DRMKC 2017 - Science For Disaster Risk Management

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Knowing better and losing less


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Contact information
Karmen Poljanšek
Disaster Risk Management
Directorate for Space, Security and Migration, Directorate General Joint Research Centre, European Commission
[email protected]
[email protected]

JRC Science Hub


Want ot learn more about the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC)

EUR 28034 EN

Print ISBN 978-92-79-60678-6 ISSN 1018-5593 doi:10.2788/688605 LB-NA-28034-EN-C

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-60679-3 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2788/842809 LB-NA-28034-EN -N

© European Union, 2017

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017.

2017 - 553pp - 21cm x 26.8cm

Printed in Italy.
Designed by Massimiliano Gusmini

How to cite:
PRINT VERSION: Poljanšek, K., Marin Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I., (Eds.), 2017. Science for disaster risk management 2017:
knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-
79-60678-6, doi:10.2788/688605, JRC102482.

All images © European Union, 2017 unless otherwise specified

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Knowing better and losing less

Edited by:
Karmen Poljanšek
Disaster Risk Management
Knowledge Centre

Montserrat Marín Ferrer

Disaster Risk Management
Knowledge Centre

Tom De Groeve
Deputy Head of Unit
Disaster Risk Management

Ian Clark
Head of Unit
Disaster Risk Managment

Directorate-General for Joint Research Centre
JRC Directorate E - Space, Security and Migration



Dear as a contribution to the Science and

Technology Roadmap. Now we have
edge for future research.
This report summarizes the state
policymakers, this insightful publication as the of relevant science from a Europe-
first fruit of its labors. an perspective. We consider it as
practitioners The UN Office for Disaster Risk Re- the start of a continuing process,
or scientists, duction (UNISDR) and European
Commission, Joint Research Centre
the beginning of a wider, worldwide
partnership to summarize knowl-
(JRC) have been partners to stimu- edge globally, and make it available
late new research and to encourage to the disaster risk management
It is deeply encouraging to see how the use of available science by all community.
quickly the scientific community has stakeholders.
mobilized to play its full part in im- The report is timely for the discus-
plementation of the Sendai Frame- JRC was one of the co-organizers of sions at the Global Platform for
work for Disaster Risk Reduction the UNISDR Science and Technology Disaster Risk Reduction in Mexico
2015-2030 with the overall aim Conference in January 2016, which in May 2017. It caters for the need
of reducing disaster risks and loss- produced an ambitious Science and to translate the wealth of available
es, and shifting the emphasis from Technology Roadmap and launched science into language understanda-
managing disasters to managing the Science and Technology Part- ble by stakeholders such as policy
the underlying risks. nership. makers, practitioners and scientists
from other disciplines.
The Sendai Framework clearly rec- The JRC has worked with over 200
ognizes the strong role that the top scientists, practitioners and poli- We invite you to engage with us,
scientific community can play in cy makers from many fields to sum- now and in the future, to enhance
improved understanding of risk and marize the state of the science rel- the science-policy interface so that
communicating on new knowledge evant to disaster risk management, strategies for disaster risk reduction
and innovation. The European Com- and to make it accessible in this at national and local level, which
mission took the initiative early by current report. The aim is to break will be put in place by the Sendai
launching the Disaster Risk Manage- out of the silos, demystify work from Framework deadline of 2020, are
ment Knowledge Centre in Septem- other disciplines, encourage poten- based on sound evidence and ro-
ber 2015, just six months after the tial synergies across disciplines, and bust science.
adoption of the Sendai Framework to identify gaps in scientific knowl-

Robert Glasser, Vladimir Šucha,

United Nations Special Representative Director General,
of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction European Commission, Joint Research Centre


The Disaster Risk EXPECTATIONS scientific-oriented contributions

Management Knowledge presenting the state of science, and
This report aims to provide reviews practitioner-oriented contributions
Centre has produced this of scientific solutions and their prac- presenting the use of science.
flagship science report as a tical use in various areas of DRM in
contribution to the Science Europe. It is comprehensive in scope The process started in January
and Technology Roadmap but selective in topic and is written 2016, when the DRMKC working
of the Sendai Framework for in a format that is intended to be group defined expectations and de-
Disaster Risk Reduction. accessible to all DRM actors. The veloped the outline of this report,
reviews of the scientific evidence the first in the series. The process
base are summaries of (1) recent was run by the JRC Editorial Board
This report is the result advances/outcomes of EU research of 4 members with strong support
of the multi-sectorial and projects, (2) relevant national work from the European Commission Ad-
multi-disciplinary networking and (3) relevant international work. visory group of 79 experts in spe-
process and represents the cific topics. The writing phase was
combined effort of more The report aims to bridge science carried out by Author teams consist-
and policy as well as operation ing in total of 8 Coordinating Lead
than two hundred experts. communities. The intended audi- Authors, 3 Facilitators, 34 Lead Au-
ence consists of practitioners and thors and 140 Contributing Authors.
It will support the integration policy makers in addition to experts The drafts were circulated for for-
of science into informed from different scientific disciplines. mal review to 123 scientific experts,
decision making through It seeks to understand the scientific policymakers and practitioners. The
synthesizing and translating issues of relevance to their work; preparation of the report succeed-
specifically civil protection opera- ed in pulling together a network of
evidence for disaster tions and disaster risk policy, but 273 contributors from 26 mostly
risk management and equally climate adaptation policy. European countries and 172 organ-
strengthening the science- The audience includes government izations. It has been endorsed by
policy and science-operation officials at EU, national, regional 11 European Commission Services
interface. and local levels interested in finding and will be officially released at the
better ways to use science, and also Global Platform for Disaster Risk
scientists to help them understand Reduction in May 2017.
work in other disciplines that would
allow the identification of possible
cross-sectoral synergies and needs STRUCTURE
from practitioners.
Understanding disaster risk to man-
age it is one of the main focus of
THE PROCESS Sendai Framework. This perspec-
tive already opens two big issues:
The Disaster Risk Management understanding disaster risk with
Knowledge Centre has committed the focus on scientific evidence, and
to producing a series of reports to managing disaster risk with the fo-
analyse, update the state of the art cus on knowledge applied by differ-
and identify research and innova- ent actors. In order to convey the
tion gaps in the field of DRM. Each DRMKC’s mission of bridging science
report will be multi-hazard, multi- and the policy/operation community,
disciplinary, and will address the the issue of communicating disas-
full disaster risk cycle; it will have ter risk has been introduced with a


The "Bridge concept"

unicating disaster risk

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disa dis
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Current status Future challenges

strong focus on how to successfully Chapter 1 “Current status of disaster never have been completed.
overcome barriers to implementing risk management and policy frame-
knowledge in the field of DRM. work” aims to explain why recent It is our pleasure to invite you to ex-
global and European initiatives are plore the content of this report and
The scope of the report is divided beginning to seek help to strengthen we wish you pleasant and informa-
conceptually into three distinct society’s resilience by using science tive reading.
parts: understanding disaster risk, and technology. The final Chapter 6
communicating disaster risk and “Future challenges of disaster risk
managing disaster risk, forming the management” aims to inform de- JRC EDITORIAL BOARD
“bridge concept” of the report. cision makers and practitioners of
existing science that should find its Karmen Poljanšek
The “Understanding disaster risk” way into legislative form and prac- Montserrat Marin Ferrer
part has been split into two chapters: tice as well as tackling a much more Tom De Groeve
Chapter 2, covering risk assessment challenging purpose: to recognize Ian Clark
methodology and examples in gen- knowledge gaps that could serve as
eral, and Chapter 3 that provides a valuable reference based input for a
comprehensive overview of hazard Horizon2020 call.
related risk issues, the structure of
which follows the Sendai taxonomy
of hazard classification. Chapter 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
on “Communicating disaster risk”
tackles many issues on communi- We wish to express special thanks
cation in different phases of DRM to all the Coordinating Lead Authors,
among different actors. Chapter 5 Lead Authors, Contributing Authors,
“Managing disaster risk” addresses Reviewers and EC Advisors. Without
the governance issues of the full their expertise, experiences and a
disaster risk cycle. huge commitment to a cause, this
report with such a holistic under-
The first and last chapter wrap the standing of both disaster risk and
scope of the report into a whole. disaster risk management could

Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre

Enhancing the
Knowledge base to
support Disaster
Risk Management
Faced with the risk of increasingly se-
vere and frequent natural and man-
made disasters, policy-makers and risk
managers in Disaster Risk Management
(DRM) and across EU policies increas- 2 3
ingly rely on the wealth of existing Science Pooling of
knowledge and evidence at all levels Policy Research
– local, national, European and global Interface Results
– and at all stages of the DRM cycle –
prevention; reduction; preparedness; re-
sponse and recovery.

Better knowledge, stronger evidence

and a greater focus on transformative
processes and innovation are essential
1 4
to improve our understanding of disas- Hazard Identification
Scientific of research
ter risk, to build resilience and risk-in- Partnerships needs and
formed approaches to policy-making, gaps
and contribute to smart, sustainable
and inclusive growth.

The Disaster Risk Management Knowl-

edge Centre (DRMKC) provides a net-
worked approach to the science-policy
interface in DRM, across the Commis-
6 5
Networks of Support
sion, EU Member States and the DRM Laboratories System
community within and beyond the EU.
This Commission initiative builds on
three main pillars:

Partnerships and networks to improve

science-based services;
Better use and uptake of research and
operational knowledge; DRM policies, as well as timely and reli- At a global level, the EU supports the
Innovative tools and practices for risk able scientific-based analyses for emer- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Re-
and crisis management; gency preparedness and coordinated duction to promote a more systematic
response activities. It brings together and reinforced science-policy interface
Activities of the DRMKC support the existing initiatives in which science and to strengthen the contribution of DRM
translation of complex scientific data innovative practices contribute to the to smart, sustainable and inclusive
and analyses into usable information management of disaster risks. growth globally.
and provides science-based advice for


In practice: innovation needs in DRM.

Partnership Innovation
To achieve the ambitious goal of fully Industry and the scientific community
exploiting and translating complex sci- play an essential role in developing in-
ence into useful policy and applications novative methods, tools and technolog-
in DRM, the DRMKC reinforces the de- ical solutions for the mitigation of dis-
velopment of disaster science partner- asters and their impacts. They facilitate
ships and networks. the work of first responders and other
operational actors in crisis management
• Where knowledge begins: Net- through innovative technologies and in-
works and activities are activated struments.
and promoted to improve the sci-
ence-policy interface in prevention • Where gaps are filled: A Support
activities and to facilitate the trans- System facilitates the use of exist-
lation of complex science into useful ing expertise to help Member States
policy advice. meet risk management related obli-
gations – DRM Capabilities Assess-
• Where knowledge applies: Part- ment, Disaster Loss Databases, Sci-
nerships for operational prepared- ence-policy interfaces, National Risk
ness and response to major natural Assessment.
disaster types in the EU are promot-
ed to facilitate the information flow • Where innovation is tested: The
between the different partnerships, DMKC assesses the current state of
the Emergency Response Coordi- DRM science and technology in Eu-
nation Centre (ERCC) and Member rope and addresses technological
States. and operational challenges to cov-
er the existing gaps, and assists in
Knowledge building globally common standards,
Scientific research results and opera- through the European Network for
tional knowledge gained from lessons Innovation Test Beds (ENITB) and the
learnt, exercises, training, peer reviews European Crisis Management Labo-
and other assessment tools need to ratory (ECML).
be better exploited in the DRM cycle to
mitigate risks and vulnerabilities and to The DRMKC is supported and coordinat-
improve response when disaster strikes. ed by a number of Commission Servic-
es in partnership with a key network of
• Where knowledge meets: A com- Member States. A Steering Committee
mon repository of relevant research meets regularly to propose, discuss and
and operational projects and results establish the activities and priorities of
will be accessible through the DRM- the knowledge centre.
KC and its Web-platform.
The DRMKC web-platform facilitates in-
• Where needs are identified: A sci- formation and knowledge sharing, while
ence advisory panel of experts and enhancing the connection between sci-
scientists at local, national and Eu- ence, operational activities and policy:
ropean levels provides analyses, up- http://drmkc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
dates and advice into research and


Knowing better and losing less 3 present the available knowledge on Europe is a rich source of informa-
risk assessment respectively from a tion and data. Initially there was often
Natural and human-induced disas- multi-hazard and hazard specific per- a culture clash between the needs of
ters present major risks to the econ- spective. Chapter 5 discusses science industry for practical useable informa-
omy, the security and well-being of for managing disaster risk, and Chap- tion within tight timetables, perhaps
citizens and society. Addressing these ter 4 bridges science and practice by just representing what is known, com-
risks relies on robust evidence-based focusing on communication of risk. pared to academia’s focus on research
decision-making. A main challenge for Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes chal- and discovery with necessarily longer
policy-makers and practitioners ad- lenges brought forward by all authors. time horizons. With greater exposure
dressing natural and human-induced and encouragement, including EU re-
disaster risk management, across all search grants promoting partnerships
policies and sectors, is to capitalise on Current status of disaster risk between the public and private sectors
the wealth of existing knowledge at all management and policy and academia, scientists and practi-
levels – local, national, European and frameworks tioners are now more attuned to work-
global. ing closely with each other. Similarly,
A main challenge for policymakers ad- methodologies have now been devel-
Science and technology play a central dressing natural and human-induced oped to categorise risk, model risk and
role in many EU policies and interna- disaster risk management, across present the results of risk assessments
tional agreements addressing disaster all EU policies, is to capitalise on the and analysis in forms that enable de-
risk management. Ensuring efficient wealth of existing knowledge at all cision makers not only to decide the
disaster risk reduction and prevention levels — local, national, European and right course of action but also to pro-
measures relies on a robust under- global. In order to improve all stages vide transparency around the decision-
standing and assessment of risks. of the disaster risk management cycle making process.
— prevention and mitigation, prepar-
The UN Sendai Framework for Disas- edness, response and recovery —, the The process of risk understanding is
ter Risk Reduction calls for a strong knowledge and evidence base needs to not simple and data are always partial
interface between science and policy be further improved, advances in rel- and flawed. Initial models and analysis
to build a strong knowledge of disaster evant technology exploited, research may be viewed as simplistic, particu-
risk; make efficient use of data to bet- results applied and the interaction larly in retrospect. The discrepancies in
ter understand the economic impacts between researchers and end users data quality are sometimes asserted
of disasters; and develop adequate enhanced. Understanding the state of an excuse to delay risk analysis and
preventive policies to reduce the risks play of policy frameworks relevant to modelling, but it is infinitely better to
of disasters. Science and innovation disaster risk management will help embark on a risk assessment and anal-
equally contribute to several Sustain- strengthen the interface between sci- ysis process from the outset than wait
able Development Goals and their as- ence and policy required to reduce the until better data become available. A “1
sociated targets. In the context of the risk of disasters and enhance our pre- in 100 event” could happen tomorrow,
Paris Agreement on climate change, vention and mitigation, preparedness, it is better to have tried, and commit
the importance of data collection, ev- response and recovery. resources to develop a greater under-
idence-based approaches and the con- standing of the risks as far as possible
tribution of science was recognized. now (and so identify key weaknesses
Understanding disaster risk: risk and data gaps) than postpone action
This report presents a synthesis of sci- assessment methodologies and until better data are collected.
entific knowledge in the field of disas- examples
ter risk reduction. It draws from many Risk assessments and risk models can-
scientific disciplines, practitioner com- Risk is complex. There have been huge not make decisions but they can inform
munities and policy experts. It is organ- advances in recent years in all of the policy. Policymakers may reject the ad-
ized in 6 parts. Chapter 1 summarizes key areas of risk: hazard, exposure vice of a risk model but if they do so,
the policy landscape. Chapters 2 and and vulnerability. The science base in they should be able to articulate why. In


practice no model includes all factors; awareness campaigns. hazards, an understanding of their
decisions based upon broader consid- origin, behaviour and evolution is criti-
erations are often valid. But there is no Developing adequate hydrological risk cal. Building knowledge about human
doubt that encouraging and developing maps is key for the short term (emer- vulnerability to the various hazards is
a culture of risk identification, risk un- gency response) as well as the long required, and region-specific hazard,
derstanding, risk assessment and risk term planning (urban and rural devel- exposure and vulnerability need to be
modelling ultimately benefits society, opment) to increase society’s resilience analysed for different sectors.
making it more resilient and saving to those risks. Fully comprehensive
lives, livelihoods and property. hydrological risk maps require a great Forecasting the onset or likely evolu-
deal of data including long time series tion of hazards is becoming more ac-
of events, and/or a chain of models curate through the use of new tech-
Understanding disaster risk: and assessments that reflect our level nologies; however there remains a
hazard related risk issues of understanding of the complex physi- degree of uncertainty which can be
cal processes controlling hydrological problematic for decision-makers as it
Today monitoring of geophysical phe- events. can be difficult to strike the right bal-
nomena is performed with well-devel- ance between the risk of missing the
oped instrumental recording networks Different types of floods are predict- opportunity for early warning and the
extended at global, regional, national able with different time ranges. Flash risk of raising too many false alarms.
and local levels. However, since large floods driven by convective rainfall Improvements in forecasting will be
geophysical events tend to occur in- are notoriously challenging to predict driven by the interaction and partner-
frequently and may appear benign for ahead in time to produce effective ear- ships forged between different fields.
generations, the risks may be underes- ly warnings, whereas slower develop-
timated. The assessment of risks posed ing floods in large catchments can be Disaster risk reduction frameworks
by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and predicted several days ahead with the have not commonly addressed tech-
tsunamis first requires a good knowl- use of probabilistic flood forecasting nological risks. The Sendai Framework
edge of the type, magnitude and fre- systems. Landslides mapping is a chal- for Action recognizes the importance
quency of past events. The preparation lenge due to the extraordinary breadth of technological hazards and promotes
of hazard maps is a good practice not of the spectrum of landslide phenome- an all-hazards approach to disaster
only for decision makers but also for na. No single method exists to identify risk reduction. This includes hazardous
citizens who would like to know where and map landslides and to ascertain situations arising from man-made ac-
the hazardous areas are situated and landslide susceptibility and hazard. tivities due to human error, mechanical
what types of hazards threaten their failure, and natural hazards.
community. The majority of recent scientific stud-
ies indicate that hydrological risks Chemical accidents continue to occur
There is important room for further im- will increase overall even for warm- relatively frequently in industrialized
provement of monitoring systems and ing levels of 1.5°C. It is estimated that and developing countries alike, which
their geographic expansion in less well about 70% of the global coastlines raises questions as to the adequacy
covered areas. If appropriate monitor- are projected to experience a sea-level of current risk-reduction efforts. The
ing is in place, it may be possible to change within 20% of the global mean causes underlying chemical accidents
issue early warnings for different haz- sea-level change. in current times are largely assumed
ards and to provide short term fore- to be systemic. Most chemical acci-
casts of likely future activity. The as- Meteorological risks include hazards dents today are caused by violations
sessment of event scenarios can play a from different types of storm systems of well-known principles for chemicals
critical role in the development of risk as well as extremes of temperature, risk management which has led to in-
management and risk reduction meas- climatological risks include droughts sufficient control measures. Natech ac-
ures, such as elaboration of emergency and wildfires and biological risks in- cidents are a technological “secondary
plans, development of infrastructure to clude epidemics and pandemics. In effect” of natural hazards and have
support the affected regions, or risk order to mitigate the effects of these caused many major and long-term so-

cial, environmental and economic im- practices. Adequate disaster risk com- ties and efficient risk-sharing, capable
pacts. Studies on the status of Natech munication and management requires of increasing insurance coverage and
risk management in the EU and the the collaboration of a variety of stake- penetration, and guaranteeing a strong
OECD have highlighted deficiencies holders including policy makers, practi- financial backing in view of uncertain
in existing safety legislation and the tioners and citizens. probabilities of risk.
need to consider this risk more explic-
itly. Conventional technological risk-
assessment methodologies need to be Managing disaster risk Future challenges of disaster risk
expanded to be applicable to Natech management
risk assessment and only a very few The disaster management cycle com-
methodologies and tools are available monly includes four types of measures Drawing from the analysis in each
for this purpose. needed to manage disasters: mitiga- chapter, the report concludes with a
tion and preparedness (before a disas- summary of challenges for knowledge,
ter), and response and recovery (after partnerships and innovation addressed
Communicating disaster risk disaster). Holistic understanding of dis- to the three reader communities: scien-
aster risk management focuses on all tists, policy makers and practitioners.
Disaster risk communication is a grow- four phases of the disaster cycle.
ing field in disaster science, and highly
relevant for policy makers, practitioners Based on an analysis of the benefits
and citizens. It aims to prevent and mit- arising from avoided losses, mitigation
igate harm, prepare populations of vul- and prevention measures are widely
nerable areas before a disaster strikes; considered more cost-effective than
and to validate, share, disseminate ex-post disaster interventions. An in-
and combine information from various crease in mitigation investment has
sources both at times of disasters and occurred in some European countries,
in the recovery phase. but the lack of public and therefore po-
litical interest in prevention and miti-
There is not a one size fits all in risk gation remains a problem.
communication, as the local context
(e.g. local cultures) and histories (e.g. In disaster preparedness and response
previous experiences with disasters) planning there is a trend towards
matter. Risk communication based on greater professionalization of emer-
a one-way approach that tells people gency management across all Europe
how to prepare and to respond to a dis- supported by evolution of legislative
aster is rarely effective. Instead, a two- and regulatory frameworks. A compre-
way mode of communication will lead hensive strategy for disaster financing
to a situation in which people become can moderate the impacts of natural
more engaged in risk communication. hazard risks, speed up recovery and
This engagement increases the likeli- reconstruction, and harness knowledge
hood that someone can successfully and incentives for risk reduction. The
cope with a situation of uncertainty. private financial sector plays an impor-
tant role, along with governments and
The key challenges in risk communi- civil society organizations, in designing
cation lie not so much in developing innovative financial protection goals
new tools and innovations but in the and sharing knowledge and capacity.
implementation of social mechanisms
by which such innovations become Public-private partnerships are a mod-
embedded in actual communication el for a joint bearing of responsibili-



FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE CENTRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SHORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1. Current status of disaster risk management and policy frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2. Understanding disaster risk: risk assessment methodologies and examples . . . . . . 36
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.1 Qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.2 Current and innovative methods to define exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.3 The most recent view of vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.4 Recording disaster losses for improving risk modelling capacities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.5 Where are we with multihazards, multirisks assessment capacities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
3 Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues
Section I. Geophysical risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3.1 Geophysical risk: earthquakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
3.2 Geophysical risk: volcanic activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
3.3 Geophysical risk: tsunamis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
3 Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues
Section II. Hydrological risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
3.4 Hydrological risk: floods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
3.5 Hydrological risk: landslides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
3.6 Hydrological risk: wave action, storm surges and coastal flooding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228


3 Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues

Section III. Meteorological, climatological and biological risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
3.7 Meteorological risk: extra-tropical cyclones, tropical cyclones and convective storms . . . 246
3.8 Meteorological risk: extreme temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
3.9 Climatological risk: droughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
3.10 Climatological risk: wildfires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.11 Biological risk: epidemics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3 Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues
Section IV. Technological risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
3.12 Technological risk: chemical releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
3.13 Technological risk: nuclear accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
3.14 Technological risk: Natech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
4 Communicating disaster risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
4.1 Public perception of risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
4.2 Decision making with uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
4.3 Last mile communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
4.4 Good practices and innovation in risk communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
5 Managing disaster risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
5.1 Prevention and mitigation: avoiding and reducing the new and existing risks . . . . . . . . . . 449
5.2 Preparedness and response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
5.3 Recovery and avoiding risk creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
5.4 Risk transfer and financing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
6 Future challenges of disaster risk management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518

ANNEXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
HOW TO CITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546

Chapter 1
Current status
of disaster risk
and policy

Andrew Bower
Coordinating lead author

Jozias Block
Maddalena Dali
Nicolas Faivre
Torben Fell
Sander Happaerts
Ioannis Kavvadas
Pierre Kockerols
Agnès Marta Molnar
Philippe Quevauviller
Ghislain Pascal
Françoise Villette
1 Current status of disaster
risk management and
policy frameworks
Andrew Bower, Jozias Block, Maddalena Dali, Nicolas Faivre, Torben Fell
Sander Happaerts, Ioannis Kavvadas, Pierre Kockerols, Agnès Marta Molnar,
Philippe Quevauviller, Ghislain Pascal, Françoise Villette

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2 Disaster prevention and risk reduction through risk-informed policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.3 Enhanced preparedness and response through timely, relevant and reliable information . . . . . 22
1.4 A robust knowledge base for disaster risk management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.5 Coherent international processes and the role of science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.6 Towards a stronger science-policy interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


ference on Disaster Risk Reduction and research and innovation policies.

1.1 and its associated Sendai framework In doing so, this chapter underlines
Introduction 2015-2030 (UNGA, 2015a) is an am- the extent to which strengthening
bitious appeal for cooperation and ac- the contribution of science through-
Since 1990, over 1.6 million peo- tions to achieve substantial results at out these policy areas is an important
ple have died in reported disasters the global level. The European Com- step towards reducing disaster risks
around the world. Despite important mission has been instrumental in con- through robust evidence-based deci-
improvements in the management of tributing to a better understanding of sion-making.
disasters, economic losses remain at disaster risk in all its dimensions and
an annual average of EUR 235 billion 1.2
defines its priorities for actions under
(USD 250 billion) to EUR 280 billion a comprehensive Sendai action plan
(USD 300 billion) (UNISDR 2015).
Disaster prevention
(European Commission 2016b).
The European Union is not spared, and risk reduction
as disasters have caused over 90 000 through risk-informed
deaths and EUR 100 billion in eco-
nomic loss since 2000 (CRED 2017). Natural and man-made
disasters present major
The impacts of disasters have signifi- risks to the economy, In the area of disaster management,
cantly increased in recent years, partly security and well-being the recent Union Civil Protection
as a result of climate change, rapid Mechanism (UCPM) addresses disas-
of citizens and society. ter risks both in the EU and in third
and unplanned urbanisation, popula-
tion growth and environmental deg-
Addressing these risks countries by strengthening cooper-
radation (European Commission
relies on robust evidence- ation and facilitating coordination
2014). No country alone can be fully based decision-making. within Europe in the areas of dis-
prepared for all kinds of disasters. We aster prevention, preparedness and
need to act together and benefit from response (European Union, 2013a).
a coordinated common response and The European Commission and its
to be stronger and more efficient. Over the years, the EU and its Mem- Member States work to strengthen the
Policymakers and risk managers in ber States have developed substantial EU’s resilience to crises and disasters
disaster risk management (DRM) and experience in enhancing and main- through the development and use of
across EU policies increasingly rely on streaming DRM across a range of scientific tools in crisis management,
the wealth of existing knowledge and policies at national, European and satellite image processing and anal-
evidence at all levels — local, nation- global levels. ysis, DRM surveillance systems and
al, European and global — and at all other forms of integrated systems for
stages of the DRM cycle — preven- This chapter sets the policy scene for risk management, situational aware-
tion and mitigation, preparedness, re- this report by highlighting some of ness, early warning and collaborative
sponse and recovery. Innovative ways the main policy processes and instru- decision-making.
to carry out DRM policies and oper- ments at European and global levels,
ations are necessary. In this respect, which contribute to the management The area of disaster prevention is rec-
the European Commission itself rec- and the reduction of disaster risks. ognised under the UCPM to be a key
ognises that ‘the challenges faced by It provides examples of how science component to protect and build resil-
the EU today require fast and effec- and knowledge contribute to DRM in ience to disasters, as a first and vital
tive solutions from the Commission, policy areas such as civil protection, stage in the full DRM cycle. Ensuring
which often involve multiple policy humanitarian aid, climate change ad- the prevention and reduction of disas-
areas’ (European Commission 2016a). aptation, flood risk management, ter risks relies on a robust knowledge
earth observation, critical infrastruc- base on disaster risks and efficient
The 2015 United Nations World Con- ture protection, regional policy, health sharing of knowledge, best practices

and information. Strong knowledge meeting response needs and reducing responses to man-made threats and
on disaster risks and the contribution the risks of disasters worldwide (Eu- natural hazards. The programme has
of science are important for Member ropean Community 1996). It relies led to a better understanding of the
States to undertake risk assessments, on a strong knowledge and evidence issues related to critical infrastructure
assess risk management capabilities base as well as on a growing culture of protection and has helped Member
and record loss and damage data on innovation. In this context, the Euro- States develop their own national
disasters. The European Commission pean Commission is playing a cen- strategies and research projects.
also relies on robust knowledge and tral role to develop and promote the
evidence to support Member States in INFORM index for risk management, Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and
reinforcing their prevention capacities which is a global, open-source risk climate change adaptation are in-
and actions, as illustrated in Box 1.1 assessment for humanitarian crises trinsically linked in reducing risks
(European Union 2013a). and disasters, contributing to global and vulnerabilities to climate-related
efforts to reinforce risk assessments hazards. Both rely on the availability
and risk reduction strategies — see of robust knowledge and data at all
Box 1.2. levels. Knowledge and data are key in
Disaster prevention and defining scenarios and projections ac-
Science also plays an important role cording to which adaptation measures
risk reduction are cross- in enhancing the resilience and per- are developed, in monitoring progress
cutting to a number of formance of vital and critical infra- of implementation and in developing
key EU policies. Ensuring structures and services. In the case of innovative instruments/tools to in-
efficient disaster risk the European programme for critical crease resilience. The development of
reduction and prevention infrastructure protection (European appropriate methodologies and the
measures relies on a Commission 2006), several research sharing of good practices are key in
robust understanding and projects have been financed to devel- carrying out national risk assessments
op fresh knowledge and innovative and the assessment of risk manage-
assessment of risks. concepts in this area. This has led to ment capabilities. Improving the re-
progress in the development of risk cording of loss and damage data relies
assessment methodologies and other on robust systems, models and meth-
tools for critical infrastructure protec- odologies. Science will help improve
In humanitarian policy, the EU is tion, in the analysis of interdepend- the understanding of risks and the
one of the major donors in terms of encies and cascading effects and in undertaking of the vital first steps to-

BOX 1.1

EU Overview of natural and man-made disaster risks

The European Commission is mandated under the UCPM to develop a comprehensive overview and mapping of
natural and human-induced disaster risks in the EU as one of its key disaster prevention actions (Article 5.1(a),
ibid.). The overview, published in 2017 and to be updated on a regular basis, builds on national assessments of
disaster risks and extensive scientific input (European Commission 2017).

Science plays a central role in developing a comprehensive understanding of disaster risks across Europe, with
a particular emphasis on cross-border, emerging and new risks and taking into consideration climate change.


wards DRM and adaptation planning. emerging and re-emerging infectious (European Union 2012), also known
The global threat of new and diseases, science and innovation play as ‘Seveso III’, sets risk management
re-emerging infectious diseases and a key role in vaccine, diagnostics and goal-oriented objectives based on the
man-made and natural disasters re- drug development and in risk model- fact that operators are obliged to take
quires reinforcing the infrastructure ling and assessment, as well as in iden- all necessary measures to prevent ma-
of public health response through tifying effective prevention and con- jor accidents and to limit their con-
strengthening health systems and the trol strategies at the population level. sequences for human health or the
global health security framework. The The EU Early Warning and Response environment. The directive is focused
EU decision on serious cross-border System is instrumental in notifying on the unintentional (accidental, in-
threats to health (European Union alerts as well as measures undertaken cluding natural hazards) potential
2013b) provides the framework to by the Member States. events in the establishments, thus
improve prevention and prepared- usually not related to the intentional
ness and to strengthen the capacity to Major industrial accidents can have acts (attacks), and excludes the mili-
coordinate response to health emer- consequences beyond the limits of tary establishments and pipelines, as
gencies across the EU; emergencies industrial establishments and the hu- well as the transportation outside es-
caused by biological, chemical and man, ecological and economic costs tablishments.
environmental agents and threats of of an accident are borne not only by
unknown origin aiming to contribute the establishment affected, but also In recent years, and in particular fol-
to a high level of public health pro- by the society concerned. It is there- lowing the Fukushima accident in
tection The EU health programme fore necessary to establish and apply Japan, the EU significantly strength-
provides scientific support and capac- safety and risk reduction measures ened its legislative framework on nu-
ity building in Member States through to prevent possible accidents, to re- clear safety by adopting the amended
training and exercises, sharing experi- duce the risks of accidents occurring directive on nuclear safety in 2014
ences, guidelines and procedures, and and to minimise the effects if they (European Union 2014), the revised
technical support and expertise with do occur, thereby making it possible directives on basic safety standards
preparedness planning or for imple- to ensure a high level of protection in 2013 (European Union 2013c) and
mentation of improvements in cer- throughout the Union. The Directive the directive on radioactive waste and
tain areas such as maritime traffic or 2012/18/EU on major-accidents haz- spent fuel management in 2011 (Eu-
specialised laboratories. In the field of ards involving dangerous substances ropean Union 2011). Altogether, this

BOX 1.2

INFORM – Index for Risk Management

INFORM is a global, open-source risk assessment for humanitarian crises and disasters. It can support decisions
about prevention, preparedness and response. It is the first global, objective and transparent tool for under-
standing the risk of humanitarian crises. When all those involved in crisis prevention, preparedness and response
use a shared risk assessment, they can work more effectively together. It has been developed in response to
recommendations by numerous organisations to improve the common evidence basis for risk analysis as well
as the real demands of Inform partner organisations. It is a way to simplify a lot of information about crisis risk
so it can be easily used for decision-making. The Inform model is based on risk concepts published in scientific
literature and envisages three dimensions of risk: hazards & exposure, vulnerability and lack of coping capacity
dimensions (INFORM n.d.).

represents the most advanced legally Member States should carry out a tal objectives. In addition, while the
binding and enforceable regional legal preliminary flood risk assessment on protection of the (coastal) marine
framework in the world. the basis of a methodology and ac- environment is covered by the WFD,
counting for historic floods, establish EU environmental policymakers con-
By the summer of 2017, EU Mem- mechanisms to assess the flood haz- sidered there was a lack of strategy
ber States have agreed to implement ard (e.g. extent and depth of water) underpinning the policies to protect
the provisions of the amended nu- and flood risk (i.e. the impact of sig- the marine environment. A strategy
clear safety directive in their national nificant flooding on health, the econ- was thus developed in the sixth envi-
laws. An ambitious EU-wide safety omy, the environment and cultural ronmental action programme (2002-
objective for all types of nuclear in- heritage) in Europe. This requires, for 2012), which resulted in setting up en-
stallations has been introduced in instance, knowledge of the location vironmental objectives for the marine
this revised directive, with the aim of floodplains and receptors with- environment. The related protection
of reducing the risk of accidents and in them, the use of advanced digital regime is regulated under the EU Ma-
avoiding large radioactive releases. elevation models and the ability for rine Strategy Framework Directive,
This EU-wide safety objective will elaborate modelling of the propaga- which was adopted in 2008 (Europe-
have a global impact via the 2015 Vi- tion of water during a flood — and an Community 2008).
enna Declaration on the International the know-how to calculate damages
Atomic Energy Agency’s Convention arising from flooding. Based on the Finally, through its European Struc-
of Nuclear Safety. mapping, the design and implemen- tural and Investment Funds, the EU
tation of a flood risk management provides important contribution to
In addition and in the post-Fukushi- plan with objectives and measures disaster prevention and management
ma environment, the new Basic Safety leading to the reduction of flood risk (European Union, 2013d); see Box
Standards Directive modernises and is carried out, which requires the use 1.3. The regional dimension is central
consolidates the European radiation of prioritisation methods (e.g. based to disaster prevention, as local and
protection legislation and takes into on cost/benefit) and an estimation of regional authorities are the first to be
account recent international recom- the likely impact of climate change in confronted with the impacts of dis-
mendations and standards. Once fully the longer term. asters. Disaster prevention is also im-
implemented, the revised standards portant for regional development and
will bring the highest level of pro- Water scarcity and droughts are also cross-border action. Prior investment
tection of workers, patients and the considered in the policy context. A is safeguarded, as it is important in
general public across Europe. It will European assessment of water scar- maintaining local growth and jobs. In-
also foster improvement in emergen- city and droughts has been conduct- vestment in risk prevention itself can
cy preparedness and response regimes ed by the European Commission in also develop new professional fields,
across Europe and will lead to better this framework to monitor changes foster innovation, support small and
coordination and cooperation be- across Europe and to identify where medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and
tween Member States. further action is needed in response boost the transition to a low-carbon
to climate change (European Com- and climate-resilient economy.
Specific policy instruments are also mission 2007). The successive steps
in place in the water sector related to of the WFD river basin management
extreme hydrometeorological events planning and the related flood and
such as floods and droughts. Com- drought policy frameworks may con- Enhanced
plementing the Water Framework veniently incorporate adaptation to preparedness and
Directive (WFD) (European Commu- climate-related water risks through
nity 2000), flood prevention and man- risk assessment, monitoring, environ-
response through
agement are tackled by the European mental objective setting, economic timely, relevant and
Union Flood Directive (European analysis and action programmes to reliable information
Community 2007). In this framework, achieve well-defined environmen-


The European disaster response co- ly warning systems is being strength- aims at increasing both preparedness
ordination is ensured by the Emer- ened through the EU project ‘all risk and response levels of the ERCC and
gency Response Coordination Centre integrated system towards’ (Aristotle). the UCPM participating states, all the
(ERCC) to bring together scientific The holistic early warning (INGV while respecting the national respon-
and operational communities in Eu- 2016) is a unique project that has sibilities of the latter.
rope in order to improve the planning created a European scientific natural
of disaster response operations, in- hazard partnership following a mul-
cluding scenario building for disaster ti-hazard approach — consisting of
response, asset mapping and the de- 15 institutions, the majority of which Disaster preparedness
velopment of plans for the deploy- are legally mandated to provide scien- and response measures
ment of response capacities. Timely, tific advice in their national civil pro- depend on the support of
relevant and reliable information is tection authorities as well — to sup- tools and instruments to
vital for detection and alert systems port the ERCC. Aristotle is designed
at the core of disaster response ac- to be scalable in order to expand in
provide timely, relevant
tivities. Forecasting and early warning the future to include other hazards
and reliable data for
tools supporting ERCC activities in- and institutions, under the condition operational decision-
clude the European Forest Fire Infor- that the partnership and its structure making.
mation System (EFFIS), the Europe- prove to be solid and well function-
an Flood Awareness System(EFAS), ing during this pilot phase. Aristotle
the Medical Information System was launched on 1 February 2016 and
(MedISys), the Tsunami Assessment will last until 31 January 2018. Since Other tools are central to the oper-
Modelling System and the European 1 February 2017, it has become ful- ational activities of the European
Drought Observatory (EDO). ly operational, providing the ERCC Commission, via the ERCC, such as
with 24/7 multi-hazard scientific the Copernicus programme (see sec-
The development and better integra- analysis and advice for selected haz- tion on Earth observation), and the
tion of transnational and multi-haz- ards (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic Global Disaster Alert and Coordina-
ard early warning systems by bringing gases/ashes, floods and severe weath- tion System (GDACS), which pro-
together scientific centres around ear- er including tropical cyclones). This vides key information on disasters

BOX 1.3

EU Cohesion policy contributions to disaster risk prevention,

With EUR 8 billion for climate change adaptation and risk prevention and management, the cohesion policy is one
of the most important sources for funding in this area. Twenty Member States have selected risk prevention as
a priority for the 2014-2020 funding period, depending on their specific needs. Furthermore, risk prevention, dis-
aster resilience and climate change adaptation are integrated into other cohesion policy-funding priorities, such
as innovation, energy efficiency and water management. The planned investments increase Europe’s resilience to
disasters and climate change and aim at protecting 13.3 million people from floods and 11.8 million from forest
fires (European Commission 2016c).

worldwide and a platform for struc- flooded area) and the level of damage The European Commission’s Com-
tured information exchange to facil- (e.g. destroyed buildings in case of an munity of Users on Secure, Safe and
itate decision-making in emergency earthquake). Resilient Societies aims to make better
responses (GDACS n.d.). sense of available research and identify
Last but not least, better access to research needs through stronger net-
Reinforcing access and use of sound knowledge also benefits training net- works and exchange of information.
data, evidence and DRM knowledge is works, including the EU Trainet set
also contributing to the development up under the UCPM, which seek to The Community of Users built around
of an EU voluntary pool of pre-com- create synergies through the exchange EU research and the Disaster Risk
mitted response assets to provide a of experience, best practices, relevant Management Knowledge Centre will
basis for the identification of poten- research and other activities. be mutually reinforcing the EU’s ef-
tial response capacity gaps and buff- forts to strengthen the interface be-
er capacities for use in extraordinary The EU Trainet is Lessons learnt ac- tween policy and science and pave the
situations. Indeed, to increase the tivities also aim at providing a broad- way for a risk-informed approach to
effectiveness and efficiency of the er basis for knowledge development, EU policies.
UCPM, the European Commission also contributes to enhance the
endeavours to foster technological knowledge base in DRM (European
innovation in response operations by Union 2013a). A risk-informed approach
encouraging the registration of inno- to DRM is built upon a
vative capacities in the ERCC. 1.4 robust and extensive
A robust knowledge knowledge base: research,
The Copernicus programme provides
accessible and global Earth obser- base for disaster risk innovation and scientific
projects are central
vation through high-quality satellite management components
mapping and services (European
Union 2014). Environmental infor-
mation is of crucial importance to The Union’s multiannual research and
its activities and helps to understand innovation framework programmes
how our planet and its climate are support a range of research and in- The importance of knowledge for
changing, the role played by human novation projects relevant to disas- climate change adaptation planning
activities in these changes and how ter management (European Union is recognised in the EU Adaptation
they will influence our daily lives. 2013e); see Box 1.4. Multinational and Strategy: one of the pillars of the
The Copernicus services address six interdisciplinary research in the field Strategy rests on refining the knowl-
thematic areas: land, marine, atmos- of natural and technological disasters edge gap for adaptation to promote
phere, climate change, emergency has led to the development of inno- better-informed decision-making
management and security. The main vative tools and methodologies to (European Commission, 2013b). The
users of the Copernicus services are forecast and monitor man-made and development of the one-stop-shop
policymakers and public authorities physical hazards. for adaptation, Climate-ADAPT,
that need the information to develop contributes to improving accessibil-
environmental legislation and pol- On the other hand, research efforts in ity and usability of information on
icies or to take critical decisions in support of risk management and crisis and relevant to climate change adap-
the event of an emergency, such as a management have largely contributed tation. This public platform contrib-
natural or human-induced disaster or in the preparedness and response to utes to strengthening the knowledge
a humanitarian crisis. In the area of major crises and have therefore helped base and providing valuable data and
DRM, Copernicus provides products reduce the toll on human lives and sources to inform policymakers and
such as maps identifying the extent economic assets. other stakeholders (Climate-ADAPT
of the disaster (e.g. delineation of the n.d.).


European efforts towards enhanced consistent and detailed manner. Commission also ensures, through
urban resilience to disasters also scientific tools such as the EU Aid
risks requires strengthening the con- In the field of humanitarian relief, the Explorer, to make aid data easily ac-
tribution of science and innovation European Commission contributes to cessible to ensure aid effectiveness
to enhance the resilience of urban building the capacity and to shaping and accountability and to reinforce
settings as well as integrating urban the governance of the internation- the evidence base for policymak-
risk management into national DRR al humanitarian system through the ing. Maps and graphs are developed
strategies and sustainable develop- Enhanced Response Capacity funds, to support operations as well as to
ment planning. The Global Human which aim to support coordination visualise the distribution of aid across
Settlement Layer(GHSL) framework, structures for the delivery of hu- countries and sectors worldwide (EU
developed by the European Commis- manitarian assistance like the global Aid Explorer n.d.).
sion will produce new global spatial humanitarian clusters and stand-by
information, evidence-based analyt- expertise for emergencies, as well as The EU was one of the first develop-
ics and knowledge describing urban studies and guidelines on specific as- ment donors to develop a dedicated
settlements on the planet. This infor- pects of humanitarian assistance and resilience policy aiming to strength-
mation will be instrumental in assess- platforms and networks for learning en the resilience of communities and
ing the impacts of DRM policies on and knowledge sharing (European their livelihoods and ecosystems as a
development trends and patterns in a Commission 2015). The European core objective for humanitarian and

BOX 1.4

Examples of relevant Horizon 2020 research priorities

Under the current EU framework Developing the awareness and Climate services, nature-based
programme for research and inno- demonstration of the added value solutions for building more resilient
vation Horizon 2020, the societal of risk mitigation and adaptation cities or territories, and dynamic
challenge chapters on ‘Secure soci- approaches in terms of co-benefits earth observations are examples of
eties’ and ‘Climate action, environ- for local economies, social cohesion promising sectors. Heightened em-
ment, resource efficiency and raw and the broader environment will phasis in DRR and resilience build-
materials’ address the research be further supported by demonstra- ing in urban areas is also becoming
needs across prevention, prepar- tion projects and other EU funds increasingly central to sustainable
edness and response actions in the programmes. urban development (European Un-
areas of crisis management, disas- ion 2016). The Horizon 2020 re-
ter resilience, climate change, crit- Research needs for humanitarian search programme has a strong
ical infrastructure protection and aid are also addressed by Horizon focus on social, technological, dig-
sustainability. In light of this new 2020, such as with calls focused on ital and nature-based innovation in
direction, vulnerability studies, in- advancing theoretical and practical urban planning and policy formula-
tegrated risk assessments and DRM knowledge on EU response mecha- tion.
strategies are increasingly consid- nisms and their effectiveness (INT-
ering the social, economic, environ- 5-2015) or the development of
mental and health dimension of the civilian humanitarian mission per-
risk. sonnel tracking (BES-10-2015).

development aid (European Commis- particular Least Developed Countries in the implementation of the 2030
sion 2012 and 2013a). A new Euro- (LDC) and Small Island Developing Agenda for Sustainable Development
pean consensus on development has States (SIDS), to develop DRR poli- and the Sustainable Development
been made to guide all of the EU and cies capacities and mainstream DRR, Goals (SDGs). Science and innova-
its Member States’ development pol- climate change adaptation and the tion contribute to several SDGs and
icy activities (European Commission protection of ecosystems or protect- their associated targets; for instance,
2016d) and under which they should ed zones (see Box 1.5). they feature prominently within SDG
increase efforts to build resilience and 17 on means of implementation and
adaptability to change. 1.5 the global partnership, SDG 9 on re-
silient infrastructure and inclusive,
In this context, the EU is committed Coherent sustainable industrialisation and SDG
to reinforcing the science and policy international 11 on making cities inclusive, safe, re-
dimension of DRR both within the processes and the silient and sustainable. The European
EU and in support to crisis-prone Commission will support the imple-
developing countries in line with pri-
role of science mentation of the 2030 Agenda for
ority areas of the Action Plan for Re- Sustainable Development, firstly by
silience in Crisis Prone countries. The The European Commission is ful- mainstreaming the SDGs in the Eu-
EU supports developing countries, in ly committed to being a frontrunner ropean policy framework and current

BOX 1.5

Examples of programmes and projects to support implemen-

tation of DRR and climate change policies in EU development
The global thematic project, ‘Build- and 20 have been supported in in- (Morinière and Zimmerman 2015)
ing capacities for increased public tegrating risk-informed planning in through the 10th European Devel-
investment in integrated climate different sectors of development, opment Fund intra-ACP programme
change adaptation and disaster with a focus on public investments. as part of its support for DRR in
risk reduction: 2012-2015’, covers This partnership project further partnership, among others, with the
40 vulnerable developing coun- supported the preparation of the ACP group of countries and regional
tries that were supported between Global Assessment Reports (UNIS- organisations.
2013 and 2016 in a partnership DR 2015) by providing the means
with the United Nations Office for to conduct modelling and investi- Since 2007, with the launch of the
Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) to gate disaster risk from the national Global Climate Change Alliance
build and improve national disas- to the global level. (GCCA), more than 50 projects in
ter loss databases for disaster loss 35 countries have been implement-
accounting. Among these 40 coun- In addition, the EU supported the ed under its flagship programme
tries, 30 have progressed further elaboration and publication of the contributing to the resilience of the
in capacity building to develop and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) communities and their livelihoods
use probabilistic risk assessments Compendium of Risk Knowledge and vulnerable ecosystems.


European Commission priorities and and innovation, which are needed to inforced science-policy interface
secondly by launching a reflection on achieve the ambitious vision set out in strengthens the contribution of DRM
further developing our longer-term the SDGs (UNGA 2015a). to smart, sustainable and inclusive
vision and the focus of sectoral pol- growth globally (European Commis-
icies after 2020 (European Commis- The World Humanitarian Summit, sion 2016a). The framework calls for
sion 2016d and 2016e). organised in 2016 as a response to a strong interface between science
an unprecedented increase of peo- and policy to build a strong knowl-
ple affected by conflict and natural edge of disaster risk; make efficient
disasters, put forward a number of use of data to better understand the
At a global level, science key commitments to place the safety economic impacts of disasters; and
and technology play a of people, dignity and the safeguard develop adequate preventive poli-
central role in the 2030 of human rights at the heart of deci- cies to reduce the risks of disasters
Agenda for Sustainable sion-making (WHS 2016). In its sup- (UNGA 2015b); see Box 1.6.
port to the commitments made, the
Development and other EU will rely on the support of a num- In the context of the Paris Agree-
international agreements ber of scientific tools and platforms, ment on climate change (UNFCCC
addressing DRM some of which were developed by the 2015), the importance of data collec-
European Commission and its key tion, evidence-based approaches and
partners; see Box 1. 6. the contribution of science was rec-
ognised. Science is needed to inform
The Addis Ababa Action Agenda (an The United Nations Sendai Frame- and provide tools to achieve the tar-
integral part of the 2030 Agenda for work for DRR shifts the emphasis get specified in the climate deal, both
Sustainable Development) sets out a from response-oriented disaster man- for adaptation and mitigation, and
comprehensive range of policies and agement to comprehensive DRM, to contribute to taking stock of pro-
actions, including science, technology in which a more systematic and re- gress. The Intergovernmental Panel

BOX 1.6

UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the Implemen-

tation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
2015-2030 (UNISDR 2016)
The outcomes of the 2016 UNISDR Science and Technology Conference underline that the science and technolo-
gy community should support the implementation of the Sendai framework through:
• original research and investigation;
• the assessment and analysis of hazards and the consequences of cascade effects;
• the development and validation of applied tools and standards;
• the design and use of new technologies;
• a range of education and communication roles.

More generally, ensuring the integration and promotion of a holistic approach to the science of hazards will be
an important contribution to reinforcing the science-policy interface around DRM.

on Climate Change (IPCC) was invit- vention and mitigation, preparedness,
ed to produce a special report by 2018 response and recovery.
on the impacts of global warming of
1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and Many policies at EU level as well as
related global greenhouse gas emis- political initiatives on a global scale
sion pathways. include a disaster risk dimension. En-
suring a robust DRM knowledge base
As illustrated by the New Urban is essential to informing these differ-
Agenda agreed at the Habitat III Con- ent policy processes and to working
ference on Housing and Sustainable towards effective evidence-based deci-
Urban Development, the internation- sion-making.
al community has come to acknowl-
edge how essential greater attention Reinforcing the science-policy inter-
to urban needs is when addressing face should allow for better exploiting
DRM, climate adaptation and urban and translating the complexities of
resilience. Unique and emerging de- scientific results into useful and usa-
velopment challenges facing all coun- ble policy outputs through efficient
tries are given particular attention for access and uptake of knowledge and
the implementation of the New Ur- research, a networked approach across
ban Agenda. Commitments such as relevant stakeholder communities and
the support for disaster risk assess- continuous efforts towards innovation
ments; the development of stand- and new technologies and tools.
ards for levels of risks and of quality
infrastructure and spatial planning; The Disaster Risk Management
and most of all the mainstreaming Knowledge Centre (DRMKC 2017)
of data-informed DRR and DRM at launched by the Commission on 30th
all levels reinforce the relevance of September 2015 offers a valuable plat-
an integrated science-policy interface form to meet these aims and further
to ensure environmentally sustaina- enhance the contribution of science
ble and resilient urban development to DRM policymaking. The Knowl-
(UNGA 2016). edge Centre implements a networked
approach to translate complex scien-
1.6 tific data and analyses into usable in-
formation at all stages of the disaster
Towards a stronger risk management (DRM) – from pre-
science-policy vention to recovery – and at all levels
interface – local, national, European and glob-
al - to provide science-based advice
Faced with the risk of increasingly for DRM policies, as well as timely
severe and frequent natural and hu- and reliable scientific-based analyses
man-induced disasters, policymak- for emergency preparedness and re-
ers and risk managers in DRM and sponse coordinated activities.
across EU policies increasingly rely
on the wealth of existing knowledge
and evidence at all levels — local, na-
tional, European and global — and at
all stages of the DRM cycle — pre-



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Chapter 2
disaster risk:
risk assessment
and examples

David C. Simmons Stefan Schneiderbauer

Coordinating lead author Lead author 2.3

Elisa Calliari
David C. Simmons Unni Eidsvig
Lead author 2.1 Michael Hagenlocher

Rudi Dauwe
Richard Gowland Scira Menoni
Zsuzsanna Gyenes Lead author 2.4
Alan G. King
Durk Riedstra Costanza Bonadonna
Stefan Schneiderbauer Mariano García-Fernández
Reimund Schwarze

Christina Corbane
Lead author 2.2 Jochen Zschau
Lead author 2.5
Paolo Gamba
Martino Pesaresi
Massimiliano Pittore
Marc Wieland
2 Understanding
disaster risk: risk assess-
ment methodologies and
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.1 Qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.1 Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 The importance of risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Example: catastrophe risk and the insurance industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 The key elements of risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Risk tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.1.2 Risk identification process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 The importance of risk identification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 What if . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Hazard and operability study (HAZOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.1.3 Risk analysis methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Types of risk analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Deterministic methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Semi-quantitative risk analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Probabilistic risk analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.1.4 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.2 Current and innovative methods to define exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.2.1 What is exposure?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.2.2 Why do we need exposure? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.2.3 Land-cover and land-use products as proxies to exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 European land -use and land -cover (LU/LC) products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Global land -use and land -cover products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.2.4 Status of population exposure at the EU and global levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 European-wide population grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Global human exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.2.5 Exposure data describing the building stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 EU -wide building inventory databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Global building inventory databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.2.6 Future trends in exposure mapping: towards a dynamic exposure modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.2.7 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

2.3.1 The importance of vulnerability for disaster risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Vulnerability: a key component to determine risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.3 The most recent view of vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Conceptual issues and dimensions of vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 State of the art and research gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.3.2 System and systemic vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 System dynamics affecting vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 System criticality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 State of the art and research gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.3.3 Vulnerability within the context of changing climate conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Vulnerability and climate change in Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 State of the art and research gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2.3.4 Approaches to assess vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Quantitative vulnerability functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 State of the art and research gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
2.3.5 How vulnerability information is used in practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Vulnerability in disaster risk management: from knowledge to action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.4 Recording disaster losses for improving risk modelling capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.4.1 Relationship between pre- event risk modelling and post- disaster loss data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.4.2 How post-disaster damage has been used to develop risk models: state of the art in a
nutshell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 State of the art of risk models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Key aspects of currently used vulnerability and damage curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Use of post-event damage data for evaluating the reliability of risk models results . . . . 88
2.4.3Damage and losses to multiple sectors: relevance for more comprehensive risk
assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Damage to tangibles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Damage to intangibles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Historical examples of permanent relocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
2.4.4The relevance of indirect damage and losses to account for the complexity of events . . . . . . 91 Indirect damage due to ripple effects in complex systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Indirect economic damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Changes needed to improve post-disaster damage and loss data availability and
quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
2.4.5 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
2.5 Where are we with multihazards, multirisks assessment capacities?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
2.5.1.Why do we need a change in the way we assess natural risks? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Multirisk assessment versus single-risk assessment for disaster risk management . . . . 96 Emerging challenges: risk globalization and climate change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2.5.2 Towards multi-risk assessment methodology: where do we stand? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Multilayer single-risk assessments: harmonisation for risk comparability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Hazard interactions: cascading events and Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Dynamic vulnerability: time- and state-dependent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
2.5.3 Implementation of MRA into DRM: Present state, benefits and barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 State of implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Expected benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
2.5.4 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117


Definition of Risk
here is no commonly accepted definition of risk. According to the
United Kingdom’s Royal Society (1992), risk is ‘the probability that
a particular adverse event occurs during a stated period of time, or
results from a particular challenge’. By contrast, the latest UNISDR’s
definition (2017) of disaster risk is ‘the potential loss of life, injury, destroyed
or damaged assets which could occur to a system, society or a community in a
specific period of time, determined probabilistically as a function of hazard,
exposure, vulnerability and capacity’.

Disaster risk is not just about the likelihood and severity of the hazard event
but also about what is exposed to that hazard and how vulnerable that expo-
sure is. A severe earthquake in a relatively uninhabited region can be of far less
consequence than a relatively minor one near a large conurbation. Similarly, a
severe earthquake in an area known to be prone to earthquakes and so with
strict design and construction standards can cause fewer fatalities and less dam-
age than an unexpected, much smaller one in an unprepared area with poor
building standards.

Following the Sendai disaster risk definition, we may consider risk to comprise
of three elements.
1. Hazard: the adverse event causing the loss.
2. Exposure: the property, people, plant or environment that are threatened
by the event.
3. Vulnerability: how the exposure at risk is vulnerable to an adverse event
of that kind.

Note that the forth Sendai element; capacity, the ability of the system to re-
spond after the event to mitigate the loss, is generally considered to be a com-
ponent of vulnerability. Loss suffered, that is the damage caused to the expo-
sure at risk to a defined hazardous event, will depend upon these elements.

Risk Complexity and Dependency

Single events may have no one single cause. For example a major flood could
be caused by a combination of one or more of heavy rain, unseasonably high
temperatures causing snow to melt fast, baked land from a prior dry spell or
conversely saturated soil from earlier continuous rains, which both increase
run-off, high tides and storm surge.

Whilst it is sometimes difficult to consider risks from a single hazard, what

of their combinations? The major cause of death and damage following the
Great Kantō earthquake affecting Tokyo in 1923, an event that left more than


140 000 people dead or missing, was not from building collapse due to ground
shaking but from fire storms provoked by cooking equipment knocked over in
the event. Similarly, earthquakes may cause tsunamis, landslides, dam failures or
avalanches and windstorms may cause landslides, storm surge, floods or flash
floods. Vetere Arellano et al. (2004) includes a fascinating example of cascad-
ing risk following an earthquake in Turkey in 1999.

Human action can also affect the loss. For example, canalising rivers or build-
ing on historical floodplains can give excess flood water nowhere to go; wide-
scale concreting over gardens to provide hard standing for motor cars prevents
water absorption, perhaps exacerbated by inadequate or poorly maintained
drains. What historically would have been a benign event can now become a
calamitous one.

Uncertainty and Subjectivity

Risk includes elements of the scientific and the subjective. In some hazards
or sectors, risk can be clearly defined. For example in the insurance industry,
the ‘risk business’ defines property or people who are normally insured against
defined hazards with payment made upon financial loss suffered. As we will
discuss later, this has led to an explosion in risk analytics over the last 30 years,
leading to a far more technically sophisticated but also financially secure insur-
ance industry.

However, even here there are limits in what we know. We may feel we know
how well a particular building will react to an earthquake of a certain intensity,
but do we know it was built to the right standard or correctly maintained? We
may feel we can reasonably estimate the damage that a flood with a depth of
1 metre can do to an industrial plant, but how well can we estimate the firm’s
economic loss related to this damage, which will depend on how quickly the
plant may be repaired or replaced, on whether it has any other factories avail-
able to take some of the strain and on whether business temporarily lost can
ever be fully regained.

There is an inherent uncertainty, as by definition catastrophes are rare events;

data to describe their effects may be partial, at best. However, as we will discuss
later on, the process to understand and model risk sheds light on areas where
data are lacking and therefore where additional focus is required. Subjective
assumptions, perhaps currently unstated, must be made explicit and so held up
for discussion.

Risk is not static but rather dynamic and dependent upon changes to hazard,
exposure and vulnerability. Anthropogenic climate change is accepted as scien-
tific fact, but its consequences on a local level and for a particular hazard may
not be clear. Historical observations are often limited, partial and contaminated
with natural variation and underlying factors that may not be fully understood.
But clearly there is a public and therefore political pressure for governments

to protect their populations against the impacts of climate change. In practice,
though, the risk as it is now is very often not properly understood, and still
less how it may worsen (or conversely improve) under different climate change
assumptions in 30 years’ time; understanding current risk is fundamental to
understanding how that risk may change in the future.

Risk Perception
When we begin to move into exposure, such as the preservation of habitat
and/or animal population, it may be harder to place an agreed value on pres-
ervation or qualification of damage if either is impaired, even where there is
common acceptance of the importance of the risk to society. A common risk
metric must be agreed in order to allow, for example, the relative social and
environmental cost of sacrificing an important ecological habitat to protect the
human population of a city.

Humans have short memories; current risk concerns may be driven by recent
experience rather than underlying loss potential. Few were concerned with tsu-
nami risk until the tragic events of 2004 and 2011 — the risks were theoretical-
ly known but were rare, and crucially as no significant tsunami had been filmed
until 2004, the risk was difficult to relate to and was often overlooked.

Indeed, perception of risk drives policy (Klinke and Renn 2002). For example,
many more die on the road than in train crashes, but these deaths tend to come
in ones and twos at any time, rather than several casualties, as in rail crashes.
Post-loss this may lead to calls to improve the already relatively safe rail system
when a similar amount spent on the road network may save more lives.

The public purse is not unlimited. Should the politician react to the public
perception of risk by spending on risk prevention in areas of known public
concern or try to assess the range of risks the population face and prioritise
spending on a more rational cost/benefit approach? In the short term, pre-
event, the former will be more electorally advantageous but the post-event
failure to react to an unrecognised hazardous eventcould have enormous po-
litical as well as human consequences. It is vital to consider not just what has
happened but what could happen; taking action to minimise loss in advance
and not just reacting to events as they occur.

Recognising risk may also have its consequences. Many societies have a pres-
sure on housing. Flood plains offer an easy solution, the land drained, defences
constructed and houses built, which is popular as people like living near water.
But how robust are the new properties in a changing climate? Can risk be
overlooked if there is a social need? Certainly before the event, but what about
after? What if the properties become uninsurable and so unsaleable?

The Importance of Understanding Disaster Risk

Risk is complicated, but understanding risk is vital to the proper protection


of society and the environment. Without proper risk analysis, can appropriate
policy decisions be made?

In an increasingly litigious society, could governments and officials not have a

proper risk assessment methodology? It is vital to understand and use the best
science, but ultimately policymakers will also necessarily react to stakeholder
perception. It is hoped that scientific fact, properly presented, will drive per-
ception, but ultimately risk management decisions are necessarily political.
Those decisions need to be made in a transparent manner; open to scrutiny,
challenge and debate. It is impossible to completely eliminate risk, even with an
unlimited public purse. In reality, budgets are under pressure, with many calls
upon limited funds: spending money on preparing for an event that will prob-
ably not even occur within a politician’s period of office may not be as high a
priority as trying to address an immediate social need.

However, there is a duty of care to protect the citizens and the natural envi-
ronment of Europe. Modern risk assessment, coupled with risk and financial
modelling, provides the framework to make the right decisions for both now
and the future.

2.1 Qualitative and
quantitative approaches
to risk assessment
David C. Simmons, Rudi Dauwe, Richard Gowland, Zsuzsanna
Gyenes, Alan G. King, Durk Riedstra, Stefan Schneiderbauer

the second paper analyses 18 national

2.1.1 contributions, identifying 25 hazards,
Risk Assessment A structured approach is both natural and man-made (mali-
cious and non-malicious).
required to understand all the hazards that society
The importance of risk However, as an example of the im-
assessment faces and their potential portance of risk assessment, the ex-
consequences. This perience of the insurance industry is
Risk assessment is a means not only to requires transparency, presented, an industry that has been
understand the risks that society (or a opening up assumptions transformed by the adoption of an
family or business) faces, with their to challenge, discussion increasingly rigorous risk assessment
potential probabilities and impacts, and modelling process over the last 30
but also to provide a framework to
and review. years. The lessons learnt are relevant
determine the effectiveness of disas- to policymakers and practitioners in
ter risk management, risk prevention government.
and/or risk mitigation.
Risk assessment and mapping guide-
It would be spurious to pretend that lines for disaster management (Euro- Example: catastrophe
we fully understand all the hazards pean Commission, 2010) and Over- risk and the insurance
that society faces and their poten- view of natural and man-made disaster industry
tial consequences. The process of risks in the EU (European Commis-
risk assessment requires a structured sion, 2014), provide a solid outline of As recently as the 1980s, the insurance
approach. Without such a process, the issues in a European context. The industry’s catastrophe risk assessment
risks may be overlooked or implic- first outlines ‘the processes and meth- was almost entirely based on histori-
it assumptions may be made. A risk ods of national risk assessments and cal experience or ‘rule of thumb’ as-
assessment process requires transpar- mapping in the prevention, prepared- sumptions. Catastrophes are, by defi-
ency, opening up assumptions and ness and planning stages, as carried nition, rare events. It is very unlikely
options to challenge, discussion and out within the broader framework of that a mega event will have occurred
review. disaster risk management’, whereas in recent years and, even if that were


the case, it may have had unique fea- Engineering principles augmented by to clearly define their risk appetite to
tures that may not reoccur. If we had historical loss analysis attempted to ensure appropriate levels of financial
a historical event, would it cause simi- understand the relationship between security and then seek to maximise re-
lar damage if it reoccurred? The glob- the event’s manifestation at a particu- turn within that appetite.
al population is growing and getting lar location (e.g., peak ground acceler-
wealthier, with the majority now con- ation, peak gust speed and maximum It has not been a painless process. In-
centrated in cities. Pressure of popu- flood depth) and its likely damage. itially, many saw the models as a pan-
lation growth has created the need to From this an overall damage estimate acea to the market’s problems. There
build on land that was wisely avoided for any given property portfolio for was a tendency by those unaware of
by our forefathers. Growth may be each of the synthetic events could the complexity of the models to be-
unplanned with infrastructure, such be calculated. If the probability of lieve the results. Arguably, the mod-
as drainage not keeping up with the each synthetic event is then applied, els were oversold and overbought:
rate of development. People like liv- we could understand the distribution the vendors sold the models on their
ing close to water, potential loss may off loss to the overall portfolio, for technical capabilities and the buyers
be more than just scaling the historical example what the annual average loss bought them seeking certainty, but
loss by population change and wealth. is and how big a loss from that hazard neither publically faced up to the in-
type can be expected every 5, 10, 20, herent uncertainty within the models,
The need for a better approach was 50 and 100 years. despite growing pains in the process.
clear. In 1984 Don Friedman pub- However, this information has trans-
lished a paper that would form the formed the industry. Twenty years ago
template for modelling insurance the most technical reinsurance broker
catastrophe risk over the following The process of modelling had perhaps 3 % of staff engaged in
30 years, breaking the process into risk analytics, whereas now this has
hazard, exposure, vulnerability and
catastrophe risk has become 25 % to 30 %. Chief risk of-
financial loss. The first United States transformed the ficers were virtually unknown in the
hurricane model to this template was reinsurance industry by insurance industry 20 years ago; now
produced by the reinsurance bro- increasing knowledge, they are embedded.
ker E.W. Blanch in 1987 (White and scientific engagement,
Budde, 2001), followed by the United technical competence The models became a mechanism to
States earthquake in 1988. Reinsur- and, most importantly, the raise debate above vague opinion to a
ance brokers and reinsurers also lead discussion of the veracity of assump-
the field in Europe; however, the early
resilience of the tions within the model. The models’
1990s saw the rise of three major ca- industry — its ability data requirements led to a massive
tastrophe modelling firms, which still to pay claims. increase in the quality and quantity
dominated the industry in 2016. of data captured, leading in turn to
improved models. Knowledge of ca-
These models were stochastic models tastrophe risk has grown immeasura-
— based not on a few historic haz- Decisions could be made based on bly; firms have become smarter, more
ard events but rather on a synthetic ‘objective fact’, not subjective opin- financially robust and therefore more
event made of many thousands of ion. Underwriters now had much likely to meet their claim obligations.
events that attempt to represent the more information to appropriately
range of possible events with their rate individual policies and to decide Whilst such modelling originally ap-
associated probabilities. The mod- how much total risk they could accept plied to catastrophe risk only, it has
els required knowledge not only of across their portfolio and how much been extended to cover man-made
what properties were insured and to off lay. The concept of risk/re- hazards such as terrorism and more
their value but also of their location, turn entered the market. Firms began esoteric risk such as pandemic. In-
construction type and occupation. deed, the EU’s solvency II (Directive

2009/138/EC) an insurance regula- Indeed, it can be argued that the pro- order to calculate the physical or
tory regime, requires firms to under- cess of risk assessment and modelling financial impact upon that entity
stand all the risk they face, insurance is more important than the results ob- should the event occur. This may
and non-insurance (e.g., market risk, tained. Risk assessment does not need be obtained by a review of histor-
counterparty risk and operational to be as complex as a full stochastic ical events, engineering approaches
risk), with the carrot that if they can model to add real value. Similarly, it and/or expert opinion and may
demonstrate that they can adequately is a common misunderstanding that include the ability of the system
model their risks, then they may be al- a lack of good-quality, homogeneous to respond after the event so as to
lowed to use the capital requirement data invalidates risk assessment. Any mitigate the loss.
implied by their model rather than the risk assessment methodology requires
standard formula. Regulators rather assumptions to be brought to light • Estimate the potential financial
smartly realise that any firm willing and so opened to challenge. Assump- and/or social consequences of
and able to demonstrate such capacity tions can then be reviewed, compared events of different magnitudes.
and understanding is less likely to fail. and stressed, identifying areas of in-
consistency, illogicality, sensitivity and where further research should be con- Risk tolerance
The key elements of risk centrated.
assessment The likelihood of the hazard and its
The key steps in risk assessment are consequences needs to be compared
Whilst the insurance industry is a spe- the following. with the norms of tolerability/ac-
cial case, others are noticing that the • Identify the hazards which might ceptability criteria that society or an
same methods can be used to manage affect the system or environment organisation has formulated. If these
risks to governments, cities and com- being studied A brain-storming criteria are met, the next step would
munities. They can drive not only a session to identify all potential be to manage the risk so that it is at
better understanding of the risks that hazards should be done at an ini- least kept within these criteria and
society faces but also a means to de- tial stage. It is important to think ideally lowered with continuous im-
termine and justify appropriate risk beyond events or combinations of provement.
planning, risk management strategies events that have occurred in order
as well as public and investment de- to consider those that may occur. If the risk criteria are not met, the
cisions. next step would be risk reduction by
• Assess the likelihood or probability either reducing exposure to the haz-
that hazards might occur: inputs to ard or by reducing vulnerability by
this process include history, mod- preventative measures or financial
Risk assessment requires elling, experience, corporate mem- hedging, typically through traditional
ory, science, experimentation and indemnity insurance that pays upon
the identification of testing. In practice, events with a proof of loss, but also increasing-
potential hazards as very, very low probability (e.g. me- ly through parametric insurance that
well as a knowledge of teor strike) are ignored, focussing pays upon proof of a defined event
those hazard including on ones more likely to occur and occurring. Insurance-like products
their probability, what is can be either prevented, managed can also be obtained from the finan-
exposed to that hazard or mitigated. cial markets by means of catastrophe
and the vulnerability or resilience bonds.
• Determine the exposure to the
of that exposure to the hazard, i.e. who or what is at risk. In industry, reducing event likelihood
hazard. is normally the preferred method,
• Estimate the vulnerability of that since this dimension is amenable to
hazard to the entity exposed in improving reliability and enhancing


the protective measures available. In retro-fitting roof ties in tropical cy- to make sure that we are open-mind-
many cases, these can be tested, so are clone-exposed areas or installing irri- ed enough to consider all possibilities
therefore often a dominant feature of gation systems for crops by premium even when they may seem to be re-
risk reduction. Estimating the poten- reductions. mote.
tial severity of the hazard is harder and
often leaves much to expert opinion. It is important to consider all poten-
If risk cannot be credibly reduced in 2.1.2 tial hazards, natural and man-made,
industry, it may lead to the cessation Risk identification and their possible interactions and
of an activity. Ideally, a hazard would process consequences. The process should
be completely avoided: a fundamental not be limited to events known to
step in the design of inherently safer have happened in the past, but also to
processes. The importance of consider what could happen.
risk identification
However, for natural hazards and Methods in use greatly depend on
climate risk, where hazard likelihood It is necessary to identify unwanted the experience of the persons carry-
reduction is often impossible, it is re- hazardous events (i.e., atypical sce- ing out the study. This is normally a
quired to work on exposure and vul- narios) and their consequences. It is team activity, and how it is made up is
nerability. Building codes, for example very important to include all these in important and should be drawn from
the EU standard Eurocodes, encour- a study. If a possible hazard is over- persons familiar with the technology
age appropriate resilience in design looked, it will never be assessed. Un- or natural phenomena and the loca-
and construction and can include fortunately, there are many examples tion being considered. Techniques
‘build back better’ after an event. of this failure (Gowland, 2012). adopted range from relatively un-
Spatial planning and the delineation structured ‘brainstorming’ through to
of hazard zones of various levels can In all risk assessment methods, the the more structured ‘what if ’ analysis.
promote development in areas less failure to include these ‘atypical’ sce-
exposed to risk. narios will present problems. Exam-
ples include the major fire and explo-
sion at Buncefield (December 2005) Potential risks may not be
and the tsunami that inundated the obvious and may not have
Risks can never be Fukushima nuclear power station occurred in the past. It is
eliminated but they can (March 2011). Identification of all
potential hazards is absolutely funda-
vital to seek to identify
be managed and their what could occur as well
mental in ensuring success.
consequences reduced, as the consequences.
at a cost. Defining risk The United Kingdom Health and
tolerance allows informed, Safety Executive has identified and
cost-effective risk reviewed almost 40 hazard identifica-
management decisions. tion methods. Other more formalised processes ex-
ist in industry, though, including fail-
The scope and depth of study is im- ure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)
portant and relevant to purpose and and the highly structured hazard and
The insurance mechanism can be operability (HAZOP) study, both
the needs of users of the assessment.
used to encourage appropriate risk of which look to identify hazardous
It is necessary to identify all hazards
behaviours, penalising poor construc- events and to locate causes, conse-
so that a proper risk assessment may
tion, maintenance or location by re- quences and the existing preventive
be made. When we are open to con-
duced cover or higher premiums and measures. FMEA was developed for
sidering potential deviations we need
rewarding mitigation measures, e.g. the automobile industry and HAZOP

was developed for the chemical and flow sheets, physical and hazardous the potential consequences of those
process industry. However, similar properties of the materials involved, failures and what can be done to pre-
studies can be applied to any field of potentially exposed persons, environ- vent them from happening. In this
risk. For example, the HAZOP (Tyler ment or assets, protective systems. way, it can be used in risk assessment
et al., 2015) use of guide words and Most users will simply estimate the in industry. As shown in Figure 2.1, it
deviations, which might seem to be likelihood and severity of conse- comprises a systemised group of ac-
limited to the industry where first ap- quences in a similar way to that used tivities designed to:
plied, can be adjusted or replaced with in risk matrix applications. • recognise and evaluate the poten-
those relevant to the field being stud- tial failure of a process or equip-
ied; this has been demonstrated in the A brainstorming exercise has the side ment and their effects;
mining industry in Australia, where benefit of encouraging a wide partic- • identify actions which could elim-
modified chemical industry methods ipation in the risk identification and inate or reduce the chance of po-
have proved useful. assessment process, increasing own- tential failure;
ership of the ultimate conclusions. • document the process.
What if It captures:
Failure mode and effect • the failure mode, i.e., what could go
This is a form of structured team analysis (FMEA) wrong;
brainstorming. Once the team under- • the effect analysis, i.e., how it would
stands the process or system being FMEA is a rigorous, step-by-step happen, how likely it is to go wrong
assessed and the kind of risks (po- process to discover everything that and how bad it would be.
tential exposures and vulnerabilities), could go wrong in a task or process,
each discreet part or step is examined
to identify things that can go wrong FIGURE 2.1
and to estimate their possible conse-
quences. A graphic illustration of the FMEA process.
Source: courtesy of authors

A team of experts Define requirements

and expected outcomes
brainstorming is one way
to flush out potential
risks, but it is important
to use a panel of experts How can we detect the
onset of failure?
Identify failure modes
What are the potential
effects of failure mode?
whose experience covers
all aspects of risk.
How serious are these
Control Plan Identify possible causes
In order to carry this out successful-
ly, we must stress the need for the
team to be properly qualified and to
have a full set of data relating to the DETECTION OCCURANCE
system being studied. This would in-
clude operating instructions, process


A very good example of a high-risk of a production process or a proce- tent in the case of our cooling facility
and high-priority project is the space dure for new and existing operations. could include less or no flow of wa-
shuttle where we put fragile human The technique is most associated with ter, high temperature or low (or high)
lives in a tin can and send them to identifying hazardous deviations from pressure. When these deviations are
space, hoping to get them home safe- the desired state, but it also greatly agreed, all the causes associated with
ly. Considering the complexity of the assists the operability of a process. them are listed. For example, for no
shuttle, there are many possible items In this mode it is very helpful when or less flow, causes will include pump
which can fail, and they all have in- writing operating procedures and job failure, power failure, line blockage,
dividual failure modes and effects. safety analysis (Tyler et al., 2015). etc.
Lives are at risk and space shuttles
are expensive. FMEA is a tool used Processes and procedures all have a The possible hazardous consequenc-
to provide a structured process to un- design intent which is the desired nor- es can now be addressed, usually in a
derstand and thereby minimise risk. mal state where operations proceed in qualitative manner without significant
a good way to make products in a safe calculation or modelling. In the exam-
way. ple, these might be, for example, for
line blockage pump overheats or loss
FMEA is a structured With this in mind, equipment is de- of cooling to process, leading to high
signed and constructed, which, when temperature problems with product.
what-if process widely it is all assembled and working to-
used in the process gether, will achieve the desired state. These simple principles of the meth-
industries and provides In order to achieve this, each item of od are part of the study normally
a template for other equipment will need to consistently carried out by a team that includes
potential applications. function as designed. This is known designers, production engineers, tech-
as the ‘design intent’ for that particu- nology specialists and, very impor-
lar item or section of the process. tantly, operators. The study is record-
ed in a chart as in the study record.
The three distinct assessments for A decision can then be made about
each of the three strands of this any available safeguards or extra ones
methodology, detection availability, HAZOP is a what-if that might be needed — based on the
occurrence probability and severity, severity or importance of the conse-
process identifying quence.
are each given a rating: D, P and D,
respectively. Risk ranking is calculated
potential hazards caused
by multiplying these factors to give a by ‘deviations’ from the It is believed that the HAZOP meth-
single rating D x P x S. A risk matrix design intent of a part of odology is perhaps the most widely
may be used to illustrate this process a production process or used aid to loss prevention in indus-
(see Section procedures. try. The reason for this can be sum-
marised as follows: • it is easy to learn;

Hazard and operability Each part of this design intent speci- • it can be easily adapted to almost all
study (HAZOP) fies a ‘parameter’ of interest. For ex- the operations that are carried out
ample, for a pump this could be flow, within process industries;
The technique of HAZOP has been temperature or pressure. With a list • no special level of academic quali-
used and developed since the 1970s of ‘parameters’ of interest, we can fication is required.
for identifying potential hazards and then apply ‘guide words’ to show de-
operability problems caused by ‘devia- viations from the design intent. Inter-
tions’ from the design intent of a part esting deviations from the design in-

example, a method adopted in indus- adherence to strict rules on the design
2.1.3 try may not be suitable in the field of and operation of aircraft and flights
Risk analysis natural hazards. Legal requirements has produced a very safe industry.
methodologies may also dictate the degree of study The same approach to rule- based op-
as well as such factors as the ‘allowa- erations exists in some countries and ble’ threat to the community. This last companies.
Types of risk analysis matter is common in ‘deterministic’
risk analysis where the requirement How are deterministic events framed?
Risk analysis is a complex field requir- may be that there is no credible risk For example, to check the safety of
ing specialist knowledge and expertise for a community in the location of an an installation against a severe flood,
but also common sense. It is not just industrial operation. severity is assessed according to the
a pure scientific field but will neces- worst recently seen, the worst seen in
sarily include judgements over issues Deterministic methods consider the the last 20 years or the worst that may
such as risk appetite and risk manage- consequences of defined events or be expected every 100 years based on
ment strategy. It is vital that the pro- combinations of events but do not current climatic conditions and cur-
cess be as comprehensive, consistent, necessarily consider the probability of rent upstream land use. A different
transparent and accessible as possible. these events or guarantee that all pos- choice of event will have a different
If a risk cannot be properly under- sible events are captured within the outcome and potentially a very differ-
stood or explained, then it is difficult deterministic event set. Often this is ent conclusion about manageability.
if not impossible for policymakers, the starting point for risk analysis. At Can we ensure that all deterministic
companies and individuals to make the other extreme, stochastic or prob- events used in risk assessment across
rational choices. abilistic analysis attempts to capture hazards are broadly equivalent in
all possible outcomes with their prob- probability? If not, assessments and
abilities; clearly coming with a much conclusions may be skewed.
higher data and analytical requirement
The appropriate form of and, if correct, forming the basis for a
sophisticated risk assessment process.
risk analysis will depend
on the purpose and the Deterministic methods seek to consider the
data available from Deterministic methods
simple scenarios to full impact of defined risk
probabilistic analysis, Deterministic methods seek to con- events and thereby prove
but all can lead to sider the impact of defined risk events that consequences
better decision-making. and thereby prove that consequenc- are either manageable
es are either manageable or capable of or capable of being
being managed. They may be appro- managed.
priate where a full stochastic model is
Currently, there is no universally impossible due to a lack of data; pro-
agreed risk analysis method applied viding real value whilst a more robust
to all phenomena and uses, but the framework is constructed.
methods used rather are determined In recent times there has been a shift
by a variety of users, such as indus- Risk standards may be set at nation- from a totally rule- based system to
trial and transport companies, regula- al and international level and, if fully one where an element of qualitative,
tors and insurers. They are selected on complied with, are believed to prevent semi- quantitative and quantitative
the basis of their perceived relevance, a hazard that could impact the com- risk assessment (QRA) may influence
utility and available resources . For munity. This is akin to the managing decisions. But deterministic risk as-
of risk in the aviation industry, where sessment is also carried out as a reali-


ty check for more complex stochastic Realistically, deterministic methods to users of the information. Indeed,
models and to test factors that may are not 100 % reliable, taking as they some output from complex stochas-
not be adequately modelled within do only a subset of potential events, tic models may be presented in forms
these models. but their practical performance in similar to that used in semi-quanti-
For example, over the past 20 years preventing hazard -impacting com- tative risk analysis, e.g., risk matrices
the insurance industry has enthusias- munities is as good and in some cas- and traffic light rating systems (for ex-
tically embraced advances risk assess- es even better than other methods. If ample where red is severe risk, orange
ment techniques, but deterministic properly presented they can be clear, is medium risk, yellow is low risk and
assessment of the form ‘if this hap- transparent and understandable. The green is very low risk).
pens, this is the consequence’ is still process of developing deterministic
required by regulators. They may be stress and scenario sets can also be a
referred to as: means to engage a range of experts Semi-quantitative
• a scenario test, where a defined and stakeholders in the risk analysis
event or series of events is pos- process, gaining buy-in to the process.
risk analysis seeks
tulated and the consequences as- to categorise risks by
sessed; Whether rules and standards derived comparative scores
• a stress test, where pre-agreed as- from such tests work may depend rather than by explicit
sumptions of risk, for example on the risk culture of the region or probability and financial
implied within a business plan firm where the risk is managed. Some or other measurable
(e.g. interest rate assumptions), are risk cultures have a highly disciplined consequences.
stressed and challenged to deter- approach to rules, whereas others al-
mine their impact on results and low or apparently tolerate a degree
company sustainability; of flexibility. Furthermore, the ef-
• a reverse stress test, where events fort required to create, maintain and
or combinations of events are pos- check for compliance where technical A risk matrix is a means to commu-
tulated that could cause insolvency standards are concerned is consider- nicate a semi-quantitative risk assess-
of the firm if unhedged. able and may be beyond the capacity ment: a combination of two dimen-
of those entrusted with enforcement. sions of risk, severity and likelihood,
Scenario, stress and reverse stress which allows a simple visual compari-
tests may be informed by science and son of different risks.
modelling or expert opinion, or both, Semi-quantitative
and often an assessment of probabili- risk analysis Severity can be considered for any
ty will be estimated. Insurance regula- unwanted consequence such as fire,
tors often focus on a 0.5 % probabili- Semi-quantitative risk analysis seeks explosion, toxic release, impact of
ty level as a benchmark, i.e. the worse to categorise risks by comparative natural hazards (e.g. floods and tsu-
that may be expected every 200 years. scores rather than by explicit proba- namis) with their effects on workers
If stress and scenario tests give num- bility and financial or other measur- and the community, environmental
bers for an estimated 1 in 200 events able consequences. It is thus more damage, property damage or asset
that the stochastic model says could rigorous than a purely qualitative ap- loss. A severity scale from minor to
happen, say, every 10 years, then it proach but falls short of a full com- catastrophic can be estimated or cal-
casts doubt on the assumptions with- prehensive quantitative risk analysis. culated, perhaps informed by some
in the model or the test itself — they But rather like deterministic methods, form of model. Normal risk matri-
could be assessed and challenged. it can complement a full stochas- ces usually have between four and six
Similarly, the framing of multievent tic risk analysis by inserting a reality levels of severity covering this range
reverse stress tests may challenge as- check. Semi-quantitative methods can with a similar number of probability
sumptions about dependency and be used to illustrate comparative risk scales. There is no universally adopted
correlation within the model. and consequences in an accessible way

set of descriptions for these levels, so this scale — all industries and tech- user will need to decide what is done
stakeholders can make a logical selec- nologies; with the result.
tion based on the purpose of the risk • unlikely: has occurred but not relat-
assessment being carried out. The ex- ed to this industry sector; There are choices to be made, either
ample depicted in Figure 2.2, below, • possible: has occurred in this com- to reduce the severity of the conse-
is designed for risk assessment by a pany but not in this technology; quence or the receptor vulnerability
chemical production company and is • likely: has occurred in this location and/or to reduce the event’s likeli-
based on effects on people. Similar — specific protection identified hood. All may require changes to the
matrices can be produced for envi- and applied; hazardous process. Many users would
ronmental damage, property or capi- • almost certain: has occurred in this also require intermediate risks to be
tal loss. See also Chapter 2.5, Figure location — no specific protection investigated and reduced if practica-
2.21 for the risk matrix suggested by identified and applied. ble.
European Commission (2010).
When plotted in the matrix (Figure Some users apply numerical values to
In this illustrative example the severi- 2.2), a link may be provided to rank the likelihood and/or severity axes of
ty scale is defined as: particular risks or to categorise them the matrix. This produces a ‘calibrat-
• insignificant: minor injury quick re- into tolerable (in green), intermediate ed’ matrix.
covery; (in yellow and orange) or intolerable
• minor: disabling injury; (in red) bands. A risk which has severe The following matrix, in Figure 2.3
• moderate: single fatality; consequences and is estimated to be is derived from the Health and Safe-
• major: 2 -10 fatalities; ‘likely’ would clearly fall into the intol- ty Executive’s publication Reducing
• severe: more than 11 fatalities. erable band. A risk which has minor risks, protecting people (2001) as
consequences would be intermediate well as from its final report on the
Similarly, the likelihood scale is de- and ‘very rare’ in likelihood would be Buncefield fire and explosion, Safety
fined as: in the tolerable band. For risks which and environmental standards for fuel
• rare: no globally reported event of appear in the intolerable band, the storage sites (2009).


A risk matrix
Source: authors

Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Severe

Almost Certain M H H E E

Likely M M H H E

Possible L M M H E

Unlikely L M M M H

Rare L L M M H


Sometimes matrices are used to com-
A calibrated risk matrix
pare different risk types as per this
Source: Health and Safety Executive (2001, 2009)
example from the United Kingdom’s
National risk register of civil emer-
gencies report (2015).
FREQUENCY/ SINGLE 2 - 10 11 - 50 51 - 100 101+ Such matrices are intuitively attractive,
but in practice they can be misleading
(Cox, 2008).
Likely >10-2/yr Intolerable Intolerable Intolerable Intolerable Intolerable
Very often an assessment of both
Tolerable Tolerable
frequency and severity is highly sub-
(but (but jective and so can greatly differ , even
>10-4/yr intolerable intolerable when produced by two people with
Unlikely but <10- if individual if individual Intolerable Intolerable Intolerable similar experiences; the impact of
/yr risk of risk of
fatality fatality expert judgement can be profound
>10-3/yr) >10-3/yr) (Skjong and Wentworth 2001). It is
vital for reasoning to be given for any
Very assessment, therefore allowing debate
but <10- Tolerable Tolerable Tolerable Tolerable Intolerable
unlikely 4
/yr and challenge.
Broadly Broadly
Remote but <10-
Acceptible Acceptible
Tolerable Tolerable Tolerable If subject to a full probabilistic mod-


A comparative risk matrix

Source: United Kingdom Cabinet Office (2015)

5 Pandemic Influenza

Coastal Flooding
Widespread electricty failure

Severe space weather

Effusive volcanic eruptions
Major transport accidents Low temperatures/heavy snow
3 Emerging infectuaous
Major industrial accidents Heatwaves
diseases Inland flooding
Poor air quality events

Public disorder Animal diseases Explosive volcanic eruption

Severe wildfires Drought Storms and gales

1 Disruptive industrial action

Between 1 in 20,000 Between 1 in 2,000 and Between 1 in 200 and Between 1 in 20 and Greater than 1 in 2
and 1 in 2,000 1 in 200 1 in 20 1 in 2

elling exercise, we would not just subjective opinion and hold it up to ty elements of hazards and then run
have one value for coastal flooding challenge, opening debate and be- many thousands of simulated events
but rather a complete distribution of coming a framework to identify where or years in order to assess the likeli-
coastal floods from frequent but very additional analytical effort is required. hood of loss at different levels. The
low severity to rare but very high se- method is often called Monte Carlo
verity. modelling after the gaming tables of
Which point of the curve should be the principality’s casinos. These meth-
picked for each peril? Different selec- ods have been widely adopted by the
tions will give very different impres- Probabilistic risk insurance industry, particularly where
sions of comparative risk. analysis problems are too complicated to be
represented by simple formulae, in-
Semi-quantitative methods can be This method originated in the Cold cluding catastrophic natural hazard
a useful stepping stone towards a War nuclear arms race, later adopted risks.
full quantitative system, particularly by the civil nuclear industry. It typi-
where detailed data are lacking, and cally attempts to associate probability A commonly used generic term for
can be used as a means to capture distributions to frequency and severi- these methods is QRA or probabil-


Anonymised insurer comparative event exceedence curve

Source: Willis Towers Watson



Event loss size [EUR]





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Event return period [years]

Earthquake Tropical cyclone


istic or stochastic risk modelling. To- lows companies to substitute some or occurred.
day it is frequently used by industry all of their regulatory capital calcula-
and regulators to determine individ- tion with their own risk models if ap- Figure 5 gives an example of output
ual and societal risks from industries proved by their regulatory and subject of such a model, here showing the
which present a severe hazard con- to common European rules. size of individual loss for two dif-
sequence to workers, the community The main advantage of a quantitative ferent perils with return periods of
and the environment. EU legislation method is that it considers frequency up to the worst that may be expected
such as the Seveso III directive (Di- and severity together in a more com- every 500 years. Note that a return
rective 2012/18/EU) requires risks prehensive and complex way than period is a commonly used form of
to be mapped and managed to a tol- other methods. The main problem probability notation. A 1 -in- 200 year
erable level. These industrial require- is that it can be very difficult to ob- loss is the worst loss that can be ex-
ments have resulted in the emergence tain data on risks: hazard, exposure, pected every 200 years, i.e. a loss with
of organisations, specialists and con- vulnerability and consequential se- a return period of 200 years. A return
sultants who typically use specially verity. If it is difficult to understand period is the inverse of probability; a
designed software models. The use and represent the characteristics of 1- in -200 year event has a 0.5 % prob-
of probabilistic methods is spreading a single risk then it is even harder to ability (1/200).
from the industrial field to others, for understand their interdependencies.
example the Netherlands flood de- There is inevitably a high level of sub- We can see that, for example, every
fence planning. jectivity in the assumptions driving 100 years the worst tropical cyclone
an ‘objective’ quantitative analysis. A loss we can expect is over EUR 28
paper by Apostolakis (2004) on QRA million compared to the worst earth-
gives a coherent argument for appro- quake loss we can expect every 100
Probabilistic or stochastic priate review and critique of model years of EUR 10 million.
assumptions. The level of uncertainty
risk analysis seeks to inherent in the model may not always In fact, a tropical cyclone gives rise
understand and model all be apparent or appreciated by the ul- to significantly higher economic loss
potential events with their timate user, but the results of a fully than an earthquake, up until the 1 -in-
associated probabilities quantitative analysis, if properly pre- 450- year probability level. But which
and outcomes, allowing a sented, enhance risk understanding is the most dangerous? A more likely
sophisticated cost/benefit for all stakeholders. event probabilities tropical cyclone
analysis of different risk is much more damaging, but at very
Often the process of building a remote probabilities it is earthquake.
management strategies. probabilistic model is as valuable as Notice too the very significant dif-
the results of the model, forcing a ferences in loss estimate for the prob-
structured view of what is known, ability buckets used in the National
unknown and uncertain and bringing risk register for civil emergencies re-
Stochastic risk modelling has been assumptions that may otherwise be port (United Kingdom Cabinet Office
wholeheartedly embraced by the re/ unspoken into the open and thereby 2015) risk matrix example in Figure
insurance industry over the past 30 challenging them. 2.4. The national risk register looks at
years, particularly for natural catastro- the probability of an event occurring
phes, though increasingly for all types Typically for a full stochastic mod- in a 5 -year period, but compares the
of risks. EU solvency II regulation el, severities for each peril would be 1 -in -40- year loss to the 1 -in -400
(Directive 2009/138/EC), a manifes- compared for different probability -year loss, broadly equivalent to the 1
tation of the advisory insurance core levels, often expressed as a return pe- -in -200 to 1 -in -2 000 5 -year bucket:
principles for regulators set by the In- riod; the inverse of annual probability, the loss for both perils at these prob-
ternational Association of Insurance i.e. how many years would be expect- ability levels is very different.
Supervisors in Basel (IAIS, 2015), al- ed to pass before a loss of a given size

It is also important not just to look at The models can be used to compare we have the return measure, or rath-
the probability of single events as per the outcome of different strategies er its inverse here, the cost of each
Figure 2.5, an occurrence exceedance to manage and mitigate risk. The cost hedging option.
probability curve, but also annual ag- and benefit of different solutions
gregate loss from hazards of that type, can be compared, and so an optimal Ideally we would be to the top left of
i.e. an annual aggregate exceedance strategy rationalised. An anonymised the chart: low risk but low cost. The
probability curve. For a given re- insurance example is shown in Figure ‘do nothing’ option is the black trian-
turn period the aggregate exceedance 2.6. gle at the top right: high risk (a EUR
probability value will clearly be greater 70 million 1 -in -100 year loss) but
or at least equal to the occurrence ex- Figure 2.6 compares 10 reinsurance zero additional cost. The nine rein-
ceedance probability — the 1 in 200 hedging options to manage insurance surance hedging options fall into two
worst aggregate exceedance probabili- risk against two measures, one of risk clusters on the chart.
ty could be a year of one mega event and one of return. On the horizon-
or a year of five smaller ones that are tal axis we have the risk measure: the The purple diamond option to the ex-
individually unexceptional but cumu- worse result that we may expect every treme left has the least risk, reducing
latively significant. 100 years, while on the vertical axis the 1- in -100 loss to EUR 30 million,


An anonymised example of a risk return analysis

Source: Willis Towers Watson


premium less average recoveries [EUR]

Average net cost of reinsurance -








-25m -30m -35m -40m -45m -50m -55m -60m -65m -70m -75m

Worst case result expected every 100 years [EUR]


but at an annual cost of EUR 2.25 An example of a comparative peril Rigorous approaches to risk assess-
million. The other two options in that analysis for a European city is out- ment require scientific modelling and
cluster cost more and offer less ben- lined in a paper by Grünthal et al. a precise understanding of risk and
efit so can be ignored. The best opin- (2006) on the city of Cologne. probability. Scientific models can be
ion of the middle group is the purple compared in order to challenge the
square, reducing the 1 -in -100 loss to It must always be remembered that underlying assumptions of each and
EUR 55 million but at an annual aver- models advise, not decide. Such charts lead to better, more transparent deci-
age cost of EUR 1.75 million. Again, and analyses should not be considered sions.
this option clearly offers the best risk definitive assessments; like any model
return characteristics of all the others they are based upon a set of defined As risk assessments get more quan-
in the middle group, so the others in assumptions. titative, scientific, and technical, it is
that group may be discounted. important that policymakers are able
2.1.4 to interpret them. The assumptions
Therefore, from 10 options including within models must be transparent,
the ‘do nothing’, option we have a Conclusions and key and qualitative risk assessment (such
shortlist of three: messages as deterministic scenario impacts
• black triangle: high risk (EUR 70 or risk matrixes) can be useful and
million 1 -in -100 loss), zero cost; Partnership complementary to stochastic model-
• purple square: medium risk (EUR The process of risk assessment acts as ling. It is important that policymak-
55 million 1 -in -100 loss), medium a catalyst to improve risk understand- ers can demonstrate that appropriate
cost (EUR 1.75 million); ing and so to encourage a process of expertise and rigor has been engaged
• purple diamond: lowest risk (EUR proactive risk management. An early to found risk management decisions
30 million 1 -in -100 loss), highest adapter of these methods, the glob- firmly.
cost (EUR 2.25 million). al catastrophe insurance and reinsur-
ance industry has been transformed The practitioner lies in the centre of
Which to pick depends on the risk ap- by the process and has become more the many opportunities for partner-
petite of the firm. If they are uncom- technically adept, more engaged with ships in disaster risk assessment. In
fortable with the unhedged risk then science and more financially secure, order to think beyond accepted ways
the purple diamond seems to offer providing more resilience for society. of working and challenge ingrained
much better protection than the pur- Similarly, the manufacturing and pro- assumptions, links between other
ple square option for comparatively cess industries have embraced struc- practitioners in familiar fields as well
little additional cost. tured risk identification and assess- as other sectors and industries and ac-
ment techniques to improve the safety ademia are extremely valuable.
Similar methods can be used to com- of the manufacturing process and the
pare options for, say, managing flood safety of the consumer. Knowledge
risk in a particular location and/or The risk assessment process is struc-
process risk for a particular plant. Disaster risk assessment requires a tured and covers risk identification,
The same metrics can be used to look combination of skills, knowledge and hazard assessment, determining expo-
at and compare different perils and data that will not be held within one sure and understanding vulnerability.
combinations of perils. The methods firm, one industry, one institution, Depending on the objective of risk
make no moral judgements but allow- one discipline, one country, or neces- assessment and data availability, risk
ing the cost of a particular strategy to sarily one region. Risk assessment re- assessment methods can range in for-
be compared against the reduction is a quires input from a variety of experts malization and rigor. There are more
risk as defined by a specific risk meas- in order to identify potential hazards, subjective scenario based determinis-
ure. It is at this point that more sub- those that could occur as well as those tic models, semi quantitative risk anal-
jective, political decisions can be made in the historical record. yses such as risk matrixes, and fully
on an informed, objective basis. quantitative risk assessment; probabil-

istic or stochastic risk modelling. The information in risk identification and “known knowns” should be contin-
more qualitative approaches to risk modelling. Creative approaches can uously challenged and tested as new
add value through the process of de- be made to capture and challenges information arises.
veloping a framework to capture sub- assumptions implicitly or explicitly
jective risk perception and serve as a made and so test them against availa-
starting point for a discussion about ble data and defined stresses.
assumptions and risk recognition en-
gaging a wide variety of experts and No model is perfect. New scientif-
stakeholders in the process. They also ic input can improve and challenge
provide a means to reality check more models – testing sensitivity to prior
theoretical models. Probabilistic and assumption, so leading to a great-
stochastic analyses provide the poten- er understanding of disaster events
tial to perform cost/benefit or risk/ which in turn leads to safer compa-
return analysis, creating an objective nies, communities and countries.
basis for decision making.

Rigorous quantitative approaches

to risk assessment and probabilistic Risk analysis creates a
analysis raise awareness of the need
for further scientific input and the re-
framework; a starting
quirement to transfer of knowledge point for debate about
and engagement between science and policy, risk and what we
practitioners. know and cannot know.
This leads to greater
Risk assessment and analysis provides understanding and
a framework to weigh decisions, and better, more transparent
risk models provide an objective ba-
sis against which policy decisions
can be made and justified. However,
it is important that the limitations of
modelling are recognized and inher-
ent uncertainty is understood. Having A deeper understanding of the quan-
the ability to compare and challenge titative and qualitative approaches to
assumptions, as well as requiring evi- risk management can help innovate
dence based analysis, is required. ways of thinking about subjective
public risk perception, and risk as-
Risk perception is subjective, but sessment frameworks can develop a
practitioners have valuable informa- more objective understanding of risk
tion in the fields of data, methodol- and risk-informed decision making
ogies and models that further solidify Risk assessment and associated mod-
frameworks through which hazards elling contain inherent uncertainty and
can be understood and compared in are not fully complete. It is important
an objective fashion. to innovate in areas where hazards are
less known and capable of anticipa-
Innovation tion; truly “unknown unknowns” and
Innovation is required to meet the “known unknowns” must be consid-
challenges of lack of data and partial ered. Similarly assumptions held for


2.2 Current and innovative

methods to define expo-
Christina Corbane, Paolo Gamba, Martino Pesaresi, Massi-
miliano Pittore, Marc Wieland

mitigation and for the development depending on the spatial basic units
2.2.1 and implementation of appropriate at which the risk assessment is per-
What is exposure? preparedness and effective response formed, exposure can be character-
to disasters. ised at different spatial scales (e.g. at
Exposure with vulnerability (see the level of individual buildings or
Chapter 2.3) and hazard (see Chapter Exposure is a necessary, but not suffi- administrative units).
3) is used to measure disaster risk (see cient, determinant of risk (Cardona et
Chapter 2.3). It is reported that expo- al., 2012) (see Chapter 2.1). Accord-
sure has been trending upwards over ing to available global statistics, least
the past several decades, resulting in developed countries represent 11 % Exposure represents the
an overall increase in risk observed of the population exposed to hazards
worldwide, and that trends need to be but account for 53 % of casualties,
people and assets at risk
better quantified to be able to address while the most developed countries of potential loss or that
risk reduction measures. Particular at- account for 1.8 % of all victims (Pe- may suffer damage to
tention to understanding exposure is duzzi et al., 2009) with a population hazard impact. It covers
required for the formulation of poli- exposure of 15 %. These figures several dimensions like
cies and actions to reduce disaster risk show that similar exposures with con- the physical (e.g. building
(UNISDR, 2015a), as highlighted by trasting levels of development, of stock and infrastructure),
the Sendai Framework for Disaster land- use planning and of mitigation
Risk Reduction (UNISDR, 2015b): measures lead to drastically different
the social (e.g. humans
‘Policies and practices for disaster risk tolls of casualties. Hence it is possi- and communities) and the
management should be based on an ble to be exposed, but not vulnerable; economic dimensions.
understanding of disaster risk in all its however, it is necessary to also be ex-
dimensions of vulnerability, capacity, posed to be vulnerable to an extreme
exposure of persons and assets, haz- event (Cardona et al., 2012).
ard characteristics and the environ- Population demographic and mobility,
ment. Such knowledge can be lever- Due to its multidimensional nature, economic development and structural
aged for the purpose of pre -disaster exposure is highly dynamic, varying changes in the society transform expo-
risk assessment, for prevention and across spatial and temporal scales: sure over time. The quantification of

exposure is challenging because of its influences the quality of the collected data by the communities that address
interdependent and dynamic dimen- information. disaster risk reduction (DRR). Na-
sions. The tools and methods for de- tional governments and local author-
fining exposure need to consider the Despite the general conceptual and ities need to implement DRR pro-
dynamic nature of exposure, which theoretical understanding of disaster grammes; the insurance community
evolves over time as a result of often exposure and the drivers for its dy- needs to set premiums and manage
unplanned urbanisation, demograph- namic variability, few countries have their aggregate exposures; civil society
ic changes, modifications in building developed multihazard exposure da- and the aid community need to identi-
practice and other socioeconomic, in- tabases to support policy formulation fy the regions of the world that most
stitutional and environmental factors and disaster risk- reduction research. urgently require DRR measures (Ehr-
(World Bank, GFDRR 2014). Various Existing exposure databases are often lich and Tenerelli, 2013). Effective
alternative or complementary tools hazard specific (earthquakes, floods adaptation and disaster risk manage-
and methods are followed to collect and cyclones), sector specific (infra- ment (DRM) strategies and practices
exposure-related data; they include structure and economic) or target depend on a rigorous understanding
rolling census and digital in situ field specific (social, ecosystems and cul- of the dimensions of exposure (i.e.
surveys. When the amount, spatial tural) (Basher et al., 2015). They are physical and economic) as well as a
coverage and/or quality of the infor- often static, offering one-time views proper assessment of changes and
mation collected in the ground is in- of the baseline situation, and cannot uncertainties in those dimensions
sufficient for populating exposure da- be easily integrated with vulnerability (Cardona et al., 2012).
tabases, the common practice is then analysis.
to infer characteristics on exposed
assets from several indicators, called This chapter reviews the current in-
proxies. Exposure modelling also has itiatives for defining and mapping Both the scope and
a key role to play in risk assessment, exposure at the EU and global levels.
especially for large- scale disaster risk It places emphasis on remote sensing-
the scale of the
models (regional to global risk model- based products developed for phys- natural hazard impact
ling (De Bono and Chatenoux, 2015; ical and population exposure map- assessment determine
De Bono and Mora ,2014)). Among ping. Innovative approaches based on the type of exposure data
the different tools for collecting in- probabilistic models for generating to be collected.
formation on exposure, Earth obser- dynamic exposure databases are also
vation represents an invaluable source presented together with a number
of up-to-date information on the ex- of concrete recommendations for
tent and nature of the built-up envi- priority areas in exposure research.
ronments, ranging from the city lev- The broader aspects of exposure, in- Risk models require detailed exposure
el (using very high spatial resolution cluding environment (e.g. ecosystem data (e.g. with information on build-
data) to the global level (using global services) and agriculture (e.g. crops, ings, roads and other public assets) to
coverage of satellite data) (Deich- supply chains and infrastructures), de- produce as outputs risk metrics such
mann et al., 2011; Dell’Acqua et al. serve to be addressed in a dedicated as the annual expected loss and the
,2013; Ehrlich and Tenerelli, 2013). future chapter and will not be covered probable maximum loss (see Chapter
Besides, change -detection techniques by the current review. 2.4). For instance, catastrophe mod-
based on satellite images can provide els commonly used by the insurance
timely information about changes to 2.2.2 industry include an exposure module,
the built-up environment (Bouziani et which represents either a building of
al., 2010).The choice of the approach Why do we need specific interest, a dwelling represent-
determines the resolution (spatial de- exposure? ative of the average construction type
tail) and the extent (spatial coverage) in a given area or an entire portfolio of
of the collected exposure data. It also There is a high demand for exposure buildings with different characteristics


(e.g. an entire city). The characteristics of the feature or group of features ing sections, we review the existing
may include physical characteristics need to described (e.g. the type of initiatives at EU and global levels that
like building height, occupancy rate, construction materials, population have made a first step in overcoming
usage (private, public like commer- density and the replacement value). these obstacles either i) by using ex-
cial, industrial, etc.), construction type Exposure databases detailed to single posure proxies such as land -use and
(e.g. wood or concrete) and age, and building units are seldom available for land- cover products, ii) by using
also non-physical characteristics like disaster modellers. Instead, the expo- Earth observation technologies for
the replacement cost which is need- sure data are more often available in mapping human settlements and pop-
ed for calculating the loss at a certain an aggregated level for larger spatial ulation or iii) by integrating existing
location (Michel-Kerjan et al., 2013). units related to arbitrary areal subdivi- information from different acquisi-
Besides, insurance companies need to sion of the settlements, census block, tion techniques, scales and accuracies
assess and model the business inter- postal codes, city blocks or more reg- for characterising the assets at risk
ruption that represents a major part ular gridded subdivision. A spatial and for describing the building stock.
of the total economic loss. To quan- unit may contain a statistic summary We purposely limit the review here
tify loss due to business interruption, of building information such as aver- to large -scale exposure datasets that
exposure databases need to include age size and average height, density or have a spatial component (i.e. associ-
information on building contents and even relative distribution of building ated with a geographic location) and
business information for different types (Ehrlich and Tenerelli, 2013). that are open, hence ensuring repli-
types of properties (Rose and Huyck For optimal results the choice of the cability and a better understanding of
2016). These industry exposure data- attribute and its granularity should be risk (World Bank, 2014).
bases are often proprietary and use aligned with the scale and the purpose
heterogeneous taxonomies and classi- of the risk assessment. To a certain
fication systems which hinder efforts extent, the requirements in terms of 2.2.3
of merging independently developed granularity also depend on the peril Land-cover and
datasets (GFDRR, 2014). However, being modelled: e.g. flood models re- land-use products
the Oasis (OASIS, 2016) community quire detailed information on the lo-
and the recently established Insur- cation and building type. By contrast, as proxies to
ance Development Forum are dedi- windstorm models arguably need to exposure
cating special efforts to exposure data be less precise. Detailed gust speeds
harmonisation, sourcing, structuring will not be known at a precise loca- These products outline areas with
and maintenance at the global levels. tion level but rather estimated on a different uses, including ‘industrial’,
Moreover, an initiative lead by Perils broader spatial scale. There are clearly ‘commercial’ and ‘residential’ classes,
is offering de facto standard indus- many attributes that can be attached as well as non-impervious areas (e.g.
try exposure databases for property to exposure data. Developing such green spaces).
across Europe at an aggregated spa- databases requires a multidiscipli-
tial level (PERILS, 2016). nary team of construction engineers,
economists, demographers and statis- Land- use and land-
If the aim is to know whether a par- ticians.
ticular feature is likely to be affected
cover (LU/LC) information
or not by a certain level of hazard, In recent years, several exposure data- products that are usually
then it is enough to simply identify sets with regional or global coverage derived from remote
the location of that feature (e.g. build- have attempted to generate detailed sensing data may provide
ing location and building footprint) or building inventories and compile ex- information on buildings
group of features (e.g. building stock). posure data despite the challenges re- and thus on exposure.
Whereas if the purpose is to under- lated to the heterogeneous mapping
stand the potential economic impacts schemas, the different typologies and
or human loss, then other attributes the varying resolutions. In the follow-

Some products may also describe the The currently available EU-wide and it has been used for several applica-
building density. LU/LC maps pro- global LU/LC products have mini- tions like indicator development, LU/
vide valuable information on infra- mum mapping units ranging between LC change analysis (Manakos and
structure such as roads. The spatial 0.01 ha (e.g. the European Settle- Braun, 2014) and flood risk assess-
characteristics of LU/LC maps are ment Map (ESM)) to 100 ha (e.g. ment within the EU context (Lugeri
influenced by the minimum mapping MODIS land cover). At the EU lev- et al., 2010). However, its limitations
units , which refer to the smallest size el, the Corine Land Cover is the only in terms of spatial resolution do not
area entity to be mapped. harmonised European land cover allow the conversion of land- cover
data available since 1990. It compris- classes into accurate, physical expo- es 44 thematic classes with units of sure maps. To complement LU/LC
European land-use 25 ha and 5 ha for changes, respec- maps, detailed inventories of infra-
and land-cover (LU/LC) tively. From 1990 until 2012, four structures are essential for assessing
products of such inventories were produced risks to infrastructures as well as for
and completed by change layers, and managing emergency situations. In


European Settlement Map– 10 m resolution – Genova

Source: European Commission (JRC)


2015, a geographical database of in- an Commission (JRC and REGIO). ing built-up areas is being developed
frastructure in Europe was developed The ESM is distributed as a building by the German Aerospace Centre
including transport networks, power density product at both 10 metre x and is based on the analysis of radar
plants and industry locations. (Marin 10 metre and 100 metre x 100 metre and optical satellite data. The project
Herrera et al., 2015). The database resolutions, each supporting specific intends to cover the extent of the
was successfully used in a compre- types of applications. For a pan-Eu- large urbanised areas of megacities
hensive multihazard and multisector ropean risk assessment (Haque et al. for four -time slices: 1975, 1990, 2000
risk assessment for Europe under cli- 2016), the coarser (100 metre) res- and 2010 at a spatial resolution of 12
mate change (Forzieri et al., 2015). olution is sufficient, whereas the 10 metre x 12 metre (Esch et al. 2012).
metre product would be necessary for Once available, this dataset will allow
The Urban Atlas is another pan-Eu- local to regional risk assessment. effective comparative analyses of ur-
ropean LU/LC product describing, ban risks and their dynamics among
in a consistent way, all major Europe- different regions of the world.
an cities’ agglomerations with more Global land-use and
than 100 000 inhabitants. The cur- land-cover products The global human settlement layer
rent specifications of the Urban At- (GHSL) is the first global, fine- scale,
las fulfil the condition of a minimum A number of global land- cover multitemporal, open data on the phys-
mapping unit of 0.25 ha, allowing products covering different time pe- ical characteristics of human settle-
the capture of urban, built-up areas riods and different spatial resolutions ments. It was produced in the frame-
in sufficient thematic and geograph- have been created from remote sens- work of the GHSL project, which is
ic detail (Montero et al., 2014). The ing, e.g. MODIS (Friedl et al. 2010), supported by the European Commis-
Urban Atlas cities are mapped in 20 Africover, GLC-SHARE of 2014 sion. The data have been released on
classes, of which 17 are urban class- (Latham et al. 2014), GLC2000 (Fritz the JRC open data catalogue (Global
es. It is a major initiative dealing with et al. 2010), IGBP (Loveland et al. Human Settlement Layer 2016). The
the monitoring of urban sprawl in 2000) and GlobCover (Arino et al. main product, GHS Built-up, is a
Europe, designed to capture urban 2012). Many of these products are multitemporal built-up grid (built-up
land use, including low- density urban based on coarse resolution sensors, classes: 1975, 1990, 2000 and 2014 ),
fabric, and in this way it offers a far e.g. GLC2000 is at 1 km, MODIS is at which has been produced at high res-
more accurate picture of exposure 500 metre and GlobCover is at 300 olution (approximately 38 metre x 38
in urban landscapes than the Corine metre resolution, which hampers the metre). The GHS Built-up grid was
Land Cover does. Despite its accuracy potential to provide accurate expo- obtained from the processing of the
and relevance for risk modelling, the sure data that can directly feed into global Landsat archived data in the last
main limitation of this product is its risk assessment models. 40 years in order to understand glob-
spatial coverage, as it is restricted to al human settlement evolution. The
large urban zones and their surround- The first high- resolution (30 me- target information collected by the
ings (more than 100 000 inhabitants). tres) global land -cover product is the GHSL project is the built-up struc-
GlobeLand30, which comprises 10 ture or building aggregated in built-up
Currently, the continental map of types of land cover including artifi- areas and then settlements according
built-up areas with the highest reso- cial surfaces for years 2000 and 2010 to explicit spatial composition laws.
lution so far produced is the ESM (Chen et al. 2015). However, the ‘arti- They are the primary sign and empir-
(Florczyk et al., 2016). The ESM (Fig- ficial surfaces’ class consists of urban ical evidences of human presence on
ure 2.7) is a 10 metre x 10 metre ras- areas, roads, rural cottages and mines the global surface that are observable
ter map expressing the proportion of impeding the straightforward conver- by current remote sensing platforms.
the remote sensing image pixel area sion of the data into physical expo- As opposed to standard remote sens-
covered by buildings; it was pro- sure maps. ing practices based on urban land
duced in 2013-2014. It was developed cover or impervious surface notions,
jointly by two services of Europe- The Global Urban Footprint describ- the GHSL semantic approach is con-

tinuously quantitative and centred and time. Population distribution can finer set of zones using ancillary geo-
around the presence of buildings and be expressed as either the absolute graphical data like LU/LC.
their spatial patterns (Pesaresi et al. number of people per mapping unit
2015, Pesaresi et al. 2013). This makes or as population density. Census data
the GHSL perfectly suitable for de- are commonly used for enumerating European-wide
scribing the physical exposure and its population and for making projec- population grids
changes over time at a fine spatial res- tions concerning population growth.
olution (Pesaresi et al., 2016). Census data may also contain other At the EU level, a European popula-
relevant characteristics that are used tion grid with a spatial resolution of
2.2.4 in risk assessment, such as informa- 100 metres x 100 metres was pro-
tion on age, gender, income, educa- duced (Batista e Silva et al. 2013). The
Status of population tion and migration. method involved dasymetric mapping
exposure at the EU techniques with a resident population
and global levels For large- scale analysis, census data reported at the commune level for the
are costly and seldom available in large year 2011 and a refined version of the
The static component relates to the parts of the world or are even out- Corine Land Cover as the main input
number of inhabitants per mapping dated or unreliable. Remote sensing, sources. The data are publically dis-
unit and their characteristics, where- combined with dasymetric mapping, tributed on the geographic informa-
as the dynamic component refers to represents an interesting alternative for tion system of the Commission fol-
their demography and their activity large- scale mapping of human expo- lowing the standardised 1 km x 1 km
patterns that highlight the move- sure. Dasymetric mapping consists in grid net and the Inspire specifications.
ment of population through space disaggregating population figures re- A new population grid at 10 me-
ported at coarse source zones into a tres has recently been produced for


Modeled nighttime and daytime population densities (at 50 m) and volcanic hazard zones in Campi Flegrei –
Source: Sergio Freire et al. (2015)


the whole European territory, which Global distribution of population in iables advise against any comparison
builds on the ESM at 10 metres as a terms of counts or density per unit of versions.
proxy of the distribution of residen- area is considered as the primary Other global human exposure data-
tial population and 2011 census data source of information for exposure sets include the Gridded Population
(Freire et al. 2015a). The layer has assessment (Pittore et al. 2016). Glob- of the World (GPWv4) available at
been produced upon request of the al population data are available from a resolution of approximately 5 km at
European Commission and will soon the LandScan Global Population Da- the equator. It is developed by SE-
be made freely available and down- tabase (Dobson et al. 2000), which DAC and provides population data
loadable online. Figure 2.8. shows an provides information on the average estimates at a spatial resolution of
example of potential uses of the 10 population over 24 hours and in a 1 approximately 1 km at the equator.
-metre- resolution, EU- wide ESM km resolution grid. For GPWv4 , population input data
map for modelling day and night pop- The LandScan data have annual up- are collected at the most detailed
ulation distribution in volcanic risk dates and are widely used despite be- spatial resolution available from the
assessment. ing a commercial product. Although results of the 2010 round of census-
LandScan is reproduced annually and es, which occurred between 2005 and the methods are constantly revised, 2014. The input data are extrapolated
Global human exposure the annual improvements made to the to produce population estimates for
model and the underlying spatial var- the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and


Global human exposure represented by the GHSL population data in 3D. The box represents an example of ap-
plication for analysing the evolution of exposure to coastal hazards over the last 40 years.
Source: Pesaresi et al. (2016)

2020 (Neumann et al., 2015). context of global risk assessment for pean building typologies within each
The open WorldPop is another initi- the analysis of the increase in popula- cell of a grid, with a resolution of at
ative providing estimated population tion exposure to coastal hazards over least 30 arc seconds (approximately
counts at a spatial resolution of 100 the last 40 years (Pesaresi et al. 2016). 1 km2 at the equator) for use in the
metres x 100 metres through the inte- seismic risk assessment of European
gration of census surveys, high- reso- 2.2.5 buildings (Crowley et al. 2012). The
lution maps and satellite data (Lloyd et database includes building/dwelling
al. 2017) . Within the WorldPop pro- Exposure data counts and a number of attributes
ject, population counts and densities describing the that are compatible with the Glob-
are being produced for 2000-2020; building stock al earthquake model’s basic building
the available data currently essentially taxonomy (i.e. material, lateral load,
cover America, Asia and Africa. Several exposure databases attempt number of storeys, date of construc-
to characterise the assets at risk by tion, structural irregularity, occupancy
including physical exposure infor- class, etc.). This inventory contains
mation. The latter is often derived useful information for the assessment
People present the most from the integration of a large vari- of risk assessment and for the estima-
ety of possible exposure information tion of economic loss at the EU level.
important elements-at- sources using different modelling ap-
risk with a static and proaches. We review here the existing
dynamic component. initiatives that describe the building Global building
stock through a variety of attributes inventory databases
(e.g. height, construction material and
replacement value). The prompt assessment of glob-
al earthquakes for response (PAG-
Recently, within the framework of ER) (Jaiswal et al. 2010), the GED
the GHSL, an improved global lay- EU-wide building for GAR 2013 (GEG-2013) and
er called GHS-POP, which maps the inventory databases the GED for the Global earthquake
distribution of the population with model (GED4GEM) are examples of
unprecedented spatio-temporal cov- The European Union’s seventh global exposure databases that specif-
erage and detail, has been released. framework programme for research ically include physical exposure in-
The data have been produced from and technological development (FP7) formation.
the best available global built-up layer project, the NERA (Network of Eu-
(GHS-BU) and from census geospa- ropean Research Infrastructure for On a country-by-country level, the
tial data derived from GPWv4. The Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mit- PAGER (Jaiswal et al. 2010) con-
population grids correspond to res- igation) initiated the development of tains estimates of the distribution of
idential-based population estimates a European building inventory data- building types categorised by material,
in built-up areas and not ‘residential base to feed into the Global Exposure lateral force resisting system and oc-
population’ or ‘population in their Database (GED) (see section cupancy type (residential or non-resi-
place of residence’, for which consid- The database builds upon the out- dential, urban or rural). The database
eration of land use would be required comes of NERIES project (Network draws on and harmonises numerous
(Freire et al. 2015b). of Research Infrastructures for Euro- sources: (1) United Nations statistics,
pean Seismology) to compile building (2) the United Nations habitat’s de-
The multitemporal data are availa- inventory data for many European mographic and health survey data-
ble free of charge at a spatial resolu- countries and Turkey (Erdik et al. base, (3) national housing censuses,
tion of 250 metres x 250 metres 2010). The European building inven- (4) the world housing encyclopaedia
for 1975, 1990, 2000 and 2015. It has tory is a database that describes the project and (5) other literature. PAG-
already successfully been used in the number and area of different Euro- ER provides a powerful basis for in-


ferring structural types globally. The limited. In general, the GED is divid- each building, such as structural,
database is freely available for public ed into four different levels, which are occupancy and economic variables.
use, subject to peer review, scrutiny populated from different data sourc-
and open enhancement. es and use different techniques. Each The first version of the GED con-
The GEC-2013 (De Bono and Chate- level has a different geographical scale tains aggregate information on pop-
noux 2015) is a global exposure da- as for the statistical consistency of the ulation and the number/built area/
taset at 5 km spatial resolution which data it contains as well as a different reconstruction cost of residential and
integrates population and coun- level of completeness. Each level is non-residential buildings at a 1 km
try-specific building typology, use and thus appropriate for a different use: resolution. Detailed datasets on single
value. It has been developed for the • Level 0 — A representation of the buildings are available for a selected
global risk assessment 2013 with the population and buildings on a 30- number of areas and will increase
primary aim of assessing the risk of arc seconds grid with information over time.
economic loss as a consequence of about the buildings coming from
natural hazards at a global scale. The statistics available at the country 2.2.6
development of GEG-2013 is based level. The building distribution is
on a top-down or ‘downscaling’ ap- thus the same for each element of Future trends in
proach, where information including the grid belonging to a given coun- exposure mapping:
socioeconomic, building type and try, with a binary difference be- towards a dynamic
capital stock at a national scale are tween ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ areas.
transposed onto a regular grid, using
exposure modelling
geographic population and gross do- • Level 1 — A representation of
mestic product distribution models population and buildings on a 30 The review of existing initiatives
as proxies. GEG-2013 is limited in -arc seconds grid with information for defining and mapping exposure
some important ways: i) it was fun- about the buildings that is availa- shows that there is a clear trend to-
damentally constructed using national ble using the subnational statistics wards the use of satellite data in
indicators that were successively dis- (e.g. for regions, states, provinces combination with statistical model-
aggregated onto a 5 × 5 km grid; and or municipalities according to the ling (top-down and bottom-up ap-
ii) the capital stock in each cell is dis- different countries). proaches) for building exposure data:
tributed on the basis of the number remotely sensed data sourcing for ex-
of persons living in that cell and does • Level 2 — A representation where posure is particularly useful in low-in-
not take into account the real value of each element of the same 30 -arc come and emerging economies which
the assets of the cell. The data can be seconds grid includes enough in- lack well-established data collection
downloaded from the GAR risk data formation to be consistent by itself, resources, frameworks and agencies.
platform. and no distribution on a bigger ge- These economies are often also un-
ographical scale is used. This case dergoing rapid urbanisation with dra-
The GED4GEM is a spatial invento- corresponds to the situation when matically changing exposure concen-
ry of exposed assets for the purpos- all building counts are actually ob- trations over short periods of time.
es of catastrophe modelling and loss tained, not by means of a disaggre-
estimation (Dell’Acqua et al. 2013, gation of a distribution available In parallel, over the last 5 years, the
Gamba et al. 2012). It provides infor- on a wider area on the elements of field of risk assessment has been in-
mation about two main assets at risk: the grid but by aggregating build- creasingly driven by open data and
residential population and residential ing -level data, possibly available open -source modelling, as highlight-
buildings. Potentially, it can also in- for the area of interest. ed in the report Understanding risk in
clude information about non-residen- an evolving world (GFDRR, 2014).
tial population and buildings, although • Level 3 — A representation at the Open data initiatives such as the Hu-
the amount of information for these single building level, including all manitarian OpenStreetMap Team has
two additional assets is currently quite the possible information about contributed significantly to the collec-

tion of exposure data in vulnerable tistical models are closely related and model and query complex data types
countries: in a little over a year, more mutually interactive, with both having composed of multiple spatial and
than 160 000 individual buildings geometric properties and attributes. temporal dimensions. Information ex-
were mapped through crowdsourcing Compound models accommodat- tracted from a satellite image or man-
and in situ surveys. ing both atomic data and statistical ually sampled in situ show different
models would be able to optimally degrees of quality in terms of relia-
At present, one of the most challeng- exploit direct, in situ information ob- bility and accuracy. Therefore, a prob-
ing aspects of exposure modelling is tained from specialised surveys, even abilistic framework for information
to implement multihazard exposure if not complete and exhaustive, by integration, updating and refinement
models through dynamic, scalable constraining a set of statistical distri- is required, as exemplified in Pittore
frameworks. The dynamic nature of butions describing the assets’ attrib- and Wieland (2013). During monitor-
such frameworks in this context re- utes at the atomic level (e.g. material ing activities, the resulting informa-
flects the need to explicitly account properties for a single building) or at tion model continuously evolves and
for both the time variability of the the aggregation boundary level (for a dynamic exposure database should
exposed assets and the constant evo- instance the expected number of sto- be able to track an object’s evolution
lution of their representation in the reys of different building types based over space and time while accounting
model, which is seldom complete and on empirical observations in a city dis- for its identity which is the lifespan
exhaustive. trict). At atomic level, this can be ob- of an object. To this regard, Pittore et
tained for instance by modelling the al. (2015) propose a novel approach
(in)dependence relationships among to prioritise exposure data collection
different assets’ attributes and with based on available information and
Remote sensing, external covariates (e.g. geographical additional constraints. They utilise
location, altitude, terrain slope, etc.). the concept of focus maps (Pittore,
combined with dynamic 2015), which combine different infor-
exposure modelling and An example for a probabilistic infor- mation layers into a single raster rep-
bottom-up approaches mation integration approach is given resenting the probability of the point
such as citizen mapping in Pittore and Wieland (2013), where being selected for surveying, condi-
initiatives, can be an Bayesian networks are proposed for tional on the sampling probability of
effective way to build their sound treatment of uncertain- each of the other layers. Based on a
large exposure databases ties and for the possibility of seamless focus map, a set of sampling points
merging of different data sources, in- is generated and suitably routed on
. cluding legacy data, expert judgement the existing road network. This al-
and data mining- based inferences. lows one to realise a further optimi-
Due to the increasingly large varie- sation of the overall data collection
In a dynamic, multiresolution expo- ty of possible exposure information by including additional survey con-
sure model, two basic types of entities sources including sparse and incom- straints in the routing algorithm and
should therefore coexist: atomic data plete data available at small- scale res- which drives the in situ data collec-
and statistical (aggregated) models. olution, the issue of the need for the tion phase. Iteratively repeating this
Atomic data refer to physical struc- flexible integration of existing infor- process allows for an efficient model
tures such as buildings or bridges that mation at different scales and accura- updating which can be optimised to
have been analysed individually and cies in order not to discard available fit the available time and resources.
possibly not fully enumerated. Statis- information needs to be confronted.
tical models are aggregated descrip-
tions defined over specific geographic To exploit the full capabilities of the
boundaries and possibly influenced available information in combined
by atomic data. Atomic data and sta- spatio-temporal approaches, a da-
tabase is needed that allows one to


components (exposure uncertainty

2.2.7 compared to that of hazard and vul-
Conclusions and key nerability). In addition, the communi-
messages cation of uncertainty to the users of
the exposure databases is also essen-
The increasing availability of detailed tial to ensure local understanding and
and harmonised hazard datasets is trust in the data.
calling for parallel efforts in the pro- Innovation
duction of standardised multihazard Data and (statistical) models have to
exposure information for disaster risk coexist in a statistically sound frame-
models. GEDs can be a possible solu- work in order to overcome the im-
tion for harmonisation and for mov- practicality of having a complete and
ing beyond single-hazard databases. fully enumerated global dynamic ex-
Several recommendations can be posure database. Flexible integration
distilled from this overview and are of existing information at different
provided here to develop a roadmap scales and accuracies in order not to
towards the effective implementation discard available information needs to
of global, dynamic exposure data- be confronted. To this regard, rapid,
bases. Finally, exposure data collec- large-scale data collection based on
tion should be regarded as a contin- remote sensing should be fully ex-
uous process sustaining a continuous ploited and be complemented when-
re-evaluation of risks to enable an ef- ever possible by information collected
fective DRR. in situ using suitable sampling meth-
Authoritative and non-authoritative
sources should be integrated in order
to ensure quality standards and com-
pliance with the disaster risk- reduc-
tion purposes. Within this context, it
becomes important to harvest data
from crowd-sourced information and
exploit volunteered geographic in-
formation to augment authoritative
sources and involve communities and
experts, especially in data-poor coun-

The need for quality assessment and
an analysis of the uncertainty in the
exposure data to avoid error propaga-
tion. Quantification of exposure data
uncertainty is useful for anatomising
the structure of the total uncertainty
in the risk assessment into individual
uncertainties associated with the risk

2.3 The most recent view
of vulnerability
Stefan Schneiderbauer, Elisa Calliari, Unni Eidsvig
Michael Hagenlocher

for understanding, assessing and re- political/institutional situation and

2.3.1 ducing risks. When a hazardous event does not account for power relations
The importance of occurs — be it of natural, technolog- or the heterogeneity within commu-
vulnerability for ical or man-made origin — the vul- nities, which are aspects considered
disaster risk nerability of exposed people, objects
(e.g. critical infrastructure, etc.) and
as important and included in the defi-
nitions proposed by other authors
assessment systems (e.g. socioecological systems) (Cardona et al. 2012, Alexander 2013,
at different scales is key to determine Birkmann et al. 2013, Wisner 2016) the severity of the impact. Though
Vulnerability: a key this fact has been widely accepted,
component to the definition of vulnerability and
determine risks the components it comprises varies Vulnerability represents
between different authors and disci-
a fundamental
Disaster risk is determined by the
combination of physical hazards and
component of risk. A
the vulnerabilities of exposed ele- The United Nations Office for Disas- proper understanding of
ments. Vulnerability relates to the sus- ter Risk Reduction (UNISDR Termi- vulnerability comprising
ceptibility of assets such as objects, nology, 2017) defines vulnerability as its dimensions as well
systems (or part thereof) and popula- ‘the characteristics and circumstances as its root causes is
tions exposed to disturbances, stress- of a community, system or asset that important for effective
ors or shocks as well as to the lack of make it susceptible to the damaging
capacity to cope with and to adapt to effects of a hazard. This definition
risk assessment and risk
these adverse conditions. Vulnerabili- reflects the last decades’ shift in the reduction.
ty is dynamic, multifaceted and com- understanding of vulnerability from
posed of various dimensions, all of a focused concept (for example limit-
which have to be considered within a ed to physical resistance of engineer-
holistic vulnerability assessment. ing structures) to a more holistic and The significance of vulnerability for
systemic approach. At the same time, assessing risk is emphasised by the
Vulnerability plays a fundamental role it does not provide reference to the fact that the consequences of a haz-


ardous event largely depend on hu- Abruzzo. It is in part explained by the poor black and elderly population in
man factors. That is, the hazardous risk perception among female victims, New Orleans in 2005 (Cutter et al.,
event itself may be predominantly an who tend to be more fatalistic than 2006).
external phenomena out of the con- men and who perceived their homes Addressing vulnerability — together
trol of those affected; any devastating as a refuge, instead of leaving it (Al- with exposure — represents the gate-
impact caused by this event, however, exander, 2010; Alexander and Magni, way for risk reduction measures. Con-
is mainly influenced by inherent soci- 2013). sequently, the importance of vulner-
etal conditions and processes. ability for DRM is underlined by the
The degree of vulnerability within a Sendai framework for disaster risk re-
The L’Aquila earthquake in April society or a population group is usu- duction, claiming that understanding
2009 in Italy is an example of a me- ally not homogenously distributed; disaster risk (Priority 1) and develop-
dium-power seismic event that had a social class, ethnic origin, age and ing related policies and practices need
disproportionately large human im- gender may determine a lower or to consider the various dimensions of
pact. It caused 308 fatalities, most of higher probability of being affected. vulnerability (UNISDR 2015a).
which were the young and elderly, as Evidence of this fact has been shown
well as women. The death toll is par- by the impact of Hurricane Katrina,
tially linked to the high vulnerability which caused a disproportionately
of building stock in the mountains of high number of victims amongst the

BOX 2.1

Resilience and capacities

Besides the notion of ‘vulnerability’ standing of resilience incorporates Horizon 2020 project ‘resilens’ is
there are other terms and concepts the ability and willingness to learn, scrutinising the resilience of Euro-
addressing the possibility of harm to reorganise and to undertake crit- pean critical infrastructure.
to a system, people or specific ob- ical self-reflection (Alexander 2013,
jects by certain events and process- Kelman et al. 2016). Climate resil- Just as the term ‘resilience’, the
es. Vulnerability – understood as a ience has emerged into a new doc- concept of capacities relates to the
holistic and systemic concept – is trine under the umbrella of which possibilities and abilities to reduce
closely related to and partly over- communities define the activities to harm under hazardous conditions.
laps, for example, with the concepts combat the impending implications Hereby, ‘coping capacity’ rather
of resilience and of coping and of climate change. deals with the short-term conser-
adaptive capacity. vation and protection of the current
There are numerous related ac- system and institutional settings,
‘Resilience’ is a term that has been tivities within Europe, for example whilst ‘adapting capacity’ denotes a
widely used over the last years to the RESIN project is investigating longer-term and constantly unfold-
describe characteristics related to climate resilience in European cit- ing process of learning (Birkmann
the ability to absorb stresses, to ies, the European Commission’s et al. 2013).
respond to changes and to recov- FP7 project emBRACE has focused
er from shocks. Some authors see on community resilience and de-
resilience as the positive flipside veloped a set of key indicators for
of vulnerability. A broader under- assessing it, and the Commission’s

Conceptual issues and rate on vulnerability’s key dimensions. the economic, the cultural and the
dimensions of The European project ‘Methods for institutional dimension. All of these
vulnerability the improvement of vulnerability as- dimensions have to be considered
sessment in Europe’ (MOVE) devel- within a holistic vulnerability study.
Just as there are numerous definitions oped such a concept, which attempts The majority of assets and systems
of the term ‘vulnerability’, there ex- to represent the multifaceted nature exposed to hazard will exhibit more
ist many models and concepts that of vulnerability (Figure 2.10). In its than one dimension of vulnerability
describe vulnerability in its relation central part, it identifies six themat- and hence these dimensions need to
to other terms, such as resilience, ex- ic dimensions of vulnerability: the be addressed more in detail for any
posure or capacities, and that elabo- physical, the ecological, the social, assessment (Birkmann et al., 2013).


