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Background to the study

Buyers used to shop at physical stores like vast shopping centers and numerous others

applying the comparable strategy however purchasing (Hsiao, 2009). Shopping on social

networking can come in various names, for example, web shopping, web purchasing and Internet

shopping, all allude to the same method of acquiring or purchasing items through Internet

utilizing Social Media and distinctive web shopping sites (Li and Zhang, 2002). Online

networking (SM) are electronic administrations which are otherwise called "Long range informal

communication Sites" allude to network of connections and associations among disparate clients

(gatherings or individuals) (Kempe et al., 2003). Online networking have assumed essential part

in spreading this marvel snappier (Hennig-Thurau, 2010).

By the start of 21th century, the use of internet and social media has become a part of

business strategies. Social media marketing is the modern tool for marketing in 21st century

(Nanji, 2015). Almost many firms using social media marketing as the use of social media

increased. With the revolution of internet /IT, the way of doing business has changed and it’s

necessary to firm to adopt the new technology. So, nowadays firms are using internet/IT to market

their product and these tools used by researchers, practitioners and policy makers (Gohary, 2012).

Now almost every person has the access on internet.

Through smart phones they stay connected with social networking sites (Facebook,

tweeter, LinkedIn) on daily basis (Raad et al., 2010). On social media user-generated content are

produced on daily basis in the form of product reviews in customer (Mathwick et al., 2008; Zhu

and Zhang, 2010). Social networking sites take the central stage in the current environment of e

marketing (Fue and Wenyu, 2009). The use of Social media for marketing enhanced the brand

popularity (de Vries et al., 2012). Social media provide the opportunity for consumer to consult

with buyer instantly (Christodoulides and Jevons, 2011; Christodoulides, 2009) and express their

perceptions with each other’s. Other marketing tools like promotional marketing, TV

advertisement and door to door selling is expensive for small firm due to small amount of budget

which use on human resource and time constrains. So, social media marketing is less costly and

time saving as compared to other marketing tools (Makesh, 2013).

A noticeable increase was seen in the use of social media as a marketing tool among

Fortune 500 companies of the world. According to a study which is conducted by the University

of Massachusetts Dartmouth in 2012, there are 73 percent of these companies have an official

account on Twitter, while 66 percent have Facebook page (Barnes et al., 2012). Now Social

media marketing has become an important tool for marketing, so this topic has gained more

attention of researchers.

Statement of Problem

In the recant years social media marketing has emerged as a new marketing tool. The aim

of the organizations is to enhance the profitability by using the effective marketing strategies.

Consumers are turning away from the traditional mediums of advertising, such as TV and

print, and they are consistently demanding more control over what they consume on media

(Vollmer & Precourt, 2008). Since the onset of the second millennium, there has been a shift from

traditional media to social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc which gives

customers to take a more active role as market players. Majority of modern consumers prefer to

obtain information from non-traditional sources of information. Research on this topic of non-

traditional media is however limited, and it’s difficult to tell how social media as part of

marketing strategy relates to increased sales, strengthening the brand, finding new customers and
retaining old customers (Carlson, 2010). A prior research shows that of an estimated 3.5 billion

word of mouth conversations that take place around the world each day, 2.3 billion of them which

translate to roughly two out of three make a reference to a brand, product or service. Word of

mouth manifests itself through social media where it spreads faster and farther. The use of social

media marketing is increasingly important to marketers (Evans, 2008).

Furthermore the main focus of every firm is to maximize the profitability and reduction of

cost of production. Every firm use different social media for marketing like Facebook, twitter and

other media. Internet is in the access of almost every person who is using a mobile phone as the

introduction of 3G/4G services. So, this rapid growth of internet is a signal towards using internet

as a marketing tool and its nice opportunity for any firm to change the consumer perception

through social media marketing.

