Silenciamiento de Martilleo en Un Sistema de Condesamiento

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Silencing hammering in a

condenser system
Detailed analysis leading to correct diagnosis meant that only minor equipment
changes were needed to cure severe hammering in a naphtha splitter

Henry Kister Fluor

Casey Mueller and Matt Gunn HollyFrontier

looded condensers are, and are likely to March 2015, with no further hammering to date,
remain, the prime tower pressure control and experiencing smoother operation.
methods for total condensers generating liq- This article describes our investigation and our
uid product only. The principles of these methods solution.
had been described in the literature more than
60 years ago, yet these methods continue to rank Background
among the most troublesome distillation con- The HollyFrontier naphtha splitter had been
trols. Good understanding of the principles and installed to help the Cheyenne refinery comply
learning from experience is the key to avoiding with the requirements of the MSATII rule for
potential traps and improving operation for the benzene in gasoline by removing benzene pre-
industry. This article describes a recent experi- cursors in the feed to the naphtha reformer (a
ence solving a problem that, until now, has been UOP Platformer). The tower was started up in
unknown and poorly understood in the industry. February 2014.
In its first year in operation, a naphtha split-
ter experienced intermittent hammering in the Process description
line from the tower overhead flooded condenser Figure 1 shows the HollyFrontier naphtha split-
to the reflux drum. The problem occurred at ter. Process conditions shown are those at 10:30
cold condenser outlet temperatures. In some of pm on 10 November 2014, just prior to the inci-
the episodes, the hammering was severe, open- dent described below. Feed to the tower is naph-
ing a flange and causing damage to a valve and a tha hydrotreater (NHT) debutaniser bottoms.
thermocouple. This feed is preheated to 290°F by exchange
Fluor, which was not involved in the original with the tower bottoms. The preheated feed then
design, was requested to join the HollyFrontier enters the 9ft ID, 70-tray naphtha splitter. The
task force investigating the hammering incidents. tower separates a light naphtha overhead prod-
Our task force identified the large open slots uct from a heavy naphtha bottom product. The
at the top of the reflux drum dip pipe as a likely tower is reboiled by a fired heater. Tower bot-
root cause. We also identified total closure of the toms are pumped through the feed preheaters, an
tower overhead pressure control valve as another air cooler and a sulphur sorber to the Platformer.
potential source of hammering. Tower overhead vapour at 217°F is condensed by
Based on this diagnosis, we blanked the slots an air condenser, which is a total condenser (no
near the top of the dip pipe and added a DCS vapour product), and the condensate flows into
clamp on the overhead pressure control valve the reflux drum. From the drum, most of the con-
that prevents the valve from closing to less than densate is returned to the tower as reflux, and the
20%. HollyFrontier also emphasised in its oper- rest is pumped to storage via an air cooler.
ator training the importance of keeping tight Tower pressure is controlled at about 29 psig
control of the condenser outlet temperature at using a control valve in the tower overhead line
180°F. The column was returned to service in to the air condenser. There is a bypass around Revamps 2017 1

150000 lb/h PIC



Naphtha splitter 150000 lb/h

10000 lb/h 168ºF


140000 lb/h 20000 lb/h
290ºF 179ºF 105ºF
From Light naphtha
debutaniser to storage
100000 lb/h 348ºF TIC