The MOVE framework to conceptualise vulnerability

Source: Birkmann et al. (2013)

Natural events / socio-natural events intervention

Physical Capacity to reduction
Ecological anticipate
Social Capacity to Susceptibility
cope reduction
Spatial Economic
Capacity to Resilience
Institutional recover improvement

RISK Organization / planning /
Economic / social / environmental potential impact implementation


This framework is particularly useful tantly, the majority of non-physical

within the context of disaster risk aspects of vulnerability are not meas- Due to the conceptual complexity and
since it embeds vulnerability in the urable in the way in that we are able methodological challenges connected
wider framework of risk governance/ to determine temperature or people’s with vulnerability, the uncertainties of
management and emphasises the var- income. Consequently, alternative vulnerability assessments and their re-
ious intervention opportunities that methods for assessing vulnerability sults is a topic of ongoing discussion.
may be taken to reduce risk. are applied. They can be quantitative The uncertainties are an aggregation
or qualitative or a mix of both (see of uncertainties from several sources.
A key initial question when scruti- Section 2.3.4). Widely applied and ac- They include limitations in knowledge
nising vulnerability is who or what is cepted tools comprise vulnerability about the socioecological systems that
vulnerable to what type of threat or curves predominantly used for assess- the vulnerable elements are part of as
hazard. This leads to the question of ing physical vulnerabilities and the well as inaccuracies of empirical data
how the interactions between hazards use of (proxy-) indicators, particu- and limitations of models applied for
and vulnerabilities look like. In fact, larly to estimate the vulnerability of vulnerability assessments.
there are significant differences in the non-physical dimensions (for example
way the various factors that determine social, economic or institutional vul- Uncertainty can be classified in many
vulnerability are linked or connected nerabilities). Here, indicators are used different ways. One possibility is to
to different types of hazards. Typi- to communicate simplified informa- subdivide it into ‘aleatory uncertain-
cally, physical characteristics of ele- tion about specific circumstances that ty’, which represents the variability of
ments at risk are directly linked to a are not directly measurable or can the properties of concern, and ‘epis-
particular hazard. For example, the only be measured with great difficul- temic uncertainty’, which stems from
degree to which a building withstands ty (Meyer, 2011). At local level, where limited knowledge. A sophisticated
an earthquake is directly linked to the spatial data and statistics often do not estimation of uncertainties is usually
type of building material used. How- exist in sufficient resolution, expert a difficult and costly exercise. Hence,
ever, a great level of resistance related opinions as well as participatory, com- the level of complexity and sophisti-
to earthquakes as a result of building munity- based approaches play a ma- cation and the effort and resources to
material does not automatically imply jor role in vulnerability assessments. be spent should be in line with the risk
that the ability to resist a flood event is management issue and correspond to
similarly high. On the other hand, the Power relations, cultural beliefs, the the level of detail needed.
predisposition to be adversely affected attitude towards risk- reduction ef-
due to the economic, sociocultural or forts or the willingness and capacity
political-institutional susceptibilities to learn from previous events are es- State of the art and
is to a large degree hazard independ- sential for the degree of preparedness research gaps
ent. A community, for instance, with of a population. Related information
a well-working emergency response can be found in story lines rather than The number of existing theoretical
system and a strong social network in statistics. Another challenge lies in frameworks and concepts related to
is better forearmed against any type providing evidence about the degree various aspects of vulnerability is
of hazardous event than a communi- of vulnerability and its causes. Vul- striking. Future work should focus on
ty with corrupt public authorities and nerability bears witness only in the the translation of these concepts into
disrupted internal linkages (Brooks, aftermath of an event when damage action, namely by developing easy-to-
2003; Schneiderbauer and Ehrlich, and loss are realised. Loss and damage use tools to implement vulnerability
2006; Cardona et al., 2012). data, though strongly depending on studies that yield useful results for the
the magnitude of the hazard itself, are stakeholder and user. At least within
Transferring these rather theoretical therefore important data sources for Europe, a set of standardised meth-
concepts into operational vulnerabil- vulnerability assessments and/or for ods for defined purposes at certain
ity assessments in practice results in the validation of assessment attempts scales would help to monitor changes
a number of challenges. Most impor- (see Subchapter 2.4). over time and to compare vulnerabil-

ity patterns spatially. The respective In particular, analysing vulnerability in 2015b).
activities need to consider the devel- the framework of sustainable devel-
opments of other relevant fields of opment or climate change adaptation For instance, the most damaged ar-
action such as climate change adapta- requires considering the interactions eas during the 2010 floods in Bursa
tion or sustainable development. between human and natural systems. (Turkey) were those neighbourhoods
characterised by the presence of in-
The awareness of the significance of formal settlements and occupied by
vulnerability for DRM has significant- low-income families (Tas et al. 2013).
ly increased over the last decades. System dynamics
Nevertheless, the importance of un- affecting vulnerability Another aspect of systemic vulnera-
derlying triggering factors of vulnera- bility is the dependence of human so-
bility and not directly tangible aspects Vulnerability is a dynamic concept cieties on ecosystem services, particu-
such as the cultural and institutional (Cardona et al. 2012) and thus varies larly those regulating climate, diseases
dimension requires further attention. in space and time. Trends in expo- and providing buffer zones (Millenni-
sure and vulnerability are influenced um Ecosystem Assessment 2005). For
2.3.2 by changes in the demographic, eco- example, coastal wetlands increase
nomic, social, institutional, govern- energy dissipation of storm surges,
System and ance, cultural and environmental dampen wind-driven surface waves,
systemic patterns of a system (Oppenheimer modify wind fields and reduce the ex-
vulnerability et al. 2014). Taking demography as posure of (and thus protect) people
an example, the current trend of an and physical assets in the hinterland.
ageing population that characterises Moreover, provisioning services in-
In order to advance the understand- developed countries has considera- clude food, raw materials, fresh water
ing of vulnerability and its dynamics bly influenced people’s vulnerability and medicinal resources, the availa-
as well as to set appropriate policy to heat stress, as shown by the high bility of which determines well-being
agendas, it is crucial to look at how death toll paid by the elderly during and thus can strongly influence the
the vulnerability dimensions interact the 2003 heatwave event in Europe socioeconomic vulnerability profile
at different spatial, temporal and func- (Robine et al. 2008). of a community. Consequently, eco-
tional scales (Cardona et al. 2012). system-based adaptation approaches
Another example is the concentra- have been applied in DRM to address
tion of assets and settlements (and potentially hazardous processes such
economic activities) in hazard-prone as flash floods, heat waves, sea level
The fact that our modern areas due to population growth and rise, increasing water scarcity, etc.
the lack of related spatial planning.
world is increasingly At a first view this phenomena simply
interconnected calls for represents increased exposure values.
systemic approaches At a closer look, it is strongly linked System criticality
when assessing to vulnerability. Hazard-prone areas
vulnerabilities and risks, are in general characterised by lower Globalisation has made communi-
which take into account land values and are thus occupied by ties and nations interdependent in a
feedback loops and low-income households. The scarcity number of realms, including politics,
or non-existence of infrastructure, economy, culture and technology.
cascading chains of services, social protection and securi- A systemic view postulates to consid-
impacts ty in these sites eventually leads to ‘so- er those linkages within and without a
cially segregated’ urban development, socioecological system that may affect
which in turn generates new patterns its vulnerability, thus drawing atten-
of vulnerability and risk (UNISDR tion to wider human and environmen-


tal processes and phenomena (Turner on track in a week — which was not relevant disciplines. Relevant universi-
et al. 2003). In concrete terms, this the case. On the contrary, Nokia, an- ty education and training programmes
means that systems and their popula- other big Philips customer, promptly should prepare young scientists and
tions are not only affected by hazards switched supplier and it even re-engi- practitioners accordingly.
to which they are physically exposed neered some of its phones to accept
but also — by means of cascading both American and Japanese chips. 2.3.3
effects — to those experienced else- By doing so, it raised its profits by
where. Recent disasters such as the 42 % that year and managed to ac- Vulnerability
eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland quire new market shares (Economist within the context of
(2010), the floods in Thailand (2011), Intelligence Unit 2009). The Erics- changing climate
the Great East Japan Earthquake son–Nokia example underscores the
(2011) and Hurricane Sandy in the fundamental role played by coping ca-
United States (2013) called attention pacity in reducing the adverse effects
to the severe effects of such cascades of experienced hazards. Moreover, it Climate change is one of the most
of disasters. calls for drawing attention not only to prominent examples of an external
the triggering event when considering biophysical stressor putting coupled
Cascading disasters can be exempli- cascading disasters, but more impor- human-natural systems at risk and
fied by the vulnerability of critical tantly to how vulnerabilities of differ- the vulnerabilities to changing cli-
infrastructure (Pescaroli & Alexander ent system’s components may align mate conditions has been the focus of
2016). When in 2003 a tree fell on a and thus amplify impacts (Pescaroli & many assessment studies. Originally,
Swiss power line, causing a fault in Alexander 2016). the understanding of ‘vulnerability’ in
the transmission system, 56 million the community of climate scientists
people in Italy suffered the effects of differed from that of the disaster risk
the worse blackout in the country’s State of the art and research by encompassing the hazard
history. 30 000 people were trapped research gaps component itself. That is, the project-
on trains and many commercial and ed change of relevant climate param-
residential users suffered disruption Disaster risk research often remains eters was seen as part of the system’s
in their power supplies for up to fragmented in a number of disciplines vulnerability to climate change (IPCC
48 hours (Johnson 2007). At a larg- and focused on single hazards (Cutter 2007).
er scale, failures in the global supply et al. 2015), with limited interaction
chain highlight how the vulnerability with other relevant communities. Re-
of one system may depend on the re- search adopting a coupled human-en- Knowledge on climate
silience of another system working in vironmental system approach in fram-
far spatial distance. ing vulnerability has contributed to
change is growing
the integration of separate domains fast, but standardised
The Swedish company Ericsson ex- (Cardona et al. 2012). vulnerability assessment
perienced substantial loss due to approaches are lacking.
the vulnerability of a subsupplier. A Namely, the approach of ecosys- Vulnerability assessment
10-minute fire at Philips’ plant in New tem-based adaptation has transferred must consider changing
Mexico, caused by a lighting hitting this holistic view into practice. Yet, the socioeconomic, political
the electric line, translated into a loss level of trans- and interdisciplinarity
in phone sales of about EUR 375 mil- that would be required to implement
and organisational
lion (Jansson 2004). truly systemic approaches in vulner- conditions that determine
ability assessment is rarely achieved. possible vulnerability
This was mainly because Ericsson Hence, future applied research should pathways.
took no action after Philips’ reas- follow an approach of coproduction
surance about production returning of knowledge and need to integrate

The Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- tion (Met Office & WFP, 2014) and Fritzsche et al., 2014). Impact chains
mate Change (IPCC) special report, thus contribute to new or stronger have, for example, been developed
Managing the risks of extreme events vulnerabilities to a range of diseases. and applied by the ci:grasp adaptation
and disasters to advance climate support platform (n.d.) and the latest
change adaptation (IPCC, 2012a), The assessment of climate-related German climate change vulnerability
and later on its fifth assessment re- risks and the identification of respec- study (Buth et al., 2015).
port (IPCC, 2013) have introduced tive key vulnerabilities needs to con-
the concept of ‘climate risks’ and have sider the variety of these possible di-
hence worked towards converging the rect and indirect impacts. Useful tools Vulnerability and climate
concepts of both communities. The to tackle this challenge are so-called change in Europe
currently ongoing integration of cli- impact chains, which represent cas-
mate change adaptation and disaster cading cause-effect relationships and At European level, climate change is
risk- reduction approaches leads to allow for structuring assessment pro- recognised as an important driver of
an increase of knowledge and has the cesses and the prioritisation of fields risk due to both climate extremes (for
potential to foster network building of action (Schneiderbauer et al., 2013; example heavy precipitation events
and to develop more efficient policies.
A respective report is under prepara- FIGURE 2.11
tion under the lead of the European
Environment Agency (EEA). Global maps of vulnerability index calculated by INFORM (upper left)
approaches and the identified sub-components of risk and vulnerability
The IPCC’s fifth assessment report left and the WorldRiskIndex on the bottom right.
Source: BEH and UNU-EHS (2016), INFORM (n.d.)
identifies several ways in which in-
creasing warming and climate-relat-
ed extremes can have an impact on a
socioecological system and focuses in
particular on those complex interac-
tions between climate and such sys-
tems that increase vulnerability and
risk synergistically (Oppenheimer et
al., 2014). One of them is the negative
effect of climate change on human
health, which results from a number
of direct and indirect pathways. Very Low Low Medium High Very High Not included in INFORM

Direct biological consequences to

human health can derive from heat- INFORM
waves, extreme weather events and
temperature-related concentrations
of pollutants; yet most of the impacts Hazards & Lack of Coping
will be indirectly triggered by warm- Exposure Capacity
ing-induced changes in environmen-
tal and social conditions (Mc Michael

2013) and are hence in their extent de-




termined by respective vulnerabilities.


Moreover, climate change induced ad-

verse impacts on crop yields’ quantity
and quality can exacerbate malnutri-


or storms) and slow onset events of of exposure (EC, 2013). Many EU mission in 2014 (Ciscar et al., 2014).
long-term duration (for example sea Member States have based their na- The EEA hosts the European climate
level rise or glacier retreat) Climate tional adaptation strategies on studies adaptation platform website that rep-
change will also have positive im- about risks and vulnerabilities to cli- resents the knowledge hub for climate
pacts in Europe in specific sectors mate change, for example the United change risks and adaptation in Europe
and in certain regions (for example Kingdom in 2016 (UK, 2016), Ger- (Climate-ADAPT, n.d.).
agriculture and tourism in northern many in 2015 (Buth et al., 2015) and
Europe). In this chapter we concen- the Netherlands (PBL, 2012). At Eu- Some key vulnerabilities related to
trate on potential adverse impacts ropean level, respective studies have climate change identified by these re-
that require actions to reduce related been implemented by the European ports are:
risks.. Though all the countries in the Observation Network, Territorial De- • demographic change / aging pop-
EU are exposed to climate change, velopment and Cohesion (ESPON) ulation;
the related impacts vary depending in 2011 (EPSON, 2011) and the EEA • population growth in low- lying ur-
on differences in climate conditions in 2012 (EEA, 2012) and 2016 (EEA, ban agglomerations;
but also in vulnerabilities and degree 2017), as well as the European Com- • vulnerability of (critical) infrastruc-
ture to warming and floods;
• increasing dependency on elec-
tricity, particularly linked with the
and WorldRiskIndex (upper right). The respective underlying conceptual increasing internationalisation of
are shown in the lower part representing the INFORM index on the bottom power grids.
State of the art and
research gap
The knowledge about future climate
conditions is vast and continues to
increase. There are numerous studies
scrutinising climate change impacts
and vulnerabilities. However, most of
them have been carried out in a static
context and they have not considered
future socioeconomic developments
resulting in changes of land use, ur-
banisation or demography. Besides
climate scenarios, climate risk studies
should aim to integrate vulnerability

Europe-wide climate risk assessment

should further be supported and co-
ordinated with the results from na-
tional and subnational studies, where
appropriate. A certain level of stand-
ardisation is desirable in order to al-
low for comparison in space and time.

vulnerability. Whether an approach is Qualitative vulnerability analyses are
best suitable strongly depends on the based on experts’ estimates. They
2.3.4 objective and the scope of the assess- are particularly useful if time and re-
Approaches to ment (e.g. understanding root causes, sources for the study are limited and
assess vulnerability identification of hotspots, trend anal-
ysis or the selection of risk- reduction
if accessible data / information is
not sufficient for quantitative anal-
Researchers and practitioners apply measures), as well as on the temporal ysis of complex phenomena. Qual-
quantitative, semi-quantitative, qual- and spatial scale; there is no ‘one size itative assessment carried out with
itative and increasingly mixed-meth- fits all’ approach. participatory techniques, such as in-
ods approaches in order to assess terviews or focus group discussions,
is particularly important for work at
local/community level and can reveal
context-specific root causes for vul-
Social vulnerability to floods in the Salzach river catchment, Austria. nerabilities. Quantitative assessments
Source: Kienberger et al. (2014) are often based on statistical analysis
exploiting data about loss and damage
related to certain hazards (see Section The most widely employed
alternative to this is the application
of indicator-based approaches, which
ideally allows assessing patterns and
trends of vulnerability across space
and time. The multifaceted nature
of vulnerability cannot be adequately
represented by a single variable (e.g.
income per capita). Consequently, the
generation of composite indicators
has gained importance for grasping
such complexities. It allows for com-
bining various indicators into a vul-
nerability index and helps to translate
complex issues into policy-relevant

At global level, there are a number of

composite indicators to assess disas-
ter risk, which represent vulnerability
as one of the risk’s dimensions next
to hazard and exposure, for exam-
ple the WorldRiskIndex (Welle and
Birkmann, 2015; BEH and UNU-
EHS, 2016) and the INFORM Index
(De Groeve at al., 2014; INFORM
n.d.). Both are continuously updat-
ed multi-hazard risk indices aiming
to support disaster risk reduction.
The WorldRiskIndex is a means for


understanding natural hazard related (Figure 2.12). Using indicator-based the aggregated result (Hagenlocher
risks including the adverse effects of approaches, the three case studies et al. 2013). On the other hand, com-
climate changes whilst INFORM is identify a set of social (e.g. age, edu- posite indicators are always data driv-
a tool for understanding risks to hu- cation and gender), economic (e.g. in- en and might conceal crucial aspects
manitarian crises and disasters. Con- come, employment and dependency), that are not or cannot be expressed in
ceptually, both indices are very similar. organisational and institutional (e.g. numbers and statistics.
Their methodologies are presented in early warning systems (EWS), access
Figure 2.11. In the WorldRiskIndex, to health services, proximity to first In recent years, there is an increasing
the vulnerability part comprises the responders, etc.) indicators and aggre- number of studies aiming to under-
components of susceptibility, cop- gate them into a composite index of stand and analyse vulnerability in mul-
ing capacity and adaptive capacity, vulnerability. tihazard settings. For example, Welle
which are represented by 23 indica- et al. (2014) present an approach for
tors. In INFORM, vulnerability and Composite indicators have the advan- the assessment of social vulnerability
lack of coping capacity are divided tage to represent complex phenome- to heat waves and floods as well as in-
into two separate dimensions, which na in a single value. If necessary, the stitutional vulnerability to earthquakes
are described by 31 indicators. Fig- underlying indicators or subcompo- in the city of Cologne, Germany.
ure 2.11 shows the countries' vul- nents of the index can be visualised While different sets of vulnerability
nerability scores based on data from separately to support the understand- indicators are used and aggregated to
2016 calculated using the INFORM ing of which factors contribute most assess vulnerability to heat waves (e.g.
approach (left) and the WorldRisk- to a positive or negative situation in age, unemployment, place of origin,
Index approach (right). Below these
maps, the respective approaches and
sub-components are visualised. Both
indices started with an approach at Generic quantitative vulnerability functions showing vulnerability (i.e. de-
nation-state resolution and global gree of loss) as a function of hazard intensity. The red curve represents a
scale but strive for more sub-nation- more vulnerable element and the blue curve a less vulnerable element.
al applications of their methodology Source: courtesy of authors
(Wannewitz et al., 2016).
In Europe, a range of assessments
have used spatial approaches, such 0,9
as spatial multicriteria analysis or
composite indicators to create maps
Vuln erability (Degree o f lo ss)

at subnational level that facilitate the 0,7

identification of hotspots and offer
information for place-based interven- 0,6
tion planning. For instance, a number
of studies have investigated vulnera- 0,5

bility in the context of river floods at 0,4

different spatial scales. Examples in-
clude assessments: (1) in Vila Nova 0,3
de Gaia, a flood-prone municipality
in northern Portugal (Fernandez et 0,2

al. 2016); (2) along the rivers Rhine, 0,1

Danube and Elbe in Germany (Fekete
2009); or (3) in the Salzach catchment 0,0
in Austria (Kienberger et al. 2014) Hazard intensity

More vulnerable Less vulnerable

etc.) and floods (age and occupan- on empirical data collected in the af- exposed elements (e.g. building types)
cy rates per household), institution- termath of an event. Damage func- in study. Vulnerability curves have
al vulnerability was evaluated using tions, in particular functions relat- been developed for several types of
qualitative information obtained from ing building damage to water depth, natural hazards, such as wind storms,
a series of stakeholder consultations. have a long tradition in the context landslides, floods, tsunamis and earth-
Acknowledging the fact that commu- of flood damage evaluation (Mey- quakes. There are curves expressing
nities are often affected by multiple er et al. 2013). Physical vulnerability loss within the built environment as
hazards — combined, sequentially or of buildings can also be assessed by well as loss of human lives. Most of
as a cascading effect —, these stud- physical models or by use of expert the curves are developed from empir-
ies present an important step towards judgement. For some hazard types, fa- ical data and accordingly fit well with
providing solutions for real-world tality or mortality functions are devel- previous events in the area where the
challenges. oped to determine the death ratio for data was collected. For other loca-
a single hazard parameter, e.g. water tions a calibration or validation of the depth or earthquake magnitude. This model is necessary prior to use. Vali-
Quantitative allows the estimation of numbers of dation is also needed for physical or
vulnerability functions fatalities occurring at, for example, a analytical vulnerability functions.
certain water level. However, the de-
Potential damage to physical assets velopment of fatality functions goes Application of vulnerability functions
and loss of human lives are often as- along with a high degree of uncer- is useful in several phases of the risk
sessed using quantitative vulnerability tainty, which stems from the variety management, such as risk assessment
functions. These functions take into of physical and human parameters and risk treatment. Risk analysts,
account the intensity of the hazard influencing the loss of life. For exam- scientists, stakeholders and deci-
and the properties of the exposed ple, water depth may not be the only sion-makers could be users of vulner-
elements. The intensity expresses the and most relevant intensity measure. ability functions with the purpose to
damaging potential of the hazard. Aspects such as flow rate, flood du- provide input to:
Properties represent the resistance of ration or sediment transport might be • decisions about the question of
the exposed elements such as build- equally as important. whether risks need to be treated or
ing material and maintenance level. about issues such as the prioritisation
Vulnerability functions are widely of risk treatment options of different
applied to illustrate the relationship areas and of different hazard types;
between hazard characteristics and The most appropriate • identification of appropriate and
fatalities and damage. Generic vulner- optimal risk- reduction measures;
ability functions are shown in Figure
methodology to assess • financial appraisals during and im-
2.13 and refer to physical vulnerabili- vulnerability strongly mediately after a disaster as well as
ty, described as ‘the degree of loss to depends on the purpose budgeting and coordination of com-
a given element, or set of elements, and the context, as well pensation (Merz et al., 2010).
within the area affected by a hazard. It as the temporal and
is expressed on a scale of 0 (no loss) spatial scales; there is no Alternatives to vulnerability curves
to 1 (total loss)’ (UNDRO 1984). ‘one size fits all’ approach. are fragility curves, which also express
the uncertainty in the physical vul-
Vulnerability functions may be sub- nerability. Fragility curves have been
divided into fatality/mortality func- widely applied in probabilistic risk and
tions and damage functions (the latter vulnerability assessment, in particular
denoted and formulated in different For quantitative physical vulnerabili- for earthquake risk (Hazus n.d.), but
ways, e.g. loss functions, susceptibil- ty assessment, one can apply existing recently also for landslide risk assess-
ity functions and fragility functions). vulnerability curves, which are appro- ment. These functions describe the
Damage functions are mainly based priate for the specific hazard and the


probability of exceeding different Vulnerability curves are widely applied

damage states for various intensities. for physical vulnerability assessment.
In a recent study on seismic risks in Future activities should focus on the How vulnerability
the city of Barcelona, Spain, a physi- development of a repository of vul- information is used
cal vulnerability assessment approach
was first carried out based on vulner-
nerability curves with user guidelines
for different hazard types and differ-
in practice
ability functions for different building ent types of assets. Research should
types (e.g. unreinforced masonry or work on the development and use of The IPCC acknowledges DRM as a
reinforced concrete, steel and wood multiparameter vulnerability func- process that goes beyond DRR (IPCC
buildings). In a second step this was tions that are transferable, i.e. valid 2012b). Decisions to reduce disaster
combined with a probabilistic analysis for different building types, and appli- risk must be based on a sound under-
of the seismic hazard into a seismic cable for vulnerability changing over standing of the related vulnerabilities.
risk assessment for buildings across time and for multirisk scenarios.
the city (Carreño et al., 2014). The A requirement that has clearly been
authors also considered conditions In order to fill these gaps, more data articulated in the SFDRR (UNISDR
related to social fragility and lack of are required for improving and cal- 2015b) as one of four main priorities
resilience that favour second order ibrating existing models as well as for action in the years to come.
effects when a city is hit by an earth- for proposing new empirical vulner-
quake. Factors such as population ability models (see Subchapter 2.4).
density, population with poor health Data collection and analysis should
or social disparity were used as prox- be extended and streamlined through Vulnerability in disaster
ies for social fragility. In addition, the the use of remotely sensed data and risk management: from
operating capacity in case of an emer- geographic information system tech- knowledge to action
gency, the state of development or the nology. The potential of Copernicus
access to health services were used as services and particularly of Sentinel Complementing hazard analysis, vul-
indicators of lack of resilience and data has not been fully exploited by nerability studies generate informa-
combined in an overall urban seismic the disaster risk community. tion of relevance for various aspects
risk index (Carreño et al., 2007). The of risk reduction and adaptation strat-
results show that the population in An additional challenge lies in the egies, emergency management and
the central parts of Barcelona lives at forward-looking nature of vulnerabil- sustainable territorial planning. They
a considerably higher risk than those ity. That is, vulnerability assessment are of importance for all phases of
living on the outskirts of the city. needs to take into account those fac- the DRM cycle covering short-term
tors and processes that may not yet response as well as long-term prepar- have become evident in past disaster edness or recovery. Correspondingly
State of the art and situations. This is particularly valid in large is the field of potential users
research gaps highly dynamic environments where of vulnerability information, includ-
both socio-natural hazards and vul- ing public administration staff who
Indicator-based assessment methods nerability patterns might undergo are responsible for civil protection or
have proved to support the drafting rapid changes in the near- and mid- spatial planning, actors in the field of
and prioritisation of disaster risk- re- term future (Garschagen 2014). insurance, private companies running
duction measures and strategies as critical infrastructure, the civil society
well as the allocation of resources. The importance to integrate uncer- and, finally, any individual. One way
Several challenges exist with respect tainty in vulnerability assessment has of grouping the various purposes of
to the dependency on data availability often been underlined but remains an vulnerability studies and their main
and quality, the validation of the ap- issue of concern still today. users is to classify them according to
plied methodology and related uncer- spatial scale. Extending the examples
tainty analysis (Hinkel, 2011). presented above, Table 2.1 provides


Overview of vulnerability assessments, their main objectives and potential users at different spatial scales.
Source: courtesy of authors

Scale Main objective Examples Potential users

Global Identification of The vulnerability components of the International

spatial hot spots; following risk indices: INFORM index (De organisations (including
allocation of Groeve et al. 2015); World Risk Index donors); international non-
resources; (BEH & UNU-EHS 2016); Disaster Risk governmental
awareness raising Index (Peduzzi et al. 2009); Natural organisations (NGO);
Disaster Hotspots index (Dilley et al. regional
2005) intergovernmental
Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index
(ND-GAIN n.d.)
International/ Identification of The vulnerability component of the International
regional spatial hot spots; INFORM Subnational risk index for the organisations (including
allocation of Sahel and the Greater Horn of Africa donors); international
resources; (INFORM subnational models n.d.) NGOs; ROI
awareness raising
Vulnerability to climate change in
Europe (ESPON 2011); climate change
vulnerability mapping for Southeast
Asia (Yusuf & Francisco 2009)
National / Identification of hot The vulnerability component of the International
subnational spots; development INFORM Subnational risk index (INFORM organisations (incl.
of risk reduction / subnational models n.d) for Lebanon donors); international
adaptation and Colombia, World Risk Index /national / local NGOs;
strategies; subnational for the Philippines national, subnational and
allocation of (Wannewitz et al. 2016); Social local governments and
resources; Vulnerability Index for the USA (Cutter public administration
awareness raising; et al. 2003)
Numerous studies in Europe. For an
overview of work related to climate
change, see Prutsch et al. 2014
Local Identification of For an overview of vulnerability International
root causes; assessments in Europe with respect to organisations (incl.
strengthening natural hazards, see Birkmann et al. donors); international /
capacities of local 2014; national/ local NGOs;
actors; empowering national, subnational and
A semi-quantitative assessment of
communities local governments and
regional climate change vulnerability by
public administration-
Kropp. et al. 2006
affected communities


an illustrative overview of selected nerability in order to make them

vulnerability assessments, their main Conclusions and key more resilient to identified hazards;
purposes and potential users at differ- messages • design and facilitate multilevel and
ent spatial scales. cross-sectoral feedback loops be-
Over the past decades, vulnerability tween public, practitioners and pol-
research has made considerable pro- icymaking bodies (local, regional,
gress in understanding some of the national and European) and other
Vulnerability assessment root causes and dynamic pressures stakeholders;
• standardise vulnerability assess-
is used to support that influence the progression of vul-
ment approaches in order to allow
stakeholders and nerability and raised awareness that
disasters are not natural but predom- for more comparison (in space and
policymakers in inantly a product of social, economic time);
prioritising various risks, and political conditions (Wisner et al. • work on improved evidence with-
in identifying root causes ,2004). in vulnerability assessment — this
and spatial hotspots requires continuous effort to im-
and in developing risk Vulnerability assessments are a re- prove loss and damage data.
reduction strategies and sponse to the call for evidence by de-
cision-makers for use in pre-disaster Partnership
measures. The comprehensive analysis and as-
risk assessment, prevention and re-
duction, as well as the development sessment of vulnerability requires an
and implementation of appropriate interdisciplinary approach involving
preparedness and effective disaster both natural and social sciences. In
response strategies by providing in- addition, in order to foster sustainable
The complexity of vulnerability and and efficient vulnerability reduction
the wide range of possible appli- formation on people, communities or
regions at risk. strategies and measures, an approach
cations of assessment studies re- to produce knowledge co-productive-
quire considerable effort to define ly is desirable. This calls for a part-
the studies’ scope (objective, target The following steps are proposed to
further improve vulnerability research nership with affected communities,
groups, spatial and temporal scale, practitioners and decision-makers. A
spatial resolution of results, etc.). In and related applications with the final
aim to inform policymakers to most stronger link and enhanced interac-
practice, vulnerability studies have tion with other relevant communities
benefited from pursuing a process appropriately:
is desirable, namely climate change
of co-production of knowledge. The adaptation, natural resource manage-
integration of scientists, practition- • co-produce knowledge in a trans-
disciplinary environment; ment, public health, spatial planning
ers and potential users in the process and development.
of a vulnerability assessment right • evaluate and present inherent un-
from the beginning usually results in certainties;
• integrate intangible but crucial fac- Knowledge
a higher level of acceptance of their The determination of risk often re-
results. They are also more likely to be tors into quantitative assessments;
• develop and apply methods that al- mains hazard centred and hazard
used in decision- and policymaking. specific and does not consider vul-
An example is the latest vulnerability low for considering cascading and
multirisks; nerability appropriately. Vulnerability
assessment for Germany within the assessment has tended to be mostly
scope of which a network of nation- • combine vulnerability scenarios
with (climate-) hazard scenarios quantitative in nature. Cultural as-
al authorities was created and which pects as well as formal (procedures,
participated in all important decisions when assessing future risks;
• empower communities to better laws and regulations) and tacit infor-
(Greiving et al., 2015). mal (values, norms and traditions)
understand and reduce their vul-
institutions play a fundamental role

as both enabling or limiting factors
of resilience and have not gained
sufficient attention. A challenge is
the need to consider local data and
information in order to account for
small-scale specificities of vulnerabil-
ity. Present databases on damage and
loss caused by natural hazards should
be standardised and extended to sup-
port evidence building in vulnerabil-
ity assessment. Existing barriers in
the co-production, exchange and use
of knowledge have to be understood
and minimised.

In recent years, improved approach-
es to assess vulnerability by statistical
analyses or indices have been estab-
lished. Fostering the integration of
Earth observation data and technol-
ogy to detect changes would improve
the possibility to represent some of
the dynamic aspects of vulnerability.
Further improvement requires en-
hanced event and damage databases
and more sophisticated methods for
potential future vulnerability path-
ways and their integration into risk
scenarios. The challenge to integrate
qualitative information, which of-
ten contains crucial facts, needs to
be addressed. Observation data and
technology to detect changes would
improve the possibility to represent
some of the dynamic aspects of vul-
nerability. Further improvements
require enhanced event and damage
databases and more sophisticated
methods for potential future vulner-
ability pathways and their integration
into risk scenarios. The challenge
to integrate qualitative information,
which often contains crucial facts,
need to be addressed.


2.4 Recording disaster

losses for improving risk
modelling capacities
Scira Menoni, Costanza Bonadonna, Mariano García-Fernández,
Reimund Schwarze

bility are the components that need to interpretation based on previous EU

2.4.1 be evaluated and combined in order to projects and available literature is pro-
Relationship obtain a risk assessment. In the post- posed (Merz et al. 2010; Meyers et al.
between pre- event event analysis, the estimated damage 2015; Van der Veen and Logtmeijer
risk modelling and must be described on the basis of the
observed hazard features, on the con-
2005). As can be seen in Figure 2.15,
damage due to natural hazards is gen-
post- disaster figuration of exposed systems and on erally divided into damage to tangible
loss data their vulnerability at the time of the objects and assets, meaning those for
event. which a monetary assessment is eas-
Pre-event risk assessment and post- ily obtained and not controversial,
event damage estimation are more and damage to intangibles, meaning
linked than is generally thought. As Pre- and post-damage values such as human life, historic
shown in Figure 2.14, either prob- heritage or natural assets for which
abilistic or deterministic damage
assessment have more in monetisation is either extremely dif-
forecasts are appraised in pre-event common than generally ficult or controversial. Damage to
risk assessment, whilst in the after- perceived; in both both tangibles and intangibles can be
math of the event, the scenario that cases there is a need to direct, meaning the damage provoked
occurred is analysed. Both modelled understand the relative by the hazardous stressor, or indirect,
and estimated damage can regard contribution of hazard, which is consequent upon the direct
one or few exposed items or multi- exposure and vulnerability damage (e.g. production loss due to
ple sectors ranging from businesses damaged machinery) or upon ripple
to lifelines (available in fewer cases).
factors on the overall effects due to the interdependency
Damage can be expressed as physical damage. of economic systems, both forward
damage to items and/or monetary and backward linkages. Whilst direct
costs of repair or as loss to individual damage generally occurs locally, indi-
economic sectors or to a given econo- rect damage can develop over much
my and society as a whole. There is still a debate on the mean- greater time and space scales, also far
In the case of the pre-event assess- ing of damage and losses and which from the event’s ‘epicentre’ and long
ment, hazard, exposure and vulnera- types should be considered; here, an after the event has occurred. In some

methodologies, damage and losses are theoretical assumptions. These natu-
distinct: the first term refers to affect- ral disasters were chosen because of State of the art of
ed infrastructure and buildings, whilst their diversity, the difference in terms risk models
the second refers to economic losses of types and the extent of damage
(GFDRR, 2013). In the following sec- they produce. However, their use is Expected damage can be assessed
tions, the link between pre- and post- just paradigmatic. Experts in other using quantitative, qualitative and
event damage and loss assessment is fields will be able to find correspond- semi-quantitative risk models (Figure
discussed, showing the contribution ences to the hazard risk they are more 2.14, see also Subchapter 2.1). Quan-
that enhanced post-disaster analysis familiar with. titative risk assessments dominate in
can make in terms of knowledge and scientific journals; however, they gen-
information to improve the quality 2.4.2 erally consider quite a limited number
and comprehensiveness of pre-event and type of variables. More complex
risk models. How post-disaster understandings of risk, which also
damage has been comprise the consequences on the
Examples will be taken from three dis- used to develop risk social, economic and environmental
tinct hazard domains, such as earth- systems as well as on complex built
quakes, floods and volcanic eruptions,
models: state of the systems such as critical infrastruc-
in order to provide evidence for more art in a nutshell tures, are inevitably covered by a mix-


Pre - and post - disaster damage assessments

Source: courtesy of authors

Hazard Exposed systems Vulnerability assessment Hazard Exposed systems Vulnerability

variables description (values) (functions) feature configuration conditions
due to

Pre-event forecasted damage Post-event estimated damage

Modelled Modelled losses Modelled Observed Observed Observed/

Physical damage to multiple impact on Physical damage losses to Modelled impact
to one or few sectors economy and to one or few multiple on economy and
sectors resources sectors sectors resources

Probabilistic Deterministic Occurred

Risk Assessment Scenarios Scenario

Quantitative Qualitative Semi-quantitative Quantitative Qualitative Semi-quantitative

Data and information for validation; knowledge regarding systemic and

indirect damage occurring in complex systems across time and space


ture of quantitative and qualitative ap- recent times, quantitative appraisals

praisals (OECD 2012; Theocharidou of exposure have been increasingly
and Giannopoulos 2015, Menoni et included in risk assessment. Besides Vulnerability and damage
al. 2007). In the more widely accepted exposed people and assets, more re-
definition, risk is measured in terms alistic evaluations take into consid-
functions have been the
of expected damage (probability of eration their relative vulnerability as most widely used tools,
expected damage or deterministic well, intended as the susceptibility to especially by engineers,
damage scenarios) and is obtained as damage, which is an intrinsic measure to deal with pre-event
a function of hazard, exposure (see of weakness and fragility (Mc Entire damage assessment
also Subchapter 2.2) and vulnerability 2005, Scawthorn 2008). fed by post-disaster
(see also Subchapter 2.3). Whilst the The capacity to assess the latter is statistical data.
first two aspects are provided in quan- more recent and restricted to some
titative terms, the last one is often as- exposed elements and systems, with
sessed through more qualitative or the obvious difficulty of constructing
semi-qualitative approaches (Turner a comprehensive and coherent picture
et al. 2003, Petrini 1996). In the past, of what the total effect of a disaster In the following section, the state
risk assessments were actually main- in a given area may be (Barbat et al. of the art in vulnerability or damage
ly hazard analyses, whereas in more 2010). functions in the field of seismic, vol-


Definition of direct and indirect damage

Source: Merz et al. (2010)

Damage and loss due

to natural disasters

Direct Indirect

Direct tangible Direct intangible Indirect tangible Indirect intangible

damage damage damage and loss damage and loss

To territorial and To territorial and To territorial systems To territorial and

economic systems economic systems - Damage to lifelines economic systems
- Buildings - People - Malfunction of - Psychological
- Artefacts - Monuments and strategic services distress and trauma
- Assets historic sites To economic systems - Abandonment of
- Facilities - Environmental - Production loss cultural assets
assets (affected firms) - Abandonment of
- Backward/forward landscapes
linkages, i.e. suppliers
& customers

canic and flood hazards are provided, sanego 1991, Senouci et al. 2013). vulnerability of buildings is obtained
highlighting similarities and differenc- Main European seismic vulnerability from the weighed sum of the score
es. Vulnerability or damage functions methods include GNDT (Benedetti assigned to each parameter, ranging
are used to correlate hazard indicators et al. 1988), Risk-UE (Lagomarsino from A (no vulnerability) to D (very
(such as acceleration or water depth) and Giovinazzi 2006) and Vulner- high vulnerability), and multiplied by
with damage (such as damage index alp (Guéguen et al. 2007). Thus, the a weight expressing the relative rele-
or monetary cost of repair and recov- seismic field set the floor for a gener- vance of the parameter.
ery). al methodology that was followed in Second, vulnerability curves are com-
other fields as well; it can also be con- piled by plotting seismic severity (on sidered as having general relevance. the horizontal x axis), expressed, for
How vulnerability/damage First, damage after earthquakes was example, as acceleration, versus the
curves have been developed observed in a very large number of percentage of damage or a damage
for seismic risk cases and in structures differing in index between 0 and 1 (on the vertical
their layout, material, typology, age, y axis). At maximal stress, any build-
Seismic engineers have started devel- resistant systems, etc. Two relevant re- ing is expected to collapse, whereas at
oping vulnerability curves long before sults were achieved: on the one hand, no stress no building is expected to
colleagues in other natural hazards a very large database with hundreds be damaged; anything in between, the
fields, coherent with the fact that of failure cases was developed, and intrinsic vulnerability of buildings is
the only possible protection measure on the other hand, the specific factors likely to produce differential damage.
against earthquakes is reducing build- determining buildings’ response to As a third step, a comparison between
ings’ vulnerability. Early seismic vul- earthquakes were identified. Such fac- modelled damage based on vulnera-
nerability methods were proposed in tors have been translated into param- bility curves and post-event observed
the seventies in Japan and the Unit- eters, as in the example provided in damage should be carried out as dis-
ed States, and were being developed Table 2.2 (Zonno et al. 1998). In the cussed in Subchapter 2.3.
during the eighties in Europe (Cor- practical application of the latter, the
TABLE 2.2 How vulnerability/damage
Indicators to assess seismic risk
curves have been developed
Source: Zonno et al. (1998) for volcanic risk

PARAMETERS VULNERABILITY CLASS WEIGHT Vulnerability curves in volcanology

A B C D have been developed much more re-
cently and are available only for some
1 Organization of resistant elements 0 5 20 45 1
of the hazards that may be triggered
2 Quality of resistant elements 0 5 25 45 0.25 by an explosive eruption. More specif-
3 Conventional Strenght 0 5 25 45 1.5 ically, vulnerability curves describing
4 Building position and foundations 0 5 25 45 0.75 the collapse of roofs are available for
tephra fallout (e.g. Figure 2.16), while
5 Floors 0 5 15 45 var
initial curves have been proposed for
6 Plan Shape 0 5 20 45 0.5
ballistic and pyroclastic flows in EU
7 Elevation Shape 0 5 20 45 var funded project Miavita(n.d.) (see also
8 Maximum distance between walls 0 5 20 45 0.25 in Chapter 3.2 for the description and
9 Roof 0 15 20 45 var definition of volcanic hazards). The
lack of vulnerability data for other
10 Non structural elements 0 0 20 45 0.25
hazards includes the unfeasibility of
11 Maintenance conditions 0 5 20 45 1 building constructions that are able


to stand the stress due to lava or py- man et al. (2012) and Thieken et al.
roclastic flows. Exposure, i.e. the lo- How vulnerability/damage (2008). Both recognise the limitations
cation of constructions, becomes curves have been developed of current methods that neglect haz-
more important. In addition, given for flood risk ard severity variables such as velocity
the relative low frequency of large or sediment transport, which may be
volcanic eruptions affecting largely It should be highlighted that in the more relevant than water depth as a
inhabited places, damage to modern flood case, scholars refer to damage damage cause, especially in the case of
structures could be observed only in rather than vulnerability curves, even flash floods.
a limited number of cases and mostly though the followed method is very
related to the collapse of roofs under similar. Curves are plotted on a plane
tephra load. This is why vulnerability with an x axis that generally reports Key aspects of currently
curves have been developed only for water depth and a y axis where damage used vulnerability and
the damage to building roofs due to is reported as costs of repair. Curves damage curves
tephra fallout (Figure 2.16). The effect represent types of buildings differing
of tephra on other exposed elements, for the number of floors, material, The brief discussion of the three
e.g. agriculture and infrastructures, presence of basement or not and oc- domains permits to highlight some
have also recently been attempted cupation of the first level. For a com- commonalities: first, the philosophy
(Wilson et al. 2014, Craig et al. 2016). prehensive overview of such curves, according to which vulnerability is
one may refer to the work of Jong- represented by curves that depend


Damage curves for collapse of roofs associated with tephra fallout

Source: Biass et al. (2016)
Tephra mass accumulation (kg/m 2)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Probability of collapse




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Tephra fall load (kPa)
on the intrinsic characteristics of dif- of their modelling capacity (Marsh prehensive validation for risk models,
ferent types of structures; second, 2015). they can be used to assess the discrep-
the need of a statistically meaning- ancies between the model forecasts
ful population of observed damaged and observations.
buildings to develop vulnerability or Use of post-event
damage curves; and third, vulnerabili- damage data for Here the comparison between pre-
ty or damage curves are available for a evaluating the reliability and post-damage assessments con-
limited set of structures and a limited of risk models results ducted for the city of Lorca in Spain
number of sectors. They are largely is provided. Figure 4 shows the ac-
available for residential buildings, far Even though separate events that tual observed damage in one of the
less for industrial facilities and even have occurred cannot provide a com- most affected suburbs in Lorca as
less for infrastructures. This restricts
the capacity to construct comprehen-
sive quantitative risk assessment for
all assets and sectors. Furthermore,
whilst vulnerability curves are derived Observed building damage in the city of Lorca in terms of mean damage
from the observation of individual grade (D1: slight, D2: moderate, D3: heavy and D4: partial collapse) for
objects, risk assessment is developed the Mw5.2 earthquake on 11 May 2011
for an area or a region. Therefore, risk Source: DG Citizen Security and Emergencies of the Region of Murcia
assessment is based on the hypothesis
that assets in a given region can be av-
eraged in terms of their vulnerability

Another factor limiting the possibility

to transfer such curves from one ge-
ographic area to another derives from
the fact that the observed damage and
relative vulnerability factors are highly
context dependent, as they are linked
to the types of buildings and struc-
tures that have been surveyed. This
is the reason why consulting firms
that provide insurance and reinsur-
ance companies with immediate fig-
ures of loss due to a recent calamity
carry out post -disaster surveys. The
rapid evolution of information tech-
nology information technology has
given an important impulse to the
use of risk assessment scenarios by
means of very large datasets com-
prising information on land uses and
basic built stock characteristics that
can be digested in a rather short time.
However, feedback from real events
is crucial to increasing the reliability


a consequence of the earthquake that by building typology, age and number factors such as the state of preserva-
occurred on 11 May 2011. Figure of floors. tion, orientation, discontinuities, soft
2.18 represents the modelled damage The comparison between Figure story buildings, plan/vertical irregu-
using Risk-EU approach (Lagomarsi- 2.17 and Figure 2.18 shows that the larities, openings and quality of con-
no and Giovinazzi 2006), considering modelled scenario underestimates the struction that were missing in the pre-
the seismic load by the observed Eu- damage, particularly for the highest event vulnerability appraisals. Also, in
ropean macroseismic scale (EMS-98) damage levels. This suggests the need this specific case, there could be pos-
intensity and the vulnerability index to consider additional vulnerability sible previous effects from a Mw4.5

FIGURE 2.18 2.4.3

Simulation of physical damage to buildings in the city of Lorca using the Damage and losses
direct approach.
Source: courtesy of authors
to multiple sectors:
relevance for more
comprehensive risk

Post-event damage
assessment can provide
a more comprehensive
understanding of damage
to multiple sectors
including agriculture,
infrastructure, services
and industrial and
commercial activities,
overcoming the narrow
approach taken so far.

Exercises similar to the one briefly

shown in Chapter 2.3 are very impor-
tant to evaluate the consistency of risk
models; however, they are often lim-
ited to a restricted number of assets
and to direct physical damage. In the
following, the state of the art in risk
assessments and damage estimations
by sectors will be shortly discussed,
distinguishing between tangible and

intangible exposed assets. Needs in Industries and commercial business- Earthquakes occurring in historic
terms of future damage data provi- es are often treated as buildings, even towns often affect ancient buildings
sion are also discussed. though they differ from the latter in and monuments more permanently
many regards. A first difference is and dramatically. Their vulnerability is
the large space usually necessary for due to several factors including con- activities that make these facilities struction material, type of resistant
Damage to tangibles more vulnerable to earthquakes. Sec- technology, lack of maintenance and
ondly, potential damage to machinery poor or totally lacking seismic retro- and raw and finished products may fitting. Furthermore, historic centres
Agriculture be more relevant than damage to in Mediterranean areas, e.g. Greece,
structures, particularly in the case of Spain, southern France, Italy and
As suggested by Brémond et al. floods, where damage to structures is Slovenia , are characterised by com-
(2013), damage to agriculture should generally low. plex urban blocks. The vulnerability
comprise different elements: crops, of these blocks is exacerbated by the
soil, infrastructures and storage facil- Thirdly, businesses present a very presence of shared structural com-
ities, which are differently exposed large combination of buildings, ma- ponents between adjacent buildings,
and vulnerable to various hazards chinery, activities and processes that topographic layout and the recent in-
such as earthquakes, volcanic erup- make it hard to standardise vulnerabil- troduction of infrastructures, without
tions and floods (FAO 2015). ity assessment. Information on dam- taking seismic risk into sufficient con-
age suffered by industries and factors sideration . From a cultural perspec-
Earthquakes have usually been associ- that make them vulnerable are avail- tive, it is very difficult to assess the
ated with potential damage to storage able for flood risk and earthquakes value of lost heritage. Methods are
facilities for animals or machinery; (Suzuki 2008; Krausman 2010). Dam- available but evaluations are always
not much thought has been given to age to business can sometimes turn heavily loaded with societal and emo-
infrastructures used in agriculture. into a severe secondary hazard (risk tional concerns that are hard to repre-
Nonetheless, the 2012 earthquake cascade), when dangerous plants are sent in formalised quantitative terms.
in Italy proved to be devastating for affected by natural hazards producing
hydraulic infrastructures needed for the so called Natech hazards (Cozzani
irrigation that was halted for sever- et al. 2010; Ministère chargé de l’en- Loss of natural assets
al days with heavy consequences for vironnement 2005; see also Chapter and soil as a consequence
production. 3.14). of floods

Damage due to volcanic hazard, in Floods may damage for example
particular gas and tephra, is associat- Damage to intangibles parks Floods may damage, for ex-
ed with animals, crops, irrigation wa- ample, parks and natural preserves in
ter and soil that can be devastated for Damage to intangibles is that which different ways (Gautak and Van der
a long time (Craig et al. 2016). affects people and artefacts that are Hoek 2003): light structures used for
Floods may affect all above men- considered of incommensurable val- visiting such areas may be destroyed
tioned components differently, but as ue, i.e. it is very difficult or controver- and contamination due to toxic and
mentioned by Brémond et al. (2013), sial to monetise. Consideration in this dangerous substances carried out by
this is not reflected in currently avail- paper will be limited to three exam- inundating waters may occur with dif-
able damage curves. ples, one for each hazard. ferent degrees of severity, while fauna
and flora may also be affected. When a post-flood damage assessment was
Industries and commercial Loss of cultural heritage due conducted it was observed that cer-
businesses to earthquakes tain species of birds abandoned the
area due to the loss of nutrients in


the soil and water (Menoni et al. (De Groeve et al. 2013; EU technical
2017). Time is required in order to
2.4.4 working group 2015). At the inter-
assess whether or not such damage is The relevance of national level, the work carried out
permanent and whether or not even- indirect damage and within ECLAC (Cepal 2014) and
tual substituting species are as rich in
biodiversity as those they have sub-
losses to account the post-disaster needs assessment
(PDNA) (GFDRR 2013) has provid-
stituted. Similar considerations may for the complexity ed relevant approaches to pave the
regard the soil itself for agricultural of events way for the SFDRR.
purposes. Salinisation resulting from
coastal inundations and loss of fertile Literature on direct, indirect and sec-
soil may be more or less permanent. ondary damage is rather significant Indirect damage due
Those observations should lead to and there is still no perfect consensus to ripple effects in
enhanced risk models that provide an on what those terms mean; howev- complex systems
output to show not only the immedi- er, larger convergence by the scientif-
ate damage due to the event, but also ic and practitioner communities has The need to consider other types of
its evolution and dynamic over time, been achieved in more recent years damage as well as damage to multi-
which may require years to appraise thanks to efforts at the European and ple systems stems from the recogni-
the real, longer- term effects. international levels. tion that real events are much more
complex than the representation of physical damage to few assets. Cas-
Historical examples of cading effects, enchained failures,
permanent relocation Systemic interconnections malfunctions of critical lifelines and
inaccessibility to facilities and affect-
Loss of social capital as a result of and complexity of ed areas may be more severe in terms
temporary or long-term relocation modern societies require of impact and victims than the phys-
is an issue that should be considered new approaches of ical damage itself (Park et al. 2013).
whenever such a measure is examined. damage analysis and This can be considered as the system-
Sometimes during volcanic crises, representation with ic facet of indirect damage due to the
such a decision is inevitable to safe- respect to the ones that interconnection and interdependency
guard people’s life. Examples of past of urban and regional systems as well
relocations such as those associated
have been in use so as among components of complex
with the 1982 El Chichón eruption in far. Post-event damage systems (Pitilakis et al. 2014).
Mexico (Marrero et al. 2013), the 1991 assessment can provide
Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines key knowledge regarding As for systemic aspects, there have so
(Newhall and Punongbayan 1997), multiple types of failures far been few and partial attempts to
the 1991 Hudson volcano eruption in and indirect damage and model them to make them part of a
Chile (Wilson et al. 2012) and the 2010 more complete risk assessment (Bru-
Merapi eruption in Indonesia (Mei et
loss. neau et al. 2003). The MATRIX (2013)
al. 2013) suggest that without careful and the Syner-G (2014) projects can
planning, communities can be largely be recalled here, in particular with ref-
disrupted. In all these examples, peo- At the former level, one may consid- erence to the work done on modelling
ple were detached from their source er the results of the Conhaz project lifeline disruption due to natural dis-
of income and from the territory that (Meyer et al. 2015), the Nedies project asters. By analysing in detail the mod-
is often a fundamental component of (Van der Veen et al. 2003) and, lately, els provided by both projects, it is ev-
their livelihood and identity. the work carried out by the Europe- ident that even though they are rather
an Commission on disaster loss data formalised, expert decisions must be
provided at crucial nodes in order to

run them. This is consistent with the more important in big disasters than 1994),
fact that there is not enough statistical in more trivial ones. For example, • input-output models (e.g. Rose and
evidence for each type of malfunc- Hallegatte (2008) demonstrates that Benavides 1997, Boisevert 1992,
tion of complex lifeline systems to al- significant indirect loss for the state Cochrane 1997),
low for a more general formalisation of Louisiana only arises when direct • computable general equilibrium
of the evaluation procedure. In fact, losses exceed EUR 50 billion. In a models (Brookshire and McKee
until recently, only anecdotic narrative separate study, he also demonstrates 1992, Boisevert 1995).
was available, accompanied by a few that indirect impacts are greater if a
numerical figures. Few written reports natural disaster affects the economy Studies evaluating model-based es-
regarding damage suffered by lifelines during the expansion phase of its timates (Kimbell and Bolton 1994,
in case of floods are available (Pitt business cycle than if it touches it Bolton and Kimbell 1995, West 1996)
2008, Ministère de l’écologie 2005). during a recession phase (Hallegatte show that models developed for tra-
As for earthquakes, only recently the et al. 2007). ditional economic forecasting tend
EERI reports providing first recon- to overstate the indirect effects. Dif-
naissance analysis of events have in- Compared to direct physical effects, ferences to observed impacts from
troduced a more in-depth section on indirect economic losses are much post- event economic surveys are by
lifelines. For the volcanic risk a rather more difficult to measure. Addition- 70 % to 85 % (West and Lenze 1994).
interesting work has been conducted ally, there are limited available sources The reason for this overestimation of
upon observations for a few erup- of data for measuring indirect loss- both indirect regional economic loss-
tions, e.g. the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle es. It seems that defined and agreed- es from natural disasters and indirect
2011 eruption in Chile (Wilson et al. upon protocols for identifying and regional economic gains from recon-
2013, Craig et al. 2016; Elissondo et collecting useful data in this domain struction is that statistically based
al. 2016) and the Shinmoedake 2011 are still missing or are still in their ear- economic models have been designed
eruption in Japan (Magill et al. 2013). ly stages. Insurance data on business primarily to forecast the effects of a
Such efforts have not produced the interruption are of limited value for lasting impact.
number and extensive data avail- that purpose, as most indirect effects,
able for physical damage, yet they for example power outage, do not The historical interlinkages embodied
represent an important first step that qualify for compensation under busi- in these models are likely to be sub-
would require more focus on future ness interruption insurance. Moreo- stantially disturbed and temporarily
efforts of collecting and analysing ver, insurance data must be indexed changed during a disaster. Dynamic
post- disaster damage data. by insurance market characteristics adjustment features such as recovery,
(e.g. market penetration and average resilience, interregional substitution, deductibles) to allow correct data in- inventory adjustments, changes in
Indirect economic terpretation and cross-country inves- labour supply, number of displaced,
damage tigations. Also, until recently, most etc. are not reflected in these models.
insurance companies tended to treat In short, these models must be sub-
Even less evidence is available for in- this data as private asset. stantially revised in order to produce
direct damage on economic systems reliable estimates of indirect effects.
induced by direct damage, lifelines The limitation of accessible primary Computational algorithms modelling
failures, and losses due to business data have led to attempts to measure supply shocks, post- event supply
interruption. Such damage and loss- indirect losses using economic mod- constraints and time- phased recon-
es include induced production losses els of the type that have long been struction in disaggregated spatial set-
suffered by suppliers and custom- utilised for economic forecasting, tings (as, for example, applied in van
ers of affected companies, the costs such as: der Veen and Logtmeijer 2005 and
of traffic disruption or the costs of • simultaneous equation economet- Yamano et al. 2007) seem promising
emergency services. Evidence to date ric models (Ellison et al. 1984, Gui- to overcome this methodological gap.
suggests that indirect damage is mares et al. 1993, West and Lenze


Changes needed to pre-event modelling, as suggested in
improve post-disaster Figure 2.14. More comprehensive post-
damage and loss data event damage analysis
availability and quality
Costs versus physical will provide fundamental
damage knowledge to a variety of
In order to obtain a more compre-
hensive and satisfactory overview of
stakeholders. Innovation
damage to assets, systems and sectors Another field that would require sub- is needed to reconcile
following a disaster, more consistent stantial advancement relates to the the ‘engineering’
and systematically gathered data to reconciliation between different ways representation of the
of representing damage and losses.
address the complexity of real events
Engineers generally provide a physi-
physical damage and the
are needed. Furthermore, as already economic assessment
suggested by the World Meteorolog- cal representation of damage in terms
ical Organisation guidelines (2007), of affected buildings, bridges, lifelines of direct and indirect
efforts of data collection should be and plants (and related components). damage and loss
reiterated in the same areas in order Costs of asset repair or substitution
to detect trends that cannot be seen a can then be estimated. It is less easy
few hours or days after the event and than generally perceived to find an
to monitor the rehabilitation and re- exact match between the estimated
covery process. repair and substitution costs and the The economic damage, however, is
real expenses that are declared for not restricted to the translation of
To achieve such a goal of obtaining the reconstruction of the same items physical damage or services malfunc-
and maintaining a more robust repos- (Comerio 1996). This can be due to tion into monetary terms. Instead, it
itory of different types of damage to the fact that costs of amelioration reflects the economist’s perspective,
multiple sectors, a standardised re- are included too or that, if not gov- according to which loss goes beyond
porting system, similar to the PDNA erned, the process may lead to some repair and reconstruction needs and
or to the so- called Retour of Experi- distortions where someone takes un- comprises the total effect the damage
ence in France (Direction territoriale due advantage of the disaster. Extra will have on a given economy (either
Méditerranée du Cerema, 2014) would costs may be due also to the exces- local or national) in terms of lost re-
provide significant advantages. First, sive amount of needed repair mate- sources and assets (Pesaro 2007). Such
because they will permit comparison rial or workers from other areas to be resources can be linked to material
between cases across geographic re- recruited as local capacities are over- damage, to business and service inter-
gions and time; it will then be easier to whelmed. ruption or to the fact that customers
recognise similarities among cases and will be lost as a consequence of pro-
aspects that are specific to each case. Furthermore, there are spatial and longed businesses’ interruption, etc.
Second, data collected and processed temporal scale issues that cannot be Systemic effects due to the failure or
in the same way for key variables will neglected; for example, the shift from malfunction of lifelines and services
allow us to obtain statistical evidence individual items that are assessed to can be described in terms of numbers
for some variables that at present are entire sector categories, like the shift (days/hours of interruption, number
described only in a qualitative way. between individual residential build- of customers without service) or in
Third, more comprehensive and com- ings to residential land uses. For an terms of the economic loss that has
parable reports will permit the build- attempt of alignment, one may con- been caused by such a failure. The
ing of a body of knowledge on differ- sider the recent work carried out by two representations of damage and
ent types of damage to several sectors Amadio et al. (2015). losses do not fully coincide; instead it
that can support decision-making for would be very important to find cor-
respondences between them.

businesses. In recent years, insurance
companies have become more active Innovation
2.4.5 in supporting their customers after Multiple innovations are needed to en-
Conclusions and key an event to reduce such a duration. hance our capacity for damage mod-
messages Knowing in advance what ‘external
factors’ may impact on the capacity
elling . First, there is the need to sub-
stantially improve post- disaster event
to return to normal operations will al- and damage data collection and analy-
low us to better tailor advice for mit- sis (Barredo 2009) to account for the
A stronger partnership among a va-
igation that is increasingly recognised different types of damage to multiple
riety of stakeholders is required to
as part of insurers’ work to diminish sectors that are currently missing. Sec-
achieve a more comprehensive and
their own financial exposure. ond, there is a need to reconcile dif-
realistic picture of complex disasters’
ferent interpretations of damage, not
impact on society. Despite claims re-
Ultimately, we conclude that improved only in terms of definitions, a field
lated to the usefulness of risk models
risk models supported by larger and where significant advances have been
for decision-making, researchers de-
more refined evidence derived from achieved, but also in terms of adopt-
voted attention to models that were
the observation of what actually hap- ed units of measure and methods to
already satisfactorily developed and to
pens after real events is for the benefit aggregate cost at different scales.
sectors for which it was relatively easy
of risk mitigation measures, be they
to get data (Grandjean 2014). In fact,
structural or non -structural. Closer interaction between engineers,
the focus of many scientific studies
volcanologists, geophysicists, geog-
is improving the quality and the re-
liability of models, independently of
Knowledge raphers and economists has to be
The potential benefits for risk model- sought in order to understand the im-
completeness in terms of covered
ling that may be provided by enhanced plications and the links between dif-
sectors and types of item. Complete-
damage data collection and analysis is ferent ways of accounting for and re-
ness is important, however, for deci-
still an open issue for both academic porting damage and loss. This would
sion-makers. Local and regional gov-
researchers and practitioners. Fol- permit an advancement of risk mod-
ernments are certainly interested in
lowing a review of existing methods elling by overcoming the current ap-
assessing not only the potential phys-
of damage modelling in Europe and parent randomness of current assess-
ical damage to buildings and a limited
the United States, Hubert and Ledoux ments, which for some risks and for
number of assets, but also the larger
(1999) had already suggested that post some assets are provided as damage
systemic effects, potential disruption
-event surveys may provide more ‘re- index, and for others as costs.
of services and businesses and overall
ality’ to assessments by subtracting the
impacts on the regional economy. De-
field of imagined and hypothesised Also, a more comprehensive frame-
pending on whether their role is man-
damage and providing more evidence work considering spatial and tempo-
aging prevention or emergencies, they
from observed and surveyed damage. ral scales should be adopted in risk as-
are keen to know which sectors de-
They suggest this is necessary, particu- sessment. As for the former, it would
serve more resources to reduce future
larly for those sectors such as lifelines be established looking at the chain
risk and how expected damage will be
and industries, for which risk models of potential impacts, physical and
distributed in space and in time.
are still in their infancy in terms of systemic, and the quality and quanti-
robustness and completeness. In fact, ty of exposed elements and systems
Insurers are also interested in en-
as shown in this chapter, knowledge is (including economic systems). There-
hanced damage modelling and in a
more advanced in the field of direct fore, damage should not be consid-
wider view of impacts that may shape
physical damage to certain assets, in ered only in the core area, where most
the environment in which the damage
particular buildings, while less so with physical damage has occurred, but
they will have to compensate for oc-
respect to other sectors and different case by case in the area of relevance,
curs. In fact, duration of interrup-
types of damage. which can range from local to global
tion is a crucial factor, particularly for
in some extreme instances (Nanto et


al. 2011). As for the temporal scale, it

is key to reiterate the data collection
at time intervals relevant for the type
of event that has occurred. This will
help to provide risk assessments with
a clearer timestamp. A shift from a
static representation of damage, de-
fined in a pre-assigned time (often
not made explicit), to more dynamic
representations is necessary to show
how damage changes and what type
of damage becomes more prominent
at each stage of the disaster event
(impact, emergency or recovery).

2.5 Where are we with
multirisks assessment
Jochen Zschau

dition, many of the natural processes Fleming 2012). Even independent

2.5.1 involve frequent and complex interac- events, if they occur at the same time
Why do we need a tions between hazards. Examples in- and at the same place (e.g. hurricanes
change in the way we clude the massive landslides triggered and earthquakes), may generate great-
assess natural risks? by an earthquake or floods and debris
flows triggered by an extreme storm
er loss than the sum of totally sepa-
rated single events.
event. The consequences of disastrous
Multirisk assessment events are often propagated through
versus single-risk the human-made system, causing in-
assessment for disaster terrelated technological, economic
risk management Risk globalisation and
climate change are great and financial disruptions, which may
also result in social and political up-
A given location on Earth may be challenges that require heavals on all spatial scales. Even
threatened by more than one hazard. a shift in the way we worldwide economies could poten-
One of the challenges of DRM is to assess natural risks from tially be disrupted by major disasters
prioritise the risks originating from a single-risk to a multirisk through their impact upon global sup-
these different hazards to enable de- perspective. ply chains (Zschau and Fleming 2012).
cisions on appropriate and cost-effec- In addition, the impact of one hazard
tive mitigation or preparedness meas- may increase the potential harmful
ures. However, comparability between effect of another hazard. For exam-
risks associated with different types ple, by changing vegetation and soil
of natural hazards is hampered by the The chain of events — referred to as properties, forest fires may increase
different procedures and metrics used cascade or domino effects — can in- the probability of debris and flash
for risk assessment in different hazard crease the total risk, and the second- floods (Cannon and De Graff 2009).
types (Marzocchi et al. 2012). A com- ary events may be more devastating Similarly, a building’s vulnerability to
mon multirisk framework is needed than the original trigger, as shown in ground shaking may increase due to
being designed around a homogene- the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami or the additional structural loads following
ous methodology for all perils. In ad- 2011 tsunami in Japan (Zschau and volcanic ash fall or heavy snowfall


(Lee and Rosowsky 2006; Zuccaro et pendent and not yet fully understood. may influence London through shaky
al. 2008; Selva 2013). Vulnerability in The ongoing ‘urban explosion’, par- global markets and investments; or a
these cases would be highly time var- ticularly in the Third World, is an disaster in a global city such as Los
iant. increasingly complex cross-linking Angeles may affect developing econ-
of critical infrastructure and lifelines omies like Mexico and can put the
Multihazard risk approaches start in the industrial nations as well as an already vulnerable poor into further
from single-hazard risk assessments. increasing vulnerability due to climate poverty (Gencer 2013). In addition,
Figure 2.19 attempts to capture the change and growing globalisation of the increased mobility of people can
transition from single-hazard to mul- the world’s economy, communication spatially enlarge the scale of natural
tihazard risk as well as the definitions and transport systems, may play a ma- disasters. This was demonstrated, for
used. Single-hazard risk is the most jor part (Zschau and Fleming 2012, example, by the fatal tsunami disas-
common method. Gencer 2013). These factors are re- ter of 2004 along the coasts of the
sponsible for high-risk dynamics and Indian Ocean, where the victims did
also constitute some of the major not only come from the neighbouring driving forces for the disaster risk glo- countries, but included nearly 2 000
Emerging challenges: balisation. Communities are affected citizens from Europe, for instance,
risk globalization and by extreme events in their own coun- most of whom had been visiting re-
climate change tries and become more vulnerable to sorts in the affected region during
those occurring outside their national their Christmas holidays when the
The risks arising from natural haz- territories. The effects of a destruc- tsunami struck. Globalisation is not
ards have become globally interde- tive earthquake in Tokyo, for instance, the only reason for the growing inter-


From ‘single-hazard’ to ‘multirisk’ assessment and terminology adopted here.

Source: courtesy of author

Single-hazard Single- risk

Only one hazard considered Risk in a single-hazard framework

Multi-layer single-hazard Multi-layer single-risk

More than one hazard Risk in a multi-layer single-hazard
No hazard interactions framework
No interactions on the vulnerability level

Multi-hazard Multi-hazard risk

More than one hazard Risk in a multi-hazard framework
Hazard interactions considered No interactions on the vulnerability level

Risk in a multi-hazard framework
Interactions on the vulnerability level

dependencies and the high dynamics burg Plan for Implementation (UN ous natural and technological hazards
seen in the risks from natural hazards. 2002), the Hyogo Framework for Ac- in Europe (Schmidt-Thomé 2005).
Climate change may be another im- tion (UNISDR 2005) and the Sendai
portant factor. According to IPCC Framework for Disaster Risk Reduc-
(2014), it is very likely that extreme tion (UNISDR 2015) promote multi-
events will occur with higher fre- hazard risks of natural hazards. The A multirisk assessment
quency, longer duration and different International Decade for Natural Dis- framework should allow
spatial distribution. Climate change aster Reduction (IDNDR) from 1990
is also projected to increase the dis- to 1999 and the following permanent-
for the comparison of
placement of people, which will lead ly installed International Strategy for risks and account for
to an increase of exposure to extreme Disaster Reduction (ISDR) constitute dynamic vulnerability as
events. They will be exposed to dif- a worldwide political framework for well as complex chain
ferent climate change impacts and the initiation of a multitude of sci- reactions on both the
consequences such as storms, coastal entific projects in the risk research hazard and vulnerability
erosion, sea level rise and saltwater in- community (Zentel and Glade 2013).
trusion (Nicholls and Cazenave 2010). These projects include global in-
A multirisk modelling approach will dex-based multihazard risk analysis,
be required in order to capture the Natural Disaster Hotspots (Dilley et
dynamic nature and various inter- al. 2005) or INFORM (De Groeve et
Quantitative, fully probabilistic meth-
actions of the hazard and risk-relat- al. 2015). They also include regional
ods for multihazard and multirisk as-
ed processes driven by both climate multihazard initiatives like the cities
sessment were developed in a series
change and globalisation. Moreover, project for geohazards in Australian
of FP6 and FP7 projects: Na.R.As.
the sought-after solutions for risk as- urban communities (Middelmann and
2004-2006 (Marzocchi et al. 2009),
sessments are no longer exclusively Granger 2000), the Risk Scape project
Armonia 2004-2007 (Del Monaco et
aiming at the best possible quantifica- in New Zealand (Schmidt et al. 2011)
al. 2007) and MATRIX 2010-2013
tion of the present risks, but also at and the platforms HAZUS (FEMA
(Liu et al. 2015). Their results allow
keeping an eye on their changes with 2011) and CAPRA (Marulanda et al.
independent extreme events (coincid-
time and allowing to project these 2013) for the automated computation
ing or not coinciding) as well as de-
into the future. of multihazard risks in the United
pendent ones, including cascades, to
States and Central America, respec-
be treated on both the hazard and the
vulnerability levels. Moreover, these
2.5.2 projects have time-dependent vul-
The European Union funded pro-
Towards multi-risk jects on multihazard and multirisk
nerability taken into account. Their
methods were applied in the CLU-
assessment assessment within its framework pro-
VA project 2010-2013 to future pro-
methodology: where grammes FP4, FP5, FP6 and FP7. The
jections of the influence of climate
TIGRA project (Del Monaco et al.
do we stand? 1999) and the Temrap project (Euro-
change on natural hazards and urban
risks in Africa (Bucchignani et al.
pean Commission 2000) were among the first attempts to homogenise the
2014; Garcia-Aristizabal et al. 2015 a,
Sources of our present b, 2016) as well as in the Crisma pro-
existing risk assessment methodolo-
ject 2012-2015 to crisis scenario mod-
knowledge: the role of gies among individual perils. The Eu-
elling for improved action and prepar-
EU-funded projects ropean Spatial Planning Observation
edness(Garcia-Aristizabal et al. 2014).
Network (ESPON) compiled aggre-
The Agenda 21 for Sustainable Devel- gated hazard maps weighting the in-
In addition, projects in Europe fund-
opment (UNEP 1992), the Johannes- dividual hazards by means of expert
ed on a national or regional basis have
opinion and taking into account vari-


contributed significantly to our pres- they may have on exposed elements. can compare the importance of haz-
ent knowledge on multirisk assess- Moreover, the reference units, such as ards and one may derive the overall
ment. The German Research Network ground acceleration or macroseismic hazard map by overlaying the classi-
for Natural Disasters (DFNK), which intensity for earthquakes, discharge or fication results of all single hazards.
had undertaken comparative multirisk inundation depth for floods and wind An example of this approach is the
assessments for the city of Cologne speed for storms, are different among risk management of natural hazards
(Grünthal et al. 2006), gives an exam- the hazards. This does not only ham- in Switzerland (Figure 2.20, redrawn
ple of this. The Piedmont region pro- per the comparability between the from Kunz and Hurni 2008; see also
ject in Italy, with a focus on a meth- threats, but it also makes it difficult to Loat 2010). The European Commis-
odological approach for the definition aggregate the single perils in a mean- sion-funded Armonia project (Ap-
of multirisk maps (Carpignano et al. ingful way in order to assess the total plied Multi-Risk Mapping of Natu-
2009), and the ByMuR project 2011- threat coming from all the hazards in ral Hazards for Impact Assessment)
2014 on the application of the Bayes- a region. These problems exist inde- has proposed a similar classification
ian probabilistic multirisk assessment pendently of whether hazard inter- scheme (Del Monaco et al. 2007).
approach to natural risks in the city actions and/or interactions on the Likewise, the French risk prevention
of Naples (Selva 2013) are two oth- vulnerability level are important or plans (Cariam 2006) follow this kind
er examples. Furthermore, the Centre not. Thus, to overcome them, and as of approach..
for Risk Studies of the University of a first step towards a full multirisk as-
Cambridge in the United Kingdom is sessment, one may treat them in the Like in the ‘hazard case’, overarch-
presently one of the first to systemat- context of a multilayer single-hazard/ ing matrix schemes also exist on the
ically address the globalisation aspect risk assessment approach, ignoring vulnerability level. So-called damage
of risk. The centre is currently setting the interactions but harmonising and matrices, for example, are discrete ap-
up a global threat taxonomy and a risk standardising the assessment proce- proaches to vulnerability assessment
assessment framework aiming at mac- dures among the different perils. that oppose relative damage or dam-
ro-catastrophe threats that have the age grades to classified hazard intensi-
potential to cause large-scale damage Three major standardisation schemes ties in a matrix. The resulting vulner-
and disruption to social and econom- can be distinguished in this context ability (fragility) is either qualitatively
ic networks in the modern globalised (Kappes et al. 2012; Papathoma-Köh- described (few, many or most), for in-
world (Coburn et al. 2014). le 2016). They make use of: stance as the proportion of buildings
• matrices — hazard matrix, vulnera- that belong to each damage grade for bility matrix and risk matrix; various levels of intensity (see Grün-
Multilayer single-risk • indices — hazard index, vulnerabil- thal 1998 in relation to the European
assessments: ity index and risk index; and macroseismic scale), or quantitatively
harmonisation for risk • curves — hazard curves, vulnera- described as the probability to reach
comparability bility curves and risk curves. a certain damage grade (Tyagunov et
al. 2006).
In order to assist decision-makers in They are also applicable on all three
the field of DRM in their prioritising assessment levels: hazard, vulnerabil- For the aim of comparing and ag-
of mitigation actions, one has to un- ity and risk, respectively. gregating risks coming from multiple
derstand the relative importance of hazards, assessment procedures are
different hazards and risks for a given Matrices required that combine both hazard
region. This requires the threats aris- A hazard matrix applies a colour code and vulnerability information. Var-
ing from different perils to be compa- to classify certain hazards by the in- ious authors (e.g. Sterlacchini et al.
rable with each other. However, this tensity and frequency (occurrence 2007, Sperling et al. 2007, Greiving
is difficult, because different hazards probabilities) determined qualitative- 2006) have suggested matrix schemes
differ in their nature, return period ly, for instance ‘low’, ‘moderate’ and that fulfil this requirement. The Eu-
and intensity, as well as the effects ‘high (Figure 2.20). Based on this, one ropean Commission (2010) proposed

the risk matrix that relates the two of physical vulnerability, vulnerabili- in addition to vulnerability informa-
dimensions, likelihood (probability) ty is regarded as hazard specific. An tion, such a step also allows the aggre-
and impact (loss), for a graphical rep- increasing number of studies is now gation of the risks coming from dif-
resentation of multiple risks in a com- available that combines hazard-specif- ferent perils. Dilley et al. (2005), who
parative way (Figure 2.21). Distinct ic vulnerability indicators with PTVA computed hazard and vulnerability
matrices were suggested for human (Papathoma Tsunami Vulnerability for natural hazards on a global scale
impact, economic and environmental Assessment) method (Papathoma and and weighted the hazard with the vul-
impact and political/social impact, as Dominey-Howes 2003). It was used nerability index to calculate risk, gave
these categories are measured with for tsunamis (Papathoma et al. 2003), an example. For the derivation of the
distinct scales and would otherwise be floods (Barroca et al. 2006, Balica et multihazard risk, all single-hazard
difficult to compare. al. 2009, Müller et al. 2011), landslides risks were added up.
(Papathoma-Köhle et al. 2007, Silva
Indices and Pereira 2014) and mountain haz- All three levels of an index-based ap-
Apart from the matrix-based ap- ards (Kappes et al., 2011). proach, i.e. the hazard, vulnerability
proaches described above, in- and risk levels, are addressed in the
dex-based approaches are another Going from vulnerability indices to ongoing European project INFORM
means to achieve comparability in risk indices is another solution to (see also Chapter, where sep-
the multilayer single-hazard and -risk achieving comparability in the mul- arate indices for hazard and exposure,
context. The methodology of com- tilayer single-risk context. As a risk vulnerability, lack of coping capacity
posite indicators allows to combine indicator includes hazard information and risk are developed in order to
various indicators to obtain a mean-
ingful measure.
An example of an index-based ap-
Swiss hazard matrix
proach on the hazard level is global Source: Kunz and Hurni (2008)
Natural Disaster Hotspots (see also
Chapter, which is an aggre-
gated multihazard index calculated
from the exposure of a region to var-

ious hazards and is used to identify

key ‘hotspots’, where the exposure to 9 8 7
natural disasters is particularly high. A
more recent example was put forward

by Petitta et al. (2016) who suggest-


ed a multihazard index for extreme

events capable of tracking changes
in the frequency or magnitude of ex- 6 5 4
treme weather events.

Vulnerability indices (see also Chap-


ter 2.3) are already widely used in the

socioeconomic field, including multi- 3 2 1 10
hazard settings, as for example in the
studies of Wisner et al. (2004), Col-
lins et al. (2009) and Lazarus (2011), high moderate low
but they are rarely hazard specific
(Kappes et al., 2011). In the context PROBABILITY


identify countries where the human- ic loss from earthquakes, floods and the single-hazard-specific risk curves
itarian crisis and disaster risk would storms in the city of Cologne (Grün- to obtain a ‘total risk’ curve without
overwhelm national response capaci- thal et al. 2006). considering potential interactions be-
ty. that monitors a multirisk indicator tween the hazards. Figure 2.23 shows
for humanitarian crisis and disaster in Storms turn out to be the dominant the wind, storm and earthquake risks
countries throughout the globe. risk at return periods lower than for the city of Cologne. The various
8years (largest loss!). In Cologne, aggregations of the risk probabilities,
Curves floods take over for higher return pe- for instance for loss in the order of
More quantitative methods for as- riods up to 200 years and earthquakes EUR 100 million, indicate enhanced
sessing natural threats in a multilayer become the dominant risk for return loss probabilities from between 15 %
single-hazard approach are based on periods higher than 200 years. and 35 % for the individual hazards
‘curves’ (‘functions’). A comparison between the risks from and up to 56 % in 50 years when com-
Hazard curves present the exceedance the different perils can be accom- bined.
probabilities for a certain hazard’s in- plished based on the expected aver-
tensities in a given period. Vulnerabil- age loss within the considered period Hazard, vulnerability and risk curves
ity curves graphically relate the loss or represented by the area under the risk are the quantitative equivalent to the
the conditional probability of loss ex- curve (Van Westen et al., 2002). hazard, vulnerability (damage) and
ceedance to the intensity measure of risk matrices. Risk curves (and hazard
a hazard (for instance ground motion, Fleming et al. (2016) demonstrated and vulnerability curves accordingly)
wind speed or ash load) in order to that one may also easily aggregate differ from risk matrices. They only
quantify the vulnerability of elements
at risk. When the probability of ex-
ceeding certain damage levels is con- FIGURE 2.21
sidered, the curves are referred to as
‘fragility curves’. Risk matrix proposed by the European Commission
Source: European Commission (2010)
One may easily combine vulnerability
curves with the corresponding hazard
curves to arrive at a measure of risk. 5
This could be the average loss per
considered period, the so-called av- 4

erage annual loss or expected annual

loss, if the period is 1 year. It could
also be a risk curve, which graphically 3
relates the probability of loss exceed-
ance within the period under con- 2
sideration to the loss coming from
all possible hazard intensities. As ex-
ceedance probabilities and loss are 1
not expressed in hazard-specific units,
they are directly comparable among 1 2 3 4 5
different hazards and can easily be
aggregated to an overall multilayer LIKELIHOOD CLASS
single risk.

Figure 2.22 shows the annual exceed-

ance probability of direct econom- very high high medium low

make use of two dimensions, fre-
quency and impact, to characterise
Risk curves for the city of Cologne risk, whereas matrices use three di-
Source: Grünthal et al. (2006) mensions, by additionally introducing
colour codes. The third dimension
expresses different levels of risk from
5 years
Annual probability of occurrence or exceedence

‘low’ to ‘high’ with different colours,

8 years which gives extra weight to either the
impact or the likelihood (see, for in-
storms floods stance, Figure 2.21).

200 years This is an added value of risk ma-

trices, since the additional colour
code makes it possible to compare
high-probability and low-consequenc-
es events with low-probability and
high-consequences ones, for instance.
To extract similar information from
risk curves, probabilities and loss can
simply be multiplied (P×L). The lines
of equal loss–probability products,
P×L, would be straight diagonal lines
Losses [million EURO]
(Figure 2.24, left). In the case of a sin-
gle-risk scenario with a given annual
probability, the loss-probability-prod-
uct directly represents the average an-
nual loss (impact). This is not the case
Risk curves and their aggregations for the city of Cologne for the risk curve, which includes the
Source: Fleming et al. (2016) loss from all possible hazard intensi-
ties. However, one may easily show
that in this case it represents the con-
tribution to the average annual loss
per increment of logarithmic proba-
bility. Thus, from additionally display-
ing the exceedance probability as a
function of the loss-probability-prod-
uct instead of the loss alone, one may
learn which part of the risk curve, in
terms of return periods, will contrib-
ute most to the average annual loss.
In the case of Cologne (Figure 2.24,
right), storms and floods contribute
the most in the range of small return
periods, whereas for earthquakes the
return periods of around 1 000 years
have the highest contribution to the
average annual loss.


to introduce quantitative vulnera- consequences for the society than

The probabilistic concept of risk bility/fragility information for each when they act separately. A multilayer
curves is used for both economic of the different indicators or even single-risk perspective does not con-
losses of a potential disaster and the their respective vulnerability/fragility sider this, but a multihazard approach
indirect, socioeconomic impacts, as curves, which still is the bottleneck of does.
long as these are tangible. As exam- the method. Classification of hazard interactions
ples, Garcia-Aristizabal et al. (2015a) The complexity of interactions be-
mention losses in work productivity, tween hazards has led to a multitude
losses due to missing income, costs of Hazard interactions: of terms in use for describing differ-
evacuation and the costs of medical cascading events ent types of interdependencies. The
assistance as well as effects of the loss and Co. term ‘cascades’ has been used, for
of functionality of systems and net- instance, by Carpignano et al. (2009),
works including disruptions of pro- Multilayer single-risk assessments, Zuccaro and Leone (2011), Choine et
ductivity and the means of produc- as described in the previous section, al. (2015) and Pescarol and Alexander
tion. Garcia-Aristizabal et al. (2015a) analyse the risks coming from differ- (2015); ‘chains’ by Xu et al. (2014),
also describe how the information ent perils separately. Assuming inde- among others; and ‘interaction haz-
from the socioeconomic context can pendence between the hazard-specif- ard networks’ by Gill and Malamud
be integrated straightforwardly into ic risks, they simply add them up to (2016). Further terms in use are ‘co-
the quantitative multi-layer risk frame- obtain the overall hazard in a region. inciding hazards’ (Tarveinen et al.
work by harmonizing the metrics However, in a complex system like 2006; European Commission 2010),
of the different loss indicators and nature, processes are very often de- ‘coupled events’ (Marzocchi et al.
producing the single loss exceedance pendent on each other, and interact. 2009), ‘domino effects’ (Luino 2005),
curves and their sum, respectively, There are various kinds of interac- ‘follow-on events’ (European Com-
equivalent to the methodology used tions between hazards that often lead mission 2010) and ‘triggering effects’
for direct losses. However, this needs to significantly more severe negative (Marzocchi et al 2009). More of such


Risk curves and P x L - curves for the city of Cologne (Exceedance probability versus loss (left) and versus its
product with loss (right)
Source: courtesy of author

terms are presented and explained in therefore it does not pose a problem triggering relation between two haz-
Kappes et al. (2012). to risk management. ards may be catalysed or impeded by
a third one. A volcanic eruption, for
Gill and Malamud (2014, 2016) sug- Gill and Malamud (2014) gave the ex- instance, can trigger wildfires, but this
gested classifying the different haz- ample of a heavy rainfall event that triggering interaction may be impeded
ard interaction types into five groups increases the surface moisture con- by a tropical storm.
(Box 1). In the first group, the ‘trig- tent, whereby reducing the depth to
gering relationship’, the secondary the water table and consequently de- Furthermore, anthropogenic and
(triggered) hazard, might be of the creasing the probability of a wildfire. technological hazards may interact
same type as the primary (triggering) Similarly, the spatial and temporal co- with natural hazards, not only by
one or different, for instance an earth- incidence of events, the ‘coincidence the trigger and increased probability
quake that triggers another one or a relationship’ (fourth group), may be relationships, but also by catalysis/
rainfall event that triggers a landslide, considered as some kind of interac- impedance relationships. These may
respectively. In the second group, the tion, because although independent of include, for example, storms imped-
‘increased probability relationship’, each other, together they can increase ing an urban fire-triggered structural
the primary hazard, does not directly the impacts beyond the sum of the collapse or storm-triggered floods,
trigger a secondary event but changes single components if the hazards had which are catalysed by a blocking of
some aspects of the natural environ- occurred separately in time and space. drainage due to technological failures.
ment, leading to an increase of the An example can be seen in the coin- Based on geophysical environmental
probability of another hazard. For cidence of the Mount Pinatubo vol- factors in the hazard-forming envi-
instance, in the event of a wildfire, cano eruption in 1991 with Typhoon ronment, Liu et al. (2016) proposed
vegetation is destroyed, which can re- Yunya (Gill and Malamud 2016), a different classification scheme for
sult in an increased vulnerability of a where the combination of thick and hazard interactions by distinguishing
slope to landslides (Gill and Malamud heavy wet ash deposits with rainfall between stable environmental factors,
2014). In the third group, ‘decreased triggered both lahars (Self 2006) and which form the precondition for the
probability relationship’, the probabil- structural failures (Chester 1993). In occurrence of natural hazards, and
ity of a secondary hazard is decreased the fifth group, the ‘catalysis/imped- trigger factors, which determine the
due to a primary hazard (third group), ance relationship’ between hazards, a frequency and magnitude of hazards.
Dependent on these environmental
factors, one may divide the hazard
relationships into four classes: inde-
BOX 2.1 pendent, mutex (mutually exclusive),
parallel (more than one hazard trig-
Classification of hazard interactions gered in parallel) and series relation-
ships (one hazard follows another).
Source: Gill and Malamud (2014, 2016) Classification schemes for hazard
interactions help to ensure that all
possible hazard interactions among
different hazards are considered in a
(1) Triggering relationship multihazard risk assessment (Liu et al.
(2) Increased probability relationship
(3) Decreased probability relationship Methods
(4) Coincidence relationship Among the available methods to inte-
(5) Catalysis/ impedance relationship grate hazard interactions into disaster
risk assessment, there are qualitative,
semi-quantitative and quantitative


ones. Qualitative methods settle for They offer a structured approach to Tarvainen et al. (2006), De Pippo et
qualitative descriptions and classifica- examine and visualise hazard interac- al. (2008), Kappes et al. (2010), Gill
tions of interactions with the aim of tions and to see how strong these in- and Malamud (2014), Mignan et al
identifying the most important hazard teractions are, aiming not only at the (2014) and Liu et al. (2015). Figure
relations in a region. Semi-quantita- identification of important hazard re- 2.25 gives an example of how this
tive approaches are mainly based on lations but also at getting insight into matrix approach can be used in mul-
so-called hazard-interaction matrices the evolution of the system when dif- tihazard assessment: first, the matrix
(not to be confused with the hazard ferent hazards interact. This kind of is set up in a way that all potentially
matrix addressed in Chapter matrix has been used, for instance, by interacting hazards in the region un-


Matrix approach for the identification of hazard interactions.

Source: Liu et al. (2015)

H1 Influence of
Hi Hi on Hj



H4 Influence of
Hj on Hi Hj


Slides Slides Deposits Cut off a flow

(H4) 2 2 (H4) only in a water
0 – No interaction course
Debris 1– Weak interaction Change of
0 flows 2 No Debris flows river bed
(H5) interaction (H5) morphology
2 – Medium interaction
River Erosion / Re- River floods
1 1 floods 3 – Strong interaction saturation mobilisation (H6)
(H6) of deposits of deposits

der consideration are occurring in the for quantifying each branch of the fied by their hazard curves, respective-
matrix’s diagonal (Figure 2.25a). The tree. Among them, the concept of ly, and are combined with vulnerabil-
possible interactions are described in Bayesian event trees, where the weight ity curves to obtain the probability of
a clockwise scheme (Figure 2.25b), assigned to a branch of a node in the potential loss. The difference, howev-
which results in the influences of a tree is not a fixed single value but a er, is that in the case of interactions
hazard on the system appearing in random variable drawn from a proba- between two perils, the secondary
the related matrix row and the influ- bility distribution function, is of par- hazard’s probabilities for all possible
ences of the system on the hazard in ticular interest. It allows the rigorous intensity scenarios will form a hazard
the hazard’s column (Figure 2.25c). propagation of uncertainties through surface rather than a hazard curve
In addition, a coding between 0 and the different computation layers when (Figure 2.27).
3 is used (Figure 2.25d) to semi-quan- simulating all the hazard relations in a
titatively describe how strong the in- complex chain. The event tree struc-
teractions are between the different ture (Newhall and Hoblitt 2002, Mar-
hazards, respectively, and are entered zocchi et al. 2004, 2008, 2010, Selva So far, vulnerability
into the matrix (Figure 2.25e). Liu et et al. 2012) is particularly suitable for has been considered as
al. (2015) propose this scheme to be describing scenarios composed by
used as second level in their three-lev- event chains. Neri et al. (2008), for in-
static. Like exposure,
el framework from qualitative to stance, compiled a probability tree for vulnerability is also
quantitative multirisk assessment in future scenarios at the volcano Mount highly dynamic
order to decide whether it is justified Vesuvius, including various eruption regardless of whether it
to go to the third quantitative level of styles and secondary hazards associat- is physical, functional or
assessment or not. ed with them. Marzocchi et al. (2009, socioeconomic
2012) also employed a probabilistic
Gill and Malamud (2014) have used a event tree to analyse triggering ef-
similar kind of matrix to characterise fects in a risk assessment framework.
the interaction relationships between Moreover, Neri et al. (2013) used a
21 natural hazards, both qualitative- probability/scenario tree for multi- This is because the probability of a
ly as well as semi-quantitatively. This hazard mapping around the Kanlaon hazard event that has been affected by
matrix identifies and describes haz- volcano in the Philippines. However, another one depends on the intensi-
ard relations and potential cascades the available quantitative studies in ties of both the primary and second-
as well as characterises the different this field that explicitly consider haz- ary events.
relationships between the intensity ard interactions remain rare (Liu et al.
of the primary hazard and the poten- 2015). Long-term event databases on a cer-
tial intensity of the secondary hazard tain hazard may already contain the
in both the triggering and increased The probabilistic framework to be secondary events arising from inter-
probability cases. Moreover, they were combined with an event tree strategy actions with other primary hazards
able to indicate the spatial overlap and for quantifying hazard interactions (Marzocchi et al., 2012). Hence, for
temporal likelihood of each triggering has been discussed in Marzocchi et long-term problems, e.g. when the
relationship. al. (2004, 2008, 2010 and 2012); Sel- tsunami hazard over the next 50 years
va (2013); Garcia-Aristizabal and is to be assessed, there is no need to
Quantitative methods for integrating Marzocchi (2013); Gasparini and apply a multihazard methodology. A
hazard interactions into disaster risk Garcia-Aristizabal (2014); and Gar- multilayer single hazard one would do,
assessment are mainly based on event cia-Aristizabal et al. (2015 a). It is as was demonstrated by Garcia-Aristi-
tree and fault tree strategies (see the equivalent to the probabilistic frame- zabal et al. (2015b) with regard to fu-
event tree example in Figure 2.26 for work for the multilayer hazard assess- ture projections of the climate-related
volcano eruption forecasting) com- ment introduced in Chapter, triggering of floods, drought and de-
bined with probabilistic approaches where the single hazards are quanti-


sertification in the area of Dar es Sa- peared that one would underestimate able for treating the interactions of
laam (Tanzania) until 2050. However, the probability of a pipe bridge col- climate change with natural hazards.
in the short term (e.g. hours to days), lapse and, hence, the industrial risks The reason is that the framework has
for instance, when heavy rain chang- (explosion, contamination) that might its origins in stationary processes,
es the landslide occurrence probabil- follow from it by more than one or- whereas an impact of climate change
ity in a time horizon of a few days, a der of magnitude, if the secondary on natural hazards, resulting in more
multihazard approach is necessary to ash loads from volcanic activity were or less gradual changes regarding the
account for this interaction. neglected. hazards’ frequencies and their intensi-
A full hazard curve to quantify haz- ty extremes, represents a non-station-
Marzocchi et al. (2012) also gave a ard interactions is still rare, although ary process. The methodology applied
simple example showing how the Garcia-Aristizabal et al. (2013) have to it has to account for this (see, for
adoption of a single-hazard perspec- shown that this is possible when they instance, Solomon et al. 2007, Ouar-
tive instead of a multihazard one presented hazard curves for volcanic da and El Adlouni 2011; Seidou et al.
could be misleading in a short-term swarms and earthquakes triggered by 2011, 2012). The problem is rendered
problem. Their example addresses the volcanic unrest in the region of Na- even more difficult by the fact that the
possible collapse of a pipe bridge in ples. probabilities of future extremes could
the Casalnuovo municipality in south- be outside the data range of past and
ern Italy, which has an increased prob- Application to climate present observations and, hence, we
ability, when volcanic activity triggers change cannot draw on experience, i.e. on
heavy ash loads. The collapse in an Based on risk curves and described by existing data catalogues. A solution
industrial centre could cause an ex- the equations above, it is not imme- to the problem comes from extreme
plosion and subsequent air and water diately visible the extent to which the value theory, as this theory aims at
contamination. In this example it ap- probabilistic framework is also suit- deriving a probability distribution of
events at the far end of the upper and
lower ranges of the probability distri-
FIGURE 2.26 butions (Coles 2001), where data do
Event tree scheme for eruption forecasting
not exist or are very rare.
Source: Selva et al. (2012)
The generalised extreme value distri-
bution, combined with a non-station-
ary approach (the so-called non-sta-
tionary GEV model), is therefore,
widely applied today to predict the
Magmatic effects of climate change on mete-
unrest orological hazards. Examples are El
Adlouni et al. (2007) and Cannon
(2010) for precipitation, Siliverstovs
Unrest No eruption et al. (2010) for heat waves, Seidou et
al. (2011, 2012) for floods and Gar-
cia-Aristizabal et al. (2015 b) for ex-
Eruption No magmatic treme temperature and precipitation.
forecasting unrest How this approach can be integrated
into the above probabilistic frame-
work for multihazard and multihazard
risk assessment was demonstrated by
No unrest Garcia-Aristizabal (2015 b), who suc-
ceeded in harmonising the outcome

of the non-stationary GEV model to a natural hazard event, for instance. Time-dependent
application to Dar es Salaam in Tan- If a load on a system (e.g. snow on a vulnerability
zania in the form of time-dependent, roof) determines the relevant vulner- Time-dependent vulnerability dynam-
high-resolution probabilistic hazard ability state, the expression would be ics may have many origins, depending
maps and hazard curves. ‘load-dependent vulnerability’; if it is on the problem under consideration
about a pre-damage state (e.g. a build- and the dimension of vulnerability ing that has been pre-damaged by a involved, i.e. social, economic, phys-
Dynamic vulnerability: seismic main shock and threatened ical, cultural, environmental or insti-
time- and by aftershocks), the term ‘pre-dam- tutional (for the dimensions of vul-
state-dependent age-dependent vulnerability’ is em- nerability see Birkmann et al. 2013).
ployed. Vulnerability changes due to the age-
The different types of ing of structures, for instance, have
vulnerability dynamics The term ‘time-dependent vulnera- been addressed by Ghosh and Padgett
One may distinguish between two bility’ is used in the engineering com- (2010), Choe et al. (2010), Giorgio et
types of vulnerability dynamics, the munity for distinguishing between the al. (2011), Yalcinev et al. (2012), Kar-
time-dependent and the state-depend- gradual deterioration of a building’s apetrou et al. (2013) and Iervolino et
ent one. In the first, we refer to more fragility due to corrosion and the al. (2015 a), among others. Münzberg
or less gradual changes of vulnerabil- abrupt changes when an earthquake et al. (2014) pointed to power outag-
ity with time. In the second, vulnera- strikes. es, where the consequences and hence
bility depends on a certain state of a the vulnerability of the public may
system that may change abruptly, due progressively change within hours or
days. Moreover, Aubrecht et al. (2012)
made short-term social vulnerability
FIGURE 2.27 changes in terms of human exposure
Example of a hazard surface, Hij, describing hazard interaction as a prob- in the diurnal cycle subject of dis-
ability surface that depends on all possible intensities, Ai and Bj, of the cussion. In the long term, especially
primary event ‘A’ and of the secondary event ‘B’, respectively when regarding the possible effects of
Source: Garcia-Aristizabal and Marzocchi (2013) climate change and globalisation over
the next decades, the interacting so-
cial, economic and cultural factors will
probably be the most important driv-
ers of vulnerability dynamics. These
include demographic, institutional
and governance factors (IPCC 2012;
Aubrecht et al. 2012; Oppenheimer
et al. 2014). Some of them could be
related to the rapid and unsustaina-
ble urban development, international
financial pressures and increases in
socioeconomic inequalities, as well as
failures in governance and environ-
mental degradation (Oppenheimer et
al. 2014).


State-dependent ample of the seismic vulnerability of Integration into a

vulnerability buildings loaded by ash due to volcan- probabilistic framework
The more abrupt state-dependent ic activity (Figure 2.28, below). In ad- In the case of the ageing of struc-
vulnerability changes occur when two dition, Selva (2013) presented an ex- tures, whereas one may easily inte-
hazards interact on the vulnerability ample for state-dependent exposure. grate time-dependent vulnerability
level and the first one alters the expo- In this case, strong local earthquakes into a probabilistic multirisk assess-
sure or the state of exposed elements changed the exposure to a tsunami by ment approach, for instance by means
in a way that changes the response of people escaping from their damaged of time-dependent fragility functions
the elements to the second one. This buildings and concentrating in sea- (see Ghosh and Padgett 2010; Kara-
second event may or may not be of side areas, which is where tsunamis petrou et al. 2013), this is not the case
the same hazard type as the former, hit. Pre-damage-dependent seismic for the long-term vulnerability chang-
and is either independent or depend- vulnerability/fragility is important for es relevant to climate change and glo-
ent on the first one. An example for earthquake aftershock risk assessment balisation. Despite the existence of a
load-dependent vulnerability can be (Figure 2.28, above) and so has been few studies in the climate change re-
found in Lee and Rosowsky (2006), addressed by Bazurro et al. (2004), search community that have made an
who discussed the case of a wood- Sanchez-Silva et al. (2011), Polese et attempt to project probabilistic risk
frame building loaded by snow and al. (2012, 2015) and Iervolino et al. curves into the future (e.g. Jenkins
exposed to an earthquake. According- (2015 a, b), among others. et al. 2014), the use of vulnerability/
ly, Zuccaro et al. (2008), Marzocchi fragility curves does not seem to be
et al. (2012), Garcia-Aristizabal et al. common. According to Jurgilevich
(2013) and Selva (2013) gave the ex- et al. (2017), the main bottleneck in
assessing vulnerability and exposure
dynamics and projecting them into
FIGURE 2.28 the future is poor availability of data,
Two examples of state-dependent seismic vulnerability: pre-damage-de- particularly for socioeconomic data.
pendent vulnerability (above) and load-dependent vulnerability (below) Another bottleneck relates to the
Source: Mignan (2013) uncertainty and accuracy of the pro-
jections. Whilst one might have data
about the future population, these
data are often useless for assessing the
future levels of education, income,
health and other important socioeco-
nomic aspects. This may be the rea-
son why vulnerability assessments are
still mostly based on present socioec-
onomic data, whereas current climate
change projections go up to the year
2100 (Cardona et al. 2012). In light of
the significant uncertainties involved
in future projections of vulnerability,
climate change-related literature has
suggested the production of a range
of alternative future pathways instead
of one most plausible vulnerability
scenario (Dessai et al. 2009, Haasnoot
et al. 2012, O’Neill et al. 2014, among

others). Still, dynamics of vulnera- The main difference of such an ex- describing the pre-damage state.
bility or exposure are presently only tended multirisk approach compared
included in half of the future-orient- to the former one is the fact that In order to get a feeling of how dif-
ed studies related to climate change. vulnerability/fragility is introduced ferent the results of the multirisk
Moreover, the inclusion of dynamics into the multirisk framework as a approach can be from those of the
in both is observed in less than one vulnerability/fragility surface instead single-risk approach, let us take the
third of the studies oriented to the fu- of a curve (see Figure 2.29). This is example of seismic risk in the Arenel-
ture (Jurgilevich et al. 2017). because vulnerability, in the case of la area of Naples, which was modified
these interactions, depends on both by ash loads. Garcia-Aristizabal et al.
Following Garcia-Aristizabal and the variable state of the exposed el- (2013) found that, in this case, the ex-
Marzocchi (2013), Garcia-Aristiza- ements as well as on the intensity of pected loss from earthquakes was re-
bal et al. (2015 a) and Gasparini and the secondary event. In the case of markably sensitive to the thickness of
Garcia-Aristizabal (2014), the situa- load-dependent fragility/vulnerabili- an ash layer from volcanic activity as-
tion is different for the pre-damage- ty, a load, for instance an ash load due sumed to load the roofs of the area’s
and load-dependent vulnerabilities. to volcanic activity (see the fragility buildings. Whereas for a 24-cm ash
One may easily integrate them into surface in Figure 2.29), determines layer the expected loss from earth-
a probabilistic multirisk approach by the variable state of the exposed el- quakes increased by less than 20%
extending the above framework for ements. For pre-damage-dependent compared to the case without load, it
multilayer single-risk and multihazard fragility/vulnerability, the load pa- reached an amplification factor of six
risk assessment to account for hazard rameter of the fragility/vulnerability for a 41-cm thick layer.
interactions on the vulnerability level. surface is substituted by a parameter
A simple example demonstrating
what the effect of pre-damage-de-
FIGURE 2.29 pendent vulnerability may quantita-
tively amount to can be deduced from
Ash load-dependent, two-dimensional seismic fragility surface the damage- and pre-damage-depend-
Source: Garcia-Aristizabal and Marzocchi (2013) ent fragility curves provided by Abad
(2013) for a hospital in Martinique
(French West Indies). For a ground
motion of 5 m/s2 at the building’s
resonance, the probability of reaching
a damage state 4 (near to collapse or
collapse) is found from their curves to
be roughly 7 % if pre-damage is not
accounted for. On the other hand, as-
suming a pre-damage state 3 on a scale
up to 4 results in a collapse probabil-
ity of more than 30 %, an increase of
nearly a factor of five.

Iervolino et al. (2015b), among oth-

ers, have extended the concept of
pre-damage-dependent vulnerability
to account for the accumulation of
damage in a series of aftershocks.
Moreover, Sanchez-Silva et al. (2011)
and Iervolino et al. (2013, 2015a)


proposed to take into account both benefits of multihazard and multirisk planning, for example by regulating
age-dependent and state-dependent assessment and to show how multirisk the construction of new houses
vulnerabilities in one model of the contributes to the emergence of ex- and/or economic activities.
time-variant failure probability of tremes. It has been successfully test- • Enhanced response capacity be-
structures. ed, but ‘identifying their real-world cause a multirisk approach would
practicality will still require the appli- allow planning for potential dam-
Matrix city cation of the proposed framework to age to critical infrastructure from
The ‘Matrix city’ framework, pro- real test sites’ (Mignan et al. 2014). secondary events and preparation
posed by Mignan et al. (2014) for a for response actions.
quantitative multihazard and mul- 2.5.3 • Improvements in the efficiency of
tirisk assessment that accounts for proposed mitigation actions, cost
interactions on both the hazard and Implementation of reductions, encouraging awareness
the vulnerability levels and considers MRA into DRM: of secondary risks and the devel-
time-dependent vulnerability, is con- Present state, opment of new partnerships be-
ceptually quite different from the one tween agencies working on differ-
introduced so far. It consists of a core
benefits and barriers ent types of risk.
simulation algorithm based on the
Monte Carlo method. This method
simulates a large number of stochastic State of implementation
hazard-intensity scenarios, thereby al- Barriers
lowing for a probabilistic assessment Multirisk is not systematically ad-
of the risk and for the recognition of dressed among DRM in EU countries Barriers to effectively implementing
more or less probable risk paths. As (Komendantova et al. 2013 a, b, 2014, multirisk assessment into DRM are
each scenario is represented by a time 2016; Scolobig et al. 2013, 2014 a, b). found in both the science and prac-
series, the method is also appropri- Single-hazard maps are still the deci- tice domains as well as between them.
ate for assessing the risks associated sion support tool most often used in In addition, individual perceptual and
with non-stationary processes, such DRM, even more often than single-risk cognitive barriers may play a role in
as the hazards and/or vulnerabilities maps. Along with the missing link be- both domains (Komendantova et al.
under climate change. Intra- as well as tween scientific multirisk assessment 2016).
interhazard intensity interactions are and decision-making in DRM comes a
introduced by a so-called hazard cor- general lack of integrated practices for
relation matrix. multirisk governance.
Multirisk is presently not
This matrix is of the same type as the systematically addressed
hazard interaction matrix used by Gill Expected benefits among DRM in EU
and Malamud (2014) for qualitatively
and semi-quantitatively characteris- The practitioners involved in the Ma- countries. The barriers
ing interaction relationships between trix study emphasised the following to the implementation
natural hazards, but by entering the benefits: of MRA include a lack of
one-to-one conditional probabilities • rank and comparison of risks. agreed definitions
of the secondary hazards it is applied • Improvement of land-use plan-
in a quantitative way. For creating a ning, particularly as the multirisk
hazard/risk scenario, the Monte Carlo approach provides a holistic view
method draws the probabilities from of all possible risks. It may influ-
a Poisson distribution. So far, Matrix ence decisions about building re- Barriers in the science domain mainly
city has only been used with generic strictions, which themselves may relate to an unavailability of common
data to demonstrate the theoretical influence urban and economic standards for multirisk assessment

across disciplines. Different disci- es for multirisk governance in the into practice.
plines use different risk concepts, da- practical domain (Scolobig et al.
tabases, methodologies, classification 2014a). Decentralised and central- 2.5.4
of the risk levels and uncertainties in ised governance systems have their
the hazard- and risk-quantification own weaknesses and strengths in this Conclusions and key
process. There is also an absence of regard (Komendantova et al. 2013a, messages
clear definitions of terms commonly Scolobig et al. 2014b). Furthermore,
agreed across disciplines, including in some cases a multirisk approach Partnership
the term ‘multirisk’ itself, for which is perceived as competing with rath- A better integration of scientific
there is no consensus as regards its er than complementing single-risk knowledge of multirisk assessment
definition. These differences make approaches. The Matrix study also into developing policies and practic-
it hard for various risk communities argued that in many European coun- es will require a long-term commit-
to share results, and hence represent tries the responsibility for DRM has ment from both sides, science and
a barrier to dialogue on multirisk as- steadily been shifted to the local level practice, and building new partner-
sessment. (often to the municipal level) without ships between them. Such partner-
providing sufficient financial, techni- ships should enhance the knowledge
A lack of quantitative information on cal and personnel resources for im- transfer between science and prac-
the added value of multirisk assess- plementing necessary programmes tice and, among others, should help
ment is perhaps more worrying for (Scolobig et al. 2014a). This is a clear involve practitioners as well as their
risk managers than for scientists. The obstacle for implementing multirisk requirements in the scientific devel-
risk managers who participated in the methodologies. opment of multirisk methodology at
Matrix study pointed out that there an early stage. Common efforts will
are not enough quantitative multirisk Finally, there are individual cognitive be particularly necessary for simplify-
scenarios or their comparisons with barriers to implementing multirisk as- ing existing methods for practical use.
single risk ones available from which sessment approaches into the DRM Furthermore, scientists are asked to
they could learn about the added value decision-making processes, i.e. barri- provide practitioners with more sce-
of multirisk. Furthermore, they miss ers related to how people perceive the narios demonstrating the added value
criteria or guidelines that would help problem of multirisk. Komendanto- of multirisk assessments in various
them to select the scenarios to be in- va et al. (2016) presented the case of situations, and together they should
cluded in a multirisk assessment. Most the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan, collaborate in establishing criteria for
worrying for them, however, seem to where the hazard was underestimat- appropriate scenarios to be included
be the strong limitations quantitative ed, simply because large earthquakes in a multirisk assessment.
multirisk assessment methods, in their had been absent during the previous
opinion, have when one regards their decades. Similar consequences are ob-
user friendliness. According to them, served when building codes for earth-
a high degree of expertise is often quake-resistant structures are not fol- The future challenges
required to use the scientific tools, lowed, a problem that still exists all have two dimensions, one
resulting in a restriction of their ap- over the world, including in Europe.
plication to only a narrow number of Individual cognitive barriers may only
focused on empowering
experts. be overcome by raising awareness. good decisions in practice
and another on improving
Moreover, poor cooperation between Overcoming these barriers will re- our knowledge base for
institutions and personnel, especially quire a long-term commitment on be- better understanding
when risks are managed by authori- half of risk modellers and officials as present and future risks
ties acting at different governmental well as strong partnerships for a ‘step-
levels, was identified as a major rea- by-step’ approach to progressively
son for a lack of integrated practic- implementing multirisk methodology


More specifically, it might also be nerability curves and surfaces, respec-

worthwhile considering the common tively, have so far been developed only
development of a multirisk rapid re- for a few specific cases, mostly related
sponse tool for assessing potential to the direct impact of a disaster, but
secondary hazards after a primary hardly to its indirect consequences;
hazard has occurred. As lack of data these, however, in many cases may be
is a crucial weakness in multirisk as- more important than the direct ones.
sessments, partnerships should also
extend their collaboration to sharing Therefore, the scientific knowledge
data and building common integrat- base needs to be extended to quan-
ed databases, in particular for demo- titative vulnerability information,
graphic, socioeconomic and environ- vulnerability curves and surfaces for
mental data. indirect disaster impacts as, for in-
stance, the loss in work productivity,
Such partnerships could be realised loss of the functionality of systems
with common projects or by creat- and networks, costs of evacuation,
ing so-called multirisk platforms for costs of medial assistances and much
common methods and data, and/or more.
establishing so-called local multirisk
commissions, institutional areas with
an interdisciplinary and multisector Innovation
character for discussing and acting on A multi-risk modelling approach will
multirisk issues. be required in order to capture the
dynamic nature and the various inter-
Knowledge actions of the hazard and risk relat-
Although a theoretical framework ed processes driven by both climate
for multirisk assessment and scenar- change and globalization. Moreover,
io development is in place, there is solutions for risk assessments are
still a need for further harmonisation needed that are no longer exclusively
of methods and particularly terms aiming at the best possible quantifica-
across the scientific disciplines. More- tion of the present risks but also keep
over, more quantitative scenarios on an eye on their changes with time and
present and future risks in a multirisk allow to project these into the future.
environment are needed, particularly Developing an integrative model for
with regard to potential indirect ef- future risk that considers not only the
fects and chain-shaped propagations potential climate change-induced haz-
of damage into and within the soci- ard dynamics, but also the potential
oeconomic system. Such scenarios dynamics of complex vulnerability
are still rare, mainly because of two components and the involved uncer-
reasons. First, the comprehensive da- tainties will require the expertise of
tabases needed for a multirisk assess- all these disciplines. A strong partner-
ment either do not exist, are not freely ship will be required between the nat-
available or are insufficient; there is a ural sciences, the social and economic
need for establishing such databas- sciences, as well as the climate change
es between the disciplines. Second, research community.
quantitative fragility/vulnerability in-
formation, in particular fragility/vul-

DRM requires a combination of skills knowledge and data that will not be held
within one firm, one industry, one institution, one discipline, one country or
even necessarily one region. Europe contains a concentration of expertise on
DRM, perhaps unique in the world; the opportunities here are greatest and
should be seized.

Historically, many in industry and the private and public sectors found it chal-
lenging to engage with academia. For example, industry often works within
tight timescales, wanting to hear a single right answer with certainty, wanting
dissemination of what is known now as opposed to new research and wanting
it in a form that can be easily incorporated into existing models and processes
not requiring detailed assessment, adjustment and review. But there is an in-
creasing awareness of what science has to offer, which often leads to an even
greater demand for collective engagement. This engagement has been encour-
aged by EU research projects encouraging public/private/academic linkages
all involved in DRM, where practitioners, scientists and policymakers need to
actively seek engagement with others working in the broad DRM space: within
their organisation and within their sector, as well as more broadly. This is easy
to say but rather more difficult to do.

Only positive interaction will make the practitioner aware of what is possible:
what new data, models and techniques are available and how these may be
adapted for practical use within their organisation or department. The practi-
tioner lies in the centre of the process. It is they that understand the gaps of
knowledge and data, where true value for additional research lies. But often un-
consciously there may be ‘group think’ — an accepted way of working that is
not adequately challenged. It is healthy to develop links with other practitioners
in their field, in other sectors or industries and in academia. Increasing knowl-
edge and expertise can be both a push and a pull: both learning from others
and also using in-house expertise to drive knowledge for the common good.

Areas where other practitioners or academics may have valuable information

include the fields of data, methodologies and models. Knowledge may be si-
loed: restricted to particular risks, hazard or exposure types. The practitioner
is in a position to break down these silos, spotting where data or processes in
one area may have value in another. This is particularly true when looking at
the interaction of hazards, secondary hazards and non-physical impacts such
as business interruption and broader economic loss.

It is important to learn from other sectors facing similar issues and learn from
their experience. For example, methods have been developed in the insurance
industry to model and manage catastrophe risk that can be applied almost di-


rectly to societal risk including to people, property and the environment. There
are quick wins available; early adopters are not starting from a clean sheet but
building on a framework that is already well founded. No innovation is risk
free, but development of a risk management strategy for a city, for example; is
based upon well-developed methodologies and so is very likely to deliver real
value and be seen to deliver real value.

Science can respond to identified needs but only if it hears the call, as it were.
Very often the need is not for new research but for directed application of
what is known within academia, not elsewhere. Information and data need to
be offered in forms that are accessible, appropriate and affordable. More work
is required to build publicly available datasets and models (for example the
global earthquake model initiative). Where governments hold data, it is impor-
tant to balance the desire to exploit that data for profit against the greater good
of making the information available to all those who can use it to develop tools
that ultimately benefit and protect the broader European population.

Before embarking on a DRM project, like for any other project it is important
to understand what the objectives of the project are: what needs to be done
and when it needs to be done. DRM is an area where there is always a need
for further understanding and knowledge in each of the three pillars of risk
assessment: hazard, exposure and vulnerability. Each element requires different
skills, different data and different techniques; the process can seem daunting.
There are many real examples of best practice, methodologies, data sources
and assessment and analytical techniques to act as a template. The process will
not necessarily be smooth, but the process of developing understanding and
awareness is arguably where the real value lies. It is important not to let the
fear of lack of knowledge or data prevent this vital work from commencing.
Innovative thinking is required to meet the challenges of a lack of data and
partial information endemic in the process, for example new methods to assess
exposure by remote sensing or vulnerability, particularly to economies and eco-
systems. The challenge is to focus innovation on where it has the most value,
a proper risk assessment process will provide a guide to where the greatest
requirement for innovation and further research lies.

Risk assessment and analysis provides an objective basis against which policy
decisions can be made and transparently justified and the cost and benefits of
different strategies and options can be compared in an objective way, open to
scrutiny and challenge. All models are assumption dependent, but it is impor-
tant that the policymaker has some knowledge of the limitations of the model-
ling done and the key assumptions upon which it depends. The issue is balance:
clearly a policymaker cannot be expected to be a risk management expert, but
uncritically relying on one source of information can lead to political as well as
practical risk — a culture of challenge and evidence- based analysis is required.
It is important that policymakers are able to interpret the risk assessments giv-
en to them. European insurance regulators demand that directors of insurance
companies are able to understand and defend risk assumptions and decisions

made within the firm; they cannot hide behind the judgement of employees or
consultants however well qualified. The same scrutiny is applied to policymak-
ers and practitioners in the public sector who respond to disasters. Whilst not
hiding behind experts, it is important that policymakers can demonstrate that
appropriate expertise has been engaged and risk management decisions have
been made firmly founded.

At its best, DRM not only adds to the information available to policymakers,
but it also creates a new way of looking at risk within organisations. Risk man-
agement should not be seen as just the responsibility of a risk management
department but should be understood by all those involved in decision-making.
Embracing risk management and risk modelling has transformed the insurance
industry in the last 30 years, making it infinitely more aware of the risks that
it and its clients face and much more able to meet their needs (and pay their
claims). It is a virtuous circle: greater knowledge feeds an understanding of
what is missing and a drive to fill those gaps; it demands an engagement with
academia, the adoption of best science and the development of best practice
via interaction with other practitioners. The process of improvement becomes
self-sustaining, increasing knowledge and understanding to the benefit of all.
Europe demands better DRM, so the opportunity must be seized.



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Chapter 3
disaster risk:
hazard related
risk issues
Geophysical risk

Gerassimos A. Gerassimos A.
Papadopoulos Papadopoulos
Coordinating lead author Lead author 3.3

Stefano Lorito
Vitor Silva Finn Løvholt
Lead author 3.1 Alexander Rudloff
François Schindelé
Mauro Dolce
Laurentiu Danciu
Tiziana Rossetto
Graeme Weatherill

Sue Loughlin
Lead author 3.2

Sara Barsotti
Costanza Bonadonna
Eliza Calder
3 Understanding disaster
risk: hazard related
risk issues
Section I. Geophysical risk

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3.1 Geophysical risk: earthquake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
3.1.1 Earthquake sources and seismotectonic setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Global distribution of earthquakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Past major earthquakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Monitoring seismic activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
3.1.2 Earthquake hazard assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Seismic hazard assessment methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Sources of uncertainties in hazard assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Seismic hazard in Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
3.1.3 Exposure and vulnerabilitys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Characterization of the built-up environment and population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Vulnerability assessment methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Existing exposure and vulnerability databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
3.1.4 Seismic risk assessment, loss estimation and risk mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Early warning systems and near-real-time loss assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Evaluation of earthquake scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Probabilistic seismic risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
3.1.5 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
3.2 Geophysical risk: volcanic activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
3.2.1 Volcanoes and volcanic activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Global distribution of volcanoes and volcanoes in Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Eruption type, duration, frequency and size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Causes of volcanic unrest and eruptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
3.2.2 Monitoring systems and early warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Geophysical monitoring (seismic, deformation, gas, infrasound) and the need for global
monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Additional and emerging monitoring methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Communication, reporting and alert levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
3.2.3 Volcanic hazard assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Hazard forecasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Volcanic hazard maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

132 Probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
3.2.4 Volcanic risk assessment and mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Vulnerability and exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Risk assessment methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Civil Protection, scientists and risk management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
3.2.5 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
3.3 Geophysical risk: tsunami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
3.3.1 Tsunamis in the global ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Tsunami physics, generation mechanisms and impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Major tsunami sources in the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Tsunamis in the North Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
3.3.2 Monitoring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Seismograph networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Global Navigation Satellite System networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Measuring sea level changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
3.3.3 Tsunami risk assessment and reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Lessons learned from key tsunami events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Tsunami hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Early warning systems: a worldwide overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Tsunami warning systems in the NEAM region: the NEAMTWS/IOC/ UNESCO and JRC/EC
initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Preparedness- Education-Training and the role of Civil Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
3.3.4 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180


arthquakes and volcanic eruptions are the most hazardous geophysical
processes that have their origin in the Earth’s lithosphere (i.e. in the out-
ermost solid part of the Earth). Both events are driven by common fun-
damental geodynamic procedures, namely the motion of the lithospheric
plates and the resulting deformation that takes place, mainly at the plate bound-
aries but, on some occasions, in the interior of the plates too.
The largest and more frequent earthquakes occur without the involvement of
volcanic activity. However, sometimes the latter is accompanied by strong earth-
quakes. Every year, thousands of people lose their lives due to large destruc-
tive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In addition, extensive loss of property,
negative economic consequences, both tangible and intangible, as well as social
disruption occur as a result of such events. Earthquakes may produce disastrous
effects due to the ground shaking relatively close to their sources, say at distanc-
es of a few hundreds of kilometres at most. While volcanic eruptions produce
multiple hazards, some of which, such as tephra fall, may cause disastrous results
far away or even on a global scale.
When earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in submarine environments or
close to coastal zones, the surface of the sea can be suddenly disturbed, thus
generating large sea waves known as tsunamis. The catastrophic results pro-
duced by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are often dramatically increased
due to the associated tsunamis that may cause destruction at great distances
from their seismic or volcanic sources. However, catastrophic tsunamis can be
also generated from other processes, such as coastal or submarine landslides
impacting the sea-water surface. Such landslides may be the result of gravity or
ground shaking caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.
Protecting population from geophysical risks such as earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions and tsunamis, and mitigating the risks of such events is not an easy
task because these phenomena are highly complex and usually unpredictable.
Therefore, the assessment of their potential impact (i.e. the level of associated
risks) is not a trivial procedure. However, the assessment of risk associated not
only with these three types of geophysical processes but also with other types
of natural hazards is characterised by some commonalities. The first is that one
has to assess the level of hazard, in other words, to estimate some of the impor-
tant elements or parameters of the phenomenon per se. For hazard assessment
purposes of interest are the frequency of occurrence of the geophysical event
(e.g. earthquake), in a given magnitude level and the probability to exceed or
not to exceed this level in a given time interval. Depending on the probability
model selected to apply the hazard assessment could be time independent or
time dependent, the latter being more realistic but also less easy to apply. An-
other approach is to consider scenario-based hazard assessment, for example by
selecting an extreme, a realistic or another scenario for the occurrence of the
geophysical event in the future.


Both the probabilistic and the scenario-based hazard approaches are susceptible
to a variety of uncertainties. Lack of knowledge and of data leads to epistemic
uncertainly but the intrinsic uncertainty associated with the statistical perspec-
tive in order to understand the physical processes leads to the so-called aleatory
uncertainty, which in practice is associated with randomness (Woo, 2010). Re-
gardless of the method applied to estimate hazard, a common practice valuable
for preparedness, risk management and decision-making is the preparation of
suitable maps illustrating the level of the various types of hazards in a given area.
For example, volcanic activity may threaten an area with various types of hazard,
such as lava flows, tephra falls, etc. In such cases, the preparation of appropriate
maps is needed to express the level of hazard of each type of hazard.
The assessment of hazard, however, is a representation of the phenomenon
only and does not describe the expected impact of the geophysical events. For
the estimation of the expected impact (risk), the vulnerability of the various
assets that are exposed to the geophysical event should be taken into account
(UNISDR, 2015). A wide range of vulnerabilities may be considered for pop-
ulation as well as for engineered structures (e.g. buildings) and other proper-
ties. But, again, the issue of time dependence is important. For example, levels
of human exposure and vulnerability in a coastal zone threatened by tsunamis
are quite different in the daylight hours of the summer season from those in
the evening hours of the winter season. Eventually, for a qualitative or quan-
titative risk assessment, the results of the hazard, exposure and vulnerability
assessments should be combined by applying techniques that depend on data
availability. For better hazard assessment, the datasets regarding the record of
the natural phenomena can be drastically improved with the expansion of the
existing instrumental networks and other recording systems. Moreover, better
socioeconomic data, such as those referring to populations and buildings, can
help to improve risk components such as exposure and vulnerability.
The mitigation of risk can be achieved by a variety of actions that can be un-
dertaken by decision-makers, civil protection authorities and other stakeholders.
Of particular importance among these actions are the early warning systems
(EWSs). These systems are composed of detection, monitoring of precursors
and forecasting of probable event, analysis of risk, dissemination of meaningful
and timely warnings or alerts of the possible extreme events and activation of
emergency plans to prepare and respond. Some hazards are difficult to predict
(e.g. earthquke) due to lack of knowledge, data or adequate measuring tech-
niques of the precursors that lead to hazardous event. Early warning, however,
takes place also when the event has already started. From the first recording
stage and before the catastrophic culmination of the event, we may have some
estimation of the maximum level of severity of the event and the expected time
and location of its catastrophic stage. Other actions aiming to mitigate and man-
age risks may include preparedness, training, education and public awareness.
This chapter describes several recent developments across the different disci-
plines of earthquake, volcanic and tsunami risk assessment and highlights a mul-
titude of resources currently available to the disaster risk reduction community.

3.1 Geophysical risk:
Vitor Silva, Mauro Dolce, Laurentiu Danciu, Tiziana Rossetto,
Graeme Weatherill

anic plate. In a convergent boundary er in magnitude than M7 are rare in

3.1.1 between continental plates, tecton- such environments. Nonetheless, ex-
Earthquake sources ic compression may produce fold- tensional zones can be highly active
and seismotectonic ing and faulting and shortening and and many areas, even those unrelated
setting thickening of the plates within the
collision zone (orogenesis or moun-
to divergent boundaries, such as the
Apennines regions of central Italy or tain building). The Himalaya Moun- the Corinth Gulf, have seen repeated
Global distribution of tain Range is an example of this type destructive earthquakes over the cen-
earthquakes of convergent boundary. Both types turies. Transform and transcurrent
of regional environments are charac- plate boundaries manifest where the
terised by regions of high seismic ac- relative movement of plates is lateral.
The global distribution of earth- tivity and host faults that are capable
quakes, as shown in Figure 3.1, is one of generating very large earthquakes.
of the key insights into the shape of In Europe, convergence between the
the Earth’s lithospheric plates and European and African plates mainly
their direction of movement. The vast results in a large belt of compression Understanding past
majority of earthquakes are generated in the western Mediterranean and earthquakes and their
at boundaries, where plates converge, subduction in the Calabrian, Hellenic impact on society is
diverge or move laterally past one an-
other (Bird 2003). The greatest pro-
and Cypriot arcs of the Central-East- the first step to assess
ern Mediterranean. and eventually mitigate
portion of seismicity, and by far the
largest proportion of seismic energy Divergent plate boundaries represent
seismic risk.
release, occurs in regions where lith- areas where the shallow crust is be-
ospheric plates converge with one an- ing pulled apart. These may manifest
other. These convergent boundaries as rift zones, such as the East African
may manifest as regions of subduc- Rift, where the shallow continental This can be seen in several large active
tion, where an oceanic plate is forced crust is undergoing extension, result- fault systems, such as the San Andre-
beneath a less dense plate, that is, ei- ing in moderate to high seismicity as Fault (California), the North Ana-
ther a continental or a younger oce- and volcanism. Earthquakes great- tolian Fault (Turkey) and the Dead


Sea Transform Fault (Israel, Jordan). significantly longer (in the order of historical sources. Global archives
These active fault systems may ex- thousands to tens of thousands of of historical earthquakes include the
tend over many hundreds of kilo- years) than those of plate boundaries. United States National Geophysical
metres and may experience frequent Although large intraplate events are Data Center (NGDC n.d.) and the
moderate-to-large earthquakes (M6 infrequent, they can produce strong- Global Historical Earthquake Archive
to M7.5). Owing to their proximity to er shaking than their plate boundaries (Albini et al., 2014). A few historically
many large urban centres, these sys- counterparts, and this is often felt relevant events are described herein.
tems can pose a significant threat to over a larger area, as in the case of the There have been reports of earth-
society (e.g. Istanbul). While the vast 1811-12 New Madrid earthquakes in quakes in the Mediterranean region,
majority of earthquakes tend to oc- the east of the United States. the Middle East, China and Japan
cur in the regions of highest tectonic since the fifth century BCE. Notable
stress close to plate boundaries, tec- earthquakes in early civilisations in-
tonic earthquakes can occur within Past major earthquakes clude the 464 BCE Sparta (Greece)
the lithospheric plates themselves. event and the 227 BCE Dodecanese
Intraplate regions are generally char- From the time of the earliest civi- Islands event, the latter noted for its
acterised by low rates of tectonic lisations to the advent of the era of destruction of the lighthouse statue
deformation, so the recurrence inter- instrumental recording, descriptions of the Colossus of Rhodes. As more
vals between large events are typically of earthquakes can be found in many historical sources survive from mid-


The global distribution of earthquakes in the period 1900 CE to 2014 CE

Source: Weatherill et al. (2016), Storchak et al. (2015) and global plate boundaries from Bird (2003)

to-late antiquity (300 CE to approx- coverage of earthquake records, as Spain and Morocco, contributed to
imately 750 CE), descriptions of the settlements were established across between 60 000 and 100 000 deaths.
destruction caused by major events the Americas and trade expanded The 19th and 20th centuries marked
can help to determine the size and lo- between Europe and Asia. The 1556 the watershed between the era of
cation of large earthquakes. Records Xian (China) earthquake (M≈8) is historical observation and scientific
exist of many catastrophic earth- believed to be the most deadly on re- investigation. Earthquakes such as
quakes in the Mediterranean and Mid- cord, having caused an estimated 830 those of 1906 in San Francisco, USA
dle East, including the 365 CE sub- 000 deaths (Bilham, 2004). During the (M7.8), 1908 in Messina, Italy (M7.2),
duction earthquake in Crete, which same period in Europe and the Middle and 1923 in Kanto, Japan (M7.9),
had an estimated magnitude of be- East, two events stand out. The first is formed the catalyst for innovations
tween M8.0 and M8.3. From 1000 CE the 1509 Istanbul earthquake, which in seismic design in these countries.
to 1500 CE, many major earthquakes ruptured much of the North Anato- From the second half of the 20th
occurred in this region, including the lian Fault in the Sea of Marmara, re- century to the present day, we have
1457 Erzincan earthquake (estimated sulting in thousands of deaths. The witnessed some of the largest earth-
to have caused 32 000 deaths) and the second is the 1755 Lisbon earthquake quakes recorded, including those of
1202 Damascus earthquake (estimat- (M= 8.5 ± 0.3, Martínez Solares and 1960 in Valdivia, Chile (M9.4), 2004
ed to have caused 30000 deaths). López Arroyo, 2004) and its accom- in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (M9.1), and
panying tsunami. The devastation to 2011 in Tohoku, Japan (M9.0), with
The 16th to 18th centuries saw a con- the city of Lisbon, and to many towns a combined total death toll of more
siderable expansion of geographical along the Atlantic coast of Portugal, than 300 000 people.


Seismic recording stations with data contributing to the ISC.

Source: authors


In Europe, the 20th century has seen the World-Wide Network of Seismo- scenarios are explicitly considered
fewer catastrophic events. Nonethe- graph Stations, which deployed more along with their likelihood of occur-
less, since the 1908 Messina earth- than 120 continuously recording sta- rence.
quake, Italy has experienced sever- tions. The International Seismological
al significant events, such as those Centre (ISC) has maintained the most
of 1915 in Avezzano (M7.0), 1980 comprehensive bulletin of parameter- Earthquake hazard
in Irpinia (M6.9), 2009 in L’Aquila ised seismic events since 1964. The assessment identifies
(M6.3), and 2016 in Norcia (M6.2). The ISC bulletin defines the location and the likelihood of ground
most important events that occurred size of earthquakes from an integrat- shaking across a region.
in Greece include the earthquakes ed network of approximately 14 500
of 1953 in Kephalonia (Ms=7.2), seismic stations (see Figure 3.2), with
This is a fundamental
1978 in Thessaloniki (Ms=6.5), 1986 data fed in from various local and
component in hazard
in Kalamata (Ms=6.0), 1999 in Ath- regional seismic networks across the mapping for design
ens (Ms=5.9) and 2015 in Lefka- globe (Storchak et al., 2015). Today, codes and seismic risk
da (Mw=6.4). Turkey has also been hundreds of seismic recording net- assessment.
struck by many major events, such works are in operation worldwide, the
as the 1903 Malazgirt (M6.7), 1939 vast majority of which contribute to
Erzincan (M7.8) and 1999 Izmit and the production of the ISC compre-
Duzce (M7.6 and M7.2) earthquakes. hensive bulletin of seismicity. Deterministic approaches may be
perceived as conceptually simpler and 3.1.2 more conservative. The probabilistic
Monitoring seismic approach requires complex mathe-
activity Earthquake hazard matical formulations to account for
assessment uncertainties in earthquake size, lo-
The recording and archiving of seis- cation and time of occurrence, and
mic events throughout history is fun- the outputs relate various levels of
damental to our understanding of Seismic hazard ground shaking that may be observed
the earthquake process. For much of assessment at a site to their corresponding ex-
recorded history, our knowledge of methodologies ceedance probabilities in a given time
the occurrence and location of earth- period. This relationship between
quakes has come from descriptive re- Characterisation of the effects of ground shaking and probability con-
cords made by contemporary scholars earthquakes on the built environment stitutes a hazard curve. The expected
and, in later centuries, from public requires several datasets. Regarding ground shaking for a pre-established
administrative archives. Quantifica- hazard assessment, these can include probability of exceedance within a
tion of the location and size of earth- earthquake catalogues (historical and time span (e.g. 10% in 50 years) or a
quakes is made possible, albeit with instrumental), active geological faults, return period (e.g. 475 years) can be
substantial uncertainty, via the use of geodetic estimates of crustal defor- calculated for a given region, thus
macroseismic intensity, a descriptive mation, seismotectonic features and enabling the production of a hazard
metric that aims to classify the extent paleoseismicity. The quality, accuracy map.
of earthquake damage for many loca- and quantity of these input datasets
tions using a standard scale. System- dictate the choice of methodology for These maps are used to define the
atic recording of seismic waves us- seismic hazard assessment. Conse- seismic action in design codes, such
ing more precise seismometry began quently, seismic hazard may be ana- as the Eurocode 8 (CEN, 2005). By
at the end of the 19th century. The lysed in two main ways: deterministi- adopting a methodology in which un-
modern era of instrumental seismol- cally, in which a single earthquake certainties are explicitly incorporated
ogy was transformed, however, in the scenario is identified, or probabilisti- into the process, the probabilistic ap-
early 1960s with the establishment of cally, in which all potential earthquake proach avoids the potential subjectiv-

ity associated with the identification with both instrumental and histor-
of adverse scenarios, and provides ical earthquake catalogues to de-
a more objective formulation of the rive a seismogenic model covering
likelihood of ground shaking. For earthquake cycles up to thousands Sources of uncertainties in
critical infrastructures such as nuclear of years; and hazard assessment
facilities, the probabilistic approach is • time-dependent — which accounts
now the standard practice (Renault, for periodic trends in earthquake Seismic hazard assessment is char-
2014). recurrence to predict the likeli- acterised by a large spectrum of un-
hood of earthquakes occurring in a certainties, generally categorised as
In recent decades Probabilistic SeisIn source given the time elapsed since epistemic and aleatory. The epistemic
recent decades, Probabilistic Seismic the previous event. uncertainty leads to multiple hazard
Hazard Analysis (PSHA) has reached curves, while the aleatory variabil-
an evident level of maturity (e.g. Pe- The historical approach is informed ity controls the shape of the hazard
tersen et al., 2015; Woessner et al., exclusively by the observed earth- curves (Bommer and Abrahamson,
2015). Since its inception by Cornell quake record, the duration of which is 2006).
(1968) and McGuire (1976), several often insufficient to evaluate the com-
crucial developments in PSHA can plex phenomena of earthquake cycle. Sources of epistemic uncertainty may
be identified, such as the complex Conversely, time-dependent models take the form of alternative models,
representation of seismic source, the require a detailed paleoseismological both for the seismogenic source and/
derivation of new models to describe history of a seismogenic source. In or ground motion, or may describe
the recurrence of earthquakes and most regions of the world such in- the uncertainty in the parameterisa-
sophisticated equations to predict formation is not yet available, and, tion of specific models. Concerning
the resulting ground motion. These therefore, the application of time-de- the seismogenic source, alternative
developments have occurred against pendent seismic hazard analysis is still models may describe different ge-
the backdrop of continued improve- limited to only a few regions (e.g. Cal- ometric configurations of the source,
ments in modelling software to allow ifornia, Japan). Among the many out- different models of magnitude re-
for complex calculations. The flexibil- puts of PSHA, it is possible to iden- currence or alternative models to re-
ity of the probabilistic framework has tify the predominant seismic source late the magnitude of the earthquake
contributed to the credibility of the contributing to the seismic hazard at a to the dimensions of the rupture.
method and acceptance by engineers, site in terms of its spatial and magni- Ground Motion Prediction Equa-
planners and regulatory bodies. tude properties, in a process known as tions (GMPEs) describe the expected
disaggregation (Bazzurro and Cornel, ground motion at a site, given the size
The quality of the input datasets 1999). This information can be used and characteristics of the earthquake
guides the choice of the methodolo- to select events for deterministic anal- source, site-to-source distance and
gy for the development of the PSHA ysis (scenarios) or selection of ground the local geological conditions. Given
model (Giardini, 1999). In this con- motion records. the wide variety of GMPEs, select-
text, three main approaches can be ing all those that are appropriate for
identified: Various software packages, both open modelling the intrinsic epistemic un-
and proprietary, are available for the certainty can be challenging (Bommer
• historical — defining statistical calculation of seismic hazards us- et al., 2010; Cotton et al., 2006; Dan-
seismogenic sources to describe ing deterministic or probabilistic ap- ciu et al., 2016; Kale and Akkar, 2013;
the historical record of seismicity proaches. OpenQuake (Pagani et al., Scherbaum et al., 2009). For Europe,
(location in space and time, mag- 2014) is one such package and was a set of GMPEs has been suggested
nitude frequency distribution of used in recent regional projects for based on several studies (Delavaud et
large earthquakes); seismic hazard assessment in Europe, al., 2012; Zafarani and Mousavi, 2014;
• time-independent — incorporating the Middle East, South and Central Kale et al., 2015).
geological and geodetic evidence America, Caribbean and Africa. The concept of aleatory uncertainty in


PSHA is intended to represent those of future rupture magnitude and loca- dominant factor in seismic hazard es-
elements of the earthquake process tions can be estimated. Consequently, timates. GMPEs also quantify the var-
that may be considered irreducibly these parameters are considered to be iability of the ground motion given
random, for which the specific value aleatory uncertainties, the probability the source, path and site conditions,
can be described only in terms of a distributions of which are explicitly and various studies (e.g. Strasser et al.
probability distribution. For example, accounted for in the process of cal- 2009, Douglas 2010) have recognised
the magnitude and location of a fu- culating the hazard curve. In addition that neglecting the ground motion
ture rupture cannot be predicted with to these uncertainties, the variabili- variability leads to an underestimation
absolute certainty, but the probability ty in the ground motion models is a of the hazard.


