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William Shakespeare: (a) Sonnet 29: “When in disgrace with fortune

and men’s eyes” (b)Sonnet 138 “When my love swears that she is
made of truth”
John Donne: “Canonization”
John Milton: Paradise Lost ( Satan’s Speech )
John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel, Lines 150-197. (False
Alexander Pope: “ Essay on Man” (Lines 1-18)
William Blake: The Nurse’s Song
William Wordsworth: (a) “Tintern Abbey”, (b) “The World is too
much with us”
Percy B. Shelley: (a) “Ode to the West Wind” (b) “ A Lament”
John Keats: (a) “Ode to a Nightingale”, (b) “ La Belle dame sans
Sarojini Naidu: The Flute Player of Brindaban
Toru Dutt:” Baughmaree”
Rabindra Nath Tagore: From Gitanjali : (a) 11th, Leave the Chanting,
(b) 12th Fruit Gathering.
Nissim Ezikiel: “Background”, “Casually”
Robert Frost: “ Stopping by the Woods”
Walt Whitman: “O Captain, My Captain”
Alfred Lord Tennyson: (a) “Break, Break, Break” ; (b) “ Ulysses”
Robert Browning: (a) “ My Last Duchess” ; (b) “Prospice”
Matthew Arnold: (a) “Dover Beach”; (b) “ Memorial Verses”
Thomas Hardy: (a) “ The Darkling Thrush”; (b “ The Voice”
Gerard Manley Hopkins: (a) “Pied Beauty” (b) “Thou Art Indeed Just
Lord . . .”
W. B. Yeats: (a) “The Second Coming” ; (b) “ Prayer for My Daughter”
T. S. Eliot: “Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock”
W. H. Auden: “In Memory of W. B. Yeats”
Adil Jussawala: “Sea Breeze, Bombay”
Kamla Das: “An Introduction”
Keki N. Daruwalla: “Ghagra in Spate”
Derek Walcott (West Indian): “A Far Cry From Africa”
Wole Soyinka (Nigerian): “Dragonfly at My Window Pane”
Amiri Baraka (African-American): “Wise I”
Judith Wright (Australian): “Bora Ring”
D. Hope (Australia): “Australia”
Michael Ondaatje (Sri Lanka/Canada): “Letters and Other Worlds”
Eunice de Souza (India): “Autobiographical”
Agha Shahid Ali (India): “Postcard from Kashmir” and “A Lost
Memory of Delhi”
A.K. Ramanujan (India) “Love Poem for a Wife I”
Arun Kolatkar (India) “The Priest’s Son” and “The Butterfly”
Sylvia Plath (America): “Mirror” and “Daddy”
Gwendolyn Brooks (America): “The Lovers of the Poor”
Emily Dickinson (America): “After Great Pain, A Former Feeling
Geoffrey Chaucer: “Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales (Lines 1-78)
William Shakespeare: “Not marble, nor gilded monuments…”
“Let me not to the marriage of true minds…”
Edmund Spenser: “Prothalamion”
Ben Jonson: “Drink to me…”
John Donne: “Sweetest love I do not goe…”
George Herbert: “Vertue”
Andrew Marvell: “To His Coy Mistress”
John Milton: Lycidas
John Dryden: “MacFlecknoe”
Alexander Pope: “An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot”
Thomas Gray: “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
William Blake: “The Chimney Sweeper” (Songs of Experience)
S.T. Coleridge: “Dejection: An Ode”
John Keats: “Ode to Autumn”
Alfred Tennyson: “Ulysses”
D.G. Rossetti: “The Blessed Damozel”
Walt Whitman: “When lilacs last in the door-yard bloomed…”
Emily Dickinson: “Success is counted sweetest...”
Robert Frost: “Mending Wall”
Langston Hughes: “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
W.B. Yeats: “Sailing to Byzantium”
Dylan Thomas: “Fern Hill”
Alfred Tennyson: ‘The Lady of Shalott’, ‘Crossing the Bar’, ‘The
Defence of Lucknow’
Robert Browning: “The Last Ride Together,” “Porphyria’s Lover’, ‘Fra
Lippo Lippi’
Christina Rossetti: ‘The Goblin Market’
Jibanananda Das: ‘Before Dying’, Windy Night’, ‘I Shall return to this
Sri Sri: ‘Forward March’, From Some People Laugh, Some People Cry.
G.M. Muktibodh: ‘The Void’, ‘So Very Far’
Nissim Ezekiel: Enterprise, ‘Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa.S.’
Jayanta Mahapatra: ‘Hunger’, ‘Dhauli’, ‘Grandfather’, ‘A Country’
Geoffrey Chaucer: ‘The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale’
Philip Sidney: Selection from Astrophel and Stella: Sonnets 1, 15, 27,
34, 41, 45
Edmund Spenser: Selections from Amoretti: Sonnets XXXIV and LXVII
John Donne: Elegie: ‘On His Mistress Going to Bed’, ‘The Sunne
Rising’, ‘A Hymn to God My God in My Sicknesse’, ‘Batter My Heart’,
‘Death be not Proud’.
Homer: The Illiad
John Milton: Paradise Lost- Book1 lines 1-26 and Book IX
John Dryden: MacFlecknoe
Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock
Samuel Johnson: ‘London’, ‘The Vanity of Human Wishes’
Oliver Goldsmith: Selections from the The Deserted Village.
lines 35-84. 195-238, 267-339.
Thomas Gray: ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’, ‘Ode on the
Death of a Favourite Cat’
William Blake: ‘The Lamb’, ‘The Garden of Love’, ‘The Little Black
Boy’ (The Songs of Innocence), ‘The Tyger’ (The Songs of
Experience), ‘London’ (The Songs of Experience).
William Wordsworth: ‘Ode: Intimations of Immortality’, ‘Lines
Composed upon Westminster Bridge’.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: ‘Kubla Khan’
Lord Byron: from ‘Childe Harold’: Canto III. verses 36-45 (Lines 316-
405); Canto IV, verses 178-186 (Lines 1594-1674)
Percy Bysshe Shelley: ‘Ode to Liberty’, ‘Hymn to Intellectual Beauty’.
John Keats: ‘On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer’.
W.B. Yeats: ‘Leda and the Swan’, ‘No Second Troy’, ‘Among School
T.S. Eliot: ‘Gerontion’, ‘Sweeney Among the Nightingales’, ‘The
Hollow Men’, ‘Marina’.
Elizabeth Barett Browning: Aurora Leigh. Book V lines 1-447
Emily Dickinson: ‘Because I Could not Stop for Death’, ‘Elysium is as
Far as to’, ‘I had no Time to Hate’, ‘I Felt a Funeral in My Brain’, ‘I
Heard A Fly Buzz’, ‘The Soul Selects Her Own Society’.
Sylvia Plath: ‘Lady Lazarus’ and ‘Soliloquy of a Solipsist’,
Marge Piercy: ‘Rape Poem’, ‘The Consumer’, ‘For shoshana Rihn - Pat
Swinton’, ‘Right to Life’.

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