Tsp09265 Ex ECU Issue 9

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TSP09265 Issue 9
TITLE : Explosion Proof
ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
Test & Setting Procedure SHEET : 1 of 20

ISSUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

FORM G26820A A28508/F A28687 A29572 A31113 A31299D A32166

DATE 27/01/00 03/03/00 06/06/00 04/05/01 14/06/02 15/01/03 07/08/03

ISSUE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

FORM A51136 A52250

DATE 05/04/04 16/01/06

The purpose of this document is to provide a test procedure for

configuring and testing the EEx’d’ Electronic Control Unit. It covers
the complete system, capable of driving up to two fluid control
valves, via analogue inputs or high speed Device Net datalink.

This test procedure must only be used for testing

CT94599/01..02..03..04 or CT94599A/01..02..03..04 units.

Document Location : l/682/hzmann/Test_Procedures


G H Davies J. Deogan P Wilkes J. Biggerstaff

DRAWING No. TSP09265 Issue 9
TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
Test & Setting Procedure SHEET : 2 of 21

1.0 Introduction

The EEx’d’ ECU controls up to two gas control valves by measuring all the fluid
properties before and after each valve. A fluid flow demand (or position) is
requested by the host control system via a high speed two wire multi-drop device
network or by analogue inputs.

This test procedure has a dual purpose. It is used by the test department at the
factory (INTERNAL) to calibrate and test new units. In addition to this, field
personnel must use this procedure to re-commission systems that are updated in
the field.

The diagram overleaf details the sections that should be followed by the test
facility at the factory. It also details the sections that must be followed by the site
DRAWING No. TSP09265 Issue 9
TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
Test & Setting Procedure SHEET : 3 of 21

Section 1 & 2


Section 3 - Test Equipment Section 4 - Test Equipment

Section 5 - Pre-test Acceptance

Section 6 - Pre-test Sequence

Section 7 - ECU Test Sequence

Section 8 - Firmware Software Loading

Section 10 - ECU Current Drive Operation

Section 11 - Device Net Connection Section 9 - Checking Software Versions

Section 12 - Analogue Input Calibration

Section 13 & 14 - Analogue Output Calibration

Section 15 - Digital Inputs

Section 16 - Digital Outputs

Section 17 - ECU Error Status

Section 18 - Frequency Inputs Section 21 - Digital Outputs

Section 19 - User Program Software Loading

Section 20 - ECU Type Configuration

Section 22 - Selecting The PWM Frequency

Section 23 - Calibration of the PWM Drive Signal

Section 24 - Calibration of the Actuator Feedback

Section 25 - APU Gain Setting & Error Signal

Section 26 - Actuator Feedback

Section 27 - Gas Fuel Valve Type Selection

Section 28 - Gen. Commissioning Settings 6

Section 29 - Heat Input Range Setting
Section 31 - Complete Test Documentation
Section 32 - Calibration Completed


DRAWING No. TSP09265 Issue 9
TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
Test & Setting Procedure SHEET : 4 of 21


To ensure that the EEx’d’ ECU is configured and tested correctly to meet the
units design criteria.

2.0 Related Documentation

2.1 Ensure that this TSP and Issue number are appropriate to the unit being
tested, as specified by the Test Procedure Specification tables
2.2 Drawing Number CT94599 sheet 1 - Explosion Proof Electronic Control Unit
Schematic Diagram - should be used as the main unit schematic.
2.3 Reference should be made to the DC Desk Manual - CT94414

3.0 Test Equipment - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

3.1 10 amp power supply (0-30 volts) with grounded 0 volt line.
3.2 Multimeter.
3.3 VGV coil simulator and feedback unit.
3.4 One 10k Ohm variable potentiometer or milliamp source.
3.5 Frequency generator
3.6 Actuator - 64/62002177/1.
3.7 Personal Computer (PC) operating Windows 3.1 or higher and DC Desk
software via serial link.
3.8 RS232/RS485 Converter CT94344/01 with 9 way D-type RS232 lead.
3.9 Allen Bradley SLC500 PLC with CPU and 1747 scanner programmed to
read/write data in correct packet format.
3.10 Flash memory reload card CT95200/01 which has an EPROM pre-loaded 9
with Helenos V3 User 07.02.01 (Use with TSP09289 issue 3).

