Celtic Missal

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The document discusses prayers and services from early Celtic Christian traditions.

This book contains translations of prayers, services, and sacraments from early Celtic Christian sources like the Lorrha-Stowe Missal and the Hours of Bangor to preserve the worship of the undivided church.

The translations come from several early Irish and Gallican monastic sources from places like Luxeuil, Bobbio, Selestat, Paris, Trier, and Würzburg.

Bless the Lord at All Times

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall be always in my mouth.”
(Psalm 33, Greek numbering, or Psalm 34)

Prayers, Mass, Services Through the Year, Life of the Saints, Daytime Hours, Funeral
Christian worship of the undivided Church, from Celtic sources.

Translation from Latin, Research: +Maelruain (Kristopher) Dowling

Editing, Saint Research, and New Revision: Elizabeth Dowling

© 2011, All Rights Reserved

This is not a new book. This is two Instructions for using this book:
volumes in a new revision: Serve the Lord with Use a good translation of Holy Scripture,
Gladness Volumes I Fixed Days and II Movable such as the Douay-Rheims version; there isn't
Sundays and Feasts; most of The Lorrha-Stowe room for Lections to be written in full. Use
Missal; and funeral. Because of publishing ribbons sewn together to make bookmarks, and
limitations on the length of this book, this does for the Gospel, Epistle, and Old Testaments.
not contain much of the Breviary (daily Hours of Before 1994, we found a book, The
Prayer), Psalter, or notes. It does contain the Saints of Ireland, [“TSI”] by Mary Ryan D'Arcy,
Ordinary of the Mass, Reconciliation, Unction, 1974, Irish American Cultural Institute, St. Paul,
Baptism and Chrismation, Hymns, Proper MN, ISBN 0-85342-733-X and ISBN
Prayers from Celtic sources: Advent, Christmas 0-9614900-0-4, LOC catalog 74-83242. We
through Epiphany, Pre-Lent, Lent, Paschaltide, learned that Irish Saints and their churches were
Ascension through Pentecost Season, General similar to the Eastern Orthodox churches before
Proper Prayers, Martyrology of Oengus the Céli the “Great Schism.” The Saints who approved
Dé, Saint days and histories, funeral, according to these prayers are always Saints; these prayers are
the usage of the undivided Celtic church. always approved. Any Christian may study and
Translations of the Proper Prayers and Bishop's use these prayers. These Saints kept the faith,
Blessings are by +MAELRUAIN (Kristopher taught the faith throughout the world, and had
Dowling), and editing by Deaconess Elizabeth their part in defending the faith against reductions
Dowling, © 2009, 2011, All Rights Reserved. or additions. The massive cloud of Irish Saints
Translation of the Sacraments of Holy seemed almost equal to all the other Saints of the
Communion, Baptism and Chrismation, Unction very early times; the seeds planted in Ireland
from the Lorrha-Stowe Missal, with an Irish were returned and replanted in Europe after the
Confession and Absolution from St. Gall, barbarians who conquered Rome converted to
translated from Latin and given rubrics, and a Christianity. An Irish Missal was not a local
translation of the prayers and hymns of the Hours usage, but an extension of one of the most vital
(the Breviary) from Latin of the Antiphonary of movements of the Church. The Irish had a strong
Bangor, © 1996 + Maelrúain Kristopher desire to teach the faith rather than consolidate
Dowling, All Rights Reserved. My sincere power. Please add Orthodox Saints; and if you
thanks to Dionysios Redington and Professor use these services, consider them to be for the
Karen Rae Keck, who brought the Lorrha-Stowe world, not only one nation.
Missal Latin critical text to my attention. The “Ordinary” prayers are said at each
Translation and notes for the Lorrha-Stowe Mass. “Proper” prayers are proper to specific
Missal were made public on the Feast of the days, and are some of the most beautiful of
Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1995 Christian prayers and theological tradition.
(amended January1996, October 2004, edited into “Lections” are readings. There are fixed dates
one book: 2008, and with the Propers and (according to the solar year) and movable dates
Lections 2009). Notes on these Sacraments are in (according to the date of Pascha which changes
the Lorrha-Stowe Missal and the Hours of Bangor, every year). This translation is from several
True Worship of the Undivided Church +Maelruain sources of Irish and Gallican monasteries:
Kristopher Dowling and Elizabeth Dowling, © Luxeuil and Bobbio, Selestat, Paris, Trier,
2008, ISBN 978-0-557-00229-0. (That book Würzburg, the “Gothic” Missal [probably not
includes the Hours of Prayer of the day and night, Gothic but from Autun, see Aug. 22nd], Bishop's
and a complete Psalter in Greek numbering.) blessings from the Pontificale of Egbert (York),
Please contact us if you have questions: etc. Substitution of other prayers would not be
www.CelticChristianity.org Celtic Orthodox appropriate. The Roman “Tridentine” Propers are
Christian Church, P.O. Box 2712, Akron, OH from later centuries. Byzantine Propers are
44309. mostly only for Byzantine Vespers or Matins.

Table of Contents (abridged) Dec. 8th/ 21st St. Egbert (Ichtbrichtan) of York 77
IV Advent (Sunday on / after Dec. 4th/ 17th) 77
Other Services: Baptism 325; Chrismation 334; th th
Dec. 11 / 24 Ss. Damasus, my Senoc 78
Holy Unction 227; Cross Adoration 615
Dec. 12th/25th Ss. Finian of Clonard, Spiridon 79
Rules of Fasting (and Ember Day Poem: 751) 5
Dec. 13th/ 26th Ss. Colomb Terryglass, Lucia 80
Reconciliation (Confession and Absolution) 7
Dec 14th/ 27th Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Fingar 80
Ordinary of the Mass & General Propers 8
Dec. 17th/ 30th (Optional: “O Antiphons” p. 90) 82
(More General Propers end of Pentecost Season)
V Advent (Sunday on or after Dec. 11th/ 24th) 82
Hymns: Sancti Venite p. 37, music p. 38
Dec. 18th/ 31st St. Flannan 83
Beatitudes 39
Dec. 19th/ Jan. 1st St. Samthann 83
Similitudes, Hymn to St. Michael 40
Dec. 20th/Jan 2nd Ss. Ignatius Antioch, Ursinus 84
Magnificat 41
Dec. 21st/Jan. 3rd St. Thomas 85
Cross Vigil (weekly, and Holy Week) 41 rd th
Dec. 23 / Jan. 5 Solemnity: Saints of Africa 86
Hymn Antiphonary of Bangor 2 by St. Hilary 41
VI Advent (Sunday on or after Dec. 18th/31st) 86
Hymn Unitas 43
Dec. 24th/ Jan 6th Christmas Eve, St. Eugenia 87
Hymn to Mary, Birthgiver of God 44
Christmas Dec. 25th/Jan 7th 91
Shrine of Piety 45
Dec. 26th/ Jan 8th St. Stephen's Day 138
Hymn AB 3 by Apostles, 40-fold Kyrie 254, 45
Dec. 27th/ Jan 9th Ss. John, James Righteous 140
Hymn AB 10 (Hour of Midnight, Holy Week) 248
Dec. 28th/ Jan 10th Holy Innocents 147
AB 9 Fiery Creator of Fire (Pascha, Vespers) 325
Sunday after Christmas (Bishop's Blessing) 149
Hymn of the Candle (Pascha) Angels Hymn 323
Dec. 29th/ Jan 11th St. Victor and the birds 149
Hymn “Christ is Risen” in several languages 362
Dec. 30th/ Jan 12th Ss. Ailbe, Mansuetus, poor 150
Paschal Salutations “Christ is Risen” 363
Dec. 31st/ Jan 13th St. Sylvester, Theophylact 151
Hymn Procession Cross Sun., Christmas AB 12 120
Jan.1st/14th Circumcision (New Year) St. Basil 151
Hymn Procession Cross: Sat., Martyrs AB 11 795
Sunday after the Circumcision (bef. Epiph.) 159
Hymn Audite Omnes for St. Patrick 570
Jan 2nd/15th Ss. Isidore, Scothine, Seraphim 159
Deers Cry of St. Patrick, a breastplate 572
Jan 5th/ 18th Ss. Simeon: sage; Stylite (no fast)160
Hymn Altus Prosator by St. Colm Cille 755
Jan 6th/ 19th Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord 161
Song of the Three Youths (Daniel 3:1-100): 317
7th/ 20th Jesus' Fast, Ss. Lucianus, Kentigerna 164
Te Deum (from Matins) 344
Jan 9th/ 22nd Ss. Faelan, Felix, Vitalis 165
Irish “Trisagion” (Thrice Holy) Prayers 252-253
Jan.10th/ 23rd Ss. Miletus, Gregory of Nyssa 166
Hymn: Blessed Virgin Mary, Ti ipermaho 583
Jan. 11th/ 24th Coming out of Egypt of Jesus 166
Celtic Lectionary (Psalm Chart p. 47) 46
Jan 13th/ 26th Ss. Hilary, Sulpicius Severus 168
Beginning of Advent (always Nov.13th/26th) 54
I after Epiphany (Sun. on /after Jan 7th/ 20th) 169
Nov. 16th/ 29th St. Augustine of Canterbury 55
th th Jan 14th/ 27thSs. Felix Nola, Fland, Kentigern 170
Nov. 17 / 30 St. Gregory Thau., St. Tecla 55
Jan. 15th/ 28th St. Ita (My-Ite, Mide, Deirdre) 171
I Advent (Sunday on or after Nov. 13th/ 26th) 64
Jan.16th/ 29th St. Fursa (Fursey) low countries 172
Nov 21st 22nd/ Dc 4th 5th BVM, St Caecelia 66
Jan. 17th/ 30th St. Antony the monk 173
Nov 23rd/ Dec 6th Ss. Columbanus, Clement 68
II af. Epiphany (on/after Jan 14th before 18th) 174
Nov. 24th/ Dec. 7th St. Catherine of Alexandria 69
Jan.18th Throne St. Peter Rome, St. Ninnid 175
Nov.25th/Dec.8th Ss. John Cassian. Chrysostom 69
Jan.19th St. Mary Magdalene (Jul. 22nd) 179
II Advent (Sun. on / after Nov. 20th/ Dec. 3) 71 th nd
Jan 20 / Feb. 2 St. Sebastian 180
Nov. 27th/ Dec. 10th St. Sechnall (Secundinus) 72
Jan 21st Ss. Agnes, Fainche, Vincentius 180
Nov. 29th / Dec. 12th St. Brendan of Birr 73
Jan 24th/ Feb. 6th St. Babylas, St. Guasacht 182
Nov. 30th / Dec. 13th St. Andrew 73
I Throne of Peter (Sun. on/after Jan 18th/31st) 182
III Advent (Sun. on/after Nov. 27th/ Dec. 10th) 74
Jan. 25th/ Feb. 7th Conversion of St. Paul 184
Dec. 4th/ 17th Ss. Barbara, John of Damascus 75 th th
Jan 26 / Feb. 8 St. Polycarp of Smyrna 192
Dec. 6th/ 19th St. Nicholas, St. Gobban 76
Jan 27th/Feb 9th St. Muirgein (born of the sea) 195
Dec. 7th/ 20th St. Buite, St. Ambrose (Apr 1) 76

Jan 29th/Feb 11th St. Dallan Forghaill, hymns 196 Dawn Mass Pascha (Sun.), clergy Confession 366
Jan 31st St. Aed (Aedan, Maedoc) of Ferns 197 Monday in Paschal Week 369
II Throne Peter (Sun. on/after Jan 25th) 198 Tuesday in Paschal Week 371
Feb. 1st/ 14th St. Brigid of Kildare 199 Wednesday in Paschal Week 372
F. 2nd Presentation, Purification, Candlemas 202 Thursday in Paschal Week 375
Feb. 3rd/ 16th St. Blaise (throat blessings) 206 Friday in Paschal Week 376
Feb. 5th Ss. Agatha (& Aug 30), Buo, Indract 206 Saturday in Paschal Week 378
Feb. 6th Ss. Lucia of Syracuse, Mel, Photios 207 Close of Easter (Sun.after Pascha, St. Thomas) 380
III Throne of Peter (Sun. on / after Feb. 1st) 209 II Paschaltide (Sunday) 384
Feb. 8th / 21st St. Fiachra 210 III Paschaltide (Sunday) 385
Feb.11th/ 24th Ss. Mo Gopnat (bees), Ethchen 212 Mid-Pascha: Wednesday after III Pascha 388
Feb. 12th/ 25th St. Siadal (Sedulius) 213 IV Paschaltide (Sunday) 390
Hymn: Salve, sancta parens 214 V Paschaltide (Sunday) 392
Feb.13th/26th St. Mo Domnoc bringer of bees 215 (Rogation Processions this week) 394
Feb. 14th/ 27th St. Valentine 215 The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ 398
Feb. 15th/ 28th End Fast, Christ overcomes 215 Sunday after the Ascension 400
Notes on Saint Days 218 Movable Days 219 The Season of Pentecost Notes 402
Sexagesima (Sunday) 220 Pentecost Sunday (anticipation of Monday) 403
Quinquagesima (Sunday) 221 Propers, Cycle of Six Sundays after Pentecost:
I Lent (Sunday) 223 I 407, II 408, III 408, IV 409, V 410, VI 410.
Monday in I Lent (Overcoming Temptation) 224 I Pentecost (Sun. after Pent.) All Saints' Day 411
Tues. I Lent Blessing Catechumins & Babies 225 Thursday after I Pentecost 412
Wed. I Lent, (Holy Unction, Anointing 227) 226 II Pentecost (Thursday after 414) (Sunday) 413
Thursday 229, Friday, and Saturday in I Lent 230 III Pentecost (Thursday after 415) (Sunday) 414
II Lent (Sunday) 231 IV Pentecost (Thursday after 416) (Sunday) 415
Week after II Lent (Lent: Lections each day) 232 V Pentecost (Thursday after 417) (Sunday) 416
III Lent (Sunday) 232 VI Pentecost (Thursday after 418) (Sunday) 418
Week after III Lent: Mon 233, Tues-Sat 234, 235 VII Pentecost (Thursday after 420) (Sunday) 419
IV Mid-Lent (Sun.) (Cross Adoration 236) 235 VIII Pentecost (Thursday after 421) (Sunday) 420
Week after IV Lent: Mon-Tues 237, Wed-Sat 238 IX Pentecost (Thursday after 422) (Sunday) 421
V Lent (Sunday) 239 X Pentecost (Thursday after 423) (Sunday) 423
Week after V Lent: Mon-Fri 240, Sat 241 XI Pentecost (Thursday after 425) (Sunday) 424
VI: Palm Sunday: (Palms 241, Traditio 242 241 XII Pentecost (Thursday after 427) (Sunday) 425
Creed 244, Mass 246) XIII Pentecost (Thursday after 428) (Sunday) 427
Evening Service Sun-Wed of Holy Week 248 XIV Pentecost (Thurs. after 429) (Sunday) 428
Holy Thursday (Institution Holy Eucharist) 257 XV Pentecost (Thursday after 430) (Sunday) 430
Holy and Great Friday: Notes 260, Vespers 261, XVI Pentecost (Thurs. after 432) (Sunday) 431
Midnight 268, Matins 271, XVII Pentecost (Thurs. after 433) (Sunday) 432
Second Hour (after dawn) 275, XVIII Pentecost (Thurs. after 434) (Sunday) 433
Third Hour (9:00 A.M.) 278, XIX Pentecost (Thurs. after 436) (Sunday) 435
Sixth Hour (Noon) 282, XX Pentecost (Thurs. after 437) (Sunday) 437
Ninth Hour (3:00 P.M.) 285 XXI Pentecost (Thurs. after 439) (Sunday) 438
Holy Saturday (Fri. night) Notes 288, Cross 41 XXII Pentecost (Thurs. after 440) (Sunday) 440
Vigil of the Resurrection of our Lord (Notes 289) XXIII Pentecost (Thurs. after 442) (Sunday) 441
Opening 290, Twelve Prophecies 292 XXIV Pentecost (Thurs. after 443) (Sunday) 443
The Lighting of the Paschal Lights 321 XXV Pentecost (NO Thursday) (Sunday) 444
Rite of Baptism 325, Chrismation 334, XXVI Pentecost, Last Sunday before Advent 445
Mass Con't. 336, (Hymns 362, Salutations 363) General Propers, Lections, Blessings, Daily 446

One Martyr, Many Martyrs 446, April 22nd/ May 5th St. Philip 601
One Confessor, Many, One Bishop, Many 447, April 23rd Bishop Ibar (before Patrick) 601
Requiem, Anniversary, Pilgrimage 448, April 24th/ May 7th St. George; the 3 youths 601
Synod 449, Blessing Clergy 450, Ferias 450, April 25th/ May 8th St. Mark, Evangelist 602
Daily for needs 451, In Matins, Vespers 452 Apr. 28th Ss. Christopher, Cronan, Cyril 607
Life of the Holy Apostles: Notes on sources 453 May 1st/ 14th St. Philip (and women Saints) 609
St. Peter or Cephas, “the Rock,” was Simon 455 May 2nd/15th Ss. Athanasius, Ultan of Fursey 610
St. John son of Zebedee, Evangelist,Theologian 464 May 3rd/ 16th Finding of the True Cross 612
St. James son of Zebedee, “the Greater” 480 May 6th/ 19th Ss. John and Matthew 616
St. Andrew, “First-Called” 487 May 9th/ 22nd St. Michael and all Angels 618
St. Philip, who said, “Come and see.” 495 May 10th/23rd St. Comgall of Bennchor 619
St. Thomas, “Twin called Twin” 497 May 16th St. Brendan Clonfert “Navigator” 624
St. Bartholomew the Active 513 May 20th Ss. Gervasius & Protasius (June 19) 626
St. Matthew, Evangelist 517 May 24th/ June 6th St. Vincent of Lerins 628
St. James son of Alphaeus, “the Less” 520 May 28th/ June 10th St. Germanus of Auxerre 631
St. Simon the Zealot 521 May 30th/ June 12th Nativity of St. Thomas 634
St. Jude (good Judas) (Cloth of Edessa 526) 523 June 1st/ 14th St. Tecla (one of her Feasts) 635
St. Matthias (Madian), after Ascension 530 June 2 Ss.: early Erasmus, Algise, Photinus 635
General and Specific for Apostles: Notes 533, June 3rd St. Coemghen (Coemgan, Kevin) 635
Calendars 534-535, Lections 536, Blessings 542 June 9th St. Colm cille (Columba) of Iona 637
Feb. 16th/Mar. 1st (or Feb 29th) St. Juliana 543 June 10th/ 23rd St. Mark (see April 25th) 641
Feb. 17th/ Mar. 2nd (or 1st) Fintan & Finnan 543 June 12th/ 25th Torannan, i.e. Palladius 641
th rd th th
Feb.18 /Mar. 3 (or 2 ) St. Colman Lindisfarne 546
June 13 / 26 St. Bartholomew the Active 642
Feb. 22nd/Mrch 7th(or 6th) St. Peter -Antioch 548 June 15th/ 28th St. Vitus “marvelous child” 643
Feb 23rd/ March 8th (or 7th) St. Matthias 549 June 16th St. Quiricus (Giricc, Cyriacus, Cyr) 643
Feb 24th/ Mar. 9th (“Bisextus:” F 25th/ M 10th) 549 June 17th/ 30th St. Moling Luachair (Luaim) 644
March 5th/ 18th Ss. Ciaran Saiger, Carthach 552 June 19th/July 2nd St. John Maximovitch 646
March 8th/ 21st St. Senan of Inis Cathaig 554 June 22nd/ July 5th St. James son of Alphaeus 647
March 9th/ 22nd Forty Martyrs of Sebaste 555 June 23rd St. Mochae (my Coe, Caylan) 647
March 10th St. Constantine son of Helena 555 June 24th/ July 7th Nativity St. John Baptist 648
March 11th / 24th St. Oengus the Cele De 556 June 25th St. Sinchell, St. Molua or Lua 651
March 12th/ 25th St. Gregory Dialogist Pope 558 th th
June 29 /July 12 Ss. Peter and Paul 652
March 16th/ 29th St. Eugenia (also Dec. 24th) 560 June 30th Ss. Saulus (Zoilus?), Gobain 654
March 17th/ 30th St. Patrick, Apostle Ireland 561 July 1st/14th Ss. Simon & Jude (Thaddaeus) 655
Mar 19th Ss. Joseph Betrothed, Gregory 573 July 3rd/ 16th Translation of St. Thomas 656
Mar. 20th/ Apr. 2nd St. Cuthbert Lindisfarne 574 July 4th/ 17th Ordination St. Martin Tours 657
Mar 21st Ss. Benedict Nursia, Enda of Aran 576 th
July 6 Moninne of Sliab Cuilinn (Darerca) 657
March 25th/ April 7th Annunciation BV Mary 578 July 7th/ 20th St. Mael-rúain of Tamlachta 658
Mar. 26th/ Apr. 8th St. Sinell (Sinchell) 583 July 8th/ 21st St. Broccán, St. Kilian Wurzburg 659
Mar. 28th St. Mary Magdalene (and Jul.22) 584 July 10th Seven brothers, St. Etto (Eton, Ze) 660
March 29th/ April 11th St. Gregory Nazianzus 584 July 11th Ss. Euphemia Chalcedon, Drostan 661
Mar. 30th St. Tola (St. John Climacus) 588 July 12th/ 25th St. Veronica 662
Apr. 1st Visitation BVM, St. Ambrose (Dec. 7) 590 July 15th/ 28th Twelve Apostles, 12 of Ireland 662
April 4th/17th St. Tigernach 592 July 17th/ 30th St. Fredegand 663
April 15th St. Ruadhan (Rodan) of Lorrha 596 July 19th/ Aug 1st St. Sisinnus 664
Apr. 17th St. Donnan of Eig & 52, Martyrs 597 Jl 22nd St. Mary Magdalene (Mr.28, Jan 19) 665
April 18th St. Mo-bi, (Molaise, Laisren) 598 Jul 24th/ Aug 6th St. Declan of Ardmore 665
April 21st/ May 4th St. Maelrubha (Scotland) 600 July 25th/Aug. 7th St. James the Greater 666

July 26th/Ag 8th Transfiguration of our Lord 666 Oct. 11th St. Cainnech (Caindech, Kenneth) 739
July 28th/ Ag 10th St. Panteleimon (Sept 22) 669 Oct. 12th Ss. Fiacc & Fiachra, Mobi (my Bi) 740
Jul 31st Ss. Colman, Jospeh of Arimathea 670 Oct. 13th St. Comghan (Comgan, or Coman) 742
Aug 1st/ 14th The Maccabees, St. Pellegrinus 670 Oct. 16th/29th St. Gall, Apostle to Switzerland 742
Aug. 3rd/ 16th Finding of St. Stephen's body. 672 Oct. 18th/ 31st St. Philip 744
Aug 4th Ss. Molua Mac ochae, Justin Martyr 672 Oct 21st St. Fintan (Munnu) Telchán’s son 746
Aug. 5th/ 18th St. Oswald 676 Oct. 22nd/ Nov. 4th St. Matthew 748
th th rd th
Aug. 6 / 19 St. Sixtus, Pope of Rome 676 Oct. 23 /Nov. 5 St. Longinus 748
Aug. 7th Seven asleep 155 yrs in Ephesus 676 Oct. 28th/ Nov. 10th Ss. Simon and Jude 751
Aug. 10th/ 23rd St. Laurence, the 70 Apostles 678 Oct. 31st/ Nov. 13th St. Foillan (Faelan), Bee 752
Aug 11th St. Adhract (Attracta, Etracta, Indecta) 680 Nov 1st/14th All Saints and Departed 754
Aug. 12th/ 25th St. Laisren (Molaisse) 681 Nov. 2nd/15th St. Erc 760
th th rd th
Aug. 13 /26 St. Maximos the Confessor 682 Nov. 3 / 16 St. Hilarius (Hilary) of Poitiers 760
Aug. 14th St. Fachtnae (Factna) of Mongach 682 Nov 9th/22nd St. Benen (Benignus),of Armagh762
Aug. 15th & 16th/ 28th & 29th The Dormition 683 Nov. 10th/ 23rd St. Leo, Pope of Rome 763
Aug. 18th/ 31st St. Daig, artisan 688 Nov. 11th/ 24th St. Martin of Tours 763
Aug. 19th/ Sept. 1st St. Mochtae of Louth 688 Nov. 12th/ 25th St. Sinell of Cleenish Island 771
Aug. 22nd/ Sept. 4th St. Timothy, St. Emilian 689 Continuous Prayer 772
Aug 23rd St. Eogain (Eogan, Eugene, Owen) 690 Prologue of the Félire Óengusso Céli Dé 772
Aug 24th St. Patrick Senior, of Ross dela 690 (Martyrology of Oengus, Christ's victory)
Aug. 25th/ Sept. 7th St. Bartholomew, Martyr 691 Sources of Books, and of interest 776
Aug. 26th/ Sept. 8th St. Irenaeus of Lyons 691 Funeral: (notes) 783
th th
Aug. 27 / Sept. 9 St. Pimen, desert father 695 When the Soul Goes Forth from the Body 784
Aug. 29th/ Sept. 11th Passion St. John Baptist 697 Preparation 785, Wake 786,
First Sunday in Sept.: Mass for New Fruits 700 Carried to Church 787, Funeral Mass 787
Aug. 31st/ Sept 13th St. Aedan of Lindisfarne 701 Carried to Tomb 788, At Tomb 788
Sept. 1st/ 14th 23,000 Martyrs, St. Cecilia 703 After Burial 790
Sept. 4th St. Ultan of Ard Breccáin, left-hand 705 The Daytime Hours of St. Brendan (abbreviated):
Sept. 8th/ 21st Nativity Blessed Virgin Mary 707 Second Hour (after dawn) 790
Sept. 9th St. Cíarán of Clúain son of wright 709 Third Hour (9:00 A.M.), Sixth Hour (Noon) 791
Sept. 10th St. Findbarr (Finian) of Mag Bili 712 Ninth Hour (3:00 P.M.), Vespers (Sunset) 791
Sept. 11th/ 24th Ss. Protus and Hyacinthus 712 The Evening Hours of St. Maelruain:
Sept. 12th St. Ailbe (Bishop before Patrick) 713 Beginning of Night and Midnight 792
Sept. 14th/ 27th St. Cyprian of Carthage 714 Short note on Matins (no room for Matins) 793
Sept 15th/28th Feast Dedication and Cross 714 Resurrection Gospels 793
Sept 16th/29th Ss. Laissren (Molaisse), Ninian 718 Ending Prayers: Long Form 796
Sept 19th St. Januarius (Gennaro, Enair) 719 Community of the Brethren (Short Form) 255
Sept. 21st/ Oct 4th St. Matthew 720
Sept. 22nd Ss. Pantaleo (Jul 28th), Mauricius 720 Rules for Fasting
Sept. 23rd St. Adamnán of Iona, St. Tecla 721 Before the Mass, no food or drink is
Sept 24th/Oct7th Conception St. John Baptist 723 taken from the evening before the Mass. (Except
Sept 25th / Oct 8th St. Barre (Finbarr) of Cork 723 in case of medical need, as directed.)
Sept. 27th/Oct 10th Ss. Cosmas and Damianus 724 Irish fasting rules follow Rules of ancient
Sept 29th/Oct 12th St. Michael and all Angels 725 desert fathers. In the monastery of Bangor:
Sept. 30th St. Jerome (Hieronomus), Martyrs 729 Forty day fasts are called "Moses fasts,"
Oct. 1st / 14th St. Luke, Evangelist 730 because these correspond to forty fast days
th th
Oct. 7 / 20 . St. Matthew 736 Moses was in Mt. Sinai receiving the Law, and
Oct. 9th/ 22nd St. Dionysius the Areopagite 737 the forty years in the desert.

Forty days before Christmas. A six- Saints, followed the Rule of Scetis, Egypt, but
week Advent fast is practiced in the Celtic Rite, living in a more cold and damp winter climate.
the Byzantine Rite, and the Roman Patriarchate Abbreviated Notes: the Ordinary of the Mass:
of Milan, which follows the Ambrosian Rite. The Before Mass, the choir or congregation
Martyrology of Tallaght and Oengus's Speckled may sing the Song of the Three Youths, the sung
Book (Félire Óengusso Céli Dé) state that Advent part from Pascha. The Shrine of Piety may be
begins Nov. 13th, and the first Sunday in Advent done also; this resembles a prayer around the altar
is the first Sunday on or after Nov. 13th. (St. in the Byzantine Rite just before a Divine Liturgy.
Martin's Day, Nov. 11th/ 24th, a carnival similar to More detailed notes for the Mass, and the
Thanksgiving.) See Oct. 27th, Ember day fasting. Hours of prayer, are in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal
Forty days before Pascha (Lent). and the Hours of Bangor, True Worship of the
Fasting begins in Pre-Lent, see the Jesus Fast. Undivided Church +Maelruain Kristopher Dowling
Forty days after Pentecost: not variable; and Elizabeth Dowling, 2008; ISBN
not ending June 29th/July 12th, a full six weeks. 978-0-557-00229-0.
The Jesus Fast, the “Winter Fast,” a non- There is no kneeling on Sundays,
Moses fast, starts January 7th/ 20th, about Jesus in although bows and prostrations are allowed.
the desert after His Baptism, in the Martyrology Clergy and Congregation pray together
of Tallaght, and Oengus' Martyrology (the facing the Cross (except in a few places where the
Speckled Book). This ends February 15th/ 28th, in Priest faces the people to bless or to say a sermon).
the Major Feast, “The Devil Tempts Christ and In Litanies, repeated names are two
Flees from His Presence,” which has the same different Saints; say both names.
Lections as the first Monday in Lent, fleeing from The Prayer of St. Ambrose may be
evil kings and reductions in the faith, and holding offensive, and needs explanation: God sees all of
fast to Christ the King Who is the Truth. If the us as mortal. We do not “attain” heaven. Christ
only food available is dried or preserved meat, redeems us by His Cross, and has mercy.
this fast is not in force. Winter was called the No cleric or laity below the rank of
“terror time” by the Irish, and food and shelter Subdeacon may carry the Chalice, Host, and Paten.
were shared. Usually this fast runs into Pre-Lent. A Priest may serve alone if there are no servers.
Also, one-day fasts: such as the Passion The Gospel and the sermon may only be
of St. John the Baptist Aug. 29th/ Sept. 11th. given by a Bishop, Priest, or Deacon. The sermon
During a fast: In a monastery, one meal is about the Lections and prayers of the day.
per day at Ninth hour was allowed, and no wine, During the sermon, the congregation is
beer, milk, meat, or fish. Flour for bread was seated. Chairs and carpets were brought to sit on
made with the entire wheat plant, including the during the sermon, and only the cooks and
stalks. (Never do this with rye; its sharp “beard” doorwardens are excused from the sermon, and
will perforate the intestines.) Absolute fasting was from the beginning of the Mass.
practiced on Wednesdays and Fridays (no food). The Nicean-Constantinopolitan Creed has
Fasting rules were suspended or relaxed when no post-schism additions, translated from the
non-monastic guests were present. Milk was Lorrha-Stowe Missal. The “Our Father” is the
allowed to travelers, sick and aged at Bangor. Two exact wording of Greek and Latin Bibles, without
meals per day were allowed during non-fasting word changes in 15th century English Bibles.
periods, and they served: vegetables, sea-weed, No person may talk, sing, or make noise
bread, water, whey, wine, beer. Fish, either scale during the “Most Dangerous Prayer,” also called
or shell-fish, was allowed on feasts. Other “The Words of Institution.” The “Epiklesis,” the
monastic disciplines included continuous prayer, Consecration of the Holy Spirit, is always done,
work including physical labor, sleeping on stones from the Feast of the Throne of St. Peter (Celtic).
without heat, etc., each monastery had their own The Final Gospel is implied: the Lorrha-
rule. St. Finian, Abbot and teacher of missionary Stowe Missal is bound to the Gospel of St. John.

Rite of Reconciliation time this is sufficient) and if this is for an
intelligent person, give them counseling
[St. Gallen Manuscript F.F. iii, a Celtic
that they come at the appointed time unto
you or another Priest at the Lord’s
Supper as set forth in the Sacramentary.
Dost thou believe in the Father, the Son and the
[This service is done in two parts: 1) The
Holy Spirit? R. I believe.
Confession of sins and assignment of
Penance and 2) the Prayer of
Dost thou believe that these same three Persons, Reconciliation before the Liturgy at the
as we say, the Father, and the Son and the Holy appointed time]. Whoever does not
Spirit, are three and is one God? R. I believe. receive reconciliation while they remain
in the body cannot do so after parting
Dost thou believe that thou shalt arise in this very from the flesh. If they were truly without
same flesh in which thou art now on the day of intellect, for they did not understand, one
Judgment and receive the good or ill which thou can reconcile them in one session.
hast given? R. I believe.
Holding the hand over, but not touching
Dost thou desire to forgive those who have their head, say the Prayer for person
committed all manner of sin against thee, as has about to begin penance:
been said by the Lord: “If ye will not forgive men
their sins, neither will your Father in Heaven Grant O Lord, we beseech Thee, The worthy
forgive your sins?” fruits of penitence to this servant, that through the
R. I forgive them. pursuit and attainment of pardon of his (her)
Inquire after the person’s sins and ask if sinning, he (she) may be restored innocent unto
they are willing to stop their persistence Thy Holy Church, from whose completeness he
in them. Make them confess all of their (she) has wandered through sinning. This we ask
sins and at the end they are to say: through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
R. Many are my sins in deeds, in words, and Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
in thoughts. ages. R. Amen.
Then give them a penance and say this If they are seriously ill, one ought to
prayer over them: reconcile them [to the Body and Blood
Let us pray: Protect this Thy servant -N- O Lord of the Lord] immediately. [Perform the
through Thy mercy and quickly blot out all of his Service of Unction, if possible. The
(her) iniquities by Thy pardon, through our Lord following Prayers of Reconciliation are
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the said before the Liturgy of the
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. appointed day. The form of the Lord’s
R. Amen. Prayer is from the Rite of Unction. None
except those who have met the conditions
Let us pray: Harken unto our prayers O Lord and
for reconciliation should approach a
spare from sins those who confess unto Thee, and
Priest for this office. Those who require
may the clemency of Thy Fidelity absolve those
further counseling and time to resolve
whose guilt of conscience accuses them, through
their difficulties should discuss this in
our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee
private before the day of the Liturgy. This
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Our Father is a half-century old English
R. Amen.
translation from Greek and Church
And the like. If there is sufficient time, do Slavonic; same as St. Jerome’s Latin,
as in the Sacramentary [i.e.:administer a Greek New Testament, and the Lorrha-
Penance] (if one does not have sufficient Stowe Missal.]

Priest: O Lord, regard us Thy servants, that
praying with confidence, we may be worthy to Ordinary of the Mass
[The Rite of Reconciliation is
completed as the Song of the Three
All together: Our Father, Who art in the Children is sung. The Shrine of Piety
Heavens, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom from the Breviary may be done just
come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in before the Mass. In the ancient custom,
Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and the women stand to the left of the center
forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors aisle, the men to the right of the aisle.
Where there is a cross sign (+), the Sign
and lead us not into temptation but deliver us
of the Cross should be made. In the
from evil. original Latin, this was indicated by a
capital letter or the sign “+”, which
Priest: Deliver us O Lord from every evil and sometimes appeared in the middle of a
preserve us in all good, O Jesus Christ, the sentence. See notes page 254.]
Author of all that is good, Who reigneth unto
ages of ages. The Litany of the Saints
R. Amen. [A Deacon in amice, alb, stole and
The following Absolution prayers from Chasuble (or Celebrant in cassock)
folio 291 of the Bobbio Missal is begins the Mass in the middle of the
nave. According to the Rule of Tallaght:
repeated for each penitent received. there is no kneeling on Sundays; the
[Absolution: see Florovsky Aug 11th /24th] congregation should stand instead
With the right hand on the head of the wherever the text says “kneel.” On other
penitent, [the Priest should] say: days, follow the instructions to stand and
Beloved Brethren, let us beseech God, the kneel given here. This Litany is not
Almighty and Merciful, Who doth not desire the optional. If there is no Deacon, the
death of a sinner, but that he be converted and Celebrant must say it. Repeated names
live. May God be appeased and grant His servant are different Saints; see the Litany in
-N- the dispensation of mercy unto the right way Baptism.]
of Life. In that this person incurred the wounds STAND
of his (her) guilt after the sacred washing in the
Waters, it is appropriate that he (she) be cleansed Deacon (or Celebrant) (V.):
in the esteemed [act of] public confession, so that + O God come to my assistance.
no scars remain to condemn him (her), through
our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the People (R.):
same unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit O Lord make haste to help me.
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
Priest: O our Savior and Redeemer, Thou the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is
dost grant the gift of Thy Favor and Mercy not now, and ever unto ages of ages.
only to sinners but to all that desire to come R. Amen.
before [Thee]. We Thy suppliants beseech Thee
that Thou bring this Thy servant -N- unto the KNEEL [or STAND on Sundays]. [The
dispensation of Communion of Thy Body and following prayer is said for all that are
Blood by Thy pardoning Heavenly blessing. We present.] Deacon (or Celebrant):
ask this through Thee Who reignest with Thine We have sinned, O Lord, we have sinned: remit
unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit throughout our sins and save us. Hear us, O Thou Who
all ages of ages. R. Amen. didst guide Noah upon the waves of the Flood,

and didst recall Jonah from the abyss by Thy Saint Finian: R. Pray for us.
Word; free us. O Thou Who didst offer a hand Saint Finian: R. Pray for us.
to Peter as he was sinking; bear us up, O Christ,
Son of God. Thou didst perform wonders among Saint Keiran: R. Pray for us.
our fathers, O Lord: stretch forth Thy hand from Saint Keiran: R. Pray for us.
on high to answer our necessities. Saint Brendan: R. Pray for us.
-vv v v hv v v v vgv v v fv v v vtv v v v v ]v v v v v v v v hv v v vgv v vfv v v tv v v ] Saint Brendan:
Saint Columba:
Pray for us.
Pray for us.
V. Free us, O Christ: R. Hear us, O Christ. Saint Columba: R. Pray for us.

-vv v hv v v v gv v v fv v v v tv v v v]v v v v v v v yxvv v v tx] Saint Comgall:

Saint Cainnech:
Pray for us.
Pray for us.
V. Hear us, O Christ: R. Hear us. Saint Finbarr: R. Pray for us.
V. Kyrie eleison. Saint Nessan: R. Pray for us.
[R. Christe eleison. V. Deo Gratias.] Saint Fachtna: R. Pray for us.
[St. Patrick’s ending assumed.] Saint Lua: R. Pray for us.
Saint Lacten: R. Pray for us.
[chanted on one note or going up and down:] Saint Ruadhan: R. Pray for us.
Saint Mary R. Pray for us.
Saint Carthage: R. Pray for us.
Saint Peter: R. Pray for us.
Saint Kevin: R. Pray for us.
Saint Paul: R. Pray for us.
Saint Mochon: R. Pray for us.
Saint Andrew: R. Pray for us.
Saint Brigid: R. Pray for us.
Saint James: R. Pray for us.
Saint Ita: R. Pray for us.
Saint John: R. Pray for us.
Saint Scetha: R. Pray for us.
Saint Bartholomew: R. Pray for us.
Saint Sinecha: R. Pray for us.
Saint Thomas: R. Pray for us.
Saint Samthann: R. Pray for us.
Saint Matthew: R. Pray for us.
Saint James: R. Pray for us.
Saint Thaddeus: R. Pray for us. -xvvgxvhxvv v ux]xv v v vgxhxvv v v vgxvv vtx]
Saint Matthias: R. Pray for us.
All you Saints: R. Pray for us.
Saint Philip: R. Pray for us.
Saint Simon:
Saint Mark:
R. Pray for us.
R. Pray for us.
-xtvv v v v v vyv v v v v v uv v v]xv gcvhxvvgv v v fv v vgvcvfv vcex]
Saint Luke: R. Pray for us. V. Be Gracious: R. Spare us, O Lord...
Saint Stephen: R. Pray for us. V. Be Gracious: R. Free us, O Lord...
Saint Martin: R. Pray for us. V. From all evil: R. Free us, O Lord...
Saint Jerome: R. Pray for us. V. Through Thy Cross: R. Free us, O Lord...
Saint Augustine: R. Pray for us. V. We sinners entreat Thee:
Saint Gregory: R. Pray for us. R. Hear us, O Son of God.
Saint Hilary: R. Pray for us. V. We en-treat Thee:
Saint Patrick: R. Pray for us. R. Hear us, and grant us peace.
Saint Ailbe: R. Pray for us.

-xvv v gv vxgxccyxccuxx]xxgcvvhv cgvxtx]
weighed down in the faults and desires of our
flesh: remember, O Lord, that we are flesh and
there is no other help besides Thee. Yea, in Thy
V. We en-treat Thee: R. Hear us. sight not even those in Heaven are much more

-cvvgv vgv v gv v tccyvv ]

cleansed than we earthly humans, of whom, the
Prophet said, “all of our righteous acts are like
unto a menstrual rag.” [Isaiah 64:6, Latin and
-cvvhv v v HccHvv v HvccHxhxycvv v vfvcv v v gv v v vyx] Hebrew.] We are unworthy O Jesus Christ, but
that we may be living, O Thou Who dost not will
the death of a sinner: grant forgiveness unto us
V. O Lamb of God
who were created in the flesh, so that by
Who takest away the sins of the world: penitential acts we may come to enjoy eternal life
-cvv v vgv chcvv jcvv v v cgccvvhcvv cv gccvv vtx]v in the Heavens; through our Lord Jesus Christ
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
R. Have mer - cy on us. throughout all ages of ages.
R. Amen.
-vv gchcgcvv gchcvtv v v]v v gchcgcvcgchctcc]cv vgchcgccgchvtcv] Vesting Prayer of Saint Augustine
V. Christ hear us R. Christ hear us V. Christ hear us. [THE CONGREGATION MAY SIT.]
[Vestments listed are based on vestments
STAND found on the relics of St. Cuthbert. Note
[If the Celebrant did not chant the that the Subdeacon and Deacon have
Litany, he now enters the church with the vested before the Litany, saying this
Subdeacon and stands at the rear of the prayer, but omitting all text between the
Church. If there is no center aisle the †s. The Celebrant now vests, standing in
Celebrant and Subdeacon stand just the middle of the nave, saying:]
before the Sacristy. The Subdeacon
stands at the Celebrant’s left hand. The I pray Thee, O God of Sabaoth, most high,
Celebrant is wearing only a cassock. Holy Father, be pleased to arm me with the tunic
The Subdeacon is vested in amice, alb of Chastity,
and has said the prayer of vesting as [Put on amice and alb.]
noted below. The Deacon goes to the and gird my loins with the cincture of Love of
Celebrant and stands at the Celebrant’s Thee,
right hand. The Celebrant accompanied [Tie cincture.]
by the two ministers goes to the foot of and furthermore, be pleased to inflame the reins
the altar and says:] of my heart with the fire of Thy Charity
[Put on stole. Note: Subdeacons do not
Prayer of Saint Ambrose wear stoles.]
Celebrant: O God, I who presume to invoke
Thy Holy Name, stand in the presence of Thy enabling me to make an intercession for my sins
Divine Majesty: have mercy upon me, a man: a † [Put on right cuff.]
sinner smeared by the foulness of inherent and earn remission of the sins of these people
impurity; forgive the unworthy priest in whose who are present,
hand this oblation is seen offered: Spare O Lord [Put on left cuff.]
one polluted by sins: in faults the foremost, in and moreover sacrifice the peace-making offering
comparison to all others, and do not enter into of each one.†
judgment with Thy servant, for no one living is [Put on Maniple.]
justified in Thy sight. It is true that we are

Also do not abandon me, nor permit me to die [The Celebrant takes the Chalice and
when I boldly approach Thee, but permit me to Purificator from the Deacon.
wash, vest and calmly undertake this service. The Celebrant holds the Chalice and
wipes its interior with the Purificator.
[The Servers then pour water over the He gives the Purificator to the
hands of the Celebrant, using pitcher and Subdeacon. [The Celebrant makes the
Sign of the Cross with the Chalice over
basin. The servers help the Celebrant the Corporal and sets the Chalice on the
put on the Chasuble. (The Celebrant Corporal.]
may stand with arms to the sides in the The Altar is the image of the inflicted
form of a Cross, while the servers put the persecution. The Chalice is the image
Chasuble on him.) If the Celebrant of the Church which has been set and
serves alone he may go to the Credenza built upon the persecution of the
or a portable table to wash and vest, and Prophets and of others. [Notes on the
he may put on the Chasuble before he meaning of the images of the Mass are
washes his hands.] in the end of the original text].
[For a Bishop only: Putting [The Celebrant blesses the water in the
on the Rationale, he says: cruet with the Sign of the Cross and
Permit us to hold Thy Truth resolutely, O takes water cruet.] Water is poured first
Lord, and worthily open the Doctrine of into the Chalice by the Celebrant:
Truth to Thy People.]
Celebrant: I pray to Thee, O Father; I ask
Celebrant: Grant this through our Lord Jesus intercession of Thee, O Son; I appeal to
Christ, Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Thee, O Holy Spirit.
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. [The water cruet is given back to the
server. ]
[The Deacon and Subdeacon go to the This is an image of the People which are
Credenza which is on the Epistle side of “poured into” the Church.
the Altar. The Deacon takes the [The Celebrant takes the Paten with the
Corporal from the Credenza and unfolds Host upon it; makes the Sign of the
it upon the Altar, and then stands in front Cross with the Paten over the Corporal;
of the Epistle side of the Altar, facing the and tips the Paten, allowing the] Host to
Crucifix.] slip on to the center of the Corporal in
[The Subdeacon takes the Chalice (with front of the Chalice, saying:
Pall, folded veil and Purificator on top
of it) in his left hand and the Paten with Celebrant:
the Host upon it in his right hand. He Jesus Christ, Alpha and Omega: this is the
gives the Chalice and the linens to the First and the Last.
Deacon, and waits in front of the Epistle [The Celebrant then gives the Paten to
side of the Altar, behind the Deacon. (No the Subdeacon who returns it to the
cleric of rank lower than Subdeacon may
carry the Chalice, Host and Paten.)] Credenza and covers it with the
[The Celebrant ascends to the Altar, and purificator. If the Celebrant serves
kisses the open Corporal (the only alone, the Celebrant places the Paten
Procession).] under the right edge of the Corporal and
[The Celebrant faces the Crucifix, covers the Paten with the Purificator.]
praying with the Congregation.] The setting of the Host upon the Altar is
His Conception. This is an image of
[Servers bring the cruets, and wait to the Christ’s Body which has been set in the
Epistle side of the Altar.] linen sheet of Mary’s womb.

[The Celebrant takes the wine cruet.] Introductory Collect; then the Collect
The Celebrant then adds Wine to the after the Prophecy is said, if any. Before
Chalice: the Old Testament reading: "A reading
Celebrant: from the Book of [Isaiah]," Then: "At
May the Father remit, may the Son pardon, that time..." or, “Thus saith the Lord...”
may the Holy Spirit have mercy. [STAND OR KNEEL].
This is Christ’s Godhead with His INTRODUCTORY COLLECT
humanity that comes upon the People at [Called the “Praefatio” in the Bobbio and Gothic
the time of His Conception. Missals]
[The wine cruet is given back to the The “Collect of the Day” from the
server, who places the cruets on the Propers of this Missal for movable and
Credenza. The Celebrant takes the Pall fixed days is to be used in place of the
sets it on the Chalice, and covers both following: [Substitute one of the
the Chalice and the Host on the Corporal prayers below for Saint days etc., or use
with the veil.] the Proper for the day.]
[Optional: before the Gifts are covered,
a small censing: bless the censer, then In Solemnities of Peter and Christ:
cense only the Veil and Gifts, not the O God, Who to Blessed Peter Thine Apostle
Altar and congregation at this time (part didst bestow by the keys of the Heavenly
of the Offering).] Kingdom, the power to bind and loosen souls,
and didst give the office of High Priest, receive
STAND. [ALL WHO ARE PRESENT STAND our prayers of propitiation and his intercession.
LOOKING UPON THE CRUCIFIX.] We ask O Lord for help that we may be freed
[No person, especially the Celebrant, from the bonds of our sins through our Lord
may have their back to the Cross. The Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Celebrant lifts his eyes to the Crucifix, Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
extends and lifts his hands with palms R. Amen.
upward so that they are just above and to
the sides of the gifts and says:] In the Mass of Apostles, Martyrs and Holy
This prayer is to be chanted at all Virgins:
Masses: [May hold the censer, optional.] O God the Father, God the Son and God the
Holy Spirit, the one and only Lord of Lords and
Celebrant: Let our prayer ascend to the Throne King of Kings and glory of all to come, we
of Thy Renown, O Lord, lest emptiness be faithfully implore Thee, by the clear laws and
returned to us in response to our petitions. This judgments of the Patriarchs, by the glorious
we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ Who prophecies of the Prophets, through the holy
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit examples of the Apostles, by the witness of the
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. martyrs, by the fidelity of the Confessors, by the
sanctity of Virgins, by the contemplative lives of
All the text of the Mass from now up to the the Anchorites, by the spiritual silence of the
Epistle and the Gradual is an image of the monks, by the dependable continuous orations of
establishment of the Knowledge of Christ in the Bishops, Abbots and Catholic Princes, and
the law of nature through the Members of especially by the suffrage of the Saints (or Holy
His Body and by His own deeds. [If the Virgins) whose solemnity is celebrated by us; that
censer was used, return it to its stand.] this offering of Thy servants which we offer unto
[SIT]. the Holy Trinity in honor of -N- may be
Old Testament Reading acceptable to God and also be profitable unto
In the manuscript of the Lorrha-Stowe Salvation; through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Missal, there is no Old Testament reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Reading. In the Bobbio Missal, the Old throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
Testament Reading is before the

In the Mass for Living Penitents: [An example of Scottish music for this
Being faithful to Thine Exalted Divine Angelic Hymn “Gloria.” All join in
Fatherhood, and in trembling supplication before singing: (The Missal did not specify the
Thy great majesty, we beseech Thee on behalf of Celebrant here.)]

-c7vv v v fcvv vfv v v fcvv v fv cv v v fcvv vdcvv v v fcvv v v vtv v v v ]

Thy servants, to give them a pure mind, perfect
charity, sincerity in acts, purity of heart, virtue in
work, discipline in habit, and to restore them in
the fear of Thy Justice. For these, -NN-, we Glory to God in the High-est,
offer the intention of our devotion unto Thee that [Still bowing, the Celebrant joins his hands:]
they may come to know Thy fidelity. Through
our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee -c7vv v hv v vhv v v vhv ccvv vhv vcv v hcvvccjvv ccchvv v v vgv v v crx]
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
and on earth peace to men of good will.
R. Amen.

In the Mass of the Dead:

Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty and Merciful -c7vv fv v vfcvv v vfcccvv fcvcfvv v v v v fv v v vcfcccdccvfccvctx]
God, that the souls of Thy servants -NN- may We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we wor-ship Thee;
obtain forgiveness of sins and perpetual joy of
Light, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. -c7xYxxxxxxxxxvv v v jxvchcgcvcrc]
we glorify Thee; we magnify Thee;
[STAND]. we give thanks to Thee for Thy great mer-cy.
The Angelic Hymn
[Then in the middle of the Altar the
Celebrant extends his hands, and
bowing, says: ] [Chanted; musical
-c7cvv fcvvcvfcvvcv v hv ccvhcvv v vcjcvv vccix]
setting below may be used.] O Lord hea – ven - ly King,

Glory to God in the Highest, -vv vxkvv v ckvv v v vkv vckvv v v v lv v cckvvcjcvv v ycvv]
[Still bowing, the Celebrant joins his hands:]
and on earth peace to men of good will. We God the Fa-ther Al – might - y;
praise Thee; we bless Thee; we worship Thee;
we glorify Thee; we magnify Thee; we give
thanks to Thee for Thy great mercy. O Lord -c7xYcvv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vc]v v gv vfv ccux]
heavenly King, God the Father Almighty; O
O Lord, the Only-Begotten Son of God,
Lord, the Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus Je-sus Christ;
Christ; O Holy Spirit of God, and all of us say,
Amen. O Lord the Son of God the Father:
Lamb of God Who takest away the sin of the
-c7vv Yv v v v v v v v v v v v v v cc]cv v Yv v v v v v v v v v vcgcvv v fv v cevv v v]
world, have mercy upon us. Receive our O Holy Spirit of God, and all of us say, A- men.
prayers; Thou Who sittest at the right-hand of
God the Father: Have mercy upon us, for Thou
only art holy, Thou only art the Lord, Thou only
art the Lord, Thou only art glorious; with the +
-c7vvYv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v cgvv v v v fccvv v jv v v cux]
Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. O Lord the Son of God the Fa - ther:
R. Amen.

-c7vv Yv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vcgvv vfcvcfvv v ev v v v]
Lamb of God Who takest away the [The Collects of the observance, of the
sin of the world, season and of lesser commemorations
are to be inserted here. Use the Proper
Collect from the Lorrha-Stowe Missal
-c7vv hv v vhcchvv v cvgv v cfvv v vuv v]v v hv vcvhccgvv v vcfcvv cevv v v ] first.]

In the Mass of Apostles, Martyrs, and Holy

have mer-cy up-on us. Re-ceive our prayers;
We give Thee thanks O our Lord and God Jesus
-c7vv vYv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vcgvv v fccjvv cuvv] Christ, splendor of the Father’s glory, and day of
eternal clarity, for being pleased to illumine Thy
Thou Who sittest at the right-hand of twelve Apostles by the Fire of the Holy Spirit as
God the Fa-ther: the twelve hours of the day are illuminated by the
light of the Sun; unto whom Thou didst say “ye
are the light of the world” and again, “Are there
-c7vv Yv ccvv v v v v vgccfvv ev v]v v vfv vcv fv cv v vfccdccfvv v vgv v gv v] not twelve hours of the daylight? If one walks in
the light of day, he shall not stumble.” Descend
Have mercy up-on us, for Thou on-ly art ho-ly, on us, O our Lord and God Jesus Christ the Sun
of Righteousness; in Whose wings is well-being
for those that fear Thee, that we may walk in the
-c7vv hv v hv vjv v hv v vgv v v rv v v v]v vcfvv v v fv vfv v v dv v vfv v v vtx] Light. Therefore we have the Light, that we may
be sons of the Light. O Thou Who didst illumine
Thou only art the Lord, Thou only art the Lord, the Apostles as Thy proxies and the other Saints
as their proxies like lamps unto this world:

-c7vv hv v vhchvv vjv v v v hv v gv v rv v v]v v vfv v v vfv v v v dv vfv v vgv vtv v] endowed with the Grace of the Holy Spirit and
the Doctrines, dispel the darkness of ignorance
and send forth the light of Thy righteousness
Thou on-ly art glor- i -ous; with the + Holy Spirit through the patronage of those -N- whose
festivities we honor today. That we may remain
-c7vvhv v hv vhv vhv vhv v hv v v v vjv v v hcgcvvrv v v v ]xv vev v rx} always in Thee and through Thee, Who reignest
with Thine unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit
in the glory of God the Fa- ther. R. A-men. throughout all ages of ages, R. Amen.

[The Celebrant continues bowed and In the Mass for Living Penitents.
with joined hands:] O Lord, pardon us Thy penitents, Thy
Celebrant: O God Who didst prepare unseen pretentious servants, that with untroubled mind
good things for those who are devoted to Thee, we may be able to offer this Sacrifice for -NN-,
send forth an attitude of love of Thee into our that by the dictates of Faith, they may obtain
hearts, that we may follow Thee in all things, and forgiveness and health, through Thee O Holy
above all things pursue Thine attentive promises Father. May Thy followers be able to make the
which surpass all expectations. Through our offering and attain to the Salvation of eternal
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. grace by Thine aid. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
R. Amen.
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
KNEEL (except on Sundays):

In the Mass of the Dead. [The Lesson of the day from the
We beg Thee, O Lord, grant us Thy mercy, that Lections through the year is to be
the souls of Thy servants -NN- may await the substituted for the following, which is
future Resurrection, forgiven of all faults and provided as a general Lection only.
freed of all cares under Thy protection, through (Translation from the Latin of the
original Celtic Lorrha-Stowe Missal):]
our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
[I Cor. 11:26-32] Brethren: for as
R. Amen.
often as you shall eat this Bread, and
[Other collects may be said after the drink the Chalice, you shall show the
Lorrha-Stowe Collect. Use the Proper death of the Lord, until He come.
for the Season, then the Collect against Therefore whosoever shall eat this
persecution or for the chief Bishop or Bread, or drink the Chalice of the Lord
from the Proper for the Saint of the day unworthily, shall be guilty of the Body
Ad Libitum.] and of the Blood of the Lord. But let a
man prove himself: and so let him eat of
The following prayer, “Who is offended that Bread, and drink of the Chalice.
by faults” is said in daily Masses For he that eateth and drinketh
[weekdays]: [The Celebrant extends and unworthily, eateth and drinketh
joins his hands, as he says:] judgment to himself, not discerning the
Celebrant: O God Who is offended by faults and Body of the Lord. Therefore there are
those many weak, sickly [and imbecile]
appeased by penitence, consider the groans of
among you, and many sleep. But if we
the afflicted, and mercifully avert the evils which would judge ourselves, we should not be
Thou dost justly impose, through our Lord Jesus judged. But when we are judged, we
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy are chastised by the Lord, that we be
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. not condemned with this world.
The portion of the Mass from the Epistle and
gradual to the uncovering of the Chalice is a [After the reading of the Epistle, the
recounting of the law Letter which Congregation makes no response at this
prophesies Christ, but what is prefigured is time. The Celebrant extends and joins
not yet known. The Gospel, Alleluia, and his hands, saying with raised voice
prayers chanted from the half-uncovering of immediately:]
the Host and the Chalice until the prayer Celebrant: O God Who savest us by guidance
“May these Gifts” is a recounting of the Law and justifiest us by forbearance, rescue us from
of the Prophets which specifically foretold the tribulations of this time and bestow joy upon
Christ, but the significance of the Prophecy us through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth
is unknown until His Incarnation. with Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages
[SIT]. of ages. R. Amen.
This is said louder [by the Subdeacon, or higher [KNEEL OR STAND].
clergy, who reads or chants the Epistle at the foot [The Celebrant bows and says:]
of the altar facing the Oblations:] Celebrant: Almighty, eternal God, Who didst
The Lesson of Paul the Apostle to the redeem Thy people by the blood of Thine Only-
[Corinthians] begins: Begotten Son, destroy the works of the devil,
Or break the chains of sin, that those who have
The General Epistle of <Name> the attained to eternal life in the confession of Thy
Apostle begins: Name may be bound by no thing to the author of
Or death, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
The Lesson from the Acts of the reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Apostles begins: throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.

[STAND OR SIT]. The Litany of Supplication
The Gradual and Alleluia, Tract, or by Saint Martin (of Tours)
Sequence [Below: examples of music for convenience.]
[The Gradual of the day is substituted [STAND] Deacon (or Celebrant) (V):
for the following, which is a general V: Let us all say, Lord hear and have mercy:
Lection only. Through the year, all one
hundred fifty Psalms are used, see the
Lectionary in the notes.] -vv vtv vcvchvv vjv v v v cjchvv vtv v] [or] -vv vtv vhv v jv vtv vev v]
(Psalm 104: 1-4) Seek the Lord and his R. Lord have mer-cy.
strength; seek his Face evermore. O give V: From our whole heart and our whole mind, O
thanks unto the Lord; call upon his Thou Who dost look over all the earth and make
Name. Seek the Lord and his strength; it to tremble, Let us pray: R. Lord have mercy.
seek his Face evermore.
[Afterwards, the Celebrant, with hands
V: For the greatest peace and tranquillity of our
joined upon the Altar, bows and asks:]
times, for the holy Catholic Church which is from
Celebrant: Let these gifts by which the the borders, yea unto the ends of the earth: Let us
mysteries are celebrated be pleasing to Thee O pray: R. Lord have mercy.
Lord, unto our freedom and life: through our
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and V: For the Shepherd and Bishop -N-, and for all
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. the Bishops and Priests and Deacons and all the
R. Amen. clergy: Let us pray: R. Lord have mercy.

[In the case of a Psalm or other text used V: For this place and those living in it, for pious
as a Tract or Sequence there might be no leaders and all our military: Let us pray:
Gradual, but the preceding prayer is R. Lord have mercy.
read before the Tract or Sequence.]
[The Alleluia, Tract or Sequence of the
day is substituted for the following, V: For all who are under the sublime Rule, for
which is a general Lection only. See virgins, widows and orphans: Let us pray: R.
Propers and Lections through the year.] Lord have mercy.

Alleluia, Alleluia. The Lord is my V: For pilgrims and those who travel by land
strength and my praise and He is and water [and air and space]; for penitents,
become my Salvation. Alleluia. catechumens and captives: let us pray:
R. Lord have mercy.
[Afterwards, the Celebrant, hands joined
upon the Altar, bows slightly and asks:]
V: For these who in the holy Church give forth
Celebrant: O Lord we beg Thee to graciously the fruits of mercy, O Lord God of virtues listen
attend these sacrificial offerings here present that to our petitions: let us pray:
our devotions may be profitable to salvation R. Lord have mercy.
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of V: That we be mindful of the Saints, Apostles
ages. and Martyrs, that by their prayers for us we may
The Congregation responds: merit forgiveness: let us pray:
R. Amen. Thanks be to God. R. Lord have mercy.

V: Permit a Christian and peaceful end: we ask ALL STAND: [The Chalice and
of the Lord, Host] are half uncovered.
[The Celebrant folds back the veil of the
-vv gv v gcchvv vjv v vjchvctvv ]v [Or] -vv gccgvv v hv vjv vtv vev v ] Chalice and Host to expose the Host and the
front of the Chalice. Incense is set in the
thurible and blessed. The Celebrant
R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it. censes the Offerings on the Altar in the
form of a Cross three times, each Cross
V: And the divine influence to remain with us, a from east to west, then north to south, i.e.,
over the Gifts toward him and over the Gifts
holy chain of Charity: we ask the Lord: from left to right; three times, and] saying
R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it. three times:
Let my prayer be set forth in Thy sight as
V: To preserve sanctity and purity of the incense, and the lifting of my hand be an evening
Catholic Faith: we ask the Lord: sacrifice.
[The Celebrant moves the censer in two
R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it. counter-clockwise circles and then one

-xgxgxuvv vx]v v v v v ctvv v v v v vhccjvv v v vccjcchvv tv v ] clockwise circle around the Offerings, for
each circle saying:] This prayer is recited
V: Let us say: R. Lord have mercy. Come, O Lord, the Almighty Sanctifier and
[The Celebrant extends his hands and bless this Sacrifice prepared unto Thee.
looks to heaven, saying:] R. Amen.
Celebrant: O Lord graciously attend the [Then the Celebrant censes the Altar and
celebration of this Sacrifice unto Thee, which congregation. The altar is censed with three
cleanses us from the fault of our condition, and swings over the Offerings on the altar, then
restores us to acceptability by Thy Name, through one swing before the altar; then walking a
our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee quarter of the way around the altar to the
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. right and facing the alter (facing north), one
swing toward the altar; walking a quarter of
R. Amen. the way around the altar to the right and
[Bowing deeply, with hands joined, the facing the altar (facing west), one swing, then
Celebrant says:] walking a quarter of the way around the altar
Celebrant: O Lord before Thine eyes I defend to the right and facing the altar (facing south)
one swing, then walking a quarter of the way
myself while accused by the witness of a guilty around the altar to the right to face the altar
conscience. I do not dare to petition for others and making three swings over the Offerings
because I am unworthy to accomplish it. again. Then, he walks around, censing each
However, Thou knowest, O Lord, all which has person and the icons.]
been done among us of which we are ashamed to The Prayer of St. Gregory
confess. It is because of this that we do not fear over the Gospel
to admit that we obey Thee in words: but we lie Celebrant: Then the Celebrant censes the Gospel
in our hearts. We say we are willing; we prove with three more swings of the censer,
we are unwilling by our acts. Spare, O Lord, the or three Crosses and three circles, saying
insolent; forgive sinners; have mercy on those once over the Gospel:]
who call to Thee. Since in Thy Sacrament my We beseech Thee, O Lord Almighty God, that
thoughts are refuted: Grant O Lord, Who dost not Thou most mercifully accept our offerings which
receive our words with a hard heart, that, by are sacrificed to Thee, and that Thou stretch forth
Thyself, Thou mayest bestow forgiveness, Thy right hand unto our defense, through our
through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee, and
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
ages.. R. Amen. R. Amen.

[When the Celebrant completes the censing of [Then the congregation may approach
the Gospel, he hands the Thurible to the and kiss the Gospel book.]
server or replaces the censer on the stand if
serving alone. Servers or others hold [SIT] (SERMON)
lights.] [A sermon is said about the Feast,
[ALL STAND:] Gospel and Epistle. Only the Bishop,
GOSPEL Priest, or Deacon may read the Gospel
The Deacon (or Celebrant) goes to the foot of and give the Sermon.]
the altar and reads the Gospel facing the [The Congregation may be seated. In the time
Oblations. Deacon or Celebrant: of the Lorrha Missal, the Congregation
The Lesson of the Gospel according to [John] brought folding chairs or carpets for this
begins: purpose. It is noted that only the Doorkeeper
or the Cook of a community was allowed to
[R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.] be absent during the Sermon, or the
[The Gospel of the day from the Lections beginning of the Mass.]
through the year is to be substituted for [Notices and Banns (announcements
the following, which is provided as a and marital engagements) having been
general Lection only. duly read, all present profess the Creed.
The Creed below is an accurate
(Translation from the Latin original translation of the Lorrha-Stowe Creed,
Lorrha-Stowe Missal) Jn 6:51-57:] not adding, omitting, or changing any
Our Lord Jesus Christ said; ‘I am the words or phrases in the text.]
living Bread which came down from STAND.
heaven. If any man eat of this Bread, The Creed
he shall live forever; and the Bread that I I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,
will give is my Flesh, for the life of the maker of heaven and earth and of all things
world.’ The Jews therefore strove
visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus
among themselves, saying, ‘how can
this man give us his flesh to eat?’ Then Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God. Born of
Jesus said unto them: ‘Amen, amen, I the Father before all ages. Light of light, true
say unto you: Except you eat the Flesh God of true God. Born, not made, of one
of the Son of man, and drink His Substance with the Father: through Whom all
Blood, you shall not have life in you. things were made. Who for us men, and for our
He that eateth my Flesh, and drinketh Salvation descended from heaven. And was
my Blood, hath everlasting life: and I Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary:
will raise him up in the last day. For my And was born man. And was crucified also for
Flesh is meat indeed: and my Blood is
drink indeed. He that eateth my Flesh us: under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was
and drinketh my Blood, abides in me, buried. And He rose on the third day, according
and I in him.’ to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and
sitteth at the right hand of God the Father. And
[Afterwards, the congregation responds He shall come again with glory to judge both the
(according to the Rule of Tallaght): living and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have
Pray for us, and lift up the Gospel towards us. no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the
Then the Celebrant blesses then with the Lord and Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the
Gospel Book. In Paschaltide: Father. Who with the Father and the Son together
May He Whose Dominion and Kingdom remain is worshiped and glorified: Who spake by the
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto Prophets. And in one, Holy, Catholic, and
ages of ages. R. Amen. Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the
[or, another blessing by the Celebrant, remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection
and then: of the dead. + And the life of the world to come.
R. Praise be to Thee, O Christ. Amen.

Fully uncovered: [The veil and Pall of COLLECT OF THE PREFACE
the Chalice are removed. Standing [The “Secret” said audibly, called the
erect, the Priest extends his hands, raises “Ad Pacem” in the Bobbio Missal. The
them and joins them, and lifting his eyes
to heaven and lowering them, says:] Proper Collect (Ad Pacem) of the day
may be substituted for one of the
This prayer is recited thrice: following. Use one of the Collects of the
Celebrant: Show us Thy Mercy O Lord, and Preface from the Lorrha-Stowe Missal
grant us Thy Salvation. below, and also the Collect of the day
from the Propers through the year.]
The Elevation Celebrant: May this oblation of Thy servants be
pleasing unto Thee, which we offer unto Thee in
[The Chalice is elevated, and all look at it.]
honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in
commemoration of Thy blessed Apostles, and
Celebrant: O Lord, may these gifts which are
offered be sanctified, and cleanse us from the Thy Martyrs and Confessors, of whom we
blots of our sins, through our Lord Jesus Christ, especially remember -N-, and those whose feast
Who reigneth with Thee, and the Holy Spirit, is celebrated today, and for the souls of all our
throughout all ages of ages. Bishops, and our Priests, and our Deacons, and
R. Amen. our loved ones, and our children, and our
The elevation of the Chalice, after the penitents. May all of this be profitable unto
full uncovering, during the prayer salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
“May these gifts” is the commemoration reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
of Christ’s Birth and of His Glory throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
through the signs and miracles.
In the Mass of Apostles, Martyrs and
[The Chalice is replaced on the Holy Virgins.
Corporal and is covered by the Pall.]
O God, Who dost surround and protect us by the
intercessions of the most blessed Spirits of
Celebrant: We, Thy servants, beseech Thee, O
Angels, and Archangels, the Principalities, and
Lord, that Thou benignly receive these Offerings
of our devotion, through this glorious Sacrifice Powers, Dominations, Virtues, Cherubim and
and our purified hearts, through our Lord Jesus Seraphim, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles,
Christ, Who reigneth with Thee, and the Holy Martyrs, Confessors and Virgins, Anchorites,
Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. Cenobites, and of all the Saints and citizens of
Heaven, grant we beseech Thee that Thou make
Celebrant: O Lord, we sacrifice these oblations use of them and our imitation of them, to guard
and sincere offerings unto Thee, O Jesus Christ us by setting them between us and dangers, and
Who suffered for us and rose on the third day by the assembly of the interceding Saints, defend
from the dead, for the souls of our loved ones -N- us from dangers; through Thy Son, our Lord
and -N-, whose names we recite, and also of Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
those whose names we do not recite but whose Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
names are recited by Thee in the Book of Life
Eternal. Of Thy mercy, rescue them, O Thou R. Amen.
Who reignest unto ages of ages.
R. Amen. In the Mass for Living Penitents.
Almighty God, again we make our entreaties in
[A Post Nomina of the day, if any, may the presence of Thy majesty, especially for Thy
be inserted here.] servants -NN-. We offer these Oblations for their
sins in honor of Thy Saints: Mary, Peter, Paul,
[KNEEL]. John and all of Thy Saints. Perfect these offerings

so that their petitions may arise to Thy “Dignum” in the Lorrha Missal, or the
compassionate ears, and that a pious blessing “Contestatio” or “Immolacio” in other
may descend upon them, that they may be Celtic sources.]
protected in all things beneath Thy wings. May
our prayers of propitiation unto Thee for Celebrant: Truly it is worthy and just and right
them be not rejected from the Presence of and unto Salvation for us now and here, always
Thy Faith, but be pleased to help and defend and everywhere to give thanks, through Christ
them in all things, through our Lord Jesus Christ our Lord, unto Thee, Holy Lord Almighty and
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit Eternal God. Thou Who with Thine Only-
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. Begotten and the Holy Spirit, O God, art One and
Immortal God, Incorruptible and Immutable
In the Mass of the Dead. God, Unseen and Faithful God, Marvelous and
Attend, O Lord, the gifts which we bring to Praise-worthy God, Honorable and Mighty God,
Thine Altar in commemoration for (Thy Saints) the Highest and Magnificent God, Living and
[Thy faithful who have fallen asleep] -NN- and True God, Wise and Powerful God, Holy and
which we sacrifice for our offenses, through our Exemplary God, Great and Good God, Terrible
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and and Peaceful God, Beautiful and Correct God,
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Pure and Benign God, Blessed and Just God,
R. Amen. Pious and Holy, not in one singularity of person
[Continue here:] but One Trinity of One Substance. Thee we
believe; Thee we bless; Thee we adore; and we
-c7vcrvv rv v] praise Thy Name unto eternity and unto ages of
ages: Thou through Whom is the Salvation of the
R. Amen. world; through Whom is the Life of men;
through Whom is the Resurrection of the dead...
-c7vv v v v v v v v v v gv v v vgv v vctchcjvv v v jv hv v v vgv vhv v v tv vrv v] Here insert the Proper Preface for the
[Celebrant:] Let us lift up our hearts. Day (after the usual Preface above).

-c7xvv vhxctcchccjxchccvvcgchxvv cgxctxrx] [In addition to the Preface that is always

said in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal, there
R. We have un - to the Lord. are special Prefaces for Festal days and
movable Sundays. The Celtic Propers
-c7vv hv v hv vctcvhcjxjchccccgcfccfcgccchcvcgchccctvv ] are from sources such as the Bobbio
Missal and Gothic Missal
(“Contestatio” or “Immolacio”).]
Let us give thanks un - to our Lord God. [In Masses of Saints, in fasting seasons,
or for the Departed, also say one of the

-c7vv v hv v v hv v v v v tcchccjccvv cycvv v cgchcgvv cctccrvv v}

following Prefaces for Saints, Penitents
or the Dead:]

R. It is worth – y and just. Proper Prefaces (“Dignum” from

the Lorrha Missal):
The Preface, Dignum, Contestatio,
or Immolacio . . . FOR THE HOLY MARTYRS
The usual Preface is always said O Lord Almighty God Who dost test Thy Saints
before any other: [Called the with a measure and glorifies without measure,
Whose precepts have a goal and rewards have no

end, hear our prayers through the Martyrs and by suppliants. Furthermore, in commemoration of
their examples and tribulations. May their the Saints through whose intercessions we hope
patronage encourage us: to the perfection of for forgiveness and petition, that Thou grant
Faith, the fruition of good works, to the good of unto Thy servants, - NN-, remission of their sins,
prosperity and of good health, to religious zeal, that Thou perfect their works, and that Thou
and to the increasing of divine fear. May the answer their needs. Finally, by Thy servants, the
Holy Martyrs pray for us, and for our dead, and Saints who intercede for them, give these people
for our herds, and the abundant crops of our land, healing of their souls, since we beg that Thou
and for all residing in this place. * The fulfill their professed needs. O Almighty, grant
innumerable multitudes of the Heavenly and Thy suppliants pardon, Thy petitioners
earthly creatures, of Thy Saints and of the Choir forgiveness, those who cry unto Thee fulfillment
of Angels unceasingly proclaim Thee, Almighty of their longing. ‘May the Lord hear thee in the
God saying: day of tribulation: may the Name of the God of
Jacob protect thee. May He send thee help from
. . . OF THE APOSTLES AND ALL the Sanctuary: and defend Thee out of Sion.
THE SAINTS May He be mindful of all thy sacrifices: and may
It is Truly worthy, and right, and just, and thy whole burnt offering be made fat’ (Ps 19:1-3).
Glorious for us to give Thee thanks all the days By these things, give those who petition a divine
of our life, O Lord God Almighty, but in this day yearning, and establish their assembly in that
of love and abundance we ought to be grateful which is good, that the hearts of those who
with the Joyful Holy Spirit in the solemnity of - petition may be restored to life by Thee, through
N- the Apostle (or Saints , etc.). Grant us, Christ our Lord, * through Whom, unto Thy
therefore, Almighty God: Faith, Hope and Majesty, the Angels give praise, the Dominations
Charity, a Catholic ending, and peacefulness, Worship, the Powers of the Heavens tremble,
through the example and the commemoration of and the heavenly Virtues and the Blessed
Thy Saint -N- in whose honor today’s oblation is Seraphim together with exaltation celebrate.
offered, that altogether it may profit unto With Whom, we beseech Thee, bid that our
salvation, * through our Lord Jesus Christ, by voices also be admitted, with suppliant
Whom all the Angels, Archangels, Prophets and confession saying:
Apostles, Martyrs and Confessors, Virgins, and
All of the Saints, with a perpetual hymn and . . . OF THE DEAD
unwearied praises, with the four beasts and the It is truly worthy that we await Him Whose
twenty four elders [Re.4:4-11, 5:8-14] promises are the fulfillment of eternal good
harmonize, saying: things, in Whom the promises are made known,
in Whom we know the promises are left here
. . . FOR LIVING PENITENTS [or with us: our Lord Jesus Christ, Who truly is the
in fasting Seasons] Life of those who believe, and is the Resurrection
It is truly Worthy, through our Lord Jesus of Thy servants - NN. Of these, for whom we
Christ Thy Son, Whose Power is to intercede, offer this Sacrifice, we make our entreaties, that
Whose Mercy is to entreat, Whose Faith is all- Thou willingly admit those who were cleansed in
encompassing. who else is there, who is able to the font of regeneration and excluded from
ponder the marvels of all Thy power, or to hear temptation, to be counted among the Saints.
with human ears, or to attain with human mind, Command that those whom Thou hast made
or to discover by human estimation how much participants by adoption, may share in Thy
Thou hast prepared for Thine elect? Yet, let us be legacy, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy
able to be abundantly ashamed of all that is Son*
earthly and lacking in self-control; of Thy mercy,
grant a favor of forgiveness and of refuge for Thy

The Preface continues here if the text
does not contain this or a similar
ending. Otherwise the prayer continues
at the Sanctus.
-c`vv scvvjcvv ccjvchccvvcjckcvvcuccvccjcvhcvvgcvccycvcchvv c
* Through Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the Angels Bless - ed is He that com - eth
give praise, the Dominations Worship, the
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with
exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech -c`cccyccvv cgchcvv v vcchcjchvvccccgcccvv cfccvv v ccdccrmc]
Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with in the Name of the Lord.
suppliant confession saying:

-c`cfmcGcchcgcfvccdcfcdcvcscccschccvhcgccchcjvcycvvrv v}
THE SANCTUS Ho - san - na in the high– est.
[Chanted by all, a musical setting may
be used. The version below is the
Blessed is He Who cometh from heaven that He
Paschal Sanctus from Liber Usualis,
might enter the world, and didst become man
which is an ancient melody, and may be
unto the blotting out of the sins of the flesh, and
Gallican. Ring bell thrice.]
became a Victim that through suffering He might
give eternal life to those that believe; through the

same Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
R. Amen.
Ho - ly, Ho - ly,

-c`vcsccfccvv hcvgvcyccvcchccvchcgcvv chcjcvvchcgcfccvvrcc]"

Ho-ly Lord, God of Sa - ba - oth.

-c`ccdccjcckcccjcccjcvvcchccvccgccvv v ccºycchvvcjchccrcc
Hea - ven and the whole earth

-c`cccrcvv v v ccfmcGcvvhcvv vgcfcvv v v dccvv v v dcfcdcsvv ccwcc]

are full of Thy glo - ry,

-c`vv vsxvv vwccvv chccgcvv cchcvv cchcjchccvv v crccccrvv v v ]

Ho - san - na in the high-est.

The Sovereign Canon integrity of virgins and the continence of
of Pope Gelasius widows; for mildness of weather, fruitfulness of
[All prayers from this point until the the lands; for the returning of peace and an end
Antiphon and Psalms before Communion to division; for the safety of our leaders and peace
are said by the Celebrant. All responses of the people, and the rescue of captives, and for
are as indicated. The Canon is never the prayers of those here present; for the
omitted or reduced. The Celebrant commemoration of martyrs; for the remission of
extending then joining his hands, our sins, and the correction of culprits; for repose
raising his eyes to heaven and at once for the dead; and good fortune of our
lowering them, bowing profoundly journey; for the Lord Patriarch Bishop and all
before the Altar, with his hands placed the Bishops and the priests and all in Holy
upon it, says:]
Orders; for the whole world, and all Christian
leaders; for our brothers and sisters; for the
Therefore, most brethren who follow the straight way; for the
clement Father, brethren whom the Lord deemed worthy to call
through Jesus from the dimness of this world, from this
Christ Thy Son our darkness, may eternal Divine Faith of the Highest
Lord, we humbly and peaceful light take them up; for brethren
beseech and pray afflicted by various sorrows of their lot, may
Thee, Divine Faith be pleased to cure them; for the
hope of salvation and safety; for those who pay
[he kisses the Altar their vows unto Thee, the eternal, living and true
and with hands God in communion with
joined before his __________________________
breast, says:]
Proper Communicantes: of the day is
that Thou accept inserted here:
and bless these
gifts, these In the Nativity of the Lord. [or of the Octave]
offerings, these and celebrating the most sacred day [or time] on
holy and unspotted sacrifices, [with extended which inviolate virginity brought forth the Savior
hands he proceeds:] which, first, we offer into this world,
unto Thee for Thy holy Catholic Church: that
Thou graciously keep her in peace, to guard, Circumcision
unify, and govern her throughout the whole and celebrating the most sacred day of the
world: together with Thy Servants, the circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Orthodox Patriarchs, the Bishops of the Apostolic
See and all who hold the Orthodox and Apostolic Epiphany [or of the Octave]
faith, [and our Metropolitan -N-,] Abbot-Bishop and celebrating the most sacred day [or time] on
-N-, Bishop -N-. Yea, remember, O Lord, Thy which Thine Only-Begotten Son, God coeternal
servants and handmaids -N- and -N-, (Here the with Thee and Thy majesty, appeared visibly and
names of the living are recited) bodily to the magi who had come from afar,
and all who are present here, whose faith and
devotion unto Thee are known and manifest, who The institution of the Cup of our Lord Jesus
offer unto Thee this sacrifice of praise, for Christ [Maundy Thursday]
themselves, and for all of theirs: for the and celebrating the most sacred day on which our
redemption of their souls; for their body of Lord Jesus Christ was betrayed,
elders; for the purity of all ministers; for the

Pascha [Easter or of the Octave] and all of the people from the cult of idols and
and celebrating the most sacred night or day [or turn them unto Thyself, the True God , the Father
time] of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Almighty. Also order our days in Thy peace,
Christ, save us from eternal damnation, and number us
among Thine elect; [He joins his hands.]
In the giving up of Easter [the day before the through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Ascension] Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
and celebrating this most sacred day of the end of ages.
the Passover of our Lord Jesus Christ, R. Amen.
The Celebrant makes the Sign of the
Ascension [or of the Octave] Cross once over the oblations:
and celebrating the most sacred day [or time] of
the Ascension to heaven of our Lord Jesus Christ, Which oblation do Thou, O God, we beseech
Thee, be pleased in all things to make Blessed, +
Pentecost [or of the Octave] approved, ratified, reasonable and acceptable:
and celebrating the most sacred day [or time] of that unto us it may become the Body and Blood
the Pentecost of our Lord Jesus Christ on which of Thy most dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus
the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, Christ,
[The Post Sanctus of the Day from the
_____________________________ Gothic Missal, may be inserted, without
omitting the previous prayer. From the
[The prayer continues here:] Lorrha-Stowe Missal:]
and venerating the memory first, of the glorious
ever-virgin Mary the Birthgiver of our God and IN MASSES OF THE APOSTLES,
Lord Jesus Christ, and of Thy blessed Apostles MARTYRS, SAINTS OR VIRGINS,
and martyrs: Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, BEFORE THE MOST DANGEROUS
John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, PRAYER:
Matthew, Simon and Thaddeus, Linus,
Ancletus, Clement, Xixtus, Cornilius, Cyprian, Truly Holy, Truly Blessed, Truly Wondrous in
Lawrence, Crysoginus, John and Paul, Cosmas His Saints, is our God Jesus Christ, Who Himself
and Damian and of all Thy Saints by whose bestowed virtue and fortitude to His servants.
examples and prayers mayest Thou grant that, Blessed be God Whom we bless in the Apostles,
in all things, we may be ever strengthened by the and in all His Saints who have striven to appease
help of Thy protection [joins hands] through our Him from the Beginning of the age, through the
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and Same our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
When the prayer “Who, the day before
[The Celebrant extends his hands, palms
He suffered, took Bread...” begins, the
down, above the Offerings:]
Celebrant bows three times in repentance
[ring bell:]
of his sins. He offers the Oblations to
Therefore we offer this oblation of our service
God, and while this is done: and there
and of Thy whole family, which we offer unto
must be no other voice lest it disturb
Thee in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in
the Priest, for his mind must not
commemoration of Thy blessed martyrs in this
separate from God while he chants this
church, which Thy servants built in honor of Thy
lesson. For this reason, its name is The
glorious Name. We beseech Thee graciously take
Most Dangerous Prayer.
it under Thy protection. Moreover, rescue them

The Most Dangerous Take and drink from this all of you,
for this is the Chalice of my Blood,
Prayer of the new and eternal testament:
[The Words of Institution:] the mystery of faith: which is shed for
The Celebrant bows three times. you and for many unto the remission of
Who the day before He suffered, sins.
[he takes the Host] [The Chalice is raised to eye-level. A bell
took bread into His Holy and venerable may ring. Offered and set again in its
Hands, place upon the Corporal. He bows or
genuflects, stands, and covers the
[he lifts up his eyes to heaven] Chalice with the Pall.]
and with His eyes lifted up to heaven to Whenever you do these things, you
Thee, God, His Almighty Father, shall do them unto my memory: you
[he bows his head] will praise my Passion; you will
gave thanks to Thee, [setting the Host on proclaim my Resurrection; you will
the Corporal, he signs over it] hope on my coming until I come
He + Blessed, He broke, and gave to His again to you from heaven.
disciples, saying:
[Holding the Host with the right hand [With extended hands he proceeds:]
between the thumb and forefinger, he Wherefore, O Lord, we Thy servants, together
utters the Words of Institution distinctly with Thy holy people, are mindful of the Blessed
and attentively over the Host.] Passion of the same Holy Christ Thy Son our
Lord, as also His Resurrection from hell and
Take and eat from this all of you, for glorious Ascension into heaven: we offer unto
this is my Body. Thine excellent majesty of Thine own gifts and
bounty, a pure [+] Host, a Holy [+] Host, a
[The Host is raised to eye-level. A bell
spotless [+] Host, the Holy [+] Bread of eternal
may ring. Offered and set again in its
life and the Chalice of everlasting salvation.
place upon the Corporal. He bows or
genuflects, stands and then removes the
Upon which graciously look with a favorable and
Pall from the Chalice.]
gracious countenance: and to accept them, even
In a similar manner after the supper, as Thou didst graciously accept the gifts of Thy
[he takes the Chalice in both hands] just child Abel, and the sacrifice of our
He took this excellent Chalice in His Holy Patriarch Abraham: and the Holy Sacrifice, the
and venerable Hands: spotless Host, which Thy high priest
[he bows his head] Melchizedek offered unto Thee.
also giving thanks to Thee,
[setting the Chalice on the Corporal, We humbly beseech and pray to Thee, Almighty
he signs over it] God: command Thou these things to be brought
by the hands of Thy Holy Angel to Thine Altar on
He + Blessed, and gave to His disciples, high, in the presence of Thy Divine majesty:
saying: that, as many of us as shall receive from the
[He utters the Words of Institution over [kisses altar] Altar of Sanctification the most
the Chalice distinctly and attentively, sacred Body and Blood of Thy Son, may be
holding it slightly raised.] fulfilled with all heavenly benediction and grace.

[THE CONGREGATION MAY STAND:] [Other departed Priests may be inserted.]
The Commemoration of the Departed and all of those at rest who pray for us in the
Remember also O Lord the names of those who Lord’s peace, from Adam unto this day, whose
preceded us with the sign of faith and rest in the names God has called and renewed. Unto them
sleep of peace: -N- and -N-. With all those in O Lord and to all who rest in Christ, we entreat
the whole world who offer the Sacrifices in spirit Thee to grant a place of refreshing light and
unto God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy peace.
Spirit, our senior, the Priest The Celebrant, Deacon and Subdeacon
[if a Bishop Highpriest], -N- [Celebrant] with the take three steps backward, pause briefly,
holy and venerable Priests, offers for himself, for and take three steps forward. The three
his own, and for all the rest of the Catholic steps backward and three steps forward
Church assembly; and for the commemoration of is the three ways in which everyone
the wrestling of the Patriarchs, Prophets, sins: in word, in thought, in deed. These
Apostles and Martyrs, and of all the Saints, that are also the three means by which one is
they may be pleased to entreat the Lord our God renovated and by which one is moved to
for us: Christ’s Body.

Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, To us sinners also, Thy servants, hoping for the
Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, multitude of Thy mercies, graciously grant some
Job, Moses, Josuah, Samuel, David, Elijah, part and fellowship with Thy Holy Apostles and
Elisah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezechial, Daniel, Martyrs: with Peter, Paul, Patrick; John, Stephen,
Ester, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obidiah, Jonah, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander,
Micah, Nahum, Habacuc, Zephaniah, Hagai, Marcellinus, Peter, Perpetua, Agnes, Cecilia,
Zachariah, Malachi, Tobit, Ananias, Azarias, Felicitas, Anastasia, Agatha, Lucy and with all
Mishael, the Machabees, Thy Saints: within whose fellowship we beseech
also Holy Innocents, John the Baptist, Virgin Thee admit us, not weighing our merit, but
Mary, Peter, Paul, Andrew, James, John, granting us forgiveness through our Lord Jesus
Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Christ, through Whom, O Lord Thou dost ever +
James, Simon, Thaddeus, Matthias, Mark, create, + Sanctify, + Enliven, + Bless, and bestow
Luke, Stephen, Cornelius, Cyprian and all other all these good things upon us.
Martyrs, Paul, Anthony and other Fathers of the
hermitages of Sceti, THE EXAMINATION AND
and also the Bishops Martin, Gregory, FRACTION
Maximus, Felix, Patrick, Patrick, Secundinus, [KNEEL].
Auxilius, Iserninus, Cerbanus, Erc, Carthage, The Examination of the Chalice and
Ibar, Ailbe, Conleth, MacNissi, Moinenn, Host, and the effort with which the
Senan, Finbarr, Colman, Cuan, Aedan, Celebrant attempts to break it is an
Laurentius, Mellitus, Justus, Etto, Dagan, image of the rejection, punches, lashings
Tigernach, Mochti, Ciannan, Buite, Eugene, and the Arrest of Christ.
Declan, Carthain, Mel, Ruadhan, [He genuflects and bows profoundly,
[Other departed Bishops may be rises and uncovers the Chalice:]
inserted: Maelrúain, Gregory, Dionisij, It is through + Him, with + Him, and in + Him,
within the unity of the Holy + Spirit, that unto
Polikarp, Nikanor, Mstyslav, Hryhorij, Thee, God the Father + Almighty,
Hennadij, Andrew] It is here that the principle Host is lifted
also the Priests Finian, Kieran, Oengus, Enda, up over the Chalice, elevating both:
Gildas, Brendan, Brendan, Cainnech, is all honor and glory, through all ages of ages.
Columba, Columba, Colman, Comgall, R. Amen.

[The Subdeacon takes the Paten, [The following prayer, always said, is a
Purificator and knife from the Credenza. “Post Secreta” or “Post Mysterium” of
(The knife must never be placed on the the Gothic Missal. Other Post Secreta or
Altar). He gives the Paten and the Post Mysterium may follow.]
Purificator to the Deacon who wipes the We believe, O Lord. We believe we have been
Paten with the Purificator. The Paten redeemed in this Fraction of the Body, and the
may be on the Altar.] pouring forth of the Blood; and we shall rely on
the consumption of this Sacrifice for fortification:
This is said thrice as the Host is that which we now hold in hope, we may enjoy
submerged halfway in the Chalice: in truth by Heavenly fruition, through our Lord
Let Thy mercy be upon us even as we have Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
hoped on Thee. Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
[After the Celebrant has withdrawn the R. Amen.
Host from the Chalice, the Deacon holds [For Apostles, Bishops, and the Virgin
the Paten under the Host. The Mary, this prayer resembles the
Celebrant places the Host upon the Byzantine Epiklesis. The “Post
Paten, takes the Paten and Host from the Mysterium” on the Feast of the Throne
Deacon and sets them on the Corporal of St. Peter at Rome, always said in the
before the Chalice.] Celtic Orthodox Church:]
The Host on the Paten is Christ’s Flesh We who serve, offer these prescribed Holy Gifts
upon the tree of the Cross. of our Salvation, that Thou may be pleased to
send Thy Holy Spirit upon this Sacrifice so that it
The Fraction may be changed into a legitimate Eucharist for us
It is here that the Bread is broken: in the Name of Thee, Thy Son and the Holy
The Fraction of the Host upon the Spirit, in the transformation of the Body and
Paten is the breaking of Christ’s Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; and may it be
Body with nails on the Cross. [A unto us who eat and drink, Life eternal and the
Celebrant Priest and Priest concelebrant eternal Kingdom. Through Himself, Christ Our
break the Host together over the Paten Lord who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
with right hands only. A Priest serving throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
alone or a Bishop uses both hands, [Another Post Secreta or Post Mysterium
saying:] may be added also.]
They have known the Lord - Alleluia - [The halves are placed together on the
in the Fraction of the Bread - Alleluia. Paten. A small candle may be lit on the
The Bread which we break is the Body of our Altar now.]
Lord Jesus Christ - Alleluia - The reunion of the two halves after the
The Chalice which we bless - Alleluia - Fraction is the affirmation of the
is the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ - Alleluia - wholeness of Christ’s Body after His
in remission of our sins - Alleluia. Resurrection. The submersion of the two
Let Thy mercy be upon us - Alleluia - halves in the Blood are an affirmation
even as we have hoped on Thee - Alleluia. that at His Crucifixion, Christ’s Body
They have known the Lord. - Alleluia. was covered in Blood.
The two halves of the Host are [The Proper Collect of the day before the
submerged totally in the Chalice. Our Father may replace the
[After the Celebrant has withdrawn the introduction:]
Host from the Chalice, the Deacon holds
the Paten under the Host. The Paten Taught by Divine instruction, and shaped by
and Host are set on the Corporal before Divine institution, we dare to say:
the Chalice.]

[All together:] to handle the Holy Eucharist. If serving
Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed be alone, the Celebrant may bow to each
Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be person, because each person is made in
the image of God, and they would return
done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day the bow. If the Deacon will be
our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we performing the Ablutions later, he also
forgive our debtors and lead us not into may not shake hands.]
temptation but deliver us from evil.
[The Proper Blessing of the
[Celebrant:] Free us O Lord from every evil: Day from the Pontificale of Egbert, or
past, present, and to come, and by the the Gothic Missal, is given here, only by
intercessions for us of Thy blessed Apostles a Bishop when he is present, celebrating
Peter, Paul and Patrick, give us favorable peace or non-celebrating at this Mass. A non-
in our time, that helped by the strength of Thy Celebrating Bishop may also cut the
mercy we may be always free of sin and secure Particle and drop it into the Chalice if
from all turmoil, through our Lord Jesus Christ his hands have been purified at the
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit vesting.]
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
[The Pax being completed, the Celebrant
(or Bishop) turns again to the Altar,
[Proper Collect after the Our Father
takes the knife from the Subdeacon, cuts
from the Gothic Missal may be
a Particle from the bottom of the left
substituted for this.]
hand portion of the Host and rejoins the
two halves of the Host on the Paten.
The Peace
The Celebrant (or Bishop) gives the knife
[Celebrant turns to the people, and to the Deacon. The Deacon wipes it with
makes the Sign of the Cross, saying:] the Purificator and gives it to the
The + Peace and Charity of our Lord Jesus Subdeacon who returns it to the
Christ, and the Communion of all the Saints be Credenza. The Celebrant (or Bishop)
always with us. drops the Particle into the Chalice.]
R. And with thy spirit. May the commixture of the Body and Blood of
[This response keeps focus on the Peace; our Lord Jesus Christ be for us live-giving unto
it is only found at this place.] life eternal.
[Turning to the Altar, he continues:] R. Amen.
Thou didst command peace; Thou didst give The Particle that is cut from the Bottom
peace; Thou didst leave peace: bestow, O Lord, of the half which is on the Priest’s left
Thy peace from heaven and make this day hand is the wounding with the Lance in
peaceful, and establish all the remaining days of the Armpit of the right side; for Christ
our life in Thy peace, through Thee Who reignest was facing Westward as He hung upon
with Thine unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit the Cross: Facing the City, and
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. Longinus faced Eastward, so what was
left to Christ was right to him.
[Exchange of the Pax]
[If there is a Deacon the Celebrant THE CONFRACTION
exchanges the Pax with him, bowing. [KNEEL] Turning to the people, holding a
The Deacon then continues the Pax to Particle of the Host over the Paten, the Celebrant
the Congregation. The Celebrant must says: [St.John 1:29]
not shake hands with any person at this
time, as his hands are purified in order

Behold the Lamb of God. Behold, O Thou 8 Particles for the
Who takest away the sins of the world. Virgin Mary and Holy
[The Congregation may respond with the
Martyrs. [The Upper
prayer of the Centurion at this point:]
[Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldest Central Particle is for the
come under my roof, but speak the word Celebrant.] Eight Particles of
only, and my soul shall be healed. (thrice)] the Host of the Holy Martyrs
as an image of the octonary
[THE CONGREGATION MAY STAND]. New Testament; [This has
[The Celebrant turns to the altar and if serving two meanings: 1) The Eighth
alone, begins the verses. Then the Celebrant Day of Creation, the Resurrection of the Dead.
continues to perform the Confraction according 2) The Eight Fold New Testament according to
to the number required for the day, breaking the St. Athanasius: four Gospels; Acts and Epistles
Host and placing the Particles in correct (together); Revelation; The Didache; and Pastor
formation upon the Paten; while the Celebrant or of Hermas. Since the time of this Missal, the last
other clergy say the verses, and choir or two have been deleted from the Bible. The
congregation sing the Psalms (sing slowly at Cross is a two barred Cross arranged in the shape
Easter, Christmas, and Pentecost). At all Masses, of a vesica: four Particles in a column, two
these words are said clearly and in order, not Particles on the right, and two Particles on the
at the same time as other verses. Holy left. See The Meaning of Icons by Lossky and
Communion occurs after these verses are Ouspensky for an explanation of the icon “Our
completed. If it is a very large congregation, the Lady of the Sign.” Icons of the Blessed Virgin
door wardens may help them line up to receive Mary include an eight-pointed star on her veil, as
Communion, but otherwise they should wait she was the first after Christ to experience the
until after the Confraction.] Resurrection of the Dead, the Eighth Day of
There are seven kind of Confraction, Creation; see St. Gregory Nazianzus, March 29th.]
that is: [For the five through thirteen Particles,
the images below are from Irish Crosses, but it is
possible also to do simple Crosses of a similar 9 Particles for
shape to the five or seven. For the sixty-five Sundays and Ferias
Particles, the exact form is described in the of Lent.
Missal. Notes are within the Lorrha-Stowe Missal,
Nine Particles of the Host of
with bracketed clarification.]
a Sunday [and also of the
5 Particles for Daily Proper Ferias of Lent] is an
Mass. Five Particles of the image of the nine Households of Heaven and the
Daily Host as the image of the nine Grades of the Church;
five senses of the soul;

7 Particles for Saints 11 Particles for the

and Virgins. [The Particle Holy Apostles.
where the bars cross is the Eleven Particles of the Host of
Celebrant’s Particle.] Seven the Apostles is an image of the
Particles of the Host of Saints incomplete number of the
and Virgins except the most Apostles due to the Sin of
important ones as the image of Judas;
the Seven Gifts of the Holy

head, He gave up the ghost.” [Note later on when
12 Particles for the to do this.] The arrangement of the
Confraction at Easter and Christmas is: [one
Lord’s Circumcision
center Particle], fourteen Particles in the upright
and Holy Thursday. of the Cross, fourteen Particles in the crosspiece,
Twelve Particles of the Host twenty Particles in its circlet: five pieces in each
of the Circumcision and of quarter [of the circlet]; sixteen pieces to the
Holy Thursday are in Crosses: four to each one [of the Crosses].
memory of the complete Arrangement of the Church in the Particles:
number of the Apostles; One Particle, for the Celebrant of the Mass is in
the middle as the image of the Secrets kept in the
heart. The upper part of the shaft of the Cross is
13 Particles for Low for the Bishops, the left portion of the crosspiece
is for Priests; the right portion of the crosspiece is
Sunday and Christ’s
to the grades lower than Priest; the lower portion
Ascension. of the stem is to monastics and penitents; the
Thirteen Particles of the Host upper left quadrant is for young clerics; the
of Low Sunday and the Feast upper right quadrant is to children; the lower left
of the Ascension, is an image is for those who are truly repentant; the lower
of Christ with His twelve right is for those who are married and those who
Apostles; it is not usual to have never before received Communion. [For
distribute from all thirteen further information, see the note after the Mass.]
Particles. The Celebrant or Deacon continuing
[The following verses before the Psalms
are said aloud, without any omissions,
before arranging the Particles. Then the
Celebrant pauses while arranging the
Particles to say the prayers between the

The Prayers of the Confraction:

V. My peace I give to you - Alleluia - my peace
I leave you Alleluia. [John 14:27]
V. Abundant peace is for those who are attentive
to Thy Law, O Lord - Alleluia - and there is no
scandal in them- Alleluia. [Psalm 118:165]
V. For the King of Heaven with peace - Alleluia
[Lk 19:38, Zch. 9:9-10]
65 Particles for Easter, Christmas Who is full of the promise of life - Alleluia -
and Pentecost. Added together, five, seven, [John 10:10, 11:25-26]
Sing Ye a new song - Alleluia -
eight, nine, eleven, twelve and thirteen come to
[Psalms 95:1; 149:1; Is 42:10]
sixty-five which is the number of Particles of
All of ye holy ones come forth – Alleluia.
the Host of Easter, Christmas and Pentecost. For
[Jn 5:29, 11:43]
all of them are comprised in Christ. All of the
V. Come, eat my Bread - Alleluia -
Confraction is set upon the Paten in the form of
the Cross, and the upper Particle is moved down and drink the Wine which has been mixed for you
- Alleluia. [Jn. 21:12]
to the left side as reminder us that “Bowing His

[Full Psalms may be said by Reader or and mercy from God his Savior.
Congregation. The Septuagint or Latin This is the generation of them that seek Him,*
Douay-Rheims translation and Psalm of them that seek the Face of the God of
numbering is used. Chant antiphonally, Jacob.
alternating verses between groups or Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted
readers. Do these slowly on Pascha,
Christmas, and Pentecost, when the up, O eternal gates:*
Particles will be arranged into sixty- and the King of Glory shall enter in.
five.] Who is this King of Glory? *
the Lord Who is strong and mighty:
Psalm 22 the Lord mighty in battle.
The Lord shepherds me I shall not want* Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted
He hath made me dwell in a place of up, O eternal gates:*
green pasture. and the King of Glory shall enter in.
He hath made me rest beside the still water.* Who is this King of Glory?*
He hath converted my soul. the Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory.
He hath led me on the paths of justice,*
for His own Name’s sake. V. This is the Bread of Life which cometh down
For though I should walk in the midst of the from Heaven - Alleluia -
shadow of death,* whosoever eateth of It shall live unto eternity -
I will fear no evils, for Thou art with me. Alleluia. [St. John 6:50, 54, 58.]
Thy rod and Thy staff,*
they have comforted me. Psalm 24
Thou hast prepared a table before me * To Thee, O Lord,*
against them that afflict me. have I lifted up my soul.
Thou hast anointed my head with oil;* In Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be
and my chalice which inebriateth me, ashamed.*
how goodly is it! Neither let my enemies laugh at me:
And Thy mercy will follow me* For none of them that wait on Thee shall be
all the days of my life. confounded.*
And that I may dwell in the house of the Lord* Let all them be confounded that act
unto length of days. unjust things without cause.
Show, O Lord, Thy ways to me,*
V. Whosoever eateth my Body and drinketh my and teach me Thy paths.
Blood - Alleluia - Such a one abideth in me and Direct me in Thy truth, and teach me; for Thou
I in him - Alleluia. [St. John 6:56] art God my Savior;*
and on Thee have I waited all the day long.
Psalm 23 Remember, O Lord, Thy bowels of compassion;*
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof: * and Thy mercies that are from the
the world, and all they that dwell therein. beginning of the world.
For He hath founded it upon the seas;* The sins of my youth *
and hath prepared it upon the rivers. and my ignorances do not remember.
Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord?* According to Thy mercy remember Thou me:*
or who shall stand in His holy place? for Thy goodness’ sake, O Lord.
The innocent in hands, and clean of heart, who The Lord is sweet and righteous:*
hath not taken his soul in vain,* therefore He will give a law to sinners
nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbor. in the way.
He shall receive a blessing from the Lord,* He will guide the mild in judgment: *
He will teach the meek His ways.

All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth,* why hast Thou cast me off? and why
to them that seek after His covenant and do I go sorrowful, whilst the enemy
His testimonies. afflicteth me?
For Thy Name’s sake, O Lord,* Send out Thy light and Thy truth: they have
Thou wilt pardon my sin: for it is great. conducted me *
Who is the man that feareth the Lord?* and brought me unto Thy holy hill,
He hath appointed him a law in the way and into Thy tabernacles.
he hath chosen. And I will go in to the Altar of God: *
His soul shall dwell in good things: * to God Who giveth joy to my youth.
and his seed shall inherit the land. To Thee, O God, my God,*
The Lord is a firmament to them that fear Him:* I will give praise upon the harp:
and His covenant shall be made manifest Why art thou sad, O my soul?*
to them. and why dost thou disquiet me?
My eyes are ever towards the Lord:* Hope in God, for I will still give praise to Him:*
for He shall pluck my feet out of the snare. the salvation of my countenance, and
Look Thou upon me, and have mercy on me;* my God.
for I am alone and poor.
The troubles of my heart are multiplied: *
deliver me from my necessities. [KNEEL OR STAND].
See my abjection and my labor; * [The following verses are always said
and forgive me all my sins. for the nine kinds of Communicants:]
Consider my enemies for they are multiplied,*
and have hated me with an unjust hatred. V. Eat, O my friends - Alleluia -
Keep Thou my soul, and deliver me:* and be intoxicated, O beloved - Alleluia.
I shall not be ashamed, for I have hoped [Song of Songs 5:1]
in Thee.
The innocent and the upright have adhered to V. This sacred Body and Blood of the Lord and
me:* Savior - Alleluia - take you unto yourselves unto
because I have waited on Thee. life eternal. - Alleluia. [St. John 6:54]
Deliver Israel, O God, *
from all his tribulations. V. Upon my lips will I practice the hymn -
Alleluia - which Thou didst teach me - Alleluia-
V. The Lord gave the Bread of Heaven to them -
and I shall respond in righteousness - Alleluia.
Alleluia - [Psalm 118:171-172]
Man ate the Bread of the Angels - Alleluia.
[Psalm 77:24-25]
V. I shall bless the Lord at all times - Alleluia -
His praise shall ever be in my mouth – Alleluia.
[This may be done antiphonally between [Psalm 33:1]
Celebrant and congregation if the
Confraction is complete:] V. Taste and see - Alleluia -
how sweet the Lord is – Alleluia. [Psalm 33:8]
Psalm 42
Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from V. Wherever I go - Alleluia - there He shall be
the nation that is not holy; * and minister unto me - Alleluia.
Deliver me from the unjust and [Psalm 138:6-10, Psalm 22:4, St.
deceitful man. Matthew 28:20]
For Thou art God, my strength:*

V. Suffer the little ones to come unto me - Come Forth and take possession of the
Alleluia - and do not desire to forbid them - kingdom of My Father - Alleluia -
Alleluia - of such is the kingdom of Heaven - which hath been prepared for ye from the
Alleluia. [St. Matthew 19:14] beginning of the world - Alleluia -
[St. Matthew 25:34]
V. Devote yourselves to penitence - Alleluia - Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to
for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand - Alleluia. the Holy Spirit: Come forth!
[St. Matthew 3:2] As it was in the beginning is now and ever unto
ages of ages. Amen. Come forth!
(“Moel Caich wrote this.” note in the
V. The kingdom of Heaven tolerates sieges -
Lorrha Missal) [Jn 5:29, 11:43]
Alleluia - and the forceful take it - Alleluia.
[Matt. 11:12, Latin and Greek .] HOLY COM MUNION
[A note in the Antiphonary of Bangor
[Blessed Bread: After the Confraction is says about the Hymn, Sancti Venite:
completed, other loaves of bread, already “When the Clergy receives Holy
Communion.” During Holy Communion,
broken or cut into pieces on a tray and starting from the Priest's Communion
kept on the Credenza, are brought by the through Ablutions, the choir should sing
Subdeacon to the Deacon or Celebrant, Communions Hymns.
who blesses and passes them over the The Celebrant turns back to the Altar,
Paten. This bread will be taken by the and Communicates himself, saying,
Communicants immediately after they [The Body is soaked, and he
have received Holy Communion, to be also drinks of the Chalice:]
certain all of the Communion is May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus
swallowed. Wine may also be blessed in Christ be to me unto life eternal. Amen.
the same way. This blessed but [May the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ be to me
unconsecrated bread and wine must unto life eternal. Amen.]
never be set on the Altar.] [A large Communion Cloth (at least
three feet long) is either held by two
Still facing the Altar, the Celebrant servers or set upon the floor where
moves the Particle immediately above Communion is to be given. This cloth is
the center Particle slightly to the right not to be stepped or kneeled upon by the
(his left) and downward. The upper Celebrant or congregation.]
Particle is moved down to the left side as [Those who have not been Baptized and
reminder us that “Bowing His head, He Confirmed need these Sacraments before
gave up the ghost”. [The Confraction is participation in Holy Communion.
completed.] Adults and older children who intend to
join the Church must also have
Catechism (instruction).]
Those who are Baptized and Confirmed,
The Celebrant then turns to the people, including infants, and prepared to
and shows the people the completed receive Holy Communion now line up
Confraction, holding the Paten lowered at the Communion Cloth in the
and at a slight angle, saying: following order:
Bishops, Priests, lower Holy Orders,
Monastics, penitents, clerics, babes in
[ALL PRESENT LOOK AT THE arms with their parents or godparents,
COMPLETED CONFRACTION.] children, unmarried adults, married
Celebrant: persons, and new Communicants.

[THOSE WHO WILL RECEIVE: KNEEL AT [The Chalice is administered with the
The Celebrant turns and goes to the May the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ be to
Communion Cloth, holding the Paten. thee unto life eternal.
R. Amen.
The Distribution for Confractions of [The caim, a circle, is made with the
Nine or More Particles chalice about the head of each
communicant after they have received,
and they may kiss the Chalice.]
[Infants may be communicated with a spoon from
Clerics Children the Chalice, but all others receive from the Bread
and Wine on the Paten, which the Celebrant
Priests Celebrant Lower Holy administers with the first two fingers of his right
Orders hand on their tongue (not touching the tongue
with his fingers). No person receives the Holy
Unmarried adults Married adults Communion in their hands, including clergy
New Communicants other than the Celebrant. Only the Celebrant or
another Bishop, Priest or Deacon may administer
the Holy Communion from one Paten, using Holy
Communion Consecrated at this Mass.]
[A server holds the tray of blessed bread for those
The Distribution for Confractions of Less than
who have just received Holy Communion, or a
Nine Particles
movable table may hold the blessed bread and
[This is inserted for the sake of convenience;
blessed wine.]
it is not in the original text.]
[If Holy Communion is to be reserved for a Pre-
Bishops. Sanctified Mass or sick call, a piece of the upper
Particle is reserved: see the note on the
Confraction into 13 parts. The Confraction
Priests & Lower Celebrant Monastics, usually produces fewer Particles than there are
Holy Orders Penitents, people; the Particles are subdivided further
and Clerics during the administration of Communion.]
Children, All Adults
New Communicants This is what God has declared worthy, that the
mind be upon the Symbols of the Mass, and that
[The Celebrant administers the Body this be your mind: that portion of the Host which
you receive is a portion of Christ from His Cross,
and Blood from the Paten, saying:] and that there may be a Cross in the labor of each
in his own life since it is that Cross which unites
[From the Sacrament of Baptism: each one of us to the Crucified Body of Christ. It
May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus is not proper to swallow the Particle without
Christ be to thee unto life eternal. R. Amen.] having tasted it, just as it is improper to not bring
savor into God’s Mysteries. It is improper for it to
be chewed by the back teeth for such an act
[Or, from the Sacrament of Unction:
symbolizes rumination over God’s Mysteries, for
May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus it is by such rumination that heresy is increased.
Christ, the Son of the living and most high God, It is ended. Amen. Thanks be to God.
be to thee unto life eternal. R. Amen.] [End of the Lorrha Missal commentary,
as found in Gaelic and Latin.]

[The Deacon or another Priest may perform the POSTCOMMUNION PRAYER
Ablutions, if their hands have been purified at [The Proper Postcommunion Prayer of
the beginning of the Mass. (The directions given the day (a Proper below, and/or for the
are for a Celebrant serving alone.) Sunday or Feast, see Propers through the
year) may be substituted for or inserted
After all have been Communicated who intended before the following:]
to receive, Ablutions are performed. The Grant, O Lord, that those whom Thou hast
Celebrant consumes all of the remaining Body and satisfied with the Heavenly gift may be cleansed
Blood. The Chalice is set on the Altar to the of all that is hidden, and that we may be freed
Epistle side of the Corporal. The Knife and from the snares of our enemies. R. Amen.
spoon are washed with water then wine over the
Chalice and dried with the Purificator. If the
Paten has no raised edge caution must be now In the Mass of Apostles, Martyrs, and Holy
observed. The Celebrant holds the Paten over the Virgins
Chalice and pours wine over the Paten into the We have consumed, O Lord, the Heavenly
Chalice. He then dislodges any adhering Sacrifice celebrated at the solemnity of Thy
Particles of the Sanctissimus with his forefinger or Saints. We beseech Thee grant that we may earn
thumb, and then pours the wine from the Paten eternal joy by that which we do but briefly in life,
into the Chalice. This action may be repeated if through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
necessary, turning the Paten so that no Particles
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
remain. Then he pours water onto the Paten
turning it so that its entire surface is washed, and ages. R. Amen.
pours the water from the Paten into the Chalice.
The Paten is then dried with the purificator. The In the Mass for Living Penitents
Celebrant then drinks the wine and water. He O God, Who purifies the hearts which confide in
then holds the Chalice with both hands so that the Thee and absolves those who reproach their
fingers which came into contact with the Body consciences from all their iniquities: grant
and the Blood are over the top. Wine and then
water is poured over the fingers of the Celebrant forgiveness to the sinners, and bestow healing to
into the Chalice by the servers to make certain the injured, that having received remission in
that no Particles or Blood of Christ that Thy Sacraments of all sins, they may remain
had been on his fingers remain. sincere and devoted, and sustain nothing
detrimental to eternal salvation. R. Amen.
Any other clergy who have touched the Holy
Eucharist such as a Bishop if he dropped the In the Mass of the Dead.
Particle into the Chalice after the Peace, or Let us pray, most beloved brethren, for our
Celebrant if Deacon is performing the beloved -NN- who have already proceeded into
Ablutions, also have wine and water poured
over their fingers into the Chalice. the Lord’s peace; whose ending was destined and
The Celebrant drinks the water and wine. Wine is course of crossing concluded; that God, the
poured into the Chalice. The wine in the Chalice Almighty Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
is then drunk by the Celebrant who turns the command their flesh and their soul and their spirit
Chalice, making certain that no Particles or Blood to be received in a place of light, in a place of
of the Lord remain. (Additional washings may use refreshment, in the bosom of Abraham and Isaac
water alone.) The inside of the Chalice is dried and Jacob. May He also dismiss whatsoever
with the Purificator. The Purificator is put on incorrectness by which they sinned through
top of the Chalice and both are covered with the ignorance, or because of the hidden enemy and
Pall. The Paten and the Chalice are returned
may He be pleased to refresh them by the spirit of
to the Credenza by the Subdeacon and
covered with the veil. The Corporal is now His mouth, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
folded by the Deacon (or the Celebrant) and reigneth with Thee, the unoriginate Father, and
returned to the Credenza. The Communion Cloth the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
is folded and returned to the Credenza.] R. Amen.

The Thanksgiving is always said: Offer up the Sacrifice of justice and trust in the
Lord. [Ps 4:6]
We give Thee thanks, O Lord, Holy Father, O God, we give Thee thanks, O Thou through
Almighty and eternal God, Who has satisfied us Whom we have celebrated the Holy Mysteries,
by the Communion of the Body and Blood of and we claim the gift of Holiness from Thee Who
Christ Thy Son, and we humbly apply for Thy reigneth unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
mercy: that this Thy Sacrament, O Lord, may not
be unto our condemnation unto punishment: but The Final Benediction
may it be unto intercession of Salvation unto [THE CONGREGATION BOWS
forgiveness; may it be unto the washing away of PROFOUNDLY OR KNEELS:]
wickedness; may it be unto strengthening of the [The Celebrant extends both hands,
weak; a mainstay against the dangers of the palms outwards, fingers forming the Sign
world; may this Communion purge us of all ICXC (according to both older Roman
guilt; and may it bestow the Heavenly joy of and Byzantine usage), over the heads of
being partners, through our Lord Jesus Christ, the Congregation:]
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. May the Lord bless you and protect you. May
the Lord reveal His face unto you and have
[STAND]. mercy. May the Lord turn His Face to you and
[The Celebrant faces the congregation:] give you peace.
R. Amen.
The Mass has been given in Peace. Then signing the Congregation with his
(During Paschaltide: Alleluia.) right hand, says:
R. Thanks be unto God. You are marked with the Sign + of the Cross of
(During Paschaltide: Alleluia.) Christ. Peace be with you unto life eternal. R.
The Closing Prayers Thus ends the Order of Communion.
[These prayers are from the Sacrament [Note found at the end of Unction].
of Unction after Holy Communion, [The Final Gospel, traditionally the
supplied as the ending for the Mass.] beginning of the Gospel of St. John to
[KNEEL OR BOW]. verse 15 or 18 as in the Christmas
Prophecies. It may be replaced by a
For He hath satisfied the empty soul and hath displaced Gospel of the day. The
filled the hungry soul with good things - Alleluia, complete Gospel of St. John was bound
Alleluia. [Ps 104:9] Visit us, O God, in Thy together with the Lorrha-Stowe Missal,
Salvation - Alleluia. [Ps 105:4] and therefore the Lorrha-Stowe Missal is
The Lord is my strength and my praise, and He is also called “The Gospel of St.
become my Salvation - Alleluia. [Ps 117:14] Maelruain.”.]
I will take the Chalice of Salvation, and I will [ALL STAND]
call upon the Name of the Lord - Alleluia. [Ps [In the beginning was the Word, and the
115:13] Word was with God, and the Word was God. The
Refreshed by the Body and Blood of Christ, same was in the beginning with God. All things
may we ever say unto Thee, O Lord - Alleluia. were made by Him: and without Him was not any
O Praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise him all thing made that was made: in Him was life, and
ye people. For His mercy is confirmed upon us the life was the light of men: and the light shineth
and the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever. [Ps in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it
116] not.

There was a man sent from God, whose clergy finishes their Communion before
name was John. The same came for a witness, to the Hymn ends, continue singing Sancti
bear witness of the light, that all men through him Venite during the Communion of the
might believe. He was not that light, he was sent Congregation and Ablutions. Continue
to bear witness of that light. singing other Hymns until Ablutions is
over, ending at the end of a Hymn. As
That was the true Light, which lighteth well as Sancti Venite, on Sundays at the
every man that cometh into the world. He was in Sixth Hour, from the Antiphonary of
the world, and the world was made by Him, and Bangor, chant the Beatitudes, Hymn to
the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, Saint Michael and Hymn AB 2 in the
and His own received Him not. But as many as Cross Vigil (“The Community of the
received Him, to them gave He power to become Brethren”). On other days: Beatitudes
the sons of God, even to them that believe on His and Magnificat. May also do Deer's
Name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the Cry and other Hymns appropriate to the
Feast day.]
will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of
God. [all genuflect] And the Word was made Sancti Venite
flesh, [all rise] and dwelt among us: and we Communion Hymn “When the
beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-
begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Clergy receives Holy
John beareth witness of Him, and crieth Communion.”
out, saying: This was He of whom I spoke: He [Given by angels to St. Patrick:]
that shall come after me, is preferred before me: Ye Holy Ones come forth: Eat ye the Body of
because He was before me. Christ,
And of His fulness we all have received, Drink ye the Holy Blood, Ye who are redeemed.
and grace for grace. For the law was given by Sancti uenite christi corpus sumite.
Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. No sanctum bibentes quo redempti sanguine “.,
man hath seen God at any time: the Only- For the Body and Blood of Christ the Savior
begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, From which we are fed, let us give praises to
He hath declared Him. God.
Saluati christi corpore et sanguine
R. Thanks be to God.] a quo refecti laudes dicamus deo...,
[Afterwards the Celebrant unvests in the midst of By the Sacrament of the Body and Blood,
the Church, unless there is a special procession All are drawn out of the jaws of Hell.
such as a funeral. He does not carry the Chalice Hoc sacromento corporis et sanguinis
out. The clergy may lead the Congregation in omnes exuti ab inferni faucibus..,
other Thanksgiving Prayers or Hymns; on some The bestower of Salvation, Christ, the Son of
days a veneration of the Cross or other blessing. God,
The Congregation kisses the blessing Cross.] Hath saved the world through the Cross and
+ + + Dator salutis christus filius dei
Hymns at Holy Communion: mundum saluauit per crucen et
[During Holy Communion, starting from sanguinem “.
the Priest's Communion continuously For the Universe, the Lord was sacrificed,
through Ablutions, the choir should sing He Himself, ariseth: the Priest and Victim.
Communion Hymns, starting with the Pro uniuersis immolatus dominus.
Sancti Venite. A note in the Ipse sacerdos existit et hostia..,
Antiphonary of Bangor says about the Under the Law of the Precepts were victims
Sancti Venite: “When the Clergy sacrificed
receives Holy Communion” If the Which foreshadowed the Divine Mystery.

-c7vvfv v gcc]cvyvcgcvv fcc]ccvt,cvv v vfcv]v v gcvv v vjcvvhcfcv]ct,vv]
Lege praeceptum immolari hostias.
Qua adumbrantur diuina misteria “.
The bestower of Light and Savior of all,
Hath poured forth excellent Grace upon the For the Bo–dy and Blood of Christ the Sa-vior
Lucis indultor et saluator omnium
praeclaram sanctis largitus est gratiam -c7vv fcc]cctccvv vhccjcv]cvkv vcjvv v hvcgvc]cvjcvhcvvgcvfcv]ctvv ]
From which we are fed, let us give prais-es to God.
All those approach who believe with pure mind;
They consume the eternal Custodian of Salvation.
Accedunt omnes pura mente creduli
sumant aeternam * salutis custodiam
-c7vacvvacvv]cvfmcvFccvvrcvv ]v v cfccvgcvcyvv c]cvgv vcfcvv tv v v v ]
The Guardian of the Saints, both guide and Lord, By the Sa–cra-ment of the Bo–dy and Blood,
Doth pour Life Eternal upon those who believe.
Sanctorum custos rector quoque
dominus uitae perennis largitur
-c7vv gv chcvvcgvcfcvc]cv vdcvscvcv vacvvcacc]ccscvccdcvv crvv v v]
Heavenly Bread He giveth to the hungry, All are drawn out of the jaws of Hell.
From the Living Font supplies those who thirst.

-c7vv v v fcvvcgcvv ]ccvhcvv v chcvv chcvvcjcv]cci.cvjcc]v

Caelestem panem dat esurientibus
de fonte uiuo praebet sitientibus.
Alpha and Omega Himself, Christ the Lord,
came and will come to judge men. The be – stow–er of Sal–va–tion,
Alfa et w ipse christus dominus
uenit uenturus iudicare homines..., -c7vv v v v vhccvvcchcvv cgcvv cchvv c]v vcu.vv c]
Christ, the Son of God,
[Muisc for the Sancti Venite, A musical
setting © Elizabeth Dowling, with a
quote from Irish chant.]
-c7vv hcc]cvcjccvv kcvv jchcvc]v v vgcvv vcfcvv v vdcvv v vfcc]cv vt,vv ]
-c7c[vv v vacvvccfcvvccfcvv c]cv vcrccvv v cccdcfcvvc]v v vccTcvv c]
Hath saved the world through the Cross and Blood.

Ye Ho - ly Ones come forth:

-c7vvAccAcvv]vcfcvvfcc[rc]cfccvvdccvv vfccvccgc]v v hcccgcvcrvv v ]
-c7cvctccchcccgcvv vc]ccfcvvdv vcccscvv ccdcvv c]cv vcRccx] For the Un–i–verse, the Lord was sa–cri-ficed,
Eat ye the Bo - dy of Christ,

-c7vv hcchvv vchcvvcjvc]cvicchcccfcc]v v kcvv v vcjccvhcvgc]cvfv v]

-c7xxrcccvv v vcchvv ccchvv v vc]cvcucvv cccyvv vcc]ccTccc] He Him-self, a–ris-eth: the Priest and Vic - tim.
Drink ye the Ho – ly Blood,

-c7cvv tccvv vcchcgvv v vcc]cv cfcdcvv vccscdccvv c]cv v crccx] -c7vv vfcvvcfcvcdcc]cv rcvvcgcvcfcvv ]cvdcsccvvcaccvv v cacvv c]
Ye who are re - deemed. Un-der the Law of the Pre - cepts were

-c7cccvv v v vcscccvvccdccvv ccfcvv cccgcvv vc]cv vcrcvv v] -c7vv v vkv vcvkcvv vcKvcHcvvGv vHcc]cv Ivc]
vic - tims sa – cri - ficed to the hun - gry,

-c7vv v fcccgcv]cv vhcvv v chcvv v v chcvv chvc]ccgchcvcjvv chc]cvtv v -c7vv v v fmcvv vcGcccchcvvclvvcc]v cvicvvcv yv vc]vcv icc
Which fore–sha-dowed the Di–vine My-ster-y. From the Liv-ing Font sup-plies

-c7vv v v KcvHccvv v GccHcvc]cv vRv ]

-c7vv fcvfc]cv rccvv v fv v v gv v]cvy,cvv v jc]cv cicvvcjcvvchcv]cvt,vv] those who thirst.

-c7vvfcacvvfccvgvc]cvycchccvvcjc]cciccvv v vclcvv vcc;vv c]ccZvv ]

The be–stow–er of Light and Sa–vior of all,

-c7vvfcc]cvgccvv v hcvv cuc]cv hccvjcvcviv c]v v jvchvvcfcvcgv³c]cTc] Al-pha and O–me-ga Him–self, Christ the Lord,

Hath poured forth ex-cel–lent Grace up-on the Saints. -c7xvv x;cccvv vccckcvv cccclcvv v vccc½kc]ci.ccc
came and will come
-c7vvrccvvfccvfv c]cvrccvcvfcvcv vfcvc]cfcccvvgcvv vhcgvvc]ccrvv ] -c7cvvjccvv ]cv cyvvcvcgcvv cfcvvc]cv cecvv cscvv cdcvvcc]ccRx}
All those ap–proach who be–lieve with pure mind;
to judge men.

-c7vv v vycvv vc]ccchcccvv ccHcccvv cHccvv cHcvv vcHccvv vchcc] The Beatitudes (St. Matthew 5:3-12a)
[After Hours, Holy Communion, meals.
They con – sume the e – ter – nal Music: repeat notes as needed:]

-c7cvhcvv v ccššhcchccœhcvv v cgvv c]ccvvhccvv v vcjchcvv v vcg¹c]ct,c] -vv7b tcyccfccfcgchcucvJv ]b cb hcvhcvhcvvhcvvhcvhcvhcv] v vgcvvrb b ]
Cus– to–di-an of Sal – va - tion. Blessed are the poor in spirit;
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek; for they shall possess the land.
-c7vac]cvfmccGcvvchcvlvc]ccivv v v ccycc]v v iv ccKcHvvGcHc]cv i.v] Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be
The Guard-ian of the Saints, both guide and Lord, Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after
justice; for they shall have their fill.

-c7vv v acvv v]cv vfmcGccvcchcccvv clcvv v]cv cicccvv vchcc

Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain
Blessed are the clean of heart; for they shall see God.
Doth pour Life e – ter - nal Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be

-c7cvchcvc]cvckcvv v ckvv v vccKvvcHccvvccGccHcvv vc]ccvvRcc] called the children of God.

Blessed are they that suffer persecution for
justice’ sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
up – on those who be - lieve. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you and
persecute you and speak all that is evil against
-c7vv v vfcvcvcFcvcGccvcvchccvv cclvv c]cvciccycc] you, untruly, for my sake; Be glad and rejoice,
for your reward is very great in heaven;
Heav–en-ly Bread He giv-eth [for so they persecuted the prophets that were
before you.]

The Similitudes In the Trinity is my hope set, not in omens:
and I beseech Archangel Michael by name.
[The Similitudes may also have been said at
meals. .Matt. 5:13-16.]
That he be ready and sent to me by God, the
-v7vfvfv gv hv gv fvbgv hv \v]v hv hv jv iv kv kv kv kv\v]v kvkv kvjvhvgvgv\] Doctor,
At the hour I leave this life and body.

-v7v gv gv gv hv jv jv hv gv hv v]v fv fv gv yv gv fv fv vtv v\v] May the aid of Michael, the Archangel, attend me
In the hour when the just and Angels rejoice.

-v7vfvfv gv hvgv fv gv hv \v ]v hv hv jv vkv kv kv kv kv kv ]v vkv jv hv vtv \v] I ask that he not leave me to the savage host of
the enemy,
-v7vgvgvgv hv jv jv jv jv jv jv jv jv hv gv hv hv v]v vhv hv hv hv jv hv hv \v] but that he lead me to where there is the repose of
the kingdom.

-v7v vfv vfv vgv vyv hv vhv hv hv gv fv vtv v\v ]v jv jv jv jv iv jv hv tv ] May Saint Michael help me day and night
That he may put me in the company of the good
-v7v vfv fv gv hv gv fv gv hv \v]v jv kv kv kv kv ov kv hv viv jv hv tv vrv v} May Saint Michael, worthy aid, intercede for me
You are the salt of the earth. But, if the salt lose For I am a sinner in acts and am weak.
its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good
for nothing any more but to be cast out and to be May Saint Michael defend me by his powers
trodden on by men. You are the light of the When the soul goes forth with the armies of
world. A city seated on a mountain cannot be Saints.
hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it
under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it May Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, all the angels,
may shine to all that are in the house. So let and the Archangels Intercede for me forever.
your light shine before men that they may see
your good works and glorify your Father Who is May they be able to answer for me in the eternal
in heaven. courts of the King’s kingdom,
that I might seize the joys of Paradise with Christ.
A Hymn to St. Michael
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy
the Archangel Spirit Together.
[After meals. Sixth Hour Sunday in the
Rule of Tallaght: this and Hymn AB 2 Help us Archangel and Most Worthy Saint
in the Cross Vigil below replace the Michael whom God most high sent to save souls.
Magificat.] [Repeat the first line, add ending:]

-c7cvvgcvgcgvv vcfvvcgcchcgvvcrvv c]v v v fcvfcvvfccvgv hvcvuv ] In the Trinity is my hope set, not in omens,
[...not in o- mens] [...el by name]
-c7ccgccgccgvvccgccvv cgcvv vhccgcvv fvcdcvcvscvvdcvcRvvc}
-c7vvcjcjcjcjcvckvcjvcycvv v]cv vhchchcvvcgvcfcvvtvtc] and I beseech Archangel Michael by name.
[...Doc-tor] [...life and body]
[Music for convenience only.]

The Magnificat (St. Luke 1:46-55) that is, one chanter or group sings one
verse, and another chanter or group sings
[Traditional Roman chant.]
the next verse, alternating. After the
-vv v vav v v fv vgv v v v fv v v v v fv v gv v v vfv v v v fv v gv v v fv v v v rv v v ] opening prayers and Psalms 118 through
121, the Rule of Mael Ruain, in the Rule
of the Cele De, says to do Hymn AB 2,
My soul doth mag – ni - fy the Lord: “The Congregation of the Brethren,”
-vv fv vfv v v vfv vgv v vfv v v v fv v vfv v v v v fv v v dv v v vfv v v vsv v v qv v v] “Unitas,” the “Hymn to Mary,” and
“The Shrine of Piety.” The Cross Vigil
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. may be done modern Friday evening (the
beginning of Saturday after Vespers),
Because He hath regarded the humility of His especially just after Holy and Great
handmaid; Friday (Holy Saturday Vespers) in Holy
for, behold, for henceforth all generations Week, when the words to the “Hymn to
shall call me blessed. Mary” seem to match some of the ancient
Because He that is mighty hath done great things music for that day. These same Psalms
to me; are the last four Psalms sung in the
and Holy is His Name. Season of Pentecost.]
And His mercy is from generation unto V. + O God come to my assistance.
generations, R.: O Lord make haste to help me.
to them that fear Him. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and
He hath shewed might in His arm; to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is
He hath scattered the proud in the conceit of now, and ever unto ages of ages.
their heart. R. Amen.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat
Read Psalms 118, 119, 120, and 121
and hath exalted the humble.
from the Psalter.
He hath filled the hungry with good things;
and the rich He hath sent empty away.
On Holy and Great Saturday Vespers (in
He hath received Israel His servant,
Holy Week, modern Friday night): After
being mindful of His mercy.
Psalms 118 through 121, sing Psalm 64
As He spoke to our fathers;
(KJV 65), Te decet: “A hymn, O God,
to Abraham and to His seed for ever.
becometh Thee in Sion: and a vow shall
be paid to Thee in Jerusalem. O hear my
The Cross Vigil from the prayer: all flesh shall come to Thee...”
Rule of St. Mael Ruain
Hymn 2, Antiphonary of Bangor,
[Psalm 118 is the longest Psalm. The
Psalms 118, 119, 120, and 121 in Greek the Hymn of the Brethren
numbering are 200 verses [Hebrew (Magi, Baptism, chain of the Trinity.)
numbering 119, 120, 121, 122], and the The congregation of the Brethren sing the hymn
Cross Vigil is traditionally the time when They sonorously sing the music of the Hymn
100 prostrations are done (at every other Unto Christ the King, harmoniously
verse, starting with even verses of Psalm Let us give due praise
118, *; an optional practice). This is
difficult, done with moderation, O Thou Word from the heart of God.
according to medical condition. A little Thou Way, Thou Truth,
bow may replace these prostrations. The Thou art called the branch of Jesse.
verses may also be sung Antiphonally, We recite, Thou art the Lion.

At the right hand of the Father, Mount and Lamb, Into wine, because it had failed,
Thou art the cornerstone, Bridegroom, or dove, He commanded the water in the jars to be made,
Flame, shepherd, door. which the wedding party esteemed
to be drunk unmixed by the people.
Thou wast proclaimed by the Prophets:
Born into our world, With five loaves and two fish
Who wast before all worlds: He feeds five thousand.
Maker of the first world. The fragments of the meal Fill twelve baskets.

Maker of Heaven, maker of earth: The gathering of all that dined

Thou Gatherer of the seas Gives forth perpetual praise.
and Thou Maker of all things He accepts twelve men
that the Father commanded be made. Through whom life is learned.

Received by the Virgin’s womb, Of whom one is found,

Heralded by Gabriel, Judas, the betrayer of Christ.
Her womb swelled with Holy child: Those sent out by Annas
Let us be taught to believe Are prompted by the traitor’s kiss.

A new thing not seen before He Who is innocent, captive is held,

That the Virgin bore a Son. And Who does not resist, is led away.
Then Magi, following the Star He is arrested falsely, Those who deliver
were first to worship the newborn [Him] to Pilate, berate [Him].

Offering incense and gold: The governor dismisses the charges

Offerings worthy of a king. He finds no guilt.
Soon it is reported to Herod, But with the assembly of the Jews
It is distasteful to his authority For the regard of Caesar

Who then commands the children slain: Say Christ is rebellious.

He made all of them martyrs. The Holy One is handed to the crowd
The child was born away, hidden. With impious words they rage at Him.
None of Him in that flood spilled. He endures spitting, stripes.

He was borne back after Herod’s death: He is commanded to mount the Cross,
The Heavenly one was raised in Nazareth Innocent, for ills.
As a child and as an adult By the death of the flesh which He bore
He wrought many signs He conquers the death of all.

Which remain and are documented Then, hanging, with a great shout,
By many witnesses: Calls to God the Father.
The promises given by the heavenly Kingdom Death took hold of the frame of Christ
He fulfills by deeds: He looses the tight chains.

He makes the infirm strong. The veil of the Temple hangs ripped
He illumines the blind. Night obscures the world.
By words, He cleanses the disease of the Lepers. Corpses once closed up
He raises the dead. Are raised up from the tombs.

Blessed Joseph comes: Are remade: made sons of God.
The Corpse is coated with myrrh
And wrapped in rough cloth Before the dawn, let us the Gathering
with sorrow he preserves it. Of the brethren hymn in concert the Glory:
By which we are taught we will be
Annas, the leader, directs In the eternal age.
Soldiers to guard the Corpse:
That he might see if Christ would prove The crowing of the cock,
What He declared. the flapping of the cock, Says that day is nigh,
We, singing and litanizing
They tremble before the Angel of God, What we believe will be.
Vested in a white cloak,
Which cloth exceeds The Majestic and immense,
silk in brightness. Hymn we together:
Before the dawn we proclaim
He rolls the stone away from the tomb: Christ the King unto the age.
Christ arises unconquered.
Lying Judea sees this: Before the dawn we proclaim
They deny, having seen. Christ the King unto the age.
Who in Him rightly believe
The women learn first That we will reign with Him.
That the Savior liveth.
Those whom He greets in sorrow, Glory to the Father, Unbegotten,
He fills rejoicing with joy. Glory to the Onlybegotten,
Likewise to the Holy Spirit; Unto eternal ages.
Afterwards, they announce
that He, raised From the dead Unitas
by the Paternal right hand, [musical setting © Elizabeth Dowling2006.]
Had returned on the Third day.

Soon He is seen by the blessed

-vv cccccvv vaccvv svccvav v cvccsvccvv ]v v v dcvv vfv v v tv v ]
Brethren whom He had tried. U – ni - ty in Tri – ni - ty

-vv v vhv v cvgv v v gv v v dv v v]v v vtv v v v v gv v v v v gv v v]v v vhcvvjvcv v viv v]

He answers those that doubted,
Entering while the doors were barred.

He teaches the precepts of the Law, Thee I beg, O Lord That Thou lead me
He gives the Divine Spirit:
The perfect Spirit of God:
The chain of the Trinity.
-vv vjvcv vhv v vgv cv v gv v v]v vcvgv v v v v gv vhv fv v]v v ecvvsv vcscc]v cQvc}
To Offer my whole desire un - to Thee.
He commandeth that throughout the World
Believers be Baptized: On Holy and Great Saturday: Stand,
Calling upon the Name of the Father: and read the Holy Passion Gospel.
Confiding in the Son. St. Matthew 27: 61-66.
And there was there Mary Magdalen,
By the Holy Spirit, He reveals and the other Mary sitting over against
Mystic Faith to the Baptized: the sepulchre. And the next day, which
Those immersed in the Font followed the day of preparation, the

chief priests and the Pharisees came Unto this Mother, neither before,
together to Pilate, Saying: Sir, we have at the time, nor after
remembered, that that seducer said, Is found the like among the generations
while he was yet alive: After three days I of human origin.
will rise again. Command therefore the
sepulchre to be guarded until the third Through a woman and wood
day: lest perhaps his disciples come and the world first fell.
steal him away, and say to the people: Through the virtue of a woman,
He is risen from the dead; and the last it is returned to health.
error shall be worse than the first. Pilate
saith to them: You have a guard; go, Mary, wondrous Mother,
guard it as you know. And they gave birth to her Father,
departing, made the sepulchre sure, through Whom, all the far world
sealing the stone, and setting guards. endowed by water believes.

A Hymn to Mary She conceived the pearl:

From the Liber Hymnorum those are not vain dreams
For which sane Christians
-vch,vvGbv fv vgbvb Sv v Dv v Fv v Sv v qv v]v vfmvvAv v fv vgv vHv v 7Jvv Kv vLv iv ] sell all that they have.

-vv lv vlv vKv Lv Kv 7Jvv hv v v v vhv 7JvvHv 7JvvKv v ]v v ¼Yv vYv v]

The Mother made Christ’s tunic
woven throughout
Which by lot remained intact
[Music is the Byzantine Myrrh-bearing women.] at Christ’s death.
Let us sing to God all day, Let us assume the armor of Light:
harmonizing and chanting the breastplate and the helm,
In unison the worthy That we may be perfected by God
hymn of Mary. and protected by Mary.
Twice by this chorus and again, Amen Amen: we swear
let us praise Mary, by the qualities of the Birthgiver
That the voice may knock at all ears That the flames of the dread pyre
through obedient praise. cannot deceive us.
Mary of the Tribe of the Jews, We call upon the Name of Christ:
highest Mother of the Lord, under witnessing Angels:
Gave suitable medicine That we may enjoy and be inscribed
unto sick mankind. in Heavenly script.
Gabriel bore the Word which from the first We implore the most worthy
was in the Paternal bosom: example of Mary
Which was conceived and nurtured That we may be worthy to dwell
by the maternal womb. in the highest Throne. [Repeat first verse.]
This is the highest and holy,
venerable Virgin,
Who didst not shy but stood fast.

The Shrine of Piety in the Cross Vigil [ R. Kyrie eleison.] or [Lord have mercy.]
(Paragraph 6, Teaching of Mael Ruain of (At each verse, except for the verses that
Tallaght) end “Alleluia”: total of 40 Kyries.)
Standing facing the East with both hands Let us beg the Father The Almighty King And
raised to Heaven and clear of vesture Jesus Christ and also the Holy Spirit. Alleluia.
say: God in one Perfect Substance Triune in Three
The Divine Prayer AB 36 Adored Persons R.
Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed be Of the universes, The luminous brightness of the
Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be font of the Aethereals and sphere of lights. R.
done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day This truly is the day As the firstborn of heaven
our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we flashed from the great vault of the world. R.
forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation Thus the Word was made Flesh, the Light from
but deliver us from evil. Amen. the Beginning sent by the Father into the world
O God come to my assistance, O Lord make haste
to help me.
O God come to my assistance, O Lord make haste And He that first took away the powers from
to help me. chaos
O God come to my assistance, O Lord make haste Drove off night from The unsuspecting world.
to help me. R.
Make the Sign of the Cross with the right Thus, this opposing lethargy being subdued, He
hand to the East. breaks down the Pole unto the chains of death.
Turn and repeat the prayers and Cross to R.
each of the other three directions. The shadows were above and before the abyss
After again turning to the East, repeat the Whence shown the First day of Days. R.
Divine Prayer and the three repetitions of “O Lord He went forth, The True Light, [He] joined the
come to my assistance...” for all four directions highest hearts To mortal ignorance. R.
with face bent down toward the ground, standing
The same day The so-called Red Sea Flowing
erect only to make the Sign of the Cross in each
behind, Israel is freed. R.
After again turning to East, repeat the Through this we are taught to reject the works of
Divine Prayer and the three repetitions of “O Lord the world and take up virtue in the desert. R.
come to my assistance...” for all four directions Fierce Pharaoh submerged who strove jealously
with face raised to Heaven, looking ahead only to with God, Lead by fire They sing praises. R.
make the Sign of the Cross in each direction. Thus freed and our Confident enemies driven
Therefore the Divine Prayer is repeated away
twelve times, “O Lord come to my assistance...” is May we likewise be appointed to praise God.
repeated thirty six times and the Sign of the Cross is R.
made twelve times. And thus He who Made the beginning of Light
(The Shrine of Piety may end an Hour, the Cross Also and here
Vigil, or be done just before a Liturgy.) Makes the beginning of Salvation. R.
The first is set forth In the beginning of the day,
Here ends the Cross Vigil.
The Second in the true Fervor of Faith. R.
AB 3 Hymn of the Apostles At the end of the world After so great a Mystery
The Savior comes With great clemency. R.
[In classical Latin. The ancient “40-fold Kyrie.”
“His size was held By a common manger Whose Just as bare, the elements set forth, what
fist can Contain the world.” Good Shepherd.] mouths of poets lucidly celebrate. R.

Born as a man in mortal flesh Not absent from By His return, He clemently restores
Heaven Remaining in the Trinity R. each who of old dwelled in Paradise. R.
Swaddled in cloth Adored by the Magi He Raising the head of the body of the universe in
shown among the stars Adored in the Heavens the Trinity He calls to the church R.
R. In this the Heavenly One Commands the ancient
His size was held By a common manger gates
Whose fist can Contain the world. R. to open for the King and His eternal retinue. R.
And the first sign of water turned into sweetest He seeks from on High The one who has strayed
wine Portends to the Disciples. R. Bearing back on shoulders to the sheep fold. R.
Then is quickly fulfilled What was said through Him we await, Who will come judging the just
The Prophets: The lame goeth forth like a stag. To redeem His handiwork R.
R. I ask how and with how much offerings
And the tongue of the mute speaks plainly, the will we be able to repay such a recompense? R.
chains being broken, by the commanding Lord. How are we, mortals of the small word,
R. to narrate anything which no one dares declare?
The deaf, the blind And Lepers are healed. R.
Death is thrust aside the Dead are raised. R. We only pray this same maxim:
Likewise, He divides Five loaves to content the O our eternal Lord, have mercy. Alleluia.
discomfort of the thousands, so close to doubt.
R. The Celtic Lectionary in the
After so much abundance of Divine clemency
Divine Liturgy (Mass), and
This stimulates the Beginning of envy. R.
Psalms in Graduals and Alleluias
He who wishes for enemies stretches forth
to envy and to hate the soul. R. A Lectionary is the set of Scripture
readings on Sundays and Festival days. This Celtic
Council is begun Against Him Who is called
Lectionary brings together Old Testament, Epistle,
The messenger of good Council. R. Psalm, and Gospel, with prayers and Bishop's
They come upon Him as upon a thief with Blessings in the Pontificale of Egbert (York).
swords. The thief will give up eternal coins. R. These were gathered from extant documents:
Then He is dragged to a human court Treves, Luxeuil, Bobbio, Bangor, Gothic Missal,
The perpetual is condemned by a mortal king. Sélestat, and Würzburg. St. Columbanus was
R. trained in Ireland (see Nov. 23rd), and edited the
He who is fixed to the Cross, O wonder, shook Luxeuil and Bobbio Lectionaries. Other Irish
the Pole Saints were responsible for other Lectionaries: St.
and blotted out the Light of the Sun at the Third Fursey in the Low Countries for the Gallican
hour. R. Lectionary, St. Gall and St. Kilian for Würzburg.
Boulders were split The veil of the temple was (The “Gothic Missal” is misnamed.) The Celtic
rent Lectionary is more ancient, complete, and
The dead came forth, living, from the tombs. R. dogmatic than Alcuin's Roman Lectionary (late
Roman or "Tridentine" Rite). The Lectionary of
He frees him who was gnawed
Treves (Trier) uses sequential Gospels through the
by bonds of thousands of years
Pentecost season, different from the Byzantine
of death of the lower old man. R. Lections. (A chart of Irish Lectionaries is in the
The first-formed [is freed] from the scandalous introduction to Le Lectionnaire de Luxeuil Paris,
child of evil, grasping death by raging avenger. ms. lat. 9427, Dom Pierre Salmon, Abbé de Saint-
R. Jerome, Rome, 1943.)

Psalms are used for the Graduals in the Martyrology of Tallaght, the Speckled Book of
Mass. The Psalms are prophecy. The Greek Oengus, Byzantine and Roman sources. The
Septuagint (see Feb. 2nd) was used in Apostolic most important days are Feasts of our Lord Jesus
times; its numbering of Psalms is different than Christ, then the Blessed Virgin Mary. After that,
Hebrew. St. Columbanus's designation for Pascha many Martyrs were more important than famous
is Psalm 65 Latin and Greek, or 66 Hebrew Saints; see the explanation after Sept. 30th. The
numbering, Jubilate Deo, Shout with joy to God. histories given are abbreviated. See Sulpicius for
The Luxeuil Lectionary, on the Sunday after St. Martin of Tours; Secundinus for St. Patrick;
Pascha, gives Daniel 3:1-45. The order of the St. Gregory of Tours; Pope St. Gregory the
Psalms fits the year; starting Psalm 1 on I Advent, Dialogist (“the Great”); St. John Cassian and St.
their content matching the Gospel and Epistle of Athanasius who both wrote about desert fathers.
the day. (Alcuin did not use a sequential order; We ask them for intercession prayers to God.
and after him often Psalms were not used, and They supported the faith when the Orthodox truth
Rosaries replaced the Psalter.) The last twelve was in the minority (such as the case of St.
Gradual Psalms match the Bobbio Apostles' Gregory Nazianzus the Theologian, who
Creed, with St. Matthias being Psalm 133. Other converted Constantinople back to Orthodoxy);
important Feast days complete the last Psalms. they explained Scripture; and they wrote about
All the Psalms mentioned the history of the church. (Oengus's verses for
use Greek numbering. each day and the glossator's explanation of
Greek-Latin–Douay: Hebrew- King James V.: Oengus's verses are in this volume; a few notes
Psalms 1 - 8 1 - 8 (same numbering). are here from the Martyrology of Tallaght. We are
9A&B 9 and 10. grateful to Whitley Stokes, a century ago, for his
(See Dec. 27 / Jan 9th: St. John and St. James.) translations from Old Irish of Oengus, although
10 - 112 add a number. he did not translate Latin words.
[Douay Psalm 22 is the same Psalm as King The dates of the Christian year depend
James Version Psalm 23, except that the words on the miraculous lighting of the Holy Fire on
have major differences; see Feb. 2nd.] Pascha in Jerusalem, not astronomical dates. Old
113 A & B 114 and 115. Calendar fixed dates keep God in mind.
(Pentecost XXIII Sunday and XXI Thursday.) Key: (Gospels, Epistles and Psalms are mostly
114 116 verses 1-9. in order, except for Saints’ days.)
(See Pentecost XXII Sunday.) OT - Old Testament or replacement for Old
115 116 verses 10-19. Testament (Apocalypse same as Revelation.);
(See Pentecost XXII Thursday.) E - Epistles, Acts, or replacement for Epistle;
116 - 145 add a number. P - Psalms (always in Greek numbering), or
(Psalm 116 is the Alleluia for XXIII Pentecost.) replacement for Psalm (on one Sunday);
146 147 verses 1-11. G – Holy Gospels (St. Matthew, St. Mark,
(Entrance into Temple BVM, Nov 21/ Dec 4) St. Luke, and St. John).
147 147 verses 12-20. Irish Lectionaries (From Continental Irish
(First Sunday after Pentecost: All Souls.) monasteries which continued ancient tradition):
148 (Christmas Gradual) (same numbering) [B] - Bobbio Missal (7th - 8th c);
149 (Pentecost Gradual) (same numbering) [L] - Luxeuil Lectionary (7th - 8th c);
150 (Alleluia: Christmas, Resurrection,Pentecost) [C] - Paris (7th c).;
[T] - Treves Bible (Trier, 8th c.);
Fixed days commemorate the Life of the [S] - Sélestat Lectionary, or Epistle (7th -8th c);
Saints, called “Life” in the singular because of [W] - Wurzburg Lectionary (8th c).
the sanctity given to them by the Holy Trinity (as [*] - A few Lections were supplied from other
explained by St. Gregory of Tours). Every day of parts of the year or other traditional or Byzantine
the year there are several Saints listed in the sources. See “Epistles” before Pentecost Season.

