G.R. No. L-16177 May 24, 1967 People of The Philippines, Plaintiff

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EN BANC case was pending trial. Thus, the trial Villanueva St., Pasay City. At this meeting,
proceeded only with respect to the herein Jose Guico was absent.
G.R. No. L-16177 May 24, 1967 appellants: Pancho Pelagio, Oscar Caymo
and Jose Guico. But the full and exact nature of Jose Guico's
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- participation in the first meeting is unclear
appellee, The records disclose that Jose Guico, an ex- because there is evidence to the effect that
vs. convict, and Evelyn Villanueva lived in while the robbery was then being discussed,
PANCHO PELAGIO Y ALFONSO, ET common law relationship at No. 289-A (Int.) Guico was in the bathroom taking his shower.
AL., defendants. Leveriza St., Pasay City, from about January (t.s.n. pp. 6, 12-13, Hearing of August 23,
PANCHO PELAGIO Y ALFONSO, OSCAR 1955 to March of the same year. Among their 1955). It is established, though, that after
CAYMO Y REYES and JOSE GUICO Y friends were Pancho Pelagio, also an ex- Manalang had sketched the intended victim's
PAPAS, defendants-appellants. convict, and Armando Manalang. At around house and its surrounding, Guico explained
three o'clock in the afternoon of March 23, the location of the said house in relation to the
Jose Bonto and Jose Sarte for defendants- 1955, while Manalang was at the above surrounding streets and, the points thereof
appellants. residence, Pancho Pelagio came to see the through which entrance and exit should be
Antonio Barredo for plaintiff-appellee A. B. spouses Guico and Villanueva. Pelagio's wife effected.
Zamora. had just delivered a child and he wanted to
Manuel V. Pineda for other plaintiff-appellee. borrow money for the hospital expenses. When the meeting broke up at about sick
o'clock that evening, March 24, 1955, Pancho
PER CURIAM: It is not determinable from the records if Pelagio, Oscar Caymo, Armando Manalang
Pancho Pelagio was then accommodated in and Arcadio Balmeo set out for the execution
his request for a loan. The records disclose, of their plan. They all walked together towards
This is an appeal from the decision of the
however, that Armando Manalang, taking Aling Nena's residence although before
Court of First Instance of Pasay City in
advantage of the said visit, informed Pancho reaching the place, Caymo ordered Manalang
Criminal Case No. 3380, People v. Pancho
Pelagio of a robbery he, Manalang was to hail and hold a taxi which the latter did.
Pelagio, et al., condemning the appellants,
planning with some other friends who later Then, too, only Balmeo and Caymo actually
Pancho Pelagio, Oscar Caymo and Jose
were revealed by Manalang to be Jose Guico, entered the victim's premises because, as
Guico, to death for the crime of robbery with
Oscar Caymo and Arcadio Balmeo. Pelagio was earlier agreed upon, Pancho Pelagio
homicide as defined and penalized in Article
and Manalang decided to talk the matter over acted as the lookout for the two and he simply
294 of the Revised Penal Code.
and, in fact, did discuss the subject once more posted himself by the gate of the said house.
later that afternoon in the presence of Jose
The amended information under which the Guico and Evelyn Villanueva, when Caymo Caymo and Balmeo gained entrance to the
above judgment was rendered originally and Balmeo arrived in the same house. The house through its back kitchen door which
recited six defendants, namely, the three following day, March 24, 1955, the above they found to be open. Once inside, Caymo
aforenamed appellants, and Arcadio Balmeo, persons, namely, Evelyn Villanueva, Pancho drew his gun and sought out its occupants.
Evelyn Villanueva and Arcadio Manalang alias Pelagio, Armando Manalang, Oscar Caymo Only an old woman, Mrs. Severina de Gloria,
Ding Manalang. Subsequently, however, and Arcadio Balmeo, met again at Guico's however, was in at the time. Caymo then
Arcadio Balmeo and Evelyn Villanueva were residence and there finalized and agreed on pointed the gun at the old lady and intimidated
discharged from the said information when the plan to rob the house of Guico's former her into producing all the money and jewelry
they agreed to turn state witnesses. Armando landlady, a certain Aling Nena, at No. 327 G. she could. All in all, the pair got about P437 in
Manalang, on the other hand, died while the
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cash, three pieces of jewelry worth about during the robbery. The latter explained that he was then at home at No. 2316 Oroquieta
P205.00 and a watch worth about P300.00. he had to scamper away before Caymo and Street, Manila. Finally, Jose Guico maintained
After they had taken the above items, Caymo Balmeo had gone down because he, Pelagio, that during the incident he was at the
ordered Mrs. de Gloria to lie face downward, saw someone slip out of the house apparently residence of one Jose Obligacion where he
covered her with a blanket, and cautioned her to summon the police. stayed until about 11:00 in the evening.
against moving or otherwise sounding out an Consistently with their alibi, the appellants
alarm. The two then went down the house and The records do not disclose just how and charged that the extrajudicial confession given
out into the street. At the gate, however, they when the herein appellants and their by them were secured by the police through
failed to find Pancho Pelagio. companions were apprehended by the police. threat and maltreatment.
It appears, however, that on March 25, 1955,
From G. Villanueva Street where the victim's or the day following the incident, Oscar In the appeal before us now, only Oscar
house was located, Caymo and Balmeo Caymo was taken to the National Bureau of Caymo sticks to the defense of alibi. Appellant
walked till they got to the corner of F. Investigation and subjected to paraffin test Pancho Pelagio now admits he participated in
Fernando street where they found Armando and found positive for nitrate burns in both the crime in the manner recited above but
Manalang waiting for them in a taxi. Caymo hands, the next day, he executed his submits that, under the circumstances, he
and Balmeo then rode on it. extrajudicial confession (Exh. I) relating to his should only be convicted for simple robbery
participation in the crime and implicating and not for robbery with homicide. Appellant
As the taxi was about to leave, however, a Pancho Pelagio, Armando Manalang had Jose Guico, on the other hand, argues in this
jeep from the opposite direction blocked its Arcadio Balmeo in it. appeal that even under the facts found by the
way and as the two vehicles were thus trial court regarding his participation, he
stopped, a man alighted from the jeep and On March 26, 1955, appellant, Jose Guico cannot justly be convicted for the crime
started to walk towards the taxi. When the also executed an extra-judicial confession charged. The Office of the Solicitor General,
stranger was very near the taxi already, (Exh. I) owning his participation in the for its part, urges the affirmance of the
Manalang instructed Caymo to shoot at the formation of the conspiracy as earlier recited decision under review with respect to Pancho
man as the latter was a police officer. in this decision. He named as co-conspirators Pelagio and Oscar Caymo but recommends
Whereupon, Caymo leveled several shots at Pancho Pelagio and Armando Manalang. the acquittal of Jose Guico on reasonable
the latter, about six in all; and the man, who doubt.
was later identified as Patrolman Francisco The last to be apprehended was Armando
Trinidad of the Pasay Police Department, fell Manalang. On April 8, 1955, he extra-judicially After a careful and thorough review of the
dead. confessed (Exh. G) to the above offense and evidence, this Court believes that the decision
implicated as his companions in it Jose Guico, appealed from should be modified to the end
From the scene of the shooting, Manalang, Oscar Caymo, Arcadio Balmeo and Evelyn that Oscar Caymo's conviction should stand,
Caymo and Balmeo went direct to a house in Villanueva. Pancho Pelagio's guilt be reduced to simple
Buendia Street owned by Manalang's sister robbery, and Jose Guico, as recommended by
where they changed clothes and hid the death In the trial court, the herein appellant's the Solicitor General, be acquitted on
weapon and the money and jewelry they had common defense was alibi. Pancho Pelagio reasonable doubt.
robbed. Shortly thereafter, Caymo and claimed that at the time of the incident he was
Balmeo proceeded to a house in Blumentritt playing mahjong at the house of one Angelina Appellant Oscar Caymo's insistence on his
where they met Pancho Pelagio whom they Dadivas in Lakandola Street, Tondo, Manila. alibi is absolutely futile. The evidence against
called to account for his absence at the gate Oscar Caymo, on the other hand, claimed that
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its credibility is both forceful and effect that for alibi to prosper, it is not enough records disclose, the conspirators were
overwhelming. to prove that he was also somewhere when agreed only on the commission of robbery;
the crime was committed but the defendant there is no evidence that homicide besides
To begin with, Oscar Caymo was positively must likewise demonstrate that it was was determined by them when they plotted
identified by Mrs. Severina de Gloria as one of physically impossible for him to have been at the crime. All these warrant the exclusion of
those who broke into her house on the night of the scene of the crime at such time. (People v. Pancho Pelagio from any responsibility for the
the incident and robbed her at gunpoint. He Limpo, et al., G.R. No. L-13058, January 28, said killing. (People vs. Basisten, et al., 47
was likewise positively identified during the 1961) Caymo's alibi does not meet this Phil. 493) Considering that those who actually
trial by Francisco Juni, the driver of the get- standard. Consequently, this Court would only participated in the robbery were only three,
away taxi, as the gunwielder in the fatal do wrong and carry justice to set aside his Pancho Pelagio included, and only one of
shooting of Pat. Trinidad. Additionally, state conviction. them was armed, the same evidently was not
witnesses Evelyn Villanueva and Arcadio "in band." (Art. 296, Revise Penal Code) This
Balmeo testified at the stand that he was This Court, however, concurs with appellant being the case, then it would indeed be
among those who hatched and agreed on the Pancho Pelagio's submission that, by the trial irregular or questionable to hold Pancho
robbery at the house of Jose Guico previous court's own factual determination, his criminal Pelagio similarly responsible as Caymo and
to the execution of the same. And then, too, liability cannot be extended beyond simple Balmeo for the killing of Pat. Trinidad. Under
he was found positive for nitrate burns in both robbery. We hold Pancho Pelagio guiltless or the code, it is only when the robbery is in band
his hands by the National Bureau of innocent of Pat. Trinidad's death. that all those present in the commission of the
Investigation the very day following the robbery may be punished, for any of the
incident. Against this finding, he has offered Even the decision under appeal recites that assaults which its members might commit.
neither denial nor any reasonable explanation. when Arcadio Balmeo and Oscar Caymo Thus, in People v. Pascual, G.R. No. L-4801,
Even if this Court disregards his extrajudicial hurried out of the victim's house after the June 30, 1953 (unreported), we held that
confession, therefore, though we do not here robbery, Pancho Pelagio had evidently fled where three persons committed robbery and
now find the same inadmissible the from his lookout post because the pair, two of them committed rape upstairs on its
acceptance of Caymo's alibi would still be Balmeo and Caymo, failed to locate him at the occasion, while the third guarded the owner of
completely anomalous and irrational. No gate where he was supposed to have the house downstairs, only the two who
jurisprudence in criminal cases is more settled stationed himself. To be sure, the said committed the assault should be punished for
than the rule that alibi is the weakest of all decision itself renders the account that it was robbery with rape while the third was liable for
defenses and that the same should be only Balmeo and Caymo who walked together robbery only.
rejected when the identity of the accused has from the said house to the corner of
been sufficiently and positively established by Villanueva and F. Fernando Streets where Finally, we find the Solicitor General's
eyewitnesses to the crime. (People v. Ruiz, then they saw Armando Manalang waiting for recommendation for the acquittal of appellant
G.R. No. L-11063, August 22, 1958; People v. them in a taxi and that it was only when these Jose Guico well founded. While it seems
Asmawil, G.R. No. L-18761, March 31, 1965; three had taken to the said taxi, and the cab proven that the said appellant did participate
People vs. Lumayag, G.R. No. L-19142, was about to leave, that the shooting of Pat. in the first of two meetings in the discussion of
March 31, 1965). When nothing supports it Trinidad happened. When the homicide was the plan to commit the robbery in question by
except the testimonies of relatives and friends committed, therefore, Pancho Pelagio could answering Armando Manalang's inquiries
and the defendant's own urging of the same, not have had the least intervention or relating to the intended house and its
the said defense weighs and is worth nothing. participation as might justify penalizing him surrounding streets and the means of
(People v. Bañaga, et al., G.R. No. L-14905, likewise for the said killing. So far as the entrance thereto and the channels of exit
January 28, 1961) Besides, the rule is to the therefrom, the evidence is as much that,
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thereafter, his involvement with the conspiracy "when the action of the felony starts and the penalty on appellant Oscar Caymo, but
ceased. It should be recalled that the accused, because of fear or remorse desists modifies the conviction of appellant Pancho
conferences on the robbery were held on from its continuance, there is no attempt. . . . If Pelagio from robbery with homicide to simple
March 23, and 24, 1955. At the first meeting, the author of the attempt, after having robbery under Article 294, paragraph 5,
the participants were Jose Guico, Pancho commenced to execute the felony by external R.P.C., with the aforementioned aggravating
Pelagio, Oscar Caymo, Armando Manalang, acts, he stops by a free and spontaneous circumstances. Accordingly and applying the
Arcadio Balmeo and Evelyn Villanueva. At the feeling on the brink of the abyss, he is saved. Indeterminate Sentence Law, the said
meeting of the 24th the same group, save for It is a call to repentance, to the conscience, a appellant is hereby sentenced to a prison term
appellant Jose Guico, conferred and finalized grace, a pardon which the law grants to of from four years and two months of prision
the plan and, in fact, proceeded to execute the voluntary repentance." (Cited and translated correccional to eight years and one day
same almost immediately after the conference in Padilla Criminal Law, p. 120, 1964 Ed.) of prision mayor. The abovenamed appellants,
adjourned. There is ample and positive moreover, are hereby ordered to indemnify,
evidence on record that appellant Jose Guico In summary then, this Court finds appellant jointly and severally the offended parties
was absent not only from the second meeting Oscar Caymo guilty beyond reasonable doubt named in the decision under appeal the sums
but likewise from the robbery itself. To be of the crime of robbery with the homicide therein stated. The indemnity for the death of
sure, not even the decision under appeal attended by the aggravating circumstances, Pat. Francisco Trinidad, payable to his heirs,
determined otherwise. Consequently, even if all recited in the information and proven at the should be raised from P3,000.000 to
Guico's participation in the first meeting trial, of nocturnity and use of a motor vehicle P6,000.00 and charged alone against
sufficiently involved him with the conspiracy, without the compensating mitigating appellant Oscar Caymo. Finally, the conviction
such participation and involvement, however, circumstances. On the other hand, appellant of appellant Jose Guico is hereby set aside
would be inadequate to render him criminally Pancho Pelagio is hereby determined to be and let judgment be entered acquitting him for
liable as a conspirator. Conspiracy alone, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of simple the reasons given above. Costs against the
without the execution of its purpose, is not a robbery under Article 294, paragraph 5 of the appellants.
crime punishable by law, except in special Revised Penal Code, attended by the
instances (Article 8, Revised Penal Code) aggravating circumstances of nocturnity and FIRST DIVISION
which, however, do not include robbery. recidivism, having been at the time of the trial,
as recited in the information and proven at the
Besides, appellant Jose Guico's absence from trial, previously convicted for robbery. There is
the second conference as well as from the no mitigating circumstance appreciable in his G.R. No. 99840 August 14, 1995
robbery itself strongly points to his evident favor. For both appellants, therefore, the
change of mind regarding his commitment the penalties prescribed by law should be
previous day to be in on the robbery. Under imposed in their maximum period, although
the circumstances and under a policy of liberal appellant Pancho Pelagio is still qualified to
consideration for timely retreat or repentance, avail of the benefits of the Indeterminate
he may be deemed to have desisted Sentence Law. For the reasons given above,
MEDIONA, accused-appellant.
voluntarily from the conspiracy before the appellant Jose Guico should be, as he is
contemplated crime could actually be carried hereby acquitted.
out and therefore, free from penal
accountability. (People v. Timbol, et al., G.R. Wherefore this Court affirms the decision DAVIDE, JR., J.:
Nos. 47473-47474, August 4, 1944 under appeal insofar as it imposes the death
[unreported]) As Viada expounds on the rule,
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The accused-appellant was charged with suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua, with On March 17, 1990, between 8:00 and
murder in Criminal Case No. 90-82576-SCC all the accessory penalties provided by law, 8:30 p.m., Rogelio Fernando, Pastor
of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, and to pay the heirs of the victim P16,980.00 Escala, one Artemon and a certain
Branch 49, under an information the as actual damages and P50,000.00 as Jun, all of whom were tricycle drivers,
accusatory portion of which reads as follows: indemnity for moral damages. were in front of the bakery owned by
Benedicto Escala, the father of Pastor
That on or about March 17, 1990, in The trial court considered treachery as the Escala, located at No. 212 Magsaysay
the City of Manila, Philippines, the qualifying circumstance in view of the Street, corner Liwayway Street, Don
said accused conspiring and "suddenness" of the attack, leaving the victim Bosco, Tondo, Manila, conversing
confederating together with others "completely unaware of the intentions and about tricycle sidecars, while Marcelo
whose true names, real identities and actuations of Francisco Mediona because, at Gallardo was seated as he used to in
present whereabouts are still unknown the time, [the victim, Pastor Escala] was front of his house located eight (8)
and helping one another, did then and conversing with Rogelio Fernandez and was meters away from Escala's bakery
there wilfully, unlawfully and thus unable to defend himself and prevent the across the street, passing the time
feloniously with intent to kill, and by attack on him by Francisco (tsn, May 28, 1990, pp. 5-7, 21-22, 24,
means of treachery and evident Mediona."4 26-27, 30-33, 35-36, 38-41, 44). The
premeditation, attack, assault and use place was illuminated by a lighted
personal violence upon one Pastor The evidence for the prosecution as electric post about seven (7) to eight
Neil Escala y de Guzman by then and developed by the testimonies of its witnesses (8) meters from the bakery (Ibid., pp.
there stabbing him several times on is summarized in the Brief for the Appellee as 26-27, 35-36). Although passenger
the different parts of his body with a follows: jeepneys and other vehicles plied
knife, thereby inflicting upon the said Magsaysay Street, however, there
Pastor Neil Escala y de Guzman were no vehicles passing at the time
Sometime in February 1990, Rogelio
mortal wounds which were the direct (Ibid., p. 38).
Fernando, a tricycle driver and
and immediate cause of his death Francisco Mediona, a Metro Aide, had
thereafter. an altercation resulting in one chasing At that precise moment Marcelo
the other (TSN, May 28, 1990, pp. 15- Gallardo saw appellant Rodolfo
Contrary to law.1 16, 22). However, before the incident Federico and the latter's cousins
could worsen, Rogelio Fernando and Francisco Mediona and Ruben
He was also charged with frustrated murder in Francisco Mediona settled their Mediona emerge from an alley across
Criminal Case No. 90-82577 for stabbing on differences before the Barangay the street going towards the direction
the same occasion Rogelio Fernando. These Chairman of their place in Tondo, of the bakery; then change their
two cases were not, however, consolidated Manila, in the presence of the mother direction and go to a house nearby
despite a motion for that purpose. 2 of Rogelio Fernando and a Barangay (Ibid., pp. 35, 40-43). Not long after,
Tanod and sealed it by shaking hands appellant and his two cousins
(Ibid., pp. 15, 22-23). Rogelio reappeared at Magsaysay Street and
After trial on the merits of the first case, the
Fernando believed then that was the proceeded towards the bakery (Ibid.).
trial court, in a decision promulgated on 7
end of his differences with Francisco Francisco Mediona was holding with
December 1990,3 found the accused-appellant
Mediona (Ibid.). He was wrong. his right hand a bladed knife similar to
guilty beyond reasonable doubt as principal of
that used by butchers (Ibid., pp. 32,
the crime of murder and sentenced him to
44-45). At a distance of about six (6)
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to seven (7) meters from the lighted Mediona instantly turned to Pastor He then returned to the house of Elsa, but
electric post, the trio momentarily Escala, held him by the hair, and shortly thereafter, two policemen arrived,
stopped. Then Francisco Mediona, still stabbed him with his bladed knife handcuffed him, and pushed him outside the
armed with a knife, proceeded (Ibid., pp. 33-34, 51). Pastor Escala house. He told them that he had not done
towards the bakery where Rogelio fell down on his back to the pavement anything wrong, and when he asked why they
Fernando, Pastor Escala, Artemon and again Francisco Mediona stabbed arrested him, they just told him to give his
and Jun were still conversing; while him (Ibid.). Marcelo Gallardo saw explanation at the police headquarters. At the
Ruben Mediona and appellant Rodolfo Francisco Mediona stabbing Pastor police headquarters, Patrolman Richard
Federico, who both stayed behind, Escala four (4) times on different parts Lumbad tried to force him to admit that he
pulled out from their pockets slings of the body (Ibid.). After stabbing killed Pastor Escala, but he refused to do so.
with darts and aimed the same Pastor Escala, Francisco Mediona
towards the bakery, where Rogelio defiantly hurled a challenge on anyone Although the accused-appellant was not the
Fernando's group was (Ibid., pp. 31, in the vicinity to a fight but nobody one who stabbed the victim in this case, the
35-36, 45, 48, 50). Francisco Mediona took up his challenge (Ibid.). trial court convicted him as a principal on the
bought bread from the bakery (Ibid., Thereupon, Francisco Mediona fled basis of conspiracy established by the
pp. 7, 17). After buying bread, with the appellant and Ruben Mediona following facts, to wit: (a) the accused-
Francisco Mediona suddenly and (Ibid.). appellant and his cousins Francisco Mediona
without any warning stabbed Rogelio and Ruben Mediona emerged together and at
Fernando on the left side of the body, Pastor Escala was rushed to the Mary the same time from an alley nearby and went
who was caught by surprise and was Johnston Hospital where he was toward the bakery while the victim and his
hit between the armpit and left breast, pronounced dead on arrival by Dr. G. companions were conversing in front of the
and at the same time uttered "malas Uy, the hospital's surgeon-on-duty.5 bakery; (b) instead of proceeding directly to
mo, pare" (Ibid., pp. 7-8, 16-17, 32). the bakery, they first veered toward another
Rogelio Fernando felt pains in his The autopsy conducted on Pastor Escala's direction and went to the house nearby
body and instinctively fled from the body revealed that it bore six stab wounds (presumably Elsa Mediona's house); (c) they
scene before Francisco Mediona which caused his death.6 reappeared after a while near the bakery
could finish him off (Ibid., p. 18). He where Francisco pretended to buy bread,
ran towards Magsaysay Street, but his while the accused-appellant and Ruben,
The accused-appellant denied any
path was blocked by Ruben Mediona armed with slings and darts which they
participation in the commission of the crime
and appellant, who aimed their slings pointed at the bakery, positioned themselves
and interposed alibi to strengthen such denial.
and darts at him (Ibid., p. 8-11). So he strategically along Magsaysay Street; (d)
According to him, at 6:00 p.m. of 17 March
turned towards Herbosa Street, when Francisco was receiving the bread, he
1990, he was in the house of his cousin Elsa
Tondo, Manila, to avoid being hit by suddenly stabbed Rogelio Fernando on the
Mediona along Magsaysay Street, Tondo,
the darts of appellant and Ruben left side of his body, and after the latter
Manila, which is about twenty arms-length
Mediona (Ibid., p. 11). There, he met managed to escape, Francisco turned to
from the bakery. Shortly before 9:00 p.m. that
some friends who brought him to the Pastor Escala and stabbed him several times
evening, he noticed a commotion outside
Tondo Medical Center for medical while the accused-appellant and Ruben
Elsa's house and heard someone shouting,
treatment (Ibid., pp. 11-12). continued to aim their slings and darts at the
"May saksakan, may saksakan." When he
went out of the house, he heard people, say bakery; (e) after stabbing Escala, Francisco
Meanwhile, immediately after he that Francisco Mediona stabbed somebody. challenged every one in the area to a fight and
stabbed Rogelio Fernando, Francisco since nobody dared to accept the challenge,
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he left the scene together with the accused- fail to convince us with moral certainty that the conspiracy; for other acts done outside the
appellant and Ruben Mediona. accused-appellant had conspired with his contemplation of the co-conspirators or which
cousins Francisco Mediona and Ruben are not the necessary and logical
The trial court concluded that by their acts, the Mediona to kill Pastor Escala. consequence of the intended crime, only the
accused-appellant and his cousins Francisco actual perpetrators are liable. 8 In such a case,
and Ruben showed a common objective, that The basis for the trial court's conviction of the the dictum that the act of one is the act of all
of killing Rogelio Fernando and Pastor Escala, accused-appellant was the existence of a does not hold true anymore.
and each of them performed separate parts conspiracy between him, Ruben Mediona, and
aimed at and to attain the same objective. Francisco Mediona to kill both Rogelio No reason, motive, or intent on the part of
Such acts were concerted and cooperative in Fernando and the victim in this case, Pastor Francisco was shown or proved why he would
point of time and sequence, indicating Escala. What the trial court overlooked, stab Escala. And there is no convincing
concurrence of sentiments, sympathy and though is that the conspiracy which the evidence that the killing of Escala was part of
determination. records and the evidence of this case show the conspiracy to kill Rogelio Fernando.
and which the prosecution successfully Neither is there any indication that the
In this appeal, the accused-appellant wants us established is to kill Fernando only and not accused-appellant was aware that Francisco
to acquit him because the trial court: Escala also. would attack Escala. Francisco stabbed
Escala only after he had stabbed Rogelio
ERRED IN CONVICTING [HIM] It is very obvious that the accused-appellant Fernando and the latter ran away. Why
BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT. . . and his cousins intended to harm Fernando Francisco decided to also stab Escala is
AS PRINCIPAL OF THE CRIME OF because of the bad blood that existed beyond our ken. We could only surmise that
MURDER DESPITE THE FACT THAT between the latter and Francisco Mediona due Escala made a move which Francisco
HE HAD NOT CONSPIRED OR to a misunderstanding that occurred a month perceived as an act of aggression against him
COOPERATED WITH THE before the incident which Francisco could not because after repeatedly stabbing Escala,
ASSAILANT IN STABBING THE forget despite the amicable settlement Francisco even challenged those around him
VICTIM TO DEATH. mediated by the barangay captain. The to a fight.9 We cannot and should not assume
actions of the accused-appellant in arming that the accused-appellant had any inkling of
himself with a sling and darts which he aimed what Francisco was going to do at the time
He does not, therefore, question the findings
towards the bakery where Fernando and the the latter turned against Escala. Because the
of the trial court that the crime committed for
others were and in blocking the path of conspiracy was to kill Fernando only and the
the killing of Escala is murder. The only issue
Fernando when the latter tried to run away accused-appellant did not conspire with
presented to us is whether there was
from Francisco establish his concurrence in Francisco in the killing of Escala, he cannot be
conspiracy between the accused-appellant
the criminal purpose of Francisco, the actual held liable as a co-conspirator for the said
and his cousin Francisco Mediona, the person
assailant of Fernando. But with respect to the killing.
who actually stabbed Escala. If there was, the
accused-appellant admits that he would be stabbing of the victim herein, Pastor Escala,
equally liable with Francisco; otherwise, the we find very tenuous and insufficient the In the absence of a conspiracy or unity of
latter alone should suffer the consequences evidence of conspiracy. Conspiracy, just like criminal purpose and intention immediately
for the criminal act. the crime itself, must be established by proof before the commission of the crime, or
beyond reasonable doubt.7 And the rule has community of criminal design the criminal
always been that co-conspirators are liable responsibility arising from acts directed
Our own scrutiny of the records and
only for acts done pursuant to the against one and the same person is individual
evaluation of the evidence for the prosecution
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and not collective; each of the participants is lower in degree to that of prision [G.R. No. 121828. June 27, 2003]
liable only for the acts committed by mayor maximum to reclusion
him. 10 The accused-appellant, by his actions temporal medium which is prision
while Francisco was stabbing Escala, is liable correccional maximum to prision
for the latter's death, not as a co-principal mayor medium, and its maximum would be
however, but as an accomplice under Article within the range of prision mayor maximum
18 of the Revised Penal Code. It was to reclusion temporal medium. In view of the PHILIPPINES, appellee,
established that at the time Francisco absence of any mitigating or aggravating vs. EDMAR AGUILOS,
attacked and stabbed Escala, the accused- circumstances, such maximum period shall be
appellant and Ruben Mediona remained the medium period of the prescribed,
standing in the same place where they were penalty. 12 Accordingly, the accused-appellant ABREGON and RENE
when Francisco stabbed Fernando and still shall be sentenced to suffer an indeterminate GAYOT PILOLA, accused,
had their slings and darts pointed at the penalty ranging from eight (8) years of prision
people near the bakery. It is obvious then that mayor as minimum to seventeen (17) years
at that particular instance, the accused- and four (4) months of reclusion temporal as PILOLA, appellant.
appellant became aware of the intent of maximum.
Francisco to kill Escala. Moreover, he DECISION
cooperated in the execution of Francisco's WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment of
purpose and concurred therewith by pointing Branch 49 of the Regional Trial Court of CALLEJO, SR., J.:
his sling and darts, either to give moral Manila in Criminal Case No. 90-82576-SCC is
support to Francisco or to deter the people AFFIRMED, subject to the modifications on
from attacking him in retaliation for the
Before us is the appeal of
the extent of the accused-appellant's criminal
stabbing of Escala. Such cooperation, liability and the imposable penalty, and as
appellant Rene Gayot Pilola for the
however, was not indispensable to the modified, accused-appellant RODOLFO reversal of the Decision of the

