Manual de Selec II Blue

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Service manual

Selecta Control
Software version
up to ver. 3.26
487 03 29 31.05

Overview Safety rules 1

Presentation 3
Programmes 4

Error codes 12

Machine Controls 21
units and
manual 1. Safety rules 1

Programming is only to be carried

out by qualified personnel.


Continuity and resistance measurements suggested by the procedures in this

manual require that power to the dryer be disconnected, and that the device
whose resistance is being measured be disconnected from all circuits that might
affect the accuracy of the measurement.

Note! It is very important

that the board is protected from static electricity
• Always use an earthed wrist strap.
• Without the antistatic wrapping the board is unprotected.
• Keep all subjects away from the board which can cause static electricity.
• Subjects like plastic, foam plastic, nylon, or cellophane wrapping
are all big dischargers of static electricity.
• Static electricity can not always be felt, heard or seen.
• Board components can be damaged by static electricity under 100V.
• Static electricity can not be felt, heard or seen till the voltage
reaches 2500V.

487 0329 31
manual 3. Description of main units 3


General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3
Main circuit board:
Software version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4
Parameter version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4
Pin numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5
User Module:
Switching to Programming mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6
Operating panels in Programming mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7

487 0329 31
manual 3. Description of main units 3

From factory, the dryer has been set to specific values for:
Time, temperature, cooling, reversing, etc.
The above parameters are changeable by reprogramming the print Process
The dryer has 2 print boards:
• Process Module
• User Module

Process module
The location of the Process Module in the dryer depends on the dryer type.
See service manual for the dryer in question.

User module
The User Module is located on the back of the operating panel.
In order to reprogramme the dryer it is necessary to switch the User Module into
programming mode.
In programming mode the buttons on the operating panel are used for changing
the parameters. See section “Switching to service mode”.

Operating panel
There are different types of operating panels.
When the User Module is in programming mode the buttons on the panel get
new functions. These functions will be described later in this section.

487 0329 31
3 Service
3. Description of main units manual

Main circuit board (Process Module)

Software version
Software version is printed on a label affixed to the print board, see fig.1.
On dryers with software version 3.20 more error codes are displayable than in later
Hardware version
The hardware documentation is printed on a label affixed to the print board, see fig. 1.
Print board version
Rev. no is printet on the print board, see fig. 1.
Parameter version
The parameter version is only readable in Error log group 3, see section 4 “To access
error log”.

Hardware version:

P/N 487 xx xx xx rev x.x

02xx- 00xx S: 00x
High voltage is present on circuit board!
Year week Lb. nr. Serie nr.

Software version:
Print board rev x.xx Process
Ver. x.xx

4 487 0329 31
manual 3. Description of main units 3

Main circuit board (Process Module)

Connector numbers
In the error analyses in section 12 later in this manual connections P1-P20 are
mentioned. The positionings of P1-P20 are shown below on fig. 2. The p-numbers are
printed on the print board.
The usage of the connections appears from the wiring diagrams supplied the dryer.
Besides the connections described in the wiring diagrams, P8 is used for connecting
external payment systems and P21 for connecting CMIS.

F3 P5 P8 P6A P7 P9 P12A P10 P11 P12 P13




High voltage is present on circuit board!

487 0329 31
3 Service
3. Description of main units manual

User module 1
Switching to programming mode
1. To gain access to the circuit board:
Open the keypad panel or remove the top plate
depending on the dryer type.
2. Fig. 1 Move the switch on the top of the circuit
board to the programming mode (the position
illustrated by the arrow in Fig. 1).
Fig. 2 When switched to programming mode,
the display shows: 0 - - .
This indicates Group 0 in area A.
See Quick-diagram section 4.
See the different keypad panels next page.
The four keys <Up>, <Down>, <Return> and
<Enter> can now be used to change the
Normal Programming
During the programming process, the <Enter>
key is used to save new settings.
If you leave programming mode before pressing
<Enter> to save a new setting, the original value
will be retained.
3. Program the dryer as described in section 4.
Note! If you make a mistake or get confused
while programming the dryer, move the switch
back to Normal position and re-enter the service 2
4. When the programming has been completed,
move the switch back to the normal operating

Programming mode
Static sensitive components!
Do not touch the circuit board.

6 487 0329 31
manual 3. Description of main units 3

Operating panels in programming mode

Tumble dryer with manual operation.
Fig. 1 AHL panel
Fig. 2 OPL panel
1 2




487 19 24 04.01 487 19 24 03.01

<Return> <Enter> <Return> <Enter>

Fig. 3 Tumble dryer with coin or debit card
payment system.



487 19 24 05.01

<Return> <Enter>
Fig. 4 Tumble dryer 3190 only.
<Down> <Up>

<Return> <Enter>

487 19 24 02.01

487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4


General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3
Quick-diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4
Changing factory settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5
Resetting new settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6
Group 2 - To access “Area B” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7
Group 3 - Error log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8
Reading the Error log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9
Group 4 - Setting dryer, software up to version 3.20 only . . . . . . . . 4.10
Group 4 - Setting dryer, Parameters 4 01 and 4 02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11
Parameters 4 03 to 4 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12
Connecting CMIS (Option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13
Group 5 - Setting control of temp., drum and buzzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14
Group 6 - Setting maximum values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.15
Group 7 - Setting programs:
Residual moisture control (RMC), P1-P9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.16
Extra drying time, P1-P9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.17
Time / Automatic, P1-P9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.18
Air outlet temp., P1-P9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.19
Drying time for time programmes, P1-P9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20
Cooling down temp., P1-P9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21
Cooling down time, P1-P9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21
Reversing, P1-P9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.22
Group 8 - Resetting counters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.23
Group 9 - Various tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.24
Group A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25
Changing P-programs, example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.26

487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

The Selecta Control parameter memory is divided into 2 areas.

Area A: General user level, eg. the owner or manager.

Contains: Group 0 and Group 1
Group 2
Group 0 and 1 are owner-accessible registers for setting time and temperature values,
and reading operating timers.
See Selecta Control manual supplied the dryer.
Group 2 only serves as an access to Area B.

Area B: Service technicians.

Contains: Group 3 to group 9
Group A
Group b, manufacturer’s use only

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Main groups Subgroups

Group 0 - Temperature / drying time 0 01 - 0 07

See Selecta Control manual supplied the dryer
Area A

Group 1 - Reading total counters 1 01 - 1 05

See Selecta Control manual supplied the dryer

Group 2 - Code to area B

You are now in Area B

Group 3 - Error log 3 01 - 3 11

Group 4 - Setting dryer 4 01 - 4 10

Group 5 - Setting control of temp. etc. 5 01 - 5 16


Group 6 - Setting maximum values 6 01 - 6 04

Area B

Group 7 - Setting programs 7 01 - 7 72

Group 8 - Resetting counters 8 01 - 8 02

Group 9 - Various tests 9 01 - 9 14

Group A - Setting user display info A 01 - A 04

Group b - Manufacturer’s use only

See “Changing factory setting” on the following page

4 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Changing factory settings

In order to clarify things a step by step instruction of how to move within a main group
Based on an example the instruction shows how to change the residual moisture factory
setting in program 4 (See Overview of factory setting Group 7).-

1. Switch the user module to programming mode (See section 3).

2. Move to Area B (See “To Access Area B” in group 2 ).

3. Step forward using to 7_ _

4. Press <enter> to enter subgroups within main groups 7 01

5. Step forward from 7 01 using to 7 04 and then press <enter>

Note! The factory setting is displayed.

