a cache of the already computed results.
Instead, we store the data in such a way that makes it cheap to also update the results.
Consider what will happen inside RavenDB when a new order comes in. We’ll run the map
portion of the index, getting the Company, sum(Lines[].Quantity) and Count = 1 from the
newly created document.
The easiest way to visualize that is to add another row to Figure 11.5. At this point,
RavenDB can then just aggregate the new results alongside the already existing result and
get to the final tally. In other words, the complexity here exists in order to allow RavenDB
to efficiently update MapReduce results when documents are created or updated.
This works great when we have a small number of items to aggregate. Such is the case with
companies/1-A. But what happens when the number of items grow? Let’s increase the
number of documents we’re aggregating by a hundred fold and see where that takes us. Go
to Documents and then Patch and run the update script in Listing 11.2.
from Orders
update {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ){
put("orders/", this);

After running this script, we should have 83,830 Orders documents in the database (830
original Orders and ten times that number that we just entered). Where we previously had
six entries for companies/1-A, we now have 606. Let’s look at how that works.
Go back to the MapReduce visualizer and select the
Auto/Orders/ByCountAndLines[].QuantityReducedByCompany index. Then add the
orders/396-A and orders/445-A documents. The result is shown in Figure 11.6

Showing 600 mapped entries for companies/1-A

This is very similar to how it looked before, and indeed, the structure of the data is exactly
the same. This is because the number of entries for companies/1-A is still quite small. Let’s
select another pair of documents, this time belonging to companies/77-A and see what kind
of structure we have there. Add orders/77-A and orders/146-A to the visualizer and take a
look at the results, as shown in Figure 11.7.
MapReduce works as a tree once we have enough entries for a particular value
On the left in Figure 11.7, you can see that, unlike for companies/1-A in Figure 11.6 where
we had a flat list, Figure 11.7 shows a tree structure. Indeed, once we’re past a certain size,
RavenDB will start processing MapReduce entries in a treelike fashion.
Consider an update to orders/77-A and how RavenDB will apply it. First, we’ll run the map
on the updated document, giving us the map entry to write to #1028. Then, we’ll run the
reduce on that page, giving us the final tally for this page. We’ll then recurse upward,
toward #1437, where we’ll also run the reduce.
Using aggregation in RavenDB
Aggregation operations in RavenDB are cheap, both to compute and to query. This is in stark contrast to the usual
behavior of aggregation queries in other databases. The more data you have to go through, the more efficiently
will RavenDB be able to actually process and aggregate it.
While typically you’ll run aggregation as a daily or weekly report (usually during off hours) and store these results
for use later, RavenDB allows you to just query the aggregated data. RavenDB will provide the answers you need,
as well as keep everything up to date.

The end result is that an update operation will take us a single map invocation and two
reduce calls to update the final result for companies/77-A. In other words, if we have a lot
of data for a particular key, RavenDB will start segmenting this data and apply aggregation
operations in such a way that reduces the number of operations required to a minimum.
This ensures that we’re not only able to answer queries efficiently but are also able to
update the MapReduce results with very little cost.

Defining your own MapReduce indexes

We’ve seen from Listing 11.1 how we can query using group by and RavenDB will generate
a MapReduce index for us behind the scenes. This works quite nicely, but there’s only so
much that you can do with a dynamic query before the query optimizer will give up.
The query optimizer can do quite a lot, but in order to make sure that it’s predictable, it’s
currently limited to recognizing and being able to generate MapReduce indexes from a
fairly small list of predictable patterns. For more complex things, you’ll need to create your
own MapReduce index. Luckily, this is easy to do.
Let’s say we want to get the total number of sales and the total amount we made on each
product. We can’t express this as a simple query, so we’ll need to create a MapReduce index
of our own for that. Go to the Indexes page and click on New Index. Name the index
Products/Sales, then click the Add Reduction button. Listing 11.3 has the contents of the
Map and Reduce fields. After you’re done filling these in, click Save to create the new index.
// map
from o in docs.Orders
from l in o.Lines
select new
Total = (l.Quantity * l.PricePerUnit) * (1 - l.Discount)

// reduce
from r in results
group r by r.Product into g
select new
Product = g.Key,
Quantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
Total = g.Sum(x => x.Total)

Before we get to investigating how this index works, let’s talk about what it does. The map
portion runs over all the orders and all the line items for each order. Then, for each of the
line items, we output an entry with the quantity sold and the amount of money we made on
this product. The reduce will group all these results based on the Product field and then
sum up all the final numbers for the Total and Quantity sold.
Now that we’ve really seen map and reduce, it should be easier to grasp how they’re truly
two separate operations. It’s also important to understand that we aren’t actually running
the map or the reduce on the full results all the time. Instead, we break the results apart
internally and apply map and reduce to portions of the data each time. This leads to several
important restrictions on MapReduce indexes:
• Both the map and reduce functions must be pure functions. In other words, they should
have no external input, and calling them with the same input must always return the
same output. In particular, usage of Random or DateTime.Now and similar calls is not
• The output of the map is fed into the reduce. This should be obvious, but what may not
be obvious is that the output of the reduce is also fed into the reduce, recursively. In
particular, you should make no assumptions in the reduce about the number of calls or
the amount of data that you have to process in each invocation of reduce.
• The output of the reduce must match the output of the map. (Because both are being
fed back into the reduce, they must have the same structure.) RavenDB will error if
you have a different shape for each of the functions.
Because of these restrictions, RavenDB can apply the map and reduce functions in an
incremental fashion and generate the results that we’ve already seen. This is the key to
RavenDB’s ability to compute aggregation cheaply over time.
We can now run the query in Listing 11.4 to find the top grossing products:
from index 'Products/Sales'
order by Total as double desc

You’ll note that the results of this query are instantaneous. Even though we have tens of
thousands of records, RavenDB only needs to look through 77 precomputed results. We can
also sort by Quantity to find the most popular products.
Go into the Map-Reduce Visualizer and select the Products/Sales index. Then, enter
orders/6-A and orders/10-A to see the internal structure of the MapReduce index, as
shown in Figure 11.8.

Internal structure of the Products/Sales index in the MapReduce visualizer

As you can see in Figure 11.8, all of the entries are big enough to require a tree structure.
Let’s take a closer look at products/39-A,with Figure 11.9 zooming in on a single page
inside that tree.
A single page holding over 25,000 map entries, due to high compression rate
Page #578 holds over 25,000 entries for this product. How can a single page hold so many?
The answer is that RavenDB will apply compression to the mapped entries. Since they’re
mostly similar, they have a high compression rate, allowing us to pack a lot of entries into a
small amount of space. This also adds to performance of the updating entries in the tree,
since we don’t have to do as much work and the depth of the tree is much smaller.
This is about as low-level as we’ll get when discussing the MapReduce implementation. You
should now have a good feel for the relative costs of using aggregation in general—and
MapReduce in particular—in RavenDB. With that knowledge under your belt, let’s explore
some of the more interesting things that we can do with MapReduce indexes in RavenDB.

Common pitfalls with MapReduce indexes

Certain operations are not easy to perform using the limits on the map and reduce functions
that RavenDB has. Probably the most obvious example here is the problem with calculating
an average. Let’s edit the Products/Sales index to add an average. Listing 11.5 shows the
updated definition with the most obvious (and wrong) way to do so:
// map
from o in docs.Orders
from l in o.Lines
select new
Count = 1,
Total = (l.Quantity * l.PricePerUnit) * (1 - l.Discount),
Average = 0, // so we'll have the same shape as the reduce
Debug = new object[0] // same shape as reduce

// reduce
from r in results
group r by r.Product into g
select new
Product = g.Key,
Quantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count),
Total = g.Sum(x => x.Total),
Average = g.Average(x => x.Total),
Debug = g.Select(x => x.Total).ToArray()

Save the updated index and then run the following query: from index 'Products/Sales'
where Product = 'products/1-A'. The result is showed in Figure 11.10.

The wrong results shown for an average computation

The results shown in Figure 11.10 are wrong. The average price for a box of chai (which is
what products/1-A is) is not $161,449.793. So why are we getting this result?
The answer is simple. The Average call isn’t complex: it sums the input elements and then
divides that sum by the number of elements. But remember that map and reduce are not
called on each individual value. Instead, they’re called in batches. This means by the time
the final call to reduce happened, it didn’t get a flat list of all the results. Instead, it got an
aggregated list. Figure 11.11 shows the Debug field from the index, which can allow us to
better understand what’s going on.
The debug field from the Products/Sales index demonstrating the recursive nature of
reduce operations

As you can see, the computation of the Average is correct for the input it received. Because
we executed the reduce multiple times, by the time the final round came, we fed it seven
results, each of them aggregating about 500 documents. In other words, when we write a
MapReduce index, we need to take into account the fact that we never have access to the
total result set. This make sense, when you think about it. You don’t want to have a single
function invocation that has to go through many tens of thousands of documents (or many
more, on realistic datasets).
Don’t assume that the order is fixed, either
If your MapReduce index does work that relies on the order of operations or the order of items passed to the map
or reduce function, it’s going to fail in a similar manner. This is common when you have calls to First or use
arrays in the MapReduce index. If you care about the order of operations, you’ll need to ensure it as part of the
MapReduce index and remember that the calls are made in a recursive manner.

So how can we compute an average? The answer is obvious when you know it, we need to
keep track of the Count and Total as we are reducing the data and compute the Average
using these. You can see it in Listing 11.6.
// reduce
from r in results
group r by r.Product into g
let qty = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity)
let total = g.Sum(x => x.Total)
select new
Product = g.Key,
Quantity = qty,
Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count),
Total = total,
Average = total / qty

All we need to do for the proper computation is make sure we aren’t assuming the total
dataset is passed to the reduce call. In this case, we already have all the data we need, and
we can just compute the final average. Note that we’ll still need to have a field called
Average in the map function because the shape must match. But since we’re never reading
this field, we don’t have to give it any special value and can just initialize it to any value we
Similarly to Average, we can’t use Count() in the reduce either, for the exact same reason.
That’s why we use Count = 1 in the map and sum it in the reduce: to allow us to start the
recursive computation of the total amount of items.
Complex MapReduce indexes
So far, the MapReduce indexes we’ve built were pretty simple, mostly doing trivial
aggregation on numbers. To be fair, that’s usually what you’ll do with MapReduce indexes.
But you can also do more with them.
A good example would be to compute the total sales per company. This sounds like just
taking the Products/Sales index and changing what we’re grouping on, so let’s make this
more interesting. What we want to do is to get, per company, the total sales per product.
Listing 11.7 shows the Companies/Purchases index, which does just that.
from o in docs.Orders
from l in o.Lines
select new
Products = new [] { new { l.Product, l.Quantity } },
Total = l.Quantity

from r in results
group r by r.Company into g
select new
Company = g.Key,
Products = g.SelectMany(x => x.Products)
.GroupBy(x => x.Product)
.Select(p => new
Product = p.Key,
Quantity = p.Sum(x => x.Quantity)
Total = g.Sum(x => x.Total)

Looking at Listing 11.7, we can see that the map function looks pretty normal, but there’s a
considerable amount of work going on in the reduce. Let’s break it apart into its
components and examine each independently.
First, the map generates an entry per line item, and the entry contains a single element
Products array with the product’s ID and the amount sold. The reason we create the array
in the map is that we need to match the shape of the reduce. In the reduce function, we
group the results by the Company and then generate the results for that particular company.
The most interesting tidbit happens when building the Products field.
There, we apply another GroupBy call to aggregate the data inside the Company once again.
We use this to get the total numbers of items purchased for each product, and this
mechanism allows us to aggregate the data across multiple invocations to reduce safely
and in a natural manner.
Reduce should…reduce the size of the data
A somewhat overlooked requirement for the reduce function is that the amount of data going out of the
reduce function should be smaller than the amount of data going in. All the examples we’ve seen so far have
done this properly, mostly because they aggregated information
Let’s look at an example where the amount of information that passed through reduce doesn’t go down and
discuss its implications. In the Companies/Purchases index, if the Products field was defined just as
Products = g.SelectMany(x => x.Products), we’ll have a problem. Calling reduce won’t actually
reduce the amount of data we’re working with and, as time goes by, the reduce function will have to operate on
larger and larger values.
This isn’t an efficient way to do things, and since we need to keep track of intermediate values, it will lead to a
marked increased in memory utilization and disk space usage, and it will overall be quite expensive.

Now, let’s see what this index actually generates. Execute the following query: from index
'Companies/Purchases' where Company ='companies/13-A' and observe its results. You
can also see this in Figure 11.12.
Complex output form the index, showing aggregation inside the reduced result
This kind of index can be used to prepare complex computations ahead of time, leaning on
RavenDB’s ability to compute this beforehand. RavenDB will then be in charge of keeping
such details up to date, and your client code can simply query the output of the index.

Querying MapReduce indexes

When talking about MapReduce indexes, we typically focus on the MapReduce portion of
them—the aggregation and computation being done. This, however, is only part of the
story. While a lot of stuff is going on in the MapReduce portion of the index, in the end, the
data is still being written to the index in exactly the same way as we’ve seen in the previous
This means that you can execute any of the usual operations you would normally run. As a
good example, let’s look at Figure 11.12. The output of the query is pretty bare bones: what
is products/21-A, for example. Listing 11.8 shows a nice way to get more information at
very little cost.
declare function addProductName(result){
for (var i = 0; i < result.Products.length; i++){
var p = load(result.Products[i].Product);
result.Products[i].ProductName = p.Name;
return result;
from index 'Companies/Purchases' as result
where result.Company ='companies/13-A'
select addProductName(result)

The result of the query in Listing 11.8 is shown in Listing 11.9.

"Company": "companies/13-A",
"Products": [
"Product": "products/21-A",
"Quantity": 1010,
"ProductName": "Sir Rodney's Scones"
"Product": "products/37-A",
"Quantity": 101,
"ProductName": "Gravad lax"
"Total": 1111

The query in Listing 11.8 should serve as a nice example of the kind of things we can do,
but it’s just the first taste. In addition to using projections in this manner, you can also
define MapReduce fields to support full text search, apply suggestions and “more like this.”
You can even query using facets on MapReduce indexes, an example of which you can see in
Listing 11.10.
from index 'Companies/Purchases'
select facet(
Total < 5000,
Total between 5_000 and 9_999,
Total between 10_000 and 24_999,
Total between 25_000 and 49_999,
Total between 50_000 and 74_999,
Total > 75_000,

Applying facets, which can do their own aggregation, to MapReduce is an interesting

experience. It allows us to do things like build a MapReduce operation to aggregate some of
the data in a static fashion, then allow faceted queries to slice and dice it further. If you look
at the results of the query in Listing 11.10, you’ll note that the faceted results also include
an average value for each facet, and we have support for the usual (min, max, sum, avg)
aggregation methods.
In fact, that’s not the only way to aggregate the data in multiple ways. There’s also
recursive MapReduce operations.

Recursive MapReduce
The sample dataset that we used consists of orders representing sales to companies. This is
the typical e-commerce model and should be pretty familiar to you. A common
requirement in such a system is reporting—in particular, pulling sales data on a daily,
monthly and yearly basis.
Listing 11.11 shows the Products/DailySales index, which gives us the details of sales by
product by day.
from o in docs.Orders
from l in o.Lines
select new
Count = l.Quantity

from r in results
group r by new { r.Date, r.Product } into g
select new
Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count)

The output of the Products/DailySales index can be seen in Figure 11.13. The only new
thing we have in Listing 11.11 is the group by on multiple fields, the Date and the Product.
Showing the daily sales for each product on May 6th, 1998
Next, we need to compute the same values per month and then per year. We can define the
same index again and run the exact same computation but this time group by the product,
year and month and then just by the product and year. But we currently have 83,830
orders in the database, and we’ll likely have more. Doing the same operation on all these
values again and again seems…inefficient.
RavenDB supports the notion of outputting a MapReduce output from an index to a
dedicated collection. Set the Output reduce to collection to DailyProductSales. Figure
11.14 shows how this can be done.

Configuring MapReduce index to write the output of the index to a dedicated collection
Make the modification to the Products/DailySales index and save it. Then head to the
Documents tab and look at the collections in the database. You can see the results in Figure
Artificial documents created as a result of a MapReduce’s output collection
In many respects, these artificial documents will behave just like standard documents. You
can load them, query them and even save modifications to them. Note that modifying an
artificial document by hand is not recommended. The next update to the index will
overwrite any changes you make to the document, after all. Artificial documents are not
replicated. Since they’re being created by the index directly, they’ll also be created in the
remote node, so there’s no point in sending them over the wire.
Artificial documents are updated whenever the index completes a batch of documents, so
there’s very little lag time between the index picking up changes and the artificial
documents’ update. If this were the only thing artificial documents were good for, that
wouldn’t be of much use. After all, we already have the results as the output of the
MapReduce index. So why do we need artificial documents?
The primary reason that artificial documents exist is so you can set up indexes on top of
them. And that includes additional MapReduce indexes. Take a look at Listing 11.12,
showing just such an example of the Products/MonthlySales index, computing the
monthly totals from the daily totals.
from ds in docs.DailyProductSales
select new
Year = ds.Date.Year,
Month = ds.Date.Month,
from result in results
group result by new
into g
select new
Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count)

You can see that the map of the Products/MonthlySales index is using the
DailyProductSales collection as it source, and the reduce aggregates the data by product
on a monthly basis. Let’s examine what’s actually going on here in a little more depth.
Whenever an order is created or modified, the Products/DailySales index will run,
computing the updated daily totals for the products in the new order. As a result of this
index running, artificial documents will be created (with IDs such as
DailyProductSales/3183876884104958208 ) with the result of the MapReduce index.

Because a DailyProductSales document was created, the Products/MonthlySales index

will run on the changed daily tallies to update its own numbers. We can even set things up
so we’ll have an output collection for the MonthlyProductsSales as well, and then define a
Products/YearlySales. The recursive nature of the indexing naturally extends in this
Artificial documents do have a few limitations that you should be aware of:
• RavenDB will detect and generate an error if you have a cycle of artificial documents.
In other words, you can’t define another index that will output artificial documents if
that will trigger (directly or indirectly) the same index. Otherwise, you might set up a
situation where the indexes run in an infinite loop.
• You must choose an empty collection. RavenDB will not allow you to output artificial
documents into a preexisting collection. This is done because RavenDB will overwrite
any document in the collection, so it prevents the option of overwriting existing
• The document identifiers for the artificial documents are generated by RavenDB
(based on the hash of the reduce key), and you don’t have any control over them.
• Artificial documents are not sent over replication and cannot use revisions or
Artificial documents and subscriptions
You can use subscriptions and artificial documents together. (In fact, along with recursive MapReduce, that’s one
of the primary reasons they exist.) But you need to be aware of a small wrinkle in this setup. Because artificial
documents aren’t sent via replication, each node in the database group is going to have its own (independent)
copy of the results. The contents are the same, but the subscription has no way of knowing this.
Because of this issue, it’s recommended to use artificial documents with subscriptions only on a single node.
Failover of the subscription to another node may cause the subscription to send artificial documents that the
subscription has already acknowledged. You can configure this by disabling the dynamic task distribution as part of
the subscription configuration.

Artificial documents and recursive MapReduce are a good match, but before you turn your
RavenDB instances into a reporting powerhouse, there’s another possible topology to
consider. Instead of defining these indexes and processes on the main database, you can set
up external replication to a dedicated database (on the same cluster or on a separate one)
and run all that work there.
This can simplify distribution of work as the application grows. If you have many such
indexes and a high rate of changes, being able to isolate the work to a particular database
group (and thus specific nodes) can be very helpful.

MultimapReduce indexes
In the previous chapter, Figure 10.12 demonstrated the usage of multimap indexes to index
several collections and unite the results into a single index. This can be great for when you
want to search over several things at the same time. The example we looked at in Chapter
10 searched for a person by name, where the person can be an Employee, a Contact on a
Company or a Contact for a Supplier. Regardless, we were able to search for that person
easily and in a convenient manner.
MultimapReduce indexes allow us to extend that behavior to also include aggregation
across multiple sources in a natural way. Let’s first look at Listing 11.13, showing off this
feature, and then explore what this means.
Go to the Indexes page and create a new index. Click on Add map twice and create the three
maps. Then click Add Reduction and add the reduce. Name the new index Cities/Details
and click Save.
// map #1
from c in docs.Companies
select new
Companies = 1,
Suppliers = 0,
Employees = 0

// map #2
from s in docs.Suppliers
select new
Companies = 0,
Suppliers = 1,
Employees = 0

// map 3
from e in docs.Employees
select new{
Companies = 0,
Suppliers = 0,
Employees = 1

from result in results
group result by result.City
into g
select new
City = g.Key,
Companies = g.Sum(x => x.Companies),
Suppliers = g.Sum(x => x.Suppliers),
Employees = g.Sum(x => x.Employees),

Take a few minutes to look at Listing 11.13. There’s a lot of stuff going on there. We define
three maps, on the Companies, Suppliers and Employees. And for each, we output a count
for the type of the document we’re mapping, as well as the relevant City. Finally, on the
reduce, we simply group by City and then sum up all the results from all the intermediate
steps to get the final tally. Listing 11.14 shows the output from this index for London.
"City": "London",
"Companies": 6,
"Suppliers": 1,
"Employees": 4

The Cities/Details index is interesting, in the sense that it shows off capabilities, but it
isn’t really that exciting. It also operates on a small dataset, even if it touches multiple
collections. Let’s modify the index by also having it operate on orders.
MapReduce indexes are also just indexes
It bears repeating that a MapReduce index is also just an index. We focused heavily in this chapter on the
MapReduce portion of such indexes, but it’s important to remember that they’re also capable of doing everything
that a map-only index can do.
In other words, if we had a Cities collection that also had the coordinates of each city, we would be able to
modify the Cities/Details index to be a MultimapReduce index that also provides spatial queries. You can
use facets on a MapReduce index, apply suggestions, run full text queries, etc. All too often, I see users assume the
MapReduce part of the index is where the functionality stops. In fact, this is where it begins.

We’ll first add another entry for each of the existing maps OrderTotal = 0. And we’ll add
the same logic for the reduce function: OrderTotal = g.Sum(x => x.OrderTotal). The
first step is required because all the maps and reduces in an index must have the same
output. The second is required to actually sum up the information we’ll shortly add. Now
click on the Add map button on the index edit page and add the map shown in Listing 11.15.
from o in docs.Orders
select new
Companies = 0,
Suppliers = 0,
Employees = 0,
OrderTotal = o.Lines.Sum(
x => x.Quantity * x.PricePerUnit

We now have an index that can give us a lot of interesting details about each city. Listing
11.16 shows the updated output for London in the database.
"City": "London",
"Companies": 6,
"Suppliers": 1,
"Employees": 4,
"OrderTotal": 4107034.71

As you can imagine, this kind of behavior is powerful because it allows you to pull data
from disparate parts of your system and aggregate it with very little work. Querying this
information is effectively free, so that also makes it much easier to consume and work with.

Dynamic aggregation with MapReduce indexes

MapReduce indexes are a wonderful way to handle aggregation. RavenDB’s ability to
precompute and answer complex aggregation cheaply can make a world of difference in
your ability to deliver features in your applications. The fact that showing an aggregated
value doesn’t require you to set up an off-hours job, monitor it, clear caches, etc. is a force
multiplier for your application’s capabilities.
However, while the MapReduce operation can seem magical at times, it’s a tool fit for a
purpose. Trying to use it for a different purpose than it’s intended for will produce
suboptimal results. MapReduce indexes are great when
• The fields you’re aggregating by are known in advance.
• The source data you’re aggregating is known in advance.
In other words, MapReduce is great for static aggregation. If you want to get the daily totals
by product, MapReduce is the perfect solution. The data source (all orders) is known. What
you’re aggregating by (the date and the product) is known in advance, too. RavenDB is able
to generate the appropriate MapReduce operation, compute the result and allow you to
query it easily and cheaply.
But what happens if we want to aggregate daily sales by product only for London? Well,
that’s easy. We can define another MapReduce index that aggregates the results by date,
product and city. We get the same benefits, and everyone is happy. But the next request is
to get the daily sales by city based on the supplier, not the product. And the next request
after that is to aggregate the sales by the employee on a monthly basis, and the one after
that is to see the yearly sales by product only for specific customers, and then…
I think you get the picture. MapReduce indexes are great when the type of aggregation is
known in advance. In this case, RavenDB is able to prepare everything and have an answer
ready for you by the time you query. But if your queries are dynamic and fluid, and if you’re
changing what you’re querying on and how you’re doing the aggregation, this is much more
One option would be to define a MapReduce index for each type of aggregation you need.
This works, but you might end up with a lot of MapReduce indexes. That can be fine.
RavenDB is very efficient in the handling of MapReduce indexes (they’re typically cheaper
to run than a map-only index, actually), but a large number of indexes still means that we
need to execute some amount of work times the number of indexes for each change.
A better approach for dynamic aggregation is to use facets. To see the total sales for egg
noodles and cheese in the first week of July 1996, we can run the query in Listing 11.17.
from index 'Products/DailySales'
where Date between '1996-07-01' and '1996-07-07'
and Product in ('products/11-A', 'products/42-A')
select facet(Product, sum(Count))

Let’s break the query in Listing 11.17 apart, one clause at a time. First, we select the
MapReduce index Products/DailySales, which we’ve already seen in Listing 11.11. The
where clause specifies the date range we want to query and the particular products we’re
interested in. Note that the Date query is using between and relies on the fact that we do
lexical comparisons to get a clear syntax for the date range.
The select clause is using facets, but unlike the facets queries we looked at in the previous
chapter, we’re now adding a new wrinkle in the form of sum(Count). This allows us to do an
aggregation operation over the query results. In this way, we can dynamically control what
will be aggregated.
Cost analysis for dynamic aggregation (facets) vs. static aggregation (MapReduce)
An important distinction needs to be made about the cost structures of using aggregation in MapReduce vs. facets.
For MapReduce, by the time you’re querying the information, it’s already been aggregated. You’re actually doing a
search on top of the already precomputed results.
Aggregation with facets (which is sometimes also called dynamic aggregation) requires us to run over the results of
the query and compute the final aggregated values. Note that the amount of results the faceted query needs to
aggregate is just the query results, not the total size of the source data.
This can be confusing, so we’ll use the example of the Products/DailySales index and the faceted query in
Listing 11.17 to clear things up. We have the following values:
• D—the total number of orders (in this database after running the patch operation in Listing 11.2). This
number is 83,830 documents.
• R—the unique reduce keys after the MapReduce aggregation. In the case of the Products/DailySales
index, that’s the unique (date, product) pairs that we’re grouping by. This value is 2,106 unique reduce keys
for the dataset we have.
• Q—the number of results matched in the query. For the query in Listing 11.7 (sans facets), that number is
With these values, we can now give proper estimates of the costs of making various queries. A typical cost of a
MapReduce query is O(log R). So the cost for a query on Products/DailySales would be about 11
A faceted query on all orders will have a cost of O(D), with D equal to 83,830. This computation is done each time
the query is run. However, the only reason the cost is order D is that we queried over all orders. Because the
number of results for the query in Listing 11.7 is two, the cost of actually aggregating them is effectively nil.
It’s a great way to handle such scenarios: use MapReduce to do the first level of the aggregation, and then use
dynamic aggregation using facets to further slice and dice the data as you need.

The result of the faceted query is affected by the matches for the query, and that can change
dynamically with very little cost, opening the way to more dynamic aggregation queries.
Dynamic aggregation also has a pretty straightforward cost, since it varies linearly with the
amount of matches for the query.
That’s a great thing since it simplifies dynamic queries. But it also means that if you want to
run a faceted query with aggregation on a very large result set, it’s going to take time to
process. A MapReduce on the same (or much larger) amount of data will be much faster at
querying time, but it’s limited in the amount of flexibility it allows for each query.
Combining MapReduce and facets to handle this is a great way to reduce81 the amount of
data the facets need to go through. It’s easiest to consider this kind of approach as feeding
the facets baby food, already pre-chewed. That dramatically cuts down the amount of effort
required to get the final result.

81 Pun very much intended here.

Multi-step aggregation processes
We’ve looked at all sorts of MapReduce indexes in this chapter, and we also looked at how
we can use dynamic aggregation to build dynamic aggregated queries. Now I want to apply
all that knowledge to a more complex example, utilizing many of the features we explored
in this chapter.
Here’s the requirement: we want to be able to get a monthly report of sales by supplier per
city. It might be easier to understand if we start from the point of view of the user interface.
Take a look at Figure 11.16, which shows a mockup of the search interface and the results
we want to see.

Mockup of the user interface for the kind of data we want

The simplest way to be able to answer this query is to use LoadDocument in the map phase
of the index. You can see how this is done in Listing 11.18.
from o in docs.Orders
from l in o.Lines
let product = LoadDocument(l.Product, "Products")
select new
Supplier = product.Supplier,
Total = l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity
// reduce
from result in results
group result by new
into g
select new
Total = g.Sum(x => x.Total)

The interesting bit in Listing 11.18 is the LoadDocument call in the map. Everything else is
pretty much the same as we’ve done throughout this chapter. We looked at LoadDocument
in the previous chapter, and it serves mostly the same role in MapReduce indexes as well. If
the product document has changed, we’ll have to re-index all the documents that
referenced it. Because of this, the LoadDocument option is only available during the map
phase of a MapReduce index. You can’t call LoadDocument from the reduce.
A sample query for this index can be seen in Listing 11.19.
from index 'Sales/ByCityAndSupplier' as t
where t.City = 'London' and t.Month = 2 and t.Year = 1997
order by t.Total as double desc
load t.Supplier as s
select s.Name, t.City, t.Supplier , t.Month, t.Year, t.Total

This works. It generates the results you see in Figure 11.16. However, there’s a problem
here. LoadDocument requires that RavenDB will update the index if the referenced
document (the product’s document, in this case) is updated. This means that an update to a
product can force RavenDB to re-index all the orders that have this product. If it’s a popular
product, this may require RavenDB to re-index a large number of orders.
Ideally, we want to have LoadDocument where the number of referencing documents is
bounded and small. Is there a better way to handle this? We can change the index in Listing
11.18 so it doesn’t include the Supplier, and instead groups things only by (product, city,
month, year). We’ll also define an output collection for the results. The output collection is
then used in another index where we’ll use a LoadDocument to achieve the same output.
Why all of this complexity? Aren’t we in exactly the same position as we were before? An
update to a product document will force us to re-index, after all. And the answer is yes, it
will force us to re-index, but the question is what. In the case of Listing 11.18, any change to
a product will force re-indexing of all the Orders documents that referenced it. But in the
case where we had an intermediate artificial documents collection, we’ll only need to re-
index those that referenced the modified product.
Those documents have already gone through a MapReduce process, and there are likely to
be far fewer of them than there are orders, so this is a net win in terms of the total amount
of work that has to be done.
This chapter covered a lot of ground. I tried to strike the right balance between giving you
enough information about what’s actually going on behind the scenes and drowning
everything in implementation details.
The key takeaway I hope you’ll get from this chapter is that aggregation in RavenDB is
cheap and plentiful, so have at it. This is in direct contrast to the way things usually work
with other databases. Aggregation is often expensive and hard, so it gets pushed to
dedicated solutions (nightly runs, reporting databases, cached queries, etc.). None of this is
needed with RavenDB.
We started this chapter by writing some simple RQL queries using group by, and it just
worked. The query optimizer recognized the query and generated the appropriate
MapReduce index, and we were off to the races. We then took a deep, hard look at what was
actually going on there, analyzing what the index was doing and how MapReduce works
inside RavenDB.
In order to better understand that, RavenDB has a few tools built in to help you. Chief
among them is the MapReduce visualizer, which lets you peek deep into the heart of how
RavenDB executes MapReduce operations. We looked at the different behaviors that
happen when we have a small amount of items to aggregate for a particular reduce key (all
items are reduced in a single group) and when we have a very large amount of items
(reduce is handled in a recursive tree fashion).
This means that updates to MapReduce indexes are very fast because we usually need to do
a minimal amount of work to get the updated results. After learning how RavenDB
processes MapReduce indexes, we learned how we can define our own, with complete
freedom of how we want to structure the data and aggregate it.
We also learned there are some things to remember when you build your indexes, such as
making sure that the map and reduce functions are pure, that your reduce function can
handle being called recursively and that the reduce outputs less data than we put in.
We then upped the ante and looked at more complex MapReduce indexes, grouping all the
results by company. Inside each company, we grouped things again by product to get a
detailed summary of the results. These kinds of indexes can allow you to do sophisticated
aggregation, rollups and computation during the indexing. Then they expose the whole
thing, readily consumable, to your application.
MapReduce indexes can do amazing things, but they’re also indexes in RavenDB. That
means that, in addition to whatever you’re doing in the MapReduce operation, all the usual
stuff you can do with indexes is also there. We looked at how we can use JavaScript
projections to enrich the MapReduce output during query, use facets on the data (including
additional aggregation) and the many more options (full text search, spatial, etc.).
If a single MapReduce index isn’t enough, you can always try things recursively. Indeed,
RavenDB allows MapReduce indexes to output artificial documents back to the database,
and these documents are a key part of allowing RavenDB to handle recursive MapReduce
indexes. We looked at how we can do a daily and monthly rollup of sales per product by
creating a MapReduce index that’s fed off the artificial documents collection that’s created
by another MapReduce index. This opens up the option to do some really cool things
because you can pipeline the work and take advantage of what’s already been done.
Another cool option we looked at was the ability to use MultimapReduce indexes. Instead
of just aggregating data from a single collection, we can aggregate the data from several of
them at once. That allows you to, with very little effort, paint a picture of what’s actually
going on in your database and gain insight into what you’re doing. We saw a good example
of that when we looked at what was going on in each city and were able to tell how many
companies, employees, suppliers and sales we had in each location.
MapReduce is fantastic when you have a static aggregation scenario—when you know
what you’re aggregating ahead of time. Otherwise, you’ll need to (either directly or via the
query optimizer) generate MapReduce indexes for each permutation that you want to
query. Another alternative to that is the notion of dynamic aggregation, using facets to slice
and dice the information dynamically. This tends to be less efficient than a MapReduce
index, but it has less upfront costs.
It’s common to do that in two stages: first defining the rough shape of the aggregation in a
MapReduce index, efficiently doing the aggregation, and then using facets and dynamic
aggregation on that much smaller result set to narrow down things more accurately. This
gives you both fast aggregations and more flexibility in the queries.
We finished the chapter by looking at aggregating documents by a related document, using
LoadDocument in a MapReduce index. This works, and it can be quite an elegant solution for
some scenarios. But it’s also possible to get into trouble with this approach because an
update to a referenced document requires re-indexing of all the referencing documents.
Instead, we can utilize artificial documents and two MapReduce indexes to reduce the
amount of work required when we need to re-index.
The MapReduce engine inside RavenDB is very flexible, and it’s been used to great effect
over the years—including in many scenarios that surprised RavenDB’s own development
team. Aggregation of results is only the most obvious of the options that are available to
In the next chapter, we’ll switch gears a bit and move to a more practical mindset, talking
about how to utilize and work with indexes in your applications.

Working with Indexes

We’ve spent the last three chapters examining how querying works in RavenDB, as well as
what indexes are, how they operate and what they can do. We looked at everything from
simple map indexes to spatial queries, from performing full text queries to aggregating
large amounts of data using MapReduce. What we haven’t talked about is how you’ll work
with indexes in a typical business application.
This chapter will focus on that, discussing how to create and manage indexes from the
client side, how to perform queries and what options are available for us on the client API.
We explored some basic queries in Chapter 4, but we only touched on queries briefly—just
enough to get by while we learn more about RavenDB. Now we’re going to dig deep and see
everything we can do with indexes and queries in RavenDB.

Creating and managing indexes

RavenDB is schemaless. You can have documents in any shape, way or form that you like.
However, indexes are one of the ways that you’ll bring back structure to such a system. An
index will take the documents as input and then output the index entries in a fixed format.
Queries on this index must use the fields defined on the index (unless the index is doing
dynamic field generation), and there’s typically a strong tie between the structure of the
index, the output of queries and the client code using it.
That’s interesting because it means that changing the index might cause client code to
break, and that strongly brings to mind the usual issues you run into with a fixed schema.
This often leads to complexities when developing and working with schemas because
versioning, deploying and keeping them in sync with your code is a hassle.
RavenDB allows you to define your indexes directly in your code, which in turn allows you
to version the indexes as a single unit with the rest of your system. In order to see how this
works, we’ll use a C# application. Open PowerShell and run the commands shown in
Listing 12.1.
dotnet new console -n Northwind
dotnet add .\Northwind\ package RavenDB.Client
dotnet restore .\Northwind\

The commands in Listing 12.1 just create a new console application and add the RavenDB
client package to the project. Now, go to RavenDB and create a new database named
Northwind. Go to Settings and then Create Sample Data and click the Create button.
Click the View C# Classes link, copy the code to a file call Entities.cs and save it in the
Northwind app folder.

We’re now ready to start working with real indexes from the client side.

Working with indexes from the client

Before we get to defining new indexes, let’s start with an easier step: querying on an
existing index. Your Program.cs file should be similar to Listing 12.2.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Raven.Client.Documents;
using Orders;

namespace Northwind
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var store = new DocumentStore
Urls = new []
Database = "Northwind"

using (var session = store.OpenSession())

var londonEmployees =
from emp in session.Query<Employee>()
where emp.Address.City == "London"
select emp;

foreach (var emp in londonEmployees)


The code in Listing 12.2 is the equivalent of “Hello World,” but it will serve as our basic
structure for the rest of this chapter.
The query we have in Listing 12.2 is a pretty simple dynamic query, the likes of which we
already saw in Chapter 4. This is translated to the following RQL: FROM Employees WHERE
Address.City = $p0. So far, there are no surprises, and if you check the indexes on the
database, you should find that the Auto/Employees/ByAddress.City index was
automatically created to satisfy the query. How can we select the index we want to use for a
query from the client side? You can see the answer in Listing 12.3.
var ordersForEmployee1A =
from order in session.Query<Order>("Orders/Totals")
where order.Employee == "employees/1-A"
select order;

foreach (var order in ordersForEmployee1A)

As you can see, the major difference is that we’re now querying on the Orders/Totals
index and we pass that as a string to the Query method. Using this method means that we
need to define the index somewhere, which leads to the deployment and versioning issues
that I already discussed. RavenDB has a better solution.

Defining simple indexes via client code

When using a strongly typed language, we can often do better than just passing strings. We
can use the features of the language itself to provide a strongly typed answer for that. We’ll
recreate the Orders/Totals index in our C# code, as shown in Listing 12.4. (You’ll need to
add a using Raven.Client.Documents.Indexes; to the file.)
public class My_Orders_Totals
: AbstractIndexCreationTask<Order>
public My_Orders_Totals()
Map = orders =>
from o in orders
select new
Total = o.Lines.Sum(l =>
(l.Quantity * l.PricePerUnit) * (1 - l.Discount))

We use My/Orders/Totals as the index name in Listing 12.4 to avoid overwriting the
existing index. This way, we can compare the new index to the existing one. There are a few
interesting features shown in Listing 12.4. First, we have a class definition that inherits
from AbstractIndexCreationTask<T>. This is how we let RavenDB know this is actually an
index definition and what type it will be working on.
The generic parameter for the My_Orders_Totals class is quite important. That’s the source
collection for this index. In the class constructor, we set the Map property to a Linq
expression, transforming the documents into the index entries. The orders variable is of
type IEnumerable<Order>, using the same generic parameter as was passed to the index
class. Now we just need to actually create this index. There are two ways of doing that. Both
are shown in Listing 12.5.
// create a single index
new My_Orders_Totals().Execute(store);

// scan the index and create all the indexes in

// the assembly as a single operation
var indexesAssembly = typeof(My_Orders_Totals).Assembly;
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(indexesAssembly, store);
The first option in Listing 12.5 shows how we can create a single index. The second tells
RavenDB to scan the assembly provided and create all the indexes defined there.
Automatically creating indexes
The IndexCreation.CreateIndexes option is a good way to avoid managing indexes manually. You can
stick this call somewhere in your application’s startup during development and as an admin action in production.
This way, you can muck about with the index definitions as you wish, and they’ll always match what the code is
In other words, you can check out your code and run the application, and the appropriate indexes for this version
of the code will be there for you, without you really having to think about it. For production, you might want to
avoid automatic index creation on application startup and put that behind an admin screen or something similar.
But you’ll still have the option of ensuring the expected indexes are actually there. This makes deployments much
easier because you don’t have to manage the “schema” outside of your code.

