Critical Book

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In a journal certainly has some advantages and also some shortcomings, in the task this
time I will discuss about the leadership style. Immediately we can see that the journal
published in different years, is the equation that title got a distinction that Became a
significant influence in the quality comparisons of writing in the field of leadership. And to
become a leadership, a leader must first have its own style, in which the force can be born
itself or because the learning process or rules of thumb.


 Learn to make a comparison of the quality about leadership style

 Summing up the advantages of the three sub-chapters in the book to be maintained in

the manufacture.

 Finding a shortage of sub-chapters in the book that can be fixed

 Learning to infer what the message to be conveyed by the author of the journal was


The benefits of this paper is that readers and writers better understand the material on
leadership styles.


1. A. Tittle : Leadership And Management

B. Author : Ner Le’Elef
C. Publication Years : 2004
D. Publisher : Jewish Quarter
E. City Rises : Jewish Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem
F. Page : 194 page

2. A. Tittle : Leadership Skills

B. Author : LDT Training
C. Publication Years : 2010
D. Publisher : MTD Training and Ventus publishing ApS
E. Page : 59 pages
F. ISBN : 978-87-7681-603-2
G. Edition : 1 st Edition
H. City Rises : London

3. A. Tittle : Organizational Behaviour

B. Author : Stephen P.Robbins
C. Publication Years : 1979
D. Edition : 12th Edition
E. ISBN : 978-0-07-353035-2
F. Publisher : Prentice Hall, Inc
G. City Rises : Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
H. Page : 594 pages





A leadership style is the way in which a leader uses his natural personality to integrate the
sixteen qualities we mentioned above. Like all stereotyping, the divisions we list below are
some what artificial. People are too complex to fit into neat categories. In practice, most
leaders reflect some combination of the different types of styles we mention below. And the
have leadership, is:

 The Charismatic Leader:

Most charismatic people I know are not leaders. Charisma is in and of itself not a
leadership quality though it is a great personality asset when combined with vision, passion
and the fourteen other attributes we mentioned above. But charisma can often hide one’s
weaknesses, including a poor insight into other people. People do respond more readily to a
charismatic person. Proving to be effective for one in the short term, it makes it more difficult
to focus on the growth one needs for long term leadership.
The charismatic leader is great for starting new initiatives, but is not always good for
running large organizations. If he understands his own limitations and he surrounds himself
with people with good managerial skills then he can keep on growing with his organization as
it unfolds.
Organizations run by charismatic leaders often have succession problems. The
charismatic leader often fails to realize that the qualities that allowed him to get the
organization to its current stage are not those qualities that are required for the organization in
its more mature phases.
We all tend to envy the charismatic leader for his ability to attract others – talmidim,
donors, and volunteers. But most of us who are running organizations are not charismatic.
Nor do we need to be.
What we need to have is what I like to call attitudinal vitality. This is a vital quality that is
born of deep belief in what we are doing, a vision of where we want to get to, an intensity
about pursuing that vision, and a passion about the Jewish people in general.
It is this vitality which energizes and inspires the people around oneself. And it is this
vitality which the charismatic leader needs to tap into as much as anyone else. For someone

relying on the natural charisma of energy alone will burn out sooner or later. There is no
substitute for substantive qualities of leadership.

 Leaders by Consensus:

These are people who actively like and enjoy teams. They do not want to work alone
and are always seeking out partners. These are the ones who do big things. We have talked
about this in a later chapter, entitled Action at the Top – the Dynamics of Interdependent

 Leaders from the bottom up:

These are people who always give the Kavod to others, though they may wield
considerable power. This can only be done by someone who is both wise and has a strong
ego. The person may not be the formal head of the organization, and may not wish to be. In
fact he is delighted to help lead his leader as well as be led by him, being careful not destroy
his genius. He is not wielding his power because he is manipulative or because he is merely
using his position as a springboard to something bigger and better. Rather, he genuinely
knows how to lead others to be with him in achieving their united goals, and there is nothing
in organizational life that gives him more satisfaction than that. Although there may not be
many of these type of leaders around, they are more frequent then one perceives. By its very
nature, such leadership remains hidden for most of the time.

