Psychosocial Behavior of Students With Incarcerated Parents

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Princess Mae Alquizar

Florence Luis

Chapter 1



This study examined the behavior of youth who has incarcerated parents

specially their psychological and social behavior it also explore the

characteristics of youths and determine their problems.

The most common problem in the Philippines is the separation between

parents and children relationship due to detention of their parents. The research

observes that some of youth in the Philippines who has incarcerated parents are

rebellious, lack of ability to socialize and many more.

Children with incarcerated parents have a wide variety of problems,

including difficulty forming health relationship, financial hardship, stigma,

behavior concern and trauma. Notably, children with incarcerated parents often

face overlapping forms of disadvantage, including poverty, neglect and abuse,

resulting in developmental issues. Later research have also found the parental

incarceration may be associated with negative outcomes in numerous domains

of a child health well-being (Mears & Siennick, 2015)

The increasing number of parents in prison has led to a growing public

health concern about their children who are left behind. Children must cope with

the separation from their parents and often struggle with several situation such
as insecurity due to their new living conditions, stigmatization in school and an

increase risk of poverty due to no income from the incarcerated parents.

The researcher would like to implicate the psychological behavior of the

youth with incarcerated parents.

Theoretical Framework

According to Ivan Brian L. Inductivo, Renato T. Agdalpen and Domingo S.

Dallnay Jr’s by “Social Being (2011)”, family is the most basic and oldest

institution. Sociological and political theory says that family is the basic human

institution, and the most important unit of the state, there is no tribe, nation or

state without a family.

According to Jasmin Michelle Hedge by “Children of Incarcerated parents

(2016)”. The children of incarcerated parents may or may not develop attachment

relationship with their imprison parents because some children will never live with

their incarcerated parents up until incarceration while the others will never live

with or be regularly cared for by the parents. Therefore, it is important to expand

the theory of attachment relationship.

When detained, parents are typically not released pending deportation

hearings, but rather, are held in detention as they await the hearing, living no

time to see family or to make preparation, including for child care (Androff, et al.,

Statement of the Problem

The researchers will conduct this research to determine the psychosocial

behavior of students who have incarcerated parents from Ramon Magsaysay

Memorial Colleges in year 2018-2019.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1) What is the psychological behavior of students with incarcerated


2) Basing on the result of the study, what implication can be drawn?

Scope and Limitation

The study focuses on the psychosocial behavior of the students with

incarcerated parents. The researcher obtains to determine the implication to be

drawn base on the result of the study. The respondents of the study are the

students with incarcerated parents and will be conducted during the first

semester of the school year 2018- 2019. The researcher will use the scale of 4

(strongly agree), 3 (agree), 2(disagree), 1 (strongly disagree) to determine the

psychosocial of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The following persons will benefits to this study.

To the students- they will have the knowledge about the behavior of

students with incarcerated parents.

To the teachers- they will understand and identify the behavior of their

students especially the psychological and social aspects.

To the parents- the result of this study may lead to the parents to give

some helps, tips and advices to those children with incarcerated parents.

To the community- the study will help the community in a way that they

can implement activities and programs among the youths to improve their

psychosocial behavior.

To the future researcher-it can help to the future researchers and it may

also give them some knowledge or idea about this article. They can also use it

for further research and studies.

Definition of Terms

The given terms are defined how the researcher use on their study.

Psychosocial behavior- this is both the behavior and actions related to the

psychological and social aspects.

Incarcerated parents- a person who is a father or mother which in prison.

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