4.0 Test Equipment - Site Installations Only

4.1 Personal Computer (PC) operating Windows 3.1 or higher and DC Desk
software via serial link.
4.2 Commissioning cable CT94692
4.3 Multimeter.
4.4 One 10k Ohm variable potentiometer or milliamp source.
4.5 Flash memory reload card CT95200/01 which has an EPROM pre-loaded 9
with Helenos V3 User 07.02.01 (Use with TSP09289 issue 3)..
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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5.0 Pre-test Acceptance - INTERNAL Test Facility Only.

5.1 Visually check the unit for a neat installation.
5.2 Check that all terminals have been correctly torqued and numbered.
5.3 Ensure that the box closes easily without any obstructions from within.
5.4 Check that the packet of Copper Grease and remainder of the hex socket
screws have been supplied within the box.
5.5 Check that no construction debris has been left behind (swarf, cable
trimming etc.)

6.0 Pre-test Sequence - INTERNAL Test Facility Only.

6.1 Point to point check the unit to CT94599 sheet 1.
6.2 Check that fuses F1, F2 & F3 are of the correct rating.
6.3 Connect the power supply to fuses F1, F2 & F3.
6.4 Connect the Device Net cables to terminals 54 (Blue) and 28 (White).
6.5 Connect the RS232/RS485 converter as per CT94199 sheet 2.

7.0 Test Sequence - ECU - INTERNAL Test Facility Only.

7.1 Remove the ECU cover and store safely.
7.2 Power up the ECU only by closing fuse F3.
7.3 Check that the green power on LED on the ECU illuminates.
7.4 Check that the voltage on terminal 78 with respect to terminal 32 is between
4.5 to 5.5 volts - if the measured voltage is not within the specification, then
check ECU terminal 3 with respect to terminal 38 - if the voltage is still not
within specification I.R. the ECU.
7.5 Power down the ECU.
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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8.0 Firmware Software Loading - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

8.1 Use TSP09289 Issue 2 to load the current bootloader software. 4
8.2 Start DC_DESK and connect the program to the ECU, using F4
8.3 From the ‘File’ menu, select ‘Program to Governor’, follow the instructions
on the PC to load core software dc2315.dwn. 5

9.0 Checking The Software Versions - Site Installations Only

9.1 Check the software bootloader version. Measured value 3845 7
SERIAL_NUMBER should have the value 3xxxx (where xxxx are the last four
digits before the –2120 on the ECU serial number label). If this is not the case,
then the unit may need re-loading with the latest Bootloader software using
part number CT95200/01 with EPROM Helenos V3 User 07.02.01 and 9
TSP09289. Contact Technology Systems for advice.
9.2 Using DC Desk, locate the following parameters from the ‘Measurements’

3842 SOFTWARE_VERSION Should read 2315 9

3843 USER_SOFTW_VERSION Should read 17

9.3 Ensure that the parameters above match those shown, if they do not, follow 5
sections 8, 19 & 20, to download the updated core and user programs and
configure for fuel type.

10.0 ECU Current Drive Operation - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

10.1 Connect a milliamp source to terminal 63 (+ve) and terminal 32 (-ve)
10.2 Vary the source from 0 to 20 milliamps - check that the value of 3950
FEEDBACK varies from 0 to 65535.
10.3 Connect coil 1 of the drive coil simulator to terminals 52 and 26.
10.4 Set parameter 1700 POSITIONER_SETPOINT to 50%, set function 5700
POSITIONER_ON to ‘1’ and ensure that functions 5900 AMPLIFIER_ON
and 5910 ACTUATOR _ON are both ‘1’.
10.5 Monitor measured value 2300 ACT_POS, this is controlled by the milliamps
source, set the milliamp source so that 2300 ACT_POS is 50% - check that
the current in the coil simulator is 0 amps.
10.6 Vary the milliamps level to change the value of 2300 ACT_POS to below
and above 50%, check that the coil simulator increases in level either side
of the 50% position (approximately +/- 4 amps).
10.7 When completed, set functions 5910 ACTUATOR_ON and 5700
POSITIONER_ON both to ‘0’.
10.8 Save the ECU parameters (F6), power down and remove the coil simulator .
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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11.0 Device Net Connection - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

