Experimental Investigation of Crank Shaft With Crack of A Diesel Engine

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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 4, Aug 2018, 161-166
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd




Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R & D
Institute of Science and Technology, Avadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India


Today, a number of small power plants base on Diesel engines are being installed. Such units are typically
multi cylinder engines and failure in any one of the engines could lead to shutting down of the entire plant. Cracks in
crankshaft are one of the many causes for failure of such engines, which if not detected early could result in catastrophic
failure. Hence, analysis of such system swould give an insight into the modes of failure of the various parts of the system.
The present work was prompted by a failure that occurred in an eighteen cylinder V- engine driven Power plant.
The main objective of thisstudyis to evaluate the response of a cracked crankshaft of a four stroke 18 V diesel engine.
It is also proposed to determine transient response of the cracked crankshaft so that it can be compared with the response

Original Article
of the crankshaft without crack. It is proposed to use Finite element analysis to find the transient response of the
crankshaft with and without crack. The crankshaft has been modeled using the 3D modeling software Pro/E.
The model was then imported & meshed using 3D tetrahedral elements using HYPERMESH software.
The meshed model was then imported to the ANSYS software to find out the transient response.

KEYWORDS: Cranks, Failure, Engine, Finite element analysis, ANSYS & HYPERMESH

Received: May 24, 2018; Accepted: Jun 14, 2018; Published: Jun 29, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDAUG201818


IC engine based diesel power plants of 5 – 50 MWe capacity are installed in several parts of the country.
To augment the energy requirements either for base load or for peakload. Continuous operation of such installations
is absolutely necessary to prevent fluctuation on the grid. The IC engines used in such power plant are large size
and designed to run for a life of more than 15 years. The crankshaft is a critical component with a complex
geometry in the engine, which converts the reciprocating displacement of the piston to a rotary motion with a four
link mechanism. The main function of the crankshaftis to give smooth rotary output. It is the heart of the Internal
Combustion Engine. In case of a crankshaft failure, the cost of the repair includes not only that of the crankshaf
titself, but also the cost of other parts of the engine affected by the crankshaft failure and the lengthy time period
required for repair, mainlybecause of the crankshaft location inside the cylinder. Figure 1 shows the location of a
crankshaft in an engine [4].

The most common cause of crankshaft failureis fatigue. In order for fatigue to take place, a cyclic tensile
stress and a crack initiation site are necessary. A crankshaft experiences large forces from gas combustion.
This force is applied to the top of the piston and since the connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft, the
force will be transmitted to the crankshaft. The magnitude of the force depends on many factors which consist of

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crank radius, connecting rod dimensions, weight of the connecting rod, piston, piston rings, and pin. Combustion and
inertia forces acting on the crankshaft cause two types of loading on the crankshaft structure; torsional load and bending
load [1].

Figure 1: Exploded View of a Single Cylinder Engine Showing the Crank Shaft

Due to these loads fatigue cracks occur frequently at the location of the crankp in-web fillet region, the edge of the oil
aperture in crank pin, surface of the main journal, etc. The fracture surfaces on a crankshaft which failed due to fatigue.


To study the vibration behavior of a multi throw crankshaft with crack and its influence on the transient response
of the shaft. The transient response of the crankshaft with and without cracks will be compared for better insight into the
detection of onset of cracks.

Usually the physical dimensions, boundary conditions and the material properties of the structure play important
role for the determination of its dynamic response. Their vibrations cause changes in dynamic characteristics of structures.
In addition to this, presence of a crack in structures modifies its dynamic behavior.


The 3D cad model of the crankshaft was createdwith the data given in the Table 1. The full model of the
crankshaft with counter weight was prepared as shown in the figure 2. The crankshaft has many small fillets and fine oil
hole. Consideration of these features in the modeling process, causes the finite element mesh of crankshaft to become very
dense and the number of nodes increases. This results in increases in the error and solving time. Hence, the simplified 3D
model of crankshaft was modeled using Pro E software. In this simplified model, the chamfers with radius less than 5mm
and the oil holes were ignored.