accomplishment of the evil deed as to make FEDERICO Y MEDIONA is found guilty Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig
him a co-principal. beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of City, Branch 164, convicting him of
murder only as accomplice and his penalty is
Under Article 52 of the Revised Penal Code, hereby reduced from reclusion perpetua to an murder, sentencing him to
the penalty to be imposed upon an indeterminate penalty ranging from Eight (8) suffer reclusion perpetua and
accomplice in a consummated crime is that years of prision mayor as minimum, to ordering him to indemnify the heirs
next lower in degree to the one prescribed by Seventeen (17) years and Four (4) months
law for the consummated felony. The penalty of reclusion temporal as maximum. of the victim Joselito Capa y Rulloda
prescribed by Article 248 at the time of the in the amount of P50,000 for the
commission of the crime herein was reclusion Costs against the accused-appellant. latters death.
temporal in its maximum period to
death. 11 The penalty next lower in degree SO ORDERED.
would be prision mayor maximum to reclusion
temporal medium. Applying the Indeterminate The Indictment
Sentence Law, the minimum penalty which SECOND DIVISION
may be imposed upon the accused-appellant
would be within the range of the penalty next
Page |9

On June 7, 1998, Edmar Aguilos, subsequently convicted of argument. Edmar nettled Julian, and
Odilon Lagliba y Abregon and murder. The decision of the trial
the latter was peeved.An altercation
appellant Rene Gayot Pilola were court became final and between the two ensued. Elisa
charged with murder in an executory. Accused Edmar Aguilos pacified the protagonists and
Information which reads: remains at large while accused advised them to go home as she
Ronnie Diamante reportedly died a was already going to close
That on or about the 5th day of month after the incident. Meanwhile, up. Edmar and Odilon left the
February, 1988 in the Municipality of herein appellant Rene Gayot Pilola store.Joselito and Julian were also
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, was arrested. He was arraigned on about to leave, when Edmar and
Philippines, a place within the March 9, 1994, assisted by counsel, Odilon returned, blocking their
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, and pleaded not guilty to the way. Edmar took off his eyeglasses
the above-named accused, conspiring charge. Thereafter, trial of the case
and punched Julian in the face. Elisa
and confederating together with one ensued. shouted: Tama na. Tama na. Edmar
Ronnie Diamante who is still at-large and Julian ignored her and traded
and no fixed address and mutually fist blows until they reached Aling
helping and aiding with one another, The Evidence of the Prosecution [6]
Soteras store at the end of the
armed with double-bladed knives and a street, about twelve to fifteen meters
bolo and with intent to kill, treachery On February 5, 1988, at around away from Elisas store. For his part,
and taking advantage of superior 11:30 p.m., Elisa Rolan was inside Odilon positioned himself on top of a
strength, did then and there willfully, their store at 613 Nueve de Pebrero pile of hollow blocks and watched as
unlawfully and feloniously attack, Street, Mandaluyong City, waiting Edmar and Julian swapped
assault hack and stab one Joselito Capa for her husband to arrive. Joselito punches. Joselito tried to placate the
y Rulloda, as a result of which the latter Capa and Julian Azul, Jr. were protagonists to no avail. Joselitos
sustained hack and stab wounds on the drinking beer. Edmar Aguilos and intervention apparently did not sit
different parts of his body, which Odilon Lagliba arrived at the well with Odilon. He pulled out his
directly caused his death. store. Joselito and Julian invited knife with his right hand and stepped
them to join their drinking spree, and down from his perch. He placed his
left arm around Joselitos neck, and
although already inebriated, the two
newcomers obliged. In the course of stabbed the latter. Ronnie and the
Of the three accused, Odilon appellant, who were across the
their drinking, the conversation
Lagliba was the first to be street, saw their gangmate Odilon
turned into a heated
arrested and
tried, and stabbing the victim and decided to
P a g e | 10

join the fray. They pulled out their Pallor, conjunctivae and integument, blunt; located at the antero-lateral
knives, rushed to the scene and marked and generalized. aspect of chest, level of 3rd intercostal
stabbed Joselito. Elisa could not tell space, left, 3.0 cm. from anterior
how many times the victim was Contused abrasions: temple, right, 3.0 x median line; directed backward,
stabbed or what parts of his body 3.0 cm.; mandibular region, right, 2.0 x downward and medially, into the left
were hit by whom. The victim fell in 8.0 cm.; back, suprascapular region, thoracic cavity, penetrating the left
the canal. Odilon and the appellant left, 3.0 x 4.0 cm.; deltoid region, right, ventricle of the heart with an
fled, while Ronnie went after Julian 1.0 x 3.0 cm. approximate depth of 10.0 cm.;
and tried to stab him. Julian ran for
dear life. When he noticed that Lacerated wound, scalp, occipital 3. Elliptical, 3.0 cm., oriented almost
Ronnie was no longer running after region, 4.0 cm. horizontally, edges are clean-cut, one
him, Julian stopped at E. Rodriguez extremity is sharp and the other is
Road and looked back. He saw Incised wounds: forehead, right side, blunt; located at the antero-lateral
Ronnie pick up a piece of hollow 5.5 cm.; arm, left, upper third, posterior aspect of chest, level of 4th intercostal
block and with it bashed Joselitos aspect, 1.5 cm. space, 12.0 cm. from anterior median
head. Not content, Ronnie got a line; directed backward, downward and
piece of broken bottle and struck Stab wounds: medially, penetrating upper lobe of left
Joselito once more. Ronnie then fled lung with an approximate depth of 9.0
1. Elliptical, 1.8 cm., oriented almost cm.;
from the scene. Joselito died on the
horizontally, edges are clean-cut,
spot. Elisa rushed to Joselitos house
medial extremity is sharp, lateral 4. Elliptical, 2.0 cm., oriented almost
and informed his wife and brother of
extremity is blunt; located at the horizontally, edges are clean-cut, one
the incident.

anterior chest wall, level of extremity is sharp and the other is

The next day, Dr. Bienvenido 3rd intercostal space, right, 5.0 cm. from blunt; located at the antero-lateral
Muoz, Supervising Medico-Legal anterior median line; directed aspect of chest, level of 5th intercostal
Officer of the National Bureau of backward, upward and medially, non- space, left, 15.0 cm. from anterior
Investigation, conducted an autopsy penetrating, with an approximate depth median line; directed backward,
on the cadaver of Joselito and of 3.0 cm.; downward and medially, penetrating
prepared Autopsy Report No. N-88- the left thoracic cavity and then lower
375, with the following findings:
[8] 2. Elliptical, 1.5 cm., oriented almost lobe of left lung and then penetrating
horizontally, edges are clean-cut, one the left ventricle of the heart with an
POSTMORTEM FINDINGS extremity is sharp and the other is approximate depth of 11.0 cm.;
P a g e | 11