Advent starts on November 13/26 (Oengus). 14:1-7 [L]; E: Acts 12:1-3 [B]; P: 9A&B and
I Advent OT: Malachi 3:1-6 [B]; E: James 123 and 130 (Psalm: day switched with Holy
5:7-12,19, 20 [B]; P: 1; G: John 1:35-51 [C] Innocents) ; G: Matthew 20:20-23 [B]
II Advent OT: Isaiah 35:1-10 [S]; E: Romans Holy Innocents (Dec 28/ Jan 10) OT: Jer
8:3-6 [B]; P: 2; G: Matthew 24:15-44 [C] 31:15-20 [L]; E: Apoc 6:9-11[B]; P: 8 (Psalm:
Entrance into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin day switched with Ss. John and James); G:
Mary at age three (Nov 21 or 22/ Dec 4 or 5) OT: Matthew 2: 11-23 [B]
Exodus 19:7-12; E: Eph 6:1-9; P: 146 (“Praise ye St. Victor (and birds) (Dec 29/ Jan 11) P: 10
the Lord...”); G: Luke 2:41-49 (Victor is St. Patrick's angel who appeared in the
III Advent OT: Is 62:10-12; 45:8 [S]; E: Romans form of a bird; instead of the hunt Jan. 1st.)
11:30-36 [S]; P:3; G: Matthew 11:2-5 [C] Mansuetus with virginal Ailbe (and the poor)
St. Andrew Nov. 30/ Dec. 13 (Apostle, with (Dec 30/Jan 12) (Charity.) P: 11
these substitutions:) Vigil: E: Gal. 1:2 [*Vatican St. Sylvester and end of Roman year (Dec 31/
pericopes] Mass E: I Cor. 4:9 [*Vatican pericop.] Jan 13) P: 12 (End of year in the Psalm.)
IV Advent OT: Isaiah 54:1-5 [S] E: I Thess. Circumcision, (Jan 1/14) Fools and beasts,
2:19-3:8 [S]; P: 4; G: Luke 3:1-18 [T] begins Roman year. Matins: Isaiah 44:24-45:7
V Advent OT:Isaiah 40:1-10 [S]; E: I Thess. [L]; OT: Isaiah 1:10-18 [L]; E: I Corinthians
3:9-13 [S]; P: 5; G: Matthew 3:1-12 [C] (may 10:14-31 [L]; P: 13; G: Luke 2:21-40 [L]
also add the theme from Advent I W: St. Matthew Sunday after Circumcision (if before Epiphany)
11:4-5, Mt 20:29-34) OT: Ezechial 43:18-44:7 [L]; E: Ephesians
St. Thomas Dec. 21/ Jan 3 (Apostles.) P: 127 1:3-14 [L]; P: 14; G: Matthew 9:32-35 [L]
VI Advent OT: Isaiah 11:1-10 [S]; E: Colossians Epiphany (Jan 6/19) OT: Isaiah 60:1-16 [L]; E:
1:23-29 [S]; (P: 127 for St. Thomas usually Titus 2:11-13 [L]; P: 15; G: All of the following:
repeated, or Christ entering Bethlehem Psalm 6 Matthew 2:1-12 [T], Matthew 3:13-17 [L]; Luke
on Christmas Eve); G: Matthew 21:1-9 [C] 3:23 [L]; & John 2:1-11 [L]
Christmas Eve (no room at the inn): E: Jesus’ Lent (Jan 7/ 20) (Winter fast, see fasting)
Philippians 4:4-7 [B]; P: 6 G: Luke 12:35-37 [B] First Sunday after Epiphany OT: Isaiah 6:1-10
Christmas (Dec 25/ Jan 7) Twelve Prophecies: I. [L]; E: I Corinthians 10:26-31 [L]; P: 16; G:
Isaiah 62:10-63 [* from Advent]; II. Isaiah 6:1-13 Luke 4:16-31 [L,W both have Luke 4:16-22]
[* from Advent]; III. Isaiah 7:1-8:22 [*]; IV. Coming out of Egypt of Mary’s Great Son (Jan
Isaiah 11:1-12:6 [* from Advent]; V. Isaiah 11/24) E and G: (of the Sunday); P: 136
25:1-26:21 [*]; VI. Isaiah 35:1-10 [* from Second Sunday after Epiphany (if before Jan
Advent]; VII. Isaiah 40:1-42:12 [L]; VIII . Isaiah 18/31) OT: Jer 16:9-15 [L]; E: I Corinthians
44:23-46:13 [L]; IX. “Augustine’s” Sermon (not 10:1-13 [L]; P: 17; G: Matthew 22:35-23:12 [L]
Augustine, but another written out) [L]; X. Isaiah Throne of St. Peter and conversion of
54:1-56:7 [L]; XI Malachi 3:1-4:6 [L]; XII.John Constantine (Jan 18/31), OT: Osee 4:1-19 [*L
1:1-15 [L]; Mass: OT: Isaiah 9:1-7 [S]; Praises for Sunday after]; E: Galatians 5:13 - 6:2 [*L for
from the book of Daniel [L]; E: Hebrews 1:1-12 Sunday after] and Acts 12:1-17 [L]; P: 18 and
[L]; P: 148 and 150 (148: “Praise ye the Lord 122; G: Matthew 16:13-19 [L,W], and John
from the heavens...”); G: Luke 2:1-20 [L, C], 21:15-19 [L] (Specific and General)
(The Confraction uses 65 Particles.), Final (Transfiguration also uses Psalm 18, celebrated
Gospel: Matthew: entire Christmas narrative [B]. by the Irish on July 26/Aug. 8): OT: Mal 4:4-6
Week of Christmas (specified OT, E and [*]; E:2 Peter 1:16-21 [*]; P: 18 and Ezekial
G, or later in the week use Christmas): 20-40-42a [*]; G: Mark 9:1-9 [*]
St. Stephen (Dec 26/ Jan 8) Matins: Jer. 17:7-18 First Sunday after Throne of St. Peter (if before
[L]; E: Acts 6:1-8:2 [L]; P: 7; G: Matthew Pre-Lent) (OT, E, and P may be as on Throne of
17:23-18:11 [L] St. Peter) OT: Osee 4:1-19 [L]; E: Galatians 5:13
Ss. John and James (Dec 27/ Jan 9) OT: Apoc - 6:2 [L] and Acts 12:1-17 [*L]; P: 18; G:

Matthew 17:1-9 [L] (Transfiguration, different fixed date commemoration of this movable day.)
reading than Throne of St. Peter) Tuesday in Lent I: OT in Matins: Genesis 5;
Baptism of St. Paul (Jan 25/Feb 7) E: Romans Blessing of Babies and Catechumins: P: 25; G:
5:1-9 [] (and may read Acts 9:1-22); P: 141; G: Matthew 19:13 - [T]
Matthew 4:18-20 []; John 21:15-19 [] or Luke Wednesday in Lent I: OT Genesis 6-8;
6:6-19 [] (General Lections for Apostles) Anointing with Oil; P: 26; G: Mark 7:24-30 [T]
Second Sunday after Throne of St. Peter (if Thursday in Lent I: OT: Genesis 11; P: 27
before Pre-Lent) OT: Jer. 35:12-36:3 [L]; E: Eph. Friday in Lent I: OT: Genesis 12-15; P: 28
5:3-21 [L]; P: 19; G: Luke 10:25-37 [L,W] Saturday in Lent I: OT: Genesis 15-22; P: 29
(Good Samaritan) Great Lent II OT in Matins: Genesis 37-41; OT:
Purification of the Virgin, Reception of Christ Proverbs 3:19-34 [S]; E: Ephesians 4:23-32
into the Temple, blessing of candles OT: Is. [*Vatican pericopes]; P: 30; G: Luke 15:11-24
8:13-18 [*]; E: Heb 7:7-26 [*]; P: 135; G: Luke [B, T, W] (Prodigal Son) During this week:
2:22-40 [*] Monday Genesis 42; P: 31; Tuesday Genesis 43;
Third Sunday after Throne of St. Peter (before P:32; Wednesday Genesis 44; P:33; Thursday
Pre-Lent) OT: Isaiah 49:8-26 [L]; E: Colossians Genesis 45; P: 34; Friday Genesis 46-47; P: 35;
3:12-17 [L]; P: 20; G: Luke 14:1-15 [L] Saturday Genesis 48-49-50; P: 36
The Devil Tempts Christ and flees from His Great Lent III OT in Matins: Exodus
Presence (Feb 15/28) (Same as the first Monday 14-15-16; OT: Isaiah 58:1-8 [S]; E: Colossians
in Lent after Great Lent I, the Synodikon). 2:4-17 [* Vatican pericopes]; P: 37; G: John
Throne of St. Peter in Antioch (Feb 22/ March 6:28-54 [B,T] (“I am the bread of life...”) During
7) E: Romans 5:1-9 []; P: 122; G: Matthew this week: Monday Exodus 17 and 18; P: 38;
4:18-20 []; John 21:15-19 [] or Luke 6:6-19 [] Tuesday Exodus 19-20; P: 39; Wednesday
(For the Apostles.) Exodus 21 and 22; P: 40; Thursday Exodus 23;
St. Matthias (Feb 23/ March 8) Same E and G as P: 41; Friday Exodus 24; P: 42; Saturday Exodus
yesterday, P: 133; 32-33-34; P: 43.
Sexagesima (First Sunday of Pre-Lent in ancient Annunciation (March 25/ April 7) E: Heb
times) E: II Corinthians 10:7-18 [S]; P: 21; G: 2:11-18; P: 44 (for the queen); G: Luke 1:26-38
Luke 8:4-15 [*B "Mass of the Fast"] (Parable of Mid-Lent, Great Lent IV, Procession of the
the Sower and Psalm 21, “O God my God, look Cross OT in Matins: Numbers 22-23; OT: Zach.
uon me...” theme of Lent) 8:19-23 [S]; E: Galatians 1:3-9 [* Vatican
Quinquagesima (Second Sunday of Pre-Lent in pericopes]; P: 45; G: John 6:71-7:30 [T-C]
ancient times) OT: Isaiah 55:6-12 [S]; E: (Tabernacles, “I know Him, because I am from
Romans 12:1-16 [S]; P: 22; G: Luke 18:1-14 Him; and He hath sent me.”) During this week:
[*B "Another of the Fast"] (Widow and Judge, Monday Numbers 24; P: 46; Tuesday Numbers
Publican and Pharisee) 25; P: 47; Wednesday OT: Numbers 26-27; P:
Great Lent I OT in Matins: Genesis chapters 1, 48; Thursday Numbers 28; P: 49; Friday
2, 3; OT: Joel 2:12-14 [S]; E: IICor 6:2-10 [S, Numbers 29, 31; P: 50; Saturday Numbers
B, L: II Cor 6:2-16]; P: 23; G: Matthew. 6:1-8 32-33; P: 51.
[B, T] (alms and prayer in secret) Sunday of Great Lent V OT in Matins: Osee (Hosea) 1-2-3;
Orthodoxy “Anathama” Monday readings done OT: Jer 18:13-23 [S]; E: Romans 6:17-23
in anticipation. [*Vatican Pericopes]; P: 52; G: John 11:47-56
Monday in Lent I (In Great Lent, whole chapters [T] (Caiphas plots to kill Jesus, one man for the
from the Old Testament are read each day.) OT nation) During this week: Monday Osee 4; P:
in Matins: Genesis 4; OT: Isaiah 58:1-14 [L]; E: 53; Tuesday Osee 5; P: 54; Wednesday Osee
II Corinthians 6:2-15 [L]; P: 24; G: Matthew 6-7; P: 55; Thursday Osee 8; P: 56; Friday Osee
4:1-11 [B, T] (Same Lections as "The Devil 9-10-11; P: 57; Saturday Osee 12-13-14; P: 58.
Tempts Christ and flees from His Presence," the Great Lent VI, Palm Sunday OT in Matins: Jer.

31:31-34; The Traditio (opening of the ears) [L,B, 150; G: Mark 15:47-16:11 [L]
T] and Blessing of Palms; OT: Jer.31:31-34 [L]; Tuesday of the Resurrection OT: Apoc. 2:8-17
E: Hebrews 11:3-34 [L]; P: 59 (and can add [L]; E: Acts 1:15-26 [L]; P: 65 and 150; G:
Zach 9:9); G: John 12:1-26 [L, or T John Mark 16:12-20 [L]
12:1-50] (Entrance into Jerusalem) Wednesday of the Resurrection OT: Apoc
Holy Week Monday OT: Dan. 9:20-27 [L]; P 60 5:1-13 [L]; E: I Corinthians. 15:47-58 [L]; P: 65
Holy Week Tuesday OT: Jer 18:11-23, 20:7-13 and 150; G: John 11:1-45 [L]
[L]; P:61 Thursday of the Resurrection OT: Apoc 14:1-7
Holy Week Wednesday OT: Lamentations: [L]; E: Acts 3:1-19 [L]; P: 65 and 150; G: John
3:1-66 (it says 1-22, but all the Hebrew alphabet 20:1-9 [L]
is implied) [L]; P: 62 Friday of the Resurrection OT: Apoc 19:5-16
Holy Thursday, Bishop’s Blessing of Chrism, [L]; E: Act 5:17-41 [L]; P: 65 and 150; G: John
Footwashing OT in Matins: Exodus 19:1-20, 20:11-18 [L]
20:1-20 [L]; Matins Gospel: Matthew 26:2-16 Saturday of the Resurrection OT: Apoc 21:1-8
[L]; Liturgy: OT: Exodus 12:1-24 [S, corrected]; [L]; E: I Corinthians 15, 31-45 [L]; P: 65 and
E: I Corinthians 11:20-26 [B]; P: 62 and 63 (for 150; G: John 21:1-14 [L]
the Institution of the Eucharist and also the First Sunday after Pascha (“the Close of Easter”
betrayal); G: Matthew 26:17-35 [W-T-B]; or “Low Sunday) OT: Isaiah 61:1-7 [L]
Footwashing Gospel as the sermon: John 13:1-33 (“acceptable year”); E: I Corinthians. 15:12-28
[T], and Beatitudes are sung during the [L] (“first-fruits of them that sleep”); P: Daniel
footwashing: Matthew 5:3-12 [*] 3:1-45 [L sequence specified]; G: John 20:19-31
Holy and Great Friday Harmony of the Passion [W] (St. Thomas believes.)
Gospels with Old Testament readings . [* Second Sunday after Pascha E: Acts 3:1-13
Antiphonary of Bangor and other sources..] [S]; P: 66; G: John 3:16-24 [T] (“For God so
Holy Saturday (modern Friday evening): P: loved the world...”)
64; G: Matthew 27:61-66 [B], Cross Vigil. Third Sunday after Pascha E: Acts 2:22-28 [S];
Vigil of The Resurrection of our Lord, Pascha P: 67; G: John 4:5-42 [T] (Christ offers “living
(most important Liturgy of the year, see the water,” woman at the well.)
special Resurrection Liturgy), Twelve Mid-Pascha, on the Wednesday E: Acts 4:31-35
Prophecies: I. Genesis 1:1-1:31,2:1-6 [W [S]; P: 68; G: Luke 24:36-48 [T] (Theme of
corrected]; II. Genesis 2:7-2:25,3:1-24 [W Pascha: Jesus eats with disciples.)
corrected]; III. Genesis 6:5-6:22,7:1-24,8:1-8:21 Fourth Sunday after Pascha E: Acts 4:36-5:11
[W]; IV. Genesis 22:1-19 [L, W]; V. Genesis [S]; P: 69; G: John 9:1-38 [W] (Christ cures
27:1-40 [L,W]; VI. Exodus 12:1-50 [L]; VII. man born blind.)
Exodus 13:18-13:22,14:1-14:31,15:1-15:21 [L]; Fifth Sunday after Pascha E: Acts 16:19-36
VIII. Ezechial 37:1-11 [L]; IX. Isaiah 1:1-5:24 [L]; P: 70; G: Mark 7:31-37 [L] (Christ cures
[L]; X. Josuah 3:1-3:17,4:1-4:25 [L]; XI. Jonah deaf and dumb man.)
1:1-3:10 [L]; XII. Daniel 3:1-100 [L]; E: I Rogation Processions (before Ascension) [L]:
Corinthians 5:6-8 [B] and Romans 6:3-11 [L]; P: Rogation Monday Matins: Daniel 9:12-19; Third
65 (specified by St. Columbanus of Luxeuil) and Hour: James (ALL); Matthew 5:17-26; Sixth
150; G: Matthew 28:1-20 [L,B,T] (Confraction Hour: I Peter 1:1 - 5:11; Matthew 7:1-12; Ninth
uses 65 Particles.) Hour: Tobias (ALL); Mt 6:1-13
Dawn of the Resurrection: OT: Apoc 1:1-18 [B] Rogation Tuesday Matins: Joel 1:13 - 2:11; Third
(Apoc. or Revelation, instead of Old Testament); Hour: II Peter (ALL); Matthew 13:1-23; Sixth
E: Acts 1:1-8 [B]; P: 65 and 150; G: Luke Hour: I John (ALL); Luke 12:15-31; Ninth Hour:
24:1-12 [B] Judith (ALL); Mt 5:31-48
Monday of the Resurrection OT: Apoc. Rogation Wednesday Matins: Hosea 5:1 - 6:6;
1:14-2:7 [L]; E: Acts 2:14-40 [L]; P: 65 and Third Hour: II John 1 - 11; III John 1-12;

Matthew 4:13-17; 11:28-30; Sixth Hour: Jude [*]; P: 75; G: Matthew 7:1-6 [W]
(ALL); Matthew 21:28-32; Ninth Hour: Esther 3rd Pentecost OT: Is. 40:28-41:4 [S]; E: Rom.
(ALL); Matthew 6:14-33 3:21-4:3 [*]; P:76; G: Matthew 7:7-11 [W]
Ascension , the end of Paschaltide. Instead of Thursday after 3rd Pentecost E: Romans 4:4-12
OT: Acts 1:1-11 [L]; E: Ephesians 4:1-13 [L]; P: [*]; P: 77; G: Matthew 7:12-21 [B]
71; G: John 13:33-35; 14:1-14 and Luke 4th Pentecost OT: Is. 41:8-14 [S]; E: Romans
24:49-53 [L] (“I shall go and prepare a place for 6:1-11 [*]; P: 78; G: Matthew 9:18-26 [W]
you.”... “the way, the truth, and the life” ). Thursday after 4th Pentecost E: Romans 8:22-27
Sunday after Ascension E: Acts 18:22 - 19:12 [*]; P: 79; G: Matthew 10:22-33 [W]
[L]; P: 72; G: John 17:1-26 [L] (Jesus’s prayer 5th Pentecost OT: Is. 42:5-9 [S]; E: Romans
for the whole world.) 9:18-33 [*]; P: 80; G: Matthew 11:1-27 [T]
Pentecost OT: Joel: 2:21-32 [L,W]; E: Acts Thursday after 5th Pentecost E: I Corinthians
2:1-21 [L,S,]; P: 149 and 150 (149: “...His praise 1:1-9 [*]; P: 81; G: Matthew 13:24-30 [B]
be in the church of the saints...”); G: John 6th Pentecost OT: Is. 44:24-28 [S]; E: I Cor.
14:15-29 [L] (Confraction uses 65 Particles.) 7:24-35 [*]; P: 82; G: Mt 15:10-28 [B,T]
First Sunday after Pentecost (An All-Saints’ Thurs. after 6th Pentecost E: I Cor. 12:27-13:3
day) E: Gal.6:8-14 [L]; P: 147 (“Praise the Lord, [*]; P: 83; G: Matthew 19:16-30 [B]
O Jerusalem...”); G: Matthew 16-24-27 [L] 7th PentecostOT: Is. 49:8-13 [S]; E: II Cor.
In Pentecost season, Gospels are in 1:12-20 [*]; P: 84; G: Matthew 22:23-33 [T]
sequential order. Old Testament Lections from Thurs. after 7th Pentecost E: II Corinthians
Sélestat, in the order they appear in that 4:18-5:9 [*]; P: 85; G: Matthew 25:31-46 [B]
Lectionary, match the Sunday Gospel. Epistles in 8th Pentecost OT: Jer. 16:19-21 [S]; E: II Cor.
Pentecost Season are supplied from the Byzantine 12:20-13:2 [*]; P: 86; G: Mark 4:24-34 [T]
Rite in sequential order [*], but match the Celtic Thursday after 8th Pentecost E: II Corinthians
Gospels in order even though these are not not 13:3-13 [*]; P: 87; G: Mark 4:36-41 [T]
the same Gospels as the Byzantine Lectionary. 9th Pentecost OT: Jer. 26:12-16 [S]; E: Galatians
Most of these Gospels are from Treves. On days 1:1-10, 1:20-2:5 [*]; P: 88; G: Mark 5:1-17 [T]
when themes are repeated at another time of the Thursday after 9th Pentecost E: Galatians
year, there are five Gospels from Bobbio, and a 2:21-3:7 [*]; P: 89; G: Mark 6:2-7 [T]
few supplied from Würzburg. Substituted Treves 10th Pentecost OT: Is. 40:26-41:12 [S]; E: Gal.
Lections noted: Mk 9:1-13 - the Transfiguration 3:8-14 [*]; P: 90; G: Mark 8:1-13 [*T]
near that time; Lk 10:25-37 Good Samaritan is Thursday after 10th Pentecost E: Galatians
the Second Sunday after Throne of Peter after 3:15-22 [*]; P: 91; G: Mark 8:27-33 [T]
Epiphany; Lk 12:32 - "Where your treasure is, 11th Pentecost OT: Ezekiel. 3:17-21 [S]; E: Gal.
there will your heart be also..." same as Matthew 3:23 - 4:5 [*]; P: 92; G: Mark 9:13-29 [T]
6:19, which is Second Sunday after Pentecost; Lk Thursday after 11th Pentecost E: Galatians
14:1-15 Healing on the Sabbath; the lowest seat at 4:21-31 [*]; P: 93; G: Mark 10:1-15 [T]
a wedding; call the poor to a feast: the Third 12th Pentecost OT: Ezekiel. 5:5-12 [S]; E:
Sunday after Throne of Peter after Epiphany; Lk Galatians 5 [*]; P: 95 (Psalm switched); G: Mark
18:1-14 Unjust judge and widow, Publican and 10:17-31 [T]
Pharisee:.this is on Quinquagesima in Pre-Lent. Thurs. after 12th Pentecost E: Gal. 6:2-10 [*]; P:
Thursday after the first Sunday after Pentecost 94 (switched); G: Mark 10:42-45 [T]
E: Romans 2:10-16 [*]; P: 73; G: Matthew 13th Pentecost OT: Ezekiel 14:12-23 [S]; E:
4:17-5:25 [T] Ephesians 1:22-2:3 (2:13?) [*]; P: 96; G: Mark
2nd (Sunday after) Pentecost OT: Is. 28:1-7 [S]; 10:46-end [T,W]
E: Rom 5:1-10 [*] (same as General Lection for Thursday after 13th Pentecost E: Eph. 2:19-3:7
Apostles) P: 74; G: Matthew 6:19-25 [W] [*]; P: 97; G: Mark 11:12-19 [T,W]
Thursday after 2nd Pentecost E: Romans 3:19-26 14th Pentecost OT: Ezekiel 18:1-21 [S]; E: Eph.

4:14-19 [*]; P: 98; G: Mark 11:27-33 [T] Thursday after 23rd Pentecost E: I Timothy
Thursday after 14th Pentecost E: Ephesians 6:12-21 [*]; P: 117; G: Luke 18:35-43 - 19:1-
4:24-5:2 [*]; P: 99; G: Mark 12:28-34 [T] end. [T] (“Give praise...”)
15th Pentecost OT: Is. 63:15-64:4 [S]; E: Eph. 24th Pentecost OT: Is. 42:18-21 [S]; E: Titus
6:10-24 [*]; P: 100; G: Mark 13:14-37 [T] 1:5-2:1 [*]; P: 118 (longest Psalm, or verses
Thursday after 15th Pentecost E: Philippians such as 1-2, 175-176); G: Luke 20:9-19 [T]
1:8-14 [*]; P: 101; G: Luke 5:12-16 [T] Thursday after 24th Pentecost E: Titus 1:15-2:10
16th Pentecost OT: Ezekiel 37:1-14 [S]; E: Phil. [*]; P: 119; G: Luke 20:20-40 [T]
1:12-20 [*]; P: 102; G: Luke 5:27-32 [T] 25th Pentecost (no OT) E: Hebrews 4:1-13 [*];
Thursday after 16th Pentecost E: Philippians P: 120; G: Luke 20:41-end [T]
1:20-27 [*]; P: 103; G: Luke 6:6-19 [T] 26th or Last Sunday after Pentecost OT: Is.
17th Pentecost OT: Ezekiel 37:21-25 [S]; E: Col. 33:2-9 [S]; E: Heb 7:1-6 [*]; P: 121; G: Lk
4:2-18 [*]; P: 104; G: Luke 9:57-62 [T] 21:20-36 [T] [Always last Sunday; skip
Thursday after 17th Pentecost E: I Thess 2:1-8 Sundays before this if Pascha is late.]
[*]; P: 105; G: Luke 10:38-42 [T] General Lections for theTwelve Apostles:
18th Pentecost OT: Joel 2:12-18 [S]; E: I Thess (except as noted) E: Rom 5:1-10 [B]; [Psalms
2:9-19 [*]; P: 106; G: Luke 11:14-26 [T] as noted.] G: Matthew 4:18-20 [B] and
Thursday after 18th Pentecost E: I Thess 5:1-8 John 21:15-19 [B]; or Luke 6:6-19 [*]
[*]; P: 107; G: Luke 11:27-54 [T] Below is the Psalm (Greek numbering),
19th Pentecost OT: Jer. 7:1-7 [S]; E: I Thess. daylight Hour, Bobbio Apostles’ Creed:
5:9-13, 24-28 (or without the skip in the Epistle) St. Peter P: 122 First Hour ‘I believe in God
[*]; P:108; G: Luke 12:2-12 [T] the Father Almighty.’ E: II Pet 1:12-21 [B]; G:
Thursday after 19th Pentecost E: II Thess 2:1-12 Luke 22:31-32, and John 21:18-19, and Luke
[*]; P: 109; G: Luke 12:54-13:17 [T] 21:12-17 [B] (See Ss. Peter & Paul.)
20th Pentecost OT: Jer. 17:7-14 [S]; E: II Thess St. John P: 123 Second Hour ‘I believe in Jesus
2:13-3:5 [*]; P: 110; G: Lk 13:18-30 [T] Christ, His only Son, God and our Lord.’
Thursday after 20th Pentecost E: I Timothy St. James P: 124 Third Hour ‘He was born of
1:1-14 [*]; P: 111; G: Luke 14:16-35 [T] Mary, the Virgin, through the Holy Spirit.’
21st Pentecost OT: Is. 49:1-5 [S]; E: I Timothy St. Andrew P: 125 Fourth Hour ‘He suffered
3:1-13 [*]; P: 112; G: Luke 16:1-13 [T] (“Praise under Pontius Pilate; was crucified and
the Lord, ye children...”) buried.’ (Nov 30/Dec 13) Vigil: E: Gal. 1:2
Thursday after 21st Pentecost E: I Timothy 3:14 [*Vatican pericopes] Mass: E: I Cor. 4:9
- 4:8 [*]; P: 113 part B (“Not to us, O Lord, not [*Vatican pericopes]
to us: but to Thy name give glory...” part A is on St. Philip P: 126 Fifth Hour ‘He descended into
another day); G: Luke 16:19-31 [T] hell.’
22nd Pentecost OT: Is. 43:1-11 [S]; E: I Timothy St. Thomas P: 127 Sixth Hour ‘He arose on the
4: 9-16 [*]; P: 114; G: Luke 17:12-19 [T] (“I third day.’ (Dec 21/Jan 3) E: Philippians 4: 10 -
have loved, because the Lord will hear the voice end - [*Vatican pericopes]
of my prayer...”) St. Bartholomew P: 128 Seventh Hour ‘He
Thursday after 22nd Pentecost E: I Timothy ascended into heaven.’
5:1-10 [*]; P: 115; G: Luke 17:20-37 [T] (“I St. Matthew P: 129 Eighth Hour ‘From there He
have believed, therefore have I spoken; but I have will come to judge the living and the dead.’ G:
been humbled exceedingly...”) Matthew 9:9- (13?) [T]
23rd Pentecost OT: Is. 42:1-4 [S]; E: I Timothy St. James son of Alphaeus P: 130 Ninth Hour ‘I
5:22-6:11 [*]; P: 113 part A and 116 as the believe in the Holy Spirit.’
Alleluia (“When Israel went out of Egypt...” and St. Simon Zelotes P: 131 Tenth Hour ‘I believe
“O praise the Lord, all ye nations...” see Greek in the Holy Church.’
numbering); G: Luke 18:15-30 [T,W] St. Judas brother of James (not Iscariot) P: 132

Eleventh Hour ‘Through Holy Baptism, by the Irish on July 26/Aug. 8): OT: Mal 4:4-6;
remission of sins.’ E:2 Peter 1:16-21; P: 18 and Ezekial 20-40-42a
St. Matthias P: 133 Twelfth Hour ‘The [*ad libitum for content]; G: Mark 9:1-9
resurrection of the flesh and eternal life. Amen.’ The Macchabees (August 1/14) E: Romans
Entrance into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin 5:11-18 [*Clm], P and G: of the Sunday
Mary at age three (Nov 21 or 22/ Dec 4 or 5) OT: Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August
Exodus 19:7-12 [* General Lection for Feasts of 16th / August 29th, Celtic date.) OT: E: I
the BVM]; E: Eph 6:1-9 [B General for Feasts of Corinthians 7:25-40 [*L General Lection BVM]
the BVM]; P: 146 (“Praise ye the Lord...”); G: or Apoc 14:1-7 [B specific]; P:143 and P 4; G:
Luke 2:41-49 [B General for Feasts of the BVM] Luke 1:39-56 [*L if conjoined to Throne of St.
(See The Protevangelium of St. James.) Peter in January 18th, the "announcement of the
Coming out of Egypt of Mary’s Great Son (Jan Dormition in Rome"] or Luke 10:38-42 [B
11/24) Psalm: 136, with the week. specific for Dormition]
Baptism of St. Paul, Jan25/ Feb 7 E: Romans Passion of St. John the Baptist (Aug 29th/ Sept
5:1-9 [General Lection, ] (and may read Acts 11th.) OT: Is. 43:1-44 [L]: 5; E: Hebrews
9:1-22 [* narrative of his conversion]) for St. 11:33-12:7 [L]; P: 142; G: Matthew 14:1-14 [L]
Paul: II Tim. 4:7 [*Vatican pericopes]; P: 141; G: Mass for New Fruits (First Sunday in September
Matthew 4:18-20; John 21:15-19 or Luke 6:6-19 after the Passion of St. John the Baptist, or Labor
(General Lections for Apostles) Day, if celebrated.) OT: Joel 2:21-27 [L]; E: I
Purification of the Virgin, Reception of Christ Corinthians 9:7-15 [L]; P: of the Sunday; G:
into the Temple, and blessing of candles OT: Is. Matthew 12:1-8 [L] and John 4:35-38; 6:48-52 [L]
8:13-18 [*]; E: Heb 7:7-26 [*]; P: 135; G: Luke Feast of the Birth of the Virgin Mary,
2:22-40 [*] Birthgiver of God (Sept 8/21) OT: Exodus
The Devil Tempts Christ and flees from His 19:7-12 [* General Lection for Feasts of the
Presence (Feb 15/28) (Fixed date, but content is BVM]; E: Eph 6:1-9 [B General for Feasts of
same as Anathema Monday, the Monday the BVM]; P: 144 and 100; G: Luke 2:41-49 [B
immediately after the First Sunday in Lent. General for Feasts of the BVM] (“I will extol
Today is the end of the "Jesus Fast" that starts thee, O God my king...”) (Another set of General
Jan. 7th, after Epiphany. The "Jesus Fast" may Lections for the BVM: E: I Cor 7:25-40 [L],
stretch through Lent: see Fasting.) Luke 1:39-56 [L])
St. Patrick (March 17 / 30) OT: Ezech 34:11-31 Feast of the Dedication, Commemoration of the
and Jer 3:14-15 [W]; E: Hebrews 12:28 - 13:21, True Cross (Sept 15/ 28) OT: Gen. 28:10-22
[L.] or Corinthians II 5:11-20, Philippians [L,B]; E: I Corinthians. 3:9-17 [L,B]; P: 134; G:
4:19-20. [W.]; P: 139; G: John 10:1-16, [L.] or John 10:22-28 [L,B,T], and Luke 19:1-10 [L]
Matthew 18:18-22, and Luke 10:1-20 [W.] (with the other Gospel for founders of a church.)
Annunciation (March 25/April 7) E: Heb 2:11-18 (W has other lections.)
[*]; P: 44 (queen); G: Luke 1:26-38 [*] St. Michael the Archangel (May 9/22; Sept
Finding the True Cross (May 3/ 16) E: Phil. 29/Oct 12) E: Apoc 12:7-11 (Revelation) [B]; P:
2:5-11 [B]; P: 134; G: Mt 13:44-50 [B] 137 and 102; G: Gospel: St Matthew. 17:1-9 [B]
Ss. Peter and Paul (June 29/ Jul 12) readings (Transfiguration)
specific for this day: E: Romans 8:15-27 [L]; P: All Saints (Nov 1/14, one of two All Saints)
(may do 77, along with 122 and 141); G: General Lections for Requiem E: I Thess.
Matthew 5:1-16 [L] 4:12-18 [* Montpellier, Vatican pericopes]; P:
Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24/ July 7) 138; G: John 5:19-20; 11:25-26 [L,W] (General
and Conception of St. John the Baptist (Sept 24/ Requiem, or repeat the Propers of the First
Oct 7) OT: Isaiah 40:1-11 [L]; E: Acts 13:16-47 Sunday after Pentecost.)
[L]; P: 140; G: St. Luke 1:5-80 [L] St. Martin of Tours (Nov 11/24) OT: Jer.
Transfiguration also uses Psalm 18, celebrated 17:7-14 [B]; E: II Timothy 3:16-4:8 [B]; P: 145;

G: Matthew 25:14-21 [B] (“Praise the Lord, O Ordination of Priests E: Titus 1:1-6 [L]; G:
my soul, in my life I will praise the Lord...”) Luke 12:4-44 [L]
Ordinary Lections for days of the week: [all and/or OT: Ez 33:7-20 [W]; E: Heb. 12:28 -
from B:] Feria I: E: Romans G: Luke; Feria II: 13:21 [W]; P: Lev 2,2; G: John 10:1-30 [W]
E: II Corinthians and Galatians G: Matthew; Consecration of Bishops OT: Jer 1:4-19 [W]; E:
Feria III: E: Titus; G: Luke; Feria IV: E: I Timothy1:5; 3:1-7; 6:11 [W]; and II Timothy
Colosians; G: Luke and Mark; Feria V: E: Phil. 2:15 [W]; and I Timothy 4:13-15; 5:22; 4:16;
G: John; "Other" G: John 14 3:13 [W]; P: Ps 106:32 ; G: John 21:15-17 [W];
For One Martyr OT Is. 60:4-16 [L]; E: II and Luke 10:23 [W]; and Matthew 16:13-19 [W]
Timothy 2:3-3:12 [L], P: of the week and Ps On Completion of a Pilgrimage E: I Timothy.
41:3b; G: John 15:17-16:4 [L] 3:14-16 [L]; G: Lk 9:51-56; 12:35-37 [L]
For Many Martyrs OT Is. 65:13-66:2 [L]; E: On Returning from a Pilgrimage E: Romans
Apoc. 6:9-7:17 [L]; G: Luke 21:9-19 [L] 15:17-29 [L]; G: John 4:45-54 [L]
For One Confessor E: II Timothy 3:16-4:8 [L]; Psalms of Praise: P 146: Entrance into the
P: of the week and, Ps 55:9; Ps 20:7; G: Matthew Temple Nov. 21 or 22; P 147 First Sun. after
25:14-23 [L] Pentecost an All-Saints day; P 148 Christmas; P
For Many Confessors OT: Lamentations 3:25-42 149: Pentecost. P 150: the Alleluia at Pascha,
[L]; E:I Timothy. 6:7-16 [L]; G: John 15:1-16 [L] Christmas, and Pentecost.)
For a Bishop OT: Ezech 34:11-31 and Jer
3:14-15 [W]; E: Hebrews. 12:28-13:21 [L]; G:
John 10:1-16 [L]
For Many Bishops OT: Ezech 34:1-31 [L]; E: I November 13/26, The Ides of November
Peter 1:3-20; 5:1-15 [L]; G: Matthew 5:13-19 [L] On the ides (of November)
Requiem E: I Corinthians. 15:51-58 [L]; P: 138; was the departure of Eutychius,
G: John 5:19-29;11:25-26 [L,W] a Martyr if thou hast commemorated;
General Requiem E: I Thess. 4:12-18 [*
Montpellier, Vatican pericopes]; P: 138; G: John before high Christmas thou shouldst make
5:19-29;11:25-26 [L,W] great prayer at the beginning of (Moses’)
Requiem for a Bishop OT: Is. 26:2-20 [L]; E: I lent.
Corinthians. 15:1-22 [L]; P: 138 or 139 or 147 Beginning of Advent. Gradual, Alleluia,
(appropriate to the person) G: John 6:48-59; and Matins Psalm: Psalm 1, entirely, see the
12:25-26 [L] First Sunday in Advent below. In a Mass, not on
Anniversary of a Church OT: Is. 54:1-56;7 [L]; a Sunday, but on or after November 13 / 26, do
E: Eph. 2:8-22 [L] P: of the week and Ps 86:1, Psalm 1 during the Mass and again on Sunday 1 st
and P: 134 (for the Feast of the Dedication, Sept. Advent. Use the daily Propers for a daily Mass.
15th); G: Matthew. 21:10-17 [L] Today is also St. Kilian or Chillen in
Professing of Virgins or for a Virgin Saint France from the seventh century. On returning
OT: Is. 61:10-62:7 [L]; E: I Corinthians 7:25-40 from a pilgrimage to Rome, Kilian came to his
[L]; G: Luke 1:39-56 [L] kinsman Fiacre and stayed under Bishop Autbert
or OT: Is. 61:10-62:7 [L]; E: Romans 7:24-8:4 of Cambrai-Arras. He is enshrined at Aubigny.
[L]; G: Matthew 25:1-13 [L] The Roman Ides of November begins
When the the Bishops ought to announce that Advent, a 40 day Moses' lent (see fasting). The
the people pay a tenth OT: Mal. 1:6-11 [L]; E: I Ides suggest an ancient important Roman date,
Corinthians. 9:7-12 [L]; G: Luke 20:45-21:5 [L] because the Nativity of Christ occurred at a
and Matthew 6:2-4 [L] [Historical. Each person taxation (census) called for by Augustus Caesar.
should give, but tithing should not oppress poor.] Both the Gregorian Rite and the Byzantine Rite
Ordination of Deacons OT:Ez. 44:15-16 [L]; E: I start Advent later. The Byzantine Rite Advent
Timothy. 3:8-13 [L]; G: Lk 9:57-62 [L] begins on November 14th, and their first Sunday

in Advent is closest to that day, (some years only Oengus hints: Come on, now, the Advent
a five week Advent). The modern Gregorian Rite fast isn’t that bad! Secundinus in Africa. Also,
begins over two weeks later at St. Andrew’s Fintan, Irish missionary on the Rhine River, died
Feast, not a forty day Moses' fast to prepare for 878. St. Herman of Alaska died today in 1837,
Christmas. In Moses' case, the forty day fast was and was buried on December 13th; preceded in
on Mt. Sinai for the Advent of the Law. But, the America by St. Brendan of Clonfert (May 16/29).
Nativity of Christ is the coming of God, more
solemn than the Law. The early Roman Rite also Nov 16/29
had six weeks in Advent.
Many Sunday Advent readings refer to
The train of Augustinus the Bishop,
St. John the Baptist. Christians remember St. who used to love best a three days’ fast:
John the Baptist, the “Forerunner” and “Friend of great sore grief overwhelmed them,
the Bridegroom” and his call for repentance to forty beautiful pious ones.
prepare for the Lord’s coming, including at the St. Augustine, not the author, but the
end of time, “For He is like a refining fire and other Augustine, of Canterbury (d. 604) (also
like the fuller’s herb.” Christ’s Baptism is May 24th), sent as a missionary by Pope St.
remembered during Advent as well. Gregory the Great, Dialogist (March 12th and
The American Thanksgiving, offering 19th), into Britain, who Ordained him as
thanks to God, continues the tradition and menu Archbishop of Britain. He came to England with
of St. Martin's day Nov. 11th / 24th, it is no forty disciples [monks], and is commemorated by
problem most years if using the Old Calendar. the Irish. The English welcomed St. Augustine,
Celtic dates of commemoration should but the monks were overwhelmed with work, and
be used in the Celtic Rite. More Saints may be Rome was unable to help. He asked the Irish for
added ad libitum. Not all Byzantine dates have help in his mission, especially in the north at
been added: St. John Chrysostom today is his York and also the west in Mercia. See the
Ordination. He reposed Sept. 14th on a forced Venerable Bede or Beda, who died in 732,
march and should be counted as a Martyr that Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, (The
day; he “carried the Cross” for Constantinople. Ecclesiastical History of the English People).
See Nov. 25th; his Celtic date. St. Dionysius, Oct.
9th, should commemorate two different Saints. Nov 17/30
Celebrate Thecla’s feast:
Nov 14/27
‘tis after a triumph she has fallen:
Clement and Colmán
Búaidbeó, a lasting, strong, city,
celebrate their Feasts:
with beautiful Duilech of Clochar.
against the birth of virginal Christ [St. Gregory the Wonderworker.]
begin pious chants. [Also: St. Gregory of Tours, d. 594, who
Oengus hints continue Advent prayers! wrote history of Franks and Life of the Saints.]
Clement, possibly the Pope of Rome, Thecla, virgin and Martyr. (Other Celtic
and Colman the leper. (See Nov 23rd and July dates: Feb. 22nd with St. Peter at Antioch, not St.
19th.) Also, Sidonius or Saens, an Irish monk who Paul, and June 1st.) Byzantine dates are Sept. 24th
had a mission in Rouen, France, died 690. or 26th; a dispute over two different Saints. In the
Celtic “Office of Commending the Soul When it
Nov 15/28 Goes Forth from the Body” a verse says, “Free, O
At the suffering of Secundinus, Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst free
Thecla from the three torments.”
with a host of every hue, St. Dionysius of Alexandria, Bishop, d.
if Lent affright thee, begin a bit of thy battle. 265, who wrote against the heretical philosophies

of Epicurius and Democratus and their theories of St. Macrina, the grandmother of St. Basil
random atoms (also March 14th/ 27th). See St. the Great and St. Gregory of Nyssa, was born in
Hilary of Poitiers Jan. 13th/ 26th, who calls such Neocaesarea to a Christian family about the time
ideas “ungodly” in comments on Psalm 1. of the death of St. Gregory Thaumaturgis. She
St. Gregory Thaumaturgis (which means gathered eye-witness experiences from the many
the Wonderworker) Bishop of Neocaesarea in Christians of Neocaesarea, and told these to her
Cappadocia, was the earliest “Gregory” (died grandchildren. St. Gregory of Nyssa writes about
about 265-270). He is called “the Great,” or “the these miracles, including the river and lake which
teacher,” by other Saints from Cappadocia such were present in the day of St. Gregory of Nyssa.
as St. Basil the Great (Jan. 1st), St. Gregory Several ancient writers wrote on the life
Nazianzus the Theologian (March 29th), and St. of St. Gregory Thaumaturgis: Eusebius, St. Basil
Gregory of Nyssa (Jan. 10th) the brother of St. the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Jerome,
Basil. He was one of the first writers of a Creed Rufinus, Socrates, Sozomen, Evagrius
and wrote defending the faith, who “moved Scholasticus, Suidas, and the later St. Gregory the
mountains” (according to Pope St. Gregory the Great, Pope “the Dialogist”, and others. St.
Dialogist of Rome, also “the Great”). His many Gregory Thaumaturgis himself wrote about his
miracles through God's grace were similar to the early life in his panegyric to Origen written about
Apostles and Bishops such as St. Clement of 238. St. Gregory’ date of birth can only be
Rome. He studied directly under Origen, but St. deduced from the time of his Consecration as
Gregory had none of the unorthodox ideas of Bishop in 240 A.D., which he says was very early
Origen. He predicted and refuted major heresies. in life. The year of his death is not certain, but
When St. Gregory Thaumaturgis according to Suidas he lived to the time of Julian
became Bishop in 240 A.D. in the city of (probably Aurelian), which would be in about
Neocaesarea in Cappadocia, there were seventeen 270 A.D. If he were Consecrated as Bishop as
Christians; at the end of his life, there were only early as thirty-five years old, he would have been
17 pagans there; everyone else was Orthodox born around 205 A.D. Schools he attended in
Christian. His Feast day is November 17th. childhood also show his age. St. Gregory was
[Caesarea in Palestine and Caesarea in known to not cover his head in prayer, and he
Cappadocia were two different cities in two usually did not say more than “yea” or “nay.” He
different lands. Caesarea in Cappadocia was the avoided anger or bitterness, and never told a lie.
capital of Cappadocia (in Anatolia). Neocaesarea The 19th century editors Schaff and Wace
in Cappadocia was a different city in the region excluded the life and miracles of St. Gregory
called Pontus. A century after St. Gregory the Thaumaturgis in the “Ante-Nicene” series, or St.
Wonderworker, when St. Basil was Bishop, (Jan. Gregory of Nyssa in the “Post-Nicene” series
1st), the heretical Arian Roman emperor Valens published by Eerdmans. There is a current
divided Cappadocia into two provinces, dividing translation of the biography by St. Gregory of
the Cappadocian cities of Caesarea and Nyssa, “On the Life and Wonders of our Father
Neocaesarea, and weakening Cappadocia against among the Saints, Gregory the Wonderworker” in
invasion. Today Anatolia is Turkey.] the new series, The Fathers of the Church, Volume
St. Basil: “Through the cooperation of 98, St. Gregory Thaumaturgus translated by
the Holy Spirit, Gregory had a formidable power Michael Slusser of Duqesne University, Catholic
over evil spirits; he altered the course of rivers in University of America Press, Washington D.C.,
the name of Christ; he dried up a lake that was a 1998. This volume is also frustrating because it
cause of dissension between two brothers; and his attributes writings to St. Gregory Thaumaturgis
foretelling of the future made him equal with the which are elsewhere attributed to St. Gregory
other prophets... Such were his signs and wonders Nazianzus (who answered heresies of his time),
that both friends and enemies of the truth looked and it leaves out the “Twelve Topics of the
on him as another Moses.” Faith,” because it is a prophetic treatise defending

the Incarnation of Christ against heresies which Alexandria was a great city of pagans,
became widespread a century or more later. Jews, and Christians; philosophers, a great
These “Twelve Topics” are assigned to St. library, and merchants. The Christian school there
Gregory of Nyssa by Slusser. But, I would was founded by St. Mark (see April 25th), who
believe St. Gregory of Nyssa who would have was the first of the Apostles and Evangelists to
been terrified to misrepresent a wonderworker establish a Christian school of higher learning.
like St. Gregory Thaumaturgis. (In the 19th St. Athanasius the Great also taught at the
century note following the translation of the Christian school in Alexandria. St. Catherine the
Twelve Topics of St. Gregory Thaumaturgis Great, whose relics are in the monastery named
found in the Eerdmans volume, the Rev. S.D.F. after her at Mt. Sinai, also taught in Alexandria
Salmond lists seven Ecumenical Councils, but (Nov. 24th and 25th). The See of Alexandria was
begins with the Apostolic Council, and calls the important in theology and doctrine, Christian life
first Ecumenical Council the Second, etc., even and morals. The followers of St. Mark followed
though everybody else calls the Council of 325 an ascetic life, and many founded monasteries in
the First. Salmond then uses the term “Seventh” the deserts and swamps in Egypt (see the desert
to mean another council, confusing the issue fathers in St. John Cassian, Nov. 25th). After St.
further. The year 787 A.D. is later than Mark, the Christian school in Alexandria was led
Salmond’s list; the topic XII of St. Gregory by Pantaenus. St. Clement of Alexandria was a
Thaumaturgis predicted the iconoclasts, as well student of Pantaenus; Origen was a student of St.
as Monophysites. Salmond omits the Orthodox Clement, and taught in Alexandria. Origen was a
Seventh Ecumenical Council of 787 A.D. in heretic because some of his doctrines were not
which the icons were restored due to the efforts grounded in Holy Scripture or Tradition (such as
of St. John of Damascus and St. Theodore the reincarnation and universalism), but his more
Studite who proved that Jesus Christ truly came Orthodox writings were gathered by St. Basil the
among us in the flesh, and therefore it is Great into the “Philokalia” a century after Origen.
acceptable for us to show Him in icons. We do Orthodox writers such as Methodius (Sept 18th)
not worship the image, but the Lord.) refuted unorthodox writings of Origen. St.
There is confusion between St. Gregory Gregory Thaumaturgis was a student of Origen.
Thaumaturgis, St. Gregory Nazianzus, and St. Then St. Gregory Thaumaturgis traveled
Gregory of Nyssa. The later Saints Gregory lived to Greece, and he studied at Athens. Then he
a century after St. Gregory Thaumaturgis, but traveled to Berytus (Beirut in Lebanon). A Latin
may have written in a similar style, coming from teacher of law at that time in Berytus became
Cappadocia. St. Gregory Nazianzus the famous for formulating the basis of Roman law
Theologian did not think of himself as a very later called the Pandects of Justinian. St. Gregory
good speaker, and looked to his father, also Thaumaturgis did not stay long in Berytus; some
Gregory, and St. Gregory the Wonderworker. said he did not stay there at all, because around
St. Gregory Thaumaturgis was from that time, Origen went to the Palestinian Caesarea
Neocaesarea, in Pontus of Cappadocia. His (in 233 A.D.), and St. Gregory and his brother
family was wealthy and educated. His father died Athenodorus traveled to Palestine and met
when he was fourteen; afterward his pagan Origen. (See the Irish Saint and poet Sedulius,
mother had him and his brother Athenodorus February 12th, who wrote the Carmen Paschale
tutored by a teacher of rhetoric: in grammar (the and taught poetics in the Latin language in
classification of all things), Latin, and law. He Athens a century later. There were Latin teachers
felt called to Christianity, but did not pursue that in Athens, Berytus, and other Eastern cities.
for years. He traveled to Alexandria, not to study Scholars studied both Greek and Latin.)
the Neo-Platonist philosophy, but as St. Gregory St. Gregory of Nyssa follows the life of
of Nyssa said, to study Christianity in Alexandria. St. Gregory the Wonderworker, telling of his
St. Gregory Thaumaturgis was not yet Baptized. virtue before his conversion to Christianity. After

both his parents died, St. Gregory Thaumaturgis Asking God that he be given visible
tried to acquire wisdom, studying the Greek teaching about the truth, St. Gregory had a vision
philosophers, but “knowing by experience the of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist, “elderly
weakness and incoherence of their doctrines” looking, very dignified in garb, displaying every
came to study and be a disciple of the Gospel. virtue in the grace of his countenance and the
Before his Baptism, in Alexandria some calmness of his appearance,” and the most holy
intemperate students tried to discredit him by Blessed Virgin Mary, “larger than human size.”
bribing a prostitute to make false accusations, They were too bright to look at. St. John gave
saying she was cheated in her pay. Friends of him a Creed about the most Holy Trinity, called
Gregory were angry, but St. Gregory gave her the “A Declaration of Faith”. Notice in this document
money he did not owe, and she fell down in an that the Holy Spirit does not proceed from the
epileptic fit. The demon choking her did not stop Father “and the Son,” a phrase which was added
until St. Gregory called on God to help her. After much later, but rather from the Father. (See
some years, St. Gregory returned home to history in St. James the Greater in Spain, the
Neocaesarea in Cappadocia, He met a young man misdirected Council of Toledo of 569 and St.
named Firmilian from Caesarea in Cappadocia, Hermenegildo Nov. 1st). St. Basil (Jan. 1st) wrote
who proposed they study with Origen. on the Holy Spirit, and St. Gregory Nazianzus
St. Gregory continued his studies under (March 29th) gives detail in his Five Theological
Origen, and he converted to Christianity. Origen Orations and other writings. St. Gregory
taught him logic, geometry, physics, ethics, Thaumaturgis would have avoided a Creed with
philosophy, ancient literature, Biblical science, emanations or pagan linear thinking. He states
and the truth of the Christian faith. He stayed that the Holy Spirit has His “subsistence from
with Origen five years, returning to Neocaesarea God,” and is “manifest” by the Son, and by the
in Cappadocia. St. Gregory wrote the Panegyric Holy Spirit the Father and the Son are both seen.
to Origen in 238 A.D., and soon after that Origen The “Declaration of Faith:”
sent him a letter urging him to give his gifts to the “There is one God, the Father of the
service of God and the ministry of the Christian living Word, who is His subsistent Wisdom and
Church in the role of Bishop, so that he could use Power and Eternal Image: perfect Begetter of the
his education in the teaching of the Scriptures. perfect Begotten, Father of the only-begotten
St. Gregory went into the wilderness to pray and Son. There is one Lord, Only of the Only, God of
to escape Holy Orders, because many wanted him God, Image and Likeness of Deity, Efficient
to teach. St. Gregory of Nyssa compares him to Word, Wisdom comprehensive of the constitution
Moses going off by himself, although “Moses of all things, and Power formative of the whole
had a wife along with philosophy, while Gregory creation, true Son of true Father, Invisible of
made virtue his only consort.” Invisible, and Incorruptible of Incorruptible, and
Phaedimus, or Phaidimos, the Bishop of Immortal of Immortal, and Eternal of Eternal.
Amasea, sought to make St. Gregory a Bishop of And there is One Holy Spirit, having His
Neocaesarea, but St. Gregory fled from one subsistence from God, and being made manifest
retreat to another. Finally, Phaidimos said that by the Son, to wit to men: Image of the Son,
both were present in the sight of God, and Perfect Image of the Perfect; Life, the Cause of
Ordained St. Gregory even though he was not the living; Holy Fount; Sanctity, the Supplier, or
present bodily. (This was never done before or Leader, of Sanctification; in Whom is manifested
since. It is probable that Phaidimos only said he God the Father, who is above all and in all, and
was Ordaining St. Gregory so that St. Gregory God the Son, who is through all. There is a
would come out of hiding.) St. Gregory came out perfect Trinity, in glory and eternity and
of hiding, and was Consecrated Bishop with the sovereignty, neither divided nor estranged.
proper Liturgics in 240 A.D. in the physical Wherefore there is nothing either created or in
presence of Phaidimos. servitude in the Trinity; nor anything

superinduced, as if at some former period it was [The moving of a great rock by St.
non-existent, and at some later period it was Gregory the Wonderworker was part of his
introduced. And thus neither was the Son ever teaching about Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten
wanting to the Father, nor the Spirit to the Son; Son of our heavenly Father, Who came to us in
but without variation and without change, the the flesh to save sinners, died on the Cross, and is
same Trinity abideth ever.” Resurrected from the dead. St. Gregory did not
Returning to Neocaesarea from his venerate a rock, but used the movement of the
retreat, St. Gregory Thaumaturgis spent the night rock to illustrate the power of God. Plagiarisms
in a pagan temple. The demons retreated at the of this and other miracles, and of the sayings of
invocation of Christ, the sign of the Cross, and the desert fathers, were used later by those who
prayers and hymns of the all night vigil. The tried to undo belief in Christ.]
temple custodian was angry that the demons had In Neocaesarea, many had heard about
retreated and the air had been purified of the his moving the rock and command of demons,
“stench of sacrifices.” He threatened to take St. and came to hear St. Gregory. However, he
Gregory to authorities as an enemy of the gods, looked down at the ground as he entered the city,
and demanded the demons return. St. Gregory not impressed with numbers or flattery. This
said that the One God could drive demons away impressed the people more. Many people invited
and make them go where ever He willed, so he him to stay at their houses, but he said that he
gave the temple custodian a piece of paper was never outside the shelter of God, but a house
saying, “Gregory to Satan: Enter!” The temple might conceal shame. “But for those whose life
custodian placed this on the altar and the demons has been set right through virtue, walls have
returned. He saw that St. Gregory had more nothing around which to throw a veil.” The first
power than the demons, and he followed St. person to invite him was Musonius, and St.
Gregory, meeting before the city, and asking him Gregory started a church at the house of
about God to Whom demons were subject. St. Musonius that same day. The next morning sick
Gregory taught him, but the temple custodian still persons were at his door, and he healed them and
did not believe that God could appear to human converted them. Many new converts contributed
beings in the flesh as our Lord Jesus Christ. to a new church building. St. Gregory of Nyssa
The temple custodian asked St. Gregory says, “This is the temple which is pointed out to
to move a great rock too heavy for a human to this day [a century later], which that Great One,
move. St. Gregory commanded the rock move to halting as soon as he arrived, laid as a kind of
another place, and it moved without waiting, “as foundation and groundwork for his priesthood,
if it were a living thing.” [This rock became a completing the work by some sort of divine
mountain in the “Dialogues” of the later St. impulse and higher aid as is evidenced at a later
Gregory “the Great,” Pope of Rome. The Romans time. For when there was a very severe
said that a man who could move mountains earthquake in the city in our own times [St.
should not have his feast day moved.] The temple Gregory of Nyssa's], and almost everything was
custodian left “people, home, wife, children, completely destroyed, all public and private
friends, priesthood, shrine, possessions” to follow buildings ruined, that temple alone remained
St. Gregory Thaumaturgis. Later he was Ordained unshattered and unshaken, so that through even
as a Deacon. St. Gregory of Nyssa said, “A stone this it is manifest with what sort of power that
causes people who served stones to forsake Great One undertook his affairs.”
stones... What kind of hearing does a stone have? St. Gregory settled an argument by two
What sense does it have of the authority of the brothers who were willing to go to war over the
one commanding it? What locomotory power is ownership of a marshy lake with enough water to
in it? With what members and joints is it “float a boat.” [for fishing?] They took their
equipped? But the power of the one commanding argument to St. Gregory Thaumaturgis and when
serves all these kinds of functions for the stone...” the brothers could not be convinced of the

wisdom of sharing the property, St. Gregory went called “Alexander’s doves,” words full of truth.
to pray all night by the lakeside. In the morning The city of Comana liked Bishop Alexander.
the land was completely dried up permanently. Another time, two men along a road
St. Gregory of Nyssa compares this to the tried to trick St. Gregory. One pretended to be
wisdom of Solomon, but also to the miracle of dead, and the other mourned and asked for the
Joshua (Joshua 3:14 - 4:18) where the Jordan was cloak of St. Gregory so that he could prepare his
temporarily stopped, and the miracle of Moses friend for burial. St. Gregory immediately threw
(Exodus 14:21-29) where the Red sea became dry his double-woven cloak over the man lying on
long enough for the Hebrews to cross. However, the roadside. When St. Gregory passed out of
in the time of St. Gregory of Nyssa it was still sight, the man lying on the ground was found to
dry; there was evidence of the former water line be dead. (St. Gregory of Nyssa said this
at the shore, and the lake bottom had become a frightening miracle seemed to be repulsive, but
plain that was then plowed and farmed. quoted Acts 5:1-11: St. Peter’s condemnation of
In another miracle, the river Lycus (the Ananias.) St. Gregory of Nyssa attributed this
“Wolf”) flooded and destroyed homes and farms incident to two Jews who practiced deception, but
each spring. People of the area appealed to St. any persons who tried to change the truth into a
Gregory, and he went to the flooded place. The lie in the presence of St. Gregory Thaumaturgis
ground was moist there; he spoke with a loud were risking grave consequences (which is why
voice, asking Christ to come to his assistance, St. Gregory of Nyssa would not attribute his own
and then he stuck his staff deep into the ground, writing to St. Gregory Thaumaturgis). According
taking root and becoming a tree, and the tree to the life of St. Gregory Thaumaturgis, the city
prevented further floods. In the time of St. of Neocaesarea was pagan, not Jewish, before St.
Gregory of Nyssa, the tree was still thriving and Gregory Thaumaturgis began to teach there.
calming the waters, and was called “The Staff;” St. Gregory the Wonderworker also was
not a temporary but permanent command. The known to heal the possessed. St. Gregory of
tree lived at the highest point of the flood, and Nyssa gives an example of the healing of a
during later winter storms the river would flow possessed boy, and then says, “To go through in
“around the trunk of the tree ... attains its highest order, all the marvels worked by him, would
point of flood, it again piles higher in the middle require a long book and a discourse exceeding the
and reduces its flow, and as if fearing to approach time we have now, but since I have been
the tree it passes the area by with arched crest.” reminded of one or two more things told about
St. Gregory of Nyssa gives further comparisons him I shall close the discourse with these.”
to Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 2:6:14). (See In 250 A.D. Neocaesarea suffered under
similar miracle of St. Michael Sept. 29th.) the Decian persecution. St. Gregory of Nyssa
The town of Comana could not choose a says, “Anger and envy entered the man in charge
Bishop, and proposed several men of good of the Roman Empire at that time because the
families. St. Gregory reminded them they should ancestral cults of error were falling into neglect,
only consider virtue in choosing a Bishop. St. while the mystery of the Christians was growing
Alexander the Charcoal-burner was chosen and the church was swelling to a multitude
Bishop of Comana (Roman date August 11th), due everywhere in the civilized world... [The
to St. Gregory. St. Gregory discovered that emperor] sent the governors of the provinces an
Alexander had studied philosophy, and was a edict decreeing a fearful threat of punishment
charcoal burner so that he could hide his physical against them if they could not mutilate with
beauty and live a life of humility. Alexander’s manifold tortures those who worship the Name of
first sermon as Bishop showed insight and study. Christ, and lead them by fear and the coercion of
A youth said that Alexander did not speak with tortures back to their ancestral worship of
enough flowery poetry, but everybody then saw a demons.” [Decrees to the governors are lost.]
vision of a beautiful flock of doves, which they The persecution divided families: pagan children

turned in Christian parents; pagan parents turned when the persecution ended, celebrating each
in Christian children. Men, women and children with a feast day and enjoyable activities such as
were tortured and killed. St. Gregory fled into sports. Pagans were attracted to festivals, so
the wilderness, and he told the people to flee. He more joined the church. (St. Gregory was the
prayed for the Martyrs, but St. Gregory felt that only early Church leader who allowed secular
the Church should have as many people survive entertainment and recreation at the annual
as possible, and felt that he should stay alive then. Christian feasts of the Martyrs.)
(St. Polycarp fled Martyrdom at first, although he After the persecutions, many pagans did
submitted when arrested. Saints Dionysius of not believe in God; they had gone to a festival for
Alexandria and Cyprian of Carthage also fled.) a demon, and in the theatre the crowd was so
In the desert, he was accompanied only great that the entire assembly called out, “Zeus,
by the Deacon who was the former temple give us space!” St. Gregory heard this, and told a
custodian. An informer told persecutors that St. bystander outside the theatre that the people
Gregory was in a mountain. Soldiers went to would be given more space than they had prayed
arrest him, and circled the hill so that he could for. Soon the city had a fever which could not be
not escape. They sent others up to look in every lessened by water, and many died. The pagans
possible hiding place. Meanwhile, St. Gregory asked St. Gregory for help, and he prayed in each
told his Deacon to lift his hands to heaven in house to drive out the disease. The entire city
prayer and not lose confidence in God, and both abandoned idols and came to Christ.
of them prayed this way. (This was the ancient In 260 the city was invaded by Goths,
way of prayer. See the Irish “Shrine of Piety,” who were northern barbarians. St. Gregory took
and also the prayer used by Moses to defeat part in the council which met in Antioch in 265
enemies. The same pose is found in ancient icons A.D. to try Paul of Samosata. It is not known
of the Blessed Virgin Mary called “Our Lady of what year St. Gregory died; in 270 according to
the Sign,” the “orans.”) The soldiers returned Suidas, if the name Julian is actually Aurelian.
saying that they had seen two trees standing a He asked that he not be given any special place of
short distance apart. The informer went to the burial. St. Gregory was not happy that there were
place, found St. Gregory and his Deacon in a few pagans in Neocaesarea, saying, “This is
prayer, and realizing the miracle, fell down very sad, that there should be something lacking
before them and became a Christian. to the full number of the saved.” (There were
Although most Christians had fled the only seventeen.) He reposed on November 17th.
city, some remained and filled the prisons. St. It is said that the body of St. Gregory
Gregory was in prayer during the Martyrdom of Thaumaturgis was transferred to a Byzantine
one of the faithful, and was able to name the man, monastery in Calabria Italy. There is a large local
Troadios, and the manner in which he had died, cultus of St. Gregory Thaumaturgis in southern
and the miraculous way he had kept the faith Italy and Sicily, and he is asked for intercessions
through his trial and torture. He prayed, “Blessed in times of earthquakes and floods because of the
be God, who has not given us as prey to their miracle of the River Lycus in Cappadocia.
teeth.” The former temple custodian who was a There was less than a century between
Deacon wished to go to the city to hear about the death of St. Gregory Thaumaturgis and the
Troadios. When he arrived, he was dirty, and Ordination of St. Basil. St. Basil and St. Gregory
went to a bath at night. The keeper did not want Nazianzus studied Christianity in Cappadocia and
to admit him, because at nightfall a demon came elsewhere; St. Basil said in his Epistle 207 that
to kill any who were there. The Deacon was the St. Gregory Thaumaturgis' teachings and liturgics
first to come out unharmed, but he learned about were mostly lost due to heresies and persecutions.
the Martyrdom of many people who St. Gregory When St. Basil composed his Byzantine Rite
had seen in visions while he was in the Divine Liturgy, he sought to keep the spirit of St.
wilderness. St. Gregory honored the Martyrs Gregory Thaumaturgis, in prayers and litanies.

Other Saint “Wonderworkers” such as the Trinity, he states, “...But the Divine Persons
St. Nicholas (Dec. 6th) and St. Spiridon (Dec. are names indeed: and the names are still the
12th) defended the Incarnation of Christ, and had persons; and the persons then signify that which
the grace of doing miracles continuously. St. is and subsists, - which is the essence of
Nicholas' bones give a milky substance. These God.” (St. John of Damascus also wrote on the
Saints were at the First Ecumenical Council in Persons of the Holy Trinity as essence, differing
325 A.D. The earlier “Declaration of Faith” of from St. Gregory Nazianzus, and later Gregory
St. Gregory Thaumaturgis was the basis of the Palamas).
more complete Nicene Creed. Cappadocia tried Penitents: On the liturgics of his time,
to keep the faith in the third century, then sent its St. Gregory wrote Canonical Epistles concerning
Fathers to Constantinople in the fourth century. five classes of penitents who wanted to come
The miracles and writings of St. Gregory back to the faith they had left due to their fear
Thaumaturgis, which helped Christians to keep during barbarian invasions. Paragraph XI:
the faith during times of persecutions by pagans “Weeping takes place without the gate of the
and heretics, emperors and barbarian invaders, at oratory, and the offender standing there ought to
times when the rest of the world, including implore the faithful as they enter to offer up
Constantinople and Rome, had fallen to the Arian prayer on his behalf. [Then:] Waiting on the
and Sabellian heresies (see the Cappadocian word, again, takes place within the gate in the
Fathers St. Gregory Nazianzus, March 29th, St. porch, where the offender ought to stand until the
Basil, Jan. 1st, St. Gregory of Nyssa Jan. 10th, and catechumens depart, and thereafter he should go
the European St. Martin of Tours, Nov. 11th). St. forth. For let him hear the Scriptures and
Gregory Thaumaturgis had earlier defended the doctrine, it is said, and then be put forth, and
Incarnation of Christ in his “Twelve Topics on the reckoned unfit for the privilege of prayer. [Then:]
Faith.” Later wonderworking Saints also upheld Submission, again, is that one stand within the
belief in the Incarnation, such as St. Cuthbert of gate of the temple, and go forth along with the
Lindisfarne (March 20th). catechumens. [Then:] Restoration is that one be
On the Holy Trinity and the Incarnation: associated with the faithful, and go not forth with
In his sectional Confession of Faith, St. Gregory the catechumens; and [then:] last of all comes the
Thaumaturgis explains the Holy Trinity in twenty participation in the holy ordinances.”
three sections, with some of the same insights as Notice that Litanies are at the beginning
St. Gregory Nazianzus. The elucidations of the of St. Basil’s and St. John Chrysostom's Divine
“Twelve Topics of the Faith” is long, but a few Liturgy, and therefore St. Gregory Thaumaturgis
quotes give some idea of his understanding. In refers to a different form of liturgics than the
part V, “...He, therefore, who supposes some Liturgics written by St. Basil a century later. (See
beginning of times in the life of the Son and of St. Basil’s Epistle 207: St. Basil’s Liturgy had
the Holy Spirit, therewith also cuts off any added Litanies. The Greek Old Calendrists
possibility of numbering the Son and the Spirit consider hearing the holy words of our Lord God
with the Father. For as we acknowledge the glory Jesus Christ in the Holy Gospel itself to be a form
to be one, so ought we also to acknowledge the of prayer, and some grab the stole of the Priest
substance in the Godhead to be one, and one also and Deacon, prostrate themselves, and weep on
the eternity of the Trinity.” In Part III: “And the stole during the reading of the Holy Gospels.)
whether, then, one discerns God through creation, In the Liturgy of the Celtic Rite, the opening
or is taught to know Him by the Holy Scriptures, Litany of the Saints may have been added or
it is impossible either to apprehend Him or to secret, part of the preparation; the prayers of the
learn of Him apart from His wisdom. And he Psalms in the Gradual and the Litany of St.
who calls upon God rightly, calls on Him through Martin follow the Epistle, just before the censing
the Son; and he who approaches Him in a true and reading of the Holy Gospel. The Litany of
fellowship, comes to Him through Christ...” On St. Martin in the Celtic Rite was added during or

after the life of St. Martin of Tours, see perfect man, and refuses to acknowledge that,
November 11th. This sounds more similar to the being begotten in the flesh of the Virgin, He
Liturgy described by St. Gregory Thaumaturgis became man and was born in Bethlehem, and was
in his description of penitents. brought up in Nazareth, and advanced in age, and
St. Gregory also writes about the soul, on completing the set number of years (appeared
three homilies on the Annunciation to the holy in public and) was Baptized in the Jordan, and
Virgin Mary and one homily on the Holy received this testimony from the Father, ‘This is
Theophany (Christ’s Baptism); on all the Saints; my beloved Son,’ even as it is written, let him be
and on the Gospel of St. Matthew 6:22-23. Some anathema.”
words may have been added by later Greek Topic IV. “If any one affirms that Christ
copiers. The term “Theotokos” was used later was born of the seed of man by the Virgin, in the
than the time of St. Gregory Thaumaturgis, but it same manner as all men are born, and refuses to
is possible that he coined Theotokos or acknowledge that He was made flesh by the Holy
Deigenetrix (Birthgiver of God) referring to the Spirit and the holy Virgin Mary, and became man
Blessed Virgin Mary. This was used by followers of the seed of David, even as it is written, let him
of St. John Chrysostom such as St. John Cassian be anathema.”
and St. Vincent of Lerins to refute Nestorians. Topic V. “If any one affirms that the
St. Gregory the Wonderworker wrote Son of God who is before the ages is one, and He
“Twelve Topics on the Faith” against heresies who has appeared in these last times is another,
then and in the future that almost took over the and refuses to acknowledge that He who is before
world. These heresies were mostly against the the ages is the same with Him who appeared in
Holy Trinity and the Incarnation of our Lord these last times, even as it is written, let him be
Jesus Christ, but similar to the heresies that St. anathema.”
Irenaeus had fought (see August 26th). Both St. Topic VI. “If any one affirms that He
Irenaeus and St. Gregory Nazianzen (see March who suffered is one, and that He who suffered not
29th) also predicted heresies. After retiring from is another, and refuses to acknowledge that the
the Patriarchate of Constantinople, St. Gregory Word, who is Himself the impassible and
Nazianzen wrote against heresies that would unchangeable God, suffered in the flesh which
become a problem a century and more later. The He had assumed really, yet without mutation,
Ecumenical Councils were against the heresies of even as it is written, let him be anathema.”
the Incarnation of Christ; the Twelve Topics Topic VII. “If any one affirms that
predicts all of them. (There is not room for the Christ is saved, and refuses to acknowledge that
“elucidations” and Scripture references.) He is the Savior of the world, and the Light of the
Topic I. “If any one says that the body world, even as it is written, let him be anathema.”
of Christ is uncreated, and refuses to Topic VIII. “If any one affirms that
acknowledge that He, being the uncreated Word Christ is perfect man and also God the Word in
(God) of God, took the flesh of created humanity the way of separation, and refuses to
and appeared incarnate, even as it is written, let acknowledge the one Lord Jesus Christ, even as it
him be anathema.” is written, let him be anathema.”
Topic II. “If any one affirms that the Topic IX. “If any one says that Christ
flesh of Christ is consubstantial with the divinity, suffers change or alteration, and refuses to
and refuses to acknowledge that He, subsisting acknowledge that He is unchangeable in the
Himself in the form of God as God before all Spirit, though corruptible in the flesh, let him be
ages, emptied Himself and took the form of a anathema.”
servant, even as it is written, let him be Topic X. “If any one affirms that Christ
anathema.” assumed the man only in part, and refuses to
Topic III. “If any one affirms that acknowledge that He was made in all things like
Christ, just like one of the prophets, assumed the us, apart from sin, let him be anathema.”

Topic XI. “If any one affirms that the Introductory Collect
body of Christ is void of soul and understanding, Send forth Thy power O Lord and come work
and refuses to acknowledge that He is perfect that which Thou didst promise unto Thy Church
man, one and the same in all things (with us), let even unto the end to the age: Through Jesus
him be anathema.” Christ Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with Thee
Topic XII, “If any one says that Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
was manifested in the world only in semblance, Amen.
and refuses to acknowledge that He came actually Send forth Thy power O Lord to secure us by
in the flesh, let him be anathema.” great virtue and by the aid of Thy Glory may the
redemption of Thy forgiveness hasten unto us, for
Nov 18/ Dec 1 our sins weigh us down: This we ask through
Sing the consecration Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with
of the churches of Peter Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
ages. Amen..
and of excellent Paul,
Collect Before the Epistle
the clear Feast of royal Rónán, Rise up O Lord in our hearts, we beseech Thee,
the virginal son of Berach. for the preparation of the way of Thine Only-
If celebrating the dedication of churches begotten Son so that through His Advent we may
of Ss. Peter and Paul, repeat feast of June 29th. be made worthy and purified to serve Thee:
(Mombolus the Irish Anchorite, 7th c., Through the same, Jesus Christ Thy Son our
accompanied Fursey to France. Mombolus was Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
with Fursey at Lagny in the diocese of Meaux. throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
He succeeded to Abbot, but monks complained Preserve us, we beseech Thee Almighty God and
his Rule was too severe, so he retired to solitary may Thy Grace always follow us so that we may
prayer there. Also, Saint Mawes or Maudetus endure through the Advent from on high of Thine
today with dedications in Brittany and Cornwall.) Only-Begotten Son who is longed-for by our
hearts and may we attain Thine aid in the life of
Nov 19/ Dec 2 the present and the future: Through Jesus Christ
Tell of the consecration of the basilica of Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and
John, the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
a son without reproach:
Epistle St. James 5:7-12,19, 20 (Be patient
forty sinless ones went with Maximus learning and waiting for the Lord, and
many champions. convert sinners, the blessing of teaching.
If commemorating St. John, repeat a Six weeks before Christmas, we think
Saint day of St. John, or general day for Apostles. about the coming of Christ. Rather than
swearing all kinds of oaths, it is most
The First Sunday in Advent important to patiently work to learn the
(First Sunday in Advent, on or after truth. Be correct in speech, so that there
November 13/26. St. John the Baptist are no mistakes in understanding, and
prepares the way. May mention Saints.) you are not judged.)
Old Testament: Gradual and Alleluia [Sequence] Psalm
Malachi 3:1-6 (The angel that will prepare the 1 (Hebrew 1) Beatus vir Blessed is the
way... “Behold, I send my angel, and he man (Start of the Liturgical year.)
shall prepare the way before my face...” Gospel John 1:35-51
about St. John the Baptist, and about (St. John the Baptist points out Jesus,
Christ. We must take the Lord seriously.) and disciples of St. John follow Jesus.)

Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of First Sunday in Advent, or the Sixth
the Preface) Always said aloud. Sunday before Advent, would have been
We beseech Thee Almighty, purify our a completion of the Feast of St. Martin
consciences by daily visitation so that when Thy of Tours, November 11th, a three-day
Son the Lord has come He may find a lodging celebration in some places.]
place prepared for him in us: Through the same May the Lord grant you the reward of sincere
Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with charity that you may always dwell with everyone
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of in Peace. Amen.
ages. Amen. May you overcome all insidiousness of all that is
Please cleanse our bodies and minds Almighty inimical and pass this life in true sincerity.
God so that, strengthened by Thy blessing, we Amen.
may always be illumined and protected by Thine May you be free of a guilty conscience so that
Only-Begotten Son Our Lord Whose arrival we nothing may weigh against you on the coming
await: Through the same Jesus Christ Thy Son day of Judgment. Amen.
our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen. without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
of ages. Amen.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
(Preface in the Roman Rite): and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
It is truly worthy and just Almighty God through ever with you. Amen.
Christ our Lord to Whom alone this is due for Confraction arrangement for Sunday:
Thou art good and Thou art never separated in
(In the Missal.)
action from Thyself. Be pleased by our
supplications and because of Thy mercy show Nine Particles for Sundays.
Thyself unto Thy Church which confesses Thee. Postcommunion
Wonderfully manifest to the people the coming Our Souls have received that which they desired,
Sacrament of Thine Only-Begotten Son our Lord we ask Thee Almighty God that they may be
Jesus Christ so that they may be made a perfected inflamed by Thy Spirit so that we with the
nation in the universe, Through the Gospel of abundance of divine gifts may shine like lamps
Thy Word Thou hast promised that they will have before the Face of the Coming Christ Thy Son,
the fullness of the adoption because the testimony like bright lights. Through our Lord Jesus Christ
of the Truth has endured through Christ our Lord. Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Unto Whom... throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Bishop only if present: 20 Nov / Dec 3
First and Second Sundays in Advent: Beseech Escon with Froechán
Dominica .V. De Adventu Ante in front of strong (Slieve) Bloom,
Natale Domini [Five Sundays before with the mysterious sufferings
Christmas, First and Second Sundays in of the hosts of Bassus below the clouds.
Advent. The Martyrology of Tallaght Escon or Bo-chluain in Leix in the west
defined Advent on or after Nov. 13th, but of Leinster ‘impure,’ because for thirty years he
Egbert was later, and the beginning of was unbaptized, with Bishop Froechan, a little
Advent was not as well defined. This east of Cluain eidnech. Also the missionary
page was inserted by the original scribe. Autbodus today, 7th century, a hermit who
Egbert counts backwards from preached the Gospel in Artois, Hanault, and
Christmas, stating “five Sundays before Picardy near Laon in France.
the Nativity.” It is also possible that the

21 Nov / Dec 4 Saturday. The Irish celebrated some festivals on
A holy pair has departed to Christ an ancient calendar. It is possible that the
Entrance into the Temple was Nov. 22/ Dec 5, but
at Clement’s nativity, moved in the seventh century to Nov 21/ Dec 4.]
(Colmán) son of Comman, out of Aran, Propers are for Feasts of the All-Holy, Ever-
(Aedán) son of Congrad, out of Ireland. Virgin Birthgiver of God, Mary.
[The Entrance into the Temple of the Mass: Entry into the Temple
Birthgiver of God on Nov. 21st /Dec. 4th was
added to the calendar of the Romans by Pope St.
of the Birthgiver of God
Sergius I, who added, as well as this Feast: the Old Testament: Exodus 19:7-12
Annunciation, Nativity of the Deigenetrix, and (Preparing for the Lord’s coming: Mount
Dormition of the Deigenitrix. Those Feasts are Sinai: God, our Lord Jesus Christ, was in
practiced everywhere after the seventh century. the Blessed Virgin Mary's womb, yet she
Only the Celtic Rite and Byzantine Rite seemed did not die. Also, obedience to the Lord.
to practice the veneration of the Blessed Virgin See note Thursday after XI Pentecost
Mary in Europe before Pope St. Sergius I. The concerning Galatians 4:21-31, and also
Blessed Virgin Mary is mentioned tomorrow by Galatians 4:4-6; related to this Exodus
Oengus as an exclamation. The entire month has reading, “...God sent His Son, made of a
been lost in the Martyrology of Tallaght.] woman, made under the law...” not an
Also, two chief Saints: St. Clement, a immaculate conception before Christ in
Pope of Rome. (See also July 19th, and lineage of Joachim and Anna, but Virgin
November 14 and 23rd.) And, St. Colman son of
Birth of Christ, a woman who is chosen,
Coman, of eastern Aran, or Aru and Eriu, the two “That He might redeem them who were
hills side by side. Also, another St. Aedan: “Son under the law: that we might receive the
of Congrad of Erin, i.e. Aedan son of Congrad is adoption of sons. And because you are
his name, and in Cluain eidnech is Aedan the sons, God hath sent the Spirit of His Son
pilgrim, son of Concrad. Or Aedan son of Jacob, into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father.”)
or another. Aedan son of Congnad of Cluain Introductory Collect
eidnech or of Enach truim.” (See Aug 31th/ Sept Almighty and eternal God Who wast pleased by
13th, and Dec. 25th/ Jan 7th for other Ss. Aedan.) the joining of Thy Word to earthly members
through truly venerable Mary, we beg for Thy
22 Nov / Dec 5 immense clemency that we might proclaim by her
After suffering in Martyrdom, O Mary! veneration and achieve Thy satisfaction through
Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the
A shining light, Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
Caecilia beautiful, radiant, Collect Before the Epistle
ran to the angelic Prince. Hear us O Lord Holy Father , Almighty God Who
Caecilia, a virgin in Rome. See Sept. 1st, wast please to illumine the whole world from the
where Cecelia is mentioned in a great Martyrdom shelter of the womb of blessed Mary. We
of Christians which took place on tax day. suppliants pray to Thy Majesty that although we
[“O Mary!” - see note yesterday: Today are not adequate in accomplishments by her
may be the Celtic date for the celebration of the Motherhood and Protection may we be deserving:
Entrance into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin We, Thy servants, beg Thee, O Lord, that we may
Mary. Nov 21/Dec 4 or Nov 22/ Dec 5 This enjoy the joys of Blessed Mary whose acts blots
festival may be combined with the second out the hand-writing of our sins through her
Sunday in Advent, if it falls on that day. It may be child, Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee
on either Nov. 21st or 22nd; so this Feast may be and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
moved to a Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or

Epistle Eph 6:1-9 (Honor father and mother; Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
obedience: “...With a good will serving, (Preface in the Roman Rite)
as to the Lord, and not to men; Knowing It is truly worthy and just O Almighty God Who
that whatsoever good thing any man hast taught us to serve by wonders the Mystery
shall do, the same shall he receive from and by the indescribable, the Sacraments through
the Lord, whether he be bond or free... Venerable Mary, in whom chastity remained
And there is no respect of persons with intact, modesty unbroken, conscience firm in that
him.” [Tobias 4:6-20, Malachi 3:5, Mt. she knew she was the mother of her Lord, Jesus.
5:43-45, Mt. 25:31-46, Mt. 22:37-39, Wherefore more joy came to her who was made
Deut. 6:5, Lev. 19:18]. ) joyful because of her burden: because the Virgin
Gradual Psalm 100: 1-3, 6-7 conceived: because she bore the Lord of Heaven
Mercy and judgment I will sing to Thee, O Lord: in the enclosed space of her vitals: because the
I will sing, and I will understand in the unspotted Virgin bore a Son. O Great Clemency of Deity,
way, when Thou shalt come to me. I walked in She who did not in truth change and was a
the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my mother and after giving birth to a Son remained a
house. I did not set before my eyes any unjust Virgin. She was gladdened by two things: she
thing: I hated the workers of iniquities. My eyes was gladdened by the gifts: she was gladdened
were upon the faithful of the earth, to sit with me: because, though a Virgin, she gave birth: she was
the man that walked in the perfect way, he served gladdened because she brought forth our
me. He that worketh pride shall not dwell in the redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ through Whom...
midst of my house: he that speaketh unjust things Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
did not prosper before my eyes. Dangerous Prayer”) [for Apostles, Martyrs,
Alleluia Psalm 146 (Heb. 147:1-11) Laudate Saints, and Virgins in the Missal.]
Dominum. Praise ye the Lord Proper Blessing of the Day by a
(The little legs of the Blessed Virgin
Bishop only if present:
Mary climbed the fifteen steps of the
Temple in Jerusalem, but, more Entry into the Temple of the Birthgiver of God
important: as a child, she was fed May Almighty God, the past and future coming
wisdom by angels in the upper tower of of Whose Only begotten Son you await, sanctify
the Temple in Jerusalem. See The you with His illumination and enrich you with
Protevangelium of James, and The His blessing. Amen.
Meaning of Icons by Lossky and May He defend you throughout the course of this
Ouspensky.) present life from all adversity and may He be
appeased with you in judgment. Amen.
Gospel Luke 2:41-49 (Jesus goes to the
So that free of the contamination of any sin you
temple and teaches at twelve years old. may be unafraid on that awesome day of
The childhood of the Blessed Virgin judgment. Amen.
Mary may be read in the sermon, from May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
the Protevangelium of James. Sing the without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Magnificat at Holy Communion.) of ages. Amen.
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
the Preface) Always said aloud. and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
O Lord, may the Holy Spirit Who filled the ever with you. Amen.
viscera of blessed Mary with the truth of His Confraction for the Deigenitrix (In
splendor, be pleased to take up the gifts set forth the Missal.) Eight Particles for the Virgin
upon Thine altar through our Lord Jesus Christ Mary and Holy Martyrs. [The Upper
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit Central Particle is for the Celebrant.]
throughout all ages of ages.

Post Communion twenty three others. See Sisennius, July 19th,
We beg Thee O Lord, attend to Thy faithful ones who was Baptized by Clement. The people
that by the intercession of Blessed Mary who protested these conversions, and he was banished
faithfully assumed Him in mind and body He by emperor Trajan to the Crimea where he
protect that which he was pleased to establish worked in the quarries. The nearest drinking
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit water was six miles away, and he found a spring
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. for the Christians much closer. His preaching in
the Crimea led to the building of seventy five
23 Nov / Dec 6 churches, and this caused him to be Martyred: an
anchor was tied to his neck and he was thrown
The fair suffering of Clement into the sea. The angels built him a tomb beneath
among the sea’s waves: the waves “Terreno iuxta Cersonam,” which
his city is adored under the waves appeared once a year at an ebb tide, much greater
of the wide main. than the usual low tide. It was said that a child
St. Clement, Pope and Martyr, Bishop who was playing at the ebb tide was found safe a
and Abbot of Rome, who died in A.D. 99 or 100. year later on his Feast day.
There is a splendid convent of Clement’s under Also, St. Amphilochius (A.D. 400),
the sea in which he was drowned, and every year Bishop of Iconium , a friend and cousin of St.
on Clement’s feast day, the sea ebbs so that the Gregory Nazianzen and St. Basil. He convinced
convent is clear among waves, i.e. among the the emperor to forbid Arian meetings. He also
noises of the waves of the sea; and men go thither opposed the Messalians, a Manichean sect which
to fast; and a certain woman once forgetfully left emphasized prayer alone in religion.
her child there and it was whole at the end of a St. Columbanus, also called Columban
year (and came) to meet her again through God’s or Columba of Luxeuil and Bobbio today. He
grace and Clement’s, the third Pope after Peter. died A.D. 615. Much of the Lections and Propers
Papa tercius post Petrum, et a Traiano imperatore of the Celtic Rite are drawn from the libraries of
dimersus est in mari Terreno iuxta Cersonam Luxeuil and Bobbio, so we are especially grateful
ciuitatem. to the work of St. Columbanus, a major Irish
Byzantine sources say this Clement was Saint. (The popular name Columba means
born in Rome of royal ancestry. He was caught “dove.”) St. Columbanus brought monasticism
in a storm at sea in his youth with his mother and back to Gaul, which much earlier had been a
two brothers and driven off course. His father great center of monasticism under St. Martin of
went to search for them, but also disappeared. At Tours (Nov. 11th), St. Gregory of Tours (Nov.
twenty-four years old, Clement went to search for 17th), St. Vincent of Lerins (May 24th), St. John
his lost family. He went to Alexandria, met the Cassian (Nov. 25th), and St. Germanus of Auxerre
Apostle Barnabus and then became friend of the (May 28th). As the training of St. Patrick (March
Apostle Peter. They discovered his two missing 17th) had come from the earlier monastic tradition
brothers, Faustinus and Faustinian, who were in Gaul, the Irish gift back to the area was a
already St. Peter’s followers. Clement also found continuation of their own tradition given back to
his elderly mother, who lived as a beggar, and them. Luxeuil continued in its influence. At
also his father. The reunited family returned to least sixty three disciples of Columbanus, either
Rome. Clement was Consecrated Bishop to help who came with him from Ireland or who were
in the administration of the Church, but he only trained at Luxeuil became Apostles to France,
did so because the Apostle Peter asked him to. Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, and founded
St. Clement succeeded Linus and Cletus over a hundred monasteries before the year 700.
as Pope of Rome. The fourth century Acts of Cities sought Bishops trained in Luxeuil. In
Clement state that Clement converted Theodora twenty years Luxeuil trained twenty one men
and her husband Sisinnius with four hundred later Canonized as Saints.

The old monk Deicuil left a few miles 24 Nov / Dec 7
from Luxeuil, founding the Abbey of Lure (Jan. With Cianan of Doimlíacc,
18th). Another companion of Columbanus:
Roding, Rodingus, or Rouin (Sept. 17th) was the
a fair ear of our wheat,
Abbot and founder of Beaulieu in the Argonne. (Colmán) son of Leníne the vehement,
Two monks including Potentin had to be sent into with Colmán Duib of Cuilenn.
the city of Orleans to beg. The Irish monk St. Catherine of Alexandria, Feast
Potentin had come with Columbanus from today or tomorrow in the Byzantine and Roman
Bangor, and he left and founded a monastery at Rites. She was from the 3rd or early 4th century.
Coutances in Normandy, although that monastery Her father was Costus, governor of Alexandria.
does not remain. Blessings given by Columbanus When she converted to Christianity, she was
also led to new monasteries. A monk at Luxeuil “betrothed” to Christ in a vision. She was an
named Chagnoald had a father, Chagneric who eloquent speaker, and tried to stop the Roman
lived near Meaux. As he was traveling, emperor Maxentius from persecuting Christians.
Columbanus came there and blessed the younger She converted the empress and many pagan
children: the boy Faron who later became Bishop philosophers who advised the emperor. The
of Meaux and his sister Fara who founded the emperor put St. Catherine into prison, but her
convent of Faremoutiers. On blessing the sons of visitors were converted, so she was condemned to
the noble Autharius, his sons Ado became the death by a wheel. But the wheel broke when she
founder of Jouarre, Dadon or Ouen became the touched it, so she was beheaded.
founder of Rebais and Archbishop of Rouen, and Her relics were moved (some said by an
Radon who did not become a monk still founded angel) to the place where God had come to Mt.
and endowed the Abbey of Reuil. The son of the Sinai and the burning bush, and the emperor
Duke of Besancon who was given to Columbanus Justinian built a monastery there between 548 and
at his Baptism was Donatus, who became Abbot- 565, St. Catherine's in the Sinai, which to this day
Bishop of Besancon. Columbanus left Bregenz has the largest collection of icons in the world.
to go into the high Alps to be as far away from (Her relics also give out a holy fragrance.) That
Thierry as possible, because the local Arians monastery was the last place to recognize the
threatened to arrest him. Then St. Gall (Oct. 16th) Great Schism, so it trained Crusader monks in
became ill on the journey, and where he stayed iconography, using the “light over dark”
became the monastery and city of St. Gall in technique, and great detail and humanistic
Switzerland, now one of the greatest libraries of features. (The great icon of Christ from the sixth
old Irish manuscripts. St. Gall’s illness did not century is one of the most marvelous icons ever
last long, so he taught. St. Gall had come from painted; see the Apostle Jude and the cloth of
the monastery of Bangor with Columbanus from Edessa.) The iconoclasts never entered there.
the beginning of his mission. The monk Sigisbert The place of the burning bush has a flowering
also left at Chur (July 11 th) and where he stayed tree; a cutting from it is in the Brooklyn Botanical
later became the Abbey of Dissentis. St. Killian garden in New York, by the water. The Irish did
of Würzburg was another monk who had traveled not list St. Catherine on their calendar; perhaps
with St. Columbanus. (Eustace succeeded they were thinking that she was the same as St.
Columbanus at Luxeuil, but he changed teachings Eugenia, “well-born,” see December 24th.
and practices in Luxeuil during his Abbacy,
including the Rule of Columbanus and the 25 Nov / Dec 8
Lectionary. However, the Luxeuil Library still
retained the information about the older
With John Cassian
Columban practices, which fit the Missal of the whose crown is very fair,
Celtic Rite.) Many of the Bobbio books are out of Croch, a fair territory,
found in Milan. went Findchu, from Brí gobann.

John Cassian, i.e. a Bishop of centuries encouraged the heresies of nominalism,
Constantinople. [Oengus' glossator confuses Calvinism, representationalism, and allowed
these Saints. St. John Chrysostom was the adherents to do whatever they pleased if they
Bishop in Constantinople. The Byzantines claimed that God had predestined them to do so.
celebrate him on his Ordination Nov. 13th, See Pomasansky's book on Orthodox Dogma,
although he reposed Sept. 14th. They also also Lossky and Florovsky see Aug. 11th, on free-
celebrate a day called the “Three Hierarchs” or will, grace, and synergy. Synergy states that
Bishops Jan. 31st, for St. Basil, St. Gregory God's grace and our free-will are joined from the
Nazianzus, and St. John Chrysostom.] beginning of salvation; as St. James said, faith
St. John Chrysostom, the “golden and works are both needed.) St. John Cassian was
mouth” came from Antioch. He gave many called “semi-Pelagian” even though in no Rule or
sermons of exegesis (explanations) of all the Conference does St. John Cassian say that we can
Gospels and Epistles. He then became the attain heaven by ourselves without faith or grace
Patriarch of Constantinople. Because he and the from God, but his teachings on free will and the
eastern Roman emperor had differences, such as calling of all people to be Saints opposed
St. John Chrysostom being against Nestorianism, Augustine. St. John Cassian was a Priest, and the
St. John Chrysostom was banished and sent on a Bishops of southern France felt threatened. St.
forced march, where he died in 407 (and should John Cassian never answered accusations by
be called a Martyr, although called a Confessor). followers of Augustine of Hippo.
Several Roman Saints had tried to petition for The “Eight Principal Faults,” in later
him, but had no effect on the emperor. St. John centuries were reduced to the “Seven Deadly
Chrysostom's insights into the Beatitudes, Sins.” (The faults are paired, from physical to
focusing on pride as the first of the faults, led to a spiritual, least to most dangerous: gluttony and
greater understanding of the principal faults. fornication, coveteousness and anger, dejection
St. John Cassian left Europe to go to and wandering mind, vain-glory and pride.)
Bethlehem and the deserts of Egypt as a young Archbishop Leo, later Pope St. Leo of
man, then went to Constantinople serving and Rome, asked St. John Cassian to write against
being Ordained a Priest by St. John Chrysostom, Nestorianism and Pelagianism in support of St.
then went to Marseilles in France, founding two John Chrysostom, who (at the time) had been
monasteries, one for men and one for women. banished from Constantinople. St. John Cassian
His Rule, which he called “Institutes,” and the wrote On the Incarnation Against Nestorius.
Conferences with the desert fathers on many Later, these books were read into the Ecumenical
subjects including the Eight Principal Faults, are Council at Ephesus (in 431). He died in 435.
required reading in chapter in the Benedictine His books were soon translated into Greek.
Order to this day.
Late in life, Blessed Augustine of Hippo 26 Nov / Dec 9
disputed with him about Augustine's teaching on
radical predestination, Augustine postulating that
Beseech a sure, multitudinous pair,
God would create some people to be evil. (This with a white, triumphant people,
is not Orthodox; it makes God evil and limits Banbán a sparkling mass of gold,
God, denies free-will to men, enslaves men, and Bishop Syricus the streamy.
ultimately forces men to achieve salvation by The honoring of Michael in the east
their will to look good and not by God's grace, today. [Oengus' glossator's Feast of St. Michael
because otherwise they would look as though is not mentioned in Byzantine calendars.]
God did not favor them. Radical predestination Banban, Bishop of Lethglen. [Ban means white,
was supposedly used to support God's grace “white Martyrdom” of torture or witness.]
against the heresies of Pelagianism and Repose of St. Innocent of Irkutsk,
Nestorianism. But its opposite effect in later Siberia in 1731, incorrupt, wonderworker.

Second Sunday in Advent Gradual [Sequence] Psalm 2 (Heb. 2) Quare
(Second Sunday in Advent falling on or after fremuerunt. Why have the Gentiles raged.
November 20/ Dec 3. If Sunday II Advent is Gospel Matthew 24:15-44 (“...When therefore
Nov. 21/Dec 4, or Nov. 22/ Dec 5, combine the you shall see the abomination of
two dates. Do not skip the Lections, Psalm, or desolation, which was spoken of by
Propers for II Advent if the days are combined.) Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy
Old Testament: place: he that readeth let him
Isaiah 35:1-10 (whole chapter) understand...” [Dan. 9:27] “...Then if
(“...They shall see the glory of the any man shall say to you: Lo here is
Lord... then shall the eyes of the blind Christ, or there, do not believe him. For
be opened...”) there shall arise false Christs and false
Introductory Collect prophets, and shall show great signs and
wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if
Send forth Thy power O Lord and come to work
possible) even the elect...Watch ye
what Thou dist promise unto Thy Church even
therefore, because you know not what
unto the end to the age: Through Jesus Christ
hour your Lord will come...”)
Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Amen. the Preface) Always said aloud.
Send forth Thy power O Lord to secure us by We beseech Thee Almighty, purify our
great virtue and by the aid of Thy Glory may the consciences by daily visitation so that when Thy
redemption of Thy forgiveness hasten to us, for Son the Lord has come He may find a lodging
our sins weigh us down: This we ask : Through place prepared for him in us. : Through the same
Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
ages. Amen. ages. Amen.
Collect Before the Epistle Please cleanse our bodies and minds Almighty
Rise up O Lord in our hearts, we beseech Thee, God so that, strengthened by Thy blessing, we
unto the preparation of the ways of Thine Only- may always be illumined and protected by Thine
begotten so that by His Advent we may be made Only-Begotten Son Our Lord Whose arrival we
worthy and purified to serve Thee. : Through await. : Through the same Jesus Christ Thy Son
Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
ages. Amen. Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Preserve us, we beseech Thee Almighty God and (Preface in the Roman Rite)
may Thy Grace always follow us so that we may It is truly worthy and just Almighty God through
endure through the Advent from on high of Thine Christ our Lord to Whom alone this is due for
Only-Begotten Son who is longed-for by our Thou art good and Thou art never separated in
hearts and may we attain Thine aid in the life of action from Thyself. Be pleased by our
the present and the future: Through Jesus Christ supplications and because of Thy mercy show
Thy Son our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and Thyself unto Thy Church which confesses Thee.
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Wonderfully manifest to the people the coming
Amen. Sacrament of Thine Only-Begotten Son our Lord
Epistle Romans 8:3-6 Jesus Christ so that they may be made a perfected
(The wisdom of the spirit, not of the nation in the universe, Through the Gospel of
flesh. “...For the wisdom of the flesh is Thy Word Thou hast promised that they will have
death; but the wisdom of the spirit is life the fullness of the adoption because the testimony
and peace.”) of the Truth has endured through Christ our Lord.

Proper Blessing of the Day by a was not an Arian, as some of the Lombards.
Bishop only if present Secundinus knew St. Patrick when both were
First and Second Sundays in Advent [see studying in Gaul and Italy. They traveled
note above]: Dominica .V. De Adventu together to Ireland when St. Patrick came back to
Ante Natale Domini [This page was Ireland as a Bishop. (See Oct. 1st: Germanus of
inserted by the original scribe.] Auxerre, and also the carrying of the holy relics
May the Lord grant you the reward of sincere from Rome. The Germanus who accompanied
charity that you may always dwell with everyone St. John Cassian was not the same person as St.
in Peace. Amen. Germanus of Auxerre, see May 28th.)
May you overcome all insidiousness of all that is Also, Virgilius or Fearghal today, who
inimical and pass this life in true sincerity. died A.D. 781, who missionized in Bavaria and
Amen. Carinthia, converting both Teutons and Slavs,
May you be free of a guilty conscience so that founding monasteries, churches, and schools.
nothing may weigh against you on the coming (The Ukrainians and Russians show Irish
day of Judgment. Amen. influence; St. Virgilius and other Irish monks
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain taught before the time of St. Vladimir.) Virgilius
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Baptized two Slav dukes of Carinthia at Salzburg,
of ages. Amen. and at the request of Duke Chetimar, sent
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son missionaries for his territories. These were four
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be missionaries under the Irish Modestus and
ever with you. Amen. followed up by others, extending into the forests
Confraction arrangement for Sunday: of Carinthia to the borders of Hungary where the
Drava river flows into the Danube, and in 774
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays.
schools were established. The rubenthaler coin
Nine Particles of the Host of a Sunday is has his likeness and Rupert’s (see March 27th).
an image of the nine Households of Boniface, the Archbishop of Mainz, opposed
Heaven and nine Grades of the Church. Virgilius. Boniface questioned the validity of a
Postcommunion Baptism when a Priest had used incorrect Latin
Our Souls have received that which they desired, wording. Virgilius and Sidonius said that the
we ask Thee Almighty God that they may be error was an accident of language, not religious
inflamed by Thy Spirit so that we with the significance, and the Baptism did not need to be
abundance of divine gifts may shine like lamps repeated. The dispute was taken to Pope Zachary
before the Face of the Coming Christ Thy Son, who confirmed the view of Virgilius, and
like bright lights. Through our Lord Jesus Christ expressed surprise that Boniface should question
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit it. Virgilius wrote cosmological treatises which
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. caused him to be denounced to the Pope again.
Virgilius “was not one to call a comet the soul of
27 Nov / Dec 10 a Bishop going to heaven.” He had an interest in
A stream of wisdom with splendor, science and education. Because of this, Boniface
Sechnall diadem of our lords, censured Virgilius, and Pope Zachary asked to
call a council, but nothing more was done. Later
has chanted a melody - noble profit! - Virgilius was Consecrated Bishop of Salzburg.
a praise of Patrick of Armagh. (Today in Russia, icons of the Birthgiver
Sechnall is also known as Secundinus. of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as “Our Lady of
He wrote Audite omnes, the Abecedarian hymn the Sign” are venerated, such as the Kursk Root
about St. Patrick (see March 17). He was a son of icon. She faces front, her hands raised in
Patrick’s sister, from Domnach Sechnaill in Fir “Orans” or prayer, and in a circle in her womb is
Breg, and of the Lombards of Italy. Secundinus infant Jesus, giving a blessing.)

28 Nov / Dec 11 May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
A chief trio that is not transitory, without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
of ages. Amen.
with Trophimus the unabating, May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Bochra’s (three) sons and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
- perennial triumph! ever with you. Amen.
from smooth Ached Rathin. [*Double meaning of "sublimauit;" and
referring to the Bobbio line for St.
Andrew in the Apostles' Creed, “He
29 Nov / Dec 12 (Vigil of St. Andrew) descended into hell,” the “first-called”
The royal feast of Brénann [Brendan] of from hell in the Resurrection.]
Birr, against whom bursts the surface of Omnipotens deus sua vos benedictione
the sea: He was a fair diadem, noble! - circumdet. qui beatum andream
the white chief of Erin’s prophets. apostolice dignitatis preconio
Brendan of Birr was one of the two great sublimauit. Amen.
Saints named Brendan. He was of the line of Concedatque vobis ipsum habere
Fergus MacRoy, and died in A.D. 571. Brendan intercessorem in caelis. cuius devote
of Birr was sent to search for the Land of prevenitis in terris diem sollempnitatis.
Promise, searching for a wonderful flower seen Amen.
by the twelve Apostles of Ireland together at Ipsius quoque interventu queatis
Finian’s school at Clonard, but Brendan of scandere alta caelorum. quo precessit
Clonfert (May 16th) went in his place, according idem per crucis passionem sequendo
to Kenney. Brendan of Birr was a friend of Colm dominum magistrum. Amen.
cille (June 9th), who saw him carried to heaven by Quod ipse. Amen. Benedictio.
angels, and said a Mass for him at Iona. The
School of Birr was in existence for centuries. Apostle Andrew Nov 30 / Dec 13
The beautiful Gospels of MacRegal were scribed Andrew who is boldest, against a cross -
by the Abbot-Bishop of Birr who died in 822,
step most perfect,-
now in the Bodleian library.
Mass for the Vigil of St. Andrew: use puts a top, which I declare,
the General Lections and Propers for the on November’s hosts.
Apostles, with the Bishops's Blessing below for Apostle and Martyr. See specific for St.
the Vigil of St. Andrew. Andrew, the Holy Apostles' Lections and Propers.
Bishop's Blessing: (If this day falls on the third Sunday in Advent, it
Benedictio in Vigilia Sancti Andrae may be combined with Sunday. The Feast may
May Almighty God surround you with His be moved to the nearest Sunday, Tuesday,
blessing, Who was pleased to raise the Blessed Thursday, or Saturday.)
Apostle Andrew to the dignity of the preacher of
the Resurrection*. Amen. 1 Dec / Dec 14
And may [God] grant that you have his Declare the calends of December,
intercessions in heaven, whose solemnity you Candida the fair boat!
anticipated with devotions on earth. Amen.
May you, with his interventions, be able to climb The hard Passion of Panchratus,
to the highest heavens; [with St. Andrew] who the holy Feast of Nessan of Ulster.
preceded [us to the heavens] through the Passion (Also, Nessan of Cork. Panchratus
of the Cross, following the Lord of Majesty. suffered under Diocletian. St. Leontius Bishop of
Amen. Fréjus, d. 488; with Honoratus established the
monastery of Lerins.)

2 Dec / Dec 15 of Blessed John, Thou hast fulfilled and hast
The great suffering of Parmenius, accomplished by works and brought to
completion by profession. Let Thy begging
after bitter dangers of famine: people serve Thee without fear so that through
with a number of Martyrs, Mael-odran viscera filled with loving kindness we may be
great, magnified should be implored. worthy to be directed in knowledge and truth
Also, Bibiana (Viviana) of Rome, Virgin Though our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who
Martyr. reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit,
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
3 Dec / Dec 16 Collect Before the Epistle
The high martyrdom of Heraclius Awaiting the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
with his train the truly strong. dear brethren, Let us implore the omnipotence of
God the Father that He purify our hearts and keep
Macc-oíge with perfect goodness, our bodies spotless so that with secure
pilot of marvellous Lismore. consciences, we may await Him Who is coming:
Macc oige, i.e. Abbot of Less mor Whom we believe is exalted above every
Mochutu, and he was called ‘the Frightener or principality and power. Let us therefore be
Disturber,’ and this is the cause: when he was a anxious at every moment so we may be found
little child, the plough-teams of the world, and worthy and reconciled to Him in Whom we place
every other kind of cattle which used to serve our Faith when we die and let us confess to Him
human beings, when they used to see him, would Who will judge the living and the dead in the
flee before him in panic and terror. Hence was Glory that is to come...
understood the great servitude to him in which Purify, O Lord God Almighty Father the secrets
they were all to be thereafter. of our hearts and kindly grant a washing away of
Also, St. Eloquius. who preached in all of the stains of sins. Grant this, O Lord, so
Belgium and France, a disciple of Fursey (Jan. that cleansed by the Blessing of Thy Faith, we
16th). He succeeded Fursey as Abbot of Lagny, may await undaunted the fearsome and terrible
and died (A.D. 665) and was buried there. His coming of our Lord Jesus Christ through the
relics were moved during tenth century Norse same...
(Norman) invasions, to the (Irish-run) Abbey of Epistle Romans 11:30-36 (Unbelief turning
Waulsort in Belgium.
to belief; and the riches and wisdom and
knowledge of God.)
III Advent Gradual and Alleluia [Sequence] Psalm
November 27/Dec 10) (Third Sunday in Advent 3 (Heb. 3) Domine quid multiplicati. Why, O
beginning on or after Nov. 27/ Dec. 10. (This Lord, are they multiplied
Sunday may be combined with the celebration of Gospel Matthew 11:2-5
the Feast of St. Andrew, if the Feast falls on
(Christ’s answer to St. John the Baptist
Sunday. Do not skip III Advent. Propers are the
asking Jesus if He is the Christ.)
same on the Third and Fifth Sunday of Advent.)
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Old Testament:
the Preface) Always said aloud.
Isaiah 62:10-12; 45:8
(Prepare for the Lord, and “let the earth Hear O Lord the prayer of Thy people that Thou
be opened and bud forth a Savior...”) command that these gifts which He commanded
Introductory Collect to be offered be acceptable in His sight for the
improvement of all souls and the health of all
Loving Creator of the Light of thine undeserving
bodies, for the praise of the Martyrs and for the
people: All that which the prophecies of the
repose of the dead.
prophets of the bondage foretold: by the mouth

Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio abundance of divine gifts may shine like lamps
(Preface in the Roman Rite) before the Face of the Coming Christ Thy Son,
It is truly worthy and just Almighty God through like bright lights. Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Christ our Lord Whom Faithful friend John Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
preceded before by birth, preceded by prophecy throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
and Baptisms in the desert preparing the way of
Him Who will Judge and Redeem: Calling 4 Dec / 17
sinners unto penitence and acquiring salvation he Merobius, Claudicus
baptizes the people in the Jordan he conferring with the vastness of their train (?):
the fullness of the grace not of the renewed man one of our noble elders was the modest
who confesses each sin, but admonishes them to
look out for the presence of the loving Savior:
Fer dá lethe (‘man of two parts’).
Merobius and Claudicus both suffered in
He himself does not remit sins of those that come
Laodicea. Fer da lethe, ‘man of two parts... A
to him, but promises forgiveness of sins to those
Priest was he, half of his life in the world and the
that believe in Him Who is to come so that those
other half in pilgrimage.
who descend into the water by repentance of all
Saints Barbara and Juliana, Virgin
may hope for the healing of forgiveness Whom
Martyr, according to the Byzantine Rite, and
they heard was to come: the full gift of truth and
Roman Rite. (Part of the Martyrology of Tallaght
grace: our Lord Jesus, Whom the angels praise: .
is missing, but she should be commemorated.)
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
St. Barbara was shut up in a tower by her father
Bishop only if present for her “protection,” but she heard about
Third Sunday in Advent: Dominica .IIII. Christianity, and converted. When she had an
Ante Natale Domini architect shape her windows into three parts, her
May Almighty God sanctify and fill with His pagan father accused her of worshiping the
blessing you who believe in the previous coming Christian Trinity, which she confessed, and she
of His Only begotten Son. Amen. was Martyred. A mixture of boiled wheat, cumin
May He defend you from all adversity in the seeds, pomegranates, and sugar with almonds
course of this present life and show forth his forming a Cross, is brought to church and shared
pleasure with you in judgment. Amen. in the East, asking intercessions from her.
So that free of the contamination of your many St. Clement of Alexandria, Martyred in 217.
sins you may face that great examination without St. John of Damascus, defender of icons,
fear. Amen. died in 749. He wrote the Oktoechos (Eight
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Tones), and An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Faith. Also against Moslems for not following
of ages. Amen. the Old Testament and for venerating Aphrodite.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be 5 Dec / 18
ever with you. Amen.
The commemoration of Justinus
Confraction arrangement for Sunday:
the Bishop with splendor,
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays.
of Amantius, of Crispinus,
Nine Particles of the Host of a Sunday is
an image of the nine Households of of Umbanus, of Filadus.
Heaven and nine Grades of the Church. Amantius was a Bishop. (See Aug, 4th,
Post Communion Justin Martyr)
(Also, St. Sabbas, died in 532, authored
Our Souls have received that which they desired,
the "Jerusalem Typikon," in use in Russia,
we ask Thee Almighty God that they may be
written later than Irish and desert Fathers' usage.)
inflamed by Thy Spirit so that we with the

6 Dec / 19 at the right hand of God the Father. And He shall
The Feast of Gobbán, shout of thousands! come again with glory to judge both the living
and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have no
with a train of great Martyrdom, end....” See St. Gregory Thaumaturgis, Nov. 17th,
the angelic rampart, the virginal Abbot, and Saints Gregory Nazianzen the Theologian,
lucid descendant of Lán. Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, and others
St. Nicholas Day, a major Saint: the fast who explained the Orthodox Truth in more detail.
may be relaxed a little. This day does not need to St. Nicholas' day was a traditional day
be moved, but may be moved to the nearest of exchanging presents, more so than Christmas.
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. which is appropriate to Advent and Christmas;
Gobban's monastery, Cell Lamraide, because, at the First Ecumenical Council, St.
had a thousand monks it had, as experts say. Nicholas supported the Divine Incarnation of
Angels founded the wall of his church for him. Christ. Today's Arians include large groups who
Lane, i.e. an old tribe, which was once in the call themselves Christian; they question much of
south of Ireland, and of them was Gobban. the New Testament and church tradition such as
St. Nicholas Bishop of Myra, A.D. 343, the date of Christmas. Their claims are refuted
wonderworker (Nikolawus; victory), a favorite by the shepherd Bishop St. Nicholas. Even
Saint of the Church, should be commemorated. though made fat and commercial, “Santa Claus”
(Part of the Martyrology of Tallaght is missing.) still brings the tradition of sharing God's gifts.
His relics exude a wonder-working milky
substance on this day. He was not fat; but thin, 7 Dec / 20
bald, and joyful, teaching abstinence. He gave With the Passion of Polycarp
his own money secretly to girls who needed
money for a dowry to be able to marry, with his noble, streamy train,
preventing them from prostitution, and therefore the bright Feast of victorious Buite,
he is remembered as bringing gifts to children. from treasurous Monaster (boice).
St. Nicholas was at the First Ecumenical Of Polycarp, i.e. a Bishop of the
Council in 325 and punched the Priest Arius, Ephesians and a Martyr, who suffered in Antioch.
founder of the Arian heresy which reduced the (See January 26th for St. Polycarp of Smyrna.
divinity of Christ to be either less than the Father, Today is possibly a different St. Polycarp.)
or that Jesus was just a created man or superman. Buite means living, or bute means fire as
St. Nicholas was put in jail for his assault, but is said in the proverb bot for Bregaib ‘fire
every Bishop at the Council had a dream telling throughout Bregia,’ whence is now said butelach,
them that Nicholas was right, and the next day he i.e. where there has been a great fire. Or bute
was released. The Bishops wrote the Orthodox from bete, from beatus. Beatus autem dicitur
Creed, stating clearly in the section about Jesus quasi bene auctus, for fair was his
Christ, “...And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the aggrandizement, a star manifesting his
Only-Begotten Son of God. Born of the Father conception, as happened at the manifestation of
before all ages. Light of light, true God of true Christ. Or Bute from ‘beo De,’ for unto God
God. Born, not made, of one Substance with the (Dia) he was alive (beo), as hath been written
Father: through Whom all things were made. ‘they which live shall not henceforth live unto
Who for us men, and for our Salvation themselves,; but unto Him which died for them
descended from heaven. And was Incarnate of and rose again,’ doing in this world, not their own
the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary: And was will, but His who suffered for them. [Also a pun
born man. And was crucified also for us: under on “Beatus” which means “blessed.”]
Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried. And Buite founded Monasterboice (manistir
He rose on the third day, according to the in Mag Breg) in County Louth, and earlier had
Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and sitteth preached in Scotland. On a return from Rome, he

arrived at the royal court in Scotland. Nectan the 9 Dec / 22
king of the Picts was dying. Buite’s prayer raised Comely are the two daughters of Ailill,
him to life. Nechtan granted him several building
sites. One of his churches was Kirkbuddo, the
who is not to be concealed:
‘church of Buite.’ Buite died in A.D. 521. fair is the host of their day -
Monasterboice was more important as a school in the two suns of the east of Liffey.
the ninth and tenth centuries. When the Vikings The two maidens, i.e. Mugain and
destroyed books, the Irish represented Biblical Feidlimid: in Cell ingen n-Ailella (‘the church of
subjects in sculpture and Crosses. Two crosses in Ailill’s daughters’) in the west of Liffey they are,
Monasterboice are famous: The older and taller beside Liamain.
West Cross is from 923, named for then Abbot Of Ailill, i.e. son of Dunlang, king of
Muireadach who “caused this Cross to be made.” Leinster, was their father, and in Cell Ailella in
In the 11th century, Abbot Flann wrote historical the east of Mag Lifi sunt simul Mugain and
poems, which may be found in The Book of Liamain. In Cell ingen Ailella in Mag Laigen
Leinster. Monasterboice is near Dublin. they are.
Also today: St. Ambrose of Milan, who
died in 397 A.D.; see April 1st on the Celtic 10 Dec / 23
calendar, on Byzantine and Roman calendars With two virginal fifties
December 7th. He wrote some prayers in the
Celtic Church, and the church in Milan used
an exact thirty with fullness,
some music and Liturgical forms that were The festival of Capitolinus,
Celtic. A leader against Arianism and paganism the Feast of my Dímóc the bold.
(see St. Martin of Tours), he wrote about many Capotolinus was a Martyr.
areas of the Faith: commentaries on Scripture, My Dimoc, i.e. in Cluain cain Arad in
dogmatics, Sacraments, duties of clergy, monastic Munster.
and moral life, and hymns. Saints Gervasius and
Protasius (June 19th) who held the faith against
Arianism, were venerated by St. Ambrose. IV Advent
(Fourth Sunday in Advent beginning on or after
8 Dec / 21 December 4/17. Do not skip. May do Saints.)
Old Testament: Isaiah 54:1-5
The triumph of humble Egbert,
(Prophesying about the Blessed Virgin:
who came over the great sea: “Give praise, O thou barren, that bearest
unto Christ he sang a prayer not; sing forth praise and make a joyful
in a hideless coracle. noise, thou that didst not travail with
Ichtbrichtan, (Egbert) i.e. from Dun child: for many are the children of the
Geimin in cainnachta of Glenn Geimin, or in desolate, more than of her that hath a
Mayo of the Saxons, in the west of Connaught. husband, saith the Lord...”)
Or in Connaught, i.e. in Mayo of the Saxons in Introductory Collect
Cera. Or in diverse locations. Or of Tulach leis Grant we beseech Thee O Lord this Gift to Thy
of the Saxons in Munster, and Bercert is his people: that they may await the coming of Thine
name. Or Icht-ber etc., i.e. Ichtbricht who is in only begotten Son with the greatest vigilance so
Tech Saxan (‘the House of the Saxons’) in Hui that as we may prepare our souls to be as shining
Echach of Munster, and he is a brother of lamps upon his way for He is the Author of our
Benedict of Tulach leis of the Saxons. And a Salvation. Through the same...
brother of theirs is Cuithbrecht (Cuthbert), and in We beseech Thee O Lord Our God, mightily
the east he remained (i.e. in Britain). (St. Egbert, encircle the parts of our minds with Thy Divine
Bishop of York, compiled the Pontificale.) Virtue so that we may be found worthy at the

coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son. May restored life. This is that of which very often the
we be worthy to obtain the banquet of eternal life prophetic voice prophesied, and the Angel
and the rewards of heavenly dignity from Him Gabriel announced in the presence of Mary:
who reigneth with Thee... immediately the girl believed: the quickening
Collect Before the Epistle conception of the Faithful Word is in her womb;
We beseech Thee, O Lord, do not delay Thine aid through Christ our Lord through Whose Majesty
rather extend Thy protection to us so that they the ...
who trust in Thy mercy may be lifted up by Thy Proper Blessing of the Day by a
beneficial gift. Bishop only if present
Almighty and eternal God Who desires that at all Fourth Sunday in Advent: Dominica
times we be devoted to Thy Commandments, O .III. Ante Natale Domini
Protection, grant that we by whom that Mystery May God Whose past coming in the flesh is
is celebrated may be attentive to the Advent of believed and coming in judgment is expected,
the Lord from which freedom from the cleanse you of all of your faults before He comes.
recrimination of the Law covers all... Amen.
Epistle I Thessalonians 2:19-3:8 (Hoping in May He cleanse you of all which would condemn
the children of God: Church, “Because you at the future judgment so that when the Judge
now we live, if you stand in the Lord.”) cometh with justice He will not find anything in
Gradual Sequence] Psalm 4 (Heb. 4) Cum you which will condemn you. Amen.
invocarem. When I called upon Him So that when He cometh you will not receive
Gospel Luke 3:1-18 (St. John the Baptist eternal punishment but rather will receive eternal
teaching to prepare for Christ.) treasure. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
the Preface) Always said aloud. of ages. Amen.
Grant we beseech Thee O Lord that with the great May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
successful completion of the Festivity, the and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
coming Solemnity may be celebrated and at the ever with you. Amen.
same time, let us be restored and attentive to Confraction arrangement for Sunday:
heavenly discipline and let us receive forgiveness
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays.
of sins.
Be pleased to attend the celebration of this Post Communion
Sacrifice O Lord which cleanses us of our sinful Our Souls have received that which they desired,
condition and by Thy Name make us acceptable. we ask Thee Almighty God that they may be
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio inflamed by Thy Spirit so that we with the
abundance of divine gifts may shine like lamps
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
before the Face of the Coming Christ Thy Son,
It is truly worthy and just, O Almighty God, for like bright lights. Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Whom it is proper to hold over us the forgiving Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
of sins, just as much as it is proper for Thee to throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
hold up judgment for sins; Who art pleased to
correct the creation of Thy workmanship again
and again through the same road mark. Because 11 Dec / 24
the living image which was made in Thy likeness Damasus with my Senoc of (Balach)
was made dissimilar by death, Thou didst show Mugnae,
forth Thy merciful forgiveness, so that Thy in the north, a broad plain;
forgiveness might bring an end to death caused
by sin. And from that time on, great devotion has
the Feast of my Elteoc, a fair warrior,
with a valiant host over the sea.

Damasus, i.e. Abbot of Rome (in Latin 12 Dec / 25
Pope of Rome); A tower of gold over every sea-plain:
My Senóc in the west of Leinster on the
brink of the river Barrow. My Senoc of Mughna,
he will give a hand to (help) my soul,
then, i.e. Mughna a great sacred tree, and its top Findian the fair,
was as broad as the whole plain. Thrice a year a lovable root, of vast Clonard.
did it bear fruit: it remained hidden from the time Finden, i.e. son of a descendant of
of the deluge until the night on which Conn of the Teldub, Abbot of Cluain Iraird, i.e. Finnian son of
Hundred Battles was born, and then it was made Finntan, son of Concrad, son of Dairchell, son of
manifest. Thirty cubits was the girth of that tree, Senach, son of Dairmait, son of Aed, son of
and its height was three hundred cubits. Fergus, son of Ailill Telldub, son of Celtchar, son
However, Ninine the poet felled that tree, as he of Uthechar.
said: “The yew of Mughna, great was the tree, Finian of Clonard, Abbot and Bishop,
thirty cubits was its girth: hidden for a time it one of the patriarchs of Irish monasticism, died
was, three hundred cubits in its height, etc.” (See A.D. 549. He founded Clonard about 520. He
as to this tree the Dindsenchas.) [Note: this was of Leinster nobility, and studied under
mentions the great flood, and a very old tree, like Fortchern grandson of king Leoghaire (Fortchern
the ancient redwoods which have great heights Oct. 11th according to Oengus, or Cormac Feb.
and girths. “felled by a poet:” it might refer to 17th in some sources. Some modern sources
the tree alphabet, or Ogham. St. Martin felled a confuse Fortchern and Cormac). Finian visited
tree, Nov. 11th. In Ogham, the letter representing two Abbots' monasteries in Wales, probably after
the yew, Idad, probably is related to ibhar “yew”, establishing Clonard: David of Menevia who had
i.e., to early Bishop Ibar, see April 23rd.] been Baptized by Ailbe of Emly, and Cadoc of
Funech of Cluain Bronaig, and Senchan, Llancarfan who was taught by Tathai. Clonard is
and Dunsech a virgin of Cell Dunsige in Ulster - older than Llancarfan. Finian was believed to
now she has three churches in Ulster - and pattern his Rule after Llancarfan which followed
Crunmael Baeth, and Colum son of Aed Cloen of the strict Rule of Lerins [see May 24 th]. Finian
Gui Briuin here, and the elevation of Bishop also corresponded with Gildas on monastic
Boetius in the body by angels and his return to discipline. Gildas complained about British
the earth (May 1st before his death); but at the Bishops at that time, who had too much worldly
Monument of the Ladder in Relic Eogain it power and possessions to allow monastic
happened, and there the alliance of Columb cille perfection.
and Buite took place in the thirtieth year after The Irish church became more monastic
Buite’s death and of Columba’s age. i.e. on the than Episcopal in government. [Modern Roman
broad plain in the north: [or tuathach] i.e. a plain sources say that this was a departure from St.
in which are many tribes (tuatha), i.e. Mag Lifi, Patrick’s instructions. St. Patrick, kidnapped, a
to the north of Mag n-Ailbi. slave, then trained in monastic communities in
Also, My Elteóc i.e. Eltene of Cenn Sale Gaul and Italy, may have written an Episcopal
in the south of Ireland. rule while actually practicing monasticism. Or,
Also, the “two Emers” (Bronach one of modern sources may be trying to show neglect
them?) daughters of Miluic who had enslaved St. where there was no neglect. St. Patrick placed
Patrick as a youth. They were given the religious monks in Episcopal positions, and encouraged
veil by St. Patrick and placed in the first convent monasticism among the children of his former
in Ireland. Miluic unfortunately would not meet slave owner and also the sons and daughters of
with his former slave, instead locking himself the kings.] Bishops who were not Abbots lived
inside his house and setting fire to it, but his son the life of brethren, because they were monastics
and daughters and grandsons are all Saints of the first, stressing being Saints instead of their reign.
church. See Jan. 1st, Jan. 24th, and June 23rd . Finian was called “Tutor of Saints:” many of the

twelve “Apostles of Ireland” were among his found Colmb kneeling in prayer with hands
students. Colmb of Tir da glais (Dec. 13th) gave stretched to heaven and birds lighting on his
Finian Holy Communion at his death. The later shoulders. “He it is,” said Finian, “who will
7th century Aileran's writings are in Migne’s make the Holy Offering (offer Holy Communion)
Patrologia. The monastery survived assaults of for me at my death.” His fellow-student Colm of
Vikings, strife, Normans, but was destroyed in Iona was more famous. Colm of Terryglass
the 16th century by the English. founded Clonenagh first and his student Fintan
St. Spiridon (died 348 in Cyprus), (Feb. 17th) stayed and became an abbot. Then
Bishop and wonder-worker and shepherd, known Colm founded Iniscaltra (Holy Island in the
to St. Nicholas. St. Spiridon did many wonders: Shannon river at Lough Derg) where Caimin
He turned a snake into gold to give a poor person (March 23rd) is better known. Then near
a loan, which became a snake again when the Iniscaltra Colm founded Tir da glais, a prayer
money was returned. He explained the Holy retreat, and an important monastery. Colmb died
Trinity in the Council of Nicea, converting an of the plague in A.D. 549. [TSI lists their
Arian, by making fire and water come from a succession: Fortchern (Feb. 17th or Oct. 11th) and
brick (which the philosophers supposed was Coemhan etc., Finian of Clonard (Dec. 12th),
made of water, earth, and fire). His incorrupt Senach succeeded Finian at Clonard, Colmb of
relics are in the island of Corfu, Greece. Tir de glais (Colm of Terryglass) (Dec. 13th)
studied under Finian at Clonard, Fintan (Feb.
13 Dec / 26 17th) studied under Colmb of Tir de glais and was
For the dear multitudinous day, Abbot at Clonenagh founded by Colmb of Tir de
glais, Caimin (March 23rd) lived at Iniscaltra
may they come with many thousands, founded by Colm of Terryglass.]
Baethan the pious of Clúain,
Colomb the abstinent of Tir (da glais). 14 Dec / 27
Baetan, i.e. Mobi of Cluain de dondabair May he call us to the royal realm of the
(?) in Hui Muredaig in Leinster. i.e. Baethan of
Cluai Annabair in Hui Muredaig, i.e. moBi great- King Whom our Sister brought forth,
grandson of Alt, etc. the holy champion, vanquished, just,
Colum, i.e. Columb son of Crimthann, Drusus with his triad.
of Tir de glais in Munster. Colm was the sun of Our Sister, i.e. Mary [i.e. Blessed Virgin
Crimthann of Leinster nobility. Mary. “Our Sister,” conceived like us, but holy.]
Lucia, virgin martyr. After coming safe Saints Joachim and Anna may be
out of a tub of boiling oil, she died by the sword commemorated today. Also: Salutation of Mary
under the Emperor Diocletian. In Sweden, there from Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist, again
is a ceremony of lighting a crown of candles remembered today before Christmas, see April
today for St. Lucia: this Old Calendar day is close 1st, the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary with
to the new calendar Christmas. [St. Lucia of St. Elizabeth, when faith is revealed even from
Syracuse is not the same, see February 6th / 19th. the womb], from The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Also not St. Photina, March 20th/Apr. 2nd.] (with a great list of Saints).
Colm of Terryglass on this day (Colomb [In later centuries, the Romans added St.
of Tir da glais), is one of the twelve Apostles of Mary's conception on Dec. 9th, a different date,
Ireland. (Also see May 24th.) The number twelve which they said was when Joachim and Anna
of Ireland is flexible, the same as the Apostles. conceived her, ascribing a lack of human original
Colm was a seminarian under Finian (Dec. 12th), sin, which is Monophysite, and a result of
and Senach who was to be Finian’s successor Augustine of Hippo's radical predestination and
(not Senan of Inis Cathaig March 8th, but Senach original guilt, which the Orthodox never
of Clonard Aug. 21st. Also see Sept. 28th). Finian accepted. The Romans said that we inherit not

only the original tendency to sin since the time of Also, Fingar today, a Martyr from the
Adam, but also the guilt of Adam, the guilt of fifth century. He was a prince of Connaught and
another human, also nullifying our Absolution one of St. Patrick’s converts. As a pilgrim Saint,
after Confession. Also, our Lord Jesus Christ he traveled to Amorica (northwestern France) and
gave salvation on the Cross, but radical he is commemorated in Vannes in Brittany. With
predestination says that instead, before we are his sister Piala and companions such as St. Ives
born God creates some good and some bad. This (February 3rd) he landed at the mouth of the river
was never accepted in an Ecumenical Council. Hayle in Cornwall. He and his sister and some
Then the Romans said that the Blessed Virgin other companions were put to death.
Mary was not born with the guilt of Adam to
balance the guilt that everybody else carries; they 15 Dec / 28
say she was conceived “immaculately” without The calling of happy Faustinus,
the possibility of sin, which would make her not
human, not, as Oengus said, “our Sister;” this
with the fair train of his temple,
was not Roman doctrine until 1875; it was At the Feast of Flann the modest ruler,
opposed by Roman doctors such as Aquinas. See the abiding successor at Bangor.
Pomasansky's book on Orthodox Dogmatics. Of Faustus [leg. Faustinus] a Presbyter
In truth, she was born of a Jewish who suffered in Africa. (See Sept 6th.)
family, and therefore with the same tendency to Mugain, a virgin of Cluain Bairenn, and
sin that we all have, but out of free will, she did Fethain of Cuil Graine, and Uidrin, great-
not sin. See St. John Cassian, Nov. 25; in “On the grandson of Bochaill, and Cronan.
Incarnation Against Nestorius;” who tells how Drostan, from the Breviary of Aberdeen;
we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary as Theotokos, “his relics are preserved in a stone tomb at
in Latin: Deigenetrix, or Birthgiver of God, a Aberdour where many sick persons find relief.”
very high honor, but in relation to her Son, not Another day, “Drostan’s Fair,” was Nov. 14th.
her own conception. It was St. John Cassian who Aberdeen and Argyll kept his Feast day on July
also fought against Augustine's form of radical 11th. The eighth-century Book of Deer was
predestination. written at Drostan’s monastery in Scotland.
The conception of the Blessed Virgin New Martyrs in Russia sometimes had
Mary did have a miraculous component: her unknown dates, such as Priests Pavel Florensky, a
parents, Saints Joachim and Anna, were elderly scientist with a faster than light theory, died in
and childless, and, after long prayer, they were 1937 with 30,000, and Joseph of Petrograd,
granted a child. St. Mary was a normal child Ilarion (Troitsky), and Koremon. Atheists killed
which at their ages was miraculous, and she was 50 million people in Russia and China. (Atheists
given to the temple when she was three years old, have killed more people than religions have.)
see the Entrance into the Temple Nov. 21 or 22. St. Susanna of Palestine, died 362,
The full story is in the Protevangelium of St. Deaconess.
James, a very early Christian book.
[The Celtic Missals did not have special 16 Dec /29
Lections today. If some are done ad libitum: St. The white triumph of Valentinus
Luke 1:46-55. May also repeat Psalm 44 from
the Annunciation: “My heart hath uttered a good
with a fair train thou wilt tie him:
word...” Our Lady of the Sign with Child could the Feast of my excellent Beooc,
be Psalm 147, also All Saints after Pentecost: from lustrous Ard Cainroiss.
“...He hath blessed thy children within thee...”] of Valentinus, i.e. a Bishop, i.e. in
Thyrsus, i.e. a Martyr, cum iii sociis Ravenna.
suis. Martyred in Antioch teste Grigorio, cum My-Beooc, i.e. of Loch Garman. Or my
suis sociis. Beooc of Loch Gerg in the north.

17 Dec / 30 Whom we believe is exalted above every
May Victor’s host protect us principality and power. Let us therefore be
anxious at every moment so we may be found
after the triumph of a deed of valor, worthy and reconciled to Him in Whom we place
that we may attain -splendid bliss- our Faith when we die and let us confess to Him
Jesus, Mary’s great Son. Who will judge the living and the dead in the
Exactly one week before Christmas Glory that is to come...
(Oengus's glossator reminds us). Purify, O Lord God Almighty Father the secrets
Victor, i.e. a martyr in Affrica; and of our hearts and kindly grant a washing away of
Senchaid of Hui Aeda in Bregia, Lazarus and all of the stains of sins. Grant this, O Lord, so
Moliac, and Crunnmael (Abbot) of Iona, and that cleansed by the Blessing of Thy Faith, we
Maedoc son of Mursan here. (This is not the may await undaunted the fearsome and terrible
angel Victor commemorated after Christmas.) coming of our Lord Jesus Christ through the
Optional: The Gregorian “O Antiphons” same...
may be done, one each day, beginning December Epistle I Thessalonians 3:9-13
17th /30th each evening, anticipating the next day, (“...to confirm your hearts without
according to preference. The words are given on blame, in holiness, before God and our
Dec. 24th / Jan. 6th. Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ, with all His saints. Amen.”)
V Advent Gradual and Alleluia [Sequence] Psalm
(Fifth Sunday in Advent beginning on or after 5 (Heb. 5) Verba mea auribus. Give ear, O
December 11/24) (Do not skip V Advent. The Lord, to my words
Propers are the same for the Third and Fifth Gospel Matthew 3:1-12
Sundays in Advent.) (St. John the Baptist prepares the way,
Old Testament: Isaiah 40:1-10 “one crying in the wilderness.”)
(“Prepare the way of the Lord,” one Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
crying in the wilderness.) the Preface) Always said aloud.
Introductory Collect Hear O Lord the prayer of Thy people that Thou
Loving Creator of the Light of thine undeserving command that these gifts which He commanded
people: All that which the prophecies of the to be offered be acceptable in His sight for the
prophets of the bondage foretold: by the mouth improvement of all souls and the health of all
of Blessed John, Thou hast fulfilled and hast bodies, for the praise of the Martyrs and for the
accomplished by works and brought to repose of the dead.
completion by profession. Let Thy begging Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
people serve Thee with out fear so that through (Preface in the Roman Rite)
viscera filled with loving kindness we may be It is truly worthy and just Almighty God through
worthy to be directed in knowledge and truth Christ our Lord Whom Faithful friend John
Though our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who preceded before by birth, preceded by prophecy
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, and Baptisms in the desert preparing the way of
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. Him Who will Judge and Redeem: Calling
Collect Before the Epistle sinners unto penitence and acquiring salvation he
Awaiting the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, baptizes the people in the Jordan he conferring
dear brethren, Let us implore the omnipotence of the fullness of the grace not of the renewed man
God the Father that He purify our hearts and keep who confesses each sin, but admonishes them to
our bodies spotless so that with secure look out for the presence of the loving Savior:
consciences, we may await Him Who is coming: He himself does not remit sins of those that come
to him, but promises forgiveness of sins to those

that believe in Him Who is to come so that those Maignenn, i.e. from Cell Maignenn
who descend into the water by repentance of all (Kilmainham) beside Ath cliath (Dublin).
may hope for the healing of forgiveness Whom Duicaill, i.e. of Mugduirn Maigen is he, i.e. my
they heard was to come: the full gift of truth and Diucla (?) Of Lilgach in Hui Faelain.
grace: our Lord Jesus, Whom the angels praise: . Flannan was prince of Thomond, son of
Proper Blessing of the Day by a king Turlough, born at Craig Liath two miles
Bishop only if present from Killaloe (May 11th - the oratory of St. Lua is
Fifth Sunday in Advent: Dominica .II. on a hill top at the site of Brian Boru’s palace).
Ante Natale. Domini Flannan became Abbot of the monastery of St.
May Almighty God regard you with pleasure and Lua of Killaloe, and Consecrated Bishop in Rome
pour forth the gift of His blessing upon you. by Pope John IV. He traveled, visited others, and
Amen. preached the Gospel everywhere (See Sept. 17th).
And may He Who made the time of the He is known in the Hebrides Islands. His father
Incarnation of His Only-Begotten Son a was very generous to the Killaloe church, and he
solemnity give you protection from the host of retired from kingship to the monastic life, and
adversaries both in the present and future life. lived in the monastery of Colman at Lismore
Amen. until his death. Flannan brought his father’s body
So that you may rejoice with devoted minds at to Killaloe for burial. Much later, Brian Boru
the coming of our Redeemer in the flesh and be made Killaloe the principal church of his
enriched with eternal gifts when He comes again kingdom. (After Brian Boru son of Cinneide, or
in Majesty. Amen. Kennedy, the royal line was of the O’Briens and
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain O’Kennedys.) At the site of the now-Protestant
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages cathedral built in a pre-Norman Irish style, is a
of ages. Amen. bilingual stone Cross with runes and oghams
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son from about A.D. 1000. St. Flannan’s Oratory, s
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be small chapel, was built later than St. Flannan.
ever with you. Amen.
Confraction arrangement for Sunday: 19 Dec / Jan 1
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays. Blithe unto my soul,
Post Communion with the vastness of her host,
Our Souls have received that which they desired, be the fair pure manna of elemental God,
we ask Thee Almighty God that they may be Samthann of Clúain Brónaig!
inflamed by Thy Spirit so that we with the (Saints Mary Magdalene and Elizabeth
abundance of divine gifts may shine like lamps today in The Martyrology of Tallaght; leading to
before the Face of the Coming Christ Thy Son, Christmas, see Dec. 14th).
like bright lights. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Also: Martyrs Crisantus or Chrysanthus,
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit with Daria virgin, recorded by St. Gregory of
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Tours in the Glory of the Martyrs. At their tomb,
healings occurred. Christians who were visiting
18 Dec / 31 the tomb were walled up there by an unbelieving
The great sun of these clans, emperor. The double tombs were discovered
later, together with silver pitchers of the group of
Magniu - good is this diadem: Christians that had been filled with wine as an
Diucaill, vehement is this band, offering before the Divine Sacrifice (Eucharist).
may they be blithe to me! Also see Aug. 25th, and for Daria Oct. 20th.
The great sun of these clans, or ‘Flannan Samthann daughter of Diamran, ..., son
prince of gentleness’ is the right reading. of Imchad. (See Feb. 6th). St. Patrick founded

Clonbroney near Granard in County Longford for The Martyrology of Tallaght lists several
the two daughters of his former slave master early Saints today: Ignatius, Julius Bishop of
Milchu, or that it was founded by Brigid. Antiochia; Tecla virgin; Victoria; Agatha;
Samthann was also honored as the foundress of Bithania; Cicilia; Refrinus Bishop; Anastasia;
Clonbroney, which was ranked with Kildare in Anastasius Bishop; Liberus Bishop; Bontianus;
the 6th century. Clonbroney, Kildare, and Basius; Innocentius; Zosimus; Paulus; Secundus;
Cairech Dergan at Cloonburren, Roscommon Beatus; Grigorius. This is a typical example of
were the three greatest convents. Samthann’s the vast numbers of Saints of the church. Since
name is honored everywhere with Brigid and Ita. the Martyrology of Tallaght does not distinguish
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of Tallaght: which Saints these are, and many of the names
Aed Allan cecinit: are repeated, it is not given here on most days.
Samthann with noble radiance, Also today, Ursinus or Ursin, (bear; his
well has she attained the bright crown of Irish name is unknown); an Irish monk who died
chastity. in the town called St. Ursanne in Switzerland in
In the northern plain of Meath, a shining A.D. 625. He went with St. Columbanus (Nov.
honor, 23rd) from Bangor to Annagrey and Luxeuil, and
great was the suffering... of Samthann. also through exile through France to Switzerland.
He had a bell of Irish design. Ursinus stopped at
She undertook, what is not easy, the wild mountain gorges at Doubs, a where only
fasting [for the kingdom above] bears lived. The bears were said to be his friends
she endured against scant nourishment, and helped him when he needed it. When
hard were her girdles. disciples wanted to join him, he moved to the
A ladder for the assaults of Heaven, valley so that the needy could reach him, and a
pure was her heart against fools. cloister and hospice was built there. He kept
In the bosom of the Lord, under a radiant baggage cattle to help bring the needy. His
crown, holiness and miracles were inspiration for others.
Samthann cast away tribulations. Ignatius, i.e. a Martyr and Bishop,
secundus post Petrum episcopatum tenuit, sed
Fingein cecinit: sub Traiano [troiano] imperatore pasus est, sed
O cleric, end the vigil, corpus eius ductum est ad Edisam et leonibus
thrice only bow thyself down; datum est et aliis bestis.
enough already of celebration St. Ignatius of Antioch, also known as
on the festival of Daig son of Cairell. [Aug. 18th] “Theophorus,” meaning the indwelling Spirit that
he rejoiced in, from his letter to Trajan. He was
One hundred and fifty bells, a triumphant born 30 A.D., died Dec. 20th, 107 A.D., and was
achievement, the baby that Christ held (St. Matthew 18:2). He
with a stout hostful hundred of cruziers, was a friend of St. Polycarp of Smyrna (Jan. 26th),
with sixty whole Gospels a fellow disciple of St. Polycarp under St. John
from the hand of Daig alone. the Apostle, Evangelist and Theologian (May 6th).
[He was Ciaran of Saiger’s chief artificer.] He wrote excellent Greek, and writings survive
of his to the Ephesians, Magnesians, Trallians,
20 Dec / Jan 2 Romans, Philadelphians, Smyrnaeans, to his
Mighty after devotion was the great host friend St. Polycarp, and also Syriac versions of
some of these: to the Tarsians, Antiochians, to
which thou commemoratest: Hero, the Philippians, a letter from and another to
which was taken from us on the road (to a Proselyte named Maria, to his teacher St. John
heaven) the Apostle, and to the Blessed Virgin Mary with
in the company of Ignatius. a reply from her to him.

Perhaps the most moving letter is from Eucharist, which is administered either by the
the Blessed Virgin Mary, to St. Ignatius when he Bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it.”
was learning about Jesus from the Apostle John. St. Ignatius was not calling the Bishops infallible,
St. Ignatius had written to her a typical “tell me even though he himself was the Patriarch of
everything” letter. Her reply to him reveals her Antioch. He certainly was not calling another
greatness. “The lowly handmaid of Christ Jesus Bishop, the Pope of Rome, infallible. However,
to Ignatius, her beloved fellow-disciple. The he requests honor for the Bishops, and states that
things which thou hast heard and learned from the Bishops are necessary. In Chapter 9 of the
John concerning Jesus are true. Believe them, same letter, he states, “..Nor is there any one in
cling to them, and hold fast the profession of that the Church greater than the Bishop, who
Christianity which thou hast embraced, and ministers as a Priest to God for the salvation of
conform thy habits and life to thy profession. the whole world... He who honors the Bishop
Now I will come in company with John to visit shall be honored by God, even as he that
thee, and those that are with thee. Stand fast in dishonors him shall be punished by God.”
the faith, and show thyself a man; nor let the Also today, St. John of Kronstadt, in
fierceness of persecution move thee, but let thy 1908, Russian Priest, writer and good Priest.
spirit be strong and rejoice in God thy Savior.
Amen.” She quotes 1 Cor 16:13 and Luke 1:47.
The Martyrdom of St. Ignatius is also recorded.
St. Thomas, Apostle
Some of the most popular Christian (Dec 21/Jan 3)
sayings are paraphrases of St. Ignatius’ writings, The prayer of the holy Thomas,
quoting Gospels and Scripture. A. Cleveland
let us entreat him before (beginning)
Coxe, in the Introduction to his writings in the
Ante-Nicene Fathers, (published 1884), lists ten works;
famous sayings gathered from St. Ignatius: his death - a tale of torment!
1. Find time to pray without ceasing. 2. Every was in India according to (historic) staves.
wound is not healed with the same remedy. See the Holy Apostles for the Lections
3. The times demand thee, as pilots the haven. and Propers. It may be combined with
4. The crown is immortality. 5. Stand like a Sunday. The Feast may be moved to the
beaten anvil. 6. It is the part of a good athlete to nearest Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or
be bruised and to prevail. 7. Consider the times: Saturday.
look for Him who is above time. 8. Slight not Of Thomais, or Thomas, or Toma, an Apostle: he
the menservants and the handmaids. 9. Let your suffered in India, sed corpus eius ad Edisam
stewardship define your work. 10. A Christian is ciuitatem Siriae aportatum est sub Alaxandro
not his own master, but waits upon God. imperatore rege Romanorum... Et ibi cum onore
Another famous saying of St. Ignatius & expectat resurrectionem iustorum. [but his
often quoted in the Orthodox Church does not corpse was borne to the city of Eddessa in Syria
worship Bishops, but finds their place and under Alexander general and king of the Romans
purpose. In Chapter 8 of the Epistle to the and there he awaits the resurrection of the Just.]
Smyrnaeans, he states, “Wherever the Bishop (See the Apostle St. Thomas and about India.)
shall appear, there let the multitude also be; even
as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic
Church.” The short chapter begins, “See that ye 22 Dec / Jan 4
all follow the Bishop, even as Christ Jesus does May Tua’s prayer which is not speech,
the Father, and the Presbytery as ye would the protect us! (and)
Apostles.” St. Ignatius states that without the Itharnaisc, with bright Émene
Bishops, none of the Sacraments of the Church
from the brink of silent Berbae.
are possible. “Let that be deemed a proper
May Tua’s prayer protect me, i.e. Tuae

from Tech Tuae in Hui Faelain, the same as Ultan of the whole of Africa, in The Martyrology of
of Tech Tuae. Ideo Tua ‘silent’ dicitur quia lapis Tallaght.
in labis eius per omne tempus quadragesimae Temneoc or Mothemnioc was the cook
[indignisime] fiebat, ut non poset loqui. Inde Tua of Molua of Cluain Ferta. The Martyrology of
dictus est. [May Tua kept silent during Lent.] Tallaght also mentions Felix Bishop of Rome
Itharnaisc, i.e. from Cloenad in Hui [Pope], although he is probably on another day as
Faelain together with Bran. well. The eight hundred sixty mentioned by
Emene, i.e. in Ros glaisse, i.e. from Ross Oengus are probably; Eurastus and thirty five
glaisse of the Munstermen on the brink of the others and Victoris and seven hundred and thirty
river Barrow. Emmeanus, i.e. Eminan was born five others; with other Martyrs of the day.
of a father Iaman (or Hiaman). Iamnan was the [For 24 Dec. / Jan. 6 see after VI Advent.]
name of his father, Iamnat that of his mother. Of
the Corco Solgoinn Cruaich was his kindred, of
the Hui Senaig in particular. ‘Tis he that went to VI Advent
martyrdom, from the Yellow Plague, after Bran (Sixth Sunday in Advent beginning on or after
son of Conall, with his fifty Saints, and Bran king December 18/31 This Sunday may be combined
of Leinster, with his fifty kings. [Bran, son of with the celebration of the Feast of St. Thomas
Conall the Little, died A.D. 695, according to the the Apostle. Do not skip VI Advent. If VI
Annals of Ulster.] [The story of Emine Ban and Advent falls on December 24th / Jan 6th,
his forty-nine monks. Bran son of Conall died combine this Sunday morning with Christmas
A.D. 695.] Eve, and celebrate the Christmas vigil that night,
Eulalia is mentioned by St. Gregory of Liturgically the next day. Because Advent begins
Tours in the Glory of the Martyrs, and she on or after November 13th / 26th, this Sunday
suffered at Merida. On her Feast day, three trees never coincides with Christmas itself.)
before the Altar covering her relics bloom in Old Testament: Isaiah 11:1-10
flowers in the shape of doves, blessing the town (The rod out of the root of Jesse, and the
all year. If the flowers are slow to bloom, this wolf shall dwell with the lamb.)
causes difficulties during the year. The tears of Introductory Collect
the people cause flowers to bloom in the shape of We beseech Thee O Lord, grant this Gift to Thy
gem stones, with a fragrance, making sadness go people: that they may await the coming of Thine
away. The blossoms are collected and brought to only-begotten Son with the greatest vigilance so
the Bishop of the church, and these heal the sick. that as we may prepare our souls to be like
Eulalia was Martyred early in the fourth century, shining lamps upon His way, for He is the Author
and her spirit entered heaven in the shape of a of our Salvation. Through the same...
dove after her body had been stripped of its We beseech Thee, O Lord Our God, mightily
garments. Snow fell after her Martyrdom, encircle the parts of our minds with Thy Divine
covering her body with a soft wool. St. Gregory Virtue so that we may be found worthy at the
did not know what kind of trees these were, but coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son. May
that they were bare of foliage before they we be worthy to obtain the banquet of eternal life
bloomed in December. and the rewards of heavenly dignity from Him
who reigneth with Thee...
23 Dec / Jan 5 Collect Before the Epistle
The Passion of eight hundred fair Martyrs We beseech Thee, O Lord, do not delay Thine
with sixty noble ones who were slain: aid. Rather, extend Thy protection to us so that
with my Temnióc of the king-folk they who trust in Thy mercy may be lifted up by
of truly good Clúain fertae. Thy beneficial gift. Amen. Almighty and eternal
God Who desirest that we be devoted to Thy
And the great Solemnity of all the Saints

Commandments at all times. O Protection, grant Proper Blessing of the Day by a
that we by whom that Mystery is celebrated may Bishop only if present
be attentive to the Advent of the Lord from which Sixth Sunday in Advent [before Christmas.]
freedom from the recrimination of the Law Dominica .I. Ante. Natale. Domini
covers all... May God Who restored the gifts of your first
Epistle Colossians 1:23-29 parent at His first coming and will fulfill the
(Laboring for Christ, God working in us.) promise of granting you the kingdom of the
Gradual [Sequence] Psalm 127 (Heb. 128) Saints and Angels, sanctify you with His
Beati omnes. Blessed are all they that fear the Lord illumination. Amen.
(For St. Thomas, and walking towards May He shatter your chains before He comes so
Bethlehem. Psalm 127 for St. Thomas that you may be freed of the chains of your sins
fits VI Advent. The next Psalm is and fearlessly await His awesome advent. Amen.
appropriate for Christmas Eve, with the And may you who believe in Him Who came into
worry about finding room at the inn.) the world for your salvation, and recognize as the
Gospel Matthew 21:1-9 Judge that is to come, be worthy to fearlessly
(The Entrance into Jerusalem of our gaze upon the Glory of His Advent. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ on Palm Sunday; May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Christ entered the world on Christmas. without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Why He would do that... [Isa. 62:11; of ages. Amen.
Zach. 9:9; Ps. 117: 26]) May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
ever with you. Amen.
the Preface) Always said aloud.
Confraction arrangement for Sunday:
We beseech Thee O Lord, grant that with the
great successful completion of the Festivity, the (In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays.
coming Solemnity may be celebrated, and at the Nine Particles of the Host of a Sunday is
same time, let us be restored and attentive to an image of the nine Households of
heavenly discipline and let us receive forgiveness Heaven and nine Grades of the Church.
of sins. Post Communion
Be pleased to attend the celebration of this Our Souls have received that which they desired,
Sacrifice O Lord which cleanses us of our sinful we ask Thee Almighty God that they may be
condition and makes us acceptable by Thy Name. inflamed by Thy Spirit so that we with the
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio abundance of divine gifts may shine like lamps
(Preface in the Roman Rite) before the Face of the Coming Christ Thy Son,
It is truly worthy and just, O Thou Most clement like bright lights. Through our Lord Jesus Christ
God: truly multiply the increase of belief within Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
our senses, and more and more restore the form throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
of Thine Image and Likeness within us, so that
we may be worthy to behold the Second Coming Mass of the Eve of the
of Thee Who cometh in majesty with forgiveness Nativity of the Lord
of sins, Whom we believe came of old for the
relief of captives. O united and indivisible (Christmas Eve)
Trinity: O God Whom the multitude of the Dec 24/Jan 6
ineffable host of the heavens, all the army of The attendance of Lucianus with my Cua,
Angels and of the Archangels praise, grant that a fair couple,
we may praise Thee without ceasing, with the MacLonáin who chances (to come)
Seniors and the Virtues, with Thrones and
Dominions, saying: to us on the night before Christmas.

Lucianus was a Martyr (Lucien, see Jan. and the Blessed Virgin Mary in traveling
7th). My Cua or Mochua was of Tech Mochua in on a donkey to Bethlehem, and finding a
Leix of Leinster and of Daire Mis in Sliab Fuait. place to stay. The Protevangelium of
St. Eugenia today, and also March 16th. James states that the Holy Virgin Mary
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: was a virgin after the birth of her Son.
“...and forty four others and virgin Saints of the On this day, typical of a vigil, there is an
same number forty two and other multitudes of explanation of fervent prayer and
Martyrs of Christ... the rest of the Saints whose penitence.)
names God has called and who He hath known Gospel Luke 12:35-37
and ordained to conform to the image of His Son (“Let your loins be girt and lamps
in Eternal Life in Christ Jesus. Amen.” burning in your hands...”)
If the Sixth Sunday of Advent falls on Mention in the Sermon:
this day, do all the Propers and Lections Virgin Martyr St. Eugenia (pronounced
of both Christmas Eve and VI Advent. “Ef-gen-i-a”) was born in 280, daughter of the
Mass for Christmas Eve (daytime): Duke of Alexandria, Philip. Her name means
Preface (Introductory Collect) “well-born.” She was tonsured a monk, although
Merciful and most sweet God, by Whose will and she lived apart from the men in the monastery.
by Whose gift, our Lord Jesus Christ humiliated She later converted her father, who then became
Himself: so that the whole species of humanity the Patriarch of Alexandria (also Martyred, and
might be exalted; and therefore unto the lower- Canonized). Her servants were the martyrs Protas
most parts He descended to raise up humility. To and Hyacinthos. She was sent to Rome and was
this end, for that purpose, God was born man Martyred in Rome on December 25th, after
through the Virgin, so that He might reform the bringing many people to Christianity. She is
ruined heavenly Image in man. Allow these honored on December 24th, according to the
people to adhere to Thee, so that they whom tradition of all the ancient Patriarchates of the
Thou hast redeemed by Thy gifts, may be pleased Church: Eastern and Western. Like the Blessed
to remain ever in dedicated service to Thee. Virgin Mary, St. Eugenia is one of the strongest
R. Amen. teachers of the Christian faith.
(See poem about St. Eugenia on March
Collect Before the Epistle
16th from The Martyrology of Tallaght, and notes
Emmanuel, God with us, God, Christ, the Son of on her life on that date from Oengus. Byzantine
God, Who was born from the Virgin, announce and Roman commemoration of her today. Celtic
that Thou art born. For Thou hast created by date for St. Eugenia is also March 16th, “dear save
Mary the mother, so that Thou shouldst be born to the devil.” The Celtic people know that she
of her, Lord and Son: Allow us, who like her, are had been Martyred on Christmas, but they
created from Thee and through Thee from celebrated in March. She may be commemorated
nothing, to be rewarded by her from the same on both March 16th and December 24th, because
prize of belief. R. Amen. she is an important Saint. See September 11th: the
Epistle Philippians 4:4-7 Passion of Ss. Protus and Hyacinthus, two
(“Rejoice in the Lord always... The Lord eunuchs.)
is nigh...” The peace of God in prayer.) Post Nomina
Gradual and Tract [Sequence] Psalm 6 Almighty and eternal God, Who willed that Jesus
(Heb. 6) Domine ne in furore. O Lord, rebuke Christ Thy Son be Born from the Virginal Womb,
me not in Thy indignation begetting from All a second time, by the
(An explanation of fervent prayer proclamation of the Holy Archangel; allow us to
preparing for Christmas, anxious to receive His Nativity and to rejoice in His
prepare room for Christ at the inn of our presence. R. Amen.
hearts. For the difficulties of St. Joseph

Ad Pacem (from the Bobbio Post Mysterium: [In addition to the usual
Missal) Post Mysterium.]
O God, Whose Nativity of Thy Son, our Lord, the We make this commemoration, Lord Holy Father,
glorious Festival and the Birthgiving of Mary, Almighty and eternal God, commemorating and
and the triumph of Eugenia, today; obviously celebrating the Passion of Thine only-begotten
because Mary bore Christ today; Eugenia went to Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who liveth and
Christ today. The former begat Him unto Whom reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
the latter hastened. Today Christ comes into the of ages. R. Amen.
world; today Christ takes a virgin into heaven. Before the Lord’s Prayer:
Today, by birthgiving a Virgin is made a mother By these prayers we implore Thee, O Lord, by
of Him, Who today crowned a martyr at her which our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son
execution. R. Amen. commanded us to pray, saying:
Contestacio After the Lord’s Prayer:
It is truly worthy and just, Almighty God, through Free us from evil, Almighty God, and hold us in
Christ our Lord, Who descending from the the good; purge us of errors; restore us with
highest Heaven and regal Thrones, to her virtues; and grant us that which is good in the
maidenhead from the Father’s kingdom, was present, and even more, in eternity; through our
received by the inviolate womb of holy Mary, so Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
that the God of the beginning might be combined; reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
so that He might raise up a mortal frame, He of ages. R. Amen.
assumed the frailty of the flesh, by a vow of Benedictio Populi (Benediction of
liberation of man. He is swaddled in cloth Who
the People): Benedictio. In Vigilia. Natalis
shines in the stars. His Divinity is enfolded in
flesh Who is ministered to by the Angels. He is Domini Christmas Eve (The Day before
placed in a crib, but His power operates in the Christmas): (At the Bishop’s
heavens. He is encircled in a cloak Who gave Benediction, just before the Particle is
forth the heavenly kingdom. Born to us is Christ, placed in the Chalice, not specified as
illuminated and pure. The maiden gives birth, only by a Bishop on this day. From the
though the Virgin conceived. From man pure, Gothic Missal:)
from Son glorious. She receives the name O God, Who commanded that the Advent of Thy
mother, though she does not receive the label of Majesty be announced through the Angel Gabriel
wife. Through Him Whose Nativity forgiveness before Thou camest. R. Amen.
of sins is given, and Resurrection not denied, Who without beginning art eternal, and wast
through He Himself, Whom the Angels praise, pleased to enlighten the lands through the Virgin,
the Dominations Worship, the Powers of the and to cleanse Tartarus through the Cross.
Heavens tremble, and the heavenly Virtues and R. Amen.
the Blessed Seraphim together with exultation Grant, that this Thy people, may obediently walk
celebrate. With Whom, we beseech Thee, bid according to the precepts, just as He is the
that our voices also be admitted, with suppliant progeny of the Virgin alone [without man],
confession saying: likewise pour the overshadowing of Thy
[Then follows the Sanctus.] blessings upon them by the truth of Light.
Post Sanctus [Just before the Most R. Amen. [Psalm 90]
Dangerous Prayer.] And the snares of temptations, or the stings of the
Truly Holy, Truly Blessed is our Lord Jesus tempter, be plucked out by spiritual weapons. In
Christ Thy Son Who remaining in Heaven was Thy Name, make [Thy people] pass over the
manifested on earth: Who Himself, the day trials of the adversary and the lures of this present
before He suffered: life. R. Amen.