After running the code in Listing 12.5, you’ll see that there is an index named
My/Orders/Totals in the database. By convention, we replace _ with / in the index name.
Now is the time to try to query this index, in a strongly typed manner, as you can see in
Listing 12.6.
var ordersForEmployee1A =
from order in session.Query<Order, My_Orders_Totals>()
where order.Employee == "employees/1-A"
select order;

The second generic parameter to Query is the index we want to use, and the first one is the
item we’re querying on. Note that in this case, what we query on and what we’re getting
back is the same thing, so we can use Order as both the item we query on and the return
type. But that isn’t always the case.

Working with complex indexes using strongly typed code

As we’ve seen in previous chapters, there isn’t any required correlation between the shape
of the document being indexed and the output of the index entry. In fact, there can’t be if
we want to support dynamic data and schemaless documents. That means that when we’re
talking about indexing, we’re actually talking about several models that are usually either
the same or very similar, but they don’t have to be.
There are the following models to consider:
• The documents to be indexed.
• The index entry that was outputted from the index.
• The actual queryable fields in the index.
• The result of the query.
Consider the case of the following query: from Orders where ShipTo.City = 'London' .
In this case, all four models behave as if we’re querying on the Orders collection directly.
But even in such a simple scenario, that isn’t the case.
The documents to be indexed are the documents in the Orders collection, but what is
actually being indexed here? In the simplest case, it’s an index entry such as
{'ShipTo.City': 'London', '@id': 'orders/42-A'}. When we query, we actually try to
find a match for ShipTo.City = 'London', and from there we fetch the document and
return it.
Consider the query in Listing 12.7, on the other hand, which adds a couple of interesting
from Orders as o
where o.Lines[].Product == "products/3-A"
select {
Company: o.Company,
Quantity: o.Lines
.reduce((sum, l) => sum + l.Quantity,0)

The Lines[].Product is a field that’s used differently during indexing and querying. In the
index entry generated from the documents, the Lines[].Product is an array. But during
queries, we use it in an equality comparison as if it was a normal value. This is because the
array in the index entry was flattened to allow us to query any of the values on it.
The shape of the results of the query in Listing 12.7 is very different than the shape of the
documents. That’s because of the projection in the select. As long as we’re working with
RQL directly, we don’t really notice, but how do we deal with such different shapes on the
client side?
When using a strongly typed language such as C#, for example, we need some way to
convey the differences. We can do that using explicit and implicit types. Consider the index
My/Orders/Totals that we defined in Listing 12.4. Look at the Total field that we
computed in the index. How are we going to be able to query on that?
We need to introduce a type, just for querying, to satisfy the compiler. An example of such a
query is shown in Listing 12.8.
public class My_Orders_Totals :
AbstractIndexCreationTask<Order, My_Orders_Totals.Result>
public class Result
public string Employee;
public string Company;
public double Total;

// class constructor shown in Listing 12.4


var bigOrdersForEmployee1A =
from o in session.Query<My_Orders_Totals.Result, My_Orders_Totals>()
where o.Employee == "employees/1-A" &&
o.Total > 1000
select o

The code in Listing 12.8 shows a common usage pattern in RavenDB. First, we define a
nested type inside the index class to represent the result of the index. This is commonly
called Result, IndexEntry or Entry. There’s no real requirement for this to be a nested
class, by the way. It can be any type that simply has the required fields. The idea here is that
we just need the compiler to be happy with us.
The problem with using the My_Orders_Totals.Result class is that, while we can now use
it in the where clause, we aren’t actually going to get this class in the results. We’ll get the
full Order document. We can tell the compiler that we’ll be getting a list of Order by calling
OfType<Order>(). This is a client-side-only behavior, which only converts the type being
used in the query and has no effect on the server-side query that will be generated.
Calling OfType doesn’t close the query. We can still continue to add behavior to the query to
project the relevant data or to select the sort order for the results, as you can see in Listing
var bigOrdersForEmployee1A =
from o in session.Query<My_Orders_Totals.Result, My_Orders_Totals>()
where o.Employee == "employees/1-A" &&
o.Total > 1000
orderby o.Total descending
select o

var results =
from o in bigOrdersForEmployee1A
orderby o.Employee
select new
Total = o.Lines.Sum(x => x.Quantity)

The RQL generated by the query in Listing 12.9 is shown in Listing 12.10.
from index 'My/Orders/Totals' as o
where o.Employee = $p0 and o.Total > $p1
order by Total as double desc, Employee
select {
Company : o.Company,
Total : { return x.Quantity; })
.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0)
As you can see, even though Listing 12.9 has the orderby clauses in different locations and
operating on different types, the RQL generated doesn’t care about that and has the proper
The last part is important. It’s easy to get caught up with the code you have sitting in front
of you while forgetting that, underneath it all, what’s sent to the server is RQL. In many
respects, we torture the type system in these cases to get it to both agree on the right types
and to allow us to generate the right queries to the server.
Listing 12.4 shows how we can create a simple index from the client. But we’re still missing
a few bits. This kind of approach only lets us create very simple indexes. How are we going
to handle the creation of a MapReduce index?

Defining MapReduce indexes via client code

On the client side, a MapReduce index is very similar to the simple indexes that we’ve
already seen. The only difference is that we have an issue with the strongly typed nature of
the language. In Listing 12.4, we defined index My_Orders_Totals and used a generic
parameter to indicate that the source collection (and the type this index is operating on) is

However, with a MapReduce index, we have two types. One is the type that the Map will
operate on, just the same as we had before. But there’s another type, which is the type that
the Reduce is going to work on. As you probably expected, we’ll also pass the second type as
a generic argument to the index. Listing 12.11 shows such a MapReduce index using
strongly typed code.
public class My_Products_Sales :
AbstractIndexCreationTask<Order, My_Products_Sales.Result>
public class Result
public string Product;
public int Count;
public double Total;

public My_Products_Sales()
Map = orders =>
from order in orders
from line in order.Lines
select new
Product = line.Product,
Count = 1,
Total = (line.Quantity * line.PricePerUnit)
Reduce = results =>
from result in results
group result by result.Product
into g
select new
Product = g.Key,
Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count),
Total = g.Sum(x => x.Total)

The index My_Products_Sales in Listing 12.11 defined the Map as we have previously seen
in the My_Orders_Totals index. We also have another nested class called Result. (Again,
using a nested class is a mere convention because it keeps the Result class near the index
using it). However, we’re also using the nested class for this type as the generic argument
for the base type.
This might look strange at first, but it’s actually quite a natural way to specify a few things:
first, that this index’s Map’s source collection is Order, and second, that the output of the Map
and the input (and output) of the Reduce are in the shape of the Result class. Note that I’m
using the phrase “in the shape of” and not “of type.” This is because, as you can see in the
select new clauses, we aren’t actually returning the types there. We’re returning an
anonymous type.
As long as the shape matches (and the server will verify that), RavenDB doesn’t care. The
actual execution of the index is done on the server side and is not subject to any of the type
rules that you saw in the code listing so far. It’s important to remember that the purpose of
all the index classes and Linq queries is to generate code that will be sent to the server. And
as long as the server understands what’s expected, it doesn’t matter what’s actually being
You can create the index in Listing 12.11 using either new
My_Products_Sales().Execute(store) or by running the
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(assembly, store) again. Go ahead and inspect the new
index in the studio. Remember, the index name in the RavenDB studio is

With the index on the server, we can now see how we can query a MapReduce index from
the client side. This turns out to be pretty much the same as we’ve already seen. Listing
12.12 has the full details.
var salesSummaryForProduct1A =
from s in session.Query<My_Products_Sales.Result, My_Products_Sales>()
where s.Product == "products/1-A"
select s;
The Query method in Listing 12.12 takes two generic parameters. The first is the type of the
query—in this case, the Result class, which we also used in the index itself as the input
(and output) of the Reduce function. The second generic parameter is the index that we’ll
use. In the case of the query in Listing 12.12, the output of the query is also the value
emitted by the MapReduce index, so we don’t have to play any more games with types.
Strong types and weak lies
RavenDB goes to great lengths to pretend that it actually cares about types when you’re writing code in a strongly
typed language. The idea is that from the client code, you’ll gain the benefits of strongly typed languages, including
IntelliSense, compiler checks of types, etc.
That isn’t what’s actually sent to the server, though. And while the vast majority of the cases are covered with a
strongly typed API, there are some things that either cannot be done or are awkward to do. For such scenarios,
you can drop down a level in the API and use the string-based APIs that give you maximum flexibility.

We’ve seen how to create simple indexes and MapReduce indexes, but we also have
multimap indexes in RavenDB. How are we going to work with those from the client side?

Multimap indexes from the client

An index can have any number of Map functions defined on it, but the code we explored so
far in Listing 12.4 and Listing 12.11 only allows us to define a single map. This is because
the AbstractIndexCreationTask<T> base class is meant for the common case where you
have only a single Map in your index. If you want to define a multimap index from the client,
you need to use the appropriate base class, AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask<T> , as
you can see in Listing 12.13.
public class People_Search :
public class Result
public string Name;

public People_Search()
AddMap<Employee>(employees =>
from e in employees
select new
Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName
AddMap<Company>(companies =>
from c in companies
select new
AddMap<Supplier>(suppliers =>
from s in suppliers
select new

The index in Listing 12.13 is using multimap to index Employees, Companies and
Suppliers. We already ran into this index before, in Listing 10.12. At the time, I
commented that dealing with a heterogeneous result set can be challenging—not for
RavenDB or the client API, but for your code.
You can see that, in Listing 12.13, we also have a Result class that’s used as a generic
parameter. Technically, since we don’t have a Reduce function in this index, we don’t
actually need it. But it’s useful to have because the shape the index entry will take is
explicit. We call AddMap<T> for each collection that we want to index, and all of the
AddMap<T> calls must have the output in the same shape.

How about actually using such an index? Before we look at the client code, let’s first
consider a use case for this. The index allows me to query across multiple collections and
fetch results from any of the matches. Consider the case of querying for all the results
where the name starts with Mar. You can see a mockup of how this will look in the UI in
Figure 12.1.
Getting the UI to display heterogeneous results from the People/Search index
To query this successfully from the client, we need to specify both the type of the index and
the shape we’re querying on. Luckily for us, we already defined that shape: the
People_Search.Result nested class. You can see the query in Listing 12.14.
var results = session.Query<People_Search.Result, People_Search>()
.Where(item => item.Name.StartsWith("Mar"))

foreach (var result in results)

case Employee e:
case Supplier s:
case Company c:

In Listing 12.14, we’re issuing the query on results in the shape of People_Search.Result
and then telling the compiler that the result can be of any type. If we had a shared interface
or base class, we could have used that as the common type for the query. The rest of the
code just does an in-memory type check and routes each result to the relevant rendering
Linq isn’t the only game in town
The RavenDB query API is built in layers. At the top of the stack, you have Linq, which gives you strongly typed
queries with full support from the compiler. Below Linq, you have the DocumentQuery API, which is a bit lower
level and gives the user a programmatic way to build queries.
You can access the DocumentQuery API through session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<T> , as shown in
the following query:
var results = session.Advanced
.WhereStartsWith("Name", "Mar")
This query is functionally identical to the one in Listing 12.14, except that we’re weakly typed here. This kind of API
is meant for programmatically building queries, working with users’ input, and the like. It’s often easier to build
such scenarios without the constraints of the type system. The DocumentQuery API is capable of any query that
Linq can perform. Indeed, since Linq is implemented on top of DocumentQuery, that’s fairly obvious.
You can read more about the options available to you with DocumentQuery in the online documentation.

We could have also projected fields from the index and gotten all the results in the same
shape from the server. Writing such a query using C# is possible, but it’s awkward and full
of type trickery. In most cases, it’s better to use RQL directly for such a scenario.

Using RQL from the client

Within RavenDB, RQL queries give you the most flexibility and power. Any other API ends
up translating to RQL, after all. Features such as Language Integrated Query make most
queries a joy to build, and the DocumentQuery API gives us much better control over
programmatically building queries. But at some point, you’ll want to just write raw RQL
and get things done.
There are several levels at which you can use RQL from your code. You can just write the
full query in RQL, you can add RQL snippets to a query and you can define the projection
manually. Let’s look at each of these in turn. All of the queries we’ll use in this section will
use the SearchResult class defined in Listing 12.15.
public class SearchResult
public string ContactName;
public string Collection;

Listing 12.16 shows how we can work directly with RQL. This is very similar to the query
we used in Listing 10.13 a few chapters ago.
List<SearchResult> results = session.Advanced
from index 'People/Search' as p
where StartsWith(Name, $name)
Collection: p['@metadata']['@collection'],
ContactName: (
p.Contact || { Name: p.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName }
.AddParameter("$name", "Mar")

There are a few items of interest in the query in Listing 12.16. First, you can see that we
specify the entire query using a single string. The generic parameter that’s used in the
RawQuery method is the type of the results for the query. This is because we’re actually
specifying the query as a string, so we don’t need to play hard to get with the type system
and can just specify what we want in an upfront manner.
The query itself is something we’ve already encountered before. The only surprising part
there is the projection that checks if there’s a Contact property on the object or creates a
new object for the Employees documents (which don’t have this property).
Query parameters and RQL
In Listing 12.16, there’s something that’s both obvious and important to call out, and it’s the use of query
parameters. We use the $name parameter and add it to the query using the AddParameter method.
It’s strongly recommended that you only use parameters and you don’t build queries using string concatenation
(especially when it involves users’ input). If you need to dynamically build queries, using the DocumentQuery is
preferred. And users’ input should always be sent using AddParameter so it can be properly processed and not
be part of the query.
See also SQL Injection Attacks in your favorite search engine.

Listing 12.16 required us to write the full query as a string, which means that it’s opaque to
the compiler. We don’t have to go full bore with RQL strings; we can ask the RavenDB Linq
provider to do most of the heavy lifting and just plug in our custom extension when it’s
Consider the code in Listing 12.17, which uses RavenQuery.Raw to carefully inject a RQL
snippet into the Linq query.
List<SearchResult> results =
from item in session.Query<People_Search.Result, People_Search>()
where item.Name.StartsWith("Mar"))
select new SearchResult
Collection = RavenQuery.Raw("item['@metadata']['@collection']"),
ContactName = RavenQuery.Raw(@"(
item.Contact || { Name: item.FirstName + ' ' + item.LastName }

Listing 12.17 isn’t a representative example, mostly because it’s probably easier to write it
as a RQL query directly. But it serves as a good example of a non-trivial query and how you
can utilize advanced techniques in your queries.
It’s more likely that you’ll want to use a variant of this technique when using the
DocumentQuery API. This is because you’ll typically compose queries programmatically
using this API and then want to do complex projections from the query. This is easy to do,
as you can see in Listing 12.18.
List<SearchResult> results =
session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<People_Search.Result, People_Search>()
.WhereStartsWith(x => x.Name, "Mar")
alias: "item",
func: @"{
Collection: p['@metadata']['@collection'],
ContactName: (
p.Contact || { Name: p.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName }

The queries in Listing 12.16, 12.17 and 12.18 produce the exact same query and the same
results, so it’s your choice when to use either option. Myself, I tend to use RQL for complex
queries where I need the full power of RQL behind me and when I can’t express the query
that I want to write in a natural manner using Linq.
I use the DocumentQuery API mostly when I want to build queries programmatically, such
as search pages or queries that are composed dynamically.

Controlling advanced indexing options from the client side

In the previous section, we explored a lot of ways to project data from the People/Search
index, but our query was a simple StartsWith(Name, $name). So if $name is equal to "Mar",
we’ll find an employee named Margaret Peacock. However, what would happen if we tried
to search for "Pea"?
If you try it, you’ll find there are no results. You can check the index’s terms to explore why
this is the case, as shown in Figure 12.2.
The terms list for the People/Search index near Margaret Peacock
When you look at the terms in Figure 12.2, it’s obvious why we haven’t been able to find
anything when searching for the "Pea" prefix. There’s no term that starts with it. Our index
is simply indexing the terms as is, with minimal work done on them. (It’s just lowercasing
them so we can run a case-insensitive search.)
We already looked at this in Chapter 10, in the section about full text indexes, so this
shouldn’t come as a great surprise. We need to mark the Name field as a full text search field.
But how can we do that from the client side? Listing 12.19 shows the way to do it.
public class People_Search :
public People_Search()
// AddMap & Reduce calls from Listing 12.14
// removed for brevity

Index(x => x.Name, FieldIndexing.Search);

Suggestion(x => x.Content);

In Listing 12.19, you can see the Index method. It configures the indexing option for the
Name field to full text search mode. And the Suggestion method is used, unsurprisingly
enough, to indicate that this field should have suggestions applied to it.
Creating weakly typed indexes
In addition to the strongly typed API exposed by AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask and
AbstractIndexCreationTask you can also use the weakly typed API to control every aspect of the index
creation direction, such as with the following code:
public class People_Search : AbstractIndexCreationTask
public override IndexDefinition CreateIndexDefinition()
return new IndexDefinition()
Maps = {
@"from e in docs.Employees select new {
Name = e.FirstName + ' ' + e.LastName
@"from c in docs.Companies select new {
}",@"from s in docs.Suppliers select new {
Fields = {
["Name"] = new IndexFieldOptions {
Indexing = FieldIndexing.Search
You’re probably sick of the People/Search index by now, with all its permutations. The index definition above
behaves just the same as all the other People/Search indexes we looked at, including being picked up by
IndexCreation automatically. It just gives us the maximum amount of flexibility in all aspects of the index.

There are other options available, such as using Store to store the fields, Spatial for
geographical indexing and a few more advanced options that you can read more about in
the online documentation. Anything that can be configured through the studio can also be
configured from code.

MultimapReduce indexes from the client

The last task we have to do with building indexes from client code is to build a
MultimapReduce index. This is pretty straightforward, given what we’ve done so far. We
need to define an index class inheriting from AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask , define
the Maps using the AddMap method and finally define the Reduce function. Listing 12.20
shows how this is done.
public class Cities_Details :
public class Result
public string City;
public int Companies, Employees, Suppliers;

public Cities_Details()
AddMap<Employee>(emps =>
from e in emps
select new Result
City = e.Address.City,
Companies = 0,
Suppliers = 0,
Employees = 1

AddMap<Company>(companies =>
from c in companies
select new Result
City = c.Address.City,
Companies = 1,
Suppliers = 0,
Employees = 0
AddMap<Suppplier>(suppliers =>
from s in suppliers
select new Result
City = s.Address.City,
Companies = 0,
Suppliers = 1,
Employees = 0

Reduce = results =>

from result in results
group result by result.City
into g
select new Result
City = g.Key,
Companies = g.Sum(x => x.Companies),
Suppliers = g.Sum(x => x.Suppliers),
Employees = g.Sum(x => x.Employees)

Listing 12.20 is a bit long, but it matches up to the index we defined in the previous chapter,
in Listing 11.13. And the only new thing in the Cities_Details index class is the use of
select new Result instead of using select new to create an anonymous class. This can be
helpful when you want to ensure that all the Maps and the Reduce are using the same
output. RavenDB strips the Result class when it creates the index, so the server doesn’t
care about it. This is simply here to make our lives easier.

Deploying indexes
I briefly mentioned earlier that it’s typical to deploy indexes using
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes or its async equivalent
IndexCreation.CreateIndexesAsync. These methods take an assembly and the document
store you’re using and scan the assembly for all the index classes. Then they create all the
indexes they found in the database.
During development, it’s often best to call one of these methods in your application startup.
This way, you can modify an index and run the application, and the index definition is
automatically updated for you. It also works great when you pull changes from another
developer. You don’t have to do anything to get the right environment set up.
Attempting to create an index that already exists on the server (same name and index
definition) is ignored and has no effect on the server or the cluster. So if nothing changed in
your indexes, the entire IndexCreation.CreateIndexes call does nothing at all. Only when
there are changes to the indexes will it actually take effect.
Locking indexes
Sometimes you need to make a change to your index definition directly on your server. That’s possible, of course,
but you have to be aware that if you’re using IndexCreation to automatically generate your indexes, the next
time your application starts, it will reset the index definition to the original.
That can be somewhat annoying because changing the index definition on the server can be a hotfix to solve a
problem or introduce a new behavior, and the index reset will just make it go away, apparently randomly.
In order to handle this, RavenDB allows the option of locking an index. An index can be unlocked, locked and
locked (error). In the unlocked mode, any change to the index would be accepted, and if the new index definition is
different than the one stored on the server, the index would be updated and re-index the data using the new index
definition. In the locked mode, a new index definition would return successfully but would not actually change
anything on the server. And in the locked (error) mode, trying to change the index will raise an error.
Usually you’ll just mark the index as locked, which will make the server ignore any changes to the index. The idea is
that we don’t want to break your calls to IndexCreation by throwing an error.
Note that this is not a security measure. It’s a way for the operations team to make a change in the index and
prevent the application from mindlessly setting it back. Any user that can create an index can also modify the lock
mode on the index.

Index creation is a cluster operation, which means that you can run the command against
any node in the database group and RavenDB will make sure that it’s created in all the
database’s nodes. The same also applies for automatic indexes. If the query optimizer
decides that a query requires an index to be created, that index is going to be created in all
the database instances, not just the one that processed this query.
This means that the experience of each node can be shared among all of them and you don’t
have to worry about a failover from a node that has already created the indexes you’re
using to one that didn’t accept any queries yet. All of the nodes in a database group will
have the same indexes.
Failure modes and external replication
Index creation being a cluster operation means that it’s reliable, it goes through the Raft protocol and a majority of
the nodes must agree to accept it before it’s acknowledged to the client. If, however, a majority of the nodes in the
cluster are not reachable, the index creation will fail. This applies to both manual and automatic index creation in
the case of network partition or majority failure. Index creation is rare, though, so even if there’s a failure of this
magnitude, it will not typically affect day-to-day operations.
External replication allows us to replicate data (documents, attachments, revisions, etc.) to another node that may
or may not be in the same cluster. This is often used as a separate hot spare, offsite backup, etc. It’s important to
remember that external replication does not also replicate indexes. Indexes are only sent as a cluster operation for
the database group. This allows you to have the data replicated to different databases and potentially run different
indexes on the documents.

There are other considerations to deploying indexes, especially in production. In the next
section, we’ll explore another side of indexing: how indexes actually work.

How do indexes do their work?

This section is the equivalent of popping the hood on a car and examining the engine. For
the most part, you shouldn’t have to do that, but it can be helpful to understand what is
actually going on.
An index in RavenDB is composed of
• Index definition and configuration options (Maps and Reduce, fields, spatial, full text,
• Data on disk (where we store the results of the indexing operation).
• Various caches for portions of the data, to make it faster to process queries.
• A dedicated index thread that does all the work for the index.
What’s probably the most important from a user perspective is to understand how this all
plays together. An index in RavenDB has a dedicated thread for all indexing work. This
allows us to isolate any work being done to this thread and gives the admin better
accountability and control. In the studio, you can go to Manage Server and then click
Advanced and you’ll see the Threads Runtime Info. You can see a sample of that in Figure

Showing the details on the Orders/ByCompany index’s thread

In Figure 12.3, you can see how much processing time is taken by the Orders/ByCompany
indexing thread.
A dedicated thread per instance greatly simplifies operational behaviors and allows us to
apply several important optimizations. It means that no index can interfere with any other
index. A slow index can only affect itself, instead of having a global effect on the system. It
simplifies the code and algorithms required for indexing because there’s no need to write
thread safe code.
Indexing in batches
RavenDB typically needs to balance throughput vs. freshness when it comes to indexing. The bigger the batch, the
faster it takes to index each document. But we only see the updates to the index when we complete the batch.
During initial creation, RavenDB typically favors bigger batches (as much as the available resources allow) and will
attempt to index as many documents at once as it can.
After the index completes indexing all the documents it covers, it will watch for any new or updated documents
and index them as soon as possible, without waiting for more updates to come. The typical indexing latency (the
time between when a document updates and when the index has committed the batch including this document) is
measured in milliseconds on most systems.

This design decision also allows RavenDB to prioritize tasks more easily. RavenDB uses
thread priorities at the operating system level to hint at what should be done first. If you
increase the index priority, RavenDB will update the indexing thread priority at the
operating system level. You can see how this is done in Figure 12.4.
Changing the indexing priority will update the indexing thread priority
By default, RavenDB prioritizes request processing over indexing, so indexing threads start
with a lower priority than request-processing threads. That means requests complete
faster and indexes get to run when there’s capacity for them (with the usual starvation
prevention mechanisms).
RavenDB also uses this to set the I/O priority for requests generated by indexing. In this
way, we can be sure that indexing will not overwhelm the system by taking too much CPU
or saturating the I/O bandwidth we have available.
The last point is important because RavenDB’s indexes are always built online, in
conjunction with normal operations on the server. And this request I/O priority scheme
applies to both indexing creation and updates with each change to the data. We don’t make
distinctions between the two modes.
What keeps the indexing thread up at night?
When you create a new index, RavenDB will spawn a thread that will start indexing all the documents covered by
the index. It will go through the documents in batches, trying to index as many of them in one go as it can, until it
indexes them all. What happens then?
The index then will go to sleep, waiting for a new or updated document in one of the collections that this index
cares about. In other words, until there’s such a document, the thread is not going to be runnable. It isn’t going to
compete for CPU time and takes very few resources from the system.
If the indexing thread detects that it’s been idle for a while, it will actively work to release any resources it
currently holds and then go back to sleep until it’s woken by a new document showing up.

The query optimizer’s capability to create new indexes on the fly depends on making sure
the new index isn’t breaking things while it’s being built. Because of this requirement,
RavenDB is very careful about resource allocations to indexing. We talked about CPU and
I/O priorities, but there’s also a memory budget applied. All in all, this has been tested in
production for many years and has proven to be an extremely valuable feature.
The ability to deploy, in production, a new index (or a set of indexes) is key for operational
agility. Otherwise, you’ll have to schedule downtime whenever your application changes
even the most minor of queries. This kind of flexibility is offered not just for new indexes
but also for when you’re updating existing ones.
Side by side
During development, you’ll likely not notice the indexing update times. The amount of data
you have in a development database is typically quite small, and the machine is not usually
too busy in handling production traffic. In production, the opposite is true. There’s a lot of
data, and your machines are already busy doing their normal routine. This means that an
index deploy can take a while.
Let’s assume we have an index deploy duration (from the time it’s created to the time it’s
done indexing all the documents that are already in the index) of five minutes. An updated
index can’t just pick up from where the old index definition left off. For example, we might
have added new fields to the index, so we need to re-index all the relevant documents. But
if we have a five-minute period in which we’re busy indexing, what will happen to queries
made to the index during that time frame?
All index updates in RavenDB are done using the side-by-side strategy. Go to the studio and
update the Orders/Totals index by changing the Total field computation and save the
document. Then immediately go to the indexes page. You should see something similar to
what’s shown in Figure 12.5.

Updating an index keeps the old definition alive until the new index is caught up.
Figure 12.5 shows an index midway through an update. But instead of deleting the old
index and starting the indexing from scratch (which will impact queries), RavenDB keeps
the old index around (including answering queries and the indexing of new documents)
until the new version of the index has caught up and indexed everything.
This way, you can minimize the effects of updating an index in production. Once the
updated version of the index has completed its work, it will automatically replace the old
version. Of course, you can also force an immediate replacement if you really need to. (Swap
now will do it.)

Auto indexes and the query optimizer

We talked about the query optimizer creating indexes on the fly several times, but now I
want to shine a light on the kind of heuristics that the query optimizer uses and the logic
that guides it.
At the most basic level, the query optimizer analyzes all the queries that don’t specify an
explicit index to use (anything that doesn’t start with from index ... is fair game for the
query optimizer). The query optimizer will attempt to find an index that can answer the
query being asked, but if it fails to find any appropriate indexes, it will go ahead and create
a new one.
One very important aspect of that is the query optimizer isn’t going to create an index
blindly. Instead of only considering the current query when it’s time to create a new index,
the query optimizer is also going to weigh the history of the queries that were made against
the database.
In other words, the logic that guides the query analyzer looks something like this:
1. Is there an index that can match this query? If so, use that.
2. If there’s no such index, we need to create one.
3. Let’s take a look at all the queries that were made against the same collection as the
one that’s now being queried and see what would be the optimal index to answer all of
these queries.
4. We need to create the optimal index and wait for it to complete indexing.
5. We should retire all the automatic indexes that have been created so far that are now
covered by the new index.
The idea here is that RavenDB uses your queries as a learning opportunity to figure out
more about the operational environment, and the query optimizer is able to use that
knowledge when it needs to create a new index.
Over time, this means that we’ll generate the optimal set of indexes to answer any query
that doesn’t use an explicit index. Furthermore, it means that operational changes, such as
deploying a new version of your application with slightly different queries, will be met with
equanimity by RavenDB. The query optimizer will recognize the new queries and figure out
if they can use the existing indexes. If it can’t, the optimizer will create a new index for
them. All existing queries will continue to use the existing indexes until the new indexes are
ready. Then they’ll switch.
All of this will be done for you, without anyone needing to tell RavenDB what needs to be
done or babysit it. The fact that index modifications are cluster-wide also means that all the
nodes in the cluster will be able to benefit from this knowledge.

Importing and exporting indexes

RavenDB’s ability to learn as it goes is valuable, but even so, you don’t always want to do
that kind of operation directly in production. If you have a large amount of data, you don’t
want to wait until you already deployed your application to production for RavenDB to
start learning about the kind of queries that it’s going to generate. During the learning
process, there might be several paths taken that you want to skip.
You can run your application in a test environment, running a set of load tests and making
the application issue all its queries to your test RavenDB instance. That instance will apply
the same logic and create the optimal set of indexes to answer the kind of queries it saw.
You can export that knowledge from the test machine and import it into the production
cluster. The new indexes will be built, and by the time you’re ready to actually deploy your
application to production, all the work has already been done and the indexes are ready for
the new queries in the updated version of your application.
Let’s see how that can work, shall we? In the studio, go to Settings and then to Export
Database. Ensure that only the Include Indexes is selected and click the Export Database
button. You can see what this looks like in Figure 12.6.

Exporting just the indexes from our database.

You can then take the resulting file and import that into the production instance (Settings
and then to Import Database) and the new indexes will be created. The query optimizer
will then take them into account when it needs to decide which index is going to handle
which query.

Indexing and querying performance

When it comes time to understand what’s going on with your indexes, you won’t face a
black box. RavenDB tracks and externalizes a lot of information about the indexing
processes and makes it available to you, mostly via the studio in Indexes and then the
Indexing Performance page. You can see a sample of what it looks like when the system is
indexing in Figure 12.7.
Visually exploring details about the indexing actions (and their costs)
The timeline view in Figure 12.7 shows several indexes running concurrently (and
independently). (Solid colors mean the index batch is complete, stripes mean this is an
actively executing index.) And you can hover over each of the steps to get more
information, such as the number of documents indexed or the indexing rate that’s shown in
Figure 12.8.
This graph can be very useful for investigating what exactly is going on inside RavenDB
without having to look through a pile of log files. For example, look at the thread details
that we previously discussed (see Figure 12.3 for what this looks like in the studio) and
notice that a particular indexing thread is using a lot of CPU time.
You can go into the Indexing Performance window and simply look at what’s taking so
much time. For example, you may be using the “Suggestions” feature, which can be fairly
compute-intensive with high update rates. An example of this is shown in Figure 12.8,
where you can see the exact costs of suggestions during indexing.
Drilling down into particular operations (such as “Suggestions”) can provide insight into
what’s costly
Figure 12.8 shows a fairly simple example, but the kind of details exposed in the timeline
can give you a better idea of what exactly is going on inside RavenDB. As part of ongoing
efforts to be a database that’s actively trying to help the operations team, RavenDB is
externalizing all such decisions explicitly. I encourage you to look at each of these boxes.
The tooltips reveal a lot of what’s going on, and this kind of view should quickly give you a
feeling about how much things should cost. That way, you can recognize when things are
out of whack if you are exploring some issue.
Having a good idea of what’s going on during indexing is just half the job. We also need to
be able to monitor the other side: what’s going on when we query the database. RavenDB
actively monitors such actions and will bring it to the operator’s attention when there are
issues, as shown in Figure 12.9.

RavenDB will generate operational alerts for slow queries and very large results sets.
Figure 12.9 shows the large result set alert, generated when a query returns a very large
number of results while not using streaming. (Streaming queries were discussed in Chapter
4.) This can lead to higher memory utilization on both client and server and is considered
bad practice. RavenDB will alert you to this issue and provide the exact time and the query
that caused it so you can fix the problem.
In the same vein, very slow queries are also made explicitly visible to the operators because
they’re something they probably need to investigate. There are other operational
conditions that RavenDB monitors and will bring to your attention—anything from slow
disk I/O to running out of disk space to network latency issues. We’ll discuss alerts and
monitoring in RavenDB in much more depth in the next part of the book, so I’ll save it till

Error handling in indexing

Sometimes, your index runs into an error. RavenDB actually goes to great lengths to avoid
that. Property access inside the index will propagate nulls transitively. In other words, you
can write the index shown in Listing 12.21 and you won’t get a NullReferenceException.
public class Employees_Managers
: AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_Managers()
Map = emps =>
from e in emps
let manager = LoadDocument<Employee>(e.ReportsTo)
select new
Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
HasManager = manager != null,
Manager = manager.FirstName + " " + manager.LastName

The employees/2-A document has null as the value of ReportsTo. What do you think will
happen when the index shown in Listing 12.21 is busy indexing this document?
LoadDocument will return null (because the document ID it got was null) and the value of
HasManager is going to be false because there’s no manager for employees/2-A. However,
just one line below, we access the manager instance, which we know is null.
Usually, such an operation will throw a NullReferencException. RavenDB, however,
rewrites all references so they use null propagation. The actual mechanism by which this is
done is a bit complex and out of scope for this topic, but you can imagine that RavenDB
actually uses Manager = manager?.FirstName + " " + manager?.LastName everywhere.
Did you notice the ?. usage? This means “if the value is null, return null; otherwise, access
the property.”
In this way, a whole class of common issues is simply averted. On the other hand, the index
will contain a name for a manager for employees/2-A. It will be " " because the space is
always concatenated with the values, and null concatenated with a string is the string.
Some kinds of errors don’t really let us recover. Consider the code in Listing 12.22. The
index itself isn’t very interesting, but we have an int.Parse call there on the PostalCode
public class Employees_PostalCode
: AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee>
public Employees_PostalCode()
Map = emps =>
from e in emps
select new
Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
Postal = int.Parse(e.Address.PostalCode)

The PostalCode property in the sample data set is numeric for employees from Seattle and
alphanumeric for employees in London. This means that for about half of the documents in
the relevant collection, this index is going to fail. Let’s see how RavenDB behaves in such a
case. Figure 12.10 shows how this looks in the studio.

Indexing errors and an errored index in the studio

We can see that the index as a whole is marked as errored. We’ll ignore that for the
moment and focus on the Index Errors page. If you click on it, you’ll see a list of the errors
that happened during indexing. You can click on the eye icon to see the full details. In this
case, the error is “Failed to execute mapping function on employees/5-A. Exception:
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. …
System.Number.ParseInt32 …”

There are two important details in that error message: we know what document caused
this error and we know what this issue is. These details make it easy to figure out what the
problem is. Indeed, looking at employees/5-A, we can see that the value of the PostalCode
property is "SW1 8JR". It’s not really something that int.Parse can deal with.
So the indexing errors give us enough information to figure out what happened. That’s
great. But what about the state of the index? Why is it marked as errored? The easiest way
to answer that question is to query the index and see what kind of error RavenDB returns.
Executing the following query from index 'Employees/PostalCode' will give us this
error: “Index ‘Employees/PostalCode’ is marked as errored. Index Employees/PostalCode
is invalid, out of 9 map attempts, 4 has failed. Error rate of 44.44% exceeds allowed 15%
error rate.”
Now things become much clearer. An index is allowed to fail processing some documents.
Because of the dynamic nature of documents in RavenDB, you may get such failures.
However, allowing such failures to go unattended is dangerous. An error in indexing a
document means that this particular document is not indexed. That may seem like a
tautology, but it has important operational implications. If the document isn’t indexed, you
aren’t going to see it in the results. It is “gone.”
While the indexing error is intentionally very visible, if you’re running in an unattended
mode, which is common, it may be a while before your users’ complaints of “I can’t find that
record” makes you check the database. What would be worse is if you had some change in
the application or behavior that caused all new documents to fail to index. Because of that,
an index is only allowed a certain failure rate. We’ll mark the entire index as errored when
that happens.
An index in the error state cannot be queried and will return an immediate error (similar to
the error text above) with an explanation of what’s going on. With an explicit error, it’s
much easier to figure out what’s wrong and then fix it.

We started this chapter by discussing index deployments, from the baseline of defining
indexes using strongly typed classes to the ease of use of IndexCreation.CreateIndexes to
create all those indexes on the database.
We re-implemented many features and scenarios that we already encountered, but this
time we implemented them from the client’s code perspective. Building indexes using Linq
queries is an interesting experience. We started from simple indexes and MapReduce
indexes with AbstractIndexCreationTask<T> and then moved to multimap and
MultimapReduce indexes with AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask<T> base classes.
We explored how to query RavenDB from the client side, starting with the simplest of Linq
queries and building toward more flexibility with ever more complex queries. With both
Linq queries and the strong typed indexes, we talked about the fact that RavenDB isn’t
actually aware of your client-side types, nor does it really care about them.
All the work to make strongly typed indexes and queries on the client side is purely there
so you’ll have good compiler, IntelliSense and refactoring support inside your application.
In the end, both queries and indexes are turned into RQL strings and sent to the server.
We looked at how we can directly control the IndexDefinition sent to the server, giving us
absolute power to play with and modify any option that we wish. This can be done by using
the non-generic AbstractIndexCreationTask class and implementing the
CreateIndexDefinition() method.

In a similar sense, all the queries we run are just fancy ways to generate RQL queries. We
looked into all sorts of different ways of using RQL queries in your applications, from using
RQL directly by calling RawQuery (and remembering to pass parameters only through
AddParameter) to poking holes in Linq queries using RavenQuery.Raw method to using a
CustomFunction to take complete control over the projection when using DocumentQuery.

Following the discussion on managing the indexes, we looked into how indexes are
deployed on the cluster (as a reliable cluster operation, with a majority consensus using
Raft) and what this means (they’re not available for external replication and they require a
majority of the nodes to be reachable to create/modify an index).
We dived into the execution environment of an index and the dedicated thread that
RavenDB assigns to it. Such a thread makes managing an index simpler because it gives us a
scope for prioritizing CPU and I/O operations, as well as defines a memory budget to
control how much RAM this index will use. This is one of the key ways that RavenDB is able
to implement online index building. Being able to limit the amount of system resources that
an index is using is crucial to ensure that we aren’t overwhelming the system and hurting
ongoing operations.
The process of updating an index definition got particular attention since this can be of
critical importance in production systems. RavenDB updates indexes in a side-by-side
manner. The old index is retained (and can even index new updates) while the new index is
being built. Once the building process is done, the old index is removed in favor of the new
one in an atomic fashion.
We briefly looked at the query optimizer, not so much to understand what it’s doing but to
understand what it means. The query optimizer routinely analyzes all queries and is able to
create indexes on the fly, but the key aspect of that is that it uses that information to
continuously optimize the set of indexes you have. After a while, the query optimizer will
produce the optimal set of indexes for the queries your application generates.
You can even run a test instance of your application to teach a RavenDB node about the
kind of queries it should expect and then export that knowledge to production ahead of
your application deployment. In this way, RavenDB will prepare itself ahead of time for the
new version and any changes in behavior that it might have.
We then moved to performance and monitoring. RavenDB exposes a lot of details about
how it indexes documents in an easy-to-consume manner, using the Index Performance
page, and it actively monitors queries for bad practices such as queries that return too
many results or are very slow. The result of this level of monitoring is that the operations
team is made aware that there are issues that they might want to take into account and
resolve, even if they aren’t currently critical.
We want to head things off as soon as possible, after all, and not wait until the sky has fallen
to start figuring out that there were warning signs all along the way. At the same time,
these alerts aren’t going to spam your operations team. That kind of behavior builds
tolerance to any kind of alerts because they effectively become noise.
We closed the chapter with a discussion of error handling. How does RavenDB handle
indexing errors? How are they made visible to the operators, and what kind of behavior can
you expect from the system? RavenDB will tolerate some level of errors from the index, but
if there are too many indexing issues, it will decide that’s not acceptable and mark the
whole index as failing, resulting in any query against this index throwing an exception.
This chapter has marked the end of theory and high-level discussion and a move toward a
more practical discussion on how to operate RavenDB. In the next part of the book, we’re
going to focus on exactly that: the care and feeding of a RavenDB cluster in production. In
other words, operations, here we come.

