Goff Stein Ruck I

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On March 28, 2018, AmiLiving published

a story entitled “Baby Boys, Come Home.”
The story was about Julie Goffstein, who
lost all access to four of her six children

largely because she is an Orthodox Jew.
There’s more
to the story...

By Michael Volpe

name is Michael
Volpe. I’m a Jew

who was born in
Russia, and my
parents brought
me here when I
was almost seven
years old, largely
to escape
I first published

es ıt
an article about
Aaron’s mom’s
custody battle in
The Daily Caller,
which led to a
much more in-
depth story on
their custody in
these pages.
In between, I’ve
conducted a series
of covert
interviews with

The Courts
The previous Ami Magazine article about
Julie Goffstein’s case, “Baby Boys, Come
Home,” was well received, but many readers
were left with the impression that there
must be more to the story. Its just not
possible for the courts to be so unfair to a
mother and her children.
Indeed, this is a perfectly reasonable
response. We live in the United States of
America, with religious liberty, due process,
the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and
the rest of the amendments. The framers
took great care to make sure this kind of
injustice doesn’t occur, so there must be
something more.
If your only experience with America’s
court system was through your social
studies and history classes in school, that
might be a reasonable assumption. I have
been exposing court corruption since 2013,
hallways of Marjory Stoneman High
School on February 14, 2018, shooting
and there are a few things I’ve learned. The at anyone who got in his way, Aaron REMARKABLE
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and due
process are all theoretical; in court, all too
Goffstein hid inside a closet in a class-
room. THING
often, money talks. Quietly, he sent a text message to his AARON TOLD
In this case, Julie’s husband—who was mom—even though a court has forbidden
a successful real-estate developer, while him to have any contact with her.
Julie was a stay-at-home mom—had all
the money, and Julie had none.
“Hey, Mommy, I wanted to say hi. I
wanted to talk now because there is a
I also learned one other thing. In their school shooter on my campus and we are THE COURT
courtroom, judges do as they please, and
they are given broad discretion by appeals
locked down.”
Aaron told me that though he knew he EVER ASKED
judges. was not allowed to speak to her and that HIM OR ANY
In court, the adage is true—power cor-
rupts, and absolute power corrupts abso-
she might even get in trouble as a result,
he still sent it: “She had a right to know.” OF HIS
lutely. And no one has more power over In fact, up until this text message, his SIBLINGS
the Goffstein family than Judge John Sieve. mother didn’t even know what high school
I first published an article about Aaron’s he attended, because the same judge who
mom’s custody battle in The Daily Caller,
which led to a much more in-depth story
had taken her kids away from her and
barred almost all contact hadn’t required
on their custody in these pages. her ex-husband to provide her with basic
In between, I’ve conducted a series of information, such as which school the
covert interviews with Aaron. children attended.
“I’m perfectly calm. To be honest, this
The Parkland Shooting isn’t the scariest event in my life,” Aaron
As Nikolas Cruz barreled down the said next.

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So what could possibly be more fright- Background
ening than a homicidal maniac shooting After his parents divorced, Aaron ini-
one’s classmates indiscriminately? tially lived with his mother—that is, until
Aaron told me that it was the moment a court order changed custody in 2013.
last year when a relative told him that his The reason: Julie and her six children were
mother was in jail. A court order handed Orthodox Jews, while the father was no
down by Judge Jon Henry Sieve of longer religious, and this alienated him.
Hamilton County, Ohio, forbade him to Aaron was whisked out of his mother’s
have any contact with her. house one day with no explanation and
All he was told was that she was in was sent to live with his father, who even-
jail— not how long she’d be there, what tually moved from Ohio to Florida.
she was there for, or if she would ever get Remarkably, the oldest two boys re-
out. mained with their mother.
As it turned out, his mother had been Aaron told me that he hasn’t seen them
sentenced to six months in jail for a con- in years but speaks to them regularly on
voluted contempt-of-court order; she only the phone.
served two days, and it’s possible she was The most remarkable thing Aaron told
already out of jail by the time Aaron was me is that no one in the court ever asked
notified. him or any of his siblings what they
Aaron was told none of this. No one in wanted. Judge Sieve decided to uproot an
a position of authority—including his entire family and split up siblings without
father—felt he had a right to know these even bothering to ask any of them what
details. they wanted.