5. Elliptical, 1.3 cm., oriented almost 8. Elliptical, 2.0 cm., oriented almost located at the left arm, lower third,
horizontally, edges are clean-cut, one vertically, edges are clean-cut, upper posterior aspect, directed forward,
extremity is sharp and the other is extremity is blunt, lower extremity is downward and medially,
blunt; located at the lateral chest wall, sharp; located at the abdomen, postero- communicating with another wound,
level of 7th intercostal space, left, 16.0 lateral aspect, 15.0 cm. from posterior arm, left, lower third, posterior aspect,
cm. from anterior median line; directed median line; directed forward, upward 1.5 cm.
backward, upward and medially, into and laterally, into the abdominal cavity
the left thoracic cavity and then and then perforating the spleen and Hemothorax, left 900 c.c.
penetrating the lower lobe of left lung pancreas with an approximate depth of
with an approximately depth of 10.0 13.0 cm.; Hemopericardium 300 c.c.
9. Elliptical, 5.0 cm., oriented almost Hemoperitoneum 750 c.c.
6. Elliptical, 4.0 cm., oriented almost vertically, edges are clean-cut, upper
horizontally, edges are clean-cut, one extremity is blunt, lower extremity is Brain and other visceral organs, pale.
extremity is sharp and the other is sharp; located at the left arm, upper
blunt; located at the lumbar region, left, third, anterior; directed backward, Stomach-filled with rice and other food
14.0 cm. from anterior median line; downward and medially, involving skin particles.
directed backward, upward and and underlying soft tissues with an
CAUSE OF DEATH: Multiple stab
medially, into the abdominal cavity and approximate depth of 6.0 cm.;
then penetrating ileum;
10. Elliptical, 2.3 cm., oriented almost
7. Elliptical, 1.5 cm., oriented almost vertically, edges are clean-cut, upper
The Evidence of the Appellant
vertically, edges are clean-cut, upper extremity is sharp, lower extremity is
extremity is sharp, lower extremity is blunt; located at the left forearm, upper
blunt; located at the chest, lateral, level third, anterior; directed backward, The appellant denied stabbing
of 9th intercostal space, left; 14.0 cm. upward and medially and the victim and interposed the
from posterior median line; directed communicating with another wound, defense of alibi. He testified that at
forward, upward and medially, non- arm, left, medial aspect, 2.0 cm.; around 11:00 p.m. of February 5,
penetrating with an approximate depth 1988, he was in the house of his
of 4.0 cm.; 11. Elliptical, 2.0 cm., oriented almost cousin, Julian Cadion, at 606 Nueve
vertically, edges are clean-cut, upper de Pebrero Street, Mandaluyong
extremity blunt, lower extremity, sharp; City. He suddenly heard a
P a g e | 12

commotion coming from Nueve de Pebrero Street where PESOS (P50,000.00) as indemnity for
outside. Julian rushed out of the Edmar and Julian were fighting. She his death jointly and solidarily with
house to find out what was going then followed Ronnie and saw Odilon Lagliba who was earlier
on. The appellant remained inside Joselito trying to pacify the convicted herein. With cost against the
the house because he was suffering protagonists. Ronnie grabbed accused.[12]

from ulcer and was experiencing Joselito and instantly stabbed the
excessive pain in his stomach. The latter, who for a while retreated and In the case at bar, the appellant
following morning, the appellant fell down the canal. Not content, assails the decision of the trial court
learned from their neighbor, Elisa Ronnie repeatedly stabbed contending that:
Rolan, that Joselito had been Joselito. Thereafter, Ronnie ran I
stabbed to death. The appellant did towards the direction of the mental
not bother to ask who was hospital. Agripina did not see Odilon THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN
responsible for the stabbing.[9]
or the appellant anywhere within the CONCLUDING THAT THERE WAS
vicinity of the incident.
Julian alias Buboy Cadion
corroborated the appellants On May 3, 1995, the trial court ASSAILED INCIDENT.
testimony. He testified that the rendered its assailed decision, the II
appellant was in their house on the dispositive portion of which reads, to
night of February 5, 1988, and was wit: THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN
suffering from ulcer. The appellant GIVING CREDENCE TO THE
stayed home on the night of the WHEREFORE, this Court finds RENE UNRELIABLE AND
Febrero Street, Mandaluyong City, PROSECUTION WITNESS ELISA
Agripina Gloria, a female GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of
security guard residing at Block 30, ROLAN AND IN SETTING ASIDE
Murder punished under Article 248 of THE EVIDENCE PROFFERED BY
Nueve de Pebrero, 612, Int. 4, the Revised Penal Code, and there
Allison St., Mandaluyong City, ACCUSED-APPELLANT.
being no mitigating nor aggravating
testified that on February 5, 1988 at circumstances, he is hereby sentenced III
around 11:00 p.m., she heard a to reclusion perpetua. Pilola is hereby
commotion outside. Momentarily, ordered to indemnify the heirs of THE TRIAL COURT MANIFESTLY
she saw Ronnie rush into the kitchen deceased Joselito Capa alias Jessie in ERRED IN CONVICTING
of the house of her niece Teresita; the amount of FIFTY THOUSAND ACCUSED-APPELLANT OF THE
he took a knife and run towards
P a g e | 13

CRIME CHARGED DESPITE THE detail that does not affect the A Shall I go one by one, all the
FACT THAT HIS GUILT WAS NOT substance of her testimony, as it eleven stab wounds?
PROVED BEYOND REASONABLE even serves to strengthen rather Q All the eleven stab wounds?
DOUBT. [13]
than destroy her credibility. [14]
A One stab wound was located at
the front portion of the chest,
The appellant avers that Elisa is Third. Elisa has been consistent right side. Another stab wound
in her testimony that the appellant was located also on the chest
not a credible witness and her
was one of the men who stabbed the left side, another stab wound
testimony is barren of probative was located at the antero
victim, the others being Ronnie and
weight. This is so because she lateral aspect, its the front of
Odilon. Elisas testimony is
contradicted herself when she the chest almost to the
testified on direct examination that corroborated by the autopsy report side. And also another one,
of Dr. Bienvenido Muoz and his also at the chest, another stab
Ronnie struck the head of the victim
testimony that the victim sustained wound was at the left side of
with a hollow block. However, on the chest and another one was
cross-examination, she stated that it eleven stab wounds. The doctor
at the lumbar region of the
testified that there were two or more
was Edmar who struck the abdomen left side or where the
assailants: left kidney is located, lumbar
victim. The inconsistency in Elisas
area. Another one at the side of
testimony impaired her credibility. Q Could you tell the court what
the chest, left side of the
instrument could have been
The contention of the appellant used by the perpetrator in chest. Another stab wound in
inflicting those two incise the abdomen, another stab
does not hold water. wound at the left arm. Another
First. The identity of the person one at the left forearm and the
A Those incise wounds were last one in the autopsy report is
who hit the victim with a hollow block caused by a sharp instrument located at the left arm. These
is of de minimis importance. The like a knife or any similar are all the eleven stab wounds
victim died because of multiple instrument. sustained by the victim.
wounds. The appellant is charged Q Now you also found out from the A The instrument used was a sharp
with murder for the killing of the body of the victim eleven stab pointed edge or a single bladed
victim with a knife, in conspiracy with wounds? instrument like a knife, kitchen
the other accused. knife, balisong or any similar
A Yes, sir.
Second. The perceived Q Now, tell the court in which part of
Q Considering the number of stab
inconsistency in Elisas account of the body of the victim where
wounds, doctor, will you tell us
these eleven stab wounds [are]
events is a minor and collateral located?
whether there were several
P a g e | 14

A In my opinion, there were more Fifth. The trial court gave could not categorically and positively
than one assailants (sic) here credence and full probative weight to assert as to what part of the victims
because of the presence of
different types of stab wounds Elisas testimony. Case law has it body was hit by whom, and how
and lacerated wounds. This that the trial courts calibration of the many times the victim was stabbed
lacerated wound could not testimonial evidence of the parties, by the appellant. He asserts that he
have been inflicted by the one its assessment of the credibility of is merely an accomplice and not a
holding the one which inflicted
the instrument . . (discontinued)
witnesses and the probative weight principal by direct participation.
which inflicted the stab thereof is given high respect, if not
We are not persuaded by the
wounds. conclusive effect, by the appellate
ruminations of the appellant.
Q So there could have been two or court.
three assailants? There is conspiracy when two or
The appellant argues that the
more persons agree to commit a
A More than one.[15] prosecution failed to prove that he
felony and decide to commit
The physical evidence is a mute conspired with Ronnie and Odilon in
it. Conspiracy as a mode of

but eloquent manifestation of the stabbing the victim to death. He

incurring criminal liability must be
veracity of Elisas testimony. contends that for one to be a
proved separately from and with the
conspirator, his participation in the
Fourth. Even the appellant same quantum of proof as the crime
criminal resolution of another must
himself declared on the witness itself. Conspiracy need not be
either precede or be concurrent with
stand that he could not think of any proven by direct evidence. After all,
the criminal acts. He asserts that
reason why Elisa pointed to him as secrecy and concealment are
even if it were true that he was
one of the assailants. In a litany of essential features of a successful
present at the situs criminis and that
cases, we have ruled that when conspiracy. It may be inferred from
he stabbed the victim, it was Odilon
there is no showing of any improper the conduct of the accused before,
who had already decided, and in fact
motive on the part of a witness to during and after the commission of
fatally stabbed the victim. He could
testify falsely against the accused or the crime, showing that they had
not have conspired with Odilon as
to falsely implicate the latter in the acted with a common purpose and
the incident was only a chance
commission of the crime, as in the design. Conspiracy may be implied

encounter between the victim, the

case at bar, the logical conclusion is if it is proved that two or more
appellant and his co-accused. In the
that no such improper motive exists, persons aimed by their acts towards
absence of a conspiracy, the
and that the testimony is worthy of the accomplishment of the same
appellant cannot be held liable as a
full faith and credence. [17] unlawful object, each doing a part so
principal by direct participation. Elisa
that their combined acts, though
P a g e | 15

apparently independent of each will not suffice; mere knowledge, cause or accelerate the death of the
other, were, in fact, connected and acquiescence or approval of the act victim, applying Article 4, paragraph
cooperative, indicating a closeness without cooperation or agreement to 1 of the Revised Penal Code:
of personal association and a cooperate on the part of the accused
concurrence of sentiment. There [20]
is not enough to make him a party to Art. 4. Criminal liability. Criminal
may be conspiracy even if an a conspiracy. There must be liability shall be incurred:
offender does not know the identities intentional participation in the
of the other offenders, and even
transaction with a view to the 1. By any person committing a felony
though he is not aware of all the furtherance of the common design (delito) although the wrongful act done
details of the plan of operation or and purpose. Conspiracy to exist
[27] be different from that which he
was not in on the scheme from the does not require an agreement for intended.
beginning. One need only to
an appreciable period prior to the
knowingly contribute his efforts in occurrence. From the legal In such a case, it is not
furtherance of it. One who joins a
standpoint, conspiracy exists if, at necessary that each of the separate
criminal conspiracy in effect adopts the time of the commission of the injuries is fatal in itself. It is sufficient
as his own the criminal designs of offense, the accused had the same if the injuries cooperated in bringing
his co-conspirators. If conspiracy is purpose and were united in its about the victims death. Both the
established, all the conspirators are execution. As
a rule, the offenders are criminally liable for the
liable as co-principals regardless of concurrence of wills, which is the same crime by reason of their
the manner and extent of their essence of conspiracy, may be individual and separate overt
participation since in contemplation deduced from the evidence of facts criminal acts. Absent conspiracy

of law, the act of one would be the and circumstances, which taken between two or more offenders, they
act of all. Each of the conspirators
together, indicate that the parties may be guilty of homicide or murder
is the agent of all the others. [25]
cooperated and labored to the same for the death of the victim, one as a
end.[29] principal by direct participation, and
To hold an accused guilty as a the other as an accomplice, under
co-principal by reason of conspiracy, Even if two or more offenders do Article 18 of the Revised Penal
he must be shown to have not conspire to commit homicide or Code:
performed an overt act in pursuance murder, they may be held criminally
or furtherance of the liable as principals by direct Art. 18. Accomplices. Accomplices are
conspiracy. The mere presence of
participation if they perform overt the persons who, not being included in
an accused at the situs of the crime acts which mediately or immediately Article 17, cooperate in the execution
P a g e | 16

of the offense by previous or In this case, Odilon all by himself joined Odilon in stabbing the victim,
simultaneous acts. initially decided to stab the the crime was already
victim. The appellant and Ronnie consummated.
To hold a person liable as an were on the side of the
All things considered, we rule
accomplice, two elements must street. However, while Odilon was
concur: (a) the community of that Ronnie and the appellant
stabbing the victim, the appellant
conspired with Odilon to kill the
criminal design; that is, knowing the and Ronnie agreed to join in; they
victim; hence, all of them are
criminal design of the principal by rushed to the scene and also
criminally liable for the latters
direct participation, he concurs with stabbed the victim with their
death. The appellant is not merely
the latter in his purpose; (b) the respective knives. The three men
performance of previous or an accomplice but is a principal by
simultaneously stabbed the hapless
direct participation.
simultaneous acts that are not victim. Odilon and the appellant fled
indispensable to the commission of from the scene together, while Even assuming that the
the crime. Accomplices come to
Ronnie went after Julian. When he appellant did not conspire with
know about the criminal resolution of failed to overtake and collar Julian, Ronnie and Odilon to kill the victim,
the principal by direct participation Ronnie returned to where Joselito the appellant is nevertheless
after the principal has reached the fell and hit him with a hollow block criminally liable as a principal by
decision to commit the felony and and a broken bottle. Ronnie then direct participation. The stab
only then does the accomplice agree hurriedly left. All the overt acts of wounds inflicted by him cooperated
to cooperate in its Odilon, Ronnie and the appellant in bringing about and accelerated
execution. Accomplices do not before, during, and after the the death of the victim or contributed
decide whether the crime should be stabbing incident indubitably show materially thereto.[34]

committed; they merely assent to the that they conspired to kill the victim. The trial court correctly overruled
plan of the principal by direct
The victim died because of the appellants defense of alibi. Alibi
participation and cooperate in its
multiple stab wounds inflicted by two is a weak, if not the weakest of
accomplishment. However, where

or more persons. There is no defenses in a criminal prosecution,

one cooperates in the commission of
evidence that before the arrival of because it is easy to concoct but
the crime by performing overt acts
Ronnie and the appellant at the situs hard to disprove. To serve as basis
which by themselves are acts of
criminis, the victim was already for acquittal, it must be established
execution, he is a principal by direct
dead. It cannot thus be argued that by clear and convincing
participation, and not merely an
by the time the appellant and Ronnie evidence. For it to prosper, the
accomplice. [33]

P a g e | 17

accused must prove not only that he greater evidentiary weight than the A I did not see him anymore, sir.
was absent from the scene of the positive testimony of prosecution Q And then three weeks thereafter,
crime at the time of its commission, eyewitness Elisa Rolan. [37] you went back to Nueve de
but also that it was physically Pebrero. Is that what you were
The appellants defenses must then saying?
impossible for him to have been
crumble in the face of evidence that A Yes, sir.
present then. In this case, the

he fled from the situs criminis and

appellant avers that at the time of the Q Now, at the time that you went
later left his house. The records
stabbing incident, he was resting in back to 606 Nueve de Pebrero,
show that despite being informed was Rene Pilola there?
the house of his cousin at 606 Nueve
that he was sought after by the
de Pebrero Street as he was A I did not see him anymore, sir.[39]
authorities as a suspect for the killing
suffering from stomach pain due to
of the victim, the appellant suddenly The records show that the
his ulcer. But the appellant failed to

and inscrutably disappeared from appellant knew that he was charged

adduce any medical certificate that
his residence at Nueve de for the stabbing of the
he was suffering from the
Pebrero. As early as May 5, 1988, a victim. However, instead of
ailment. Moreover, Elisa positively
subpoena for the appellant was surrendering to the police
identified the appellant as one of the
returned unserved because he was authorities, he adroitly evaded
men who repeatedly stabbed the
out of town. The appellants own
arrest. The appellants flight is
victim. The appellants defense of
witness, Julian Cadion, testified that evidence of guilt and, from the
alibi cannot prevail over the positive
the appellant had left and was no factual circumstances obtaining in
and straightforward identification of
longer seen at Nueve de Pebrero the case at bar, no reason can be
the appellant as one of the victims
after the incident, thus: deduced from it other than that he
assailants. The appellant himself
Q So, how long did you stay at 606 was driven by a strong sense of guilt
admitted that his cousins house, the
Nueve de Pebrero after and admission that he had no
place where he was allegedly resting February 5, 1988? tenable defense. [40]

when the victim was stabbed, was

merely ten to fifteen meters away A One week only, sir, and then
three weeks after, I returned to
from the scene of the Nueve de Pebrero. The Crime Committed by the
stabbing. Indeed, the appellants Appellant
Q The whole week after February 5,
defense of denial and alibi, 1988, was Rene Pilola still and the Proper Penalty Therefor
unsubstantiated by clear and living at 606 Nueve de
convincing evidence, are negative Pebrero?
and self-serving and cannot be given
P a g e | 18

The trial court correctly convicted canal, Ronnie bashed his head with Civil Liabilities of the Appellant
the appellant of murder qualified by a hollow block. The peacemaker
treachery. Abuse of superior became the victim of violence. The trial court correctly directed
strength likewise attended the the appellant to pay to the heirs of
Unquestionably, the nature and
commission of the crime. There is the victim Joselita Capa the amount
location of the wounds showed that
treachery when the offender of P50,000 as civil indemnity ex
the killing was executed in a
commits any of the crimes against delicto, in accord with current
treacherous manner, preventing any
persons, employing means, jurisprudence. The said heirs are
means of defense on the part of the [44]

methods or forms in the execution likewise entitled to moral damages in

victim. As testified to by Dr.
thereof which tend directly and the amount of P50,000, also
Bienvenido Muoz, the victim was
specially to insure its execution, conformably to current
stabbed, not just once, but eleven
without risk to himself arising from jurisprudence. In addition, the heirs
times mostly on the chest and the [45]

the defense which the offended are entitled to exemplary damages

abdominal area. Six of the stab
party might make. The essence of in the amount of P25,000.
wounds were fatal, causing damage [46]

treachery is the swift and

to the victims vital internal organs.
WHEREFORE, the Decision,
unexpected attack on the unarmed
victim without the slightest The aggravating circumstance of dated May 3, 1995, of Branch 164 of
provocation on his part. In this
[41] abuse of superior strength is the Regional Trial Court of Pasig
case, the attack on the unarmed absorbed by treachery. There is no
[43] City in Criminal Case No. 73615,
victim was sudden. Odilon, without mitigating circumstance that finding appellant Rene Gayot Pilola
provocation, suddenly placed his attended the commission of the GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt
arm around the victims neck and felony.The penalty for murder under of the crime of murder is AFFIRMED
forthwith stabbed the latter. The Article 248 of the Revised Penal WITH MODIFICATION. The
victim had no inkling that he would Code is reclusion perpetua to appellant is hereby directed to pay to
be attacked as he was attempting to death. Since no aggravating and the heirs of the victim Joselito Capa
pacify Edmar and Julian. Ronnie mitigating circumstances attended the amount of P50,000 as civil
and the appellant, both also armed the commission of the crime, the indemnity; the amount of P50,000
with deadly weapons, rushed to the proper penalty is reclusion perpetua, as moral damages; and the amount
scene and stabbed the victim, giving conformably to Article 63 of the of P25,000 as exemplary damages.
no real opportunity for the latter to Revised Penal Code. SO ORDERED.
defend himself. And even as the
victim was already sprawled on the EN BANC
P a g e | 19

