Five Steps in Programming

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Five Steps in Programming

1. Clarify Programming Needs

Knowing the objective is the first consideration. Is it a payroll or editing program?

Knowing who the end user will be is also important. Determining the inputs and
outputs is next. How will the program operate and what data is needed to make it
happen. After this has been decided feasibility is the next consideration. How many
programmers will it take, is the project within budget, does the project have a
realistic outline. Finally, if the project is a go, then one must take measures to
ensure the project is properly documented and analyzed.

Six mini steps:

• Clarify objectives and users

• Clarify desired outputs
• Clarify desired inputs
• Clarify desired processing
• Double - check feasibility of implementing the program
• Document the analysis

2. Design the Program

Programs use algorithms which are like equations that tell the computer what task
to perform. The aim of the programmer is to create algorithms that are clear and
simple. Algorithms are expressed first in logical hierarchical form known as
modularzation. Using modules or (a complete thought) the programmer creates a
logical thought process for the computer to follow. After that the program is broken
down in greater detail using pseudocode. Pseudocode uses terms like if, else, and,
then to relate the programs rules to the computer.

Two mini steps:

• Determine program logic through top down approach and modularization,

using a hierarchy chart
• Design details using pseudocode and/or flowcharts, preferably involving
control structure.

A module, a processing step of a program, made up of logically related program


A hierarchy chart, which represents top-down program design, explains the main
purpose of the program.

Pseudocode, a way of designing a program which uses normal language statements

in order to describe the logic and the processing flow.

Program flowcharts, graphically shows the detailed series of steps

Three control structure:

• Sequence control structure

• Selection control structure
• Loop control structure

3. Code the Program

After the program has been designed it must the be coded or written. Using the
pseudocode and logic requirements from step two an appropriate programming
language must be selected. As stated in the introduction, coding languages differ in
specifications and usability. Once the appropriate code language has been chosen,
it is imperative that the programmer follow the syntax rules with as little deviation
as possible.

Two mini steps:

• Select the appropriate high-level programming language

• Code the program in that language following the syntax carefully

4. Test the Program

Testing the program comes in two phases, alpha and beta.

• Alpha testing is the process of reading through the program in search of

errors in logic. The second step is to run a diagnostic program to search for
syntax or input errors.
• Beta testing involves using the program in the real world to see if it contains
any bugs or other deficiencies.

5. Document and Maintain

Documentation should be ongoing from the very beginning because it is needed for
those involved with program now and future. Upon completion User Documentation
for commercial use, Operator Documentation for people who run computer systems,
and Programmer Documentation for programmers charged with maintenance.

Four mini steps:

• Write user documentation

• Write operator documentation
• Write programmer documentation
• Maintain the program

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