6. Press <enter>

Note! The factory setting flashes and is changeable.

7. Step forward using till the setting is reached.

8. Accept the setting using All values are stored when the display stops
When the programming has been completed, move the switch back to normal position.
Or if further changes are to be carried out

9. Press <return> to Subgroup 7 04.

10. Press <return> to Main group 7 _ _.

11. Press <up> or <down> depending on the Main group number in

which changes are to be carried out.

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Resetting new settings

To delete all special settings and return to the factory settings follow the steps below:

Return to factory settings

Return to factory settings is done in Group 4 - Setting dryer, parameter group 4 06.

1. Step forward to group 4_ _

2. Step <up> to 4 06

3. Press <enter> twice, the display reads 00 blinks

4. Press <up> 00 = nothing

01 = reset (return to factory settings)

5. Press <enter> display shows the chosen setting

6. Press <return> the display shows 4 06

6 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 2 - To access “Area B”

To access “Area B” (where parameter group 3 to 9 + group A are located),
the passcode "01" must be entered into parameter register 2 01, as follows:

Passcode to Area B

1. Press <Down> the display reads 2 __

2. Press <Enter> 3 times the display reads 00 (blinks)

3. Press <Up> the display reads 01 (blinks)

4. Press <Enter> the display reads _ 01

5. Press <Return> twice the display reads 2 __


Dryer 3190 only

You are now in "Area B".

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 3 - Error log

Readable parameters
All error codes are registered in the error log (Except E99 ver. 3.20).
Beside error codes E 01 - E 18, there are a number of internal error codes which are not
displayed but only registered in the error log.
Error codes registred in the log that are not on the error code list (E 01-E 18) in this
manual should be reported to the manufacturer.

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
3 01 Last error log n - info. Shows last occured error and time

3 02 Error log (n-1) - info. Second latest error code and time

3 03 Error log (n-2) - info. Third latest error code and time

3 04 Error log (n-3) - info. Fourth latest error code and time

3 05 Error log (n-4) - info. Fifth latest error code and time

3 06 Option

3 07 Process software version - info. Software version

3 08 User panel software version info. Software version

3 09 Identification of version part 1 info. Identification of version

3 10 Identification of version part 2 info. Identification of version

See example on the next page which shows the latest error code E08 which occurs after
220 hours of operation.

8 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 3 - Reading the Error log


1. Press <Up> the display reads 3 __

2. Press <Enter> the display reads 3 01

3. Press <Enter> the display reads eg. 08

The display shows the error code. The following steps shows the running time
where the error occured.

4. Press <P> the display reads – 02

5. Press <P> the display reads _ 20

The example shows the latest error code E08 which occurred after 220 hours of
Now the second latest error code can be read etc.

6. Press <Return> the display reads 3 01

7. Press <up> the display reads 3 02 etc.

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 4 - Setting dryer - software version up to 3.20 only

Adjustable parameters

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
4 01 Reversing 0-1 1 0/1 0 = OFF / 1 = ON

4 02 Type of heating 01 -0 5 1 01 Electric

02 Gas (normal)

03 Gas (Japan, USA)

04 Steam / LE

05 Option

4 03 Payment setting 00 - 08 1 00 No paying.

01 Coin 1 positive (NC, coin sensor)

02 Coin 1 negative (NO)

03 Coin 1-2 positive (NC, coin sensor)

04 Coin 1-2 negative (NO)

05 CP Time

06 Single System

07 CP coin

08 Master System

4 04 Type of Control Panel 00 - 04 1 00 Dryer type 3190

01 Coin

02 AHL

03 OPL

04 Japan

4 05 Programme 00 - 04 1 00 Coin



03 OPL Auto Stop

04 AHL Auto Stop

4 06 Factory setting 00 - 01 1 01 01 = Establish default setting (reset)

Note! The resetting deletes all changes
made since the dryer left the factory

10 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 4 - Setting dryer - software version from 3.21 to 3.26

Adjustable parameters 4 01 and 4 02

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
4 01 Reversing 00 - 01 1 0/1 0 = OFF / 1 = ON

Para- Dryer type Heating Step Factory setting

meter /

4 02 3190 Electric 1 01
Gas normal 1 02
Gas (JP+US) 1 03

3250/3350 Electric 1 01
Gas normal 1 02
Gas (JP+US) 1 03
Steam 1 04

3300/30•30 Electric 1 06
Gas normal 1 02
Gas (JP+US) 1 03

3300 LE Low energy 1 04

3290/3530/3650 Electric 1 12
Gas normal 1 13
Gas (JP+US) 1 14
Steam (3530) 1 04
Steam (3290 / 3650) 1 05

3900/31200/100/135 Electric 60kW 1 15

Other Electric 1 09
Gas normal 1 10
Gas (JP+US) 1 11
Steam/Non heated 1 05

4250/4350 Electric 1 06
Gas normal 1 07
Gas (JP+US) 1 08
Steam 1 04

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 4 - Setting dryer

Adjustable parameters 4 03 to 4 06

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
4 03 Payment setting 00 - 08 1 00 No paying

01 Coin 1 positive (NC, coin sensor)

02 Coin 1 negative (NO)

03 Coin 1-2 positive (NC, coin sensor)

04 Coin 1-2 negative (NO)

05 CP Time

06 Single System

07 CP coin

08 Master System

09 LM10

4 04 Type of Control Panel 00 - 04 1 00 Dryer type 3190

01 Coin

02 AHL

03 OPL

04 Japan

4 05 Type of Programme 00 - 04 1 00 Coin



03 OPL Auto Stop

04 AHL Auto Stop

4 06 Factory setting 00 - 01 1 01 01 = Establish default setting (reset)

Note! The resetting deletes all changes
made since the dryer left the factory

12 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 4 - Connecting CMIS (Option)

Adjustable parameters 4 07 to 4 10

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
4 07 ELS Network address 0 - 127 1 0 0 = No network

4 08 ELS Network baud rate 0-3 1 0 38400 baud

1 2400 baud

2 9600 baud

3 38400 baud

4 09 ELS Network time out setting 0 - 99 1 10 CMIS: 10 sec (Error code E21)

90 LM10: 90 sec (Error code E22)

4 10 Dryer type 1-13 1 1 -

2 Dryer type 3190

3 Dryer type 3250

4 Dryer type 3350

5 Dryer type 3300/30•30

6 Dryer type 3290

7 Dryer type 3530

8 Dryer type 3650

9 -

10 Dryer type 4250

11 Dryer type 4350

12 Dryer type 3900/100

13 Dryer type 31200/135

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 5 - Setting control of temperature, drum and buzzer

Adjustable parameters

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
5 01 Temperature °C / °F 0-1 0/1 0/1 0 = °C / 1 = °F

5 02 Temperature hysteresis 01 – 10 °K 1 2 Hysteresis in °K

5 03 Rotation clockwise 01 – 99 minutes 1 5(25) Only if reversing is ON (T3190 = 25)