G.R. No. L-8187 January 29, 1913 of the work being well done, the accused Government soldiers. They are told to do a
ordered Akiran to take his (the accused's) thing and they do it." Prior to this time the
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, bolo with which to assist in the killing. Sariol same witness had said: "If a chief says
vs. was taken to the cemetery, in an isolated spot anything to a man like me and tells me it is by
PANGLIMA INDANAN, defendant-appellant. a considerable distance from the road and order of the governor and that he has a
about 200 yards from the nearest house, and warrant there, well, a man like me does what
Leo T. Gibbons, for appellant. there killed. Kalyakan struck the first blow with he tells me." Another witness declared: "I am
Office of the Solicitor-General Harvey, for his bolo, while Akiran joined in and assisted afraid of him. I did not believe that he would
appellee. thereafter. The deceased at the time he was make me do anything unjust." The same
killed had his hands tied behind his back. On witness afterwards testified in answer to the
returning to the house of the accused after the question: "Would you have killed this man if
death of Sariol, Unding told the accused that any other person besides Panglima, the
Sariol had been killed, whereupon the headman, had ordered you to ?" "I would not."
An appeal from a judgment convicting the accused said that it was all right and appeared Another witness declared: "Well, he was the
appellant of the crime of murder, and to be very much pleased. headman. It was the headman's orders, and if
sentencing him to be hanged. we did not do it, he would get angry with us."
The proofs demonstrate beyond question that This witness, answering the question, "Did
The accused was at the time of the the accused was the recognized headman of Panglima make you think that he was acting
commission of the crime, the headman of Parang, and it appears from the testimony of under the orders of the Government in
Parang. He is alleged to have committed the the witnesses, Kalyakan, Suhuri, and Akiran, causing this man to be killed?" testified: "He
murder by inducement. The proofs tend to that he had a very powerful influence over said, 'I have a warrant here.' To the question,
demonstrate that on the 24th day of March, them, hence this power over them was such "And you thought that it was a legal execution,
1912, the accused sent Induk to bring to the that any order issued by him had the force did you?" answered, "Yes, because he (the
house of the accused one Sariol. The and efficacy of physical coercion. One of the accused) is not afraid of the governor."
following day, Induk, in obedience to the witnesses testified: "He (the accused) knows
orders, brought Sariol to the house, what is good and what is bad, and he is the We are of the opinion that the domination of
whereupon the accused ordered the headman of the governor. He is headman of the accused over the persons who, at his
witnesses, Akiran and Suhuri, to tie Sariol. Parang." And in answer to the question, "He is orders, killed the deceased was such as to
They obeyed the order in the presence of the the biggest chief in the Parang ward?" replied: make him responsible for whatever they did in
accused, who was at the time lying upon a "There is none, only himself." He further said: obedience to such orders.
bed in the room. This was about 4:30 in the "The people do not hesitate to take his orders
afternoon. Sariol remained there with his because he is the headman of the governor." Article 13, paragraph 2, of the Penal Code
hands tied behind his back until night, when Later, in reply to the question, "If he were to declares those to be principals in a crime
the accused, in the presence of several get angry with the people, what would he do "who directly force or induce others to commit
witnesses, ordered Sariol to be taken to the to them?" this witnesses answered: "I do not it."
Chinese cemetery and there killed, the know; might kill them." Another witness,
accused asserting at the time that he had an answering the question as to why he did not
order to that effect from the governor. He gave Commenting upon this paragraph, Viada says:
run away instead of going to the Chinese
strict orders to Akiran that he should be cemetery as the accused ordered him,
present at the time that Sariol was killed, and They force another to commit a crime
answered: "The reason why I did not run
that he should aid in killing him. To make sure who physically by actual force or
away, well, take the same thing as the
P a g e | 20

grave fear, for example, with a pistol in The pacto by virtue of which one as direct, as efficacious, as powerful
hand or by any other threatening purchases for a consideration the as physical or moral coercion or as
means, oblige another to commit the hand which commits the crime makes violence itself.
crime. In our commentary on him who gives, promises, or offers the
paragraph 9 of article 8 (page 28), we consideration the principal in the crime The following decisions of the supreme court
have already said that he who suffers by direct inducement, because without of Spain illustrate the principles involved and
violence acts without will and against such offer or promise the criminal act their application to particular cases:
his will, is no more than an instrument, would never have been committed.
and therefore is guilty of no wrong. But this does not mean that the one It was held by that court on the 14th day of
The real culprits in such case, the only who actually commits the crime by April, 1871, that one who, during a riot in
guilty persons, are those who use the reason of such promise, remuneration which a person was killed, said to one of the
violence, those who force the other to or reward is exempted from criminal combatants, "Stab him! Stab him!", it not
commit the crime. responsibility; on the contrary, we appearing that he did anything more than say
have already seen in our comments these words except to be present at the fight,
One is induced directly to commit a on paragraph 3 of article 10 that such was not guilty of the crime of homicide by
crime either by command, or for circumstance constitutes inducement, the court saying that,
a consideration, or by any other an aggravation of his crime. "considering that, although the phrases
similar act which constitutes the real pronounced were imprudent and even
and moving cause of the crime and We have heretofore said that in culpable, they were not so to the extent that
which was done for the purpose of addition to the precepto and they may be considered the principal and
inducing such criminal act and was the pacto there are similar means by moving cause of the effect produced; direct
sufficient for that purpose. We have which another may be induced to inducement cannot be inferred from such
already seen in our commentary on commit a crime which also make the phrases, as inducement must precede the act
paragraph 12 of article 8 that the one one who offers the inducement the induced and must be so influential in
who physically commits the crime may principal in the crime by virtue of the producing the criminal act that without it the
escape criminal responsibility by provisions of article 13, paragraph 2. act would not have been performed."
showing that he acted with due But it must be borne in mind that
obedience to an order; in such case these acts of inducement do not In a decision rendered on the 10th of July,
the criminal responsibility falls entirely consist in simple advice or counsel 1877, the principle was laid down that "a
upon the one who orders, that is, upon given before the act is committed, or person who advised a married woman whose
him who by his commands has directly in simple words uttered at the time the husband was very stingy and treated her
induced the other to commit the act. act was committed. Such advice and badly that the only thing for her to do was to
But in case the obedience of the such words constitute undoubtedly an rob him, was not guilty of the crime of robbery
inferior is not due to the superior and evil act, an inducement condemned by by inducement, for the reason that imprudent
therefore not necessary, and does not, the moral law; but in order that, under and ill-conceived advice is not sufficient."
therefore, exempt him from criminal the provisions of the Code, such act
responsibility as the physical author of can be considered direct inducement,
In a decision of the 22nd of December, 1883,
the crime, he who thus, by his it is necessary that such advice or
it was held that a father who simply said to his
command, directly induced him to the such words have a great dominance
son who was at the time engaged in combat
criminal act is considered by the law and great influence over the person
with another, "Hit him! Hit him!", was not
also as principal in the crime. who acts; it is necessary that they be
P a g e | 21

responsible for the injuries committed after The foregoing decisions have been presented against the daughter the most profound hatred
such advice was given, under the facts for the purpose of showing concrete cases in and conceived the purpose of killing her by
presented. The court said: "It being held in which the acts of the accused were not most insidious methods, obtaining for that
mind that the inducement to the commission sufficient, as a matter of law, to constitute purpose poison and various deadly weapons,
of the crime by means of which a person may inducement. They not only lay down the legal and contriving that she and her family and all
be considered a principal in the same manner principles which govern in prosecutions of this of the tenants in the house should go to the
as he who executes the act itself can only be character, but they also illustrate in the most theater on an evening during which the
founded in commands, sometimes in advice, valuable way the application of those daughter was sick and obliged to remain at
in considerations, or by inducement so principles to actual cases. home, in order that her lover might be entirely
powerful that it alone produces the criminal undisturbed in killing the daughter and that he
act. None of these characteristics pertain to The following decisions of the same court might not be surprised in the act, such woman
the words of Miguel Perez, inasmuch as the present instances in which the acts of the is the author and principal of the crime the
circumstances which surrounded the event at accused constitute inducement under the law same as her lover who actually committed the
the time do not appear in sufficient detail to and illustrate the application of the principles deed."
show with clearness the effects which the to concrete cases.
words produced, or the relative situation of the In a decision of the 6th of July, 1881, the court
deceased and of the one who killed him, or In a decision of the 14th of April, 1871, the held that "one who takes advantage of his
the point to which the fight had progressed at facts as stated by the court were: "It appeared position as an inspector for the maintenance
the time the words were spoken. Moreover, that Lulu, who was living with Joe and Zozo (a of public peace and proposes to a private
the decision of the court below does not show married couple) in the town of X, gave birth to citizen the perpetration of a robbery, with the
sufficient facts upon which to affirm that a child on the morning of the 28th of March, threat that unless he did commit the robbery
Miguel foresaw the use of the firearm on the the offspring of her illicit relations with William. he would be arrested as an escaped prisoner,
part of his son when he spoke the words It had been previously agreed upon by the first at the same time offering to withdraw the
referred to, or, for that reason, that he thereby three named to deliver the child to William as officers from the vicinity of the place to be
induced him to use said weapon." soon as it was born, with instructions to robbed, and who after the robbery received a
deposit it in some frequented place so that it part of the booty, was guilty of the crime as
In a decision of the 19th of December, 1896, might be found and taken up; but Joe principal, although he did not take personal
the court held that the fact "of having changed his mind and handed the child over part therein."
proposed to other persons the abstraction of to the father, telling him, 'Here is your child, do
the tickets which were the subject matter of with it whatever you please; throw it into the In a decision of the 12th of April, 1882, it was
the robbery, at the same time telling them the sea if you choose to,' which the latter actually said that "an alcalde of a barrio who,
place where they were to be found, does not did." Under the facts the accused was held accompanied by a number of peace officers,
constitute inducement to commit the robbery guilty by inducement. ordered them to stop certain music that was
because the proposal to commit the robbery being played in the public street, and after the
was not sufficiently efficacious to be the cause In a judgment pronounced on the 22nd of order had been obeyed and the music
of the crime, as the crime, under the facts, January, 1873, it was held that "a woman stopped one of the persons expressed his
could have been committed without it; nor was who, living with a man in scandalous resentment against the act whereupon the
the indication of the place where the money concubinage in the presence of a daughter alcalde ordered the peace officers to attack
was to be found a sufficient motive to induce who continually manifested her disgust and the man, which they did, inflicting upon him
the robbery." repugnance for such conduct, conceived

P a g e | 22

various wounds, was guilty of the crime coming from a person of such influence as the question from his grandmother's house shows
of lesiones graves by inducement." secretary of the ayuntamiento in a small such a direct and inducing cause of the
village must be considered sufficiently criminal act that without such inducement the
In a decision of the 21st of June, 1882, it was dominant to turn the mind of those induced." crime would not have been committed."
stated that "a father who from the balcony of
his house cried out in a loud voice to his sons In a decision rendered on the 28th of In a decision of the 9th of April, 1882, the
who were fighting with others to kill those with December, 1886, it was held that a woman court held "that the inducement referred to in
whom they were fighting before they were who was at enmity with an uncle for having paragraph 2, article 13, of the Penal Code
killed themselves, because they might as well refused to renounce in her favor a donation exists whenever the act performed by the
go to jail for a big thing as a little, was guilty of which a relative had given to him, who made physical author of the crime is determined by
the crime of lesiones graves by inducement by frequent threats to kill the uncle and who the influence of the inducer over the mind of
reason of the injuries inflicted under such finally offered a third person a certain sum of him who commits the act, whatever be the
orders." money together with the land involved in the source of such influence."
donation if he would kill the uncle, and who
In a decision of the 22nd day of December, told her son that, if they were unable to get In a decision of the 3rd of February, 1897, it
1883, the court said, "that the inducement and anybody else to kill the uncle, he must do it was declared that one was the "principal by
the commission of a crime whereby the himself as he would thus inherit inducement in five different larcenies, it having
inducer becomes a principal to the same 15,000 pesetas with which they could flee been proved that the inducer, knowing that the
extent and effect as if he had physically abroad, and in case he refused to do it he oil which was brought to her for sale was
committed the crime exist merely in acts of must leave the house because he was a stolen by the persons who were seeking to
command, sometimes of advice, or agreement coward, was guilty as principal of the crime of sell it to her, advised them thereupon to
for a consideration, or through influence so murder committed by the son under such continue stealing oil and furnished them
effective that it alone determines the inducement. The court said: "It being borne in vessels in which to carry it and contributed on
commission of the crime." mind that the suggestions with which the five different occasions to the realization of the
mother moved the mind of her son to kill the larcenies, it appearing that the physical
In a decision of the 11th of November, 1884, uncle had the force of a real inducement and authors of the crime were boys under 15
the court laid down the proposition that the inclined and decided the will of the son by years of age and that they acted upon the
secretary of the ayuntamiento who induced a means of the relations which she bore to him suggestions of the inducer without
certain persons to form new lists as well as the reward which she held up discernment or judgment of their own," the
of compromisarios five days prior to the before him." court saying that in view of the fact that she
election of senators was guilty as principal of knew that the oil which she first purchased
the crime against the election lists, saying: "It In a decision of the 26th of January, 1888, it from the boys was stolen oil, that the boys
appearing and it being a fact proved that the was held that finding as principal in a crime, were less than 15 years of age, and therefore
secretary of the ayuntamiento of Jalom, him who, "by direct and influential means and easily led, that she furnished the vessels in
Miguel Antonio Dura, induced the members of taking advantage of the inexperience of a boy which to carry the stolen property — all
the council to commit the act stated, his of tender age," induces him to commit a indicate conclusively that the five crimes were
participation as principal in the commission of crime, was warranted by law, the court saying committed by the influence exercised by the
the act is well established according to the that "in view of the fact that the inducement woman, which inducement was not merely
provisions of paragraph 2, article 13, of the exercised by Juan Santiso with regard to the that of favoring the execution of the crime but
Penal Code, because such inducement boy, Ramon Carballo, to steal the jewels in was that which determined its commission."

P a g e | 23

In a decision of the 31st of May, 1898, it was These facts, which we hold to have upon the life of the proposed victim and
laid down "that the command of a master to been proven, clearly show the guilt of having returned and explained why they had
his servant, by reason of the special relations the appellant, Sy-Yoc, as the instigator not been able to kill them, the accused said to
which exist between them, contains the of the crime herein prosecuted. From them: "Why did you eat my chickens if you are
elements of inducement which makes the him came the initiative in the robbery; not going to do what I told you to do. I came
master who orders such servant to cut wood he was the first to conceive the idea of here to spend the night in Cambaguio
belonging to a third person, in order that he its commission, and, being unable or because I thought you were going to kill
might benefit thereby, the principal of the unwilling to carry it out himself, he them." The Igorrotes then spent three days
crime committed by such servant," the court employed Galuran, impelling him to clearing some land for another person from
saying that "in view of the fact that the the material execution of the crime by whom they received P2.25. About noon of the
command of the master to the servant, made a promise to pay him P16 for each third day of their work, the defendant went to
within the sphere and under the ordinary case of whisky that he was able to them and said: "Now you must repeat what I
conditions of domestic life, when they relate to steal. The better to induce him to told you to do, and comply with our
acts simple and apparently legitimate, commit the offense, he clearly agreement; I am going to Ululing to-day, and I
contains the necessary elements, directly and demonstrated how easily it could be wish you to kill Tiburcio to-night. You go to the
sufficiently efficacious, of inducement accomplished, instructed him as to the bushes and conceal yourselves in the same
according to the provisions of paragraph 2 of best means of carrying it out, and place you were concealed before." The
article 13 of the Penal Code, it appearing that offered him money to pay for the false murder was committed as proposed. Upon
the master, taking advantage of the key. He thus removed all the these facts and inducer of the crime, and that
ascendency and authority which he naturally difficulties in the way of determination he was liable as principal. (Supreme court of
must exercise over his servant or inferior, to execute, and the actual execution of Spain, 20th of October, 1881, 7th of January,
ordered him to cut and carry away wood from the robbery in question. These acts 1887, 12th of January, 1889.)
land which he knew did not belong to him, constitute a real inducement made
without disclosing to the servant that directly for the commission of the said In the case of the United States vs. Empinado
circumstance, which concealment gave rise to robbery, and place the appellant, Sy- (17 Phil. Rep., 230) it appeared that the
the influence which the master exercised over Yoc, in the position of principal in accused had a conversation with Serapio
the servant in that particular act." accordance with paragraph 2 of article Tapic, a laborer, in which the accused asked
13 of the Penal Code. him if he knew Antonio Gavato and his
The following decisions of the Supreme Court associates, to which he replied in the
of the Philippine Islands apply the foregoing In the case of the United States vs. Ancheta negative. The defendant then said: "I wish to
principles to particular cases. (15 Phil. Rep., 470) it appeared that the confer upon you a commission, which is as
accused induced certain Igorrotes to kill a follows: Order must be disturbed in the cockpit
In the case of the United States vs. Galuran third person by holding up before them the of Gavato, and when you arrive there wound
(12 Phil. Rep., 339) it appeared that one of the fact that by such act they would be able to any person." It seems that Tapic was reluctant
defendants conceived the idea of the robbery obtain P40 which was then in the house of the to obey this order, but defendant gave him
of a warehouse and assisted in procuring victim, as well as the carabao which he something to eat and drink until he became
false keys with which to open it. He took no owned, saying to them, "If you go to work you intoxicated, and then he gave him a bolo and
immediate part in the act of robbery itself. The only make a little; it is better to kill this man P10 and said: "Comply with what I have
court in its opinion said: and take his carabao and the P40 which was ordered and in case you incur any
received from the sale of the house in town." responsibility I will be responsible to the court,
They having made an unsuccessful attempt and as soon as you wound any person or
P a g e | 24

persons, return to me and I will defend you." Gil Gamao over his nephew was so propositions and suggestions of the
The court held that these facts constituted great and powerful that the latter, woman constituted something more
sufficient inducement to bring the accused through fear, could not resist it. That than mere counsel or advice which her
within the provisions of article 13, paragraph Mauricio was directly induced to co-defendant was entirely free to
2, of the Penal Code. murder the priest by his uncle Gil we accept or not, in that they were
think there can be no question. coupled with a consideration which, in
In the case of the United States vs. Gamao view of the relations existing between
(23 Phil. Rep., 81) the court said: In the case of the United States vs. Chan Guy them, furnished a motive strong
Juan (23 Phil. Rep., 105) it was held that the enough to induce the man to take the
Mauricio Gamao, nephew of Gil "one who employs an innocent agent to life of her husband; and for the further
Gamao, was a poor, ignorant commit a crime is liable as a principal, reason that due to these illicit relations
fisherman, and more or less although he does nothing himself in the actual she had required such an influence
dependent upon his uncle for commission of the crime." over her co-defendant that her
subsistence. On the other hand, Capt. insistent suggestions that he commit
Gil Gamao was, when this crime was In the case of the United States vs. Alcontin the crime had a marked and
committed, a man of great influence in (10 Off. Gaz., 1888) it appeared that "a controlling influence upon his mind.
Escalante. He had a great number of married woman suggested to her paramour,
people working for him, one of whom with whom she had been maintaining illicit In the case of the United States vs. Matinong
was his nephew Mauricio. He was the relations that he kill her husband in order that (22 Phil. rep., 439) it appeared that the
local political leader of his party. One thereafter they might live together freely. The accused proposed to his companions an
of his nephews was president of the paramour acting upon these suggestions and assault upon the house of Francisco Tolosa;
town. He had two brothers-in-law in actuated by a desire to possess the woman that armed with a talibon he accompanied
the municipal council. Of his nephews, for himself without the interference of the them during the assault; that, while the assault
one was chief of police and two others husband, killed him. The guilty pair was being made, he stood watch at the foot of
were members of the police force. He immediately thereafter made their escape and the stairs of said house so that his
had acquired, as we have said, a bitter lived together as man and wife until the time companions would not be caught, and that,
hatred toward the Roman Catholic of ] their arrest." Upon these facts the court finally, he accompanied them to the place
Church and the Spanish friars and said: where the deceased was killed. These facts
priests. He called a meeting in his own were held by the court to be sufficient to make
house on the afternoon of May 15, We think that the direct inducement to the accused a principal by inducement as well
where the question of murdering the the commission of the crime is fully as by direct participation.
priest was discussed. He was the established por pacto (for a
prime mover in this meeting. He consideration); that is to say, on the In the case at bar, the words and acts of the
dominated all who were present. He understanding that the woman would accused had the effect of a command. There
selected his nephew Mauricio to live in illicit relations with the murderer does not seem to have existed, however, any
commit the crime and directed him to after the death of her husband; official relation between the accused and the
do it. Mauricio, immediately after and por precepto (by precept) which persons whom he induced to kill Sariol. While
murdering the priest, returned to the constituted "a real, intentional, direct he appears to have been the headman of
house of his uncle Gil and reported and efficacious exciting inducement Parang, those whom he induced held no
the fact. The influence exercised by (excitacion) to commit the crime." The official position under him and owed him,