And, let them know that He is their Author, first O key of David, and scepter of the house
of birth, and second of regeneration: let them of Israel, Who opens and no man shuts, Who
know that they owe to Thee that which is born shuts and no man opens: come and lead the
and that which is holy. R. Amen. captive from prison, sitting in darkness, and in
For He Himself is pleased to help us, Who the shadow of death.
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit. O Orient, splendor of eternal light, and
R. Amen. Sun of justice, come and enlighten those who sit
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain in darkness, and in the shadow of death.
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages O King of nations, and their desired one,
and the corner-stone, that makes both one, come
of ages. R. Amen.
and save man, whom Thou had formed out of
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son dust.
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be O Emmanuel, our King and lawgiver,
ever with you. R. Amen. the expectation and Savior of the nations, come to
Postcommunion save us, O Lord, our God.
Strengthened by the Heavenly food and drink, let
us send up praises and thanks to Almighty God, Hymn: O Come, O Come Emmanuel
that He may count us, whom He has found O come, O come, Emmanuel, And
pleasing, worthy of the participation of the Body ransom captive Israel,
and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, by Heavenly That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of
recompense, Though our Lord Jesus Christ His God appear.
Son, Who reigneth with Him and the Holy Spirit, [refrain] Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. come to thee, O Israel!
O come, Thou Wisdom from on high,
At Communion: “O” Antiphons Who orderest all things mightily;
To us the path of knowledge show, And teach us
[Optional: From the Roman Breviary or
in her ways to go. [refrain]
Byzantine Odes. Or, optional: the Hymn,
O come, O come, Thou Lord of might,
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” which is
Who to Thy tribes on Sinai’s height
the same in the reverse order. The words
In ancient times didst give the Law, In cloud, and
are derived from Prophecy.]
majesty, and awe. [refrain]
Chanter or Choir:
O come, Thou Rod of Jesse’s stem,
O Wisdom, that proceeds from the
From every foe deliver them
mouth of the Most High, reaching from end to
That trust Thy mighty power to save, And give
end, mightily and sweetly disposing all things,
them victory over the grave. [refrain]
come to teach us the way of prudence.
O come, Thou Key of David, come,
V. Drop down dew, O heavens, from above, and
And open wide our heavenly home;
let the clouds rain down the just one. Make safe the way that leads on high, And close
R. Let the earth be opened, and bud forth a the path to misery. [refrain]
Savior. O come, Thou Day-spring from on high,
O Adonai, and leader of the house of And cheer us by Thy drawing nigh;
Israel, Who appeared to Moses in the fire of the Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death’s
burning bush, and gave him the law on Sinai, dark shadow put to flight. [refrain]
come to redeem us by outstretched arm. O come, Desire of nations, bind In one
O root of Jesse, Who stands as the the hearts of all mankind;
ensign of the peoples, before Whom kings shall Bid Thou our sad divisions cease, And be
not open their mouths, to Whom the nations shall Thyself our King of Peace. [refrain]
pray, come to deliver us, tarry now no more.

Vigil and Mass of the and the Irish in his time did not yet become
Christian; the Irish would not be heavily
Nativity of our Lord missionized for a few centuries. But, the Irish did
manage to conquer Rome: later on they sent
Jesus Christ missionaries into all the territories that Rome had
Dec 25 / Jan 7 held on the continent, and were instrumental in
bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ back to the
At great marvelous Christmas,
lands that had been conquered by other barbarian
Christ from white-pure Mary was born tribes. The poem fragment does not talk about
with the ruin of darkness, (Christ) the birth of Christ, but it is next to December 25 th,
the luminous King of Adam’s race. 26th, and 27th. The Irish showed that they could
place the Birth of Christ in the time of the Irish
On Christmas day, historical records, and that they had a historical
record of the coming of Jesus Christ. Recorded
a great marvel: lineage of many of the Irish Saints was very old.)
on the great Natalicia (Pagans who converted to Christianity
Christ’s Nativity took place. would understand that it is a great blessing that
[Both verses from Oengus.] Christ is born at a time of year when they think
Today begins the calendar in The about the returning of the light, because then they
Martyrology of Tallaght: Nativity of our Lord remember that God is the true Light of the world,
Jesus Christ; Junius; Pastor; Bassileus; Achilles; and overcomes all their former allegiances.)
Appromianus; Victoriana; Euticita; Helias; In the time of Caesar Augustus...
Eufegia; Dorozolus; Simfronianus; Saturninus ... over a third of the world,
(note); Teuinidus; Ignatius; Ciriacius; Zachius; and Conchobor, without treachery,
Ianuaria; Dativus; Eugenia virgin; Anastasia; ruling over a province of Ireland.
Anastasius; Julianus; Marcian. Diucaill son of In the seventeenth year
Nemain; Bishop Iarlath; Bishop Maelan; Aedan of the reign of Conchobor of the blows
the Great. (See St. Aedan Aug 31/ Sept 13.) [Conchobor began his reign in
Also today, in Bethlehem: the shepherds, 30 B.C., perhaps this verse is
and the three Kings or Magi: Melchior, Gaspar, the birth of the Virgin Mary.]
and Balthasar.
(Margin notes for this page include a Twelve years in sovranty
poem with many words obliterated. It points to [Caesar Augustus died A.D. 14.]
an ancient Irish king, Conchobor of Ulster, who were Caesar and the Lord,
reigned at the same time as both Caesar Augustus (at the same time) over the lasting world,
and also Tiberius Caesar. Legend says that when according to knowledge, to be told.
Conchobor was told by a seer that the Son of the
God of the universe had been killed by Rome, Tiberius Caesar, hard his valour,
Conchobor immediately said that he would reigned after his father, [i.e., stepfather]
avenge this terrible deed and destroy the empire (so that) to him and Christ,
of Rome, which the Irish at that time may have without sorrow,
been strong enough to accomplish, but he was so ... contemporary, it was...
outraged that he had a hemorrhage, bursting a
wound on his forehead and killing him, and this Two years was Tiberius of the princes
prevented the war. Descriptions of early Irish in co-sovranty with Conchobor.
warfare show that the weapons and fighting after Christ, ’twas no ill,
techniques at the time of Conchobor could in one festival...
conquer greatly superior numbers. Conchobor

[After the sun sets, on the new Liturgical Vesting Prayer of Saint Augustine
day of December 25th / January 7th, [THE VESTMENT COLOR IS RED, from the
Vespers, Beginning of Night, Middle of readings in the Prophecies.]
Night, and the Mass are all done [Vestments listed are based on vestments
together without pause, in anticipation of found on the relics of St. Cuthbert,
actual time. Propers are from the Old including cuffs in cloth or metal,
Gallican Missal, as in the Vigil of The especially needed tonight at the
Resurrection,. Psalms and daily Collects Confraction. Note that the Subdeacon
are omitted tonight. Assign readers for and Deacon have vested before the
Prophecies; a Priest or Deacon should Litany, saying this prayer, but omitting
read Gospels. (Total time: 4-5 hours.)] all text between the †s. The Celebrant
Vespers for the Birth of the now vests, standing in the middle of the
nave, saying:]
Lord [and Offertory] I pray Thee, O God of Sabaoth, most high,
[Standing in the center of the Church, Holy Father, be pleased to arm me with the tunic
the Celebrant begins the Vigil:] of Chastity,
Priest or Deacon: + O God come to my [Put on amice and alb.]
assistance. R. O Lord make haste to help me. and gird my loins with the cincture of Love of
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to Thee,
[Tie cincture.]
the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is
and furthermore, be pleased to inflame the reins
now, and ever unto ages of ages. R. Amen. of my heart with the fire of Thy Charity
Prayer of Saint Ambrose [Put on stole.
Celebrant: O God, I who presume to invoke Note: Subdeacons do not wear stoles.]
Thy Holy Name, stand in the presence of Thy enabling me to make an intercession for my sins
Divine Majesty: have mercy upon me, a man: a †
sinner smeared by the foulness of inherent [Put on right cuff.]
impurity; forgive the unworthy priest in whose and earn remission of the sins of these people
hand this oblation is seen offered: Spare O Lord who are present,
one polluted by sins: in faults the foremost, in [Put on left cuff.]
comparison to all others, and do not enter into and moreover sacrifice the peace-making offering
judgment with Thy servant, for no one living is of each one.†
justified in Thy sight. It is true that we are [Put on Maniple.]
weighed down in the faults and desires of our Also do not abandon me, nor permit me to die
flesh: remember, O Lord, that we are flesh and when I boldly approach Thee, but permit me to
there is no other help besides Thee. Yeah, in Thy wash, vest and calmly undertake this service.
sight not even those in Heaven are much more [The Servers then pour water over the
cleansed than we earthly humans, of whom, the hands of the Celebrant, using pitcher and
Prophet said, “all of our righteous acts are like basin. The servers help the Celebrant
unto a menstrual rag.” [Isaiah 64:6, Latin and put on the Chasuble. (The Celebrant
Hebrew.] We are unworthy O Jesus Christ, but may stand with arms to the sides in the
that we may be living, O Thou Who dost not will form of a Cross, while the servers put the
the death of a sinner: grant forgiveness unto us Chasuble on him.) If the Celebrant
who were created in the flesh, so that by serves alone he may go to the Credenza
penitential acts we may come to enjoy eternal life or a portable table to wash and vest, and
in the Heavens; through our Lord Jesus Christ he may put on the Chasuble before he
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit washes his hands.]
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.

[For a Bishop only: Putting Celebrant: I pray to Thee, O Father; I ask
on the Rationale, he says: intercession of Thee, O Son; I appeal to
Permit us to hold Thy Truth resolutely, O Thee, O Holy Spirit.
Lord, and worthily open the Doctrine of [The water cruet is given back to the
Truth to Thy People.] server. ]
Celebrant: Grant this through our Lord Jesus This is an image of the People which are
Christ, Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy “poured into” the Church.
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. [The Celebrant takes the Paten with the
[The Deacon and Subdeacon go to the Host upon it; makes the Sign of the
Credenza on the Epistle side of the Altar. Cross with the Paten over the Corporal;
The Deacon takes the Corporal from the and tips the Paten, allowing the] Host to
Credenza and unfolds it upon the Altar, slip on to the center of the Corporal in
and then stands in front of the Epistle front of the Chalice, saying:
side of the Altar, facing the Crucifix.] Celebrant:
[The Subdeacon takes the Chalice (with Pall, Jesus Christ, Alpha and Omega: this is the
folded veil and Purificator on top of it) in his left First and the Last.
hand and the Paten with the Host upon it in his [The Celebrant then gives the Paten to
right hand. He gives the Chalice and the linens to the Subdeacon who returns it to the
the Deacon, and waits in front of the Epistle side Credenza and covers it with the
of the Altar, behind the Deacon. (No cleric of rank purificator. If the Celebrant serves
lower than Subdeacon may carry the Chalice, alone, the Celebrant places the Paten
Host and Paten.)] under the right edge of the Corporal and
[The Celebrant ascends to the Altar, and kisses covers the Paten with the Purificator.]
the open Corporal (the only Procession).] [The The setting of the Host upon the Altar is
Celebrant faces the Crucifix, praying with the His Conception. This is an image of
Congregation.] Christ’s Body which has been set in the
[Servers bring the cruets, and wait to the Epistle linen sheet of Mary’s womb.
side of the Altar.] [The Celebrant takes the wine cruet.]
[The Celebrant takes the Chalice and Purificator The Celebrant then adds Wine to the
from the Deacon.] Chalice:
[The Celebrant holds the Chalice and wipes its Celebrant: May the Father remit, may the
interior with the Purificator. He gives the Son pardon, may the Holy Spirit have mercy.
Purificator to the Subdeacon.] [The cruet is given back to the server,
[The Celebrant makes the Sign of the Cross with who places the cruets on the Credenza.
the Chalice over the Corporal and sets the The Celebrant takes the Pall sets it on
Chalice on the Corporal.] the Chalice, and covers the Chalice and
The Altar is the image of the inflicted persecution. the Host on the Corporal with the veil.]
The Chalice is the image of the Church which has This is Christ’s Godhead with His
been set and built upon the persecution of the humanity that comes upon the People at
Prophets and of others. the time of His Conception.
[Notes on the meaning of the images of the Mass STAND. [ALL WHO ARE PRESENT STAND
are in the end of the original Stowe-Lorrha text]. LOOKING UPON THE CRUCIFIX.]
STAND [OR SIT]. [No person, especially the Celebrant,
Offertory may have their back to the Cross. The
[The Celebrant blesses the water in the Celebrant lifts his eyes to the Crucifix,
cruet with the Sign of the Cross and extends and lifts his hands with palm
takes water cruet.] Water is poured first upward so that they are just above and to
into the Chalice by the Celebrant: the sides of the gifts and says:]

This prayer is to be chanted at all Pilate complies in the diverse letters set
Masses: above Him in the title of dignity, and He Himself,
Celebrant: Let our prayer ascend to the Throne the living Victim, so He might save us, is offered.
of Thy Renown, O Lord, lest emptiness be And through Joseph, the Burial of the
returned to us in response to our petitions. This holy Body was obtained, therefore, all was filled.
we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ Who And we are filled from His plentitude. And we
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit receive grace for grace. Therefore, all is filled:
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. heaven with praises, and the earth with signs and
Preface of Vespers of the Nativity prodigies.
And He Himself descends into hell;
Old Gallican Missal
through Him the enemy is conquered;
O God, Who art the pious Author of all Resurrection in the flesh is demonstrated and the
wonders and virtues; Who Thyself grants all aid Book of Life is opened.
against the effronteries of the enemy to those that Let us therefore go to Him: we who are
believe; Who gave the heredity of the Saints to bedecked only by the embellishments of our
sterile Sarah, to Anna of the succession of sinfulness. Indeed His yoke is easy and His
sadness, and Elizabeth though advanced in years; burden is light. Let no man fear nor doubt. The
restoring to each one the prize of birthgiving in blood of bulls and of goats is not required, but
succession, so that Isaac might be brought near to sacrifice of praise is due in simplicity of heart.
the sacrifice, Samuel might be summoned in the Therefore God is among us: to the
Temple, and John might prophesy from the nations of nations, this is a most celebrated night.
uterus. It is the Birth of His Son. Forgiveness is
O God, Who stretching forth the bestowed upon us.
excellent glory of newness over this multitude Let Him sanctify His Church; let Him
which Thou hast forgiven as much as possible of build up the Priests; let Him exalt the Seniors;
all that is earthly, and granted that which was let Him illumine the Levites; let Him bless His
precious, so that, through the Holy Spirit, the people; let Him extinguish all of our sins; and
spouse of Thy servant might conceive; and let us attain light eternal, through Jesus Christ,
Virgin Mary might bring to birth her Lord; and, His Son our Lord, Who reigneth with Him and
when the Angel had announced to the shepherds the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
the Birth, through her, the light of the age came
R. Amen. [* Missing portion in the original
forth without inhibition.
The mother brings Him up to Jerusalem, text in brackets has been restored by text
offering Him. Simeon, at that time, takes Him up in a Hymn of Byzantine Christmas Great
in his hands and blesses Him, and Anna, Vespers by Germanus that matches this.]
advanced in fastings, joins in praise, and through Collect
the clamor of the heavenly army, the Most beloved brethren, let us beseech with one
proclamation extols Him saying, Glory to God in voice, the sublime Master of ineffable clemency,
the highest, and peace to men of good will. by these annual supplications in this Vesperal
And by the star of new shining, the prayer; so that He acts to give to us settlement of
surprise of the mystery in the Nativity is the debt of time. May He grant a rich solemnity
disclosed to the Magi: the Lord of creation is of the night of the Birth of His Son which is upon
adored. In offering, gold is offered, [for He is us. May He restore tireless protection throughout
King of the Ages; frankincense, for He is God of the coming year. May He lead us by spiritual
All; and myrrh for He was dead for three days, defense to the joys of eternal life. Through our
yet is Deathless*]: At that one moment, Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Him and
Kingship, Sacrifice, and Burial, and all the ages the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
are filled with His understanding. R. Amen.

Collect Thou shalt no more be called Forsaken,
Rule us, O Lord, by Thy high right arm, and and thy land shall no more be called Desolate: but
preserve us through the succession of the days, thou shalt be called My pleasure in her, and thy
and the succession of the times; so that assisted land Inhabited. Because the Lord hath been well
by the prayers of the Saints, we who have pleased with thee: and thy land shall be inhabited.
conducted this day, through the gift of Thy mercy, For the young man shall dwell with the virgin:
may likewise conduct this night in peace unto and thy children shall dwell in thee. And the
Thee, by purity of souls and of bodies. Through bridegroom shall rejoice over the bride: and thy
our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Him God shall rejoice over thee.
and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. Upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, I have
R. Amen. appointed watchmen, all the day and all the night:
they shall never hold their peace. You that are
The Beginning of Night of the
mindful of the Lord, hold not your peace. And
Birth of our Lord [The Prophecy] give Him no silence till He establish, and till He
[STAND DURING EACH COLLECT, make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.
GENUFLECT OR PROSTRATE The Lord hath sworn by His right hand
AFTER EACH; SIT FOR READINGS, and by the arm of His strength: Surely I will no
EXCEPT STAND FOR THE GOSPEL more give thy corn to be meat for thy enemies:
OF ST. JOHN.] and the sons of the strangers shall not drink thy
Collect for the Twelve Readings wine, for which thou hast labored. For they that
[Read before each Lection.] gather it shall eat it and shall praise the Lord: and
We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ, they that bring it together shall drink it in my
Who art the eternal living Word of God the holy courts. Go through, go through the gates,
Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith prepare the way for the people, make the road
of Thy Name, as strong trees, through plain, pick out the stones, and lift up the standard
perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity, to the people.
in our better wants, so that always persevering in Behold, the Lord hath made it to be
good, we may be able to know Thee by pious heard in the ends of the earth. Tell the daughter
sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from of Sion: Behold, thy Saviour cometh. Behold,
the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer: His reward is with Him and His work before
ineffably God from God, One from One, Light Him. And they shall call them: The Holy
from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal People, The Redeemed of the Lord. But thou
Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the shalt be called: A city, sought after and not
splendor of the Saints forever without beginning forsaken.
and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages. Collect which follows
R. Amen. [Read after each reading.]
I. Isaiah 62:10-63 ? By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be
For Sion’s sake I will not hold my with us, O God from the Angels. Named
peace; and for the sake of Jerusalem I will not Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of
rest, till her Just One come forth as brightness the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people
and her Saviour be lighted as a lamp. And the in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that
Gentiles shall see thy just one, and all kings thy we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
glorious one: and thou shalt be called by a new Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in
name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. the beginning of this great night. And when we
And thou shalt be a crown of glory in the hand of offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of
the Lord and a royal diadem in the hand of thy Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the
God. world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.

R. Amen. people, and make their ears heavy, and shut their
Collect for the Twelve Readings eyes: lest they see with their eyes and hear with
[Read before each Lection.] their ears and understand with their heart and be
We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ, converted, and I heal them. And I said: How
Who art the eternal living Word of God the long, O Lord? And He said: Until the cities be
Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without
of Thy Name, as strong trees, through man, and the land shall be left desolate.
perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity, And the Lord shall remove men far
in our better wants, so that always persevering in away: and she shall be multiplied that was left in
good, we may be able to know Thee by pious the midst of the earth. And there shall be still a
sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from tithing therein: and she shall turn, and shall be
the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer: made a show as a turpentine-tree, and as an oak
ineffably God from God, One from One, Light that spreadeth its branches. That which shall
from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal stand therein shall be a holy seed.
Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the Collect which follows
splendor of the Saints forever without beginning [Read after each reading.]
and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages. By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be
R. Amen. with us, O God from the Angels. Named
II. Isaiah 6:1-13 Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of
In the year that king Ozias died, I saw the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people
the Lord sitting upon a throne high and elevated: in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that
and His train filled the temple. Upon it stood the we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
seraphims: the one had six wings, and the other Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in
had six wings: with two they covered his face, the beginning of this great night. And when we
and with two they covered his feet, and with two offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of
they flew. And they cried one to another, and Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the
said: Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord God of hosts, all world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
the earth is full of His glory. And the lintels of the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
the doors were moved at the voice of him that R. Amen.
cried: and the house was filled with smoke. Collect for the Twelve Readings
And I said: Woe is me, because I have [Read before each Lection.]
held my peace; because I am a man of unclean We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people that hath Who art the eternal living Word of God the
unclean lips, and I have seen with my eyes the Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith
King the Lord of hosts. And one of the of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
seraphims flew to me: and in his hand was a live perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
coal, which he had taken with the tongs off the in our better wants, so that always persevering in
altar. And he touched my mouth, and said: good, we may be able to know Thee by pious
Behold, this hath touched thy lips, and thy sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from
iniquities shall be taken away, and thy sin shall be the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer:
cleansed. ineffably God from God, One from One, Light
And I heard the voice of the Lord, from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal
saying: Whom shall I send, and who shall go for Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the
us? And I said: Lo, here am I. Send me. And He splendor of the Saints forever without beginning
said: Go, and thou shalt say to this people: and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages.
Hearing, hear and understand not: and see the R. Amen.
vision and know it not. Blind the heart of this

III. Isaiah 7:1-8:22 The Lord shall bring upon thee, and
And it came to pass in the days of Achaz upon thy people, and upon the house of thy
the son of Joathan, the son of Ozias king of Juda, father, days that have not come since the time of
that Rasin king of Syria, and Phacee the son of the separation of Ephraim from Juda, with the
Romelia king of Israel, came up to Jerusalem, to king of the Assyrians. And it shall come to pass
fight against it: but they could not prevail over it. in that day, that the Lord shall hiss for the fly, that
And they told the house of David, saying: Syria is in the uttermost parts of the rivers of Egypt,
hath rested upon Ephraim; and his heart was and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria. And
moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of they shall come and shall all of them rest in the
the woods are moved with the wind. torrents of the valleys, and in the holes of the
And the Lord said to Isaias: Go forth to rocks, and upon all places set with shrubs, and in
meet Achaz, thou and Jasub thy son that is left, to all hollow places. In that day the Lord shall shave
the conduit of the upper pool, in the way of the with a razor that is hired by them that are beyond
fuller’s field. And thou shalt say to him: See the river, by the king of the Assyrians, the head
thou be quiet: fear not, and let not the heart be and the hairs of the feet, and the whole beard.
afraid of the two tails of these firebrands, And it shall come to pass in that day that a man
smoking with the wrath of the fury of Rasin king shall nourish a young cow and two sheep. And
of Syria, and of the son of Romelia. Because for the abundance of milk he shall eat butter: for,
Syria hath taken counsel against thee, unto the butter and honey shall every one eat that shall be
evil of Ephraim and the son of Romelia, saying: left in the midst of the land. And it shall come to
Let us go up to Juda, and rouse it up, and draw it pass in that day that every place where there were
away to us, and make the son of Tabeel king in a thousand vines at a thousand pieces of silver
the midst thereof. shall become thorns and briers. With arrows and
Thus saith the Lord God: It shall not with bows they shall go in thither: for briers and
stand, and this shall not be. But the head of Syria thorns shall be in all the land. And as for all the
is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rasin: hills that shall be raked with a rake, the fear of
and within three-score and five years, Ephraim thorns and briers shall not come thither, but they
shall cease to be a people: And the head of shall be for the ox to feed on, and the lesser cattle
Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria the to tread upon.
son of Romelia. If you will not believe, you shall And the Lord said to me: Take thee a
not continue. great book, and write in it with a man’s pen.
And the Lord spoke again to Achaz, Take away the spoils with speed: quickly take the
saying: Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God, prey. And I took unto me faithful witnesses,
either unto the depth of hell, or unto the height Urias the priest, and Zacharias the son of
above. And Achaz said, I will not ask, and I will Barachias. And I went to the prophetess; and she
not tempt the Lord. And he said: Hear ye conceived, and bore a son. And the Lord said to
therefore, O house of David: Is it a small thing me: Call his name, Hasten to take away the
for you to be grievous to men, that you are spoils; Make haste to take away the prey. For,
grievous to my God also? Therefore the Lord before the child know to call his father and his
Himself shall give you a sign. Behold, a Virgin mother, the strength of Damascus and the spoils
shall conceive and bear a Son: and his Name of Samaria shall be taken away before the king of
shall be called Emmanuel. He shall eat butter the Assyrians. And the Lord spoke to me again,
and honey, that He may know to refuse the evil, saying: Forasmuch as this people hath cast away
and to choose the good. For before the Child the waters of Siloe, that go with silence, and hath
know to refuse the evil, and to choose the good, rather taken Rasin and the son of Romelia:
the land which thou abhorest shall be forsaken of Therefore, behold, the Lord will bring upon them
the face of her two kings. the waters of the river, strong and many, the king
of the Assyrians and all his glory. And he shall

come up over all his channels and shall overflow Collect which follows
all his banks, And shall pass through Juda, [Read after each reading.]
overflowing, and going over shall reach even to By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be
the neck. And the stretching out of his wings with us, O God from the Angels. Named
shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Emmanuel. Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of
Gather yourselves together, O ye people: the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people
and be overcome, and give ear, all ye lands afar in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that
off. Strengthen yourselves, and be overcome: we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
gird yourselves, and be overcome. Take counsel Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in
together, and it shall be defeated: speak a word, the beginning of this great night. And when we
and it shall not be done: because God is with us. offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of
For thus saith the Lord to me: As He hath taught Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the
me, with a strong arm, that I should not walk in world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
the way of this people, saying: Say ye not: A the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
conspiracy. For all that this people speaketh is a R. Amen.
conspiracy. Neither fear ye their fear, nor be
Collect for the Twelve Readings
afraid. Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself: and
let Him be your fear; and let Him be your dread. [Read before each Lection.]
And He shall be a Sanctification to you: but for a We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to Who art the eternal living Word of God the
the two houses of Israel, for a snare and a ruin to Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith
the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And very many of of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
them shall stumble and fall, and shall be broken perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
in pieces, and shall be snared and taken. in our better wants, so that always persevering in
Bind up the testimony, seal the law good, we may be able to know Thee by pious
among my disciples. And I will wait for the Lord sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from
Who hath hid His Face from the house of Jacob: the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer:
and I will look for Him. Behold, I and my ineffably God from God, One from One, Light
children, whom the Lord hath given me for a from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal
sign, and for a wonder in Israel from the Lord of Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the
hosts, who dwelleth in mount Sion. splendor of the Saints forever without beginning
And when they shall say to you: Seek of and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages.
pythons and of diviners, who mutter in their R. Amen.
enchantments: should not the people seek of IV. Isaiah 11:1-12:6
their God, for the living of the dead? To the law And there shall come forth a rod out of
rather, and to the testimony. And if they speak the root of Jesse: and a flower shall rise up out of
not according to this word, they shall not have the his root. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest
morning light. And they shall pass by it; they upon Him: the Spirit of wisdom and of
shall fall, and be hungry. And when they shall be understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of
hungry, they will be angry, and curse their king fortitude, the Spirit of knowledge and of
and their God, and look upwards. And they shall Godliness. And He shall be filled with the Spirit
look to the earth, and behold trouble and of the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge
darkness, weakness and distress, and a mist according to the sight of the eyes, nor reprove
following them: and they cannot fly away from according to the hearing of the ears. But He shall
their distress. judge the poor with justice, and shall reprove
with equity for the meek of the earth. And He
shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth:
and with the breath of His lips He shall slay with

wicked. And justice shall be the girdle of His I will deal confidently, and will not fear, because
loins: and faith the girdle of His reins. the Lord is my strength and my praise: and He is
The wolf shall dwell with the lamb: and become my salvation.
the leopard shall lie down with the kid. The calf You shall draw waters with joy out of
and the lion and the sheep shall abide together: the Saviour’s fountains. And you shall say in that
and the little Child shall lead them. The calf and day: Praise ye the Lord, and call upon His Name.
the bear shall feed, their young ones shall rest, Make His works known among the people:
together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. remember that His Name is high. Sing ye to the
And the sucking child shall play on the hole of Lord, for He hath done great things: shew this
the asp: and the weaned child shall thrust his forth in all the earth. Rejoice, and praise, O thou
hand into the den of the basilisk. They shall not habitation of Sion: for great is He that is in the
hurt, nor shall they kill in all my holy mountain: midst of thee, the Holy One of Israel.
for the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Collect which follows
Lord, as the covering waters of the sea. [Read after each reading.]
In that day, the root of Jesse, Who By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be
standeth for an ensign of the people, Him the with us, O God from the Angels. Named
Gentiles shall beseech: and His sepulchre shall be Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of
glorious. And it shall come to pass in that day, the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people
that the Lord shall set His hand the second time in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that
to possess the remnant of His people, which shall we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
be left from the Assyrians, and from Egypt, and Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in
from Phetros, and from Ethiopia, and from Elam, the beginning of this great night. And when we
and from Sennaar, and from Emath, and from the offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of
islands of the sea. And He shall set up a standard Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the
unto the nations: and shall assemble the fugitives world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
of Israel and shall gather together the dispersed of the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
Juda, from the four quarters of the earth. And the R. Amen.
envy of Ephraim shall be taken away, and the
Collect for the Twelve Readings
enemies of Juda shall perish: Ephraim shall not
envy Juda, and Juda shall not fight against [Read before each Lection.]
Ephraim. But they shall fly upon the shoulders of We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
the Philistines by the sea: they together shall Who art the eternal living Word of God the
spoil the children of the east. Edom, and Moab Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith
shall be under the rule of their hand: and the of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
children of Ammon shall be obedient. perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
And the Lord shall lay waste the tongue in our better wants, so that always persevering in
of the sea of Egypt and shall lift up his hand over good, we may be able to know Thee by pious
the river in the strength of His Spirit: and He sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from
shall strike it in the seven streams, so that men the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer:
may pass through it in their shoes. And there ineffably God from God, One from One, Light
shall be a highway for the remnant of my people, from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal
which shall be left from the Assyrians: as there Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the
was for Israel in the day that he came up out of splendor of the Saints forever without beginning
the land of Egypt. and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages.
And thou shalt say in that day: I will R. Amen.
give thanks to Thee, O Lord, for Thou wast angry V. Isaiah 25:1-26:21
with me. Thy wrath is turned away: and Thou O Lord, Thou art my God, I will exalt
hast comforted me. Behold, God is my Saviour: Thee, and give glory to Thy Name: for Thou hast

done wonderful things, Thy designs of old, in the Lord for evermore: in the Lord God,
faithful. Amen. mighty for ever.
For Thou hast reduced the city to a heap, For He shall bring down them that dwell
the strong city to ruin, the house of strangers; to on high: the high city He shall lay low. He shall
be no city and to be no more built up for ever. bring it down even to the ground: He shall pull it
Therefore shall a strong people praise Thee: the down even to the dust. The foot shall tread it
city of mighty nations shall fear Thee. Because down: the feet of the poor, the steps of the needy.
Thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength The way of the just is right: the path of the just is
to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the right to walk in. And in the way of Thy
whirlwind, a shadow from the heat. For the blast judgments, O Lord, we have patiently waited for
of the mighty is like a whirlwind beating against Thee: Thy Name, and Thy remembrance are the
a wall. desire of the soul. My soul hath desired Thee in
Thou shalt bring down the tumult of the night: yea, and with my spirit within me in
strangers, as heat in thirst: and as with heat under the morning early I will watch to Thee. When
a burning cloud, Thou shalt make the branch of Thou shalt do Thy judgments on the earth, the
the mighty to wither away. And the Lord of hosts inhabitants of the world shall learn justice. Let us
shall make unto all people, in this mountain, a have pity on the wicked: but he will not learn
feast of fat things: a feast of wine, of fat things justice. In the land of the saints he hath done
full of marrow, of wine purified from the lees. wicked things: and he shall not see the glory of
And He shall destroy in this mountain the face of the Lord. Lord, let Thy hand be exalted, and let
the bond with which all people were tied and the them not see: let the envious people see and be
web that He began over all nations. He shall cast confounded: and let fire devour Thy enemies.
death down headlong for ever. And the Lord God Lord, Thou wilt give us peace: for thou hast
shall wipe away tears from every face. And the wrought all our works for us. O Lord our God,
reproach of His people He shall take away from other lords besides Thee have had dominion over
off the whole earth. For the Lord hath spoken it. us: only in Thee let us remember Thy Name. Let
And they shall say in that day: Lo, this not the dead live, let not the giants rise again:
is our God: we have waited for Him, and He will therefore hast Thou visited and destroyed them,
save us. This is the Lord: we have patiently and hast destroyed all their memory. Thou hast
waited for Him, we shall rejoice and be joyful in been favorable to the nation, O Lord: Thou hast
His salvation. for the hand of the Lord shall rest been favorable to the nation. Art Thou glorified?
in this mountain: and Moab shall be trodden Thou hast removed all the ends of the earth far
down under Him, as straw is broken in pieces off.
with the wain. And He shall stretch forth His Lord, they have sought after Thee in
hands under Him, as He that swimmeth stretcheth distress: in the tribulation of murmuring Thy
forth his hands to swim: and He shall bring down instruction was with them. As a woman with
His glory with the dashing of His hands. And the child, when she draweth near the time of her
bulwarks of thy high walls shall fall and be delivery, is in pain and crieth out in her pangs: so
brought low, and shall be pulled down to the are we become in Thy presence, O Lord. We
ground, even to the dust. have conceived, and been as it were in labor, and
In that day shall this canticle be sung in have brought forth wind: We have not wrought
the land of Juda. Sion, the city of our strength: a salvation on the earth: therefore the inhabitants
Saviour, a wall and a bulwark shall be set therein. of the earth have not fallen. Thy dead men shall
Open ye the gates: and let the just nation, that live, my slain shall rise again. Awake, and give
keepeth the truth, enter in. The old error is praise, ye that dwell in the dust. for thy dew is
passed away, Thou wilt keep peace: peace, the dew of the light: and the land of the giants
because we have hoped in Thee. You have hoped thou shalt pull down into ruin. Go, my people,
enter into thy chambers, shut thy doors upon thee,

hide thyself a little for a moment, until the Strengthen ye the feeble hands, and
indignation pass away. For behold, the Lord will confirm the weak knees. Say to the fainthearted:
come out of His place, to visit the iniquity of the Take courage, and fear not. Behold, your God
inhabitant of the earth against him; and the earth will bring the revenge of recompense. God
shall disclose her blood and shall cover her slain Himself will come and will save you.
no more. Then shall the eyes of the blind be
Collect which follows opened: and the ears of the deaf shall be
[Read after each reading.] unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a
By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall be free.
with us, O God from the Angels. Named For waters are broken out in the desert,
Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of and streams in the wilderness. And that which
the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people was dry land shall become a pool, and the thirsty
in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that land springs of water. In the dens where dragons
we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of dwelt before, shall rise up the verdure of the reed
Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in and the bulrush.
the beginning of this great night. And when we And a path and a way shall be there, and
offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of it shall be called the holy way: the unclean shall
Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the not pass over it. And this shall be unto you a
world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and straight way, so that fools shall not err therein.
the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. No lion shall be there, nor shall any mischievous
R. Amen. beast go up by it, nor be found there: but they
shall walk there that shall be delivered. And the
Collect for the Twelve Readings
redeemed of the Lord shall return, and shall come
[Read before each Lection.] into Sion with praise: and everlasting joy shall be
We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ, upon their heads. They shall obtain joy and
Who art the eternal living Word of God the gladness: and sorrow and mourning shall flee
Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith away.
of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
Collect which follows
perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
in our better wants, so that always persevering in [Read after each reading.]
good, we may be able to know Thee by pious By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be
sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from with us, O God from the Angels. Named
the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer: Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of
ineffably God from God, One from One, Light the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people
from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that
Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
splendor of the Saints forever without beginning Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in
and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages. the beginning of this great night. And when we
offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of
R. Amen.
Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the
VI. Isaiah 35:1-10 world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
The land that was desolate and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
impassable shall be glad: and the wilderness shall
R. Amen.
rejoice and shall flourish like the lily. It shall bud
forth and blossom, and shall rejoice with joy and Collect for the Twelve Readings
praise. The glory of Libanus is given to it: the [Read before each Lection.]
beauty of Carmel, and Saron; they shall see the We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
glory of the Lord, and the beauty of our God. Who art the eternal living Word of God the
Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith

of Thy Name, as strong trees, through Who hath measured the waters in the
perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity, hollow of His hand and weighed the heavens with
in our better wants, so that always persevering in His palm? Who hath poised with three fingers
good, we may be able to know Thee by pious the bulk of the earth and weighed the mountains
sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from in scales and the hills in a balance? Who hath
the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer: forwarded the Spirit of the Lord? Or who hath
ineffably God from God, One from One, Light been His counselor, and hath taught Him? With
from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal whom hath He consulted: and who hath
Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the instructed Him, and taught Him the path of
splendor of the Saints forever without beginning justice, and taught Him knowledge, and shewed
and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages. Him the way of understanding?
R. Amen. Behold, the Gentiles are as a drop of a
VII. Isaiah 40:1-42:12 bucket, and are counted as the smallest grain of a
Be comforted, be comforted, my people, balance: behold, the islands are as a little dust.
saith your God. Speak ye to the heart of And Libanus shall not be enough to burn, nor the
Jerusalem, and call to her: for her evil is come to beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt-offering. All
an end, her iniquity is forgiven. She hath nations are before Him as if they had no being at
received of the hand of the Lord double for all all, and are counted to Him as nothing, and
her sins. vanity.
The voice of one crying in the desert: To whom then have you likened God?
Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in Or what image will you make for Him? Hath the
the wilderness the paths of our God. Every workman cast a graven statue? Or hath the
valley shall be exalted and every mountain and goldsmith formed it with gold, or the silversmith
hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall with plates of silver? He hath chosen strong
become straight, and the rough ways plain. And wood, and that will not rot: the skillful workman
the glory of the Lord shall be revealed: and all seeketh how he may set up an idol that may not
flesh together shall see, that the mouth of the be moved. Do you not know? Hath it not been
Lord hath spoken. heard? Hath it not been told you from the
The voice of one, saying: Cry. And I beginning? Have you not understood the
said: What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all foundations of the earth?
the glory thereof as the flower of the field. The It is He that sitteth upon the globe of the
grass is withered and the flower is fallen, because earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts:
the spirit of the Lord hath blown upon it. Indeed He that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing and
the people is grass. The grass is withered and the spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. He that
flower is fallen: but the word of our Lord bringeth the searchers of secrets to nothing, that
endureth for ever. hath made the judges of the earth as vanity. And
Get thee up upon a high mountain, thou surely their stock was neither planted, nor sown,
that bringest good tidings to Sion. Lift up thy nor rooted in the earth. Suddenly He hath blown
voice with strength, thou that bringest good upon them, and they are withered: and the
tidings to Jerusalem. Lift it up: fear not. Say to whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.
the cities of Juda: Behold your God. Behold, the And to whom have ye likened me or
Lord God shall come with strength: and His arm made me equal, saith the Holy One? Lift up your
shall rule. Behold, His reward is with Him and eyes on high, and see Who hath created these
His work is before Him. He shall feed His flock things, Who bringeth out their host by number
like a shepherd. He shall gather together the and calleth them all by their names. By the
lambs with His arm and shall take them up in His greatness of His might and strength and power,
bosom, and He Himself shall carry them that are not one of them was missing. Why sayest thou,
with young. O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel: My way is hid

from the Lord and my judgment is passed over nothing: and as a thing consumed the men that
from my God? Knowest thou not, or hast thou war against thee. For I am the Lord thy God,
not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, Who who take thee by the hand, and say to thee: Fear
hath created the ends of the earth. He shall not not. I have helped thee. Fear not, thou worm of
faint, nor labor, neither is there any searching out Jacob, you that are dead of Israel. I have helped
of His wisdom. It is He that giveth strength to thee, saith the Lord, and thy Redeemer the Holy
the weary, and increaseth force and might to them One of Israel. I have made thee as a new
that are not. Youths shall faint and labor: and thrashing wain, with teeth like a saw. Thou shalt
young men shall fall by infirmity. But they that thrash the mountains, and break them in pieces:
hope in the Lord shall renew their strength; they and shalt make the hills as chaff. Thou shalt fan
shall take wings as eagles; they shall run and not them, and the wind shall carry them away, and
be weary; they shall walk and not faint. the whirlwind shall scatter them. And thou shalt
Let the islands keep silence before me, rejoice in the Lord: in the Holy One of Israel thou
and the nations take new strength. Let them shalt be joyful.
come near, and then speak: let us come near to The needy and the poor seek for waters,
judgment together. Who hath raised up the just and there are none: their tongue hath been dry
one from the east, hath called him to follow Him? with thirst. I the Lord will hear them: I the God
He shall give the nations in His sight, and He of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers
shall rule over kings: He shall give them as the in the high hills, and fountains in the midst of the
dust to His sword, as stubble driven by the wind, plains: I will turn the desert into pools of waters,
to His bow. He shall pursue them, He shall pass and the impassable land into streams of waters. I
in peace: no path shall appear after His feet. Who will plant in the wilderness the cedar and the
hath wrought and done these things, calling the thorn and the myrtle and the olive-tree: I will set
generations from the beginning? I the Lord. I am in the desert the fir-tree, the elm, and the box-tree
the first and the last. together: That they may see and know, and
The islands saw it, and feared: the ends consider, and understand together that the hand of
of the earth were astonished; they drew near, and the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of
came. Every one shall help his neighbor, and Israel hath created it.
shall say to his brother: Be of good courage. The Bring your cause near, saith the Lord:
coppersmith striking with the hammer bring hither, if you have any thing to allege, saith
encouraged him that forged at that time, saying: It the King of Jacob. Let them come and tell us all
is ready for soldering. And he strengthened it things that are to come, tell us the former things
with nails, that it should not be moved. what they were: and we will set our heart upon
But thou Israel, art my servant, Jacob them, and shall know the later end of them. And
whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my tell us the things that are to come. Shew the
friend: In whom I have taken thee from the ends things that are to come hereafter: and we shall
of the earth, and from the remote parts thereof know that ye are gods. Do ye also good or evil, if
have called thee, and said to thee: Thou art my you can: and let us speak and see together.
servant. I have chosen thee and have not cast Behold, you are of nothing, and your work of that
thee away. Fear not, for I am with thee: turn not which hath no being: he that hath chosen you is
aside, for I am thy God. I have strengthened thee an abomination.
and have helped thee: and the right hand of my I have raised up one from the north: and
just one hath upheld thee. He shall come from the rising of the sun. He
Behold, all that fight against thee shall shall call upon my Name, and He shall make
be confounded and ashamed: they shall be as princes to be as dirt, and as the potter treading
nothing; and the men shall perish that strive clay. Who hath declared from the beginning, that
against thee. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not we may know? And from time of old, that we
find the men that resist thee. They shall be as may say: Thou art just? There is none that

sheweth, nor that foretelleth, nor that heareth the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people
your words. The first shall say to Sion: Behold, in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that
they are here, and to Jerusalem I will give an we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
evangelist. And I saw: and there was no one even Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in
among them to consult, or who, when I asked, the beginning of this great night. And when we
could answer a word. Behold, they are all in the offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of
wrong, and their works are vain: their idols are Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the
wind and vanity. world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
Behold my servant: I will uphold Him. the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
My elect: my soul delighteth in Him. I have R. Amen.
given my Spirit upon Him: He shall bring forth Collect for the Twelve Readings
judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor [Read before each Lection.]
have respect to person: Neither shall His voice be We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
heard abroad. The bruised reed He shall not Who art the eternal living Word of God the
break, and smoking flax He shall not quench: He Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith
shall bring forth judgment unto truth. He shall of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
not be sad nor troublesome till He set judgment in perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
the earth: and the islands shall wait for His law. in our better wants, so that always persevering in
Thus saith the Lord God that created the good, we may be able to know Thee by pious
heavens and stretched them out: that established sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from
the earth and the things that spring out of it: that the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer:
giveth breath to the people upon it, and spirit to ineffably God from God, One from One, Light
them that tread thereon. I, the Lord, have called from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal
thee in justice, and taken thee by the hand, and Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the
preserved thee. And I have given thee for a splendor of the Saints forever without beginning
covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles: and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages.
That Thou mightest open the eyes of the blind,
R. Amen.
and bring forth the prisoner out of prison, and
them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. VIII. Isaiah 44:23-46:13
I, the Lord: this is my Name. I will not give my Give praise, O ye heavens, for the Lord
glory to another, nor my praise to graven things. hath shewn mercy: shout with joy, ye ends of the
The things that were first, behold, they are come: earth. Ye mountains, resound with praise, thou O
and new things do I declare. Before they spring forest, and every tree therein: for the Lord hath
forth, I will make you hear them. redeemed Jacob, and Israel shall be glorified.
Sing ye to the Lord a new song: His Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, and
praise is from the ends of the earth: you that go thy maker from the womb: I am the Lord, that
down to the sea, and all that are therein: ye make all things, that alone stretch out the
islands, and ye inhabitants of them. Let the heavens, that establish the earth. And there is
desert and the cities thereof be exalted: Cedar none with me, That make void the tokens of
shall dwell in houses. Ye inhabitants of Petra, diviners and make the soothsayers mad: that turn
give praise: they shall cry from the top of the the wise backward, and that make their
mountains. They shall give glory to the Lord, knowledge foolish: That raise up the word of my
and shall declare His praise in the islands. servant and perform the counsel of my
messengers, Who say to Jerusalem: Thou shalt
Collect which follows
be inhabited; and to the cities of Juda: You shall
[Read after each reading.] be built, and I will raise up the wastes thereof.
By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be Who say to the deep: Be thou desolate, and I will
with us, O God from the Angels. Named dry up thy rivers. Who say to Cyrus: Thou art
Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of

my shepherd, and thou shalt perform all my Egypt, and the merchandise of Ethiopia, and of
pleasure. Who say to Jerusalem: Thou shalt be Sabaim, men of stature, shall come over to thee,
built. And to the temple: Thy foundations shall and shall be thine. They shall walk after thee:
be laid. they shall go bound with manacles. And they
Thus saith the Lord to my anointed shall worship thee and shall make supplication to
Cyrus, whose right hand I have taken hold of, to thee: Only in Thee is God; and there is no God
subdue nations before his face, and to turn the besides Thee.
backs of kings, and to open the doors before him: Verily Thou art a hidden God, the God
and the gates shall not be shut. I will go before of Israel, the Saviour. They are all confounded
thee and will humble the great ones of the earth. and ashamed: the forgers of errors are gone
I will break in pieces the gates of brass and will together into confusion. Israel is saved in the
burst the bars of iron. And I will give thee hidden Lord with an eternal salvation: you shall not be
treasures and the concealed riches of secret confounded, and you shall not be ashamed for
places: that thou mayest know that I am the Lord ever and ever. For thus saith the Lord that
Who call thee by thy name, the God of Israel. created the heavens, God himself that formed the
For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my earth, and made it, the very maker thereof: He did
elect, I have even called thee by thy name. I have not create it in vain: He formed it to be inhabited.
made a likeness of thee: and thou hast not known I am the Lord, and there is no other. I have not
me. spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth. I
I am the Lord, and there is none else: have not said to the seed of Jacob: Seek me in
there is no God besides me. I girded thee: and vain. I am the Lord that speak justice, that
thou hast not known me: That they may know declare right things.
who are from the rising of the sun, and they who Assemble yourselves, and come, and
are from the west, that there is none besides me. draw near together, ye that are saved of the
I am the Lord: and there is none else. I form the Gentiles. They have no knowledge that set up the
light and create darkness. I make peace and wood of their graven work and pray to a god that
create evil. I, the Lord, that do all these things. cannot save. Tell ye, and come, and consult
Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above: and let together: Who hath declared this from the
the clouds rain the just. let the earth be opened beginning? Who hath foretold this from that
and bud forth a Saviour: and let justice spring up time? Have not I, the Lord, and there is no God
together. I the Lord have created Him. else besides me? A just God and a Saviour, there
Woe to him that gainsayeth his maker, a is none besides me. Be converted to me, and you
shard of the earthen pots: shall the clay say to shall be saved, all ye ends of the earth: for I am
him that fashioneth it: What art thou making, and God, and there is no other. I have sworn by
thy work is without hands? Woe to him that saith myself: the word of justice shall go out of my
to his father: Why begettest thou? And to the mouth and shall not return. For every knee shall
woman: Why dost thou bring forth? be bowed to me: and every tongue shall swear.
Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Therefore shall he say: In the Lord are my
Israel, his maker: Ask me of things to come, justices and empire; they shall come to Him, and
concerning my children, and concerning the work all that resist Him shall be confounded. In the
of my hands give ye charge to me. I made the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified and
earth: and I created man upon it. My hand praised.
stretched forth the heavens: and I have Bel is broken: Nebo is destroyed. Their
commanded all their host. I have raised him up idols are put upon beasts and cattle, your burdens
to justice and I will direct all his ways: he shall of heavy weight even unto weariness. They are
build my city, and let go my captives, not for consumed and are broken together: they could not
ransom, nor for presents, saith the Lord, the God save him that carried them; and they themselves
of hosts. Thus saith the Lord: The labor of shall go into captivity. Hearken unto me, O

house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Collect for the Twelve Readings
Israel, who are carried by my bowels, are borne [Read before each Lection.]
up by my womb. Even to your old age I am the We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
same, and to your grey hairs I will carry you. I Who art the eternal living Word of God the
have made you, and I will bear: I will carry and Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith
will save. of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
To whom have you likened me, and perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
made me equal, and compared me, and made me in our better wants, so that always persevering in
like? You that contribute gold out of the bag, and good, we may be able to know Thee by pious
weigh out silver in the scales: and hire a sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from
goldsmith to make a god: and they fall down and the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer:
worship. They bear him on their shoulders and ineffably God from God, One from One, Light
carry him and set him in his place: and he shall from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal
stand and shall not stir out of his place. Yea, Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the
when they shall cry also unto him, he shall not splendor of the Saints forever without beginning
hear: he shall not save them from tribulation. and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages.
Remember this and be ashamed: return, R. Amen.
ye transgressors, to the heart. Remember the
IX. Augustine’s Sermon.
former age, for I am God, and there is no God
Today, dear brethren, the heavens drop
beside: neither is there the like to me. Who shew
down dew; today the earth opens and buds forth a
from the beginning the things that shall be at last,
and from ancient times the things that as yet are
[original not written out in full.]
not done, saying: My counsel shall stand, and all
Let this day be joyful to us a second
my will shall be done. Who call a bird from the
time, for the One Who has suffered is risen. It
east, and from a far country the man of my own
were not possible for the world to live or to be
will. And I have spoken and will bring it to pass:
redeemed unless Christ were killed.
I have created, and I will do it. Hear me, O ye
[Despite the label, the original text is
hardhearted, who are far from justice. I have
considered apocryphal by some scholars,
brought my justice near: it shall not be afar off,
and may have another source.
and my salvation shall not tarry. I will give
Augustine’s first name was “Aurilius”
salvation in Sion and my glory in Israel.
which means golden. This sermon did
Collect which follows
not seem to come from St. John
[Read after each reading.] Chrysostom “golden mouthed,” however.
By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be But an address to Marcus Aurilius
with us, O God from the Angels. Named Antonninus Caesar by an Apostolic
Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of Father, Melito (160-177 A.D.) of Sardis
the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people does seem to cover much of the same
in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that subject, from the Discourses: On the
we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of Cross and On Soul and Body. It also
Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in seems to be a part of the Katabasias
the beginning of this great night. And when we (sermon) in the Christmas Matins of the
offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of Byzantine Rite by Cosmos that is the
Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the same as the Roman Breviary “O”
world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and Antiphons, which have a verse read after
the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. each Antiphon: “Today the heavens drop
R. Amen. down dew, the earth opens and buds forth
a Savior.”]

From Melito, Discourse place of the dead, and trampled death under foot,
On the Cross: and bound the strong one, and set men free, then
[On these accounts He came to us; on did the whole creation see clearly that for man’s
these accounts, though He was incorporeal, He sake the Judge was condemned, and the Invisible
formed for Himself a body after our fashion, - was seen, and the Illimitable was circumscribed,
appearing as a sheep, yet still remaining the and the Impassible suffered, and the Immortal
Shepherd; being esteemed a servant, yet not died, and the Celestial was laid in the grave. For
renouncing the Sonship; being carried in the our Lord, when He was born man, was
womb of Mary, yet arrayed in the nature of His condemned in order that He might show mercy,
Father; treading upon the earth, yet filling was bound in order that He might release,
heaven; appearing as an infant, yet not discarding suffered in order that He might feel compassion,
the eternity of His nature; being invested with a died in order that He might give life, was laid in
body, yet not circumscribing the unmixed the grave that He might raise from the dead.]
simplicity of His Godhead; being esteemed poor, Collect which follows
yet not divested of His riches; needing sustenance [Read after each reading.]
inasmuch as He was man, yet not ceasing to feed By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be
the entire world inasmuch as He is God; putting with us, O God from the Angels. Named
on the likeness of a servant, yet not impairing the Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of
likeness of His Father. He was everything in an the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people
immutable nature: He was standing before Pilate, in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that
and at the same time was sitting with His Father; we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
He was nailed upon the tree, and yet was the Lord Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in
of all things.] the beginning of this great night. And when we
From Melito, Discourse on Soul offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of
and Body: Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the
[For this reason did the Father send His world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
Son from heaven without a bodily form, that, the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
when He should put on a body by means of the R. Amen.
Virgin’s womb, and be born man, He might save
Collect for the Twelve Readings
man, and gather together those members of His
which death had scattered when he divided man. [Read before each Lection.]
Further on: We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
[...The earth shook, and its foundations Who art the eternal living Word of God the
trembled; the sun fled away, and the elements Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith
turned back, and the day was changed into night: of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
for they could not endure the sight of their Lord perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
hanging on a tree. The whole creation was in our better wants, so that always persevering in
amazed, marveling and saying, “What new good, we may be able to know Thee by pious
mystery, then, is this? The Judge is judged, and sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from
holds his peace; the Invisible One is seen, and is the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer:
not ashamed; the Incomprehensible is laid hold ineffably God from God, One from One, Light
upon, and is not indignant; the Illimitable is from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal
circumscribed, and doth not resist; the Impassible Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the
suffereth, and doth not avenge; the Immortal splendor of the Saints forever without beginning
dieth, and answereth not a word; the Celestial is and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages.
laid in the grave, and endureth! What new R. Amen.
mystery is this?” The whole creation, I say, was X. Isaiah 54:1-56:7
astonished; but, when our Lord arose from the Give praise, O thou barren, that bearest

not; sing forth praise and make a joyful noise, bloweth the coals in the fire and bringeth forth an
thou that didst not travail with child: for many are instrument for his work: and I have created the
the children of the desolate, more than of her that killer to destroy. No weapon that is formed
hath a husband, saith the Lord. Enlarge the place against thee shall prosper: and every tongue that
of thy tent and stretch out the skins of thy resisteth thee in judgment, thou shalt condemn.
tabernacles. Spare not: lengthen thy cords and This is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord
strengthen thy stakes. For thou shalt pass on to and their justice with me, saith the Lord.
the right hand and to the left: and thy seed shall All you that thirst, come to the waters:
inherit the Gentiles and shall inhabit the desolate and you that have no money, make haste, buy and
cities. eat. Come ye: buy wine and milk without money
Fear not, for thou shalt not be and without any price. Why do you spend money
confounded nor blush. For thou shalt not be put for that which is not bread, and your labor for that
to shame, because thou shalt forget the shame of which doth not satisfy you? Hearken diligently
thy youth and shalt remember no more the to me and eat that which is good: and your soul
reproach of thy widowhood. For He that made shall be delighted in fatness. Incline your ear and
thee shall rule over thee. The Lord of hosts is His come to me. Hear and your soul shall live. And I
Name: and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, will make an everlasting covenant with you, the
shall be called the God of all the earth. For the faithful mercies of David.
Lord hath called thee as a woman forsaken and Behold, I have given him for a witness
mourning in spirit: and as a wife cast off from her to the people, for a leader and a master to the
youth, said thy God. For a small moment have I Gentiles. Behold, thou shalt call a nation which
forsaken thee: but with great mercies will I gather thou knewest not: and the nations that knew not
thee. In a moment of indignation have I hid my thee shall run to thee, because of the Lord thy
face a little while from thee: but with everlasting God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for He hath
kindness have I had mercy on thee, said the Lord, glorified thee.
thy Redeemer. Seek ye the Lord while He may be
This thing is to me as in the days of Noe, found: call upon Him while He is near. Let the
to whom I swore that I would no more bring in wicked forsake his way and the unjust man his
the waters of Noe upon the earth: so have I sworn thoughts, and let him return to the Lord; and He
not to be angry with thee and not to rebuke thee. will have mercy on him: and to our God; for He
For the mountains shall be moved, and the hills is bountiful to forgive.
shall tremble: but my mercy shall not depart from For my thoughts are not your thoughts:
thee, and the covenant of my peace shall not be nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as
moved, said the Lord that hath mercy on thee. O the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are
poor little one, tossed with tempest, without all my ways exalted above your ways, and my
comfort: behold, I will lay thy stones in order and thoughts above your thoughts. And as the rain
will lay thy foundations with sapphires, And I and the snow come down from heaven, and
will make thy bulwarks of jasper, and thy gates of return no more thither, but soak the earth, and
graven stones, and all thy borders of desirable water it, and make it to spring and give seed to
stones. the sower and bread to the eater: So shall my
All thy children shall be taught of the Word be, which shall go forth from my mouth. It
Lord: and great shall be the peace of thy children. shall not return to me void, but it shall do
And thou shalt be founded in justice. Depart far whatsoever I please and shall prosper in the
from oppression, for thou shalt not fear: and from things for which I sent it.
terror, for it shall not come near thee. Behold, an For you shall go out with joy, and be led
inhabitant shall come, who was not with me: he forth with peace. The mountains and the hills
that was a stranger to thee before shall be joined shall sing praise before you: and all the trees of
to thee. Behold, I have created the smith that the country shall clap their hands. Instead of the

shrub, shall come up the fir-tree, and instead of Collect for the Twelve Readings
the nettle, shall come up the myrtle-tree: and the [Read before each Lection.]
Lord shall be named for an everlasting sign that We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
shall not be taken away. Who art the eternal living Word of God the
Thus saith the Lord: Keep ye judgment Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith
and do justice, for my salvation is near to come of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
and my justice to be revealed. Blessed is the man perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
that doth this, and the son of man that shall lay in our better wants, so that always persevering in
hold on this: that keepeth the Sabbath from good, we may be able to know Thee by pious
profaning it, that keepeth his hands from doing sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from
any evil. And let not the son of the stranger, that the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer:
adhereth to the Lord, speak, saying: The Lord ineffably God from God, One from One, Light
will divide and separate me from His people. from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal
And let not the eunuch say: Behold, I Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the
am a dry tree. For thus saith the Lord to the splendor of the Saints forever without beginning
eunuchs: They that shall keep my Sabbaths and and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages.
shall choose the things that please me and shall R. Amen.
hold fast my covenant, I will give to them, in my XI. Malachi 3:1-4:6
house and within my walls, a place and a name Behold, I send my angel, and he shall
better than sons and daughters. I will give them prepare the way before my face. And presently
an everlasting name which shall never perish. the Lord Whom you seek, and the Angel of the
And the children of the stranger that testament Whom you desire shall come to His
adhere to the Lord, to worship Him and to love temple. Behold, He cometh; saith the Lord of
His Name, to be His servants; every one that hosts.
keepeth the Sabbath from profaning it and that And who shall be able to think of the
holdeth fast my covenant: I will bring them into day of His coming? And who shall stand to see
my holy mount and will make them joyful in my Him? For He is like a refining fire and the like
house of prayer. Their holocausts and their the fuller’s herb. And He shall sit refining and
victims shall please me upon my altar: for my cleansing the silver, and He shall purify the sons
house shall be called the house of prayer, for all of Levi and shall refine them as gold and as
nations. silver: and they shall offer sacrifices to the Lord
Collect which follows in justice. And the sacrifice of Juda and of
[Read after each reading.] Jerusalem shall please the Lord, as in the days of
By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be old and in the ancient years.
with us, O God from the Angels. Named And I will come to you in judgment and
Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of will be a speedy witness against sorcerers and
the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people adulterers and false swearers and them that
in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widows and
we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of the fatherless: and oppress the stranger and have
Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in not feared me, saith the Lord of hosts. For I am
the beginning of this great night. And when we the Lord and I change not: and you the sons of
offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of Jacob are not consumed. For from the days of
Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the your fathers you have departed from my
world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and ordinances and have not kept them: Return to
the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. me, and I will return to you, saith the Lord of
R. Amen. hosts.
And you have said: Wherein shall we
return? Shall a man afflict God? For you afflict

me. And you have said: Wherein do we afflict you Elias, the Prophet, before the coming of the
thee? In tithes and in first-fruits. And you are great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall
cursed with want, and you afflict me, even the turn the heart of the fathers to the children and
whole nation of you. Bring all the tithes into the the heart of the children to their fathers: lest I
storehouse that there may be meat in my house: come, and strike the earth with anathema.
and try me in this, saith the Lord, if I open not Collect which follows
unto you the flood-gates of heaven and pour you [Read after each reading.]
out a blessing even to abundance. And I will By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be
rebuke for your sakes the devourer, and he shall with us, O God from the Angels. Named
not spoil the fruit of your land: neither shall the Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of
vine in the field be barren, saith the Lord of hosts. the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people
And all nations shall call you blessed: for you in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that
shall be a delightful land, saith the Lord of hosts. we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
Your words have been unsufferable to Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in
me, saith the Lord. And you have said: What the beginning of this great night. And when we
have we spoken against thee? You have said: He offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of
laboreth in vain that serveth God, and what profit Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the
is it that we have kept His ordinances and that we world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
have walked sorrowful before the Lord of hosts? the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
Wherefore now we call the proud people happy, R. Amen.
for they that work wickedness are built up: and
Collect for the Twelve Readings
they have tempted God and are preserved.
Then they that feared the Lord spoke [Read before each Lection.]
every one with his neighbor: and the Lord gave We beseech Thee; Thou, O Lord Jesus Christ,
ear and heard it. And a book of remembrance Who art the eternal living Word of God the
was written before Him for them that fear the Father Almighty, so that restoring us in the Faith
Lord and think on His Name. And they shall be of Thy Name, as strong trees, through
my special possession, saith the Lord of hosts, in perseverance of hope, and excellency of charity,
the day that I do judgment: and I will spare them, in our better wants, so that always persevering in
as a man spareth his son that serveth him. And good, we may be able to know Thee by pious
you shall return and shall see the difference sense and see Thee with pure hearts; Who from
between the just and the wicked: and between the Paternal womb was born before Lucifer:
him that serveth God and him that serveth Him ineffably God from God, One from One, Light
not. from Light, from the eternal Father, the co-eternal
For behold, the day shall come kindled Son. With Whom, and the Holy Spirit, in the
as a furnace: and all the proud, and all that do splendor of the Saints forever without beginning
wickedly shall be stubble. And the day that and end, reigns and remains throughout the ages.
cometh shall set them on fire, saith the Lord of R. Amen.
hosts: it shall not leave them root, nor branch. [ALL STAND:] XII. John 1:1-15
But unto you that fear my Name, the Sun of [The Gospel at the Beginning of Night.]
justice shall arise, and health in His wings: and Deacon or Celebrant: The Gospel of St. John
you shall go forth and shall leap like calves of the begins: [R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.]
herd. And you shall tread down the wicked when In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
they shall be ashes under the sole of your feet in with God, and the Word was God. The same was
the day that I do this, saith the Lord of hosts. in the beginning with God. All things were made
Remember the law of Moses my servant by Him: and without Him was not any thing
which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, made that was made: in Him was life, and the life
the precepts and judgments. Behold, I will send was the light of men: and the light shineth in

darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. Deacon (or Celebrant): We have sinned, O
There was a man sent from God, whose name Lord, we have sinned: remit our sins and save us.
was John. The same came for a witness, to bear Hear us, O Thou Who didst guide Noah upon the
witness of the light, that all men through him waves of the Flood, and didst recall Jonah from
might believe. He was not that light, he was sent the abyss by Thy Word; free us. O Thou Who
to bear witness of that light. That was the true didst offer a hand to Peter as he was sinking;
Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into bear us up, O Christ, Son of God. Thou didst
the world. He was in the world, and the world perform wonders among our fathers, O Lord:
was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. stretch forth Thy hand from on high to answer
He came unto His own, and His own received our necessities.

-vv v v hv v v v vgv v v fv v v vtv v v v v ]v v v v v v v v hv v v vgv v vfv v v tv v v ]

Him not. But as many as received Him, to them
gave He power to become the sons of God, even
to them that believe on His Name: which were
born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor V. Free us, O Christ: R. Hear us, O Christ.

-vv v hv v v v gv v v v fv v v v tv v v v]v v v v v v v yxvv v v tx]

of the will of man, but of God. [all bow] And
the Word was made flesh, [all stand] and dwelt
among us: and we beheld His glory, the glory as
of the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace V. Hear us, O Christ: R. Hear us.
and truth. John beareth witness of Him and V. Kyrie eleison.
crieth out, saying: This was He of whom I spoke: [R. Christe eleison. V. Deo Gratias. *]
He that shall come after me is preferred before [* St. Patrick’s ending assumed.]
me; because he was before me. Saint Mary R. Pray for us.
R. Pray for us and lift up the Gospel to us.
Saint Peter: R. Pray for us.
[Christ is born! Glorify Him!]
Saint Paul: R. Pray for us.
Collect which follows
By the wondrous Sacrament, again and again, be Saint Andrew: R. Pray for us.
with us, O God from the Angels. Named Saint James: R. Pray for us.
Emmanuel, the Son of Man; this is Jesus, born of Saint John: R. Pray for us.
the Virgin Mary, unto the Salvation of Thy people Saint Bartholomew: R. Pray for us.
in whose number, grant, sweet Lord Christ, that Saint Thomas: R. Pray for us.
we may be. Whose Nativity, to the mystery of
Salvation, we celebrate with our first prayers in Saint Matthew: R. Pray for us.
the beginning of this great night. And when we Saint James: R. Pray for us.
offer, let us pray that Thou givest the power of Saint Thaddeus: R. Pray for us.
Thy Name, by Thy birth unto us, O Savior of the Saint Matthias: R. Pray for us.
world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and
Saint Philip: R. Pray for us.
the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
R. Amen. Saint Simon: R. Pray for us.
[STAND] Saint Mark: R. Pray for us.
The Litany of the Saints Saint Luke: R. Pray for us.
[and the Middle of Night] Saint Stephen: R. Pray for us.
Priest or Deacon: Saint Martin: R. Pray for us.
+ O God come to my assistance. Saint Jerome: R. Pray for us.
R. O Lord make haste to help me. Saint Augustine: R. Pray for us.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Saint Gregory: R. Pray for us.
Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now,
Saint Hilary: R. Pray for us.
and ever unto ages of ages. R. Amen.

-xvv v gv vxgxccyxccuxx]xxgcvvhv cgvxtx]
Saint Patrick: R. Pray for us.
Saint Ailbe: R. Pray for us.
Saint Finian: R. Pray for us. V. We en-treat Thee: R. Hear us.
Saint Finian: R. Pray for us.
Saint Keiran: R. Pray for us. -cvvgv v v gv v v v vgv v v tccyvv ]
Saint Keiran: R. Pray for us.
V. O Lamb of God
Saint Brendan: R. Pray for us.
Saint Brendan:
Saint Columba:
Pray for us.
Pray for us.
-cvvhv v v HccHvv v HvccHxhxycvv v vfvcv v v gv v v vyx]
Saint Columba: R. Pray for us. Who takest away the sins of the world:
Saint Comgall: R. Pray for us.
Saint Cainnech:
Saint Finbarr:
Pray for us.
Pray for us.
-cvv v vgv chcvv jcvv v v cgccvvhcvv cv gccvv vtx]v
Saint Nessan: R. Pray for us. R. Have mer - cy on us.
Saint Fachtna:
Saint Lua:
Pray for us.
Pray for us.
-vv gchcgcvv gchcvtv v v]v v gchcgcvcgchctcc]cv vgchcgccgchvtcv]
Saint Lacten: R. Pray for us. V. Christ hear us R. Christ hear us V. Christ hear us.

Saint Ruadhan: R. Pray for us.

[The Litany of the Saints is completed.]
Saint Carthage: R. Pray for us.
Saint Kevin: R. Pray for us. Another Prayer in the Middle of
Saint Mochon: R. Pray for us. the Night of the Birth of the Lord
Saint Brigid: R. Pray for us. We pray Thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty
Saint Ita: R. Pray for us. eternal God, in this night of the Birth of Thy Son;
Saint Scetha: R. Pray for us. and in the middle of the night we beseech Thee,
Saint Sinecha: R. Pray for us. let us be present to Thee, so that just as Thou
separated the light from the darkness, likewise be
Saint Samthann: R. Pray for us. pleased to separate and dispel from us our sins.

-xvvgxvhxvv v ux]xv v v vgxhxvv v v vgxvv vtx] And have mercy upon us according to Thy great
mercy, so that Thy good Spirit may lead us unto
the land of the living. Through the same Holy
All you Saints: R. Pray for us.
Spirit, Who reigneth with Thee and Thy Son,
-xtvv v v v v vyv v v v v v uv v v]xv gcvhxvvgv v v fv v vgvcvfv vcex] throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.

V. Be Gracious: R. Spare us, O Lord. Immediately, without pause, the Prophecy and
Divine Liturgy continues:
V. Be Gracious: R. Free us, O Lord.
V. From all evil: R. Free us, O Lord. The Mass of the
V. Through Thy Cross: R. Free us, O Lord. Nativity of the Lord
V. We sinners entreat Thee: [SIT.]
R. Hear us, O Son of God. Prophecy: Isaiah 9:1-7
At the first time, the land of Zabulon and
V. We en-treat Thee: the land of Nephtali was lightly touched: and at
R. Hear us, and grant us peace.

-vv gcfccccTcvv v vccgcfcgcycvv v vc]v v vTcvvcv vcgcfcgchcfcwx–
the last the way of the sea beyond the Jordan of
the Galilee of the Gentiles was heavily loaded.
The people that walked in darkness have
57. All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord:
seen a great light: to them that dwelt in the region
praise and exalt Him above all forever.
of the shadow of death, light is risen. Thou hast
58. O ye angels of the Lord, bless the Lord:
multiplied the nation, and hast not increased the
praise and exalt Him above all forever.
joy. They shall rejoice before Thee, as they that
59. O ye heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt
rejoice in the harvest, as conquerors rejoice after
Him above all forever.
taking a prey, when they divide the spoils. For
60. O all ye waters that are above the heavens,
the yoke of their burden, and the rod of their
bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all
shoulder, and the sceptre of their oppressor, Thou
hast overcome, as in the day of Madian. For
61. O all ye powers of the Lord, bless the Lord:
every violent taking of spoils, with tumult, and
praise and exalt Him above all forever.
garment mingled with blood, shall be burnt and
62. O ye sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise
be fuel for the fire.
and exalt Him above all forever.
For a Child is born unto us, and a Son is
63. O ye stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise
given to us, and the government is upon His
and exalt Him above all forever.
shoulder: and His Name shall be called,
64. O every shower and dew, bless ye the Lord:
Wonderful, Counselor, God the Mighty, the
praise and exalt Him above all forever.
Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace.
65. O all ye spirits of God, bless the Lord: praise
His empire shall be multiplied, and there shall be
and exalt Him above all forever.
no end of peace. He shall sit upon the throne of
66. O ye fire and heat, bless the Lord: praise and
David, and upon His kingdom: to establish it and
exalt Him above all forever.
strengthen it with judgment and with justice,
67. O ye cold and heat, bless the Lord: praise and
from henceforth and for ever. The zeal of the
exalt Him above all forever.
Lord of hosts will perform this.
68. O ye dews and hoar frosts, bless the Lord:
praise and exalt Him above all forever.
The Song of the Three Youths is sung after 69. O ye frost and cold, bless the Lord: praise and
the Prophecy. exalt Him above all forever.
Collect (Antiphonary of Bangor [AB], 70. O ye ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and
Matins, before the Song of the Three exalt Him above all forever.
Youths) AB 69: 71. O ye nights and days, bless the Lord: praise
Holy and Glorious Lord, the worker of wonders and exalt Him above all forever.
and virtuous deeds: Who during their prayers was 72. O ye light and darkness, bless the Lord:
the fourth man Who stood by them; for Whom it praise and exalt Him above all forever.
is simple to alter the created nature of the fires, 73. O ye lightenings and clouds, bless the Lord:
and coerce the power of the conflagration of praise and exalt Him above all forever.
flame, that they might rejoice cool and singing 74. O let the earth bless the Lord: let it praise and
hymns to Thee, with the great victory: O Lord, let exalt Him above all forever.
the same gifts of Thy power free us and protect 75. O ye mountains and hills, bless the Lord:
us, O Savior of the World. praise and exalt Him above all forever.
AB 99 Antiphon 76. O all ye things that spring up in the earth,
The three youths were cast into the furnace and bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all
did not fear the tongues of fire: they gave praise forever.
unto our Lord: 77. O ye fountains, bless the Lord: praise and
exalt Him above all forever.
[STAND.] 78. O ye seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise
AB 6 (Daniel 3:57-88a) and exalt Him above all forever.

79. O ye whales, and all that move in the waters, Introductory Collect
bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all Most beloved Brethren, let us with due solemnity,
forever. venerate with prayer the Solemnity of the
80. O all ye fowls of the air, bless the Lord: Splendid day of the Nativity of the Lord: on
praise and exalt Him above all forever. which, the Founder of our Salvation and our
81. O all ye beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: Redeemer trampled on the Law of Death and
praise and exalt Him above all forever. accepted the nature of human kind, that He Who
82. O ye sons of men, bless the Lord: praise and was born for our redemption because of our sins;
exalt Him above all forever. He Himself may be the perpetual Guardian unto
83. O let Israel bless the Lord: let them praise and Salvation. R. Amen.
exalt Him above all forever. Angelic Hymn. [Example of a musical
84. O ye priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: setting below.]
praise and exalt Him above all forever. [The musical setting below of the Angelic
85. O ye servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: Hymn is a Scottish chant of the Gloria.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. The Roman Gloria had different words
86. O ye spirits and souls of the just, bless the in some places, so one line of music is
Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever. repeated here near the end. (The music of
87. O ye holy and humble of heart, bless the the Paschal Gloria from Liber Usualis
Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever. happens to fit the Lorrha-Stowe words
88. O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye the for the Angelic Hymn, and is probably
Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever. the oldest chant and not necessarily
Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy originally associated only with
Spirit, The Lord: Let us chant the hymn and exalt Christmas, but this Scottish setting is
Him above all unto the ages. Amen. simpler.) Roman usage drops the Gloria
AB 99 Antiphon in fasting seasons except on
The three youths were cast into the furnace and commemorations of Saints, but the
did not fear the tongues of fire: they gave praise Lorrha-Stowe Missal did not make any
unto our Lord: indication of the Angelic Hymn being a
Collect for Feasts of our Lord (from movable hymn.]
Matins, from the
The Angelic Hymn (Gloria)
Antiphonary of Bangor) AB 72:
O God, Who by Faith made the flames of the [Then in the middle of the Altar extends
fiery furnace cool for the youths, and wast the his hands, and bowing, says: ]
fourth man who stood by them as they triumphed [All join in singing: (The Missal did not
and death was thwarted; we beseech Thee, grant specify the Celebrant here.)]
virtue unto us who are scorched by the burning of
the flesh, through Thee O Christ, Who reignest -c7vv v v fcvv vfv v v fcvv v fv cv v v fcvv vdcvv v v fcvv v v vtv v v v ]
unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Glory to God in the High-est,
[Everything before the Contestatio is [Still bowing, the Celebrant joins his hands:]
from the Bobbio Missal; the rest is from
the Gothic Missal.]
All the text of the Mass from now up to
-c7vv v hv v vhv v v vhv ccvv vhv vcv v hcvvccjvv ccchvv v v vgv v v crx]
the Epistle and the Gradual is an image and on earth peace to men of good will.

-c7vv fv v vfcvv v vfcccvv fcvcfvv v v v v fv v v vcfcccdccvfccvctx]

of the establishment of the Knowledge of
Christ in the law of nature through the
Members of His Body and by His own
deeds. We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we wor-ship Thee;

-c7xYxxxxxxxxxvv v v jxvchcgcvcrc]
we glorify Thee; we magnify Thee;
-c7vv hv v hv vjv v hv v vgv v v rv v v v]v vcfvv v v fv vfv v v dv v vfv v v vtx]
we give thanks to Thee for Thy great mer - cy. Thou only art the Lord, Thou only art the Lord,

-c7cvv fcvvcvfcvvcv v hv ccvhcvv v vcjcvv vccix] -c7vv hv v vhchvv vjv v v v hv v gv v rv v v]v v vfv v v vfv v v v dv vfv v vgv vtv v]
O Lord hea – ven - ly King, Thou on-ly art glor- i -ous; with the + Holy Spirit

-vv vxkvv v ckvv v v vkv vckvv v v v lv v cckvvcjcvv v ycvv]

God the Fa-ther Al – might - y;
-c7vvhv v hv vhv vhv vhv v hv v v v vjv v v hcgcvvrv v v v ]xv vev v rx}
in the glory of God the Fa- ther. R. A-men.

-c7xYcvv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vc]v v gv vfv ccux] Celebrant: O God Who didst prepare unseen
O Lord, the Only-Begotten Son of God, good things for those who are devoted to Thee,
Je-sus Christ; send forth an attitude of love of Thee into our
hearts, that we may follow Thee in all things, and
-c7vv Yv v v v v v v v v v v v v v cc]cv v Yv v v v v v v v v v vcgcvv v fv v cevv v v] above all things pursue Thine attentive promises
which surpass all expectations. Through our
O Holy Spirit of God, and all of us say, A- men. Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
R. Amen.
-c7vvYv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v cgvv v v v fccvv v jv v v cux] BOW:
O Lord the Son of God the Fa - ther:
The only hope restores our Life and Faith, O
Eternal God the Father, Who art pleased to save
-c7vv Yv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vcgvv vfcvcfvv v ev v v v] us through Thine only-begotten Son, Who was
united to this world by the assumption of the
Lamb of God Who takest away the nature of the flesh, that He Who was God from
sin of the world, God the Father, might also be man from the
mother: From Thee without time; from her
without seed: Look upon us and answer our
-c7vv hv v vhcchvv v cvgv v cfvv v vuv v]v v hv vcvhccgvv v vcfcvv cevv v v ] petitions and grant that we, who praise with joy
the humble advent of Thy Son, may be worthy to
have mer-cy up-on us. Re-ceive our prayers; joyfully behold His coming in Glory. Through
the same our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth

-c7vv vYv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vcgvv v fccjvv cuvv] with the Father and the Holy Spirit, throughout
all ages of ages. R. Amen.
Thou Who sittest at the right-hand of The portion of the Mass from the Epistle
God the Fa-ther: and Gradual to the uncovering of the
Chalice is a recounting of the law Letter
which prophesies Christ, but what is
-c7vv Yv ccvv v v v v vgccfvv ev v]v v vfv vcv fv cv v vfccdccfvv v vgv v gv v] prefigured is not yet known. The Gospel,
Alleluia, and prayers chanted from the
Have mercy up-on us, for Thou on-ly art ho-ly, half-uncovering of the Host and the

Chalice until the prayer “May these [The Celebrant extends and joins his
Gifts” is a recounting of the Law of the hands, saying with raised voice...:]
Prophets which specifically foretold Celebrant: O God Who savest us by guidance
Christ, but the significance of the and justifiest us by forbearance, rescue us from
Prophecy is unknown until His the tribulations of this time and bestow joy upon
Incarnation. us through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth
[SIT]. with Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages
EPISTLE of ages. R. Amen.
This is said louder [by the Subdeacon who reads [KNEEL OR STAND].
the Epistle at the foot of the altar facing the [The Celebrant bows and says:]
Oblations:] Hebrews 1:1-12 Celebrant: Almighty, eternal God, Who didst
The Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews redeem Thy people by the blood of Thine Only-
begins: Begotten Son, destroy the works of the devil,
Brethren, God, Who, at sundry times break the chains of sin, that those who have
and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the attained to eternal life in the confession of Thy
fathers by the Prophets, last of all: In these days Name may be bound by no thing to the author of
hath spoken to us by His Son, Whom He hath death, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
appointed heir of all things, by Whom also He reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
made the world. throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
Who, being the brightness of His glory [STAND OR SIT].
and the figure of His substance and upholding all THE GRADUAL
things by the Word of His power, making Psalm of Praise: Psalm 148
purgation of sins; sitteth on the right hand of the for Christmas:
majesty on high; Being made so much better Praise ye the Lord from the heavens:
than the angels as He hath inherited a more praise ye Him in the high places. Praise ye Him,
excellent Name than they. For to which of the all His angels: praise ye Him, all His hosts.
angels hath he said at any time: Thou art my Son, Praise ye Him, O sun and moon: praise Him, all
to-day have I begotten Thee? And again: I will ye stars and light. Praise Him, ye heavens of
be to Him a Father, and He shall be to me a Son? heavens: and let all the waters that are above the
And again, when He bringeth in the First- heavens praise the Name of the Lord. For He
begotten into the world, He saith: And let all the spoke, and they were made: He commanded, and
angels of God adore Him. And to the angels they were created. He hath established them for
indeed He saith: He that maketh His angels ever, and for ages of ages: He hath made a
spirits and His ministers a flame of fire. But to decree, and it shall not pass away.
the Son: Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; Praise the Lord from the earth: ye
a sceptre of justice is the sceptre of Thy kingdom. dragons, and all ye deeps: Fire, hail, snow, ice,
Thou hast loved justice and hated stormy winds, which fulfil His word: Mountains
iniquity; therefore God, Thy God, hath anointed and all hills: fruitful trees and all cedars: Beasts
Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows. and all cattle: serpents and feathered fowls: Kings
And: Thou in the beginning, O Lord, didst found of the earth and all people: princes and all judges
the earth; and the works of Thy hands are the of the earth: Young men and maidens. Let the old
heavens. They shall perish; but Thou shalt with the younger praise the Name of the Lord: for
continue; and they shall all grow old as a His Name alone is exalted.
garment. And as a vesture shalt Thou change The praise of Him is above heaven and
them; and they shall be changed. But Thou art earth: and He hath exalted the horn of His people.
the self-same; and Thy years shall not fail. A hymn to all His saints: to the children of Israel,
[The Congregation makes no response at a people approaching to Him. Alleluia.
this time.]

Celebrant: Let these gifts by which the Alleluia!
mysteries are celebrated be pleasing to Thee, O We adore Thee, eternal Father,
Lord, unto our freedom and life: through our We call to Thee, eternal Son,
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and and we confess Thee O Holy Spirit, abiding
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. the one Divine Substance.
R. Amen. Let us return due praise and thanks to Thee,
THE ALLELUIA one God in Trinity, that we may be worthy to
Psalm of Praise 150 entire: Great Feasts, Easter, praise Thee with unceasing voices, through
Christmas and Pentecost (with the other Psalms eternal ages of ages. Amen.
for those days). Alleluia!
(Note: here the earlier Roman Latin “dance” We adore Thee, eternal Father,
does not match the Douay translation We call to Thee, eternal Son,
“choir.” This Psalm suggests that at the most and we confess Thee O Holy Spirit, abiding
special Feasts of the Lord, those Feasts which the one Divine Substance.
call for 65 Particles of the Confraction of the Let us return due praise and thanks to Thee,
Lorrha-Stowe Mass, there was an allowance one God in Trinity, that we may be worthy to
made for instruments, especially a full praise Thee with unceasing voices, through
orchestra, not just one or two instruments. St.
eternal ages of ages. Amen.
Basil the Great says that bowed strings, the
“psaltery,” are related to the name “Psalm.”)
We adore Thee, eternal Father,
We call to Thee, eternal Son,
-vv tv hv jvgv yv gv (gv)v]v tv hv jv lvjvhv gvyv tv } [for Alleluia.] and we confess Thee O Holy Spirit, abiding
the one Divine Substance.
Alleluia, Alleluia! To Thee, O Trinity, we return praise and
Praise ye the Lord in His holy places: thanks
praise ye Him in the firmament of His power. To Thee, O God, we recite unceasing praise
Praise ye Him for His mighty acts: praise ye Him Thee, Father, unbegotten
according to the multitude of His greatness. Thee, Son, Only Begotten,
Praise Him with sound of trumpet: praise Him Thee O Holy Spirit from Father proceeding,
with psaltery and harp. Praise Him with timbrel we believe in our hearts.
and choir: praise Him with strings and organs. We give Thee thanks, Inestimable,
Praise Him on high sounding cymbals: praise Incomprehensible,
Him on cymbals of joy: let every spirit praise the Almighty God, Who reignest unto the ages.
Lord. Alleluia! Amen.
Also, Celtic “Trisagion” (from the Bangor [After the Alleluia, the Celebrant, with
Antiphonary in Matins) hands joined upon the Altar, bows
[Note: AB 123, 128, and 125 with the ending, slightly and asks:]
are purposely repeated. These call God, Collect for Feasts of our Lord
“Inestimable, Incomprehensible, Almighty.” (after Psalms of Praise, from the Bangor
These are an Irish “Trisagion:” “Holy God, Antiphonary) AB 73:
Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on We adore our God, God of all souls, grant that we
us.” (“Eleison” is related in derivation to may persevere in this assigned vigil of the
being anointed with oil.). Revelation 4:8, solemnity until the time that our iniquity be
“...And they rested not day and night, saying: transformed in Light just as the Sun becomes
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Who brighter at midday, O Savior of the world: Who
was, and Who is, and Who is to come.”] reignest unto ages. R. Amen.

Celebrant: O Lord we beg Thee to graciously R. Lord have mercy.
attend these sacrificial offerings here present that V: Permit a Christian and peaceful end: we ask
our devotions may be profitable to salvation of the Lord,
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
-vv gv v gcchvv vjv v vjchvctvv ]v [Or] -vv gccgvv v hv vjv vtv vev v ]
The Congregation chants: R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it.
R. Amen. Thanks be to God. V: And the divine influence to remain with us, a
The Litany of Supplication holy chain of Charity: we ask the Lord:
by Saint Martin (of Tours) R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it.
[Below: examples of music for convenience.] V: To preserve sanctity and purity of the
[STAND] Deacon (or Celebrant) (V): Catholic Faith: we ask the Lord:
V: Let us all say, Lord hear and have mercy: R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it.

-vv vtv vcvchvv vjv v v v cjchvv vtv v] [or] -vv vtv vhv v jv vtv vev v] -xgxgxuvv vx]v v v v v ctvv v v v v vhccjvv v v vccjcchvv tv v ]
R. Lord have mer-cy. V: Let us say: R. Lord have mercy.
V: From our whole heart and our whole mind, O [The Celebrant extends his hands and
Thou Who dost look over all the earth and make looks to heaven, saying:]
it to tremble, Let us pray: R. Lord have mercy. Celebrant: O Lord graciously attend the
V: For the greatest peace and tranquillity of our celebration of this Sacrifice unto Thee, which
times, for the holy Catholic Church which is from cleanses us from the fault of our condition, and
the borders, yea unto the ends of the earth: Let us restores us to acceptability by Thy Name, through
pray: R. Lord have mercy. our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
V: For the Shepherd and Bishop -N-, and for all
R. Amen.
the Bishops and Priests and Deacons and all the
clergy: Let us pray: R. Lord have mercy.
[Bowing deeply, with hands joined...:]
V: For this place and those living in it, for pious Celebrant: O Lord before Thine eyes I defend
leaders and all our military: Let us pray: myself while accused by the witness of a guilty
R. Lord have mercy. conscience. I do not dare to petition for others
V: For all who are under the sublime Rule, for because I am unworthy to accomplish it.
virgins, widows and orphans: Let us pray: However, Thou knowest, O Lord, all which has
R. Lord have mercy. been done among us of which we are ashamed to
confess. It is because of this that we do not fear
V: For pilgrims and those who travel by land
to admit that we obey Thee in words: but we lie
and water [and air and space]; for penitents, in our hearts. We say we are willing; we prove
catechumens and captives: let us pray: we are unwilling by our acts. Spare, O Lord, the
R. Lord have mercy. insolent; forgive sinners; have mercy on those
V: For these who in the holy Church give forth who call to Thee. Since in Thy Sacrament my
the fruits of mercy, O Lord God of virtues listen thoughts are refuted: Grant O Lord, Who dost not
to our petitions: let us pray: receive our words with a hard heart, that, by
R. Lord have mercy. Thyself, Thou mayest bestow forgiveness,
V: That we be mindful of the Saints, Apostles through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
and Martyrs, that by their prayers for us we may
ages. R. Amen.
merit forgiveness: let us pray:

ALL STAND: Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee, and
[The Chalice and Host] are half uncovered: the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
[The Celebrant folds back the veil of R. Amen.
the Chalice and Host to expose the Host [When the Celebrant completes the
and the front of the Chalice]. censing, he hands the Thurible to the
[Incense is set in the thurible and blessed.] server or replaces the censer on the
This prayer is recited thrice: [The stand if serving alone. Servers or others
Celebrant censes the Offerings in the hold lights near the Deacon or
form of a Cross three times, saying each Celebrant, where they will read the Holy
time:] Gospel.]
Celebrant: GOSPEL
Let my prayer be set forth in Thy sight as The Deacon (or Celebrant) goes to the
incense, and the lifting of my hand be an evening foot of the altar and reads the Gospel
sacrifice. facing the Oblations.
This prayer is recited thrice: The Holy Gospel: Luke 2:1-20
[The Celebrant moves the censer in two [The Holy Gospel should be chanted.]
anti-clockwise circles and one clockwise The Gospel according to St. Luke begins:
circle around the Offerings, for each
[R. Glory to Thee, O Lord.]
circle saying:]
Celebrant: Come, O Lord, the Almighty And it came to pass that in those days
Sanctifier, and bless this Sacrifice prepared unto there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus
that the whole world should be enrolled. This
Thee. R. Amen.
enrolling was first made by Cyrinus, the governor
of Syria. And all went to be enrolled, every one
[Then the Celebrant continues to cense the into his own city. And Joseph also went up from
Altar and congregation. The altar is censed with Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to
three swings over the Offerings on the altar, then the city of David, which is called Bethlehem;
one swing before the altar; then walking a quarter because he was of the house and family of David.
of the way around the altar to the right and facing To be enrolled with Mary, his espoused wife, who
the alter (facing north), one swing toward the was with child.
altar; walking a quarter of the way around the And it came to pass that when they were
altar to the right and facing the altar (facing there her days were accomplished that she should
west), one swing, then walking a quarter of the be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn
way around the altar to the right and facing the Son and wrapped Him up in swaddling clothes
altar (facing south) one swing, then walking a and laid Him in a manger; because there was no
quarter of the way around the altar to the right to room for them in the inn.
face the altar and making three swings over the And there were in the same country
Offerings again. Then, he walks around, censing shepherds watching and keeping the night-
each person and the icons.] watches over their flock. And, behold, an angel
The Prayer of St. Gregory of the Lord stood by them and the brightness of
over the Gospel God shone round about them; and they feared
Celebrant: [The Celebrant censes the with a great fear. And the angel said to them:
Gospel with three swings of the censer, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of
saying once over the Gospel:] great joy that shall be to all the people; For this
We beseech Thee, O Lord Almighty God, that day is born to you a Saviour, Who is Christ the
Thou most mercifully accept our offerings which Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a
are sacrificed to Thee, and that Thou stretch forth sign unto you: You shall find the infant wrapped
Thy right hand unto our defense, through our in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. And

suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of Spirit of Divine glorious Light,
the heavenly army, praising God and saying: Look upon me, O Lord.
Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to God of Truth,
men of good will. Lord God of Sabaoth,
And it came to pass, after the angels God of Israel, Look upon me, O Lord.
departed from them into heaven, the shepherds Light from Light,
said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem Let us repay the Son of the Father
and let us see this word that is come to pass, And the Holy Spirit one in Substance,
which the Lord hath shewed to us. And they Look upon me, O Lord.
came with haste; and they found Mary and Only Begotten and First begotten,
Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. And, From Thee we gain
seeing, they understood of the word that had been Our Redemption, Look upon me, O Lord.
spoken to them concerning this child. Thou wast born by the Holy Spirit
And all that heard wondered; and at From the Virgin Mary.
those things that were told them by the shepherds. Through this, live those born to Thee
But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in from the font into the adoption of Sons.
her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying Look upon me, O Lord.
and praising God for all the things they had heard Heirs and coheirs
and seen, as it was told unto them. Of Thy Christ, in Whom
R. Pray for us, and lift up the Gospel towards And through Whom Thou created all,
us. [This response is from the Rule of Tallaght: as fore-ordained from all ages unto us,
the congregation says this, asking the is God Jesus, O Thou Who now commences:
Celebrant to bless them with the Gospels, Look upon me, O Lord.
and he blesses them by making the Sign By the Only-begotten from the Dead:
of the Cross over the congregation with From God, the corpse obtains God’s brightness
the Book of the Gospels, and quietly remaining unto ages of ages.
saying a prayer such as, O King of the eternals: Look upon me, O Lord.
By the words of the Holy Gospel, may our sins For now begins He Who ever was,
be blotted out. Of Thy Nature, the Son,
[After this the congregation may say: Of Divine light of Thy Glory
Praise be to Thee, O Christ.] Who was formed and was filled
[SIT.] The Sermon: With the fullness of Thy Divinity:
[The subject usually includes the first Look upon me, O Lord.
chapter of St. John's Gospel. The Priest Person, only begotten
may do the following Collect and Hymn:] And Firstbegotten
[Optional: Sunday Collect: Sundays, or He Who is all of all
Christmas.] AB 66: We call Thee Light of Light
Holy Lord, Illumination and true Salvation unto Look upon me, O Lord.
those who believe: Lordly Resurrection of And True God from True
brightness, Light of our hearts, let us be worthy God Himself. We confess
to be, by the knowledge of the Trinity and To Three Persons
perception of the Unity: children of Light, and in one Substance. Look upon me, O Lord.
[Notices and Banns (very brief
members of Christ, and a temple of the Holy announcements and engagements) having
Spirit. Who reignest unto ages of ages. Amen. been duly read, all present profess the Creed.
The Creed below is an accurate translation of
Hymn and Procession to the Cross the Lorrha-Stowe Creed, not adding, omitting,
[Optional: Sundays in Matins, or Christmas. AB 12] or changing words or phrases in the text.]

The Creed The elevation of the Chalice, after the
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, full uncovering, during the prayer
maker of heaven and earth and of all things “May these gifts” is the commemoration
visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus of Christ’s Birth and of His Glory
Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God. Born of through the signs and miracles.
the Father before all ages. Light of light, true [The Chalice is replaced on the
God of true God. Born, not made, of one Corporal and is covered by the Pall.]
Substance with the Father: through Whom all Celebrant: We, Thy servants, beseech Thee, O
things were made. Lord, that Thou benignly receive these Offerings
Who for us men, and for our Salvation of our devotion, through this glorious Sacrifice
descended from heaven. And was Incarnate of and our purified hearts, through our Lord Jesus
the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary: And was Christ, Who reigneth with Thee, and the Holy
born man. And was crucified also for us: under Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried. And Celebrant: O Lord, we sacrifice these oblations
He rose on the third day, according to the and sincere offerings unto Thee, O Jesus Christ
Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and sitteth Who suffered for us and rose on the third day
at the right hand of God the Father. And He shall from the dead, for the souls of our loved ones -N-
come again with glory to judge both the living and -N-, whose names we recite, and also of
and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have no end. those whose names we do not recite but whose
And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and names are recited by Thee in the Book of Life
Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the Father. Eternal. Of Thy mercy, rescue them, O Thou
Who with the Father and the Son together is Who reignest unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
worshiped and glorified: Who spake by the Post Nomina
Prophets. O Christ Lord Who didst empty Thyself that we
And in one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic might be filled: Thou Who abased Thyself that
Church. I confess one Baptism for the remission we might be lifted up; as Thou Who wast before
of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the the Virgin would be born of the Virgin; and wast
dead. + And the life of the world to come. born of God the Father, God before all worlds:
Amen. today is born a man for the sake of the worlds:
Fully uncovered: [The veil and Pall of Thee we pray and petition that Thou be pleased
the Chalice are removed. Standing and Hear our pleas. Thou Who reignest with the
erect, the Priest extends his hands, raises Father and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of
them and joins them, and lifting his eyes ages. R. Amen.
to heaven and lowering them, says:]
This prayer is recited thrice:
Celebrant: Show us Thy Mercy O Lord, and [Said audibly, the “Secret,” also called
grant us Thy Salvation. the “Ad Pacem”:]
The Elevation Ad Pacem
[The Chalice is elevated, and all look at it.] O God, Ancient Desire of the peoples, Who hast
[The “Post Nomina” prayer below is set the oracles of the Prophets in the Light of the
after the Word of God and the Creed in Gospel, Who came to cure our debilitation: O
the Bobbio Missal, and is always said.] Heavenly medicine, yea, who can acknowledge
Celebrant: O Lord, may these gifts which are Thee unless Thou hast acknowledged them first:
offered be sanctified, and cleanse us from the Grant that this Communion of this present kiss be
blots of our sins, through our Lord Jesus Christ, profitable unto everlasting charity. Through
Who reigneth with Thee, and the Holy Spirit, Christ our Lord, Who reigneth with the Father
and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.

-c7vcrvv rv v]
Contestacio of the Nativity
It is worthy and just, O Almighty God,
through Christ our Lord Whose Nativity we
R. Amen. celebrate today, which annual festival is a Light

-c7vv v v v v v v v v v gv v v vgv v vctchcjvv v v jv hv v v vgv vhv v v tv vrv v] to the nations, proclaiming that which the
Prophets proclaimed: the birth of Emmanuel, God
with us: Whom the Angel heralded: the creator
[Celebrant:] Let us lift up our hearts. of flesh coming in the flesh. The Host of the
-c7xvv vhxctcchccjxchccvvcgchxvv cgxctxrx] heavenly army honors with praises Thee Who
wast born for Salvation of the universe. O Thou
Whom pious Faith of believers acknowledges and
R. We have un - to the Lord.
holds. Therefore we implore Thee, O Lord:
-c7vv hv v hv vctcvhcjxjchccccgcfccfcgccchcvcgchccctvv ] harken, maintain and sanctify Thy people which
Thou hast gathered by Thy blessing unto the
Celebrant: celebration of this present solemnity, and be
Let us give thanks un - to our Lord God. favorable unto all the universe and pour out of
Thy knowledge upon Thy Saints by the
-c7vv v hv v v hv v v v v tcchccjccvv cycvv v cgchcgvv cctccrvv v} participation of the Holy Spirit through that
awaited glory of Thine Advent. Unto Thy
R. It is
worth – y and just. Majesty, the Angels give praise, the Dominations
The Preface: Worship, the Powers of the Heavens tremble, and
the heavenly Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim
The usual Preface is always said
together with exaltation celebrate. With Whom,
before any other: [Called the “Dignum”
we beseech Thee, bid that our voices also be
in the Lorrha Missal, and the
admitted, with suppliant confession saying:
“Contestatio” or “Immolacio” in other
Celtic sources.]
Celebrant: Truly it is worthy and just and right THE SANCTUS
and unto Salvation for us now and here, always [Chanted by all, a musical setting may
and everywhere to give thanks, through Christ be used. The version below is the
our Lord, unto Thee, Holy Lord Almighty and Paschal Sanctus from Liber Usualis,
Eternal God. Thou Who with Thine Only- which is an ancient melody, and may be
Begotten and the Holy Spirit, O God, art One and Gallican. Ring bell thrice.]
Immortal God, Incorruptible and Immutable
God, Unseen and Faithful God, Marvelous and
Praise-worthy God, Honorable and Mighty God,
the Highest and Magnificent God, Living and
True God, Wise and Powerful God, Holy and Ho - ly, Ho - ly,
Exemplary God, Great and Good God, Terrible
and Peaceful God, Beautiful and Correct God,
Pure and Benign God, Blessed and Just God,
-c`vcsccfccvv hcvgvcyccvcchccvchcgcvv chcjcvvchcgcfccvvrcc]"
Pious and Holy, not in one singularity of person Ho-ly Lord, God of Sa - ba - oth.
but One Trinity of One Substance. Thee we
believe; Thee we bless; Thee we adore; and we
praise Thy Name unto eternity and unto ages of
ages: Thou through Whom is the Salvation of the
-c`ccdccjcckcccjcccjcvvcchccvccgccvv v ccºycchvvcjchccrcc
world; through Whom is the Life of men; Hea - ven and the whole earth
through Whom is the Resurrection of the dead.

-c`cccrcvv v v ccfmcGcvvhcvv vgcfcvv v v dccvv v v dcfcdcsvv ccwcc]
The Sovereign Canon of Pope
are full of Thy glo - ry, Therefore, most clement

-c`vv vsxvv vwccvv chccgcvv cchcvv cchcjchccvv v crccccrvv v v ] Father, through Jesus
Christ Thy Son our Lord,
Ho - san - na in the high-est. we humbly beseech and
pray Thee, [he kisses the
-c`vv scvvjcvv ccjvchccvvcjckcvvcuccvccjcvhcvvgcvccycvcchvv c Altar, and hands joined
before his breast, says:]
Bless - ed is He that com - eth that Thou accept and
bless these gifts, these
-c`cccyccvv cgchcvv v vcchcjchvvccccgcccvv cfccvv v ccdccrmc] offerings, these holy and
unspotted sacrifices,
in the Name of the Lord.
[with extended hands he proceeds:]
-c`cfmcGcchcgcfvccdcfcdcvcscccschccvhcgccchcjvcycvvrv v} which, first, we offer unto Thee for Thy
holy Catholic Church: that Thou graciously keep
Ho - san - na in the high– est. her in peace, to guard, unify, and govern her
throughout the whole world: together with Thy
Blessed is He Who cometh from heaven that He Servants, the Orthodox Patriarachs, the Bishops
might enter the world, and didst become man of the Apostolic See and all who hold the
unto the blotting out of the sins of the flesh, and Orthodox and Apostolic faith, and our
became a Victim that through suffering He might Metropolitan -N-, Abbot-Bishop -N-, Bishop
give eternal life to those that believe; through the -N-. Yeah, remember, O Lord, Thy servants
same Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee and handmaids -N- and -N-,
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. (Here the names of the living are recited)
R. Amen. and all who are present here, whose faith
and devotion unto Thee are known and manifest,
who offer unto Thee this sacrifice of praise, for
themselves, and for all of theirs: for the
All prayers from this point until the
redemption of their souls; for their body of
Antiphon and Psalms before Communion
elders; for the purity of all ministers; for the
are said by the Celebrant. All responses
integrity of virgins and the continence of
are as indicated. The Canon is never
widows; for mildness of weather, fruitfulness of
omitted or reduced. The Celebrant
the lands; for the returning of peace and an end
extending then joining his hands,
to division; for the safety of the king [our
raising his eyes to heaven and at once
leaders] and peace of the people, and the rescue
lowering them, bowing profoundly
of captives, and for the prayers of those here
before the Altar, with his hands placed
present; for the commemoration of martyrs; for
upon it, says:]
the remission of our sins, and the correction of
culprits; for repose for the dead; and good
fortune of our journey; for the Lord Patriarch
Bishop and all the Bishops and the priests and all
in Holy Orders; for the Roman empire [whole
world], and all Christian kings [leaders]; for our
brothers and sisters; for the brethren who follow
the straight way; for the brethren whom the Lord

deemed worthy to call from the dimness of this The Celebrant makes the Sign of the
world, from this darkness, may eternal Divine Cross once over the oblations:
Faith of the Highest and peaceful light take them Which oblation do Thou, O God, we beseech
up; for brethren afflicted by various sorrows of Thee, be pleased in all things to make Blessed, +
their lot, may Divine Faith be pleased to cure approved, ratified, reasonable and acceptable:
them; for the hope of salvation and safety; for that unto us it may become the Body and Blood
those who pay their vows unto Thee, the eternal, of Thy most dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus
living and true God in communion with Christ,
Proper Communicantes:
(The proper Communicantes of the Post Sanctus of the Nativity:
Nativity or within the Octave:) [Gothic Missal: said without
and celebrating the most sacred day [or time] on omitting the previous prayer.]
which inviolate Virginity brought forth the
Saviour into this world, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to
and venerating the memory first, of the glorious men of good will: for our Redeemer draweth
ever-virgin Mary the Birthgiver of our God and nigh: the ancient expectation of the nations is
Lord Jesus Christ, and of Thy blessed Apostles come: the promised resurrection of the dead
and martyrs: Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, approacheth: the eternal expectation of the Saints
John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, shineth forth: through Christ our Lord who the
Matthew, Simon and Thaddeus, Linus, day before He suffered for our Salvation:
Ancletus, Clement, Xixtus, Cornilius, Cyprian,
Lawrence, Crysoginus, John and Paul, Cosmas
and Damian and of all Thy Saints by whose When the prayer “Who, the day before
examples and prayers mayest Thou grant that, He suffered, took Bread...” begins, the
in all things, we may be ever strengthened by the Celebrant bows three times in repentance
help of Thy protection [joins hands] through our of his sins. He offers the Oblations to
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and God, and while this is done: and there
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. must be no other voice lest it disturb the
R. Amen. Priest, for his mind must not separate
[The Celebrant extends his hands, palms from God while he chants this lesson.
down, above the Offerings:] For this reason, its name is The Most
Therefore we offer this oblation of our service Dangerous Prayer. [The Words of
and of Thy whole family, which we offer unto Institution]
Thee in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in
commemoration of Thy blessed martyrs in this
church, which Thy servants built in honor of Thy
glorious Name. We beseech Thee graciously take
it under Thy protection. Moreover, rescue them
and all of the people from the cult of idols and
turn them unto Thyself, the True God , the Father
Also order our days in Thy peace, save us from
eternal damnation, and number us among Thine
elect; [He joins his hands.] through our Lord
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
R. Amen.

The Celebrant bows three times. Take and drink from this all of you,
THE CONGREGATION BOWS VERY DEEPLY for this is the Chalice of my Blood,
OR PROSTRATES: [The Words of Institution:]
of the new and eternal testament:
The Most Dangerous the mystery of faith: which is shed for
Prayer you and for many unto the remission of
[The Chalice is raised to eye-level. A bell
Who the day before He suffered, may ring. Offered and set again in its
[he takes the Host] place upon the Corporal. He bows or
took bread into His Holy and venerable genuflects, stands, and covers the
Hands, Chalice with the Pall.]
[he lifts up his eyes to heaven]
Whenever you do these things, you
and with His eyes lifted up to heaven to shall do them unto my memory: you
Thee, God, His Almighty Father, will praise my Passion; you will
proclaim my Resurrection; you will
[he bows his head]
hope on my coming until I come
gave thanks to Thee, [setting the Host on
again to you from heaven.
the Corporal, he signs over it]
He + Blessed, He broke, and gave to His
[With extended hands he proceeds:]
disciples, saying: Wherefore, O Lord, we Thy servants, together
[Holding the Host with the right hand with Thy holy people, are mindful of the Blessed
between the thumb and forefinger, he Passion of the same Holy Christ Thy Son our
utters the Words of Institution distinctly Lord, as also His Resurrection from hell and
and attentively over the Host.] glorious Ascension into heaven: we offer unto
Take and eat from this all of you, for Thine excellent majesty of Thine own gifts and
this is my Body. bounty, a pure [+] Host, a Holy [+] Host, a
[The Host is raised to eye-level. A bell spotless [+] Host, the Holy [+] Bread of eternal
may ring. Offered and set again in its life and the Chalice of everlasting salvation.
place upon the Corporal. He bows or
genuflects, stands and then removes the Upon which graciously look with a favorable and
Pall from the Chalice.] gracious countenance: and to accept them, even
In a similar manner after the supper, as Thou didst graciously accept the gifts of Thy
just child Abel, and the sacrifice of our
[he takes the Chalice in both hands]
Patriarch Abraham: and the Holy Sacrifice, the
He took this excellent Chalice in His Holy spotless Host, which Thy high priest
and venerable Hands: Melchizedek offered unto Thee.
[he bows his head]
also giving thanks to Thee, We humbly beseech and pray to Thee, Almighty
[setting the Chalice on the Corporal, God: command Thou these things to be brought
he signs over it] by the hands of Thy Holy Angel to Thine Altar on
He + Blessed, and gave to His disciples, high, in the presence of Thy Divine majesty:
that, as many of us as shall receive from the
saying: [kisses altar] Altar of Sanctification the most
[He utters the Words of Institution over sacred Body and Blood of Thy Son, may be
the Chalice distinctly and attentively, fulfilled with all heavenly benediction and grace.
holding it slightly raised.]

[THE CONGREGATION MAY STAND:] and all of those at rest who pray for us in the
The Commemoration of the Departed Lord’s peace, from Adam unto this day, whose
Remember also O Lord the names of those who names God has called and renewed.
preceded us with the sign of faith and rest in the Unto them O Lord and to all who rest in Christ,
sleep of peace: -N- and -N-. With all those in we entreat Thee to grant a place of refreshing
the whole world who offer the Sacrifices in spirit light and peace.
unto God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy The Celebrant, Deacon and Subdeacon
Spirit, our senior, the Priest, -N- [Celebrant] take three steps backward, pause briefly,
with the holy and venerable Priests, offers for and take three steps forward.
himself, for his own, and for all the rest of the
Catholic Church assembly; and for the The three steps backward and three
commemoration of the wrestling of the steps forward is the three ways in
Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles and Martyrs, and which everyone sins: in word, in
of all the Saints, that they may be pleased to thought, in deed. These are also the
entreat the Lord our God for us: three means by which one is renovated
Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, and by which one is moved to Christ’s
Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Body.
Job, Moses, Josuah, Samuel, David, Elijah, To us sinners also, Thy servants, hoping for the
Elisah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezechial, Daniel, multitude of Thy mercies, graciously grant some
Ester, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obidiah, Jonah, part and fellowship with Thy Holy Apostles and
Micah, Nahum, Habacuc, Zephaniah, Hagai, Martyrs: with Peter, Paul, Patrick; John, Stephen,
Zachariah, Malachi, Tobit, Ananias, Azarias, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander,
Mishael, the Machabees, Marcellinus, Peter, Perpetua, Agnes, Cecilia,
also Holy Innocents, John the Baptist, Felicitas, Anastasia, Agatha, Lucy and with all
Virgin Mary, Peter, Paul, Andrew, James, Thy Saints: within whose fellowship we beseech
John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Thee admit us, not weighing our merit, but
James, Simon, Thaddeus, Matthias, Mark, granting us forgiveness through our Lord Jesus
Luke, Stephen, Cornelius, Cyprian and all other Christ, through Whom, O Lord Thou dost ever +
Martyrs, Paul, Anthony and other Fathers of the create, + Sanctify, + Enliven, + Bless, and bestow
hermitages of Sceti, all these good things upon us.
and also the Bishops Martin, Gregory,
Maximus, Felix, Patrick, Patrick, Secundinus, THE EXAMINATION AND
Auxilius, Iserninus, Cerbanus, Erc, Carthage,
Ibar, Ailbe, Conleth, MacNissi, Moinenn,
Senan, Finbarr, Colman, Cuan, Aedan, The Examination of the Chalice and
Laurentius, Mellitus, Justus, Etto, Dagan, Host, and the effort with which the
Tigernach, Mochti, Ciannan, Buite, Eugene, Celebrant attempts to break it is an
Declan, Carthain, Mel, Ruadhan, image of the rejection, punches, lashings
** Maelrúain, Gregory, Dionisij, and the Arrest of Christ.
Polikarp, Nikanor, Mstyslav, Hryhorij, Hennadij, [KNEEL].
Andrew, John [** Other departed Bishops
may be inserted.] [He genuflects and bows profoundly,
also the Priests Finian, Kieran, Oengus, Enda, rises and uncovers the Chalice:]
Gildas, Brendan, Brendan, Cainnech, It is through + Him, with Him, and in + Him,
Columba, Columba, Colman, Comgall, within the unity of the Holy + Spirit, that unto
Comghan, Thee, God the Father + Almighty,
* Seraphim,
[* Other departed Priests may be It is here that the principle Host is lifted
inserted.] up over the Chalice, elevating both:

is all honor and glory, through all ages of ages. called the “Post Secreta” or “Post
R. Amen. Mysterium” in the Gothic Missal, and is
This is said thrice as the Host is always said.]
submerged halfway in the Chalice: We believe, O Lord. We believe we have been
Let Thy mercy be upon us even as we have redeemed in this Fraction of the Body, and the
hoped on Thee. pouring forth of the Blood; and we shall rely on
[The Subdeacon takes the Paten, the consumption of this Sacrifice for fortification:
Purificator and knife from the Credenza. that which we now hold in hope, we may enjoy
(The knife must never be placed on the in truth by Heavenly fruition, through our Lord
Altar). He gives the Paten and the Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Purificator to the Deacon who wipes the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Paten with the Purificator. After the R. Amen.
Celebrant has withdrawn the Host from [The Post Secreta or Post Mysterium of
the Chalice, the Deacon holds the Paten the day from the Gothic Missal, is
under the Host. inserted here, without omitting the
The Celebrant places the Host upon the previous prayer.]
Paten, takes the Paten and Host from the Post Mysterium of the Nativity
Deacon and sets them on the Corporal We believe O Lord in Thy coming: we remember
before the Chalice.] Thy Passion: Thy Body broken for us in
The Host on the Paten is Christ’s Flesh remission of our sins; Thy holy Blood shed in
upon the tree of the Cross. payment of our redemption: Who with the Father
The Fraction It is here that the Bread is and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth unto ages
broken: of ages. R. Amen.
The Fraction of the Host upon the [The “Post Mysterium” for the Feast of
Paten is the breaking of Christ’s the Throne of St. Peter at Rome is always
Body with nails on the Cross. done; it resembles the Byzantine
[The Celebrant holds the Host between Epiklesis. It may have been by St. Peter.]
the first and medius fingers and the We who serve, offer these prescribed Holy Gifts
Thumbs of both hands and breaks it over of our Salvation, that Thou may be pleased to
the Paten, saying:] send Thy Holy Spirit upon this Sacrifice so that it
They have known the Lord - Alleluia - may be changed into a legitimate Eucharist for us
in the Name of Thee, Thy Son and the Holy
in the Fraction of the Bread - Alleluia. Spirit, in the transformation of the Body and
The Bread which we break is the Body of our Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; and may it be
Lord Jesus Christ - Alleluia - unto us who eat and drink, Life eternal and the
The Chalice which we bless - Alleluia - eternal Kingdom. Through Himself, Christ Our
is the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ - Alleluia - Lord who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
in remission of our sins - Alleluia. throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
Let Thy mercy be upon us - Alleluia - [The halves are placed together on the
even as we have hoped on Thee - Alleluia. Paten.] The reunion of the two halves
They have known the Lord. - Alleluia. after the Fraction is the affirmation of
the wholeness of Christ’s Body after His
The two halves of the Host are submerged totally Resurrection. The submersion of the two
in the Chalice. halves in the Blood are an affirmation
[After the Celebrant has withdrawn the that at His Crucifixion, Christ’s Body
Host from the Chalice, the Deacon holds was covered in Blood.
the Paten under the Host. The Paten [The usual introductory line is replaced.
and Host are set on the Corporal before From the Gothic Missal:]
the Chalice. The following prayer is

Before the Lord’s Prayer: Benedictio Populi for Christmas
Not presuming by our own merits, but by the [Just before the Particle is
command of our Lord Jesus Christ do we dare to placed in the Chalice, from the
say: Gothic Missal. This is said by a
Bishop or Priest:]
Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, O God today a purified world receiveth
hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thee, Who commanded that the Angel Gabriel
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. announce the Advent of Thy Majesty before Thy
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us coming, and Who willingly took on human form
our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us from the womb of the Virgin. R. Amen.
not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Bless O Lord Thy servant Whom this
solemnity of Thy coming has made to rejoice.
[Proper Collect from the Gothic Missal:] R. Amen.
After the Lords Prayer: Give peace to Thy people whom Thou
[Celebrant:] Free us Almighty God from all evil hast enlivened by Thy precious Nativity, and
and all danger and preserve us in all good works, redeemed from death by enduring the Passion.
O perfect Truth and true Freedom: who reignest R. Amen.
unto the ages. R. Amen. Give these weak ones the riches of
The Peace goodness from Thy storehouse: fill them with
[Celebrant turns to the people, and knowledge so that they may follow Thee: the
makes the Sign of the Cross, saying:] Guide of Righteousness, Whom they know art
The + Peace and Charity of our Lord Jesus their Creator; with unpolluted actions and pure
Christ, and the Communion of all the Saints be hearts. R. Amen.
always with us. And just as in those days perfidious
R. And with thy spirit. Herod feared Thy coming into the world, and that
[Turning to the Altar, he continues:] faithless king perished by the presence of the
Thou didst command peace; Thou didst give great King; likewise now in the present time, let
peace; Thou didst leave peace: bestow, O Lord, this time of celebration dissolve the chains of our
Thy peace from heaven and make this day sins. R. Amen.
peaceful, and establish all the remaining days of So that when Thou comest in judgment,
our life in Thy peace, through Thee Who reignest none appeareth guilty before Thy tribunal; but the
with Thine unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit mists of darkness having been dispelled from our
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. bosoms, may we be pleasing in Thy sight, and
[Exchange of the Pax] may we pass through to that land where Thy
[If there is a Deacon the Celebrant Saints will dwell in eternal peace. R. Amen.
exchanges the Pax with him, bowing. Benedictio. In Die Natalis Domini
The Deacon then continues the Pax to the Benedicat vos omnipotens deus.
Congregation. The Celebrant must not vestramque ad superna excitet
shake hands with any person at this intentionem. qui hanc sacratissimam
time, as his hands are purified in order diem natiutate filii sui fecit esse
to handle the Holy Eucharist. If serving sollempnem. Amen.
alone, the Celebrant may bow to each Et qui eum qui panis est angelorum in
person, because each person is made in presepi aecclesie cibum fecit esse /
the image of God, and they would return fidelium animalium. ipse vos et in
the bow. If the Deacon will be presenti saeculo degustare faciat
performing the Ablutions later, he also aeternorum dulcedinem gaudiorum. et
may not shake hands.] in futuro perducat ad satietatem

aeternorum premiorum. Amen. Subdeacon who returns it to the
Quique eius infantiam uilibus voluit Credenza. The Celebrant (or Bishop)
indui pannis. ipse vos caelestium induat drops the Particle into the Chalice,
ornamentis. Amen. saying:]
Quod ipse. Amen. Benedictio. Amen.
Benedictio in Die Natalis Domini Ad Vesperas May the commixture of the Body and Blood of
[Blessing on the day of the Nativity of the our Lord Jesus Christ be for us live-giving unto
Lord at Vespers at the end of the day.] life eternal. R. Amen.
O God, Who commanded that the Advent of Thy The Particle that is cut from the Bottom
majesty be announced by the Angel Gabriel, of the half which is on the Priest’s left
before Thou didst descend. Amen. hand is the wounding with the Lance in
Who diligently entered into a human viscera, and the Armpit of the right side; for Christ
from the womb of the Virgin, today through was facing Westward as He hung upon
Thee, the world receives clarity. Amen. the Cross: Facing the City, and
Do Thou, O Lord, bless this Thy family, which Longinus faced Eastward, so what was
today rejoices in the solemnity of Thine Advent. left to Christ was right to him.
May He bless you from the heavens Who through THE CONFRACTION
the Cross of His Passion redeemed you on earth,
[BOW DEEPLY.] [St.John 1:29]
to Whom is the honor, the kingdom, and the rule,
Turning to the people, holding a
and the power, unto ages of ages. Amen.
Particle of the Host over the Paten, the
May the blessing of the Father, and the Son, and
Celebrant says:
the Holy Spirit, and the peace of the Lord be ever
Behold the Lamb of God.
with you. Amen.
Deus qui adventum tuae maiestatis per
Behold, O Thou Who takest away the sins of the
angelum gabrielem antequam discenderis world.
nuntiare iussisti. Amen. [The Congregation may respond with the
Qui dignanter infra humana viscera ingressus prayer of the Centurion at this point:]
es. et ex aluo virginis hodie te mundus [Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldest
clarificatum excipit. Amen. come under my roof, but speak the word
Tu domine benedic hanc familiam tuam quam only, and my soul shall be healed. (thrice)]
hodierna sollempnitas in adventu tuo fecit
gaudere. Amen.
/ Ille vos benedicat de caelis qui per crucem
passionis suae vos redemit in terris. cui est [THE CONGREGATION MAY STAND]. [The
honor et imperium regnum et potestas in Celebrant turns to the altar and if serving alone,
secula seculorum. Amen. begins the verses. Then the Celebrant continues
Benedictio dei patris. Amen. to perform the Confraction of sixty-five Particles,
[A Bishop may cut the Particle and drop it into the breaking the Host and placing the Particles in
Chalice if his hands have been purified at the correct formation upon the Paten; while the
vesting.] Celebrant or other clergy say the verses, and
[The Pax being completed, the Celebrant choir or congregation sing the Psalms. At all
(or Bishop) turns again to the Altar, Masses, these words are said clearly and in
takes the knife from the Subdeacon, cuts order, not at the same time as other verses. Sing
a Particle from the bottom of the left the Psalms very slowly today. Holy Communion
hand portion of the Host and rejoins the occurs after these verses are completed. If it is a
two halves of the Host on the Paten. very large congregation, the door wardens may
The Celebrant (or Bishop) gives the knife help them line up to receive Communion, but
to the Deacon. The Deacon wipes it with otherwise they should wait until after the
the Purificator and gives it to the Confraction is completed to line up.]

[The sixty-five Particles used on this day 65 Particles for Easter, Christmas and
include every day and every Feast. The Lorrha- Pentecost.
Stowe Missal has of seven kinds of Confraction:] The arrangement of the Confraction at
Five Particles of the Daily Host as the Easter and Christmas is:
image of the five senses of the soul; 14 Particles in the upright of the Cross,
Seven Particles of the Host of Saints and 14 Particles in the crosspiece,
Virgins except the most important ones as the 20 Particles in its circlet: five pieces to each
image of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit; quarter;
Eight Particles of the Host of the Holy 16 pieces to the Crosses: 4 to each one.
Martyrs as an image of the octonary New One Particle, for the Celebrant of the Mass is in
Testament; [This has two meanings: 1) The the middle as the image of the Secrets kept in the
Eighth Day of Creation, the Resurrection of the heart.
Dead. 2) The Eight Fold New Testament The upper part of the shaft of the Cross is for the
according to St. Athanasius: four Gospels; Acts Bishops,
and Epistles; Revelation; The Apostles’ Creed;
and Pastor of Hermas. Since the time of this the left portion of the crosspiece is for Priests;
Missal, the last two have been deleted from the the right portion of the crosspiece is to the grades
Bible.] lower than Priest;
Nine Particles of the Host of a Sunday the lower portion of the stem is to monastics and
[and also of the Proper Ferias of Lent] is an penitents;
image of the nine Households of Heaven and the the upper left quadrant is for young clerics;
nine Grades of the Church; the upper right quadrant is to children;
Eleven Particles of the Host of the the lower left is for those who are truly repentant;
Apostles is an image of the incomplete number of the lower right is for those who are married and
the Apostles due to the Sin of Judas; those who have never before received
Twelve Particles of the Host of the Communion.
Circumcision and of Holy Thursday are in The Celebrant or Deacon continuing
memory of the complete number of the Apostles; The Prayers of the Confraction:
Thirteen Particles of the Host of Low [These initial verses below are said
Sunday and the Feast of the Ascension, is an before arranging the Particles, spoken
image of Christ with His twelve Apostles; it is not aloud, without any omissions.]
usual to distribute from all thirteen Particles.
Added together, five, seven, eight, nine, V. My peace I give to you - Alleluia - my
eleven, twelve and thirteen come to sixty-five peace I leave you - Alleluia.
which is the number of Particles of the Host of
[St. John 14:27]
Easter, Christmas and Pentecost. For all of them
are comprised in Christ. V. Abundant peace is for those who are attentive
to Thy Law, O Lord- Alleluia
and there is no scandal in them - Alleluia.
[Psalm 118:165]
V. For the King of Heaven with peace -Alleluia
- [Lk 19:38, Zach. 9:9-10]
Who is full of the promise of life - Alleluia -
[Jn 10:10, 11:25-26]
Sing Ye a new song - Alleluia -
[Psalms 95:1; 149:1; Isaiah 42:10]
All of ye holy ones come forth -Alleluia.
[Jn 5:29, 11:43]
V. Come, eat my Bread - Alleluia -
and drink the wine which has been mixed for you
- Alleluia. [Jn 21:12]

Psalm 22 of them that seek the Face of the God of Jacob.
[Full Psalms may be sung by Reader or Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted
Congregation, VERY SLOWLY today, up, O eternal gates:*
or add Hymns, during the Confraction. and the King of Glory shall enter in.
The Douay-Rheims translation is used.] Who is this King of Glory? *
The Lord shepherds me I shall not want* the Lord Who is strong and mighty: the
He hath made me dwell in a place of Lord mighty in battle.
green pasture. Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted
He hath made me rest beside the still water.* up, O eternal gates:*
He hath converted my soul. and the King of Glory shall enter in.
He hath led me on the paths of justice,* Who is this King of Glory?*
for His own Name’s sake. the Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory.
For though I should walk in the midst of the V. This is the Bread of Life which cometh down
shadow of death,* from Heaven - Alleluia -
I will fear no evils, for Thou art with whosoever eateth of It shall live unto eternity -
me. Alleluia.
Thy rod and Thy staff,* [St. John 6:50, 54, 58.]
they have comforted me.
Thou hast prepared a table before me * Psalm 24
against them that afflict me. To Thee, O Lord,*
Thou hast anointed my head with oil;* have I lifted up my soul.
and my chalice which inebriateth me, In Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be
how goodly is it! ashamed.*
And Thy mercy will follow me* Neither let my enemies laugh at me:
all the days of my life. For none of them that wait on Thee shall be
And that I may dwell in the house of the Lord* confounded.*
unto length of days. Let all them be confounded that act
unjust things without cause.
V. Whosoever eateth my Body and drinketh my Show, O Lord, Thy ways to me,*
Blood - Alleluia - and teach me Thy paths.
Such a one abideth in me and I in him - Alleluia. Direct me in Thy truth, and teach me; for Thou
[St. John 6:56] art God my Savior;*
and on Thee have I waited all the day long.
Psalm 23 Remember, O Lord, Thy bowels of compassion;*
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof: * and Thy mercies that are from the
the world, and all they that dwell beginning of the world.
therein. The sins of my youth *
For He hath founded it upon the seas;* and my ignorances do not remember.
and hath prepared it upon the rivers. According to Thy mercy remember Thou me:*
Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord?* for Thy goodness’ sake, O Lord.
or who shall stand in His holy place? The Lord is sweet and righteous:*
The innocent in hands, and clean of heart, who therefore He will give a law to sinners
hath not taken his soul in vain,* in the way.
nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbor. He will guide the mild in judgment: *
He shall receive a blessing from the Lord,* He will teach the meek His ways.
and mercy from God his Savior. All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth,*
This is the generation of them that seek Him,* to them that seek after His covenant
and His testimonies.

For Thy Name’s sake, O Lord,* and brought me unto Thy holy hill, and
Thou wilt pardon my sin: for it is great. into Thy tabernacles.
Who is the man that feareth the Lord?* And I will go in to the Altar of God: *
He hath appointed him a law in the to God Who giveth joy to my youth.
way he hath chosen. To Thee, O God, my God,*
His soul shall dwell in good things: * I will give praise upon the harp:
and his seed shall inherit the land. Why art thou sad, O my soul?*
The Lord is a firmament to them that fear Him:* and why dost thou disquiet me?
and His covenant shall be made Hope in God, for I will still give praise to Him:*
manifest to them. the salvation of my countenance, and
My eyes are ever towards the Lord:* my God.
for He shall pluck my feet out of the snare.
Look Thou upon me, and have mercy on me;* [STAND. These verses are always said:]
for I am alone and poor.
The troubles of my heart are multiplied:* V. Eat, O my friends - Alleluia -
deliver me from my necessities. and be intoxicated, O beloved - Alleluia.
See my abjection and my labor; * [Song of Songs 5:1]
and forgive me all my sins. V. This sacred Body and Blood of the Lord and
Consider my enemies for they are multiplied,* Savior - Alleluia -
and have hated me with an unjust take you unto yourselves unto life eternal.-
hatred. Alleluia. [St. John 6:54]
Keep Thou my soul, and deliver me:* V. Upon my lips will I practice the hymn -
I shall not be ashamed, for I have Alleluia -
hoped in Thee. which Thou didst teach me - Alleluia-
The innocent and the upright have adhered to and I shall respond in righteousness - Alleluia.
me:* [Psalm 118:171-172]
because I have waited on Thee. V. I shall bless the Lord at all times - Alleluia -
Deliver Israel, O God, *
His praise shall ever be in my mouth - Alleluia.
from all his tribulations.
[Psalm 33:1]
V. Taste and see - Alleluia -
V. The Lord gave the Bread of Heaven to them - how sweet the Lord is – Alleluia. [Psalm 33:8]
Alleluia - V. Wherever I go - Alleluia -
Man ate the Bread of the Angels - Alleluia. there He shall be and minister unto me – Alleluia
[Psalm 138:6-10,
[Psalm 77:24-25]
Psalm 22:4, St. Matthew 28:20]
V. Suffer the little ones to come unto me -
Psalm 42 Alleluia -
Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from and do not desire to forbid them - Alleluia -
the nation that is not holy; * of such is the kingdom of Heaven – Alleluia -
Deliver me from the unjust and [St. Matthew 19:14]
deceitful man. V. Devote yourselves to penitence - Alleluia -
For Thou art God, my strength:* for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand - Alleluia.
why hast Thou cast me off? and why [St. Matthew 3:2]
do I go sorrowful, whilst the enemy
V. The kingdom of Heaven tolerates sieges -
afflicteth me?
Alleluia -
Send out Thy light and Thy truth: they have
and the forceful take it - Alleluia.
conducted me *
[St. Matthew 11:12, Latin and Greek text.]

[Blessed Bread: After the Confraction is
completed, other loaves of bread, already broken HOLY COMMUNION
or cut into pieces on a tray and kept on the The Celebrant turns back to the Altar,
Credenza, are brought by the Subdeacon to the
Deacon or Celebrant, who blesses and passes and Communicates himself, saying,
them over the Paten. This bread will be taken by
the Communicants immediately after they have May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus
received Holy Communion, to be certain all of the Christ be to me unto life eternal. Amen.
Communion is swallowed. Wine may also be
blessed and used in the same way. This blessed [Those who have not been Baptized and
but unconsecrated bread and wine must never be Confirmed need these Sacraments before
set on the Altar.] participation in Holy Communion.
Moving the Particle Adults and older children who intend to
Still facing the Altar, the Celebrant moves the join the Church must also have
Particle immediately above the center Particle Catechism (instruction).]
slightly to the right (his left) and downward.
The upper Particle is moved down to the Those who are Baptized and Confirmed,
left side as reminder us that “Bowing including infants, and prepared to
His head, He gave up the ghost”. [The receive Holy Communion, now line up
Confraction is completed.] at the Communion Cloth in the
following order, and will be
Communicated in the same order from
Confraction is Completed the sixty-five Particles:
The Celebrant then turns to the people, and shows
the people the completed Confraction, holding Celebrant The Center Particle is for the
the Paten lowered and at a slight angle, saying: Celebrant.
[BOW, then look up.] Bishops The upper part of the shaft of
[ALL PRESENT LOOK AT THE the Cross is for the Bishops.
COMPLETED CONFRACTION.] Priests The left portion of the Cross-
Celebrant: piece is for Priests.
Lower Holy Orders The right portion of
Come Forth and take possession of the the Cross-piece is for those in lower Holy
kingdom of My Father - Alleluia - Orders.
which hath been prepared for ye from the Monastics The lower portion of the shaft
beginning of the world - Alleluia - of the Cross is for Monastics and
[St. Matthew 25:34] penitents.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to Clerics The upper left quarter is to
the Holy Spirit: Come forth! young clerics.
As it was in the beginning is now and ever unto Babes in arms with their godparents
ages of ages. Amen. Come forth! or parents The upper
[Jn 5:29, 11:43] right quarter is to children.
(“Moel Caich wrote Unmarried adults The lower left to
this.” [note in the Lorrha unmarried adults. (those who are truly
Missal]) repentant)
[A large Communion Cloth (at least Married persons The lower right quarter
three feet long) is either held by two is to married persons and new
servers or set upon the floor where Communicants.
Communion is to be given. (It may be set
on the floor at the beginning of the The Distribution for Confraction
Confraction.) This cloth is not to be
stepped upon by the Celebrant or

[A server holds the tray of blessed bread
Bishops. for those who have just received Holy
Communion, or a movable table may
Clerics Children hold the blessed bread and blessed
Priests Celebrant Lower Holy
Orders This is what God has declared worthy,
that the mind be upon the Symbols of the
Mass, and that this be your mind: that
Unmarried adults Married adults portion of the Host which you receive is
New Communicants a portion of Christ from His Cross, and
that there may be a Cross in the labor of
Monastics each in his own life since it is that Cross
Penitents which unites each one of us to the
[THOSE WHO WILL RECEIVE: Crucified Body of Christ. It is not proper
STAND IN LINE AT THE to swallow the Particle without having
COMMUNION CLOTH]. tasted it, just as it is improper to not
The Celebrant turns and goes to the Communion bring savor into God’s Mysteries. It is
Cloth, holding the Paten. improper for it to be chewed by the back
teeth for such an act symbolizes
[If Holy Communion is to be reserved for
rumination over God’s Mysteries, for it
a sick call, a piece of the upper Particle
is by such rumination that heresy is
is reserved. The Confraction usually
increased. It is ended. Amen. Thanks be
produces fewer Particles than there are
to God. [End of the Lorrha Missal
people; the Particles are subdivided
commentary, as found in Gaelic and
further during the administration of
Communion Hymn:
[Infants may be communicated with a
spoon from the Chalice, but all others [During the Communion and Ablutions,
receive from the Bread and Wine on the the choir may chant a hymn of the day. First sing
Paten, which the Celebrant administers the Sancti Venite. The Roman Hymn Adeste
with the first two fingers of his right Fidelis may be sung, and other Hymns. If there is
hand on their tongue (not touching the a large congregation, the forty-two verse Hymn of
tongue with his fingers). No person the Apostles (Hymn 3 in the Antiphonary of
receives the Holy Communion in their Bangor) may be sung, or another Hymn from
hands, including clergy other than the Celtic usage.]
Celebrant. Only the Celebrant or
another Bishop, Priest or Deacon may
administer the Holy Communion from Sancti Venite Communion Hymn from
one Paten, using Holy Communion the Antiphonary of Bangor
consecrated at this Mass.] [Start when the clergy Communicate.]
[Musical setting for Sancti Venite is after
[The Celebrant administers the Body the Ordinary of the Mass, see the Table of
and Blood from the Paten, saying:] Contents.
[From the Sacrament of Baptism: e Holy Ones come forth: Eat ye the Body of
May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Christ be to thee unto life eternal.
Drink ye the Holy Blood, Ye who are redeemed.
R. Amen.]
[Or, from the Sacrament of Unction: For the Body and Blood of Christ the Savior
May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus From which we are fed, let us give praises to
Christ, the Son of the living and most high God, God.
be to thee unto life eternal. R. Amen.]

By the Sacrament of the Body and Blood, Very God, Begotten, not created;
All are drawn out of the jaws of Hell. O come, let us adore Him, O come, let
us adore Him, O come let us adore Him,
The bestower of Salvation, Christ, the Son of Christ the Lord.
God, Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation,
Hath saved the world through the Cross and Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above;
Blood. Glory to God In the highest;
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let
For the Universe, the Lord was sacrificed, us adore Him, O come let us adore Him,
He Himself, ariseth: the Priest and Victim. Christ the Lord.
See how the shepherds, Summoned to His cradle,
Under the Law of the Precepts were victims Leaving their flocks, draw nigh to gaze;
sacrificed We too will thither Bend our joyful footsteps;
Which foreshadowed the Divine Mystery. O come, let us adore Him, O come, let
us adore Him, O come let us adore Him,
The bestower of Light and Savior of all, Christ the Lord.
Hath poured forth excellent Grace upon the Child, for us sinners Poor and in the manger,
Saints. We would embrace Thee, with love and awe;
Who would not love Thee, Loving us so dearly?
All those approach who believe with pure mind; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let
They consume the eternal Custodian of Salvation. us adore Him, O come let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
The Guardian of the Saints, both guide and Lord, Yea, Lord, we greet Thee; Born this happy
Doth pour Life Eternal upon those who believe. morning; Jesus, to Thee be glory given;
Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing;
Heavenly Bread He giveth to the hungry, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let
From the Living Font supplies those who thirst. us adore Him, O come let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
Alpha and Omega Himself, Christ the Lord,
came and will come to judge men. [Sing other Hymns if there is time.]
[The Deacon or another Priest may perform the
[May also do the Beatitudes, Magnificat, Unitas, Ablutions, if their hands have been purified at
Hymn 2 from the Antiphonary of Bangor, and other the beginning of the Mass. (The directions given
appropriate Hymns, see Hymns in the Contents. are for a Celebrant serving alone.) After all have
May also insert other Orthodox Christmas Hymns, been Communicated who intended to receive,
and Carols if they are focused on Christmas.] Ablutions are performed. The Celebrant
[Optional:] Adeste Fidelis consumes all of the remaining Body and Blood.
[Roman Hymn for Christmas The Chalice is set on the Altar to the Epistle side
modern - 19th century. Other of the Corporal. The Knife and spoon are
Hymns may be sung instead.] washed with water then wine over the Chalice
O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant, and dried with the Purificator. If the Paten has no
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem. raised edge caution must be now observed. The
Come and behold him, Born the King of angels; Celebrant holds the Paten over the Chalice and
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let pours wine over the Paten into the Chalice. He
us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, then dislodges any adhering Particles of the
Christ the Lord. Sanctissimus with his forefinger or thumb, and
God of God, Light of Light, then pours the wine from the Paten into the
Lo! He abhors not the Virgin’s womb: Chalice. This action may be repeated if

necessary, turning the Paten so that no Particles Be unto us, O Lord, we beseech Thee,
remain. Then he pours water onto the Paten healing of mind and of body. For we have reaped
turning it so that its entire surface is washed, and the blessing of Thy Holy Altar, so that we who
pours the water from the Paten into the Chalice. are fortified by participation of so great a
The Paten is then dried with the purificator. The medicine may be weighed down by nothing that
Celebrant then drinks the wine and water. He is adversarial. Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
then holds the Chalice with both hands so that the Thy Son, Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
fingers which came into contact with the Body Spirit, through all ages of ages. R. Amen.
and the Blood are over the top. Wine and then The Thanksgiving is always said:
water is poured over the fingers of the Celebrant We give Thee thanks, O Lord, Holy Father,
into the Chalice by the servers to make certain Almighty and eternal God, Who has satisfied us
that no Particles or Blood of Christ that by the Communion of the Body and Blood of
had been on his fingers remain. Any other Christ Thy Son, and we humbly apply for Thy
clergy who have touched the Holy Eucharist mercy: that this Thy Sacrament, O Lord, may not
such as a Bishop if he dropped the Particle into be unto our condemnation unto punishment: but
the Chalice after the Peace, or Celebrant if may it be unto intercession of Salvation unto
Deacon is performing the Ablutions, also have forgiveness; may it be unto the washing away of
wine and water poured over their fingers into the wickedness; may it be unto strengthening of the
Chalice. The Celebrant drinks the water and weak; a mainstay against the dangers of the
wine. Wine is poured into the Chalice. The wine world; may this Communion purge us of all
in the Chalice is then drunk by the Celebrant guilt; and may it bestow the Heavenly joy of
who turns the Chalice, making certain that no being partners, through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Particles or Blood of the Lord remain. Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
(Additional washings may use water alone.)]
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
[ The inside of the Chalice is dried with the
Purificator. The Purificator is put on top of the [Turning to the Congregation, he says:]
Chalice and both are covered with the Pall. The The Mass has been given in Peace. Alleluia.
Paten and the Chalice are returned to the R. Thanks be unto God. Alleluia.
Credenza by the Subdeacon and covered with the
veil. The Corporal is now carefully folded by the [Then, all remain for the usual ending, with
Deacon (or the Celebrant serving alone) and prayers, Benediction and closing hymns.]
returned to the Credenza. The Communion [BOW]. The Closing Prayers
Cloth is folded flag style and returned to the [The following prayers are included
Credenza by the servers.] because these prayers, including the
Final Benediction, are assumed. They
Post Communion for the Nativity: are written out in the office of the
Filled with the heavenly food, and Sacrament of Unction. These are called
refreshed with the draught of the eternal Chalice, the “Consummatio Missae” in the
beloved brethren, let us unceasingly give praise Gothic Missal. The Consummatio
and thanks unto the Lord our God; praying that Missae, if any, may be substituted for the
we who have spiritually received the Most Holy following prayers:]
Body of the Lord Jesus Christ may be worthy to For He hath satisfied the empty soul and hath
be made cleansed of carnal defects. Through our filled the hungry soul with good things - Alleluia,
Lord Jesus Christ His Son, Who reigneth with Alleluia. [Ps 104:9] Visit us, O God, in Thy
Him and the Holy Spirit, through all ages of ages. Salvation - Alleluia. [Ps 105:4] The Lord is my
strength and my praise, and He is become my
R. Amen.
Salvation - Alleluia. [Ps 117:14] I will take the
Chalice of Salvation, and I will call upon the

Name of the Lord - Alleluia. [Ps 115:13] Then Herod, privately calling the wise
Refreshed by the Body and Blood of Christ, men, learned diligently of them the time of the
may we ever say unto Thee, O Lord - Alleluia. star which appeared to them; And sending them
O Praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise him all into Bethlehem, said: Go and diligently inquire
ye people. For His mercy is confirmed upon us after the child, and when you have found him,
and the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever. [Ps bring me word again, that I also may come and
116] Offer up the Sacrifice of justice and trust in adore him.
the Lord. [Ps 4:6] O God, we give Thee Who having heard the king, went their
thanks, O Thou through Whom we have way; and behold the star which they had seen in
celebrated the Holy Mysteries, and we claim the the east, went before them, until it came and
gift of Holiness from Thee Who reignth unto ages stood over where the child was. And seeing the
of ages. R. Amen. star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And
The Final Benediction entering into the house, they found the child with
[THE CONGREGATION BOWS: Mary his mother, and falling down they adored
The Celebrant extends both hands, him; and opening their treasures, they offered
palms outwards, fingers forming the him gifts; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. [Psalm
Sign ICXC (according to both older 71:10] And having received an answer in sleep
Roman and Byzantine usage), over the that they should not return to Herod, they went
heads of the Congregation:] back another way into their country.
May the Lord bless you and protect you. May R. Thanks be to God.
the Lord reveal His face unto you and have [The usual Final Gospel of St. John
mercy. May the Lord turn His Face to you and (1:1-14) has already been read during
give you peace. R. Amen. the Prophecy readings. The Bobbio
Then signing the Congregation with his Missal specifies the Christmas narrative
right hand, says: from St. Matthew.]
You are marked with the Sign + of the Cross of Hymns that quote the Gospels or from Celtic
Christ. Peace be with you unto life eternal. usage may be sung, These hymns may be sung
while gifts of food are brought by the congregation
R. Amen.
to be blessed by the Celebrant, as gifts to the
Closing Church and the poor. Common Christmas carols
Final Gospel: St. Matthew 2:1 to 2:12, with religious words may also be used, according
the entire Christmas narrative. [B] to preference.]
When Jesus therefore was born in [Afterwards the Celebrant unvests in the midst of
Bethlehem of Juda, in the days of king Herod, the Church, unless there is a special procession at
behold, there came wise men from the east to the blessing of the foods or gifts to the poor, in
Jerusalem. Saying, Where is he that is born king which case he may wear a cope. He does not
of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the carry the Chalice out. The clergy may lead the
east, and are come to adore him. And king Herod Congregation in other Thanksgiving Prayers as
hearing this, was troubled, and all Jerusalem with the foods and gifts are blessed.]
him. And assembling together all the chief +++
priests and the scribes of the people, he inquired At the Second Hour on the day of Christmas at
of them where Christ should be born. But they Dawn (or at the end of the Mass in anticipation):
said to him: In Bethlehem of Juda. For so it is Christmas Antiphon AB 98:
written by the prophet: And thou Bethlehem the + For today night is diminished, days are
land of Juda art not the least among the princes of enlarged, shadows are shattered, illumination is
Juda: for out of thee shall come forth the captain increased and the loss of night is translated into a
that shall rule my people Israel. wealth of Light.
[Mich. 5:2; John 7:42.]