11.1 Ensure that the PLC scanner is correctly configured for the test (i.e. 2 bytes
to read, 2 bytes to write).
11.2 Set the ECU parameters as listed in the table below, save the ECU
parameters (F6), disconnect (F5), reset and re-connect (F4).
11.3 With the PLC connected and powered on in the RUN mode, check that the
PLC scanner display reads a steady ‘00’ and that both status LED’s are
11.4 When completed, return parameters 7600 DEVNET_PROD_TAB(0) and
7700 DEVNET_CONS_TAB(0) to zero - save the ECU parameters (F6),
disconnect (F5), reset and re-connect (F4).

Parameter Parameter Name Value

7600 DEVNET_PROD_TAB(0) 1700
7700 DEVNET_CONS_TAB(0) 1701
1855 CAN_ACCEPTANCE_CODE 131 (83 Hex)
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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12.0 Analogue Input Calibration - INTERNAL Test Facility & Site

12.1 Set functions 5502 ADC8_ON_FEEDB_OFF and 5503
ADC7_ON_CURRENT_OFF both to ‘1’. Save the ECU parameters (F6),
reset the ECU and reconnect (F4).
12.2 Connect the milliamp source to terminal 43 (+) and terminal 32 (-).
12.3 Set the current in the loop to 3 mA. Set 1510 ADC1_REFERENCE_LOW
to the value of 3511 ADC1_VALUE.
12.4 Set the current in the loop to 21 mA. Set 1511 ADC1_REFERENCE_HIGH
to the value of 3511 ADC1_VALUE.
12.5 Set the current in the loop to 4, 12 and 20 mA - check that the value of
3510 ADC1 is 5.6, 50 and 94.4% respectively (to within 0.4%). 6
12.6 Save the ECU parameters (F6).
12.7 Repeat sections 12.2 to 12.6 using the table below (Where xx represents
the analogue input number):-


ADCxx_REFERENCE_LOW 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580
ADCxx_REFERENCE_HIGH 1511 1521 1531 1541 1551 1561 1571 1581
ADCxx_VALUE 3511 3521 3531 3541 3551 3561 3571 3581
ADCxx 3510 3520 3530 3540 3550 3560 3570 3580
Connect positive mA to 43 44 40 41 42 62 45 63
Connect negative mA 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
to terminal
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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13.0 Analogue Outputs (current) - INTERNAL Test Facility & Site

13.1 Connect a milliameter to DAC1 on terminals 61 (+) and 35 (-) or into the
current loop if in the field (ensure that the field load is present).
13.2 Note the setting of parameter 1640 ANALOG_OUT1.
13.3 Change the value of parameter of 1640 ANALOG_OUT1 to 1700.
13.4 Set parameter 1700 POSITIONER_SETPOINT to zero.
13.5 Adjust parameter 1641 ANALOG_OUT1_REF_LOW until the meter reads
4mA (to within 0.1 mA). 4
13.6 Set parameter 1700 POSITIONER_SETPOINT to 100%.
13.7 Adjust parameter 1642 ANALOG_OUT1_REF_HIGH until the meter reads
20mA (to within 0.1 mA).
13.8 Repeat sections 13.4 to 13.7 demanding 0 and 100% on parameter 1700
POSITIONER_SETPOINT giving 4 to 20 mA on the output.
13.9 Reset parameter 1640 ANALOG_OUT1 to the value noted in 13.2.
13.10 Save the parameters to the ECU using F6.
13.11 For DAC2, use the parameters shown below. (Where xx represents the
analogue output number).

