Department of Sport Coaching and Exercise Science University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln Ln6 7Ts United Kingdom
Department of Sport Coaching and Exercise Science University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln Ln6 7Ts United Kingdom
Department of Sport Coaching and Exercise Science University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln Ln6 7Ts United Kingdom
University of Lincoln
Department of Sport, Coaching and Exercise Science
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
United Kingdom
Correspondence to:
Dan Bishop
Department of Sport Coaching and Exercise Science
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
United Kingdom
Plyometrics and Swim Start Performance 3
The study aimed to identify the effect of plyometric training, when added to habitual
plyometric training (PT; n =11, age: 13.1 ± 1.4 yrs, mass: 50.6 ± 12.3 kg, stature:
162.9 ± 11.9 cm) or habitual training group (HT: n =11, age: 12.6 ± 1.9 yrs, mass:
43.3 ± 11.6 kg, stature: 157.6 ± 11.9 cm). Over an 8-week pre-season period, HT
group continued with their normal training programme, whilst the PT group added
relating to the swimming block start (SBS). Following completion of the training
intervention, post-training swim start performance was re-assessed. For both baseline
and post-trials, swim performance was recorded using videography (50Hz Canon
MVX460) in the sagital plane of motion. Through the use of Silicon Coach Pro
analysis package findings revealed significantly greater change between baseline and
post-trials for PT when compared to HT group for swim performance time to 5.5 m (-
0.59s vs. -0.21s; P <0.01) and velocity of take-off to contact (0.19 ms-1 vs. -0.07 ms-1;
performance outcome, the current study has found that inclusion of suitable and safely
encouraging the muscle to achieve maximal force rapidly and therefore serving to
means to developing the performer has lead to wide use within sports that require fast
and intensity over extended periods. With explosive sports requiring rapid maximal
Investigating the impact of PT on dynamic movement activity, Lathrop et al. (7) have
country running times (3.9%) in adolescent performers, whilst Matavulj et al. (10)
players. With significant improvements also being found following PT in 40m skating
speed in junior ice hockey players (8), the appliance of sport-specific plyometric
sports performance. Despite however the growing body of evidence elucidating to the
has had little investigation. Although once in the water, performance benefits of PT
may be negligible, when considered that the swimming block start (SBS), which
50m race time (9), any improvements within this aspect of swim performance could
have a significant impact on overall race success. Furthermore, with winning margins
efficiency during the SBS may have a meaningful impact on overall swim time.
programme has not been determined, however guidelines have been prescribed to
initially focus upon technique using low impact exercises before progressing onto
strength, speed and balance. Other factors such as landing surface, training area,
equipment, proper footwear and supervision must also be assessed, as with any
Considering therefore the important contribution swim block start plays to overall
trial, which measured a range of SBS performance dependent variables, subjects were
assigned through random selection, to one of the groups. After which the groups
for an eight-week period. Following the intervention period, both groups were re-
Recruiting subjects from local swimming clubs, criteria for inclusion was applied to
ensure all swimmers were aged 10 to 16 years and engaged in a minimum 8 hours
aquatic training per week. All were considered highly competent in executing the SBS
Plyometrics and Swim Start Performance 7
by the lead investigator and coach and all had achieved a minimum of regional
standard within the past 18 months. Prior to the commencement of any engagement
with the subjects, ethics consent was granted through the University ethics committee
and adhered to throughout the investigation. Subjects were informed of any potential
risks to participation and all provided written informed consent, including consent
displayed in Table 1.
Prior to initiating the baseline swimming block start (SBS) trial, subjects were
recorded note of performed practices, subjects were then asked to get themselves
Association competitive start procedures, subjects mounted the blocks, adopted their
preferred starting position and were counted down. Throughout each SBS trial,
subject’s performance was filmed using a Canon MVX460 camcorder at 50Hz in the
sagital plane of motion. The camera was positioned parallel to the motion 10-metres
from the subject along the poolside and 2 metres from the starting blocks.