The Sunday after Christmas, years with Tathai and three more in Ireland,
if it is before Circumcision forming a friendship with Finian of Clonard
There is a Bishop's Blessing from the Pontificale (Dec. 12th), and Finian was said to visit Cadoc at
of Egbert for this day, but that blessing is only the school he founded at Llancarvan. Tathai
used if the Sunday falls on Dec. 29 / Jan 11; Dec. retired at Llandathan and died there, and was
30 / Jan 12; or Dec. 31 / Jan 13, not on the other buried in the church named for him.
Feast days of this week. (See before Dec. 29th.) The Holy First-Martyr Saint Stephen, a
However, on whatever day the Sunday after Levite, is venerated the day after Christmas. His
Christmas falls, all the major and minor Feasts of Martyrdom is recorded in the Acts of the
the week should be announced after the Sermon. Apostles. Note that the Epistle reading for today
emphasizes not the Martyrdom, but the joyful
calling of St. Stephen and the other Deacons by
Saint Stephan (Dec 26/ Jan 8) our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Paul, who was present
Let us pray him to bless us, while St. Stephen was Martyred, later took up the
my Commóc with splendor: content of St. Stephen's sermon.
a fair sun that warms thousands, There are legends (15th century Swedish
and English) about St. Stephen in Christmas
Stephen’s luminous name. carols: In one version St. Staffan is a stable lad
[See Dec. 29/Jan 11 and Dec 30/Jan 12 who kept five horses for Herod, and when he
for the wren, and alms to the poor, associated loses hold of the horses, which may be the five
now with St. Stephen's day. On any day this senses, he takes hold of the soul. In another
week, Psalms for the other days may be read and version he is a clerk in Herod's household, who
all the events explained.] sees the star over Bethlehem and hears that Christ
My Commoc, i.e. Comman son of is born, forsakes Herod, and is then stoned to
Faelchu, from Foscommon in Mag Ai; and death. These legends are not the actual story of
Iarlathe of Tuaim da gualann on the same day St. Stephen, but show the power of his sermon.
with Comman. A relic of St. Stephen was in Spain in the
Of Stephen, i.e. the stoning of the Roman (Byzantine) Nicene church on the plain of
Protomartyr Stephen in Jerusalem in the year of Osset in the province of Lusitania, which had a
Christ’s Ascension. The Martyrology of Tallaght: miraculous fountain in the shape of a Cross that
Zephan the Protomartyr;... [Zephan is the Latin was filled on the day of our Lord’s Resurrection
spelling of Stephen.] from no source but heaven (from St. Gregory of
Also, St. Tathai or Dathai, early sixth Tours in the Glory of the Martyrs. It was near the
century. Tathai and eight companions left Ireland Byzantine area of Spania; see St. James the
in a little coracle without sail or oars, and landed Greater, and St. Hermenegildo Nov. 1st.) Doors
at Severn at a landing in Gwent (in modern were sealed by the Bishop around this fountain
Glamorganshire). Caradoc was king of the two for three days before it would be miraculously
Gwents and invited the Saint and his monks to filled: no pipes or other means or carrying water
settle permanently, and Tathai founded the church led to the place. After the pool had been
called Llandathan, “Tathai’s church.” Tathai was sanctified by exorcism and oil, this fountain
son of the Irish prince Tuathal, educated and supplied water continuously for those taking
Ordained in Ireland. In his school all branches of vessels of holy water for themselves and their
science were taught. Ynyr the son of Caradoc fields. After that, children and others were
built the monastery and school of Caerwent in Baptized in the water, and it would begin to
Monmouthshire, and then appointed Tathai as recede, finally draining without a known drain.
first Abbot. One of Tathai’s pupils was Cadoc, The Arians in the region were perplexed at the
whose parents trusted the education more than all Christians, which they called “Roman” (Roman
other teachers in Britain. Cadoc studied twelve Empire of Byzantium) to distinguish from their

own misguided form of Christianity which they set forth the primary oblation of confession by
called “catholic.” Some impious persons ignored the youth and showed forth that herald because
or investigated the miracle. A man stabled his Thy churches mature with such fruit: Grant
horses there, but he fell into a fever and lost his universal discourse of such a quality by the
mind, and died biting himself even though his intercession of the Martyrs so that through the
servants tried to restrain him. The king tried intercession of the Saint Thy Church may be
digging around the building, but he never found bedecked with such a ministry. Through Jesus
the reason the water came, and he lived only Christ…
shortly after that. Another man tried to steal just Collect Before the Epistle
before receiving the water in his vessel but found O Lord Who opened as he reaped the Heaven
his vessel empty. He returned the stolen item, unto the glory of contemplation by Saint Stephan
went back for more water, and his vessel filled. Thy Martyr who had walked from virtue to
St. Gregory said, “The people there are heretics: virtue, stretch forth Thy mercy unto us who Thou
they witness these great deeds but are not opened through him unto the possibility of
motivated to believe. They never cease skillfully Sanctity so that like him we might reap the fruit
to reject the Sacraments of the divine teachings of his confession, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
with the chattering of wrong interpretations. But our Lord…
the power of the Lord destroys and disorders His Epistle: Acts 6:1-8 (The Holy First-Martyr
opposition.” Also, a relic of St. Stephen was in Saint Stephen, a Levite, is venerated the
the church in the town of Bourges, (St. Gregory day after Christmas. His Martyrdom is
of Tours, in his History of the Franks). in the Acts of the Apostles. Today's
About unbelievers: Blessed Theophylact Epistle emphasizes not the Martyrdom,
says about St. Luke, chapter 16, “There are those but the joyful calling and work of St.
even now who say the same, ‘Who knows what is Stephen and the other Deacons by our
in hades? Who has ever come from there to tell Lord Jesus Christ, of love, faith, and
us?’ But let them hear Abraham who says that if forgiveness. “...And Stephen, full of
we do not give heed to the Scriptures, we will not grace and fortitude, did great wonders
believe even those who come from hades... If and signs among the people.”)
raising the dead would truly help us to believe,
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 7 (Heb. 7)
the Lord would do this often. But there is no help
so great as the close study of Scriptures.” Our Domine Deus meus. O Lord my God
Lord Jesus Christ is risen, yet there is unbelief, (Sinners who are unjust fall into the hole
and the Apostles were Martyred. they have made.)
Mass for St. Stephen: Gospel: St. Matthew 17:23 -18:11 Forgiveness.
(Parable of the king who forgave his
Old Testament: Jer. 17:7-18 (and Matins)
servant, but the servant did not forgive
(“Blessed be the man that trusteth in the his debtors, so the king tortured the
Lord, and the Lord shall be his servant till all was paid. “So also shall
confidence... Behold, they see to me: my heavenly Father do to you, if you
Where is the word of the Lord? Let it forgive not every one his brother from
come. And I am not troubled, following your hearts.” The Church forgave St.
thee for my pastor: and I have not Paul who participated in the death of St.
desired the day of man, thou knowest. Stephen, and St. Paul carried on St.
That which went out of my lips hath Stephen's teaching. Jesus says not to put
been right in thy sight...”) away a wife if already married, to
Introductory Collect reunite families in peace. Despise not
Almighty God Who gave Thy Church the first the little ones, Psalm 33:8.)
fruits of its number the Holy Martyr Stephan and

Post Nomina and by his intercession protected; may you be
Lord Jesus from Whom the Martyr Stephan worthy to be blessed by Him Whom Stephen saw
expected acceptance of his soul, be Thou pleased standing at the right hand of God. Amen.
by the offering of this present Solemnity and May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
grant to the Living forgiveness and those who without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
have reposed eternal rest who reignest with of ages. Amen.
Thine unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Ad pacem ever with you. Amen.
God the peacemaker, God the bestower of Post Communion for the Nativity:
forgiveness who wast bountiful unto Stephan Thy Filled with the heavenly food, and
Martyr in his suffering as he meekly accepted the refreshed with the draught of the eternal Chalice,
deluge of stones and pray for those who stoned beloved brethren, let us unceasingly give praise
him: let us suppliants appeal to Thy sweetness and thanks unto the Lord our God; praying that
Lord that we may achieve forgiveness of our sins we who have spiritually received the Most Holy
Through Jesus Christ Thy Son, … Body of the Lord Jesus Christ may be worthy to
Preface be made cleansed of carnal defects. Through our
It is worthy and just Through Christ out Lord Lord Jesus Christ His Son, Who reigneth with
who doth not reject the army cunningly armed Him and the Holy Spirit, through all ages of ages.
with His Faith but rather fights for it: The one we R. Amen.
celebrate today is Saint Stephan who is called the Be unto us, O Lord, we beseech Thee,
Crown and was consecrated to Divine Grace. healing of mind and of body. For we have reaped
This one experienced the suffering of the Lord the blessing of Thy Holy Altar, so that we who
and is a companion of our Savior and is clothed are fortified by participation of so great a
with apostolic dignity: he did not falter in the medicine may be weighed down by nothing that
proclamation of the Lord and to give testimony to is adversarial. Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Truth: while he was being killed by the Thy Son, Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
unbelieving Jews, he poured out this prayer for Spirit, through all ages of ages. R. Amen.
them unto the Lord: I beg Thee O Lord, do not
repay them in kind for their sins: Then the Lord
Saints John and James
consigns the Martyr’s earthly members to the soil
and by hand of an Angel He raises the heavenly (Dec 27/Jan 9)
soul unto Heaven Through Whom… Feast of the Repose of St. John the Theologian
Proper Blessing of the Day by a and the Installation
Bishop only if present of St. James the Brother of our Lord
as first Patriarch of Jerusalem [and Mass]
In Natale Sancti Stephani Protomartyris
May God Who crowned Blessed Stephen the The sound sleep of John in Ephesus -
Protomartyr: by the confession of faith and splendid bordgal -
struggle of the Martyr encircle your minds. And with the ordination of James His brother,
in the present age encircle you with the crown of who is highest.
justice, and in the future lead you to the crown of [“His” refers to our Lord Jesus Christ,
glory. Amen. who Ordained St. James of the Knees Bishop of
To you he grants the obtaining of that [crown] Jerusalem.] [Mass: Ss. John and James, below.]
and by the close charity of God to always exalt; “A splendid bordgal, i.e. John’s valor
indeed, through him who strove to obtain this (gal) was in Ephesus a splendid valor, i.e. a valor
[crown] during the stoning. Amen. that went out over the border (bord), as was said
Who by his example are hardened like an oak,

Ephesus was full of his works, that is the works assigned to Dec. 27th for his installation at
of valor of John in Ephesus. Jerusalem. Sometimes Oengus and the
“His brother is highest, i.e. the greater is Martyrology of Tallaght confuse St. James the
the Solemity of the Ordination of James on the Brother of the Lord with either St. James son of
same date in a different year.” (Glossator of Alphaeus, or St. James son of Cleophas. Psalm
Oengus.) 9B reminds us of the troubles that St. James had
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: as Bishop in Jerusalem with Herod, the
“Johannis the Apostle and Evangelist Assumption persecutions, and the famine, and St. James’
and Ordination of James the Apostle...” protection of the poor. Saints John and James
Today is the Feast day of St. John and today teach us that Jesus Christ must be adored
St. James the Righteous. Perhaps because of the with our whole heart, mind, and strength, and we
confusion between the four Saints named James, must love our neighbor as ourselves.
and also the need for Rome and Constantinople to St. John's Psalm is 123, which refers to
claim primacy instead of Jerusalem, later only St. his surviving boiling oil during his life of
John was commemorated on this day by Rome witness, and that we do not drown in the Lord's
and Byzantium. However, the early mercy and infinity, but may receive God's love.
commemoration of both Apostles on this day is St. James, the son of Alpheus's Psalm is 130.
very important for the understanding of the “Lord, my heart is not exalted, nor are my eyes
Orthodoxy of the Church. The readings show the lofty, Neither have I walked in great matters...”
humility in these great Saints. his humility, and that as first Bishop of Jerusalem
(Lections and Psalms are specific to this and leader of the first Apostolic Council, his role
day. Psalm 8 is tomorrow’s Psalm, because it was carried out in leading and listening, not
describes the Holy Innocents, but Psalm 9 parts A lording. This same Psalm may be used for St.
and B Greek numbering describes Saints John James the Brother of the Lord, of the Seventy.)
and James; this is one of the few occasions where For St. John: Roman dates of
the Psalm order switches days. In the Hebrew celebration: Dec 27, before the Latin gate May 6,
numbering Psalm 9 is Psalm 9 and 10. Greek with Cyrus Jan 31, with Paul June 26. Celtic Rite
numbering of Psalms was used by the Apostles. dates: Dec 27, escape of John from boiling oil,
Psalm 9A: St. John wrote a Gospel, May 6. Byzantine date: May 8, his Repose.
Epistles, and the Apocalypse also called the Book Saint James, the “Brother of the Lord”,
of Revelations, and today is the Roman James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem
announcement of the anniversary of St. John’s
one of the Seventy Apostles.
repose. The Byzantines remember the repose of
St. John on May 8th, but the Byzantines also keep Today’s celebration (Dec. 27th), is for the
today's Feast of St. John as a major feast date. In installation of “St. James the Just” to the
Psalm 9A the requirement of the nations to follow Episcopate, as the first Patriarch of Jerusalem.
Christ is emphasized, as well as Christ in “His brother” should be read “brother of the
judgment on His Throne, both themes found Lord,” i.e. St. James of the Knees asking
often in the Apocalypse. The Bobbio Creed verse forgiveness on behalf of the people, always on his
for St. John, ‘I believe in Jesus Christ, His only knees in humility, at the appearance of the Lord
Son, God and our Lord.’ before the Ascension. He is “James the Just” or
The Bobbio designation and also Psalm Righteous. He is one of the seventy Apostles, not
for the Apostle James the son of Alpheus, ‘I of the Twelve Apostles of Christ, but called
believe in the Holy Spirit.’ (who moves in the highest because he is Ordained the first Bishop of
church), also fits St. James who is the Brother of Jerusalem, the first Bishop of the Church and the
the Lord, who is not one of the Twelve, and first Apostolic Patriarch. Both Oengus and the
therefore does not have his own Psalm Martyrology of Tallaght also commemorate his
designation, except for the second half of Psalm 9 “ordination at Jerusalem” on March 15th.

All the Apostles looked to the See of circumcision (Jan. 1st, and Acts 15:19-20), and
Jerusalem and St. James’ leadership, but all the whether to require the gentiles to keep this law.
Apostles (the Twelve, the Seventy, and Bishops) The Apostles decided that gentiles should not
had an equal voice, as Orthodox Christians have need to be circumcised, but St. James told St.
always practiced. At Jerusalem, the Saints Paul that he should demand male children of
gathered when deciding matters such as Jews who believed in Christ be circumcised, and
circumcision and foods (Acts chapter 11). See seemed unsure about allowing Gentiles to enter
the Protevangelium of St. James, about his the temple (Acts 21:17-30: history of St. Paul
childhood. Although the Gospel reading today is Jan. 25th, about the high priest at that time). These
for St. John and his brother, St. James, that is not issues were decided in the Apostolic Constitution
the St. James the Righteous. (See note above and the Apostolic Canons, finally not placing a
about Psalms and Bobbio Creed designations.) difference between Gentile and Jewish
St. James of the Knees was the fourth Christians, defended eloquently by St. Paul.
son of St. Joseph. St. Mary’s only child is Jesus The last time St. Paul visited Jerusalem
through the Holy Spirit, but St. Joseph and his (Acts 21:16-25), several disciples went with him:
first wife Salome had seven children: their sons St. Luke (“we” is used often), some disciples
James, Jude the Apostle (not the Iscariot), Joses, from Caesarea, and Mnason who was from
Symeon, and daughters Esther, Martha, and Cyprus “with whom we could lodge.” Also the
Salome. (Salome was a common name meaning disciple Trophimus the Ephesian, who is
peace; she was not the one in the family of mentioned later. The brethren were glad to see
Herod.) St. James’ mother died, so St. Joseph them, and on the day following, they went to see
was betrothed to St. Mary so that his children St. James the Righteous, Bishop of Jerusalem,
could be cared for. St. James’ sister Salome with “all the ancients.” St. Paul told them about
married Zebedee, and their children were St. John the ministry to the Gentiles, and what “things
the Apostle and Evangelist, and the Apostle St. God had wrought.” Those from Jerusalem told
James “the Greater,” the ‘sons of Zebedee.’ St. Paul about the thousands of Jews who
St. James of the Knees was the only son believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, “and they are
of St. Joseph who agreed to share his inheritance all zealous for the law.” They told St. Paul of the
with St. Mary’s son Jesus. It is said that as a child accusation that he was teaching these Christian
he knelt by the manger after Christ was born, and Jews to leave the law of Moses and not
believed in Jesus. Although St. Jude later ardently circumcise their children or keep the customs.
believed in Jesus Christ, St. Jude regretted his (The council under St. James had only authorized
earlier unbelief and selfishness, and would only those who had come to believe in Jesus who were
allow himself to be called “brother of James” out Gentiles to refrain from idols, blood, things
of humility. St. James’ birth name Joblian means strangled, and fornication, but those who were
righteous in Hebrew, and from childhood he was already Jewish were expected to keep all the laws
helpful, generous, and mastered his senses: he of Moses.) St. James told St. Paul that the
looked for good; listened to readings of Scripture; multitude of believers must come together.
his mouth savored the law. He never ate any Four men had taken a vow (meaning that
meat, fish, or crustacean, and never drank wine, they had let their hair grow as Nazarites, “men
only water, (“Nazarite” practices, see below). He apart,” Numbers 6:2-21, and according to
led others in patience and perfection in faith and Samson, Judges 13:4-5; 16:17, and referred to in
works. Tradition says that he is the writer of the St. Matthew 2:23 about the Lord Jesus Christ, a
general Epistle of St. James in the Bible. play on the place name “Nazareth.”). St. James
Although not one of the “Twelve” told St. Paul to take them, and “sanctify thyself
Apostles, all the Apostles looked up to him, and with them: and bestow on them, that they may
he led all the Holy Apostles and elders in the first shave their heads: and all will know that the
Council of Jerusalem concerning the question of things which they have heard of thee, are false,

but that thou thyself also walkest keeping the Presence in the Eucharist is to deny that
law.” (They would shave their heads when their Christians have a right to enter the temple, or
vow was done: Numbers 6:2-21.) have a right to touch God. The Apostolic Canons
Acts 21:26-36 St Paul purified himself have more details about Faith, seven Sacraments,
with the men who took the vow, and they fulfilled and the requirements for Church membership.
the seven days of purification, but near the end of To this day there is often a problem
that time, some Jews of Asia came into the among the ancient Patriarchates concerning those
temple and spread lies about St. Paul. They said who are newly brought into the Orthodox Faith.
Gentiles had violated the temple, even though St. Are the hereditary members better than the new
Paul had not brought the disciple Trophimus the converts? All members may say the prayer of the
Ephesian into the temple. The whole city took St. Publican, “Lord have mercy,” and of the good
Paul out of the temple and shut the doors, and thief, “Lord, remember me when Thou comest
were about to kill him. The tribune took soldiers into Thy Kingdom.” All members of the Church
and centurions, and ran down to them. When the are Baptized, Confirmed, and have received the
people saw the tribune and soldiers, they stopped same Holy Communion. All of us are sons and
beating St. Paul. The tribune had St. Paul bound daughters of Adam and Eve, the “offspring” of
with two chains, and commanded them to tell him God, according to St. Paul, Acts 17:28, the Psalm
what he had done, but nobody could agree on 81, and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in St. John
charges. So the tribune had St. Paul carried into 10:34-36. Those whose parents and grandparents
the castle and up the stairs, because the people are members of the Church must also be Baptized
were violent, saying, “Away with him.” and Confirmed to enter the Church as members.
There could not be two kinds of A main duty of the clergy is to teach the
Christians: those who were Baptized and received fullness of the Faith to all members. Sponsors or
the most High God in the most Holy Sacrament “Godparents” are supposed to help teach the
of the true Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Faith to the new members. The Orthodox Church
Communion but could not enter the temple, and has a duty to missionize, if it calls itself
others who were considered “better” by birth and “Apostolic,” which means “sent out.” The Celtic
lesser religious rites who could enter the temple,. Rite, in the Sacrament of Baptism, states this in
God would allow those into the temple who had the Mandatum, the “Command.” Likewise, the
not died when they had touched His Son in Holy angels of infants, no matter who they are or
Baptism and Holy Communion. God gave the whether or not they have been Baptized yet,
Ark of the Covenant and was worshiped in tents always behold the Face of the Father in heaven.
at first in the Old Testament; Herod's temple was (St. Matthew 18:10) All people are made in the
later and lesser than that, and Herod had burned Image of God. (Genesis 1:27, St. Matthew 19:4).
incense with pagans. The Book of Acts records However, all must be changed into the heavenly
the struggles of St. Paul and the theology that Image, (I Corinthians 15:45-58). Little customs
would allow the Gentiles to be full members of of men are not as important, such as the washing
the Faith. This angered those who kept the Law of hands, St. Matthew 15: 10-28.
by letter, not in the Spirit of God. St. James the Righteous, a son of St.
The other Apostles came to agree with Joseph who was heir to king David and could
St. Paul that Gentiles should be equal members in trace his lineage even to Adam, was himself the
the Church, as long as they were Baptized, most humble of the disciples of Christ, spending
Confirmed in the Holy Spirit, and received the his life on his knees. Even though only
Holy Offering of the Body and Blood of Jesus descendants of Levi were allowed to enter the
Christ in the Divine Liturgy (the Mass). The inner sanctuary of the temple to offer prayers, St.
Sacrament of the True Body and Blood of Jesus James was allowed to, and often went alone
Christ is a Sign of the Holy Priesthood, greater there, and kneeling so much in prayer for the
than the temple Priesthood; but to deny the real people that his knees became ‘like a camel’s.’

Everyone in the city of Jerusalem believed that one murderer took a fuller’s club, used to beat
St. James was righteous. Greek sources say that cloth, and hit St. James on the head, and St.
even the pagans believed St. James was James gave up the spirit. He was buried in the
righteous. temple by the sanctuary. (The murder desecrated
The high priest Annas incited some to the temple). According to St. Gregory of Tours, in
ask St. James to renounce his faith in Christ, the Glory of the Martyrs, St. James was buried on
perhaps because the brothers of the Lord once the Mount of Olives in a tomb he had previously
had not followed Jesus (Mt. 12:46-50, 13:55-57), built for himself and in which he had buried St.
and also thinking that a righteous man would Zacharias and St. Simeon. St. Gregory of Tours
only believe that Jesus was a prophet, which does not name the source. The Book of Acts does
later was the Ebionite and Arian heresies. (St. not say when St. James the Righteous was
James's Martyrdom proves that he held the full Martyred, but some say is was the year 62.
faith in the Divinity of Jesus.) They asked St. After St. James, St. Symeon the son of
James, “Tell us, O righteous one, what is meant Cleopas the uncle of St. James became the second
by the door of Jesus.” St. James said, “This is Bishop of Jerusalem. The Jews felt that Annas
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, of one essence with had overstepped his authority, and some wrote to
the Father.” Many believed, but some did not Tetrarch Herod Agrippa requesting Annas never
believe in a resurrection or judgment for their be allowed to convoke a council without their
deeds. (Just as today, some people think that authorization. Agrippa had established Annas as
there is no such thing as sin, even though every high priest, but he only held the office three
religion, even the pagans, say that there are months and was replaced by Jeshua ben
severe consequences for our acts, showing less Dammaeus. Annas also conspired in the stoning
forgiveness in their religions than in Christianity.) death of the Apostle St. Matthias, who had been
Then they asked St. James to renounce chosen to be one of the Twelve after Christ’s
Christ on the feast of Passover at the parapet of Ascension into heaven before Pentecost (Acts
the temple. When the time came, all the tribes 1:20-26). Many Jews attributed the destruction
gathered in the temple, and St. James climbed the of Jerusalem by the Romans to the murder of
parapet. The conspirators thought St. James James within the temple.
would renounce Jesus and put an end to the Celtic Rite dates of commemoration for
Christian sect, so they asked St. James what he St. James the Righteous: Dec 27 with St. John.
would say about Jesus that had been crucified by The “Ordination” of St. James the Righteous the
Pilate, who have the people thinking He is Christ Brother of the Lord also is celebrated, according
and even God. But St. James replied, “Why do to the Celtic Rite, on March 15th. St. James the
you question me concerning Jesus? He is seated Brother of the Lord was the nephew of Cleophas.
in heaven at the right hand of His Father with the The Martyrdom of St. James the son of Cleophas
heavenly powers, and He will come again on the (his cousin) was on March 25th; and sometimes
clouds of heaven, to judge the world with the Celtic Church confused the two.
righteousness.” Although many cried, “Hosanna A later Roman date, May 1st was
to the Son of David!” the conspirators rushed up originally dedicated to the Apostle Philip alone,
the parapet and threw St. James to the ground. according to manuscripts of Hieronymianum, and
St. James did not die from that, so they began to according to Gelasian and Gregorian
stone him. He knelt and accepted the stones as Sacramentaries. May 1 was the dedication of the
precious gems, praying “Lord God and Father, Church of the Apostles, originally dedicated to
forgive them, for they know not what they do.” A Ss. Philip and James at Rome by Pope John III
descendant of Rechab son of Rachabim of the A.D.563. Rome attempted to associate St. James
priestly caste shouted “Cease this! O wretched the Righteous with St. Philip May to change the
ones, what are you doing? The righteous one is calendar celebration of the installation of St.
praying for us, the unjust, who stone him!” Then James at Jerusalem, and instead emphasize St.

Peter as “head” of the Apostles; note that the year lamb stood upon mount Sion, and with
563 was only 26 years before the Council of him an hundred forty-four thousand...
Toledo in 589, in which the “Filoque” was And they sung as it were a new canticle,
invented, see St. James the Greater, about before the throne...”)
Byzantine Spain. Introductory Collect
The Byantines celebrate the date of St. Let us ask the Lord for the clear testimony of the
James the Brother of the Lord on Oct. 23rd and royal election and even the investiture of the
Dec. 26th, although they confuse St. James the marvelous Apostolic congregation, and the
son of Zebedee with St. James the Brother of the evangelical pronouncements of Heavenly Truth
Lord on Oct. 23rd according to the “Orologion to of the Apostle and Martyr James and John so that
Mega.” Likewise, the Celtic Epistle and Gospel He Who bestowed the crowns of grace or
readings on Dec. 27th, and poem below, have a martyrdom unto the Apostles may likewise grant
confusion with St. James the son of Zebedee. us forgiveness of our sins. Through Jesus Christ
our Lord Who reigneth with the Father and the
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Tallaght from May 1st on the Jameses: Collect before the Epistle
Though you be in ignorance O God Who fortold the glory of the drinking of
of the wondrous renowned Jameses, the cup of thy martyrdom for Thine Apostles
I will reveal them to you, without baseness. John and James, that they might confirm in action
I have studied them with full science. what the professed in Faith please hear our
petitions through their patronage : Through Jesus
James son of Cleophas and Mary Christ, Thy Son, our Lord Who reigneth with the
[Cleophas is the Lord’s Brothers’ uncle] Father and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
chief of the noble high Apostles, ages. Amen.
[of the noble Apostles, not “of the Twelve”]
Epistle: Acts 12:1-3 (This, again, is about the
suffered Martyrdom on the eighth of the calends
of April [March 25th] other St. James, the brother of St. John,
’twas not only terrible, it was a fierce deed. not the St. James commemorated today.
The Lectionary had other confusions.
On the tenth of the calends of July, Alpheus’ son, Both the Epistle and Gospel refer to St.
[June 22nd, one of the Twelve Apostles.] James the brother of St. John, although
fair James, with grace, historically and in Irish tradition the
after he had preached in Syria other St. James is commemorated. This
north in Persia he died. is about the Martyrdom of James, the
brother of John.)
James the distinguished son of Zebedee Gradual: Psalm 9 both parts. (Heb. 9&10)
[“The greater” or elder, of the Twelve] Confitebor tibi Domine. I will give praise to Thee
a chief Apostle of God’s people, O Lord... (Psalm order switched with tomorrow.
suffered Martyrdom on the eighth of the calends Do Psalm 9A, verses 1-21. for St. John,
of August [July 25th] & 9B, the rest of the Psalm, for St.
He was a head of counsel of this world. James, as a Sequence. Do the Gradual
[No, that was St. James the Righteous.] Psalms 123 for St. John and 130 for St.
James, as Alleluias that match the
Mass for Saints John and James: Apostles’ Creed designations of the
Bobbio Missal. All of these Psalms: 9
Old Testament: Apoc 14:1-7 [L]
A&B, 123 and 130, are a part of this
(In place of the Old Testament. The celebration. Two readers may do these
Apocalypse is also called the Book of Psalms.)
Revelation... “And I beheld, and lo a

Alleluia: Do these complete Psalms: Ad Pacem
Psalm 123 (Heb. 124) Nisi quia Dominus If it O Eternal Lord Who wast pleased to bestow the
had not been that the Lord was with us... When Mystery of Redemption to Thy Holy Apostles
men rose up against us; perhaps they had James and John so that by the glorious example
swallowed us up alive... of their suffering, James set forth and John
(St. John, writer of the fourth Gospel, perfected it among the blessed flocks so that
designated as the Eagle in the "Traditio" James set forth all the devotions and John
of St. Ambrose. Bobbio Missal Creed perfected them. Have mercy and hear our prayers
verse for St. John: “John said, ‘I believe and grant the we may be able to hold the Faith
in Jesus Christ, His only Son, God and through the examples of Thy martyrs and
our Lord.’” 'Enkindled fury,' Apostles with which they were crowned, and so
'swallowed up,' and 'water insupportable' that we may be able to learn from their leadership
are prophetic about St. John. The the charity they were taught. Through Thyself O
boiling oil did not kill him.) Jesus Christ, our Lord Who reigneth with the
and Psalm 130 (Heb. 131) Domine non est Father and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
Lord, my heart is not exalted: nor are my eyes ages. Amen.
lofty. Neither have I walked in great matters: nor Immolatio
in wonderful things above me. It is worthy and just Almighty God that by the
(This fits St. James the Righteous, but it intercession of Thine Apostles James and John,
is for St. James the Less, the son of Thou wilt hear our prayers through Christ Our
Alpheus; the younger Apostle James. Lord Who is Himself the virtue of all the Saints
Bobbio Missal Creed verse: “James, the and the glorious victory of the Martyrs and their
son of Alpheus, said: ‘I believe in the Crown: the Pastor of the flocks and the offering
Holy Spirit.’”) of the Priests: the Healing of the nations and the
Gospel: St. Matthew 20:20-23 reparation of sins, our Lord and Redeemer before
(About St. John and his brother St. Whose most holy Throne the Angels give praise,
James, “...My chalice indeed you shall the Dominations Worship, the Powers of the
drink; but to sit on my right or left hand, Heavens tremble, and the heavenly Virtues and
is not mine to give to you, but to them the Blessed Seraphim together with exaltation
for whom it is prepared by my Father.” celebrate. With Whom, we beseech Thee, bid
Still, the other St. James and St. John that our voices also be admitted, with suppliant
both showed great humility and confession saying:
leadership in the Church. This choice of Proper Blessing of the Day by a
reading points to their greatness, but also Bishop only if present
that Christ admonishes them.) Benedictio. In Natale Sancti Iohannis
Post Nomina Evangelistae (The Pontificale of Egbert
O Lord Who called James and John who is from a later time when this Feast had
followed Thee out of integrity of Faith when they dropped the commemoration of St.
heard Thy call and to unto Whose Gifts they were James Bishop of Jerusalem. It is of St.
elected so that they might become fishermen of John. It is a good blessing nonetheless.)
the world after having left their nets: we beseech May Almighty God be pleased to bless you
Thee, receive our prayers so that in spite of our through the intercession of blessed John the
inability to match their accomplishments, we Apostle and Evangelist, Who through him [John]
might still continue to satisfy their precepts. was willing to reveal the mystery of His Word to
Through Thyself O Jesus Christ, our Lord Who the Church. Amen.
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit May he grant to you that as through that one
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. [John], the Holy Spirit poured forth the gift of

breath opening your ears; by the same gift of they sing praises to God in Heaven. [St. Matthew
spirit may you seize strength of mind. Amen. 18:10 “See that you despise not one of these little
Having been thoroughly taught through his ones: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven
document concerning the divinity of our always see the face of my Father who is in
Redeemer, what he handed down by loving, and heaven.”] i.e. those infants who were slain in
taught by preaching, and directed by pursuing, Bethlehem. How many were there? Some say
may you be worthy to come to the same gifts 2,220 were slain. Others say 2,240 were slain.
which Jesus Christ our Lord promised. Amen. The Prophet said:
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain A hundred and forty - bright fulfilment - and two
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages thousands of children were slain
of ages. Amen. in Bethlehem with victory by the ruler, by Herod.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Thirty plains famous, pleasant, all about
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Bethlehem;
ever with you. Amen. in every plain were slain a hundred of the
Post Communion for the Nativity: pleasant children of the nobles;
Filled with the heavenly food, and a hundred and forty - sad the doom! in Bethlehem
refreshed with the draught of the eternal Chalice, alone.
beloved brethren, let us unceasingly give praise Relics of the Holy Innocents, the first
and thanks unto the Lord our God; praying that Christian Martyrs, are in Bethlehem. Modern
we who have spiritually received the Most Holy scholars point to Herod's slaying of his wife and
Body of the Lord Jesus Christ may be worthy to three of his children; he also built the second
be made cleansed of carnal defects. Through our temple and other huge buildings, but the
Lord Jesus Christ His Son, Who reigneth with foundation was not built on the mercy of God,
Him and the Holy Spirit, through all ages of ages. and therefore that temple was destroyed in 70
R. Amen. A.D. (Also see Dec. 27th.) The Holy Innocents
Be unto us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, are remembered today, as well as the poorest
healing of mind and of body. For we have reaped children around the world and those children who
the blessing of Thy Holy Altar, so that we who die after they are conceived. (The glossator of
are fortified by participation of so great a Oengus quotes St. Matthew 18:10; even
medicine may be weighed down by nothing that unbaptized children always see the Father's Holy
is adversarial. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Face. Christ healed the man who was blind from
Thy Son, Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy birth; and Christ said that his blindness was not
his sin, and also was not the sin of his parents;
Spirit, through all ages of ages. R. Amen.
children have original sin, but not “original
guilt;” (see Dec. 14th). See the note at September
Holy Innocents 1st, a date of great Martyrdom, about the Herods
and the Roman emperors. See the note at the end
(Dec 28/Jan 10)
of September 30th about the relative importance
Famous is their eternal acclamation, of some dates on the calendar: a date of great
beyond every loveable band, Martyrdom is considered more important than a
which the little children from Bethlehem date of an individual Saint, and the death of even
sing above to their Father. one child, such as Quiricus on June 16th among
[Special Mass today.] many Martyrs on that day, is considered the great
Famous the lasting acclamation, i.e. Martyrdom. See May 24th, St. Vincent of Lerins,
famous and lasting is the shout of the children who wrote about the Mother of God and Christ
who were killed in Bethlehem by Herod for before His birth. See September 4th - the Feast of
Christ. A loveable band, i.e. they are a dead band St. Ultan the wonderworker, who had saved
of innocence. Who sing above to their Father, i.e. innocents whose parents had died of a plague.)

Mass for the Holy Innocents: these things are being commemorated,
Old Testament: Jer 31:15-20 we are reminded that all these things did
(The return out of captivity is the occur close together, and all concern the
return of Christ back from Egypt, which care of children. The last verse mentions
is celebrated January 11/24, the same the pun on the word “Nazarene,”
day as the Cross of St. Peter. But the meaning both the town where Jesus
Resurrection is greater, because the Christ grew up, and also to Judges 13:5,
children are risen with Him, returned out Judges 16:17, referring to Samson, who
of the captivity of death.) was a “Nazarite,” specially dedicated to
God. A “Nazarite” is also described in
Introductory Collect
Acts 21: 23-27. A discussion of
O God let all sins be mortified in us and please Nazarite: See St. James Dec. 27th; St.
bestow eternal joys upon us through today’s Paul Jan. 25th. Also St. Matthew 18:10,
annual praises to the Innocent Martyrs who 19:13-15, and Psalm 33.)
witnessed not by word but by dying: we ask this
Post Nomina
through Jesus Christ Thy Son…
Let us pray to Almighty God Who bestowed
Collect Before the Epistle
eternal joys to the people and the households of
O God, Faith of the unweaned, hope of infants, the city of Bethlehem in recompense for the
charity of children: Who through the anguish of that moment. Like Blessed Rachel
congregation’s praise of the Innocents provokes mourning for her children He bore the groans of
unto Salvation: pour out purity like that of a sorrow and refused the solace of consolation was
new-born babe upon us and bestow Thy Doctrine seen to have been preserved from the slaughter of
upon our youth through Jesus Christ Thy Son… the Innocents: may a blessed and secure eternity
Epistle: Apoc 6:9-11 (The Book of Revelation be achieved through this martyrdom.
The innocents are given white robes in Ad pacem
heaven. They are called “the souls of O God Who made this day an example unto the
them that were slain for the Word of increasing of Faith by the martyrdom and
God, and for the testimony which they Triumph of the Innocent babes, please be
held.” This not only includes the great attentive unto the needs of Thy churches through
prophets and Apostles of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ Thy Son…
but also those holy innocents who were
slain at His birth. [May include verse
12: "Saying: Amen. Benediction and It is Worthy and just Almighty God Through
glory and wisdom and thanksgiving, Christ Our Lord Who by the red stream in the
honor and power and strength, to our city of Bethlehem from those who due to age
God, for ever and ever. Amen."] could not speak yet resound the praise of the Lord
with joy. The slaughter was predicted: since it
Gradual and Alleluia:
had been said that the would not be allowed to
Psalm 8 (Heb. 8) Domine Dominus noster. live, Christ sent the children to a heavenly
O Lord our Lord (The Gradual may use verses existence: he presented them as new-born first-
1-4, the Alleluia verses 5-10.) fruits unto His Father through Himself, Christ our
Gospel: St. Matthew 2: 11-23 (The worship Lord unto Whose qualities …
of the Child Jesus with St. Mary His Proper Blessing of the Day by a
mother by the Magi, Psalm 71:10, the
Bishop only if present
warning to flee into Egypt, and “Out of
Egypt have I called my son,” Osee 11:1, Benedictio Innocentium
the slaughter of the innocent children in Almighty God, for Whose Only-Begotten's silent
Bethlehem, and the return from Egypt venerations, the deadly rage of Herod killed the
to Nazareth. Although today not all crowd of innocent infants, may Almighty God

bestow the most gracious gift of His blessing Blessing for the Sunday after Christmas.
upon you. Amen. Otherwise, that day would take the
And may He Who granted to them: that they Propers and Lections from the Mass for
would confess His Only Son our Lord, not by Christmas. Mention the major and minor days of
speaking but by dying, grant unto you that the Christmas week.
Faith which your tongue proclaims: likewise Bishop's Blessing
honest morals and a blameless life, may confess. Dominica I Post Natale Domini
Amen. [fatea[n]tur 3rd per. pl.] May God Who made the temporal childhood of
May He make those of you who receive the His Son a wonder, be pleased to illuminate and
firstfruits of His holy Church, to be fruitful in teach your hearts by a spirit of prudence. Amen.
good works, and to pass through unto the eternal Moreover, may He Who desired His Son be
joy of the fathers. Amen. submissive to temporal parents, Himself inform
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain you wonderously with the gifts of humility and
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages piety. Amen.
of ages. Amen. And may He Who made Him to advance in
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son wisdom of age and grace, bountifully pour upon
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be you the increase of spiritual perfection. Amen.
ever with you. Amen. May He be pleased to sustain [you], Whose rule
Post Communion for the Nativity: and kingdom endure without end, unto ages of
Filled with the heavenly food, and ages. Amen.
refreshed with the draught of the eternal Chalice, The Blessing of God the Father and the Son and
beloved brethren, let us unceasingly give praise the Holy Spirit and the Peace of the Lord be ever
and thanks unto the Lord our God; praying that with you. Amen.
we who have spiritually received the Most Holy
Body of the Lord Jesus Christ may be worthy to
be made cleansed of carnal defects. Through our Victor (St. Patrick’s Angel)
Lord Jesus Christ His Son, Who reigneth with (Dec 29/Jan 11)
Him and the Holy Spirit, through all ages of ages. Swift will be their aid:
R. Amen. at every hour may it shelter us!
Be unto us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, Victor and a famous host, with Airerán
healing of mind and of body. For we have reaped
the blessing of Thy Holy Altar, so that we who the sage.
are fortified by participation of so great a Victor, i.e. a Martyr and Pope of Rome.
medicine may be weighed down by nothing that Aireran, i.e. lector of Cluain Iraird (Clonard).
is adversarial. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, The Martyrology of Tallaght has a poem
Thy Son, Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy in the margin about the birds today, in case there
is any doubt of today’s subject or Psalm. The
Spirit, through all ages of ages. R. Amen.
references to “calends,” “nones,” “ides” etc. are
dates according to the Roman calendar. Next to
The Sunday after Christmas, these are a translation of modern dates, with other
events on Oengus’ calendar.
if it is before Circumcision
If Sunday falls on Dec. 26/ Jan. 8 The birds of the world, power without ill,
through Dec. 28/ Jan 10, then it takes the Propers ‘tis to welcome the sun.
and Lections for the Saint day. On January’s nones, whatever hour it be,
However if Sunday falls on Dec 29 / [January 5th, eve of Epiphany.]
Jan 11; Dec 30 / Jan 12; or Dec 31 / Jan 13 there the cry of the host from the dark wood.
is a specific Gradual Psalm, and this Bishop's

On the eighth of the calends of noble April Brendan (May 16) heard birds sing the specific
[March 25th, Annunciation, and melodies of the daytime Psalms. St. Columbanus
original Crucifixion.] says that Psalm 10 refers to the death of the soul
the swallows come on their pure tryst bringing on darkness, which should not be
..., what hides them? encouraged, but especially not at the darkest time
on the eighth of the calends of October. of the year; St. Martin was troubled with a flock
[September 24th, Conception of of birds the day he died (Nov 11).
St. John the Baptist.] In the Psalm, David tries to flee from
persecution. Christians did not approve of
On the Festival of Ruadan, no petty saying, needless hunting or blood sports, and forbade
their fetters are then unloosed. Christian musicians or poets from performing in
On the seventeenth of the calends of May Roman arenas where injury and death occurred,
[April 15th, the Feast of St. Ruadan.] according to the Apostolic Canons. The hunting
the cuckoo calls from the pleasant wood. of the wren may have been a pre-Christian
On the nones of July the birds cease custom, although some say that the custom was
[July 7th, the Feast of St. Mael late, after a flock of crying wrens revealed to the
Ruain of Tallaght.] English an Irish army hiding place. The custom
to sing the music of holydays continues today. It is doubtful that hunters know
...for Mael Ruain from Tamlachta. what a mourning dove looks like (for example),
but the song-birds who, according to the
On the festival of Ciaran, son of the wright, prophecy of the poem from The Martyrology of
[September 9th.] Tallaght can sing to make the oceans drown the
wild geese come over the cold sea. land, could end the world if hunted to extinction.
On the festival of Cyprian, a great counsel, (Without birds, the insects would overwhelm
[September 14th, eve of the Dedication.] plants, and without plants, everything would be a
the brown stag bells from the ruddy field. hot desert, melting glaciers.)
Mass for St. Victor and the birds
Three score hundred fair years, Propers, Epistle, and Gospel are for the day Mass
[hundreds of years after this poem.] for Christmas. The Gradual and Alleluia, Psalm
the world’s age, without sorrow, 10, is for this day. Do the Bishop's Blessing for
the ocean will burst over every place the Sunday after Christmas, and mention the
[Vikings and Normans attacked from the Festivals this week.
sea, but this poem is about birds.] Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 10
at the end of the night, at the call of the birds. 10 (Heb. 11) In Domino confido.
In the Lord I put my trust.
Melodious music the birds perform (Verse 8 may be used as the Alleluia.)
to the king of the heaven of clouds,
praising the radiant king.
Hark from afar to the choir of the birds. Mansuetus, Ailbe,
(and the Po or) (Dec 30/Jan 12)
Psalm 10 refers to the hunting of the
wren. Later, the hunting or stoning of the wren A dungeon’s compulsion crucified
took place on St. Stephen’s day to signify St. the great host of Mansuetus:
Stephen’s martyrdom. Celtic Christians did not with virginal Ailbe,
equate birds with evil spirits of the air, but neither we shall attain his feast.
good nor bad. Victor was the name of the angel Mansuy is also called Mansuetus or
that helped St. Patrick be freed from slavery; he Fethgno. He was sent from Rome to be the first
appeared to St. Patrick in the form of a bird. St. Bishop of Toul in Lorraine in France about

338-350. Abbot Adso, educated in Luxeuil, Every Saint, every holy virgin, every Martyr,
stated that Mansuy’s life was derived from a whom I have recounted, every high Apostle,
written source, and he came from Ireland, feast their prayer for me to God whom I fear,
Sept. 24th, but Oengus places Mansuetus today. may it protect me from every fierce danger!”
Oengus and Roman sources place Ailbe on Sept. (Aengus’ ending. Aengus or Oengus
12th, and should be commemorated both days. started his Martyrology in January, not starting at
Ailbe was of Imbliuch Ibair. Mansuetus and Advent.)
Ailbe are Irish Saints before St. Patrick. (See Blessed Theophylact of Ochrid, in
Bishops March 5th; St. Sedulius Feb. 12th.) The Bulgaria, died 1108, wrote a worthy commentary
name Ailbe was Germanized in some manuscripts on the New Testament: Gospels and Epistles.
as Hildebert, according to Colgan. Today's Propers, Epistle, and Gospel are
Remembering the poor: this begins the from the day Mass of Christmas. The Gradual
“terror time” of winter, when food and shelter is and Alleluia, Psalm 12, is for this day. On a
the most scarce. “Boxing day” when food, Sunday, do the Bishop's Blessing for the Sunday
clothing, and blankets are given to the poor is after Christmas, and mention Festivals this week.
done on St. Stephen’s day now, as in “Good King Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 12
Wenceslaus.” Our Lord was homeless when He Verse 6 is the Alleluia. (Heb. 13)
was born on earth; there was no room at the inn. Usquequo Domine.
Mass: How long, O Lord, wilt thou forget unto the end?
Propers, Epistle, and Gospel are for the day Mass (Referring to the end of the Roman year
of Christmas. The Sequence Psalm 11 is for this at the time of Christ: the end of
day. On a Sunday, do the Bishop's Blessing for December, not the end of March, and is
the Sunday after Christmas, and mention the an appropriate Psalm for New Year’s
Festivals this week. Eve; but we should not lose hope.)
Gradual and Alleluia: [Sequence:
combine prayers after Gradual and Alleluia.] The Circumcision of our Lord
Psalm 11 (Heb. 12) Salvum me fac.
Save me, O Lord, for there is now no saint: truths Jesus Christ, Octave of
are decayed from among the children of men. Christmas, and the Naming
of Jesus (Jan 1/14)
Silvester, Lochán and Endae,
(And Feast of Fools and Beasts)
Roman end of year.
Before men’s multitudinous race
(Dec 31/Jan 13)
let the pre-eminent King lead!
Lochán and Endae. Silvester,
Christ on January’s calends
noble desire!
underwent the Law, high the requirement!
from their feast - no very feeble leap - Christ was God before time; on the first
let us strive to step to the calends day of the year, He is named. The Gradual Psalm
(of January). reminds us that instead of circumcision in the
“May every Saint who has been, is, flesh, a lack of faith is overcome through
and will be till doom - victorious division - humility, as the Beatitudes say, “Blessed are the
in Christ’s pious company, poor in spirit.” (See the Apostolic controversy of
may they be helping me! St. James of the Knees, on Dec. 27.) We have the
May they be helping me in heaven and on earth, Cross and the Resurrection as our dedication.
and come in their bands to work along with my The Feast of the Circumcision is also the
soul. Octave of Christmas, and in later Medieval times
O dear little Jesus, may it thus be fulfilled!

was the day the dumb animals were honored, at It is said that on the island St. Patrick fasted and
the end of the Mass, “The Mass is ended hee-haw saw visions of torments, and it has been a place
hee-haw. Thanks be to God hee-haw hee-haw.” of pilgrimage ever since, but as a purgatory later.
Today animals should be blessed, and they may There is mention of it as a place of lay-
eat a little blessed bread, because it was the pilgrimage beginning with Dervorgilla, the wife
animals who first saw our Lord as a baby and of Tiernan O’Rourke prince of Brefny, who asked
worshiped Him. Dermot MacMurrough king of Leinster in 1151
Psalm 13 today defines what is a fool in to come and take her away while her husband
the eyes of God, acting like a dumb beast, and not was on pilgrimage to St. Patrick’s Purgatory. It is
looking up to God. Also see Psalm 93:8-12 thought that her infidelity caused the Norman
which answers Psalm 13 and Psalm 52 (almost invasion of Ireland (1172), and Ireland’s loss of
the same as Psalm 13). Some later interpretations independence. Many people have recorded
of the Hebrew alphabet show an empty fool visions of torments of the dead at Lough Derg in
beginning the alphabet, but the Hebrew “aleph” is the “cave of St. Patrick’s Purgatory.”
a plow drawn by an ox; an animal sees the The terms “hell” and “purgatory” should
beginning, and the animals witnessed Christ not be confused. The Orthodox Church believes
coming into the world. Faith is never achieved in heaven and hell, not “purgatory,” but Orthodox
instantly, but an unknowing child, newly do not believe that there is a permanent judgment
Baptized, must continue to learn about God and until the final Judgment and Resurrection of the
increase their prayer life throughout their lives. Dead. Orthodox Christians have had visions of
We think of an old Roman new year, April 1st, as the torments of souls in hell, and through prayer
a feast of fools, but at the time of Christ the and fasting of the living some relief was granted
Roman New Year, January 1st, was also fools to the suffering of the dead. More people suffer
day, not a Jewish new year. If the Irish practiced torments than many modern people would care to
an early Equinox and Pascha, Psalm 52 on the admit. (The torments of “St. Patrick’s Purgatory”
Fifth Sunday in Lent could be as early as March were for relatively minor offenses such as too
3rd, just after another new year March 1st (on early much care for the face or hair. Any sin that
American calendars). See also IX Pentecost allows us to falter from constantly keeping God
Sunday and Thursday, and Psalm 75. in mind is a sin that may be punished. The later
Also today: Colman Muilinn (Colman of concept “venial” versus “mortal” sin makes the
the Mill), grandson of Miluic who had enslaved act of sinning more important than the worse sin
St. Patrick as a youth. Colman Muilinn is a son of turning away from God: the sin of pride.)
of Miluic’s daughter Bronach. Miluic himself A legalistic definition of sins of kings or
unfortunately would not meet with his former presidents might lead to the theory of purgatory:
slave, instead locking himself inside his house If a person lives in a country where an anointed
and setting fire to it, but his son and daughters leader has sinned, do they participate in that sin,
and grandsons are all Saints of the church. See especially in later European Middle Ages where
December 11th, January 24th, and June 23rd. an entire community could be excommunicated
Also, Dabeoc on this day. He came for the sins of a duke or baron who had fallen
from Wales to Donegal in the 5th or 6th century, from the faith? Orthodoxy does not believe that
and founded a monastery on the bare island of we suffer guilt for sins of others, but Orthodoxy
Lough Derg, now known as “St. Patrick’s does believe in sin by neglect, meaning that we
Purgatory.” Dabeoc was of the family of Brecan, must be responsible for our country and leaders.
listed in the Welsh Triads as one of the “three The pilgrimage to Lough Derg takes
holy families of Wales.” (Breknockshire in Wales place for three days in the summer; no shoes are
is named after that family). A stone preserved on to be worn; and fasting is broken only with dry
the island of Lough Derg records a pilgrimage by bread and black tea once a day. The
MacNessi, first Bishop of Connor (see Sept. 3rd). contemplation of torments of those who have not

constantly kept the Faith is appropriate for the heresies, but Rome did not respond. At the time,
Feast of Fools, and the overcoming of atheism. Rome was in the middle of combating Arianism
(See January 16, St. Fursey.) itself, and also busy with barbarian invasions of
Also, Fanchea, A.D. 520, a daughter of Goths. Arianism was difficult to combat because
Conall Derg, king of Oriel, who became the many powerful supporters, including some of the
Abbess-founder of the convent Rossory in Roman emperors of the East and West, supported
Fermanagh. She was an older sister of Enda of Arianism. Several Western Saints such as St.
Aran and persuaded him to study for the Martin of Tours and St. Hilary of Poitiers were
Priesthood. Enda helped with his own hands to banished from their Sees for a while because of
erect a convent wall. She died at Killeany in a the power of the Arians, and most of Spain was
convent she founded close to a monastery Enda held by Arians, except for a small Celtic region in
built after obtaining the grant of the Aran Islands. the north, and later, Spania in the south held by
In his Confession St. Patrick speaks of “the sons Byzantium. St. Basil, together with his brilliant
and daughters of the kings of the Irish who friend St. Gregory Nazianzus the Theologian,
became virgins of Christ.” defended; the Divinity our Lord Jesus Christ and
St. Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea the Holy Spirit: Christianity, against Arianism.
in Cappadocia (now the area of Turkey in Asia Arianism was a fusion of paganism with
Minor), died Jan. 1st, 379 A.D. The name “Basil” Christianity. When we think of paganism today,
means sweetness, the herb basil, and also king in we think of heathenism or idol worship.
Greek, although Basil the Great was not born a However, early paganism also meant the complex
king. (The Roman date, June 14th, is the date of philosophies of Aristotle, Plato, the “Neo-
his Consecration as Bishop.) The Martyrologies Platonists,” and others. Some philosophers
of Jerome, Bede, and Oengus do not include St. already had a doctrine of a trinity of “causing
Basil. But, there are dates for a Basilius in the forces,” but not a holy trinity, and for them God
Martyrology of Tallaght, although not on Jan. 1st. was unknown, as St. Paul said to them in Acts
The Greeks call today “St. Basil's Day,” and Chapter 17. (See St. Dionysius the Areopagite,
exchange gifts today, almost more important to Oct. 9th.) It is not that grouping any three ideas
them than the Circumcision of our Lord; churches together is erroneous; a triad of ideas may be
and homes are blessed less than a week later at useful, for example: faith, hope, and charity;
Epiphany using holy water sprinkled using word, thought, and deed, etc., but the heretics
bundles of the herb basil, in the same way that force-fit their three causing forces into the Holy
hyssop is sometimes used as an aspergillus (see Trinity, without any true idea of the all-holy, all-
Psalm 50, “Purge me with hyssop that I may be intelligent, all-powerful God they blasphemed.
cleansed...”). On Christmas Eve the Bobbio The “Neo-Platonists” believed in emanations:
Missal has a hymn dedicated to St. Eugenia, so it first the one cause, then subordinate to that the
is acceptable to commemorate a great Saint on a mind or ideas, and then subordinate to that the
Feast day of our Lord; Jan. 1st is the actual world soul. Arianism took this pagan trinity and
anniversary of the repose of St. Basil. See Saints extended it to say that the Only- Begotten Son of
John Chrysostom and John Cassian, Nov. 25th. God was subordinate, not of one Essence, or in
St. Basil the Great fought heresies such the Latin language one Substance, with God the
as Arianism, and protected the Orthodox faith in Father; and furthermore the Holy Spirit was
the East from becoming merely a political subordinate to the Father and the Son, as if the
movement. He risked Martyrdom, continuously Holy Spirit did not share the Essential nature of
standing for the Orthodox faith, even in person the Father and the Son. At best, Christ would
before the Arian emperor Valens and the apostate only be a “superman” who could do marvels like
emperor Julian whom he knew when they were a comic-book hero; not the Son of God, the
students together in Athens. St. Basil asked for perfect Sacrifice for our sins, Resurrecting from
help repeatedly from Rome in combating the dead, ascending into heaven, and sitting as the

Just Judge at the right hand of God the Father. the captivity of such errors. After his chatty (or
The pagans pointed to their emperors, who they windy) prefaces in the first chapters, St. Basil's
falsely said were gods, and said that the On the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the blind.
Christians worshiped no better than these. St. Basil is also known for the
Arians also blasphemed the Holy Spirit, Hexaemeron, a treatise on the six days of
which, according to our Lord Jesus Christ, is the Creation. It is not as convincing or succinct an
greatest of sins (St. Mark 3:28-29). St. Basil argument as St. Hilary of Poitiers on Psalm 1,
wrote a book defending the Holy Spirit from although in an interesting parallel, St. Basil's
these pagan concepts, refuting these errors by use comment on Psalm 1 is about music, which some
of the pagan’s own logic, and also explaining all have equated with the seven days, or seven steps.
Scriptural references that the Arian heretics used The West may have been suspicious of
to support their errors. More than two centuries anybody they did not know well. St. Ambrose of
later, Arianism pretended defeat, while again Milan spoke Greek, and was sometimes accused
attempting to make a change in the Christian of plagiarism of St. Basil and others. St. Ambrose
Creed. Because any subordination of the Holy used a Liturgy that resembles the Celtic Rite; but
Spirit is a remnant of the Arian heresy which St. Basil the Great wrote a Byzantine Divine
divides the Holy Trinity and profanes sacred Liturgy, condensed by St. John Chrysostom who
worship of our one true God, the Orthodox was one of the Patriarchs of Constantinople, and
Church never adopted the Spanish addition to the the Liturgies are in use today in reduced form in
Creed at the Council of Toledo in 589 A.D. which Byzantine Orthodox Churches. There may have
said that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father been plagiarism of writings in both directions. In
“and the Son.” (See Hermenegildo, Nov. 1st.) the Byzantine Rite, certain prayers used around
The newly converted Christians in Spain Pascha and Christmas seem to be lifted from the
who were former Arians added these words, they Celtic Liturgy and Hours, because they are in the
said, because they now understood the order found in Milan and in the Celtic Hours, but
importance of the Son as so great that the Holy are not found in that order in the rest of the
Spirit might proceed from Him. But this Byzantine year. It is possible that before the
subordination of the Holy Spirit, equating Him Gospel of St. Maelruain (which is the Lorrha or
with the “world soul,” is part of the pagan heresy Stowe Missal), much of the Celtic Liturgics were
of Arianism, and as such has been condemned in in use in the earliest Christian Churches in Gaul
the First and all other Ecumenical Councils, and elsewhere. The Orthodox today are
which were ratified by the Popes, Patriarchs, and suspicious of “new” Liturgies; it is possible that
laity until the Great Schism of 1054 A.D. The there may have been the same suspicion of St.
Orthodox Church, and the Celtic Missal, kept the Basil’s Liturgy in his day by those outside of the
original Nicene Creed that has no later additions. Eastern Patriarchates. Some criticism from
St. Basil was one of the Fathers who Neocaesarea of St. Basil about his Liturgy said
pointed out that erroneous ideas are actually that he had written something not seen before.
dangerous, because errors may lead us to break He reminded them that St. Gregory the
the First Commandment, to love God with our Wonderworker (Nov. 17th) had been Bishop from
whole heart and with our whole soul and with our 240 to about 265 or 270 A.D., but not much of
whole mind. [St. Matthew 22:37] St. Basil’s the teachings and liturgics of St. Gregory the
warning is appropriate on January 1st, the “Feast Wonderworker were left, because not all of the
of Fools,” remembering that it is so easy to fall people kept the Orthodox faith (from a letter by
into ungodly atheism. And, St. Basil reminds us St. Basil - Epistle 207). (St. Basil was not
that Arians and others in error did shed the blood Ordained a Priest until about 363 A.D., a century
of true believing Christians. The Psalm today after St. Gregory the Wonderworker lived.) The
tells this story, but also reminds us that great Liturgy of St. Basil is Orthodox in theology, right
Bishops such as St. Basil lead Christians out of worship, humility, and true Holy Eucharist.

St. Basil's history: St. Basil was born at Priesthood, and later Consecrated a Bishop. He
Caesarea in Cappadocia in Asia Minor around continually had trouble from emperor Julian the
329 A.D. (Caesarea is now called Kaisari, and Apostate whom St. Basil had known in school in
the area that was once Cappadocia is now Turkey. Athens as a young man, and later the Arian
Many lands in the middle of Asia along the “silk emperor Valens. At one point, a famine struck his
route” became deserts when glaciers dried up, city, and St. Basil poured all of his family's
and entire populations moved into the Middle wealth into feeding and housing the poor, so
East and eastern Europe.) Many in St. Basil’s much so that the entire city moved its center to
family of ten were Canonized as Saints, including the new area that he had built. Even though he
his brother St. Gregory Bishop of Nyssa, his did not eat meat, his diet caused liver failure
sister St. Macrina the Younger, and his brother St. when he was fifty years old. (Vegetarianism
Peter Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia. Both his usually gave monks a long life, such as the desert
grandmother St. Macrina and grandfather fathers of Egypt. An amusing letter to him from
suffered as Christians under emperor Maximinus St. Gregory Nazianzus complained about a visit
II, but they managed to keep some of their to St. Basil's cell when they were young, where
property and wealth. His father was St. Basil the they were rescued by St. Basil's mother who was
Elder, and his mother was St. Emmelia. St. a better cook.) St. Basil kept the faith through his
Emmelia was an orphan whose father had been life, never wavering in the face of violent factions
Martyred and had his property taken away. St. both within the Christian church and also the
Basil grew up with his grandmother, St. Macrina world, and for his great faith and tireless good
at her estate at Annesi, on the river Iris (Jekil- works, he is a very popular Saint.
Irmak). St. Emmelia built a chapel at Annesi Milton plagiarized him (music curing
dedicated to the forty Martyrs of Sebaste, and the savage beast), from St. Basil's commentary on
brought their relics to that chapel. St. Gregory of Psalm 1: “The prophets, the historians, the law,
Nyssa states that the all night dedication service give each a special kind of teaching, and the
made him go to sleep. St. Emmelia and St. Basil exhortation of the proverbs furnishes yet another.
the elder (a teacher of rhetoric), began the But the use and profit of all are included in the
Christian education of their children, using the book of Psalms. There is prediction of things to
writings of St. Gregory the Wonder-worker of come. There our memories are reminded of the
Caesarea. St. Basil also met other students at past. There laws are laid down for the guidance
Caesarea, including St. Gregory Nazianzus the of life. There are directions as to conduct. The
Theologian (March 29th). According to St. book, in a word, is a treasury of sound teaching,
Amphilochius (Nov. 23rd), St. Basil was Baptized and provides for every individual need. It heals
in infancy, or when he was young, in Jerusalem. the old hurts of souls, and brings about recovery
The devotion of his grandmother, the childhood where the wound is fresh. It wins the part that is
he led, together with his avoidance of the party sick and preserves that which is sound. As far as
life at school, might indicate an early Baptism. lies within its power, it destroys the passions
After this, he continued studies in which lord it in this life in the souls of men. And
Athens and Constantinople, and also went to the all this it effects with a musical persuasiveness
deserts of Egypt to study monasticism. When he and with a gratification that induces wise and
returned to Pontus in Cappadocia, he established wholesome reflection. The Holy Spirit saw that
the first monastery that kept the Orthodox faith. mankind was hard to draw to goodness, that our
Many of the Bishops and monks of that time life’s scale inclined to pleasure, and that so we
were signing any creed they saw, including Arian. were neglectful of the right. What plan did He
St. Basil's friend, St. Gregory Nazianzus, was adopt? He combined the delight of melody with
helpful along the very difficult way, although St. His teaching, to the end that by the sweetness and
Gregory never lived in the same place as St. softness of what we heard we might, all
Basil. St. Basil was Ordained to the Deaconate, unawares, drink the blessing of the words. He

acted like wise medical doctors, who, when they permanent settlement in our souls. What can you
would give sour drinks to sickly patients, put not learn from this source? You may learn
honey round about the cup. So the melodious magnificent manliness, scrupulous righteousness,
music of the Psalms has been designed for us, dignified self-control, perfect wisdom. You may
that those who are boys in years, or at least but learn how to repent, and how far to endure. What
lads in ways of life, while they seem to be good thing can you not learn? There is a
singing, may in reality be carrying on the complete theology; a foretelling of the advent of
education of the soul. It is not easy for the Christ in the flesh; threatening of judgment; hope
inattentive to retain in their memory, when they of resurrection; fear of chastisement; promise of
go home, an injunction of an apostle or prophet; glory; revelation of mysteries. Everything is
but the sayings of the Psalms are sung in our stored in the book of the Psalms as in some vast
houses and travel with us through the streets. Let treasury open to all the world. There are many
a man begin even to grow savage as some wild instruments of music, but the prophet has fitted it
beast, and no sooner is he soothed by psalm- to the instrument called Psaltery. I think the
singing than straightway he goes home with reason is that he wished to indicate the grace
passions lulled to calm and quiet by the music of sounding in him from on high by the gift of the
the song. Spirit, because of all instruments, the Psaltery is
“A psalm is souls’ calm, herald of peace, the only one which has the source of its sounds
hushing the swell and agitation of thoughts. It above. In the case of the cithara and the lyre the
soothes the passions of the soul; it brings her metal gives forth its sound at the stroke of the
license under law. A psalm is welder of plectrum from below. The Psaltery has the
friendship, atonement of adversaries, source of its melodious strains above. So are we
reconciliation of haters. Who can regard a man taught to be diligent in seeking the things which
as his enemy, when they have lifted up one voice are above, and not to allow ourselves to be
to God together? So Psalmody gives us the best degraded by our pleasure in the music to the lusts
of all boons, love. Psalmody has bethought her of the flesh. And what I think the word of the
of concerted singing as a mighty bond of union, Prophet profoundly and wisely teaches by means
and links the people together in a symphony of of the fashion of the instrument is this: that those
one song. A psalm puts fiends to flight, and whose souls are musical and harmonious find
brings the aid of angels to our side; it is armor in their road to the things that are above most easy.”
the terrors of the night; in the toils of the day it is Matins: Old Testament
refreshment; to infants it is a protection, to men Isaiah 44:24-45:7 (Reminding us that
in life’s prime a pride, to elders a consolation, to the Lord only is God, One God in Three
women an adornment. It turns wastes into Persons, Who could speak from the
homes. It brings wisdom into marts and womb as Jesus Christ.)
meetings. To beginners it is an alphabet, to all Mass for the Feast of Circumcision
who are advancing an improvement, to the
Old Testament: Isaiah 1:10-18 (God asks
perfect a confirmation. It is the voice of the
church. It gladdens feasts. It produces godly the rulers of Sodom and Gomorrha why
sorrow. It brings a tear even from the heart of they make vain offerings. Instead,
stone. A psalm is angels’ work, the heavenly “Wash yourselves, be clean, take away
conversation, the spiritual sacrifice. Oh, the the evil of your devices from my eyes:
thoughtful wisdom of the Instructor Who cease to do perversely, learn to do well:
designed that we should at one and the same time seek judgment, relieve the oppressed,
sing and learn to our profit! It is thus that His judge for the fatherless, defend the
precepts are imprinted on our souls. A lesson that widow.” Do not act as unbelievers who
is learned unwillingly is not likely to last, but all make a show, but do nothing to help
that is learned with pleasure and delight effects a others or truly worship God.)

Introductory Collect He was conceived in the womb...” The
Beloved brethren let us humbly implore our Lord Name Day of Jesus, the Lord and
Jesus Christ Who out of His infinite mercy Creator of the universe, Who fulfills and
visited us in His healing us and redeemed us in overcomes the law. To “believe in His
His suffering for us and circumcised our sins Name” is to believe in His salvation,
from us and destroyed idols and shattered evils. which, as St. Paul says in today's Epistle,
R. Amen. includes believing in salvation through
the Eucharist. and also belief in the
Collect Before the Epistle
Name of Jesus Christ as our Lord. In
Hear us, Lord God, the eternal Trinity, Who Hebrew the name “Jesus” is Joshua,
because of the sins of mankind was pleased to which means “Savior.” In the Old
assume flesh: This is eighth day from Thy Testament, the people sought physical
Nativity when Thou mandated the circumcision salvation; but the salvation of Jesus is
of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son for us and physical and spiritual, and is eternal.)
destroyed the reign of idols and set forth the Way
Post Nomina
of Truth and followed the law and showed Thy
wisdom to Mary and Joseph in Jerusalem. Thee We beg God the Almighty Father of all the Saints
we implore O Lord: Please free us from the sins that He please receive the offerings of His
of this world through Thy Son our Lord Jesus servants and handmaids with serene will through
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy His Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Him and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
ages. R. Amen.
Epistle: I Corinthians 10:14-31
Ante Pacem
(“Fly from the service of idols.” We
truly worship Christ as truly present in Let us beseech Christ the Lord Whom the magi
the Eucharist, in true belief. “The chalice adored. The magi were filled by the prophecies
of benediction, which we bless, is it not and came as ambassadors from the Orient: The
the communion of the blood of Christ? Faith of the peoples of the world is declared. He
and the bread, which we break, is it not is circumcised Who Himself instituted the
the partaking of the body of the Lord?” Circumcision: He Who made the offering is
In all things, “...do all to the glory of brought to the Temple: Who Himself is
God.” “All” means all the time as well. worshiped in the Temple. R. Amen.
Note that the Greek word that means Contestatio
“keeping present in mind” does not It is truly worthy and just Almighty God, that we
mean “remembrance” of things past exalt with great exuberance for we know that on
according to Greek grammar, but is mis- this day of salvation: on the eighth day after the
translationed in many Bibles. This Nativity of the Lord in genuine Flesh or one truly
Epistle points to one of the central born: the mark of circumcision was made: for just
stumbling-stones of unbelief.) as He assumed our mortality so that our mortality
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 13 might be consumed, likewise He accepted the
13 (Heb. 14) Dixit insipiens. The fool hath said yoke of the Law in His flesh that He might strike
in his heart there is no God. (Verses 6-7 may be the yoke of the Law from our necks. For He came
used as the Alleluia.) for Salvation to all of the human race to Whom
Gospel: St. Luke 2:21 - 40 the Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship,
(The Circumcision and Naming of Jesus. the Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the
“And after eight days were heavenly Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim
accomplished, that the child should be together with exaltation celebrate. With Whom,
circumcised, His Name was called Jesus, we beseech Thee, bid that our voices also be
which was called by the angel, before admitted, with suppliant confession saying:

Post Sanctus the Post-Nicene Fathers. He says that
Truly Holy Truly blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ although the number seven is a very
Thy Son Who came to seek and to save that important number, yet the eighth day of
which was lost, Who the day before He suffered... creation is the final day of the
Post Secreta Resurrection, so eight becomes a symbol
By this which was instituted and holding to the of something higher, an "octave" or the
precepts we humbly pray Thee O Lord: please next step above the seven; and also
accept, bless and sanctify this Sacrifice so that it today is the “eighth day” after
may be a legitimate Eucharist for us in the Name Christmas. The third verse below may
of Thee, Thy Son and the Holy Spirit, in the be read, and referred to in a Sermon.)
transformation of the Body and Blood of our May Almighty God Whose Only-begotten Son
Lord God Jesus Christ Thine only-begotten Son did not dissolve the law, but rather came to fulfill
through Whom Thou created all: bless all that is it, receiving circumcision in the flesh; by spiritual
created: sanctify with blessings and bestow circumcision purge your minds from all of the
sanctification O God Who livest and reignest is a attractions of sins, and pour forth into you His
blessing. Amen.
perfect Trinity unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
And may He Who gave the law through Moses,
Ante Orationem Dominicam (Before so that He might give blessing through our
the Lord's Prayer) Mediator, remove from you the mortification of
Let us beseech the Almighty and eternal God that sins, and make you to persevere in newness of
He Who in the circumcision of our Lord Jesus virtues. Amen.
Christ granted that the beginning of religion be This one [as a human] in perfection of the sixth in
set in perfection and made us to be counted number [day of creation of man] may you live in
among His portion in Whom all of the Salvation this age and the seventh [day of creation] in
of humanity is founded and may He permit us to number may you rest among the flock of spirits
say with confidence the prayer which our Lord of the Saints, since renewed in the eight-fold
taught us: Resurrection [the eighth day of creation], and
Post Orationem Dominicam (After enriched in the remission of the jubilee [eight
the Lord's Prayer) days after Christmas], may you enter into joys
that remain without end. Amen.
Free us from evil Almighty God and grant that
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
the bulk of our crimes having been cut away, only
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
the growth of virtue may profit in us, through our
of ages. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son...
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Bishop only if present ever with you. Amen.
Benedictio In Octavas Domini [Octave Post Communion
of Christmas; The Circumcision] Refreshed by spiritual food and refreshed by
(The six refers to the six days of heavenly drink let us beseech Almighty God, dear
Creation, the sixth day being the day brethren, that He Who redeemed us in the
that humanity was created. The seventh participation of His body and the shedding of His
day is God's eternal heavenly Rest, blood may command us to be called into eternal
which is referred to by St. John Cassian rest through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth
as Israel, "seeing God." And the eighth with the Father and the Holy Spirit throughout all
day is the day of the Resurrection, ages of ages. R. Amen.
according to St. Gregory Nazianzus the
Theologian: in his sermon on Pentecost,
Oration XLI, part II, seventh volume of

Sunday after the Circumcision Mairge. It is worth knowing why he was called
Scothine. Easy (to say), for the shortening
Combine with Lections, Propers and
(scothad) of the journey which he used to make,
Bishop's Blessing of the Circumcision, on the
to wit, to go to Rome in one day and to come
Sunday dated January 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th. If the
from it in another day. Vel ideo Scothine dictus
Circumcision (Jan 1/ 14) falls on a Sunday, the
est, i.e. Once he met St. Barre (of Cork), he
Circumcision Lections take precedence (are first).
walking on the sea and Barre in a vessel. “What
During the week after this Sunday, before
is the cause of thy walking on the sea?” says
Epiphany, use daily Propers, these Lections and
Barre. “It is not sea at all, but a plain full of
Saint commemoration, i.e., Jan 5th St. Simeon; or
clover-blossom,” says Scothin, and his hand
of the Circumcision.
touches a flower, and he throws it to Barre in the
If Sunday is Epiphany (Jan. 6/19),
ship, and said: “What is the cause of a vessel
Epiphany takes precedence, and these Lections
swimming on the plain?” At that word Barre
may be combined with Epiphany Propers and
stretches his hand into the sea, takes a salmon
thereout, and flings it to Scothin. So that from
If the first Sunday on or after the
that flower (scoth) he is named Scothin. (Other
Circumcision is Jan. 7th, combine these Lections
stories are told of Scothin's life, and his chastity.)
with the first Sunday following Epiphany, using
Manchene of Airce, i.e. a river in Leix in
the Propers of that Sunday.
the west of Leinster, and Airec a river et ab eo
Old Testament:
nominatur, because near it his church, named
Ezechial 43:18-44:7 (4?) Disert meicc Cuilinn, was situated. (Disert meicc
(Offerings were given in the temple, but Ciluirn) Munchin (Manchene) Abbot of Mungret
in spite of these offerings, it is possible had 1500 monks living at his monastery. St.
to be defiled, “you have broken my Patrick founded Mungret for the youth Nesson
covenant by all your wicked doings.”) whom he Ordained a Deacon. The saying, “wise
Epistle: Ephesians 1:3-14 as the women of Mungret” refers to a stunt pulled
(How to be without sin: we are by the monks. Facing a test of erudition, some
predestined to salvation through young monks dressed as women and were
adoption by our Lord Jesus Christ.) washing cloths in a stream on the way to the
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 14 (Heb 15) monastery. These “ladies” conversed only in
Domine quis habitabit. Lord, who shall dwell in Latin and some Greek. When the opposing team
thy tabernacle? (Verses 4b-5 may be Alleluia.) approached and found even the “women” to be so
Gospel: St. Matthew 9:32-35 learned, they went away, leaving the victory to
(Jesus heals a man who is dumb and “the women of Mungret.” Munchin was Abbot
possessed, but the Pharisees say that many years, and in old age retired to a cell called
Christ uses the prince of devils.) Kill-Munchin (near what became the city of
Limerick). Two of Munchin’s sisters had
convents adjoining his: Rose of Kilrush, and
2 Jan / 15
Lelia or Liadhain of Killely (Aug. 11th). Cormac
Isidorus the Bishop, MacCullinan gave Mungret three ounces of gold,
Abbot of a high church: an embroidered vestment and his blessing in 908.
splendid Manchene of Airec, (Later, in 1102 Mugron O’Morgair, Malachy’s
Scothine, the diadem of Marge. father and chief lector at Armagh died and was
Isidore, (Essodir), Aspala ciuitate Hispaniae buried at Mungret. The Mungret school declined
in qua episcopatum tenuit. Bishop and Abbot (of after Viking raids and ended when the Anglo-
Seville, Spain; d. 636. But, he promoted a heresy: Normans came to Ireland. St. Munchin’s church
the Councils of Toledo. See St. Basil, Jan. 1st.). in Limerick lost cathedral status and was replaced
Scothine. Scothine of Tech Scothini in Sliab with St. Mary’s cathedral in 1180 by Donal

O’Brien king of Thomond. In 1884 it was 4 Jan / 17
“revived” by the Jesuits, and now there are two The pure death of Aquilinus
churches of St. Munchin in Limerick, Roman and
the Protestant church on Castle Street which was
with a troop that was strongest:
the Cathedral before St. Mary’s, with Throne. in Christ’s blood by means of their
Also, St. Seraphim of Sarov, died in (Martyrised) bodies they had washed
1833. (Feast today and July 19th/ Aug. 1st). (their) robes.
"Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around Martyrdom of Aquilinus and companions:
you will be saved." Called as a monk after being They have washed, i.e. they washed beautifully
healed by the Kursk “root” icon of the Blessed their tlachtu, i.e. their garments, i.e. their bodies.
Virgin Mary, he rose to Hieromonk (Priest-
monk), was the spiritual leader of the Diveyevo 5 Jan / 18
convent, but retired to a cabin in the woods, his
desert. After being beaten almost to death, which
The calling unto Christ of Simeon the
deformed his spine, he spent one thousand nights sage - a form that may purify us:
in vigils with his arms raised. Icons show him a fair sun, a fresh champion,
feeding bears. He is best remembered by the was Ciar, daughter of Duib-re.
thousands who came to him to be healed and to Ciar daughter of Duib-rea. Ciar, i.e. in
have their Confessions heard. He encouraged Muscraige Tire she is, and of Conaire’s race is
laity to learn contemplation, theoria, and the she, i.e. in Mag Escat she is. [Translator’s note,
acquisition of the Holy Spirit. Canonized in Conaire is the hero of the Bruden Da Derga, Rev.
Russia in 1903. Celt. xxii.]
St. Simeon the Sage, the Priest who
3 Jan / 16 accepted Christ into the temple in his arms, who
prophesied concerning Christ. St. Simeon is
Rhodon’s great Martyrdom, entombed in the valley of Josaphath in a basillica
with his train, a fair moon: with St. Joseph the husband of St. Mary. (See
Fintan with a long life of nobleness; Septuagint, Purification, Feb. 2nd, and May 24th,
Findlug the sure of Dun Blesce. St. Vincent, who wrote about the Mother of God,
Martyrdom of Rhodon and companions and Jesus as God from the womb.)
(Rodius and three brothers). Also, the calling of St. Simeon the monk
Findlug i.e., Lugaid the Fair, a disciple who rests in peace in Antioch. (Roman date for
and brother of Finntan, et ideo cum eo nominatur, St. Simeon the Stylite. Byzantine date is Sept. 1st,
et in peregrinationem exiit in aquilonem, so that their tax day and new year; remembered in Rome
he is a Saint in Tamlachta Findlogain in near Roman new year. This St. Simeon lived on
Ciannachta of Glenn Gemin. (of Dun Blesce i.e. top of a very high pillar, praying and
Flesc) From The Martyrology of Tallaght: prophesying. He defended the Council of
Findlugo of Dun Blesci, i.e. Blesc the name of Chalcedon against the Monophysites. He
the king of Ui Cuanach’s swineherd, ’tis he who reposed either Sept. 2nd or July 24th; see note after
was in that encampment first of all, as is said. [A Sept. 30th. His body was carried to Antioch after
swineherd was a pre-Christian shaman, and the repose in 459 A.D. This is a different and later
place where Findlugo lived had been named after Saint than the St. Simeon of the Purification.)
the swineherd Blesc. “Ui” means “of,” and Also Jan 5/ Jan 18: the Vigil of
“Cuanach” is Connaght. King and swineherd are Epiphany, which is a strict Fast in the Byzantine
in the world-class epic The Cattle-Raid of Cooley, Rite, but not a fast for those practicing Jesus’s
which records as great or as useless a war as the fast immediately after Epiphany. Jesus’s fast
Greeks against the Trojans. This is the source of after Epiphany is the older practice in the
the silly question, “How now brown cow.”] undivided Church.

Epiphany (January 6th/19th) The Vespers of the Nativity from the Old Gallican
Missal: “And by the star of new shining, the
Baptism of our Lord Jesus surprise of the mystery in the Nativity is
Christ, Visit of the Magi, disclosed to the Magi: the Lord of creation is
adored. In offering, gold is offered, [for He is
Marriage at Cana, King of the Ages; frankincense, for He is God of
The 12 th Day of Christmas All; and myrrh for He was dead for three days,
Ran to his King, right noble choice! yet is Deathless*]: At that one moment, Kingship,
Sacrifice, and Burial, and all the ages are filled
Julian, rock with purity: with His understanding.” [*Missing portion in the
the great Baptism of Mary’s Son - original text in brackets has been restored by text
perfect gladness! deserves not outrage. in a Hymn of Byzantine Christmas Great Vespers
Baptism of our Lord, and St. Julian, Virgin. by Germanus that matches this.]
This is the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Mass of the Epiphany:
Christ in the Jordan; and the visitation of our Old Testament: Isaiah 60:1-16 (“Arise, be
Lord Jesus Christ by the three wise kings bearing enlightened, O Jerusalem; for thy light is
gold, frankincense, and myrrh; and the miracle at come, and the glory of the Lord is risen
the marriage at Cana when Jesus turned water upon thee... And thou shalt know that I
into wine. [See June 24th for St. John the Baptist.] am the Lord thy Savior and thy
And, this is the twelfth day of Christmas. Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”)
The phrase “deserves not outrage”
Introductory Collect
probably refers to controversies concerning the
Holy Trinity present at the Baptism: the Voice of Most dear brethren, let us beseech as suppliants
the Father, the Baptism and Blessing of the the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, God: Who to
Jordan of the Son, and the descent of the Holy this day did give the name of the holy festival of
Spirit as a dove. His Baptism created controversy the Epiphany as today’s solemnity, and the
about Jesus Christ's divinity before time: we appearance; and the illumination; and the
celebrate this day with gladness, but the Arians declaration and likewise the showing among His
used this day as an outrage to mock Christ and people by the miracle of the water made wine; so
say that He had “attained” the Father and the that His fame and majesty may shine forth
Holy Spirit. The Arians did not understand that, without ceasing, and the light of sanctity may
although Christ was already God, it was always appear, and that the people may remain
necessary to fulfill the law and prophecy and be consecrated in His Name.
Baptized to reveal Himself to St. John the Baptist [The appearance refers to the Magi, the
and his disciples, and to the whole world through illumination refers to the Baptism of
His ministry. His descent into the Jordan was a Jesus by St. John the Baptist and the
blessing of the water and a pre-figuring of going descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of
down into the waters of death at the Crucifixion a dove; the declaration refers to the
to wash away all of our sins. But those who did words of the Father in heaven that “This
not believe that Christ is God thought that it was is my beloved Son; ” and the showing
a moment of attainment. among His people refers to the miracle
Therefore, it is most fitting that the three at Cana. The “Appearance,
wise men who proclaim Christ as Prophet, Priest, Illumination; Declaration; and Showing
and King, and the marriage at Cana, are also among His people” is a reminder of the
celebrated at the same time: to refute such four layers of meaning: historical,
blasphemies. Refer to the note after the allegorical, anagogical, and
Introductory Collect today. From the beginning tropological; or meanings of history,
of the Vigil Mass of Christmas, the Preface of parallel, universal, and interior.]

Collect Before the Epistle east, went before them, until it came and stood
Most dear brethren, let us beseech God who over where the child was. And seeing the star
sanctified the waters of the Jordan and the they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And
marriage in Cana, that as we remember His entering into the house, they found the child with
miracles through the succession of the years, we Mary his mother, and falling down they adored
also remember that it is through His grace alone him; and opening their treasures, they offered
that we may obtain forgiveness of our sins. him gifts; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. [Psalm
Epistle: Titus 2:11-13 71:10] And having received an answer in sleep
For the grace of God our Savior hath appeared to that they should not return to Herod, they went
all men; Instructing us, that, denying ungodliness back another way into their country.
and worldly desires, we should live soberly and Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to the
justly and godly in this world, Looking for the Jordan, unto John, to be baptized by him. But
blessed hope and coming of the glory of the great John stayed him, saying: I ought to be baptized
God and our Savior Jesus Christ. by thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus
answering, said to him: Suffer it to be so now.
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 15 (Heb.
For so it becometh us to fulfill all justice. Then
16) Conserva me Domine. Preserve me, O Lord, he suffered him. And Jesus being baptized,
for I have put my trust in Thee. I have forthwith came out of the water: and lo, the
said to the Lord, Thou art my God, for heavens were opened to him: and he saw the
Thou hast no need of my goods... (Verse Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming
11 may be used as the Alleluia. Psalm upon him. And behold a voice from heaven,
97:1 is similar.) saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am
Gospel: St. Matthew 2:1-12, 3:13-17, Luke well pleased.
3:23, John 2:1-11 (Written out because And Jesus himself was beginning about the
of the use of four Gospels.) age of thirty years; being (as it was supposed) the
When Jesus therefore was born in Bethlehem of son of Joseph, who was of Heli, who was of
Juda, in the days of king Herod, behold, there Mathat,
came wise men from the east to Jerusalem. And the third day, there was a marriage in
Saying, Where is he that is born king of the Jews? Cana of Galilee: and the mother of Jesus was
For we have seen his star in the east, and are there. And Jesus also was invited, and his
come to adore him. And king Herod hearing this, disciples, to the marriage. And the wine failing,
was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And the mother of Jesus saith to him: They have no
assembling together all the chief priests and the wine. And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is
scribes of the people, he inquired of them where that to me and to thee? My hour is not yet come.
Christ should be born. But they said to him: In His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he
Bethlehem of Juda. For so it is written by the shall say to you, do ye. Now there were set there
prophet: And thou Bethlehem the land of Juda art six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of
not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three
thee shall come forth the captain that shall rule measures apiece. Jesus saith to them: Fill the
my people Israel. [Mich. 5:2; John 7:42.] Then waterpots with water. And they filled them up to
Herod, privately calling the wise men, learned the brim. And Jesus saith to them: Draw out now,
diligently of them the time of the star which and carry to the chief steward of the feast. And
appeared to them; And sending them into they carried it. And when the chief steward had
Bethlehem, said: Go and diligently inquire after tasted the water made wine, and knew not
the child, and when you have found him, bring whence it was, but the waiters knew who had
me word again, that I also may come and adore drawn the water; the chief steward calleth the
him. Who having heard the king, went their way; bridegroom, And saith to him: Every man at first
and behold the star which they had seen in the setteth forth good wine, and when men have well

drunk, then that which is worse. But thou hast gold, frankincense or myrrh but are the very same
kept the good wine until now. This beginning of sacrifice declared, offered, sacrificed and
miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee; and consumed through Jesus Christ Thy Son Who
manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit unto ages
him. of ages. Amen.
Post Nomina May God the Light Who this day chose to reveal
O God, Who art rich in all mercies, Father of His Only-begotten Son to the nations by the
glory, Who wast able to declare Thy Son a light guide star be pleased to enrich you with His
unto all the nations, through faith He showeth Blessing. Amen.
forth mercy: by liberation to captives; by sight Proper Blessing of the Day by a
to the blind; by forgiveness of sins, O Lord who Bishop only if present
art generous in Thy Christ: Forgive us. Epiphany, and the Baptism of the Lord:
Ad Pacem (the “Secret,” but said Benedictio in Theophania
audibly) May Almighty God the Light, Who was willing
O God who today through Thine Only begotten to reveal His Only-begotten Son this day, by the
Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, didst provide guide star to the nations, be pleased to enrich you
sanctification unto eternal Salvation: the Waters with His blessing. Amen.
of Regeneration so that by coming by means of May you, by the example of the offering of the
the spiritual Dove, yea Thou didst come by the Magi of mystical gifts to the Lord Jesus Christ,
Holy Spirit Himself, Grant, we beseech Thee that and scorn to the ancient enemy, and scorn to the
He come upon the entire assembly of the Church contamination of sins, be strengthened to return
by that blessing and that He protect those joined to the eternal homeland by way of virtue. Amen.
to Thy Church. And may He give you true innocence of mind,
Contestacio With usual Preface Who chose to show the Holy Spirit upon His
It is Truly Worthy and just, O Almighty God, Only Begotten Son by the Dove. And may your
because Thou didst work wonders among the minds be exercised by virtue toward
people showing forth Thy mercy and saving aid understanding of the mysteries of Divine Law,
unto the nations, declaring this day that on which just as at Chana of Galilee, stagnant water was
men, adoring the Infancy of the King were changed into wine. Amen.
summoned from distant parts of the world and the May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
True , Brighter, closer star of the skies guided without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
them: It shown with the radiance of His Light: of ages. Amen.
therefore let all the earth exalt with profuse joy May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
and those on high intone the hymn of the power and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
of Thy glory, saying... ever with you. Amen.
Benedictio Epiphaniae Domini Ad
Post Sanctus
Truly Holy, Truly blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ Let us suppliants entreat God, the author of
Thy Son Who on this day as proof of His wonders and virtues: He Who revealed the light
Heavenly birth conferred upon this world the of the world by the light of the Star, when the
miracle of Thy Majesty so that He might reveal magi came to array themselves on the floor as a
the adoring star to the magi and after a period of constellation in humility to the King; may He
time had passed He would change water into Himself grant to the ignorant forgiveness, and to
wine and blessed the flood of the Jordan by His those, though unbelieving, to be able to recognize
Baptism: Christ our Lord Who... Him.* Amen.
Post Mysterion So that He who was pleased this day to descend
We beseech Thee O Lord come and be appeased into the font of the Jordan, Himself the font of the
by these sacrifices before us which although not living water; by the bathing of the Holy Body,

you waters which had not been the best choice Post Communion
before, are now yourselves purified with the Look down and be merciful to Thy people and
cleansing. Amen. grant that the Divine Sacrament may be effective
He Who returned this day to Cana of Galilee, for the absolving of all sins through our Lord
designated Himself Lord of power and glory, Jesus Christ Thy Son Who reigneth with Thee
Who having been invited to the blessed banquet and the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages. Amen.
of the wedding, demonstrated Who He is in (Remember Jan 7/20 and Jan 11/24.)
miraculous works of powers. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Jesus’ Lent. (Corgais Issu)
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
of ages. Amen. (Jan 7/20)
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son The Martyrdom of Lucianus
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be with a great host that was higher:
ever with you. Amen. I have commemorated what is nobler, the
[*Latin: sidere is a homonym, meaning
both to bow down, and also a beginning of Jesu’s Lent.
constellation of stars. Latin: Another Lent in the winter,
agnoscendum- realize; ignoscenda- hand to every food is proper then,
forgive. Greek roots for: Jesu’s Lent is vast springtime,
agnoscendum- unbelieving; ignoscenda- Moses’ Lent in summer there.
ignorant. Note that this is almost If this is NOT a Sunday, if doing a Mass,
exactly the same hymn, although with standard Mass and commemorations, Lections
more layers of meaning, as the Greek may be of Epiphany.
dismissal Troparian for Christmas: "Thy If this IS a Sunday, do I Epiphany with
Nativity, O Christ our God, Has its Propers and Lections, with the Lections from
illumined the world like the Light of the Sunday after Circumcision, and with a
Wisdom; They who worshiped the stars commemoration of Jesus’ Lent.
were through a star, Taught to worship Today is a fast day.
Thee, the Sun of Righteousness, And to Corgais Issu, Jesus' Lent: “Then Jesus
know Thee, the Day-Spring from on was led by the Spirit into the desert, to be
high"] tempted by the devil. And when He had fasted
Deus mirabiliorum et virtutum auctor te forty days and forty nights, afterwards He was
supplices exoramus. ut qui et hunc hungry.” St. Matthew 4:1-2.
mundi lumen stella prodidit lumine / et It was a practice among Christians to
humilitatem sidere magi peruenerunt ad fast for forty days beginning the day after
regem. ipse ad agnoscendum se delicta Epiphany, and then, if Lent was early, to continue
ignoscenda concedat. Amen. the fast during Lent. If Pascha (Easter) was late,
Ut qui dignatus est hodie ad iordanis a short break might occur in the fasting. This
fontem fons aquae vive descendere. ut also was the cause of the early Church practicing
lavacro sancti corporis ipsas aquas only a fast during the last week or two of Lent
dilveris cum ablui non elegeris. Amen. before Pascha, because they had already fasted
Qui rursus hic ille dies est qui in chana for 40 days earlier; although by the time these
galileae te designavit dominum virtutis Propers were written, Great Lent immediately
et glorie. cum ad beatum convivium before Pascha was at least 40 days. Forty or
rogatus ad nuptias quis esses more days must be fast days before Pascha, and
demonstrasti in operibus virtutum as many as 80 or more days may be fast days.
miraculis. Amen. Try to fast at least from today until Jan 11/24, the
Quod ipse. Amen. Benedictio. coming out of Egypt of Jesus Christ.

Fasting consists of no meat, plenty of day, the “Daughters of Feredach” is March 23rd.
greens, whole grain breads and porridge, fruit, She had another son Mundus besides Fillan. She
etc. The Irish ate seaweed, which has vitamin went with Comgan after her husband’s death to
B12, found only in meat or seaweed. (Seaweed is the monastery in Scotland (see Fillan or
savory, think of Japanese soup). Although it is Comgan). She spent most of her time as a recluse
said that the Irish added chaff (bran) to their on a little island in Loch Lomond called Nun’s
bread during fasting seasons, in the case of the Island, Inchelroide or Royal Island, and Tuch
grain rye, do not add the chaff, as the small Cailleach. A church there was named for her.
spikes or “beards” on the grain can perforate the
intestines. It is suggested to avoid extremes in 8 Jan / 21
fasting, as this may cause deficiencies in
nutrition. There were no rules against sweets or
The departure of Egemonius,
sweet bread, as these were used in memorials for a Bishop of high penance:
the dead; but oil, butter, or milk should be Ercnait a virgin, splended (her) heritage,
avoided or at least reduced. Milk is allowed in a noble Nechtan, from Alba.
fast to children, the sick, and the elderly. Ercnait, i.e. of Dun da en in the Fidbad
Meat is allowed during this fast if other in Dal Araidi. Or Ercnat a virginal nun, who was
food has spoiled during the winter, or if there is a cook and robe-maker to Colum cille, and this is
real medical need, or if it would waste the food. her church, Cell Chuaca, i.e. Choca in Cairbre
The Irish had a rule against making a visible fuss. Hui Ciardai. Her name, however, in truth was
If a person is offered various foods at a gathering, Ercnat, i.e. embroideress, for ercad in the Old
choose those that do not contain meat. If a stew Gaelic is now rinnaigecht ‘drawing;’ for it was
is offered, eat only the vegetables in it, even that virgin who was embroideress, cutter and
though they are in the broth. sewer of raiment to Columcille with his disciples.
There is always a complete fast after Nechtan of Alba, i.e., from the east,
Midnight before a Mass. Days of fasts are days from Scotland is his kindred, i.e. of Dun Geimin
of moderation and abstinence, reducing the in Ciannachta of Glenn Geimin. Or in Scotland
number of meals a day. Gluttony is one fault that is Nechtain.
must never be completely overcome, because Erhard, Erard, or Herhardus, from
God gives us food for our health, as we are “Scotia” (Ireland), a missionary Bishop to
reminded in the case of St. Peter, who had a Bavaria. When Odila, born blind, was being
vision that all foods are clean. (Acts 11:1-17). Baptized by Erhard, she received her sight. Nuns
The Martyrdom of Lucianus, Priest of kept continuous prayer at the crypt of Erhard.
Antioch and many companions, under emperor His companion Hildulf in the solitary Vosges
Maximiano he suffered. (St. Lucian, prince of mountains also created a missionary center.
Antioch, Priest Martyr. From Samosata, and well
educated, he corrected Hebrew texts which had 9 Jan / 22
been changed by heretics. Martyred under
Maximian; a heretic Pancratius revealed his
Beautiful hostages with purity, before the
location, and he was starved to death along with King Whom thou hast mentioned:
other tortures. He was Martyred Jan 7th, 312. Faelan the godly, excellent,
Celtic Rite dates: Dec. 24th, Jan 7th, and the Felix the fair, Vitalis.
bisextus Feb. 24th; Byzantine Rite, Oct 15th.) Felix the Excellent, Vitalis, the Fair, two
Kentigerna, d. 734 A.D., called “Loch Saints. [Saints Epictetus, Secundus, Vitalis, Felix,
Lomond’s Lady of Grace,” daughter of Ceallach Jucundus, and seven other companions, Martyrs.]
(Kelly) king of Leinster, mother of Fillan (Jan. Faelan the Godly, of Cluain Moescna in
9th) and sister of Comgan (Oct. 13th) today. She Fir Tulach, Calne in Hui Tortain is his church.
was the wife of Feredath. Her daughters' feast Fillan, Foillan, or Faelan was grandson of

Ceallach (Kelly) king of Leinster, and son of on Theosis, and other subjects. Prayer for the
Kentigerna “Loch Lomond’s Lady of departed was considered controversial by Rome.
th th
Grace” (Jan. 7 ) the sister of Comgan (Oct. 13 ). He also spoke at the Second Ecumenical Council,
He became a monk in Fintan Munnu’s monastery and was quoted in the Seventh. (See Wikipedia.)
in Ireland, and spent time in a hermitage cell near His writings are considered required reading.
St. Andrew’s in Scotland (Oct. 11th – Cainnech, Intercessors against misfortune:
and Nov. 30th - St. Andrew). Comgan, his sister, Miletus (Milid) the chaste, ‘soldier;’ and
and seven other missionaries came into western Diarmait (also soldier) of Inis Clothrann, a fair
Ross at Lochalsh in Scotland, were established helmet, Ciaran’s Priest. May the prayers to them
there, then Fillan joined his community. preserve us from such a bad place in hell.
Kilchoan and Killelan in Lochalsh are named Milid or Meilitia abbot Roma. No
after Comgan and Fillan. He is buried at Milito [episcopus Laudaciae in Assia Minore No
Strathfillan. Fillan’s Well or Holy Pool at Milid.] Or Milid ‘soldier’ ut Oengus dicit, and
Strathfillan, where the insane would be dipped in this may have been said of Diarmait. Now
the water and in many cases cured, was a place of Diarmait was Ciaran’s Priest. The Martyrology of
pilgrimage until early in the 19th century. Fillan’s Tallaght: ...Militiadis Bishop and Confessor...
Cave at Pittenween in Fifeshire was demolished
in the 17th century, and a local minister filled up Coming out of Egypt of
Fillan’s Well at Killellan in Renfrewshire at the
end of the 18th century to end devotions. Fillan’s Mary’s Great Son.
crozier and bell still exist. Robert the Bruce Cross of Peter Martyr and Apostle, and
brought the relic of Fillan with him, spending the companions. [Summer Feast repeated in Jan.?]
eve of the battle of Bannockburn in 1314 in (Jan. 11/24, a Major Festival.)
prayer. Next day his victory over Edward II of The cross of Peter Martyr,
England was attributed to the intercession of
with his host full of valor:
Fillan, according to historian Hector Boece.
(Edward II had destroyed much of Scotland.) out of Egypt - splendid gladness!
Fillan gives his name to many churches: came Mary’s great Son.
Killen in uplands of Perthshire, Killphillane in Coming out of Egypt of Mary’s Great
Wigtown, St. Phillane chapel within the castle of Son. .iiii. Vel v. annis Christus in Egipto [fuit],
Down and another St. Phillane chapel near there ubi ut dicunt in die aduentus eius in urbem omnia
on the river Teith, a fair at Srowan called Feile illius sunt comminuta idula, tam cito in terram.
Fhaolain, Fillan’s Fair on Fillan’s Day in the Affrodius autem nomen proncipis illius urbis qui
parish of Killellan in Renfrewshire. Christum et eius parentes benigne suscepit. The
glossator says, “What is the cause that Christ’s
10 Jan / 23 coming out of Egypt is a festival and His going
into it is not a festival? Easy to say, for Egyptus
We pray a prayer to them is the same as tenebrae [darkness], and fitter is
that an evil lot may not happen to us, happiness at one’s coming out of them than at
chaste Miletus, a fair helmet, going into them.” [Soon after Epiphany, but
Diarmait of Inis Clothrann. occurred when our Lord was about two, or, the
St. Gregory of Nyssa (in Cappadocia), glossator says, when Christ was “4 or 5 years.”
brother of St. Basil, (today the Byzantine date. The fast ends today or Feb. 15th, if not all winter.]
See St. Basil Jan 1st, St. Gregory Thaumaturgis From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Nov. 17th.) He wrote on the Doctrine of the Holy Eductio Christ from Egypt; Petrus...” [See St.
Trinity, why God is Three Persons in One God, Peter; Martyrdom.] [See the winter fast, Jan. 7th.]
on Infinity, that God has no limits, on the Holy Ethna and Fidelma who converted to
Spirit, on Atonement, on spiritual contemplation, Christianity. were daughters of king Laoghaire.

They met St. Patrick in woods near Rath Crogan, from Egypt. And martyrdom of Apostles
seat of kings before Tara. According to Muirchu, and Disciples of Christ: St. Peter. Jesus
they asked to see the one true God face to face, Christ answers the plea for revenge in
and they were Baptized, “and they received the this Psalm with mercy. A major festival.)
Eucharist of God and they slept in death.” This Gospel None is specifically listed for today;
angered their protectors who were considered the the Gospel that describes this event is
wisest druids in Erin: Maol and Coplait, but St. Matthew 2: 13-15, and St. Matthew
eventually St. Patrick converted them too. 2: 19-23. (Overlaps Holy Innocents in
(Other Rites do not mention this Feast. verses 16-18. On a Sunday, I Epiphany
The Byzantine Rite has a “synaxis” of angels with the other Gospels. Also for St.
today. All list the great Abbot of Palestine from Peter on the Cross of St. Peter.)
Cappadocia, St. Theodosius. Byzantine Rite St. Matthew 2: 13-15:
“chains of Peter” is on January 16th.) And after they were departed, behold an angel of
Mass for Coming out of Egypt the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph, saying:
Old Testament: [None specified, but may Arise, and take the child and his mother, and fly
be about a “Nazarite,” since Jesus into Egypt: and be there until I shall tell thee. For
became a “Nazarene:” Genesis 49:26, it will come to pass that Herod will seek the child
Deuteronomy 33:16, Judges 13:5. “The to destroy him. Who arose, and took the child
blessings of thy father are strengthened and his mother by night, and retired into Egypt:
with the blessings of his fathers: until the and he was there until the death of Herod: That it
desire of the everlasting hills should might be fulfilled which the Lord spoke by the
come; may they be upon the head of prophet, saying: Out of Egypt have I called my
Joseph, and upon the crown of the son. [Osee 11:1]
Nazarite among his brethren.” “And of And, St. Matthew 2: 19-23:
the fruits of the earth, and of the fulness But when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the
thereof. The blessing of him that Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph in Egypt.
appeared in the bush, come upon the Saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother,
head of Joseph, and upon the crown of and go into the land of Israel. For they are dead
the Nazarite among his brethren.” that sought the life of the child. Who arose, and
“Because thou shalt conceive and bear a took the child and his mother, and came into the
son, and no razor shall touch his head: land of Israel. But hearing that Archelaus reigned
for he shall be a Nazarite of God, from in Judea in the room of Herod his father, he was
his infancy, and from his mother's afraid to go thither: and being warned in sleep
womb, and he shall begin to deliver retired into the quarters of Galilee. And coming
Israel from the hands of the Philistines.”] he dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be
Introductory Collect [Use the first Proper: fulfilled which was said by the prophets: That he
in Solemnities of St. Peter and Christ.] shall be called a Nazarene.
Collect Before the Epistle [Proper for Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Apostles, Martyrs and Holy Virgins.] the Preface) Always said aloud.
Epistle (An Epistle could be done ad libitum, [Use the first Ad Pacem in the Propers.]
or do the Epistle for St. Peter (see the Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Apostles), or the Epistle of I Epiphany (Preface in the Roman Rite) [Use the
if it is after that Sunday.) first Dignum, and both the Martyrs’ and
Sequence Psalm 136 entire: (Heb. 137) Apostles’ Dignum in the Celtic Missal.]
Super flumina. Upon the rivers of Babylon... Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
(Remembering the sorrow of having Dangerous Prayer”) [Post Sanctus of the
escaped terrors, Christ as a child returns Apostles, Martyrs, Saints, Holy Virgins.]

Proper Blessing of the Day by a Hilary of Poitiers (Pictauis) (see May 5th).
Bishop only if present (Not specified Here Mochonna of Inis Patraic (is
for this day; may do Epiphany, Vespers commemorated).
of Epiphany, or Sunday after Epiphany. St. Hilary of Poitiers (Pictava, the city of
Bishop Egbert's Pontificale used a later the Pictones or Pictavi) is one of the great early
format than the Feasts listed in the Saints venerated in the Church, and was one of
Martyrology of Tallaght.) the teachers of St. Martin of Tours (see Nov. 11th).
St. Hilary was exiled by Arian heretics because of
Confraction arrangement for Saint
his Orthodoxy. He wrote the book, On the Trinity
Peter: (In the Missal.) 11 Particles against the Arians; the second Hymn in the
for the Holy Apostles. Eleven Particles Antiphonary of Bangor, (AB 2 in the Cross Vigil
of the Host of the Apostles is an image of in Hymns after the Mass); and other works; his
the incomplete number of the Apostles commentary on Psalm 1 succinctly shows his
due to the Sin of Judas. [The eleven knowledge of philosophy and a refutation of
would apply to those Apostles chosen atheism (random causes). (Another date is Nov.
before the Resurrection of our Lord, and 3rd.) The Byzantine calendar venerates him
they also apply to others with the title of today, while the Roman Rite venerates him on
Apostle such as St. Matthias, St. Paul, or Jan. 14th. With St. Ambrose of Milan (April 1 st)
St. Patrick. The universe has fewer and St. Martin of Tours, he is one of the three
Apostles than needed; we pray to avoid great Hierarchs of the West. (St. Irenaeus of
the temptation of Judas. St. Matthew Lyons, Aug. 26th should be listed, but he is early.)
9:37-38, “... the laborers are few.] Sulpitius Severus (or Sulpicius Severus)
Post Communion [Proper for the Apostles, was born in Aquitania (now part of France) A.D.
Martyrs, and Holy Virgins.] 363, and died A.D. 420, a contemporary of St.
Jerome (Sept. 30th), Augustine, and Paulinus
12 Jan / 25 Bishop of Nola, who mention him favorably in
The great Martyrdom of Moscentius, with their writings. After his wife died in 392 A.D., he
left his practice of law and went into seclusion,
his fair prolific train; practicing the Christian faith. He became a Priest
Laidcenn, son of Baeth Bannach, declared and disciple of St. Martin of Tours (Nov. 11th).
the mysteries of Christ. Some said that he had some Pelagian opinions
Martyrdom of Moscentius and (see St. Germanus of Auxerre, who overthrew
companions. Pelagianism in Britain, May 28th), but this has no
Laidgenn macc Baeth Bannach who foundation in any writings. (The Germanus who
proclaimed the Mysteries of Christ (Laidgenn son accompanied St. John Cassian, Nov. 25th, was not
of Baith). Baith Bannach Buadach (‘victorious’) the same person as St. Germanus of Auxerre the
is his father’s name. Of Cluain ferta Molua was teacher of St. Patrick, see May 28th, even though
Laidgenn, and there is his grave. they lived around the same time. St. John
Cassian traveled to Palestine, Egypt,
13 Jan / 26 Constantinople, and then lived in Marseilles in
We shall have their blessing! southern France. St. Patrick studied in southern
France for a while. Also, see St. Vincent of
A strong prayer without importunity: Lerins, May 24th. As with others in southern
Sulpicius (Severus) famous, delightful, Gaul, he was accused of Semi-Pelagianism, but
(and) Hillary Abbot of Poitou. he probably only inherited monastic views from
Sulpicius (Serverus), writer of the books his stay in Egypt among the desert fathers. The
about Martin of Tours. (Not of Antioch, but Saint Desert Fathers tended to reject extreme views,
Severus.) such as those of Augustine of Hippo.)

The writings of Sulpicius Severus have Introductory Collect
great loyalty to the Orthodox Catholic Faith and O God who manifests Thine Omnipotence to us
Saints. He did not believe in severe punishment by the greatest forbearance and mercy, increase
for heretics, but he had no thought of communion Thy Mercy upon us so that Thou may make us,
with them. He is famous for sincerity, and who hasten to Thy promises of heavenly Good
emphatically states that all the miracles of St. things, to be partners through our Lord Jesus
Martin truly happened. He witnessed many Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
miracles as a student of St. Martin. He says in Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
the end of Chapter 1of his Life of St. Martin, “...I Collect Before the Epistle
cannot hope to set forth all that he was or did... Almighty and eternal God, whose power of
And even of those which had become known to mercy is unending , graciously regard the
us, we have omitted a great number, because we supplicatory service of our humility that with
have judged it enough if only the more striking mind obedient to Thee, the perpetual aid of Thy
and eminent should be recorded... But I implore defenses may protect us through our Lord Jesus
those who are to read what follows to give full Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
faith to the things narrated, and to believe that I Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
have written nothing of which I had not certain
Epistle: I Corinthians 10:26-31
knowledge and evidence. I should, in fact, have
preferred to be silent rather than to narrate things (“The earth is the Lord's and the fulness
which are false.” Sulpitius Severus writes in a thereof...” [Psalm 23:1] Warning against
mostly classical Latin style, but sometimes eating anything sacrificed to idols.)
incorporates words that had recently entered the Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 16 (Heb. 17)
Latin vocabulary, whose meaning is unknown. Exaudi Domine justitiam. Hear, O Lord, my
St. Paulinus of Nola (Aug. 31st) writes: “It justice (Verse 15 may be used as the
certainly would not have been given to thee to Alleluia. “But as for me, I will appear
draw up an account of Martin, unless by a pure before Thy sight in justice: I shall be
heart thou hadst rendered thy mouth worthy of satisfied when Thy glory shall appear.”)
uttering his sacred praises... ” Sulpitius Severus Gospel: Luke 4:16-31 (The beginning of the
is commemorated Jan. 13th in the Celtic calendar, ministry of Jesus in Nazareth, the
but Jan. 29th on the Roman calendar. “acceptable year.” “...The Spirit of the
Lord is upon me; Wherefore he hath
anointed me to preach the gospel to the
Sunday I after Epiphany poor, he hath sent me to heal the contrite
(The Sunday of the week beginning on or after of heart...” [Isaiah 61:1])
Jan 7/20. If Epiphany falls on a Sunday, then I Ad Pacem (the “Secret,” but said
after Epiphany would be on Jan 13/26.) Propers
are from the First Sunday (of the cycle of six
Sundays in the Pentecost Season). We beseech Thee that Thou grant these and all
who sleep in Christ a place of refreshing light and
Old Testament: Isaiah 6:1-10
peace. Just like those who through the merits of
(The seraphims crying Holy, Holy, Holy. sins had been detained with suffering in the
Purification of his lips with a live coal. darkness of Hell, we pray that of Thy mercy Thou
“...Hearing, hear and understand not: and shalt grant forgiveness and command them to
see the vision and know it not. Blind the Passover into rest and into the first resurrection
heart of this people, and make their ears and that Thou bid them to join the company of
heavy, and shut their eyes: lest they see Thy Saints and Elect that they may be Thy
with their eyes and hear with their ears portion in the land of the living through our Lord
and understand with their heart and be Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
converted, and I heal them.” ) Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.

Contestacio Post Communion
It is worthy and just for us to give Thee thanks O Fed by the bread of Life and having drunk the
Lord holy Father Almighty and eternal God, unto cup of Salvation, dear brethren, let us give thanks
Thee are due praises; unto Thee is due the to God the Father seeking His mercy so the He
worship of holy ceremony: the acclamation of may be pleased to bestow this holy gift of His
Thine indescribable wonders; unto Thee is due Blessing which we desire unharmed and
celebration by the veneration of devoted mind. inviolate, in honor of His Name. Through our
Therefore we praise Thee, we bless thee, we Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father
Adore Thee, the indescribable creator of all and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
things Through Christ our Lord, through Whom, Amen.
unto Thy Majesty, the Angels give praise, the (Remember Jan 11 / 24 if this is on or
Dominations Worship, the Powers of the Heavens before that day: the Coming Out of
tremble, and the heavenly Virtues and the Blessed Egypt of our Lord Jesus Christ.)
Seraphim together with exaltation celebrate.
With Whom, we beseech Thee, bid that our 14 Jan / 27
voices also be admitted, with suppliant The passion of Deacon Glycerus;
confession saying:
to our Lord he was loving:
Post Sanctus
Truly holy, truly blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ,
Felix the elder of Nola:
Thy Son, who came from Heaven and became Fland fair (and) happy.
man the He might come into the world and Passion of Glycerus, disciple and
became a victim so that He might dwell in us so Deacon and scribe of Felix of Nola
that He Himself might make us priests, Who the Or sage of Nola, Felix elder, sage of
day before... Nola, of Indber Noile in the border of Tyrconnell
Proper Blessing of the Day by a and Tyrone, and he was a sage who dwelt on the
bank of the river, i.e. Noile. The Martyrology of
Bishop only if present
Tallaght: Glicerus disciple and Deacon; Felicis
Dominica I Post Epiphaniam Domini Martyr who made the book of Felicis;
[First Sunday after Epiphany] Fland fair and happy of Cullenn near Cork.
May Almighty God, who miraculously was able Kentigern or Mungo, died 603 A.D.,
to change water into wine, grant unto you to Bishop who restored the church in Glasgow
remove from you the old man, and transfer you Scotland. “Mungo” is a name of affection. His
into newness of a blessed life. Amen. mother, Thenog was Irish. She was carried in a
And May He who is willing to attend unto the little boat to the shore of Fifeshire, and after
newlyweds so that His presence might be unto giving birth to Kentigern, was under the
their good, confer unto you the gift of perpetual protection and instruction of St. Servan or Serf.
discipline and sobriety. Amen. St. Enoch’s Square in Glasgow was named for
Moreover, may He Himself grant unto you Thenog and the church dedicated to her, (but was
spiritual understanding of the Holy Scriptures, destroyed in the Reformation). St. Ninian, a very
who was Himself pleased to indicate Himself by early Saint who had come north to flee Roman
changing water into wine. Amen. persecution of Christians, had founded a church
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain in Glasgow, but St. Kentigern is counted the first
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Bishop because he restored the church and
of ages. Amen. monastery which was in ruins in his time. In the
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son cemetery of St. Ninian, Kentigern planted trees,
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be and due to his work to restore the place, the king
ever with you. Amen. asked that he be consecrated a Bishop. (The trees
lasted until the Reformation.) Later, Kentigern

was sent into exile. He stayed at St. Asaph’s in The nursing that is nursed by me in my
North Wales and visited St. David’s in Menevia house is not the nursing of a base clown:
Wales, and returned to southwestern Scotland and Jesus with the men of heaven (the
Glasgow. Kentigern and Colm cille exchanged angels)
croziers as a pledge of friendship. The coat of before my heart every single night!
arms of Glasgow has Kentigern in mitre and staff
with bell and a tree. (Oengus lists few Saints Young Jesukin, my eternal good!
who missionized Scotland, and does not mention for heed of Him He is not slack:
Kentigern, but mentions Donan April 17th.) The King who controls all things,
not to beseech him will cause
15 Jan / 28 repentance.
She succored many grievous diseases:
It is Jesu, noble, angelic, not a ... (?)
she loved many severe fastings, cleric, [nocho chleirech dergnaide -
the white sun of Munster’s women, backward?]
Ite the devout of Cluain. who is fostered by me in my little
Mur, i.e. monachus et discipulus hermitage, Jesu, son of the Hebrew
Benedicti abbatis. Mur (“mouse”), monk and woman.
disciple of Benedict of Nursia.
Ita (Deirdre), Virgin and healer, devout The sons of the princes, the sons of the
and ascetic of Cell Ite in Hui Conaill Gabra “The kings, though they should come into my
Desert” in Munster. She had great grievous country,
disease, i.e God helped her, or much of disease not from them do I expect profit,
ran (to her), i.e. for great was her disease, a stag- likelier I deem Jesukin.
beetle as big as a lap-dog a-sucking her destroyed
the whole of one of her sides. [See tomorrow’s Sing ye a chorus, O maidens,
note on illness.] No one knew of that upon her. to Him that has a right to your little
Once she went out, and the stag-beetle comes out tribute.
if its den after her. The nuns see it and then kill He is in His place above,
it. Then she came, and since the stag-beetle did though Jesukin is in my bosom.”
not come to her she asked, “Where is my Mide (My-Ite) daughter of Cenn-faelad, son of
fosterling gone?” she says, “and who has visited Cormac, son of Cucorp, son of Conchobar, son of
it?” “Do not rob us of heaven!” say the nuns: Conall, son of Oengus, son of Art-corp, son of
“‘tis we that have killed it, for we knew that he Coirbre Rigfota, son of Fiachra Suigde, son of
was hurtful.” “However that may be,” saith Ite, Fedlimid Rechtmar.
“for that deed no nun shall ever take my From The Martyrology of Tallaght: ...the
succession. And I will not take (aught) from my Dormition of Ita and the daughters of Cairpre...
Lord until He give me His Son out of heaven in (Note: when Ita died, Killeedy closed. Therefore,
the shape of a babe to be fostered by me.” Then when Ita died, her “daughters,” i.e., her nuns,
came towards her the angel who used to attend were no longer in the convent she founded.)
her. “‘Tis time indeed,” quoth she to him. Ita (Deirdre) of Killeedy (Cell of Ita) in
Whereupon he said to her: “What thou askest will County Limerick. sang a lullaby (above) to the
be given to thee.” So Christ came to her in the infant Jesus (see Jan. 16th, Fursey). Ita’s
form of a babe, and then she said: intercession is very great. Churches were built in
“Jesukin who is nursed by me Cornwall in her honor. She is called the “Brigid
in my little hermitage: of Munster,” “Foster Mother of the Saints of
though it be a cleric with a number of Erin” and the name Ita is said to mean thirst for
treasures, all is a lie save Jesukin. Divine Love. She enrolled very young boys in

her convent to care for, and many later were Lord said about disease, “if thy right hand
Saints, including St. Brendan the Navigator (of offends thee, cut it off,” although deliberate
Clonfert, May 16th), and St. Molua (Aug. 4th). disfigurement such as the castration of Origen is
The place where her convent was, became a wrong. The least we offer is prayer and fasting,
monastery for men after she died. St. Ita’s the offering of a humble and contrite heart
milking place (Boolaveeda) is a few miles away. (Psalm 50). Meat is forbidden to a monk; but
others should not have judged Fursa. Centuries
16 Jan / 29 later, on Holy and Great Friday, St. Basil the
On the Feast of Fursa the Pious there Beatified ate meat on the cathedral steps in
Moscow; he admonished those who judged him
ascended to the Kingdom (of heaven), for eating the meat. But, there must be a good
three thousands - greatness of victories - reason to eat meat in the winter fast. In January
and a score of great thousands. in Ireland it is cold and damp, with standing
Fursa the Pious (A.D. 648), of the water; sometimes a church is the only dry place
Conailli Murthemni. Pious ones on Fursu- On of refuge; and people would welcome a tale of
the feast of Fursa the Pious. Or other religiosi patience in an illness.]
went to heaven in this day, i.e. twenty-nine Fursey or Fursa d. 648, a contemporary
thousand in Peronne in France. Of the Conailli of Aedan in England, but he was not connected
Murthemni was Fursa. with Lindisfarne. Born around 575 in the west of
Mellan, great-grandson of Conn, of Inis Ireland of Irish nobility, he was more noble in
maccu-Lhuinn on Loch Corrib in Connaught, was mind than in birth. Brendan the Navigator (May
Fursa’s soul-friend. 16th) was his uncle. Fursey trained for the
Fursa once happened to visit Maignenn religious life under Meldan on the island of
of Kilmainham, and they make their union and Inchiquin, St. Brendan’s island. (Meldan later
exchange their troubles in token of their union, to appeared in some of Fursey’s visions.) King
wit, the headache or piles from which Fursa Sigebert who had been exiled to Gaul in youth
suffered to be on Maignenn, and the reptile that had been educated and Baptized by St. Columban
was in Maignenn to enter Fursa. So that it of Luxeuil (Nov. 23rd), and returned to England in
became Fursa’s practice every morning always to 631. He brought Bishop Felix from Burgundy.
eat three bits of bacon that he might abate the Soon after that, Fursey came to East Anglia with
reptile’s violence. It came to pass that Fursa Foillan, Ultan, Gobain, Dicuil and others who
crossed the sea and came to a certain city. were all welcomed by king Sigebert. The king
Therein he practices his usual custom and he is gave a tract of land to Fursey at Cnobbersburg,
brought before the Bishop (of that city) to be now Burgh-Castle near Yarmouth, and built a
censured. “Not devoutly dost thou spend thy “noble monastery” there according to Bede.
life,” says the Bishop. “Thou hast permission, O (Sigebert later abandoned the throne and lived at
cleric,” says Fursa, “to prove that which inflicts Cnobbersburg as a monk, because he wanted to
this on me.” Forthwith then the reptile leaps into prepare himself for life hereafter.) Fursey
the Bishop’s throat. So when everyone knew worked in East Anglia for twelve years, was
that, Fursa calls the reptile back to him; and loved by good men, and together with the others
God’s name and Fursa’s are magnified by that he had brought with him, is credited with the
miracle, and the whole city with its service-land conversion of East Anglia. Because of his
is conveyed to God and Fursa. visions, he refused to receive any gifts from the
[It seems strange that a Christian should wicked, and they feared him. His Feast day is
wish affliction on themselves when Jesus Christ kept in churches in Northampton.
is the healer, but Saints tried to learn patience. St. Fursey was holy, had missionary
We think nothing of inoculations or surgery. We zeal, and had other-worldly visions. St. Fursey
have replaced “reptile” with cancer (“crab”). Our wore thin clothing in the hard winter of the coast

of England frozen by east winds, but he perspired brothers Gobain (June 30th) and Etto (July 10th).
from the memory of his terrifying visions, which A disciple of St. Fursey named Dicuil
he kept in mind as long as he lived. His cheeks (no calendar date) founded the monastery at
and shoulders were scarred when the demons in Bosham three miles from Chichester on the south
his visions threw a lost soul at him who had given eastern coast of England around 645. Roman
him goods in the lost soul’s lifetime. monks under Augustine of Canterbury in Kent
In Fursey’s time many wonder-working had not missionized that area. They had few
Saints worked miracles, yet, many Saints also had converts, but a disciple of Dicuil became Bishop
visions of the reality of hell, which is for those of Rochester in Kent in 656, and in 661 the king
who do not love God and do good to others. of Sussex was Baptized by Bishop Jaruman who
Many people think that death is a crossing-over, was from Lindisfarne. Later the See of Dicuil,
and some do not believe in hell, even among when Sussex was finally converted by Wilfred,
clergy in some churches. But Saints such as became a more important center. (Wilfred of
Fursey were not insane or full of delusions or York took refuge in Sussex after he had alienated
deceptions, but were in their right mind and could both the Irish and most English kings who had
work miracles. Every day they warned the used the Irish monks' free education.)
faithful not to fall from the true faith in Christ or
hell would be the result. [See Bede, Butler, and 17 Jan / 30
Seraphim Rose in Soul after Death about visions
of demons that accuse each person of sins at We often praise them,
their death and of angels that come to refute their because they are not hard,
arguments. This is controversial, but like the the crimeless folk that suffered on the
Patrick's Purgatory (Jan 1st), we should consider Feast of Anthony the Monk.
policies of countries. The huge Martyrdom of
Antony the Monk (Antony the Great,
29,000 religious Christians who “ascended to
one of the greatest Desert Fathers of Egypt.)
heaven” in Paronne Gaul (France) today, would
From The Martyrology of Tallaght ...Antonius
not have happened without evil policies. We are
Monk at Thebaid in Egypt deposition. [The word
responsible for policies that will either help or
deposition could mean either the writing by Saint
persecute others. We will suffer consequences.
Anthony or the taking down of relics].
See Dabeoc Jan 1st, and Adamnan Sept. 23rd.]
Crimeless folk who suffered on his day?
Some time after 640, Fursey made
Ultan macc Etechtach of Cuil Corra, and
Foillan in charge of Cnobbersburg, and then left
Ernan of Tch Ernain and the Table-face
for a pilgrimage to Rome, which became a
(Clairinech) of Duimbidg, and Molaisse of Cell
second mission in France, and he never returned
Molaissi in the islands of Munster are
to England. He died at Mezeroles as he was
commemorated on this day.
traveling to the coast intending to visit East
Anglia again. Relics of Fursa are kept in Peronne. The history of St. Anthony the Great is
recorded by St. Athanasius (May 2nd). There
Fursey became one of the most famous
were many important monks in the deserts of
Saints on the continent of Europe and in England.
Egypt (see St. John Cassian, Nov. 25th, who
St. Fursey is also mentioned by the Venerable
records teachings of some of them who lived in
Bede or Beda, who died in 732, in Historia
his day and before). Egyptian monks were
ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, (The Ecclesiastical
known as far back as the first mission of St. Mark
History of the English People). He recommends
(see April 25th). St. Mark founded the first
reading the life of Fursey including his visions.
Christian school in Alexandria, and encouraged
There were many Saints who were
asceticism. Very early, Christians avoiding
disciples of Fursey, including his two important
persecution went to the swamps near the mouth
brothers, Foillan (Oct. 31st) and Ultan (May 2nd),
of the Nile and also the deserts, and soon these
Eloquius (Dec. 3rd ), Algise (June 2nd) with his

places of retreat were famous centers of Christian Epistle I Corinthians 10:1-13 ("In figure."
monasticism. Desert monks were especially I Cor 10:11, written for your correction:
remembered for wisdom and piety. Many means that passages from the Old
Christians visited them, seeking to learn to follow Testament are allegories, written for
the faith. Before founding monasteries in Pontus meditation and to keep you from falling.
of Cappadocia, St. Basil (Jan 1st) visited Egypt. This does not only refer to physical sins,
Some Christians escaped persecution by but means that we are not to leave the
traveling north; Irish monks trace their practices worship of God and indulge ourselves or
to monks who came from the deserts of Egypt, think we love the idols of nations,
and refer to a monastic retreat as a “disert.” (St. because God is one God, the Creator of
John Climacus, named after his book, was a the universe. This reflects the reading of
much later desert monk from an unknown retreat Friday of Great Lent IV, the Book of
of Thola, remembered the same day as an Irish Numbers, and Psalm 50 which is the
monk named “Tola,” see March 30th.) first Psalm of daylight. In Lent we try to
keep the truth and not fall into heresies.)
Gradual and Alleluia Psalm 17 (Heb. 18)
II after Epiphany (Sunday of the Diligam te Domine. I will love Thee, O Lord, my
week beginning on or after Jan 14/27, but before strength (Psalm 17 may be done entirely
Jan 18/31. If on or after Jan 18/31: the Sunday without break as a Sequence, or verses
after the Throne of Peter is done instead. If may be done in sections, such as verses
Pascha is late and II Epiphany was not done, it 1-16, 17-30, 31-36, 37-49, 50-51.
may be added after III Throne of Peter.) Propers Verses 1-49 may be the Gradual, with
are the second Sunday in the cycle of six Sundays an antiphon:
of Pentecost. Mention Saints Ita, Fursey, Antony. “I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength:
Old Testament: Jer 16:9-15 The Lord is my firmament, my refuge,
(This could be an allusion to the and my deliverer. My God is my helper,
marriage in Cana in the bridegroom and and in Him will I put my trust.”
bride, but it is also a warning of terrible It is long because: “... the Lord
times, but with forgiveness at last.) delivered [David] from the hands of all
Introductory Collect his enemies, and from the hand of Saul.”
Almighty God, direct us in the life of Verses 50-51 may be the Alleluia.)
righteousness so that we may follow that life and This is not the end of the Psalms of
may ponder what we may be able to plead as an David; this time is after the return of St.
excuse before Thee on the Day of Judgment. Mary, St. Joseph, and Christ from Egypt,
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with but still early in Christ’s life. At the
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of Feast of the Ascension is the end of the
ages. Amen. Psalms of David, but not the last Psalm.
Collect Before the Epistle Gospel Matthew 22:35-23:12 (Our Lord gives
Almighty God, we suppliants entreat the the Commandments to love God and
immense and tremendous clemency of Thy love, love our neighbor. Christ talks about
that by Thy universal aid, the trials of the dangers doing the right thing, even if teachers do
of the world, of our faults, and of the times may not follow their own advice. The greatest
fall away from us and that uninhibited devotion shall be the servant of all. Reflecting the
to religion always remain in Thy catholic Church. marriage in Cana: God must be our first
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with faith and love. God must receive glory
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of in a time of joy, as David gives glory to
ages. Amen. God when he is no longer persecuted.)

Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
the Preface) Always said aloud. and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
The names having been heard and enumerated, ever with you. Amen.
let us beseech the loving and merciful God that Confraction arrangement for Sunday:
He be pleased to accept these offerings. That He (In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays.
suffer no one of these for whom this gift is Nine Particles of the Host of a Sunday is
offered to be beyond His aid. Whether living and an image of the nine Households of
of the dead, given to excellence or given to sin Heaven and nine Grades of the Church.
may He direct them either to grace or to Post Communion
forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ Who Having received the Sacrament of the Heavenly
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit Body and renewed by the Chalice of eternal
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Salvation, let us give thanks and praise to God
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio the Father Almighty. Through our Lord Jesus
(Preface in the Roman Rite) Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy
It is worthy and just O Holy Father Almighty Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
God to give praise unto the loving honor of Thy
majesty to celebrate the proclamation of Thy Throne of St. Peter
wonders with devoted minds. We recognize,
believe, follow and pray Thee, O
The Enthronement of the
incomprehensible and indescribable Lord, and Relics of Saint Peter at
ever-tremendous creator of all things, through
Jesus Christ Thy Son The God and Lord of our
Salvation and we offer this pure Sacrifice unto Great news of Mary:
Thy Glory with the angels and archangels and the Announcement in Rome of the
innumerable host of the heralds imitated by our
praises which in Thy sight proclaim without death of Mary, Mother of
ceasing saying: God, Deigenitrix.
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
(Jan 18 / 31. Special Mass below.)
Bishop only if present
The magnifying in Rome of the Apostle
Dominica II Post Epiphaniam Domini
[Second Sunday after Epiphany] Peter -
[Leprosy refers to an intercession on the a saying that is higher -
Throne of St. Peter. The “begging leper” at the festival that is nobler,
was the Emperor Constantine.] the great death of Jesu’s Mother.
May Almighty God cleanse you from all the stain
of sins, who Himself was pleased to cleanse by (The Irish kept January dates for the
His enduring touch, the begging leper. Amen. commemoration of the Dormition as well as their
And may He who did not spurn to visit (heal) the August 15th-16th dates. They also kept dates for
servant of the Centurian, mercifully be pleased to Saints Peter and Paul in January, as well as June
enter into the hospitality of your heart. Amen. 29th. In January, people would come to church to
Thus may He inform you by the plentitude of His escape the cold and damp of their homes, and
faith, so that He might grant unto you a place at hear all-night vigils, but in the summer they
His table with His Saints in the kingdom of the would be busy, and hear shorter services.)
heavens. Amen. (Deigenitrix is a Latin name meaning
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Birthgiver of God; in Greek: Theotokos. The
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages name “Deigenitrix” always refers to the Blessed
of ages. Amen. Virgin Mary. See St. Vincent of Lerins, May 24th.)

Magnification of Peter, etc, i.e. his burial might be closed against him. Brigid made him
in Rome, for thitherto his relics were outside, and stop and kneel to pray with her so that she could
it was after that that Rome was conveyed to him. get to heaven too. Brigid asked him to administer
(Some say that the healing of leprosy of the Last Sacraments to her when she was dying.
St. Constantine was invented in 756. But it may Under Finian of Clonard when he was
have been on Irish calendars earlier. Oengus learning the Gospel of St. Matthew, Ninnidh
wrote his Martyrology around 800. The poem borrowed the book from Ciaran of Clonmacnoise
source (see Mass today) is not known. There are (Sept. 9th), and Ciaran then knew only half the
many details about his father, but at York there is Gospel. The boys called him “Ciaran half-
a tradition that St. Helena, St. Constantine's Matthew.” Finian said, “Not Ciaran Half-
mother, was the daughter of king Cole of York, Matthew, but Ciaran Half-Ireland, for he will
when York was under the Britons and not the have half while the rest of us have the other half
Angles. Later St. Constantine was acclaimed by (which came true). [A different version of this on
his army in York. Irish monks at Lindisfarne may Sept. 9th, see Ciaran.] Ninnidh had an island
have heard about his leprosy. The leprosy may retreat at Inishmacsaint in Lough Erne in
also be symbolic of his life, since he killed his Fermanagh. Eleven miles south of Enniskillen is
son; or symbolic of the corruption, i.e. leprosy, of Knockninny (the Hill of Ninnidh) over 600 feet
Rome and persecutions such as by Diocletian.) high with a holy well dedicated to the Saint. That
The “Post Secreta” or “Post Mysterium” hill became the seat of the McGuire family.
for today from the Celtic Mass is almost exactly Desle or Deicuil d. A.D. 625 also today,
the same as the Byzantine “Epiklesis.” St. Peter one of the older Irish disciples of Columbanus
is not called a “Theologian,” but the Byzantine (Nov.23rd), who founded the Lure monastery in
Rite and Celtic Rite use almost the same great northeastern France. He was educated in Bangor,
prayer of Consecration, perhaps by St. Peter. and went with Columbanus to Annagrey and
(St. Peter: Celtic Rite dates: Cross of Luxeuil. When Columbanus and his Irish monks
Peter Jan 11, Throne of Peter for curing were exiled from Luxeuil, Desle was too fatigued
Constantine Jan 18, Throne at Antioch Feb 22, to go with the others, so he wandered alone in the
June 29 Peter and Paul. Roman dates take away forest. Thirsty, he prayed, and a spring came
Jan 11th, but add the church ad Vincula Aug 1.) forth below a stick he was leaning on, and he
Also on Jan 18/31: Ninnid Bishop of built his cell there. The water had a reputation of
Inis Maige Saim. He may be Nindid who gave curing childhood illness. Children used to hang
communion to Brigit who is in Cell Toma in their clothes on trees shading the spring up to the
Meath. Colum cille asked at a churchyard if a end of the 19th century. A nearby chapel dedicated
saint were present and Nindid identifies himself to St. Martin of Tours (Nov. 11th, a favorite of the
out of the grave: Irish) was where Desle used to pray after
The sage, the bishop, the king, nightfall. The pastor did not like Desle: he was a
Ninnid, great-grandson of Loiguire, stranger and yet the doors opened for him
goes to heaven with his monks “without keys.” The pastor's complaints drew
to good Eochaid son of Aed. attention to Desle from the community; before
We have not well heard the stave, long more people were going to him to hear his
O Christ, O head of our dear clans, preaching, education, and receive miraculous
no true monk is without prohibition healings. Columban’s friend, king Clothaire who
unless he is truly pious to the Church. eventually became king of three kingdoms, came
Ninnidh is of the sixth century, one of the twelve upon Desle’s cell during a hunting trip, and then
Apostles of Ireland. He was late for classes on the king helped endow the growing monastery.
the Curragh at Kildare, in such a hurry that he When Desle was nearing death, he turned over
didn’t have time to talk to Brigid (Feb. 1st). He the monastery to his friend and disciple
said he was running to heaven and the gates Columban (named after Columbanus).

Mass for the Throne of St. Peter: Leprosy came against the king,
Old Testament: Osee 4:1-19 against Constantine with his might,
(Hosea. The Lord condemns the sin of to the great city, as was meet,
the people and the priests, and that he was brought to Rome, to be healed.
people rejected knowledge.)
Leeches said to him
Introductory Collect
that his skin’s cure would be,
Beloved brethren rejoicing, let us celebrate the bathing by washing of his joints in the blood of
solemn day of most blessed Peter the Apostle on three hundred innocent boys.
which all the authority of the nations and the
Jews was bestowed, the day which Divinity itself So that Peter and Paul came in the night after
ordained bestowing the dignity of the keys of they were collected,
Heaven and the throne of a high priest. that just to protect the beautiful melodious boys, and to
as He conferred such princely gifts upon blessed cure the very comely king.
Peter, imploring the Lord that He likewise grant
us forgiveness of our sins. Through Jesus Christ, “Get thee under baptism,”
His Son... says Peter to the king, “be not afraid,
Collect Before the Epistle because thy healing from sin shall come from the
O God, Who to Blessed Peter Thine Apostle white, lasting, pure baptism.
didst bestow by the keys of the Heavenly
Kingdom, the power to bind and loosen souls, Sylvester, the abbot of the city,
and didst give the office of High Priest, receive go under his hand, for he is full of grace:
our prayers of propitiation and his intercession. to believe in the trinal Trinity
We ask O Lord for help that we may be freed is a divine deed through which thou wilt reach
from the bonds of our sins through our Lord heaven.”
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. The apostles went forth
R. Amen. after leaving the swift words:
Epistle Galatians 5:13 -6:2 (Called to liberty, The king fulfilled after them
but not sin. Works of flesh, versus fruits everything which they had declared.
of spirit. “The fruit of the Spirit is:
charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, He recognized the form of Peter
goodness, longanimity, mildness, faith, of the judgments, and of Paul distinctly,
modesty, continency, chastity.”) he manifested, when the day came,
Gradual Psalm 18 (Heb. 19) Coeli enarrant. their countenances by showing.
The heavens shew forth the glory of God
‘Tis from that event that in the East
(Gradual for the Throne of St. Peter is
came the magnifying of Peter the chief apostle:
the same as Sunday I Throne of Peter,
Rome is his thenceforward,
and Transfiguration, July 26 / Aug 8).
and Paul’s, without leprosy.
Alleluia: (for St. Peter) Psalm 122 (Heb. 123)
Ad te levavi. To Thee have I lifted up my eyes; Gospel St. Mt.16:13-19 and St. John 21:15-19
Who dwellest in heaven. (From the
(St. Peter says that Jesus is Christ the
Apostles' Creed from the Bobbio Missal:
Son of the Living God, and Jesus tells
“Peter said, 'I believe in God the Father
him that upon this rock “I will build my
Almighty.'” The following hymn from
church...” Also, Jesus tells St. Peter that
the gloss of St. Oengus may be read at
if you love me, “feed my sheep,” and
the Alleluia, or at Holy Communion:)
how he would die.) Full text:

[St. Matthew 16:13-19]: gates of the infernal tomb may not prevail
And Jesus came into the quarters of Cesarea through sin over the Church which believes with
Philippi: and he asked his disciples, saying: triumph in the testimony of the Apostle. Through
Whom do men say that the Son of man is? But our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee
they said: Some John the Baptist, and other some and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Elias, and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets. R. Amen.
Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I Ad Pacem Always said aloud.
am? Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Most forgiving Creator Who inflamed the
Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus Disciple with such grace that he hastened unto
answering, said to him: Blessed are thou, Simon Thee from the sea-tossed ship with bare feet
Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not across the waters and, seeing this choice, Thou
revealed it to thee. But my Father who is in gavest him the keys of Heaven: hear the voices of
heaven. And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; us suppliants that whoever is joined by the
and upon this rock I will build my church, and the precepts of Faith may be excluded from sin and
gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I grant that they be led though grace to the gates of
will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven of which Peter is the door keeper, O
heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon Savior of the world Who reigneth with Thine
earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit throughout
whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be
all ages of ages. R. Amen.
loosed also in heaven.
[and John 21:15-19]: Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
When therefore they had dined, Jesus saith to (Preface in the Roman Rite)
Simon Peter: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me [Use the first Dignum, and for the
more than these? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, Martyrs and also the Apostles from the
thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Missal.]
Feed my lambs. He saith to him again: Simon, Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
son of John, lovest thou me? He saith to him: Dangerous Prayer”)
Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He
[Use the Post Sanctus for the Apostles
saith to him: Feed my lambs. He said to him the
found in the Missal.]
third time: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me?
The Post Mysterium,
Peter was grieved, because he had said to him the
third time: Lovest thou me? And he said to him: (Said after the Fraction, and used at
Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I every Mass through the year; is the Post
love thee. He said to him: Feed my sheep. Mysterium of the Feast of the Throne of
Amen, amen I say to thee, when thou wast St. Peter at Rome. It is possible that this
younger, thou didst gird thyself, and didst walk ancient prayer of Consecration always
where thou wouldst. But when thou shalt be old, said after the Fraction was written by the
thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another Apostle Peter. This is the closest prayer
shall gird thee, and lead thee whither thou to the Byzantine Epiklesis, which was
wouldst not. And this he said, signifying by what not written down until recently: see
death he should glorify God. And when he had Isabel Hapgood, who combines it with
said this, he saith to him: Follow me. prayers of the Third Hour.)
Post Nomina Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Let us implore God Who conferred the power Bishop only if present
unto blessed Peter His Disciple that what he (Not given in the Pontificale of Egbert;
bound, nothing could loose and what he loosed do the Blessing for the Sunday following
on earth would likewise be loosed in Heaven, that the Throne of St. Peter, which is III
the souls of the dead being lead from Tartarus, the Epiphany in the Pontificale of Egbert.)

Confraction arrangement for Saint Martha was his consort. Or death of Mary (and)
Peter: (In the Missal.) Martha sister of Mary. Maire and Martha, that is,
11 Particles for the Holy Apostles. the two sisters of Lazarus, this is Mary
Eleven Particles of the Host of the Magdalene but called Magdola for it was there
Apostles is an image of the incomplete that she was born and nurtured (nata uel nutrita)
number of the Apostles due to the Sin of as was said.”) [July 22nd is the main Feast of St.
Judas. [The Apostles chosen before the Mary Magdalene. Also see March 28th,
Resurrection of our Lord. It also applies remembering that she preached Christ’s
other Apostles such as St. Matthias, St. Resurrection to the Roman emperor Tiberius.]
Paul, or St. Patrick. The universe always Old Paul the fair with splendour [St.
has fewer Apostles than are needed; we Paul of Numidia? Or St. Paul the simple, died
pray to avoid temptation of Judas. St. 340, disciple of St. Antony called teacher because
Mt. 9:37-38, “The harvest indeed is his wonder-working was greater than St. Antony.]
great, but the laborers are few. Pray ye From The Martyrology of Tallaght: “...Marius and
therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he Martha sisters of Lazarus;... Paulus the Hermit
send forth laborers into His harvest.” Elder teacher of St. Anthony the Great...” (Paul's
The shape of the Cross is in the Mass.] Byzantine date Oct. 4th.)
Post Communion [for the Apostles and Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
Tallaght [these associated with Feb. 19th? See that
Martyrs in the Missal.]
date: poem about four Saints named Baethin. On
February 19th there is a Passion of a Saint Paul,
Death of Martha and Mary and on March 2nd an “Old Paul” of the desert.
(Magdalene) the sisters of Lazarus The poem below shows the struggles that hermits
have with demons, who may seem as family]:
(Jan 19/Feb 1) The father of Paul, the austere hermit,
The departure of Marius (and) Martha, Iocaz with the clear intellect
conjugum, whom thou invokest, Tabida his sister, of the ... kingdom.
on the noble Feast of Old Paul Mathatha his ... mother.
fair with splendor. Euzar his hard relation
Mary and Martha with beauty, west over to the ignoble Devil.
they are sisters of Lazarus, Also, Blaithmac, Martyr of Iona killed by Norse
two dear nuns it is known, may they come in 825 A.D. He entered the religious life rather
than be a king in Ireland. One day when Abbot
together to my great benefit! Dermait was absent, Blaithmac prophesized
Saint Mary Mother of the Lord, today coming attacks, and the brothers had time to hide
her falling asleep is heard of in Rome. (Oengus the shrine of Colm cille’s relics, replacing the
and the Martyrology of Tallaght put this sods, and decide whether to stay or flee. All who
yesterday; his glossator today. See the Dormition, stayed died. Blaithmac was told his life would
August 15 or 16 / 28 or 29 for the Psalms, etc.) be spared if he revealed where the shrine was, but
Marius and Martha, husband and wife. he said he did not know and would not tell if he
Marius and Martha his wife, who with their two knew. The Norse hacked him to pieces on the
sons Audifax and Ambacuc (Habbakuk) were steps of the altar, and he was buried where he had
crowned with martyrdom at Rome as stated by fallen when the brethren returned. The Life of
Gregory the First in the Roman Martyrology (St. Blaithmac by Benedictine Walafrid Strabo, Abbot
Gregory, Pope, the “Dialogist”). (It is possible of Reichenau is 180 lines of Latin hexameter, and
that there may be some confusion between Mary is in Migne’s Patrologia and Messingham’s
and Martha, and Marius and Martha. Oengus Florilegium Insulae Sanctorum.
says, “Marius a proper name of the Romans.

20 Jan / Feb 2 time of great persecution, doing miracles in
Christ’s Name. After he was healed of being shot
Splendid are the four whom I knit
by arrows, he returned to the emperor and
together on one Festival that is holier, admonished him for his persecutions. Diocletian
my Laca, my Ecu, Sebastian and Oenu. had him beaten to death with cudgels and thrown
Lacna (Molaca,) of Lann Bachair in into a sewer. A lady Lucina saw the Martyr in a
Bregia. vision, had his body buried secretly in the ad
Fechin (Eca or Moeca, called Inde catacumbas, where the Basilica of St. Sebastian
Fechin, ‘little raven’) of Fore, the repentant stands over. Widely asked for intercessions in
backslider. Moeca, now, i.e. Fechin of Fore, that times of plague. Patron of archers.)
is Fechin, then, he was called for this reason. He Splendid the four I knit together, etc.
chanced, when a child, to be gnawing a bone in Enna great-grandson of Laigse, Ciaran’s
front of his mother, so that his mother said: successor. Oengus was his name, and of Leix
“Thou art my little wee raven!” saith she. Inde was he, and in Tir Ua n-Enna, on the brink of (the
Fechin ‘little raven’ is called. Mo-eca autem river) Rodba is his church i.e. Tech Oin. Oengus
dictus est, i.e. for his backsliding, i.e. when Fechn (Enna, successor to Ciaran of Cluain) of Tir Ua
was ox-herding for Ciaran of Clonmacnois his m-Enna (Tech Oin), on the river Rodba. Oenu.
portion chanced to be left for him on the ledge (Oengus) Aenna son of Laigse, i.e. Oengus his
(?). Thereat Fechin is angered, and he fares forth name. Of Leix in Leinster was he. He and two
then, and leaves the church, and goes out of it gillies along with him went to go into military
eastward. That is told to Ciaran. “After him,” service to the king of Connaught. In passing over
says Ciaran; “and if he come not willingly, let Loch Ree westward he came to the port of Inis
him be brought perforce,” says Ciaran. They go Clothrann. Ciaran happened to be then in the
after him. Then Fechin said that he would not island, and he said, “Bring in the warrior, for he
come with his face before him, so he came thus, is a man with God’s grace, and he it is that will
with his back before him. “A backslider is that take my coarbship after me.” So Oengus is
man,” quoth Ciaran. Inde MoFecca [nomen] brought in. “To what place is thy road?” says
ac[c]epit. Fechin or Vigean d. A.D. 664, famous Ciaran. “To the king of Connaught,” says the
in Scotland in the Dunkeld Litany, was born in youth. “Were it not better for thee to contract
Connacht and educated in Achonry. Abbot Fechin with the King of heaven and earth?” says Ciaran.
ruled 300 monks at Fore in Ireland. He built a “If it be proper,” says the youth, “it is better.” “It
water mill out of the side of a rock with his own is,” says Ciaran. Then his hair is clipt, and he is
hands, held in reverence. He founded a church at fostered in the church, and he took Ciaran’s
his birthplace in Ballysodare, and a church and coarbship afterwards, as Ciaran prophesied.
abbey at Cong, which later had a relic of the True Oenu maccu-Laigsi, a successor of Ciaran of
Cross, and was a refuge for the last high-king of Cluain (maccu Nois).
Ireland, Roderick O’Connor. The Cross of Cong
is in the National Museum in Dublin.)
21 Jan / Feb 3
Sebaist (Sebastian, Martyr in Rome) or
Medolensis. Sabaist, i.e. Sebaist is the proper May they be one to protect me to my King
(spelling), for Sebastianus is the Roman name. - course that is nobler!
Vir Mediolanensis didu he, qui sub consulibus Fuinche - effort that is highest -
Dioclitioni et Maximiano in Roma pasus est. Agnes a daughter of Jesus.
(Suffered under emperors Diocletian and
Agnes, Virgin and great Martyr of
Maximiano and died a Martyr in Rome. He knew
Rome. Agnes, Tecla and Mary, Mother of the
Diocletian personally. He taught the way of
Lord are three of the most high Virgins among
Christ secretly, as he was a soldier, captain of a
the Virgins of the Scriptures.
company of Pretorian guards. He helped others in

Agna (Agnes) virgin in Rome, et Vincentius Deacon was Martyred in
adoptiua filia Iesu fuit, et .xiii. annorum quando Spain, but relics of his were translated to France
pasa fuit sub Simpronio prefecto uirbis Romae et and were present in the villages of Bessay in the
uicairio eius Aspasiaro nomine, per multa territory of Poitiers in Herbauge, in Cere in the
tormenta misa est (et) de his uiua et sana rediuit, territory of Tours, and in Orbigny not far from
et postea commixtus glaidius nudus in ore eius et Cere. In Bessay a calendar controversy or an
usque ad interiora eius peruenit, et sic uitam accident occurred: the festival of St. Vincentius
finiuit. Agna et Tecla et Maria mater Domini, was celebrated a day earlier than December 21st
tres uirgines ex[c]elsisimae sunt inter uirgines one year, and a possessed person saw the Saint
Scribturae. entering the town ready for his vigil on the
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of correct day. The town kept another vigil and
Tallaght: A[gna v]irgo [in Roma, et adoptiva filia Mass, and they and others were healed. In Cere
Jesu fuit, et xiii annorum erat quando pasa fuit] at the cottage of a poor man, two paralytics were
sub [Simpronio prefec]to ur[bis Romae et cured, and one blind man had his vision restored.
vi]cario eius As[pasiaro n]omine . et post [mult]a In Orbigny thieves stole the relics, but they were
tormenta inge[is] arden[tibus] missa est et de his returned to the Abbot in Bourges and also a
viva et sana redivit, et postea commixtus neighboring Archpriest for ransom, and then they
(conflixus, conflictus)[gladi]us nudus in [ore returned the relics in a procession with chanting
eius] et usque [ad inter]io[ra eius per]uenit, [et of psalms. A man who had been sick for a year
sic] vitam suam corona [ ] [fi]nivit. (What is was carried by servants to the procession, and he
in brackets is illegible, and supplied from Oengus kissed the shroud covering the holy ashes, and he
ed. Stokes, but the manuscripts are slightly was healed and joined the procession. This is the
different. The last empty bracket has space for Deacon Vincentius mentioned by St. Gregory of
sempiterna in it.) Tours, not St. Vincent of Lerins.]
May they be one, etc., i.e. Fainche Vincentius, Deacon and Martyr, early
daughter of Carell in the north, i.e. from Ross fourth century, is mentioned by St. Gregory of
airthir at Lough erne, and Fainche of cluain cain Tours on the 12th Kalends of the eleventh month,
in Eoganacht Caisil. Or Fuinche the Rough from that is, on Jan. 21st. St. Gregory of Tours lists St.
Lough Erne, i.e. in Tuath rtha in Hui Echach Vincentius in December, but a calendar
Ulad. Or Feme i.e. at the Ernaide in Mag Itha she controversy is mentioned in one miracle. In the
is, even Feme daughter of Cairell own-sister of Celtic calendar, a Saint Vincentius appears a few
Daig son of Cairell. Or Fuinche, Feme, et duae times in December and January. When the
anus sunt. This is why she was called ‘Rough:’ kings Childebert and Chlothar invaded Spain and
for they sought to wed her to a husband, and beseiged Saragossa, they heard about the power
when she heard of that she sprang into Lough of the tunic of St. Vincentius. Childebert built a
Erne, and passed under water, both freshwater church in honor of St. Vincentius in Paris, and
and sea, till she appeared at Inis Clothrann, and later was buried there in 558. The king probably
came to Diarmait, who asked her on what brought a relic of St. Vincentius to Paris.
business she was bound. Then she tells him her
tales, and thus was she, with shells and sea-slime 22 Jan / Feb 4
cleaving to her. So that for that roughness she is The departure of Comgall’s daughters:
called Fuinche the Rough. Said Diarmait to her:
“‘Tis rough, O Fainche,” says he. Fainche Colman great-grandson of Beogna:
(‘Rough’), also called Feme, of highest effort, Valerius without reproach:
daughter of Carell, Virgin. Feme daughter of Felix (who) found a melodious sojourn.
Cairell, son of Laisre, son of Dallan, son of Departure of Laisse, Boga and Colman,
Eogan, son of Naill of the Nine Hostages. Comgall’s daughters Colman of Lismore great-
Also today: Fland, Bishop of Finglas. grandson of Beogna. Of Comgall’s daughters.

Three sisters are they, Laisse, Boga, Colman. At come to the temple, so that he might sacrifice to
Leitir in Dal Araide are Comgall’s daughters, as his gods, that is to say, idols, then Babillus was
his female disciples say. Or Comgall was their impelled to enter into the temple of the Lord, and
father’s name, i.e. near Cluain mor Maedoc. Or standing in the doorway of the Temple, he
in Camus Cmgaill are they, as others (assert). resisted Numerianus, saying, “You will not enter
Cassianus from Italy was a teacher in here, for the wolf ought not to enter among the
Martyred by his young students at the flocks of the Lord.” Then Numerianus
encouragement of persecutors of Christians, condemned him with three of his little followers,
according to St. Gregory of Tours in his Glory of to be tortured. The first of his followers was
the Martyrs. See Jan. 22nd, March 26th, and Aug. twelve years old, the second was eight years old,
5th, 10th, and 11th, dates for Saints named and the third was seven, and they suffered by the
Cassianus. (Not the same as St. John Cassian.) sword under king Numeriano. i.e. with his trio of
weaklings, i.e. Urbanus and Grilidianus and
23 Jan / Feb 5 Epalonus. [The age in years of the “little
followers” is not necessarily the physical age, but
The Passion of Severianus and of Clement number of years after Baptism; some adult graves
I set together: in the catacombs say “one year old,” etc. But the
May they protect us to the Kingdom “little followers” seem to be children.]
with their daring host! Or Babylas, i.e. Manchan of Liath in
Mo-Chelloc from Tulach na lann and Dalbna Bethra with three cenofali [cynocephali?],
Lucan of Tamnach on this day. as others think, but that is false. From The
Passion of Severianus and Clement: The Martyrology of Tallaght: ...Babillus Bishop and
Roman Martyrology has a Clement, Bishop of his three little ones (children). [Feast of St.
Ancyra in Galatia, d. 308 A.D., who suffered long Bzbylas in the Byzantine Rite is Sept 4th.]
with Agathangelus, a traveling wonderworker, Also, Guasacht, a son of Miluic who had
long suffering for Christ, devoted to children and enslaved St. Patrick as a youth. Guasacht was
the poor; but modern Romans do not believe in educated by St. Patrick and Consecrated Bishop
his sufferings or miracles. He may be Galatia or of Granard in County Longford. Miluic himself
Clamatus in the Martyrology of Tallaght. unfortunately would not meet with his former
slave, instead locking himself inside his house
and setting fire to it, but his son and daughters
24 Jan / Feb 6
and grandsons are all Saints of the church. See
To my soul, to my poor body may December 11th, January 1st, and June 23rd.
The abundant mass of gold, I after Throne of St. Peter
with his three weaklings, (The Sunday of the week beginning on or after
be a rampart against every feebleness! Jan 19/Feb 1). The Propers are from the third
Martyrdom of Babylas, Bishop of Sunday in the cycle of six Sundays of Pentecost.
Antioch with his child-disciples Urbanus, Skip this if Pre-lent has started; see note at III
Grilidianus, and Epalonus. Babylas was the after Throne of Peter.
fifteenth Bishop of Antioch after Peter. Old Testament: Osee 4:1-19
Babylas, i.e. a Martyr and Bishop of [entire chapter] (The Lord condemns
Antioch, i.e. the fifteenth Bishop of Antioch after sins of the people and the priests; they
Peter. [died in 253 under Decius, according to rejected knowledge. Same reading as
Eusebius, Historia ecclesiastica, VI, 39. St. John Throne of St. Peter. Note: fornication
Chrysostom and the Acts of the Martyrs says king refers to the physical sin, but also mostly
Numerian.]. When Numerianus the king had here, to heresies and unbelief that cause

people to leave God, especially in the Gospel Matthew 17:1-9 (The Transfiguration
next generation of children. A union that of our Lord Jesus Christ. Different
is only physical causes confusion.) reading than at Throne of St. Peter.)
Introductory Collect Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Beloved Brethren, let us beseech the Eternal the Preface) Always said aloud.
majesty of God that He watch over the Holy The names of those who offered having been read
Church throughout all the space of the World. may our entreaties win Divine Mercy that He
May He allow the Priesthood to associate make those who offer the gifts to be at peace and
honorably; may He grant the People Life eternal; that He accept that which they who burn with
May He grant suitable assistance to virgins, love of Him offered to be consumed unto an odor,
widows orphans and penitents or whoever is in an odor of sweetness. May He grant the dead for
need and answer their worthy petitions: May he whom this is offered, blessedness and the living
give Guidance to travelers; healing to those who the grace of His fidelity and may He not refrain
sorrow; help to those that labor Through ... from giving that which is profitable even unto
Collect Before the Epistle those who are undeserving of Grace and may He
O God Who art abundantly forgiving and not deny the reward of beatification even to those
therefore wast willing to assume the humility of for whom this oblation is not offered through our
the flesh so that Thou mighest leave us an Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father
example of humility so that we might be made and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
steadfast in whatever our sufferings might be, Amen.
grant that we might hold forever the good things Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
we have been given and have learned from Thee
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
and whenever we are made to fall in sins, we may
be lifted up by penitence through Thee our Lord It is worthy and just, Truly equal and just O
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the Transcendent, incomprehensible and eternal God
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen. for us to whom Thou dost not refrain from
nurturing because of Thy Great Mercy. Who is
Epistle Galatians 5:13 - 6:2 (Called to liberty,
able to worthily praise Thy Power Whose divinity
do not make it an occasion to sin. Works is not understood by mortal mind; Whose
of flesh, versus fruits of spirit. Gal immensity is not explicable by sermons? Let it
5:22-23: “The fruit of the Spirit is: therefore suffice that we love Thee O Father; we
charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, venerate Thee O Lord; we acknowledge Thee O
goodness, longanimity, mildness, faith, Creator; we welcome Thee O Redeemer: Grant
modesty, continency, chastity.”) (Same O Most clement Dominator that we may be able
reading as at Throne of St. Peter.) to climb the route of the narrow, rough path
Gradual: (Same as Throne of Peter) which Thou dost mandate through which we may
Psalm 18 (Heb. 19) Coeli enarrant. be strong enough to come to eternal blessedness,
The heavens shew forth the glory of God nor let us be held back by any impeding obstacle
(Gradual for Throne of St. Peter is the but may the course of the path itself be eternal
same as Sunday I Throne of Peter, and Salvation unto us through Christ our Lord,
the Transfiguration, July 26 / Aug 8). through Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the Angels
Alleluia: (for St. Peter) give praise, the Dominations Worship, the Powers
Psalm 122 (Heb. 123) Ad te levavi. of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly Virtues
To Thee have I lifted up my eyes; Who dwellest and the Blessed Seraphim together with
in heaven. exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech
(From the Apostles' Creed from the Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with
Bobbio Missal: “Peter said, 'I believe in suppliant confession saying:
God the Father Almighty.'”)