5 04 Pause between reversing 01 – 99 seconds 1 3 Only if reversing is ON

-- Pause between reversing

(T3900/T31200) 01 – 99 seconds 1 12 seconds

5 05 Reversing (T3190) 01 – 99 seconds 1 15 seconds

-- Reversing 01 – 99 minutes 1 5 minutes

5 06 Anticrease 00-01 0/1 1 0 = OFF / 1 = ON

5 07 Beep on key press 00-01 0/1 1 0 = OFF / 1 = ON

5 08 Beep at cycle end 0 – 60 seconds 1 10

5 09 Cooling, time, High temp. 1-20 min 1 3 Non-coin operated machines

1 1 Coin operated machines

5 10 Cooling, time, Med. temp. 1-20 min 1 3 Non-coin operated machines

1 1 Coin operated machines

5 11 Cooling, time, Low temp. 1-20 min 1 3 Non-coin operated machines

1 1 Coin operated machines

5 12 Option 1 1-20 min

5 13 Cooling, temp. (High) 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 / 115 (45°C / 115°F)

5 14 Cooling, temp. (Medium) 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 / 115 (45°C / 115°F)

5 15 Cooling, temp. (Low) 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 / 115 (45°C / 115°F)

5 16 Option 2 30-85°C

14 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 6 - Setting maximum values

Adjustable parameters

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
6 01 Number of P programmes 1–9 1 0 Coin

2 AHL AutoStop


5 OPL AutoStop


Para- Designation Dryer/heating type Range Step Factory

meter / setting
6 02 Inlet temperature 3190 Electric 80-140°C / 175-285°F 1 140°C / 285°F

Electric (SE) 80-130°C 1 130°C

Gas 80-190°C / 175-375°F 1 190°C / 375°F

3250/3350 Electric 80-150°C / 175-300°F 1 150°C / 300°F

Gas 80-160°C / 175-320°F 1 160°C / 320°F

3300/30•30 Electric 80-155°C / 175-310°F 1 155°C / 310°F

Gas 80-160°C / 175-320°F 1 160°C / 320°F

3300LE - 0

3290/3530/3650 - 0

3900/31200/100/135 Electric 80-160°C / 175-320°F 1 160°C / 320°F

Gas 80-160°C / 175-320°F 1 160°C / 320°F

4250/4350 Electric 80-155°C / 175-310°F 1 155°C / 310°F

All steam - 0

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
6 03 Max. time on time control 10 – 90 min 1 90 Max. time which can be selected (also coin)

6 04 Max. time on P programs 30 – 90 min 1 90 Max. time on AutoStop or RMC


First 2 digits
Last 2 digits Incorrect parameter setting can
damage the dryer.

+ = 140°C

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 7 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Residual moisture control (RMC) for programmes P1 - P9

Para- Designation Range Step Factory setting

meter /
group Coin AHL AHL OPL OPL
Auto- RMC Auto- RMC
Stop Stop
7 01 Residual moisture P1 0 – 57% 1% 0 0 0 0 0
7 02 Residual moisture P2 0 – 57% 1% 0 0 0 0 0
7 03 Residual moisture P3 0 – 57% 1% 15 0 15 0 5
7 04 Residual moisture P4 0 – 57% 1% 10 0 10 0 10
7 05 Residual moisture P5 0 – 57% 1% 15 0 15 0 15
7 06 Residual moisture P6 0 – 57% 1% 20 20 20 20 20
7 07 Residual moisture P7 0 – 57% 1% 0 0 0 0 0
7 08 Residual moisture P8 0 – 57% 1% 0 0 0 0 0
7 09 Residual moisture P9 0 – 57% 1% 0 0 0 0 0

= Setting is not relevant

16 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 7 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Extra drying time for programmes P1 - P9

Para- Designation Range Step Factory setting

meter /
group Coin AHL AHL OPL OPL
Auto- RMC Auto- RMC
Stop Stop
7 10 Extra drying time P1 * 00 – 90 min 1 5 5 5 5 5
7 11 Extra drying time P2 ** 00 – 90 min 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 12 Extra drying time P3 00 – 90 min 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 13 Extra drying time P4 00 – 90 min 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 14 Extra drying time P5 00 – 90 min 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 15 Extra drying time P6 00 – 90 min 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 16 Extra drying time P7 00 – 90 min 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 17 Extra drying time P8 00 – 90 min 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 18 Extra drying time P9 00 – 90 min 1 0 0 0 0 0

= Setting is not relevant

* 7 10 Extra drying time P1 Factory setting LE (= Heat Pump): 10 min.

Extra drying time P1 Factory setting T3290/3530/3650 OPL, RMC with reversing: 7 min.
** 7 11 Extra drying time P2 Factory setting LE (= Heat Pump): 5 min.
Extra drying time P2 Factory setting T3290/3530/3650 OPL, RMC with reversing: 2 min.

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 7 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Time / Automatic for programmes P1 - P9

Para- Designation Range Step Factory setting

meter /
group Coin AHL AHL OPL OPL
Auto- RMC Auto- RMC
Stop Stop
7 19 Time/Automatic control P1 00 –01 0/1 1 1 1 1 1
7 20 Time/Automatic control P2 00 –01 0/1 1 1 1 1 1
7 21 Time/Automatic control P3 00 –01 0/1 1 1 1 0 1
7 22 Time/Automatic control P4 00 –01 0/1 0 1 0 0 1
7 23 Time/Automatic control P5 00 –01 0/1 0 1 0 0 1
7 24 Time/Automatic control P6 00 –01 0/1 0 1 0 0 1
7 25 Time/Automatic control P7 00 –01 0/1 0 0 0 0 0
7 26 Time/Automatic control P8 00 –01 0/1 0 0 0 0 0
7 27 Time/Automatic control P9 00 –01 0/1 0 0 0 0 0

= Factory setting is not relevant

18 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 7 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Air outlet temperature for programmes P1-P9

Para- Designation Range Step Factory setting

meter /
group Coin AHL / OPL

T3190, T3250 / 3350, T4250 / 4350, T3300S, T3300LE

7 28 Temperature for P1 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F
7 29 Temperature for P2 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F
7 30 Temperature for P3 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F
7 31 Temperature for P4 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F
7 32 Temperature for P5 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F
7 33 Temperature for P6 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F
7 34 Temperature for P7 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F
7 35 Temperature for P8 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F
7 36 Temperature for P9 30-70°C / 86-160°F 1 70°C / 160°F 70°C / 160°F

T3290, T3530, T3650, T3900, T31200

7 28 Temperature for P1 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F
7 29 Temperature for P2 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F
7 30 Temperature for P3 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F
7 31 Temperature for P4 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F
7 32 Temperature for P5 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F
7 33 Temperature for P6 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F
7 34 Temperature for P7 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F
7 35 Temperature for P8 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F
7 36 Temperature for P9 30-80°C / 86-176°F 1 80°C / 176°F 80 / 176°F