Purpose and Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study would be to determine the effect of social media marketing on

consumer brand perception. In order to achieve this, the following specific objectives would be


i. To analyze the effects of social media marketing tools on consumers brand perception in

Nestle Nigeria Plc

ii. To determine the relationship between Social Media Marketing and consumer brand


iii. To find the relationship between door to door Marketing and consumer perception

iv. To determine how social media marketing can be used to increase brand loyalty

Research questions

To achieve the above stated objectives, the following questions would be provided answers:

i. Is there any relationship between Social Media Marketing and consumer brand


ii. Does social media marketing affect consumer brand image and loyally?

iii. Is there any relationship between door to door Marketing and consumer buying behavior?

Research Hypothesis

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses would be formulated to be tested:

H01 There is no significant relationship between door to door Marketing and consumer buying


H02 There is no significant relationship between Social Media Marketing and consumer brand


H04 Social Media Marketing does not significantly affect brand image and loyalty

Significance of the Study

The main objective to study this topic is that to check the social media impact on

consumer brand perception. Now days basically the era of technology and almost every person

of country has easily access of internet and social media websites. So, social media changes the

perception of people throughout the country. Before the social media arrival firms used door to

door selling and now days almost every firm used social media for increasing their selling and

get maximum profit. Due to social media people have many alternatives of brands. In past

people hardly know about few brands but now days people aware many choices of brands due to

advertisement of brands on social media. So, social media has greater impact on consumer

behavior as compared to other marketing tools thus the focus to study on this topic.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study covers some selected social media tools like Facebook, twitter and Intasgrame

users. Concentration would be on Wholesalers Retailers and Distributors of Nestle Product in


A study of this magnitude should have made use of random sampling technique in

selection of sample but non-random sampling technique will be used due to absence of sampling

frame. Nonetheless, with available data and judicious use of the limited resources, reasonable

analysis was carried out to ensure that research findings add up to the body of knowledge.

Definition of Terms

Customer loyalty: is а behavioral аnd аttitudinаl tendency to fаvor one brаnd over аll others,

whether due to contentment with the service or product,

Social Media: Is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based

input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration (Matthew, 2012).


YouTube is a video sharing website where users can share and view videos

Face book This is a social networking site on which members create personal profiles, connect

with their friends, comment, share and like each other’s statuses, pictures, links and videos

(Ellison, Steinfield & Lampe, 2007).

Blogs: These are online journals, and are a short form for weblog (Keen, 2011).

Instagram: This is a social network centered on photo-sharing. It allows its users to take pictures,

add filters and share them on Instagram and other social networks (Keen, 2011).

Twitter: This is a social networking platform for micro blogging. Allows users to ‘tweet’ or post

a message of a maximum 140 characters, and also ‘retweet’ others messages (Keen, 2011).


Conceptual framework

Literature review looks at literature related to customer loyalty and social media

marketing. It analyzes and critiques the literature as presented by past scholars and researchers.

The literature review has discussed the effects of social media marketing on customer loyalty.

Traditional media consists of media such as television, print, radio, direct mail and outdoor, which

are conventional forms of advertising (Quilici, 2011). According to Okinda (2014), in the past

traditional marketing model dealt with the interaction between the producer and the customer and

how the maximize relationship between the two. Traditional marketing enabled companies to

deliver less information about their product and services to customers (Zappalà & Gray 2006).

Furthermore, the use of traditional marketing limited companies from creating a direct

relationship with their customers.

Dykeman (2008) well-defined social media as the avenue for any individual to: circulate

digital and creative content; provide and receive real-time criticism via online discussion as well

as incorporate changes or amendments to the original content. The most popular of the various

social media platforms is Social Network Sites (SNSs), this allows users to generate their personal

Web pages and then share contents with their online buddies (Mayfield, 2008). Such best

examples of SNSs are Facebook, LinkedIn and My space. Another form is the blog; this are web

information sharing platforms (Boulos, Maramba, & Wheeler, 2006) that function like online

journal, blogs have unique date entries about an issue with most recent comments indicated at the

top of the list. They compose of text, image or videos, and links to other sites (Mayfield, 2008).