The Post Mysterium (In the Ordinary) The Baptism of Paul and
(Said after the Fraction, and used at
every Mass through the year; is the Post
conversion of many.
Mysterium of the Feast of the Throne of (Jan 25/Feb 7)
St. Peter at Rome. It is possible that it Not puny is the day - a festival (whereon)
was written by the Apostle Peter. This is shouts are sent forth:
the closest prayer to the Byzantine
Epiklesis, which was not written down
unto Christ went a swarm,
until recently: Isabel Hapgood combines (and) Paul was borne into Baptism.
it with prayers of the Third Hour.) [Also, St. Gregory Nazianzen,. Irish date
Proper Blessing of the Day by a and history: March 29th. Byzantine date: Jan. 25th
Bishop only if present Dominica III and the “Three Hierarchs” Jan. 30th. Roman date:
May 9th. He died in 390 A.D., refuted the Arian
[Third Sunday after Epiphany, or for the
heresy, and is one of the few Saints honored as a
Sundays after the Throne of Peter, which
“Theologian.” See Holy Apostles John and Peter.]
is not in the Pontificale of Egbert; note
that these are weeks leading up to Christ Propers for St. Paul are General for
overcoming the tempter, Feb. 15/28.] Apostles, with specific Epistle and Psalm; may
May the Lord remove from you dangers of all combine with Sunday, II Throne of Peter, if near
temptations, and may He mercifully exclude you that day. See St. Paul's history below.
from disturbances of gales. Amen. Epistle - Conversion of St. Paul:
May He dissolve all the frauds, indeed the Acts 9:1-20, and General Epistle: Romans 5:1-10
exertions of the tempter, and make you cautious Gradual for St. Paul
and indeed invincible against him. Amen. Psalm 141 (Heb. 142) Voce mea.
May He grant unto you continuous gifts of peace, I cried to the Lord with my voice
and may He be satisfied to set you apart in a (With Psalm 19, for Sunday, II Throne of
harbor that is tranquil and indeed secure. Amen. Peter. Psalm 19, verse 6, may be the
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Alleluia. Today is the Octave of the
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Throne of St. Peter.)
of ages. Amen. General Gospel Lections for the
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Apostles: St. Matthew 4:18-20 and St. John
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be 21:15-19; or St. Lk. 6:6-19.
ever with you. (See the Apostles, after Feb. 15th)
Amen. [The rest of the Propers: see the Apostles.]
Confraction arrangement for Sunday: The Baptism of Paul and conversion of
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays. many. He was Martyred with St. Peter on June
Nine Particles of the Host of a Sunday 29th. Today is the day he was converted.
is an image of the nine Households of From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Heaven and nine Grades of the Church. Policarpus; Paulus the Apostle his conversion in
Post Communion Damascus... (Vigil of St. Polycarp, but today is
Having been fed by spiritual Food, let us pray the Conversion of St. Paul.)
unto the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit This is an abbreviated history of the
that even when there is laxity of mortification of Apostle Paul. Read the Book of Acts and Epistles
the flesh, our spiritual fellowship may still abide in the New Testament. In the Rule of St.
in all things. through our Lord Jesus Christ Who Maelruain, every other week, the Acts of the
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit Apostles are read at the Beginning of Night,
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. alternating with the Gospel of St. John. On Holy
Saturday in the Byzantine Rite, the entire Book of

Acts is read; the Celtic Rite may do the same (Acts 22:3). His friend under Gamaliel was St.
thing in anticipation of the Paschal week. Barnabas, later one of the Seventy Apostles of
A portion of the Epistles (letters) are Christ. St. Barnabas prayed with tears that Saul
read during every Mass. Most of the Epistles are be converted. Saul was a Pharisee, proud of
St. Paul's Epistles: Romans, 1 Corinthians, spiritual heritage, piety, and holding the truth.
2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Pharisees held the traditions of the Jews and
Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, spent long hours in prayers, but Jesus told them
1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews. that pride did not belong in prayer; and told the
Other Apostles wrote Epistles that are included in Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee (St.
the Bible: James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, Luke 18:9-14). The Pharisees were not of the
3 John, Jude, and the Apocalypse. St. Paul wrote Priest caste (who were Sadducees or “Cohens”),
Epistles during his travels, and when he was held inherited within the tribe of Levi. The Sadducees
under house arrest in the city of Rome. These did not believe in the resurrection of the dead,
were written to churches and church leaders. The following rather the ascetic piety of Solomon in
order of the Epistles in the Bible is organized by Ecclesiastes 1:2, “...vanity of vanities, and all is
subject; the early Lections of the Church used the vanity.” Often Jesus Christ, His Apostles and
present order. Some other Saints wrote Epistles disciples argued with the Pharisees, Sadducees,
included in Church tradition but not Scripture, and Scribes of the Law, as recorded in the Gospel
such as St. Polycarp (Jan. 26th), St. Justin Martyr of St. John and the other Gospels.
(Aug. 4th), St. Irenaeus (Aug. 26th); but the Saul, before he was converted and took
Epistles of St. Paul are earlier, and were called the name of Paul, did not believe his friend
Canonical in Church Councils. Barnabas, and blasphemed the Name of Jesus
The Acts of the Apostles were written by Christ. Saul was a kinsman of St. Stephen, but
the Evangelist Luke (Oct. 1st), after he wrote the stood by without pity when St. Stephen was
Gospel of St. Luke. St. Luke traveled with St. stoned to death, and stood guard over the
Paul, according to Sophronius and Tertullian: and garments of the Jews who were casting stones
wrote Acts out of love of the Apostle Paul, but St. (Acts 7:57). Then, during the reign of the
Luke only admitted it when it was proven in front emperor Tiberius, Saul received authority from
of St. John. St. Paul refers to “my Gospel” as the the chief priests and elders to enter the homes of
Gospel of St. Luke (Romans 2:16). St. Paul was Christians, arrest them, and send them to prison.
not with the Lord Jesus Christ during His He traveled to the city of Damascus with letters
ministry, therefore St. Luke learned the Gospel from the high priest to the synagogues there, that
from several sources such as the Blessed Virgin he would seek out anyone believed in Christ, and
Mary, St. James the Righteous, the other bring them back to Jerusalem.
Apostles, and his own eye-witness. St. Luke However, Acts 9:3-9, “And as he went
states, “even as they were handed down to us by on his journey, it came to pass that he drew nigh
those who from the beginning were to Damascus; and suddenly a light from heaven
eyewitnesses.” (St. Luke 1:1-2) But the Acts shined round about him. And falling on the
were written by St. Luke, based mostly on what ground, he heard a voice saying to him: ‘Saul,
he alone saw. (See St. Luke, October 1st.) Saul, why persecutest thou Me?’ Who said:
St. Paul was at first named Saul, and ‘Who art thou, Lord?’ And he: ‘I am Jesus
was born a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, in Whom thou persecutest. It is hard for thee to
Tarsus in Cilicia, of parents who had lived in kick against the goad.’ And he trembling and
Rome, and were citizens of Rome. (St. Paul was astonished, said: ‘Lord, what wilt thou have me
a tent maker; the family may have made large to do?’ And the Lord said to him, ‘Arise, and go
tents or shades for arenas or parks.) into the city, and there it shall be told thee what
Saul was sent to Jerusalem by his thou must do.’ Now the men who went in
parents, and was a student of Rabbi Gamaliel company with him, stood amazed, hearing indeed

a voice, but seeing no man. And Saul arose from Three years later, he he left Damascus,
the ground; and when his eyes were opened, he went to Arabia and then Jerusalem to see St.
saw nothing. But they leading him by the hands, Peter, Galatians 1:16-18. News of him had
brought him to Damascus. And he was there reached Jerusalem, but the disciples were afraid
three days, without sight, and he did neither eat (Acts 9:26). His friend, the Apostle Barnabas,
nor drink.” Saul followed the Lord’s command, welcomed him, brought him to the Apostles and
praying, and understanding in heart and mind that told them how St. Paul had seen and spoken to
he had been mistaken about the Lord. Blind in the Lord, and how he had spoken with confidence
sight, he was much less blind in soul. the Name of Jesus in Damascus. St. Paul fell at
In Damascus Ananias, one of the the feet of Barnabas and said, “O Barnabas,
Seventy Apostles, had a vision, Acts 9:10-20, teacher of the Truth, now am I convinced of the
“...And the Lord said to him: Arise, and go into truth of what thou didst tell me of Christ!”
the street that is called Strait, and seek in the Barnabas wept for joy. St. Paul taught the Name
house of Judas, one named Saul of Tarsus. For of Jesus to Gentiles and Greeks (Acts 9:27-29).
behold he prayeth. (And he saw a man named Those who hated the Christians sought
Ananias coming in, and putting his hands upon to kill St. Paul. The brethren brought him to
him, that he might receive his sight.) But Caesarea and then to Tarsus (Acts 9:30). He said,
Ananias told the Lord that Saul was famous for Acts 22:17-21, “...when I was come again to
persecuting Christians in Jerusalem, and that Saul Jerusalem, and was praying in the temple, that I
had authority from the chief priests to bind any was in a trance, And saw Him saying unto me:
invoking the name of the Lord. But the Lord said Make haste, and get thee quickly out of
that Saul had been chosen as a vessel to carry the Jerusalem; because they will not receive thy
name of the Lord to Gentiles, kings, and the testimony concerning Me. And I said: Lord, they
children of Israel, and that he would suffer for know that I cast into prison, and beat in every
Jesus's Name's sake.” Ananias went to the house synagogue, them that believed in Thee. And
and laid hands on Saul. Acts 22:13-16, Ananias when the blood of Stephen Thy witness was shed,
said, “Brother Saul, look up. And I the same I stood by and consented, and kept the garments
hour looked upon him. But he said: The God of of them that killed him. And He said to me: Go,
our fathers hath preordained thee that thou for unto the Gentiles afar off, will I send thee.”
shouldst know His will, and see the Just One, and Nationalism is a problem: people have
shouldst hear the voice from His mouth. For thou used “their” Apostle to divide the Church. We are
shalt be His witness to all men, of those things one in Christ. St. Paul addresses Christians, Jews,
which thou hast seen and heard. And now why and Gentiles (nations). 1 Corinthians 1:12-25:
tarriest thou? Rise up, and be Baptized, and wash “Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am
away thy sins, invoking His Name.” St. Paul was of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I
healed and immediately Baptized, received the of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified
Holy Spirit, ate with them and was strengthened. for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
He stayed in Damascus a few days, and taught I thank God that I baptized none of you, but
that Jesus is the Son of God in the synagogues. Crispus and Gaius; Lest any should say that I
Everyone was amazed that Saul had had baptized in mine own name. And I baptized
persecuted the Christians in Jerusalem, Acts also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know
9:21-25: In Damascus, his strength increased. not whether I baptized any other. For Christ sent
He affirmed Christ. The Jews would have killed me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not
him, but Saul was told. The disciples let him with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ
down over the wall in a basket. (Buildings at the should be made of none effect. For the preaching
edge of the city sometimes had windows which of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but
were part of the city wall.) Thus, he escaped the unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
city of Damascus. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the

wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding call St. Thecla a very important Saint, companion
of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the of St. Paul, but some dispute this because she is
scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not mentioned by St. Luke. The Book of Acts
not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? does not mention every Baptism by the holy
For after that in the wisdom of God the world by Apostles. St. Luke does not mention himself just
wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the before Iconium; but only St. Paul and St.
foolishness of preaching to save them that Barnabas. See Sept. 23rd, her feast day, and St.
believe. For the Jews require a sign, and the Thecla with St. Peter in Antioch, Feb. 22nd.
Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Christ In Iconium, after St. Paul had healed a
crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and paralytic, the priest of Jupiter treated Saints Paul
unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them and Barnabas as if they were gods come to earth,
which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ and would have sacrificed to them. (instead of the
the power of God, and the wisdom of God. pagans being jealous of the Apostles.) They
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than called St. Barnabas Jupiter, and St. Paul Mercury
men; and the weakness of God is stronger than because he was the speaker. Both Saints were
men.” very upset. The Saints tore their clothes, and told
St. Paul taught about Faith, Hope, and the people that they were also men of passions
Charity. Charity is the greatest virtue, a gift of like them, and that they should turn to the living
the Holy Spirit; see 1 Corinthians chapter 13. God Who made heaven, the earth, the sea, and all
See “Virtues” in Lorrha-Stowe Missal and the things. Acts 14:11-18. (Christians are human.)
Hours of Bangor, True Worship of the Undivided Acts 15:1-4 Concerning circumcision,
Church. St. Gregory Nazianzus ties these virtues some Christians from Judea believed that joining
to Names of God. Abbot Chaeremon talks about the Church meant that it was necessary to be
these virtues as fear, hope, and love: “...either the circumcised to be saved, “after the manner of
fear of hell or of laws even now imposed; or the Moses” (not “after the manner of Abraham”). Ss.
hope and desire of the kingdom of heaven; or a Paul and Barnabas, even though both of them had
liking for goodness itself and the love of virtue...” been trained by Rabbi Gamaliel in Jerusalem, did
We next see St. Paul, Acts 11:25-26. St. not agree that circumcision is necessary for
James the Greater was killed by Herod, and St. Christian salvation. (They Baptized men and
Peter escaped from prison, Acts 12:2-19. Herod women who wanted to join the Christian faith,
Agrippa I's date of death, Acts 12:20-23, is but did not perform circumcisions.) They took
known from secular sources as 44 A.D.; before their argument to Jerusalem, and told those in
this all the Twelve Apostles gathered in Jerusalem Jerusalem all the wonderful things done through
at the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ. Acts 14:5: Some of the Christians
Saul is also called Paul, Acts 13:9. had been Pharisees (like St. Paul), and they were
[Paul” or “Pavel” is “the least” in Latin; “cease” in favor of Christians following the Mosaic laws,
in Greek. The Hebrew letter “Pe” is “mouth;” and circumcision of all Christian males. A council
Greek “mystery” is “to stop the mouth.”] was convened (Acts 15:6). Acts 15:7-12 St. Peter
Acts 11:26: the disciples were called argued against circumcision because the Gentiles
“Christian” first in Antioch. A curse of Antioch had received the Holy Ghost as well as those who
in Acts 13:13-51, was later forgiven. St. Paul had been Jews, and received the Word of God in
went to Synagogues to preach about Christ, not their hearts. “Now therefore, why tempt you God
blaming the Jews for the Crucifixion of Jesus. to put a yoke upon the necks of the disciples,
(Romans were more often blamed for the which neither our fathers nor we have been able
Crucifixion, but Christians forgave.) to bear?” Ss. Barnabas and Paul also testified.
St. Thecla was converted and Baptized Acts 15:13-21 St. James the Righteous,
at this time in the journeys of St. Paul, in the Brother of the Lord (Dec. 27th), who was the
Iconium. The Celtic Rite and the Byzantine Rite head of the Council as Patriarch of Jerusalem, but

was not one of the Twelve Apostles (see St. Peter that they would not make more profit, and
about the head of the Council), quoted Amos accused the Jewish faith. Saints Paul and Silas
9:11-12, “After these things I will return, and will were beaten with rods, and thrown into prison.
rebuild the tabernacle of David, which is fallen At midnight, while praying, an earthquake
down... that the residue of men may seek after the opened all the doors of the prison, and opened the
Lord, and all nations upon whom my Name is shackles. The jailer was responsible for them and
invoked, saith the Lord...” St. James commented was about to kill himself when St. Paul told him
that “To the Lord was his own work known from that all were still in prison. The jailer fell at their
the beginning of the world,” and that he judged feet, asked what he needed to do to be saved,
that the Gentiles who called themselves washed their wounds, and was taught and
Christians were truly converted, and should not Baptized with his whole household. The jailer
be required to be circumcised, but that they gave them a dinner at his house, and all rejoiced.
should not pollute themselves with idols, or In the day, the magistrates said let them go, but
fornicate, and should not eat things that were St. Paul said that he and Silas were Romans and
strangled, or full of blood, because Moses is read not condemned. They were beaten publicly and
and preached in every synagogue on the Sabbath had been put into prison, and now would be
(Saturday). Acts 15:22-29 The Holy Spirit, and released privately. St. Paul demanded the
the Apostles and elders all agreed with this ruling. magistrates let them out. The magistrates were
They sent Christian leaders from Jerusalem to told this, and came and brought the Saints out,
Antioch with Ss. Paul and Barnabas: Judas and asked them to depart out of the city. They
Barsabas, and Silas, sending with them a letter of visited the house of Lydia; saw the brethren,
introduction and the ruling about circumcision. comforted them, and departed.
Acts 16:1-5 In Derbe and Lystra Ss. Acts 17:16-20 While St. Paul waited in
Paul and Silas met a young man named St. Athens, he had “his spirit stirred within him”
Timothy, whose mother was Jewish and father when he saw that the whole city was involved in
was Gentile. St. Paul circumcised St. Timothy to idol worship. Every day he disputed in the
help in a mission to Jewish convents, but also synagogue and the marketplace with Jews and
delivered the results of the Council in Jerusalem Greek philosophers, including Epicureans (those
to all the Churches in the cities they visited, and who believed in random atoms) and Stoics (who
the Churches were confirmed in the faith and believed in suppressing the passions). Some
increased in number daily. However, Acts listened, but others thought St. Paul was trying to
16:6-7, after traveling through Phrygia and set up new gods: Jesus and the Resurrection.
Galatia, the Holy Ghost forbade them from They took him to Areopagus hill so they could
preaching in Asia, and after Mysia the Holy Spirit hear him explain his doctrine. Acts 17:21, “Now
did not allow them to go into Bithynia. [The all the Athenians, and strangers that were there,
Douay version here in verse 7 says the “Spirit of employed themselves in nothing else, but either
Jesus,” but the original Greek says the “Spirit” at in telling or in hearing some new thing.” The
verse 7.] Other Saints were working in Asia. next passage explores God as Person, and the
St. Paul and all the Twelve Apostles Infinite Almighty beyond our understanding:
preached to women as well as men, Acts 16:8-15, Acts 17:22-31: “But Paul standing in
and many converted with their households, or the midst of the Areopagus, said: Ye men of
sometimes alone. This is unique to Christianity. Athens, I perceive that in all things you are too
Acts 16: 16-40 The miracle of Ss. Paul superstitious. For passing by, and seeing your
and Silas being released from prison in idols, I found an altar also, on which was written:
Macedonia matches Psalm 141 for St. Paul, ‘To the unknown God.’ What therefore you
“Bring my soul out of prison.” After St. Paul worship, without knowing it, that I preach to you:
cured a possessed girl of a snake spirit who God, who made the world, and all things therein;
would predict the future, her masters were angry He, being Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not

in temples made with hands; Neither is He served nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father,
with men’s hands, as though He needed any and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching
thing; seeing it is He Who giveth to all life, and them to observe all things whatsoever I have
breath, and all things: And hath made of one, all commanded you: and behold I am with you all
mankind, to dwell upon the whole face of the days, even to the consummation of the world.”]
earth, determining appointed times, and the limits Acts 19:8-12 Small cloths touched by St.
of their habitation. That they should seek God, if Paul healed the sick and expelled demons.
happily they may feel after Him or find Him, Acts 19:13-20 Jewish exorcists, seven
although He be not far from every one of us: For sons of Sceva, a chief priest, used the Name of
in Him we live, and move, and are; as some also the Lord Jesus saying, “I conjure you by Jesus,
of your own poets said: For we are also His whom Paul preacheth.” The evil spirit said,
offspring. Being therefore the offspring of God, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are
we must not suppose the divinity to be like unto you?” The man who was possessed tore their
gold, or silver, or stone, the graving of art, and clothes off, and wounded them, and they fled.
device of man. And God indeed having winked Both Jews and Gentiles of Ephesus believed.
at the times of this ignorance, now declareth unto Many who had followed “curious arts” (sorcery)
men, that all should everywhere do penance. burned their books, which were valued at fifty
Because He hath appointed a day wherein He will thousand pieces of silver.
judge the world in equity, by the Man Whom He Acts 19:23-40 A riot started about the
hath appointed; giving faith to all, by raising Him “way of the Lord.” Demetrius, a silver smith,
up from the dead.” profited making silver temples for Diana. He told
Acts 17:32-34 Some Athenians, such as others that St. Paul was destroying business by
St. Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named stopping idol worship. They shouted in anger,
Damaris, and others, believed, but others mocked “Great is Diana of the Ephesians.” The whole
St. Paul because of the Resurrection of the dead, city was “filled with confusion,” and gathered in
so St. Paul left Athens for the city of Corinth. the theatre. The town clerk reminded the
(St. Dionysius wrote about Christianity from a multitude that it was not a lawful assembly or
philosophical point of view. See Oct 9th.) court, that nobody had stopped goddess worship,
Acts 18:12-17: In Achaia St. Paul was and told them to go home.
again tried in court by the proconsul Gallio, who Acts 20:8-12 St. Paul raised Eutychus
“cared for none of those things.” (Gallio was the from the dead, after he fell out of a third story
brother of Seneca, who wrote plays where the window, sleeping during St. Paul's long sermon.
condemned would be killed.) Acts 18:18-23: St. Acts 20:13- 35 St. Paul tells the elders
Paul shaved his head for a vow in Cenchrae. he is going to Jerusalem (for Pentecost), knowing
Acts 19:1-7 In Ephesus, St. Paul found from the Holy Ghost, “bands and afflictions wait
twelve disciples who had not received or heard of for me...” The Holy Spirit gave them Bishops to
the Holy Ghost. They told St. Paul that their rule the Churches of God, which Jesus has
Baptism was John's (the Baptist's) Baptism. St. purchased with His holy Blood. St. Paul warns
Paul said: “John baptized the people with the of heresies and wolves among the sheep. Acts
baptism of penance, saying, That they should 20:36-38 “And when he had said these things,
believe in Him who was to come after him, that is kneeling down, he prayed with them all. And
to say, in Jesus.” Then “they were baptized in the there was much weeping among them all; and
name of the Lord Jesus” [The Greek text agrees] falling on the neck of Paul, they kissed him...”
imposing hands on them. “The Holy Ghost came Acts 21:1-7 Also, in Tyre, and in Caesarea at the
upon them, and they spoke with tongues and house of St. Philip the Evangelist, one of the
prophesied...” [Baptism and Chrismation.] seven (Deacons), a prophet named Agabus,
People needed instruction on Baptism. [St. bound himself with a girdle and said that St. Paul
Matthew 28:19-20: “Going therefore, teach ye all would be bound. Acts 21:8-15.

Acts 21:16-25 St. Luke probably went seven days of purification. But, near the end of
to Jerusalem with St. Paul and others, (saying that time, some Jews of Asia came into the
“we”). The brethren greeted them; next day they temple, saying that Gentiles had violated the
saw St. James the Righteous, Bishop of temple, even though St. Paul had not brought
Jerusalem, and “all the ancients.” St. Paul told Trophimus the Ephesian there.
about the ministry to the Gentiles, and what The whole city took St. Paul out of the
“things God had wrought.” The Jerusalem elders temple, shut the doors, and were about to kill
told St. Paul about thousands of Jews who him. The tribune took soldiers and centurions and
believed in the Lord Jesus Christ; “they are all ran there. The people stopped beating St. Paul.
zealous for the law;” and the accusation that he The tribune bound St. Paul, but nobody agreed on
was teaching Jewish Christians to leave the law the charges against St. Paul. [From then on, St.
of Moses; not circumcise children or keep Paul went from one prison to another, although
customs. (The Council under St. James directed the tribune protected him from death by moving
Gentile Christians to refrain from idols, blood, him out of Jerusalem to Caesarea to the governor
things strangled, and fornication, but those who Felix. But, Acts 24:27, when the successor of
were Jewish had to keep all the laws of Moses.) Felix came, named Portius Festus, Felix “being
St. James said the believers must come together. willing to show the Jews a pleasure, left Paul
[In the Old Testament, God was wrestled bound.” After some years, St. Paul was moved to
with by Jacob, “Israel,” who called “seeing God.” Rome, because he plead that he was a Roman
God gave the Ark of the Covenant and was citizen. Acts 22:24-30 “Is it lawful for you to
worshiped in tents. God would allow those to be scourge a man that is a Roman, and
in His presence in the Temple of the Lord who uncondemned?” Acts 26:24-32 Then (Agrippa
had been Baptized in the Name of the Father, the II) decided that St. Paul had done nothing worthy
Son, and the Holy Spirit, and had touched the of death or bondage. “This man might have been
Lord God, receiving the Holy Body and Blood of set at liberty, if he had not appealed to Caesar.”
Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, without dying. But, if St. Paul had not appealed to Caesar, he
There could not be two kinds of Christians, would have been killed two years before in
Gentile and Jewish; but, strict Jews who kept the Jerusalem. Rome had “due process” of law, like
Law did not want lukewarm converts. The the Magna Carta. Acts 25:16: “It is not the
Sacraments of Baptism and of the True Body and manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die,
Blood of Jesus Christ show that Christians with before that he which is accused have the accusers
true worship are not lukewarm. To deny the real face to face, and have license to answer for
Presence in the Eucharist and in us, is to deny himself concerning the crime laid against him.”
that any Christian has a right to enter the Temple. Acts 23:6-10 St. Paul knew that the
The Apostolic Canons have details about Faith, Sadducees and Pharisees were present in
Sacraments, and Church membership.] Jerusalem at his first trial, and only the Pharisees
Four men took a vow letting their hair believed in the resurrection of the dead.
grow as Nazarites, “men apart,” Numbers 6:2-21, Therefore he said, “I am a Pharisee, the son of
like Samson, Judges 13:4-5; 16:17, a play on the Pharisees: concerning the hope and resurrection
word “Nazareth” St. Matthew 2:23. St. James of the dead I am called in question.” This started
told St. Paul to “sanctify thyself with them: and a division among those present. “For the
bestow on them, that they may shave their heads Sadducees say that there is no resurrection,
[when the vow was done]: and all will know that neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess
the things which they have heard of thee, are both.” Some of the Pharisees then said they
false, but that thou thyself also walkest keeping found no evil in this man, “What if a spirit hath
the law.” spoken to him, or an angel?” A great argument
Acts 21:26-36 St Paul purified himself was started, threatening to pull St. Paul in pieces,
with the men who took the vow, fulfilling the so the tribune brought St. Paul back to prison.

Acts 23:31-35 In Caesarea, the established; or, he labored for ten years in Rome
governor Felix kept St. Paul in Herod's false and the West, in Spain, Gaul, and all of Italy. In
judgment hall. (Herod was not the rightful heir of Spain he converted a woman named Xanthippe
King David.) St. Paul worshiped Jesus Christ the and her husband Probus. When St. Paul entered
Just Judge, St. John 4:23 “in spirit and truth,”. their house, she saw written on his forehead in
On the way to Rome, St. Paul warned of golden letters, “Paul the Preacher of Christ.” It
a ship-wreck, Acts 27, but the centurion did not led to the Baptism of her house.
believe it. The ship was caught in a storm. When The emperor Nero began to persecute
it seemed lost, St. Paul was told by an angel that Christians in Rome. St. Paul returned to preach to
the 276 people on the ship would be saved if they the Romans, make them strong in the faith, and
stayed in the ship. He convinced them to eat after share Martyrdom with them if it pleased God.
fourteen days. (They had to lighten their load of The pagans put St. Paul into prison again. St.
wheat; they needed the bread of God, a heavenly Paul said he was a victim doomed to be
reward.) When the ship broke, the centurion slaughtered (II Timothy 4:6, 10-11). St. Luke
prevented them from killing the prisoners. alone stayed with St. Paul. St. Luke was not
Everyone got safely to land, holding boards. Martyred then, (see Oct. 1st), but St. Luke did not
(The power of the Lord Jesus Christ is able to write about St. Paul's Martyrdom.
control the seas.) The island was Melita (Malta), Some historians said that St. Paul “bore
Acts 28:1-11. St. Paul was not affected by the bite on his own body the wounds of His
of a viper, and he healed many on the island. The Lord” (“marks,” or “stigmata.”) St. Paul lists his
islanders bought passage for everyone on a ship. troubles in II Corinthians 11:23-28: “...I am more;
They went from Syracusa in Sicily, to in many more labors, in prisons more frequently,
Rhegium, then Puteoli, where there were already in stripes above measure, in deaths often. Of the
brethren, then went to Rome. (See St. Gennaro, Jews five times did I receive forty stripes, save
or Januarius Sept. 19th. “Neo-apolis” or Naples, one [Deuteronomy 25:8]. Thrice was I beaten
was built after Mt. Vesuvius blew up in 79 A.D.; with rods [Acts 16:22], once I was stoned [Acts
Puteoli had been larger.) In Rome, St. Paul was 14:18]; thrice I suffered shipwreck [Acts 27:41];
allowed to meet with “brethren,” but dwelt alone a night and a day I was in the depth of the sea. In
with a soldier, Acts 28:15-16. He was allowed to journeying often, in perils of waters, in perils of
gather an assembly where he lived, and to explain robbers, in perils from my own nation, in perils
Christ's teaching to all, Acts 28:17-28, but the from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in
Jews in Rome argued with each other, and left, the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils from
St. Paul saying they were not able to understand. false brethren. In labor and painfulness, in much
(Isaiah 6:9-10, Mt 13:14-15; Mark 4:12-; Luke watchings, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often,
8:10; John 12:40; Romans 11:8). “Be it known in cold and nakedness. Besides those things
therefore to you, that this salvation of God is sent which are without: my daily instance, the
to the Gentiles, and they will hear it.” St. Paul solicitude for all the churches.”
stayed two years in one place. Acts 28:29-31, “... St. Paul knew a man caught up into the
he received all that came in to him, preaching the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4), perhaps St. John the
kingdom of God, and teaching the things which Apostle when he wrote the Apocalypse, but not
concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all St. Paul himself, (2 Cor. 12:5) “For such a one I
confidence, without prohibition.” (End of Acts.) will glory; but for myself I will glory nothing, but
More biography of St. Paul is told by in my infirmities.” He explains his need for
Eusebius Pamphilus, Bishop of Caesaria, in the humility, so that truth is believable, (verse 6)
second book of his Ecclesiastical History, and “...But I forbear, lest any man should think of me
also by St. Symeon Metaphrastes. St. Paul was above that which he seeth in me, or any thing he
released from prison after his two years in chains, heareth from me.” And he confesses, (verses
and he left Rome for churches he had already 7-10), “And lest the greatness of the revelations

should exalt me, there was given me a sting of 26 Jan / Feb 8
my flesh, an angel of Satan, to buffet me. For
Mighty seems their lustre
which thing thrice I besought the Lord, that it
might depart from me. And He said to me: My to the King that encompasses us,
grace is sufficient for thee: for power is made the host that was slain after famine,
perfect in infirmity. Gladly therefore will I glory at Polycarp’s Passion.
in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may The Passion and Martyrdom of
dwell in me. For which cause I please myself in Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, with twelve men
my infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in slain after famine.
persecutions, in distresses, for Christ. For when I Of a Bishop and Martyr, i.e. Bishop of
am weak, then am I powerful.” the city of Smyrna, and a pupil of John the
Church historians (Gaius, Zepherinus Apostle was he, and by John himself he was
Bishop of Rome, and Dionysius Bishop of ordained as Bishop. And he was a prince in all
Corinth) agree that St. Paul was Martyred with Asia Minor, and after that Marcus Antonius (leg.
St. Peter after both were held in the prison called Aurelius) and Lucius Aurelius (leg. Verus) were
Mamertine, on the 29th of June, A.D. 67, in the raising the folk of that city against him, and he
thirtieth year of emperor Nero's reign, one year was burnt in fire, and twelve men were martyred
before Nero died. They said farewell to each along with him in the same city.
other outside the city gates. Ss. Sophronius St. Polycarp, means “polycarpos,” an
Bishop of Jerusalem, Justus and Irenaeus say that adjective meaning “many fruits” or “fruitful” in
St. Paul was Martyred a year after St. Peter, but early and modern Greek, as in Christ's Parables.
on the same day, June 29th. These say St. Paul From notes about St. Polycarp by Roberts,
told women and maidens to live a chaste life, Donaldson, and Coxe of the Ante-Nicene Fathers,
which angered some. St. Peter was crucified on in the introduction to the Epistle of Polycarp to
Janiculum Hill, but St. Paul was beheaded as a the Philippians: St. Polycarp, Bishop Martyr, was
Roman citizen. When St. Paul was beheaded, born in 65 A.D. [uncertain date], Martyred in old
milk flowed from the wound along with blood. age, and was a direct disciple of St. John the
The execution was done on the road to Ostia, and Apostle (the youngest Apostle of the Twelve, who
his relics were buried where he was Martyred. also died in old age). The Martyrdom of St.
(St. Paul's Outside the Walls.) Polycarp, in Chapter Nine, states, “Eighty and six
On the way to Martyrdom, St. Paul met years have I served Him, and He never did me
a woman named Perpetua, blind in her right eye. any injury: how then can I blaspheme my King
He said, “Woman, give me thy kerchief, and and Savior?” If Ordained at 14, he would have
when I come back, I will return it to thee.” The been 100; or, if Baptized as an infant, and counts
soldiers laughed and said she would receive it years after Baptism as service, that would make
quickly. They covered his eyes with the kerchief him at least 86 years old when he was Martyred.
when they executed St. Paul. Invisibly, the blood- Some say that he died as late as 167 A.D., in this
stained kerchief was found in Perpetua’s hands, case St. John would have been at least about 60 to
and she rubbed it on her eyes and was healed. 70 years old when they met. St. Polycarp was a
The soldiers found her cured; and they believed disciple of St. John the Apostle long enough to
in Jesus Christ, saying, “Great is the God Whom learn much. St. Polycarp's disciple, St. Irenaeus
Paul preacheth!” The emperor Nero executed of Lyons (Aug. 26th), died in 202 or 203; St.
them, by decapitation, stoning, dismembering Irenaeus probably was Bishop for a fairly long
into quarters, hanging, drowning, and flaying. time. St. Polycarp was a friend of St. Ignatius
Perpetua loudly glorified Christ, and a heavy of Antioch (Dec. 20th), who met Christ as a child,
weight was tied to her neck and she was thrown and was another student of St. John. St. Polycarp
into the Tiber River in Rome (see Nov. 4th). may have been earlier than Justin Martyr, who
died in 165 A.D (Aug. 4th).

The character of St. Polycarp was Orthodox Christian truth. He speaks of virtue,
praised by St. Irenaus, who learned to support the humility, duty, but also indicates that we must
Orthodox Faith against the heresies as a pupil of avoid heresies. Often his words quote Christ and
St. Polycarp. St. Irenaus to Florinus (as recorded the other Apostles. Chapter VII, “For whosoever
by Eusebius), “These things were not taught you does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the
by the Bishops who preceded us. ... It is yet flesh, is antichrist; and whosoever does not
present to my mind with what gravity [St. confess the testimony of the Cross, is of the devil;
Polycarp] everywhere came in and went out; and whosoever perverts the oracles of the Lord to
what was the sanctity of his deportment, the his own lusts, and says that there is neither a
majesty of his countenance, and of his whole resurrection nor a judgment, he is the first-born of
exterior; and what were his holy exhortations to Satan. Wherefore, forsaking the vanity of many,
the people.” In Against the Heresies, St. Irenaus and their false doctrines, let us return to the word
says, 3:3, “There is extant an Epistle of Polycarp which has been handed down to us from the
written to the Philippians, most satisfactory, from beginning; watching unto prayer, and persevering
which those that have a mind to do so may learn in fasting; beseeching in our supplications the all-
the character of his faith...” Some said that St. seeing God, ‘not to lead us into temptation’ as the
Polycarp was the “angel of the Church in Lord has said: ‘The spirit truly is willing, but the
Smyrna,” and one of those about whom Christ flesh is weak.’” He also asks us to persevere in
said, “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give patience, moderation, and rebukes coveteousness
thee a crown of life.” St. Irenaus describes St. in a former priest.
Polycarp, “I could describe the very place in The Martyrdom of Polycarp Chapter 21,
which the blessed Polycarp sat and taught; his states he was Martyred March 26th, or April 25th:
going out and coming in; the whole tenor of his “Now, the blessed Polycarp suffered Martyrdom
life; his personal appearance; how he would on the second day of the month Xanthicus just
speak of the conversations he had held with John begun, the seventh day before the Kalends of
and with others who had seen the Lord. How did May, on the great Sabbath, at the eighth hour.”
he make mention of their words and of whatever Notes say, “According to Usher, the Smyrnaeans
he had heard from them respecting the Lord.” began the month Xanthicus on the 25th of March.
St. Polycarp spoke with St. John the But the seventh day before the Kalends of May is
Apostle and others, from St. Irenaus in Against the 25th of April. Some, therefore, read ‘April’
the Heresies 3:3, “Polycarp was instructed by the instead of ‘May.’” The ‘Eighth Hour’ is 2:00 P.M.
Apostles, and was brought into contact with His Feast day, in the Celtic Rite and Roman Rite,
many who had seen Christ.” Eusebius preserves is Jan. 26th, the day after the Conversion of St.
one of St. Irenaus’ letters in his History of the Paul, who established the Church of the Gentiles.
Church 5:20. St. Irenaus also tells anecdotes, The Byzantine date Feb. 23rd, is claimed as his
including of the visit of St. Polycarp to Rome, Martydom, contrary to the Martyrdom of
and his rebuke of Marcion - a very early heretic. Polycarp. (See Dec. 7th; a different St. Polycarp,
The work of St. Polycarp and St. Irenaeus against Martyred in Antioch.) The Martyrium Polycarpi
false doctrines helped the Church to grow in faith written in Smyrna claimed that the Feast of
and avoid confusion, which seems to come back Martyr Polycarp was on the day of his death,
again and again. Two centuries later, St. Gregory called by the Church his “birthday,” meaning
Nazianzus overcame the Arian heresy. birth into everlasting life. In the Celtic Rite the
Eusebius also quotes St. Irenaeus in his practice of celebrating a Saint’s Feast day on the
Ecclesiastical History 4:14. Eusebius said this day of their Martyrdom or death, and calling it
Epistle was of no doubt the production of St. their “birthday,” continued. It is thought that the
Polycarp (Hist. Eccl. 3:36). The Epistle of St. practice of calling the Feast day the “birthday”
Polycarp (containing fourteen chapters) is not in began with St. Polycarp, according to Flor Van
the Scriptures, but it is worthy to read as Ommeslaeghe in The Byzantine Saint page 158,

(The Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius the persecutors and his body burned. Christians
1981). However, Feasts of Saints include their were allowed to keep the bones after that.
Martyrdom or Repose, Ordination, Translation of Eusebius quotes the Martyrdom of
relics from one city to another, rarely their Polycarp on veneration, not worship of Saints:
Baptism, Announcement of an event such as “...that it is neither possible for us ever to forsake
when the Dormition was announced in Rome, Christ, who suffered for the salvation of such as
miracles caused by a Saint locally, or local church shall be saved throughout the whole world (the
dedications, etc. Usually the difference between a blameless one for sinners), nor to worship any
Byzantine, Celtic, and Roman date of celebration other. For Him indeed, as being the Son of God,
is which Feast day of a Saint is honored locally. we adore; but the Martyrs, as disciples and
Examples: Jan. 11th and Jan. 18th. Both the Celtic followers of the Lord, we worthily love on
and Byzantine Feast dates for St. Polycarp do not account of their extraordinary affection towards
fall on the date of his Martyrdom. their own King and Master, of Whom may we
It is worthy to read The Martyrdom of also be made companions and fellow-disciples!”
Polycarp; he brought thousands to Christ. He said The Martyrdom was written by the
that if persecutors come to try to kill you, run Church at Smyrna to the Church at Philomelium,
away, but when persecutors caught him, he went having twenty-two chapters (longer than St.
to his death with great dignity. The book begins Polycarp’s own Epistle). There may be copying
with a note of the constant and faithful Christian errors; the ending salutation in chapter 22 states
named Germanicus, who was Martyred by a beast that Irenaeus copied the manuscript which had
in the arena. The people enjoyed the sight of his been recorded by the Church in Smyrna, and then
nobility, and called for more “athiests” (who did Caius copied Irenaeus’ copy, and then Pionius
not worship the emperor, but instead the one true copied that copy when the words “had almost
God). A Christian man named Quintus came faded away through the lapse of time.”
forward with some others, but when facing death St. Polycarp's prayer just before the
he turned away from Christ and apostasized. fire was lit, worthy to read in a Mass on his Feast
The book reminds us not to give day:
ourselves up to suffering, as in Matthew 10:23, “O Lord God Almighty, the Father of the
“But when they persecute you in this city, flee beloved and blessed Son Jesus Christ, by Whom
into another; for verily I say unto you, Ye shall we have received the knowledge of Thee, the
not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son God of angels and powers, and of every creature,
of man be come.” (The verse before this reminds and of the whole race of the righteous who live
us also that we must endure until the end to be before thee, I give Thee thanks that Thou hast
saved.) St. Polycarp at first stayed in the city, but counted me worthy of this day and this hour, that
left the city at the persuasion of friends. He I should have a part in the number of Thy
prayed day and night for all men and all the Martyrs, in the cup of thy Christ, to the
Churches in the world. He was resting on a resurrection of eternal life, both of soul and body,
pillow and praying, and he had a vision that the through the incorruption by the Holy Spirit.
pillow was on fire. He turned to the others in the Among whom may I be accepted this day before
room and told them he would be burned alive. Thee as a fat and acceptable sacrifice, according
Skipping many details (worthy to read), as Thou, the ever-truthful God, hast foreordained,
St. Polycarp was indeed put on a fire, although hast revealed beforehand to me, and now hast
the fire would not burn him but surrounded him fulfilled. Wherefore also I praise Thee for all
in an arch, but a soldier put a sword into his left things, I bless Thee, I glorify Thee, along with the
side and he died (and one account says something everlasting and heavenly Jesus Christ, Thy
about a dove there, which is confused because it beloved Son, with Whom, to Thee, and the Holy
is spelled almost the same as left side). His blood Spirit, be glory both now and to all coming ages.
put out the fire, but even so, the fire was re-lit by Amen.”

27 Jan / Feb 9 Moeda was mo Fiada ‘my Lord’ himself,
My Lord loved Muirgein, muirgein was ‘the birth of the sea.’
a wondrous birth with victories! Though I am a human, though I am an animal,
Agna with ten virgins the nobles of Mag Breg used to love me:
won a pure victory before kings. ‘whiteness’ and ‘beauty’ -- ‘twas no nickname --
Muirgein (“born of the sea”) Abbot[ess] I have loved the King of the bright angels.
of Glen Uissen, wonderous birth with victories
Muirgen ingen Aedan of Belach Gabain, Eochaid, son of handsome Muirid,
penitent and Martyr he is under the ocean-blue wave
Agnetis (Agnes) with ten virgins won the good noble with whom women used to lie,
pure victory before kings I was a daughter of his.
My Lord loved Muirgein, i.e. the birth of Said Aire:
the sea, i.e. Abbot [Abbess] of Glen Uissen, as I am not alive for this, and I will die of shame,
Oengus says. Or Muirgein, daughter of Aedan, in The men there saying it
Belach Gabrain, qui martires alebat pro Deo, et that I am Airiu Curnan’s wife.
Deus amabat illum per hoc. Or Muirgein, i.e. the Unde Darn Curnain, i.e. after Curnan’s
birth of the sea, i.e. Liban daughter of Eochaid, death there of grief for Aire, etc.
son of Muirid, for whom Loch n-Echach, (Lough Today is the translation of the relics of
Neagh), is named. ‘Tis she that was three St. John Chrysostom, the “Golden-Mouth” to
hundred years in Loch n-Echach, till Beoan, Constantinople in 438 A.D., and also the emperor
St.Comgall’s fisherman, caught her in his net, and of Constantinople begging forgiveness for the
Comgall afterwards Baptized her, and she herself deeds of his father who banished St. John
told her dealings to Comgall, and went to heaven Chrysostom. St. John Chrysostom reposed
et narravit ei omnia quae accederant ei in aquis. during his forced march in 407 A.D. on Sept. 14th,
A poet wrote: a Feast of the Holy Cross, and of the Dedication.
Muirgein, ‘tis a birth with triumphs, daughter of In the Roman Rite, the main Feast of St. John
very haughty Eochaid, Chrysostom is today. Byzantine date, Nov. 13 th.
went rightly past tributes, though Jesus put her in The Celtic Rite confuses him with St. John
a pitiful state. Cassian, saying “Bishop of Constantinople” on
Nov. 25th, (see that date).
She loved the estuary rather than a house, Li-ban
daughter of that man, 28 Jan / Feb 10
her being under the heavy stream was trusted With Accobran from us (the Irish),
until she gave voice to Comgall.
the Passion of eight splendid virgins:
By dint of his net and his tree (boat) Beoan, Messorianus’ mighty host
Comgall’s fisherman, gained a victory with righteousness.
brought her after her journey in the east, so that The Passion of Accobran of Cell rois of
he Baptized her in his abode. Inis Cathaig, a Saint of Ireland, and of eight
Strange the shape out of which was might, God Massorianus’s host, victory with
has wrought the manifest miracle, righteousness.
her face very white though she was a bondmaid, Also, Cannera is on this day, of Scattery
her side that of an ever-strong salmon. Island (Inis Chathaigh). It was believed that
pebbles from Scattery Island protected one from
When Oengus, comely grandson of Oiblen, said shipwreck who carried them. Cannera was a
Moeaa carais ‘My Lord loved’ recluse whose cell was near Bantry. Shortly

before her death, she saw a vision that Senan’s destroyed. Dallan Forghaill wrote the “Amra
church at Scattery Island was the holiest place in Colmcille” in thanks, but Colm cille only allowed
Ireland (see March 8th). She traveled there, but he it if it would be incomprehensible in Erin. Dallan
said that no woman should enter his monastery, Forghaill also wrote the “Amra Senain” (Eulogy
but Cannera made him promise that he would of Senan) in similar difficult language. He
give her Holy Communion at her death and have reformed the Bardic Order with a strict school
her interred on the extreme edge of the island. system, responsible for the preservation of
Senan objected, saying the waves would ancient chronicles such as the Tain Bo Cuailnge
undermine the grave, but she said she would and literature outside monastic schools. The
leave it to God that the waves would not disturb bardic schools continued until the 17th century.
her. She soon died, and the brethren dug a trench See Ss. Sedulius Feb.12th, Fiacc Oct.
at high tide. To this day the traditional spot of her 12th, Patrick March 17th, who saw the importance
burial is washed by tides but not destroyed. of the Bards. Important records of the Saints were
kept by bards, for example Tassach (t-Assach)
29 Jan / Feb 11 April 14th, i.e. Patrick’s artisan and Bishop
administered Holy Communion to the dying
Splendid (are) the Bishops
Patrick in Fiacc’s hymn 53, Thes. Pal. Hib. II.
I have mentioned: 319. Dubthach the father of St. Brigid was also
may they protect us to our possession! a Bard. Many Bards were often among the
Hippolytus, Paulus, Gildas, Constantinus. Saints, or had children who were Saints.
Hippolytus, Paulus, Gildas, (The last bard, Turlough O’Carolan died
Constantinus, Bishops. in 1738 in Keadue Roscommon. He composed
Dallan ‘son of testimony,’ of Maigen, the tune that the poem “The Star Spangled
and Cronan, and Moconna or Mocenna a virgin, Banner.” was later set to. O’Carolan traveled in
Blath and Baithin on this day. Dallan son of Europe, and composed many Baroque harp pieces
Forgaill from Maigen. under the pseudonym “Carolini,” best on harp,
Dallan Forghaill, a great bard, chief poet but often played by harpsichordists. His harp
of Ireland in 575 (Martyred 598 A.D. by sea compositions are among the most difficult, with
pirates who broke into Inniskeel in Donegal. He continuous chords and counterpoint, especially
is buried there.) Aedh MacAinmire the king of amazing because Turlough O’Carolan was blind.
Ireland asked the Asssembly of Drumceat to He was a great celebrity in his lifetime.)
dissolve the Bardic Order because the bards often (Repose of St. Andrei Rublev,
expected too many privileges. Colm cille of Iona iconographer.)
(June 9th) argued that bards that presumed on the
hospitality of kings too much should not be 30 Jan / Feb 12
dissolved but instead punished and corrected, and
directly protected Dallan Forghaill. He asked who
Fifty and a hundred Martyrs,
would preserve records of the nation or write a the door of Martyrdom magnified them:
dirge for kings and warriors? Colum cille was the may Enan of Ross(mor), the bright star,
son of Feidlimid, son of Fergus, son of Conall, protect me against a number of
son of Niall of the Nine Hostages (line of kings).
Ethne was Colum cille’s mother, and was
daughter of Dimma mac Noe, son of Eochaid, 150 martyrs: Fifty or forty and a
son of Cairbre the poet, son of Ailill the Great, hundred, the door of Martyrdom magnified them;
son of Breccan, son of Fiacc (bard), son of Daire for Martyrdom is the door of heaven or a door to
Barrach, son of Cathair the Great. Colum cille heaven.
also was a graduate of the bardic school himself. Enan (my-Menoc) of Rossmor, protector
The bards were corrected but not against temptations Enan son of Gemman in

Ross mor in Hui Dega in Hui Cennselaig. The brought to them for dinner fifty cakes and leeks
same as my-Menoc of Glenn Faidli in Hui and whey-water. “Why has this been brought?”
Garrchon. says the Bishop. “For you to consume it,” says
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: the house-steward. “Take it away,” says the
Cruimthir [leaf lost here, LL] Ailbhe; Huaranus; Bishop: “nought thereof shall be consumed until
Cronanus Priest; Ternoc; Barinn of Inis Domle; there is a pig and an ox there.” The house-
Enani Saint of Ros Mor. steward relates this (to Maedoc). “Permission,”
[In the Byzantine Rite: today is the says Maedoc. It is brought to them. “‘Tis well,”
celebration of the Three Hierarchs, who have a quoth he; they eat the meat. They are there till
joint Feast today, and also separate Feast days, the morrow. Maedooc salutes them. “Well,” says
(Celtic dates): St. Gregory the Theologian Bishop Maedoc: “it is not too much to reprove you for
of Nazianzus and Patriarch of Constantinople eating the meat in Lent and refusing the bread.”
(March 29th), St. Basil the Great Bishop of “Not from study hast thou delivered that, O
Caesaria in Cappadocia (Jan. 1st), and St. John Maedoc,” says the Bishop. “Well?” says Maedoc.
Chrysostom (Golden – Mouthed) Patriarch of “Easy (to say),” quoth the Bishop, “the pig drank
Constantinople (Nov. 25th). The three great its mother’s milk, and the ox which was brought
Hierarchs of the West: St. Hilary of Poitiers (Jan. us ate nothing save the grass of the earth. But in
13th, Nov. 3rd), St. Martin of Tours (Nov. 11th), and the cake there were three hundred and sixty five
St. Ambrose of Milan (April 1st). Also in the west weevils (?); therefore we consumed it not.”
is the earlier St. Irenaeus of Lyons (Aug. 26th).] Mael-anfaid, i.e. Abbot of Dairinis, i.e.
at Mochutu’s Lismore is Dairinis, where a great
31 Jan / Feb 13 river exits to the sea.
Mael-anfaid son of Anfadach, son of
Declare strong Aed of Ferns, Mael-anfaid, Garban, son of Crunnmal, son of ... lachtar, son
a name preeminent: of Dungal, son of Murgal, son of Bran, son of
they strike with mighty Brig Mael... chine, son of Senach, son of Nathi, son of
a fair end on January’s host. Trichem, son of Erc... of Erc the Victorious.
Maedoc of Ferns, i.e. my Aedoc, i.e. of That is the Maelanfaid who beheld a
the Fir Luirc of Lough Erne was he. certain little bird a-wailing and lamenting. “O
my God,” says he, “what has happened yonder? I
Maedoc son of Setna, son of Erc, son of
will not partake of food until it is revealed to
Feradach, son of Fiachra, son of Amalgad, son of
me.” Now when he was there he saw an angel
Muiredach, son of Cairthenn, son of (Colla Uais)
coming towards him. “That is well, O cleric,”
son of Eochaid Doimlen. (Pupil of David of Cell
says the angel: “let not this put thee into grief any
more. Molua mac Ocha (Lua of Lismore) has
Fifty Bishops of the Britons of Cell
died, and therefore all living creatures bewail
Muine came on their pilgrimage to Maedoc of
him, for never has he killed any animal, little or
Ferns. They came (to him) because Maedoc of
big: so not more do human beings bewail him
Ferns was a pupil of David of Cell Muine. From
than the other animals and the little bird which
David’s time flesh was not brought into the
thou seest.”
refectory of Cell Muine until Maedoc’s successor
Brig, i.e. a virgin cum eis in Desi of
brought it, and hence (?) it David’s strife and
Munster, near Mochutu’s Lismore is Brig, or in
contumacy (?) towards the successor that brought
Carbre ua Ciardai in the north of Meath; or at
it, and remaining in the refectory, i.e. in the
Loch Carman, or beside Kildare... i.e. a prioress.
Abbacy of Cell Muine, with his feet not touching
the ground so long as he was alive. So they came Brig at Tech Brige: ‘tis by her that the
in pilgrimage to Maedoc. They were taken into cows were milked thrice in the same day for the
the guest-house in the Lent of spring. There was Bishops, and ‘tis by her that there was reaping on
the harvest-day when a rainstorm was throughout

the rest of the country. [Translator’s note: In (see Feb. 17th) also did not make changes in the
Broccan’s hymn 29-32 these miracles are calendar of Iona and St. Patrick, so something
ascribed to St. Brigit, Thes. Pal. Hib. ii. 334-335. else was referred to.
Barr-find, i.e. he is the top and fair
completion to the host of January. II after Throne of St. Peter
Aed of Ferns (Aedan of Ferns, Maedoc-
(The Sunday of the week beginning on or after
Edan, Moedoc, or Mogue). The Saints of Ireland
Jan 25/Feb 7, unless Pre-lent has begun; see note
says he was born in Connacht, educated by David
at III after Throne of Peter). Use the Propers of
of Menevia in Wales, later becoming Abbot.
the fourth Sunday in the cycle of six Sundays in
Wales thought of him as native, and later tried to
Pentecost. May combine with Jan 25th St. Paul.
take over Ferns because he had been an Abbot in
Old Testament: Jer. 35:12-36:3
Wales first. Aedan’s teacher, David of Menevia,
had an Irish mother, and was Baptized by Ailbe (Jeremiah praises those who follow the
of Emly, and he died in the arms of Aedan. commandments, but tells those who sin
Aedan returned to Ireland and founded Ferns and to stop.)
thirty churches including Drumlane. Brandubh, Introductory Collect
king of Leinster, gave him the royal seat of May our voice ascend to the ears of Thy
Fearna with banquet halls, champions’ quarters, Clemency O God and may Thy Mercy descend
woods, hunting grounds, etc. Aedan’s church at upon us. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Ferns later displaced Sletty of Fiach as the reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Bishop’s seat, and Aedan became Metropolitan of throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Leinster. The bell of St Mogue is now in the Collect Before the Epistle
Armagh Library, and had been in the hereditary May the offering of our service be pleasing to
keepership of the MacGeverns in Templeport, Thee O Lord and may it absolve us of our guilt
County Cavan. The Breac Moedoc is a reliquary and free us from immanent evil Through our
to house the relics which Laserian of Leighlin Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
(April 18th) brought from Rome to his friend the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Moedoc, Abbot of Ferns. The shrine was stolen, Amen.
but now is in the Natinal Museum in Dublin. Epistle Eph. 5:3-21 (Be not drunk, but
Also, Adamnan, Priest, d. A.D. 680., not filled with wisdom and the Holy Spirit.
of Iona, but of Lindisfarne, of Coldingham on Walk as children of light, not with
the Berwick coast (England), Coldingham was a sinners. “...for the fruit of the light is in
double monastery, with one part for men and the all goodness and justice and truth;
other for women, founded by the royal princess proving what is well-pleasing to God...”
Ebba, a nun under Finan of Lindisfarne. singing hymns, giving thanks to the
Adamnan lived at Coldingham, and was known Name of Jesus Christ, being subject one
for fastings and vigils. He had a vision that to another fearing Christ.)
Coldingham would be destroyed by fire because Gradual Psalm 19 (Heb. 20) Exaudiat te
of gossip and frivolities, but he told the Abbess Dominus. May the Lord hear thee
that this would not happen in her lifetime. She (Entire as Gradual; verse 6 may be used
tried to bring order to the community, but after as the Alleluia. Also on the Baptism of
her death the community became lax and was Paul Jan 25/Feb 7, Psalm 141 may be
destroyed by fire as predicted. The glossator says done as well.)
about “Fintan Corach,” Feb. 21st: “Or ‘tis he that
Gospel Luke 10:25-37 (The Good
made adjustments (cora) in the order of the new
rite,” probably referring to Adamnan of Iona, Samaritan: who was the good neighbor?
who did not manage to make the changes he Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:5, and
wanted (see Sept. 23rd ). Finan of Lindisfarne Leviticus 19:18.)

Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of Confraction arrangement for Sunday:
the Preface) Always said aloud. (In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays.
They, who believe, offer these gifts and offerings Post Communion
unto Thee, O Lord of the Powers: By Thy Name, Having received Thy Body, O Lord , and having
receive these humble fulfillments of the debt of drunk from Thy Chalice: May it work in our
honor for the peace of Thy Church for the inner parts: grant, O God Almighty, that no stain
commemoration of all Saints for the purity of the of sin remain where the pure and holy
Priests and Ministers, for placid secular leaders, Sacraments have entered through our Lord Jesus
for sufficiency in all things, and peaceful times, Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
for the perseverance of virgins and the continence Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
of widows, for the support of orphans, and for the
alleviation of penitents, and for the repose of the 1 Feb / Feb 14
dead, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit They magnify February’s calends,
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. a shower of great, pure-colored Martyrs:
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Brigit the fair, strong, praiseworthy,
(Preface in the Roman Rite) chaste head of Erin’s nuns.
It is worthy and just, O invisible, inestimable and (Vigil of the Purification and St. Brigit.)
immense God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Brigit the fair, Virgin, Abbess, daughter
Christ, Who, Himself instituting the form of this of Dubthach [Dubtach] son of Demre, son of
eternal Sacrifice, offered Himself to Thee as the Bresal, son of Connla, son of Art Corp, son of
first Sacrifice and was the first given to be Cairbre Nia, son of Cormac, son of Oengus the
offered. Yea, Almighty God, all the Angels praise Dumb, son of Eochaid Find Fuathnairt, son of
Thee, saying: Feidlimid Rechtmad. Brigit’s three eighths, to
Proper Blessing of the Day by a wit, her birth on the eighth (of the month), her
Bishop only if present Dominica III veil on the eighteenth, her death on the twenty-
eighth (of the month).Also, eight Bishops [below]
[Third Sunday after Epiphany, or for the
The white-one from Liffey of the slopes,
Sundays after the Throne of Peter, which
daughter of Dubthach of Druim derg:
is not in the Pontificale of Egbert; note
tomorrow she goes quickly, so that from
that these are weeks leading up to Christ
her hand is Patrick’s bequest.
overcoming the tempter, Feb. 15/28.]
Eight Bishops came to Brigit out of Hui Briuin
May the Lord remove from you dangers of all
Cualann, i.e. from Telach na n-epscop to Loch
temptations, and may He mercifully exclude you
Lemnachta beside Kildare on the north. Brigit
from disturbances of gales. Amen.
asked her cook, Blathnait, whether she had food
May He dissolve all the frauds, indeed the
for the Bishops. She said not. Brigit was
exertions of the tempter, and make you cautious
ashamed: so the angel told her to milk the cows
and indeed invincible against him. Amen.
again. The cows were milked and they filled the
May He grant unto you continuous gifts of peace,
tubs, and they would have filled all the vessels in
and may He be satisfied to set you apart in a
Leinster, so that the milk went over the vessels
harbor that is tranquil and indeed secure. Amen.
and made a lake thereof, which is how Loch
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Lemnachta came to be called ‘New-milk Lough’.
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
A robber came to Dubthach, who took a
of ages. Amen.
joint out of the caldron for him, and he made five
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
pieces thereof, and gave them to Brigit to keep.
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
But a wretched hound came to her, and she gave
ever with you. Amen.
it the five pieces out of the caldron, and the five

pieces were then found in the caldron. That was When they drew nigh the place wherein Bishop
told to Dubthach, and then he gave to her and to Mel was biding Brigit told Mac caille that she
God the land, to wit, the site of an oratory in would take a veil on her head so that she might
Tuath da Maige. not come unveiled to the clerics; and that may be
A young cleric of the community of the veil that is commemorated here. Now after
Ferns, a foster-son of Brigit’s, used to come to reaching the clerics a fiery column flamed from
her with wishes. He was with her in the refectory, her head to the ridge of the church. Said Mac
to partake of food. Once after coming to caille: “This is the famous nun of Leinster, even
Communion she strikes a clapper. “Well, young Brigit.” “My welcome to her,” quoth Bishop
cleric there,” says Brigit, “hast thou a Mel: “‘Tis I,” quoth he, “that prophesied her in
soulfriend?” “I have,” replied the young cleric. her mother’s womb, and ‘tis I that will confer the
“Let us sing his requiem,” says Brigit, “for he has orders upon her.”
died. I saw when half thy portion had gone, that Once upon a time Bishop Mel came to
thy quota was put into thy trunk, and thou Dubthach’s house and saw Dubthach’s wife in
without any head on thee, for thy soulfriend died, grief. So the Bishop asked, “What is the matter
and anyone without a soulfriend is a body with the woman?” “Cause of grief I have,” she
without a head; and eat no more till thou gettest a says, “for dearer than I am to Dubthach is the
soulfriend.” bondmaid who is washing you.” “Thou hast
Amra Plea etc. a convent of Brigit’s good reason, “ says Bishop Mel, “for thy seed
which is on the brink of the sea of Wight, or the will serve the seed of the bondmaid.”
Tyrrhene (sea), and its Rule is that of Brigit’s “Why have the nuns come?” asked
community. It came to be in this manner: Brigit Bishop Mel. “To have the orders of penitence
dispatched seven persons to learn the Rule of conferred on Brigit,” says Mac caille. Thereafter
Peter and Paul, for God did not determine that the orders were read out over Brigit, and Bishop
she should go. And they brought not the Rule. Mel bestowed Episcopal orders upon her, and it is
So she sent eastward a third time, together with then that Mac caille set a veil on (her) head.
her blind boy, for everything he used to hear he Hence Brigit’s successor is entitled to have
remembered. When they reached the sea of Episcopal orders conferred upon her. [These are
Wight, a storm fell upon them, so they let down the orders of Abbess, with the power of
their anchor, which stuck on the peak of the jurisdiction over her own nuns and also over her
oratory. They cast a lot among them as to going churches and lands, but not Sacramental which
down, and it fell to the blind (boy). He loosed the would allow her to give Holy Communion.]
anchor, and abode there to the end of a year, So long as he was reading out the
learning the Rule, till the rest of the party came to Orders, thus was Brigit, with the foot of the Altar
him from Rome, and a storm fell upon them in her hand; and seven churches were burnt with
again in the same place, so they let down an that foot (in one of them); and it was not burnt
anchor, and the blind boy came up from below but it is served through the grace of Brigit [sed
with the Rule of Plea and with a beautiful bell, seruata est per gratiam brigitae.] Others say
and it is the Rule of Plea that abides today. [Dicunt alii] that in Fir tulach that church was, as
Now Brigit was fain to have the orders Bishop Mel declared:
of penitence conferred upon her; so she went to Beloved and little the month of dear February,
Bri Eile, accompanied by seven nuns, since she which comprises for us those festivals,
had heard that Bishop Mel was there. When they Brigit’s festival...
arrived, Bishop Mel was not there, but had gone Finntains’s festival which I have chosen.
into the district of the Hui Neill. So she fared Save great Mary, good her fame,
forth on the morrow with Mac caille before her as Mother of the Lord Jesus,
a guide to Moin Faithnig. Brigit wrought so that no... under heaven has been found
the bog became a smooth flowery plain for them. more wondrous than bright-white Brigit.

[Her pedigree in LL.347a. See the Liber may have been as a foster child, the old Irish
Hymnorum in Thes. Pal. Hib. II 328, 239. For system of education. When she was of age,
names of churches subject to Brigit, see LL. 353b Dubthath sought a husband for her, “a man of
and Lives of Saints from the Book of Lismore, p. chaste life, a poet.” (Bards at that time were of
336.] highest rank next to the king.) However, she
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: The chose a religious life as a Christian with seven
Dormition of Saint Brigita at fifty two years of other girls. They wore white home-spun wool
age. Derlugach; Beonni virgin; Cinni sac; (‘bainin’ tweed), the garment for Irish nuns for
Airennan moccu (m.h.) Foduibh. centuries, and made their vows before the
[It is easy for us today to dismiss pagan Bishops Mel and Macaille as the first formal
practices of St. Brigid's that continued for community of nuns in Ireland. St. Brigid was not
centuries, but these were given Christian meaning a solitary nor cloistered, but traveled constantly
and helped the people make a true conversion to on the Curragh of Kildare where the kings raced
the Christian Faith. The people of Ireland were horses, organizing convents everywhere. Feb. 1st
very grateful that they could show Irish prophecy was an old pagan holiday, Imbolc, [and Feb. 2 nd,
about the coming of Christ, just as the Greeks Candlemas or the Presentation of Christ in the
could show that their philosophers were seeking Temple, was a Roman pagan holiday called the
the “unknown God,” (Acts 17), an honest search Februarian Lustrations, a day of cleansing.] The
for truth. The God who is the only God of the fact that St. Brigid took over that day and drew
universe, the source of All Good and all power, all attention to Christian prayer in itself is a feat
certainly could be adored by a perpetual fire at among a people who were conscious of their
Kildare and the strength of the oak which was in history and culture. The name Brigid had been
the old Irish tree alphabet, the letter “D” which the name of a pagan goddess of fire and song,
stands for “Deus” - God. The symbols had been and some such as the archeologist Macalister and
transformed, and to the Irish, these symbols the writer J.F. Kenney speculate that Brigid and
helped the Irish to accept the Christian Faith both her seven girls were vestal virgins who
intellectually and very personally, just as St. transformed their group into a Christian convent,
Demetrius’s oil meant a great deal to the Greeks. Brigid retaining her former name. The term
Often people who look at another culture find “Kildare” means “Church of the Oak.”
objectionable practices, but these things have Brigid gave everything she could to the
acted as a bridge to bring thousands to Christ.] poor. When she gave her father’s best sword to a
St. Brigid of Kildare, or St. Bride, is one leper, her father was enraged, but she said it was
of the favorite Saints of Ireland, after the Blessed fitting that his best sword be given to God. The
Virgin Mary and St. Patrick. The name “Bride” pagan Dubthach threatened to sell her to the king
was carried by Irish missionaries everywhere, of Leinster, but the king was already Baptized;
and came into the English language because those he said, “Leave her alone, her merit before God is
“Knights of Chivalry” for whom St. Brigid was greater than ours.” The king gave her the site for
patron began the custom of calling the girl they her convent at Kildare. Brigid also gave the rich
married their “bride.” Cogitosus (April 18th) and vestments of Bishop Conleth she had brought
Ultan (Sept 4th) wrote the earliest biographies of from Rome to a poor church that had no
her more than 100 years after her death. vestments. She gave a feast for visiting Bishops
Dubthach her father was a powerful pagan away to some poor who came begging, and the
nobleman of Leinster. One says her mother Bishops ate bread and bacon instead. Blathe
Brocessa daughter of Dalbronach was of noble (Jan. 29th) was in charge of Brigid’s kitchen. St.
parentage, and the other says she was a slave girl Brigid was trained in letters from childhood,
in Dubthach’s household banished to Raughart according to Cogitosus, and is said to have
near Dundalk in County Louth before Brigid’s composed a prayer in the Irish language now in
birth. Brigid’s early years in the home of a druid the Burgundian Library at Brussels.

Kildare was a great monastic center with to a Bishop was a Deacon, but of an
two cloisters, one for nuns and one for monks. administrative high rank, and often would have
Conleth was the Abbot-Bishop of the monastery, been promoted to the rank of Bishop, and
although Brigid herself had the rights of Abbess- therefore Priests would have looked upon Ursus
Bishop over all the lands, although not the as a leader.) Arianism never again came to that
Sacramental duties of a Bishop. The Kildare valley, and not even Calvinism made any
Gospels were inscribed with the most beautiful impression there in the 16th century (although the
designs. (This is now lost, but was seen in the heresies that lead to the Great Schism in 1054
12th century by Gerald Cambrensis who usually were adopted everywhere the Roman church had
maligned Ireland but declared that this book authority). The St. Ursus lime tree in the valley
could only be the work of angels.) was present at meetings of the council. The
St. Brigid reposed in A.D. 525, and was church at Aosta holds Missals and also relics of
enthroned in a casket of precious metals under a St. Ursus and others. The original church is in
golden crown to the right of the high altar. the crypt of the present church. Many churches
Tradition says that in 835 her remains were and hospitals in the area, and also in France and
translated to Downpatrick with Ss. Patrick and Switzerland are named after Ursus, including an
Colm cille for safety from the Danes. Three Irish altar at Turin. Near Aosta in Ivrea, a church was
knights in 1283 intended to go to the holy land once dedicated to Ursus and Brigit of Kildare.
but died in Lumiar in Portugal three miles from
Lisbon, and they were carrying the head of St.
Brigid. A chapel to St. Brigid is now there. Purification; Reception of
Brigid was also popular in Scotland in Mary’s Son in the Temple.
the sixth century: Nechtan-Mor made Brigid the
patroness of the Abernathy territory, which
Feb 2/15 Major Festival of the Lord,
continued in Brechan. She was also patroness of Candles Blessed.
many places in the Orkneys, and the Douglas The reception of Mary’s Son in the
family. There are many later dedications to St. Temple,
Brigid, including in England, where king John sure, inestimable:
had his parliament at St. Bride’s, the Parish where
Thomas-a-Becket was born. St. Bride’s became
a great host of gentle Martyrs
the center of printing in London at Fleet Street. with Findech of Dorn the excellent.
An office of nine lessons in her honor is found in Reception of Mary’s Son in the Temple.
some breviaries in Europe. Some European Reception etc. i.e. on Simeon’s forearms, i.e. on
chapels confuse her with Brigid of Sweden, but the 40th day Christ was brought to the Temple, to
have art dating before Brigid of Sweden was Simeon, according to the custom of the Law
alive, originally dedicated to St. Brigid of [secundum morem Legis.]
Kildare. Her popularity continued, but those who Great host of martyrs with Findech of
on the one hand may cause persecutions will Dorn the excellent. Finnech Duirn, of Cell
often on the other hand ask for intercessions from Finche in Ossory, i.e. of Ath Duirn buidi, i.e.
a Patron of those they persecute. Dorn called “Big Neck” in Mag Raigni. Or in
Also, Ursus of Aosta is today, who Hui Scellain of Sliab Mairge Finnech Duirn is, as
battled Arianism in Italy in the sixth century. He others think. Or Dorn Dinaisc was her father’s
was an Archdeacon at Aosta under Bishop name, i.e. whatever was bound upon him he used
Jucundus, but withdrew when the Arian Bishop to fulfill. Finnig daughter of Dorn is on Ossory.
Plocean succeeded Jucundus. Ursus left with a The role of the elder Symeon (also
few Canons (Archpriests) of the cathedral to the spelled Simeon) is told in The Life of the Virgin
church of St. Peter, later called the collegiate Mary, the Theotokos. He was one of the
church of Ss. Peter and Ursus. (An Archdeacon translators of the Septuagint, but kept alive by

God because of his doubt. Three hundred years conceal the truth in the Scriptures by their
old, he was present in the temple when Jesus was interpretation, separated them from each other,
brought, and said, Luke 2:29-32, “Now let Thy and commanded them all to make their own
servant depart in peace...” (St. Vincent of Lerins, translation. He did this with respect to all the
see May 24th, wrote about the Mother of God books. However, when they came together in the
being the Mother of Christ even when He was in same place before Ptolemy, and they compared
the womb.) St. Simeon accepted Christ as infant their translations among themselves, God was
as his Lord and God. And, he recognized the indeed glorified. The Scriptures were
importance of the Ever-Virgin Mary. acknowledged as truly divine, because all of them
The Septuagint - “The Book of the read out the same translation, in the very same
Seventy” is the Old Testament translation of the words and the very same names, from beginning
Bible into Greek from Hebrew that was accurate to end, so that even the Gentiles present
to the unchanged Hebrew before Christ. (The perceived that the Scriptures had been interpreted
Douay numbering and translation is close). by the inspiration of God... Thus the Scriptures
When the translation was being done, St. had been interpreted with fidelity.” St. Justin
Symeon was not sure about the verse in Isaiah, Martyr (died 165 A.D., see August 4th) said that a
“Behold a Virgin shall conceive,” [Isaiah 7:14], special building was built one mile away from the
and an unseen hand smote him and said, “Thou city, with separate rooms and attendants to insure
wilt behold Christ and will also hold Him in thy that each translator did not communicate with the
hands! Thou wilt not die till this has come to others. Even king Ptolemy concluded that the
pass.” When the group came to a river, St. translation which agreed word for word was done
Symeon took a ring from his finger and said “If with divine power, and he gave many gifts to the
the verse of Isaias is true, then I will receive my seventy, according to the historians Philo,
ring again!” The ring reappeared in a fish that Josephus and many others. In Egypt and
they purchased for that evening’s meal, and he elsewhere, except in Palestine, the Septuagint
believed the prophecy. was given the same honor as the original Hebrew
The translation called the Septuagint text, because of the miracle of its exact writing.
was made in the third century B.C. during the The Apostles and all the Christian Church
reign of Macedonian Ptolemy II “Philadelphus” referred to the Septuagint translation.
in Alexandria (286-246 B.C.) for those Jews who Around 90 A.D., scribes changed some
spoke Greek but no longer understood Hebrew. words of the Hebrew (not the Septuagint) to
Demetrios Phalerios, the librarian of the great obscure prophecy about the coming of Jesus
library of Alexandria asked the monarch Ptolemy Christ, the Messiah. (See Psalm numbering
to add a translation of the “Jewish laws.” before the Lectionary.) If our Lord Jesus Christ
Ptolemy sent an embassy to Jerusalem with a had delayed His coming until now, changing the
letter to Eleazar the high priest, requesting that Old Testament would be a terrible disservice to
six elders from each of the twelve tribes should any who might be waiting for the Messiah,
be sent to Alexandria. Eleazar was one of these confusing the prophecy, numerical and other
translators, and was also the teacher of the seven symbols. When words change, so does the
Maccabean sons of Solomonia. In 167 B.C. significance of the rest of the text. The Dead Sea
Eleazar, Solomonia and her sons were martyred Scrolls prove that the Hebrew was changed in
by King Antiochus Epiphanes (died 164 B.C.). Isaiah 7:14: modern Hebrew says, “a young girl
They translated the first five books of Scripture shall conceive,” the original Hebrew in the Dead
(the “Law), and also the Psalms and Prophets. Sea Scrolls said, “a virgin shall conceive.”
St. Irenaeus of Lyons (130-236 A.D.) Therefore, the translations of the
wrote about Ptolemy, “wishing to test them [the Septuagint, in Greek, Latin, or English, are the
seventy elders] individually, and fearing lest they best books to study Old Testament Scripture, and
might perchance, by taking counsel together, for the Psalms in prayer.

Blessing of Candles and Lamps. immense clemency that we might proclaim by her
(Before the Liturgy.) veneration and achieve Thy satisfaction through
A candle in holder or lamp is set on a Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the
table, to one side of the Altar with Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
candles for the year including smaller Collect Before the Epistle
candles which are to be distributed Hear us O Lord Holy Father , Almighty God Who
during the blessing. The Priest stands wast pleased to illumine the whole world from
facing the candle and the Altar. Holy the shelter of the womb of blessed Mary. We
water is sprinkled on the candles and the suppliants pray to Thy Majesty that although we
congregational candles are distributed. are not adequate in accomplishments by her
The Priest lights the lamp or candle from Motherhood and Protection may we be deserving:
a taper lit from the Sanctuary lamp; or We, Thy servants, beg Thee, O Lord, that we may
flint (lighter), if the Paschal fire has not enjoy the joys of Blessed Mary whose acts blots
been preserved, as he says: out the hand-writing of our sins through her
Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Eternal God, be child, Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee
pleased to bless and sanctify this fire which we, and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
unworthy ones, receive, through the Incarnation Epistle Heb 7:7-26 (Feasts of Mary Eph 6:1-9)
of Thine only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus (Levi paid tithes to Melchisedech
Christ Whom we remember today as He was through Abraham, so our Lord coming
presented in the Temple and remember that from Judah is not without tradition.
through the prophetic Spirit Thou taught Symeon Christ is “not according to the law of a
to await and bear in his arms the Newborn Who carnal commandment, but according to
is Thy Salvation prepared before the face of all the power of an indissoluble life.” St.
peoples, a light of revelation to the nations and Paul quotes Psalm 109. Other priests
the Glory of Thy people Israel. We ask Thee to were many because of death, but Christ’s
be pleased to bless this light and bestow that Priesthood is everlasting. “For it was
True Light of Thy Majesty unto this assembly fitting that we should have such a high
who remembers so that those who are ignorant of Priest, holy, innocent, undefiled,
Thee may come by the virtuous way unto Thee separated from sinners, and made higher
Who art the Glorious Perfect Trinity throughout than the heavens.” See Thursday after
all ages of ages. R. Amen. XI Pentecost: Galatians 4:21-31, and
The flame is passed to the also Galatians 4:4-6. “...God sent His
congregation’s candles, the table is Son, made of a woman, made under the
moved aside, and the Mass begins, using law...” not an immaculate conception,
Propers for the Birthgiver of God. but a woman who is chosen, “That He
Mass: the Reception of our Lord: might redeem them who were under the
Old Testament: Isaiah 8:13-18 law: that we might receive the adoption
(and Feasts of St. Mary Exodus 19:7-12) of sons. And because you are sons, God
(“Sanctify the Lord of Hosts Himself: hath sent the Spirit of His Son into your
and let Him be your fear, and let Him be hearts, crying: Abba, Father.”)
your dread. And He shall be a Gradual and Alleluia entire Psalm 135
sanctification to you...” a rock of 135 (Heb. 136) Confitemini Domino. Praise
stumbling, refers to Christ.) the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth
Introductory Collect for ever.
Almighty and eternal God Who wast pleased by (Sequence. Following the Jewish law,
the joining of Thy Word to earthly members praising God. An Alleluia may be taken
through truly venerable Mary, we beg for Thy from the last two verses.)

Gospel Luke 2:22-40 (Feasts of St. Mary Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
Luke 2:41-49) (The Presentation. St. Dangerous Prayer”)
Simeon says, “Now thou dost dismiss [Use the Post Sanctus for Apostles,
thy servant, O Lord, according to thy Martyrs, Saints or Virgins in the Missal.]
word in peace; because my eyes have Proper Blessing of the Day by a
seen thy salvation, which Thou hast
Bishop only if present
prepared before the face of all peoples: a
light to the revelation of the Gentiles, In Purificatione Sanctae Mariae. Benedictio
and the glory of thy people Israel.” And May Almighty God Who wast willing that on this
to St. Mary, “Behold this child is set for day, His Only-begotten Son be presented in the
the fall, and for the resurrection of many temple in the flesh He assumed; may He make
in Israel, and for a sign which shall be you, who are supported by His blessing to be
contradicted, and thy own soul a sword adorned with good works. Amen.
shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, And may He Who was willing to undergo the
thoughts may be revealed.”) ministrations so that the law might be fulfilled,
(In the Sermon, explain the Confraction. open your minds to His law though spiritual
Also, announce: tomorrow is Blasius or documents. Amen.
Blaise, Bishop Martyr, and traditionally, May He for Whom spotless turtle doves were
on his day are throat blessings.) offered, strengthen you by His Charity, and may
you rejoice for the progeny of the of the doves: of
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
spiritual gifts. Amen.
the Preface) Always said aloud. May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
O Lord, may the Holy Spirit Who filled the without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
viscera of blessed Mary with the truth of His of ages. Amen.
splendor, be pleased to take up the gifts set forth May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
upon Thine altar through our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit ever with you. Amen.
throughout all ages of ages. Confraction arrangement for the
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Deigenitrix (In the Missal.)
(Preface in the Roman Rite) 8 Particles for the Virgin Mary and Holy
It is truly worthy and just O Almighty God Who Martyrs. [The Upper Central Particle is for the
hast taught us to serve by wonders the Mystery Celebrant.] Eight Particles of the Host
and by the indescribable, the Sacraments through of the Holy Martyrs as an image of the
Venerable Mary, in whom chastity remained octenary New Testament; [This has two
intact, modesty unbroken, conscience firm in that meanings: 1) The Eighth Day of
she knew she was the mother of her Lord, Jesus. Creation, the Resurrection of the Dead;
Wherefore more joy came to her who was made 2) The Eight Fold New Testament
joyful because of her burden: because the Virgin according to St. Athanasius: 4 Gospels;
conceived: because she bore the Lord of Heaven Acts and Epistles; Revelation; the
in the enclosed space of her vitals: because the “Didache”, the teachings of the Holy
Virgin bore a Son. O Great Clemency of Deity, Apostles; and Pastor of Hermas. Since
She who did not in truth change and was a the time of this Missal, the last two have
mother and after giving birth to a Son remained a been deleted from the Bible.] The Cross
Virgin. She was gladdened by two things: she is a two barred Cross arranged in the
was gladdened by the gifts: she was gladdened shape of a vesica, pictured in the Missal:
because, though a Virgin, she gave birth: she was four Particles in a column, two Particles
gladdened because she brought forth our on the right, and two Particles on the
redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ through Whom... left. See The Meaning of Icons by

Lossky and Ouspensky, about the icon 5 Feb / 18
“Our Lady of the Sign.” Icons of the Crucified was the body of Agatha,
Blessed Virgin Mary include an eight-
pointed star on her veil, as she was the
the pure champion.
first after Christ to experience the With bright Jesus
Resurrection of the Dead, the Eighth she hath much good therefore.
Day of Creation. Agatha, Virgin Martyr (crucified), d.
Post Communion 251. She came from Sicily, either from Palermo
We beg Thee O Lord, attend to Thy faithful ones or Catania, and was Martyred in Catania.
that by the intercession of Blessed Mary who According to the Irish she was crucified, but
faithfully assumed Him in mind and body He according to other sources she was severely
protect that which he was pleased to establish tortured. Her prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit kept her alive and healed her after each torture,
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. until finally she prayed that the Lord receive her
soul and then breathed her last. (Her ability to
3 Feb / 16 stop lava may have been due to the last torture:
which was that her body was “rolled naked over
May they always protect us fully live coals mixed with broken potsherds.” Other
against every misery, than Oengus, Butler’s Lives of the Saints says,
the fair modest host of Felix, “Her name occurs in the Calendar of Carthage (c.
of Symphronius! 530), and in the “Hieronymianum,” and her
(Blasius, or Blaise, Bishop Martyr d, praises were sung by Venantius Fortunatus
316, Throat blessings done using crossed candles. (Carmina, viii, 4)... She is depicted in the
Healer; patron of wool combers.) Of Blasius procession of the Saints at Sant’ Apollinare
Bishop and Martyr, and Caelfind a virgin and Nuovo at Ravenna [an ancient church built by the
Cuanan Abbot of Mag bile, and Colman son of emperor Justinian]. As an attribute in art her
Dua, and Laurentinus a Martyr on this day. breasts, which were cut off [in torture], are often
Felix and Symphronius shown on a dish. These in the middle ages were
Also, St. Ives, Hia or Iia in Cornwall often mistaken for loaves, and from this a
today, fifth century. She came from Ireland in the practice seems to have arisen of blessing bread on
company of Fingar, Piala and others. She lived a St. Agatha’s feast which is brought on a dish to
life of prayer and austerity in her cell near the the altar. As in Sicily she was credited with the
mouth of the Hayle river; her name is on the power of arresting the eruptions of Mount Etna,
promontory there. (Fingar and others were put to so she is invoked against any outbreak of fire.
death. See Dec. 14th.) Whether because warning of a fire was given by a
bell, or because the molten metal in the casting of
4 Feb / 17 a bell resembles a stream of lava, the guilds of
bell-founders took St. Agatha for their patroness.
Sempronius and Magnus, Two sixth-century churches in Rome were
Gelasius thou shouldst know: dedicated in her honor, and she is named in the
German a noble Martyr, [Celtic and Roman] canon of the Mass.” The
Cuanna pious, holy. name “Agatha” is Greek and means good, kind,
St. Gelasius, Pope (thou shouldst know or simple. A large number of people of Greek
because of the Canon in the Mass that we hear descent have been in Sicily from ancient times.
every week). (Also see St. Lucy tomorrow.)
Cuanna of Lismore, pious, holy Buo may be on this day. He died around
[Translator’s note: Perhaps the Cuanu mac 900 A.D. Buo and Ernulph Christianized the
Cailchin, whose pedigree is in LL. 347b.] Norse when they came to Iceland. Arngrim

Jonas, an Icelandic writer, says that Helgo, a might have been difficult to reach. By the time of
Northman in the 9th century, allowed an Irish Augustine of Canterbury, Irish were invited to
exile Ernulph to build a church with his religious stay at Lindisfarne and all over England, and
family at Esinberg, dedicating the church to St. most Saxons were not hostile to Christianity.)
Colm cille. Helgo also mentions Buo as another Also today: Vodoaldus, d. 725, an Irish
missionary in the same province. Norwegians missionary recluse near Soissans in France.
“discovered” Iceland in 860, but found Irish
books, bells and staffs already there. Irish place 6 Feb / 19
names are on Iceland. St. Brendan the Navigator Andreas, high his rank!
describes Iceland in the Navigatio, and in 825 the
geographer Dicuil in his De Mensura Orbis
Bishop Mel, a diadem of the Kingdom.
Terrae says about the summer solstice “certain Lucia with splendor,
clerics who remained on the Iceland Island from whom thousands moved not.
the first of February until the first of August.” Andreas (Bishop), high his ordination,
Indract is also today, an Irish prince and i.e. in Patras, where he suffered, i.e. ordination of
twenty-first Abbot of Iona who was Martyred Andrew in Achaia. (Probably not the Apostle
near Glastonbury in England in 854 A.D. Indract Andrew.)
ruled Iona when Norse pirates were a great Bishop Mel, of Ardachad in Tethba,
danger. Blathmac or Blaithmac (Jan. 19th) had Bishop Mel, then, Darerca, one of Patrick’s five
already been Martyred on the altar steps in 825. sisters, was Bishop Mel’s mother, as a poet said:
The “minda” which were things connected with Lupait and Tigris the severe, as thou hast
St. Colm cille had moved back and forth from recounted, and Richell,
Ireland several times. Kenneth McAlpin had Darerca and Liamain of the mantles, took a secret
taken relics of St. Colm cille to Dunkeld in place without neglect:
Scotland and made that the chief church there. those (are the) names at ranges of...(?), of the
The Iona brethren had mostly gone to Kells in sisters of Patrick of the chief churches.
Ireland. Indract, his sister Drusa and other Seventeen Bishops were born of Darerca,
religious made a pilgrimage to Rome. (They including Bishop Mac carthinn of Clochar and
possibly began in Cornwall or Somerset.) When Bishop Mel, and two virgins, as (the poet) said:
they were returning, they were murdered near Gifted (was) Darerca’s family for tendance;
Glastonbury by pagan Saxons. Glastonbury seventeen Bishops of them over main-sea, two
added the relics of Indract and his companions to perfect virgins.
its spiritual heritage. Glastonbury was a church These are the virgins: Aiche and Lalloc, as hath
and monastery dedicated to the Mother of God, been said:
where St. Joseph of Aramathea had come in the Devout Aiche who loved triduans: she raises the
first century, some say with the Holy Grail. Irish dead:
who settled the western area of Britain had stayed Lalloc from Sen-lis behind Badbgna magnifies
at Glastonbury in the fourth century. It was lepers.
visited by Ss. Patrick, Benignus, and Brigid. Lucia whom thousands moved not: many
Irish churches were built there, such as “Beokery, thousands were unable to move her.
or Little Ireland,” and a church dedicated to the Lucy was in Sicily in the city of
Blessed Virgin and St. Patrick. Lives of Saints Syracuse, and she was promised in marriage.
were collected there. Before they finalized the marriage, she went
(See St. Cuthbert, March 20th: although with her mother Eutichia to the city of
Bede complains that the Britons made no effort to Catinensius to the relics of Saint Agatha to
convert the Saxons, the Irish did make the effort, entreat her for her mother, who was fatigued for
but the event of the Martyrdom of Indract and seven years by an issue of blood. And her mother
companions shows it is possible that the Saxons was freed of her malady as predicted, and Agatha

appeared to Lucia in her sleep, and she forswore Repose in 893 of St. Photios, Patriarch
the bed of her husband. Therefore her husband of Constantinople. The “Eighth Ecumenical
went to Paschasius the proconsul who went in Council” in 879-880, condemned the
Syracuse and told him everything, and the “Filioque” (Pope John VIII of Rome and all
proconsul said: "carry her off violently", but he Orthodox Patriarchates participating), and also
was unable to move her by himself. But others condemned meddling in another Patriarchate.
with him sought to move her but the added (See Pope St. Leo the Great, Nov. 10th; there was
numbers were still unable to move her even up to as much Greek meddling as Roman, but after the
a hundred. Therefore a thousand were called even Council of Chalcedon, both Rome and
to many thousand and even many yoke of bulls Constantinople sometimes acted as though they
were brought and they could not move her from were the only valid churches, placing their
her place, so she was slain by a sword. [See Bishops in other Sees.) St. Photios also defended
weights: St. Bartholomew in Italy.] the new church in Bulgaria from being taken over
[Lucia enim in Sicili[a] fuit in ciuitate by Rome, defending the Byzantine Rite over the
Siracusanorum, et ipsa uiro disponsata est, (later Alcuin's) Latin Rite. Alcuin died in 804,
contigit quidem antequam conuenirent ut ueniret and although he had been a student of Bishop St.
cum matre Euticia in ciuitatem Catinensium ad Egbert of York, he ignored and betrayed his Irish
[A]gatham, ut rogaret eam pro matre, quae per training to embrace the “Filioque,” see
septim annos fatigata est in fluxu sanguinis, et Hermenegildo, Nov. 1st. Alcuin was told by
mater liberata est peste predicta, et apparuit Charlemagne to provide a Latin Rite, and finding
Agatha Luciae in somnis et ipsa spreuit talamum almost no Propers or Lections in Roman (not
sponsi. Deinde abiit sponsus ad Paschasium Irish) sources of his time, he invented a
proconsulem qui in urbe Siracusana erat, et Lectionary which scattered all the Psalms and
narrauit ei omnia, et proconsul dixit: tolle eam Lections, and then named this the “Gregorian
uiolenter, et ille solus non potuit mouere eam, sed Rite,” although it had nothing to do with Pope St.
alios secum duxit ut eam moueret, et additus est Gregory. That “Gregorian Rite” would have been
numerus trahentium ad centum, sed non that Rite that St. Photios complained about when
mouerunt eam. Deinde ad mille et postea ad he said that the Romans had reduced their
multa milia, et multa paria boum ducta sunt, et Liturgics. (Only a few churches in Rome were
non potuerunt eam mouere de loco suo, sed illic allowed to retain earlier Rites, such as the
gladio percussa est.] Patriarchate of Milan keeping the Ambrosian
[A wife who would not submit to her Rite, and Lyon keeping the Lyonese Rite, both
husband was not only subject to divorce, but similar to the Irish.)
often was carried off to a brothel. St. Lucy did
not move, and instead of being carried off, was 7 Feb / 20
Martyred.] A St. Lucia is celebrated in the
Mellan of noble Inis maccu Cuinn,
Roman Rite on Dec. 13th, and in the Celtic Rite
another St. Lucia is on that date, who was put in thou shouldst beseech him:
boiling oil; she did not die, but was Martyred by Lomman, a vigorous lamp,
the sword under the emperor Diocletian. Loch Uair’s lofty pillar.
St. Mel, one of 17 sons and daughters of Mellan of noble Inis maccu Cuinn
Conis and Darerca. Mel was first Abbot-Bishop Mellan, from Inis maic hui Cuinn on
of Ardagh in Longford. By mistake he read the Loch Corrib in the west of Connaught.
Episcopal Consecration over Brigid (Feb. 1st), but Lomman, vigorous lamp, Loch Uair’s
insisted it must be the will of God. St. Mel’s lofty pillar, in Meath. Lomman, from Inis mor of
Crozier was covered with a bronze reliquary in Loch Uair is Lomman of Tech Lommain at Loch
the 9th century; an oaken core is the original Uair: of Inis Mor of Loch Uair in Meath.
Crozier. It is St. Mel’s College at Longford. Lomman of Loch Uair in Meath, and Lomman of

Loch Gile, son of Dallan, son of Bresal, son of Old Testament: Isaiah 49:8-26
Maine, son of Domnall, son of Eochaid, son of (“In an acceptable time I have heard
Fiachra, son of Cairbre Lifechar. thee... That thou mightest say to them
Also, note on March 9th: Brigit daughter that are bound: Come forth... They shall
of Doma in Mag Liphi cp. Feb. 7th. feed in the ways, and their pastures shall
Also, Tressan, sixth century, who with be in every plain... They shall not
his brother Gibrian (May 8th) missionized in the hunger, nor thirst... I am the Lord that
area around Rheims in the forest near the Marne save thee, and thy Redeemer the Mighty
in France, with the permission of Archbishop One of Jacob.” As in Holy Communion.)
Remigius. The family of brothers and sisters Introductory Collect
were all missionaries, including the brothers O God Who preserves us by ruling and justifies
Gibrian (May 8th), Tressan of Avenay (Feb. 7th), by being merciful, save us from the tribulations
Helan, Germanus (not the earlier Germanus of of this time and pour out eternal joy upon us,
Auxerre), Veron, Abramus, Petron and the sisters through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Franchia, Promptia, and Possena. There are Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
parishes of St. Gibrian, St. Helan, St. Vran, ages. Amen.
Abraham, Strand and a grotto of Petron. Collect Before the Epistle
O God, the teacher of those who hope in Thee,
III after Throne of St. Peter absolve us from all our depraved entanglements
(The Sunday of the week beginning on or after and do not be satisfied that we remain bound by
Feb 1/14, unless Pre-lent has begun). Use the any chains of iniquity, so that the Source of all
Propers of the fifth Sunday in the cycle of six peace may henceforth be the Source of a healthy
Sundays in Pentecost. freedom through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Often, this Sunday or a previous Sunday after the reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Throne of Peter is replaced by Sexagesima. Do throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
not combine Sundays. If Pre-lent has begun, skip Epistle Colossians 3:12-17 (Being Christian:
these Lections and Propers. In some cases the List of virtues, right worship. Pray
cycle of six Sundays may need some adjustment. without ceasing, “All whatsoever you
In that case, this is done around the Sundays of do in word or in work, do all in the
Epiphany and the Throne of St. Peter, not during Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving
the Sundays of Pre-Lent: Sexagesima and thanks to God and the Father by Him.”)
Quinquagesima. If any changes in the cycle are Gradual Psalm 20 (Heb. 21) Domine in
made, the jurisdiction must decide that, but these virtute. In Thy strength, O Lord
prayers, once assigned, and said with conviction (Verse 14 may be used for the Alleluia.)
and fervor, not as an arbitrary set of prayers. They Gospel Luke 14:1-15 (Jesus heals a man with
are worthy to say and to meditate upon. dropsy on the Sabbath, and reminds
Repeating or skipping a Sunday in the cycle of them that an ox or ass would be saved on
six Sundays is less important at this time of year. the Sabbath day. Also, sitting with one
Note: the theme of time being a sign of foolish of the chief of the Pharisees at dinner,
turning from God is indicated by the Feast of Jesus tells the Parable of the invited, and
Fools at the Roman New Year, and also seems to says to sit at the lowest place so that the
be repeated by the winter fast and the temptation host may say to go up higher. Also, do
of Christ near this time. The Matins Resurrection not call your friends to dinner, or they
Gospels are assigned backwards from Pre-Lent, might repay you, but call the poor and
and forward from the Sundays of Pentecost from those who cannot repay. One of the
the previous year, being adjusted at the end of the Pharisees said, “Blessed is he that shall
winter fast. eat bread in the kingdom of God.”)

Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of Post Communion
the Preface) Always said aloud. In prayer we ask for Divine mercy so that these
Hear, O Lord, the prayers of those who make the health-creating Sacraments which have been
offering: receive the Sacrifices; forgive sins; taken into our bodies may purify our souls, and
through the intercessions of the Saints, permit our our bodies, and may they encourage bodies and
dear ones who sleep in Christ refreshment in the hearts unto hope for Heaven, Through our Lord
land of the living, Through our Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio 8 Feb / 21
(Preface in the Roman Rite) (Onchu), the splendid descendant of the
It is worthy and just, equal and just for us, here sage,
and everywhere, to give thanks to Thee, Holy his speech was concerning Christ.
Lord, the Father Almighty, Eternal God, Who art Fiachra was a manly man,
a loving Father to us. Thou remainst Lord by
Thy Power because Thou wast pleased to adopt
the wondrous Abbot of Clonard.
Onchu (Haue), splendid descendant of
as Sons those whose Progenitor had made them
the sage, i.e. Onchu: or ‘Ternoc strong his
servants and, by Heavenly regeneration, raised to
profit’ (is another reading). To the east of the
life those whose earthly conception had
Barrow he is, i.e. from Congbail of Glenn Suaide,
consigned them to death . Thee O Almighty God,
the name of the river.
All the Angels Hymn, Saying:
Descendant of the sage, etc., i.e. Onchu
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
his name: in the oratory of Relic na n-aingel (the
Bishop only if present Dominica III Angels’ Graveyard) in Cluain mor Maedoc he is.
[Third Sunday after Epiphany, or for A good poet was he, and to this he gave heed, to
the Sundays after the Throne of Peter, collect the relics of Ireland’s Saints. He used not
which is not in the Pontificale of Egbert; to stay in any church without some of (the
note that these are weeks leading up to Saint’s) relics being given to him. So that he had
Christ overcoming the tempter, Feb. a great shrine of the Saints’ relics which he had
15/28.] collected. Now he went to Cluain mo Maedoc -
May the Lord remove from you dangers of all i.e. Maedoc hua Dunlaing of Leinster, and not
temptations, and may He mercifully exclude you Maedoc of Ferns. Maedoc happened to be alive
from disturbances of gales. Amen. before him. “Somewhat of thy relics (cut) off the
May He dissolve all the frauds, indeed the for me, O cleric, that they may be along with
exertions of the tempter, and make you cautious these relics.” “That is hard,” says the cleric. “It
and indeed invincible against him. Amen. is to be done, however,” says the poet. So the
May He grant unto you continuous gifts of peace, cleric cuts off his little-finger and gives it to the
and may He be satisfied to set you apart in a poet. Then the cleric is pained thereby, and he
harbor that is tranquil and indeed secure. Amen. declared: “What thou hast collected,” says he,
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain “will be here, and thine own relics also.” And
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages this has been fulfilled. [This is similar to the story
of ages. Amen. of Cormac and Colum cille - see June 21 st.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Cormac had a more difficult punishment.]
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Splendid descendant of the sage, i.e. in
ever with you. Amen Cluain mor Maedoic he is, i.e. of Connaught is
Confraction arrangement for Sunday: he. ‘Tis he that collected the Saints’ relics in the
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays. oratory of the grave-yard of Cluain mor Maedoic.

Fiachra, Abbot of Iraird (Clonard ?), i.e. this Conall was Cairech Dergain, and an own-
from Iraird in Hui Drona in Leinster he is, and brother of hers was Enda of Aran, one of the
my Colmoc of Cluain Iraird, i.e. in Ard na sruithe three athlaechs of Erin (laymen who became
in Hui Drona. monks in their old age - see April 5th).
Fiachra son of Colman, son of Eogan, Dairech Dergain was said of her
son of Baetan, son of Ailill, son of Buibne, son of (because) she was once searching the head of her
Mael-duin, son of Finan, son of Ailill, son of brother Enda, and it happened that an accusation
Muredach, son of Imchad, son of Colla fochri, was made against the brother. That is told her, so
son of Eochaid Doimlen. thereat she blushes, so that from the blame and
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: the blushing (imdergad) she is called Cairech
Colman moccu Telduib; Fiachra Abbot of Irard; Dergain.
Mac Liac Bishop of Liathdruim; Cere holy Ronan, Bishop, the royal, i.e. of Les mor
virgin; Hua ind the grandson of the poet i.e. Mochutu. Ronan Find, son of Saran, son of
Onchu ‘who brought the holy relics;’ Ruidchi Colgan, son of Tuathal, son of Feidlimid, son of
virgin; Airdoni; Falbe i.e. Falbe of Erdam (or Feichine, son of Fiachra, son of Colla Fochri.
Erdoim, or Erdaim); Ternoc Anchorite. From The Martyrology of Tallaght: from
Caurnani the wise and Cronan son of Nath Seman
9 Feb / 22 spoke or son of Netha; Dairech Dertain; Saint
Ronani of Less Mor; Moc[h]olmoc of Cluain
My Cuaroc of the wisdom,
Iraird; Priest Finne of Druim Licce.
a Saint that endured not reproach, Saint Odran is today. St. Odran was St.
Cairech Dergan the godly, Patrick’s charioteer, warned of danger, pretended
Bishop Ronan the royal. to be tired so that St. Patrick could take the reins.
Mo Chuaroc (My Cuaroc) the wise of Odran was killed by a lance while riding in the
Desi of Munster. place of honor, a lance meant for St. Patrick.
My Cuaroc, i.e. in the Desi of Munster Saint Alto today, an Irish missionary; his
he is, and in Leix beside Tech Mochua. This is Irish name unknown, founded a monastery in
why he is called “Mo-Chuaroc of the None” Bavaria, died A.D. 760. St. Alto was a
because he was the first to divide the celebration missionary hermit in the woods when king Pepin
of None, which was served with ceremonies and gave him a grant of land, and Alto founded the
prayers among the ancients. monastery and church Altomunster. Boniface at
In the Desi of Munster is he, who (is the dedication in 750 tried to prohibit women
also called) Cronan mac Nethsemon. from the church and monastery, but Alto insisted
Cairech Dergain the godly of Cluain that they be allowed to stay there, prohibited only
Bairenn in Hui Maine on the brink of the from the monk’s enclosure. (The Saints of Ireland
Shannon (river). She was a sister of Enda of says that the Celtic Rule forbids women, but
Aran. Cairech Dergain and Nes Ernaigthe (?) and almost every monastery founded by Irish monks
Caurcan and Duthrach: four daughters of had a convent next to the monastery. There were
Cormac, son of Enda, son of Cormac, son of many Irish still missionizing in the later times,
Fergus, son of Crimthann. but not included on this calendar, because later
Or Cairech Dergain, daughter of Conall Irish seminaries were taken over: after about 750
the Red, son of Damine Daim-argait (and) a sister forced to use Benedictine Rule, and after 800,
of Enda of Aran was she. It was that Conall the Charlomagne and Roman factions imposed the
Red who severed Lough Erne from Connaught, “Filioque” in the Creed. A few from the later era
and Dubthar from Leinster, and hunted the Ulaid had influence, but not as Saints because of the ad-
over Glenn Rige eastwards; and those are mixture of heresy. The “Filioque” goes against
Conall’s three manly deeds. Now a daughter of the Seven Ecumenical Councils, and led to the
Great Schism between the East and West.)

10 Feb / 23 upon us. However, since we have come for it, let
Fair star, offspring of victory, him be proved by us.” So first, he asks Etchen
for the ploughshare. He gives it to them at once,
mass of gold, lustrous pillar, and not the less did the oxen plough. “A good
Cronan the chaste, without reproach, man is the cleric!” say they. “Prove him still
bright sun of Glass Mar! more,” says Colum cille. He asks him for the
Cronan, Martyr, the chaste, fair star, outer ox. Etchen straightway bestows it on them;
offspring of victory, mass of gold, lustrous pillar, and Bishop Etchen ordered a stag which was in
without reproach, bright sun of Glasse Mare! the forest to do that work, and he does it
Cronan. Cronan, son of Mellan, of Glas forthwith. Then Colum cille, having proved the
mor in the Desi of Munster, or of Glas mor, a cleric, goes to him and tells him what he had
church that was beside Swords on the south. come for. “It shall be done,” says the cleric.
Foreigners of Inber Domnann came to it and Then sacerdotal orders are conferred on Colum
killed the whole of its community in one night. cille, and it was Episcopal orders that he wished
Or in Cluain cain in Bretach Ulad near Mor-glas to have. The cleric prays till the morrow. “That
is Cronan, and he is a brother of Molaisse of is a mistake, O cleric,” says Colum cille, “the
Devenish. of Glas mor, i.e. a desolate church to order that thou hast conferred upon me; and yet I
the south of Swords. will never change it so long as I am alive. In lieu
St. Scholastica, sister of St. Benedict of that, now, no one shall ever come to this
(Mar. 14 ). church to have orders conferred upon him.” And
this is still fulfilled. Bishop Erc, son of Maine
the poet, son of Fergus, son of Corp, son of
11 Feb / 24
Fergus, son of Fothad; and Bishop Aedan, son of
My Gopnat with pure goodness, Maine; and Coemgein, son of Coemlug, son of
as to God’s love was opulent: Coimedais, son of Corp.
Bishop Ethchen the loveable [Conaire appears today and Jan 5th.]
likes to be cried to continually. From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Mo Gopnat (My Gopnat), Virgin, pure Mogoboc or Raith lamraige of the same name
goodness, nun from Muscraige Mitaine, and and Goban. Lappani son of Ciarain; Luchta of
Ernaide. My Gobnat from Muscraige Mitaine, Ath Ferna; Dubani Priest; Iarlaithi; Senachi
i.e. a sharp-beaked nun, Ernaide is the name of Priest; Etchani Bishop; Gobnat of Ernaide in
the place in which she is. Or Gobnat of Bairnech Muscraige Mitine; Finnani Bishop of Mag Bile
in Moin Mor in the south of Ireland, of the race (Movilla) or finnian of Cluain Iraird.
of Conaire is she: a virgin of Conaire’s race. Gobnait lived in County Cork, Munster,
Etchen, i.e. in Cluain fota Baetain in Fir and was born in County Clare. From the Aran
bile. Ethchen, Bishop the lovable, from Cluain Islands at Inisheer, she set out at the bidding of an
fota Baetain aba in Fir bili, is in the south of angel for “the place of her resurrection.” Near
Meath, and of the Dal Mescorp of Leinster is he. Ballyvourney she found the spot by nine white
It is Colum cille that went to him to have deer grazing there. St. Abban was given a grant
Episcopal orders conferred upon him. of land and chose Gobnait to rule a convent. She
[Translator’s note: “As to making Bishops out of kept a plague away by marking off the entire
Deacons by jumping [over the grade of Priest] Parish as consecrated ground. She also got rid of
see Wb. 28c 8, on I Tim 3:13.] Then Colum cille an enemy by loosing her bees on them. Gobnait’s
sits under the tree to the west of the church, and beehive was a precious relic of the O’Herlihys
he asks where was the cleric? “There he is,” says who ruled that district. Gobnait means Honey
a man there, “on the ploughing-field below.” Bee, same as Deborah in Hebrew. Discarded
“Meseems,” says Colum cille, “it is not proper crutches in her churchyard show her continuing
for us that a ploughman should confer orders intercessions. (See Feb. 13th Ireland’s bees.)

12 Feb / 25 Bangor, Hymn 3, is another rare example of
Around Bishop Simplex was slain classical Latin poetry in an Irish manuscript.)
The verses of the ‘Carmen Paschale’ have an
a prime proven host. Irish structure and meter, according to Sigerson.
Damianus, a soldier, a diadem of According to The Saints of Ireland, this book has
Martyrdom, with fair children was been very popular to copy at all times from the 6 th
crucified. to 16th centuries, and was widely printed and
Simplex, Bishop, and a host of martyrs, translated in every European country but England
i.e. Modiuit, Bishop from Cell Modiuit. Around when the printing press was invented. Within the
the Bishop Simplex, i.e Modiuit, a Bishop from Carmen Paschale are many important catechisms,
Cell Modiuit in Hui Maini in Sogain. such as an explanation of the Lord’s Prayer, the
Damianus (Daman), i.e of Tech Damain strong belief in the Eucharist at the Last Supper,
in Hui Cremthennain. soldier, Martyr, and with and a hymn about the Blessed Virgin Mary
children companions: Daman, Lithgen, Miada, known as “Salve sancta parens,” used by itself.
Abban, Senchan, Duban, Toimdenach; seven in The entire Carmen Paschale was never
all, crucified. Mell, Coemgen’s sister, was their translated into English; the early 20th century
mother. Daman son of Laignech, son of Protestant translater Sigerson removing huge
Cainnech, son of Labraid, son of Cu-corp. sections: anything about the Eucharist, some of
(Abban may have been named after a second the sections on the Virgin Mary, the Passion, etc.
century Martyr - see May 13th.) Sigerson failed to translate almost half of it, and
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Siatal mistranslated some, also failing to keep the verse
epi.; Aedh Cael son of Feradhaigh; Cronani; Saint lines in order, or he combines two or three into
Fethgnai; Lugaidh of Cuil Ruscach; Cumman of one, skipping lines that refer to the crucifixion,
Glenn Mona; Conine; Beologa; Finani son of etc. Or, he expands some lines giving two lines
Airennain; Aedhan of Cluain Dartada. of translation for only one in the original text,
Siatal or Siadal the Bishop, epigrapher, adding his own Protestant viewpoint, replacing
possibly “Sedulius” in Latin, named after the first the theology of the fifth century with a late
Scholar-Saint of Erinn, called Caelius Sedulius changling. This is a terrible disservice to the
(Heavenly Sedulius) by the Third Ecumenical “Heavenly Sedulius” who has been compared to
Council for writing the Carmen Paschale, the first Virgil and Milton, and from whom Milton
epic of Christendom, and other writings in about plagiarized many ideas (noted in Migne). The
A.D. 430. There are about 70 copies of the entire Latin Carmen Paschale, is widely available
‘Carmen Paschale.’ The epic poem is the length in the “Migne” Latin series, with commentary,
of a book, a catechism on the Orthodox Christian but in Latin. Although the poem was composed
faith, not only on the Resurrection, and explains in Latin, there are Greek puns interspersed,
grace. The Spanish writer Arevalus says that adding difficulties in translation, but worthwhile
Sedulius was a ‘gentile,’ meaning at that time to translate. [Every college and university should
outside the area of the Roman empire: outside the have at least the CD set of Migne Greek and
Romans, Greeks, Gauls, Spaniards, Syrians, or Latin fathers as a reference, but often one must
Africans. Sedulius was a poet who taught travel to a college or university which has these.]
philosophy in Italy and the founder of a school of Sedulius is noted by the eighth century
poetry in Athens, trained in poetics: Irish, and the Irish geographer Dicuil as “one of our own.” In
strict Greek and Latin poetry. His ‘Carmen the fifteenth century, the German writer Abbot
Paschale’ was written in strict classical Latin Trithemius of Spanheim, said that “Sedulius a
poetry, not in the Gaelicized Latin found in many Priest [although the Martyrology of Tallacht says
later Irish writings. See St. John Chrysostom, that Siatal was a Bishop], a Scot [from the north,
Nov. 25th, known for his poetic style. (The usually Irish] by nation, a disciple of Hildebert,
'Hymn of the Apostles,' in the Antiphonary of Archbishop of the Scots [a Germanizing of

Ailbe]... [who] left Scotia through love of Salve, sancta parens, enixa puerpera Regem,
learning and came to Gaul; then he traveled [verse 63]
through Italy and Asia; finally departing the Hail, holy Mother, thou who’st born the King
confines of Greece, he shone in the city of [Sigerson]
Rome.” See Ailbe Sept. 12th and Dec. 30th. Hail, Holy Mother, who in labor bore the King
Colgan identifies Hildebert with Ailbe. St. Fiacc [Maelruain]
is another trained bard-Saint, see comment Oct.
12th. St. Dallan Forghaill, Jan. 29th, another bard Qui coelum, terramque tenet per saecula, cujus
who was protected by St. Colum cille. [verse 64]
St. Columbanus of Luxeuil and Bobbio Who Heav’n and Earth upholds and everything
who had been trained at Bangor (see Nov. 23rd) [Sigerson]
wrote poetry in the seventh century that has been Who holds heaven and earth throughout the ages,
compared to the poetry of the Italian and whose [Maelruain]
Renaissance. However, poetry of the Irish
tradition, through St. Sedulius St. Columbanus Numen, et aeterno cumplectens omnia gyro
was the model for the later Italians, who only had [verse 65]
to copy their meter and insights. Embracing, is Eternal, Infinite!
The “Theological Orations” of St. [Sigerson]
Gregory Nazianzus (March 29th) follow a similar Divine will retaining the eternal circle of all,
order to the Carmen Paschale. St. Gregory [Maelruain]
Nazianzus was slightly earlier than Sedulius. It
was common to put great sermons (such as St. Imperium sine fine manet; quae ventre beato
Gregory Nazianzus's) to poetry as far as they [verse 66]
were able so that sermons would be remembered Thou, with a Virgin’s honor, the delight
and shared. (Some unworthy ideas have also [Sigerson]
been promoted through poetry and song.) The [Whose] reign endureth without end. Thou in thy
teachings of St. Gregory Nazianzus refuted the uterus [Maelruain]
heresies. Also see St. Gregory the Wonderworker,
Nov. 17th, who studied near Athens or Beiruit Gaudia matris habens cum virginitatis honore,
over a century earlier than St. Gregory [verse 67]
Nazianzus. Greeks studied Latin, just as those of Of Motherhood hast owned: there hath not been
the west studied Greek, and both were very glad [Sigerson]
to study the poetry of the other. have the Joy of a Mother with the honor of
A sample of Sigerson’s poor translation virginity [Maelruain]
of “Salve sancta parens” from the Carmen
Paschale is below, with Latin original beginning Nec primam similem visa es, nec habere
at verse 63 of Book II, Liber Secundus. Bishop sequentem, [verse 68]
Maelruain’s translation is under Sigerson’s. (The Thy like on earth, nor ever shall be seen,
original poetry of “Salve sancta parens” is not [Sigerson]
“politically correct,” but it reflects teachings that none before thee is seen thy like, nor none after,
refer to the Blessed Virgin Mary as “Theotokos,” [Maelruain]
“Deigenetrix,” “Parens,” or “Birthgiver of God”
from the Council of Ephesus. This idea did not Sola sine exemplo placuisti femina Christo.
lower the position of women, but it defined Christ [verse 69]
as truly God and truly man, coming from a Sole pleasing Christ, incomparable queen!
woman. Also see St. John Cassian, November [Sigerson]
25th, who helped in this definition in his seven Thou, without compare, the only woman who
books: On the Incarnation Against Nestorius. ) pleases Christ. [Maelruain]

13 Feb / 26 From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
In a little boat, from the east, Manchani of Maethail and his companions;
Sinach of Srath Irenn; Commani.
over the pure-colored sea,
St. Valentine, Priest Martyr. This date
my Domnoc brought- vigorous cry! on the secular calendar emphasizes romantic
- the gifted race of Ireland’s bees. love, because a Roman pagan holiday coincided
My-Domnoc (Mo Domnoc), (festival of with the day of St. Valentine. The pagan holiday
his decease), bringer of bees to Ireland from over seemed to uphold Baptism, but not the teachings
the sea in a little boat. From Tipra Fachtnai in the of Baptism in the Church which our Lord Jesus
west of Ossory. Christ taught us. Christians pray for the dead, but
The race of Ireland’s bees. [Translator’s we do not Baptize the dead or effigies of the
note: For the traditional account of the dead. Christians emphasize the Presentation in
introduction of bees into Ireland, see O’Donovan, the Temple on Feb. 2nd/ 15th, rather than Feb. 14th.
Battle of Moira, p. 34, note e, and Giraldus On every day we remember that God loves us,
Cambrensis, Topogr. Hib. i. c. 6, and see April 7th and we love God, but this is a spiritual love.
about Mo Domnoc.] [Mo-domnoc brought bees, Tomorrow is a much more important Feast date:
Finan Camm April 7th brought wheat, Declan July the date of Christ overcoming the temptations of
24th brought rye: from the glossator of Oengus for the devil, which deserves a special Divine
Finan Camm; all on the same boat to Ireland.] Liturgy: “Sing a Sunday’s celebration,” meaning,
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: say a Mass. Tomorrow Christ has overcome
Modimoc (or Modomnoc) of Tipra Fachtna (also temptation after His Baptism: and He has
May 18th); Domhangin (another name for clarified the meaning of Baptism. Today is the
Modomnoc or Modimmoc); Cruachnat at Ros Vigil of the End of the Winter Fast, and therefore,
Fachtna (Ros Raithe); Saint Darii; Sant Finani. today had some significance; unfortunately, the
The Saints of Ireland says that Domnoc Eve has taken over the actual Feast.
or Modomnoc was of the royal line of O’Neill,
studied under St. David of Menevia in Wales and
returned to become a solitary at Tibraghny in The End of the Winter Fast
Kilkenny. He cared for the bees at Menevia, and - early important Feast
when he departed they swarmed around his boat.
He tried three times to return them to their hives,
The devil tempts Christ and
but they would not. At last David blessed him flees from His presence.
and told him to be gone, bees and all. This was (Feb 15/ 28 Major Feast Day.)
the beginning of the production of honey in
monasteries Ireland. According to TSI the date
Sing a Sunday’s celebration
given is A.D. 500. (St. Gobnat, bees; Feb. 11th.) on the Feast of warlike Berach,
with the Passion of a vigorous host: the
14 Feb / 27 Son of God’s victory over His enemy.
In Valentine’s field, Marcellus has been Last day of the winter fast (Jesus’ fast).
tortured: The devil tempts Christ and then flees
from His presence. Last day of winter fast
in Christ’s kingdom have been planted (Jesus’ fast). [See St. Martin of Tours, Nov. 11th:
eighty fair champions. similar incidents confronting the devil. Also, an
Valentine, Priest Martyr (crucified). index of such incidents is listed there. Also see
Marcellus, Martyr and 80 others, June 17th second part: the devil praises God but
champions. “In the field of land in which laments that he can not be saved because he
Valentine was crucified, shreds and pieces were cannot bend his knees to God.]
made of Marcello.”

Sing a Sunday’s celebration, i.e. not than the physical spring, our souls are saved. The
superfluous is the Sunday’s celebration on this first Sunday of Pre-Lent contemplates the
Feast always, for there is always a Sunday’s Crucifixion, while the first Sunday in Lent
celebration on each chief festival in the years. contemplates the Resurrection. Psalms are daily
[This is a major Feast of the early Church.] only the week after Christmas and in Lent,
Berach the warlike, commemorated with culminating in Psalm 65 Douay numbering at
a Sunday Mass. With Berach’s Feast, i.e. Berach Pascha, according to St. Columbanus of Luxeil.)
son of Nemnann, son of Nemangen, son of Include in a sermon the explanation of
Findtan, son of Mal, son of Dobaid (?), son of the three temptations after the Gospel, which is
Oengus, son of Erc the Red, son of Brian, son of an analysis by a desert father.
Eochaid Muigmedon. A fortnight before spring is The Prologue of Oengus, of the Felire
his festival, and in the desert (hermitage?) Of (Martyrology) also fits today and Monday I Lent.
Cenel Dobtha is Connaught he is, i.e. in Cluain Mass: Son of God's Victory
Coirpthi. An angel said this stave, and whoever
Old Testament: Isaiah 58:1-14
recites it at the hour of death will not be a dweller
in hell: (Whole chapter. Today is the end of
Jesus’ fast. God speaks to Isaiah about
Berach and Mo-choem, pleasant was their
fasting, which should not be done for a
day to get attention from God on high,
whoever entreats them at death’s lips will not go but rather to give charity. The Celtic
to death, i.e. to hell. Rite, in the Litany of St. Martin of
Today is often in Pre-Lent or Lent, Tours, asks God to loosen the chains of
always after the third Sunday after the Throne of sin: to free us from the prison the devil
Peter. (Many continued the winter fast into the tries to make for us. If all is done in
spring, Lent, fast. Relax the fast today.) The charity, not for selfish purposes, "Then
Lections and Psalm remind us that the fast of shalt thou be delighted in the Lord, and I
Lent is not optional. Today, the Lections and will lift thee up above the high places of
Psalm 24 are the same as the Monday after the the earth and will feed thee with the
first Sunday of Lent. If the temptation of Christ inheritance of Jacob thy father." The
occurs within Lent, do the readings and Psalm of devil claims to give these rewards
the day as well. If it occurs on a Sunday in Pre- without any charity being given. Also,
lent or Lent, combine with the day's Lections. If in the time of the winter fast, called the
it occurs before Pre-lent or during weekdays of "terror time" by the Irish, poor people
Pre-lent, then only do the Lections and Propers would run out of stores of food, so it was
of the temptation of Christ today. Today's Psalm necessary that the church provide charity
fits this entire lesson. (Psalm 90 is on the tenth during the winter or these people would
Sunday of Pentecost.) die. There are many poor people today
The Temptation of Christ is an who need special help during the winter
introduction to Lent. Pre-Lent starts at months, and all year; it is not Christian
Sexagesima Sunday, with Psalm 21 Greek to take away their food and medicine.)
numbering. There is no Septuagesima; that was a Introductory Collect [Use the Proper for
later invention to extend Pre-Lent, probably after
Living Penitents in the Celtic Missal.
both the importance of the winter fast and the
Include names of those in the
Throne of St. Peter overcoming leprosy or the
congregation, any others, and especially
Roman persecutions of Christians along with
“those seeking to avoid temptation.”]
thousands of Martyrs, were forgotten. The theme
of Sexagesima is the Parable of the Sower and the Collect Before the Epistle [Use the
Psalm giving us an understanding that through Proper for Living Penitents in the Celtic
Jesus’ death and Resurrection: we have greater Missal. Again include the names.]

Epistle II Corinthians 6:2-15 (“For He saith: stones that they be made bread;’ with vainglory:
In an accepted time have I heard thee...” ‘If Thou art the Son of God cast Thyself down:’
referring to Isaiah 49:8, or III after with pride, when he showed him all the kingdoms
Throne of Peter, which is at this time. of the world and the glory of them and said; ‘All
St. Paul then gives another list of this will I give to Thee if Thou wilt fall down and
Christian virtues. St. Paul also says, worship me’ in order that He might by His
“Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. example teach us how we ought to vanquish the
For what participation hath justice with tempter when we are attacked on the same lines
injustice? Or what fellowship hath light of temptation as He was...” “...Nor could He
with darkness? and what concord hath who had vanquished gluttony be tempted by
Christ with Belial? Or what part hath fornication, which springs from superfluity and
the faithful with the unbeliever?” Do gluttony as its root, with which even the first
not try to share a burden with the devil, Adam would not have been destroyed unless
but rather to help the poor and needy.) before its birth he had been deceived by the wiles
Gradual [Sequence] Psalm 24 (Heb. 25) of the devil and fallen a victim to passion.” “Yet
Ad te Domini levavi. To Thee, O Lord, have I according to Luke, who places last that
lifted up my soul temptation in which he uses the words ‘If Thou
art the Son of God, cast Thyself down,’ we can
Gospel Matthew 4:1-11 “Then Jesus was led
understand this of the feeling of pride, so that the
by the spirit into the desert, to be earlier one, which Matthew places third, in
tempted by the devil. And when He had which, as Luke the evangelist says, the devil
fasted forty days...” Jesus overcomes showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a
the devil, and the devil flees from Him. moment of time and promised them to Him, may
Note that the desert fathers used this be taken of the feeling of covetousness, because
Lection to explain Adam's faults, and after His victory over gluttony, he did not venture
how we may overcome them. The to tempt Him to fornication, but passed on to
following is a longer explanation: covetousness, which he knew to be the root of all
(Sermon:) In the Conference of St. John Cassian evils, and when again vanquished in this, he did
with Abbot Serapion, Chapter VI, Abbot Serapion not dare attack Him with any of those sins which
explains why three particular faults were used as follow, which, as he knew full well, spring from
a temptation for both Adam and Christ: “For it this as a root and source; and so he passed on to
was right that He who was in possession of the the last passion: that is, pride, by which he knew
perfect image and likeness of God should be that those who are perfect and have overcome all
Himself tempted through those passions, through other sins, can be affected, and owing to which he
which Adam also was tempted while he still remembered that he himself in his character of
retained the image of God unbroken, that is, Lucifer, and many others too, had fallen from
through gluttony, vainglory, pride; and not their heavenly estate, without temptation from
through those in which he was by his own fault any of the preceding passions...” “For to the one
entangled and involved after the transgression of he said, ‘Your eyes shall be opened;’ to the other
the commandment, when the image and likeness ‘he showed all the kingdoms of the world and the
of God was marred. For it was gluttony through glory of them.’ In the one case he said ‘Ye shall
which he took the fruit of the forbidden tree, be as gods;’ in the other, ‘If Thou art the Son of
vainglory through which it was said “Your eyes God.’”
shall be opened,” and pride through which it was
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
said “Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and
evil.” With these three sins then we read that the the Preface) Always said aloud.
Lord our Saviour was also tempted; with gluttony [use the Ad Pacem for Living Penitents
when the devil said to Him: ‘Command these in the Celtic Missal, and again the

Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Confraction arrangement in the
(Preface in the Roman Rite) [Use the Missal: [Use 5 Particles of the Daily Host as
Dignum for Living Penitents from the the image of the five senses of the soul.
Celtic Missal, and again the names.] If it is a Sunday, then use the
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Confraction arrangement for a Sunday.]
Bishop only if present (Possibly one Post Communion [Use the Post Communion
of the Blessings for Pre-Lent or the first for Living Penitents.]
Monday at the beginning of Lent may be
used here, since the Gospel is the same Saints on the Calendar
as the first Monday in Lent.) Benedictio
in Die XL ad Vesperum (Vespers after through the year:
First Sunday in Lent, or Monday of In Advent (November 13th through
Great Lent:) December 24th), the Twelve Days of Christmas,
Unto Thy custodianship O Good Shepherd, for Epiphany Season and the Throne of St. Peter
thy flock of souls, Thou never sleepest and art Season, the Sundays are near the fixed calendar
never without watchful knowledge. Amen. days. But as soon as Pre-Lent begins, the
And neither day nor night shall they be fatigued Sundays may be weeks away, and therefore:
by terrors; the heavens shall stretch over them as As soon as Pre-Lent begins, the fixed
a canopy. Amen. calendar dates are in a separate section from
That the Lord command that all of them ever be the Sundays. Mark your calendar each year
preserved from the infestations of the enemy. with the dates of celebration of all major Saints
Amen. and Feasts. Use ribbon-bookmarks to refer to
And may peace grow in our habitations; may the Ordinary of the Mass, Sundays, and Fixed
quiet remain throughout. Amen. days. Many Fixed-days are important Feasts,
May he bless you from the heavens who through such as the Annunciation; check each week.
the Cross of His Passions redeemed you on earth, Through most of the year, minor Saint
unto Whom is the honor and the dominion and days are also moved to the nearest Tuesday,
the kingdom and the power unto ages of ages. Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday, so that a Saint's
Amen. festival is not celebrated on a fast day. In Holy
May the Blessing of God the Father and the Son Week and the week following Pascha, Feasts of
and the Holy Spirit descend upon you and remain Saints are moved to before Holy Week or after
with you always. Amen. Pascha. Lenten or Paschal readings are read
Ad custodiendum gregem tuum before the Saint day's. Feast days of our Lord
animarum pastor bone qui dormire / Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary do
nescis invigila. Amen. not move to the nearest non-fasting day.
Et ne diurnis atque nocturnis terroribus If there are no Propers or Lections for a
fatigentur. caelestia super eos velamenta Saint other than an Apostle, and it is a weekday
pr[a]etende. Amen. and not a Sunday, then the General Propers for
Ut tuti semper ab infestationibus inimici Saints may be used.
maneamus illesi. Amen. Sometimes it is necessary to group Saint
Et in habitaculis nostris pax uegetet days in order to be able to have a congregation
quiete permaneat. Amen. present. (The Irish held onto the Announcement
Ille vos benedicat de caelis qui per in Rome of the Transfiguration and the Dormition
crucem passionis suae vos redemit in of the Blessed Virgin Mary in January, because a
terris. cui est honor et imperium regnum congregation was always expected in church
et potestas in secula seculorum. Amen. when homes were cold and damp, but the actual
Benedictio dei patris et filii. Amen. dates in summer would still be celebrated too.)

In Lent, there are two important Feasts Peter, and is the Epiklesis used in the Celtic
with specific Lections and Psalms: St. Patrick on Orthodox Christian Church all year. The Throne
March 17/ 30, which is moved only if it falls of St. Peter could be called a translation or
during Holy Week or Pascha, (moved to the enthronement of relics, yet the Roman emperor
Saturday before Palm Sunday or just after St. Constantine was cured of leprosy by St. Peter’s
Thomas Sunday). The fast traditionally has relics, which led to the emperor’s conversion; and
always been relaxed on St. Patrick's day. the change in law made Christianity legal in the
The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Roman empire, overcoming the spiritual leprosy
Mary on March 25 /April 7 does not move, even of the persecutions of Christians. St. Peter was
if it lands on Holy and Great Friday or Pascha. Bishop first in Antioch; see the Chair in Antioch,
The fast is relaxed even if it falls on Holy and Feb. 22/ March 7 or 6, and that is not as major a
Great Friday, of course combining it with the Feast day, only because the Throne of St. Peter in
Hours of the Passion. The only possible Saint Rome focused on the victory of Christianity. The
commemoration in Holy Week and Pascha, other Psalm for St. Peter in Rome is the same as the
than a Hymn about Pascha written by a Saint, is Transfiguration, which focuses on Christ as God,
the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. transfigured before Saints Peter, James and John,
Do not feel limited in veneration of remembered again in winter in the dry churches.
Saints. Mark your calendar with all of the Lections and Propers of Celtic Pre-Lent
important Orthodox Saints. Every day of the make sense when they begin on Sexagesima,
year there are several to thousands of Saints in including the Prophecy and order of the Psalms.
the Martyrology of Tallaght and other calendars. During Lent the “Gradual and Alleluia”
Some of the major Saints should be included. are usually read together in a Sequence. The
Veneration may include a Liturgy, but it may also prayers that the Priest reads at the Gradual and
include petitions for intercessions with the rest of Alleluia are read together after the Sequence.
the petitions of the day; and reading any Lections. In case of a late Pascha, it is possible to
Celtic dates are different in many cases from borrow Sundays after the Throne of Peter from
Byzantine or Roman Feast dates, although it is unused Sundays, such as II Epiphany if it fell
not a problem to repeat Saint days, as was done in after Jan 18/31, and unused Sundays after
ancient times. Saints must be Orthodox in Pentecost of the previous year, as in Byzantine
doctrine. You may use general Saint Lections and and Gregorian practice.
general Propers in the Mass. Celtic practice Fasting in Pre-Lent: In the Celtic
emphasized days that had thousands of Martyrs, practice, the winter fast, also called the Jesus fast,
see note after Sept. 30th. begins Jan. 7th, and only pauses: Feb. 15/28 Christ
Movable Days: Pre-Lent overcoming the temptations of the devil; March
(The Fixed Dates continue after the 17/30 St. Patrick's day; and March 25/ April 7 the
Movable Dates in this book. The Movable Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Some
Sundays and other days of the week are from Pre- monasteries added fish; laity were allowed to eat
Lent through to the end of the Pentecost Season preserved meat. St. Patrick's day was considered
in November. After that, in this book, Fixed dates major, because without the conversion of Ireland,
continue with histories, Lections and Propers of the conversion and re-introduction of literacy and
the Holy Apostles, and then the Fixed dates from Christianity to England and Europe after the
Feb. 16th / March 1st through Nov. 12th/ 25th.) barbarian hordes conquered the Roman empire
There is no Septuagesima, as that day would not have occurred. At least begin the fast
was instituted after this calendar was made, and with all other Orthodox Christians one week
might impede the Throne of St. Peter in Rome, before the first Sunday in Lent. The “First day of
Jan 18/31. The Feast of the Throne of St. Peter the Fast” should say “in Lent,” and is the day after
is important: the Epiklesis closest to the one used the first Sunday in Lent; but abstaining from meat
in the Byzantine Rite is on the Throne of St. starts earlier in Pre-Lent, according to Lections.

Sexagesima [Sunday] Epistle II Corinthians 10:7-18
(“...For not he who commendeth himself
Sexagesima takes the Propers of the
is approved; but he, whom God
Fifth Sunday in the cycle of six Sundays. The
earliest possible date for Sexagesima might be
Jan. 25/Feb. 7, using the modern calculation for Sequence (Gradual and Alleluia
the vernal Equinox, although the Irish placed the together, read without Alleluia.)
Vernal Equinox on March 17th. The latest date of Psalm 21 (Heb. 22) Deus Deus meus.
Sexagesima might be Feb. 27/March 12. O God, my God, look upon me: why hast Thou
Sexagesima is the beginning of Pre- forsaken me?
Lent, and we think our Lord's Sacrifice. Psalm (Sexagesima; contemplating the
21 according to Greek and Latin numbering is in Crucifixion. Clergy read both prayers
four parts, the same as the Parable of the Sower, before the Sequence when no Alleluia.)
which is the Gospel for this day. A person of Gospel Luke 8:4-15
faith reaches to God in adversity again and again, (Parable of the Sower; preparation for
knowing that at different times in their life they Catechumens. Compare with Psalm 21.)
will be bystanders, instantly enthusiastic, Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
doubtful when thinking about death, and full of the Preface) Always said aloud.
grace of God in faith and good works thinking
Hear, O Lord, the prayers of those who make the
about Resurrection. The first Sunday of Pre-Lent
offering: receive the Sacrifices; forgive sins;
contemplates the Crucifixion, while the first
through the intercessions of the Saints, permit our
Sunday in Lent contemplates the Resurrection.
dear ones who sleep in Christ refreshment in the
During this week:
land of the living, Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Begin reading the Book of Acts at the Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Matins Resurrection Gospel. The verses Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
before the Second Canticle of Moses
and the Song of the Three Youths are (Preface in the Roman Rite)
from Week V. It is worthy and just, equal and just for us, here
Mass (Divine Liturgy): and everywhere, to give thanks to Thee, Holy
Lord, the Father Almighty, Eternal God, Who art
[No Old Testament is listed in sources.]
a loving Father to us. Thou remainst Lord by
Introductory Collect
Thy Power because Thou wast pleased to adopt
O God Who preserves us by ruling and justifies as Sons those whose Progenitor had made them
by being merciful, save us from the tribulations servants and, by Heavenly regeneration, raised to
of this time and pour out eternal joy upon us, life those whose earthly conception had
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with consigned them to death . Thee O Almighty God,
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of All the Angels Hymn, Saying:
ages. Amen. Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Collect Before the Epistle
Bishop only if present
O God, the teacher of those who hope in Thee,
Dominica IIII [Sexagesima? Most
absolve us from all our depraved entanglements
Benedictions match Gospels of the day.]
and do not be satisfied that we remain bound by
May God, who preserves the seed of good crops
any chains of iniquity, so that the Source of all
in His Church, never cease to preserve and
peace may henceforth be the Source of a healthy
multiply that seed in you. Amen.
freedom through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
May he repel from you the the weeds sown by the
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
adversary, and by the pablum [cereal] of his
throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
word, restore you without ceasing. Amen.

And with His coming in the days of judgment, down from heaven, and return no more
may you be separated from the guilty, and may thither, but soak the earth, and water it,
you stand at the right hand of the judge and be and make it to spring, and give seed to
gathered into His most blessed kingdom. Amen. the sower, and bread to the eater: So
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain shall my word be, which shall go forth
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages from my mouth: it shall not return to me
of ages. Amen. void, but it shall do whatsoever I please,
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and shall prosper in the things for which
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be I sent it.” Christians do not contemplate
ever with you. Amen. a void, but the Lord God, Who alone
Confraction arrangement for Sunday: allows us to seek Him. The term void
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays. here refutes other beliefs. Jesus Christ is
the Word of God. We do not follow
Post Communion
“nominalism,” but believe His Word.)
In prayer we ask for Divine mercy so that these
Introductory Collect
health-creating Sacraments which have been
taken into our bodies may purify our souls, and Most beloved brethren, let us who are bound by
our bodies, and may they encourage bodies and the many chains of our deficiencies, take refuge
hearts unto hope for Heaven, Through our Lord in the only cure: Divine Forgiveness and by
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the humility in this Sacrifice, let us beseech the Lord
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Whom we offend daily by our perverse works,
that, just as He defends us from all contamination
by His right hand, He make us inheritors of the
Quinquagesima [Sunday] Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus
(Quinquagesima takes the Propers of the Sixth Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy
Sunday in the cycle of six Sundays.) Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
During this week: Collect Before the Epistle
Begin reading the Gospel of St. John at the Incline Thine ear, Almighty God and be the guide
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the Old of the life of us who are present, that Thou
Testament for today and also the Matins mayest reward us in the future Through our Lord
Resurrection Gospel. The verses before the Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song of the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Three Youths are from Week VI. Epistle Romans 12:1-16
[Reminder: Fasting is continued, or begin fasting (The Epistle continues the contemplation
just after Quinquagesima.] of God, and belief in the Word of God:
Mass: “...present your bodies a living
Old Testament: Isaiah 55:6-12 sacrifice... be not conformed to this
(“Seek ye the Lord, while He may be world; but be reformed in the newness of
found: call upon Him, while He is near... your mind, that you may prove what is
for He is bountiful to forgive... for my the good, and the acceptable, and the
thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your perfect will of God.” We are all
ways my ways, saith the Lord.” There is members of the body of God, with
a comment after this about our different gifts, and we should appreciate
contemplation of God: “for as the each other. “Being of one mind one
heavens are exalted above the earth, so towards another. Not minding high
are my ways exalted above your ways, things, but consenting to the humble. Be
and my thoughts above your thoughts. not wise in your own conceits.” This
And as the rain and the snow come refers to some of the pompousness of the

heresies: those able to think about all Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
sorts of theories that have no truth in (Preface in the Roman Rite)
them, are not better than those who must It is worthy and just equal and just for us here
defend the truth. The mind can be as the and everywhere to give praise to Thee Holy Lord
thorns in the Parable of the Sower, to Almighty Father, Eternal God. Who hast freed us
choke the seed, but God allows us to from eternal death and from the furthest reaches
think about Him in truth; He is Truth.) of Hell. Death came through a woman, but life
Sequence: (Gradual and Alleluia came through the Virgin, ruin through wood, but
together, read without Alleluia. health came through wood. In Jesus Christ is the
(Toward the Resurrection) end of dying. He restored the eternity of His life
Psalm 22 (Heb. 23) Dominus regit me. to the body, He Whom all the Heavens owe a
The Lord ruleth me: and I shall want nothing. hymn and, without ceasing, proclaim Thy Glory
Gospel Luke 18:1-14 saying:
(The Widow and the Judge, and the Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Publican and the Pharisee. Note on the Bishop only if present
Psalm for today: the Greek term [Dominica in] L Quinquagesima
“eleison” or mercy refers also to the [Note that there are other Bishop's
anointing oil from God, which is His Blessings for this week, or they may be
mercy, and also His gift of for the next week at the start of Lent.]
enlightenment to us; the filled oil lamps. May the Lord give unto you the mystery of the
Only God can have mercy on us, not our kingdom of God who is pleased to give the
opinions as the Pharisee. This reading hearing of his word. Amen.
begins, “And He spoke also a Parable to And thus fill your minds with plenty of His seed,
them, that we ought always to pray, and so he may grant that in you, that plentitude will
not to faint.” The widow who bear the fruit of belief in him. Amen.
continually prayed and asked for justice So much so that he may preserve you from all
received it. She asked the Lord for temptation, as far as thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and a
mercy rather than try to justify herself. hundred times fruitful, and grant this out of the
This reading also relates to the Old pouring forth of his grace. Amen.
Testament reading and the Epistle: our May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
contemplation must be on God’s mercy without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
for us, not on our own opinions. See the of ages. Amen.
comment on Monday of Great Lent III.) May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
the Preface) (Always said aloud.) ever with you. Amen.
The names of those for whom this is offered Confraction arrangement for Sunday:
having been read, let us beseech the Lord that He (In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays.
accept these gifts that are offered for them among
the Saints whose commemoration is made by us, Post Communion
so that our memorials may be pleasing. Let us Let us give thanks to Almighty God because He,
pray for these who have preceded us into the out of His benign clemency, hath fed us, who
Lord’s peace so that they may be preserved from hope, with Heavenly bread and spiritual drink, so
the horrors of Tartarus and be sheltered in the that, by the pouring out of His Holy Spirit upon
bosom of Abraham. May He be pleased to revive those in whom the virtue of the Heavenly food
them in His first Resurrection which is coming, will come, the Grace of Sincerity may persist.
Through ... Through...

Great Lent I usage, there was no meat, fish, or eggs,
and milk only for the sick or children.
Sunday Matins Genesis 1-2-3 (The
Increase consumption of seaweed in
beginning and the Fall.) (This reading is only for Irish custom; the only source of
Sunday, every day of Lent has its own Old vitamin B-12 other than meat. Increase
Testament reading in Matins which is read in vegetables baked into breads, etc., as
place of the Matins Resurrection Gospel.) described by the Irish Saints. Use
Begin reading the Book of Acts at the caution, do not eat rye chaff which
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the damage intestines; but other whole
Old Testament for today instead of the grains are good. The amount of food and
Matins Resurrection Gospel. The verses number of meals in a day is restricted.
before the Second Canticle of Moses The fast is broken just after the all-night
and the Song of the Three Youths are Vigil and Mass of the Resurrection of
from Week VII. our Lord Jesus Christ.)
Mass: [Combine with Synodikon, Monday.] Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Old Testament: Joel 2:12-14 the Preface) Always said aloud.
(“Be converted to me with all your heart...”) God Who commands us to fast not only from
Introductory Collect meat, but from noxious amusements of the soul,
Almighty Eternal God Who didst plant as a seed we beseech Thee: supply us with the refuge of
the remedy of our sins in the observance of Fasts Thy leniency, so that, fasting, we may arise from
and acts of mercy, grant, we beseech Thee that illicit moral contamination unto the heights and
we be always devoted to Thee in works of mind that Thou command the names which have been
and body for it is Thine alone to bestow [all good recited to be written in the book in Heaven.
things and to Thee do we send up the glory to the Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Preface in the Roman Rite)
Collect Before the Epistle
It is truly worthy and just for us always and
O God, the Worker of human salvation, grant that everywhere to give Thee thanks, O Lord, Holy
we follow the regimen of the Fast by which Thou Father and Almighty and eternal God. Thou dost
hast provided the eternal remedy to our sanctify Fasting which Thou didst teach from the
substance. beginning of time to preserve us. Thou hast
Epistle: II Cor 6:2-10 (“... in all things let us conferred great grace in this guarding of the body,
exhibit ourselves as the ministers of God”) because the mother of the human race was to
Sequence (without Alleluia.) Psalm 23 guard herself from the forbidden tree, and refrain
(Heb. 24) Domini est terra. The earth is the from the tree of immortality and the kingdom but
Lord's and the fullness thereof: the world and all we beseech Thee, absolve us by Fasts from the
they that dwell therein. sin of the old mother which she committed by the
Gospel Matthew. 6:1-8 illicit partaking of the forbidden wood and we
(Do alms and pray in secret. Alms and who were cast out of paradise through not fasting
prayer are needed in Lent. The Psalm by the same act of fasting are now restored
for today points to Lent as the beginning through Christ our Lord, through Whom, unto
of God’s glory, fulfilled in the Thy Majesty, the Angels give praise, the
Resurrection. It focuses on alms and Dominations Worship, the Powers of the Heavens
prayer, generosity and not just our self- tremble, and the heavenly Virtues and the Blessed
denial as we remember the Lord’s Seraphim together with exaltation celebrate.
Crucifixion and the Fall, as on the first With Whom, we beseech Thee, bid that our
Sunday of Pre-Lent. This fast is the voices also be admitted, with suppliant
most strict fast of the year. In monastic confession saying:

Proper Blessing of the Day by a describes those who believe in our Lord Jesus
Bishop only if present Christ and upheld the true Christian faith, and
Benedictio Initio. in .XL. First Blessing condemns people who rejected our Lord and His
at the beginning of the Forty Days (Lent) faith. This is for Monday, but it is moved to after
May Almighty God, who consecrated Elias and Mass today in anticipation. Monday’s Lections
our Mediator by the fast of forty days of Moses, and Bishop's Blessing, the same as Feb. 15th/ 28th,
bless you. And may He grant unto you the may be read together with today's Lections. Also,
dispensation that you go through this present life for the Seventh Ecumenical Council of 787, there
unto the receiving from the Father of the may be an icon procession.]
[heavenly] family the coin of reward of remission
of all sins, unto the glorious resurrection with all Monday:
the Saints. Amen. “First Day of the Fast”
And may He give to you spiritual virtue for
(Today's Mass is required. Or combine it with
victorious defense; as the Lord gave the example
Sunday, yesterday, in anticipation. Today's
of how to be strong enough to conquer
Lections and Bishop's Blessing are same as Feb.
thoroughly the most cunning temptations of the
15th / 28th. All other Propers are from Sunday I
ancient enemy. Amen.
Lent. Celtic sources say the “First Day of the
For not in bread alone, but by every word which
Fast,” meaning first day in Lent, but not the first
proceeds from His mouth, and through the
day fasting begins: Christians continued the
spiritual food of the observation of the fasts and
Winter Fast to Lent, or started their fast in the
the display of similar good work, may you be
second week of Pre-Lent, implied by all Lections
worthy to receive the never-withering crown of
of Quinquagesima. In the Byzantine Rite, today is
glory. Amen.
a reminder of persecutions, which required the
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
church to fast from foods dedicated to idols.)
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Monday Matins: Continue reading the
of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Book of Acts at the Beginning of Night.
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be At Matins read the Old Testament and
ever with you. Amen. Psalm for today instead of the Matins
Confraction arrangement for Sunday: Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays of the Three Youths are from Week VII.
Post Communion Genesis 4 (Cain and Abel.)
Grant O Lord we beseech Thee perfect us by Mass: (See notes Feb 15 / 28; the desert
correcting our habits, Who by these gifts dost
fathers related the temptations to the sins
confer and not deny us the wholeness of
that the devil tempted Adam: of pride,
profitability through our Lord Jesus Christ
vain-glory, and gluttony, as noted after
After the Liturgy read the the Gospel that day. Christ overcomes
Synodikon aloud. Also: If there will be these temptations, and the devil flees.)
no service on Tuesday, bless the Catechumens Old Testament: Isaiah 58:1-14
today (see Tuesday). If there will be no service (How to fast. What is an acceptable fast
on Wednesday, Anoint the Faithful today. according to the Lord. See notes on
[The Synodikon may said, or use the February 15/28, the devil tempts Christ
Prologue to Oengus's Felire, (Martyrology), and flees from the presence of Christ.)
written the same century, which tells of Christ the Epistle: II Corinthians 6:2-15 (How to be
King overcoming the devil, and compares all
ministers, and also do not keep company
Saints to all unbelievers. Practice reading it
with sinners. See Feb. 15/28.)
aloud. The Synodikon, or “Anathema Service,”

Sequence (Gradual and Alleluia together, other times of the year may also be blessed with
read without Alleluia.) Psalm 24 (Heb. 25) this blessing. This may be for those entering the
Ad te Domini levavi. To Thee, O Lord, Church at Pascha, or re-entering the church. If
have I lifted up my soul this is for people re-entering the church, prayers
for Penitents may also be done; see the general
Gospel Matthew 4:1-11 (The Temptation of
Propers in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal. Inquire
Christ, and the devil flees from Christ. ahead of time: if they would not be able to come
See the desert fathers' important today, do this service Sunday after the rest of the
meditations on this subject in the notes first Sunday in Lent.)
following the Gospel of February 15 /28,
Tuesday Matins:
which may be used in the Sermon.)
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
Bishop only if present Old Testament and Psalm for today
Benedictio in Die XL ad Vesperum instead of the Matins Resurrection
(Vespers after First Sunday in Lent, or Gospel. The verses before the Second
Monday of Great Lent) Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
Unto Thy custodianship O Good Shepherd, for Three Youths are from Week VII.
thy flock of souls, Thou never sleepest and art Old Testament: Genesis 5 (Genealogy
never without watchful knowledge. Amen. from Adam to Noah.)
And neither day nor night shall they be fatigued
Sequence (Gradual and Alleluia together,
by terrors; the heavens shall stretch over them as
a canopy. Amen. read without Alleluia.)
That the Lord command that all of them ever be Psalm 25 (Heb. 26) Judica me Domine.
preserved from the infestations of the enemy. Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked in
Amen. my innocence: and I have put my trust in
And may peace grow in our habitations; may the Lord, and shall not be weakened.
quiet remain throughout. Amen. Blessing of Babies/Catechumens
May he bless you from the heavens who through (Use only part of the Baptismal Rite.
the Cross of His Passions redeemed you on earth, The blessing includes an anointing of oil
unto Whom is the honor and the dominion and and taking of salt. If there is a Liturgy
the kingdom and the power unto ages of ages. today for any Saint, do the blessing of
Amen. babies and catechumens before the
May the Blessing of God the Father and the Son Mass, or they may leave after the Gospel
and the Holy Spirit descend upon you and remain and Bishop's Blessing..)
with you always. Amen. O God come to my assistance, O Lord make
Confraction arrangement in the haste to help me.
Missal: [Use 5 Particles of the Daily Host as (Use the Baptismal Rite from “O God
the image of the five senses of the soul.] Who made Adam;” and include the
prayer, “Hear us O Lord, Holy Father,
Almighty eternal God, and be pleased to
Tuesday of the first week in send Thy holy angel from heaven who
Lent: Blessing of preserves, assists, shields, and attends to
all who dwell in the habitation of this
Catechumens Thy servant. Amen.” This is the end of
(Special service - This is not the same as the the Catechumen blessing. These prayers
Anointing of the Faithful on Wednesday– are repeated Holy Saturday, even though
tomorrow, but it is the beginning of preparations the Catechumens had heard them now.
for Holy Baptism. Catechumens who come at See “Baptism” in the Paschal Vigil.)

Gospel: Matthew 19:13 -15 Genesis 6-8 (Noah and the flood.)
(Jesus allows the little children to come (Within Unction:) Sequence
to Him and blesses them.) (Gradual and Alleluia together, read
Proper Blessing of the Day by a without Alleluia.): Psalm 26 (Heb. 27)
Bishop only if present Dominus illuminatio. The Lord is my
IIII Feria. Caput Ieiunii. Benedictio light and my salvation; whom shall I
[Head of the Fast] fear?
Almighty God confirm you by his blessing, and Gospel (with the Unction Gospel):
make you apt in this imminent forty days of St. Mark 7:24-30 [and St. Matthew 14:23-33]
abstinence. Amen. (The Gentile woman asks that her
As he restored the blind supplicants through the daughter is healed of a devil, and Christ
powerful light of divinity, may the most clement heals her.)
illuminator banish the blindness of your hearts, [And; This was not listed in a Lectionary
and may he be pleased to let the radiance of His at any time, but it is appropriate for the
light shine forth in your minds. Amen. day when there is an anointing of the
Even unto the washing away of the filth of Faithful, and coincidental with the Old
offenses, may you be grounded by the ardor of Testament Lection of Noah and the
charity, and seize the heavenly inheritance; God Flood, and it is the Gospel commented
grant you salvation. Amen. upon in today's Bishop's Blessing. Jesus
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain walks on the water, saying, “Be of good
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages heart: it is I, fear ye not.” St. Peter tries
of ages. Amen. to walk out to Jesus, but almost sinks,
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and Jesus has to save him, saying, “O
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be thou of little faith, why didst thou
ever with you. Amen. doubt?” This is one of the times when
the Apostles who were in the boat said,
Wednesday of the first week “Indeed thou art the Son of God.” The
in Lent: Anointing of the Miracle of Walking on the Water is also
a reminder of the Foot Washing on Holy
Faithful Thursday. For a society of fishers, this
Anointing with Oil of the Faithful was probably an important Gospel, and
Wednesday in the First Week: Unction Service is tied to the waters mentioned in the
with Proper Unction Gospel. Note that this is a Psalm for Mid-Pascha.]
Pre-Sanctified Communion Service; those Proper Blessing of the Day by a
receiving Holy Communion should be fasting. Bishop only if present
Combine the Lections and Propers
[Two blessings: The first one for Christ
below with the service of Holy Unction, which
walking on the water, the second one for
follows. Holy Unction does not have insertions,
Anointing of the sick. The first blessing
but the Lections and Propers below should be
follows Sexagesima in Egbert's Bishop's
interspersed in Unction, for the Faithful.)
Blessings, but is more appropriate for
Wednesday Matins: Continue reading the Anointing in Lent.] Dominica in LXX
Book of Acts at the Beginning of Night. May God who made the water to be trodden by
At Matins read the Old Testament and his own feet, tread out from you everything that
Psalm for today instead of the Matins is noxious. Amen.
Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the May he press down the contrary motions of
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song spiritual stains and confirm you in his peace.
of the Three Youths are from Week VII. Amen.

