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The tensor∗† package for LATEX2e

Philip G. Ratcliffe‡
Dipartimento di Fisica e Matematica
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria—Como

This is a complete revision and extension of Mike Piff’s original tensor
package; it defines two commands for typesetting tensors with mixed upper
and lower indices in which the correct horizontal spacing must be observed.
Various forms of alignment are available and spaces may be replaced by
dots or other symbols. Correct preposing of indices is now made possible
while backwards compatibility is maintained. A special-purpose command
to typeset nuclides is also defined.

1 Introduction
The use of tensors with mixed upper and lower indices, in which the relative
horizontal positions and spacing are significant, is common in both physics and
mathematics; for example,

Γµνρ , Rµν ρσ or ǫµνρσ .

The commands defined in this package automatically maintain the correct horizon-
tal positioning. Another common need addressed by this package is the preposing
of upper and lower indices, as in
′ 14
Hhq , t′ |U(t, t′ )|q, tiH or 6C.

Note the correct spacing of the pre-index H in the above example. It should also
be noted that constant vertical positioning is maintained for lone indices; consider
the following (examine carefully the last lower index o):

Moo | oM cf. Moo |o M,

where the former group was typeset using \indices but the latter not.
∗ Thisfile has version number v2.1, and revision date 2004/12/20.
† Based on and extending the original package of the same name by Mike Piff (1996/06/03).
‡ E-mail: [email protected]

2 Usage
Two robust math-mode commands, \tensor and \indices, are defined (the first
of which remains backward compatible with Mike Piff’s original definition). A
new, robust text- and math-mode command, \nuclide, is also defined specifically
for typesetting nuclides, as in the above example.

2.1 User commands

\indices To produce a mathematical expression (typically a tensor) with mixed upper and
lower indices, simply enter hobjecti\indices{^hsup 1 i_hsub 1 i^hsup 2 i_hsub 2 i. . . }.
Thus, in math mode it is sufficient to type, e.g.,

M\indices{^a_b^{cd}_e} to obtain M ab cde .

\tensor This variant has been retained in a backward compatible form and considerably
extended; the syntax for the previous expression is \tensor{M}{^a_b^{cd}_e}
while the resulting output is identical. The extended form of \tensor now defined
has an optional argument for indices to be placed before the tensor, thus:
a c a c
\tensor[^a_b^c_d]{M}{^a_b^c_d} produces b dM b d

A fairly robust (if somewhat crude) attempt is made to ensure the correct spacing
and skew of the preposed indices with respect to the tensor object itself.
\indices* The two commands have starred forms, which collapse the spacing (i.e., re-
\tensor* turn to standard form). While \indices* is clearly redundant (and is included
merely for symmetry), \tensor* also right justifies the pre-index strings, so that,
e.g., nuclides may be typeset as follows (though see below for a purpose-built
\tensor*[^{14}_6]{\mathrm{C}}{} produces 6C .

For those familiar with the amsmath package, this is more-or-less a generalisation
of (though not intended as a substitute for) the \sideset command (which itself
is only valid for objects defined with \mathop). Note that to use \tensor* as a
substitute for \sideset, it is necessary to insert a \nolimits command, thus:
\tensor*[^*_*]{\prod\nolimits}{^*_*} produces .
∗ ∗

The output appears identical to that of \sideset{_*^*}{_*^*}{\prod}.

* argument The \indices* and \tensor* forms only, allow a * to also be placed as the
first entry in either index-list argument, causing alignment (left justification) of
the successive pairs of upper and lower indices. A warning is issued if a * appears
in an argument string of either non-starred commands. Thus,

i1 i2 i3 i4 i1 i2 i3 i4
produces Mm 1 m2 m3 m4
(cf. Mm 1 m2 m3 m4

Note that no warning is issued for improper pairing of successive indices.
\indexmarker In analogy with the tensind package, the command \indexmarker (by default
empty) may redefined (using \renewcommand) to introduce a visible place marker
for the index spaces (though not all tensind functionality is reproduced here); a
simple possibility is
after which,