Security, encryption and authentication

Databases are very tempting targets for intruders. They typically contain all sort of juicy
bits of info (your data and, more importantly, your customers’ data); attacking them is very
much like attacking the heart of an organization. In fact, the end goal of many intrusions is
to get to the database and the data it holds.
The goal of an information security attack is often to steal data, either for espionage
purposes or for resale purposes. In many cases, the entity purchasing the stolen data is the
same organization it was stolen from, either because they don’t have the data anymore or
in order to prevent it from being leaked elsewhere. Some intruders have noticed this and
shorten the feedback loop by creating ransomware, which forces organizations to pay
ransom to get their own data back. This is often done by encrypting the data in the
database and then holding the decryption key until a ransom is paid (usually in bitcoin or
similar cryptocurrency).
Given that we’ve seen repeated intrusions and widely publicized breaches with severe
consequences for the organizations that suffered them, you half expect to see a database
holding production data stored in a hole in the ground, surrounded by laser-bearing sharks
and vicious, hug-hungry puppies. Or at least the digital equivalent of such a setting.
In truth, many databases are properly deployed, but security has become so complex that it
is actually common for people to give up on it completely. I’m not sure if this is done
intentionally, out of ignorance or due to inattention, but the end result is that there are
literally hundreds of thousands of databases running on publicly visible networks,
containing production data and having no security whatsoever.
In 2017, there were several waves of attacks on such databases that encrypted data and
demanded ransom in order to decrypt it. This included databases containing medical and
patient records, recordings of conversations between children and parents and pretty
much everything you don’t want to fall into unauthorized hands.
A large part of the reason for these attacks, I believe, is that security has gotten so hard,
obtuse and complex that people often put it off until “later”. Of course, eventually they go to
production. But at this point, is is easy to forget that all the doors are opened and there is a
welcome mat for every Joe and Harry who wants to go into the database and ransack it.
Securing the database is a task that is easy to defer for later, when we “really” need it. In
some cases, it is deferred until right after the point when the entire database is in the hands
of Mr. Unsavory and the rest of his gang.
Security is a hard requirement; if you are properly deployed, but not secured, you aren’t
properly deployed. RavenDB offers both encryption in transit and at rest, has several layers
of protections for your data and was designed to make it easy for mere mortals to get the
system up securely.82
We invested a lot of time not just in our security infrastructure, but also in making it
approachable, easy to use and switched on by default. Instead of having to go through a 60-
page document detailing all the steps you need to go through to secure your database,
RavenDB is secured by default.
We’ll cover how RavenDB ensures the safety of your data as it travels the network, using
strong encryption to ensure that no outside party can read what is being sent, even through
the traffic is sent through channels you don’t own. Another important piece of security is
knowing who you’re talking to; after all, if you’re securely sending secrets to a bad guy, the
most sophisticated encryption in the world won’t help you. RavenDB uses X509 certificates
to mutually authenticate both clients and servers, ensuring that your data goes only to
those it was authorized to go to.
Beyond encryption of data in transit, we’ll also look at how RavenDB can protect your data
at rest, encrypting all data on disk and ensuring that even if your hard disk is stolen, the
thief will end up with seemingly random bits on the disk and without a way to actually get
to your data.
Proper security is important, which is why we cover this topic in detail before we get to
actual deployment scenarios. I believe that you should first have a good grounding in
running a secure system before you take it out into the wild, chaotic environment that is

Securing your Ravens

The internet is often seen as a magical grove where you have the sum total of human
knowledge at your fingertips, a land of unlimited opportunities. But if you dig down just a
little bit, you’ll find that this is not a magic grove, but a haunted woods. The internet is a
hostile place where very little trust is given or expected. A network packet traveling
between two machines is likely to be intercepted, inspected, logged and modified before it
reaches its destination.
With rewritten links that download malware and phishing sites that steal your passwords
and then your identity, the ideal of a safe-to-browse network is very far from reality. You
might not typically notice this because the baseline assumption is, and has been for a while,
that the internet is hostile. Websites use certificates and top-of-the-line encryption to

82 We also designed RavenDB so it would be hard to deploy in an unsecured fashion.

identify themselves and hide the content of requests and responses over the wire; digital
signatures are sent and validated automatically by your browser and platform.
There is so much encryption around us that we barely notice it. We’ve reached the stage
where we need to use military-grade encryption to upload a lunch selfie to the cloud. We’ve
gotten used to the green lock icon in the address bar and the end-to-end encryption,
forward security and authentication employed by common chat platforms. Since the
network is assumed to be hostile, only the foolish would go forth without the armor of
This chapter is not meant to be a thorough discussion of security practices in general.
There have been many books published on the subject, guides on topics ranging from how
to protect your data and services to how to break into insufficiently protected locations and
ransack their contents.
Instead, we are going to focus on understanding the threat models your RavenDB instances
face and what kinds of features RavenDB has to deal with such threats. This chapter is all
controlling who can access the data inside your databases, protecting the conversation
between client applications and the database from being eavesdropped on or modified as
well as protecting the data on disk from being usable if it is stolen.
Running RavenDB in unsecured mode
You might find this surprising, but it is very common to run RavenDB with no security whatsoever. This typically
happens when RavenDB is running on a developer machine. By default, this mode is only allowed as long as
RavenDB is listening to either, ::1 or localhost. In other words, as long as RavenDB is not
listening on the network.83
In such a mode, none of the security features of RavenDB are accessible. You can neither authenticate users
(anyone listening on the network would be able to hijack the connection, after all) nor create or use encrypted
databases (anyone can access the server and get the encrypted data, so why bother).
Note that even in development mode, we still strongly recommend that you run in a secured configuration. The
RavenDB team has worked hard to make sure that running in a secured mode is easy. Your default mode should be

If you’re not running development work in a secured network, you’ll want to run RavenDB
in a secured mode. Security is a core part of the design of RavenDB; we’ve made it easy for
you to run RavenDB in a secured mode, so secured should be your default.

Introduction to transport-level security and authentication

I’m going to assume that you have little-to-no knowledge of security. This is likely false, but
it’s better to give you information you already have than risk missing something critical.
Securing a RavenDB server requires that you do the following:
1. Allow the client to verify that the database server is indeed the one it wants to talk to.

83RavenDB will refuse to run in this mode while listening to other IPs unless you explicitly
tell it that you are fine with an unsecured setup.
2. Allow the server to verify that the client is valid and to decide what access it should
3. Prevent anyone else from eavesdropping on the communication between server and
client, hijacking the client credentials, etc.
RavenDB is not the first to have this set of requirements. Instead of rolling our system84,
RavenDB uses the TLS 1.2 protocol.85 You might not be familiar with the term; a more
common use name for this is HTTPS. RavenDB uses TLS 1.2 in the following ways:
• The database server identifies itself to clients with a X509 certificate.
• Clients use the X509 client certificate to identify themselves to the server.
• All traffic between the database and clients is encrypted.
TLS 1.2 is the recommended protocol for secured communication by NIST and PCI 3.1, and
in Dec 2017, it was the chosen protocol for close to 90% of all encrypted web traffic
If you have previously deployed a website or application using HTTPS, you’re already
familiar with the key problem that arises from using TLS/HTTPS: certificates. Or more to
the point: getting certificates.
A certificate, according to Wikipedia, is “an electronic document used to prove the
ownership of a public key,” but that might not mean much to a layperson. Basically, it’s a
way for a service to identify itself in a cryptographically secured manner. There are two
types of certificates that interest us: self-signed certificates and certificates signed by a
certificate authority (CA).
A self-signed certificate is similar to a name tag at a class reunion, while a certificate signed
by a CA is more like an official government ID. Figure 13.1 might make this easier to

84 Roll your own is usually a bad idea with security practices.

85TLS - Transport Level Security, the successor to SSL and what is actually used when you
are using HTTPS
Self signed vs. CA certificates, in real world terms
Certificates use cryptographic signatures to identify themselves. You can assume that if a
connection is using a certificate, then no outside party can listen to the contents of the
traffic between the client and the server. But that, as it turns out, is just half the issue.
Imagine going to your class reunion, seeing a name tag that says “Your Best Friend From
High School,” and then whispering a dire secret to the person wearing that name tag.
You know that your secret has only reached that person’s ears, but the mere fact that they
have a name tag doesn’t guarantee that they are the person you think they are. In the real
world, you typically use a government-issued ID to verify someone’s identity. There’s a
much higher level of trust given to a driver’s license than to a hand-written name tag.
In the same sense, you have a self-signed certificate (which ensures that the connection is
private but doesn’t guarantee who you are talking to) and you have a CA-signed certificate.
A CA does some level of validation before issuing a certificate. And a CA will sign the
certificate using its own cryptographic signature. This way, if you have a list of trusted CAs
(called root CAs), by default you’ll trust that certificates signed by those CAs are valid.
What does that mean, CA validation?
There are different types of certificates that you can use. They range from domain validation (DV), code signing,
extended validation (EV) and many more. For the purpose of RavenDB, we only care about DV certificates, which
allow you to verify that the server you are talking to is actually the server you think you are talking to.
A DV certificate ensures that when you type, your client will validate that the
certificate served from the server is actually for the right domain and that it is signed by a trusted party (root CA).
It’s important to note that this is all a DV certificate does. Most CAs will only check that you have control over a
domain before issuing a certificate for it. And if you have the certificate for a site, you can absolutely pretend to be
that site. If you have bought the domain, you can get a certificate for, but
unless you have really good eyes and a good font choice, you wouldn’t know that the a character in the domain is
not U+0061 but actually U+0251, a completely different letter, resulting in a different domain.
I’m using the Unicode letters because they are so sneaky, but the same rules apply to, say, and The first can mislead you with a typo, and the second with 1 instead of l. At the time of writing,
both domains were actually available for purchase, by the way.
Another aspect of security to consider is whom you trust. For example, inside an organization, the admins usually
have a root certificate installed on all machines so they can generate certificates for any sites they wish to.
A CA can be one of the global root CAs (such as Comodo, IdenTrust, DigiCert or Let’s
Encrypt), which are trusted by most browsers and operating systems, or it can be a local
CA. For example, your operations team might define a root certificate that is trusted by all
your machines and use that root CA to generate more certificates. A real-world parallel for
having a local root CA would be accepting employee ID cards as proof of identity inside a

Certificate usage inside RavenDB

RavenDB uses certificates for all communication and authentication needs. This has the
advantage that everything can talk to RavenDB because HTTPS is so widely supported.
Operations teams are also familiar with handling certificates, securely storing them,
renewal, revocation, etc.
By default, the client API will trust the server if the server’s certificate is a match to the
expected URL, the certificate is valid and the certificate is signed by a trusted party. You can
override the client API’s decision by setting
RequestExecutor.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback and doing your
validation logic there. This is useful if you are using self-signed certificates that aren’t
trusted by the client, or if you want to verify additional properties on the certificate.
When running in a secured mode, RavenDB requires that the client also authenticates using
a X509 certificate. This is called a client certificate, and it allows the client and server to
establish a mutually authenticated channel between them. A client trusts the server
because the server’s certificate is signed by a trusted party. For the server to trust a client’s
certificate, that certificate needs to be explicitly registered in the cluster. RavenDB does not
delegate trust to 3rd parties or the PKI infrastructure.
Reducing optional attack surface
RavenDB’s security was designed with a single on/off switch. The unsecured mode for RavenDB uses plain text
transport only (HTTP), supports no authentication and cannot use encrypted databases. It can also only talk to
other unsecured servers and be part of an unsecured cluster.
On the other hand, the secured mode uses HTTPS and TLS 1.2 for all communications, requires authentication for
all operations (using client certificates) and can only talk to other secured servers and be part of a secured cluster.
This also allows us to have encrypted databases.
We require secured servers to have authentication in order to prevent operator mistakes from exposing
production machines to the world. Sadly, this is a very common occurrence and something that we have strived to
make difficult to do by accident.

Client certificates are easy to get: the only thing that needs to trust them is RavenDB, and
we can either register certificates with the cluster directly or ask the cluster to generate
them for us. Server certificates are usually much more complex to get ahold of because
you’re dealing with issues of trust. In many organizations, the ability to generate trusted
certificates is tightly controlled (and rightly so).
Let’s us see what RavenDB does to make secured setup easier.
Setting RavenDB up in a secured mode
Setting up RavenDB in a secured mode is a fairly simple process. You can do it yourself by
setting the right configuration values and deploying it directly. In this case, we’ll be using
the setup wizard to get things going. This simplifies the process of setting up a secured
RavenDB instance because the setup wizard takes care of all the details for you.
The first time you start a RavenDB instance, you’ll be directed to the setup wizard where
you will be asked to make important decisions about how RavenDB will be deployed. You
can see what this looks like in Figure 13.2.

The setup wizard is the first screen you’ll see when accessing RavenDB for the first time
You have four setup options available. You can generate a certificate through Let's
Encrypt, use your own certificate, set up RavenDB in unsecured mode or complete the
setup process for a cluster node that was started on another instance.
Using Let's Encrypt
One of the reasons TLS and HTTPS aren’t used everywhere is that they require certificates. In order for a certificate
to be useful, you need it to be trusted, which means that you need to get it from one of the root CAs. Up until
recently, that was something that you could only get in a commercial setting, which severly limited HTTPS
Enter Let's Encrypt. Its mission is to bring HTTPS everywhere by providing free, trusted, fully automated
certificates to all. The only requirement of Let's Encrypt is that you must prove that you own the domain for
which you are requesting a certificate.
The online documentation does an excellent job of walking you through all the ways you
can set up RavenDB, so I’m not going to go into detail on each and every option. Instead, I’m
going to guide you through the process of setting up a RavenDB cluster in production mode
in as few steps as possible. Right now, my focus is on the security aspects of the solution;
we’ll talk a lot more about deployment options in later chapters.
First, uncompress the RavenDB server package (available on the
“”) three times to raven/srv-a, raven/srv-b and
raven/srv-c. We are going to run three instances of RavenDB on a single machine, but you
can follow the exact same steps to set up RavenDB on multiple machines. Just be sure to get
the IP addresses correct and to open the relevant ports in the firewalls.
Let's Encrypt is completely optional
It’s important to note that this part of the process is entirely optional. Certificate and domain management is the
bread and butter of most operations teams, and RavenDB couldn’t care less about where you got your certificate
from. You can run your RavenDB instance using your own certificates and your own domains. You can use the
same setup process with your own certificates by selecting the Provide Your Own Certificate option.
Let's Encrypt is available to make it easier for you to set up RavenDB in a secured manner, should you
choose to use it.

First, run the raven/srv-a/ (Linux) or raven/srv-a/run.ps1 (Windows) script.

This should start the RavenDB instance and open your browser automatically. If this does
not happen, look for the "Server available on: <url>" line on the command line and go
the the specified URL.
You should see a screen similar to the one in Figure 13.2.
Automatic certificate generation requires a (free) license
Let's Encrypt’s free certificate generation is helpful, but to be able to actually generate a certificate, you
need to use a domain that you own. In many cases, you are only deploying internally without having any external
To alleviate much of the complexity of such a deployment, RavenDB takes it upon itself to handle the details of
updating DNS records and generating the certificate. The RavenDB team is managing a set of root-level domains
from which it allocates subdomains to users; RavenDB uses these subdomains to create certificates.
These domains looks like <name> or <name> You can provide
any <name> you want as long as it hasn’t been taken by someone else. 86
Names are provided on a first come, first served basis, and once they have been given to a user, they are
associated with that user permanently. This is to avoid the possibility of two users having certificates to the same
domain, which would allow them to capture traffic meant for the other.

86The exact domain you’ll get depends on the the license you are using. If you’re using a
development license, you’ll get; if you’re are using a community license,
you’ll get; and if you’re using a commercial license, you’ll get
You can request a free license from the RavenDB site, use that license during the setup process to register your
domain name and then get a certificate to run RavenDB securely. That license is then tied to the domain and can
be used later to modify the domain’s settings and to generate another certificate.

On the setup screen, select Generate Let's Encrypt Certificate, provide the license
that you received over email (you can get a free license by registering on the RavenDB
website) and click next. You can see the next screen in Figure 13.3.

The domain selection page allows you to select the name of your cluster.
The domain selection screen in Figure 13.3 shows the screen where you’ll select your
domain name. This will also be how you’ll typically refer to your cluster. If this is the first
time you’re running through the process, you’ll need to select a name. As long as it hasn’t
already been taken by someone else, you will be granted the name. If you have already set
up RavenDB, you’ll be able to select from the domain names you have previous registered.
After selecting a domain name, click next.
You’ll be faced with the cluster setup, as shown in Figure 13.4. We’re setting a local cluster,
so set the HTTP Port to 443 and the IP Address to for node A. Note that this is, not, which you are more used to. In this case, we are relying on the
fact that the entire 127.x.x.x IP range has been reserved for the loopback device. Why use, then? Because we want to bind to the HTTPS port 443 by default, and it is
unlikely that someone has already bound to
For production, you obviously won’t need to fight some other program for access to a port–
I’m looking at you, Skype–but I’m assuming that you will run this exercise on your own
machine to start with. You can see what this should look like in Figure 13.4.
Setting up a cluster of three machines, including setting of DNS records
If you look at the left portion of Figure 13.4, you’ll see a list of nodes (A, B and C). As we have
already seen in Chapter 6, we usually use the letters of the alphabet to name the nodes in
the cluster. Click on Add node to add node B on your system and give it the IP
Then do this again for node C with the IP
If you are deploying to multiple machines, make sure that the IPs are correct, that the ports
are available and that the firewall permits the machines to talk to one another. In
particular, note that RavenDB actually uses two ports: one for HTTPS (usually 443) and one
for TCP (usually 38888). You’ll need to open both ports for incoming connections in the
firewall. The setup process supports binding to an internal IP and registering the DNS name
to an external IP (common in cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, etc.).
Assuming you went with and a local cluster, you are now ready and can hit the
next button. The next little bit should take about a minute or two, as RavenDB contacts
Let's Encrypt and completes the DNS challenge to prove that you are in control of the
domain you have selected. (In my case, this is; yours will be
different and unique to you, of course.) Along with generating the certificate via Let's
Encrypt, RavenDB does something else that’s very important: it updates the global DNS
records to set up the domain name you have chosen with the IPs you have set up.
Troubleshooting the setup
As mentioned previously, this isn’t going to be a step-by-step guide to setting up RavenDB. The online
documentation goes through that process in great detail. The following quick list should cover the most common
issues you may run into during setup, and the online docs have full troubleshooting for anything not covered here.
First, read the error. We have gone to great lengths to make sure that RavenDB errors are clear and concise, telling
you what is wrong and, in many cases, how to fix it. Common reasons for setup failure include:
• Another application is already listening on the port.
• On Linux, using port 443 usually requires root privileges. You can either use a higher port (such as 8443) or
use sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /path/to/Raven.Server to grant the
RavenDB binary the right to bind to a low-numbered port.
• Your antivirus / proxy is preventing RavenDB from binding to the network or preventing clients from
accessing it.
• Your firewall is blocking incoming network connections, so you cannot connect to RavenDB.
• Your DNS server is aggressively caching and you can’t see the DNS updates made by RavenDB to the domain
you have chosen. You can set your DNS server to to avoid that, or you can wait about 30 minutes
for the usual refresh cycle.

Upon successful completion of the setup, you’ll see a message with details about your
newly defined cluster. Your browser will have also downloaded a .zip file. This file is
critical and should be saved carefully. You can see the contents of this file in Figure 13.5.

Contents of the setup .zip file with everything you need to get your cluster started.
The file contains a client certificate with admin-level privileges to the cluster
(admin.client.certificate.raven), the license used and a README file with additional
setup instructions. In Figure 13.5, you can also see that there are three directories there:
A,B and C. These contain the configuration and the server certificate for each of the nodes in
the cluster. Depending on your organization’s policies, you might need to store them
separately. We’ll touch on that towards the end of this chapter.
You should install the admin client certificate into your browser. If you are using Chrome,
double clicking on the certificate will usually prompt the wizard to begin installation. If it
doesn’t, go to Settings, Manage certificates, Import... inside Chrome to import the
client certificate.
The certificate is generated locally
This info regarding the security of the generated certificate is for the technically inclined. The RavenDB setup
process is running locally on your machine. The only involvement of an external party (aside from Let's
Encrypt, of course) comes when the service registers the Let's Encrypt challenge in
the DNS.
The actual certificate sign request (CSR) is generated on your local machine, as is the private key for the certificate.
Neither Let's Encrypt nor are exposed to your private key, and neither party can
recreate the certificate / private key. The certificate is generated locally under your own control, which means the
safety of the certificate is in your hands. We’ll discuss some security management strategies for your certificates
toward the end of this chapter.

Once you’ve installed the admin client certificate, you can click on the Restart Server
button at the end of the setup screen. The browser should then redirect you to the
RavenDB management studio. At this point in the process, you are actually running a
secured server, which means you need to authenticate yourself to the server. This is the
purpose of installing the admin certificate. You should get a dialog similar to the one shown
in Figure 13.6 and you should select the appropriate certificate (if you have more than

87If you make a mistake and choose the wrong certificate (or cancel the dialog), you’ll need
to close Chrome and restart it to make it forget this decision. Creating an incognito window
also works, and might be easier.
Chrome certificate selection dialog for your RavenDB instance
You should now see the see the studio’s dashboard. A new feature that is now available is
the “Who am I?” notification. Look at the bottom of the window and you’ll see a bright
green lock icon. Hovering over that icon will reveal what certificate you are using and what
permissions are available to you. You can see an example of this in Figure 13.7.

The “Who am I” feature gives you details about how you authenticated to the server and the
permissions you’ve been granted.
At this point, we’ve finished setting up a single node. But we haven’t actually set up the
cluster, have we? In the studio, go to Manage Server and then Cluster and you’ll see that
node A is up, but both B and C are showing up red. This is because we haven’t even started
setting up B or C.
Setting up the rest of the cluster
You can now run the raven/srv-b/ (Linux) or raven/srv-b/run.ps1 (Windows)
script. This will start up a new instance of RavenDB, also in initial setup mode. Unlike the
when we set up the first node, we don’t need to do much this time. At the bottom of the
setup window, you’ll see Continue cluster setup for new node, as you can see in Figure
13.2. Click on that button and then upload the .zip file that you got from the first node,
select node B in the drop-down, and then click next. You can see what this looks like in
Figure 13.8.

Completing the setup process for the second node in the cluster
You should see the success screen again with details about the setup. Click on Restart
server at the bottom, and you’re done. If you look under Manage Server and Cluster in
node A, you’ll see that the server has recognized that node B is functional, connected to it,
and joined it to the cluster. You can now repeat the process with node C to complete the
cluster setup.
This is it: you now have a cluster of three nodes. You have a valid certificate that is broadly
trusted and is being used to secure all access to the cluster. Authentication to the cluster is
done via the generated admin client certificate (you’ll learn more about authentication in
RavenDB later in this chapter). The setup process has also updated the DNS system for
your cluster, so you can put to go to node A, or to go to node B, etc.88
Updating the certificate over time

88 Your URLs will obviously be a bit different.

A certificate has a time limit built into it. Let's Encrypt generates certificates for a maximum of 90 days. This
means, operationally speaking, that you’ll need to replace your certificates. But don’t worry: just like RavenDB
automatically generates certificates for you during setup, RavenDB will make sure to update your certificates when
needed (with plenty of buffer time to avoid any issues).
RavenDB will take care of updating certificates, distributing new certificates to the rest of the cluster and
orchestrating certificate replacement (done live, without any downtime) when all the nodes have the new
If there are any issues during the process, RavenDB will alert the operations team such that you have plenty of
time to resolve it. It will also retry on regular basis to avoid being blocked by any transient errors.

In other words: you are pretty much done as far as setup is concerned. Your remaining
steps are creating databases and creating certificates so applications and users can connect
to the cluster (and not as the cluster admin!). And that’s it. Even ongoing maintenance in
the form of refreshing the certificates is done for you automatically and transparently.

Security concerns with the automated setup

The automated setup is nice. I’m really happy about how it saves a lot of time and effort. It’s
a feature aimed primarily at developers running a secured system locally. It is also useful
for small applications that don’t get a lot of operator attention. However, that has a cost. In
order to make this process seamless, RavenDB uses to answer the Let's
Encrypt DNS challenge and update the DNS records to point to your server.

This service is provided (free of charge) as a courtesy for RavenDB users. For mission
critical systems, we recommend that your operations team takes ownership of the process.
The actual certificate is generated on your machine, not on a machine owned by us. But
given that your don’t own the domain name for you cluster, you will have to go through to make changes.

We are not in the business of providing hosting, nor do we offer 24/7 support for issues
like, “I need to change the server IP address on this node.” For production systems, you are
encouraged to run RavenDB on your own DNS and using your own certificates.
A security audit of your system will also point out that since we own the domain name, we
can generate our own certificates for your cluster domain. We obviously promise not to
(and you can check the certificate transparency logs to verify that), but running a critical
system is best done on your own systems and under your control.
Certificate transparency
Each certificate generated by a root CA is registered in the public certificate transparency logs. This means that in
order for a certificate to be trusted, it must be logged. We have carefully designed the structure of the RavenDB
default domain name so we can’t generate certificates for your cluster’s domain without them becoming
immediately visible in the certificate transparency logs.
The technical details are as follows. Your nodes’ URLs look like <node-tag>.<cluster-
name>, where RavenDB controls the domain. We can generate a
wildcard certificate for *, but that will not be valid for nested domains. In the case of the
raven cluster name, you’ll need a certificate that will be valid for URLs such as . A wildcard certificate on the root domain will not do; only a
certificate for * will be acceptable, which will be very visible in the certificate
transparent logs.

Consider the automated setup to be something akin to training wheels on a bicycle: really
useful to get you going, but something that you intend to grow out of in time.
The setup process is actually faster when you provide your own certificate. It offers the
same user experience without your having to worry about third parties.

Authentication and authorization

We now have a RavenDB cluster set up with encrypted channels of communication and
strong authentication methods for clients. We can use the admin client certificate that was
generated during setup to authenticate ourselves to the cluster as the admin, which gives
us the ability to create additional certificates and manage permissions.
Certificates are not users
It’s tempting to consider a certificate as a simple replacement for a user/pass, just another way for a user to
authenticate. I would suggest avoiding this line of thinking. Instead, think about granting access to the cluster (and
specific databases inside it) on a per-application basis, rather than a per-user basis.
In other words, don’t give out certificates to specific users, but to applications (for example,
orders.northwind or fulfilment.northwind). This strategy can have profound implications for the
way you view the security of the system.
The problem with trying to model security on a per-user basis is that your users aren’t (and shouldn’t be) accessing
and manipulating the data directly. Instead they are going through your application where business rules and
validation and authorization decisions are made taking into account full knowledge of your domain and
Here’s an example I like to use: consider an employee management system and a VacationRequest. Any
employee can create a VacationRequest document at any time, modify it freely and put it in the Submit
state. At this point, the employee’s manager can then Approve or Deny the request. From the point of view of
the database, all of the operations (Request, Submit, Approve and Deny) are business operations. As far as
the database is concerned, those are all just reads and writes.
Attempting to push business-level authorization decisions (such as “only an employee’s manager can Approve a
VacationRequest”) to the database can lead to a lot of complexity for both the application and the database
and can cause data security leaks.

Managing certificates and permissions is done via the studio in the Manage Server,
Clusters page. (Naturally, you can also define certificates through an API, so this is easily
automated.) You can see what this looks like in Figure 13.9.
Client certificate screen in the RavenDB studio
In order for RavenDB to accept a client certificate as valid, it must be registered with the
cluster.89 Note that as long as the certificate has been registered with RavenDB, RavenDB
does not validate the certificate aside from verifying that it has not expired.
To be more specific: RavenDB does not check the certificate chain of trust or the validity
period of the certificate that signed the client certificate. RavenDB does not place any
requirements at all on the certificate or its properties aside from that it must be usable for
Client Authentication. This is important because the generated admin client certificate,
for example, is signed by the server certificate that RavenDB is using.
In the case of the Let's Encrypt setup that we ran in the previous section, the generated
server certificate is only valid for three months, but the admin client certificate (which is
signed by the generated server certificate) is valid for five years. Even if the signing
certificate has expired (and has since been replaced), RavenDB will continue to accept the
admin client certificate until the client certificate itself expires.
Plan for certificates to expire
RavenDB generates client certificates with a default validity period of five years. If you need a different duration,
you can generate your own client certificates and set different time limits. But regardless of a certificate’s validity
period, it is important to recognize that certificates can and do expire. A certificate that smoothly runs in
production for years could expire one day, causing you to scramble to figure out exactly where it is stored and and
to register a new certificate.
RavenDB will warn you about soon-to-be-expired certificates (both cluster certificates and client certificates), but
you should have a plan in place to ensure rotation of certificates at regular intervals. It’s not only a good security
practice, but a good operations practice; it means that your operations team is in the habit of actually replacing
certificates so they will be ready to do so when needed.

Creating a new client certificate is easy. Click on the Generate client certificate
button, and you should see a screen similar to that shown in Figure 13.10.

89 The one exception to this rule is that the server’s own certificate is always acceptable as
a client certificate.
Generate a new client certificate and assign permissions to it.
In Figure 13.10, you can see the creation of a new certificate, uat.northwind, and that we
have granted it read/write access to the test database. Once you click on the Generate
button, a new certificate will be generated on the server and registered with the
appropriate permissions. The browser will download the newly generated certificate file.
It’s important to understand that on the server side, RavenDB only keeps track of the
certificate’s public information. In other words, RavenDB does not require the private key
of the client certificate. If you want to register an existing client certificate with RavenDB,
you can do so with Upload client certificate; you don’t need to upload the private key,
only the public information about the certificate.
Certificates and permissions are cluster-wide
You can make modifications to your trusted certificates and to the permissions assigned to them from any node in
the system. Modifying the cluster is a cluster operation and will be reflected on every node in the cluster.

Internally, the only certificate details that RavenDB keeps are the certificate’s subject,
expiration date and most importantly, its thumbprint, which is used to identify the
certificate when a connection comes in.

Security clearances and permissions in RavenDB

A complex security system has many places where it can fail simply due to its complexity.
RavenDB’s security system was designed to be simple and obvious. There are three
clearance levels available to the system, although only two of them are generally applicable
for your needs. The commonly used clearances are:
• Cluster Administrator - That’s you. The admin cluster certificate that was generated
during the initial setup is one example. It has access to everything and can do any
operation. This is the equivalent of root in Linux.
• User - This is a certificate that needs to be assigned permissions to specific databases.
It is limited to the permissions explicitly given to it.
There is also the Operator clearance level, which is similar to the Cluster Administrator
in scope but is limited in terms of the kinds of operations it can perform on the cluster. The
Operator clearance level is typically only used in cloud environments where the host
manages the cluster and the operator can modify settings within the cluster, but cannot
impact the cluster itself.
The Cluster Node clearance alias
If you look closely at Figure 13.9, you’ll see that there is another clearance level that I didn’t mention: Cluster
Node. What’s the story there? The Cluster Node is basically an alias for the Cluster Administrator
role. It exists because communication between different RavenDB servers also requires authentication (discussed
in more detail in the next section) and we wanted a clear distinction between operations initiated by a user and
operations initiated directly by a node.
For instance, a node may decide to forward a request to another node, and that is done with the node’s own
certificate. RavenDB ensures that all validation and authorization checks have been made on the original node
before forwarding the request, using the original node’s own certificate to authorize it.

Permissions in RavenDB apply only to certificates with the User security clearance level.
Permissions apply to a particular database or group of databases and determine whether a
certificate has access to that database and, if so, at what level. The available permissions
• Database admin - Can read and write documents, query, create static indexes, set up
backups, engage ETL processes, define revisions retention and the conflict resolution
policies, etc. Basically, this user can perform any operation that is in scope to the single
database for which they are the administrator.
• Read/Write - Can read and write documents, query over documents and existing
indexes, define and use subscriptions and in general perform any non-maintenance
task on the databases to which this user has access. The ability to query also includes
the ability of the query optimizer to generate automatic indexes on the fly. It does not
include the ability to define new indexes manually. That is reserved to the database
Typically, a certificate will have access to a single database (its own application database).
It might also have access to a shared database for ETL, etc.
RavenDB explicitly does not offer a read only access mode. If you want a user to be able to
access your data without being able to modify it, set up external replication (or even
RavenDB ETL, to decide exactly what is going to be exposed) and give access to that. This
way, the user cannot read or modify your source data; instead they have their own copy of
the data that they can work with in isolation.
Reminder: Only database admins can create static indexes
An important note: a static index allows you to write code that will be executed as part of the indexing process. If a
user has permission to create a static index, they have the ability to write code that does anything at all.
For this reason, static index creation is limited to database administrators only. But that still means that a
sufficiently motivated user with database admin access can access other databases. For the most part, we’ve
assumed that if you’ve given a database administrator access, you trust that user.
If you require a true security boundary between administrators of different databases, we recommend that you
split the databases into independent clusters so that the first administrator only has access to their own cluster.

Because static index creation requires higher security privileges, it is common to split that
function off into a separate tool that runs with elevated permissions in production and only
with Read/Write permissions normally.

Server-to-server authentication
We have talked about how RavenDB uses certificates to identify clients, but what about
servers? How do the different servers in the cluster decide whether to trust each other?
The answer is simple. Any time a RavenDB server talks to a node, it will identify itself using
the server certificate of that node. We just need to recognize that certificate, and from then
on the server can be handled just like any other client.
I lost the keys to the kingdom, what now?
Edge cases are always the hardest things to deal with in development. You need to consider what will happen if
you manage to lose all the keys to your security system. What will happen if you lose the client certificate that
talks to RavenDB? RavenDB will have no way of recognizing you and will (rightly) reject any requests as
There are two ways to handle this. First, you can use the rvn admin-channel tool, which uses the operating
system to confirm that you should have access to the RavenDB process. This tool gives the root user (or
Administrator on Windows) a back channel into RavenDB and the ability to run a few commands to get you
back on your feet (such as trustClientCert to register a new certificate with Cluster Administrator
If you have access to the server, you can also get the server’s certificate and use that, since RavenDB always trusts
clients that connect using the same certificate as the server.

When running in a cluster, we typically use a wildcard certificate (such as

* or a certificate that contains multiple Subject Alternative
Names (such as, or

This means that all the nodes in the cluster are using the same certificate. That leads to
some interesting behavior when a client connects to a server and is authenticating using
the same certificate that the server itself is using. When this happens, we consider the
connection to be trusted and grant it Cluster Node privileges. There’s no need to register
the certificate for this to work.
So if you need to connect to the server and don’t have a client certificate registered, but you
do have access to the certificate that the server is using, you can use the server’s certificate
and your connection will be trusted without the admin having to take any action.
Putting these two facts together, you can see that when we bring up a new node in the
cluster that has the same certificate as other nodes, the new node intrinsically knows that it
can trust the other side. This greatly simplifies the process of setting up a secured cluster.
You can run RavenDB a cluster with a different certificate for each node, but you’ll need to
register all the certificates in the cluster. That presents a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem
because you can’t have a cluster until the nodes trust each other. The rvn admin-channel
tool solves this issue by providing the trustServerCertificate command that you can run
on each of the nodes, teaching to make sure that each node trusts the others.
Updating the cluster certificate at runtime is a delicate dance. You need to first distribute
the new certificate (including the private key) to all the nodes, then register the new
certificate as a Cluster Node, then start switching over all new connections to use the new
certificate. Different nodes may do that at different times, which is why we need to ensure
that the new certificate is registered explicitly.
RavenDB manages this dance for you. When you are using Let's Encrypt, RavenDB will
automatically refresh the cluster certificate about a month before it is due to expire. Then
the actual certificate replacement will take place once all the nodes are confirmed to have
the new certificate. You can also trigger this process manually with your own certificate
using the Replace cluster certificate button, as shown in Figure 13.9.

Authentication between clusters

We’ve talked so far about certificates and trust within a single cluster. We also need to talk
about how certificates and authentication work when you’re running multiple clusters that
need to communicate securely amongst one another. Whenever a RavenDB server
communicates with the outside world, it uses its own server certificate as the client
certificate so that it will be properly identified on the other side.
Within the same cluster, the nodes know that they can trust the connection. But when we
are dealing with separate clusters, we’ll need to explicitly tell the remote cluster that it can
trust our cluster.
In Figure 13.9, you can see the Export cluster certificates button. Clicking this button
will download a .pfx file containing the public portion of all the nodes in the cluster
(everything that has a Cluster Node clearance level). You can take that .pfx file to a
different cluster, register it using Upload client certificate and give it the appropriate
permissions for your needs.
Cross-cluster authentication is often used as part of external replication and RavenDB ETL
processes. Note that you don’t have to specify credentials as part of the ETL connection
string or when you’re setting up external replication. The credentials are implicit in the
cluster itself.
Handling automatic certificate refresh in cross-cluster authentication
You will encounter a wrinkle if you’re using cross-cluster authentication and also automatically updating your
certificates. In this case, the remote cluster will not familiar with the new certificates, and you’ll need to manually
add the new certificates to the remote cluster.
Externalizing certificate management
Certificates are of high importance. If you have the certificate for a domain, you can
eavesdrop on communication to that domain, modify responses, pretend to be that domain
and in general do a whole bunch of pretty nasty stuff from a security point of view.
In many organizations, there are strict policies regarding how you are expected to manage
certificates, due to their sensitive nature. These policies range from, “Let’s not put them on
publicly shared folders” to, “Only store certificates on hardware security modules with
level 4 certification.”
There is an astounding variety of policies regarding certificate management, and RavenDB
makes no attempt to accommodate all of them. Instead, we provide the following options:
• Store the certificate on the file system (potentially secured via file system
• Use your own policy for certificate storage and provide a script that RavenDB will call
to fetch the certificate as needed.
In the Let's Encrypt scenario we’ve explored, the actual certificate is located in the
server’s folder with the Security.Certificate.Path configuration parameter pointing to
the file. The certificate file is not encrypted on the disk.
Default security of the certificate
We could have added additional security measures to the Let's Encrypt certificate, such as storing it in an
encrypted form on the file system. But then we would have needed to store the certificate password somewhere.
RavenDB does support encrypted certificates and you can provide passwords using the
Security.Certificate.Password configuration option. But this just shifts the problem to how to secure
the certificate password.
Given that this certificate is routinely refreshed by RavenDB and can be regenerated at will using the license file
(which is also typically sitting right next to the certificate), there is no need to put overdue effort into securing it. If
your threat model calls for securing the certificate from an attacker that has physical access to the files on disk,
you should not be using the Let's Encrypt setup mode. Instead, you should use more advanced methods to
provide your own certificate, as we’ll soon explore.

If you need a more sophisticated setup than a certificate file on disk (with an optional
password), you need to tell RavenDB how to get the certificate yourself. This can be done
by two configuration options: Security.Certificate.Exec and
Security.Certificate.Exec.Arguments .

You can see an example of how this can be done in Listing 13.1.
"ServerUrl": "",
"PublicServerUrl": "",
"Security.Certificate.Exec": "powershell",
"Security.Certificate.Exec.Arguments": "get-cert-by-id.ps1
The idea is that instead of RavenDB having to support all the various options, policies and
rules around the storing of certificates, you tell RavenDB that whenever it wants to get a
certificate, it just needs to run the specified process and read the certificate from the
standard output. Listing 13.2 shows the implementation of the get-cert-by-id.ps1.
$thumbprint = $args[0]
$cert = gci "cert:\CurrentUser\my\$thumbprint"
$exportedCertBinary = $cert.Export("Pfx")
$stdout = [System.Console]::OpenStandardOutput()
$stdout.Write($exportedCertBinary, 0,
write-error $_.Exception
exit 3

The output of the script is the .pfx binary data, sent to the standard output. You can report
errors using the standard error, which will be included in the RavenDB error message. In
this way, you can integrate RavenDB into your existing policies with very little hassle.
For example, if you wanted to get a certificate from Azure Vault, you’d use: Get-
AzureKeyVaultSecret cmdlet. You’re also not limited to just using PowerShell; you’re free
to shell out to any process or method you’d like.

