Crew Clothing Company Final
Crew Clothing Company Final
Crew Clothing Company Final
N0669454 Word Count: 2,923
1. Contents 25. References
4. PESTLE Analysis
5. SWOT Analysis
6. UK Competitors
7. US Competitors
8. Ansoff Matrix
13. UK Consumer
14, US Consumer
The idea of Crew Clothing Company began
with Alastair Parker-Swift in the 90’s. The de-
signs were inspired by effortless, classic English
coastal fashion in Devon, the area in which the
founder grew up. The success of his collection
began on the Isle of Wight during Cowes week
where it quickly sold out. The aim of the brand
was always to create simple, timeless fashion
that people could rely on to be consistent, al-
ways relating back to typical English Heritage.
• Brexit may affect trade overseas • Taking the brand to America may be more
• Recent Trump Election difficult with the export of products during this
time with Britain leaving the EU.
• New US President could lead to new policies
on import duties of foreign goods if Crew move
into the US
• Drop in Exchange Rates in US • May effect proft of the brand in the US
ECONOMIC • Increase in UK Living wage • Increase in the cost of labour in the UK, could
• Poor economic state between UK and Europe effect profit
• Effects consistency of pricing
• Unpredictablility in consumers buying behav- • Staying up to date with social trends to fulfill
iour, more demanding consumers consumer needs and stay ahead of competitors
• Activewear trend becoming more and more • Crew could use olympians and celebrity
popular amassadors to appeal to those who live active
• Advances in digital innovation and social media • Crew will need to improve their social media
TECHNOLOGICAL • More Innovative marketing and buying experi- presence, taking the opportunity to live stream
ence events
• More consumers using their smartphones to • Crew clothing could develop a smartphone app
buy products or a mobile equivalent website that’s easy to use
• Legal requirements • They need to ensure the production of their
LEGAL products and their processes are legal and
• The brand offers good customer service, constantly fulfilling consum- • Crew Clothing are not well known on the high street, being based on
er needs which increases the reputation of the brand and makes it coastline fashion and heritage and with limited stores located in cities
more likely for customers to repeatedly purchase from them and towns, they have a restricted customer base
• They are known for having high quality products fitting with their • They are compitent at keeping their current consumers but rarely at-
identity of offering timeless fashion to consumers tain new ones with having a limited product offer and don’t regularly
• They have high customer loyalty as current customers know they can focus on extending the brand or their products to enter new markets
trust Crew Clothing to offer high quality products with good customer • The brand is costly, it relies on consumers to have a high disposable
service with every purchase income which many don’t have. They don’t offer many products or
outlet stores suitable for those who can’t afford their prices
• They have the opportunity for brand stretch with possibly offering a • There is a growing want for ethical products in consumers and com-
homewear range, a Classic Crew Collection, Coastal Chic line and pard to their competitors they are a less sustainable and ethical brand
Crew Basics for those with lower disposable income which could cause consumers to move more towards other brands
• They could also extend the brand to children’s wear, a collection that • Crew clothing have a low brand awareness
offers more to a younger audience and a sports clothing line in order • It isn’t a city lifestyle brand and most products are suited to country
to increase their customer base and expand the brand and to increase which could be an issue when expanding the brand to urban areas
profits • In terms of making it in the USA, the US consumers can’t relate to
• Increase their social media presence, a current way to reach many the typical English heritage of the brand
consumers and to attain new ones • There are many barriers to entry when taking a brand to the US such
• Pop-up events and events being live streamed on Instagram as cost of entry, competitors and cost of research to survive in the US
• They could use celebrity endorsement to promote the brand and an market.
ideal lifestyle to consumers e.g. Olympians • TV and Social Media are more successful than magazines but are also
• Promotion events such as a Hamptons Beach Party more expensive which could impact the brand’s profit
• Use influential mum bloggers to increase the success of new lines • It is already a saturated market in the US with brands like Ralph Lau-
ren, Jack Wills and Tommy Hilfiger so Crew will need to be unique to
5 stand out from these
Older Demographic
6 Younger Demographic
Fig. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
In the USA, Crew Clothing would be Older Demographic
competing with US brands such as
Castaway Nantucket who also focus
on coastline fashion and have a classic
and consistent style with stores mainly
on the coast. However they too have a
childrens collection which puts them
above Crew Clothing in the range of
products they offer.
Younger Demographic
Crew Clothing should start improving through mar-
ket penetration using social media and celebrity am-
bassadors. We have significantly less followers on so-
cial media compared to our competitors with less than
6,000 followers on Instagram, whilst Fat Face have over
30,000 which puts Crew at a significant disadvantage.
We could improve this through doing live streaming of
events and product launches to increase the engage-
ment of consumers with the brand and social media
competitions which reward current consumers rather
than trying to attain new ones. Olympians as our brand
ambassadors could also help to improve our brand
awareness by appealing to their typical active consum-
er and spreading awareness of the brand to a wider
audience through using idols that have a large fan base.
