Impact of GST On Small and Medium Enterprises

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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol 3 Issue 2 February

Impact of GST on Small and Medium Enterprises

Dr. Lakshmi S.
Assistant Prof. of Commerce, Govt. First Grade College, Malur.
Kolar District, Karnataka
Goods and Services Tax (GST) had promised to revolutionize the Indian tax system.
Earlier, the total tax collection in India was around 14.5 Lakh Crore, of which 34% was
indirect tax. Indirect taxes include service tax, stump duty, customs duty, Value Added Tax
(VAT), etc. In most of the developing countries, the share of indirect tax is higher than the
direct tax. However, it is vice versa in the developed countries. The new GST was meant to
bring every indirect form of tax under one roof. For example, before the total tax levied by the
central and the state governments add up to 32%, but, with the implementation of GST, the
business owners have to pay a much lower tax of around 18-22 percent. Besides, they do not
have to pay different taxes to various departments. Consequently, it becomes convenient for
the business owner. Against this backdrop, this paper presents an overview of GST concept,
explains the implementation and impact GST on small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Keywords: Goods and services tax, SMEs, Indirect tax, impact, Indian economy etc.
Before introduction of Goods and Services Taxes (GST) in India, complicated indirect
tax system was followed with multiplication of taxes imposed by union and states separately.
With the implementation of GST in the country on 1 July 2017 has unified all the indirect
taxes under an umbrella and has created a smooth national market. According to experts,
GST will help the economy to grow in more efficient manner by improving the tax collection as
it will remove all the tax barriers between states and integrate country via single tax rate. GST
was first introduced by France in 1954 to reduce tax evasion. Since then more than 140
countries have GST with some countries follow single and while some other countries pursue
with dual system of tax practices respectively. In India, also dual system of GST is proposed.
GST will be an indirect tax at all the stages of production to bring about uniformity in the
system. On bringing GST into practice, there would be amalgamation of Central and State
taxes into a single tax payment. It would also enhance the position of India in both, domestic
as well as international market. At the consumer level, GST would reduce the overall tax
burden, which is currently estimated at 25-30%. Under this system, the consumer pays the
final tax but an efficient input tax credit system ensures that there is no cascading of taxes on
tax paid for inputs that go into manufacture of goods. In order to avoid the payment of
multiple taxes such as excise duty and service tax at Central level and VAT at the State level,
GST unified these taxes and created a uniform market throughout the country.
Integration of various taxes into a GST system has bought about an effective cross-
utilization of credits. Because, the previous tax system was more focussed on production,
whereas the GST will aim to tax consumption to broaden the tax base. How the GST has
widened the taxpayer base?. Earlier, any manufacturer with a turnover of Rs. 1.5 crore or less
was not required to comply with the rules of excise duty. However, with the merging of all
State and Central level taxes into the ambit of GST, any manufacturer with a turnover of Rs.
20 lakh (others) /10Lakh (Special category states) or more will have to comply with GST and
its procedures. All the compliance procedures under GST — Registration, Payments, Refunds
and Returns will now be carried out through online portals only and thus SMEs need not
worry about interacting with department officers for carrying out these compliances, which are
considered as a complication process in the previous tax regime.

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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol 3 Issue 2 February

Efficacy of the Study

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been considered as the primary growth
driver of the Indian economy for decades. It is further evident from the fact that today we have
around 3 million SMEs in India contributing almost 50% of the industrial output and 42% of
India’s total export. For a developing country like India and its demographic diversity, SMEs
have emerged as the leading employment-generating sector and has provided balanced
development across sectors. What would be the impact of GST on Small & Medium
Enterprises?. To find out the possible reasons for this question an attempt has been in the
present research paper to examine the impact of GST on small and medium enterprises.
Objectives of Study
1. To understand the concept of Goods and Service Tax.
2. To evaluate the advantages and challenges of GST.
3. To study the impact of implementation of GST on SMEs.
4. To examine the opportunities and challenges for SMEs due to implementation of GST.
Research Methodology
Being an explanatory research it is based on secondary data obtained from journals,
articles, newspapers and magazines. Considering the objectives of study descriptive type
research design is adopted to have more accuracy and rigorous analysis of research study.
A high level impact analysis of GST on small and medium businesses in India.