80000 lb/h
227ºF 329ºF
VH FIC Sulphur sorber
Fuel gas

Heavy naphtha
to platformer

Figure 1 Naphtha splitter process scheme at beginning of incident

the condenser with a control valve that is manip- bypass line is closed, the pressure in the drum
ulated by the differential pressure between the will be the vapour pressure of the condensate liq-
tower and the reflux drum, kept at 5-10 psi. uid. When the condensate is near its boiling point
The condensate line leaving the condenser (no subcooling), the drum pressure will be much
enters at the top of the reflux drum and is the same pressure as the pressure at the con-
extended inside the drum by a dip pipe that denser outlet. In contrast, when the condensate
takes the condensate to near the bottom of the is subcooled, its vapour pressure may be much
drum. To raise tower pressure, the pressure con- lower, typically by about 0.4 psi/°F of subcool-
trol valve in the vapour line to the condenser is ing in naphtha splitters. The hot vapour bypass
throttled. This reduces the pressure in the con- (HVB) line and valve prevent the drum pressure
denser, which in turn reduces the delta T (tem- from falling too low. When condensate subcool-
perature difference between the condensing ing causes the pressure difference between the
side and the cooling side) and also sucks liquid tower and the drum to rise, the HVB valve opens
back from the drum. This liquid floods some and diverts additional hot vapour to the drum.
of the condenser tubes, which reduces its con- The hot vapour warms up the drum liquid sur-
densation area, in turn reducing condensation, face, making the drum pressure equal to the
causing the tower pressure to rise. Conversely, vapour pressure of this warmed-up liquid surface
opening the pressure valve lowers the conden- (which is warmer than the subcooled bulk liq-
sate level, exposing more condenser tube area uid). Process liquids are good thermal insulators,
for condensation, and also raises the condenser so, as long as the subcooled liquid does not reach
pressure, which improves its delta T. Both the surface in excessive or fluctuating quantities,
increase the condensation rate and lower tower the surface temperature will remain steady and
pressure. warm enough to sustain the differential pressure
The condenser bypass line helps keep up the set by the dP controller. A detailed discussion is
pressure in the reflux drum. If the valve in the included in Reference 1.

2 Revamps 2017

Focus on the condenser and
reflux drum Air condensers
Because the hammering 16in overhead
PCV vapour line
occurred between the condenser
and the reflux drum, this area
was the focus of our investiga-
tion. Figure 2 shows the physical
layout of the piping from the air
condensers to the reflux drum.
10in hot vapour bypass
Both the vapour and condensate
lines descend to the drum with
no pockets according to good
design practices.1
Figure 3 shows the reflux
3in syphon
drum. The drum is a 6.5ft ID x 12in
20ft tangent to tangent horizon-
tal drum. Condensate enters the
drum via the 12in nozzle on the
top right hand side of the drum
shown in Figure 3. This nozzle is
equipped with a dip pipe, shown
in detail in Figure 4. Condensate
leaves the drum via the 8in noz- Reflux drum
zle at the bottom left of the drum
in Figure 3. The vapour bypass Figure 2 Layout of the naphtha splitter condenser and reflux drum piping
around the drum enters via a
10in nozzle at the top left of the
drum in Figure 3.
20 feet
Figure 4 shows a close-up of
the dip pipe. The pipe termi- 10 in HVB 4 in vent 12 in liquid in
nates 1ft above the bottom of and relief
the drum. The bottom of the
dip pipe is open. The dip pipe
is equipped with four 2in wide 78 in 60 in Dip pipe
x 12in long slots, starting 6in
below the top of the drum, and
continuing to 18in below the top 12 in
of the drum.
During the design of the naph- 8 in liquid out
tha splitter, a concern was raised
that non-condensables can be Figure 3 Naphtha splitter reflux drum
present in the column feed at
times. The upstream debutaniser may occasion- slots compared to the area of the opening at
ally lose reboil, resulting in light ends (butanes the bottom of the dip pipe. The slot area is
and lighter) being present in the feed to the 96 sq in, while that of the opening at the bot-
naphtha splitter. During such events it was envi- tom of the pipe is only slightly higher, 113 sq in.
sioned that these light ends would need to be The middle of the slots is 4.5ft above the bottom
vented from the overhead accumulator; accord- of the pipe. When the drum level is about 50%,
ingly, slots were added to the dip tube to allow the additional head acting on the bottom of the
vapours to disengage from the liquid at the outlet pipe is about 2.25ft higher than that acting on the
of the condenser. slots. The total liquid head acting on the slots is
Emphasised in Figure 4 are the areas of the about 16ft, compared to a head of about 18ft act- Revamps 2017 3