Refreshing the certificates manually

If you can tolerate the certificate being store on disk, then refreshing a certificate is easy.
Either RavenDB will handle this for you on its own if you are using the Let's Encrypt
mode, or you can trigger the refresh manually by using Replace cluster certificate.
But how do you handle server certificate refresh if your certificate cannot be stored on
RavenDB will periodically (once an hour) reload the certificate from store (either the file
on disk or using the executable command you specified) and compare it to the certificate
that is already in memory. If the certificate has been updated, RavenDB will begin to use the
new certificate instead.
But before we can replace the certificate, we need to register the new certificate in the
cluster. You should only replace the certificate once that registration is complete. The
reason being, you don’t want some of the servers to load the new certificate, immediately
start using it and then not be able to talk to the other nodes that haven’t noticed the new
certificate yet.
This two-step approach–first registering the certificate in the cluster as a known entity,
then replacing it and letting each node pick it up in its own time–ensures that there will be
no interruption in service while a certificate is being updated.

Auditing accesses to RavenDB

Controlling who can get into RavenDB and what they can access is just one part of the
security story. We also need to be able to keep track of who has connected to the system
and when. RavenDB supports the process of access audits at the level of database
Configuring auditing is easy. You need to set the Security.AuditLog.FolderPath and
optionally the Security.AuditLog.RetentionTimeInHours (which defaults to a year).
Once these values are set, RavenDB will record in a dedicated audit log anytime
• a connection is made to RavenDB, including what certificate was used and what
privileges it was granted;
• a connection is rejected by RavenDB as invalid;
• a database is created or removed (from all nodes or a single node); and
• an index is created or removed.
The audit log folder will contain the audit entries and is usually loaded into centralized
audit and analysis by dedicated tools. RavenDB does nothing with the audit logs except
write to them.
It is important to understand that the audit logs are also local. That is, if we have a database
residing on node C that is removed by a command originating on node B, the audit entry
will be in the audit log of node B, not node C.
Another important consideration is that RavenDB writes connections to the audit log, not
requests. This is done for performance and manageability reasons; otherwise, you’d have
extremely large and unwieldy audit logs. With HTTP 1.1, a single TCP connection is used for
many different requests. The only items you’ll find in the audit log are the time of the TCP
connection, the certificate being used and the level of access granted to this certificate at
the time of the connection.
If you require more detailed logs (at the level of individual HTTP requests), you can use a
proxy in front of RavenDB that will log the appropriate requests as they are being made.

This topic ended up taking significantly more time than I intended it to. I’m talking both
about the time it took to write the chapter (and the length of the topic) and the time it took
us to properly implement authentication and authorization in RavenDB.
Security is a big topic, one that needs to be taken seriously and handled with care.
Recognizing this, we ran RavenDB through an external security audit in January 2018 and
made the resulting report public.90
We started this chapter with a brief review of the state of the network under the now
baseline assumption that the network is hostile and we should take explicit steps to protect
ourselves, our systems and our data. RavenDB handles this requirement by using TLS 1.2
for communications and using X509 for mutual authentication between clients and servers.
We touched briefly on the notion of trust and how that is conferred using digital signatures
from trusted parties, the root CAs (either the global list or specific CAs for your
organization). We then moved to discussed what this means for deploying RavenDB.
One of the more common causes of security breaches is security systems that are so
complex that they are either never enabled or enabled with poor defaults that offer nothing
but a security theater. RavenDB’s system was carefully designed to be both simple and
Instead of offering a lot of options and configurations and tweaks, RavenDB has a simple
on/off mode for security. If you don’t need security (for example, if you’re working locally
on a development machine), you can choose to run in unsecured mode. In that case, you
will use HTTP and unencrypted TCP, have no authentication, be unable to use encrypted
databases and be unable to be part of secured clusters or replication.
The secured mode, on the other hand, uses HTTPS and TCP encrypted using TLS 1.2 for all
remote communications, requires authentication of clients using X509 client certificates,
can use encrypted databases and can only be part of secured clusters and replications.
The automated setup mode via Let's Encrypt takes you through the entire process of
setting up a RavenDB cluster and takes upon itself the task of setting up everything. This
includes generating a certificate, setting up DNS entries so your servers will have nice
URLs, generating a configuration package to complete the setup of the other nodes in the
cluster and everything else that is required to properly set things up.
We also talked in this chapter about how the automated setup, while very convenient,
represents a loss of control for your system (the DNS entries are not owned by your
organization, for example) and is most suitable for development and small applications. If
you’re setting up everything yourself, you can use the same setup process; the only
difference will be that you’ll be the one to take care of the DNS entries and the certificate
Next, we dived into authentication and authorization and how they work inside RavenDB.
We learned how RavenDB maps certificates internally to security clearances and
permissions for specific databases, and that the server’s own certificate can also be used a
client certificate (with admin privileges). This fact makes it very easy for us to run clusters
since all the nodes in the cluster share the same certificate.

90 You can get the security report at:

We then talked about server-to-server authentication both within the same cluster, where
RavenDB manages this almost entirely for you, and between clusters, where it’s the
administrator’s job to ensure that the clusters trust each other and have the right
permissions for the tasks that they need to do.
We talked about how to actually manage certificates, from just storing the plain text
certificate on the disk to using hardware security modules or relying on external secret
services (such as the machine key store or Azure Vault). RavenDB allows you to define
exactly how it will fetch certificates, though remember that this approach makes certificate
refresh a somewhat manual process. We also talked about what is required from the
administrator to enable online certificate refresh with no downtime, as well as the
reasoning behind these steps.
Finally, we discussed how you can audit access to your RavenDB cluster by configuring
RavenDB to log all connections and the security clearance that these connections are
In this chapter, we talked about security in transit: encrypting data as it goes through the
network, authenticating who we are talking to and authorizing that users and systems are
allowed to perform the operations they’ve requested. In the next chapter, we are going to
talk about encryption at rest: how we can ensure that our data is safe, even if our hard disk
is not.

Encrypting your data

There are three states of data: data in transit (when it flows through the network), data in
use (when it’s actively being read and modified) and data at rest (when it’s in stable
storage). In the previous chapter, we discussed securing your data in transit using TLS 1.2
and strong encryption. In this chapter, we will focus on securing your data at rest.
Some data is intrinsically public, such as a press release. In contrast, some data is very
private, such as healthcare, financial and personally identifying information. Part of any
security consideration is the notion of “defense in depth”: Even if your servers are
protected (physically and virtually), you must still consider the case that someone will be
able to get their hands on your data.
RavenDB supports strong encryption (XChaCha20Poly1305 with a 256 bit key) to allow for
full and transparent protection of your entire database. This feature ensures that nothing
unencrypted is ever written to the disk, and that even in memory, outside of a running
transaction, everything is encrypted.
In many industries, data encryption is a regulatory requirement. (PCI and HIPAA come to
Even if an application doesn’t require it, encryption is a fairly routine request that can
provide you with the benefit of additional safety. Encrypting data at rest doesn’t replace
other security measures (such as limiting access to your database, encrypting the
communication lines, protecting your access credentials, etc.) but it does complement
The major advantage of having encryption at the database level is that you don’t need to
change anything in your applications or clients. RavenDB will take care of this encryption
behind the scenes—with no external changes for you to deal with. A user with access to
this encrypted database can simply log in, query documents, modify them, etc., while
RavenDB handles encrypting and decrypting the data as needed. RavenDB also requires all
encrypted database access to use HTTPS, which takes care of the data in transit portion as
What does database encryption not protect you from?
Encrypting the database means that if you open your database file, the data inside it will appear indistinguishable
from random noise unless you have the key. This means that if the hard disk is lost or stolen, you can be confident
that the data on it will be inaccessible to others. But that’s just one threat vector.
Encrypting the database will not protect you from breaches through authorized credentials; if a user has
permissions for your database, RavenDB will decrypt the information from the disk and hand it over to this
authorized user.
Such encryption will also place only a few hurdles in the path of someone who can execute code on the database
machine (as the database user or as root) because he or she will be able to connect to RavenDB using the rvn
admin-channel and register a certificate, then just access the data normally.

RavenDB goes to great lengths to ensure that on disk, and even in memory, your data is
encrypted. In fact, the data is only decrypted when there is an active transaction—and even
then, only the pieces that are touched by that transaction are left unprotected. Once the
transaction is complete, RavenDB will zero the memory to erase the sensitive data.
Database encryption should be deployed as part of a comprehensive security strategy,
including controlled access to the machines, a secure backup strategy (addressing security
concerns with your high-availability and off-site deployment), management of your keys,
and the appropriate audit and monitoring tools. This is a much wider topic than can be
covered in this book, so I’ll focus here only on the details of data encryption in RavenDB.
Before we get into the details, I want to be sure to mention that encryption has a cost. In
terms of database performance, this cost is usually around 15% to 20%, depending on the
exact load. In most cases, that’s a reasonable price to pay for the additional security
afforded. But there are also additional costs in managing encrypted databases: key
management and backup, secure backups, being able to get the encryption key when you
need to restore the database, etc.
Together, these can add up to significant operational overhead (as much as RavenDB
strives to reduce it). I suggest confirming that you actually need the benefits of database
encryption before using this feature in RavenDB, rather than just saying “encryption is
good” and pressing forward needlessly.
To get started, we’ll review how to define an encrypted database through the Studio. Then,
we’ll dive into what goes on behind the scenes and how RavenDB actively protects your
Setting up an encrypted database
The first requirement of an encrypted database is that a cluster runs in a secure mode.
There’s no point is securing the data on disk if anyone on the network can see the data
going in and out. In the previous chapter reviewed the steps required for a such a setup, so
we can skip the details here.
A database in RavenDB can be marked as encrypted when it’s first created. You can see
how this looks in the Studio in Figure 14.1.

Creating an encrypted database

An encrypted database uses a 256 bit key to protect all its data. Without this key, the data
only appears as random noise. (So, as you can imagine, your key is important. More on that
later.) RavenDB’s design also offers no way for a person to obtain the encryption key of an
existing database. You’d have to know the key in advance. The properties of the key are
also important. The key is a 256 bit value, generated using a cryptographically strong
random number generator. While you can provide your own key, in general, there is little
reason to bother.
Regardless, you should be sure to keep a copy of the encryption key somewhere safe, so
that you can access it and the database later on if needed. RavenDB makes such a decision
explicit, as shown in Figure 14.2.

The encryption configuration includes just the key and requires that you store a copy of it.
In RavenDB, you must confirm that you have a copy of the key saved somewhere. For
convenience, RavenDB even lets you print the key and its QR code. The idea is that you can
print this page and then file it away in a locked cabinet somewhere—as even the most
sophisticated computer attack will have a hard time reaching information stored on paper!
Plus, a hard-copy backup is beyond easy as a protection step to implement.
Of course, many organizations already have policies for encryption key usage, storage and
backup. Sometimes it’s with a hardware security modules. Sometimes it’s using “vault”
services such as Microsoft Azure Key Vault, Keywhiz or HashiCorp Vault. Whether part of a
formal policy or not, you as the admin should ensure that there’s a copy of the encryption
What can an admin do with the encryption key?
Given the emphasis I just placed on the admin holding a copy of the encryption key, you might think you’ll be using
it often. But that can’t be further from the truth. During normal operations, there are no cases where the key is
needed. Instead, the key is needed when you’re restoring the database from a snapshot backup (for example, if
the machine is lost and you need to move the data elsewhere) or if you’re adding a node to the encrypted
database group and want all the nodes to use the same key (which is suggested, but not required).

Another requirement for encrypted databases is that the admin must select which nodes to
include in the encrypted database group. Usually, RavenDB will select these nodes based on
its own preferences. But for encrypted databases, an admin must specify them directly.
This distinction is designed to handle the cases where servers might have different security
zones in the same cluster.
Storing the encryption keys
Only the nodes participating in the database group will have the encryption key for that database. When you first
create the encrypted database, RavenDB will contact each node hosting the database and identify the encryption
key to use—all over an encrypted HTTPS request, of course.
This is why admins must manually select the nodes that will participate. These nodes must be up and available
during the database’s launch so that they can accept the new key.

Once the database is created, what I’ve described here is pretty much it—at least as far as
deviations from the standard usage and configuration of databases are concerned.

Full database encryption

Caesar, about 21 centuries ago, used a cipher to send messages securely, by shifting the
letters of his messages by three characters. When most of the population was illiterate, this
approach was probably sufficient by way of security. Today, the science of cryptography
and cryptoanalysis is a bit more sophisticated.
The goal of encryption is to take your input and a key, and then generate a random-looking
pattern of bytes from it. This offers no way to go back to the original input without the key.
But that’s only part of what a good encryption scheme must deal with today. Modern
cryptography should handle other things, such as the timing (and other side channels) of
an attack, forward secrecy, authenticated encryption and many other details that are
crucial for the security of the system but tend to be rather obtuse, onerous and obscure to
RavenDB uses Daniel J. Bernstein’s XChaCha20Poly1305 algorithm to encrypt your
databases, as implemented by the libsodium library. Both the algorithm and the library
have been analyzed and audited by cryptographic experts. Both passed with flying colors.
I’m not going to discuss the actual encryption algorithm here, which would be quite out of
scope for this book. You can find the gory details elsewhere. But I am going to focus on the
way RavenDB uses encryption to protect your data. You can safely skip this section if you’d
like, as it has a very little impact on using and operating RavenDB.
Internally, RavenDB holds your data inside a data file (usually called Raven.voron) that’s
memory-mapped to the RavenDB process. We also use temporary files91, which are
typically found in in the Temp directory and have names such as:
Temp/scratch.0000000000.buffers and Temp/compression.0000000000.buffers ). There
are also the write-ahead journals, which are the key to RavenDB’s transactional nature and
ACID capabilities. These are stored in the Journals directory with names such as
Journals/0000000000000000001.journal and Journals/0000000000000000002.journal .

All these files contain some portion of your document data. As such, they need to be
encrypted. Let’s see how we deal with encrypting each of them in turn in the next section.

Encrypting the write-ahead journal

The write-ahead journal is a set of files (Journals/0000000000000000001.journal ,
Journals/0000000000000000002.journal , etc.) that RavenDB uses to maintain its ACID
guarantees. Each journal file is allocated in advance (typically 256 MB at a time), and a new
transaction is written to the file whenever it’s committed. Indeed, a transaction cannot be
considered committed unless it’s been successfully written to the journal file.92
A journal file is a set of consecutive transactions. When RavenDB opens a database, it will
read the journal file, find all the transactions that haven’t yet been synced to disk and apply
them to the data file. In this way, we can be certain-even after a crash-that no data has been
lost. Without encryption, a transaction is protected using a non-cryptographic hash
(XXHash64) to ensure that the full transaction has been written to disk. This lets us verify
whether a transaction was committed or not.
Authenticated encryption
If I took the following text {'User': 'Oren', 'Admin': 'N' } and “encrypted” it using the Caesar
cipher, I would get the following output text: {'Xvhu': 'Ruhq', 'Dgplq': 'Q' } . Figure 14.3 shows the
encryption key for this cipher.

91These files are also memory-mapped, but they aren’t persistent, as far as RavenDB is
concerned. Instead, we are using memory-mapped files to avoid using too much private
memory and give the operating system well-known backing store for this temporary
memory. It also allows RavenDB to have fine-grained control over the memory usage
required by the storage requirements.
92RavenDB uses direct and unbuffered I/O to write to the disk, ensuring that writes are
persistent, skipping the caches in the middle.
The encryption key for the Caesar cipher
I’m using the Caesar cipher here because it makes it easier to talk about encryption, while staying simple enough
that we don’t need to delve into complex mathematics to discuss the details.
A common use pattern for encrypted data is to hand it to an untrusted party, then accept it back from that party
later on. A good example of this is the cookies in your browser. The text above would be used as the session cookie
to remember the user among different HTTP requests—but obviously with a better encryption algorithm.
Now, imagine that somewhere in your code you have a line such as isAdmin =
GetSessionCookieData().Admin != 'N' . We give the cookie to the browser, and the user is free to
modify it. What happens if we change the encrypted text to {'Xvhu': 'Ruhq', 'Dgplq': 'R'} ? The only
change we made was to flip the "Q" at the end to "R". When decrypted, the output will be {'User':
'Oren', 'Admin': 'O'}, and suddenly the user is considered an admin.
In other words, just because the encrypted text was decrypted successfully doesn’t mean that its original value
remains—this text might have been tampered with. There have been real attacks using this angle.
Because of this risk, all modern encryption algorithms use a mode called Authenticated Encryption (with Additional
Data), which is usually shortened to AEAD. In this mode, the algorithm not only encrypts the data but also
computes a cryptographically secure hash over it (and potentially over additional data as well) — and then signs it.
Similarly, during decryption, the signature is checked first and the decryption fails if the signature doesn’t match.
Any tampering with the data will be caught this way. RavenDB uses only AEAD encryption to protect your data, so
any attempt to modify it will be immediately detected. Such modification can be done maliciously or as a result of
a hardware failure (bit flipping in storage, for example).

During encryption, we store only the transaction header unencrypted in the journal file.
The transaction data itself is encrypted using XChaCha20Poly1305. This is an authenticated
encryption algorithm, giving us cryptographic assurance that if the decryption was
successful, the data we got matches the data we encrypted. Since we’re already verifying
the integrity of the data, we don’t bother also using XXHash64 on the transaction when
using encryption. Each transaction is encrypted with a different key, derived from the
master key, the transaction ID and a 192 bit random nonce.

Encrypting the main data file

The main data file (Raven.voron) contains all the data in your database. Unlike the
journals, which are written to in a consecutive manner—one transaction at a time—the
data file is written to and read from using random I/O. To handle this mode of operations,
the data file is split into 8 KB pages93 that can be treated as independent of one another. If
there’s a value over 8 KB in size, then the file will use as many consecutive pages as needed
and will be treated as a single page.
Each page is encrypted independently. This means that when we need to read a page, we
can go directly to that page, decrypt it and read its content without having to touch
anything else in the database. This process grants us the ability to do random reads and
writes through the database. The structure of a page is shown in Figure 14.4.

93There are a lot of other reasons why the data is divided into pages, and this is how
RavenDB works without encryption as well. It just happens that it also plays very nicely
into the requirements for using the data while keeping it encrypted.
The internal structure of an encrypted page in RavenDB
As you can see in Figure 14.4, the page is composed of a header, nonce, MAC and the data
itself. You’re already familiar with the nonce. But what is the MAC field for? This is the
message authentication code, which is used to verify that the page hasn’t been modified
(see the section on authentication encryption earlier in this chapter). Another interesting
tidbit is that the space we have for the nonce is only 128 bits (16 bytes), but we know that
the XChaCha20Poly1305 algorithm uses a 192 bits (24 bytes) nonce. Listing 14.1 shows
what’s actually going on.
|Page |
|Header |
| |
|32 bytes| <-------+
+--------+ |
|Nonce | Actual nonce
|16 bytes| |24 bytes
+--------+ <-------+
|MAC |
|16 bytes|

When RavenDB needs to encrypt a page, it will generate a 128 bits random value and store
it in the nonce portion of the page header. However, when we need to pass a nonce to
XChaCha20Poly1305, we will pass a value that is 24 bytes in size, starting 8 bytes before the
nonce. In other words, the nonce also contains 8 bytes from the page header. In practice,
this means that the nonce is using 128 bits of randomness with an additional 64 bits that
will change as RavenDB sees fit. Each page is encrypted using a dedicated key, derived from
the master key and the page number. The page header is stored unencrypted, of course, but
the page’s contents are encrypted.

How does RavenDB access encrypted data?

RavenDB keeps all the data in the database encrypted at all times, both on disk and in
memory. Whenever a transaction requires access to a particular page, that page is
decrypted into memory owned by that transaction. For the duration of the transaction, the
unencrypted values touched by this transaction will be kept in memory. When the
transaction is over, that memory will be securely wiped.
To further protect your data, RavenDB will attempt to lock the unencrypted data in
memory, so that it will not be written to a page file and will not be visible in core dumps.
This is done by calling mlock or VirtualLock, depending on the system in question.
Locking memory into physical RAM is subject to certain limitations and may require you to
change the system configuration to let RavenDB lock enough memory to handle routine
operations. If your threat model doesn’t include worrying about attackers digging into the
page file, you can tell RavenDB that failing to lock memory is fine by using the following
configuration option: Security.DoNotConsiderMemoryLockFailureAsCatastrophicError .
This might be a valid choice if the system doesn’t have a swap or page file defined, for
example, or if you’re using encrypted swap already and don’t need to worry about data
leaks from there.
RavenDB also uses a few temporary files Temp/scratch.0000000000.buffers and
Temp/compression.0000000000.buffers , for example). In terms of encryption, there are
two types that we care about. First are the scratch files, which is where RavenDB writes
your data until it’s written to the data file. These files are encrypted in the exact same way
as the data file itself. Whenever you need to access data from one of these files, they’re
decrypted on temporary storage during the transaction and then wiped after it’s
Notice the logs output
In an encrypted database—likely storing high-value data—be sure to pay attention to the output of the log.
RavenDB doesn’t generally log documents’ data to the log file, even on the most verbose mode, but it can certainly
write document IDs in certain cases. If document IDs themselves are sensitive data, you should either ensure that
the logs directory is encrypted or disable logging entirely.

The other set of files are used as temporary buffers and are wiped immediately after use.
The compression set of files, for example, is used as part of writing to the journal. We write
the transaction data to the memory-mapped compression file and then compress, encrypt
and write it to the disk. Once that’s done, we securely wipe the compression file to remove
all traces of your data from memory.
So, what’s encrypted, you ask? Everything stored in the database file. This includes:
• Documents
• Revisions
• Conflicts
• Attachments
• Tombstones
What’s not encrypted? Values that are stored at the cluster level. These are:
• Identities
• Compare exchange values
• The database record
Identities aren’t generally considered sensitive information. But compare exchange values
most certainly can contain data you’ll want to keep private. Most important, the database
record might contain connection strings to other databases. This is relevant only if you’re
using ETL SQL and providing the password in the connection string. In that case, the full
connection string is stored at the cluster level and is not affected by your database’s
encryption mode.
To enable encryption at the cluster level, you’ll need to take additional steps, as we’ll see

Encrypting the cluster information

In addition to storing your database-level data, RavenDB also stores data at the cluster
level. This is usually called the server store and is managed independently by any node in
the cluster. The data stored there includes all the database records, identities, compare
exchange values, etc. These are stored in all the nodes in the clusters, including for
databases that don’t reside on this particular node.
You can also encrypt the information on the server store. Although, doing so is a bit more
involved than the process of encrypting a database, and you must repeat this operation on
all the nodes in the cluster. Here’s how:
1. Shutdown the RavenDB node
2. Run rvn offline-operation encrypt /path/to/system-db
3. Restart the RavenDB node
The key here is in the second step. This action loads the existing server store (which
typically resides in the System directory), generates a new key (see the section on key
management later in this chapter) and then encrypts the server store using this key.
This process should be done on all the nodes in the cluster, and it will typically result in a
different key being generated for each node. Note that RavenDB does not enforce system
store encryption on every node. This is to allow for a rolling migration of encrypting the
system store (taking one node at a time, encrypting it and restarting it). If you do decide to
encrypt your system store, make sure to involve all nodes in the cluster—including when
you are adding new nodes. You can also run the rvn offline-operation encrypt
command before adding any new nodes to the cluster so that it won’t ever write
unencrypted data to the disk.

Encrypting indexes
In addition to the main data file, there are indexes to consider. Each index has a separate
Raven.voron file, its own Scratch and compression files, etc. And just like the main data
file, indexes are encrypted on all levels, using the exact same techniques we just discussed.
Key derivation and additional security
You might have noticed that pages and transactions aren’t encrypted using the master key. Instead, each time you
need to encrypt a value, RavenDB generates a derived key for that specific purpose. The idea is that even if—due
to some unforeseeable error—an attacker were able to figure out the key for a particular page or transaction, all
your other data would remain protected.
The key derivation function we use ensures that attackers can’t go back to the master key from which a derived
key was generated. This way, even full key exposure for a particular part of the data won’t expose your entire

During queries, the indexing transaction decrypts the relevant pages so that you can
perform searches normally. It then wipes the data from the memory when the query is
completed. There’s one exception to this rule: in memory caches that the indexing engine
uses for optimization purposes.
These caches contain the indexed terms as memory arrays and are kept outside the
transaction boundary. This is because creating them can be quite expensive, in terms of
time and number of allocations. Because of that, they are created once and retained for as
long as they are useful. They’re never written to the disk, but they might be written to the
page file.
If you’re concerned about the safety of this type of data, either make sure your page file or
swap is encrypted or don’t index any sensitive information. (There’s rarely a need to run a
query using a full credit card number, for example; the last four digits will usually suffice.)
Document data that hasn’t been indexed isn’t included in the cache!
During indexing, we also write temporary files to the indexing directory, containing the
indexed data. These files are also encrypted using XChaCha20Poly1305, with a random key
RavenDB generates.
Even index definitions are encrypted. So, you can rest assured with RavenDB that
everything going to a persistent medium is encrypted and safe.
Now, what about what goes on the network?

Encrypted data on the wire

Different nodes in the cluster may use different keys to encrypt the database. That means
that we can’t just send raw encrypted data from one node to another. Indeed, whenever
RavenDB sends data over the network—whether as a response to a client’s query or to
replicate data for another node—we must first decrypt the data before sending it.
This may sound worrisome, but remember that an encrypted database can only reside on a
node that’s running in a secured mode—in other words, all communication uses HTTPS
and TLS 1.2 and is both strongly encrypted and authenticated. Let’s explore a few of the
ways this is put into practice.
Aside from a client querying the database, there are few other ways to get data from
RavenDB. Replication, external replication and ETL are the most common ones. Backups
should also be considered; these are handled later in this chapter.
Replication is for different database instances in the same database group—all of them will
be encrypted (usually, but not always, with the same key). See the key management section
later in this chapter for more details. External replication lets us copy data to a different
database, either in the same or a different cluster. While RavenDB requires that any
external replication from an encrypted database go to a secure server, it does not require
that the destination will be an encrypted database.
The lost (encrypted) laptop
Why doesn’t RavenDB require that external replication from an encrypted database also go to an encrypted
database? Because the other side is the one that controls the server. We wouldn’t gain anything by creating such a
requirement, and there are several desirable scenarios where we wouldn’t want or need it.
Consider the case of a salesperson who travels to pitch his product to customers. He needs to carry data on his
laptop (to be able to fill new orders, etc.) but this data might be sensitive in nature. So, we set up the database on
his laptop as an encrypted database. We also set up external replication to the master cluster in our data center.
Since the risk we protect against with an encrypted database is the loss or theft of this salesperson’s laptop—and
we assume that the data center is locked—we don’t want to encrypt the data in the master cluster. That way, data
that goes out and travels is encrypted, while the data we store in a secure location is not. This distinction allows for
better performance and makes specific operational tasks easier (see the discussion on backups later in this
In addition to external replication, it’s common to use ETL processes to extract data out of a
RavenDB database. A good example is on a system that stores payment information. Given
PCI94 compliance issues, data must be stored in an encrypted way. But imagine we set up
the RavenDB ETL process on a separate database to let us work with the data more easily.
In doing so, we removed the sensitive payment details and were effectively left with just
the orders history. Since this (non-sensitive) information isn’t required to be encrypted, it’s
left alone here. In the same way, we can also use ETL SQL to transfer some of the (non-
sensitive) data to a reporting database for later analysis.
One thing to note at this point is that, while RavenDB will insist that the ETL process use a
secure mode (HTTPS), we don’t always have a good way to detect whether your SQL ETL
connection string is itself encrypted. It’s therefore the admin’s responsibility to ensure that
this communication channel is safe from eavesdropping. For that matter, regardless of
whether your communication channel is encrypted, admins should be aware of the data
flow inside the system. This will make sure that you aren’t sending sensitive information
into an unencrypted store, potentially exposing data that shouldn’t be stored in plain text.95

Key management
This section is important. In fact, it’s probably the most important aspect for an admin to
read. This is because, to understand the security of the system, you ultimately need to be
aware of where your keys are. You can encrypt your data using the strongest encryption
methods, using post-quantum algorithms, for example. But in the end, everything still
hinges on the security of your keys. If the key leaks in any way, it’s game over for you as far
as your system’s security is concerned.
As you can imagine, we put a lot of thought into key management at RavenDB. And yet we
recognize competing concerns here: The more secure your system is, the harder it is to use.
As you’ve already seen earlier in this chapter, not much is required to set up an encrypted
database using RavenDB. Our software generates a key for you automatically. So, aside
from writing this key down, you can just sit back and let run everything normally.
But this leads to an interesting question: Where is the key stored on our end, and how?
In fact, there isn’t a key in the singular sense; there might be more than one. RavenDB uses
the following two keys96:
• Database encryption key - a per-database key, used as the master encryption key for
an entire database and stored on the server store

94 Payment Card Industry.

95You can force RavenDB to accept ETL tasks that use non encrypted channels using the
AllowEtlOnNonEncryptedChannel option.
96Both the database keys and the server master key are local to a node, not shared across
the cluster.
• Server master key - a server-wide value used for encrypting the database encryption
By default, the server store as a whole is not encrypted. To prevent an attacker from simply
reading the database encryption keys from the file system and then accessing your data, we
encrypt the database encryption keys themselves a second time, using a server master key.
Of course, you as a smart reader know that this just moves the attack vector. So, you may be
wondering: How is the server master key then protected?
While RavenDB could encrypt the server master key as well, doing so would just lead to a
need for a third encryption key, and then a fourth. And if we encrypt that, then we’ll
discover that it’s turtles all the way down.
This isn’t a problem that’s unique or new to RavenDB. Your organization is also likely to
have policies in place for protecting the encryption key: through safe storage. We’ll discuss
how RavenDB can fit into those policies later on. But for now, let’s see how RavenDB stores
the server master key by default.
On Windows, a data protection API (DPAPI) lets RavenDB piggyback the encryption of the
key on top of a Windows password. (Conceptually, Windows uses a value derived from the
logged- in user’s password to encrypt or decrypt values.) This means that RavenDB doesn’t
even need a server master key; we can rely on DPAPI to manage things for us.
So, whenever we need to store the database encryption keys for Windows, we’ll call DPAPI,
which will encrypt each key and store its encrypted value. Whenever we open an encrypted
database, we’ll hand the encrypted value back to DPAPI and get the key in return, which we
can then use to open the encrypted database.
This process has the advantage of being pretty seamless and (usually) good enough as
security. The disadvantage is that this security is tied to your Windows password.97 For
example, an admin resetting a password will cause DPAPI to fail at decrypting any values
encrypted with the old password. (Note that changing your password, which requires
entering the current password, is safe in this regard. Only a password reset will lose us
access to previously encrypted DPAPI values.)
On Linux, the situation is a lot more complex. There isn’t a single solution like DPAPI on
Linux. Instead, there are many solutions that can be used: libsecret, Gnome Keyring, KDE
Vallet, etc.

Yet because there’s no universally accepted approach—and to avoid dependencies that

might not exist for all deployments—RavenDB doesn’t use of any of these solutions for
Linux (see the next section for how you can customize that). Instead, we use the operating
system permissions to securely hold the key. This key is stored in the

97In this case, the relevant password is for the user account that is running the RavenDB
process. That will usually not be a normal user, but a service account.
~/.ravendb/secret.key file with permissions set to only allow the RavenDB user access to
On Linux, if you have a single hard disk that stores both the secret.key file and the
encrypted database, then you can plug it into a separate system where you have root
privileges and skip any permissions checks on the file-system level. (On Windows, there
are tools such as DPAPick that can decrypt DPAPI values, given offline access to a machine.)
So, by default, RavenDB uses these operating-system level mechanisms to secure the server
master key. But recognizing that doing so gives you only up to a certain level of security, we
let you customize the way in which RavenDB gets the encryption key.n which RavenDB get
the encryption key.

Customizing key management in RavenDB

Your master encryption key is the holy grail of your database security. RavenDB has
reasonable defaults to store it—using DPAPI or file system permissions, depending on
which operating system you’re running on. But there’s a limit to how much these methods
can protect your data. In many organizations, there are strict security policies around key
management, and RavenDB lets you follow them easily.
In much the same way that you can customize how RavenDB gets the X509 certificate to
ensure that your communication is safe, we also let you specify an executable that will fetch
the key from some a secrets store. This process is controlled using the
Security.MasterKey.Exec configuration value.

Listing 14.2 shows an example of a PowerShell script that can be invoked to fetch the
encryption key from Azure Vault.
$secret = Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName 'AllMySecrets' -Name
$key = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($secret.SecretValueText)
$stdout = [System.Console]::OpenStandardOutput()
$stdout.Write($key, 0, $key.Length)

RavenDB will invoke this script, read the key from the standard output and use it as the
server master key. In this way, you retain complete control over key storage, access
control, etc.
Changing the key
You can change the server master key, but it takes a bit of work. Effectively, you have to decrypt and re-encrypt
the server store with the new key. This is actually reasonable to do because the server store is usually fairly small.
Changing the database encryption key, on the other hand, isn’t really possible without a full export/import, which
for large database can take a lot of time.
Since different servers can use different keys, you might want to create the new key on a new server, then tell
RavenDB to move the databases over. That way, you have an online process and won’t need to take the system
down while it’s all happening. But in practice, changing the key is rare, and isn’t usually needed.
Important to note is that failure to retrieve the server master key-or getting the wrong key-
will cause a failure to load any encrypted databases. And if the server store is encrypted, it
will cause a failure to start RavenDB as well.

Managing the database encryption key

So far we’ve talked primarily about the server master key. But the database encryption key
also deserves some attention. Earlier in this chapter, we walked through creating an
encrypted database, and as part of that, we also got the encryption key to safely store away
(Figure 14.2).
Encryption keys are not part of the global cluster state, nor are they usually sent over the
wire. Instead, at database creation time, the server generates a key and then contacts each
of the nodes configured for hosting this database and tells them the key for this database.
Only then is the actual database created.
If you created an encrypted database on Node A, and later you want to expand the database
group to also reside on Node C, how does that work? After all, the encryption key isn’t
available on Node C. So, just trying to expand the database group there will result in an
error, as setting up a key for an encrypted database is a separate action from setting up the
The database creation wizard makes this process seamless. But it’s important to
understand what’s going on beneath the surface.
Getting the encryption keys from RavenDB
As an administrator, you can get the server master encryption key by using rvn offline-operation get-
key and providing the path to the server store folder. This is typically used if you need to move the database
between machines.
To get the database encryption key, you would go to Manage Server and then to Admin JS Console. Choose
database as the type, and select the database you want to get the key for. Now you can run the following
command to get the key: return database.DocumentsStorage.Options.MasterKey; .
You can see an example of this process in Figure 14.5.
Getting the encryption key from an active database using an admin script
This technique uses the admin scripting functionality, which is only available to the cluster administrator and lets
you execute arbitrary scripts in the context of RavenDB itself. The same functionality is also exposed through the
rvn tool—using rvn admin-channel and then the script command.
Note that getting the server master encryption key is an offline operation, while the only way to get the database
encryption key is when the database server is up and running.

Because different nodes don’t necessarily have the same encryption key for the same
database—and because the encryption key is important—we require an administrator
action to create the key on a node before RavenDB loads an encrypted database. This can
be done through a REST call, as you can see in Listing 14.3.
$baseUrl = ""
$dbName = "Northwind"

$spm = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]
$spm::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$rng = [System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider]
$key = New-Object byte[] 32
$payload = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($key)
$cert = Get-PfxCertificate -FilePath admin.cert.pfx

Invoke-WebRequest "$baseUrl/admin/secrets?name=$dbName" `
-Certificate $cert -Method POST -Body $payload

There is actually a lot going on in Listing 14.3. First, we define which node we’ll push the
key to and which database whose encryption key we’ll push. Then, we ask PowerShell to
use TLS 1.2 to talk to the server. (Sometimes it defaults to TLS 1.0, which isn’t supported by
RavenDB for security reasons.) RNGCryptoServiceProvider is then used to generate a
cryptographically secured random number. We convert it to Base64 and then use a
certificate with cluster administrator privileges to send it to the node.
Once this is done, we can now expand the Northwind database from Node A to Node C as
well. The database will be created on the new node, and the previously pushed encryption
key will be in use.
An admin can decide whether to use the same key on all nodes-—which may simplify some
operations, such as restoring from backup—or to use different keys. We’ll speak more
about backup later in this book. But there are some things about backing up an encrypted
database that require special attention here. Let’s go over them.

Backing up encrypted databases

Just because a database is encrypted doesn’t mean that it doesn’t need all the usual care
and maintenance you give to other data. In particular, I’m thinking about backups, restores
and high-availability considerations.
We’ll discuss backups in full in the next part of this book, so I’m won’t get too deep into the
details now of how to work with them. Instead, I’ll just discuss the details that are
important to remember when dealing with encrypted databases.
RavenDB supports the following forms of backups:
• Snapshot - a compressed binary view of the database files at a given point in time, as
well as additional data from the cluster level that belongs to the database (identities,
compare exchange values, etc.)
• Full backup - a compressed JSON of all data in the database, as well as the cluster-level
data for this database
• Incremental backup - a compressed JSON of all data in the database since the last full
backup, as well as all the cluster-level data for this database.
For an encrypted database, it’s important to consider what parts of the backup are
encrypted, and in what manner. With a Snapshot backup, the entire snapshot is encrypted
using the database encryption key. Conceptually, you’re getting the raw file from the disk-
as is98.
As a result, you must have the appropriate encryption key if you ever want to restore the
snapshot. Without this key, there’s no way to restore the database, access the data or really
do anything at all.
Alongside the snapshot data, there’s also the cluster-level data. This set of data is typically
much smaller, but it is not encrypted in the case of a snapshot. While it is compressed, this
data is available to anyone who can read the backup media.
Full and incremental backups are always completely unencrypted, so you should be aware
of your backup strategy and where you’ll back up your encrypted databases. RavenDB is

98Note that this is just a conceptual model. You can’t just copy the file out of the way while
RavenDB is running and consider this a backup
equipped to push backups to a local or shared directory, to an FTP/SFTP site, to Azure Blob
storage, to Amazon S3 and to Amazon Glacier.
In any of these cases, if you have an encrypted database, then you need to consider where
you will store the data. You can back up to an encrypted folder, or you can enable data-at-
rest encryption settings when uploading to the cloud (exactly how depends on which
system you’re using, but all have some level of support for automatic encryption of
uploaded content).
We’ll discuss backup management at length in the Chapter 17, later in this book. But I want
to emphasize that, for encrypted databases, in addition to backing up the data for the
document itself, it’s important to have a copy of the encryption key. Not only is this step
important for restoring snapshot data, but it also can be very relevant if an admin has ever
reset a password for a user, resulting in DPAPI failure to decrypt the database encryption
key at startup.
This error can happen pretty far down the line. If the admin resets the password on
Monday, but RavenDB had already gotten the encryption key in memory, then no issue will
appear until the moment when RavenDB unloads the database and needs to reload it—
potentially several days or weeks later. At that point, your being able to quickly and easily
grab the encryption key from a locked drawer and provide it to RavenDB for loading the
encrypted database is much preferred to a forced restore of everything.