P a g e | 25

legally speaking, no obedience. According to The verb "induce" is sufficiently broad, was the moving cause of the fatal act. While it
tradition and custom, however, the headman generally speaking, to cover cases where may be said, and is true, that the personal
seems to have been a person whose word there exists on the part of the inducer the commands of the accused were entirely
was law and whose commands were to be most positive resolution and the most sufficient to produce the effects which actually
obeyed. Moreover, the accused represented persistent effort to secure the commission of resulted and that such commands may be
to those who physically committed the crime the crime, together with the presentation to considered the moving cause of the crime, still
that he had a warrant from the governor the person induced of the very strongest kind there is no doubt, under the evidence, that the
authorizing, if not requiring, the acts of temptation, as well as words or acts which representation that the accused had in his
committed, and urged upon them, in effect, are merely the result of indiscretion or lack of possession an order from the Government
that all must obey the commands of the reflection and which carry with them, commanding the death of Sariol was also of
Government. This representation was false, inherently, almost nothing of inducement or material influence in effecting the death; and
but it produced the same effect as if it had temptation. A chance word spoken without where two fundamental causes work together
been true. It cannot be doubted that the reflection, a wrong appreciation of a situation, for the production of a single result and one of
accused knew the representation was false an ironical phrase, a thoughtless act, may give those causes would lead to a conviction upon
and purposely and intentionally made it as an birth to a thought of, or even a resolution to, one theory and the other upon another, a
additional factor going to insure obedience to crime in the mind of one for some conviction is sustainable upon either theory.
his orders. independent reason predisposed thereto
without the one who spoke the word or There was present premeditation, qualifying
Even if there should happen to be lacking any performed the act having any expectation that the crime as murder. There were present,
element sufficient to bring the acts of the his suggestion would be followed or any real also, the aggravating circumstances
accused within the definition of inducement by intention that it produce a result. In such case, of desplobado and nocturnity.
command, and we do not believe there is, while the expression was imprudent and the
there would still remain all of the elements results of it grave in the extreme, he would not We are of the firm conviction that the
necessary to qualify the crime as murder by be guilty of the crime committed. Therefore, in judgment of the court below is well founded,
inducement. From the authorities heretofore applying the principles laid down to concrete and we accordingly affirm the same, with
cited and the principles laid down therein as cases it is necessary to remember only that costs.
those which must govern in the determination the inducement must be made directly with
of whether or not the acts of an accused the intention of procuring the commission of
Arellano, C.J., Torres, Johnson, and Trent,
constitute inducement under the law, it may the crime and that such inducement must be
JJ., concur.
be stated as a general proposition that, where the determining cause of the crime.
the inducement offered by the accused is of
such a nature and made in such a way that it In the case before us, as we have seen, the
becomes the determining cause of the crime, accused falsely represented to the persons
and such inducement was offered with the who actually committed the crime that he had G.R. No. L-42476 July 24, 1935
intention of producing that result, then the an order from the Government requiring the
accused is guilty by inducement of the crime death of Sariol and that they were under THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE
committed by the person so induced. The obligation to carry out that order. It is clear ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee,
inducement to the crime must be intentional from the evidence that this inducement was vs.
on the part of the inducer and must be made offered by the accused directly to the persons KIICHI OMINE, EDUARDO AUTOR, LUIS
directly for the purpose in view. interested with the intention of moving them to LADION, and AGAPITO
do his bidding, and that such representation CORTESANO, defendants-appellants.
P a g e | 26

Jose Ma. Capili and Habana and Quimpo for Kiichi Omine asked Angel Pullido for Pulido and his son attacked him their fists,
appellants. permission to open a new road through the Hilario Pulido him on the right cheek with
Office of the Solicitor-General Hilado for plantation. According to the offended party he brass knuckles; that Luis Ladion and Agapito
appellee. refused to grant this request because there Cortesano ran away before Angel Pulido was
was already an unfinished road. Kiichi Omine wounded by Eduardo Autor; that Kiichi Omine
VICKERS, J.: on the other hand contends that Angel Pulido never uttered the words attributed to him or
gave him the permission requested and he urged Autor to strike Angel Pulido.
Defendants appeal from a decision of the began work on December 24, 1933. When
Court of First Instance of Davao finding them Angel Pulido and his son, Hilario, The only eyewitness for the prosecution were
guilty of frustrated homicide, with the accompanied by Saito Paton and a Moro by the offended party and his son, and a Bagobo,
aggravating circumstance that advantage was the name of Barabadan, were returning home named Saito, who was their relative and lived
taken of their superior strength, and from the cockpit that evening they noticed that with them. Barabadan was not presented as a
sentencing each of them to suffer an a considerable number of hemp plants had witness. The witnesses for the defense were
indeterminate sentence from six years been destroyed for the purpose of opening a the four appellants.
of prision correccional to twelve years new road. Angered by the destruction of the
of prision mayor, to indemnify Angel Pulido hemp plants, Angel Pulido and his party went The offended party received only one wound.
jointly and severally in the sum of P540, to the house of the defendants, who had just Only one blow struck, and it was struck by
without subsidiary imprisonment in case of finished their supper. There is a sharp conflict Eduardo Autor. The anger of Angel Pulido and
insolvency, and to pay the corresponding in the evidence as to what followed. The his son was, however, directed chiefly against
costs. witnesses for the prosecution contend that Kiichi Omine, who was responsible for the
while the offended party was talking with destruction of the hemp plants. There was
Omine, Eduardo Autor attempted to intervene, obviously no conspiracy among the
The only assignment of error made by the
but was prevented by Hilario Pulido; that defendants, but the offended party and his
attorneys for the defendants is that the lower
Eduardo Autor attacked Hilario Pulido with a son and his relative, Saito, narrated the facts
court erred in convicting the appellants, and in
bolo, but did not wound him except on the left of the incident in such away that all the four
not acquitting them with the costs de oficio.
thumb; that Luis Ladion and Agapito defendants would appear to be equally
Cortesano then held Angel Pulido by the responsible for the injury sustained by the
The first question to be considered is the arms, and when Eduardo Autor approached,
participation of the several defendants in the offended party. The evidence does not
Omine shouted to him "pegale y matale", and convince us that Ladion and Cortesano took
commission of the crime. Autor struck Angel Pulido in the breast with any part in the fight; on the contrary it inclines
his bolo. us to believe that they ran away and were not
It appears from the evidence that the
present when Angel Pulido was wounded.
defendant Eduardo Autor, Luis Ladion, and Kiichi Omine, Luis Ladion, and Agapito This impression is strengthened by the fact
Agapito Cortesano were working on the hemp Cortesano on the other hand maintain that the that they were not included in the original
plantation of Angel Pulido under the direction offended party and his son were the complaint subscribed and sworn not by the
of their co-defendant Kiichi Omine, who was aggressors; that the first to arrive was Hilario offended party on December 29th. They were
the overseer or manager, with a Pulido, who after applying to Kiichi Omine an not included as defendants until the amended
compensation of ten per cent of the gross offensive epithet and asking him why he had complaint was filed on February 19, 1934. But
receipts. The four defendants lived together in grubbed up the hemp plants, struck him in the if they were present and held the offended
a house on the plantation. breast with brass knuckles; that when party by the arms, as alleged by him, the
Eduardo Autor attempted to intervene, Angel
P a g e | 27

evidence does not show that they held him for by the Solicitor-General of a father giving Commenting upon No. 2 of article 13 of the
the purpose of enabling Eduardo Autor to orders to his son are obviously different from Penal Code, which has been incorporated in
strike him with his bolo. If they did in fact the case at bar. the Revised Penal Code without change as
intervene, it may have been for the purpose of No. 2 of article 17, Viada says that in order
preventing the offended party and his son In the leading case of the United States vs. that, under the provisions of the Code, such
from continuing their attack on Omine. There Indanan (24 Phil., 203), it was held that in act can be considered direct inducement, it is
was no need for Ladion and Cortesano to hold order that a person may be convicted of a necessary that such advice or such words
Angel Pulido in order to enable Eduardo Autor crime by inducement it is necessary that the have great dominance and great influence
to strike him with his bolo, or for Kiichi Omine inducement be made directly with the intention over the person who acts, that it is necessary
to induce him to do so by shouting "pegale y of procuring the commission of the crime and that they be as direct, as efficacious, as
matale". According to the witness for the that such inducement be the determining powerful as physical or moral coercion or as
prosecution, Hilario Pulido and Eduardo Autor cause of the commission of the crime. In that violence itself. (2 Viada, 386, 5th Edition.)
had already struck each other in the face with case various decisions of the Supreme Court
their fists, and Eduardo Autor had received a of Spain illustrating the principles involved and We are therefore of the opinion that the co-
blow in the right eye, and then struck Hilario their application to particular cases were cited defendants of Eduardo Autor are not
Pulido with his bolo. Angel Pulido would with approval. One of the decisions cited was responsible for the injury inflicted by him on
naturally intervene in the fight between his son that of April 24, 1871, where it was held that Angel Pulido.
and Eduardo Autor, and if he did so, Autor, one who, during a riot in which a person was
who had already drawn his bolo, would strike killed, said to one of the combatants, "Stab The lower court, taking into consideration the
him without the need of any inducement from him! Stab him!", it not appearing the he did nature and location of the wound of the
Omine. Furthermore, under the circumstances anything more than say these words except to offended party, found that it was the intention
of this case, even if it were satisfactorily be present at the fight, was not guilty of the of the defendant Eduardo Autor to kill the
proved that Kiichi Omine uttered the words in crime of homicide by inducement. The offended party, and accordingly found said
question, we are of the opinion that they Supreme Court of Spain said: "Considering defendant guilty of frustrated homicide, but in
would not be sufficient to make him a principal that, although the phrases pronounced were our opinion the evidence does not justify this
by induction, because it does not appear that imprudent and even culpable, they were not finding. It is true that the wound was serious
the words uttered by Kiichi Omine caused so to the extent that they may be considered and in a vital part of the body, but judging from
Eduardo Autor to strike Angel Pulido. In the the principal and moving cause of the effect the nature of the wound, which was about
first place, as we have indicated, Eduardo produced; direct inducement cannot be eleven inches in length, extending from the
Autor had already other reasons for striking inferred from such phrases, as inducement breast to the lower ribs on the right side, we
Angel Pulido when Omine is alleged to have must precede the act induced and must be so think it is probable that it was caused by the
uttered the words of inducement. In the influential in producing the criminal act that point of the bolo on a downward stroke. It was
second place, the words in question were not without it the act would not have been not a stab wound, and was probably given
in this particular case sufficient to cause performed." Another decision cited was that of during a commotion and without being aimed
Eduardo Autor to strike the offended party December 22, 1883, where it was held that a at any particular part of the body. As we have
with his bolo. Although Eduardo Autor was father who simply said to his son who was at already stated, Eduardo Autor struck the
working under the direction of Omine, the time engaged in combat with another. "Hit offended party only once. This fact tends to
apparently according to the testimony of Angel him! Hit him!", was not responsible for the show that it was not his intention to take the
Pulido, he was being paid by Pulido. It does injuries committed after such advice was offended party's life. If he had so intended, he
not appear that Omine had any particular given. could easily have accomplished his purpose,
influence over Eduardo Autor. The cases cited
P a g e | 28

so far as the record shows. It might be involved in the material results of his penalty, and to pay the corresponding costs.
contended that Eduardo Autor did not strike act. Intention may only be deduced In accordance with the Indeterminate
the offended party a second time, because he from the external acts performed by Sentence Law, the minimum sentence to be
thought that he had already killed him. This the agent, and when these acts have served by him is fixed at one year of prision
was apparently the theory of the prosecution, naturally given a definite result, the correccional.
because the offended party and his witnesses courts cannot, without clear and
testified that the offended party dropped down conclusive proof, hold that some other FIRST DIVISION
unconscious when he was wounded, but the result was intended. (U.S. vs.
evidence does not seem to us to sustain that Mendoza, 38 Phil., 691.) G.R. No. L-67948 May 31, 1988
contention. In the first place a cutting wound
like that in question would not ordinarily There is no merit in the contention of Eduardo PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-
render the injured man immediately Autor that Angel Pulido was accidentally appellee,
unconscious. wounded in a struggle for the possession of vs.
the offended party's bolo. That claim is NAPOLEON MONTEALEGRE, defendant-
In the second place it appears from the disproved by the affidavit of Autor, Exhibit E, appellant.
affidavit of Saito, one of the witnesses for the executed on December 26, 1933, where he
prosecution, that Angel Pulido did not fall stated that he snatched out his bolo and
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
down unconscious; but swayed and asked for struck Angel Pulido in the stomach because
help, while the blood was flowing from his Pulido was very aggressive.
breast and stomach; that Saito approached Citizens Legal Assistance Office for
the wounded man to support him and take him defendant-appellant.
We are therefore of the opinion that Eduardo
home. Autor is guilty of lesiones graves, since the
offended party was incapacitated for the
It is a rule that in a case of physical injuries performance of his usual work for a period of
the court must be guided by the result unless more than ninety days, and not of frustrated CRUZ, J.:
the intent to kill is manifest. homicide.
It is a settled rule in this jurisdiction that the conviction of the
accused, who is constitutionally presumed innocent, depends
When criminal liability is made to For the foregoing reasons, the decision upon the strength of the prosecution and not the weakness of the
consist in the intention to perform an appealed from is reversed as to Kiichi Omine, defense. Unfortunately for the accused in this case, his
prosecution for murder with assault upon a person in authority,
act which was not realized, the facts Luis Ladion, and Agapito Cortesano, and they undoubtedly already strong, was made even stronger by the
from which it is claimed that intention are acquitted with the proportionate part of the defense itself.
sprang must be such as to exclude all costs de oficio. As to the appellant Eduardo
contrary supposition. When this Autor, the decision of the lower court is As the trial court * which convicted him saw it, the crime
intention is not necessarily disclosed modified, and he is convicted of lesiones imputed to Napoleon Montealegre was committed as follows:

by the acts performed by the graves and sentenced to suffer one year,
defendant, greater importance should eight months, and twenty-one days of prision At about 11:30 in the evening of March 11,
not be given to such acts than that correccional, to indemnify the offended party 1983, while Edmundo Abadilia was eating at
which they in themselves import, nor in the sum of P540, with subsidiary the Meding's Restaurant in Cavite City, he
should the defendant's liability be imprisonment in case of insolvency, which detected the smell of marijuana smoke
extended beyond that which is actually shall not exceed one-third of the principal coming from a nearby table. Intending to call a

P a g e | 29

policeman, he quietly went outside and saw of the incident, Capt. Cipriano Gilera of the his gun, what
Pfc. Renato Camantigue in his car whom he Cavite police immediately organized a team happened to
hailed to report the matter. After parking his that went to look for him that very night. 8 They Camantigue?
vehicle, Camantigue joined Abadilla in the did not find him in his house then but he was
restaurant and soon thereafter the two apprehended in the morning of March A. He could not
smelled marijuana smoke from the table 12,1983, on board a vehicle bound for move, sir. He
occupied by Vicente Capalad and the Baclaran. He gave his name as Alegre but could not make
accused-appellant. Camantigue then later admitted he was the fugitive being any defense
approached the two and collared both of sought. 9 because he
them, saying "Nagmamarijuana kayo, ano?' was being held
Forcing them up, he asked the waitress ff she Dr. Regalado Sosa, reporting on the autopsy by
knew them but the waitress said she did of the Camantigue's body, testified that death Montealegre
not. 1 Then the mayhem began. was caused by shock due to massive internal and he was
hemorrhage caused by seven stab wounds being stabbed
While Camantigue was holding the two, affecting the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, at the back. 15
Montealegre with this right hand and Capalad pancreas, and diaphragm.10 The weapon used
with his left hand, Capalad suddenly and was 6" in length and about 2 to 2.5 cm. in He replied as follows to questions on re-direct
surreptitiously pulled out a knife from a width and the blood found on it was analyzed to stress the participation of the accused-
scabbard tucked in the right side of his waist as human.11 The stabbing incident was appellant —
and started stabbed Camantigue in the narrated in detail at the trial by Abadilla, 12 who
back. 2 Camantigue let loose Montealegre to was corroborated by Generoso San Juan. 13 Q. When
draw the gun from his holster but accused
Montealegre, thus released, restrained On direct examination, Abadilla testified that Capalad
Camantigue's hand to prevent the latter from Montealegre prevented Camantigue from started
defending himself Montealegre used both his drawing his pistol while he was being stabbed stabbing Pfc.
hands for his purpose 3 as Capalad continued by Capalad, demonstrating with the aid of Camantigue at
stabbing the Victim. 4 While they were thus court personnel the relative positions of the the back,
grappling, the three fen to the floor and three during the incident. 14 accused
Capalad, freed from Camantigue's grip, rose Montealegre
and scampered toward the door. Camantigue On cross-examination, he reiterated his was being held
fired and, continuing the pursuit outside, fired previous declaration even more emphatically, by Pfc.
again. 5 Capalad fled into a dark alley. thus: Camantigue at
Camantigue abandoned the chase and asked that time?
to be brought to a hospital. Capalad was later
Q. When
found slumped in the alley with a bullet wound
accused A. Yes, sir.
in Ms chest. Neither Camantigue nor Capalad
survived, both expiring the following day. 6
held the hand Q And in fact
of Pfc. Montealegre
The accused-appellant, for his part, escaped Camantigue was very close
during the confusion. 7 Having been informed upon drawing to the right of
P a g e | 30

Camantigue at able to pull out Capalad

that time? from his waist doing?
the gun?
A. Yes sir. A. Capalad
A. No. sir. was still
Q And stabbing
Montealegre Q. Why? Camantigue,
was aware that Your Honor. 17
Capalad was A. Because
stabbing Pfc. Montealegre San Juan was equally categorical in his
Camantigue? was holding his testimony, saying on direct examination.
hand, Your
A. Yes, sir, he Honor. Q. When
knew. 16 Camantigue
Q. With both was being
In answer to clarificatory questions from the hands? stabbed, where
court, he declared: was
A. Yes, sir. Montealegre?
Q. And when
Montealegre Q. A. He was on
saw that Montealegre the right side.
Camantigue was holding
was about to with both Q. What was
draw gun, hands rights he doing at
Montealegre hand of that time?
grabbed the Camantigue?
hand of A. When
Camantigue? A. Yes, sir. Camantigue
was being
A. Yes, sir. Q. And at this stabbed, he
moment when tried to pull his
Q. With what Montealegre gun but
hand? was holding Montealegre
with both held his hand.
A. Both hands, hands the
sir. hand of Q. Was
Camantigue, Camantigue
Q. And was what was able to draw
Camantigue his gun?

