A Mobile Visual Programming System For Android Smartphones and Tablets

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2012 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing: Poster and Demos

A Mobile Visual Programming System

for Android Smartphones and Tablets

Wolfgang Slany
Institute for Software Technology
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 16b, 8010 Graz, Austria
[email protected]

Abstract— Catroid is a free and open source visual

programming system that allows casual and first-time users
starting from age eight to develop their own animations and
games solely using their Android phones or tablets. Catroid also
allows wireless control of external hardware such as Lego
Mindstorms robots via Bluetooth, Bluetooth Arduino boards, as
well as Parrot’s popular AR.Drone quadcopters via Wi-Fi. The
project is inspired by Scratch, supported by Google, so far has
170 active developers, is composed of more than 30 subprojects
(e.g., a subproject dealing with music composition using audio
input sung by users into the microphone), and is growing rapidly.
The visual language itself has been renamed to “Catrobat” as
non-Android specific versions are under development. Current
state (6/2012) of the Catroid system is open beta.

Index Terms— visual programming language; mobile; smart

phone; tablet; programming; animations; educational; games;
music; kids; children; teenagers; pedagogical; end user
development; Android

Why programming for children? There is a worldwide Figure 1. Interactive music video animation.
shortage of software developers. This is due to rapidly Scratch programming system2. As known from Scratch or
increasing demand together with stagnating or even declining Google/MIT’s App Inventor3, Catroid programs are written in a
number of computer science students. At the same time our visual Lego-style, where individual commands are stuck
society increasingly relies on software which is less and less together by arranging them visually with one’s fingers.
understood by the general population. Moreover, software
Figure 1 on the right shows the screen one sees when
development skills are of interest also for philosophical
executing a Hannah Montana interactive music video
reasons: Developing software is helps understanding the
animation programmed with Catroid which was originally
mechanisms and limitations underlying rational thinking.
created by a young girl (it is a remix from a Scratch project that
Why mobile devices? High-quality low-cost smartphones can be found at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/tyster/443306).
are increasingly becoming available. In June 2012 300 million On the left of Figure 1, a part of the visual program controlling
Android devices were in use. Moreover, one’s smartphone the movements of the dancer is shown. Creating interactive
nowadays is always in one’s pocket and can easily be used music video animations is tremendously motivating both for
everywhere without preparation, e.g., when commuting to boys and girls even though a lot of programming is required
one’s school using public transportation or at the backseat of and kids can spend days on their creations. Being able to
the family car. Being able to program mobile devices also has upload such animations as videos to YouTube is an additional
become an important job qualification. strong motivator as kids in general love to show off their
FEATURES OF CATROID creations to their friends regardless of what mobile phone or
1 PC their friends are using. A YouTube recorder for Catroid
Catroid runs on smartphones and tablets, is intended for programs is available, and kids will soon be able to upload their
the use by children, and has been strongly inspired by MIT’s animations to YouTube in high quality (the video encoding is

1 2
http://catroid.org/ – I thank the team members and supporters of the Catrobat http://scratch.mit.edu/ and http://stats.scratch.mit.edu/ (2012-06)
umbrella project (http://developer.catrobat.org/credits). http://appinventor.mit.edu/

978-1-4673-0853-3/12/$31.00 2012
c IEEE 265
Figure 3. Parrot’s AR.Drone quadccopter programmed and
controlled via Wi-Fi by a user’s progrram written using Catroid.

words as well as their creative speelling variations and, when

recognized, automatically rejected.
The current version of Catrobat as of June 2012 is not yet a
full programming language as, e.g.,, variables and formulas are
not yet supported at this time, thou
ugh we are working hard to
Figure 2. Catroid program for Lego Mindstorm
m robots. extend it in that direction. The prooject started in April 2010
with a small team. Our aim was to o produce a working partial
done on Catroid’s servers for performancee and bandwidth solution with the most important features implemented first,
Catroid also differs in important aspects ffrom Scratch and
App Inventor. Compared to both, with Catroidd there is no need
for a PC – the apps can be written by solely ussing smartphones
or tablets. Scratch is intended for PC use w with a keyboard,
mouse, and comparatively large screen size whereas Catroid
focuses on small devices with multi-touch senssitive screens and
thereby very different user interaction and usabbility challenges.
Figure 2 shows parts of a Catroid proggram that allows
controlling a Lego Mindstorm robot. On the left a list of objects
is shown, each possessing scripts and imagges. On the right
scripts are shown that are associated with oobject “turn left”
which is the one at the bottom on the screenshoot on the left.
Figure 3 shows how Parrot’s popular AR.D Drone quadcopter
can be controlled from Catroid via Wi-Fi. A video showing
how it follows the moving helipad iis available at
Figure 4. Catroid’s online co
ommunity website.
http://goo.gl/1CcBK. Being able to quickly usse such powerful
but very simple to use features is a tremenddous motivator to
acquire the necessary programming skills for uusers of all age. and continue from there on. We started
s to implement some
The Catroid system includes a community website allowing minimal functionality that is sufficcient to emulate the highly
users to upload and share their projects withh others. It is an popular creativity tool Flipnote that is preinstalled on many
important and integral part of our Catroid sysstem. All projects Nintendo DSi game consoles: Only a background image which
uploaded to the community website are oopen source and can change according to a prespeciffied timeline while an audio
published under a free software license.. Everyone can file is playing. We then went on to implement the bricks most
download and edit every project from the w website, add new used in Scratch programs around th he world, based on statistics
functionality or change the current behavior of the project, and published on the Scratch website. All of those are now
upload the new version again. This is calledd “remixing” and implemented in the first public betta that became available in
was a core idea behind the Scratch online community. See April 2012. A lot more are curren ntly being implemented to
Figure 4 for some images of the communiity website on a eventually make Catroid a general visual
v programming system.
smartphone. On the left a list of projeccts on Catroid’s The work presented here has been partially carried out
community website is shown. On the right thee details page of a within the competence network Sof oftnet Austria II (www.soft-
project is shown. From there the project cann be downloaded net.at, COMET K-Projekt) and fund ded by the Austrian Federal
directly into Catroid or reported as inapproppriate, as not all Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth
Y (bmwfj), the province
inappropriate content can automatically be dettected. Regarding of Styria, the Steirische Wirtscchaftsförderungsgesellschaft
the latter, names of projects, descriptions, com
mments, and user mbH. (SFG), and the city of Vienna in support of the Center for
names are compared to an extensive multilinngual set of cuss Innovation and Technology (ZIT).


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