This chapter may be hard to decipher, but I hope you got the right keys from it. In a more
serious tone, we’ve gone over a lot of information about how RavenDB is using high-end
encryption to safely protect your data. RavenDB uses the XChaCha20Poly1305 algorithm to
encrypt any and all data on disk, and we will only decrypt information during an active
transaction. RavenDB will also immediately wipe the decrypted contents in memory upon
transaction closure, reducing the time that sensitive information is available. During this
time, the memory holding the decrypted data is also locked into memory, so it won’t be
written to a page file or a swap partition.
We went over the details of how RavenDB encrypts every part of the system, from how
transactions are encrypted as they’re written to the disk to how each individual page in the
database is encrypted with its own unique key. We saw what’s encrypted on RavenDB
(documents, attachments, revisions) and what isn’t-even if the database itself is encrypted
(identities and compare exchange values). We then saw how we can encrypt cluster-level
data by encrypting the server store and met for the first time the rvn tool.
After that, we looked at what’s probably the most important topic for you in this chapter:
how the encryption keys are being managed by RavenDB. By default, RavenDB encrypts the
database encryption keys using the server master key. This master key is then encrypted
using DPAPI on Windows or protected using file system permissions on Linux. You also
have the option of telling RavenDB how to fetch the master key from a hardware security
module, a vault or any other method that fits your security policies using the
Security.MasterKey.Exec option.
Finally, we discussed backup concerns for encrypted databases, and in particular, the
safekeeping of your encryption keys. I find it ironic that the most secure backup method is
probably just printing a hard copy of the encryption key and storing it offline in a locked
cupboard at your offices. But I’ve nonetheless found this approach to be one of the most
efficient ways to handle the issue of a lost or stolen key. Having the key tucked away like
this means that you won’t have to think about it too much—but if you do have a need, the
key is available to you.
You might have noticed some emphasis on my part on the topic of keeping the encryption
key safe. This is because the key is important. Without it, you have zero access to the
database. You may think this emphasis is obvious as a basic property of an encrypted
database. And yet, we’ve gotten support calls with some variant of “we lost the key, how do
we get the data back?”. This scenario can occur due to a password reset invalidating a
DPAPI-encrypted value, losing the main hard disk of the machine while still having the
database drive up, or many other reasons.
Regardless of the cause, the key was lost. If there’s no key, then there’s no way to access
your data. That is the point of encryption! So, please remember that when you create an
encrypted database, keep your encryption keys somewhere safe-just in the off case that
you’ll need them.
This chapter also closes our discussion on security inside RavenDB. The next topic on the
table is an in-depth dive into operations, deployments and monitoring your production

Running in production
We have spent a lot of time talking about what RavenDB can do in this book. We’ve talked
about the best way to put data into it and get data out, how indexes work, how RavenDB
runs as a distributed cluster and how to work with the database from your applications.
What we haven’t talked about, except for a few tidbits here and there, is how you are
actually going to run RavenDB in production.
The production environment differs from running in development mode in several key
areas. You typically have much more data that’s more important, may need protection from
prying eyes and (most importantly) definitely needs to be there at all times. Production
systems should be available, speedy and functional.
Production systems also run under heavy constraints, from limited network access to air-
gapped systems to (true story) an old PC that is thrown in an unventilated cupboard and
expected to serve business-critical functionality. The common thread is that what you can
do in production is limited. You can’t just attach a debugger, run invasive procedures or
even assume that there is a person monitoring the system who can react when it beeps.
With cloud deployments thrown in, you might not even know what kind of machines you’re
running on and issues can arise because of a noisy neighbour on the same hardware that
impacts your operations. Regardless of the environment and the hurdles you need to clear,
your operations team needs to deliver reliability, performance, security and agility.
RavenDB was designed with an explicit focus on production. We already saw some of this
earlier in the book when talking about different kinds of alerts and behaviors; in this part,
we are going to be taking a deep dive into some yet unexplored parts of RavenDB.
We’ll cover deployments at length: in house and on the cloud, on your own machines and as
a database as a service (DBaaS). We’ll explore topologies that range from single-production
servers to clusters spanning the globe and talk about how to manage your databases for
optimal resource usage and maximum survivability. In particular, we’ll focus on what
RavenDB is expecting from the underlying platform, what kind of optimizations you can
apply at the deployment level and the kinds of resources you should give to your RavenDB
We’ll discuss monitoring, both as part of ongoing metrics gathering and analysis and as it
applies to when you need to gather information about what is going with a specific issue.
There is a wealth of information that RavenDB externalizes specifically to make such
investigation easier and ongoing monitoring will give you a good feel for the “heartbeat” of
the system, meaning you’ll be able to notice changes from expected patterns and head off
problems early.
Routine and preventive maintenance is also an important topic that we’ll go over. From
proper backup and restore procedures to disaster recovery strategies, it pays to be
prepared in case trouble lands in your lap. We’ll see how to troubleshoot issues in
production, covering additional tools available at the operating system level and dedicated
tools and features meant to help you manage and operate RavenDB. We’ll discuss ways to
manipulate the internal state of RavenDB, impact decision making and behavior at runtime
and always keep your application running.
This part is meant for the operations team that will support your RavenDB cluster in
production, but it’s also very useful for developers and architects who want to understand
at least the rudimentaries of how RavenDB is being run in the production environment and
the options you have to inspect and manage it. The content of this part of the book was
composed after over a decade’s work supporting RavenDB deployments in production in a
variety of environments. You’ll note that the general approach we took is that if there’s an
error RavenDB can do something about, it will.
That doesn’t mean your operations team has nothing to do, mind. There is quite a lot of
work to do, but most of it should be done before the system is anywhere near a production
deployment. We’ll cover in detail the notion of capacity planning, setting service-level
agreements (SLAs) for RavenDB and your system (and measuring compliance with them)
and the kinds of machines and systems you should expect to use to meet these goals.

Production deployments
The day you deploy to production can be a very scary day. It is the culmination of months
or years of work and then time you actually get to see the results of your work bearing
fruit. Of course, sometimes the fruit is unripe because you pushed the big red button too
soon. There is no riskier time in production than just after a new version has been
I want to recommend the Release It! book by Michael T. Nygard. I read it for the first time
over a decade ago, and it made an impact on how I think about production systems. It had a
big effect on the design and implementation of RavenDB as well. This chapter will cover
topics specific to RavenDB, but you might want to read the Release It! book to understand
how to apply some of these patterns to your application as a whole.
There are quite a few concerns that you need to deal with when looking at your
deployment plan and strategy. These start with any constraints you have, such as a specific
budget or regulatory concerns about the data and how and where you may store it. The
good thing about these constraints is that most of the time, they’re clearly stated and
understood. You also have requirements, such as how responsive the system should be,
how many users are expected to use it and what kind of load you have to plan for.
Unfortunately, these requirements are often unstated, assumed or kept at such a high
enough level that they become meaningless.
You need the numbers
In 2007, I was asked by a client to make sure that the project we were working on would be “as fast as Google.” I
took him at his word and gave him a quote for 11.5 billion dollars (which was the Google budget for that year).
While I didn’t get that quote approved, I made my point, and we were able to hammer down what we actually
needed from the application.
Giving a quote for $11,509,586,000 is a cry for help. I don’t know what “fast” means. That’s not how you measure
things in a meaningful way. A much better way to state such a request would be to use a similar format to that in
Table 15.1.

Reqs / sec % Max duration (ms)

100 99% 100

100 99.99% 200

200 99% 150

200 99.9% 250

200 99.99% 350

Table 15.1: SLA table allowing for max response time for requests under different loads
Table 15.1 is actional. It tells us that under a load of 100 requests per second, we should complete 99% of requests
in under 100ms and 99.99% requests in under 200ms. If the number of concurrent requests goes up, we also have
an SLA set for that. We can measure that and see whether we match the actual requirement.

Developers typically view production as the end of the project. If it’s in production, it stays
there, and the developers can turn to the next feature or maybe even a different project
entirely. The operations team usually has the opposite view. Now that the system’s in
production, it’s their job to babysit it. I don’t intend for this to be a discussion of the
benefits of having both operations and development insight during the design and
development of a system, or even a discussion about closer collaboration in general. You
can search for the term “DevOps” and read reams about that.
Instead, I’m going to assume that you are early enough in the process that you can use
some of the notions and tools in this chapter to affect how your system is being designed
and deployed. If you’re farther along, you can start shifting to a point where you match the
recommended practices.
And with that, let’s dive in and talk about the first thing you need to figure out.

System resources usage

You must have a 386DX, 20MHz or higher processor, 4MB of memory (8MB recommended)
and at least 70MB of available hard disk space. Oh, wait. That’s wrong. These are actually
the system requirements if you want to install Windows 95.
I want to refer you back to Table 15.1. Before you can make any decisions, you need to
know what kind of requirements are going to be placed on your system. Is this a user-facing
system or B2B? How much data will it need to handle? How many requests are expected?
Are there different types of requests? This is important enough concept that it’s worth
repeating. There are a lot of good materials about how to go about your system’s
requirements; I’ll point you again to the Release It! book for more details.
There is an obvious correlation between the load on your system and the resources it
consumes to handle this load. Figure 15.1 shows a couple of graphs from a production
system. This isn’t peak load, but it isn’t idle either.99

All the stats and monitoring details are directly from the RavenDB studio. We’ll go over

where they are located and what you can deduce from them in the next chapter.
Load and resource graphs from the RavenDB dashboard on production system
This particular machine is running on an Amazon EC2 t2.large instance with 2 cores and
8 GB of memory. The machine isn’t particularly loaded, with enough spare capacity to
handle peaks of three to four times as many requests per second. Of course, this is just a
very coarse view of what is going on, since it is missing the request latencies. We can get
that information as well, as you can see in Figure 15.2.

Request latencies tracked using the RavenDB Traffic Watch feature

Things seems to be fine: the average request time is low, and even the maximum isn’t too
bad. We can dive into percentiles and metrics and all sort of details, but at this point getting
too specific won’t be of much relevance for this book.
If you’re already in production, the RavenDB studio has already surfaced these numbers for
you, which means that you can act upon them. For one thing, the correlation between the
requests on the server and the load on the server can be clearly seen in Figure 15.1, and
that can help you figure out what kind of system you want to run this on.
Given that you are not likely to have an infinite budget, let’s go over how RavenDB uses the
machine’s resources and what kind of impact that is likely to have on your system.

By far the most important factor affecting RavenDB performance is the disk. RavenDB is an
ACID database, which means that it will not acknowledge a write until it has been properly
sent to the disk and confirmed to be stored in a persistent manner. A slow disk can make
RavenDB wait for quite a while until it has disk confirmation, and that will slow down
RavenDB is quite proactive in this manner and will parallelize writes whenever possible,
but there is a limit to how much we can play with the hardware. At the end of the day, the
disk is the final arbiter of when RavenDB can actually declare a transaction successful.
If you are using physical drives, then the order of preference at this time is to use NVMe if
you can. Failing that, use a good SSD. Only if you can’t get these (and you should), go for a
high-end HDD. Running a production database load on a typical HDD is not recommended.
It’s possible, but you’ll likely see high latencies and contention in writing to the disk, which
may impact operations. This strongly relates to your actual write load.
What kind of request are you?
It’s easy to lump everything into a single value——requests per second——but not all requests are made equal.
Some requests ask to load a document by id (cheap), others may involve big projections over a result set
containing dozens of documents (expensive). Some requests are writes, which will have to wait for the disk, and
some are reads, which can be infinitely parallel.
When doing capacity planning, it’s important to try to split the different types of requests so we can estimate what
kind of resource usage they’re going to need. In Figure 15.1, you can see that RavenDB divides requests into the
total number (Requests/s) and then the number of writes out of that total. This gives us a good indication of
the split in requests and the relative costs associated with such requests.

If you’re using network or cloud disks, be sure to provision enough IOPS for the database to
run. In particular, when using a SAN, do not deploy a cluster where all the nodes use the
same SAN. This can lead to trouble. Even though the SAN may have high capacity, under
load, all nodes will be writing to it and will compete for the same resources. Effectively, this
will turns into a denial of service attack against your SAN. The write load for RavenDB is
distributed among the nodes in the cluster. Each node writes its own copy of the data, but
all data ends up in the same place.
I strongly recommend that when you deploy a RavenDB cluster, you use independent disks
and I/O channels. RavenDB assumes that each node is independent of the others and that
the load one node generates shouldn’t impact operations on another.
You might have noticed that so far I was talking about the disk and its impact on writes, but
didn’t mention reads at all. This is because RavenDB uses memory-mapped I/O, so reads
are usually served from the system memory directly.

The general principle of memory with RavenDB is that the more memory you have, the
better everything is. In the ideal case, your entire database can fit in memory, which means
that the only time that RavenDB will need to go to disk is when it ensures a write is fully
persisted. In more realistic scenarios, when you have a database that is larger than your
memory, RavenDB will try to keep as much of the database as you are actively using in
In addition to memory-mapped files, RavenDB also uses memory for internal operations.
This can be divided into managed memory (that goes through the .NET GC) and unmanaged
memory (that is managed by RavenDB directly). Typically, the amount of memory being
allocated will only be large if RavenDB is busy doing heavy indexing, such as when
rebuilding an index from scratch.
For good performance and stability, it’s important to ensure that the working set of
RavenDB (the amount of data that is routinely accessed and operated on at any given time)
is less than the total memory on the machine. Under low memory conditions, RavenDB will
start scaling down operations and use a more conservative strategy for many internal
operations in an attempt to reduce the memory pressure.
If you are running on a machine with a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) node, that can
cause issues. RavenDB doesn’t use NUMA-aware addressing for requests or operations,
which can cause memory to jump between NUMA nodes, as well as high CPU usage and
increased latencies. We recommend that you configure the machine to behave in a non-
NUMA-aware fashion. Alternatively, you could run multiple instances of RavenDB on the
machine, each bound to a specific NUMA node.

Given an unlimited budget, I want the fastest CPU with the most cores. Reads in RavenDB
scale linearly with the number of cores that a machine has, but sequential operations such
as JSON parsing are usually bounded by the speed of the individual cores.
RavenDB makes heavy use of async operations internally to reduce the overall number of
context switches. But the decision to prioritize more cores over faster cores is one you have
to make based on your requirements. More cores means that RavenDB can have a higher
concurrent number of requests, but will also have higher latency. Fewer and faster cores
means faster responses, but also fewer concurrent requests.
The choice between faster cores or more cores is largely academic in nature. RavenDB is a
very efficient database. We have tested RavenDB with a Raspberry Pi 3, a $25 computer
that uses a quad-core 1.2GHz ARM CPU and 1GB of RAM. On that machine, we were able to
process a little over 13,000 document reads per second. Those were simple document
loads without complex queries or projections, but that should still give you some idea
about the expected performance of your production systems.

As you can imagine, network usage in RavenDB is important. With enough load, RavenDB
can saturate a 10GB connection, sending out gigabytes of data per second. But if you get to
this point, I suggest taking a look at your application to see what it’s doing. Very often, such
network saturation is the result of the application asking for much more data than is
A good example is wanting to load the list of orders for a customer and needing to show a
grid of the date, total order value and the status of the order. In some cases, the application
will pull the full documents from the server, even though it uses only a small amount of the
data from them. Changing the application to project only the relevant information is usually
a better overall strategy than plugging in a 20GB card.
An important consideration for network usage is that RavenDB will not compress the
outgoing data by default when using HTTPS. If you are talking to RavenDB from a nearby
machine (same rack in the data center), there is usually enough network capacity that
RavenDB can avoid spending time compressing the responses. There is also the BREACH
attack for compressed HTTPS to consider, which is why automatic compression is off by
Compression on the wire is controlled via Http.UseResponseCompression and
Http.AllowResponseCompressionOverHttps settings. You can also control the
compression level using the Http.GzipResponseCompressionLevel setting, favoring speed
over compression rate or vice versa. On a local network, it is probably best to not enable
that; the CPU’s time is better spent handling requests, not compressing responses.

Common cluster topologies

RavenDB is quite flexible in the ways it allows you to set itself up for production. In this
section, we are going to look at a few common configuration topologies for RavenDB, giving
you the option to pick and chose what is best for your environment and needs. These aren’t
the only options, and you can usually mix and match them.
A RavenDB cluster and what it’s good for
A cluster in RavenDB is a group of machines that is managed as a single unit. A cluster can contain any number of
databases that are spread across its nodes. Each database is replicated to some (or all) of the nodes and multiple
copies of the data are held, depending on the replication factor for the specific database.
RavenDB doesn’t split the data inside a database among the various nodes, but replicates all the data in the
database to each of the nodes in the database group.100

100 See Chapters 6 and 7 for full details on how RavenDB clusters behave.
You’ll typically use a dedicated database per application, potentially with some data flows
(ETL and external replication) between them. These databases are hosted on a single
cluster, which simplifies management and operations. Let’s see how we actually deploy
RavenDB in various scenarios and the pros and cons of each option.

A single node
The single node option is the simplest one. Just have one single node and run everything on
top of that. You can see an example of this topology in Figure 15.3.

A single node option hosting multiple databases

In this mode, all the databases you use are on the same node. Note that this can change over
time. Any RavenDB node is always part of a cluster. It may be a cluster that only contains
itself, but it is still a cluster. In operational terms, this means that you can expand this
cluster at any point by adding more nodes to it and then decide how to arrange the
databases on the cluster.
This mode is popular for development, UAT, CI and other such systems. While possible, it is
not recommended that you use a single node configuration for production because it has a
single point of failure. If this single node is down, there is no one else around that can take
its duties, and that makes any issues with the node high priority by definition.
The better alternative by far is a proper cluster.

The classic cluster

The classic cluster has either three or five nodes. The databases are spread across the
cluster, typically with a replication factor of two or three. Figure 15.4 shows a three-node
cluster with a replication factor of two.
A three-node cluster with each database residing on two nodes.
In the three-node cluster mode shown in Figure 15.4, we know that we can lose any node in
the cluster and have no issue continuing operations as normal. This is because at the
cluster level, we have a majority (2 out of 3) and we are guaranteed to have all the
databases available as well.
You don’t need a majority
The topologies shown in Figure 15.4 and Figure 15.5 showcase a deployment method that ensures that as long as a
majority of the nodes are up, there will be no interruption of service. This is pretty common with distributed
systems, but it isn’t actually required for RavenDB.
Cluster-wide operations (such as creating and deleting databases, assigning tasks to nodes in the cluster or
creating indexes) require a majority to be accessible. But these tend to be rare operations. The most common
operations are the reads and writes to documents, and these can operate quite nicely even with just a single
surviving node. The mesh replication between the different databases uses a gossip protocol (discussed in more
depth in Chapter 6) with a multi-master architecture.
All reads and writes can go to any database in the database group and they will be accepted and processed
normally. This gives the operations team a bit more freedom with how they design the system and the ability to
choose how much of a safety margin is needed compared to the resources required.

In this way, we’ve reduced the density from five databases per server to four. Not a huge
reduction, but it means that we have more resource available for each database, and with
that we’ve gained higher security.
Another classic setup is the five-node cluster, as shown in Figure 15.5. Each node in the
cluster contains three databases and the cluster can survive up to two nodes being down
with no interruption in service. At this point, you need to consider whether you actually
need this level of redundancy.

A five node cluster with each database residing on three nodes.

There are many cases where you can live with a lower redundancy level than the one
shown in Figure 15.5. Having a five-node cluster with each of the databases having a
replication factor of two is also an option. Of course, in this mode, losing two specific nodes
in the cluster may mean that you’ll lose access to a particular database. What happens
exactly depends on your specific failure. If you lose two nodes immediately, the database
will become inaccessible.
High availability clusters
RavenDB clusters and their highly available properties were discussed at length in Chapters 6 and 7. Here it is
important to remember that the cluster will automatically work around a failed node, redirecting clients to
another node, re-assigning its tasks and starting active monitoring for its health.
If the node is down for long enough, the cluster may decide to add extra copies of the databases that resided on
the failed node to ensure the proper amount of replica are kept, according to the configured replication factor.

If there is enough time between the two nodes failures for the cluster to react, it will spread
the database whose node went down to other nodes in the cluster to maintain the
replication factor. This ensures that a second node failure will not make a database
This particular feature is nice when you have a five-node cluster, but most times you’ll use
a replication factor of three and not have to think about the cluster moving database
around. This is far more likely to be a consideration when the number of nodes you have in
the cluster grows much higher.
Some nodes are more equal than others
RavenDB uses a consensus protocol to manage the cluster. This means that any cluster-
wide operation requires acknowledgment from a majority of the nodes in the cluster. For a
five-node cluster, this means that each decision requires the leader’s confirmation as well
as the confirmation of two other nodes to be accepted. As the size of the cluster grows, so
does the size of the majority. For example, with a seven–node cluster, you need a majority
of four.
Because of this, you typically won’t increase the size of your cluster whenever you need
more capacity. If you have enough databases and load to need a 20-node cluster, each
decision will require 11 confirmations. That… is quite high. Instead, we arrange the cluster
in two ranks.
In the first rank, we have the cluster members. These are nodes that can vote and become
the cluster leader. You’ll typically have three, five or seven of them, but no more than that.
The higher the number of member nodes, the more redundancy you’ll have in the cluster.
But what about the rest of the cluster nodes?
The rest of the cluster nodes aren’t going to be full members. Instead, they are marked as
watchers in the cluster. You can see how this topology looks like in Figure 15.6.

A large cluster divided into full members and watchers

A watcher in the cluster is a fully fledged cluster node. The node hosts databases and is
managed by the cluster, just like any other node. However, it cannot be voted as the leader,
and while it is informed about any cluster decision, the cluster doesn’t count a watcher’s
vote towards the majority. A cluster majority is always computed as: floor(MembersCount
/ 2) + 1, disregarding the watchers (which are just silent observers).
A watcher node can be promoted to a member node (and vice versa), so the decision to
mark a node as a member or watcher doesn’t have long-term implications. If a member
node is down and you want to maintain the same number of active members, you can
promote a watcher to be a member. But keep in mind that promoting a node is a cluster
operation that requires a majority confirmation among the cluster members, so you can’t
promote a node if a majority of the members is down.

Primary/secondary mode
The primary/secondary topology is a common topology to achieve high availability. A good
example of this topology can be seen in Figure 15.7. You have a primary server that does all
the work and a secondary server that replicates the data in the primary. This is also called
active/passive topology.

A primary server replicating to a secondary

With RavenDB, using two-node cluster is not a good idea. The majority of two is still two,
after all, so even a single node failure will make the cluster unavailable.101 A two-node
cluster is sometimes chosen as the selected topology when you want to manually control
failover behavior for some reason. We’ll cover this option in the next section.

Database group topologies

We’ve talked about the topology of the cluster, but most of the work done with RavenDB is
at the database level. Let’s zoom in to see how we should deploy our databases in

101Although the databases inside that cluster will continue to be available from the
remaining node.
Reminder: database groups and database instances
A database group is a set of nodes that hold individual database instances. Each one of the database instances will
replicate all its data to any of its sibling instances on the other nodes in the database group.
The database group as a whole is being managed by the cluster: assigning tasks to various nodes in the group,
determining the priority order for clients, etc. At the same time, each instance constantly gossips with other
members of the group, sharing new and updated information and reconciling any changes that have happened in
the meantime.
This gossip is done independently from the cluster behavior and continues even under error conditions that cause
the cluster to become inoperable. Clients know the database group topology and will try another node if the node
they tried talking to isn’t responding. This leads to a robust system in which the cluster, the database group
members and the clients are all working together to achieve maximum uptime.

There a few considerations to take into account about the database topology. First, we need
to decide the appropriate replication factor for the database. The more copies of the data
we have, the safer we are against catastrophe. On the other hand, at some point, we are safe
enough and increasing the replication factor any further is just burning through disk space.
Second, we need to consider what kind of access pattern we should use. By default, clients
will use the database instances in a database group in the order they are defined on the
server. You can see that in Figure 15.8 and on the studio under Settings and then Manage
Database Group.

Showing the priority order for clients to access nodes in a database group
As you can see in Figure 15.8, the admin can control this order. This is designed not just to
comply with some people’s OCD tendencies——no, I’ll not call it CDO, even though that is
the proper way to alphabetize it——the order of nodes in this list matters. This list forms
the priority order for the clients to access the database instance by default.
If a client cannot talk to the first node in the list, it will try the second, etc. Reordering the
nodes will cause the server to inform the clients about the new topology for the next
requests they make.
Aside from the operations teams manually routing traffic, there is also the cluster itself that
can decide to change the order of nodes based on its own cognizance, to handle failures, to
distribute load in the cluster, etc. You can also ask clients to use a round robin strategy
(configured via Settings, Client Configuration and then selecting the Read balance
behavior you want) in order to spread the read load among the nodes.

In addition to defining a database group inside a single cluster, you also have the option of
connecting databases from different clusters. This can be done in a one–way or
bidirectional manner.

Using replication outside the cluster

Database groups have fairly rigid structures. Except for determining which nodes the
databases reside on, you can’t configure much on a per-node basis. Sometimes, you want to
go beyond that. Maybe you want different indexes on different nodes, or to have a
“firebreak” type of failover where only if you manually switch things over will clients fail
over to a secondary node. Or maybe you just need a higher degree of control in general.
At that point, you will no longer use the cluster to manage things; you’ll take the reins
yourself. You’ll do this by manually defining the data flow between databases using
external replication. We covered external replication in Chapter 7. Using external
replication, you can control exactly where and how the data will travel. You aren’t limited
to just defining the data flow between different database instances in the same cluster.
When using external replication, you need to remember:
• Clients will not follow external replication in the case of failure.
• Indexes are not replicated via external replication.
• The configuration and settings between the nodes can be different (this impacts things
like expiration, revisions, etc.).
• External replication is unidirectional. If you want to have documents flowing both
ways, you’ll to define the replication from both ends.
• External replication is a database group-wide task that is managed by the cluster with
automatic failure handling and failover on both source and destination.
These properties of external replication open up several interesting deployment options
for your operations team. Probably the most obvious option is offsite replicas. An offsite
replica can be used as part of your disaster recovery plans so that you have a totally
separate copy of the data that isn’t directly accessed from anywhere else.
This is also where the delayed replication feature comes into play. Configuring a delay into
external replication gives you time to react in case something bad happens to your
database (such as when you’ve run an update command without using a where clause).
The fact that external replication is a database group-wide operation and that its target is a
database group in a cluster (not a single node) is also very important. Consider the
topology in Figure 15.9.

Two clusters in different data centers connected via external replication

In Figure 15.9, you have two independent clusters deployed to different parts of the world.
These clusters are connected via bidirectional external replication. Any change that
happens on one of these clusters will be reflected in the other. Your application, on the
other hand, is configured to use the cluster in the same datacenter as the application itself.
There is no cross-data center failover happening here. But the data is fully shared.
This is a good way to ensure high availability within the same data center, global
availability with a geo-distributed system and good locality for all data access since the
application will only talk to its own local nodes. In this case, we rely on the fact that clients
will not fail over across external replication. This way if we lose a whole data center, we’ll
simply route traffic to the surviving data center rather than try to connect from one data
center to another for all our database calls.

Ideal number of databases per node

It’s rare that you’ll only have a single database inside your cluster. Typically, you’ll have
each application using its own database. Even inside a single application, there are many
good reasons for having separate pieces store information separately. This leads to an
obvious question: how many databases can we squeeze onto each node?
There is no generic answer to this question. But we can break down what RavenDB does
with each database and then see how much load that will take. Each database that RavenDB
hosts uses resources that can be broken up into memory, disk and threads. It might seem
obvious, but it’s worth repeating: the more databases you have on a single node, the more
disk space you’re using. If all these databases are active at once, they are going to use
I’ve seen customers packing 800-900 databases into a single server who were surprised to
find the server struggling to manage. Sure, each of those databases was quite small, 1-5GB
in size, but when clients started to access all of them, the database server was consuming a
lot of resources and often failed to keep up with the demand. A good rule of a thumb is that
it’s better to have fewer, larger databases than many small databases.
Each database holds a set of resources with dedicated threads to apply transactions, run
indexes, replicate data to other instances, etc. All of that requires CPU, memory, time and
I/O. RavenDB can do quite nicely with a decent number of databases on a single node, but
do try to avoid packing them too tightly.
A better alternative if you have a lot of databases is to simply break the node into multiple
nodes and spread the load across the cluster. This way, your databases aren’t all competing
for the same resources, which makes it much easier to manage things.

Increasing the database group capacity

A database group is not just used for keeping extra copies of your data, although that is
certainly nice. Database groups can also distribute the load on the system at large. There
are many tasks that can be done at the database group level. We’ve already looked at how
Read balance behavior shares the query load between the nodes, but that’s just the
Subscriptions, ETL processes, backups and external replication are all tasks that the cluster
will distribute around the database group. You can also define such tasks to be sticky so
they’ll always reside in the same node. The idea is that you can distribute the load among
all the instances you have. You can see how that works in Figure 15.10.
The database group topology and task distribution among the nodes
If needed, you can increase the number of nodes a database group resides on, giving you
more resource to distribute among the various tasks that the database group is responsible
for. This can be done via the Settings, Manage Database Group page by clicking on Add
node to group and selecting an available node from the cluster. This will cause RavenDB
to create the database in the new node in a promotable state. The cluster will assign one of
the existing nodes as the mentor, replicating the current database state to the new
Once the new database is all caught up (which for large databases can take a bit of time) the
cluster will promote it to a normal member and redistribute the tasks in the cluster in a fair
manner. You need to be aware that for the duration of the expansion, the mentor node is
going to be busier than usual. It’s not normally busy enough to impact operations, but you
still probably don’t want to be doing it if your cluster is at absolute full capacity.

Databases, drives and directories

I already talked about the importance of good I/O for RavenDB earlier in this chapter. That
was in the context of deploying a cluster; now I want to focus on the I/O behavior of a
single node and even a single database inside that node.
Using a database’s data directory as the base, RavenDB uses the format shown in Listing
*-- Indexes
| *-- Orders_ByCompany
| | *-- Journals
| | | *-- 0000000000000000001.journal
| | *- Raven.voron
| *-- Orders_Totals
| | *-- Journals
| | | *-- 0000000000000000001.journal
| | | *-- 0000000000000000002.journal
| | *-- Raven.voron
| *-- Product_Search
| *-- Journals
| | *-- 0000000000000000002.journal
| *-- Raven.voron
*-- Journals
| *-- 0000000000000000003.journal
| *-- 0000000000000000004.journal
*-- Raven.voron

You can see that the most important details are Raven.voron (the root data file), Journals
(where the transaction write ahead journals live) and Indexes (where the indexes details
are kept). Interestingly, you can also see that the Indexes structure actually mimics the
structure of the database as a whole. RavenDB uses Voron to store the database itself and
its indexes (in separate locations).
This is done intentionally because it gives the operations team the chance to play some
interesting games. This split allows you to define where the data will actually reside. It
doesn’t have to all sit on the same drive. In fact, for high-end systems, it probably shouldn’t.
Using the operating system tools
Splitting data and journals into separate physical devices give us better concurrency and helps us avoid traffic jams
at the storage level.
Instead of having to configure separate paths for journals, data and indexes, RavenDB relies on the operating
system to handle all that. On Linux, you can use soft links or mount points to get RavenDB to write to a particular
device or path. On Windows, junction points and mount points serve the same purpose.

The Journals directory files are typically only ever written to. This is done in a sequential
manner, and there is only ever a single write pending at any given time. Journals always
use unbuffered writes and direct I/O to ensure that the write bypasses all caches and
writes directly to the underlying drive. This is important when making sure that the
transaction is properly persisted. It’s also in the hot path for a transaction commit, since we
can’t confirm that the transaction has actually been committed until the disk has
acknowledged it.
The Raven.voron file is written to in a random manner, typically using memory-mapped
I/O. Occasionally a fsync is called on it. These writes to the memory-mapped file and the
fsync are not in the hot path of any operation, but if they’re too slow, they can cause
RavenDB to use memory to hold the modified data in the file while waiting for it to sync to
disk. In particular, fsync after a large set of writes can swamp the I/O on the drive, slowing
down other operations (such as journal writes).
Each of the directories inside the Indexes directory holds a single index, and the same rules
about Raven.voron and Journals apply to those as well, with the exception that each of
them is operating independently and concurrently with the others. This means that there
may be many concurrent writes to the disk (either for the indexes’ Journals or for the
writes to the Raven.voron files for the indexes).
You can use this knowledge to move the Indexes to a separate drive to avoid congesting
the drive that the database is writing to. You can also have the Journals use a separate
drive, maybe one that is set up to be optimal for the kind of access the journals have.
The idea is that you’ll split the I/O work between different drives, having journals, indexes
and the main data file all on separate physical hardware. In so doing, you’ll avoid having
them fighting each other for I/O access.

Paths in the clusters

In a cluster, you’ll often use machines that are identical to one another. That means that
paths, drives and setup configurations are identical. This makes it easier to work in the
cluster because you don’t have to worry about the difference between nodes. There’s
nothing in RavenDB that actually demands this; you can have a database node with a drive
D: running Windows and another couple running Ubuntu with different mount point
configurations, all in the same cluster.
However, when you need to define paths in the cluster, you should take into account that
whatever path you define is not only applicable for the current node, but may be used on
any node in the cluster. For that reason, if you define an absolute path, choose one that is
valid on all nodes.
For relative paths, RavenDB uses the DataDir configuration value to determine the base
directory from which it will start computing. In general, I would recommend using only
relative paths, since this simplifies management in most cases.

Network and firewall considerations

RavenDB doesn’t require much from the network in order to operate successfully. All the
nodes need to be able to talk to each other; this refers to both the HTTPS port used for
external communication and the TCP port that is mostly used for internal communication.
These are configured via ServerUrl and ServerUrl.Tcp configuration options,
If you don’t have to worry about firewall configurations, you can skip setting the
ServerUrl.Tcp value, in which case RavenDB will use a random port (the nodes negotiate
how to connect to each other using the HTTPS channel first, so this is fine as long as
nothing blocks the connection). But for production settings, I would strongly recommend
setting a specific port and configuring things properly. At some point, there will be a
firewall, and you don’t want to chase things.
Most of the communication to the outside world is done via HTTPS, but RavenDB also does
a fair bit of server-to-server communication over a dedicated TCP channel. This can be
between different members of the same cluster, external replication between different
clusters or even subscription connections from clients. As discussed in Chapter 13, all
communication channels used when RavenDB is running in secured mode are using TLS
1.2 to secure the traffic.
RavenDB will also connect to to get notifications about version updates
and check the support and licensing statuses. During setup and certificate renewal, we’ll
also contact to manage the automatic certificate generation if you’re
using RavenDB’s Let’s Encrypt integration (see Chapter 13). For these reasons, you should
ensure that your firewall is configured to allow outgoing connections to this URL.
In many cases, using certificates will check the Authority Information Access (AIA) and
Certification Revocation List (CRL). This is usually controlled by system-level configuration
and security policies and is basically a way to ensure trust in all levels of the certificate.
These checks are usually done over HTTP (not HTTPS), and failing to allow them through
the firewall can cause slow connections or failure to connect.

Configuring the operating system

I want to point out a few of the more common configuration options and their impacts on
production deployments. The online documentation has full details on all different options
you might want to play with.
On Linux, the number of open file descriptors can often be a stumbling block. RavenDB
doesn’t actually use that many file descriptors.102 However, network connections are also
using file descriptors, and under load, it’s easy to run out of them. You can configure this
with ulimit -n 10000.
Another common issue on Linux is wanting to bind to a port that is lower than 1024 (such
as 443 for HTTPS). In cases like this, since we want to avoid running as root, you’ll need to
use setcap to allow RavenDB to listen to the port. This can be done using sudo setcap
CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /path/to/Raven.Server .

When using encryption, you may need to increase the amount of memory that RavenDB is
allowed to lock into memory. On Linux, this is handled via /etc/security/limits.conf
and increasing the memlock values. For Windows, you may need to give the RavenDB user
the right to Lock pages in memory.

See Listing 15.1 to get a good idea of the number of files RavenDB will typically have

We started this chapter talking about capacity planning and, most importantly, measurable
SLAs, without which operations teams resort to hand waving, imprecise language and the
over-provisioning of resources. It’s important to get as precise an idea as possible of what
your system is expected to handle and in what manner. Once you have these numbers, you
can plan the best way to actually deploy your system.
We went over the kinds of resources RavenDB uses and how we should evaluate and
provision for them. We took a very brief look at the kinds of details we’ll need for
production. We talked about the kinds of disks on which you should run RavenDB (and the
kind you should not). I/O is very important for RavenDB, and we’ll go back to this topic in
the next chapter as well. We covered how RavenDB uses memory, CPU and the network. In
particular, we went over some of the settings (such as HTTP compression) that are only
really meaningful for production.
We then talked about different cluster topologies and what they are good for. We looked at
the single-node setup that is mostly suitable for development (and not suitable for
production) and highly available clusters that can handle node failures without requiring
any outside involvement. We went over the considerations for replication factors in our
cluster, which depend on the value of the data, how much extra disk space we can afford
and the results of being offline.
We then talked about large clusters composed of many nodes in tiers. We covered
members nodes that form the “ruling council” of the cluster and can vote on decisions and
become the leader, as well as the watcher nodes (the “plebs”) that cannot vote but are still
being managed by the cluster. Separating clusters into member and watcher nodes is a
typical configuration when you have a very large number of databases and want to scale
out the number of resources that will be used.
We then narrowed our focus to the database level, talking about database group topologies
and how they relate to the behavior of the system in production. As an administrator of a
RavenDB system, you can use database topology to dictate which node the clients will
prefer to talk to, whether they will use a single node or spread their load across multiple
nodes and how tasks should be assigned within the group.
Beyond the database group, you can also use external replication to bridge different
databases, including databases in different clusters. We looked at an example that shared
data between London and New York data centers in two separate clusters. The option to
bridge databases in different clusters gives you better control over exactly how clients will
behave if an entire data center goes down.
We then talked about the number of databases we want to have per node. RavenDB can
support a decent number of databases without issue, but in general, we prefer fewer and
larger databases over more and smaller. We also looked into what is involved in expanding
the database group and adding more nodes (and capacity) to the database.
Following that, we dove into how RavenDB stores data on disk and what access patterns
are used. You can use this information during deployment to split the data, indexes and the
journals to separate physical drives, resulting in lower contentions on the I/O devices and
giving you higher overall performance.
We ended the chapter by discussing some of the minor details involved in deploying to
production, the kinds of firewall and network settings to watch out for and the
configuration changes we should make to the operating system.
This chapter is meant to give you a broad overview of deploying RavenDB, and I
recommend following it up by going over the detailed instructions in the online
documentation. Now that your RavenDB cluster is up and running, you need to know how
to maintain it. Next topic: monitoring, troubleshooting and disaster recovery.

Monitoring, troubleshooting and disaster recovery

We talked about deploying to production in the previous chapter, but just being in
production is only half the job. The other half is ensuring that your systems are up, running
and answering queries faster than your SLA thresholds.
In this chapter, we’ll cover how to tell that your RavenDB cluster is healthy, how to monitor
its state over time and what to do if any issues pop up.
Even before getting the production deployment ready, you need to plan how you’ll monitor
what’s going on in RavenDB. The first thing you’ll see when you go to the RavenDB Studio
in a browser is the dashboard view, giving you the most-important details about what’s
going on in this specific RavenDB instance. This dashboard shows you crucial details, such
as the number of requests, CPU load, memory utilization, indexing rate, etc.
The dashboard view was designed so you can just throw it on a monitor somewhere and
take a peek every so often to measure the health of your system. If you have nothing else to
guide you, just looking at the dashboard should still give you some idea about what’s
happening on a particular node.
The problem with relying on only the RavenDB dashboard is that it’s limited to what’s
going on only right now, and only on one node. This view isn’t so useful if you want to
capture aggregated statistics across your cluster, for example, including historical
information and an analysis of the patterns over time. For that, you need a dedicated
monitoring system.
RavenDB doesn’t attempt to build a full-blown monitoring solution in the dashboard, only
to show you the most-pertinent information. The expectation is that you’ll plug RavenDB
into your existing monitoring solutions. Let’s now explore what kind of hooks are provided
for you to do just that.
Ongoing monitoring
The most obvious monitoring option is to use SNMP.103 To configure SNMP in RavenDB
you’ll need to set it up in the way shown in Listing 16.1.
"Monitoring.Snmp.Enabled": true,
"Monitoring.Snmp.Port": 161,
"Monitoring.Snmp.Community": "password"

Once you have the configuration options from Listing 16.1 in the settings.json file,
restart the node. You can now start querying RavenDB’s internal state using SNMP. For
example, the command in Listing 16.2 fetches the server update from the public RavenDB
test instance.
$ snmpget -v 2c -c ravendb

iso. = Timeticks: (84790246) 9 days, 19:31:42.46

The key parts of these commands are:

• -v 2c - the protocol version (RavenDB uses RFCs 1901-1908)
• -c ravendb - the community string, which in this case is -c password, etc. (in the case
of the public instance, the default ravendb is used)
• - the hostname, which in this case is the live instance (plug
your own instance URL here, of course)
• - the OID to query, which in this case is the server
The output of the command in Listing 16.2 is the server uptime, fetched via SNMP. We told
RavenDB that we wanted this particular value using the OID in the command. OID stands
for Object Identifier, which is a way to globally name a particular value. The prefix belongs to RavenDB, and anything nested under it denotes a
particular value that can be queried. Don’t worry, you don’t have to memorize all these
OIDs. Instead, you can simply ask RavenDB for a list of any that are supported for a
particular instance, by calling the /monitoring/snmp/oids endpoint on your server. For
the live test server, that would be
The /monitoring/snmp/oids endpoint can be very helpful because it also gives you the OID
for specific values in specific databases. For example, the OID can be used to tell us the size (in megabytes) of a
particular database. This can make it very easy to plot all sorts of interesting values over
time. You can also use SNMP to monitor the index rate of a specific index in a specific
database. The amount of details and control you have is extensive.