Plyometrics and Swim Start Performance 8
Following completion of the baseline SBS trial, subjects were randomly assigned to
either the plyometric training (PT) group or habitual training (HT) group. Over a
period of eight weeks, all subjects followed the same normal habitual aquatic training
patterns, however the PT group were provided with an additional 2 hours per week of
displayed in Table 2. Included within are the details pertaining to the number of sets,
reps, recovery periods and box/hurdle heights. Subjects were required to conduct a 10
subject’s mobility and ensure exercises could be performed safely in accordance with
Radcliffe and Farentinos (14) who advocate that dynamic preparatory activities
‘excite the neuromuscular system without undue fatigue’. The exercises implemented
within the PT programme were selected based upon their specificity to the SBS.
Particular consideration was placed on ensuring boxes and hurdles were consistent
could be achieved safely. (See Table 2 for details of the training programme).
Normative values with reference to box and barrier heights ensured that training
adhered to the requirements of safety and welfare of the subjects while ensuring that
Beachle and Earle (1) have reported that overload can be established with appropriate
Furthermore, considering the subject group used in this study, the PT programme was
developed over an 8 week period to ensure gradual and safe progression within the
Plyometrics and Swim Start Performance 9
percent of one repetition maximum with reference to the adult population. With
Radcliffe and Farentinos (14) commenting that the intensity of PT programme should
group in this study, variables affecting the intensity such as box heights and
From the PT group, subjects were subjectively assessed by a qualified strength and
and/or elevated heights of boxes and hurdles. Table 3 provides a guide to the pre-
(1), Chu (4) and Radcliffe and Farentinos (14) to ensure safety.
For the habitual training group, monitoring occurred throughout the eight week
Following the completion of the eight week training programme, all subjects returned
to the pool to undertake a second SBS trial. Adhering to their baseline trial strategy,
each subject undertook their 15 minute aquatic warm-up after which completed the
Plyometrics and Swim Start Performance 10
trial under race conditions. Matching the camera position with the baseline trial,
Through the use of Silicon Coach Pro (siliconCOACH Ltd, New Zealand) each
subject’s footage was uploaded and subsequently analysed to determine the time from
the starting stimulus to contact of the head with the water surface, the distance from
the starting stimulus to contact of the head with the water surface, the velocity of take-
off to contact of the water surface, that angles relating to release off the blocks and
angle entering the water. The dependant variables of time, distance, velocity and
angles were identified as the key determinants of the SBS technique (11). The time to
complete a distance of 5.5 metres from the starting stimulus, defined with visual
reference points on the lane markers and poolside. The rationale behind inclusion of
performance time to 5.5 metres was that with the PT measuring the development of
such as kick strength rather than assessing SBS force production (5).
Statistical Analyses
monitored during the SBS trial when compared to habitual training, data was
establish relationships between SBS parameters and 5.5 metre performance time. For
all statistical analyses alpha was set at the 95% probability level (P <0.05). Standard
error of the estimates (SEE) were calculated from linear regression analyses to express
differences between the plyometric (PT) and habitual (HT) training groups (Table 4).
Between group baseline-post trial scores for swim performance time to 5.5 m,
findings revealed a significantly greater change for the PT group when compared to
the HT group (P < 0.01). Similarly, significantly greater change occurred across
baseline-post trials for the PT group was compared with the HT group for velocity of
the take-off to contact (P <0.01), distance to head contact (P <0.01) and time to head
contact (P = 0.023). Interestingly, no significance was found for the angle out of
blocks (P = 0.12) and angle of entry into water (P = 0.27) between the PT and HT
training groups.
revealed (Table 4) that swim time of 5.5 m was statistically lower (P <0.001) for the
PT group, however no significance was found for the HT group (P = 0.11). Further
examination also identified time to head contact from the PT group to be significantly
difference was found for the HT group (P = 0.42). Within training groups, significant
Plyometrics and Swim Start Performance 12
differences for angle out of blocks, distance to head contact and SBS velocity were
also found following their respective 8-week training programme (Table 4).
The association between SBS velocity and swim performance time to 5.5 m for both
groups across baseline and post trials was determined to identify the extent of
correlational change following 8-weeks of specified training (Figure 1 & 2). For the
0.91, P <0.01) detailed in figure 1. Accounting for 83% of the total variance
explained, standard errors of estimates (SEE) for the two associations reduced by
50%, from 0.14s to 0.07s. For the HT group, a significant association was found
between SBS velocity and performance time to 5.5 m for the baseline measures (r = -
0.69, P <0.05) however remained relatively unchanged for the post trial (r = -0.58, P
<0.05) detailed in figure 2. Examining the SEE for both associations revealed a
marginal increase in error for the post (0.32s) when compared to the baseline
assessment (0.35s).