Reference seismic hazard map depicting peak ground acceleration levels for a 10 % probability of exceedance
in 50 years for a reference rock condition of Eurocode 8 Type A.
Source: adapted from Woessner et al., 2015

The OpenQuake engine was used mation about the location, value and
to perform the hazard calculations, vulnerability classification of the el- the input models and main results ements exposed to earthquakes de-
Seismic hazard in of which can be found in the Euro- pends highly on the intended scale
Europe pean Facility for Earthquake Hazard of the risk analysis. For a local as-
and Risk (EFEHR, n.d.). Moreover, sessment, a building-by-building data
The 2013 European Seismic Hazard SHARE promoted discussions with collection campaign can be organised,
Model (Woessner et al., 2015) is the representatives of Sub-Committee in which mobile devices are used to
latest seismic hazard model to be fully 8 (SC8 — CEN, 2005) of the Eu- geo-reference and classify assets ac-
harmonised across the Euro-Medi- ropean Committee for Standardi- cording to their structural attributes.
terranean region. This model was de- zation (CEN) Technical Commit- Recently, the Global Earthquake
veloped within the SHARE (Seismic tee 250 (CEN/TC250) ‘Structural Model (GEM) has released an An-
Hazard Harmonization in Europe — Eurocodes’, in order to ensure the droid application (Inventory Data
SHARE n.d.) project funded by the compatibility of the hazard output Capture Tool) capable of performing
European Union (EU)’s 7th Frame- specifications with the Eurocode 8 such a task, using a building taxonomy
work Programme (FP7) for Research engineering requirements. Addition- (Brzev et al., 2013). At a larger scale,
and Innovation. SHARE provides a al SHARE achievements include a satellite remote sensing and in situ
significant improvement compared critical overview of regulations from omnidirectional imaging represent in-
with previous efforts, mainly as a re- seismically active countries (i.e. Italy, novative and efficient procedures by
sult of a number of factors: United States, New Zealand, Japan which to rapidly characterise the built
and Canada), the use of seismic risk environment (Wieland et al., 2012).
• the new European historical and assessment in the calibration of seis- For large-scale exposure modelling
ithe new European historical and mic design actions in codes (Silva et (e.g. regional or national), the use of
instrumental earthquake catalogue al., 2015) and the minimum capacity building census surveys and socioeco-
(SHEEC n.d.); of buildings designed without seismic nomic data might be preferable.
• the homogeneous database of the actions to evaluate the minimum haz-
fully parameterised seismic faults ard level below which seismic zona- These datasets contain information
(more than 68 000 km of mapped tion is not necessary. about the number of buildings or
faults) (Basili et al., 2013); Figure 3 illustrates the reference seis- dwellings, usually classified according
• the new regional reference geodetic mic hazard map in terms of peak to a set of attributes relevant for de-
mapping; ground acceleration for a 10 % prob- fining vulnerability (e.g. construction
• the creation of a generic model for ability of exceedance in 50 years for a material, number of storeys, age of
maximum magnitude for the entire reference rock condition of Euroco- construction). A mapping scheme is
region; de 8 Type A (vs30=800 m/s). often developed in order to establish
• the characterisation of uncertain- the link between the information con-
ties associated with ground motion
(Delavaud et al., 2012);
3.1.3 tained in a census survey and a set of
vulnerability classes (e.g. Erdik et al.,
• the consideration of multiple Exposure and 2003a; Crowley et al., 2009; Silva et
methods to forecast earthquake ac- vulnerabilitys al., 2014a). The result is usually a res-
tivity; idential exposure model at the small-
• the development of three inde- est administrative level with the dis-
pendent seismogenic models de- Characterization of the tribution of the number of buildings
picting the expected recurrence of built-up environment and across a set of vulnerability classes,
earthquakes; and population associated replacement cost and num-
• the consideration of epistemic un- ber of occupants. For industrial and
certainties for model components The development of an exposure commercial buildings, similar datasets
and hazard results. model capable of providing infor- are usually not available. Instead, so-


cioeconomic data such as number of assessment and mitigation (NERA) datasets at the national level. Satellite
workers in the different sectors (e.g. (Crowley et al., 2012), building data imagery and volunteered geographical
manufacturing, mining, retail) can be from all of the European countries information (VGI) are rapidly chang-
utilised to estimate an approximate were collected and used to calculate ing the manner in which exposure
built-up area and replacement cost. the fraction of each building class at modelling is performed. High-reso-
Within the FP7 European project on the first administrative level. These lution datasets (e.g. Global Human
the network of European research results were input into the exposure Settlements Layer Pesaresi et al.,
infrastructures for earthquake risk database of GEM to derive exposure 2016) now have sufficient temporal
and spatial depth to delineate built-up
areas. This information can be used
FIGURE 3.4 to improve the spatial resolution of
existing datasets, or to develop new
Vulnerability (left) and fragility (right) functions. ones based on the observed building
Source: adapted from Yepes et al., 2016
footprints. This approach is usually
1 combined with data collected in the
field in order to understand the most
common types of construction for
each area. VGI can also contribute
significantly to the improvement or
0,6 development of exposure datasets.
Loss ratio

For example, OpenStreetMap con-

0,4 tains critical information for large
urban centres such as Berlin, Tokyo,
Kathmandu or Jakarta. A description
of various exposure modelling tech-
niques can also be found in Pittore et
0 al. (2016).
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9

Spectral acceleration at T=0.20s (g)


0,8 Vulnerability is defined as the sus-

Probability of exceedance

ceptibility of assets (e.g. people,

buildings, infrastructure) exposed to
earthquake hazards to incur losses
(e.g. deaths, downtime and econom-
0,4 ic loss). Vulnerability functions (see
Figure 3.4) can be derived ‘directly’
0,2 from regression on historical loss data
(empirical), through the elicitation of
expert opinion (heuristic), or by us-
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 ing numerical simulations (analytical).
Peak ground acceleration (g)
Vulnerability functions can also be
derived ‘indirectly’ from the combina-
Slight Moderate Extensive Collapse tion of a fragility function and a dam-

age-to-loss model. A fragility function et al. (2014a). cal relationships is heavily dependent
(see Figure 3.4) describes the propen- Empirical approaches to earthquake on the quality and size of the adopted
sity of assets (e.g. buildings) to sustain vulnerability and fragility function observational databases. Owing to the
damage under earthquake effects and definition are extensively used in the nature of empirical data, vulnerability
can be developed empirically, heuris- insurance industry, and the academic and fragility functions that are based
tically or analytically (i.e. where a nu- literature in this field has been rapid- on severely biased datasets and mainly
merical model simulates the response ly increasing over the past four dec- on aggregated data can be found in
of a structure under increasing hazard ades (Ioannou and Rossetto, 2015). the literature (Rossetto et al., 2015). A
intensities) or through a combination A number of sources for post-earth- rating system for comparing the reli-
of such approaches (hybrid). A dam- quake damage or loss data are avail- ability of different empirical fragility
age-to-loss model instead relates val- able (e.g. surveys commissioned by functions is presented in Rossetto et
ues of loss to thresholds of damage. authorities in order to assess struc- al. (2014b). In addition, GEM has re-
Approaches for mathematically de- tural safety or to evaluate the cost of cently published a set of guidelines
riving indirect vulnerability functions repair for insurance, tax reductions (Rossetto et al., 2014a) for the con-
from fragility functions and loss mod- or government aid distribution pur- struction of empirical functions from
els are explained in detail in Rossetto poses), and the reliability of empiri- single or multiple earthquake event


Global vulnerability model coverage in the GEM vulnerability database.

Source: Yepes et al. (2016)

Number of models

1-3 4 5-6 7-11 12-22 23-46 47-98 99-215


databases. ability functions (i.e. empirical, ana- database of vulnerability and fragility
Heuristic fragility and vulnerability lytical, heuristic and hybrid) has its functions for buildings, described in
functions have been derived either advantages and disadvantages. How- Yepes et al. (2016), and the FP7 Eu-
where there was limited information ever, in each case, for the function to ropean project SYNER-G database
regarding past earthquakes or where be credible and useable, it is essential for infrastructure fragility (Crowley et
the asset was difficult to model nu- that the sources of uncertainty are al., 2014; Pitilakis et al., 2014). Figure
merically (ATC 13 1985; Jaiswal et al., identified and that the uncertainty as- 3.5 illustrates the global coverage of
2012). sociated with the functions is quanti- earthquake vulnerability functions in
fied. This is not common, and major the GEM database. It highlights a lack
sources of uncertainty are commonly of vulnerability functions for many
ignored (e.g. record-to-record varia- developing countries at risk. Moreo-
Characterisation of assets bility, uncertainty in the damage cri- ver, all these databases indicate a pre-
teria, building-to-building variability). dominance of fragility over vulnera-
and population in a region bility functions and damage-to-loss
and their susceptibility to models. The paucity of vulnerability
suffer damages or losses Existing exposure and vul- functions for developing countries
is one of the key elements nerability databases can be attributed to a lack of past
by which to understand event loss data to build or calibrate the
risk. Despite the usefulness of exposure vulnerability models, and the difficulty
information, the availability of open associated with modelling non-engi-
databases of exposure is quite limited. neered buildings. Apart from vulner-
GEM released an exposure database ability functions, a number of indices
An abundance of analytical fragility in 2014 (Gamba, 2014) with building exist that provide relative measures of
An abundance of analytical fragility information on a global scale, but with vulnerability across geographical are-
functions exists, which are predom- different levels of detail depending as and that incorporate socioeconom-
inantly derived for buildings and on the country. The number of build- ic measures. Forms of such empirical
bridges. A variety of analysis methods ings and dwellings was mostly calcu- vulnerability indices are used in the
and structural models with different lated using population data (GRUMP, Global Assessment Reports (support-
levels of complexity (e.g. Martins CIESIN, 2004), and national or sub- ed by the Global Risk Data Platform
et al., 2016; Akkar et al., 2005) have national mapping schemes. For Eu- of UNEP/GRID-Geneva) and by
been used to construct such fragil- rope, these mapping schemes were the USGS’s PAGER group.
ity functions. The adequacy of the developed using the results from the
adopted approach to represent the European project NERA. It is also 3.1.4
fragility of the structure depends on worth mentioning the exposure da-
the structure’s expected behaviour tabase proposed by the United States Seismic risk
under ground shaking. A rating sys- Geological Survey (USGS) Prompt assessment, loss
tem for comparing the reliability of Assessment of Global Earthquakes estimation and risk
different analytical fragility functions for Response (PAGER) group, which
is presented in Rossetto et al. (2014b) also comprises worldwide informa- mitigation
and guidelines for the construction tion at the national scale (Jaiswal et
of analytical vulnerability and fragility al., 2010).
functions for low- to mid-rise build- Early warning systems
ings can be found in D’Ayala et al. With regard to vulnerability databas- and near-real-time loss
(2014) and for tall buildings in Porter es, recently, several institutions have assessment
et al. (2014). collected fragility and vulnerability
It is clear that each approach to the functions from the literature. The Emergency rescue reports from sever-
construction of fragility and vulner- most notable examples are the GEM al past earthquakes indicate that more

than 90 % of successful rescues occur the controlled shutdown of gas pipe- PAGER group has developed one of
within the first 24-48 hours (Oliveira lines and critical facilities and speed the best-known systems, which pro-
et al., 2006). Successful rescues de- reduction of rapid-transit vehicles, vides first-order estimates of human
pend greatly on the preparedness of and to advise the population to follow and economic losses at a global scale
the local authorities and the efficient the necessary precautions (Wu and (Wald et al., 2012). At the national
allocation of limited resources shortly Kanamori, 2008). Several European level in Europe, a few systems have
after seismic events. For this reason, a projects have investigated the effec- also been developed for Italy, Bul-
number of systems have been devel- tiveness of such systems for the Euro- garia, Romania, Portugal and Turkey
oped in the last decades either to trig- pean territory (SAFER, n.d.; REAKT, (e.g. Erduran et al., 2012; Erdik et al.,
ger early warnings or to rapidly assess n.d.), but currently a large-scale opera- 2003b). The ongoing pilot project
the expected damages. EWS (Zollo et tional system does not exist. ARISTOTLE (n.d.), funded by EU
al., 2009; Alcik et al., 2009, Hoshiba et budget, will provide scientific support
al., 2008) aim to launch alerts seconds Near-real-time loss assessment sys- to European Emergency Response
before the arrival of the destructive tems focus on the estimation of the Coordination Centre (ERCC) in the
seismic waves, usually through the expected damage using existing ex- period 2016-17, not only for earth-
interpretation of the amplitude of P posure and vulnerability models, and quakes, but also for other hazards
waves. This lead-time may be useful to ground shaking computed shortly such as tsunamis, volcanic activity and
initiate emergency measures, such as after the seismic event. The USGS meteorological hazards.


Seismic risk (left), social vulnerability (centre) and integrated risk (right) for Portugal
Source: adapted from Burton and Silva (2015)

Social vulnerability

High Moderate Low


tres. The RISK-EU (2001-4; Mouroux The assessment of probabilistic and Le Brun, 2006) and LESSLOSS earthquake losses can be performed
Evaluation of (2004-7; Calvi and Pinho, 2004) pro- through two main approaches: clas-
earthquake scenarios jects explored the impact of several sic PSHA-based risk (Cornell, 1968;
seismic events in urban centres such McGuire, 2004; Silva, 2016) or prob-
The assessment of earthquake scenar- as Bucharest, Catania, Nice, Lisbon, abilistic event-based risk analyses.
ios can play a critical part in the devel- Istanbul, Sofia and Thessaloniki. These methodologies have been fea-
opment of risk-reduction measures. More recently, the European project tured in software packages such as
These may include the creation of STREST (Harmonized approach to CAPRA (Probabilistic Risk Assess-
emergency plans, the development of stress tests for critical infrastructures ment Program) (ERN-AL, 2009),
infrastructure to support the affected against natural hazards, STREST, OpenQuake (Silva et al., 2014b),
regions or the organisation of earth- n.d.) explored the impact of specif- SELENA (Molina et al., 2010) or
quake risk awareness campaigns. For ic seismic events in critical facilities, HAZUS (FEMA, 2003).
example, Anhorn and Khazai (2014) such as industrial structures in Central
investigated the suitability of shelter Italy. An example of a probabilistic earth-
spaces in the Metropolitan Area of quake loss assessment is presented in
Kathmandu (Nepal), considering a set Figure 3.6 for Portugal (first panel).
of potential destructive earthquakes. In this study, average annual losses at
Likewise, Mendes-Victor et al. (1994) Hazard, exposure and the county level were calculated us-
and ERSTA (2010) estimated the ex- ing a time-independent PSHA mod-
pected economic and human losses
vulnerability are the key el (Silva et al., 2014a). This informa-
for high-magnitude events in the city elements to estimate tion can inform local governments,
of Lisbon and the Algarve region, the consequences civil protection authorities and other
respectively. These results were used of earthquakes and stakeholders in the development of
by the Portuguese Civil Protection the potential for risk-reduction measures. These can
authorities to elaborate seismic risk losses. Seismic risk include the improvement and/or
emergency plans. Scenario events may assessment can support enforcement of seismic codes (e.g.
be based on past historical earthquakes Spence, 2004), the development of
(e.g. Bendimerad, 2001) or may be
decision-makers in the retrofitting campaigns (e.g. Erdik and
defined through the investigation of development of risk- Durukal, 2008), the improvement of
seismogenic sources around the re- reduction strategies. urban planning (Sengezer and Koç,
gion of interest (e.g. Ansal et al., 2009). 2005), the development of financial
The distribution of ground shaking mechanisms to transfer the risk from
at the location of the collection of the public sector to the international
assets is used with fragility or vulner- These projects featured the involve- reinsurance market (e.g. Bommer et
ability functions to assess damage or ment of several stakeholders to en- al., 2002), or the strategic allocation
losses, respectively. Several software sure that the final results would be of funds for risk reduction and pre-
packages can be used for the assess- useful for disaster risk management vention. For example, in 2009, the
ment of earthquake scenarios such as (DRM). Italian Government invested almost
Earthquake Loss Estimation Routine EUR1billion in a seismic prevention
(Hancilar et al., 2010), OpenQuake programme at the national scale, led
(Silva et al., 2014b) or SEismic Loss Es- by the Civil Protection Department.
timatioN using a logic tree Approach In order to understand how to dis-
(SELENA) (Molina et al., 2010). Probabilistic seismic tribute the funds across the different
Several past European initiatives have risk assessment regions in Italy, a seismic risk assess-
covered the development of earth- ment study was conducted and the
quake scenarios for large urban cen- funds were distributed proportionally

to the earthquake risk (Dolce, 2012). grammes have also produced datasets,
An effort to assess quantitatively
3.1.5 models and tools that are fundamen-
earthquake risk in Greece in terms Conclusions and key tal for the assessment of earthquake
of economic impact was developed messages risk. Leveraging on this wealth of
by Papadopoulos and Arvanitides resources will reduce the replication
(1996). In the last decades, earthquakes have of efforts. It is important to investi-
been responsible for approximately gate efficient approaches to the ap-
Despite the usefulness of such met- one-fifth of global annual economic plication of existing earthquake risk
rics, they neglect local socioeconomic losses, and for a death toll of more knowledge into DRM, as described in
conditions. For this reason, several so- than 25 000 people per year. This can the preceding section.
cial scientists (e.g. Carreño et al., 2007; have a serious impact on sustainable
Khazai and Bendimerad, 2011) have development, the creation of jobs Innovation
explored the concept of integrated or and the availability of funds for pov- Earthquake risk assessment has
holistic risk. This approach aims to erty reduction initiatives. This chapter reached a considerable level of matu-
aggravate or attenuate the direct risk has described several recent develop- rity, which requires complex software
(e.g. average annual losses) according ments across the different disciplines packages (e.g. ELER, HAZUS, Open-
to a social vulnerability index. This of earthquake risk assessment and Quake, CAPRA or SELENA). It is
index is derived considering a large has highlighted a multitude of re- fundamental to incorporate the wide
number of socioeconomic indicators sources currently available to the dis- spectrum of uncertainties from the
such as crime, education, poverty, age aster risk-reduction community. The different risk components (exposure,
or unemployment. The distribution of key messages from this chapter are vulnerability, hazard). Satellite image-
socioeconomic vulnerability and inte- summarised below. ry and VGI are enabling the character-
grated risk for Portugal is presented isation of the built environment with
in Figure 6 (Burton and Silva, 2015). Partnership unprecedented temporal and spatial
The assessment of the impact of detail. Moreover, the development of
These results reflect the earthquake earthquakes incorporates many scien- risk-reduction strategies should not
resilience of different regions within tific fields, such as seismology, earth- only rely on the direct (or physical)
the same country, and, thus, where quake engineering and social sciences. impact, but should also incorporate
a longer recovery time should be Neglecting any of these fields will in- socioeconomic aspects, thus consid-
expected in the event of a disaster. evitably reduce the accuracy, reliabili- ering the capability of the society to
Within the Horizon 2020 (H2020) ty and usefulness of the resulting risk recover from destructive events.
framework, the SERA project (Seis- metrics. The process of risk identi-
mology and Earthquake Engineering fication should involve stakeholders
Research Infrastructure Alliance for from the public and private sectors,
Europe) will cover the probabilistic and should support ongoing national
earthquake loss assessment for all Eu- and international initiatives with the
ropean countries. mandate to calculate, communicate
and reduce earthquake risk.
It is also important to understand that
modern societies strongly rely on in-
ter-related systems (building stock, Knowledge
power, water supply, transportation), In the past two decades, the Europe-
and that a natural catastrophe might an Union has funded a large number
initiate a cascading effect, whereby one of projects that have significantly ad-
disaster triggers another. These effects vanced the science of earthquake haz-
have been explored in the two Euro- ard, vulnerability and risk modelling.
pean projects Syner-G and STREST. Other national and international pro-


3.2 Geophysical risk:

volcanic activity
Sue Loughlin, Sara Barsotti, Costanza Bonadonna, Eliza Calder

they are described as ‘active’ (Siebert (Bartolini et al., 2015) to Armenia

3.2.1 et al., 2010; Cottrell, 2014). (Savov et al., 2016) is mainly caused
Volcanoes and by the convergence of the north-
volcanic activity ward-moving African and Arabian
lithospheric plates with the Eurasian
Volcanoes provide spectacular eviVol- Volcanic eruptions may plate and microplates in the Aegean
canoes provide spectacular evidence Sea and Anatolia (Figure 3.8).
of the dynamic nature of planet Earth
cause local to global
and bring many long-term benefits to impacts; in order to
In Iceland, volcanism is caused by a
society, including rich soils, tourism understand and mitigate combination of rifting at the Mid-At-
and geothermal energy. Some erupt risks, the first step is to lantic Ridge and a ‘hotspot’. There are
infrequently and may appear benign recognise a volcano as 32 volcanoes in Iceland (Ilyinskaya et
for generations, which means that the active and to characterise al., 2015), 47 known volcanoes in con-
risk that they pose may be underes- its past activity. tinental Europe (Siebert et al., 2010),
timated. Understanding the risk first and many more in autonomous re-
requires characterisation of the volca- gions, European dependencies and
no and knowledge of the type, magni- territories in the Atlantic (Canary
tude and frequency of past eruptions. Islands, Azores, Cape Verde, Tristan
Most have formed along colliding or da Cunha, Ascension Island) and the diverging tectonic plate boundaries Lesser Antilles (Montserrat, Guade-
Global distribution of (e.g. the Pacific margins, the Mediter- loupe, Martinique, Saba). About 15
volcanoes and volcanoes ranean, the Lesser Antilles and Ice- million people in Europe live within
in Europe land; Figure 3.7) and these account for just 30 km of an active volcano; of
>94% of known historical eruptions these, more than 2.2 million live with-
There are about 1 550 known terres- (Siebert et al., 2015); the remainder in 20 km of the Campi Flegrei caldera
trial volcanoes that have erupted in have formed above mantle ‘hotspots’ in Italy and more than 675 000 live
the past ≈10 000 years and are there- (e.g. Hawaii). within 10 km of Vesuvius (Siebert et
fore likely to erupt again in the future; In Europe, volcanism from Spain al., 2010).

149 of hours to decades (Brown et al., (e.g. Campi Flegrei) erupt infrequently,
Eruption type, duration, 2015). with hundreds of years between erup-
frequency and size Major controls on eruption type in- tions (e.g. Selva et al., 2012; Brown et
clude magma chemistry, rheology and al., 2014). Global data show a power
Globally, about 70 volcanoes erupt volatile content. Eruptions can be law relationship between magnitude
each year and at any one time at measured using magnitude (erupted and frequency, such that larger mag-
least 20 are erupting (Siebert et al., mass), but volume is often used as nitude eruptions are less frequent
2010, 2015). Eruptions are complex a proxy for magnitude for explosive (Deligne et al., 2010). In order to un-
time-dependent events, which often eruptions (e.g. the Volcanic Explosiv- derstand the distribution of eruption
exhibit distinct phases including ef- ity Index, see Newhall and Self 1982, types and magnitudes in time and
fusive (e.g. lava flows/domes) and/or Pyle 2015). space at a given volcano (and, there-
explosive types of activity (e.g. Gud- Some volcanoes erupt frequently (e.g. fore, the likelihood and type of future
mundsson et al., 2012) over durations Stromboli and Etna), whereas others eruptions), geological and geochron-


The locations of known Holocene (past ≈ 10.000 years) terrestrial volcanoes of the world, most of which form
near tectonic plate boundaries (Bird, 2003).
Source: Smithsonian Institution (2013)


ological studies are an essential start- Parks et al., 2015). The movement of and interact with the hydrothermal
ing point (e.g. Druitt et al., 1999; Orsi magma through the crust (and its in- system or are released at the surface
et al., 2004; Thordarson and Larsen, teraction with hydrothermal systems) (Aiuppa et al., 2013). An episode of
2007; Hicks et al., 2012). causes pressure changes, which result volcanic unrest may last for a matter
in ground deformation and earth- of days to a number of years (average quakes, and also induces detectable ≈500 days), and understanding the
Causes of volcanic changes in mass and/or density, all of processes driving unrest and eruption
unrest and eruptions which can be detected with geophysi- is an essential part of effective early
cal monitoring networks (Freymueller warning (Cashman et al. 2013, Sparks
Most eruptions are preceded by one et al., 2015). During magma ascent, and Cashman 2017). Volcanoes that
or multiple episodes of ‘volcanic un- volatiles separate as a result of pres- erupt infrequently (e.g. calderas) may
rest’ as magma moves towards the sure reduction and either are retained experience many episodes of unrest
Earth’s surface (Acocella et al., 2015; in the magma as bubbles or separate (e.g. De Natale et al., 2006). In con-


Maximum known Volcanic Explosivity Index (0-8) of eruptions at European volcanoes in the past ≈10 000
years, based on the Smithsonian Institution Volcanoes of the World database (VOTW4.22). Volcanoes with
unknown eruption histories are marked as black triangles.
Source: Smithsonian Institution (2013)

trast, in a global study of 228 volca- Volcano observatories have a key role Saltogianni et al., 2014; Cannavò et
noes active between 2000 and 2011 in early warning. They collect multiple al., 2015) and tracking the location
(many of which erupt frequently) streams of diverse data, analyse the of volcano-tectonic earthquakes in
the European Commission-funded data in near real time, determine the near real time (Thorkelsson, 2012;
VUELCO project showed that 47 % level of threat and make decisions on, Sigmundsson et al., 2015, Pallister
of documented periods of volcanic for example, raising alert levels under and McNutt, 2015; Falsaperla and
unrest led to an eruption (Phillipson conditions of uncertainty (Villagrán Neri, 2015) may facilitate eruption
et al., 2013). Some episodes of detect- de León, 2012). These decisions must forecasting. Long-period earthquakes
ed unrest may not be caused by mag- be based on sound evidence (Marzoc- and micro-earthquakes can be key
ma and may be entirely tectonic or chi et al., 2012; Bretton et al., 2015). indicators of imminent eruption, es-
caused by hydrothermal phenomena The quality, range and sophistication pecially during an ongoing eruption
(e.g. Segall, 2013; Biggs et al., 2009). of monitoring methods has increased (McNutt et al., 2015). Cyclic patterns
dramatically in recent years (Sparks et of activity can also enable forecasting
3.2.2 al., 2012), with advances in comput- of hazardous events (Voight et al.,
ing underpinning improvements in 1999; Loughlin et al., 2002). Borehole
Monitoring systems power, speed, data transmission, data strainmeters have successfully been
and early warning analysis and modelling techniques. used to forecast eruptions of Hekla
Long-term monitoring at quiescent in Iceland (Roberts et al., 2011).
Volcano observatories are the official volcanoes is necessary to establish
institutions in charge of monitoring baselines, and satellite remote sens- Although satellite passes are not yet
volcanoes. They may be dedicated to ing provides many opportunities as Although satellite passes are not yet
a single volcano (e.g. the Montserrat the spatial and temporal resolution of frequent enough to use Interferomet-
Volcano Observatory) or may oper- data improves (e.g. Harris et al., 2016; ric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
ate from national institutions and be Bagnardi et al., 2016). Nevertheless, as a forecasting tool, it can be used in
responsible for multiple volcanoes in only a small fraction of the world’s 1 combination with other data to gain
a country (e.g. the Icelandic Met Of- 550 volcanoes have sufficient ground tremendous insights into what can be
fice and Istituto Nazionale di Geofi- monitoring and the necessary ac- achieved during unrest, eruption and
sica e Vulcanologia). Some also have companying institutional capacities post-event analysis (e.g. Gudmunds-
responsibility for volcanoes overseas to effectively support DRM, despite son et al., 2016; Spaans and Hoop-
(e.g. Institut de Physique du Globe de evidence that volcano monitoring is er, 2016). InSAR is useful to detect
Paris). cost-effective (Newhall et al., 1997). deformation at remote volcanoes and
at regional scales (Biggs et al., 2014; Parks et al., 2015).
Geophysical monitoring
If appropriate monitoring (seismic, deformation, gas, Gas emissions (Silva et al., 2015;
is in place at a volcano, it infrasound) and the need for Aiuppa et al., 2013; Chiodini et al.,
may be possible to issue global monitoring 2015), the chemistry, temperature and
short-term forecasts of level of crater lakes and groundwater
Episodes of unrest are highly variable (Hernández et al., 2007), and the geo-
eruptions and volcanic in character, so forecasting the onset chemistry and flow rates of glacial riv-
activity and to provide of an eruption remains a significant ers (Kristmansdóttir et al. ,1999) may
early warnings for challenge (Chiodini et al., 2016; Selva all show detectable changes before
different hazards. et al., 2015; Marzocchi and Bebbing- and during eruptions. Gas emissions
ton, 2012; Sigmundsson et al., 2010). can be monitored using ground-based,
Accelerating rates of seismicity and airborne or satellite remote sensing
deformation may be detected before (Aiuppa et al., 2007, 2010; Nadeau et
eruptions (Sigmundsson et al. ,2010; al., 2011; Conde et al., 2013). The gas


most easily detected and monitored ash dispersal) and characterising ash Characterisation of heat sources (Fig-
in the atmosphere during eruptions is clouds in near real time is a current ure 3.9) during volcanic unrest and
sulphur dioxide (SO2) (Oppenheimer challenge (Ripepe et al., 2013; Lamb eruption can support scientific under-
et al., 2013; Flower et al., 2016). et al., 2015; Marzano et al., 2013, standing of eruptive behaviour and
2016). Monitoring the extrusion rate timely response (Harris et al., 2016).
Petrology and geochemistry can be of lava is crucial to anticipate the During the 2014-15 Bárðarbunga
used in near real time to character- evolution of active lava flow fields or eruption in Iceland, the Middle Infra-
ise eruptive materials and understand stability of lava domes. Time series Red Observation of Volcanic Activi-
magmatic properties and dynamics digital elevation models (DEMs) col- ty (MIROVA) system (Coppola et al.,
(Hartley et al., 2016; Pankhurst et lected by satellite at Merapi volcano in 2015) was used to chart the evolution
al., 2014). Rapid analysis of tephra 2010 (through the International Space of the eruption when access was lim-
can detect whether or not there is a Charter), combined with ground ited and visibility was poor.
magmatic component to phreatic monitoring, enabled increasing ex- Deterministic eruption forecasting
(steam-driven) eruptions (Suzuki et trusion rates to be identified, lead- based on the failure forecast method
al., 2013). ing to a rise in alert level and timely (FFM) is showing potential (Boué et
evacuations that saved thousands of al., 2016).
Environmental monitoring such as lives (Surono et al., 2012; Pallister and
dissolved constituents in rainwater, Surono, 2015). Extrusion rates can Time series observations of volca-
ash leachates (Witham et al., 2005) be established from the ground, un- noes and their emissions using static
and particulate (air quality) monitor- manned arial vehicles or aircraft using or video cameras can yield important
ing can potentially provide informa- a variety of methods (e.g. Wadge et al. insights into hazardous processes. Cit-
tion about both eruptive behaviour 2014a, 2014b; Harris et al., 2005). izen science can fill information gaps
and probable impacts on health, and help communities to understand
the environment, infrastructure and
buildings (Gislason et al., 2015).
FIGURE 3.9 Measuring the temperature of pyroclastic flow deposits in Montserrat

Additional and emerging (block and ash flow deposits).
monitoring methods Source and Copyright BGS/Government of Montserrat

Volcanic infrasound is a technique

that detects, locates and characterises
shallow or aerial acoustic sources at
volcanoes (Fee and Matoza, 2013; Ul-
ivieri et al., 2013). During the H2020
Atmospheric dynamics Research
InfraStructure in Europe 2 project,
episodes of lava fountaining at Etna
were recorded ≈600 km away, provid-
ing evidence that near-real-time noti-
fication of ongoing volcanic activity
at a regional scale can be achieved
(Johnson and Ripepe, 2011; Marchetti
et al., 2016).

Establishing mass eruption rate (a pa-

rameter needed to effectively forecast

hazards and risk (e.g. Stevenson et al., et al., 2017; Doyle et al., 2014) and us-
2013; Stone et al., 2014; Wallace et al., Communication, reporting ers have considered in advance their
2015). During the 2014-15 eruption and alert levels thresholds for action (e.g. Marzocchi
at Bárðarbunga volcano, people could et al., 2012; Hicks et al., 2014). During
document their experiences of poor During unrest or eruption, scientists an emergency, joint formal reports
air quality due to the gas-rich eruption communicate in a variety of ways can be particularly effective if scien-
online (IMO, n.d). (reports, forecasts, alert levels) using tists and civil protection authorities
a variety of media (email lists, short work well together, and if the content
WOVOdat is a searchable, web-ac- message service (SMS), social media, and format has been designed specif-
cessible global relational database television and radio) to suit the needs ically with users in mind (Scientific
containing time-series monitoring of information users (Solana et al., advisory board of the Icelandic civil
data from more than 100 eruption ep- 2008; Haynes et al., 2008a; Mothes protection 2015).
isodes; this will allow global trends in et al., 2015). Such users are diverse
unrest and eruption data to be interro- and include civil aviation authorities, A volcano EWS requires that mon-
gated to assist forecasting at individu- civil protection authorities, business- itoring data are collected and in-
al volcanoes (Venezky and Newhall, es, tourist operators, the media and terpreted by scientists, the level of
2007; Widiwijayanti et al., 2015). the public. Ideally, the content and threat is determined and a decision to
format of such communications are alert stakeholders is made (Fearnley,
tailored to users’ needs (e.g. Lechner 2013). Some volcano observatories


Summary of alert levels and civil protection system response for Vesuvius volcano, Italy. Alert levels are es-
tablished by INGV Vesuvio based on changing monitoring parameters. The civil protection system responds in
each operative phase according to the alert level and the emergency plan.
Source: authors


No significant variation of monitored pa-

Base Very low Undefined

Significant change of monitored param- Indefinite, or not less than I

Caution Low
.eters .several months Caution

Further significant change in monitored II

Warning Medium From months to weeks
.parameters Warning
Appearance of phenomena and/or evolu- III
Alarm tion of monitored parameters suggesting High From weeks to days
.a pre-eruption dynamic Alarm

Operative Phase I: Verification of contingency plans, constant contact between scientists and civil protection, checking of
functionality and immediate availability of resources, infrastructure and services needed for subsequent alert levels.

Operative Phase II: Voluntary evacuation of red zone to alternative accommodation outside the zone of risk. All involved
in the emergency plan alert and prepared for Phase III.

Operative Phase III: Evacuation of the red zone within three days.


use Volcanic Alert Levels (VALs) to es et al., 2015). EWSs for lahars and Hazard forecasting
communicate changes in the status of jökulhlaups (glacier floods in Iceland) Simulations of atmospheric dispersal
volcanic activity that imply a chang- are variable in terms of components and deposition of volcanic tephra and
ing probability of eruption (Gardner but, in general, require monitoring gas can enable communities across
and Guffanti, 2006; Fearnley, 2013; (e.g. acoustic flow monitors) to detect broad areas to prepare for tephra fall
Winson et al., 2014) or changing types flows in proximal environments that (e.g. for Etna at INGV(n.d.) and for
of hazard (Potter et al., 2014). Notifi- can alert authorities to sound sirens Mount St Helens at USGS (2015),
cation of a change in VAL is usually downstream so that communities can Hasegawa et al., 2015). If SO2 con-
accompanied by situation-specific in- be evacuated. centrations are sufficiently high they
formation in the form of a more de- may adversely affect human and live-
tailed report. VALs are developed to 3.2.3 stock health, so SO2 emission rate
suit local situations and, as such, they data can also be used to generate dis-
vary worldwide. Some focus on unrest Volcanic hazard persal forecasts enabling mitigation
and eruption forecasting (Figure 3.10) assessment actions to be taken (e.g. Gislason et
and others acknowledge the changing al., 2015).
phenomena and hazards of long-lived Volcanic hazards are diverse and
eruptions (Potter et al., 2014). In situ- they can occur in different combina- Short-term forecasts can also be
ations in which major and costly miti- tions and interact in different ways achieved for lava flows and lahars us-
gation actions are triggered by volcan- throughout the unrest, eruption and ing monitoring/observation param-
ic EWSs (e.g. the evacuation of urban post-eruption period. eters and, in some places, mitigation
areas), quantitative, objective and has been attempted using engineering
rational scientific decision-making is measures.
essential to avoid accusations of ‘false Volcanic hazard process models still
alarms’ (see Chapter 3.2.3, Hincks et Volcanoes generate need further development to better
al., 2014). multiple hazardous simulate key processes; this is espe-
processes, the short- and cially true for pyroclastic flows, surges
The global network of nine Volcanic long-term forecasting and lahars, the assessment of which
Ash Advisory Centres (VAACs) was of which involve diverse currently lags behind that of tephra
set up by the International Civil Avi- dispersal and fall. The ability to model
ation Organization (ICAO) following
methods to anticipate
interacting hazards is also important,
aircraft encounters with ash clouds in hazard footprints in order such as rainfall-triggered lahars (Jones
the 1980s (Guffanti et al., 2010). Vol- to enable anticipation and et al., 2015), eruption column collapse
cano observatories provide reports mitigation of impacts. into pyroclastic flows or pyroclastic
to VAACs to support the initiation flows into lahars.
of ash dispersal models and have the
option to set an ‘aviation colour code’ Long-term volcanic hazard assess-
representing the status of volcanoes Scientists are improving their ability to ment is primarily based on charac-
in the context of likelihood of erup- forecast these hazards and their likely terising the past eruptive activity of
tion and potential for ash emissions ‘footprints’. Short-term and long- a system and understanding the re-
(Lechner et al., 2017). This system can term forecasting, to support crisis re- currence rates of eruptions and the
run in parallel to a VAL system. sponse and planning, respectively, are range of possibilities for future erup-
In situations in which it is acknowl- becoming increasingly quantitative tions. Although geological studies
edged that there may be little time and a variety of different approaches may be needed to establish eruption
for response, alerts may be sent out and methods are being developed. histories at many volcanoes, even in
to authorities and the public via SMS, Europe (e.g. Savov et al., 2016), fine-
telephone, radio or social media (e.g. grained deposits in particular (e.g.
IMO, 2016; Stone et al., 2014; Moth-

ash fall, surges, lateral blasts) may be tainties (Aspinall, 2006, 2010). Uncer- pyroclastic flows and surges, tephra
missing from the record, so thorough tainty should be acknowledged in all fall (Macedonio et al., 2008), ballistics,
consideration of knowledge gaps and scientific decision-making, forecasts lava flows (Richter et al., 2016), and,
uncertainties is paramount in any haz- and assessments. sometimes, less frequent hazards such
ard analysis (e.g. Engwell et al., 2013; as debris avalanches and monogenet-
Sparks et al., 2013, Bonadonna et al. ic eruptions. An International Asso-
2012, 2015). Volcanologists can study Volcanic hazard maps ciation of Volcanology and Chemis-
analogue volcanoes and global data- try of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI)
bases (e.g. Ogburn et al., 2015), or use Volcanic hazard maps can commu- working group is reviewing current
methods such as expert elicitation in nicate information about one or a global practice (>200 published haz-
order to consider and quantify uncer- range of hazards including lahars, ard maps). They defined five major
classes of hazard map and found that
>60% of maps are based primarily on
the geological history of the volca-
no (Figure 3.11), despite incomplete
Synthetic examples (not a real volcano) of the appearance of five hazard eruption histories that do not repre-
map types found during the review: sent all past and possible future sce-
(a) geology-based map, narios. Furthermore, >83% of hazard
(b) integrated qualitative map, maps use a qualitative ‘high-medi-
(c) administrative map,
(d) modelling-based map and um-low’ description to indicate like-
(e) probabilistic map. lihood of impact, but the meanings
behind these terms are open to broad
Copyright: Cambridge University Press interpretation (Calder et al., 2015).
The IAVCEI working group have
established that there is no single ap-
proach that suits all situations; differ-
ent approaches may be suitable for
different needs. Nevertheless, there is
consensus that quantitative, account-
able and defendable hazard maps are
increasingly needed.

The group aims to collectively define

good practices. Scientific priorities
to enhance hazard maps include (1)
improved methods for probabilistic
analysis, especially for lahar, pyroclas-
tic flows and surges, (2) establishing
methods to undertake hazard assess-
ments for data-poor volcanoes and (3)
approaches for multihazard, multisce-
nario probabilistic modelling (Calder
et al., 2015). Although probabilistic
volcanic hazard maps exist for a few
of the world’s best studied volcanoes,
they are far from being the norm.
Haynes et al. (2007) recognised that


maps are rarely well understood by be local to global in scale. (e.g. Marzocchi et al., 2008), and simi-
users and that three-dimensional (3D) The first probabilistic assessment of lar approaches have now been applied
visualisation can significantly help un- global tephra fall hazard has been at- at Vesuvius (Neri ,2008), Teide-Pico
derstanding. tempted for the 2015 United Nations Viejo, Tenerife (Martí et al., 2008),
International Strategy for Disaster and Auckland Volcanic Fields, New Reduction (UNISDR) Global Assess- Zealand (Lindsay et al., 2010).
Probabilistic volcanic hazard ment Report, based on a method de-
assessment veloped for the regional scale (Jenkins 3.2.4
et al., 2012, 2015a).
A variety of methods are used to fore- Volcanic risk
cast the timing, locations, magnitudes The dynamic complexity of volcan- assessment
and products of future eruptions over
different timescales.
ic systems means that once unrest and mitigation
begins there are multiple potential
eruptive outcomes (scenarios). In this
Statistical methods can be used to situation, probabilistic methods pro- Vulnerability and exposure
assess recurrence rates and locations vide a basis for scientists to explore
of vents, which, when combined with those outcomes, allocate probability Vulnerability is complex, dynamic
numerical simulations of volcanic estimates to them (Marzocchi et al., and spatially variable with many fac-
processes (lava flow emplacement, 2012; Selva et al., 2010) and commu- ets including systemic, social, func-
tephra dispersal and fall), can create nicate them to authorities to support tional and economic vulnerability (e.g.
hazard curves for specific locations or rational decision-making (e.g. Sparks Enhancing resilience of communi-
hazard maps for larger areas (Connor 2003, Marzocchi et al., 2007). The ties and territories facing natural and
et al., 2015). There may be high uncer- results can be tested using statistical na-tech hazards (ENSURE) project,
tainty in vent location, particularly if a procedures and allow comparisons Menoni et al., 2012). Exposure con-
volcano has distributed flank activity between volcanoes and other natural tributes to vulnerability (Cutter 2013)
or the area is a monogenetic volcanic and non-natural hazards (e.g. Scan- and includes the people and assets ex-
field (Connor et al., 2012; Bebbington done et al., 1993; Bayarri et al., 2015). posed to the hazards.
and Cronin, 2010).
Current probabilistic approach- Volcanic unrest and eruptions tend to
Probabilistic volcanic hazard maps es build on the idea of event trees unfold over weeks to years, thereby
typically display volcanic flows as (Newhall and Hoblitt, 2002) and on enhancing the dynamic complexity of
the spatial variation of inundation Bayesian statistics (e.g. Papadopou- factors that contribute to vulnerability
probability over a given period of los and Orfanogianaki, 2005). The and exposure (Galderisi et al., 2013;
time. Tephra fall might be assessed probability estimates allocated to each Zuccaro et al., 2014).
using contours of probability given outcome/scenario might be empiri-
a hazardous accumulation threshold cal, or be based on expert discussion Volcanic tephra fall is the hazard that
(Jenkins et al., 2015a) or contours of and elicitation, numerical simulations most frequently affects large popula-
tephra accumulation given a certain or a combination of methods (e.g. tions and assets and has reasonable
probability in order to better assess Aspinall, 2006, 2010; Marzocchi and vulnerability estimates in risk mod-
the associated impact (e.g. Bonadon- Bebbington, 2012). These methods els (Spence et al., 2005; Jenkins et al.,
na, 2006; Biass et al. 2014, 2016a). are also useful if applied regularly at 2015). Jenkins et al. (2014), as part of
Because of this variety and potential long-lived or frequently active volca- the Mitigate and Asses risk from Vol-
complexity, probabilistic hazard maps noes where probabilities change and canic Impact on Terrain and human
commonly attempt to communicate assessments can be compared over Activities (MIA-VITA) project, devel-
information about only a single haz- time (Pallister et al., 2010; Wadge and oped guidelines and methodologies
ard at any one time (Figure 3.11e). Aspinall, 2014). The same principle for carrying out initial physical vulner-
Probabilistic hazards assessments can has been developed to generate tools ability assessments of buildings. This

built on previous projects including FIGURE 3.12
the SPeeD project at Vesuvius and
the EXPLORIS project (e.g. Zuccaro Soufrière Hills Volcano and Plymouth, the capital of Montserrat, in Octo-
ber 1997.
et al., 2008; Marti et al., 2008). Jen- Copyright: British Geological Survey/Government of Montserrat
kins et al. (2015) categorised tephra
fall impacts by sector and considered
the relationship between hazard in-
tensity (in that case ash thickness) and
damage or disruption to each sector
(buildings, critical infrastructure, ag-
riculture). More data need to be col-
lected to inform estimates of physical
vulnerability of buildings and infra-
structure, through: (1) collection of
post-eruption damage data (e.g. Bax-
ter et al., 2005; Wilson et al., 2011;
Biass et al., 2016a, 2016b; Charbon-
nier et al., 2013; Jenkins et al. ,2015b),
(2) experimental testing of materials
failure, or (3) using theoretical calcu-
lations of material strengths (e.g. Jen-
kins et al., 2014). Damage data and
experimental data remain sparse so
theoretical calculations can contribute
to the development of vulnerability
functions, which provide the proba-
bility of a certain level of damage as a
function of hazard intensity (Jenkins
et al., 2014; see also Chapter 2.4).

A dynamic pressure scale for building

damage by pyroclastic surges (Baxter
et al., 2005), developed after experi-
ences in Montserrat (Figure 3.12) and
at Mount St Helens, has contributed
to simulation work at Vesuvius and
other European volcanoes in the EX-
PLORIS project (Baxter et al., 2008).

Studies on social vulnerability in vol-

canic risk are increasing in number
and showing the value of semi-quanti-
tative and qualitative assessments (e.g.
Sword-Daniels, 2011; Sword-Daniels
et al., 2014). Hicks and Few (2015)
showed that during long-term erup-
tions, coping capacity, maintenance of


well-being, recovery of losses and re- are quantified using Monte Carlo noes in the Asia-Pacific Region using
building of livelihoods are highly var- modelling, and the risk is presented simplified volcanic hazard outputs
iable within populations and tend to as (1) societal risk expressed quanti- from a statistical emulator (Jenkins et
be linked to preceding socioeconomic tatively as a curve of the probability al., 2015a).
conditions (Birkman, 2007). Volcanic of exceeding a given number of fa- ‘Forensic analysis’ of past disasters
activity can have a disproportionate talities, (2) individual risk given as an provides a strong basis for learning
effect on livelihoods and economy annualised probability of death (from (e.g. Voight 1990, Loughlin et al. 2002,
because of high systemic vulnerabil- the volcano) for any person living in a Thordarson and Self, 2003; Bird et al.,
ity, and it can act as a catalyst to ex- specific area and (3) occupational risk 2010; Ragona et al., 2011), and lon-
isting economic, social or economic given for people working under cer- gitudinal studies can reveal valuable
conditions or decline (Wilson et al., tain conditions in specific areas. insights into causal processes behind
2011, 2014; Jenkins et al., 2015a). impacts and disasters (e.g. Integrat-
An example of a volcanic risk mod- ed Research on Disaster Risk FOR-
Comprehensive quantitative assess- el is the KazanRisk loss model (risk- IN project 2011). Such approaches
ment of the impacts of all types frontiers.com/kazanrisk.htm), which are also being applied to understand
of volcanic hazard is relatively new uses numerical dispersal modelling of recovery processes that are complex
but is most advanced for tephra fall ash fall in Greater Tokyo to estimate and can last for decades (Sword-Dan-
(Craig et al., 2016; Elissondo et al., potential losses associated with build- iels et al., 2015).
2016; Wilson et al., 2011, 2012, 2014; ing damage, clean-up and reductions
Magill et al., 2013). Socioeconomic in agricultural productivity.
impacts due to tephra fall are most Civil Protection, scientists
likely to be documented in long-lived Because some crucial aspects of vul- and risk management
eruptions (e.g. Sword-Daniels, 2011; nerability must be assessed qualita-
Sword-Daniels et al., 2014) and are tively, there is a need to find innova- Volcano observatories and civil pro-
most likely to be experienced by those tive ways to integrate qualitative with tection authorities, working together
with pre-existing and inter-related quantitative data to assess volcanic as well as with the public, have re-
sociocultural, political and econom- risk (Hicks and Few, 2015). Nov- duced fatalities due to volcanic ac-
ic vulnerabilities (Wisner et al., 2012; el interdisciplinary approaches are tivity worldwide. At least 50 000 lives
Gaillard, 2008). now being developed (e.g. STREVA were saved in the 20th century (Auker
project) that combine volcanological et al., 2013) and even more have been
techniques, probabilistic decision sup- saved since 1985 (Voight et al., 2013). port and social science methods to Mutual understanding and trust de-
Risk assessment ensure that the benefits of even un- velop with an investment of time and
methodologies certain and incomplete knowledge are effort (Haynes et al., 2008a, 2008b)
acted upon to reduce risk (e.g. Hicks and it is too late to start when an
Volcanic risk assessment is not as ad- et al., 2014; Barclay et al., 2014). Stir- emergency begins. Effective commu-
vanced as assessment of other haz- ling (2010) highlighted that different nication and decision-making during a
ards such as flooding, earthquakes and analytical methods suit different epis- rapidly changing emergency situation
tropical cyclones. For the long-lasting temic conditions (Figure 3.13), and (Fischoff, 2013; Doyle et al., 2014)
eruption at Soufriere Hills Volcano, acknowledging the state of knowl- will be facilitated by good planning,
Montserrat, volcanic risk has been edge is a good start in enabling effec- preparation and response protocols
assessed in a regular and consistent tive risk analysis and communication. (Doyle et al., 2015; Bretton et al.,
way for 20 years (Aspinall et al., 2002; At regional to global scales, the 2015). Interdisciplinary and transdis-
Aspinall, 2006; Wadge and Aspinall, CAPRA risk modelling platform ciplinary approaches can bring a wide
2014). After deriving event scenario (ecapra.org) has been used to provide range of methods and experiences
probabilities and their uncertainties preliminary estimates of potential together (e.g. communities, scientists,
by elicitation, risks and uncertainties building damage around active volca- authorities) to facilitate better under-

standing, analysis and communication exercises have been reported around all sectors (Schmidt et al., 2011, 2015;
of hazard and risk (Hicks et al., 2014; the world, ranging from the training Bonadonna et al., 2012).
Barclay et al., 2014, 2015). of small groups to international re-
action-chain exercises (Lindsay et al.,
Volcanic unrest and eruptions can be 2010; Ricci et al., 2013). In high-risk
prolonged, which may cause disrup- urban settings (e.g. Naples), there are 3.2.5
tion and have long-term socioeco- significant costs to mitigation actions, Conclusions and key
nomic impacts. Tephra fall can cause even to exercises, so direct and in-
damage and disruption across sec- direct costs and benefits need to be
tors and has potential health impacts carefully considered to support deci-
(Horwell and Baxter, 2006; Carlsen sion-making (Marzocchi et al., 2012; Partnership
et al., 2012); therefore, planning for Woo, 2014). Long-term collaboration and effective
clean-up and recovery is essential partnerships between scientists (op-
(Hayes et al., 2017). The 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull erational and research) and civil pro-
volcano in Iceland demonstrated that tection authorities are particularly im-
Preparedness for volcanic unrest and even small eruptions can have global portant for effective evidence-based
eruption often takes the form of con- impacts (Ragona et al., 2011). There- risk management and emergency re-
tingency plans, which can be practised fore, international collaboration is es- sponse. The recent FUTUREVOLC
by scientists, authorities and other sential to ensure that lessons learned and MEDSUV projects (FP7) showed
stakeholders, including the public and scientific progress are translated how Europe-wide research partner-
(Hicks et al., 2014). Different types of into planning and preparation across ships can support such national and
Europe-wide DRM efforts in par-
ticular. Engagement with users of
scientific and civil protection advice
can improve the format and content
An evacuation exercise for the entire population of Tristan da Cunha, of outputs, enhancing understanding,
South Atlantic. uptake and effective decision-making
Source: Courtesy of Anna Hicks at all levels. The knowledge and expe-
rience of those at risk is increasingly
recognised as important and their in-
volvement in the design and develop-
ment of DRM strategies can be highly

Hazard, impact, vulnerability, loss and
recovery data are sparse in volcano-
logy but are needed to produce better
hazard and risk assessments. Detailed
study of all future eruptions and their
impacts is needed. Despite an overall
need for increased quantification in
volcanic risk, interdisciplinary collab-
oration is recommended to capitalise
on both quantitative and qualitative
approaches to risk, particularly in
situations in which data are scarce.


Progress in process understanding is

needed to enable better anticipation
of hazardous events. Frameworks
for the optimal combination of haz-
ard and vulnerability analysis across
multiple temporal and spatial scales is
needed for comprehensive risk assess-
ments and proactive policies of risk

There is an ongoing need for devel-
opment in monitoring techniques,
integrated analysis of ground and
space data, hazard and vulnerability
assessment methodologies and in-
terdisciplinary/transdisciplinary sci-
ence. A next important step for the
volcanology community as a whole
is to enhance innovation in hazard
and risk assessment strategies. There
is an increasingly urgent need for
near-real-time global monitoring and
a reporting platform to support the
anticipation of volcanic events that
have wide-reaching or humanitarian
impacts. This will require collabora-
tive approaches and innovative inte-
gration of data in a wide variety of
formats and at different spatial and
temporal resolutions.

3.3 Geophysical risk:
Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos, Stefano Lorito, Finn Løvholt,
Alexander Rudloff, François Schindelé

ological effects may also cause wave felt both locally and remotely. In to-
3.3.1 phenomena resembling tsunamis tal, 16 major tsunamis killed 250 900
Tsunamis in the (meteotsunamis). people in 21 countries between 1996
global ocean and 2015 (UNISDR/CRED 2016).
In the deep ocean, tsunami speed de- The great Sumatra tsunami of 26 De- pends on the water depth, D. At first cember 2004, which was caused by an
Tsunami physics, approximation, the shallow water M9.3 magnitude earthquake, caused
generation mechanisms and wave speed C is: the deaths of 226 000 people in 12
impact Indian Ocean nations.

The word tsunami comes from the
Japanese for ‘harbour wave’. Tsuna- where g is gravity acceleration.
mis are sea waves with periods that In deep water, the wave amplitude
Tsunamis are long-period
typically range from a few minutes to may remain small, typically ranging up sea waves generated by
about 1 hour. The wavelength rang- to a few metres. The waves become earthquakes, volcanic
es from tenths to hundreds of kilo- higher and shorter in shallow water eruptions and landslides.
metres depending on the causative and may have run-up heights that ex- They may have large
source. The majority of tsunamis ceed several tens of metres (Figure wave heights in coastal
(≈80%) are produced by submarine 3.15); exceptional landslide tsunamis zones, and can cause
earthquakes that are characterised by have even been recorded that reach
a shallow focus (≤100 km), a large several hundreds of metres vertically
destruction to populations,
magnitude and a faulting mechanism (Miller et al., 1960). infrastructures, properties
with a significant vertical component. and the natural
Volcanic eruptions and landslides also Tsunamis may have catastrophic con- environment.
produce tsunamis. Subduction zones sequences, such as loss of life, de-
(i.e. major lithospheric plate bounda- struction of infrastructure, buildings
ries) are particularly prone to tsunami and vessels, and economic and social
generation (e.g. Figure 3.14). Meteor- impacts, the last of which may be


The Tohoku tsunami of 11 March while a grade-10 tsunami is very de- In the NEAM region, the historical
2011 that hit north-east Japan (Pacific structive. However, for tsunami risk tsunami record is rich thanks to many
Ocean) following an M9.0 earthquake and vulnerability assessments, one relevant documents that have been
was also devastating. The maximum has to turn to more stringent tsunami preserved throughout history. Ge-
run-up exceeded 40 metres, and the metrics, such as the expected tsuna- ological evidence both onshore and
tsunami penetrated more than 5 km mi run-up height and onshore flow offshore, such as sediment deposits,
inland in places. The estimated total depth, to calculate possible damage boulders having been moved inland
death toll was about 19 000 people, and losses. and geomorphological changes, has
nearly 90 % of whom died as a result contributed to the identification of
of the tsunami. The direct econom- paleotsunamis (e.g. Papadopoulos et
ic loss was reported to be USD 210 Major tsunami sources in al., 2014). Apart from a few mega or
billion (EUR 198 billion), which was the Earth basin-wide tsunamis, more than 300
orders of magnitude higher than for smaller tsunamis, either local or re-
the 2004 Sumatra tsunami, the cost of Large tsunamis occur frequently gional, have been documented so far
which was estimated to be USD 4.4 along the ‘Ring of Fire’ in the Pacif- (Figure 3.18).
billion ((EUR 4.1 billion) (Løvholt ic Ocean. Landmark examples in-
et al., 2015). The Fukushima nuclear clude the 1960 (Chile), 1964 (Alaska) The main geotectonic structure pro-
power plant was damaged by the tsu- and 2011 (Japan) tsunamis, which ducing tsunamis in the Mediterrane-
nami and there was a meltdown of were all of a large magnitude and oc- an Sea is the Hellenic Arc subduction
three reactors. curred along subduction zones. The zone (see Figure 3.14). Large earth-
large number of tsunamis in the Pa- quakes (M≈8.5), presumably recur-
Intensity is an estimation of the event cific Ocean (NGDC/WDS, n.d.) are ring at intervals of hundreds to thou-
impact, which is measured using em- caused by widely different sources, sands of years, generate basin-wide,
pirical scales such as the 12-grade such as non-subduction earthquakes, destructive tsunamis, such as those
Mercalli–Sieberg scale, which was in- landslides and volcanoes. that occurred in AD 365 and 1303
troduced more than a century ago and in Crete, and the large Minoan (17th
is gradually improving. Magnitude Subduction zone earthquakes also century BCE) tsunami produced by
measures earthquake size in terms of occur in the Indian Ocean, along the the giant eruption of the Santorini
the energy released. Richter (1935) Sunda Arc and in Makran (Pakistan). volcano. Strong tsunamis also occur in
introduced an initial magnitude scale, Thrust faulting earthquakes, such as less active regions, such as the Algeri-
which was later improved by the con- the one that occurred in 2004 in Su- an thrust (North Africa, e.g. Schindelé
cept of moment-magnitude (Kan- matra, and large volcanic eruptions, et al., 2015), the Calabrian Arc (south-
amori, 1977). However, no standard such as that of 27 August 1883 in ern Italy) and the Cyprus Arc. Several
and satisfactory tsunami magnitude Krakatoa (Sunda Strait, Indonesian other seismic, volcanic and landslide
scales have been proposed so far ow- Arc), produced devastating transoce- tsunami sources are distributed in
ing to the lack of appropriate tsunami anic tsunamis. Tsunamigenic zones the Mediterranean Sea, including in
instrumental records. Therefore, tsu- are also present in the North-East closed basins (e.g. the Corinth Gulf,
nami intensity, expressing the event Atlantic, the North-East Atlantic and Central Greece), the Marmara Sea
impact (e.g. using the six-grade tsu- the Mediterranean (NEAM) region, and the Black Sea. In the North-East
nami intensity scale introduced by the Caribbean Sea, Indonesia and the Atlantic, the area offshore south-west
Sieberg (1927)), is still a rough proxy Philippines. Tsunamis can also occur Iberia constitutes a major source of
of the event size. A 12-grade scale in areas with little earthquake activity. basin-wide destructive tsunamis (e.g.
was introduced by Papadopoulos and the one caused by the Lisbon earth-
Imamura (2001), which is similar to quake (M≈8.5) on 1 November 1755).
the one used in seismology: for ex- Tsunamis in the North However, local tsunamis occur in the
ample, a tsunami of grade 6 intensity Eastern Atlantic and the Azores Islands, in the English Chan-
indicates a slightly damaging event, Mediterranean region nel and in Norwegian fjords, the last


The Hellenic subduction zone of the African lithospheric plate beneath the Eurasian plate in the South
Aegean Sea is a cause of tsunami generation from strong submarine earthquakes
Source: after Mouslopoulou et al. (2015)
(a) Stars indicate the epicentres of the large tsunamigenic earthquakes of AD 365 (west) and 1303 (east) off the
island of Crete. Yellow arrows indicate plate movement from Global Positioning System stations. G, Gavdos Island;
WF, Western Fault; GF, Gavdos Fault; EF1, Eastern Fault 1; EF2, Eastern Fault 2.
(b) Subduction cross-sections in western (a-a) and eastern (b-b’) Crete. Black line indicates plate interface. The
weakly locked portion of the interface is highlighted in yellow (vertical scale changes with depth). A large earthquake
in one of the faults of the area causes upward displacement of the crust and pushes the water column upwards,
thus producing a large tsunami.


of which are associated with coastal

Schematic explanation of some commonly used tsunami terms. Nearly all the tsunami sources in the
The term “run-in” is also in use instead of inundation. NEAM region are located at a short
The term “tsunami amplitude” is in use by some authors to describe ei- distance from coastlines, and tsunami
ther tsunami height at shore or wave amplitude in the open sea. travel times are very short, in most
Source: Papadopoulos et al. (2014); modified from IOC (1998)
cases less than 30 minutes. The near-
field issue is of crucial importance for
the effective operation of Tsunami
Early Warning Systems (TWSs) both
in the NEAM region and elsewhere
(e.g. Schindelé, 1998).

Monitoring system
Seismograph networks

National institutions maintain their

own seismic networks all around the
FIGURE 3.16 globe, including in the NEAM region,
to pursue their main mission of na-
Brick building in Sri Lanka destroyed by the large Sumatra tsunami of 26
tional seismic monitoring. Data archiv-
December 2004.
Source: photo courtesy by G. A. Papadopoulos ing and/or real-time data exchange
occurs within the framework of inter-
national organisations, consortia and
federated networks. The sustainability
of the European component of these
services is supported by national and
EU funding and by the European
Plate Observing System European
Research Infrastructure Consortium,
which is a pan-European long-term
infrastructure programme. For exam-
ple, the permanent stations available
at the time of writing through the Eu-
ropean Integrated Data Archive por-
tal (http://www.orfeus-eu.org/data/
eida/) are illustrated in Figure 3.19.
This integration of national networks
into a single system allows for a bet-
ter and more rapid characterisation of
strong (M6-6.9) to major and great
(up to M8 or more) earthquakes. This

important asset feeds a vital data bank source models (e.g. Shearer and Bürg- Satellite System
that can be exploited for a better un- mann, 2010). In several areas there is networks
derstanding of the seismic potential a significant gap in coverage due to
of a region, which is also a fundamen- the lack of sufficient seismic station An alternative way to overcome the
tal tool for seismic and tsunami mon- coverage. This is the case along the problem of earthquake magnitude
itoring and the long-term assessment coasts of North Africa. In the North- saturation is to use the Global Nav-
of tsunami hazard and risk. East Atlantic, the coverage is also igation Satellite System (GNSS) to
limited owing to the absence of land measure large earthquake magnitudes.
In high-magnitude earthquakes (e.g. areas. These limitations in turn affect The underlying idea is that GNSS
Sumatra 2004), the very long rup- the accuracy and rapidity of the as- stations, which do not saturate when
ture duration along the seismic fault sessment of tsunami potential when measuring large co-seismic ground
makes it difficult to form a rapid as- an earthquake is not surrounded by displacements, can be closer to the
sessment of earthquake magnitude, a sufficient number of nearby seis- source than the seismic broadband
which, however, is a prerequisite for mic stations. Improvements in station stations, and thus may contribute to
an effective TWS. This is a problem coverage would reduce both the num- faster TWS response times.
known as ‘earthquake magnitude sat- ber of false alarms and the uncertain-
uration’. The 2004 event spurred the ty of real-time tsunami forecasting
development of ad hoc seismological provided by TWSs.
techniques (e.g. Lomax and Michelini,
2009a, 2009b), including improve- The monitoring of
ments in inversion methods for finite Global Navigation earthquakes, crustal
deformation and sea-
level changes through
FIGURE 3.17 geophysical networks
Large fishing boats that were moved ashore by the Japanese tsunami of constitutes the
11 March 2011. cornerstone for tsunami
Source: photo courtesy by G. A. Papadopoulos monitoring and early
warning. Innovative
solutions are needed for
substantial monitoring

Global Navigation Satellite System

is the modern terminology used for
geo-spatial positioning systems in
general, including Global Positioning
System (GPS) and several regional
networks (e.g. GLONASS, Galileo,
BeiDou). Numerous national and
international organisations maintain
permanent networks of receivers that
contribute to this global system. At
a European level, one of the most


important is the EUREF Permanent wide efforts for the augmentation al., 2013). In addition, Chile and the
Network (EUREF, 2011), to which of TWSs with a GNSS-based com- United States, among others, are now
more than 100 organisations actively ponent (Blewitt et al., 2006; Sobolev actively progressing in the same direc-
contribute. In addition to their appli- et al., 2007; Song, 2007; Falck et al., tion (e.g. Melgar et al., 2016).
cations in geodesy and geophysics, 2010; Babeyko et al., 2010). Follow-
GNSS data transmitted in real time ing the 2011 Tohoku tsunami disaster, In the Mediterranean, among oth-
can significantly improve the earth- thanks to the exceptional Japanese er In the Mediterranean, the Istituto
quake monitoring and tsunami fore- GEONET network, it was possible to Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
casting capabilities of the TWSs. The show the feasibility of a GNSS-based (INGV; Italy) and the National Ob-
2004 Sumatra event triggered world- TWS (Ohta et al., 2012; Hoechner et servatory of Athens (NOA; Greece),
as well as other Tsunami Service
Providers (TSPs) acting in the Inter-
FIGURE 3.18 governmental Coordination Group
for the Tsunami Early Warning and
Geographical distribution of the tsunami sources reported in the Europe-
an-Mediterranean region from antiquity to the present. K is the maximum Mitigation System in the North-east-
tsunami intensity in the 12-grade Papadopoulos and Imamura (2001) ern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and
scale. connected seas (NEAMTWS/IOC/
Source: Papadopoulos (2015) UNESCO) (see Chapter, op-
erate GPS networks transmitting data
in real time. These networks provide
a good coverage around the Ionian
Sea (Figure 3.20), where several po-
tentially tsunamigenic seismic sources
are situated (e.g. Basili et al., 2013). In
cooperation with GFZ (Germany),
these centres are assessing the feasi-
bility of the incorporation of GNSS-
based solutions in their operations,
within the framework of the EU-FP7
project ASTARTE (2013); the instal-
lation of new stations is ongoing in
both Greece and Italy, funded by the
MIUR (Italian Ministry of University
and Research) Italian Flagship project
RITMARE (Figure 3.20). This is an
innovative prospect for the NEAM
TWS, given that no operational exam-
ples are in place so far in the exist-
ing major tsunami warning systems.
Of potential innovative interest is
also the development of transoceanic
submarine cabled observing systems
composed of electro-optical seabed
cables with optical repeaters for the
transmission of data (Howe et al.,
2016). Adding environmental sensors
to the repeaters would provide an un-

paralleled global network of real-time The measurement of sea-level chang- term multihazard purposes and geo-
data for ocean climate and sea level es is performed by permanent tide dynamic and oceanographic studies
monitoring and disaster mitigation gauge stations installed at coastlines, (e.g. climate change), but they are also
from earthquake and tsunami hazards. as well as by ocean buoys, which are useful in tsunami warning if the time
floating devices on the sea surface interval between the data points and that report the sea level by measuring the data latency are sufficiently small.
Measuring sea the pressure on the bottom of the Tide gauges have registered tsunamis
level changes sea. Tide gauges are useful for long- since the mid-19th century. For the


Broadband seismic sensors operating in the NEAM region (data retrieved from ORFEUS Data Centre;
Different colours indicate different institutions operating sensor networks.
Source: figure prepared by M. Charalampakis, National Observatory of Athens, Greece


NEAM region, about 310 stations means of its web service (Webcritech, mitted to the linked buoy and then
contribute data to the inventory pro- n.d.). In recent years, JRC has pro- to the monitoring centres by satellite.
vided by the Flanders Marine Institute vided more than 20 new Inexpensive Incorporation of such offshore meas-
(VLIZ) in Oostende, Belgium, and Devices for Sea Level (IDSL) meas- urements is desirable to detect a tsu-
UNESCO/IOC (2017) (Figure 3.22). urements in the NEAM region (An- nami well in advance of its arrival at
However, only a few are available in nunziato, 2015). the coasts. Measurements of offshore
real time, which is a necessity for early Ocean buoys are linked with pressure sea levels are achieved by the Deep-
warning. The Joint Research Centre sensors on the ocean floor called tsu- Ocean Assessment and Reporting of
(JRC) of the European Commission nameters. The pressure change caused Tsunami (DART) buoys, which oper-
offers sea-level data redundancy by by the passage of a tsunami is trans- ate in the Pacific, Indian and western


Broadband seismic sensors operating in the NEAM region (data retrieved from ORFEUS Data Centre, Figure
prepared by M. Charalampakis, NOA, Greece). Different colours indicate different institutions operating sensor
Source: figure prepared by M. Charalampakis, National Observatory of Athens, Greece

Atlantic Oceans. However, there is no ries of pressure measurements that our thinking on how to deal with
clear consensus among the scientific are connected to land stations via sub- such low-frequency but high-impact
community as regards the suitability marine cables. events (e.g. Lorito et al., 2016). Both
of the DART system in more narrow tsunamis led to a reanalysis of pre-
and confined regions such as NEAM, 3.3.3 vious models for predicting where
owing not only to their high cost but large earthquakes might recur and
also to the near-field issue characteris- Tsunami risk how large they might be. At present,
ing tsunami early warning operations assessment and we cannot rule out the occurrence
in the NEAM region. reduction of similar megathrust earthquakes
Other types of sea-level measurement along any subduction zone across the
include floating GPS systems and the Earth, including in the Mediterranean
undersea pressure cables, both of Lessons learned from key Sea (e.g. Kagan and Jackson, 2013).
which are used operationally by Ja- tsunami events Harsh lessons have also been learned
pan. The first of these measures the from more localised tsunamis occur-
sea-level change by the differential The mega tsunamis of 2004 (Suma- ring after smaller earthquakes.
measurement with respect to a fixed tra) and 2011 (Japan) not only had
point on Earth; the second uses a se- tragic consequences, but also changed The 1998 Papua New Guinea event
was an eye-opener for the tsunami
community, as it proved that subma-
FIGURE 3.21 rine landslides after an earthquake
Map showing stations of the INGV RING (purple dots) and NOANET (red
may cause massive tsunamis. The 25
dots) networks. Yellow triangles are the new planned stations, the instal- October 2010 Mentawai (off Suma-
lation of which has been ongoing since October 2016. tra) tsunami was caused by an M7.7
Source: Michelini and Charalampakis 2016 ‘slow’ earthquake, which is character-
ised by a relatively small magnitude
compared with the size of the asso-
ciated tsunami. The shaking from
this event was not very strong, but
it lasted for a long time. This may be
one reason why many people did not
self-evacuate, which unfortunately
led to more than 400 casualties (Syn-
olakis, 2011). These types of event are
termed ‘tsunami earthquakes’ (Polet
and Kanamori, 2009); however, their
mechanism is still not completely un-
derstood, and the estimation of their
frequency and possible locations re-
mains elusive.
Tsunami hazard,
vulnerability and risk

Tsunami hazard measures the likeli-

hood that a tsunami of a certain size


will hit a coastal location in the future, events of different sizes (the natural fit analysis in comparison with other
that is, the probability of a tsunami or aleatory uncertainty) nor the degree risks at a given site. PTRA (Løvholt
exceeding a run-up height of 10 me- of belief that one has regarding differ- et al., 2015) is already conducted at
tres within a period of 50 years. Like- ent plausible but alternative models of a global scale for the 2015 UNISDR
wise, building vulnerability describes the same phenomenon (the epistemic Global Assessment Report (UNISDR,
the probability of tsunami damage uncertainty) is generally addressed. 2015a). A global analysis of epistemic
and exposure relates to the people, Moreover, the worst-case approaches uncertainty was incorporated in a fol-
buildings or assets that are subject are prone to overlook the hazard and low-up global PTHA study (Davies
to potential losses. The tsunami risk risk posed by more frequent, smaller et al., 2016). Previous hazard and risk
measures the probability of future events, which may dominate the risk analyses in the NEAM region have
tsunami consequences and any poten- at certain locations exactly because been based mostly on scenario anal-
tial losses. In simple terms, the tsu- they are more frequent. ysis (e.g. Tinti and Armigliato, 2003;
nami risk is the convolution between Tinti et al..,2005; Lorito et al., 2008;
tsunami hazard, vulnerability and ex- Tonini et al., 2011). More recently,
posed elements at risk. studies dealing with new PTHA meth-
Tsunami risk ods have been applied in the NEAM
Rare but often destructive events region, mostly for earthquake sourc-
dominate tsunami risk worldwide.
management requires es (Grezio et al., 2010; Sørensen et
Historical tsunami records are too synergy between the al., 2012; Lorito et al., 2015; Omira et
short to reveal run-up heights at the scientific community, al., 2016; Selva et al., 2016). Some risk
level of hazard for which we need to decision-makers, civil scenarios have been developed within
prepare. This is a fundamental dif- protection authorities and the EU FP7 ASTARTE project, and
ference between tsunamis and earth- other stakeholders for approaches to PTRA have also been
quakes, floods or cyclones, for exam- hazard, vulnerability and explored within the EU FP7 STREST
ple, for which destructive events can project, which deals with natural haz-
be found in regional historical records
risk assessment, warning ard multirisk assessment for non-nu-
and for which the hazard posed by systems operation, clear critical infrastructures.
future events can be more robustly preparedness, training One important ongoing initiative is
extracted from the available data. The and emergency planning. the TSUMAPS-NEAM project (n.d.),
considerable uncertainty characteris- funded by EU budget, which in 2017
ing the assessment of tsunami hazard will provide the first official commu-
in most locations needs to be reduced nity-based and homogeneous regional
by corroborating, or even replacing, PTHA for the NEAM region. Recent-
the statistical analysis of past events Presently, however, probabilistic tsu- ly, probabilistic tsunami hazard maps
with the statistical and physics-based nami hazard (PTHA) and probabilis- have been developed on a national
modelling of potential future sources, tic tsunami risk assessments (PTRAs) scale (e.g. in Italy, Greece, Portugal),
in combination with numerical mod- are progressively replacing the tradi- which will probably benefit from the
elling of tsunami generation, propa- tional worst-case scenarios methods, existence of the regional assessment.
gation and inundation (e.g. Geist and which nevertheless remain an impor- To date, approaches for tsunami risk
Parsons, 2006; Burbidge et al., 2008; tant initial screening tool. Probabilis- analysis are not well standardised.
Power et al., 2013). tic methods allow systematic analyses To improve the situation, the Global
to be made of how the sources of Tsunami Model initiative (n.d.) aims
Traditionally, the tsunami threat was uncertainty affect the hazard and risk to provide a coordinated response to
analysed by modelling the inundation assessment, which are inherently large tsunami hazard and risk assessment
for just a few scenarios, sometimes for tsunamis. All of this information worldwide.
termed worst-case scenarios. In this is vital for any risk-reduction planning
way, neither the relative likelihood of measure, including the cost–bene- This effort has already been endorsed

by the Global Facility for Disaster uations in the long term, but also to munication, response capability. A
Reduction and Recovery and UNIS- temporal variations in exposure (e.g. national TWS has operated in Japan
DR, with the goal of contributing to seasonal and daily variations of pop- since the 1950s. In the Pacific Ocean,
the implementation of the 2015–30 ulation). a coordinated TWS involving many
Sendai framework for disaster risk re- nations was established in 1965 and
duction (UNISDR, 2015b). Although has been operating under the IOC/
the GTM is not yet fully operation- Early warning systems: UNESCO umbrella. In the aftermath
al, several GTM partners have been a worldwide overview of the devastating 2004 Sumatra tsu-
involved in the TSUMAPS-NEAM nami, the national delegates at the
multiple-expert integration process The objective of a TWS is to identi- IOC/UNESCO meeting decided to
and review, in an important first step fy earthquake tsunami sources, detect establish three international systems,
towards standardisation. tsunamis in advance and issue warn- one in each of the Indian Ocean, Car-
Another difficulty in reliably assess- ings to communities at risk, to prevent ibbean Sea and the NEAM region. At
ing tsunami risk is that vulnerability loss of life and to reduce damage. A present, four international systems
is a highly time-dependent parameter, typical TWS has four main compo- operate under the IOC umbrella (Fig-
owing not only to changes in the built nents: risk knowledge, monitoring ure 3.22). All four systems operate
environment and socioeconomic sit- and warning, dissemination and com- based on National Tsunami Warning


The four major TWSs operating around the globe under the coordination of IOC/UNESCO and the TSPs already
Source: IOC, modified by A. Rudloff, GFZ, Germany


Centres (NTWCs) coordinated by which are also useful for warning dis- Setting up an end-to-end TWS re-
the relevant Intergovernmental Co- tant places. Many European Member quires partnership and coordination
ordination Groups (ICGs). Germany States have invested a lot during the among different national and inter-
strongly supported efforts to build up past decade to upgrade their sea-level national institutions and organisa-
a national TWS in Indonesia (Rudloff networks for faster and better tsuna- tions, including those responsible
et al., 2009; Münch et al., 2011). mi detection, but much remains to be for seismic and sea-level monitoring,
done for an effective warning system. civil protection authorities and com-
The identification of earthquake However, offshore instrumentations munities at risk. Moreover, it requires
sources is made possible by seismo- of the DART type are very expensive considerable financial investment to
graph networks, while GNSS net- in comparison with tide gauge net- support tsunami research, to build,
works have the potential to achieve works. Japan has implemented cable maintain and upgrade comprehen-
the rapid and accurate assessment systems that include pressure sensors, sive monitoring networks, and to raise
of magnitude for large earthquakes seismometers and accelerometers. community awareness and prepared-
in the future. Tsunami detection Such equipment is expensive but lasts ness.
and confirmation is achievable using more than a decade and has a very low
sea-level records from tide gauges, maintenance cost. There is also a need to develop clear


Decision matrix for the Mediterranean basin, proposed by the ICG/NEAMTWS/IOC/UNESCO system in November
2010. Since then, NTWCs have slightly updated/modified this DM but its main structure remains operational.
The DM adopted for the North-East Atlantic is similar.
Source: authors

Focal Epicentre Mw Tsunami potential Tsunami message type

depth location Local Regional Basin
>5.5 and Weak potential for
Advisory Information Information
Offshore or ≤6.0 local tsunami
close to the
coast (≤40 km Potential for a
>6.0 and
inland) destructive local Watch Advisory Information
tsunami (<100 km)

<100km Potential for a

>6.5 and destructive regional
Offshore or Watch Watch Advisory
≤7.0 tsunami
close to the (<400 km)
inland) Potential for a
>7.0 destructive basin- Watch Watch Watch
wide tsunami

Offshore or
≥100km inland >5.5 Nil Information Information Information

legal frameworks for each country, average time to issue tsunami warn- ing on the earthquake magnitude,
whereby the roles and responsibilities ings is approximately 8-12 minutes. epicentre and focal depth (Table 1).
of the institutions and organisations Tsunami messages are also sent to the The tsunami severity scales with the
involved will be clearly defined. IOC (Paris), the ERCC (EU, Brussels) earthquake magnitude range to pro-
and the JRC (Ispra). Following a ta- duce three tsunami message types: ble-top accreditation procedure by Tsunami Information, Tsunami Advi-
Tsunami warning international experts, the CTSPs were sory, Tsunami Watch. The magnitude
systems in the NEAM region: successfully evaluated and nominat- range also determines the maximum
the NEAMTWS/IOC/ UNESCO ed as TSPs at the 13th ICG Session, distance at which a tsunami impact is
and JRC/EC initiatives Bucharest, September 2016. Since likely to be caused at coastlines. There-
the operational NEAM TWS started fore, local (≤ 100 km), regional (≤400
Since the establishment of the ICG/ (summer 2012), the system was acti- km) and basin-wide tsunami message
NEAMTWS/IOC/UNESCO system vated in about 25 earthquake events types are considered. Tsunami arrival
in 2005, the member countries have of M ≥ 5.5. The NTWCs of Portugal times in pre-defined coastal forecast
worked together to build up the sys- and Romania are preparing to start points are calculated and inserted in
tem. Initially the system was based on acting as CTSPs soon. the alert message. Next, sea-level data
four NTWCs, which, since the sum- analysis is undertaken to monitor and
mer of 2012 (France, Greece, Turkey) The TSPs are supported in their op- confirm the tsunami by issuing on-
and spring of 2014 (Italy), have act- erations by a decision matrix (DM), going alert messages or to cancel the
ed as candidate TSPs (CTSPs) for all namely a simplified and conservative message if no tsunami is detected.
ICG Member States interested in sub- set of empirical rules for the possi- The above procedure underlines the
scribing to the service. The current bility for tsunami generation depend- importance of seismograph and tide
gauge networks in tsunami warning
Regular communication tests among
Tsunami evacuation building in Japan
TSPs and continuous staff training are
Source: photo courtesy by G.A. Papadopoulos
of utmost importance given that tsu-
namis are infrequent events. A good
example was the Global Tsunami
Informal Monitoring Service (2013-
16), coordinated by the JRC. Several
national TWSs of the NEAM region
participated. After a strong (M≥7),
potentially tsunamigenic, earthquake,
the TWSs staff initiated a monitoring
procedure for the collection of tsu-
nami-related information and records
(e.g. in tide gauges) and reported this
to the JRC.

Tsunami Service Provider operations

might be of great importance not
only for early warning, but also for
prompt scientific advice on post-dis-
aster management in a multihazard
context. The ongoing pilot project


ARISTOTLE, funded from budget of hazard zone, which can have tragic that are triggered by earthquakes).
European Union, is providing scientif- consequences. Japanese tsunami haz-
ic support not only on tsunamis but ard maps prior to 2011 were based on Tsunamis are characterised as
also on other types of natural haz- historical earthquake records with up- low-probability but high-impact
ards, including earthquakes, volcanic per bound earthquake moment mag- events. While they are most frequent
activity and meteorological hazards, nitudes that were too small (Geller, in the Pacific, the tsunami hazard is
to ERCC in the period 2016-17. 2011). This is probably reflected in also present in the Indian Ocean, the
the (ex post) insufficiently cautionary NEAM region, the Caribbean Sea and risk management of the Fukushima elsewhere. The assessment of tsuna-
Preparedness- nuclear power plant (Synolakis and mi hazard and risk is susceptible to a
Education-Training Kanoglu, 2015). In some coastal ar- variety of uncertainties, including our
and the role of eas, evacuees felt sufficiently safe to limited knowledge of the likelihood
Civil Protection move just outside the hazard zone of infrequent tsunami sources, or the
limits. However, the 2011 tsunami complexity of the tsunami inunda-
The mitigation of tsunami risk should proved larger than the ‘design tsuna- tion.
rely not only on early warning but also mi’ and killed many people outside
on the synergy of several actions, in- the hazard zones. Partnership
cluding preparedness and emergency The assessment of the impact in-
planning, exercises, training, educa- Awareness and preparedness may be corporates many fields of physical
tion and public awareness. For such enhanced by table-top drills based sciences, hazard modelling, engineer-
activities, the civil protection and oth- on tsunami scenarios, such as the ing and social sciences. Neglecting
er national authorities have a key role NEAMWAVE12 (2012) and NEA- any of these fields will inevitably re-
to play in order to make the down- MWAVE14 (2014), which involved duce the accuracy, reliability and use-
stream component of the TWS effec- TSPs, civil protection authorities and fulness of the resulting risk metrics.
tive down to its ‘last mile’. the ERCC. Operational exercises also The process of risk identification
offer a good basis on which to test and should involve stakeholders from the
A key preparedness element is the improve emergency plans and rescue public and private sectors and should
designation of ‘hazard zones’ along capabilities (e.g. POSEIDON-2012, leverage ongoing national and inter-
tsunami-prone coastal segments, supported by EU budget, was an ex- national initiatives with the mandate
which entails an inherently political ercise performed on Crete, Greece). to calculate, communicate and reduce
cost–benefit assessment, relying on Education and public awareness are geophysical risks.
the input scientific information pro- very important, since their aim is to Even the most advanced TWS is not
vided through hazard and risk assess- teach people about tsunami risk and effective without a well-trained down-
ment. Hazard zones are necessary for ways to reduce it. stream component. Tsunami risk
long-term risk management actions, mitigation thus requires synergies be-
including urban and emergency plan- 3.3.4 tween the scientific and technological
ning. Evacuation during the early communities, decision-makers, civil
warning stage is facilitated by the ex- Conclusions and key protection authorities and other stake-
istence of hazard zones, since every- messages holders. The common aim should be
body needs to know beforehand the continual exercise and training, educa-
area that should be evacuated. Desig- Tsunamis are caused mainly by sub- tion and public awareness; this is vi-
nation of appropriate evacuation marine earthquakes but also by land- tal, since the public perception of the
buildings is also important for vertical slides, volcanic eruptions or other risk from infrequent events naturally
evacuation (Figure 3.23). causes. Complex cascading effects in- tends to fade over time, until the next
volving more than one tsunami gener- catastrophe happens.
Inaccurate hazard assessment may ation mechanism should not ignored
result in an underestimation of the (e.g. tsunamis caused by landslides

Knowledge other future societal needs. Satellite
A thorough understanding of tsu- data (e.g. buildings, road networks)
nami hazard and risk should not be will become more and more valuable
based solely on the analysis of past for risk assessment.
events, but must exploit broader sci-
entific analysis and modelling in order Civil protection authorities should
to assess the potential for future haz- elaborate plans to determine coast-
ards. Exposure and vulnerability (e.g. al hazard zones as well as to ensure
of populations) are time-dependent that tsunami warnings arrive on time
parameters, which makes risk assess- to local authorities and the gener-
ment a complex procedure. Standards al public. In parallel, best practices
and best practices for tsunami hazard for evacuation procedures should be
and risk assessment need to be further elaborated and communicated to the
established by the international com- public. These are issues of critical
munity, in order to better support pre- importance given that many tsunami
paredness and emergency planning. sources in the NEAM and beyond are
located in the near-field domain; thus,
Innovation coastal populations are threatened by
The experiences of the past 20 years the fact that any tsunami could reach
or so leave no doubt that TWSs that the coastline in less than 30 minutes.
are well suited to the rapid detection
of large magnitude earthquakes are
necessary. Well-developed instrumen-
tal networks of seismographs, tide
gauges and tsunameters substantially
support TWSs. However, major gaps
still exist in the coverage of large areas
(e.g. North Africa). The present TWS
performance could be improved by
filling in network gaps. An important
issue, however, is the constant TWS
maintenance, which requires regular
funding and technical support.

Technological innovations that may

drastically improve TWS performance
include the utilisation of GNSS net-
works for rapid and accurate large
earthquake magnitude calculation.
Of innovative value is the utilisa-
tion of submarine cable systems for
the transmission of seismic, tsunami
and other signals recorded on the sea
floor for multihazard purposes, in-
cluding seismic, volcanic and tsunami
early warning, climate monitoring and

Εarthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis are characterised as low-proba-
bility but high-consequence events. The assessment of the impact of such cata-
strophic events incorporates many fields of physical sciences, hazard modelling,
engineering and social sciences. Neglecting any of these fields will inevitably
reduce the accuracy, reliability and usefulness of the resulting risk metrics. The
process of risk identification should involve stakeholders from the public and
private sectors and should leverage ongoing national and international initiatives
with the mandate to calculate, communicate and reduce geophysical risks.

In the past two decades or so, the European Commission has supported a large
number of projects that have significantly advanced the science of earthquake,
volcanic and tsunami hazard modelling and risk assessment. Other national and
international programmes have also produced datasets, models and tools that
are fundamental for the assessment of geophysical risks. Leveraging on this
wealth of resources will reduce the replication of efforts. It is also important
that the international community investigates efficient approaches to, and de-
velops standards and best practices for, hazard and risk assessment based on
existing risk knowledge to enable effective DRM, including preparedness and
emergency planning.

Existing instrumental networks support EWSs mainly for earthquakes and tsu-
namis and, to a lesser degree, volcanic eruptions. However, major gaps still exist
in the instrumental coverage of large areas. The present performance of TWSs
for the protection of populations should be improved by filling the gaps in these
networks. However, even the most advanced EWSs are not effective without a
well-trained downstream component. Geophysical risk mitigation thus requires
synergies between the scientific and technological community, civil protection
authorities and other stakeholders. The common aim should be continual exer-
cises and training, education and public awareness; this is vital, since the public
perception of risk from infrequent events naturally tends to fade over time, until
the next catastrophe happens.

Geophysical risk assessment is fundamental to incorporate the wide spectrum

of uncertainties from the different risk components (hazard, exposure and vul-
nerability). Satellite imagery and VGI are enabling the characterisation of the
built environment with unprecedented temporal and spatial detail. Moreover,
the development of risk-reduction strategies not only should rely on the direct
(or physical) impact, but should also incorporate socioeconomic aspects, thus
considering the capability of the society to recover from destructive events.


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Chapter 3
disaster risk:
hazard related
risk issues
Hydrological risk

Peter Salamon Kevin Horsburgh

Coordinating lead author Lead author 3.6

Hannah Cloke Inigo Losada

Lead author 3.4 Ralf Weiss
Judith Wolf
Giuliano di Baldassarre
Owen Landeg
Florian Pappenberger
Maria-Helena Ramos
Nicola Casagli
Lead author 3.5

Fausto Guzzetti
Michel Jaboyedoff
Farrokh Nadim
David Petley
3 Understanding disaster
risk: hazard related risk
Section II. Hydrological risk

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
3.4 Hydrological risk: Flood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
3.4.1 Introduction: flood hazards and impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
3.4.2 Living with floods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
3.4.3 Drivers of flood hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
3.4.4 Flood hazard and risk mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
3.4.5 Flood monitoring, forecasting and early warning systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
3.4.6 Copernicus Emergency Management Service: floods (EFAS and GloFAS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
3.4.7 Communicating uncertainty and decision making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
3.4.8 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
3.5 Hydrological Risk: landslide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
3.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
3.5.2 Landslide causes and triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
3.5.3 The socio-economic impact of landslides in Europe and climate change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
3.5.4 Landslide zoning: inventory, susceptibility and hazard maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
3.5.5 Landslide monitoring and early warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
3.5.6 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
3.6 Hydrological risk: wave action, storm surge and coastal flooding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
3.6.1 Overview of coastal flood risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
3.6.2 Natural variability of waves, storm surges and mean sea level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
3.6.3 Datasets for coastal flood hazard analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
3.6.4 Future climate projections of waves, storm surges and mean sea level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
3.6.5 Tools and methods for assessing coastal flood hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3.6.6 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230


he following subchapters cover the principal hydrological risks and, in
the case of landslides, hazards that are triggered through hydrological
events. In the case of floods, the subchapters cover fluvial, flash and
pluvial floods, as well as coastal flooding caused by wave actions and
storm surges.
• Fluvial floods occur when river levels rise and burst or overflow their banks,
inundating the surrounding land forming the river’s floodplain. This can
occur in response to storms with higher than normal rainfall totals and/or
intensities, to seasonal strong weather systems such as monsoons or winter
stormtracks, or to sudden melting of snow in spring.
• Flash floods can develop when heavy rainfall occurs suddenly, particularly
in mountainous river catchments, although they can occur anywhere. Strong
localised rainfall, rapid flood formation and high water velocities can be
particularly threatening to the population at risk and are highly destructive.
• Heavy rainfall may cause surface water flooding, also known as pluvial
flooding, particularly in cities where the urban drainage systems become
• Floods can also be generated by infrastructure failure (e.g. dam breaks), gla-
cial/lake outbursts and groundwater rising under prolonged very wet con-
ditions, which cause waterlogging. In many cases, flooding occurs as a result
of more than one of the generating mechanisms occurring concurrently,
making the prediction of flood hazards and impacts even more challenging,
and the probable resulting damage more severe.
• Coastal flooding is caused by a combination of high tide, storm surge and
wave conditions. Development on flood plains increases the risk as does
coastal erosion and sea level rise.
• Landslide occurrence is related to causal factors, which create a propensity
for a slope to fail and trigger the specific external event that induces land-
slide occurrence at that particular time. In most cases, but not all, the timing
of failure is associated with a trigger event.
• Heavy rainfall is a key factor in generating landslides, primarily through the
generation of pore water pressures and a reduction in the effective normal
stress. The second key factor for landslide generation is the impact of seis-
mic events.

Floods and landslides affect a large number of people across the world every
year, with severe socioeconomic impacts. Severe fluvial flooding repeatedly af-
flicts European populations, with trans-national events often being the most
damaging. It is estimated that GBP 150 billion (EUR 177 billion) of assets and
4 million people are currently at risk from coastal flooding in the United King-
dom alone, for example. Significant advances have been made in recent years
to map these risks, to develop and set up EWSs for better preparedness and to
improve the communication of risks to decision-makers and the public. How-
ever, variations in socioeconomic factors (land use, demography, migration) as


well as changes in climate and weather patterns may lead to rapid changes in
flood and landslide risk in the future and will require increased levels of adap-

This chapter describes the current knowledge regarding the drivers, impacts
and key tools to manage risks for these hazards. It identifies a set of challenges
and gaps for key stakeholders to further reduce and better manage their risks
and to be prepared for future changes in risk.

3.4 Hydrological risk: Flood
Hannah Cloke, Giuliano di Baldassarre, Owen Landeg,
Florian Pappenberger, Maria-Helena Ramos

knowledge of hydraulic structures social care service delivery and busi-

3.4.1 such as dams and weirs along rivers, ness supply chains (National Flood
Introduction: assumptions and extrapolations in Resilience Review, 2016; Landeg and
flood hazards statistical analyses of extreme floods, Lawson 2014). Finally, flooding is
and impacts and depth-damage functions. The es-
timation of flood damages also de-
also frequently associated with power
outages, which themselves can have
In principle, flooding is a natural phe- pends on several assumptions (Merz a detrimental impact on health and
nomenon that affects all river basins et al., 2010). It involves challenges businesses (Klinger et al., 2014) and
around the world in more or less reg- in defining damages for different el- a knock-on effect on other critical
ular intervals and that fulfils essential ements at risk (e.g. houses, public infrastructure such as railways and
functions in the natural ecosystem. spaces, industries), and transferring wastewater services.
However, owing to human settle- solutions in space (from one region to
ments being established within flood- another) and in time (from one flood
plains and common development event to another).
practices not leaving room for rivers Flood disasters affect
under flood conditions, flooding is Flooding causes long-term damage to a large number of
mostly considered for its negative health, with immediate impacts such
as drowning, physical trauma, infec-
people across the world
rather than its positive effects (Watson
and Adams, 2010). Alfieri et al. (2016) tions and chemical hazards, and also every year, with severe
estimate flood impact at the Europe- affects well-being, livelihoods and social and economic
an Union level to be ≈EUR 6 billion social cohesion. It is also not always impacts. Severe flooding
per year, affecting 250 000 people per easy to identify the local consequenc- repeatedly affects
year. Although flood impact assess- es of flooding, such as the effects European populations,
ment is an essential step by which to caused by displacement, the destruc- with trans-national events
optimise flood mitigation measures, tion of homes, delayed recovery and
there are many sources of uncertain- the disruption of access to health
often being the most
ty that affect such complex estimates. services (WHO, 2013). Flooding can damaging.
For example, uncertainty may come also cause damage to critical infra-
from sparse and short datasets, poor structure and can interrupt health and


The vulnerability of riverside com- considered, along with a review of disruption to our lives. However, there
munities around the world is particu- the added value of flood monitoring, are many things that we can do to pre-
larly worrying in the light of migra- flood forecasting and EWSs. pare better for floods and manage the
tion pressures, socioeconomic drivers risk, including strengthening compo-
and climatic change. Even those who nents of flood prevention, flood pre-
live flood-adapted lifestyles are not 3.4.2 paredness, flood response and flood
resilient to severe floods that occur Living with floods recovery, which are part of the dis-
only rarely, particularly when the last aster cycle (Figure 3.). Interventions
big flood was beyond living memory Learning to live with flooding means can be taken during a flood to limit
(Garde-Hansen et al., 2016) and in that we recognise that flooding will the impact of the disaster, including
light of the impacts of future climate continue to happen, as it is a natural the evacuation of settlements or the
change. phenomenon. There are many uncer- creation of additional flood relief
In this subchapter, the main drivers tainties in knowing when and where a space through the opening of dykes
of flood hazard are introduced and flood will happen, both in the imme- or dams. This response is followed by
flood hazard and risk mapping are diate term and in terms of probable a recovery phase after the disaster has
discussed, particularly at the region- climate change timescales, and when passed, which includes relief meas-
al scale. Flood predictability is then it does flood there is inevitably some ures, reconstruction and event analy-


Hazards and risk event cycle

Source: courtesy of authors
Damage mitigation
Emergency measures
Preparations for Intervention Recondition
Early warning Energy & Transport systems
Raised readiness Response Communications
Supply and disposal

Emergency provisions Event analysis

Management Documentation
Warning and alert systems Hazards and Lesson learnt
Resources for intervention risk
Emergency planning Event Cycle
Training and exercise
Preparedness Recovery
Legal bases
Land use planning
Technical & Environmental measures Reconstruction
Biological measures Reconstruction and strengthening of resilience
Organisational measures Financing

sis. Often, this phase is aligned with ing and using EWSs). The aim is to their banks, inundating the surround-
the aim to achieve a similar economic minimise the vulnerability of socie- ing land that forms the river’s flood-
standard to that before the event. ty and to prepare it for an adequate plain. This can occur in response to
response and recovery after the next storms with higher than normal rain-
event. The diversity in the way soci- fall totals and/or intensities, seasonal
eties prepare for, respond to and re- strong weather systems such as mon-
Our best strategy for cover from floods is largely governed soons or winter stormtracks, or the
flood management is by their experience with flood risk sudden melting of snow in spring.
management and the magnitude of The spring 2006 flood in the upper
learning to live with the floods that they have historically part of Elbe river basin is an exam-
flooding, that is, preparing experienced (Thieken et al., 2007). ple of a flood event driven by snow-
ourselves today to be melt combined with precipitation
better adapted for flood Improving flood preparedness re- (Younis et al., 2008). With the rapid
risks tomorrow. quires contributions from many increase in temperature in April, snow
The combination of a different disciplines of knowledge. that was present in the catchment
strong flood risk Efforts are needed in terms of (1) was completely melted in 7-14 days.
improving risk governance, including While temperature is generally easi-
management policy, institutional governance, legal pro- er to forecast than precipitation, the
advanced early warning visions and financial instruments for assessment of the quantities of snow
technology and increased planning, prevention and crises man- accumulated in the catchment during
international collaboration agement, (2) understanding hazard the winter season can be a challenge
have the potential to modelling, incorporating meteorolog- for many EWSs.
reduce flood risk and ical forcing, hydrological, river and ur-
ban drainage processes, (3) forecasts
improve disaster response and predictions, from short to long
from the local to the lead time ranges, and (4) emergency Floods can be triggered
global scale. This requires response recovery, including coordi- by rivers bursting or
different disciplines of nation of local operations, assistance
overflowing their banks,
knowledge, scientists, to affected communities and recovery
storm surges in the ocean,
policymakers and of disrupted services. Communica-
tion with and engagement of the pub- tsunamis, groundwater
practitioners to work rising, glacial outbursts
lic, water managers and decision-mak-
closely together. ers is key to effectively integrate these or dam failures and from
layers and to improve flood prepared- surface water runoff in
ness. our cities after heavy rain.
If society has learned from the event,
then any recovery is followed by a dis- 3.4.3
aster risk-reduction phase, which in- Drivers of flood
cludes preventive measures (e.g. cre- hazard The severity of fluvial floods can be
ating natural retention in catchments, enhanced when the landscape is al-
changing land use, rethinking urban Floods happen for a variety of rea- ready saturated with water. Runoff
design, planning and architectural sons, but the main drivers are usually due to rainfall cannot infiltrate the
norms, and implementing structur- related to high rainfall, snowmelt and ground and, instead, flows directly to
al flood defences) and precautionary high river flow conditions (see Chap- the river channel, rapidly contribut-
measures (e.g. supporting insurance ter 3.6). Fluvial floods occur when ing to increased river levels. This oc-
mechanisms, refitting buildings, train- river levels rise and burst or overflow curred in the winter 2013/14 floods


in the south of the United Kingdom, with regard to precise knowledge of assets. They are needed at different
where an unusual series of storms the capacity of the sewer system as a spatial scales, from local and nation-
led to widespread flooding (Hunting- result of, for instance, debris block- al to global scales, and at different
ford et al., 2014; Muchan et al., 2015), ages, infrastructure failure (broken or temporal scales, from upcoming days
and in the 2013 floods in Germany cracked pipes) or a reduction of plu- to decades. Flood risk management
(Schröter et al., 2015). vial capacity (Chen et al., 2016). measures are key to flood hazard and
risk mapping. Flood risk management
Flash floods can develop when heavy Floods can also be generated by in- is considered at the European level
rainfall occurs suddenly, particular- frastructure failure (e.g. dam breaks), by the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC
ly in mountainous river catchments, glacial/lake outbursts, storm surges (European Commission, 2007) which
although they can occur anywhere and wave overtopping at the coast directs EU Member states to ade-
(Gaume et al., 2009; Brauer et al., (see Chapter 3.6), and groundwater quately assess and manage their flood
2011). In flash floods, the rate at which rising under very wet prolonged con- risk. This involves mapping the flood
river water levels rise is very rapid and ditions, thereby causing waterlogging hazard extent, assessing the flood risk
the flood forms quickly. High levels (Macdonald et al., 2012). In many cas- and producing flood risk manage-
of localised rainfall, rapid flood for- es, flooding occurs when more than ment plans, which also consider the
mation and high water velocities can one of the generating mechanisms longer-term drivers of land use and
be particularly threatening to the pop- happen concurrently, making the pre- climate change.
ulation at risk and highly destructive. diction of flood hazards and impacts
Challenges in the management of even more challenging, and the prob- Flood hazard can be calculated by
flash floods include the short prepa- able resulting damage more severe. assessing the probability of any par-
ration time to activate flood alerts and In addition, longer-term drivers of ticular area being flooded. Usually, it
emergency response, the sudden na- flood impacts are also of concern in is undertaken with respect to a par-
ture of the phenomenon, which of- many vulnerable areas. They include ticular level of flood, for example, the
ten catches the population at risk by changes in land use, population and 0.01 Annual Exceedance Probabili-
surprise, the difficulties of numerical geomorphology and the impacts of a ty threshold (also commonly known
weather prediction models in fore- changing climate (Alfieri et al., 2015; as the ‘100-year flood’ with a return
casting localised convective storms, Slater et al., 2015). These issues are period of 100 years, which is better
and the lack of quantitative data at not straightforward to determine be- understood as a flood that has a 1 %
small catchment level to improve the cause of the many uncertainties in- probability of occurring at any given
understanding and modelling of flash volved in using climate and socioec- location in any given year). Flood risk
floods (Collier, 2007; Leichti et al., onomic models to drive flood hazard takes the flood hazard and combines
2013; Alfieri et al., 2011). predictions and the difficulties in their this with information on the potential
evaluation (Cloke et al., 2013; Hall damage to society, such as vulnera-
Heavy rainfall may cause surface wa- et al., 2014; Hirabayashi et al., 2013; bility and the exposure of assets and
ter flooding, also known as pluvial Kendon et al., 2016; Vormoor et al., populations in the floodplain. Ap-
flooding, particularly in cities where 2015). proaches can be different depending
the urban drainage systems become on the temporal and spatial scales at
overwhelmed. In these cases, event 3.4.4 which the flood hazard and risk as-
monitoring from telemetric rain gaug- sessment are applied, on the model-
es or meteorological radar needs to be Flood hazard and ling tools and data available and on
coupled with hydrological, hydrau- risk mapping the type of flood hazard (e.g. if it is a
lic and drainage system models for fluvial, surface water or coastal flood).
flood mapping (Liguori et al., 2012). Flood risk can be calculated from
Challenges remain with regard to es- the hydrological flood hazard by in- A fully comprehensive flood risk map
timating accurately rainfall displace- cluding information on the exposure requires a great number of data, a se-
ment over an urban area, as well as and vulnerability of populations and ries of floods events over a long peri-

od and a chain of models and assess- can take into account flood policies, Baldassarre et al., 2010). Probabilistic
ments (Sampson et al., 2014, Dottori such as the implementation of flood methods can be used, as they assume
et al., 2016), although simpler map- protection measures, as well as the that, whichever model is chosen, it
ping based solely on flood events or interaction of human and physical will not perfectly represent all flood
other historical information can also systems, such as the adaptation effect propagation and inundation process-
be useful (Boudou et al., 2015). and the failed levee effect (Di Bal- es involved. This can be very impor-
dassare et al., 2015; Collenteur et al., tant when modelling flood inundation
2015). in changing environments, when they
are subject either to strong land use
Flood hazard and flood Flood hazard maps can be produced changes or to climate changes.
risk maps are required by using hydraulic models to simulate
water flow along rivers, over flood- Regional-scale fluvial flood hazard
for land use planning, plains and in urban surface water mapping has been improved by the
floodplain management, accumulation zones. Simulations are use of satellite data assimilation and
disaster response often combined with Geographic In- flood models to map flood inunda-
planning and financial formation System (GIS) techniques to tion pathways. Global flood hazard
risk planning. They can be build flood maps. This ideally requires maps can also be useful in the assess-
produced at increasingly substantial observed data for model ment of flood risk in a number of
higher resolutions using calibration and validation. For fluvial different applications, including (re)
floods, hydraulic models can use time insurance and large-scale flood pre-
flood modelling tools. series of historical river flows, histori- paredness. These maps can be creat-
Uncertainties can be cal rainfalls or time series of synthetic ed using large-scale computer models
taken into account design rainfall events, in conjunction of rainfall-runoff processes in river
by using probabilistic with catchment hydrology rain- catchments and river routing. They
methods. A focus on fall-runoff models. However, even may, however, require the use of a
flood hazard impacts can the most sophisticated approaches variety of post-processing methods
have difficulty producing robust esti- to better adjust simulations to local
enhance communication mates of extreme events (Sampson et measurements (Pappenberger et al.,
to the public. al., 2014), which can be problematic 2012; Ward et al., 2013; Winsemius
if these maps are the only resourc- et al., 2013; Dottori et al., 2016). At
es used to support decision-making the local scale, surface water flood
processes, such as urban planning. hazard mapping (pluvial flooding) has
For fluvial floods, a full risk mapping Describing flood inundation hazard benefited from recent improvements
requires long-term series of hydrome- and risk using probabilistic methods to fine-scale surface water modelling,
teorological data, satellite data on the is therefore encouraged (Romanow- particularly in cities, on 1-metre or
flood extent for the assimilation of icz and Beven, 2003; Pappenberger 2-metre grids, integrating topography,
spatial information, large datasets on et al., 2006). For example, flood in- land use, urban structures and poten-
population/asset exposure and flood undation hazard can be mapped from tially also subterranean drainage and
protection standards (Scussolini et the development and set-up of flood flooding impacts (Tyrna et al., 2016;
al., 2016), and commercially sensitive inundation models, a sensitivity analy- Palla et al., 2016).
damage data from insurance compa- sis using observations, the use of the
nies, which are often not openly ac- multiple acceptable (‘behavioural’) All numerically produced flood haz-
cessible. Longer timescale changes in model parameter sets to perform ‘en- ard maps, regardless of their spatial
flood risk are usually assessed through semble’ (multiple) simulations using scale, require validation in order to be
scenarios of climate change and soci- an uncertain synthetic design event, useful. This can be very challenging
oeconomic development (Apel et al., or an ensemble of scenarios, as input because of a lack of robust observed
2008; Winsemius et al., 2013). These to the flood inundation models (Di data. On local, regional or national


scales, validation can be undertaken, The predictability of hydrological can be used to represent the main
at least to some extent, on the basis of systems varies because of the large sources of predictive uncertainty.
past observations of inundation ex- number of non-linearities in these These use multiple simulations based
tents, from satellite, ground-based ob- systems, the challenges in the observ- on different model set-ups, model pa-
servations or community-based data ability of the state of the hydrologi- rameters, initial conditions, data, etc.
sources, as well as from river stage and cal variables, the presence of outliers Rather than just providing one ‘best
discharge measurements from river (rare occurrences), the variability of guess’ prediction, ensembles provide
gauges. In contrast, the accuracy of external forcing and the numerous a whole range of model realisations
global maps is far more challenging, as interactions among processes across and equally possible predictions for
globally consistent observations can scales (Bloschl and Zehe, 2005; Ku- the future. Information can be ob-
rarely be obtained. Trigg et al. (2016), mar et al., 2011; Peña et al., 2015; La- tained on which scenarios are most
for instance, describe several differ- vers et al., 2011). Different types of likely to happen and on the worst
ent global flood hazard maps, which floods are predictable with different possible scenario (given our current
have been individually validated with- time ranges. Flash floods driven by knowledge of initial conditions and
in a limited context. The estimates of convective rainfall are notoriously process representation). This can be
global flood hazard obtained are com- challenging to predict ahead in time useful to communicate forecast un-
pared to analyse their consistency and to produce effective early warnings certainty and to help stakeholders to
to provide an estimate of model un- (Collier, 2007; Berenguer et al., 2005), take more informed decisions (Cloke
certainty. In Africa, the agreement be- whereas slower developing floods in and Pappenberger, 2009; Stephens
tween the different models is relatively large catchments can be predicted and Cloke, 2014; Zsótér et al., 2016).
low (30-40 %), with major differences several days ahead of time with the The HEPEX initiative (Hydrologic
in magnitude and spatial extent par- use of probabilistic flood forecasting Ensemble Prediction Experiment,
ticularly observed for deltas, arid/ systems (Emerton et al., 2016). The n.d.) seeks to advance the science and
semi-arid zones and wetlands, which use of satellites and EWSs based on practice of hydrologic ensemble pre-
are all areas that suffer from a lack of computer-intensive forecasts has re- diction and its use in risk-based deci-
data for validation. Such discrepan- cently enabled distinct improvements sion-making by engaging researchers,
cies can have significant impact: for in our ability to provide effective in- forecasts and users in several commu-
example, the models showed a large formation on the likelihood and se- nity activities.
discrepancy in the Nile delta, where verity of upcoming flooding and the
approximately 95 % of the popula- extent of the affected area (Alfieri et Real-time monitoring and rapid map-
tion of Egypt lives. This highlights al., 2013; Revilla-Romero et al., 2015). ping of floods based on satellite data
the fact that any global flood hazard This information can be provided to have been implemented at a variety of
map should be used with caution and agencies, responders, stakeholders scales and by a number of different
that multimodel products may be use- and the public in various forms, in- actors to detect flooding severity and
ful (Trigg et al., 2016). The role of cluding interactive watch or warning extent in affected areas. For instance,
databases and post-event analyses is maps and flood guidance statements the Copernicus Emergency Man-
key to improve our understanding of (e.g. FFC, n.d.; Vigicrues, 2017). agement Service—Mapping (2017)
global flood hazard and risk (de Moel integrates satellite remote sensing
et al., 2015). However, there is substantial uncer- and available in situ data to provide
tainty in predicting floods, which stakeholders with timely and accu-
stems from the uncertainty in the rate geospatial information in emer-
3.4.5 atmosphere, the complexity of the gency situations and humanitarian
Flood monitoring, land-surface processes and the imper- crises (not just for floods, but also
fection in the computer models used other hazards). It operates for the full
forecasting and early to represent them (Cloke and Pap- emergency management cycle and
warning systems penberger, 2009; Rodríguez-Rincón can be broadly divided into (1) a Rap-
et al., 2015). Ensemble techniques id Mapping component, which pro-

vides on-demand information within ticular benefit, as they provide con- semble techniques, responding to the
hours or days, usually immediately in sistent and comparable information requirement of developing multi-haz-
response to a disaster event, and (2) for rivers that cross national bound- ard EWSs for disaster risk reduction.
a risk and recovery mapping to sup- aries. They can also be useful as sup- Flood magnitude and return period
port activities in the area of preven- port information for all nations that (or average frequency of occurrence)
tion, preparedness and disaster risk do not have adequate flood forecast- can be assessed for single points on a
reduction. Another activity in the area ing and warning capabilities (Alfieri river. However, for those applications
of monitoring flooding from space et al., 2012; Thiemig et al., 2015). As that require a measure of flood sever-
and their impacts is the Dartmouth Emerton et al. (2016) argue: ity across an entire region, or ‘flood-
Flood Observatory (n.d.). Maps are iness’, as, for example, in the case of
published to provide an overview of initiating and forecasting the need for
flooding impact and extent, and a day- humanitarian actions, floodiness indi-
to-day record of flooding occurrenc- Flood forecasting and ces can be used to provide a spatial
es is built for analyses at a later stage. view of the risk of flooding (Stephens
The use of space-based information
EWSs are identified as key et al., 2015). Although several applica-
facilitates international flood detec- preparedness actions for tions still rely on rainfall forecasts as
tion, response, future risk assessment, flood risk management a proxy for imminent flood hazard,
and community-wide hydrological re- and can be implemented Stephens et al. (op. cit.) have shown
search. Improvements in rainfall data at local scales through that monthly floodiness is not well
assimilation to meteorological mod- to continental and correlated with precipitation, which
els (e.g. Ballard et al., 2016) and soil global scales. Radar demonstrates the need for hydrome-
moisture, discharge and water level teorological EWSs at such scales.
data or flood inundation characteris-
and numerical weather
forecasting systems
tics to flood models (e.g. Garcia-Pin-
can be used as inputs 3.4.6
tado et al., 2015; Alvarez-Garreton et
al., 2015) have also provided improve- to flood forecasts, but Copernicus
ments in flood forecasting and hazard uncertainties should be Emergency
mapping. Many other vital data have taken into account using Management Service:
emerged, derived from ground-based
imagery flood monitoring, crowd-
ensemble (probabilistic) floods (EFAS and
sourcing, unmanned aerial vehicles, forecasting techniques. GloFAS)
rapid flood mapping and post-event
data collection by authorities, re- The European Flood Awareness Sys-
searchers and local communities (e.g. tem (EFAS, 2016; operational since
Walker et al., 2016; Le Coz et al., 2016; Operational systems currently have 2012) and GloFAS (GloFAS, 2017;
Perks et al., 2016). the capability to produce coarse- due to become operational in ear-
scale discharge forecasts in the medi- ly 2017) aim to provide early flood
Numerical weather prediction models um-range and disseminate forecasts information to national authorities
have now improved to the point that and, in some cases, early warning to support national capabilities, par-
operational centres can set up hydro- products in real time across the globe, ticularly with earlier and probabilis-
meteorological systems that are able in support of national forecasting tic information. EFAS additionally
to forecast river flow and flooding on capabilities. With improvements in provides information to the Europe-
larger catchments several days, and seasonal weather forecasting, future an Commission’s ERCC to support
even weeks, ahead of an upcoming advances may include more seamless flood disaster response.
flood event at global scales (Emerton hydrological forecasting at the glob-
et al., 2016). Transnational forecasting al scale alongside a move towards The EFAS project was initiated fol-
and warning systems can be of par- multi-model forecasts and grand en- lowing the severe 2002 flooding that


took place across Europe and has efit of EFAS was estimated by com- demonstrated in individual cases of
since been enhanced with research de- bining warning information with ex- flood warning. For example, EFAS
velopments and user feedback. Large- isting flood damage cost information proved to be useful in the widespread
scale systems not only save lives by in- and calculations of potential avoided flooding that occurred in the Bal-
creasing flood preparedness, but also flood damages. The benefits were es- kans region in south-eastern Europe
have a significant economic benefit. timated to be of the order of EUR in 2014. Weeks of continuous rain,
Pappenberger et al. (2015) provide 400 for every euro invested (Pappen- combined with an exceptional storm
evidence of the monetary benefit in berger et al., 2015). on 13 May, led to heavy flooding in
cross-border continental-scale flood Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia, but
EWSs. The potential monetary ben- The benefits of an EWS can also be also in Slovakia, southern Poland


GloFAS forecasts of the River Ganges floods in

July/August 2016.

a) forecast map showing river pixels with upcoming

b) forecast ensemble hydrograph for the Ganges at
Begusarai (Bihar) on 8 July 2016; 1 week before the
flooding started and 18 days before the peak;
c) forecast ensemble hydrography on 21 July 2016,
showing the flood peak on 27 July with 98% probability
of exceeding the severe alert threshold (20 year return
period) and 50% probability of exceeding the 50-year
return period.
The colours of the triangles and pixels in (a) and shad-
ing in (b,c) are: purple represents severe alert of ≥ 20
year return period; red, high alert of ≥ 5 year return
period; yellow, medium alert of ≥ 2 year return period.

Source: GloFAS (2017)

and the Czech Republic. The impact which forced thousands to flee their Decisions are taken at different stag-
of flooding was so severe that Bos- homes into relief camps. GloFAS was es in the production of a forecast, as
nia-Herzegovina and Serbia requested able to provide flood forecast infor- well as after its public release (e.g. as a
assistance from the European Union mation several weeks in advance (Fig- flood warning, often based on expert
through the EU Community Civil ure 3.25). However, it is also clear that judgement). Human expertise is in
Protection Mechanism. EFAS pro- significant training is still required in constant interaction with automated
vided early warnings from 11 May order for such forecasts to be useful tasks in flood forecasting (Pagano et
onwards and notified national author- and to enable decisions from prob- al., 2016) and controls much of the
ities and the ERCC operating within abilistic information (Pagano et al., output information of a flood fore-
the Commission’s Directorate-Gen- 2014). Training needs to be provided casting system. Training and refore-
eral for Humanitarian Aid and Civil within the relevant context of inter- casting of critical events increases
Protection (DG ECHO). This facil- national, regional and local organ- the capacity to deal with uncertain-
itated a coherent European disaster isations. For example, GloFAS has ty information and enables optimal
response during the numerous emer- provided training through the RIMES decisions to be made (Ramos et al.,
gencies. (Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard 2013; Crochemore et al., 2016; Arnal
Early Warning System) and UN-ES- et al., 2016). Risk-based decision-sup-
CAP (United Nations — Economic port frameworks have to be tailored
and Social Commission for Asia and to the problem in question but also
There is likely to be a Pacific), with participants from na- flexible to allow different flooding
tional hydrometeorological services situations and, often, unprecedent-
substantial monetary in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, ed flood events, to be handled (Dale
benefit in cross-border China and Pakistan (via the internet) et al., 2014). Challenges at present
continental-scale and representatives from several in- include providing tailored warnings
flood EWSs. In Europe, ternational organisations. that are acted upon by responders
transnational flood early In a recent case study in Uganda, and the public (Demeritt et al., 2013;
warning is undertaken Coughlan de Perez et al. (2016) have Dittrich et al., 2016), and developing
by the Copernicus shown that global systems combined decision-support systems that can in-
with local expertise and knowledge tegrate the different stages of flood
Emergency Management have the potential to assist in reducing risk management, without losing in-
Service: Floods, which flood disaster impacts by triggering formation on uncertainty, warning
consists of the European preventative action before flooding. time, forecast accuracy and reliability.
Flood Awareness System The system for forecast-based financ- This should help decision-makers to
(EFAS) and its global ing automatically triggers action when understand the strengths and weak-
twin system, the Global a flood forecast arrives and before a nesses of a forecasting system for dif-
potential disaster. While not a perfect ferent scales and events.
Flood Awareness System indicator of flooding, GloFAS fore-
(GloFAS). casts proved to be reliable in fore- Similarly, flood hazard and risk map-
casting a specific chance of flooding ping also involves many layers of data
(exceedance of a pre-defined danger collection and modelling output dis-
level) and was useful as an EWS. play. It is crucial that communication
Similar examples can be provided for is ensured at all stages and that essen-
GloFAS. In August 2016, flooding tial information for decision-making
occurred along the Ganges River in 3.4.7 is not lost (see Chapter 4). Communi-
India. According to India’s Central Communicating cation not only targets decision-mak-
Water Commission, the Ganges in uncertainty and ers at public or private companies,
the Patna district was just 8 cm be- but also involves communication to
low the highest recorded water level,
decision making the public and to experts (Environ-


ment Agency, 2015) who may prefer areas of difficult access or with high management approaches in the design
information to be described in terms rates of injuries and fatalities, can be of flood risk management policy and
of possible impacts. The visualisation detected and targeted in the maps. infrastructure (Gersonius et al., 2013).
of model outputs and maps is part With time, behaviour changes can The degree of uncertainty in the im-
of the communication process (Pap- even bring modifications to the vul- pacts of climate change projections
penberger et al., 2013). Usually, com- nerability zones and can modify flood requires the consideration of flexi-
munication will cover information risk maps that cross flood vulnerabil- ble adaptation pathways. Regardless
on alerts, watches and warnings, risk ity with hazard. In this process, build- of the sources of uncertainties, more
maps and vulnerable areas that can ing trust and confidence is essential. needs to be done in flood risk man-
be potentially affected by floods of Uncertainties are not necessarily agement policy and practice to make
different magnitudes and return pe- unwelcome by the public and stake- our societies resilient to future flood
riods (100-year flood, 10-year flood, holders (McCarthy et al., 2007), and risk (CCC, 2017; EEA, 2017).
etc.), but also guidance on using and explicitly acknowledging uncertainty
interpreting maps. It is important that in flood risk mapping is also valuable 3.4.8
communication follows Open Ge- for decision-makers (Michaels, 2015).
ospatial Consortium (OGC) stand- The communication of uncertainty Conclusions and
ards, such as providing information can help modellers and forecasters by key messages
as Web Mapping Services (WMS) or strengthening a relationship of confi-
WaterML, so that it can be easily in- dence between them and the users of Flood disasters affect a large num-
tegrated into other systems and be their products. ber of people across the world every
more effective. The communication year, with severe social and economic
of flood hazard and risk and the asso- impacts. Severe flooding repeatedly
ciated uncertainties should be a strong affects European populations, with
focus at all stages in the prevention, Flood forecasts and flood trans-national events often being the
preparedness, response and recovery risk maps have associated most damaging.
cycle. It should also be active during
recovery in order to facilitate post-
uncertainties and are Partnership
event surveys, to speed up recovery useful if decision-makers Our best strategy for flood manage-
with the help of local communities or can understand and act ment is to learn to live with flooding,
to convey lessons learned (Marchi et upon the information that is, to prepare ourselves today to
al., 2009; Stephens and Cloke, 2014; provided, so forecasting be better adapted for flood risks to-
Javelle et al., 2014). and mapping must be in morrow. The combination of strong
flood management policy, advanced
harmony with user needs early warning technology and in-
Efficient communication is also de-
pendent on how users perceive risk
and requirements to bring creased international collaboration
and understand uncertainty, and tend added value to the whole has the potential to reduce flood risk
to act in the face of uncertain infor- process of flood hazard and improve disaster response from
mation (Ramos et al., 2010; Bubeck and risk management. the local to the global scale. This re-
et al., 2012). A two-way approach can quires stakeholders from different
enhance, and even modify, established disciplines, scientists, policymakers
links between modelling outputs (haz- and practitioners to work closely to-
ard and risk maps) and social actions. One uncertainty that it is essential to getherin partnership.
Through an increased understanding consider in all aspects of flood risk
of user needs and institutional and so- management is the projected future Knowledge
cial vulnerability drivers (Rufat et al., changes in flooding risks to commu- Flood hazard and flood risk maps are
2015, Daupras et al., 2015), existing nities, businesses and infrastructure. required for land use planning, flood-
bottlenecks in flood response, such as This means considering adaptive plain management, disaster response

planning and financial risk planning.
They can be produced at increasingly
high resolution for fluvial and surface
water flooding (and coastal flooding)
using flood modelling tools. Uncer-
tainties can be taken into account by
using probabilistic methods. A focus
on flood hazard impacts can enhance
communication to the public.

Flood forecasting and EWSs are in-
novations that are key preparedness
actions for flood risk management
and can be implemented at local
scales through to continental and
global scales. Radar and numerical
weather forecasting systems can be
used as inputs to flood forecasts, but
uncertainties should be taken into ac-
count using ensemble (probabilistic)
forecasting techniques.
There is probably a substantial mon-
etary benefit in cross-border conti-
nental-scale flood EWSs. In Europe,
transnational flood early warning is
undertaken by the Copernicus Emer-
gency Management Service: Floods,
which consists of EFAS and its global
twin system, GloFAS.
Flood forecasts and flood risk maps
have associated uncertainties and are
useful if decision-makers can under-
stand and act upon the information
provided, so forecasting and mapping
must be undertaken in harmony with
user needs and requirements to bring
added value to the whole process of
flood hazard and risk management.


3.5 Hydrological Risk:

Nicola Casagli, Fausto Guzzetti, Michel Jaboyedoff,
Farrokh Nadim, David Petley

reduction should be properly under- The societal and economic impact of

3.5.1 taken in order to reduce the impact landslide risk is difficult to assess and
Introduction of landslides on humans, structures it is underestimated, since a relevant
and infrastructures. In areas with part of related damage is attributed
The term landslide encompasses a high demographic density, protection to other natural hazards, in multihaz-
wide variety of phenomena, from the works often cannot be built owing ard chains (e.g. seismically induced
simple fall of rock blocks from verti- to economic or environmental con- failures, rainfall induced debris flows,
cal rock faces, through to topples and straints, and is it not always possible lahars and rock avalanches associated
landslides that are dominated either to evacuate people because of societal with volcanism).
by a sliding motion or by flows of soil reasons. Forecasting the occurrence
and/or rock. Landslides are strongly of landslides and the risk associated An established worldwide scientific
correlated with other types of natu- with them, and defining appropriate landslide community has flourished in
ral hazards, such as floods, droughts, EWSs, are, therefore, essential needs. the last decades, thanks to several in-
wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis and ternational organisations, such as the
volcanoes, and are often involved in International Consortium on Land-
cascading events of multihazard dis- slides and the Landslide Joint Tech-
asters. The term ‘landslide’ nical Committee, which periodically
Climate change, the increased suscep- describes a variety of organise the World Landslide Forums
tibility of surface soil to instability, and the International Landslide Sym-
anthropogenic activities, growing ur-
processes that result posia, respectively. Regular landslide
banisation, uncontrolled land use and in the downward and sessions are also organised at the
the increased vulnerability of popu- outward movement General Assembly of the European
lations and infrastructure contribute of slope-forming Geoscience Union each year.
to the growing landslide risk. In the materials, including rock, In this subchapter, the main causes
Thematic Strategy for Soil Protec- soil, artificial fill or a and triggers of landslides and their
tion (European Commission, 2006), combination of these. socioeconomic impact at European
landslides are considered one of the level are described, before some gen-
main threats to European soils. In eral concepts and methodologies on
this framework, landslide disaster risk landslide zoning (inventory, suscep-

tibility and hazard maps) and EWSs on a flat surface to a significantly high- weaker pieces. Therefore, the suscep-
based on the analysis of landslide er level when slopes are steep. How- tibility of a slope to failure may in-
monitoring data and rainfall data are ever, the relationship with geological crease with time.
introduced. factors is highly non-linear, and below
a key gradient, any given slope is like- Earth materials interact closely with
ly to be stable under most conditions. hydrology and hydrogeology. Water
3.5.2 Slopes naturally evolve into a stable is probably the most important fac-
state under any given set of environ- tor that promotes slope instability.
Landslide causes and mental conditions, primarily through In many cases, water influences the
triggers landsliding processes. External fac- strength parameters of geological
tors disrupt the slope equilibrium to materials, generally reducing strength
The most recent landslide classifica- induce instability; thus, for example, a when materials become saturated.
tion is found in Hungr et al. (2014). migrating river channel or an unusual Pore water pressure changes the ef-
It discerns five main types of move- flood may erode the toe of a slope, fective stress state of a slope, typically
ment: falls, topples, slides, spreads increasing the slope gradient and the reducing resistance to shear forces,
and flows. Many landslides consist of likelihood of failure. The slope will and promoting instability. The lack of
a variety of movement types occur- then naturally evolve back to its sta- understanding of hydrological con-
ring in sequence. For example, large ble gradient through time, perhaps by ditions is a frequent cause of failure
landslides in high mountainous are- means of another landslide that re- in managed slopes; the 1966 Aber-
as often start as rock falls involving moves the excess material. fan disaster in South Wales for ex-
freefalling rock that detaches from a ample (Bishop et al., 1969), in which
cliff, which upon impact at the cliff more than 140 people were killed by
A second set of causal factors relates
toe may spontaneously transition into a landslide from a mine waste tip,
to the type of material involved in
a very high-energy rock avalanche was primarily the result of the con-
the potential instability and its geo-
(Hutchinson, 1988). The properties struction of the tip on a spring and
technical properties, such as internal
of the flow change further as the watercourse, which promoted condi-
friction and cohesion. In hard rock
landslide entrains or deposits debris tions of full saturation after periods
masses, stability is usually defined not
and water. of heavy rainfall. However, water can
by the intact strength of the material
but by the joints, fractures and faults. also have more complex relationships
Landslides vary greatly in size. At the with instability. For example, in some
The strength of these discontinuities
largest scale, a single landslide can in- materials partially saturated condi-
may be dramatically lower than the
volve up to some cubic kilometres of tions can provide additional strength
intact rock strength, especially where
rock and soils. At the other end of the through the generation of suction
they are lined with a weaker materi-
scale, a small boulder has the poten- forces, while in others saturated con-
al. Where such a discontinuity has
tial to cause loss of life, if it strikes an ditions can promote soil liquefaction
an orientation that promotes failure,
individual, or to cause mass fatalities after failure, turning a slow landslide
the resistance of the slope to land-
if, for example, it causes a train to de- into a highly mobile and highly de-
sliding can be dramatically reduced.
rail. In general, the potential to cause structive flow.
Therefore, in many cases, analysis of
loss scales with size of the landslide,
susceptibility depends on an under-
largely because of the scaling of the Land use can also be a key factor in
standing of the role played by these
kinetic energy and the affected area. landslide causation. Some types of
discontinuities. Furthermore, the
strength of slope materials degrades vegetation can improve stability by
A key causal factor for landslides is providing additional strength to the
through the processes of weathering,
the topographic setting of the poten- soil via root systems, and by regulating
which may physically and chemically
tial site. In general, the propensity to the infiltration of water and drawing
alter the constituent minerals or may
failure usually increases as the slope down pore water pressures through
break an intact mass into smaller,
angle increases, from essentially zero transpiration. In general, forested


slopes are more stable than those left ciated with a clearly defined trigger. long reservoir and the increased land-
bare, and there is a large body of ev- Heavy rainfall is a key factor in gener- slide risk; similar problems can be
idence to support the argument that ating landslides, primarily through the also found in Europe but to a lesser
there is increased mudflow activity generation of pore water pressures extent. The Vajont rock slide (Italy)
after fires have removed vegetation and thus a reduction in the effective resulted in the deaths of more than
(Cannon and Gartner, 2005; Shakesby normal stress. For example, the annu- 2 000 people in 1963, when rock
and Doerr, 2006) and increased land- al global landslide cycle is dominated fell into the reservoir impounded by
sliding after careless logging (Jakob, by the effects of rainfall associated the highest arch dam in the world at
2000). In general, the removal of veg- with the South Asian and East Asian the time. Humans trigger landslides
etation promotes instability. Growing monsoons (Petley, 2010). The impact through slope cutting (especially for
new vegetation is a difficult (but effec- of the South Asian monsoon on the road construction), deforestation, ir-
tive where successful) way to restore southern edge of the Himalayas, al- rigation, undercutting and changes in
stability. Deforestation highlights the lied with the topography and materi- hydrology and blasting, among many
action of humans as the final key fac- als of the region, makes this the glob- other activities. Mining activities have
tor. As people modify the landscape, al hotspot for landslide occurrence. a particularly large impact. In more
the likelihood of landsliding changes. However, the same correlation holds developed countries, mining is there-
In many cases, humans promote in- true everywhere. fore strictly regulated; sadly, in less af-
stability by cutting slopes to steeper fluent countries, regulation lags con-
angles, removing vegetation, changing The second key factor, and possibly siderably, and losses are much higher.
hydrology and increasing weathering the most important in terms of loss
rates. of life, is the impact of seismic events. Finally, in active volcanic areas, land-
Large earthquakes in mountain chains slides can be a major problem. Some
can trigger extraordinary numbers of of the highest levels of loss have
Landslide occurrence is landslides. Recent events include the occurred as a result of the high-mo-
related to causal factors, 2005 Kashmir (Pakistan) earthquake bility volcanic landslide known as a
and the 2008 Sichuan (China) earth- lahar, and volcanic flank collapses,
which create a propensity quake, both of which killed more which can be tsunamigenic, may be
for a slope to fail, and than 20 000 people in landslides. The the largest terrestrial landslides pos-
triggers, namely the Sichuan earthquake alone triggered sible. Some of the deadliest landslide
specific external event more than 100 000 landslides. At events on record have occurred in
that induces landslide present, the nature of the interaction volcanic areas. Active volcanism pro-
occurrence at a particular between seismic waves and slopes is motes instability (the 1980 Mount St
time. poorly understood, and forecasting Helens eruption started with a land-
the impacts of a future earthquake slide that depressurised the volcano),
in terms of landslides is fraught with and dome collapse is common. Vol-
difficulty. However, the high levels of canic deposits regularly mobilise into
loss suggest that this will be a key area high-energy flows, and hydrothermal
In most cases, the timing of failure is
of research in the future. activity can cause material strength
associated with a trigger event. This
degradation over large areas. Major
is not always true, however; there is
Humans can also be a key trigger of debris avalanches, partially submarine,
increasing evidence that slopes can
landslides. The construction of hy- were triggered by the 2002 eruption
fail through progressive mechanisms
droelectric stations can be significant. of Stromboli volcano (Italy) and they
that involve the weakening of slope
The Three Gorges Dam in China, the caused tsunamis, in a typical multihaz-
through time until stability is com-
world’s largest hydroelectric project, ard domino effect (Tinti et al., 2006).
promised, but such events are rare,
is expected to lead to the ultimate
although they can be destructive.
relocation of 1.4 million people ow-
However, most landslides are asso-
ing to the construction of a 650-km

climate data in Europe for the last ards than climate change. Therefore,
3.5.3 two centuries demonstrate a shifting the changes in the socioeconomic im-
The socio-economic pattern in frequency and intensity of pact of landslides should be consid-
impact of landslides extreme weather events (IPCC, 2012,
2013). Along with the changes in cli-
ered at two different timescales. The
influence of climate change on the
in Europe and climate mate and weather patterns, demogra- spatial and temporal characteristics
change phy, land use and other factors driving of landslide risk will be noticeable by
the landslide risk are changing rapid- the end of the century. At a shorter
The fast-paced changes in society, cli- ly (UN, 2015). Indeed, projections timescale of one to two decades, the
mate change and the human impact through the 21st century for Europe rapid changes in anthropogenic fac-
on the environment have a major indicate that societal changes may tors such as urbanisation and land use
impact on the frequency and spatial lead to a larger increase in the impacts change drive the dynamic risk pattern
distribution of landslides. Annual from landslides and other natural haz- that we face today.


Estimate of changes in the exposure of Europe’s population to landslides in the 21st century
Source: SafeLand (2013)


Regional climate model (RCM) sim- of European citizens today. In addi- authorities to estimate the future risks
ulations from the EU FP6 project tion to the people directly threatened associated with landslides and other
ENSEMBLES (Van der Linden and in their homes, 8 000-20 000 km of hydro-meteorological hazards in their
Mitchell, 2009) predicted a consistent roads and railways are exposed to high communities or regions of interest.
large-scale pattern of heavy precipita- landslide hazard, causing additional
tion changes in Europe. The simula- direct threats to life and economic as- In addition, the large uncertainties in
tions generally showed an increase in sets as well as problems for emergen- population and traffic evolution sce-
heavy precipitation over northern and cy response and recovery operations narios, land use changes and political
central Europe in winter, although (Jaedicke et al., 2013). The SafeLand decisions regarding urban develop-
some inconsistencies were found prognosis was that about 0.7% of the ment require that the key parameters
among the predictions from different total European population will ex- driving landslide risk are accurately
models in mountainous regions and perience an increase in landslide risk monitored and that the prognosis of
at the foothills of the mountains. In by the end of the century, although landslide risk is continuously updated
summer, most models agree on an in some parts of Europe the risk will as new information becomes available
increase in heavy precipitation over be reduced. The spatial pattern of and more accurate and refined climate
Scandinavia and reduced precipita- the expected change in the European change models are developed.
tion in southern Europe. The larg- population exposed to landslide risk
est inconsistencies were found in the is depicted in Figure 3.26. The main
transition zone across central Europe, changes in landslide risk at the Euro- 3.5.4
which separates areas with positive pean scale shown in the figure are due Landslide zoning:
trends in the north and areas with to the changes in population pattern inventory,
negative trends in the south. Con- caused by migration and urbanisation.
sidering both the expected changes
susceptibility and
in patterns of extreme precipitation The SafeLand project also made a hazard maps
events and changes in other factors detailed study of the changes in land-
driving the landslide risk, the EU FP7 slide risk pattern at local scale for The mapping of landslides underpins
project SafeLand (www.safeland.no) selected sites in Europe for the peri- disaster risk reduction strategies, inte-
assessed the expected changes in cli- od 1951-2050. For these studies, the grating socio-economic impacts, and
mate-driven landslide activity (magni- climate simulations were downscaled therefore the challenge is to analyse
tude, frequency) in Europe in the next to simulate localised heavy precipita- their causes and triggers in our chang-
100 years. tion events in regions where rain-in- ing environments. Owing to the ex-
duced landslides occur on a regular traordinary breadth of the spectrum
basis. The downscaled climate mod- of landslide phenomena, no single
els predicted an increase in landslide method exists to identify and map
It must be emphasized hazard at all sites. These results dif- landslides and to ascertain landslide
that any prognosis of fered from the predictions provided susceptibility and hazard.
by larger scale climate models at some
the changes in the socio- locations. These differences might be In addition to predicting ‘where’ a
economic impact of explained by the refinement in the slope failure will occur, landslide haz-
landslides due to climatic climate model used, which, for exam- ard forecasts ‘when’ or ‘how frequent-
change involves a high ple, considered the influence of local ly’ it will occur, and ‘how large’ it will
level of uncertainty. topography on precipitation. This be (Guzzetti et al., 2005).
demonstrated that large-scale mod-
els are useful to evaluate the relative The simplest form of landslide map-
spatial variations of landslide activ- ping is a landslide inventory map,
The SafeLand study estimated that ity, while local scale models are nec- which shows the location and, where
landslide hazard threatens about 4 % essary for urban planners and local known, the date of occurrence and

the types of landslide that have left corresponds to the date (or period) of and ranging) sensors, the automatic
discernible traces in an area (Guzzetti the triggering event. Examining mul- or semi-automatic interpretation and
et al., 2012). Landslide inventory maps tiple sets of aerial or satellite images analysis of satellite images, including
can be prepared by different tech- of different dates, multitemporal and panchromatic, multispectral and syn-
niques, depending on their scope and seasonal inventories can be prepared. thetic aperture radar (SAR) images,
the extent of the study area. Small- A seasonal inventory shows landsides and the use of new tools to facilitate
scale inventories (≤1:200 000) are triggered by single or multiple events field mapping.
compiled mostly from data obtained during a single season, or a few sea-
from the literature, through inquiries sons, whereas multitemporal invento- Qualitative and quantitative methods
to public organisations and private ries show landslides triggered by mul- for assigning landslide susceptibil-
consultants, by searching chronicles, tiple events over longer periods (years ity can be classified into five groups
journals, technical and scientific re- to decades). (Guzzetti et al., 1999): (1) geomor-
ports, or by interviewing landslide phological mapping, based on the
experts. Medium-scale landslide in- ability of an expert investigator to
ventories (1:25 000 to 1:200 000) are evaluate and map the actual and po-
most commonly prepared through Landslide susceptibility is tential slope instability conditions;
the systematic interpretation of aerial the probability of spatial (2) analysis of landslide inventories,
photographs at scales ranging from which attempts to predict the future
1:60 000 to 1:10 000, and by integrat-
occurrence of slope landslide spatial occurrence from the
ing local field checks with historical failures, given a set of known distribution of past and pres-
information. Large-scale inventories geo-environmental ent landslides (typically, this is ob-
(>1:25 000) are prepared, usually for conditions. Landslide tained by preparing landslide density
limited areas, using both the interpre- hazard is the probability maps); (3) heuristic or index-based
tation of aerial photographs at scales that a landslide of a given approaches, in which investigators
greater than 1:20 000, very high-reso- magnitude will occur in a rank and weight the known instabil-
lution satellite images or digital terrain ity factors based on their assumed
models, and extensive field investiga-
given period and in a or expected importance in causing
tions. given area. landslides; (4) process-based meth-
ods that rely on simplified physically
An archive inventory shows infor- based landslide modelling schemes to
mation on landslides obtained from Conventional methods to prepare analyse the stability/instability condi-
the literature or from other archive landslide inventory maps rely primar- tions using simple limit equilibrium
sources. Geomorphological invento- ily on the visual interpretation of ste- models, such as the ‘infinite slope
ries can be further classified as histor- reoscopic aerial photography, aided stability’ model, or more complex ap-
ical, event, seasonal or multitemporal by field surveys. New and emerging proaches; (5) statistically based mod-
inventories. A geomorphological his- techniques, based on satellite, air- elling contingent on the analysis of
torical inventory shows the cumula- borne and terrestrial remote sensing the functional relationships between
tive effects of many landslide events technologies, promise to facilitate the known or inferred instability factors
over a period of tens, hundreds or production of landslide maps, reduc- and the past and present distribu-
thousands of years. In a historical in- ing the time and resources required tion of landslides. Regardless of the
ventory, the age of the landslides is for their compilation and systemat- method used, it is important that the
not distinguished, or is given in rela- ic update. These can be grouped in susceptibility zonations are validated
tive terms (i.e. recent, old or very old). three main categories, including the using independent landslide informa-
An event inventory shows landslides analysis of surface morphology, chief- tion, and that the level of uncertainty
caused by a single trigger, such as an ly exploiting very-high-resolution associated with the zonation is given
earthquake, rainfall event or snowmelt digital elevation models captured for (Rossi et al., 2010).
event, and the date of the landslide example by LiDAR (light detection


Landslide hazard is more difficult to ed spatial occurrence (landslide sus-

obtain than landslide susceptibility, ceptibility), great care must be taken
since it requires the assessment of the to establish if, or to what extent, the
temporal frequency of landslides and three probabilities are independent. Landslide
the magnitude of the expected fail- In many areas, given the available in- monitoring and
ures (Guzzetti et al., 2005). The tem- formation and the local settings, this
poral frequency (or the recurrence) of may be difficult to prove (Guzzetti et
early warning
landslides, or of landslide-triggering al., 2005). We expect that the quanti-
events, can be established from ar- tative assessment of landslide hazard These systems require a fine assess-
chive inventories and from multitem- will remain a major scientific chal- ment of the socioeconomic impact
poral landslide maps covering suffi- lenge in the next decade. of landslides, which must be based
ciently long periods. Furthermore, on accurate landslide mapping, as well
where a landslide record is available, Such identification of areas suscepbti- as an understanding of their causes.
an appropriate modelling framework ble to landslide hazard is essential for EWSs for landslides are based on the
needs to be adopted (Witt et al., the landslide risk assessment and pos- reliable continual monitoring of rel-
2010). Alternatively, for meteorologi- sible implementation of effective dis- evant indicators (e.g. displacements,
cally triggered landslides, one can in- aster risk reduction strategies. These rainfall, groundwater level) that are
fer the frequency of landslide events strategies (Dai et al., 2002) include assumed to be precursors to trig-
from the frequency of the triggering land-use planning, development con- gering landslides or reactivations.
factors, for example the frequency trol land, the application of building When values for these indicators ex-
(or the return period) of intense or codes with different engineering solu- ceed predefined thresholds, alarms
prolonged rainfall periods. The un- tions, acceptance, and monitoring and are transmitted directly to a chain of
certainty inherent in the prediction of early warning systems. Land planning people in charge of deciding the lev-
triggers that may result in landslides control reduces expected elements at el of warning and/or emergency that
adds to uncertainty inherent in the risk. Engineering solution is the most must be transmitted to the relevant
prediction of occurrence of land- direct and costly strategy for reducing stakeholders, following a predefined
slides. either the probability of landsliding or process (Figure 3.27). In some cases,
the probability of spatial impact of a warnings can also be automatically
To determine the magnitude of an landslide. One approach is correction transmitted. Usually, one to five alert
expected landslide, investigators most of the underlying unstable slope to levels are used (Blikra, 2008; Intrieri
commonly revert to determining the control initiation of landslides (such et al., 2013): the highest level may lead
statistics of landslide size (area or as stabilisation of slope, drainage, to emergency warnings to the popula-
volume). Accurate information on retaining walls or planting), and the tion, evacuations or the use of sirens
landslide area can be obtained from other is controlling of the landslide and loudspeaker messages in several
high-quality geomorphological inven- movement (such as barriers/walls languages to force people to move to
tories. Determining the volume of a to reduce or redirect the movement a safer place, as in the case of tsuna-
sufficiently large number of land- when a landslide does occur). The ac- mis induced by landslides.
slides is more problematic, and usual- ceptance strategy defines acceptable
ly investigators rely on empirical rela- risk criteria (Fell, 1994;Fell and Hart- An EWS needs to be set up with spe-
tionships linking landslide volume to ford, 1997); and the monitoring and cific requirements. First, the potential
landslide areas (Guzzetti et al., 2009; warning system strategy reduces ex- impacts must be defined based on a
Larsen et al., 2010; Catani et al., 2016). pected elements at risk by evacuation risk analysis informed by hazard map-
Finally, when determining landslide in advance of failure. ping, including the impact of global
hazard as the joint probability of changes (Corominas et al., 2014). In
landslide size (a proxy for magnitude), addition, the causes and triggers of
the expected temporal occurrence of disasters must be thoroughly analysed
landslides (frequency) and the expect- and the development of local coping

capacities must be included (Dash Landslide types determine, first, if the mission (Sättele et al., 2016). In some
and Gladwin, 2007). appropriate EWS must be site specific specific cases, debris-flow catchments
The number of EWSs dedicated to or regional (Intrieri et al., 2013), and are equipped with monitoring sys-
landslides has greatly increased since also if it is dedicated to identifying trig- tems such as ultrasonic and seismic
the beginning of the 21st century be- gering conditions and/or to detecting sensors that detect the debris-flow
cause of the progress made in elec- an ongoing event (Sättele et al., 2016). movements (Marchi et al., 2002) and
tronics, communication and com- For example, monitoring systems automatically send a warning message
puter programs for monitoring and of debris-flow or shallow landslide to shorten the reaction time as much
imaging. In addition, the innovations EWSs are usually based on thresholds as possible.
in satellite technologies and ground of rainfall amount over a period of
remote sensing have greatly im- time. These thresholds are based on For site-specific systems, displace-
proved the capacity of remote imag- rainfall intensity-duration, cumulat- ments measured by different sensors
ing measurements versus in situ point ed event rainfall-duration (Guzzetti and pore water pressure and/or pre-
measurements (Tofani et al., 2013). et al., 2008), or antecedent precipita- cipitation are usually used (Michoud
Implementing an EWS depends on tion (including snow depth) measures et al., 2013). Various sensors can be
the context, namely (1) the type of and soil moisture (Baum and Godt, set to monitor displacements, includ-
landslide (Hungr et al., 2014), (2) the 2010; Jakob et al., 2012). An extended ing extensometers (cable or laser) and
disaster scenarios considered, (3) the monitoring of those indicators usual- crackmeters that measure the distanc-
degree of awareness of the stakehold- ly makes it possible, therefore, to set es between two points, and total sta-
ers, including populations, and (4) the regional alarms. Landslide types also tions that are also used to provide dis-
allocated resources (e.g. budgetary, constrain the maximum lead time or tances and 3D positions using targets
human). time of reaction after the alarm trans- positioned on site. Moreover, GPSs


(A) Illustration of the components of a modern EWS that does not show the energy sources and the two or
three levels of redundancy. (B) Flow chart of the activities of the implementation and operation of an EWS
(modified from Intrieri et al., 2012). The blue box in (b) indicates the action linked to the monitoring system.
Source: courtesy of authors

A Crackmeter B Geological knowl-

Weather station RISK KNOWLEDGE
edge risk scenarios

Installation of the

monitoring system

(ca ten Data acquisition

ble som
dis ete
p la r
m YES Are data within Troubleshooting
t) specified bounds? and maintenance
GPS base station ANALYSIS AND
Are anomalies due to YES
instrumental error?