103 Simple Network Management Protocol

Of course, you won’t usually querying SNMP OIDs using snmpget. You’ll instead plug in
directly a monitoring solution like Zabbix, Nagios, SCOM, OpenView, etc. The online
documentation has a few walkthroughs for setting up common scenarios, but I’ll assume
you’re familiar with your own monitoring systems and skip any further hand-holding at
this point.
RavenDB isn’t the only source of monitoring data.
RavenDB exposes a lot of information about its internal state to make it easier to figure out what’s going on. Yet
we don’t bother to expose the machine state via SNMP. RavenDB assumes that you can get that information
directly from the machine using standard monitoring metrics (the OID to get per-core
CPU load, for example).
When setting up monitoring, be sure to include metrics for anything that is useful; CPU load, memory, network
and I/O are among the most-common values that should be tracked. In most systems, these are part of the
standard templates and require very little effort to set up. I mention this explicitly because tracking only the values
that RavenDB provides will paint only part of the picture.

Beyond using SNMP, RavenDB also exposes a lot of the state in REST endpoints, outputting
JSON that you can use. These are meant both for humans to look at during troubleshooting
and for automated systems to scrape and store over time. Most monitoring solutions have a
way for you to provide a URL and a way to fetch the interesting values from the response.
For example, Zabbix supports JSON Path queries from JSON data sources.
You can get the full list of the debug endpoints from your server’s /debug/routes endpoint.
(For the live test server this URL would be Just
like any other endpoint in RavenDB, when running in a secure mode, you’ll need to provide
authentication using a client certificate. Each monitoring solution has a different way of
specifying this authentication, so check your user’s manual for more details.

What should be monitored?

Now that we know how to get the values to monitor, the obvious question is: What should
be monitored? I’m afraid that this is a hard question to answer, as it depends on your actual
usage and needs. CPU load, memory, network and disk I/O are the most obvious things that
you want to pay attention to. The numbers of requests and writes are also very interesting
in most cases.
Why not just monitor everything?
You can most certainly capture and store all the values that RavenDB and the machines expose. The problem there
is that most of this information isn’t relevant for most scenarios. So, you might end up with a needle-in-a-haystack
situation when you’re looking for something specific. It would be easy overlook the pertinent information if you’re
drowning in so many other details.

At the very least, you definitely want to monitor values like the number of alerts for each of
your databases. But seeing the time since the last query for each index probably isn’t worth
The general recommendation is to start with the basic template (see the online
documentation for more on that) and add more details as you see fit. A lot of these details
depend on whether you’re seeing any signs of trouble and are hoping to head them off early
This is vague advice, I realize. But the problem is that good advice is hard to give when
speaking in generalities. One scenario may call for a B2B system with a fairly constant load,
so that seeing CPU percentage go too low or too high would be a a strong indicator of an
issue. But for another scenario, such as a user-facing system with hardly any activity
lunchtime, a spike in CPU usage at 9 AM every single workday would be normal.
There is simply no substitution for knowing your environment and what’s expected. Once
you know that, you can set thresholds for alerting the operations team when the monitored
values go out of their expected range. Some monitoring tools can even analyze the data on
their own and detect and report when there are irregularities for you.

Performance hints and alerts

RavenDB itself is constantly monitoring its own health. This includes measuring I/O
latencies, connectivity to other nodes in the cluster, the amount of memory and disk
available, etc. For some of these values, RavenDB will take action on its own. For example, if
the memory is low, RavenDB will switch gears and actively try to reduce its memory usage
to avoid running out of space completely.
Most of the time, however, there isn’t much that RavenDB can do. For example, if the
backup folder is out of free space or if RavenDB is experiencing slow I/O, all RavenDB can
do is alert you to these troublesome details. Such issues appear as performance hints and
alerts, as shown in red in Figure 16.1.
Alerts and performance hints give your operations team ideas about what to look into.
Alerts are issues that RavenDB encounters that require some sort of manual intervention.
These may be something simple, such as running out of disk space or network issues with
talking to a particular database. Sometimes the errors are transient, which is common in
network scenarios. Alerts are also generated for your perusal even if the actual error was
already fixed (a connection resumed between the nodes, for example) because
investigating what happened after the fact can still be useful.
Alerts are node-local.
An alert isn’t a cluster-wide notification. Indeed, in many cases, you’ll be alerted that a node is unable to talk to the
rest of the cluster. As such, you need to monitoring each node in the cluster and check its state whenever an alert

Performance hints, on the other hand, are different (see the blue in Figure 16.1). While they
don’t denote errors, they do very likely warrant your attention. RavenDB generate such
hints for various reasons, such as the slow I/O example in Figure 16.1. Other reasons
include queries that return very large numbers of results without using streaming, slow
requests, high fanout during indexing and a few other common issues.
These issues aren’t typically too severe, but they’re still better to address early on. Hints
are generated whenever RavenDB detects a use pattern that is known to be problematic.
For example, if your queries have a very large page size or your documents are unusually
large, then RavenDB identifies a potential for issues and is proactive in bringing these to
your attention.
In general, alerts are designed as an acknowledgement that no one reads the logs until it’s
too late. So, instead of hiding errors in a text file that no one reads, RavenDB ensures that
your operations teams knows about any big stuff as they need to.

The debug log

Alerts are high-level items that needs operator attention. By design, very few things rise to
the level of alerts, to avoid spamming your operations team with too many cries for
attention. That’s where the debug log comes in.
RavenDB has just two log levels: Operations and Information. By default, RavenDB will
log only messages with the Operations label. Operational log messages are things that the
operations team needs to pay attention to or be aware of, such as updating certificates, a
failure to process commands, background tasks errors, etc.
At the Operations level, the log output is meant to be readable and fairly shallow. You
aren’t informed about anything that goes on inside RavenDB, only things that matter to the
operations team. These are mostly errors and issues, even if they were transient or already
worked around by RavenDB.
The audit log
In addition to the Operations level, RavenDB also supports an explicit audit mode, where RavenDB records all
database connections, their sources, their certificates used and their level of access granted.
Certain special actions, such as the creation of a database or index, are also written to the audit log. To enable the
audit log, you can set a path to Security.AuditLog.FolderPath. For more details, see Chapter 13.

The Information level, on the other hand, is much more detailed and will include anything
that goes in the database. This level can be helpful when tracking down a specific issue, but
it generally results in a lot of data. On a busy server, you can easily see a log file roll over
after reaching its 256 MB limit in five to ten minutes.
By default, RavenDB retains log files for 72 hours. After that, these files are deleted. In
many cases, you’ll have a logs agent who monitors the directory and sends the logs to a
central location, which means you can delete the logs file as soon as RavenDB starts a new
The logs location is controlled by the Logs.Path configuration option, and the general
recommendation is to have RavenDB write the logs to a separate hard disk. This is to avoid
the case of setting the Logs.Mode to the Information level and having the logs fill up the
RavenDB data disk completely. If you do change the logs path or mode, a server restart is
But these logs aren’t the only ways to get information from RavenDB.

Finding out what your server is doing

If you run into issues with RavenDB, it might be too late to set up logging and monitoring.
Recognizing this reality, RavenDB is designed to have a lot of knobs to tweak and places to
peek into under the hood on a regular basis. But this does not mean you can skip setting up
a proper monitoring regime. The techniques outlined in the section are nonetheless very
useful when trying to understand the behavior of RavenDB.
In many cases, these techniques can help you pinpoint what’s going on very quickly.
Monitoring, on the other hand, gives you insight into the behavior of the system over time
and alerts you if something is out of whack. Any production cluster is expected to have a
proper monitoring strategy.
The RavenDB Studio does provide explicit support to help you figure out what’s going on.
The first place to look is inside Manage Server and the Debug section, shown in Figure 16.2.
The Debug section is your first stop to figure out what’s going on the inside.
These options are only available to the operations team (requiring Operator or Cluster
Admin privileges). This is because they contain data for the entire server, not for a
particular database. A standard user will not be able to use these features.
Let’s explore each one of these options in turn.

The admin logs view

The easiest way to figure out what’s going on inside RavenDB is to use the Admin Logs
feature. This lets you hook into the logs stream generated by RavenDB and view it in a
browser—a very convient option, because it doesn’t require you to do anything to the
Even if the server is configured to not log anything, going to the Admin Logs page will start
streaming the log entries to you at the Information level. This means that you can enable
the logs and watch them only during interesting periods, instead of having them on all the
time (or having to restart the server to change the logs mode).
rvn logstream
From the command line, if you’re running on the same machine as RavenDB, you can use the rvn logstream
command to have the same effect of seeing the logs steam on the console, but only for the pre-configured logging.
The rvn admin-channel command has an option to enable logging on a live server on a temporary basis.

Errors will be highlighted in red, but note that many of them are actually expected and are
handled by RavenDB. So, don’t let seeing some errors here alarm you.
Note that debug level logging can cause the server to have to do a lot more work. While
convenient, this feature come with a potential performance penalty. In most cases, that
isn’t something to worry about. RavenDB uses a purpose built logging system that was
design for low overhead and high throughput. But if your system is on the verge of resource
exhaustion, enabling the debug logs can cause noticeable effect on the system.

The traffic-watch view

Looking at the logs can be fairly tedious, given how much information is being generated. In
some cases, it’s easier to figure out what’s going on by just looking at the requests being
made. RavenDB offers a dedicated view for that, as shown in Figure 16.3.

Watching live requests on a production database can be helpful in many cases.

In Figure 16.3 you can see each individual request, how much time it took and some
statistics about all the requests captured during a specific session (number, min., avg., max.
duration). This information can be very helpful if you want to figure out why something is
slow or resulting in an error. You can also export the traffic capture for later analysis.

The debug info package

By far, the most valuable tool for inspecting the state of RavenDB is the Gather Debug Info
page. You can see how this looks in Figure 16.4.
The Debug Info package gives us access to all the RavenDB debug endpoints.
What this page does is give us the ability to generate—at the click of a single button—a
snapshot of the current state of the RavenDB instance or even the whole cluster. The result
is a single zip file that you can send along with your support ticket or analyze offline at a
later date.
I mentioned a few times before that RavenDB goes to great lengths to externalize its state.
Even with this chapter— dedicated entirely to helping you figure out what RavenDB is
doing—I won’t have enough time or space to go over all the details that are available. Some
of them are extremely useful for a single, specific case. But usually you don’t need to go
over each and every one of them.
The ability to so easily capture the entire state at once means that if you are in a bad state,
you can quickly see the current status of the system and immediately take potentially
invasive action to fix it. The classic example is rebooting the system, which will “fix” many
issues. The problem is that if you do so, you’ll also typically lose crucial information about
what went wrong and how to prevent it in the future.
The Debug Info package allows you to retain all of that knowledge. It’s also very useful if
you need to contact the RavenDB support team, since it saves a lot of back and forth.

Advanced details
The last item in Figure 16.2 is the Advanced option. This is where RavenDB puts details that
can be very interesting but aren’t usually needed. Among them, we have two views, as
shown in Figure 16.5.
Advanced information about what’s going on inside RavenDB
Figure 16.5 shows the details on the threads inside RavenDB. This information can tell you
what exactly is costing you CPU time. The list is sorted by usage order, so threads that burn
through a lot of CPU will show up first. In the case of Figure 16.5, you can see that the most
costly thread is the Voron Global Flushing Thread (we’ll discuss I/O, which is what this
thread is doing, later in this chapter), followed by an indexing thread.
RavenDB typically names threads intuitively—according to what they do—which makes it
easier for the operations team to quickly figure out what’s costing you and to take action.
Another interesting peek into the inside of RavenDB is offered by the Cluster Observer
Logs view. In Chapter 7 we discussed how the RavenDB cluster observer assigns work and
even automatically moves databases between nodes. Figure 16.6 shows the logs of such
decisions, allowing you to examine and understand them.

The cluster observer logs explain how the cluster makes decisions.
The logs in Figure 16.6 show that Node B was down, as well as at what point the cluster
detected that this node’s databases caught up with the rest of the nodes in the database
group. This allowed the cluster to move Node B from a rehab state to a normal member
Operational stability
Two of the worst things a piece of software can do to an operations team is surprise and mystify them. Surprises
are almost never a good idea in production. And a good mystery is wonderful when it comes in book form, but not
when you’re trying to figure out what blew out in production.
The cluster observer routinely monitors the health of the entire cluster, making decisions about where traffic
should go and which nodes are reliable. By default, it will only take action if a node is down for a long time (15
minutes or more).
This means that it won’t start taking action before you can react. You can also ask the cluster observer to suspend
any actions for a while, if, for example, you know that will be doing maintenance that would normally trigger it to
act. This is done using the Suspend cluster observer button shown in Figure 16.6.

This view can be very useful for understanding how the system got into its current state
and what has led the cluster observer to make the decisions it did. This information is also
logged, of course, but is usually much easier to see in a condensed form here than by
searching through the log files.

I/O operations in RavenDB

As a critical part of its database, I/O matters to RavenDB. In particular, I/O performance
matters. A lot of problems in production can be tied directly to issues with I/O. And these
issues typically come with one (or both) of the following:
• insufficient depth - when the I/O system can’t handle the amount of data read/write
fast enough
• insufficient width - when the I/O system can’t handle the number of concurrent
read/write requests fast enough
Both these issues will end up looking like slow I/O. But their root causes are different. In
the case of insufficient depth, we have an I/O system getting requests that are too big for it.
A good example is when you’re trying to make a large write (greater than the buffer size,
typically) and seeing very high latency.
Imagine I/O bandwidth as a shipping channel.
I use the terms depth and width here because of the following metaphor. Imagine a water channel that has ships
going through it. If you have a ship that’s heavily loaded, it would be sitting deep in the water. If the channel
doesn’t have enough depth, then this ship will repeatedly hit the bottom. Bringing this idea back to our case, a
“heavy” I/O request will usually still work, but very slowly.
As for width, imagine a water channel with a lot of canoes going through it. The wider the channel, the greater
number of canoes that can go through it at the same time. But if the channel has insufficient width, you’re sure to
see a traffic jam. The same with I/O: If you have a lot of requests (even if they are individually very small) the I/O
system might struggle to serve them all.

If you’re running on an HDD and making a lot of random reads, this task requires seeking,
which is slow. For a single continuous write, the HDD is wonderful (high depth). But for
concurrent work, not so much (insufficient width).
If you ever wonder how to better spend your hardware budget, get better I/O—it will
almost always be a good idea. Given the way RavenDB handles memory, if you have a fast-
enough disk (NVMe comes to mind) you can even get a machine with less RAM in favor of
getting higher end drives and faster I/O. For some scenarios, getting the memory-mapped
data from NVMe disk can usually happen quickly enough that it doesn’t have to be in main
memory for acceptable performance.
What should you look out for?
Watch the disk queue length. If this length grows, it’s usually a sign that requests are waiting on the I/O system. If
this length is high for long period of time, then there’s a starvation of your I/O and your database is likely suffering.
High disk queue length means that some form of action is required (upgrading hardware, increasing IOPS, changing
the load pattern, etc).

RavenDB will alert you if it detects slow I/O for writes (as you already saw in Figure 16.1).
But for more detailed I/O monitoring, you’ll need to look in a few additional places.
RavenDB makes this easy by gathering all I/O statistics on writes in one place. In the
RavenDB Studio, go to your database, then Stats, then IO Stats. You can see how this
looks in Figure 16.7.

RavenDB’s internal stats for I/O write operations, for a production database
There’s an abundance of details in Figure 16.7, and it probably won’t make sense in
isolation. In the Studio, however, you can zoom in and out to inspect every detail in the
performance graph. Doing so can give you tremendous insight into any specific operation
that RavenDB made.
The green bar at the bottom is the most important piece of data. There, you can see the
costs of writes to the journal file over time. Since a transaction can’t be completed before
writing its changes to the journal file, that’s the critical hot path for any performance issues
with slow writes. Any delay in completing the journal write will translate to delays in
returning write results to the users.
The size of each write indicates how long it took, and the color tells you how big it was. The
darker the value, the bigger the write. In general, you want to see a healthy situation,
involving mostly small (and therefor shown using light colors) and thin writes. Having a
few wider and darker spots is also fine (although writing more may take longer, obviously),
but if you see wider areas that are bright (small writes that took a long time), then these
are usually signs that the I/O system is saturated.
In such cases, you want to turn to the operating system’s own tools to figure out what’s
going on. Some ideas about what you should be looking for and how to retrieve them are
shown in Table 16.1.
I/O monitoring tools and what metrics to look at
Windows Linux
Tool perfmon iostat
Counters Disk Reads/sec r/s
Disk Writes/sec w/s
Avg. Disk Queue Length avgqusz
Avg. Disk sec/Transfer await

Table 16.1 is a good starting place to investigate why your system is showing slow I/O
symptoms. You can also use the Resource Monitor tool on Windows and iotop / sysdig on
Linux to figure out what files exactly are taking up all your I/O.
Do you have enough IOPS?
When running on the cloud, a surprisingly common mistake is to forget to reserve enough IOPS for your data disks.
With many cloud providers, you have some sort of burst capability, after which you’ll be throttled. In that case,
you’ll see a good performance initially (until the burst window is closed)—and then a sharp drop. This is the very
first thing to check for I/O issues when running on a cloud.
When running on your own hardware, talk to the storage team to make sure that the database server has a high
enough quality of service (QoS) rating to support the workload you have on it. I’ve seen cases where RavenDB was
put on a powerful server, backed by a SAN full of speedy drives, and the QoS setting it had restricted the database
to about 5% of the available resources.

In this section so far, we looked at how to gather information about what’s going on—
whatever it is—via RavenDB and the I/O Stats graphs or through the operating system
tools. Yet we’re still missing how to make this information actionable. To know what to do
when you have I/O issues, we need to first understand how RavenDB uses I/O.

RavenDB I/O behavior

The graph in Figure 16.7 shows how RavenDB keeps track of its writes. In general,
RavenDB writes mostly to documents and indexes. Each write goes first to the journal (the
green bar in Figure 16.7) and then is flushed to the data file (blue bar). Every now and then
RavenDB will sync the data to the disk (using fsync) to allow for reusing the journal files.
Flushing data and syncing to disk
RavenDB use the term data flush to describe the process of copying modified transaction data to the
memory-mapped data file. This operation is typically very fast, since it works by copying from memory to memory,
involving no disk I/O. Periodically, RavenDB will ensure that the data written to the data file actually resides on disk
by calling fsync. This is called a data sync, and it’s typically much more costly as an operation.

Important to understand is that, within a given storage environment (the documents store
for a database, or each individual index), there can only be a single outstanding write, data
flush or file sync. However, writing to the disk, flushing the data and syncing to disk can all
run at the same time.
Each index is also a full-blown storage environment, meaning that each will have its own
cycle of journal writes, data flushes and fsync calls. Each index also runs completely
independently from other indexes and the documents store—when you have multiple
databases inside the same server, each database and index will also operate independently
of and concurrently with the others.
What about reads?
So far we’ve covered a lot of details about how RavenDB writes data. But what about reads? How are those
All I/O operations in RavenDB use memory-mapped I/O. In other words, we let the operating system buffer the
cache, to manage what lives in memory and when to read from the disk. In most cases, the operating system will
know how to select an effective working set that will minimize the amount of I/O required for RavenDB.
If that isn’t the case—for example, if you don’t have enough memory for your workload—you’ll start seeing a high
number of page faults. In particular, pay attention to hard page faults. A few of these are to be expected, but
seeing a spike in the hard page faults per second counter indicates a possible issue.
If you’re using a faster disk, you might not care about this issue. NVMe reads, for example, are fast enough that in
some cases they replace the main memory. Or, you might be reading cold data because a new index was created
that needs to go over existing documents. But in most cases, seeing high hard page faults per second indicates an
issue and requires investigation.

By default, RavenDB limits the number of concurrent syncs and flushes that are performed
on a specific device, to avoid overwhelming the disk with too many writes at the same time.
This is controlled by the Storage.MaxConcurrentFlushes and
Storage.NumberOfConcurrentSyncsPerPhysicalDrive options.

For the best performance, we recommend having each database use its own device. That
way, they don’t have to fight for the same hardware resources. For the same reason, you
can also dedicate specific drives for indexes or journals by using symbolic links and
junction points, as discussed in the previous chapter.

How the data is laid out on disk

After looking at how RavenDB uses I/O, the next obvious step is to look at how the data is
actually stored on disk. Table 16.2 lists the files that are stored and how RavenDB uses each
of them.
File structure of a RavenDB database on disk
Path Purpose
Raven.voron The main data file for a database
headers.* Snapshot of the global state of the database
Scratch/ Directory to hold temporary data while the database is opened, such as
compression buffers, uncommitted data, etc.
Journal/ Holds the write-ahead log (transaction journals) that are key to ensuring
ACID behavior
Indexes/ Recursively holds the same structure (Raven.voron,, Scratch,
Journal) for each of the indexes.

You can go to the RavenDB database directory to look at these files, but they won’t really
mean much. They hold binary data and are opaque to the user.
Remember to exclude the RavenDB directories from indexing or antivirus scans.
If your machines have any kind of antivirus or file indexing services, you should exclude the RavenDB directories
from them. That’s because these services often add significant latency to the I/O.
It’s also common for these services to lock files, cause I/O failures and, in general, mess around in what RavenDB
considers its own backyard. Please keep anything (whether a noisy antivirus program or a curious user) from
dealing with the RavenDB directory directly.

You can’t really learn anything about the file structure from the file system. But you can
learn quite a bit from asking RavenDB what’s going on directly. In the RavenDB Studio, go
to your database, then to Stats, then Storage Report. Figure 16.8 shows what this storage
breakdown looks like for a blog database.

Internal storage detail for a blog database

The tree map in Figure 16.8 should help you figure out at a glance what’s taking up space in
your database. Below the tree map, you’ll see a table similar to our Table 16.3.
Detailed breakdown of disk size for each item inside a RavenDB database
Type Name Size (SUM 567.62 MB) % Total
Documents 320 MB 56.38%
Index PostComments/CreationDate 68 MB 11.98%
Index Auto/Commenters/ByKey 34 MB 5.99%
Index Posts/ByTag 33 MB 5.81%

You might notice that the numbers here are nice and round. That’s quite intentional. An
index in RavenDB reserves a minimum of 16 MB on the disk. RavenDB also uses a pre-
allocation pattern when requesting disk space from the operating system. What does that
mean, you ask?
Asking the operating system for more disk space in small increments will result in major
fragmentation of your files. Instead, RavenDB asks for a file size increase upfront—starting
with doubling the size of the data file on disk every time more space is needed, until 1 GB is
reached. After that, the data file grows by 1 GB at a time. This pattern gives the operating
system the best chance for allocating continuous disk space for the file (and it reduces
metadata I/O overhead in most cases).
You can see how the space is used in a particular item by clicking on it in the Studio, where
the breakdown is shown between journals and data for that storage environment. Journals
are used whenever a transaction is committed. These files are where RavenDB writes all
the changes that happen in a transaction, ensuring that the data is stored in a persistent
way and that the hot path of I/O is sequential writes, which is the fastest option.
Journal files are also pre-allocated in terms of space (starting at 64 KB and doubling in size
to a max of 256 MB104). Whenever RavenDB is finished using a particular journal file, it will
not delete it, but instead reuse it, as needed. This saves the amount of on-disk space
allocated to the journals. RavenDB does rename the files to maintain consistent numbering,
but the reuse of journals makes sure that the file system allocation is otherwise unchanged.
Going back to the tree map, you can click on the Datafile entry to see the breakdown
inside the actual database. Table 16.4 shows what this looks like for a blog database.
Space usage breakdown for a 256 MB database hosting a blog
Type Name Size (SUM 256 MB) % Total
Tables Tables 156.22 MB 61.03%
Free Free 93.70 MB 36.60%
Trees Trees 2.28 MB 0.89%
Reserved Pre-allocated Buffers 8 KB (out of 6.00 MB) 0.00%

The information about space in this table is interesting. It’s divided into tables, trees,
reserved and free. Let’s talk about what each of these mean.
A table in this context is not a relational table, but rather an internal structure inside the
low-level Voron storage engine. This is how RavenDB stores data internally. You can click
Tables to see more about how much space is used by each one, as shown in Table 16.5.

Space breakdown of the storage tables inside a blog database

Type Name Entries Size (SUM 156.22 MB) % Total
Table Collection.Documents.postcomments 6,604 50.65 MB 32.42%
Table Collection.Documents.posts 6,589 40.21 MB 25.74%
Table Collection.Documents.commenters 10,714 8.18 MB 5.24%
Table Collection.Revisions.posts 363 4.18 MB 2.68%
Table Collection.Revisions.postcomments 369 3.50 MB 2.24%
Table AttachmentsMetadata 0 2.25 MB 1.45%
Table Collections 9 2.25 MB 1.45%
Table Collection.Tombstones.postcomments 0 2.13 MB 1.37%
Table Collection.Tombstones.posts 0 2.13 MB 1.37%
Table Attachments.Tombstones 0 2.13 MB 1.37%

As you can see, a storage table is part of how RavenDB implements collections (for
example, the posts collection is using Collection.Documents.posts,
Collection.Tombstones.posts and Collection.Revisions.posts). There are also other

104 All these sizes, as well as the max size of database’s growth are configurable, of course.
tables, such as Collections and AttachmentMetadata, that are used inside RavenDB to
implement its functionality. In general, you won’t need to worry about how this is
structured. Usually you’ll look at this view only to figure out why you might be using this
much disk space.
The Trees section is Table 16.4 is the amount of space used by internal storage indexes.
Clicking on Trees shows you more details, but these details tend not to be interesting to
operations people, since the indexes are only a small fraction of the data size and thus
rarely matter.
The Reserved section is reserved by RavenDB to ensure a high locality of reference
internally—an implementation detail that’s used for optimizing access patterns. This
section will never be very big, and you can safely ignore it.
What’s left in Table 16.4 is free space. And that takes a whopping 36.6% of the data. In this
case, RavenDB is pre-allocating data from the file system. But the section can also refer to
free space that RavenDB reclaims once data is deleted.
In general, you don’t need to concern yourself with the actual management of the free
space inside RavenDB. This process is handled completely internally, and deleted data will
free space up for RavenDB to reuse as needed. This means that deleting a lot of documents
and then inserting them again will result in disk space reuse.
However, it’s important to note that RavenDB does not release free space back to the
operating system itself. In other words, if you delete all the data inside a very large
database, you won’t get any on-disk space back. RavenDB will simply reuse this space as
If you do want RavenDB to give up this space, you’ll need to take actually manually by
compacting the database.

Database compaction
You can ask RavenDB to compact the database to its smallest possible size by using the
Compact database option on the database page (see Figure 16.9).

You can start a database compaction from the Databases view.

Compaction is an offline process, meaning it will take the database down temporarily (only
on the node where you actually run the compaction) and re-create the database files from
scratch. Note that this has the effect of reading and writing the entire database and can
cause a significant amount of I/O. The process also requires enough disk space to create the
compacted database clone in addition to the current database.
Compaction reserves no additional free space from the operating system and can arrange
the data on disk in a more optimal way. But unless you have an explicit need for the disk
space that this process will free up, it’s probably best to leave well enough alone. After all,
RavenDB is designed run off as little operational overhead as possible, and managing the
data on disk is one of its primary tasks. Any free space inside the data file is already going
to be reused by RavenDB, so manual compaction is typically not worth the time.

Troubleshooting connection issues

After talking at length about disk I/O, let’s turn our eyes to other I/O sources. In particular,
the network is well-known for being a troublesome and finicky beast in this arena.
Actually delving into all the things that can go wrong in the modern network environment
will take multiple books, so I’m going to assume that you’re at least familiar with the usual
The common network issues with RavenDB include:
• Firewalls, both at the network and machine level - Remember that RavenDB uses two
ports for communication: one for HTTP(S) and one for TCP communication. If you
didn’t explicitly use the configuration ServerUrl.Tcp, RavenDB will use a dynamic
port, which works inside a data center. In the cloud, for example, you’ll instead need to
set a fixed port and define the firewall rules to allow it.
• Latency - If you’re deploying in a geodistributed manner or have high latency between
nodes, you’ll need to account for it in the RavenDB configuration. The setting
Cluster.ElectionTimeoutInMs controls this behavior and is set to 300 ms by default.
Note that this setting is meant for nodes deployed in the same data center, so you’ll
need to set it to a higher value on other configurations. Replication between database
instances on different nodes isn’t too sensitive to delays and was designed for
deployment in high-latency situations, so you won’t need to change anything there.
• Intrusive middleboxes - In many environments, a network connection goes through
multiple network appliances, often called middleboxes. These can be firewalls,
intrusion detection systems, WAN optimizers, load balancers, etc. The problem with
these middleboxes is that they often add behavior (and even modify the payload) and
can result in unexpected results. Because RavenDB is almost always deployed in a
secure configuration while in production, the communication to and from the server is
encrypted and cannot be modified. This reduces the number of times that a network
appliance can apply a transformation to the TCP connection and break things.
• SSL termination - A special case of a middlebox is the SSL-terminating appliance. This
is when a client uses SSL to connect to the endpoint, where the SSL connection is
terminated and a plain HTTP connection is made from the appliance to RavenDB. This
process is only possible when RavenDB is run without security—authentication
requires a client certificate to reach the RavenDB server, which obviously cannot
happen if the SSL connection was terminated at the appliance level.
• TLS downgrade - Some appliances can only accept certain versions of SSL/TLS
connections. RavenDB requires you to use TLS 1.2 to connect and will show an error if
a connection is attempted using TLS 1.0 or 1.1.
Troubleshooting issues on the network usually means using low-level tools, such as packet
inspectors likes WireShark. While I’m not going to go into the details of such tools, I want to
point out that in many cases—especially for resolving issues in TLS/SSL connections—
using openssl s_client105 can be much easier. The full command is $ openssl s_client
-connect -cert client.pem -key client.pem.

The output of this command can tell you quite a lot about the connection. In particular, it
can tell you whether the client successfully created a secured connection to the server,
mutually authenticated and which certificates were used by either side. This command is a
good way to pinpoint or rule out common issues at the beginning of your troubleshooting

Internal, external and multiple IPs

When you run on your own hardware, the situation is pretty simple: Your server has one IP
address to listen to and that clients will use to talk to it. But when you run in the cloud,
things get more complicated. Your server has both an internal IP to listen to (such as and a public IP (such as

The server can’t actually bind to, because it isn’t directly exposed to the
network. Instead, any connection to this IP will be routed to the server by the cloud’s
network appliances. This leads to an interesting problem, since the server needs to bind to
an IP address so it can listen to incoming packets. This is the logic behind the ServerUrl
and PublicServerUrl configuration settings.
Normally, you’ll want to set it to to have RavenDB bind to all available
network interfaces. However, the server often needs to tell clients and other servers how to
talk to it, so we also need to provide the server with its publicly visible details. This is the
PublicServerUrl setting (as well as PublicServerUrl.Tcp) come into play. It’s important
to remember to calibrate this setting properly—or else the server will tell clients to use its
internal IP, which the outside world can’t reach. (You’ll usually establish this configuration
during your initial setup. But if you’re doing things manually, it can be easier to forget this
RavenDB uses HTTPS for securing the communication, which means we also validate that
the hostname used matches the hostname on the certificate. Issues can occur if you attempt
to connect to the server using a different hostname. For example, if your certificate was
issued for, any connection made with https://rvn-srv-01 will fail,
due to this hostname mismatch. On the client side, you can ignore this validation step,

105 Full documentation for this feature can be found in the OpenSSL Cookbook..
106 These are real internal and external IPs from one of our AWS machines.
whether from the browser or client API (although doing so is not recommended). But on
the server side, RavenDB will always validate the hostname, so it must match the
certificate’s hostname for any server-to-server communication.

The Admin JavaScript console

We’ve already covered quite a few of the ways that RavenDB externalizes its state and lets
you poke around inside the server. Yet even beyond everything described above, RavenDB
contains another option that’s very powerful. As they say, with great power comes great
Here’s what you do: In the RavenDB Studio, go to Manage Server and then Admin JS
Console. You can see how this looks in Figure 16.10.

The Admin JS Console lets you run scripts against the current server instance.
This console unlocks a way to run scripts inside the server itself, giving you full access to
anything going on inside. Figure 16.10 shows how we can use this process to retrieve data
from the server. But much more is possible: You can also mutate the state of the server,
including calling methods and interfering with the internal state.
The Admin JS Console comes with no safety net, nor a harness. You are absolutely able to
do things there that would crash the server or merely stop it from accepting additional
requests. (This option is available to those who are experts in the internals of RavenDB.
There’s no documentation available on the API specifically—but there’s also no promise of
the compatibility of your scripts between releases.) This tool is mostly meant to be used
during support incidents, when you’ll get directions for which scripts to run from a
RavenDB support engineer, and when the ability to make changes to the server on the fly is
invaluable. Otherwise, we don’t recommend touching this tool in production. Nonetheless,
it’s always available via rvn admin-channel, which can connect to a running instance of
RavenDB and perform operations directly from inside the server, bypassing the network
The rvn tool was mentioned briefly before, but I think it’s time to talk about it now in more
depth, as it’s part of a larger disaster recovery strategy for RavenDB.

Disaster recovery strategies

RavenDB is used in mission-critical systems and holds valuable information. Part of the
very core of its design is to consider failure modes and reactions to them. There have been
quite a few of such failures that we took into account, including both hardware issues and
losing the admin certificate to your RavenDB instances.
Maximize survivability: Run on a cluster, and avoid single points of failure.
At a minimum—if you care about being up at all—you should always run RavenDB in a multi-node cluster. Running
RavenDB on a single node is something that should only be done during development or testing. In fact, all of
RavenDB’s high-availability features assume that you have multiple nodes to function.
Using the same logic, try to avoid having any single points of failure, such as a single SAN that all the nodes use for
storing their data. If the SAN is down, then the entire cluster is down.

It goes without saying that you should always develop a proper backup strategy (see the
next chapter, dedicated to this topic). But just having backups isn’t enough. If you have a
large database, even the time it takes to copy the backed-up data to the machine can take
hours. Instead, you need multiple layers of defense to ensure that you’ll always be online.
The first layer is running in a multi-node cluster and ensuring that each database has a
high-enough replication factor to survive the loss of a node or two. The exact value of this
replication factor depends on the size of your cluster and the importance of your data. The
more important the data and the continued operation of the system, the more resources
you should use.
The next layer of defense is having an offsite clone of the data. This is usually defined using
external replication and is meant to serve as a live server that holds all your data—allowing
you to manually fail over to it if you happen to lose all the nodes in the cluster.
Paranoia? You mean common sense.
For high-value production systems, paranoia is just the way things are. You don’t necessarily have to follow all the
suggestions in this section. But know that we’re safeguarding systems that must always be up and that seek to
survive even the most unlikely scenarios.
We also know that a cost is associated with such duplicated measures (an offsite hot node, backups, additional
nodes in the cluster, etc). Part of any operations team’s job is to weigh these costs against the acceptable level of
risk to see if they’re worth it. At some point, the risks become negligible and the costs prohibitive. To my
knowledge, no one has yet to set up a server farm on the moon to handle the case of a thermonuclear war, for
example. You need to make your own determination in the matter.
One other thing to note on this topic is that you can also set up a delay in external
replication, which can give you time to react if you happen to run a query that modifies
data that it shouldn’t across a cluster.

Admin access without the admin certificate

Imagine trying to get into your house, only to discover that you lost your keys. The same
can happen to RavenDB if you lose the admin certificate. A basic example is when an
employee goes on vacation—with the admin client certificate locked on his or her machine.
You don’t have access to the certificate, but you desperately need to perform some admin
operation. What can you do?
RavenDB follows a simple rule: If you have admin or root privileges on the box, then you
can access RavenDB. As a root user, you have a few options available to help you access
RavenDB: You can use your root privileges to get the server certificate that RavenDB itself
is using to run. This certificate can also be used for client authentication. If you authenticate
as a client using the server’s own certificate, RavenDB will always give you full an
unrestricted access to the server.
In other words, if you can access the machine RavenDB is running on as root or
administrator, then you can get the certificate that RavenDB is using and then access
RavenDB directly as admin. At this point, you could generate a new admin client certificate
or perform any other action as needed.
The security of allowing root access
This kind of access raises the obvious question: Isn’t this a security risk? Why should it be so easy for a root user to
have full access to RavenDB?
The answer is that it doesn’t actually matter. If attackers have enough privileges to run as root users, then they
also have enough access to do whatever else they want—inject code into the RavenDB process, read and write to
its memory, etc.
If there’s no protection from the root user, then there’s no point in making the operations team work any harder
than necessary.

In addition to getting the server certificate for client authentication, there’s also the option
to use the rvn tool. This tool is used for various tasks (such as the rvn offline-operation
described in Chapter 13 for encrypting the server store) and in this case can also be run in
the rvn admin-channel mode to use a named pipe for connecting to the server.
In particular, you can run commands that let you do thing like add a new client certificate,
dig into statistics, force a GC collection, restart the server and even access the Admin JS
Console discussed earlier in this chapter.
The rvn admin-channel uses a named pipe, controlled by the operating system
permissions. Only those with root or admin privileges and the user who is running the
RavenDB process have access to this named pipe and can send such commands to
Dealing with data corruption
Hardware does break and disks do fail—eventually, entropy will take us all. Yet I’ll assume
that you can get over the depressing reality of the previous statement and actually want to
do something when such things happen. The scenario we’ll deal with in this case is a bad
sector, hardware failure or something similar that resulted in data corruption of the
RavenDB on-disk files.
RavenDB uses hashing to ensure that the data has been successfully written to the disk.
This allows RavenDB to detect if there have been unexpected changes to the data.107 In this
way, data corruption can be detected and handled early on—before it has the chance to
spread. RavenDB will mark a database with such an error as corrupted and shut it down.
If you’re running in a cluster, the usual—and easiest—way to handle such a scenario is to
replace the hard disk on the faulty node and just let RavenDB replicate the data back to the
node. But if you don’t have the data on another node, you might need to take additional
The Voron.Recovery tool is designed for such cases. This tool reads a RavenDB database
(data file and journals) and goes over all the data—one byte at a time. It doesn’t rely on a
file’s structure and assumes that the file is corrupted. It tries to recover as much data as
possible by going over the raw data with a fine-tooth comb.
The output of this process is a set of .ravendump files (gzipped json, essentially) that
contain all the recovered data as well the list of errors that the tool encountered. You can
import these .ravendump files into a new database to recover the documents.

Routine maintenance
By design, RavenDB is not one to require regular maintenance. For most things, RavenDB
will quite happily clean up after itself and not require any human involvement in the
process. Monitoring is the way to go here, to only alert you when things arise that RavenDB
can’t recover from automatically. Things like running out of disk space or having an index
definition that failed to index too many documents are two examples of such issues. For
those, you need monitoring, alerts and a human in the loop to actually fix things.
Most tasks, such as backups and ETL jobs, are defined only once and then executed by the
cluster on its own, without the need for a babysitter.
The most common task for an admin to do, in fact, is to go over the cluster’s own to-do list
and see whether all its tasks are still relevant. For example, the number of subscriptions on

107 By default the hash function used is XXHash64, which is non-cryptographic. It doesn’t
provide any level of authentication. A malicious user that can modify RavenDB’s on disk
files can update the data and the hash without RavenDB ever knowing. When using an
encrypted database, RavenDB uses cryptographic authentication to ensure that the data
was modified only by someone who holds the secret encryption key.
a database may be very large, but many of them haven’t had a client for weeks or months.
This doesn’t actually hurt anything, but it can be nice to trim such subscriptions to make it
easier to see what’s actually going on in your cluster.