ing on the bottom of the pipe. sodes occurred prior to the
With the liquid heads being November 2014 shutdown. In
close, the liquid split between 6 in
these incidents, the plant experi-
the slots and the pipe bottom enced condenser outlet temper-
will roughly follow the opening Slot ature swings of 40-50°F, once
12 in×2 in
areas, 46% through the slots, falling from 170°F to 100°F in
54% through the bottom of the internal two minutes. Drum liquid tem-
pipe. That is without considering dia 78 in perature would drop by up to
any vapour pressure effects. Dip pipe 20°F. At times, the line from the
condenser to the drum heated
Operating experience up.
The naphtha splitter was started 12 in Even at periods of no ham-
up in February 2014. It has been mering, the tower overhead sys-
operating at rates close to those 4 slots tem appeared to experience
at 90º
shown in Figure 1. These rates frequent instability.
are below the future design rates Following the November 2014
Slot area = 4 ×12 in ×2 in = 96 sq in
of the system. Tube cross-section area = naphtha splitter shutdown,
In its first year in opera- π×122/4 = 113 sq in Holly-Frontier requested Fluor,
tion, intermittent hammering who was not involved in the
occurred in the line from the Figure 4 Naphtha splitter reflux drum original design but has wide dis-
overhead condenser to the reflux dip pipe tillation expertise, to join its task
drum. The problem was first force investigating the hammer-
observed following the February 2014 start-up, ing incidents, with the objective of implement-
and occurred at cold condenser outlet temper- ing a solution prior to restart. Based on a review
atures. No hammering was observed when the of the system, an event timing analysis, and con-
condenser outlet temperature exceeded 170°F. ducting a comparative analysis using previous
The hammering was alleviated by tuning the experiences with which Fluor has familiarity,
condenser outlet temperature controller (which the task force identified the problem and imple-
adjusts the speed of the fans motors) to avoid mented a solution.
rapid changes in condenser outlet temperature.
There were two incidents where the hammer- Event timing analysis
ing was particularly severe. During an outage in Event timing analysis was applied to an inci-
the summer of 2014, an effort was made to oper- dent in which tower feed was lost between 10:30
ate the tower at total reflux; however, some light pm and 11:20 pm on 10 November 2014. During
naphtha product was still drawn. This resulted this period, the tower feed rate dropped from
in heavier tower naphtha with overhead temper- 100 000 lb/h at 10:30 pm to 42 000 lb/h at 10:45
ature reaching 300°F (normally 217°F). When pm, reaching zero at 11:10 pm. Hammering in the
the reboiler was shut down, the tower pressure aftermath of this incident later that night became
appeared to collapse. The result was such strong so severe that it broke the condenser outlet tem-
hammering in the overhead line that flanges perature indicator.
opened and the handle of one of the 6in valves at The key parameter emerging from the event
the condenser outlet came off. timing analysis was the tower overhead flow rate
A second strong hammering incident occurred to the condenser, which was calculated from the
during an outage on a cold night on 10 November pressure control valve opening. The variation of
2014. Again, the hammering followed the shut- this flow rate is represented in Figure 5.
down of the reboiler. In this incident, the ham- Between 10:30 pm and 10:45 pm, while the
mering damaged the thermocouple used to feed rate dropped from 100 000 to 42 000 lb/h,
control the air condenser fans. A decision was the bottom level held constant at 55%, and the
made to not restart the column until a solution to bottom flow rate dropped from 80 000 lb/h to
the hammering problem could be implemented. 61 000 lb/h. The reboiler duty was constant with
In addition to these two strong hammering the fuel gas rate to the reboiler at 40 000 stand-
incidents, a number of smaller hammering epi- ard cu ft/h.

4 Revamps 2017

The much larger reduc-
tion in feed rate compared to
the bottom flow rate led to

Overhead vapour rate

increased heating of the feed

1000s lb/h
in the preheater, with the pre-
heater outlet temperature ris-
ing from 290°F to 304°F. This
led to more vaporisation in 60

the feed and more tower over- 40

head vapour. Based on the 20

overhead control valve open- 0

22:19 22:33 22:48 23:02 23:16 23:31
ing, the tower overhead flow Time on 10 Nov 2014, h:m
rate rose from 150 000 lb/h at
10:30 pm to a peak of 157 000 Figure 5 Tower overhead vapour rate during the event
lb/h at 10:45 pm.
Over the next 10 minutes,
the fuel gas flow to the reboiler
Number of unflooded rows of