Coin machines USA, only

7 28 Temperature for P1 86-160°F 1 151°F
7 29 Temperature for P2 86-160°F 1 151°F
7 30 Temperature for P3 86-160°F 1 151°F
7 31 Temperature for P4 86-160°F 1 151°F
7 32 Temperature for P5 86-160°F 1 151°F
7 33 Temperature for P6 86-160°F 1 151°F
7 34 Temperature for P7 86-160°F 1 151°F
7 35 Temperature for P8 86-160°F 1 151°F
7 36 Temperature for P9 86-160°F 1 151°F

= Factory setting is not relevant

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 7 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Drying time for Time programmes P1 - P9

Para- Designation Range Step Factory setting

meter /
group Coin AHL AHL OPL OPL
Auto- RMC Auto- RMC
Stop Stop
7 37 Drying time P1 00 – 90 min 1 20 20 20 20 20
7 38 Drying time P2 00 – 90 min 1 20 20 20 20 20
7 39 Drying time P3 00 – 90 min 1 20 20 20 10 20
7 40 Drying time P4 00 – 90 min 1 10 20 10 20 20
7 41 Drying time P5 00 – 90 min 1 20 20 20 30 20
7 42 Drying time P6 00 – 90 min 1 30 20 30 20 20
7 43 Drying time P7 00 – 90 min 1 10 10 10 10 10
7 44 Drying time P8 00 – 90 min 1 20 20 20 20 20
7 45 Drying time P9 00 – 90 min 1 30 30 30 30 30

= Setting is not relevant

20 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 7 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

The dryer ends the cooling down program when the chosen time has run out (3 min) and
when the chosen temperature (45°C) is reached.

Cooling down temperature for programmes P1 - P9

Para- Designation Range Step Factory setting

meter /
group Coin AHL AHL OPL OPL
Auto- Auto- RMC
Stop Stop
7 46 Cooling down P1 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45
7 47 Cooling down P2 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45
7 48 Cooling down P3 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45
7 49 Cooling down P4 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45
7 50 Cooling down P5 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45
7 51 Cooling down P6 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45
7 52 Cooling down P7 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45
7 53 Cooling down P8 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45
7 54 Cooling down P9 30-85°C / 85-185°F 1 45 45 45 45 45

= Setting is not relevant

Cooling down times for programmes P1 - P9

Para- Designation Range Step Factory setting

meter /
group Coin AHL AHL OPL OPL
Auto- Auto- RMC
Stop Stop
7 55 Cooling down P1 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3
7 56 Cooling down P2 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3
7 57 Cooling down P3 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3
7 58 Cooling down P4 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3
7 59 Cooling down P5 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3
7 60 Cooling down P6 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3
7 61 Cooling down P7 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3
7 62 Cooling down P8 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3
7 63 Cooling down P9 1-20 min. 1 3 3 3 3 3

= Setting is not relevant

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 7 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Reversing on/off for programmes P1 - P9

Para- Designation Range Step Factory setting *

meter /
group Coin AHL AHL OPL OPL
Auto- RMC Auto- RMC
Stop Stop
7 64 Reversing P1 00 - 01 0/1 1 1 1 1 1
7 65 Reversing P2 00 - 01 0/1 1 1 1 1 1
7 66 Reversing P3 00 - 01 0/1 0 0 0 1 0
7 67 Reversing P4 00 - 01 0/1 0 0 0 1 0
7 68 Reversing P5 00 - 01 0/1 0 0 0 1 0
7 69 Reversing P6 00 - 01 0/1 1 1 1 1 1
7 70 Reversing P7 00 - 01 0/1 1 1 1 1 1
7 71 Reversing P8 00 - 01 0/1 1 1 1 1 1
7 72 Reversing P9 00 - 01 0/1 1 1 1 1 1

= Setting is not relevant

* Machines without reversing always: 0

22 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group 8 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Resetting counters

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
8 01 Reset service counter 00 - 01 00/01 01 = Reset counter
8 02 Reset trip counter 00 - 01 00/01 01 = Reset counter

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Group 9 - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Various tests

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
9 01 Test output 0 01 00/01 01 = Heat on in 3 seconds

9 02 Test output 1 01 00/01 01 = Drum left active in 3 seconds

9 03 Test output 2 01 00/01 01 = External signal active in 3 seconds

9 04 Test output 3 01 00/01 01 = Fan active in 3 seconds

9 05 Test output 4 01 00/01 01 = Drum right active in 3 seconds

9 06 Test input 0 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of door switch 0 = Open, 1 = closed

9 07 Test input 1 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of vacuum switch 0 = Open, 1 = closed

9 08 Test input 2 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of external switch 0 = Open, 1 = closed

9 09 Test input 3 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of condensation filter switch 0 = Open, 1 = closed

9 10 Test input 4 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of filter door switch 0 = Open, 1 = closed

9 11 Test input 5 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of overheating 0 = OK, 1 = Error

9 12 Test input 6 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of gas error inlet 0 = OK, 1 = Error

9 13 Test input 7 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of motor 1 overheating 0 = OK, 1 = Error

9 14 Test input 8 00 - 01 0/1 0/1 Control of motor 2 overheating 0 = OK, 1 = Error

24 487 0329 31
manual 4. Programmes 4

Group A - Setting programs

Adjustable parameters

Customized user panel

Para- Designation Range Step Factory Comments

meter / setting
A 01 Standby value 000 - 0999 1 Value shown when dryer is free
A 02 Standby value blinks 00/01 1 01/00 01 = Value blinks when dryer is free
A 03 Final blinks 00/01 1 01/00 01 = Final symbol blinks
A 04 Show temperature 00/01 1 01/00 01 = Temperature is displayed when temp.
key is activated.

487 0329 31
4 4. Programmes manual

Changing P-programs
Following parameters determine how eg. program P1 is executed.

Parameter Explanation
7.01 Residual moisture level in %.
7.10 Extra drying time, for how long the drying must carry on after 0%
is reached.
7.19 Time / Automatics, the program can be set with a specified time
period or with a non-time determined drying via the built-in
7.28 Max outlet air temperature set-up, roughly represents
the temperature of the garments.
7.37 Drying time which might be set in 7.19.
7.46 Cooling down condition for temperature, the cooling down of
the garments stops when both conditions (7.46 / 7.55) are met.
7.55 Cooling down condition for time, the cooling down of the
garments stops when both conditions (7.46 / 7.55) are met.
7.64 Reversing during P-program on/off.