In this chapter, we’ve gone through the core details of keeping RavenDB running in
production. A lot of these details involve simply setting up proper monitoring and alerts—if
something happens that RavenDB isn’t actually able to fix on its own. RavenDB doesn’t
need a lot of regular maintenance, as it does most things automatically. However, when
something does break, you want to have a red light flashing somewhere and a person to
investigate it and help RavenDB recover. As a result, RavenDB offers a lot of features aimed
specifically at enabling proper monitoring and externalizing its internal state to make the
operations team’s job easier.
The first topic we discussed was SNMP monitoring, a protocol that is used by all
operational monitoring systems to check the state of servers and network services.
RavenDB supports this protocol and exposes quite a bit of data to it for observation and
analysis. You also have more detailed information available in JSON endpoints, giving you
multiple ways to access and act on the data.
Beyond exposing its state, RavenDB also continuously performs analyses on it and makes
decisions on what to do. In most cases, these actions are internal and reflect RavenDB’s
automatic adjustment to the environment. There are also cases where RavenDB will issue
alerts and performance hints for the operators to look at.
The performance hints in particular should interest the operations team, because they can
usually head off the system taking a problematic direction. The alerts are of more
immediate concern, of course, but at that point the problem is likely more severe. Because
the performance hints that show up today point to problems that may happen in a few
weeks or months, it’s best to take advantage of this lead time and take action on them
early—before you have a crisis on your hands.
Routine monitoring of your application will let your team know when something is … off.
But you might need more information. So, we looked at how to figure out what’s going on
inside the server. Tools such as admin logs and traffic watch give you immediate insight
into what’s going on. Admin logs can enable logs to run on the fly, even if logging was
disabled in the server configuration. Traffic watch lets you to observe the incoming
requests and monitor latency and usage.
In most troubleshooting scenarios, however, you’ll head directly to the debug info package.
This view captures a snapshot of all the details about the running server (or even the entire
cluster) and puts them in a single zip file. The package makes it very convenient to explore
the entire state of RavenDB at a given point in time. It’s also useful to first capture the state
of the server, then restart it (which fixes most problem). You can do offline analysis of the
package at your leisure, while restoring the system to full functionality as soon as possible.
We then discussed network and connection issues. We went over some common problems
that may occur in your environment, in particular related to firewalls and other network
appliances. The openssl s_client command is very useful in such scenarios, since it gives
you a simple place to start your investigation. We also discussed internal and external IPs
and how to resolve a potential identity crisis for RavenDB when running in such an
environment. We have to explicitly tell RavenDB what IP to bind to and what hostname to
direct clients to for their server connections. Otherwise we’re likely to create confusion.
The Admin JS Console is a way for you to run scripts directly inside RavenDB. Here, you can
even mutate the internal state of RavenDB (for example, to enable logging to a file without
having to do a restart), but this access can also be dangerous, since you’re literally
modifying RavenDB in real time.
The final topic we covered in this chapter is how to deal with disasters. RavenDB was
explicitly designed to run in a hostile environment, where nodes may go down and
hardware may fail. We went over several strategies to deal with such cases, mostly by
adding redundancies to handle these failures. There’s also the Voron.Recovery tool that
can extract data from a partially corrupted RavenDB database if the hard disk itself has
suffered a failure.
Even though we talked about disaster recovery, we haven’t yet covered one crucial topic:
the backup (and restore) of RavenDB. This is because the backup process is an important
topic all its own and deserves a proper forum for discussion. The next chapter is dedicated
to backups, and even more important, to how to restore your systems afterward.

Backups and restores

Backups are important. I don’t really think I need to tell you just how important. Still, it’s
worth discussing why we have backups. There are two reasons to have backups:
• Restoring the database after losing data.
• Recovering data from an earlier point in time.
Let’s consider each reason independently. Restoration after data loss can be necessary
because an operator accidentally deleted the wrong database, because the hard disk or the
entire server died, etc. I intentionally picked these two examples because they represent
very different scenarios. In the latter case——a hardware failure resulting in the loss of a
node——the other members in the cluster will just pick up the slack. You can set up a new
node or recover the old one and let the cluster fill in any missing details automatically.108
The case of accidental deletion of the database is more worrying. In this case, the database
has been erased from all the nodes in the cluster. At this point, you can be saved by an
offsite replica: a database to which you had set up external replication. Because that

108 Remember that a single–node system cannot have any uptime SLA, since a single node
failure will bring the whole thing down.
database isn’t part of the same database group, it will not be impacted by the deletion, and
you can manually fail over to it while you replicate the data back to the original cluster.
Restoring databases can take time
The potential that you could delete a database or lose a whole cluster is the perfect reason to have a backup. Why
wouldn’t we just restore from backup at this point? The answer is simple: time.
Imagine that we have a decent-sized database, 250GB in size. Just copying the raw data from the backup
destination to the machine on which we want to restore can take a long time. Let’s assume that we have a
Provisioned IOPS SSD on Amazon Web Services (a high speed hard disk recommended for demanding database
loads). Ignoring any transport/decompression costs, it will take about 10 minutes just to copy the backup to the
local disk and another 10 minutes (with just I/O costs, ignoring everything else) for the actual restore.
That gives us a minimum of 20 minutes for the restore, assuming we are using a high end disk and are only limited
by the speed of the disk itself. But the actual restore time will be higher. Plus, the I/O costs aren’t the only costs to
consider. Most of the cost of restoring a database is actually spent on getting the data to the machine. Backups are
often optimized for long-term storage, and speed of access is not prioritized (such as with tape storage, for
So if you’re interested in minimizing downtime in such scenarios, you would need access to a separate offsite
replica (which we discussed at length in the previous chapter). There is a balance between how much protection
you want and how much you are willing to pay for. If your threat scenario does not include an admin deleting a
database by mistake or losing the entire cluster in one go, you probably don’t need an offsite replica. Alternatively,
you may decide that if those issues do come up, the time it will take to restore from backup is acceptable.

It’s more common to restore a database to a particular point of time than to restore after
ata loss. You might want to restore from backup on an independent machine, to try to
troubleshoot a particular problem, or to see what was in the database at a given time. In
many cases, there are regulatory requirements dictating that backups should be kept for a
certain period of time (often a minimum of seven years).
In short, backups are important. But I said that already. This is why I’m dedicating a full
chapter to this topic, and why RavenDB has a whole suite of features around scheduling,
managing and monitoring backups. We’ll start by going over how backups work in
RavenDB to make sure that you understand what your options are and the implications of
the choices you make. Only after that will we start setting up backups and performing

How backups work in RavenDB

Backups are often stored for long periods of time (years) and as such, their size matters
quite a lot. The standard backup option for RavenDB is a gzipped JSON dump of all the
documents and other data (such as attachments) inside the database. This backup option
gives you the smallest possible size for your data and makes it easier and cheaper to store
the backup files. On the other hand, when you need to restore, RavenDB will need to
reinsert and re-index all the data. This can increase the time that it takes to restore the
Avoid backing up at the level of files on disk
It can be tempting to try to back up the database at the file system level. Just copy the directory to the side and
store it somewhere. While this seems easy, it is not supported and is likely to cause failures down the line.
RavenDB has an involved set of interactions with the file system with a carefully choreographed set of calls to
ensure ACID compliance.
Copying the directory to the side will usually not capture the data at a point in time and is likely to cause issues.
When creating backups, RavenDB ensures that there is a point in time freeze of the database to handle this
scenario. In the same manner, you should avoid using full disk snapshots for backups. Depending on exactly what
technology and manner of disk snapshotting you use, it may or may not work.
In short, you should be using RavenDB’s own backup system, not relying on the file system for that.

An alternative to the backup option is the snapshot. A snapshot is a binary copy of the
database and journals at a given point in time. Like the regular backup, snapshots are
compressed. But aside from that, they’re pretty much ready to go as far as the database is
concerned. The restoration process of a snapshot involves extracting the data and journal
files from the archive and starting the database normally.
The advantage here is that it’s much faster to restore the database using a snapshot. But a
snapshot is also typically much larger than a regular backup. In most cases, you’ll have both
a regular backup defined for long-term storage (where the restore speed doesn’t matter)
and a snapshot backup written to immediately accessible storage (such as local SAN) for
quick restores.
Both backups and snapshots save full clones of the database from specific points in time.
However, there are many cases where you don’t want to have a full backup everytime. You
might just want just the changes that have happened since the last backup. This is called an
incremental backup and is available for both backups and snapshots.
An incremental backup is defined as the set of changes that have happened since the last
backup/snapshot. Regardless of the backup mode you choose, an incremental backup will
always use gzipped JSON (since RavenDB doesn’t do incremental snapshots). The reason
for this is that applying incremental backups to a snapshot is typically very quick and won’t
significantly increase the time needed to restore the database, while incremental snapshots
can be very big. One of the primary reasons incremental backups exist in the first place is to
reduce the cost of taking backups, after all. Figure 17.1 shows the interplay between
snapshots, full backups and incremental backups from a real production database (my
Snapshot, full backup and ensuing incremental backups for the database
In Figure 17.1, you can see a snapshot taken April 17 at 2 a.m. on node A as well as two
incremental backups after that. The second folder shows a full backup on April 16 at 2 a.m.
and two incremental backups after that. In both cases, the database is,
which powers my personal blog. The database size on disk is 790MB, so you can see that
even for snapshots, we have quite a big space saved. And keep in mind, this is a pretty small
database. Figure 17.2 shows the same snapshot/backup division for a database that is
about 14GB in size.
Snapshot and backup for a large database on S3
The reason why snapshots are so much smaller than the raw data is that the backup is
compressed, even for snapshots. The cost of decompressing the backup is far
overshadowed by the cost of I/O at such sizes. However, encrypted databases typically
cannot be compressed, so you need to be prepared for snapshots that are the same size as
the database (very big).
In Figure 17.1, you can see that there are only a couple of incremental backups; in Figure
17.2, we have a lot more. This is because while both backups were defined with roughly the
same incremental backup duration, they represent very different databases. The blog
database is seeing infrequent writes; when the incremental backup runs and sees that
there have been no changes since the last time, there’s nothing for it to do, so it skips out on
its backup run. On the other hand, whenever a full backup gets run, it produces a full copy
of the entire database even if no changes have been recently made.
In Figure 17.2, we are backing up a database that is under relatively constant write load.
This means that we’ll get an incremental backup on every run, although you can see that
there are significant differences between the sizes of these incremental backups.
Incremental backups record the current state
An important consideration for the size of an incremental backup is the fact that the number of writes don’t matter
as much as the number of documents that have been written to. In other words, if a single document was modified
a thousand times, when the incremental backup runs, the latest version of the document will be written to the
backup. If a thousand different documents were written, we’ll need to write all of them to the backup. That kind of
difference in behavior can produce significant size changes between incremental backups.

Backups record the current state of documents, but if you want to get all the changes that
have been made in between, you need to use revisions. Just like documents, revisions are
included in backups. This means that even if you store revisions inside your database for
only a short period of time, you can still restore a document to any point in time by finding
relevant revision from the historical backups.

What is in the backup?

A backup (or a snapshot) contains everything that is needed to restore the database to full
functionality. Table 17.1 shows all the gory details about what exactly is being backed up.
This requires us to understand a bit more about where RavenDB stores different
information about a database.
What is backed up for a database and at what level.
Database Cluster
Documents Database Record (including tasks)
Attachments Compare-exchange values
Revisions Identities
Tombstones Indexes
Conflicts Tasks state (snapshot only)

We already discussed the differences between database groups and the cluster (see
Chapter 7). At the database level, we manage documents and any node in the database
group can accept writes. At the cluster level, we use a consensus algorithm to ensure
consistency of the cluster-level operations. Such operations include identities, creating
indexes, etc. These details are stored at the cluster level and are managed by the cluster as
a whole, instead of independently on each node.
Incremental backup of the cluster-level state
At the cluster level, RavenDB backs up the entire cluster-level state of a database ( on both full and incremental
backups). If you have a lot of identities (very rare) or many compare-exchange values (more common), you might
want to take that into account when defining the backup frequency.

Identities and compare-exchange values can be very important for certain type of usages,
and they are stored outside of the database itself. When we back up a database, the cluster-
level values are also backed up. The database tasks are another important factor to
consider: backup definitions and schedules, ETL tasks, subscriptions, etc.

Important considerations
When a database is restored, the tasks that were defined to it are also restored. In other
words, if you have an ETL task defined for a production database and you restore the
backup on a development machine, you need to disable the task. Otherwise, assuming your
development server can reach the ETL targets, your database might start running this task
and writing to places you don’t want it to write to.
The same applies to external replication, backups and any other tasks that were defined for
the database. The restore includes all these tasks. That’s what you want when restoring a
node after failure, but it’s something to note if you’re restoring a backup on the side. During
restoration, you have the option of disabling all such tasks so you can restore the database
cleanly. But you’ll have to manually select which tasks to re-enable. You should set that
option when you’re not restoring the backup to the same environment (or purpose) as
If you’re using encrypted databases, you need to be aware that a snapshot backup keeps
the actual data encrypted, but all the cluster-level data are stored in plain text (even if the
server store itself is encrypted). And regular backups are always in plain text. As part of
your backup strategy, you need to consider the security of the backups themselves. You can
read more about backups and encrypted databases in Chapter 14.

Backing up the cluster itself

We’ve talked about backing up databases, but what about backing the cluster as a whole? In
general, the cluster is mostly concerned with managing databases; there isn’t a persistent
state beyond the database data that needs backing up. If you look at Table 17.1, you’ll see
that all the details therein––whether they are stored at the cluster level or the database
level––are for a particular database.
The only details at the cluster level that aren’t directly related to a database are details
about the cluster itself (nodes, topology, task assignments, history of health checks, etc). All
of that data isn’t going to be meaningful if you lost the entire cluster, so there is no real
point to preserving it.
Backups in RavenDB are always done at the database level. Recreating the cluster from
scratch takes very little time, after all. Once completed, you can restore the individual
databases on the new cluster.

Who is doing the backup?

A database in RavenDB is usually hosted on multiple nodes in the cluster. When it comes to
backups, we need to ask a very important question: who is actually going to run the
backups? Individual database instances in a database group are independent of each other
but hold the same data. We don’t want to have each of the nodes in a database group create
its own backup. We would wind up duplicating our backups and wasting a lot of resources.
A backup task, just like ETL tasks or subscriptions, is a task that is set for the entire
database group. The cluster will decide which node in the database group is the owner of
this task and that node will be the one in charge of running backups. The cluster knows to
pick an up-to-date node and will move responsibility for backups to another node if the
owner node has failed.
For full backups, which node is selected doesn’t matter. Any node will perform the backup
from its current state as usual. If the cluster decides that a different node will execute the
backup, that node’s backup will be clearly marked and timestamped. From an operational
perspective, there is no difference between the nodes in this regard.
For incremental backups, the situation is a bit different. You can only apply an incremental
backup on top of a full backup from the same node that took the full backup. When the
cluster decides that incremental backup ownership should switch because the owner node
is down, the new node will not run an incremental backup. Instead, it will create a full
backup first, and only once that is complete will it will start creating incremental backups.
Backups from different nodes to the same location
RavenDB encodes the node ID in the backup folder name. This way, even if you have a backup triggered from
multiple nodes at the same time, you’ll be able to tell which node is responsible for which backup. This scenario
can happen if there is a split in the network when the owner node of the backup is still functional but is unable to
communicate with the cluster.
At this point, the cluster will assign another node as the owner for the backup (since the original node is missing in
action, as far as the cluster is concerned). But since the original node can’t communicate with the cluster, it won’t
be notified of the ownership change. This can cause both the original owner and the new owner to run the backup.
This behavior is in place because backups are important; it’s better to have extra backups than to go without.

Consider the case of a three-node cluster and a database that is configured to take a full
backup every midnight and an incremental backup every four hours. Node C is the node
that is usually assigned to do the backups, and indeed at midnight, it takes a full backup. It
also dutifully creates incremental backups at 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. However, at noon, node C
goes down and the cluster moves responsibility for the backups to node A.
Node A cannot create an incremental backup on top of node C’s full backup, so node A
starts its own full backup. If node C is still down at 4 p.m., node A will still own the backup
task and will create an incremental backup of all changes that took place since noon. When
node C comes back up at 6 p.m., the cluster transfers backup ownership back to it. At 8 p.m.,
node C creates an incremental backup of everything that happened since 8 a.m., the last
time node C performed an incremental backup.
There are a few interesting behaviors that you might want to pay attention to with this
• The cluster ensures that the minimum backup definition is always respected. In other
words, every four hours we have an incremental backup of the database’s state.
• Only nodes that are up to date are considered appropriate candidates for backup
ownership. Since node C was down for so long, the node considered it out of date. The
cluster only transferred ownership of the backup task (as well as any other tasks) back
when node C had finally caught up with any changes that happened while it was down.
• The backup schedule is shared among all members of the cluster. In other words, the
fact that one node fails doesns’t automatically trigger a backup in another node. Only
after the appropriate time has passed since the last successful backup will the cluster
trigger a backup on a substitute node.
• Incremental backups apply from the last backup (incremental or full) on that
particular node. This means that you can use a single-node backup to fully restore the
database state.
• When the cluster moves the ownership of a backup from node to node, the new owner
will first run a full backup even if only an incremental backup was scheduled to run.
This is a good rule of thumb to remember, but in practice it’s actually a bit more
complex. When a new node is assigned the backup task, it will check to see if it has
done a full backup on schedule. If it is not yet time to run a new full backup, it will only
run an incremental backup (from the last full backup for this node).
The last two points are important for a simple reason: even though you may schedule your
full backup to happen during off hours, a change in ownership could result in a full backup
running when you only expect an incremental backup. This can be an issue because the cost
of a full backup can be high in terms of disk I/O, CPU, etc. If you are running a full backup
when you’re are under high load——especially if you’ve already lost at least one node——
this can put additional pressure on the server.
To handle this issue, RavenDB controls the amount of resources a backup can take. The I/O
and CPU priority for the backup task is equal to the normal request processing priority,
which is higher than the usual indexing priority. This will likely only be an issue if your
system is teetering on resource exhaustion as it is.
Now that we know how backups behave in RavenDB, let’s go ahead and see how to
configure backups in RavenDB.

Setting up backups
Backups in RavenDB are set up using the Studio by going to Settings, Manage Ongoing
Tasks, clicking on Add Task and selecting Backup.109 You can see what the backup screen
looks like in Figure 17.3.

109 You can also set up backups through the API, of course.
Defining a backup schedule for every Saturday at midnight
In Figure 17.3, we have defined a backup that is scheduled to run in full at 00:00 a.m. every
Saturday. As you can see, RavenDB uses cron expressions to define recurring backup
schedules. In the case of Figure 17.3, we have defined only one weekly full backup. The
incremental backup duration is empty, so no incremental backups will be generated.
Manual backups aren’t a thing for RavenDB
RavenDB doesn’t have a way to specify a one-time backup. You can define a backup schedule, force it to run
immediately and then discard it, but all backup operations in RavenDB are intrinsically tied to a schedule. This is
because we treat backups not as something that the admin needs to remember to do, but as something that
should be on a regular schedule. Once scheduled, RavenDB takes care of everything.

You can see in Figure 17.3 that we didn’t select the preferred mentor node, which means
we’ve let the server assign any node to the backup task. Even if we were to choose a
preferred node, if that node were to go down at the time of the backup, the cluster would
still re-assign that task to another node to ensure that the backup happens.
When will my backup run?
Time is an awkward concept. In the case of a backup schedule, we have a few conflicting definitions of time:
• The server’s local time
• The admin’s local time
• The user’s local time
In some cases, you’ll have a match between at least some of those definitions, but in many cases, you won’t. When
you define a backup schedule for RavenDB remember that RavenDB always uses the server local time. This can be
confusing. You can see that Figure 17.3 lists the time in triplicate: once in the server local time (the time you
actually used in your definition), once in the admin’s own time and once as a time duration for the next backup.
RavenDB also expects that your servers’ clock will be (more or less) in sync. There is no actual requirement for this
to be the case, but since we use the server’s local time to schedule backups, one node’s midnight might be middle
of the business day for you. In general, it is easier if all nodes agree to follow same timezone and sync their clocks
on a regular basis.

You can save the backup as it stands, but that won’t really do much since this is a backup
with no destination. In order to be able to use the backup, we need to tell the system where
it should write backups to. RavenDB supports the following destinations:
• Local/network paths
• Amazon S3
• Azure Storage
• Amazon Glacier
Figure 17.4 shows how you can define a backup task that will write to a local folder as well
as to an Amazon S3 account. The backup will run once each time it is executed, and the
backup files will be sent to all the specified destinations from that single source.

Setting up multiple destinations for a single backup task

The backup process will first write the backup to the local path (or to a temporary path if
the local path is not specified). Once that’s done, the backup owner will start uploading the
backup to all remote destinations in parallel. If any of the remote destinations fail, the
entire backup will be considered to have failed.
Removing old backups
RavenDB does not remove old backups. Instead, RavenDB relies on the operations teams to set things up properly.
That can take the shape of a cron job that deletes backup folders that are too old, which can be as simple adding
the following to your crontab:
0 4 * * * find /path/to/backup/* -type d -mtime +14 -delete
This will run a backup every day at 4 a.m. and delete all directories over 14 days-old. If you don’t set up a process
something similar to this, backups will accrue until you run out of disk space. In particular, be very careful about
setting backups to the same volume your database is using. There have been many not-so-humorous incidents
where backups took up whole disk spaces and caused RavenDB to reject writes because there was no more space
for them.
You’ll need to decide your own policy for remote backups. It is fairly common to never delete backups in the
interest of always being able to go back to a specific moment in time. Given how cheap disk space is today, that
can be a valid strategy.

The local backup option also supports network paths (so you can mount an NFS volume or
use \\remote\directory) and it treats them as if they are local files. If you define both a
local path and a remote one (for example, Azure Storage), RavenDB will first write to the
local path and then upload from there. If the local path is actually remote and only being
treated as local, that can increase the time it takes to complete the backup.
When selecting a local path, take into account that the backup task may run on different
nodes. It is usually better to use either an absolute path (after verifying that it is valid on all
machines) or a relative path. In the latter case, the path is relative to the RavenDB
executable, not to the database location.
I’m going to skip going over the details of each of the backup options; the online
documentation does a good job of covering them, and you can probably figure out how to
use them even without reading the docs. Instead, let’s look at what the backups look like
after we have defined them.

Your database backup status

After defining the backup schedule and the backup destinations, you can click Save and the
studio will take you back to the Manage Ongoing Tasks page where you’ll see the task
distribution across the cluster, as is shown in Figure 17.5.
The backup tasks automatically distributed between the nodes in the database group
Figure 17.5 shows how the studio points out where each task will run. And in Figure 17.6,
you can see how to get full details on the backup tasks for a particular database. To expand
and get full details, you’ll need to press the details icon.
The backup status for each of the backups defined for this database
Figure 17.6 shows the most recent successful full and incremental backups, as well as the
time of the next scheduled backup. You can also see that you have the option to trigger a
backup immediately. Note that the backup will run on the assigned node, not on the source
node. So in this case, even though I’m accessing this view from node C, if I press Backup now
on the first backup (which is assigned to node A), it will be executed on node A.
Backup tasks are always defined as scheduled tasks that run automatically, and RavenDB
will make it explicit if you haven’t scheduled them. Figure 17.7 shows how this is done.
There is no backup defined for users.northwind, so RavenDB makes sure that this is
clearly visible to the operators.

The backup status for each database is shown as an integral part of the database details
You can also see in Figure 17.7 that the most recent backup status is shown right there in
the database view. This is an important piece of information, and RavenDB makes sure that
it is clearly visible to the operator.
This concludes the topic of backups. You now know everything there is to know about how
to set up and schedule backups in RavenDB. But we aren’t actually done. Backups are just
half the job; we now need to talk about how we actually handle restores.

Restoring databases
We’ve talked about how to generate backups, but the most important thing about backups
is actually restoring a database from a backup. RavenDB attempts to make the restore
process simple and obvious. To start the restore process, go to the Databases view in the
Studio and click on the chevron near the New database button, then select New database
from backup. The result is shown in Figure 17.8.

How to restore a database in RavenDB

Figure 17.8 shows the basic structure of restoring a RavenDB database. You create a new
database from backup, then provide the name for the new database (the name is cropped
from Figure 17.8 for space reasons) and the path for the backup. Once you have provided
the path, RavenDB will inspect the directory and list the backups that can be restored from
that path.
You can see that in this case, we have a snapshot from node C from April 22 at 2 a.m. and an
incremental snapshot from the same node from 12:15 p.m. of the same day. The next day,
April 23, we have a full backup at 2 a.m. from node B and an incremental backup at 12:15
p.m. RavenDB makes it easy to decide to which point in time you will restore. RavenDB also
knows how to start from a full backup or a snapshot and then apply the incremental
backups up to the point you have specified.
Figure 17.8 also contains a bit more information. Some slicing and dicing was required to
make everything fit into the pages of this book, but it should be clear enough. Of great
importance is the Disable ongoing tasks after restore flag. If this is set, RavenDB will
disable all ongoing tasks (backups, subscriptions, ETL processes, etc.) in the database. This
is what you want if you are restoring a database for a secondary purpose (i.e., you want
another copy of the database, but you don’t want the same behavior). You want to disable
this flag if you’re restoring to replace the database. Since this is the primary reason for
database restoration, this flag is disabled by default.
Backup locations
RavenDB doesn’t care if all your databases put their backups in the same location; it uses the database name as
part of a backup folder to distinguish which database is responsible for which backup. On restore, you can provide
the root backup path for all your backups and RavenDB will probe that path for all available backups, then sort
them by their database and date.
If you have a lot of databases (or a lot of backups), it can be awkward to search for a specific one within a big list. It
is usually easier to specify a separate backup folder for each database (such as
e:\backups\, e:\backups\users.northwind, etc).

Figure 17.8 also shows some interesting options. If you are using a full backup option, you
can specify that the new database will be encrypted (and set up a new key).110 Figure 17.9
shows the result of the restoration process.

110This option is not available for snapshots. A snapshot is a binary copy of the database at
a given point in time. Either it is already encrypted and has its own key, or it is unencrypted
and will require an import/export cycle for encryption.
Setting out to restore a database
The restoration process can take a long time. In Figure 17.9, you can see that the process
took two seconds or so when the database size was about 700MB (see Figure 17.1 for more
on the kind of backup that was restored). This is a very small database. For databases that
range in the hundreds of GB or more, you can expect much longer restore durations.
Snapshots speed up the process significantly, but the cost in I/O is significant and should be
accounted for. You should practice your restores to see how much of a toll they take on
your hardware and account for that in any disaster recovery plans you make.
In particular, you need to account for the fact that you must have the backup files accessible
to the machine. Consider a backup strategy that backs up to a local folder (retained one
week), Amazon S3 (retained one year) and Amazon Glacier (retained forever).
Assuming that you want to restore from a recent backup, you can expect a pretty speedy
restore time. I have tested this on an AWS machine (t2.large with 2 cores, 8GB of RAM
and an EBS volume with 2,000 IOPS). Restoring a full backup from a 5GB backup file had a
restore time of about three hours. A full backup that is 5GB in size is compressed JSON,
which usually have really good compression properties. Such a backup expanded to a
database whose size exceeded 350GB. That takes time to insert to the database. A snapshot
can usually be restored more quickly. But the same 350GB database will have a snapshot of
about 30GB, which on the t2.large machine took just under an hour.
Remember to account for indexing time as well
When measuring the restore time, you need to take into account that indexes will need to be updated as well. A
snapshot restore includes the database state (with all the indexes) at the time of the snapshot, but incremental
restores on top of that (and full/incremental backups in general) only include the index definitions, not the indexed
RavenDB will complete the restore of the backup when all documents have been written; RavenDB will not wait for
the indexes to complete. Indexing of the data is then done normally through async tasks and may take a while to
complete, depending on how much there is to index. This is done to give you access to the documents and to
enable you to start defining a replication factor for the new database as soon as possible.

I intentionally took the numbers in the above example from a relatively low-powered
machine; your real production machines are likely to be more powerful. But even on a
more powerful machine, you will still have a length of time during which the server will be
restoring the database. And remember that this is when the backup is available on the local
machine. If you need to restore from Amazon S3, you also need to account for the time it
will take to fetch the data from S3 (which can be significant for large databases). Using a
service like Amazon Glacier has a minimum latency of days. These time lags have to play a
part in your disaster recovery plans.

Backups are not for high availability

I’ve emphasized the length of time restoring from backup can take a few times already, and
I feel like I need to explain exactly why this is the case. There is a (mistaken) belief within
some operations teams that they can get away with having just a single instance and
handling any reliability issues that come up by restoring from backup.
To a certain extent, this is true, but only if you don’t care about the availability of your
system. Relying on restoring from backup could mean that you get stranded without a
database for a long time. This is especially likely if you don’t have a regularly practiced
process for restoring the data.
Conversely, if you have a cluster and a database that spans multiple nodes, that does not
mean you can just ignore making backups. Spreading the database on multiple nodes
ensures that any single node (or even multiple nodes) going down will not affect your
ability to access and modify your data. However, it does absolutely nothing to protect you
from accidental data modifications or deletes. That is what a backup gives you: the ability
to roll back the clock on a mistake and revert to a previous state of the database.
There’s another option available to you that somewhat combines these two options:
delayed external replication. You can set up a replication target that has a certain amount
of lag built in. For example, you can specify that you want a six-hour delay in replication.
This means that any change made to your system will not be reflected on the replica for six
hours. This gives you a hot node that you can refer to and from which you can recover lost
or modified data.

Restoring is done locally

When you restore a database, you always provide a file path. This is a path for the specific
node that you are restoring from, and the path is local to this node. The database will also
be restored only to that specific node. This local restoration has several interesting
First, you need a file path: a way to expose the backups to RavenDB. This is easy enough
when you are backing up to a local path in the first place, but what happens if you have
backed up to Azure Blob Storage or to Amazon S3? In those cases, you will usually
download the files to your local machine and then restore them from the local path.
Alternatively, you can use projects such as S3FS-FUSE and BlobFUSE to mount cloud storage
as a normal volume in your system. This will allow RavenDB to access the data directly
from these systems without having to first download it to the local machine, and that can
save some time in the restoration process.
The second implication of the local restore is that if you want to restore a database to
multiple nodes, the typical process is to restore it on one node and then modify the
database group topology to spread it to the other nodes. Part of the reason that we make
the database available immediately after backup, even before the indexes have had a
chance to run, is that doing so allows us to start replicating the data to other nodes in the
cluster as soon as possible.

Restoring to multiple nodes at the same time

As already mentioned previously, restoring from backup can be a lengthy process. Even
though we don’t recommend that treating backups as time-sensitive operations, you are
likely to want to spend as little time on them as possible. One option for decreasing the
time backups take is restoring databases to multiple nodes at the same time.
The idea is that restoring to multiple nodes at once cuts out the secondary step of
replicating data to the other nodes in the cluster after the initial node restore is completed.
The problem with this approach is that it ignores the real cost of data transfer. In most
cases, you’ll restore to the node where you have the latest backup because that is the node
that will take the least amount of time to restore on. Then, once you have the database up
and running, you can expand it at your leisure.
Restoring the database on other nodes simultaneously will require copying all the backup
data to the other nodes and then restoring there as well. This is doable, but it rarely speeds
up the entire process in any significant way, and it usually adds overhead. There are other
issues as well. When restoring from a full backup to multiple nodes, each instance will
generate its own separate change vectors for each document. RavenDB is able to handle
that and can reconcile such changes automatically, but it still means that each of the nodes
will have to send all the data to all the other nodes to compare between them.
The process is slightly different when using snapshots. Because snapshots are binary
clones of the database from a specified time, restoring on multiple nodes can be done
without generating different change vectors. This means that the databases can detect early
on that the data they have is identical without even having to send it over the network. For
this reason, I’m only going to explain how to perform a multiple node restore for snapshots
(and still, it’s probably not something that you should usually do). Here is what you’ll need
to do:
• Ensure that on all the nodes in the cluster you want to restore on, you have a way to
access the data. You could do this by copying it to each machine, having it shared on
the network or using mount tools such as S3FS-FUSE and the like. If you are using
some sort of shared option (such as network drive, NAS or some form of a cloud drive)
you have to take into account that the nodes might compete with one another for the
I/O resources to read from the shared resource.
• On the first node, restore the database using the original name (users.northwind, for
example). On the other nodes, restore the database using different names
(users.northwind.1, users.northwind.2).
• Wait for the restore process to complete on all the nodes.
• Soft delete the additional databases on each of the nodes. This will remove the
databases from the cluster but retain the data files on disk.
• On each of these nodes, rename the database folder on file to the proper database
name (users.northwind).
• Expand the database group to all the other relevant nodes (so users.northwind will
be on nodes A, B and C).
What does this process do? First, it restores the database on all the nodes in parallel, under
different names. Because a snapshot is a binary copy of the database, the nodes end up with
the same data on disk. We then soft delete the databases on all but one of the nodes and
rename the database folders to the proper name on disk. When we add new nodes to the
database, the new topology will be sent to all the nodes in the database group. Each of these
nodes will open the database at the specified path and find the already restored data there.
For large restores, following these steps can save you quite a bit of time, though it will be at
the expense of giving more work to the operator. You’ll need to decide whether that’s
worth it for your scenario or not.
This process works because the change vectors across all the databases instances are the
same, so there is no need to reconcile the data between the nodes. Since you’re looking to
reduce restoration time, I’m assuming you have a not trivial amount of data. If you use a full
backup instead of a snapshot, each node will generate different change vectors and each
database instance will have to compare its documents to the other nodes’. This will work,
mind you, but it can take time and a lot of network traffic.
It’s true that any incremental backups that are applied to the snapshot restore will have the
exact same problem. But I’m assuming that the amount of modified documents in this case
is small enough that it effectively won’t matter. The nodes will just need to reconcile the
differences between the change vectors of the documents that were changed since the last
full snapshot. That is unlikely to be a significant number of documents, so the process
should finish quickly.

Restoring encrypted databases

We talked about encryption in detail in Chapter 14, so I’m going to focus here on just the
practical details of handling the restoration of encrypted databases. In practice, there are
three scenarios that interest us in this regard:
• Restoring a full backup.
• Restoring an encrypted snapshot.
• Restoring a non-encrypted snapshot.
If you look at Figure 17.8, you’ll see that the restore dialog has an Encryption dialog, which
is how you’ll define the encryption options for the restored database. For a database
restored from backup, the data isn’t encrypted in the backup file. Defining an encryption
key will encrypt the newly restored database.
When you restore from an encrypted snapshot, you must provide the encryption key (in the
Encryption dialog) during the restore process. The encryption key is not stored in the
snapshot, and you must retrieve it from your own records. (When you create a new
database with encryption, it will prompt you to save the encryption key to a safe location.)
Once you provide the encryption key for the snapshot, the database will be restored
normally and any incremental updates that happened after the snapshot was taken will be
encrypted and stored in the database.111
When restoring an unencrypted snapshot, you cannot provide an encryption key. You must
first restore the snapshot and then export/import the data to a separate encrypted

In this chapter, we have gone over the backup and restore procedures for RavenDB. More
importantly, we started by understanding how the RavenDB backup process works by
looking into exactly what backup options are available to you with RavenDB. The first
choice you have is between backup and snapshot. A snapshot is a full binary clone of the
database at a particular point in time. It’s compressed, but is typically fairly large. A backup
(full or incremental), on the other hand, is a compressed JSON format that tends to be much
smaller than a snapshot. Snapshots reduce restoration time, while backups take up a lot
less space (particularly important for backups that you might retain for years).
We discussed what exactly is included in a backup or snapshot, from obvious things like
documents and attachments to less-obvious things like data that is usually stored at the
cluster level (such as indexes, identities and compare exchange values). All of these are
bundled into a single location and can be restored as a single unit.
Then we delved into who actually runs backups, which led to an exploration of the way the
RavenDB cluster assigns ownership of backup tasks and how tasks get executed. In general,
RavenDB will always ensure that someone is going to run the backup process to keep your
data safe. That includes moving ownership of the backup process between nodes if there
are failures and gracefully recovering from such failures.
We then turned to how backups get scheduled. RavenDB expects the administrator to set
up a backup schedule and leave everything else at the hands of RavenDB. The automatic

111It’s important to remember that while the snapshot itself is encrypted, the incremental
updates made since the snapshot was taken are not encrypted and are storing the data in
plain text mode.
scheduling of full and incremental backups alongside the ability to shift backup ownership
means that the administrator can relax and let RavenDB do its job. The only thing the
administrator really needs to consider is what kind of cleanup policy should be in place for
old backups. Everything else is handled for you.
RavenDB goes to great lengths to make sure that you’re aware of the backup state of your
database, and it will explicitly warn you if a database hasn’t been backed up properly. You
can also inspect quite a lot of details about backups to verify what is going on in this regard.
The other side of backups is actually restoring databases to their previous states. We talked
about how to use the RavenDB Studio to restore a backup to a node and how to select the
appropriate point in time to which the database will restore. Remember, restoring a
database from backup takes time and can impact operations; you should not rely on “let’s
restore from backup” as a failover strategy.
Restoring a database is done on a single node, typically reading from local storage.112 After
the database restore has completed, you can expand the database group to additional
nodes in the cluster. It’s also important that you remember to disable ongoing tasks during
restoration if you’re restoring for a secondary purpose (such as checking the state of the
database at a particular point in time), rather than recovering from losing a database.
Databases are usually restored to a single node, but we also discussed some options for
reducing recovery time by restoring a database to multiple nodes at once. This is a manual
operation that has quite a few moving steps. If you can avoid it, restoring to a single node
and then replicating the data from that node is often easier, simpler and in some cases,
even faster.
We concluded the chapter with a short discussion on restoring encrypted databases,
although the topic was covered in more depth in Chapter 14. Our next (and last) chapter is
right around the corner, where we’ll discuss operational recipes—–specific scenarios you
might run into in your day-to-day work maintaining RavenDB clusters––and how best to
deal with them.

Operational recipes
This chapter mostly consists of walkthroughs of particular tasks that you might need to do
when operating a RavenDB cluster. This isn’t meant to replace the online documentation,
but to complement it. I tried to cover most of the common scenarios that you might run
into in your systems. Beyond using this as a reference, I also suggest going through the
various recipes to get some insights about how such issues are resolved.
Many of the methods listed in this chapter aren’t new; we have covered them in previous
chapters. Here they are just laid out in practical terms as a set of operations to achieve a
specific goal.

112You can also set up cloud storage mount volumes using external tools, which will be
exposed to RavenDB as a local path.
Before we start, I want to mention something quite important. Each of these recipes is
meant to be used to solve the specific problem for which it is introduced. These recipes
often include deep assumptions about what is going on, and it is not safe to blindly apply
these techniques to other situations or without following the exact same procedures listed
This chapter is where we learn how to make fixes to the system while it is running.
RavenDB was explicitly designed to allow for such things. However, you are still modifying
a live system, often when it is already stressed or in partial/full failure mode. The recipes
here will help you escape such scenarios, but mistakes can cause hard failures.
Now that I’ve finished scaring you, let’s get to the real meat of this chapter. I included
specific warnings for common issues that you might want to pay attention to, and you’ll
probably conclude that it isn’t that scary.

Cluster recipes
The cluster is the workhorse that users of RavenDB rarely think about. The cluster is
responsible for managing all the nodes in the cluster, assigning work, monitoring the health
of the nodes, etc. Most of the time, you set up the cluster once and then let it do its thing.
This section discusses when you need to go in and intervene. The usual reason for
intervention is that you want to modify your cluster topology. The cluster topology isn’t
meant to be static, and RavenDB explicitly supports online modifications of the topology, so
there isn’t a high level of complexity involved. But there are some details that you should
take into account.

Adding a new node to the cluster

At some point, you’re going to want to add a new node to your cluster. Most of the time, you
set up the cluster as a whole using the setup wizard, so you might not even be aware how
to add a node.
Prerequisites for the new node
I’m assuming that you are running in a secured mode (the only reason you wouldn’t be is if you’re playing around
on the local machine). Running in secured mode means that in order to add the new node, you need to have
mutual trust between the new node and the existing cluster. The easiest way to establish this trust is to use a
single wildcard certificate for all the nodes in the cluster. Because the new node is using the same certificate as the
rest of the cluster, the cluster will intrinsically trust the remote node and accept it. If you don’t have the same
certificate for all nodes, you’ll need to register the cluster certificate in the new node using rvn admin-
channel and then the trustServerCert command.