produces M ·a·c
instead of M ab cd
\nuclide This command, available in both math and text modes, is defined with the
same purpose and result as the \isotope command (from the package of the
same name). The syntax is
\nuclide[hmass no.i][hatomic no.i]{hsymbol i}.
Thus, the earlier example of 146 C is obtained with \nuclide[14][6]{C} while
\nuclide[4][2]{\alpha} gives 42 α . As indicated by the square brackets, the
hmass no.i and hatomic no.i arguments are optional. Note that there is a little
more space (1mu) between the numbers and the chemical symbol than appears in
the example constructed manually with \tensor*.
All the above-defined commands may be used recursively, i.e., a \tensor may
occur as an index to another \tensor and should behave according to the current
superscript–subscript level. Where useful, user commands are defined as ‘robust’;
thus, they may appear as arguments to \caption, \section etc.
\nuclideFont By default, the font for \nuclide is \mathrm, but \nuclideFont may be reset
with \renewcommand to \mathsf, \mathbf, \mathtt etc., or simply \relax (this
last has the chemical symbol font default to \mathit for correct spacing).

2.2 Caveats
Grouping of multi-token indices should be performed as normal (i.e., via enclosure
within a brace pair { }). Moreover, owing to the method by which index strings are
parsed, any index constructs such as \mathrm{H} must also be entirely enclosed
in braces, thus: \indices{_{\mathrm{H}}^x}.
Spacing is not guaranteed to always appear absolutely perfect, especially be-
tween pre-pended indices and the tensor object itself. Please also recall, however,
that screen viewing often distorts small spaces owing to resolution effects.

2.3 External package requirements

No external packages are required.

2.4 Package conflicts

There are no known conflicts with any standard LATEX2e packages (a problem with
the color package in the first version has now been corrected). However, there is
obvious incompatibility with the similar tensind package.

3 Implementation
3.1 User commands
The tensor package now defines three basic user commands:
\tensor The first takes three possible arguments (an optional index string to be preposed,
the tensor object, the index string) and also has a starred form, which suppresses
spacing (it is backward compatible with Mike Piff’s original version).
1 \DeclareRobustCommand\tensor{%
2 \tnsr@Prp
3 \@ifstar{\tnsr@Spcfalse\tnsr@Aux}{\tnsr@Spctrue\tnsr@Aux}%
4 }

\indices The second command is a “lightweight” form, which is placed immediately follow-
ing the tensor object, takes just one argument (the index string) and also has a
starred form (this command was not present in the original package).
5 \DeclareRobustCommand\indices{%
6 \tnsr@Prp
7 \@ifstar{\tnsr@Spcfalse\ndcs@Aux}{\tnsr@Spctrue\ndcs@Aux}%
8 }

\nuclide This additional new command takes one direct argument (an optional mass
number) and two indirect arguments (an optional atomic number, the chemical
symbol—these last two are handled by auxiliary macros). Since usage is common
in text, math mode is ensured.
9 \DeclareRobustCommand\nuclide[1][]{%
10 \ncld@Mno{#1}%
11 \ncld@Aux
12 }

\nuclideFont This sets the font for \nuclide (the default is \mathrm); it may be redefined as,
e.g., \mathsf, \mathbf, \mathtt, \mathit etc., or even simply \relax (this last
has the chemical symbol font default to \mathit for correct spacing).
13 \newcommand\nuclideFont{\mathrm}

3.2 Internal token registers

\tnsr@Sps The token registers that hold the upper and lower index strings, and the most
\tnsr@Sbs recent upper and lower index elements respectively:
\tnsr@Spe 14 \newtoks\tnsr@Sps
\tnsr@Sbe 15 \newtoks\tnsr@Sbs
16 \newtoks\tnsr@Spe
17 \newtoks\tnsr@Sbe

\ncld@Mno This token register temporarily holds the mass number for \nuclide.
18 \newtoks\ncld@Mno

3.3 Internal switches
\iftnsr@Spc The switch to select or suppress index element spacing.
19 \newif\iftnsr@Spc

3.4 Internal macros

\tnsr@Prp Here we simply reset token registers and the warning macro before commencing.
20 \newcommand\tnsr@Prp{%
21 \tnsr@Sps{}%
22 \tnsr@Sbs{}%
23 \let\tnsr@Wrn\relax
24 }