 Leaders by both choice and necessity:

This is the most powerful form of leader. This is the person who sees that something
needs to be done and is willing to take responsibility, feels he has to take responsibility. He is
not pushing to be a leader. He is simply doing what he feels has to be done. Not seeing
himself as a natural leader (though with many of the right qualities), he is an avid learner. He
learns to distinguish between management and leadership; he learns how to be articulate and
he learns how to fundraise. In short he learns organizational sophistication, even if it is by the
seat of his pants. He does all of this because he wants to do more kiruv, not because he wants
to laud it over others. I call this kind of leadership organized personalization, where
leadership emerges out of kiruv.

Some people are more talented than others. Some are more educationally privileged
than others. But we all have the capacity to be great. Greatness comes with recognizing
that your potential is limited only by how you choose, how you use your freedom, how
resolute you arein short, by your attitude. And we are all free to choose our attitude.
Peter Koestenbaum



You’ve just learned how your ability to lead can be impacted by your personality style and
the personality styles of those on your team . But there will of course be times when you need
to lead in a style that is best for getting the particular job done. You can modify it when you
can in order to work best with the personality stles on your team. But you should also be able
to recognize when you need to change what you are doing, not just how your are doing it, in
order to lead the team as a whole toward success.

Just as with personality styles, ther are numerous ways to caegorize leadership style. We’ll
look at some diffrent frmeworks and at some situations n which ou might need to apply each
one. Consider than another tool in your toolbox-the toolbx of a leader who can be flexible tgo
the needs of his or her team-but also to the needs of the work situation it self. So leadership
style have five style, us:

 The autocratic leadership style

The autocratic leadership style, where the author is very detail give any points in their
shares as introductionnya, advantages, disadvantages, and when to use it. The autroctric
style, the author explains that this leadership style is the style of an autocratic leader where
autocratic leaders like to keep the decision making power to Themselves, so autocratic
leadership Allows for fast decision making and can be useful for keeping employees
MOTIVATE. So autocratic leadership is not a good option for long term. It can be skill the
workforce. Making Them disheartened and too realint on the leader.

 The democratic leadership style

The democratic leadership style,where the author to explain democratic laders share the
decision making as wellass the resulting responbility with team members, they seek feedback
and prioritize team member development. Democratic leadership result in dedicated, loyal
employees who are willing to work hard to deliver result. Since everyone is involved in the
decision making process ,decission can take along time to make.

 The bureaucratic leadership style,

The bureaucratic leadership style, where to author to expain bureaucratic leadership

works well in environments where following the rules is more important than cretivity or

thiking outside the box. Bureaucratic leadership helps promote consistent output and quality
can cut costs , and improve productivity in some environments. So over time, bureaucratic
leadership can de humanize and discourage the work frce, with no investment in training, you
can also end up without a well skilled work force.

 The charismatic leadership style,

The charismatic leadership style, where to author as the name implise , the charismatic
leadership style is based on the leaders ability to inspire and influence the action of others.
The type of leadership is excellent for encouraging creativity and forward thinking decision
making. The charismatic leader has to invest a great deal of time in fostering his
relationships with the team in orderto use this style.




So leadership style have three style, us:

 Charismatic Style
a. Envisioning is a creating a picture of the future or a desired future state with which
people can identify and that can generate excitement.
b. Energizing is a directing the generation of energy, the motivation to act, among
members of the organization
c. Enabling is pshchologically helping people act or perform in the face of challenging

 Classic Styles

Other historically important approaches to leadership styles include Hersey and Blanchard’s
life-cycle (later termed the situational) approach to leadership. Following the original Ohio
State studies, Hersey and Blanchard’s approach, identifies two major styles:

1. Task style. The leader organizes and defines roles for members of the work group; the
leader explains the tasks that group members are to do and when, where, and how they are to
do them.

2. Relationship style. The leader has close, personal relationships with the members of the
group, and there is open communication and psychological and emotional support. Taking a

contingency approach to recognize situational variables, Hersey and Blanchard incorporated
the maturity of the followers into their model.

 Authentic Leadership Style

Avolio and Luthans in their recent book provide specific guidelines such as the following in
order for leaders to be authentic and effective:

1. You must make sure that every follower fully understands the main message that guides
the future direction you have chosen to pursue.
2. You must be consistent with your principles, beliefs, and values.
3. You need to provide appropriate reinforcing recognition for the contributions made by
each follower.
4. Build ownership in the mission you are pursuing.
5. Build PsyCap (confidence, hope, optimism, and resiliency) in yourself and others.
6. Explore the future with others and help each other bring it to the present.