You’ll have to take care of the certificate (it is easiest to use a single wildcard certificate for
all the nodes in the cluster, although that is not required), DNS updates, firewall
configuration, etc. I’m assuming that all of this has been properly set up ahead of time.
There’s nothing special about that part of the preparation.
When you start a new node for the first time, it defaults to using Setup.Mode=Initial and
will start the setup wizard. This is not what you want in this case. Take a look at the
settings.json file from one of your existing cluster nodes and use that as the template for
the configuration of the new node. You’ll have to change the ServerUrl, PublicServerUrl,
ServerUrl.Tcp and PublicServerUrl.Tcp options to match the new node location. Beyond
that, keep the configuration identical. While it is possible to run with different
configurations on different nodes, it is not recommended; too high a variance of some
options will cause errors.
Once you are done with the configuration, you can start the new node. Connect to it and
you’ll see the studio as usual, but obviously without any databases or documents in there.
This new node is currently running in passive mode, so it has not yet been determined
whether the new node will be joined to an existing cluster or form a completely new
cluster. A new cluster will be formed if you create a new database or set up client
certificates: basically, if you do anything that shows you are preparing this node to stand on
its own.
Once you have verified that the new node is up, running and accessible——but remember:
don’t perform any actions on the new node!——go to an existing node and head to Manage
Server, Cluster and then to Add Node to cluster. You can see how this will look in
Figure 18.1.

Adding a new node to an existing cluster

Figure 18.1 shows the new node screen. There isn’t much there, because you don’t need to
do much beyond provide the URL of the new node to add to the cluster. Once you click on
the Add button, the cluster will connect to the new node, add it to the topology and start
updating it with the current state of the system. The node will switch to the Promotable
In the Promotable state, the node is part of the cluster in the sense that it is getting updates,
but does not take part in votes and cannot for the cluster leadership. When the cluster is
finished updating the new node with the existing cluster state, the cluster will move the
node into the Member state. At this point, the new node will be able to become a leader and
its vote will be counted by the cluster.
Even though the node has been added to the cluster and can potentially become the leader,
it is still missing something. It has no databases. RavenDB will not auto-move databases
between nodes when you add or remove a node from the cluster. This is left to the
discretion of the operations team. New databases created on the cluster will take the new
node into account, and the cluster may decide to migrate databases from a failed node to
the new node, but these are rather exceptional circumstances.
You’ll typically wait until the node is fully joined to the cluster and then tell RavenDB to
start migrating specific databases to the new node yourself. Remember that this process is
transparent to the client and will not impact the usual operations in any manner.

Removing a node from the cluster

The flip side of adding a node to the cluster is removing a node. The how of this is pretty
simple, as you can see in Figure 18.2.

Cluster node in the Cluster view; the red trash icon allows you to remove the node from the
In Figure 18.2, you can see the nodes view in the studio. The red trash icon at the top right
allows you to remove the node from the cluster. Clicking it will cause the cluster to remove
the node. But what does this mean?
At the cluster level, it means that the node will be removed (obviously). Any database
groups that contain this node will have the node removed from the database group and the
replication factor adjusted accordingly. Any databases that reside only on this node will be
removed from the cluster entirely.
At the removed node level, the node will revert back to passive mode. It will still be
accessible, but the databases that reside on the node will be unloaded. You’ll need to either
rejoin the node to the cluster or let it know that it should form a new cluster in order for
the databases on this node to become available again. This is done to avoid having clients
or ETL tasks talk to the now isolated database instance on the node that was removed from
the cluster.
Forming a new cluster is a one-way option. After the new node has been moved away from
being passive, you cannot add it back to the previous cluster——or any other cluster, for
that matter. A cluster can only add empty nodes or nodes that were previously attached to
that same cluster.
When a new cluster is formed on the formerly passive node, the topology of all the
database groups is adjusted. All database groups that include the current node are shrunk
to include just the current node. All database groups that do not contain the current node
are removed.
Don’t create a new cluster with the old URL
Forming a new cluster on the removed node is fine, but you should make sure that this is done with a new URL.
This is to avoid the case of a client using an old URL or ETL task that hasn’t been updated. The new cluster will
share the same security configuration, and you’ll want to avoid existing clients and tasks talking to the newly
independent node while thinking they are talking to the cluster as a whole.

All other cluster-wide settings, such as the certificates and database access authorization,
remain the same. You should take that into account if you intend to keep the node around
after removing it from the cluster.

Migrating a node between machines

Node migration can happen for any number of reasons. The most obvious one is that the
server IP has changed, and you need to update the cluster topology. For this reason, among
many others, it is not recommended to use raw IPs in the cluster topology. Instead, use
proper URLs and DNS to control the name resolution.
This way, moving node C from to can be done simply by updating the
DNS of to the new value and forcing a DNS flush. You can do that with machine
names, of course, but that would just shift the problem if you need to change the host
machine. A good example is if you set up a RavenDB node on prodsrv1 and you need to
move it to prodsrv3. Since prodsrv1 is used for other services, you cannot just change the
Use dedicated DNS entries for RavenDB nodes
Avoid using IPs or hostnames for RavenDB nodes. The easiest option is to have a DNS entry for each RavenDB node
that can be changed directly if needed. This can make changing the physical topology of the cluster as easy as
running a DNS update. This section focuses on how to handle cases when you did not do that.

I’m assuming that you have to move a node here by updating the cluster topology, not just
updating the DNS. There are a few things you need to do to ensure that the transition is
handled properly, starting with obtaining a certificate for the new node URL. Once that’s
done, the process is simple.
We’ll assume that you have a cluster of three nodes——A, B and C——and that you want to
move node C to a different machine. The first thing to do is to shut down node C. Then go to
one of the other nodes and remove node C from the cluster. You can also do things in the
reverse order (first remove node C and then shut it down). It doesn’t really matter.
Move node C to another machine, set up the certificate and update the ServerUrl,
PublicServerUrl, ServerUrl.Tcp and PublicServerUrl.Tcp options in the
settings.json file. Then go to node A or B and follow the same procedure to add a new
node to the cluster. This node will be re-added to the cluster (while still being called node
C). RavenDB will remember the node and perform all the necessary hookups to make sure
that the newly added node returns to its rightful place in the cluster.
Replacing a node on the fly
What happens if a node in the cluster suffers a catastrophic failure? For example, let’s
assume that node C had a hard disk failure and went down completely. You restore the
machine, but all the cluster data and databases on node C are gone. What’s the best way to
handle this scenario?
Because node C is effectively suffering from amnesia, the first thing we need to do is go to
the cluster and demote it from a full member to a watcher. We’ll discuss this in more detail
in the next section, but the core idea here is that we want to avoid giving node C any
decision-making power (which, as a full member node, it has) until it recovers from its
period of forgetfulness.
Once node C has been demoted to a watcher, we can let the cluster handle the rest. Just
start up RavenDB again, and since node C has no data, it will start up as a passive node.
Because it will be using an existing node URL, the cluster will connect to it and update it
with the cluster’s current state, including any databases that should reside on node C. The
other nodes with databases that also reside on C will start replicating the data back to node
In short order, the cluster will make sure that node C is restored to full functionality, has all
of its relevant data, is up to speed and can once again be a contributing member of the
cluster. At this point, you can promote it to a full member again.
We talked about members and watchers in Chapter 7, but I figure a refresher is probably in

Promoting and demoting nodes in the cluster

The nodes in a RavenDB cluster can be in the following states: Member, Promotable, and
Watcher. A member node is a fully functional part of the cluster, able to cast votes and be
elected as the leader. Typically, a cluster will have up to seven members at any given time.
A promotable member is one that is currently in the process of catching up with the state of
the cluster and is typically only seen when you add a new node to the cluster.
A watcher is a member of the cluster that is managed by the cluster (assigned work,
monitored, etc.) but has no way of impacting the cluster. It isn’t asked to vote on commands
and it can’t be elected leader. Once your cluster grows beyond seven nodes, you’ll typically
start adding new nodes as watchers instead of as full members. This is to reduce latency for
cluster-wide operations by involving a smaller number of nodes.
In Figure 18.1, you can see the Add node as Watcher option, which will add a new node to
the cluster as a watcher. You can also demote member nodes to watchers and promote
watchers to be full members. Figure 18.2 shows the Demote button for node D.
You’ll typically only demote a node when you are recovering from some sort of fatal error
that caused amnesia, as was discussed in the previous section. Alternatively, you might
want to shift the responsibility of the cluster to the newer, more powerful nodes. The nodes
in RavenDB are all homogenous; the only difference is the roles they are assigned. Any
watcher node can become a member node and vice versa.

Bringing up a cluster from a single surviving node

All the cluster-wide operations (adding/removing nodes) require that the cluster itself be
healthy. A healthy cluster is one where a majority of the nodes are able to communicate
with one another. There are certain disastrous cases where that doesn’t hold. In a three-
node cluster, if you lose two of the nodes, your cluster goes down until one of the failed
nodes recovers.
However, what happens if the cluster can’t recover? Imagine that you have a hard failure on
both of your machines, leaving you with a sole surviving node. What do you do? You can’t
remove the failed node from the cluster because there is no majority of surviving nodes to
confirm this decision.
At this point, there’s a nuclear option you can use: unilaterally seceding from the cluster. As
you can imagine, this is considered to be a rude operation and not something to be handled
lightly. This feature exists to deal only with these specific circumstances. It will forcibly
update the internal cluster topology on a node without waiting for a majority vote on the
cluster and create a new single-node cluster.
This can be achieved only through the Admin JS Console that we discussed in Chapter 16.
Go to Manager Server, Admin JS Console and ensure that you are running in the context
of the server, then run the command in Listing 18.1.
return server.ServerStore.Engine.HardResetToNewCluster();

This command will output the new topology ID. You can now go to the Cluster view and
see that there is only a single node in this cluster now and that the current node is the
leader. At this point, you’ll be able to run cluster-wide operations, such as adding a new
node to the cluster.
A small wrinkle here is that RavenDB validates that a node added to the cluster is either a
brand new node or was previously part of the same cluster. Because the node has seceded,
it is now its own cluster. This can be an issue if you lost three out of five nodes in a cluster.
In this case, you have two nodes that are up, but you don’t have a majority to change the
cluster topology.
Do not pull the emergency handbrake
Calling HardResetToNewCluster(), like everything else under the Admin JS Console, is provided with an
important caveat. The hard reset will modify the internal structure of RavenDB in a very invasive way. It’s meant to
be used only in the most dire of emergencies.
Before calling HardResetToNewCluster(), you should verify that there is no other usage of the system. This
kind of operation should be done in isolation from outside interference; if not, you might see bad system behavior
or unexpected results.

In order to recover from permanently losing three out of five nodes in the cluster, you must
cause one of the nodes to secede from the cluster. But when you cause a node to secede, it
will form its own single-node cluster. Let’s assume that you have only nodes A and B
remaining from a five-nodes cluster. We can’t just move to a single-node cluster, because
each of them will be its own separate cluster. We need to take a slightly more complex
series of steps.
On node A, run the HardResetToNewCluster command and note the topology ID that is
provided. On node B, in the Admin JS Console, you’ll need to execute the command shown
in Listing 18.2 (remember to update the topology ID from the previous step).
// the topology id from Listing 18.1 goes here

Listing 18.2 shows the command to secede from the existing cluster in favor of a new one.
This will also mark node B, where this command was run, as passive. You’ll need to go to
node A (where HardResetToNewCluster was run) and add node B to the cluster again. If the
live nodes aren’t named nodes A and B, by the way, this process will rename them to be
nodes A and B.
Which node should be made passive?
In such a disaster scenario, it is not uncommon to have different surviving nodes each with its own specific view of
the state of the cluster and the command log. It is imperative that you select the node with the most up-to-date
command log to be the one that resets to a new topology.
You can use the /admin/cluster/log endpoint to check the status of the command log on each of the nodes.
The node with the highest CommitIndex and the latest log in the Entries array is the one you should run
HardResetToNewCluster on; HardResetToPassive should be run on the other(s).

At this point, you’ll have a two-node cluster and can start adding brand new nodes as usual.
This process is only valid for nodes that are part of the same cluster. It is not possible to use
this process to merge clusters. In general, this should be treated as an option of last resort.

Database recipes
So far, we’ve talked a lot about all the things that happen to RavenDB at the cluster level.
These are important to understand, but they’re not things you’ll have to deal with on a day-
to-day basis. It is far more common to deal with operations at the individual database level.
To clarify the terminology: a database in RavenDB can refer to a database group (a named
database in the cluster, which resides on one or more nodes) or a database instance (a
named databased on a particular node in the cluster). We don’t usually have to distinguish
between them because RavenDB lets you work at the database group- or database
instance-level transparently.
We can look at the databases from any node without needing to specify which node we are
talking to for each database. Topology updates are handled automatically, and you usually
don’t care what database instance you are talking to for a particular operation. RavenDB
handles all of that for you behind the scenes.
This is all thanks to the fact that RavenDB stores the database group topology on all the
nodes in the cluster. This is what allows any node in the cluster to tell a client where to find
the database, regardless of if this particular node hosts an instance of this database or not.

Reordering nodes and why it matters

You can see the database group topology in the studio by clicking on the Manage group
button on the Databases page. This will take you to the Manage Database Group page, as
you can see in Figure 18.3.

Examining the database group topology in the studio

If you look closely at Figure 18.3, you might notice something odd. The order of the nodes
there is wrong. It goes [A, C, B] but obviously it should be sorted alphabetically, no? What
is going on?
The order of the elements in the topology matters, and RavenDB allows you to control that
order using the Reorder nodes button. But why is the order of nodes so important? Put
simply: this is the priority list that clients will use when deciding which node in the
database group they will talk to.
Usually, RavenDB will manage the list on its own, deciding the order in which nodes should
talk to the different nodes as well as the other tasks that are assigned to this database
group. If the cluster detects that a node is down, it will drop that node to the bottom of the
list and alert the clients.
Clients, for their part, will use the list to decide which node to call whenever they need to
query RavenDB. If the node they choose is down, they will automatically fail over to the
next node on the list. Note that in this case, both the cluster and the clients are working
both cooperatively and independently of one another. The cluster gives its opinion on the
best node to use at
any given point. If the cluster is able to reach a node and the client isn’t, the client can still
fail over to the other nodes in the topology.
After the topology of the database groups has changed, the client will update their topology
for the next request. This is done by the server setting a header in response to a request
that lets the client know the server topology has changed. In practice, this means that any
change to the topology is usually visible to all clients within a very short amount of time.
That leads to interesting options. For example, you can use this feature to shape the way
the clients will talk to a particular node. You can move a node to the bottom of the list to
keep clients from talking to it (assuming no round robin or fastest node options are in
place). You can also move a node to the top so that clients will prefer to use that particular
This is useful if you need to take a node down and want to gracefully move traffic away
from it instead of having clients fail (and then recover by failing over to another node in the
database group).

Moving a database between nodes

A database instance is the term used to refer to a specific database inside a particular node.
Sometimes, for whatever reason, you want to move a database instance between nodes.
There are a few ways of doing this, from the easy (letting RavenDB do it for you) to the less
easy (when you do everything yourself). We’ll discuss the easy way to do things in just a
bit, but right now I want to focus on the manual mode.
If there’s an easy way, why would you go through the trouble of doing this manually?
Mostly because in some specific cases (by no means all of them, mind) it can be faster to do
things directly. Walking you through the manual process of moving the database between
nodes also gives you good exposure of how RavenDB is actually managing databases
internally and may be helpful in other situations.
The way RavenDB is actually managing your databases across the cluster is interesting. At
the cluster level, RavenDB coordinates between the various nodes to achieve consensus on
the Database Record. The Database Record is a JSON document that describes a particular
database. You can see it by going into one of the databases, then to Settings, Database
Record. Listing 18.3 shows a (simplified) example of such a database record.
"DatabaseName": "Northwind.Orders",
"Disabled": false,
"Encrypted": false,
"Topology": {
"Members": [
"DynamicNodesDistribution": false,
"ReplicationFactor": 2
"Indexes": {
"Orders/ByCompany": {
"Name": "Orders/ByCompany",
"Priority": "Normal",
"LockMode": "Unlock",
"Maps": [
"from order in docs.Orders /* redacted */"
"Reduce": "from result in results /* redacted */",
"Type": "MapReduce"
"Revisions": {
"Collections": {
"Orders": {
"Disabled": false,
"PurgeOnDelete": false
"PeriodicBackups": [],
"ExternalReplications": [],
"RavenEtls": [],
"SqlEtls": [],
"Etag": 113

What you see in Listing 18.3 is what goes on behind the scenes. You have the database
topology (the members of the database group), you have the index definitions and
revisions configurations and you can see where we define tasks for the database. When I
talk about the cluster managing the database, what I mean is that the cluster mutates this
document and ensures that all nodes in the cluster have consistent views of it.
The database instance managed at the node level is, to use a very crude definition, just the
set of files that make up the data on that node. How does all of this relate to moving a
database between nodes? Well, let’s see.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
This isn’t magic. RavenDB uses the Database Record to tell databases where they need to go, and when a
database is assigned to a node, the node will create an instance. A database instance is the set of files, threads and
in-memory data structures required to handle queries and operations.

The first thing to do when manually moving a database between nodes is to actually
remove the database from the original node. You can either soft delete the database (if it
exists on only a single node) or remove it (using soft delete) from the database group. This
can be done in the Manage Database Group view under the database’s Settings. You can
see how this looks in Figure 18.4.

Removing a database from a node can be done using soft delete, leaving the database files
This soft delete measure leaves the database files on the disk. Furthermore, it also means
that the RavenDB server on the original node will close all the file handles and release any
resources associated with this database. At this point and at this point only, we can take the
database folder and move it to another machine.
Don’t make a habit of schlepping databases around manually
It is generally not safe to muck about in the RavenDB directory. That is true for users in general as well as other
things like antiviruses, file system indexing, file monitoring, etc. RavenDB has firm ideas about how it interacts with
the disk. Interfering with its I/O can cause issues.
In this case, we have started off by explicitly shutting down the database (by soft deleting it). This gives RavenDB
the chance to do a graceful shutdown: closing all the file handles and freeing all related resources. This is the only
reason it is OK for us to muck about in RavenDB’s data directory.

You’re going through all this trouble because you want to move the database folder to
another machine. This presupposes that you have some way to get the data from one
machine to the other that’s faster than sending it over the network. This can happen when
you have so large a database that it’s faster to literally move the disk from one machine to
Another scenario is when your “disk” is actually a cloud storage volume. This allows you to
detach it from one machine and then attach it to another with relative ease. In this case,
moving the data manually might be worth this hassle. Otherwise, just use RavenDB’s built-
in replication for this scenario.
This is not going to work to clone a database
You might be tempted to use this approach to quickly clone a new database when you want to add a new node to
the database group. This will not work because the internal database ID will be the same across multiple nodes,
something that is not allowed and can cause complex issues down the road. RavenDB will not be able to tell where
exactly a specific change happens, so it will not be able to tell if documents should be replicated to the other nodes
or not.
This approach is only valid if you remove the data from the old node entirely so there is just one copy of the
database with the same database ID.

Once you have the database directory on the other machine, make sure that it is in the
expected path on the destination and add it to the new node. When updating the Database
Record, RavenDB will open the directory and find the pre-existing files there. From that
point on, it will just proceed normally.

Renaming a database
Given the previous topic, can you guess how you’ll rename a database with RavenDB? All
you need to do is soft delete the database and then recreate it on the same path but with a
new name.
There are a few things that you need to pay attention to when renaming databases. Only
the database-level data is going to be preserved in this scenario. Tasks and data at the
cluster level will not be retained, which includes tasks such as subscriptions, backups, ETLs,
etc. This also includes database data that is stored at the cluster level, such as identities and
compare-exchange values.
In short, don’t do this. If you want to rename a database, the proper way to do it is to back
up and restore the database under a different name.

Expanding and shrinking the Database Group

I mentioned earlier that there is an easy way to move a database between nodes. It’s quite
simple: first expand the database group to include the new node, wait for replication to
complete and then remove the node you want from the group.
You can do this from the Settings, Manage Database Group view. Expanding the Database
Group to include a new node is as simple as clicking on Add node to group and selecting
which node you want to add. Once that is done, the RavenDB cluster will create the
database on the new node and assign one of the existing nodes in the database group for
the initial seeding of data.
The Manage Database Group view will allow you to monitor the status of the initial seeding
until the cluster detects that the new node is up to speed and promotes it to full member
status. At this point, you can remove another node from the database group and the cluster
will adjust accordingly.
Given what we’ve already learned, you’ll probably first take the node that is about to be
removed from the database group and move it lower in the priority list, then wait a bit to
give clients the chance to learn about the new topology and connect to another server. This
way, when you eventually do remove the node, no client will be talking to it.
Removing the last node in the group will delete the database
Removing a node can be done as either a soft delete (you keep the files, as we previously discussed) or a hard
delete. If the node you’re removing is the last node in the database group, the database will be removed from the
cluster even if you choose a soft delete. The same rules about the cluster-level data apply as when we talked about
the wrong way to rename a database.
A soft delete of the last node in a database group will keep the database-level data intact on that node, but all the
cluster data (tasks, identities, compare exchange values, etc.) will be removed from the cluster.
The advantage of this method for the operations team is obvious: very little hand-holding is
required. Expanding the group means that RavenDB will handle all the details of moving
the data to the other node(s) and setting everything up.
The downside is that it requires RavenDB to do a fair amount of work: effectively read the
entire database, send it over the network and on the other side, write out the entire
database. This is intentionally handled in such a way that will not impact overall operations
too much. The idea is that the stability of the cluster is more important than raw speed.
This might sound like we’ved intentionally throttled things down, but nothing could be
further from the truth. We’ve taken care to ensure that adding a new node won’t consume
so many resources as to be prohibitively expensive. After all, the most common reason for
adding another node is wanting to share an already high load.

Scaling database under load

RavenDB contains several features that allow you to scale your systems easily. Among the
abilities available to you are distribution of tasks across the nodes in the database group
and load balancing between the nodes.
If you start seeing a very high load on your system, what options do you have? The first
thing you sould do is to look at the kind of client configuration you have. This is available in
Settings, Client Configuration, as shown in Figure 18.5.

The client configuration allows you to change clients’ load balancing behavior on the fly
Client configuration, just like the cluster topology, is defined on the cluster and
disseminated to clients automatically. This means that if the configuration isn’t set, the first
thing you should do is to set the Read balance behavior to Round Robin and wait a bit.
You’ll see how clients start distributing their reads across the entire database group.
Changing the load balancing behavior can change system behavior
This may sounds obvious, but if you change the Read balance behavior to Round Robin (or Fastest
Node), you’ll change the behavior of the system. Of course this is what you want, so why am I mentioning this?
Because this also changes externally observed behavior. A write to one server followed by a load-balanced read
from another may cause you to read the data from another server. That can cause you to miss the just written
value because it hasn’t been replicated yet. This isn’t just a “make things faster” setting; you need to understand
what this means to your application before setting it.
Under the gun, you may accept the potential for a (what is likely to be very rare) issue like that until you can come
back from the precipice. But in general, you want to change to this setting with full understanding of the impact it
will have on your system. We discussed this setting in more detail in Chapter 6.
If you do have this value already set up and RavenDB seems to be struggling even with the
load split among the different nodes of the database group, the obvious next step is to add
new nodes to the group. This specific scenario is why RavenDB favors stability over speed
when you add a new node. Only one single node in the group will be in charge of updating
the new node, and even on that single node, we’ll ensure that we send the data at a rate that
both sender and receiver can handle without choking.
So while it’s possible to scale under load, it’s (quite obviously) not recommended. If you
have a large database, the initial seeding may take a while. During this time, you don’t have
any extra capacity; in fact, the replication is actually taking (some limited amount) of
system resources. If at all possible, try to scale your systems ahead of time or during idle
periods, rather than under the highest load.
If you do find yourself in this situation, remember that because the initial seeding of a new
node happens from a single designated node, you can actually add multiple nodes to the
database group at the same time and they will be assigned to different nodes. In some
cases, this can significantly help with reducing time and increasing overall capacity.

Miscellaneous operational tasks

Beyond managing the cluster and the databases, you also have operational concerns inside
particular databases. This section touches on some of the issues that can come up in these
cases and will provide you with options on how to resolve them.
We’re going to go over some RavenDB features we’ve already discussed. This time around,
we’re going to see how these features can be applied and chained together to achieve some
really nice results.

Offline query optimization

We discussed RavenDB’s query optimizer and its ability to detect changes to the
operational environment (such as deployment of a new release of your software with
different queries). Under such conditions, the query optimizer will adjust the indexes on
the database to better serve the new behavior.
You can do this in production on live deploy; in fact, this feature is explicitly meant to be
used in such a scenario. However, in many cases, it is valuable to avoid having the
adjustment period take place during live production. Instead, we recommend doing this on
the side and introducing the changes to production at an early enough date such that by the
time the new code is deployed, the database is already expecting the changes. So, how do
you go about doing this?
Use a separate instance of your database (such as the UAT/QA instance) and run the new
version of your application against that instance. At this point, I suggest running your load
test procedure and encouraging users to click around randomly. Basically, exercise your
system to make it query the database.
The query optimizer on the database will analyze all this activity and create the relevant
indexes for you. After a while, you’ll see that the system is now in a steady state. There is
enough information now that all the queries in use are being properly served by indexes.
At this point, go to the database and export just the indexes. This will export any static
indexes you have created on the database, but most importantly, it will export any
automatic indexes that were created by the query optimizer. You can now take the indexes
export and import it on your production system.
This will introduce the new indexes to production. RavenDB will start building them on the
fly, replacing older indexes once the indexing is done. You can monitor that process and
wait until all the additional indexing activity has completed. Because your application isn’t
going to be using the new indexes, there will be very little impact while they are being
built.113 Once the indexes are done, you can deploy your new version to production
knowing that you already taught the database what to expect.

Daisy-chaining data
In Chapter 11, we talked about using MapReduce indexes and their ability to output results
to a collection. In Chapter 8, we talked about ETL processes and how we can use them to
push some data to another database (a RavenDB database or a relational one). Bringing
these two features together can be surprisingly useful when you start talking about global
distributed processing.
A concrete example might make this easier to understand. Imagine a shoe store (we’ll go
with Gary’s Shoes) that needs to track sales across a large number of locations. Because
sales must be processed regardless of the connection status, each store hosts a RavenDB
server to record its sales. Figure 18.6 shows the geographic distribution of the stores.

113Make sure that any changes to the static indexes you make are backward compatible,
otherwise queries may fail once the indexes complete and the side-by-side index is
promoted to be the active index.
Gary’s Shoes locations (and the locations of the servers)
To properly manage this chain of stores, we need to be able to look at data across all stores.
One way of doing this is to set up external replication from each store location to a central
server. This way, all the data is aggregated into a single location. In most cases, this would
be the natural thing to do. In fact, you would probably want two-way replication of most of
the data so you could figure out if a given store has a specific shoe in stock by just looking
at the local copy of its inventory.
But for the purpose of this discussion, we’ll assume that there are enough shoe sales that
we don’t actually want to have all the sales replicated. We just want some aggregated data.
But we want this data aggregated across all stores, not just at one individual store. Here’s
how we can handle this: we’ll define an index that would aggregate the sales across the
dimensions that we care about (model, date, demographic, etc.).
This index can answer the kind of queries we want, but it is defined on the database for
each store so it can only provide information about local sales, not what happens across all
the stores. Let’s fix that. We’ll change the index to have an output collection. This will cause
it to write all its output as documents to a dedicated collection.
Why does this matter? These documents will be written to solely by the index, but given
that they are documents, they obey all the usual rules and can be acted upon like any other
document. In particular, this means that we can apply an ETL process to them. Figure 18.7
shows what this ETL script would look like.

ETL script to send aggregated sales to a central server

The script sends the aggregated sales (the collection generated by the MapReduce index) to
a central server. Note that we also added some static fields that will be helpful on the
remote server so as to be able to tell which store each aggregated sale came from. At the
central server, you can work with these aggregated sales documents to each store’s details,
or you can aggregate them again to see the state across the entire chain.
The nice things about this approach are the combination of features and their end result. At
the local level, you have independent servers that can work seamlessly with an unreliable
network. They also give store managers a good overview of their local states and what is
going on inside their own stores. At the same time, across the entire chain, we have ETL
processes that will update the central server with details about sales statuses on an
ongoing basis.
If there is a network failure, there will be no interruption in service (except that the sales
details for a particular store will obviously not be up to date). When the network issue is
resolved, the central server will accept all the missing data and update its reports. The
entire process relies entirely on features that already exist in RavenDB and are easily
The end result is a distributed, highly reliable and fault tolerant MapReduce process that
gives you aggregated view of sales across the entire chain with very little cost.

Disconnect external replication/ETL from a remote source

The bad thing about push-based ETL processes and replication is that sometimes, you want
to disable them on the destination side.114 That can be a bit awkward when you only have
access to the destination and not the source.
For example, you might want to disable the Jersey City shoe store from the aggregation
process we outlined in the previous section. That store has been sold and is no longer part
of the chain, so you don’t want its reports, but it’ll take some time before the new owner’s
IT staff will get around to replacing the internal systems. During that time, you want to
ignore the pushed data from that store.
The obvious way to do that would be to shut down the ETL process at the source, but let’s
assume that’s not an option currently available to you. How do you disable the data push at
the destination? The answer is quite simple: remove the credentials of the certificate this
store is using. With the credentials no longer being valid, the Jersey City store will fail to
connect to the central server and will be blocked from pushing any additional data.
Note that the certificate’s credentials are checked during connection setup, not on each
individual request. You might need to drop an already established connection to complete
the process.

This is an odd chapter. I wanted to give you detailed recipes and steps for what to do if you
run into particular issues in production; adding a node, expanding a database group and
moving a node between machines are all tasks you may find yourself doing. At the same
time, all of these tasks (and more) are covered in detail in the online documentation.

114Push-based in this context refers to the fact that they are defined in the source and they
push the data to the destination.
This chapter isn’t meant to replace the online documentation, but to complement it. I
intentionally chose some of the most common scenarios and then talked not just about the
list of steps that you’d take to work through them, but also the kinds of things you’d need to
watch out for and how they play into the overall architecture of RavenDB.
The cluster recipes we have gone over should also help you better understand how the
cluster is put together. Beyond simply knowing to follow the Raft protocol and consensus
algorithms, I wanted to give you an idea of what is actually happening within the system.
For example, the interaction between nodes as they are added and removed from the
cluster gives a lot of insight into what is going on at the node level.
Removing the magic behind what is going on with RavenDB is very important. Having a
sense of what’s going on behind the scenes means that you’ll be able to predict what
RavenDB will do and, more importantly, why.
After working through some cluster recipes, we moved on to discuss how databases are
composed. It’s crucial to understand the notion of the Database Record that is managed at
the cluster level, with each node holding the databases instances that are assigned to it. We
looked at how this can be useful if we want to physically move a database between
machines (for example, moving the disk volume directly).
We also talked about some scale and performance tricks: how to expand your database
group and load balance work between nodes. This is something that you should be doing
ahead of time, but it’s not a perfect world. RavenDB understands and expects that you’ll
probably be doing this kind of thing under fire, so to speak. Expanding the database group
to add more capacity is a controlled operation so as to limit the amount of additional load it
Speaking of things that should be done ahead of time, we talked about how you can take the
results of the query optimizer from your load testing machine and apply them to your
production systems ahead of new version deployment. This will allow the production
cluster to benefit from the experience of the test server. This allows you to smooth the
process of introducing new behaviors in production.
We finished the chapter with an interesting challenge: distributed aggregation of data
across many physically separated locations using several distinct features in tandem. This
kind of usage is pretty common. One of the strengths of RavenDB is its ability to treat
features in an orthogonal manner; you can mix, match and combine them to get to some
really nice results.

30, 97, 99, 101-102, 206, 281, 302, 314, 456, 480, 514, 529
37, 93-94, 102, 250-251, 265, 275, 299-300, 304, 351-385, 568, 571-572
Aggregation, Dynamic
265, 325, 331, 333-335, 349, 370, 376, 378-380, 383-384
91, 97-98, 106-108, 133, 141, 143, 205, 207, 247-248, 374, 461, 471, 516, 528, 532
70, 98, 102, 108, 138-139, 142-143, 145, 447-448, 504

59, 62
98, 223, 229, 231-232, 237, 259, 442, 452, 463-464, 469-470, 492, 521-522, 524, 526-564
Backup, Restore
229, 234, 236, 455, 469-470, 525, 527-528, 533, 541, 543-550
Backup, Schedule
195, 535-539, 549
Backup, Snapshots
529-530, 543, 547, 549
Backup, Tasks
539-541, 549
Bulk Insert
29-30, 60, 99, 101, 119, 122-124, 130, 144, 160

33, 39-40, 76, 88, 94-96, 102, 131-135, 143-144, 299, 432
41, 241, 422-423, 425-450, 496, 504, 519, 553, 555
Certificates, Client Certificates
41, 427-428, 439, 449, 553
Change Vectors
94, 102, 110, 206, 209-210, 221, 547-548
Changes API
114, 133, 135-136, 144
Cluster, Leaders
224-225, 487
Cluster, Members
188, 191, 487-488
Cluster, Nodes
219, 429, 441-442, 444-445, 487, 552, 554
Cluster, Operations
220, 223-224, 405, 417, 441, 488
Cluster, Preferred node
188, 201-202, 204, 220, 234, 536
64-66, 215, 217, 219-220, 532-533, 564
50-52, 86, 94-95, 102, 110-117, 135, 143-144, 155-157, 163, 172, 209, 216, 494
Concurrency, Concurrency Control
94, 111
Concurrency, Optimistic
50-52, 95, 102, 110-115, 135, 143, 155, 157, 172, 216
39-40, 87-88, 194-195, 225-231, 433, 445-446, 454-455, 466, 483-484, 490, 495-500, 518-519, 525, 552-553, 565-
Consensus, Algorithms
189, 572
Consensus, Majority
39, 60-61, 185, 188-189, 195, 211, 216, 222-223, 235, 303, 394, 405, 484-485, 487-488, 557-558
Consensus, Protocol
113, 188-189, 220, 222, 487
Consensus, Raft
61, 108-109, 188-189, 215, 222, 405, 417, 572
172, 188, 208-209, 215-216, 227, 243, 309, 532

Database Record
461, 532, 561-562, 564
Database server
120, 126, 424-425, 468, 492, 512
Database topology
194, 200-202, 227, 489, 498, 562
Databases, Administrators
Databases, Creating
195, 220, 436
Databases, Deleting
54, 223, 484
Databases, Files
190-191, 194-195, 211, 452, 461, 470, 494, 496, 517, 547, 563
Databases, Group
204-205, 219-221, 229-243, 374-375, 467, 488-493, 498, 509, 527, 532, 534, 540, 546-547, 554-555, 559-572
Databases, Restoring
229, 546, 549
56, 68, 112, 120, 133, 161, 215, 254, 363-365, 475, 501, 504-508, 525
23, 169-172, 225, 236-237, 272, 387, 404-411, 417-418, 421-422, 428-432, 466, 472, 475-499, 518, 567-568
Deployment, Production
23, 185, 234, 236-237, 272, 497
Disk I/O
124, 414, 502, 513, 518, 536
Disk space
98, 142, 235, 348, 367, 414, 478, 489, 492, 498, 503, 515-517, 524, 539
Disks, NVMe
480, 510, 513
Disks, SSD
480, 525, 528
Distributed computing
119-120, 125, 351
Distributed transactions
430-433, 436-437, 449, 552, 555
Document, Session
35, 41, 70, 105, 109, 113, 143
Documents, Artificial
372-374, 382-384
Documents, Batch
152, 174, 345
Documents, Change Tracking
51-52, 102, 109, 143
Documents, IDs
45, 55-58, 61-62, 64, 70, 76-77, 85, 102, 286, 314, 316, 355, 374, 460
Documents, metadata
70, 107-108, 111-112, 143, 163
Documents, Model
28-29, 41, 44, 47-48, 57, 71, 73-568

419, 421-424, 449-472, 497, 523, 533, 543, 548
Encryption, Keys
452-453, 455, 457, 465-472, 548
237, 239-262, 442, 445, 461, 463-464, 483, 492, 524, 533-534, 543, 554-555, 562, 564, 570-571
53, 61, 111, 118, 135, 138-139, 143, 176, 220, 259, 374

265, 325, 331, 333-335, 349, 370, 376, 378-380, 383-384
Files, memory-mapped
99, 495, 512-513

High Availability
171-172, 180-181, 194-195, 220-221, 228-229, 232-234, 237, 241, 243, 251, 260, 374, 405, 488, 490-491

53, 119-120, 407-408, 458, 481, 492, 494-495, 497-498, 501-504, 508, 510-518, 528, 530, 536, 543
I/O, memory-mapped
I/O, Operations
417, 513
Indexes, Analyzers
Indexes, Auto
271, 304, 311, 315, 336, 389, 405, 410, 442, 568
Indexes, Creating
388, 409, 484, 532
Indexes, Creation
388, 390, 393, 395, 401-402, 414-415, 417
Indexes, Definition
100, 272, 310, 312-313, 315-316, 321, 324, 328, 348, 388-389, 402, 404-406, 418, 524, 544
Indexes, Entry
313-315, 324, 329, 348, 389-390, 396
Indexes, Errors
415-416, 418
Indexes, Static
271, 275, 281, 291, 297, 299, 307, 315, 319, 336, 567
Indexes, Terms
279-280, 313-315, 319-330, 342, 348, 353, 382, 400-401, 425, 452, 460, 462, 484, 510, 515

JS Console, Admin
468, 520-521, 523, 526, 557-558

40, 64, 98, 139, 143, 145
Logs, Admin
506, 525
275, 280-282, 309, 321, 323-324, 348

94, 125, 145, 265, 299, 304, 307, 349, 351-417, 562, 568, 571
MapReduce, indexes
265, 299, 307, 349, 357, 360-361, 363, 366, 369-370, 375, 378, 380, 382-384, 394, 417
66-68, 91-92, 126-129, 142-143, 451-452, 460-462, 471, 478-479, 481-482, 492, 497, 499, 501-502, 510, 513
Memory, Usage
127, 502
More Like This
328, 330

519, 525

432, 466, 471, 497

Queries, Complex
281, 290, 400, 417, 482
Queries, Dynamic
319, 380
Queries, Parameters
330, 399
Queries, Projections
77, 137, 265, 276, 281, 283, 286-287, 289-291, 370, 383, 390, 400, 481-482
Queries, Query Optimizer
265, 267-270, 291, 299, 303-311, 346, 357, 360, 383-384, 405, 408-411, 418, 442, 567-568, 572
Queries, RQL
265, 267, 270, 275-276, 281-284, 288, 290-311, 344, 383, 387, 390, 392, 398-400, 417
Queries, Slow
49, 414
Queries, Spatial
152, 295, 297-298, 304, 336-337, 339, 342, 349, 376, 385
Queries, Streaming
129-130, 413
Queries, cost of
101, 326, 349

Relational Databases
27, 45, 47-49, 55, 60, 73-75, 239-240, 252-261, 268, 273, 300, 303, 318
99-100, 197-198, 203-213, 220-221, 226-259, 301, 463-464, 483-486, 489-492, 518, 522, 527, 533, 545, 561-571
Replication, External
198, 228-232, 249, 251, 259, 374, 405, 445, 463-464, 483, 490-492, 496, 498, 522, 533
Replication, Offsite
228-231, 237, 405, 491, 522, 527-528
Requests, Lazy
125, 144
88, 139-142, 175, 177, 205-206, 208, 220, 247, 374, 405, 442, 461, 471, 490, 516

39-41, 198, 241, 254, 315, 405, 419, 421-555
Security, Authentication
23, 38, 40-41, 118, 254, 419, 422-427, 434, 436-459, 501, 519, 522-523
Security, Authorization
168, 250, 437-443, 448-449
Security, TLS
244, 425, 427, 429, 448-449, 451, 463, 469, 496, 519, 562, 564
Setup, Wizard
428, 552

24, 122, 201, 204, 432, 448-449, 496, 518-519, 552, 556
30, 57, 92-93, 99-101, 118, 123, 157-158, 206-208, 219, 243, 457, 462, 471

281, 309, 456, 458, 462, 494-495, 508, 514, 516, 524, 526

Write Ahead Journals
456, 458, 494-495, 498, 514-515, 524, 529

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