\ndcs@Aux This (lightweight) auxiliary macro for \indices takes one argument (an index
string); it calls \tnsr@Set, prints the indices and then issues any warnings.
25 \newcommand\ndcs@Aux[1]{%
26 \def\tnsr@Obj{}
27 \tnsr@Set{#1}%
28 \tnsr@Fin
29 \tnsr@Wrn
30 }

\tnsr@Aux This auxiliary macro for \tensor takes three possible arguments (an optional pre-
index string, the tensor object, the post-index string) and passes everything via
\mathpalette to \tnsr@Plt.
31 \newcommand\tnsr@Aux[3][]{%
32 \mathpalette{\tnsr@Plt{#1}{#3}}{#2}%
33 \tnsr@Wrn
34 }

\tnsr@Plt This takes four arguments (the pre-index string—may be empty, the post-index,
the current math style, the tensor object) and calls \tnsr@Set separately for both
pre- and post-index strings.
35 \newcommand\tnsr@Plt[4]{%
36 \def\tnsr@Obj{#3#4}
37 \def\reserved@a{#1}%
38 \ifx\reserved@a\@empty\else
39 \tnsr@Set{#1}%
40 \hphantom{{}\tnsr@Fin}%
41 \tnsr@Sps\expandafter{%
42 \expandafter\tnsr@Krn\expandafter{\the\tnsr@Sps}%
43 }%
44 \tnsr@Sbs\expandafter{%
45 \expandafter\tnsr@Krn\expandafter{\the\tnsr@Sbs}%
46 }%
47 \fi
48 \tnsr@Set{#2}%

49 #4\tnsr@Fin
50 }

\tnsr@Set This takes one argument (a pre- or post-index string) and starts processing.
51 \newcommand\tnsr@Set[1]{%
52 \let\tnsr@Swx\relax
53 \tnsr@Pro#1\tnsr@Err
54 }

\tnsr@Krn This has one argument (a processed index string) and inserts the necessary offsets.

55 \newcommand\tnsr@Krn[1]{%
56 \settowidth\@tempdima{$\m@th\tnsr@Obj^{#1}\mkern-1mu$}%
57 \kern-\@tempdima
58 #1
59 \settowidth\@tempdima{$\m@th\tnsr@Obj$}%
60 \kern\@tempdima
61 }

\tnsr@Pro This is the index-string processing macro, it takes one argument (an index string):
62 \newcommand\tnsr@Pro[1]{%
63 \ifx#1\tnsr@Err
64 \let\tnsr@Nxt\relax
65 \else
66 \ifx#1*
67 \iftnsr@Spc
68 \gdef\tnsr@Wrn{%
69 \PackageWarning{tensor}{%
70 ‘*’ not allowed in argument here, I am ignoring it,%
71 \MessageBreak remove it or use ‘\string\tensor*’,%
72 }%
73 }%
74 \else
75 \let\tnsr@Swx\tnsr@Swa
76 \fi
77 \let\tnsr@Nxt\tnsr@Pro
78 \else
79 \ifx#1^
80 \def\tnsr@Nxt{\tnsr@Add{\tnsr@Sps}{\tnsr@Sbs}{\tnsr@Spe}}%
81 \else
82 \ifx#1_
83 \def\tnsr@Nxt{\tnsr@Add{\tnsr@Sbs}{\tnsr@Sps}{\tnsr@Sbe}}%
84 \else
85 \tnsr@Err
86 \let\tnsr@Nxt\tnsr@Pro
87 \fi
88 \fi
89 \fi
90 \fi

91 \tnsr@Nxt
92 }

\tnsr@Swa Here we flip the state of \tnsr@Swx to \tnsr@Swb.