Another type of social media is the Wiki; this denotes a communication mechanism to generate

Web-based fillings that need group alliance (Pfeil, Zaphiris, & Ang, 2006). This is done by

enabling the users to easily create, edit, and disseminate data, and anyone can participate in this

elaboration as an author or editor (Pfeil et al., 2006). This presents the weakness of containing

inaccurate data which can be rapidly halted to a previous variety (Viégas, Wattenberg, & Dave,

2004). Wikipedia is the most known form of wiki (Emigh & Herring, 2005). Combining both

characteristics of SNSs and blogs, micro-bloggings on the other hand enables users to write short

updates of up to 140 characters via mobile text message, desktop application and Instant

Messaging (Mayfield, 2008). Twitter and Jaiku are the most common micro-blogging services

(Java et al., 2007). The longest established form of social media are Forums or online message

boards. These are established with precise topics and interests, like music, vehicles, and new

gadgets as the focus (Mayfield, 2008). Rather than supporting idle chats, the platform entertains

dynamic debates and news sharing on specific topics. It’s generally applied in education as it’s an

avenue for sharing common interests and themes (Thomas, 2002).

While sharing SNSs requiring a user to register and obtain a personal home page, on the

other hand content communities only focus on sharing particular content, such as, video, photos,

and music (Mayfield, 2008). The contents are easily shared by networked group, examples

include You tube and Flicker

Social Media Marketing

The 21th century as the technology world, social networking sites have providing the

place where different companies can increase their marketing campaigns and catch wide range of

consumers. According to Hansen, Shneiderman, and Smith (2011), the technology of social media

has created radically a new ways of interacting the retailers and consumers. According to Harris

(2009) there are indisputably hundreds of social media platforms (e.g. Social networking sites,

discussion groups, blogs, wikis, podcasts, streaming videos). As Chi (2011), said that social media

marketing described as a “connection between brands and consumers, while social media

marketing is providing a way to consumers for social interaction and centered networking.” As

Hesse et al. (2009) said that now consumers are expecting to gain 24-hour access to information

by online applications and many other digital ways, they are also expecting 24-hour customer

service as well as self-serve options through online sources. Now consumers want to leave the

traditional system for getting information and want to utilize latest technology. As Chi (2011),

said that social media marketing described as a “connection between brands and consumers, while

social media marketing is providing a way to consumers for social interaction and centered

networking.” Social media has gained the position as a primary source for choosing a product by

the consumers (Cocktail Analysis, 2012; Fleishman-Hillard, 2012).

Empirical framework

The Effects of Social Media Tool Used on Consumers Brand perception

Mayfield (2008) established five specific characteristics of all social media: participation,

openness, conversation, community, and connectedness. Participation allows interested parties to

take part in an interaction by inspiring feedback from all (Mayfield, 2008). Drury (2008) argued

that social media enables people to engage and share and with others the content and therefore

make it more democratic than ever. This has been employed by many firms to facilitate a

participative culture (Rosso et al., 2008). Participation is measurable via the rate of engagement,

frequency of visits, and length of connection to a social media platform (Koh & Kim, 2004).

Compared to traditional media, social media enables dialogue conversations with an

audience (Mayfield, 2008). Application of Web 2.0 enhances capacity and speed of the dialog

thus making conversation a key feature of social media. Sites like Facebook offer many

communication gears for conversations between users, and feedback rate can be used to measure
this character (Liu, 2003). By offering Web links to other people and sites, social media allows

users to teleport in cyberspace, and offers connectedness to its users (Mayfield, 2008). Perceived

connectedness is positively attributed to the closeness and identification with others (Lee, Draper,

& Lee, 2001). High connectedness creates closeness and identity with other social groups whereas

people low connectedness often results in psychologically distant (Ha & James, 1998). The fact

that social media often result in new connections between more individuals makes it very unique

(Boyd & Ellison, 2007).