dropped from 40 000 stand- 2.5

tubes in condenser

ard cu ft/h to zero, leading to a

decline in tower temperatures. 2.0
The tower overhead vapour
flow rate plunged. Based on the
overhead control valve open- 1.0
ing, the tower overhead flow
rate declined to 123 000 lb/h 0.5
by 11:00 pm and to 98 000 lb/h
by 11:10 pm. Boil-up stopped 22:19 22:33 22:48 23:02 23:16 23:31
and the bottom and distillate Time on 10 Nov 2014, h:m
flow rates dropped to near zero.
Instability set in at about 11:10 Figure 6 Number of unflooded tube rows in the condenser
pm. Tray temperatures dived,
the condenser outlet temperature swung approx- The condenser design case shown on the rat-
imately 30°F peak to valley every 2-3 minutes, ing sheet has the splitter overhead temperature
and with it the differential pressure between the at 192°F, about 25°F colder than the splitter over-
tower overhead and the reflux drum swung 4-8 head temperature of about 217°F at the begin-
psi peak to valley. By 11:20 pm, the tower over- ning of the 10 November 2014 event. Assuming
head flow rate declined to 62 000 lb/h with the the tower overhead is fully condensed at about
swings continuing. 180°F (approximately the reflux temperature at
the beginning of the event), the design case uti-
Condenser performance during the event lises about 93% of the condenser area for con-
The overhead air condenser has two bays, each densing, and the remaining 7% for sub-cooling.
bay containing 238 34ft long 1in OD finned two- The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) for
pass tubes arranged in four rows. The total bare the condenser design rating sheet was 55°F.
tube area is 4240 sq ft. The tubes are sloped at The condenser design rating sheet is based
0.125in/ft, in accordance with good design prac- on a summer air inlet temperature of 95°F. On
tice. There are two fans per bay. The condenser 10 November, the ambient air temperature in
outlet temperature controller manipulates the Cheyenne was 10°F. With air temperature this
speed of the motor of one fan per bay. The other cold, two of the four fans would normally be
fan for each bay is on an on/off control mode. turned off; the others have variable speed drives
There are also louvres that can be manually used for control. So the air flow would be approx-
adjusted to help maintain the desired condenser imately half the design rate, possibly even less.
outlet temperature. Even with two fans off, we estimated the LMTD Revamps 2017 5

two preceding paragraphs above
30 is not realistic. It is based on
an assumption that, on a cold
Condenser duty, night like 10 November, about
20 half the normal air flow ascends
MM Btu/h

through the air cooler. In real-

15 ity, however, the condenser out-
let temperature control and
the operating crew will keep on
5 reducing the speed of the two
operating air condenser fans to
0 maintain the subcool (as meas-
22:19 22:33 22:48 23:02 23:16 23:31
Time on 10 Nov 2014, h:m ured by the condenser outlet
temperature) the same. Because
Figure 7 Condenser duty during the event subcooling increases as tubes
flood, the control and operators
will act to keep the liquid level
190 at the air cooler constant. This
Condenser outlet and reflux

180 also means keeping the num-

170 ber of unflooded tubes close to
temperature, ºF

160 4. It does not take much to sub-

150 cool the liquid. We estimate
that flooding less than 0.1 row
of tubes will give a subcool of
10°F, even at design (summer)
Reflux temperature conditions. With the cold air on
Condenser outlet temperature the night of 10 November, less
22:19 22:33 22:48 23:02 23:16 23:31 flooding than this will easily give
Time on 10 Nov 2014, h:m 10°F subcool.
The only levers that opera-
Figure 8 Condenser outlet temperature during the event tors can pull are the fan speeds
and louvre openings. As the
to be about twice the design, around 100°F. This air gets colder and the duty declines, the oper-
means that the condenser area utilised for con- ators would reduce fan speeds. The plant sel-
densation would be half or less the available con- dom manipulates the louvres to reduce air flow
denser tubes area. Half the tubes would then be (rightly so) as this is an awkward way of con-
flooded. In the flooded area, the high delta T will trolling air condensers and can cause damage
give tremendous subcool. to the louvres. However, even if the operators
Figure 6 shows our estimate of the number of turn off all fans, and even if they close all lou-
unflooded tubes (those that perform condensa- vres, there would be a draft coming through the
tion) during the event. When this number is 4, air condensers. If the louvres are left open, this
the condenser area is fully utilised for condens- draft will be quite strong. Figure 7 shows that
ing, and the subcooling area is minimal. Figure 6 before 11:00 pm on 10 November, there would
shows that at the beginning of the 10 November have been quite a good condenser duty, and
event (10:30 pm until about 10:50 pm), there was normal fan manipulation would have kept the
little change in the number of unflooded tubes. subcool under control with condenser outlet
After this, however, there was a rapid decline, temperature of about 170°F. At about 11:10 pm,
with one row of tubes becoming submerged in the condenser duty dropped to just over half of
liquid every 20 minutes or so. By 11:20 pm, the the duty at 10:30 pm (see Figure 7), and kept on
number of unflooded rows of tubes would decline dropping as the reboil was stopped. With that
to approximately 0.7. rapid a decline in reboiler duty, it became diffi-
The scenario described in Figure 6 and in the cult, if not impossible, to contain the subcooling,