In addition, Sieve’s decision favored

secular over Jewish schooling: “Fulfillment
of their secular education requirements
is quintessential to the best interest of
these young children.”
This wasn’t the only bigoted thing Sieve
When Julie moved to an Orthodox
Jewish community in New York, Sieve
made an issue of it: “Father testified to
his concern that once the children were
in Brooklyn, New York, in an insular com-
munity, they would never come back.”
In making this decision, not only did
Sieve violate Julie Goffstein’s First
Amendment rights, but he established
A 1996 Massachusetts case, Kendall v.
Kendall, involved a similar dynamic. A
family was raised Orthodox until the
father left the faith and became Catholic.
When that tension caused divorce, the
away by his father, much like an Etch-A-
Sketch erases the screen.
father argued that the rest of the family’s Julie told me a story about Aaron when CONSTITUTION,
faith isolated him, but the court noted,
“We reject the defendant’s claim that the
he was four years old. They had brought
his newborn brother home a day or two THE BILL OF
divorce judgment established Judaism as before Shabbos. On Friday evening, there RIGHTS, AND
the religion to govern his children’s up- was chaos in the home and Aaron walked
bringing. In limiting the children’s expo- to shul by himself. When his parents
sure to the defendant’s religion, the judge
merely recognized the preference that the
discovered that he was missing, they called
the police, who found him outside the
parties allowed to develop and one that shul—he refused to get into the car THEORETICAL;
the defendant, until recently, encouraged.” because it was Shabbos.
“That’s how ingrained [being an obser- IN COURT, ALL
Erasing a Lifestyle  vant Jew] was,” she said. TOO OFTEN,
Until he was uprooted in 2013, Aaron
had been raised Chabad-Lubavitch.
When he was taken from her, he lost
not only his mother but his way of life— MONEY TALKS.
Initially, when Aaron refused to give his school, his friends, and his commu-
up his practices, his father used to drag nity.
him across the carpet. He would smack
his and his brothers’ yarmulkes off their What Does Aaron Want?
heads, force them into a car on Shabbos, Aaron was clear that if his voice were
and even force-feed them nonkosher food. heard, he’d be living with his mother and
The way Aaron described it, the experi- older brothers and observing Judaism. He
ence was like an Etch-A-Sketch toy. He said that this is how his younger siblings
started out living a full Chabad-Lubavitch feel as well.
lifestyle. Slowly, that life was stripped In fact, he is just waiting until he is

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18— when he will be emancipated—and is a situation in which one parent turns two sons’ current refusal to visit him since
he will then go back to his mom. He said the children against the other parent in October 2010 as being an effort by his
he has no plan to maintain a relationship a nasty divorce. But there is little agree- wife to alienate them from him, attribut-
with his father after that. Furthermore, ment on anything about this situation— ing this to her being immersed in what
he flatly rejected the notion that his father the definition, the symptoms, or the cure. he considers as extremist Judaic Ortho-
was being alienated because the rest of As I said in the previous article, it turns doxy.”
the family wanted to continue a Chabad- into whatever anyone wants it to be. But Sieve overruled everyone and
Lubavitch lifestyle. In this case, Peter Goffstein claimed decided that parental alienation did exist
He believes that his siblings will all that because he was no longer an obser- in the Goffsteins’ case.
follow him back to their mother when vant Jew, he was being alienated because
they each turn 18. the rest of the family was Orthodox. Annalise Rice
Indeed, it’s tragically ironic that Peter If you’re someone like Julie Goffstein, Consider the story of Annalise Rice,
Goffstein claims to be alienated while he this is not much different from being whom I interviewed last year when she
does everything he can to destroy any accused of witchcraft, because you are was 19.
relationship his children have with their about to be the target of a witch hunt. She lived with her mother after her
mother. That’s why Judge Sieve decreed it from parents’ divorce.
Aaron said he is aware of what hap- the bench. While parental alienation is Everyone had accused her father of
pened in court—though he doesn’t think technically a psychological phenomenon, abusing family members, but his claim of
his younger siblings understand why their Sieve made this decision without consult- parental alienation eventually trumped
mother was removed, suddenly and ing a psychologist or psychiatrist. On top these accusations. She and her siblings
without explanation. of that, the psychologists who looked at were forced to live with him; she ran away
the case rejected Peter Goffstein’s asser- several times, choosing to live in foster
What Is Parental tion that there was parental alienation. care and even for a month in Canada with
Alienation? “Mr. Goffstein also believes that ‘the her mom over living with her father, as
I’ve learned that parental alienation is Chabad movement and Orthodox Judaism the court had ordered.
routinely misused in court, the way it was [are] a rigid, radical sect,’” stated Dr.
in this case. Michael Nelson in a 2011 report for this Like Aaron, she told me that when
In simplest terms, parental alienation case, adding, “He simply sees his oldest custody was changed, she received no