ANALOG_OUTxx 1640 1645
ANALOG_OUTxx_REF_LOW 1641 1646
Connect positive meter tail to terminal 61 60
Connect negative meter tail to terminal 35 34
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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14.0 Analogue Outputs (voltage) - INTERNAL Test Facility & Site

14.1 Connect a voltmeter to DAC3 on terminals 59 (+ve) and 33 (-ve).
14.2 Note the setting of parameter 1650 ANALOG_OUT3.
14.3 Change the value of parameter of 1630 ANALOG_OUT3 to 1700.
14.4 Set parameter 1700 POSITIONER_SETPOINT to zero.
14.5 Adjust parameter 1651 ANALOG_OUT3_REF_LOW until the meter reads 4
1 volt (to within 0.05 volts).
14.6 Set parameter 1700 POSITIONER_SETPOINT to 100%.
14.7 Adjust parameter 1652 ANALOG_OUT3_REF_HIGH until the meter reads
5 volts (to within 0.05 volts).
14.8 Repeat sections 14.4 to 14.7 demanding 0 and 100% on parameter 1700
POSITIONER_SETPOINT giving 1 to 5 volts on the output .
14.9 Reset parameter 1650 ANALOG_OUT3 to the value noted in 14.2.
14.10 Save the parameters to the ECU using F6.
14.11 For DAC4, use the parameters shown below. (Where xx represents the
analogue output number).

ANALOG_OUTxx 1650 1655
ANALOG_OUTxx_REF_LOW 1651 1656
Connect positive meter tail to terminal 59 58
Connect negative meter tail to terminal 33 32
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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15.0 Digital Inputs - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

15.1 Monitor measured value 3008 ERR_EXT_ACT3.
15.2 Connect a 24 VDC link to terminal 77, check that when 24 VDC is present
3008 ERR_EXT_ACT3 is ‘1’ and that when disconnected, 3008
ERR_EXT_ACT3 is ‘0’.
15.3 Repeat for the other digital input using the following table (Where xx
represents the digital input number):-

ERR_EXT_ACTxx 3008 3009
Connect 24 VDC to terminal 77 74

16.0 Digital Outputs - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

16.1 Set parameter 800 DIGI_MODE to 780.
16.2 Set parameters 807 ASSIGN_DIO3_OUT to -3008 and 808
ASSIGN_DIO4_OUT to -3009.
16.3 Save the ECU software (F6), disconnect (F5), reset and re-connect (F4).
16.4 Connect a 24 VDC link to terminal 77, check that when 24 VDC is present,
relay 2 (relay terminal numbers 89, 93, 97) energises, and de-energises
when 24 VDC is not present.
16.5 Connect a 24 VDC link to terminal 74, check that when 24 VDC is present,
relay 1 (relay terminal numbers 88, 92, 96) energises, and de-energises
when 24 VDC is not present.

17.0 Checking the ECU Error Status - INTERNAL Test Facility Only
17.1 Check the error status of the ECU (F11) - check that this is clear.
17.2 Check that watchdog relay 4 (relay terminal numbers 91, 95, 99) is
powered on.
17.3 Set DC Desk to off-line.
17.4 Force an error by pressing the ECU reset push button - check that the
watchdog relay 4 de-energises.
17.5 Reconnect to the ECU.
17.6 With the error status clear (F11), force an error by setting 1512
ADC1_ERROR_LOW to 25000.
17.7 Check that relay 3 (relay terminal numbers 90, 94, 98) energises when the
fault is present.
17.8 Set 1512 ADC1_ERROR_LOW back to 0.
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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18.0 Speed Inputs - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

18.1 Set parameter 4002 PICK_UP2_ON to 1. Save the parameters (F6) and
reset the ECU. Reconnect to the ECU (F4).
18.2 Remove the links on terminals 57 to 31 and 56 to 30.
18.3 Connect a frequency generator to 57(+ve) and 31(-ve).
18.4 Use the table below to determine the frequency to RPM conversion.
18.5 Inject a frequency in the range on the table, check by monitoring
parameter 2001 SPEED_PICK_UP1, that the speed follows the frequency.
18.6 Move the frequency generator to 56(+ve) and 30(-ve).
18.7 Inject a frequency in the range on the table, check by monitoring
parameter 2002 SPEED_PICK_UP2, that the speed follows the frequency.