Example: Changing P1
Program P1 can be adjusted to the individual textiles which are to be used in the dryer.
The below example shows how to change the set up of program for drying thick lining
boiler suits in mixed fabric 65/35 with polyester lining.
7.01 00 factory setting = 00% is maintained
7.10 15 extra drying time is set to 15 min
7.19 01 automatic program is maintained
7.28 60 outlet air temperature is set to 60°C (140°F)
7.37 20 factory setting = 20 min is maintained
7.46 35 max outlet air temperature is set to 35°C (95°F)
7.55 10 cooling down time is set to 10 min
7.64 01 factory setting = 01 is maintained

26 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12


General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1
Check-list - error codes related to overheating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4
Overview - error codes and software version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5
E 01 Inlet air NTC sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7
E 02 Outlet air NTC sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.9
E 03 Inlet air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.10
E 04 Outlet air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.11
E 05 Blower motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.12
E 06 Drum motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.13
E 06 Drum and blower motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.14
E 07 Option, not in use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.15
E 08 Inlet air and outlet air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.16
E 08 Inlet air and outlet air, dryer type 3190 only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.19
E 09 Lint drawer, dryer type 3190 only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.22
E 10 Programming errors (Settings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.23
E 11 Drying error with RMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.24
E 12 Drying error with Auto Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.25
E 13 Drying error (Payment system) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.26
E 14 Gas error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.27
E 15 Vacuum switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.29
E 16 Vacuum switch does not open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.30
E 17 Input sensor disconnected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.31
E 18 Output sensor disconnected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.32
E 19 Option, not in use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.33
E 20 CMIS, out of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.34
E 21 CMIS, com board polling error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.35
E 22 LM10, com board polling error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.36
E 99 Communication error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.37

487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

The dryer is equipped with an automatic diagnostic system.
Operating problems are displayed as blinking error codes. Whenever an
error occurs, the dryer stops operating.
Except where noted, error codes are cleared by disconnecting the
power or by entering the service program.
Error analysis
A diagnostic procedure is provided for each error code. If an error has
not been corrected after the procedure, please contact the manufacturer
for additional assistance.

Explanation to error analyses

Replace the main
circuit board.
(Section 21)
A reference to a section in the
service manual to the dryer in

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

Check list - error codes related to overheating

General note regarding error codes related to overheating:
Before troubleshooting the electronic systems of the machine, examine the dryer to
determine if the airflow is normal.
Insufficient airflow due to over-filling the machine, lint-obstructed screens, air passages
and ducts, or improper exhaust venting are all possible causes of various errors.

Items concerning the necessary air flow

1. Check that the fresh-air intake to the room and the exhaust ducts/pipes
from the room are not clogged by lint/dust or blocked in any other way.
2. Check that the dryer receives the necessary quantity of fresh air.
(See installation manual).
3. Check that the fresh-air intake preasure drop does not exceed 10 Pa
(applies only to air-intake duct kit, if installed - See installation manual).
4. Check that the pressure drop in the air outlet ducts does not exceed the value printed on
the data sheet in the Service Manual for the specific dryer. (Measurement is done with
cold air (20°C/ 68°F).
5. Check that the air inlet screen on the rear of the dryer is not clogged by lint or dust
(See Section 11).
6. Check that the lint screen in the drawer is clean and in good condition
(See Section 11, exept 3190).
7. Check that the secondary lint screen behind the lint drawer has not become blocked with
lint or other debris (See Section 11).
8. Check that the blower compartment and blower wheel have not become blocked with lint
or other debris (See Section 11).
9. Check that the fan wheel is in good condition, and that it is tightly secured to the motor
10. Check for severely overloaded dryer. Remove some items as appropriate.

Items concerning gas connection

1. Check that the gas type corresponds with the dryer’s data plate.
2. Check gas inlet and nozzle pressures.

4 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

Error Description

E 01 Inlet air - input temperature is too high The temperature of the air entering the
drum is too high.
E 02 Outlet air - Output temperature is too high The temperature of the air leaving the
drum is too high.
E 03 Inlet air - Sensor has short-circuited The thermistor element measuring the air
inlet temperature to the drum, or the wiring to the sensor has shorted.
E 04 Outlet air - Sensor has short-circuited The thermistor element measuring the air
outlet temperature from the drum, or the wiring to the sensor has shorted.
E 05 Blower motor Motor 1: The thermal protection switch in the motor, or its harness, is
E 06 Drum motor – Motor 2: The thermal protection switch in the motor, or its harness, is
E 07 Option Not in use.
E 08 Inlet and Outlet air protection thermostats One of the proctection thermostats has
opened due to overheating.
E 09 Lint drawer Lint drawer must be emtied before start.
E 10 Setting Programming error / incorrect or missing parameter(s).
E 11 Drying error Maximum allowable RMC time exceeded (non-coin operated models
E 12 Drying error Maximum allowable Autostop time exceeded (non-coin operated
models only).
E 13 Drying error - Requested drying time is longer than maximum allowed.(dryer
connected to a payment system).
E 14 Gas error - A flame was not detected on gas heated dryers.
E 15 Vacuum switch The vacuum switch does not shut within 5 seconds after the dryer is
E 16 Vacuum switch The vacuum switch was already closed when an attempt to start the
dryer was made.
E 17 Input sensor disconnected The inlet thermistor or wiring to the thermistor is open.
E 18 Output sensor disconnected The outlet thermistor or wiring to the thermistor is
E 19 Option Not in use.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

Error Description

E 20 CMIS out of operation The dryer is put out of order in the PC programme.
E 21 CMIS com board poll error The PC does not poll the dryer within the time out.
E 22 LM10 com board poll error The PC does not poll the dryer within the time out.
E 99 Communication error The user module does not recieve communication from the
main board (user module and main board).

From version 3.22 not all error codes are displayed.

All error codes are registered in the error log.

6 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 01 - Inlet air - Input temperature is too high

Error description
The input temperature exceeds 70°C (158°F) for more than 10 sec.
The air thermistor is a "negative temperature coefficient" (NTC) sensor. As a result of
this the resistance decreases as its temperature increases.
The dryer stops operating.
Error analysis, only displayed in software version 3.20

Electric heated dryers only

YES Correct the error

1. Missing from the check list.
air flow. Are there any errors
according to the list? NO
See check list Go to step 2.
Error codes
Disconnect NTC sensor
at its terminal-block
connection to dryer wiring YES
2. Defective Go to step 3.
harness and measure the
NTC sensor?
resistance on the NTC
sensor. Replace NTC
NO sensor.
Is the resistance between
100 kΩ and 120 kΩ at (Section 27)
20°C (68°F)?

Measure resistance
Disconnect NTC sensor between P18-1 YES Go to
3. Defective step 4.
at its terminal-block and P18-2 on main
NTC harness?
connection to dryer wiring circuit board. Is the
harness. circuit open (infinite NO Replace
resistance)? harness

Is the measured electric Go to step 5.
4. Too high
heating effect? effect correct according to
the data sign? NO Are the rated output NO Change
and the connection when
on the heating units necessary.
okay? YES
Go to step 5
5. Defective Replace the main
NTC interface circuit board.
on main circuit
(Section 21)

For instructions on entering programming mode see section 3.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 01 - Inlet air - Input temperature is too high

Error description
The input temperature exceeds 220°C (428°F) for more than 10 sec.
The air thermistor is a "negative temperature coefficient" (NTC) sensor. As a result of this
the resistance decreases as its temperature increases.
The dryer stops operating.
Error analysis, only displayed in software version 3.20

Gas heated dryers only

1. Missing YES Correct the error

air flow. Are there any errors from the check list.
according to the list? NO
See check list. Go to step 2.
page 12.4

Disconnect NTC sensor

at its terminal-block
connection to dryer wiring YES Go to step 3.
2. Defective harness and measure the
NTC sensor? resistance on the NTC
sensor. NO Replace NTC
Is the resistance between sensor.
100 kΩ and 120 kΩ at (Section 27)
20°C (68°F)?

Measure resistance
Disconnect NTC sensor between P18-1 YES
3. Defective at its terminal-block and P18-2 on main Go to step 4.
NTC harness? connection to dryer wiring circuit board at room
harness. temperature. Is the
NO Replace
circuit open (infinite
resistance)? harness.

