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Faults and Defects in Power Transformers – A Case

Cacilda de Jesus Ribeiro1; André Pereira Marques2,3; Cláudio Henrique Bezerra Azevedo2; Denise Cascão Poli
Souza1; Bernardo Pinheiro Alvarenga1; Reinaldo Gonçalves Nogueira1
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO, Brazil
CELG Distribuição, Goiânia, GO, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás, Goiânia, GO, Brazil

Abstract – Power transformers play a fundamental role in A fault is an anomaly in a piece of equipment that
electrical power systems, in addition to representing significant inevitably causes stoppage of its operation, forcing its
investments involved in the implementation of these systems. To removal from service [2].
reduce the costs associated with a transformer’s life cycle and to As it is used here, the term “stoppage” indicates that the
guarantee its reliability and durability, it is essential to monitor
its operating conditions, its insulation system, and the working
service of a piece of equipment was interrupted, i.e., it was
conditions of its accessories and other components. Therefore, removed from operation due to a defect or fault. The word
the aim of this work is to study the faults and defects that “transformers” also refers to autotransformers.
occurred in 34.5 kV, 69 kV, 138 kV, and 230 kV oil-immersed
power transformers of the electrical system and the insulation
system of CELG, a major electric energy concessionaire in the The present work was developed based on:
state of Goiás, Brazil. The results of this study, i.e., the efficacy • the identification of the main parts of power transformers,
of the predictive technique for maintenance over the last 28 which were analyzed and divided into blocks of
years (from 1979 to 2007), the characterization of faults and
components, as shown in Fig. 1; and
defects during this period, and the presentation of proposals for
improvements in the predictive technique, aimed at reducing the
number of stoppages in the electric power supply system, are
expected to contribute to the body of knowledge in this field
A power transformer is one of the most important and
costly devices in electrical systems. Its importance is
attributed directly to the continuity of power supply, since its
loss through failure or defect means a supply stoppage. This
is a large piece of equipment whose substitution is expensive
and involves a lengthy process.
Research for new technologies and new predictive
maintenance techniques has greatly contributed to reduce
supply stoppages, thereby ensuring improved reliability of
energy supply. Several studies highlight the importance of
optimizing maintenance processes and diagnoses of
substation equipment such as transformers [1]. Fig. 1. Subdivision of a power transformer into blocks
In this context, the purpose of this research was to study
faults and defects that occurred in 34.5 kV, 69 kV, 138 kV • The characterization and analysis of faults and defects
and 230 kV power transformers immersed in mineral oil for a detected in these devices, resulting from stoppages and/or
period of 28 years at the electric power concessionaire CELG, interventions which they underwent.
which supplies over two million consumers distributed in 237
municipalities with a population of approximately four III. STOPPAGES IN THE ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM DUE TO
million in the state of Goiás, Brazil. TRANSFORMER DEFECTS AND FAULTS
A defect is considered an anomaly in a device that can
A. Number of Stoppages of the Devices
cause it to operate irregularly and/or below its nominal
capacity. If not corrected in time, this defect can evolve, In this study, 549 service stoppages were recorded from
leading to failure of the equipment and its removal from December 1979 to May 2007, involving 255 three-phase
service [2].
transformers or three-phase transformer banks, and several of
these devices showed more than one stoppage.
Table I summarizes the number of devices, with their
respective ranges of nominal output power and by nominal


Nominal 3-phase power

Total number of devices (MVA)
(3-phase and banks)
Lowest Highest
34.5kV 106 0.15 12.0
69kV 79 1.0 20.0
138kV 53 7.0 62.5
230kV 17 36 150
Total 255 Fig. 2. Number of transformer stoppages versus components

The aging of oil-paper insulation in a transformer depends

Of the transformer service stoppages in the period
on aging of both the paper and the oil. The assessment of the
considered in this work, a certain number were due to faults
remaining life of a transformer is the desired result of
and other defects, as indicated in Table II, reaching a total of
diagnostic procedures. A popular belief is that the life of the
549 stoppages in this period of 28 years.
insulation paper determines the transformer’s service life [3].
TABLE II Thus, when factors of transformer insulation degradation such
NUMBER OF TRANSFORMER STOPPAGES as water, oxygen, the products of decomposition in the oil and
Number of stoppages Percent (%)
temperature are monitored and controlled continuously, there
caused by is decrease in the degradation of the insulation system, which
Faults 413 75.2 means less risk of electrical faults [4]. CELG carries out
Defects 136 24.8 systematic physicochemical testing and analyses of dissolved
gases to control and monitor the insulating oil of its
Total 549 100
transformers, which is the reason for the low percentage of
problems involving insulating oil in its devices (4%).
It should be noted that this study took into account the
devices that were removed definitively from operation as well C. Transformer Failure Rates Over Time
as those that were purchased over the 28-year period of this As stated above, service stoppages can be caused by both
study. It is estimated that 10% of the devices under study are defects and faults. The difference between them is that
part of the total number of transformers that belong to the interventions to correct equipment defects can be
system’s technical reserve over these years. programmed, unlike faults, which are generally emergencies
in the electrical sector. It is therefore essential to know the
B. Number of Transformer Stoppages versus Damaged Components individual transformer failure rates.
Fig. 2 shows the percentage of transformer stoppages Fig. 3 shows the transformer failure rates in the CELG
versus damaged components in the period of 1979 to 2007, system per year and class of voltage, without considering the
without considering stoppages caused by the protection failures resulting from the protection system and from human
system and by human error. In this study, it was found that error. In view of these results, and as can be seen in Figure 3,
the components most affected were windings (34%), bushings although failure rates of up to 9% were recorded (1992,
(14%), onload tap changers, OLTC, (10%), and de-energized 138 kV), the overall rates for the entire 28-year period are
tap changers, DTC (10%). The item “unidentified quite acceptable. These rates are listed in Table 3, and were
component” (11%) refers to components which lack reliable calculated using (1).
records for several reasons.
The insulation system of the transformers in question is Nf (1)
composed of mineral oil and solid insulation (cellulose, Tf = t
varnish or polyester), although most of it consists of oil-
paper. It was found that the stoppages due solely to problems
i =1
e ,i