Compliance Positives Negatives


Registration Online registration will ensure Not all the SMEs have technical expertise
timely receipt of certificate of to deal with online systems, thus most of
registration and minimal them will need intermediaries to obtain
bureaucracy interface registration for them. This will add to their
registration cost.

Payment Electronic compliance will bring Since funds are required to be maintained
transparency and will also in the form of electronic credit ledger with
reduce the compliance cost. the tax department, it may result in
liquidity crunch.

Refund Electronic refund procedures Refunds can be claimed only after filing of
will fast track the process and relevant returns. Also it depends on the
enhance liquidity for SMEs compliances done by the supplier and his

Returns All returns are required to be Minimum of thirty-seven returns are

filed electronically and input required to be filed by every registered
tax credit and tax liability taxpayer during a financial year. Thus
adjustment will happen SMEs will have to deploy additional
automatically on the basis of resources and eventual cost of compliance
these returns will increase

No doubt that GST is aimed to increase the taxpayer base, majorly SMEs into its scope
and will put a burden of compliance and associated costs to them. But in the long
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run, GST will turn these SMEs more competitive with a level playing field between large
enterprises and them. Furthermore, these Indian SMEs would be able to compete with foreign
competition coming from cheap cost centers such as China, Philippines and Bangladesh.
Positive Impact of GST on SMES
Ease of starting business:
Today, a business with operations across different states needs VAT registration.
Different tax rules in different states only add to the complications and lead to businesses
incurring a high procedural fee. GST enables a centralised registration that will make starting
a business easier and the consequent expansion an added advantage for SMEs.
Market expansion:
SMEs limit their customers within States as they will bear the ultimate burden of tax
on interstate sales, which reduces their customer base. With implementation of GST, this will
be nullified as tax credit will be transferred, irrespective of the location of the buyer and seller.
This will allow start-ups, SMEs and MSMEs to expand their reach across borders.
Reduction of tax burden on new businesses:
As per the current tax structure, businesses with an annual turnover of over Rs 5 lakh need
to pay a Value Added Tax (VAT) registration fee. The basic exemption limit under GST is Rs 20
lakh and Rs 10 lakh for special states, which will bring relief to a large number of small
dealers and traders.
Elimination of distinction between goods and services:
GST ensures that there is no ambiguity about what constitutes goods and services. This will
simplify various legal proceedings related to packaged products. As a result, there will no
longer be a distinction between the material and the service component, which will greatly
reduce tax evasion.
Improved logistics and faster delivery of services:
Under the GST bill, no entry tax will be charged for goods manufactured or sold in any
part of India. As a result, delivery of goods at interstate points and toll check posts will be
expedited. According to a CRISIL estimate, the logistics cost for manufacturers of bulk goods
will get reduced significantly — by about 20 percent. This is expected to boost e-commerce
across the nation.
Removal of multiple taxation:
GST will ease transfer of goods across states and reduce the cost of doing business, as the
reform will cut down multiple taxes imposed by state and central government.
Negative Impact of GST on SMES
Registration woes:
Under the GST law, every supplier of goods or services is required to be registered
under the GST Act in the state or union territory from where they operate, if their turnover in
a financial year is Rs. 20 lakh or more (for special category states such as those from the
northeast, this threshold is Rs 10 lakh). Thus, one would think that there is no need for
smaller players to register under GST.
Concept of 'Casual Taxable Person':
This means that someone who occasionally undertakes transactions involving supply of
goods or services or both, in the course or furtherance of business, whether as a principal,
agent, or in any other capacity, in a state or union territory where he has no fixed place of
business, also needs to register. Other than registering under the GST Act, the casual taxable
person also has to pay tax at the time of applying for registration on an estimated basis. Since
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he or she doesn’t have a place of business in that state, there would be no output tax in that
state, thus the state GST cannot be adjusted as an input tax credit. To that extent, the GST is
a sunk cost for such individuals.
Composition levy mechanism is very restrictive:
It is an alternative method of levy of tax designed for small taxpayers whose turnover is
up to Rs 50 lakh. Those who opt for this mechanism are not allowed to take input tax credit,
or collect any tax from the recipient. To such an extent, it seems fair. After all, the rate of GST