Is the nozzle and the

4. Burner Go to step 5.
power too nozzle pressure correct
high? according to the gas type NO Replace the nozzle
printed on the data sign? and adjust the
nozzle pressure.
(Installation manual)

5. Defective
NTC interface YES Replace the main
circuit board.
on main
circuit board? (Section 21)

For instructions on entering programming mode see section 3.

8 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 02 - Outlet air - Output temperature is too high

Error description
The output temperature exceeds 85°C (185°F) for more than 30 sec.
The air thermistor is a "negative temperature coefficient" ( "NTC") sensor. As a result of
this the resistance decreases as its temperature increases.
The dryer stops operating.

Error analysis

1. Missing YES Correct the error from

air flow. Are there any errors the check list.
according to the list? NO
See check list.
Go to step 2.
page 12.4
Disconnect NTC sensor
at its terminal-block
2. Defective connection to dryer wiring YES
harness and measure the Go to step 3.
NTC sensor?
resistance on the NTC
sensor Replace NTC sensor.
Is the resistance between NO
100 kΩ and 120 kΩ at (Section 27)
20°C (68°F)?

Disconnect NTC sensor Measure resistance

3. Defective between P18-3 YES Go to
at its terminal-block step 4.
NTC harness? connection to dryer wiring and P18-4 on main
harness. circuit board. Is the
circuit open (infinite NO Replace
resistance)? harness.

4. Defective
Replace the main
NTC interface YES
circuit board.
on main circuit
board? (Section 21)

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 03 - Inlet air - Sensor has short-circuited

Error description
This error code indicates that the inlet air thermistor, connected to P18-1 and P18-2 on
the main circuit board, or the harness from the main circuit board to the thermistor, has
short circuited.
A defective detection circuit in the main circuit board can also cause this error.
The dryer stops operating.

Error analysis

Measure the resistance

1. Defective of the NTC sensor and
NTC sensor or harness between P18-1 Go to step 2.
harness? and P18-2 on the main
circuit board. Replace NTC sensor
Is the resistance between NO or harness.
100 kΩ and 120 kΩ at
20°C (68°F)? (Section 27)

2. Defective
Replace the main
NTC interface YES
circuit board.
on main circuit
board? (Section 21)

10 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 04 - Outlet air - Sensor has short-circuited

Error description
This error code indicates that the outlet air thermistor, connected to P18-3 and P18-
4 of the main circuit board, or the harness from the board to the thermistor, has short
A defective main circuit board can also cause this error.
The dryer stops operating.

Error analysis

Measure the resistance

1. Defective of the NTC sensor and YES
NTC sensor or harness between P18-3 Go to step 2.
harness? and P18-4 on main citcuit
board. Replace NTC sensor
Is the resistance between NO or harness.
100 kΩ and 120 kΩ at
20°C (68°F)? (Section 27)

2. Defective
Replace the main
NTC interface YES
circuit board.
on main circuit
board? (Section 21)

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 05 - Blower motor - Overheating protection (motor 1)

Error description
The thermal protection switch inside the blower motor is connected between P6-2 and
P6-5 of the main circuit board.
This error indicates that the thermal protection switch, or the harness between the board
and the switch, has opened.
A defective main circuit board can also cause this error.
The dryer stops operating.
The error is only detected when the door is closed.
Error analysis

Are the vent holes YES Clean the

1. Is the motor in the motor cover
very warm? obstructed?

NO Go to step 2.

2. Does the Replace

motor run
Is the motor seized?
YES motor or clear
slowly or is it blockage
Go to step 3.
The error occurs
Connect P6.
Is there continuity Replace the main
3. Unplug YES Does the error YES
circuit board
motor control between P6-2 and P6-5 reoccur when
connector P6 in the harness plug? the motor is
restarted? The error occurs
from the main
after a while’s
circuit board.
NO YES operation.
Defective motor
Put the dryer protection
back into - replace the
operation. blower motor.

Check motor
NO Is the motor YES harness and con-
cold? nector. Replace

NO Wait until the

motor is cold and
restart it.

12 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 06 - Drum motor - Overheating protection (motor 2)

Error description
The thermal protection switch inside the drum motor is connected between P7-5 and
P7-6 of the main circuit board.
This error indicates that the thermal protection switch, or the harness between the board
and the switch, has opened.
A defective main circuit board can also cause this error.
The dryer stops operating.
The error is only detected when the door is closed.
Error analysis

Are the vent holes YES Clean the

1. Is the motor in the motor cover
very warm? obstructed?

NO Go to step 2.

2. Does the Replace

motor run Is the motor seized?
YES motor or clear
slowly or is the blockage.
rotor locked?
NO The error occurs
Go to step 3.
Connect P7. Replace the main
Does the error circuit board
3. Unplug Is there continuity YES reoccur when
motor control between P7-5 and P7-6
the motor is
connector P7 in the harness plug? The error occurs
restarted? after a while’s
from the main
YES operation.
circuit board.
NO Defective motor
protection circuit
Put the dryer - replace the
back into blower motor or
operation. harness.

Check motor
NO Is the motor YES harness and con-
cold? nector. Replace

NO Wait until the

motor is cold and
restart it.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 06 - Drum- and blower motor - Overheating protection

Error description
The thermal protection switch inside the drum- and blower motor is connected between
P7-5 and P7-6 of the main circuit board.
This error indicates that the thermal protection switch, or the harness between the board
and the switch, has opened.
A defective main circuit board can also cause this error.
The dryer stops operating.
The error is only detected when the door is closed.
Error analysis

Dryer type 3190 only

Are the vent holes YES Clean the

1. Is the motor in the motor cover
very warm? obstructed?

NO Go to step 2.

2. Does the Replace

motor run Is the motor seized?
YES motor or clear
slowly or is the blockage
rotor locked?
NO The error occurs
Go to step 3.
Connect P7. Replace the main
Does the error circuit board
3. Unplug Is there continuity YES reoccur when
motor control between P7-5 and P7-6
the motor is
connector P7 in the harness plug? The error occurs
restarted? after a while’s
from the main
YES operation.
circuit board. NO Defective motor
protection circuit
Put the dryer - replace the
back into blower motor or
operation. harness.

Check motor
NO Is the motor YES harness and con-
cold? nector. Replace

NO Wait until the

motor is cold and
restart it.

14 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 07 - Option, not in use

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 08 - Inlet air and outlet air - Overheating thermostat

Error description
Two normally-closed, manual-reset high limit thermostats, one measuring the inlet air
temperature, and one measuring the outlet air temperature, are connected in series
between P4-6 and P4-10 of the main circuit board.
This error indicates that one of the two thermostats, or the connecting harness has
A defective main circuit board can also cause this error.
The dryer stops operating.
The error is only detected when the door is closed.

Error analysis

For dryer type 3190 see

pages regarding this

YES Replace the fuse and

restart the dryer.
1. Has fuse F3
NO Go to step 2.

YES Replace main circuit

2. Disconnect P4
from the main circuit board.
board. Check for
continuity between
pin 6 and pin 10. Is NO
the circuit closed? Go to step 3.

3. Has the high- YES See Inlet air next pages.

limit protection
thermostat near the
heating unit tripped? NO Go to step 4.