Table 1: Crank Shaft Dimension

SI. No Parameters Values
1 CrankshaftLength (mm) 10522
2 CrankpinDiameter (mm) 450
3 Main Journal diameter 450
4 (mm)
Density, ρ (Kg/m3) 7900
5 CounterWeight mass 600
6 (Kg)
Crack location (l) Variable
7 Crack width (c) 5 mm
8 Crack depth (a) variable

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Experimental Investigation of Crank Shaft with 163
Crack of a Diesel Engine

Figure 2: 3-D CAD Model of the Crank Shaft with Counter Weight


The basic idea behind the finite element analysis is to make calculations at only limited points and then interpolate
the result for the entire domain. Any continuous system has infinite degrees of freedom. Finite element method reduces the
degree of freedom from infinite to finite with the help of meshing. Geometry cleanup should be made before meshing the
model. Model cleanup removes the free edges, scarlines and duplicate surfaces. The 3D crankshaft model created in the
PRO E was imported to the meshing software HYPERMESH. After geometry cleanup the model was meshed with 3D
tetrahedral element. Crankshaft with counter weight was meshed with 100000 elements. Figure 3 shows the meshed model
of the crankshaft with the counter weight.

Figure 3: Meshed Model of the Crank Shaft with Counter Weight

Natural Frequency of Crankshaft With and Without Crack

The detailed procedure of crankshaft modeling was explained in Chapter 3. The results obtained from ANSYS
have been presented in this chapter. The vibration characteristics of crankshaft were obtained using modal analysis.
The first six modal parameters of the crankshaft have been listed in Table 2. From the simulation results and the vibration
modal shapes, the lowest frequencyis10.869 Hz, and with the increase of modal order, the frequencyincreases accordingly.
Table 2 lists the natural frequencies of a crankshaft with and without crack with different crack ratios y started started from
0.08 to 0.8 at a dimensionless crack location x equal to 0.6.

From Table 2 it is noted that the natural frequency of the crank shaft with crack is lower than the natural
frequency of the crank shaft with crack. Reduction in the natural frequency of the cracked crank shaft is due to the stiffness
reduction by the presence of crack. Natural frequency reduces substantially in both 3D cut and element kill method.
The difference between natural frequencies obtained by this two method within the range of -4% to 0.2%. Figures 4(a) to

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4(c) show the mode shape of the crankshaft with and without the crack. First and third modes are the bending modes, while
the fifth mode is a torsion mode.

Table 2: Natural Frequency at Different Crack Ratio (y=a/w), x=l/L=0.6

Method Mode1 Mode2 Mode3 Mode4 Mode 5 Mode 6
No crack 10.869 11.63 30.167 33.771 50.955 56.244
3D cut 10.862 11.607 30.119 33.748 50.844 56.193
element kill 10.844 11.597 30.085 33.686 50.790 56.135
3D cut 10.830 11.599 30.098 33.645 50.791 56.167
element kill 10.829 11.595 30.081 33.659 50.781 56.133
3D cut 10.788 11.586 30.080 33.577 50.775 56.133
element kill 10.797 11.583 30.045 33.583 50.728 56.082

Figure 4(a): 1stMode-No Crack

Figure 4(b): 1stMode-3d

3d CutY=
Cut 0.334 & X=0.6 Figure 4(c): 1stMode-Element
Mode Kill

Figure 5(a): 2ndMode-3d

3d CutY=
Cut 0.334 & X=0.6 Figure 5(b): 2ndMode-Element
Mode Kill

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Experimental Investigation of Crank Shaft with 165
Crack of a Diesel Engine


The present work deals with the analysis of crankshafts with & without cracks, the results obtained from the
vibration analysis of the crankshaft with and without cracks under three conditions have been discussed in chapter IV.
From the results it is observed that the presence of crack in the crankshaft alters the local flexibilities and thus there is
reduction in the natural frequency of the system. Three cases have been studied as outlined below:

• Effect varying crack ratio for constant crack location

There is a continuous reduction in the natural frequency with the increase in the crack depth. The change in
natural frequency is moderate upto a crack ratio of 0.334, and beyond this change in natural frequency is drastic.
The reduction in the natural frequency is around 26 % for the fundamental mode. For third and fifth mode the reduction in
the natural frequency is around 15% and 6% respectively. Comparing these results the presence of cracks in the crankshaft
affects the fundamental mode than the other modes.

• Effect of varying crack location for constant crack ratio

Natural frequency of the crankshaft varies with the change in the crack location. Reduction in the natural
frequency is more when the crack is located at the (x= 0.4 and 0.5) for fundamental frequency. For other modes the natural
frequency reduction is more at location x=0.3. From the graph shown in theFigure 4 it is found that the natural frequency
of the crankshaft varies alternately for all modes with crack location. The lowest fundamental frequency for various crack
location is found out to be 9.576 Hz.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11

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