under the composition levy is low. It is 2.5 percent of the turnover in case of a manufacturer
or 1 percent for dealers. But there are restrictions attached. For instance, once again no inter-
state supply is permissible. Or for that matter, a person opting for a composition scheme,
cannot sell via an e-marketplace (GST requires e- marketplaces to collect tax at source).
The draconian reverse charge mechanism:
If a small businessman (who as per the threshold limits is not required to obtain GST
registration) supplies goods or services to a customer who is registered under the GST Act, the
customer (buyer) is liable to pay the GST on such a purchase. Not only this, but the buyer
also must self- invoice. In other words, the buyer must issue an invoice for the purchase made
by him from the unregistered seller. This invoice is to be uploaded onto the GST system.
Technological challenge:
Not all SMEs have the technical expertise to deal with online systems. Thus, most of
them will need intermediaries to take them through the registration process. This will add to
their registration cost.
Working capital blockage:
Since GST requires businesses to maintain funds in the form of electronic credit ledger
with the tax department, it may result in liquidity crunch. Also, the harsh ‘input tax credit’
mechanism will also lead to working capital blockage.
Harsh mechanism of ‘Input Tax Credit’:
Input Tax Credit is available to a buyer only if the supplier has paid tax inside a given
window. This is one problem which a reasonable percentage of small businesses will face in
their life-cycle. Most (if not all), will have no bad ‘intent’ of evasion or not paying.
Compliance rating:
Another interesting provision is the ‘Compliance Rating’, a system which assigns
ratings to businesses based on their discipline, so you will know whether your supplier has a
‘good or poor’ rating before buying from them. Thus, businesses will try to avoid buying from
people with ‘poor’ rating, which means that people will do everything they can to AVOID a poor
rating. The rating becomes ‘poor’ not just due to a delay in filing data, but also due to delays
in payments.
Added compliances for exports:
Hundreds of Startups / SMEs earn revenue by exporting their services mostly in the
technology sector. Now, with GST they have to mandatorily register and file returns. Yes, there
is an option to claim refunds of input taxes.
Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs under GST Regime
A sizeable portion of SMEs are of the opinion that GST is not all good for the sector and
their fears may not be totally disapproved or ignored. The tax neutrality that the SMEs enjoy
may be one of the prominent benefits. However, reduction in duty threshold is one of the key
concerns that have led them to be wary of the GST bill. Under the previous excise tax, no duty
is paid by a manufacturer having a turnover of less than rupees 1.50 crores. But, under GST
implementation; the exemption limit will get significantly lowered. During a speech at a news
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conference, Finance Minister, ArunJaitley estimate said, the limit can be as low as rupees 25
lakh. As a result, a large number of SMEs and start-ups will be mandated to come under the
tax net and will have to pay a large chunk of their earnings towards tax. Furthermore, there
are other flipsides to the proposed tax neutrality. GST regime won’t differentiate between
luxury goods and normal goods; these will it hard for the SMEs to compete against large
enterprises. GST that is ultimately levied on supply will not be available for input credit. This
will lead to an increase in the cost of the products for businesses that supply directly to end
The GST system was basically structured to simplify current indirect tax system in
India. A well-designed GST is an attractive method to get rid of deformation of the existing
process of multiple taxation, also government has promised that GST will reduce the
compliance burden at present. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the primary growth
drivers of the Indian economy with more than three million SMEs operating in India,
contributing to almost 50 percent of the industrial output and 42 percent of India’s total
exports. A leading employment-generating sector, SMEs have provided balanced development
across sectors.GST will enhance the taxpayer base by bringing more SMEs under its ambit,
and will definitely pass on the burden of compliance and associated costs to them. However,
eventually GST will turn these SMEs more competitive, and level the playing field between
large enterprises and them. Further, these Indian SMEs would be able to compete with foreign
competitors from cheap cost centres such as China, Philippines, and Bangladesh.
1. A study of impact of GST after its implementation – MilandeepKour, Kajal Chaudhary,
Surjan Singh, Baljnder Kaur
2. GST in India – An overview – Vijay Kumar Sarabu
3. A research paper on an impact of goods and service tax on Indian economy - Shefali Dani
4. Impact of goods and service tax (GST) on Indian MSMEs – Lavanya kumara R
5. Google
10. Wikipedia
13. Newspapers

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