Microchemical Journal: Govindaraj Shanmugam, Babu Rajendran Ramaswamy, Vijayalakshimi Radhakrishnan, Hiroaki Tao
Microchemical Journal: Govindaraj Shanmugam, Babu Rajendran Ramaswamy, Vijayalakshimi Radhakrishnan, Hiroaki Tao
Microchemical Journal: Govindaraj Shanmugam, Babu Rajendran Ramaswamy, Vijayalakshimi Radhakrishnan, Hiroaki Tao
Microchemical Journal
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / m i c r o c
GC–MS method for the determination of paraben preservatives in the human breast
cancerous tissue
Govindaraj Shanmugam a, Babu Rajendran Ramaswamy a,⁎, Vijayalakshimi Radhakrishnan a, Hiroaki Tao b
Department of Environmental Biotechnology, School of Environmental Sciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620024, India
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 16-1 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-305-8569, Japan
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The general presumption that the preservative laden personal care products may be one of the causative agents
Received 1 April 2010 for breast cancer, has remained a matter of controversy during this decade. Extensive studies have not been
Received in revised form 14 June 2010 carried out to either prove or disprove the role of preservatives in breast cancer incidences. In this study we have
Accepted 2 July 2010
developed a new method for the identification and quantification of the preservatives such as methyl paraben
Available online 31 July 2010
(MeP), ethyl paraben (EtP), propyl paraben (PrP) and butyl paraben (BuP) in breast tissue using Gas
Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS). Tissue was extracted by using acetone:n-hexane mixture
(1:1 v/v) and derivatized with N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA). The extent of reaction
Paraben time and the amount of MSTFA to attain greater derivatization were optimized. The developed method yielded
MSTFA good recovery (mean ± SD) of 99.8± 5.1, 96± 4.4, 107 ± 17 and 113 ± 13% with relative standard deviations
GC–MS (RSDs) of 5.1, 4.6, 15.6 and 13%, and the limits of detection (LOD) of 2.02, 1.05, 1.71 and 3.75 ng g− 1 for MeP, EtP,
Cancerous tissue PrP and BuP, respectively. The method was successfully validated for the determination of parabens including
butyl paraben (log Kow = 3.57) in cancerous breast tissues; this could be a promising one for screening of breast
tissues and also the environment for paraben residues. As far as our knowledge goes this is the first GC–MS
method for the determination of parabens in human tissue.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0026-265X/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
392 G. Shanmugam et al. / Microchemical Journal 96 (2010) 391–396
compounds. Moreover, all types of body care cosmetics applied to the condensed (0.5 mL) with a rotavapour and by gentle purging of N2
skin (not only underarm cosmetics) can be a source of local and then transferred to amber glass GC vial for derivatization.
estrogenic chemical input to the breast and therefore should be
considered in risk assessments [14]. Gas Chromatography–Mass
Spectrometry (GC–MS) is well suited for the identification of a large 2.3.3. Derivatization
number of potential steroids and metabolites due to its high Derivatization is a very useful process for detecting compounds in
chromatographic resolution capacity and reproducible ionization complex samples, and applied widely in forensic, medical and
efficiency [15]. This study was aimed to develop a simple and suitable environmental chemistry [16]. Silylation is the most widely used
method for the detection and quantification of paraben preservatives derivatization technique and normally it does not require a purification
in human tissue using GC–MS. Silylation of parabens with MSTFA step, and the derivatives can be injected directly into the GC [17]. The
was adopted in the analysis to improve the performance of GC–MS introduction of a silyl group(s) can also serve to enhance mass
determination. spectrometric properties of the derivatives, by producing either more
favorable diagnostic fragmentation patterns for use in structure
2. Experimental investigations, or the characteristic ions for use in trace analyses in
GC–MS under selected ion monitoring mode.
2.1. Reagents and chemicals In this study, we aimed to detect and quantify parabens that are
highly polar and thermally fragile. In order to make the parabens
The reference standards of MeP, EtP, PrP and BuP, and the suitable for GC analysis, they require transformation into more volatile
derivatizing reagent, N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide and thermally stable compounds. For this purpose, we used derivatizing
(MSTFA) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (USA). Acetone and reagent MSTFA. The MSTFA derivatization achieved complete derivati-
ethyl acetate of HPLC grade were procured from Qualigens Fine zation and permitted the detection of compounds containing polar
Chemicals (Mumbai, India). Sodium sulfate (anhydrous) and glass function groups with adequate signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. Derivatiza-
wool were obtained from HiMedia Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., (Mumbai, tion decreases the LODs of GC–MS methods and therefore achieves
India). Silica gel and florisil (60–120 mesh) were procured from sensitivity comparable to that of LC–MS, and GC–MS analysis after
Merck Specialties Private Limited (Mumbai, India). The laboratory- derivatization is an efficient alternative to LC–MS [18].