SAR WARNING Issue an alarm or pre-alarm
RESPONSE Emergency plans


are nowadays widely used, which can since it will guide the type and the lo- will be used to trigger chains of ac-
give the real 3D position of a point cation of the sensors to install, and it tions that will involve different lev-
(Gili et al., 2000). All the above tech- is required to forecast landslide failure els of people depending on the alert
niques usually provide data only at scenarios. The updating of an LCM level, from technicians and experts to
specific point locations; thus, several must be continual during the whole officers and politicians who will be
of them must often be set up in a net- life of an EWS. In addition, landslide involved in the assessment of the ab-
work to monitor areal deformations. failures may trigger other hazardous normal situations and who will have
Inclinometers give deformations at events in a cascade effect, such as to make decisions (Froese and More-
depth along boreholes, providing es- tsunamis or dam breaks, that have to no, 2014). This starts from the initial
sential data on the changes in depth be considered in the EWS. The rea- check of the situation and the coher-
of landslide behaviour (Blikra, 2008). sons why an EWS is implemented are ence of the movement detection of
For the last few years, ground-based either the identification of an unac- the sensors (to avoid false alarm), and
interferometric radar (GB-InSAR) ceptable risk level or an increase in, or it can end with an evacuation decision.
has been used for the most critical abnormal, landslide activity. Although It requires that the monitoring system
landslides (Casagli et al., 2010; Blikra, the LMC implementation process is reliable and is therefore redundant
2012; Rouyet et al., 2016). It provides provides reasons to fix appropriate in terms of sensors, communication
a map of the distance changes, from sensors that will monitor the most and the stakeholders involved. Pre-de-
the GB-InSAR to the landslide sur- significant failure initiation indicators, fined crisis units must follow decision
face, at a millimetre scale and with there are usually many practical con- trees to propagate or stop the warn-
a time resolution of a few minutes. straints, such as topography, access, ing at each level. This also necessitates
Satellite InSAR images are also used visibility and available resources. the requirement to verify constantly
to monitor long-term displacement that the observed landslide behaviour
trends, with results being strongly is still following the expected course,
dependent on the type of treatment. which also implies that the threshold
In optimal cases, the time resolution Landslide monitoring and alarm levels can be reassessed by
is about 6 days, with millimetre pre- the crisis units.
cision and metre spatial resolution
and EWSs are tools to
(Berger et al., 2012). Finally, as land- forecast the potential The most important actions that can
slides react to water infiltration, many occurrence of disasters, be prompted by EWS high-alert levels
instruments are dedicated to monitor thus contributing to are evacuations and a rapid set-up of
water: rain gauges, piezometers, ther- the implementation of protection measures. They imply that
mometers, barometers, moisture con- effective disaster risk- all stakeholders, including the relevant
tent sensors and other meteorological reduction strategies. population, must be prepared through
data. Pore water pressure changes education and training to implement
monitored with piezometers usually the appropriate response.
have a good correlation with slope
movements (Michoud et al., 2013). Ideally, the first data from a monitor- In addition, the methods used to emit
ing system are used to calibrate and and communicate the emergency sit-
Behind the implementation of the fix alarm thresholds usually based on uation must be adapted to the local
monitoring part of EWSs is the un- displacement velocities or accelera- population culture. It must be stressed
derstanding of the landslide mech- tions, or pore water pressure or pre- that all stages of implementation or
anisms, that is, the identification of cipitations (Cloutier et al., 2015). This operation must include feedback to
the main parameters controlling the approach can be supported by failure the other stages. Frequent feedback
movements of the landslide (Intrieri forecast models, such as the Fukuzo- and updates are a key point. They
et al., 2012 and 2013). For this pur- no method, or by more complex mod- must also include the reappraisal of
pose, the design of a landslide con- els (Crosta and Agliardi, 2003; Feder- the indirect effects (cascade). A final
ceptual model (LCM) is fundamental, ico et al., 2012). The alarm thresholds problem relates to communication to

the general population, which, to be
effective, needs trust and training and
must be an efficient means by which
to communicate and emit warnings
and actions within the noise of our
‘connected world’. It appears that
only 38 % of the EWSs have more
than one communication vector to in-
form the population (Michoud et al.,

Conclusions and
key messages
Understanding landslide risk requires
a multihazard approach, based on
networking and partnership between
different scientific disciplines, with
transdisciplinary research that aims
to identify those socioeconomic and
institutional elements that require at-
tention in landslide DRM.

Knowledge of landslide risk is a
multidisciplinary task that requires
an understanding of processes and
mechanisms, spatial and time predic-
tion, vulnerability assessment, mon-
itoring and modelling of the effects
related to environmental and climate

The effectiveness of landslide risk
mitigation measures critically depends
on scientific innovation and techno-
logical development for rapid map-
ping, monitoring and early warning.


3.6 Hydrological risk: wave

action, storm surge and
coastal flooding
Kevin Horsburgh, Inigo Losada, Michail Vousdoukas,
Ralf Weiss, Judith Wolf

However, the financial impact of the attributable to the storm surge that
3.6.1 severe coastal flooding was estimated struck Tacloban City.
Overview of by Credit Suisse to be more than EUR Coastal flood risk is growing because
coastal flood risk 1.5 billion. of long-term mean sea-level rise and
In contrast to European weather possible future changes in stormi-
Coastal flooding is one of the most systems, tropical cyclones can cause ness (Church et al., 2013), as well as
significant risks to life and infrastruc- storm surges of up to 10 metres, continued population growth and
ture both globally and for Europe, which continue to cause devastating development in flood-exposed areas
with wide-ranging social, economic loss of life in parts of South-East (Hallegatte et al., 2013). Irrespective
and environmental impacts. For ex- Asia. In 1970, a devastating storm of any future change in storm climate
ample, in the United Kingdom alone, surge resulted in approximately a (which would affect storm surges and
it is estimated that GPB 150 billion quarter of a million deaths in Bang- waves), mean sea-level rises will result
(EUR 177 billion) of assets and 4 ladesh. Over the past decade, there in more instances of extreme sea-lev-
million people are currently at risk has been considerable activity in the el thresholds being reached.
from coastal flooding (Environment development of crucial flood warning
Agency, 2009). In Europe, long-term systems for vulnerable tropical are-
investment in operational flood warn- as such as Bangladesh (DMB, 2010;
ing systems has largely ensured that WMO, 2010), resulting in the saving Coastal flooding is caused
fatalities due to coastal flooding are of tens of thousands of lives. How- by a combination of
avoided; however, the damage to in- ever, despite the improving availabil-
ity of coastal warning systems, trop-
high tides, storm surges
frastructure and clean-up costs are
still significant. For example, during ical cyclones continue to cause havoc and wave conditions.
storm Xaver (4-8 December 2013) when this is a lack of preparedness. Development on
which brought the highest ever ob- On 8 November 2013, Typhoon Hai- floodplains increases
served water levels to many Euro- yan (known as typhoon Yolanda in the risk as do coastal
pean coastlines, there was no loss of the Philippines) caused catastrophic erosion and
life due to coastal flooding (although damage throughout the Philippines, sea-level rise.
there were 15 fatalities directly asso- with the majority of the death toll (es-
ciated with falling trees and vehicles). timated to be more than 6 000 people)

Coastal flooding occurs when a com- tiative to include wave models more
bination of high tide, storm surges directly into climate model projec-
and wave conditions is sufficiently tions (Cavaleri et al., 2012; Hemer et Natural variability of
severe to overtop or breach coast- al., 2012). The largest waves in Eu- waves, storm surges
al defences and cause inundation of
low-lying areas. Extreme high waters
ropean waters are found on the At-
lantic boundaries, where waves can
and mean sea level
around Europe are normally caused propagate over large fetches from the All components of sea level display
by a combination of high tides and Atlantic Ocean. Many factors affect considerable natural variability, which
severe weather events (with the ex- the height of waves in European wa- influences the frequency of flooding
ception of the Mediterranean Sea ters, but for the Atlantic margin, the on all timescales. Natural variability
where tides are small). Extra-tropical persistence and strength of westerly in the wave, storm surge and mean
cyclones (the prevailing European winds are particularly important (Wolf sea-level components ranges from
weather systems) produce storm surg- and Woolf, 2006), as are the intensity variability associated with stochastic
es that can increase tidal levels by 3-4 and frequency of storms. Waves are processes, to those displaying season-
metres in exceptional cases. The still affected by currents and water depth al and longer period changes associat-
water level (defined as the sea level be- and are locally modified by coastal ed with regional climate (e.g. the qua-
fore short-period waves are taken into geometry and man-made structures. si-decadal cycle known as the North
account) can be further elevated at the Waves decrease in height in shallow Atlantic Oscillation - NAO). Europe
coast by wave set-up caused by wave water as a result of energy dissipation experienced an unusual sequence of
breaking. Storms then also produce by bottom friction and wave break- extreme storms over the winter of
large wind and swell waves, which ing; this reduction in wave energy at 2013-2014, resulting in some of the
can overtop coastal defences/beach- a particular location may reduce over most significant coastal flooding since
es and cause flooding and erosion. A time, if the sea level rises, unless the the catastrophic North Sea storm
further factor that drives coastal flood coastal morphology in areas of mo- surge of 1953 (Matthews et al., 2014;
risk is socioeconomic change (Thorne bile sediment can adapt at a similar Haigh et al., 2016).
et al., 2007). Changes in land use and rate (Woolf and Wolf, 2013). Extreme
increasing asset values in floodplain waves represent a hazard for any off- Sea-level change at any particular
areas have led to increased exposure shore operation or construction. Haz- location depends on many regional
to flooding (Horsburgh et al., 2010). ards may be due to, for example, large and local processes as well as global
Changes in coastal morphology can individual or significant wave heights, climate drivers, so regional sea-lev-
also influence flood pathways and steep waves, crossing seas, or rapidly el change will differ from the global
thus flood risk (Thorne et al., 2007; developing sea states (Toffoli et al., average. The fifth assessment report
Nicholls et al., 2015). As erosion is ex- 2005). At the coast, wave overtopping (AR5) of the IPCC concluded that
pected to dominate coastal morpho- or the impact of the waves on struc- it is very likely that the average rate
logical change in the future because of tures may become important. On of global averaged sea-level rise was
mean sea-level rises, this will add to longer timescales, changes in coastal 1.7 mm per year between 1901 and
the overall flood risk. wave climate may cause changes in 2010 (IPCC, 2013). For the more re-
the sedimentation and erosion pat- cent period 1993-2010, this had risen
Waves and storms are a significant terns that in the long run will have to 3.2 mm per year, with consistency
feature of global climate and have impacts on sediment and shoreline between tide-gauge and satellite al-
been included in many assessments dynamics (Wong et al., 2014). As sea timeter data. It is likely that similarly
of climate, including the latest assess- levels rise and the rate of rise accel- high rates occurred between 1920 and
ment (AR5) of the Intergovernmen- erates, low-lying coastal regions may 1950. Although there is a great deal
tal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, be inundated, allowing waves to pene- of local variability in the measured
2013). Recently, recognition of the trate further inland, thus causing fur- values, mean sea levels around Eu-
central role of waves in atmosphere– ther damage. rope (from tide gauge records) most-
ocean interactions has led to an ini-


ly exhibit 20th century rises that are is a particular area that involves com- tidal high water as a storm tide.
consistent with the global mean value, bining the global models of eustatic In a strongly tidal region such as the
although the central estimate around sea-level change (i.e. sea-level rise due European shelf, it is important to
the United Kingdom is slightly lower to volume changes as well as geolog- understand the interaction between
than that of the global value (Wood- ical changes to ocean basins) with lo- storm surges and tides. Such interac-
worth et al., 2009). There is high cal models of GIA modified localised tions have been extensively studied
confidence that the rate of observed effects at the coast (e.g. Smith et al., (e.g. Rossiter, 1961; Prandle and Wolf,
sea-level rise increased from the 19th 2012). A further complication is that 1978). The dominant mechanism for
to the 20th century (Bindoff et al., sea-level change is affected by large- tide-surge interaction is increased wa-
2007; Woodworth et al., 2011) and scale gravitational adjustment in re- ter levels as a result of meteorologi-
there is evidence of a slow long-term sponse to polar ice melt. Mitrovica et cal forcing that induce a phase shift
acceleration in the rate of sea-lev- al. (2001) showed how rapid melting in the tidal signal (Horsburgh and
el rise throughout the 20th century of major ice sources gives rise to spa- Wilson, 2007); many properties of a
(Church and White, 2011). tial changes in the Earth’s gravity field non-tidal residual time series (i.e. the
(as well as to the volume of water in time series of sea-level observations
the oceans); their model predicts a minus tidal predictions) are simply
fall in relative sea level close to the artefacts of small changes to the
All components of sea source of melting as the gravitational timing of predicted high water. The
level exhibit natural interaction between ice and ocean is most useful measure of storm surges
reduced, but a correspondingly larger is the skew surge, which is the differ-
variability. There is no rise in sea level further from the melt ence between the maximum observed
convincing evidence of source. sea level and the maximum predicted
observed changes in tidal level, regardless of their timing
European storminess. Storm surges are the large-scale in- during the tidal cycle (de Vries et al.,
Changes in extreme levels creases in sea level due to a storm. 1995). Hence, each tidal cycle has one
are driven by mean sea- They can increase sea levels by 3-4 predicted high water value and one as-
level change. metres in European coastal seas and sociated skew surge value. The advan-
may last from hours to days and span tage of using the skew surge is that it
hundreds of square kilometres. They is a simple and unambiguous measure
are caused by wind stress at the sea of the storm surge. Williams et al.
surface and the horizontal gradient (2016) have now shown that the mag-
Whether the faster rate of increase in of atmospheric pressure (Pugh and nitude of high water exerts no influ-
sea level during the period from the Woodworth, 2014), although the mag- ence on the size of the most extreme
mid-1990s reflects an increase in the nitude of any particular storm surge is skew surges. This is the first system-
longer-term trend or decadal variabili- influenced by many factors, including atic proof that any storm surge can
ty is still not clear. For planning and en- the intensity and track of the weath- occur on any tide, which is essential to
gineering purposes, it is sea level with er system, bathymetry and coastal to- understand worst-case scenarios. The
respect to the local land level that is pography. The same factors control lack of surge generation dependency
of primary interest; furthermore, the storm surges caused by mid-latitude on water depth emphasises the dom-
Earth itself is moving as it recovers weather systems (extra-tropical cy- inant natural variability of weather
from ice loading during the most re- clones) and tropical cyclones (hurri- systems. Weak seasonal relationships
cent ice age. A key process that affects canes). In regions of high tidal range, between skew surges and tidal high
vertical land motion is the viscoelastic storm surges represent the greatest waters have been identified, and the
response of the solid Earth to degla- threat when they coincide with tidal inclusion of these in statistical meth-
ciation, termed glacial isostatic ad- high water: most operational forecast- ods will improve the estimates of ex-
justment (GIA). An accurate under- ing centres now systematically refer to treme sea levels.
standing of regional sea-level change the combination of a storm surge and

Storm surges are, of course, gener- eral processes, which are known to be bility in wave climate is seen with the
ated by storms, and there has been poorly represented in models, such as highest waves in autumn and winter
much recent research aimed at un- the small-scale structure of storms. (e.g. Dodet et al., 2010; Arkhipkin et
derstanding past and future changes Some of this variability seems to be al., 2014).
in storminess over Europe due to the related to the large-scale atmospheric
changes in mid-latitude storms over patterns such as the NAO, which is Based on the assessment of literature
the North-East Atlantic. Trends in related to the SLP difference between analysing data from in situ measure-
severe wind storms around the Unit- Iceland and the Azores. However, it ments, satellite altimeter observations
ed Kingdom are difficult to identify, is not clear that this relationship will and wave model hindcasts, the IPCC
owing to the low numbers of such persist into the future. AR5 concluded that it is likely that
storms, their decadal variability and mean significant wave heights have
the unreliability of direct wind speed Wave climate in the North-East At- increased in regions of the North At-
observations (Wang et al., 2009). lantic and in European seas is to a lantic over the past half-century and
large extent determined by the large- that it is likely that these trends large-
Wang et al.’s analysis shows that scale atmospheric circulation, the ly reflect natural variations in wind
storminess conditions in this region statistics of large-scale extra-tropical forcing (Church et al., 2013). For the
have undergone profound decadal storms and smaller scale regional and North Sea and Baltic Sea, recent work
or longer timescale fluctuations, with local wind systems. Natural climate is summarised in Huthnance et al.
considerable seasonal and regional variability or anthropogenic changes (2016) and Hünicke et al. (2015), in-
differences. The most notable differ- in such factors will affect the wind cli- dicating that wave height in these seas
ences are seen between winter and mate, which results in corresponding varies substantially on inter-annual
summer, and between the North Sea changes to the wave climate. Changes and decadal timescales but does so far
area and other parts of the region. in local wind climate will affect the not show significant long-term trends.
Over the last century the number of wind sea, while changes in remote Using 20 years of buoy data for the
winter storms has decreased and then storm statistics will have an effect Bay of Biscay, Dupuis et al. (2006) re-
increased again. The observational on the swell component of the wave ported a tendency towards decreasing
evidence indicates that the strength climate. For the North-East Atlantic, wave heights, which is consistent with
of mid-latitude sea-level pressure Wolf and Woolf (2006) performed the findings published in Dodet et al.
(SLP) gradients and associated west- a number of sensitivity experiments (2010). For the Mediterranean Sea,
erly circulation has increased in the with a numerical wind–wave model. Lionello and Sanna (2005) report-
northern hemisphere, especially dur- By using synthetic wind fields, var- ed decreasing mean winter values of
ing winter, since at least the late 1970s ying the strength of the prevailing significant wave height in the period
(Woolf and Wolf, 2013). The behav- westerly winds and the frequency 1958–2001, while for the Black Sea,
iour of North Atlantic storm tracks and intensity of storms, as well as Arkhipkin et al. (2014) reported no
is key to understanding present and the location of storm tracks and the significant change in corresponding
future changes in storminess. Future storm propagation speed, they found storm activity.
climate model projections have a large that variations in the strength of the
variability between models and a low westerly winds was most effective at The IPCC (2013) confirms that at
signal-to-noise ratio for Europe com- changing mean and maximum signifi- most locations mean sea level is the
pared with other mid-latitude regions cant wave height, while variations in dominant driver of observed changes
(Hawkins and Sutton, 2009). Wooll- other parameters had little effect on in sea-level extremes, although large-
ings (2010) identifies future Europe- the mean wave height. Intensity, track scale modes of variability such as the
an climate as particularly uncertain and storm propagation speed, how- NAO may also be important. There
because (1) the spread between the ever, significantly affected maximum is evidence of increases in extreme
predictions of current climate models wave height. Generally, in all Europe- water levels over the past 100-200
is still considerable and (2) Europe is an Shelf seas and in the North-East years around many parts of the global
particularly strongly affected by sev- Atlantic, pronounced seasonal varia- coastline, including Europe (e.g. Me-


nendez and Woodworth, 2010). While from the Seven Stones Light Vessel (e.g. SLP data can be used as a proxy
changes in storminess could contrib- since 1962 led to the earliest obser- for storminess or can be generated
ute to changes in sea-level extremes, vation of an increase in wave height from long hindcasts of dynamical
there is little or no evidence for ei- in the North Atlantic (Bacon and models). Projections of future im-
ther systematic long-term changes in Carter, 1991). This observation has pacts that the relationships between
storminess or any detectable change since been validated and extended proxy variables will remain the same
in storm surges (IPCC, 2012). The using altimeter wave data and models in a future climate or may be made by
scientific consensus is that any chang- and attributed largely to changes ob- running dynamic models into the fu-
es in extreme sea levels at most loca- served in the North Atlantic atmos- ture. Local impact models are highly
tions are caused by the observed rise pheric circulation patterns, principally dependent on the accuracy of projec-
in mean sea level (e.g. Woodworth the NAO (Woolf et al., 2002, 2003; tions of storminess in global climate
and Blackman, 2004; Menendez and Wolf and Woolf, 2006). Owing to the models (where storminess may be de-
Woodworth, 2010; Wahl and Cham- lack of long-term datasets, numerical fined as a measure of the frequency
bers, 2016). models are often used to extend the and intensity of storms).
time series, and many global and re-
3.6.3 gional wave hind-casts and reanalyses Sea-level data from most European
are now available (e.g. ERA-Interim, nations are archived and made avail-
Datasets for coastal ERA-20C from the European Centre able through their national data re-
flood hazard analysis for Medium-range Weather Forecasts positories. For instance, the British
(ECMWF, n.d.). Oceanographic Data Centre is re-
The importance of having long time sponsible for the remote monitoring
series data for assessing the statis- and retrieval of sea-level data from
tics of extremes is well known (e.g. the tide gauge network. These are
Weisse et al., 2009). A long time se- Datasets covering more then processed and quality controlled
ries of wave observations (at least 10 than 30 years of wave prior to being made available for sci-
years and, ideally, 30 years) is required entific use. Several other European
to describe the wave climate (Wolf et
observations are essential nations offer a similar facility (e.g.
al., 2011). Such knowledge is required for flood hazard analysis. Système d'Observation du Niveau des
to characterise coastal vulnerabili- All coastal European Eaux Littorales, SONEL, in France
ty and to plan coastal management countries store sea- and National Oceanographic Data
strategies. We know that there is also level data. There are Committee, NODC, of the Nether-
a large amount of inter-annual and in- fewer wave datasets lands). For long-term sea-level anal-
ter-decadal variability, which can ob- ysis, a global record of sea levels is
scure any observation of long-term
but satellite data are
available from the Permanent Service
trends. There are few long-term wave increasingly useful. for Mean Sea Level, which is respon-
datasets for European waters. One sible for the collection, publication,
example is the United Kingdom Met analysis and interpretation of sea-lev-
Office Marine Automatic Weather el data from the global network of
Station (MAWS) system, which con- Long time series are increasingly tide gauges (PSMSL, 2017).
sists of various met-ocean recording available from satellite observations,
systems, some of which have been although these are less reliable in the In order to better understand his-
maintained for several decades. A re- coastal zone. Improved algorithms torical magnitudes and footprints of
view by Hawkes et al. (2001) assessed now allow these data to be used clos- coastal flooding events for the Unit-
the data available and led to the es- er to the coast (e.g. Gommenginger et ed Kingdom, a systematic database of
tablishment of the CEFAS Wavenet al., 2010). Long time series data can extreme sea level and coastal flooding
network (www.cefas.co.uk/cefas-da- also be generated using proxy data has been compiled, covering the past
ta-hub/wavenet/). Data collected from time series of other variables 100 years (Haigh et al., 2015; www.

surgewatch.org). Using records from It is very likely that the rate of glob- cy planning, the value of which justi-
tide gauges, all sea levels that reached al mean sea-level rise during the 21st fies the numerous assumptions made.
or exceed the 1 in 5 year return level century will exceed the rate observed For the United Kingdom (Lowe et
were identified. These were attribut- during the period 1970-2010 for all al., 2009), this low-probability but
ed to 96 distinct storms, the dates of RCP scenarios. Regional patterns of high-impact value was estimated to
which were used as a chronological sea-level change in the 21st century be 1.9 metres, which is consistent
base from which to investigate wheth- still differ between models. However, with physical constraints on glacier
er historical documentation exists for about 70 % of the global coastlines movement (Pfeffer et al., 2008); this
a concurrent coastal flood. For each are projected to experience a sea-lev- value also encompasses the majori-
event, the database contains informa- el change within 20 % of the global ty of semi-empirical model projec-
tion about the storm that generated mean sea-level change. tions. For comparison, Katsman et
that event, the sea levels recorded al. (2011) used an alternative method
during the event, and the occurrence Some studies use simple statistical, to develop a high-end scenario of a
and severity of coastal flooding that so-called ‘semi-empirical’, models 0.40- to 1.05-metre sea-level rise (ex-
resulted. This database is continu- that relate 20th-century (e.g. Rahm- cluding land subsidence) on the coast
ously updated. Similar databases for storf, 2007) or earlier (e.g. Vermeer of the Netherlands by 2100. More re-
Europe-wide flooding could be con- and Rahmstorf, 2009; Grinsted et al., cently, Jevrejeva et al. (2014) obtained
ceived and created. 2010) temperature or radiative forcing a probability density function of the
(Jevrejeva et al., 2010) with sea-level global sea level in 2100, suggesting
3.6.4 rise, in order to extrapolate future that there is a 5 % or smaller proba-
global mean sea level. These models bility of a global sea-level rise greater
Future climate are motivated by evidence in the pal- than 1.8 metres; this low probability
projections of waves, aeo record of a connection between upper limit combined expert opinion
storm surges and global mean sea level and temperature and process studies and also indicates
over glacial/interglacial timescales. that other lines of evidence are need-
mean sea level ed to justify any larger sea-level rise
These models result in wider rang- this century. It is very likely that global
The IPCC (2013) has projected glob- ing, and typically larger, projections mean sea-level rise will continue be-
al sea-level rise for the period 2081- of sea-level rise than those obtained yond the 21st century. The thermal
2100, compared with 1986-2005, to from physical process-based models. expansion of the ocean as a result of
be 0.29-0.82 metres. The precise range For example, Rahmstorf (2007) has increased temperatures takes place
varies with the assumed Represent- projected sea-level rise by 2100 under over centuries to millennia; there-
ative Concentration Pathway (RCP) a range of climate scenarios to be be- fore, thermal expansion will contin-
scenario, which describes the radiative tween 0.50 and 1.40 metres, and Ver- ue beyond 2100, even if greenhouse
imbalance in Earth’s atmosphere due meer and Rahmstorf (2009) suggest- gas concentrations are stabilised im-
to greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike ed the higher range of 0.75 to 1.90 mediately (which is unlikely). Con-
in the previous IPCC report, these metres. Church et al. (2011) note that tributions to sea-level rise from ice
projections now include a contribu- these models may overestimate future sheets are expected to continue be-
tion from changes in ice-sheet out- sea levels because of the exclusion of yond 2100, but glacier contributions
flow, for which the central projection key non-linear processes and climate will decrease as the amount of glacial
is 0.11 metres (it should be noted that feedback mechanisms. In addition, ice diminishes. Some models suggest
there is only medium confidence in future rates of sea-level rise may cor- sea-level rises of between 1 metre and
the range of projected contributions relate less well with global mean tem- 3 metres in response to carbon diox-
from models of ice sheet dynamics). perature if ice sheet dynamics play ide (CO2) concentrations above 700
Nevertheless, these new projections an increased role in the future. Many parts per million. Studies of the last
are broadly similar to those in the national authorities have introduced interglacial period (e.g. Kopp et al.,
earlier AR4 assessment (IPCC, 2007). high-end scenarios to aid contingen- 2009) indicate a very high probability


of a sea-level rise of 2 metres over 1 by the Baltic Sea and Atlantic coasts more westerly winds. In a compa-
000 years, and cannot rule out values of the UK and Ireland. Mean sea-lev- rable study for the North Sea, Groll
in excess of 4 metres. el rise is shown to be the main driv- et al. (2014) found a robust signal
er of the projected rise in extreme in eastern areas, where wave height
Overall there is low confidence in sea-level, with increasing dominance was projected to increase towards
future storm surge and wave height towards the end of the century and the end of the 21st century in most
projections because of the lack of for the high-concentration pathway. of the analysed projections. For the
consistency between models, and Changes in storm surges and waves west European Shelf, Zachariouda-
limitations in the model capability to enhance the effects of sea-level rise ki et al. (2011) found an increase in
simulate extreme winds (IPCC, 2012). along the majority of northern Eu- mean and extreme winter significant
Numerous studies have used regional ropean coasts, locally with contribu- wave height south-west of the Unit-
climate model forcing to drive storm tions up to 40%. In southern Europe, ed Kingdom and the west of France.
surge and wave models to infer chang- episodic extreme events tend to stay Elsewhere, decreases were found.
es in extreme sea level for the Medi- stable, except along the Portuguese This is consistent with the results pro-
terranean (Conte and Lionello, 2013; coast and the Gulf of Cadiz where re- vided by Charles et al. (2012), Men-
Jordà et al., 2012; Marcos et al., 2011), ductions in surge and wave extremes taschi (2017) and Perez et al. (2015)
North Sea (Debernard and Røed, offset sea-level rise by 20-30%. who projected a general decrease in
2008; Gaslikova et al., 2013; Howard wave heights in the Bay of Biscay
et al., 2010; Woth et al., 2006), as well and Atlantic Europe by the end of
as the Atlantic coast of Europe (Lowe Global mean sea level the 21st century. Zacharioudaki et al.
et al., 2001; Lowe et al., 2009; Lowe et will rise between (2011) further emphasised that swell
al., 2010; Marcos et al., 2012) and Bal- and wind sea may show different de-
tic Sea (Gräwe and Burchard, 2012;
0.3 metres and velopments. For the north-west Med-
Meier, 2006; Meier et al., 2004), while 0.8 metres this century. iterranean Sea, Casas-Prat and Sierra
the first pan-European study was by Larger rises are possible. (2013) found some increase in mean
Vousdoukas et al. (2016a). Some of There is low confidence and extreme projected wave heights
these studies suggested increasing in storm surge and but noted that these changes were
levels of storm surge along parts of wave projections very much dependent on changes in
northern Europe. due to climate wave direction and thus on wind di-
rection in the global models that were
While extreme sea levels could
model limitations. not uniform. The findings are consist-
change in the future, both as a result ent with those for the Mediterranean
of changes in atmospheric stormi- Sea reported by Lionello et al. (2008,
ness and of mean sea-level rise, it is 2010), who projected a shift in the
very likely that mean sea-level rise will Regarding possible future wave cli- wave height distribution towards low-
continue to be the dominant control mate changes, the IPCC AR5 notes er values. Similar changes are report-
on upwards trends in extreme future low confidence in projections of fu- ed in Perez et al. (2015), who further
coastal water levels. Vousdoukas et ture storm activity and hence in pro- noted that the decreases were larger
al. (2017; 2016a) concluded that that jections of wind waves (Church et al., for long-term and high-emissions sce-
by the end of this century the 100- 2013). For the Baltic Sea, Groll et al. narios.
year extreme sea-level along Europe’s (2017) found changes in the wave cli-
coastlines is on average projected to mate towards higher significant wave The effect of sea-level rise on tides
increase by 57 cm for RCP4.5 and 81 height for most regions that were remains an open scientific question,
cm for RCP8.5. The North Sea re- consistent across their ensemble sim- since previous studies are not reach-
gion is projected to face the highest ulations. They noted that these chang- ing consensus. There is observational
increase in ESLs, amounting to nearly es result not only from higher wind evidence of changes in tidal constitu-
1 m under RCP8.5 by 2100, followed speeds but also from a shift towards ents in the 20th century (Mawdsley et

al., 2015) however the significance of gression. This aims to capture the es- (Breilh et al., 2013; Gallien, 2016;
the driving processes remains yet un- sential relationships (often calibrated Ramirez et al., 2016; Seenath et al.,
resolved (Woodworth, 2010). Region- using relationships in the current cli- 2016; Vousdoukas et al., 2016b).
al modelling efforts have shown that mate) between the global model and
sea-level rises exceeding 2 m can affect local variables. Intermediate approaches have been
tidal amplitudes and phases (Pickering developed which are capable of re-
et al., 2012). For smaller sea level rises Extreme events are linked to coastal ducing the computational cost by
(~ 1m) some studies find significant flooding and for that reason inunda- taking into consideration either only
tidal changes (Arns et al., 2015; Idier tion maps are a crucial element for water mass conservation (Breilh et
et al., 2017; Pelling and Green, 2014) coastal management and engineer- al., 2013), or aspects of flooding hy-
whilst others report negligible effects ing practices (Ferreira et al., 2006), drodynamics (Dottori et al., 2016),
(Lowe et al., 2001; Sterl et al., 2009; and evaluation of adaptation options or the presence of obstacles (Perini
Vousdoukas et al., 2017). (Cooper and Pile, 2014; Hinkel et al., et al., 2016; Sekovski et al., 2015).
2010). The most common and simple More elaborate and more computa-
way to obtain inundation maps is the tionally intensive are dynamic mod-
3.6.5 static inundation approach consider- els like LISFLOOD-FP (Bates et al.,
Tools and methods ing as flooded all the areas with el- 2010), which despite being originally
for assessing coastal evation lower than the forcing water developed for simulating river flow
level, extensively used for studies of processes, have been proven to be
flood hazard different scales (Hinkel et al., 2014; reliable also for coastal flooding ap-
Hinkel et al., 2010; Vousdoukas et al., plications, such as the reproduction
Downscaling from global to regional 2012b). of storm surge events (Ramirez et
climate change projections is vital for al., 2016; Smith et al., 2012) and the
the study of meaningful local impacts evaluation of future scenarios of sea
(Wolf et al., 2015). Downscaling is level rise (Purvis et al., 2008). Final-
generally taken to refer to the genera- Statistical or dynamical ly, process-based models specialized
tion of locally relevant data from the downscaling methods for coastal hydro- and morpho-dy-
output of Global Circulation Mod- namics (Lesser et al., 2004; McCall et
els (GCMs). The aim is to use glob-
can be used to derive al., 2010; Roelvink et al., 2009; Vous-
al-scale projections, using accepted local information from doukas et al., 2012a) would appear
greenhouse gas emissions scenarios, global climate models. as the optimal option, however they
to generate regionally specific and Reducing uncertainties come with the disadvantages of (i)
useful forecasts, with increased spatial and connecting physical increased computational costs, which
and temporal resolution, and includ- models to decision are almost prohibitive for large scale
ing processes that are not resolved in application; and (ii) the fact that they
the coarser resolution model. Down-
tools will assist coastal
require information about the near-
scaling can be done in several ways: management. shore topography in detail which is
(1) using process models, (2) using often not available.
empirical/statistical relationships, and
(3) using hybrid methods (e.g. pattern Outputs from climate models of var-
recognition). Nesting an RCM into However, given the high complexity ious resolutions are often used to
an existing GCM is an example of of coastal flooding processes, sever- force hydrodynamic impacts models
the first method, termed dynamical al recent studies showed that that the such as wave and storm surge mod-
downscaling. An RCM is a dynam- static approach resulted in substan- els (leading to models of coastal im-
ic model that gives higher resolution tial overestimation of the flood ex- pacts such as flooding and erosion).
results than a GCM. Downscaling tent compared to dedicated hydraulic Issues for these model couplings are
can also be done using statistical re- models, especially in flatter terrains (1) quantification of model accuracy


for past events and (2) understanding Haigh et al. (2015). elling of mid-latitude weather systems
the uncertainty for future projections. in climate models. This would lead to
This uncertainty consists of (1) un- Innovation a more complete assessment of future
certainty in greenhouse gas emissions, There are a number of priority knowl- changes in the wave and storm surge
(2) uncertainty in climate model pro- edge gaps that need to be addressed climate with reduced uncertainty.
jections of sea level and storms and to improve the ability of the scientific
(3) uncertainty in the surge and wave community to assess the hazard-relat-
models. As models improve, the mod- ed risk associated with sea-level ex-
el uncertainty may be reduced but tremes, storm surges and waves. First,
there remains uncertainty in the emis- we require an improved understand-
sions and some of the model physics. ing of the processes controlling time
Increasingly, the outputs of physical mean regional sea-level rise, in order
models such as those described above to provide accurate regional projec-
are combined with socioeconomic tions. This implies a more sophisti-
data to provide a set of decision tools cated combination of ocean and solid
that allow coastal managers to assess Earth models, as well as sustained and
and mitigate risk. accurate monitoring of sea level so
as to better analyse regional variabil-
These so-called ‘broad-scale assess- ity. Sea-level projections also demand
ment tools’ (e.g. Gouldby et al., 2008) improved modelling of physical pro-
connect marine science to engineer- cesses that couple the ocean and the
ing and economics and are now wide- cryosphere in order to explore the
ly used in national analyses of coastal plausibility of rates of sea-level rise
flood hazard, helping to define the outside that suggested by the current
scale of the problem and the poten- models.
tial mitigations.

Conclusions and Improved process
understanding of
key messages regional sea-level
change is essential, as
There is a need for improved multi- are improvements to the
disciplinary connections between representation of weather
oceanographers, coastal engineers systems in climate
and coastal planners to deliver deci- models. Multidisciplinarity
sion tools based on sound physical is needed to deliver
and economic models. economic planning tools.
Flood severity analysis would bene-
fit from a community-wide Europe-
an database and analysis of historic To better understand the possibility
storm events that resulted in coastal of changes to future storminess and,
flooding, building on the model of therefore, storm surges and waves, re-
quires improved high-resolution mod-

A set of recommendations relating to the abovementioned hazards has been
identified, based around the three pillars of the Disaster Risk Management
Knowledge Centre (DRMKC):

Recommendation 1: Improving preparedness for hydrological risks requires
contributions from many different disciplines of knowledge. Efforts are need-
ed to improve (1) risk governance, including institutional governance, legal pro-
visions and financial instruments for planning, prevention and crises manage-
ment; (2) our understanding of hazard modelling; (3) forecasts and predictions,
from short to long lead time ranges; and (4) emergency response recovery,
including coordination of local operations, assistance to affected communities
and recovery of disrupted services. Communication with and engagement of
the public and decision-makers is key to effectively integrate these layers and
to improve preparedness.

Recommendation 2: Risk-based decision-support frameworks have to be tai-

lored to the problem in question but also need to be flexible to allow different
situations to be dealt with as well as often unprecedented hydrological events.
Warnings need to be tailored to the specific circumstances so that responders
and the public can act accordingly. Information sharing and increased commu-
nication with all stakeholders is therefore essential and needs to be fostered

Recommendation 3: Hydrological hazard and risk maps should be developed
using probabilistic methods to reflect the uncertainty in the underlying data
and models and to produce more robust estimates of risk. This is especially
relevant considering the sensitivity of hydrological risks to a changing environ-
ment such as land use changes or climate change.

Recommendation 4: Forecasting and EWSs are identified as key prepared-

ness actions for hydrological risk management and can be implemented at local
scales as well as at continental and global scales. Continued efforts to improve
these systems are necessary to increase preparedness and society’s resilience to
hydrological risks.

Recommendation 5: Hydrological forecasts and risk maps have associated

uncertainties that require adaptive management approaches in the design of
flood risk management policy and infrastructure. The large uncertainty in the
impacts of climate change projections requires flexible adaptation pathways to
be considered.


Recommendation 6: An improvement of the understanding of the processes

controlling hydrological risk including a better representation of weather sys-
tems in climate models is necessary, in order to improve regional projections of
hydrological risk under a changing climate.

Recommendation 7: Operational flood EWSs currently have the capability to
produce coarse-scale discharge forecasts in the medium-range and to dissemi-
nate forecasts and, in some cases, early warning products in real time across the
globe, in support of national forecasting capabilities. With improvements in
seasonal weather forecasting, future advances may include more seamless hy-
drological forecasting at the global scale alongside a move towards multimodel
forecasts and grand ensemble techniques, responding to the requirement of
developing multihazard EWSs for disaster risk reduction.

Recommendation 8: Improved decision-support systems need to be devel-

oped that can integrate the different stages of flood risk management, without
losing information on uncertainty, warning time, forecast accuracy and reliabil-
ity. This will help decision-makers to understand the strengths and weaknesses
of a forecasting system for different scales and events.


3.4 Hydrological risk: floods

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Chapter 3
disaster risk:
hazard related
risk issues
and biological risk

Peter Salamon Henny van Lanen Jesus San Miguel

Coordinating lead author Jürgen V. Vogt Lead author 3.10
Lead authors 3.9
Thomas Frame Emilio Chuvieco
Lead author 3.7 Joaquin Andreu John Handmer
Hugo Carrao Andy Moffat
Giles Harrison Lucia de Stefano Cristina Montiel-Molina
Tim Hewson Emanuel Dutra Leif Sandahl
Nigel Roberts Luc Feyen Domingos Viegas
Giovanni Forzieri
Michael Hayes Rishma Maini
Glenn McGregor Ana Iglesias Virginia Murray
Lead author 3.8 Christophe Lavaysse Cathy Roth
Gustavo Naumann Lead author 3.11
Angie Bone Roger Pulwarty
Florian Pappenberger Jonathan Spinoni Mike Catchpole
Kerstin Stahl Kristie Ebi
Robert Stefanski Michael Hagenlocher
Nikolaos Stilianakis Camila M. Montesinos Guevara
Mark Svoboda Chloe Sellwood
Lena M. Tallaksen Tiffany Yeung
3 Understanding disaster
risk: hazard related risk
Section III. Meteorological, climatological and
biological risk

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
3.7 Meteorological risk: extra-tropical cyclones, tropical cyclones and convective storms. . . . 246
3.7.1 Storm types and associated hazardous phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Storms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Extra-tropical cyclones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Tropical cyclones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Convective systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
3.7.2 Frequency and geographical distribution of severe storm related hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 High winds associated with extra-tropical cyclones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 High winds associated with tropical cyclones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 High winds associated with convective systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Precipitation: rain, snow and hail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Lightning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Estimating potential for future severe storm related events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
3.7.3 Forecasting and monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Current predictive capabilities and future developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Use of observational updates/nowcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Severe weather warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
3.7.4 Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Human impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Infrastructure and environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
3.7.5 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
3.8 Meteorological risk: extreme temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
3.8.1 Temperature extremes in a disaster risk management context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
3.8.2 What are temperature extremes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
3.8.3 Climatic variability and change and temperature extremes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
3.8.4 Health impacts of temperature extremes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Health impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Determinants of vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
3.8.5 Other impacts of temperature extremes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
3.8.6 Managing temperature extremes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Forecasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

242 Early warning systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Urban design and planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
3.8.7 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
3.9 Climatological risk: droughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
3.9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
3.9.2 Drought definition and characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
3.9.3 Past trends and future projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
3.9.4 Drought impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Drought impacts on society and environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Health impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
3.9.5 Analysing drought risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Analysing hazard, exposure and vulnerability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Estimating drought risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
3.9.6 Managing drought risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Drought monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Drought forecasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Drought management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
3.9.7 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
3.10 Climatological risk: wildfires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.10.1 Introduction – wildfires in the context of natural and man-made hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.10.2 Wildfires – definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.10.3 Wildfire risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
3.10.4 Existing knowledge and the issue of scale in fire risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
3.10.5 Wildfire information systems: regional, national, global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
3.10.6 Wildfire management: prevention, preparedness, impact assessment, restoration . . . . . . . . 298
3.10.7 Other hazards such as windstorms and pests and their relationship to wildfire risk . . . . . . . 299
3.10.8 Harmful effects of wildfires on human population and health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
3.10.9 Contextual factors affecting wildfire risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Climate change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Socio-spatial factors of wildfires: population, land cover and land use change, and
landscape dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
3.10.10 Innovation for better understanding and wildfire management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
3.10.11 Research gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
3.10.12 Partnerships and networks, international collaboration in wildfire management . . . . . . . . 303
3.10.13 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
3.11 Biological risk: epidemics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
3.11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
3.11.2 Diseases of contention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Ebola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Zika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
3.11.3 The International Health Regulations and pandemic preparedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
3.11.4 Innovative approaches for early warning and surveillance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
3.11.5 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318


he following subchapters cover meteorological, climatological and bi-
ological risks. In terms of meteorological risks, hazards from different
types of storm systems as well as extremes of temperature are covered.
Climatological risks include droughts and wildfires, and the biological
risks posed by epidemics and pandemics are also examined. Each of these
hazards is described in turn.
• There are two types of storm in meteorology: (1) the hazardous weather
phenomena themselves (e.g. windstorms, rainstorms, snowstorms, thun-
derstorms and ice storms) and (2) the meteorological features in the at-
mosphere or storm systems that are responsible for the adverse weather.
The latter includes tropical cyclones, extra-tropical cyclones and convec-
tive systems.

• Temperature extremes are rare high- or low-temperature events that may

occur over a range of time and geographical scales. They usually occur be-
cause of a change in the weather pattern over a few days or several weeks.

• In terms of climatological risks, droughts result either from a shortfall in

precipitation over an extended period of time, from its inadequate timing
in relation to the needs of the vegetation cover, or from a negative water
balance due to increased potential evapotranspiration caused by high tem-

• Wildfires refer to fires affecting grasslands, shrublands and other non-for-

est land covers. Although they are mainly initiated by human actions, their
intensity and the effects they cause are mainly driven by fuel condition and
availability, vegetation structure and prevalent meteorological and topo-
graphic conditions, and thus they are termed a natural hazard.

• An epidemic is the widespread, and often rapidly extending, occurrence of

an infectious disease in a community or population at a particular time. A
pandemic is the extension of an epidemic to many populations worldwide
or over a very wide area, crossing many international boundaries and af-
fecting a large number of people.

All of these hazards can lead to a range of substantive direct and indirect
impacts on human activity and infrastructure. Compared with other meteoro-
logical disasters, extreme temperatures (particularly high rather than low tem-
peratures) can cause the most severe consequences in terms of human lives
lost. Droughts can affect extended areas and large populations, putting socio-
economic systems and the environment at risk. Wildfires emit large volumes
of smoke and gases that can aggravate respiratory problems, resulting in the
deaths of susceptible individuals. Demographic, physical, socioeconomic, be-
havioural and institutional factors may moderate a population’s vulnerability to


most hazards, particularly temperature extremes and epidemics. Thunderstorm

asthma is a term used to describe an observed increase in acute bronchospasm
cases following severe thunderstorms, which can have significant impacts on
individuals’ health and on health services.

Of particular concern is the evidence that human-related climate change is

increasing the frequency of these hazards. The accelerated growth in global
mean temperature since 1975 and the projected increase over the next several
decades have implications for the occurrence of temperature extremes. A num-
ber of researchers have also highlighted the potential changes in fire climate
regimes in different parts of the world, which may result in increased fire risk
and an exacerbation of the effects of wildfires.

However, these hazards do not always occur in isolation and can often interact
with or influence one another. This is explained in chapter 2.5 where evolution
of risk can be even so complicated that one hazard changes the vulnerability
conditions for the next. For example, epidemics of Rift Valley fever often com-
mence when a period of drought is followed by flooding or intense rainfall,
so climate perturbations may herald an increased risk of outbreaks in at-risk
regions. Similarly, prolonged droughts and heat waves dry out fuels, creating
conditions which can exacerbate uncontrollable wildfires.

The following subchapters describe the current knowledge regarding the risk
assessment and management of each hazard in detail, identifying a set of rec-
ommendations for key stakeholders to reduce and manage their risks.

3.7 Meteorological risk:
extra-tropical cyclones,
tropical cyclones and
convective storms
Thomas Frame, Giles Harrison, Tim Hewson, Nigel Roberts

scale and their typical lifetime. Other extra-tropical cyclone is closely relat-
3.7.1 types of storm system do exist, but ed to the strength of this jet stream.
Storm types these can be considered subtypes of The strongest extra-tropical cyclones
and associated the three systems listed above. occur in winter months when the jet
stream is at its strongest.
phenomena Extra-tropical cyclones
Storm systems can be Extra-tropical cyclones are large ro- distinguished from each
Storms tating weather systems that occur in
the extra-tropics (more than 30° lat-
other by their mechanism
Conceptually, there are two types of itude away from the equator). They of development (growth),
storm in meteorology: (1) the hazard- consist of an approximately circular structure, geographic
ous weather phenomena themselves region of low surface pressure, of a location, spatial scale and
(such as windstorms, rainstorms, radius of 100-2 000 km, accompa- typical lifetime.
snowstorms, hailstorms, thunder- nied by cold and warm fronts. They
storms and ice storms (freezing rain)), typically develop in regions of strong
and (2) the meteorological features in horizontal temperature gradients,
the atmosphere — the ‘storm sys- which are commonly denoted on a Periods when the jet stream is unusu-
tems’ — that can be said to be re- weather chart as a cold or quasi-sta- ally strong can lead to two or more
sponsible for this adverse weather tionary front. In turn, such fronts of- strong cyclones occurring within days
(notably tropical cyclones, extra-trop- ten connect to a pre-existing decaying of each other. The total lifecycle of
ical cyclones and convective systems). extra-tropical cyclone, which itself is an extra-tropical cyclone from birth
These storm systems, which are a situated some way downstream (typ- (genesis) through to development
focal point in the following discus- ically to the north-east). At the same and on to decay (lysis) can occasion-
sion, can be distinguished from one time, high up in the atmosphere ally be more than 10 days; however,
another by their mechanism of de- (around 10 km altitude) one com- somewhere in the range of 2-5 days
velopment (growth), their structure, monly finds a jet stream relatively is much more typical (Ulbrich, 2009).
their geographic location, their spatial close by. Indeed, the intensity of an


The major hazards associated with coastal regions as well as for small is- ing from around a few hundred me-
extra-tropical cyclones are high winds lands. tres up to several kilometres. How-
and precipitation (rain and snow). ever, severe convective systems can
Precipitation occurs primarily along For historical and cultural reasons, comprise many cells organised into
fronts and, on average, is not particu- the strongest tropical cyclones are a larger coherent structure with di-
larly intense relative to that delivered assigned different terminology in dif- ameters of up to a few hundred kilo-
by tropical cyclones and convective ferent regions of the globe. In the metres. These can persist for much
storms. However, when a cyclone is North Atlantic and North-East Pacif- longer than the individual cells, as
developing, some very heavy pre- ic, they are called hurricanes; in the new cells tend to replace old ones
cipitation can occur, particularly in a North-West Pacific they are called ty- within the structure. For example,
narrow band just to the left (north) of phoons, and in the Indian Ocean and convective cells may be organised in a
the cyclone track. The band is ordi- southern hemisphere they are simply linear fashion into squall lines or dere-
narily between about 20 and 200 km called cyclones. The term hurricane is cho systems. They may also form part
wide, depending on the scale of the also sometimes used erroneously by of a rotating system such as a super-
cyclone. In addition, fronts connected the media to refer to extra-tropical cell or a large meso-scale convective
to cyclones can sometimes become cyclones that have hurricane-strength system. Convective storms mostly
very slow-moving, remaining over the winds. Tropical cyclones lead to very occur in the tropics and over land in
same location for many hours, and intense surface winds (notably in a summer or over the sea in winter in
potentially up to 2 days, leading to small annulus around the eye), as well the extra-tropics.
large rainfall accumulations and po- as heavy rain and lightning. The most
tential flooding. significant threat that they pose is
coastal flooding from the associated 3.7.2 storm surge. Frequency and
Tropical cyclones geographical
A tropical cyclone is a rotating storm Convective systems distribution of
originating in tropical latitudes, with severe storm
low surface pressure at its centre. Convective storms are produced by related hazards
These develop over warm oceans in a localised rapid ascent of air, which
tropical regions, have a radius in the is made buoyant by the heating of air
range of about 100-500 km, and have near the Earth’s surface or the cool-
a lifetime of between a few days and ing of air higher up, with the ascent High winds associated with
a couple of weeks. They also have a of the air maintained by heat supplied extra-tropical
structure in wind, rainfall, tempera- by condensation of water vapour cyclones
ture, etc., that is relatively axisymmet- within it. The rapid ascent of air in
ric (unlike extra-tropical cyclones, the convective storms often produces Extra-tropical cyclones account for
structures of which are not generally very heavy but relatively short-lived the majority of recorded high surface
axisymmetric). The development and rainfall, thunder and lightning, as well winds in Europe. Their capacity to
maintenance of tropical cyclones re- as, potentially, hail, very strong wind travel inland, and the fact that some
quires that the ocean surface is very gusts and even tornadoes. At their cyclones are themselves very large,
warm relative to the air above, and simplest, convective storms consist means that the winds associated with
that the air above has high humidity of a single short-lived convective cell, a single storm system can affect large
(Emanuel, 2003). The requirement of comprising one ascending and one areas. For example, as extra-tropical
a warm ocean surface beneath means descending column of air (updraft cyclone Kyrill (January 2007) travelled
that tropical cyclones will decay as and downdraft). across Europe wind gusts of 25m/s
they move inland. This makes them or more were reported over most of
primarily a hazard for oceanic and Individual cells have diameters rang- Ireland, the southern United King-

dom, northern France, the Nether- associated predictability levels. WJ is cyclones (leading to the term ‘medi-
lands, Belgium, Germany, Switzer- relatively easy to predict, while SJ, the canes’ in the former case), although
land, Austria, the Czech Republic, most extreme type, is notoriously dif- such storms are not as long lived and
Slovenia, Slovakia and Poland (Fink et ficult. the most extreme cases are much less
al., 2009; RAIN, 2016). Cyclone Ky- severe than the most extreme tropical
rill caused 46 fatalities (EEA, 2011), cyclones (Cavicchia et al., 2014). The
created total estimated insured losses frequency with which severe cyclones
of between EUR 4.5 and EUR 4.8 Storm systems lead to occur is difficult to define because
billion (EEA, 2011; AIR Worldwide, a variety of hazardous the observational record is not suffi-
2015) and a total estimated damage ciently long (Della-Marta et al., 2009;
of EUR 7.7 billion. An example of a
phenomena, including Welker et al., 2016) and because cur-
much smaller but much more intense high winds, precipitation rent climate models, which could in
storm system for which the econom- and lightning, with principle, generate very long synthetic
ic losses were about the same was the spatial extent and representations of the current climate
Cyclone Lothar, in December 2009 duration of the hazard on which to base an accurate estimate,
(Mitchell-Wallace and Mitchell, 2007; being strongly dependent typically lack the resolution needed to
Roberts et al., 2014). Lothar affect- on the type of storm. represent severe windstorms (Zappa
ed only a relatively narrow swathe of et al., 2013; Donat, 2011). In addition,
northern France, south-west Germa- if severe cyclones cluster as has been
ny and Switzerland, but wind gusts suggested by Pinto et al. (2013) and
widely exceeded 35 m/s. An impor- others, then frequency estimates such
tant consideration regarding impacts Extra-tropical cyclones are ubiqui- as return periods need to be interpret-
is that damage is typically estimated tous in the extra-tropics, occurring ed carefully.
to vary according to gust strength to at all locations and all year round (al-
the power of 3 (Leckebusch, 2007). though they are more frequent and, The effect of climate change on
Therefore, 35 m/s gusts are much on average, more intense in late au- the intensity and distribution of ex-
more destructive than 25 m/s gusts. tumn/winter). Europe is affected by tra-tropical cyclones is still very uncer-
about 10 extra-tropical cyclones per tain; however, the IPCC AR5 (IPCC,
Understanding of the structure of month (based on Hoskins and Hodg- 2014) states that it is unlikely that the
extra-tropical cyclones has increased es, 2002); however, the vast majority number of cyclones will reduce by
considerably in recent decades (see, of such cyclones do not lead to dam- more than a few per cent and that
for example, Browning, 2004; Hew- aging winds. These cyclones originate there could be a small northward shift
son and Neu, 2015), to the extent that from three main sources. The main in the average tracks of extra-tropi-
we now have a much clearer picture of subtype affecting Europe is Atlantic cal cyclones relative to now. It is also
related windstorm subtypes. Figure cyclones, which typically form near noted that there is little evidence in
3.28, for example, shows windstorm the eastern seaboard of the Amer- one set of climate change simulations
footprints for the subtypes Warm ican continent and develop as they (CMIP5) of a change in extra-tropical
Jet (WJ), Cold Jet (CJ) and Sting Jet cross the Atlantic over the course of cyclone-related wind strengths.
(SJ). These subtypes are important several days, although such cyclones
because they can explain differences can also form over the eastern North
in damage levels and the geographical Atlantic, closer to Europe. They may High winds associated with
extent of damage between different also develop over the Mediterranean tropical cyclones
cyclones. For example, for Cyclone (Mediterranean cyclones) or in po-
Kyrill, the subtypes were WJ and CJ, lar regions (polar lows). Within the With the exception of Hurricane
while for Cyclone Lothar they were Mediterranean and in polar regions, Vince in 2005 (Franklin, 2006), trop-
probably WJ and SJ. Moreover, these cyclones can sometimes have some of ical cyclones are not known to reach
different subtypes have very different the physical characteristics of tropical Europe, although they may enter the


region of the jet stream and evolve in distribution is difficult. Moreover, it is

structure into extra-tropical cyclones very likely that there is under-report-
in a process known as extra-tropi- High winds associated with ing, particularly in sparsely populated
cal transition. Some recent studies convective systems areas.
have suggested that there may be an
increase in these transitioning cas- Winds associated with convective sys- In recent decades, approximately 240
es during autumn due to a poleward tems can be extreme, the causes be- tornado sightings have been reported
expansion of the region of tropical ing both downbursts and tornadoes in Europe each year (Antonescu et al.,
cyclone development (Haarsma et al., (weak tornadoes also occur, rarely, 2016). These were mostly in summer,
2013). in frontal regions in extratropical cy- in mid to late afternoon, when con-
clones). A key difference compared vective activity is highest. The small
In subtropical coastal regions, tropi- with cyclone-related winds is that scale and short lifetime also mean
cal cyclones are a major cause of wind convective system winds are relatively that when they do occur they pres-
damage, particularly in the developing short-lived, and so impacts are very ent a hazard for only a very small
world, where infrastructure is not re- localised. Indeed, if plotted on a map area; however, the degree of hazard
silient to the magnitudes of winds that similar to that in Figure 3.28, foot- can be exceptionally high, because of
occur. The effect of climate change is prints associated with convective sys- the extreme wind strengths that are
likely to be a reduction or no change tems would be minuscule. Because of possible. The direct measurement of
in the frequency of tropical cyclones, their small scale and relatively short tornado winds is not feasible owing
although the average strength of the lifetime, such events are difficult to to their destructive nature, although
associated winds is expected to in- observe and, therefore, full knowl- progress has been made with the in-
crease (IPCC, 2014). edge of their frequency and spatial troduction of mobile Doppler radar,
which can make indirect measure-
ments remotely. Occasionally, large
FIGURE 3.28 convective storm systems can form
into squall lines (or derechoes), which
Conceptual model of the footprints of windstorms associated with extra- can cause a swathe of damaging winds
tropical cyclones. over larger areas. One example is the
Source: Hewson and Neu (2015)
derecho that hit Berlin in 2002 and
caused considerable damage and four
fatalities (Gatzen, 2004); another is
the events of 9 June 2014 in western
Germany that killed six (BBC News,
2014). In both such cases, footprints
were still no more than about 25 % of
the size of the red SJ zone in Figure
Precipitation: rain,
snow and hail

All storm types are associated with

some form of precipitation. The ex-
act nature of this depends strongly on
the storm itself. The most frequent
type of precipitation is rainfall. This

presents a particular hazard when al. Water bodies around Europe (e.g. per square kilometre depending on
accumulations (the total amount of the Baltic Sea, North Sea and Adriatic location (Anderson and Klugmann,
rainfall in a given time) over a local Sea) can also trigger extreme localised 2014). The response of lightning to a
area or river catchment are large. This convective snowfall. changing climate is poorly known, but
occurs usually from either severe con- it is expected to be highly sensitive to
vective rainfall, especially when the Hail is formed only in strong convec- increasing global temperatures (Price,
convection persists or is triggered tive updrafts; the stronger the updraft, 2009).
repeatedly over the same location, the larger the hail can be. Since hail-
or just to the left of the track of a storms are small scale, it is difficult to
rapidly developing extra-tropical cy- get a precise picture of the geograph- Estimating potential
clone, or on slow-moving fronts as- ical distribution and frequency of oc- for future severe storm
sociated with such cyclones, or in currence of hail by size (Hand and related events
and just downwind of upslope areas Cappelluti, 2011). Pocakal et al. (2009)
during periods of persistent, strong, suggest that the largest hail typically There are a number of ways to esti-
moist, low-level flow (orographically occurs in mountainous regions where mate ‘potential worst case scenarios’
enhanced rain). In the last two cases, updraft strengths can be large owing in the current climate, although these
the rainfall rates themselves may not to the air being forced to rise over ter- will inevitably have error bars asso-
be very large but the stationarity of rain. Reports of large hail (diameter ciated with them. For future climate
the pattern is a key factor. Sometimes of 20 mm or more) within Europe predictions, the problem is much
even fast-moving supercell storms or vary between zero and three reports more challenging. For the current
organised squall lines can produce per year per 10 000 km2 depending on climate, one method is to assume
flooding simply because of the sheer location; however, inhomogeneities in that small-scale extreme events, seen
intensity of the rain. the observation network mean that in the instrumental record, could by
confidence in published geographical chance have occurred in a nearby lo-
Heavy snowfall has similar causes to distributions cannot be very high (see cation. However, one must have due
heavy rainfall, as discussed above, but Hand and Cappelluti, 2011). regard to physical mechanisms, so ex-
there are two key differences. The first treme orographic rainfall, for exam-
is that, in all instances, the low-level air ple, could not have occurred over flat
clearly needs to be sufficiently cold, Lightning plains situated close to mountains.
and this tends to depend primarily on
time of year, but also on proximity Lightning strikes usually occur in the A second method is to use a state-of-
to coasts and other factors. The sec- presence of convective rainfall asso- the-art numerical model to synthesise
ond is that extreme convective snow ciated with convective storms and possible realisations of the current
occurs only in certain small areas of tropical cyclones, although they may climate. This is relatively common
certain countries, whereas convective also occur in the frontal regions as- practice within the reinsurance indus-
rainfall extremes are much more even- sociated with extra-tropical cyclones. try, where extreme windstorms are
ly distributed across the world. Vul- The number of lightning flashes per simulated and their output is fed into
nerable areas lie adjacent to bodies of year is estimated to be of the order impact models to estimate potential
water such as lakes or oceans, which of 1-2 billion globally (Mackerras et losses. The companies then position
provide both the moisture source for al., 1998; Christian et al., 2003), with themselves financially to be able to
the snow and perpetual triggering of approximately one-fifth of flash- cover such losses should such a storm
convection, via the elevated surface es caused by lightning striking the occur. More recently, the ECMWF
temperature of the water body. Over ground and four-fifths caused by has pioneered a method of using op-
the vast majority of the United States, lightning between clouds (Mackerras erational reforecasts to estimate po-
a convective snowfall of 50 cm in 1 et al., 1998). Over Europe, lightning tential extreme rainfall events in the
day is virtually impossible, but around strikes to the ground are estimated to United Kingdom (Lavers et al., 2016).
the Great Lakes, it is not that unusu- vary between 0.1 and 4 times per year The main conclusions of this study


were: ‘Across half of the country at and quality of observations (Bauer the genesis of a storm, forecasting
least 30 % more rainfall is possible. In et al., 2015). Determining the extent its path and evolution of its structure
some places, the potential maximum to which forecasts can be further and forecasting the severity of the as-
is substantially higher, up to twice improved is a challenging scientific sociated weather.
what has occurred’. Such an approach problem, which depends in part on
could be extended and expanded, to the resolution of computer hardware Forecasting the genesis of storm sys-
provide input for strengthening resil- issues, although there is no clear ev- tems is one of the most difficult tasks,
ience networks. idence as yet of any plateauing out as storm systems develop from small
of forecast accuracy. No forecast can perturbations in regions of instabili-
A third method is to use a stochastic/ ever be 100 % accurate, but larger ty. A particularly challenging problem
statistical approach. This approach scale atmospheric phenomena can be arises when convective cells com-
involves randomly generating a large more accurately forecast further into bine into more organised structures:
number of artificial weather events the future than smaller scale physi- this includes tropical cyclones (see
(e.g. windstorm footprints) by, for cal phenomena (as illustrated by Ta- Majumdar and Torn, 2014), mesos-
example, decomposing observed ble 3.2). To quantify the uncertainty, cale convective systems and derecho
storm structures into base elements weather forecasts at all lead times are storms. The formation of tropical cy-
using image processing techniques, now typically produced using multi- clones is not completely understood,
and recombining these elements with ple computer forecasts (an ‘ensemble although several theories exist and
random weighting factors to produce forecast system’) that each use slightly some are being actively tested in field
new storm structures. This is also em- different (but plausible) initial condi- campaigns (Montgomery et al., 2012).
ployed in the reinsurance industry. tions; the degree to which these fore-
casts differ gives an estimate of the Because of their longer lifetimes, the
degree of uncertainty in the forecast. existence of potentially hazardous ex-
3.7.3 tra-tropical and tropical cyclones can
now be predicted with some confi-
Forecasting dence up to about 5 days in advance.
and monitoring Despite a degree of However, at such leads, uncertainty
in the details of a storm’s track, tim- uncertainty in forecasting, ing and intensity are likely to be very
Current predictive it has become more large (Magnussen et al., 2014; Frame
capabilities and future accurate over the past et al., 2015). For example, it may often
developments few decades, allowing be possible to state with confidence
mitigating actions to be that a strong extra-tropical cyclone
Weather forecasts are produced us- taken and emergency will occur, but uncertainty will remain
ing large computer models of the with regard to the path it will take and
atmosphere that propagate the cur-
services to be prepared in the strength of winds and precipita-
rent best estimate of the state of the advance. tion (see third column in Table 3.2).
atmosphere forward in time. The at- Nonetheless, for some users, having
mosphere is a chaotic system, which early indications of a very high po-
means that there are inherent physical tential for an extreme event, even if
limits to how far into the future ac- After their initial development, tropi- the point probability is only 5 %, can
curate forecasts can be made. How- cal and extra-tropical cyclones are co- still be useful. Some basic mitigating
ever, over the past few decades, major herent structures that can be tracked actions can be taken, and emergen-
improvements in forecast accuracy in time until they decay. The fore- cy services can be placed in a state
have been achieved through a combi- casting problem for such storms can of readiness (Petroliagis and Pinson,
nation of improved computer power, generally be thought of as compris- 2014).
improved models and improved use ing several components: forecasting

Owing to their small spatial scale and representation in a forecast model ‘advection nowcasting’ systems can
short timescale, unorganised convec- output to see if the forecast model is be very useful for the first hour or
tive storms cannot be forecast far into ‘on track’, and if it is not adjustments so, but the rapid evolution of storms
the future (see Table 3.2). The fore- are made based either on selecting can quickly damage performance. In
cast chance of a thunderstorm occur- out a suitable ensemble member or the future, it is expected that convec-
ring at a particular location remains on physical understanding and expe- tion-permitting numerical models will
negligible, even at lead times of a few rience. It is of particular importance be run much more frequently (hourly
hours. However, the background con- that forecasts are interpreted with the or more often) and combined with
ditions that may give rise to the de- help of qualified meteorologists and advection nowcasting to give the best
velopment of individual storms does forecasters (Heizenreder et al., 2015). probabilistic forecast.
have predictive skill (i.e. prediction
of the instability in the atmosphere). For convective storms, the high lev-
It is, therefore, sometimes possible el of uncertainty in the location of Severe weather
to provide a useful probabilistic esti- storm formation and the short life- warnings
mate that convective storms will oc- time of storms means that while fore-
cur somewhere within a region within casts can provide initial indications The technical challenge of dissem-
a time window. This has motivated that a severe convective storm is a inating information to the gener-
a move to short-range local-area en- possibility, much more detailed infor- al public can increasingly be met
sembles running at ‘convection-per- mation is likely to emerge in near real through the worldwide web (e.g.
mitting resolutions’, requiring hori- time as the storm develops. For exam- meteoalarm.eu and National Mete-
zontal grid spacing of 1-3 km. ple, in the United States the average orological services websites) and the
lead time for tornado warnings issued adoption of smartphone applications
For example, the Met Office by the National Centre for Environ- (e.g. Deutcher Wetterdeinst’s Wetter-
MOGREPS-UK 12-member ensem- mental Prediction (NCEP) increased warn APP, or weather apps produced
ble forecast with 2.2-km grid covering from 3 minutes in 1978 to around 14 by MeteoSwiss, the Met Office and
the United Kingdom became opera- minutes in 2007 (Wurman et al., 2012), Finnish Meteorological Institute).
tional in July 2012; the COSMO-DE but warnings are still based primarily However, by providing the potential
2.8-km ensemble (Gebhardt et al., on the detection of tornadoes in ob- for mass communication to far more
2011) became operational in a domain servational data after tornadogenesis individuals and groups than ever be-
over Germany in May 2012, and the has occurred, and the improvement fore, this technology also creates a
2.5-km AROME model has been test- has been due to better observations greater challenge in maintaining the
ed in several domains across Europe and communications (Brotzge and National Met Service as a ‘single au-
(Vie et al., 2011; Bouttier et al., 2012; Donner, 2013). Within Europe, re- thoritative voice’ in issuing warnings
Nuissier et al., 2016). cent improvements in radar networks (WMO, 2017) than was previously the
in particular mean that there is greater case when mass communication was potential for tracking severe convec- dominated by a small number of me-
Use of observational tive events in real time than previously dia organisations.
updates/nowcasting existed. For example, the installation
of Doppler and dual polarisation ra- Severe weather warnings and guid-
Although predicting a rapid inten- dar give information about winds ance pose several other decision-mak-
sification phase for cyclones can be and more detailed information about ing and communication challenges.
very problematic, there are nonethe- droplet size and type within convec- Determining what degree of certain-
less operational tools available to as- tive storms. Methods are used that ty in the forecast is required to for a
sist with this. Commonly, forecasters project the track of a storm over the warning to be issued is a non-trivial
compare imagery signatures, surface next few hours with the assumption problem, which requires balancing
pressure measurements and other that the storm will remain intact and the risk of missing the opportunity
observations with their equivalent that no new storms will form. These for early warning with the risk of issu-



Estimated current predictive capabilities in Europe for different hazardous weather phenomena discussed in
the text. For this table the maximum lead-time for deterministic predictions (*) is taken to be the point beyond
which deterministic forecasts, of threshold exceedance at a point, are more likely to be incorrect than correct
(i.e. the ‘Deterministic limit’, following Hewson, 2006).
The maximum lead-time for useful probabilistic predictions (**) is taken here to be the lead time at which one
can reliably highlight when the probability of a 1 in 20 year event (for a given day), at a point, exceeds 5 %.
For thunderstorms (^), it is difficult to define the meaning of a 1 in 20 year event. Note that lead times quoted
are approximate ‘best guess values’ for current forecasting systems based on forecaster experience and are
for illustrative purposes.

Storm system Storm type (weather) Maximum lead time Maximum lead time for useful
for accurate ‘probabilistic’ predictions of an
“deterministic” exceptional event**
predictions *

Extra-tropical Rainstorm (‘left of track’) ≈24 hours ≈72 hours

cyclones Rainstorm (‘slow-moving front’) ≈24 hours ≈96 hours
(Figure 3.28)

Rainstorm (‘orographic rain’) ≈48 hours ≈144 hours

Windstorm — CJ ≈24 hours ≈96 hours

Extreme windstorm — SJ ≈2 hours ≈36 hours

Snowstorm (‘left of track’) ≈12 hours ≈48 hours

Ice storm ≈12 hours ≈72 hours

Rainstorm ≈72 hours ≈120 hours

Windstorm (broadscale) ≈48 hours ≈144 hours

cyclones Extreme windstorm (near eye) ≈12 hours ≈72 hours

Storm surge ≈24 hours ≈72 hours

Rainstorm (‘flash floods’) ≈30 minutes ≈48 hours

Hailstorm ≈15 minutes Not currently possible

Windstorm (convective gusts) ≈15 minutes Not currently possible

Tornado Not currently possible Not currently possible

Thunderstorm 15 minutes N/A^
Snowstorm (“Lake Effect”) 48 hours ~96 hours

ing too many false alarms (Petroliagis ing struck by flying debris or falling a large number of people to hazards
and Pinson, 2014). Kox et al. (2015) trees and road traffic accidents. Indi- due to flying debris. In Europe, torna-
note that, although emergency servic- rect effects, occurring during the pre- does are generally weaker and much
es in Germany had a good grasp of and post-impact phases of the storm, shorter lived than those experienced
forecast uncertainty, it was not possi- include falls, lacerations and puncture in the United States; however, it has
ble to identify a particular probability wounds, and occur when preparing been estimated that in Europe there
threshold at which mitigation meas- for, or cleaning up after, a storm. are 10-15 tornado-related deaths
ures would begin. However, it was Power outages are a key issue and can per year (Groenemeijer and Kühne,
noted that decisions were delayed for lead to electrocution, fires and burns 2014).
low probabilities. Studies suggest that and carbon monoxide poisoning from
the general public often misunder- gasoline-powered electrical genera-
stand the nature of the hazard from tors. In addition, worsening of chron-
severe weather events; for example, ic illnesses owing to lack of access to Storms can lead to a
Meyer et al. (2014) found that resi- medical care or medication can occur.
dents of coastal regions in the Unit- Other health impacts include subse-
range of direct and
ed States typically overestimated the quent infections and an increase in indirect impacts on people
probability of their homes being hit insect bites (Goldman et al., 2013). and on the built and
by hurricane-force winds, but under- natural environment.
estimated the damage that such winds Owing to their large scale, severe
could cause. They also erroneously extra-tropical cyclones can expose a
perceived the greatest threat to come very large number of people to haz-
from the wind rather than the storm ards, such as injury and loss of life, Lightning presents a hazard to hu-
surge. Since the public response to as can tropical cyclones if landfall is mans and infrastructure systems as
weather warnings is a key element in made in densely populated areas. well as being a major cause of wild-
their success, determining warning fires. Annually, there are approxi-
quality necessarily takes forecast ver- Severe winds from convective storms mately three deaths by lightning strike
ification beyond the traditional quan- have a highly localised and short- per 10 million of the population in
titative forecast skill measures used so lived nature, which means that they developed countries (Lorenz, 2008;
far into the arena of social sciences; frequently occur without any conse- Holle, 2008) and perhaps as many
for example, the Met Office in the quence for human health. However, as 60 deaths per 10 million of the
United Kingdom utilises the subjec- when they occur in certain circum- population in the developing world
tive analysis of data from social media stances they can have severe conse- (Holle, 2008). These differences are
posts among other sources to try to quences: for example, an outbreak of due to the shift in demographics of
assess the quality of warnings. convective cells caused downbursts developed nations from a largely ru-
of 29-37 m/s to strike the Pukkelpop ral population involved in agricultural
music festival in Belgium (18 August work to an urban population spend-
3.7.4 2011), exposing 60 000 people to the ing significantly more time indoors,
Impacts associated hazard for approximately and to the fact that buildings in de-
10 minutes. Five people were killed, veloped countries mostly now con- at least 140 were injured as a concert tain conducting elements, such as
Human impact tent collapsed, and trees, light towers electrical wiring, telephone cables, or
and video screens were blown over. purpose-built lightning conductors,
Direct effects occur during the im- Nearby residences were, however, which provide safe charge transfer
pact phase of a windstorm, causing completely unaffected by the event paths to ground. For example, the
death and injury as a result of the (De Meutter et al., 2015). Intense risk of death from lightning strike in
force of the wind, and the main dan- long-lived tornadoes (as occur in the the United Kingdom has reduced by
gers include becoming airborne, be- United States) can potentially expose about 95 % over the past century (El-


som, 2015), and data from Elsom and verify. In the United States, only eight to USD 5.2 billion -EUR 4.8 billion-
Webb (2014) indicate that changes in deaths from hail were reported in the today), part of the explanation for
the nature of buildings reduced the 70 years prior to 2009 (Changnon et the increase in potential losses being
proportion of fatal lightning strikes al., 2009), although larger numbers of increased use of ‘expensive construc-
that occurred indoors from 32 % in non-fatal injuries are reported. To the tion materials and complex building
the 1850s, to 5 % in 1950s, to 0 % authors’ knowledge, there have been façades’ (MunichRe, 2016).
during the most recent period (1988- no reported deaths as a direct result
2012). Reductions of a similar order of being struck by hail in Europe in Regarding damage to environment,
of magnitude have been reported in recent decades, despite the occur- more than 130 separate wind storms
other developed countries (Holle et rence of damaging hailstorms such as have been identified as causing notice-
al., 2005), but not in developing coun- that in Munich in 1984 (Heimann and able damage to European forests in
tries, where the risk of death remains Kure, 1985); however, hail has been a the last 60 years (~2/year) that, for
greater (Holle, 2016). contributing factor in fatal traffic ac- example, increases the vulnerability of
cidents. forests to wildfires (see Chapter 3.10).
Thunderstorm asthma is a term used Storms are responsible for more than
to describe an observed increase in 50% of all primary abiotic and biotic
acute bronchospasm cases following Infrastructure and damage by volume to European for-
severe thunderstorms. These asthma environment ests from catastrophic events (Gardin-
events have had significant impacts er et al., 2011; De Rigo et al.; 2016 ).
on both individuals and health servic- Damage from high winds associated
es, with a range of different aeroaller- with extra-tropical cyclones varies ac- 3.7.5
gens identified (Dabrera et al., 2013). cording to the wind gust to the pow-
The impact of these rare events can er of 3 (or more), so prediction of Conclusions and
be significant, with many without pre- the correct values is crucial (but still key messages
vious asthma events becoming acutely very challenging). This rapid increase
ill (Murray et al., 1994). Health servic- in vulnerability with wind strength Partnership
es can be seriously affected by thun- relates to building regulations that Collaboration between forecast pro-
derstorm asthma; for example, during specify resilience to certain standards viders and end users in real time is
the 24/25 June 1994 thunderstorm (e.g. in the United Kingdom and in essential during DRM, since the in-
asthma episode, hospital emergency Eurocodes, 50-year return periods are terpretation of the available informa-
departments ran out of asthma-relat- quoted for some purposes). As winds tion, the uncertainty associated with it
ed supplies including nebuliser face nominally increase above such thresh- and how this changes as new infor-
masks (5 of 11 departments) and drug olds, the building ‘failure rate’ will mation becomes available should be
therapies (8 of 11) and half of all the naturally accelerate rapidly. made in consultation with qualified
regional health authorities in England meteorologists and National Meteor-
observed a 6-fold increase in asthma Damage to property and crops from ological Services in particular. Infor-
attendances in emergency depart- hail storms can be very costly: for ex- mation sharing, particularly observa-
ments, resulting in difficulty in service ample, the Munich hailstorm of 1984 tional, impact and warning data across
provision (Venables et al., 1997). (hail diameter 5-6 cm) caused signifi- national boundaries in real time, is
cant damage to vegetation, buildings, of key importance. Improvements
Large hail has the potential to produce automobiles and aircraft, leading to in forecasts will in part be driven by
significant head trauma and in extreme USD 500 million (equivalent to USD the interaction between fundamental
cases can result in death. Such ex- 1.2 billion -EUR 1.1 billion- today) of atmosphere and ocean science with
treme cases with multiple deaths have insured losses (Heimann and Kurz, operational forecasting, so continued
been reported particularly in northern 1985). A more recent hailstorm in collaboration between forecasting cen-
India, Bangladesh and parts of China, Germany in July 2013 caused dam- tres and universities and research cen-
but the details of these are difficult to age worth USD 5 billion (equivalent tres is crucial.

A greater understanding of how to
interpret, utilise and communicate
probabilistic forecasts is required.
This is particularly important, since
future developments in forecasting
systems, particularly short-lead-time,
high-resolution forecasts at small spa-
tial scales and long-lead-time global
forecasts, lead to forecasts that are in-
herently probabilistic. Collaboration
between physical scientists and social
scientists may be important to im-
prove the communication of forecast

Prospects for major extensions of
the lead-time thresholds at which we
can forecast storms are limited. We
should instead expect continued slow
but steady extensions of these over
the coming years and decades. Im-
provements in the quality of forecast
information for end users will also
stem from innovative and improved
post-processing of forecast data for
the diagnosis of hazardous weather
and end user-specific information.


3.8 Meteorological risk:

extreme temperatures
Glenn McGregor, Angie Bone, Florian Pappenberger

or as a threshold value recorded at a

3.8.1 meteorological or climate station.
Temperature Temperature extremes, Temperature extremes can be ex-
extremes in although rare, are pressed as a probability of occur-
a disaster risk important from a DRM rence, or as a return period (e.g. 5 %
probability or 1 in 20 year return pe-
management context perspective as they riod). Occasionally, the term ‘return
can lead to a range of period’ is misinterpreted to mean an
Understanding temperature extremes substantive direct and event of a particular magnitude, so
in a DRM context involves getting indirect impacts on that an event with a return period of 1
to know how often temperature ex- human activity and other in 20 years, having once occurred, will
tremes occur, the conditions under systems. occur again only after 20 years have
which they occur and establishing passed. This is incorrect, as at any one
associated direct and indirect societal time the occurrence of a particular
impacts. temperature will have a specific prob-
ability associated with it. Given this,
Knowledge about temperature ex- 3.8.2 it is entirely possible to have two 1 in
tremes can inform the development What are 20 year events in successive years or
of strategies for managing the risk indeed in the same year.
associated with this type of natural temperature
event. That temperature extremes do extremes? A threshold value will be a specific
result in disastrous consequences, in high or low temperature value, above
terms of lives lost, is manifest via the Temperature extremes can occur over or below which there is a discernible
observed impacts of a range of ex- a range of temporal (e.g. daily, month- impact. These can be described in
treme temperature events over the ly, seasonal, annual, decadal) and geo- terms of percentiles, for example, the
last few decades (Table 3.3). Note- graphical scales (e.g. local to regional 5th or 95th percentile, meaning that
worthy is that all top 10 disasters are to global). They are usually defined in for all the temperature observations
related to extreme high as opposed to terms of their position in a distribu- recorded for a location, the highest or
low temperatures. tion of observed temperature values lowest set of temperatures are con-

sidered to fall within the lowest or high or low temperatures over sever- ysis have been constructed based on
highest 5 % of values. Percentiles are al days. These are often referred to as available station data (Klok and Tank,
a relative measure of extreme values, heat waves or cold waves. Although 2009; Menne et al., 2012).
as the value associated with a particu- these terms are applied extensively in
lar percentile will vary from location a range of fora, there is no standard
to location. For example, the 95th definition of what a heat wave or cold
percentile value of temperature for a wave is, despite a number of attempts There is a range of
location in southern Europe may be to develop ‘universal’ heat wave and temperature extreme
35°C, while for a northern European cold wave definitions (Allen and Sher-
location it may be 28°C. idan, 2016; Lhotka and Kysely, 2015;
metrics. Statistical
Perkins and Alexander, 2013; Robin- measures including
Probabilities, return periods and per- son, 2001; Tong et al., 2010). probabilities, return
centiles are just a few of a wide range periods and percentiles
of possible measures of temperatures Building a picture of the nature of can be used to describe
extremes. For example, Table 3.4 lists temperature extremes for a particu- their occurrence.
a set of measures of temperature ex- lar location or region is dependent on Knowledge gaps exist
tremes considered relevant to a range measurements from daily weather and
of sectors of the economy and soci- climate observing stations. Accord-
concerning extreme urban
ety (Donat et al., 2013). Among these ingly, a number of daily temperature temperatures.
are some that refer to the duration of datasets that can be used for risk anal-

TABLE 3.3 In addition to observational data,

other sources are increasingly being
Top 10 extreme temperature disasters and associated death toll by coun- used to develop extreme temperature
try and date. climatologies (e.g. assembled via data
Source: EM-DAT (2009)
rescue and reconstruction projects, as
well as the analysis of diaries and oth-
Country Disaster type Date Total number of
er historical documents (McGregor,
deaths 2015)). Considerable effort has also
gone into constructing gridded tem-
Russian Federation Extreme high temperature 01/06/2010 55 736 perature datasets with a variety of spa-
tial and temporal resolutions (Donat
Italy Extreme high temperature 16/07/2003 20 089 et al., 2013). In the case of data-sparse
regions, stochastic weather generators
France Extreme high temperature 01/08/2003 19 490 have also been applied to the analysis
of temperature extremes (Rahmani et
Spain Extreme high temperature 01/08/2003 15 090 al., 2016; Steinschneider and Brown,
2013; Wilks, 2012). A range of reanal-
Germany Extreme high temperature 01/08/2003 9 355 ysis products such as the 20th century
(100-year) reanalysis dataset produced
France Extreme high temperature 29/06/2015 3 275 by the ECMWF (ERA-20C, n.d.) also
offer considerable potential for ex-
Portugal Extreme high temperature 01/08/2003 2 696 treme temperature analyses. Because
weather and climate stations were
India Extreme high temperature 26/05/1998 2 541 originally located to be representative
of atmospheric processes over large
India Extreme high temperature 20/05/2015 2 248

France Extreme high temperature

258 15/07/2006 1 388

regions, there are very few long-term ed extremes (Chen et al., 2012). et al., 2013; Honjo et al., 2015; Hu et
urban weather stations. This has con- Accordingly, attention is now being al., 2016; Muller et al., 2013a, b). Fur-
strained the development of a full turned to the development of urban thermore, satellite-based high spatial
understanding of the complexities of climate networks and information resolution surface temperature obser-
urban temperature fields and associat- systems (Chapman et al., 2015; Choi vations are also being applied in the


List of the temperature indices recommended by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices
(ETCCDI) and calculated based on Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)-Daily station data. Percentile
values used as the threshold for some of the indices are calculated for the base period 1961-90.
Source: adopted from Donat et al. (2013)

Identifier Indicator name Indicator definition Units

TXx Hottest day Monthly maximum value of daily maximum temperature °C

TNx Warmest night Monthly maximum value of daily minimum temperature °C

TXn Coldest day Monthly minimum value of daily maximum temperature °C

TNn Coldest night Monthly minimum value of daily minimum temperature °C

TN10p Cool nights Percentage of time when daily minimum temperature < 10th percentile %

TX10p Cool days Percentage of time when daily maximum temperature < 10th percentile %

TN90p Warm nights Percentage of time when daily minimum temperature > 90th percentile %

TX90p Warm days Percentage of time when daily maximum temperature > 90th percentile %

DTR Diurnal Monthly mean difference between daily maximum and minimum °C
temperature temperature
GSL Growing season Annual (1 January to 31 December in NH, 1 July to 30 June in SH) count Days
length between first span of at least 6 days with TG > 5°C and first span after 1
July (1 January in SH) of 6 days with TG < 5°C. (NH stands for Northern
Hemisphere, SH for Southern Hemisphere and TG is daily mean
ID Ice days Annual count when daily maximum temperature < 0°C Days

FD Frost days Annual count when daily minimum temperature < 0°C Days

SU Summer days Annual count when daily maximum temperature > 25°C Days

TR Tropical nights Annual count when daily minimum temperature > 20°C Days

WSDI Warm spell Annual count when at least 6 consecutive days of maximum temperature Days
duration index > 90th percentile

CSDI Cold spell Annual count when at least 6 consecutive days of minimum temperature Days
duration index < 10th percentile

analysis of urban surface temperature fore be explained in terms of unusual for a range of regions across the
fields (Azevedo et al., 2016; Hu et al., patterns of atmospheric circulation, world (Arblaster and Alexander, 2012;
2015; Jin, 2012) as well as the output such as ‘blocking’, which the term giv- Kenyon and Hegerl, 2008; Parker et
from urban climate numerical models en to a situation in which a high-pres- al., 2014) as well as by Madden–Julian
(Best and Grimmond, 2015; Loridan sure system becomes ‘stuck’ and does Oscillation-related anomalies in trop-
and Grimmond, 2012). not move for several days. Blocking ical convection (Cassou et al., 2005;
results in the flow of either very warm Matsueda and Takaya, 2015). Simi-
3.8.3 or cold air over a region or cloudless larly, the NAO has been found to in-
skies that enhance heat gain or heat fluence the occurrence of both high-
Climatic variability loss from the Earth’s surface. For ex- and low-temperature extremes across
and change and ample, Della-Marta et al. (2007) have Europe (Burgess and Klingman,
temperature shown that heat waves over Europe 2015; Hoy et al., 2013; Kenyon and
are related to persistent and large- Hegerl, 2008; Moore and Renfrew,
extremes scale high-pressure systems. 2012; Scaiffe et al., 2008). Changes in
the position of the Inter-Tropic Con-
Climatic variability refers to variations vergence Zone also seem to alter the
in climate conditions from time period possibility of temperature extremes in
to time period (e.g. intra-seasonal, in- Unusual atmospheric France and Egypt (Boe et al., 2010).
ter-annual, inter-decadal). In general, circulation patterns,
climatic variability is connected with The IPCC has concluded that there
variations in the state of the atmos-
which are often related to is unequivocal evidence that humans,
pheric and ocean circulation and land major modes of climatic through a range of activities and an
surface properties (e.g. soil moisture) variability, spawn extreme intensification of the greenhouse
at the intra-seasonal to inter-decadal temperature events. There effect, are having an impact on the
timescales. Climate change in contrast is mounting evidence that Earth’s climate (IPCC, 2013). This is
refers to a systematic change in the human-related climate most evident through an increase of
statistical properties of climate (e.g. the global mean temperature of about
mean and standard deviation, etc.)
change is affecting
0.8°C since 1880, with two-thirds of
over a prolonged period (e.g. several extreme temperature that increase occurring since 1975,
centuries) as manifested by an upward occurrence. at a rate of roughly 0.15-0.20°C per
or downward trend in, for example, decade (NASA, 2016). Understand-
extreme temperature values. For the ably, this observed increase and that
majority of the Earth’s climate histo- projected for the next several decades
ry, systematic changes in climate have Alterations to the usual pattern of has implications for the occurrence of
occurred because of natural causes, atmospheric circulation and thus the high- and low-temperature extremes
such as variations in the nature of occurrence of blocking and associ- (Russo et al., 2014; Seneviratne et al.,
the Earth’s orbit around the sun or ated extreme temperature events can 2012). That changing global tempera-
solar output. However, there is now often be traced back to interactions tures appear to be already manifesting
mounting evidence that humans are between the ocean and atmosphere themselves in an altered occurrence
an important climate agent. or modes of climatic variability, such of temperature extremes and heat
as the El Niño Southern Oscillation and cold waves are evident at a range
Weather experienced at the surface (ENSO) and the North Atlantic Os- of geographical scales (Fischer, 2014;
of the Earth is very much influenced cillation (NAO) (Donat et al., 2014; Schar, 2016). Furthermore, there is
by the atmospheric circulation and Hoy et al., 2013; Scaife et al., 2008). emerging evidence that a number of
the pattern of air and moisture flow For example, there is evidence that recent extreme temperature events
above a location or region. Many ex- extreme maximum temperatures can are in part attributable to human-re-
treme temperature events can there- be significantly influenced by ENSO lated changes in global temperatures


(Easterling et al., 2016, Kim et al., Severe heat events that occur towards
2015; Mitchell et al., 2016). For both heat and cold, the impact the beginning of a season have great-
of temperature is more marked for er health impacts; this is likely to be
3.8.4 deaths than for hospitalisations (Hajat partly due to loss of the most vulner-
et al., 2016; Linares and Diaz, 2008); able members of the population dur-
Health impacts this may suggest that individuals die ing the first episode and partly due to
of temperature before they reach health care. Tem- population adaptation for subsequent
extremes perature extremes may also result in events (Baccini et al., 2008). This pat-
illness that is not sufficiently severe to tern is less clear for severe cold, with
require hospital attention and that has some authors indicating that cold
Both high and low temperatures, in- not been captured by these studies. weather events towards the end of
doors and outdoors, pose substan- the season are associated with greater
tial risks to human health, including For heat, deaths and hospitalisations mortality (Montero et al., 2010a).
increases in mortality, morbidity and occur extremely rapidly (same day)
health service use (Ryti et al., 2016; and they may be followed by a de- There is some evidence that there
WMO, 2015). In many countries, the gree of impact displacement (health has been a reduction in health effects
health impacts of cold temperatures impacts in the frail brought forward), from heat extremes over recent years
substantially outweigh those of heat which returns to normal within a mat- in some countries, which suggests
(Gasparrini et al., 2015). ter of days (Basu, 2009). The onset that there has been some individual
of health impacts for cold are slower and institutional adaptation (Arbuth-
The scale and nature of the health and persist for longer (up to 4 weeks), nott et al., 2016). This is less well es-
impacts observed depends on the with short-term displacement effects tablished for cold risks.
timing, intensity and duration of the not apparent (Analitis et al., 2008).
temperature event, the level of accli-
matisation and adaptation of the local Health impacts
population, infrastructure and institu-
tions to the prevailing climate, as well The health impacts of Health impacts may be direct (caused
as the definitions and methodologies temperature extremes, by the direct effect of the hazard) or
used for scientific research. As such, indirect (caused by the consequenc-
the health effects of temperature ex-
which can be direct or es of the hazard such as changes in
tremes and the determinants of vul- indirect, are moderated behaviour or impact on services), as
nerability are, to some extent, context by a range of social shown in detail in Table 3.5.
specific. determinants, which
can be broadly referred a) Direct impacts
Population health impacts start to be to as vulnerability and As the ambient temperature changes,
observed at winter and summer tem- the human body’s physiology adapts
peratures that are considered moder-
in order to maintain a stable body
ate for the season and then increase as temperature. This includes changes to
temperatures become more extreme, the circulatory, respiratory and nerv-
in what is variously described as a ous systems to allow cooling or to
U-, V- or J-shaped curve. The precise Longer heat events are associated protect vital organs (Ryti et al., 2016;
threshold temperatures for health im- with greater health effects because of WMO, 2015).
pacts vary by region and country, as the longer period of exposure (D’Ip-
does the scale of the health impacts politi et al., 2010), but this has not Direct health impacts occur when a
by degree change in temperature, but been consistently observed for cold stable body temperature cannot be
the overall pattern remains similar (Ryti et al., 2016). maintained (e.g. when temperatures
wherever it has been studied. are too extreme), when clothing or


Direct and indirect health impacts of temperature extremes

Health impacts Heat Cold

Increased risk of classical heat illness: Increased risk of classical cold illness:
 dehydration  hypothermia
 heat cramps  frostbite
 heat exhaustion
 heat stroke

Increased risk of death from: Increased risk of death from:

 respiratory disease  cardiovascular disease
 cardiovascular disease  respiratory disease
Direct  other chronic disease (e.g. mental health  other chronic diseases (e.g. stroke and
conditions and renal disease) dementia)

Increased risk of hospitalisation particularly from: Increased risk of hospitalisation particularly from:
 respiratory disease  respiratory disease
 diabetes mellitus  cardiovascular disease
 renal disease  stroke
 stroke
 mental health conditions

Increased risk of poor outcomes in pregnancy Increased risk of poor outcomes in pregnancyy

Impact on health services including: Impact on health services including:

 increased ambulance call-outs and slower  increased ambulance call-outs and slower
 response times response times
 increased numbers of emergency department  increased numbers of emergency department
attendances attendances
 increased number of hospital admissions  increased number of hospital admissions
 storage of medicines
Increased risk of accidents:
Increased risk of accidents:  injuries from falls
 drowning  traffic accidents
Indirect  work-related accidents  carbon monoxide poisonings
 injuries and poisonings
Increased risk of:
Increased risk of:  outbreaks of gastrointestinal disease
 outbreaks of gastrointestinal disease  social isolation
 marine algal blooms
Potential disruption to infrastructure:
Potential disruption to infrastructure:  power
 power  water
 water  transport
 transport
 productivity


shelter is not suitable or when phys- Behavioural changes may have inad- ed increased risk by gender (female)
iological responses are impaired (e.g. vertent negative health consequenc- and race (black and minority ethnic
through disease, normal ageing or us- es, replacing one risk with another, groups) but this may be explained
ing certain medications). Moreover, which is an important explanation for by alternative factors such as age, in-
these impacts may be exacerbated the increase in injuries associated with come, education, underlying disease
when other demands are placed on hot and cold weather (Bulajic-Kopjar, and access to health care.
the body, such as strenuous activity or 2000; Otte et al., 2016).
drug/alcohol use. This produces clas- b) Health status determinants
sical temperature-related disease, such Many physical and mental health con-
as hypothermia and heat stroke, both Determinants of ditions increase vulnerability to ad-
of which may have a rapid onset, may vulnerability verse temperatures through a direct
not be quickly identified and may be effect on the body’s physiology or
fatal. The major determinants of vulnera- through the effect of certain medica-
bility of a population to temperature tions (Hajat et al., 2007). People with
However, classical hypothermia and extremes relate to the features of the poor health or disability may be less
heat stroke are not the major cause population exposed and their capacity aware of warnings, may be less able
of health impacts from temperature to respond and adapt to the temper- to adapt their behaviours or environ-
extremes; most temperature-related ature conditions over long and short mental conditions, and may be more
deaths and illness are from chron- time frames. Determinants of vulner- dependent on others.
ic diseases such as heart and lung ability can be broadly categorised by
disease (Bunker et al., 2016), which demographic, health, physical, soci- c) Physical determinants
form an important proportion of the oeconomic and institutional factors, People spend approximately 80 %
background disease burden in Euro- many of which are inter-related and of their time indoors, with the elder-
pean populations. This is because an dynamic. ly or unwell spending longer periods
already impaired physiological system Temperature extremes rarely occur indoors. Buildings (including homes,
is less able to adapt to the ambient in isolation and related hazards such hospitals, schools and prisons) are
temperature, and the physiological as snow/ice, drought/wildfires, poor not always adapted for temperature
changes needed to regulate tempera- air quality or other unrelated disasters extremes and may have insufficient
ture may worsen pre-existing disease. may coincide in time and geography. heating/energy efficiency or cooling
Responses to these additional hazards measures (Conlon et al., 2011; Hansen
b) Indirect impacts may alter existing vulnerabilities and et al., 2011).
Temperature extremes also have in- the capacity to adapt to temperature
direct impacts on health, for exam- extremes. People who have inadequate shelter
ple through impacts on services or (e.g. displaced or homeless popula-
changes in individual behaviour as a a) Demographic determinants tions) might be particularly exposed
result of the temperature. The physiology of older people and to temperature extremes and often
the very young renders them more have associated vulnerabilities such
The impact on health services may be vulnerable to temperature extremes. as poor health or economic circum-
mediated through increasing demand They may also be less able to adapt stances.
for care, direct and indirect impacts their behaviours or environmental
on staff, which affect their ability to conditions and may be more depend- d) Socioeconomic determinants
work, or ambulance response times ent on others (Collins, 1986; Hansen People who are socially isolated are
(Thornes et al., 2014). Tempera- et al., 2011). more at risk from temperature ex-
tures extremes may have impacts on tremes because they are less able to
wider infrastructure that is essential New migrants or tourists may not access community support, and may
for health, such as power, water and understand warnings or how to seek also have additional health or other
transport (USAID, 2013). help. Some studies have suggest- vulnerabilities (Bouchama et al., 2007;

Tod et al., 2012). Employers should take action to en- Extreme heat stress can reduce plant
sure that employees are able to take photosynthetic and transpiration effi-
Low-income groups may be less necessary protective actions, such as ciencies and negatively impact plant
able to adapt to their behaviours or increasing fluid intake, having access root development, which acts collec-
environment. Certain occupational to adequate rest and shade and re- tively to reduce the yield of crops. In
groups, such as labourers, may not stricting strenuous activity to cooler general, extreme high temperatures
always be afforded adequate protec- parts of the day. during the reproductive stage will af-
tion from temperature extremes (e.g. fect pollen viability, fertilisation and
undertaking strenuous physical work Many countries have formal plans grain or fruit formation (Hatfield and
during very hot periods) (Hanna et al., and policies that promote actions to Prueger, 2015).
2011). reduce the risk of temperature ex-
tremes, such as the Heatwave and
e) Behavioural/cultural Cold Weather Plans for England (see It is a concern that
determinants Chapter non-health impacts of
When temperatures become more ex-
temperature extremes are
treme, most people take some action 3.8.5 not entirely understood,
to adapt to the conditions. However,
some factors limit the ability to adapt, Other impacts of as in combination they
such as age, poor health or econom- temperature possess the potential to
ic circumstances, and certain belief extremes create complex disasters
or value systems may also mean that and, thus, to have far-
appropriate action is not taken in re- reaching societal impacts.
To date, the human health impacts of
sponse to the temperature conditions
high and low temperatures have re-
(Hansen et al., 2011; Tod et al., 2012).
ceived a great deal of attention in both
Certain behaviours, intended to be
the academic and technical literature
protective, may inadvertently increase Late frosts are particularly damaging
related to DRM compared with ‘other’
health risks (e.g. swimming in unsu- to the opening buds of plants. More
impacts. In general, ‘other’ direct and
pervised open waters (Fralick et al., economic losses in the United States
indirect impacts tend to be less well
2013), shovelling snow (Franklin et are caused by crops freezing than by
understood than those related to hu-
al., 1996) or using unsafe heating ap- any other weather hazard (Snyder and
man health. This, however, does not
pliances (Ghosh et al., 2016)). Melo-Abreu, 2005). Even a single
make them less important, as heat- or
cold-related impacts may lead to com- night with unusually low temperatures
f) Institutional determinants can lead to significant ecological and
plex disasters, for example those that
Health services need robust plans in economic damage (Inouye, 2000). Be-
may arise from the malfunction of en-
order to manage the potential disrup- cause of climate change, many plants
ergy supply systems, which may lead
tion and increased demand during and are now coming out of winter dor-
to the failure of the critical infrastruc-
following temperature extremes; their mancy earlier (Walther et al., 2002),
ture necessary to maintain a range
ability to respond influences popu- which leaves them even more suscep-
of human activity systems and, most
lation vulnerability. This also applies tible to frost damage. Frosts can have
importantly, the emergency services.
to supporting infrastructure such as lasting effects, as they can cause local
A summary of other impacts arising
power, water, communication and extinctions and influence the geo-
from low- and high-temperature ex-
transport systems. Mass gatherings graphical distribution of some species
tremes is given below:
can place additional strains on ser- (Inouye, 2000).
vices, especially if they coincide with
It has been documented that both high
temperature extremes (Soomaroo and Livestock, such as rabbits, pigs and
and low temperatures have significant
Murray, 2012). poultry, are vulnerable to extreme
effects on plants (Barlow et al., 2015).


temperatures. Milk production and blockages by snow. Vehicle batteries systems by constraining carbon and
cattle reproduction decreases during are affected by cold temperatures. nitrogen cycling and reducing water
heat waves, and millions of birds have Shear cold temperatures stress metal availability, with the result of poten-
been lost as a result of such events. bridge structures (Adams, 1997). tially decreasing production or even
In extreme cold weather, livestock are causing species mortality. Extreme
also at risk if not protected from the Air quality is impacted by both heat temperature conditions can shift for-
cold (Adams, 1997). waves and low-temperature events. est ecosystems from being a net car-
Increased ozone pollution is associat- bon sink to being a net carbon source
Food systems and food security can ed with high temperatures, and nitro- (IPCC, 2012).
be affected by extreme events that im- gen oxides, SO2 and particulate mat-
pair food production and food stor- ter pollution is associated with low The effects of both high and low tem-
age and delivery systems (Love et al., temperatures (Hou and Wu, 2016). peratures can be exacerbated if com-
2010). High temperatures may lead Heat waves also affect water quality, bined with water shortages, leading to
to railway tracks buckling and tarmac bringing an increased risk of algal drought (for a detailed discussion, see
melting. Aeroplanes suffer a decrease blooms, causing the death of fish in Chapter 3.9).
in lift in high temperatures and need rivers and lakes and the death of oth-
more fuel to become airborne. Delays er organisms in the water ecosystem
in transport may lead to the spoiling (Adams, 1997).
of perishable goods. Extreme cold
brings the risk of icy surfaces or Heat waves can directly impact eco-


Ensemble forecast for maximum and minimum temperature in Durham, United Kingdom, issued on
14/09/2016, 00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The figure illustrates the maximum and minimum daily
temperature for each day, shown as a box plot, giving a range of possible maximum and minimum tempera-
tures and, therefore, the uncertainty in the forecast; the further ahead a forecast is issued, the more uncertain
it becomes.
Source: courtesy of authors

to seasonal (up to 6 month) scale is it becomes, with a range of possible
3.8.6 an important tool for civil protection values. This poses a challenge for
Managing (Mayes, 2012; Ilkka et al., 2012). forecasting heat and cold waves be-
temperature yond the medium timescale.
extremes However, forecasts on this timescale
are uncertain and, therefore, multiple Heat and cold wave predictability scenarios, known as ensembles, are is also linked to a forecast model’s
Forecasting used. Figure 3.29 shows such a fore- ability to predict transitions between
cast for 15 days for the city of Dur- circulation patterns such as blocking
Forecasting extreme temperatures ham (United Kingdom). This plot and phases of modes of climatic var-
on the medium (more than 3 days) clearly shows that the further ahead a iability such as ENSO and the NAO,
forecast is issued, the more uncertain as described in Chapter 3.8.3. Because


2-metre temperature composites from ERA-Interim weekly mean anomalies for heat wave events: western Eu-
rope (left), northern Europe (centre) and Russia (right).
Source: courtesy of authors


2-metre temperature composites from the ensembles forecast at 12-18 days verifying the same events as in
Figure 3.30. Western Europe (left), northern Europe (centre) and Russia (right).
Source: courtesy of authors


of their low-frequency nature and ensemble in predicting heat and cold (Figure 3.31) generally identify the lo-
their teleconnections, modes of cli- waves is to use a selection of objective cation of warm anomalies with a cer-
matic variability can exhibit predicta- verification measures for probabilistic tain degree of accuracy, although the
bility on the subseasonal timescale. A forecasts. In reality, verification re- amplitude is underestimated. Overall,
further source of predictability also quires a far larger sample than is avail- the successful predictions reflect a
arises from the effect of soil mois- able. This is typically the case for any persistent anti-cyclonic circulation al-
ture conditions in the amplification of investigation that involves extreme ready present in the initial conditions.
the temperature anomalies (Quesada events. Here we show the evaluation This testifies to the critical nature of
et al., 2012). Therefore, accurate skill of individual heat waves, as shown in an extended-range forecast model to
in predicting persistent large-scale Figure 3.30, as an example. The 2-me- represent transitions to anti-cyclonic
high-pressure systems is fundamental tre temperature composites, based on circulation regimes, which is consist-
to forecasting heat and cold waves. weekly mean anomalies of ensembles ent with the cause of so-called medi-
forecasts at 12-18 days, are shown in um-range forecast ‘busts’ (Rodwell et
The ideal method by which to eval- Figure 3.31. Compared with the ob- al., 2013).
uate the skill of an extended range servations (Figure 3.30), the forecasts


Extreme Forecast Index of 2-metre temperature with a forecast range of 12-18 days verifying the week of
8-14 August 2016. Four different forecast systems are shown. Blue areas indicate a cold spell, while red areas
indicate a heat wave (on a weekly average). Ncep is National Centre for Environmental Prediction, ECMWF is
the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, JMA is Japan Meteorological Agency, UKMO is the
United Kingdom Meteorological Office.
Source: courtesy of authors

Careful calibration and judicious com- S2S timescale, and promote uptake of as signifying that ‘unusual’ weather is
bination of ensembles of forecasts its forecast products by operational likely, while magnitudes above 0.8 usu-
from different models into a larger centres and the applications commu- ally signify that ‘very unusual’ or ex-
ensemble can give greater accuracy nity. Examples of some of S2S’s prod- treme weather is likely. Although larg-
than is obtained from any single mod- ucts can be found at ECMWF (n.d.). er EFI values indicate that an extreme
el. However, comparing, verifying The Extreme Forecast Index (EFI) is event is more likely, the values do not
and testing multimodel combinations one such product (Figure 3.32). This is represent probabilities as such.
from these forecasts and quantifying an integral measure of the difference
their uncertainty as well as the han- between the ensemble forecast distri-
dling of such a massive dataset is chal- bution and the model climate distribu- Early warning systems
lenging and is the subject of the EC- tion. The EFI takes values from –1 to
MWF subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) +1. An EFI of 1 (red) indicates a heat Early warning systems have been de-
prediction project. This is a WWRP/ wave, while an EFI of –1 (blue) shows veloped for a number of extreme cli-
THORPEX-WCRP joint research a cold spell. Experience suggests that mate events and are gaining traction
project established to improve fore- EFI magnitudes of 0.5-0.8 (irrespec- in the area of temperature extremes
cast skill and understanding on the tive of sign) can be generally regarded (Carmona et al., 2016; Kalkstein et al.,
2011; Kovats and Ebi, 2006; Lowe et
al., 2016; McGregor et al., 2015). Such
warning systems take the output from
FIGURE 3.33 short- to medium-range forecasting
Generic structure of a heat health warning system. models (Lowe et al., 2016; McGregor
The components in the red box constitute part of a wider heat health et al., 2006), such as described above,
action plan. This overall structure can also be applied to cold-related and usually use a threshold tempera-
warning systems. ture or some related index to trigger
Source: McGregor et al. (2015) an alert and/or issue a heat or cold
warning (Antics et al., 2013; Nairn
and Fawcett, 2015; Pascal et al., 2013).
More often than not, a weather- or
climate-based EWS for heat or cold,
which is composed of a number of
components, is nested within a wider
heat or cold action plan (WHO, 2008,
2011; WMO, 2015) as shown in Fig-
ure 3.33.

The normative view regarding heat/

cold EWSs is that they should deliver
discernible benefits for the manage-
ment of heat- and cold-related risk
across a range of sectors (Fouillet et
al., 2008). Given this, heat/cold EWSs
are increasingly subject to evaluation
that can consider EWS processes and/
or outcomes, using a variety of crite-
ria. To date, such evaluations indicate
that heat/cold EWSs yield discernible
benefits in relation to DRM but, not-


withstanding this, there is room for pecially during the nocturnal hours cities, such as London, will grow over
improvement, especially as a success- (Arnfield, 2003). This ‘extra’ heat has the coming decades, anthropogenic
ful EWS depends heavily on a well-de- the potential to place a large num- heat is likely to become an important
signed set of risk-mitigating and prac- ber of vulnerable people in cities at heat risk management issue for large
tical intervention strategies being in risk of heat-related illness (Wolf and cities.
place (Bassil and Cole, 2010; Chiu et McGregor, 2013; Wolf et al., 2014).
al., 2014; Ebi, 2007; Hajat et al., 2010; Given the processes that generate the
Kalkstein et al., 2011; Montero et al., UHI, strategies that focus on man-
2010b; Toloo et al., 2013a, b). aging urban heat can range from the
Managing temperature scale of the individual building to the
For low-temperature extremes, a range extremes can be city. Examples include controlling for
of EWS and forecast products have building material absorption and stor-
been developed. Many of these are
approached from a age of energy from the sun, ensuring
focused on forecasting snow storms number of perspectives, that evaporation is promoted through
(Nakai et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013) including using providing moist surfaces and devel-
and ice storms, with an emphasis on forecasting technology, oping green infrastructure and reduc-
critical infrastructure such as roads the development of EWSs ing anthropogenic heat release.
(Berrocal et al., 2010; Degaetano et and heat/cold action plans
al., 2008; Palin et al., 2016; Riehm and and urban design and While the specific approaches to man-
Nordin, 2012) and power lines (Cer- aging urban heat are potentially wide
ruti and Decker, 2012; Nygaard et al.,
town planning. ranging (Alexander et al., 2016; Elias-
2015; Roldsgaard et al., 2015). son, 2000; Mills et al., 2010; Phelan
et al., 2015), the degree of benefit
Although EWSs are considered a plau- The UHI develops because urban ma- (the intensity of cooling and im-
sible DRM tool, developers and users terials are efficient at absorbing and provements to human thermal com-
of EWSs should be aware of some of storing heat from the sun during the fort) arising from urban design- and
the generic ‘dos and don’ts’ of such day and releasing that heat back into city planning-related heat mitigation
systems, as outlined by Glantz (2004). the urban atmosphere at night, lead- measures (Norton et al., 2015; Shar-
ing to higher nocturnal temperatures ma et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2016;) de- in urban areas than in rural areas. A pends on considering a multitude of
Urban design and further factor is the low evaporation interacting and potentially conflicting
planning rates in cities; evaporation is an en- factors (Coutts et al., 2013; Hamilton
ergy-consuming and thus a cooling et al., 2014). In addition to the sci-
Cities have received a great deal of at- process. Significant quantities of so- entific challenges (Chen et al., 2012),
tention in the DRM literature because called anthropogenic heat from air the actual mainstreaming of urban
this is where large numbers of peo- conditioning systems and vehicles can climate design and adaptation princi-
ple are concentrated; they are, there- add to the energy available for raising ples into city planning can sometimes
fore, potentially at risk of heat- and urban air temperatures (Allen et al., become stalled because of a range of
cold-related disasters. 2011; Offerle et al., 2005; Smith et al., institutional barriers (Lenzholzer and
2009). For example, in London, it has Brown, 2011; Reckien et al., 2014;
In the case of heat, cities represent a been estimated that approximately 80 Ugolini et al., 2015; Uittenbroek et al.,
distinct problem because of the so- % of the anthropogenic heat goes 2013; Wolf et al., 2015).
called urban heat island (UHI) effect into heating of the atmosphere (Ia-
which, during periods of high tem- marino et al., 2012), with the greatest Relatively speaking, urban design
peratures, can lead to air temperatures contributions from London’s central for low-temperature extremes has
in cities being several degrees above activity zone, where the service sec- received less attention in the recent
those for surrounding rural areas, es- tor is predominant. Given that large DRM literature, no doubt as a result

of a perception that, in the near fu-
Knowledge of population vulnerability to heat
ture, heat, as opposed to cold, will
An enhanced understanding of the and cold, integrated with information
pose a greater risk management prob-
physical origins of temperature ex- on building type and air and surface
lem. Interestingly, a consequence of
tremes, as well their changing mag- temperature, is an innovation that is
the UHI effect, especially the role of
nitude and frequency, especially in likely to yield gains for extreme tem-
anthropogenic heat, may bring some
light of climate change, is required. perature-related DRM.
positive benefits in cities that experi-
Where possible, historic non-instru-
ence harsh winter climates.
ment-based temperature records as
captured in diaries and other docu-
3.8.7 ments could be used to augment the
understanding of the climatology of
Conclusions and temperature extremes from the local
key messages to the regional level. Long-term ob-
servational series need to be sustained
Partnerships through the commitment of resourc-
Cooperation between regional, na- es to climate monitoring. Research
tional and international research should be undertaken to improve our
communities and climate monitor- understanding of the effectiveness
ing agencies and citizen scientists and cost-effectiveness of extreme
is required to construct internally temperature-related interventions in
consistent extreme temperature da- a variety of different climatic, socio-
tabases and meaningful sector-rele- economic and cultural contexts, with
vant extreme temperature metrics. learning shared widely. Conceptu-
This is particularly the case for urban al risk models of complex disasters
environments where there is an ev- related to temperature extremes are
er-increasing concentration of peo- required to scope out agendas for
ple who are potentially at risk from knowledge development.
temperature extremes as a result of
the urban heat island (UHI) effect. A Innovation
systematic approach at both national In the absence of observed weather
and local levels and across all sectors, station-based temperature data, the
involving state, private, voluntary and use of weather generators for the cre-
community actors, is required to un- ation of temperature time series for
derstand the wider societal impacts of extreme value analysis and alternative
temperature extremes. Partnerships temperature observation platforms
formed between stakeholders in the such as satellites in addition to the
risk management of temperature ex- output from urban climate numer-
tremes should adopt ‘a communities ical models should be considered as
of practice model’ in order to develop input into DRM analyses. The idea
integrated heat and cold action plans of drawing on multiple sources of
that transcend vulnerability assess- information from data networks, as
ment, weather forecasting, interven- encapsulated by the concept of ‘the
tion strategies, urban design and city internet of things’, offers consider-
planning. able potential for managing disaster
risk related to temperature extremes.
High-resolution intra-urban mapping


3.9 Climatological risk:

Henny van Lanen, Jürgen V. Vogt , Joaquin Andreu, Hugo
Carrao, Lucia de Stefano, Emanuel Dutra, Luc Feyen, Giovanni
Forzieri, Michael Hayes, Ana Iglesias, Christophe Lavaysse,
Gustavo Naumann, Roger Pulwarty, Jonathan Spinoni,
Kerstin Stahl, Robert Stefanski, Nikolaos Stilianakis,
Marc Svoboda, Lena M. Tallaksen

period 1998-2009 (EEA, 2011). requires practitioners, policymakers

3.9.1 and scientists to collaborate and use a
Introduction UNESCO notes that drought can consistent set of definitions and char-
have economic consequences that can acteristics. Observed and projected
Drought is one of the most complex go far beyond the immediately im- trends in drought as a natural hazard
and severe weather-related natural pacted areas, such as persistent unem- need to be understood.
disasters and its causes and multi- ployment and threats to food security,
faceted impacts are often not well regularly leading to forced migration
understood. Droughts can last from and social instability (WWAP, 2016).
a season to multiple years, and even The World Economic Forum (2015) Drought is a recurrent
decades, and cover small watersheds labelled the water crisis as first on the
to hundreds of thousands of hec-
phenomenon that
list of factors with a risk of severe
tares. In Europe, drought is a recur- impacts for the global community.
affects extended areas
rent phenomenon, affecting extended As one of the reasons for this crisis, and large populations,
areas and large populations annually drought is likely to become more fre- putting societies and
(Vogt and Somma, 2000). Across the quent and severe in the 21st century the environment at risk
world, millions of people are annual- in many regions of the world, espe- in many regions of the
ly exposed to droughts that seriously cially in already water-scarce and vul-
affect economic development and en-
nerable areas, including parts of Eu-
vironment. While fatalities mainly oc- rope (IPCC, 2012, 2014).
cur in poor economies, even in more
prosperous regions many people die The key challenge is to move from The hazard has to be connected to
as a result of indirect effects (e.g. Tal- a reactive society fighting impacts to its manifold primary and secondary
laksen and Van Lanen, 2004; WMO a pro-active society that is resilient impacts (e.g. on public water supply,
and GWP, 2014). In Europe, almost and adapted to the drought risk, for food security, energy production,
80 000 excess fatalities as a result of example through the adoption of waterborne transport, health, eco-
heatwaves (see Chapter 3.8) and for- pro-active risk management (WMO systems). Current, but also future,
est fires (see Chapter 3.10) associated and GWP, 2014; Wilhite et al., 2014). societal exposure and context-specif-
with droughts were reported over the This chapter demonstrates that this ic vulnerability must be identified to

assess drought risk. If all of these as- (Figure 3.34 and Box 3.1). The defini- of the water cycle (e.g. precipitation,
pects are known, drought risk can be tion of a drought, therefore, will de- climatic water balance, soil moisture,
managed through a set of institution- pend on the sector analysed and the river flow, groundwater). Among the
al, structural and operational meas- related processes and impacts. Finally, meteorological indicators, the Stand-
ures, including monitoring and medi- the feedbacks between the hydrologi- ardized Precipitation Index (SPI, Mc-
um-range to seasonal forecasting. cal cycle and society must be consid- Kee et al., 1993) and the Standardized
ered (Van Loon et al., 2016). The im- Precipitation-Evapotranspiration
3.9.2 pacts of drought point to a multitude Index (SPEI, Vicente-Serrano et al.,
of drivers that turn lower than aver- 2010) are the most well-known. The
Drought definition age precipitation, limited soil mois- SPI is a probabilistic measure of the
and characteristics ture and low water levels into disaster severity of a dry event (WMO, 2012).
events for vulnerable communities It can be calculated for different rain-
From a climatic point of view, a and economies (UNISDR, 2011). fall accumulation periods (e.g. 1-48
drought results from a shortfall in months) and statistically linked to
precipitation over an extended period Droughts can be characterised in impacts in different economic and
of time, from the inadequate timing terms of their onset, duration, sever- environmental sectors. The SPEI has
of precipitation relative to the needs ity (accumulated deficit over the en- similar characteristics but includes
of the vegetation cover, or from a tire event) and intensity (total deficit potential evapotranspiration. Recent
negative water balance due to an in- divided by duration). studies have shown that including
creased potential evapotranspiration the potential evapotranspiration can
caused by high temperatures. This sit- Standardised indices are used to an- provide useful drought early warning
uation may be exacerbated by strong alyse droughts in different domains indicators (McEvoy et al., 2016), al-
winds, atmospheric blocking patterns
and antecedent conditions in soil FIGURE 3.34
moisture, reservoirs and aquifers, for
example. Droughts can also be trig- Drought Types: Generating Processes and Impacts
gered in cold climates by temperature Source: adapted from NDMC and Van Loon (2015)
anomalies (Van Loon and Van Lanen,
2012; Van Loon et al., 2014). If this
situation leads to an unusual and tem-
porary deficit in water availability, it is
called a drought. Droughts are to be
distinguished from aridity, a perma-
nent climatic feature, and from water
scarcity, a situation in which the cli-
matologically available water resourc-
es are insufficient to satisfy long-term
average water requirements (e.g. Tal-
laksen and Van Lanen, 2014).

Depending on the prevailing effects

on the hydrological system and the
resulting impacts on society and en-
vironment, droughts can be distin-
guished in terms of meteorological,
soil moisture and hydrological factors
(groundwater, streamflow, reservoirs)


though some weaknesses occur when and Van Lanen, 2012). Finally, com- (2016) have recently published the
the potential evapotranspiration is bined indicators blend several physical Handbook of Drought Indicators and
calculated with temperature-based ap- indicators into an indicator of hazard Indices, providing structured infor-
proaches (e.g. Thornthwaite) in dry, (e.g. US Drought Monitor (Svoboda mation on commonly used drought
hot regions. Use of SPI and SPEI in et al., 2002); Combined Drought In- indicators for identifying the spatial
cold regions has some limitations, be- dicator (Sepulcre Canto et al., 2012)). extent, onset, duration and severity
cause these indices do not distinguish of drought events. This information
between rain and snow, which affects supports drought practitioners in
the water availability over the year selecting appropriate indicators for
(snow accumulation and melt). Soil Drought differs from drought monitoring and early warn-
moisture-related indicators such as aridity and water scarcity, ing as an integral part of risk- based
the Soil Moisture-based Drought Se- drought management policies and
verity Index (Cammalleri et al., 2016)
and different drought preparedness plans.
or the Palmer Drought Severity Index types and associated
(Palmer, 1965) aim to characterise the indices have to be
impact on plant water stress; although analysed to quantify the 3.9.3
no specific plant characteristics are multiple drought impacts. Past trends and
included. Hydrological indicators are
often based on threshold approaches future projections
to quantify the volume of water defi-
cit in rivers and reservoirs (Yevjevich, The World Meteorological Organi- Historic trends and future projections
1967; Hisdal et al., 2004; Van Loon zation and Global Water Partnership of meteorological droughts in Eu-

BOX 3.1

Drought types
Drought types: (e.g. precipitation, temperature, flows, lake levels, and groundwa-
Depending on the effect in the hy- evapotranspiration). ter reservoirs. Time-series of these
drological cycle and the impacts on variables are used to analyse the
the society and environment, differ- Soil Moisture or Agricultural occurrence, duration and severity
ent drought types are commonly Drought: of hydrological droughts that have,
distinguished: Characterised by reduced soil mois- for example, impacts on public wa-
ture resulting in a deficit in water ter supply, energy production and
Meteorological Drought: supply for agricultural crops and inland water transport.
A deficit in precipitation or climato- natural vegetation and impacts on
logical water balance (i.e. precipi- crop yield and biomass production.
tation minus potential evapotran- A higher risk for forest fires, due to
spiration) over a given region and the accumulation of dry biomass, is
defined period of time with respect another important impact.
to the long-term climatology. It is
characterised based on measured Hydrological Drought:
and estimated climate variables Characterised by reduced stream-

rope have been investigated by Spino- on potential evapotranspiration (Spi- At the global scale, past changes in
ni et al. (2015a,b, 2016a, 2017) using noni et al., 2015b; Touma et al., 2015; drought frequency and severity are
a combination of indicators based Stagge et al., 2016). still under debate. Sheffield and Wood
on precipitation and temperature (2008) and Sheffield et al. (2012) ana-
from the E-OBS dataset (Haylock With respect to seasonal droughts, the lysed past global and regional trends
et al., 2008). The analysis considers decrease of drought frequency over using a soil moisture-based drought
droughts at seasonal and annual times- northern Europe is more evident in index for the period 1950-2008. Their
cales and covers the period 1951-2015 winter, while the increase over south- results indicate that on a global level
(trend analysis) and 2041-2100 (future ern Europe is more evident in sum- only small changes in drought occur-
projections), the latter of which is mer. rence and extent can be detected over
based on the EURO-CORDEX mul- the past 60 years. However, on a re-
timodel ensemble (Jacob et al., 2014) Figure 3.36 shows that the described gional level, significant drying trends
and moderate (RCP4.5) and extreme past drought tendencies are likely to can be seen for parts of the Mediter-
(RCP8.5) climate scenarios. persist in future decades for the win- ranean and North, West and Central
ter months, while in the other seasons Africa, as well as for parts of East and
– especially summer – the whole of Northeast Asia, while in the northern
Europe (excluding parts of Iceland hemisphere and in parts of South
Drought frequency and Scandinavia) is projected to ex- America and Australia wetting trends
increased in southern perience an increase in drought fre- are prevailing. These results are large-
quency, in particular during the last ly confirmed by Spinoni et al. (2014)
and western Europe, but decades of the 21st century. At annual who analysed meteorological drought
decreased in other parts scale, and according to both climate frequency, duration and severity over
of Europe. However, an scenarios, the drying tendencies over the period 1951-2010. Orlowsky and
increased frequency is southern and western Europe are Seneviratne (2013) investigated fu-
projected, particularly projected to become even stronger, ture meteorological and soil mois-
in summer, for most of with the Mediterranean region being ture drought around the world using
Europe. particularly strongly affected (Spinoni a multimodel set of CMIP5 simula-
et al., 2017; Stagge et al., 2015b). The tions. Their results hint towards more
effects of the projected temperature frequent soil moisture droughts by
increase on meteorological droughts the end of the 21st century, especially
are likely to outbalance the effects of in South Africa and Central America/
Figure 3.35 demonstrates that in the the projected precipitation increase Mexico and the Mediterranean. While
past six and a half decades northern over northern Europe and partly over highlighting the aggravating effect of
and eastern Europe experienced a de- eastern Europe, resulting in more global warming on droughts, Tren-
crease in drought frequency and, less frequent droughts for both scenari- berth et al. (2014) underline the im-
prominently, in drought severity (not os in these territories by the end of portance of reliable precipitation da-
shown), while southern and west- the 21st century. The combination tasets and the data used to determine
ern Europe experienced an increase of these effects is likely to result in the evapotranspiration component in
in drought frequency and severity, more severe droughts over northern order to avoid conflicting results.
particularly over the Mediterrane- Europe according to the extreme sce-
an region (see Hoerling et al., 2012; nario (RCP8.5), while according to Streamflow drought originates from a
Gudmundsson and Seneviratne, moderate scenario (RCP4.5), severity temporary deficiency in precipitation
2015; Stagge et al., 2016). The noted is not likely to increase in this region. and/or from temperature anomalies
increase in drought frequency and se- The projections are considered to be over a large area that can be further
verity is more widespread when ana- robust with good agreement between aggravated by other climatic factors,
lysing the SPEI, which includes the the suite of GCM and RCM models. like strong winds or low relative hu-
effect of increasing air temperature midity (Tallaksen and Van Lanen,


2004). Long-term precipitation reduc- conditions in watersheds, leading to orological drought with drying trends
tion may further aggravate stream- a consequent increase in vulnerability in southern and eastern regions of
flow droughts through the depletion to streamflow drought (Vörösmarty Europe, and generally wetting trends
of groundwater and the subsequent et al., 2000; Döll et al., 2009; Wada et elsewhere (Stahl et al., 2010, 2012).
decrease in baseflow. In addition, al., 2013). They found positive trends (wetter)
anthropogenic drivers, such as inten- in the winter months in most catch-
sive water use and poor water man- Trends in historic annual river flow in ments. A marked shift towards drying
agement, can exacerbate low-flow Europe confirm the patterns in mete- trends was observed in April, gradu-


Drought frequency trends between 1951 and 2015, expressed as the number of events per decade: left to
right, winter, summer, annual. In dotted areas trends are significant at the 95 % level
Source: adapted from Spinoni et al., 2017


Drought frequency differences between the far future (2071-2100) and the recent past (1981-2010), ex-
pressed as the number of events per decade: left to right, winter, summer, annual; upper row scenario RCP4.5,
bottom row RCP8.5
Source: adapted from Spinoni et al. 2017

ally spreading across Europe to reach trends are sensitive to the selected pe- time of river low flows (IPCC, 2012).
a maximum extent in August. Low riod (sign may change) owing to dec- Many river basins in Europe are likely
flows have decreased in most regions adal climate variability. to be more affected by severe water
where the lowest mean monthly flow stress. Projected changes presented in
occurs in summer, but vary for catch- Global changes in climate and soci- different studies depend on the cho-
ments that have flow minima in win- oeconomic patterns are expected to sen drought indices (e.g. minimum
ter. Hannaford et al. (2013) show that affect the development in space and flow, streamflow deficit), climate
scenarios, temporal and spatial res-
olution of the climate signal and the
hydrological representation. Howev-
Future projections of river flow in Europe. Percent change in 20 year er, some coherent patterns emerge.
events of minimum flow (qmin, left) and deficit volumes (def, right) in Research studies based on multimod-
the 2050s and 2080s relative to the control period (1961-1990) el ensemble climate and hydrological
Source: adapted from Forzieri et al. (2014) projections show consistent drought
intensification both in terms of mag-
nitude and frequency in south-west-
ern Europe. The main drivers are
reduced precipitation and increased
potential evapotranspiration. River
low flows in these regions are expect-
ed to increase in severity by up to 40
% (Feyen and Dankers, 2009; Forzieri
et al., 2014; Roudier et al., 2015) and
current 100-year events could occur
every 2 to 10 years (Lehner et al.,
2006). The 20-year event of the river
deficit volume is expected to increase
by over 50 % both in the Mediterra-
nean and European mid-latitudes by
the end of the century (Figure 3.37).
In contrast, northern regions of Eu-
rope will probably experience less
severe hydrological droughts as a re-
sult of expected increased precipita-
tion, which will outweigh the effects
of higher evapotranspiration. In
north-eastern Scandinavia and north-
ern Russia, deficit volumes are expect-
ed to become more than 50 % lower.
The projected changes are less clear in
a transition zone (Forzieri et al., 2014;
Roudier et al., 2015) because of the
high climate uncertainty in changes in
precipitation patterns.

The spatial drought patterns in Eu-

rope are confirmed by global studies


on future hydrological drought by ecosystems and biodiversity, human

Prudhomme et al. (2014) and Wan- Drought impacts affect almost all health, commercial shipping and for-
ders and Van Lanen (2015). The Car- parts of the environment and society. estry. In extreme cases, drought may
ibbean and South and Central Ameri- Unlike other natural hazards such as result in temporary or permanent un-
ca are other hotspots where river flow floods, earthquakes or hurricanes that employment or even business inter-
is projected to be substantially affect- result in immediately visible, mostly ruption and lead to malnutrition and
ed, which is in line with the projected structural, damage, droughts devel- disease in more vulnerable countries
soil moisture decrease (Orlowsky and op slowly. Frequently, drought con- (Hiller and Dempsey, 2012). Figure
Seneviratne, 2013). ditions remain unnoticed until water 3.38 schematically illustrates possible
shortages become severe and adverse direct and indirect social, economic
Future water consumption for domes- impacts on environment and society and environmental impacts. Because
tic use, tourism, energy, manufactur- become evident. Drought impacts of their very nature (i.e. the depend-
ing, agriculture and livestock sectors may be influenced by adaptive buffers ence of livelihoods and economic sec-
(Kämäri et al., 2011) will aggravate (e.g. water storage, purchase of live- tors on water), most drought impacts
streamflow drought conditions by 10- stock feed) or can continue long after are indirect. These indirect effects can
30 % in southern, western and cen- precipitation has returned to ‘normal’ propagate quickly through the eco-
tral Europe. Some regions (e.g. East- (e.g. owing to groundwater or reser- nomic system, affecting regions far
ern Europe) that are subject to little voir deficits). The slowly developing from the origin of the drought (Wil-
or small positive impacts of climate nature and long duration of drought, hite, 2002).
change could manifest a reversion together with a large variety of im-
of this trend by intensive water use, pacts beyond commonly noticed ag-
showing more severe drought situa- ricultural losses, typically makes the
tions (Forzieri et al., 2014). Wanders task of quantifying drought impacts Drought impacts society
et al. (2015) illustrate in a global anal- difficult (Wilhite, 2005b). and the environment
ysis that future drought impacts are
very much dependent on the extent to
(e.g. public water
Quantification is, however, an im- supply, agriculture,
which society will adapt to the gradu- portant task, because, of all weather
ally changing hydrological regime. energy production,
extremes, droughts have one of the
largest impacts on society. Economic
infrastructure, shipping,
Droughts are likely to experience a damage from drought events can be forestry, ecosystems
much faster increase in severity and catastrophic, with a single drought and human health).
frequency of extreme events than event capable of causing billions of Impact quantification
other climate-related hazards, such
as river floods, windstorms, wildfires
euros of damage (EC, 2007; EEA, is a prerequisite for
2011). drought management and
and cold waves (Forzieri et al., 2016);
thus, future impacts are expected to The impacts of droughts can be clas-
represent a major threat for society sified as direct or indirect (Tallaksen
and the environment. and Van Lanen, 2004; Meyer et al.,
2013, Spinoni et al., 2016b). Exam-
3.9.4 ples of direct impacts are limited pub- Since droughts affect socioeconom-
Drought impact lic water supplies, crop loss, damage ic systems directly or indirectly, their
to buildings due to terrain subsidence damage may be tangible (market relat-
and reduced energy production. Indi- ed) or intangible (non-market related). rect impacts relate to the secondary The latter are particularly difficult to
Drought impacts on society consequences on natural and eco- quantify as they include, for example,
and environment nomic resources. They may affect ecosystem degradation or the costs

of mitigation and long-term adapta- the resulting damage and econom- not yet done systematically or quanti-
tion measures. Impacts of droughts ic losses must be functionally linked tatively. The variable strength of the
usually cascade. For instance, a lack with the monitored drought severity. relationship between drought severity
of water causing crop losses will sub- Gudmundsson et al. (2014), Bachmair and recorded damage can often be ex-
sequently prevent farmers from in- et al. (2015), Blauhut et al. (2015 and plained by the sector-specific drought
vesting in new machinery, resulting in 2016), Naumann et al. (2015) and vulnerability and the adaptive capacity
losses to the farm equipment dealer Stagge et al. (2015a), among others, of the region affected.
and producers in the business chain. have tested modelling approaches
As a consequence, governments may that link drought indicators such as The overall expected damage, esti-
have to provide aid to the different SPI, SPEI, soil moisture, streamflow, mated by HELIX (2016) and based
sectors. As droughts often affect large groundwater and vegetation-related on the combination of the observed
areas, sometimes over several years, indicators to reported impacts. All impacts and estimated changes in the
these cascading impacts can affect studies conclude that a more quan- recurrence time of severe droughts,
large parts of society. If drought is titative monitoring of impacts and are projected to increase in the near
severe and widespread, impacts may more research towards the quantifica- future. In some regions such as south-
spread further in the community, as tion of the complex damage caused ern Europe, Southeast Asia, eastern
well as to other sectors and regions. by drought is needed to improve such North America and south-east South
estimates. A survey by Bachmair et al. America, damage could increase from
To foster risk management and adap- (2016) shows that many providers of twofold in the near future to tenfold
tation strategies, drought impacts and EWSs do monitor impacts, but this is in the far future compared with today
(Figure 3.39).