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11 TISHREI 5779 | SEP TEMBER 20, 2018 | AMI•LIVING | 205

explanation. The Rucki Case

“About a year later, a woman whom
Annalise didn’t know—since identified To understand how far courts will
as Susan Olson, an attorney, and the go to advance a phony claim of pa-
guardian ad litem in the case—picked her rental alienation, consider the Rucki
up, taking her to her father’s house,” I case, which I’ve been tracking for
noted when I wrote about Annalise’s story more than two years. I even wrote a
for the website Community Digital News book about it with Sandra Grazzini-
in May 2017. “She then began living with Rucki’s attorney, Michelle MacDon-
her father, with no explanation for why ald, in October 2016, entitled
she could no longer see her mother.” Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World’s Last
In Rice’s case, the court rejected all Custody Trial. AARON
evidence of abuse and determined that The Ruckis initially agreed to a divorce
their mother was putting these thoughts in 2011. His ex-wife, Sandra, received
of abuse in their heads to alienate their
father. This is the most common bogus
physical custody of the children but ap-
proximately a year and a half later, she
use of parental alienation—as a response was forcibly removed from her home, SIBLINGS
by a parent who is accused of abuse. forbidden to contact her children, and

206 | AMI•LIVING | SEP TEMBER 20, 2018 | 11 TISHREI 5779

deemed a parent alienator. These orders live with their paternal aunt, and eventu-
were issued by a Dakota County, Min- ally their father.
nesota, judge named David Knutson The girls were escorted to this home by
despite the fact that David Rucki’s had a police; approximately 30 minutes after
history of violence and repeated protective the police left, they ran away. On the road
order violations. they called their mother for help. She took
On January 12, 2012, the GAL (guard- them to a friend who recommended the
ian ad litem) that Knutson appointed, girls live with a couple who ran a home
Julie Friedrich, a non-practicing attorney, for abused children.
first accused Sandra Grazzini-Rucki of With the girls still missing, Judge
parental alienation in a written report. Knutson held a custody trial on Septem-
The report was entered into the record ber 11-12, 2013, although he’d made all
without the benefit of cross-examina- of his decisions beforehand.
tion—lawless hearsay in any other court, Knutson also signed a motion in limine,
but perfectly legal in Knutson’s family which forbade any evidence of abuse.
courtroom. The result of this hearing was that
After Friedrich’s less-than-expert Knutson gave David Rucki sole custody,
report, Knutson appointed a local with no visitation rights for Sandra
psychiatrist named Paul Reitman to Grazzini-Rucki, who was also ordered to
diagnose parental alienation. Reitman was pay alimony and child support even
appointed in late August 2012 and met though her ex-husband had already re-
with Grazzini-Rucki and four of her five ceived 100% of a multimillion-dollar
children one time for approximately half estate.
an hour. After that appointment, he sent
the court a letter saying that there was an Conclusion
emergency situation in the home and that The children in these stories—and many
the court needed to intervene and remove others—are pawns caught in a court
the mother because of extreme parental vortex. Lawyers accumulate thousands of
alienation. billable hours over the years. Court profes-
On September 5, 2012, Knutson held sionals (as I call them) all charge $200 to
a telephone conference with the attorneys $400 an hour for their quack therapies
for David Rucki and his ex-wife and the and evaluations.
GAL; without hearing any testimony, the These court professionals go by names
court decided to forcibly remove Sandra like guardian ad litem, custody evaluator,
Grazzini-Rucki from her home. parenting coordinator, and therapist. I say
Knutson’s court order, signed on Sep- there’s not a dime’s worth of difference,
tember 7, 2012, was so extreme that he though technically they have different job
blocked both parents from having custody. specifications.
Sandra Grazzini-Rucki had to leave her These cases are often brought by wealthy
home on two hours’ notice without telling men like Peter Goffstein and David
her children; she had been forbidden to Rucki, who are able to pay endless legal
do so. They were placed with their mater- bills, especially when they’re funded by
nal aunt. favorable divorce terms. Because these
On April 19, 2013, Sandra’s two oldest court professionals are court-ordered,
girls were taken to the police station, parents must pay for them or lose their
where they were told they would have to kids. l