YES See Outlet air next pages.

4. Has the high-
limit protection
thermostat near the
blower tripped? NO Check for bad
connections in
thermostat(s) or
harness and replace as

16 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 08 - Inlet air - Overheating thermostat

For dryer type 3190 see

Inlet pages regarding this

1. Missing Correct the error
air flow. from the check list.
Are there any errors
See check list. according to the list?
page 12.4
Go to step 2.

2. Check the YES

Is the door gasket or Replace as
door gasket appropriate.
and internal sealings defective /
sealings against missing / dirty?
the drum. NO
Go to step 3.

Is the inlet temperature Is the inlet sensor Replace

3. Check YES
parameter set correctly? placed correctly in main
the inlet YES circuit
the inlet air flow
temperature. (Programming Selecta board.
(behind the drum).
(Factory setting
group 6)
Correct the
NO possition
of the
Enter the sensor.
programming mode
and adjust the inlet
temperature setting.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 08 - Outlet air - Overheating thermostat

For dryer type 3190 see

Outlet pages regarding this

1. Missing air
flow. YES Correct the error
Are there any errors from the check list.
See check list. according to the list?
page 12.4
Go to step 2.

2. Is the outlet YES

Replace the main
sensor placed circuit board.
correctly in the
outlet air flow?

NO Correct the position of

the sensor.

18 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 08 - Inlet air and outlet air - Overheating thermostat

Error description
One (gas heated) or two (electric heated) normally-closed, manual-reset high limit
thermostats are measuring the inlet air temperature, and one measuring the outlet air
temperature, are connected in series between P6-1 and P6-2 of the main circuit board.
This error indicates that one of the thermostats, or the connecting harness has opened.
A defective main circuit board can also cause this error.
The error is only detected when the door is closed.
The dryer stops operating and the cool down program starts.
Software ver. 3.20: The dryer stops operating.

Error analysis

For dryer type 3190 see

pages regarding this

YES Replace the fuse and

restart the dryer.
1. Has fuse F3
NO Go to step 2.

YES Replace main circuit

2. Disconnect P6
from the main circuit board.
board. Check for
continuity between
pin 1 and pin 2. Is NO
the circuit closed? Go to step 3.

3. Has the above

high-limit protection YES
thermostat(s) near See Inlet air next pages.
the heating unit
tripped? NO Go to step 4.
F6/F9 electric heated
F6 gasheated.

4. Has the behind YES See Outlet air next pages.

high-limit protection
thermostat near the
blower tripped? NO Check for bad
F5 gas- and electric connections in
heated. thermostat(s) or
harness and replace as

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 08 - Inlet air - Overheating thermostat

Inlet Dryer type 3190 only


1. Missing Correct the error
air flow. from the check list.
Are there any errors
See check list according to the list?
page 12.4
Go to step 2.

2. Check the YES

Is the door gasket or Replace as
door gasket appropriate.
and internal sealings defective /
sealings against missing / dirty?
the drum. NO
Go to step 3.

3. Check
Is the inlet sensor Replace
the inlet main
Is the inlet temperature YES (R1) placed correctly circuit
parameter set correctly? in the inlet air flow.
(Factory setting board.
(Section 27)
group 6) NO Correct the
of the
NO Enter the
programming mode
and adjust the inlet
temperature setting.

20 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 08 - Outlet air - Overheating thermostat

Dryer type 3190 only


1. Missing air
flow. YES Correct the error
Are there any errors from the check list.
See check list. according to the list?
page 12.4
Go to step 2.

2. Is the outlet YES

sensor (R2) Replace the main
placed correctly circuit board.
in the outlet air

NO Correct the position of

the sensor.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 09 - Lint drawer
Error description
The error code is registred in the error log when the dryer has been operating for more
than 80 hours. The filter indicator is on after 40 hours of operation.
The error code is not displayed.
Resetting is done by closing the lint drawer and pressing the start button twice.
Software version 3.20.
The error code is displayed: If the dryer is started with the lint drawer open
or if the dryer has been operating for more than 40 hours without the lint drawer being

Error analysis

Dryer type 3190 only

1. Does the Replace the main

YES circuit board.
dryer start when Is there connection between
pressing the P12B-1 and P12B-2? (Section 21)
start button?
Go to step 2.

2. Is the
microswitch or NO Replace defective switch or wire.
the wire at the
drawer intact?

22 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 10 - Programming errors - (Settings)

Error description
This error occurs when the parameter set-up is inconsistent.
Note! When resetting the circuit board the user adjusted programs disappear and need
The dryer stops operating.

Error analysis

1. Enter the service

program. Set YES
Does the E10 return? Replace the main circuit board
parameter 4.06 to
"1" to restore all
factory settings. Re-enter user-desired parameter
Exit programming NO settings (time per push/coin, for
mode and attempt to example). These are erased
operate the dryer. when factory defaults are

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 11 - Drying error with RMC

Error description
Error code E11 occurs if the RMC system does not register that the clothes are dry within
90 minutes (factory setting).
The dryer stops automatically when the clothes have the chosen residual moisture.

Error analysis

1. Are P17-1 and Check the wiring YES

P17-2 connected? connections, RMC belt on Go to step 2.
YES drum and lifter insulation.
The measuring is NO
Are they in working Replace the defective parts.
done with an empty order?

Is the dryer overloaded

YES with clothes that are too YES Remove some of the clothes
and start again.
2. Does the dryer wet?
give off enough
heat? (Is the dryer
output as specified?) NO Check installation fuses,
dryer fuses.

Resetting is done by opening/closeing the door to the dryer and pressing the start button
Software version 3.20: Resetting by pushing the start button twice.

24 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 12 - Drying error with Auto Stop system

Error description
Error code E12 occurs if the Auto Stop system does not register that the clothes are dry
within 90 minutes (factory setting).

Error analysis

Has the heating been NO

YES insufficient due to a blown Go to step 2.
1. Is the dryer
fuse or other reason? YES
cold? Replace the fuses or
repair heating unit
NO and restart.
Go to step 2.

2. Is the dryer YES Remove some of the

overfilled with clothes and restart?

NO Check factory setting for

Auto Stop, max drying
Parameter 6.04

Resetting is done by opening/closeing the door to the dryer and pressing the start button
Software version 3.20: Resetting by pushing the start button twice.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 13 - Drying error, dryer connected to a payment system

Error description
Error code E13 occurs with Payment systems where the customer or system has
requested a longer drying time than the allowed 90 minutes (factory setting on the dryer).
Error code is not displayed but is registered in the error log.
Software version 3.20: Error code is displayed.

Error analysis

1. Is the YES Check that there are no

connection errors on the connected
between payment system or
UM P1-1 (user harness and correct these.
module) and UM
P1-3 (payment
disconnected? NO Incorrect payment system
set-up (max. 90 min.) or
defective user module.

Resetting is done by opening/closeing the door to the dryer and pressing the start button
Software version 3.20: Resetting by pushing the start button twice.

26 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 14 - Gas error
Error description
When the ignition control fails to detect a flame, a signal is sent to the main circuit board,
and error code E14 is displayed.
The metal probe of the flame sensor generates an electrical current when exposed to the
burner's flame.
This signal is detected by the ignition control module which, in turn, cuts off the gas valve
immediately if the sensor does not indicate flame within 5 sec.
The integrity of the sensor's electrical connection is, therfore, critical to proper operation
of this system.