93 \newcommand\tnsr@Swa{\let\tnsr@Swx\tnsr@Swb}

\tnsr@Swb Here we flip the state of \tnsr@Swx to \tnsr@Swa then calculate and insert the
necessary padding for index alignment.
94 \newcommand\tnsr@Swb{%
95 \let\tnsr@Swx\tnsr@Swa
96 \settowidth\@tempdima{$\m@th\tnsr@Obj{}^{\the\tnsr@Spe}$}%
97 \settowidth\@tempdimb{$\m@th\tnsr@Obj{}_{\the\tnsr@Sbe}$}%
98 \addtolength\@tempdima{-\@tempdimb}%
99 \ifdim\@tempdima=\z@\else
100 \ifdim\@tempdima>\z@
101 \tnsr@Sbs\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
102 \expandafter\the\expandafter\tnsr@Sbs
103 \expandafter\kern\the\@tempdima
104 }
105 \else
106 \@tempdima=-\@tempdima
107 \tnsr@Sps\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
108 \expandafter\the\expandafter\tnsr@Sps
109 \expandafter\kern\the\@tempdima
110 }
111 \fi
112 \fi
113 }

\tnsr@Add This macro takes four arguments (the token-register target for the next index
token, the token-register target for the phantom element, the token-register target
for the most-recent element, the next index token). It adds the next index token
to the upper or lower string and (if spacing is on) a place-holder (\tnsr@Hph) of
the same size to the lower or upper string, respectively. It also calls \tnsr@Swx
to flip state (if activated). The use of \leavevmode is necessary to avoid conflict
with the color package.
114 \newcommand\tnsr@Add[4]{%
115 #1\expandafter{\the#1\leavevmode{#4}}%
116 \iftnsr@Spc
117 #2\expandafter{\the#2\tnsr@Hph{#4}}%
118 \fi
119 #3{\leavevmode{#4}}%
120 \tnsr@Swx
121 \tnsr@Pro
122 }

\tnsr@Hph The place-holder macro, uses \mathpalette to call the contents \tnsr@Mph:
123 \newcommand\tnsr@Hph{\expandafter\mathpalette\expandafter\tnsr@Mph}

\tnsr@Mph The place-holder macro contents:
124 \newcommand\tnsr@Mph[2]{%
125 \settowidth\@tempdima{$\m@th#1{#2}$}%
126 \makebox[\@tempdima][c]{$\m@th#1\indexmarker$}%
127 }

\indexmarker The default (blank) placeholder for index spacing:

128 \newcommand\indexmarker{}

\tnsr@Fin Finally, we put the index strings into place:

129 \newcommand\tnsr@Fin{^{\the\tnsr@Sps}_{\the\tnsr@Sbs}}

\ncld@Aux This auxiliary macro takes two arguments (an optional atomic number, a chemical
symbol). The mass number is passed via \ncld@Mno. Math mode is ensured since
usage is common in text. The spacing is increased by 1mu for better appearance.
130 \newcommand\ncld@Aux[2][]{%
131 \ensuremath{%
132 \tensor*[^{\nuclideFont{\the\ncld@Mno}}_{\nuclideFont{#1}}]%
133 {\mkern1mu{\mathit{\nuclideFont{#2}}{}}}{}%
134 }%
135 }

\tnsr@Err This is invoked in the only error situation considered.

136 \newcommand\tnsr@Err{%
137 \PackageError{tensor}{%
138 Sub/Superscript items out of order\on@line,
139 \MessageBreak some index tokens may now have been lost%
140 }{An index string has an extra or missing ‘^’ or ‘_’ token.}%
141 }

Change History

v1.0 v2.1
General: original version ....... 1 \indexmarker: added capability to
insert place holders . . . . . . . . . 8
v2.0 \indices: added starred form, for
General: extended \tensor, added symmetry with \tensor* . . . . . 4
\indices and \nuclide, substi- \tnsr@Add: added \leavevmode, to
tuted \DeclareRobustCommand avoid color package conflict . . . 7
for \newcommand in user com- \tnsr@Krn: altered spacing slightly 6
mands, documented and pack- \tnsr@Mph: substituted \hbox with
aged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 \makebox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is de-
scribed; numbers underlined refer to the code line of the definition; numbers in
roman refer to the code lines where the entry is used.