P a g e | 31

A. No. sir. A. He could not Q. Now, while

draw his gun Pfc.
Q. What because while Camantigue
happened Montealegre was arresting
when was holding his Vicente
Camantigue hand, Capalad Capalad, what
failed to draw was stabbing happened if
his gun? They him at the any?
slammed down back. 19
on the floor A. Camantigue
and when they And to the court, the witness maintained his pulled his gun.
were already testimony as follows:
on the floor, I Q. What
ran away Q. So happened after
because I was Camantigue that?
already figures was hit many
lightened. 18 times by A. Nothing, I
Capalad while did not see
The cause of the defense did not improve Montealegre anymore what
when on cross-examination, he insisted: was holding happened. 21
the right hand
A. When of the xxx xxx xxx
Camantigue policeman to
was about to prevent him
A. I cannot say
draw his gun, from drawing
anything about
Montealegre his gun?
that. I did not
suddenly held see what really
the hand of A. Yes, sir. 20 happened.
The accused-appellant, testifying on his Q. Did you see
Q. And when behalf, only succeeded in confinning his own Capalad
Montealegre guilt. He claimed he ran away before the stabbing Pfc.
suddenly held stabbing but his testimony, consisting of Camantigue?
the hand of denials, evasions, contradictions, claims of
Camantigue, ignorance and forgetfulness and protestations
A. I did not
what happened of innocence, does not have the ring of truth.
see. 22
to The following excerpts are reflective of the
Camantigue? kind of defense he offered to exculpate
himself from the charge established against xxx xxx xxx
him by the prosecution.
P a g e | 32

Q. From whom on the right even more onlookers could not forget. The
did you come side of Pfc. evidence has established that the accused-
to know that Camantigue appellant was directly and personally involved
Pfb. while Capalad and was in fact one of the two persons held by
Camantigue was on the left the victim when he was stabbed. Yet
shot and killed side? Montealegre would now insist, quite
Vicente incredibly, that he was unaware of what had
Capalad? A. I am not transpired that night.
sure whether I
A. From the was standing If it is true, as he says, that he ran away
witness at the right or before the stabbing, there would have been
Abadilla. I have at the left. less likelihood of Capalad's attack as
heard from him Camantigue's attention would have been fully
that Q. But the fact concentrated on his lone captive. Moreover,
Camantigue is that you there would have been nothing to restrain the
killed were standing policeman from drawing his pistol and
Capalad. 23 on the right defending himself against Capalad if the
side of accused-appellant had, by his own account,
xxx xxx xxx Camantigue? already escaped before the stabbing.

Q. Mr. A. I am not It is also worth noting that, instead of reporting

Montealegre, sure if that is to the authorities, what the accused-appellant
did you notice the right side. did was attempt to hide, only to be found the
while following morning on board a bus bound for
Pfc.Camantigu Q. But you outside Cavite City. When apprehended, he
e was holding were standing first gave a false name before he finally
both of you, did on the side admitted his Identity, thus beginning the mesh
you notice that where his gun of contradictions, admissions and denials, in
Vicente and holster which he would enshare himself.
Capalad were placed?
stabbed Pfc. The Court accepts the evidence established
Camantigue? A. I cannot by the prosecution that at the time of the
remember. 25 stabbing, the victim was in uniform and,
A. I did not see therefore, could easily be recognized as a
anything. 24 person in authority. Several witnesses testified
It is simply unbelievable that the accused-
as to his attire when he was killed. 26 And even
appellant did not know what was happening
xxx xxx xxx assuming that the victim was in civilian clothes
on that evening of March 11, 1983. As one of
on that tragic night, the record shows that no
the principal figures of the stabbing incident,
less than the accused-appellant himself,
Q. And you he could not have not known, nor could he
replying to questions put to him by the
were standing later not remember, that startling event that
P a g e | 33

prosecution, declared twice that he knew the it can be inferred from the acts If it be proved that two or more
victim to be a policeman. 27 of the appellants. It is enough persons aimed by their acts
that, at the time the offense towards accomplishment of
The accused-appellant was correctly was committed, participants the same unlawful object,
considered a co-principal for having had the same purpose and each doing a part so that their
collaborated with Capalad in the killing of the were united in its execution; as acts, though apparently
police officer. The two acted in concert, with may be inferred from the independent, were in fact
Capalad actually stabbing Camantigue seven attendant circiumstances. 29 connected and cooperative,
times and the accused-appellant holding on to indicating a closeness of
the victim's hands to prevent him from xxx xxx xxx personal association and
drawing his pistol and defending himself. concurrence of sentiment, a
While it is true that the accused- appellant did We agree that there is no conspiracy may be inferred
not himself commit the act of stabbing, he was evidence to show a previous though no actual meeting
nonetheless equally guilty thereof for having plan to kill Regino Bautista. among them to concert is
prevented Camantigue from resisting the The whole incident happened proven. A conspiracy only be
attack against him. The accused-appellant because the accused came entered into after the
was a principal by indispensable cooperation upon Bautista and Mallabo commencement of overt acts
under Article 17, par. 3, of the Revised Penal fishing within or near the leading to the consummation
Code. fishpond enclosure of Carlo of the crime. 31
Aquino which was under the
As correctly interpreted, the requisites of this care of Vicente Cercano. As for the second requirement, the Court has
provision are: "(1) participating in the criminal held that:
resolution, that is, there is either anterior But for a collective
conspiracy or unity of criminal purpose and responsibility among the There can be no question that
intention immediately before the commission herein accused to be appellant's act in holding the
of the crime charged; and (2) cooperation in established, it is not necessary victim from behind when the
the commission of the offense by performing or essential that there be a latter was stabbed by his
another act without which it would not have previous plan or agreement to collaborated Victor Buduan,
been accomplished. commit the assault; it is was a positive act towards the
sufficient that at the time of the realization of a common
The prosecution contends that although there aggression all the accused by criminal intent, although the
was no evidence correspondence of a prior their acts manifested a intent can be classified as
agreement between Capalad and common intent or desire to instantaneous. It can be safely
Montealegre, their subsequent acts should attack Bautista and Mallabo, assumed that had not
prove the presence of such conspiracy. The so that the act of one accused appellant held both arms of
Court sustains this view, which conforms to became the act of all. 30 the victim from behind, the
our consistent holding on this matter: latter could have partied the
xxx xxx xxx thrust or even run away from
Conspiracy need not be his assailant. By immobilizing
established by direct proof as the two hands of the victim

P a g e | 34

from behind, and although increased to P30,000.00, and the actual, los Reyes.
there was no anterior mectical and fimeral expenses in the sum of Office of the Solicitor-General Harvey for
conspiracy , the two cousins P37,380.00 as proved at the trial. appellee.
showed unity of criminal
purpose and intent Pfc. Renato Camantigue was only 34 years
immediateIy before the actual old when he died in line of duty while
stabbing. 32 enforcing the law against the abuse of
dangerous drugs. He was struck down with no ELLIOTT, J.:
xxx xxx xxx less than seven vicious stabs by a man who,
by his own admission, was at the time of the
The defendants, Lino Eguia Lim Buanco,
It has been sufficiently incident "burned" on marijuana. The kiner also
(alias Lim Buanco) and Luciano de los Reyes,
established that appellant eventually succumbed, and that made the
were charged jointly with the crime of estafa.
Cabiles seized the running second life needlessly lost to the wickedness
Demurrers to the information were interposed
decedent in such a manner of drug addiction. There was another Iife also
and overruled. Separate trials were then
that the latter could not even ruined, this time of the 28 year-old accused-
demanded by the defendants and granted.
move or tum around. This appellant himself, although, fortunately for
Both defendants were found guilty as
enabled the pursuing Labis, him, his loss is not irretrievable nor is his
charged, and each was sentenced to two
who was armed with a drawn future forever foreclosed. In the somber
years and ten months of presidio
bolo and was barely five shadows of the prison bars, as he ponders the
correccional in the public carcel of Bilibid, in
meters away from the wrong he has done, he may yet find his
the city of Manila; to jointly and separately
decedent, to finally overtake ultimate redemption in rehabilitation and
indemnify the Banco Español-Filipino in the
him and stab him at the back remorse.
sum of P2,273, Philippine currency, and in the
with hardly any risk at all. event of insolvency, to suffer subsidiary
Cabiles therefore performed WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment is imprisonment for the time and in the manner
another act-holding the AFFIRMED as above modified, without any and place prescribed by law.
decedent—without which the pronouncement as to costs. It is so ordered.
crime would not have been
The information charged:
accomplished. This makes him EN BANC
a principal by indispensable
cooperation. 33 That on or about the 6th of October,
G.R. No. L-5240 November 19, 1909 1906, in the city of Manila, Philippine
Islands, the said Lino Eguia Lim
The above requisites having been THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, Buanco, (alias Lim Buanco) and
established, the accused-appellant was vs. Luciano de los Reyes, conspiring and
correctly convicted of the complex crime of LINO EGUIA LIM BUANCO (alias LIM confederating together, did then and
murder, as qualified by treachery, with assault BUANCO) and LUCIANO DE LOS there, willfully, unlawfully and
upon a person in authority. Accordingly, he REYES, defendants-appellants. feloniously, and with intent of gain,
must suffer the penalty imposed upon him, to
defraud El Banco Español-Filipino, a
wit, reclusion perpetua, there being no
O'Brien and De Witt for appellant Lim corporation then and there duly
aggravating and mitigating circumstances,
Buanco. organized, existing and doing a
plus the civil indemnity, which is hereby
Felipe Buencamino for appellant Luciano de general banking business in the city of
P a g e | 35

Manila, Philippine Islands, of and in said bank and its agents, and than the amount of said check; and
the sum of two thousand (P2,000) particularly to Lino Eguia, one of the did further then and there, falsely and
pesos, Philippine currency, by then agents and the cashier of said bank; fraudulently in combination with the
and there pretending and representing that the said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco, said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco,
that the said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco, (alias Lim Buanco) then and there had (alias Lim Buanco), as aforesaid place
(alias Lim Buanco) did then and there sufficient funds deposited to his credit upon the back of said check over his
possess property and credit which the in said bank to meet and pay said signature the word "corriente," thereby
said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco, check and that the said Lino Eguia stating and causing it to appear and
(alias Lim Buanco) did not possess Lim Buanco, (alias Lim Buanco) was be understood by the said "El Banco
and the use of other similar deceit, in then and there a creditor of said bank Espanol-Filipino" and its agents, and
this, to wit: That on or about the said in an amount more than equal to said particularly the said Lino Eguia, agent
6th day of October, 1906, the said check and that the said bank was and cashier of said bank, that the said
Lino Eguia Lim Buanco, (alias Lim obligated to pay and should then and Lino Eguia Lim Buanco (alias Lim
Buanco) then and there prepared, there pay to the said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco) had then and there deposited
drew, executed, signed, presented, Buanco (alias Lim Buanco) the to his credit in said bank funds more
and caused to be presented for amount of said check; that the said than sufficient to pay the amount of
payment to the said El Banco Luciano de los Reyes was then and said check and that the said "El Banco
Espanol-Filipino his personal check there a clerk in the banking institution Espanol-Filipino" was obligated then
upon the said El Banco-Espanol of "El Banco Espanol-Filipino" and as and there to pay and should pay to the
Filipino, then and there doing a such was in charge of the book said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco (alias Lim
general banking business in the city of containing the entry and record of the Buanco), the amount of said check;
Manila, Philippine Islands, as account of the said Lino Eguia Lim that relying on the false and fraudulent
aforesaid, for the sum of two thousand Buanco (alias Lim Buanco) with said representations, as aforesaid, of the
(P2,000) pesos, Philippine currency, a "El Banco Espanol-Filipino" and the said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco (alias Lim
true copy of which check, together said Luciano de los Reyes, Buanco), and Luciano de los Reyes
with all the indorsements and cooperating, as aforesaid, with said the said "El Banco Espanol-Filipino"
notations thereon, made both before Lino Eguia Lim Buanco, (alias Lim was induced to pay and did pay to the
and after the same was paid by the Buanco) to defraud the said "El Banco said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco (alias Lim
said El Banco Espanol-Filipino, is Espanol-Filipino," at the request and Buanco) and his order the said sum of
hereto attached, marked "Exhibit A," in cooperation with the said Lino Eguia two thousand (P2,000) pesos,
and made a part hereof, and the said Lim Buanco (alias Lim Buanco), did Philippine currency, which said sum
Lino Eguia Lim Buanco (alias Lim then and there falsely state and cause the said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco
Buanco) and Luciano de los Reyes, it to appear upon the books of the said (alias Lim Buanco), and the said
each well knowing that the said Lino bank and in the account of the said Luciano de los Reyes then and there
Eguia Lim Buanco, (alias Lim Buanco) Lino Eguia Lim Buanco (alias Lim converted to their own use, to the
did not then and there have any funds Buanco) that the said Lino Eguia Lim damage and prejudice of the said "El
to his credit in said bank, and Buanco (alias Lim Buanco) had to his Banco Espanol-Filipino" in the said
conniving, conspiring and concerning credit in said bank more than enough sum of two thousand (P2,000) pesos,
together to defraud said bank as to pay the said check of two thousand Philippine currency, equivalent to and
aforesaid, did then and there falsely (P2,000) pesos, and was then and of the value of ten thousand pesetas,
and fraudulently state and represent to there a creditor of said bank in more Philippine currency.
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All contrary to law. make the books show an apparent credit determined to be the damage occasioned to
balance, when in fact Lim Buanco was owing and suffered by the bank by reason of the
The evidence shows conclusively that for at the bank a large amount of money. aforesaid fraudulent conduct of the
least three and a half years prior to the 6th defendants, acting together in furtherance of
day of October, 1906, Luciano de los Reyes On the 6th day of October, 1906, Lim Buanco said conspiracy. No part of the said sum has
was employed in the Banco Espanol-Filipino, drew a check on the Banco Espanol-Filipino been returned or paid bank to the Banco
and there served and acted as bookkeeper for the sum of P2,000, and this check was Espanol-Filipino by Lim Buanco, or by Reyes,
and check registry clerk. During that time he through the agency of another bank in which it or by any person acting for or in his or their
was in charge of certain current account- was deposited by Lim Buanco, presented in behalf. The trial court also found that Lim
books, and it was his duty to inspect certain due course of business to and paid by the Buanco and Reyes each had voluntarily
checks presented to the bank for payment, Banco Espanol-Filipino. Before the check was admitted the crime as charged against him.
including those drawn by Lim Buanco; to thus paid, Reyes, acting in his capacity as an
examine the account of the maker of said employee of the bank, indorsed thereon the Separate trials were granted to the
checks, and determine whether or not the words "Corriente. P. O. Luciano de los defendants, but the court, after both were
drawer of the check had a sufficient balance Reyes," although at the time when this convicted, embodied its findings of facts and
to his credit to justify the payment of the indorsement was made Lim Buanco had no conclusions in one decision, and one joint
check. In the performance of these duties, actual credit balance in the bank, and no sentence was pronounced upon the
Reyes was required to indorse upon each permission had been given by any officer or defendants. Thereafter each defendant
check, if it was entitled to payment, the words officers in authority of said bank to overdraw separately moved for a new trial, which was
"Corriente. P. O. Luciano de los Reyes." After his account. In this manner the defendants denied, and an appeal was taken to this court,
the check was marked in this manner it was Lim Buanco and Reyes, in furtherance of the where, as in the court below, they appear by
passed to the cashier of the bank, who in conspiracy to cheat, deceive, and defraud the separate attorneys. Although separate briefs
reliance upon the indorsement, paid or bank, secured the payment of the check, are filed, the various assignments of errors
ordered the same to be paid. although they both knew at the time that the raise essentially the same questions.
defendant Lim Buanco had no credit balance
During the period referred to the defendant in said bank, but was in fact indebted to the 1. It appears that the court in fact granted the
Lim Buanco had an account with the bank, bank in the sum of more than 300,000 pesos, motion of the defendants for separate trials,
and drew large sums of money therefrom by which had previously been withdrawn from the and that Lim Buanco was tried on January 7
means of checks signed by him, and bank by means of similar checks drawn by and 12, 1909. This trial was followed
inspected and indorsed as above by Reyes. Lim Buanco and fraudulently indorsed as immediately by that of Reyes, and on January
correct by Reyes. 16, after both trials were completed, the court
During this time a conspiracy existed between announced its findings of facts and
the defendants Lim Buanco and Reyes for the The amount of money thus fraudulently conclusions in each case in one decision, and
withdrawal of funds from the bank by Lim obtained from the bank by means of the check imposed one sentence which included both
Buanco, regardless of whether he had any as aforesaid, with interest thereon at the rate defendants. the practice of entering one
funds in the bank to his credit, and in of 6 per cent per annum from the date of the sentence against several defendants thus
furtherance of this conspiracy the entries in check to the date of the decision in the court jointly charged and separately tried is not that
the account of Lim Buanco on the books of below, to wit, January 16, 1909, amounted to which prevails in the United States, but it was
the bank were fraudulently and illegally the sum of P2,273, Philippine currency, approved by this court in United States vs.
manipulated by Reyes in such a manner as to equivalent to 11,365 pesetas, which the court Fernandez (9 Phil. Rep., 269), and in the

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recent case of United States vs. Raymundo, the Code Criminal Procedure, a defendant Buanco did not have sufficient money in the
No. 4947. 1 has the right to appear and defend in person bank to pay the same. (See U. S. vs. Cajayon,
or by counsel, and if he offers himself as a 2 Phil. Rep., 570.) lawphil.net