purified water was obtained from a water purification system (ELGA, For derivatization of parabens, 100 ng of working standards was
UK). To avoid potential contamination with parabens, the glassware transferred to amber glass GC vials containing 500 μL of ethyl acetate.
were sequentially washed with 10% soap solution (Labolene), tap Then derivatizing reagent (MSTFA) was added. The conditions for
water and 50% hydrochloric acid (HCl), ultrapure water and acetone. derivatization were determined through investigating the effects of
Then they were air dried and covered with aluminium foil and various experimental parameters including the reaction time and the
sterilized in hot air oven (Heco, Chennai, India) at 200 °C for 12 h. volume of reagent on the analytical response of the compounds.
Silylation was optimized with different volumes (ie. 10, 20, 30, 40 and
2.2. Standard solutions 50 μL) of MSTFA (N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide)
and different incubation times (ie. 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 min) at
The individual standard stock solutions were prepared by 70 °C. After silylation, 1 μL of the derivatized solution was analyzed by
accurately weighing 10 mg of methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl GC–MS.
parabens separately and dissolving them in 100 mL of acetone:ethyl
acetate (1:1 v/v) (100 μg mL− 1). The working standard solutions for 2.3.4. Quality control
calibration and for recovery spike were prepared at required One gram of non-cancerous breast tissue was spiked individually
concentrations from the stock standard solutions, and stored at with 50, 100, 200 and 300 ng mL− 1 parabens (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-
−20 °C. and butyl paraben) and extracted, followed by SPE cleanup and
derivatized as mentioned in earlier sections, and the recovery and
2.3. Sample preparation linearity were measured. Precision was also calculated as relative
standard deviation (RSD) of the experimental concentrations.
2.3.1. Parabens extraction
One gram of the breast tissue was homogenized with 3 g of
anhydrous sodium sulfate and 15 mL of acetone:n-hexane (1:1 v/v), 2.4. GC–MS analysis
and transferred to a conical flask for extraction by mechanical shaking
for 12 h. After extraction, the extract was transferred to a centrifuge The detection and quantification of parabens were performed
tube and centrifuged (3000 rpm; 10 min) at room temperature. The using a Shimadzu (Japan) QP-2010 GC–MS system equipped with a
supernatant was collected in a glass tube, the pellet was again Shimadzu AOC-20i auto sampler. Chromatographic separation of
extracted by shaking manually with 5 mL of acetone–hexane mixture parabens was achieved with DB-1 fused silica capillary column
and the supernatant was collected. The extracts were pooled and 3 g (30 m × 0.32 mm i.d., 0.25 μm film thickness, J&W Scientific, Folsom,
of anhydrous sodium sulfate was added to it, shaken well to remove CA, USA). Helium with a purity of 99.999% was used as the carrier gas
moisture. Then the extract was condensed (dried) using a vacuum at a flow rate of 2.25 mL min− 1. One μL of derivatized extract was
rotavapour (Buchi R 210, Switzerland) at 35 °C and reconstituted in injected in splitless mode using an auto sampler. The injector port,
1 mL of ethyl acetate. interface and ion source temperatures were set at 250, 270 and
230 °C, respectively. The GC temperature was programmed as
2.3.2. Silica gel cleanup follows: 50 °C (1 min), 30 °C min− 1 ramp to 220 °C, 2 °C min− 1
The extract cleanup was done with solid phase extraction (SPE) ramp to 230 °C, and 15 °C min− 1 ramp to 320 °C (10 min hold). The
using silica gel. Three grams of silica gel (60–120 mesh, baked at mass spectrometer was operated in electron ionization (EI) mode at
200 °C for 12 h) was stirred with ethyl acetate to form slurry and 70 eV and at an emission current of 60 μA. Full scan data was obtained
poured into a glass column (16 × 1.5 cm), then Na2SO4 was layered in a mass range of m/z 35–500. Scanning interval and SIM sampling
(~1 cm) above the silica gel and finally, conditioned with 15 mL of rate were 0.5 and 0.2 s, respectively. The mass selective detector was
ethyl acetate. The concentrated extract was transferred to the column operated in selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode and mass ions for
and eluted with 15 mL of ethyl acetate. The eluate was collected and each compound are given in Table 1.
G. Shanmugam et al. / Microchemical Journal 96 (2010) 391–396 393
Fig. 1. Effect of MSTFA volume in the derivatization efficiency of parabens. Fig. 2. Effect of reaction time in MSTFA derivatization efficiency of parabens.