Crew Clothing could take the opportunity to extend
the brand with product development of new lines like
a kids collection, homewear, crew basics and a Crew
Clothing scent as well as products that may appeal more
to a younger consumer. This will help us stay equal
to our consumers and increase our consumer base.
Taking existing products and new collections to the
US is making the market more diverse and attaining
new consumers. This would be the last step in Crew
Clothings development once it’s more established in
the UK. They would start in the US with pop up stores
to test their success before moving onto concessions.
Fig.. 12
Macro Trends:
Product: Crew offer clothing, shoes and accessories for
both Men and Women. These products are high quality and
are consistent in their classic style rather than following trends
Price: Our price ranges between £15 for very basic
items like ladies T-shirts, up to £160 for products such as
coats and blazers. The price is primarily targeted at the
upper-middle class who have a larger disposable income
Place: Crew Clothing have stores and outlets across
the UK, mainly around the coastal areas with only
a select few stores in built up areas. We also have
an internet presence with a seamless online store
Promotion: A lot of our advertising is offline, if at all.
Crew don’t promote very much on Social Media or online
and have a limited following base. However there are often
special offers on such as 2 for £80 shirts and seasonal dis-
counts as well as their current Father’s Day gift collection
People: Crew Clothing take pride in their ex-
ceptionate customer service both online and of-
fline and pay attention to employing enthusiastic
and friendly staff to reflect the essence of the brand
Process : Crew’s contact services are open daily from
Monday to Sunday, with quick responses and cashback
Physical Evidence : Reviews have stated :”Great
retailer, cashback recieved quickly would high-
ly recommend”, “Easy and straightforward trans-
action”, “Excellent quality and excellent service”
Productivity and Quality: Crew Clothing of-
fer value for money, consumers are paying for high
quality products that will last and a timeless style
Fig.. 13
Brand Vision
Staying in touch with our British character, crew create effortless, classic clothes that are long lasting and relia-
ble so that consumers are always confident they will provide excellent quality
Brand Objectives
Offering classic and timeless fashion that remains in style and is consistent with the brand.
To increase loyalty with consumers so they can always rely on Crew Clothing for the same high quality products.
Brand Essence
A proud British brand that combines classic quality and coastal chic. The personality of the brand is confident
and sophisticated with a warm and welcoming charm.
Brand Positioning
For less trend conscious consumers of the upper middle class, Crew Clothing offers maximum quality and a con-
sistent flawless style, whilst focussing on developing a loyal relationship with their customers.
Fig.. 14
Fig.. 15
Fig.. 16
Fig.. 19
Fig.. 20
Trump election may lead to possible
new policies like export duties on
Decreased shares in foreign goods
clothing and shoes re-
flected declining relative
Fig.. 23
An opportunity for Crew Clothing is a Kids
Collection that ranges from 0 months up to Fig.. 25
14 years for both boys and girls. The price
range would be similar to Next Kids Col-
lection, from £3 for basic t-shirts up to £65
for more more detailed items such as girls
dresses. We would aim for the same high
quality as the Men and Women’s clothes
with a similar colour pallette including
their signature blue and white stripe. Crew
would do a range plan including the quan-
tity of products, price and distribution
channels as well as insuring the collection is
fitting with the brand’s identity and values
and will increase profit in the long term.
This could be a positive extension of the
brand as it puts them at a greater advan-
tage compared to competitors such as Fig.. 26
White stuff that don’t offer kids products.
It is likely to be successful due to mum’s
mostly buying their children’s clothes and
so will be happy to buy them from the same
brand as they buy their own and brands
they already trust. Awareness of the brand
could be spread by mom bloggers who
are particularly influencial in the US and
who other mom’s can relate to and trust.
Fig.. 27
Fig.. 24
Fig.. 31
Fig.. 30
Creating a scent could really enhance Crew Clothing’s sales, the customer experience and their position against competitors. The
Crew Scent would be fresh and light and would be produced into perfumes and room sprays. It could be used in our stores to im-
prove our marketing strategy. By spraying it around stores, we are reaching consumers on a more emotional level with scent being
the most powerful sense for consumers. It will create a more memorable experience for customers and could cause them to linger
for longer in store, as well as increasing customer satisfaction and attracting new customers, creating a long lasting connection. It is
important for the Crew Scent to be a reflection on our identity and brand experience so that when consumers smell it they think of
us. The pricing would be similar to the cost scent products in Jack Wills, between £20 and £35 depending on what form it comes in.