Oscillator 2001 Oscillator 2002

Frequency (Hz) SPEED_PICK_UP1 Frequency (Hz) SPEED_PICK_UP2
0 - 4000 0 - 4000 0 - 4000 0 - 4000

19.0 User Program Software Loading - INTERNAL Test Facility Only 9

19.1 Connect to the ECU - from the ‘File’ menu, select ‘User Program to
Governor’, follow the instructions and load application program

20.0 ECU Type Configuration - INTERNAL Test Facility Only.

20.1 Set the variable 399 FDAE_TYPE to the /# number of the assembly part
number added to 10, i.e. is CT94599/01, then set 399 FDAE_TYPE to 11.
(CT94638/01 or CT94639/01 would also be 11.)
20.2 Set function 4180 SET_DEFAULTS to ‘1’.
20.3 Save the software via F6 and reset the ECU.

21.0 Digital Outputs - Site Installation Only 3

21.1 Set function 4280 TEST_DOUTS to ‘1’.
21.2 Using the table below, check that the relevant relay operates when the
relevant function is set to ‘1’.
21.3 Set function 4280 TEST_DOUTS to ‘0’.
21.4 Save the ECU parameters (F6).


Test Function Number 4284 4283 4282 4281
Terminal Numbers 88, 92, 96 89, 93, 97 90, 94, 98 91, 95, 99
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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22.0 Analogue Positioner Calibration and Adjustment - INTERNAL Test &

Site Installation

Span VR2 Span VR5 Gain VR3


Zero VR1 Zero VR6 Stab VR4

Terminal Rail

Analogue Positioner Unit overview, detailing location of calibration potentiometers





Terminal Rail

Analogue Positioner Unit overview, detailing location of calibration test points and links
(later models - cover removed)
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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22.1 Selecting the correct PWM frequency - INTERNAL Test Facility & Site
22.2 Use DC Desk to connect to the ECU.
22.3 Locate parameter 1990, PWM_MAX.
22.4 If necessary, change the value of this parameter to 4194.
22.5 Save the parameters to the ECU.
22.6 Reset the ECU using the pushbutton.

23.0 Calibration of the PWM drive signal from the ECU to the APU -
INTERNAL Test Facility & Site Installation
23.1 Power on the APU using fuse F2 for the main valve or F1 for the pilot.
23.2 Connect DC Desk to the ECU and press F4 to go online.
23.3 The following procedure is for the main gas throttle, use the table at the
end to determine which values to use for your application.
23.4 Locate the parameter 283 GFT_TEST_POS and set it to 10%.
23.5 Connect a digital multimeter to 0Vdc and TP1 on the APU, set the meter to
a DC voltage range.
23.6 Adjust the PWM zero potentiometer VR6 for the PWM signal until the
meter reads 1.85Vdc +/-0.05Vdc.
23.7 Set the parameter 283 GFT_TEST_POS to 90%.
23.8 Adjust the PWM span potentiometer VR5 for the PWM signal until the
meter reads 4.65Vdc +/-0.05Vdc.
23.9 The zero and span adjustments interact with one another and it is
therefore important to re-check and if necessary repeat both the zero and
span adjustments - repeat 23.2 to 23.6 until 10 and 90% is equivalent to
1.85 to 4.65 volts on TP1.
23.10 On completion of the above procedure, reset 283 GFT_TEST_POS to 0%.
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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24.0 Calibration of the feedback signal on the APU - INTERNAL Test

Facility & Site Installations
24.1 Connect DC Desk to the ECU and press F4 to go online.
24.2 The following procedure is for the main gas throttle, use the table to
determine which values to use for your application.
24.3 Before proceeding with the calibration ensure that the linearisation curves
have been set to their nominal values, hence with reference to the 8
parameter numbers in the table in section 26 they should read 0, 5, 20, 40,
60, 80, 95, 100%.
24.4 Locate the parameter 283 GFT_TEST_POS and set it to 10%.
24.5 Adjust the actuator feedback zero potentiometer VR1 until the actuator
reads 10% on the scale.
24.6 Set the parameter 283 GFT_TEST_POS to 90%.
24.7 Adjust the actuator feedback span potentiometer VR2 until the actuator
reads 90% on the scale.
24.8 The zero and span adjustments interact with one another and it is
therefore important to re-check and if necessary repeat both the zero and
span adjustments - repeat 24.3 to 24.6 until 10 and 90% is equivalent to
10 and 90% on the actuator.
24.9 On completion of the above procedure, reset GFT_TEST_POS to 0%.