In recent years, in addition to the need for evidence-based styles of leadership, the
importance of empirically derived roles and activities of leadership and the skills of effective
leaders are also receiving attention. The rest of the chapter is concerned with this what (roles
and activities) and how (skills) of effective leadership.




– Ner Le’Elef

1. Summary of - He said that It says that It says that "with

problem, "leadership style "democracy and good leadership style,
question,and charismatic, charismatic leadership why various job
issue autrocratic, style and the other in a between leaders and
democratic" It makes leader is not actually members being
more actif leader of applied by the leaders disorganized?" which
that member and to their members? If can create an
make a little we read it again, what organization that is
awkwardness of its would happen if the not compact / solite?
members, but not all leader does not
of these styles are applied to it?
not good, but with
this style should be
considered again. I
say that according to
what the book is
- The important
factor about this is
that we must have
enough evidence,
and we have reason
about it.

- Why does it

2. Consider I think the difference In this case, a leader Of course, every

between in leadership styles not only apply leader must have its
context and create some something that own style to make a
assumption problems for the belongs to him alone, good team, but some
implementation, this but able to establish a of them even make
happens because of democratic and the style of a leader
lack of knowledge charismatic between of its members' work
and experience of leaders and members. becomes irregular.
the leader himself. plus, members simply Perhaps, it was due to
And this problem follow orders with lack of
will become worse if flavors burdened. So, I communication and
the leader is not think it would be the attitude of the
ready to change his better if we change the leaders and other
leadership style. So, style of a leader in an members. I think this
I think it would be appropriate manner. can be solved by
better if a leader has changing the style of
a style of leadership a leader.
that can be applied
to its members in
order to make the
team work better and
achieve the desired
3. Communica- If we did the If we did the solution if the leader makes
ting by solution that i give, that i have, maybe this his leadership style
ourself maybe this problem problem can be solve, well, then an
perspective, will be better, why? because we did’n need organization will be
hyphotesis, or because the the egoist leader. so very much intact and
estimate leadership had to that if a leader is to create harmony in
really create his own actually implementing the organization
style but it is not to the relevant style,
be applied to him, members may not feel
but was able to apply burdened by his leader
it to all its members commands.
and accepted by the

4. Analyze the I find this sentence I find this sentence inI find this sentence in
support data in the book the book "leadership the book
and evidence "leadership and skill" in which a "organizational
management" that a leader must have a behavior" where
leader must have his leadership style that is
leaders create
leadership style is relevant organizational
really a good team leadership styles in
applied to her. order to create a
5. Using another When I ask the I ask my friend’s I ask my friends, is
perspective opinion of my opinion and they agree quite effective is
and estimate friends, they say that with me. applied to somebody
my opinion is who wants to be a
correct, but it all leader
takes a little more to
make such changes.

6. Make An organization will A good leader is a And the leadership

conslusion, be better if all of the leader who apply the must have a
implication member can do their leadership style that is leadership style that
and task An organization really needed by the is able to create
consequence will be better if a members. harmony within the
leader is able to organization
apply his leadership
style to its members
so as to create an
organization that is
competent well



Successful leaders should have some criteria that depend on the viewpoint or approach
used, whether it was his personality, skill, talent, nature - nature, or authority owned which
will greatly affect the theory and leadership style will be applied.

Basically this leadership style is not an absolute thing to implement, because basically all
types of leadership styles that have their respective advantages. In certain situations or
circumstances required an authoritarian leadership style as well as others, although generally
more democratic leadership style that is helpful. Therefore, in its application, just how we
adjust leadership style that will be applied in the family, organization / company in
accordance with the circumstances that demanded implementation particular leadership style
to get the benefits.

The main secret of leadership is the greatest strength of a leader not of its power, not
intelligence, but from his personal strength. A true leader is always working hard to improve
himself before the busy fixing other people.


Very desirable leadership qualities in every human person. Leadership it needs to be

constantly nurtured and developed. At least not to lead ourselves.


 Luthans, Fred. Organizational Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005

 LDT Training, Leadeship Skills, 1st Edition, London:, 2010
 Ner Le’Elef, Leadership and Management.Jerusalem: Jewish Quarter , 2004


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