FIGURE 3.38 These scenarios suggest that drought

risk may increase for many economic
Schematic presentation of examples of drought impacts and their inter-
sectors and vulnerable regions unless
Source: adapted from Jenkins (2011) appropriate mitigation and adapta-
tion measures are implemented. Since
many regions with high population
densities and, often, vulnerable soci-
eties relying on local agricultural pro-
duction show large expected losses in
Figure 3.39, they remain a high prior-
ity to target better impact monitor-
ing and quantification as a basis for
drought management and adaptation.
Health impacts

Between 1900 and 2015 drought af-

fected 2.3 billion people worldwide
and led to an estimated 11.7 million
deaths (EM-DAT, 2009). Drought-as-
sociated impacts on people are often
linked to health (WHO, n.d.). Health
effects can be direct (increased mor-
bidity and mortality) or indirect


(economic disruption, infrastructure in ecosystems at risk of drought. been associated with morbidity and
damage, forced migration). Health mortality owing to the deterioration
impacts include (1) malnutrition, (2) Malnutrition of people’s nutritional state (Stanke et
water-, vector- and air-borne diseases, The World Health Organization al., 2013; Friel et al., 2014; Sena et al.,
and (3) mental aspects (WHO, 2012). (WHO) ranked malnutrition as the 2014). Water shortages may result in
Population vulnerability may be en- largest global health problem associ- reduced food production (crop failure
hanced by socioeconomic factors, ated with climate change and drought and livestock loss), leading to malnu-
such as poverty, that force people to (Campbell-Lendrum et al., 2003; trition and health risks, such as low
live on lands with poor soil fertility or IPCC, 2012). Exposure to drought has birth weight (WHO, 2012). Vulnera-
ble groups, such as pregnant women,
children aged < 5 years and people
living in shelters are mostly affected
(Black et al., 2008; Gitau et al., 2005;
Expected annual losses due to drought [in thousand USD] for the present Singh et al., 2006a, b; WHO, 1985).
(baseline) and the period 2040-60 according to seven different climate
models and RCP8.5 (high-end scenario). Water-borne diseases
Country losses are disaggregated according to gridded GDP values.
Shortage of water, lack of clean water
Source: HELIX project (Naumann et al., 2017)
and inadequate sanitation are typical
during a drought. A number of wa-
ter-borne infectious diseases have
been linked to drought (Effler et al.,
2001; Brandley et al., 1996). A direct
link between drought and the trans-
mission of the pathogens is, howev-
er, difficult to observe owing to other
concurrent environmental factors and
human vulnerability. Drought-in-
duced stress in livestock and livestock
use of human water resources may
lead to high concentrations of path-
ogens and increase the risk of human
exposure and infection, particularly
after heavy rain following a drought.
Poor hygiene and poor water quality
for human consumption may result in
the transmission of diarrheal diseases
(WHO, 1985; Sena et al., 2014; Burr et
al., 1978; Smoyer-Tomic et al., 2004).

Vector-borne diseases
Pathogens and vectors are sensitive
to climatic and other environmental
conditions, which is reflected in the
characteristic geographic distribu-
tion and seasonal variation of vec-
tor-borne infectious diseases (Kil-
patrick et al., 2012). While increased

precipitation may increase mosquito and cardiovascular diseases could be the combination of drought hazard,
densities owing to new aquatic hab- shown in several regions, but little at- drought exposure and drought vul-
itats, mosquito densities may also tention has been paid to West Africa, nerability (Table 3.6).
increase dramatically following a where desert winds and storms may
drought (habitat rewetting) because of cause more diseases, such as menin-
the reduced number of competitors gococcal meningitis (De Longueville
and aquatic predators (Chase et al., et al., 2013, Garcia-Pando et al., 2014). Analysing hazard, exposure
2003). Drought may boost the density and vulnerability
of birds and mosquitoes around any Mental health
water sources remaining and thus may Studies on the association between Measuring drought hazard includes
accelerate the transmission of patho- drought and mental health point to estimating the location, duration, in-
gens such as West Nile virus (WNV) fears and anxieties among the rural tensity and frequency of water defi-
within these populations, thereby in- population in particular, although su- cits over land. Traditionally, drought
creasing the risk of WNV outbreaks icidal thoughts have been recorded as hazard has been characterised by me-
in humans (Shaman et al., 2005; Wang more critical symptoms. (Polain et al., teorological indicators, but a simple
et al., 2010). Mosquitoes, which can 2011; Carnie et al., 2011; Hanigan et precipitation shortage often does not
efficiently transmit pathogens such as al., 2012). translate into immediate concerns and
the dengue and chikungunya viruses, impacts on the ground. Indeed, ow-
may adapt to drought in urban envi- In summary, disease incidence is often ing to the multiple-timescale nature
ronments and exploit artificial aquatic more pronounced in drought-prone of drought, its impacts can continue
habitats (e.g. water containers), thus regions and affects more vulnerable long after precipitation conditions
elevating the risk of infection in hu- population groups, such as children have returned to ‘normal’ (see Chap-
mans (Brown et al., 2014). and the elderly, or people with diffi- ter 3.9.4). Therefore, recent scientific
cult living conditions, which may be developments have focused on com-
Airborne diseases caused by poverty, for example. En- bining meteorological indicators with
Drought-related processes can result hancing drought resilience in regions indicators that take into account hy-
in atmospheric dust loadings and as- with high population vulnerability drological processes (e.g. soil mois-
sociated dispersion of microorgan- and low adaptation capacity should, ture, groundwater and river flow),
isms at various scales, which may have therefore, be reflected in relief aid which reflect more closely the impacts
significant implications for human programmes. felt on the ground.
health. The WHO (2015) has identi-
fied drought and dust wind activity in 3.9.5
sub-Saharan Africa as a risk factor for
regional outbreaks of meningococcal Analysing Interactions between
meningitis. Dust storms and winds fa- drought risk drought hazard, exposure
cilitate the transport of microorgan-
isms favouring meningitis seasonality, Risk analysis is a major technique for
and vulnerability underlie
which can have serious consequenc- measuring global progress in the im- any comprehensive
es for public health (Griffin, 2007, plementation of the Sendai Frame- drought risk analysis,
WHO, 2015; Agier et al., 2012). The work for Disaster Risk Reduction which is crucial for
mechanisms by which dust and cli- (Aitsi-Selmi et al., 2015). Analysing drought management and
mate may influence meningitis occur- risk is crucial to identify relief, cop- reducing drought impacts.
rence, along with outbreak location ing and management responses that
and severity are, however, not fully will reduce drought damage to soci-
clear. ety. The objective of risk analysis is
to determine the underlying causes A review of existing drought hazard
An association between respiratory of drought damages resulting from indicators by Bachmair et al. (2016)


reveals the unsolved challenges of (1) the ground and that can be adversely human population.
designing and implementing indica- affected by a hazardous event, includ-
tors able to represent drought prop- ing built-up assets, infrastructures, Since the location, severity and fre-
agation across the whole hydrological agricultural land and the location and quency of droughts are difficult to
cycle at different spatial and temporal density of people (UNODRR, 2015). forecast (see Section, and
scales, and (2) the systematic collec- Since drought develops slowly and re- since exposure expands as a result
tion of impact data to enable vali- sults in a great variety of impacts in of economic and population growth,
dation and a better understanding of most parts of the world, even in wet interventions to reduce drought im-
the variety of drought impacts on the and humid regions, drought exposure pacts need to focus on mitigating the
ground. is often measured for distinct water vulnerability of human and natural
use sectors as a function of the loca- systems. This requires an understand-
To assess the impacts of drought tion, timing, duration and amount of ing of who is vulnerable, to which im-
hazard, the first step is to invento- a water deficit (Dracup and Lee, 1980; pacts and the reasons for this vulner-
ry and analyse the environment that Wilhite and Glantz, 1985). Proxy in- ability (Gbetibouo and Ringler, 2009).
can be damaged (Di Mauro, 2014). In dicators of drought exposure include, While tools such as drought manage-
the disaster risk-reduction commu- for example, the distribution of crop ment plans are key to deliver a struc-
nity, exposure refers to the different and livestock farming, industrial and tured and coordinated response when
types of physical entities that are on household water withdrawals, and the drought hits, drought vulnerability
assessments (DVAs) can be used to
support the design of mid- and long-
TABLE 3.6 term drought preparedness actions to
increase structural resilience. As such,
Components of drought risk analysis.
they provide a crucial link between
drought management and water re-
sources planning, where those actions
Characterisation Relevant data Examples of studies
have to be designed and agreed upon
Hazard Magnitude of a Meteorological, Sepulcre-Canto et al. in an integrated way. A broad variety
hydrometeorological hydrological and/or (2012);
deficit biophysical indicators Vicente-Serrano et al. of factors have been used to deter-
(2010); Svoboda et al. mine vulnerability to drought (Table
(2002); Kogan (1995); 3.7).
McKee et al.(1993);
Palmer (1965).
Some factors are specific to drought
Exposure Amount of elements Amount and location Winsemius et al. (2015); (e.g. the existence of drought manage-
subject to drought of human populations, Christenson et al. (2014).
hazard activities and/or ment plans or the level of diversifica-
ecosystems tion of water sources), while others
(e.g. poverty or the quality of social
networks) are likely to influence vul-
Vulnerability Susceptibility of Composite indicators that Gonzélez-Ténago et al. nerability to an array of hazards in di-
exposed elements to include environmental, (2016), Neumann et al.
damaging effects social, economic and/or (2014); Brooks et al. verse sociopolitical and geographical
of drought hazard infrastructural components (2005); contexts (Brooks et al., 2005; Cardo-
Cutter et al. (2003). na et al., 2012). A recent review of 46
assessments of drought vulnerability
Overall risk Likelihood of impact Measured in a Blauhut et al. (2016); (González-Tánago et al., 2016) high-
probabilistic scale linked to Carrão et al. (2016); lighted that data availability still rep-
intervention policies Kim et al. (2015); resents a major constraint in building
Eriyagama et al. (200g);
Peduzz et al. (200g). sound and policy-relevant vulnerabil-
ity assessments. In particular, it is key

to invest in the systematic, high-reso- fore, the estimation of drought risk
lution collection of data on drought Estimating drought risk requires the development of a model
impacts, water uses, non-conventional Definitions of risk are commonly that combines drought hazard with
water sources and the quantitative and probabilistic in nature, referring to the relevant indices or metrics of drought
qualitative status of water resources. potential impacts or the likelihood of exposure and vulnerability (Govern-
Moreover, the review revealed the harmful consequences (i.e. environ- ment Office for Science, 2012).
need for greater transparency in the mental, economic, social and/or in- An entry point for both understand-
design of drought vulnerability as- frastructural) from a particular hazard ing and addressing drought risk is to
sessments and for increased efforts in to an exposed element in a future time use quantitative measures of historical
the validation of the results. period (Blaikie et al., 1994; Cardona et impacts as proxies for its estimation
al., 2012; Carrão et al., 2016). There- (Brooks et al., 2005). In particular,
historical data relating to socioeco-
nomic losses might be used as a ret-
rospective measurement of drought
TABLE 3.7 risk to forecast the impacts arising
from the interaction of hazard, ex-
Examples of factors included in selected drought vulnerability assess-
ments posure and vulnerability. For exam-
Source: modified from González-Tánago et al. (2016) ple, Peduzzi et al. (2009) carried out a
global assessment of drought risk by
fitting the number of human casual-
Sub-dimension Most frequent factors (#of DVAs)
ties to the determinants of drought
# %
risk by means of a generalised linear
regression. More recently, Blauhut et
Drought characteristics 17 41% SPI (3), NDVI (4) al. (2015, 2016) tested the capability
Climatic components: rainfail, 20 49% Average annual precipitation (9) of logistic regression to predict the
evapotranspiration, temperature likelihood of drought impacts (LDI)
in Europe for different sectors of
Soil characteristics and topographic 20 49% Soil water-holding capacity (10) activity from a set of drought risk
19 46% Status groundwater (12) and surface determinants. Regression analyses
Water resources: runoff storage capacity. water (10) are generally desirable from a risk
Surface and groundwater
11 27% Agricultural water use (9)
assessment viewpoint because they
Water uses may be validated from observed his-
torical data. However, relying on his-
Land use 17 41% Agricultural land uses (9) torical impacts has some limitations
when estimating current and future
29 71% Population (24) and education (16)
Socio-cultural (demography, education, drought risk (Government Office for
health, gender, drought awarness, etc.) Science, 2012). Foremost, the number
Economic and financial resources 28 68% Economic resources (20), agricultural of affected people and the types of
income (17), employment (9) impacts vary by region, thus hamper-
Institutional, Policy and Governance 14 34% Government presence or programs (9)
ing consistent broad-scale analyses.
(social networks, taxes, governmental For example, drought in developing
programs, participation, etc.) countries can contribute to malnutri-
Technical, technological and 28 68% Irrigation (23) tion, famine and loss of human lives,
infrastructural (irrigation, tillage, whereas in developed countries it pri-
improved seeds, fertilisers, access to
services, etc.)
marily results in economic losses. Sec-
ond, these analyses do not account
Others (“Others”) 4 10% Impacts for shifts through time in the distri-


bution of exposure or vulnerability indicators are mathematical combina- tial impacts with which to prioritise
to loss, thus biasing the predictions tions of risk determinants that have actions to reinforce adaptation plans
(Güneralp et al., 2015). Finally, im- no common unit of measurement and mitigation activities. Figure 3.40
pacts may be available only for short (OECD/JRC, 2008). For example, illustrates that drought risk is gener-
timescales and unavailable in some Carrão et al. (2016) used a multivar- ally higher for populated areas and
countries (Below et al., 2007), while iate and non-parametric linear pro- regions extensively exploited for ag-
the available records often do not in- gramming algorithm, that is, a DEA, riculture, such as South-Central Asia,
clude the most extreme cases to tune to aggregate proxy indicators of haz- south-east South America, Central
the regression models (Government ard, exposure and vulnerability into a Europe and the Midwestern United
Office for Science, 2012). composite statistic of global drought States. This indicator, while useful for
More recently, composite indica- risk (Figure 3.40). Its values are not an risk assessments in the agricultural
tors have been proposed to estimate absolute measure of economic losses sector, may not be adequate for ana-
drought risk, for example by Nau- or damage to human health or the en- lysinf the risk in other sectors, such
mann et al. (2014), Kim et al. (2015) vironment, but a relative statistic that as energy production (hydropower,
and Carrão et al. (2016). Composite provides a regional ranking of poten- cooling of nuclear plants), navigation


Global map of drought risk.

Source: Carrão et al. (2016)

and transportation (waterways), or to national management when pre- Drought monitoring
recreation, which should be part of paredness plans and mitigation activ-
any comprehensive drought risk man- ities are put in practice, while com- Drought monitoring and forecasting
agement plan. posite indicators can identify generic systems are an essential component
leverage points in reducing impacts of integrated drought management.
Composite indicators and impact from drought at the regional to global They provide the necessary and time-
models represent alternative but scales. ly information for stakeholders to
complementary ways of approaching 3.9.6 analyse drought hazards for use with-
drought risk estimation at different in their decision-making processes
scales and coordination levels. Since Managing (WMO, 2006; Ba iley, 2013, Wood et
drought impacts are context specific drought risk al., 2015). In recent decades, such sys-
and vary geographically, regression tems have been developed at different
models are most important for local scales from the local or community


The North American Drought Monitor

Source: NOAA (2017)

September 30, 2016 Analysts:
Canada - Trevor Hadwen
Released: Thursday, October 13, 2016 Mexico - Minerva Lopez
Reynaldo Pascual
U.S.A. - Brian Fuchs
Richard Heim *

(* Responsible for collecting analysts'

input & assembling the NA-DM map)

Drought not
analyzed in
Intensity: shaded areas
D0 Abnormally Dry
D1 Drought - Moderate SL
D2 Drought - Severe
D3 Drought - Extreme SL
D4 Drought - Exceptional
Drought Impact Types: SL
Delineates dominant impacts SL
S = Short-Term, typically <6 months S SL
(e.g. agriculture, grasslands) SL
L = Long-Term, typically >6 months S The Drought Monitor
(e.g. hydrology, ecology) S focuses on broad-scale
SL S conditions. Local
conditions may vary.
L S SL See accompanying text
SL S for a general summary.


SL L SL Regions in northern Canada may

SL not be as accurate as other regions
due to limited information.


scale up to the global level, illustrat- allowing for an assessment of the ex- knowledge into a drought map show-
ing the broad variety and complexity tent and severity of drought events ing five drought intensity levels, rang-
of users addressed by these systems. across continents. More specific in- ing from abnormally dry to excep-
Since droughts affect extended re- dicators for water management of- tional drought. A suite of forecasting
gions that frequently cross national ten become available at the regional products and a seasonal outlook com-
borders, it is important to maintain to local levels. While the first type of plement the picture. It is based on the
harmonised systems at different scales information is targeted at policy and concept of the weekly updated US
that provide comparable information high-end decision-makers in the water Drought Monitor (USDM, Svobo-
and allow for an integrated monitor- management sector and at the gener- da et al., 2002) and the US National
ing of the evolving events. This is al public (i.e. awareness raising indi- Drought Information System (NID-
even more important with aquifers cators), the latter is targeted at water IS, Pulwarty and Verdin, 2013), com-
and river basins that are frequently managers and stakeholders at the river bined with information and expert
transboundary and with globally in- basin or sub-basin level (i.e. manage- knowledge from Canada and Mexico
terconnected economies, resulting in ment indicators). (Figure 3.41). Information is provid-
primary and secondary impacts that ed in the form of maps and analyst
are felt across many countries and A well-known example of continen- reports.
even globally. tal systems is the North American
Drought Monitor (NADM), which
Available information typically in- provides monthly information based
cludes meteorological, hydrological on a suite of hydro-meteorological Harmonised monitoring
and remote sensing-based indicators, indicators, integrated with expert and forecasting of a
suite of drought indices
is crucial in drought
The European Drought Observatory (EDO). Example of the Combined management and
Drought Indicator (CDI) for the period 21 to 30 September 2016.
Source: EDO (2015)
information interchange
across borders. It
contributes to a move
from reactive to pro-
active risk management.

In Europe, the European Drought

Observatory (EDO) provides maps
of 10-day and monthly updates on
the hydro-meteorological situation
and the occurrence and evolution of
drought events, including a 7-day fore-
cast of soil moisture. In addition, a
Combined Drought Indicator for ag-
riculture and ecosystem drought anal-
yses the drought propagation from a
rainfall deficit through reduced soil
moisture to impacts on the photosyn-
thetic activity of the vegetation (Fig-

ure 3.42). The goal of such combined ponents and their combined analysis partners in this task as they routinely
indicators is to provide easy to under- into usable information for the deci- monitor many of the required input
stand sector-specific information for sion-making process at different lev- variables. This, however, requires the
decision-makers in the form of alert els. Important variables to monitor exchange of data and interoperability
levels (Sepulcre-Canto et al., 2012). include precipitation, snow pack and between systems.
Like the NADM, the EDO delivers snow water equivalent, temperature,
analyst reports during exceptional evapotranspiration, river flow, reser- Two other major challenges exist with
events, albeit not in a regular manner. voir storage, lake levels, groundwater monitoring and forecasting systems.
The EDO is implemented in a nested levels, soil moisture and vegetation The first relates to linking drought se-
manner, allowing for information to vigour, among others. The recent- verity with drought impacts in the va-
be processed and stored at the appro- ly published Handbook of Drought riety of economic, social and environ-
priate levels (i.e. the river basin, coun- Indicators and Indices (WMO and mental sectors. Consideration of this
try or continental level). To allow for GWP, 2016) provides a good over- challenge is slowly being addressed
comparability between levels, a set of view of frequently used indicators. with several studies in the United
core indicators are processed follow- States and Europe (Chapter
ing agreed algorithms. Cooperation between various entities and with systems such as the Global
ensures ownership at all levels, which Drought Observatory (GDO), devel-
Challenges to drought monitoring is important to sustain EWSs. Nation- oped by the European Commission
and early warning are the continuous al Meteorological and Hydrological JRC for the European Union ERCC
availability of indicators covering the Services (NMHSs), as well as regional and Humanitarian Aid services aim
various hydro-meteorological com- and subregional centres, are important to include sector-specific vulnerabili-
ties for assessing the LDI. The GDO
FIGURE 3.43 system shown in Figure 3.43 presents
a map of the LDI together with a
The Global Drought Observatory (GDO). Example of Likelihood of Drought hierarchical list of all affected coun-
Impact (LDI) for the period 8 to 15 October 2015. tries visible in the map. The second
Source: GDO (2015)
challenge relates to developing an
understanding of how decision-mak-
ers will use the information being
disseminated from monitoring and
forecasting systems. That challenge
needs to be investigated through so-
cial science-based research projects
and interactions with key users of the
information. An example for such in-
teraction is implemented by the US
NIDIS system (Pulwarty and Verdin,
Drought forecasting

Forecasting the onset or likely evolu-

tion of an ongoing drought over the
weeks and months ahead or over the
season is important to trigger actions
for mitigating negative impacts on


human activities and environmental tion systems, needs are more related (Lavaysse et al., 2017). Eshel et al.
processes. Decision-makers and end to the forecast of long-term droughts, (2000), for example, used the North
users require adapted and robust fore- although shorter lead times are rele- Atlantic SLP precursors to forecast
cast indicators that are capable of in- vant for water-borne transport. In drought over the eastern Mediterra-
forming about the onset, possible du- Africa, where agriculture is mainly nean. Forecasts of droughts can also
ration, intensity and end of drought rainfed, a short-term deficit of pre- be produced using deterministic Nu-
conditions (Section The cipitation constitutes a higher risk. merical Weather Prediction Models.
timescale of this forecast is consid- In these regions, the forecasts of dry Such forecasts are highly uncertain
ered a challenge as it stands between spells (short-term droughts of about as a result of the chaotic nature of
medium-range forecasting, which is 10 days) is also important (Winsemius the atmosphere, which is particular-
strongly related to initial conditions, et al., 2014, 2015). ly strong on a subseasonal timescale
and the seasonal timescale, which is (Vitart, 2014). In general, the pub-
mainly driven by oceanic variability Studies have demonstrated that lished literature indicates that the skill
and large-scale climate features such droughts can be forecasted using sto- of the precipitation fields produced
as the El-Niño phenomenon (Vitart, chastic or neural networks (Kim and by Numerical Weather Predictions
2014). Valdes, 2003; Mishra et al., 2007) with over Europe is low (Richardson et al.,
a reasonably good agreement and 2013; Weisheimer and Palmer, 2014).
The lead time and duration of with 1- to 2-month lead times. Link- Predictions will be better in regions
drought forecasts should be adapted ing weather types to drought (Fleig where precipitation origins are re-
to the needs of the region. In Europe, et al., 2011; Kingston et al., 2013) lated to large-scale structures, such
where resilience is higher owing to and statistical downscaling methods as synoptic perturbations or oceanic
the widespread availability of irriga- using weather types can also be used anomalies (e.g. mid-latitudes), while
regions with strong local drivers (e.g.
West Africa) will record lower scores.
FIGURE 3.44 However, these analyses tend to be
GDO: Probabilistic Forecast for October 2016 based on SPI-3 from the performed from the point of view
ECMWF Ensemble system (experimental product, data courtesy ECMWF). of weather forecasting and do not in-
Source: GDO (2015) corporate specific properties that are
relevant for drought forecasting, such
as persistence. Therefore, ensemble
prediction systems have been devel-
oped that forecast multiple scenarios
of future weather. These forecasts
become particularly important to as-
sess the risks associated with high-im-
pact and rare weather events such as
tropical cyclones or droughts (Hamill
et al., 2012; Dutra et al., 2013, 2014).
The ECMWF provides two different
types of ensemble forecasts for this
time range: an extended range fore-
cast, with lead times of up to 45 days,
which is issued twice a week, and a
seasonal forecast, with lead times
of up to 13 months, issued once a
month. The extended-range forecast
incorporates more recent model de-

velopments and is usually of higher example of monthly forecasting of as the skill scores, need to be carefully
spatial resolution (Vitart, 2004). The the probability of drought occurrence assessed.
seasonal forecasting system is based based on the ECMWF ensemble sys-
on an older model cycle (Molteni et tem is shown in Figure 3.44.
al., 2011), among other significant Drought management
differences. In the case of droughts, Finally, the prediction skill is depends
an analysis including both the nu- on the indicator used. Other studies, Most officials at all scales traditional-
merical forecasting skill and the pos- for example, analysed the prediction ly deal with drought impacts in a re-
sibilities for binary decisions to issue of drought based on soil moisture, active fashion when a drought event
drought warnings has shown that groundwater or a multivariate index takes place. This reactive approach,
40 % of droughts can be correctly (e.g. AghaKouchak, 2014; Hao et al., called crisis management, has often
forecasted 1 month in advance over 2014; Mendicino et al., 2008). De- been uncoordinated and untimely
Europe (Lavaysse et al., 2015). While pending on the region, results can (GSA, 2007; Wilhite and Pulwarty,
the performance of these subseason- be better than using meteorological 2005). In addition, crisis management
al forecasts is still behind the current indicators, mainly due to the larger places little attention on trying to re-
medium-range weather forecasts, the persistency (lower variability) of the duce drought impacts caused by fu-
ongoing efforts by academia and op- variables. However, the correspond- ture drought events.
erational centres are encouraging. An ing data availability and quality, as well
Drought risk management, however,
is a paradigm that focuses on trying to
reduce future impacts by improving
The Cycle of Disaster Management illustrating the importance of risk man- drought monitoring and early warn-
agement in reducing future drought-related impacts. ing, planning and mitigation strat-
Source: National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. egies (Wilhite et al., 2005a). It is an
approach that is inherently proactive
and directed at identifying who and
what is at risk, why they are at risk and
how individuals respond to events.

The concept of drought risk man-

agement is illustrated in Figure 3.45,
which demonstrates the Cycle of
Disaster Management. Although this
cycle applies to all natural hazards,
which is why some of the compo-
nents of the cycle (such as reconstruc-
tion) apply better to other hazards, it
is also applicable for droughts. The
bottom half of the cycle represents
crisis management, which will always
be necessary in some form to respond
to the drought impacts of a current
event. However, Figure 3.45 high-
lights that the actions of monitoring
and prediction, planning and mitiga-
tion need to take place in order to
reduce future drought impacts. These


actions are considered to be a part of (Svoboda et al., 2002) product have

a drought risk management approach. The third component of drought risk led to shifts in national agricultural
Drought monitoring and prediction management is the implementation of policies, inspiring additional advance-
involves the continuous assessment appropriate drought mitigation strat- ments in the spatio-temporal resolu-
and anticipation of indicators of egies, which are the specific activities tion of drought monitoring to sup-
drought severity, spatial extent and taken before a drought occurs that port implementation of these policies
related impacts. Using this informa- reduce the long-term vulnerability to at a local scale.
tion to elicit response is called ‘early droughts. According to the United
warning’ (Hayes et al., 2012). Because Nations International Strategy for Although progress in drought risk
decision-makers require accurate early Disaster Reduction (UNISDR, 2006), management has been slow, there has
warning information to implement ef- there are currently a limited num- been some success around the world
fective drought policies and response ber of tested strategies available by (Wilhite et al., 2005a). A great exam-
and recovery programmes, drought which to identify appropriate drought ple of this at the global scale occurred
monitoring and prediction are essen- risk-reduction strategies. Further- with the High-level Meeting on Na-
tial for drought risk management and more, they concluded that ‘it is essen- tional Drought Policy (HMNDP,
illustrate an important connection tial to identify and demonstrate effec- March 2013), which was co-organised
between risk and crisis management tive approaches and opportunities for by the WMO, the Secretariat of the
(Wilhite and Buchanan-Smith, 2005). drought mitigation and preparedness, United Nations Convention to Com-
The objective of drought planning, including case studies to show exam- bat Desertification (UNCCD) and
the second component of drought ples of good as well as weak policies. the Food and Agriculture Organiza-
risk management, is to reduce the im- Policymakers, scientists, media, and tion of the United Nations (FAO), in
pacts of drought by identifying the the public often need to see actions- collaboration with a number of UN
principal activities, groups or regions at-work in order to foster buy-in to agencies, international and regional
most at risk and developing strategic similar efforts.’ organisations.
actions and programmes that address
these risks, as well as response actions As drought monitoring systems im- The Policy Document of the HMN-
that can be taken during a drought prove in many locations (see Section DP (UNCDD, FAO and WMO, 2013)
event. Drought plans provide an ef-, and as policymakers begin lays out the essential elements of a
fective and systematic means of as- to think about trying to implement National Drought Policy, namely:
sessing drought conditions, develop- drought risk management strategies, • Promoting Standard Approaches
ing mitigation strategies that reduce such as planning and mitigation, an to Vulnerability and Impact As-
risk in advance of drought, and de- important feedback loop has emerged sessment;
vising response options that mini- whereby better drought management • Implementing Effective Drought
mise economic stress, environmental drives the need for improved drought Monitoring, Early Warning and
losses and social hardships during monitoring and, in turn, improved Information Systems;
drought (Wilhite et al., 2005b). This drought monitoring encourages more • Enhancing Preparedness and
overall emphasis on drought plan- effective drought management (Hayes Mitigation Actions; and
ning is fundamental to drought risk et al., 2012). As drought plans become • Implementing Emergency Re-
management at any decision-making more specific in space and time, the sponse and Relief measures that
level. Incorporating planning will need for information at higher spatial reinforce National Drought Man-
help decision-makers to prepare for and temporal resolutions increases. agement Policy Goals.
multiple hazards, including drought
and climate change, and will promote An example of this type of coev- These elements are considered to be
sustainability and natural resources olution in drought monitoring and the key pillars of a National Drought
management, leading to greater eco- risk management has occurred over Management Policy. These pillars have
nomic and societal security at all lev- the past decade in the United States, been used in many different initiatives
els (GSA, 2007). whereby improvements in the USDM including the Integrated Drought

Management Programme (IDMP) Management Policy Guidelines — A through a set of institutional, structur-
and the Windhoek Declaration of the template for action’ (WMO and GWP, al and operational measures, including
African Drought Conference (UNC- 2014) were developed from existing monitoring and seasonal forecasting.
CD, 2016). One of the successes of material to focus on a national policy There is, moreover, an ongoing need
HMNDP is that it has drawn the at- context and to draw on experiences to consider the institutional aspects of
tention of the international organi- from different countries. The pur- ‘capacity’ and ‘coordination’ at nation-
sations and national governments to pose of these guidelines is to provide al and local levels, particularly where
focus on proactive policies. countries with a template that they the required sustained collaborative
can use and modify for their own pur- framework among research, moni-
The strong call for a framework in poses. Countries should not blindly toring and decision-making/manage-
the form of a policy that combines use the 10-step process. The guide- ment is lacking (Pulwarty and Sivaku-
different approaches that have been lines should be modified and adapted mar, 2014). Central to the above is the
considered key in moving from a cri- to local needs and experiences. For development, support and training
sis management approach to a risk example, the Central and Eastern Eu- of a cadre of professionals and pol-
management approach has led to the ropean countries have distinguished icy entrepreneurs who view the role
launch of the IDMP by the WMO seven steps. of linking drought science, policy and
and GWP at the HMNDP in March risk management practices as a core
2013. The objective of the IDMP is 3.9.7 goal over the long term.
to support stakeholders at all levels
by providing policy and management Conclusions and Recommendations have been set ac-
guidance and by sharing scientific in- key messages cording to the three pillars of DRM-
formation, knowledge and best prac- KC. Links to the various mentioned
tice for an integrated approach to activities and projects are provided at
drought management. The key challenge in reducing drought the end of the chapter (see Web Re-
risk is to move from the prevailing re- sources for Chapter 3.9).
The strength of the IDMP is to lev- active approach, fighting the highly
erage activities of its various partners diverse drought impacts, to a pro-ac- Partnership
to determine the status and needs tive society that is resilient and adapt- In Europe, several drought science
of countries and to move forward ed to the risk of drought (i.e. through partnerships exist: (1) the European
collectively to address these needs. the adoption and implementation of Drought Centre (EDC), (2) the Eu-
The IDMP also uses the network of pro-active risk management). This ropean Drought Observatory (EDO),
NMHSs and related institutions affil- requires practitioners, policymakers and (3) the Drought Monitor for
iated with the WMO, the United Na- and scientists to use a consistent set South Eastern Europe (DMCSEE).
tions specialised agency for weather, of drought definitions and character- On the global level, the WMO/GWP
climate and water, and the Region- istics. Observed and projected trends Integrated Drought Management
al and Country Water Partnerships in drought hazard need to be under- Programme (IDMP) fosters collabo-
of the GWP as the multistakehold- stood and considered in the man- ration on drought management in the
er platform to bring together actors agement plans. The hazard has to be broad sense. The EDC shares exper-
from government, civil society, the connected to manifold impacts (e.g. tise from scientists, water managers
private sector and academia working on water supply, food security, ener- and stakeholders, and contains the
on water resources management, agri- gy production, transport, health, and European Drought Impact Report
culture and energy. ecosystems). Current, as well as future, Inventory (EDII). The EDO and
societal exposure and context-specific DMCSEE monitor current drought
Based on one of the tools that has vulnerability should be identified to conditions. The EDO also includes
been instrumental in the development eventually assess the evolving drought a forecast of drought conditions and
of drought preparedness plans in the risk. Through knowledge of all these up-to-date information on drought in
United States, the ‘National Drought aspects, drought risk can be managed the media. The EDO also performs


analyses of past trends and of future biodiversity) and human well-being

projections under different scenarios (health). It is therefore important to
for the 21st century. The IDMP co- improve societal preparedness for the
ordinates regional initiatives around related risks and to adapt to the future
the globe (e.g. in Central and Eastern challenges resulting from droughts.
Europe, West Africa, Central Ameri-
ca and South Asia), covering a wide Innovation
range of drought aspects. Profession- The European Drought Impact Re-
al networks dealing with drought in port Inventory - EDII (Stahl et al.,
Europe and beyond are, for example, 2016), has created a good base on
the UNESCO EURO FRIEND-Wa- which to learn more about the mul-
ter Low Flow and Drought network tifaceted impacts of drought, but
and the IAHS Panta Rhei Working needs to be continuously updated
Group on Drought in the Anthro- and expanded to cover the whole of
pocene. Further development of and Europe. Similar inventories need to
collaboration between these partner- be established for other parts of the
ships is important to advance our world. This allows the establishment
understanding of drought and to im- of improved links between impacts
prove our capacity to cope with this and drought hazard on the one hand,
important threat to our societies. and a better assessment of drought
risks and how to manage these across
Knowledge sectors on the other hand. Further-
Recent EU drought research projects more, context-specific drought vul-
(i.e. DROUGHT-R&SPI, DEWFO- nerability profiles for the river ba-
RA, PESETA) and regional cooper- sins across Europe that also consider
ation programmes such as EURO- projections need to be elaborated.
CLIMA, as well as several national Scientific innovation is required on
initiatives (e.g. Jucar Basin, Spain, Box seamless drought prediction to ad-
3.2), have advanced the knowledge dress multi-monthly and seasonal
base with better access to informa- forecasting, as well as drought pro-
tion, guidelines and services on: (1) jections for the intermediate and far
drought monitoring, prediction and future. Drought management should
early warning, (2) drought impacts be put in a multihazard setting, which
and links with the hazard, (3) drought requires land and water management
risk assessment, risk reduction and that integrates policies and measures
drought response, and (4) policy and for the different hazards (droughts,
planning for drought preparedness floods, wildfires and heat waves). A
and mitigation across sectors. Chapter follow-up of the past EU working
3.9.2 to 3.9.6 illustrate progress made group on Water Scarcity and Drought
in these fields over the last decade. It is required to effectively disseminate
is likely that the frequency, severity progress on drought, including guide-
and scale of droughts will increase in lines and good practices among EU
multiple regions in Europe and else- Member States and beyond.
where, affecting (Chapter 3.9.3) many
economic sectors (e.g. agriculture,
water-borne transport, energy), the
environment (e.g. aquatic ecosystems,

BOX 3.2

Jucar Basin Case Study

Proactive and participatory drought planning and management in a semi-arid
water-scarce system

The Jucar Basin District (JBD) (42 adaptation to drought has been a support systems (DSS) at the basin
989 km2) is located near Valencia common feature. Institutional and scale was designed for basin plan-
in eastern Spain. Most of the area legal developments (e.g. irrigation ning, with an emphasis on water al-
can be classified as semi-arid, and district associations and water tri- location and drought vulnerability
precipitation is highly variable in bunals) were fostered centuries ago assessment (Andreu et al., 1996).
space and time. and are still working. However, while To ensure that approved plans pro-
many measures (e.g. building infra- vided acceptable levels of drought
Multiyear droughts are common, as structures) were taken to decrease vulnerability, indicators and criteria
illustrated by the Standardized In- vulnerability, drought response re- about acceptable and unacceptable
flow Index for the naturalised flow mained mainly reactive. In 1936, values were agreed in a participa-
into the Tous Reservoir (lower JBD) the participative JB Public-Private tive process since 2004.
(Figure 3.46). The most significant Partnership (JBPPP) was founded,
water use is attributable to (1) ir- and nowadays it includes many In parallel, from the year 2000, the
rigated agriculture (400 000 ha, 80 stakeholders (e.g. national, regional JBPPP adopted a clearly proactive
% of water demand), (2) urban ar- and local administrations, water us- approach by developing a Special
eas (4.3 million inhabitants) and (3) ers and environmental non-govern- Drought Management Plan (SDP)
industry (including hydroelectricity mental organisations (NGOs)). (Estrela and Vargas, 2012). A Com-
production and nuclear plant cool- posite Drought Operative Index
ing). The water exploitation index The JBPPP does the basin adminis- (CDOI) (Ortega et al., 2015) was in-
(water demand / natural renewable tration, enforces decisions and re- troduced to monitor drought states
resources) is approximately 86 %. covers costs of infrastructures build- (normal, pre-alert, alert and emer-
Water scarcity is acute, resulting ing, operation and maintenance. It gency). CDOI maps are published
in high environmental stress and provides a very good framework regularly (Figure 3.46) and serve
water quality deterioration. Water for governance, as well as a good as early warning to trigger prede-
allocation has caused political and forum for conflict resolution, which fined anticipation and mitigation
social conflicts between users and is fundamental in drought manage- measures attached to each drought
areas. Droughts have exacerbated ment. Within the JBPPP, there has state. The final DSS, which has been
these problems and are projected been an improvement in knowledge regularly updated, was accepted by
to become even more frequent of water resources management all parties as a reliable tool for plan-
and severe as a result of climate since the 1980s through the use ning scenarios (Andreu et al., 2009).
change. of models and collaborations with It includes a probabilistic approach
scientists. Initially the focus was on (Andreu and Solera, 2006) to obtain
In the JBD, water has been inten- individual basin components, but in more specific risk assessments (e.g.
sively exploited over centuries and the 1990s an integrative decision probabilities of deficits and reser-


voir states at short and medium tion sluice water recirculation, (7) prove governance aspects, thereby
timescales, the impact of anticipa- reuse of waste water, (8) enhanced facilitating consensus for equitable
tion and mitigation measures) (An- control of water use, water quality decisions.
dreu el al., 2013). Anticipation and and the ecological status of wa-
mitigation measures include: (1) ter bodies, and (9) revision of ac- The JBPPP PDC demonstrated its
more efficient water use, (2) water tions and post analysis. In the alert relevance during the severe 2004-
saving, (3) conjunctive use of sur- and emergency state, the JBPPP 8 drought (Andreu et al., 2013).
face and groundwater, (4) financial Participatory Permanent Drought The governance body had 28 ses-
compensation for giving up water Commission (PDC) has special pow- sions with successful results, as
use, (5) water rights purchase for ers, for example to override water recognised by its own stakeholders
environmental protection, (6) irriga- rights and priorities, to further im- (Urquijo et al., 2016). It provided
transparency and credibility to the
decision and policymaking proc-
esses. Drought management and
The Jucar Basin (south-east Spain). Standardised Inflow Index for the planning in the JBD is internation-
JBD (left), and CDOI maps corresponding to March 2006, January 2007 ally recognised as exemplary (e.g.
and March 2009 (right, from left to right). Schwabe et al., 2013; Kampragou
Source: self-elaboration from public domain information. et al., 2015; Wolters et al., 2015).

Nevertheless, improvements can

still be made, for instance through:
(1) refinement of monitoring of in-
dicators and real-time data gather-
ing, (2) the consolidation of meas-
ures, (3) further enhancement of
institutional and legal aspects, (4)
demand and supply management,
and (5) the use of additional eco-
nomic instruments (e.g. insurance
for irrigated agriculture). Finally,
major challenges have been main-
taining the personal commitment
of individuals in all sectors (knowl-
edge brokering, policymaking,
NGOs, stakeholders in general) and
incorporating the comprehensive
interaction in the regular function-
ing and procedures of the institu-
tions and other bodies involved.

3.10 Climatological risk:
Jesus San Miguel, Emilio Chuvieco, John Handmer,
Andy Moffat, Cristina Montiel-Molina, Leif Sandahl,
Domingos Viegas

San-Miguel-Ayanz et al., 2012). a major hazard for the environment

3.10.1 and human assets globally. An analy-
Introduction – sis of fire causality in Europe shows
wildfires in the that more than 95 % of the fires in
context of natural Wildfires, which are often this region are caused by negligence
caused by humans, have or arson (Ganteaume et al., 2013).
and man-made Likewise, an analysis of fire causality
hazards a large impact on human worldwide shows that most wildfires
assets and the natural are caused by humans (Krawchuck
About 4 % of the global vegetat- environment, contributing and Moritz, 2011).
ed area is burnt every year by fires to atmospheric pollution
(Giglio et al., 2013; Hantson et al., and reducing the provision However, although wildfires are main-
2015). Wildfires have significant im- of goods and services ly initiated by human actions, their
pacts on humans and on the natural from forests and other intensity and their effects are mainly
environment. They affect human lives driven by fuel condition and availa-
and livelihoods (Finlay et al., 2012)
ecosystems. bility, vegetation structure (Gonza-
and result in high social and econom- lez-Olabarria and Pukkalaet, 2011:
ic costs, associated not only with the 278-287) and prevalent meteorologi-
damages, but also with the prevention cal and topographic conditions. In the
Wildfires are commonly considered
and suppression measures put in place context of this subchapter, wildfires
natural phenomena for many ecosys-
every year (Birot, 2009). Fires cause are considered a natural hazard, re-
tems, as wildfire ignition and spread
large increases of atmospheric emis- gardless of their ignition source.
are greatly driven by vegetation and
sions and pollutants (Carvalho et al.,
meteorological conditions. Howev-
2011), cause soil erosion (González-
er, humans have used fire for land 3.10.2
Pérez et al., 2004), reduce the provi-
sion of goods and services by forests
use management and hunting for at Wildfires –
least the past 100 000 years (Bow- definitions
(Mavsar et al., 2013), and change land
man and Panton, 1993). Nowadays, Definitions of wildfire vary according
cover patterns and landscape ecosys-
human-caused wildfires have become to the scientific or operational context
tem dynamics (Moreira et al., 2011;


in which the issue is discussed. Until tion (2012) is that risk is a function termined by the presence and activity
recently, in Europe, the most com- of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. of any causative agent’. The Vocab-
monly used term to define and dis- This subchapter uses these terms as ulary of Forest Fire Terms compiled
cuss wildfires that are not the result key components of the wildfire risk. by the DELFI forum (1999) supports
of a controlled human activity (these In other fields, such as the prediction this definition, stating that fire risk
would usually be called ‘prescribed of droughts or earthquakes, risk is is ‘the probability of fire initiation’.
fires’) was ‘forest fire’. often considered as the conjunction Other approaches consider wildfire
of two factors, namely the hazard, or risk as ‘the potential number of igni-
potential threat to humans and their tion sources’ (Hardy, 2005). It should
welfare, and the vulnerability, or ex- be noted that fire ignition is not the
This chapter uses the posure and susceptibility to losses. same as fire initiation, since not every
term ‘wildfire’, as it is ignition outbreak develops into a fire.
Traditionally, wildfire risk has been as-
more general than the sessed at national or local scales using Other authors suggest wildfire risk to
term ‘forest fire’ and individual data sources and method- be the probability of wildfire occur-
includes fires that affect ologies. This has led to local or na- ring at a specified location, and un-
other vegetation types tional indices that are not comparable der specific circumstances, together
such as grasslands, either across Europe or worldwide. with its expected effects (San-Miguel-
shrublands and other In addition, there are differences of Ayanz et al., 2003). Wildfire risk has
non-forest land covers. opinion over the definition of fire also been defined as ‘the probability
risk. According to the FAO’s termi- of a fire to happen and its conse-
nology (FAO, 1986), forest fire risk quences’ (San-Miguel-Ayanz, 2002),
is ‘the chance of a fire starting as de- following the general UNISDR ter-
A forest fire, according to EU regu-
lations (EC, 2003: 1-8) is a fire that
starts in any land cover and spreads to FIGURE 3.47
affect forest areas, these being forests
as defined by the FAO (1998). How- Proposed framework for an integrated fire risk assessment system
ever, the term ‘wildfire’ is more gener- Source: adapted from Chuvieco et al. (2010)
al than that of forest fire and includes
fires that affect other vegetation types
different from forests. This term is
thus more applicable to fires that af-
fect grasslands, shrublands and other
non-forest land covers.

Wildfire risk

The definition of risk used by the

IPCC’s special report Managing the
risks of extreme events and disasters
to advance climate change adapta-

minology of risk (UNISDR, 2009), ignition sources, fuel availability and the wildfire management organisa-
while other definitions consider that conditions for fire ignition and spread tions. Organisations such as UNISDR
fire risk is ‘the union of two compo- (fire behaviour) (Oliveira et al., 2014). seek to establish common nomencla-
nents: fire hazard and fire ignition’. In It thus refers to the conditions un- tures and methods for the assessment
this case, the overall risk depends on der which an ignition can result in a of risks. At the European level, an
the fuel and its susceptibility to burn- wildfire, as a result of the availability initiative to compile information on
ing (i.e. hazard), and on the presence of fuels and their condition, and the National Risk Assessment good prac-
of external causes (both anthropo- prevalent meteorological conditions. tice is currently ongoing. An analy-
genic and natural) leading to fire igni- Vulnerability refers to the suscepti- sis of the resulting data will provide
tion and spread. bility of suffering damage. This term guidelines and good practices for the
is often associated with exposure, as assessment of wildfire risk in Europe
vulnerability exists if a series of as- and, probably, at the global scale.
sets (such as lives or property) are ex-
Wildfire risk is derived posed to damage by wildfires (Galia-
from the combination na-Martín and Karlsson, 2012). This
of fire hazard and fire approach is consistent with the ISO Although there is a vast
31000 standard. knowledge of wildfire
vulnerability, namely
hazards related to the risk-related issues,
presence of fuels and
3.10.4 information varies
ignition sources, and Existing knowledge according to the scale at
vulnerability related to and the issue of which risk is assessed,
the assets at risk. scale in fire risk varying notably from
assessment local to regional or global
Wildfires are a recurrent phenome-
The international standard on risk non, and their importance in the earth
management, ISO 31000, defines risk system is widely recognised (Dwyer et
as the ‘effect of uncertainty on objec- al., 1999; Bowman et al., 2009; Flan-
nigan et al., 2009; Scott et al., 2016). Therefore, the involvement of so
tives’. For this definition of risk, there
Wildfires affect many regions in the many organisations in fire manage-
needs to be a clear objective, for ex-
world and their impacts are evident in ment, from national to local level,
ample, avoiding significant human im-
natural systems and human society. means that clear definition of author-
pacts from wildfires. Recent studies at
Owing to the many factors that affect ity, functions, tasks and responsibili-
local and global level describe wildfire
fire risk, the issue of scale is highly ties, together with an effective coordi-
risk as derived from the interaction
relevant in the assessment and man- nation of their inputs is essential. The
of two components, fire danger and
agement of risk. At local to national influence of the multilevel govern-
vulnerability. In this case, fire danger
scales, the assessment of wildfire risk ance structure is a key issue in wildfire
is equivalent to fire hazard (see Figure
is accompanied by mitigation meas- management (Aguilar and Montiel,
ures aimed at reducing fire risk by 2011). increasing prevention and prepared-
Components ness. At the supranational and global 3.10.5
scales, assessment aims at reducing
the negative impacts of wildfire by es-
Wildfire information
Considering the most recent defini-
tion above, fire hazard can be defined tablishing international guidelines and systems: regional,
as the combination of the presence of agreements for best practice among national, global

and operations has escalated in recent rence and to derive fire risk at differ-
Often, fire management is the re- decades, especially with the increasing ent scales. National fire information
sponsibility of local to regional agen- use of aerial firefighting. systems to assess and quantify fire
cies within a country, although these risk exist in nearly all European coun-
operations are commonly supported As technology has evolved in the last tries, although they differ in approach.
by central governments. In developed decade, modern methods for the anal- Regional initiatives of wildfire infor-
countries, the increase in the number ysis of fire risk components and the mation systems are the European
of human-caused fires and the large evaluation of fire effects have found Commission’s European Forest Fire
economic losses caused by them have their place in national, regional and Information System (EFFIS) and the
triggered forest fire prevention and, global organisations. Accordingly, recent Group on Earth Observations
in particular, firefighting programmes. wildfire information systems often in- (GEO) initiative to establish a Global
clude modules for the dynamic evalu- Wildfire Information System (GWIS)
A range of infrastructural compo- ation of fire danger and the frequent (see Figure 3.48). Both initiatives are
nents including hard infrastructure update of fire risk components such currently under the umbrella of the
(e.g. control centres), plus education as fuel distribution, structure and EU Copernicus Regulation. These
and awareness raising (strategic as well moisture content. Satellite technol- systems benefit from other initiatives
as tactical or responsive) are part of ogy and GISs permit the integration aimed at deriving relevant informa-
permanent programmes. Moreover, of spatial layers of information to tion, such as the Climate Change Ini-
expenditure in firefighting equipment analyse spatial patterns of fire occur- tiative of the European Space Agency


The North American Drought Monitor

Source: HELIX project (Naumann et al., 2017)

(ESA). impacts. Fire prevention must tar- trade-offs. In some countries, gov-
get the reduction of fire ignitions as ernment strategies tend to focus on
well as the management of fuels, as cooperation with rural populations in
3.10.6 these are the only factors affecting fire the safe implementation of prescribed
Wildfire propagation upon which we can act. fires (Montiel and Kraus, 2010). In
management: Whenever the fire exclusion policy is other countries, fire is still used as the
predominant, this fuel management main tool to convert forested areas to
prevention, is commonly restricted to reducing agricultural or pasture land. Regard-
preparedness, fuel spatial continuity, by fuel breaks, ing criminal actions as the widespread
impact assessment, or fuel amount using grazing or me- deliberate burning to clear rain forest
chanical means. Those fuel reduction in Indonesia and Brazil for example,
restoration operations can be eventually used for strategies for cooperation with local
the generation of biomass energy the local populations and legal actions
The wildfire policies adopted by most
(quote). In many regions, the result must be put in place.
European countries over the last cen-
of the fire exclusion policy is often
tury have been based on fire exclusion
the continuous accumulation of fuel,
regardless of their specific context.
which, when ignited, can result in
Nowadays, this approach is wide-
ly recognised as being neither eco-
uncontrollable wildfires (San-Miguel- Wildfire management
Ayanz et al., 2013; Viegas et al., 2009). comprises the totality of
logically desirable nor economically
However, prescribed burning is not
feasible. Total fire exclusion policies
widely accepted in many countries,
the fire cycle, before the
have significant consequences for the
particularly because of potential acci- events in the prevention
magnitude and frequency of wildfires, and preparedness
dents and negative public perception.
through an increase of fuel accumula-
tion, the loss of resilience to fire and
Policy conflict between different gov- phases and the post-fire
the alteration of fire regimes. New
ernment departments occurs in other assessments that lead
areas, for example in the conversion to the implementation of
approaches to wildfire defence are
of land for certain forms of wildlife restoration measures.
required to improve the strategies of
habitat such as heathland, and hous-
prevention and suppression (Montiel
ing development on land surround-
and San-Miguel, 2009). A further step
ed by vegetation at significant risk
is given by the concept of integrated
of ignition. It is important that these
fire management (Sande Silva et al.,
conflicts are worked through and re- Preparedness refers specifically to
2010). It involves the consideration
solved. activities in the period immediately
of the various aspects of fire in sup-
before fire initiation, notably at times
pression and prevention as well as the
Since most fires are caused by hu- of the year when fire hazard is great-
use of fire as a tool for management
mans, fire prevention activities require est. Modern technologies for the as-
measures to prevent these ignitions, sessment of vegetation dynamics and
which can be the result of negligent meteorological weather prediction
An integrated system for wildfire
behaviour or criminal actions. This systems allow forecasting of fire dan-
management must consider the dif-
implies the implementation of educa- ger conditions, resulting in enhanced
ferent phases of the fire cycle. Ac-
tion programmes in rural areas where preparation for firefighting. The use
cording to the definition of fire risk
the fires take place. In many places, it of remote sensing techniques has be-
in the sections above, wildfire man-
is necessary for these to be dynamic come common among forestry and
agement requires the monitoring of
and recurrent. Fire is a common tool civil protection organisations. Re-
all the factors that affect fire ignition,
in agricultural management and the mote sensing permits the near-real-
spread and impact. It also requires
elimination of these practices can be time assessment of fire spread, which
action to prevent and mitigate fire
difficult to achieve without significant can be used in decision-making for


the deployment of firefighting crews and phytopathogens can have major ues and the decrease or failure of pro-
and equipment during large wildfire impacts on forests, resulting in re- vision of ecosystem services in the af-
events. Remote sensed information duced forest health and, sometimes, fected areas, which can be temporary
is also used to assess fire effects at widespread tree death (FOREST EU- or permanent. These include, among
a very low cost, which complements ROPE, 2015). Standing dead timber other things, soil protection, water
necessary field campaigns for the in poses an increased risk of wildfire. purification, recreation, tourism, etc.
situ assessment of damage and the The loss of economic value may in-
planning of restoration measures. duce lack of fuel management and in- In addition, wildfires emit large vol-
crease the fire risk. The accumulation umes of gases that affect the human
3.10.7 of dead and fallen woody fuel follow- populations in the areas affected by
ing windstorms (see Chapter 3.7) also them. Wildfire emissions contribute
Other hazards such makes these forest areas more prone considerably to the total global at-
as windstorms and to attacks by insect pests and further mospheric carbon emissions and are a
pests and their increases their vulnerability to wildfire. concern from local to global scales. At
the global scale, assessment of emis-
relationship to sions is compiled in the Global Fire
wildfire risk Emissions Database - GFED (Rand-
Other hazards, such erson et al., 2015).
Other natural hazards that worsen the
conditions for wildfire management
as pest outbreaks or
often result in an increase in the levels windstorms, may increase
of fire risk. wildfire risk and hamper In addition to economic
wildfire prevention and environmental
Prolonged droughts (see Chapter measures. damage, wildfires pose a
3.9) and heatwaves (see Chapter 3.8)
dry out fuels and help to create the serious threat to human
conditions for uncontrollable wild- populations, producing
fires (Gower et al., 2015). Examples However, wildfires can also influence negative effects on
of these are the fires that occurred in other hazards. They are particular- human health and
2003 in Portugal and southern France, ly shaping the flood scenarios in the increasing death tolls.
and in 2007 in Greece. Windstorms fragile Mediterranean-type ecosys-
can result in the sudden accumulation tems, where the peak flood and the
of large amounts of fuel, which are suspended material load of water
often difficult to manage or extract. streams increase significantly in post-
Furthermore, the difficult arrange- fire conditions, inducing soil erosion, At the local scale, wildfire emissions
ment of fuels on the ground hinders floods and landslides. can have harmful effects on the local
the effective implementation of fire population (Finlay et al., 2012; Bow-
prevention measures and hampers man and Johnston, 2005). The effects
firefighting operations. Examples of 3.10.8 of atmospheric pollution by wildfires
these situations occurred in the areas Harmful effects of include the aggravation of respiratory
affected by Storm Gudrum in Den- wildfires on human problems to the population and can
mark and Sweden (2004), which re- result in the deaths of more suscep-
sulted in the world’s largest stockpile population and health tible individuals. Serious problems to
of wood (de Rigo et al., 2016), and human health were recorded in many
Storm Klaus (2012) in France. The effects of wildfires include dam- critical fires during the last decade;
age to land cover, which encompasses possibly the most noted events were
In Europe, heavy attacks by insects the loss or degradation of natural val- those in Indonesia and Russia in 2010

and Indonesia in 2015. The Indone- bero et al., 2015). Climate studies in The expansion of the so-called Wild-
sian fire event in 1997 resulted in an Sweden show that more fires, espe- land Urban Interface (WUI) leads to
estimated 45 000 km2 of forest and cially in south-east Sweden, with a fire an increase in wildfire risk and to the
land being burnt on the islands of Su- season that is about two times longer much more difficult management of
matra and Kalimantan, releasing be- than the current fire season, is expect- wildfires. Often, fire-fighting crews
tween 0.81 and 2.57 Gt of carbon to ed, with attendant climate change sce- must protect human assets and disre-
the atmosphere, equivalent to 13–40 narios (Sandahl, 2016). gard the fighting of wildfires, limiting
% of the mean annual global carbon their intervention to the protection of
emissions from fossil fuels. As a result The effect of climate change in the human lives and properties.
of this fire, an estimated 20 million United States (Westerling et al., 2006)
people in Indonesia suffered from has already led to an increase in large-
respiratory problems, with 19 800- fire activity in the western United
48 100 premature mortalities (IFFN, States, with longer wildfire duration Wildfire risk is affected by
2000). Russia reported a death toll of and longer wildfire seasons. Likewise, contextual factors, with
about 700 people daily in connection climate change is associated with an
with the smoke problems caused by increased fire danger and consequent
the main factors being
peat fires in the Moscow region in larger burnt areas in the EU Mediter- climate change and socio-
2010 (The Guardian, 2010). Less well ranean region by the end of the cen- spatial factors such as
known is the significant psychological tury (Amatulli et al., 2013; Khabarov, population, land cover
effect that some people can experi- et al., 2014). The increase in fire activ- and land use change, and
ence after close contact with wildfire ity and burnt areas will consequently landscape dynamics.
(Eisenman et al., 2015). lead to an increase in fire emissions
in Europe and globally (Jolly et al.,
3.10.9 2015). The economic impact of cli-
mate change, including the effects of
Contextual factors af- wildfires, has recently been assessed The changes in land cover and land
fecting wildfire risk in the context of the Peseta II project use patterns due to the movement
of the JRC (Ciscar et al., 2013). of population from rural areas to urban centres in many parts of the
Climate change world, and the consequent decline in
Socio-spatial factors of fuel management in these areas, leads
Currently, an average of 400 million wildfires: population, land
ha of natural areas are burnt annu- to an increase in fire risk and higher
cover and land use change, intensity of wildfires (San-Miguel-
ally at the global level (FAO, 2015: and landscape dynamics
245). Many organisations, including Ayanz et al., 2012: 21-43).
the IPCC (2014) contribute to the as- Socio-spatial factors have a major role
sessment of the relationship between Wildfires are a complex socio-spatial
in the management of wildfire risk. issue. However, both systemic com-
climate change and fire occurrence, As noted in the literature, there is a
supporting wildfire prevention in the ponents – space and society – have
proven relationship between ignitions usually been dealt with separately.
context of global change. A number and human populations (Bowman et
of researchers have highlighted the The spatial patterns of wildfires have
al., 2011). Furthermore, the increase been analysed at the regional scale,
potential changes in fire climate re- in the intensity of wildfires results
gimes in different parts of the world, using the available data and employ-
every year in a number of human ing methods of comparative analysis
which may result in increased fire risk casualties and large economic losses
and exacerbation of the effects of for producing an overview of fire oc-
due to the destruction of human as- currence in Europe (Chas-Amil et al.,
wildfires, especially in the Boreal and sets (San-Miguel-Ayanz et al., 2013;
Mediterranean climatic regions (Bar- 2015: 164-176; Montiel and Herrero,
Viegas, et al., 2009; EM-DAT, 2009).


2010: 35-46; Salis et al., 2014: 1389- coal deposits from the last 12 000 (Montiel and Galiana-Martín, 2016)
1418). Interesting literature on the years (Whitlock and Larsen, 2012). has provided an important conceptu-
spatial distribution of fire occurrence The interactions between environ- al foundation by which to understand
has also been developed at the munic- ment factors, the social context and connections between landscape pat-
ipal level (Fernandes, 2016: 187-188; the fire regime over the long term, as terns and dynamics and fire behav-
Martínez-Fernández et al., 2013: 311- well as changing fire behaviour spatial iour (propagation patterns). The use
327). The social aspects, which are patterns, resulting in the creation of of fire scenarios is thus useful to es-
basically related to community-based new territories at risk, are still largely tablish fire-design management strat-
fire management and community unknown. Furthermore, it is essen- egies at the landscape level (Costa et
wildfire relations beyond wildland fire tial to take into account the territori- al., 2011; Moreira et al., 2011) that in-
causes and wildland fire defence or- al contextual factors (land cover and crease social and ecological resilience
ganisation, are less well known. land use, meteorological factors, land and reduce territorial vulnerability to
tenure, cultural and organisational fire risk. Figure 3.49 shows a fire-re-
The temporal patterns and the evo- aspects, public policies) that interact silient Mediterranean landscape in
lution of the spatial patterns through and influence fire occurrence to bet- Sierra de Gata (Spain), in which di-
history have also been less studied, ter understand wildland fire causes versified land management and fuel
owing to data limitations. The tem- (Beilin and Reid, 2015; Montiel and discontinuity prevent high-intensity
poral dimension of wildland fires has Galiana-Martín, 2016). wildfires.
been mainly explored in the short
term, considering the different peri- The interactive evolution of spatial
ods of the existing statistical series, and human issues is defining differ- 3.10.10
although some studies have analysed ent land-type fire scenarios at various Innovation for better
fire history on the basis of lake char- scales. The concept of fire scenario understanding and
wildfire management
Innovation in wildfire management
Wildfire- resilient Mediterranean landscape in Sierra de Gata, Spain. comes from two main sources: (1)
Source: photo courtesy of C. Montiel operational experience, in a lessons
learning process, and (2) scientific re-
search. Such knowledge and innova-
tions are incorporated in the manage-
ment activities through, for example,
the advancement in methods to quan-
tify and map fire risk components
and the incorporation of human fac-
tors in the management of wildfires
through education campaigns, rural
programmes and a better conscious-
ness of human society on the impacts
of wildfires. However, there remains
a lack of agreement with national and
regional fire administrations on the
implementation of a common wild-
fire risk assessment at the European
or global levels.

Relevant progress has been made relevant stakeholders and lay com- climate change and other national
in the implementation of common munities at times of heightened risks (e.g. in a National Risk Regis-
methodologies to assess fire danger fire risk; use of these platforms ter (Cabinet Office, 2015)). Better
at the European level in the context to get early warnings of wildfire understanding that poor handling
of EFFIS. At the global level, there outbreaks (two-way knowledge ex- of a disaster can be politically
are initiatives to promote the pro- change). damaging in a digital environment
duction of information that forms • Increased synergy between differ- when blame can be ascribed with
the basis of wildfire risk assessment ent agencies and departments with some confidence (Gasper and
(GWIS, FIREGLOBE, 2008), such responsibility for disaster man- Reeves, 2011).
as global fuel maps (Pettinari and agement. Economies of scale and • Increased use of the ecosystem
Chuvieco, 2016), global fire ignition greater effectiveness in bringing framework (e.g. Millennium Eco-
sources datasets, global fire vulnera- relevant parties/actors together system Assessment - MEA, Map-
bility (Chuvieco et al., 2014), as well when it matters. This is important ping and Assessment of Ecosys-
as global burnt area maps (Chuvieco for countries such as the United tems and their Services - MAES)
et al., 2016). In addition, global data Kingdom, where the risk of storm to contextualise ecosystems, their
on fire ignitions and burnt areas are and flood damage is currently goods and services and their val-
provided by the National Aeronautics much greater than the risk of wild- ues (e.g. via Natural Capital Ac-
and Space Administration FIRMS ac- fires. Working together is likely to counting (BISE, n.d.)), and thus
tivity and fed into regional and global engender a better understanding the potential loss from wildfire; e.g.
systems (e.g. AFIS, INPE, GWIS). of the impending wildfire prob- the ecosystem approach has been
lems that climate change is already used to evaluate potential loss from
bringing about — a significant wildfire in a study in the United
form of preparedness. Kingdom (KWFW, 2014).
Innovation in wildfire • A better integration of the four ‘R’s
management involves (risk reduction, readiness, response, Disaster Management degree (BSc,
recovery) with shared responsibili- MSc) courses will help to embed risk
the adoption of new ties between land managers/own- analysis in the mainstream.
technologies for the ers and the civil contingency com-
assessment of wildfire munity — a better understanding
risk and the incorporation that prevention is better than cure 3.10.11
of the human component (e.g. Firewise (NFPA, 2016)), espe- Research gap
in the implementation of cially in times of recession when
prevention measures. government agencies are being cut Although innovation provides a better
back. Hence, land managers are assessment of fire risk components,
being brought into the risk man- and research demonstrates the appli-
agement process via wildfire fora, cability of research methods in pilot
Some of the areas in which innova- projects and other forms of com- projects, there is still a lack of proof-
tion can be further developed are as munication. Government financial of-concept at an operational level.
follows: incentives for forest management Few of the research advances in pro-
• Increased use of fire spread mod- (grants) are also manipulated to en- jects are adopted or implemented by
els, coupled with portable, hand- sure that applicants understand the regional or national administrations.
held devices to make decisions on need to embrace wildfire risk-re- This is often due to the complexity in
site during firefighting (SCION, duction policy and practice (GOV. the use of new tools and the inertia
2009). UK, n.d.). of these administrations to change
• Increased use of digital technol- • Increased rooting of government the use of long-established methods,
ogies and social media to reach policy in a risk-based framework which are well known by staff.
(HM Tresaury, 2013), driven by


Basic research on the social aspects However, it is less easy to be sure that • Policy analysis to understand at
of wildland fire is very limited. The reduction via a decrease in ignition national/international levels how
existing literature is mainly applied events can take place without signifi- wildfire policy can work synergis-
research, in particular case-studies of cant changes in human behaviour for tically with existing agricultural,
certain aspects of the social dimen- which social research will be valuable. forestry, urban and habitats/biodi-
sions of wildland fires (wildfire hu- versity policies instead of conflict-
man causes and influencing factors; The following are a few areas of re- ing with them. Use of ecosystems
fire laws/policies/regulations; fire search that could be prioritised (not in frameworks to explore trade-offs
management; socioeconomic impacts order of importance): and provide possible ways forward.
of wildfire risk; social awareness/vul- • Refinement of risk models (con- • Social research to understand the
nerability/resilience to wildfire risk, tinual process), based on develop- perceptions of wildfire risk in the
etc.). ments in fire science and better pa- different land management sectors
rameterisation, for example based and the constraints to adopting a
on increased knowledge of vegeta- more realistic approach to it. In
tion, its phenology and flammabil- other words, why do we still experi-
Although progress ity. This will be achieved by basic ence so much negligent behaviour?
has been made in experimental research, monitoring Research to find ways to overcome
and modelling. such obstacles should be undertak-
the assessment of • Modelling of wildfire risk in the en.
fire risk components, context of predicted land-use • More social research to understand
there is still a need change, which is affected by a range why people commit intentional
for research on, of social, economic and environ- fires, and how to reduce these moti-
inter alia, fire risk mental (e.g. climate change) drivers. vations and to have a larger involve-
and behaviour Foresight analysis is very important. ment of the population in the fire
models as well as • Gaining a better understanding of prevention and risk-reduction activ-
wildfire behaviour to support fire ities. A better understanding of the
policy, social and prevention and fire suppression interactions between physical and
economic aspects. activities and to improve fire safe- human factors affecting fire ignition
ty. The development of more ad- is needed.
vanced fire suppression methods to
cope with very high-intensity fires
In general, these scientific publica- that are becoming more common. 3.10.12
tions are analytical descriptions used • Economic analysis of wildfire con- Partnerships and
to assess a specific issue of wildland
fire factors or impacts at the local or
sequences, including all elements networks,
of risk management (reduction,
regional level, instead of the commu- readiness, response, recovery) at a
nity one which is closer to the social regional or national scale in order collaboration
approach because this is the scale at
which people organise and interact.
to evaluate cost-effectiveness of in- in wildfire
vestment in each of these elements.
Research is needed in both technical This must include the value of loss
and social spheres. It is easy to pre- of the full range of ecosystem
dict that developments in wildfire risk goods and services. International collaboration in wildfire
management will follow the increase • Land use/cover analysis (both cur- management exists in different fora.
in sophistication and use of digital rent and future projections) that There are networks that have collab-
technologies. These largely support would better characterise the im- orated to establish common wildfire
the readiness, response and recov- pacts of landscape structure in fire management practices among coun-
ery phases in disaster management. propagation. tries. For instance, the Voluntary

Guidelines: Principles and Strategic ing that the developments in fire poli-
Actions of the FAO provide a series
3.10.13 cy, in terms of environmental politics,
of recommended practices for wild- Conclusions and depend on the social construction of
fire management (FAO, 2006). These key messages fire problems (Hajer, 2000), the social
have been adopted by many countries, perception of fire risk and fire culture
including most EU Member States. There is a vast amount on informa- are crucial components by which to
There are bilateral agreements among tion on wildfires at local, regional and understand and enhance support for
many EU Member States for fire global scales. However, problems re- specific management strategies (Cza-
prevention and, in particular, for main at different scales in terms of ja and Cottrell, 2014). This is one of
firefighting. In addition, at the Eu- harmonising or standardising prac- the bases of social prevention pro-
ropean level a general agreement for tices for the assessment and manage- grammes for reducing unwanted ig-
collaboration exist among countries ment of wildfire risk. nitions, including the promotion of
to share firefighting resources during good practices of fire use (Montiel
fire campaigns. This agreement is es- Resilience theory is providing a suit- and Kraus, 2010).
tablished under the so-called Union able framework by which to explain
Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) abrupt changes in socioecological The following recommendations
and is coordinated by the European systems. The importance of commu- would help to enhance fire risk man-
Commission’s ERCC. nity participation and building social agement from local to global scales in
At the global level, one of the most capital through collective learning and relation to three aspects, namely part-
long-lasting initiatives aimed at build- governance mechanisms has been nership, knowledge and innovation.
ing and retrieving information on highlighted as a required basis for
wildfires is that of the Global Obser- building disaster resilience (Aldunce et Partnership
vation of Forest and Land Cover Dy- al., 2015; Aldunce et al., 2016; Montiel Engage the wildfire community with
namics (GOFC-GOLD) Fire Imple- and Kraus, 2010; O’Brien et al., 2010). other involved groups in other areas
mentation Team. This brings together Another relevant contribution of the of disaster management or emergen-
researchers and regional networks to resilience theory to fire risk mitigation cy response in order to build on syner-
generate and analyse information on is the capacity to anticipate, prepare gies and best practice methodologies.
wildfires at different spatial scales, as and plan (Aldunce et al., 2015), which Engage the lay public and land man-
well as to develop new methods for is one of the theoretical foundations agement sectors, as a unified and
wildfire monitoring, management and of the concept of fire scenarios. In non-contradictory ‘voice’ is vital —
policy decision-making. The synergies fact, understanding the role of fire confusion always leads to disinterest
between this network and the GEO on the landscape and the influence of and failure of communication.
Global Initiative on establishing a landscape on fire regime is crucial for
GWIS may result in improved access the resilience of territories to wildfire The exchange of research outputs,
to wildfire management information risk. models, best practice and experience
globally. between countries should be encour-
Regarding community-based coop- Cognitive hierarchy theory is also a aged through the continuation of ex-
eration, organised groups of local strong theoretical foundation of so- isting international forums and other
stakeholders are emerging, especial- cial learning processes that may en- mechanisms (e.g. Marie Curie and
ly in Mediterranean countries. These able a reduction in ecological and Erasmus programmes in the EU);
groups contribute to fire management social vulnerability to wildfire, par- this is especially important for coun-
as a result of instrumental motivation, ticularly at the WUI (Galiana-Martín tries with less experience of wildfires
or self-interest (Aguilar and Montiel, and Karlsson, 2012; O’Brien et al., to learn from those with more expe-
2011). 2010). Nowadays, one of the most rience, particularly in the context of
important factors that affect wildfire climate change.
impacts (and adds risk to humans) is
the expansion of the WUI. Consider- Wildfire governance schemes are ur-


gently needed in order to obtain con- wisdom in the best way for the par- territories and societies to wildfires.
sensus between the different stake- ticular needs of the country. The concept of a fire scenario is use-
holders to create collective willingness ful when confronted with the need to
and favour the effectiveness of wild- It is necessary to identify if harmo- coexist with fire but this requires an
fire management systems. It is impor- nisation is possible for all European understanding of societal discourses
tant to identify the institutions/ad- countries, or if this would be appro- and risk constructs at the landscape
ministrations that are relevant for the priate only for countries with similar scale. This innovative approach to fire
implementation of actions related to climatic conditions. The same ap- management provides arguments for
wildfire risk assessment/mitigation. proach should be considered world- adapting land use and forestry prac-
Cooperation between the competent wide. tices to the changing fire hazard.
authorities and rural communities
for wildfire preparedness and dam- When dealing with harmonisation/
age mitigation should be enhanced standardisation, it is important to
through organisation assistance, identify what needs to be harmonised.
equipment supply and training ses- This is possible for example for the
sions for locals. Good governance in definition of wildfire and wildfire risk,
wildland fire management requires information systems, actions to take
the conscious regulation of fire use for wildfire management, capacitation
practices and the establishment of an of resources, education and informa-
action protocol to arrange coopera- tion messages during fire campaigns.
tion for pre-extinction measures and Social education and prevention
emergency responses between the dif- programmes, which aim to increase
ferent stakeholders. knowledge of wildfires and to re-
duce unwanted ignitions, are essential
The wildfire community should en- where fire is a traditional land use and
gage with world-changing agencies resource management tool.
such as the IPCC to ensure that its
voice is heard, and that planning for Innovation
the future takes wildfire risk fully into Technical research is important but,
account. It may be that there are cur- using current knowledge to the fullest
rently too many competing interna- effect, effort must be put into engage-
tional wildfire bodies, which need to ment with politicians and senior de-
find ways of integrating together — cision-makers in order to ensure that
they are individually too small. The wildfire management is given strategic
IPCC is an example of what can be support and resourced appropriately.
achieved using a good platform. Integrated fire management is an in-
novative concept to reduce damage
and maximise the benefits of fire. It
Knowledge includes a combination of preven-
Harmonisation or standardisation tion and suppression strategies and
of practices for the assessment and techniques that integrate the use of
management of wildfire risk across technical fire and regulate traditional
Europe or at global scale has mer- burning.
it. However, it is more important to
reach a common scientific under- Fire scenarios are a new tool for inte-
standing and to facilitate individual grating fire management and land use
countries to deploy such knowledge/ planning to reduce the vulnerability of

3.11 Biological risk:
Rishma Maini, Virginia Murray, Cathy Roth, Mike Catchpole,
Kristie Ebi, Michael Hagenlocher, Camila Margarita Montesinos
Guevara, Chloe Sellwood, Tiffany Yeung

in regard to assessment, impact and fectious diseases, which may be spo-

3.11.1 persistence, further complicating risk radic and far more difficult to predict,
Introduction management, control and recovery and often involve diseases for which
(Floret et al., 2006). For example, the there is no cure (Jones et al., 2008).
An epidemic is the widespread, and emergence of antimicrobial resistance The existing routine surveillance sys-
often rapidly extending, occurrence may thwart efforts to effectively treat tems may not be able to detect early
of an infectious disease in a com- infectious disease, resulting in more signs of outbreaks. As many of the
munity or population at a particular costly health care as well as prolonged severe emerging diseases (such as
time (CCDM, 2008). A pandemic is illness and mortality. Ebola, West Nile, Rift Valley fever)
the extension of an epidemic to many are zoonoses, the first signs of such
populations worldwide or over a very Unless detected and controlled at a events may not manifest in humans
wide area, crossing many internation- very early stage (when this is possible), but rather in wildlife or livestock,
al boundaries and affecting a large epidemics are prolonged, and pan- indicating the importance of strong
number of people (Last et al., 2001). demics more so. Robust and sensitive surveillance in the veterinary sectors,
Both epidemics and pandemics can be systems for detection and surveillance and the critical value of strong linkag-
hugely disruptive to lives, livelihoods, therefore form the backbone of risk es between human and animal health
and the political and socioeconomic management strategies. surveillance in a One Health approach
stability of affected communities. As (CDC, 2016a).
a result of this capacity for disrup- While many endemic or routine in-
tion, they constitute a class of disas- fections have been controlled in de- Droughts, floods and other natural
ter, which like other types of disaster, veloped countries by immunisation, hazards such as earthquakes can all
presents risks that can be ameliorated antimicrobials and improved stand- contribute to the initiation of out-
or reduced through risk management. ards of health and nutrition, they may breaks. Outbreaks of plague can fol-
As a class of disaster, epidemics and still pose major hazards in developing low earthquakes, as the rodents that
pandemics possess some unique char- countries with weaker health systems, carry plague-infected fleas are dis-
acteristics. Infectious disease patho- fewer resources to devote to health placed from their customary habitats
gens continue to circulate, extend and and limited access to care. Such health and food sources, and come into clos-
evolve during an event and thus pres- systems are also poorly equipped to er contact with human environments
ent ongoing and changing challenges withstand epidemics of emerging in- (Ivers and Ryan, 2006). Epidemics


of Rift Valley fever often commence preparedness strategies, and the mit- 2015) states that:
when a period of drought is followed igation of risks and hazards during “more dedicated action needs to be focused
by flooding or intense rainfall, so the event. There are usually two gen- on tackling underlying disaster risk drivers,
climate perturbations such as the El eral aspects to mitigating an infectious such as the consequences of poverty and in-
Niño-Southern Oscillation may her- disease outbreak: the care of patients equality, climate change and variability, un-
ald an increased risk of outbreaks in (to alleviate disease and suffering) and planned and rapid urbanization, poor land
at-risk regions, and indicate the initi- the epidemiological investigation of management and compounding factors such
ation of preventive measures, such as an outbreak to determine the source, as demographic change, weak institutional
immunisation of livestock to prevent pathway and receptor in order to fa- arrangements, non-risk-informed policies,
epizootics, and heightened surveil- cilitate the response (Ferguson et al., lack of regulation and incentives for private
lance for early detection of outbreaks 2006). For both patient care and the disaster risk reduction investment, complex
in animals and in humans (Anyamba, epidemiological investigation and re- supply chains, limited availability of tech-
et al., 2001). Disruption of water and sponse, the laboratory testing of hu- nology, unsustainable uses of natural re-
sanitation infrastructure from earth- man (and/or animal/vector/environ- sources, declining ecosystems, pandemics and
quakes, storms and floods can lead to mental) samples for evidence of the epidemics”
outbreaks of water- and food-borne pathogen is important to ensure that The framework goes on to advocate
pathogens such as cholera (Ivers and the correct intervention strategies are the promotion of ‘transboundary co-
Ryan, 2006). The extractive industries, employed. The magnitude of testing operation to enable policy and plan-
with their attendant ecosystem dis- may be overwhelming for laboratories ning for the implementation of eco-
turbance, land-use and demographic with specialised testing services (Ku- system-based approaches with regard
changes, have been associated with mar and Henrickson, 2012), so plans to shared resources, such as within
precipitating outbreaks of severe to access such laboratories should be river basins and along coastlines, to
emerging diseases, including Mar- in place before an outbreak. build resilience and reduce disaster
burg haemorrhagic fever (Le Guen- The response to an emerging infec- risk, including epidemic and displace-
no, 1997). A recent study identified tion disease outbreak may initially be ment risk’ (UNISDR, 2015).
the top five drivers of infectious dis- largely dependent on the local public
ease threats in Europe as travel and health workforce but the response Of note, the Sendai Framework states
tourism, global trade, climate, food may soon be directly reliant on the the global target need to ‘Substantially
and water quality, and natural envi- capacity of other health departments increase the availability of and access
ronment (Semenza et al., 2015). The and agencies. Again, cross-sectoral to multihazard early warning systems
implementation of measures address- collaborative arrangements and plan- and disaster risk information and as-
ing these underlying drivers could ning for surge capacity play a funda- sessments to people by 2030’ (UNIS-
therefore be a cost-effective strategy mental role. Public health communi- DR, 2015). The framework goes on to
towards reducing the risk of future cation, which is effective in engaging state that to achieve this it is impor-
disease threats. the communities at risk and cognisant tant ‘To enhance cooperation between
of societal and cultural values, is key health authorities and other relevant
The prevention of infection has prov- to ensuring implementation and com- stakeholders to strengthen country
en possible but is rare; for example, pliance with recommended public capacity for disaster risk management
smallpox was declared to have been health controls. Psychosocial as well for health, the implementation of
eradicated globally in 1979 (WHO, as physical consequences may also oc- the International Health Regulations
1980), and the drive to eradicate po- cur in epidemic response and recovery (2005) and the building of resilient
lio continues to be an international and, therefore, plans must address the health systems’ (UNISDR, 2015).
priority (GPEI, 2013). Therefore, management of related psychological The scope of this subchapter has
the focus is mainly on disaster risk distress and mental illness (Moore et been limited to viral and bacterial
reduction for epidemics and pan- al., 2007). infectious diseases only. A series of
demics, which involves reducing risks well-documented disease epidemics
in advance of an epidemic through The Sendai Framework (UNISDR, are summarised to demonstrate the

complexity of DRM. The value of ver associated with chills and rigors, evidence based (Bitar et al., 2009);
using the International Health Regu- headache and malaise, followed by • the reintroduction of enforced
lations (IHR) and pandemic prepar- respiratory impairment, which, on quarantine and isolation practic-
edness approaches to disaster risk becoming severe, requires mechanical es to prevent transmission, raising
reduction on a global scale is demon- ventilation (Peiris et al., 2003). ethical and legal questions around
strated, innovations in EWSs and the balance between public health
surveillance are discussed, and the During the early stage of the epi- measures and individual rights,
conclusions summarise the key points demic, the non-specific presenting as well as questions about the ef-
and recommendations. symptoms and the lack of access to fectiveness of such measures and
reliable diagnostic tests made it dif- challenges in implementing them
ficult for clinicians and public health at scale (Huang, 2004);
3.11.2 authorities to accurately ascertain • a lack of availability of hospital
Diseases of cases. Furthermore, the uncertainty negative pressure isolation rooms
contention around the population health impacts in countries at the start of the
of SARS generated considerable pub- SARS epidemic, which are required
lic fear. The need to follow up many to treat ill patients safely (Gamage thousands of contacts of confirmed et al., 2005).
Severe acute respiratory cases to check for the development
syndrome (SARS) of illness placed an enormous burden
on already overstretched public health
The first cases of SARS occurred in services. Examples of issues identi- Severe acute respiratory
China in November 2002 (Christian fied included: syndrome (SARS)
et al., 2004), and the disease eventu- • governments investing in high-
ally spread to 37 countries, with 8 273 ly visible public health activities
demonstrated the need
confirmed cases (Chinese SARS Mo- such as temperature testing at en- for systems for early
lecular Epidemiology Consortium, try to buildings in order to provide detection and global
2004). The disease caused major out- a degree of public reassurance, information-sharing.
breaks in Asia and the Americas, with with a major investment made in
smaller outbreaks in Europe, illustrat- entry-screening at airports, even
ing how globalisation can contribute though these measures were not
to the rapid amplification of disease In its wake, the health-care and na-
spread (Coleman and Frieman, 2014). tional economic systems of some
While the overall estimated case fatal- countries were seriously disrupt-
ity rate was estimated at 15 %, the rate SARS ed. The dramatic reconfiguration
increased significantly with age (Chan Source: PHE EDAM of health systems in response to the
et al., 2003). Transmission was also epidemic, as well as the amplification
amplified between health workers; of transmission in high-technology
nosocomial transmission accounted settings, caused significant disruption
for 72 % of cases in Toronto (Booth to normal service delivery (Wenzel
et al., 2003) and 55 % of cases in Tai- and Edmond, 2003). Trade and tour-
wan (CDC, 2003). ism were also significantly affected,
with the global cost to economies es-
Before the SARS epidemic, coronavi- timated to be in the region of EUR
ruses were believed to primarily cause 38 billion (McKibbin and Lee, 2004).
minor upper respiratory tract illness However, the basic strategy that even-
in humans (Myint, 1995). With SARS, tually controlled SARS outbreaks
illness usually begins with a high fe- worldwide was effective surveillance


and containment. may lead to death (Hartman et al., in the ability to deliver other essential
2010). Transmission can be interrupt- health care, a significant rise in mor- ed through early diagnosis and the tality due to other, normally treatable,
Ebola institution of effective public health disease was also observed.
measures, such as patient isolation
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a se- and care, contact tracing and safe bur- On 8 August 2014, the WHO de-
vere haemorrhagic fever caused by ial practices (Bausch et al., 2007). clared the epidemic a ‘public health
viruses belonging to the genus Ebola- emergency of international concern’
virus in the family Filoviridae (Gath- (PHEIC) (WHO, 2014a). Despite an
erer, 2014). Bats are thought to be understanding of the control meas-
the hosts of Ebola viruses in nature, Disease surveillance, ures required to limit the spread of
from which other wild animals such preparedness and the outbreak, the initial response was
as chimpanzees and monkeys become slow and complex, which allowed the
infected (Reddy, 2015). Ebola is in-
response mechanisms are epidemic to gain momentum. Rea-
troduced into the human population essential to enable any sons for the slow response included
through close contact with infect- health system to respond. the wide geographical spread of cas-
ed animals. It then spreads through es, the weak local health infrastructure
human-to-human transmission via and poor laboratory capacity to diag-
direct contact with the blood, secre- nose infection, the lack of expertise in
tions, organs or other bodily fluids of Since 1976 when Ebola was first iden- containing the epidemic and treating
infected people (Feldmann and Geis- tified, more than 25 Ebola outbreaks those infected (Bell, 2016), and the
bert, 2011). have occurred in sub-Saharan Africa delay of political leaders in calling on
(Gostin et al., 2014). The recent West international assistance early on for
Symptomatic patients experience a African Ebola epidemic (2013-16) in fear of creating panic and disrupting
sudden onset of fever, muscle pain Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and economic activity (Moon et al., 2015).
and chills accompanied by vomit- Sierra Leone was the most widespread Italy, the United Kingdom and Spain
ing and diarrhoea, which in approxi- outbreak of EVD in history, resulting were the only European countries to
mately one-fifth of cases is followed in 28 616 cases, of which 11 310 are have imported cases of Ebola linked
by haemorrhagic complications. In reported to have resulted in death to the West African outbreak (WHO,
severe cases, multiple organ failure (CDCb, 2016). Owing to the collapse 2016a).

Lessons identified from the outbreak

Ebola • the need for stronger event-based
Source: PHE EDAM surveillance systems in developing
countries for early detection and
response, to detect and stop infec-
tious disease threats;
• the importance of engaging local
communities in the response;
• the need for stronger international
surge capacity and the mobilisation
of rapid assistance when countries
are overwhelmed by an outbreak;
• strengthening infection prevention
and control in health-care settings
given their potential to become

‘amplification points’ for spread of the governments of Germany, Japan other viral infections. Zika virus was
EVD, placing health workers at sig- and Norway, and from the Bill and first recognised as a cause of human
nificant risk (Bell, 2016; Gostin et Melinda Gates Foundation and the disease in 1953, but only usually pro-
al., 2014). Wellcome Trust in the United King- duced a mild and self-limiting illness
dom. This alliance aims to finance without lasting consequence (Macna-
The epidemic also highlighted the and coordinate the development of mara, 1954). However, in December
need to fast-track the development new vaccines to prevent and contain 2015, reports were emerging of an
of effective tests, vaccines and med- infectious disease epidemics. epidemic of microcephaly in Brazil
icines. The final results of a trial have (ECDC, 2015a).
just been published, confirming the
protective efficacy of an Ebola vac- Zika Microcephaly is a severe neurodevel-
cine, which may prevent future Ebola opmental disorder caused by a fail-
outbreaks from having as devastating Zika is caused by a flavivirus, from the ure of the brain to grow normally in
consequences (WHO, 2016b). Fur- group of viruses that cause dengue, the foetus, leading to an abnormally
thermore, the Coalition for Epidemic yellow fever, WNV and Japanese en- small head and impaired development
Preparedness Innovations has recent- cephalitis. The main vectors of Zika (PAHO/WHO, 2015). The epidemic
ly been established with an initial in- are Aedes aegypti mosquitos, which was confirmed to be caused by the
vestment of EUR 431 million from are common in dwellings and carry Zika virus, which was new to Brazil


Distribution of Zika virus

Source: WHO


(Campos et al., 2015). In addition to IC, questions remain unanswered on Zika requires urgent
microcephaly, Zika causes a range the best means of controlling the
of neurological and other congenital virus and its impacts. The disease is
prevention investment
abnormalities in the developing foe- spread by mosquitos, which are very and control measures,
tus (WHO, 2016c), and severe neuro- difficult to control using convention- which will take time to
logical complications have also been al vector control methods (Yakob fully develop.
observed in some adults and children, and Walker, 2016). This has required
including Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a major investment into accelerating
which requires specialised intensive novel vector control strategies, which
support (Oehler et al., 2014). Zika was will require years of intensive testing, The social consequences of the se-
declared a PHEIC under the Interna- evaluation and regulatory oversight vere complications of Zika are formi-
tional Health Regulations in February (Daudens-Vaysse et al., 2016). Work dable. The congenital abnormalities
2016 (WHO, 2016d). is under way to speed up the devel- are a cause of fear and anxiety among
opment of vaccines, which will have women who are, or may become,
Zika is now spreading in the Ameri- to be safe for pregnant women and pregnant. In some cultures, women
cas to several other countries in South women of child-bearing age, effective who have children with abnormali-
America, Central America and North with one dose, cheap and scalable to ties are isolated or stigmatised in their
America, and imported cases have large volumes of production (Mau- communities (WHO, 2016e). Family
been recorded in Europe (ECDC, rice, 2016). planning services may be weak, diffi-
2015a, 2015b, 2016; Hennessey et al., cult to access or not culturally accept-
2016). Although in November 2016, able in some areas, and many coun-
it no longer had the status of a PHE- tries do not allow abortion even for
medical reasons, so the impact on af-
FIGURE 3.53 fected women and their families, and
the need for longer-term social pro-
HIV virus vision and disability services, must be
Source: PHE EDAM addressed (WHO, 2016f).
Human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV)
Human immunodeficiency virus HIV
is a type of retrovirus that is trans-
mitted by the exchange of body flu-
ids (breast milk, blood, semen and
vaginal secretions) from infected in-
dividuals. The virus attacks and de-
stroys infection-fighting CD4 cells
of the immune system and weakens
the host’s defences, leading to Ac-
quired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(AIDS). Even without treatment,
there is often a long time lag (on aver-
age 10 years) between the acquisition
of infection and the onset of AIDS

(Poorolajal et al., 2016). Immunode- factors that increase susceptibility to the United Nations General Assem-
ficiency increases the susceptibility of HIV infection and undermine preven- bly High-Level Meeting on Ending
individuals to a variety of infections, tion and treatment efforts continue to AIDS to terminate the AIDS epidem-
many of which are not dangerous to pose challenges (Seeley et al., 2012). ic by 2030. Intensified efforts are re-
people with strong immune systems, quired to reach this target, including
necessitating early diagnosis and ap- HIV infection risks include men who the strengthening of HIV therapy
propriate treatment (WHO, 2016g). have sex with men, unprotected sex with pre-exposure prophylaxis, ensur-
outside a stable relationship and in- ing that people with HIV know their
jecting drug use. Safe infection control status, filling the treatment gap and
practices are crucial to prevent trans- reaching and protecting vulnerable
mission in health-care settings. Fear groups such as women and children
Human immunodeficiency of stigmatisation and discrimination through an improved surveillance sys-
virus/acquired immune can prohibit access to health servic- tem (WHO, 2016i). Increased efforts
deficiency syndrome es (Mahajan et al., 2008). Women are should also be directed at strengthen-
(HIV/AIDS) provides an also particularly vulnerable in cultures ing human rights and combatting stig-
example of the problems where they have little power over their ma and discrimination against people
in managing a pandemic sexual behaviour (Tsasis and Niru- with HIV infection.
pama, 2008). Conditions correlated
when early detection with safe behaviours include knowing
is poor. an individual’s HIV status, possess- 3.11.3
ing skills for implementing safe sex, The International
perceiving risk accurately and having Health Regulations
peer support to build safer behaviours
HIV was first identified in 1983 and (Coates et al., 1988). and pandemic
was definitively linked to AIDS pa- preparedness
tients in 1984 (Blattner et al., 1988). The economic impact of HIV is also
A reluctance to address the common significant. Although no definitive fig- Currently, there are two international
transmission factors directly through ures for Europe have been found, it mechanisms that have been created by
effective social engagement may have is estimated that, on average, the ep- the United Nations to respond rapid-
impeded early efforts to limit the ex- idemic causes a reduction in GDP of ly to international health emergencies:
tension of the epidemic, which is now 2-4 percentage points across affected the Global Outbreak and Response
a pandemic. To date, approximately African countries (UNDESA, 2001). Network (GOARN) and the Interna-
75 million people have been infect- Annual HIV/AIDS mortality has tional Health RegulationsIHR (2005).
ed with HIV and it is considered that reduced from 2.3 million in 2005 to The Global Outbreak and Response
36 million people have died from 1.5 million in 2013 as a result of the Network GOARN has its secretariat
HIV-related causes (WHO, 2016h). introduction of highly active antiret- in the WHO and is a worldwide net-
Despite the predominance of HIV/ roviral therapy (Granich et al., 2015). work of agencies and institutions with
AIDS cases in sub-Saharan Africa, re- This effective treatment increases sur- expertise to support the response to
cent reports state that eight out of 12 vival by up to 25 years following in- epidemics wherever they may occur.
countries in Eastern Europe and Cen- fection (Poorolajal et al., 2016). Glob- Since 2000, it has coordinated over
tral Asia have experienced increases al treatment coverage reached 46 % at 130 international public health oper-
in new cases of HIV infections (UN- the end of 2015. However, in Eastern ations (WHO, 2015).
AIDS, 2016). Europe and Central Asia, only 21 %
of those living with HIV are receiving The International Health Regulations
Even with extensive education pro- treatment, owing to a lack of resourc- (2005) are key to the Sendai Frame-
grammes, the social, economic, po- es and political will (UNAIDS, 2016). work for DRR and its implementa-
litical and environmental structural Further work has been proposed by tion and provide a comprehensive


framework of definitions, principles chain and, similarly, the effectiveness sources are understandably targeted
and responsibilities that are ‘designed of an international alert system will towards known immediate challeng-
to prevent the international spread only be as good as its implementation. es such as childhood immunisations,
of disease’ (WHO, 2005). The IHR The 2009 H1N1 flu virus pandem- HIV/AIDS or clean water (Nicoll et
set out State Party obligations to de- ic marked the first use of the IHR al., 2016; Oshitaniet al., 2008). Even
velop certain minimum core public 2005 to address a global public health if a country is developing robust pan-
health capacities in surveillance and emergency (Katz and Fischer, 2010). demic preparedness arrangements, ad
response at the local and national lev- Although this pandemic saw signifi- hoc or unexpected events can cause
els. Within the European Union, the cantly fewer fatalities than the 1918 activity to be derailed, postponed or
European Centre for Disease Preven- ‘Spanish flu’ pandemic (Morens and abandoned, such as an outbreak of
tion and Control (ECDC) is respon- Fauci, 2007), it still resulted in signif- another disease or a major natural
sible for identifying, assessing and icant pressures on responding organ- disaster (Campigotto and Mubareka,
communicating current and emerging isations (particularly health systems), 2015; CCDM, 2008).
threats to human health posed by in- coordinating governments and the
fectious diseases. WHO Europe and public (Girard et al., 2009).
the ECDC work together to develop
a single European reporting and re- Pandemic influenza differs from the The International
sponse system, and the ECDC assists more routine epidemics of seasonal
EU Member States in certain aspects influenza that populations face on a
Health Regulations
of IHR implementation, via Decision regular basis in a number of ways: specify the core
1082/2013/EU. • a pandemic is, by definition, a glob- capacity requirements
al epidemic, affecting all countries of countries to prevent
The IHR also specify procedures across the world at the same time the international spread
for the determination by the Direc- (Cox et al., 2003); of disease, one of
tor-General of a PHEIC and the is- • a pandemic can occur at any time of which is preparedness.
suance of corresponding temporary the year, unlike the more predicta-
recommendations (WHO, 2005). In ble seasonal epidemics (Lipsitch et
The challenges with
the case that a potential PHEIC is no- al., 2009); preparedness planning
tified, the IHR sets out the procedure • most of the population will be for a pandemic are
for the establishment of an Emer- susceptible to the pandemic influ- manifold and reflect the
gency Committee of relevant experts enza virus owing to the novelty of uncertainties in how such
selected by the Director General that the virus compared with previous an event could manifest,
will provide views on whether the circulating strains, rather than the
event constitutes a PHEIC (and when typical at-risk groups of those at
as well as the potential
it ceases to be) and on recommenda- extremes of age or with known impact.
tions to be given on health measures clinical risk factors (Cox et al.,
to prevent or reduce the international 2003);
spread of disease and avoid unnec- • a pandemic could occur in multi-
essary interference with international ple waves (Ngyuen-Van-Tam and Pandemic preparedness and response
traffic (WHO, 2005). During a PHE- Penttinen, 2016). goes much wider than health-care sys-
IC or any other public health event, tems. While the link with social care
countries may require and request as- Pandemic preparedness varies across is easily recognised, maintaining the
sistance with the management of the states and is influenced by many un- business continuity of other essential
epidemic. However, the overall capac- derlying factors. These include the services (such as emergency services,
ity to control and prevent the occur- resources available to plan for and schools, fuel, power, education, pris-
rence of epidemics or a pandemic is respond to something as unknowa- ons, etc.) is necessary to mitigate any
only as good as the weakest link in the ble as a pandemic, where limited re- further unintended or unanticipated

impacts on the health response. On health-care workers and politi- sharing of intelligence across inter-
account of the need for cross-sectoral cians); national borders. Key advances that
involvement, and the potential broad • providing access to effective and have improved surveillance capacities
disruption that a severe pandemic appropriate clinical counter meas- include:
might generate, pandemic planning ures; • increases in computing power and
may be considered a model for large- • providing access to appropriate storage capacity, enabling the rapid
scale disaster planning. personal protective equipment for analysis of large disease incidence
health-care workers; datasets;
While all sectors of society are in- • ensuring that essential services • developments in electronic com-
volved in pandemic preparedness and and business have considered their munications systems and infor-
response, the national government is business continuity arrangements; mation standards enabling ma-
the natural leader for overall coordi- • planning for special groups and chine-to-machine data transfer
nation and communication efforts. settings (such as the justice setting, and rapid sharing of information,
Public perceptions of the state can migrants and persons in transit, nationally and internationally
therefore influence the success of the and hard-to-reach populations); (Guglielmetti et al., 2005);
response; during the 2009 H1N1 pan- • planning to cooperate with interna- • internet-based search and retrieval
demic, health authorities were viewed tional partners, and how to manage applications that scan for media
as trustworthy in the United King- any border issues; and other informal reports that
dom, while in Spain, there was public • planning for recovery. might indicate the emergence of an
speculation that the vaccine was driv- infectious disease epidemic (Keller
en by the economic interests of the Responding to a server influenza et al., 2009; Anema et al., 2016);
pharmaceutical industry, which led pandemic is potentially one of the • GISs that enable the analysis and
to poor vaccine uptake (Henrich and biggest challenges for the health sec- display of information that can as-
Holmes, 2011; Prieto et al., 2012). tor, as well as wider society. Even if a sist in identifying clusters or assess-
severe pandemic never occurs, all the ing environmental determinants of
As in all disaster preparedness sce- planning and discussion around some exposure (Freifeld et al., 2008).
narios, there are a number of key es- of the potential issues can help to in-
sential elements that underpin robust form responses to other incidents. Infectious disease modelling that inte-
pandemic planning (CCDM, 2008; grates data on environmental variables
Fineberg, 2014; WHO, 2009): 3.11.4 with health and disease data may also
• having national, subnational and help to anticipate future disease threats,
local strategic, tactical and opera- Innovative thereby providing support tools for
tional plans; approaches for decision-makers (Suk et al., 2014; Se-
• working across multi-agency part- early warning and menza et al., 2013). The emergence of
nerships, including the private and the field of digital epidemiology, which
voluntary sector organisations;
surveillance is the science of conducting epidemio-
• planning for a risk-based and flexi- logical studies using data from digital
As advances in technology and com-
ble response; tools and data sources from the inter-
munications have increased the op-
• testing and exercising plans, and net such as social media, is already hav-
portunities for international travel
ensuring that staff are appropriate- ing an immediate impact on the opera-
and trade, both of which are recog-
ly trained; tional activities of public health
nised drivers of the emergence and
• using routine surveillance to ensure agencies worldwide (Salathe et al.,
re-emergence of human pathogens
early warning of pandemic arrival 2012). There are, however, considera-
(Suk et al., 2008), so have they in-
in the country; ble challenges, such as filtering large
creased the opportunities for surveil-
• ensuring that communication volumes of unstructured data, and
lance to enable the rapid detection
routes are effective for a range of ethical issues around data-sharing and
and assessment of threats, and the
audiences (including the public, use (Brownstein et al., 2008).


tating societal, economic and psycho- preparedness plans should be clear,

logical impacts. Infectious diseases flexible and regularly tested in order
Informal sources for can behave unpredictably and have to provide a timely, appropriate and
event-based surveillance a capacity to evolve and adapt to ex- effective response. Countries should
ploit population susceptibilities, thus also be supported to comply with
can provide very early posing a perpetual challenge in the the International Health Regulations
signals of significant context of DRR and DRM. which set out the core competen-
health events, sometimes cies that countries should have with
before they are detected The recommendations below have respect to their national surveillance
through official indicator- been structured according to the pil- and response, and their obligation to
based channels. lars of the DRMKC, namely partner- report events that constitute a PHE-
ship, knowledge and innovation. The IC.
DRKMC has been developed in order
to support the translation of complex Innovation
An important innovation in the 2005 scientific data and analyses into usable Syndromic surveillance and the use of
revision of the IHR was to change information, providing science-based innovative methods to collect event-
the focus of the regulations from one advice for DRM policies, as well as based data, for example through the
limited to specific diseases to one ap- timely and reliable scientific-based internet, may assist in the early detec-
plicable to health risks, irrespective of analyses for emergency preparedness tion of disease outbreaks. In the ab-
their origin or source (WHO, 2005). and coordinated response activities. sence of existing effective treatment
This has a number of key benefits in or preventive measures, investment is
terms of the early detection of epi- Partnership required into research to develop new
demic threats, including not only the Multidisciplinary working is essen- preventive and/or therapeutic strate-
broadening of the scope of infec- tial in order to reduce the impacts of gies; a recent example of this is the
tions (and other potential causes of epidemics and pandemics. Informa- development of an effective vaccine
PHEICs) covered, but also removing tion-sharing between sectors (e.g. an- against Ebola and the formation of
a dependency on awaiting definitive imal health, veterinary, environmental the Coalition for Epidemic Prepared-
(laboratory) confirmation of the aeti- health, food, water and sanitation) is ness Innovations.
ology of a detected case or incident key to preventing the spread of in-
of potential international concern fection and assessing evolving risk
before reporting. As a consequence, through surveillance, particularly as
monitoring of the evolution of dis- many emerging infections are zoon-
eases and factors affecting their emer- oses and may first manifest in live-
gence and transmission can occur at stock. As infectious diseases do not
an earlier stage than in the past. respect borders, strong collaboration
and coordination between national
and international structures is funda-
3.11.5 mental to limiting morbidity, mortality
Conclusions and and societal disruption. Comprehen-
key messages sive preparedness planning involving
multi-agency partnerships can also
Epidemics and pandemics are types make the transition from disaster to
of disasters that are capable of over- recovery more effective.
whelming health systems, disrupting
communities and challenging political Knowledge
leadership, and that often have devas- Control measures should be evi-
denced-based when possible, and

A set of recommendations relating to the hazards has been identified and is
based on the three pillars of the DRMKC:

Recommendation 1: multidisciplinary working and information-sharing is es-
sential to reduce the impacts of these hazards. Collaboration and partnerships
are necessary both between institutions and disciplines, and need to occur at
the local, national and international levels. For example, with respect to institu-
tions and disciplines, improvements in the forecasts of storms will in part be
driven by the interaction between fundamental atmosphere and ocean science
with operational forecasting, so continued collaboration between forecasting
centres and universities and research centres is of key importance. Between
the local and national levels, a systematic approach across all sectors involving
state, private, voluntary and community actors is required to understand the
wider societal impacts of temperature extremes. In relation to international
alerting and response, countries are now legally bound by the International
Health Regulations to report on potential transboundary risks of hazards such
as infectious diseases, allowing the determination (if required) of a PHEIC.
This has led to the overarching implementation across government and all
sectors of the Sendai framework.

Recommendation 2: it is recommended that an enhanced understanding of the
origin, behaviour and evolution of these hazards to facilitate local, national and
regional risk assessment is needed. This is consistent with priority one of the
Sendai framework, which states:
Policies and practices for disaster risk management should be based on an
understanding of disaster risk in all its dimensions of vulnerability, capacity, ex-
posure of persons and assets, hazard characteristics and the environment. Such
knowledge can be leveraged for the purpose of pre-disaster risk assessment,
for prevention and mitigation and for the development and implementation of
appropriate preparedness and effective response to disasters.
For instance, climate change is predicted to exacerbate the frequency and se-
verity of droughts; therefore, observed and projected trends in drought hazard
need to be understood and considered in management plans.

Recommendation 3: the generation of knowledge and evidence to address re-

search gaps around risk will enable a shift towards a more pro-active approach
as opposed to the prevailing reactive approach. The influence of different so-
cioeconomic and cultural contexts on risk and response should also be studied.
With respect to wildfires, although there is a vast knowledge of wildfire risk,
information varies according to the scale at which risk is assessed and differs
from local to regional or global scales. There is also a need to use standardised


event documentation to enhance risk assessment where feasible.

Recommendation 4: EWSs often entail the collection, integration and analysis

of different types of data, and so it is recommended to improve the interop-
erability of systems and exchange of data. Challenges to drought monitoring
are the continuous availability of indicators covering the various hydro-meteor-
ological components and their combined analysis into usable information for
decision-making. In the context of storms, a greater understanding of how to
interpret, use and communicate probabilistic forecasts is required.

Recommendation 5: preparedness plans should be clear, flexible and regularly

tested in order to provide a timely, appropriate and effective response. Com-
prehensive preparedness planning involving multi-agency partnerships can
also make the transition from disaster to recovery more effective. Managing
temperature extremes can be approached from a number of perspectives, in-
cluding using forecasting technology, the development of heat and cold plans,
and urban design and town planning. The key essential elements that underpin
robust epidemic and pandemic planning provide a useful example.

Recommendation 6: of critical importance is building knowledge on how to

strengthen community resilience to hazards. For example, enhancing drought
resilience in regions with high population vulnerability and low adaptive capac-
ity should be reflected in relief aid programming, and knowledge of epidemics
and pandemics should be used where possible to facilitate support and to im-
plement population immunisation with relevant strains of vaccines.

Recommendation 7: investment in research is needed in order for innovation
to continue. For all the discussed hazards, new technologies are emerging that
better assess their risk. Disasters can also act as a catalyst for innovation. The
West African Ebola outbreak highlighted the need to fast-track the develop-
ment of effective tests, vaccines and medicines. The final results of the tar-
geted trial for the population at risk have just been published and confirm
the protective efficacy of an Ebola vaccine, which may prevent future Ebola
outbreaks from having such devastating consequences.

Recommendation 8: the internet revolution has significantly contributed to

innovation; for example, syndromic surveillance to collect event-based data
through social media, for instance, may assist in the early detection of disease
outbreaks. The ability to draw on multiple sources of information from data
networks, as encapsulated by the concept of ‘the internet of things’, also of-
fers considerable potential for managing disaster risk related to temperature


3.7 Meteorological risk: extratropical storms, tropical cyclones

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Chapter 3
disaster risk:
hazard related
risk issues
Technological risk

Elisabeth Krausmann Elisabeth Krausmann

Coordinating lead author Lead author 3.14

Maureen Heraty Wood Ana Maria Cruz

Lead author 3.12 Roland Fendler
Ernesto Salzano
Lee Allford
Zsuzsanna Gyenes
Mark Hailwood

Emmanuel Raimond
Lead author 3.13

Dries Gryffroy
Andrej Prošek
3 Understanding disaster
risk: hazard related risk
Section IV. Technological risk

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
3.12 Technological risk: chemical releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
3.12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
3.12.2 Chemical accidents with serious impacts continue to occur with disturbing regularity . . . . . 341
3.12.3 Chemical risk management in modern times - the theory is well-established but
implementation lags behind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
3.12.4 Implications for future scientific study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
3.12.5 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
3.13 Technological risk: nuclear accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
3.13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
3.13.2 Nuclear safety framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
3.13.3 Lessons from past events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 Three Mile Island, 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 Chernobyl, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Fukushima Dai-ichi, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 High-amplitude external hazards at nuclear power plant sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
3.13.4 Safety assessment methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
3.13.5 Risk reduction, a multiform activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
3.13.6 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
3.14 Technological risk: Natech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
3.14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
3.14.2 Forensic analysis of Natech accidents and lessons learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 General lessons learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Lessons learned from Natech accidents due to earthquakes, floods and lightning . . . . . 369
3.14.3 Status of Natech risk management in European Union member states and
in organisation for economic co-operation and development member countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 European Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
3.14.4 Natech risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 General methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Methods and tools for Natech risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
3.14.5 Natech risk reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

338 Structural prevention and mitigation measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Organisational prevention and mitigation measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Natech risk governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Emergency planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Early warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
3.14.6 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382

The risk of technological accidents from man-made and natural hazards is
increasing as a result of industrialisation, population growth that leads to more
urbanisation and community encroachment on natural-hazard areas, and cli-
mate change. The last few years have seen major technological accidents, with
significant social, environmental and economic impacts that have had reper-
cussions around the globe. Examples include the explosions at chemicals ware-
houses at Tianjin Port in 2015, the Fukushima nuclear disaster caused by the
2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, and the Deep Water Horizon
oil spill in 2010.

There is no overarching framework for the reduction of technological risks,

and disaster risk reduction initiatives have not commonly addressed this type
of risk. With the Sendai Framework for Action, the importance of technolog-
ical hazards has been recognised and an all-hazards approach to disaster risk
reduction is promoted. This includes dangerous situations arising from man-
made activities caused by human and organisational error, mechanical failure
and natural hazards — so-called Natech risk. Prevention and preparedness for
these risks, and for environmental emergencies in general, also has implications
for sustainable development.

There are many hazardous industrial activities that provide society with im-
portant goods and services (e.g. chemical processing, oil and gas transport and
some forms of electricity production). For the purpose of this report, three
examples of major technological hazards were selected and the state of play in
the management of the associated risks is discussed: (1) chemical accident risks
due to the relatively frequent occurrence of accidents, (2) nuclear risks due to
the potential for major cross-border consequences, and (3) Natech risks as an
example of a multihazard cascading risk.


3.12 Technological risk:

chemical releases
Maureen Heraty Wood, Lee Allford, Zsuzsanna Gyenes, Mark

ural factors’ are rarely an underlying are trying to harness, and, as a result,
3.12.1 cause or chemical accidents today. energy is released at the wrong time
Introduction Accident reports, investigation results or in the wrong place. They are also
and media reports of recent times clear that this is not just an engineer-
In 1921, an explosion of 4 500 tonnes give overwhelming evidence that ing issue and that many disasters arise
of ammonium nitrate sulphate fertil- chemical accidents today are mainly from social or administrative causes
iser at a BASF site in Oppau, Germa- caused by a failure to apply what is or the combination of technical and
ny, killed more than 500 people and already known, the ‘known knowns’. administrative causes.
caused considerable damage to the Improvements in our understanding
site and surrounding community. At of chemical accident risks and chem-
the time, Carl Bosch, BASF’s Nobel ical accident control technologies and
Prize-winning engineer said, ‘The dis- systems have not necessarily led di- Improvements in our
aster was caused neither by careless- rectly to advances in a significant re-
ness nor human failure. Unknown
understanding of
duction in chemical accident disasters.
natural factors that we are still unable Indeed, according to a famous study
chemical accident risks
to explain today have made a mock- by H. W. Heinrich (1931), 98 % of all and chemical accident
ery of all our efforts. The very sub- industrial accidents are preventable. control technologies
stance intended to provide food and However, technological disasters are and systems have not
life to millions of our countrymen by their nature ‘(hu)manmade’ and necessarily led directly to
and which we have produced and sup- it can be argued that a reduction in
plied for years has suddenly become
advances in a significant
chemical disaster risk is particularly reduction in chemical
a cruel enemy for reasons we are as affected by the dependence on hu-
yet unable to fathom.’ This statement mans to manage and use the technolo-
accident disasters.
was no doubt true in 1921, when gy appropriately. Turner and Pidgeon
chemical manufacturing was still a (1997) argue that disasters arise from
new and growing industry. 100 years an absence of knowledge at some
later, however, thanks to the work of point. They occur because we do not The science of reducing chemical
generations of dedicated scientists in understand enough about those forc- accident risks is now focused on the
industry and academia, ‘unknown nat- es (i.e. in industrial processes) that we underlying causes of human failure

to control the risks. Characterising as well as explorative and extractive itoring over the last several years
causality in this way adds new dimen- activities both on- and offshore, also shows consistently that at least 25-30
sions to the study of chemical acci- are important sources of chemical chemical accidents with worker or
dent risks. In attributing causality to accident risk. The evaluation of the community impacts are reported each
control, there is a recognition that potential for chemical accidents trig- month around the world in industri-
further progress in reducing chemical gered by natural hazards (so-called alised countries. Preliminary results
accident risks requires strong involve- Natech accidents, see Chapter 3.14) of a study by Wood et al. (2016) of
ment of the social sciences. Certainly, or other external events, as well as in- accident reports covering all major
there is considerable room to examine cidents caused by intentional acts, in- chemical hazards in fixed facilities and
new engineering solutions, such as the volves additional factors (e.g. natural transport over the last 5 years (2012-
use of artificial intelligence and adapt- hazard forecasting, earthquake pro- 16) identify 29 national and regional
ing existing control technologies to tection, site security, etc.). These types chemical accident disasters and 21
new processes. However, these types of incident risks are not specifically chemical accidents with evident high
of solution are industry and even pro- addressed in this paper, but it is as- local impact.
cess specific and do not apply to many sumed that standard risk management
sectors in which accidents frequently practices, as here, also help to prevent
occur. Indeed, the oil and gas industry and mitigate such events.
is one of the world’s oldest industries Chemical accidents are
and has been the subject of massive In societies with mature risk regu- still a relatively frequent
technological investment over many lation, such production and use of
decades; however, globally it is by far hazardous substances is permitted
occurrence in all industrial
the leader in terms of the frequency provided that the risks remain at a countries and raise
of severe chemical accidents. level deemed acceptable by the lo- important questions
cal community and society in gener- about the adequacy of
The term ‘hazardous industries’ com- al. This paper presents evidence that disaster risk-reduction
prises numerous substances, process- industrialised countries are still far efforts.
es and equipment, with considerable from achieving an acceptable level
variation within each category in re- of chemical accident risk. It then de-
gard to properties, function and be- scribes a number of underlying causes
haviour under different conditions. common to all industries and societies
Petroleum refineries, bulk chemical that are impeding progress in chemi- Disasters were classified on the ba-
production (e.g. chlorine and ammo- cal accident risk reduction. sis of reported impacts on human
nia), the manufacture of specialty health, the local community or the
chemicals (e.g. paints, dyes, plastics environment or on the basis of sig-
and resins) and pharmaceuticals are
3.12.2 nificant attention at a national level in
examples of industries that comprise Chemical accidents processing and storage facilities and
a wide range of processes, each with with serious impacts distribution networks (transport and
their own unique risk profile and as- continue to occur pipelines). ‘Local shocks’ were are ac-
sociated risk management implica- cidents identified on the basis of im-
tions. While there is less variety, there with disturbing portant local impacts as reported in
is still considerable danger in process- regularity the newspapers, corresponding to at
es involving hazardous substances in least gravity level 3 on the European
the ‘non-chemical’ industries, such as Chemical accidents are still a relatively Gravity Scale for Industrial Accidents
water and waste treatment, electro- frequent occurrence in all industrial (Committee of Competent Authori-
plating and food production. In addi- countries and raise important ques- ties for Implementation of the Seve-
tion, distribution activities, including tions about the adequacy of disaster so Directive, 1994). In total, these
transport by rail, road and pipeline, risk-reduction efforts. Media mon- accidents accounted for 928 deaths,


and (where reported) 22 973 injuries. goods warehouse, Tianjin, China, 12 cility manager, catastrophic events are so rare
In addition, significant environmen- August 2015 and petroleum refinery that they may appear to be essentially im-
tal impacts were recorded, with one fire, 15 June 2014, Achinsk, Russia) possible, and the circumstances and causes of
pipeline disaster reaching USD 257 costing > USD 1 billion (EUR 0.92 an accident at a distant facility in a different
million (EUR 236 million) in resto- billion). Many other impacts, includ- industry sector may seem irrelevant. Howev-
ration costs (LATimes, 2017). More ing job losses, environmental impacts, er, from our nationwide perspective at [U.S.]
than 7 000 people were evacuated for emergency response costs, damage to EPA and OSHA, while chemical accidents
several months owing to a slow leak of nearby buildings and market and pro- are not routine, they are a monthly or even
natural gas that was finally sealed off duction losses were sparsely reported, weekly occurrence, and there is much to learn
in February 2016 (October 2015-Feb- but businesses in West Virginia were from the story behind each accident.’
ruary 2016, Aliso Canyon, CA, USA). reported to have lost USD 61 000 000
Insurance companies recorded nine (EUR 56 000 000) in 4 days. The frequency of severe chemical
accidents resulting in > USD 100 accidents is at odds with society’s
million (EUR 92 million) in damages, Belke (1998) states: expectations. Societies are becoming
including two accidents (Hazardous ‘From the perspective of the individual fa- increasingly risk averse and failure is
less readily tolerated. There are indi-
cations that the frequency of serious
chemical accidents is higher than ex-
European Commission eMARS reporting system. pected in many industrialised coun-
Source: eMARS (2012) tries. In 2015 the number of deaths
from major accidents on the ≈10
000 EU Seveso sites was estimated
to be at least 15 (see Figure 3.54).
This statistic, if confirmed, means
29 that the frequency of one fatality on
30 28 28 a major hazard site in the European
Union was around 1.5 × 10ˉ³, that is,
above acceptable limits for individu-
23 al risk in EU Member States that use
21 quantitative criteria. (e.g. the criteria
19 established for individual risk (prob-
ability of 1 fatality) is < 1 × 10ˉ⁶ in
15 both the Netherlands and the United
15 Kingdom, although lower probabili-
12 ties may be accepted in some circum-
10 stances, for example, depending on
10 economic costs and benefits (Ham et
al., 2006)). In 2013, the President of
5 the United States issued an Executive
5 Order to improve chemical facility
safety and security following various
high-profile chemical accidents. In
0 recent years, chemical accident fre-
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 quency and severity in other major
industrialised countries, such as China
number of EU major accidents number of deaths
and Brazil, has been approaching, or
has approached, levels that would be

generally considered unacceptable in and institutional infrastructures from cerns about problems connected with
an industrialised economy. those that are still in the process of chemical safety that have grown in
establishing such infrastructures. ‘In- intensity and extent in the last two
dustrialised countries’ refers to both decades. Many developing 2014coun-
developed countries and newly indus- tries have experienced rapid growth
Globalisation and trialised countries, in which the manu- in hazardous operations in particular
the export of technology facturing sector has a significant eco- segments of the oil and gas, chemi-
nomic presence. China enacted the cal and petrochemical industries and
have increased chemical Emergency Event Response Law of mining, driven by a combination of
accident risk 2007 as a result of an important les- factors, including increased demand
outside the EU. son learned from two major chemical in emerging economies, access to raw
accidents in China: the 2003 gas well materials and the need to lower pro-
blowout in Chongqing that caused duction costs, facilitated by a decline
243 deaths mainly from hydrogen sul- in trade barriers and government in-
Similar trends are noted in develop- phide inhalation, and the 2005 release centives to attract foreign investors
ing countries (see Figure 3.55). The of toxic substances into the Songhua (de Freitas et al., 2001).
terms ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ River (Zhao et al. 2014). New legis-
are used in this paper to differenti- lation in Brazil covering chemical
ate countries with modern physical risks stems from broad-based con-


Chemical accident disasters reported from 2012-16 (N=29), occurring in industries producing, handling or stor-
ing dangerous substances, including oil and gas, petrochemical and chemical industries, as well as ‘non-chemi-
cals’ business, such as power generation, food manufacturing and water treatment.
The frequency of chemical disasters occurring in developing countries in the period 2012-16 was more or less
equivalent to that of developed countries, but fatality rates were much higher. It is speculated that risks to
humans are less well-managed in developing countries.
Non-human impacts (environment, economic loss, property damage) were often quite severe in both developed
and developing regions.
Source: Wood et al. (2016)

Number of chemical accident disasters around the world 2012 - 2016 Number of fatalities from chemical accident disasters

23 670
20 600

18 Developed countries 500

15 Number of accidents

10 300

100 139 Developed countries
Number of fatalities
0 0

Developed countries Developing countries Developed countries Developing


then applied in the context of an ISO process hazard risks.

3.12.3 31000:2009 risk management process
Chemical risk (see Figure 3.56). From an operation- The hazardous industries understand
management in al perspective, successful risk manage- in principle how to manage chemical
accident risks. Why, then, do these
modern times - ment comes from applying layers of
protection throughout the process life industries continue to repeat failures
the theory is cycle (design to decommissioning), of the past and have accidents and,
well-established starting with the reduction of the sometimes, disasters? A study of ac-
but implementation hazard itself, and working outwards cidents of the past few decades and
the work of numerous experts on
to accident prevention, mitigation and
lags behind response. Above all, it is the organi- man-made disasters, including chem-
sations and individuals that manage ical accidents, as well as nuclear, space
There is currently considerable agree- all of these elements. For this reason, and aviation disasters, suggest that the
ment on the fundamental principles hazardous sites are expected to have causes are systemic. Sweeping chang-
of process safety management which, a safety management system in place, es in business philosophy and the
if understood and properly applied, a derivative of the well-known ‘man- explosion of opportunity created by
would prevent a large majority of agement system’ concept, to manage new technology, such as the increas-
chemical accidents that still occur the interface of humans with hazard- ing reliance on the computerisation of
today. These essential principles are ous processes in order to minimise business processes, have brought ben-


Relationship between the risk management principles, framework and processes (ISO 31000:2009 Risk man-
agement – Principles and guidelines)
Source: International Organization for Standardization (n.d.)

efits as well as a share of risks. These proposes that new analytical models Research Centre, 2012-2016).
risks are particularly notable for man- for safety assessment take into ac-
made risks where small changes to count the dynamic and systemic as- The research of Taylor et al. (2016)
complex systems can unwittingly re- pects of safety. collated and synthesised circumstanc-
move barriers to initiation or propa- es and causality associated with 12
gation of a potential hazard event. significant technological accidents,
of which five were chemical acci-
It is a fact that technological disasters, Chemical accidents dents, and identified numerous or-
past and present, not just chemical nowadays are often ganisational failures associated with
disasters, have relevant and timeless leadership, oversight and scrutiny,
lessons for risk managers in all in-
derived from the failure of and communication that were com-
dustries, many of which have been industry, government and mon precursors to the events studied.
recently documented by Gil and Ath- society to understand the Their study identified a number of
erton (2008, 2010)). A number of profound effect that their factors, including the general decline
high-profile technological disasters choices have on risk. of safety departments, oversimplifi-
occurring since 2000 have challenged cation to upper management through
some experienced risk management aggregation of indicators and other
experts to identify the patterns un- inputs, poor understanding of oper-
derlying the repeated failures behind Kletz (1993) commented on the pat- ational ‘reality’, lack of processes and
the latest round of technological ac- tern of corporate memory loss in systems that ensure that process safe-
cidents, building on the work of Per- United Kingdom companies as far ty risks are properly assessed, and the
row (1984) and Rasmussen (1975), back as 1993. More recently, Baybutt’s influence of commercial interests, as
among others, on managing risk in 2016 review of accidents investigat- among the key forces that shaped the
complex systems, by means of new ed by the U.S. Chemical Safety Board events leading to the accidents. Ar-
approaches. Hollnagel et al. (2008) since 1998 concluded ‘Remarkably, stad and Aven (2017) point out that
have introduced the concept of ‘resil- all of the reviewed incidents involved ‘it is dangerous to assume that system
ience engineering’ for technologically some type of deficiency or omission boundaries can be limited to the sharp
complex industries. They look at risk in adhering to established process end of the business … wide and open
management from the organisational safety practices. In many cases there system boundaries recognise the im-
perspective of the large multination- were multiple deficiencies and omis- portance of many more risk sources
al and government operators that are sions.’ Wood et al. (2016) also found and safety.’ They also remark on the
the owners and operators of these that where probable causes of acci- tendency to oversimplify risks (‘com-
technologies. In resilient systems, in- dents have been ascertained, they are plexity is incompressible’) associated
dividuals and organisations habitually most often associated with predicta- with complex technologies. With pe-
adjust their performance to match the ble circumstances in which control troleum-based industries as a primary
variability of risk over time, ‘prior to measures were insufficient as a result candidate, Carnes (2011) outlines a
or following changes and disturbances of poor risk management or, in some High Reliability Governance mod-
so that it can continue its functioning cases, a lack of adequate awareness of el based on multiple engagements
after a disruption or a major mishap, the risks. This finding is further sub- between government and industry
and in the presence of continuous stantiated in various ‘lessons learned’ actors, which continually reinforces
stresses.’ Klinke and Renn (2006) sug- publications, such as the MAHB Les- common performance expectations
gest that ‘risks must be considered sons Learned Bulletin, where analyses and a high-level safety culture.
as heterogeneous phenomena that of recent and older accidents are side- A large number of scientific stud-
preclude standardised evaluation and by-side, identifying often remarkably ies of technological disasters focus
handling’ in their paper describing similar findings about what went on big, well-resourced organisations.
governments’ potential role in man- wrong (European Commission Joint However, it is a fact that many serious
aging systemic risks. Le Coze (2013) accidents around the world originate


in small and medium-sized enterprises cause they lack adequate expertise or

(SMEs) that are operating fairly sim- even sufficient hazard awareness to
ple processes (e.g. warehouses, fuel manage their risks within acceptable Twelve underlying causes
distribution) (European Commission limits. Typical cases of this type are are cited as challenges
Joint Research Centre, 2012-2016; the small fireworks manufacturers
Gil and Atherton, 2010; Howard, whose premises have been the sites of
to controlling chemical
2013; State Administration of Work several accidents with multiple fatali- accident disaster risk in
Safety (China), 2016; U.S. Chemical ties in the past 5 years within the EU current times.
Safety Board, 2016b). While they are (eMARS, 2012; Wood et al., 2016).
not all ‘disasters’, the United Nations Moreover, recent tragedies, such as
Development Programme (UNDP)’s the disasters of Tianjin, China (2015)
2004 report on reducing disaster (State Administration of Work Safety The authors of this paper have iden-
risks correctly cites that accidents (China), 2016) and West, Texas (2013) tified 12 types of underlying causes of
with local impacts are an important (U.S. Chemical Safety Board, 2016b) chemical accidents based on their own
part of understanding the scale and indicate that, in these cases, even studies of accidents and research of
dimensions of particular threats. In though the presence of a significant other experts. They are based in part
addition, there is some evidence that hazard was known, the government on causal typologies developed by the
government and society unwittingly, failed at many levels to ensure that various experts in man-made risks al-
for sometimes for very good reasons, adequate prevention, mitigation and ready cited in this paper. They also re-
accept more risk in relation to SMEs. preparedness measures were in place. flect the authors’ extensive experience
These companies often present sig- in studying and investigating the caus-
nificant challenges for regulators be- es of chemical accidents, bringing in

BOX 3.3

Distant leadership and optimisation strategies: a recipe for

organisational failure.
The accident at a multination- economic loss of at around AUD 1.3 ure of two-level instruments on the
al liquefied natural gas plant in billion (Hopkins, 2014). Similarly, tank that overflowed. The alarm and
South Gippsford, Australia, in 1998, the lack of adequate oversight of overfill protection functions did not
known as the ‘Longford accident’, operations at a fuel storage termi- operate as a result. The analysis of
is attributed in part to a series of nal, coupled with poor intercompa- the event indicates that it was the
company misjudgements, including ny communication exchange, was result of a sequence of manage-
relocation of expertise to another considered a leading cause of the ment failures in addressing known
site, poor intercompany communi- devastating Buncefield explosion risks and performance uncertainties
cation and the insufficient prioriti- and fire at the Buncefield fuel ter- over a period of months and even
sation of safety over profits . Two minal, Hemel Hempstead, Unit- years prior to the incident (Howard,
people were killed and eight were ed Kingdom, in 2005 (U.K Health 2013).
injured. The state of Victoria was and Safety Executive, Environment
left without its primary gas supply, Agency and the Scottish Environ-
crippling industry, in particular com- mental Protection Agency, 2005).
mercial industry, with an estimated The primary causes were the fail-

the small business and governmental happen every week. Moreover, as ropean Commission Joint Research
dimensions that are sometimes not noted by Quarantelli (1997), there is Centre, 2012-2016). Chemicals risk
well covered in research. Causes are also a misleading tendency to equate management in industry has tradi-
not necessarily mutually exclusive, disastrous occasions only with casu- tionally been assigned to chemical
since the presence of one underlying alties and property damage. Hence, and mechanical engineers who have
cause can make a site susceptible to there is far less visibility for chemical little training in human and organi-
other dangerous mentalities and con- accidents that cause significant social sational factors. Government assigns
ditions. The 12 underlying causes are disruption, such as evacuation, loss of monitoring and enforcement on the
as follows: drinking water, severe environmental basis of who is affected, that is, on-
damage, job loss and elevated and of- site workers (labour authorities), off-
1. Lack of visibility. A paucity of ten uncertain exposure to health risks. site communities (civil protection
chemical accident data and incon- authorities) or the environment (en-
sistent media attention has exacer- 2. Failure to manage risk across vironmental authorities). The large
bated the lack of interest in reduc- boundaries. The organisations and multinational industries, such as oil
ing chemical accident risks in recent individuals in charge of chemical ac- and gas, and chemical manufacturing
decades. The limited public databases cident risks usually define challenges companies, exchange little informa-
on chemical accidents leave society in terms of their own expertise and tion on chemicals risk management
without any performance measures. jurisdictions. There are numerous in- with other (and often less-resourced)
With the exception of high-cost ac- cidents in the EU eMARS database industrial sectors, such as pyrotech-
cidents reported by insurance compa- indicating a failure to communicate nics production, pharmaceuticals
nies, there are no published statistics information to those who need it, and various non-chemical businesses.
on accident frequency. International both internally to organisations and Similarly, government oversight and
media picks up only high-profile dis- externally to other industrial sectors, enforcement tends to follow jurisdic-
asters, which form only a small frac- professional disciplines and interna- tional boundaries in the geograph-
tion of the chemical accidents that tional boundaries (eMARS, 2012; Eu- ic sense. This limitation can lead to

BOX 3.4

When industry and government both fail to learn lessons

from past accidents.
Even major disasters are ignored (Texas), USA, 1947 (581 deaths, > 3 of an ammonium nitrate explosion
and forgotten. A case in point is 000 injuries); and Toulouse, France, were ignored by the prevailing en-
the massive explosion involving 2001 (29 deaths, > 2 500 injuries). vironmental regulation that had ju-
ammonium nitrate fertilisers that risdiction only over substances with
occurred in West, Texas, USA in It appears that lessons from prior toxic release potential. Emergency
2013, which killed 15 people and accidents about handling ammoni- and land-use planning measures
destroyed 140 nearby homes. This um nitrate fertilisers had not been prior to the accident did not have
incident was preceded by some taken into account in either indus- any special provisions for a school,
well-known disastrous explosions try practices or fire protection laws nursing home or residences in close
involving ammonium nitrate fertil- (BP Refineries Independent Safety proximity (U.S. Chemical Safety
isers, in particular, Oppau, Germa- Review Panel, 2007). Furthermore, Board, 2016b).
ny, 1921 (> 500 deaths); Texas City the potential off-site consequences


a lack of regional coordination on last 30 years in Europe and elsewhere. occur on other sites and in other lo-
chemical accident risk management According to the study, barriers to cations is essential to map all possible
and may present serious transbound- learning were related to culture, the pathways that could lead to an acci-
ary accident risks. The failure to see poor communication of findings and dent. Even when problems are rec-
beyond one’s own boundaries fosters ‘lost’ corporate memory, a failure to ognised, the failure to learn leads to
a piecemeal approach to risk manage- investigate prior events, a narrow view inappropriate solutions. In industry
ment and results in lost opportunities of what was useful to learn and what there is a tendency to respond with
in sharing lessons learned and devel- constituted an opportunity to learn, increasing complexity, in the form of
oping common strategies. and the silo effect, such that informa- new, but not necessarily better, tech-
tion on events does not cross inter- nology. Similarly, governments will
3. Failure to learn lessons from past nal organisational boundaries. An ef- respond with new or stricter, but not
accidents and near misses. There is fective risk management programme necessarily better, regulation.
substantial evidence that neither gov- incorporates the systematic study of
ernments nor public authorities have past accidents occurring both on-site 4. Social drivers, including eco-
learned sufficiently from past acci- and elsewhere. Learning from one’s nomic trends. Avoiding situations in
dents. Taylor et al. (2015) note that own accidents (in one’s organisation which judgement is clouded by oth-
that failure to learn was recurrent in or jurisdiction) is important to diag- er considerations is a long-standing
organisations involved in some of the nose specific weaknesses and trends. challenge of risk management, as ev-
significant man-made disasters of the Learning from relevant accidents that idenced by the accidents at BP Texas

BOX 3.5

Accidents that resulted from a combination of complexity

and complacency
Macondo Oil Drilling Platform (Gulf teen workers were killed and 180 false positives, (5) inappropriate
of Mexico, 2010) The Macondo dis- others were injured (BP Refineries assessment and management of
aster of 20 April 2010, in the Gulf Independent Safety Review Panel, operations risks, (6) multiple oper-
of Mexico, stemmed from the loss 2007). ations conducted at critical times
of control of an oil well, resulting in with unanticipated interactions,
a blowout and the uncontrolled re- Experts have noted that these two (7) inadequate communication be-
lease of oil and gas (hydrocarbons) accidents were caused by severe tween members of the operations
from the well. The accident result- organisational failures, which had groups, (8) a lack of awareness of
ed in the deaths of 11 workers and remarkably similar causality, in- risks, (9) diversion of attention at
caused a massive, ongoing oil spill cluding (1) multiple system oper- critical times, (10) a culture with in-
into the Gulf of Mexico ( U.S. Chem- ator malfunctions during a critical centives that provided increases in
ical Safety Board, 2016a). period in operations, (2) required productivity without commensurate
or accepted operations guidelines increases in protection, (11) inap-
BP Texas City (USA, 2005). On 23 not being followed (‘casual com- propriate cost and corner cutting,
March 2005, a series of explosions pliance’), (3) neglected mainte- (12) lack of appropriate selection
occurred at the BP Texas City refin- nance, (4) instrumentation that and training of personnel, and (13)
ery during the restarting of a hy- either did not work properly or the improper management of change
drocarbon isomerisation unit. Fif- data interpretation of which gave (Carnes, 2011).

City (BP Refineries Independent Safe- has a knock-on effect on all aspects and budget cuts … certain problems
ty Review Panel, 2007) and the explo- of risk management. In some situa- became seen as maintenance issues
sion and fire at the Macondo offshore tions, poor profit margins impose dif- rather than flight safety risks.’ This
drilling platform (U.S. Chemical Safe- ficult decisions on various operations situation is echoed in a number of the
ty Board, 2016a). Both good and bad in terms of defining safety priorities highly visible chemical accident dis-
intentions can interfere with good risk when resources are stretched. How- asters over the last few decades (e.g.
decisions. For example, employees ever, there are also various trends in BP Texas City (BP Refineries Inde-
will tolerate bad conditions because profitable companies, such as optimi- pendent Safety Review Panel, 2007),
they need jobs. Similarly, well-inten- sation (operational efficiency) and the Buncefield (Howard, 2013), Macondo
tioned operators may delay mainte- drive towards increasing shareholder (U.S. Chemical Safety Board, 2016a)).
nance and repairs on ageing sites to value, that can undermine risk man- Risks are not perceived as risk but
keep costs down and prevent the site agement when they are applied with- rather as problems to work around.
from closing. Risk management ef- out due consideration of the impacts The prevailing trends are quickly re-
forts of some organisations and in- on risks. placed by new trends and existing
dividuals can also by limited by sys- technologies are quickly replaced by
temic constraints, including a lack of 5. Increasing complexity. Nowa- new technologies. Sites change own-
political will and corruption, affecting days, change occurs more and more ership with considerable frequency
both developed and developing coun- rapidly in all aspects of daily life. (Kamakura, 2006), which is often ac-
tries. Economic and civil instability While individually the risks of tech- companied by significant changes in
and a combination of long-standing nologies and associated hazards are management policies, work patterns,
cultural and structural deficiencies generally known, the impacts of mul- safety culture or other structures that
are a particular concern in develop- tiple and rapid changes in the way guide norms of behaviour, and also
ing countries. Economic pressure is humans behave around them are dif- contributes to an increasing decline
a particular social driver that can put ficult to assess and can to some ex- in the corporate memory of accident
gains in chemical process safety at tent constitute ‘unknown unknowns’. risks (OECD, 2016). In reality, change
risk, particularly in the modern world As noted by Arstad and Aven (2017) occurs faster than the knowledge to
when business circumstances change for the Columbia Space Shuttle dis- understand how the change is affect-
at a rapid pace. Instability in man- aster, ‘Always under pressure to ac- ing different aspects of our lives, in-
agement and in business continuity commodate tight launch schedules cluding habits of living and working,

BOX 3.6

What can happen when governments are complacent.