25.0 APU Gain setting and Out of Position Trip - INTERNAL Test Facility &
Site Installations
25.1 Connect the PC to the ECU, start DC_DESK and connect the program to
the ECU.
25.2 Set the STAB (Integral gain) and GAIN (Proportional gain) potentiometers
to approx. 0% of full scale, VR4 and VR3 respectively. (Fully clockwise is
25.3 Physically move the valve away from it’s set position, check that the LED
goes out when out of position and that the ECU reports 2786 GFTERR
under this condition.
25.4 The error LED should extinguish when the a positional error of 3% has
been detected for 1 second.
25.5 Reset the STAB (Integral gain) and GAIN (Proportional gain)
potentiometers to approx. 90% of full scale, VR4 and VR3 respectively
(Fully clockwise is 100%). On Analogue Positioner Units with links J2 and 2
J3 fitted, the gain potentiometers have been re-ranged, for the small
actuator (64/62002177/1) set the potentiometers to 50% (INTERNAL
factory setting). For the larger actuator (64/62002177/2) set the
potentiometers to 90% in the field.
25.6 If fitted, set the tacho feedback gain link, J2 to position A. 2
25.7 If fitted, set the current limit link, J3 to position A (INTERNAL factory
setting) for the small actuator (64/62002177/1), or to position B for the 2
larger actuator (64/62002177/2) in the field.
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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Repeat sections 23, 24 & 25 for any other positioners in the system using
the table below:-

CT94599, CT94638, CT94639 Parameter Name Parameter Number

../01 (Gas) ../03 (Dual) ../04 (DLE) GFT_TEST_POS 283
…./04 (DLE) GFT2_TEST_POS 284
../02 (liquid) ../03 (Dual) LFT_TEST_POS 285
../01 (Gas) ../03 (Dual) ../04 (DLE) GFTERR 2786
../04 (DLE) GFTERR2 2787
../02 (liquid) ../03 (Dual) LFTERR 2788 5

Note: The following section may not be required if the external feedback device 8
is fitted to this actuator. For reference the procedure for setting up this
device is TSP09334.

26.0 Actuator Feedback Linearisation - Site Installations Only

26.1 Connect DC Desk to the ECU and press F4 to go online.
26.2 The following refers to the main gas actuator, use the table at the end to
determine the required actuator.
Note: The following instructions will not modify the 10% and 90%
positions, please ensure that these have been set correctly by following 9
section 24 before continuing.

26.3 Set parameter 283 GFT_TEST_POS to 5% and check that the actuator
pointer indicates 5%.
26.4 If the pointer does not indicate 5% adjust 7381 GFTLINMAP(1) until it 5
26.5 Set parameter 283 GFT_TEST_POS to 20% and check that the actuator
pointer indicates 20%.
26.6 If the pointer does not indicate 20% adjust 7382 GFTLINMAP(2) until it 5
26.7 Repeat this procedure for setpoint of 40, 50, 60, 80 and 95%, adjust 7383
GFTLINMAP(3), 7384 GFTLINMAP(4), 7385 GFTLINMAP(5), 7386
GFTLINMAP(6), and 7387 GFTLINMAP(7) respectively.
26.8 Reset the parameter 283 GFT_TEST_POS to 0.
26.9 Press F6 to save the parameters to the ECU.
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
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Parameter Parameter Name Description