Symbols K S
* argument . . . . . . . . . 2 \kern . . . 57, 60, 103, 109 \settowidth . . . . . . .
\@empty . . . . . . . . . . 38 56, 59, 96, 97, 125
\@ifstar . . . . . . . . 3, 7 L \string . . . . . . . . . . 71
\@tempdima . . . . . . . \leavevmode . . . 115, 119
. 56, 57, 59, 60, T
\let . . . . . 23, 52, 64,
96, 98–100, 103, \tensor . . . 1, 2, 71, 132
75, 77, 86, 93, 95
106, 109, 125, 126 \tensor* . . . . . . . . . . 2
\@tempdimb . . . . . 97, 98 \the . . . . . . . . . . 42,
45, 96, 97, 102,
\m@th . . . . . . . . . 56,
A 103, 108, 109,
59, 96, 97, 125, 126
\addtolength . . . . . . 98 115, 117, 129, 132
\makebox . . . . . . . . . 126
\tnsr@Add . . 80, 83, 114
\mathit . . . . . . . . . . 133
D \tnsr@Aux . . . . . . . 3, 31
\mathpalette . . . 32, 123
\DeclareRobustCommand \tnsr@Err 53, 63, 85, 136
\mathrm . . . . . . . . . . 13 \tnsr@Fin 28, 40, 49, 129
. . . . . . . . . 1, 5, 9 \MessageBreak . . 71, 139
\def . . . 26, 36, 37, 80, 83 \tnsr@Hph . . . . 117, 123
\mkern . . . . . . . . 56, 133 \tnsr@Krn . . . 42, 45, 55
E \tnsr@Mph . . . . 123, 124
N \tnsr@Nxt . . . . . 64,
\else . . . . 38, 65, 74,
\ncld@Aux . . . . . 11, 130 77, 80, 83, 86, 91
78, 81, 84, 99, 105
\ncld@Mno . . 10, 18, 132 \tnsr@Obj . . . . . 26,
\ensuremath . . . . . . . 131
\ndcs@Aux . . . . . . . 7, 25 36, 56, 59, 96, 97
\expandafter . . . 41,
\newcommand . . . . . . . \tnsr@Plt . . . . . . 32, 35
42, 44, 45,
. 13, 20, 25, 31, \tnsr@Pro . . 53, 62, 121
101–103, 107–
35, 51, 55, 62, \tnsr@Prp . . . . . 2, 6, 20
109, 115, 117, 123
93, 94, 114, 123, \tnsr@Sbe . . . 14, 83, 97
F 124, 128–130, 136 \tnsr@Sbs . . . . . . . .
\fi . . . . . . . . 47, 76, \newif . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . 14, 22, 44, 45,
87–90, 111, 112, 118 \newtoks . . . . . . . 14–18 80, 83, 101, 102, 129
\nuclide . . . . . . . . 3, 9 \tnsr@Set 27, 39, 48, 51
G \nuclideFont . . . . . . \tnsr@Spcfalse . . . 3, 7
\gdef . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 . . . 3, 13, 132, 133 \tnsr@Spctrue . . . . 3, 7
\tnsr@Spe . . . 14, 80, 96
H O \tnsr@Sps . . . . . . . .
\hphantom . . . . . . . . 40 \on@line . . . . . . . . . 138 . 14, 21, 41, 42,
80, 83, 107, 108, 129
I P \tnsr@Swa . . . 75, 93, 95
\ifdim . . . . . . . . 99, 100 \PackageError . . . . . 137 \tnsr@Swb . . . . . . 93, 94
\iftnsr@Spc . 19, 67, 116 \PackageWarning . . . 69 \tnsr@Swx . . . . . . . .
\ifx . . . 38, 63, 66, 79, 82 52, 75, 93, 95, 120
\indexmarker 3, 126, 128 R \tnsr@Wrn 23, 29, 33, 68
\indices . . . . . . . . 2, 5 \relax . . . . . . 23, 52, 64
\indices* . . . . . . . . . 2 \reserved@a . . . . . 37, 38
\z@ . . . . . . . . . . 99, 100

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