May he guide [you] in the ship of his Cross Bretheren, Let us pray to our Lord Jesus Christ
among the surging tides of the world, and lead for our brother (sister) -N- who has been beset
you unto the shore of perpetual blessing. Amen. by the cruel and pressing evil of languor, that the
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Charity of the Lord of the Heavens may be
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages pleased to treat by these Medicines. May He be
of ages. Amen. pleased, Who gave the soul and gives salvation,
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be the same, His unoriginate Father and the Holy
ever with you. Amen. Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
Benedictio Super Infirmum (for the Most beloved Brethren, let us pray in
sick) supplication for our sick brother (sister) unto the
Almighty God visit this sick person; heal the sick Loving and Almighty God, Who is quick to
person; strengthen this invalid and strengthen the restore and strengthen, so that the creature may
strong; and rouse them to the heavenly kingdom. experience the Hand of the Creator: that either in
Amen. the restoration or in the recovery, in His Name;
Hear the one who prays; drag out that which the Affectionate Father may be pleased to restore
ruins; uproot that which causes to go astray; His handiwork; through our Lord Jesus Christ,
guide the neglectful; grant charity to the sick one. Who reigneth with the Same Father, and the Holy
Amen. Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
Free them from their many diseases; from Lord, Holy Father of the Universe,
worldly desires; from the snares of the devil and Almighty Founder, the Eternal God in Whom all
of hell. Amen. live, Who vivifies the dead and brings those who
O Lord, the Physician of all, heal his fevers; and are not, to become like unto those who are Thy
dissolve the torture of oppressing disease and original workmanship; O Thou Who art the great
meloncholy, and all torments of sadness. Amen. Builder, affectionately restore this Thy
Heal his viscera on earth; purge all that is putrid handiwork, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
by Thy medicine; heal the scars, and renew the reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
material of body and blood. Amen.
of ages. R. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Dearest Brethren, let us beseech God, in
of ages. Amen. Whose hand is truly the breath of the living; Who
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son is the life of the dying; that He might heal the ills
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be of the body of this one, and grant Salvation to
ever with you. Amen. the soul; although we do not deserve it by our
merits, the grace of mercy may be attained. May
He grant our petitions through our Lord Jesus
Anointing of the Sick, Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and the
Unction, in the Lorrha-Stowe Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
O Lord, Holy Father Almighty and
Missal, for any sick person. eternal God, Thou Who art the Way and the Truth
[This is a Sacrament, not only for the and the Life, hear and preserve Thy servant, -N-
dying, but for the sick, or in Lent for the whom Thou hast enlivened and Redeemed by the
Faithful. This may be done at church or precious great and Holy Blood of Thy Son, Who
home by a Priest with oil blessed by a reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
Bishop, and reserved Pre-Sanctified of ages. R. Amen.
Eucharist. See also the Visitation of the O God Who dost not desire the death of
Sick according to the Ambrosian Rite, a sinner, but that he be converted and live, release
and prayers for departure, end of book.] this one unto Thyself, from a heart turned to sins,

and grant the gift of continuing life through our The Anointing and Holy Communion
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and [Each of the Baptized Faithful is
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. anointed by making a small Cross of the
O God Who, because of Thy love, dost holy oil blessed by a Bishop on their
ever offer Thyself for Thy creation, lovingly forehead, eyelids, two sides of the
incline Thine ears to our supplications which we nostrils, mouth, both ears, and if laity
make unto Thee for Thy servant -N-, who labors
palms of hands; if clergy backs of their
under adverse health of body. Gently regard and
visit him (her). In Thy Salvation and heavenly
grace, grant relief, through our Lord Jesus Christ, I anoint thee with the sanctified oil, that thou
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto recover thy health: in the Name of the Father and
ages of ages. R. Amen. of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
[Remember for today, Psalm 26 above.] ages. R. Amen.
The Gospel [Matthew 22:23, 29-33] O Lord, regard us Thy servants, that praying with
At that time, there came to Him the confidence, we may be worthy to say:
Sadducees who say there is no resurrection, and Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed
asked Him: And Jesus answering, said to them, be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be
‘You err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
power of God. For in the resurrection they shall day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as
neither marry nor be married; but shall be as the we forgive our debtors and lead us not into
angels of God in Heaven. And concerning the temptation but deliver us from evil.
resurrection of the dead, have you not read that
which was spoken by the Lord, saying to you: I [Priest:] Deliver us O Lord from every evil and
am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac preserve us in all good, O Jesus Christ, the
and the God of Jacob? He is not therefore the Author of all that is good, Who reigneth unto
God of the dead but the God of the Living,’ and ages of ages. R. Amen.
the multitudes hearing it, were in admiration at We pray Thee, O Lord, for our brother
His doctrine. (sister) -N- who is weighed down by his (her)
On that day Jesus said ‘Immediately infirmity. Let him (her) participate in the Act of
after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be Communion, that whenever the blots of this era
darkened and the moon shall not give her light, attack him (her), or worldliness taint him (her),
and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the he (she) may be forgiven and cleansed by the Gift
powers of heaven shall be moved: and then shall of Thy Faith, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
then shall tribes of the earth mourn: and they ages of ages. R. Amen.
shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of [If Unction is served before a Mass, the
heaven with much power and majesty. And He Mass begins here in place of the ending.]
shall send His angels with a trumpet, and a great O Lord Holy Father, We faithfully beseech Thee,
voice: and they shall gather together his elect that by the reception of this Sacrosanct Eucharist
from the four winds, from the highest parts of the of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ,
heavens to the utmost bounds of them.’ that as much as possible of the flesh and as much
[Also Gospel for today above.] as possible of the soul may be made well, through
our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee
[Respond: and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
Pray for us and lift up the Gospel to us.]

O Lord Jesus Christ, our God, hear us Refreshed by the Body and Blood of Christ,
who pray for our sick brother (sister) that Thy may we ever say unto Thee, O Lord - Alleluia.
Holy Eucharist may be his (her) protection, O Praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise him all
through Thee our Lord Jesus Christ, Who ye people. For His mercy is confirmed upon us
reigneth with Thine unoriginate Father and the and the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever.
Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. [Ps 116]
The Peace and Charity of our Lord Jesus Offer up the Sacrifice of justice and trust in the
Christ and the Communion of His Saints be Lord. [Ps 4:6]
always with us. O God, we give Thee thanks, O Thou through
Let him say: R. Amen. Whom we have celebrated the Holy Mysteries,
and we claim the gift of Holiness from Thee Who
[Remember Bishop's Blessings above.]
[The Eucharist is administered from reigneth unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
reserved Pre-Sanctified Sacrament:] The Benediction
May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus [The Priest extends both hands, palms
Christ, the Son of the living and most high God, outwards, fingers forming the Sign
be to thee unto life eternal. R. Amen. ICXC over his head:]
Having received our Saving food of the May the Lord bless thee and protect thee. May
Divine Body, let us give thanks to Jesus Christ: the Lord reveal His face unto thee and have
because by the Sacrament of His Body and Blood mercy. May the Lord turn His Face to thee and
He freed us from death, and is pleased to give a give thee peace.
remedy to many of the bodies as well as the souls And he responds: R. Amen.
of the human race; Who reigneth with His [The Priest] Then signing him [with the
unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages right hand], saying:
of ages. R. Amen. Thou art marked with the @ Sign of the Cross of
Let us give thanks to God the Father Christ.
Almighty, Who, by the gift of His Sacrament, Peace be with thee unto life eternal.
has quickened a change in us from our earthly And he responds: R. Amen.
origin and nature into heavenly nature, through Thus ends the Order of Communion.
our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the
same Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of Thursday of the first week
ages. R. Amen.
in Lent - Matins:
Convert us, O God our Salvation, and
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the
grant health to our sick ones. For He hath Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
satisfied the empty soul and hath filled the Old Testament and Psalm for today
hungry soul with good things - Alleluia, Alleluia. instead of the Matins Resurrection
[Ps 104:9] Gospel. The verses before the Second
Visit us, O God, in Thy Salvation - Alleluia. Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
[Ps 105:4] Three Youths are from Week VII.
The Lord is my strength and my praise, and He is Old Testament: Genesis 11 (Tower of Babel)
become my Salvation - Alleluia. [Ps 117:14] Sequence: Psalm 27 (Heb. 28)
I will take the Chalice of Salvation, and I will call Ad te Domine clamabo. Unto Thee will
upon the Name of the Lord - Alleluia. I cry, O Lord: O my God, be not Thou
[Ps 115:13] silent to me

Friday of the first week in is born; Abraham obeys God and almost
sacrifices Isaac. Freedom in Christ,
Lent - Matins: faith, the Holy Trinity, obedience, hope,
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the and sacrifice are all Christian themes.)
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the Sequence: Psalm 29 (Heb. 30) Exaltabo te
Old Testament and Psalm for today Domine. I will extol Thee, O Lord, for
instead of the Matins Resurrection Thou hast upheld me.
Gospel. The verses before the Second Gospel: St. Matthew 19:13-30, and 20:1-16
Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
(Bless the children. Give up riches.
Three Youths are from Week VII.
Laborers at the Eleventh Hour. St. John
Old Testament: Genesis 12-15
Chrysostom's Paschal sermon, not in the
(Abraham goes out of his country and Irish Lectionary. The chariot mentioned
makes a covenant with God.) in the Bishop's Blessing often carried
Sequence: Psalm 28 (Heb. 29) Afferte Domino. workmen of Christ: missionary monks,
Bring to the Lord, O ye children of God: such as the charioteer of St. Patrick, St.
bring to the Lord the offspring of rams. Odran, so this may be a celebration of
(A psalm for David, at the finishing of Bishops, teachers, and monastics. The
the tabernacle. Used in Baptism.) little child presented to Jesus grew up to
be a Bishop: St. Ignatius of Antioch,
Saturday of the first week in who wrote “Where the Bishop is, there
the church is...” Irish, such as St. Ita also
Lent (Mission Saturday) fostered and taught children their letters
Matins: in the church. The Bishop's Blessing in
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the the Pontificale of Egbert is before the
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the fast. Christ explains infinite divinity and
Old Testament and Psalm for today compassion.)
instead of the Matins Resurrection Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Gospel. The verses before the Second Bishop only if present
Canticle of Moses and the Song of the Dominica in LX
Three Youths are from Week VII. [Possibly for the first Saturday in Lent?]
[This theme of praying for those who will go May Almighty God be pleased to direct the
forth and teach the faith is a reconstructed course of your chariot, so that he may make you
service. Another of Egbert's Bishop's Blessings to win the trophy of eternal life. Amen.
at the beginning of Lent is a meditation on the May he encircle you with the weapons of
popular Paschal sermon of St. John Chrysostom abstinence, so that nothing of this onerous life
in the Byzantine Rite, in this book after the may hold you back from success. Amen.
Paschal Vigil. May he be pleased to call each one of you into his
[The Epistle should be from Monday of vineyard, and send his holy workmen among you;
this week: II Corinthians 6:2-15, How to be may he himself be pleased to work carefully by
ministers, and do not keep company with sinners. his grace upon you so that he does not refuse to
Propers other than the Bishop's Blessing should reward you with the coin of perpetual life. Amen.
be of the first Sunday in Lent..] May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Old Testament: Genesis 15-22 without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
(Abraham and Agar; Circumcision; the of ages. Amen.
Holy Trinity meets Abraham and May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
promises a son by Sarah; Lot is saved and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
from Sodom, which is destroyed; Isaac ever with you. Amen.

Great Lent II Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Sunday Matins: Genesis 37-41 (Joseph is (Preface in the Roman Rite)
left to die by his brothers, is sold to It is truly worthy and just for us always and
Egypt; becomes ruler over all Egypt.) everywhere to give Thee thanks, O Lord, Holy
Begin reading the Gospel of St. John at Father and Almighty and eternal God. And unto
the Beginning of Night. At Matins read Thee is to sanctify the Fast which Thou hast
the Old Testament for today instead of taught us for the healing souls and the castigation
the Resurrection Gospel. Verses before of bodies for by restrained bodies, souls are
the Second Canticle of Moses and the fattened and the outer man wastes away, yet the
Song of the Three Youths are Week VIII. inner man is renewed. Remember O Lord, in this
Mass: Old Testament: Proverbs 3:19-34 our Fast, Thy mercies which Thou didst
affectionately confer upon fasting sinners that not
(“The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth.”)
from food alone but from all sins do we abstain
Introductory Collect
so that by pleasing fasting we might placate Thee.
O God Who by profound providential counsel [In this fast] let our desires be not found
instituted holy fasting unto mortals, by which the divergent from Thy desires through Christ our
hearts of those who are weak may be beneficially Lord, through Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the
cured: discipline our souls and bodies, O Saviour Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the
of soul and body and benignly bestow an eternity Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly
of joy. through our Lord Jesus Christ Who Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech
throughout all ages of ages. Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with
Collect Before the Epistle suppliant confession saying:
O God who ordained that for the healing of souls, Proper Blessing of the Day by a
bodies be disciplined by dedication to fasting, Bishop only if present
Grant, we beseech Thee, that out hearts be strong
Dominica II. in .XL. Benedictio
in the way of Thy Faith until we are able to
May Almighty God, the dedicator and lover of
refrain from sin forever, through our Lord Jesus
fasting and other like virtues, sanctify you with
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
His blessing. Amen.
Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
May He cause to arise in you the striving of
Epistle Ephesians 4:23-32
faithful devotion, and may He benignly hear His
(“And put on the new man...”) suppliants. Amen.
Sequence: Psalm 30 (Heb. 31) In te Domine Therefore, by the purging of sincere fasting, may
speravi. In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped, your minds be exuberant because of the increase
let me never be confounded: deliver me of all good things. Amen.
in Thy justice. May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Gospel Luke 15:11-24 (The Prodigal son. God without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
saves us even though we have sinned.) of ages. Amen.
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
the Preface) Always said aloud. and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
ever with you. Amen.
Look upon our infirmity, O Lord and hasten to
aid those who are bowed by affliction during the Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
fasts that we might arise to the heights and Post Communion
bestow true peace upon us through our Lord Grant O Lord we beseech Thee perfect us by
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the correcting our habits, Who by these gifts dost
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. confer and not deny us the wholeness of
profitability through our Lord Jesus Christ...

All this week in Matins: Sequence: Psalm 34 (Heb. 35) Judica
Continue reading the Gospel of St. John Domine nocentes me. Judge Thou, O
at the Beginning of Night. At Matins Lord, them that wrong me
read the Old Testament and Psalm for
the specific day instead of the Matins Friday in the second week in
Resurrection Gospel. The verses before
the Second Canticle of Moses and the Lent - Matins:
Song of the Three Youths are from Week Old Testament: Genesis 46-47
VIII. (Israel goes to Egypt with his family and
meets Pharaoh, Joseph sells the people
into slavery for Pharaoh so they will not
Monday in the second week starve.)
in Lent - Matins: Sequence: Psalm 35 (Heb. 36) Dixit injustus.
Old Testament: Genesis 42 The unjust hath said within himself that
(The brothers of Joseph go to him he would sin: there is no fear of God
seeking to buy food in Egypt.) before his eyes.
Sequence: Psalm 31 (Heb. 32) Beati quorum.
Blessed are they whose iniquities are Saturday in the second week
forgiven: and whose sins are covered. in Lent - Matins:
Old Testament: Genesis 48-49-50 (Jacob’s
Tuesday in the second week
instructions, blessing and death.)
in Lent - Matins: Sequence: Psalm 36 (Heb. 37) Noli aemulari.
Old Testament: Genesis 43 Be not emulous of evildoers: nor envy
(Joseph and his brothers, continued.) them that work iniquity.
Sequence: Psalm 32 (Heb. 33) Exultate justi.
Rejoice in the Lord, O ye just: praise Great Lent III
becometh the upright.
Sunday Matins: Exodus Chapters 14-15-16
(The people go through the sea, are
Wednesday in the second given water and bread.)
week in Lent - Matins: Begin reading the Book of Acts at the
Old Testament: Genesis 44 Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
Old Testament for today instead of the
(Joseph tests his brothers by putting a
Matins Resurrection Gospel. The verses
cup into the sack of the youngest.)
before the Second Canticle of Moses
Sequence: Psalm 33 (Heb. 34) Benedicam and the Song of the Three Youths are
Dominum. I will bless the Lord at all from Week IX.
times: His praise shall be always in my
mouth. Divine Liturgy:
Old Testament: Isaiah 58:1-8 (How to fast.
Thursday in the second week “...Loose the bands of wickedness, undo
in Lent - Matins: the bundles that oppress.”)
Old Testament: Genesis 45 (Joseph reveals Introductory Collect
himself to his brothers, and sends for his O Almighty Eternal God, Who established man
father to protect against the famine.) so that Thou competently provided better

instruction toward heavenly gifts by temporal aid, Proper Blessing of the Day by a
grant we beseech Thee that since through illicit Bishop only if present
appetites, we have cut ourselves off from the for- Dominica III in .XL. Benedictio
ordained region of blessedness, may humanity be May Almighty God mercifully receive the
sustained and the eternity which was lost be offerings of your fastings, and make you worthy
restored through Thy nourishing gifts which are by His blessing. Amen.
distributed and transporting, through Christ our May He preserve your minds against sins by
Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy good restraint; may He teach you by the doctrine
Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. Amen. of his precepts; may He fill you with the gift of
Collect Before the Epistle charity so that He might grant that you be
O Lord, ever do we beseech Thee may salvific pleasing to Him in all things. Amen.
self control give us the benefits that come by May you celebrate the present forty days with the
fasting to us who maintain discipline and what greatest devotion; may you be strong enough to
Thy gifts acquire for us through Christ our Lord win through to the paschal feast by purified
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, hearts. Amen.
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Epistle Colossians 2:4-17 without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
(Do not listen to arguments of men... the of ages. Amen.
circumcision of Christ... being buried May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
with Him in Baptism, and risen again.) and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Sequence: Psalm 37 (Heb. 38) Domine ne in ever with you. Amen.
furore. Rebuke me not, O Lord, in Thy Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
indignation (A Psalm for David, for a Post Communion
remembrance of the Sabbath.) Grant O Lord we beseech Thee perfect us by
Gospel John 6:28-54 (“...I am the bread correcting our habits, Who by these gifts dost
of life... except you eat the flesh of the confer and not deny us the wholeness of
Son of man and drink His blood, you profitability through our Lord Jesus Christ.
shall not have life in you.”)
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of Monday in the third week in
the Preface) Always said aloud.
Grant us O Almighty God, since our mortality
Lent - Matins:
lies beneath faults and disputes, may the present Continue reading the Book of Acts at the
fastings purify it by healing fasting and sincere Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
charity, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who Old Testament and Psalm for today
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit instead of the Matins Resurrection
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Gospel. The verses before the Second
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
Three Youths are from Week IX.
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
Old Testament: Exodus 17 and 18
It is truly worthy and just for us to praise Thee,
Exodus 17: John Climacus says, in step
the Author and Sanctifier of fasting through
one of the Ladder of Divine Ascent
which Thou dost free us from the debts of our
“Those of us who wish to get away from
sins. Therefore, merciful One, accept the prayer
Egypt, to escape from Pharaoh, need
of those who fast so that Thou Who art
some Moses to be our intermediary with
propitiated rescue us from all evils; we beg Thee
God, to stand between action and
absolve our iniquities for which we are justly
contemplation, and stretch out his arms
afflicted through Christ our Lord through Whom
to God, that those led by him may cross

the sea of sin and put to flight the Tuesday in the third week in
Amalek of the passions.” Norman
Russell comments that this is an allegory Lent - Matins:
of Exodus 17:11-13. The Amalekites are Old Testament: Exodus 19-20
the passions; the Israelites are souls (The Lord comes down to Moses and
guided by Moses, who prevails as long gives the Ten Commandments. While
as his arms were held raised in prayer by Christians worship the Holy Trinity, we
Hur (action) and Aaron (contemplation). also obey God's law. This is a very
“Action (praxis) is the ascetic struggle to important reading, that every person
practice the virtues and overcome the should hear and think about.)
passions. It is the necessary foundation Sequence: Psalm 39 (Heb. 40) Expectans
for contemplation (theoria), which is the expectavi. With expectation I have
direct apprehension or vision of God by waited for the Lord; and He was
the intellect.” Exodus 18: Jethro greets attentive to me.
Moses, and suggests to Moses that he
ask God for the law. Commonly, desert
fathers used four layers of meaning: Wednesday in the third week
history (material facts), allegory (parallel in Lent - Matins:
symbolism), anagogy (larger, future, or
Old Testament: Exodus 21
divine symbolism), and tropology
(interior, personal, penitential, or past (Further laws to govern people: laws
symbolism). From the first Conference relating to justice, death, and oxen.) and
of Abbot Nesteros to St. John Cassian, Exodus 22 (Further laws governing
Chapter VIII, quoting Proverbs 31:21 people: do not oppress the poor.)
and Proverbs 22:20... “So that the same Sequence (without Alleluia.) Psalm 40
Jerusalem can be taken in four senses: (Heb. 41) Beatus qui intelligit. Blessed
historically as the city of the Jews; is he that understandeth concerning the
allegorically as the Church of Christ, needy and the poor: the Lord will deliver
anagogically as the heavenly city of God him in the evil day.
which is the mother of us all,
tropologically as the soul of man, which Thursday in the third week
is frequently subject to praise or blame
from the Lord under this title...” in Lent - Matins:
Sequence: Psalm 38 (Heb. 39) Dixi Old Testament: Exodus 23
custodiam. I said: I will take heed to my (Laws for judges. Rest on the seventh
ways: that I sin not with my tongue. I day. Feasts. Promise of an angel. Idols
have set a guard to my mouth, when the must be destroyed.)
sinner stood against me. Sequence: Psalm 41 (Heb. 42)
Quemadmodum desiderat. As the hart
All This Week in Matins: panteth after the fountains of water: so
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the my soul panteth after thee, O God.
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
Old Testament and Psalm for today Friday in the third week in
instead of the Matins Resurrection
Gospel. The verses before the Second Lent - Matins:
Canticle of Moses and the Song of the Old Testament: Exodus 24
Three Youths are from Week IX. (Moses writes the law, offers sacrifices

and sprinkles the people, and goes up the Mass:
mountain.) Old Testament: Zach. 8:19-23 (Fasts;
Sequence: Psalm 42 (Heb. 43) Judica me nations will go seeking the face of the
Deus. Judge me, O God, and distinguish Lord in Jerusalem, and seek the Jew,
my cause from the nation that is not “for God is with you.”)
holy; deliver me from the unjust and Introductory Collect
deceitful man. [This Psalm is the last We beseech Thee grant that sustenance which is
Psalm in the Confraction of the Mass. unto us because we have refrained from meat
This matches the Old Testament today.] while with a joyful attitude following fasting
which was taught by Thee. We distribute to the
Saturday in the third week poor from the abundance, for the observation of
in Lent - Matins: fasting shall be approved by its fruits. Thus may
our minds be purified by the discipline of
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the
mortification of the senses of the body and may
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
the sick develop a sense of piety through Christ
Old Testament and Psalm for today
our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
instead of the Matins Resurrection
Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
Gospel. The verses before the Second
Canticle of Moses and the Song of the Collect Before the Epistle
Three Youths are from Week IX. Almighty God, grant that while fasting from
Old Testament: Exodus 32-33-34 corporeal food, we may be perceived with a
lively spirit: humble and abstinent from food and
(The people fall into idiolatry; Moses
equally abstaining from all wrong acts, may we
breaks the tables, destroys the idol; the
be stronger and advance in the face of our
people mourn for their sin; the tables are
enemies through Christ our Lord Who reigneth
renewed. Rules concerning the firstborn
with Thee and the Holy Spirit, throughout all
etc. Moses returns with a face that
ages of ages.
appears horned and with rays of light,
and he covers his face to speak to the Epistle Galatians 1:3-9 (“If any one preach to
people.) you a gospel, besides that which you
Sequence: Psalm 43 (Heb. 44) Deus auribus have received, let him be anathema.”
The Galatians were Galli, or Celts, north
nostris. We have heard, O God, with
of Greece. The Epistle to the Galatians
our ears: our fathers have declared to us.
was part of the early Christian Lections.)
Sequence: Psalm 45 (Heb. 46) Deus noster
refugium. Our God is our refuge and
Mid Lent (Great Lent IV) strength: a helper in troubles, which
Sunday Matins: have found us exceedingly. [Note:
Numbers 22-23 Psalm 44 is for the Annunciation, on the
(Balam is told to curse Israel by Balac fixed date of March 25 / April 7, read
king of Moab. Instead, Balaam is with that day's Psalm. Today’s Lections
rebuked by an angel, and blesses Israel.) match Psalm 45, feast of Tabernacles,
Begin reading the Gospel of St. John at which fits the Gospel Lection.)
the Beginning of Night. At Matins read Gospel John 6:71-7:30
the Old Testament for today instead of (Jesus goes up in the feast of tabernacles
the Matins Resurrection Gospel. The or tents, and heals on the Sabbath. “If a
verses before the Second Canticle of man receive circumcision on the sabbath
Moses and the Song of the Three Youths day, that the law of Moses may not be
are from Week X. broken; are you angry at me, because I

have healed the whole man on the Post Communion
Sabbath day?” “I know Him, because I Grant O Lord we beseech Thee perfect us by
am from Him; and He hath sent me.”) correcting our habits, Who by these gifts dost
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of confer and not deny us the wholeness of
the Preface) Always said aloud. profitability through our Lord Jesus Christ.
We beseech Thee, may this sacrifice of our Fast Amen.
be acceptable unto Thee O Lord which makes us
full of sincerity by the expiating gift of Thy The Liturgy is followed immediately
Grace and through it may it lead us unto the by the Adoration of the Holy Cross.
everlasting promise through our Lord Jesus
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Prayer During the Adoration
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio of the Holy Cross
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
It is truly worthy and just for us always to give V. O Lord Jesus Christ Most Glorious creator
thanks unto Thee O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty
of the world Who with Splendor of equal Glory
and eternal God: that looking upon the smallness
to the Father and the Holy Spirit wast pleased
of our earthly fragility, Thou dost not condemn us
to accept pure flesh and and permitted Thy
in Thine anger because of our depravity, but
most glorious palms to be nailed to the pillory
because of Thine immense clemency, purify,
of the Cross so that Thou might shatter the
teach and console: for without Thee we are
gates of hell and free the human race from
capable of nothing which is pleasing to Thee.
Only Thy Grace will grant that we may live with
beneficial conversation through Christ our Lord R. Have mercy upon me who am miserable:
through Whom who am born down in my sins and sullied by an
Proper Blessing of the Day by a unclean lip: please do not abandon me O
Glorious Lord but please absolve me for I have
Bishop only if present
carried out evil deeds. Hear me, prostrate in the
Dominica .IIII. in Quadragesima. worship of Thy Life-giving Cross, so that in this
Benedictio holy solemn act I may be cleansed and worthy to
May God who is pleased to lead you through the attend Thee Who Livest and reignest with Thine
meditation of these present forty days; may He be unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit throughout
pleased to bless you with His mercy. Amen all ages of ages. Amen.
May He accept your past abstinence. And may V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee
He reward [you] at His pleasure in the future, as
ascending the Cross and bearing the Crown of
[you abstain] from illicit food, so may He grant
that you abstain from all that is sinful. Amen.
Moreover, by those past and future fruits of R. I beg Thee to liberate me from the angel of
spiritual charisms through Him, you will be paid death.
for freely, owing nothing to Him, absolved, and V. O Lord Jesus Christ I adore Thee
will be able to cross to holy Pascha. Amen. wounded upon the Cross: Gall and vinegar Thy
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain drink:
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages R. I beg Thee that Thy death be my life.
of ages. Amen. V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son descending into hell freeing the captives:
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
R. I beg Thee, do not let me go into the
ever with you. Amen.
Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays. punishments of hell.

V. O Lord Jesus Christ I adore Thee All this week in Matins:
ascending into heaven and sitting at the right Continue reading the Gospel of St. John
hand of the Father: at the Beginning of Night. At Matins
R. I beg Thee have mercy upon me. read the Old Testament and Psalm for
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee coming each specific day instead of the Matins
in Judgement: Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the
R. I beg Thee that in Thy coming Thou dost not Second Canticle of Moses and the Song
enter into judgement with me Thy sinful Servant of the Three Youths are from Week X.
but I beg Thee that Thou cast away my sins
before Thou judge me. Amen. Monday in the fourth week
(“Before Thy Cross” should be sung, and in Lent - Matins:
the Cross adored by the people, who may
come up and prostrate before it. Sing the Old Testament: Numbers 24
hymn three times. The choir may repeat (Balaam prophesies good things for Israel.)
this until all have venerated the Cross.) Sequence: Psalm 46 (Heb. 47) Omnes
(During veneration: This Hymn is sung three gentes plaudite. O clap your hands, all
times. Russian melody): ye nations: shout unto God with the
voice of joy, For the Lord is high,
-cvv v vsv v]cv vtcvv v wcvv]ccvvtcvv v v vgcvv v hcc] terrible: a great king over all the earth.

Be-fore Thy Cross, we bow

Tuesday in the fourth week
-cvc7jcchcvcc7jcgcc]cch,vc7Jvchvcgcvc]cv$fcvv \v in Lent - Matins:
Old Testament: Numbers 25
down and wor - ship,
(The people fall into fornication and
-vv%fcc%fcc]cv ctcvv ccycvc]cctccvcgcvvcchcc]cctcvc%rcc]ct,c– idolatry, and many are slain; both
historical and allegorical. Although we
and Thy Re– sur– rec- tion we glor-i - fy. should welcome the stranger: Tobias and
also our Lord in Matt. 25:32-46,
(Or the Greek melody below sung three especially verses 38 and 40, we do not
times. Notes are natural unless flatted in lose ourselves. In matters of religion,
this mode, with minor thirds:) mixing all sorts of ideas can lead to
destruction, as the heresy of Mani led to
-vv cgc]cv vctcecvvccrctcvvc]cv6hcvíjcv6ycvv Tcc] polytheism and forgetting any basis for
the ideas. This is harsh, but the Irish
Be - f ore Thy Cross, missionaries confronted Arianism, etc. in

-vv v v v cíu.cc6hcvv v cicíuvc]c6yctvccRcv]ccTcvv

Europe. See St. Irenaeus, Aug. 26th.)
Sequence: Psalm 48 (Heb. 49) Audite haec
omnes gentes. Hear these things, all ye
Christ our Sav - ior,
nations... (Psalm switched with
-cvíjvv6hccgc6HccíJcc]v v gcfcvv vcv dcFcGccvv fvcv v vdcvv v cecc] tomorrow. Heel: Achilles’ heel, the spot
of vulnerability: pride. Earth-born and
do we wor - ship and bow down, sons of men: both those outside and
inside the church. Senseless beasts:
-cvgccgcvvc6yvvcíuccivc]cíjcvvcv6hccvcgc6HccíJc6hvv v cgcctc} those who act as animals, without
morality, or are atheists... see Psalm 52.)
and Thy Resurrection we glor - i - fy.

All this week in Matins: Friday in the fourth week in
Continue reading the Gospel of St. John Lent - Matins:
at the Beginning of Night. At Matins
Old Testament: Numbers 29, 31
read the Old Testament and Psalm for
each specific day instead of the Matins (Sin in the middle of the people of
Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the Moses; a battle destroys them, and
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song sacrifices are made. This is mentioned
of the Three Youths are from Week X. in the Epistle reading on II Epiphany;
marriage is also mentioned on that day.)
Sequence: Psalm 50 (Heb. 51) Miserere.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to
Thy great mercy. And according to the
Wednesday in the fourth multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out
week in Lent - Matins: my iniquity. (“Unto the end, a psalm of
David, when Nathan the prophet came to
Old Testament: Numbers 26-27
him, after he had sinned with
(Numbering the people in the plain of Bethsabee.” In sins did my mother
Moab on the Jordan near Jericho, conceive me: we are all descended from
Numbers 26: 64-65 “Among whom there sinful people. In Greek and Latin this is
was not one of them that were numbered “deficiencies,” not willful sin. The
before by Moses and Aaron in the desert sacrifice of praise is a superior sacrifice.
of Sinai. for the Lord had foretold that This Psalm is the first Psalm of the
they should die in the wilderness. And morning in all Christian churches, and it
none remained of them, but Caleb the asks God to send His Holy Spirit.)
son of Jephone, and Joshua the son of
Nun.” Joshua is appointed to succeed
Saturday in the fourth week
Sequence: Psalm 47 (Heb. 48) Magnus in Lent - Matins:
Dominus. Great is the Lord, and Old Testament: Numbers 32-33
exceedingly to be praised in the city of (They prepare to cross the Jordan; all the
our God, in His holy mountain. places they camped since Egypt; God’s
command to destroy the religion and kill
all the inhabitants of Chanaan.
Thursday in the fourth week
However, in Christ, God loves all
in Lent - Matins: nations that will believe in the Name of
Old Testament: Numbers 28 Jesus Christ.)
(The sacrifices of lambs the Lord Sequence: Psalm 51 (Heb. 52) Quid
requires for various occasions.) gloriaris. Why dost thou glory in
Sequence: Psalm 49 (Heb. 50) Deus deorum. malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity?
The God of gods, the Lord hath spoken: (Again commenting on the book of
and He hath called the earth. Numbers: hope in God’s mercy.)
(The Douay commentary says: “The
coming of Christ, Who prefers virtue
and inward purity before the blood of
victims.” This Psalm refers to today’s
reading in the book of Numbers.)

Great Lent V different than Psalm 13, emphasizing the
bones rather than evil speech, looking
Sunday Matins: Osee 1-2-3
toward the Offering of the Crucifixion
(Osee, Hosea, describes the sin of Israel.) and Resurrection of the dead rather than
Begin reading the Book of Acts at the the teachings of words. Psalm 93:8-12
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the answers this. The ultimate foolishness is
Old Testament for today instead of the turning away from God.)
Matins Resurrection Gospel. The verses Gospel John 11:47-56 (Caiaphas plots to kill
before the Second Canticle of Moses
Jesus so that one man would die for the
and the Song of the Three Youths are
nation. This “wisdom” is blasphemy, the
from Week I.
worst of foolishness.)
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Old Testament: Jer 18:13-23 (The people
the Preface) Always said aloud.
of Israel have forgotten God, and the
Almighty and merciful God, hear the prayer of
people plot against Jeremias.)
supplication of those who fast and of Thy mercy
Introductory Collect
cause all fraud to cease and cause all that is
O Lord God Who are Justly wroth and mercifully favorable to draw nigh to us through our Lord
forgiving with Thy People, incline Thine ears Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
unto our prayers of supplication, so that we who Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
are obedient to Thy Fast, believe with all of our Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
senses, not judge with Thy judgment but judge
with Thy forgiveness through Christ our Lord (Preface in the Roman Rite)
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, It is truly worthy and just for us always and
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. everywhere to give thanks unto Thee Almighty
Collect Before the Epistle and eternal God, O God: Who justly corrects and
clemently forgives. Thou are merciful in every
We beseech The O Lord in the time of our
way because Thou dost order us according to the
fasting: be pleased to sanctify the gifts offered
law that so that Thou doest not allow us to go
and set forth upon Thine altar, and Through them,
unto eternity like goats and like sheep Thou dost
being appeased and remembering our human
grant the opportunity of correction through Christ
condition, forgive our sins and avert whatever
our Lord, through Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the
retribution we deserve because of them through
Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the
Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly
Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with
Epistle Romans 6:17-23 (“...For the wages of
exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech
sin is death; but the grace of God, life Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with
everlasting in Christ Jesus our Lord.” suppliant confession saying:
St. Paul says to turn aside from sin. The Proper Blessing of the Day by a
“wages of sin” points to the danger of
the sin of coveteousness, which was the Bishop only if present
sin of Judas Iscariot. See. Feb. 15 / 28, Dominica V Infra .XL. Benedictio
the opposite of a treasure of prayer.) May the Lord make to arise within you the power
Sequence: Psalm 52 (Heb. 53) Dixit of His love, and through the observation of
fastings pour forth in you the gift of His blessing.
insipiens. The fool hath said in his
heart: There is no God. (Near April 1,
Thus you offer holocausts of your frugality to
old Roman New Year. See the comment
Him, so that you are pleasing by your
at the Feast of the Circumcision on
contriteness of heart, and sacrifice of humility.
January 1. This Psalm is only slightly

Thus may your prayer of the fast and alms-giving Tuesday in the fifth week in
and other things which are elevated arise unto the
ears of your Creator, so that you may be made Lent - Matins:
inheritors of eternal blessing, and be made to Old Testament: Osee 5
consort with the supernal community. Amen. (Hosea warns the priests that they have
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain not watched over Israel; the sin of Israel
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages causes them to not find God; and the
of ages. Amen. children are strangers..)
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Sequence: Psalm 54 (Heb. 55) Exaudi Deus.
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Hear, O God, my prayer and despise not
ever with you. Amen. my supplication
Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
Post Communion
Wednesday in the fifth week
Grant O Lord we beseech Thee perfect us by
correcting our habits, Who by these gifts dost in Lent - Matins:
confer and not deny us the wholeness of Old Testament: Osee 6-7 (Osee, Hosea,
profitability through our Lord Jesus Christ... describes the Salvation of God on the
third day; also, the people have sinned.)
Sequence: Psalm 55 (Heb. 56) Miserere mei
Deus. Have mercy on me, O God, for
man hath trodden me under foot
All this week in Matins:
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the Thursday in the fifth week in
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the Lent - Matins:
Old Testament and Psalm for each Old Testament: Osee 8 (Hosea warns that
specific day instead of the Matins
Israel has cast off the thing that is good.)
Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the
Sequence: Psalm 56 (Heb. 57) Miserere mei
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song
of the Three Youths are from Week I. Deus. Have mercy on me, O God, have
mercy on me: for my soul trusteth in

Monday in the fifth week in Friday in the fifth week in

Lent - Matins: Lent - Matins: .
Old Testament: Osee 4 (Hosea warns
Old Testament: Osee 9-10-11 (Because of
that the Lord will enter into judgment,
sin, the sacrifices of Israel will not be
because there is no truth, mercy, or
acceptable to God; Israel will be a
knowledge of God in the land, and the
wanderer among nations; but not all of
people contradict the priest. He warns
Israel will be destroyed. Also, Judah is
that rejecting knowledge, the people will
still faithful with the Saints.)
not have a priest, and sin such as
Sequence: Psalm 57 (Heb. 58) Si vere utique.
fornication takes away understanding.)
Sequence: Psalm 53 (Heb. 54) Deus in If in very deed you speak justice: judge
right things, ye sons of men. For in your
nomine tuo. Save me, O God, by Thy
heart you work iniquity: your hands
Name: and judge me in Thy strength.
forge injustice in the earth.

Saturday in the fifth week in (read by Bishop or most senior Priest):
Lent - Matins:
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the Blessing of Palms and Branches
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the Lord Jesus Christ Who came before the
Old Testament and Psalm for today beginning of the world, and Thy reign is without
instead of the Matins Resurrection end: Whose coming in the fullness of time for the
Gospel. The verses before the Second salvation of the world was promised by the
Canticle of Moses and the Song of the Scripture and the Prophets, and to Whom the
Three Youths are from Week I. vast crowd hastened bearing branches and
Old Testament: Osee 12-13-14 shouting Hosanna to the Son of David as Thou
entered Jerusalem on the feast day: we beg Thy
(God remembers Jacob - Israel, and tells
Majesty with humble supplication that Thou Who
the tribe of Israel to turn to God, and
came for our Salvation save us from the chains of
there is no savior besides God. God
our sins and expel all of our sickness from us:
does not like the idols of Ephraim. God
cure our infirmity: bestow a lightness of mood.
calls on Israel to return to Him, and then
With Thy Sanctifying blessing, the branches and
God will love them freely and turn His
fronds of the wood of palms will be taken up by
anger away from them; Ephraim will
the people from the hands of Thy Servants, so
forget idols, and God will be merciful.)
that whomsoever take them up may be filled with
Sequence: Psalm 58 (Heb. 59) Eripe me. Thy Grace in all things, and be given the
Deliver me from my enemies, O my restoration of health. Just as they are made to
God: and defend me from them that rise rejoice throughout this solemn day, likewise fill
up against me. their habitations with Thy blessings. Purify their
bodies and souls from all illness, and grant to
Great Lent VI (Holy Week) them the spiritual chrism of Thy Graces, so that
they may receive it at the uplifting Paschal
Palm Sunday, festival with all alertness. Through Thee Who
The Giving of the Creed bestowest it, Christ our Lord, Who reigneth with
Begin reading the Gospel of St. John at Thee and the Holy Spirit Throughout all ages of
the Beginning of Night. At Matins read ages. Amen.
the Old Testament for today instead of Increase the Faith of those who hope in
the Matins Resurrection Gospel. The Thee, O God, and mercifully harken unto the
verses before the Second Canticle of prayers of these suppliants: Let Thy manifold
Moses and the Song of the Three Youths mercy come upon us, and let these palms be
are from Week II. blessed, and as Thou hast multiplied in the image
Sunday Matins: Jer. 31:31-34 of the Church, Noah coming out of the Ark and
Moses coming out of Egypt with the children of
(Jeremiah predicts a new Covenant with
Israel, likewise we may hasten to meet Christ
God. “I will write it in their heart.”)
with good deeds, bearing palms and olive
Before the Mass: (In the presence of branches; and through Him may we enter into
the entire congregation, especially Catechumens:) eternal Joy. Through the same Thy Son our Lord
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Blessing and distribution of Palms, Holy Spirit Throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
And: The Opening of the Ears and O God Who gathers together the
the passing down of the Symbol of scattered and protects those that have been
gathered: Who blessed the people who met Jesus
Faith, called the Traditio bearing branches, bless also these palm branches

and olive branches which Thy servants will Palms are sprinkled with Holy Water, and
faithfully raise unto to the Glory of Thy Name: so distributed to Faithful and Catechumins.
that wherever they may be brought, blessing may
result, so that every adversity being driven away
by healing, Thy right hand may protect those He
has redeemed. Through the same Thy Son our
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and The Traditio
the Holy Spirit, Throughout all ages of ages.
O Lord Holy Father Almighty and The ears of each of the Catechumens are
eternal God, Who commanded Thy creatures to anointed with Oil of Catechumens and
produce oil from the scrub for the fashioning of the Priest says:
lights for the altar, likewise let us suppliants
fervently pray that Thou may be pleased to bless Effeta: that is 'be opened' Effeta.
and sanctify these branches of palm and olive, so
Thy servants being sanctified in soul and body Beloved, It is a divine joy to open the
and filled with Thy blessing may wave them in Gospel unto you. First we must explain in order,
their hands, and may say: what the Gospel is, and whence it cometh, and
Blessed is He that cometh in the name of whose words are set forth in it, and why there are
the Lord: Hosanna in the Highest. four who wrote these details, and even who these
O God who sent Thy Son our Lord Jesus four are, whom the prophet announced by the
Christ into this world for our salvation: so that He divine Spirit in symbols. Let this pass down
might humble Himself, so that we might be without extreme methodical ordering, which may
recalled unto Thee: when He entered Jerusalem even be a cause of confusion, so that, the ears of
so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled, the most you who come to it might be opened and your
faithful crowds of people, because of their senses may begin pounding away at it:
devotion, strew their vesture and palm branches The Gospel is properly called the Good
in the road: grant, we beg Thee that we may Announcement, and particularly, it is the
prepare the way with that same faith: we from announcement / Annunciation of Jesus Christ our
whom the stone for stumbling has been removed; Lord: However, the Gospel is descended from
and may the stumbling block become green with Him because it announces and discloses these
branches of righteous acts, and may we be things which were spoken through His Prophets:
worthy to partake of what He has left us, Through He came in the flesh: as was written: I have said:
the same Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who Behold I am with you.
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit Briefly, this is an explanation of what is
Throughout all ages of ages. Amen. the Gospel: who are these four who were
We pray O Lord Holy Father and indicated by the Prophet? Now we assign figures
Almighty Eternal God, that Thou may be pleased and names to each based on what was indicated
to look upon this creature which Thou by the Prophet Ezechial: "the aspects of those to
commanded to bud from the wood of olive and the right, the first was like unto the Face of a
palm. Please bless and sanctify that which the man, the second like unto the face of a Lion ; of
dove took in its beak and brought back to the those to the left the first was like the face of a
Ark: so that whosoever may take it up, may take bull and the second what that of an Eagle. " It is
it up unto the perfecting of soul and body, and let without a doubt that those four figures stand for
it be, O Lord, a healing Sacrament of Thy Grace these four Evangelists, but the names of those
for our health. Through Thy Son our Lord Jesus who wrote the Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy and John.
Spirit Throughout all ages of ages. Amen.

Hear the Gospel according to Matthew: Hear the Gospel according to Mark:
1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the 1 The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
son of David, the son of Abraham: the Son of God.
2 Abraham begot Isaac. And Isaac begot Jacob. 2 As it is written in Isaias the prophet: Behold I
And Jacob begot Judas and his brethren. send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare
3 And Judas begot Phares and Zara of Thamar. the way before thee.
And Phares begot Esron. And Esron begot Aram. 3 A voice of one crying in the desert: Prepare ye
4 And Aram begot Aminadab. And Aminadab the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.
begot Naasson. And Naasson begot Salmon.
5 And Salmon begot Booz of Rahab. And Booz Mark the Evangelist, bearing the figure of a Lion
begot Obed of Ruth. And Obed begot Jesse. for the wilderness, begins saying “a voice crying
6 And Jesse begot David the king. And David the in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the
king begot Solomon, of her that had been the Lord.” Further it is because the unconquerable
wife of Urias. One rules. We find examples of the many aspects
7 And Solomon begot Roboam. And Roboam of this Lion which are found in the saying: Judah
begot Abia. And Abia begot Asa. my son is a lion's whelp: of my seed, lying thou
8 And Asa begot Josaphat. And Josaphat begot dost sleep like a lion, as just like a lion cub, who
Joram. And Joram begot Ozias. will awaken Him?
9 And Ozias begot Joatham. And Joatham begot
Achaz. And Achaz begot Ezechias. Hear the Gospel according to Luke:
10 And Ezechias begot Manasses. And Manasses 1 Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set
begot Amon. And Amon begot Josias. forth in order a narration of the things that have
11 And Josias begot Jechonias and his brethren in been accomplished among us;
the transmigration of Babylon. 2 According as they have delivered them unto us,
12 And after the transmigration of Babylon, who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and
Jechonias begot Salathiel. And Salathiel begot ministers of the word:
Zorobabel. 3 It seemed good to me also, having diligently
13 And Zorobabel begot Abiud. And Abiud begot attained to all things from the beginning, to write
Eliacim. And Eliacim begot Azor. to thee in order, most excellent Theophilus,
14 And Azor begot Sadoc. And Sadoc begot 4 That thou mayest know the verity of those
Achim. And Achim begot Eliud. words in which thou hast been instructed.
15 And Eliud begot Eleazar. And Eleazar begot 5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of
Mathan. And Mathan begot Jacob. Judea, a certain priest named Zachary, of the
16 And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, course of Abia; and his wife was of the daughters
of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. of Aaron, and her name Elizabeth.
17 So all the generations, from Abraham to
David, are fourteen generations. And from David Luke, the Evangelist bears the aspect of a Bull as
to the transmigration of Babylon, are fourteen his emblem: Our Savior is the Sacrifice and
generations: and from the transmigration of therefore Luke is compared to the Bull. It is also
Babylon to Christ are fourteen generations. because it contains the two horns of the two
18 Now the generation of Christ was in this wise. Testaments and the four feet of the four Gospels.

Beloved Brethren, let us explain to you why each Hear the Gospel according to John:
one has its particular image and why Matthew is 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
represented by the figure of a Man: It is because was with God, and the Word was God.
the beginning of Matthew's Gospel gives nothing 2 The same was in the beginning with God.
except the birth of the Savior: he tells us of the 3 All things were made by him: and without him
unabridged order of the generations. was made nothing that was made.

John bears the likeness of an Eagle for he strives remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection
to the very heights. As David said of Christ: Thy of the dead. And the life of the world to come.
youth shall be renewed like the Eagle's: it is Amen.
Jesus Christ our Lord, Who rising from the dead This explanation of the Symbol is
ascends unto the Heavens; whence soon, repeated just as we said it so that is may be better
reigning He will come to us, who hope that the implanted in your senses:
Church may be glorified to spread new I believe in one God, the Father
beginnings of Christian rule. Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all
The giving of the Creed: things visible and invisible. And in one Lord
Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God.
The divine Sacraments, dear Brethren,
Born of the Father before all ages. Light of light,
are not distributed as widely as is believing,
true God of true God. Born, not made, of one
neither is believing only [a thought] but fearing,
Substance with the Father: through Whom all
nor can one hold the faith who is not grounded in
things were made. Who for us men, and for our
the foundation of the fear of God. As Solomon
Salvation descended from heaven. And was
said: the beginning of Wisdom is fear of the Lord.
Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary:
One who fears the Lord in all things said by God
And was born man. And was crucified also for
is wise and faithful. This Symbol which you will
us: under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was
hear today is that without which one can neither
buried. And He rose on the third day, according to
proclaim Christ, nor hold the faith, nor celebrate
the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and
the grace of Baptism: The symbol is the seal of
sitteth at the right hand of God the Father. And
faith, the Sacrament of the Eternal Catholic
He shall come again with glory to judge both the
religion. May you be adequately prepared with all
living and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have
due reverence: Hear the Symbol which the Holy
no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord
Catholic Church bequeaths to you from the
and Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the
maternal mouth:
Father. Who with the Father and the Son together
I believe in one God, the Father
is worshiped and glorified: Who spake by the
Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all
Prophets. And in one, Holy, Catholic, and
things visible and invisible. And in one Lord
Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the
Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God.
remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection
Born of the Father before all ages. Light of light,
of the dead. And the life of the world to come.
true God of true God. Born, not made, of one
Substance with the Father: through Whom all
The Third time, as is said after the same
things were made. Who for us men, and for our
manner so that in the future we may be able to
Salvation descended from heaven. And was
arise by the more faithful course to the order of
Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary:
the composition of the Symbol:
And was born man. And was crucified also for
I believe in one God, the Father
us: under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was
Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all
buried. And He rose on the third day, according to
things visible and invisible. And in one Lord
the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and
Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God.
sitteth at the right hand of God the Father. And
Born of the Father before all ages. Light of light,
He shall come again with glory to judge both the
true God of true God. Born, not made, of one
living and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have
Substance with the Father: through Whom all
no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord
things were made. Who for us men, and for our
and Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the
Salvation descended from heaven. And was
Father. Who with the Father and the Son together
Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary:
is worshiped and glorified: Who spake by the
And was born man. And was crucified also for
Prophets. And in one, Holy, Catholic, and
us: under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was
Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the

buried. And He rose on the third day, according to And was crucified also for us: under
the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried.
sitteth at the right hand of God the Father. And Let nothing confuse you concerning the
He shall come again with glory to judge both the trepidations and suffering of your Lord. Feel
living and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have uneasy about nothing concerning the Cross, about
no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord nothing concerning the Tomb. Is it not in Him
and Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the Who redeemeth you of the weakness of your
Father. Who with the Father and the Son together fragility that there is the gift of faith? His Cross is
is worshiped and glorified: Who spake by the your power. His death is your life.
Prophets. And in one, Holy, Catholic, and And He rose on the third day, according
Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and
remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection sitteth at the right hand of God the Father.
of the dead. And the life of the world to come. If the three day burial of your Lord
Amen. disturbs you, the eternal resurrection should lend
I believe in one God, the Father [Pause] all the more strength. The healing of every
Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all infirmity is in Christ. Therefore it is appropriate
things visible and invisible. And in one Lord to marvel because He to Whom was due Heaven
Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God. by attributes bore the Cross for you who are
Born of the Father before all ages. Light of light, contemptible. If you believe the things you see
true God of true God. Born, not made, of one and deny what you do not see, you are not
Substance with the Father: through Whom all capable of glory.
things were made. Who for us men, and for our And He shall come again with glory to
Salvation descended from heaven. judge both the living and the dead: Whose
Behold, you have added "Almighty" and Kingdom shall have no end.
truthfully added nothing which takes away from Behold that He Who was judged of
the promise, but watch securely: if you believe iniquities upon the earth, will come judging,
because He is omnipotent who makes the promise seated in the Heavens. If you discern that any is
and in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our guilty, then fear the Judge.
Lord. This is that Sacrament by faith: unless one And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the
believes the Son of God with one's whole mind, Lord and Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the
they cannot confess the Father. Believe therefore Father. Who with the Father and the Son together
in the Son of God: Only begotten of Unbegotten: is worshiped and glorified: Who spake by the
living from living , true from true. Prophets.
And was Incarnate of the Holy Spirit If, by faith, you have believed in God
and the Virgin Mary the Father Almighty and in His Only begotten
You hear the Holy Spirit, the author: yet Son, it is necessary to confess the Holy Spirit.
you might doubt that the Virgin was able to This is the same Holy Spirit Who proceedeth
conceive because the angel Gabriel spoke to from the Father, of Whom the Savior said unto
Mary saying: The Holy Spirit cometh unto thee His blessed Apostles: Go forth and baptize all
and the power of the Most High shall overshadow nations in the name of the Father and the Son and
Thee. Why do you not believe he was formed a the Holy Spirit. One cannot recognize in quality,
man in the womb of the Virgin Whom you one whom one is not able to recognize in name.
believe formed man out earth? Neither should And in one, Holy, Catholic, and
you doubt that the Virgin remained virgin after Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the
birth, since many years before, the prophet Isaias remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection
blindly said: Behold a virgin shall conceive and of the dead. And the life of the world to come.
bear a son. This divine statement is believing by If you do not believe in the Holy Church
authority. of God, then you are not capable of receiving the

gifts from the Church of God, because you are through fasting, and grant that we may have the
professed by this same with God the Father and fruition of newness, that just like those who came
the Son and the Holy Spirit; so that through the out to meet Thee with branches of trees, we may
Grace of Baptism you may be granted be worthy to run forth rejoicing with palms of
forgiveness of your sins, and your flesh may be victory when Thou shall come again at the
renewed in the Resurrection unto eternity. second coming, O Savior of the World, Who
If you do not believe that your sins have reigneth with Thine unoriginate Father and the
been sent away from you, you cannot be absolved Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
of sin. Epistle Hebrews 11:3-34 [or to 40; promise.]
If you do not believe that your flesh will (By faith many great things were done.)
be restored to you in the Resurrection, after death Gradual entire Psalm 59 (Heb. 60) Deus
you will be unable to come to the fruition of life repulisti nos. O God, Thou hast cast us
eternal. Amen. off, and hast destroyed us: Thou hast
Mass for Palm Sunday: been angry, and hast had mercy on us.
Old Testament: Jer.31:31-34 Alleluia Zach 9:9
(Jeremiah predicts a new Covenant with Alleluia, Alleluia! Rejoice greatly, O daughter of
God. “I will write it in their heart.”) Sion, shout for joy, O daughter of Jerusalem:
Introductory Collect Behold, thy King will come to thee, the just and
In both parts of the day the community embraces Savior. He is poor and riding upon an ass and
this worship of our service, O Lord: whether by upon a colt, the foal of an ass. Alleluia!
the holy discipline of fasting or from Thy banners Gospel John 12:1-26 (The Entrance into
which shine forth today through wonders: for Jerusalem of our Lord Jesus Christ.)
Lazarus was led forth after been in Tartarus: at Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
the sound of Thy voice, he sprang forth, and the Preface) Always said aloud.
Thou gavest life to the corpse which lives after Behold O Lord, of Thee Caiaphas, the High
stinking from four days’ [burial]: Yea because of Priest, unknowingly pronounces a prophecy to
the miracle, the approving crowd ran out with himself and unto the people: that you are the one
palms to meet the King: Hear us in this two-fold that should die for the nation lest the whole of
obsequy of our service unto Thee, and grant that them die, and Thou art the single seed that dies in
which is favorable and pleasing, that our souls the earth that it might bring forth much fruit. We
which are sealed in the tomb of sins and appeal to Thee Who art the Victim for the
corrupted by the decay of death, may arise again salvation of the world, O Slain one we beg Thee
from Thine inward visitation; just as the viscera that Thou of Thyself, grant us forgiveness Who
of Lazarus from Thy voice, they shall be given offered Thyself for us and these who are
life: O Savior Who reigneth with Thine remembered by recitation before thy holy altar,
unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit, who have been moved from the chains of the
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. flesh into Thy peace. We beseech Thee O Lord
Collect Before the Epistle that they have their rest in Thee, which they merit
O Good Redeemer, our Lord Who art gentle, through Baptism, to have a Redeemer. And we
seated upon the back of the gentle ass, freely beseech Thee O Lord our God, may they who
came for us unto the suffering of our redemption. stand among those here who are prepared for the
With a struggle, unto Thee the way is covered saving Sacraments of Baptism, that they may be
with tree boughs, and with palms as triumphal endowed with the faith, instructed in mind,
banners, with a voice of praise the way is confirmed in Grace unto the harvesting of the
presented to Thee: We implore Thy Divine plenitude of Thy Grace. Command Thy Spirit to
Majesty which blesses; accept the confession of defend and prepare them so that by the longed-for
our mouth and the humiliation of the body holy washing in the font they may merit rebirth,

through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
ages. Amen. of ages. Amen.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
(Preface in the Roman Rite) and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
It is truly worthy and just, from all genders, ages ever with you. Amen.
and intellects to give Thee praise, O Lord, in this
day of fasting, and Thy praises by triumphal Item Alia Benedictio in Passione
heralding, to Whom many crowds of the peoples (Another Blessing during Passion
ran from Jerusalem and Bethany shouting with [week])
one voice: Hosanna, O Son of David: Blessed is May Almighty God who provided an example of
He Who cometh in the name of the Lord. Along humility unto you through the Passion of His
with the tongue, the mane of trees was of use Only-Begotten Son, grant that you understand the
unto Thee: the way was covered with branches of gift of his ineffable blessing through the same
trees: and the people also spread their clothing humility. Amen.
for Thy feet, and the way of victory was vested May you understand participation in His
by men who were stripped: the populace presents Resurrection; Whose enduring teachings you
a new victory. All clamor arise in praise. Voice venerate. Amen.
of clamor penetrate the temple saying blessed is For I would have you receive the reward of
He Who cometh in the name of the Lord. Behold eternal life, through Whose temporal death you
O Jerusalem: Thy gentle King cometh unto thee believe you evaded eternal death. Amen.
upon an ass. Come now, let us ask. You were in May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
our midst, and Who restored through the Cross without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
through this sacrifice of Bread and Blood, of ages. Amen.
similarly repair our failings so to come to Thee in May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
our hearts, we, aware of this, may go forth to Thy and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
meeting and with those supernal powers, we may ever with you. Amen.
shout, saying: [the Sanctus]
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
Bishop only if present
Post Communion
In Ramis Palmarum. Benedictio
May Almighty God bless you so that you may be Grant O Lord we beseech Thee perfect us by
eager to please him with the leanness of those correcting our habits, Who by these gifts dost
who fast and the observance of these present confer and not deny us the wholeness of
days. Amen. profitability Through Thy Son our Lord Jesus
And may He grant unto you that you will have Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
striven to be presented to Him with branches of Spirit Throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
palms and other similar branches in such a way
that that you may be strong enough to appear
before Him after death with the palm of victory
and the fruit of good works. Amen.
And may He in the Passion of whose Son you
believe with pure heart, and eagerly venerate with
devoted mind, grant that you may come unto the
Feast of His Resurrection with the reward of
replenishment, strengthened with His protection.

A Parish Service for The Night before Liturgy Collect (AB 33)
We beseech Thy mercy throughout the
Evenings of the Sunday, times of day which have unfolded, and
Monday, Tuesday and the times of night which have overtaken
them, O God, that filled with Divine
Wednesday of Holy Week thoughts, we may be able to reject the
[A Contraction of Beginning of Night, Midnight works of darkness: Who reignest unto
and Matins. Monastics may use complete hours the ages. Amen.
with Lections and Psalms instead of this.]
[STAND] Peace (From Beginning of Night)
V. + O God come to my assistance. Antiphon (AB 34): We have acted unjustly, we
R. O Lord make haste to help me. have wrought iniquity. (Ps. 105:6b)
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to Collect: Thou hast redeemed, O Lord, us by Thy
the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, Holy Blood: now encourage us in all things, O
and ever unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Jesus Christ Who reignest unto the ages. Amen.
Antiphon: Abundant peace is for those who are
V. The Gospel of St. John begins.
attentive to Thy Law, O Lord and there is no
[R. Glory to Thee, O Lord.] scandal in them. (Ps. 118:165)
(Beginning of Night: may Collect: May Thy peace, O Lord, King of
condense more of these Gospels Heaven, always pervade our vitals, so that we
early in the week; they are not may not fear the terror by night: Who reignest
done end of week.) unto the ages. Amen.
Sunday evening (Monday): St. John, 4 through 6. Hymn AB 10 (from Midnight)
(Condensed: Chapters 4 through 8) At the time of Midnight,
Monday evening (Tuesday):St. John, 7 through The prophetic Voice admonishes
9. (Condensed: Chapters 9 through 13) us to ever sing praises to God
Tuesday evening (Wednesday): St. John, the Father and the Son
Chapters 10 through 12. (Condensed: 14 through
18) And also to the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday evening (Thursday): St. John, The perfect Trinity and
Chapters 13 through 15. (Or: 19 through 21) one in Substance
is ever praised by us.
R. Pray for us and lift up the Gospel to us.
V. [By the words of the Holy Gospel may your This hour holds terror
sins be blotted out.] Thereon the destroying angel
Collects (All Week.) brought death to Egypt
Daily Collect (AB 22): We pass the time of slaying the first-born.
night in Thy praises, O Christ: have pity on all
who beseech Thee from the heart: Who reignest This hour is healing to the Just
unto the ages. Amen. because the angel dared
Night before Liturgy Collect (AB 32): not to punish where the
O God, Who illumines the chaotic the Sign of Blood was formed.
darkness of the nights, and brightens the
thickness of gloom, we pray to Thee: Egypt mourned mightily
preserve our hearts in the works of Thy at the dreadful death of so many;
statutes: Who reignest unto the ages. Israel alone rejoiced
Amen. protected by the blood of the Lamb.

We are the true Israel. Fast day Collect AB 57:
We rejoice in Thee, O Lord Let a shout go out at Midnight that we may be
rejecting the enemy and defended found prepared for the Bridegroom: Who
from evil by the Blood of Christ. reigneth unto the ages. Amen.
Fast Days Collect AB 58:
At this time itself, comes to pass O God, our God, we ought to watch for Thee
what by voice of the Gospel is from dawn: raise up our souls from deepest
believed: the Bridegroom comes: slumber, and free them from stupor, so that we
the maker of the heavenly Kingdom. may be goaded in our beds, and be worthy to be
mindful of Thee: Who reignest unto the ages.
Then Holy virgins hasten Amen.
to attend the arrival Fast Days Collect AB 59:
bearing bright lamps Thou art hope and Salvation; Thou art life and
Rejoicing with great joy. strength; Thou art a helper in tribulation. Thou
art the defender of our souls, O God of Israel, in
The foolish ones remain, all things: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen.
with their extinct lamps Fast Days Collect AB 60:
Frustratedly pounding doors: We beseech Thee from the depth of our hearts, O
The Palace of the King being closed. Thou Who dwellest in the heights, and in heaven
hast regard unto humility, and in earth, in sea, and
Therefore let us watch soberly, in all the abysses, that Thou strengthen our hands
bearing gleaming minds, unto battle and our fingers unto war, that in the
May we worthily hasten to morning we may be able to destroy all the sinners
attend the arrival of Jesus. in our land and we may be worthy to be Thy
completed Holy Temple, O Christ: Who reignest
And at the time of Midnight unto the ages. Amen.
both Paul and Silas, chained Collects before the Canticles of
in prison praising Christ, Moses (From Matins)
were set free of bonds. Collect AB 68:
O God, Who absolved Thy people from the daily
This world is a prison to us: yoke of Egyptian servitude, and when the enemy
We praise Thee, O Christ God: had been thoroughly beaten, led Thy people
Break the chains of our sins: through the spiritual washing into the Promised
In Thee, O Holy One is our Faith. Land; give us victory over the assaults of
corrupters, and lead us from our conquered
Make us worthy of glory, darknesses into the Sanctuary, the inheritance
Holy King of the Kingdom which Thy hands have made, O Savior of the
that will be, that we may world, Who with the Eternal Father and the Holy
acclaim Thee with eternal praises. Spirit, reigneth unto the ages. Amen.
Collect when Exorcism is performed AB 94:
Glory to the Father Unbegotten O Lord, Who protected the fleeing two sixes of
Glory to the Only Begotten the Tribes from the Pharaoh, Cinchrim, during
Likewise to the Holy Spirit their hardships on that difficult route, first by
Unto endless ages. Amen. driving back the floods into two towering
mountains on both sides, as dry looming walls
and dry land, and then producing water from the
rock: we beseech Thee, that just as at the prayer
of those pious ones, let the charioteers which are

the conversation and activity of the eternal enemy 13. In Thy mercy Thou hast been a leader to the
sink down and be swallowed up with the quick people which Thou hast redeemed: and in Thy
wit of Pharaoh; O King Who saved the True strength Thou hast carried them to Thy Holy
Israel from that flood so that she might sing habitation.
hymns to Christ throughout the ages: Who liveth 14. Nations rose up, and were angry: sorrows
and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit took hold on the inhabitants of Philisthiim.
throughout ages of ages. Amen. 15. Then were the princes of Edom troubled,
A Canticle of Moses trembling seized on the stout men of Moab: all
AB 99 Antiphon * the inhabitants of Chanaan became stiff.
[The antiphon may alternate with the verses.] 16. Let fear and dread fall upon them, in the
Week II Antiphon The children of the Hebrews greatness of Thy arm; let them become
crossed: The Israelites went across: Through the unmovable as a stone, until Thy people, O Lord,
dry sea, giving the praise: pass by: until this Thy people pass by, which
AB 5 (Exodus 15:1-19) Thou hast possessed.
1. Let us sing to the Lord, for He is gloriously 17. Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in
magnified: the horse and the rider He hath thrown the mountain of Thy inheritance, in Thy most
into the sea. firm habitation which Thou hast made, O Lord:
2. The Lord is my strength and my praise: and Thy Sanctuary, O Lord, which Thy hands have
He is become salvation to me. He is my God and established.
I will glorify Him: the God of my father, and I 18. The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.
will exalt Him. 19. For Pharaoh went in on horseback with his
3. The Lord is as a man of war: Almighty is His chariots and horsemen into the sea: and the Lord
Name. brought back upon them the waters of the sea.
4. Pharaoh’s chariots and his army He hath cast But the children of Israel walked on dry ground
into the sea: his chosen captains are drowned in in the midst thereof.
the Red Sea. Collects before the Song of the Three Youths
5. The depths have covered them: they are sunk The people of Israel in prefiguring us were freed
to the bottom like a stone. in passing through the sea; therefore free us
6. Thy right hand, O Lord, is magnified in through the grace of Baptism from the
strength: Thy right hand, O Lord, hath slain the destructions of the world: Who reigneth unto the
enemy. ages. Amen.
7. And in the multitude of Thy glory Thou hast Collect for Monastic Vows and Tonsure AB 92:
put down Thy Adversaries: Thou hast sent Thy The Hebrews, venerable in number, sustained by
wrath, which hath devoured them like stubble. the sacrament, young of age, but solid of robust
8. And the blast of Thy anger the waters were faith, because of love of divine religion, were
gathered together. The flowing water stood: the loath to love the king’s idol; naturally, they were
depths were gathered together in the midst of the contemptuous of the king himself, who being
sea. filled with wrath, commanded that the oven be
9. The enemy said: I will pursue and overtake; I heated seven times with pitch and hemp. The men
will divide the spoils, my soul shall have its fill. I at arms were set ablaze by balls of fire. Heaven
will draw my sword; my hand shall slay them. itself blushed red with this alien fire. Into that,
10. Thy wind blew and the sea covered them: they were thrust and in that very place they found
they sunk as lead in the mighty waters. Thee for Whom they were thrust into that place,
11. Who is like to Thee, among the strong, O O Christ. In such a manner, be pleased to free us
Lord? who is like to Thee, glorious in holiness, from the madness of intellectual tyranny and
terrible and praiseworthy, doing wonders? from our natural fire, O Savior of the world, Who
12. Thou stretchedst forth Thy hand: and the reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit
earth swallowed them. throughout all ages of ages. Amen.

The Song of the Three Youths 74. O let the earth bless the Lord: let it praise and
AB 99 Antiphon * [.The antiphon may exalt Him above all forever.
alternate with the verses.] 75. O ye mountains and hills, bless the Lord:
Week II Antiphon: praise and exalt Him above all forever.
The three youths were praying to Thee: From the 76. O all ye things that spring up in the earth,
midst of the fire they cried to Thee: With one bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all
voice they chanted the hymn: forever.
77. O ye fountains, bless the Lord: praise and
-vv gcfcccTccgcfcgcycvv v c]xv Tccvvcgcfcgchcfcwvv – exalt Him above all forever.
78. O ye seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise
[Repeat notes as needed.] and exalt Him above all forever.
79. O ye whales, and all that move in the waters,
AB 6 (Daniel 3:57-88a)
bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all
57. All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord: forever.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. 80. O all ye fowls of the air, bless the Lord:
58. O ye angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. 81. O all ye beasts and cattle, bless the Lord:
59. O ye heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt praise and exalt Him above all forever.
Him above all forever. 82. O ye sons of men, bless the Lord: praise and
60. O all ye waters that are above the heavens, exalt Him above all forever.
bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all 83. O let Israel bless the Lord: let them praise and
forever. exalt Him above all forever.
61. O all ye powers of the Lord, bless the Lord: 84. O ye priests of the Lord, bless the Lord:
praise and exalt Him above all forever. praise and exalt Him above all forever.
62. O ye sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise 85. O ye servants of the Lord, bless the Lord:
and exalt Him above all forever. praise and exalt Him above all forever.
63. O ye stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise 86. O ye spirits and souls of the just, bless the
and exalt Him above all forever. Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever.
64. O every shower and dew, bless ye the Lord: 87. O ye holy and humble of heart, bless the
praise and exalt Him above all forever. Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever.
65. O all ye spirits of God, bless the Lord: praise 88. O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye the
and exalt Him above all forever. Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever.
66. O ye fire and heat, bless the Lord: praise and Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy
exalt Him above all forever. Spirit, The Lord: Let us chant the hymn and exalt
67. O ye cold and heat, bless the Lord: praise and Him above all unto the ages. Amen.
exalt Him above all forever. Collects after The Song of the Three youths
68. O ye dews and hoar frosts, bless the Lord: Daily Collect in Great Lent AB 89:
praise and exalt Him above all forever. As Thou didst save the three youths in the flames
69. O ye frost and cold, bless the Lord: praise and by the descent of the heavenly messenger into the
exalt Him above all forever. furnace, be pleased to free us from the fires of
70. O ye ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and Hell through the Angel of Good Counsel: Who
exalt Him above all forever. reigneth unto the ages. Amen.
71. O ye nights and days, bless the Lord: praise Collect AB 126:
and exalt Him above all forever. By Rule we praise Thee, O Father of all things.
72. O ye light and darkness, bless the Lord: In all places, we confess and acclaim Thee. We
praise and exalt Him above all forever. minister unto Thee in spontaneous service. Hear
73. O ye lightenings and clouds, bless the Lord: us, and grant that which we ask: Who reignest
praise and exalt Him above all forever. unto the ages. Amen.

Psalms of Praise: Psalm 148 joyful in their beds.
Antiphon AB 100: 6. The high praises of God shall be in their
Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer pleasant mouth: and two-edged swords in their hands:
chants, Praise Him with sound of trumpet. 7. To execute vengeance upon the nations;
1. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise ye chastisements among the people:
Him in the high places. 8. To bind their kings with fetters, and their
2. Praise ye Him, all His angels: praise ye Him, nobles with manacles of iron:
all His hosts. 9. To execute upon them the judgment that is
3. Praise ye Him, O sun and moon: praise Him, written: this glory is to all His saints. Alleluia.
all ye stars and light. Antiphon AB 100:
4. Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens: and let all Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer pleasant
the waters that are above the heavens, chants, Praise Him with sound of trumpet.
5. Praise the Name of the Lord. For He spoke, Psalm 150
and they were made: He commanded, and they 1. Praise ye the Lord in His holy places: praise
were created. ye Him in the firmament of His power.
6. He hath established them for ever, and for 2. Praise ye Him for His mighty acts: praise ye
ages of ages: He hath made a decree, and it shall Him according to the multitude of His greatness.
not pass away. 3. Praise Him with the sound of trumpet: praise
7. Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, Him with psaltery and harp.
and all ye deeps: 4. Praise Him with timbrel and choir: praise Him
8. Fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy winds, which with strings and organs.
fulfill His word: 5. Praise Him on high sounding cymbals: praise
9. Mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all Him on cymbals of joy:
cedars: let every spirit praise the Lord. Alleluia.
10. Beasts and all cattle: serpents and feathered Antiphon AB 100:
fowls: Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer pleasant
11. Kings of the earth and all people: princes and chants, Praise Him with sound of trumpet.
all judges of the earth: Collects after Psalms of Praise
12. Young men and maidens. Let the old with the Irish “Trisagion” (Thrice-Holy) (Prayers:)
younger praise the Name of the Lord: All days Collect AB 128:
13. For His Name alone is exalted. We adore Thee, eternal Father,
14. The praise of Him is above heaven and earth: We call to Thee, eternal Son,
and He hath exalted the horn of His people. A and we confess Thee O Holy Spirit, abiding the
hymn to all His saints: to the children of Israel, a one Divine Substance.
people approaching to Him. Alleluia. Let us return due praise and thanks to Thee, one
AB 100 Antiphon: God in Trinity, that we may be worthy to praise
Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer pleasant Thee with unceasing voices, through eternal ages
chants, Praise Him with sound of trumpet. of ages. Amen.
Psalm 149 Collect AB 90:
1. Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: let His O God, Whom the army of heaven sings,
praise be in the church of the saints. And Whom the Church of the Saints praises,
2. Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him: and Whom the Spirit of the Universals hymns, Have
let the children of Sion be joyful in their King. mercy, I beseech Thee, on all of us: Who reignest
3. Let them praise His Name in choir: let them unto ages of ages. Amen.
sing to Him with the timbrel and the psaltery. Collect for Monastic Vows and Tonsure
4. For the Lord is well pleased with His people: AB 93:
and He will exalt the meek unto salvation. Let the Angels, Virtues, Thrones, and Powers
5. The saints shall rejoice in glory: they shall be praise Thee, O Lord, and let those who owe their

origin to Thee rejoice in the office of Thy praise, Tuesday Evening (Wednesday)
so that through harmony of the universe, Old Testament: Lamentations: 3:1-66
expanding unto Thee in consonance, Thy will be [Lection says 1-22, but ends too early. It
done in Heaven and also on earth. We beseech should cover the entire Hebrew alphabet;
Thee, O Lord, be at peace with Thy people that probably numbered verses 1-22.]
by Thy praises which are found in their mouths,
Sequence Psalm 62 (Heb. 63) Deus Deus
there may remain, in every one of them, the
defense of Thy Word by which Thou doest teach, meus ad te. O God, my God, to Thee do
and the Truth of our Life by which Thou doest I watch at break of day. [repeated Holy
ever regard us, and well-being by which Thou Thursday Mass.]
doest exalt the meek. For Thy many great deeds,
we praise Thee, O Lord, by thank offerings of Wednesday Evening (Thurs.)
show of praise through the Psalms, mortification Old Testament: Exodus 19:1-20,20:1-20
through the drum, by group worship through the Gospel Matthew 26:2-16
chorus, exultation through the organ, jubilation After the Gospel is read all say:,
through the cymbals, that we deserve to have Thy Pray for us, and lift up the Gospel to us.
mercy, O Christ, Savior of the world. And the Priest or Deacon blesses
everyone with the Holy Gospel (Tallaght
Collect AB 125: Rule). Then: “By the words of the Holy
[Again, louder. The Greek says, “Dynamis.”] Gospel may our sins be blotted out.”
We adore Thee, eternal Father, Sequence Psalm 63 (Heb. 64) Exaudi Deus
We call to Thee, eternal Son, orationem. Hear, O God, my prayer,
and we confess Thee O Holy Spirit, abiding the when I make supplication to Thee:
one Divine Substance. deliver my soul from the fear of the
To Thee, O Trinity, we return praise and thanks; enemy. [repeated Holy Thursday Mass.]
To Thee, O God, we recite unceasing praise
Thee, Father, unbegotten Prayer over those afflicted
Thee, Son, Only Begotten, by devils (All week) AB 96
Thee O Holy Spirit from Father proceeding, we
O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and eternal God,
believe in our hearts.
expel the devil and his kin from this person:
We give Thee thanks, Inestimable,
from the head, from the hair, from the crown of
Incomprehensible, Almighty God, Who reignest
the head, from the brain, from the brow, from
unto the ages. Amen.
the eyes, from the ears, from the nostrils, from
(End of Irish “Trisagion” Prayers)
the lips, from the mouth, from the tongue, from
beneath the tongue, from the throat, from the
Proper Lections passages of the throat, from the neck, from the
Sunday Evening (Monday) heart, from the entire body, from the joints of his
Old Testament: Daniel 9:20-27 (her) members, within and without, from the
Sequence Psalm 60 (Heb. 61) Exaudi Deus. bones, from the veins, from the nerves, from the
Hear, O God, my supplication: be blood, from the senses, from the thoughts, from
attentive to my prayer. the words, from all of his (her) deeds, and from
all developments now and in the future. But may
Monday Evening (Tuesday) there be worked in thee the power of Christ in
Old Testament: Jer 18:11-23,20:7-13 Him Who suffered that we might achieve eternal
life, through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
Sequence Psalm 61 (Heb. 62) Nonne Deo.
reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
Shall not my soul be subject to God? throughout ages of ages. Amen.

Bishop's Blessing this week: Thus, this opposing lethargy being subdued,
Item Alia Benedictio in Passione He breaks down the Pole
[Another Blessing during Passion week, unto the chains of death. [R]
also called Holy Week. From the
Pontificale of Egbert.] The shadows were
May Almighty God, Who provided an example of above and before the abyss
humility unto you through the Passion of His Whence shown the First day of Days. [R]
Only-Begotten Son, grant that you understand the
gift of his ineffable blessing through the same He went forth, The True Light,
humility. Amen. [He] joined the highest hearts
May you understand participation in His To mortal ignorance. [R]
Resurrection; Whose enduring teachings you
venerate. Amen. The same day The so-called Red Sea
For I would have you receive the reward of Flowing behind, Israel is freed. [R]
eternal life, through Whose temporal death you
believe you evaded eternal death. Amen. Through this we are taught
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain to reject the works of the world
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages and take up virtue in the desert. [R]
of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Fierce Pharaoh submerged
and the Holy Spirit, and the peace of the Lord, be who strove jealously with God,
ever with you. Amen. Lead by fire They sing praises. [R]
AB 3 Hymn of the Apostles
40 Kyries: Respond: [Kyrie eleison.] Thus freed and our
or [Lord have mercy.] after each verse, Confident enemies driven away
except the first and last verses that end May we likewise be appointed to praise God. [R]
Let us beg the Father The Almighty King And thus He who
And Jesus Christ and also the Holy Spirit. Made the beginning of Light
Alleluia Also and here
Makes the beginning of Salvation. [R]
God in one Perfect Substance
Triune in Three Adored Persons [R] The first is set forth In the beginning of the day,
The Second in the true Fervor of Faith. [R]
Of the universes,
The luminous brightness of the font At the end of the world After so great a Mystery
of the Aethereals and sphere of lights. [R] The Savior comes With great clemency. [R]

This truly is the day As the firstborn of heaven Just as bare, the elements set forth,
flashed from the great vault of the world. [R] what mouths of poets lucidly celebrate. [R]

Thus the Word was made Flesh, the Light Born as a man in mortal flesh
from the Beginning sent by the Father Not absent from Heaven
into the world [R] Remaining in the Trinity [R]

And He that first Swaddled in cloth Adored by the Magi

took away the powers from chaos He shown among the stars
Drove off night from The unsuspecting world. [R] Adored in the Heavens [R]

His size was held By a common manger He frees him who was gnawed
Whose fist can Contain the world. [R] by bonds of thousands of years
of death of the lower old man. [R]
And the first sign of water turned
into sweetest wine Portends to the Disciples. [R] The first-formed [is freed]
from the scandalous child of evil,
Then is quickly fulfilled What was said through grasping death by raging avenger. [R]
The Prophets:
The lame goeth forth like a stag. [R] By His return, He clemently restores
each who of old dwelled in Paradise. [R]
And the tongue of the mute speaks plainly,
the chains being broken, Raising the head of the body of the universe
by the commanding Lord. [R] in the Trinity He calls to the Church [R]

The deaf, the blind And Lepers are healed. In this the Heavenly One
Death is thrust aside the Dead are raised. [R] Commands the ancient gates
to open for the King and His eternal retinue. [R]
Likewise, He divides Five loaves to content
the discomfort of the thousands, He seeks from on High The one who has strayed
so close to doubt. [R] Bearing back on shoulders to the sheep fold. [R]

After so much abundance of Divine clemency Him we await, Who will come
This stimulates the Beginning of envy. [R] judging the just To redeem His handiwork [R]

He who wishes for enemies I ask how and with how much offerings
stretches forth to envy and to hate the soul. [R] will we be able to repay such a recompense? [R]

Council is begun Against Him How are we, mortals of the small word,
Who is called to narrate anything
The messenger of good Council. [R] which no one dares declare? [R]

They come upon Him We only pray this same maxim:

as upon a thief with swords. O our eternal Lord, have mercy. Alleluia.
The thief will give up eternal coins. [R]
Prayer of the Community of the
Then He is dragged to a human court Brethren: Short Form
The perpetual is condemned (AB 117-119)
by a mortal king. [R] AB 117 Antiphon 1: In Thee, O Lord, have I
hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in
He who is fixed to the Cross, Thy justice and rescue me. (Ps. 30:2)
O wonder, shook the Pole Antiphon 2: O Lord my God: do not Thou
and blotted out the depart from me, attend unto my help, the God of
Light of the Sun at the Third hour. [R] my Salvation. (Ps. 37:22b-23)
Antiphon 3: O God come to my assistance. O
Boulders were split Lord make haste to help me.
The veil of the temple was rent Prayer: Hasten, O Lord to free us from all of our
The dead came forth, living, from the tombs. [R] sins: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen.

For our Abbot The Divine Prayer (AB 36)
AB 118 Antiphon: The Lord preserve him and Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed be
give him life, and make him blessed upon the Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be
earth. (Ps. 40:3a) done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day
Antiphon: May the Lord keepeth Thee from all our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
evil: may the Lord keep Thy soul. (Ps. 120:7) forgive our debtors and lead us not into
Antiphon: May the Lord keep Thy coming in and temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Thy going out; from henceforth now and forever. The Intercessory Prayers
(Ps. 120:8) For the Martyrs
Antiphon AB 101:
For the Brethren After fires and swords, crosses and beasts, the
AB 119 Antiphon: Keep us, O Lord as the apple Saints are borne with great triumph into the
of Thine eye; protect us under the shadow of Thy Kingdom and rest.
wing. (Ps. 16:8b) Collect AB 61:
Prayer: Be pleased to protect and sanctify all of O Lord Almighty God Who dost test Thy Saints
them, Almighty God Who reignest unto the ages. with a measure and glorifies without measure,
Amen. Whose precepts have a goal and rewards have no
Credo end; hear our prayers through their examples, and
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, grant that they help us by their patronage: unto
maker of heaven and earth and of all things the perfection of Faith, unto the fruition of good
visible and invisible. works, unto the good of prosperity, unto the
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten reward of wholesomeness, unto the refinement of
Son of God. Born of the Father before all ages. religion, unto the increase of fear of the Divine;
Light of light, true God of true God. Born, not Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who is
made, of one Substance with the Father: through the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and glory
Whom all things were made. of those to come, reigning and remaining, One
Who for us men, and for our Salvation descended with [Thee and] the Holy Spirit throughout all
from heaven. And was Incarnate of the Holy ages of ages. Amen.
Spirit and the Virgin Mary: And was born man. Antiphon AB 102:
And was crucified also for us: under Pontius These are the ones who came forth in great
Pilate; He suffered and was buried. tribulation, and washed their stoles, and made
And He rose on the third day, according to the them white in the Blood of the Lamb.
Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and sitteth Antiphon AB 103:
at the right hand of God the Father. And He shall In memory of Thy Martyrs, O Lord, harken to the
come again with glory to judge both the living prayer of Thy servants, O Christ.
and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have no end. Antiphon AB 104:
And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and In the invocation of Thy Holy Martyrs, have
Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the Father. mercy, O God, upon Thy Suppliants.
Who with the Father and the Son together is Collect when Exorcism is performed AB 97:
worshiped and glorified: Who spake by the O God, Who hast lavished Thy kingdom upon
Prophets. Thy martyrs, be pleased to grant us sinners
And in one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic forgiveness. By suffering for the Faith, these
Church. were worthy of their Crown. We, however, beg
I confess one Baptism for the remission of sins. of Thee, remission of our iniquities and
And I look for the resurrection of the dead. prevarications, and we beg of Thee mercy,
+ And the life of the world to come. Amen. Through Thee, O Jesus Christ Who reignest unto
the ages. Amen.

Collect AB 124: Therefore the Divine Prayer is repeated twelve
O Holy and glorious, wondrous and powerful times, “O Lord come to my assistance...” is
martyrs whose works please the Lord, and in repeated thirty six times and the Sign of the
whose assembly He is joyful, the best Cross is made twelve times.
intercessors and mightiest protectors, remember Here Ends the Hour. May do the
us always in the sight of the Lord, that we be Beatitudes and Magnificat.
worthy of help by the Lord, Who reigneth with [The Shrine of Piety is similar to a
the Father and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages Byzantine Prayer just before the Divine
of ages. Amen. Liturgy, and is from early Christian, not
other, origin. The description above is in
The Shrine of Piety the Antiphonary of Bangor.]
Standing facing the East with both hands
raised to Heaven and clear of vesture say:
The Divine Prayer AB 36 Holy Thursday
Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed be The Institution of the Holy
Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be Eucharist of our Lord Jesus
done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we Christ
forgive our debtors and lead us not into (Holy Day which all must attend, unless they
temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen. have a healing profession, or are bedridden. In
Parish usage, this Mass may be in the morning,
O God come to my assistance, O Lord make or this Mass may begin just before sunset later in
haste to help me. the day, then a short community meal, usually of
O God come to my assistance, O Lord make lentils or other simple vegetarian food, and then
haste to help me. begin the Hours of Holy and Great Friday
O God come to my assistance, O Lord make immediately after that.)
haste to help me. Read the portion of the Gospel of St.
Make the Sign of the Cross with the right John at the Beginning of Night. At
hand to the East. Matins, read the Old Testament and
Turn and repeat the Divine Prayer, “O God special Gospel for today instead of the
come to my assistance,” and the Cross, Matins Resurrection Gospel. Verses
to each of the other three directions. before the Second Canticle of Moses and
Song of the Three Youths: Week II.
After again turning to the East, repeat the Matins:
Divine Prayer and the three repetitions of “O Old Testament: Exodus 19:1-20, 20:1-20
Lord come to my assistance...” and Cross for (Moses goes up into Mount Sinai, and
all four directions with face bent down toward the Law is given.)
the ground, standing erect only to make the
Matins Gospel for today:
Sign of the Cross in each direction.
St. Matthew 26:2-16
After again turning to East, repeat the Divine (Caiaphas plots and decides to arrest
Prayer and the three repetitions of “O Lord Jesus but not on the festival day; a
come to my assistance...” for all four woman anoints the head of Jesus with
directions with face raised to Heaven, looking precious ointment for His burial; Judas
ahead only to make the Sign of the Cross in Iscariot is promised thirty pieces of
each direction. (Be careful of the neck; use silver to betray Jesus, and after that
good judgment.) seeks an opportunity to do it.)

Bishop’s Blessing of Chrism Collect Before the Epistle
God of Sanctifications and Lord of Virtues hear
and other Holy Oils our prayers and bless this people redeemed by the
(The Blessing of Chrism, in the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ from the Holy
Pontificale, is only celebrated by a Bishop. In the Throne of Thine inaccessible brightness Through
Celtic Rite, this is part of the Holy Thursday Jesus Christ thy Son Our Lord Who reigneth with
Liturgy, but if a Bishop is not present, this Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout ages of ages.
Blessing is not done; this Blessing is not included Amen.
in this book.) Epistle I Corinthians 11:20-26
(All the members are one body.)
The Institution of the
Sequence (without Alleluia):
Holy Eucharist
Psalms 62 and 63.
Mass: Psalm 62 (Heb. 63) Deus Deus meus ad te.
(Within this Mass, at the Sermon, the O God, my God, to Thee do I watch at
Footwashing is done for all Baptized members of break of day.
the Church, whether or not a Bishop is present. And Psalm 63 (Heb. 64) Exaudi Deus
The Faithful must come prepared for this, not orationem. Hear, O God, my prayer,
wearing complicated hosiery. The clergy and when I make supplication to Thee:
servers must provide warm water, towels, etc. deliver my soul from the fear of the
The Celebrant washes the feet of all others. enemy.
Psalm 40 has some of the themes of this day; it is
done on Wednesday just before Mid-Lent. Both (There are two Gospels today. The
Psalms 62 and 63 are done today whether or not a Sermon does not occur until after the
Bishop is present, for both the Institution of the washing of the feet.)
Holy Eucharist, and also the betrayal of Christ.) Gospel St. Matthew 26:17-35 (The Eucharist,
which we believe without reservation.)
Old Testament: Exodus 12:1-24 and St. John 13:1-33
(Passover) (Jesus washes the feet of His disciples.)

Introductory Collect Preparation for the Foot Washing

Beloved brethren, celebrating this day which is follows the Gospel immediately:
the beginning of Passover on which the Sacred, Before the Priest or Bishop washes the
solemn and Salvific image is poured into the
feet, he says:
spiritual sacrifice offered by Christ, not into the
Attend to the office of our servitude O Lord for
unleavened bread of sorrow nor into that Thou wast pleased to wash the feet of Thy
leavened of malice but offering in the new,
Disciples and did not despise the Works of Thy
sincere and immaculate hosts spread upon the hands, O Thou who commanded that we be
holy altars, let us beseech Almighty God through preserved, we ask that just as our exteriors are
His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ that washed, may our interiors be cleansed of all
He be pleased to bless and sanctify these by the
uncleanness. Amen.
offering of the sacred Body and Blood: That He
May He Whose Dominion and Kingdom
bless the offerings of His servants so that through
remain without end, be pleased to sustain us unto
the illumination of the Holy Spirit an odor of ages of ages. Amen.
sweetness may arise for those who in deference May the blessing of God: the Father and
proclaim Him. the Son and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the
Lord be ever with you. Amen.

Washing of the feet Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect
(During the washing of the feet, the of the Preface) Always said aloud.
Priest or Bishop makes no comment. Let us express the petitions of our mutual
The entire congregation removes concern, by diverse oblations brought together
whatever is on the feet, not complicated upon the holy altars in one faith. Beginning in
hosiery. Then the Bishop(s) or Priest(s) Faith concerning the Lord; that He cleanseth the
wash both feet of every person. A chair hearts of all who offer this reasonable Sacrifice,
that each person may sit upon one at a of confidence and sanctification to Him, and may
time may be set at the front of the He be pleased to call the souls of all who have
church, and large bowl(s) of warm water fallen asleep into the bosom of Abraham, and
with sufficient towels. In the absence of admit them unto a portion of the first
a Priest, a Deacon may do the washing Resurrection: Through Jesus Christ thy Son Our
of the feet. If there is more than one Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Priest, put as many chairs at the front as throughout ages of ages. Amen.
there are clergy, and the congregation Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
forms lines. The congregation does not It is worthy and just through Jesus Christ Thy
need to be washed by each clergy Son our Lord, Who washed the feet of His
member, but only by one.) disciples, girt with a cloth, and gave an example
At the washing of the feet, the Beatitudes unto the same concerning the rest of the world,
is recited, and repeated as long as the since He, the most true Master, formed all that
washing lasts. (St. Matthew 5: 3-12a) had been made. He had frequently instructed
The Beatitudes them with salvific monitions, but what is
Blessed are the poor in spirit; marvelous is that He girt Himself with a cloth, He
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. who accepted the form of a servant by dress was
Blessed are the meek; found like unto a man; also marvelous is that He
for they shall possess the land. Who poured water into a basin and washed the
Blessed are they that mourn; feet of the disciples, poured blood into the ground
for they shall be comforted. that He might wash away the stain of sins. So by
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after that cloth by which He was girt, He cleansed the
justice; for they shall have their fill. feet which He washed, He Who, by the flesh in
Blessed are the merciful; which He was clothed, confirmed that which had
for they shall obtain mercy. been predicted by the evangelical Prophets.
Blessed are the clean of heart; Therefore the Lord cleansed the feet of the
for they shall see God. disciples whose feet were outwardly cleansed;
Blessed are the peacemakers; He Himself who inwardly purifies souls by the
for they shall be called the children of God. hyssop of forgiveness. O admirable Sacrament.
Blessed are they that suffer persecution for grand Mystery. Peter was distressed, discerning
justice’ sake; the example of so great humility in the King of so
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. great majesty. Quailing humanity trembles
Blessed are ye when they shall revile you and because, unto its lowly estate, Divinity was
persecute you and speak all that is evil against willing to bow down, but if humble God had not
you, untruly, for my sake; bowed down to mankind, mankind would not be
Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very raised upright unto God. From that moment
great in heaven; for so they persecuted the mankind began to strive for the lands of the
prophets that were before you. living: For this God was pleased to shed light in
Sermon on the Washing. the region of the dead: Almighty God before
(After the washing is completed.) Whom the... [the Sanctus.]

Proper Communicantes for the Thursday. Twelve Particles of the Host
Institution of the Cup of our of the Circumcision and of Holy
Thursday are in memory of the complete
Lord Jesus Christ:
number of the Apostles.
and celebrating the most sacred day on which our
Post Communion
Lord Jesus Christ was betrayed,
Grant us Almighty God that just as we have been
Post Sanctus (Before the
refreshed by the temporal meal of Thy Passion,
“Most Dangerous Prayer”) we may likewise merit to be sanctified unto
Truly Holy and Just art Thou O Lord, Truly great eternity. Through Thee, Jesus Christ Our Lord
and Faithful: Who didst send Thy Son, our Lord Who reigneth with Thine unoriginate Father and
Jesus Christ, from the Highest Heavens as a light the Holy Spirit throughout ages of ages. Amen.
to the lands and a redeemer of captive mankind.
Who the night before... Holy and Great Friday
Post Secreta
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the Holy Day which all must attend some
world, Look upon us and have mercy upon us, portion of; especially the Sixth to Ninth Hours of
Thou Who became a victim for us, Thou who art Holy and Great Friday. The Ninth Hour is the
the Priest, the Ransom, the Redeemer: Who most holy Hour of the Crucifixion. The day
protects from all evils, those whom Thou hast begins at Vespers and the Beginning of Night
ransomed. Through Thee, Jesus Christ Our Lord, combined into one long reading, after sunset
Who reigneth with Thine unoriginate Father and Thursday evening, which according to Church
the Holy Spirit, throughout ages of ages. Amen. tradition is the beginning of Friday. There are no
Psalms read today. Instead, there are Prayers and
Proper Blessing of the Day
Passion Gospels every three hours through the
by a Bishop only if present night and day: Vespers and the Beginning of
May God bless you who desire to be converted Night around 9:00 P.M., Midnight at Midnight,
from the old Pascha into the new through the Matins around 3:00 A.M. or just before dawn,
Passion of His Only-Begotten Son; and may He Second Hour at dawn, Third Hour around 9:00
grant that the contamination of the old leaven be A.M., Sixth Hour at noon, Ninth Hour around
purged from you and preserve the new sprinkling 3:00 P.M. On other days, a congregation may do
[of leaven] in you. Amen. the Hours as time permits, but on Holy and Great
And may you who have gathered together with Friday, all the Hours must be done and not
devoted minds at the celebration of the dinner of moved, skipped, or done in anticipation. (If
our Redeemer, win the dishes of the eternal clergy has an emergency, a member of the
religious banquets. Amen. congregation may be blessed to read a portion.
May you also be cleansed of all the sordidness of Members may be absent, but some of the
sins by His aid, Who for the purpose of congregation and clergy must be present, if at all
demonstrating an example of humility was possible, at every Hour. Members may bring
willing to wash the feet of the disciples. Amen. mats and blankets and rest between readings.)
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Reading the Gospel of St. John at the Beginning
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of Night is not done. Psalms are not read at all.
of ages. Amen. This is the one week when the Gospel
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son of St. John at the Beginning of Night for
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Thursday and Friday (St. John, Chapters 16
ever with you. Amen. through 21) should be read earlier in the week.
Confraction arrangement for Holy Tomorrow on Holy Saturday, in the afternoon
Thursday: (In the Missal: 12 Particles while preparing for the Vigil of the Resurrection
for the Lord’s Circumcision and Holy Liturgy, the Book of Acts may be read in

anticipation. The entire Passion Gospel is read simply because we are Christians. (According to
today instead of any other Gospel. Today is a the desert fathers, every line of Scripture has two
complete fast, except in the case of medical meanings: historical and spiritual, and of the
necessity, in which case eat as few light meals as spiritual three layers: allegorical which is a
possible; lentil soup is traditional, or other fasting parallel meaning, anagogical which is a greater or
food. Medicine is allowed, as always; our Lord future meaning, and tropological which is an
healed on the Sabbath. The Church is dimly lit, interior meaning looking within at past actions.)
although candles are lit at the Gospels. This is also a reference to the attitude of St. John:
The Harmony of the Gospels of Holy that he was of the Tribe of Judah, and that he is in
and Great Friday for Vespers, Midnight, and the need of prayers; he is blaming his own family and
beginning of Matins has been destroyed. All the himself for the Crucifixion, rather than blaming
books were ripped: the Lectionaries of Luxeil, outsiders from Rome. See the note at Christmas:
Bobbio, and the Gallican Rite. The same pages the early Irish blamed the Romans, and Concobor
are always missing from the binding; i.e., the threatened to defeat the Roman empire because
earlier usages did include a harmony of these Rome had killed the Son of God. The words
sections. Furthermore, the special Collects of “faithless Jews” is meant for us to examine
Vespers, Midnight, and Matins are also missing. ourselves, and not judge our brothers, however,
(The agony in the Garden must not replace the the wording of these prayers has been left as is to
Crucifixion and our salvation; but the agony in keep the translation accurate, and because the
the Garden should not be excluded.) Therefore, a early Christians considered themselves to be
complete Harmony of the Gospels, reconstructed grafted on to the tree of Abraham, i.e., that we
according to the hours, is provided below, to be also are the Jews being directly referred to. It
placed in Vespers, Midnight and the beginning of would be possible to use the word “faithless” by
Matins, but some of the Collects that might end itself if this is not well understood. (See the
the Hours are not available. The Prophecies of Apostles Peter and Paul.)
these Hours are found in other Celtic and The first Hour of Holy and Great Friday
traditional sources, and were not chosen "ad is the longest and combines both Vespers and the
libitum” for this Breviary. Beginning of Night, below.
The first four chapters of the Book of Midnight page , Matins page , Second
Acts is read Holy Saturday afternoon in Hour page , Third Hour page , Sixth Hour page ,
anticipation of the Beginning of Night of the Ninth Hour page , Holy Saturday (the evening
Vigil of the Resurrection. after Friday) page .
Important note about the general
ending prayers for each Hour: There are Vespers and the Beginning of Night of
references made to faithless Jews. Understand Holy and Great Friday Combined:
that this is meant in a tropological way; the [Book of Osee at Vespers specified in old
faithless people: those who assume that they Gallican Missal, selection of chapter and
inherit faith; or they had a one-time offering of verse not specified there, but are given in
prayer or decision or alms, but were weak the Roman Presanctified Liturgy of Pope
because they never continued to pray; or they St. Gregory the Great, the Dialogist,
assume that others in the greater Church or which uses the material from the Hours
family will pray for them, or somebody else will of Gallican usage. The Gallican and
give alms, or somebody else will learn the faith; Irish usages did not use the Presanctified
such people never find time to pray or learn about Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great on Holy
the Lord, or do not make decisions based on the and Great Friday, but, occasionally
teachings of God rather than the letter of the Law, Matins would have a Pre-Sanctified
or do not continue to help the poor; i.e., each and Mass.]
every one of us who assumes that we are "saved"

Prophecy: Hosea (Osee) 6:1 - 6 he that is the leader, as he that serveth.
In their affliction they will rise early to me: Lk 27 For which is greater, he that sitteth at
Come, and let us return to the Lord: For He hath table or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at
taken us, and He will heal us: He will strike, and table? But I am in the midst of you, as He that
He will cure us. He will revive us after two days: serveth.
on the third day He will raise us up and we shall Lk 28 And you are they who have continued
live in His sight. We shall know and we shall with me in my temptations;
follow on, that we may know the Lord. His Lk 29 And I dispose to you, as my Father hath
going forth is prepared as the morning light and disposed to me, a kingdom;
He will come to us as the early and the latter rain Lk 30 That you may eat and drink at my table,
to the earth. What shall I do to thee, O Ephraim? in my kingdom; and may sit upon thrones,
What shall I do to thee, O Juda? Your mercy is as judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
a morning cloud and as the dew that goeth away Jn 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled. You
in the morning. For this reason have I hewed believe in God; believe also in me.
them by the prophets, I have slain them by the Jn 14:2 In my Father’s house there are many
words of my mouth: and thy judgments shall go mansions. If not, I would have told you; because
forth as the light. For I desired mercy and not I go to prepare a place for you.
sacrifice: and the knowledge of God more than Jn 14:3 And, if I shall go and prepare a place for
holocausts. you, I will come again and will take you to
After Old Testament reading (from the myself; that where I am, you also may be.
Old Gallican Missal): Jn 14:4 And whither I go you know; and the
R. I have heard, O Lord. way you know.
At all Hours after the Prophecy: Jn 14:5 Thomas saith to Him: Lord, we know
Collect: O God, from Whom Judas received the not whither Thou goest; and how can we know
punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward the way?
of his confession, grant unto us the effects of Thy Jn 14:6 Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and
propitiation: that as in His Passion Jesus Christ, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the
our Lord, gave unto both the divers rewards of Father, but by me.
their merits; so he may take away the Jn 14:7 If you had known me, you would
transgressions of our old nature, and bestow upon without doubt have known my Father also; and
us the grace of His Resurrection: Who liveth and from henceforth you shall know Him. And you
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages have seen Him.
of ages. R. Amen. Jn 14:8 Philip saith to Him: Lord, shew us the
The Holy Passion Gospel: Father; and it is enough for us.
STAND: Jn 14:9 Jesus saith to him: Have I been so long
After the supper still in the house: a time with you and have you not known me?
Jn 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you: Philip, he that seeth me seeth the Father also.
That you love one another, as I have loved you, How sayest thou: Shew us the Father?
that you also love one another. Jn 14:10 Do you not believe that I am in the
Jn 13:35 By this shall all men know that you are Father and the Father in me? The words that I
my disciples, if you have love one for another. speak to you, I speak not of myself. But the
Lk 24 And there was also a strife amongst them, Father who abideth in me, He doth the works.
which of them should seem to be the greater. Jn 14:11 Believe you not that I am in the Father
Lk 25 And He said to them: The kings of the and the Father in me?
Gentiles lord it over them: and they that have Jn 14:12 Otherwise believe for the very works’
power over them are called beneficent. sake. Amen, amen, I say to you, he that believeth
Lk 26 But you not so; but he that is the greater in me, the works that I do he also shall do; and
among you, let him become as the younger; and greater than these shall he do;

Jn 14:13 Because I go to the Father; and Jn 14:23 Jesus answered and said to him: If any
whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my Name, one love me, he will keep my word. And my
that will I do; that the Father may be glorified in Father will love him; and we will come to him
the Son. and will make our abode with him.
Lk 31 And the Lord said: Simon, Simon, Jn 14:24 He that loveth me not, keepeth not my
behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he words. And the word which you have heard is
may sift you as wheat. not mine; but the Father’s who sent me.
Lk 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith Jn 14:25 These things have I spoken to you,
fail not; and thou, being once converted, confirm abiding with you.
thy brethren. Jn 14:26 But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost,
Jn 14:14 If you shall ask me any thing in my Whom the Father will send in My Name, He will
Name, that I will do. teach you all things and bring all things to your
Jn 14:15 If you love me, keep my mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you.
commandments. Jn 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give
Jn 14:16 And I will ask the Father; and he shall unto you; not as the world giveth, do I give unto
give you another Paraclete, that He may abide you: Let not your heart be troubled; nor let it be
with you for ever; afraid.
Jn 14:17 The Spirit of truth, Whom the world Jn 14:28 You have heard that I said to you: I go
cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, nor away, and I come unto you. If you loved me, you
knoweth Him. But you shall know Him; because would indeed be glad, because I go to the Father;
He shall abide with you and shall be in you. for the Father is greater than I.
Jn 14:18 I will not leave you orphans; I will Jn 14:29 And now I have told you before it come
come to you. to pass; that, when it shall come to pass, you may
Jn 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth believe.
me no more. But you see me; because I live, and Jn 14:30 I will not now speak many things with
you shall live. you. For the prince of this world cometh; and in
Jn 14:20 In that day you shall know that I am in me he hath not any thing.
my Father; and you in me, and I in you. Jn 14:31 But that the world may know that I love
Lk 34b And He said to them: the Father; and as the Father hath given me
Lk 35 When I sent you without purse and scrip commandment, so do I. Arise, let us go hence.
and shoes, did you want anything? On the Mount of Olives:
Lk 36 But they said: Nothing. Then said He Mk 14: 26 And when they had sung a hymn
unto them: But now he that hath a purse, let him [they went forth to the Mount of Olives.]
take it, and likewise a scrip; and he that hath not, Lk 39 [And] going out He went, according to
let him sell his coat and buy a sword. His custom, to the mount of Olives. And His
Lk 37 For I say to you that this that is written disciples also followed Him.
must yet be fulfilled in me: And with the wicked [And Jesus said:]
was He reckoned. For the things concerning me Jn 15:1 I am the true vine; and my Father is the
have an end. husbandman.
Lk 38 But they said: Lord, behold, here are Jn 15:2 Every branch in me that beareth not
two swords. And He said to them: It is enough. fruit, He will take away; and every one that
Jn 14:21 He that hath my commandments and beareth fruit, He will purge it, that it may bring
keepeth them; he it is that loveth me. And he that forth more fruit.
loveth me shall be loved of my Father; and I will Jn 15:3 Now you are clean, by reason of the
love him and will manifest myself to him. word which I have spoken to you.
Jn 14:22 Judas saith to Him, not the Iscariot: Jn 15:4 Abide in me; and I in you. As the
Lord, how is it that Thou wilt manifest Thyself to branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abide
us, and not to the world?

in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide Jn 15:20 Remember my word that I said to you:
in me. The servant is not greater than his master. If they
Jn 15:5 I am the vine; you the branches. He have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.
that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth If they have kept my word, they will keep yours
much fruit; for without me you can do nothing. also.
Jn 15:6 If any one abide not in me, he shall be Jn 15:21 But all these things they will do to you
cast forth as a branch and shall wither; and they for my Name’s sake; because they know not Him
shall gather him up and cast him into the fire; and that sent me.
he burneth. Jn 15:22 If I had not come and spoken to them;
Jn 15:7 If you abide in me and my words abide they would not have sin; but now they have no
in you, you shall ask whatever you will; and it excuse for their sin.
shall be done unto you. Jn 15:23 He that hateth me hateth my Father
Jn 15:8 In this is my Father glorified; that you also.
bring forth very much fruit and become my Jn 15:24 If I had not done among them the works
disciples. that no other man hath done, they would not have
Jn 15:9 As the Father hath loved me, I also have sin; but now they have both seen and hated both
loved you. Abide in my love. me and my Father.
Jn 15:10 If you keep my commandments, you Jn 15:25 But that the word may be fulfilled
shall abide in my love; as I also have kept my which is written in their law: They hated me
Father’s commandments and do abide in His without cause.
love. Jn 15:26 But when the Paraclete cometh, Whom
Jn 15:11 These things I have spoken to you, that I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of
my joy may be in you, and your joy may be truth, Who proceedeth from the Father, He shall
filled. give testimony of me.
Jn 15:12 This is my commandment, that you Jn 15:27 And you shall give testimony, because
love one another, as I have loved you. you are with me from the beginning.
Jn 15:13 Greater love than this no man hath, that Jn 16:1 These things have I spoken to you that
a man lay down his life for his friends. you may not be scandalized.
Jn 15:14 You are my friends if you do the things Jn 16:2 They will put you out of the
that I command you. synagogues; yea, the hour cometh that whosoever
Jn 15:15 I will not now call you servants; for the killeth you will think that he doth a service to
servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I God.
have called you friends; because all things, Jn 16:3 And these things will they do to you;
whatsoever I have heard of my Father, I have because they have not known the Father nor me.
made known to you. Jn 16:4 But these things I have told you, that
Jn 15:16 You have not chosen me; but I have when the hour shall come you may remember
chosen you; and have appointed you, that you that I told you of them.
should go and should bring forth fruit; and your Jn 16:5 But I told you not these things from the
fruit should remain; that whatsoever you shall ask beginning, because I was with you. And now I
of the Father in my Name He may give it you. go to Him that sent me, and one of you asketh
Jn 15:17 These things I command you, that you me: Whither goest Thou?
love one another. Jn 16:6 But because I have spoken these things
Jn 15:18 If the world hate you, know ye that it to you, sorrow hath filled your heart.
hath hated me before you. Jn 16:7 But I tell you the truth; it is expedient to
Jn 15:19 If you had been of the world, the world you that I go. For if I go not, the Paraclete will
would love its own; but because you are not of not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to
the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, you.
therefore the world hateth you. Jn 16:8 And, when He is come, He will

convince the world of sin and of justice and of Jn 16:23 And in that day you shall not ask me any
judgment. thing. Amen, amen, I say to you: If you ask the
Jn 16:9 Of sin; because they believed not in me. Father any thing in my Name, He will give it you.
Jn 16:10 And of justice; because I go to the Jn 16:24 Hitherto, you have not asked any thing
Father; and you shall see me no longer. in my Name. Ask, and you shall receive; that
Jn 16:11 And of judgment; because the prince of your joy may be full.
this world is already judged. Jn 16:25 These things I have spoken to you in
Jn 16:12 I have yet many things to say to you; but proverbs. The hour cometh when I will no more
you cannot bear them now. speak to you in proverbs, but will shew you
Jn 16:13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, is plainly of the Father.
come, He will teach you all truth. For He shall Jn 16:26 In that day, you shall ask in my Name;
not speak of Himself; but what things soever He and I say not to you that I will ask the Father for
shall hear, He shall speak. And the things that are you.
to come, He shall shew you. Jn 16:27 For the Father Himself loveth you,
Jn 16:14 He shall glorify me; because He shall because you have loved me and have believed
receive of mine and shall shew it to you. that I came out from God.
Jn 16:15 All things whatsoever the Father hath Jn 16:28 I came forth from the Father and am
are mine. Therefore I said that He shall receive come into the world; again I leave the world and I
of mine and shew it to you. go to the Father.
Jn 16:16 A little while, and now you shall not see Jn 16:29 His disciples say to Him: Behold, now
me; and again a little while, and you shall see me; Thou speakest plainly and speakest no proverb.
because I go to the Father. Jn 16:30 Now we know that Thou knowest all
Jn 16:17 Then some of His disciples said one to things and Thou needest not that any man should
another: What is this that He saith to us: A little ask Thee. By this we believe that Thou camest
while, and you shall not see me; and again a little forth from God.
while, and you shall see me, and, Because I go to Jn 16:31 Jesus answered them: Do you now
the Father? believe?
Jn 16:18 They said therefore: What is this that He Jn 16:32 Behold, the hour cometh, and it is now
saith, A little while? We know not what He come, that you shall be scattered every man to his
speaketh. own and shall leave me alone. And yet I am not
Jn 16:19 And Jesus knew that they had a mind to alone, because the Father is with me.
ask Him. And He said to them: Of this do you Jn 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that
inquire among yourselves, because I said: A little in me you may have peace. In the world you
while, and you shall not see me: and again a little shall have distress. But have confidence. I have
while, and you shall see me? overcome the world.
Jn 16:20 Amen, amen, I say to you, that you shall Prayer for Disciples on the Mount of
lament and weep, but the world shall rejoice; and Olives (before entering Gethsemane):
you shall be made sorrowful, but your sorrow Jn 17:1 These things Jesus spoke; and lifting up
shall be turned into joy. His eyes to heaven He said: Father, the hour is
Jn 16:21 A woman, when she is in labor, hath come. Glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son may
sorrow, because her hour is come; but, when she glorify Thee.
hath brought forth the child, she remembereth no Jn 17:2 As Thou hast given Him power over all
more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into flesh, that He may give eternal life to all whom
the world. Thou hast given Him.
Jn 16:22 So also you now indeed have sorrow; Jn 17:3 Now this is eternal life: That they may
but I will see you again and your heart shall know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
rejoice. And your joy no man shall take from Whom Thou hast sent.
you. Jn 17:4 I have glorified Thee on the earth; I

have finished the work which Thou gavest me to Jn17:20 And not for them only do I pray, but for
do. them also who through their word shall believe in
Jn 17:5 And now glorify Thou me, O Father, me.
with Thyself, with the glory which I had, before Jn 17:21 That they all may be one, as Thou,
the world was, with Thee. Father, in me, and I in Thee; that they also may
Jn 17:6 I have manifested Thy Name to the men be one in us; that the world may believe that
whom Thou hast given me out of the world. Thou hast sent me.
Thine they were; and to me Thou gavest them. Jn 17:22 And the glory which Thou hast given
And they have kept Thy word. me, I have given to them; that they may be one,
Jn 17:7 Now they have known that all things as we also are one,
which Thou hast given me are from Thee; Jn 17:23 I in them, and Thou in me; that they
Jn 17:8 Because the words which Thou gavest may be made perfect in one; and the world may
me, I have given to them. And they have know that Thou hast sent me and hast loved
received them and have known in very deed that I them, as Thou hast also loved me.
came out from Thee; and they have believed that Jn 17:24 Father, I will that where I am, they also
Thou didst send me. whom Thou hast given me may be with me; that
Jn 17:9 I pray for them. I pray not for the they may see my glory which Thou hast given
world, but for them whom Thou hast given me; me, because Thou hast loved me before the
because they are Thine. creation of the world.
Jn 17:10 And all my things are Thine, and Thine Jn 17:25 Just Father, the world hath not known
are mine; and I am glorified in them. Thee; but I have known Thee; and these have
Jn 17:11 And now I am not in the world, and known that Thou hast sent me.
these are in the world, and I come to Thee. Holy Jn 17:26 And I have made known Thy Name to
Father, keep them in Thy Name whom Thou hast them and will make it known; that the love
given me; that they may be one, as We also are; wherewith Thou hast loved me may be in them,
Jn 17:12 While I was with them, I kept them in and I in them.
Thy Name. Those whom Thou gavest me have I
kept; and none of them is lost, but the son of [R. Glory to Thy long-suffering, O Lord.]
perdition, that the scripture may be fulfilled.
Jn 17:13 And now I come to Thee; and these
things I speak in the world, that they may have At the end of each Hour of Holy and Great
my joy filled in themselves. Friday, say these prayers:
Jn 17:14 I have given them Thy word, and the [For the Church.]
world hath hated them; because they are not of Let us pray, beloved, primarily for the
the world, as I also am not of the world. holy churches of God, that our God and Lord be
Jn 17:15 I pray not that Thou shouldst take them pleased to pacify, multiply, and protect them,
out of the world, but that Thou shouldst keep throughout the entire world, against principalities
them from evil. and powers, and grant us a peaceful and quiet
Jn 17:16 They are not of the world, as I also am life, apart from the nations, to glorify God the
not of the world. Father Almighty. R. Amen.
Jn 17:17 Sanctify them in truth. Thy word is Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
truth. reveal Thy glory unto all of the nations in Christ.
Jn 17:18 As Thou hast sent me into the world, I Protect the works of Thy mercy, that the Church
also have sent them into the world. spread throughout the entire world, and may it
Jn 17:19 And for them do I sanctify myself, that persevere stable in the Faith in the confession of
they also may be sanctified in truth. Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
ages of ages. R. Amen.

[For the Patriarchs:] through the washing of regeneration, they may
Let us pray for our blessed Patriarchs, receive remission of all their sins, and find
that God Almighty that appointed them unto the themselves in Christ Jesus, our Lord. R. Amen.
Order of Bishop may preserve them in health and Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
safety. May they guard the Holy Church unto the Who ever-fertilizes Thy new Church with
regulation of the holy people of God. R. Amen. progeny, increase the Faith and the intellect of
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, our Catechumens, that renewed in the Font of
by Whose eternal statement the universe was Baptism of Thy adoption, as children they may be
founded, regard and be propitious to our prayers, gathered together; through Our Lord Jesus Christ,
and protect our elected Bishop for us by Thy Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
Faith, that Christian peoples who are governed unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
by such authority under so great a Pontifex, [For healing of mind and body,
may increase in the merits of Thy Faith; through release of captives, safety in travel,]
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Let us pray, beloved, to God the Father
Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. Almighty, that He purge the error from the purity
R. Amen. of all of us, that He sweep away sickness, that He
[For all the Clergy and the People of God:] dispel famine, that He open prisons, that He
Let us pray for all Bishops, Priests, break chains, that He grant travelers safe return,
Deacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Lectors, Ostiaries, health to the infirm, and safe port to seamen.
Confessors, Virgins, Widows, and for all the holy R. Amen.
people of God. R. Amen. Let us pray. Almighty and merciful
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, God, consolation of those who sorrow, strength of
by Whose Spirit the Body of the Church is those who labor, may the prayers of all those
sanctified and guided, hear us suppliants, for all crying out in tribulation come unto Thee, that in
the clergy of the universe, that by the Gifts of their necessities they may rejoice in Thy mercy,
Thy Grace, that from all of the grades of the which comes to them through Our Lord Jesus
Church, they may be faithfully obedient to Thee; Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and the
through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of [For heretics:]
ages. R. Amen. Let us pray for heretics and schismatics,
[For all Christian leaders:] that our God and Lord uproot them from
Let us pray for Christian kings [leaders], universal error and be pleased to call them back
that our God and Lord subdue all barbarian to Holy Mother the Catholic and Apostolic
nations unto them, unto our perpetual peace. Church. R. Amen.
R. Amen. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, Who saves all, and desires that none perish, look
in Thy hand are the powers of all the ages, and upon the souls that are deceived by the frauds of
the authorities of all kingdoms; look down and be the devil, that all depravity of heresy being set
propitious and benign to the [Christian world] aside, they may come to their senses, and return
(Roman Empire), that all the nations which are in to the stability of Thy Truth; through Our Lord
it may be confident in Thy fierceness, and guided Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and
by the strength of Thy right hand; through Our the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father [For faithless and doubters:]
and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Let us pray for the faithless Jews and all
[For Catechumens:] doubters, that our God and Lord remove the veil
Let us pray for our Catechumens, that from their hearts, and that they may know Christ
our God and Lord may open the ears of their Jesus our Lord. R. Amen.
innermost beings and the door of mercy, so that

Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, Collect: O God, from Whom Judas received the
Who because of Thy mercy dost not cast away punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward
those who are faithless; hear our prayers, which of his confession, grant unto us the effects of Thy
we give for the healing of the blindness of such propitiation: that as in His Passion Jesus Christ,
people, that acknowledgment of the light of Thy our Lord, gave unto both the divers rewards of
Truth, which is in Christ, grow out of their their merits; so he may take away the
darkness; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who transgressions of our old nature, and bestow upon
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto us the grace of His Resurrection: Who liveth and
ages of ages. R. Amen. reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
[For atheists and idolators:] of ages. R. Amen.
Let us pray for pagans and all atheists, STAND for the Holy Passion Gospel:
that God Almighty remove iniquity from their Upon crossing the brook Cedron and
hearts, and convert them to the abandonment of entering the Garden (farm or estate) of
their idols, and unto the True God and His Only- Gethsemane. [Note: Christ's words here
Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. R. Amen. at the agony in the Garden are in three
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, Gospels, but in the Gospel of St. John,
Who ever seeks not the death of sinners, but life, these words are at the time of Christ’s
be propitious and accept our prayers, and free entering into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
them from the cult of idols, and gather them into At that time, the Father speaks to Jesus,
Thy holy Church, unto the praise and glory of and the multitude hears Him: St. John
Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who Chapter 12, verses 27-30. In all Gospels,
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto this agony does not replace the Cross.]
ages of ages. R. Amen. Jn 18:1a When Jesus had said these things, He
[Vespers and the Beginning of Night went forth with His disciples over the brook
combined is ended.] Cedron,
[At the Hour of Vespers and Beginning Mk 32 And they came to a farm called
of Night, the Collect for Holy and Great Gethsamani. And He saith to His disciples: sit
Friday was placed here.] you here while I pray.
Lk 40 And, when He was come to the place,
He said to them: Pray, lest ye enter into
Midnight of Holy and Great Friday. temptation.
Prophecy: Mt 37a And, taking with Him Peter and the
Lamentations 1:12, and Genesis 22:6-8 two sons of Zebedee,
O all ye that pass by the way, attend, and Mk 33b James and John, with Him; and He began
see if there be any sorrow like to my sorrow: for to fear and to be heavy.
He hath made a vintage of me, as the Lord spoke Mt 38 Then He saith to them: My soul is
in the day of His fierce anger. sorrowful even unto death. Stay you here and
And he took the wood for the holocaust, watch with me.
and laid it upon Isaac his son: and he himself Lk 41a And He was withdrawn away from them
carried in his hands fire and a sword. And as they a stone’s cast.
two went on together, Isaac said to his father: Mk 35 And when He was gone forward a little
My father. And he answered: What wilt thou, He fell flat on the ground; and He prayed that, if
son? Behold, saith he, fire and wood; where is it might be, the hour might pass from him.
the victim for the holocaust? And Abraham said: Mt 39b [He fell upon His Face, praying and
God will provide himself a victim for a holocaust, saying:]
my son. So they went on together. Mk 36 Abba, Father, all things are possible to
R. I have heard, O Lord. Thee; remove this chalice from me; but not what
I will, but what Thou wilt.

Lk 43 And there appeared to Him an angel Jn 18:5 They answered Him: Jesus of Nazareth.
from heaven, strengthening Him. And being in Jesus saith to them: I am He. And Judas also,
an agony, He prayed the longer. who betrayed Him, stood with them.
Lk 44 And His sweat became as drops of Jn 18:6 As soon therefore as He had said to
blood, trickling down upon the ground. them: I am He; they went backward and fell to
Lk 45 And, when He rose up from prayer and the ground.
was come to the disciples, He found them Jn 18:7 Again therefore He asked them: Whom
sleeping for sorrow. seek ye? And they said: Jesus of Nazareth.
Mt 40b And He saith to Peter: What? Could Jn 18:8 Jesus answered: I have told you that I
you not watch one hour with me? am he. If therefore you seek me, let these go
Lk 46 And He said to them: Why sleep you? their way.
Arise; pray, lest you enter into temptation. Jn 18:9 That the word might be fulfilled which
Mt 41b The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh He said: Of them whom thou hast given me, I
weak. have not lost any one.
Mt 42 Again, the second time, He went and Mk 46 But they laid hands on Him and held
prayed, saying; My Father, if this chalice may not him.
pass away, but I must drink it, Thy will be done. Lk 49 And they that were about Him, seeing
Mk 40 And when He returned He found them what would follow, said to Him: Lord, shall we
again asleep (for their eyes were heavy); and they strike with the sword?
knew not what to answer Him. Jn 18:10 Then Simon Peter, having a sword,
Mt 44 And, leaving them, He went again; and drew it and struck the servant of the high priest
He prayed the third time, saying the selfsame and cut off his right ear. And the name of the
words. servant was Malchus.
Mk 41 And He cometh the third time and saith Jn 18:11a Jesus therefore said to Peter: Put up
to them: Sleep ye now and take your rest. It is thy sword into the scabbard.
enough. The hour is come; behold, the Son of Mt 52b for all that take the sword shall perish by
man shall be betrayed into the hands of sinners. the sword.
Mt 46 Rise; let us go. Behold, he is at hand Jn 18:11b The chalice which my Father hath
that will betray me. given me, shall I not drink it?
The Arrest Lk 51 But Jesus, answering, said: Suffer ye
Jn 18:2 And Judas also, who betrayed Him, thus far. And when He had touched his ear, He
knew the place; because Jesus had often resorted healed him.
thither together with His disciples. Mt 53 Thinkest thou that I cannot ask my
Jn 18:3 Judas, therefore, having received a band Father, and he will give me presently more than
of soldiers and servants from the chief priests and twelve legions of angels?
the Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and Mt 54 How then shall the scriptures be
torches and weapons. fulfilled, that so it must be done?
Mt 48 And he that betrayed [Jesus] gave them Lk 52 And Jesus said to the chief priests and
a sign, saying: Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is magistrates of the temple and the ancients, that
He. Hold Him fast. were come unto Him: Are ye come out, as it
Mk 45 And, when he was come, immediately were against a thief, with swords and clubs?
going up to Him, he saith: Hail, Rabbi! And he Lk 53 When I was daily with you in the
kissed Him. temple, you did not stretch forth your hands
Lk 48 And Jesus said to him: Judas, dost thou against me; but this is your hour and the power of
betray the Son of man with a kiss? darkness.
Jn 18:4 Jesus, therefore, knowing all things that Mt 56 Now all this was done that the scriptures
should come upon Him, went forth and said to of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then the
them: Who seek ye? disciples, all leaving Him, fled.

Mk 51 And a certain young man followed him, [For all the Clergy and the People of God:]
having a linen cloth cast about his naked body. Let us pray for all Bishops, Priests,
And they laid hold on him. Deacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Lectors, Ostiaries,
Mk 52 But he, casting off the linen cloth, fled Confessors, Virgins, Widows, and for all the holy
from them naked. people of God. R. Amen.
Jn 18:12 Then the band and the tribune and the Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
servants of the Jews took Jesus and bound Him. by Whose Spirit the Body of the Church is
Lk 54 And apprehending Him they led him to sanctified and guided, hear us suppliants, for all
the high priest’s house. But Peter followed afar the clergy of the universe, that by the Gifts of
off. Thy Grace, that from all of the grades of the
Church, they may be faithfully obedient to Thee;
[R. Glory to Thy long-suffering, O Lord.] through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
At the end of each Hour of Holy and Great ages. R. Amen.
Friday, say these prayers: [For all Christian leaders:]
Let us pray for Christian kings [leaders],
[For the Church.] that our God and Lord subdue all barbarian
Let us pray, beloved, primarily for the nations unto them, unto our perpetual peace.
holy churches of God, that our God and Lord be R. Amen.
pleased to pacify, multiply, and protect them, Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
throughout the entire world, against principalities in Thy hand are the powers of all the ages, and
and powers, and grant us a peaceful and quiet the authorities of all kingdoms; look down and be
life, apart from the nations, to glorify God the propitious and benign to the [Christian world]
Father Almighty. R. Amen. (Roman Empire), that all the nations which are in
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, it may be confident in Thy fierceness, and guided
reveal Thy glory unto all of the nations in Christ. by the strength of Thy right hand; through Our
Protect the works of Thy mercy, that the Church Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father
spread throughout the entire world, and may it and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
persevere stable in the Faith in the confession of [For Catechumens:]
Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who Let us pray for our Catechumens, that
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto our God and Lord may open the ears of their
ages of ages. R. Amen. innermost beings and the door of mercy, so that
[For the Patriarchs:] through the washing of regeneration, they may
Let us pray for our blessed Patriarchs, receive remission of all their sins, and find
that God Almighty that appointed them unto the themselves in Christ Jesus, our Lord. R. Amen.
Order of Bishop may preserve them in health and Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
safety. May they guard the Holy Church unto the Who ever-fertilizes Thy new Church with
regulation of the holy people of God. R. Amen. progeny, increase the Faith and the intellect of
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, our Catechumens, that renewed in the Font of
by Whose eternal statement the universe was Baptism of Thy adoption, as children they may be
founded, regard and be propitious to our prayers, gathered together; through Our Lord Jesus Christ,
and protect our elected Bishop for us by Thy Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
Faith, that Christian peoples who are governed unto ages of ages.
by such authority under so great a Pontifex, R. Amen.
may increase in the merits of Thy Faith; through [For healing of mind and body,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the release of captives, safety in travel,]
Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. Let us pray, beloved, to God the Father
R. Amen. Almighty, that He purge the error from the purity

of all of us, that He sweep away sickness, that He Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
dispel famine, that He open prisons, that He Who ever seeks not the death of sinners, but life,
break chains, that He grant travelers safe return, be propitious and accept our prayers, and free
health to the infirm, and safe port to seamen. them from the cult of idols, and gather them into
R. Amen. Thy holy Church, unto the praise and glory of
Let us pray. Almighty and merciful Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
God, consolation of those who sorrow, strength of reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
those who labor, may the prayers of all those ages of ages. R. Amen.
crying out in tribulation come unto Thee, that in The Midnight Collect was placed here.
their necessities they may rejoice in Thy mercy, [The Hour of Midnight is ended.]
which comes to them through Our Lord Jesus
Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and the Matins of Holy and Great Friday:
Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Prophecy: Isaiah 50:4-9
[For heretics:] The Lord hath given me a learned
Let us pray for heretics and schismatics, tongue, that I should know how to uphold by
that our God and Lord uproot them from word him that is weary. He wakeneth in the
universal error and be pleased to call them back morning: in the morning he wakeneth my ear,
to Holy Mother the Catholic and Apostolic that I may hear him as a master. The Lord God
Church. R. Amen. hath opened my ear, and I do not resist: I have not
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, gone back. I have given my body to the strikers,
Who saves all, and desires that none perish, look and my cheeks to them that plucked them: I have
upon the souls that are deceived by the frauds of not turned away my face from them that rebuked
the devil, that all depravity of heresy being set me and spit upon me. The Lord God is my
aside, they may come to their senses, and return helper: therefore am I not confounded. Therefore
to the stability of Thy Truth; through Our Lord have I set my face as a most hard rock: and I
Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and know that I shall not be confounded. He is near
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. that justifieth me. Who will contend with me?
[For faithless and doubters:] Let us stand together. Who is my adversary? Let
Let us pray for the faithless Jews and all him come near to me. Behold, the Lord God is
doubters, that our God and Lord remove the veil my helper: who is he that shall condemn me? Lo,
from their hearts, and that they may know Christ they shall all be destroyed as a garment: the moth
Jesus our Lord. R. Amen. shall eat them up.
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, R. I have heard, O Lord.
Who because of Thy mercy dost not cast away
those who are faithless; hear our prayers, which Collect: O God, from Whom Judas received the
we give for the healing of the blindness of such punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward
people, that acknowledgment of the light of Thy of his confession, grant unto us the effects of Thy
Truth, which is in Christ, grow out of their propitiation: that as in His Passion Jesus Christ,
darkness; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who our Lord, gave unto both the divers rewards of
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto their merits; so he may take away the
ages of ages. R. Amen. transgressions of our old nature, and bestow upon
[For atheists and idolators:] us the grace of His Resurrection: Who liveth and
Let us pray for pagans and all atheists, reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
that God Almighty remove iniquity from their of ages. R. Amen.
hearts, and convert them to the abandonment of
their idols, and unto the True God and His Only- STAND for the Holy Passion Gospel:
Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. R. Amen. Before Annas and Caiphas the high
priest, Peter following (Peter’s third

denial is the start of existing Lection): Mk 66 Now, when Peter was in the court below,
Jn 18:13 And they led Him away to Annas first, there cometh one of the maidservants of the high
for he was father-in-law to Caiphas, who was the priest.
high priest of that year. Mk 67 And when she had seen Peter warming
Jn 18:14 Now Caiphas was he who had given the himself, looking on him, she saith: Thou also
counsel to the Jews; that it was expedient that one wast with Jesus of Nazareth.
man should die for the people. Mk 68 But he denied, saying: I neither know
St. Peter’s first denial: nor understand what thou sayest. And he went
Jn 18:15 And Simon Peter followed Jesus; and forth before the court; and the cock crew.
so did another disciple. And that disciple was Officially before Caiphas: False witnesses:
known to the high priest and went in with Jesus Mk 55 And the chief priests and all the council
into the court of the high priest. sought for evidence against Jesus, that they might
Jn 18:16 But Peter stood at the door without. put Him to death; and found none.
The other disciple therefore, who was known to Mk 56 For many bore false witness against Him;
the high priest, went out and spoke to the portress and their evidences were not agreeing.
and brought in Peter. Mt 60b And last of all there came two false
Jn 18:17 The maid therefore that was portress witnesses; saying:
saith to Peter: Art not thou also one of this man’s Mk 58 We heard Him say, I will destroy this
disciples? He saith: I am not. temple made with hands, and within three days I
Jesus questioned, buffeted: will build another not made with hands.
Jn 18:19 The high priest therefore asked Jesus of Mk 59 And their witness did not agree.
his disciples and of His doctrine. The high priest, and Jesus’s answer:
Jn 18:20 Jesus answered him: I have spoken Mt 62 And the high priest, rising up, said to
openly to the world. I have always taught in the him: Answerest thou nothing to the things which
synagogue and in the temple, whither all the Jews these witness against Thee?
resort; and in secret I have spoken nothing. Mt 63 But Jesus held His peace. And the high
Jn 18:21 Why askest thou me? Ask them who priest said to Him: I adjure Thee by the living
have heard what I have spoken unto them. God, that Thou tell us if Thou be the Christ the
Behold, they know what things I have said. Son of God.
Jn 18:22 And, when he had said these things, one Lk 67 And He saith to them: If I shall tell you,
of the servants standing-by gave Jesus a blow, you will not believe me.
saying: Answerest thou the high priest so? Lk 68 And If I shall also ask you, you will not
Jn 18:23 Jesus answered him: If I have spoken answer me, nor let me go.
evil, give testimony of the evil; but if well, why Lk 69 But hereafter the Son of man shall be
strikest thou me? sitting on the right hand of the power of God.
Jn 18:24 And Annas sent Him bound to Caiphas Lk 70a Then said they all: Art Thou then the
the high priest. Son of God? Who said: You say that I am.
Mk 53b And all the priests and the scribes and Mt 64b Nevertheless I say to you, hereafter you
the ancients assembled together. shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand
Peter’s second denial: of the power of God and coming in the clouds of
Mt 58 And Peter followed Him afar off, even heaven.
to the court of the high priest. And, going in, he Mt 65 Then the high priest rent his garments,
sat with the servants, that he might see the end. saying: He hath blasphemed. What further need
Jn 18:18 Now the servants and ministers stood at have we of witnesses? Behold, now you have
a fire of coals, because it was cold, and warmed heard the blasphemy.
themselves. And with them was Peter also, Lk 71b For we ourselves have heard it from His
standing, and warming himself. own mouth.
Mt 66 What think you? But they, answering,

said: He is guilty of death. At the end of each Hour of Holy and Great
The buffeting after the “trial:” Friday, say these prayers:
Lk 63 And the men that held Him mocked Him [For the Church.]
and struck Him. Let us pray, beloved, primarily for the
Mt 67 Then did they spit in His Face and holy churches of God, that our God and Lord be
buffeted Him. And others struck His Face with pleased to pacify, multiply, and protect them,
the palms of their hands. throughout the entire world, against principalities
Lk 64 And they blindfolded Him and smote and powers, and grant us a peaceful and quiet
His Face. And they asked Him, saying: life, apart from the nations, to glorify God the
Prophesy: Who is it that struck Thee? Father Almighty. R. Amen.
Lk 65 And blaspheming, many other things Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
they said against Him. reveal Thy glory unto all of the nations in Christ.
Beginning of Peter’s third denial (in Protect the works of Thy mercy, that the Church
Matins for Holy and Great Friday): spread throughout the entire world, and may it
Mk 70b And after a while they that stood by said persevere stable in the Faith in the confession of
again to Peter: Surely thou art one of them; for Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
thou art also a Galilean. reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
(All lectionaries of the period are ages of ages. R. Amen.
missing pages containing the beginning [For the Patriarchs:]
of the Harmony of the Passion Gospel. Let us pray for our blessed Patriarchs,
Great and Holy Friday Matins begins that God Almighty that appointed them unto the
here in the Lectionary of Luxieul, but Order of Bishop may preserve them in health and
earlier Lectionaries would not have safety. May they guard the Holy Church unto the
omitted the Trial of Jesus. Since St. regulation of the holy people of God. R. Amen.
Peter’s denial is part of the Trial, the Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
beginning of Matins is moved to the by Whose eternal statement the universe was
beginning of the Trial. Early founded, regard and be propitious to our prayers,
Lectionaries of Holy and Great Friday, and protect our elected Bishop for us by Thy
such as the Byzantine Lectionary, are Faith, that Christian peoples who are governed
very careful to include everything on this by such authority under so great a Pontifex,
great and terrible day.) may increase in the merits of Thy Faith; through
Mt 26: 72 And again he denied with an oath: I Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the
know not the man. Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
Jn 18:26 One of the servants of the high priest R. Amen.
(a kinsman to him whose ear Peter cut off) saith [For all the Clergy and the People of God:]
to him: Did not I see thee in the garden with him? Let us pray for all Bishops, Priests,
Mt 26:73-74 And, after a little while, they came Deacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Lectors, Ostiaries,
that stood by and said to Peter: Surely thou also Confessors, Virgins, Widows, and for all the holy
art one of them; for even thy speech doth people of God. R. Amen.
discover thee. Then he began to curse and to Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
swear that he knew not the man. And by Whose Spirit the Body of the Church is
immediately the cock crew. sanctified and guided, hear us suppliants, for all
Lk 22:61-62 And the Lord turning looked on the clergy of the universe, that by the Gifts of
Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Thy Grace, that from all of the grades of the
Lord, as He had said: Before the cock crow, thou Church, they may be faithfully obedient to Thee;
shalt deny me thrice. And Peter, going out, wept through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth
bitterly. with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
[R. Glory to Thy long-suffering, O Lord.] ages. R. Amen.

[For all Christian leaders:] [For heretics:]
Let us pray for Christian kings [leaders], Let us pray for heretics and schismatics,
that our God and Lord subdue all barbarian that our God and Lord uproot them from
nations unto them, unto our perpetual peace. universal error and be pleased to call them back
R. Amen. to Holy Mother the Catholic and Apostolic
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, Church. R. Amen.
in Thy hand are the powers of all the ages, and Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
the authorities of all kingdoms; look down and be Who saves all, and desires that none perish, look
propitious and benign to the [Christian world] upon the souls that are deceived by the frauds of
(Roman Empire), that all the nations which are in the devil, that all depravity of heresy being set
it may be confident in Thy fierceness, and guided aside, they may come to their senses, and return
by the strength of Thy right hand; through Our to the stability of Thy Truth; through Our Lord
Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and
and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
[For Catechumens:] [For faithless and doubters:]
Let us pray for our Catechumens, that Let us pray for the faithless Jews and all
our God and Lord may open the ears of their doubters, that our God and Lord remove the veil
innermost beings and the door of mercy, so that from their hearts, and that they may know Christ
through the washing of regeneration, they may Jesus our Lord. R. Amen.
receive remission of all their sins, and find Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
themselves in Christ Jesus, our Lord. R. Amen. Who because of Thy mercy dost not cast away
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, those who are faithless; hear our prayers, which
Who ever-fertilizes Thy new Church with we give for the healing of the blindness of such
progeny, increase the Faith and the intellect of people, that acknowledgment of the light of Thy
our Catechumens, that renewed in the Font of Truth, which is in Christ, grow out of their
Baptism of Thy adoption, as children they may be darkness; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
gathered together; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ages of ages. R. Amen.
unto ages of ages. [For atheists and idolators:]
R. Amen. Let us pray for pagans and all atheists,
[For healing of mind and body, release that God Almighty remove iniquity from their
of captives, safety in travel] hearts, and convert them to the abandonment of
Let us pray, beloved, to God the Father their idols, and unto the True God and His Only-
Almighty, that He purge the error from the purity Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. R. Amen.
of all of us, that He sweep away sickness, that He Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
dispel famine, that He open prisons, that He Who ever seeks not the death of sinners, but life,
break chains, that He grant travelers safe return, be propitious and accept our prayers, and free
health to the infirm, and safe port to seamen. them from the cult of idols, and gather them into
R. Amen. Thy holy Church, unto the praise and glory of
Let us pray. Almighty and merciful Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
God, consolation of those who sorrow, strength of reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
those who labor, may the prayers of all those ages of ages. R. Amen.
crying out in tribulation come unto Thee, that in
their necessities they may rejoice in Thy mercy, The Matins Collect would have been
which comes to them through Our Lord Jesus placed here.
Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and the [The Hour of Matins is ended.]
Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.

Second Hour of Holy and Great Friday: Because His soul hath labored, He shall
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 see and be filled. By His knowledge shall this
Behold, my servant shall understand: He my just servant justify many: and He shall bear
shall be exalted and extolled, and shall be their iniquities. Therefore will I distribute to Him
exceeding high. As many have been astonished very many, and He shall divide the spoils of the
at thee, so shall His visage be inglorious among strong; because He hath delivered His soul unto
men and His form among the sons of men. He death and was reputed with the wicked. And He
shall sprinkle many nations: kings shall shut their hath borne the sins of many and hath prayed for
mouth at Him. For they to whom it was not told the transgressors.
of Him have seen: and they that heard not have R. I have heard, O Lord.
Who hath believed our report? And to Collect: O God, from Whom Judas received the
whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? And He punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward
shall grow up as a tender plant before him, and as of his confession, grant unto us the effects of Thy
a root out of a thirsty ground. There is no beauty propitiation: that as in His Passion Jesus Christ,
in Him, nor comeliness: and we have seen Him, our Lord, gave unto both the divers rewards of
and there was no sightliness, that we should be their merits; so he may take away the
desirous of Him; Despised and the most abject of transgressions of our old nature, and bestow upon
men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with us the grace of His Resurrection: Who liveth and
infirmity: and His look was as it were hidden and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
despised. Whereupon we esteemed Him not. of ages. R. Amen.
Surely He hath borne our infirmities and carried
our sorrows: and we have thought Him as it were STAND for the Holy Passion Gospel:
a leper, and as one struck by God and afflicted. St. Matthew 27:1-2a
But He was wounded for our iniquities: He was And, when morning was come, all the chief
bruised for our sins. The chastisement of our priests and ancients of the people took counsel
peace was upon Him: and by His bruises we are against Jesus, that they might put Him to death.
healed. And they brought Him bound.
All we like sheep have gone astray, St. John 18:28a
every one hath turned aside into his own way: Then they led Jesus from Caiphas to the
and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us governor’s hall.
all. He was offered because it was His own will, St. Matthew 27:2-14
and He opened not His mouth. He shall be led as And they brought Him bound and delivered Him
a sheep to the slaughter and shall be dumb as a to Pontius Pilate the governor. Then Judas, who
lamb before His shearer, and he shall not open betrayed Him, seeing that He was condemned,
His mouth. repenting himself, brought back the thirty pieces
He was taken away from distress and of silver in the temple, he departed and went and
from judgment. Who shall declare His hanged himself with an halter. But the chief
generation? Because He is cut off out of the land priests, having taken the pieces of silver, said: It
of the living: for the wickedness of my people is not lawful to put them into the corbona,
have I struck Him. And He shall give the because it is the price of blood. And, after they
ungodly for His burial and the rich for His death: had consulted together, they bought with them the
because He hath done no iniquity, neither was potter’s field, to be a burying place for strangers.
there deceit in His mouth. And the Lord was For this cause that field was called Haceldama,
pleased to bruise Him in infirmity. If He shall lay that is, The field of blood, even to this day. Then
down His life for sin, He shall see a long-lived was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremias
seed: and the will of the Lord shall be prosperous the prophet, saying: and they took the thirty
in His hand. pieces of silver, the price of him that was prized,

whom they prized of the children of Israel; And people, teaching throughout all Judea, beginning
they gave them unto the potter’s field, as the Lord from Galilee to this place. But Pilate, hearing
appointed to me. And Jesus stood before the Galilee, asked if the man were of Galilee? And
governor, and the governor asked him, saying: when he understood that he was of Herod’s
Art thou the king of the Jews? Jesus saith to him: jurisdiction, he sent him away to Herod, who was
Thou sayest it. And, when he was accused by the also himself at Jerusalem in those days. And
chief priests and ancients, he answered nothing. Herod, seeing Jesus, was very glad; for he was
Then Pilate saith to Him: Dost not thou hear how desirous of a long time to see him, because he
great testimonies they allege against thee? And had heard many things of him; and he hoped to
He answered to him never a word, so that the see some sign wrought by him. And he
governor wondered exceedingly. questioned him in many words. But he answered
St. John 18:28b-38 him nothing. And the chief priests and the
And it was morning; and they went not into the scribes stood by, earnestly accusing Him. And
hall, that they might not be defiled, but that they Herod with his army set him at nought and
might eat the pasch. Pilate therefore went out to mocked him, putting on Him a white garment;
them, and said: What accusation bring you and sent Him back to Pilate. And Herod and
against this man? They answered and said to Pilate were made friends, that same day; for
him: If he were not a malefactor, we would not before they were enemies one to another. And
have delivered him up to thee. Pilate therefore Pilate, calling together the chief priests and the
said to them: Take him you, and judge him magistrates and the people, Said to them: You
according to your law. The Jews therefore said to have presented unto me this man as one that
him: It is not lawful for us to put any man to perverteth the people. And, behold, I, having
death. That the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, examined him before you, find no cause in this
which He said, signifying what death He should man, in those things wherein you accuse him.
die. Pilate therefore went into the hall again and No, nor Herod neither. For I sent you to him;
called Jesus and said to Him: Art thou the king and, behold, nothing worthy of death is done to
of the Jews? Jesus answered: Sayest thou this him.
thing of thyself, or have others told it thee of me? St. Matthew 27:15-16
Pilate answered: Am I a Jew? Thy own nation Now upon the solemn day the governor was
and the chief priests have delivered thee up to accustomed to release to the people one prisoner,
me. What hast thou done? Jesus answered: My whom they would. And he had then a notorious
kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom prisoner that was called Barabbas.
were of this world, my servants would certainly St. Luke 23:19
strive that I should not be delivered to the Jews; Who, for a certain sedition made in the city and
but now my kingdom is not from hence. Pilate for a murder, was cast into prison.
therefore said to Him: Art thou a king then? St. Matthew 27:17-23
Jesus answered: Thou sayest that I am a king. They, therefore, being gathered together, Pilate
For this was I born, and for this came I into the said: Whom will you that I release to you;
world, that I should give testimony to the truth. Barabbas, or Jesus that is called Christ? For he
Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. knew that for envy they had delivered him. And,
Pilate saith to Him: What is truth? And when he as he was sitting in the place of judgment, his
said this he went out again to the Jews and saith wife sent to him, saying: Have thou nothing to
to them: I find no cause in him. do with that just man; for I have suffered many
St. Luke 23:5a,2b,5b-15 things this day in a dream because of him. But
But they were more earnest, saying: We have the chief priests and ancients persuaded the
found this man perverting our nation and people that they should ask Barabbas and make
forbidding to give tribute to Caesar and saying Jesus away. And the governor, answering, said to
that he is Christ the king. He stirreth up the them: Which will you of the two to be released

unto you? But they said: Barabbas. Pilate saith [For the Patriarchs:]
to them: What shall I do then with Jesus that is Let us pray for our blessed Patriarchs,
called Christ? They say all: Let him be that God Almighty that appointed them unto the
crucified. The governor said to them: Why, what Order of Bishop may preserve them in health and
evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, safety. May they guard the Holy Church unto the
saying: Let him be crucified. regulation of the holy people of God. R. Amen.
St. Luke 23:22 Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
And he said to them the third time: Why, what by Whose eternal statement the universe was
evil hath this man done? I find no cause of death founded, regard and be propitious to our prayers,
in him. I will chastise him therefore and let him and protect our elected Bishop for us by Thy
go. Faith, that Christian peoples who are governed
St. Matthew 27:23b by such authority under so great a Pontifex,
But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be may increase in the merits of Thy Faith; through
crucified. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the
St. Luke 23:23 Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
But they were instant with loud voices, requiring R. Amen.
that He might be crucified. And their voices [For all the Clergy and the People of God:]
prevailed. Let us pray for all Bishops, Priests,
St. Matthew 27:24-26 Deacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Lectors, Ostiaries,
And Pilate, seeing that he prevailed nothing, but Confessors, Virgins, Widows, and for all the holy
that rather a tumult was made, taking water, people of God. R. Amen.
washed his hands before the people, saying: I am Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
innocent of the blood of this just man. Look you by Whose Spirit the Body of the Church is
to it. And the whole people answering said: His sanctified and guided, hear us suppliants, for all
blood be upon us and upon our children. Then he the clergy of the universe, that by the Gifts of
released to them Barabbas; and, having scourged Thy Grace, that from all of the grades of the
Jesus, delivered Him unto them to be crucified. Church, they may be faithfully obedient to Thee;
through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth
[R. Glory to Thy long-suffering, O Lord.] with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
ages. R. Amen.
At the end of each Hour of Holy and Great [For all Christian leaders:]
Friday, say these prayers: Let us pray for Christian kings [leaders],
[For the Church.] that our God and Lord subdue all barbarian
Let us pray, beloved, primarily for the nations unto them, unto our perpetual peace.
holy churches of God, that our God and Lord be R. Amen.
pleased to pacify, multiply, and protect them, Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
throughout the entire world, against principalities in Thy hand are the powers of all the ages, and
and powers, and grant us a peaceful and quiet the authorities of all kingdoms; look down and be
life, apart from the nations, to glorify God the propitious and benign to the [Christian world]
Father Almighty. R. Amen. (Roman Empire), that all the nations which are in
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, it may be confident in Thy fierceness, and guided
reveal Thy glory unto all of the nations in Christ. by the strength of Thy right hand; through Our
Protect the works of Thy mercy, that the Church Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father
spread throughout the entire world, and may it and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
persevere stable in the Faith in the confession of [For Catechumens:]
Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who Let us pray for our Catechumens, that
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto our God and Lord may open the ears of their
ages of ages. R. Amen. innermost beings and the door of mercy, so that

through the washing of regeneration, they may Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
receive remission of all their sins, and find Who because of Thy mercy dost not cast away
themselves in Christ Jesus, our Lord. R. Amen. those who are faithless; hear our prayers, which
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, we give for the healing of the blindness of such
Who ever-fertilizes Thy new Church with people, that acknowledgment of the light of Thy
progeny, increase the Faith and the intellect of Truth, which is in Christ, grow out of their
our Catechumens, that renewed in the Font of darkness; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
Baptism of Thy adoption, as children they may be reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
gathered together; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, ages of ages. R. Amen.
Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, [For atheists and idolators:]
unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Let us pray for pagans and all atheists,
[For healing of mind and body, that God Almighty remove iniquity from their
release of captives, safety in travel,] hearts, and convert them to the abandonment of
Let us pray, beloved, to God the Father their idols, and unto the True God and His Only-
Almighty, that He purge the error from the purity Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. R. Amen.
of all of us, that He sweep away sickness, that He Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
dispel famine, that He open prisons, that He Who ever seeks not the death of sinners, but life,
break chains, that He grant travelers safe return, be propitious and accept our prayers, and free
health to the infirm, and safe port to seamen. them from the cult of idols, and gather them into
R. Amen. Thy holy Church, unto the praise and glory of
Let us pray. Almighty and merciful Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
God, consolation of those who sorrow, strength of reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
those who labor, may the prayers of all those ages of ages. R. Amen.
crying out in tribulation come unto Thee, that in
their necessities they may rejoice in Thy mercy, Collect for the Second Hour:
which comes to them through Our Lord Jesus Commemorating, Beloved, the hour of the Lord’s
Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and the betrayal; when He, like unto a sheep led to the
Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. slaughter and like a lamb who does not open his
[For heretics:] mouth to the shearer, was led to the Cross, which
Let us pray for heretics and schismatics, He voluntarily ascended for us. He was led and
that our God and Lord uproot them from offered because He desired it. Let us commend
universal error and be pleased to call them back our souls to Christ, Lord and faithful God, Who
to Holy Mother the Catholic and Apostolic working in a figurative manner, washes away our
Church. R. Amen. sins by the pure Lamb. Let us bow our heads
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, unto the Victim Who was silent, because it was
Who saves all, and desires that none perish, look said by His keeping His peace, that He bear and
upon the souls that are deceived by the frauds of destroy our iniquities which he did not have;
the devil, that all depravity of heresy being set Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit
aside, they may come to their senses, and return unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
to the stability of Thy Truth; through Our Lord [The Second Hour is ended.]
Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Third Hour of Holy and Great Friday:
[For faithless and doubters:] Jer: 11:15-20, 12:7-9
Let us pray for the faithless Jews and all What is the meaning that my beloved
doubters, that our God and Lord remove the veil hath wrought much wickedness in my house?
from their hearts, and that they may know Christ Shall the holy flesh take away from thee thy
Jesus our Lord. R. Amen. crimes in which thou hast boasted? The Lord
called thy name, a plentiful olive-tree, fair,

fruitful, and beautiful: at the noise of a word, a and they put on Him a purple garment.
great fire was kindled in it and the branches St. Matthew 27:28b-29
thereof are burnt. And the Lord of hosts that They put a scarlet cloak about him. And, platting
planted thee hath pronounced evil against thee: a crown of thorns, they put it upon His head, and
for the evils of the house of Israel and of the a reed in His right hand. And, bowing the knee
house of Juda which they have done to before Him, they mocked Him, saying: Hail,
themselves; to provoke me, offering sacrifice to King of the Jews.
Baalim. St. John 19:3b
But Thou, O Lord, hast shown me, and I And they gave Him blows.
have known: then Thou showedst me their St. Matthew 27:30
doings. And I was as a meek lamb that is carried And, spitting upon Him, they took the reed and
to be a victim: and I knew not that they had struck His head.
devised counsels against me, saying: Let us put St. John 19:4-16
wood on his bread and cut him off from the land Pilate therefore went forth again and saith to
of the living, and let his name be remembered no them: Behold, I bring Him forth unto you, that
more. But Thou, O Lord of Sabaoth, who judgest you may know that I find no cause in Him.
justly and triest the reins and the hearts, let me (Jesus therefore came forth, bearing the crown of
see Thy revenge on them: for to Thee have I thorns and the purple garment.) And he saith to
revealed my cause. them: Behold the Man. When the chief priests,
I have forsaken my house, I have left my therefore, and the servants had seen Him, they
inheritance, I have given my dear soul into the cried out, saying: Crucify him, Crucify him.
hand of her enemies. My inheritance is become Pilate saith to them: Take Him you, and crucify
to me as a lion in the wood: it hath cried out Him; for I find no cause in Him. The Jews
against me. Therefore have I hated it. Is my answered him: We have a law; and according to
inheritance to me as a speckled bird? Is it as a the law he ought to die, because he made himself
bird dyed throughout? Come ye, assemble the Son of God. When Pilate therefore had heard
yourselves, all ye beasts of the earth, make haste this saying, he feared the more. And he entered
to devour. into the hall again; and he said to Jesus: Whence
R. I have heard, O Lord. art thou? But Jesus gave him no answer. Pilate
therefore saith to Him: Speakest Thou not to me?
Collect: O God, from Whom Judas received the Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify
punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward Thee, and I have power to release Thee? Jesus
of his confession, grant unto us the effects of Thy answered: Thou shouldst not have any power
propitiation: that as in His Passion Jesus Christ, against me, unless it were given thee from above.
our Lord, gave unto both the divers rewards of Therefore he that hath delivered me to thee hath
their merits; so he may take away the the greater sin. And from henceforth Pilate
transgressions of our old nature, and bestow upon sought to release Him. But the Jews cried out,
us the grace of His Resurrection: Who liveth and saying: If thou release this man, thou art not
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages Caesar’s friend. For whosoever maketh himself a
of ages. R. Amen. king speaketh against Caesar. Now, when Pilate
had heard these words, he brought Jesus forth and
STAND for the Holy Passion Gospel: sat down in the judgment seat, in the place that is
St. Matthew 27:27-28a called Lithostrotos, and in Hebrew Gabbatha.
Then the soldiers of the governor, taking Jesus And it was the parasceve [Friday] of the Pasch,
into the hall, gathered together unto Him the about the sixth hour; and he saith to the Jews:
whole band. And, stripping Him, Behold your king. But they cried out: Away with
St. John 19:2b him: Away with him: Crucify him. Pilate saith to
platting a crown of thorns, put it upon His head; them: Shall I crucify your king? The chief

priests answered: We have no king but Caesar. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
Then therefore he delivered Him to them to be reveal Thy glory unto all of the nations in Christ.
crucified. And they took Jesus and led Him forth. Protect the works of Thy mercy, that the Church
St. Matthew 27:31a spread throughout the entire world, and may it
And, after they had mocked Him, they took off persevere stable in the Faith in the confession of
the cloak from Him and put on Him His own Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
garments. reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
St. John 19:16b-17a ages of ages. R. Amen.
And they took Jesus and led Him forth. And, [For the Patriarchs:]
bearing His own cross, he went forth. Let us pray for our blessed Patriarchs,
St. Mark 15:20b, 25a that God Almighty that appointed them unto the
And they led Him out to crucify Him. And it was Order of Bishop may preserve them in health and
the third hour. safety. May they guard the Holy Church unto the
St. Matthew 27:32 regulation of the holy people of God. R. Amen.
And, going out, they found a man of Cyrene, Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
named Simon; him they forced to take up His by Whose eternal statement the universe was
cross. founded, regard and be propitious to our prayers,
St. Luke 23:26b-32 and protect our elected Bishop for us by Thy
And they laid the cross on him to carry after Faith, that Christian peoples who are governed
Jesus. And there followed Him a great multitude by such authority under so great a Pontifex,
of people and of women, who bewailed and may increase in the merits of Thy Faith; through
lamented Him. But Jesus, turning to them, said: Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the
Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not over me; but Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
weep for yourselves and for your children. For, R. Amen.
behold, the days shall come, wherein they will [For all the Clergy and the People of God:]
say: Blessed are the barren and the wombs that Let us pray for all Bishops, Priests,
have not borne and the paps that have not given Deacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Lectors, Ostiaries,
suck. Then shall they begin to say to the Confessors, Virgins, Widows, and for all the holy
mountains: Fall upon us. And to the hills: Cover people of God. R. Amen.
us. For if in the green wood they do these things, Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
what shall be done in the dry? by Whose Spirit the Body of the Church is
St. Matthew 27:33-34 sanctified and guided, hear us suppliants, for all
And they came to the place that is called the clergy of the universe, that by the Gifts of
Golgotha, which is the place of Calvary. And Thy Grace, that from all of the grades of the
they gave Him wine to drink mingled with gall. Church, they may be faithfully obedient to Thee;
And, when He had tasted, He would not drink. through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth
[R. Glory to Thy long-suffering, O Lord.] with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
ages. R. Amen.
At the end of each Hour of Holy and Great [For all Christian leaders:]
Friday, say these prayers: Let us pray for Christian kings [leaders],
[For the Church.] that our God and Lord subdue all barbarian
Let us pray, beloved, primarily for the nations unto them, unto our perpetual peace.
holy churches of God, that our God and Lord be R. Amen.
pleased to pacify, multiply, and protect them, Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
throughout the entire world, against principalities in Thy hand are the powers of all the ages, and
and powers, and grant us a peaceful and quiet the authorities of all kingdoms; look down and be
life, apart from the nations, to glorify God the propitious and benign to the [Christian world]
Father Almighty. R. Amen. (Roman Empire), that all the nations which are in

it may be confident in Thy fierceness, and guided Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and
by the strength of Thy right hand; through Our the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father [For faithless and doubters:]
and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Let us pray for the faithless Jews and all
[For Catechumens:] doubters, that our God and Lord remove the veil
Let us pray for our Catechumens, that from their hearts, and that they may know Christ
our God and Lord may open the ears of their Jesus our Lord. R. Amen.
innermost beings and the door of mercy, so that Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
through the washing of regeneration, they may Who because of Thy mercy dost not cast away
receive remission of all their sins, and find those who are faithless; hear our prayers, which
themselves in Christ Jesus, our Lord. R. Amen. we give for the healing of the blindness of such
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, people, that acknowledgment of the light of Thy
Who ever-fertilizes Thy new Church with Truth, which is in Christ, grow out of their
progeny, increase the Faith and the intellect of darkness; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
our Catechumens, that renewed in the Font of reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
Baptism of Thy adoption, as children they may be ages of ages. R. Amen.
gathered together; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, [For atheists and idolators:]
Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Let us pray for pagans and all atheists,
unto ages of ages. R. Amen. that God Almighty remove iniquity from their
[For healing of mind and body, hearts, and convert them to the abandonment of
release of captives, safety in travel,] their idols, and unto the True God and His Only-
Let us pray, beloved, to God the Father Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. R. Amen.
Almighty, that He purge the error from the purity Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
of all of us, that He sweep away sickness, that He Who ever seeks not the death of sinners, but life,
dispel famine, that He open prisons, that He be propitious and accept our prayers, and free
break chains, that He grant travelers safe return, them from the cult of idols, and gather them into
health to the infirm, and safe port to seamen. Thy holy Church, unto the praise and glory of
R. Amen. Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
Let us pray. Almighty and merciful reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
God, consolation of those who sorrow, strength of ages of ages. R. Amen.
those who labor, may the prayers of all those Collect for the Third Hour:
crying out in tribulation come unto Thee, that in O faithful Wisdom of the Living God, O Thou
their necessities they may rejoice in Thy mercy, ever-living of the eternal God the Father, the
which comes to them through Our Lord Jesus Word and eternal Power, because of the eternal
Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and the birth by which Thou art the eternal Son and God
Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. from the eternal Father, apart from Whom there is
[For heretics:] nothing and through Whom there is all, in Whom,
Let us pray for heretics and schismatics, all that is, stands firm, Thou Who art God above
that our God and Lord uproot them from us, and man because of us: for us, Thou didst
universal error and be pleased to call them back will to be what we are: give us what Thou hast
to Holy Mother the Catholic and Apostolic promised: give us, who are unworthy, the release
Church. R. Amen. which Thou offerest to all in Thy community.
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, Thy suffering is certainly our liberation, and Thy
Who saves all, and desires that none perish, look death our life, and Thy Cross our redemption, and
upon the souls that are deceived by the frauds of Thy wounds our healing, and with the gift of Thy
the devil, that all depravity of heresy being set crucifixion, we arise exalted unto Thy Father
aside, they may come to their senses, and return with Whom Thou livest and reignest unto ages of
to the stability of Thy Truth; through Our Lord ages. R. Amen. [The Third Hour is ended.]