Main Gas Valve Parameters
283 GFT_TEST_POS Test Position
2786 GFTERR Position error = 1
7380 GFTLINMAP(0) (0% trim)
7381 GFTLINMAP(1) (5% trim)
7382 GFTLINMAP(2) (20% trim)
7383 GFTLINMAP(3) (40% trim)
7384 GFTLINMAP(4) (60% trim)
7385 GFTLINMAP(5) (80% trim)
7386 GFTLINMAP(6) (95% trim)
7387 GFTLINMAP(7) (100% trim)
DLE Pilot Gas Valve Parameters
284 GFT2_TEST_POS Test Position
2787 GFTERR2 Position error = 1
7388 GFTLINMAP2(0) (0% trim)
7389 GFTLINMAP2(1) (5% trim)
7390 GFTLINMAP2(2) (20% trim)
7391 GFTLINMAP2(3) (40% trim)
7392 GFTLINMAP2(4) (60% trim)
7393 GFTLINMAP2(5) (80% trim)
7394 GFTLINMAP2(6) (95% trim)
7395 GFTLINMAP2(7) (100% trim)
STAR Liquid Valve Parameters
285 LFT_TEST_POS Test Position
2788 LFTERR Position error = 1
7480 LFTLINMAP(0) (0% trim)
7481 LFTLINMAP(1) (5% trim)
7482 LFTLINMAP(2) (20% trim)
7483 LFTLINMAP(3) (40% trim)
7484 LFTLINMAP(4) (60% trim)
7485 LFTLINMAP(5) (80% trim)
7486 LFTLINMAP(6) (95% trim)
7487 LFTLINMAP(7) (100% trim)
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TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
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27.0 Gas Fuel Valve Type Selection - Site Installations Only

27.1 Connect DC Desk to the ECU and press F4 to go online.
27.2 Check the type of fuel valves used on the installation and use the table
below to set the relevant valve/actuator type in the software function list
Valve/Actuator Part Number Function to set to ‘1’ Function Number
CT93708A/01xx50 - Main V100_1IN_MAIN68 4190
CT93708A/01xx50 - Pilot V100_1IN_PILOT68 4191
CT93993A/01xx50 - Main V300_1IN_MAIN68 4192
CT93993A/01xx50 - Pilot V300_1IN_PILOT68 4193
CT93994A/01xx50 - Main V300_1_5IN_MAIN88 4194
CT94138A/01xx50 - Main V300_1_5IN_MAIN88 4194
CT94379A/01xx50 - Main V300_1_5IN_MAIN68 4195

28.0 General Commissioning Settings - Site Installations Only 6

28.1 Burner Pressure High Trip
28.1.1 For single stream units only.
28.1.2 Run the turbine at full load noting the burner pressure value 2180
BURPRIN (psig x 10).
28.1.3 Set the parameter 882 BURPRHI to the noted value of 2180 BURPRIN +
250 (25 psi).
28.2 Differential Pressure Calibration Trip
Parameter 398 BPCALDEV defaults to 100 (10 psi), site experience has
shown that this value is best for DLE applications, use 400 (40 psi) for
single stream applications.
28.3 Gas Pressure High Trip
28.3.1 Parameter 496 GASPRHI defaults to 4500 (450 psia), site experience
has shown that this parameter is best set to this value. Check that this
has not been changed.
28.4 Anti-seize Setting
28.4.1 Parameter 888 VALVE_STOP_AMP has default setting of 0 (i.e. no 9
oscillation), site experience has shown that this is not required. Ensure
that this value has not been changed.
28.5 Save the ECU parameters (F6).
29.0 Heat Input 4-20mA Range Setting - Site Installations Only
29.1 Check the range of the 4-20mA outputs for fuel flow demand from the 2
main control system (MKII or PLC).
29.2 Set the ranges for the Main and Pilot heat input demands to match those
from the main control system by adjusting the parameters in the table
29.3 Save the ECU parameters (F6).
DRAWING No. TSP09265 Issue 9
TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
Test & Setting Procedure SHEET : 19 of 21

Parameter Number Parameter Name Default Value (kW)


30.0 Test Failed - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

30.1 Investigate fault, diagnose and rectify as appropriate.
30.2 If failure does not affect previous test circuits then continue with the
sequence, otherwise repeat all the tests

