Holt Handbook - Subject, Verb, Pronoun Agreement

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The passage discusses the Society for Creative Anachronism, a group that studies and recreates aspects of medieval and Renaissance European history.

Members of the society can engage in activities like costuming, armor making, calligraphy, woodworking and competing in tournaments.

The society focuses on the period from 500 AD to 1500 AD, encompassing the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe.


Subject and Verb, Pronoun

and Antecedent

Diagnostic Preview
A. Proofreading for Subject-Verb Agreement
and Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Most of the following sentences contain an error in agreement. If a
sentence contains an error, identify the incorrect verb or pronoun and
supply the correct form. If a sentence is already correct, write C.
EXAMPLE 1. Do you know where my binoculars is? I would like to
take it with me on the nature hike.
1. is-are; it-them
I. One of the South's most precious ecological treasures are the
flatlands and estuary of Galveston Bay.
2. In September, the new teacher was delighted because her class were
enthusiastic and cooperative.
3. One junior, as well as four seniors, have been invited to attend the
Milford Youth Council next month.
4. The number of investors in companies that manufacture robots is
large, and they are increasing daily.
5. Twenty miles are quite far for someone to walk without stopping
and resting.
6. Neither Charlotte nor Tyrone answers the telephone on Saturdays.
7. Anyone earning such a small salary will occasionally have difficulty
paying their bills.

Chapter 5 Agreement
8. You may be surprised t0 k
now that m •
vegetables in a backyard d any a city dweller grows
gar en.
9. A completed application in add ..
are required of all stude 't k,1tion to a full financial statement
10. Every file cabinet book n s see mg college scholarships. '
' case, and desk d h
with books and papers. rawer ave been stuffed
11. Don't the employees et bon .
12. Where there's people :nd ~ses for his or her work?
and Yori. excitement, you're sure to find Kazuo
13. Public relations and advertisin . ..
14. Do you know whether the N : is exc1tmg but often stressful work.
to France? et erlands are closer to Germany or

15. Did you know that the city of Savannah G . h h .

, eorgia, as t e1r own
spectacuIar parade on Saint Patrick's Day?

B. Correcting Errors in Subject-Verb and

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Most of the sentences in the following paragraph contain errors in
agreement. Identify each incorrect verb or pronoun, and give the
correct form. If a sentence is already correct, write C.
EXAMPLE [1] Many a species are either endangered or threatened.
1. are-is
[16] There's a number of people and programs making life safer
for endangered and threatened animals. [17] For example, many a
preservation effort have been directed at saving eagles. [18] What, you
may ask, is the biggest threats to eagles? f19] Most of the danger comes
from poachers and expanding civilization. [20] Fortunately, eagles are
one of the world's most admired animals; in fact, it may be one of the
most common symbols of freedom . [21] As a result, many govern-
ments have passed laws to protect eagles and their habitats. [22] The
United States, for example, have created sanctuaries for bald eagles and
golden eagles. [23] The Philippine eagle, which are the rarest of these
magnificent birds, receives special protection on the Philippine island
of Mindanao. [24] Ethiopia, as well as some other countries, has
planted trees for their eagles to use as nesting places. [25] Anybody
who wants to know more about these and other preservation programs
for eagles should consult their local library or conservation club.

Diagnostic Preview 105


Chapter Review
A. Choosing Verbs That Agree in Number with
Their Subjects
Choose the correct verb form in parentheses in each of the following

1. The Pickwick Papers ( was, were) Dickens's first published novel.

2. Neither Francisco nor Joe (has, have) called to order tickets yet.
3. (Are, Is) either one of them participating in the play?
4. There ( was, were) a number of students in the hall.
5. Theodore or William always ( has, have) a pocket calculator.
6. Either the guidance counselor or the principal ( is, are ) certain
to know the answer to this question.
7. Here ( are, is) the attendance figures for the current week.
8. Mathematics ( seem, seems) more difficult than any of my
other subjects.
9. Shelley is one of those poets who ( are, is) almost certain to be
represented in any anthology of English verse.
10. Nine dol1ars and fifty cents (is, are) too much to spend on lunch.
11 . Either Carl or his parents ( was, were) willing to leave early.
12. The Chess Club ( is, are) Margaret Doyle, Robert Viapian o,
Victor Mothersbaugh, and Judy Cheng-Cochran.
13. Every student and teacher in the school ( are, is ) contributing
to the fund -raiser for the new library.
14. Jeremy and Chad (don't, doesn't) know the words to the song.
15. Ray, his brother Dave, Chrissy, and her brother Arthur ( is, are)
the Village Green Preservation Society.

B. Proofreading for Pronoun-Antecedent Errors

Each of the following sentences contains an error in pronoun -
antecedent agreement. Identify each error, and then write the correct
pronoun form.
16. One of the girls left their coat in my locker.
17. If anyone does not understand the directions, they should feel
free to ask questions.

Chapter Review 133

18. Did each person sign their name on the get-well card that we
are sending to Frieda?
19. The band have been measured for its new uniforms.
20. Either Elena or Carla is driving their car to the picnic tomorrow.
21. Rock-and-roll is my father's favorite music; he has listened to them
since he was a boy.
22. One of the repairmen left their toolbox in our kitchen.
23. Several actors in the play forgot his lines during the dress rehearsal.
24. The books and magazines had smiling faces on its covers.
25. One of the girls fell down and cut their knee.
26. When Jamal and Dustin get through the snowstorm to the gas
station, ask him to call us.
27. Neither Mimi nor Miriam believes that they will lose the spelling
bee to the other.
28. After Jim used the scissors, he put it back in the kitchen drawer.
29. Each of the horses in the pasture had a white mark on their face.
30. Tanya is studying physics this semester, and she says she might
major in them.

C. Proofreading a Paragraph for Subject-Verb

Agreement and Pronoun-Antecedent
Each of the sentences in the following paragraph contains an error in
agreement between subject and verb or between pronoun and
antecedent. Identify each error, and then write the correct form.
[31] Most of us has some knowledge of the periods in European
history known as the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. [32] Those
times is the special interest of the Society for Creative Anachro nism.
[33] Members of this society take his or her pleasure in the study of
the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. [34] Every member take a name
and becomes a character appropriate to the society's historical period
(A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500). [35] Popular characters in the society includes
princes, princesses, lords, and ladies. [36] After joining, everyone is free
to choose a new name and to re-create their favorite aspect of medieval
or Renaissance life. [37] Many of the members pursue his or her own
interests. [38] For example, some people enjoys costuming, armor
making, calligraphy, and woodworking. [39] There is also some
members who compete in tournaments to become monarchs of the

Chapter 5 Agreement

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