Distance to head contact and swim time to 5.5 m was also significantly correlated for
the baseline assessment for both the PT (r = 0.82, P <0.01) and HT group (r = 0.66, P
<0.05). The post-trial association between distance to head contact and time to 5.5m
however for the HT group, reduction in the degree of association found (r = 0.31, P
contact and time to 5.5 m for the baseline assessment in the PT group (r = 0.019, P
>0.05) and the HT group (r = 0.10, p >0.05). Evaluating the post-trial associations
however revealed a marginal change for PT group (r = 0.13, P >0.05) and HT group (r
aquatic regimes, swim time to 5.5 metres significantly improved on average by 0.59
training group not exhibiting any significant change in time to 5.5 metres, it can be
assumed that exposure to 2 hours supplementary training per week had a meaningful
significantly impact on the quality of SBS performance (16), the present study
to head contact and greater distance to head contact more than likely contributed to
generate greater release speed and power off the block, translating into faster times to
5.5 metres, signifies to the practitioner that supplementary plyometric training offers a
success (9).
Plyometrics and Swim Start Performance 14
By investigating the association between SBS velocity and performance time to 5.5
metres before and after the intervention in both training groups revealed further
contact resulted in a stronger relationship (r = -0.91) with performance time than prior
important SBS variable and the key performance indicator, coupled with a meaningful
reduction in the standard error of the estimate, signifies the important contribution
SBS velocity must play in the achievement of reducing swim time over the first 5.5
metres. For the coach working with the swimmer, exercises that focus on developing
the velocity of release will have a significant impact on overall swim start
performance. Ensuring the performer is able to maximise the power off the block by
accelerating quickly, increases in distance and time to head contact will allow for
faster transit through the water once entered. Establishing whether significant
quantitative interpretations into the ‘flight phase’ prior to contact with the water (15).
variables and their impact on key performance indicators are needed. This being the
case the present study is the first to provide conclusive evidence that swim
With significant changes reported for angle out of the block, distance to head contact,
time to head contact and consequently SBS velocity, it would appear that the
that allowed for greater power production off the blocks. Although documented
(3, 7, 8, 10, 12), limited evidence, linking plyometric training and swimming-specific
block starts has been reported. One such study to do so however, did conclude that
were found (6). Examination of approach does reveal however that implementation of
the plyometric training intervention did not take into consideration adaptation and
progression through the 6-week schedule. For the current study, increases in intensity
over the 8 week period. Continually assessing the swimmer and adjusting their
training stimulus accordingly ensured that all swimmers engaged in activities suited to
the adaptive responsiveness to the programme and provided a more realistic approach
With swimmers continuing to engage in their normal habitual training patterns, the
study provided further insight into SBS performance from non-plyometric specific
training. Findings indicated that despite the habitual group significantly increasing
their take-off angle out of the blocks across trials, swimmers showed a decrease in
both distance to head contact and SBS velocity, with a concomitant increase in time to
head contact. With the habitual training group not performing any land-based
preloading and elastic energy storage. Through the manipulation of intensity and
forceful muscular contractions can be altered (1). Allowing for more purposeful and
deliberate exercise tasks, Brandon (2) highlights therefore the important responsibility
components and explosive power production through enhanced motor unit firing rates
Influencing muscular power output and force production, the safe implementation of
successfully demonstrates the ability to explosively manoeuvre from the block start
Considering the importance of the SBS to overall race performance, the development
programmes, it is imperative that the athletes are provided with adequate supervision
and assessment to avoid injury due to poor technique and excessive overload to the
moderate in intensity and focus upon the technical proficiency of the exercises utilised
to avoid injury. The exercises should be specific to the movements in which increased
Plyometrics and Swim Start Performance 17
increases in both intensity and volume. Progression to higher overload intensities can
4. CHU, D.A. Jumping into Plyometrics: 10 Exercises for Power and Strength
11. MILLER, J.A., J.G. HAY, AND B.D. WILSON. Start Techniques of Elite
13. PIRE, N. Plyometrics for athletes at all levels: A Training Guide for explosive
Kinetics. 1999.
16. TANNER, D.A. Sprint performance times related to block time in Olympic