Sixth Hour of Holy and Great Friday: And Pilate wrote a title also; and he put it upon
Amos 8:4-11 the cross. And the writing was: JESUS OF
Hear this, you that crush the poor and NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. This
make the needy of the land to fail. Saying: title therefore many of the Jews did read; because
When will the month be over, and we shall sell the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to
our wares: and the Sabbath, and we shall open the the city. And it was written in Hebrew, in Greek,
corn: that we may lessen the measure and and in Latin. Then the chief priests of the Jews
increase the sickle and may convey in deceitful said to Pilate: Write not: The King of the Jews.
balances, That we may possess the needy for But that he said: I am the King of the Jews.
money and the poor for a pair of shoes and may Pilate answered: What I have written, I have
sell the refuse of the corn? The Lord hath sworn written. The soldiers, therefore, when they had
against the pride of Jacob: Surely I will never crucified Him, took His garments (and they made
forget all their works. Shall not the land tremble four parts, to every soldier a part) and also His
for this and every one mourn that dwelleth coat. Now the coat was without seam, woven
therein, and rise up altogether as a river, and be from the top throughout. They said then one to
cast out, and run down as the river of Egypt? another: Let us not cut it, but let us cast lots for it,
And it shall come to pass in that day, whose it shall be; that the scripture might be
saith the Lord God, that the sun shall go down at fulfilled, saying: They have parted my garments
midday, and I will make the earth dark in the day among them, and upon my vesture they have cast
of light. And I will turn your feasts into lots. And the soldiers indeed did these things.
mourning and all your songs into lamentation: St. Matthew 27:36
and I will bring up sackcloth upon every back of And they sat and watched Him.
yours and baldness upon every head: and I will St. John 19:25-27
make it as the mourning of an only son, and the Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, His
latter end thereof as a bitter day. Behold, the mother and His mother’s sister, Mary of
days come, saith the Lord, and I will send forth a Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. When Jesus
famine into the land: not a famine of bread, nor a therefore had seen His mother and the disciple
thirst of water, but of hearing the word of the standing, whom He loved, He saith to His
Lord. mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that, He
R. I have heard, O Lord. saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And
from that hour the disciple took her to his own.
Collect: O God, from Whom Judas received the St. Matthew 27:38
punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward Then were crucified with him two thieves; one on
of his confession, grant unto us the effects of Thy the right hand and one on the left.
propitiation: that as in His Passion Jesus Christ, St. John 19:18b
our Lord, gave unto both the divers rewards of and Jesus in the midst.
their merits; so he may take away the St. Mark 15:28
transgressions of our old nature, and bestow upon And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith: And
us the grace of His Resurrection: Who liveth and with the wicked He was reputed.
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages St. Luke 23:34a
of ages. R. Amen. And Jesus said: Father, forgive them, for they
know not what they do.
STAND for the Holy Passion Gospel: St. Matthew 27:39-43
St. Matthew 27:35a And they that passed by blasphemed Him,
And, after they had crucified Him, they divided wagging their heads, And saying: Vah, thou that
His garments, casting lots; that it might be destroyest the temple of God and in three days
fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet. dost rebuild it; save thy own self. If thou be the
St. John 19:19-24 Son of God, come down from the cross. In like

manner also the chief priests, with the scribes and founded, regard and be propitious to our prayers,
ancients, mocking said: He saved others; himself and protect our elected Bishop for us by Thy
he cannot save. If he be the king of Israel, let Faith, that Christian peoples who are governed
him now come down from the cross; and we will by such authority under so great a Pontifex,
believe him. He trusted in God: let him now may increase in the merits of Thy Faith; through
deliver him if he will have him. For he said: I Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the
am the Son of God. Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
St. Luke 23:39-43 R. Amen.
And one of those robbers who were hanged [For all the Clergy and the People of God:]
blasphemed him, saying: If thou be Christ, save Let us pray for all Bishops, Priests,
thyself and us. But the other, answering, rebuked Deacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Lectors, Ostiaries,
him, saying: Neither dost thou fear God, seeing Confessors, Virgins, Widows, and for all the holy
thou art under the same condemnation? And we people of God. R. Amen.
indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
our deeds: but this man hath done no evil. And by Whose Spirit the Body of the Church is
he said to Jesus: Lord, remember me when thou sanctified and guided, hear us suppliants, for all
shalt come into thy kingdom. And Jesus said to the clergy of the universe, that by the Gifts of
him: Amen, I say to thee: This day thou shalt be Thy Grace, that from all of the grades of the
with me in paradise. Church, they may be faithfully obedient to Thee;
through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth
[R. Glory to Thy long-suffering, O Lord.] with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
ages. R. Amen.
At the end of each Hour of Holy and Great [For all Christian leaders:]
Friday, say these prayers: Let us pray for Christian kings [leaders],
[For the Church.] that our God and Lord subdue all barbarian
Let us pray, beloved, primarily for the nations unto them, unto our perpetual peace.
holy churches of God, that our God and Lord be R. Amen.
pleased to pacify, multiply, and protect them, Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
throughout the entire world, against principalities in Thy hand are the powers of all the ages, and
and powers, and grant us a peaceful and quiet the authorities of all kingdoms; look down and be
life, apart from the nations, to glorify God the propitious and benign to the [Christian world]
Father Almighty. R. Amen. (Roman Empire), that all the nations which are in
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, it may be confident in Thy fierceness, and guided
reveal Thy glory unto all of the nations in Christ. by the strength of Thy right hand; through Our
Protect the works of Thy mercy, that the Church Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father
spread throughout the entire world, and may it and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
persevere stable in the Faith in the confession of [For Catechumens:]
Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who Let us pray for our Catechumens, that
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto our God and Lord may open the ears of their
ages of ages. R. Amen. innermost beings and the door of mercy, so that
[For the Patriarchs:] through the washing of regeneration, they may
Let us pray for our blessed Patriarchs, receive remission of all their sins, and find
that God Almighty that appointed them unto the themselves in Christ Jesus, our Lord. R. Amen.
Order of Bishop may preserve them in health and Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
safety. May they guard the Holy Church unto the Who ever-fertilizes Thy new Church with
regulation of the holy people of God. R. Amen. progeny, increase the Faith and the intellect of
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, our Catechumens, that renewed in the Font of
by Whose eternal statement the universe was Baptism of Thy adoption, as children they may be

gathered together; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, [For atheists and idolators:]
Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Let us pray for pagans and all atheists,
unto ages of ages. R. Amen. that God Almighty remove iniquity from their
[For healing of mind and body, release hearts, and convert them to the abandonment of
of captives, safety in travel,] their idols, and unto the True God and His Only-
Let us pray, beloved, to God the Father Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. R. Amen.
Almighty, that He purge the error from the purity Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
of all of us, that He sweep away sickness, that He Who ever seeks not the death of sinners, but life,
dispel famine, that He open prisons, that He be propitious and accept our prayers, and free
break chains, that He grant travelers safe return, them from the cult of idols, and gather them into
health to the infirm, and safe port to seamen. Thy holy Church, unto the praise and glory of
R. Amen. Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
Let us pray. Almighty and merciful reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
God, consolation of those who sorrow, strength of ages of ages. R. Amen.
those who labor, may the prayers of all those
crying out in tribulation come unto Thee, that in Collect for the Sixth Hour:
their necessities they may rejoice in Thy mercy, O Christ God, Great Adonai, crucify us with Thee
which comes to them through Our Lord Jesus from this world that Thy Life may be in us, and
Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and the place our sins beside Thee that they be nailed to
Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. the Cross. Draw us unto Thyself, O Thou Who
[For heretics:] wast lifted up from the earth for us so that Thou
Let us pray for heretics and schismatics, mayest rescue us from worldly adulteration. It is
that our God and Lord uproot them from true that we are flesh; we are noxious fodder for
universal error and be pleased to call them back the devil; we prefer to serve Thee and not him;
to Holy Mother the Catholic and Apostolic and we desire to live under Thy rule; and we
Church. R. Amen. appeal to Thee to rule us, who are mortals, whom
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, Thou desired to free, and seized from Death by
Who saves all, and desires that none perish, look Thy death on the Cross. For which today’s
upon the souls that are deceived by the frauds of devotion is served unto Thee, and today we
the devil, that all depravity of heresy being set suppliants adore, implore and call upon Thee that
aside, they may come to their senses, and return Thou hasten unto us, O eternal power, God,
to the stability of Thy Truth; through Our Lord Whose Cross is profitable unto us. Triumphing
Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and over the world, in us by virtue of Thy Cross, may
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Thy Faith restore in us the blessing, virtue, and
[For faithless and doubters:] grace that were of old. Thou Who makest by
Let us pray for the faithless Jews and all power what was to be, again in the future: what
doubters, that our God and Lord remove the veil was present, similarly present again: return to us,
from their hearts, and that they may know Christ so that Thy Passion, which is present and occurs
Jesus our Lord. R. Amen. today, may be Salvation to us; and thus today
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, the one-time shedding of Thy Sacred Blood upon
Who because of Thy mercy dost not cast away the ground from the Cross is salvation for us, and
those who are faithless; hear our prayers, which cleansing of all of the sins of our land; and mixed
we give for the healing of the blindness of such with the clay of our bodies, may it refashion us as
people, that acknowledgment of the light of Thy Thine from the earth: reconciled unto Thee Who
Truth, which is in Christ, grow out of their reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit now,
darkness; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who and will come to reign, O man-God Christ Jesus,
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto King unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
ages of ages. R. Amen.

[The Sixth Hour is ended. The Hymn Ninth Hour of Holy and Great Friday:
"Before Thy Cross" and adorations Saving Hour of the Passion,
should be added here. Adoration prayers
may be done: these are at the Sunday of
Great Ninth Hour of the greatest grace,
Mid-Lent. Each person may do the greatest of the Hours.
prostrations, and kiss the Cross.] Zach: 8:14-16, 12:10-12
For thus saith the Lord of hosts: As I
(During veneration: This Hymn is sung three purposed to afflict you; when your fathers had
times. Russian melody): provoked me to wrath, saith the Lord, And I had
no mercy: so turning again I have thought in
-cvv v vsv v]cv vtcvv v wcvv]ccvvtcvv v v vgcvv v hcc] these days to do good to the house of Juda and
Jerusalem. Fear not. These then are the things
Be-fore Thy Cross, we bow which you shall do: Speak ye truth every one to
his neighbor: judge ye truth and judgment of
-cvc7jcchcvcc7jcgcc]cch,vc7Jvchvcgcvc]cv$fcvv \v peace in your gates:
And I will pour out upon the house of
down and wor - ship, David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the

-vv%fcc%fcc]cv ctcvv ccycvc]cctccvcgcvvcchcc]cctcvc%rcc]ct,c– spirit of grace and of prayers: and they shall look
upon me, Whom they have pierced. And they
shall mourn for him as one mourneth for an only
and Thy Re– sur– rec- tion we glor-i - fy. son: and they shall grieve over him, as the
manner is to grieve for the death of the first-born.
In that day there shall be a great lamentation in
(Or the Greek melody below sung three Jerusalem, like the lamentation of Adadremmon
times. Notes are natural unless flatted in in the plain of Mageddon. And the land shall
this mode, with minor thirds:) mourn, families and families apart: the families
-vv cgc]cv vctcecvvccrctcvvc]cv6hcvíjcv6ycvv Tcc] of the house of David apart and their women
Be - f ore Thy Cross, R. I have heard, O Lord.

-vv v v v cíu.cc6hcvv v cicíuvc]c6yctvccRcv]ccTcvv Collect: O God, from Whom Judas received the
punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward
Christ our Sav - ior, of his confession, grant unto us the effects of Thy
propitiation: that as in His Passion Jesus Christ,
-cvíjvv6hccgc6HccíJcc]v v gcfcvv vcv dcFcGccvv fvcv v vdcvv v cecc] our Lord, gave unto both the divers rewards of
their merits; so he may take away the
do we wor - ship and bow down, transgressions of our old nature, and bestow upon

-cvgccgcvvc6yvvcíuccivc]cíjcvvcv6hccvcgc6HccíJc6hvv v cgcctc} us the grace of His Resurrection: Who liveth and

reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
of ages. R. Amen.
and Thy Resurrection we glor - i - fy.
STAND for the Holy Passion Gospel:
St. Matthew 27:45-55a
Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over
the whole earth, until the ninth hour. And about
the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice,
saying: Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani? That is, My
God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? And

some that stood there and heard said: This man You shall not break a bone of Him. And again
calleth Elias. And immediately one of them another scripture saith: they shall look on Him
running took a sponge and filled it with vinegar Whom they pierced.
and put it on a reed and gave him to drink. And St. Matthew 27:57
the others said: Let be. Let us see whether Elias And, when it was evening, there came a certain
will come to deliver him. And Jesus, again rich man of Arimathea, named Joseph, who also
crying with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. himself was a disciple of Jesus.
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in St. Mark 15:43-44
two from the top even to the bottom; and the But Pilate wondered that He should be already
earth quaked and the rocks were rent. And the dead. And, sending for the centurion, he asked
graves were opened; and many bodies of the him if he were already dead.
saints that had slept arose, And, coming out of the St. Matthew 27:58
tombs after His Resurrection, came into the holy [Joseph of Arimathea] went to Pilate and asked
city and appeared to many. Now the centurion the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded that
and they that were with Him, watching Jesus, the body should be delivered.
having seen the earthquake and the things that St. John 19:39-40a
were done, were sore afraid, saying: Indeed this And Nicodemus also came (he who at the first
was the Son of God. And there were there many came to Jesus by night), bringing a mixture of
women afar off, who had followed Jesus from myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight.
Galilee. They took therefore the body of Jesus and bound
St. Luke 23:48-49a it in linen cloths, with the spices,
And all the multitude of them that were come St. Matthew 27: 60-61
together to that sight, and saw the things that And laid it in his own new monument, which
were done returned, striking their breasts. And [Joseph] had hewed out in a rock. And he rolled
all His acquaintance, a great stone to the door of the monument and
St. Matthew 27:55-56 went his way. And there was there Mary
And there were there many women afar off, who Magdalen and the other Mary, sitting over against
had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto the sepulchre.
Him; Among whom was Mary Magdalen, and [R. Glory to Thy long-suffering, O Lord.]
Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the
mother of the sons of Zebedee. At the end of each Hour of Holy and Great
St. John 19:31-37 Friday, say these prayers:
Then the Jews (because it was the parasceve [For the Church.]
[Friday]), that the bodies might not remain upon Let us pray, beloved, primarily for the
the cross on the Sabbath day (for that was a great holy churches of God, that our God and Lord be
Sabbath day), besought Pilate that their legs pleased to pacify, multiply, and protect them,
might be broken; and that they might be taken throughout the entire world, against principalities
away. The soldiers therefore came; and they and powers, and grant us a peaceful and quiet
broke the legs of the first, and of the other that life, apart from the nations, to glorify God the
was crucified with Him. But after they were Father Almighty. R. Amen.
come to Jesus, when they saw that He was Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
already dead, they did not break His legs. But reveal Thy glory unto all of the nations in Christ.
one of the soldiers with a spear opened His side; Protect the works of Thy mercy, that the Church
and immediately there came out blood and water. spread throughout the entire world, and may it
And he that saw it hath given testimony; and his persevere stable in the Faith in the confession of
testimony is true. And he knoweth that he saith Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
true; that you also may believe. For these things reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto
were done that the scripture might be fulfilled: ages of ages. R. Amen.

[For the Patriarchs:] through the washing of regeneration, they may
Let us pray for our blessed Patriarchs, receive remission of all their sins, and find
that God Almighty that appointed them unto the themselves in Christ Jesus, our Lord. R. Amen.
Order of Bishop may preserve them in health and Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
safety. May they guard the Holy Church unto the Who ever-fertilizes Thy new Church with
regulation of the holy people of God. R. Amen. progeny, increase the Faith and the intellect of
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, our Catechumens, that renewed in the Font of
by Whose eternal statement the universe was Baptism of Thy adoption, as children they may be
founded, regard and be propitious to our prayers, gathered together; through Our Lord Jesus Christ,
and protect our elected Bishop for us by Thy Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
Faith, that Christian peoples who are governed unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
by such authority under so great a Pontifex, [For healing of mind and body,
may increase in the merits of Thy Faith; through release of captives, safety in travel,]
Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Let us pray, beloved, to God the Father
Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. Almighty, that He purge the error from the purity
R. Amen. of all of us, that He sweep away sickness, that He
[For all the Clergy and the People of God:] dispel famine, that He open prisons, that He
Let us pray for all Bishops, Priests, break chains, that He grant travelers safe return,
Deacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Lectors, Ostiaries, health to the infirm, and safe port to seamen.
Confessors, Virgins, Widows, and for all the holy R. Amen.
people of God. R. Amen. Let us pray. Almighty and merciful
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, God, consolation of those who sorrow, strength of
by Whose Spirit the Body of the Church is those who labor, may the prayers of all those
sanctified and guided, hear us suppliants, for all crying out in tribulation come unto Thee, that in
the clergy of the universe, that by the Gifts of their necessities they may rejoice in Thy mercy,
Thy Grace, that from all of the grades of the which comes to them through Our Lord Jesus
Church, they may be faithfully obedient to Thee; Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and the
through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of [For heretics:]
ages. R. Amen. Let us pray for heretics and schismatics,
[For all Christian leaders:] that our God and Lord uproot them from
Let us pray for Christian kings [leaders], universal error and be pleased to call them back
that our God and Lord subdue all barbarian to Holy Mother the Catholic and Apostolic
nations unto them, unto our perpetual peace. Church. R. Amen.
R. Amen. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God,
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, Who saves all, and desires that none perish, look
in Thy hand are the powers of all the ages, and upon the souls that are deceived by the frauds of
the authorities of all kingdoms; look down and be the devil, that all depravity of heresy being set
propitious and benign to the [Christian world] aside, they may come to their senses, and return
(Roman Empire), that all the nations which are in to the stability of Thy Truth; through Our Lord
it may be confident in Thy fierceness, and guided Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and
by the strength of Thy right hand; through Our the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with the Father [For faithless and doubters:]
and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Let us pray for the faithless Jews and all
[For Catechumens:] doubters, that our God and Lord remove the veil
Let us pray for our Catechumens, that from their hearts, and that they may know Christ
our God and Lord may open the ears of their Jesus our Lord. R. Amen.
innermost beings and the door of mercy, so that

Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, righteous whom Thou drawest unto Thee loved,
Who because of Thy mercy dost not cast away whose elect are covered with flowers, whose
those who are faithless; hear our prayers, which trophy is the Cross. Thou alone Who in that
we give for the healing of the blindness of such Hour, red as of Edom and of tint of the vesture of
people, that acknowledgment of the light of Thy Bosrus due to the Cross, the Stamper in that great
Truth, which is in Christ, grow out of their wine press, ascended unto heaven. To Whom the
darkness; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who Angels and Archangels hastened, saying, Who is
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto this Who rises colored like the vesture of Bosra?
ages of ages. R. Amen. Who asking Thee, “Why is Thy vesture red?”
[For atheists and idolators:] Thou responded: “I have stamped out the vintage
Let us pray for pagans and all atheists, and no man of the nations was with me.” Truly,
that God Almighty remove iniquity from their Savior, truly red is Thy body for us. Red is the
hearts, and convert them to the abandonment of blood of the Lamb: Thou hast washed Thy stole
their idols, and unto the True God and His Only- in wine: Thou hast washed Thy cloak in the blood
Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. R. Amen. of the Lamb; Thou Who art God alone, Crucified
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, for us who for old prevarications were given over
Who ever seeks not the death of sinners, but life, to death. He by Whose Wounds the innumerable
be propitious and accept our prayers, and free wounds of the sins of all are healed. O Sweet
them from the cult of idols, and gather them into Crucified Christ, redeem us by Thine own: save
Thy holy Church, unto the praise and glory of us, Sweet goodness, God, Who reignest with the
Thy Name; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who Father and the Holy Spirit, One unto eternity and
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
ages of ages. R. Amen. [The Ninth Hour of Holy and Great
Friday is ended. Do the Hymn "Before
Collect for the Ninth Hour: Thy Cross," adoration, prostrations, kiss
O saving hour of the Passion, O great Ninth Hour the Cross. See end of Sixth Hour.
of the greatest grace, the greatest of the hours.
This is the hour, O our beloved Bridegroom, At the end of the Ninth Hour, the Image
when it is permissible to make a fuss about the of Christ is taken from the Cross and set
Cross after the triumph of the Cross. We pray on the Altar on the open Antimins, and
Thee, to kiss, to impart Thy salvation unto us: O the congregation may adore at the Altar,
marvelous Triumphant One: supreme Charioteer, kissing it; ONLY ON THIS DAY.]
Faithful God most glorious Champion. Hail
Him, Greet Him, Increase in frequency and
Holy and Great Saturday
celebrate mightily, let us be strengthened to say
with our hearts, ‘O examiner, Christ’. Art Thou (Just after sunset of Holy and Great Friday.)
not able to do the same as Thou didst once upon a Cross Vigil
time? Thou art able; Thou art especially able, for At Matins there is no Old Testament
Thou art all powerful; thou art able most listed, but there is a Psalm and Gospel
beloved, able to do that of which we are for today at the Matins Resurrection
incapable to even consider, since nothing is Gospel. Combine these Lections with
impossible for Thee, God Almighty. O Jesus, the Cross Vigil. (See the Hymns
we beg Thee to kiss us, Beloved, Who returned after the Ordinary of the Mass, and use a
triumphant unto the Father, with Whom Thou Psalter with Greek numbering.) Every
ever wast and remained One. For Thy kiss is person present in the congregation
sweet, and Thy tears are sweeter than wine, more should be blessed with the Antimens.
aglow than the best ointments; and Thy Name,
above the oil which girls loved, which the

OR: The Parish Service in Holy Week, Prophecy and Baptism on Holy Saturday, but the
without other Gospels, Psalms, or Praises: readings of the Prophecy are meant to be heard at
Do Psalms 118, 119, 120, 121, and 64. the Vigil of the Resurrection.
Then, in the “Parish Service” in Holy Week, do Do not forget, everybody should go to
not do the opening praises or Gospels. Confession (the Sacrament of Reconciliation)
May do the “Night before a Liturgy” prior to the beginning of the Vigil of the
Collects. May do the “Peace” from the Beginning Resurrection. In Celtic usage, this means that
of Night. May do Hymn AB 10 from Midnight. during Holy Week the Confessions are heard at
From Matins: may do Fast Days Collects. length, with penance assigned. Confession may
Do not do: Collects and Canticle of also be heard before the Vigil begins, during the
Moses, Song of the Three Youths, Collects or reading of the Book of Acts. So that the Church
Praises. is not silent, people are assigned to read the first
Then, immediately move to the Cross four or more chapters of the Book of Acts before
Vigil: “AB 2, The Community of the Brethren,” the Vigil of the Resurrection begins (in
“Unitas,” and the Gospel for today, St. Matthew anticipation of the Hour of Beginning of Night).
27:61-66. The total time of the Vigil Mass of the
Then again the “Parish Service” for Holy Resurrection is about six hours. The Vigil may
Week: may also do the Collect for Exorcism, and begin as early as seven o’clock P.M., or earlier,
the Bishop's Blessing for Holy Week. culminating with the Mass at about Midnight,
Then the Cross Vigil: the Hymn to Mary. because the beginning of the day according to
Then the “Parish Service” for Holy Week: Short Jewish and Christian tradition is at sunset. The
Form of the Prayer of the Community of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, at the Church of the
Brethren, the Intercessory Prayers of the Martyrs, Holy Sepulchre, has the descent of the Holy Fire
the Shrine of Piety. Bless with the Antimins. earlier in the day, not in anticipation, but they are
the first Orthodox Church in the world where this
Paschaltide occurs. Every year the Lord sends the Church in
Jerusalem the Fire without human intervention;
Propers for Pascha and Paschaltide and although other Orthodox Churches use flint,
include the Vigil and Mass of the Resurrection, the Holy Fire in Jerusalem at the Orthodox
the Dawn Mass of the Resurrection, Bright Week, Resurrection Liturgy is a Divine fire.
and the rest of Paschaltide. During the entire forty There is also a dawn Mass for use of
days of Paschaltide, the Ascension, and through those who could not come at night due to
the day of Pentecost, the Gospel of the day is also employments such as healing, or their own
done in the Hour of Matins, instead of doing the illness, etc. There is no requirement to attend
Matins Resurrection Gospel cycle of ten weeks. both Masses, however, clergy may Binate if
The Matins Resurrection cycle begins on the first necessary on this day if congregation is expected
Sunday after Pentecost. at both Masses. It is preferred that everybody,
including infants and children, attend the Vigil
The Feast of Feasts Mass of the Resurrection, when Prophecy is
What is the greatest Feast of the year in heard, Holy Fire is lit, vows to Jesus Christ are
any Christian Church? That is easy. The renewed, and the first Mass of the Resurrection is
Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, also called offered. The Vigil Mass is the most important
Pascha, and commonly called Easter. The Celtic worship service in the year.
Rite has a very early complete Divine Liturgy of The Church is darkened, with only
the Vigil of the Resurrection. The Prophecies and enough light to enable reading. Candles are
readings may be read out of a Bible, and the provided to each person in the congregation, but
reading of the Prophecies may be shared with not yet lit . Until the Paschal Candle is lit, do
several readers. The Byzantines do some of the not light any candles.

The vesting color is red at Pascha and No part of the Vigil and Mass may
Christmas, from Isaiah Chapter 63:1-3, and also be omitted. (Parts of the Rite of Baptism may
from the Ninth Hour on Holy and Great Friday, a be omitted if a candidate for Baptism is not
hint that at that great and holy moment when the present, but only as noted in the Rite of Baptism.
Resurrection occurred, Christ Himself was this The Blessing of Water of Baptism is necessary at
color: “...Thou alone Who in that Hour, red as of the Vigil of the Resurrection of the Lord, because
Edom and of tint of the vesture of Bosrus due to some of the Baptismal water is used during the
the Cross, the Stamper in that great wine press, year for the blessing of homes and emergency
ascended unto heaven. To Whom the Angels and Baptisms, and because the vows to our Lord
Archangels hastened, saying, ‘Who is this Who Jesus Christ in Baptism are repeated by the entire
rises colored like the vesture of Bosra?’ Who congregation every year.)
asking Thee, ‘Why is Thy vesture red?’ Thou
responded: ‘I have stamped out the vintage and
no man of the nations was with me.’ Truly,
Savior, truly red is Thy body for us. Red is the Office of the Vigil Mass
blood of the Lamb: Thou hast washed Thy stole
in wine: Thou hast washed Thy cloak in the blood of the Resurrection of
of the Lamb...”
Red-dyed eggs were used in the ancient Our Lord Jesus Christ
Church to teach about the Resurrection. (See St. The Celebrant, Bishop or Priest,
Mary Magdalene.) Traditionally, eggs dyed red, begins without other Litanies.
bread, and non-fasting foods in baskets are [Standing in the center of the
brought on this Saturday evening to be blessed Church, the Celebrant begins the
and shared with all, after the Vigil Mass is Vigil:]
complete (see note after the Vigil). Beloved Brethren, let us venerate the Author Of
The choir and readers should be Light, The First Light, the Inspector of the hearts
instructed in chanting the Psalms at the of those who believe, so that He may harken unto
Confraction SLOWLY, and Lectors should be the voices that cry out, and illumine the coming
assigned for the Prophecies at the beginning of darkness of the night with the splendor of His
the Vigil, which should NOT be read slowly. Light, least anything tempting or vexing be the
For Old Testament readings, the congregation occasion of darkness for us. May He be our
may sit, and at the prayers after the Prophecies, protector, Who is Himself the bestower of Light,
they may stand and then prostrate or genuflect. so that we who glorify Christ may ever be in His
Note that the Prophecies are read before the Holy Light; through the same, Jesus Christ our Lord,
Fire is lit. (Read the Old Testament from the Who reigneth with His unoriginate Father and the
Douay-Rheims Version, or similar version of the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Old Testament, translated from the Septuagint.) R. Amen.
All clergy participating in this Mass should
review the rubrics for this Vigil Mass beforehand, Guide us, O Lord, past the various vices of the
and read and be familiar with, and be prepared to times, and preserve us throughout the successions
do the Lorrha-Stowe Missal, the Rite of Baptism, of the days and nights, so that assisted by the
and the lighting of the Paschal fire, etc. prayers of aid of Thy Saints we might complete
When the Holy Fire and Paschal Candle this day through the vastness of Thy mercy. May
are lit, everybody STAND. There is NO we complete this night with acceptable purity of
KNEELING from this time, although bowing is souls and bodies through the Resurrection from
allowed at times, looking up at the Holy the dead of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who
Eucharist, and children or infirm may sit at times. reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.

Priest or Deacon: + O God come to my I pray Thee, O God of Sabaoth, most high,
assistance. Holy Father, be pleased to arm me with the tunic
R. O Lord make haste to help me. of Chastity, [Put on amice and alb.]
Priest or Deacon: Glory be to the Father, and to and gird my loins with the cincture of Love of
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the Thee, [Tie cincture.]
beginning, is now, and ever unto ages of ages. and furthermore, be pleased to inflame the reins
R. Amen. of my heart with the fire of Thy Charity [Put on
stole. Note: Subdeacons do not wear stoles.]
enabling me to make an intercession for my sins
Prayer of Saint Ambrose
† and earn remission of the sins of these people
Celebrant: O God, I who presume to invoke who are present, and moreover sacrifice the
Thy Holy Name, stand in the presence of Thy peace-making offering of each one. †
Divine Majesty: have mercy upon me, a man: a Also do not abandon me, nor permit me to die
sinner smeared by the foulness of inherent when I boldly approach Thee, but permit me to
impurity; forgive the unworthy priest in whose wash, vest and calmly undertake this service.
hand this oblation is seen offered: Spare O Lord [The Servers pour water over the hands
one polluted by sins: in faults the foremost, in of the Celebrant, using pitcher and
comparison to all others, and do not enter into basin. The servers help the Celebrant
judgment with Thy servant, for no one living is put on the Cuffs, the Maniple, and
justified in Thy sight. It is true that we are then the Chasuble. (The Celebrant may
weighed down in the faults and desires of our stand with arms to the sides in the form
flesh: remember, O Lord, that we are flesh and of a Cross, while the servers put the
there is no other help besides Thee. Yeah, in Thy Chasuble on him.) If the Celebrant
sight not even those in Heaven are much more serves alone he may go to the Credenza
cleansed than we earthly humans, of whom, the to wash and vest, and he may put on the
Prophet said, “all of our righteous acts are like outer vestments before he washes his
unto a menstrual rag.” [Isaiah 64:6, Latin and hands.]
Hebrew.] We are unworthy O Jesus Christ, but (For a Bishop): Putting on the Rationale, he says:
that we may be living, O Thou Who dost not will Permit us to hold Thy Truth resolutely, O Lord,
the death of a sinner: grant forgiveness unto us and worthily open the Doctrine of Truth to Thy
who were created in the flesh, so that by People.
penitential acts we may come to enjoy eternal life Celebrant: Grant this through our Lord Jesus
in the Heavens; through our Lord Jesus Christ Christ, Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
[The Deacon and Subdeacon go to the
Credenza which is on the Epistle side of
Vesting Prayer of Saint Augustine the Altar. The Deacon takes the Corporal
[THE VESTMENT COLOR IS RED.] from the Credenza and unfolds it upon
[Vestments listed are based on vestments the Altar, and then stands in front of the
found on the relics of St. Cuthbert, Epistle side of the Altar, facing the
including cuffs in cloth or metal, Crucifix.]
especially needed tonight at the [The Subdeacon takes the Chalice (with
Confraction. Note that the Subdeacon Pall, folded veil and Purificator on top
and Deacon have vested before the of it) in his left hand and the Paten with
Litany, saying this prayer, but omitting the Host upon it in his right hand. He
all text between the † s. The Celebrant gives the Chalice and the linens to the
now vests, standing in the middle of the Deacon, and waits in front of the Epistle
nave, saying:] side of the Altar, behind the Deacon. (No

cleric of rank lower than Subdeacon may [The Celebrant then gives the Paten to
carry the Chalice, Host and Paten.)] the Subdeacon who returns it to the
[The Celebrant ascends to the Altar, and Credenza and covers it with the
kisses the open Corporal (the only purificator. If the Celebrant serves
Procession).] [The Celebrant faces the alone, the Celebrant places the Paten
Crucifix, praying with the under the right edge of the Corporal and
Congregation.] covers the Paten with the Purificator.]
[Servers bring the cruets, and wait to the The setting of the Host upon the Altar is
Epistle side of the Altar.] His Conception. This is an image of
[The Celebrant takes the Chalice and Christ’s Body which has been set in the
Purificator from the Deacon.] linen sheet of Mary’s womb.
[The Celebrant holds the Chalice and
wipes its interior with the Purificator. [The Celebrant takes the wine cruet.]
He gives the Purificator to the The Celebrant then adds Wine to the
Subdeacon.] Chalice:
[The Celebrant makes the Sign of the Celebrant: May the Father remit, may the
Cross with the Chalice over the Corporal Son pardon, may the Holy Spirit have mercy.
and sets the Chalice on the Corporal.] [The cruet is given back to the server,
The Altar is the image of the inflicted who places the cruets on the Credenza.
persecution. The Chalice is the image The Celebrant takes the Pall sets it on
of the Church which has been set and the Chalice, and covers both the Chalice
built upon the persecution of the and the Host on the Corporal with the
Prophets and of others. [Notes on the veil.]
meaning of the images of the Mass are This is Christ’s Godhead with His
in the end of the original Stowe-Lorrha humanity that comes upon the People at
text]. the time of His Conception.
[The Celebrant blesses the water in the [No person, especially the Celebrant,
cruet with the Sign of the Cross and may have their back to the Cross. The
takes water cruet.] Water is poured first Celebrant lifts his eyes to the Crucifix,
into the Chalice by the Celebrant: extends and lifts his hands with palm
Celebrant: I pray to Thee, O Father; I ask upward so that they are just above and to
intercession of Thee, O Son; I appeal to the sides of the gifts and says:]
Thee, O Holy Spirit. This prayer is to be chanted at all
[The water cruet is given back to the Masses:
server. ] Celebrant: Let our prayer ascend to the Throne
This is an image of the People which are of Thy Renown, O Lord, lest emptiness be
“poured into” the Church. returned to us in response to our petitions. This
we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
[The Celebrant takes the Paten with the reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Host upon it; makes the Sign of the throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
Cross with the Paten over the Corporal; The Prophecies
and tips the Paten, allowing the] Host to [The Congregation and Clergy may SIT
slip on to the center of the Corporal in during the Prophecies. Assign Lectors.
front of the Chalice, saying: Lectors may be members of the
Celebrant: Jesus Christ, Alpha and Omega: Congregation. Do NOT read slowly.
this is the First and the Last. The Celebrant or Deacon says the

Collects before and after each Old 9 God also said: Let the waters that are under
Testament reading. During these the heaven, be gathered together into one place,
prayers, all STAND; in the Collects and let the dry land appear. And it was so done.
after the readings, prostration or 10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the
genuflexion may be done.] gathering together of the waters, He called Seas.
I. Collect: For all of us here present at the Mass And God saw that it was good.
of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ: 11 And He said: Let the earth bring forth the
During this first solemnity of the green herb, and such as may seed, and the fruit
celebrating of Pascha, let the Consecration of the tree yielding fruit after its kind, which may have
offerings begin in thanksgiving for what has seed in itself upon the earth. And it was so done.
occurred: may we pursue the beginning of Faith 12 And the earth brought forth the green herb,
in Christ Who suffered and was sacrificed for us, and such as yieldeth seed according to its kind,
and pursue the beginning of confidence of the and the tree that beareth fruit, having seed each
Sacred Mystery with our voices in harmony: one according to its kind. And God saw that it
Through the Resurrection from the dead of His was good.
only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who 13 And the evening and the morning were the
reigneth with Him and the Holy Spirit throughout third day.
ages of ages. R. Amen. 14 And God said: Let there be lights made in the
Author of the universe and Lord, we firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the
beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons,
who has been mortified through discipline in this and for days and years:
world, permit them to become a new human, to 15 To shine in the firmament of heaven, and to
serve Thee through the Resurrection from the give light upon the earth. And it was so done.
dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who 16 And God made two great lights: a greater
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, light to rule the day; and a lesser light to rule the
throughout ages of ages. R. Amen. [Sit] night: and the stars.
I. Genesis, Chapter 1:1 to Chapter 2:6 17 And He set them in the firmament of heaven
[The Creation.] Chapter 1 to shine upon the earth.
1 In the beginning God created heaven, and 18 And to rule the day and the night, and to
earth. divide the light and the darkness. And God saw
2 And the earth was void and empty, and that it was good.
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the 19 And the evening and morning were the fourth
spirit of God moved over the waters. day.
3 And God said: Be light made. And light was 20 God also said: Let the waters bring forth the
made. creeping creature having life, and the fowl that
4 And God saw the light that it was good; and He may fly over the earth under the firmament of
divided the light from the darkness. heaven.
5 And He called the light Day, and the darkness 21 And God created the great whales, and every
Night. And there was evening and morning one living and moving creature, which the waters
day. brought forth, according to their kinds, and every
6 And God said: Let there be a firmament made winged fowl according to its kind. And God saw
amidst the waters: and let it divide the waters that it was good.
from the waters. 22 And He blessed them, saying: Increase and
7 And God made a firmament, and divided the multiply, and fill the waters of the sea; and let the
waters that were under the firmament, from those birds be multiplied upon the earth.
that were above the firmament. And it was so. 23 And the evening and the morning were the
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And fifth day.
the evening and the morning were the second day. 24 And God said: Let the earth bring forth the

living creature in its kind, cattle and creeping STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY.
things, and beasts of the earth, according to their [Prostration or genuflexion may be done
kinds. And it was so done. during these prayers.]
25 And God made the beasts of the earth Brethren, let us with supplication beseech
according to their kinds, and cattle, and every Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the
thing that creepeth on the earth after its kind. Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in
And God saw that it was good. this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord:
26 And He said: Let us make man to our Image especially for the repose of the body; that His
and likeness; and let him have dominion over the Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths
fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in
beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest
creature that moveth upon the earth. He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell,
27 And God created man to His own Image; to and although freed from sin, we may yet still be
the Image of God He created him. Male and thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
female He created them. with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
28 And God blessed them, saying: Increase and ages. R. Amen.
multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us
over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our
and all living creatures that move upon the earth. hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee,
29 And God said: Behold, I have given you that we may remain with Thee forever, that we
every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord,
trees that have in themselves seed of their own hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal
kind, to be your meat: death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended
30 And to all beasts of the earth, and to every into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who
fowl of the air, and to all that move upon the were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety,
earth, and wherein there is life, that they may descend also now into our vitals, that Thou
have to feed upon. And it was so done. mayest free us from the chains of sin by which
31 And God saw all the things that He had made, each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with
and they were very good. And the evening and the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
morning were the sixth day. R. Amen.
Chapter 2
1 So the heavens and the earth were finished, and II. Collect: For those in chains or otherwise
all the furniture of them. unable to attend the Paschal Service:
2 And on the seventh day God ended His work Dear brethren, let us entreat the mercy
which He had made: and He rested on the seventh of Almighty God the Father so that our God may
day from all His work which He had done. judge unto a pure and free state those whom the
3 And He blessed the seventh day, and sanctified envious devil has oppressed with the slavery of
it: because in it He had rested from all His work captivity: Through the Resurrection from the
which God created and made. dead of His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus
4 These are the generations of the heaven and the Christ Who reigneth with Him and the Holy
earth, when they were created, in the day that the
Spirit throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
Lord God made the heaven and the earth:
5 And every plant of the field before it sprung up Author of the universe and Lord, we
in the earth, and every herb of the ground before beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one
it grew: for the Lord God had not rained upon the who has been mortified through discipline in this
earth; and there was not a man to till the earth. world, permit them to become a new human, to
6 But a spring rose out of the earth, watering all serve Thee through the Resurrection from the
the surface of the earth. dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who

reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, cattle of the field: but for Adam there was not
throughout ages of ages. R. Amen. found a helper like himself.
[Sit] 21 Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon
II. Genesis, Chapter 2:7 to Chapter 3:24 Adam: and when he was fast asleep, He took one
[Man and Woman; The Fall.] of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it.
Chapter 2 22 And the Lord God built the rib which He took
7 And the Lord God formed man of the slime of from Adam into a woman: and brought her to
the earth, and breathed into his face the breath of Adam.
life; and man became a living soul. 23 And Adam said: This now is bone of my
8 And the Lord God had planted a paradise of bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called
pleasure from the beginning: wherein He placed woman, because she was taken out of man.
man whom He had formed. 24 Wherefore a man shall leave father and
9 And the Lord God brought forth of the ground mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they
all manner of trees, fair to behold, and pleasant to shall be two in one flesh.
eat of: the tree of life also in the midst of 25 And they were both naked, to wit, Adam and
paradise: and the tree of knowledge of good and his wife: and were not ashamed.
evil. Chapter 3
10 And a river went out of the place of pleasure 1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any of
to water paradise, which from thence is divided the beasts of the earth which the Lord God had
into four heads. made. And he said to the woman: Why hath God
11 The name of the one is Phison: that is it which commanded you, that you should not eat of every
compasseth all the land of Hevilath, where gold tree of paradise?
groweth. 2 And the woman answered him, saying: Of the
12 And the gold of that land is very good: there fruit of the trees that are in paradise we do eat:
is found bdellium, and the onyx stone. 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst
13 And the name of the second river is Gehon: of paradise, God hath commanded us that we
the same is it that compasseth all the land of should not eat; and that we should not touch it,
Ethiopia. lest perhaps we die.
14 And the name of the third river is Tigris: the 4 And the serpent said to the woman: No, you
same passeth along by the Assyrians. And the shall not die the death.
fourth river is Euphrates. 5 For God doth know that in what day soever
15 And the Lord God took man, and put him into you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened:
the paradise of pleasure, to dress it, and to keep it. and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
16 And He commanded him, saying: Of every 6 And the woman saw that the tree was good to
tree of paradise thou shalt eat: eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold:
17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and
thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou gave to her husband who did eat.
shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened: and
18 And the Lord God said: It is not good for when they perceived themselves to be naked,
man to be alone; let us make him a help like unto they sewed together fig leaves, and made
himself. themselves aprons.
19 And the Lord God having formed out of the 8 And when they heard the voice of the Lord
ground all the beasts of the earth, and all the God walking in paradise at the afternoon air,
fowls of the air, brought them to Adam to see Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face
what he would call them: for whatsoever Adam of the Lord God, amidst the trees of paradise.
called any living creature the same is its name. 9 And the Lord God called Adam, and said to
20 And Adam called all the beasts by their him: Where art thou?
names, and all the fowls of the air, and all the 10 And he said: I heard thy voice in paradise;

and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid he was taken.
myself. 24 And He cast out Adam; and placed before the
11 And He said to him: And who hath told thee paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a flaming
that thou wast naked, but that thou hast eaten of sword, turning every way, to keep the way of the
the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou tree of life.
shouldst not eat? STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY.
12 And Adam said: The woman, whom thou [Prostration or genuflexion may be done
gavest me to be my companion, gave me of the during these prayers.]
tree, and I did eat. Brethren, let us with supplication beseech
13 And the Lord God said to the woman: Why Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the
hast thou done this? And she answered: The Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in
serpent deceived me, and I did eat. this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord:
14 And the Lord God said to the serpent: especially for the repose of the body; that His
Because thou hast done this thing, thou art cursed Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths
among all cattle, and beasts of the earth. Upon of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in
thy breast shalt thou go, and earth shalt thou eat which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest
all the days of thy life. He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell,
15 I will put enmities between thee and the and although freed from sin, we may yet still be
woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
heel. ages. R. Amen.
16 To the woman also He said: I will multiply Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us
thy sorrows, and thy conceptions. In sorrow shalt and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our
thou bring forth children, and thou shalt be under hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee,
thy husband's power, and he shall have dominion that we may remain with Thee forever, that we
over thee. may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord,
17 And to Adam He said: Because thou hast hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal
hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended
of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who
shouldst not eat, cursed is the earth in thy work; were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety,
with labor and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the descend also now into our vitals, that Thou
days of thy life. mayest free us from the chains of sin by which
18 Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with
and thou shalt eat the herbs of the earth. the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread R. Amen.
till thou return to the earth, out of which thou
wast taken: for dust thou art, and into dust thou III. Collect: For the Clergy:
shalt return. Dear brethren, let us suppliants beseech our God
20 And Adam called the name of his wife Eve: and Lord Jesus Christ on behalf of the Priests and
because she was the mother of all the living. Ministers of His Church so that entering into the
21 And the Lord God made for Adam and his Holy of Holies and being participants of the
wife garments of skins, and clothed them. altars, we may be completely filled in diverse
22 And He said: Behold, Adam is become as manners by the gifts of Spiritual Graces: Through
one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, the Resurrection from the dead of His only
lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth
of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. with Him and the Holy Spirit throughout ages of
23 And the Lord God sent him out of the
ages. R. Amen.
paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which

Author of the universe and Lord, we beseech 17 Behold, I will bring the waters of a great
Thee and implore Thee, for each one who has flood upon the earth to destroy all flesh, wherein
been mortified through discipline in this world, is the breath of life, under heaven. All things that
permit them to become a new human, to serve are in the earth shall be consumed.
Thee through the Resurrection from the dead of 18 And I will establish my covenant with thee,
Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth and thou shalt enter into the ark: thou and thy
with Thee and the Holy Spirit, throughout ages of sons, and thy wife, and the wives of thy sons with
ages. R. Amen. [Sit] thee.
III. Genesis, Chapter 6:5 to Chapter 8:21 [or 19 And of every living creature of all flesh, thou
22] [Noah and the Flood. Noe is same as Noah.] shalt bring two of a sort into the ark, that they
Chapter 6 may live with thee: of the male sex, and the
5 And God seeing that the wickedness of men female.
was great on the earth, and that all the thought of 20 Of fowls according to their kind, and of
their heart was bent upon evil at all times, beasts in their kind, and of every thing that
6 It repented Him that He had made man on the creepeth on the earth according to its kind; two of
earth. And being touched inwardly with sorrow every sort shall go in with thee, that they may
of heart, live.
7 He said: I will destroy man, whom I have 21 Thou shalt take unto thee of all food that may
created, from the face of the earth, from man be eaten, and thou shalt lay it up with thee; and it
even to beasts, from the creeping thing even to shall be food for thee and them.
the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have 22 And Noe did all things which God
made them. commanded him.
8 But Noe found grace before the Lord. Chapter 7
9 These are the generations of Noe. 1 And the Lord said to him: Go in thou and all
Noe was a just and perfect man in his thy house into the ark; for thee I have seen just
generations; he walked with God. before me in this generation.
10 And he begot three sons, Sem, Cham, and 2 Of all clean beasts take seven and seven, the
Japheth. male and the female.
11 And the earth was corrupted before God, and 3 But of the beasts that are unclean two and two,
was filled with iniquity. the male and the female. Of the fowls also of the
12 And when God had seen that the earth was air seven and seven, the male and the female:
corrupted (for all flesh had corrupted its way that seed may be saved upon the face of the
upon the earth), whole earth.
13 He said to Noe: The end of all flesh is come 4 For yet a while, and after seven days, I will
before me; the earth is filled with iniquity rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights;
through them: and I will destroy them with the and I will destroy every substance that I have
earth. made, from the face of the earth.
14 Make thee an ark of timber planks: thou shalt 5 And Noe did all things which the Lord had
make little rooms in the ark, and thou shalt pitch commanded him.
it within and without. 6 And he was six hundred years old, when the
15 And thus shalt thou make it: The length of waters of the flood overflowed the earth.
the ark shall be three hundred cubits; the breadth 7 And Noe went in, and his sons, his wife and
of it fifty cubits; and the height of it thirty cubits. the wives of his sons with him, into the ark,
16 Thou shalt make a window in the ark, and in a because of the waters of the flood.
cubit shalt thou finish the top of it; and the door 8 And of beasts clean and unclean, and of fowls,
of the ark thou shalt set in the side; with lower, and of every thing that moveth upon the earth.
middle chambers, and third stories shalt thou 9 Two and two went in to Noe into the ark, male
make it. and female: as the Lord had commanded Noe.

10 And after the seven days were passed, the Chapter 8
waters of the flood overflowed the earth. 1 And God remembered Noe, and all the living
11 In the six hundredth year of the life of Noe, in creatures, and all the cattle which were with him
the second month, in the seventeenth day of the in the ark: and brought a wind upon the earth, and
month, all the fountains of the great deep were the waters were abated.
broken up, and the flood gates of heaven were 2 The fountains also of the deep, and the flood
opened: gates of heaven were shut up, and the rain from
12 And the rain fell upon the earth forty days and heaven was restrained.
forty nights. 3 And the waters returned from off the earth
13 In the selfsame day, Noe, and Sem, and going and coming: and they began to be abated
Cham, and Japheth his sons: his wife, and the after a hundred and fifty days.
three wives of his sons with them; went into the 4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, the
ark: seven and twentieth day of the month, upon the
14 They and every beast according to its kind, mountains of Armenia.
and all the cattle in their kind, and every thing 5 And the waters were going and decreasing
that moveth upon the earth according to its kind, until the tenth month: for in the tenth month, the
and every fowl according to its kind, all birds, first day of the month, the tops of the mountains
and all that fly. appeared.
15 Went in to Noe into the ark, two and two, of 6 And after that forty days were passed, Noe,
all flesh wherein was the breath of life. opening the window of the ark which he had
16 And they that went in, went in male and made, sent forth a raven:
female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: 7 Which went forth and did not return, till the
and the Lord shut him in on the outside. waters were dried up upon the earth.
17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth, 8 He sent forth also a dove after him, to see if the
and the waters increased, and lifted up the ark on waters had now ceased upon the face of the earth.
high from the earth. 9 But she, not finding where her foot might rest,
18 For they overflowed exceedingly: and filled returned to him into the ark: for the waters were
all on the face of the earth: and the ark was upon the whole earth: and he put forth his hand,
carried upon the waters. and caught her, and brought her into the ark.
19 And the waters prevailed beyond measure 10 And having waited yet seven other days, he
upon the earth: and all the high mountains under again sent forth the dove out of the ark.
the whole heaven were covered. 11 And she came to him in the evening, carrying
20 The water was fifteen cubits higher than the a bough of an olive tree with green leaves; in her
mountains which it covered. mouth. Noe therefore understood that the waters
21 And all flesh was destroyed that moved upon were ceased upon the earth.
the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of 12 And he stayed yet other seven days: and he
beasts, and of all creeping things that creep upon sent forth the dove, which returned not any more
the earth: and all men. unto him.
22 And all things wherein there is the breath of 13 Therefore in the six hundredth and first year,
life on the earth, died. the first month, the first day of the month, the
23 And He destroyed all the substance that was waters were lessened upon the earth. And Noe,
upon the earth, from men even to beast, and the opening the covering of the ark, looked, and saw
creeping things and fowls of the air: and they that the face of the earth was dried.
were destroyed from the earth. And Noe only 14 In the second month, the seven and twentieth
remained, and they that were with him in the ark. day of the month, the earth was dried.
24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth a 15 And God spoke to Noe, saying:
hundred and fifty days. 16 Go out of the ark, thou and thy wife, thy sons,
and the wives of thy sons with thee.

17 All living things that are with thee of all flesh, each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with
as well in fowls as in beasts, and all creeping the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
things that creep upon the earth, bring out with R. Amen.
thee, and go ye upon the earth: increase and
multiply it. IV. Collect: For Virgins [chaste monastics]:
18 So Noe went out, he and his sons: his wife, Dear brethren let us suppliants pray to God the
and the wives of his sons with him. Almighty Father that a conception of mind be
19 And all living things, and cattle, and creeping well established in our brothers and sisters who
things that creep upon the earth, according to swore holy and most acceptable virginity to God:
their kinds, went out of the ark. perpetually persevering and holding themselves
20 And Noe built an altar unto the Lord: and spotless. Through the Resurrection from the dead
taking of all cattle and fowls that were clean, of His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ
offered holocausts upon the altar. Who reigneth with Him and the Holy Spirit
21 And the Lord smelled a sweet savor and said: throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
I will no more curse the earth for the sake of man: Author of the universe and Lord, we beseech
for the imagination and thought of man's heart are Thee and implore Thee, for each one who has
prone to evil from his youth: therefore I will no been mortified through discipline in this world,
more destroy every living soul as I have done. permit them to become a new human, to serve
[22 All the days of the earth, seed-time Thee through the Resurrection from the dead of
and harvest, cold and heat, summer and Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth
winter, night and day, shall not cease.] with Thee and the Holy Spirit, throughout ages of
ages. R. Amen.
[Prostration or genuflexion may be done
during these prayers.] [Sit]
Brethren, let us with supplication beseech IV. Gen. 22:1-19 [Abraham and Isaac]
Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the 1 After these things, God tempted Abraham, and
Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in said to him: Abraham, Abraham. And he
this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord: answered: Here I am.
especially for the repose of the body; that His 2 He said to him: Take thy only begotten son
Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths Isaac, whom thou lovest, and go into the land of
of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in vision: and there thou shalt offer him for a
which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest holocaust upon one of the mountains which I will
He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell, show thee.
and although freed from sin, we may yet still be 3 So Abraham, rising up in the night, saddled his
thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth ass: and took with him two young men, and Isaac
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of his son. And when he had cut wood for the
holocaust, he went his way to the place which
ages. R. Amen.
God had commanded him.
Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us 4 And on the third day, lifting up his eyes, he
and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our saw the place afar off.
hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee, 5 And he said to his young men: Stay you here
that we may remain with Thee forever, that we with the ass. I and the boy will go with speed as
may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord, far as yonder, and after we have worshipped will
hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal return to you.
death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended 6 And he took the wood for the holocaust, and
into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who laid it upon Isaac his son: and he himself carried
were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety, in his hands fire and a sword. And as they two
descend also now into our vitals, that Thou went on together,
mayest free us from the chains of sin by which

7 Isaac said to his father: My father. And he this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord:
answered: What wilt thou, son? Behold, saith especially for the repose of the body; that His
he, fire and wood; where is the victim for the Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths
holocaust. of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in
8 And Abraham said: God will provide himself a which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest
victim for a holocaust, my son. So they went on He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell,
together. and although freed from sin, we may yet still be
9 And they came to the place which God had thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
shown him, where he built an altar, and laid the with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
wood in order upon it. And when he had bound ages. R. Amen.
Isaac his son, he laid him on the altar upon the Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us
pile of wood. and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our
10 And he put forth his hand and took the sword, hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee,
to sacrifice his son. that we may remain with Thee forever, that we
11 And, behold, an angel of the Lord from may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord,
heaven called to him, saying: Abraham, hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal
Abraham. And he answered: Here I am. death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended
12 And he said to him: Lay not thy hand upon into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who
the boy, neither do thou any thing to him. Now I were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety,
know that thou fearest God, and hast not spared descend also now into our vitals, that Thou
thy only begotten son for my sake. mayest free us from the chains of sin by which
13 Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw behind each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with
his back a ram amongst the briers sticking fast by the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
the horns: which he took and offered for a R. Amen.
holocaust instead of his son.
14 And he called the name of that place: The V. Collect: For those who perform works of
Lord seeth. Whereupon even to this day it is mercy:
said: In the mountain, The Lord will see. Let us with supplication pray to God the
15 And the angel of the Lord called to Abraham Father of Mercy: may His abundance pour the
a second time from heaven, saying: powers of the gifts of the Heavens into the Saints
16 By my own self have I sworn, saith the Lord: of this poor world, and may participation in
Because thou hast done this thing, and hast not society while in the flesh be capable of deserving
spared thy only begotten son for my sake: spiritual rewards. Through the Resurrection from
17 I will bless thee, and I will multiply thy seed the dead of His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus
as the stars of heaven, and as the sand that is by Christ Who reigneth with Him and the Holy
the sea shore. Thy seed shall possess the gates of
Spirit throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
their enemies.
18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the Author of the universe and Lord, we
earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one
voice. who has been mortified through discipline in this
19 Abraham returned to his young men, and they world, permit them to become a new human, to
went to Bersabee together. And he dwelt there. serve Thee through the Resurrection from the
STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY. dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
[Prostration or genuflexion may be done reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit,
during these prayers.] throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
Brethren, let us with supplication beseech [Sit]
Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the V. Genesis, 27:1-40 [or 41] [Isaac blesses
Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in Jacob instead of Esau.]

1 Now Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, and have done as thou didst command me. Arise, sir,
he could not see: and he called Esau, his elder and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless
son, and said to him: My son? And he answered: me.
Here I am. 20 And Isaac said to his son: How couldst thou
2 And his father said to him: Thou seest that I find it so quickly, my son? He answered: It was
am old, and know not the day of my death. the will of God that what I sought came quickly
3 Take thy arms, thy quiver, and bow, and go in my way.
abroad; and when thou hast taken some thing by 21 And Isaac said: Come hither, that I may feel
hunting. thee, my son, and may prove whether thou be my
4 Make me savory meat thereof, as thou knowest son Esau, or not.
I like, and bring it, that I may eat: and my soul 22 He came near to his father, and when he had
may bless thee before I die. felt him, Isaac said: The voice indeed is the voice
5 And when Rebecca had heard this; and he was of Jacob; but the hands are the hands of Esau.
gone into the field to fulfil his father's 23 And he knew him not, because his hairy
commandment, hands made him like to the elder. Then blessing
6 She said to her son Jacob: I heard thy father him.
talking with Esau thy brother, and saying to him: 24 He said: Art thou my son Esau? He
7 Bring me of thy hunting, and make me meats answered: I am.
that I may eat, and bless thee in the sight of the 25 Then he said: Bring me the meats of thy
Lord, before I die. hunting, my son, that my soul may bless thee.
8 Now, therefore, my son, follow my counsel: And when they were brought, and he had eaten,
9 And go thy way to the flock; bring me two kids he offered him wine also. Which after he had
of the best, that I may make of them meat for thy drunk,
father, such as he gladly eateth. 26 He said to him: Come near me, and give me
10 Which when thou hast brought in, and he hath a kiss, my son.
eaten, he may bless thee before he die. 27 He came near, and kissed him. And
11 And he answered her: Thou knowest that immediately as he smelled the fragrant smell of
Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am smooth. his garments, blessing him, he said: Behold, the
12 If my father shall feel me, and perceive it, I smell of my son is as the smell of a plentiful
fear lest he will think I would have mocked him: field, which the Lord hath blessed.
and I shall bring upon me a curse instead of a 28 God give thee the dew of heaven, and of the
blessing. fatness of the earth, abundance of corn and wine.
13 And his mother said to him: Upon me be this 29 And let peoples serve thee, and tribes worship
curse, my son: Only hear thou my voice, and go, thee. Be thou lord of thy brethren, and let thy
fetch me the things which I have said. mother's children bow down before thee. Cursed
14 He went, and brought, and gave them to his be he that curseth thee: and let him that blesseth
mother. She dressed meats, such as she knew his thee be filled with blessings.
father liked. 30 Isaac had scarce ended his words, when Jacob
15 And she put on him very good garments of being now gone out abroad, Esau came.
Esau, which she had at home with her. 31 And brought in to his father meats made of
16 And the little skins of the kids she put about what he had taken in hunting, saying: Arise, my
his hands, and covered the bare of his neck. father, and eat of thy son's venison; that thy soul
17 And she gave him the savory meat, and may bless me.
delivered him bread that she had baked. 32 And Isaac said to him: Why? Who art thou?
18 Which when he had carried in, he said: My He answered: I am thy firstborn son Esau.
father? But he answered: I hear. Who art thou, 33 Isaac was struck with fear, and astonished
my son? exceedingly: and wondering beyond what can be
19 And Jacob said: I am Esau thy first-born: I believed, said: Who is he then that even now

brought me venison that he had taken, and I ate of Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us
all before thou camest? And I have blessed him; and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our
and he shall be blessed. hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee,
34 Esau having heard his father's words roared that we may remain with Thee forever, that we
out with a great cry: and being in a great may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord,
consternation, said: Bless me also, my father. hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal
35 And he said: Thy brother came deceitfully death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended
and got thy blessing. into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who
36 But he said again: Rightly is his name called were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety,
Jacob; for he hath supplanted me, lo, this second descend also now into our vitals, that Thou
time. My first birth-right he took away before, mayest free us from the chains of sin by which
and now this second time he hath stolen away my each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with
blessing. And again he said to his father: Hast the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
thou not reserved me also a blessing? R. Amen.
37 Isaac answered: I have appointed him thy
lord, and have made all his brethren his servants. VI. Collect: For those who are traveling:
I have established him with corn and wine, and Let us suppliants entreat God the Father
after this, what shall I do more for thee, my son? of the Heavens and the Worlds that the power of
38 And Esau said to him: Hast thou only one His aid protect and defend all of our brethren who
blessing, father? I beseech thee, bless me also. are under necessity to travel: Through the
And when he wept with a loud cry, Resurrection from the dead of His only begotten
39 Isaac being moved, said to him: In the fat of Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
the earth, and in the dew of heaven from above, Him and the Holy Spirit throughout ages of ages.
40 Shall thy blessing be. Thou shalt live by the R. Amen.
sword and shalt serve thy brother. And the time Author of the universe and Lord, we
shall come, when thou shalt shake off and loose beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one
his yoke from thy neck. who has been mortified through discipline in this
[41 Esau therefore always hated Jacob world, permit them to become a new human, to
for the blessing wherewith his father had serve Thee through the Resurrection from the
blessed him: and he said in his heart: dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
The days will come of the mourning of reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit,
my father, and I will kill my brother
throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
[Prostration or genuflexion may be done.] VI. Exodus, 12:1-50 [or 51] [The Passover
Brethren, let us with supplication beseech blood and lamb of Moses.]
Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the 1 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the
Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in land of Egypt:
this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord: 2 This month shall be to you the beginning of
especially for the repose of the body; that His months: it shall be the first in the months of the
Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths year.
of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in 3 Speak ye to the whole assembly of the children
which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest of Israel, and say to them: On the tenth day of
He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell, this month let every man take a lamb by their
and although freed from sin, we may yet still be families and houses.
thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth 4 But if the number be less than may suffice to
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of eat the lamb, he shall take unto him his neighbor
that joineth to his house, according to the number
ages. R. Amen.

of souls which may be enough to eat the lamb. unleavened bread: for in this same day I will
5 And it shall be a lamb without blemish, a male, bring forth your army out of the land of Egypt:
of one year; according to which rite also you shall and you shall keep this day in your generations
take a kid. by a perpetual observance.
6 And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day 18 The first month, the fourteenth day of the
of this month: and the whole multitude of the month in the evening, you shall eat unleavened
children of Israel shall sacrifice it in the evening. bread, until the one and twentieth day of the same
7 And they shall take of the blood thereof, and month in the evening.
put it upon both the side posts, and on the upper 19 Seven days there shall not be found any
door-posts of the houses, wherein they shall eat leaven in your houses: he that shall eat leavened
it. bread, his soul shall perish out of the assembly of
8 And they shall eat the flesh that night roasted at Israel, whether he be a stranger or born in the
the fire: and unleavened bread with wild lettuce. land.
9 You shall not eat thereof any thing raw, nor 20 You shall not eat any thing leavened: in all
boiled in water, but only roasted at the fire. You your habitations you shall eat unleavened bread.
shall eat the head with the feet and entrails 21 And Moses called all the ancients of the
thereof. children of Israel, and said to them: Go take a
10 Neither shall there remain any thing of it until lamb by your families, and sacrifice the Phase.
morning. If there be any thing left, you shall 22 And dip a bunch of hyssop in the blood that is
burn it with fire. at the door, and sprinkle the transom of the door
11 And thus you shall eat it: You shall gird your therewith, and both the door cheeks. Let none of
reins, and you shall have shoes on your feet, you go out of the door of his house till morning.
holding staves in your hands, and you shall eat in 23 For the Lord will pass through striking the
haste; for it is the Phase (that is the Passage) of Egyptians: and when He shall see the blood on
the Lord. the transom, and on both the posts, He will pass
12 And I will pass through the land of Egypt that over the door of the house, and not suffer the
night, and will kill every firstborn in the land of destroyer to come into your houses and to hurt
Egypt both men and beast: and against all the you.
gods of Egypt I will execute judgments. I am the 24 Thou shalt keep this thing as a law for thee
Lord. and thy children for ever.
13 And the blood shall be unto you for a sign in 25 And when you have entered into the land
the houses where you shall be: and I shall see the which the Lord will give you as He hath
blood, and shall pass over you. And the plague promised, you shall observe these ceremonies.
shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I shall 26 And when your children shall say to you:
strike the land of Egypt. What is the meaning of this service?
14 And this day shall be for a memorial to you: 27 You shall say to them: It is the victim of the
and you shall keep it a feast to the Lord in your passage of the Lord, when He passed over the
generations with an everlasting observance. houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, striking
15 Seven days shall you eat unleavened bread. the Egyptians, and saving our houses. And the
In the first day there shall be no leaven in your people bowing themselves, adored.
houses: whosoever shall eat any thing leavened, 28 And the children of Israel going forth did as
from the first day until the seventh day, that soul the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron.
shall perish out of Israel. 29 And it came to pass at midnight, the Lord
16 The first day shall be holy and solemn, and slew every first-born in the land of Egypt, from
the seventh day shall be kept with the like the firstborn of Pharao, who sat on his throne,
solemnity: you shall do no work in them, except unto the first-born of the captive woman that was
those things that belong to eating. in the prison, and all the first-born of cattle.
17 And you shall observe the feast of the 30 And Pharao arose in the night, and all his

servants, and all Egypt: and there arose a great circumcised, and so shall eat.
cry in Egypt; for there was not a house wherein 45 The stranger and the hireling shall not eat
there lay not one dead. thereof.
31 And Pharao, calling Moses and Aaron, in the 46 In one house shall it be eaten: neither shall
night, said: Arise and go forth from among my you carry forth of the flesh thereof out of the
people, you and the children of Israel. Go, house: neither shall you break a bone thereof.
sacrifice to the Lord as you say. 47 All the assembly of the children of Israel shall
32 Your sheep and herds take along with you, as keep it.
you demanded: and departing, bless me. 48 And if any stranger be willing to dwell among
33 And the Egyptians pressed the people to go you, and to keep the Phase of the Lord, all his
forth out of the land speedily, saying: We shall males shall first be circumcised; and then shall he
all die. celebrate it according to the manner. And he
34 The people therefore took dough before it was shall be as he that is born in the land: but if any
leavened: and tying it in their cloaks, put it on man be uncircumcised, he shall not eat thereof.
their shoulders. 49 The same law shall be to him that is born in
35 And the children of Israel did as Moses had the land, and to the proselyte that sojourneth with
commanded: and they asked of the Egyptians you.
vessels of silver and gold, and very much 50 And all the children of Israel did as the Lord
raiment. had commanded Moses and Aaron.
36 And the Lord gave favor to the people in the [51 And the same day the Lord brought
sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto forth the children of Israel out of the land
them. And they stripped the Egyptians. of Egypt by their companies.]
37 And the children of Israel set forward from STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY.
Ramesse to Socoth, being about six hundred [Prostration or genuflexion may be done
thousand men on foot, beside children. during these prayers.]
38 And a mixed multitude without number went Brethren, let us with supplication beseech
up also with them, sheep and herds and beasts of Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the
divers kinds, exceeding many. Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in
39 And they baked the meal, which a little before this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord:
they had brought out of Egypt, in dough. And especially for the repose of the body; that His
they made earth cakes unleavened: for it could Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths
not be leavened, the Egyptians pressing them to of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in
depart, and not suffering them to make any stay: which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest
neither did they think of preparing any meat. He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell,
40 And the abode of the children of Israel that and although freed from sin, we may yet still be
they made in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
years. with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
41 Which being expired, the same day all the ages. R. Amen.
army of the Lord went forth out of the land of Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us
Egypt. and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our
42 This is the observable night of the Lord, when hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee,
He brought them forth out of the land of Egypt: that we may remain with Thee forever, that we
this night all the children of Israel must observe may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord,
in their generations. hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal
43 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron: This death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended
is the service of the Phase. No foreigner shall eat into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who
of it. were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety,
44 But every bought servant shall be descend also now into our vitals, that Thou

mayest free us from the chains of sin by which Chapter 14
each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with 1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. 2 Speak to the children of Israel: Let them turn
R. Amen. and encamp over against Phihahiroth, which is
VII. Collect: For the Sick: between Magdal and the sea, over against
Let us entreat the Lord of the Salvation Beelsephon. You shall encamp before it upon the
of the Universe for our brothers and sisters who sea. 3 And Pharao will say of the children of
are vexed by diverse infirmities and sicknesses of Israel: They are straitened in the land; the desert
the flesh: that He Who alone is powerful may be hath shut them in.
pleased to attend the ill because of His 4 And I shall harden his heart, and he will pursue
tenderness. Through the Resurrection from the you; and I shall be glorified in Pharao, and in all
dead of His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus his army: and the Egyptians shall know that I am
Christ Who reigneth with Him and the Holy the Lord. And they did so.
Spirit throughout ages of ages. R. Amen. 5 And it was told the king of the Egyptians that
Author of the universe and Lord, we the people was fled. And the heart of Pharao and
beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one of his servants was changed with regard to the
who has been mortified through discipline in this people, and they said: What meant we to do, that
world, permit them to become a new human, to we let Israel go from serving us?
serve Thee through the Resurrection from the 6 So he made ready his chariot, and took all his
dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who people with him.
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, 7 And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and
all the chariots that were in Egypt: and the
throughout ages of ages. R. Amen. [Sit]
captains of the whole army.
VII. Exodus, Chapter 13:18 to Chapter 15:21 8 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharao
[The Parting of the Red Sea.] king of Egypt, and he pursued the children of
[17 And when Pharao had sent out the Israel: but they were gone forth in a mighty hand.
people, the Lord led them not by the way 9 And when the Egyptians followed the steps of
of the land of the Philistines which is them who were gone before, they found them
near: thinking lest perhaps they would encamped at the sea-side. All Pharao's horse and
repent, if they should see wars arise chariots, and the whole army were in Phihahiroth
against them, and would return into before Beelsephon.
Egypt.] 10 And when Pharao drew near, the children of
18 But He led them about by the way of the Israel, lifting up their eyes, saw the Egyptians
desert, which is by the Red Sea: and the children behind them: and they feared exceedingly, and
of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt. cried to the Lord.
19 And Moses took Joseph's bones with him; 11 And they said to Moses: Perhaps there were
because he had adjured the children of Israel, no graves in Egypt: therefore thou hast brought
saying: God shall visit you. Carry out my bones us to die in the wilderness. Why wouldst thou do
from hence with you. this, to lead us out of Egypt?
20 And marching from Socoth, they encamped in 12 Is not this the word that we spoke to thee in
Etham, in the utmost coasts of the wilderness. Egypt, saying: Depart from us that we may serve
21 And the Lord went before them to show the the Egyptians? For it was much better to serve
way by day in a pillar of a cloud, and by night in them, than to die in the wilderness.
a pillar of fire: that He might be the guide of their 13 And Moses said to the people: Fear not.
journey at both times. Stand and see the great wonders of the Lord,
22 There never failed the pillar of the cloud by which He will do this day: for the Egyptians,
day, nor the pillar of fire by night, before the whom you see now, you shall see no more for
people. ever.

14 The Lord will fight for you: and you shall towards the sea, it returned at the first break of
hold your peace. day to the former place: and as the Egyptians
15 And the Lord said to Moses: Why criest thou were fleeing away, the waters came upon them,
to me? Speak to the children of Israel to go and the Lord shut them up in the middle of the
forward. waves.
16 But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch forth thy 28 And the waters returned, and covered the
hand over the sea, and divide it: that the children chariots and the horsemen of all the army of
of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on Pharao, who had come into the sea after them:
dry ground. neither did there so much as one of them remain.
17 And I will harden the heart of the Egyptians 29 But the children of Israel marched through the
to pursue you: and I will be glorified in Pharao, midst of the sea upon dry land: and the waters
and in all his host, and in his chariots, and in his were to them as a wall on the right hand and on
horsemen. the left.
18 And the Egyptians shall know that I am the 30 And the Lord delivered Israel on that day out
Lord: when I shall be glorified in Pharao, and in of the hands of the Egyptians.
his chariots and in his horsemen. 31 And they saw the Egyptians dead upon the
19 And the angel of God, who went before the sea-shore, and the mighty hand that the Lord had
camp of Israel, removing, went behind them: and used against them. And the people feared the
together with him the pillar of the cloud, leaving Lord, and they believed the Lord, and Moses his
the forepart, servant.
20 Stood behind, between the Egyptians' camp Chapter 15
and the camp of Israel. And it was a dark cloud, 1 Then Moses and the children of Israel sung this
and enlightening the night, so that they could not canticle to the Lord: and said: Let us sing to the
come at one another all the night. Lord, for He is gloriously magnified: the horse
21 And when Moses had stretched forth his hand and the rider He hath thrown into the sea.
over the sea, the Lord took it away by a strong 2 The Lord is my strength and my praise: and He
and burning wind blowing all the night; and is become salvation to me. He is my God and I
turned it into dry ground: and the water was will glorify Him: the God of my father, and I will
divided. exalt Him.
22 And the children of Israel went in through the 3 The Lord is as a man of war: Almighty is His
midst of the sea dried up: for the water was as a name.
wall on their right hand and on their left. 4 Pharao's chariots and his army He hath cast
23 And the Egyptians pursuing went in after into the sea: his chosen captains are drowned in
them: and all Pharao's horses, his chariots and the Red Sea.
horsemen through the midst of the sea. 5 The depths have covered them: they are sunk
24 And now the morning watch was come, and, to the bottom like a stone.
behold, the Lord, looking upon the Egyptian 6 Thy right hand, O Lord, is magnified in
army through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, strength: Thy right hand, O Lord, hath slain the
slew their host. enemy.
25 And overthrew the wheels of the chariots, and 7 And in the multitude of Thy glory Thou hast
they were carried into the deep. And the put down Thy adversaries; Thou hast sent Thy
Egyptians said: Let us flee from Israel; for the wrath, which hath devoured them like stubble.
Lord fighteth for them against us. 8 And with the blast of Thy anger the waters
26 And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch forth thy were gathered together. The flowing water stood:
hand over the sea, that the waters may come the depths were gathered together in the midst of
again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and the sea.
horsemen. 9 The enemy said: I will pursue and overtake; I
27 And when Moses had stretched forth his hand will divide the spoils, my soul shall have its fill, I

will draw my sword; my hand shall slay them. especially for the repose of the body; that His
10 Thy wind blew and the sea covered them: Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths
they sunk as lead in the mighty waters. of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in
11 Who is like to Thee, among the strong, O which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest
Lord? Who is like to Thee, glorious in holiness, He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell,
terrible and praiseworthy, doing wonders? and although freed from sin, we may yet still be
12 Thou stretchedst forth Thy hand: and the thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
earth swallowed them. with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
13 In thy mercy Thou hast been a leader to the ages. R. Amen.
people which Thou hast redeemed: and in Thy Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us
strength Thou hast carried them to Thy holy and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our
habitation. hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee,
14 Nations rose up, and were angry: sorrows that we may remain with Thee forever, that we
took hold on the inhabitants of Philisthiim. may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord,
15 Then were the princes of Edom troubled, hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal
trembling seized on the stout men of Moab: all death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended
the inhabitants of Chanaan became stiff. into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who
16 Let fear and dread fall upon them, in the were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety,
greatness of Thy arm; let them become descend also now into our vitals, that Thou
unmovable as a stone, until Thy people, O Lord, mayest free us from the chains of sin by which
pass by: until this thy people pass by, which Thou each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with
hast possessed. the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
17 Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in R. Amen.
the mountain of Thy inheritance, in the most firm
habitation which Thou hast made, O Lord; Thy VIII. Collect: For Penitents:
sanctuary, O Lord, which Thy hands have Dear brethren, let us beseech the God of
established. our Hope that He not reject the guilty, who in the
18 The Lord shall reign for ever and ever. fear of the mandates, turned around onto the path
19 For Pharao went in on horse-back with his of righteousness due to the aspect of serenity.
chariots and horse-men into the sea: and the Lord Nor at His Coming may He exclude them as
brought back upon them the waters of the sea. condemned from the gates of His Kingdom.
But the children of Israel walked on dry ground through the Resurrection from the dead of His
in the midst thereof. only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who
20 So Mary the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, reigneth with Him and the Holy Spirit throughout
took a timbrel in her hand: and all the women
ages of ages. R. Amen.
went forth after her with timbrels and with
dances: Author of the universe and Lord, we
21 And she began the song to them, saying: Let beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one
us sing to the Lord, for He is gloriously who has been mortified through discipline in this
magnified: the horse and his rider He hath thrown world, permit them to become a new human, to
into the sea. serve Thee through the Resurrection from the
STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY. dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
[Prostration or genuflexion may be done reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit,
during these prayers.] throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
Brethren, let us with supplication beseech
Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the [Sit]
Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in VIII. Ezechial, 37:1-11 [may read to 14] [The
this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord: Resurrection of the Field of Bones.]

1 The hand of the Lord was upon me and Lord: when I shall have opened your
brought me forth in the spirit of the Lord and set sepulchres and shall have brought you
me down in the midst of a plain that was full of out of your graves, O my people.
bones. 14 And shall have put my spirit in you.
2 And He led me about through them on every And you shall live and I shall make you
side. Now they were very many upon the face of rest upon your own land. And you shall
the plain and they were exceeding dry. know that I the Lord have spoken and
3 And He said to me: Son of man, dost thou done it, saith the Lord God.]
think these bones shall live? And I answered: O STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY.
Lord God, thou knowest. [Prostration or genuflexion may be done.]
4 And He said to me: Prophesy concerning these Brethren, let us with supplication beseech
bones and say to them: Ye dry bones, hear the Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the
word of the Lord. Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in
5 Thus saith the Lord God to these bones: this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord:
Behold, I will send spirit into you and you shall especially for the repose of the body; that His
live. Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths
6 And I will lay sinews upon you and will cause of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in
flesh to grow over you and will cover you with which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest
skin: and I will give you spirit and you shall live. He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell,
And you shall know that I am the Lord. and although freed from sin, we may yet still be
7 And I prophesied as He had commanded me: thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
and as I prophesied there was a noise, and, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
behold, a commotion; and the bones came ages. R. Amen.
together, each one to its joint. Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us
8 And I saw, and, behold, the sinews and the and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our
flesh came up upon them, and the skin was hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee,
stretched out over them: but there was no spirit in that we may remain with Thee forever, that we
them. may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord,
9 And He said to me: Prophesy to the spirit, hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal
prophesy, O son of man, and say to the spirit: death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended
Thus saith the Lord God: Come, spirit, from the into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who
four winds and blow upon these slain and let were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety,
them live again. descend also now into our vitals, that Thou
10 And I prophesied as He had commanded me: mayest free us from the chains of sin by which
and the spirit came into them, and they lived: and each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with
they stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
army. R. Amen.
11 And He said to me: Son of man: All these IX. Collect: For the unity of the Church:
bones are the house of Israel. They say: Our Let us beseech the Font of all Good: the Author
bones are dried up and our hope is lost and we of human Salvation: the Lord, that He be pleased
are cut off. to preserve inviolate the unity of the Church, so
[12 Therefore prophesy and say to that we who are present within His protection,
them: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, may deserve the reward of the eternal life to
I will open your graves and will bring come in the future; through the Resurrection from
you out of your sepulchres, O my the dead of His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus
people, and will bring you into the land Christ Who reigneth with Him and the Holy
of Israel.
Spirit throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
13 And you shall know that I am the

Author of the universe and Lord, we beseech full, I desire not holocausts of rams and fat of
Thee and implore Thee, for each one who has fatlings and blood of calves and lambs and buck-
been mortified through discipline in this world, goats.
permit them to become a new human, to serve 12 When you came to appear before me, who
Thee through the Resurrection from the dead of required these things at your hands, that you
Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth should walk in my courts?
with Thee and the Holy Spirit, throughout ages of 13 Offer sacrifice no more in vain: incense is an
ages. R. Amen. [Sit.] abomination to me. The new moons and the
sabbaths and other festivals I will not abide: your
IX. Isaiah, Chapter 1:1 to Chapter 5:24 assemblies are wicked.
[Exhortation and Prediction of Christ.] 14 My soul hateth your new moons and your
1 The vision of Isaias, the son of Amos, which he solemnities: they are become troublesome to me.
saw concerning Juda and Jerusalem in the days of I am weary of bearing them.
Ozias, Joarban, Achaz and Ezechias, kings of 15 And when you stretch forth your hands, I will
Juda. turn away my eyes from you: and when you
2 Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, O earth, for multiply prayer, I will not hear. For your hands
the Lord hath spoken. I have brought up children are full of blood.
and exalted them: but they have despised me. 16 Wash yourselves: be clean. Take away the
3 The ox knoweth his owner and the ass his evil of your devices from my eyes. Cease to do
master's crib: but Israel hath not known me and perversely.
my people hath not understood. 17 Learn to do well. Seek judgment. Relieve
4 Woe to the sinful nation, a people laden with the oppressed. Judge for the fatherless. Defend
iniquity, a wicked seed, ungracious children: the widow.
they have forsaken the Lord, they have 18 And then come and accuse me, saith the Lord.
blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gone If your alms be as scarlet, they shall be made as
away backwards. white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they
5 For what shall I strike you any more, you that shall be white as wool.
increase transgression? The whole head is sick, 19 If you be willing and will hearken to me, you
and the whole heart is sad. shall eat the good things of the land.
6 From the sole of the foot unto the top of the 20 But if you will not and will provoke me to
head, there is no soundness therein: wounds and wrath, the sword shall devour you: because the
bruises and swelling sores. They are not bound mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
up, nor dressed nor fomented with oil. 21 How is the faithful city, that was full of
7 Your land is desolate, your cities are burnt with judgment, become a harlot? Justice dwelt in it,
fire, your country strangers devour before your but now murderers.
face: and it shall be desolate as when wasted by 22 Thy silver is turned into dross: thy wine is
enemies. mingled with water.
8 And the daughter of Sion shall be left as a 23 Thy princes are faithless, companions of
covert in a vineyard, and as a lodge in a garden of thieves: they all have bribes, they run after
cucumbers, and as a city that is laid waste. rewards. They judge not for the fatherless: and
9 Except the Lord of hosts had left us seed, we the widow's cause cometh not in to them.
had been as Sodom: and we should have been 24 Therefore saith the Lord, the God of hosts,
like to Gomorrha. the mighty one of Israel: Ah! I will comfort
10 Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of myself over my adversaries, and I will be
Sodom: give ear to the law of our God, ye people revenged of my enemies.
of Gomorrha. 25 And I will turn my hand to thee, and I will
11 To what purpose do you offer me the clean purge away thy dross, and I will take away
multitude of your victims, saith the Lord? I am all thy tin.

26 And I will restore thy judges as they were 9 And man hath bowed himself down: and man
before and thy counselors as of old. After this hath been debased. Therefore forgive them not.
thou shalt be called the city of the just, a faithful 10 Enter thou into the rock and hide thee in the
city. pit: from the face of the fear of the Lord and from
27 Sion shall be redeemed in judgment: and they the glory of His majesty.
shall bring her back in justice. 11 The lofty eyes of man are humbled, and the
28 And He shall destroy the wicked and the haughtiness of men shall be made to stoop: and
sinners together: and they that have forsaken the the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.
Lord shall be consumed: 12 Because the day of the Lord of hosts shall be
29 For they shall be confounded for the idols to upon every one that is proud and high-minded,
which they have sacrificed. And you shall be and upon every one that is arrogant: and he shall
ashamed of the gardens which you have chosen, be humbled.
30 When you shall be as an oak with the leaves 13 And upon all the tall and lofty cedars of
falling off and as a garden without water. Libanus, and upon all the oaks of Basan.
31 And your strength shall be as the ashes of 14 And upon all the high mountains, and upon
tow, and your work as a spark. And both shall all the elevated hills.
burn together: and there shall be none to quench 15 And upon every high tower, and every fenced
it. wall.
Chapter 2 16 And upon all the ships of Tharsis, and upon
1 The word that Isaias the son of Amos saw, all that is fair to behold.
concerning Juda and Jerusalem. 17 And the loftiness of men shall be bowed
2 And in the last days, the mountain of the house down: and the haughtiness of men shall be
of the Lord shall be prepared on the top of humbled. And the Lord alone shall be exalted in
mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills: that day.
and all nations shall flow unto it. 18 And idols shall be utterly destroyed.
3 And many people shall go, and say: Come, and 19 And they shall go into the holes of rocks and
let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to into the caves of the earth, from the face of the
the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach fear of the Lord and from the glory of His
us His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For majesty, when He shall rise up to strike the earth.
the law shall come forth from Sion: and the word 20 In that day a man shall cast away his idols of
of the Lord from Jerusalem. silver and his idols of gold, which he had made
4 And He shall judge the Gentiles and rebuke for himself to adore, moles and bats.
many people: and they shall turn their swords 21 And he shall go into the clefts of rocks and
into ploughshares and their spears into sickles. into the holes of stones, from the face of the fear
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation: of the Lord and from the glory of His majesty,
neither shall they be exercised any more to war. when He shall rise up to strike the earth.
5 O house of Jacob, come ye: and let us walk in 22 Cease ye therefore from the man, whose
the light of the Lord. breath is in his nostrils, for he is reputed high.
6 For thou hast cast off thy people, the house of Chapter 3
Jacob: because they are filled as in times past, 1 For, behold, the sovereign, the Lord of hosts,
and have had soothsayers as the Philistines, and shall take away from Jerusalem and from Juda
have adhered to strange children. the valiant and the strong, the whole strength of
7 Their land is filled with silver and gold: and bread, and the whole strength of water:
there is no end of their treasures. 2 The strong man and the man of war, the judge
8 And their land is filled with horses: and their and the prophet, and the cunning man, and the
chariots are innumerable. Their land also is full ancient:
of idols: they have adored the work of their own 3 The captain over fifty, and the honorable in
hands, which their own fingers have made. countenance, and the counselor, and the architect,

and the skillful in eloquent speech. 19 And chains, and necklaces, and bracelets, and
4 And I will give children to be their princes: and bonnets:
the effeminate shall rule over them. 20 And bodkins, and ornaments of the legs, and
5 And the people shall rush one upon another, tablets, and sweet balls, and earrings:
and every man against his neighbor: the child 21 And rings, and jewels hanging on the
shall make a tumult against the ancient, and the forehead:
base against the honorable. 22 And changes of apparel, and short cloaks, and
6 For a man shall take hold of his brother, one of fine linen, and crisping pins:
the house of his father, saying: Thou hast a 23 And looking-glasses, and lawns, and
garment: be thou our ruler: and let this ruin be headbands, and fine veils.
under thy hand. 24 And instead of a sweet smell, there shall be
7 In that day he shall answer, saying: I am no stench: and instead of a girdle, a cord. And
healer and in my house there is no bread nor instead of curled hair, baldness: and instead of a
clothing: make me not ruler of the people. stomacher, haircloth.
8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Juda is fallen: 25 Thy fairest men also shall fall by the sword:
because their tongue and their devices are against and thy valiant ones in battle.
the Lord, to provoke the eyes of His majesty. 26 And her gates shall lament and mourn: and
9 The show of their countenance hath answered she shall sit desolate on the ground.
them: and they have proclaimed abroad their sin Chapter 4
as Sodom, and they have not hid it. Woe to their 1 And in that day, seven women shall take hold
souls, for evils are rendered to them. of one man, saying: We will eat our own bread,
10 Say to the just man that it is well: for he shall and wear our own apparel: only let us be called
eat the fruit of his doings. by thy name. Take away our reproach.
11 Woe to the wicked unto evil: for the reward of 2 In that day, the bud of the Lord shall be in
his hands shall be given him. magnificence and glory: and the fruit of the earth
12 As for my people, their oppressors have shall be high and a great joy to them that shall
stripped them, and women have ruled over them. have escaped of Israel.
O my people, they that call thee blessed, the same 3 And it shall come to pass, that every one that
deceive thee and destroy the way of thy steps. shall be left in Sion, and that shall remain in
13 The Lord standeth up to judge: and He Jerusalem, shall be called holy: every one that is
standeth to judge the people. written in life in Jerusalem:
14 The Lord will enter into judgment with the 4 If the Lord shall wash away the filth of the
ancients of His people and its princes. For you daughters of Sion, and shall wash away the blood
have devoured the vineyard: and the spoil of the of Jerusalem out of the midst thereof, by the spirit
poor is in your house. of judgment and by the spirit of burning.
15 Why do you consume my people, and grind 5 And the Lord will create, upon every place of
the faces of the poor? Saith the Lord, the God of mount Sion and where He is called upon, a cloud
hosts. by day and a smoke and the brightness of a
16 And the Lord said: Because the daughters of flaming fire in the night: for over all the glory
Sion are haughty, and have walked with shall be a protection:
stretched-out necks and wanton glances of their 6 And there shall be a tabernacle for a shade in
eyes, and made a noise as they walked with their the daytime from the heat: and for a security and
feet, and moved in a set pace: covert from the whirlwind and from rain.
17 The Lord will make bald the crown of the Chapter 5
head of the daughters of Sion: and the Lord will 1 I will sing to my beloved the canticle of my
discover their hair. cousin concerning his vineyard. My beloved had
18 In that day, the Lord will take away the a vineyard on a hill in a fruitful place.
ornaments of shoes, and little moons: 2 And he fenced it in, and picked the stones out

of it, and planted it with the choicest vines, and glorious ones shall go down into it.
built a tower in the midst thereof, and set up a 15 And man shall be brought down, and man
winepress therein. And he looked that it should shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall
bring forth grapes: and it brought forth wild be brought low.
grapes. 16 And the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in
3 And now, O ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and judgment: and the holy God shall be sanctified in
ye men of Juda, judge between me and my justice.
vineyard. 17 And the lambs shall feed according to their
4 What is there that I ought to do more to my order: and strangers shall eat, the deserts turned
vineyard, that I have not done to it? Was it that I into fruitfulness.
looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it 18 Woe to you that draw iniquity with cords of
hath brought forth wild grapes? vanity, and sin as the rope of a cart.
5 And now I will show you what I will do to my 19 That say: Let him make haste, and let his
vineyard. I will take away the hedge thereof, and work come quickly, that we may see it: and let
it shall be wasted: I will break down the wall the counsel of the Holy One of Israel come, that
thereof, and it shalt be trodden down. we may know it.
6 And I will make it desolate. It shall not be 20 Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil:
pruned and it shall not be digged: but briers and that put darkness for light, and light for darkness:
thorns shall come up. And I will command the that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
clouds to rain no rain upon it. 21 Woe to you that are wise in your own eyes,
7 For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the and prudent in your own conceits.
house of Israel: and the man of Juda, his pleasant 22 Woe to you that are mighty to drink wine, and
plant. And I looked that he should do judgment, stout men at drunkenness:
and, behold; iniquity: and do justice, and, behold, 23 That justify the wicked for gifts, and take
a cry. away the justice of the just from him.
8 Woe to you that join house to house and lay 24 Therefore, as the tongue of the fire devoureth
field to field, even to the end of the place: shall the stubble, and the heat of the flame consumeth
you alone dwell in the midst of the earth? it: so shall their root be as ashes, and their bud
9 These things are in my ears, saith the Lord of shall go up as dust: for they have cast away the
hosts: unless many great and fair houses shall law of the Lord of hosts, and have blasphemed
become desolate, without an inhabitant. the word of the Holy One of Israel.
10 For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one little
measure: and thirty bushels of seed shall yield STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY.
three bushels. [Prostration or genuflexion may be done
11 Woe to you that rise up early in the morning during these prayers.]
to follow drunkenness and to drink till the Brethren, let us with supplication beseech
evening, to be inflamed with wine. Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the
12 The harp and the lyre and the timbrel and the Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in
pipe and wine are in your feasts: and the work of this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord:
the Lord you regard not, nor do you consider the especially for the repose of the body; that His
works of His hands. Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths
13 Therefore is my people led away captive, of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in
because they had not knowledge: and their nobles which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest
have perished with famine, and their multitude He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell,
were dried up with thirst. and although freed from sin, we may yet still be
14 Therefore hath hell enlarged her soul and thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
opened her mouth without any bounds: and their with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
strong ones and their people and their high and ages. R. Amen.

Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us space of two thousand cubits: that you may see it
and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our afar off, and know which way you must go: for
hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee, you have not gone this way before. And take
that we may remain with Thee forever, that we care you come not near the ark.
may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord, 5 And Josue said to the people: Be ye sanctified:
hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among
death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended you.
into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who 6 And he said to the priests: Take up the ark of
were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety, the covenant, and go before the people. And they
descend also now into our vitals, that Thou obeyed his commands, and took it up and walked
mayest free us from the chains of sin by which before them.
each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with 7 And the Lord said to Josue: This day will I
the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. begin to exalt thee before Israel: that they may
R. Amen. know that as I was with Moses, so I am with thee
X. Collect: For Peace: 8 And do thou command the priests that carry the
Let us pray with supplication to God the ark of the covenant, and say to them: When you
King of the Universe that He pour out shall have entered into part of the water of the
prayerfulness, love and friendship between the Jordan, stand in it.
kings and powers of this world and their 9 And Josue said to the children of Israel: Come
ministers. through the Resurrection from the dead hither and hear the word of the Lord your God.
of His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 And again he said: By this you shall know
Who reigneth with Him and the Holy Spirit that the Lord the living God is in the midst of
throughout ages of ages. R. Amen. you, and that He shall destroy before your sight
Author of the universe and Lord, we the Chanaanite and the Hethite, the Hevite and
beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one the Pherezite, the Gergesite also and the Jebusite,
who has been mortified through discipline in this and the Amorthite.
world, permit them to become a new human, to 11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of
serve Thee through the Resurrection from the all the earth shall go before you into the Jordan.
dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who 12 Prepare ye twelve men of the tribes of Israel,
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one of every tribe.
13 And when the priests that carry the ark of the
throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
Lord, the God of the whole earth, shalt set the
[Sit] soles of their feet in the waters of the Jordan, the
X. Josuah, Chapter 3:1 to Chapter 4:25 [The waters that are beneath shall run down and go off:
Parting of the Jordan River.] and those that come from above, shall stand
Chapter 3 together upon a heap.
1 And Josue rose before daylight, and removed 14 So the people went out of their tents, to pass
the camp: and they departed from Setim, and over the Jordan, and the priests, that carried the
came to the Jordan: he, and all the children of ark of the covenant, went on before them.
Israel; and they abode there for three days. 15 And as soon as they came into the Jordan, and
2 After which, the heralds went through the their feet were dipped in part of the water (now
midst of the camp. the Jordan, it being harvest time, had filled the
3 And began to proclaim: When you shall see banks of its channel),
the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and 16 The waters that came down from above stood
the priests of the race of Levi carrying it, rise you in one place, and swelling up like a mountain,
up also, and follow then as they go before. were seen afar off from the city that is called
4 And let there be between you and the ark the Adom to the place of Serthan: but those that were

beneath ran down into the sea of the wilderness to him. And the people made haste and passed
(which now is called the Dead Sea) until they over.
wholly failed. 11 And when they had all passed over, the ark
17 And the people marched over against Jericho: also of the Lord passed over: and the priests went
and the priests, that carried the ark of the before the people.
covenant of the Lord, stood girded upon the dry 12 The children of Ruben also and Gad, and half
ground in the midst of the Jordan. And all the the tribe of Manasses, went armed before the
people passed over through the channel that was children of Israel, as Moses had commanded
dried up. them.
Chapter 4 13 And forty thousand fighting men by their
1 And when they were passed over, the Lord said troops, and bands, marched through the plains
to Josue; and fields of the city of Jericho.
2 Choose twelve men, one of every tribe: 14 In that day the Lord magnified Josue in the
3 And command them to take out of the midst of sight of all Israel, that they should fear him, as
the Jordan, where the feet of the priests stood, they had feared Moses, while he lived.
twelve very hard stones, which you shall set in 15 And He said to him:
the place of the camp, where you shall pitch your 16 Command the priests, that carry the ark of the
tents this night. covenant, to come up out of the Jordan.
4 And Josue called twelve men, whom he had 17 And he commanded them, saying: Come ye
chosen out of the children of Israel, one out of up out of the Jordan.
every tribe. 18 And when they, that carried the ark of the
5 And he said to them: Go before the ark of the covenant of the Lord, were come up, and began
Lord your God to the midst of the Jordan, and to tread on the dry ground, the waters returned
carry from thence every man a stone on your into the channel, and ran as they were wont
shoulders, according to the number of the before.
children of Israel. 19 And the people came up out of the Jordan, the
6 That it may be a sign among you: and when tenth day of the first month, and camped in
your children shall ask you tomorrow, saying: Galgal, over against the east side of the city of
What mean these stones? Jericho.
7 You shall answer them: The waters of the 20 And the twelve stones, which they had taken
Jordan ran off before the ark of the covenant of out of the channel of the Jordan, Josue pitched in
the Lord, when it passed over the same. Galgal.
Therefore were these stones set for a monument 21 And said to the children of Israel: When your
of the children of Israel for ever. children shall ask their fathers, tomorrow, and
8 The children of Israel therefore did as Josue shall say to them: What mean these stones?
commanded them, carrying out of the channel of 22 You shall teach them and say: Israel passed
the Jordan twelve stones, as the Lord had over this Jordan through the dry channel.
commanded him, according to the number of the 23 The Lord your God drying up the waters
children of Israel, unto the place wherein they thereof in your sight, until you passed over:
camped: and there they set them. 24 As He had done before in the Red Sea, which
9 And Josue put other twelve stones in the midst He dried up till we passed through.
of the channel of the Jordan, where the priests [25 That all the people of the earth may
stood that carried the ark of the covenant: and learn the most mighty hand of the Lord:
they are there until this present day. that you also may fear the Lord your
10 Now the priests, that carried the ark, stood in God for ever.]
the midst of the Jordan till all things were STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY.
accomplished which the Lord had commanded [Prostration or genuflexion may be done
Josue to speak to the people, and Moses had said during these prayers.]

Brethren, let us with supplication beseech [Sit]
Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the XI. Jonah, Chapter 1:1 to Chapter 3:10
Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in [Jonah; the Fish; Saving of Ninive.]
this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord: Chapter 1
especially for the repose of the body; that His 1 Now the word of the Lord came to Jonas the
Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths son of Amathi, saying:
of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in 2 Arise, and go to Ninive the great city and
which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest preach in it: for the wickedness thereof is come
He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell, up before me.
and although freed from sin, we may yet still be 3 And Jonas rose up to flee into Tharsis from the
thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth face of the Lord; and he went down to Joppe and
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of found a ship going to Tharsis. And he paid the
ages. R. Amen. fare thereof and went down into it, to go with
Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us them to Tharsis from the face of the Lord.
and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our 4. But the Lord sent a great wind into the sea;
hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee, and a great tempest was raised in the sea, and the
that we may remain with Thee forever, that we ship was in danger to be broken.
may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord, 5. And the mariners were afraid and the men
hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal cried to their god; and they cast forth the wares
death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended that were in the ship into the sea; to lighten it of
into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who them; and Jonas went down into the inner part of
were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety, the ship and fell into a deep sleep.
descend also now into our vitals, that Thou 6 And the shipmaster came to him and said to
mayest free us from the chains of sin by which him: Why art thou fast asleep? Rise up, call
each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with upon thy God, if so be that God will think of us,
the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. that we may not perish.
R. Amen. 7 And they said every one to his fellow: Come,
and let us cast lots, that we may know why this
XI. Collect: For the Souls of the Dead: evil is upon us. And they cast lots: and the lot fell
Let us with supplication pray, dear upon Jonas.
Brethren, to God the Father Almighty for the 8 And they said to him: Tell us for what cause
commemoration of the dead, that the Lord pour this evil is upon us. What is thy business? Of
out His refreshment of merciful forgiveness of what country art thou and whither goest thou? Or
the faults of sin, upon those who have passed on, of what people art thou?
who by merits deserve punishment; through the 9 And he said to them: I am a Hebrew, and I fear
Resurrection from the dead of His only begotten the Lord the God of heaven, who made both the
Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with sea and the dry land.
Him and the Holy Spirit throughout ages of ages. 10 And the men were greatly afraid, and they
said to him: Why hast thou done this? For the
R. Amen.
men knew that he fled from the face of the Lord:
Author of the universe and Lord, we because he had told them:
beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one 11 And they said to him: What shall we do to
who has been mortified through discipline in this thee, that the sea may be calm to us? For the sea
world, permit them to become a new human, to flowed and swelled.
serve Thee through the Resurrection from the 12 And he said to them: Take me up and cast me
dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who into the sea, and the sea shall be calm to you: for
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon
throughout ages of ages. R. Amen. you.

13 And the men rowed hard to return to land: but preach in it the preaching that I bid thee.
they were not able, because the sea tossed and 3 And Jonas arose and went to Ninive, according
swelled upon them. to the word of the Lord: now Ninive was a great
14 And they cried to the Lord and said: We city of three days' journey.
beseech thee, O Lord, let us not perish for this 4 And Jonas began to enter into the city one
man's life, and lay not upon us innocent blood: day's journey: and he cried, and said: Yet forty
for thou, O Lord, hast done as it pleased thee. days, and Ninive shall be destroyed.
15 And they took Jonas and cast him into the 5 And the men of Ninive believed in God: and
sea: and the sea ceased from raging. they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from
16 And the men feared the Lord exceedingly and the greatest to the least.
sacrificed victims to the Lord and made vows. 6 And the word came to the king of Ninive: and
Chapter 2 he rose up out of his throne and cast away his
1 Now the Lord prepared a great fish to swallow robe from him and was clothed with sackcloth
up Jonas: and Jonas was in the belly of the fish and sat in ashes.
three days and three nights. 7 And he caused it to be proclaimed and
2 And Jonas prayed to the Lord his God out of published in Ninive from the mouth of the king
the belly of the fish. and of the princes, saying: Let neither men nor
3 And he said: I cried out of my affliction to the beasts, oxen nor sheep, taste any thing: let them
Lord: and He heard me. I cried out of the belly of not feed nor drink water.
hell: and Thou hast heard my voice. 8 And let men and beasts be covered with
4 And Thou hast cast me forth into the deep in sackcloth and cry to the Lord with all their
the heart of the sea: and a flood hath compassed strength: and let them turn every one from his
me: all Thy billows and Thy waves have passed evil way and from the iniquity that is in their
over me. hands.
5 And I said: I am cast away out of the sight of 9 Who can tell if God will turn and forgive and
Thy eyes: but yet I shall see Thy holy temple will turn away from His fierce anger: and we
again. shall not perish?
6 The waters compassed me about even to the 10 And God saw their works, that they were
soul: the deep hath closed me round about: the turned from their evil way: and God had mercy
sea hath covered my head. with regard to the evil which He had said that He
7 I went down to the lowest parts of the would do to them, and He did it not.
mountains: the bars of the earth have shut me up
for ever: and Thou wilt bring up my life from STAND AFTER THE PROPHECY.
corruption, O Lord my God. [Prostration or genuflexion may be done
8 When my soul was in distress within me, I during these prayers.]
remembered the Lord: that my prayer may come Brethren, let us with supplication beseech
to Thee, unto thy holy temple. Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the
9 They that are vain and observe vanities forsake Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in
their own misery. this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord:
10 But I with the voice of praise will sacrifice to especially for the repose of the body; that His
Thee: I will pay whatsoever I have vowed for my Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths
salvation to the Lord. of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in
11 And the Lord spoke to the fish: and it spewed which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest
out Jonas upon the dry land. He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell,
Chapter 3 and although freed from sin, we may yet still be
1 And the word of the Lord came to Jonas the thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
second time, saying: with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of
2 Arise, and go to Ninive the great city: and ages. R. Amen.

Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us verses of the Greek and Douay Versions
and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our of the Bible are used in early Christian
hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee, Liturgical prayer, and were from the
that we may remain with Thee forever, that we Septuagint. In the middle of “fiery darts”
may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord, of anger, or torments of personal
hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal struggles with faults, only the Lord God
death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended can save us. Christians pray for each
into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who other, living or dead, because hope
were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety, comes from God, Who saved the three
descend also now into our vitals, that Thou youths from the fiery furnace, and has
mayest free us from the chains of sin by which raised the dead into eternal life.)
each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with [Sit during the reading at the beginning.]
the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. [Read:]
R. Amen. 1. King Nabuchodonosor made a statue of gold,
of sixty cubits high and six cubits broad: and he
XII. Collect: For those about to be Baptized: set it up in the plain of Dura of the province of
Dear Brethren, let us implore the Mercy Babylon.
of God the Father for the catechumens: that the 2. Then Nabuchodonosor the king sent to call
Almighty Lord reward those who come to the together the nobles, the magistrates and the
Font of His regeneration, with all of the judges, the captains, the rulers and governors, and
assistance of His Heavenly Mercy; through the all the chief men of the provinces, to come to the
Resurrection from the dead of His only begotten dedication of the statue which king
Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Nabuchodonosor had set up.
Him and the Holy Spirit throughout ages of ages. 3. Then the nobles, the magistrates and the
R. Amen. judges, the captains and rulers, and the great men
Author of the universe and Lord, we that were placed in authority, and all the princes
beseech Thee and implore Thee, for each one of the provinces, were gathered together to come
who has been mortified through discipline in this to the dedication of the statue which king
world, permit them to become a new human, to Nabuchodonosor had set up. And they stood
serve Thee through the Resurrection from the before the statue which king Nabuchodonosor
dead of Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who had set up.
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, 4. Then a herald cried with a strong voice: To
you it is commanded, O nations, tribes, and
throughout ages of ages. R. Amen. [Sit]
XII. Daniel, 3:1-100 [Entire below: the 5. That in the hour that you shall hear the sound
Fiery Furnace; the complete Song of the Three of the trumpet and of the flute and of the harp, of
Youths. ALL STAND and chant during the Song of the sackbut and of the psaltery and of the
the Three Youths.] symphony and of all kind of music: ye fall down
(Sunday after Pascha, Chapter 3, Verses and adore the golden statue which king
1-45, of the Book of Daniel are read, St. Nabuchodonosor hath set up.
Thomas Sunday; and verses 57 to 88 are 6. But if any man shall not fall down and adore,
done in Matins every day, or just before a he shall the same hour be cast into a furnace of
Liturgy. At the Paschal Liturgy, Daniel 3 burning fire.
verses 1 to 100 are read. The modern, 7. Upon this therefore, at the time when all the
not the original King James Version of people heard the sound of the trumpet, the flute
the Bible, cuts out seventy verses after and the harp, of the sackbut and the psaltery, of
KJV verse 24 in Chapter 3, having only the symphony and of all kind of music: all the
thirty verses total, even though all 100 nations, tribes and languages fell down and

adored the golden statue which king commanded that the furnace should be heated
Nabuchodonosor had set up. seven times more than it had been accustomed to
8. And presently at that very time some be heated.
Chaldeans came and accused the Jews, 20. And he commanded the strongest men that
9. And said to king Nabuchodonosor: O king, were in his army to bind the feet of Sidrach,
live for ever. Misach and Abdenago and to cast them into the
10. Thou, O king, hast made a decree that every furnace of burning fire.
man that shall hear the sound of the trumpet, the 21. And immediately these men were bound and
flute and the harp, of the sackbut and the psaltery, were cast into the furnace of burning fire, with
of the symphony and of all kind of music shall their coats and their caps and their shoes and their
prostrate himself and adore the golden statue: garments.
11. And that if any man shall not fall down and 22. For the king’s commandment was urgent and
adore, he should be cast into a furnace of burning the furnace was heated exceedingly, and the
fire. flame of the fire slew those men that had cast in
12. Now there are certain Jews whom thou hast Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago.
set over the works of the province of Babylon, 23.But these three men, that is, Sidrach, Misach
Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago: these men, O and Abdenago, fell down bound in the midst of
king, have slighted thy decree. They worship not the furnace of burning fire.
thy gods, nor do they adore the golden statue 24. And they walked in the midst of the flame,
which thou hast set up. praising God and blessing the Lord.
13. Then Nabuchodonosor, in fury and in wrath, [ALL STAND and chant: the Song of the
commanded that Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago Three Youths, verses 26-45, and 52-90.]

-vv gcfvvc]cvTvc]cgcfcgcycv]v]v v v vTv vc]cv gcfcgchcfcwvv–

should be brought: who immediately were
brought before the king.
14. And Nabuchodonosor the king spoke to them
and said: Is it true, O Sidrach, Misach and [Example of chant music.
Abdenago, that you do not worship my gods, nor Improvise notes as needed.]
adore the golden statue that I have set up? 25. Then Azarias standing up prayed in this
15. Now therefore if you be ready, at what hour manner: and, opening his mouth in the midst of
soever you shall hear the sound of the trumpet, the fire, he said:
flute, harp, sackbut and psaltery and symphony 26. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our
and of all kind of music, prostrate yourselves and fathers, and Thy Name is worthy of praise and
adore the statue which I have made: but if you do glorious for ever:
not adore, you shall be cast the same hour into the 27. For Thou art just in all that Thou hast done to
furnace of burning fire. And who is the God that us, and all Thy works are true, and Thy ways
shall deliver you out of my hand? right, and all Thy judgments true.
16. Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago answered and 28. For Thou hast executed true judgments in all
said to king Nabuchodonosor: We have no the things that Thou hast brought upon us and
occasion to answer thee concerning this matter. upon Jerusalem the holy city of our fathers: for
17. For, behold, our God, Whom we worship, is according to truth and judgment Thou hast
able to save us from the furnace of burning fire brought all these things upon us for our sins.
and to deliver us out of thy hands, O king. 29. For we have sinned and committed iniquity,
18. But if He will not, be it known to thee, O departing from Thee: and we have trespassed in
king, that we will not worship thy gods nor adore all things.
the golden statue which thou hast set up. 30. And we have not hearkened to Thy
19. Then was Nabuchodonosor filled with fury: commandments, nor have we observed nor done
and the countenance of his face was changed as Thou hadst commanded us, that it might go
against Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago: and he well with us.

31. Wherefore all that Thou hast brought upon us tow and pitch and dry sticks.
and every thing that Thou hast done to us, Thou 47. And the flame mounted up above the furnace
hast done in true judgment: nine and forty cubits:
32. And Thou hast delivered us into the hands of 48. And it broke forth and burnt such of the
our enemies that are unjust and most wicked and Chaldeans as it found near the furnace:
prevaricators, and to a king unjust and most 49. But the angel of the Lord went down with
wicked beyond all that are upon the earth. Azarias and his companions into the furnace: and
33. And now we cannot open our mouths: we are He drove the flame of the fire out of the furnace:
become a shame and reproach to Thy servants 50. And made the midst of the furnace like the
and to them that worship Thee. blowing of a wind bringing dew. And the fire
34. Deliver us not up for ever, we beseech Thee, touched them not at all, nor troubled them, nor
for Thy Name’s sake, and abolish not Thy did them any harm.
covenant. [STAND and chant.]
35. And take not away Thy mercy from us, for 51. Then these three as with one mouth praised
the sake of Abraham Thy beloved and Isaac Thy and glorified and blessed God in the furnace,
servant and Israel thy holy one: saying:
36. To whom Thou hast spoken, promising that Song of the Three Youths
Thou wouldst multiply their seed as the stars of
heaven and as the sand that is on the sea shore.
37. For we, O Lord, are diminished more than
-vv v gcfcccTcccgcfcgcyvv vc]v v v Tcccgcfcgchcfcwvv v–
any nation and are brought low in all the earth [Repeat notes as needed.]
this day for our sins. 52. Blessed art Thou, O Lord the God of our
38. Neither is there at this time prince or leader fathers:
or prophet or holocaust or sacrifice or oblation or and worthy to be praised and glorified
incense or place of first-fruits before Thee, and exalted above all for ever:
39. That we may find Thy mercy: nevertheless in and blessed is the holy Name of Thy glory:
a contrite heart and humble spirit let us be and worthy to be praised and exalted
accepted. above all in all ages.
40. As in holocausts of rams and bullocks and as 53. Blessed art Thou in the holy temple of Thy
in thousands of fat lambs: so let our sacrifice be glory:
made in Thy sight this day that it may please and exceedingly to be praised and
Thee: for there is no confusion to them that trust exceeding glorious for ever.
in Thee. 54. Blessed art Thou on the throne of Thy
41. And now we follow Thee with all our heart kingdom:
and we fear Thee and seek Thy face. and exceedingly to be praised and
42. Put us not to confusion, but deal with us exalted above all for ever.
according to Thy meekness and according to the 55. Blessed art Thou, that beholdest the depths
multitude of Thy mercies. and sittest upon the cherubims:
43. And deliver us according to Thy wonderful and worthy to be praised and exalted
works, and give glory to Thy Name, O Lord. above all for ever.
44. And let all them be confounded that shew 56. Blessed art Thou in the firmament of heaven:
evils to Thy servants: let them be confounded in and worthy of praise and glorious for ever.
all Thy might, and let their strength be broken. 57. All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord:
45. And let them know that Thou art the Lord, praise and exalt Him above all forever.
the only God, and glorious over all the world. 58. O ye angels of the Lord, bless the Lord:
[read] praise and exalt Him above all forever.
46. Now the king’s servants that had cast them in 59. O ye heavens, bless the Lord:
ceased not to heat the furnace with brimstone and praise and exalt Him above all forever.

60. O all ye waters that are above the heavens, praise and exalt Him above all forever.
bless the Lord: 83. O let Israel bless the Lord:
praise and exalt Him above all forever. let them praise and exalt Him above all
61. O all ye powers of the Lord, bless the Lord: forever.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. 84. O ye priests of the Lord, bless the Lord:
62. O ye sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. 85. O ye servants of the Lord, bless the Lord:
63. O ye stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. 86. O ye spirits and souls of the just, bless the
64. O every shower and dew, bless ye the Lord: Lord:
praise and exalt Him above all forever. praise and exalt Him above all forever.
65. O all ye spirits of God, bless the Lord: 87. O ye holy and humble of heart, bless the
praise and exalt Him above all forever. Lord:
66. O ye fire and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all forever.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. 88. O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye the
67. O ye cold and heat, bless the Lord: Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever:
praise and exalt Him above all forever. for He hath delivered us from hell and saved us
68. O ye dews and hoar frosts, bless the Lord: out of the hand of death and delivered us out of
praise and exalt Him above all forever. the midst of the burning flame and saved us out
69. O ye frost and cold, bless the Lord: of the midst of the fire.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. 89. O give thanks to the Lord, because He is
70. O ye ice and snow, bless the Lord: good:
praise and exalt Him above all forever. because His mercy endureth for ever and ever
71. O ye nights and days, bless the Lord: 90. O all ye religious, bless the Lord, the God of
praise and exalt Him above all forever. gods:
72. O ye light and darkness, bless the Lord: praise Him and give Him thanks,
praise and exalt Him above all forever. because His mercy endureth for ever and ever.
73. O ye lightenings and clouds, bless the Lord: [Let us bless the Father and the Son and
praise and exalt Him above all forever. the Holy Spirit, The Lord:
74. O let the earth bless the Lord: Let us chant the hymn and exalt Him
let it praise and exalt Him above all forever. above all unto the ages. Amen.] [read:]
75. O ye mountains and hills, bless the Lord: 91. Then Nabuchodonosor the king was
praise and exalt Him above all forever. astonished and rose up in haste and said to his
76. O all ye things that spring up in the earth, nobles: Did we not cast three men bound into the
bless the Lord: midst of the fire? They answered the king and
praise and exalt Him above all forever. said, True, O king.
77. O ye fountains, bless the Lord: 92. He answered and said: Behold, I see four
praise and exalt Him above all forever. men loose and walking in the midst of the fire.
78. O ye seas and rivers, bless the Lord: And there is no hurt in them: and the form of the
praise and exalt Him above all forever. fourth is like the Son of God.
79. O ye whales, and all that move in the waters, 93. Then Nabuchodonosor came to the door of
bless the Lord: the burning fiery furnace and said: Sidrach,
praise and exalt Him above all forever. Misach and Abdenago, ye servants of the most
80. O all ye fowls of the air, bless the Lord: high God, go ye forth, and come. And
praise and exalt Him above all forever. immediately Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago went
81. O all ye beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: out from the midst of the fire.
praise and exalt Him above all forever. 94. And the nobles and the magistrates and the
82. O ye sons of men, bless the Lord: judges and the great men of the king, being

gathered together, considered these men, that the hearts. This we ask: that we may please Thee,
fire had no power on their bodies and that not a that we may remain with Thee forever, that we
hair of their head had been singed, nor their may ever give Thee thanks; for Thou, O Lord,
garments altered, nor the smell of the fire had hast redeemed us unto eternal life from eternal
passed on them. death. We beseech Thee, O Thou Who descended
95. Then Nabuchodonosor breaking forth said: into the pit, that Thou mayest lead those who
Blessed be the God of them, to wit: of Sidrach, were bound out of hell. Because of Thy piety,
Misach and Abdenago, who hath sent His Angel descend also now into our vitals, that Thou
and delivered His servants that believed in Him: mayest free us from the chains of sin by which
and they changed the king’s word and delivered each one of us is constrained. Who reignest with
up their bodies that they might not serve nor the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages.
adore any god, except their own God. R. Amen.
96. By me therefore this decree is made, that [All lights are now out in the church,
every people, tribe and tongue, which shall speak including all candles.] [Servers assist
blasphemy against the God of Sidrach, Misach by holding books, and turning pages.]
and Abdenago, shall be destroyed, and their
The Paschal Fire,
houses laid waste: for there is no other God that
can save in this manner. Lighting the Lights
97. Then the king promoted Sidrach, Misach and [After Vespers has been said in Choir
Abdenago, in the province of Babylon. (the Prophecies), all the clergy and
98. Nabuchodonosor the king, to all peoples, congregation leave the Church building
nations and tongues, that dwell in all the earth: in procession outside of the Church and
Peace be multiplied unto you. stand before the closed doors of the
99. The most high God hath wrought signs and Church. The congregation holds unlit
wonders toward me. It hath seemed good to me candles. Meanwhile: The Priest (or
therefore to publish Bishop), vested in Amice, Alb, Cincture,
100. His signs, because they are great, and His Stole, (Cuffs), stands with the Ministers,
wonders, because they are mighty: and His with the Cross, holy water which was the
kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His power previous year's Baptismal water, and
to all generations. incense, before the door of the Church, if
[STAND at the beginning of the prayer, it can conveniently be done, or in the
prostration or genuflexion may also be entry of the church itself with care. Fire
made.] Celebrant: is struck from a flint. (Use wax and
Brethren, let us with supplication beseech palms, and a metal vessel). The
Almighty God, the + Father and the Son and the Celebrant blesses the new fire, saying:]
Holy Spirit, the one Creator of the universe, in O Lord God, Father Almighty, Who art light
this great morning of the Sabbath of the Lord: unfailing, and the author of all lights; + bless this
especially for the repose of the body; that His light which hath here been sanctified and blessed
Son, Who mercifully freed Adam from the depths by Thee, who hast enlightened the whole world:
of the gates of Hell, dig us out of the pollution in that we may be enkindled by that light, and
which we are mired. Let us cry out and pray, lest enlightened with the fire of Thy brightness: and
He spew us from His mouth into the pit of Hell, like as Thou didst enlighten Moses going forth
and although freed from sin, we may yet still be from Egypt, so do Thou enlighten our hearts and
thrust in; through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth understandings; that we may be found worthy to
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of attain unto life and light everlasting. Through
ages. R. Amen. Christ, our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the
Collect: O Lord Jesus Christ, sweet God, hear us Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
and grant, we pray, that which we ask with our R. Amen.

O Lord God our Almighty Father Inexhaustible with the reed, after him the Celebrant
Light, author of all Lights: hear us Thy servants then the other clergy. The Congregation
and bless this fire which is consecrated for Thy follows. When the Deacon enters the
sanctification and blessing. Thou Who dost church, he lowers the reed, and the
illumine every man that cometh into this world, server lights one of the three candles
enlighten the consciences of our heart by the fire placed upon it, and the Deacon,
of Thy charity so they may be kindled by Thy fire elevating the reed, genuflects, as do all
and Illumined by Thy light: Thou dost expel the others with him except the Subdeacon
darkness of sin from our hearts so that with Thee bearing the Cross, and sings alone:
to light our way we may be worthy to come The Light of Christ.
through to eternal Life. Through Christ, our Lord
R. Thanks be to God.
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. And proceeding to the middle of the
church, another candle is lighted: and
[Sprinkling the new fire with a little holy
having again genuflected, he sings in a
water, he says:]
higher tone:
O Lord Holy Father Almighty and eternal God,
Please bless and sanctify this fire which we The Light of Christ.
unworthy ones presume to bless through the R. Thanks be to God.
invocation of Thine Only Begotten Son our Lord For the third time he proceeds before the
Jesus Christ: Sanctify it with Thy sanctifying Altar, where the third candle is lighted:
Blessing, O most clement One, and allow the and again, having genuflected as before,
human race to advance to perfection, Through he sings still higher:
Thy Son our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who reigneth The Light of Christ.
with Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages
R. Thanks be to God.
of ages. R. Amen.
The Celebrant ascends to the Altar.
[Coals are lit and placed in the censer.
[The Deacon then goes to the Paschal
The new fire is censed.
candle and with the servers and the
[He then blesses the five grains of
Subdeacon with the Cross. All rise and
incense to be placed in the Candle,
STAND as at the Gospel.]
We beseech Thee O Lord, to always and
[The Hymn of the Angels is now
everywhere protect us by the Heavenly Light so
that we may discern with pure insight and
perceive with pure affections O Thou who Deacon [and choir] (Chanting):
desirest Thou shall be participants of Thy [The Gregorian musical setting may be
mysteries. R.Amen. used; the first line given below: or use
the Greek or Russian musical setting,
[He then sprinkles the grains of incense
which puts the original accidentals back
with Holy water.]
into the music.]
[Then the Deacon, vested in a Red
[Roman musical setting:]
Chasuble, takes the reed upon the top of
which are three candles in the shape of a
triangle. A server with a taper lit from -cvvgcvhcckcvkcvjcvkvclvckcvkcvkcvjcvhcvjcvkcvhvc]
the new fire stands with him. The servers
take the censer and the five grains of
incense and re-enter the church: the
-vvgchckvvkckvvkv jv hv jv kv hv vhc\v]cvlvkcjchcgcfcdcgchchchc\v]
Subdeacon follows with the Cross, the
Clergy in their order: then the Deacon

-c7xvv vhxctcchccjxchccvvcgchxvv cgxctxrx]
[Or, in the traditional Mode of Tone 6 for
the Resurrection (ancient Greek
Hypolydian and Dorian modes):]
R. We have un - to the Lord.
-vcgcv6hcckckvvcíjckc9lckcvkckccíjcc6hccíjcckcc6hc\c] -c7vv hv v hv vctcvhcjxjchccccgcfccfcgccchcvcgchccctvv ]
-vvgv 6hvvkvkv kv kvíjvv6hvvíjvkv 6hvv6hvv\v] v 9lvv kv íjvv6hvv gv fv dv v Celebrant:
Let us give thanks un - to our Lord God.

-vv v gv ìhvvhv hv \c]]cèscìhcìhckcìhcgcfcgvìhcgcFcDcvdc\c–

Now let the Angelic host of the heavens rejoice: -c7vv v hv v v hv v v v v tcchccjccvv cycvv v cgchcgvv cctccrvv v}
let the divine mysteries rejoice: R. It is worth – y and just.
and for the victory of the great King
let the trumpet of salvation sound forth.
- V. It is worthy and just, truly it is worthy and
Let that of which is illumined just, that we should with the whole affection of
by the great lightning flashes, be glad: our heart and mind, and with the service of our
and enlightened and washed lips, give praise to the unseen God, the Father
by the splendor of the eternal King, Almighty, and to His only-Begotten Son, our
- Lord Jesus Christ. Who paid for us, to the eternal
let all the world sense Father, the debt of Adam, and wiped away the
that she hath cast away darkness. reproach of former offenses by the shedding of
Let our mother the Church rejoice, His dear blood. For this is the Feast of the
adorned with the lightening of the light: Passover, on which the True Lamb is slain, and
- by Whose Blood, the door-posts are consecrated.
and let this courtyard resound On which first, our fathers, the sons of Israel,
with great voices of peoples. were led out of Egypt, and were made to cross
Wherefore, you who are standing here, over the Red Sea as if on dry land. This is the
dearly beloved brethren, night when the darkness of sins has been purged
- away by a pillar of illumination. This is the night
in the wondrous clearness of this holy light, when this day, throughout the entire world, those
join with me, I beseech you, who believe in Christ are called apart from the
in calling upon the mercy evils of this age, and from the darkness of sins,
of Almighty God. the returning of grace, and the society of the holy.
- This is the night, in which the chains of death are
That He who was pleased to graft us destroyed: Christ the Victor ascends from hell.
through the grace of His light, being poured, Indeed, it profiteth us nothing to be born, if it did
may He admonish us not profit us to be redeemed. O wonder
unto the completing of the praise of this Candle. encircling us, is the honor of thy pity! O how
inestimable the delight of Thy charity: That to
-c7vv vcrvv rv v]v]v v gv v v vgv v vctchcjvv v v jv hv v v vgv vhv v v tv vrv v] redeem a slave, Thou gavest Thy Son! O truly
necessary sin of Adam, which by the death of
R. Amen. Christ is deleted! O happy + fault, which was
[Celebrant:] Let us lift up our hearts. counted to merit so great a Redeemer! O Blessed
night, which alone was worthy to know the time
and the hour in which Christ rose again from hell.
This is the night, of which it is written: And the

night was as illuminated as the day, and my night liquid honey. Others turn flowers into wax. +
by illumination shall be unto my pleasures. Others shape the newborns by the mouth. Others
[Psalm 138: 11-12] This therefore is the seal up the contributions of bits of nectar. O truly
sanctification of the night. Evil deeds fly. Sins blessed and marvelous bee, whom neither the
are washed away. Innocence is returned to the masculine sex violate, whom childbirth doth not
fallen; and great joy to them that mourn. Enmity shake, nor children destroy [her] chastity. Just as
flees; it prepares concord, and bows down the holy Virgin Mary conceived, the Virgin gave
empires. birth and remained a Virgin.
[The Deacon fixes the five grains of Deacon: O night truly blessed, which did spoil
incense in the Candle, placing them in the Egyptians, and made rich the Hebrews! O
the form of a Cross in this order:] night wherein heavenly things are joined unto
1 earthly, things human unto things divine. We
4 2 5 therefore pray Thee, O Lord: that this Candle,
3 consecrated to the honor of Thy Name, may
Therefore in this grace of night, accept, O holy continue without ceasing to vanquish the
Father, this evening sacrifice of incense: which darkness of this night. That, being accepted for a
unto Thee, in this solemn offering of this Candle, savor of sweetness, it may be mingled with the
by the hands of Thy ministers, from the works of lights of heaven. May the morning star find it
bees, holy Church doth return to Thee. But we burning. That morning star, I say, which knoweth
already know the proclamation of this pillar, not his going down. That star, which, rising
which in honor of God, glowing fire doth ascend. again from hell, steadfastly giveth light to all
[The Deacon lights the Candle with one mankind. We therefore pray Thee, O Lord: that
of the three candles set on the reed.] Thou wouldest offer to rule, govern and preserve
Which, is allowed to be divided into parts of with Thy continual protection, us Thy servants,
borrowed light, does not know loss, for by the whole clergy and Thy most faithful people:
melting waxes, which the bee the mother hath together with our most blessed Patriarch(s) [N.]
wrought into the precious substance of this and our Bishop [N.], granting us peaceful times
Candle. in this our Paschal joy. Through the Resurrection
[Here the lamps of the congregation are of Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord: Who liveth
lighted by the Paschal candle, passing and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
the flame from candle to candle.] God, throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
The bee who excelled the rest, who were subject Holy Lord Almighty God Who in consideration
to living humans, who though with smallness of for our darkness commanded lights to blaze forth
body, has greatness of spirit. + She turns in in the shadows of this world: Grant that on that
narrow places of the comb. In physical strength, day of eternity we may hastily prepare for the
she is frail, but she is capable of power. She has meeting of Thine Only-begotten. May we walk
ascertained the succession of the seasons: with without the blemish of sins to this light which
the grey mornings of winter, they have been Thou prepared against the darkness while this
capable: they are capable with the greyness of the night passes. Through the Resurrection of Jesus
mornings of winter, and have swept away old ice Christ Thy Son our Lord: Who liveth and
in the moderation of the time of spring. reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God,
Immediately coming out unto labor, the careful throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
one marches out, and disperses through the fields, [All the lights in the Church are lit: on
balanced on little wings. Suspended by its legs, it the Altar, before Icons, on candle-
inserts part of the mouth to select the flowers. stands, in chandeliers, etc., during the
Having gathered their food, they return to their following hymn:]
fort, and there, others by inestimable art have
built up cells by tenacious glue. Others pack in

Hymn for the Blessing of the Glory to the Father Unbegotten
Paschal Candle Glory to the Son Only-Begotten
[The Antiphonary of Bangor Hymn 9] Likewise to the Holy Spirit
[Optional music below. This Russian melody, the Unto endless ages. [Amen. Or first verse.]
Hymn of the Angel, may be used. The symbols of
the scale match the first verse.] AB 127 Collect: In the night Thou wast a pillar
of fire, O Lord, unto the defense of Thy people
-vcTvv$fvv tv v]v]v vYv vgv vyv v]v]v v6vUv v Hv 6vJv Hv Gv v$rvv v]v]v Tv $fvv tv } from Pharaoh and his army. Therefore be pleased
to send Thy Holy Spirit from Thy flaming,
Fiery creator of fire, jeweled Throne unto the preservation of Thy
Light and the bestower of light, people. Defend us this night with the shield of
Life and the author of life, the Father, that we do not fear the terror by night:
Giver of Salvation and Salvation. O Thou Who reignest unto the ages. R. Amen.

Indeed the vigil lamp set loose O God, the Temple of Eternal Fire, God, Truly
the joys of this night, the Habitation of the Light, God the Throne of
O Thou Who dost not will that men die, Perpetual Clarity: Let us pray: celebrating with
Set a light within our hearts. the solemn offerings, of this day which is finished
and of this night which has just begun, unto Thee
To those leaving Egypt, Lord, and offering temporal light by the lamps of
Thou gavest a two-fold Grace. Thine altar of incense so that Thou might pour
Thou sent forth a cover of cloud forth Thy true and eternal Light upon Thy
Thou offered light by night. servants and handmaids, Through the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord:
As a pillar of cloud by day Who liveth and reigneth with the Father and the
Thou didst protect the traveling crowd. Holy Spirit, God, throughout all ages of ages.
As a pillar of fire at evening, R. Amen.
Thou dispelled the night with Light. Immediately continue with:
The Rite of Baptism which is done now
Out of the flame Thou challenged Thy Servant
as part of the Vigil of the Resurrection, and
Thou didst not reject the spiny bush,
follow directions for Pascha.
and with the burning fire
[This major blessing of the water of
Thou didst not consume what Thou illuminated.
Baptism with the Paschal candle is
necessary as part of the Resurrection.
Time, with a red destroying haze,
This is the time when Christ's New Life is
Having purged impurity
given to us, and the most traditional time
Through the fervent Holy Spirit:
for candidates to enter the Church. It is
Flesh is illumined like wax:
better if there are candidates for
Baptism, and the complete Rite may be
Thou stream of Divine sweet honey
done. All people present say the
having made the treasury of the honeycomb
responses together whether there is a
Cleansing the inmost parts of the heart
candidate or not.]
Hast refilled the cells with the Word.
The Rite of Baptism
The swarm, like a newborn [During the Vigil of the Resurrection on Pascha,
having abandoned its burdens do the Rite of Baptism, including the portions for
tries, on wings of joy, to obtain Pascha. On Pascha at the Vigil of the
the Heaven preached by the mouth of the Spirit. Resurrection, if there are NO Baptismal

Candidates present and a Baptism will NOT be from the thoughts, from the words, from the
done, do every prayer in the Rite of Baptism deeds, and from all developments now and in the
except for those which say, "Omit only if there is future, through Thee, O Jesus Christ, Who
no candidate for Baptism on Pascha." On the
Vigil of the Resurrection at Pascha, with or reignest with Thy Father and the Holy Spirit
without a candidate for Baptism, the water will throughout ages of ages. R. Amen.
be blessed using the Paschal Candle, and some
of this water should be included, if possible, in
[Always said:]
all Baptismal water used through the year.]
[The Celebrant, Clergy, Congregation, O God, Who for the Salvation of the human race
Sponsors and person being Baptized, if didst institute the greatest Sacrament in the
able, say all Responses (R.) together substance of the waters, be responsive to our
during the Rite of Baptism. Sponsors invocation; and unto this element pour forth Thy
must be Baptized and Confirmed Blessings, through many modes of purification,
Orthodox Christians in good standing that this creature of water shall serve the Mystery
in the Church.]
unto the casting out of demons and expelling of
[Omit only if there is no candidate for diseases. May it put on Thy Divine Grace, so
Baptism on Pascha.] that whoever this stream shall splash both in this
O God, Who made Adam from the clay of the place, and in the houses of the faithful, may be
Earth: Although Adam sinned in Paradise, Thou without stain and be freed from fault. Do not let
didst not count that sin unto death, but through the destructive spirit remain, nor an air of
the Blood of Thine Only-Begotten Son, Thou corruption. Let all the hidden snares of the
wast pleased to redeem and lead back into Holy enemy be cut away, and if there is anything
Glorious Jerusalem. For this reason, consider thy which has malice against the safety of those who
sentence O accursed one, and give honor to the dwell here or against those at peace, let it flee
living God, and depart from this servant of God, from the sprinkling of this water which is unto
because my God and Lord was pleased to call this healing, through the invocation of Thy Name.
person to His Holy Grace and Mercy by Baptism Let it be a defense against every assault, through
through this Sign of the @ Cross which thou, our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee
devil, dare never cross out. Through our Lord and the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with His unoriginate Consecration of Salt
Father and the Holy Spirit throughout ages of [Always said:]
ages. R. Amen. O God, Who unto the salvation of men didst
[Omit only if there is no candidate for make a medicine through this health-giving salt,
Baptism on Pascha.] grant that this spirit be converted from the error
O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and eternal God, of its kind and be redeemed, and that the Triune
expel the devil and his kin from this person: God act upon it, and it repel the devil by the
from the head, from the hair, from the crown of renunciations and by the Sign of the @ Cross of
the head, from the brain, from the brow, from our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the
the eyes, from the ears, from the nostrils, from Father and the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages.
the mouth, from the tongue, from beneath the R. Amen.
tongue, from the throat, from the passages of the [Note that this is the only place
throat, from the neck, from the chest, from the in which the scribes have
heart, from the entire interior of the body, from written this ending in full. It is
the ribs, from the hands, from the feet, from all from this model that all the
the members, from the joints of the members, other endings are derived.]

Another Prayer the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary: And was
[Always said:] born man. And was crucified also for us: under
I exorcise thee, O creature of salt in the Name of Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried. And
He rose on the third day, according to the
God the Father Almighty and in the charity of
Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and sitteth
our Lord Jesus Christ and in the power of the
at the right hand of God the Father. And He
Holy Spirit. I exorcise thee by the Living God, shall come again with glory to judge both the
by the True God, Who didst produce thee for the living and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have
protection of mankind, and to be consecrated by no end.]
His servants for the people coming unto the Dost thou also believe in the Holy Spirit?
beginning of the Faith. Therefore we pray Thee, R. I believe [in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and
O Lord and our God, that this creature of salt @ Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the Father.
In the Name of the Trinity may be made effective Who with the Father and the Son together is
unto salvation, a Sacrament to put the enemy to worshipped and glorified: Who spake by the
flight which Thou, O Lord, let be @ sanctified Prophets. And in one, Holy, Catholic, and
unto sanctifying and @ blessed unto blessing, Apostolic Church, one Baptism for the remission
that it may be unto all that receive it a perfect of sins, and the resurrection of the dead, and the
medicine, remaining in their viscera in the Name life of the world to come.]
of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is coming to judge
the living and the dead and the world by fire. [Omit only if there is no candidate for
R. Amen. Baptism on Pascha:]
The Priest breathes and touches him
The Renunciations. [upon the head], then touches the breast
[Always said by everybody:] and the back between the shoulder
Dost thou renounce Satan? blades with the oil [oil of
R. I renounce him. Catechumens], and thus anointing, says:
And all of his works? [Omit only if there is no candidate for
R. I renounce them. Baptism on Pascha.]
I anoint thee with the Oil of Sanctification in the
And all of his pageantries?
Name of the Father and of the Son and of the
R. I renounce them.
Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Confessions
[Always said by everybody:] [Always said by everybody:]
Dost thou believe in God, the Father Almighty? Dost thou renounce Satan?
[Catechumen or Sponsor] R. I believe [in one R. I renounce him.
God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and And all of his works?
earth and of all things visible and invisible]. R. I renounce them.
Dost thou also believe in Jesus Christ? And all of his pageantries?
R. I believe [in one Lord Jesus Christ, the R. I renounce them.
Only-Begotten Son of God, Born of the Father [Omit only if there is no candidate for
before all ages. Light of light, true God of true
Baptism on Pascha.]
God. Born, not made, of one Substance with
the Father: through Whom all things were We pray Thee O Lord Holy Father Almighty and
made. Who for us men, and for our Salvation eternal God to have mercy on Thy servant -N-
descended from heaven. And was Incarnate of whom Thou wast pleased to call to the beginning

of Faith, expelling all blindness of the heart. fire, which hath been eternally prepared for thee
Burst the snares of Satan by which he (she) was and thine angels; and therefore for thy worthless
bound. Open unto him (her) the door of Thy damnation and damning: Pay homage to the
Truth, that he (she) put on the @ Sign of Thy Living God; Pay homage to Jesus Christ; Pay
Wisdom, that he (she) be free of all the stenches homage to the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, by
of lust, and delight in the sweet odor of Thy Whose power I admonish thee that in every way
precepts. May he (she) rejoice to serve Thee in thou art a foul spirit, that thou shalt depart and
the Church, and may he (she) progress day by move away from these servants of God, and that
day that he (she) may become sufficient unto the thou give back to God Himself those whom our
promise of Thy Grace, in the Name of the Father Lord and God Jesus Christ is pleased to call to
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit unto ages of His own grace and blessing, that they be made
ages. R. Amen. His Temple by the water of regeneration unto the
remission of all sins in the Name of our Lord
Prayer for a Sick Catechumen Jesus Christ Who is coming to judge the living
[Usually omit on Pascha. This is to be and the dead and the world by fire. R. Amen.
used only if one of those who is to be
Baptized is in immediate danger of [Omit only if there is no candidate for
Death:] Baptism on Pascha:]
I beg Thy intervention, O Lord, Holy Father Salt is placed in the catechumen’s mouth.
Almighty and eternal God, Who came to the aid Effeta: that is ‘be opened’ Effeta.
of those in danger and Who tempers the lashes, It is an offering in honor of sweetness in the
we humbly entreat Thee O Lord, by Thy holy Name of God the Father and the Son and the
visitation, raise Thy servant -N- from this illness, Holy Spirit.
a temptation of the soul. As Thou didst for Job, R. Amen. The catechumen bows.
set a limit and do not let the enemy triumph over [Omit only if there is no candidate for
this soul which is without the redemption of Baptism on Pascha.]
Baptism. Delay, O Lord departure unto death and O Lord, Holy Father Almighty and eternal God,
extend this life. Make manifest that which Thou Who is, and Who was, and Who will come, and
hast led unto the Sacrament of Baptism and do Who shall remain even unto the end, Whose
not bring harm by Thy redeeming act. Take away origin is unknown and ending inconceivable: we
any opportunity of the triumph of the devil and supplicants invoke Thee, O Lord, upon this Thy
preserve him (her) whom Thou hast willed to be servant -N-, whom Thou hast freed from the
joined to the Triumphant ones of Christ, that he delusion of the Gentiles and from the most
(she) be reborn in Thy Church by the grace of debased associations. Be pleased to hear him
Baptism and be made whole. This we ask (her) who bows his (her) neck unto Thee. He
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with (she) has approached the font of Baptism, that he
Thee and the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages. (she) may be renewed by water and the Holy
R. Amen. Spirit: polished and cleansed of the old man,
Exhortation putting on the new. Let him (her) who is
fashioned in Thy likeness assume the incorrupt
[Always said:]
and spotless vestment. Let him (her) merit to
Nor let it escape thy notice O Satan, that
serve Thee, our Lord, in the Name of our Lord
punishment threatens thee, hell-fire threatens
Jesus Christ Who is coming to judge the living
thee, on that day of judgment, on the day of
eternal torture which is coming like a flaming hot and the dead and the world by fire. R. Amen.

[Always said:] The Litany of the Saints
O God, Who for the Salvation of the human race Priest or Deacon: @ O God come to my
didst institute the greatest Sacrament in the assistance.
substance of water, be responsive to our R. O Lord make haste to help me.
invocation, and by this element through various
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
purifications, pour forth Thy Blessings: that this
Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now,
creature, in service unto Thy Mysteries, may put
and ever unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
on Thy grace unto the casting out of demons and
expelling of diseases. Let it be that whomsoever
this stream shall splash both in this place, and in Deacon (or Celebrant): We have sinned, O
the houses of the faithful, may be without stain Lord, we have sinned: remit our sins and save us.
and be freed of fault. Do not let the destructive Hear us, O Thou Who didst guide Noah upon the
spirit remain nor any air of corruption. Let all the waves of the Flood, and didst recall Jonah from
hidden snares of the enemy, if there are any, be the abyss by Thy Word; free us. O Thou Who
cut away, because he has a grudge against the didst offer a hand to Peter as he was sinking;
safety of those who dwell here and against those bear us up, O Christ, Son of God. Thou didst
at peace. Let him flee from the sprinkling of this perform wonders among our fathers, O Lord:
water which is unto healing through the stretch forth Thy hand from on high to answer
invocation of Thy Name. Let this be unto our necessities.
defense against every assault, through our Lord
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the -vv v v hv v v v vgv v v fv v v vtv v v v v ]v v v v v v v v hv v v vgv v vfv v v tv v v ]
Holy Spirit unto ages of ages. V. Free us, O Christ: R. Hear us, O Christ.
R. Amen.
[Always said:] -vv v hv v v v gv v v fv v v v tv v v v]v v v v v v v yxvv v v tx]
Hear us, O Lord, Holy Father Almighty, eternal
God, and be pleased to send Thy Holy angel from V. Hear us, O Christ: R. Hear us.
Heaven, who preserves, assists, shields, and V. Kyrie eleison.
attends to all those who dwell in the habitation of [R. Christe eleison. V. Deo Gratias.]
this Thy servant. R. Amen. [St. Patrick’s ending assumed.]
Saint Mary R. Pray for us.
[Omit only if there is no candidate for [Birthgiver of God, Deigenitrix, Theotokos,]
Baptism on Pascha.] Saint Peter: R. Pray for us.
Here the catechumen is anointed with oil on the [Apostle of the 12, Holder of the Keys.]
front and also between the shoulder blades on Saint Paul: R. Pray for us.
the back before being Baptized; [Up to now he or [Apostle called on the road to Damascus.]
she is a catechumen.] Saint Andrew: R. Pray for us.
[Apostle of the 12, First-called.]
[The Litany is always said:]
Saint James: R. Pray for us.
Then the Clergy, Candidate for Baptism, and
Sponsors process moving around the font [Apostle of the 12, Greater, meaning older,
[counterclockwise], [while the Priest or other son of Zebedee.]
clergy] says: "Adferte" [folio 52v. The Litany of Saint John: R. Pray for us.
the Saints should be done, and Psalm 28, "Afferte [Apostle of the 12, Evangelist,Theologian,
Domino", afterwards.] 'St. John the Divine,' son of Zebedee.]

Saint Bartholomew: R. Pray for us. Saint Finian: R. Pray for us.
[Apostle of the 12, the Active.] [of Movilla.]
Saint Thomas: R. Pray for us. Saint Keiran: R. Pray for us.
[Apostle of the 12, Didymus, the Twin.] [of Saigher.]
Saint Matthew: R. Pray for us. Saint Keiran: R. Pray for us.
[of Clonmacnoise.]
[Apostle of the 12, Evangelist, Levi.]
Saint Brendan: R. Pray for us.
Saint James: R. Pray for us.
[of Clonfert.]
[Apostle of the 12, Lesser, meaning
Saint Brendan: R. Pray for us.
younger, the son of Alpheus.]
[of Birr.]
Saint Thaddeus: R. Pray for us.
Saint Columba: R. Pray for us.
[Apostle of the 12, Jude brother of James.] [of Iona.]
Saint Matthias: R. Pray for us. Saint Columba: R. Pray for us.
[Apostle of the 12, chosen after Pascha.] [of Terryglas.]
Saint Philip: R. Pray for us. Saint Comgall: R. Pray for us.
[Apostle of the 12, Trinity explained to him.] [of Bangor.]
Saint Simon: R. Pray for us. Saint Cainnech: R. Pray for us.
[Apostle of the 12, the Zealot.] [of Kilkenny and Aghaboe.]
Saint Mark: R. Pray for us. Saint Finbarr: R. Pray for us.
[Evangelist, companion of St. Peter.] [of Gougane Barra in Cork.]
Saint Luke: R. Pray for us. Saint Nessan: R. Pray for us.
[of Mungret.]
[Evangelist, companion of St. Paul.]
Saint Fachtna: R. Pray for us.
Saint Stephen: R. Pray for us.
[of Rosscarberry in Cork.]
[Proto-Martyr.] Saint Lua: R. Pray for us.
Saint Martin: R. Pray for us.
[of Lismore:100 monasteries.]
[of Tours, Bishop, wonderworker.] Saint Lacten: R. Pray for us.
Saint Jerome: R. Pray for us.
[of Friar’s Island.]
[Translator of the Holy Bible from Greek
Saint Ruadhan: R. Pray for us.
to Latin. His name means Priest.]
Saint Augustine: R. Pray for us. [of Lorrha.]
Saint Carthage: R. Pray for us.
[of Canterbury.]
Saint Gregory: R. Pray for us. [of Rahan and Lismore.]
Saint Kevin: R. Pray for us.
[the Dialogist, Pope, also called Great.]
Saint Hilary: R. Pray for us. [of Glendalough.]
[of Poitiers.] Saint Mochon: R. Pray for us.
[of Glendalough.]
Saint Patrick: R. Pray for us. Saint Brigid: R. Pray for us.
[of Ireland.] [of Kildare, Abbess.]
Saint Ailbe: R. Pray for us. Saint Ita: R. Pray for us.
[of Emly.] [of Killeedy, Abbess.]
Saint Finian: R. Pray for us. Saint Scetha: R. Pray for us.
[of Clonard.]