Community and Commonality represents an aspect where social media allows individuals

and firms to identify and interconnect with the individuals whom they want to associate with,

thus, forming communities quickly and developing effective ties with others who share similar

commonality with them (Mayfield, 2008). Social media offers an effective avenue of developing

communities by linking parties with others that subscribe to a certain commonality, as determined

by interests and needs during interaction. Openness is the ability of a social media platform allows

users get feedback and participation by minimizing the available barriers to accessing information

(Mayfield, 2008). Meadows-Klue (2007) asserted that most of social media platforms contain

limited flow barriers, so that data can easily flow between from the sources to the users and

among users themselves. The openness characteristic is motivated by the fact that social media‘s

networking philosophy entertains for the availability of easy-to-utilize instruments for generating

and sharing content.

Impact of social Media Marketing on Consumer Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty refers to a consumer’s preference of a particular brand over other products

in the same category. This takes place when consumers perceive that the particular brand offers

the right product attributes at the right price. This perception always means a repeat purchase thus
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resulting into loyalty. Brand Loyalty is therefore the association between the customer’s

preference and attachment to a brand. This is contributed by the long history of using a product

and thus trust is developed. A customer’s relationship with the firm in the long run has been

established to have a positive influence the firm’s profitability (Reichheld & Sasser, 1990).

Because of this observation it is general business wisdom that an organization ought to focus its

marketing efforts on the maintenance, development, or enhancement of customer loyalty (Dick &

Basu, 1994).

Previous studies on loyalty established that, it can cost a firm 6 times more to attain a new

customer compared to retaining a current one (Rosenberg & Czepiel 1984), so for a firm

increasing retention can result into reduction of acquisition costs. Pleshko and Baqer, (2008) also

established that increasing retention via loyalty may result into increase in market share although

on the contrary, Reinartz and Kumar (2002) found results which proved that the link between

loyalty and profits was a much weaker one. In their study they claim that take a broad view that

long-term clients are more profitable was an over statement.

Previous studies have shown that consumer involvement with the brand may have an

impact on its brand loyalty and as such explain a significant ratio of consumer purchase choices.

Several studies have also examined the relationship between product involvement and loyalty and

they conclude that consumers who are too involved with a brand are also possess commitment to

it and therefore become more loyal to the brand. High involvement has also been suggested to

lead to loyalty (Quester & Lim, 2003).

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Research Design

In this research work, Survey research design was adopted by selecting a sample from the total

population. The information’s collected was analyzed and used to make decisions and

generalization about the characteristics of the population from which the sample is selected.

Population of the Study

The target population would be the units for which the findings of the survey are meant to

generalize. The target populations in this study were the customers of Nestle Plc, Ogun State

Interchange Sagamu. The researcher chose Sagamu Branch because of time and accessibility. The

researcher selected customers that are on social media.

Sample Size and Sampling Method

Since it will be very difficult to cover the whole population of the study, the Taro Yamani formular

was used to determine the sample size Formular:

N= N



where N= No of population of the study

1= constant

E= 0.05 (Allowable error)

Sources of Data Collection

Data were obtained through primary data collection. The primary data was obtained through the

administration of questionnaire to the respondents.

Research Instrument Specification

The research instrument that would be adopted in this research work was Questionnaire. This

questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A comprise questions demanding

for the respondents bio-data, while part B comprises questions related to the research objectives.

Method of Data Analysis

The method to be used in presentation of the data is the sample percentage method with tabular

presentation. The simple correlation coefficient and Multiple regression (SPSS package) would be

employed for the purpose of testing the stated hypothesis, measuring the reliability and

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significance of data to see whether deviation of the actual observation from the expected is


Validity and Reliability of Research Instruments

In this study the expert judgment would be adopted to test the validity of the research instrument

by giving the questionnaire to two lecturers from the department of marketing department to check

the validity of the research instrument, while the test-re-test reliability was adopted to test the

reliability of the research instrument whereby, designed questionnaire would be given to fifty

respondents to answer the questions of the questionnaire and compared with their responds after

the questionnaire were given to all the selected respondent which show consistency and accuracy

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