Fig. 34
Fig.. 35
Crew can base their US marketing stratgey on the through using colours and images that fit with
SOSTAC planning model in order to understand Crew Clothing and what would be expected in a
where we are and where we want to be. When tak- UK store in terms of aesthetics. Crew Clothing
ing Crew Clothing to the US, the best market strat- already take pride in our customer service so this Fig.. 36
egy is probably direct exporting which is less risky should be transferred to the pop up stores in the US.
as it’s using own resources as well as allowing the
brand to learn the overseas market before investing In order to increase brand awareness, Crew Cloth-
fully. It also gives us the opportunity to increase ing need to improve their social media presence
potential profits as we are eliminating the interme- through live streaming brand events and product
diaries and sales go straight to the company. How- launches in order to engage the consumer and in-
ever this does mean they’ll have a lack of control volve them more in the brand. As well as this they Fig.. 37
over overseas agents which could be a threat when could use social media for brand competitions
establishing the brand in the US. Crew will use mul- for example, consumers could post their favour-
ti-channel retailing with e-commerce, m-commerce ite crew product with the hashtag #MyCrew and
and pop-up stores then later move into concessions. could be rewarded for doing so. This is increasing
Crew should start with Pop-up stores on the the loyalty of current consumers instead of trying
coast before moving to concessions and flag- too hard to attain new ones. Social Media will also
ship stores in the main urban cities. This in- help when promoting products for a younger age
cludes states such as Virginia, Florida, Georgia range, who are constantly staying up to date with
and South Carolina which allows Crew Clothing social media and being inspired by it’s contents.
to keep their heritage of being a coastal brand Overall Crew need to increase their followers on
and will target their main consumers in these ar- Social Media in a generation where it is becoming
eas who want classic style and coastal fashion. growingly popular even for the older consumer. Fig.. 39
Pop-up stores will allow the brand to test the Fig.. 38
waters and judge the potential success of Crew Another way we can increase our brand awareness
Clothing in the US before moving onto bigger is through brand ambassadors. Using Olympians
stores where they could risk losing significant to target our more active consumers and possibly
profit if the brand doesn’t do well with Amer- younger consumers and Mom bloggers to target
ican city consumers. It also allows them to test our typical consumer and age range, especially in
their chances against US competitors that are the US where Mom bloggers are very influential.
well established in an already saturated market. Mom’s look for brands they can trust and are likely
For Crew to survive in the US they need to fol- to shop where other Mom’s have recommended as
low the 70/30 principle. They should stay 70% they can relate to them. This may also aid the de-
consistent with the brand’s identity and 30% velopment of the Crew Kids Collection as Mom’s Fig.. 40
flexible to adapt to the US Market and satis- also want to buy their kid’s clothes from the same
fy the American consumer. Therefore the pop place as them and from somewhere they trust.
up stores need to reflect our brand identity 21
• Become more established in UK using So-
cial Media platforms to reward current
consumers and attain new ones, spreading
brand awareness. This will also be helpful
when establishing Crew Clothing in the US
• Follow the 70/30 principle, staying 70%
consistent with the character and herit-
age of the brand but adapting 30% to suit
the American consumer and the US market
• Develop trust with the US consum-
ers through using celebrity ambassadors
such as Olympians and Mom bloggers
who our target consumers can relate to
• Extend products lines to improve our posi-
tion against both UK and USA competitors
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Fig 22. (2017) 2017 Reader’s Choice Awards [Photograph] Available at:
Fig 23. Geography Blog Outline Maps United States [Image] Available at:
Fig 24. (2014) Dreambox [Photograph] Available at:
Fig 25. Sun Shots Family Beach Photography [Photograph] Available at:
Fig 26. McElligott, J. (2017) Time to kick the bucket [Photograph] Available at:
Fig 27. (2017) Crew Clothing Stripe Jumper [Image] Available at:
Fig 28. (2017) Navy & White Striped Cushion [Image] Available at:
Fig 29. (2017) Bonsoni [Image] Available at:
Fig 30. (2017) Joules Home and Outdoor Pillowcases [Image] Available at:
Fig 31. Great coastal style from Neptune [Image] Available at:
Fig 32. Home Buys to Embrace Coastal Interiors [Image] Available at:
Fig 33. Bedrooms [Image] Available at:
Fig 34. Crew Clothing Scent Box. (2017) [Drawing] By Laura Hanson.
Fig 35. (2017) Crew Clothing Co. – Wine Offer [Photograph] Available at:
Fig 36. Salvation Army – Pop-up Shop [Photograph] Available at:
Fig 37. (2017) Crew Clothing Discount Code [Image] Available at:
Fig 38. Clavane, A. (2013) Ben Ainslie aims to defy the odds again in BBC Sports Personality of the Year [Photograph] Available at:
Fig 39. (2017) Chelsea Mamma, Talking to the Teens with Boots UK [Image] Available at:
Fig 40. 2017) MomGenerations [Image] Available at:
Fig 41. Modernality Fabrics [Image] Available at: