Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled:: Principles of Decentralization.
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled:: Principles of Decentralization.
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled:: Principles of Decentralization.
(a) It is hereby declared the policy of the (c) Subject to civil service law, rules and
State that the territorial and political regulations, local officials and employees
subdivisions of the State shall enjoy paid wholly or mainly from local funds
genuine and meaningful local autonomy shall be appointed or removed, according
to enable them to attain their fullest to merit and fitness, by the appropriate
development as self-reliant communities appointing authority;
and make them more effective partners
in the attainment of national goals. (d) The vesting of duty, responsibility,
Toward this end, the State shall provide and accountability in local government
for a more responsive and accountable units shall be accompanied with
local government structure instituted provision for reasonably adequate
through a system of decentralization resources to discharge their powers and
whereby local government units shall be effectively carry out their functions:
given more powers, authority, hence, they shall have the power to
responsibilities, and resources. The create and broaden their own sources of
process of decentralization shall proceed revenue and the right to a just share in
from the national government to the local national taxes and an equitable share in
government units. the proceeds of the utilization and
development of the national wealth within
(b) It is also the policy of the State to their respective areas;
ensure the accountability of local
(e) Provinces with respect to component (m) The national government shall
cities and municipalities, and cities and ensure that decentralization contributes
municipalities with respect to component to the continuing improvement of the
barangays, shall ensure that the acts of performance of local government units
their component units are within the and the quality of community life.
scope of their prescribed powers and
functions; Section 4. Scope of Application. - This Code
shall apply to all provinces, cities, municipalities,
(f) Local government units may group barangays, and other political subdivisions as
themselves, consolidate or coordinate may be created by law, and, to the extent herein
their efforts, services, and resources provided, to officials, offices, or agencies of the
commonly beneficial to them; national government.