in the insulation oil accounted for only 4% of the number of where:

stoppages during the 28 years analyzed here. The degradation Tf : failure rate in the period under consideration [%]
of a transformer’s insulation system is usually the main Nf: number of failures in the period under consideration
parameter that causes electrical faults in these devices. Ne,i: number of devices existing in each year i considered
t: number of years of the period considered
Fig. 3. Transformer failure rates over time

Analyzed quantitatively, the slightly higher rates of the could have been detected by the DGA predictive technique
138 kV and 230 kV transformers are justified by the smaller and the stoppages effectively detected by this technique. This
number of devices of these classes of voltage. comparison revealed that the technique provided an efficiency
Table III lists the failure rates of 34.5 kV, 69 kV, 138 kV of approximately 75%. However, sampling of transformer oil
and 230 kV transformers that occurred in the period under for DGA testing is done periodically, according to the
study, without considering the reserve equipment (estimated chromatography software program CELG uses and to the
at 10% of the total number of power transformers). specificity of each device. Thus, between one sampling and
the next, the device may undergo impacts from atmospheric
TABLE III discharges, external short circuits, and adverse operating
conditions, which may trigger or accelerate incipient faults
Voltage 34.5kV 69kV 138kV 230kV and cause the device to fail before the next sampling, masking
Total failures 93 54 18 5.0 the efficiency of the chromatography system. It is therefore
Rate (%) 1.40 2.03 1.36 0.49
understood that the efficiency of the DGA technique, per se,
is higher than 75%. In addition to DGA, another predictive
technique that could be used to increase the monitoring
As can be seen, the transformers failure rates of CELG’s efficiency of the state of transformer insulation is the
system are relatively low, which is explained by the use of detection of partial discharges (PDs). The DGA method has
predictive techniques at this concessionaire. The company’s only low sensitivity for detecting partial discharges [5]. This
maintenance engineering sector, which strives to ensure a may sometimes lead to inaccuracy in analytical methods,
continuous supply of electric power by reducing the failure which may lead to errors by the person analyzing test results.
rate, has sought new predictive techniques, with emphasis on Furthermore, the DGA technique does not allow for the
the detection of partial discharges in transformers by the identification of the site of an incipient fault, making it
acoustic method. difficult to locate it, especially if its intensity is low.
Particularly interesting is the use of a noninvasive method
such as the acoustic PD detection method, which allows for
IV. PREDICTIVE TECHNIQUES monitoring of the evolution of PDs even while the device is in
The well-known dissolved gas analysis (DGA) technique in operation.
insulating oil is sensitive to some types of incipient faults Throughout its operation, a power transformer has to
(defects). To quantify the efficiency of this technique in withstand numerous stresses that generally result in the
detecting such defects in CELG’s equipment, a comparison degradation of the oil-paper insulation system by
was made of the total number of transformer stoppages that decomposition of the paper and/or oxidation of the oil.
Degradation reduces the quality of this insulation. Partial This paper therefore presents a proposal for improving
discharges can lead to winding breakdowns, and may cause predictive techniques through the implementation of a set of
accelerated aging. PDs must be inferred in order to build an techniques, highlighting the combination of DGA with the
early warning system. In this context, PDs serve as an detection of partial discharges by the acoustic emission
important measuring parameter for on-line monitoring [6]. method [7], which allows PD activity to be pinpointed in the
To illustrate the above, the photograph in Fig. 4 depicts the equipment without requiring its shutdown.
failure of a 20 MVA power transformer with a nominal
voltage of 69 kV/34.5 kV, showing damage sustained by a
large extent of the winding.
Although the failures rates and the number of stoppages
that occurred during the period under study were relatively
low, it is important to implement other predictive techniques
that are sensitive to incipient faults in power transformers –
especially in terms of problems involving windings, bushings
and tap changers, which, taken together, account for 68% of
the events in components of these devices – in order to further
improve the performance quality indicators reported here.
Among these techniques, this paper highlights the
measurement of partial discharges by the acoustic emission
method, which could be allied to the DGA method, a
technique well-known in the energy sector, thereby increasing
the maintenance efficiency and quality of electric power

Fig. 4. Damaged winding This work was carried out in collaboration with the
Maintenance Engineering Division of CELG Distribuição,
Systematic equipment monitoring by the DGA technique CELG D, and the Federal University of Goiás School of
showed a slight increase in gases, however without providing Electrical and Computer Engineering (EEEC/UFG) through a
a warning about the need to remove this device from service, partnership in an R&D Project - ANEEL.
ultimately leading to its damage by short-circuiting between
the spirals. REFERENCES
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