The disastrous fire and explosion in other way with regard to permit- that recognised safety standards
the port of Tianjin, China, in 2015, ting inspections and hazard control were applied nor evidence that
is mainly attributed to lax safety measures. The site began opera- workers had been trained in han-
procedures and a deliberate lack of tions in 2014, handling and storing dling hazardous goods. In addition
government oversight. The owners a variety of dangerous substances, to causing 165 deaths and injuries
of the storage and distribution com- many in volumes much higher than to nearly 800 people, 30 000 peo-
pany at the source of the accident would be considered safe. Accord- ple in the surrounding community
somehow managed to persuade ing to the official investigation re- were evacuated (State Administra-
numerous authorities to look the port, there was neither evidence tion of Work Safety (China), 2016).


but also political, commercial and tion. A further concern has emerged organisational trends cited in this pa-
economic dimensions. As noted by with the vulnerability of information per, such as business climate and eco-
Ruifeng et al. (2012), process con- technology systems to hacking or, nomic trends, organisational change
trols and safeguarding equipment are even more simply, unforeseen poten- and staff reductions, complexity and,
more complex, thereby increasing tial for errors in the design and oper- sometimes, a loss of focus (compla-
newer risk that is often unforeseen. ation of automated systems that are cency or ‘organizational drift’ (Taylor
Both Mannan (2005) and Quarantelli increasingly interdependent across et al., 2015)); however, in other indus-
(1997) also indicate that a correlation sites and accessed and operated by tries, particularly non-chemicals busi-
exists between the scale and com- multiple users. nesses and small companies, other
plexity of process plants and major factors, such as lack of awareness and
incidents. However, these and other 7. Failure of risk management and education, are stronger influences.
modern trends are having significant risk assessment. The EU eMARS
consequences on safety and security, (2012) and the U.S. Chemical Safety 8. Corporate disconnect from risk
the long-term impacts of which are Board (2016a, b), for example, have management. The globalisation of
still not fully understood. Deeper un- produced many reports of recent past hazardous industries has increased
derstanding requires a multidiscipli- accidents for which the likelihood of both the physical and mental distance
nary approach, despite the fact that the event occurring or the severity of between headquarters and the sites
the job market is exhibiting a tenden- its impacts could have been reduced they manage. Headquarters staff lose
cy for increasing specialisation. with the application of actions with- a tacit understanding of how sites ex-
in the hierarchy of risk management perience chemical accident risks. For
6. Automation and information controls. Many of these reports also example, multinational sites can pose
technology dependencies. Twen- indicate a failure in the risk assess- particular complexity when the cul-
ty years ago, Quarantelli (1997) pre- ment process (e.g. that a risk assess- ture and policy of the management is
dicted that technological advances ment was not conducted, certain fac- vastly different from that to which the
would reduce some hazards but make tors were discounted, lessons learned site has been accustomed, especially if
some old threats more dangerous, from previous events was ignored or it is in a different country (European
and cited computer technology as a that the risk associated with a change Commission Joint Research Centre,
kind of technology that represented in operations was not considered). In- 2014). Corporate leaders also tend to
a distinctly new danger. Indeed, the deed, many accidents also have been oversimplify production safety risks
automation of activities traditionally known to occur because of lack of (or risks are oversimplified for them)
performed by humans is a frequent follow-up after the monitoring and (Arstad and Aven, 2017; Taylor et al.,
adaptation of computer technology review of the functionality of the 2015). It is assumed that new commu-
but it could in many circumstances safety management system, such that nication and automation technologies
create new risks in operations using the risk assessment was not updated have universally positive trickledown
dangerous chemicals. As pointed out after deficiencies in the risk assess- benefits for all operations. For chem-
by Lagadec and Topper (2012), socie- ment were discovered. Both organ- ical accident hazards, the opposite is
ty itself is still not clear about the full isations and individuals can fail to often the case. In particular, the trend
range of impacts of this innovation apply risk management principles, towards short-term resource optimi-
or other such 21st phenomena as the even when well established and part sation continues to have disturbing
internet, the media explosion, social of training requirements. There is implications for chemical risk man-
networking and smartphones. More- also often a lack of attention paid to agement. The tendency to outsource
over, as Taylor et al. (2016) suggest, inherent safety in which processes are expertise and maintenance operations
an emphasis on interconnectivity and designed without considering oppor- has already received considerable at-
interdependence has become increas- tunities for risk reduction (chemical tention. There is also a preference in
ingly important, but when a failure substitution, limiting volumes, expo- some companies to distribute limited
occurs in one of the interconnected sure, etc.). This failure is sometimes expertise across many sites, so that
systems it can lead to major disrup- attributed to various business and access to critical safety expertise is

proportionately less available to sites. countries, the physical infrastructures ignore workplace hazards. In many
This phenomenon has been consid- that underpin both public and private developing countries, there may be
ered a significant factor in the Long- services are reaching the end of their no legal framework to require and en-
ford accident (Hopkins, 2014) as well normal lifespan (Quarantelli, 1997). A force minimum standards for process
as the catastrophic fire that occurred lack of resources generally leads to in- safety performance on chemical haz-
at the Buncefield storage site in 2005 sufficient competence to manage risks ard sites. When a proper legal frame-
(Howard, 2013). (e.g. no chemical or mechanical engi- work exists, regulators and operators
neer on site) or to improve degraded lack the competence and resources to
9. Insufficient risk communica- equipment or to apply safety manage- understand or enforce it. These cir-
tion and awareness. Hazardous in- ment systems with rigor. Physical in- cumstances have implications for de-
dustries are introduced in locations frastructure can also be degraded by veloped countries in that companies
with little attempt to communication age or neglect, the latter of which was may have sites in developing countries
and build awareness of the risks, to a key factor contributing to the cata- and their citizens may be customers
foster meaningful preparedness and strophic explosion and fire at the pe- of their products. However, even in
planning, or to ensure that training troleum oil refinery at BP Texas City developed countries, there is also a
and expertise are adequate for the re- in 2005 (BP Refineries Independent recognised pattern that governments
sponsibilities associated with the risk. Safety Review Panel, 2007). In many do not often proactively engage in
This situation is particularly acute in developing countries, it is common to managing chemical accident risks un-
developing countries where the de- start operations under less than ideal til after a serious accident, or a num-
sire for economic growth outweighs circumstances. The existing physical ber of serious accidents, occur. No-
other decision factors. In many cases, infrastructure may be degraded from tably, attention to chemical process
risks are not so much accepted as ig- years of neglect. There may be gaps safety in Australia gained widespread
nored, encouraged by a historical lack in the education and risk awareness of attention only after the Longford ac-
of transparency in the political classes local worker populations, as well as a cident in 1998 (Hopkins, 2014), and
or society as a whole. When consid- limited availability of university-ed- in New Zealand following the mining
ered in context, the risk of fatal ma- ucated staff. Industries in developed accident in 2010 (Royal Commission
jor accidents is also relatively small countries also may suffer competency on the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy,
compared with the risks of poverty, deficiencies due to declines in engi- 2012).
disease and road traffic accidents and, neering students seeking career paths
therefore, may not receive the atten- in traditional chemical process indus- 12. Complacency in government
tion it deserves as a risk that is readily tries. Moreover, higher education in and industry. The longevity of
mitigated. The Enschede (the Neth- relevant engineering disciplines still chemical accident prevention and
erlands) fireworks accident of 2000 excludes knowledge of chemical ac- preparedness regimes in developed
(The Oosting Commission, 2001) and cident phenomena or basic principles countries also leads many politicians
the accident in West, Texas (USA) of risk management. and industry leaders to reduce their
(U.S. Chemical Safety Board, 2016b) attention to chemical accident risks,
are notable examples of how a lack of 11. Deficiencies of the legal infra- threatening to undermine decades of
appropriate risk communication and structure. In much of government risk-reduction progress. Sometimes
awareness can contribute significantly and industry globally, management of called ‘organizational drift’ (Taylor et
to disasters. chemical accident risks is focused on al., 2015), this phenomenon may oc-
emergency preparedness, and strat- cur in once-strong organisations and
10. Resource and infrastructure de- egies aimed at prevention and miti- societies that allow their standards
ficiencies. Many sites are compelled gation are not prioritised. Society as to erode over time without noticing
by a combination of circumstances a whole exhibits a high risk tolerance their own decline. The perception
and poor decisions to operate with owing to historically poor living and that chemical accidents are no longer
less than adequate resources and infra- working conditions that consequent- a threat eventually results in dramatic
structure. In particular in developed ly predisposes workers to accept and decreases in resources for enforce-


ment and risk management. Notably, an important new tool for industry
there has been a dramatic lack of fo- and government addressing this
cus in modern times on process safety Experts in all areas topic (OECD, 2012).
as an inherent operating requirement should work together on • Systematic accident reporting, data
(not just because the legislation re- collection and exchange. There
quires it). Government complacency
initiatives that promote needs to be a concentrated effort
can be manifested by lax application good risk governance, to build national and international
of permitting laws, reduced frequency creating a new paradigm chemical accident registers and to
of inspections and insufficient atten- for all society. promote accident exchange be-
tion to land use and emergency plan- tween industries and countries. The
ning. Complacency in industry is of- availability of reliable chemical ac-
ten evidenced by greater tolerance of cident statistics will allow academ-
deviations from accepted norms, such ics, politicians and the media to
as process parameters, safety proce- • Motivating corporate and govern- understand the magnitude and na-
dures and maintenance requirements. ment leadership. New models for ture of chemical accident risks and
In developing countries, the problem the governance of hazardous in- identify appropriate risk-reduction
is arguably worse. The vast majority dustries should be explored and measures.
of owners and operators of hazard- tested. These models should apply
ous sites, even in large state-owned to corporate leadership and gov- • Promoting positive safety culture
or multinational subsidiaries, are used ernment alike, applying manage- both industry-wide and in society.
to minimal management of chemical ment philosophies supported by The chemical processing industries
hazards on their sites. rigorous enforcement proportion- should focus serious attention on
ate to the level and complexity of developing a positive safety cul-
3.12.4 the risk. New strategies should be ture industry-wide, such that it is
based on a mutual expectation be- resilient in the face of change, par-
Implications for tween government and industry ticularly in the economy and site
future scientific study of overall corporate responsibility management. Psychologists should
for maintaining risk resilience that work with industry and govern-
The main topics that emerge as areas goes far beyond the current com- ments to foster risk awareness and
for further study and experimentation pliance-based paradigm. Enforce- sensitivity among citizens. An in-
are listed and described below. Many ment will need new (more evolved) formed safety-sensitive society can
are already the subject of projects in strategies (e.g. nudge, push, force) help to support a broader mandate
research institutes and collaborations to drive industrial practice. Con- to insist that companies exercise
within the international communi- cepts such as recovering the profits greater corporate responsibility for
ty. However, it is widely recognised of illegal/unsafe activity to remove reducing the risks associated with
that these problems, having proved the economic advantage may also their operations.
so resistant to solutions, will require be a step forwards. Fears that the
considerable reflection and patience process industries could potentially • Heightened commitment to the
to identify approaches that produce have parallels to the banking crises Plan–Do–Act cycle in chemical
tangible improvements. (2008 onwards) in terms of poorly process safety management. After
understood risks have triggered the an accident has occurred, a com-
Experts in all areas should work to- development of the Organisation mon finding is that a potential risk
gether on initiatives that promote for Economic Co-operation and factor had been identified and ig-
good risk governance, creating a new Development (OECD) publication nored. In keeping with improved
paradigm for all society through the Corporate Governance for Pro- safety culture, guidance and train-
following: cess Safety — Guidance for Senior ing on safety management policy
Leaders in High Hazard Industries, and performance indicators need

to put more emphasis on incor- tivation, including risk assessment
porating lessons learned from past • Risk assessment models that ad- requirements and government-op-
events and audit findings on defi- dress new technologies and com- erator interfaces (e.g. permits,
ciencies in risk management into plexity. Some researchers (e.g. Tay- inspections), for reinforcing me-
process hazard assessments and lor et al., 2015; Travers, 2016) are chanical integrity as an operating
the safety management system as already proposing models by which requirement.
quickly as possible. to assess risks associated with com-
plexity. These models need to be • Management of change. This safe-
• Risk management in SMEs in the tested and developed further. In ty principle is particularly challeng-
chemical business. There are sub- addition, research is required to ing because time pressures and a
categories of SMEs in the chem- characterise and quantify various human preference for expediency
ical business, each of which has emerging risks, including those as- undermine its consistent imple-
elevated risk for different reasons. sociated with the increasing use of mentation. Finding methods that
The most challenging intellectually automation and the outsourcing of help companies and individuals to
are the SMEs that know their risks critical safety functions, ownership recognise change when a change
and take care to manage them but change, how culture and compe- can elevate risk is an important part
still have accidents. More research tence profiles in different countries of resilience engineering and a sig-
is needed on why accidents occur can affect chemical accident risk nificant aspect of the ‘resonance’
in SMEs, including geographic and and other emerging concerns men- factor described by Leonhardt et
economic differences that may in- tioned in this paper. al. (2009). Resonance is a quality
fluence these risks, and on strate- that explains how disproportion-
gies to reduce them. ately large consequences can arise
from seemingly small variations in
• Risk management in non-chemi- More work is needed on performance and conditions.
cal businesses. Similarly to SMEs, how business practices
studies to develop strategies and • Learning lessons from accidents
guidance to support risk manage-
must change to mitigate and failures. Industries and sites
ment in many of these industries the most common need to learn from, and remember,
are still needed. There are a number violations of safety past accidents. Corporate memory
of examples of this work, such as management principles. loss, across-industry, reporting is
the U.S. Environmental Protection not enough. A greater investment
Agency’s Supplemental Risk Man- is needed in projects to develop
agement Program Guidance for strategies to learn and remember,
Ammonia Refrigeration Facilities. More work is needed on how business with a particular emphasis on col-
More analysis and dissemination of practices must change to mitigate the laborations between industry, gov-
lessons learned from accidents in most common violations of safety ernment and academia. According
such locations is also needed. management principles, in particular to Patterson (2009), both indus-
in relation to: try and government struggle with
• Business-sector risk-reduction in- barriers that tend to undermine
itiatives on a global scale. Oil and • Mechanical integrity. All too often, systematic extraction and commu-
gas, extractive industries, industrial maintenance and repairs of equip- nication and lessons learned and
parks and large-scale chemical pro- ment and infrastructure are consid- there needs to be a renewed effort
duction should be the focus of a ered dispensable when inconven- to overcome these barriers. As not-
global collaborative effort between ient for profit or production goals. ed by Hailwood (2016), companies
industry, government and aid or- The underlying causes should operating major hazard facilities
ganisations to reduce chemical ac- be studied and new approaches should establish systems that not
cidents in these industries. adopted that provide stronger mo- only ensure reporting and learn-


ing from their own accidents and many different languages in which special emphasis should be placed
near misses, but also make use of they might be needed. on the following:
databases and reports from the • Access to risk assessment compe- • Building basic awareness of chem-
accidents of others. Each country tence. Both operators of hazardous ical risks and how to manage them
should also make resources avail- sites and regulators need to know to developing countries. Basic train-
able to investigate accident causes the type and severity of accidents ing in chemical risks and safe chem-
and lessons learned, as well as to that could occur and have a real- icals management is badly needed.
collect and document this knowl- istic understanding of the control The remarkable efforts of numer-
edge and make it accessible to third measures needed to ensure that the ous international organisations
parties. risk of such accidents is minimised. such as UNEP, UNECE (United
Cheap and easy access to interac- Nations Economic Commission
tive consequence assessment, risk for Europe), UNEP-OCHA and
mapping and quantitative assess- the WHO, among others, are un-
Renewed effort is needed ment tools is urgently needed in all derfunded and far too fragmented
to ensure that there is areas of the world. to have significant impacts, despite
smart management and promis-
adequate competence • Strategies to combat a labour mar- ing results from recent initiatives.
in our industries and ket deficient in appropriate exper- Meaningful progress is possible
our governments for tise. Industry and academia need to only with substantial commitments
addressing chemical continue to push for standardised involving UNDP, United Nations
accident risks now and process safety curriculums associ- Institute for Training and Research,
over the long term. ated with chemical engineering and the World Bank and the European
chemistry in particular, as well as Commission as well as Region-
with environmental management al Economic Commissions in the
and other related disciplines to context of a coordinated and com-
Renewed effort is needed to ensure some extent. Multinational com- prehensive long-term strategy.
that there is adequate competence in panies operating in developing
our industries and our governments countries need to be aware that • Resilience and risk awareness build-
for addressing chemical accident risks competence and experience in risk ing. There has been considerable
now and over the long term, enabled management may be far less avail- success with stakeholder involve-
by: able than in Europe or the United ment approaches such as UNEP
States, and process operations need APELL to manage risks at a local
• Greater access to risk management to be adjusted accordingly (Zhao et level within a systemic national and
knowledge and tools. Risk man- al., 2014). In all parts of the world, international regional strategy. A
agement is always specific to a site. industry and the professional engi- number of tools, including those
Few sites have exactly the same neering community should do far produced by the OECD (2003)
risks, even if they produce the same more to support occupational and and UNEP (2010), already exist
products, since the physical charac- process safety education and train- to guide developing countries on
teristics of the location, structures ing to produce more qualified pro- how to build a comprehensive and
and equipment are important ele- fessionals capable of identifying effective chemical accident risk
ments of the risk. Considerable fu- and managing risks in design and prevention and preparedness pro-
ture mechanisms are needed to en- daily operations. gramme. The clear next step is to
sure good management practice for identify and deploy mechanisms by
all kinds of operations and to make • European Union industry and gov- which to provide significant and
equipment available in an easy to ernment must share responsibili- sustained support to countries that
read format, taking account of the ty for reducing chemical accident are ready to take steps towards es-
risks in developing countries, and tablishing such programmes.

accidents to acceptable levels. While Knowledge
• Fostering regional and internation- developed countries have shown The control of chemical accident
al networks and collaborations on marked improvements, particular- risk is very often undermined by the
chemical accident risk manage- ly in reducing the average number cultural norms and expectations as-
ment. A critical mass of policy and of fatalities associated with chemical sociated with how government and
technical initiatives at both regional accidents, the overall rate of major business are expected to act, and a
and international level, creating a accidents with other serious impacts lack of knowledge and awareness
constant pressure and giving de- remains high. Throughout the world, about chemical accident risks in soci-
veloping countries easy access to accidents continue to stem from vio- ety in general. Combatting these forc-
expertise and technical support, is lations of well-known safety manage- es requires new thinking about how
a way to establish a new norm. A ment principles. Such failures can only our businesses and governments are
number of international organi- sometimes be explained by complex- working with these risks. As such, the
sations (e.g. UNECE, 2014)) have ity and a misfortunate combinations essence of the change is that all soci-
reported increasing success with of events; very often they may be due, ety must recognise part ownership of
such approaches but they are barely entirely or in part, to incompetence, chemical accident risk, and ownership
implemented for chemical accident a lack of awareness or outright negli- implies both a certain responsibility
prevention programmes in regions gence. Many experts are exasperated for, and power to prevent, such risk.
such as Asia and Africa. that management practices and atti- This finding in turn requires that the
tudes are so vulnerable to other influ- new approach to controlling chemi-
• Improving performance measures ences and resist improvement. cal accident risks is to change culture
for interventions. Fund admin- with education and awareness.
istrators generally lack objective In conclusion, accepted norms of in-
measures by which to evaluate suit- dustry, government and society are Innovation
able candidates for chemical acci- undermining good risk management. The recommendations in this paper
dent prevention programmes that This finding has a number of impor- suggest a paradigm change in the way
may target the specific needs of tant implications for the direction of the EU and the developed world in
and provide continued support to future research, policy development general approach chemical accident
achieve meaningful results. Further and the role of government and in- risk. Solutions must encompass a
refinement and testing of capaci- dustry in reducing accident risks. broader vision of risk ownership and
ty-building performance indicators, boundaries of influence, recognising
and methods for qualitative assess- Partnership that the role of industry does not
ment (e.g. level of political will, key The findings confirm overwhelmingly end beyond the fence line, that off-
drivers of change) such as those that the traditional approach in which site forces can influence onsite risks
currently in development by the stakeholders stick to their traditional and that society’s responsibility may
JRC (Baranzini et al., in progress), rules is not going to fix the problems need to extend beyond traditional ge-
can lead to better targeting of such in question. It is no longer possible ographic boundaries. If the system
initiatives. These could also be use- that industry works alone to define is the problem, the solutions lie in
ful for developed countries. and implement good risk manage- changing the system.
ment practice. Policymakers can no
3.12.5 longer simply set performance stand-
Conclusions and ards and then step aside. Observa-
tions from academics, particularly in
key messages the social sciences, need to find their
way into both industry and govern-
Recent accident trends provide ev- ment approaches to chemical accident
idence that the world is nowhere risk.
near reducing the risk of industrial


3.13 Technological risk:

nuclear accidents
Emmanuel Raimond, Gryffroy Dries, Andrej Prošek

assessment methodologies and de-

3.13.1 scribes the current efforts for risk
Introduction reduction, from plant design to emer- Nuclear safety
gency plans. framework
Nuclear accidents, if their conse-
In European Member States, Council
quences are not mitigated, have the
Directive 2014/87/Euratom of 8 July
potential to initiate a disaster both in
the vicinity of and even far away from Nuclear accidents have 2014 (EU, 2014) provides a general
the potential to initiate framework to be applied in relation
the damaged nuclear facility. Safety
a disaster both in the to nuclear safety. This framework is
principles, safety objectives and safe-
consistent with the Safety Fundamen-
ty rules are internationally promoted vicinity of and even far tals established by the Internation-
and harmonised to reduce such risks away from the damaged al Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
as far as possible, but there is always nuclear facility. (IAEA, 2006), and the main recom-
a residual risk, as demonstrated by the
mendations provided by the Western
recent Fukushima Dai-ichi accident.
European Nuclear Regulators Associ-
This subchapter presents some of the
ation (directive for reactors in opera-
fundamental principles applied in nu- In conclusion, this subchapter pro- tion (WENRA, 2014) and new reac-
clear safety. These fundamentals are poses some perspectives on research tors (RHWG, 2013)).
introduced with the idea that they can that can support risk assessment or
be transposed to other technological help in accident management in this Some important issues are summa-
or natural risks. It then summaris- area. Understanding the interactions rised below.
es some important lessons from the between nuclear facilities and their The IAEA (2006) has defined one
three accidents that influenced the environment appears to be a crucial fundamental safety objective, namely
nuclear industry significantly: Three and transversal issue. to protect people and the environ-
Mile Island (1979), Chernobyl (1986)
ment from harmful effects of ion-
and Fukushima Dai-ichi (2011).
ising radiation, and 10 fundamental
safety principles:
The subchapter then explains risk

1. The primary responsibility for safe- expressed in more technical require- to prevent accidents and mitigate the conse-
ty must rest with the person or organ- ments or concepts in each country or quences should they occur. Defence-in-depth
isation responsible for the facilities at European level (EU, 2014) or in the is generally structured in five levels. Should
and activities that give rise to radia- IAEA Safety Standards. one level fail, the subsequent level comes into
tion risks. Some important concepts are sum- play. The objective of the first level of pro-
marised below. They can obviously be tection is the prevention of abnormal oper-
2. An effective legal and governmen- transposed to other risks induced by ation and system failures. If the first level
tal framework for safety, including an human activities. fails, abnormal operation is controlled or
independent regulatory body, must be failures are detected by the second level of
established and sustained. protection. Should the second level fail, the
third level ensures that safety functions are
3. Effective leadership and manage- Safety principles, safety further performed by activating specific safety
ment for safety must be established objectives and safety systems and other safety features. Should the
and sustained in organisations con- third level fail, the fourth level limits accident
cerned with, and facilities and activ-
rules are internationally progression through accident management,
ities that give rise to, radiation risks. promoted and harmonised so as to prevent or mitigate severe accident
to reduce nuclear risks as conditions with external releases of radio-
4. Facilities and activities that give rise far as possible. active materials. The last objective (the fifth
to radiation risks must yield an overall level of protection) is the mitigation of the
benefit. radiological consequences of significant ex-
ternal releases through the off-site emergency
5. Protection must be optimised to The safety culture shall be encour- response.
provide the highest level of safety aged by the management, at all levels
that can reasonably be achieved. in the licensee organisations: this shall The design of nuclear power plants
include ensuring that their actions dis- (NPPs) is based on a deterministic
6. Measures for controlling radiation courage complacency and encourage approach: initiating events (deviations
risks must ensure that no individual an open reporting culture as well as a from normal operation, incidents, ac-
bears an unacceptable risk of harm. questioning and learning attitude with cidents, hazards) are postulated and
a readiness to challenge acts or condi- used to design all systems, structures
7. People and the environment, pres- tions adverse to safety (see WENRA, and components (SSCs) with design
ent and future, must be protected 2014, for example). rules that should ensure significant
against radiation risks. safety margins. Such an approach
The defence-in-depth approach (IN- must be completed by a probabilis-
8. All practical efforts must be made SAG, 1996; IAEA, 2016) is considered tic approach that allows considering
to prevent and mitigate nuclear or ra- a key concept by which to reach an more exhaustively the combinations
diation accidents. appropriate level of protection from of events (initiating events, system
nuclear risk. For example, Council di- and human failures) that could lead to
9. Arrangements must be made for rective 2014/87/Euratom (EU, 2014) an accident. This is explained below.
emergency preparedness for and re- includes the following statements: The European regulators consider
sponse to nuclear or radiation inci- that a continuous improvement of
dents. […] safety activities are subject to, as far as the safety of NPPs is a good practice
reasonably practicable, independent layers of that should be promoted: this means
10. Actions to reduce existing or un- provisions, so that in the event that a failure that NPPs are submitted to periodic
regulated radiation risks must be justi- were to occur, it would be detected, compen- safety reviews, possibly associated to
fied and optimised. sated or corrected by appropriate measures. safety objectives enhancement. Such
The effectiveness of each of the different lay- periodic safety reviews shall concern
Those safety fundamentals are then ers is an essential element of defence-in-depth all safety issues, including plant age-


ing, the modifications of the NPP en- lence (SARNET) have been support- were very limited thanks to the design
vironment (e.g. climatic changes) and ed by European Commission funding. features of the reactor containment
any upgrading or modernisation of Some projects deal with emergency vessel. Nevertheless, the accident
the plant. The result of such a process management (EURANOS, NERIS- caused extreme anxiety in the popula-
should be such that NPPs become TP). Through the EU Instrument for tion, despite the fact that the recom-
progressively safer. Nuclear Safety Cooperation, Europe- mendation of evacuation by the nu-
There are a number of organisations an and international safety standards clear authorities was later cancelled by
at the international level that share are also promoted in third countries. the governor of Pennsylvania.
experience and good practices, in-
cluding: 3.13.3 Many lessons have been learned from
• the IAEA this accident (IRSN, 2013) relating to,
• the OECD Nuclear Energy Agen- Lessons from past for example, the following:
cy (NEA) events • NPP operator procedures (a com-
• the European Nuclear Safety Regu- bination of symptom-based and
lators Group (ENSREG) event-based procedures is now
• the Western European Nuclear Three Mile Island, 1979 preferred);
Regulators Association (WENRA) • NPP operator training (accident
• the European Nuclear Installations The Three Mile Island accident oc- computer simulation training, acci-
Safety Standards Initiative (ENISS) curred on 28 March 1979 in Pennsylva- dent drills, etc.);
• the World Association of Nuclear nia, USA. Although some risk studies • NPP control room design (reliabil-
Operators (WANO) had emerged before 1979 (US NRC, ity of information displayed, alarm
• the European Technical Safety Or- 2016), this accident demonstrated the processing, etc.);
ganisation Network (ETSON) importance of having an awareness of • additional emergency operating
• the Association of the Heads of the potential for core melt accidents procedures are needed for situa-
the European Radiological protec- among NPP designers and operators. tions that are not anticipated in the
tion Competent Authorities (HER- The accident was caused by an inci- initial design (loss of the main elec-
CA). dent on the reactor steam generator trical supply, loss of ultimate heat
feedwater system, which led to the sink, filtered containment venting
The European Commission also pro- automatic reactor tripping. Consid- procedure, etc.);
motes a high level of nuclear safety ering all existing safety systems, this • the reactor containment vessel is
through its tasks in the preparation event should not have been the cause of prime importance and shall be
of Euratom directives. The European of an accident, but some maintenance reinforced where possible;
Commission JRC coordinates or par- errors (e.g. wrong valve positions), ad- • precursors of accidents (incidents
ticipates in several nuclear safety sci- ditional equipment failure (one prima- with no serious consequences)
entific research and technical support ry circuit safety valve did not respond shall be analysed systematically to
projects. The Euratom Framework to a closure signal from the control identify possible weaknesses; this
Programs (now Horizon 2020) also room), and a misunderstanding of may lead to modifications in NPP
provide financial support to Europe- the reactor status by the operators in design or operation;
an nuclear research and training pro- the control room led to the melting • emergency preparedness is of
jects, including risk assessments and of the reactor core. This led to signif- prime importance, with local and
nuclear safety projects. For example, icant radioactivity release in the reac- national emergency response teams
the ASAMPSA_E (Advanced Safety tor containment vessel. The accident able to support control room oper-
Assessment methodologies: extend- progression was stopped when the ators and to coordinate protective
ed PSA) project, on risk assessment operators restarted the injection of actions for the population;
practices, which is mentioned in this water into the reactor vessel. • research to understand accident
subchapter, and the European Severe progression in the case of a severe
Accident Research Network of Excel- The offsite radiological consequences accident is needed, and appropriate

mitigation strategies shall be devel- which received depositions of caesi- such transparency (e.g. France; see
oped; um-137 exceeding 37 000 becquerels French Nuclear Safety Authority,
• probabilistic safety assessments per square metre after the accident, 2006); an International Nuclear
(PSAs, see below) shall be devel- cover a surface area of approximately Event Scale has been defined to
oped to identify accidents associ- 150 000 km2 with more than 5 mil- ensure clear understanding of the
ated with multiple failures or com- lion inhabitants. The accident had severity of various events;
mon cause failures, for which safety huge impacts on the environment • the need for common European
improvements may be needed. (contamination of ground, rivers, maximum permitted levels of con-
forest, agriculture products, etc.), the tamination in foodstuffs follow- ecosystem (transfer of contamination ing a nuclear accident, which have
Chernobyl, 1986 through the food chain or agricultural been set out in a related Council
cycles), human health (especially for Regulation issued in 1987 (Eurat-
On 26 April 1986 at 01:24, the the ‘liquidators’ who worked to lim- om, 1987);
RBMK (Reaktor Bolshoy Moshch- it the consequences of the accident • for the overall radiological sur-
nosti Kanalnyy, i.e. high power and for inhabitants of contaminated veillance of the environment, EU
channel-type reactor that is a class areas) and the economy and society in Member States have installed radi-
of graphite-moderated nuclear pow- general. Many research programmes ation measurement stations; these
er reactor designed and built by the have been devoted to the study of the national networks have been inte-
Soviet Union) type reactor 4 at the impacts of this accident. grated in an EU-wide monitoring
Chernobyl NPP, which had been in system EURDEP (European Radi-
service since 1983, exploded in an A number of lessons have been ological Data Exchange Platform; a
accident during a technical test. The learned from this accident (IRSN, standard data-format and network
initial design of the RBMK reactors 2011), including: for exchanging radiological mon-
had some significant weaknesses from • a new perception and understand- itoring) which is managed by the
a safety standpoint. In particular, they ing of the consequences of such an European Commission;
were highly unstable at certain power accident; • in terms of plant design and opera-
ranges, the emergency shutdown sys- • the importance of emergency pre- tion, the accident has promoted the
tem had too long a response time and paredness to face such events (na- safety culture (under an interroga-
there was no containment around the tional emergency response organ- tive and prudent approach, the test
reactor. In addition, the lack of suf- isations have been reinforced in at the origin of the accident would
ficient preparation for the conditions most countries); not have been carried out) and the
required for the planned test, and the • the importance of transparency importance of the appropriate ap-
lack of time in which to complete it, and providing information to the plication of the defence-in-depth
meant that operators did not follow public: an EWS, ECURIE (Eu- concept (despite human error,
all the operating rules. They also vio- ropean Community Urgent Radi- other lines of defence should have
lated these rules by suppressing some ological Information Exchange), prevented such a disaster).
important safety systems. has been elaborated that allows
each country to immediately in- For new reactors, European regula-
The explosion sent radioactive mate- form all EU Member States in the tors consider that such accidents with
rials contained in the nuclear reactor event of an accident in one of its large radioactive release shall be ‘prac-
core into the atmosphere, to altitudes nuclear facilities; a dedicated Euro- tically eliminated’ and they require an
of more than 1 200 metres. The radi- pean Directive (EU, 1989) defines appropriate demonstration of the var-
oactive plume then propagated in the common requirements on inform- ious safety features (RHWG, 2013).
European atmosphere, then world- ing the general public in the event This requirement has a considerable
wide, and caused the contamination of a radiological emergency and impact on reactor design features.
of territories at different level. The some countries have significant-
areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, ly reinforced the legal basis for


Fukushima Dai-ichi, 2011 The earthquake did not threaten the tocols.
Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP’s safety
The Fukushima Dai-ichi accident functions, but the resulting tsunami Most NPP operators have decided
was initiated by the Great East Ja- submerged the NPP’s platform and to implement additional provisions
pan earthquake that occurred on 11 led to the loss of the ultimate heat on their utilities to further increase
March 2011 with a magnitude of 9. It sink and most internal electrical sup- their robustness and the protection of
caused a tsunami that struck the Jap- plies. Four out of six reactors stayed population. The European regulators
anese coasts, with waves exceeding 10 in long-term station black-out con- and the IAEA have also promoted the
metres. The devastation in Japan was ditions. The site staff, despite their concept of ‘design extension condi-
considerable: more than 15 000 peo- best efforts and considerable courage, tions’ (IAEA, 2016; WENRA, 2014).
ple were killed, 6 000 were injured and could not prevent core melt at units The idea is to extend the basic design
2 500 reported missing, and the de- 1, 2, and 3 and the resulting hydrogen of NPPs to account for more adverse
struction of buildings and infrastruc- explosions and large radioactive re- conditions for which a reactor can
ture was considerable. lease in the environment. This caused still be maintained in a safe state, or
a nuclear catastrophe in addition to for which a severe accident (with core
the earthquake and tsunami impacts. damage or spent fuel damage) can be
Although the winds were mostly di- controlled to recover a stable state
Lessons learned from rected towards the sea during the without any significant radioactive re-
accident, the ground contamination lease into the environment.
Three Mile Island (1979), by the radioactive plume led to the
Chernobyl (1986) evacuation of 80 000 inhabitants (a After the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident,
and Fukushima Dai- number that rose after a ‘voluntary’ most countries decided that NPP re-
ichi (2011) accidents evacuation starting on 25 March) and inforcements must be able to face ex-
influenced the nuclear had huge impacts for agriculture, eco- treme conditions. Such reinforcements
industry significantly. They systems, the economy and society in should enable the following:
general in the region of Fukushima. • site protection against hazards (ex-
led European Union to set The contamination of the ocean by treme flooding, winds, etc.);
out a common European liquid releases also had impacts on • implementation of additional pro-
maximum permitted the fishing industry. The IAEA report tected (bunkered) safety systems or
levels of contamination (2015) provides a description of the the reinforcement of some existing
in foodstuffs following accident, its consequences and all re- structures, systems and compo-
a nuclear accident mediation efforts. nents;
and develop an early • implementation of additional fixed
The accident led European countries or mobile equipment to allow plant
warning system and many others to develop a stress stabilisation in extreme situations;
ECURIE, while many EU test programme to assess the capacity • implementation of new infrastruc-
Member States have of NPPs to withstand extreme condi- ture and equipment for emergency
installed the networks of tions (ENSREG, 2012). The robust- response management (reinforced
radiation measurement ness of NPPs has been assessed in emergency building, reinforced
stations that have been terms of three major topics: mobile equipment storage, addi-
• protection against extreme exter- tional communication and trans-
integrated in an EU- nal hazards (earthquake, flooding, port means, improved protection
wide monitoring system etc.); against radioactivity);
EURDEP. • NPP controls in the event of a loss • more staff responsible for emer-
of ultimate heat sink or electrical gency actions;
supply; • improvement of severe accident

management strategies and, for events have caused problems at some tions of hazards in risk assessments.
some NPPs, the implementation of nuclear sites. This is an important All the above show the importance of
new equipment. challenge for the safe operation of enhanced investigations of all cred-
NPPs, and many countries, such as ible external hazards, including all
In relation to emergency preparedness France, include a re-assessment of their possible correlations and combi-
and response, existing and reinforced external hazards at each 10-year peri- nations. This has led to the analysis of
requirements have been integrated odic safety review. If the safety mar- the impact of ‘rare events’, which is a
into the revision of the European gins appear to be reduced in light of challenging activity for the engineer-
Basic Safety Standards directive (EU, the most recent knowledge (e.g. on ing sector.
2013); the directive gives an increased earthquake, flooding risks or more
focus on the need for international general climatic changes), then NPP
cooperation. The emergency manage- reinforcements can be decided. To il- 3.13.4
ment plans have been improved or lustrate this topic, a survey has been Safety assessment
are in revision in many countries (see carried out by the ASAMPSA_E pro- methodologies
HERCA-WENRA scheme for severe ject (ASAMPSA_E, 2013) on more
accidents, change in pre-planning ra- than 80 high-amplitude external haz-
dii for evacuation, sheltering and io- ards that have been experienced by The design of NPPs follows a set of
dine distribution). Research in this NPPs or other facilities and high-am- rules and practices that should ensure
area was promoted via the PREPARE plitude external hazards described in a high level of safety. Standards have
and the recently started CONCERT the IAEA Incident Reporting System been developed, then improved, in a
project. (IRS) database. Table 3.7 provides number of areas, from high-level con-
some external hazards that could be siderations ( IAEA, 2016; WENRA,
This has led to post-Fukushima action experienced by nuclear facilities iden- 2014; RHWG, 2013) to more tech-
plans on a national level as well as to tified by ASAMPSA_E. nical ones (e.g. rules for mechanical
enhancements of the safety standards design).
at international (IAEA, WENRA, Meteorological events are the most
etc.) or national levels. frequent, followed by biological in- An important step in demonstrat-
Although NPP modifications have festation events. ‘Low air tempera- ing the safety of a NPP design is to
been decided, the Fukushima Dai-ichi ture’ seems to be the most recurrent identify a set of accident conditions
accident has led to an increased inter- hazard, followed closely by ‘Light- that are applied to design all safety-re-
est in the study of natural and man- ning’ hazards. Infestation with marine lated SSCs of the NPP. These acci-
made hazards that could threaten a organisms has been observed more dent conditions result from initiating
nuclear site and in the development often than infestation with vegetable events (equipment failure, human
of an on-site and off-site emergency materials (such infestation may threat errors, internal or external hazards)
response organisation that is capable the ultimate heat sink of NPPs). leading to NPP transients, which are
of facing any complex situation. The Fukushima Dai-ichi accident then analysed using specific conserv-
showed the importance of the combi- ative assumptions to ensure safety nations of hazards. This fact was also margins. The examination of this set
High-amplitude external identified in France during an event at of accident conditions using con-
hazards at nuclear power Le Blayais NPP in 1999 (a combina- servative assumptions is the so-called
plant sites tion of a storm, high tide and waves deterministic safety assessment. The
led to the partial submersion of the methods that are applied must be suf-
Nuclear power plants should be de- NPP platform). This event led to the ficiently simple for the feasibility of
signed to withstand any high-am- significant reinforcement of certain the design and its safety demonstra-
plitude external hazards that could French NPPs against flooding, but tion, and sufficiently robust to ensure
threaten safety functions. Neverthe- perhaps not to an international aware- that the NPP and its organisation can
less, a number of high-amplitude ness of the importance of combina- be resilient to any event during plant


operation. ‘PSA provides a methodological approach to lead to core damage and the core damage fre-
identifying accident sequences that can follow quency is estimated. Level 1 PSA provides
To improve the safety demonstration, from a broad range of initiating events and insights into the strengths and weaknesses of
and as a complementary approach to it includes a systematic and realistic deter- the safety related systems and procedures in
the deterministic approach, proba- mination of accident frequencies and conse- place or envisaged as preventing core damage.
bilistic safety assessments (PSAs) are quences. In international practice, three lev-
developed. A definition of the three els of PSA are generally recognised: (2) In Level 2 PSA, the chronological pro-
levels of PSA can be found in IAEA gression of core damage sequences identified
Safety Standards SSG-3 (IAEA, (1) In Level 1 PSA, the design and op- in Level 1 PSA are evaluated, including a
2010a) and SSG-4 (IAEA, 2010b): eration of the plant are analysed in order quantitative assessment of phenomena aris-
to identify the sequences of events that can ing from severe damage to reactor fuel. Level


External hazards that could be experienced by nuclear facilities

Earthquakes Flooding High winds Blackout

Tsunamis High tides Hurricanes Electrical disturbance
Ground subsidence Storm surges Tornados transmitted by the external
power grid
Wind waves Projectiles driven by
high winds Malware computer programs
High river or computer viruses
levels/flow Salt storms
Electromagnetic interference
Spring runoff (from
mountains) Disturbance by high-
frequency radio signals
Oil spills
Biofouling Low water Lightning Transport accidents
Jellyfish infestation temperature Solar flares, solar Aircraft crashes
Small fish infestation Frazil storms, geomagnetic
storms External fire due to human
Mollusc infestation Ice in cooling water activity
Shell infestation Frost External explosion
Vegetable material in Corrosive liquids or gases
the heat sink Toxic liquids or gases
Reeds intrusion Radioactive releases
Algae Pandemics/severe epidemics
Rat infestation

Sand deposits Low air Extreme rain Forest fire

Silting temperature Heavy snowfalls
Small rocks High air Wet snow
Sediments Atmosphere moisture
Low river levels
Freezing rain

2 PSA identifies ways in which associated vanced for NPPs, PSA experts recog- Some general lessons can be identi-
releases of radioactive material from fuel nise in general that these studies still fied (Raimond, 2016):
can result in releases to the environment. It have some weaknesses and continual • an extended PSA is still an objec-
also estimates the frequency, magnitude, and improvements are performed. One tive for most PSA teams working
other relevant characteristics of the release weakness is often the completeness on NPPs: no NPP site currently
of radioactive material to the environment. of initiating events and hazards con- has a PSA that covers:
This analysis provides additional insights sidered, which varies from one PSA -full-power and all reactor shut
into the relative importance of accident pre- to another. down-state initial states
vention, mitigation measures, and the physi- -all sources of radioactivity
cal barriers to the release of radioactive ma- -all relevant types of initiating
terial to the environment (e.g. a containment events (internal and external)
building). Standards have been -multi-unit accident management
developed to design • there is a need to enlarge the analy-
(3) In Level 3 PSA, public health and other sis scope in terms of the NPP, the
societal consequences are estimated, such as
NPPs that should ensure neighbouring reactors or other in-
the contamination of land or food from the a high level of safety. dustries, the environment at a me-
accident sequences that lead to a release of An important step in dium scale;
radioactive material to the environment. demonstrating the • the risk metrics to be used are still
safety of a NPP design a topic for discussion, especially if
PSAs are also classified according to the is to identify a set of the objective is to calculate some
range of initiating events (internal and/or accident conditions. ‘global risk’;
external to the plant) and plant operating • PSA experts have to decide, for
modes that are to be considered.’
To improve the each NPP, which initiating events
safety demonstration should be included in the PSA.
The PSA methodology is based on probabilistic safety Criteria are applied to identify risk
event tree methodologies, which are assessments are significant events but, for some in-
conceptually simple but highly com- developed. itiating events (e.g. high-amplitude
plex in detailed applications. This is earthquakes or combined extreme
due to the number of SSCs in a NPP, weather conditions), high uncer-
the variety of initiating events, the tainties exist in both their frequen-
possible equipment and human fail- The ASAMPSA_E project was initiat- cy and amplitude; in such cases, the
ures, the interdependencies between ed in 2013 to help increase the scope PSA approach is questionable;
events, the uncertainties in data (haz- of existing PSAs. For this project: • the geosciences fail sometimes to
ards modelling, equipment failure calculate both frequencies and fea-
probability, human failure probabili- ‘An extended PSA (probabilistic safety as- tures of some rare (extreme) natu-
ty, physical phenomena progression, sessment) applies to a site of one or several ral events for PSA with reasonable
SSCs behaviour in unplanned circum- Nuclear Power Plant(s) (NPP(s)) and its uncertainty bounds; this is, in fact,
stances, etc.). A PSA modelling exists environment. It intends to calculate the risk a societal concern and progress in
for almost all NPPs. Their quality is induced by the main sources of radioactivity these areas should be expected;
progressively improving, thanks to (reactor core and spent fuel storages, other • the study of the impact beyond de-
periodic updates and experience shar- sources) on the site, taking into account all sign hazards may require additional
ing. For example, the OECD-NEA operating states for each main source and all methodologies (e.g. impact of be-
working group risk (WG-Risk) col- possible relevant accident initiating events yond design lightning strike);
lects and shares international experi- (both internal and external) affecting one • PSAs have been applied to sin-
ence in this area. NPP or the whole site.’ gle NPPs; PSAs for multiple NPP
sites have rarely been undertaken;
Although this approach is quite ad- the feasibility and interest of such


studies are ongoing issues; sions should have been be made so ty improvements. Some examples are
• the application of PSAs (or ex- that only limited protective meas- described here but, in fact, there are
tended PSAs) in decision-making ures in area and time are needed numerous topics of interest (e.g. see
processes is still a topic for harmo- for the public (e.g. no permanent NUGENIA, 2013):
nisation: for example, the recent in- relocation, no need for emergency • the reassessment of hazards is an
terest in rare extreme events func- evacuation outside the immediate important issue during periodic
tions as a reminder of the need to vicinity of the plant, limited shel- safety review; as explained above,
take into account uncertainties in tering, no long term restrictions in for natural hazards, there are top-
decision-making processes. food consumption) and sufficient ics where geosciences provide
time must be available to imple- highly uncertain information due
ment these measures.’ to remaining uncertainties for rare
3.13.5 events but, nevertheless, even if
Several safety authorities request that the quantification of hazard fea-
Risk reduction, a utilities upgrade existing reactors to tures is difficult, reinforcement of
multiform activity meet, as far as possible, the objectives NPPs can be decided based on the
for new reactors. In particular, it shall most recent knowledge;
be postulated that severe accident • the analysis of NPPs’ responses in
As explained above, European nucle-
may happen and that, in such cases, the event of an accident using sim-
ar stakeholders apply the concept of
accident mitigation strategies shall be ulation tools capable of providing
continual safety improvement. This is
implemented. This obviously contrib- best-estimate information for the
done with a risk-reduction perspec-
utes to some degree of risk reduction, design verification of SSCs or the
tive. PSA has a role in this process,
at least if the other existing safety fea- development of operating proce-
but many other considerations are
tures are not degraded as a result of dures;
taken into account. Risk reduction is
ageing. • the analysis of SSCs’ response
in fact a multiform activity that can-
(fragility analysis) in the event of
not be reduced to a simple list. Some
hazards (earthquake, flooding, fire,
examples are proposed below but
lightning, etc.);
they cover only a limited number of
risk-reduction possibilities, which are Risk reduction is a • techniques for in-service inspec-
multiform activity that tion to check the capability and
in fact possible at each level of the de-
conformity to safety standards of
fence-in-depth approach. cannot be reduced to a all key safety equipment (e.g. pipe
simple list. There are a welding control, risk informed in-
For new reactors, the protection of number of risk-reduction spection, plant walkdowns);
the population in the event of a se- possibilities, which are in • research on severe accident pro-
vere accident is paramount, as indicat-
ed by WENRA (2014):
fact possible at each level gression;
of the defence-in-depth • research on accident precursors;
‘ reducing potential radioactive re-
approach. • research on human factors and
leases to the environment from ac-
organisations: how to evaluate the
cidents with core melt, in short and
efficiency of organisations to en-
long term, by following the qualitative
sure the efficiency of all human
criteria below:
activities (during NPP design, con-
• accidents with core melt that would
Research activities are very important struction, normal operation, mod-
lead to early or large releases of ra-
to ensure the continued interrogation ernisation, control, accident man-
dioactive material should be practi-
of existing practices, to develop new agement, etc.).
cally eliminated;
• in the event that accidents with knowledge and to promote the ap-
plication of new knowledge in safe- The emergency response is also a
core melt do occur, design provi-
crucial factor during accident man-

agement. This concerns the site in ageing of the nuclear facilities and the
question (to help manage a complex
3.13.6 financial context.
situation at a local and national level, Conclusions and
to ensure the dissemination of trans- key messages If some challenges are very specific
parent information), the public au- to nuclear activities, others are ful-
thorities (to decide protective actions Partnership ly cross-connected to other human
for the populations, to disseminate To conclude, we wish to highlight the activities. For example, the study of
information transparently to the pub- importance of the multiform activi- high-amplitude natural hazards has
lic) and international exchanges (the ties conducted to prevent any accident become increasingly important since
consequences of a nuclear accident or to limit its consequences should the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident, and
are transnational; rescue solutions can one occur. The fundamental safety efforts are being made to reinforce
often be found at the international principles and the defence-in-depth nuclear facilities if needed. Under-
level, and immediate and transparent approach underlie these multiform standing and predicting these natu-
communication is expected from any activities, which intend to enhance the ral hazards is a societal concern and
country facing a nuclear accident). As nuclear safety requirements, the de- progress in geosciences is expected.
mentioned above, many research ac- sign features of nuclear facilities, the To support safety studies for nuclear
tivities support progress in emergency quality of construction, all human ac- facilities, seismic faults identification
response capabilities, for example on tivities during normal operation and, and modelling, the quantification of
source term prediction, simulations in response to accidental situations, correlated natural hazards (typically
of radioactivity transfer in environ- the continuous safety improvement during extreme weather conditions)
ment, rules for the protection of pop- and the control by appropriate bodies. or the regional analysis of the conse-
ulations, rules for agriculture manage- quences of such natural hazards are
ment and communication during and topics of interest for which knowl-
after the accident (see EURANOS, edge should be improved.
The efficiency of the emergency re-
NERIS-TP and PREPARE projects).
sponse plans at local, national or in-
ternational levels and of the related
In addition, it is also recognised that
international cooperation remains
the organisation of the control of nu-
a challenge for the nuclear industry,
clear activities by official bodies (in
and good practices can be shared with
general nuclear safety authorities and
other activities. In parallel, research
technical safety organisations) and the
on the resilience of human organisa-
relationship between the industry and
tions when facing complex situations
these official bodies are of primary
can be promoted in the nuclear indus-
importance in risk reduction. Rela-
try and in many other areas.
tionships with NGOs also have to be
considered carefully.
We can mention, as an example, some The nuclear industry has still to face
values generally shared by the safety many challenges to maintain and im-
authorities or the Technical Safety prove the safety of operating and new
Organisations, namely competence, reactors. Among these challenges are
independence, rigor, transparency im- the human and organisational factors
partiality, proactivity or initiative. The (training and education, generation
efficiency of the control of nuclear renewal, changes in competences,
activities is another topic for exchang- evolution of requirements and reg-
es at the international level. ulation, modernisation programmes,
the organisation’s efficiency, etc.), the


3.14 Technological risk:

Elisabeth Krausmann, Ana Maria Cruz, Roland Fendler,
Ernesto Salzano

dioactive releases at hazardous instal- this reason, successfully controlling a

3.14.1 lations and other infrastructures that Natech accident has often turned out
Introduction process, store or transport danger- to be a major challenge, if not impos-
ous substances. These technological sible, where no prior preparedness
The past few years have seen a num- ‘secondary effects’ caused by natural planning had taken place.
ber of natural disasters accompanied hazards are known as ‘Natech’ (Nat-
by major damage to industrial facilities ural-hazard-triggered technological)
and other infrastructures. In March accidents (Krausmann et al., 2017a).
2011, a tsunami struck a Japanese They are a recurring but often over- Natech accidents
NPP, causing a nuclear meltdown, looked feature of many natural-dis-
and raging fires and explosions at oil
can have serious
aster situations and have repeatedly
refineries in the wake of the massive had significant and long-term social,
consequences, including
earthquake that triggered the tsunami environmental and economic impacts, cascading events. While
also made the global headlines. Other including supply-chain disruptions their risk is increasing,
recent examples of major disasters in- (Figure 3.57). It is important to note they are not adequately
clude Hurricane Sandy in 2012, which that natural-hazard impacts on com- addressed in DRM.
caused multiple hydrocarbon spills mercial districts or residential areas
and releases of raw sewage, the dam- where lower quantities of hazardous
age to industrial parks during the Thai materials are present are also a safety
floods in 2011, or Hurricanes Katri- concern. Unfortunately, disaster risk-reduc-
na and Rita in 2005, which wreaked tion frameworks do not fully address
havoc on the offshore oil and gas in- Natural hazards can cause multiple technological hazards in general or
frastructure in the Gulf of Mexico and simultaneous releases of haz- Natech hazards in particular. In ad-
(Krausmann and Cruz, 2013; Cruz ardous materials over extended are- dition, chemical accident prevention
and Krausmann, 2008, 2009). as, damage or destroy safety barriers and preparedness programmes often
and systems, and down lifelines often overlook the specific aspects of Na-
These events clearly demonstrated the needed for accident prevention and tech risk, which has caused a lack of
potential for natural hazards to trig- mitigation. These are also the ingre- dedicated risk-assessment methodol-
ger fires, explosions and toxic or ra- dients for cascading disasters. For ogies and guidance for industry and

authorities on how to manage these tions. In order to facilitate this pro- from a broader data pool yields les-
risks both onsite and offsite. cess and to overcome the deficiencies sons learned that are more widely
of conventional industrial accident applicable. The latter type of study
This is aggravated by the expected databases with respect to Natech acci- facilitates, for example, the identifica-
increase of future Natech risk due to dents, the European Commission has tion of commonly occurring causes
worldwide industrialisation, climate set up the eNATECH database for the of accidents involving specific sub-
change, population growth and com- systematic collection and analysis of stances or industries, which may not
munity encroachment in areas subject Natech accident data and near miss- be easily recognisable within a single
to natural hazards (Krausmann and es. The database exhibits the more occurrence. This analysis also lends
Baranzini, 2012). sophisticated accident representation itself to identifying technical and or-
required to capture the characteristics ganisational risk-reduction measures
This subchapter gives an overview of of Natech events and is publicly ac- that require improvement or that are
the state of play in Natech risk reduc- cessible (eNATECH, 2015). missing.
tion in the EU and globally; it high-
lights existing gaps in Natech risk re- Lessons can be learned in all phases
duction and makes recommendations of risk and accident management, General lessons learned
on how to close these gaps. from prevention and preparedness
to response and recovery. Analyses The analysis of Natech accidents
While natural-hazard triggered nu- of single accidents produce immedi- across different types of natural
clear accidents also qualify as Nat- ate lessons specific to the event, while hazards showed that there are cer-
ech events (see Chapter 3.13), this analyses of a set of similar accidents tain commonalities regardless of the
subchapter focuses on Natech risk in
terms of non-nuclear hazardous in-
dustrial activities. FIGURE 3.57

Hydrocarbon releases at a refinery during floods in Coffeyville, USA,

3.14.2 in 2007.
Forensic analysis of Source: photograph courtesy of the Kansas Wing of the Civil Air Patrol
Natech accidents and
lessons learned
Post-accident analysis is a valuable
tool to recreate the dynamics of acci-
dents and to draw conclusions on the
most prominent damage mechanisms
and hazardous materials release paths,
particularly vulnerable storage and
process equipment types, as well as on
the hazardous materials most com-
monly involved in these types of ac-
cidents. For this reason, efforts have
been made to systematically collect
and analyse information on the caus-
es and dynamics of Natech accidents
to support scenario development and
the design of better protection op-


natural-hazard trigger. Studies have als releases possibly occurring from Countries (Krausmann and Baranzini,
indicated, for instance, that storage several sources at the same time, an 2012). Systematic analyses of the dy-
tanks at atmospheric pressure, and in increased ignition probability, cou- namics and consequences of Natech
particular those with floating roofs, pled with simultaneous damage to accidents caused by other natural haz-
appear to be particularly vulnerable safety barriers and systems including ards are scarce, although other natural
to earthquake, flood and lightning im- the frequent loss of lifelines needed hazards, such as tsunamis, extreme
pacts compared with other types of for process control or firefighting, temperature, high winds or landslides
industrial equipment (Krausmann et the likelihood of cascading disasters have also caused Natech accidents.
al., 2011). While no systematic stud- is also higher for Natech events than
ies for other types of natural hazards for conventional industrial accidents.
are available, individual case histories
seem to support this conclusion in the Hydrocarbon storage
case of storms or heavy rain (Bailey Lessons learned from tanks are found to be
and Levitan, 2008; Godoy, 2007). Natech accidents due to particularly vulnerable
earthquakes, floods and
From an industrial safety perspec- lightning to natural-hazard
tive, the high susceptibility of stor- impact, which increases
age tanks to natural-hazard impacts is Most Natech accident analyses have the cascading risk.
problematic, as these plant units often focused on accidents triggered by Safety barriers are
contain large quantities of crude oil, earthquakes, floods or lightning. Pri- usually also affected by
gasoline or other types of flammable ority was given to these hazards be- natural hazards and are
liquid hydrocarbons. It is therefore cause of the generally greater severity
unsurprising that many Natech acci- of Natech events caused by earth-
unavailable for accident
dents involve hydrocarbon releases quakes (Antonioni et al., 2009), and mitigation.
that have ignited and escalated into the high frequency of accidents ini-
major fires or explosions (Table 3.8). tiated by floods and lightning in EU
In addition, with hazardous materi- Member States and OECD Member The main damage and failure mech-
anisms of industrial structures and
hazardous equipment during earth-
TABLE 3.8 quakes are direct shaking impact,
ground deformation and liquefac-
Substances mainly involved in flood-triggered Natech accidents accord- tion (Figure 3.58). The impact ranges
ing to an analysis by Cozzani et al. (2010)
from structural damage without the
release of hazardous materials, such
as shell buckling, sloshing damage
Hazardous substance category No. of accidents
or anchor-bolt stretching, to damage
Oil, diesel fuel, gasoline; liquid hydrocarbons 158 with loss of containment, caused, for
Propane, butane, LPG 12 instance, by the failure of flanges or
Fertilisers 11 pipe connections, shell and roof fail-
Acid products 7 ures or tank overturning and collapse
Cyanides 5 (Krausmann et al., 2011). The analyses
Oxides 5
also showed that during earthquakes
Ammonia 5
it is common that several loss-of-con-
Chlorine 3
Explosives 3 tainment events occur simultaneously.
Calcium carbide 3 This increases the likelihood of cas-
Soap and detergents 1 cading accidents. The analyses also
highlighted the vulnerability of safe-

ty barriers (e.g. catch basins around likelihood of domino accidents while pheric storage tanks); and (2) indirect
tanks or sprinkler systems) to seismic simultaneously creating further risks impacts, which can trigger loss of
loading. in the areas surrounding the damaged containment, e.g. via process upsets
facility (Figure 3.57). The analysis of due to power outage and power dips
In the case of floods, the main dam- flood-triggered accidents also showed and impacts on electrical control and
age and failure mechanisms are the that released substances can react vi- safety systems (Renni et al., 2010).
displacement of equipment due to olently with the floodwaters, thereby
buoyancy and water drag, as well as creating secondary toxic or flamma- For a detailed discussion of lessons
the impact of floating objects. This ble gases from often less dangerous learned from Natech accidents due to
can break connections between pipe- precursor chemicals (Cozzani et al., a wide variety of natural hazards, the
work and equipment, cause pipelines 2010). reader is referred to Krausmann and
to rupture or lead to tank collapse or Salzano (2017).
implosion (Krausmann et al., 2011). The analysis of lightning-triggered
Once a hazardous material has been Natech accidents highlighted two dif- 3.14.3
released, the presence of the floodwa- ferent types of impact mechanisms:
ters aggravates the accident by acting (1) direct impacts, causing structural Status of Natech risk
as a vector for spreading the released damage to equipment, or the ignition management in
toxic or flammable materials over of flammable vapours by the lightning European Union
wide areas. This can also increase the strike (e.g. at the rim seal of atmos-
Member States and
Collapse of a dryer and severing of connected pipes at a fertiliser factory
Member Countries
hit by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China.
Source: photograph courtesy of E. Krausmann
European Union

In the EU, major (chemical) accident

risks are regulated by the provisions
of the so-called Seveso Directive on
the control of major-accident haz-
ards and its amendments (European
Union, 2012; see also Chapter 3.12).
Following a series of Natech and oth-
er major chemical accidents (e.g. the
spill of cyanide-laced tailings from
a dam breach due to heavy rainfall
and rapid snowmelt, or the release of
chlorine from a flooded chemical fa-
cility), it was decided that an amend-
ment of the Seveso Directive was
needed to close remaining gaps. The
latest amendment now explicitly ad-
dresses Natech risks and requires that
environmental hazards, such as floods
and earthquakes, be routinely identi-


fied and evaluated in an industrial es- well as about the associated protec- duction.
tablishment’s safety report (European tion measures in place. The ultimate
Union, 2012). Awareness of Natech objective of these codes and stand-
risks in Europe has been growing ever ards is the preservation of life safety
since. and, hence, the prevention of build- Natech accidents
ing collapse. While in itself an im- continue to happen, which
A recent survey among Seveso reg- portant goal, the preservation of a
ulatory bodies aimed to assess the building’s structural integrity is not
raises doubts about the
status of Natech risk management necessarily sufficient to prevent the effectiveness of existing
in the EU (Krausmann and Baran- release of hazardous materials under safety legislation, as well
zini, 2012). The results of the survey natural-event loading. as about the adequacy
showed an increasing awareness of The survey identified a number of of design codes and
the potentially disastrous impacts of key areas for future work for industry, standards for natural-
natural hazards on chemical facilities. regulators, and science and engineer- hazard impact at
However, the survey also highlight- ing. The majority of survey respond-
ed a number of gaps in Natech risk ents called for the development of
hazardous installations.
reduction, as well as related research guidance on Natech risk assessment
and policy challenges. for industry with the highest priority,
followed by the preparation of Nat-
Over half of the survey respondents ech risk maps to inform land-use and One of the main international guide-
indicated that their countries had ex- emergency planning by identifying a lines considering Natech risks are the
perienced one or more Natech acci- region’s Natech hotspots. OECD Guiding Principles for Chem-
dents in the period 1990-2009. The ical Accident Prevention, Prepared-
main accident triggers were lightning, ness and Response (OECD, 2003), the
low temperatures and floods. Consid- The Organisation for Eco- application of which is the subject of
ering the recurrence of Natech acci- nomic Co-operation and an OECD Council Recommendation.
dents, the survey results suggest that Development (OECD) Given that the 2003 revision of the
the legal frameworks for chemical-ac- Guiding Principles considered only
cident prevention have not always Parallel to the survey on the status some aspects of Natech risk manage-
been effective. The survey participants of Natech risk management in the ment, the OECD Working Group on
expressed their belief that industries EU, OECD Member Countries were Chemical Accidents decided to ad-
in many EU Member States may not polled on the same subject. The dress the issue more comprehensively
consider Natech risks appropriately in OECD results showed a similar trend by including a Natech project into its
their facility risk assessment, with po- as in the EU and highlighted the same 2009-12 work programme to identi-
tentially low preparedness levels as a gaps (Krausmann and Baranzini, fy existing gaps and develop targeted
result. The survey also revealed strong 2012). The majority of OECD sur- recommendations for Natech risk re-
differences between the actual Natech vey respondents expressed their belief duction.
accident triggers and the natural haz- that there is a clear need to improve
ards perceived to be of concern, high- current regulations and fill existing As a final outcome of the OECD
lighting an incongruity between actual gaps to fully address Natech risk re- Natech project, a Natech Addendum
causes and risk perception. duction. Similar to the EU survey, to the Guiding Principles was issued
they called for the development of (OECD, 2015). This addendum in-
The recurrence of Natech accidents natural-hazard and Natech risk maps, cludes numerous recommendations
has also raised doubts about the ad- methodologies for and guidance on for government and industry that ad-
equacy of design codes and stand- Natech risk assessment for industry dress the inclusion of Natech risks in
ards for hazardous installations with and communities, as well as the train- the drafting of regulations, rules and
respect to natural-hazard impact, as ing of authorities on Natech risk re- standards, their enforcement and im-

plementation, and other activities in (2012) note, hardly any Natech risk al., 2008). Therefore, natural hazards
support of effective Natech risk man- maps exist in EU Member States and can be important risk contributors at
agement. With pipelines being at risk OECD Member Countries, and the hazardous facilities and must be ade-
owing to natural hazards, the Natech development of a Natech risk analysis quately considered in the risk-analysis
Addendum also advocates the con- and mapping capability is considered process.
sideration of Natech risks in pipeline a high-priority need by authorities to
safety. effectively reduce Natech risks. An in-depth discussion of the individ-
ual steps in Natech risk assessment,
As a follow-up to the first Natech including the treatment of cascading
project, the OECD included a second events, can be found in Krausmann
Natech project in its 2017-20 work There is a lack of (2017).
programme, which focuses on the
implementation of recommendations
consolidated Natech risk
from the first project and on improv- assessment tools, and
ing international cooperation in Nat- extensions to traditional Methods and tools for
ech risk management. risk analysis need to be Natech risk assessment
made to take into account
The surveys discussed in Chapter
3.14.4 the characteristics of 3.14.3 highlighted a lack of method-
Natech risk Natech events. ologies and tools for Natech risk anal-
assessment ysis and mapping, which has so far
hampered the appropriate inclusion
Risk analysis is an important tool by Regardless of the risk-analysis ap- of this type of risk into industrial risk
which to estimate the risk level of a proach chosen, extensions to both assessment. Following calls by gov-
hazardous activity. Quantitative risk qualitative and quantitative risk anal- ernment to close this gap, the Euro-
assessment (QRA) in particular al- ysis need to be made to take into ac- pean Commission (JRC) developed
lows the identification of system count the characteristics of Natech the RAPID-N framework for rapid
weaknesses, the prioritisation of safe- events. Hence, specific damage mod- Natech risk assessment and mapping,
ty measures in terms of their impor- els to assess the severity and proba- which can be used to quickly identi-
tance for risk reduction, or the esti- bility of equipment damage due to a fy Natech risk hotspots (Girgin and
mation of a facility’s overall risk level, natural event, and a procedure to ac- Krausmann, 2017, 2013). RAPID-N
summarised in a risk figure. This risk count for the possibility of simultane- is a unique, semi-quantitative tool that
figure can then be compared with pre- ous hazardous materials releases from allows the rapid analysis of Natech
scribed risk acceptance target levels, more than one process or storage unit risks at local (single installation) or
where existing, to show that risks are are needed. Simple damage models regional (multiple installations) level.
adequately controlled in fulfilment of are available for a limited number of This web-based tool is freely available
regulatory requirements (see Chapter equipment categories (storage tanks, via prior user registration and author-
2.1). some types of process equipment) isation (RAPID-N, 2017). Figure 3.59
and in particular for earthquake im- shows an example output of RAP- pact. The inclusion of these dam- ID-N.
General methodology age models in QRA case studies has
demonstrated the importance of con- RAPID-N supports different natu-
The identification of potentially Na- sidering earthquake-triggered acci- ral hazards and industrial equipment
tech-prone areas and the determina- dent scenarios for ensuring the safety types by design. It estimates and maps
tion of the associated risks are the of the facility itself and the surround- Natech risk in a web-based environ-
first steps towards managing Natech ing population and environment ment and can support land use and
risks. As Krausmann and Baranzini (Antonioni et al., 2007; Campedel et emergency planning, as well as Nat-


ech damage and consequence analysis towards a more quantitative treatment approach is more detailed than that
immediately after a natural event. The of the problem, and (2) the imple- of RAPID-N; however, it requires
latter in particular is fundamental for mentation of an automated analysis a significant number of data for the
first responders who require an as- function that will allow Natech risk assessment process. The output of
sessment of the dangers of secondary analysis for facilities in the RAPID-N ARIPAR-GIS is individual risk and
hazards from industrial plants follow- database immediately following the societal risk from Natech accidents
ing a natural disaster before dispatch- occurrence of a major natural event. caused by earthquakes and floods.
ing rescue teams. It could also provide Through this function, competent
a means by which authorities may authorities, first responders and oth-
warn the population in the vicinity of er interested parties can be quickly 3.14.5
an installation of imminent problems. alerted to potential Natech accidents Natech risk reduction
to ensure that fast protective action is
The current version of RAPID-N taken if required. Past near misses have shown that Na-
supports earthquake Natech risk anal- tech risk reduction generally pays off,
ysis and mapping for fixed chemical While RAPID-N currently follows a and facilities that have benefited from
installations, such as refineries or stor- semi-quantitative approach for ana- natural-hazard specific design and the
age tank farms, and onshore pipeline lysing and mapping Natech risks implementation of Natech risk-re-
networks. In the next release of the to ensure a quick assessment with duction measures have fared better
tool, floods will be included as addi- a minimum of data, the University during natural events (e.g. Cruz and
tional Natech accident triggers. Ad- of Bologna has developed a Natech Steinberg, 2005). Where these meas-
ditional short-term upgrades that are module for its software package ARI- ures were inadequate or totally lack-
under way are (1) the inclusion of in- PAR-GIS to characterise the Natech ing, damage was more severe or even
dividual and societal risk calculations risks of single facilities in a quantita- catastrophic.
in addition to impact zones to move tive way (Antonioni et al., 2017). This
Problem areas that stand out in most
Natech accidents are related to in-
FIGURE 3.59 sufficient prevention and prepared-
ness, often caused by the grossly in-
RAPID-N example output for the release and ignition of a flammable sub- adequate design bases of hazardous
stance caused by a hypothetical Istanbul earthquake scenario. The circle
endpoints indicate the point up to which second-degree burns would be installations in natural-hazard prone
received for different release scenarios. areas due to a failure to acknowledge
Source: courtesy of European Commission (JRC) the specific requirements of pro-
cess equipment under natural-hazard
loads, the absence or weak enforce-
ment of safety regulations, and a lack
of guidance on how to address the
problem of Natech risks in the indus-
try. In addition, there is the miscon-
ception that engineering and organi-
sational protection measures in place
to prevent and mitigate conventional
industrial accidents would also pro-
tect against Natech events. In fact,
the very natural event that damages
or destroys industrial buildings and
equipment can also render inoperable
engineered safety barriers (e.g. con-

tainment dikes, deluge systems) and of damage and the occurrence of a apparent during earthquakes. Criti-
lifelines (power, water for firefighting hazardous materials release, while cal active and passive safety barriers
or cooling, communication) needed mitigation refers to actions or meas- should, therefore, also be designed to
to prevent an accident, mitigate its ures implemented to lower the impact withstand the forces of the expected
consequences and keep it from es- of hazardous materials releases if earthquake.
calating. There is, therefore, a need they cannot be prevented.
for Natech-specific additional safety
measures to accommodate the char- Experience from past Natech ac-
acteristics of Natech accidents, which cidents and the associated lessons Natech risk reduction
require targeted prevention, prepar- learned have led to the development requires targeted
edness and response. of recommendations for reducing Na-
tech risks for accident scenarios from
prevention, preparedness a wide variety of natural hazards. For and response, including
Structural prevention and example, in earthquake-prone areas, Natech-specific
mitigation measures flexible tank-pipe connections should safety measures, the
be used given that the breaking of implementation of which
In general, structural risk-reduction rigid connections has often led to re- was found to pay off.
measures for technological risks use leases (Figure 3.60). Anchoring or re-
engineering solutions, such as safe- straining equipment could effectively
ty valves or containment dikes, for avoid displacement and keep equip-
accident prevention and mitigation. ment containing hazardous materials
In this context, prevention refers to intact. The vulnerability of safety bar- The risk of flood-triggered Natech
passive and active actions or measures riers (e.g. catch basins around tanks accidents can be minimised, for ex-
put in place to reduce the likelihood or sprinkler systems) is particularly ample, if hazardous equipment is
anchored or otherwise restrained to
prevent floating and displacement
by floodwaters. Indirect flood im-
Flexible steel pipe on a large oil tank in an earthquake-prone area. pacts via short-circuiting of electrical
Source: photograph courtesy of A.M. Cruz equipment that affects safety-critical
systems can be reduced by protecting
systems from wave loading and water
intrusion. This can be achieved by wa-
terproofing and appropriate design.
The lifting of flammable waste oil in
plant drainage systems due to flooding
can be prevented by segregating the
drainage systems for waste flammable
substances and surface run-off water.

With respect to reducing the Natech

risk from lightning strikes, the rim seal
of atmospheric floating-roof tanks is
the most likely point of ignition, and
the seal should therefore be regular-
ly checked and maintained. Further-
more, partial or total onsite power


outage and power dips can lead to lishment of safety policies and laws. nearby communities. The Great East
process upsets and thereby indirectly Since technical protection measures Japan earthquake and the Thai floods
to hazardous materials releases. In- can never entirely eliminate hazards in 2011, for example, highlighted the
ternal backup systems should provide from a hazardous installation, organ- need to better understand infrastruc-
emergency power to those processes isational control is needed to support ture-failure interdependencies and the
from which dangerous conditions can protection goals. governance of the associated risks.
result during power loss (Krausmann
et al., 2011). An in-depth discussion of organisa-
tional Natech risk-reduction measures Emergency planning
Many more structural Natech preven- and approaches is provided in Kraus-
tion and mitigation measures for dif- mann et al. (2017b). The following Natech accidents caused by major
ferent natural hazards and equipment sections provide examples of such natural events pose a tremendous
types are discussed in detail in Cruz et measures. challenge for emergency response
al. (2017). owing to:
• possible multiple and simultane- ous hazardous materials releases
Organisational prevention Natech risk governance over extended areas, a scenario for
and mitigation measures which emergency responders are
From a Natech point of view, risk usually not trained and equipped;
In contrast to structural measures, governance is becoming exceedingly • competition for scarce emergency
which use engineered physical solu- important in light of increasing in- response resources for providing
tions for prevention and mitigation, dustrialisation coupled with emerg- aid in natural disaster areas and for
organisational measures are admin- ing hazards, such as climate change. combatting the Natech accident;
istrative programmes and controls Since natural hazards can impact • hampering of search and rescue
put in place to reduce risks. Organi- large areas at the same time, an in- operations as a result of toxic re-
sational protection measures include tegrated risk-governance approach leases, fires and explosions;
staff training, the implementation involving all stakeholders is needed • inapplicability of standard civ-
of safety practices and procedures, that addresses the safety of individ- il-protection measures such as
including the monitoring of safety ual industrial installations as well as evacuation or shelter;
performance, educational and aware- the potential interactions with neigh- • reliance of industry on external
ness-raising campaigns and the estab- bouring installations, lifelines and lifelines and emergency-response
resources for managing a Natech
accident rather than preparing a
TABLE 3.9 ‘standalone’ emergency plan.
Effectiveness of Natech-specific early warning based on the warning
time to warn and action time tact. In order to increase preparedness for
Source: Salzano et al. (2009) Natech accidents, emergency plans
for hazardous industry should con-
twarn/tact Characteristics Effectiveness sider natural-hazard risks. Plant-in-
Short warning time or slow
ternal emergency plans for mitigating
<< 1 Low: Little time to implement preventive action hazardous materials releases should
preventive action

Warning time similar to time Medium: Some preventive action possible prior to
assume that safety barriers are ab-
needed for preventive action natural-event impact sent or non-functional and off-site
response resources are not available,
>> 1
Long warning time or fast High: Sufficient time for preventive action even if requiring backup lifelines to control
preventive action time-consuming
the Natech accident. Off-site emer-
gency plans need to take into account

the eventuality of toxic releases, fires the Natech risk, for example by im-
and explosions impacting the popu- plementing plant shut-down, depres- Partnership
lation and the rescue operations and surising equipment or transferring In many countries, there is legislation
the need for evacuation in a situation hazardous substances from predicted that regulates hazardous industrial
where transport routes might be com- on-site inundation zones to safer lo- activities, and in some cases Natech
promised. An assessment of the vul- cations. If tsunamis are generated in risks are explicitly addressed. It is
nerability of the emergency response the far field, the warning lead time important that these regulations be
resources is also called for in the con- should permit the actuation of pre- enforced. Where missing, dedicated
text of Natech risk reduction. vention actions, as for floods. legislation for reducing Natech risks
should be developed and implement-
Emergency plans at both plant and Interestingly, Bouquegneau (2007) ed. At the same time, risk communi-
community level should be period- also suggests that early protective ac- cation between industry and all levels
ically reviewed and tested to ensure tions, such as disconnecting sensitive of government should be improved
that they remain up to date. This is equipment or stopping hazardous to ensure that communication related
of particular importance in times of processes, are possible for lightning to Natech risks flows freely and effec-
climate change, which might require hazards by using information from tively to realistically estimate the risk.
updates to the assumptions on which meteorological lightning location sys- Public–private partnerships could fa-
the emergency plan is based. tems. cilitate the linking of science, practice
and policy in support of Natech risk 3.14.6 reduction.
Early warning
Conclusions and Knowledge
Early warning is usually not availa- key messages Further awareness-raising efforts are
ble or practicable for reducing Nat- needed to help stakeholders recognise
ech risks, as warning times for some Past Natech accidents have clearly the vulnerability of hazardous instal-
natural hazards are too short for pre- shown the vulnerability of hazardous lations during natural-hazard impact.
ventive action at hazardous facilities. industrial activities to natural-hazard In this context, climate change must
Salzano et al. (2009) contend that the impact, with often major consequenc- be a factor in the assessment, as it
effectiveness of Natech early warning es on health, the natural environment, might change natural-hazard severi-
systems is defined by the ratio of the and the local, regional or global econ- ties and frequencies and thus render
available warning time and the time omy owing to asset damage and the the design basis of installations and
needed to implement preventive ac- associated business downtime. Some equipment inadequate. In addition,
tion (Table 3.9). of these accidents have also dramat- plant workers, civil protection author-
ically demonstrated the increased risk ities and those in charge of chemi-
For earthquakes, for example, warn- of cascading effects and the challeng- cal-accident prevention need to re-
ing times range from fractions of es faced by emergency responders. ceive targeted training to be able to
seconds to only a few seconds, which The good news is that awareness of handle the challenges that are associ-
makes early warning for earthquake Natech risks is increasing worldwide ated with Natech accidents.
Natech accidents rather impractical. and first attempts to systematically
In this case, the earthquake-resist- assess and control this risk are being Innovation
ant design of hazardous installations made. Nevertheless, a number of re- Risk assessment is an important tool
should be prioritised. search and policy gaps related to Nat- by which to identify safety gaps and
ech risk reduction remain that require prioritise safety-relevant interven-
The situation is different for river addressing in a concerted effort of tions at a facility. There are no con-
floods, for which warning times can regulators, industry and the research solidated methodologies for Natech
range from hours to days, leaving am- community. risk assessment, and research should
ple time and opportunity to mitigate focus on the development of Natech


risk assessment methodologies and

tools for different natural hazards, as
well as related guidance at the indus-
try and community levels. Data on
accidents and near misses crucial for
learning lessons and scenario building
are often closely guarded by industry
for fear of negative repercussions
on their activity. Authorities should
promote and facilitate the sharing of
Natech accident data by companies to
support future risk reduction.

The last few years have seen a number of natural disasters that have been ac-
companied by major damage to industrial facilities. These events have demon-
strated the potential for natural hazards, such as earthquakes, floods, storms,
etc., to trigger fires, explosions and toxic or radioactive releases at hazardous
installations that use or store hazardous substances. These so-called Natech
accidents are a recurring but often overlooked feature of many natural-disas-
ter situations. In addition, chemical and nuclear activities are an increasingly
important source or risk of such accidents owing to increased industrialisation
and urbanisation.

Unfortunately, disaster risk-reduction frameworks have not commonly ad-

dressed technological risks. The Sendai Framework for Action recognises the
importance of technological hazards and promotes an all-hazards approach to
disaster risk reduction. This includes hazardous situations arising from man-
made activities due to human error, mechanical failure and natural hazards.

Chemical risk
Chemical accidents continue to occur relatively frequently in industrialised and
developing countries alike, which raises questions about the adequacy of cur-
rent risk-reduction efforts. The causes underlying chemical accidents are large-
ly assumed to be systemic. Most chemical accidents today are caused by viola-
tions of well-known principles for chemicals risk management, which have led
to insufficient control measures.

From the forensic analysis of chemical accident reports, a number of underly-

ing causes have emerged, one or several of which can affect a chemical installa-
tion to create conditions conducive to disaster. These causes include:

• A lack of visibility due to a lack of published statistics on accident frequency

and a reporting bias towards high-consequence accidents, which are a mere
fraction of the many smaller chemical accidents that occur each week.
• The challenge to manage across boundaries, when chemical and mechani-
cal engineers commonly assigned to chemicals risk management have little
training in human or organisational factors.
• A failure to learn lessons from past accidents and near misses.
• Economic pressure and a trend towards optimisation, which can undermine
risk management when decisions are made without due consideration of
their impacts on safety risks.
• Failure to apply risk-management knowledge by both individuals and organ-
isations due to a lack of awareness and education, or inattention to inherent
• Insufficient risk communication and disconnection from risk management
due to the globalisation of hazardous industries, which places a distance


between corporate leaders and the sites they manage.

• Outsourcing of critical expertise or distribution of limited expertise over
many sites, making it less accessible when needed.
• Governments do commonly not proactively engage in managing chemi-
cal-accident risks until after a serious accident, and accident management is
focused on emergency preparedness and response rather than prevention.
• Complacency in government and industry due to the incorrect perception
that chemical accidents are no longer a threat, thereby causing a decrease in
resources for enforcement and risk management.
• Based on the identified accident causes, a number of areas for further study
and experimentation to reduce chemical accident risks should be explored,
and it is recommended that the following occur:
• Motivation of corporate and government leadership by exploring new mod-
els for risk governance, and promotion of a positive safety culture by foster-
ing risk awareness. Enforcement will need a new strategy to drive industrial
safety practice.
• Promotion of systematic accident reporting, data collection and exchange to
raise awareness of the potential consequences of chemical accidents. These
data should be used to learn lessons from accidents and near misses.
• Development of strategies to combat labour market deficiencies related to
process-safety expertise.
• Creation of cheap and easy access to risk-management knowledge and tools,
including to risk-assessment competence urgently needed in all areas of the
• Building of awareness of chemical risks and how to manage them in devel-
oping countries.
• Fostering of regional and international networks and collaboration on
chemical accident risk management to create pressure and give developing
countries easy access to expertise and technical support.

Nuclear risk
Accidents at nuclear facilities, regardless of the accident trigger, have the po-
tential to cause a disaster. In the EU, a nuclear safety framework aims to ensure
that people and the environment are protected from the harmful effects of
ionising radiation. The basis of this framework is the defence-in-depth ap-
proach, a key concept by which to reach an appropriate level of protection
from nuclear risks, and an adequate safety culture.

After several major nuclear accidents, safety assessment methodologies have

been continuously improved, and the design of a NPP follows a set of rules
and practices that ensure a high safety level. At the design stage, a set of ac-
cident conditions is identified that can result from different initiating events,
and this set is examined using a conservative, deterministic safety assessment.

This is complemented by a PSA, which provides a methodological approach
to identifying accident sequences that can follow from a wide range of initiat-
ing events, as well as to determining accident frequencies and consequences.
The challenge is to make certain that the list of considered initiating events is

Many different protective activities form the basis of ensuring the safety of
nuclear facilities, both during normal operation and in the case of accidents.
However, the nuclear industry still faces a number of challenges that need to
be addressed. The following are therefore recommended:
• Further assess the impacts on the safety of nuclear activities of human and
organisational factors (e.g. training, management of change, evolution of
regulations and associated requirements), of ageing effects on nuclear facil-
ities and of financial concerns.
• Improve knowledge of the identification and modelling of natural hazards
to support safety studies for nuclear facilities.
• Share good practice on emergency responses at local, national and interna-
tional levels between nuclear and non-nuclear industrial activities to increase
the efficiency of emergency-response plans.
• Promote research on the resilience of human organisations in the face of
complex situations in nuclear industries and other areas with similar require-

Natech risk
Natech accidents are a technological ‘secondary effect’ of natural hazards and
have caused many major and long-term social, environmental and economic
impacts. National and international initiatives have been launched to examine
the specific aspects of Natech risk and to support its reduction.

The forensic analysis of Natech accident records has allowed the preparation
of lessons learned across different triggering natural hazards that support the
reduction of Natech risks. This includes the setting up of a dedicated Natech
accident database to foster the easy and free sharing of accident data. Accident
analyses also show that there is an increased risk of cascading effects during
Natech accidents. In general, Natech risk reduction pays off, and several struc-
tural, as well as organisational, accident prevention and consequence mitigation
measures are available.

Studies on the status of Natech risk management in EU Member States and

OECD Member Countries have highlighted deficiencies in existing safety leg-
islation and the need to consider this risk more explicitly. Conventional tech-
nological risk-assessment methodologies need to be expanded to be applicable
to Natech risk assessment and only a very few methodologies and tools are


available for this purpose.

With respect to the effective reduction of Natech risks, several research and
policy gaps still need to be closed in a collaborative effort between regulators,
industry and academia. Public–private partnerships could be helpful in this
context. More specifically, it is recommended that:
• Existing legislation that regulates hazardous industrial activities should be
enforced. Where missing, legislation for reducing Natech risks should be
developed and implemented.
• Risk communication on Natech risks should be improved between industry
and all levels of government to ensure a free and effective flow of informa-
tion that enables a realistic assessment of the associated risk.
• Government should promote and facilitate the sharing of Natech accident
data for future Natech risk reduction.
• An inventory of best practices for Natech risk reduction should be set up
and disseminated to all stakeholders.
• Research should focus on the development of Natech risk assessment meth-
odologies and tools, as well as guidance on Natech risk management for
industry and at the community level.
• Competent authorities and workers at hazardous installations should receive
targeted training to be able to handle the challenges associated with Natech
• Additional awareness-raising efforts are needed to help stakeholders recog-
nise the vulnerability of hazardous industry to natural-hazard impact. In this
context, the effects of climate change on natural-hazard frequencies and/or
severities need to be factored in.


3.12 Technological risk: chemical releases

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3.14 Technological risk: Natech

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Chapter 4
disaster risk

Kees F. Boersma David Allen

Coordinating lead author Lead author 4.4

Teun Terpstra Eve Coles

Lead author 4.1 Terhi Kankaanranta
Caroline Mcmullan
Ann Enander David Mobach
Jan Gutteling Alistair Norman
Christian Kuhlicke Tanja Perko
Kari Pylvas
Niek Wijngaards
Tina Comes
Lead author 4.2

Anouck Adrot
Caroline Rizza

Irina Stanciugelu
Lead author 4.3

Aurel Bilanici
Ian Cameron
4 Communicating
disaster risk

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
4.1 Public perception of risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
4.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
4.1.2 Approaches in risk communication Public perception of risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 Risk message approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Risk dialogue approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Risk government approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Instrumentalist risk approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
4.1.3 Capacity building through one-way risk communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
4.1.4 Developing flood evacuation strategies through dialogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
4.1.5 Facilitating public response through wireless emergency alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
4.1.6 Effects of interaction on social media in emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
4.1.7 Role of news media in defining human responses to crises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
4.1.8 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
4.2 Decision making with uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
4.2.1 Technology innovation: promise and reality for decision-makers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
4.2.2 Uncertainty undermining the paradigm of rational choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
4.2.3 Decision-making contexts and new sources of uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
4.2.4 Decision-making with uncertainty as a power relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 Power as a necessary but insufficient condition to reduce uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Reliable information from other entities an entity can reduce uncertainty and
establish power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Information sharing reduces uncertainty asymmetry, thereby rebalancing power
relationships and redefining decision-making constraints and modalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 A holistic approach to power highlights bigger challenges related to decision-making
and uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
4.2.5 The ethical and legal implications of technology-based decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Pandora’s Box? Uncertainty related to unintended consequences of informationalisation 410 Data protection and privacy concerns: how much uncertainty is needed?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
4.2.6 Decision-making with uncertainty: better than muddling through? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
4.2.7 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
4.3 Last mile communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
4.3.1 Introduction: disaster risk management and information and communications technology . . 413
4.3.2 ‘Last mile’ communication and development of early warning systems (EWS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
4.3.3 Effective early warning systems and warning communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

4.3.4 People-centred approach to early warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
4.3.5 Effective early warning systems: lessons learned at community practice level . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
4.3.6 Social media and communities in disaster: connecting the ‘last mile’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
4.3.7 High tech/low tech communication and ethical challenges of social media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
4.3.8 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
4.4 Good practices and innovation in risk communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
4.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
4.4.2 Risk communication and citizen participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
4.4.3 New communication patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
4.4.4 Technology Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
4.4.5 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

The communication of disaster risk is inherently a social process. It aims to
prevent and mitigate harm caused by disasters, prepare the population for a
disaster, disseminate information during disasters and nurture the recovery.
Disaster risk communication plays a vital role during all four stages of the
disaster cycle: mitigation and prevention, preparedness, response and recov-
ery. This chapter aims at translating scientific insights in disaster risk com-
munication to decision-makers to eventually enable communities to respond
effectively to damaging events. It builds on the idea that using insights from
(communication) science is essential for effective decision-making to improve
lives, livelihoods and health (Aitsi-Selmi et al., 2016; Dickinson et al., 2016).

Risk communication in disasters has traditionally been a one-way, unilinear

and top-down transfer of information from authorities to the public (Krim-
sky, 2009). The current literature on disaster risk communication, in contrast,
sees communication between authorities and the public about disasters as an
outcome of interactions. Although there is no closure on the effectiveness of
new communication strategies due to the lack of systematic studies (Bradley et
al., 2014), there is growing empirical evidence that a two-way dialogue between
the public and professionals is more effective than the traditional unidirectional
model of disaster risk communication (Treurniet et al., 2015). The non-linear,
multi-directional approach to risk communication is consistent with a political
landscape where the legitimation is gained through negotiation and delibera-

Chapter 4.1 shows that for disaster risk communication to be successful, public
perception should be taken into consideration. This involves both a cognitive
and affective dimension (understanding and feeling) and is related to trust in
protection measurements and mitigation processes. In the process of com-
munication, policymakers should not underestimate the cognitive paradox: a
higher trust in protection hampers the preparedness intentions (Terpstra et al.,
2009; Lundgren and McMakin, 2013). This relates to the affective dimension,
which is influenced by the way risk is communicated. Presenting the same in-
formation about risk in different ways, for example mortality versus survival
rates, will influence people’s perceptions (Slovic, 1993). Unidirectional ways of
risk communication can reinforce negative feelings such as fear and power-
lessness. In contrast, a two-way, more inclusive communication mode will give
citizens the feeling that self-help and solidarity are indeed appreciated by the
formal authorities. This communication strategy opens the possibility to build
upon both the cognitive and the affective responses in relation to previous
experiences with disastrous situations. However, whilst the literature highlights
the importance of the non-linear multi-directional approach of communica-
tion, research into actual communication practices indicates that a majority still


relies on the one-way form of communication (Höppner et al., 2012).

As Chapter 4.2 on decision-making with uncertainty highlights, disaster risk

communication takes place through many different communication channels,
including face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, group meetings, mass
media such as television, instant messaging and interactive social media, in par-
ticular Facebook and Twitter. These communication channels, however, are
not considered to be neutral. Today’s society’s social structure, made up of
networks powered by information and communications technologies (ICTs)
(Castells, 2009), has shaped and influenced decision-making in disaster risk
reduction (DRR) and disaster risk management (DRM). Decision-making un-
der uncertainty starts with the question about what the decision-maker knows
and where the gaps in the existing knowledge and information are (Ben-Haim,
2006). Consistent with the multi-directional approach to risk communication,
recent studies show that for decision-making at times of uncertainty to be
successful, a top-down, command and control approach should be abandoned,
and should instead involve the public. Formal authorities, in other words, do
not have the monopoly in making decisions about the disaster cycle.

The implementation and use of ICTs including social media provide oppor-
tunities for engaging citizens in disaster risk communication by both dissemi-
nating information to the public and accessing information from them. ICTs
have great potential for enabling effectively communicating community-rel-
evant information, in particular in situations in which people are geograph-
ically dispersed (Shklovski et al., 2008; Stal, 2013). Chapter 4.3 on last mile
communication builds upon the recent empirical insights on effective early
warning systems. The term ‘last mile’ is understood as a synonym for the im-
mediate affected area and population (Taubenböck et al., 2009). The chapter
shows that the impact of the ICT and social media response are influenced by:
1) large-scale power blackouts and the disabling of information and telecom-
munications networks and 2) the demographics of the disaster including the
willingness of people and their organisations to collaborate in sharing, manag-
ing and communicating disaster information and their (dis)ability in accessing
resources online. Both the vulnerability of the networks and the particularities
of the users require innovative solutions.

Adequately designing, implementing and using ICTs are equally important

aspects of innovation to make full use of social and technical capacities to
improve actual practices in risk communication. Innovation in disaster risk
communication is not neutral, but embedded in social and cultural practices.
For example, a recent qualitative study assesses the role of age and ethnic and
cultural background in the conceptualisation of colour systems used as part
of the Heat Health Watch System and the National Severe Weather Warning
Service (Tang and Rundblad ,2015). The final chapter of this part, on innova-
tion and good practices, builds on these ideas and addresses both the technical
and the social/cultural dimension of innovation. Communities and evolving
decentralised approaches of disaster risk communication are discussed in the

context of ICTs development and use. The chapter takes a people-centred
approach by focusing on the challenges of communicating with millennials
— technologically sophisticated multitaskers (Hartman and McCambridge,
2011) — as an example of how people with specific backgrounds deal with
risk communication technologies at times of uncertainty. Finally, it discusses
innovations which allow rich media channels to be utilised, including netcentric
operations (Boersma et al., 2012) aiming at delivering better targeted actionable
risk information to diverse agents across multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary and
multi-jurisdictional boundaries.

This Chapter 4 provides scientists, practitioners and policymakers the state-of-

the-art knowledge to improve their understanding on communicating disaster
risk. It combines insights from psychological, social and computer sciences
and presents best practices for those involved in risk communication practices.


4.1 Public perception

of risk
Teun Terpstra, Ann Enader, Jan Gutteling, Christian Kuhlicke

and Huijts, 2009; Frewer et al., 2003; the working of perceptual factors by
4.1.1 Haynes et al, 2008), perceived respon- presenting a number of topical cases.
Introduction sibility (e.g. Mulilis and Duval, 2003; To set the ground, the Chapter 4.1.2
Terpstra and Gutteling, 2008), fear presents different approaches in risk
As with any scientific domain, the and efficacy beliefs (e.g. Witte, 1994) communication. The presented cases
field of risk perception also embrac- and cognition and affect (Slovic et al., comprise capacity building (Chapter
es many subfields and topics. These 2007; Loewenstein et al, 2001). 4.1.3), evacuation (Chapter 4.1.4),
have been discussed in literature re- emergency alerts (Chapter 4.1.5), so-
views that have sometimes focused cial media (Chapter 4.1.6) and news
on particular hazards, such as seismic media (Chapter 4.1.7). Although
hazards (Lindell and Perry, 2000), some of these chapters focus on
flood hazards (Kellens et al., 2012),
Understanding how
certain risks in particular, it is not so
genetically modified foods (Pin and people perceive risks much the risk but rather the described
Gutteling, 2008) or multiple hazards is an important factor socio-psychological processes that are
(Wachinger et al., 2013; Shreve et al. contributing to successful relevant. We conclude with some gen-
2014). risk communication. eral remarks (Chapter 4.1.8).

Others have focused on theoretical

frameworks such as people’s pro-
tective action decisions (Mileti and Approaches in risk
Sorensen, 1990; Lindell and Perry, Understanding how people perceive communication
2004; 2012), their information seek- risks is one important factor contrib-
ing (Griffin et al., 2004; Ter Huurne, uting to successful risk communica- A long tradition in risk communica-
2008), how risk is culturally construed tion (e.g. Frewer, 2004; McComas, tion has relied on the idea that sim-
(e.g. Steg and Sievers, 2000; Engel 2006; Slovic, 2000). However, this ply informing and educating lay peo-
et al., 2014) and socially amplified chapter is not an attempt to review ple will increase their understanding
(Kasperson and Kasperson, 1996), or the risk perception literature. Instead and awareness of risk. This one-way
on specific psychological mechanisms we focus on different approaches in information flow from expert to lay
such as the role of trust (e.g. Midden risk communication and illustrate is often associated with the so-called

deficit model, as experts holding su- as in a more engaged, two-way man- model is based on the idea that re-
perior knowledge communicate to the ner (Treurniet et al., 2015). Based on sponsible organisations are transpar-
less informed. these two dimensions, four approach- ent about how they assess risks, what
For a number of years a broad shift es of risk communication can be dis- kind of outcomes risk assessments
has been taking place throughout tinguished (based on Demeritt and generate and how risks are managed.
Europe (and beyond), characterised Nobert, 2014; Wardman, 2008): risk For instance, by designing risk maps
by, on the one side, ‘a right to know’, message, risk dialogue, risk govern- in a way that renders them intuitive-
and on the other side by a stronger ment and instrumentalist risk. These ly understandable, the sender tries to
focus on ‘individual responsibility’ of approaches can be seen as archetypes encode the message in such a man-
citizens to be prepared for incidents suggesting different ways to achieve ner as to increase the likelihood that
and disasters. As a result, commu- one’s risk communication goals. In the receiver will be able to decode
nicative activities that place respon- practice, examples of risk communi- the message and draw his or her own
sibility for preparedness actions in cation often contain features of mul- conclusion on what to do or not to do
the hands of citizens are gaining rele- tiple approaches (for more details see (Meyer et al., 2012).
vance (Wachinger et al., 2013; Walker Kuhlicke et al., 2016).
et al., 2014; Begg et al., 2016). Many
are now following a rather instrumen- Risk dialogue approach
talist rationale intending to change Risk message approach
behaviour or attitudes; others are In the risk dialogue approach the dis-
rather concerned with norms and val- This type of risk communication is tinction between senders and recipi-
ues that underpin, for example, estab- a one-way flow of information con- ents or between certified risk experts
lished governance and decision-mak- cerned with ‘transmitting risk infor- and the at-risk lay public is a blur.
ing structures. At the same time, risk mation without distortion, bias or Exchange forms are based on the as-
communication can take place in a misunderstanding’ (Demeritt and sumption that both have a say in the
disengaged, one-way manner as well Nobert, 2014). Fundamentally, this decision-making process. The design
of participatory processes depends
on its purpose. A common typology
is to distinguish between a substantive
Different approaches in risk communication. and an instrumentalist rationale (Stir-
Source: Based on Wardman (2008) and Demerit and Nobert (2014) ling, 2006). The substantive rationale
usually aims at increasing the breadth
and depth of knowledge that con-
Normative =
underlying norms and values
tributes to a decision, as participation
allows for the inclusion of tacit or lo-
cal knowledge that can improve the
quality of risk assessments and risk
Risk message Risk dialogue maps, as well as of the management
approach approach process itself (see Meyer et al., 2012).
Disengaged / Substantively / In the instrumentalist rationale, there
engaged /
one-way is a stronger focus on building trust
between actors and on raising aware-
Risk government Instrumental risk
ness and motivation for taking actions
approach approach
to mitigate the impacts of hazards
(see Wachinger et al., 2013). The rele-
vance of dialogical forms of commu-
Instrumental = nication is also highlighted by many
Changing attitudes and behaviour national and European legalisations


(Höppner et al., 2010). ating awareness of their own choices ment in EU countries. Government
and decisions and the negative con- websites, dedicated hazard and risk
sequences these might have on their maps and brochures are common
lives. methods to inform the general pub-
Many communicative lic about risk and possible ways to
activities are nowadays increase their preparedness. These
intending to change Instrumentalist risk methods provide information about
behaviour; others are risks in a non-dialogic fashion and
approach can be seen as examples of the ‘risk
concerned with norms message approach’. Transmitting risk
and values. In addition, The instrumentalist risk approach
aims at actively changing people’s be- information without distortion, bias
risk communication haviour and pays close attention to or misunderstanding is a challenge,
can take place in a the ‘interactions between informa- however, both from a normative and
disengaged (one-way) tion, attitudes and behaviour’ (De- a practical perspective.
and in a more engaged meritt and Nobert, 2014). Due to the
(two-way) manner. increasing prominence of this model, From a normative perspective, ‘with-
many empirical studies focus on un- out distortion, bias or misunderstand-
derstanding the factors that motivate ing’ does not mean that the content
individuals to take responsibility and and tone of the risk communication
action in order to increase their pre- is ‘value free’. Senders of risk mes- paredness (Shreve et al., 2014). This sages, either risk experts or policy-
Risk government type of communication may take makers, have their own perceptions
approach many different forms. Quite com- of the problem and interests. These
mon are the use of printed booklets are informed by societal norms, po-
Communication within the risk gov- or brochures that encourage residents litical agendas and personal opinions
ernment approach aims at changing at risk to increase their preparedness. — which are hardly ever universally
attitudes and behaviours, but it does The EU project Tactic has collected shared in society. In addition, provid-
so in a less instrumentalist and ex- a multitude of such examples, which ing information that is to be under-
plicitly persuasive manner compared can be accessed through the online stood by many people with different
to the instrumentalist risk approach. platform (TACTIC project, 2017). backgrounds often requires focusing
While the latter is opaque about its in- Also more formalised ways of trying on the most ‘important’ (i.e. certain)
tention, the government model relies to change people’s habits are increas- aspects and simplification of infor-
on ‘… logics of individual choice and ingly established. For instance, in the mation. This results in deliberate and
self-discipline, rather than explaining German state of Saxony citizens are chance choices in content (wording
new norms of conduct as being im- required by law to take precautionary and images) and tone, which in turn
posed from above through coercion’ actions to increase their preparedness influences people’s perceptions and
(Demeritt and Nobert, 2014). (Ueberham et al., 2016). attitudes in different gradations (also
In many European countries insur- see Chapter 4.1.5).
ance companies, for instance, offer
more affordable insurance premiums
4.1.3 From a practical perspective, ‘trans-
if clients voluntarily participate in Capacity building mitting risk information’ is hardly
regular preventive medical check-ups through one-way risk ever an objective on its own. A com-
and, by doing so, aim at activating in- mon complementary objective of
dividuals’ personal risk awareness and
communication providing information is to enhance
inviting them to consider the nega- The EU Seveso and Floods Directives risk awareness and to provide infor-
tive consequences of smoking or of have made public risk communication mation about individual preparedness
excessive lifestyle choices; thus cre- an obligatory task of risk manage- actions. This reflects a cross-over be-

tween risk message and risk govern- to control their feelings instead of ness of the material provided had
ment approaches. The goal is usually taking action (e.g. denial), as one may the strongest effects on flood prepar-
to convey a message drafted by a re- feel unable to perform required ac- edness intentions. A perceived need
sponsible organisation to those who tions (low self-efficacy), have little for information had greater effects
are ‘supposed to need’ this message in faith in the protective action itself or on preparedness intentions than risk
order to be better prepared for disas- action is hampered due to practical awareness itself, underlining that the
ters. response barriers (e.g. having other motivation to do something increased
priorities). through the information campaign.
While such measures have a relative- However, since the overall effect of
ly low cost (Lundgren and McMakin, Evaluations of a campaign about the information campaign was rath-
2013) and are in many cases essential communicating flood risk, organised er low, the authors argued that a sin-
for getting a certain message across by the city of Zurich, showed that gle-event campaign is unlikely to have
(e.g. warning), non-dialogic risk com- one-way risk communication can im- profoundly positive effects on prepar-
munication on its own seems limited prove flood preparedness to some edness behaviour and therefore needs
in its impact on most people’s atti- extent; i.e. home owners’ flood aware- to be embedded in a long-term risk
tudes, active engagement and prepar- ness and their intentions to imple- communication campaign.
edness behaviour (Moser, 2010). The ment protective actions did increase Empirical studies also indicate that
reason is that changes in attitudes (Maidl and Buchecker, 2015). it is not so much the information it-
and behaviour are the end result of a self that is of relevance but rather
complex social-psychological process, the wider context within which such
and the route to this end result dif- information is communicated. En-
fers greatly between people and com- There is no such thing gel et al. (2014), for instance, focus
munities. Risk communication from on the role of disaster subculture as
authorities will not lead to protective
as ‘one size fits all’ in a way to explain how two neighbour-
action decision-making unless people risk communication. ing communities have developed dif-
receive, heed and comprehend the Resilient behaviour is ferent strategies and practices to deal
socially transmitted risk information more likely when there is with flood events. These subcultures
(Lindell and Perry, 2004). For peo- a mix of communicative featured differences in beliefs, knowl-
ple to act upon a risk message they approaches and other edge, symbols and preparedness and
must perceive its relevance as well as types of measures in response patterns. Their findings
a sense of urgency. What is relevant suggest risk communication would
or urgent for one person may not be
place. Risk communication require different approaches in both
so for others. For instance, changing is based on a thorough communities.
the battery of a smoke detector may understanding of
be linked to a personality trait (e.g. risk perceptions and Therefore, what is feasible and effec-
high risk aversion or a prevention capacities that are shaped tive in one context may be difficult
orientation; e.g. De Boer et al., 2014), through the historical and or ineffective somewhere else. There
previous experience with fire risk, is no such thing as ‘one size fits all’
willingness to adhere to a perceived
local context. in risk communication. Resilient be-
social norm (e.g. “I should have a haviour is more likely when there is
working smoke detector”) or because a mix of communicative approaches
of practical circumstances (e.g. being The majority of respondents felt bet- and other types of measures in place
a smoker). However, even with these ter informed after the information based on a thorough understanding
factors present, one may fail to take campaign (only 17 % reported that of risk perceptions and capacities that
action. For instance, dealing with risk the campaign did not increase their are shaped through the historical and
may arouse negative affect in people, knowledge) and regression analyses local context. Finding the right mix of
which may in turn result in attempts revealed that the perceived useful- measures is therefore a challenge.


flected two different communication to their efficacy beliefs, feelings and

4.1.4 frames that emerged from previously support for two evacuation options
Developing held focus groups. ‘Framing’ in com- (staying at home, going to a public
flood evacuation munication refers to the systematic shelter) and their current evacua-
strategies through use of words and symbols reflecting
underlying norms and values. For a
tion intentions. More questions were
asked, but for our purposes we will
dialogue risk dialogue it is important that peo- discuss this subset. On a 1-10 scale,
ple are able to relate to the norms and both strategies received higher rates
In an attempt to hit the right note in values and support the frame that is in the Together-frame―i.e. staying
risk communication, this paragraph used. Framing can also be regarded as at home (Self-frame: 6.2 vs. Togeth-
presents a case study that tested ef- a form of nudging. Nudging refers to er-frame: 6.3) and going to a public
fects of different risk communication ‘…any aspect of the choice architec- shelter (Self-frame: 5.2 vs. Togeth-
storylines on citizens’ flood evacua- ture that alters people’s behaviour in er-frame: 6.0). Remarkable, however,
tion intentions in the city of Dordre- a predictable way without forbidding is the fact that both strategies were
cht (Terpstra and Vreugdenhil, 2015). any option or significantly changing rejected by a substantial number of
Dordrecht is located on an island in their economic incentives.’ (Thaler, respondents: about 27-28 % rejected
the Dutch river delta. A potential- Sunstein, 2009). A more pessimis- staying at home while 36-52 % reject-
ly dangerous situation occurs when tic ‘Self-frame’ emphasised that in ed going to a shelter (upper limit %
high river discharges result in high case of a flood, people are on their reflects rejection in the Self-frame).
water levels that are suddenly further own for a few days and food, water To further explain these results, the
increased by a storm surge pushing and utilities are unavailable and they authors evaluated respondents’ effi-
sea water into the river delta. Evac- eventually have to evacuate from the cacy beliefs and fear-related feelings.
uation models indicate that in such flooded area on their own. Efficacy beliefs reflect the extent to
a case only between 10-20 % of the which a person believes a protective
population will be able to leave the action is effective in the protection of
city before the levees break. When people and/or property (e.g. Lindell
they do, water depths may vary be- Cognitive (beliefs) and and Perry, 2004, 2012). Fear-related
tween 2-5 metres and the best chance feelings such as dread is a negative af-
of survival is to seek shelter in homes
affective (feelings) factors fective state. Affective states influence
on a higher floor or in a high building are important predictors people’s judgements (Loewenstein et
in the neighbourhood. To reduce the of attitudes. These al., 2001; Slovic et al., 2007) and can
potential number of casualties, the are influenced by the be unlocked by framing information
authorities aim to develop and com- way risk information is (Terpstra et al., 2014). For instance,
municate a strategy based on shelter- framed in communication Finucane et al. (2000) performed
ing at home or in a public building. messages. framing experiments to influence per-
ceived risks and benefits of nuclear
In 2015 the municipality started a power, natural gas and food preserv-
risk dialogue by involving citizens atives. Their experiments showed that
in focus groups to understand their The more optimistic ‘Together-frame’ when information portrayed the ben-
flood perceptions, their evacuation emphasised the community perspec- efits as high (or risks as low), the sub-
attitudes and their concerns and sug- tive meaning that people are in it to- sequent experience of positive affect
gestions. To gain further insight into gether and will try to help each other, caused subjects to perceive risks of
the level of support for ‘staying at and authorities will assist in evacua- nuclear technology as low (or benefits
home’ or ‘going to a public shelter’, a tion where needed and arrange basic as high). Conversely, when risks were
questionnaire survey was performed. stocks of food, water and utilities in framed as high (or benefits as low),
The questions asked were embedded shelters. All respondents (about 625 the subsequent experience of nega-
in two different storylines, which re- citizens) answered questions related tive affect caused subjects to perceive

benefits of nuclear technology as low home was regarded as likely by about threat.
(or risks as high). 88 % of the respondents, while going
to a nearby shelter or going to family, Overall, the meagre level of support
In line with experiments of Finucane friends or neighbours was regarded as for staying at home or going to a pub-
et al., additional analyses of the Dutch likely by a substantially smaller num- lic shelter suggests that these strategies
flood risk data showed that respond- ber of people (25 % and 28 %, re- can be further detailed. A clear action
ents held more favourable attitudes in spectively). So even though attitudes plan on how citizens are supported
the more optimistic Together-frame towards staying at home and going to prior to a flood (e.g. food and water
since this frame resulted in lower neg- a public shelter are similar (at least in supply and setup and arrangements in
ative affect/fear and higher efficacy the Together-frame), the majority pre- shelters) and afterwards (e.g. a rescue
beliefs. Specifically, staying at home ferred to stay at home. Finally, the fact plan) is an important starting point.
received a (marginally) higher score in that 19 % of the respondents con- Based on a further risk dialogue with
the Together-frame because it evoked sidered leaving the city, even though citizens, experts in flood risk manage-
slightly lower levels of negative af- the authorities urge them not to, is ment, utilities, medical and rescue ser-
fect/fear. Going to a public shelter remarkable. These people may unnec- vices, it seems that such a plan can be
received a higher score in the Togeth- essarily risk their lives. Their intention developed. In addition, developing a
er-frame because this frame evoked to flee the city is correlated with their positive yet realistic storyline for risk
lower levels of negative affect/fear attitude towards staying at home or communication based on the capac-
and higher trust in the efficacy (‘being going to a public building. That is, re- ities available in the local communi-
safe’) of a public shelter. spondents who hold less favourable ties (e.g. neighbourhoods) can help to
attitudes towards staying at home or gain further support among citizens
Respondents’ intentions also revealed going to a shelter are more likely to and reduce chances that people risk
an interesting pattern. Staying at flee the city in case of an urgent flood their lives by fleeing the city while the


Perceived fear, efficacy, support and intentions regarding flood evacuation.

Source: Terpstra and Vreugdenhil (2015).


levees are about to break. and (5) warnings must contain infor- When the threat is seen as personal-
mation that is important to the pub- ly relevant, and the coping apprais-
4.1.5 lic (Committee on Public Response, al is positive then one will decide to
2013). This chapter describes a recent execute the recommended adaptive
Facilitating public Dutch study on the public’s reactions, behaviour. However, when the threat
response through which is partly based on these general is seen as relevant but coping is seen
wireless emergency insights. as impossible, some psychological re-
framing of the situation (e.g. psycho-
alerts In the study people were questioned logical denial or defensive behavioural
some time after the implementation avoidance) is a likely reaction. In re-
In the case of an imminent threat, of the WEA system in real local cent years, studies have shown that in
authorities require communication emergency situations in three Dutch emergency situations the individual
channels that deliver warnings ac- cities. In the first two cases the emer- is an information seeker but also an
curately and quickly to a potentially gencies were large fires in non-resi- information source for others. Exist-
large number of people. A relative- dential industrial areas with a release ing research suggests that perceived
ly new development is the so-called of potentially hazardous smoke and information sufficiency ― that is, to
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). soot particles to nearby residential ar- which level one is satisfied with one’s
Several countries have started send- eas. The third situation was a large fire information position ― predicts addi-
ing out WEA to mobile phones and in a historic city centre, causing one tional information seeking and infor-
other devices aiming to alert people at casualty. Randomly selected mobile mation sharing. Also, the perceived
risk and help them to react adequate- and land-line phone numbers of peo- quality of the warning message is an
ly (Gutteling et al., 2014). As one-way ple living in the broadcast area were important indicator of its effective-
communication tools, WEA are an ex- dialled by trained agency interviewers, ness (Renn and Levine, 1991; Earle,
ample of the risk government model. asking whether they had received the 2010).
Many of these systems are based on WEA. In the Netherlands the WEA
the mobile phone broadcast technol- system is known as NL-Alert. If they
ogy. There is no need to have Wi-Fi or had, some additional questions were
internet or to subscribe to the service. asked (e.g. their self-reported be- Wireless emergency alerts
However, technological development haviour) and people were invited to
and its implementation has outpaced complete an additional online ques-
(WEA) are a relatively
studies on the effectiveness and lim- tionnaire measuring psychological new method to deliver
itations (Bean et al., 2015). To date, and behavioural determinants derived warnings to a potentially
only a few studies have evaluated mo- from conceptual models on risk com- large number of people.
bile device-delivered warning messag- munication (Witte and Allen, 2000;
es (Sutton et al., 2014; Terpstra et al, Floyd et al., 2000; Lindell and Perry,
2012). 2012). Looking in more detail at the public’s
A United States report lists several reactions to receiving the WEA, some
general insights necessary to facilitate These models suggest that receivers findings are noteworthy. An example
adequate public reactions to WEA, of warning messages first assess the of the WEA is this message that was
among which: (1) effects should be threat level, creating some level of sent to inhabitants:
studied after real events, not in hypo- personal urgency, and subsequently
thetical situations; (2) people need to assess their ability to personally cope NL-Alert 20-01-2013 14.50 Setheweg
be trained to properly understand the with the emergency situation. Coping Meppel. Major fire. Keep clear of the smoke!
warning system; (3) the alert needs to appraisal is related to one’s belief to
attract attention; (4) people seek so- be able to perform the recommend- Close windows and doors. Turn off ventila-
cial confirmation of a warning mes- ed behaviour and one’s belief in the tion. New message follows.
sage before taking protective action; adequacy of the provided advice.

The structure of all Dutch WEAs is perceived fear and perceived threat caused stronger fear control respons-
similar: sender (NL-Alert date and were not high, although they were es, resulting in more avoidance re-
time), threat (major fire), location somewhat higher in the Leeuwarden actions and less adaptive behaviour.
(Setheweg Meppel) and advice (Keep case. This seems reasonable since the Even though the sample was small
clear of the smoke! Close windows and Meppel and Oisterwijk fires occurred and these incidents had relatively lit-
doors. Turn off ventilation. New message at some distance from residential are- tle personal impact, correlations did
follows). The respondents’ reactions as, while the fire in Leeuwarden took provide some support for these expla-
were measured on five-point scales place in the historic city centre. In ad- nations. Adaptive behaviour was pre-
(see Table 4.1). dition, compared to the Meppel and dicted by higher perceived fear, seek-
Oisterwijk cases, respondents from ing social confirmation and perceived
Overall, the scores indicate that the Leeuwarden were somewhat less sat- warning quality. Stronger avoidance
emergencies had relatively little per- isfied with the information received was predicted by higher levels of per-
sonal impact for most participants. and reported more avoidance (i.e. to ceived risk, fear and higher perceived
However, even in these relatively continue with what one was doing) expectations from one’s social envi-
low impact situations, there are some and less adaptive behaviour (i.e. to ronment. Overall, the study presents a
noteworthy findings. On average, re- comply with the advice and seek and favourable impression of the public’s
spondents valued their coping abilities share information). Two alternative evaluation of the WEA system; how-
as relatively high and clearly indicated explanations come to mind. First, ever, more research is needed with
that the included message compo- emergency services in Leeuwarden other types of emergency situations
nents (sender, threat, location and failed to describe the location of the to fully understand the psychological,
advice) were regarded as clear, com- fire, which may have caused lower behavioural and communicative reac-
plete and reliable (message quality). levels of satisfaction with the infor- tions of receivers.
In addition, respondents did not per- mation provided, and they did not
ceive high expectations to be knowl- mention any personal threat, which
edgeable and responsible with regard resulted in higher disinterest in the
to their behaviour in these situations situation. Second, higher levels of
(social norms). In absolute terms, perceived threat and fear may have


Mean (standard deviation) for the measured determinants after three WEA cases.
Source: Gutteling et al. (2014)

Case 1 (Meppel) Case 2 (Oisterwijk) Case 3 (Leeuwarden)

N= 175 181 287
Self-reported Behaviour
Adaptive a) 1.71 (0.26) 1.69 (0.29) 1.55 (0.29)
Avoidance b) 1.17 (0.38) 1.12 (0.33) 1.46 (0.50)
Perceived social norms c) 2.37 (1.10) 2.30 (1.03) 2.13 (0.99)
Efficacy beliefs c) 3.93 (0.93) 3.90 (1.06) 3.97 (1.04)
Perceived threat c) 2.41 (0.82) 2.59 (0.86) 2.90 (0.82)
Perceived fear c) 1.72 (0.62) 1.69 (0.57) 2.32 (0.69)
Perceived message quality c) 4.31 (0.77) 4.37 (0.75) 4.32 (0.81) e)
Perceived information sufficiency d) 3.59 (1.11) 3.63 (1.11) 2.98 (0.82)


lic Response to Alerts and Warnings River dam break) indicated that the
4.1.6 using Social Media, 2013; and many amount of information shared by cit-
Effects of others). This chapter aims to describe izens — even those not in the direct
interaction on studies on the effectiveness of social vicinity of the emergency location —
social media in media in emergencies. The use of so-
cial media with the objective to influ-
is considerably greater than the ‘offi-
cial’ information from governmental
emergencies ence people’s behaviour is therefore organisations and the company (Sut-
an example of the instrumentalist risk ton, 2010).
Social media (Twitter, Facebook, approach.
blogs, etc.) have been under the at-
tention of risk and disaster managers As with WEA, there are few empiri-
longer than WEA. Social media and cal studies indicating at a general level
WEA provide similar possibilities Social media are
what the impact of social media disas-
to inform the public of imminent ter information is or how social media
intensively used in
emergencies. However, social media can be designed to be effective dis- times of crises to share
also allow for feedback in the form aster-warning tools. The number of information and support
of user-generated content (opinions, studies that have analysed social me- or oppose opinions. A
observations, etc.) or geospatial infor- dia messages after real incidents and recent study indicates
mation (Palen et al., 2009; Terpstra et disasters is steadily growing. A Unit-
al., 2012; Feldman et al., 2016; Hou-
that when official
ed States study analysing the use of information is regarded as
ston et al., 2014; Committee on Pub- Twitter after a disaster (the Tennessee
effective, peer feedback is
less influential.

Interaction effect between efficacy beliefs and peer feedback on the

intention to engage in self-protective behaviour.
Source: Verroen et al. (2013) Twitter users also tended to be critical
toward the official information and
Supporting peer feedback corrected wrong information. Star-
Intention to engage in self-protective behaviour

Opposing peer feedback bird and Palen (2010) studied Twitter

messages after the Red River flood of
4.7 1997 and the the Oklahoma wildfires
and found that Twitter messages from
those directly involved in the situation
are retweeted relatively often. Infor-
mation provided by local news media
are also retweeted relatively often. A
Dutch study analysed Twitter messag-
4.5 es just before, during and immediately
after a huge storm which hit a large
public open air music event (Terpstra
4.4 et al, 2012). In the Twitter messages,
weather predictions were found as
well as rumours and messages that
4.3 were focusing on providing help after
High Low the emergency. When the scale of the
Efficacy Information emergency became evident, one per-

son took the initiative to organise the existing railroad track used by these behaviour of people and organisa-
inhabitants of a nearby town to pro- high-risk trains. Results showed a tions in relation to risks, incidents and
vide help (places to spend the night, significant interaction effect between crises. People may be influenced not
food and drink, showers, clothing, efficacy information in a news article only by how information about the
Wi-Fi, etc.). The data suggested that and peer feedback from Twitter mes- actual risks is framed, but also by how
some of the Good Samaritans were sages on both the intention to engage different frames concerning reactions
Twitter novices. in self-protective behaviour (see Fig- and behaviours to risks and dangers
ure 4.2) and the levels of involvement. are put forward in media articles and
An important downside of analysing reports after critical events. The role
communication after real events is the Participants who received the news of media in contributing to errone-
difficulty in analysing cause–effect re- article with more efficacy information ous beliefs and myths about human
lations of communication messages. were similarly influenced by support- behaviour in stressful situations has
This requires communication exper- ing or opposing peer feedback via been discussed for some decades in
iments in a controlled setting where Twitter messages. the social science literature, culminat-
researchers can manipulate perceptual ing in a number of critical analyses of
factors by providing different infor- However, among those who received the reporting of reactions to Hurri-
mation to separate groups and com- a low efficacious news article, the ef- cane Katrina in 2005 (Tierney et al,
pare their responses. Although such fect of peer feedback on these two 2006). More recent work has further
studies are quite common in commu- variables was significantly stronger. demonstrated how subtle and implic-
nication research, applications to so- Supporting peer feedback (that is peer it framing can define the portrayal of
cial media are scarce. feedback that supported the advice in human reactions, potentially influenc-
the news article) resulted in a signif- ing the expectations and evaluations
Verroen et al. (2013) focused on a icantly higher intention to take pro- of both the public in general and risk
typical characteristic of social media tective measures (and involvement) and crisis professionals in particular.
communication: people’s positive and than opposing peer feedback (that is In an analysis of media reporting
negative feedback on an earlier dis- feedback that questioned the advice from six different crisis events affect-
tributed message. The message con- in the news article). Apparently, when ing Swedish society, including natu-
tained emergency information in the in doubt about how to act to mitigate ral disasters, antagonistic threats and
context of a high-impact risk, namely risk, the tone of peer feedback on so- diffuse threats, Nilsson et al. (2016)
the derailment of a freight train carry- cial media is important for one’s deci- identified three dynamic interrelated
ing a highly flammable and toxic sub- sion making. processes simultaneously at work in
stance. These authors were interested framing public reactions.
in the interplay of the perceived effi- 4.1.7
cacy of the emergency information The first process, that of identifi-
and peer feedback, such as responses Role of news media cation, concerned individuals and
on social network sites (e.g. Twitter) in defining human groups that were referred to as affect-
and the effect of this interplay on the responses to crises ed, and in what context. For example,
intention to engage in self-protective in the natural disaster events, some
behaviour. In this final case we discuss the role groups were described as vulnera-
The study pitted high- and low-effi- of the news media. This case is not ble and affected by serious losses in
cacy information messages against an example of one of the four risk terms of economic value of forestry,
supporting (positive) and opposing communication approaches in par- while others with less tangible losses
(negative) peer feedback (N =242). ticular. Rather that news media can were barely mentioned. The second
Although the study used a hypothet- be regarded as a (highly) influencing process refers to characterisation of
ical emergency situation, the partici- factor in each of these approaches, as how different individuals and groups
pants were selected based on the fact they reflect on the norms, values and reacted and coped with the situation.
that they lived in an area close to an In this process certain characteristics


tended to be attributed collectively ings demonstrate a need to examine communication messages based on
to groups among the public, creating critically frames which may distort a communication experiments and
ingroups and outgroups. This pat- realistic view of public needs and re- tests is indispensable for delivering
tern was particularly evident in the actions when faced with risks, thus effective communication. In addition,
case of antagonistic events (one case leading to ineffective communication there are many best practices available
concerned street shootings in a ma- and support. that have been identified by EU pro-
jor city), separating the fear reactions jects, such as Tactic and CapHazNet,
of law-abiding citizens from those 4.1.8 that may offer inspiration.
of victimised groups with suggested
criminal links. Conclusions and Innovation
key messages In some cases a more fundamental
approach may be needed to set up
In this chapter we presented different and monitor communication effects
News media reports play approaches to risk communication and improve communication practice.
and acceptance of risk communica- This is especially important where it
a very important role in tion and addressed a number of so-
effective communication concerns innovative methods such as
cio-psychological concepts that have the use of new communication tools
and support public needs been shown to influence people’s (e.g. WEA), complex topics (e.g. flood
in stressful situations. perceptions, attitudes and behaviour evacuation strategies), activities that
in the face of a wide variety of risks. cause great societal unrest (e.g. CO2
Based on the pillars of the Disaster storage) or where norms and values
Risk Management Knowledge Centre, are at stake (e.g. stigmatisation in me-
Finally, evaluation processes that we conclude with the following three dia reports). In such cases, profound
provided signals could be identified, key messages. insight from communication research
sometimes quite subtle, as to which can be useful to support further deci-
reactions and behaviours could be Partnership sion-making.
considered as expected, accepted or For a number of years now, a broad
stigmatised. For example, the choice shift has been taking place throughout
of certain words or references could Europe (and beyond), characterised
suggest that individuals are either re- on one side by ‘a right to know’ and
acting logically, are not reacting suffi- on the other side by a stronger focus
ciently responsibly or are overreacting. on ‘individual responsibility’ of citi-
Such suggestions indirectly communi- zens to be prepared for incidents and
cate expectations and evaluations of disasters. Risk communication that is
correct or incorrect behaviour. Thus, based on one-way media campaigns
for example in the case of the influen- alone, telling people how to prepare,
za A (H1N1) pandemic and the issue is hardly effective. In terms of part-
of vaccination, quite subtle semantics nerships, engaging in a dialogue with
could reflect evaluations of who re- local communities to understand the
acted sensibly (and got vaccinated) historical and local contexts is an im-
and who did not. Interestingly, these portant basis for future risk commu-
evaluations were somewhat reversed nication that focuses on stimulating
when cases of narcolepsy were linked resilient behaviour.
to the vaccination campaign, lead-
ing to a new and somewhat different
media debate (Scott and Enander,
Sound knowledge of the effects of
2016). Taken together, these find-

4.2 Decision making with
Tina Comes, Anouck Adrot, Caroline Rizza

has become ‘main stream’ in the re- edented, drastically reducing the
4.2.1 sponse to Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 time available for strategic policy
Technology (Butler, 2013). Technology-driven decisions (Noveck, 2015).
innovation: promise data sources such as GPSs, radio fre- • Because of the ever-more complex
and reality for quency-based identification tracking,
remote sensing, satellite imagery or
socio-technical interdependencies,
the implications of decisions can-
decision-makers drones enable real-time monitoring not be clearly assessed any more
(Comes and Van de Walle, 2016). Bi- (Comes et al., 2011).
For more than a decade now, infor- ometric identification technologies
mation has been recognised as a form are increasingly used as tools for refu- Besides a lack of information, un-
of aid (IFRC, 2005). Uncertainty has gee management (Jacobsen, 2015) and certainty can also stem from a lack
been largely related to the lack of relief provision shifts towards virtual of understanding of the actual infor-
predictability of some major events distributions through digital payment mation (as opposed to rumours) and
or stakes, or a lack of data (Argote, systems or ‘mobile money’ (Sandvik the impact of a decision on complex
1982). To overcome this uncertainty, et al., 2014). However, the more de- systems; as a result, decision-makers
the traditional decision support para- cision-making depends on (big) data are not even aware of what is un-
digms suggest collecting more infor- the more challenging it becomes to certain (Taleb, 2007). From this per-
mation. Therefore, decision-makers manage and analyse. spective, some authors have strongly
have focused on gathering and analys- • In a fragmented and ‘post-factual’ advocated a renewed perspective of
ing more and more data about poten- society, information coming from decision-making strategies (Makrida-
tially disaster-affected areas (Comfort, heterogeneous sources and actors kis and Taleb, 2009). The need for
2007; Wybo and Lonka, 2003). is likely to be contradictory — new participatory approaches to mak-
In parallel, progress in engineering and recent elections, from Brex- ing decisions in the Big data era has
continues to promise connectivity, it to the United States in 2016, been equally recognised by the Euro-
broader bandwidth and unknown highlight that (mis-)information pean Commission under the Citizen
computational power to all (Gao et becomes a commodity which is Science theme (EC, 2013) as well as
al., 2011; Meier, 2014). The use of a source of influence and power. central humanitarian actors such as
social media that first gained prom- • Volatility — the pace of change in the International Federation of Red
inence in the 2010 Haiti earthquake data and public opinion is unprec- Cross and Red Crescent Societies


with its 2013 World Disasters Report, and sharing uncertain information by to the highest expected value, also
which explicitly focused on technol- using technology; such dilemmas are means that the recommendations lead
ogy and the future of humanitarian reviewed in Chapter 4.2.4. We con- to the best outcome over a series of
action (IFRC, 2013), and a series of clude with a taxonomy of decision (repeated, similar) events.
reports by the United Nations Office approaches and processes to manage
for the Coordination of Humanitar- uncertainty in Chapter 4.2.5 as well as
ian Affairs, Humanitarianism in the a discussion and recommendations
Network Age (OCHA ,2012), and the for science and policymaking. Disater risk management
implications of Big data (Whipkey
and Verity, 2015).
deals with highly
4.2.2 uncertain situations.
Uncertainty Such uncertainties can
undermining be best captured with
Technology has probabilistic approaches.
the paradigm Decision-making under
enabled new forms of rational choice
of data collection and uncertainty requires the
participation. It has The standard paradigm of deci-
understanding of the
introduced a new layer of sion-making under uncertainty sug- underlying uncertainties
complexity in decision- gests that uncertainties are due to in- and assumptions within
and policymaking. herent randomness in an event, such the probabilistic models
Technologies are enabling as throwing a coin. Such uncertainties or the data.
can be best captured by probabili-
but never the end- ties. To this end, scientists or citizens
solution. collect and evaluate data, which are
translated into a model. For instance,
the chances of a flood, storm or In addition, the variety of the data
earthquake affecting a community is collected and analysed today ranges
The uncertainties related to this new typically given by the frequency of from sensor measurements to social
decision space will be unpacked in this the occurrence of such events over a media information or radio conver-
subchapter. Since decision-making certain period, for example a 100-year sations (Comes, 2011). Each of these
under uncertainty is important in cri- flood. Data to predict such a flood in- types of data is fraught with different
sis and disaster risk management, this clude rainfall or changes in tempera- types of uncertainty or error: while
chapter covers both domains, making ture upstream. Standard decision sup- sensors can malfunction or fail, hu-
distinctions whenever necessary. port tools assume that a crisis evolves man judgement is typically ambigu-
We first discuss in Chapter 4.2.2 from a chaotic beginning into a steady ous, subjective and highly contextual-
the standard paradigms of ration- state that follows patterns which can ised (Palen et al., 2010). As such, new
al choice, emphasising new types of be identified. Therefore it is sufficient approaches that help policymakers
uncertainty that decision-makers are to collect comparable data to retrieve consolidate the different types of un-
confronted with; this view entails that the patterns. certainty inherent to the heterogene-
power relations are an important driv- ous data need to be developed.
er of uncertainty. We discuss power as However, this implies that data are
a hidden dimension, introducing be- comparable and standardised and In addition, the potential impact of a
havioural uncertainty in Chapter 4.2.3. were collected following a series of flood, for instance in terms of dam-
Power relations can also introduce le- specific methods. Applying expected age to infrastructure, is much harder
gal and ethical dilemmas, particularly utility theory (French et al., 2009), i.e. to predict than the event itself. Behav-
when it is about collecting, analysing recommending the decision that leads ioural issues need to be considered;

for example where will people turn nities through joint planning and ements, has led to increasing cen-
for help and how will they support crowdsourcing (Edwards, 2009; tralised coordination and remote
each other? The use of smart phones Norris et al., 2008). An example is management, particularly when ac-
in the refugee crisis, allowing refugees a citizen science approach to flood cess is difficult (McDonald, 2016;
to navigate their way across Europe- protection, where communities Comes and Van de Walle, 2015).
an borders, for instance, has caught themselves were involved in re- Uncertainty stems from the fact
many organisations and governments search from scratch and were thus that decisions are made removed
by surprise (Comes and Van der better informed in decision-mak- from the context. A mapper in Oslo
Walle, 2015). ing (Wehn et al., 2015). Uncertainty or Brussels may not know what is
here is related to the fragmentation most important to fight fires in
Despite these complexities, under of voices, the subjectivity of data Greece or Portugal. Decisions and
the time pressure of (looming) dis- and the volatility of public opin- policies designed in capitals are
asters and crises, often simple and ions. often political in nature. They are
straightforward recommendations are related to power structures, nego-
sought for their ease of communica- • Increasing automation and dom- tiations and standards that neglect
tion (Renn, 2008). Since disasters are inance of technology-driven ap- the specifics of local context. New
low-probability events, however, such proaches refer to the integration of movements such as the Global Par-
models can be misleading, particularly information into decision practic- liament of Mayors (n.d.) argue that
if there is ‘blind trust’ in a prediction es through pervasive information because of such uncertainties, even
or model (French and Niculae, 2005) technology (IT). Using satellite strategic and policy decisions must
— and no room to reflect upon the imagery, drones and artificial intel- be made at city (or local) level.
underlying uncertainties and assump- ligence for damage assessment af-
tions within the model or the data. ter an earthquake or a forest fire is
just one of many examples. While
data-driven approaches sometimes Expertise is not limited
4.2.3 suggest the increase in objectivity,
to policy-makers and
Decision-making they are often far from complete
scientists any more.
contexts and and digital shades persist. For in-
stance, social media analyses that Decision-making under
new sources of rely exclusively on Twitter neglect uncertainty needs to
uncertainty the fact that Twitter users are hard- respect new contexts,
ly a representative sample of the environments and shifted
Three major contexts for deci- population. At the same time, com- power structures.
sion-making in disaster risk reduction mercial proprietary algorithms and
have emerged with the push for in- software (such as those used by big
creasing digitalization. Creating infor- search machines like Google and
mation does not require specific edu- Facebook) are certainly not neutral,
cation and background any more. By and uncertainty persists about how To deal with these emerging deci-
relying on open software tools anyone data are analysed. sion-making contexts, policymakers,
can create a map, dashboard or analy- responders and scientists are expected
sis, opening opportunities for partici- • Virtual collaborations in networks to abide by given professional stand-
pation and engagement. of experts and volunteers include, ards and norms such as emergency
for instance, ‘crisis mappers’ that plans, risk management and resilience
• Participatory and communi- help local communities map out frameworks and good academic prac-
ty-based approaches emphasise assets such as hospitals or schools. tice. Maybe most prominent are the
novel possibilities of engagement The use of local implementing humanitarian principles, which in-
and can empower local commu- partners, combined with virtual el- clude humanity, impartiality, neutrali-


ty and independence (OCHA, 2010). way for interpretation and ‘spinning’ as the extent to which an entity can
However, through readily available of any information into a favourable guide or frame another entity’s ac-
software, new grassroots initiatives direction, introducing motivational tions. Entities can be individuals,
and volunteers that do not subscribe biases (Montibeller and von Winter- groups, organisations (companies,
to any standard or code of conduct feldt, 2015). One important aspect of non-profit organisations, communi-
can produce the same types of in- such decisions are power relations be- ties, governments, etc.) and groups
formation products, maps or analy- tween actors and organisations. of organisations (consortia, alliances,
sis — without quality assurance. For partnerships, networks, etc.). Power is
instance, the easy use of Ushahidi or thus key to understanding how collec-
Google Maps contributes to the coex- 4.2.4 tive action emerges and evolves (Prus,
istence of similar maps with conflict- Decision-making 1999).
ing information, which can aggravate
uncertainty. Moreover, algorithms
with uncertainty Power fuels on ‘an intent or capaci-
that structure data collection and as a power relation ty on the part of one person or one
analysis underlying these products group to influence, control, domi-
are often proprietary and not trans- Uncertainty, information and power nate, persuade, manipulate or other-
parent. Having lost the exclusivity to are intricately related concepts. As wise affect the behaviour, experience
create information, scientists should outlined in the previous chapter, deci- or situations of some target’ (Prus,
therefore ensure that their approach sion-makers and scientists need to re- 1995, cited by Hall, 1997). Informa-
to data collection and modelling is vise standards and practices that have tion and knowledge are essential to
transparent and matches the purpose emerged with increased information power: to influence, control, domi-
of the specific situation and context. access. Likewise, decision-makers nate, persuade and manipulate others,
need to fully consider power dynam- one needs to know more (Crozier and
At the same time, uncertainty relat- ics in their approach to uncertainty Friedberg, 1977). Thus, one can strive
ed to professional products that are and adapt their practices. to maintain asymmetrical levels of in-
designed to support decisions leave In practice, power can be defined formation access and uncertainty to