It appears that the sentence as to each witness he may be cross-examined as any

defendant was based upon the evidence other witness, but "his neglect or refusal to be It is also claimed that the court erred in finding
submitted upon the separate trial of his case. a witness shall in no manner prejudice or be the defendants guilty of the crime of estafa,
Every right intended to be protected, and used against him." The question under his because the evidence fails to prove the
every purpose sought to be effected by the statute is not whether the court referred to the essential elements necessary to constitute
privilege of a separate trial were effectually fact that the defendant did not testify, but this offense. This claim rests upon the
preserved. No rights which accrue to a whether his failure to testify was used to his assertion that the evidence shows that the
defendant after the decision and sentence can prejudice. The reference here is in the money must have been obtained with the
be prejudicially affected by the fact that preliminary statements and it is very clear consent of the bank; that Lim Buanco never
another defendant is included in that from the entire proceedings and the sentence presented the check to the bank, or made any
sentence. The right of each to move for a new that this circumstance was not considered as representations to bank, nor any person that
trial, and to appeal and have his appeal an evidential fact, and that it in no manner he had sufficient money in the bank to pay the
considered upon the record made in his case affected the conclusion reached by the court check; that he merely used the check in his
is preserved unimpaired, and in its entirety. upon the question of the guilt of the commercial transactions with the Chartered
The practice is convenient, and saves much defendants or either of them. Bank, of India, Australia, and China, and had
time and labor, and as it can in no way it credited to his account in that bank, with the
prejudice the rights of a defendant, there is no 3. It is urged that the complaint does not understanding that it would be presented to
reason why it should not be approved. allege facts sufficient to constitute the crime the Banco Espanol-Filipino, and if paid, the
of estafa, because it does not allege credit should stand; otherwise it should be
2. In the statement preliminary to the findings, specifically that Lim Buanco did not at the time canceled. It is true that Lim Buanco drew the
and by way of recital, the trial court stated that when the check was drawn have funds to his check and deposited it to his own credit in the
neither of the defendants testified as a witness credit in the bank sufficient to pay the check. Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China,
in his own behalf. The defendants contend The position is without merit, because the by which it was presented for payment to the
that this was a violation of their constitutional complaint does not in fact allege that the Banco Espanol-Filipino, upon which it was
right. In proceedings under the jury system it check was drawn by Lim Buanco, and "that drawn. The Chartered Bank of India, Australia,
is general provided by statute that the court the said Lino Eguia Lim Buanco (alias Lim and China was not defrauded, because the
must not in the presence of the jury refer to Buanco), and Luciano de los Reyes, each well check was in fact paid. The implied
the fact that the defendant has availed himself knowing that the said Lim Buanco did not then representation to the Chartered Bank that the
of the right to decline to be a witness, but and there have any funds to his credit in said check would be paid in the ordinary course of
much of the importance of the matter bank, and conniving, conspiring and business was made good, and therefore the
disappears when the case is tried by a court concerning together to defraud the bank, etc." Chartered Bank suffered no loss, but the
without a jury. The judge is necessarily in Under the liberal rule of construction argument based on this fact loses sight of the
possession of the fact that the defendant has prescribed by General Orders, No. 58, and real offense which was committed against the
a right to testify or not, as he may be advised, frequently approved by this court, this, when Banco Espanol-Filipino. That bank never
and this statutory prohibition is upon the court read in connection with the rest of the intended to allow Lim Buanco to overdraw his
drawing any inference of guilt from the fact complaint, must be construed as a sufficient account, although it did intend to pay the
that the defendant elects not to testify. Under allegation that both Lim Buanco and Reyes check; that is, it intended to perform the
when the check was drawn knew that Lim physical act of paying the check, but that act
P a g e | 38

was induced by the combined fraudulent act Lim Buanco certainly by implication case. Here the bank was deceived by the
of Lim Buanco and Reyes. Through the represented to the bank that possessed a affirmative act of Reyes, acting in conjunction
fraudulent machinations and devices of these credit to which he was not entitled, and with with Lim Buanco. In the case referred to the
two defendants, the Banco Espanol-Filipino the assistance of Reyes he gave that claim boundaries of the land were well known, and
was induced to part with its money. In order to the color of truth, and thus deceived the bank. the creditor had the right to ascertain for
obtain this result, Lim Buanco drew the check, The fact that Reyes falsified the accounts- himself the superficial area of the property
and Reyes, acting and operating in connection current of Lim Buanco, making him appear as before he accepted the same as security. Had
with him, falsified the records of the bank and a creditor when as a matter of fact he was a the party by some fraudulent suggestion or
thus accomplished their fraudulent purpose. debtor of the bank, together with the fact that device misrepresented the area of the land,
The allegation in the information, and the he acted in collusion with Lim Buanco, made and prevented the person to whom he was
statement in the findings of the trial court, that him guilty of a deceit under the province of the giving the mortgage from making any
the defendants conspired and confederated paragraph above quoted. We can not see that examination for himself, it is probable that a
together to defraud the bank, and that in this conclusion is in the least affected by the different conclusion would have been
furtherance of the conspiracy the defendants fact that under the by-laws of the bank it may reached.
did defraud the bank, means no more than have been the duty of the directors of the
that they operated together, and so operating bank to ascertain the correctness of the It is impossible to accept the contention that
succeeded in defrauding the bank. entries made by Reyes before the payment of this was merely a case of overdraft on the part
the check. The fraudulent conduct of Reyes of Lim Buanco, and that the bank intentionally
Counsel for the defendant Reyes contends can not be deprived of its criminal character and in the ordinary course of business
that the court committed an error in holding by the fact that other officers, directors, or permitted the overdraft. All the facts are
that the evidence shows that Reyes is guilty employees of the bank may have been inconsistent with such a claim, and the
as principal of the crime of estafa. Upon this careless in the performance of their duties. evidence fails to justify the conclusion that the
record we are satisfied that both the Whatever may have been the strict duty of the bank or its proper authorities ever intended to
defendants are equally guilty. Each performed other officers of the bank, the fact remains permit Lim Buanco to overdraw his account. It
the part which was necessary to enable them that Reyes was guilty of the fraudulently is somewhat difficult to understand why these
to accomplish the criminal purpose they had in manipulating the records of the bank, and he irregularities, which extended over many
view. Article 535 of the Penal Code says that: can not escape the legal consequences months, were not previously discovered, but
thereof by showing that if others had properly the failure earlier to discover the fraud does
The following shall incur the penalties performed their duties he would not have not deprive the acts of the defendants of
of the preceding articles: been able to have accomplished anything by criminality.
his fraudulent acts. We are referred to a
judgment of the supreme court of Spain of The defendants contend that the crime
1. He who shall defraud others by
March 22, 1871, to the effect that one who charged in the information is conspiracy, and
using a fictitious name, by assuming
misstates the boundaries of land upon which not estafa. As we read the complaint and
fictitious power, influence, or
he places a mortgage to secure the payment consider the evidence, the conspiracy referred
attributes, or by pretending to possess
of a loan of money, is not guilty of the crime to therein means no more than an agreement
imaginary property, credit,
of estafa, because such misstatement did not or understanding between the parties that
commission, enterprises, or business,
amount to a false representation that he they should work together to accomplish a
or by using any other similar deceit
owned any property, credits, or business fraudulent purpose. The crime of conspiracy
that is not one of those mentioned in
which he did not have. We can not see that as known to the common law does not exist
the following cases.
this decision is at all applicable to the present
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under the system embodied in a Penal Code. which are made punishable by the Penal Juan B. Soliven for defendants-appellants.
Under the common law, a combination of two Code. (See 3 Alcubilla, 281.) Sections 4, 7,
or more persons to do an unlawful act by and 8 of Act No. 292, and section 1 of Act No.
lawful means, or a lawful act by unlawful 1692, declare that certain specified acts shall
means, to the prejudice of an individual or the constitute criminal conspiracies, and provide FERNAN, C.J.:
public, is a distinct offense. The Penal Code for their punishment, but the legislature has
defines certain acts as conspiracies and not yet deemed it advisable to adopt the Husband and wife Patrolman Ricarte Madali and Annie Mortel
Madali appeal from a decision of the Regional Trial Court of
makes them punishable, and the statutes of general common law of conspiracy. It thus Romblon, Branch LXXXI 1 finding them guilty beyond reasonable
the Philippine Islands have created certain appears that when two or more persons act doubt of killing father and son Cipriano and Felix Gasang, and
crimes which are denominated conspiracies. together for the commission of a crime, and seriously wounding Agustin Reloj and Cipriano's daughter,
Merlinda. The dispositive portion of the decision states:
Article 4 of the Penal Code says that there is a proceed to commit the crime of estafa, the act
conspiracy when two or more persons act is not a criminal conspiracy under the Penal
together for the commission of a crime, and Code, because no penalty has been provided WHEREFORE, the Court
decide to commit it, but it also provides that a therefor nor is it within the provisions of Acts hereby finds the guilt of
conspiracy or proposition to commit a crime is Nos. 292 or 1692. No crime of conspiracy is accused Ricarte Madali and
punishable only in the cases in which the law attempted to be charged against the Annie Mortel Madali beyond
specifically makes them so. A penalty for such defendants by this information. They are reasonable doubt of the
conspiracies is provided in but a few charged with the crime of estafa, committed in following offenses and
instances. Article 137 provides that the manner described in the information, and sentences each of them as
conspiracies to commit any of the crimes upon the evidence they were properly follows:
mentioned in the three preceding articles, convicted of that crime.
which relate to the crime of treason, shall be (1) For the frustrated murder
punishable with the penalty of presidio mayor. The judgment and sentence of the trial court of Agustin Reloj, each
Article 157 imposes the penalty of reclusion should be and are therefore affirmed, with the accused is meted an
perpetua to death upon any person who shall costs of this instance against the appellants. indeterminate penalty of SIX
kill the king, and article 158 provides that a So ordered. (6) YEARS of prision
conspiracy to commit such a crime shall be correccional, as minimum to
punished with reclusion temporal. Article 164 TWELVE (12) YEARS and
provides that a conspiracy to kill the ONE (1) DAY of reclusion
immediate successor to the crown, or the temporal, as maximum. (E)ach
regent of the kingdom, shall be punished with of them is also sentenced to
the penalty of prision mayor in its medium and suffer all the accessory
maximum degrees. Article 235 provides that G.R. Nos. L-67803-04 July 30, 1990 penalties provided for by law,
conspiracies to commit the crime of rebellion and each is ordered to pay in
shall be punished with the penalty of prision PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- solidum the offended party,
correccional in its medium and maximum appellee, Agustin Reloj, the sum of
degrees, and article 240 provides that a vs. P200.00 as reimbursement of
conspiracy to commit the crime of sedition Pat. RICARTE MADALI and ANNIE medical and hospitalization
shall be punished with the penalty of arresto MORTEL MADALI, defendants-appellants. expenses.
mayor or prision correccional in its medium
degree. These are the only conspiracies The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
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(2) For the murder of Felix loss (sic) earning capacity of uttered, "Kailangan sa imo lubongan bala"
Gasang, each accused is deceased Cipriano and Felix, which means, what you need is a bullet
sentenced the penalty both surnamed Gasang, and embedded in you. 8 Madali's father-in-law,
of reclusion perpetua and the sum of P30,000.00 as Agustin Mortel, who arrived at the police
each of them is likewise moral damages, and the sum station, agreed with Madali that Felix and his
sentenced to suffer the of P10,000.00 as exemplary group must be "sown with bullets" to eradicate
accessory penalties provided damages. them. 9 Another group mate of Felix was
for by law, and each is also detained at the municipal jail but Felix was
ordered to pay in solidum to The sentences of reclusion sent home with his mother. 10
the heirs of Felix Gasang, the perpetua and
sum of P12,000, as death the indeterminate At around 9:00 o'clock in the evening of
indemnity. penalty imposed upon each October 31, 1979, Felix and his cousin,
accused should be served Agustin Reloj, went home together from the
(3) For the murder of Cipriano successively, with town plaza. Their houses were located near
Gasang and the mortal (sic) proportionate costs. each other in sitio Marawi, barangay Cagbo-
wounding of Merlinda Gasang aya, San Agustin, Romblon.
(which has been converted IT IS SO ORDERED.2
into a complex crime of Felix and Agustin parted ways at the Marawi
murder with frustrated murder) According to the prosecution, said crimes bridge. Felix dropped by the store of Coroy
each accused is sentenced to stemmed from an altercation between the son Mangao to buy cigarettes while Agustin
the penalty of reclusion of the Madali spouses, Ramon, and the group proceeded home. Around fifteen meters from
perpetua together with the of Felix Gasang, who was twenty years old the house of Ricarte Madali, the latter
accessory penalties provided when he was killed. 3 It appears that on accosted, him, held him by his arm and said,
for by law and to indemnify in October 26, 1979, Felix figured in a fist-fight "So you are here, you devil, now you are
solidum the heirs of Cipriano with someone who was a friend of Ramon. finished. I have been waiting for you. I have
Gasang the sum of The latter interceded and mauled Felix with a been watching for you for three nights
P12,000.00 and each is also "chako" 4 One of Felix's companions then was already. 11 Then Madali dragged Agustin
ordered to pay in solidum, Agustin Reloj. 5 towards the gate of his (Madali's) house.
Merlinda Gasang the sum of When Agustin asked Madali why he was
P6,000 for reimbursement of dragging him, Madali said that the reason was
The following day, the police summoned Felix
medical and hospitalization because Agustin helped in fighting his son.
to the municipal building. Felix's mother,
Desamparada Gasang, went with him. 6 At the
police station, Ricarte Madali, a police officer, As one of Agustin's feet stepped over the
Each of the accused is angrily scolded Felix and his cousin, Arnaldo knee-high fence at the gate of the Madali
likewise ordered to pay in Fadriquilan, and told them that because they residence, he was clubbed by Annie Madali
solidum the heirs of deceased, were "very brave", he would put them in jail for with a piece of wood. Annie struck him first on
Cipriano Gasang and Felix twelve hours. Madali added after asking about the left shoulder and would have given him
Gasang, the sum of Felix's age that he would "sow bullets" in the another blow had not Agustin freed himself
P50,000.00, which amount body of Felix. 7 According to witness from Madali's hold. Annie landed that blow on
represents the value of the policeman Aristeo Fetalino, Madali also Madali instead. 12

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Agustin was looking back as he ran away pa, yara, pa, barila" meaning "Here comes residence for autopsy. 25 The rural health
when Madali shot him. He was hit below his another one, here comes another one, physician who conducted the postmortem
right hip. He fell to the ground and did not get shoot." 18 That was when the fourth explosion examinations on both Cipriano and Felix
up fearing that Madali might shoot him again. occurred and Merlinda heard her father found that Cipriano sustained a gunshot
Agustin was still lying down on the ground exclaim that he was hit. Merlinda felt that she wound at the right lower quadrant of the
with his eyes focused on Madali when Felix was also hit. 19 She did not fall to the ground abdomen along the mammary line. From that
Gasang arrived. He saw Annie beamed her because she was able to take hold of the point of entry, the bullet followed an obliquely
flashlight at Felix and she said, "Here comes wooden fence. 20 She saw both her brother downward course penetrating the small and
another." 13 Felix and Agustin lying flat on the ground with large intestines and the urinary bladder, and
the latter's head turned to one side. 21 exited at the middle of the left buttock.
Agustin saw Felix raising his hands as Annie Cipriano's death was caused by hemorrhage
focused her flashlight on Felix. Felix told Merlinda shouted for help. Romeo Manes due to the gunshot wound.26
Madali that he would not fight with him but came and brought her to the Tablas Island
then Madali shot Felix twice. Felix fell to the Emergency Hospital. 22 She did not notice Felix also died of hemorrhage resulting from
ground. Madali was still near the gate of his anymore where Ricarte Madali was at that the gunshot wound at the right second
house when Cipriano Gasang arrived. Annie time because she was looking towards the intercostal space within the mid-clavicular line
beamed her flashlight at Cipriano and she direction of their house. She saw her mother of the chest. The bullet veered backwards
said, "Here comes, here comes another, fire running to her. 23 towards the left hitting the right lung, its blood
upon him. 14 Madali shot Cipriano who fell to vessels and the fourth cervical vertebra. The
the ground. Merlinda Gasang, who was with Desamparada Gasang was washing the second gunshot wound was at the right side of
her father Cipriano, clung to the fence nearby dishes after supper when she heard the first the abdomen at about the level of the navel
and shouted that she was also hit. Then shot. After the fourth shot, she became and within the right anterior axillary line. The
Desamparada Gasang arrived and shouted apprehensive because a policeman was mad bullet hit the subcutaneous tissues and exited
for help. One Romeo Manes came and carried at her family. 24 She proceeded to where she at the posterior axillary line. 27
away Merlinda. Agustin slowly stood up and heard the gunbursts and she met her
as he walked towards his house, he saw daughter Merlinda who informed her that she Merlyn (Merlinda) Gasang sustained a
Roman Galicia (Galicha) and the Madali was shot by Madali and that she saw Annie gunshot wound at the anterior upper third
spouses who were then entering their gate. 15 focused a flashlight on her. Then portion of her right leg with no exit wound and
Desamparada saw her husband crawling on which would incapacitate her for ten to fifteen
Merlinda Gasang * was at home when she heard an the ground. She asked him to stand up but he days 28 However, she stayed for treatment at
explosion. Her father, Cipriano, was also at home then but after could not do so. Cipriano told her, "Ging the emergency hospital in San Agustin for 39
the second shot, he went out of the house towards the direction
of the source of the gunfire. There was a minute interval between iwagan ako ni Annie Madali cag ging baril ako days. Later, she was brought to the hospital in
the first and the second shots but only a second elapsed ni Ricarte Madali" (Annie focused a light on Romblon for extraction of the slug lodged in
between the second and the third shots. The fourth shot came
about two minutes later. 16
me and Ricarte Madali shot me.) She then her leg. For the treatment of her wound,
went back to her daughter and shouted for Merlinda spent P6,200.00. She could not go to
help. school for three months. 29
Cipriano was "beyond the gate" of the Madali
residence when he was shot by Madali.
Merlinda was around three meters from her The bodies of Cipriano and Felix Gasang Agustin Reloj suffered a gunshot wound at the
father.17 She saw Annie focused her flashlight were not removed from the road until around glutael region of the right thigh. The bullet
at Cipriano and she heard Annie say, "Yara midnight. They were brought to the Gasang entered the lateral aspect of the upper third of