Waiting for
the Boys
All it takes is the opening
of a pinhole. Julie Goffstein
is still waiting to be
reunited with her sons...
but is one step closer.
By Victoria Dwek

“I have to be mentally prepared to talk,”

Julie tells me when we reconnect one
Wednesday morning. I know that many
of you have been praying for Julie Goff-
stein, Basya bas Devorah Leah, since you attempting to contact their mother. “I love blessing that I found him,” Julie tells
first met her on these pages in the Pesach you, Mommy” messages still get through me. “He’s very sharp and he knows what
issue. Out of all the stories I’ve written here and there. he’s doing.”
throughout my career, it was Julie’s story “Levy, my second-youngest...my little When her ex-husband moved with
that took the most out of me. I remember lovey bear—he has been in touch, but he her children to Florida, it worked to
spending the days while I was working has to be careful. Carla, Peter’s wife, goes her benefit as there was no way she
on that article in a depressed fog, just so, through their phone, and if she catches could have gotten anywhere in the
so sad for Julie and what she was endur- them being in touch with me, she’ll take anti-Semitic environment she found in
ing. it away. They have to be careful. I don’t the Ohio court system. Florida judges,
Here was a frum, loving, stay-at-home- want them to get punished.” in contrast, are familiar with Orthodox
mother, raising six beautiful boys...when This Sukkos, it will be four years since Judaism and don’t consider it to be some
suddenly, her real-estate developer she last saw her boys. How can a mother type of extreme cult, as it was portrayed
husband decides that he no longer wants survive without being able to see her in Ohio.
to have anything to do with Judaism. He babies for this long? “They’ve made a couple hurdles that
tears her apart through the biased Ohio Even though this mother is still sepa- we have to work past. One of the issues
court system, leaving her destitute and rated from her children, there has been a with the last Ohio court order was that
bereft of custody of her four youngest turning point in the case since we last told I was barred from seeing my children
sons. you the story. unless I had a psychological evaluation
Today, Julie’s two oldest sons, of whom Julie has retained an excellent lawyer by a person of my ex-husband’s choos-
she was awarded custody, are away in who has successfully transferred the entire ing, which I would have to pay for. We
yeshivah. Her four youngest are living in case from Ohio to Florida. This took a lot are hopeful that the Florida judges will
Florida in the home of her ex-husband of time, but now the case is officially open see that this is a biased ruling. First, if
and his non-Jewish wife, who enact severe in Florida. there’s a need for a psychological
retribution if they catch any of the boys “Steven Swickel is top-notch. It’s a evaluation in a court ruling, there needs

208 | AMI•LIVING | SEP TEMBER 20, 2018 | 11 TISHREI 5779

to be a reason, and there is no reason much in favor of children being able to Although the changes are positive, Julie
stated. And then he chooses the person?” have a relationship with both parents.” experiences the ongoing pain of separation
He would obviously be able to choose *** and fears that she’s losing credibility with
someone he has in his back pocket and Another big change for Julie is that the her children. She keeps telling them it
would be able to keep preventing Julie community has really rallied behind her. will be “soon…soon” and “Yeshuas Hashem
from seeing the children. Normally, if it “A few of the doctors I work for [ Julie k’heref ayin,” but the day has not yet come.
was decided this was necessary, the court works in the medical field] are really going I tell her that I don’t think a parent can
would choose the evaluator. An opposing out of their way to fundraise for me. Dr. lose credibility with a child. They know
spouse is never given the power to choose Friedman is an amazing person and a she is working hard to be with them again.
something like that. mentch. Both Dr. Friedman and his col- “My worst fear is to let down my kids,”
“My attorney is working on getting past leagues have been vouching for me, going she says.
that. He says that this is going to come to different synagogues to share my story ***
back to bite them. This was done just to and fundraise, and publicizing the letter Now that Julie has the right attorney,
prevent me from seeing the kids and not from Rav Yitzchak Yosef, who wrote that the issue is raising enough money to be
for any other reason, and in the Florida this is a true case of pidyon shevuyim.” able to see the case through to the end.
court system, that’s grounds for losing Julie received the letter from Rav B’ezras Hashem, in the coming months,
custody. When one spouse puts up road- Yitzchak Yosef after the case was brought we’ll see Aaron, Eli, Levy, and Ari re-
blocks and prevents the other spouse from to his attention by a friend who had read united with their mother and older broth-
seeing children, Florida looks at this the article about her last Pesach. ers Reuven and Yaakov. Hopefully, we will
negatively. The state court system is very soon be able to report good news. l

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