Power, information access, decision-making with uncertainty

Source: courtesy of authors

Reduced Improved
uncertainty decision - making

Increase access to

Power Influence
shifts decision - making

gain power over the others. Recipro- to a vicious circle: priorities shifted and co-authors (cited by Hall 1997)
cally, power shifts affect the level of to the import of western governance highlight how power influences com-
uncertainty that concern the various standards, which impeded the coun- munication: when an incident strikes,
actors involved in disaster risk. try’s response to the 2010 outbreak of access to information within a group
cholera (Biquet, 2013). of individuals depends on the under-
lying power relations. The most pow-
While thus being an important driv- erful actors can radically restrict the
Power is a driver of er of uncertainty in decisions (Hart, number of actors involved in making
1993), power is often mixed up with the decision (Smart and Vertinsky,
information creation and the surrounding notions (Comfort, 1977). The humanitarian example of
sharing, which biases 2007). This is, at least in part, because the 2010 Haiti earthquake illustrates
seemingly objective the impact of power is hard to cap- how a lack of power results in high
data adding a layer of ture. Power relations can shift quickly uncertainty and low participation
uncertainty to decision- through interactions and in changing when it comes to decision-making.
making. circumstances (Hall, 1997). In ad- To nuance this point, one needs to re-
dition, power is invisible and ‘silent’ member that power, while increasing
(Brown et al., 2010) and cannot be centrality in decision-making, does
bound to a single event, fact or pro- not suffice to reduce uncertainty. The
cess. 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis vividly il-
Various cases illustrate how disastrous lustrates this assertion: powerful ac-
the effect of power on uncertainty can To address this issue, decision-mak- tors can centralise information to le-
be. In the aftermath of 2008 Cyclone ers need to be aware of uncertainty gitimately influence decision-making
Nargis, the Burmese junta feared los- and information asymmetry in disas- in spite of intense uncertainty (Gut-
ing its power because of the arrival ter risk. First, decision-makers should tieri et al., 1995).
of foreign aid. It significantly retained understand the implications of a lack
information by imposing a media ban. of power on uncertainty (Chapter
By struggling to control information, Second, they ought to identi- Reliable information
the Burmese junta prevented the re- fy benefits from genuine information
lief actors from collecting informa- collection (Chapter Final-
from other entities an
tion. Uncertainty about humanitarian ly, they should consider the implica- entity can reduce
needs increased at the expense of the tions of information on uncertainty uncertainty and
population (Pan et al., 2012). and power in a holistic way (Chapter establish power and Figure 4.4 pro-
Criticism arose and was directed to- vides a representation of how power From an operational perspective, or-
wards the overwhelming power of and information affect decisions. ganisations expect information access
the international humanitarian appa- to reduce uncertainty and support
ratus in the aftermath of the 2010 insightful decision-making. The relia-
Haiti earthquake. The government’s Power as a necessary bility of the decisions made can then
infrastructures collapsed and inter- significantly influence performance,
national non-governmental organi-
but insufficient condition thereby increasing decision-makers’
sations (NGOs) quickly took over, to reduce uncertainty power in the longer term. Note that
centralising information and allo- ‘good’ decisions are mandatory; mas-
cating resources without sharing in- Because power affects communication sive data collection alone does not in-
formation. The local government and coordination patterns, a struc- crease a decision-maker’s power.
remained blinded by uncertainty and tural lack of power confronts deci- For example, during the 2003 Euro-
compelled to rely extensively on in- sion-makers with extreme uncertainty pean heat wave, some French hospital
ternational aid. Such asymmetry led when disaster strikes. Baumgartner directors relied on their friendships to


collect information about potential tween local and global communities response, a large spectrum of actors
incidents in emergency rooms. By do- can shift because of technological (citizens and local non-profit organi-
ing so, they got reliable alerts from the progress: increased use of smart- sations in search of institutional vis-
hospitals and triggered and communi- phones, increased connectivity and ibility) urged on the crisis response
cated emergency plans quickly enough open-source tools can catalyse access stage, providing non-exploitable data
to capture and mobilise physicians, to data and information. Such access and creating confusion, which slowed
nurses and other hospital personnel. means that additional actors, such as coordination down (Dawes et al.,
In the aftermath of the crisis, experts virtual communities, can provide in- 2004).
applauded this initiative as well as the formation and participate in opera- In addition, NGOs can tend to ex-
hospitals’ reliability, thereby support- tions and reduce uncertainty. For ex- ploit information as an opportunity
ing the directors’ long-term power ample, the opening of satellite views, to gain legitimacy and visibility. Such a
and legitimacy within the French through open-source platforms and tendency is not new. In 1994 Eng and
healthcare system (Adrot, 2010). communities (such as Open Street Parker observed how local Mississip-
Map in the aftermath of the 2010 pi communities shifted their efforts
Haiti earthquake or even earlier in the from social interactions to develop- aftermath of Hurricane Katrina), can ing legitimacy towards their partners.
Information sharing compel actors with strong supremacy However, we believe that digitisation
to admit the empowerment of local can potentially lead to an opportunis-
reduces uncertainty communities. In addition, the visibil- tic use of information and we there-
asymmetry, thereby ity of the virtual citizen community fore call scholars and practitioners to
rebalancing power is improved (Palen et al., 2010). In consider the ethical and legal implica-
relationships and the longer term, such visibility will tions of technology-based decisions
redefining strengthen these communities’ partic- as a burning issue.
decision-making ipation in decision-making.
constraints and 4.2.5
modalities The ethical and
A holistic approach to
Traditionally, command chains mo- power highlights bigger legal implications of
bilise operational actors to collect in- challenges related technology-based
formation to reduce uncertainty and to decision-making and decisions
make decisions. However, informa- uncertainty
tion sharing is hardly reciprocal, and The power implications and uncer-
typically reporting chains are directed tainties related to technology require
Even though information access can
‘upwards’ to centralised coordina- a critical review of the ethical, legal
contribute to increasing one’s pow-
tion structures (Turoff et al., 2004). and social issues (ELSI). For instance,
er at the response stage, one should
In addition, internet and electricity how to engage with citizens through
keep the side effects in mind. From
blackouts and limited coverage can social media or how to share informa-
an institutional perspective, increased
make local communities suffer from tion between different agencies and
competition for information to gain
restricted access to information and information systems in line with data
power can result in opportunistic or
intense uncertainty. In such settings, protection laws remains a current is-
fuzzy behaviour with respect to in-
these local communities often rely sue. Consequently, designing and de-
formation. This, in turn, can nega-
on their direct perception, experience veloping technologies and practices
tively affect relationships between
and networks instead of profession- which address such issues becomes
local or other professional actors at
al responders or official information essential.
the expense of the population that
(Comes et al., 2015a).
has potentially been affected by a dis-
Interestingly, power relations be-
aster. For instance, during the 9/11

noticing, anticipating and knowing
For the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcano them.
Pandora’s Box?
eruptions, Watson and Finn (2014)
discussed some of the privacy and eth- Data protection and
Uncertainty related ical implications surrounding the use
to unintended of social media. Social media allowed
privacy concerns: how
consequences of persons stranded in Europe to com- much uncertainty is
informationalisation municate, organise their travel, etc. as needed?
well as allowing the aviation industry
to get information from its custom- Rizza, Büscher and Watson (2017,
We have previously highlighted that
ers. At the same time, social media forthcoming) underline that (person-
behavioural issues, particularly when
use led to privacy infringements and al) data and information (sharing)
reinforced by social media platforms,
inequality. Indeed, over-focusing on constitute the core interest of ELSI
increase complexity and uncertainty
social media could lead disaster risk concerns in the Big Data era, which
in decision-making. Rather than rely-
managers to focus on those who pro- makes mass surveillance possible.
ing on compliance of the population
duce a lot of data and, consequently, The collection and processing of data
(‘keep calm and carry on’), citizen and
to down-prioritise those unequipped coming from different applications
volunteer groups today emerge and
(for example foreign passengers) or makes the boundary between deci-
organise, leading to ‘unintended con-
unable to use ICTs (for example the sion support and control or surveil-
elderly). Lastly, ‘self-help’ between lance fuzzy. For instance, the knowl-
citizens under the umbrella of resil- edge database created through such a
Specifically, the case of the 2011 Van-
ience (i.e. a spontaneous peer-to-peer monitoring system could reveal indi-
couver riots (Rizza et al., 2014) high-
communication) should not become a viduals’ habits, routines or decisions
lights risks associated with citizen en-
way for corporate or public entities to and, consequently, infringes citizens’
gagement crises through social media.
neglect care responsibilities for those privacy. Big data has even been said
The Vancouver Police Department
who have been impacted by a disaster. to contribute to trapping particularly
asked Vancouverites to send their
vulnerable populations in poverty by
material and to help identify rioters.
obstructing the possibility to get loans
Feeling empowered by local author-
or access to good education (Waddell
ities, citizens started a real manhunt,
2016). As such, the statistical likeli-
and some families had to leave the Ethical and legal hood that someone from a specific
city. This case has pointed out: 1) the considerations have neighbourhood may not pay back a
‘institutional unpreparedness’ in deal- become essential in loan blocks individual opportunities.
ing with a huge quantity of data, their
quality and the new processes of in-
designing and developing The collection and processing of per-
quiry they require; 2) the ‘unintended technologies and sonal data is also problematic because
practices which collect, in crises it can erode basic rights such
do-it-yourself justice’, i.e. the shift
as freedoms of speech, associations
from supporting crisis managers to analyse and communicate and movement.
vigilantes when citizens overruled au- (uncertain) information
thorities and enforced justice on their and data. To balance the need to reduce un-
own terms; 3) the ‘unintended do-it-
certainty and collect data with eth-
yourself society’ supported by the po-
ical responsibility in scientific and
tential of social media for prompting
technological developments, an ethic
people to act. What happened in Van-
Consequently, designers and practi- of co-responsibility should emerge
couver challenged human rights and
tioners in disaster risk need to consid- (Schomberg, 2013). Research around
values such as fairness, justice, integ-
er the uncertainty related to unintend- ELSI aspects of IT also reveals op-
rity, responsibility and accountability.
ed consequences of IT. This implies portunities: integrating IT into disas-


ter risk management with an explicit 2011) to urban planning and resource
commitment to ELSI considerations management (Vervoort et al., 2010), In between there is a large spectrum
will provide useful insights for a pro- approaches that rely on connecting of semi-automated data collection
active approach to innovation (op. communities and policymakers in the efforts, semi-automated analyses and
cit.). preparedness phase. Scenarios are assessments that are run by scien-
built in deliberative processes that tists, policymakers from municipality
Initiatives like ‘privacy by design’ or capture expert knowledge, preferenc- to international level and an increas-
‘ethics by design’ (European Com- es and values of stakeholders (Kok et ing amount of local and digital vol-
mission, 2010) attempt to deal with al., 2006; Vervoort et al., 2010). While unteers. With the global availability
current critiques of the lack of con- those scenarios serve to establish of technology, software and data, the
cern for ELSI in the development of plans and evaluate alternatives based creation of information products has
new technologies (Rizza et al., 2011). on a common understanding, they are been democratised. While in the past
Privacy impact assessments can en- time consuming to update and adapt the design of a map or a dashboard re-
sure that technology for disaster risk to new circumstances or information. quired dedicated technical skills, today
reduction is developed to protect the As such, they are most useful in the anyone can produce graphs, figures
interests of end users and stakehold- preparedness phase, not in the least to and maps. Examples of such volun-
ers within the organisational and legal help build networks and partnerships teer efforts range from the response
frameworks. of trust (Comes, 2016b). to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
in 2013 (Comes et al., 2015a; West-
4.2.6 The opposing trend relies on arti- rope et al., 2014), the Ebola response
ficial intelligence and data mining (Landgren 2015) and the response to
Decision-making with approaches that enable real-time the refugee crisis in Europe in 2015
uncertainty: analysis of data streams to be made. (Comes and Van de Walle, 2015; Tal-
better than Automated algorithms and tools can houk et al., 2016).
be used to extract and illustrate large-
muddling through? scale patterns and trends in human
behaviour, damage assessments and
The context of decision- and poli-
communication flows (Meier, 2014; Decision-making should
cymaking has become complex. The
Monaghan and Lycett, 2013; Whipkey
very nature of the different uncer-
and Verity, 2015). As such, they prom-
reflect the specific
tainties we discussed makes it largely
ise fast answers, which is particularly context, constraints,
impossible to use probabilities: the so- needs and stakeholders
relevant in the heat of a response.
cio-technical uncertainties in disaster associated to a decision,
It is, however, necessary to ask how
risk reduction are deep (Comes et al.,
2013; Comes et al., 2011; Pruyt and
such analyses influence human sense- including the specific
making or possibly introduce biases phase of the disaster risk
Kwakkel, 2014). Already in the 1950s,
(Wright and Goodwin, 2009). Particu- management cycle.
Lindblom (1959) had described that
larly if analyses are run remotely and
decision-makers confronted with such
disconnected from the community,
uncertainty are ‘muddling through’.
there is a series of typical errors that
Participatory approaches to mod-
may mislead analyses or the interpre-
el design and scenario analysis have
tation of results (Comes, 2016a). In Decisions differ in terms of informa-
been advocated as a way ahead when
addition, the reliance on software, tion required, time scales, geographi-
the communities affected are clearly
data and algorithms has been increas- cal scope and actors. The question, for
known (Comes et al., 2015b; Wright
ingly criticised for the lack of trans- instance, of where to set up a hospital
and Goodwin, 2009). Examples
parency and control that communities has very different characteristics from
range from scenarios for water and
have over their own data (McDonald, general resource-allocation decisions.
flood management (Haasnoot et al.
2016; Sandvik, 2013). Both decisions are important but have

very different requirements in terms sion-making, problems of data gaps cal and legal dimensions of informa-
of information granularity, timeliness and consent. The reflections on un- tion into perspective.
and updates. Addressing specific deci- certainties presented in this chapter
sion-makers needs or problems in the draw from both practical experiences Problems in disaster risk reduction
socio-technical context is, however, and theory. They are, however, not are complex. As such, any model will
still not commonplace. We propose readily translated into concrete policy necessarily reflect this complexity by
a decision-centric paradigm for in- measures or decisions because there is various layers and levels of uncer-
formation collection, processing and first a need for innovation in science tainty that will need to be considered
visualisation that focuses on specific and policy. in the decision-making process. This
information needs. means that deliberation processes and
Innovation communication with stakeholders
4.2.7 Researchers need to frame the prob- need to be carefully designed to re-
lem they are studying, including the flect such uncertainties, even if there
Conclusions and context and the purpose of a model, is a temptation to go with quick fix-
key messages simulation or analysis. Assumptions es or easy solutions. Error bars or
and limitations need to be reflected margins of error should not be just a
Partnership in the design of decision support sys- footnote, but rather should be openly
Together, scientists, policymakers tems. When situations are complex discussed. In particular, critical tip-
and communities need to agree on and uncertain there is a tendency to ping points need to be flagged, such
standards that reflect good processes simplify the problem and to exert as flood levels that cause a breach in a
and representations of uncertainties. control through limited consultations levee or top wind speeds that damage
Citizen science can be a way ahead and conflict avoidance. However, major infrastructures.
to providing necessary training and models and recommendations must New participatory processes such as
education. In particular, we propose not oversimplify complex problems, risk mapping are increasingly impor-
that cultural, social and professional which is a challenge given the call for tant. In the preparedness phase, they
specificities must be thoroughly taken ‘easily understandable’ solutions. make it possible to establish networks
into account in the settling of stand- In addition, we call for the develop- and partnerships that people can rely
ards. Since information is always also ment of methods and approaches that on during the response. If such pro-
a source of power, it is imperative to consider the different types of uncer- cesses are also to work effectively in
follow the principle of reciprocity — tainty from operational decision-mak- disaster response, decisions, process-
empowering the people who provide ing to strategic policymaking. So far, es and organisational structures need
information to use it for their own there is no clear understanding of the to be adapted to enable the uptake of
good and strictly following the prin- processes, models and tools that ena- information provided by communi-
ciples of responsible data and tech- ble institutions to use operational and ties. Such approaches can only work
nology. real-time information to collaborate successfully, if connections are estab-
with citizens to manage disaster risk. lished prior to disasters.
Besides the uncertainty inherent in Participatory processes and new gov-
Knowledge ernance structures should empower
Given that no single paradigm pre- the new data environment, uncertain-
ty is also rooted in the role of power local communities in guiding disaster
dominates how decision- and poli- risk management and reducing uncer-
cymakers use information, data and in decision-making and the lack of
addressing the ethical and legal stakes tainty. However, this implies collective
uncertainties drive power relations awareness of how power shapes deci-
and introduce ethical and legal dilem- caused by information use. We there-
fore advocate further research on the sion-making. Power is a system-wide
mas. So far, standard analyses use, at dynamic that can impact uncertainty
best, probabilistic approaches to rep- socio-technical dimension of uncer-
tainty in decision-making by putting for all.
resent uncertainties, neglecting the
socio-technical dimension of deci- technical, social, organisational, ethi-


4.3 Last mile

Irina Stanciugelu, Aurel Bilanici, Ian Cameron, Marc Stal

socioeconomic, demographic and of ICT, unequal ICT adoption with-

4.3.1 needs assessment information (Hu in and between countries becomes a
Introduction: disaster and Kapucu, 2014). There are diverse DRM limitation. As an example, the
risk management and emergency management information uneven distribution of warnings in
information and systems such as E-Team, Web EOC,
SharePoint that make it easier to gath-
the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami re-
sulted in many thousands of avoida-
communications er, process and disseminate informa- ble deaths.
technology tion, which helps emergency manag-
ers make informed decisions (Carver
Disaster risk management (DRM) is and Turoff, 2007).
undergoing noteworthy changes, re- Incident management systems can
flecting the emergence of a globalised inform disaster response teams with
Various ICTs are used in
system of DRM with technological, real-time information about the inci- disaster risk management
organisational, and institutional ca- dent and available resources and can to help organisations
pacities enhancing DRM’s ability as a help emergency management organ- process and share real-
unit in near real time across the globe isations coordinate efforts (Iannella time information. Other
(Jensen et al., 2015). and Henricksen, 2007). Innovative functions of ICT are to
means, such as citizen observatories establish different
ICT is enabling better communica- enabled by ICTs (e.g. sensor tech-
tions, remote sensing, monitoring nologies and social media), have the
communication channels,
networks, warning systems and mod- potential to provide new ways of par- to engage with
elling and geospatial technologies. ticipation (When et al., 2015) whilst stakeholders and to
Various ICT tools such as geographic at the same time generating rele- coordinate among a large
information systems (GIS) and global vant information and promoting de- number of agencies.
positioning systems (GPS) can allow mand-driven policy responses (Hold-
organisations to receive satellite infor- en, 2006; Rojas-Caldenas and Corona
mation and produce accurate location Zambrano, 2008).
information about the affected are-
as, which can be further linked with Despite the significant advantages During Hurricane Katrina in 2005 the

inadequate monitoring of infrastruc- access media and address this by sup- ships (UN/ISDR, 2005). The diversi-
ture and failed warning systems led to plementing traditional media chan- ty in interpretations of the notion of
hundreds of avoidable deaths. Also, nels for warning dissemination with ‘last mile’ hints at the complexities as-
the different level of adoption of additional technologies (LIRNE Asia, sociated with the links between DRM
ICT tends to affect the more vulner- 2008); ‘last mile’ as the capacity of the and ICT, the development of national
able populations disproportionately. community to take action in response and regional EWSs and the advent of
More generally referred to as the ‘dig- to a received warning and that sup- social media in crisis management.
ital divide,’ this tends to exacerbate ports the development of the capac- Early warning is defined as ‘the provi-
economic differences (Jensen et al., ities of local institutions (Singh Bedi, sion of timely and effective informa-
2015). 2006). tion, through identified institutions,
that allows individuals exposed to a
In this chapter, we focus on the main The Hyogo Framework for Action hazard to take action to avoid or re-
changes that ICT brings in DRM. The 2005-2015, which was adopted at the duce their risk and prepare for effec-
next chatper present what constitutes 2005 World Conference on Disas- tive response’ (UNISDR, 2004). EWS
an effective early warning system ter Risk Reduction, recognises early defines a technological infrastructure
(EWS) (Chapter 4.3.2 and 4.3.3) and warning as an effective tool to reduce that can assist in carrying out these
investigate requirements for and rec- vulnerabilities, save lives and help tasks. However, the EWS needs to go
ommendations on community link- protect livelihoods as well as to im- beyond this infrastructure by taking
ages and community empowerment prove preparedness and response to account of how risks are understood
within the chain of an EWS (Chap- natural hazards. and providing information for warn-
ter 4.3.4 and 4.3.5). Chapter 4.3.6 and ing messages (Horita et al., 2016).
4.3.7 present the opportunities that EWS has four interlocking elements
ICT technologies and social media (Grasso, 2012):
provide for engaging citizens in the Early warning systems
emergency management and how the • risk knowledge — to understand
new digital technologies could be used
are designed to analyse the risks (hazards and vulnerabili-
to close the last mile communication the risks of vulnerable ties) and priorities at a given level;
gap. We conclude with some general communities, carry out
remarks (Chapter 4.3.8). the task of monitoring • monitoring — to stay up to date
environmental variables, on how the risks and vulnerabilities
issue warnings and change through time;
4.3.2 ensure that appropriate
• response capability — so that each
‘Last mile’ response capabilities are level (pre-season mitigation activi-
communication and in place. ties, evacuation or duck-and-cover
development of reflexes) is able to reduce risk once
trends are spotted and announced;
early warning
systems (EWS) The Hyogo framework takes on the • warning communication — to pre-
perspective of the ‘last mile’ in stress- pare monitoring information into
The notion of the ‘last mile’ has been ing that disaster risk reduction (DRR) actionable messages understood by
popularised in countries of the Indi- must be ‘underpinned by a more pro- those that need them.
an Ocean in relation to tsunami EWS active approach to informing, mo-
development (Thomalla and Larsen, tivating and involving people in all • In addition to the four elements,
2010). Even so, ‘last mile’ has been aspects of DRR in their own local there are a number of cross-cut-
understood differently: ‘last mile’ as communities’ through multi-stake- ting issues that are critical to the
a challenge for rural communities to holder and cross-sectoral partner- development and sustainability of


effective EWS; these include: robust, especially during natural - guidance — the appropriate course
disasters; many communication of action necessary to prevent death
• effective governance and institu- tools are currently available for or injury, providing protective action
tional arrangements; warning dissemination such as cel- recommendations, including options
lular phone text messaging, email, for those unable to comply with rec-
• a multihazard approach to early radio, TV and web services. It is ommended measures (e.g. evacuation
warning; essential to assure the redundancy orders);
of communication systems, while
• involvement of local communities; emergency power supplies and - pertinent details that should be in-
back-up systems are critical in or- cluded in messages; i.e. where to find
• consideration of gender perspec- der to avoid the collapse of com- shelter and the location of recovery
tive, vulnerable populations and munication systems after disasters supplies or aid stations that may not
cultural diversity. occur (Grasso, 2012). In addition, be obvious to the recipients of the
in order to ensure reliable and ef- warning.
The most common view of EWS fective operations and to avoid
comprises a ‘warning chain’, a line- network congestion, frequencies
ar set of connections from obser- and channels must be reserved and
vations through warning generation dedicated to disaster relief opera- Communication and
and transmitter to users. In the me- tions.
teorological community, the term
dissemination systems
‘end-to-end’ warning system is often • The warning messages: a critical el- should be tailored to
used (Basher, 2005). The end-to-end ement to influence the perception the needs of individual
concept aims to make forecasts and of risk and public behaviour is how communities (e.g. radio
warnings more relevant and useable the warning information is struc- or television for those
to end users. Such linear models are tured and what it contains. Gen- with access and sirens,
top-down and expert driven. They ne- erally, warning message content remote disposals, warning
glect the likely impact of the hazard represents a source’s assessment
and how warnings are communicated of the existence and seriousness of
flags or messenger
and responded to. a threat as well as what the public runners for remote
should do to protect themselves communities). Messages
(Lindell and Perry, 2004). A mes- should incorporate the
4.3.3 sage delivered during a critical situ- understanding of the
ation should contain: values, concerns and
Effective early
warning systems - hazard — short description of the
interests of those who will
need to take action.
and warning physical characteristics of the hazard
(nature and magnitude);
- location — if possible, a certain po-
An effective EWS needs an effective
sition of the area affected by the haz- Recent studies (Sellnow et al., 2015)
communication system. Early warn-
ard; have underlined the importance of
ing communication systems are made
using instructional messages (messag-
up of the following two main com-
- time (slow onset — occurring time, es that take into account how people
time estimated to reach the area; rapid learn and the learning styles) during
onset — occurring time, rapid devel- the response phase. The messages
• The communication infrastructure
opment); must include elements that not only
hardware that must be reliable and
explain the information, but also give

its relevance (proximity, timeliness which adopts a service delivery ap- gaged in monitoring and such to fa-
and personal impact) and motivate proach that should be making early cilitate the adoption of protective
receivers to realise the value/utility of warning information available and actions (Grasso, 2012). The ‘peo-
the message content and action (spe- ensure the information is timely, reli- ple-centred’ characteristic requires
cific behavioural directions) that spec- able, dependable, usable, expandable, many systematic approaches and di-
ify exactly what receivers are to do for sustainable, responsive, authentic and verse activities spanning the four ele-
self-protection. credible (Ahmed, 2015). The WMO ments of EWS described above, such
argues (WMO, 2014) for service-ori- as (Basher, 2005):
A frequent problem is the weak link ented actions that start from: • identifying target populations (es-
between the technical capacity to is- • user engagement and developing pecially the vulnerable and disad-
sue the warning and the local commu- partnerships; vantaged);
nities’ capacity to respond effective- • evaluation of user needs and • interacting with target populations
ly to the formal systems of warning decisions; to determine needs;
(Basher, 2005). As such, it is impor- • linking service development and • involving communities in exploring
tant to recognise that these activities delivery to user needs; and mapping their risks and plan-
cannot be undertaken or directed by • evaluation and monitoring of ser- ning their responses;
a single organisation, but require the vices, performance and outcomes; • fostering the development by com-
coordinated participation of many • sustained improved service deliv- munities of monitoring and warn-
different types of organisations that ery; ing systems for local risks;
are committed at community level. • development of skills needed to • generating public information tai-
National platforms for disaster re- sustain service delivery; lored to target groups and making
duction, stakeholder roundtables or • sharing of best practices and innovative use of the media and
interdepartmental committees should knowledge with others. education systems;
be empowered or established to or- • establishing people-focused bench-
ganise the required coordination. The marks and performance standards
core technical agencies can play a key for technical warning services;
role by demanding the establishment People-centred early • developing formal mechanisms for
of such mechanisms and supporting public representatives to monitor
them with specialised technical infor-
warnings need to be and oversee warning system design;
mation. clearly understood by • using surveys to measure public
people, easily and readily awareness and satisfaction;
4.3.4 accessible to people; and • creating monuments, publications,
People-centred timely: tied to response annual events and other anchors of
actions to be taken by public memory and learning;
approach to early people before, during and • providing training on social factors
warning after the event. for technical experts, authorities
and communicators who operate
To respond to these needs, the EWS the warning system;
has grown from a ‘techno-centric • conducting research on factors that
only’ paradigm to a ‘people-centric’ enhance or impede human under-
The people-centred approach to ear-
one where the ‘end-to-end’ and ‘mul- standing of and response to warn-
ly warning is promoted by the Hyogo
tihazard’ components and their pro- ings;
Framework for Action, and focuses
cedural norms start to bind together • providing exercises and simulations
on how communities must under-
(Adger, 2000; UN, 2015). This new to enable people to experience and
stand threats in order to deal with
global move is led by the World Me- practice warning interpretation and
them. Communities must be active
teorological Organisation (WMO) responses.
receivers of information and be en-


• CCT-4: Systematically include vul-

The guiding principles per nerability;
4.3.5 EWS component • CCT-5: Design EWS components
Effective early with multiple functions;
warning systems: • Risk knowledge:
— K-1: Although risk knowledge
• CCT-6: Accommodate multiple
lessons learned exercises may not lead to early • CCT-7: Embrace multiple knowl-
at community warning, all early warning must be edge systems;
practice level founded on risk knowledge; • CCT-8: Account for evolving risk
— K-2: Accept that a community’s and rising uncertainty;
The International Federation of Red priorities may not be your own. • CCT-9: EWS without borders: tar-
Cross and Red Crescent Societies • Monitoring: get the full vulnerability and haz-
(2012) has published an overview of — M-1: Passive receivers of informa- ard-scape;
successful practices from the field for tion do not save lives; • CCT-10: Demand appropriate
the disaster risk reduction/manage- — M-2: Some communities will need technology;
ment practitioners interested in EWS. to drive their EWS; • CCT-11: Require redundancy in in-
— M-3: Public displays of monitoring dicators and communication chan-
can motivate communities; nels;
— M-4: When hazards evolve, so must • CCT-12: Target and reach disad-
their monitoring. vantaged and vulnerable groups;
To be effective, warnings • Response capability: • CCT-13: Build partnership and in-
must have not only a — R-1: In EWS, we respond to warn- dividual engagement.
sound scientific and ings, not to disasters;
technical basis, but also — R-2: Strive to organise robust In the changing landscape of EWS,
a strong focus on the no-regrets response actions; stakeholders should continue to prac-
people exposed to risk. — R-3: Embed response options by tice a combination of the approach-
annually updating contingency es to build people-centric, multihaz-
Developing working plans with links to funding; ard, end-to-end and service-oriented
relationships with — R-4: Practice makes perfect: test EWS. The key for success would rely
partners, such as drive your response actions. on:
emergency managers • Warning communication: • continued proactive governance;
and the media, and — C-1: Clearly delegate responsibility • mobilisation of resources and ca-
involving stakeholders in to alert or mediate; pacity development for delivering
— C-2: Do not fall into the sophistica- the services (from all four streams)
the development tion trap for warning devices; to the countries;
and review of the — C-3: Use staged warnings (levels • making provisions for integrating
warning system and colours) in dissemination. EWS into the overall disaster risk
is essential. reduction measures, which would
Cross cutting themes – guiding be essential for keeping future
principles harm away and moving ahead to
build resilience at the centre of all
It presents guiding principles that • CCT-1: Integrate within DRR — activities (Ahmed, 2015).
could build a strong foundation for EWS is not a stand-alone;
the design or strengthen EWS at any • CCT-2: Aim for synergy across
level. We present here the guiding levels: community, national and re-
principles per EWS component and gional/global;
for the cross-cutting themes. • CCT-3: Insist on multihazard EWS;

have been developed with different Across various studies of emergen-
4.3.6 demands and create a new approach cies and disaster events, numerous
Social media for risk communication. The SMS positive and negative aspects of social
and communities in alert system is useful in some cases media have been identified (Reuter
disaster: connecting for delivering alerts in an emergency,
and GPS-related mobile apps (loca-
and Spielhofer, 2016):
the ‘last mile’ tion sensoring and hazard maps) help • Social media promote cross-plat-
to locate people in potential danger; form accessibility and a constant
ICT in general and social media in some applications are developed as flow of information. During the
particular are an integral part of many pre-disaster warning devices (educa- Haiti earthquake in 2010, Usha-
people’s lives today, including dur- tional apps). One example for such hidi (an open-source multimedia
ing times of crisis. As the examples alert apps is the Katwarn system in mapping platform) allowed near-
illustrate in the previous chapter, cri- Germany, which is currently used by real-time mapping of the impacted
sis management authorities in many disaster management agencies in more population, which helped volun-
countries are using the new technolo- than 60 counties to inform the popu- teers with rescue and response op-
gies to increase public awareness and lation about all types of disasters; it is erations. Just-in-time information
preparedness for disasters, to alert and available for Android, iOS and Win- could be provided on how to cope
warn the public and to optimise situ- dows phone platforms. Other exam- with developing situations. Dur-
ational awareness when crises strike. ples for disaster alert apps are NINA, ing Super Storm Sandy in 2012,
While traditional radio and TV news a general purpose disaster alert app. FourSquare (a location-based so-
remain important venues for sending also from Germany, and SAIP, an cial network site) provided location
emergency messages and updates to app. provided by the French Ministry information about visitors, which
the general public (Collins and Ka- of the Interior to provide the popula- helped emergency responders with
pucu, 2008), the widely accessible tion with alerts on major crises (with evacuation. The Louisiana Bucket
internet and wireless technologies a special focus on terrorism alerts) Brigade, a local environmental jus-
allow for more flexible methods of (Klafft and Reinhard, 2016). tice organisation active along the
communication (Cutter et al., 2007; Gulf Coast of the United States,
Kapucu, 2006a; National Research created the Oil Spill Crisis Map af-
Council, 2007). ter the 2010 Deepwater Horizon
Social media use oil spill to provide information
For example, a great tool for both about community experience and
emergency managers and the pub- a decentralised, risk perception to help with emer-
lic is Google Crisis Response, which collaborative and gency management (Kar, 2016).
organises emergency alerts and news network-based • Moreover, social media provide a
updates relating to a crisis and pub- communication approach framework for the work of jour-
lishes the information on dedicated that allows citizens to nalists and for public discussion
landing pages. It also provides oppor- and debate. The United Nations
tunities for donation in collaboration
generate data and share
information about a Office for Outer Space Affairs es-
with international agencies such as tablished the Space-based Informa-
Unicef, International Medical Corp hazard event irrespective tion for Disaster management and
and local relief organisations. Google of its geographic location Emergency Response (UN-Spider)
also builds and provides tools to help and temporal extent, in 2006 to help with disaster risk
crisis responders and affected peo- contributing to a resilient reduction through stakeholder par-
ple communicate and stay informed,
such as Google Person Finder, Goog-
community. ticipation (UN, 2006).
• Negative aspects of social media
le Maps, Google Fusion Tables and include the sometimes ‘chaotic’
Google Crisis Maps. Mobile apps or disorganised work of volun-


teers and the need for quality as- flows of information between the situational awareness (Ireson,
sessment, as well as the possible people and organisations involved. 2009).
increase of task complexity and The approach attempts to account • The behaviours described above
uncertainty for emergency services descriptively and theoretically for show ways to use social media in
(Reuter and Spielhofer, 2016). social behaviour that is made pos- order to build community disaster
• Social media can be understood as sible through technology (Hughes resilience. These include (Dufty,
communication services that em- et al., 2009). 2012):
ploy interactive online ICT (often • Citizen reporting: the ability for • developing social capital (e.g. net-
referred to as Web 2.0 technol- people to report from on the works, leadership and support sys-
ogies) to enable the exchange of ground during and after an event tems) for disaster resilience-learn-
user-generated content. The term is analogue to ideas of citizens as ing communities;
‘social media’ embraces blogs, mi- ‘sensors’ — members of the public • informing others of the disaster
cro-blogs, social bookmarking, who detect, measure and report lo- risks in their community and dis-
social networking, forums, collab- cal emergency information — and cussing and planning what is being
orative creation of documents (via as ‘journalists’ — members of the done to manage the risks and what
wikis) and the sharing of audio, public who collect, report, analyse they can do;
photographic and video files (Bal- and disseminate news and informa- • engaging with others to help them
ana, 2012). Social media are highly tion. prepare for a disaster;
interactive ‘digital tools that feature • Community-oriented computing: • providing intelligence through
content users may generate, manip- social media have been described ‘crowdsourcing’ to others (includ-
ulate, or influence’ (Giroux et al., as facilitating online communities ing emergency managers) before,
2013). In other words, social media where members share and seek during and after a disaster;
encourage interaction and dialogue information during times of crisis • communicating warnings and other
between users, creating an infor- (Wang, 2010). information to communities dur-
mation space that is decentralised • Collective intelligence and distrib- ing a disaster;
and devoid of hierarchy. uted problem solving: social me- • providing support to people during
• By providing community members dia have been shown to facilitate and after a disaster;
with tools to engage in crisis pre- collective intelligence — where • coordinating community response
paredness, response and recovery, large, distributed groups of peo- and recovery.
social media may have a role to play ple solve complex problems (Vi-
in building community resilience vacqua and Borges, 2010). Citizens 4.3.7
— a measure of a community’s may also provide geographically
ability to respond to, withstand and tagged localised and distributed High tech/low tech
recover from adverse situations reports — known as volunteered communication and
(Dufty, 2012). geographic information — of cri- ethical challenges of
• Most studies regarding social me- sis events through social media.
dia use for emergencies focus on This geographic information can
social media
understanding how emergency re- then be collated and mapped by
sponse organisations adopt tools volunteers who call themselves The London power outage of 2003
like social media and bring atten- ‘crisis mappers’, using open-source highlighted the importance of not re-
tion to members of the public as mapping software such as Google lying on one single type of medium
contributors and receivers in the Maps, OpenStreetMap or Ushahidi for warning and for informing the
emergency information arena. The (Heipke, 2010). public (UK Cabinet Office, 2005) and
‘crisis informatics’ is the study • Contributions to situational aware- reveals the vulnerability of social me-
of the social and technical (so- ness: an important contribution dia networks to power outages, which
cio-technical) behaviours in emer- that social media offer in times of in turn can leave healthy, affluent in-
gency response, with a focus on the crisis is their potential to enhance dividuals in their mid twenties feeling

very vulnerable. The guidance provid- interactive media by using a landline power outage affected their service-
ed by the United Kingdom Civil Con- telephone to call a BBC London local and technology-reliant lifestyle (Civil
tingencies Secretariat to accompany radio phone-in programme which was Contingencies Act DVD, 2005).
the Civil Contingencies Act advises discussing the power outage. A study by the University of East
emergency responders to promote London, carried out in 2010-2013,
the use of resilient communication By contrast, many well-paid workers used gaming theory to predict social
systems such as battery-operated or in their mid twenties, who were em- media use during a mass evacuation
wind-up radios during emergencies as ployed in the main financial square event in London and one of the main
well as embracing social media plat- mile of the City of London, might conclusions was that radio, especially
forms such as Twitter and Facebook have been considered to be less vul- BBC radio, was still regarded as one of
to communicate during a crisis. nerable than the old woman, but the the most trusted and reliable sources
power outage exposed their lack of of information during an emergency
resilience — they could not use cred- (Preston, 2013).
it or debit cards to pay for food or Emergency managers normally have
Although social media drink due to the outage, they could to walk a very thin line between ac-
not get any cash from ATMs and tions that may be deemed excessive
will not replace traditional and any failure to respond adequately
those that had cash could not buy
media in the foreseeable provisions from supermarkets which that could be considered as negligence
future, today many young were forced to close as their tills did (Alexander, 2014). Also, considering
people already heavily not work. There were also addition- the vulnerable people, any system of
rely on social media to al security as well as health and safety disaster response or risk reduction that
gain information, making concerns caused by the power outage depends on social media for access to
this population hard to (Civil Contingencies Act DVD, 2005). its services risks excluding those peo-
Wi-Fi networks were not available, ple who lack access to the technolo-
reach through established gy. ‘Computer illiteracy’ is a form of
denying internet access to the workers
communication channels who commonly used email to organ- disadvantage in a world that has be-
such as radio or ise their social life. come dependent on digital commu-
television. Therefore, it is nication for many services. It is only
about striking a balance; Those workers in their mid twen- partially compensated for by the fact
social media tools are one ties who had a supply of ready-oven that, by relaying information by word
meals at home could not cook them of mouth, other people will be able to
of many communication help a disadvantaged individual cope.
as their microwave and electric ovens
tools to use. were not working and they could not
travel further afield to areas with pow- Other ethical risks are associated with
er because the London underground a largely unregulated internet-based
train system had stopped running and system of public mass communi-
A woman in her late eighties, living taxis, which were in great demand, cation. The use of social media for
alone in a small apartment with a would only accept cash payments malignant purposes could potentially
meagre income from a state pension (Civil Contingencies Act DVD 2005). include:
might appear vulnerable, but during With mobile phones lasting just a few • attempts to persecute people or
the large-scale power outage in the hours before their batteries died or damage their reputations (Boggs
UK capital in 2003 she was able to the back-up batteries at mobile phone and Edwards, 2010);
heat a can of baked beans on a gas masts lasting little more than 2 hours, • attempts to spread malicious ru-
cooker and make a meal with some the City workers in their mid twenties mour;
pasta, as well as share her experience were revealed to be highly vulnerable • efforts to create violent protest;
with thousands of people through and displayed little resilience as the • attempts to organise terrorist activ-


ad hoc and temporary, resulting in the

4.3.8 establishment of practices that prove
Conclusions and useful to the community and can be
key messages used as tools for continuous adapta-
tion and innovation.
In this changing landscape of ICT,
EWS and advent of social media, the
key for success in disaster risk man-
agement would rely on user engage-
ment and developing partnerships for
gradual evaluation and improvements.
This process may comprise compre-
hensive provisioning of: (a) evalua-
tion of user needs; (b) evaluation and
monitoring of actions, performance
and outcomes; and (c) sharing of best
practices and knowledge with others.

The opportunities and challenges that
ICT and social media bring to devel-
opment of disaster risk management
foster a process that builds principles
for action for communities of prac-
tice, creating a ‘space of meaning’
with theories for action, social change
and instruments for implementation.
Because each operational context is
unique, stakeholders who aim to im-
plement a policy or strategy have to
learn their way into this implementa-
tion, often with a considerable need
for innovation.

This chapter presents some interest-
ing and viable ways that disaster re-
sponders and people could rely on
ICT and digital media to support their
communities in times of disaster. In
some cases, individual and community
needs result in authority actions, mov-
ing toward the establishment of tan-
gible resources that even endure over
time. In other cases, ICT use might be

4.4 Good practices and
innovation in risk
David Allen, Eve Coles, Terhi Kankaanranta, Caroline Mcmullan,
David Mobach, Alistair Norman, Tanja Perko, Kari Pylvas,
Niek Wijngaards

concern and empathy. role of new technologies and new

4.4.1 9. Accept uncertainty and ambiguity. communication patterns have enabled
Introduction 10. Provide messages of self-effica- new forms of practice to emerge.
cy by issuing specific information The best practice discussed by Seeger
In this chapter we deal with the telling people what they can do to (2006) and Heath (2006) remains rele-
thorny issue of innovations and ‘best reduce harm; these messages can vant but has now been embedded into
practices’ in risk communication. In- help restore some sense of control processes and protocols discussed
dividual examples of best practice over an uncertain and threatening elsewhere in this chapter. We refer,
developed from both research and by situation (Seeger, 2006). therefore, to ‘innovation’ and ‘emerg-
enlightened practitioners (c.f. Cole- ing practice/improving practice’ rath-
man, 2013) are not difficult to find. This was developed further by (Heath, er than ‘best practice’.
Seeger (2006) identified the following 2006) who suggested two further best
ten ‘best practices’ in risk communi- practices: Innovation can be described as the
cation. 1. Realise that crisis response is a process of moving knowledge gained
1. Process approaches and policy de- narrative and that you are telling a in research to the development of a
velopment for and responding to story. physical product or changing the way
crisis are critical to success. 2. Be committed and able to deliver things are done which can improve
2. Pre-event planning, creating teams, on the promise to be the first and the quality of life. However, innova-
fact-finding protocols, messaging best source of information. tion and risk do not necessarily make
and delivery are vital. In the early 2000s these issues were good allies. Innovation by its nature
3. Partnerships with the public. seen as best practice and, given the suggests levels of uncertainty and risk
4. Listen to others’ concerns. relative paucity of research in this (HM Government Office of Science,
5. Exhibit honesty, candor and open- area, are easily identified. The com- 2014); it is therefore unsurprising that
ness. plexity, scale and scope of both man- different authors (Kasperson, 2014;
6. Collaborate and coordinate with made and natural disasters now de- Renn, 2014; Árvai, 2014; Pigdeon,
credible sources. mand new types of response and have 2014) have agreed that risk commu-
7. Meet the needs of the media and led to a blossoming of research and nication practices and processes have
remain accessible. development activity to address these changed little over the last few years
8. Communicate with compassion, societal challenges. Equally, both the (Kasperson, 2014). Furthermore,


Pidgeon (2014) points out that in- to technology infrastructure concern- tested (Scolobiget et al., 2015), it has
creasingly complex, more frequent ing innovations which allow rich me- led to a range of innovative practic-
and costly disruptive events require dia channels to be utilised. The final es and approaches, such as the align-
scrutiny of both emerging technol- chapter discusses the challenges faced ment of people-centred decentralised
ogies and changing risk identities in in embedding these innovations into approaches. The development of
society to develop the strategic capac- practice. digital technologies and social media
ity to address these fundamental risk platforms (e.g. the use of social media
communication problems ‘in appro- 4.4.2 in the Haiti earthquake, the Queens-
priate methods for situating ‘values’ land floods in Australia and Hurricane
in public and stakeholder engagement Risk communication Sandy in the United States) has led
and in fostering citizen deliberation and citizen to new ways of delivering better tar-
for the wider public good’. However, participation geted, actionable risk information to
by surveying the evidence from cur- diverse publics across multicultural,
rent research about what works, the Research indicates that messages multiagency and multi-jurisdictional
relationship between public sector or- need to be culturally adapted to dif- boundaries.
ganisations and private citizens in fos- ferent country settings. Investigated
tering innovation in risk communica- by the current EU BeSeCu project
tion can be tested and its effectiveness as well as by the EU E-COM@EU
determined (HM Government Office project, findings indicate that cultur- Communication needs to
of Science, 2014). al differences extend from mere age
differences to a national context with
be culturally and context
Innovation has been categorised in a regard to the most popular social me- specific while it engages
variety of different ways from pro- dia tools and national norms for com- citizens “as sensors”
cess innovation, product or service munication style and tone. and contributors in the
innovation, governance innovation unfolding “story”.
or conceptual innovation (De Vries et Governments (national, regional and
al., 2015). We focus on the following local), emergency management (re-
three aspects of innovation and im- sponder) organisations and other
proving practice in risk communica- public service bodies are traditionally Due to its popularity and collabora-
tion by identifying particular issues risk averse and mostly rely on commu- tive, participatory, decentralised and
and areas of innovation which are nication methods that reflect a view accessible nature, social media allows
challenging either for practice or areas that aims to align lay perceptions with information to pass quickly to mul-
of intense activity. expert views of severity (Árvai, 2014) tiple publics and organisations; thus
rather than participatory models that extending the reach of emergency
Firstly we deal with innovation and recognise local citizen expertise and responder organisations, enhancing
practice in the process of risk com- knowledge. Further, Höppneret al. risk communication, improving sit-
munication, focusing on one of the (2012) suggest that within the current uational awareness and furthermore
more significant areas of the former: pan-European communication prac- providing traceable geographical and
new emergent approaches that reori- tices, knowledge on the (target-specif- temporal data for monitoring disaster
entate practice around communities ic) suitability of different communi- events in real time (OECD, 2012). Re-
and new and evolving decentralised cation forms is rarely translated into lated research also indicates, however,
approaches. Secondly, we look at new the field. There has been, however, a that despite the shift from mass me-
communication patterns, emphasis- recent paradigmatic shift in disaster dia to social media as a complemen-
ing the challenges of communicating risk management moving from a top- tary platform and the several different
with millennials and of cross-border down focus to what has been termed a identified uses and functions (prepar-
communication. The third chapter of ‘people-centred approach’. While this edness, warning and informing, pre-
this chapter pays particular attention approach is still emergent and con- event signal detection, connecting

communities, developing resilience peer-to-peer sharing of situational Twitter feeds from government agen-
and aiding recovery), social media is information within the same plat- cies; electronic media such as televi-
still emergent (Houston et al., 2015). form that is used by government sion reports and internet news sites;
To address these issues there has been agencies and first responders who and by recognising active users who
considerable investment by the EU can transparently monitor and frequently tweet reliable information.
through its seventh framework pro- cross-check the data being shared; To engage as many citizen users as
gramme for research and technolog- and possible, a community inclusion strat-
ical development (FP7) and Horizon • open data, so that all users can in- egy was designed to use concise, ac-
2020 frameworks in risk communica- spect the software, review the sys- tion-oriented messages such as ‘See
tion research. An innovative, ground- tem and develop complementary a flood. Tell Us’ and also to adopt a
breaking project — PetaJakarta.org tools and technologies that further user-centric approach by encouraging
— combines different sources of data enhance resilience within the infor- users to retweet any messages received
and citizen participation to produce mation ecosystem. from the project to their own person-
real-time intelligence-led information al networks. The big crowdsourcing
to create a shared situational aware- This ‘people as sensors’ paradigm element of the project was also em-
ness and to promote resilience (Hol- (which echoes the work of Scolobig phasised by highlighted messages pro-
derness and Turpin, 2016). et al. 2015) was used by PetaJakarta moting the benefits of greater use of
to contact many more Twitter users PetaJakarta such as ‘The more people
PetaJakarta is an example of apply- than any human could hope to do use PetaJakarta, the better the map will
ing new concepts such as geosocial and allowed the network of users to be’ (Holderness and Turpin, 2015).
intelligence frameworks, and demon- grow organically through linking to The strategy sought to highlight the
strates an evolutionary process from personal networks. The map used by community resource element of the
passive spatial and temporal data min- both citizens and government agen- project by adopting a non-moralising,
ing techniques to ‘big crowdsourcing’. cies created a reciprocal communi- opt-in approach to include citizens as
Geosocial intelligence frameworks cation interface between citizens, the partners in the sharing of real-time
rely on a deep understanding of the PetaJakarta project and the govern- information and situational awareness
information ecosystem within which ment. By engaging with government regarding flooding rather than just
social media platforms operate. The civil defence agencies and noting their being the recipients of emergency or
challenge in gathering ‘intelligence’ is operating procedures, including inter- information messages.
to extract knowledge from the ‘noise’ action between Twitter accounts @
generated by such platforms so that petakjt and @BPBDJakarta to dis- The example of the PetaJakarta pro-
users, governments and other actors seminate (retweet) key information, ject demonstrates how innovative
can make ‘actionable decisions in a the project was seen as credible and participatory, collaborative approach-
time-critical manner’ (Holderness and legitimate by other government de- es can be extended to gather real-time
Turpin, 2015). Four principles under- partments and the public. Major chal- information through the use of social
lie such frameworks: lenges for this project were: media platforms and open-source
• reliable, free and open-source soft- • how to ensure the verification of software. Furthermore, the utility of
ware that enables the gathering, very big crowdsourced data; and the concept of a Geosocial intelli-
sorting and displaying of useful • how to engage citizens to partici- gence framework appears to be trans-
disaster-related information; pate actively in sharing their data. ferable given the global nature of the
• ‘big crowdsourcing,’ wherein us- social media platform and the avail-
ers on a social media platform are Verifying the data acquired from Twit- ability of the open-source software,
actively encouraged to share infor- ter was of critical importance to the making the concept adaptable to the
mation relevant to a given situation project. User-generated reports were European context.
or anticipated scenario; cross-checked in a number of differ-
• a participatory approach and ent ways: by cross-referencing data
co-management that values the with tweets from the same location;


late risks and make decisions when also have a useful characteristic in that
4.4.3 broadcasting. it is easy to share information, and the
New communication functionality of the apps make it clear
patterns Even though decreasingly, informa- which information is more recent or
tion is still sought through tradition- has updated other information; there-
This chapter looks into the use of so- al mass media sources (namely from fore, these apps facilitate the creation
cial media and mobile technologies broadcasting companies), to some ex- of shared situation (or information)
in the communication process with tent regarded as more credible sourc- awareness.
younger (millennial) demographics. es of information. According to the
Messages, urgency and level of plan- findings of a survey of 1 034 citizens
ning change with the stage in the dis- across 30 European countries, only 13
aster cycle and planned versus reac- % of respondents perceived informa- It is important to
tive settings are highlighted. The place tion on social media to be more ac-
curate than that of traditional media
handle the transition
of such media in a wider set of media
used in a range of disaster settings is channels. In fact, nearly half (44 %) from traditional media
examined and discussed, as are the of the respondents did not agree with to social media, while
opportunities to extend messages this statement (Reuter and Spielhofer, fostering trust and
from traditional media to include, and 2016). reducing rumours and
take advantage of, newer forms of misinformation.
communication. To this extent, there have been im-
plications that — through its social,
Eurostat statistics suggest that young- interactive, local, rapid, unfiltered and
er people are more likely, in Europe timely qualities as well as convenience
as elsewhere, to have access to more and personal nature — social media A key issue is that of engaging com-
up-to-date smartphones as well as serves as a medium leading towards munities and citizens rather than
to information via tablets and gam- providing relevant information (Po- purely disseminating messages. This
ing consoles. Furthermore, younger setti, 2012; Austin et al., 2012). This was investigated comprehensively by
people are less likely to engage with is also supported by the previously the Public Empowerment Policies for
traditional channels such as radio mentioned survey, showing that citi- Crisis Management (PEP), which sug-
and broadcast media/print press and zens perceive information provided gested the integration of younger cit-
more likely to make use of social on social media during emergencies izens in responsibilities for such com-
media such as Twitter, regarding this as more accessible than information munication to improve relevance and
as a legitimate source of informa- provided via more traditional media access to that demographic. A related
tion, more than older citizens would channels such as TV, radio or me- effect is the low reliance of EU com-
(Bruns and Burgess, 2014). dia websites (Reuter and Spielhofer, munities on self-help (POP ALERT
Conflicting previous research (such 2016). The change could be explained project), with ‘the authorities’ being
as Austin et al. 2012) has implied that through media convergence; the in- expected to lead efforts as well as be a
traditional media was preferred — at terlocking of different types of media source of information. POP-ALERT
least a few years earlier —as a credible (text, audio and video) and content suggests that community resilience
source of information, and similarly (news, popular culture, etc.) on online can (and should) be strengthened, and
(according to Vihalemm et al. 2012), forums (and further on social media highlights social media and messaging
the trust in traditional media outlets sharing) has improved and simplified as key tools in engaging younger de-
has been seen to rest upon the belief access to any kind of information via mographics as well as in providing
that communication institutions have smart devices that was previously sec- resources such as toolkits to support
the proficiency to assess and estimate tored behind different media (televi- such development. This is further
information to obtain an adequate sion, radio and print press). Key social supported by Duffy (2012), who iden-
overview of a situation and to calcu- apps such as Facebook and WhatsApp tifies the use of social media in such

efforts to improve resilience and pre- ‘close’ to the recipients’ everyday lives of social media use during the disas-
paredness. (Trumbo and McComas, 2008; La- ter itself. Yasuda et al. (2016) highlight
chlan et al., 2007). Furthermore, the the role of in-school projects in pre-
Once a disaster has occurred, the public’s implicit or inherent presump- paring younger citizens in the same
emphasis shifts from preparedness tions regarding the source or channel setting, as do Schiavo et al. (2016) in
messages to messages designed to of information may affect further a broader health-promotion context.
update and inform. There has been information behaviour (e.g. seeking
significant EU action to develop ap- more information about threats or ig- Communication with younger demo-
propriate infrastructure, which allows noring it) (Vihalemm et al., 2012). Bird graphics shares one key issue with
connectivity and access to informa- et al. (2012), for example, highlight wider issues of communication; the
tion during the course of a disaster the use of Facebook groups — both requirement for a capable and resilient
that may have compromised such official and community generated — infrastructure to support communi-
communication systems (IDIRA and in the Queensland floods in Australia. cation. This is being addressed both
PPDRTC, for example). For many In this setting, the ability to trust the as a technical issue (e.g. provision of
people in such a situation, the priority messages received is key and informa- resilient broadband —PPDRTC pro-
becomes the ability to ‘track’ the dis- tion is likely to be sought, particular- ject) and through effective middle-
asters and gauge the likelihood of be- ly by younger people, from multiple ware to improve collaboration among
ing affected. For example, residents in channels in order to ‘cross-reference’ message providers (e.g. Disaster and
a flood area not yet affected by flood- advice and information (EU public IDIRA). In terms of preparedness,
water need to know whether they are empowerment policies project). The such communication capability is
in an area where they should stay put, issue of trustworthiness of messages available to many people (and argua-
prepare for the eventuality of evacua- also needs to be highlighted. Credible bly especially to younger people) for
tion or evacuate. sources are needed to convey messag- most of the time through 4G wireless
es and should take advantage of the networks, broadcast media and target-
Another interesting notion is how the ‘spotlight’ period of public attention ed project interventions.
source and form of crisis information at the height of a disaster to ensure
affects the public’s information-seek- effective messages are disseminated. Cyber security is also raised as a risk
ing behaviour. Based on their study This issue of trust is specifically ad- factor by projects including the EU
on such behaviour during crisis sit- dressed by the E-COM@ EU project. public empowerment policies project,
uations, Austin et al. (2012) suggest as is the quality of information sourc-
that people are more likely to use the Post-incident preparedness messages es feeding into messages — especially
same type of media to seek informa- can be continued and will have, for a at the reaction stage; EU Proactive
tion as that from which they initially period of time, a higher level of at- project being an example of a tech-
heard about the crisis. Their findings tention, especially with regard to the nical approach to this issue. The need
extend to the channel complementa- specific type of incident that has oc- to take a multidisciplinary and multi-
rity theory, which proposes that users curred, although, depending on the channel approach to communication
of a medium that serves a particular nature of the disaster, communica- rather than targeting specific groups
functional need are also more likely to tion systems may be affected over a — such as younger people — solely
choose other media relevant to serv- very short or an extended period of via a ‘preferred’ channel is highlighted
ing that particular function or need time (e.g. in the case of infrastructure by the EMBRACE project. Further-
(Dutta-Bergman, 2006). damage after a flood or earthquake). more, studies related to crisis com-
munication in real-life situations (e.g.
Similarly, previous research has es- Cool et al. (2015) highlight the role of Greater London area riots in 2011
tablished that the effectiveness of social media with younger citizens in and the swine flu epidemic in 2010)
crisis communication is positively in- post-disaster risk communication af- have highlighted the role of proactive
fluenced when the social position of ter Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and interactive methods of commu-
the communicator or the channel is as well as the lack of an infrastructure nication as well as timely reaction in


both enabling trust and increasing disaster risk communication in Zim- ly supported by SMS, email, fax and
communicational reach. babwe. text relay. The advent of social apps
and the wide availability of smart de-
These studies emphasise the impor- 4.4.4 vices enable the implementation of a
tance of interaction and participation total conversation model that com-
in online communication rather than Technology bines audio, real-time text, video and
merely relying on one-way informa- Infrastructure data-sharing to serve all citizens, in-
tion dissemination. Prompt reaction cluding those experiencing a disability
and interaction can prove to be piv- A key area for technological inno- and requiring special needs. However,
otal in avoiding a communicational vation in DRM relates to the social typical challenges encountered are re-
void (especially from the public au- and technical challenges concern- lated to standardisation and customi-
thorities) — and in preventing such a ing personalisation while achieving a sation: standardisation is necessary to
void from being filled by other actors shared situational awareness among ensure European-wide accessibility to
— as well as in establishing dialogue the emergency services and citizens. emergency services, while customisa-
and trust towards citizens, but also Shared situation awareness refers to tion is necessary to allow the imple-
in increasing communicational reach information that is shared, including mentation of specific apps, products
through shares, likes and recommen- updates of the information among and services for specific audiences.
dations (Denef et al., 2013; Tirkko- a group of people, for example as
nen and Luoma-Aho 2011). A further achieved by projects discussed above. Another open challenge is multilin-
risk issue in the use of social media — Shared situational awareness is often gualism and multicultural personali-
therefore disproportionately affecting defined for team performance (e.g. sation (Stephens and Malone, 2009).
younger citizens — is the potential Cuevas et al., 2011), yet is also rele- Each European country (and beyond)
(Alexander, 2014) for inaccurate in- vant in crisis management (e.g. Van hosts many citizens who do not speak
formation. Rumours, either naïve or De Ven et al., 2008; Wolbers and the native language, including tourists,
malicious, can be rapidly and widely Boersma, 2013). Personalisation is expats and immigrants, but also citi-
disseminated in advance of accurate directly related to cultural and con- zens who use sign language (i.e. due
information, and can potentially re- textual diversity in Europe, including to speech or hearing impairments).
duce its impact or fully eclipse it when multilingualism, the EU-wide mobili- During crises, effective and efficient
it does come. For example, according ty of its citizens and serving citizens communication is of utmost impor-
to a study by Gupta et al. (2013), ru- experiencing a disability or requiring tance, and having control over the
mours and fake content covered 29 % special needs (e.g. deafness, speech quality of translations of commu-
of the most viral content on Twitter, impairment, etc.). A number of EU nications is also an applicable chal-
while 51 % of the content was generic FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects are lenge to emergency services (Manso
opinions and comments and only 20 currently addressing these aspects to et al., 2016). The operators and first
% relayed true, factual information. enable rich(er) communication be- responders engaging in dialogue with
tween emergency services and citi- citizens may need automated support
A recent study also found echo ef- zens, including bidirectional voice, in communicating effectively with
fects (i.e. the dissemination of older real-time text, video and data: ‘total citizens with different language pro-
tweets with fake information) but also conversation’ with rich data (personal, ficiencies and cultural backgrounds
self-correcting mechanisms of social medical and location data). A non-ex- (Manso et al., 2016). Projects such as
media communities when verifying haustive overview can be found in the NEXES, Insign and SignSpeak ad-
and dispelling online rumours dur- appendix. dress the challenge of fostering com-
ing crises (Jong and Dückers, 2016). munication with (national and inter-
There are also imbalances in nation- Current communication means that national) sign language users.
al contexts; Mudhavanu et al. (2015), rely mainly on voice calls via land-
for example, highlighted the lack of lines or mobile phones as services Technical standardisation may be
involvement of younger citizens in for exceptional cases are only partial- hampered or fostered by the current

developments of regional and nation- and disadvantages of crowdsourcing the disaster go online through com-
al ‘emergency apps’. Examples of na- concern privacy, handling informa- puters using Web 2.0 applications, cell
tional apps with integration into the tion from participants with malicious phones and other personal devices to
emergency services’ systems and work intent, detecting false positives, etc. provide, seek and broker information
processes include the BurgerNet app. Furthermore, participant motivation in times of emergency.
(n.d.), the WhereAREU app. (n.d.), and engagement are of importance,
Greater Manchester Police app. (n.d.), especially when frequent updates of For example, results found in Soteria
and others. A possible disadvantage information from crowdsourcing are indicate that citizens consider author-
is a plethora of special-purpose apps required (Liu, 2014). ities’ presence in social media as valu-
that only function within a specif- able and reassuring during emergen-
ic region. Other apps, such as the Although general media coverage cy situations (Jäntti et al. 2016). This
BurgerNet app., have functionality for cannot, and likely should not, be re- directly implies that trust is an im-
cross-border cooperation and pave stricted, communication with and by portant facet of risk communication
the way for standardisation efforts. emergency services may need to be- (Coombs and Holladay 2014). Apart
An innovation investigated by the come more focussed and targeted. A from social and political aspects of
NEXES project is to provide stand- challenge for risk communication is trust, a number of security considera-
ardisation to the ‘back-end’ of these to target specific risk communication tions are of importance regarding the
apps through providing reusable li- to a specific audience, possibly de- message(s) sent by certain (trustwor-
braries. This ensures flexibility by app. liberately excluding specific citizens, thy) parties (Fruth and Nett, 2014;
developers to build any desired app. e.g. unaffected citizens (Manso et al., Tanenbaum and Van Steen, 2007):
with a harmonised integration with 2016). • Non-repudiation: no message can
emergency services. An advantage of be changed or tampered with; it is
such an innovation is that, potentially, Another challenge concerns the par- the original message with original
such apps can function everywhere in ty that takes the initiative. Typically, author, source location and times-
Europe and beyond. citizens take the initiative by calling tamp.
emergency services in an emergency. • Signed: any message can be traced
Emergency services, however, take to its author (the originating party).
the initiative prior to an incident/ • Relationships: any message explic-
Enable communication situation in providing information to itly refers to another message, in-
(groups of) citizens. An innovation to cluding an annotation of the type
between many parties be investigated in social and techni- of relationship, such as ‘is an up-
through different (non-) cal implications concerns how emer- date of ’.
digital media, securing gency services can contact a citizen, • Distribution: any message can be
proof of origin, tamper which could be a response of ‘call- shared and distributed, without
proof contents and ing back’ or when losing connectivi- changing the above properties.
discovery of updated ty (Manso et al., 2016). Alternatively, • A challenge is to explore these
information. there is the case of proactive com- technical considerations further so
munication: initiating communication that messages sent by (authorised)
before a hazardous situation unfolds. parties can be received, inspected
Unexpected communication by emer- and shared by any recipient. Of im-
gency services and other authorities portance is the ability to check for
A social and technical challenge for towards citizens may raise issues re- ‘updates’ and to have the built-in
emergency services is to engage in garding privacy. technical means to assure that citi-
‘crowdsourcing’: mobilising citizens zens can be notified of updates in a
to provide information on specific Crisis informatics (Palen et al., 2007) timely fashion. Information-bound
topics and/or engage in certain ac- is a documented phenomenon that security approaches (Xylomenos et
tions. However, both the advantages illustrates how people in and out of al., 2014) may be of relevance.


A typical technological challenge dur- ness. Nevertheless, it is prudent to authenticity and timeliness. The se-
ing a crisis concerns the availabili- assume that communication networks curity considerations with regard to
ty and reliability of communication may be (temporarily) disabled, con- messages, formulated from the trust
networks. Numerous national and gested or unavailable during a crisis. perspective, also apply to non-tech-
EU-funded projects (too many to list Given this assumption, a challenge nical communication. Is it possible
here) investigate new technologies is to ensure that (a) information can to deliver messages without using
and solutions for telecommunication be communicated to citizens and that digital communication infrastructure,
infrastructures and network robust- (b) information can be inspected for while retaining these trust-enhancing

BOX 4.1

Project overview (non-exhaustive)

• BeSeCu (Behavior, Security and EU (www.eu-insign.eu; not online to emergency communication
Culture) project. Understanding anymore) (www.ppdr-tc.eu).
culture in crisis behaviour. • New information system for • PROACTIVE project. Terrorism de-
• COMPOSITE project.Comparative the national emergency re- tectors. (www.proactiveproject.
police studies in the EU (www. sponse centre of Finland (http:// eu).
composite-project.eu). www.112.fi/en/the_erc_reform/ • Project Slándáil, which aims to
• DISASTER. Data Interoperability new_information_system) build and test a prototype sys-
Solution At Stakeholders Emer- • NEXES. NEXt generation Emer- tem for managing disaster emer-
gency Reaction Novel methods to gency Systems ( www.nexes.eu, gencies by fusing information
enhance cross-border emergency Manso et al., 2016) available in different modalities
response (www.disaster-fp7.eu). • Online and mobile communi- in social media with due regard
• E-COM@EU project. Effective cations for crisis response and to ethical and factual data prov-
communication in outbreak man- search and rescue actions (isar. enance (www.slandail.eu)
agement (www.ecomeu.info). i112.eu) (Flizikowski et al. 2014; • REACH112. Responding to All
• EMBRACE. Building Resilience Manso and Manso 2012) Citizens needing Help (www.
Amongst Communities in Europe. • Online and mobile communica- reach112.eu)
(www.embrace-eu.org). tions for emergencies (soteria. • REACT. Reaction to Emergency
• HeERO 2 project. Harmonised i112.eu) (Jäntti et al. 2016) Alerts using voice and clustering
eCALL European Pilot (www.hee- • PEP project. EU Public Empower- technologies (www.react-ist.net;
ro-pilot.eu) ment Policies for Crisis Manage- not online anymore)
• IDIRA. Interoperability of Data ment (www.crisiscommunication. • Software to understand sign lan-
and procedures In large-scale fi/pep). guages (www.signspeak.eu)
multinational disaster response • POP ALERT project. Solutions to • Use of new communications and
actions. (http://www.idira.eu/). better prepare European citizens social media to support citizens
• INSIGN. European Commission and authorities during large- during crisis (www.projectathena.
DG Justice and Consumers pilot scale crises. eu) (Gibson et al. 2015)
project regarding improving com- • PPDRTC project. Public Protection
munication between deaf and and Disaster Relief — Trans-
hard of hearing persons and the formation Centre. Roadmap

aspects? The challenge here lies in al- public service bodies in disaster risk discuss the mechanisms by which the
lowing citizens to distribute messages management are slowly shifting from innovations are stabilised or grown in
using various media, including but not communication methods that reflect terms of institutionalisation, scope
limited to paper, photographs, photo- a view that aims to align lay percep- and function.
copy, etc. tions with expert views of severity to
participatory models that recognise Innovation
4.4.5 local citizen expertise and knowl- The key challenges for innovation in
edge. A key issue is that of engaging disaster and risk communication lie
Conclusions and communities and citizens rather than not in the generation of innovative
key messages purely disseminating messages, that practices but in the implementation
is, moving from a top-down focus to of mechanisms by which innovations
In this subchapter we have identified what has been termed a ‘people-cen- and improving practice are diffused
a number of areas of practice, many tred approach’. The development of and moved from a state of emergence
of which reinforce existing tenets of digital technologies and social media to wide-scale adoption. Rather than
effective practice: communication is platforms (e.g. the use of social media generating innovative approaches, we
reciprocal and risk communication in the Haiti earthquake, the Queens- would suggest that embedding and
is about increasing the quality, time- land floods in Australia and Hurricane diffusing innovations is the key area
liness and accuracy of situational Sandy in the United States) has led that both policy and practice must ad-
awareness. We also point out the in- to new ways of delivering better tar- dress.
fluence of technological innovations geted, actionable risk information to
and current innovation challenges diverse publics across multicultural,
that lie in realising total conversation multiagency and multi-jurisdictional
and crowdsourcing capabilities, per- boundaries.
sonalisation for citizens, integration
with emergency services, enhancing Knowledge
trust in (official) communication and In this context, it is wise to consider
standardisation with and beyond the the ‘dark’ or unexplored areas of re-
EU. Research has indicated that many search and practice in risk communi-
of the challenges related to informa- cation. In a recent structured literature
tion sharing during major incidents review of research focusing on inno-
transcend technology issues (Al- vation within the public sector, De
len, Karanasios and Norman 2014). Vries et al. (2015) noted that only 7 %
These new innovative processes can, of the literature reviewed dealt with
however, be seen as a double-edged technological process innovation and
sword, bringing not only benefits but that interorganisational innovations
also new risks and challenges. As Liegl have not been thoroughly investigat-
et al. (2016) state, it is also important ed. It is perhaps interesting that much
to note the importance of the con- of the work discussed here deals pre-
sideration of ethical, legal and social cisely with these areas: interorganisa-
issues (ELSI) related to these new in- tional innovations and technologically
novations. enabled process innovation. However,
it is also telling that whilst the studies
Partnership we have identified discuss the nuanc-
Governments (national, regional and es of the technologies and processes
local), emergency management (re- to ‘improve practice’ or demonstrate
sponder) organisations and other ‘innovations’, they singularly fail to


The approach to communicating disaster risk in recent years has been shifted
from a top-down, ‘one size fits all’ approach to a more democratic, engaged
and inclusive one. It implies partnership between policymakers, practitioners
and citizens of all backgrounds. In a society in which people have the opportu-
nity to inform themselves about a wide variety of risks through various media
channels, one-way media campaigns that tell people how to prepare, respond
and recover from a disaster are not effective. Instead, engaging in a dialogue
with local communities to understand the historical and local context is an im-
portant fundament for future risk communication that focuses on stimulating
resilient behaviour:
• words used for risk communication should be inclusive and emphatic in or-
der to contribute to effective communication and support and eventually to
more resilient coping strategies of those affected by a disaster;
• since the people’s response to disasters is influenced by past experiences and
local cultures, risk communication should be based on the understanding of
local risk perceptions and capacities.

Likewise, the practices of disaster and risk management should rely on a com-
prehensive approach to decision-making. Participatory models emphasising
engagement with and empowering of local communities through joint prepa-
ration, planning and information crowdsourcing have emerged, enabled by in-
creasing digitalisation. Those involved in risk communication should:
• realise that collecting, sharing and disseminating disaster information is not
neutral, as it has an impact on how people perceive risks and deal with the
• bottom-up, people-centred and participatory processes need to be estab-
lished to ensure collaborative and inclusive decision-making;
• make sure that the collection, analysing and modelling of crisis data is done
in a transparent and ethical way to avoid privacy infringements, unauthorised
dissemination of personal information, inequality and irresponsible behav-

ICTs play a vital role in risk communication. New communication tools and
innovations, including social media, WEA and the use of mobile and online
communication tools, might help people to find more relevant information on
disaster risks. At the same time, innovation in risk communication should never
be a goal in itself:
• it is critically important to invest in the implementation of mechanisms by
which innovations can improve communication practices, including interor-
ganisational collaboration;
• the communicator and/or the channel’s social position should be as close
as possible to the recipients’ everyday lives as this will positively affect the

outcome of risk communication;
• using personalisation of risk communication that is related to cultural and
contextual diversity is a key ingredient of a successful communication strat-
• since critical information infrastructures can be affected by disasters (e.g.
resulting in large-scale power blackouts), governments should invest in re-
liable, redundant and sustainable infrastructures, but at the same time take
measurements to go beyond the infrastructure by investing in risk knowl-
edge, monitoring and risk capacity and early warning systems.

The above efforts together will support a more balanced, inclusive and system-
atic approach to risk communication and will eventually lead to a more resilient
European society that has to deal with increasing risks.



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Chapter 5
disaster risk

Emily Wilkinson Carlos Sousa Oliveira

Coordinating lead author Lead author 5.3

Swenja Surminski Betâmio de Almeida

Lead author 5.1 Daniela Di Bucci
Mauro Dolce
Jeroen Aerts Herman Havekes
David Alexander Verity Kemp
Daniela Di Bucci Catherine Simonet
Reinhard Mechler Solveig Thorvaldsdottir
Jaroslav Mysiak John Twigg
Emily Wilkinson Richard Williams

Katie Peters Jaroslav Mysiak

Lead author 5.2 Lead author 5.4

Monika Buscher David Bresch

Carina Fearnley Dionisio Peréz Blanco
Ira Helsloot David Simmons
Pierre Kockerols Swenja Surminski
John Twigg
5 Managing disaster risk

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
5.1 Prevention and mitigation: avoiding and reducing the new and existing risks . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
5.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
5.1.2 EU structures, institutions, strategies and political instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
5.1.3 Structural and non-structural measures and innovation in Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
5.1.4 Identifying appropriate prevention and mitigation measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
5.1.5 The economics of mitigation and prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
5.1.6 Policies, institutions and incentives for investing in mitigation and prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
5.1.7 Achieving mitigation and prevention through land-use planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 National Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Zoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Object level and building codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
5.1.8 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
5.2 Preparedness and response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
5.2.1 Policy and institutional architecture of preparedness and response in Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Policy landscape and trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Institutional architecture and coordinating mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 Developing effective early warning systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
5.2.2 Ethical, legal and social principles in preparedness and response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Legal frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Ethics and moral standards for emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 Social capital and social cohesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
5.2.3 Professionalization of citizen engagement in preparedness and response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 Citizen engagement and volunteerism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 Emergent groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 The role of social media in citizen engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
5.2.4 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
5.3 Recovery and avoiding risk creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
5.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
5.3.2 Planning for recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 Recovery plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476 Integrating mitigation in recovery plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476

444 Promoting participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
5.3.3 Reconstruction, building and urban design in post-disaster contexts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Principles for reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Local construction practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Avoiding future risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
5.3.4 Economic recovery processes from households to the macro economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 Economic recovery processes at the microlevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 Economic recovery at the business and sectoral level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Economic recovery process at the national level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 Supporting economic recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
5.3.5 Psychosocial recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 The psychosocial approach to disasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 The psychosocial and mental health impacts of disasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 Policies and interventions for psychosocial recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
5.3.6 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
5.4 Risk transfer and financing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
5.4.1 Risk financing and transfer: introduction and typology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
5.4.2 The role of insurance: spreading risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
5.4.3 The role of insurance: incentivising risk reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
5.4.4 Public–private partnerships for risk financing and transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
5.4.5 Conclusions and key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502


he European region is exposed to a wide range of natural hazards such
as storms, droughts, heat waves, floods, earthquakes, avalanches and
landslides that continuously cause human and economic loss.
Despite the European wealth of expertise, knowledge and know-how
in disaster risk management (DRM), statistics show that vulnerability to haz-
ards in the region is increasing.

DRM comprises a systematic process of using administrative decisions and

organisational and operational skills and capacities to implement policies and
strategies, and coping capacities of society and communities to lessen the im-
pacts of natural hazards and related environmental and technological disas-
ters. This concept includes all forms of strategies, policies, plans and activities
aimed at minimising disaster impacts on individuals and society.
This chapter examines the scientific contribution to understanding these pro-
cesses and institutions across Europe. These are described in four subchapters,
divided up in a similar way to how DRM functions and are often separated
conceptually across a disaster management cycle. The disaster management
cycle commonly includes four types of measures needed to manage disasters:
mitigation and preparedness (before a disaster) and response and recovery (af-
ter a disaster).

These measures are broadly aligned with the Sendai Framework for Disaster
Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR), which adopts the idea of managing dis-
aster risk as opposed to managing disasters, whereby action is needed to do the
• Reduce existing risk: a set of measures, known as ‘corrective risk manage-
ment’, similar to the commonly used concept of ‘mitigation’.
• Avoid new disaster risk: activities to address and avoid the development
of new or increased disaster risk, known as ‘prospective risk management’,
similar to what are often referred to as ‘prevention’ measures.
• Manage residual risk: activities that strengthen the resilience of individuals
and societies to risk that cannot be effectively reduced, including prepared-
ness, response and sometimes recovery activities (those that do not actually
avoid new disaster risk by, for example, relocating populations in the after-
math of a disaster) as well as risk transfer and financing activities.

Prevention and mitigation; preparedness and response planning; post-disaster

recovery (to new risk); and risk transfer and financing are the major topics
of this chapter. The focus in Chapter 5.1 is on studies of disaster mitigation
and prevention presenting a range of structural (e.g. building codes and their
enforcement and structural protection measures) and non-structural (e.g. land-
use planning and zoning) measures. Critically, all disaster prevention and miti-


gation measures need to be identified on the basis of risk assessments, and the
use of these across Europe is reviewed in this chapter.
Mitigation and prevention measures in Europe are widely considered to be
more cost-effective than post-disaster interventions. This is predominantly
based on an analysis of the benefits arising from avoided loss. Economic anal-
ysis methods have been applied to gain a better understanding of the economic
benefits of mitigation and prevention. Yet recognising and appraising the wid-
er co-benefits of investing in mitigation and prevention could make an even
more convincing case. This chapter examines some of these broader benefits
to society and to the economy.

Human exposure to natural hazard risk is mainly caused by settlement and oth-
er economic developments in hazard-prone areas, but this risk can be managed
through spatial planning and regulations; national spatial planning policies may
involve cooperation with other countries. Within cross-boundary river basins,
countries may jointly seek for policies to control flood waters through spatial
planning measures. An example are the flood retention areas in the Rhine ba-
sin, which aim at storing flood waters upstream in Germany to lower the risk
of flooding downstream in the Netherlands.

Disaster preparedness and response addressed in Chapter 5.2 is embedded in

complex ethical, legal, social and political contexts, and broad values and prin-
ciples are needed for emergency response that transcends boundaries.
This necessitates cooperation between regional, national and international
communities. The EU Community Mechanism for Civil Protection is develop-
ing several tools to support this, including the European Emergency Response
Coordination Centre (ERCC) in Brussels as well as a Common Emergency
Communication and Information System (CECIS). A key issue for prepared-
ness is how societies can translate these broader values and principles of emer-
gency response into social, organisational and technical innovation.

The professionalism and coordination of preparedness for response by civil

protection agencies has significantly advanced in recent years alongside a de-
sire to give citizens increasing responsibility for their own preparedness. There
has been a strengthening of the value of citizens themselves in preparedness
and response planning, with social groups playing an important role during a
disaster to help manage emergency response. Strengthening social cohesion
and trust before a disaster can increase the response’s effectiveness. Extensive
flooding in 2007 in Kingston upon Hull in the United Kingdom, for example,
stimulated a range of spontaneous actions by local residents, including assist-
ing with evacuation, giving care and support to vulnerable neighbours, protect-
ing houses against floodwater and giving medical assistance.

Chapter 5.3 presents post-disaster recovery as an opportunity for economic

development and regeneration. The recovery process is multidimensional and
progresses at different rates for different people, businesses, institutions and
places affected by a disaster. Institutional fragmentation and short-term plan-

ning can hinder recovery processes and often result in new risks being created.
Thus, cross-scale and longer-term risk management strategies are needed in
recovery, integrating different stakeholder perspectives and knowledge and co-
ordinating across policy domains.

For earthquake and other types of reconstruction there is not a ‘one size fits all’
model, but decisions need to be discussed in advance with the citizens, taking
into account suggestions and explaining the limits of time, space and budget.
Territories are different, available scientific and technologic support evolves
and the population’s expectations can change through time: a mature civil pro-
tection system looks for tailored solutions building on previous experience
while exploring new alternatives.

Economic recovery occurs at various scales after a disaster and the economic
system will unlikely return to a pre-disaster state, yet measures can be taken
to support and accelerate the recovery process. Higher levels of assets give a
wider range of options and opportunities following a disaster and can speed
recovery, as can access to formal credit and grants. Families, neighbours and
social networks can help people to recover their assets.

Accessing financial resources after a disaster is critical to rebuilding and main-

taining essential functions. Nonetheless, the policies supporting economic
recovery should not focus solely on financing. A mix of policy initiatives is
needed to build resilience after a disaster: from the design of early warning
systems (EWS) tailored to specific audiences to the development of efficient
regulations. Overall, combinations of financial support with other market sup-
port and service provision are needed.

People’s psychosocial recovery after disasters is a complex, multidimensional

process that is also linked to the measures taken before disasters occur, to the
social and economic circumstances of those affected, to the actions taken to
rebuild and restore assets and to the services provided after disasters. Research
demonstrates that people’s recovery in the short and medium term can be pro-
moted through a psychosocial approach, with interventions made universally
available to reduce suffering and risks of people developing mental disorders.
Disasters can undermine development progress and financial and economic
stability and well-being, and so a sound risk financing strategy is needed to less-
en these impacts and speed up recovery and reconstruction (Chapter 5.4). Risk
financing complements regulatory and economic instruments such as prices,
taxes, tradable permits and liability. There is ample consensus that insurance
can and should play an increasingly important role in mitigating disaster im-
pacts, not only through risk sharing, but also by improving risk identification
and modelling, risk awareness and recovery.


5.1 Prevention and

mitigation: avoiding
and reducing the new
and existing risks
Swenja Surminski, Jeroen Aerts, David Alexander, Daniela Di
Bucci, Reinhard Mechler, Jaroslav Mysiak, Emily Wilkinson

or disaster to prevent secondary haz- well as improved environmental and

5.1.1 ards or their consequences, such as social policies and public awareness.
Introduction measures to prevent the contamina- It should be noted that, in climate
tion of water (UNISDR, 2016). change policy, ‘mitigation’ is defined
In line with the United Nations Of- differently and is the term used for
fice for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN- the reduction of greenhouse gas
ISDR) definitions used in this report, emissions, which are the source of
prevention is understood as the activi- Ex ante interventions climate change (UNISDR, 2016).
ties and measures to avoid existing and
new disaster risks (UNISDR, 2007).
aimed at reducing The SFDRR, adopted by the United
Prevention (i.e. disaster prevention) existing risk (mitigation) Nations General Assembly, calls for ‘a
expresses the concept and intention and avoiding a generation culture of prevention’ and enhanced
to completely avoid potential adverse of new ones (prevention) risk reduction. Priority 3 of the
impacts of hazardous events. While are important elements framework focuses on ‘investing in
certain disaster risks cannot be elim- in the DRM process. disaster risk reduction for resilience’
inated, prevention aims at reducing and proposing ‘public and private in-
vulnerability and exposure in such vestment in disaster risk prevention
contexts where, as a result, the risk of and reduction through structural and
disaster is removed. Examples include non-structural measures are essen-
dams or embankments that elimi- Mitigation relates to ‘the lessening or tial to enhance the economic, social,
nate flood risks, land-use regulations limitation of the adverse impacts of health and cultural resilience of per-
that do not permit any settlement in a hazardous event. The adverse im- sons, communities, countries and
high-risk zones, seismic engineering pacts of hazards, in particular natural their assets, as well as the environ-
designs that ensure the survival and hazards, often cannot be prevented ment’ (UNISDR, 2015). The Sendai
function of a critical building in any fully, but their scale or severity can be framework provides a set of guiding
likely earthquake and immunisation substantially lessened by various strat- principles relevant for any efforts
against vaccine-preventable diseases. egies and actions. Mitigation meas- aimed at addressing rising disaster
Prevention measures can also be tak- ures include engineering techniques risks, from global to local levels.
en during or after a hazardous event and hazard-resistant construction as

This subchapter explores current in- threat management and counter-ter- considered the essence of disaster
stitutions, policies and challenges for rorism (Alexander, 2011). The factor risk, and hazard the trigger. Hence,
disaster prevention and mitigation that links the two approaches is vul- abatement of vulnerability is the pri-
in Europe across different hazards. nerability. In threat management, it mary need in disaster risk reduction.
We differentiate between structural is seen as the defence of weak points Vulnerability to disaster can be con-
and non-structural measures before in the human socioeconomic system, sidered by sector (economic, environ-
examining the political complexities whilst in civil protection, it is regard- mental, institutional, physical, etc.),
and barriers that currently hinder mit- ed as a systemic factor that is socially but this runs the risk of failing to em-
igation and prevention efforts before constructed because it reflects deci- brace the connections between sec-
looking at the economics of investing sion-making in all realms: physical, tors. An alternative approach might
in mitigation and prevention, con- social, economic, institutional, envi- consider vulnerability to be pristine
sidering how the costs and benefits ronmental and so on. (unaffected by mitigation and pre-
of different strategies and measures vention), technocratic (resulting from
could be weighed up and compared. Disaster impacts can be instantane- the misapplication of technology),
We conclude with a reflection on how ous, rapid, stepwise, ramped, ‘creep- wilful (the result of corruption and
mitigation and prevention goals can ing’ (i.e. insidious) or of long onset. exploitation), economic (deficiencies
be supported through land-use plan- Although it is tempting to classify in livelihoods) or socio-psychologi-
ning. impacts by their causes into natural, cal (oppression, community conflict,
technological, social and intentional, etc.). It is essential to recognise that
Development of the very many disasters are composite there is a constant dialectic between
concept and use of DRM in nature. Such is the complexity of forces that create vulnerability and
modern society and its interrelations those that reduce it (McEntire, 2001).
The concept of DRM has been devel- that this has become the age of the Academic studies of the social impact
oped in relation to the management cascading disaster. Impacts are prop- of disasters have been carried out sys-
of risk related to natural hazards. In agated through critical infrastructure tematically for about a century. In the
this subchapter we focus primarily on (CI) failures, with escalation points latter part of the 20th century and the
the institutions, policies, incentives that mark the interactions between beginning of the 21st, the field grew
and applications of mitigation and factors that generate positive feed- at an accelerating rate. As a result, it is
prevention measures as the principle back and spread the impacts into new now a rich repository of lessons to in-
ex ante actions used to manage risk. areas (Pescaroli and Alexander, 2016). spire future efforts in prevention and
The gradual adoption of DRM as a Several basic principles underpin ef- mitigation, if the lessons are learnt.
name and a framework for dealing fective risk mitigation and prevention.
with disasters has brought with it the First, the underlying risk drivers need Governments, organisations and
realisation that natural hazards can to be tackled. This means reduction people are not inherently interest-
only be managed effectively at the in poverty and underdevelopment, as ed in mitigating disasters unless they
local level. The theatre of operations these are barriers to the protection of perceive a direct benefit, and greater
for both mitigation and response communities against hazards. We may effort is needed to draw attention to
is inevitably local, although no one add climate change abatement, redis- these benefits and to improving the
would deny the need for harmonisa- tribution of wealth and reinforcement incentives for investing in mitigation
tion at the regional and national levels of rights, including access to informa- and prevention.
of public administration, if not also tion, self-determination and freedom
the international level. The system to act.
that arises out of concerted responses
to hazard can be termed civil protec- Secondly, a multihazard approach
tion. Its counterpart is civil defence, a to planning is favoured because it is
nationally organised system that now- more efficient than a single-hazards
adays is heavily orientated towards approach. Vulnerability should be


mapping in 2007 (EXCIMAP, 2007). mal communication by the European

5.1.2 The EU also has an agreement with Commission on this topic (Stein et
EU structures, the European-Mediterranean Seismo- al., 2016). Similar influential policies
institutions, logical Centre to monitor seismologi- include the Flood Directive (2007),
strategies and cal activity and provide early notifica-
tions for earthquakes (Papatheodorou
which aimed to standardise the level
of protection that European citizens
political instruments et al., 2014). Additionally, progress receive from floods by prompting
has been made with regard to mul- states to review their risk assessment
In recent years, the EU has taken an tihazard disaster risk prevention and policies and take deliberate steps to
active role in drawing together the mitigation. Meteoalarm, developed reduce flood risk (Alfieri et al., 2012).
collective expertise of its members by the European Meteorological Ser- In April 2013 the European Commis-
for the purposes of disaster preven- vices Network, is a collaborative plat- sion also adopted an EU strategy on
tion and mitigation (see Chapter 1). form providing 24-48-hour lead-time climate change adaptation to support
The European Commission (JRC) has warnings for extreme weather events adaptation planning and policies at
been a central coordination mecha- in participating European countries all levels (Quevauviller and Gemmer,
nism in this endeavour. The Euro- (Alfieri et al., 2012). 2015).
pean Commission (JRC) developed
the European Flood Alert System These mechanisms and policies are,
(EFAS) in 2003, providing local wa- to a large extent, the result of broad-
ter authorities with probabilistic flood In recent years, the EU er commitments by the EU to protect
forecasting for transnational Europe- civilian populations from disasters
an river basins (Thielen et al., 2009). It
has taken an active role both within Europe and worldwide.
also helped to establish the European in drawing together the The European Union Civil Protection
Drought Observatory, which since collective expertise of its Mechanism (UCPM), for instance,
2011 has been the ‘leading dissemina- members for the purposes was established in 2001 to harness
tor on drought-related information’ of disaster prevention and cooperation between the national civ-
such as precipitation measurements mitigation. il protection authorities from all 28
and soil moisture content (Stein et al., Member States to respond quickly to
2016). Another significant resource is civilian emergencies and assist in pre-
the European Forest Fire Informa- vention and mitigation by allowing in-
tion System (EFFIS), which combines formation sharing between countries.
information from across European, These partnerships are frequently
Middle Eastern and North African underpinned by EU directives and In many EU countries, different haz-
regions, including fire danger assess- policies, which provide the impetus ards are still handled, particularly in
ments, damage assessments and a fire and strategic vision for their work. the prevention and mitigation phases,
news module (JRC, 2015). Examples include the Water Frame- by different organisations and minis-
work Directive (2000), which estab- try lines, while methodologies, tools
In addition to working with the na- lished an integrated EU-wide frame- (e.g. EWS) and data are often com-
tional authorities of Member States, work for water management (Stein et mon to many of them (e.g. both land-
the EU also works closely with other al., 2016) and monitoring to address use planning and weather forecasts are
independent organisations to improve the problem of water scarcity and crucial for floods, landslides, hurri-
the level of research and publicly avail- drought affecting many European canes as well as for drought and wild-
able information on disasters. One countries (Quevauviller and Gemmer fires). Effective coordination mecha-
such organisation is the European 2015). The issue of water scarcity and nisms, such as the national platforms
Exchange Circle on Flood Mapping, drought was later taken up as a main promoted by the SFDRR, are key to
which produced a comprehensive priority during the Portuguese Presi- ensuring a joined-up understanding
handbook of good practices in flood dency in 2007, culminating in a for- of risks, including the cascade effects

of hazards, as well as coordinated re- ness measures); nanced in 2015 shows a focus on
source allocation and integration of • modifying the natural environment non-structural measures and im-
roles and responsibilities. The EU has without causing a structural change proving response capability. This is
adopted the SFDRR and developed to it (for example, controlled burn- in response to the clear domination
an action plan accordingly (European ing of bushland to prevent bush- of structural measures across the
Commission, 2016a). fires); EU. The emphasis on non-structural
• encouraging people to change their measures by the UCPM can be seen
behaviour, such as providing tax in- as an attempt to balance the structur-
5.1.3 centives to plant trees. al measures taken at the national level
with non-structural assistance at the
Structural and non- Although most EU Member States regional level. Supported projects in-
structural implement mitigation measures at the clude the following:
measures and national or local level, the European • improving evacuation preparedness
Commission will co-finance projects in Romania and Slovenia in case of
innovation in that enhance mitigation and prepar- a nuclear accident (non-structural);
Europe edness through an annual call for • improving knowledge against seis-
proposals under the UCPM (Europe- mic risk through the KnowRISK
A common distinction is made be- an Commission, 2016b). In 2016, its project (non-structural);
tween structural and non-structural total budget for assisting EU Member • improving the capacity for address-
measures. Structural measures are States was EUR 29 366 000 (Euro- ing the impact of natural disasters
commonly derived from the engineer- pean Commission, 2016c). This rep- on cultural heritage (non-structur-
ing and physical sciences and include resents a slight increase from 2015, al); and
the following (Coppola, 2015): where the total budget was EUR 28 • a programme for improving the
• building resistant structures, such 068 000. self-help capabilities of young peo-
as dams and sea walls; ple in times of disaster (non-struc-
• using certain materials in buildings Only a small percentage of this tural).
and adopting building codes that budget, however, is available for pre-
require structures to be disaster-re- vention and mitigation. In 2016, EUR
sistant; 2.8 million was available for co-fi-
• relocating populations to safer ar- nancing prevention projects (Euro- Ex ante disaster
eas; pean Commission 2016c) and this
• modifying the natural environ- amount did not increase from 2015.
mitigation and prevention
ment, such as slope terracing and By comparison, EUR 5 million was can be achieved through
draining. made available for training EU civil a range of structural
• non-structural measures are gen- protection teams and EUR 3.6 million (e.g. building codes and
erally described as ‘soft methods’ was made available for planning, con- their enforcement and
(Palliyaguru et al. 2014), or man ducting and evaluating disaster simu- structural protection
adapting to nature (Coppola 2015). lation exercises (European Commis- measures) and non-
sion 2016c). Furthermore, although
These may include the following: the maximum co-funding rate for a
structural (e.g. land-use
• adopting regulations designed to project is high (75 % of a project’s planning and zoning)
prevent people from engaging in cost), it only applies up to a maximum measures.
risky behaviour (for example, zon- of EUR 800 000 for each project that
ing laws); is co-financed (European Commis-
• community initiatives such as flood sion, 2016c).
warning systems (although these Technological innovation is recog-
are usually classified as prepared- The list of projects that were co-fi- nised by the SFDRR as an important


part of the arsenal available for reduc- jects improving societal resilience Risk assessment plays an important
ing a society’s disaster risk. In Europe, against natural and man-made dis- part for prevention and mitigation
technological innovation is promoted asters. These calls are made under strategies, for example through ap-
in a number of ways, including but its ‘secure societies’ stream. The plying risk information in decision
not limited to the following. following are examples of projects support, evaluation and cost-benefit
• The European Commission (JRC) that have received funding and re- analysis (CBA) processes (Watkiss
has researched and produced a late to DRR. et al., 2014). Mitigation and preven-
number of technological advance- 1. The Brigaid project, which seeks tion measures seem more likely to be
ments (particularly computer-based to ‘bridge the gap for innovations adopted when an effective informa-
systems) that have contributed to in disaster resilience’ by providing tion-sharing programme is in place.
minimising the impacts of disasters a platform for the testing of resil- For example, the EU seeks to foster
on a global scale (JRC, 2014). For ience innovations (TU Delft, 2016). the development of mitigation and
example, The European Commis- The EU contributed approximate- prevention measures across differ-
sion (JRC) has conducted research ly EUR 7.7 million to the project ent countries by reviewing their risk
on the vulnerability of buildings to (CORDIS, 2016a). assessments and promoting best
seismic activity through its exper- 2. The Liquefact project, which practice. Since 2012, eight such peer
imental reaction wall, which has seeks to address the effects of reviews have occurred across Eu-
also been used in other projects earthquake-induced liquefaction rope (European Commission 2016b).
(e.g. the Series project) to test ret- disasters (CORDIS, 2016b). Indeed, the EU has issued guidance
rofitting techniques (JRC, 2014). for other states on how to prepare
• The European Commission (JRC) Data innovations are increasingly national risk assessments as part of
also operates the European Crisis supporting decision-making on miti- the UCPM (European Commission,
Management Laboratory for the gation measures at the national level. 2016b). Risk information also plays
development of information and In the United Kingdom, for example, an important role in assessing the
communications technology as the Department for Environment, appropriateness of risk management
well as annual workshops address- Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) will activities/strategies in anticipation of
ing bespoke technological issues be making greater use of crowd- future risk conditions. Information
such as the use of unmanned aerial sourced data on regional flood risk requirements about risk and the kind
vehicles for rapid mapping (JRC, thanks to improvements in data tech- of risk assessment applied may differ
2016). It used such vehicles to sup- nology (UK Space Agency 2016). For depending on the needs of the deci-
port the post-disaster needs assess- completeness, innovation is also com- sion-maker (Surminski et al., 2012).
ment (PDNA) mission in Bosnia ing from areas outside the EU; for ex-
following the May floods in 2014 ample, innovators seeking to provide In Europe, the Enhance project has
(JRC, 2014). The laboratory forms technology solutions to mitigation shown that the kind and scale of a
part of the Disaster Risk Manage- regularly attend the annual Gene- risk assessment depend on how the
ment Knowledge Centre’s ‘innova- va-based International Exhibition of results are used by decision-makers.
tion’ stream, which also includes Innovations (Fowler, 2015). For example, the EU-wide flood risk
the European Network for Innova- assessment informs the design of the
tion Test Beds (DRMKC, 2016a). EU solidarity fund, while the local as-
The innovation stream is focused 5.1.4 sessments of surface water flooding
on ‘advancing technologies and in the United Kingdom and drought
capacities in disaster risk and crisis Identifying risk in the Jucar provide useful in-
management’ (DRMKC, 2016b). appropriate formation for local risk management
• Horizon 2020, the largest EU re- prevention and policies, such as insurance and water
search and innovation programme pricing (Botzen et al., 2015).
ever (European Commission
mitigation measures
2016d), provides funding for pro- In addition to risk information and

data, mitigation and prevention meas- nerships for supporting adaptation awareness, sharing experiences
ures require support and interaction to climate change and resilience in and facilitating global cooperation
between stakeholders, whether it be diverse contexts, including large cities among local governments to devel-
at the local, regional or international such as Toronto, Quito and London op resilient cities based on seven
level. This includes public and private and smaller urban centres such as key principles that allow them to
stakeholders. Engaging with commu- Walvis Bay in South Africa (Carmin et withstand, respond to and adapt
nities at the local level can foster the al., 2013). This coincides with the re- more readily to shocks and stress-
adoption of risk-reduction techniques alisation that cities form a pivotal part es. This initiative provides member
by individuals engaged in that commu- in pursuing internationally agreed cities with four types of support:
nity (Wittyorapong et al., 2015). This policy goals, including climate mitiga- assistance to develop a compre-
also requires a combination of both tion and adaptation, as well as DRR hensive ‘resilience strategy’; access
‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ strate- (Bulkeley and Castán Broto, 2013). to a USD 100-million-plus (EUR
gies (European Commission, 2013). Cities are of importance in managing 91.7-million-plus) pool of best-in-
For example, utilising a ‘bottom-up’ climate risks as they serve as centres class services from partners in the
approach, communities in the Pacif- of economic activity, technology and private, public, NGO and academic
ic Islands have developed their own innovation hubs while often being sectors; and connection through a
techniques to combat tropical hazards exposed to a range of climate risks, peer-to-peer network so that cities
(e.g. cyclones). The implementation of including potential infrastructure can learn from each other’s success
these techniques is monitored by Red failure, urban blight and loss to both and failures. It also offers funding
Cross volunteers, allowing the transi- populations and assets (Surminski and support for hiring a chief re-
tion of information from the local to and Leck, 2016). silience officer, a top-level advisor
the international. This is referred to as who reports directly to the city
‘participatory DRR’ (European Com- Recent examples of initiatives that mayor. Their task is to establish
mission, 2013). promote mitigation and prevention a compelling resilience vision for
(Geneva Association, 2016; Gol- their city, working across depart-
naraghi et al., 2016) include city-level ments and with the local commu-
and industry collaboration. nity to maximise innovation and
Tools and models for • Encouraging mitigation and pre- minimise the impact of unforeseen
vention in urban areas events. To date, this initiative has
understanding risk are The UNISDR (n.d.) global cam- led to the designation of chief re-
well advanced within paign for resilient cities has fo- silience officers in 68 cities.
Europe and can be cused on raising awareness about • Collaboration with industry
used as the basis for risks and comprehensive approach- In several countries the private
identifying and prioritising es to risk preparedness and reduc- sector is funding technical devel-
action to reduce risk and tion among local governments and opment as well as testing facilities
avoid risk creation in the authorities and urban communities. for building materials, designs and
The 100 resilient cities initiative, techniques. In Germany the pre-
future. launched by the Rockefeller Foun- vention and safety testing institute,
dation, is supported by a number VdS, was initially set up by insurers
of international associations such as a way to support fire resilience in
as the International Consortium of businesses and industry. Insurers in
The recent emphasis on resilient cit- Local Governments for Sustain- the United Kingdom are collabo-
ies is another example where action at ability, other foundations (such as rating with the Environment Agen-
the local level can inform internation- the Clinton Foundation), the Unit- cy (the government agency respon-
al-level thinking. Carmin et al. (2013) ed Nations and other non-govern- sible for flood risk management) to
present several examples of city- mental organisations (NGOs). It provide guidance and information
based, stakeholder engagement part- has been instrumental in raising about flood resilience techniques


to home owners. In France the in- report, Reducing risks of future dis-
surance industry formed the Mis-
5.1.5 asters (UK Government, 2012) argues
sion Risques Naturels association The economics of that, especially in times of austerity,
to foster disaster risk awareness mitigation and CBA continues to be an important
and reduction activities across
public and private stakeholders.
prevention tool for prioritising efficient DRM
measures. However, with a shifting
Triggered by concerns about rising Economic analysis methods have emphasis from infrastructure-based
disaster loss, the Japanese insurer been applied to gain a better under- (hard) options to preparedness and
Tokio Marine is focusing on eco- standing of the economic benefits systemic (soft) interventions, other
system-based solutions for DRR, of mitigation and prevention. Build- tools such as cost-effectiveness anal-
or ‘Eco-DRR.’ As the United Na- ing a home on an elevated platform ysis, multicriteria analysis and robust
tions environment programme between 0.5 metres and 1.5 metres, decision-making would deserve more
(UNEP) pointed out in its 2014 for example, could reduce loss due attention (Mechler, 2016). In the con-
report, natural ecosystems, such as to flooding by 10 % and 80 % below text of adaptation to climate change,
mangroves, can demonstrate phys- present-day levels in coastal areas, re- the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-
ical and economic effectiveness in spectively, even in the context of a mate Change of 2012 concluded for
reducing the impact of storm surge sea level rise that would otherwise in- such reasons that the applicability of
or tsunami. The 8 994 hectares of crease the 1-in-200-year loss by 20 % ‘rigorous’ CBA for evaluations of cli-
mangroves in nine Asia-Pacific (Lloyd’s, 2008). mate adaptation would be limited.
countries planted by the company
since 1999 are being studied for the CBA is a popular and oft-advocated
shelter effect and its consequential tool to choose between alternative
economic benefits so far generated DRM options. Ideally, it compares ad- Mitigation and prevention
to improve the living standard of vantages (benefits) and disadvantages
the local inhabitants (Geneva As-
measures are widely
(costs) of options in a systematic and
sociation, 2016). objective way, so that the option that
considered more cost-
provides the greatest net gain to so- effective than ex post
If and how effective all these advanc- ciety can be selected. The EU Floods disaster interventions.
es in risk information, knowledge Directive 2007/60/EC requires that This is predominantly
sharing and technology are remains flood risk management plans ‘take based on an analysis of
somewhat unclear. Moving towards into account relevant aspects such as the benefits arising from
implementation and changing exist- costs and benefits’ (European Union,
ing behaviour in terms of home con- 2007), and this has undoubtedly given
avoided loss.
struction and building design requires an incentive to apply CBA in regions
a range of incentives as well as leg- where it was not common before.
islative support, for example through
building codes (Surminski, 2014). CBA has often been criticised, how- Recently, there has been a push to-
ever, because it requires all costs and wards studies taking a probabilis-
Furthermore, the effectiveness of benefits to be expressed in a money tic approach for addressing disaster
mitigation and prevention measures metric to compare them, and that it risk, particularly those arising from
must be weighed against, amongst is biased towards those options that low-frequency, high-impact events.
other things, their social cost (Vorhies can most easily be expressed in mone- This is a promising development for
and Wilkinson, 2016). tary terms, to the disadvantage of op- two reasons: 1) disaster risk is prob-
tions that provide intangible benefits abilistic in ‘nature’, which means that
in the form of greater social or en- looking at one flood event only does
vironmental quality (Vorhies, 2012). not capture the entire distribution of
Yet the United Kingdom Foresight possible flood events and their re-

BOX 5.1

Examples of using risk assessment for improving mitigation

and prevention
Risk assessment and information is as well heatwaves (EU wide), for- and individual behaviour. This ABM
key to any mitigation or prevention est fires (Portugal), surface water has been developed to demonstrate
decision. Risk assessment looks to flooding (United Kingdom, Italy and the effects of flood risk and mitiga-
understand future permutations, Romania), droughts (Spain and Ita- tion and prevention measures on
constantly updating projections on ly), storm surges (Wadden Sea and risk levels, household wealth, po-
risk scenarios through risk assess- Rotterdam), flash floods and land- tential shifts in inequality caused
ment and reflection (Tschakert and slides (Austria) and volcanic erup- by flood damage and insurance (un)
Dietrich 2010). The Enhance pro- tions (Iceland with Europe-wide ef- availability (Jenkins et al. 2016).
ject has deployed a range of new fects). Results of the ABM highlight how
risk scenarios and information in One example is surface water flood development of properties in cer-
selected hazard cases in close col- risk in London, United Kingdom. tain areas can become unsustain-
laboration with stakeholders. The Through the Enhance project, the able as well as how there is a need
project focusses on selected cases latest London flood risk analysis for a consistent framework between
of high-profile catastrophic hazards data was fed into an agent-based different stakeholders to promote
in a variety of countries, includ- model (ABM), which is a useful flood risk reduction (Jenkins et al.,
ing multihazard events (EU wide) method for understanding systems 2015).


Benefit-cost ratios for a global review compared to a prominent United States study only (MMC, 2005)
Source: Jenkins et al., (2015)

4. DRM Design Stakeholders process

3. Risk assessment Multi Criteria Evaluation

Monitoring Environnemental
Data analyses 5. DRM Action
External stressors

Prepardness Reduced risk Policy Change
2. MSP - Partnership Capitals 1. Scoping and data



spective return periods; and 2) DRR might deliver an even more convinc- ex ante measures: although the Euro-
options are efficient for certain levels ing case for mitigation and preven- pean Commission estimates that every
of risk but not necessarily for all; e.g. tion. Table 5.2 highlights the range of EUR 1 spent on DRR measures saves
risk reduction is more effective for co-benefits that can arise. EUR 4 to EUR 7 (European Com-
frequent events (up to 50- or 100- mission, 2016b), significantly more
year return periods), while insurance An interesting extension of the exist- (indeed, up to 95 % of total funds)
tackles higher-level risk. Indirect ef- ing approaches to appraising mitiga- continues to be spent on post-disaster
fects (i.e. impacts on livelihoods and tion and prevention measures is the recovery (Aakre et al., 2010). Preven-
the local and regional economy) are ‘triple resilience dividend’ concept. tion and mitigation requires buy-in
being considered more strongly, while and action from across a variety of
accounting for intangible effects, such It provides a much broader approach institutional bodies, political entities
as on health or impacts on natural re- to appraising investment in DRR ef- and stakeholders.
sources, has remained a challenge. forts, citing positive spillovers that
even create economic gains in the ab-
Another important consideration is sence of disasters (Tanner et al., 2015;
the data needs for calculating the net Tanner and Surminski, 2016). Understanding
benefits of a measure. This requires
information about the costs: both
the incentives and
direct costs as well as opportunity 5.1.6 disincentives to
costs of other investments or even Policies, institutions investment is key to the
other DRM measures. However, data and incentives for promotion of ex ante
on these indirect costs are not always investment in mitigation
readily available (Vorhies, 2012). investing in and prevention.
mitigation and An expanding body of
One further aspect is how to account prevention scientific evidence
for the benefits of any mitigation
or prevention activities: at local or Exposure to hazards has increased on the benefits of
project level the benefits are directly Exposure to hazards has increased these investments
linked to a certain location where the faster than our vulnerability has de- can help improve the
mitigation or prevention activity takes creased (UNISDR, 2015). Indeed, business case.
place, while at national level an aggre- since the 1970s research has argued
gate, macroeconomic view is applied, that disasters are manifestations of
considering the implications on eco- unresolved developmental problems
nomic growth, national employment, because most hazards are constructed
federal budgets or poverty-reduction through the same processes (econom- The literature provides a long list of
efforts. ic, social and territorial) that produce barriers and challenges for a greater
This distinction is important as a pro- exposure and vulnerability (Lavell and ex ante focus on mitigation and pre-
ject may show the potential for bene- Maskrey, 2014). In addition, there is vention, which Coppola (2015) sum-
fits to a local area, while substitution growing economic evidence of the marises as financial, political, tech-
effects may mean it does not show cost-effectiveness of many mitigation nical and sociocultural. In addition,
benefits nationally. For large coun- and prevention measures, particularly effective prevention and mitigation
tries, establishing impacts at a nation- when compared to ex post disaster requires community engagement
al level may prove difficult. Hence the support. across the entire suite of stakehold-
usefulness and robustness of a CBA ers, as it cannot be provided by any
generally declines as time and scale in- However, this has not yet triggered a single authority or agency (Palliyaguru
creases (Mechler, 2008). Recognising significant shift of political and finan- et al., 2014). Indeed, local communi-
and appraising the wider co-benefits cial focus away from ex post towards ties tend to be the first responders to

natural disasters and therefore might policymakers to share and promote natural hazards. They have developed
have valuable information about the measures that must be incorporated scenarios of risk for different natu-
best mitigation practices (Genovese into energy infrastructure design and ral hazards and have examined risk
and Przyluski, 2013). Similarly, the investment decisions (Golnaraghi et management measures and how the
private sector, while dominating the al., 2016). concept of resilience can be used to
financing and delivery of infrastruc- reduce the negative impacts of those
ture investments, does not seem to be A key to successful resilient partner- hazards on society. As a result, resil-
fully aligned with the prevention and ships between policymakers, private ience to natural hazards is becoming a
mitigation principles when it comes to sector actors and scientists is a com- more integral component of current
day-to-day business operations (UN- mon understanding of the risks, pref- policymaking and implementation,
ISDR, 2013). Even the insurance in- erences and needs of actors and the both at the country as well as at EU
dustry views disaster prevention and implications of proposed economic scale. This has also informed policy
mitigation as a domain of the state, and regulatory policy instruments drivers, such as the EU Floods Direc-
which can be supported by private (National Research Council, 2011). tive, and to a lesser extent the EU Ag-
sector action, but only through better ricultural and Regional Policy.
public/private collaboration (Surmin- Successful examples of such resilient
ski et al., 2015). Involving the private partnerships include the joint imple- Despite considerable disincentives to
sector is particularly relevant in the mentation of non-structural measures investing in prevention and mitiga-
context of infrastructure. The World such as building codes (CEA, 2007). tion, an increase in mitigation invest-
Energy Council (2015) provides crit- Several EU-funded projects, such as ment has occurred in some Europe-
ical evidence on the impacts of ex- MOVE, Ensure, Conhaz, Matrix, Cat- an countries (See Box 5.2 on seismic
treme events and emerging risks asso- alyst and emBRACE, have significant- investment in Italy), but the lack of
ciated with climate change on energy ly advanced scientific knowledge and public and therefore political interest
infrastructure and recommends that produced methodological innovations in prevention and mitigation remains
the industry work together with the with respect to assessing and manag- a problem.
financial community, investors and ing risk and exploring resilience to


Benefit-cost ratios for a global review compared to a prominent United States study only (MMC, 2005)
Source: Mechler (2016)

Hazard Review. Review. MMC (2005).

Simple average Range of Average
(number of studies) estimates

Flood (riverine and coastal) 4.6 (21) 0.1-30 5.0

Wind (tropical and extratropical) 2.6 (7) 0.05-50 3.9

Earthquake 3.0 (8) 0.08-15.6 1.5

Drought 2.2 (1) 1.3-2.2 na

Landslide 1.5 (2) 0.1-3.7 na

Overall 3.7 (39) 0.08-50 4.0


(Daniell et al., 2011). The reason for The question that arises is how to de-
5.1.7 developments in hazard-prone areas velop these areas so that vulnerabili-
Achieving is often the economic attractiveness ty to natural hazards is managed in a
mitigation and of these locations. For example, port way that it limits risks to human life,
prevention through cities in low-lying coastal areas are
historically centres of economic ac-
physical structures and the economy
in general? Protection measures, such
land-use planning tivity and therefore attractive for ur- as levees and avalanche shields, are
ban development, despite being vul- mainly targeted to limiting the mag-
Human exposure to natural hazards nerable to storm surges (e.g. Brown et nitude and probability of hazards. In
risk is mainly caused by settlement al., 2014). In the case of mountainous addition, measures can be developed
and other economic developments areas, valleys are the only suitable ar- that lower exposure and vulnerability.
in hazard-prone areas. For example, eas for urban development and form With respect to the latter two, spatial
many large urban centres are locat- the economic basis for tourism devel- planning policies and regulations play
ed in low-lying floodplains prone to opment, although they are threatened an important role as they determine
floods and storm surges (Jongman by landslides and avalanches. where and how people and econom-
et al., 2012) and in earthquake zones ic assets will be located (King et al.,


The range of co-benefits associated with DRM measures

Source: adapted from the Environmental Resources Management and the Department for International Devel-
opment (2005)

DRM activity Possible co-benefits

Flood protection structures Provision of irrigation or potable water and hydro-electric power
Dual-purpose road infrastructure

Strengthening DRM capacity of civil society Improved governance, more organised social structures

Ecosystem-based DRM approaches Environmental conservation, improved air quality, climate change

Shelters Community facilities (e.g. clinics or schools) in non-disaster periods

Improving water supply systems in rural areas Water supply systems improved regardless of a disaster occurring

Construction and use of drainage pipes, canals and Improved irrigation practices, possibly improved agricultural practices
water retention basins Dual purpose road tunnel or parking lot infrastructure

Community-based disaster preparedness Improved women’s involvement in community-level activities

Installing more resilient wireless communications Enhanced access to telephony and electronic data services

Training farmers to diversify the use of crops Reduced vulnerability to poverty

Better monitoring of food supplies Improvement to the food supply chain, possibly making it more cost-

BOX 5.2

The Italian national seismic prevention programme

Over the last 50 years, earthquakes exclusively on strategic and im- seismic risk (vulnerability of build-
with a magnitude between 5.5 and portant public buildings (hospitals, ings, importance of local amplifica-
6.9 in Italy have resulted in thou- schools, etc.). A change of perspec- tion and co-seismic effects and use
sands of victims and monetary tive occurred after the earthquake of microzonation studies to improve
losses of over EUR 160 billion. Even on 6 April 2009 in Abruzzo. Two urban and emergency planning and
considering the present condition of articles of Law 77/2009, issued for correct implementation of civil pro-
the building stock and the possible reconstruction in the damaged ar- tection plans considering the vul-
occurrence of future earthquakes, eas, have instead been devoted to nerability of the strategic elements
expected direct costs are of the or- seismic prevention in the entire na- and of the interconnection routes).
der of EUR 2-4 billion per year. tionalterritory.
• Seeking co-funding by local public
Similar to other countries subject to Article 1bis established the imme- administration and by private own-
seismic hazard with high population diate enforcement of the new tech- ers to at least duplicate the actual
exposure and high vulnerability of nical standards promulgated at the effects of the allocated fund of the
constructions, a huge effort would beginning of 2008, but not fully en- state. At present, the funding pro-
be needed to mitigate seismic risk, forced yet, while Article 11 allocat- gramme is approaching its end. The
which requires different and paral- ed around EUR 1 billion for seismic evaluation of the results provides
lel lines of action to be pursued: the prevention, to be spent in the fol- some positive feedback, but also
improvement of the knowledge, the lowing 7 years. This is a small frac- emphasises some difficulties that
reduction of the vulnerability and tion of what is needed to solve the are related to the spending capabil-
exposure and the mitigation of the problem of seismic risk in Italy and ity of local administrations.
effects. Seismic prevention remains, less than half the expected average
however, a difficult objective to annual cost of earthquakes. Nev- This experience confirms that a
achieve fully due to the high costs ertheless, Italy now has a national prevention programme has to be
implied, long time frame and lack seismic prevention programme and based on a strong scientific back-
of public and political interest. EUR 965 million has been spent in 7 ground and developed through a
years on reducing seismic risk. long time horizon, so that public
After a destructive earthquake, administrators and private owners
some seismic risk mitigation meas- TThe National Seismic Prevention can adequately make their preven-
ures are usually taken, mainly con- Program essentially focuses on the tion plans and put them in effect.
sisting of the improvement of seis- following points.
mic codes and classification, but Source: Dolce (2012)
with little economic effort to direct- • Reducing the risk of human loss
ly reduce vulnerability in areas not rather than economical loss, espe-
affected by that earthquake. cially for private buildings.

In Italy, since 1986 very few invest- • Stimulating the attention of pri-
ments have been made in structur- vate owners and administrators
al seismic prevention, and almost towards the different problems of


BOX 5.3

Importance of risk assessment for land use

Where inaccurate risk information flood zone (in blue) provided by the for an area may lead to the devel-
can lead to is exemplified in the government before the hurricane opment of urban areas in unpro-
Figure 5.2. This figure shows a map occurred. The figure shows that tected areas or to under-designing
of New York City for the actual many of the actual flooded areas levees for protecting people against
flooding due to Hurricane Sandy in are outside the official flood zone. extreme events.
2012 (in red) and the official 1/100 Inaccurate perception of flood risk


New York City – a comparison of the actual flooding due to Hurricane Sandy in 2012 (in red) and the official
1/100 flood zone (in blue) provided by the government before the hurricane occurred.
Source: Aerts and Mysiak (2016)


FEMA Effective 100-year Flood Plain and Sandy Comparison Map

1983 FIRMs 100-Year Floodplain

Sandy Inundation Area

0 3 6 12 miles

2016). Hence, spatial planning direct- all aspects of flood risk management, Another example is the efforts in
ly influences the exposure of people integrating spatial planning policies Germany after the 20o2 floods. These
and economic assets as well as how and physical-hydrological measures floods showed that retention areas
vulnerable these exposed assets and such as protection and prepared- that can be flooded in a controlled
people are (Greiving et al., 2006). ness, including flood forecasts and manner can be effective. In addition,
During the last 10-15 years, there has early warning. These policies include floodplain surface in Germany has
been increasing attention within spa- making sure that the siting of new been reduced by one third, and pol-
tial planning policy to address the is- transport lines and the development icies were developed to further install
sue of disaster prevention, but there of new buildings or modifications of retention areas through reserving
is still a need to further integrate risk new establishments must address risk space in spatial planning policies to
assessment within spatial planning from hazards. bring back resilience to floods in the
processes; this has been advocated by hydrological system (Thieken et al.,
the SFDRR (Mysiak et al., 2015). 2016). Human exposure to Since the basis for prevention and

mitigation is the availability of accu-
National Policies natural hazards risk rate risk data, national policy within
Spatial planning involves different
is mainly caused by the spatial planning domain plays an
scales of policy- and decision-making. settlement and other important role in initiating risk map-
Regulations at the national and even economic developments ping activities to assess areas that
continental scales (such as the EU) in hazard-prone areas. are at risk from natural hazards. Risk
prioritise the importance of the use of This risk can be maps can be used to prioritise land-
space for different land uses and, for reduced through use planning, to restrict development
example, lay out what areas should be in some high-risk areas or to impose
protected from further development
spatial planning and additional measures in areas above
(e.g. national parks; Natura 2000 sites; regulations that should certain risk thresholds to lower vul-
e.g. Mikkonen and Moilanen, 2013). take into consideration nerability.
Spatial planning policies at the high- opportunities for
est levels also set out guidelines and economic growth, For flood risk management, this pro-
benchmarks for safety against natural development of cess has been geared up in the EU
hazards. As an example, although not through the EU floods directive (Eu-
communities and ropean Comission, 2007). This direc-
directly targeted at natural hazards,
the EU Seveso III directive (Europe-
well-being. tive requires Member States to assess
an Union, 2012) states that ‘Member flood risk by developing spatial flood
States shall ensure that the objec- risk maps (De Moel et al., 2008) and to
tives of preventing major accidents prepare catchment-based Flood Risk
through hazards and limiting the con- National policies often involve coop- Management Plans (FRMPs), that
sequences of such accidents for hu- eration with other countries within include spatial planning actions and
man health and the environment are river basins. An example is the flood measures (Office of Public Works,
taken into account in their land-use retention areas in the Rhine basin, 2009). Flood risk maps must show
policies or other relevant policies’. which aim at storing flood waters information on the flood extent, wa-
In addition, the EU Flood Directive upstream in Germany to reduce the ter depths/level and flow velocities.
(European Comission, 2007) aims at risk of flooding downstream into the On the basis of these maps, Member
reducing flood risk by encouraging Netherlands. These retention meas- States are to develop flood risk man-
cross-border integrated flood risk ures use space, which has to be re- agement plans aiming at the ‘reduc-
management plans for all European served, or require land-use change to tion of potential adverse consequenc-
river basins. These plans should cover create space (Te Linde et al., 2010). es of flooding for human health, the


environment, cultural heritage and what kinds of buildings can be de- decide to ‘retreat’ or relocate the in-
economic activity, and, if considered veloped, including how they address habitants of an area. Such rare cases
appropriate, on non-structural initia- natural hazard risk management. In exist, for example in the aftermath
tives and/or on the reduction of the terms of utilising space for especial- of extreme events (e.g. the Tsuna-
likelihood of flooding’ (Van Rijswick ly urban areas, zoning policies and mi events of 2004 and 2011), when
and Havekes, 2012). building codes are powerful tools for the costs of rebuilding an area else-
controlling land use and urban devel- where are lower than rebuilding urban
Another opportunity to include disas- opment, and hence (changes in) fu- settlements on original (but devas-
ter risk in spatial planning processes ture land use (Burby et al., 2000). As tated) land. In addition, inhabitants
stimulated at the national scale is to such, zoning is increasingly seen as an who have been evacuated from the
further integrate risk assessments in important tool in climate adaptation disaster area do not want to return
Environmental Impact Assessment and managing changes in natural ex- to their previous living area because
(EIA), which is a procedure that en- tremes due to climate change (Aerts they have found a home elsewhere
sures that the environmental impli- and Botzen, 2011). or because reconstruction takes too
cations of decisions are taken into long (Ranghieri and Ishwatari, 2014).
account before decisions are made. Zoning encompasses the following Retreat, as an alternative option to
In principle, it can be undertaken for general policies related to urban de- lower exposure without having had
individual projects such as the devel- velopment and risk management. a disaster, is rarely considered a fea-
opment of a new airport or for plans • Restrictions: based on hazard maps sible option for policymakers. Only
and programmes (Strategic Environ- and/or additional risk information few examples are known where peo-
mental Assessment - SEA). An exam- (See Box 5.3), zoning policies may ple have moved voluntarily to another
ple for SEA includes the assessment indicate that in certain areas urban location; an example is the creation
of a regional spatial plan in which development is not allowed. of an extension of a floodplain in the
risks from natural hazards are ideally • Conditional development: urban Netherlands (Schut et al., 2010). Peo-
considered (Greiving et al., 2006). The development is allowed in risky ple were compensated either to leave
recent EU Environmental Impact As- areas, but only when certain con- the area, or were subsidised to elevate
sessment directive has acknowledged ditions are met, for example by (a) their homes a few metres, which in
the need for greater integration of implementing building codes; (b) practice meant completely rebuilding
risk information in this kind of as- homeowners have purchased insur- their homes. Although the area only
sessment (European Union, 2011). ance against natural hazard risk; (c) comprised some 30-40 households,
buffer zones are respected, where- it took more than 15 years to devel- by building development is only al- op and implement the project. Some
Zoning lowed when appropriate distances authors, however, argue that sea level
between establishments and vul- rise will initiate an increase in reloca-
At the regional to local scales, na- nerable risk areas are maintained. tion of low-lying urban centres near
tional DRM guidelines and policies floodplains and coastal waters (Hauer
are commonly elaborated in zoning- Zoning and land-use planning is also et al., 2016). Again, politics here is im-
and building-code policies. Zoning used to create space for other risk portant.
regulations are set to control land management measures, for example
use and setting development stand- by creating structural space for escape
ards throughout urban areas. Zoning lanes (e.g. in case of flooding) or by
makes it possible to create transitional providing space for structural meas-
Object level and
land-use patterns so that incompati- ures such as dikes, avalanche protec- building codes
ble uses are separated and buffered. tion or forest protection against land-
Zoning regulations determine what slides (e.g. Dorren et al., 2004). Zoning regulations, and in particular
land can be used for, or combina- zoning for conditional development,
tions of use for available space, and In special cases, spatial planners may can be further refined in building

codes regulations for the development 2014).
and maintenance of buildings in risk
zones. Building codes are meant for Building codes for earthquakes may Conclusions and
the adaptation of building structures involve specific requirements to key messages
to lower their vulnerability to natural improve the seismic resistance of
hazards. Building codes are anchored buildings. For example, the National Partnership
in planning law, which is operation- Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro- National DRM policies increasingly
alised in legally binding land-use or gram (NEHRP) in the United States involve cooperation with other coun-
zoning plans. These zoning plans lay shows how to design and construct tries. Within cross-boundary river ba-
out the areas where building codes practices that address the earthquake sins, countries can jointly seek policies
will be enforced. hazard and minimise the resulting risk to control flood waters, for example,
to life and property (FEMA, 2009). through spatial planning. Partner-
Specific measures to comply with For landslides, building codes focus ship for mitigation and prevention is
building codes pertain to different on reinforcing walls and list specific particularly important in urban areas
hazards. For example, in the Unit- requirements for the groundwork of because of the disconnect between
ed States, buildings that lie in flood- the building (see, for example, the national and local responsibilities
prone areas need to elevate their base handbook of the Australian Building and resources. Horizontal city-to-city
floor to a minimum height. Flood Codes Board on landslides, ABCB, knowledge sharing and technology
zones are mapped by the Feder- 2015). Under Eurocodes, the EU transfer is invaluable because of the
al Emergency Management Agency standard for construction, structural unique context of urban systems.
(FEMA) as Flood Insurance Rate design rules are laid out for seismic-re- Resilience strategies can bring in the
Maps (FIRM), representing the 1/100 sistant structures as well as resistance private, public, NGO and academic
flood zone. In these flood zones, to hydrometeorological hazards, often sectors.
building codes apply and homeown- replacing the national codes. Knowledge
ers need to seal basements or crawl- However, identifying suitable invest-
spaces to avoid the entrance of flood In some countries, zoning regulations, ments is not enough. Presenting evi-
waters. Furthermore, electric facilities building codes and insurance policies dence of additional dividends to poli-
(sockets and heating systems) must are integrated. For example, in the cymakers and investors could provide
be installed above certain elevations United States, homeowners can buy a narrative reconciling short- and
to avoid power outages and short cir- flood insurance when their property long-term objectives. This will im-
cuits (Aerts and Botzen, 2011). complies with the prescribed building prove the acceptability and feasibility
codes. Homeowners may even derive of DRM investments, enhancing the
A study by De Moel et al. (2014) in a discount on their flood insurance business case for investment in pre-
the port area of the City of Rotter- premium when they implement more vention and mitigation.
dam in the Netherlands shows that stringent measures via a Communi-
the current flood risk is about EUR ty Rating Program (CRS) to lower Innovation
40 million per year. A large part of vulnerability (see Aerts and Botzen, Integration of policies and regula-
this risk can be attributed to industrial 2011). Building codes and zoning tions across sectors such as zoning
land use. Climate change and sea level measures, however, also take quite regulations, building codes and in-
rise may double the risk by 2100 if no some time to develop and to process surance policies would be a key inno-
additional measures are implement- them through all regulatory bodies. vation in mitigation and prevention,
ed. The research showed that by dry In many instances, building codes making the mitigation strategy more
proofing all buildings in the port area are not yet assessed against increases coherent and easier for stakeholders
by up to 1 m, risk would be reduced in risk through, for example, climate to implement.
by 56 %. Elevating all buildings by change (see Burby, 2006).
only 0.5 metre would reduce the total
flood risk by 50 % (De Moel et al.,


5.2 Preparedness and

Katie Peters, Monika Buscher, Carina Fearnley, Ira Helsloot,
Pierre Kockerols, John Twigg

Historically within European states, on emphasising top-down methods

5.2.1 disasters were times when affected (Alexander, 2002). During the Cold
Policy and individuals had to self-organise, as ex- War (1948-1989), the focus on possi-
institutional ternal response was not systematically ble relocation of civilian populations
architecture of available, if at all. This changed in the
20th century when states started to
under threat of nuclear attack saw
civil defence administered by mili-
preparedness and organise loose structures of ordinary tary and paramilitary groups. Scientif-
response in Europe citizens intended to respond in times ic critiques of civil defence point to
of crisis. For fires, this concept dates the possibility for such institutions to
The DRM policy landscape has tran- back to the Romans (Goudsblom, become an instrument of repression
sitioned to ‘civil protection’, empha- 2015). In recent history, the risk of and used to ‘protect the state against
sising the importance of effective aerial bombing across Europe led to its people’ (Alexander, 2002).
transboundary coordination and co- a significant shift with the formation
operation to manage transboundary of civil defence organisations (Dynes, Science played a key role in shaping
disasters. This has been accompanied 1994; Van der Boom, 2000). By a dec- the nature of civil protection through
by a shift towards the role of policy in ade or so after the Second World War, the 1960s to 2000s. Research ques-
adaptive management and in protect- a transition had taken place from an tioned the role of the military in
ing the rights of victims and survi- essentially untrained volunteer-based emergency management and helped
vors. Science plays an important role response system to disaster manage- to shape the non-military, civilian
in better understanding the complex- ment organisations staffed by paid character of emergency preparedness
ity of modern disasters and in devis- professionals. Most European coun- that emerged (Alexander, 2002). A
ing suitable tools and approaches for tries moved towards a professional- better understanding of the complex-
preparedness and response. isation of disaster management and ity of modern disasters has focused
a centralised command-and-control attention on adaptive emergency structure (Dynes, 1994). management as well as the rights of
victims and survivors. The military
Policy landscape Command and control through civil still has a role to play; in redefining its
and trends defence centred on managing popu- role in disaster preparedness and re-
lations in the face of aggression and sponse, military forces can be used in

integrated ways with civil protection, itary units would usually be the lead European Union members have over
or civil protection forces may contain agency (Alexander, 2002). Concerns time been drawn closer together by
pseudo-military organisations. For over the possible remilitarising of civ- policies and legislation facilitating
example, some fire brigades are part- il protection in light of efforts to pre- greater interstate cooperation (Boin
ly organised along military lines, and pare for possible terrorist attacks are et al. 2014b). The risks facing Mem-
non-governmental organisations such regarded as a threat to progress made ber States have become increasingly
as the Salvation Army adopts a pseu- in the 2000s in expanding civilian dis- transboundary in nature and require
do-military image (Alexander, 2002). aster response networks (Alexander, greater cross-country collaboration to
Overall, ‘modern civil protection is 2002). prepare and respond to crises (Boin
not inherently authoritarian’ (Alexan- et al. 2014a). Therefore, it has been
der, 2002), although the 11 September necessary to create integrated institu-
2001 terrorist attacks altered emer- Institutional architecture tions and coordinating mechanisms
gency planning with a new focus on to manage these. We outline key in-
terrorist incidents and response op-
and coordinating stitutions that have developed and
erations in which police force or mil- mechanisms explores how they have evolved and

BOX 5.4

European Union Civil Protection Mechanism

When activated, the mechanism ern Balkans flooding (2014), the helps address caps and temporary
provides support via the ERCC, eastern Ukraine conflict (2015), shortcomings in preparedness and
which provides 24/7 capacity to the forest fires in Greece (2015) response planning, including ‘im-
monitor and coordinate response and the European refugee crisis proving the quality of and accessi-
to disasters. It is directly linked with (2015-2016) have activated the bility to disaster information, imple-
the civil protection and humanitari- mechanism and therefore the ERCC. mentation of prevention measures,
an aid authorities in the participat- Twenty-eight Member States plus raising of public awareness of risks
ing states. a number of other European coun- and disaster management, support-
tries participate, providing addition- ing Member States in risk assess-
The centre also acts as the central al response capabilities in times ment and hazard mapping based
24/7 contact point in the eventual- when the disaster exceeds those of on guidelines, encouraging research
ity that a Member State activates the state in which the crisis takes to promote disaster resilience and
the solidarity clause (Article 222 of place. Assistance deployed includes reinforcing early warning tools’
the Treaty on the Functioning of the technical expertise, relief and (ECHO, 2016).
European Union) or when the Eu- equipment items, as well as advice
ropean Union presidency activates on preparedness measures.
the integrated political crisis re- Source: ECHO (2017)
sponse arrangements and ensures In 2013, legislative changes placed
coordination with other EU services greater emphasis on preparedness
and bodies for the response (ECHO, (through the mechanism), including
2016). the establishment of a voluntary
pool of pre-committed response
Recent disasters such as the west- capacities. In addition, EU funding


how they respond to the challenges of bers, including the Dutch Ministry of each crisis, Member States invested
Europe’s changing risk environment. the Interior and Kingdom Relations additional authority in the Union’s
Crises in the future will be increas- (Bharosa et al., 2010). The UCPM budding crisis management appara-
ingly transboundary, transcending promotes a coordinated response to tus. There is, in other words, no insti-
geographic and political borders and disasters across Europe (see Box 5.4) tutional blueprint’ (Boin et al., 2014a).
affecting multiple vital elements of in- supporting countries when capacity It can therefore be characterised as
frastructure, and will not be contained if surpassed. However, empirical ev- a ‘network’ or governance approach
in time (Ansell et al., 2009; Ansell et idence is sparse on the challenges and (Boin et al., 2014a).
al., 2010; Boin and Ekengren, 2009; obstacles to effective coordination
Boin and Lagadec, 2000). Recognis- and information sharing, limiting un- This networked approach is support-
ing this, the European Security Strat- derstanding of the means to address ed by a number of tools, including
egy (ESS) declares: ‘the EU’s commit- barriers between community, agency the ERCC in Brussels (Box 5.4) and
ment to combat a variety of security and individual levels (Bharosa et al. a Common Emergency Communica-
threats, including failed states, ener- 2010). tion and Information System, which
gy security, terrorism, global warm- facilitates communication between
ing and disasters. The ESS adopts a Overall, Europe’s approach to pre- the ERCC and national authorities.
comprehensive view, explicitly linking paredness and response can be cat- These centres seek to align with the
internal and external threats, civilian egorised as a ‘networked approach’ European Union’s core values — re-
and military capacities and natural reflecting the complexity of recent spect for human dignity, liberty, de-
and man-made disasters’ (Boin and disaster events (Boin et al., 2014a). mocracy, equality, the rule of law and
Ekengren, 2009). This points to the Europe’s recent experience with dis- human rights.
importance of effective cooperation asters that cross traditional geograph-
between regional, national and inter- ic and policy boundaries — referred Progress over the past 20 years has
national communities. to as ‘transboundary crises’ — include seen research initiatives move from
the bovine spongiform encephalopa- a focus on cross-border cooperation
The UCPM, established in 2001, seeks thy crisis in 1996; the Erika and Pres- between Member States to method-
to enhance and strengthen coopera- tige tanker disasters in 1999 and 2002, ological development. The latter in-
tion and coordination between Mem- respectively, with devastating environ- cludes hazards such as earthquakes,
ber States and to jointly respond to mental, social and economic impacts; floods and landslides, as well as more
major emergencies — including pool- flooding in central and eastern Europe effective management plans linked to
ing capabilities (Morsut, 2014). The in 2002; and fires in southern Europe EWSs employing those new technol-
mechanism has evolved from prepar- in 2003 (Boin et al., 2014a). Through- ogies (Papatheodorou et al., 2014).
edness for response, and response, to out 1990 and 2000 the European Papatheodorou et al. (2014) note that
include preparedness and prevention, Union developed its transboundary ‘… harmonisation of methodologies
and in supporting international relief coordination and cooperation in re- used to assess ELF Hazards (earth-
efforts, for example to the 2004 Indi- sponse to different crises, harnessing quake, landslide, flooding), easy or
an Ocean tsunami and the 2010 Haiti European capacity and leading to the even free access to reliable and accu-
earthquake (Morsut, 2014). establishment of several agencies: the rate harmonised data and reliable and
European Food Safety Authority, the accurate hazard maps on a local scale
Evidence points to the value of infor- European Maritime Safety Agency are needed in order to effectively de-
mation sharing in disaster response, and three European financial super- sign preventive measures, to plan an
with studies showing that failure to visory authorities (Boin et al., 2014a). effective management strategy and fi-
do so ‘… during interagency disaster The development of tools, approach- nally to raise public awareness’.
response has a negative influence on es and institutions has therefore been
collective decision-making and ac- largely reactive, whereby ‘The EU de- Initiatives such as EFAS support im-
tions’ (Bharosa et al., 2010). This has veloped all of this capacity in a punc- proved preparedness to flooding in
been recognised by European mem- tuated and fragmentary manner: with transnational European river basins

(Thielen et al. 2009). Starting with a in existence to utilise ensemble pre- be addressed (Papatheodorou et al.,
2003 prototype, local water author- diction systems to increase predicta- 2014). Effective cross-border action is
ities were provided with 3-10 days bility of floods and enhance prepar- limited without comparable pan-Eu-
advance notice of medium-range and edness capacity (Thielen et al., 2009). ropean methodological approaches to
probabilistic flood forecast informa- The importance of cross-border co- hazard assessment and risk mapping
tion. Initiatives such as these involve operation is especially important for (Papatheodorou et al., 2014).
collaboration with national hydro- flood hazards, providing means to
logical and meteorological services strengthen knowledge, information
linking research, action and continual and selection of cost-effective miti-
development of a model supported gation strategies. The lack of a legal Developing effective
by information exchange and linking framework for cooperation, of ca- early warning systems
meteorologists with national water pacity and resources and of differ-
authorities. When initiated, EFAS was ing institutional structures and pub- EWSs form an important part of
one of the few flood warning systems lic awareness present challenges to DRM and are essential features of

BOX 5.5

European community urgent radiological information

exchange (Ecurie)
In the wake of the Chernobyl acci- results of radiological monitoring in Submitted information is organised
dent, Council Decision 87/600/Eur- the affected country and the meas- in a modern status board arrange-
atom was adopted. This decision ures taken to provide information ment. ‘Event’ or ‘National’ status
essentially obliges a Member State to the general public. On receipt boards allow for either a broad or a
to notify the European Commission of such a notification, the Europe- country-specific view, with particu-
without delay in the event of enact- an Commission promptly forwards lar focus on the display of national
ing measures to protect its popu- the information to all Ecurie contact protective measures.
lation from the effects of an event points. The intention is for the sys-
with radiological consequences. tem to provide a continuous flow of Much attention has been and con-
This legislation was the legal basis information during the emergency. tinues to be given to harmonis-
for what became known as the ‘Eu- In the years since, the system has ing the underlying procedures and
ropean community urgent radiolog- matured both in terms of stakehold- technology with that of the Inter-
ical information exchange’, or Ecu- er network and operational status. A national Atomic Energy Agency, and
rie, and was a major step forward in new information exchange software the transfer of valuable experience
the field of radiological emergency application, ‘Web-Ecurie’, was de- gained over the decades in Europe
preparedness in Europe. veloped and first made operational to countries and regions outside the
in 2012, replacing its predecessor, European community is actively be-
The information to be shared not which was based on point-to-point ing pursued.
only covers the basic characteristics secure email communication. Users
of the event itself but also the fore- only require internet access in order
seeable development of the emer- to enter the application, which may Source: De Cort et al. (2015)
gency and its potential effects, the be used on a variety of platforms.