6 Revamps 2017

and the condenser outlet temperature dropped sure 22 psi less than the drum pressure. The
precipitously as can be seen in Figure 8. drum pressure at 11:00 pm was steady at about
The liquid head between the condenser level 17 psig, in equilibrium with the liquid in the
and the middle of the slots in the reflux drum dip drum. By 11:10 pm, the vapour pressure of liq-
pipe is approximately 16ft, equivalent to 4.2 psi. uid in the pipe dropped to about 10 psia. This
The naphtha vapour pressure changes about 0.4 cold liquid exerted a strong suction on the drum
psi/°F. Accordingly, as long as the subcooling is vapour, much higher than the liquid head in the
less than about 11°F (= 4.2/0.4), the liquid head pipe. Therefore, instead of the liquid from the
will exceed the difference in vapour pressures pipe pouring into the drum vapour space, this
and there will be flow from the tube out. At larger huge suction sucked vapour into the pipe. The
subcool, the difference between the drum pres- dew point vapour from the drum rapidly col-
sure and the vapour pressure of the liquid in the lapsed onto the subcooled liquid, causing the
dip pipe will exceed the liquid head, generating hammering.
a potential for vapour backflow from the drum Had the slot area of the dip pipe been small
into the dip pipe. Initially, the momentum of liq- compared to the open area at the bottom of the
uid exiting the slots as well as suction of some pipe, the quantity of vapour that was sucked into
liquid from the bottom of the drum to the slots the slots would have been less significant, result-
will prevent the back flow. However, as subcool- ing in minimal or no hammering. However, here
ing intensifies, the driving force (pressure differ- the slot area was large, about 85% of the tube
ence between the drum pressure and the vapour bottom area, so with high subcool, the suction
pressure of the subcooled liquid) will increase. could not match the vapour pressure difference.
Eventually, a point will be reached when the driv- Based on the above analysis, the key to preven-
ing force will be large enough to overcome the liq- tion of further hammering incidents is blanking
uid head, and induce backflow of vapour from the the slots in the dip pipe and/or limiting the sub-
drum into the dip pipe. This dew point vapour cool. Limiting the subcool can be readily achieved
will collapse onto the subcooled liquid in the con- during normal operation, but may not be achiev-
densate pipe. When this vapour collapse occurs in able during start-ups/shutdowns.
the confines of the pipe, hammering will result.
The vapour backflow may heat up the condensate Pressure control valve closure
pipe, as was observed during some of the ham- Complete closure of the tower overhead pressure
mering incidents. control valve has been responsible for a number
Figure 8 shows that until about 10:50 pm, of severe hammering incidents such as Case 28.6
there was a constant but low degree of subcool. in Reference 2. If this valve fully closes, the cold
Assuming the tower overhead is fully condensed air (especially during low rate operation and/
at about 180°F (approximately the reflux temper- or winter time) will quickly condense the small
ature at the beginning of the 10 November 2014 amount of vapour present downstream of the
event), this subcool was about 10°F. The hydrau- valve. The condenser pressure will immediately
lic head exceeded the vapour pressure difference, drop, and may go into vacuum, causing liquid to
so flow was from the slots in the dip pipe into the be rapidly sucked from the accumulator drum.
drum. Between 10:50 pm and 11:00 pm, there The rushing liquid will bang against any objects
was a 15°F drop in the condenser outlet tempera- in its path, producing a severe liquid hammer.
ture, raising the subcool to 25°F. At this subcool, Figure 9 is a plot of the naphtha splitter tower
there was a 10 psi pressure difference between overhead pressure controller output throughout
the drum pressure and the vapour pressure of the the event. The diagram shows that, at the lowest
subcooled liquid, exceeding the head difference. signal, the valve output was 38% which coincides
However, from the plant charts it appears that with an overhead vapour flow rate of 62 000
this was not enough to initiate backflow of vapour lb/h. A review of the operating charts during the
from the drum to the dip pipe, as no hammering hammering incident, throughout the night (until
occurred. 4:30 am on 11 November), shows that the small-
From 11:00 pm to 11:10 pm, the condenser est valve opening recorded during this event was
outlet temperature dropped by another 29°F, again 35%. We therefore conclude that during the
generating a subcooled liquid with a vapour pres- analysed event and the severe hammering that Revamps 2017 7