Displaying error code E14

USA and Japan: The error code is not displayed until the 3rd unsuccessful ignition
Europe: The error code is displayed at the 1st unsuccessful ignition attempt.

Error analysis
See next page.

NOTE! When resetting the system the dryer must operate on a program with heat and
when the heat indicator is on.
Resetting is done by pushing the gas reset button on the circuit board.
Japan only: By opening and closing the door (coin operated dryers only).

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 14 - Gas error

Error analysis

1. Is there a Is the flame sensor YES Replace the

short-lived YES placed in the flame / is ignition control.
flame at the sensor's electrical
the ignition connection okay?
Go to step 2. Adjust / clean
the electrode /

YES Go to step 3.
2. Is an ignition
spark present?
Is the ignition electrode YES
Go to step 3.
NO placed correctly / is the
connection okay?
(Section 40)

NO Adjust / clean
/ replace the
3. Is the gas YES Replace the ignition
supply/nozzle control or gas valve.
pressure okay?

Ventilate the gas system /
contact gas supplier.

4. Is the
reducing plate NO Mount the plate.
(Section 47)

28 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 15 - Vacuum switch
Error description
The vacuum switch does not shut within 5 seconds after the fan has started.

Error analysis

1. Does the vacuum YES Is the electric switch YES Go to step 2.

shutter plate close activated when the
against the body of shutter plate closes?
the dryer within 5 Adjust / replace the
seconds after the switch or the shutter
dryer is started? NO plate.
Go to step 3.

2. Manually close YES Replace main circuit

the vacuum shutter board.
plate. Disconnect P16 YES
Is the circuit closed?
from the main circuit
board and check for Go to step 3.
continuity between
P16.1 and P16.2.

3. Does the blower Go to step 4.
motor rotate in the
correct direction?
NO Check the motor’s
(Section 11) connection and
phase order.

See check list

4. Is the air flow NO and correct
obstructed? airflow problem as

Resetting is done by opening/closeing the door to the dryer and pressing the start button
Software version 3.20: Resetting by pushing the start button twice.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 16 - Vacuum switch does not open

Error description
The error occurs if the vacuum switch is already closed when an attempt to start the
dryer is made.

Error analysis

1. Can the
vacuum shutter YES
plate move Go to step 2.

NO Repair shutter plate


2 Disconnect
one wire from YES
Go to step 3.
the vacuum
switch. Check
continuity of
the switch. NO
Replace or adjust
Does it open
vacuum switch, as
when the
shutter plate
moves away
from the dryer

3. Disconnect
P16 from the Replace vacuum
YES switch harness.
main circuit
board. Check
between P16.1
and P16.2. Is
NO Replace main circuit
the circuit board

Resetting is done by opening/closeing the door to the dryer and pressing the start button
Software version 3.20: Resetting by pushing the start button twice.

30 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 17 - Input sensor disconnected

Error description
This error is displayed when the inlet NTC sensor is disconnected or indicates less than
30°C (86°F) after 2 min. of dryer operation.
However, if the sensor is disconnected during operation the error is displayed
Error analysis

Measure the resistance on

1. Defective NTC the NTC sensor between YES
Go to step 3.
sensor/harness? P18-1 and P18-2 on main
circuit board.
Is the resistance between NO Replace NTC sensor
100 kΩ and 120 kΩ at or harness.
20°C (68°F)? (Section 27)

2. Has the heating YES Replace fuse or

Electric heated been insufficient due repair heating unit.
dryers only to blown fuse or other
reasons? NO
Go to step 3.

3. Defective
NTC interface YES Replace the main circuit
on main circuit board.

Resetting is done by opening/closeing the door to the dryer and pressing the start button
Software version 3.20: Resetting by pushing the start button twice.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 18 - Output sensor disconnected

Error description
This error is displayed when the outlet NTC sensor is disconnected or indicates less than
12°C (54°F) after 2 min. of dryer operation.
However, if the sensor is disconnected during operation the error is displayed immediately.

Error analysis

Measure the resistance on

1. Defective NTC the NTC sensor between YES
Go to step 2.
sensor/harness? P18-3 and P18-4 on main
circuit board.
Is the resistance between NO Replace NTC sensor
100 kΩ and 120 kΩ at or harness.
20°C (68°F)? (Section 27)

2. Has the heating YES Replace fuse or

Electric heated been insufficient due repair heating unit.
dryers only to blown fuse or other
reasons? NO
Go to step 3.

3. Defective
NTC interface
on main circuit
board. Replace

4. Does the installation

Steam heated
have the requisite steam
dryers only pressure?

Resetting is done by opening/closeing the door to the dryer and pressing the start button
Software version 3.20: Resetting by pushing the start button twice.

32 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 19 - Option, not in use

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 20 - CMIS out of operation

Error description
This error is displayed if the dryer is put out of order in the CMIS program.

Error analysis
See separate manual.

34 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 21 - CMIS, com board polling error (warning)

Error description
This error is displayed if the dryer is connected in a CMIS system and the PC does not
communicate with the dryer (no polling) within 10 sec (time out factory setting). The error
is displayed the 10 first times the dryer is started and after this it will not reappear.
Note! This is a warning and the dryer will operate even though the error has been
Error analysis


been started on Go to step 2.
the PC?

Start the CMIS

NO program on the PC
which is connected
to the ELS Network.

2. Has the ELS YES

Go to step 3.
Network been
correctly. NO Mount the ELS
RX must flash Network cables

Make an error
3. Has the ELS
YES diagnosis in the
Network been
CMIS system.
set up corrctly
reg. Baud rate,
addresses and
time out. An NO Adjust parameters
address cannot 4.07, 4 08, 4 09.
be used twice.

487 0329 31
12 12. Error codes manual

E 22 - LM10, com board polling error

Error description
This error is displayed if the dryer is connected in a LM10 system and the PC does not
communicate with the dryer (no polling) within 90 sec (time out factory setting).
The error can only be removed, if communiction is re-established.
Note! It is not possible to use the dryer, however, it can be done by means of the “free of
charge key”.
Error analysis

1. Has LM10 Go to step 2.
been started?

NO Start the LM10

which is connected
to the ELS Network

2. Has the Go to step 3.
ELS Network
been conneted
correctly. NO Mount the ELS
RX must flash Network cables

3. Has the ELS Make an error

Network been YES
diagnosis in the
set up corrctly LM10 system.
reg. Baud rate,
addresses and
time out. An
NO Mount the ELS
address cannot Network cables
be used twice. correctly

36 487 0329 31
manual 12. Error codes 12

E 99 - Communication error
Error description
This error occurs when the user module circuit board does not communicate with the
main circuit board via their serial interface.
This error is registered in the error log.

Software version 3.20: This error does not get registered in the error log.
Error analysis

1. Is the Go to step 2.
between the
user module
and the main NO Establish the
circuit board connection.

2. Replace the
main circuit
board or the
user module
circuit board.

Resetting is done by either disconnecting the power or by entering the programming
mode. How to enter the programming mode see section 3.

487 0329 31

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