UCPM (Alfieri et al., 2012). Greater actions of the DRM cycle. Research- Schomberg, 2013; Stilgoe, 2015) have
recognition of the role of EWSs have ers and other stakeholders frequently brought a reflexive dimension to re-
contributed to the move from an ex work independently on EWS subsys- search and practice in DRM.
post response towards a culture of tems in a multitude of non-coordinat-
risk prevention and preparedness (Al- ed strategies with no structure or link-
fieri et al., 2012). The shift to greater ing, compromising the effectiveness
stakeholder participation in prepared- of the EWS. An effective EWS can DRM is embedded in
ness and response (described earlier only be achieved once stakeholders
in this chapter) can be seen in more recognise their relative contribution
complex ethical, legal,
accessible and open information in and work together to link efforts in social and political
EWSs including the ability of systems order to achieve effective DRM. contexts, and disasters
to be accessed remotely and stake- With the increasing impact of glob- should not justify
holders to input data that improves al warming on extreme natural haz- exceptions in moral
the quality of early warnings (Alfieri ards, EWSs are increasingly required standards.
et al., 2012). to cater for multiple hazards (Bash- Shared values and
er, 2006) or even cascading hazards
EWSs provide timely warnings to (Pescaroli and Alexander, 2015). This
principles are needed
minimise loss of life and to reduce is reflected in the SFDRR — and its for emergency response
economic and social impact on vul- European signatories — which aims that transcend
nerable populations (Garcia and to ‘substantially increase the availa- national boundaries
Fearnley, 2012). In 2006, the UNIS- bility of and access to multihazard and strengthen social
DR platform for the promotion of EWSs and disaster risk information cohesion and trust before
early warning published the Global and assessments to the people by
survey of early warning systems, iden- 2030’ (UNISDR, 2015). This requires
a disaster can increase
tifying existing capacities and gaps in a greater examination of the role of the effectiveness
EWSs in over 23 countries with 20 in- EWSs as a whole within preparedness of response.
ternational agencies (United Nations, strategies.
2006). The report advocates that an
EWS should be ‘people centred’ (i.e.
Debates about responsible research
community based) and should include 5.2.2 and innovation (Nowotny et al., 2001;
many systematic approaches and di-
verse activities spanning four key el- Ethical, legal and Von Schomberg, 2013; Stilgoe, 2015)
ements: risk knowledge, monitoring social principles in have brought a reflexive dimension to
research and practice in DRM.
and warning service, dissemination preparedness and
and communication, and response
capability (Basher, 2006). The opera-
tion of an EWS presents numerous
challenges due to variations in scale We review some of the core ethical, Legal frameworks
(global, national, regional or local), legal and social (ELSI) considera-
temporality (rapid onset or slow onset tions in emergency preparedness and National legal frameworks for disaster
and frequent or infrequent), function response. Recent efforts have begun preparedness and response in Europe
(safety, property or environment) and to draw interdisciplinary research to- are based on European Commission
hazard (weather, climate and geohaz- gether and engage closely with prac- directives or international initiatives.
ards). tice (Campbell 2012; Boin and Eken- As in the case of the Flood Directive
gren 2009) to discuss ELSI. Debates (Alfieri et al., 2012), these policy de-
An EWS needs to fit within the about responsible research and in- velopments often respond to global
broader mitigation and preparedness novation (Nowotny et al., 2001; Von change or large-scale disasters. The

Flood Directive, for example, shows lion) in the United Kingdom in 2007 emergencies, societies may be ‘sucked
how major European floods have — have reinforced this paradigm shift into a moral black hole’; meaning a
resulted in a move towards uniform and there has been a clear move from breakdown of moral and social order
protection for all European Union flood defence to flood risk manage- that justifies the use of extraordinary
citizens and call on Member States ment across Europe (Krieger, 2013). powers. These positions are, however,
to review their flood risk manage- This can be seen in the United King- challenged by a number of analysts.
ment approaches (Alfieri et al., 2012). dom’s ‘Making space for water’ (DE- At the root of these debates are ques-
Directives urging Member States to FRA, 2004) and Germany’s ‘Room tions about whether moral standards
strengthen preparedness measures for rivers’ approaches (Krieger, 2013). should ever be disregarded in emer-
are often closely linked to mitigation As with many EU Member States, the gency situations.
strategies and environmental protec- United Kingdom emergency man-
tion actions, including the Strategic agement approach is ‘all hazards’ and As part of its code of ethics, the Inter-
Environmental Assessment (Papathe- incorporates mitigation, prepared- national Committee of the Red Cross
odorou et al., 2014). This is largely the ness, response and recovery (O’Brien, (ICRC) provides detailed guidance
case for earthquakes, floods and land- 2008). Emergency management is on how to engage local populations
slides (Papatheodorou et al., 2014). characterised as ‘legally based, profes- in conflict areas in the production,
sionally staffed, well funded and or- protection and sharing of sensitive
With a shift towards a risk manage- ganised’ (O’Brien, 2008). Reforms to information (ICRC, 2013). These ap-
ment approach to dealing with dis- United Kingdom emergency manage- proaches make the case that prepara-
asters, the legal frameworks under ment have replaced discretion with a tion can protect societies from excep-
which preparedness and response duty to prepare plans, standardising tions that go against ordinary morals,
are situated have broadened. The at- procedures for risk assessment and integrity and dignity, from unintended
traction of ‘risk-based regulation’ has supporting a more integrated ap- consequences or from entrusting de-
been discussed by scholars reflecting proach. Emergency management in cisions solely on experts or govern-
on the increased adoption of ‘risk’ the United Kingdom has, however, ments without public engagement.
by policymakers — including the Eu- been criticised for focusing largely on This resonates strongly with calls for
ropean Commission, which regards institutional resilience and organisa- responsible research and innovation,
risk as a ‘crucial’ component of pub- tional preparedness where a greater process-oriented, ‘post-ethical, legal
lic policy, and the Organisation for emphasis on societal resilience and and social issues’ approaches (Balm-
Economic Cooperation and Develop- public preparedness is regarded as er et al., 2016) that develop forms of
ment’s recommendation of risk-based necessary (O’Brien, 2008). Great- disclosure and ethics (Introna, 2007),
approaches (Krieger, 2013). Disas- er emphasis on a preparedness and collective experimentation (Petersen
ter preparedness and response has emergency planning that moves be- et al., 2016) and collaborative design
evolved in this context of risk-based yond the focus on the continuity of (Liegl et al., 2016) to address ELSI as
governance, regarded as a means to emergency services and commercial they emerge in DRM.
operate more efficiently with finite re- activities could entail greater inclusion
sources in a context of austerity and of the public (O’Brien, 2008). Community involvement in DRM is
accountability in the context of a nar- generally agreed to be essential and
rative of ‘good governance’ (Krieger, is widely promoted internationally.
2013). While states have an ethical and often
Ethics and moral legal responsibility for preparedness
Increased incidents of flooding and standards for and response, effective action requires
economic damage since the 1990s emergencies society as a whole to engage and the
— and, in particular, USD 11 billion government to partner with civil so-
(EUR 10.1 billion) of damage as a Disasters are often still seen as jus- ciety and private sector organisations.
result of the Elbe/Danube flood in tifying exceptional decisions. Sorrell The shift towards civilian disaster
2002 and USD 4 billion (EUR 3.7 bil- (2002), for example, argues that in preparedness and response recognis-


es that ‘disasters can only be mitigat- ral disasters (IASC, 2006). In Europe, United States, but there is a need for
ed successfully if ordinary people are the 1998 Aarhus Convention estab- further research in Europe (Comfort,
empowered to take responsibility for lished public rights to information 1996; Dynes, 2005; Murphy, 2007; Air-
their own safety. Disasters, therefore, on the environment and associated ess et al. 2008; Aldrich, 2012; Aldrich
are as much about democracy as they human safety as well as to participate and Meyer, 2015; Nakagawa and Shaw,
are about security’ (Alexander, 2002). in relevant decision-making (UN- 2004; Shaw and Goda, 2004; Wallace
Guiding principles for state interac- ECE, 1998). Such instruments may and Wallace, 2008; Minamoto, 2010;
tion with society in preparedness and be linked to or supported by broader Mimaki and Shaw, 2007).
response have been highlighted by principles and agreements on human
international agencies, including ‘em- economic and social rights and to in- Disasters often encourage or reinforce
powering and inclusive participation’, stitutions that monitor and support social capital formation (Putnam,
‘accessible and non-discriminatory them. The idea of a ‘right to safety’ 2000; Gordon, 2004; Shaw and Goda,
support’ and the ‘special attention is supported implicitly in some in- 2004; Bankoff, 2007; Yamamura,
[needed for] those disproportionate- ternational covenants and charters, 2010). Studies mostly show a strong
ly affected by disasters’ (UNISDR, although it is rarely recognised in na- association between , levels of social
2015). Indeed, emergency prepared- tional legislation (Twigg, 2003). capital and post-disaster mental health
ness is considered by some as a means outcomes, particularly a reduction
to ensure and safeguard democratic Public debates regarding ethical as- in post-traumatic stress (Wind et al,.
rights, not to circumvent them. Thus, pects of preparedness and response 2011; Wind and Komproe, 2012; Rit-
civil protection often explicitly in- are often triggered by disasters, such chie and Gill, 2007; Adeola and Picou,
cludes principles of equity (Wisner as the L’Aquila earthquake trial (Alex- 2014; Ganapati, 2012a, b). Conversely,
et al., 2004; Alexander, 2002) and ander 2014, Newberry 2010), but are an acute lack of social capital — social
the Council of Europe’s European also ongoing, wider discussions about isolation — can contribute significant-
and Mediterranean Major Hazards social justice and vulnerability, both ly to vulnerability, as documented with
Agreement has published extensive internationally (Wisner et al., 2004; regards to the European heatwave of
guidance on the application of ethi- Morrow, 2008) and within the Euro- 2003 (Keller, 2015; Klinenberg, 2002;
cal principles to all aspects of DRM pean Union (Brisley et al., 2012; Field- Ogg, 2005; Romero-Lankao et al.,
(Prieur, 2012). ing, 2007; Lindley et al., 2011). 2012).

Accountability, which is a key princi-

ple behind community participation 5.2.3
and involvement, is encouraged by Social capital and Professionalization of
international, regional and national social cohesion citizen engagement
codes, charters and standards (Twigg, in preparedness and
1999). For international humanitarian Research points to the very important
response, the International Federa- role of social capital as a primary base response
tion of the Red Cross/International for community disaster response and
Committee of the Red Cross has a is vital in reducing the impact of dis- At a national and regional scale, over
code of conduct, a voluntary code asters and facilitating recovery (Dynes, the past decade the professional-
of principles for humanitarian actors 2002; Ko and Cadigan, 2010; Murphy, ism and coordination of prepared-
(IFRC/ICRC, 1994), while the Sphere 2007; Aldrich, 2012). In crises, social ness for response by civil protection
Project has developed a set of mini- networks provide mutual assistance mechanisms, including across states,
mum standards in core areas of hu- and access to support and resources, has advanced significantly. Some of
manitarian assistance (Sphere Project thereby reducing disaster impacts and these tendencies and an analysis of
2011) and the Inter-Agency Standing facilitating recovery. This has been the changing roles of different pre-
Committee has prepared operational demonstrated by research in a number paredness and response actors are de-
guidelines on human rights and natu- of countries, notably Japan and the scribed below.

Encouraging preparedness for rare tures (Comfort 1996; Drabek and
disasters, however, remains a policy McEntire 2003; Dynes et al. 1990;
The professionalism challenge. Citizens primarily prepare Linnell 2014; Neal et al. 2011; Quar-
for incidents perceived to be a signif- antelli 1993; Rodriguez et al. 2006;
and coordination of icant threat and/or the most recent Whittaker et al. 2015). In some cases
preparedness and disaster they encountered (Major, large sections of populations are in-
response by civil 1999; Tierney, 1989). Government volved (Quarantelli, 1993). Extensive
protection agencies has programmes aiming to boost resil- flooding in Kingston upon Hull in the
advanced significantly ience therefore need to focus on United Kingdom in 2007 stimulated a
in recent years dominant and regularly experienced range of spontaneous actions by lo-
alongside a desire to risk. For example, in areas that reg- cal residents, including assisting with
ularly experience small earthquakes, evacuation, giving care and support
give citizens increasing citizens can be more easily persuad- to vulnerable neighbours, protecting
responsibility for ed to prepare for the risk of a more houses against floodwater and giving
individual preparedness severe earthquake, but less for other medical assistance (Neal et al. 2011).
and response. New social risks. This raises questions about, for Large numbers of spontaneous vol-
groups can emerge during example, preparedness measures by unteers can present significant coor-
a disaster to help manage citizens for flood risk in the Nether- dination, integration, communication
lands where the perception of flood- and logistical and health and safety
emergency response ing from the sea is low, having not challenges to emergency managers,
measures — their role occurred since 1953. In spite of gov- especially in rigid ‘command and con-
could be better harnessed ernment flood risk preparedness pro- trol’ disaster management structures
if appropriately planned grammes, further efforts are needed that do not plan for community en-
for informal responses. to engage citizens (Engel et al., 2012). gagement.

Improvisation and creativity are re- quired to build networks and rela-
Emergent groups tionships between organisations and incorporate volunteers within or-
Emergencies stimulate informal re- ganised efforts (Alvinius et al., 2010;
Citizen engagement sponses by spontaneous, self-or- Cone et al., 2003; Drabek and McEn-
and volunteerism ganising and voluntary groups and tire, 2003; Kendra and Wachtendorf,
individuals from within and outside 2006; McEntire, 2002; Majchrzak et
Locally organised, trained and disaster-affected communities. These al., 2007; Uhr et al., 2008). Neverthe-
equipped responders are considered groups may carry out a wide variety of less, emergency volunteerism offers
a societal asset and a means to enlist activities including search and rescue, longer-term opportunities for more
significant social capital and capability first aid, damage assessment, debris structured citizen response through
in preparedness and response. Thus, removal, handling of bodies, relief training and creation of community
in some contexts, citizens are encour- supplies distribution, food provision, preparedness and response teams as
aged to play a more active role in pre- translation, counselling and present- well as through formal voluntary or-
paredness and response. The 2014 ing survivors’ grievances (Quarantelli, ganisations (Alexander, 2010; Barsky
Dutch National Council for all safety 1994; Stallings and Quarantelli, 1985). et al., 2007; Helsloot and Ruitenberg,
regions — the decentralised bodies This ‘emergent’ and ‘convergent’ be- 2004; Pardess, 2005), although efforts
responsible for disaster management haviour in disasters has been docu- are necessary to maintain volunteer
— recognised the value of untrained mented over several decades across motivation (Brand et al. 2008). Red
citizens and their role in preparedness the world, in different cultures and Cross national societies are a major
(Veiligheidsberaad, 2014). under a variety of governance struc- provider of organised volunteer sup-


port in disasters, with approximately others (THW, 2016). to maintain control (Jalali, 2002), and
17 million active volunteers in 190 extensive government activity and
national societies worldwide (IFRC, Recognition of the contribution that spending can crowd out voluntary
2016). Technisches Hilfswerk, a Ger- social groups can make in emergen- activity, especially where autonomous
man government agency, has over 80 cy response has stimulated positive civil society is not well developed
000 volunteers (99 % of its member- changes in state-civil society relation- (Deng, 2009; Teets, 2009).
ship) who assist in disaster response ships for disaster planning. Yet gov-
in their own countries as well as in ernments sometimes resist in order

BOX 5.6

Digital humanitarianism and citizen mobilisation

There has been a ‘digital tsuna- nology in citizen mobilisation and Spielhofer, 2016).
mi’ (European Commission, Future awareness raising.
Group, 2007), with individuals, ob- The use of social media in crises
jects and environments generat- Social media can also service can give rise to rumours (Mendoza
ing vast amounts of data through self-organised mobilisation and et al., 2010), vigilantism and ‘do-it-
self-disclosure and sensors, while coordination of local resources, yourself’ justice (Rizza et al., 2014,
advances in data processing make knowledge and efforts. During the Tapia and LaLone, 2014). Howev-
this data amenable to analysis for floods in Germany in 2013, for ex- er, attempts at structuring digital
commercial, governance and secu- ample, 29 % of Twitter messages volunteer work and crisis mapping
rity purposes — and DRM (Thrift, focused on coordinating help and through the UN co-founded Digi-
2011). Together, these advances resources locally (Zipf, 2013). Re- tal Humanitarian Network (Meier,
can enable improvements in pre- ports from sandbag-filling stations 2015) and Virtual Operations Sup-
paredness and disaster response appeared alongside calls for help port Teams or ‘VOST’ (St. Denis et al.,
because they provide communities and a crowdsourced map of the cur- 2012) have begun to create bridges
with more broad-based and de- rent need for volunteers in different between crisis mappers and formal
tailed monitoring and timely feed- places (Mildner ,2013). Lüge (2013) emergency agencies (Kaminska et
back on their situation and support suggests that these examples index al., 2015). They establish networks
predictive modelling and more pre- a shift in the use of social media for of trust: mechanisms that com-
cise targeting of assistance. emergency management. The in- bine standardisation, training, and
formational service function for of- agreed channels of communica-
‘Digital humanitarianism’ (Starbird ficial response is increasingly seri- tion that enhance risk governance.
and Palen, 2011; Munro, 2013; ously complemented by a practical These include engagements around
Burns, 2015) can be extremely service function for self-organised air pollution (Mosley, 2009) and ra-
useful if addressed within a frame- community help and resources, es- diation risks from Chernobyl where
work for resilience that places an pecially for members of the public. ‘descriptive standards’, ‘alignment’,
emphasis on data ownership, com- Recent studies find that in Europe ‘unblackboxing’ and ‘mobile meas-
munity-based analytical authority generally, social media are grow- uring’ proved central to prevent
and community-based data skills ing and supporting the emergence risks from becoming ‘twice invisi-
(Crawford et al., 2013). Social me- of new forms of ‘social resilience’ ble’ (Kuchinskaya, 2012).
dia is one aspect of the role of tech- (Flizikowski et al,. 2014, Reuter and

473 ple’s networks through ‘virtual social Innovation
convergence’, and Watson and Finn Research and innovation in pro-
The role of social media (2014) conclude that ‘such activities cess-oriented approaches to ELSI will
in citizen engagement are able to enhance citizen resilience improve collective experimentation
by mobilising social capital’. and collaborative design, to address
Knowledge of crisis communication
issues as they emerge in the dynamic
in Europe is growing rapidly (Palt-
contexts of disaster preparedness and
tala et al., 2012). A complex field in
itself, crisis communication links to 5.2.4 response.
societal expectations over the role of Conclusions and
public authorities to effectively com- key messages
municate risk and educate citizens on
effective preparedness and response.
Coordination has become increas- Partnership
ingly important, as responsibility for Cooperation between regional, na-
managing crisis moves from solely the tional and international communities
government and emergency services is needed for preparedness and re-
to include the role of media, social sponse planning given the complex
media and other actors (Palttala et al., and transboundary nature of modern
2012). Despite differences between day disasters. ELSI are dimensions
countries — including different levels of DRM that need to be addressed
of financial resource for public crisis together with practical efforts to pre-
communication — the growing body pare and respond. Effective prepared-
of evidence, a plethora of guidelines ness can protect societies from excep-
and best practice, suggests there re- tions that go against ordinary morals,
main gaps in ensuring communication integrity and dignity, from unintended
is integrated into disaster manage- consequences and from entrusting
ment practice and an integral part of decisions solely on experts, or gov-
decision-making (Palttala et al., 2012). ernments without public engagement.
Gaps remain in relation to coopera-
tion across actors, i.e. the media, with
citizens and across the response net- Knowledge
work (Palttala et al., 2012). A move away from command-and-con-
trol approaches to managing disasters
New forms of self-help, partnership has opened up more opportunities for
and cosmopolitan ‘digital humanitar- citizens to participate in preparedness
ianism’ become possible with tech- and response. Strong bonds and trust
nology. Watson and Finn (2014), for within and between communities fa-
example, examine information flows cilitates a more effective response in
between corporations and their cus- emergencies and can be harnessed by
tomers during the Eyjafjallajökull authorities. Social media can also be
eruption, the most severe global flight used to enhance self-organised mo-
disruption since 9/11. This empow- bilisation and coordination of local
ered improvised self-help, including resources, knowledge, and efforts for
self-organised information services, disaster preparedness and response.
and support for actively coordinat-
ing alternative travel. It widened peo-


5.3 Recovery and avoiding

risk creation
Carlos Sousa Oliveira, Betâmio de Almeida, Daniela Di Bucci,
Mauro Dolce, Herman Havekes, Verity Kemp, Catherine Simonet,
Solveig Thorvaldsdottir, John Twigg, Richard Williams

has experienced a range of disasters recovery processes are covered here,

5.3.1 in recent years, though perhaps with but authors have attempted to cover a
Introduction less frequency and intensity than oth- range of physical reconstruction and
er parts of the world. economic, social and psychological
Most disasters are difficult to predict aspects, as well as knowledge about
in the short term, but research to the planning and coordination of
quantify the impact and understand measures aimed at assisting recovery.
recovery processes can help reduce
the uncertainties associated with these
It is important to be
Europe is the focus of analysis, but
events. Recovery is, however, the least prepared to live with whenever experience from other lo-
understood aspect of DRM (Smith the possibility that cations helps to understand recovery
and Wenger, 2006). It is considered disasters may occur in processes and policies in Europe,
a complex, non-linear process with one’s lifetime or in that these are mentioned. Within Europe
physical, social, economic and insti- of the next generation. there are differences between north
tutional dimensions (Johnson and and south, not only in the types of
Hayashi, 2012; Alexander, 2016). The
Anticipating the multiple
dimensions of recovery hazards that are prevalent, but also in
recovery period is also an opportuni- the cultural processes shaping recov-
ty to facilitate economic, social and is key to effective risk ery. These are mentioned here but not
physical development long after the management. explored in detail due to space restric-
disaster (Berke et al., 1993); and the tions.
promotion of social and intergenera-
tional equity is a key principle for sus-
tainable recovery.
The aim is not to provide an extensive
In this subchapter we examine scien- coverage of all disasters or hazard Planning for
tific knowledge of recovery processes types but rather cases that have been recovery
and the policies that have been im- illustrative of the recovery process
plemented to enhance recovery, fo- and that have led to scientific innova- The recovery process is multidimen-
cussing primarily on Europe. Europe tions and advances in theory. Not all sional and progresses at different

rates for different people, businesses, society back to being a well-func- Xu, 2014); however, there is a trade-
institutions and places affected by a tioning community, and preferably a off between speed and deliberation
disaster (Wein et al., 2011). Institu- better functioning community. Lin- (Olshansky, 2006; Lu and Xu, 2014).
tional fragmentation and short-term dell and Prater (2003) define disaster Pressure to urgently address complex,
planning can hinder recovery and of- impact sectors as physical (both built difficult decisions can result in reactive
ten result in new risks being created. and human) and social (psychosocial, policies that may increase long-term
Thus, cross-scale and longer-term sociodemographic, socioeconomic and vulnerability of affected populations
strategies are needed in recovery, inte- political); while Davis (2006) divides (Ingram et al., 2006). Time compres-
grating different stakeholder perspec- the process into five sectors, psy- sion has thus been identified as an
tives and knowledge and coordination chosocial, economic, physical, envi- important overarching characteristic
across policy domains. Innovations in ronmental and administrative/insti- of the recovery process (Olshansky et
our understanding of recovery plan- tutional sectors. Overall, identifying al., 2012).
ning are discussed in this section and and classifying areas of recovery is
provide a starting point for a deeper best done on the basis a Post-Disaster
exploration of recovery processes lat- Needs Assessment (PDNA). PDNA Integrating mitigation
er in the subchapter. is a common assessment approach
to support governments to assess
in recovery plans
damage and recovery needs. It is an
Disaster recovery provides oppor- inclusive process that builds on the
tunities for reducing risk through
capacity and expertise of national and
Recovery plans international actors (GFDRR, 2013).
mitigation measures (Ingram et al.
2006). Mitigation measures should
PDNA provides damage and loss es-
The core purpose of disaster recov- be integrated into pre-disaster recov-
timates and quantifies needs. A recov-
ery planning is to offer a vision of the ery planning (NGA, 1979; Alexander,
ery framework is then needed to build
future after a disaster, provide a direc- 2004; Lu and Xu, 2014) and can in-
on the damage and loss assessment
tion-setting framework (strong fact clude proposals to reform building
for detailed sequencing, prioritisation,
base, goals and policies) to achieve the codes and land-use plans as one of
financing and implementation of re-
vision; ensure that even short-term the steps needed to meet recovery
covery efforts.
actions build longer-term resilience objectives (along with reconstruc-
and that community needs are linked tion, restoring systems, rehabilita-
to broader regional, state and nation- tion of people and re-establishment
al disaster response and reconstruc- of livelihoods) (Thorvaldsdóttir and
tion policies (Berke and Campanella, Pre-disaster planning, Sigbjornsson, 2014). Methodologies
2006). Successful plans maintain both participatory planning, developed for evaluating benefits and
a combination of as well as distinct capacity building, costs of disaster mitigation measures
short-term recovery and long-term scheduling and process (e.g. Chang, 2003) can also be used to
planning goals (Ingram et al., 2006). guide the recovery process, although
coordination can all CBA needs to be used carefully (see
Recovering from damage, loss and so- help improve recovery Chapter 5.1.5).
cial disruption involves different types and build more resilient
of activities. Categorising the impact communities.
can provide focus for both planning
and research activities. Common re-
Promoting participation
covery sectors are: reconstruction of
Recovery goals commonly include the Recovery is also considered an inter-
buildings, restoration of livelihoods,
timely restoration of normal living active problem requiring coordina-
system repairs, human and social reha-
conditions (Alexander, 2004; Lu and tion between numerous agencies and
bilitation, amongst others, to restore
stakeholders (Berke and Campanella,


2006; Lu and Xu, 2014). Research on lines for reconstruction (new urban ty has to be correctly identified and
actors includes: the role of local offi- design, introduction of seismic and agreed before reconstruction or reha-
cials (Rubin and Barbee, 1985), affect- fire-resistant techniques, new sanitary bilitation can begin.
ed people (Ingram et al., 2006), citi- system, etc.) were drawn up quickly
zen participation (Kweit and Kweit, alongside a large number of decrees For the historical centre of L’Aquila
2004), the private sector (De Tura et dealing with feeding, healthcare, de- a roadmap for housing reconstruction
al., 2004), community participation in fence, property jurisdiction, com- was developed and building has been
general (Johnston et al., 2012) and au- merce activities and taxes. In compar- carefully monitored (Murao et al.,
ditors of the planning and implemen- ison, discussion on the types of new 2007; Ishikawa, 2012; Chern, 2012).
tation of recovery (Labadie, 2008). defences needed for future tsunamis Considerable attention has been paid
The role of partnerships (Mitchell, in the zones affected by the Tohoku to discussing options with the affect-
2006) and management types (nor- tsunami have occurred over several ed population to ensure reconstruc-
mal line ministries, special task force years (Ieda, 2012), culminating in the tion decisions are acceptable to them
of government and new organisation) decision to build big barriers made of (see Box 5.7).
(Davis, 2006) are also addressed in the concrete or soft dunes to dampen the
literature. energy of waters (Figure 5.3).
Local construction
5.3.3 practices
Reconstruction, Disasters affect
The process of rebuilding residential
building and communities for varying property, industrial stock, critical in-
periods of time and
urban design in reconstruction is often
frastructures and historical buildings
is shaped by existing arrangements
post-disaster required. Rebuilding poses for urban planning as well as educa-
contexts various challenges, from tional, technical and financial resourc-
defining suitable locations es available. Pre-disaster construction
to merging tradition with practices, including the mix of ‘en- gineered structures’ versus ‘low-cost
Principles for modern construction structures’ and how building is guid-
reconstruction techniques. ed by regulations and land-use/urban
plans, all affect the type of recon-
In post-disaster reconstruction, loca- struction activity that is appropriate
tion and exposure to risk are impor- and necessary. The political system
tant considerations, as are the type Reconstruction time varies tremen- also affects the success of a recon-
of construction materials, the con- dously depending on the level of struction process (Lucas et al., 1992;
straints on materials (due to environ- resilience and the degree of impact Oliveira et al., 2008).
mental conditions), timing of execu- of the event. There are cases where
tion and access. Understanding the reconstruction has been greatly in- Table 5.3 provides an intentional
appropriateness of different materials fluenced by low pre-existing levels of oversimplification of reconstruction
that would be needed for reconstruc- development and will take a very long options and the norms guiding these
tion prior to a disaster can speed up time, as is the case of the earthquake in countries of ‘higher income’ and
reconstruction decisions, although in Haiti in 2010. In these cases, the of ‘lower income’. Understanding the
the disaster itself will create new chal- urban systems themselves need to be most common reconstruction tech-
lenges. In the 1755 Lisbon earthquake developed at the same time as recon- niques used and other considerations
(Oliveira, 2012), for example, scientif- struction is happening. In other cases, influencing reconstruction patterns
ic knowledge was lacking and guide- the value and ownership of proper- is really important. For engineered

structures, codes of practice and tion. Codes that are efficient but not a lesser problem. Techniques can be
technological tools can help guide re- too complex are more likely to reduce used to weigh the various compo-
construction. In particular, EN-1998- non-compliance. For ‘low-cost struc- nents of risk. For instance, ‘Sirius’
3 (2005) is a code of practice to guide tures’, on the other hand, building (Mota de Sá et al. 2013) is an indicator
reconstruction and rehabilitation of techniques that are compatible with referring to geographic zones which
structures, but needs to be adapted to traditional practices are more effec- are more prone to urban impact in
a country in accordance with material tive, adjusting the codes to local mate- case of an event. It deals with two
properties, techniques of reconstruc- rials and local traditions. variables, one concerning the vulner-
tion, etc. ability of the existing housing and the
other reflecting the human concentra-
The knowledge contained in codes tion. It is organised into several pla-
needs to be communicated to the Avoiding future risk teaus which define the level of impact
technical community and to practical for that event. The opinions of those
contractors through manuals as well Housing and other structures can be affected on whether to rebuild in the
as training courses, and even using relocated to areas where exposure to same place or move to another envi-
the media to reach a broader popula- hazards and other sources of risk is ronment is also of great importance.


Sketch of possible solutions for Tohoku earthquake.

Source: MLIT (2013)

1. Development of urban districts

8. Reinforcement of Tsunami mitiga- (compacted terraces and berms,
tion facilities (lock gates, seawalls, etc.) countermeasures against

10. Reinforcement of erosion control

construction (countermeasures against
erosion, landslide and step slope, etc.)

2. Improvements for evacuation facilities (evacuation 3. Development of the support

centers, storage warehouses for disaster supplies kit, facilities for post-tsunami recovery
6. Reinforcement of river maintenance 12. Development of residential water tanks, tsunami evacuation towers, etc.)
facilities (river improvement, countermea- facilities (housing for the victims,
sures against tsunami and tidal wave, welfare facilities, etc.)
earthquake-resistant, etc.)

4. Improvement of Information and

communication facilities 11. Improvement of road

5. Development
of urban parks

2. Improvements for evacuation facilities (evacuation

centers, storage warehouses for disaster supplies kit,
water tanks, tsunami evacuation towers, etc.) 9. Improving sewage systems

7. Reinforcement of coastal protection

facilities (levees, countermeasures
against erosion, earthquake-resistant, etc.) 14. Improvement of harbor
13. Improvement of
facilities (berth, etc.)
railway facilities


constructed in a short period of time in the Netherlands in 1953 is, howev-

Reconstruction can be used to cor- with base isolation. er, perhaps the most striking example
rect urban development problems, Similarly, the Guidelines for seismic of taking measures to control flood
such as high population concentra- microzonation (SM Working Group risk in the future (See Box 5.8).
tions, and to widen roads for more 2015) and the European Floods Di-
effective drainage. The case of Italy, rective (European Parliament and Another example of significant mit-
with the several earthquakes in the Council 2007) are good examples of igation measures being taken to lim-
last 25 years, is critical (Dolce and how to minimise risk through recon- it risk in the future in the wake of a
Bucci 2015), and the project C.A.S.E. struction after major disasters (Euro- high-impact disaster can be found in
(Costruttori ForCase 2009) is par- pean Parliament and Council 2007; Madeira (see Box 5.9).
ticularly relevant for avoiding future IPCC 2014; Thaler and Hartmann
risk, where new buildings have been 2016). Reconstruction after the floods

BOX 5.7

Temporary housing construction in recent Italian earthquakes

On 24 August 2016, a M 6.0 earth- years. Different solutions have been small settlements near the origi-
quake started a seismic sequence adopted (Dolce and Di Bucci, 2015). nal villages. In total, 3 535 houses
in central Italy, which included a In Umbria-Marche and Emilia, the were erected in 141 areas, for ap-
M 6.5 event on 30 October 2016. temporary solution consisted of proximately 8 500 people. For the
There were at least 299 fatalities, public contributions to autono- Amatrice sequence, the choice was
essentially caused by the collapse mous construction or, alternatively, to use monetary contributions or
of buildings during the first main pre-fabricated homes. In Abruzzo, ‘Emergency housing solutions’ sim-
shock. four different alternative solutions ilar to the M.A.P.s housing.
were conceived for about approxi-
So, how should long-term tempo- mately 45 000 people. All of the described choices have
rary housing be managed after an The first two consisted in the req- a sound rational basis and could
initial period in tent and caravan uisition of unused apartments and be adopted under different condi-
campsites or hotels and before re- in a monetary contribution for au- tions. For the earthquake disaster
construction takes place? A variety tonomous lodging arrangement. recovery there is no ‘one size fits
of responses can be seen after the Moreover, two ad hoc projects all’ model. Territories are different,
three strongest earthquakes oc- were set up and realised. The pro- available scientific and technolog-
curred in Italy in the past 30 years: ject C.A.S.E. consists of seismically ic support evolves and the expec-
Umbria-Marche in 1997, Abruzzo isolated three-story buildings that tations of the affected population
in 2009 and Emilia in 2012. Due can host around 15 000 people in change over time. A mature civil
to the long lapse of time typically 4 449 apartments. It was complet- protection system looks for tailored
required in Italy to complete the re- ed 10 months after the event. The solutions, building on previous ex-
pair and reconstruction process — limited land needed made them perience while exploring new alter-
especially for the historical centres suitable for the city of L’Aquila. The natives.
— housing arrangements are need- project M.A.P. consisted principally
ed for homeless families for several of single-family timber houses in

2002). High levels of assets as well as
access to credit, government grants
Economic Economic recovery and social protection give people a
recovery processes processes at the wider range of options and oppor-
from households to tunities following a disaster and can
speed up recovery (Twigg, 2015).
the macro economy The processes that enable house-
holds to recover levels of wealth af-
Economic recovery refers to the ter a shock or a disaster have been
process by which an economic unit extensively studied (see, for instance, Measures can be taken
(household to country) returns to Christiaensen et al., 2007; Dercon and
conditions of stability following a Christiaenen, 2011). In the short term
to support and accelerate
disaster (Chang and Rose, 2012). Re- after a disaster, incomes drop and the the economic recovery
covery does not require returning to loss in income can lead to a reduction process at various scales,
a pre-disaster state; in fact, economic in consumption, with direct impact although the economy
systems may never return to pre-dis- on individuals within the households, may not return to the pre-
aster states, but rather achieve a new including higher levels of malnutri- disaster state.
equilibrium (DFID, 2011). tion (Alderman et al., 2006; Beegle et
al., 2006).
In this section we examine knowledge
on recovery processes that take place The recovery process begins immedi-
at different scales after a disaster. This ately but partially depends on the ini- Social networks, safety nets and re-
literature draws on a wide range of tial economic situation of the house- mittances play a particularly impor-
post-disaster experiences in many dif- hold: diversified sources of income tant role. These mechanisms are often
ferent countries. and relatively high income levels are ignored by DRM policies (Gaillard
found to be beneficial for recovery and Le Masson, 2007), yet social and
across a range of countries and con- physical connections are a major fac-
texts (Adger et al., 2002; Morris et al,. tor in people’s vulnerability to disas-


Matrix of construction types

Source: authors own elaboration.

Structures, technologies and related norms Higher-income countries Lower-income countries

”Engineered“ Home made Imported

”Low-Cost“ Contracts Self-construction

Construction legislation Comply if compulsory Need supervision

Urban design considerations Comply if discussed Low priority


BOX 5.8

Improving flood defence after the Dutch flood disaster of 1953

Its geographical position means the and sea level rise. Yearly, delta pro- water safety standards are unique
Netherlands is not only threatened grammes and a fund have been in the world and (much) higher than
by the sea but also by major (inter- established and new rights-based in other countries, and knowledge
national) rivers (Figure 5.4) legislation passed, guaranteeing on water safety is also high. Recent
Dutch citizens a safety standard research also suggests that water
On 1 February 1953, there was a (likelihood of dying in a flood disas- safety is affordable, costing the
major flood causing significant loss- ter is no bigger than 1: 100 000 per ministry (from 1954 to the present
es due to high water on the North year) and stimulating further in- day) approximately EUR 35 per cap-
Sea and a severe northwestern vestment in dike projects. The legal ita.
storm. A total of 800 km of dikes
were severely damaged and 200 FIGURE 5.4
000 hectares of land flooded. The
Netherlands was not prepared and Netherlands’ flood hazard map
the condition of the dikes was inad- Source: Bulletin of Acts (1958)
equate. A more structural approach
to preventing damage in the future
was needed and a Delta Commis-
sion was appointed, the Delta Act
passed (Bulletin of Acts, 1958) and
the Delta Works project initiated to
close off all tidal waters between
the Western Scheldt and the Rot-
terdam Nieuwe Waterweg and to
strengthen primary dikes along the
coast and the Western Scheldt. The
central government decided to fund
a massive investment in flood de-
fense: the Eastern Scheldt barrier,
with its sliding gates, was consid-
ered a technical and expensive in-
novation at the time but was con-
sidered a good investment, saving
dike-strengthening costs and pro-
moting Dutch hydraulic engineering.

In 2008 the Delta Commission pro-

duced new advice on water safety
in the context of climate change Virtual coastline shore up in the Netherland
Sea level +1m and flooding in rivers

ters and their capacity to recover from in the United States estimates that 52
them. Families, neighbours and social % of small business owners consid-
networks can help people to recover
Economic recovery at er it would take at least 3 months to
their assets (Twigg, 2015), while re- the business and recover from a disaster (Nationwide
mittances from family members not sectoral level Insurance 2016). Thus, research on
affected by a shock often increase business continuity highlights the im-
after disasters (Ebeke and Combes, Disasters can cause long-term struc- portance of strengthening capacity for
2013). Families that have access to tural changes in local economies. Ac- pre-disaster mitigation and prepared-
remittances can recover more quickly cording to the Federal Emergency ness (Webb et al. 2002; Chang 2010).
(Savage and Harvey, 2007), as remit- Management Agency in the United A business continuity strategy is con-
tances act in a similar way to insur- States, more than 40 % of business- sidered a relevant response to natural
ance for people who have no access es never reopen after a disaster (nat- disasters for businesses. Cerullo and
to these financial services. ural or man-made). Over the period Cerullo (2004) showed that of all the
2006-2010, the average commercial businesses damaged by Hurricane An-
Transport and communications infra- flood claim amounted to USD 85 000 drew in 1992, 80 % of those lacking a
structure and support, for instance, in (FEMA 2016). Small businesses and business continuity plan failed within
helping people to access credit, as well financially marginal businesses in par- 2 years of the storm. In 2014, regard-
as other key services, are essential for ticular tend to have greater difficulty ing a Forrester’s survey (Balaouras,
household recovery. in recovering from disasters (Webb 2015), the most common scenarios of
et al. 2002; Alesch et al. 2001; Alesch these plans mentioned by private sec-
et al. 2009). A recent national survey tor decision-makers included natural

BOX 5.9

Debris flow in 2010 in Madeira Island

Madeira is a mountainous island • removal of damaged buildings veloped;
prone to landslides and debris that were in dangerous flood-prone despite the strong difficulties to
flow risks. On 20 February 2010 a areas in the valleys; guarantee completely safe areas
strong storm occurred with intense • rehabilitation and reinforcement against floods, due to prediction
rainfalls, provoking flash floods and of defence walls in the vulnerable uncertainties and the potential high
a mixture of water and sediments areas and in the main urban areas; energy flows that can be induced
came down the very narrow valleys • several retention structures (slit and propagated into densely occu-
of five streams, killing around 50 dams) were built upstream to re- pied valleys, it is believed that the
people and causing EUR 1 billion duce the volume of sediment; protection measures will be able to
of damage. The capital, Funchal, • the EU inundation directive is be- mitigate future debris flood risk in
is built on the common alluvial fan ing adapted to Madeira (inundation Madeira.
of three of these small rivers and and risk maps) as well as flood risk
was severely hit by the debris. The management guidelines (land-use
reconstruction process began, but guidelines) for 27 critical valleys; Source: Gouveia-Reis et al. 2016.
safe space is very scarce and fur- • a warning system based on me-
ther measures had to be taken to teo radar and prediction models, as
limit debris floods: well as rainfall triggers, is being de-


disasters/extreme weather (83 % over News, 2010). Other transport compa- businesses’ seem to have been the
118 business continuity decision-mak- nies benefited, however, from the air- most affected by the event, whereas
ers and influencers that have or will line disturbance (passengers looking manufacturing and construction firms
have scenario-based plans in 2014). for alternative transport means), but mainly suffered ‘own delivery prob-
The sample is based on a self-selected specific fragile and perishable product lems’, highlighting the importance of
group of respondents (predominantly importation such as flowers was re- value chain and vertical integration in
Disaster Recovery Journal subscribers duced during the crisis period. supporting recovery. Thus, Thieken’s
and Forrester clients) analysis suggests linkages between
The overall recovery process is close- geographical sectors organisation and
Contingency plans can ensure, for ly linked to the characteristics of the unbalanced regional impact of 2013’s
instance, the continuity of key activ- sector and the value chain. Thus, very floods. Consequences of natural dis-
ities during a crisis, while recovery large firms, such as multinational cor- asters on a sector can be regional or
plans accelerate the recovery process porations are more likely to be well global (OECD, 2016). For example,
and limit loss in the aftermath of a diversified, and localised disasters are the flooding in Thailand in 2011 had
shock. A recent study in the United unlikely to affect the overall organi- global and regional impacts in the
States, for example, found that having sation (Stevenson et al., 2016). Hor- automotive and electronics sectors
an emergency plan was significant- witz (2009), for example, shows that as global companies such as Toyota,
ly associated with reduced levels of although Wal-Mart temporarily closed Honda, Nissan, Ford, Apple, Sony,
physical damage after Hurricane Ike 126 stores after Hurricane Katrina Canon and Toshiba faced disruptions
in 2008 on the Gulf Coast (Xiao and due to major damage, there was little to production as a result of their link-
Peacock, 2014). If disaster recovery long-term effect on income. ages to sites located in the flood zone.
plans(DRP) and business continuity According to Schanz and Wang 2015,
plan (BCP) are recognised as efficient The August 2002 flood in Germany, global industrial production declined
tools to reducing the impact of nat- with a total damage of EUR 11.6 bil- by 2.5 % as a result of the floods
ural disasters, most small businesses lion, became one of the most expen- (OECD, 2016). These examples sug-
still do not have any disaster plan. sive natural hazard events in the coun- gest that both the sector’s organisation
This share is decreasing with the size try (Thieken et al., 2016a). In June and the firm’s echelon interplay with-
of the firm. Thus, the nationwide in- 2002, Fischerdorf, across the Danube, in the value chain, in addition to the
surance survey showed that 75 % of was inundated after several levees col- firm’s characteristics to influence busi-
small business owners who settle do lapsed, leaving the entire town’s small nesses’ recovery pattern.
not have such a plan, whereas for one industrial and commercial businesses
third of them it is a low priority (34 under 3 metres of water with impor- Economic stimuli are also provided
%). For companies with fewer than 50 tant consequences on small business- by the reconstruction process and can
employees, only 18 % have a disaster es and individuals. Similarly, a recent have a significant impact on key sec-
recovery plan (National Insurance, survey on German businesses affected tors: in particular, construction and
2016). by flood in 2013 (557 business inter- other sectors involved in reconstruc-
viewed) shows that 60 % were affect- tion often benefit from this (Chang,
Disaster can also have a major im- ed by staff absences due to problems 2010; Chang and Rose, 2012). Sim-
pact on key sectors. For instance, of reaching the workplace. Around ilarly, trade can play an important
during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption, 80 % of businesses mentioned they buffering role in recovery (Bierkandt
the European airlines industry was were affected by turnover loss and 88 et al., 2014; Meng et al., 2015), com-
heavily affected. The International % faced interruption of their opera- pensating for the lack of products af-
Air Transport Association estimat- tions, sometimes lasting up to 8 weeks ter a disaster. The role of market in
ed that airlines lost GBP 130 million with long-term consequences on the recovery process is essential and is
(EUR 154 million) per day while flight their activities (Thieken et al., 2016b; often poorly understood or biased by
disruptions cost airlines USD 1.7 bil- OECD, 2016). The ‘commerce, ho- recovery policies.
lion (EUR 1.56 billion) in total (BBC tels, restaurants and transportations

483 and maintaining essential functions risk transfer mechanisms (OECD,
(Haworth et al., 2016; World Bank, 2015; Olsson, 2009), the criteria of
Economic recovery 2012; World Bank, 2016). Financing the fund’s categories, thresholds is-
process at the at all scales is needed (see Chapter sues and a significant delay in the fund
national level 5.4). delivery (Olsson, 2009) could prevent
its efficiency. The EUSF is to date the
At the national level, pre-disaster The European Union Solidarity Fund only funds available to support recov-
trends are accelerated or exacerbated (EUSF) is a good example of efficient ery after disasters even if other funds
during the recovery period (Alesch et risk sharing at the regional level. Cre- (such as rural development funds) can
al., 2009; Chang, 2010), with impacts ated in 2002, the EUSF’s objective is provide financial aid for prevention
on gross national product(GNP) or to assist the EU Member States in re- activities (Olsson, 2009).
gross domestic product (GDP) and covering from natural disasters. The
key economic sectors (agriculture; fund primarily aims to cover non-in- Nonetheless, the policies supporting
health) highly dependent on the in- surable loss and to support critical economic recovery should not focus
itial level of income and financial infrastructure such as energy and solely on financing. A mix of policy
penetration (as highlighted after Hur- drinking water during the recovery initiatives is needed to build resilience
ricane Katrina). After a disaster, new phase. Since 2002, 24 different Euro- after a disaster (Twigg, 2015): from
investments made in infrastructure pean countries have received aid for the design of EWSs tailored to spe-
and human capital can increase pro- an amount of over EUR 3.784 million cific audiences to the development of
ductivity and growth (Skoufias et al., for the recovery (see list of benefi- efficient regulations. For instance, the
2011) — a phenomenon known as ciaries by EUSF (2017)). Flood events work of the European Commission
‘creative destruction’, but disasters are the main disasters leading to the (ECHO) on DRR through providing
can also have negative impacts on the EUSF’s assistance to date, which sup- trainings and policy guidelines, as well
economy more than 1 year after the ports the recovery of major natural as economic support is also essential
shocks, affecting early recovery (Si- events (damages exceed EUR 3 bil- to support efficient recovery (ECHO,
monet et al., 2016). Nonetheless, the lion and the total loss is up to 0.6 % of 2016). Overall, combinations of fi-
financial capacity of the country is gross national income of the Member nancial support with other market
usually lessened by the recovery pro- State). National or local events can support and service provision are
cess (Cochrane, 2004). be considered if the two economic needed. Building an efficient and flex-
conditions are fulfilled. The annual ible private sector will speed up the
Finally, external funds such as human- budget of EUSF is EUR 500 million recovery. A good knowledge of the
itarian assistance can influence the in addition to the unallocated funds of vulnerabilities along the value chain
recovery process in both ways (Ra- the previous year. Moreover, rules for will help to anticipate fracture points
ghuram and Subramanian, 2008). The disbursement and funds used across and key actions to be taken when
absorptive capacity of the country each year ensure its sustainability. The there is a disaster. Providing vouchers,
and its ability to smooth temporary EUSF can be combined with other for example, is known to have a desta-
and volatile external financial inflows national risk transfer measures such bilising effect on local prices.
will determine its ability to make effi- as the one implemented in the Czech
cient use of external assistance. Republic, where aid for recovery and External assistance after a major dis-
reconstruction is provided to munici- aster can overcome local financial re-
palities and regions if their budget is source constraints but can have what not sufficient (OECD, 2015). Thus is known as ‘a Dutch effect’. If a
Supporting economic the combination of national and re- country cannot smooth or absorb the
recovery gional risk transfer measures provides financial support provided, growth
a more efficient coverage of loss in patterns can be destabilised. This oc-
Accessing financial resources af- case of disasters. If the fund is a good curred after the 2004 tsunami in the
ter a disaster is critical to rebuilding example of regional, fair and effective Indian Ocean (De Ville de Goyet and


Morinière, 2006). long-term consequences (Ingram

et al., 2006; Olshansky et al., 2012).
Overall, economic recovery strategies Overall, psychological recovery un-
The psychosocial and
need to not only consider the short- derpins broader social recovery and mental health impacts
term impacts of disaster, but also vice versa: the relationships between of disasters
avoid indirect and destabilising ef- all aspects of recovery are reciprocal.
fects. Strategies need to consider and There is a broad spectrum of ways in
avoid environmental impacts and find which people react emotionally, cog- nitively, socially, behaviourally and
ways to improve sustainability and re-
silience. Global Facility for Disaster
The psychosocial physically before, during and after a
Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) approach to disasters disaster. Research into these reactions
frameworks guide of the World Bank has, however, identified some com-
provides a good summary of how the Understanding the behaviour and the mon psychosocial and mental health
combination of policy and strategy psychosocial and mental health needs impacts (Box 5.10).
settings, financial support, institution- of people affected by disasters is vital
al frameworks and implementation to disaster recovery because it affects The majority of people are not like-
arrangements can ensure an efficient how: ly to develop a mental disorder, but
economic recovery as well as rele- • societies, governments, communi- distress after emergencies is very
vance of timely activities (GFDRR, ties and families prepare for disas- common. In most cases, it is transient
2013,2015). ters; and not associated with dysfunction,
• responsible authorities work with and many people are psychosocially
communities to meet people’s resilient despite their distress. People
5.3.5 needs and preferences and ensure affected by large-scale events that de-
Psychosocial their continuing agency; stroy infrastructure may be immobi-
recovery • governments and responsible au- lised by fear and hopelessness. In the
thorities communicate with the immediate aftermath of most events,
public; people behave in rational and altruis-
Recovery originates in social relation- • the responsible authorities and tic ways, but the frequency of panic
ships before disasters occur and more agencies manage responses in the remains the most pervasive myth
marginal groups usually find it harder immediate, short and medium about disasters and is sometimes ex-
to recover (Nigg, 1995; Tierney and terms. aggerated in official policies (Carter et
Oliver-Smith, 2012). Gender, disabil-
al., 2013).
ity, income and ethnicity are strongly Patel (2014) identifies the gap between
associated with differential recovery mental health specialists’ use of the Psychosocial resilience and
trajectories (Cutter et al., 2006; Foth- terms ‘mental health’ and ‘mental dis- trajectories of response
ergill, 1996; Fothergill and Peek ,2004; order’ and public conceptualisations Social relationships have powerful
Priestley and Hemingway, 2007; Bo- of psychosocial suffering that affects influences on how people cope with
lin, 2007; Pomonis, 2002). many more people than those who disasters (Williams et al., 2014a). Most
require specialist mental healthcare. people recover reasonably well given
Other influences are the severity of Thus, here, psychosocial refers to the social support from relatives, friends
the impact of each disaster, the ef- psychological, social and physical ex- and acquaintances. Resilience is a
fectiveness of initial responses, the periences of people in the context of dynamic process ‘… linking a set of
quality of governance systems and their social, cultural and physical en- adaptive capacities to a positive tra-
the strength of the civil societies in vironments. jectory of functioning and adapta-
which the events occur (Tierney and
tion after a disturbance’ (Norris et al.,
Oliver-Smith, 2012), as well as the
2009) and can be seen in differing tra-
pressure to make quick decisions with
jectories of people’s responses over

time (Norris et al., 2009; Bryant et al., ethnicity, pre-existing psychosocial orders; socially disadvantaged people;
2015; Fink et al., 2016) (Box 5.11). problems and the perceived quality and staff of rescue and responding
of psychosocial support. Groups of services.
Risk factors people at greater risk of dysfunc-
Psychosocial impacts of disaster vary tional distress, social problems and
in severity with a number of factors, mental disorders following disasters Policies and
the most significant being the magni- include: women; children and adoles-
tude of the event and the degree of cents; older people; people who have
interventions for
exposure to it, as well as gender, age, pre-existing health problems and dis- psychosocial recovery

BOX 5.10

The psychosocial and mental health effects of disasters

Direct effects on people
1.Immediate and short term
a. Short-term distress and dysphoria (a state of feeling unwell or unhappy)
b. Acute stress reactions
2. Medium and longer term
a. Persisting distress and dysphoria maintained by secondary stressors
b. Grief
c. Mental disorders (NB: these disorders are very frequently comorbid with each other)
i. Substance use disorders
ii. Adjustment disorders
iii. Post-traumatic stress disorder
iv. Anxiety disorders
v. Depression
d. Impacts on personality

Direct effects of complicated, sustained and/or multiple events

1. Sustained distress and dysphoria that impacts on people’s functioning
2. Exacerbation of existing mental disorders
3. Precipitation of new episodes of previous mental disorders
4. Increased frequency of new mental disorders

Indirect effects on people

Disasters increase medium- and longer-term psychiatric and physical morbidity because of their effects on
social conditions that affect physical and mental health. These social determinants of mental health include:
1. Increased poverty
2. Changed social and societal relations
3. Threats to human rights
4. domestic and community violence


Priority 4 of SFDRR calls on states (IASC ,2008), WHO (2013), IFRC et identifying evidence-informed and
‘to enhance recovery schemes to pro- al. (2009) and publications from Mc- values-based principles ensures les-
vide psychosocial support and mental Farlane and Williams (2012) and Wil- sons are learned from past events
health services for all people in need’. liams et al. (in press). Operationalising when planning, designing and de-
Indeed, the European Network for Psychosocial Support in Crisis (OP- livering services:
Traumatic Stress – TENTS (2008), SIC), another initiative supported by • Gathering information: emergency
which surveyed 33 European coun- the EU, has produced comprehensive specialists require services to gath-
tries in 2007-2008, found planning guidance on psychosocial and mental er and supply information to adjust
and delivery of psychosocial care after healthcare in disaster settings to sup- generic plans as events evolve.
disasters was suboptimal and incon- port harmonisation of approaches • Using a model of care: a model en-
sistent, with wide variations in plans across countries. It is based on an ex- ables resources and services to be
and interventions. It concluded that tensive survey of research and prac- treated efficiently and effectively
more effective and evidence-based tices (OPSIC, 2015). against people’s assessed needs.
services were needed. In 2014, the • Providing psychosocial care for the
Royal College of Psychiatrists in the Flexible, generic approaches are need- staff of all responding organisa-
United Kingdom drew together the ed that can be adjusted as events and tions: the needs of all responding
NATO guidance (NATO, 2009) and people’s needs evolve. The NATO organisation staff require active
the TENTS findings and guidance to guidance (NATO, 2009), for exam- consideration.
produce a comprehensive approach ple, is constructed around a strategic • Incorporating psychosocial recov-
to developing the quality of compre- framework that contains components ery and mental healthcare in an
hensive policy, planning and practice including the following. integrated emergency management
for delivering psychosocial and men- • Constructing an evidenced knowl- cycle: using a single, integrated
tal healthcare for people affected by edge base: appropriate knowledge management cycle for all responses
disasters — called ‘OP94’ (Williams provides a baseline for creating and to disasters enables planners to de-
at el., 2014a). The approach taken by implementing plans before events sign, deliver, review and adjust the
OP94 builds on guidance from the occur and adjusting them later. services that the public requires.
Inter-Agency Standing Committee • Working from core principles:

BOX 5.11

Trajectories of psychosocial and psychiatric responses

Resilient responses: around 70 % become more severe and/or asso- of about half may run a chronic
of people show psychosocial resil- ciated with dysfunction over time. course, while others improve.
ience. They suffer mild or moderate About half recover later on, while
distress that rapidly reduces in se- others develop more chronic prob- The percentages in this box are ap-
verity if they receive support they lems or disorders. proximations made from drawing
perceive as adequate. together several different studies.
High initial stress responses: around They are only intended to illustrate
Deteriorating responses: initially, 10 % of people may have high lev- broad orders of magnitude.
up to 20 % of people have stress els of stress before and/or imme-
symptoms of low severity, which diately after events. The symptoms

The number of people who require months, and beyond 3 months after
supporting psychosocial interven- a disaster.
tions to assist them with distress after Conclusions and
disasters is very substantial. Early in- Psychosocial first aid, assessment and key messages
tervention and interagency coordina- surveillance is needed for people who
tion are vital elements in psychosocial appear to be at risk of developing a Partnership
responses. Williams and Kemp (2016) mental disorder, and biomedical clin- Governance is key to reconstruction
summarise the principles: intervening ical treatments for people who have and recovery processes, particularly
early can reduce the risks of survivors specific disorders. Psychosocial care intergovernmental relations and pub-
developing disorders later; there is a offers people safety, calm, connected- lic participation and engagement in
great deal that family members and ness, hope and self-efficacy with the post-disaster policies. Close collabo-
friends can do in the response phases intention of promoting psychosocial ration across sectors and with affect-
to alleviate people’s suffering; families recovery (WHO et al., 2011; WHO, ed groups is beneficial for physical,
and communities are the main sourc- 2013). Education, consultation and economic and psychosocial recovery
es of emotional and tangible social discussion processes for survivors, processes. People and systems may
support that people exposed to disas- communities and responders also not return to their pre-disaster state,
ters prefer and receive. play an important role (Eyre, 2006; but strong multisectoral pre-disaster
Aloudat and Christensen, 2012). Mu- plans and flexibility in response can
tual support groups, such as Disas- help improve the speed and efficacy
ter Action in the United Kingdom, of recovery, avoiding indirect and ad-
Psychosocial recovery help survivors of disasters to come verse impacts after the disaster.
after disasters is a to terms with their experiences and
multidimensional process loss and can also be a platform for ac- Knowledge
tion to improve safety and emergency While the impacts of disasters have
linked to measures that management practice (Eyre and Dix, been well studied, recovery is mul-
are taken before disasters 2014). tifaceted and not well understood.
occur, to the social and Significant progress has been made
economic circumstances In summary, research demonstrates in understanding the psychosocial im-
and to actions taken that people’s recovery in the short pact of disasters and on (re)construc-
to restore assets and and medium term after disasters can tion techniques to improve the built
be promoted through a psychosocial environment after a disaster.
services. approach, using a strategic frame-
work and generic policies that can be Innovation
adapted as each disaster evolves. Psy- Innovation in recovery promotion
chosocial interventions can be made is particularly seen in reconstruction
Most people do not require special- universally available to reduce suffer- and more comprehensive approaches
ist mental healthcare, but a substan- ing and risks of people developing to rebuilding in urban areas. Given
tial minority may. They require time- mental disorders. Those with mental the diverse scales at which impacts
ly personal mental healthcare and a disorders can be supported through are felt, more research is needed on
small proportion of them require surveillance, assessment and effective, the relationship between the different
long-term mental health services. timely and sustained evidence-based aspects of recovery, that is physical,
Survivors at particular risk require treatments. social, psychological and economic.
surveillance and clinical assessment.
OP94 provides a summary of spe-
cific components of the responding
services that are required within the
first week, first month, first to third


5.4 Risk transfer and financ-

Jaroslav Mysiak, David Bresch, Dionisio Peréz Blanco,
David Simmons, Swenja Surminski

the transformational change in how

5.4.1 natural and human-made risks are
Risk financing dealt with (van der Vegt, Essens, Wahl- A comprehensive
and transfer: ström and George, 2015; Wahlström,
strategy for disaster
introduction and 2015), the SFDRR emphasised invest-
ing in DRR and financing. The Addis financing can moderate
typology Ababa action agenda on financing for the impacts of natural
development erected a financial frame- hazard risks, speed
Natural hazard risks can undermine work that fosters inclusive economic up recovery and
development progress (UNISDR, prosperity and lines up financing re- reconstruction, and
2015), financial and economic stability sources and flows with the priorities harness knowledge
and well-being (World Bank, 2013). A of the 2030 agenda for sustainable de-
sound financial protection strategy can velopment (UN, 2015b). Similarly, the
and incentives for
lessen these impacts, speed up recov- Paris Agreement on climate change risk reduction.
ery and reconstruction, and harness (UNFCCC, 2015) addressed the issue Private financial sectors
knowledge and incentives for reduc- of promoting sound risk financing as play an important
ing risk (IPCC, 2012). Amidst growing part of climate adaptation and a strate- role, along with
damage and losses caused by natural gy for coping with damage and losses. governments and civil
and human-made hazards, some of
which are further amplified by glob- A comprehensive disaster financing
society organisations,
al environmental (including climate) strategy is equally important in the in designing innovative
change (IPCC, 2014), a comprehensive context of the European Economic financial protection goals
financial strategy is conducive to a bet- and Monetary Union. In the absence and sharing knowledge
ter framed and informed risk manage- of financial protection tools for cop- and capacity.
ment and governance. ing with disasters, the incidence of
The SFDRR (UN, 2015a) substantially major disasters in several EU Member
reduced disaster losses and reinforced States may exacerbate economic im-
resilience as a top priority of interna- balances and deteriorate credit ratings A recent debt sustainability analy-
tional and national efforts. As part of (S&P, 2015). sis showed that marginal changes in

nominal GDP growth and interest nancial strategies for disaster risk. Here we introduce various instru-
rates can lead to a much greater debt- The ensuing methodological guide ments, their design criteria and their
to-GDP ratio than the one projected (OECD, 2012) defines risk financing principles, carrying institutions and
as a baseline (EC, 2016). By targeting as strategies and instruments used to markets, as well as the different public
residual risk that cannot be efficiently manage the financial impact of dis- and private roles of their realisation.
mitigated, risk financing complements asters, ensuring adequate capacity Disaster financing embraces a variety
regulatory and economic instruments to manage and mitigate the costs of of instruments that are intended for
such as prices, taxes, tradable permits disaster risk, thereby reducing the fi- and capable of achieving different
and liability (see Chapter 5.1), which nancial burden and economic costs of outcomes. Each of these instruments
serve as a vehicle of DRR and tran- disasters and enabling rapid recovery can efficiently handle only a certain
sition to a low-carbon, resource-effi- in economic activity (ibid.). A thor- type of risk, depending on their fre-
cient and socially inclusive economy. ough understanding of risk exposure quency, intensity and impacts. Conse-
and risk-bearing capacity, as well as quently, a strategy that builds upon a
Recognising that in an increasingly institutional arrangements creating fa- diversified pool of mutually comple-
interconnected world disasters can vourable regulatory and market infra- menting financial tools and institu-
have far-reaching, spill-over effects, structure are the major constituents tions is better equipped to cope with
the G20 finance ministers invited the of the comprehensive disaster financ- and respond to a variety of environ-
Organisation for Economic Co-op- ing strategy, along with the choice of mental and human-induced risks.
eration and Development (OECD) optimal risk financing and transfer in-
to develop a voluntary framework struments. Risk layering means pairing the suit-
helping governments to develop fi- ability of different instruments with


Major categories of risk financing and transfer instruments

Source: Adapted based on G20 (2016), GFDRR (2014), MCII (2009, 2013), Okuyama (2010), UFCCCC (2016),
World Bank (2012)

Categories Examples of instruments

Saving and reallocation — bank deposits and liquid securities

— reserve/contingency/disaster relief funds
— budget reallocation

Credit and assistance — contingent credit facilities and microcredit

— fiscal relief such as delayed or reduced tax and social security payments
— external assistance and aid

Insurance — catastrophe risk insurance (from micro- to macro-insurance)

— indemnity vs index-based vs modelled insurance schemes

Catastrophe-linked securities — cat bonds (catastrophe bonds)

Derivatives — weather derivatives


levels of risk and risk-bearing capac- and subnational) governments, home- The various instruments (Table 5.4)
ity (Mechler et al., 2014). The contin- owners, enterprises and the most vul- differ in terms of access prerequisites,
gent losses from frequent, low-impact nerable populations. In a more com- (opportunity) costs and activation
risk can either be reduced or retained prehensive way, the total climate risk time. This approach thus provides de-
through adequate funds in the form of approach, as adopted by the method- cision-makers with a fact base which
savings, set-aside reserves or credits. ology of the Economics of Climate enables them to understand the im-
Medium- to high-level risk exceeding Adaptation Working Group (ECA, pact of weather and climate on their
the risk-bearing capacity can be more 2009), first explores manifold risks economy — and helps to identify ac-
efficiently managed by risk transfer arising at a specific location or region tions to minimise that impact at the
via insurance or capital markets. today, then looks at the projected in- lowest cost to society. It therefore al-
crease in risk due to economic devel- lows decision-makers to integrate ad-
Comprehensive risk management opment before finally considering the aptation with economic development
(MCII, 2013) embraces a systemat- aggravation of risk due to a range of and sustainable growth.
ic identification of risk arising from future climate change scenarios. The
multiple hazards and employs a com- working group then devises and as- Disaster risk financing and transfer
bination of financial instruments that sesses a portfolio of infrastructural, stretches out over several functions
take into account hazard exposure technological, behavioural and finan- of responsible and accountable gov-
and risk-bearing capacity of (national cial investments to adapt to these risks. ernment, including fiscal (risk) and


Disaster risk financing and transfer policy areas and benefits

Source: Adapted from World Bank (2014)

Sovereign disaster risk financing Property catastrophe risk insurance

— Increases response and reconstruction capacity — Provides access to compensation for damage
— Eases public expenditure by reducing volatility of — Increases awareness of risk and understanding of
disaster costs financial vulnerability
— Clarifies contingent liability — Helps distribute risk and burden of recovery
— Provides incentives for investing in risk reduction — Can incentivise investments in risk reduction

Disaster-linked social protection

— Mitigates shocks by providing compensation for
losses through safety nets
— Increases awareness and understanding of
vulnerability to disaster risk
— Can incentivise investments in risk reduction
— Safeguards vulnerable people from poverty

budgetary policies, public finance, try Statements and the Climate Risk contingent losses. The insured party
market and business development, Statement of The Geneva Associa- or policyholder transfers the cost of
and social protection (OECD, 2015; tion, have urged contemplating cli- potential loss to the insurer in ex-
World Bank, 2014). Disaster risk mate risk in business investments and change for monetary compensation
poses implicit and explicit liabilities risk management strategies. More re- known as a premium. By acquiring
(Cummins and Mahul, 2009); explic- cently, a joint report by UNEP PSI the costs of contingent losses from
it liability arises from statutory and and Inquire (Bacani, McDaniels and many policyholders, the insurer ab-
contractual obligations, while implicit Robins, 2015) outlined three major sorbs, pools and diversifies the indi-
liability results from public expecta- initiatives: an Insurance Network on vidual risks, making them assessable
tions and political pressures. The lat- Sustainable Development to stimu- and manageable.
ter poses the greater fiscal risk (World late innovation and partnerships, a
Bank, 2012). Governments play mul- Sustainable Insurance Policy Forum
tiple roles, on both the demand and to scale up intergovernmental coop-
the supply sides of risk financing. As eration and Insurance Development Insurance is the most
rule makers they: (i) provide public Goals to make the ways in which the
insurance and financing recovery and insurance sector can contribute to
common form of financial
reconstruction expenses for public as- meeting Sustainable Development protection against risk
sets; (ii) organise (and cover the costs) Goals (SDGs) more explicit. of contingent losses. But
of post-disaster order, rescue and re- not all risks are insurable
lief; (iii) ensure social protection for Similarly, international collaboration or covered by insurers.
vulnerable populations; and (iv) reg- among financial businesses and finan- Climate change amplified
ulate and supervise financial markets cial regulators is growing, focused in natural hazard risks, and
(including insurance) and institutions. large part on knowledge sharing and
Nonetheless, only few countries have capacity building. The Financial Sta-
raising vulnerability may
sought protection against fiscal im- bility Board (FSB) convened a Task make financial protection
pacts of disasters (World Bank, 2012). Force on Climate-related Financial unaffordable for some
Disclosures (TCFD, n.d.) focusing on people and business,
The United Nations Environment disclosing market-relevant informa- and risks uninsurable in
Programme (UNEP), the United tion on climate-related financial risk, certain places.
Nations Office for Disaster Risk Re- the results of which were released in
duction (UNISDR); multilateral insti- December 2016 (TCFD, 2016). The
tutions such as the World Bank and International Capital Market Asso-
the OECD, and other major actors ciation (ICMA) has coordinated the
have played a catalysing role for pri- development of the ‘green bond prin- When the loss occurs from specified
vate sector involvement in DRR and ciples’, which have helped catalyse the contingencies under an insurance
financing. The UNEP’s finance ini- rapid growth of the green bond mar- contract, the insurer indemnifies or
tiative, principles for sustainable in- ket (G20, 2016). compensates the insured party. The
surance (PSI) (UN-FI 2012), and the premium charged should reflect the
UN-backed principles for responsi- level of risk each policyholder cedes
ble investment (PRI) have promoted 5.4.2 to the insurer. The premium will re-
sustainable lending, investment and The role of flect not only the ‘pure premium’, i.e.
insurance practices and sensitised na- the average losses expected from the
tions to the environmental, social and insurance: contract, but also allowances for ex-
governance challenges involved in spreading risk penses and the contract’s impact upon
business decision-making. the insurer’s capital requirements (and
Other insurance-oriented initiatives, Insurance is the most common form so its required contribution towards
such as Global Insurance Indus- of financial protection against risk of target return on capital).


Not all risks are insurable or covered Natural hazards that have been ampli- Insurance is a financial service of-
by insurers. Insurable risks are those fied by climate change may make finan- fering protection against the risks of
that are quantifiable, in terms of both cial protection unaffordable for some contingent losses. However, directly
the probability of an event’s occur- people and risks uninsurable in certain or indirectly, it also serves other pur-
ring and the extent of losses incurred, places. Recent estimates of the Bank poses. By facilitating prompt post-dis-
and for which premiums can be set of England (PRA, 2015) show that cli- aster recovery, insurance helps to con-
for each policyholder or group of mate change and socioeconomic risk tain the economic and social impacts
policyholders (H. C. Kunreuther and drivers may widen the gap between of disasters. Beyond that, insurance
Michel-Kerjant, 2007). ‘affordable’ flood insurance premiums serves public interests by promoting
and premiums that reflect the techni- social protection and public welfare.
In addition, risk ambiguity, asymme- cal price of flood insurance. Likewise, Insurance makes it possible, for ex-
try of information (implying adverse Kunreuther et al. (2011) demonstrated ample, for individuals to get mortgage
selection and moral hazard) and cor- that climate change is likely to signif- loans or compensation for injuries
relation between losses influence the icantly increase premiums for build- without going to court (Talesh, 2012).
ability and willingness of insurers to ing insurance in Florida. These studies Insurance can also promote numerous
underwrite risk and the level of premi- also suggest that consistent risk reduc- economic activities in the higher risk/
um sought (Charpentier, 2008; Jemli, tion efforts may be effective in keep- return market spectrum (Grant, 2012),
Chtourou and Feki, 2010; Louaas and ing premiums affordable. A better un- thus contributing to higher productiv-
Goussebaile, 2016). If the latter are derstanding of risk, product bundling ity and innovation. And it can incen-
high, risks may be insurable but not and public interventions (see Chapter tivise behaviour change and individual
affordable for low-income subjects 5.4.4) contributes to making climate risk prevention, as shown in Chapter
who may benefit most from insurance. risk insurable. 5.4.3.

BOX 5.12

Role of insurance for better understanding of risks

The reinsurance industry has driv- • the buildings/goods insured, that models to provide objective rigour
en the development of catastrophe is where they are, how they are around risk mitigation and adapta-
risk analytics over the last 30 years, built and how they are used; tion decision-making and the ben-
moving from a position where haz- • the vulnerability of these build- efits of the consequential greater
ard mechanisms, their impact and ings/goods to the events; risk and hazard understanding are
comparative risks were little under- • the financial/social loss caused. leading many governments and
stood, to one where sophisticated The process of building and under- quasi-government organisations to
and integrated stochastic catastro- standing these models, as much as consider adopting these methods. A
phe models have become the norm the model results themselves, has catastrophe insurance scheme can
in the industry. The models require lead to a transformation of the in- be a catalyst to great risk under-
and understanding and knowledge surance and reinsurance industry, standing.
of: massively increasing technical un-
• the likely hazard events, that is derstanding and financial resilience.
their frequency, severity and geo- The appropriateness of these mod-
graphic scale; elling techniques, the ability of the

A variety of insurance schemes ex- the risks covered (named perils and On average over the period 1980-
ists, depending on the type of risk multiple perils) and trigger of claim 2015, out of the total registered natu-
and the protected asset (property, (e.g. indemnity or index based, crop ral hazard losses in Europe the share
business assets and interruption, li- revenue and farm income) (Iturrioz, of those insured amounted to 30 %
ability, sovereign risk, etc.). Natural 2009). More sophisticated insurance (EEA, 2015). Globally, written premi-
hazard insurance is either an exten- schemes include comprehensive in- ums in agriculture amount to around
sion of property insurance (Bräu- come/revenue insurance packages EUR 27 billion, an approximately
ninger et al., 2011) or a stand-alone, also covering, besides production, fourfold increase since 2005 (Porth
for example agricultural (crop yield, market risks (e.g. price), although and Seng Tan, 2015).
revenue or income) and energy insur- most insurance policies limit their
ance. Sovereign insurance (Mahul and coverage to yield variability risk (in- In 2013 and as part of the EU Climate
Ghesquiere, 2007) covers costs asso- cluding single risk, combined, integral Adaptation Strategy package (EC,
ciated with damage to infrastructure insurance and whole-farm integral 2013a), the European Commission
and relief expenditure. Traditional insurance) unless the market risk can launched a broad consultation about
insurance employs the principle of be transparently hedged in the com- which EU action could be appropri-
indemnity, claim payments are made modities market. In the EU, farm risk ate for improving the performance
to make good an actual loss ether in management schemes are supported, of insurance markets (EC, 2013b).
full or in part. However, indemnity among others, through rural devel- The responses cautioned against uni-
insurance requires a thorough knowl- opment programmes (Bardají et al., formising the regulation on natural
edge of the good(s) insured, how they 2016; EC, 2013c). hazard insurance across the EU (EC,
react to a certain hazard and a post- 2014). Both the uneven distribution
event assessment of damage incurred, Based on 2015 data, the European of hazard risk and the diversity of
all adding to expense and delays in insurance industry holds the largest the economic standing and other re-
claim settlement. Parametric or in- share (32 %) of the global market quirements of customers have been
dex insurance schemes employ other, (Insurance Europe, 2016). Proper- brought up as reasons against an EU
more easily measurable data (for ex- ty insurance accounts for about 8 % intervention (HM Treasury, 2013).
ample rainfall, yields or vegetation in- (around EUR 93 billion) of written Consequently, uniformised regula-
dex) for determining pay-offs without premiums and 6 % (EUR 53 billion) tions could harm innovation and
the need to prove actual loss, requir- of claims paid. Insurance coverage competition in insurance products.
ing less detailed knowledge of the risk is very heterogeneous across the EU The European Parliament stressed
covered and enabling speedy payment Member States and hazard types (A. that flexible markets should oper-
(Collier et al., 2009; Hazell et al., 2010; M. Best, 2016; Maccaferri, Carboni ate in a non-mandatory framework
IFAD and WFP, 2011). and Campolongo, 2012). For natural and that no ‘one size fits all’ solution
hazard, some countries apply a free would serve the magnitude of differ-
Agriculture poses particular challeng- market system, others a centralised ent risk and economic conditions in
es for insurance because of the spa- national or state scheme and oth- Europe (EP, 2014).
tially correlated weather and climate ers again an amalgam of public and
risks and large information asym- private schemes. For example in the
metries (Porth and Seng Tan, 2015). United Kingdom, natural hazard in- 5.4.3
Agricultural insurance schemes differ surance is written competitively by The role of insurance:
from country to country but often in- private insurers, although with op-
volve the public sector (Bielza et al. tional state-supported reinsurance incentivising risk
2009; Capitanio, Bielza, Cafiero and for hazardous flood risks to ensure reduction
Andolfini, 2011), either via premium affordability. In contrast, in Spain,
subsidies or public participation in standardised natural catastrophe cov- Insurance can help dissuade policy-
reinsurance systems. Insurance prod- er is provided by a public national holders from risky behaviour and
ucts can be classified according to pool. incentivise risk reduction (Surminski


and Oramas-Dorta, 2013; Surminski, al., 2015). Few existing national ca- tributes to direct risk reduction re-
2009; Warner et al., 2009). Premiums tastrophe insurance schemes direct- mains challenging, as it requires an
and policy terms (e.g. deductibles) can ly include risk reduction incentives understanding of disaster impacts
be adjusted to reward good risks and (Swenja Surminski and Oramas-Dor- and the scope of risk prevention
penalise bad ones. The role that the ta, 2014; von Ungern-Sternberg, measures that are induced by insur-
insurance industry has played in de- 2004). Nevertheless, progress is being ance, including measures influencing
ploying loss-prevention technologies made. Insurers are increasingly re- the policyholder’s behaviour, directly
such as automobile air bags and fire warding customers who take steps to promoting actions by the policyhold-
prevention/suppression systems is reduce their risk with lower premiums er and directly or indirectly affecting
an example. Harnessing insurance for (or avoid the risk if they do not). The actions by third parties (such as the
DRR becomes particularly significant regional natural catastrophe scheme, government). Various metrics for as-
in the context of increased frequen- African Risk Capacity (ARC), man- sessing the insurance impact on pro-
cy of disaster events, larger economic dates that clients, in this case African moting risk reduction/prevention
exposure, rising vulnerability and cli- countries, undergo a period of risk have been proposed in the literature,
mate change. analysis and policy design with ARC including Chrichton (2008), Paudel
staff before they are allowed to buy et al. (2012), Surminski and Ora-
a policy. Countries are also required mas-Dorta (2013)and Surminski and
to agree contingency plans to put in Eldridge (2015). In the latter study, el-
Insurance and other place in the case of loss and agree ements of this approach were applied
a revised final implementation plan to United Kingdom flood insurance
financial instruments when a loss occurs. schemes through a set of qualitative
can contribute to assessments.
reducing disaster Existing studies, such as Thieken et
risk, if designed and al. (2006) in Germany and Poussin Recently, attention has been brought
implemented et al. (2013, 2015) in France, rely on to harnessing insurance for better
to this end. isolated surveys of insured and un- protection of the environment as well
insured parties. Whilst they suggest as ecosystem services for the sake of
that insured parties are slightly more DRR. Ecosystems may mitigate natu-
likely to undertake risk reduction ef- ral hazard risks by mediation of flows
forts than uninsured ones, there are and nuisances or through mainte-
There is an ample consensus that some methodological issues that limit nance of physical, chemical and bio-
insurance can and should play an in- comparability and scalability. Survey logical conditions in the face of pres-
creasingly important role in mitigating response methods often suffer from sures. Ecosystem services for DRR
disaster impacts, not only through risk fundamental problems of reliability are most frequently associated with
sharing, but also through all aspects of and internal validity, and even when mass stabilisation, water flow regula-
the risk management cycle, including considered sufficiently robust, they tion (especially flood control), wind
risk identification and modelling, risk offer no consistent and comparable dissipation and (micro- and regional)
awareness, damage prevention, risk method for assessing the cost-effec- temperature regulation. Other equally
transfer and recovery (Michel-Kerjan tiveness of insurance mechanisms. important hazard-mitigating services
and Kunreuther, 2011; Evan Mills, Hudson et al (2014) found that those include control of pests, disease and
2012; Swenja Surminski, 2014). How- buying natural catastrophe insurance alien species, water filtration, and di-
ever, practical evidence of whether are particularly risk averse, which sug- lution and detoxification of hazard-
insurance encourages risk reduction gests that the higher observed risk ous substances. The combination of
in a climate context remains incon- reduction of the insured may be an increasing intensity and frequency
clusive (Botzen and van den Bergh, effect of selection. of natural hazards, continuing con-
2009; E. Mills, 2009; S. Surminski and version, uniformisation and simplifi-
Oramas-Dorta, 2011; S. Surminski et Measuring if and how insurance con- cation of (semi-)natural ecosystems

and the footprint of built infrastruc- surer may act as a private surrogate istics with a view to facilitating resto-
ture may be contributing to the rapid regulator aligning its interests with ration in case of accidental damage
increase in costs and damage from those of high environmental stand- through an insured entity. This de-
natural hazards. The European Com- ards (OECD, 2003). More than that, velopment points to a possible entry
mission research and innovation pol- properly priced insurance can help to point for the more widespread incor-
icy agenda on nature-based solutions internalise externalities (such as envi- poration of ESS concepts in an insur-
(EC, 2015b) defined ‘insurance value ronmental risks) and hence improve ance.
of ecosystems’ as a ‘sustained capac- or even secure more sustainable func-
ity of ecosystems to reduce risks to tioning of markets. The internalisa- 5.4.4
human society’ caused by natural haz- tion of environmental costs through
ards, climate variability and climate the payment of premiums is compat- Public–private
change. The insurance value of eco- ible with the deterrence goal of any partnerships for risk
systems in this sense is equivalent to liability regime and with ‘the polluter financing and transfer
the net present value of avoided dam- pays’ principle. Conversely, Minoli
age and losses obtained from the risk and Bell (2003) found in an evalua- A commercial insurance may not
mitigation ESS. In other words, it is tion of two leading United Kingdom guarantee affordability and equitable
the monetary value that risk reduction insurance companies’ pollution claims access to insurance (EC, 2013b). Ad-
by ecosystems would bring to risk that the insurers’ initial underwriting dressing affordability and equity issues
transfer schemes such as insurance. assessments and post-loss investiga- in provision of disaster risk insurance
One indicator could be a reduction in tions were insufficiently developed. combines business objectives with
property insurance premiums in light The management practices of in- public policy goals (Solana, 2015).
of reduced risk; another could be the sured parties in connection with the Consistently, the role of the public
willingness of the private sector to prevention of pollution were also un- sector in this pursuit goes beyond the
underwrite a risk on the basis of con- derdeveloped. Consequently, insurers’ regulatory oversight to include an ac-
fidence in ecosystem services. terms and conditions on policies were tive involvement in insurance provi-
insufficient to work as an incentive to sion. Because public intervention may
Collective insurance schemes ap- dissuade pollution losses. interfere with market equilibriums
pear better equipped to deliver size- and undermine rather than encourage
able improvements of ecosystem The effectiveness of environmental individual risk reduction (Surminski,
services and to get around concerns insurance has been most extensively 2009), reconciling the public and pri-
about free riding. An example of a researched in the United States. For vate roles and objectives necessitates
collective insurance reward under a example, there is evidence that de- a thorough analysis and organisation
state-subsidised insurance scheme is spite a range of practical barriers, en- (Pérez-Blanco and Gómez, 2014).
the Community Rating System (CRS) vironmental insurance can be efficient
under the United States National where government fines are not (Yin ‘Public–private partnerships’ (PPPs) is
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), et al., 2011). The concept of liability a term coined to denote different ap-
where households receive a premium for environmental damage, institut- proaches to public and private coop-
discount if their community takes ed in Europe by Directive 2004/35/ eration for providing public services
specified flood-mitigation measures; CE (EC, 2004a), extended the law of or projects (Bielza et al., 2009; CEA,
which can include nature-based solu- tort to damage incurred to ecosys- 2011). PPP is a model for a joint bear-
tions. Pollution insurance provided to tems. The directive points to sureties ing of responsibilities and efficient
businesses is another example of a or bank guarantees but leaves it to risk sharing intended to increase in-
positive relationship between taking Member States to guarantee financial surance coverage and penetration and
out insurance and reducing harmful solvency for damage rectification and guarantee a strong financial backing in
environmental damage (Surminski, clean-up. In the wake of this directive, view of uncertain tail distributions of
2015). A 2003 OECD study found insurers have developed data sets to risk (Johansen, 2006). PPPs are typi-
that, with pollution insurance, the in- map ecosystems and their character-


cally characterised as a long-standing policies. Insurance policies cover-

relationship bringing forth mutually ing property damage (with some ex-
beneficial resource and risk-sharing Public–private ceptions), business interruption and
arrangements (EC, 2004b). personal life and accident.The flat
partnerships (PPPs) are a rate surcharge is based on the total
Ideally, the PPPs should be designed model for a joint bearing insured value and varies only across
so as to address market failures such of responsibilities and the type of underlying insurance pol-
as a lack of or a limited access to af- efficient risk sharing, icies. For example for dwellings and
fordable insurance and low insurance capable of increasing office building the surcharge amounts
penetration. In doing so they should insurance coverage to 0.008 per thousand.The same rate
limit, to the extent possible, market and penetration and applies without differentiation for
distortion and preserve competition. any degree of exposure and any risk
Private insurers (should) ‘have the
guaranteeing a strong across the entire country, as it is calcu-
opportunity to carry on using their financial backing in lated considering all claims and risks
savoir faire in an environment of mu- view of uncertain tail covered as a whole. Deductibles are
tual understanding’ (Johansen, 2006). distributions of risk. applied to commercial policyholders
The PPPs should be shaped through but not to households (ibid.). Risk un-
constructive dialogues and conscious derwriting is the task of private insur-
of mutual principles and limitations. ers and the extraordinary risk cover
The partnerships should actively pro- is entirely transferred to CCS. In ex-
mote or at least not harm the incen- As a tool at the service of the Spanish change, the insurers retain 5 % of the
tive for risk reduction, for example by insurance sector, CCS performs many collected surcharges to cover adminis-
making the individual insurance costs different functions, among others the trative costs. Claims are managed and
reflecting those risks that result from lynchpin of the Spanish Extraordi- indemnified by CCS. The fact that
each individual’s choices (Mysiak and nary Risk System. The extraordinary the scheme has very low administra-
Pérez-Blanco, 2016). They should be hazards covered are well defined in tive costs (less than 10 % of the col-
built on principles of transparency, the statutes and include floods (be- lected surcharges including the costs
equal treatment and efficient use of fore 1986 conditional on declared ca- of claim processing) is an argument
public resources. tastrophe zone, Barredo et al., 2012); in favour of this arrangement (von
cyclones, tornadoes and wind storms Ungern-Sternberg, 2004). Half of
In Europe, the most longstanding (with gusts exceeding 120 km/h); the CCS Board of Administrators is
insurance-related PPP is embodied earthquakes; tidal waves; volcanic composed of chief executive officers
within the extraordinary risks insur- eruptions; meteor strikes; and other from Spanish insurance companies
ance scheme of Spain’s Insurance hazards such as acts of terrorism and and the other half of senior officials
Compensation Consortium (Con- civil unrest. Spain counts additionally of the public sector. All decisions
sorcio de Compensación de Seguros with a comprehensive combined agri- affecting CCS or the Extraordinary
- CCS). Instituted in 1954 after its cultural insurance, managed by a pool Risk Coverage System emanate from
provisional creation in 1941, the CCS of private companies (Agroseguro) the board, setting another example of
is an independent public company in which CCS participates both as a PPPs, which is also a flexible mecha-
attached to the Ministry of Econom- co-insurer and as a reinsurer. A bulk nism to easily introduce modifications
ics, Industry and Competitiveness but of the estimated EUR 6.4 billion paid to the system.
with separate accounts and a certain in compensations over the 1987-2014
degree of entrepreneurial freedom period referred to floods and wind- France introduced the ‘Catastrophes
(CCS, 2016). storms (Espejo Gil, 2016). naturelles’ (CatNat) insurance regime
back in 1982 in the aftermath of the
The scheme is financed by compulso- devastating Saône, Rhone and south-
ry surcharge on designated insurance west France floods (CCS, 2008; Mag-

nan, 1995). It is based on a manda- Private insurers underwrite the risk, a public–private reinsurance mech-
tory extension of insurance policies collect premiums and process the anism for flood components of
against fire and damage to property claims. Except for the premium rates housing policies. Private flood risk
(theft, water damage, etc.) and land and deductibles, the natural disaster insurance in the United Kingdom
vehicles, to protect also against dam- cover follows the terms and condi- has a long tradition and coverage of
age caused by extreme natural hazard tions of the underlying insurance residential properties is among the
events deemed uninsurable. A defin- policy. The insurers may choose to highest in Europe (Maccaferri et al.,
ing characteristic of the CatNat re- reinsure the underwritten risks by 2012). Housing insurance typically
gime is that the exceptional character a Central Re-insurance Company covers a portfolio of risks in addi-
of the natural hazard events, serving (Caisse Centrale de Réassurance - tion to floods and is compulsory for
as a trigger for damage compensation, CCR), initially a public entity of com- securing mortgage loans. Public–pri-
has to be sanctioned by an interminis- mercial nature and later turned into vate cooperation in the flood insur-
terial decree. What qualifies as natural a state-owned limited company. The ance sector started in the 1960s and
disaster is not exactly specified by stat- CCR offers two types of comple- gradually evolved into a partnership
utes and is indeed sanctioned case by mentary and inseparable reinsurance entailing tangible commitments on
case. The CatNat system usually ap- contracts: (i) quota-sharing contracts both the public and private ends (Pen-
plies to floods, landslides, subsidence, under which the CCR accepts a share ning-Rowsell et al., 2014; Ball et al.,
droughts, avalanches, earthquakes of the risk in exchange for a share of 2013; Lamond, Proverbs and Ham-
and tidal waves. CatNat exemplifies the collected premiums; and (ii) stop- mond, 2009; Penning-Rowsell and
a system in which policyholders can- loss contracts under which the CCR Priest, 2015).
not exclude the natural hazard cover- compensates the loss that exceeds the
age, and the insurers have to supply insurer’s annual premium income by The FR Scheme had been designed
it (Grislain-Letrémy et al., 2012). The a certain factor (OECD, 2014). The as a publicly accountable but privately
additional premiums (or surcharges) CCR holds a dominant position in the owned and managed, non-profit ser-
are set by the government as uniform reinsurance market in France (Gris- vice organisation. The ownership and
percentage rates of the underlying lain-Letrémy et al., 2012). In 2015 the management of the scheme is entirely
property insurance premium without French Insurance Federation (Fédéra- in the hands of the insurance indus-
any regional differentiation, equal for tion Française de l’Assurance - FFA), try, with a limited government mem-
all risks covered and any degree of estimated that by 2040 the human bership role. The commercial insurers
risk exposure. The government also induced climate change may increase are free to choose whether to reinsure
determines the level of deductibles the disaster losses by 90 % (EUR the written market risk or cede the
that are compulsory even if the un- 44 billion) compared to losses over flood-risk component of housing pol-
derlying (base) policies do not envis- the past 25-year-long period (FFA, icies to the scheme at predetermined,
age them. The deductibles serve as an 2016a). To improve the sustainability capped prices. In the latter case, any
incentive for risk prevention: the pol- and viability of the CatNat regime, the and all damage claims are paid by the
icyholders in districts without a risk FFA made several suggestions about scheme and the primary insurers con-
prevention plan (Plans de Prévention how to make DRR an integral part of tinue acting as a broker. The capped
des Risques - PPR) have to accept the regime. Among other things, the premiums are specified by the regu-
higher deductibles when exceptional FFA recommended that the insurers lation (FR Regulation, 2016), annually
events of the same hazard types oc- should be able to define the level of updated by the consumer price index
cur consecutively (von Ungern-Stern- deductibles for major policyholders and revised every 5 years.
berg, 2004). In addition, a levy on the (with insured value beyond EUR 50
CatNat premiums flows into aFund million) (FFA, 2016b). The FR Scheme is funded by an an-
for the Prevention of Major Natural nual statutory levy set at GBP 180
Hazards (Fonds de Prévention des The Flood Reinsurance Scheme (FR million (EUR 213.5 million) for the
Risques Naturels Majeurs - FPRNM), Scheme or Flood Re (n.d.)) in the first 5-year period, which is imposed
which finances prevention measures. United Kingdom is an example of on all home insurers operating in the


United Kingdom. The total amount as a transitional measure and will be position where hazards mechanisms,
of the primary levy was decided as an phased out after 20-25 years. During their impacts and comparative risks
equivalent level of current cross-sub- this time, the United Kingdom gov- were little understood to one where
sidy, which amounts to an estimated ernment will improve flood defence, sophisticated and integrated stochas-
GBP 10.5 (EUR 12.5) per household. ensure risk-sensitive development tic catastrophe models have become
The FR Scheme administrator can planning and contribute to better risk the norm in the industry.
raise supplementary (top-up) levies or awareness through diffusion of flood-
contributions in cases where it does risk assessments and maps. Innovation
not have sufficient resources to meet Insurance can help dissuade policy-
its non-reinsured claims. holders from risky behaviour and
5.4.5 incentivise risk reduction. Premiums
Because the statutory and top-up and policy terms (e.g. deductibles) can
levies constitute a state aid and the Conclusions and be adjusted to reward good risks and
scheme entails a selective advan- key messages penalise bad ones. Harnessing insur-
tage, the European Commission had ance for DRR becomes particularly
been notified and reviewed the FR Partnership significant in the context of increased
Schemes. In its review, the Commis- A comprehensive strategy for disas- frequency of disaster events, larger
sion recognised the goal of ensuring ter financing can moderate the im- economic exposure, rising vulnerabil-
affordable insurance against flood pacts of natural hazard risks, speed ity and climate change. Comprehen-
risk as a legitimate aim of public up recovery and reconstruction, and sive strategies for risk financing help
policy (EC, 2015a). Furthermore, it harness knowledge and incentives to shed light on impacts of disaster
recognised that the FR Scheme pro- for risk reduction. Private financial risk on economy and society and facil-
motes a free flood insurance mar- sectors play an important role, along itate identification of actions to mini-
ket and rectifies market failures that with governments and civil society mise them. They allow decision-mak-
might or eventually would compel organisations, in designing innovative ers to integrate adaptation and risk
insurers to stop providing insurance financial protection goals and sharing reduction with economic develop-
cover in some areas or only at high knowledge and capacity. PPPs are a ment and sustainable growth.
prices that would not be affordable by model for a joint bearing of respon-
all households. Neither of these out- sibilities and efficient risk sharing, ca-
comes was deemed acceptable. The pable of increasing insurance cover-
Commission acknowledged that the age and penetration and guaranteeing
FR Scheme was designed in such a a strong financial backing in view of
way as to minimise the (competitive) uncertain tail distributions of risk.
advantage granted to the insurers, and
that the threshold above which the Knowledge
insurers will be able to cede the pre- Climate change has amplified natural
miums to the Flood RE scheme will hazard risks, and raising vulnerability
be attuned in a way that limits mar- may make financial protection unaf-
ket intervention to only around 2 % fordable for some people and busi-
of domestic insurance policies. Other nesses as well as risks uninsurable in
design criteria have prompted a pos- certain places. Insurance and other fi-
itive review of the scheme. The fact nancial instruments can contribute to
that the capped premium is differen- reducing disaster risk, if designed and
tiated by the Council tax band and is implemented to this end. The rein-
adjusted to inflation made the scheme surance industry has driven the devel-
proportional to its objectives. More opment of catastrophe risk analytics
importantly, the scheme is designed over the last 30 years, moving from a

National policies for disaster prevention and mitigation involve cooperation
across sectors and scales. Partnership for mitigation and prevention is par-
ticularly important — there is a need for active engagement and commitment
of the private sector, communities and academia as well as a need to share
responsibilities for development and implementation of DRM strategies. Nev-
ertheless, the main responsibility will remain with national governments, as also
reaffirmed in the SFDRR. Some further efforts will be required in order to en-
sure that DRM is considered a cross-sectoral topic, which requires engagement
and commitment on behalf of multi-stakeholders. Understanding direct and
indirect costs is crucial to selecting and investing in preventive measures as well
as the stakeholders to be involved and their roles and responsibilities.
However, identifying suitable investments is not enough; presenting evidence
of additional dividends to policymakers and investors could provide a narrative
reconciling short- and long-term objectives, thereby improving the accepta-
bility and feasibility of DRM investments and enhancing the business case for
investment in prevention and mitigation.

Integration of mitigation and prevention policies and regulations is a key in-

novation in mitigation and prevention, but it is rare. Where zoning regulations,
building codes and insurance policies are integrated, the mitigation strategy
becomes more coherent and easier for stakeholders to implement.

Cooperation between regional, national and international communities is par-

ticularly important for preparedness and response planning given the trans-
boundary nature of modern-day disasters. ELSI are not a separate dimension
of DRM that can be addressed in isolation. Good preparedness can protect
societies from exceptions that go against ordinary morals, integrity and dignity,
from unintended consequences and from entrusting decisions solely on ex-
perts or governments without public engagement.

A move away from command-and-control approaches to managing disasters

has opened up more opportunities for citizens to participate in preparedness
and response. Strong bonds and trust within and between communities favours
a more effective response in emergencies and can be harnessed by authorities.
Social media can also be used to enhance self-organised mobilisation and co-
ordination of local resources, knowledge and efforts for disaster preparedness
and response.

Close collaboration across sectors and with affected groups is beneficial for
physical, economic and psychosocial recovery processes. Recovery is complex
and people and systems may not return to their pre-disaster state, but strong
multisectoral pre-disaster plans and flexibility in responses can improve the


speed and efficacy of recovery, avoiding indirect and adverse impacts after the

Significant progress has been made in understanding the psychosocial impact

of disasters and on (re)construction techniques to improve the built environ-
ment after a disaster. Scientific gaps still remain in understanding economic re-
covery given the diverse scales at which impacts are felt and potential problems
created by external intervention for local economies post-disaster.

Innovation in recovery promotion is particularly seen in reconstruction and

more comprehensive approaches to rebuilding in urban areas.

A comprehensive strategy for disaster financing can moderate the impacts of

natural hazard risks, speed up recovery and reconstruction and harness knowl-
edge and incentives for risk reduction.

Climate change has amplified risks and raising vulnerability may make financial
protection unaffordable for some people and businesses as well as risks unin-
surable in certain places.

Insurance and other financial instruments can contribute to reducing disaster

risk if designed and implemented to this end.


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Chapter 6
challenges of
disaster risk

Ian Clark
Tom De Groeve
Montserrat Marín Ferrer
Karmen Poljanšek
Lead authors

Nicolas Faivre
Denis Peter
Philippe Quevauviller
Kees Boersma
Elisabeth Krausmann
Virginia Murray
Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos
Peter Salamon
David Simmons
Emily Wilkinson
Ainara Casajus Valles
Brian Doherty
Daniele Galliano
6 Future challenges
of disaster risk
Ian Clark,Tom De Groeve, Montserrat Marín Ferrer, Karmen Poljanšek,
Nicolas Faivre,Denis Peter,Philippe Quevauviller,Kees F. Boersma,Elisabeth Kraus-
mann, Virginia Murray, Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos, Peter Salamon, David C.
Simmons, Emily Wilkinson, Ainara Casajus Valles, Brian Doherty, Daniele Galliano

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
ALL DRM ACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
POLICYMAKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
PRACTITIONERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Conclusions for European Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
Conclusions for UNISDR Science and Technology Roadmap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532



The work of summarizing knowledge in disaster risk management is not only

to communicate what we know. It is equally important to recognize what we
don’t know. Knowledge gaps, once identified, can be addressed by future re-
search and development projects.

We’ve asked all lead authors and coordinating lead authors to critically look
at their fields of expertise and identify the future challenges. Some relate to
forming the right partnerships. Other challenges are about creating new knowl-
edge - the classical research projects. A third category of challenges are about
applying new knowledge, i.e. innovation. This bottom-up approach brought to
light a wide spectrum of future challenges and emerging issues.

This chapter provides a summary of these key messages to various reader com-
munities on the key challenges: all DRM actors, scientific experts, policymakers
and practitioners.


• The Sendai Framework signals a clear mandate to the science, technology,
and innovation community to work together with governments in develop-
ing and sharing the knowledge and solutions needed to improve the resil-
ience of communities. Stronger partnerships among disaster risk science,
policy and practice are necessary. The benefits of collaboration are recog-
nized throughout this book by all three communities.

• To tackle systemic challenges related to disaster risk reduction, a trans-

disciplinary and holistic approach in is necessary involving science, poli-
cy makers and practitioners. Resilience building needs to start at the level of
individual households and communities. Partnerships are particularly
useful for building awareness of available knowledge in the communities
and build trust to exchange experiences, skills and knowledge.

• Scientists, practitioners and policy makers must work together to create

evidence-based narratives for reconciling short- and long-term objec-
tives of risk management, such as economic and social benefits, in order
to enhance the business case for investment in prevention and mitigation.

• There is a need for dedicated platforms at local, regional, national and

international level for science-policy-practice interface adapted to the local
context. These platforms need to link and cooperate.

• Two key challenges in the scientific world are increased complexity and ac-
celeration. Ever more science is produced and is available at a mouse-click.
Ever more actors from different disciplines and policy areas are involved.
For practitioners, policy makers and even for scientists themselves, the
challenge now is to find the relevant science, from multiple disciplines,


and make sense of it, for multiple policies.

• A fundamental building block is understanding the risks being faced; as

well as making sense of the relevant science this also requires enhancing the
use of local knowledge.

• In such a complex policy area, knowledge management is essential. Rel-

evant science must be synthesized for different target audiences. Science
must be made available in useful format.

• Knowledge is not only the realm of scientists. Evidence in evidence-based

policy making is much wider than scientific knowledge only. Experience
of practitioners must be collected and fed back to scientists (for analysis)
and policy makers.

• The main areas for innovation lay in risk governance, including better
communication among the communities, engagement and clear roles for
all actors, and accountability and transparency throughout the system.
The interface between scientific knowledge and pragmatic decision
making must continuously be improved, e.g. through secondments of sci-
entists into government and vice versa.

• Practitioners can benefit from many unexploited research results.

Hurdles for innovation must be tackled through training, exercises, demon-
strations, pilot projects, etc.

• Vast amounts of data are being produced from many sources – e.g. earth
observation is expected to bring 10TB of free and open data per day. New
approaches are needed for data handling and processing. Early warning sys-
tems (EWS) play an important role in saving life and property and should
benefit from the data revolution combined with more robust modelling
in order to help reduce the time required for the warning activation and
improve the warning information.


• Synthesis of scientific knowledge across disciplinary boundaries requires
the development of networks where mutual learning can happen and trust
can be built. It is important to be transparent on context, terminology, as-
sumptions and limitations.

• To tackle systemic challenges related to disaster risk reduction, a transdis-

ciplinary and holistic approach in science is necessary to integrate natu-
ral, social and health sciences with ICT, economics, engineering, legal and
policy frameworks and operational practice. A shift from mono-disciplinary
silos to transdisciplinary networks is required but challenged by differences
in risk frames, objectives, terminology, methods and funding mechanism.

• Science needs to produce coherent advice, during emergencies and for long
term risk management. Pre-established mechanisms to access scientif-
ic experts from all disciplines are necessary for effective risk governance.
Scientist must be ready to engage with such mechanisms, and translate their
expert knowledge for non-technical communities. For emergencies, im-
pact-based multi-hazard early warning systems must be developed to
assess the likely impact of any hazard on population, economy and society.

• Partnerships should be effective. Measuring the effectiveness of part-

nerships is a scientific challenge in itself. Social network analysis and other
techniques should continuously monitor the effectiveness of partnerships,
including their depth, reach and growth, connectivity to other networks,
scientific innovation and impact on policy and practice.

• This report shows that a wealth of knowledge exists, but each discipline still
has its own scientific challenges. For instance, natural sciences seek to im-


prove modelling of bio-physical processes of the Earth and atmosphere to

anticipate extreme events for early warning and under climate change. Engi-
neers must keep improving standards, cost-benefit methods, green and gray
prevention solutions, retrofitting and other engineering challenges. Social
scientists should better understand decision making under uncertainty, im-
prove risk communication theory, harness social networks and include eth-
ical and legal issues. Measuring effective risk governance (including ethical
and legal issues) is an outstanding challenge, as are assessing science-policy
interfaces and metrics for the impact of science on DRR. The information
communication technology (ICT) community must harness rapidly devel-
oping technology, including big data, artificial intelligence, and augmented
reality for better human-machine interaction. Economists see further chal-
lenges in disaster financing, including loss estimations, cost-benefit meth-
ods and understanding economic recovery, given the diverse scales at which
impacts are felt and potential problems created by external intervention for
local economies post-disaster. Health sciences should be more involved in
the DRM community, advancing their understanding of outbreaks and pan-
demics, health impacts of all hazards, but also advances in data collection.

• Transdisciplinary research is in its infancy and should be encouraged. The

most difficult challenges in disaster risk management cannot be solved by a
single discipline. Specific challenges identified in this report include better
handling of uncertainty, a more coherent approach to data across disci-
plines (open data, big data, social data) balancing openness with privacy, de-
velopment of science-based standards and guidelines, and development
of methodologies for all-risk mapping and management.

• There is a clear need for more systematic knowledge management. Ac-

cess to synthesised knowledge of other disciplines is important for scien-
tists, practitioners and policy makers.

• More innovation is needed in in-situ, sea-borne, air-borne and satellite sen-
sors to increase the completeness and timeliness of earth observation.
Scientists help develop better, cheaper and robust instrumentation, allow-
ing pervasive deployment also in poorly monitored areas, which should

yield the necessary data to drive new scientific developments. Similarly, sci-
entists must develop and exploit social networks to gather fine-grained
socio-economic data on vulnerability and resilience of people, communi-
ties, economies and societies. More technological innovation is necessary
to enable “total conversation” among citizens and authorities.

• A comprehensive strategy for disaster financing can not only moderate

the impacts of natural hazard risks, it can speed up recovery and recon-
struction, and harness knowledge and incentives for risk reduction. More
research is needed on how these incentives could work more effectively.

• To foster adoption by public authorities, technological innovations must be

tested and demonstrated to end-users with clear criteria for evaluation.
The policy-impact of innovations need to measured and, if relevant, mech-
anisms for institutionalizing innovations are necessary. It is challenging
to make global solutions available at local level.

• Fostering innovation involves all actors, including funding agencies, re-

searchers, practitioners and policy makers.


• Continuity of partnerships is particularly challenging. As interlocutors
both on policy maker side (rotation) and scientific side (projects end, new
projects start over) change often, there is a continuous learning curve. Es-
tablishing well-funded, long term partnerships may be beneficial.

• A partnership should first agree on the principles of risk governance. If

risk tolerance and risk ownership are clear, science can contribute more easi-
ly with appropriate methods and appropriate thresholds for acceptable risks.

• There are two key challenges for the public sector: (1) obtaining timely ad-
vice during emergency management and (2) obtaining reliable advice for
policy making. Both rely on well-defined and sustainable science-pol-


icy interfaces drawing from the best expertise available. Communication

among the communities is particularly challenging, and should not be biased
by skewed power relations.

• Participation of policy makers in existing partnerships should be encour-

aged. These include knowledge centres, alliances of research institutes, na-
tional DRR platforms, Community of Users, etc.

• More knowledge is needed on integrated policy making in the area of
disaster risk reduction. A clear understanding of related policies, but also
of legal, scientific and ethical aspects is required. Policy makers must both
implement and shape regional and global frameworks (Sendai).

• The scientific community must summarize and translate science into pol-
icy language. The policy community must formulate long-term research chal-
lenges for the R&D community. This can help prioritize research funding.

• New approaches to risk governance must be tested, including early
warning and emergency management. The balance between national and
European/regional systems must be optimized continuously, seeking to op-
timize cost-benefit, quality and effectiveness.

• A key challenge is to evaluate the (long-term) impact of science-based pol-

icies. There is a need for quantifying the economic, social and humani-
tarian gains of better incorporating science.

• New ways of prioritizing research funding should be sought based on

proven needs of policy makers.


• A key challenge for disaster risk reduction is to apply global solutions to
local problems. Partnerships between scientists and practitioners can en-
able transfer of knowledge and practice necessary to implement available
solutions. Scientists should be aware of the wide variety of social, legal,
linguistic, physical and political contexts in which disaster risk management
is practiced.

• Where possible, trans-border agreements should be put in place in ad-

vance, to foster joint exercise and prepare to face the real events. Such mech-
anisms can lead to harmonisation in preparedness and response planning.

• Preparedness planning should be comprehensive and involve multi-agency

partnerships in order to make the transition from disaster management to
risk management. The process should involve collective action by scien-
tists, government, essential services, businesses, the media, other public, pri-
vate and voluntary organisations and communities to help mitigate potential
impacts. Effective communication of risk, considering power relations
among actors, is an important challenge for scientists.

• Existing Public Private Partnerships and Public Public Partnerships

show clear benefits in terms of efficient risk-sharing. Virtuous feedback
loops lead to increased insurance coverage and penetration, investments in
disaster risk reduction and innovative risk financing.

• Further research in crisis management is essential for practitioners. Devel-
oping new technology and infrastructure and improved models for sense-
making of chaotic situations is necessary to allocate scarce resources more
effectively during a crisis.


• Development or implementation of standards (e.g. on data formats or pro-

tocols, such as the CAP protocol, but also on hazard and risk assessment
methods) can improve interoperability of the crisis management actors. Sci-
entists, practitioners and policy makers must collaborate to develop practical

• Understanding of direct and indirect costs is crucial to selecting and in-

vesting in preventive measures, as well the stakeholders to be involved, their
roles and responsibilities. The private financial sector plays an important
role, along with governments and civil society organizations, in designing
innovative financial protection goals and sharing knowledge and capacity.

• The opportunities and challenges that the crisis information systems and so-
cial media brings to development of disaster risk management foster a pro-
cess that builds principles for action for communities of practice, creating a
‘space of meaning’ with theories for action, social change and instruments
for implementation.

• Training, exercises and education are essential to transfer scientific
knowledge to practitioners.

• The Internet of Things is expected to provide citizens and emergency

authorities with information and knowledge in real time. This will allow for
new tools to be developed for a more resilient society. A balance needs to be
struck between surveillance and privacy concerns.

• It is necessary to develop well-trained downstream components in early

warning systems, incorporate volunteered geographical information.

• Rather than generating innovative approaches, embedding and diffusion

of innovations is the key area that both policy and practice must address.
Strong bonds and trust within and between communities favours a more
effective response in emergencies and can be harnessed by authorities. Social
media can also be used to enhance self-organised mobilisation and coordi-
nation of local resources, knowledge, and efforts for disaster preparedness

Conclusions for European research
The EU and in particular its successive Research Framework Programmes
(FPs) have actively supported various scientific research projects that, step by
step, have contributed to a better understanding of risks in all their dimensions.
Multinational and interdisciplinary research in the field of natural and techno-
logical disasters has led to the development of innovative tools and method-
ologies to forecast and monitor man-made and physical hazards. In addition,
research efforts in support of risk and crisis management have largely contrib-
uted to the preparedness for, and the response to, major crises and therefore
helped reduce the toll on human lives and economic assets.

Since the 7th Framework Programme and now Horizon 2020, the EU re-
search has become more multidisciplinary and has promoted a systemic-risk
approach. The report highlights how research projects have been instrumental
in delivering a deeper insight into the complex interactions between the hazard
element and the natural and the built environment. New research avenues will
further address the multi-risk impacts of physical hazards (floods, droughts,
forest fires, etc) and the cascading effects of those hazards in order to integrate
this information into the overall assessments.

EU-funded demonstration projects and other instruments (e.g., Public-Pri-

vate Partnerships) are supporting the development and the awareness of risk
mitigation and adaptation approaches (e.g. ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Re-
duction), as well as demonstrating their added value in terms of co-benefits
for local economies, social cohesion and the broader environment. One of
the priorities of the EU Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction is to foster
green growth through promoting risk-proofed investments and building the
capacity of local and national authorities and communities. Solution-driven
research should help to explore how best to transform evolving challenges
and problems into new opportunities and potential markets. Climate servic-
es, nature-based solutions for more resilient cities or territories and dynamic
Earth observation are examples of promising sectors. A strong evidence base
on the damage caused by disasters, the benefits of adaptation and mitigation
measures, and the costs of inaction constitute key information that supports
the science-policy interface and provides planners, designers, engineers and
decision makers with appropriate tools for risk management.


Conclusions for UNISDR Science and

Technology Roadmap
In response to a strong call in the Sendai Framework to "enhance the scientific
and technical work on disaster risk reduction” (25(g)), the science and technol-
ogy community, as well as other stakeholders, came together at the UN Office
for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Science and Technology Conference
held 27- 29 January 2016 in Geneva. The conference produced a “Science and
Technology Roadmap to Support the Implementation of the Sendai Frame-
work for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030”, which includes expected sci-
entific outcomes, actions, and deliverables under each of the four priority of
actions of the Sendai Framework.

This report is a contribution to the Science and Technology Roadmap, and spe-
cifically addresses, from a European perspective, topic 1.1 “Assess and update
the current state of data, scientific and local and indigenous knowledge and
technical expertise availability on disaster risks reduction and fill the gaps with
new knowledge.”





Karmen Poljanšek - European Commission (JRC)
Montserrat Marín Ferrer - European Commission (JRC)
Tom De Groeve - European Commission (JRC)
Ian Clark - European Commission (JRC)

Spyros Afentoulidis - European Commission (ECHO)
Lorenzo Alfieri - European Commission (JRC)
Ioannis Andredakis - European Commission (JRC)
Alessandro Annunziato - European Commission (JRC)
Tiberiu-Eugen Antofie - European Commission (JRC)
Gianluca Bailey - European Commission (JRC)
Paulo Barbosa - European Commission (JRC)
William Becker - European Commission (JRC)
Jozias Block - European Commission (DEVCO)
Andrew Bower - European Commission (ECHO)
George Breyiannis - European Commission (JRC)
Yuri Bruinen de Bruin - European Commission (JRC)
Jessica Cariboni - European Commission (JRC)
Hugo Carrao - European Commission (JRC)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Ian Clark - European Commission (JRC)
Erika Conti - European Commission (ECHO)
Christina Corbane - European Commission (JRC)
Maddalena Dali - European Commission (CLIMA)
Tom De Groeve - European Commission (JRC)
Thomas De Lannoy - European Commission (ECHO)
Francesca Di Girolamo - European Commission (JRC)
Brian Doherty - European Commission (JRC)
Tracy Durrant - European Commission (JRC)
Daniele Ehrlich - European Commission (JRC)
Mauro Facchini - European Commission (GROW)
Nicolas Faivre - European Commission (RTD)
Torben Fell - European Commission (HOME)
Luc Feyen - European Commission (JRC)
Chiara Fonio - European Commission (JRC)
Giovanni Forzieri - European Commission (JRC)
Daniele Galliano - European Commission (JRC)
Anjula Garg - European Commission (JRC)
Georgios Giannopoulos - European Commission (JRC)
Harm Greidanus - European Commission (JRC)
Roberto Guana - European Commission (JRC)
Zsuzsanna Gyenes - European Commission (JRC)
Sander Happaerts - European Commission (REGIO)

Ioannis Kavvadas - European Commission (ENV)
Pierre Kockerols - European Commission (JRC)
Elisabeth Krausmann - European Commission (JRC)
Antonis Lanaras - European Commission (SANTE)
Christophe Lavaysse - European Commission (JRC)
Stephan Lechner - European Commission (ENER)
Jens Linge - European Commission (JRC)
Montserrat Marín Ferrer - European Commission (JRC)
Agnes Marta Molnar - European Commission (SANTE)
Cristina Mottalini - European Commission (JRC)
Francesco Mugnai - European Commission (JRC)
Gustavo Naumann - European Commission (JRC)
Philippe Quevauviller -European Commission (HOME)
Ghislain Pascal - European Commission (ENER)
Stefano Paris - European Commission (JRC)
Martino Pesaresi - European Commission (JRC)
Denis Peter - European Commission (RTD)
Georg Peter - European Commission (JRC)
Thomas Petroliagkis - European Commission (JRC)
Wolfgang Philipp - European Commission (SANTE)
Paola Piccinini - European Commission (JRC)
Artur Pinto - European Commission (JRC)
Karmen Poljanšek - European Commission (JRC)
Chiara Proietti - European Commission (JRC)
Corradini Regina - European Commission (JRC)
Peter Salamon - European Commission (JRC)
Jesus San Miguel - European Commission (JRC)
Laura Schmidt - European Commission (ECHO)
Luisa Sousa - European Commission (JRC)
Luigi Spagnolo - European Commission (JRC)
Jonathan Spinoni - European Commission (JRC)
Nikolaos Stilianakis - European Commission (JRC)
Giacinto Tartaglia - European Commission (JRC)
Marianthi Theocharidou - European Commission (JRC)
Jutta Thielen – del Pozo - European Commission (JRC)
Georgios Tsionis - European Commission (JRC)
Luca Vernaccini - European Commission (JRC)
Ana Lisa Vetere Arellano - European Commission (JRC)
Françoise Villette - European Commission (GROW)
Jürgen V. Vogt - European Commission (JRC)
Michalis Vousdoukas - European Commission (JRC)
Maureen Heraty Wood - European Commission (JRC)

Massimiliano Gusmini - European Commission (JRC)

Contributors by chapter

1. Current status of disaster risk management and policy framework

Andrew Bower - European Commission (ECHO)
Jozias Block - European Commission (DEVCO)
Maddalena Dali - European Commission (CLIMA)
Nicolas Faivre - European Commission (RTD)
Torben Fell - European Commission (HOME)
Sander Happaerts - European Commission (REGIO)
Ioannis Kavvadas - European Commission (ENV)
Pierre Kockerols - European Commission (JRC)
Agnes Marta Molnar - European Commission (SANTE)
Philippe Quevauviller - European Commission (HOME)
Ghislain Pascal - European Commission (ENER)
Françoise Villette - European Commission (GROW)

2. Understanding disaster risk: risk assessment methodologies and examples

David C. Simmons - Willis Towers Watson, Willis Limited (UK)

2.1. Qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk assessment

David C. Simmons - Willis Towers Watson, Willis Limited (UK)
Rudi Dauwe - Dow Chemical Company Benelux (BE)
Richard Gowland - European Process Safety Centre (UK)
Zsuzsanna Gyenes - European Commission (JRC)
Alan G. King - ABB Consultants (UK)
Durk Riedstra - Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (NL)
Stefan Schneiderbauer - Eurac Research (IT)
Christoph Aubrecht - Austrian Institute of Technology (AT)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Robert Muir-Wood - Risk Management Solutions (UK)
Gustavo Naumann - European Commission (JRC)
Jonathan Rougier - School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bristol (UK)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Karmen Poljanšek - European Commission (JRC)

2.2. Current and innovative methods to define exposure

Christina Corbane - European Commission (JRC)

Paolo Gamba - University of Pavia (IT)
Martino Pesaresi - European Commission (JRC)
Massimiliano Pittore - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (DE)
Marc Wieland - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (DE)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Daniele Ehrlich - European Commission (JRC)
Gustavo Naumann - European Commission (JRC)
Jonathan Rougier - School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bristol (UK)
Daniele Ehrlich - European Commission (JRC)

2.3. The most recent view of vulnerability

Stefan Schneiderbauer - European Academy of Bolzano (IT)
Elisa Calliari - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and Ca’ Foscari University (IT)
Unni Eidsvig - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NO)
Michael Hagenlocher - United Nations University (DE)
Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe - Environmental Hydraulics Institute - University of Cantabria (ES)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Daniele Ehrlich - European Commission (JRC)
Stefan Greiving - Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE)
Gustavo Naumann - European Commission (JRC)
Ana Lisa Vetere Arellano - European Commission (JRC)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Karmen Poljanšek - European Commission (JRC)

2.4. Recording disaster losses for improving risk modelling

Scira Menoni - Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Costanza Bonadonna - Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva (CH)
Mariano García-Fernández - Spanish National Research Council, MNCN-CSIC (ES)
Reimund Schwarze - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (DE)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Christina Corbane - European Commission (JRC)
Magnus Johansson - MSB (SE)
Gustavo Naumann - European Commission (JRC)
Jonathan Rougier - School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bristol (UK)
Christina Corbane - European Commission (JRC)

2.5. Where are we with multi-hazards, multi-risks assessment capacities
Jochen Zschau - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (DE)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Daniele Ehrlich - European Commission (JRC)
Karmen Poljanšek - European Commission (JRC)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Daniele Ehrlich - European Commission (JRC)
Karmen Poljanšek - European Commission (JRC)

3. Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues

Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos - National Observatory of Athens (GR)
Peter Salamon - European Commission (JRC)
Virginia Murray - Public Health England (UK)
Elisabeth Krausmann - European Commission (JRC)

3.1 Geophysical risk: earthquakes

Vitor Silva - Global Earthquake Model Foundation (IT)
Laurentiu Danciu - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (CH)
Mauro Dolce - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Tiziana Rossetto - EPICentre, University College London (UK)
Graeme Weatherill - Global Earthquake Model Foundation (IT)
Luigi D'Angelo - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Agostino Goretti - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Luisa Sousa - European Commission (JRC)
Georgios Tsionis - European Commission (JRC)
Luisa Sousa - European Commission (JRC)
Georgios Tsionis - European Commission (JRC)

3.2 Geophysical risk: volcanic activity

Sue Loughlin - British Geological Survey (UK)
Sara Barsotti - Icelandic Meteorological Office (IS)
Costanza Bonadonna - Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva (CH)
Eliza Calder - University of Edinburgh (UK)


Ioannis Andredakis - European Commission (JRC)
Chiara Cardaci - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Susanne Ettinger - Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) (FR)
Susanna Falsaperla - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (IT)
Mauro Rosi - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Jonathan Rougier - University of Bristol (UK)
Jacques Zlotnicki - CNRS (FR)
Ioannis Andredakis - European Commission (JRC)

3.3 Geophysical risk: tsunamis

Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos - National Observatory of Athens (GR)
Stefano Lorito - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (IT)
Finn Løvholt - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NO)
Alexander Rudloff - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (DE)
François Schindelé - Commissariat A L Energie Atomique Et Aux Energies Alternatives (FR)
Thorkild Aarup - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UN)
Spyros Afentoulidis - European Commission (ECHO)
Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe - Environmental Hydraulics Institute - University of Cantabria (ES)
Alessandro Annunziato - European Commission (JRC)
Alessandro Annunziato - European Commission (JRC)

3.4 Hydrological risk: floods

Hannah Cloke - University of Reading (UK)
Giuliano di Baldassarre - Uppsala University (SE)
Owen Landeg - Public Health England (UK)
Florian Pappenberger - European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (UK)
Maria-Helena Ramos - IRSTEA, National Research Institute of Science and Technology for
Environment and Agriculture (FR)
Lorenzo Alfieri - European Commission (JRC)
Iain Blackwell - Jacobs U.K. Limited (UK)
Francesco Fusto - Multirisk Functional Centre of Regional Environmental Protection Agency of
Calabria (IT)
Albert Kettner - INSTAAR, University of Colorado (US)
Jim Nelson - Brigham Young University (US)
Eric Sprokkereef - Rijkswaterstaat (NL)
Jutta Thielen-del Pozo - European Commission (JRC)

Peter Salamon - European Commission (JRC)

3.5 Hydrological risk: landslides

Nicola Casagli - Università degli Studi Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (IT)
Fausto Guzzetti - National Research Council (IT)
Michel Jaboyedoff - University of Lausanne (CH)
Farrokh Nadim - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NO)
David Petley - University of East Anglia (UK)
Sálvano Briceño - Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) (FR)
Edward N. Bromhead - Independent consultant (UK)
Giovanni Crosta - Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca (IT)
Tracy Durrant - European Commission (JRC)

3.6 Hydrological risk: wave action, storm surges and coastal flooding
Kevin Horsburgh - UK National Oceanography Centre (UK)
Inigo Losada - University of Cantabria (ES)
Michail Vousdoukas - European Commission (JRC)
Ralf Weisse - Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Center for Materials and Coastal Research (DE)
Judith Wolf - UK National Oceanography Centre (UK)
Alessandro Annunziato - European Commission (JRC)
Alessandro Annunziato - European Commission (JRC)

3.7 Meteorological risk: extratropical storms, tropical cyclones

Thomas Frame - University of Reading (UK)
Giles Harrison - University of Reading (UK)
Tim Hewson - European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (UK)
Nigel Roberts - Met Office (UK)
Tanja Cegnar - Slovenian Environment Agency (SI)
Pieter Groenemeijer - European Severe Storms Laboratory (DE)
Silvio Gualdi - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici - CMCC (IT)
Giovanni Leoncini - Aspen Re (UK)
Thomas Petroliagkis - European Commission (JRC)
Thomas Petroliagkis - European Commission (JRC)

3.8 Meteorological risk: extreme temperatures
Glenn McGregor - Durham University (UK)
Angie Bone - Public Health England (UK)
Florian Pappenberger - European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (UK)
Ingeborg Auer - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (AT)
Thomas Petroliagkis - European Commission (JRC)
Thomas Petroliagkis - European Commission (JRC)

3.9 Climatological risk: droughts

Henny van Lanen - Wageningen University Environmental Sciences (NL)
Jürgen V. Vogt - European Commission (JRC)
Joaquin Andreu - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (ES)
Hugo Carrao - European Commission (JRC)
Lucia De Stefano - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ES)
Emanuel Dutra - Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
Luc Feyen - European Commission (JRC)
Giovanni Forzieri - European Commission (JRC)
Michael Hayes - US National Drought Mitigation Centre (US)
Ana Iglesias - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES)
Christophe Lavaysse - European Commission (JRC)
Gustavo Naumann - European Commission (JRC)
Roger Pulwarty - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US)
Jonathan Spinoni - European Commission (JRC)
Kerstin Stahl - University of Freiburg (DE)
Robert Stefanski - World Meteorological Organization (CH)
Nikolaos Stilianakis - European Commission (JRC)
Mark Svoboda - US National Drought Mitigation Centre (US)
Lena M. Tallaksen - University of Oslo (NO)
Gregor Gregorič - Slovenian Environment Agency (SI)
Adolfo Mérida Abril - Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (ES)
Gerard van der Schrier - Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (NL)
Jesus San Miguel - European Commission (JRC)

3.10 Climatological risk: wildfires

Jesus San Miguel - European Commission (JRC)
Emilio Chuvieco - University of Alcalá (ES)

John Handmer - RMIT University (AU)
Andy Moffat - Forest Research Agency (UK)
Cristina Montiel-Molina - Complutense University of Madrid (ES)
Leif Sandahl - Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (SE)
Domingos Viegas - University of Coimbra (PT)
Tracy Durrant - European Commission (JRC)
Elsa Enriquez- Gobierno de Espana (ES)
George Mitri - University of Balamand (LB)
Tracy Durrant - European Commission (JRC)

3.11 Biological risk: epidemics

Rishma Maini - Public Health England (UK)
Virginia Murray - Public Health England (UK)
Cathy Roth - World Health Organization (CH)
Mike Catchpole - Public Health England (UK)
Kristie Ebi - University of Washington (US)
Michael Hagenlocher - United Nations University (DE)
Camila Margarita Montesinos Guevara - Universities of Excellence Scholar (EC)
Chloe Sellwood - NHS England (UK)
Tiffany Yeung - Public Health England (UK)
Yuri Bruinen de Bruin - European Commission (JRC)
Jonathan Suk - ECDC (SE)
Yuri Bruinen de Bruin - European Commission (JRC)

3.12 Technological risk: chemical releases

Maureen Heraty Wood - European Commission (JRC)
Lee Allford - European Process Safety Centre (UK)
Zsuzsanna Gyenes - European Commission (JRC)
Mark Hailwood - LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg
Ragnhild Larsen - DSB (NO)
Franck Prats - INERIS (FR)
Lorenzo van Wijk - RiskTech (UK)
Simone Wiers - Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (NL)
Jinsong Zhao - Tsinghua University (CN)
Paola Piccinini - European Commission (JRC)

3.13 Technological risk: nuclear accidents
Emmanuel Raimond - Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (FR)
Dries Gryffroy - Bel V (BE)
Andrej Prošek - Institut "Jožef Stefan" (SI)
Wolfgang Raskob - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)
Montserrat Marín Ferrer - European Commission (JRC)

3.14 Technological risk: Natech

Elisabeth Krausmann - European Commission (JRC)
Ana Maria Cruz - Disaster Prevention Research Centre, Kyoto University (JP)
Roland Fendler - Federal Environment Agency, Umweltbundesamt (DE)
Ernesto Salzano - University of Bologna (IT)
Valerio Cozzani - University of Bologna (IT)
Jan Meinster - Safety Region Rotterdam-Rijnmond (NL)
Erric A. Vorstman - Veiligheidsregio Groningen (NL)
Harm Greidanus - European Commission (JRC)

4. Communicating disaster risk

Kees F. Boersma - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)

4.1 Public perception of risk

Teun Terpstra - HKV Consultants (NL)
Ann Enander - Swedish Defence University (SE)
Jan Gutteling - University of Twente (NL)
Christian Kuhlicke - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (DE)
Chiara Fonio - European Commission (JRC)
Maurenn Fordham - University of Northumbria at Newcastle (UK)
Maria Manez - GERICS (DE)
Willem Treurniet - Institute for Safety (NL)
Ioannis Andredakis - European Commission (JRC)

4.2 Decision-making under uncertainty
Tina Comes - Delft University of Technology (NL)
Anouck Adrot - Paris-Dauphine Université - Paris Sciences & Lettres (FR)
Caroline Rizza - Télécom Paristech (FR)
William Becker - European Commission (JRC)
Tiago Capela Lourenço - University of Lisbon (PT)
Davide Miozzo - Fondazione CIMA (IT)
Nadia Noori - Universitetet i Agder (NO)
Willem Treurniet - Institute Physical Safety (NL)
Josine Van de Ven - TNO (NL)
Montserrat Marín Ferrer - European Commission (JRC)

4.3 Last mile communication

Irina Stanciugelu - National Univ. of Political Studies and Public Administration (RO)
Aurel Bilanici - Plobil Consulting SRL (RO)
Ian Cameron - MA Civil Protection, MEPS, IAEM, Ian Cameron Media & Communications Ltd. (UK)
Chiara Fonio - European Commission (JRC)
Michael Klafft - Jade Hochschule (DE)
Tomas Matusek - DG Fire Rescue Service Czech Republic(CZ)
Nadia Noori - Universitetet i Agder (NO)
Rob Peters - Institute Physical Safety (NL)
Willem Treurniet - Institute Physical Safety (NL)
Rina Tsubaki - European Journalism Centre (NL)
Marita Vos - University of Jyväskylä (FI)
Anjula Garg - European Commission (JRC)

4.4 Good practices and innovation in risk communication

David Allen - Leeds University Business School (UK)
Eve Coles - Editor Emergency Management Review (UK)
Terhi Kankaanranta - Police University College of Finland (FI)
David Mobach - Burgernet Netherlands (NL)
Caroline Mcmullan - Dublin City University (IE)
Alistair Norman - Leeds University Business School (UK)
Tanja Perko - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SKC-CEN (BE)
Kari Pylväs - Police University College of Finland (FI)
Niek Wijngaards - Solution Architect at True Information Solutions BV (NL)

Georgios Giannopoulos - European Commission (JRC)
Marco Lombardi - Università Cattolica di Milano (IT)
Patrick Pigeon - Universite de Savoie (FR)
Nadia Noori - Universitetet i Agder (NO)
Willem Treurniet - Institute Physical Safety (NL)
Paolo Trucco - Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)

5. Managing disaster risk

Emily Wilkinson - Overseas Development Institute (UK)

5.1 Prevention and mitigation: avoiding and reducing the new and existing risks
Swenja Surminski - London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
Jeroen Aerts - Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam (NL)
David Alexander - University College London (UK)
Daniela Di Bucci - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Reinhard Mechler - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (AT)
Jaroslav Mysiak - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (IT)
Emily Wilkinson - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Néstor Alfonzo Santamaría - Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office (UK)
Arabella Fraser - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Bjorn Oddsson - Iceland Civil Protection (IS)
Patricia Pires - Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection (PT)
Chiara Proietti - European Commission (JRC)
Luca Rossi - UNISDR (BE)
John Twigg - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Maureen Wood - European Commission (JRC)
Chiara Proietti - European Commission (JRC)

5.2 Preparedness and response

Katie Peters - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Monika Buscher - Lancaster University (UK)
Carina Fearnley - University College London (UK)
Ira Helsloot - Radboud University (NL)
Pierre Kockerols - European Commission (JRC)
John Twigg - Overseas Development Institute (UK)

Spyros Afentoulidis - European Commission (ECHO)
Néstor Alfonzo Santamaría - Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office (UK)
Erika Conti - European Commission (ECHO)
Luigi D'Angelo - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Arabella Fraser - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Anna-Mari Heikkilä - VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. (FI)
Jiri Musilek - MoI - Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (CZ)
Chiara Proietti - European Commission (JRC)
John Twigg - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Paola Piccinini - European Commission (JRC)

5.3 Recovery and avoiding risk creation

Carlos Sousa Oliveira - Technical University of Lisbon (PT)
Betâmio de Almeida - Technical University of Lisbon (PT)
Daniela Di Bucci - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Mauro Dolce - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (IT)
Herman Havekes - Association of Dutch RWAs (NL)
Verity Kemp - Health Planning (UK)
Catherine Simonet - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Solveig Thorvaldsdottir- Rainrace Consulting Service (IS)
John Twigg - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Richard Williams - University of South Wales (UK)
Erika Conti - European Commission (ECHO)
Arabella Fraser - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Maud Devès - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Université Paris Diderot (FR)
Chiara Proietti - European Commission (JRC)
Manuel Joao Ribeiro - Lisbon Civil protection (PT)
Luisa Sousa - European Commission (JRC)
Georgios Tsionis - European Commission (JRC)
John Twigg - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Luisa Sousa - European Commission (JRC)
Georgios Tsionis - European Commission (JRC)

5.4 Risk transfer and financing

Jaroslav Mysiak - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei (IT)
David Bresch - Swiss Reinsurance (CH)
Dionisio Peréz Blanco - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (IT)
David Simmons - Willis Towers Watson, Willis Limited (UK)
Swenja Surminski - London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)

Roland Nussbaum - Mission Risques Naturels (FR)
Jessica Cariboni - European Commission (JRC)
Francesca Di Girolamo - European Commission (JRC)
Mia Ebeltoft - Finance Norway (NO)
Francisco Espejo Gil - Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (ES)
Chiara Proietti - European Commission (JRC)
Lena Weingartner - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Jessica Caribon - European Commission (JRC)

6. Future challenges of disaster risk management

Ian Clark - European Commission (JRC)
Tom De Groeve - European Commission (JRC)
Montserrat Marín Ferrer - European Commission (JRC)
Karmen Poljanšek - European Commission (JRC)
Nicolas Faivre - European Commission (RTD)
Denis Peter - European Commission (RTD)
Philippe Quevauviller - European Commission (HOME)
Kees F. Boersma - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)
Elisabeth Krausmann - European Commission (JRC)
Virginia Murray - Public Health England (UK)
Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos - National Observatory of Athens (GR)
Peter Salamon - European Commission (JRC)
David C. Simmons - Willis Towers Watson, Willis Limited (UK)
Emily Wilkinson - Overseas Development Institute (UK)
Ainara Casajus Valles - European Commission (JRC)
Brian Doherty - European Commission (JRC)
Daniele Galliano - European Commission (JRC)


Whole report
How to cite: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.), 2017. Science for disaster risk management
2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,
ISBN 6-60678-79-92-978, doi:688605/10.2788, JRC102482.

1. Current status of disaster risk management and policy framework

How to cite: Bower, A., Block, J., Dali, M., Faivre, N., Fell, T., Ghislain, P., Happaerts, S., Kavvadas, I., Kockerols, P.,
Molnar, A.M., Quevauviller, P., Villette, F., 2017. Current status of disaster risk management and policy framework.
In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing
better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 1.

2. Understanding disaster risk: risk assessment methodologies and examples

How to cite: Simmons, D.C., Corbane, C., Menoni, S., Schneiderbauer, S., Zschau, J., 2017. Understanding disaster
risk: risk assessment methodologies and examples. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.).
Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office
of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 2.

2.1. Qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk assessment

How to cite: Simmons, D.C., Dauwe, R., Gowland, R., Gyenes. Z., King, A.G., Riedstra, D., Schneiderbauer, S., 2017.
Qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk assessment. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T.,
Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN,
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 2.1.

2.2. Current and innovative methods to define exposure

How to cite: Corbane, C., Gamba, P., Pesaresi, M., Pittore, M., Wieland, M., 2017. Current and innovative methods
to define exposure. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk
management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union,
Luxembourg, Chapter 2.2.

2.3. The most recent view of vulnerability

How to cite: Schneiderbauer, S., Calliari, E., Eidsvig, U., Hagenlocher, M., 2017. The most recent view of vulnerability.
In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017:
knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter

2.4. Recording disaster losses for improving risk modelling

How to cite: Menoni, S., Bonadonna, C., Garcia, M., Schwarze, R., 2017. Recording disaster loss for improving risk
modelling. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management
2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,
Chapter 2.4.

2.5. Where are we with multihazards and multirisks assessment capacities?

How to cite: Zschau, J., 2017. Where are we with multihazards and multirisks assessment capacities? In: Poljanšek,
K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and
losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 2.5.

3. Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues - Section I.

Geophysical risk
How to cite: Papadopoulos, G.A., Loughlin, S., Silva, V., 2017. Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk
issues - Section I. Geophysical risk. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for
disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the
European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3 Section I.

3.1 Geophysical risk: earthquakes

How to cite: Silva, V., Danciu, L., Dolce, M., Rossetto, T., Weatherill, G., 2017. Geophysical risk: earthquakes. In:
Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing
better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.1.

3.2 Geophysical risk: volcanic activity

How to cite: Loughlin, S., Barsotti, S., Bonadonna, C., Calder, E., 2017. Geophysical risk: volcanic activity. In:
Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing
better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.2.

3.3 Geophysical risk: tsunamis

How to cite: Papadopoulos, G.A., Lorito, S., Løvholt, F., Rudloff, A., Schindele, F., 2017. Geophysical risk: tsunamis.
In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017:
knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter

3. Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues - Section II. Hydro-
logical risk
How to cite: Salamon, P., Casagli, N., Cloke, H., Horsburgh, K., 2017. Understanding disaster risk: hazard related
risk issues - Section II. Hydrological risk. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science
for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the
European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3 Section II.

3.4 Hydrological risk: floods

How to cite: Cloke, H., Di Baldassarre, G., Landeg, O., Pappenberger, F., Ramos, M.H., 2017. Hydrological risk: floods.
In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017:
knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter

3.5 Hydrological risk: landslides

How to cite: Casagli, N., Guzzetti, F., Jaboyedoff, M., Nadim, F., Petley, D., 2017. Hydrological risk: landslides. In:
Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing
better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.5.

3.6 Hydrological risk: wave action, storm surge and coastal flooding
How to cite: Horsburgh, K., Losada, I., Vousdoukas, M., Weiss, R., Wolf, J., 2017. Hydrological risk: wave action,
storm surge and coastal flooding. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for
disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the
European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.6.

3. Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues - Section III.
Meteorological, climatological and biological risk
How to cite: Murray, V., Frame, T., McGregor, G., San Miguel, J., Van Lanen, H., Vogt, J., 2017. Understanding
disaster risk: hazard related risk issues - Section III. Meteorological, climatological and biological risk. In:
Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017:
knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,
Chapter 3 Section III.

3.7 Meteorological risk: extratropical storms, tropical cyclones

How to cite: Frame, T., Harrison, G., Hewson, T., Roberts, N., 2017. Meteorological risk: extra-tropical cyclones,
tropical cyclones and convective storms. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science
for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the
European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.7.

3.8 Meteorological risk: extreme temperatures

How to cite: McGregor, G., Bone, A., Ebi, K., Pappenberger, F., 2017. Meteorological risk: extreme temperatures. In:
Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing
better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.8.

3.9 Climatological risk: droughts

How to cite: Van Lanen, H., Vogt, J., Andreu, J., Carrao, H., De Stefano, L., Dutra, E., Feyen, L., Forzieri, G., Hayes, M.,
Iglesias, A., Lavaysse, C., Naumann, G., Pulwarty, R., Spinoni, J., Stahl, K., Stefanski, R., Stilianakis, N., Svoboda, M.,
Tallaksen, L., 2017. Climatological risk: droughts. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.).
Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office
of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.9.

3.10 Climatological risk: wildfires

How to cite: San Miguel, J., Chuvieco, E., Handmer, J., Moffat, A., Montiel-Molina, C., Sandahl, L., Viegas, D., 2017.
Climatological risk: wildfires. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster
risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European
Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.10.

3.11 Biological risk: epidemics

How to cite: Murray, V., Catchpole, M., Hagenlocher, M., Maini, R., Margarita Montesinos Guevara, C., Roth, C.,
Sellwood, C., Yeung, T., 2017. Biological risk: epidemics. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I.
(Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications
Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.11.

3. Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues - Section IV. Tech-
nological risk
How to cite: Krausmann, E., Raimond, E., Wood, M., 2017. Understanding disaster risk: hazard related risk issues
- Section IV. Technological risk. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster
risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European
Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3 Section IV.

3.12 Technological risk: chemical releases

How to cite: Wood, M., Allford, L., Gyenes, Z., Hailwood, M., 2017, Technological risks: chemical releases. In:

Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing
better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.12.

3.13 Technological risk: nuclear accidents

How to cite: Raimond, E., Dries, G., Prosek, A., 2017. Technological risks: nuclear accidents. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín
Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing
less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.13.

3.14 Technological risk: Natech

How to cite: Krausmann, E., Cruz, A.M., Fendler, R., Salzano, E., 2017. Technological risk: Natech. In: Poljanšek, K.,
Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and
losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 3.14.

Communicating disaster risk

How to cite: Boersma, F.K., Allen, D., Comes, T., Stanciugelu, I., Terpstra, T., 2017. Communicating disaster risk. In:
Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing
better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 4.

4.1 Public perception of risk

How to cite: Terpstra, T., Enader, A., Gutteling, J., Kuhlicke, C., 2017. Public perception of risk. In: Poljanšek, K.,
Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and
losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 4.1.

4.2 Decision-making under uncertainty

How to cite: Comes, T., Adrot, A., Rizza, C., 2017. Decision-making under uncertainty. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer,
M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR
28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 4.2.

4.3 Last mile communication

How to cite: Stanciugelu, I., Bilanici, A., Cameron, I., Stal, M., 2017. Last mile communication. In: Poljanšek, K.,
Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and
losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 4.3.

4.4 Good practices and innovation in risk communicat

How to cite: Allen, D., Coles, E., Kankaanranta, T., Mcmullan, C., Mobach, D., Norman, A., Perko, T., Pylvas, K.,
Wijngaards, N., 2017. Good practices and innovation in risk communication. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M.,
De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR
28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 4.4.

5. Managing disaster risk

How to cite: Wilkinson, E., Mysiak, J., Oliveira, C.S., Peters, K., Surminski, S., 2017. Managing disaster risk. In:
Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing
better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 5.
5.1 Prevention and mitigation: avoiding and reducing the new and existing
How to cite: Surminski, S., Aerts, J., Alexander, D., Di Bucci, D., Mechler, R., Mysiak, J., Wilkinson, E., 2017. Prevention
and mitigation: avoiding and reducing the new and existing risks. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve,

T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN,
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 5.1.

5.2 Preparedness and response

How to cite: Peters, K., Buscher, M., Fearnley, C., Helsloot, I., Kockerol, P., Twigg, J., 2017. Preparedness and
response. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management
2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,
Chapter 5.2.

5.3 Recovery and avoiding risk creation

How to cite: Oliveira, C.S., De Almeida, B., Di Bucci, D., Dolce, M., Havekes, H., Kemp, V., Simonet, C., Thorvaldsdottir,
S., Twigg, J., Williams, R., 2017. Recovery and avoiding risk creation. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve,
T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN,
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 5.3.

5.4 Risk transfer and financing

How to cite: Mysiak, J., Bresch, D., Peréz Blanco, D., Simmons, D., Surminski, S., 2017. Risk transfer and financing.
In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M., De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017:
knowing better and losing less. EUR 28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter

6. Future challenges of disaster risk management

How to cite: Clark, I., De Groeve, T., Marín Ferrer, M., Poljanšek, K., Faivre, N., Peter, D., Quevauviller, P., Boersma,
K.E., Krausmann, E., Murray, V., Papadopoulos, G.A., Salamon, P., Simmons, D.C., Wilkinson, E., Casajus Valles, A.,
Doherty, B., Galliano, D., 2017. Future challenges of disaster risk management. In: Poljanšek, K., Marín Ferrer, M.,
De Groeve, T., Clark, I. (Eds.). Science for disaster risk management 2017: knowing better and losing less. EUR
28034 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 6.

ISBN 978-92-79-60678-6

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