90 The operators noticed that

Condenser valve output, %

since the restart the system has
operated much more smoothly.
This too resulted from blanking
the slots in the dip pipe. Prior
to their blanking, the slots in
the dip pipe poured subcooled
liquid onto the liquid surface
in the drum. This cold liquid
reduced the vapour pressure in
22:19 22:33 22:48 23:02 23:16 23:31
the drum. The amount of liquid
Time on 10 Nov 2014, h:m pouring out of the slots was vari-
able, changing with the pressure
Figure 9 Condenser valve output during the event controller actions. The degree of
subcool, therefore, would also
followed and damaged the thermocouple, the vary. Varying amounts of subcooled liquid hitting
control valve did not get anywhere near total clo- the drum hot liquid surface would cause fluctua-
sure, so this mechanism did not contribute to the tions to the drum pressure and therefore desta-
observed hammering on 10 and 11 November. bilise the system. Closing the slots stabilised the
The observation that the overhead valve was drum surface temperature and vapour pressure
kept away from closure probably resulted from and therefore the drum pressure.
good operation of the overhead condenser, where
operators switch off fans and minimise fan speed Conclusion
during the low rates and cold weather. However, Our experience teaches that when it comes to
although valve closure did not occur in these flooded condensers, “the devil is in the detail”.
cases, it does not preclude the possibility of an Adhering to good design practices, such as those
event in which the overhead valve will attempt described in Reference 1, is a must. However,
to close fully during cold weather. We therefore there are new things that we learn even in this
added a DCS clamp that will prohibit the valve well-established science, and experience is the
from reaching full closure. best teacher. Event-timing analysis is a pow-
erful tool for analysing and acquiring the
Post-revamp operation understanding that would pave the way for diag-
Based on our joint task force review, we blanked nosing flooded condenser control problems.
the slots near the top of the dip pipe and added With a correct diagnosis, minor equipment
a DCS clamp on the overhead pressure control changes at negligible cost are often suffi-
valve that does not allow the valve to close to less cient to provide total solutions and to reinstate
than 20%. HollyFrontier also emphasised in its trouble-free operation.
operator training the importance of keeping tight
control of the condenser outlet temperature at
180°F. 1 Kister H Z, Flooded condenser controls – principles and
The column was returned to service on 12 troubleshooting, Chemical Engineering, 37, Jan 2016.
March 2015 and operated continuously until 13 2 Kister H Z, Distillation Troubleshooting, Wiley – Interscience,
May, when it was again shut down due to a refin- Hoboken, New Jersey, 2006.
ery maintenance outage. It has been restarted
and shut down on a number of occasions since
then. No further hammering has occurred during Henry Z Kister is a Fluor Corp. Senior Fellow and Director of
normal operation nor during any of the start-up/ Fractionation Technology. He has over 30 years’ experience in
shutdown events, even though condenser outlet design, troubleshooting, revamping, field consulting, control
and start-up of fractionation processes and equipment. He is
temperatures were as low as 100°F, and even less
the author of three books, the distillation equipment chapter
during start-ups and shutdowns. During normal
in Perry’s Handbook, over 100 articles, and has taught the
operation, the condenser outlet temperature is IChemE-sponsored “Practical Distillation Technology” course
always kept close to 180°F. close to 500 times in 26 countries.

8 Revamps 2017

Casey Mueller is a an Engineering Specialist with HollyFrontier
at its refinery in Cheyenne, Wyoming. With 38 years’ experience
in the refining and petrochemical industries, he has served in a More articles from: Fluor
variety of management and technical roles.
More articles from the following categories:
Matt Gunn is the Operations Manager at HollyFrontier’s Crude and Vacuum Units
Woods Cross refinery. He has 13 years’ experience in process Mass Transfer
engineering and operation positions. Revamps 2017 9

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