31.0 Test Passed - INTERNAL Test Facility Only

31.1 From the ‘file’ on DC Desk menu select ‘values save as’.
31.2 Select the A:\ drive
31.3 Name the file as follows - ‘ABC.hzm’ - where ABC corresponds to the
serial number of the EEx ‘d’ box e.g. GVC.
31.4 If prompted, select ‘ALL’ from the ‘Save Values As’ dialogue box.
31.5 If prompted with ‘file already exists, overwrite?’ - select yes.
31.6 On completion, take the floppy disk to Technology Systems for recording
in the following directory:- \\firthroad1\sitedata\682/hzmann/site/0
FDAE Serial Numbers
31.7 Isolate the unit from the power supply and test equipment.
31.8 Attach the supplied part number label to the long side of the ECU (not on
the lid). Mark the data plate with the ECU part number, TSP number and
version, core software version (i.e. dc2315.dwn is version 15) and user
software version (i.e. dc201v17.dwn is version 17). 9
31.9 Sign and date a ‘TESTED’ label and attach it to the lid chassis plate.
31.10 Complete CT94604 test certificate, remembering to record the software
version numbers.
31.11 Sign the traveller to indicate the test has been completed.
31.12 Refit the cover to the ECU.

32.0 Calibration Completed - Site Installation Only

32.1 From the ‘file’ on DC Desk menu select ‘values save as’.
32.2 Select the A:\ drive
32.3 Name the file as follows - ‘ABC.hzm’ - where ABC corresponds to the
serial number of the EEx ‘d’ box e.g. GVC.
32.4 If prompted, select ‘ALL’ from the ‘Save Values As’ dialogue box.
32.5 If prompted with ‘file already exists, overwrite?’ - select yes.
32.6 On completion of the contract commissioning, return the ‘values’ file to
the Technology Systems Department for recording.

End of Test Procedure

DRAWING No. TSP09265 Issue 9
TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
Test & Setting Procedure SHEET : 20 of 21


Site Calibration Check Sheet

The following check sheet should enable site engineers to ensure that all ECU’s
are properly configured before operation.

Operation Section Number Completed (Initial) Date

Check software versions 9
Calibrate analogue inputs 12
Calibrate analogue outputs 13 & 14
Check ECU Error status 17
Check digital outputs 21
Check PWM output frequency 22
Calibrate PWM drive signal 23
Calibrate Actuator Feedback 24
Set APU gains and check error signal 25
Linearise actuator feedback 26
Select gas fuel valve types 27
General parameter settings 28
Set heat input ranges 29
Save parameters to file 32
DRAWING No. TSP09265 Issue 9
TITLE : Explosion Proof ASSEMBLY No. CT94599, CT94599A
Electronic Control Unit
Test & Setting Procedure SHEET : 21 of 21


B1.0 Saving Parameters

Some instances have been reported were pressing F6 to save
parameters while DeviceNET communication was in progress has
caused an ECU malfunction, to avoid this occurring, disconnect
DeviceNET and/or do the following.
B1.1 Enable parameter 4196 STOP_FOR_F6 by changing from 0 to 1. As long
as there is no gas or liquid demand the software will stop running.
B1.2 Press F6 to save parameters
B1.3 Set 4196 STOP_FOR_F6 back to 0.

B2.0 Values Load

Some instances have occurred were all the values loaded onto the ECU
have not been stored, therefore creating a file mismatch between the
values in the ECU and the PC from which they were sourced, to over
come this the following instructions can be carried out.
B2.1 Load the parameters from the PC, go to [File] – [Load parameters], locate
the file and follow onscreen instructions.
B2.2 Disconnect the PC from the ECU (F5) and re-connect (F4).
B2.3 Save the parameters to a new file ([File] – [Save Values as]).
B2.4 Compare the source file with the newly saved file using a suitable
comparison program, such MS Word under [Tools]. This will highlight any
differences. These can then be corrected manually, alternatively the
load can be repeated again and another comparison performed.

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