P a g e | 42

the right thigh and exited at the posterior At the trial, both Madali and his wife, who had club and the other had what looked like a
aspect of the gluteus maximus muscle. The pleaded not guilty to the crimes charged, knife. He warned them, "This is a policeman.
attending physician certified that Agustin's testified in their own defense. According to Do not come near." One of the persons
injury would incapacitate him for seven to nine Madali, at around 9:00 o'clock in the evening proceeded to strike him and Madali was hit on
days, 30 Agustin, who was then a laborer, of October 31, 1979, he and his family were his forehead by the man with the club. Madali
stayed one week at the hospital and spent about to sleep when a stone was hurled at in turn dealt him with a blow by swinging back
P200 for the treatment of his wound. For his their house. His wife said that it could have his left forearm. The man with a club fell
pain and anxiety he stated, that he should be been a stray stone. But then, three other down.
compensated in the amount of P500.00. 31 stones landed on the GI sidings, and the
lawanit and bamboo walls of their house. When the man with the knife was about to
Madali voluntarily surrendered to the San Madali went to their porch where he noticed a stab him, Madali fired his gun at him. As that
Agustin police. 32 He handed his .38 caliber person crouching near their gabi plants. He man was still closing in on him, Madali shot
service revolver to the policemen who arrived could not identify the person because of the him again. The man with the knife retreated to
at the scene of the crime and they noted that fog so he went inside their room and dressed the gate and fell just outside of it.
there were only two remaining bullets in the up in his fatigue trousers and jacket. He went
revolver. 33 He was placed under technical down the house and noticed that there was no After firing two shots, Madali turned sideward
arrest by the provincial commander of the one in the gabi plants anymore. and saw the man with the club about to strike
Philippine Constabulary. 34 him. So, Madali shot him. The man walked
Madali was behind their kitchen and about to away. Madali later identified the man
After the investigation, on February 1, 1980, go back to his house when someone hit his crouching amidst their gabi plants as Agustin
two informations were filed against Patrolman left shoulder. The person struck him again but Reloj. 37
Madali and his wife, Annie Mortel Madali. In he was able to catch the club aimed at him
Criminal Case No. 981, said spouses were and strike the person with his nightstick. Annie Mortel Madali corroborated her
charged with multiple murder for the killing of Madali was about to give him another blow husband's testimony from the stoning of their
Felix and Cipriano Gasang. The information with his nightstick but the person caught it. house until he dressed up, got his gun and
alleged that they conspired, confederated and They tried to get each other's club. nightstick, and went out of the house. When
mutually helped each other in killing Felix and she heard Madali opening the door to the
Cipriano treacherously, with evident They were in that position when Madali's foot stairs, Annie got up and went to their balcony
premeditation and with the use of a .38 caliber stepped into a low canal, causing him to fall to peep. She saw her husband going around
revolver. 35 down flat on his back. The intruder fell with their house in a clockwise direction. When he
him and landed on Madali's stomach. The was near their kitchen, Annie saw him
In the separate information for multiple person shouted at someone in the vicinity grappling with someone over the possession
frustrated murder in Criminal Case No. 982, what the latter was tarrying about. As Madali of a club. Her husband and his protagonist fell
conspiracy, treachery and evident tried to get up, he heard his wife call, "Carte, into a canal, trampling the gabi plants. She
premeditation were also alleged as having Carte." Just then he kicked the intruder on the heard the man say, "Hay, naga tanga pa
attended the felonious assault with the use of stomach and the latter fell to the ground. kamo dira!" meaning "What are you still
a .38 caliber revolver on Merlinda Gasang and waiting for!"
Agustin Reloj which could have resulted in the Madali hurriedly stood up, pulled his gun and
crime of murder had not timely and able fired at the intruder. He noticed two other Annie then saw two persons rushing inside
medical assistance intervened. 36 persons approaching him. One person had a their premises. One person was holding a club
P a g e | 43

while the other one had something which he police investigator Pfc. Ernesto Solano. 46 The frustrated murder, murder and the complex
appeared to thrust forward. Losing her other victim (Cipriano) was found about five to crime of murder and frustrated murder.
composure, Annie warned her husband by six meters from the body of Felix. 47 Like
calling out his name, "Carte, Carte!" Then she Galang, Morales saw pieces of stones which In this appeal, the Madali spouses pray for
heard a gunshot and the person holding a were different from the stones found in their acquittal arguing that the lower court
club who grappled with her husband ran out of Madali's yard which were mere corals or erred in: [a] finding Annie Mortel Madali guilty
the premises. "boga," two pairs of slippers and the gabi as principal by direct participation; [b] not
plants which appeared to have been trampled finding that the Gasangs and their kins were
Annie heard her husband say, "Pulis ini, ayaw upon. 48 motivated by revenge; [c] not finding that
maglapit" meaning "This is a policeman do not Ricarte Madali acted in self-defense; and [d] in
come near." After that, she heard three more To prove aggression on the part of his victims, giving credence and/or adopting the theory of
gunshots. The two who came rushing inside Madali presented a medical certificate stating the prosecution instead of that of the defense.
their premises scampered away and out of that on November 1, 1979, he was examined
their fence. She could not recognize the three at the Tablas Island Emergency Hospital for a The prosecution of these cases was
intruders. Madali then walked towards her and vertical contusion (hematoma) on his left highlighted by notable developments. Firstly,
asked her to call the police. Annie went inside forehead and another contusion on the left before the defense could present its evidence,
their sala and told her daughter Agnes to deltoid region. 49 on September 6, 1980, the capitol building of
summon the police. 38 Romblon was razed to the ground. All court
The lower court gave full faith and credit to the records were lost. The records of Criminal
Policeman Numeriano Galang who heard the evidence of the prosecution, especially the Cases Nos. 981 and 982 were, however,
gun reports, met Agnes on his way to sitio testimonies of eyewitnesses-victims Agustin reconstituted and the accused arraigned
Marawi. When he arrived at the Madali Reloj and Merlinda Gasang. It found that the anew. 50 Secondly, prosecution eyewitness,
residence, he found Madali with his face and concerted acts of Madali and his wife while Roman Galicia recanted his testimony and
jacket smeared with mud and with a swollen committing the crimes proved conspiracy appeared for the defense claiming that he did
forehead. 39 Galang asked Madali what between them thereby making their criminal not see the gunwielder. 51 He alleged that he
happened but he did not put his investigation responsibility collective. While finding that the testified for the prosecution for fear that the
in writing. 40 At the yard, he found stones, two prosecution failed to prove evident special prosecutor would revive the rape case
slippers and a nightstick. 41 He did not find premeditation, the lower court positively against him. 52 The lower court thereafter
bloodstains in the yard because it was appreciated treachery to qualify as murder the disregarded his entire testimony inasmuch as
drizzling. 42 Neither did he find bloodstains killing of both Cipriano and Felix Gasang. It only the transcript of his cross-examination as
outside the yard because he inspected only noted, however, that the prosecution erred in prosecution witness could be
the areas surrounding the Madali house. 43 charging as the separate crimes of murder reproduced. 53 Thirdly, only the testimony of
and frustrated murder the killing of Cipriano Ricarte Madali was heard by
Policeman Antonio Morales arrived at the and the wounding of Merlinda. Observing that the ponente below as the previous presiding
scene of the crime with two other policemen. only one bullet hit Cipriano and his daughter, judge was transferred to another sala. 54
He found Felix Gasang lying flat on his belly Merlinda, the lower court concluded that the
about one foot from the gate. 44 To identify Madali spouses should have been charged In view of the disqualification of Roman
him, they turned Felix's body face up and with the complex crime of murder and Galicia as a witness, the issue of the
found that his right hand was holding a frustrated murder. Accordingly, it imposed the credibility of the eyewitnesses has gained
knife. 45 Later, that knife was turned over to penalties set out above for the crimes of importance in this case. Significantly, it is the

P a g e | 44

word of the accused Madali spouses as Antonio Morales, a fellow policeman of have been the same nightstick which Madali
against that of the surviving victims, Agustin Madali, testified that he did not have personal admittedly used in striking one of the
Reloj and Merlinda Gasang. Both prosecution knowledge on where the stones were intruders. 62
and defense failed to present corroborative discovered because he was only informed by
witnesses to buttress their testimonies. Galang (another policeman) "who in turn was Granting that Agustin Reloj and Felix and
only told by Ricarte that the latter was Cipriano Gasang were armed with clubs and a
Matters of credibility are ordinarily addressed stoned. 57 knife, Madali's means of resisting them was
to the discretion and discernment of the trial unreasonable under the circumstance. Having
court which is presumed to have observed the Indeed, the defense story is riddled with known that an interloper was inside his yard,
demeanor of the witnesses at the stand. While contradictions and loopholes which the Madali, being a policeman, should have first
the ponente of the decision below was able to appellants failed to rectify. At the trial, Agustin fired a warning shot to deter said intruder from
hear only the testimony of accused Ricarte Reloj sketched a map of the neighborhood executing whatever vicious plans he had. As it
Madali, the Court sees no reason for not and placed Felix Gasang's body on a spot were, he fired directly at his victims and all
giving sufficient weight to his factual findings across the road from the Madali gate. 58 The four shots hit their targets.
considering that he took pains in thoroughly defense tried to discredit Reloj's sketch and
studying the case even to the extent of his testimony thereon by presenting Moreover, if Agustin, Felix and Cipriano were
conducting an ocular inspection of the scene policemen Morales and Galang who testified the intruders, then they should be credited for
of the crimes and hearing part of the cross- that Felix's body was found close to the gate their extraordinary bravery in entering the
examination of Madali thereat. 55 of the Madali residence. However, the Madali yard. They were neighbors and they
testimonies of said policemen clashed with must have known that as a policeman, Madali
The defense is anchored on the justifying each other. Morales testified that both the two possessed a service revolver. The lower
circumstance of self-defense. In order that dead bodies were found close to the gate court, which saw for itself the Madali yard
such plea can prosper, it must be positively while Galang swore that while one body was considered it "rather inconceivable" for people
shown that there was a previous unlawful and near the gate, the other body was five meters like the victims to ever dare go inside the
unprovoked attack that placed the defendant's away from the Madali fence. 59 It should be premises armed only with a knife and clubs. 63
life in danger and forced him to inflict more or noted that ten days after the alleged
less severe wounds upon his assailant, commission of the crime, police investigator The lower court is correct in characterizing the
employing therefor reasonable means to resist Fetalino found blood stains in the middle of felonious assault on Agustin Reloj as
the said attack. 56 the street indicating that a blood-drenched frustrated murder. While Agustin Reloj was hit
body had been dragged across the only below his right hip, Madali's act of
The defense miserably failed to pass said test. street. 60 shooting was plainly attended by an intent to
Its allegation that the Madali residence was kill. This is evidenced by the revealing
hurled with stones before Madali confronted If it were really true that both Agustin and statements of Madali while accosting Agustin
the Gasang group, was not credibly Cipriano were armed with clubs, at least Reloj some fifteen (15) meters from Madali's
established. No one was able to positively Cipriano's club would have been found as he house, thus: "So you are here, you devil, now
identify the stone-throwers. Not even Madali died on the spot. The nightstick found by the you are finished. I have been waiting for you. I
and his wife, Annie. There is no proof that the police could not have been the one used by have been waiting for you for three nights
stones found in the Madali yard were indeed any of the victims. According to defense already. 64 The statements "now you are
the stones thrown at their house. It is witness policeman Galang, the nightstick was finished" and "I have been waiting for you for
interesting to note that even defense witness similar to that of a policeman. 61Hence, it could three nights already" sufficiently show that

P a g e | 45

Madali not only intended to do away with We agree with the trial court that with respect old and therefore, any one of them could have
Agustin Reloj but also that the crime had been to the killing of Cipriano Gasang and the corroborated her story.
premeditated. They satisfactorily prove that wounding of Merlinda Gasang, the crime
Madali had formed a determination to commit committed was the complex crime of murder Nevertheless, the Court finds that proof
the crime prior to the moment of its execution; with frustrated murder inasmuch as a single beyond reasonable doubt has not been
that he had clung to his determination and that shot hit them both. 69 It is immaterial that established as to the existence of conspiracy
there was sufficient interval of time between Merlinda Gasang was wounded on the leg between the Madali spouses. While direct
the determination and the execution of the and not on a vital part of her body. What is of proof is not essential to prove conspiracy as it
crime to allow him to reflect upon the primordial consideration is the fact that the may be shown by acts and circumstances
consequences of his act. 65 criminal act which killed Cipriano also caused from which may logically be inferred the
Merlinda's injury. 70 As in the kiling of Felix, existence of a common design among the
Moreover, after uttering those damaging treachery qualified the killing of Cipriano to accused to commit the offense(s) charged, the
statements, Madali dragged Reloj towards his murder because of the suddenness of the evidence to prove the same must be positive
gate. Annie then clubbed Reloj who, however, attack. and convincing considering that conspiracy is
succeeded in freeing himself from Madali's a facile devise by which an accused may be
hold. Reloj was running away when Madali Annie Mortel Madali's defense strategy is to ensnared and kept within the penal
shot him, hitting him below the right hip. 66 deny participation in the commission of the fold. 75 With this and the principle that in
crimes and to interpose an alibi. She insists criminal prosecution, doubts must be resolved
Indeed, firing at his fleeing victim and that like any other wife, her natural reaction to in favor of the accused, as guides, the Court
subsequently shooting to death two (2) other situations which involve risk is "to stay away, rules that the liability of Annie Mortel Madali
persons on the same occasion, to our mind, meditate and to shout and warn her husband with respect to the crimes committed herein, is
evince quite clearly the intent to kill being then of the intruders rushing towards him. 71 She only that of an accomplice. i•t•c-aüsl

entertained by Madali. bewails the fact that the prosecution has

pictured her as "a brave, pugnacious and Annie's participation in the shooting of the
There is likewise no doubt that Madali aggressive wife like the heroine of the pre-war victims consisted of beaming her flashlight at
committed murder when he shot Felix Gasang movie "Annie of the Indies". 72 Indeed, Annie's them and warning her husband of the
twice in the body. Treachery qualified the role in the commission of the crimes may presence of other persons in the vicinity. By
killing to murder punishable under Article 248 appear to be straight out of an action picture beaming her flashlight at a victim, Annie
of the Revised Penal Code. There was were it not for the fact that her denials and assisted her husband in taking a good aim.
treachery because of the suddenness of the uncorroborated alibi cannot stand against the However, such assistance merely facilitated
attack. Felix was raising his hands, 67 and categorical declarations of prosecution the commission of the felonious acts of
saying that he would not fight back when eyewitnesses Agustin Reloj and Merlinda shooting. Considering that, according to both
Madali feloniously fired at him twice. Annie Gasang on her participation therein. 73 She of the Madali spouses, "it was not so dark nor
Madali's uttering "Here comes another" before should have presented witnesses to support too bright 76 that night or that "brightness and
Madali shot Felix may not be considered her story. As she herself admitted, she and darkness were equally of the same
sufficient warning so as to rule out her husband were not alone in their house intensity. 77 Ricarte Madali could have
suddenness of the attack. 68 However, no when they were allegedly stoned. Six of their nevertheless accomplished his criminal acts
generic aggravating circumstance has been children were home then. 74Some of them without Annie's cooperation and assistance.
sufficiency proven. must have been within the age of discernment
inasmuch as their eldest child was 21 years

P a g e | 46

Neither may Annie's shouts of "here comes, maximum period of the penalty for the most Ricarte Madali for the crime of frustrated
here comes another, shoot" be considered as serious crime. The death penalty being the murder committed against Agustin Reloj. The
having incited Ricarte to fire at the victims to maximum period of the penalty for murder penalty for frustrated murder in accordance
make Annie a principal by inducement. There of reclusion temporal maximum to death with Article 50 in relation to Article 248
is no proof that those inciting words had great under Article 248 of the same Code, the death is prision mayor in its maximum period
dominance and influence over Madali as to penalty should be imposed for the complex to reclusion temporal in its medium period.
become the determining cause of the crime of murder with frustrated murder Taking into consideration the mitigating
crimes. 78 The rapidity with which Madali considering that under Article 63, an circumstance of voluntary surrender and
admittedly fired the shots 79 eliminated the indivisible penalty cannot be affected by the applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the
necessity of encouraging words such as those presence of any mitigating or aggravating penalty imposed on Ricarte Madali is four (4)
uttered by Annie. circumstance. It should be noted that under years, two (2) months and one (1) day
the ruling in People v. Muñoz, L-38968-70, of prision correccional as minimum to 12
The fact that Annie dealt a blow on Agustin February 9, 1989, Article III, Section 19(1) of years of prision mayor as maximum.
while he was being dragged by Madali to their the 1987 Constitution does not change the
yard does not make her a principal by direct period of the penalty for murder except only As an accomplice, Annie Mortel Madali should
participation. Annie's act, being previous to insofar as it prohibits the imposition of the be imposed the penalty next lower in degree
Madali's act of shooting Agustin, was actually death penalty and reduces it to reclusion than that prescribed by law for the
not indispensable to the crime committed perpetua. Hence, the lower court correctly consummated felonies. 83 For the complex
against Agustin. 80 imposed the penalty of reclusion perpetua on crime of murder and frustrated murder, like
Ricarte Madali for said complex crime. her husband, she shall be imposed the
Proof of motive is unnecessary where there is penalty of reclusion perpetua, 84 considering
a clear identification of the accused. 81 More so The mitigating circumstance of voluntary that the penalty prescribed by law for Ricarte
in this case where the principal accused does surrender which was proven but not Madali is the death penalty. For the murder of
not deny having fired the fatal shots. But the appreciated in favor of Ricarte Madali by the Felix Gasang, the penalty imposable on her
Madali spouses must have harbored a deep trial court, should be considered in imposing is prision mayor maximum to reclusion
resentment against the Gasang family to put on him the penalty for the murder of Felix temporal medium, 85 and there being no
into action Madali's threat of "sowing bullets" Gasang. The presence of this mitigating aggravating nor mitigating circumstances, the
on them. What makes Madali's crimes even circumstance without any aggravating penalty should be reclusion
more reprehensible is the fact that he claims circumstance to offset the same justified the temporal minimum. 86 Applying the
to have committed them in the pursuit of his imposition of the minimum period of the Indeterminate Sentence Law, Annie Mortel
task as a peace officer. He even went to the penalty for murder pursuant to Article 64(2) of Madali should therefore be meted the penalty
extent of wearing his fatigue jacket and the Revised Penal Code. Accordingly, the of six (6) years and one (1) day of prision
trousers to create a facade of performance of proper penalty should be the indeterminate mayor as minimum to fourteen (14) years and
an official function. Sadly, he misused his sentence of not less than ten (10) years and eight (8) months of reclusion temporal as
authority and his wife, harboring an improper one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum and maximum. For the crime of frustrated murder
sense of connubial cooperation, did not even not more than twenty (20) years of reclusion committed against Agustin Reloj, Annie Mortel
try to dissuade him. temporal as maximum. 82 Madali shall be sentenced to an indeterminate
penalty of from six (6) months and one (1) day
Under Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, The same mitigating circumstance should be of prision correccional as minimum to six (6)
the penalty for a complex crime shall be the considered in the imposition of the penalty on years and one (1) day of prision mayor as
P a g e | 47

Ricarte Madali and Annie Mortel Madali shall

also be liable to the heirs of Cipriano and Felix
Gasang for indemnity in the total amount of
sixty thousand pesos (P60,000) in the
proportion of 2:1 (2 shares for Ricarte Madali
as principal and 1 share for Annie Mortel
Madali as accomplice), with each accused-
appellant being subsidiarily liable for the other
in case of insolvency. The Court sees no
reason to disturb the lower court's findings on
the reimbursement of hospitalization and
medical expenses in favor of Merlinda Gasang
and Agustin Reloj as well as the award of
damages, except to clarify that payment
thereof shall likewise be in the proportion of
2:1 as above stated and with each accused
being subsidiarily liable for the other in case of

WHEREFORE, except as hereinabove

modified, the decision of the lower court is
hereby affirmed. Costs against the appellants.



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