394 G. Shanmugam et al. / Microchemical Journal 96 (2010) 391–396
Fig. 3. GC–MS chromatogram of target compounds in scan mode (a) without derivatization and (b) with derivatization.
were estimated from the signal-to-noise ratio of 3 and 10, respectively found methyl paraben at higher concentrations (62% of total
(Table 1). parabens), which is quite opposite to the present investigation
where methyl paraben is the least quantified. The mean concentration
3.4. Analysis of real samples (human breast cancer tissues) obtained in the present study (Table 2) is two to three orders of
magnitude higher than the levels reported by Darbre et al. [1].
Analytical concentrations of paraben compounds in both cancer- Probably, derivatization might have enhanced compounds' detect-
ous (n = 9) and non-cancerous breast tissue (n = 1) samples were ability and peak area intensity. Further, we failed to detect propyl- and
quantified (Table 2). All the four parabens were detected in cancerous butyl parabens in the tissue samples without derivatization (Fig. 5a).
tissues, the detection frequency of MeP and BuP is 100%, and 67% for Fig. 6 shows the chromatogram of target compounds in non-
EtP and 78% for PrP. These compounds were detected at concentra- cancerous tissue after derivatization with and without standard
tions ranging from 40 to 1719, 535 to 26,469, ND (not detected) to spike. In non-cancerous tissue only methyl paraben was detected
10,608, and ND to 4490 ng g− 1, respectively. The chromatograms of (26.6 ng g− 1), which is an order of magnitude lower than the mean
the target compounds in cancerous breast tissue by SIM mode before concentration of methyl paraben from nine cancerous tissues, where
and after derivatization were shown in Fig. 5. Well-resolved peaks all the four parabens were found, with 100% frequency of butyl
with good separation of analytes were seen after derivatization paraben. Estrogenic activity of parabens is known to increase with
(Fig.5b). Darbre et al. [1] quantified the parabens in breast tissues, and increasing length of the linear alkyl chain from methyl paraben to n-
Table 2
Concentrations (ng g− 1 wet wt.) of parabens in human breast tissue.
Fig. 4. Calibration curves for MeP, EtP, PrP and BuP by GC–MS. ncb—non-cancerous breast tissue, cb—cancerous breast tissue, a—not detected.
G. Shanmugam et al. / Microchemical Journal 96 (2010) 391–396 395
Fig. 5. Selected ion monitoring (SIM) chromatogram of target compounds in breast cancerous tissue (Cb3) (a) without derivatization and (b) with derivatization.
Fig. 6. Selected ion monitoring (SIM) chromatogram of target compounds after MSTFA derivatization (a) non-cancerous breast tissue and (b) non-cancerous breast tissue spiked
with 100 ng mL− 1 paraben standards.
396 G. Shanmugam et al. / Microchemical Journal 96 (2010) 391–396
Table 3
Levels (mean or range) of parabens (ng g− 1) in human samples.
Sample (n) MeP EtP PrP BuP Method Rec.% LOD (ng g− 1) Reference
CBT (09) 802 2657 1136 5199 GC–MS 96–113 1–3.75 This study
BT (20) 12.8 2.0 2.6 2.3 HPLC–MS/MS 48.5 NA [1]
Milk (04) 1.24 NR 0.08 NR HPLC–MS/MS 89–103 0.1a [10]
Serum (11) NR NR NR 135 LC–MS/MS 108 0.3a [11]
Serum (16) 42.6 NR 7.4 NR HPLC–MS/MS NR 0.2–1a [12]
Urine (100) 0.8 NR BDL NR HPLC–MS/MS NR 0.1–0.18a [13]
CBT—cancerous breast tissue, BT—breast tumor, NR—not reported, BDL—below detectable level, a—ng mL− 1.
butyl paraben [6], which is in agreement with elevated levels of butyl mental Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, India. We thank Dr.
parabens in cancerous tissues in this study. A.N. Subramanian and Dr. A.U. Thangavelu of Ehime University, Japan
The mean concentrations of MeP, EtP, PrP and BuP in cancerous for critical reading of the manuscript.
breast tissues were 802, 2657, 1136 and 5199 ng g− 1, respectively
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PPCPs research in our laboratory. We are grateful to the United
[20] P. Canosa, D. Perez-Palacios, A. Garrido-Lopez, M.T. Tena, I. Rodriguez, E. Rubi, R.
Nations University, Japan and Shimadzu Corporation, Japan for the Cela, Pressurized liquid extraction with in-cell clean-up followed by gas
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[21] M.G. Soni, S.L. Taylor, N.A. Greenberg, G.A. Burdock, Evaluation of the health
analyses were made. First author (G.S.) thanks the University Grants aspects of methyl paraben: a review of the published literature, Food Chem.
Commission, New Delhi, India for the award of Junior Research Toxicol. 40 (2002) 1335–1373.
Fellowship through non-SAP grant to the Department of Environ-