Saint Sinecha: R. Pray for us. [Always said: Verses from Psalm 28,
[virgin.] Afferte Domino. ]
Saint Samthann: R. Pray for us. Bring to the Lord, O ye Children of God: bring to
the Lord the offspring of rams.
[of Clonbroney, Abbess.]
Bring to the Lord glory and honor: Bring to the
-xvvgxvhxvv v ux]xv v v vgxhxvv v v vgxvv vtx] Lord glory to his Name: adore ye the Lord in His
holy court. The Voice of the Lord is over the vast
All you Saints: R. Pray for us. waters;
Then the Blessing of the Font:
-xtvv v v v v vyv v v v v v uv v v]xv gcvhxvvgv v v fv v vgvcvfv vcex] [Always said:]
I exorcise thee, O creature of water, through the
V. Be Gracious: R. Spare us, O Lord...
Living @ God, through the Holy @ God: through
V. Be Gracious: R. Free us, O Lord...
Him Who in the beginning by the Word separated
V. From all evil: R. Free us, O Lord... thee from the dry land; through Him Whose
V. Through Thy Cross: R. Free us, O Lord... Spirit moved upon thee; through Him Who
V. We sinners entreat Thee: commanded thee to flow out of paradise and to
R. Hear us, O Son of God. water the whole earth in four rivers; through Him
V. We en-treat Thee: Who produced thee from a rock that He might
R. Hear us, and grant us peace. water the exhausted people He freed from Egypt;
through Him Who sweetened thy bitterness by
-xvv v gv vxgxccyxccuxx]xxgcvvhv cgvxtx] wood.
[Always said:]
V. We en-treat Thee: R. Hear us. I exorcise thee through Jesus @ Christ His Son,

-cvvgv vgv v gv v tccyvv ]v]v v vhv v HcHvv vHvcHvv hv vycvv fv v gv v yx]

Who at Cana of Galilee as an admirable sign, by
His power changed thee into wine; through Him
Who walked with his feet upon thee and Who
V. O Lamb of God Who takest away the was Baptized by John in the Jordan, in thee;
sins of the world: through Him Who shed thee with blood from His
-cvv v vgv chcvv jcvv v v cgccvvhcvv cv gccvv vtx]v side; through Him Who commanded His
disciples, saying: “Go forth and teach; teach all
R. Have mer - cy on us. people, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
-vv gchcgcvv gchcvtv v v]v v gchcgcvcgchctcc]cv vgchcgccgchvtcv] [Always said:]
V. Christ hear us R. Christ hear us V. Christ hear us. I command therefore, all impurity, all phantasm,
all deception of the spirit to be rooted out and to
[The Litany of the Saints is completed.]
flee from this creature of water, that for those
who descend into it, may it be unto him (her) a
Then read Psalm verses Folio 52v:
well-spring effective unto eternal life. Therefore
let it be made holy water, water blessed unto the
[Always said: Verses from Psalm 41,
regeneration of the sons of God the Father
Quemadmodum desiderat:]
Almighty, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
As the Hart panteth after the fountains of water;
Who is coming in the Holy Spirit to judge the
so my soul panteth after Thee O God. My soul
hath thirsted after the strong living God. world by fire. R. Amen.

[Always said:] Gladden Thy besieged city and open the font of
I exorcise thee, O creature of water in the Name Baptism to the entire world. Yeah, open the font
of God the Father @ Almighty and in the Name of of renewal to the nations, that by the authority of
our Lord Jesus @ Christ, His Son, and [in the Thy Majesty, he (she) may receive the grace of
Name] of the Holy @ Spirit that all the power of Thine Only-Begotten: by the Holy Spirit,
the adversary, all incursion of the devil, all [Here the Priest divides the water in
the form of a Cross, and his hand
phantasms be rooted out and flee from this
is immediately dried with a towel]
creature of water that it become a well-spring
Who quickens this water of regeneration for
unto eternal life, that whosoever is Baptized with humanity, which is prepared mysteriously by the
it become the temple of the living God unto admixture of His Illumination. By the
remission of sins, through our Lord Jesus Christ Sanctification conceived of the immaculate
Who is coming to judge the world by fire. womb of the divine font, let an offspring of
R. Amen. Heaven emerge in this newly-regenerated
[Always said:] creature. Although discerned by gender of the
Almighty and eternal God, of Thy great affection, body or by age in time, the mother bears all into
attend to Thy Mysteries: the Sacraments, and one childhood by grace.
[N.B.: The mother is the Church.]
send forth a spirit of adoption to those becoming
[Always said:]
new people, those who this font of Baptism
Therefore, far away, O Lord command every
labors to bring forth unto Thee, that what is unclean spirit to flee far away; that all worthless
carried out through our humility may be filled and diabolical delusion flee. Let nothing pervade
with the effect of the power of Thy service, this place contrary to virtue, nor lying in wait, nor
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with hovering about, nor skulking to steal, nor
Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. corrupting to mar.
R. Amen. [The Priest touches the water with his hand]
[Always said:] Let this holy and innocent creature [the font] be
O God Who works marvelously by the unseen free of all intrusion of assault, and be entirely
purged and separated from all that is worthless.
power of Thy Sacraments, let it be profitable and
Let it be a font of life-regenerating water, a
permissible for us to attain to the most cherished
purifying stream, that all, by this cleansing,
Mysteries. We are unworthy. Thou however dost salvation-bearing bath through the Holy Spirit
not leave us bereft of the gift of Thy grace. Hear present in it, may attain the Pardon of perfect
our prayer, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who purification, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
of ages. R. Amen. throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
[Always said:] [Always said:]
O God Whose Spirit moved upon the waters in Therefore I bless thee, creature of water, by the
the midst of the primordial world, so that watery Living @ God, by the Holy @ God; Who in the
nature might take on the power of Sanctification; beginning by the Word separated thee from the
O God, Who prefigured the washing away of the dry land and commanded thee to water the earth
reproach of those who are innocent of the world in four rivers,
by cleansing waters of regeneration in the form of [The Priest divides the water in the form
the surging of the Flood, so that by the service of of a Cross and sprinkles the water to the
that one and the same element there may be an four quarters]
end of pollution and beginning of virtues; look Who sweetened thy bitterness in the desert to
upon the face of Thy Church and multiply in her make thee drinkable, and for a thirsting people
Thy generations which of grace flow from Thee. did produce thee from a rock. I bless thee

through Jesus @ Christ His Son, our only Lord, innocence of a new infancy through our Lord
Who in Cana of Galilee as a wonderous sign did Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
convert thee to wine by His power, Who trod Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
with His feet over thee, and was Baptized by R. Amen.
John in the Jordan in thee, Who shed thee with
blood from His side, and Who commanded His
disciples that those who believe are to be [Omit adding Chrism only if there is no
Baptized in thee, saying, “Go forth and teach all candidate for Baptism on Pascha.]
nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” The benediction having been completed,
[Always said:] the Priest pours Chrism in the form of a
These are the commands to us Thy servants. O Cross into the Font.
Thou, God Almighty and clement, be present.
Thou, Benign One, breath forth, Thyself, a [On Pascha, if there is no candidate for
blessing unto these simple waters by Thine own Baptism: The benediction having been
mouth, that they may have more that the purity of completed, the Priest makes the Sign of
their nature which makes them suitable for the the Cross over the Font NOT pouring
washing of bodies. Chrism in the form of a Cross. Chrism
[The Priest breathes on the water three is not used in the water if there are no
times in the form of a Cross.] candidates for Baptism. On Pascha, if
Let them also be effective unto the purification of there IS a candidate for Baptism, Chrism
mind. is used as usual in the Rite of Baptism.]

[On Pascha: The Subdeacon, Deacon, All the people present are sprinkled with
or Celebrant takes the Paschal candle the blessed water.
carefully from the stand, with the flame
still lit, and the Celebrant [Whether or not there is a candidate for
Baptism on Pascha or any other time, the
immerses the lower end in the
four directions in the Church and all
Water. Only the lower end of the members of the congregation are
Paschal candle enters the water, and sprinkled. This sprinkling is not in place
then it is returned to its stand still lit.] of Baptism, because a candidate for
Baptism must be prepared to receive
[Always said:] Baptism, the Celebrant must be aware of
Let the entire power of the Holy Spirit descend the candidate’s desire, and the person
into the entire substance of the font, must be Baptized by the Celebrant
[The Priest breathes on the water three according to the complete Rite of
times in the form of a Y ] Baptism.]
and the entire substance of this water may be Who ever wishes, fills a flask with the
fertile unto Regeneration. May all of this be Water of Benediction, and may bring
effective unto the washing away of the stains of the holy water home for the blessing of
sin. May this nature fashioned in Thine own the house. ***
image be reshaped to its proper original honor, [On Pascha: Holy Water may be
and be cleansed of the squalor of the Old Man, distributed, for order’s sake, after the
that all men who enter into this Sacrament of rest of the Mass is over.]
Regeneration may be reborn into the true

[On Pascha: *** Omit the rest of using the form of the Bobbio Missal:]
the Rite of Baptism ONLY if there is The Servant of God N. is Baptized in the Name
no candidate for Baptism on Pascha, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
and begin the rest of the Mass of Spirit, Who have one Substance, that thou mayest
the Resurrection IMMEDIATELY.] have a part with the Saints unto life everlasting.
[OR: The Priest immerses him (her)
[If there IS a candidate for Baptism, at in this manner (from Bobbio Missal):
all times including Pascha, continue the I Baptize thee in the Name of the Father
Baptism:] (immerse), and of the Son (immerse),
Baptism and of the Holy Spirit (immerse), Who
Each one that is to be Baptized goes have one Substance, that thou mayest
down into the Water and is immersed have a part with the Saints unto life
three times. everlasting.
[Immersion is preferred; or, if there is no
font, pour an abundance of water; Chrismation
literally to toss water on them, as if to [The Holy Chrism myrrh oil has been
revive them, according to Celtic prayers. blessed by a Bishop on Holy and Great
A shell may be used, and they are Thursday at the Bishop's Mass for the
thoroughly drenched, not just sprinkled, blessing of oils. A Priest may apply the
or dabbed. The preferred form below is Chrism, with Chrism blessed by a
from Milan, requiring a response:] Bishop; as in Byzantine tradition.]
God Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus
Then, each candidate is asked Christ, Who has regenerated thee by water and
individually by a Deacon: [The the Holy Spirit [John 3:5], has given thee
candidate, sponsors and entire remission of all thy sins. He Himself Marks thee
congregation say the responses.] with the Chrism of Salvation in Christ.
Dost thou believe in God, the Father Almighty? (Afterwards the one who was Baptized
R. I believe. is anointed with the Holy Chrism:)
The Servant of God N. is Baptized in the Name
of the Father. Here the Chrismation is done upon the
The catechumen is immersed. forehead, pouring it over the brow (as in
a kingly anointing):
Dost thou also believe in Jesus Christ His Only- I anoint thee with the oil and the Chrism of
Begotten Son, our Lord, Who was born and died? Salvation and of Sanctification in the Name of
R. I believe. the @ Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
The Servant of God N. is Baptized in the Name Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
of the Son. R. Amen.
The catechumen is immersed a second Work, O creature of oil; work in the Name of
time. God the Father Almighty, and the Son, and the
Dost thou also believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and do not let an impure spirit
Catholic Church, Remission of sins, and the remain here, nor in the members, nor in the
Resurrection of the flesh? interior, nor in the bones of the members, but
R. I believe. may the Power of Christ, the Son of the living
The Servant of God N. is Baptized in the Name God most High, and the Power of the Holy Spirit,
of the Holy Spirit. work in thee throughout all ages of ages.
The catechumen is immersed a third time. R. Amen.
[Prayer completing the immersions,

The Deacon(ess) gives him (her) a white the ‘Feet Water’ of their child as a
vestment over his head and covering the safeguard from undesirable visitor or
forehead. influences. The newly Baptized person is
Meanwhile the Priest says: pure, so this is a blessing of the foot
Receive this holy and spotless white vestment water. This is similar to Christ entering
which thou shalt wear before the tribunal of our the Jordan River at His Baptism, blessing
Lord Jesus Christ. the water when He entered, and signifies
Let him respond: the Command (Mandate) that a Christian
I accept it and I shall wear it. bless others in the world around them.
[The right hand is blessed with Chrism They also receive the blessing to bless
so it may bless, and make the Sign of the others by the foot washing.]
Cross:] And the Priest says: ON PASCHA: ** skip the rest of the Rite
Let the hand of the servant be opened.
Receive the Sign of the Cross of Christ @ in thy
of Baptism, and IMMEDIATELY begin
right hand and may it preserve thee unto eternal the rest of the Mass of Resurrection.
life. Let him respond: [**Continue immediately, without pause, with
R. Amen. the Paschal Mass:]
[On Pascha, or if immediately before a
Mandatum: The Foot Washing
Mass: The newly Baptized receives the
(The Command) A Towel is taken and Eucharist at the Mass which follows.
the feet of him (her) that has just been Infants and children who have been
Baptized are washed [using plain water] Baptized and Chrismated also receive
Alleluia - Thy Word is a lamp Holy Communion at the Mass. Children
unto my feet, O Lord. [Ps 118:105] and babes in arms may rest when they
Alleluia - Help me O Lord, and I shall be saved. need to inside the Church; waking them
[Ps. 118:117] gently at the time of Holy Communion.
Alleluia - Visit us with Thy Salvation, O Lord. See notes in the Mass about how to give
[Ps.105:4] Holy Communion to infants.]
Alleluia - Thou hast commanded Thy
commandments to be kept most diligently.
First Communion (other than Pascha)
[Ps. 118:4]
[The newly Baptized receives the
Command Thy mercy O Lord, O despise not
Eucharist from Pre-Sanctified Species
the works of Thy hands. [Ps. 137:8]
retained for this purpose, only when the
If I then being your Lord and Master have
Rite of Baptism is not followed by a
washed your feet; you also ought to wash one
another’s feet. For I have given you an example
The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ be
that as I have done to you so you do also for
others. [John 13:14-15] to thee unto life eternal. R. Amen.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, on the day
before He suffered took the splendid, Holy and Refreshed with spiritual nourishment and
spotless towel, girded his limbs, and poured renewed with the food of heaven: by the Body
water into a bowl, and washed the feet of His and Blood of the Lord; let us return proper praise
disciples. Thou shalt do this in imitation of our and thanks to our God and Lord Jesus Christ, as
Lord Jesus Christ to thy pilgrims and travelers. we pray for His inexhaustible mercy, so that we
[It was customary that the parents retain may have the divine gifts of the Sacraments unto
the increase of Faith and perfection of eternal

Salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who [STAND. THERE IS NO KNEELING
reigneth with His unoriginate Father and the Holy TODAY.]
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. INTRODUCTORY COLLECT
Let us pray, dear brethren, for our brother (sister) [Called the “Praefatio” in the
-N- who has won the Grace of the Lord, that he Bobbio and Gothic Missals]
(she) may bear the Baptism which he (she) has Beloved Brethren, Freed from the darkness of the
received, spotless and in its entirety before the world and elected to the promise of justice and
tribunal of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth heavenly light, let us implore the inexhaustible
with His unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit, goodness of Almighty God the Father, through
unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Christ His Son, that His Holy Catholic Church
may be spread throughout the world, that Church
O God, we give Thee thanks, O Thou through which He gathered unto Himself by the Passion
Whom we have celebrated this Holy Mystery: and glorious Blood of His most beloved Son.
and we beg of Thee a gift of Thy Sanctification, May He guard it by the protection of His Majesty
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with against all the insidious things of this world.
Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. May He bestow a protection and a defense, and
R. Amen. grant it a perpetual time of tranquility, though the
Alleluia - Remember us, O Lord, in the favor of Risen Christ, Who reigneth with the Father and
the Holy Spirit, God, throughout all ages of ages.
Thy people: visit us with Thy salvation.
R. Amen.
[Ps. 105:4]
Alleluia - O Lord, save me: O Lord, give good [STAND].
success. [Ps. 117:25] The Angelic Hymn (Gloria)
Alleluia - Shew us Thy mercy, O Lord, and grant [The musical setting may be the same as
us Thy Salvation. [Ps. 84:8] in the Ordinary of the Mass. (The music
of the Paschal Gloria from Liber Usualis
Save us, O Jesus Who art mighty to save, O Thou
happens to fit the Lorrha-Stowe words
Who gavest the soul and giveth salvation,
for the Angelic Hymn, and is probably
through Thee our Lord, Who reigneth with Thine the oldest chant and not necessarily
unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit, unto ages originally associated only with Pascha,
of ages. R. Amen. but the Scottish setting is simpler.)]
[Then in the middle of the Altar the Celebrant
The Rites of Baptism and Chrismation are now extends his hands, and bowing, says: ]
completed. [All join in singing: (The Missal did not
specify the Celebrant.)]
Glory to God in the High-est,
The Mass of the [Still bowing, the Celebrant joins his hands:]
Resurrection and on earth peace to men of good will. We
praise Thee; we bless Thee; we worship Thee;
of our Lord Jesus Christ, we glorify Thee; we magnify Thee; we give
thanks to Thee for Thy great mercy. O Lord
Holy Pascha heavenly King, God the Father Almighty; O
All the text of the Mass from now up to Lord, the Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus
the Epistle and the Gradual is an image Christ; O Holy Spirit of God, and all of us say,
of the establishment of the Knowledge of Amen. O Lord the Son of God the Father:
Christ in the law of nature through the Lamb of God Who takest away the sin of the
Members of His Body and by His own world, have mercy upon us. Receive our
deeds. prayers; Thou Who sittest at the right-hand of

-c7vvYv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v cgvv v v v fccvv v jv v v cux]
God the Father: Have mercy upon us, for Thou
only art holy, Thou only art the Lord, Thou only
art the Lord, Thou only art glorious; with the +
Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. O Lord the Son of God the Fa - ther:
R. Amen.
-c7vv Yv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vcgvv vfcvcfvv v ev v v v]
[An example of Scottish music for this Lamb of God Who takest away the
Angelic Hymn “Gloria.” All join in sin of the world,
singing: (The Missal did not specify the
Celebrant here.)] -c7vv hv v vhcchvv v cvgv v cfvv v vuv v]v v hv vcvhccgvv v vcfcvv cevv v v ]
-c7vv v v fcvv vfv v v fcvv v fv cv v v fcvv vdcvv v v fcvv v v vtv v v v ] have mer-cy up-on us. Re-ceive our prayers;

Glory to God in the High-est,

[Still bowing, the Celebrant joins his hands:]
-c7vv vYv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vcgvv v fccjvv cuvv]
Thou Who sittest at the right-hand of
-c7vv v hv v vhv v v vhv ccvv vhv vcv v hcvvccjvv ccchvv v v vgv v v crx] God the Fa-ther:

and on earth peace to men of good will.

-c7vv Yv ccvv v v v v vgccfvv ev v]v v vfv vcv fv cv v vfccdccfvv v vgv v gv v]
-c7vv fv v vfcvv v vfcccvv fcvcfvv v v v v fv v v vcfcccdccvfccvctx] Have mercy up-on us, for Thou on-ly art ho-ly,

We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we wor-ship Thee;

-c7vv hv v hv vjv v hv v vgv v v rv v v v]v vcfvv v v fv vfv v v dv v vfv v v vtx]
-c7xYxxxxxxxxxvv v v jxvchcgcvcrc] Thou only art the Lord, Thou only art the Lord,

we glorify Thee; we magnify Thee;

we give thanks to Thee for Thy great mer-cy. -c7vv hv v vhchvv vjv v v v hv v gv v rv v v]v v vfv v v vfv v v v dv vfv v vgv vtv v]
Thou on-ly art glor- i -ous; with the + Holy Spirit
-c7cvv fcvvcvfcvvcv v hv ccvhcvv v vcjcvv vccix] -c7vvhv v hv vhv vhv vhv v hv v v v vjv v v hcgcvvrv v v v ]xv vev v rx}
O Lord hea – ven - ly King,
in the glory of God the Fa- ther. R. A-men.
-vv vxkvv v ckvv v v vkv vckvv v v v lv v cckvvcjcvv v ycvv]
[The Celebrant continues bowed and
God the Fa-ther Al – might - y; with joined hands:]
-c7xYcvv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vc]v v gv vfv ccux] Celebrant: O God Who didst prepare unseen
good things for those who are devoted to Thee,
O Lord, the Only-Begotten Son of God, send forth an attitude of love of Thee into our
Je-sus Christ; hearts, that we may follow Thee in all things, and
above all things pursue Thine attentive promises
-c7vv Yv v v v v v v v v v v v v v cc]cv v Yv v v v v v v v v v vcgcvv v fv v cevv v v] which surpass all expectations. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
O Holy Spirit of God, and all of us say, A- men. the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
R. Amen.

ALL BOW: Celebrant: O God Who savest us by guidance
COLLECT BEFORE THE EPISTLE: and justifiest us by forbearance, rescue us from
Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord God through the the tribulations of this time and bestow joy upon
washing of regeneration and the Blood of the us through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth
Cross, so that the flesh which became mortal in with Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages
Adam may be drawn back into heaven, through of ages. R. Amen.
the Passion of Thy Majesty, O Savior, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thine unoriginate Father and [The Celebrant bows and says:]
the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. Celebrant: Almighty, eternal God, Who didst
R. Amen. redeem Thy people by the blood of Thine Only-
The portion of the Mass from the Epistle Begotten Son, destroy the works of the devil,
and gradual to the uncovering of the break the chains of sin, that those who have
Chalice is a recounting of the law Letter attained to eternal life in the confession of Thy
which prophesies Christ, but what is Name may be bound by no thing to the author of
prefigured is not yet known. The death, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Gospel, Alleluia, and prayers chanted reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
from the half-uncovering of the Host throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
and the Chalice until the prayer “May
these Gifts” is a recounting of the Law of Proper Gradual and Alleluia for the
the Prophets which specifically foretold Resurrection
Christ, but the significance of the [St. Columbanus of Luxeiul and Bobbio
Prophecy is unknown until His specified that the Psalm of the
Incarnation. Resurrection is Psalm 65 (Greek, Latin,
and Douay numbering). Also, Psalm 150
[SIT]. is an appropriate Alleluia for the three
EPISTLE most holy Feasts. The Hour of Matins
This is said louder [by the Subdeacon has the theme of the Resurrection, and
who reads the Epistle at the foot of the some portions should be included at the
altar facing the Oblations:] I Gradual and Alleluia. These selections
Corinthians 5: 6-8 from Matins (Antiphonary of Bangor),
The Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians begins. including Week III Antiphons,
Brethren: complement the specific content of the
Your glorying is not good. Know you not that a Immolatio (Preface) and the other
little leaven corrupteth the whole lump? Purge Propers for the Resurrection. The
out the old leaven, that you may be a new paste, Second Canticle, Exodus 15:1-19 was
as you are unleavened. For Christ our pasch is already read as part of the Prophecy,
sacrificed. Therefore let us feast, not with the old Antiphon AB 99 is read, with the
leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and Collects, as an antiphon with the
wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of Gradual in the Mass. Although Matins
sincerity and truth. uses three Psalms of Praise: 148, 149,
[The Congregation makes no response at and 150, Psalms 148 and 149 are used
this time.] for Christmas and Pentecost; Psalm 150
is done in the Alleluia for all three
[STAND] Feasts.
[The Celebrant extends and joins his [Instead of the Alleluia, the Byzantines
hands, saying with raised voice usually have a “Trisagion,” and on the
immediately:] Resurrection substitute, “As many as

have been Baptized into Christ, have put will tell you what great things He hath done for
on Christ, Alleluia.” sung three times, my soul. I cried to Him with my mouth, and I
and it refers to the fact that Baptisms extolled Him with my tongue. If I have looked at
usually take place on this day. This iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
could be added to the Irish praises which Therefore hath God heard me, and hath attended
include a Trisagion, with a special verse to the voice of my supplication. Blessed be God,
within it for Pascha. The Celtic Collects Who hath not turned away my prayer, nor His
for the Saints and Departed are for the mercy from me.
general Resurrection of the Dead; and as R. Shout with joy to God, all the earth: sing ye a
we are Baptized into the Resurrection, Psalm to His Name: give glory to His praise.
these are for all who have been
Baptized.] (The Matins verses of the Second
[STAND OR SIT] Canticle of Moses for Pascha):
THE GRADUAL R: He is Glorious in the Saints, Marvelous in
Chanter, Choir, or Congregation, chanting: Majesty: working wonders.
Psalm 65, the Paschal Psalm Celebrant: O God Who divided the sea for
of St. Columbanus of Luxeuil those departing from the people of Egypt,
R. Shout with joy to God, all the earth: sing ye a commanding the streams to stand on either
Psalm to His Name: give glory to His praise. side as if they were vertical walls, be pleased
Shout with joy to God, all the earth: sing ye a to free our souls from the flood of sins: that
Psalm to His Name: give glory to His praise. Say we may have the strength to traverse the
unto God: How terrible are Thy works, O Lord! depths of our faults, contemptuous of the
In the multitude of Thy strength Thy enemies adversary, O Savior of the World, Who liveth,
shall lie to Thee. Let all the earth adore Thee and guideth and reigneth with the eternal Father,
sing to Thee: let it sing a Psalm to Thy Name. at one with the eternal Holy Spirit throughout
Come and see the works of God: Who is all ages of ages. Amen.
terrible in His counsels over the sons of men. R: He is Glorious in the Saints, Marvelous in
Who turneth the sea into dry land: in the river Majesty: working wonders.
they shall pass on foot: there shall we rejoice in [For all the Faithful Baptized in Christ:]
Him. Who by His power ruleth for ever; His eyes Celebrant: When Pharaoh drowned in the
behold the nations: let not them that provoke Him sea, Israel was freed: we beseech Thee that
be exalted in themselves. through the Grace of Baptism and the
O bless our God, ye Gentiles: and make the Triumph of the Cross, we may be freed from
voice of His praise to be heard. Who hath set my all evil, Through Thee, O Christ.
soul to live: and hath not suffered my feet to be R: He is Glorious in the Saints, Marvelous in
moved. For Thou, O God, hast proved us: Thou Majesty: working wonders.
hast tried us by fire, as silver is tried. Thou hast
brought us into a net; Thou hast laid afflictions on [After the Gradual: the Celebrant, with
our back: Thou hast set men over our heads. We hands joined upon the Altar, bows and
have passed through fire and water: and Thou asks:]
hast brought us out into a refreshment. Celebrant: Let these gifts by which the
I will go into Thy house with burnt-offerings: mysteries are celebrated be pleasing to Thee O
I will pay Thee my vows, which my lips have Lord, unto our freedom and life: through our
uttered, And my mouth hath spoken, when I was Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
in trouble. I will offer up to Thee holocausts full the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
of marrow, with burnt-offerings of rams: I will
R. Amen.
offer to Thee bullocks with goats.
Come and hear, all ye that fear God; and I

THE ALLELUIA [Psalm 150, Antiphons, Celebrant: Let us praise Thee from the Heavens,
the Celtic Trisagion, etc. Music for Alleluia:] let us be worthy to sing a new song unto Thee.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, Who art venerable
-vv vtv v hv vjv vgv vyv vgv v(gv)v v ]v vtv vhv vjv vlv vjv vhv vgv vyv vtv v} among Thy Saints, that Thou accept our petitions,
forgive our sins, O Savior of the world, Who
Psalm of Praise 150 entire: reignest unto the ages. Amen. Alleluia.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise ye the Lord in His
holy places: praise ye Him in the firmament of R. Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer
His power. Praise ye Him for His mighty acts: pleasant chants, Praise him with sound of
praise ye Him according to the multitude of His trumpet.
greatness. Praise Him with sound of trumpet:
praise Him with psaltery and harp. Praise Him [For all Faithful Baptized in Christ:]
with timbrel and choir: praise Him with strings Celebrant: We praise Thee O Lord, with Thy
and organs. Praise Him on high sounding Saints, that Thou mayest be pleased to receive
cymbals: praise Him on cymbals of joy: let every our prayers: Who reignest unto ages of ages.
spirit praise the Lord. Alleluia! Amen. Alleluia.

R. Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer R. Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer
pleasant chants, Praise him with sound of pleasant chants, Praise him with sound of
trumpet. trumpet. Alleluia.
Celebrant: Let them praise the Lord, Who is The Celtic Trisagion from Matins.
praised by all the elements: Whose testimony is
[All sing, as written, with repeats.]
Holy in Heaven and earth and in His possession,
Sion: Sing a new hymn you who thunder: Ye
We adore Thee, eternal Father,
under sentence unto torment, shout with diverse
We call to Thee, eternal Son,
modes of spiritual melody, that your spirits may
and we confess Thee O Holy Spirit, abiding
praise Christ in concert, through all the ages.
the one Divine Substance.
Who liveth and reigneth with the Father and the
Let us return due praise and thanks to Thee, one
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
God in Trinity, that we may be worthy to praise
Thee with unceasing voices, through eternal ages
of ages. Amen.
R. Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer We adore Thee, eternal Father,
pleasant chants, Praise him with sound of We call to Thee, eternal Son,
trumpet. and we confess Thee O Holy Spirit, abiding
Celebrant: By Rule we praise Thee, O Father of the one Divine Substance.
all things. In all places, we confess and acclaim Let us return due praise and thanks to Thee, one
Thee. We minister unto Thee in spontaneous God in Trinity, that we may be worthy to praise
service. Thee with unceasing voices, through eternal ages
Hear us, and grant that which we ask: of ages. Amen.
Who reignest unto the ages. Amen.
Alleluia. Collect [clergy]: O God, Whom the
army of heaven sings, And Whom the Church of
R. Praise the Lord from the Heavens, offer the Saints praises, Whom the Spirit of the
pleasant chants, Praise him with sound of Universals hymns, Have mercy, I beseech Thee,
trumpet. on all of us: Who reignest unto ages of ages.

[louder:] V: For the greatest peace and tranquillity of our
We adore Thee, eternal Father, times, for the holy Catholic Church which is from
We call to Thee, eternal Son, the borders, yeah unto the ends of the earth: Let
and we confess Thee O Holy Spirit, abiding the us pray: R. Lord have mercy.
one Divine Substance.
To Thee, O Trinity, we return praise and thanks.
V: For the Shepherd and Bishop -N-, and for all
To Thee, O God, we recite unceasing praise
Thee, Father, unbegotten the Bishops and Priests and Deacons and all the
Thee, Son, Only Begotten, clergy: Let us pray: R. Lord have mercy.
Thee O Holy Spirit from Father proceeding, we
believe in our hearts. V: For this place and those living in it, for pious
We give Thee thanks inestimable, [leaders] [emperors] and all [the Roman military]
incomprehensible, [our military]: Let us pray:
Almighty God, Who reignest unto the ages. R. Lord have mercy.
[The Byzantine Paschal prayer for the V: For all who are under the sublime Rule, for
Baptized may be added, said three times:
virgins, widows and orphans: Let us pray:
“As many as have been Baptized into Christ,
R. Lord have mercy.
have put on Christ, Alleluia.”]

[Ending always said: the Celebrant, V: For pilgrims and those who travel by land
bows slightly with hands joined on the and water [and air and space]; for penitents,
Altar:] catechumens and captives: let us pray:
Celebrant: O Lord we beg Thee to graciously R. Lord have mercy.
attend these sacrificial offerings here present that
our devotions may be profitable to salvation V: For these who in the holy Church give forth
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the fruits of mercy, O Lord God of virtues listen
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of to our petitions: let us pray:
ages. R. Lord have mercy.
The Congregation chants:
R. Amen. Thanks be to God.
V: That we be mindful of the Saints, Apostles
and Martyrs, that by their prayers for us we may
The Litany of Supplication merit forgiveness: let us pray:
by Saint Martin R. Lord have mercy.
[ALL STANDING. Led by Deacon or Celebrant,
responses chanted. Examples of music ] V: Permit a Christian and peaceful end: we ask
Deacon (or Celebrant) (V): of the Lord,
Let us all say, Lord hear and have mercy:

-vv vtv vchvv vjv vcjvchvv tv v ] [or] -vv vtv v hv v jv v tv v ev v ] -vv vgv vgv chvv jv vcjvchvv tv v ] [or] -vv gv vgv v hv v jv v tv vev v]
R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it.
R. Lord have mercy.
V: And the divine influence to remain with us, a
V: From our whole heart and our whole mind, O holy chain of Charity: we ask the Lord:
Thou Who dost look over all the earth and make R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it.
it to tremble, Let us pray:
R. Lord have mercy.

V: To preserve sanctity and purity of the This prayer is recited thrice: [The
Catholic Faith: we ask the Lord: Celebrant censes the Offerings in the
R. Grant it, O Lord, grant it. form of a Cross three times, saying each
-vv v vgv v gv v v uv v v v ]v v v v v v v tv v v v v hv v jv v v v jv v hv v tv v } Celebrant: Let my prayer be set forth in Thy
sight as incense and the lifting of my hand be an
V: Let us say: R. Lord have mercy. evening sacrifice.
This prayer is recited thrice: [The
[The Celebrant extends his hands and Celebrant moves the censer in two anti-
looks to heaven, saying:] clockwise circles and one clockwise
Celebrant: O Lord graciously attend the circle around the Offerings, for each
celebration of this Sacrifice unto Thee, which circle saying (total of three times):]
cleanses us from the fault of our condition, and Celebrant:
restores us to acceptability by Thy Name, through Come, O Lord, the Almighty Sanctifier
our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee and bless this Sacrifice prepared unto Thee.
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
R. Amen. [Then the Celebrant continues to cense
the Altar and congregation. The altar
[THE CELEBRANT STANDS] is censed with three swings over the
[Bowing deeply, with hands joined, the Offerings on the altar, then one swing
Celebrant says:] before the altar; then walking a quarter
Celebrant: O Lord before Thine eyes I defend of the way around the altar to the right
myself while accused by the witness of a guilty and facing the alter (facing north), one
conscience. I do not dare to petition for others swing toward the altar; walking a
because I am unworthy to accomplish it. quarter of the way around the altar to the
However, Thou knowest, O Lord, all which has right and facing the altar (facing west),
been done among us of which we are ashamed to one swing, then walking a quarter of the
confess. It is because of this that we do not fear way around the altar to the right and
to admit that we obey Thee in words: but we lie facing the altar (facing south) one swing,
in our hearts. We say we are willing; we prove then walking a quarter of the way around
we are unwilling by our acts. Spare, O Lord, the the altar to the right to face the altar and
insolent; forgive sinners; have mercy on those making three swings over the Offerings
who call to Thee. Since in Thy Sacrament my again. Then, he walks around, censing
thoughts are refuted: Grant O Lord, Who dost not each person and the icons.]
receive our words with a hard heart, that, by The Prayer of St. Gregory over
Thyself, Thou mayest bestow forgiveness, the Gospel
through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Celebrant: [The Celebrant opens and censes
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of the Gospel with three swings of the
ages. R. Amen. censer, saying once over the Gospel:]
The Censing We beseech Thee, O Lord Almighty God, that
ALL STAND: Thou most mercifully accept our offerings which
[The Chalice and Host] are half are sacrificed to Thee, and that Thou stretch forth
uncovered: [The Celebrant folds back Thy right hand unto our defense, through our
the veil of the Chalice and Host to Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee, and
expose the Host and the front of the the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Chalice. Incense is set in the thurible R. Amen. [Glory be to Thee, O Lord.]
and blessed.] [The response is assumed.]

[When the Celebrant completes the night, and stole Him away when we were asleep.
censing, he hands the Thurible to the And if the governor shall hear of this, we will
server or replaces the censer on the persuade him, and secure you. So they taking the
stand if serving alone. Servers and as money, did as they were taught: and this word
many as are safely able to, hold lights was spread abroad among the Jews even unto this
near the Deacon or Celebrant, where day.
they will read the Holy Gospel.] And the eleven disciples went into
[STAND] Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had
HOLY GOSPEL for Pascha appointed them. And seeing Him they adored:
(St. Matthew 28:1-20.) but some doubted. And Jesus coming, spoke to
The Deacon (or Celebrant) goes to the them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven
foot of the altar and reads the Gospel and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all
facing the Oblations. [The Holy Gospel nations; baptizing them in the Name of the
should be chanted, not read plainly. It is Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
better to read this Holy Gospel from a Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I
Gospel Book.] have commanded you: and behold I am with you
The Gospel according to St. Matthew begins: all days, even to the consummation of the world.
[R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.]
And in the end of the Sabbath, when it R. Pray for us, and lift up the Gospel towards
began to dawn towards the first day of the week, us.
came Mary Magdalen and the other Mary, to see [This response is from the Rule of
the sepulchre. And behold there was a great Tallaght. Then, the Celebrant makes the
earthquake. For an angel of the Lord descended Sign of the Cross + over the
from heaven, and coming, rolled back the stone, congregation with the Book of the
and sat upon it. And his countenance was as Gospels, saying: From Holy Thursday:]
lightning, and his raiment as snow. And for fear May He Whose Dominion and Kingdom
of him, the guards were struck with terror, and remain without end, be pleased to sustain us
became as dead men. And the angel answering, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
said to the women: Fear not you; for I know that [After this, the congregation may say:
you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not Praise be to Thee, O Christ.]
here, for His is risen, as He said. Come, and see [The congregation may approach and
the place where the Lord was laid. And going kiss the Book of the Gospels.]
quickly, tell ye his disciples that He is risen: and
behold He will go before you into Galilee; there The Sermon
you shall see Him. Lo, I have foretold it to you. [The sermon may be shortened, or from
And they went out quickly from the St. John Chrysostom, see after the Mass.
sepulchre with fear and great joy, running to tell Following the sermon, the Collects after
His disciples. And behold Jesus met them, the Resurrection Gospel of Matins should
saying: All hail. But they came up and took hold be done. The Te Deum may be done.]
of His feet, and adored Him. Then Jesus said to Collect: Rejoicing with joy for what has been
them: Fear not. Go, tell my brethren that they go returned to us by the Light of This day, let us
into Galilee, there they shall see me. Who when raise up praise and thanks unto Almighty God.
they were departed, behold some of the guards That He may be pleased to grant unto us who
came into the city, and told the chief priests all very solemnly celebrate the day of the Lord’s
things that had been done. And they being Resurrection, Peace, tranquillity, and joy, that,
assembled together with the ancients, taking protected from morning until night by the favor
counsel, gave a great sum of money to the of His clemency, we may, exultant, rejoice with
soldiers, Saying: Say you, His disciples came by

-ccgcjcvvchcvv ckvvcccvjv cvchcjcvv vhcgcvv vcycvv ]v v v dccgcvv
eternal joy, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
reigneth with the unoriginate Father and the Holy
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
3. Un- to Thee, all the An- gels, un - to
Collect: Venerating the Lord Who is the
beginning of our Resurrection, let us with one
mind give deserved praise and thanks to our God, -cvhcvv v v chcvv chccvvchccvcvhcvv v gcchcccjcvv cj½chcgccctcv]
the Trinity, imploring His mercy, that He concede Thee, the Hea-vens and all the powers,
participation in the Resurrection of our Lord and
Saviour as much to the spirit as to the body, who
with the Father liveth and reigneth unto ages of
-vv vcgcjcvv vchccvv v ckccvv cccjcvv v cchvv v v chccvv hccvv cjcc
ages. R. Amen. 4. Un - to Thee, the Cher–u- bim and
[For all of us who are Baptized:]
Collect: At this dawn, let us beseech the Risen -vchcvv gcvv yccc]ccvvdccvv vgchcvv vcgccvchcjcvv cj½chcgcvv v tcvv]
Lord, that we might arise into eternal life,
Seraphim, with un – ceas- ing voice cry:
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.

Vigil of the Sunday of the

Resurrection: -vv tch½cjckvv uccycv]cvctcvvh½cjckvcuvcyvc]v cdcgcvh½cjckcucyc]
With the dawn of light and the Author arisen, Let Ho – ly, Ho – ly, Ho - ly
us rejoice in the Lord, by Whom, since death is
overthrown, we may be able to confront our sins,
and let us walk in newness of life, Who livest and
-ccvv v v hcvv v ccchcvv ccgvccvv v hcjvcv vcv vj½chcgcvv v ctcvv v]
reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit
Lord God of Sa – ba - oth.
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.

Te Deum [Optional - see above..]

-vv cgvcjcvvccjccvvcchcvv v vcckccvv v cjcvv v chccvv vcjcvv vcyvv vc]
Antiphon: O Youths praise ye the Lord: 6. The Hea-vens and all the earth are
praise the Name of the Lord.
[Optional: Music setting for Te Deum -vv vcdcvvcgvv vchcvvchcvv chccvvchcvv v cg½chcvjccccj½chcgvcctvvc]
from Liber Usualis, Sing three notes
phrased together as a triplet; the font full of the tri-bute to Thy Glo - ry.
had no notation for triplets.]
-cccgvcjcvvccvhccvv vckcvv v cjcvv chcjccvvchcvvcvchccvvcycvvc]
-c\cvv vdcvv vcgchccvv v cchccvvcchcgccvv v v ch½cjckccucycc] 7. Thee, the choir of the glor – I – ous
1. O God, we praise Thee:
-vv chcvvcg½chcjcvv v ½jchcgcctc]cv v vgcjchcvcvkcvjvcchcjccycc]
-ccdcvv ccgchcccchcvv v chcgcvv ccchcjcvvccj½chcgccvv vctcc\c] A– pos - tles, 8. Thee, the throng

-cvhv cchcvv v chcvv vccgcvcchcvv ccjcvv v ccj½chcgcvv ctcvv vc]

we con - fess Thou art the Lord.

-vv v v ccgcjcvv v chcvv ckcvv vcjcvv v v chcjcvv v v vcycccc] of the ven – er – a - ble Pro - phets,

-cvv cgcjchcvv v kccvv ccjcccvv vcchcvcv chvcjccvcycvvc]

2. O e – ter - nal Fa – ther,

-cvv vcdcvvcgchcccchcgccvcchcjcvv ccj½chcgcvv v cctcc\c] 9. Thee, the white - clad ar – my

all the earth wor - ships Thee

-vv v vhcgccvv v vchcjccvvccj½chcgcvv v vcctcvv vcc] -cvv hv vchcvv gv v v v v hv ½cjcckvv v v v v jv½ chccgcvv v vcyvvcc]
of Mar – tyrs praise. un-to the li-ber-a - tion of the world.

-ccvcgcjcvv vcchcvv vckcvv cjcvcvcchcvv v v cchccvv cjcvccyvvc] -ccdccvccgccccvhccvchccvchccvchvv v vgv hv v v vhv jv v v v tv v ev v ]

10. Thee, the Ho-ly Church con-fess-es, Thou didst not dis-dain the Vir - gin’s womb.

-cvv v vcdccccvvccgcccvv chccgcvv v chcjcccvvj½chcgcvv v ctvv c]

through-out the en - tire world:
-cvv cv v vcdcvv v v ccccgvvccccchcvv vccchcvv v cccgccc
-cvv v v cgcvcv v cch½cjckcvv v v cuccycvc]
17. Thou, when the sting of

11. The Fa - ther

-vv v v ch½cjckccvv v ccj½chcgccvv v v v cycvv vccc]
-cvvchcccvvchccvv ccchccgccvv v vccchcjcccvcj½chcgcccctccc]
death was bound,

of im - mense Ma - jes - ty;

-ccccdcccvcgvv vccchcccvv v vchccvv ccchccvv cchccc
-cvv v v cgcvjccvv v vhccvv v ckcvv vcjcvv vchcccvv vchcjccyvvc]
open-ed the Hea - ven – ly

12. Thy ven – er – a - ble, true,

-vv vcjcvv v v v v v vhcvcv v chcgccvv vchccccchcjcvv vctcvv ccecvvc]
-ccvvchcvv v ccchcccgccccvv v v chvcjccvv v vcj½chcvvgcvv vcctcc]
King – dom to those who be – lieve.

and On-ly - Be - got-ten Son;

-cvvcdcvv ccgccvchccvhcvv chcvvgcvvcch½cjckvccvvjccvv jv v vyv v ]
18. Thou art seat-ed at the right hand of God.

-cvchccvvchcvv v vcgccchcvv v v chvcv cjcvvcctcvv vcevv vc]

-cccgccccgccvcgcccgcvv ctcvh½cjckcvvcjchccvv chcjvv v v cycc] in the Glo - ry of the Fa – ther.
13. And al-so the Ho - ly Spir – it,

-cvv v v v hccvv v v chcgvv cccchcjccvv v cj½chcgcctvvc] -cvv v vgchcvcchcccjvchccvcvycccc]

the Com – for - ter. 19. Thou art be - lieved

-cvv vcgchcvv vchccchcgvvcv cvhcvvcchccvchcchcvvccjcvvctcecc] -vvcchcvvccgvv ccvv chccccvcchccccchcvccjcvcctcvv cceccc]

14. Thou art the King of Glory, O Christ. [that Thou art] com - ing to be Judge.

-cvcdcvv v vgchcvvcycvvchcchcchccvvcgc½chccjcvv v v vctcvvcecvc] -ccvvcdccvv v v vgcvhcvv chcvcccgcccch½cjckcvvcj½chcgcccycc]

15. Thou art the e-ter-nal Son of the Fa- ther. 20 Thee, there-fore we be - seech,

-cvv v vcdcvccvvcgccvv cchcvvcchcvv vcvhcvvcvchccvv cchccvchcvc -cccdccvvcgccvvchccvv vhccvcccjccvvccchccvvcchccc

16. Thou didst take up hu - man na-ture help thy ser-vants whom Thou hast

-vv v v cgccvv v cchccccvv v cchccvv v ccjcvvccctcvv v cccceccc]
Collect: O God, give aid to all those who praise
Thee, O Holy Three, and to those who confess
Thee, One, in offerings of the singing of songs:
re – deemed by Pre - cious Blood. Who reignest unto the ages. R. Amen.

-cvv v v cfccvv ccfvcdccvv vscvfccvv vcdcvv v ccscvvcccqvv ccc]

Collect: Holy Lord, Illumination and true
21. Make num-bered with the Saints Salvation unto those who believe: Lordly
-ccvcaccvv cdccvv cfcccvv v gccvv vcv chccfccvv v c¹gcfcdcccec] Resurrection of brightness, Light of our hearts, let
us be worthy to be, by the knowledge of the
in e - ter - nal Glo - ry. Trinity and perception of the Unity: children of
Light, and members of Christ, and a temple of the
-cvv vcvcacvv vccscfcvv v ccfcvv ccsccvv v ¹fcdcsvv ccqcvv v v v] Holy Spirit. Who reignest unto ages of ages.
R. Amen.
22 . Save Thy peo - ple, O Lord,

-vv v caccvv scfccvccfccdcvvccscfccvv cgchcccvv¹gcfcdvv vcecc] [For all the Faithful Baptized.]
Collect: Let us venerate Thy Resurrection O
and bless Thine in - her - i - tance, Christ, through which we may be worthy to be
-cvv v cvcfcccvv v vcdcsccvv v c¹fcdcscvv cqcv] saved unto eternity, throughout all ages of ages.
R. Amen.
23. And rule them

-vvcacccscfvv vcc¹fcdcscvvct,vv c]ccgcccgchccfccvc¹gcfcdccevv] Collect: Hearken to our prayers, O Lord, Who

has visited our human infirmities to bestow Thy
and ex – alt them un –to the a - ges. Sanctification and Immortality on us: Who
reignest unto the ages.
-cvvdcgcchcvv vchcgvv vch½cjckcucycvv]cchcvhcgcchcjcctcec] R. Amen.

24. Each day we bless Thee,

-ccvcdcvv v cgchvv v v cchccvv cchcvv v chcvvcv v v hv v v cjvvcc Christ is Risen!

R. He is Risen indeed!
25 And we praise Thy Name un-to

-vv kv cŸjchcvgcvv ycv]cv hcvvchchcvcvhv gcc]v v hcvv hv jcvvctvcecvv] [Notices and Banns (very brief
e- ter-ni- ty, and unto ages of ages. Amen. announcements and engagements)
having been duly read, all present profess
the Creed; which is Orthodox, and an
-cvvacvv csvv fcvv v fvcdcscvv vfcvv v gchcvv cgvv cfcgcvvfcvcevcw]v accurate translation of the Lorrha-Stowe
Creed, not adding, omitting, or changing
26. Let Thy mer– cy, O Lord, be up-on us, any words or phrases in the text.]

-cacccscfcvccfcdcccscaccccfcgchccvv gcfcvc¹gcfcdcvvecc} STAND.

in that we have hoped on Thee.

The Creed The Elevation
I believe in one God, the Father [The Chalice is elevated, and all look at
it.] [The following prayer is called the
Almighty, maker of heaven and earth “Post Nomina” (after the Word of God
and of all things visible and invisible. and the Creed) in the Bobbio Missal, and
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the is always said.]
Only-Begotten Son of God. Born of the Celebrant: O Lord, may these gifts which are
Father before all ages. Light of light, true offered be sanctified, and cleanse us from the
blots of our sins, through our Lord Jesus Christ,
God of true God. Born, not made, of Who reigneth with Thee, and the Holy Spirit,
one Substance with the Father: through throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
Whom all things were made. Who for us The elevation of the Chalice, after the
men, and for our Salvation descended full uncovering, during the prayer
from heaven. And was Incarnate of the “May these gifts” is the commemoration
Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary: And of Christ’s Birth and of His Glory
through the signs and miracles.
was born man. And was crucified also for
us: under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and [The Chalice is replaced on the Corporal
was buried. And He rose on the third day, and is covered by the Pall.]
according to the Scriptures. And Celebrant: We, Thy servants, beseech Thee, O
ascended into heaven: and sitteth at the Lord, that Thou benignly receive these Offerings
right hand of God the Father. And He of our devotion, through this glorious Sacrifice
shall come again with glory to judge both and our purified hearts, through our Lord Jesus
the living and the dead: Whose Kingdom Christ, Who reigneth with Thee, and the Holy
Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
shall have no end.
O Lord, we sacrifice these oblations and sincere
And I believe in the Holy Spirit, offerings unto Thee, O Jesus Christ Who
the Lord and Giver of life: Who suffered for us and rose on the third day from the
proceedeth from the Father. Who with the dead, for the souls of our loved ones -N- and -N-,
Father and the Son together is worshiped whose names we recite, and also of those whose
and glorified: Who spake by the Prophets. names we do not recite but whose names are
recited by Thee in the Book of Life Eternal. Of
And in one, Holy, Catholic, and Thy mercy, rescue them, O Thou Who reignest
Apostolic Church. unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
I confess one Baptism for the POST NOM INA
remission of sins. And I look for the Let us pray for those who offer holy Spiritual
resurrection of the dead. + And the life of gifts for themselves and their loved ones, and for
the world to come. Amen. the spirits of their bodies in commemoration of
the Holy Martyrs, that the Lord our God be
Fully uncovered: [The veil and Pall of pleased to hear their prayers. R. Amen.
the Chalice are removed. Standing COLLECT OF THE PREFACE
erect, the Priest extends his hands, raises Secret (Ad Pacem):
them and joins them, and lifting his eyes
to heaven and lowering them, says:] [Said audibly:]
O Lord, receive the prayers of Thy people with
This prayer is recited thrice: this offering of Sacrifices so that the initiation
into the Paschal Mystery may, by Thee working,
Celebrant: Show us Thy Mercy O Lord, be beneficial for us unto depths of eternity
and grant us Thy Salvation. through the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigns
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, unto the
ages of ages.

-c7vcrvv rv v]
And the Immolatio for Pascha:
It is worthy and just, equal and just for
us, here and everywhere to give Thee Thanks. To
R. Amen. Thee we sing praises and offer sacrifice and trust
in Thy mercy, O Lord Holy Father Almighty and
-c7vv v v v v v v v v v gv v v vgv v vctchcjvv v v jv hv v v vgv vhv v v tv vrv v] eternal God, For Thou art great and dost
wonderful things: Thou art God alone. Thou hast
made the heavens in understanding. Thou didst
[Celebrant:] Let us lift up our hearts.
form the land above the waters. Thou didst make
-c7xvv vhxctcchccjxchccvvcgchxvv cgxctxrx] great lights: the Sun to rule the day and the moon
and stars to rule the night. Thou didst make us
and not we ourselves: despise not the works of
R. We have un - to the Lord. Thy hands. Thine is the day and Thine is the
night. In the daytime hast Thou commanded Thy
-c7vv hv v hv vctcvhcjxjchccccgcfccfcgccchcvcgchccctvv ] mercy; and in the nighttime Thou hast declared
daily vigil. In the festival of this light we
Celebrant: celebrate: This is the night of knowledge of the
Let us give thanks un - to our Lord God. saving Sacraments: the night in which Thou dost
grant forgiveness unto sinners: Thou doest make
-c7vv v hv v v hv v v v v tcchccjccvv cycvv v cgchcgvv cctccrvv v} new from the old man: the mature with deluding
senses Thou dost return as infants whom Thou
R. It is worth – y and just. dost bring forth, reborn in a new creature from
the sacred font. This night a reborn people is
conceived into eternal day. The halls of the
The Preface: heavenly kingdom are opened and humanity is
The usual Preface, called the “Dignum” transformed by the blessed law of divine
in the Lorrha Missal, is always said by commerce. This is the night which were made
the Celebrant before any other: [Called the pleasures in which Thou delightest us, O
the “Contestatio” or “Immolacio” in Lord, in Thy works. This is the night in which
other Celtic sources.] hell was burst asunder, the night in which Adam
was absolved, the night in which the groat that
Celebrant: Truly it is worthy and just and right was lost is found, the night in which the lost
and unto Salvation for us now and here, always sheep is laid upon the shoulders of the Good
and everywhere to give thanks, through Christ Shepherd, the night in which the devil was laid
our Lord, unto Thee, Holy Lord Almighty and low, and the Sun of justice is arisen, and the
Eternal God. Thou Who with Thine Only- bonds of hell being broken and the gates being
Begotten and the Holy Spirit, O God, art One and shattered, many bodies of the Saints that had slept
Immortal God, Incorruptible and Immutable arose, and coming out of the tombs after the
God, Unseen and Faithful God, Marvelous and Resurrection came into the holy city.
Praise-worthy God, Honorable and Mighty God, O truly blessed night which did merit to
the Highest and Magnificent God, Living and know the time and the hour when Christ rose, of
True God, Wise and Powerful God, Holy and which the prophet said in the Psalm: for the night
Exemplary God, Great and Good God, Terrible shall be light as the day: the night in which the
and Peaceful God, Beautiful and Correct God, Resurrection unto eternity arose. Thee, therefore,
Pure and Benign God, Blessed and Just God, Almighty God, the multitude of the heavenly
Pious and Holy, not in one singularity of person creatures and the innumerable choirs of Angels
but One Trinity of One Substance. Thee we proclaim without ceasing:
believe; Thee we bless; Thee we adore; and we THE SANCTUS
praise Thy Name unto eternity and unto ages of [Chanted by all, a musical setting may
ages: Thou through Whom is the Salvation of the be used. The version below is the
world; through Whom is the Life of men; Paschal Sanctus from Liber Usualis,
through Whom is the Resurrection of the dead. which is an ancient melody, and may be

The Sovereign Canon of Pope
Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Therefore,
-c`vcsccfccvv hcvgvcyccvcchccvchcgcvv chcjcvvchcgcfccvvrcc]" most clement Father,
through Jesus Christ
Ho-ly Lord, God of Sa - ba - oth. Thy Son our Lord,
-c`ccdccjcckcccjcccjcvvcchccvccgccvv v ccºycchvvcjchccrcc we humbly beseech
and pray Thee,
Hea - ven and the whole earth [he kisses the
Altar and with
-c`cccrcvv v v ccfmcGcvvhcvv vgcfcvv v v dccvv v v dcfcdcsvv ccwcc] hands joined
before his breast,
are full of Thy glo - ry, says:]
that Thou accept and
-c`vv vsxvv vwccvv chccgcvv cchcvv cchcjchccvv v crccccrvv v v ] bless these gifts, these offerings, these holy
and unspotted sacrifices,
Ho - san - na in the high-est. [with extended hands he proceeds:]
which, first, we offer unto Thee for Thy holy
-c`vv scvvjcvv ccjvchccvvcjckcvvcuccvccjcvhcvvgcvccycvcchvv c Catholic Church: that Thou graciously keep her
in peace, to guard, unify, and govern her
throughout the whole world: together with Thy
Bless - ed is He that com - eth Servants, the Orthodox Patriarchs, the Bishops

-c`cccyccvv cgchcvv v vcchcjchvvccccgcccvv cfccvv v ccdccrmc]

of the Apostolic See and all who hold the
Orthodox and Apostolic faith, and our
Metropolitan -N-, Abbot-Bishop -N-, Bishop -N-.
in the Name of the Lord. Yeah, remember, O Lord, Thy servants and

-c`cfmcGcchcgcfvccdcfcdcvcscccschccvhcgccchcjvcycvvrv v}
handmaids -N- and -N-,
(Here the names of the living are recited)
and all who are present here, whose faith and
Ho - san - na in the high– est. devotion unto Thee are known and manifest,
Celebrant: who offer unto Thee this sacrifice of praise, for
Blessed is He Who cometh from heaven that themselves, and for all of theirs: for the
He might enter the world, and didst become man redemption of their souls; for their body of
unto the blotting out of the sins of the flesh, and elders; for the purity of all ministers; for the
became a Victim that through suffering He might integrity of virgins and the continence of
give eternal life to those that believe; through the widows; for mildness of weather, fruitfulness of
same Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee the lands; for the returning of peace and an end
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. to division; for the safety of the king [our
R. Amen. leaders] and peace of the people, and the rescue
[All prayers from this point until the of captives, and for the prayers of those here
Antiphon and Psalms before Communion present; for the commemoration of martyrs; for
are said by the Celebrant. All responses the remission of our sins, and the correction of
are as indicated. The Canon is never culprits; for repose for the dead; and good
omitted or reduced. fortune of our journey; for the Lord Patriarch
Bishop and all the Bishops and the priests and all
The Celebrant extending then joining
in Holy Orders; for the [whole world], [Roman
his hands, raising his eyes to heaven
empire] and all Christian [leaders] [kings]; for
and at once lowering them, bowing
our brothers and sisters; for the brethren who
profoundly before the Altar, with his
follow the straight way; for the brethren whom
hands placed upon it, says:]
the Lord deemed worthy to call from the dimness

of this world, from this darkness, may eternal The Celebrant makes the Sign of the
Divine Faith of the Highest and peaceful light Cross once over the oblations:
take them up; for brethren afflicted by various
sorrows of their lot, may Divine Faith be pleased Which oblation do Thou, O God, we beseech
to cure them; for the hope of salvation and safety; Thee, be pleased in all things to make Blessed, +
for those who pay their vows unto Thee, the approved, ratified, reasonable and acceptable:
eternal, living and true God in communion with, that unto us it may become the Body and Blood
of Thy most dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus
and celebrating the most sacred night Christ,
[or day or time]
Post Sanctus:
of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus
Christ, [Gothic Missal: without omitting the
previous prayer.]
and venerating the memory first, of the glorious
At Thy command the universes were made in
ever-virgin Mary the Birthgiver of our God and
Heaven and Earth in Sea and in all the abysses:
Lord Jesus Christ, and of Thy blessed Apostles
Unto Thee, Patriarches, Prophets, Apostles,
and martyrs: Peter and Paul, Andrew, James,
Martyrs, Confessors, and all of the Saints give
John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew,
thanks, and we implore Thee, making this
Matthew, Simon and Thaddeus, Linus,
spiritual offering and the first fruits of sincerity
Ancletus, Clement, Xixtus, Cornilius, Cyprian,
that thou gladly hear us. We pray Thee to bless
Lawrence, Crysoginus, John and Paul, Cosmas
this Sacrifice and pour down the dew of Thy
and Damian and of all Thy Saints by whose
Holy Spirit, and it may be to all a legitimate
examples and prayers mayest Thou grant that,
Eucharist through Christ our Lord,
in all things, we may be ever strengthened by the
help of Thy protection [joins hands] through our
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and When the prayer “Who, the day
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. before He suffered, took Bread...”
R. Amen. begins, the Celebrant bows three
times in repentance of his sins.
He offers the Oblations to God,
[The Celebrant extends his hands, palms and while this is done: and there
down, above the Offerings:] must be no other voice lest it
disturb the Priest, for his mind
Therefore we offer this oblation of our
service and of Thy whole family, which we must not separate from God while
offer unto Thee in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, he chants this lesson. For this
and in commemoration of Thy blessed martyrs in reason, its name is The Most
this church, which Thy servants built in honor of Dangerous Prayer. [Take crying
Thy glorious Name. We beseech Thee graciously children out a few minutes.]
take it under Thy protection. Moreover, rescue
them and all of the people from the cult of idols
and turn them unto Thyself, the True God , the
Father Almighty. Also order our days in Thy
peace, save us from eternal damnation, and
number us among Thine elect; [He joins his
hands.] through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit The Celebrant bows three times.
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. THE CONGREGATION BOWS VERY

The Most Dangerous Take and drink from this all of you,
for this is the Chalice of my Blood,
Prayer of the new and eternal testament:
[The Words of Institution:] the mystery of faith: which is shed for
The Celebrant bows three times. you and for many unto the remission of
Who the day before He suffered, sins.
[he takes the Host] [The Chalice is raised to eye-level. A bell
took bread into His Holy and venerable may ring. Offered and set again in its
Hands, place upon the Corporal. He bows or
genuflects, stands, and covers the
[he lifts up his eyes to heaven] Chalice with the Pall.]
and with His eyes lifted up to heaven to Whenever you do these things, you
Thee, God, His Almighty Father, shall do them unto my memory: you
[he bows his head] will praise my Passion; you will
gave thanks to Thee, [setting the Host on proclaim my Resurrection; you will
the Corporal, he signs over it] hope on my coming until I come
He + Blessed, He broke, and gave to His again to you from heaven.
disciples, saying:
[Holding the Host with the right hand [With extended hands he proceeds:]
between the thumb and forefinger, he Wherefore, O Lord, we Thy servants, together
utters the Words of Institution distinctly with Thy holy people, are mindful of the Blessed
and attentively over the Host.] Passion of the same Holy Christ Thy Son our
Lord, as also His Resurrection from hell and
Take and eat from this all of you, for glorious Ascension into heaven: we offer unto
this is my Body. Thine excellent majesty of Thine own gifts and
bounty, a pure [+] Host, a Holy [+] Host, a
[The Host is raised to eye-level. A bell
spotless [+] Host, the Holy [+] Bread of eternal
may ring. Offered and set again in its
life and the Chalice of everlasting salvation.
place upon the Corporal. He bows or
genuflects, stands and then removes the
Upon which graciously look with a favorable and
Pall from the Chalice.]
gracious countenance: and to accept them, even
In a similar manner after the supper, as Thou didst graciously accept the gifts of Thy
[he takes the Chalice in both hands] just child Abel, and the sacrifice of our
He took this excellent Chalice in His Holy Patriarch Abraham: and the Holy Sacrifice, the
and venerable Hands: spotless Host, which Thy high priest
[he bows his head] Melchizedek offered unto Thee.
also giving thanks to Thee,
[setting the Chalice on the Corporal, We humbly beseech and pray to Thee, Almighty
he signs over it] God: command Thou these things to be brought
by the hands of Thy Holy Angel to Thine Altar on
He + Blessed, and gave to His disciples, high, in the presence of Thy Divine majesty:
saying: that, as many of us as shall receive from the
[He utters the Words of Institution over [kisses altar] Altar of Sanctification the most
the Chalice distinctly and attentively, sacred Body and Blood of Thy Son, may be
holding it slightly raised.] fulfilled with all heavenly benediction and grace.

[THE CONGREGATION MAY STAND:] names God has called and renewed. Unto them
The Commemoration of the Departed O Lord and to all who rest in Christ, we entreat
Remember also O Lord the names of those who Thee to grant a place of refreshing light and
preceded us with the sign of faith and rest in the peace.
sleep of peace: -N- and -N-. With all those in The Celebrant, Deacon and Subdeacon
the whole world who offer the Sacrifices in spirit take three steps backward, pause briefly,
unto God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy and take three steps forward.
Spirit, our senior, the Priest, -N- [Celebrant] The three steps backward and three
with the holy and venerable Priests, offers for steps forward is the three ways in
himself, for his own, and for all the rest of the which everyone sins: in word, in
Catholic Church assembly; and for the thought, in deed. These are also the
commemoration of the wrestling of the three means by which one is renovated
Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles and Martyrs, and and by which one is moved to Christ’s
of all the Saints, that they may be pleased to Body.
entreat the Lord our God for us:
Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek, To us sinners also, Thy servants, hoping for the
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, multitude of Thy mercies, graciously grant some
Josuah, Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisah, Isaiah, part and fellowship with Thy Holy Apostles and
Jeremiah, Ezechial, Daniel, Ester, Hosea, Joel, Martyrs: with Peter, Paul, Patrick; John, Stephen,
Amos, Obidiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander,
Habacuc, Zephaniah, Hagai, Zachariah, Marcellinus, Peter, Perpetua, Agnes, Cecilia,
Malachi, Tobit, Ananias, Azarias, Mishael, the Felicitas, Anastasia, Agatha, Lucy and with all
Machabees, also Holy Innocents, John the Thy Saints: within whose fellowship we beseech
Baptist, Virgin Mary, Peter, Paul, Andrew, Thee admit us, not weighing our merit, but
James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, granting us forgiveness through our Lord Jesus
Matthew, James, Simon, Thaddeus, Matthias, Christ, through Whom, O Lord Thou dost ever +
Mark, Luke, Stephen, Cornelius, Cyprian and create, + Sanctify, + Enliven, + Bless, and
all other Martyrs, bestow all these good things upon us.
Paul, Anthony and other Fathers of the THE EXAMINATION AND
hermitages of Sceti, FRACTION
The Examination of the Chalice and
and also the Bishops Martin, Gregory, Host, and the effort with which the
Maximus, Felix, Patrick, Patrick, Secundinus, Celebrant attempts to break it is an
Auxilius, Iserninus, Cerbanus, Erc, Carthage, image of the rejection, punches, lashings
Ibar, Ailbe, Conleth, MacNissi, Moinenn, and the Arrest of Christ.
Senan, Finbarr, Colman, Cuan, Aiden, [STAND].
Laurentius, Mellitus, Justus, Etto, Dagan, [He genuflects and bows profoundly, rises
Tigernach, Mochti, Ciannan, Buite, Eugene, and uncovers the Chalice:]
Declan, Carthain, Mel, Ruadhan, ** Maelrúain,
Gregory, Dionisij, Polikarp, Nikanor, Mstyslav,
Hryhorij, Hennadij, Andrew It is through + Him, with + Him, and in + Him,
[** Other departed Bishops may be within the unity of the Holy + Spirit, that unto
inserted.] Thee, God the Father + Almighty,
It is here that the principle Host is lifted
up over the Chalice, elevating both:
also the Priests Finian, Kieran, Oengus, Enda,
Gildas, Brendan, Brendan, Cainnech, is all honor and glory, through all ages of ages.
Columba, Columba, Colman, Comgall, R. Amen.
Comghan, This is said thrice as the Host is
* [Other departed Priests may be submerged halfway in the Chalice:
inserted.] Let Thy mercy be upon us even as we have
and all of those at rest who pray for us in the hoped on Thee.
Lord’s peace, from Adam unto this day, whose [The Subdeacon takes the Paten,

Purificator and knife from the Credenza. in truth by Heavenly fruition, through our Lord
(The knife must never be placed on the Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Altar). He gives the Paten and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Purificator to the Deacon who wipes the R. Amen.
Paten with the Purificator. After the
Celebrant has withdrawn the Host from
the Chalice, the Deacon holds the Paten [Post Mysterium from the Gothic Missal
under the Host.] is inserted here, with the previous prayer.
The oldest written form of an Epiklesis is
[The Celebrant places the Host upon the always said in the prayers at the
Paten, takes the Paten and Host from the Fracture in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal. At
Deacon and sets them on the Corporal the Vigil of the Resurrection, the Post
before the Chalice.] Sanctus is an Epiklesis said before the
The Host on the Paten is Christ’s Flesh Words of Institution. The following
upon the tree of the Cross. Collect is for the Resurrection Mass.]
Collect at the Breaking of the
The Fraction It is here that the Bread is Bread [A Post-Mysterium.]
Regard this Offering, Almighty God, which we
The Fraction of the Host upon the offer to Thee in honor of Thy Name, for the well-
Paten is the breaking of Christ’s being of the nations and their armies, and all who
Body with nails on the Cross. stand present here, and grant that those who eat
[The Celebrant holds the Host between of It may receive salvation of the spirit, integrity
the first and medius fingers and the of body, support of health, intellect of the senses
Thumbs of both hands and breaks it over of Christ, security of hope, eternal corroboration
the Paten, saying:] of the faith, of the Holy Spirit, grant this through
They have known the Lord - Alleluia - Him Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the
in the Fraction of the Bread - Alleluia. Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
The Bread which we break is the Body of our R. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ - Alleluia - [The “Post Mysterium” for the Feast of
The Chalice which we bless - Alleluia - the Throne of St. Peter at Rome is always
is the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ - Alleluia - done; resembles the Byzantine Epiklesis.]
in remission of our sins - Alleluia. We who serve, offer these prescribed Holy Gifts
Let Thy mercy be upon us - Alleluia - of our Salvation, that Thou may be pleased to
even as we have hoped on Thee - Alleluia. send Thy Holy Spirit upon this Sacrifice so that it
They have known the Lord. - Alleluia. may be changed into a legitimate Eucharist for us
The two halves of the Host are in the Name of Thee, Thy Son and the Holy
submerged totally in the Chalice. Spirit, in the transformation of the Body and
Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; and may it be
unto us who eat and drink, Life eternal and the
[After the Celebrant has withdrawn the
Host from the Chalice, the Deacon holds eternal Kingdom. Through Himself, Christ Our
the Paten under the Host. The Paten Lord who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
and Host are set on the Corporal before throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
the Chalice. The following prayer is [The halves are placed together on the
called the “Post Secreta” or “Post Paten.] The reunion of the two halves
Mysterium” in the Gothic Missal, and is after the Fraction is the affirmation of
always said.] the wholeness of Christ’s Body after His
Resurrection. The submersion of the two
We believe, O Lord. We believe we have been halves in the Blood are an affirmation
redeemed in this Fraction of the Body, and the that at His Crucifixion, Christ’s Body
pouring forth of the Blood; and we shall rely on was covered in Blood. [A small candle
the consumption of this Sacrifice for fortification: may be lit on the Altar now.]
that which we now hold in hope, we may enjoy

Taught by Divine instruction, and shaped by [The Proper Blessing of the Day
Divine institution, we dare to say: from the Pontificale of Egbert or similar
[All say together:] document is done here, only by a Bishop
Our Father, Who art in the when he is present, celebrating or non-
celebrating at this Mass. The Bishop may
Heavens, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy also cut the Particle and drop it into the
Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Chalice if his hands have been purified at
earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day the vesting.
our daily bread and forgive us our debts The Vigil of the Resurrection
as we forgive our debtors and lead us not (In Sabbato Sancto)
into temptation but deliver us from evil. May God, Who producing a new people from the
pure womb of Thy Church, makes her ever
[Celebrant:] Free us O Lord from every evil: fruitful with new progeny while her virginity
past, present, and to come, and by the remains intact; May He complete you with the
intercessions for us of Thy blessed Apostles gift of hope and charity, and pour forth into you
Peter, Paul and Patrick, give us favorable peace
in our time, that helped by the strength of Thy the gift of His blessing. R. Amen.
mercy we may be always free of sin and secure And may He Who determined to illumine this
from all turmoil, through our Lord Jesus Christ most holy night by His Resurrection of our
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit Redeemer make your minds abundantly shimmer
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. brightly, cleansed of the darkness of sins.
R. Amen.
The Peace For they who are reborn in this fashion are certain
[The Celebrant turns to the people, and to imitate innocence. And may the vessels of your
makes the Sign of the Cross, saying:] minds be illumined with the light of the present
The + Peace and Charity of our Lord Jesus lesson. R. Amen.
Christ, and the Communion of all the Saints be
always with us. Thus may you be able to enter in with the wise
R. And with thy spirit. virgins, with lamps of good works, into the bridal
chamber of that Bridegroom Whose Resurrection
[Turning to the Altar, he continues:] you celebrate. R. Amen.
Thou didst command peace; Thou didst give May He Whose Dominion and Kingdom remain
peace; Thou didst leave peace: bestow, O Lord, without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Thy peace from heaven and make this day of ages. R. Amen.
peaceful, and establish all the remaining days of May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
our life in Thy peace, through Thee Who reignest and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
with Thine unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit ever with you. R. Amen.
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
Benedictio in Die Sancto Paschae
[Exchange of the Pax]
(On the Day of the Holy Resurrection,
[If there is a Deacon the Celebrant exchanges the the Dawn Liturgy)
Pax with him, bowing. The Deacon then
continues the Pax to the Congregation. The May Almighty God bless you through the daily
Celebrant and other clergy must not shake hands continuous Paschal Solemnity, and the Merciful
with any person at this time, as their hands are One be pleased to defend you from all depravity.
purified in order to handle the Holy Eucharist. R. Amen.
If serving alone, the Celebrant may bow to each And may He Who restored you to eternal life in
person, because each person is made in the image the Resurrection of His only begotten Son, make
of God, and they would return the bow.] you rejoice with the joys of immortality at His
Coming. R. Amen.

And may you who completed the days of the to Whom is the Power and the glory unto ages of
Fasts or the days of the Lord’s Passion by the ages. R. Amen.
joys of the Paschal Feast be present at that Feast May the Blessing of God the Father and the Son
which is not annual but continuous: Through Him
Who is quick to come to the assistance to the and the Holy Spirit descend upon you and remain
souls that rejoice. R. Amen. with you always. R. Amen.
May He Whose Dominion and Kingdom remain
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of [The Pax being completed, the Celebrant
ages. R. Amen. (or Bishop) turns again to the Altar,
takes the knife from the Subdeacon, cuts
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
a Particle from the bottom of the left
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
hand portion of the Host and rejoins the
ever with you. R. Amen. two halves of the Host on the Paten.
The Celebrant (or Bishop) gives the knife
In Pascha Ad Vesperum. Benedictio to the Deacon. The Deacon wipes it with
(2 Vespers of Pascha, or for Baptism) the Purificator and gives it to the
Subdeacon who returns it to the
O God Who art pleased by the breaking of the Credenza.
links of the chains of our captivity when the laws
of hell had been trampled down, [be likewise The Celebrant (or Bishop) drops the
pleased] to recall [us] to the reward of freedom. Particle into the Chalice.]
R. Amen. May the commixture of the Body and Blood of
So that any one who carries through with the our Lord Jesus Christ be for us live-giving unto
considerations of their transgression, by life eternal. R. Amen.
compelling example of Thy Passion, may be The Particle that is cut from the Bottom
recalled to life through [Baptism and of the half which is on the Priest’s left
Chrismation] working as an adornment [in the hand is the wounding with the Lance in
heart]. R. Amen. the Armpit of the right side; for Christ
was facing Westward as He hung upon
Please incline thy ears to the petitions of the the Cross: Facing the City, and
people so that they, to Thee, may ever intently lift Longinus faced Eastward, so what was
up the realization of their salvation unto Thee. left to Christ was right to him.
R. Amen. [A cloth used only during Holy
May they know Thee, may they correct Communion may be placed on the floor
themselves, may they pray to Thee, may they just behind the Celebrant, where the
Celebrant will turn.]
commend themselves, may they cherish Thee,
may they arm themselves, may they please Thee,
may they prepare themselves. R. Amen.
May they preserve inviolate what they received;
Turning to the people, holding a
so that when Thou reward them they might
Particle of the Host over the Paten, the
acquire what they need. R. Amen. Celebrant says:
May Thou be a defense around them without Behold the Lamb of God.
breach; may they be Thy possession without Behold, O Thou Who takest away the sins of the
invasion of the enemy. R. Amen. world. [St.John 1:29]
So that they who are reborn the font of salvation, [The Congregation may respond with the
may, hastening to the joy of blessed life, may not prayer of the Centurian at this point:]
repeat the excess of original sin. R. Amen. [Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldest
come under my roof, but speak the word
May He bless you from heaven who bought you only, and my soul shall be healed.
back through the Cross of His Passion on earth; (thrice)]

[The Celebrant turns to the altar and if serving Twelve Particles of the Host of the
alone, begins the verses on the next page. Then Circumcision and of Holy Thursday are in
the Celebrant continues to perform the memory of the complete number of the Apostles;
Confraction of 65 Particles, breaking the Host
and placing the Particles in correct formation Thirteen Particles of the Host of Low
upon the Paten; while the Celebrant, or another Sunday and the Feast of the Ascension, is an
Priest or Deacon say the verses, and choir or image of Christ with His twelve Apostles; it is not
congregation sing the Psalms as written between usual to distribute from all thirteen Particles.
the verses. Sing the Psalms very slowly today.
Holy Communion occurs after these verses are Added together, five, seven, eight, nine, eleven,
completed. twelve and thirteen come to sixty-five which is the
[If it is a very large congregation, the number of Particles of the Host of Easter,
doorwardens may help them line up to receive Christmas and Pentecost. For all of them are
Holy Communion, but in most cases they should comprised in Christ.
wait until after the Confraction is completed to 65 Particles for Easter, Christmas and
line up.] Pentecost.

[The sixty-five Particles used on this day include

every day and every Feast. The Stowe-Lorrha
Missal has of seven kinds of Confraction:]

Five Particles of the Daily Host as the

image of the five senses of the soul;

Seven Particles of the Host of Saints and

Virgins except the most important ones as the
image of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit;

Eight Particles of the Host of the Holy

Martyrs as an image of the octonary New The arrangement of the Confraction at Easter and
Testament; Christmas is: 14 Particles in the upright of the
[This has two meanings: Cross, 14 Particles in the crosspiece, twenty
1) The Eighth Day of Creation, the Particles in its circlet: five pieces to each quarter;
Resurrection of the Dead. 16 pieces to the Crosses: 4 to each one. One
2) The Eight Fold New Testament Particle, for the Celebrant of the Mass is in the
according to St. Athanasius: 4 Gospels; middle as the image of the Secrets kept in the
Acts and Epistles; Revelation; The heart. The upper part of the shaft of the Cross is
Apostles’ Creed; and Pastor of Hermas. for the Bishops, the left portion of the crosspiece
Since the time of this Missal, the last is for Priests; the right portion of the crosspiece is
twohave been deleted from the Bible.] to the grades lower than Priest; the lower portion
of the stem is to monastics and penitents; the
Nine Particles of the Host of a Sunday upper left quadrant is for young clerics; the
[and also of the Proper Ferias of Lent] is an upper right quadrant is to children; the lower left
image of the nine Households of Heaven and the is for those who are truly repentant; the lower
nine Grades of the Church; right is for those who are married and those who
have never before received Communion.
Eleven Particles of the Host of the The Celebrant or Deacon continuing
Apostles is an image of the incomplete number of The Prayers of the Confraction:
the Apostles due to the Sin of Judas; [These initial verses are said before
arranging the Particles, spoken aloud,
without any omissions.]

V. My peace I give to you - Alleluia - my Psalm 23
peace I leave you - Alleluia. [St. John 14:27] The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof: *
V. Abundant peace is for those who are attentive the world, and all they that dwell therein.
to Thy Law, O Lord- Alleluia [Psalm 118:165] For He hath founded it upon the seas;*
and there is no scandal in them – Alleluia. and hath prepared it upon the rivers.
V. For the King of Heaven with peace -Alleluia Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord?
- [Lk 19:38, Zach. 9:9-10] or who shall stand in His holy place?
Who is full of the promise of life - Alleluia - The innocent in hands, and clean of heart, who
[Jn 10:10, 11:25-26] hath not taken his soul in vain,*
Sing Ye a new song - Alleluia - nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbor.
[Psalms 95:1; 149:1; Isaiah 42:10] He shall receive a blessing from the Lord,*
All of ye holy ones come forth -Alleluia. and mercy from God his Savior.
[Jn 5:29, 11:43] This is the generation of them that seek Him,*
V. Come, eat my Bread - Alleluia - of them that seek the Face of the God of
and drink the wine which has been mixed for you
- Alleluia. [Jn 21:12] Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted
up, O eternal gates:*
and the King of Glory shall enter in.
[After the initial verses above, Psalms
are sung by Congregation, CHANTING Who is this King of Glory? *
SLOWLY, or add Hymns AB2 or AB3.] the Lord Who is strong and mighty:
Psalm 22 the Lord mighty in battle.
Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted
The Lord shepherds me I shall not want* up, O eternal gates:*
He hath made me dwell in a place of and the King of Glory shall enter in.
green pasture. Who is this King of Glory?*
He hath made me rest beside the still water.* the Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory.
He hath converted my soul.
He hath led me on the paths of justice,*
for His own Name’s sake.
V. This is the Bread of Life which cometh down
For though I should walk in the midst of the
shadow of death,* from Heaven - Alleluia -
I will fear no evils, for Thou art with me. whosoever eateth of It shall live unto eternity
Thy rod and Thy staff,* - Alleluia. [St. John 6:50, 54, 58.]
they have comforted me.
Thou hast prepared a table before me * Psalm 24
against them that afflict me. To Thee, O Lord,*
Thou hast anointed my head with oil;* have I lifted up my soul.
and my chalice which inebriateth me, In Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be
how goodly is it! ashamed.*
And Thy mercy will follow me* Neither let my enemies laugh at me:
all the days of my life. For none of them that wait on Thee shall be
And that I may dwell in the house of the Lord* confounded.*
unto length of days. Let all them be confounded that act
unjust things without cause.
Show, O Lord, Thy ways to me,*
V. Whosoever eateth my Body and drinketh my
and teach me Thy paths.
Blood - Alleluia - Direct me in Thy truth, and teach me; for Thou
Such a one abideth in me and I in him - Alleluia. art God my Savior;*
[St. John 6:56] and on Thee have I waited all the day long.

Remember, O Lord, Thy bowels of compassion;* Psalm 42
and Thy mercies that are from the Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from
beginning of the world. the nation that is not holy; *
The sins of my youth * Deliver me from the unjust and
and my ignorances do not remember. deceitful man.
According to Thy mercy remember Thou me:* For Thou art God, my strength:*
for Thy goodness’ sake, O Lord. why hast Thou cast me off? and why
The Lord is sweet and righteous:* do I go sorrowful, whilst the enemy
therefore He will give a law to sinners in afflicteth me?
the way. Send out Thy light and Thy truth: they have
He will guide the mild in judgment: * conducted me *
He will teach the meek His ways. and brought me unto Thy holy hill,
All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth,* and into Thy tabernacles.
to them that seek after His covenant And I will go in to the Altar of God: *
and His testimonies. to God Who giveth joy to my youth.
For Thy Name’s sake, O Lord,* To Thee, O God, my God,*
Thou wilt pardon my sin: for it is great. I will give praise upon the harp:
Who is the man that feareth the Lord?* Why art thou sad, O my soul?*
He hath appointed him a law in the and why dost thou disquiet me?
way he hath chosen. Hope in God, for I will still give praise to Him:*
His soul shall dwell in good things: * the salvation of my countenance, and my God.
and his seed shall inherit the land.
The Lord is a firmament to them that fear Him:* [STAND].
and His covenant shall be made [The following verses are always said
manifest to them. for the nine kinds of Communicants:]
My eyes are ever towards the Lord:*
for He shall pluck my feet out of the snare. V. Eat, O my friends - Alleluia -
Look Thou upon me, and have mercy on me;* and be intoxicated, O beloved - Alleluia.
for I am alone and poor. [Song of Songs 5:1]
The troubles of my heart are multiplied:*
deliver me from my necessities. V. This sacred Body and Blood of the Lord and
See my abjection and my labor; * Savior - Alleluia -
and forgive me all my sins. take you unto yourselves unto life eternal. -
Consider my enemies for they are multiplied,* Alleluia. [St. John 6:54]
and have hated me with an unjust hatred.
Keep Thou my soul, and deliver me:* V. Upon my lips will I practice the hymn -
I shall not be ashamed, for I have Alleluia -
hoped in Thee. which Thou didst teach me - Alleluia-
The innocent and the upright have adhered to and I shall respond in righteousness - Alleluia.
me:* [Psalm 118:171-172]
because I have waited on Thee.
Deliver Israel, O God, *
V. I shall bless the Lord at all times - Alleluia -
from all his tribulations.
His praise shall ever be in my mouth - Alleluia.
[Psalm 33:1]
V. The Lord gave the Bread of Heaven to them -
Alleluia -
an ate the Bread of the Angels – Alleluia. V. Taste and see - Alleluia - how sweet the Lord
[Psalm 77:24-25] is – Alleluia. [Psalm 33:8]

V. Wherever I go - Alleluia - Celebrant:
there He shall be and minister unto me – Alleluia.
[Psalm 138:6-10, Psalm 22:4, Mt 28:20] Come Forth and take possession of the
kingdom of My Father - Alleluia -
V. Suffer the little ones to come unto me - which hath been prepared for ye from the
beginning of the world - Alleluia -
Alleluia -
[St. Matthew 25:34]
and do not desire to forbid them - Alleluia -
of such is the kingdom of Heaven – Alleluia.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to
[St. Matthew 19:14] the Holy Spirit: Come forth!
As it was in the beginning is now and ever unto
V. Devote yourselves to penitence - Alleluia - ages of ages. Amen. Come forth!
for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand - Alleluia. [Jn 5:29, 11:43]
[St. Matthew 3:2] (“Moel Caich wrote this.” [note in the
Lorrha Missal])
V. The kingdom of Heaven tolerates sieges -
and the forceful take it - Alleluia. The Celebrant turns back to the Altar,
[St. Matthew 11:12, Latin and Greek text.] and Communicates himself, saying,
May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus
[Blessed Bread: After the Confraction is Christ be to me unto life eternal. Amen.
completed, other loaves of bread, already broken
or cut into pieces on a tray and kept on the [A large Communion Cloth (at least
Credenza, are brought by the Subdeacon to the three feet long) is either held by two
Deacon or Celebrant, who blesses and passes servers or set upon the floor where
them over the Paten. This bread will be taken by Communion is to be given. (It may be set
the Communicants immediately after they have on the floor at the beginning of the
received Holy Communion, to be certain all of the Confraction.) This cloth is not to be
Communion is swallowed. Wine may also be stepped upon by the Celebrant or
blessed and used in the same way. This blessed congregation.]
but unconsecrated bread and wine must never be
set on the Altar.]
[Those who have not been Baptized and
Confirmed need these Sacraments before
Moving the Particle participation in Holy Communion.
Still facing the Altar, the Celebrant moves the Adults and older children who intend to
Particle immediately above the center Particle join the Church must also have
slightly to the right (his left) and downward. Catechism (instruction).]

The upper Particle is moved down to the left side

as reminder us that “Bowing His head, He gave
up the ghost”. [The Confraction is completed.]

Confraction is Completed. Those who are Baptized and Confirmed,

The Celebrant then turns to the people, and shows including infants, and prepared to
the people the completed Confraction, holding receive Holy Communion, now line up
the Paten lowered and at a slight angle, saying: at the Communion Cloth in the
following order, and will be
[BOW, then look up.] Communicated in the same order from
[ALL PRESENT LOOK AT THE the sixty-five Particles:

Celebrant The Center Particle is for the [Infants may be communicated with a
Celebrant. spoon from the Chalice, but all others
Bishops The upper part of the shaft of receive from the Bread and Wine on the
the Cross is for the Bishops. Paten, which the Celebrant administers
Priests The left portion of the Cross- with the first two fingers of his right
piece is for Priests. hand on their tongue (not touching the
lower Holy Orders The right portion of tongue with his fingers). No person
the Cross-piece is for those in lower Holy receives the Holy Communion in their
Orders. hands, including clergy other than the
Monastics The lower portion of the shaft Celebrant. Only the Celebrant or
of the Cross is for Monastics and another Bishop, Priest or Deacon may
penitents. administer the Holy Communion from
one Paten, using Holy Communion
clerics The upper left quarter is to consecrated at this Mass.]
young clerics.
babes in arms with their godparents
or parents The upper [The Celebrant administers the Body
right quarter is to children. and Blood from the Paten, saying:]
unmarried adults The lower left to [From the Sacrament of Baptism:
unmarried adults. (those who are truly May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus
repentant) Christ be to thee unto life eternal.
married persons The lower right quarter R. Amen.]
is to married persons and new [Or, from the Sacrament of Unction:
Communicants. May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Son of the living and most high God,
The Distribution for Confraction be to thee unto life eternal.
R. Amen.]
Bishops. [A server holds the tray of blessed bread
for those who have just received Holy
Clerics Children Communion, or a movable table may
hold the blessed bread and blessed
Priests Celebrant Lower Holy
This is what God has declared worthy,
Orders that the mind be upon the Symbols of the
Mass, and that this be your mind: that
Unmarried adults Married adults portion of the Host which you receive is
New Communicants a portion of Christ from His Cross, and
that there may be a Cross in the labor of
Monastics each in his own life since it is that Cross
Penitents which unites each one of us to the
Crucified Body of Christ. It is not proper
to swallow the Particle without having
tasted it, just as it is improper to not
bring savor into God’s Mysteries. It is
improper for it to be chewed by the back
The Celebrant turns and goes to the teeth for such an act symbolizes
Communion Cloth, holding the Paten. rumination over God’s Mysteries, for it
[If Holy Communion is to be reserved for is by such rumination that heresy is
a sick call, an upper Particle is reserved. increased. It is ended. Amen. Thanks be
The Confraction usually produces fewer to God. [End of the Lorrha Missal
Particles than there are people; the commentary, as found in Gaelic and
Particles are subdivided further during Latin.]
the administration of Communion.] [Go to Communion Hymns, next to Praises.]

(After Communion for All:) Ablutions Communion Hymns:
[The Deacon or another Priest may perform the Sancti Venite Communion Hymn from
Ablutions, if their hands have been purified at the Bangor Antiphonary
the beginning of the Mass. (The directions given
are for a Celebrant serving alone.) After all have [The Sancti Venite begins during the
been Communicated who intended to receive, Celebrant's Communion, from the
Ablutions are performed. The Celebrant Antiphonary of Bangor. See the musical
consumes all of the remaining Body and Blood. setting at the Ordinary of the Mass.]
The Chalice is set on the Altar to the Epistle side Ye Holy Ones come forth:
of the Corporal. The Knife and spoon are Eat ye the Body of Christ,
washed with water then wine over the Chalice Drink ye the Holy Blood,
and dried with the Purificator. If the Paten has no Ye who are redeemed.
raised edge caution must be now observed. The
Celebrant holds the Paten over the Chalice and For the Body and Blood
pours wine over the Paten into the Chalice. He of Christ the Savior
then dislodges any adhering Particles of the
From which we are fed,
Sanctissimus with his forefinger or thumb, and
then pours the wine from the Paten into the let us give praises to God.
Chalice. This action may be repeated if
necessary, turning the Paten so that no Particles By the Sacrament of the Body and Blood,
remain. Then he pours water onto the Paten All are drawn out of the jaws of Hell.
turning it so that its entire surface is washed, and The bestower of Salvation,
pours the water from the Paten into the Chalice.
The Paten is then dried with the purificator.] Christ, the Son of God,
[The Celebrant then drinks the wine and water. Has saved the world
He then holds the Chalice with both hands so that through the Cross and Blood.
the fingers which came into contact with the Body
and the Blood are over the top. Wine and then
water is poured over the fingers of the Celebrant For the Universe,
into the Chalice by the servers to make certain the Lord was sacrificed,
that no Particles or Blood of Christ that He Himself, ariseth:
had been on his fingers remain. Any other the Priest and Victim.
clergy who have touched the Holy Eucharist
such as a Bishop if he dropped the Particle into Under the Law of the Precepts
the Chalice after the Peace, or Celebrant if were victims sacrificed
Deacon is performing the Ablutions, also have Which foreshadowed
wine and water poured over their fingers into the
Chalice. The Celebrant drinks the water and the Divine Mystery.
wine. Wine is poured into the Chalice. The wine
in the Chalice is then drunk by the Celebrant The bestower of Light and Savior of all,
who turns the Chalice, making certain that no Has poured forth excellent Grace
Particles or Blood of the Lord remain.] upon the Saints.
[(Additional washings may use water alone.)]
[ The inside of the Chalice is dried with the All those approach who believe
Purificator. The Purificator is put on top of the with pure mind;
Chalice and both are covered with the Pall. The They consume the eternal
Paten and the Chalice are returned to the Custodian of Salvation.
Credenza by the Subdeacon and covered with the
veil. The Corporal is now carefully folded by the
Deacon (or the Celebrant serving alone) and The Guardian of the Saints,
returned to the Credenza. The Communion both guide and Lord,
Cloth is folded flag style and returned to the Doth pour Life Eternal
Credenza by the servers.] upon those who believe.

-c`vv cucvv v vcjvv v cjvv vc]v clvvckcvvcvjcchcvc]cv v tvxycvv ]v cUcc]
Heavenly Bread He giveth to the hungry,
From the Living Font
supplies those who thirst.
Christ-us sur - rex - it ex mor - tu - is:
Alpha and Omega
Himself, Christ the Lord, -c`cvv vkcvvjcvvycc]cv cicvvjcvvhv v c]cv tccvctcvv vc]v chvvcjvckvclvc]
came and will come
Mor-tem mor - te con - cul-
to judge men.
[The choir may chant the Orthodox
Hymn, “Christ is Risen.” This may be -c`vv v j.vcHcvjcvkv vc]v vcocvvcvkvcjvvc]cv hvcjcvkccvv lcvv]
sung in a few languages and melodies:] ans, et il - lis in

Byzantine Paschal Season -c`vvuvcHcJcHcGcvc]cvtcchvcjc]cv ucchvcjvc]cvkcvjcvhcvgc]cycuv}

Hymn: (English, Greek, Latin, Arabic, se–pul - chris vi - tam do - - nans.

-c`vv vcu.vv v jv vc]cv clckvv ccjchcvc]cv v v txcvycvv c]cv vUccc] -vvcscvcscc]cvcycvvcycc]cvycvc%gvchcv]cv7JcLc7jcvv vhcëgc]cv$rc
Christ is ris - en from the dead,
Al Ma - sih qam min bai nil am – wat,
-c`cvv kcvvjcvv v vyv vcc]cccicjchvv v v vc]ctcccctcvc]cv vhvcjvckvclvc] -cc7jcc7jvv c]cvcycvvc^gvchcv]cv 7JvcLvc7jcvv v chcëgcvc]cv $rcvvc]
tramp - ling down death by death,
wa wa ti al maot bil maot,
-c`vv vj.cHccjckvvc]v cockcjvvc]cv hvcjvckvclvc]cv ucvvcHcJcHcGcc] -cvv v chcvv v chcvv c]cv hcv7jccvv c*kvclvv vc]cv *kc7jccvv v ccycc]
and on those in the
wa wa ha bal ha - yat
-c`vv v v v tccvv v v cccchcjvv c]cv kvcjvchcvv v vccgcvc]cv vcycvcuvvc} -cvc7jvchvcgcvcscc]v cgvvchcccycvc]ccv7jvchcvgcccscc]cctcyc}
tombs be – stow - ing life.
lil la dhi na fil - qu – bur.

-c`vv v vjcvv v v vcuvv vcjvvc]cvclcvkccvvjcvhcvvc]cv vtv v cycvc]cv v Ucc] -ccvvcjcvvc]cv ci.cvcjvv v]cvcicccicvvc]cv v vcicvv ccicvc]cv vcUcc]
Christ-os a - nes - te ek ne - kron, Christ- os vos- kres-yeh ees mert - vih,

-c`cvv kcvvcjcvvcycvv c]v civcvcjchvvcv]cv vtcvvctcvc]cv hvcjvckvclvc] -ccvv v v vcuccvv v ccjvvccjvv c]cv vcicvv v vccccuvv v c]cv ci.c
than-a-tos, than- a - ton pa - ti - smert - ii - u smert po - prav

-c`vv v vj.vcHcvvcjcvvkv vc]v v cocvv v vcv kcjvc]cv vhv cjcvv vkv clvc] -cvvcchcvc]vccuvv v v v ccccjccvv cccjcvv v c]cv ckcvv vcckcvv v cjcc
sas, kai tis en tis e sush - chim vo gro – bi - yeh

-c`vvuccHcJcHcGcc]ctvvchcjc]cv uvchccjvc]cv kcjchcvvgc]cvycuc} -cvv v v vccjcvc]cv vyccvv v ccjcvvcccjcvc]cv v ci.x}

mni-ma - si zo - in, ka-ri - sa - men-os. zhi - vot dha - ro – vav.

If there is a very large congregation, the Christ ist auferstanden!
Hymn of the Apostles, (42 verses), from Der ist wirklicht auferstanden! [German.]
the Breviary (Antiphonary of Bangor Christos voskresia!
Hymn AB 3) may be sung; this is the Voistinu voskresia! [Slavonic.]
original 40-fold Kyrie. Al Masih qam! Haq am qam! [Arabic.]
Or, Hymn 2 from the Antiphonary of Christ is Risen!
Bangor by St. Hilary of Poitiers, “The
congregation of the Brethren sing the R. He is Truly Risen! [English.]
hymn...;” which mentions Baptism.
If more Hymns are needed, Unitas; the POSTCOMMUNION PRAYERS
Beatitudes (St. Matthew 5:3-12a), the We beseech Thee, O Lord, enrich the holy
Similitudes (St. Matthew 5:13-16), Hymn libation of this Paschal Sacrament in us, and may
to St. Michael from the Antiphonary of it transfer us from earthly affections, to heavenly
Bangor; the Deer's Cry which is for the custom. R. Amen.
Resurrection, the Magnificat (St. Luke
1:46-55), Te Deum if it wasn't done We beg Thee, O Lord, may the grace of this
earlier, etc. Paschal Sacrament, enliven our minds, and by Its
gifts, may It make us worthy. R. Amen.
Post Communion Salutations: Refreshed with spiritual nourishment and
renewed with the food of heaven: by the Body
[In as many languages as you know. and Blood of the Lord; let us return proper praise
Celebrant says the first phrase and at and thanks to our God and Lord Jesus Christ, as
least a few people can say the response we pray for His inexhaustible mercy, so that we
(including Gaelic, which literally means, may have the divine gifts of the Sacraments unto
“Christ is Risen from the dead.”:]. the increase of Faith and perfection of eternal
Iar túaslucud anman, asréracht Íssu a brú Salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
thalman. [Old Irish] reigneth with His unoriginate Father and the Holy
[Having loosed souls, Jesus has Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
arisen from the womb of the earth.] [Another, for Baptism:]
Tá Críost éirithe! Let us pray, dear brethren, for our
Go deimhin, tá sé éirithe! [IrishGaelic] brother (sister) -N- who has won the
Tha Crìosd air èiridh!! Grace of the Lord, that he (she) may
Gu dearbh, tha e air èiridh [Scots' Gaelic] bear the Baptism which he (she) has
Atgyfododd Crist! received, spotless and in its entirety
Yn wir atgyfododd! [Cymru (Welsh)] before the tribunal of our Lord Jesus
Christ, Who reigneth with His
Dassoret eo Krist! unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit,
E wirionez dassoret eo! [Breton] unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
Taw Creest Ereen!
The Thanksgiving is always said:
Taw Shay Ereen Guhdyne! [Manx]
Asréracht Críst! We give Thee thanks, O Lord, Holy Father,
Almighty and eternal God, Who has satisfied us
Asréracht Hé-som co dearb! [Old Irish]
by the Communion of the Body and Blood of
Christ is Risen! Christ Thy Son, and we humbly apply for Thy
He is Truly Risen! [English.] mercy: that this Thy Sacrament, O Lord, may not
Christus surrexit! Vere surrexit! [Latin.] be unto our condemnation unto punishment: but
Christós aneste! Alithós aneste! [Greek.] may it be unto intercession of Salvation unto
Christ est Ressuscité! forgiveness; may it be unto the washing away of
En Vérité, Il est Ressuscité! [French] wickedness; may it be unto strengthening of the
Cristo ha resucitado. weak; a mainstay against the dangers of the
En verdad ha resucitado. [Spanish] world; may this Communion purge us of all
Christo Ressuscitou! guilt; and may it bestow the Heavenly joy of
being partners, through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Em Verdade Ressuscitou! [Portugese]

Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit The Final Benediction
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. [THE CONGREGATION BOWS:]
[Then:] [The Celebrant extends both hands,
O God, we give Thee thanks, O Thou through palms outwards, fingers forming the Sign
Whom we have celebrated this Holy Mystery: ICXC (according to both older Roman
and we beg of Thee a gift of Thy Sanctification, and Byzantine usage), over the heads of
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Congregation:]
Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. May the Lord bless you and protect you. May
R. Amen. the Lord reveal His face unto you and have
mercy. May the Lord turn His Face to you and
The Mass has been given in Peace. Alleluia. give you peace. R. Amen.
Then signing the Congregation with his
R. Thanks be unto God. Alleluia.
right hand, says:
You are marked with the Sign + of the Cross of
[Then, all remain for the usual ending, Christ. Peace be with you unto life eternal.
with Benediction and Final Gospel.] R. Amen.
The Closing Prayers
The Final Gospel
[The Final Gospel of St. John (1:1-14, or
[The following prayers are included 1-18) is read by a Deacon from the
because these prayers, including the Gospel Book, before the Celebrant
Final Benediction, are assumed. They unvests, before anybody leaves.]
are written out in the office of the
Sacrament of Unction. These are called [ALL STAND]
the “Consummatio Missae” in the Deacon or Celebrant:
Gothic Missal:] The Gospel of St. John begins:
For He hath satisfied the empty soul and hath [R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.]
filled the hungry soul with good things - Alleluia, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
Alleluia. [Ps 104:9] with God, and the Word was God. The same was
Visit us, O God, in Thy Salvation - Alleluia. in the beginning with God. All things were made
[Ps 105:4] by Him: and without Him was not any thing
The Lord is my strength and my praise, and He is made that was made: in Him was life, and the life
become my Salvation - Alleluia. [Ps 117:14] was the light of men: and the light shineth in
I will take the Chalice of Salvation, and I will darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.
call upon the Name of the Lord - Alleluia. There was a man sent from God, whose name
[Ps 115:13] was John. The same came for a witness, to bear
witness of the light, that all men through him
Refreshed by the Body and Blood of Christ, might believe. He was not that light, he was sent
may we ever say unto Thee, O Lord - Alleluia. to bear witness of that light. That was the true
O Praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise him all Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into
ye people. For His mercy is confirmed upon us the world. He was in the world, and the world
and the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever. was made by Him, and the world knew Him not.
[Ps 116] He came unto His own, and His own received
Offer up the Sacrifice of justice and trust in the Him not. But as many as received Him, to them
Lord. [Ps 4:6] gave He power to become the sons of God, even
O God, we give Thee thanks, O Thou through to them that believe on His Name: which were
Whom we have celebrated the Holy Mysteries, born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor
and we claim the gift of Holiness from Thee Who of the will of man, but of God. [all bow] And
reignth unto ages of ages. the Word was made flesh, [all stand] and dwelt
R. Amen. among us: and we beheld His glory, the glory as
[Then, continue with the Final of the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace
Benediction:] and truth. John beareth witness of him and crieth
out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He

that shall come after me is preferred before me; Enjoy ye all the feast of faith; Receive ye all the
because he was before me. And of his fullness riches of loving-kindness. Let no one bewail his
we all have received; and grace for grace. For the poverty, for the universal kingdom hath been
law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by revealed. Let no one weep for his iniquities, for
Jesus Christ. No man hath seen God at any time; pardon hath shone forth from the grave. Let no
the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the one fear death, for the Savior's death hath set us
Father, he hath declared him. free. He that was held prisoner of it, hath
R. Pray for us and lift up the Gospel to us. annihilated it. By descending into Hell, he made
Thanks be to God. Hell captive. [Eph 4:8] He angered it when it
[Afterwards the Celebrant unvests in the tasted of his flesh. And Isaiah, foretelling this,
midst of the Church, unless there is a did cry: Hell, said he, was angered, when it
special procession at the blessing of the encountered thee in the lower regions. [Is
foods, in which case he may wear a 53:7-12?] It was angered, for it was abolished. It
cope. He does not carry the Chalice out. was angered, for it was mocked. It was angered,
The clergy may lead the Congregation in for it was slain. It was angered, for it was
other Thanksgiving Prayers as the foods overthrown. It was angered, for it was fettered in
are blessed.] chains. It took a body, and met God face to face.
It took earth, and encountered Heaven. It took
+ + + that which was seen, and fell upon the unseen. O
[Optional: The Sermon of St. John Chyrsostom; Death, where is thy sting? O Hell, where is thy
translation Isabel Florence Hapgood, victory? [I Cor 15:55] Christ is risen, and thou art
1906, 1922.] overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are
If any man be devout and loveth God, let fallen. Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice.
him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphant feast. Christ is risen, and life reigneth. Christ is risen,
If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing and not one dead remaineth in the grave. For
enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the
long in fasting, let him now receive his first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep. [I Cor
recompense. If any have wrought from the first 15:20] To Him be glory and dominion unto ages
hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any of ages. Amen.
have come at the third hour, let him with [After the Mass is ended:
thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived Distribute Holy Water, red-colored eggs
at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; (for the Resurrection, in the tradition of
because he shall in nowise be deprived therefore. St. Mary Magdalene), and bless Easter
If any have delayed until the ninth hour, let him baskets brought by the Congregation,
draw near, fearing nothing. If any have tarried sprinkling all foods with holy Paschal
even until the eleventh hour let him, also, be not water. These foods break the Lenten
alarmed at his tardiness; for the Lord, who is Fast. The food is then taken to the
jealous of his honor, will accept the last even as Church hall or dining area. Everybody
the first; he giveth rest unto him who cometh at brings something to be blessed and
the eleventh hour, even as unto him who hath shared: sweet egg and butter or oil
wrought from the first hour. [Mt 20:1-16] And breads, butter or rich candy in the shape
he showeth mercy upon the last, and careth for of a lamb and eggs, cheese, olives,
the first; and to the one he giveth, and upon the wines and spirits, meats including lamb
other he bestoweth gifts. And he both accepteth if possible, etc. This feast is not a long
the deeds, and welcometh the intention, and or heavy feast, due to the lateness of the
honoreth the acts and praiseth the offering. hour.
Wherefore, enter ye all into the joy of your Lord; [Easter and Christmas are the only exceptions
and receive ye your reward, both the first, and during the year to the fasting and receiving
likewise the second. Ye rich and poor together, Holy Communion Rules. Fasting occurs before
hold ye high festival. Ye sober and ye heedless, the Vigil Mass, but not after the Vigil or between
honor ye the day. Rejoice today, both ye who Masses. The Congregation may attend both
have fasted and ye who have disregarded the fast. Masses. Clergy or others who intend to Binate
The table is full-laden; feast ye all sumptuously. should eat a modest amount at the feast. Holy
The calf is fatted; let no one go hungry away.

Communion is allowed to all the Faithful at both
Masses, but the dawn Mass is not required, being
Sunday Dawn Mass of
primarily for those who could not attend the Vigil Pascha ( of Easter)
Mass due to medical occupations or illness.
This week: The Vigil of the Resurrection is the
[Although the Church requires most important Mass of the year. The Dawn
attendance at the Vigil Mass with the exception Mass today is for clergy, the infirm, and those in
only of extreme illness, medical profession, or medical professions. Each day this week has its
Bishop’s permission, attendance at both Masses own Propers and Lections. In place of the Old
is optional for all who are not clergy. The dawn Testament, selections are read from the Book of
Mass includes the Confession of Faith for those the Apocalypse, also called the Book of
in Holy Orders. There are Masses and prayers Revelation of St. John the Divine. All week the
for every day in the Octave of the Resurrection, Gradual and Alleluia are Psalms 65 and 150. The
and throughout Paschaltide. Attention should be Resurrection Gospels are different at each Mass;
paid to these.] they should be read from the Gospel Book. The
+ + + Vigil of the Resurrection included today's Matins.
[Note: The Epistle for the Vigil Mass seems to The Priests' Confession at the Dawn of
suggest that unleavened bread was used. the Resurrection is from folio 171a through 172a
However, St. Paul is not referring to the bread of the Gothic Missal. It is opaque, similar in style
used at the Mass, which has always been to the great St. Hilary of Poitiers, and is very
leavened, but to our attitude on this day. Just as difficult to translate. The “Gothic Missal” is not
at the Crucifixion we never forget that Christ is actually Gothic, but was named by a scholar who
Resurrected from the dead, on the day of the was not able to classify it; it is from the same era
Resurrection, we do not forget His death. The as the Bobbio Missal, and is probably from Gaul,
Most Dangerous Prayer shows us that Christ i.e., France. Its Propers fit the Lorrha-Stowe
gives Himself to the Faithful through His one Missal, and are Orthodox in outlook.
Sacrifice on the Cross, including on Pascha. The Why, then, is there a Penitential prayer
meaning of the Mass does not change at Pascha, on the day of Holy Pascha, other than for the
even though it is the Feast of the Resurrection. convenience of clergy who were unable to visit a
Red is the traditional color of this day, which is far-away Parish to have their own Confession
suggested by the Introductory Collect and the heard? Although the modern attitude towards
Collect before the Epistle: Christ was covered in Pascha is that we already have been redeemed,
His own Blood at His Crucifixion, and it is and penance rewarded, this is also a time to
through this Sacrifice of His Passion that we are reflect on redemption, and a new start. Clergy
drawn into Heaven at His Resurrection. On Holy may be inebriated with the Holy Spirit, but they
and Great Friday, this is specifically described. are responsible at Pascha and all times to pray
Our Sacrifice to Him today and on every day is and lead others to pray, and lead others to truth,
unbloody, because God gives Himself to us once to humility and away from pride. Most
for all time. Our glory, as St. Paul says, is not a Christians do few penitential prayers on Pascha;
victory of pride or nationalism, but God’s victory it is optional, but should be considered. See the
over sin; and in this we cannot glorify ourselves, note on this page about the Epistle at the Vigil.
but only God can take the credit. The angels may
now rejoice in heaven, and we rejoice with them, Throughout Paschaltide, the Paschal
but we do not rejoice in personal pride. Our Candle is lit from the Vigil Lamp, which was lit
justice must be mercy, or we will receive at the Vigil of the Resurrection.
condemnation for our sins which are forgiven
only by God. God enlightens us this day so that Apologia Sacerdotes
we may see His glory, not another’s faults. This Priests' Confession
is not the day for quarrels, but for peace. This is Before the gaze of Thy Majesty, and before the
not the day for the show of riches, but for charity. eyes of Thine ineffability, O wondrous Majesty, if
Today we are saved, and the whole world
it is permitted, before Thy holy Face, O great
TRULY RISEN.] God, and Almighty Father of the greatest Faith
and Power: I draw near, not without due

reverence, but yet without regard to the dignity of streams of tears, faithful Mary mourned the Lord
my rank. Thus, I, a sinner, vile in actions, and of because she could not find Him in the tomb.
guilty conscience, stand forth to confess my sins, Likewise, in the morning of the Resurrection of
and beg for that of which I am not worthy. But, the Lord, she found the tomb open and empty,
sweet [Lord], let this not be said without God's and also a guard of angels sitting upon the stone
that had been rolled away, singing a new Sunday
peace: sin is the accuser of a wise man, who is Resurrection Hymn. This was sung by a legion
supposed to be an advocate for the sins of others. of angels before the sepulchre, and it was told to
So therefore, I accuse myself to Thee, and I do her by the angels that He had risen from the dead.
not excuse myself. And, in the presence of Hearing that this was accomplished, she
witnesses, I confess my injustice to Thee, O Lord who sought the body of the Risen Lord saw and
my God. I confess my unkindness, I confess understood. Then she shouted forth rejoicing,
before witnesses the injustice of my lack of faith, “Thou art my Lord, who hung upon the wood,
so that Thou mayest remove the infidelity of my and was thrust into the tomb for the entire world.
sin. With regard to that, I confess, that your Do not be angry with me that I could not discern
the Son of God in the gardener. Tearfully I
remitting my punishments depends on my being
mourned for Thee before the sepulchre, and there
honest. Thou hast me admitting guilt, lest I fail I see the napkin which covered Thy Face. Thou
to realize that I do not make amends by words wast buried, not for Thy deeds, but because of
alone, that is to say, if I only placate by words, I our sins.” Then Mary wiped away the mourning
will offend by such actions. I am fully aware of expression from her eyes, and she left behind the
my guilt, but I delay my effort to make amends. cloth that was in the sepulchre so that she might
Help, therefore, come, help, O unutterable give testimony of the Resurrection.
Fidelity, forgive, forgive me, O wondrous Trinity. Collect Before the Epistle
Spare, spare, spare, I beg Thee, O Divinity of God, Who through Thy only-begotten Son
forgiveness. Hear, hear, hear, me: I pray with conquered death and opened the way unto
these the words of Thy Son, saying: [Lk eternity for us: we beg Thee grant that we may
15:18:-19 -the prodigal son.] 'Father, eternal rejoice on the annual Sunday feast of the
God, I have sinned against heaven, and before Resurrection: let it be beneficial so that we who
offered it throughout our temporary time here
Thee, I am not worthy to be called Thy son: make may be worthy to pass into eternal joy.
me as one of Thy hired servants.' And now
Epistle Acts 1:1-8 (Jesus appears in the forty
merciful Father, I ask Thee, be merciful, through
Christ, the only Door of Thy mercy, that because days after His Passion and Resurrection,
He knows of me, my shortcomings, through Him, and answers questions, such as, “Lord,
Thou mayest be pleased to bestow wilt thou at this time restore again the
acceptability ... through the same Christ our Lord kingdom to Israel? But he said to them:
Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit It is not for you to know the times or
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. moments, which the Father hath put in
his own power; But you shall receive
the power of the Holy Ghost coming
Old Testament: Apoc 1:1-18 (Instead of the
upon you, and you shall be witnesses
Old Testament reading. St. John receives unto me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Alpha
and Omega, to seven churches.) and Samaria, and even to the uttermost
part of the earth.”)
Introductory Collect
Gradual: Psalm 65 (Heb. 66) Jubilate Deo.
Let us exhort God, our Lord Jesus
Christ, dear brothers, Who rose on the third day Shout with joy to God
from the dead, and raised the corpses of many of Alleluia: 150 (Heb. 150) Laudate Dominum
the Saints from the tomb: Who, when Mary Praise ye the Lord in his holy places)
sought Him tearfully at the tomb, was said by the Gospel Luke 24:1-12 (St. Mary Magdalene,
angels to have arisen from the dead. Shedding
Joanna, Mary of James, find the tomb

empty; two angels tell them He is risen. and art proclaimed: Who art our Passover
St. Peter goes to the tomb, finds linen sacrifice O Christ: Thou through whom the power
cloths. Jesus shows many proofs in the of the underworld collapsed and the chains of the
forty days after the Resurrection.) devil have been loosened. The old handwriting of
And on the first day of the week, very early in the sins has been blotted out. The sting of death has
morning, they came to the sepulcher, bringing the been crushed. He has Risen triumphing, and also
spices which they had prepared. And they found leading us out of slavery to the yoke of the
the stone rolled back from the sepulcher. And Egyptian mastery through the spiritual waters
going in, they found not the body of the Lord into glory and freedom. He has restored us
Jesus. And it came to pass, as they were through the gift of his mercy: Jesus Christ our
astonished in their mind at this, behold, two men Lord, through whom ...
stood by them, in shining apparel. And as they [Another Contestatio]
were afraid, and bowed down their countenance It is truly worthy and just O Almighty God
towards the ground, they said unto them: Why through Christ our Lord by whose spilt blood,
seek you the living with the dead? He is not here, peace established peace in heaven and earth. O
but is risen. Remember how he spoke unto you, truly precious gathering of peace which was
when he was yet in Galilee. Saying: The Son of made by the offering of the Holy blood: not by
man must be delivered into the hands of sinful gold or silver nor by gems or pearls, but by the
men, and be crucified, and the third day rise Blood which poured from the side of the Savior.
again. And they remembered his words. And The Blood was spilled and the Heavens rejoiced,
going back from the sepulcher, they told all these the Earth was cleansed, hell was confounded.
things to the eleven, and to all the rest. And it The Angels beheld and rejoiced. Men beheld and
was Mary Magdalen, and Joanna, and Mary of they rejoiced at the Great Light, through Whom..
James, and the other women that were with them, Proper Communicantes
who told these things to the apostles. And these
words seemed to them as idle tales; and they did and celebrating the most sacred day of the
not believe them. But Peter rising up, ran to the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,
sepulcher, and stooping down, he saw the linen Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
cloths laid by themselves; and went away Dangerous Prayer”)
wondering in himself at that which was come to At Thy command the universes were made in
pass. Heaven and Earth, in Sea and in all the abysses:
Post Nomina Unto Thee, Patriarches, Prophets, Apostles,
Almighty eternal God Who rising from the dead, Martyrs, Confessors, and all of the Saints give
overthrew suffering and restored a greater power thanks, and we implore Thee that thou gladly
to Thy disciples, be benign and grant that each of hear us, making this spiritual offering, and the
us who has offered the Paschal Sacrifice in good first fruits of sincerity. We pray Thee to bless this
works may acquire Faith by Thy Grace. Through Sacrifice and pour down the dew of Thy Holy
our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, who ... Spirit, and it may be to all a legitimate Eucharist
Ad Pacem, Always said aloud. through Christ our Lord,
Almighty God Who art the author of our life and Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Salvation,hear the appeal of the voice of those Bishop only if present
whom Thou hast redeemed by the shedding of Benedictio in Die Sancto Paschae
Thy Blood: Grant that through Thee, make us to (Blessing on the Day of Pascha)
live and rejoice in eternal confidence [of Thy May Almighty God bless you through the daily
Mercy]. This we ask through our Lord Jesus continuous Paschal Solemnity, and the Merciful
Christ Who reignest with the Father and the Holy One be pleased to defend you from all depravity.
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
And may He Who restored you to eternal life in
It is truly worthy and just O all-powerful God for the Resurrection of His only begotten Son, make
Thee to be praised at all times, but especially on you rejoice with the joys of immortality at His
this particular day on which Thy Resurrection is
celebrated. Thou art blessed by all the festivity Coming. Amen.

And may you who completed the days of the May the Blessing of God the Father and the Son
Fasts or the days of the Lord’s Passion by the and the Holy Spirit descend upon you and remain
joys of the Paschal Feast be present at that Feast with you always. Amen.
which is not annual but continuous: Through Him Post Communion
Who is quick to come to the assistance to the [Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
souls that rejoice. Amen. in many languages, and the Paschal
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.]
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages POSTCOMMUNION PRAYERS
of ages. Amen. We beseech Thee, O Lord, enrich the holy
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son libation of this Paschal Sacrament in us, and may
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be it transfer us from earthly affections, to heavenly
ever with you. Amen. custom. R. Amen.
In Pascha Ad Vesperum. Benedictio We beg Thee, O Lord, may the grace of this
(Vespers of Pascha the evening after the day of Paschal Sacrament, enliven our minds, and by Its
Pascha; Agape, or more Paschal Blessing) gifts, may It make us worthy. R. Amen.
O God Who art pleased by the breaking of the
links of the chains of our captivity when the laws Monday of Pascha, (of Easter)
of hell had been trampled down, [be likewise
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the
pleased] to recall [us] to the reward of freedom. Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
Amen. Apocalypse and Gospel for this Mass
So that any one who carries through with the instead of the Matins Resurrection
considerations of their transgression, by Gospel. The verses before the Second
compelling example of Thy Passion, may be Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
recalled to life through [Baptism and Three Youths are from Week III.
Chrismation] working as an adornment [in the The Divine Liturgy:
heart]. Amen. [The Paschal Candle is lit.]
Please incline thy ears to the petitions of the Old Testament: Apoc.1:14-2:7 (instead of
people so that they, to Thee, may ever intently lift the Old Testament.) (Jesus announces
up the realization of their salvation unto Thee. that He is the First and the Last, and tells
Amen. St. John to write. To the church of
May they know Thee, may they correct Ephesus: they have kept truth but first
themselves, may they pray to Thee, may they left charity; do penance; overcome pride.
commend themselves, may they cherish Thee, The church of Ephesus also hates the
may they arm themselves, may they please Thee, deeds of Nicolaites, a “free-love” cult,
may they prepare themselves. Amen. and Christ also hates those deeds.)
May they preserve inviolate what they received; Introductory Collect
so that when Thou reward them they might O God Who for our sake sent Thine only
acquire what they need. Amen. begotten Son from Heaven, that He might bear
May Thou be a defense around them without intolerance, and be willing to hang Crucified, so
that He would free us from eternal tortures, and
breach; may they be Thy possession without was buried that we might come to believe that our
invasion of the enemy. Amen. sins were buried in His tomb; He broke through
So that they who are reborn the font of salvation, the greedy jaws of hell. May He command us His
may, hastening to the joy of blessed life, may not servants to participate in this first resurrection.
repeat the excess of original sin. Amen. Collect Before the Epistle
May He bless you from heaven who bought you O God who conferred the Paschal remedy upon
back through the Cross of His Passion on earth; us: pursue Thy people with Thy Heavenly gift so
to Whom is the Power and the glory unto ages of that they may rejoice perpetually just as they
ages. Amen. exult now.

Epistle Acts 2:14-40 (St. Peter preaches at 9 But he rising early the first day of the week,
Pentecost about Jesus Christ Resurrected appeared first to Mary Magdalen, out of whom he
“...For these are not drunk, as you had cast seven devils.
suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of 10 She went and told them that had been with
the day. But this is that which was him, who were mourning and weeping.
spoken of by the prophet Joel: And it 11 And they hearing that he was alive, and had
shall come to pass, in the last days (saith been seen by her, did not believe.
the Lord), I will pour out of my Spirit Post Nomina
upon all flesh; and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy: and your Receive O Lord the propitious gifts and prayers
young men shall see visions; and your of Thy servants so that by the confession of Thy
old men shall dream dreams...” [Isaiah Name and Baptism they may be renewed and
44:3; Joel 2:28]) receive the perpetual blessing.
Gradual: Psalm 65 (Heb. 66) Jubilate Deo. Ad Pacem, Secret Always said aloud.
Shout with joy to God Almighty Eternal God Who rose from the dead:
we offer this sacrifice for the Paschal joys by
Alleluia: 150 (Heb. 150) Laudate Dominum
which Thy Church is miraculously reborn and
Praise ye the Lord in his holy places) nursed.
Gospel Mark 15:47-16:11 (St. Mary Magdalene
and Mary the mother of James and Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Salome see a man in white in the It is worthy and just Almighty God at all times to
sepulchre. They fled, and Jesus appeared praise bless and proclaim that Christ is our
first to St. Mary Magdalene.) Paschal sacrifice through Whom the children of
15:47 And Mary Magdalen, and Mary the Light have come unto eternal life; the courtyards
mother of Joseph, beheld where he was laid. of the heavenly kingdom are opened to the
16:1 And when the Sabbath was past, Mary faithful and the human condition is changed into
Magdalen, and Mary the mother of James, and a norm of divine blessed commerce, for the Cross
Salome, bought sweet spices, that coming, they of Christ has repaid the death of all of us and in
might anoint Jesus. His resurrection the life of all has arisen Who in
2 And very early in the morning, the first day of taking on human mortality we recognize as the
God of Majesty and we confess the Glory of
the week, they come to the sepulcher, the sun divinity in God and Man who by dying destroyed
being now risen. our death and by arising restored our life, Jesus
3 And they said one to another: Who shall roll Christ our Lord whom the Angels praise ...
us back the stone from the door of the sepulcher?
4 And looking, they saw the stone rolled back. Proper Communicantes
For it was very great. and celebrating the most sacred time of the
5 And entering into the sepulcher, they saw a Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,
young man sitting on the right side, clothed with
a white robe: and they were astonished. Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
6 Who saith to them: Be not affrighted; you seek Dangerous Prayer”)
Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified: he is risen,
he is not here, behold the place where they laid At Thy command the universes were made in
Heaven and Earth in Sea and in all the abysses:
him. Unto Thee, Patriarches, Prophets, Apostles,
7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he Martyrs, Confessors, and all of the Saints give
goeth before you into Galilee; there you shall see thanks, and we implore Thee that thou gladly
him, as he told you. hear us, making this spiritual offering and the
8 But they going out, fled from the sepulcher. first fruits of sincerity. We pray Thee to bless this
For a trembling and fear had seized them: and Sacrifice and pour down the dew of Thy Holy
they said nothing to any man; for they were Spirit, and it may be to all a legitimate Eucharist
afraid. through Christ our Lord,

Proper Blessing of the Day by a Introductory Collect
Bishop only if present O God Who for our sake sent Thine Only-
.II. Feria [Monday] begotten Son from Heaven so that He endure
May Almighty God, Who for you accepted the indignities while hung upon the Cross, that He
injuries of the Cross, restore you by the joy of would free us from perpetual torments and
endure His tomb, so that we might believe He has
His Resurrection. Amen. buried our sins. He entered the greedy jaws of
And may He Who forgave the sins of the robber hell and commands us His servants also to be
who hung on a cross with Him, save you from all participants in the First Resurrection.
of the debts of sins. Amen. Collect Before the Epistle
So that by His repayment you may have the full O God Who conferred upon us the Paschal
enjoyment of the mystery of your redemption, healing: sustain Thy people with the Heavenly
and the worthiness of conversion in act, and the gifts so that one who now rejoices but briefly
abundance of eternity. Amen. may thenceforth rejoice in eternity through...
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Epistle Acts 1:15-26 (The appointment of
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages St. Matthias by lot to fill the seat of
of ages. Amen. Bishop, as witness of the Resurrection.)
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Gradual: Psalm 65 (Heb. 66) Jubilate Deo.
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Shout with joy to God
ever with you. Amen.
Alleluia: 150 (Heb. 150) Laudate Dominum
Post Communion
Praise ye the Lord in his holy places)
[Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
Gospel Mark 16:12-20 (Jesus appears to two
in many languages, and the Paschal
Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.] walking in the country, and to eleven at
POSTCOMMUNION PRAYERS table, and tells them to go into the whole
world and preach the Gospel...)
We beseech Thee, O Lord, enrich the holy 12 And after that he appeared in another shape
libation of this Paschal Sacrament in us, and may
it transfer us from earthly affections, to heavenly to two of them walking, as they were going into
custom. R. Amen. the country.
13 And they going told it to the rest: neither did
We beg Thee, O Lord, may the grace of this
Paschal Sacrament, enliven our minds, and by Its they believe them.
gifts, may It make us worthy. R. Amen. 14 At length he appeared to the eleven as they
were at table: and he upbraided them with their
incredulity and hardness of heart, because they
Tuesday of Pascha, (of Easter) did not believe them who had seen him after he
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the was risen again.
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the 15 And he said to them: Go ye into the whole
Apocalypse and Gospel for this Mass world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
instead of the Matins Resurrection 16 He that believeth and is baptized, shall be
Gospel. Verses before Second Canticle saved: but he that believeth not shall be
of Moses etc. are from Week III. condemned.
The Divine Liturgy: 17 And these signs shall follow them that
[The Paschal Candle is lit.] believe: In my name they shall cast out devils:
Old Testament: Apoc. 2:8-17 (To churches: they shall speak with new tongues.
of Smyrna: patience in persecutions, 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they shall
overcome riches. Pergamus, have drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them:
patience, and fight the cult of Nicolaites, they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they
and they that overcome are given hidden shall recover.
manna and a new name.) 19 And the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to

them, was taken up into heaven, and sitteth on the Post Communion
right hand of God. [Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
20 But they going forth preached everywhere: In many languages, and the Paschal
the Lord working withal, and confirming the Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.]
word with signs that followed. POSTCOMMUNION PRAYERS
Post Nomina, Ad Pacem, (Secret, We beseech Thee, O Lord, enrich the holy
or Collect of the Preface) Always libation of this Paschal Sacrament in us, and may
said aloud. it transfer us from earthly affections, to heavenly
Almighty eternal God who rose from the dead: custom. R. Amen.
let us for whom Thy church is miraculously We beg Thee, O Lord, may the grace of this
reborn and nurtured offer this sacrifice with Paschal Sacrament, enliven our minds, and by Its
Paschal joys. gifts, may It make us worthy. R. Amen.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
It is truly worthy and just, Almighty God to
Wednesday of Pascha
praise, bless and proclaim Thee at all times for Continue reading the Book of Acts at the
our Paschal sacrifice is Christ, through Whom for Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
the Faithful, the eternal life of the Light of the Apocalypse and Gospel for this Mass
Son arises, the gates of the heavenly Kingdom instead of the Matins Resurrection
are opened and they are changed from human to Gospel. The verses before the Second
the law of blessed divine commerce for the death Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
of us all have been redeemed from death by the Three Youths are from Week III.
Cross of Christ and in His Resurrection the life of The Divine Liturgy:
all has arisen. Whom in the acceptance of
mortality we know as the God of Majesty, and we
[The Paschal Candle is lit.]
confess Him in Divine Glory: God and Man, who Old Testament: Apoc 5:1-13 (The Book of
dying destroyed our death, and arising restored seven seals is opened by Christ, and all
our life: Jesus Christ our Lord Whom the praise the Lamb sitting on the Throne.
Angels ... “And, when he had opened the book, the
Proper Blessing of the Day by a four living creatures and the four and
Bishop only if present twenty ancients fell down before the
Lamb, having every one of them harps
.III. Feria [Tuesday] and golden vials full of odors; which are
May God Who Himself having won the reward, the prayers of saints. And they sung a
Who washed you in the water flowing from His new canticle, saying: Thou art worthy,
side, and Who redeemed you in the pouring out O Lord, to take the book and to open the
of the Cross, confirm in you the Grace of seals thereof; because thou wast slain
redemption. Amen. and hast redeemed us to God, in thy
May He through Whom you were renewed by blood, out of every tribe and tongue and
people and nation; And hast made us to
water and the Holy Spirit, Himself consort with
our God a kingdom and priests; and we
you in the heavenly kingdom. Amen. shall reign on the earth. And I beheld,
And may He Who gave you entry into the Holy and I heard the voice of many angels
Faith, Himself confer on you perfection of works, round about the throne and the living
and abundance of charity. Amen. creatures and the ancients (and the
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain number of them was thousands of
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages thousands), Saying with a loud voice:
of ages. Amen. The Lamb that was slain is worthy to
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son receive power and divinity and wisdom
and strength and honor and glory and
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be benediction. And every creature which
ever with you. Amen.. is in heaven and on the earth and under

the earth, and such as are in the sea, and 5 Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister Mary,
all that are in them, I heard all saying: and Lazarus.
To him that sitteth on the throne and to 6 When he had heard therefore that he was sick,
the Lamb, benediction and honor and he still remained in the same place two days.
glory and power, for ever and ever. ”) 7 Then after that, he said to his disciples: Let us
Introductory Collect go into Judea again.
Almighty eternal God Who redeemed Thy people 8 The disciples say to him: Rabbi, the Jews but
by the blood of Thine Only begotten Son. Break now sought to stone thee: and goest thou thither
the chains of our sins so that they might attain again?
eternal life and not be shackled to the author of
death, through Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ 9 Jesus answered: Are there not twelve hours of
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit the day? If a man walk in the day, he stumbleth
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.. not, because he seeth the light of the world.
Collect Before the Epistle [Apostles Collect, Lorrha-Stowe Missal]
Grant we beseech Thee Almighty so that the 10 But if he walk in the night, he stumbleth,
wondrous Sacrament of this Paschal festival because the light is not in him.
bestow peaceful times and eternal life to us. 11 These things he said; and after that he said to
Epistle I Corinthians. 15:47-58 them: Lazarus our friend sleepeth; but I go that I
(The general Resurrection of the Dead. may awake him out of sleep.
“...Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall 12 His disciples therefore said: Lord if he sleep,
all indeed rise again; but we shall not all he shall do well.
be changed. In a moment, in the 13 But Jesus spoke of his death; and they
twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; thought that he spoke of the repose of sleep.
for the trumpet shall sound and the dead 14 Then therefore Jesus said to them plainly:
shall rise again incorruptible; and we Lazarus is dead.
shall be changed... Death is swallowed 15 And I am glad, for your sakes, that I was not
up in victory. [Osee 13:14] O death,
there, that you may believe: but let us go to him.
where is thy victory? O death, where is
thy sting? Now, the sting of death is sin; 16 Thomas therefore, who is called Didymus,
and the power of sin is the law. But said to his fellow disciples: Let us also go, that
thanks be to God, who hath given us the we may die with him.
victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”) 17 Jesus therefore came, and found that he had
Gradual: Psalm 65 (Heb. 66) Jubilate Deo. been four days already in the grave.
Shout with joy to God 18 (Now Bethania was near Jerusalem, about
Alleluia: 150 (Heb. 150) Laudate Dominum fifteen furlongs off.)
19 And many of the Jews were come to Martha
Praise ye the Lord in his holy places)
and Mary, to comfort them concerning their
Gospel John 11:1-45
(Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.) 20 Martha therefore, as soon as she heard that
1 Now there was a certain man sick, named Jesus was come, went to meet him: but Mary sat
Lazarus, of Bethania, of the town of Mary and of at home.
Martha her sister. 21 Martha therefore said to Jesus: Lord, if thou
2 (And Mary was she that anointed the Lord hadst been here, my brother had not died.
with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair: 22 But now also I know that whatsoever thou
whose brother Lazarus was sick.) wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.
3 His sisters therefore sent to him, saying: Lord 23 Jesus saith to her: Thy brother shall rise
behold, he whom thou lovest is sick. again.
4 And Jesus hearing it, said to them: This 24 Martha saith to him: I know that he shall rise
sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of again, in the resurrection at the last day.
God: that the Son of God may be glorified by it. 25 Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the

life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, 43 When he had said these things, he cried with
shall live: a loud voice: Lazarus, come forth.
26 And every one that liveth, and believeth in 44 And presently he that had been dead came
me, shall not die for ever. Believeth thou this? forth, bound feet and hands with winding bands;
27 She saith to him: Yea, Lord, I have believed and his face was bound about with a napkin.
that thou art Christ the Son of the living God, Jesus said to them: Loose him, and let him go.
who art come into this world. 45 Many therefore of the Jews, who were come
28 And when she had said these things, she to Mary and Martha, and had seen the things that
went, and called her sister Mary secretly, saying: Jesus did, believed in him.
The master is come, and calleth for thee.
29 She, as soon as she heard this, riseth quickly, Post Nomina
and cometh to him. Regard us, we beg Thee, O Lord and cast away
30 For Jesus was not yet come into the town: the darkness of our sins so that the devotion of
but he was still in that place where Martha had this Paschal Solemnity enliven and fill with
met him. Faithful joy of insight those whose names have
31 The Jews therefore, who were with her in the been read and inscribed in the Heavenly pages
through Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who
house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
that she rose up speedily and went out, followed throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
her, saying: She goeth to the grave to weep there. Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
32 When Mary therefore was come where Jesus the Preface) Always said aloud.
was, seeing him, she fell down at his feet, and
Grant, we beg Thee Almighty God, that we may
saith to him: Lord, if thou hadst been here, my
be freed from death during the Paschal Feast
brother had not died. which we honor with devotion. Command that
33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping, peace preserve us through whatever may be.
and the Jews that were come with her, weeping, Thou hast commanded us to avoid the likeness of
groaned in the spirit, and troubled himself, the [Betrayer's] kiss, and to preserve our souls so
34 And said: Where have you laid him? They that we might serve the Apostolic precepts
say to him: Lord, come and see. through the spiritual gifts set forth, through our
35 And Jesus wept. Lord Jesus Christ Who reignest with the Father
36 The Jews therefore said: Behold how he and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
loved him.
37 But some of them said: Could not he that Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
opened the eyes of the man born blind, have It is truly worthy and just Almighty God through
caused that this man should not die? Christ the Lord Whose death. became the repair
38 Jesus therefore again groaning in himself, of human life from the destruction of death, the
cometh to the sepulchre. Now it was a cave; and offering for the forgiveness of the offense sin, the
a stone was laid over it. redemption of mankind, the reconciliation of the
39 Jesus saith: Take away the stone. Martha, the world and the satisfaction of the Faith of the
sister of him that was dead, saith to him: Lord, by Father. Therefore Resurrection of Christ from
this time he stinketh, for he is now of four days. the dead is our resurrection. He came into the
40 Jesus saith to her: Did not I say to thee, that world and was led as a sheep to the slaughter for
if thou believe, thou shalt see the glory of God? us and like a lamb that is shorn does not speak or
41 They took therefore the stone away. And open his mouth. This is the Lamb of God, Thine
Jesus lifting up his eyes said: Father, I give thee Only begotten Son who taketh away the sins of
thanks that thou hast heard me. the world who for us offered Himself for us and
42 And I knew that thou hearest me always; but does not desist from defending us as an advocate
because of the people who stand about have I said before Thee: The Sacrifice Who never died Who
it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. but was killed and always lives, Himself, whom..

Proper Blessing of the Day by a by the blood of Thine Only begotten Son. Break
Bishop only if present the chains of our sins so that they might attain
eternal life and not be shackled to the author of
.IIII. Feria [Wednesday] death, through Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ
May the Lord our God lead you to the Tree of Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Life, Who because of His mercy plucked you throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
from the lake [of fire*]. Amen. Collect Before the Epistle
May He Himself open to you the gates of Grant we beseech Thee Almighty, so that the
paradise, Who shattered the gates of hell. Amen. wondrous Sacrament of this Paschal festival
May He Himself pluck you out from the bestow peaceful times and eternal life to us.
scourgings and lead you as confidants into His Epistle Acts 3:1-19 (St. Peter makes a lame
kingdom, Who while innocent was pleased to man walk in the Name of Jesus Christ of
suffer for the impious. Amen. Nazareth who is Risen from the dead.)
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Gradual: Psalm 65 (Heb. 66) Jubilate Deo.
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Shout with joy to God
of ages. Amen.
Alleluia: 150 (Heb. 150) Laudate Dominum
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Praise ye the Lord in his holy places)
ever with you. Amen. Gospel John 20:1-9 (St. Mary Magdalene tells
[* An image of hell, Wednesday betrayal.] St. Peter and the other disciple of the
Post Communion Resurrection, and they come to the tomb
[Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen! and see the linen cloths.)
in many languages and Paschal Hymns.] 1 And on the first day of the week, Mary
POSTCOMMUNION PRAYERS Magdalen cometh early, when it was yet dark,
unto the sepulcher; and she saw the stone taken
We beseech Thee, O Lord, enrich the holy
libation of this Paschal Sacrament in us, and may away from the sepulcher.
it transfer us from earthly affections, to heavenly 2 She ran, therefore, and cometh to Simon Peter,
custom. R. Amen. and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and
We beg Thee, O Lord, may the grace of this saith to them: They have taken away the Lord out
Paschal Sacrament, enliven our minds, and by Its of the sepulcher, and we know not where they
gifts, may It make us worthy. R. Amen. have laid him.
3 Peter therefore went out, and that other disciple,
and they came to the sepulcher.
Thursday of Pascha (Easter) 4 And they both ran together, and that other
Continue reading the Book of Acts at the disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the
Beginning of Night. At Matins read the sepulcher.
Apocalypse and Gospel for this Mass 5 And when he stooped down, he saw the linen
instead of the Matins Resurrection
Gospel. The verses before the Second cloths lying; but yet he went not in.
Canticle of Moses and the Song of the 6 Then cometh Simon Peter, following him, and
Three Youths are from Week III. went into the sepulcher, and saw the linen cloths
The Divine Liturgy: [Paschal Candle lit.] lying,
7 And the napkin that had been about his head,
Old Testament:Apoc 14:1-7 (144,000 chaste
not lying with the linen cloths, but apart, wrapped
people praise the Lamb. “Fear the Lord up into one place.
and give him honor, because the hour of
his judgment is come; and adore ye him 8 Then that other disciple also went in, who
that made heaven and earth, the sea and came first to the sepulcher: and he saw, and
the fountains of waters.”) believed.
Introductory Collect 9 For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he
must rise again from the dead.
Almighty eternal God Who redeemed Thy people

Post Nomina May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Regard us, we beg Thee, O Lord and cast away and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
the darkness of our sins so that the devotion of ever with you. Amen.
this Paschal Solemnity enliven and fill with Post Communion
Faithful joy of insight those whose names have [Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
been read and inscribed in the Heavenly pages in many languages, and the Paschal
through Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who Hymns, in the Vigil of the Resurrection.]
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. POSTCOMMUNION PRAYERS
Ad Pacem, Always said aloud. We beseech Thee, O Lord, enrich the holy
libation of this Paschal Sacrament in us, and may
Grant, we beg Thee Almighty God, that we may it transfer us from earthly affections, to heavenly
be freed from death during the Paschal Feast custom. R. Amen.
which we honor with devotion. Command that
peace preserve us through whatever may be. We beg Thee, O Lord, may the grace of this
Thou hast commanded us to avoid the likeness of Paschal Sacrament, enliven our minds, and by Its
the [Betrayer's] kiss, and to preserve our souls so gifts, may It make us worthy. R. Amen.
that we might serve the Apostolic precepts
through the spiritual gifts set forth, through our Friday of Pascha (of Easter)
Lord Jesus Christ Who reignest with the Father
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Continue reading the Book of Acts at the
Amen. Beginning of Night. At Matins read the
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Apocalypse and Gospel for this Mass
instead of the Matins Resurrection
Truly worthy and just Almighty God, Whose Gospel. The verses before the Second
inestimable love for the human race persevered Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
from the beginning of the world, while the Just Three Youths are from Week III. This is
One leads [them] through the right heavenly path the only Friday that is not a fast day.
of the ascent to the land of Our Father, and The Divine Liturgy: [Paschal Candle lit.]
converts sinners from iniquity, restoring them to
the Father’s Grace; this, Amighty God, is what Old Testament: Apoc 19:5-16 (The King
our Lord Jesus Christ, by His Passion, plundered of Kings, and Lord of Lords comes on a
from hell: therefore those whose chains were white horse. Note: The Blessed Virgin
stripped off are clothed with the booty of the Mary is often called the throne of God,
potentiality for Heaven, by the Resurrection of and she was thought to weave Christ's
Christ our Lord, through Whom unto Thy tunic. St. Brigid of Kildare's white linen
Majesty... is "Bride's" white. Clothing symbolizes
Proper Blessing of the Day by a the Law, and layers of meaning. First
Bishop only if present Conference of Abbot Nesteros to John
Cassian, Chapter VIII, “...practical
.V. Feria. [Thursday] knowledge is distributed among many
May you be filled up with the blessings of our subjects and interests, but theoretical is
Almighty God and Lord, who were redeemed by divided into two parts, i.e., the historical
His precious Blood. Amen. interpretation and the spiritual sense.
May He fill you with His own unfailing Grace, Whence also Solomon when he had
Whose ineffable power fashioned you. Amen. summed up the manifold grace of the
And may He Who made available in this world Church, added, [Prov 31:21] ‘for all who
the covenant of [Baptismal] birth, Himself grant are with her are clothed with double
garments.’ But of spiritual knowledge
to you the mansion of living without end in the there are three kinds, tropological,
eternal Kingdom. Amen. allegorical, anagogical, of which we read
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain as follows in Proverbs: [22:20] ‘But do
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages you describe these things to yourself in
of ages. Amen. three ways according to the largeness of

your heart.’” In icons, the folds of cloth 11 But Mary stood at the sepulcher without,
show the parts of spiritual insight unified weeping, Now as she was weeping, she stooped
into the garment: Allegorical finds down, and looked into the sepulcher,
parallels in events; anagogical is more 12 And she saw two angels in white, sitting, one
prophetic; and tropological offers moral at the head, and one at the feet, where the body of
internal explanation so that we find a
representation of a problem in the soul Jesus had been laid.
of a person. “...And so these four 13 They say to her: Woman, why weepest thou?
[including historical] ...coalesce, if we She saith to them: Because they have taken away
desire, into one subject, so that the same my Lord; and I know not where they have laid
Jerusalem can be taken in four senses: him.
historically as the city of the Jews; 14 When she had thus said, she turned herself
allegorically as the Church of Christ, back, and saw Jesus standing; and she knew not
anagogically as the heavenly city of God that it was Jesus.
which is the mother of us all,
15 Jesus saith to her: Woman, why weepest
tropologically as the soul of man, which
is frequently subject to praise or blame thou? Whom seekest thou? She, thinking that it
from the Lord under this title...” Abbot was the gardener, saith to him: Sir, if thou hast
Nesteros also says that these four terms taken him hence, tell me where thou hast laid
may be interpreted as: knowledge, him, and I will take him away.
doctrine, prophecy, or revelation, which 16 Jesus saith to her: Mary. She turning, saith to
he lists in a different order.) him: Rabboni (which is to say; Master).
Introductory Collect 17 Jesus saith to her: Do not touch me, for I am
Almighty eternal God Who redeemed Thy people not yet ascended to my Father. But go to my
by the blood of Thine Only begotten Son. Break brethren, and say to them: I ascend to my Father
the chains of our sins so that they might attain and to your Father, to my God and your God.
eternal life and not be shackled to the author of 18 Mary Magdalen cometh, and telleth the
death, through Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ disciples: I have seen the Lord, and these things
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit he said to me.
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen..
Post Nomina
Collect Before the Epistle
Regard us, we beg Thee, O Lord and cast away
Grant we beseech Thee Almighty so that the the darkness of our sins, so that the devotion of
wondrous Sacrament of this Paschal festival this Paschal Solemnity enliven and fill with
bestow peaceful times and eternal life to us. Faithful joy of insight those whose names have
Epistle Acts 5:17-41 (The Apostles are been read and inscribed in the Heavenly pages,
released from prison by an angel, then through Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who
preach in the temple, and preach Christ reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
resurrected. The Pharisee Gamaliel, throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
doctor of law, says that if the doctrine of Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Jesus is of men it will come to nothing, the Preface) Always said aloud.
but if of God, nothing can stop it.)
Grant, we beg Thee Almighty God, that we may
be freed from death during the Paschal Feast
Gradual: Psalm 65 (Heb. 66) Jubilate Deo. which we honor with devotion. Command that
Shout with joy to God peace preserve us through whatever may be.
Alleluia: 150 (Heb. 150) Laudate Dominum Thou hast commanded us to avoid the likeness of
the [Betrayer's] kiss, and to preserve our souls so
Praise ye the Lord in his holy places)
that we might serve the Apostolic precepts
Gospel John 20:11-18 (St. Mary Magdalene through the spiritual gifts set forth, through our
sees two angels in white sitting at head Lord Jesus Christ Who reignest with the Father
and foot where the Body of Jesus had and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
been. Then she sees Jesus; at first does Amen.
not recognize Him, but He talks to her.)

Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio The Divine Liturgy:
Truly worthy and just Almighty God Whose [The Paschal Candle is lit.]
inestimable love for the human race persevered Old Testament: Apoc 21:1-8
from the beginning of the world while the Just (New Jerusalem, comes from heaven
One leads [them] through the right heavenly path from God, prepared as a bride. “And I
of the ascent to the land of Our Father, and saw a new heaven and a new earth...”
converts sinners from iniquity, restoring them to He that sat on the Throne said, “Behold,
the Father’s Grace, this, Almighty God, is what I make all things new.” “I am Alpha and
our Lord Jesus Christ by His passion plundered Omega; the beginning and the end. To
from hell: therefore those whose chains were him that thirsteth I will give of the
stripped off are clothed with the booty of the fountain of the water of life freely.”...but
potentiality for Heaven by the Resurrection of unbelievers will have second death.)
Christ our Lord through Whom unto Thy
Majesty... Introductory Collect
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Almighty eternal God Who redeemed Thy people
Bishop only if present by the blood of Thine Only begotten Son. Break
the chains of our sins so that they might attain
. VI. Feria [Friday] eternal life and not be shackled to the author of
May Almighty God bless you from the heavens death, through Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ
Who through the Cross and Blood of His Passion Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
was pleased to redeem you on earth. Amen. throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen..
May he renew you from the ancient sin, Who Collect Before the Epistle
penetrated hell for us. Amen. Grant we beseech Thee Almighty so that the
May the Lord bestow His life on you, Who wondrous Sacrament of this Paschal festival
received your death and destroyed it. Amen. bestow peaceful times and eternal life to us.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Epistle I Corinthians 15: 31-45
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages (Awake, and sin not. What profit is
of ages. Amen. there, if the dead do not rise again?
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son [Gen. 2:7] “...If there be a natural body,
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be there is also a spiritual body, as it is
ever with you. Amen. written: The first man Adam was made
into a living soul; the last Adam into a
Post Communion quickening spirit.”)
[Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen! Gradual: Psalm 65 (Heb. 66) Jubilate Deo.
in many languages, and the Paschal
Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.] Shout with joy to God
POSTCOMMUNION PRAYERS Alleluia: 150 (Heb. 150) Laudate Dominum
We beseech Thee, O Lord, enrich the holy Praise ye the Lord in his holy places)
libation of this Paschal Sacrament in us, and may Gospel John 21:1-14
it transfer us from earthly affections, to heavenly (Jesus appears for a third time to the
custom. R. Amen. disciples at the sea, when they fish.)
We beg Thee, O Lord, may the grace of this 1 After this, Jesus showed himself again to the
Paschal Sacrament, enliven our minds, and by Its disciples at the sea of Tiberias. And he showed
gifts, may It make us worthy. R. Amen. himself after this manner.
2 There were together Simon Peter, and
Saturday of Pascha (Easter) Thomas, who is called Didymus, and Nathanael,
who was on Cana of Galilee, and the sons of
Continue Book of Acts at Beginning of
Night. At Matins read the Apocalypse Zebedee, and two others of disciples.
and Gospel for this Mass instead of the 3 Simon Peter saith to them: I go a fishing.
Matins Resurrection Gospel. Verses at They say to him: We also come with thee. And
Second Canticle of Moses etc. Week III. they went forth, and entered into the ship: and

that night they caught nothing. the [Betrayer's] kiss, and to preserve our souls so
4 But when the morning was come, Jesus stood that we might serve the Apostolic precepts
on the shore: yet the disciples knew not that it through the spiritual gifts set forth, through our
was Jesus. Lord Jesus Christ Who reignest with the Father
5 Jesus therefore said to them: Children, have and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
you any meat? They answered him: No.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
6 He saith to them: Cast the net on the right side
of the ship, and you shall find. They cast (Preface in the Roman Rite)
therefore; and now they were not able to draw it, Truly worthy and just Almighty God Whose
for the multitude of fishes. inestimable love for the human race persevered
7 That disciple therefore whom Jesus loved, said from the beginning of the world while the Just
One leads [them] through the right heavenly path
to Peter: It is the Lord. Simon Peter, when he of the ascent to the land of Our Father and
heard that it was the Lord, girt his coat about him, converts sinners from iniquity, restoring them to
(for he was naked), and cast himself into the sea. the Father’s Grace, this, Amighty God, is what
8 But the other disciples came in the ship, (for our Lord Jesus Christ by His passion plundered
they were not far from the land, but as it were from hell: therefore those whose chains were
two hundred cubits), dragging the net with fishes. stripped off are clothed with the booty of the
9 As soon then as they came to land, they saw potentiality for Heaven by the Resurrection of
hot coals lying, and a fish laid thereon, and bread. Christ our Lord through Whom unto Thy
10 Jesus saith to them: Bring hither of the fishes
which you have now caught. Proper Blessing of the Day by a
11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to Bishop only if present
land, full of great fishes, one hundred and fifty- / Sabbato [Saturday]
three. And although there were so many, the net May God, Who was pleased to call us from our
was not broken. captivity unto the reward of freedom, when the
12 Jesus saith to them: Come, and dine. And law of hell had been trampled down and when the
none of them who were at meat, durst ask him: links of our chains had been dissolved: May He
Who art thou? Knowing that it was the Lord. Himself be present to you as you pass through
13 And Jesus cometh and taketh bread, and this life, so that you, led by Him, may be able to
giveth them, and fish in like manner. enter into that eternity. Amen.
14 This is now the third time that Jesus was And may He Who provides you with the ardor by
manifested to his disciples, after he was risen the vine of the catholic faith, so that you may be
from the dead. secure in awaiting the advent of that Holy One.
Post Nomina So whosoever may be worthy to be cleansed in
Regard us, we beg Thee, O Lord and cast away the waves of Baptism, may be healthy [in spirit,
the darkness of our sins so that the devotion of whole*] enough to be presented, dressed in white
this Paschal Solemnity enliven and fill with [spotless] vesture, there before the pious judge.
Faithful joy of insight those whose names have Amen.
been read and inscribed in the Heavenly pages May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
through Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ Who without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
of ages. Amen.
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
the Preface) Always said aloud. ever with you. Amen.
Grant, we beg Thee Almighty God, that we may [*Or: May God be with you so that you
be freed from death during the Paschal Feast may be with God.. “iubeo valeantis,”
which we honor with devotion. Command that
peace preserve us through whatever may be. literally “I command your health.” as in,
Thou hast commanded us to avoid the likeness of “God be with you” or “Goodbye.”]

Post Communion His Son’s Resurrection, He might raise us with
[Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen! Him: That He make us to reside in the bosom of
in many languages, and the Paschal mother Church, unharmed by all of the snares of
Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.] the enemy, protecting us by the gift of His Faith,
and rejoicing with integrity of conscience
POSTCOMMUNION PRAYERS concerning the eternal regeneration of those who
We beseech Thee, O Lord, enrich the holy are new to the Church. Just as by devotion to the
libation of this Paschal Sacrament in us, and may Presence so may He share eternity with us, and
it transfer us from earthly affections, to heavenly may the Savior be pleased to bless these gifts of
custom. R. Amen. His people. Through Jesus Christ His Son, Our
We beg Thee, O Lord, may the grace of this Lord Who reigneth with Him and the Holy Spirit
Paschal Sacrament, enliven our minds, and by Its throughout ages of ages. Amen.
gifts, may It make us worthy. R. Amen. Collect Before the Epistle
God of all brightness, Creator and Guide: Whom
Close of Easter (First the celestials adore and the earthly fear, and of
Whom the infernals are terrified, to Whom the
Sunday after Easter) legions of Angels and Archangels do service, do
Mass for the Close of not wipe away the world which thou hast made,
but root out the sins of the world which the devil
Pascha (This is not the end of Paschaltide, brought about; for Thou wast pleased to love this
but the Octave, or week after Pascha.) world and Thou handed down Thy Only begotten
During this week: Son for our Salvation, by Whose Cross we were
ransomed, by Whose death we live, by Whose
Beginning today at the evening before, Passion we were saved, by Whose Resurrection,
at the Beginning of Night read the we were glorified. Through Him, we suppliants
Gospel of St. John throughout this week. cry to Thee that Thou be pleased to abide with
At Matins throughout the week read the Thy family in all things, just as Thou was with
Old Testament and Gospel for this Mass our Fathers who hoped for Thy mercy, thus be
instead of the Matins Resurrection pleased to be present in all of these so that fear of
Gospel. The verses before the Second Thy devotion be in their senses, Faith in their
Canticle of Moses and the Song of the heart, justice in their works, piety in their actions,
Three Youths are from Week IV. truth upon their tongues, discipline in their frame,
The Divine Liturgy: [Paschal Candle lit.] so that they worthily and correctly may deserve
Old Testament: Isaiah 61:1-7 (“The spirit to obtain the reward of immortality from Him
of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord Through the same, Thine only begotten Son our
hath anointed me. He hath sent me to Lord, Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee and
preach to the meek, to heal the contrite the Holy Spirit. Amen.
of heart, and to preach a release to the Epistle I Corinthians. 15:12-28
captives and deliverance to them that are (“Now, if Christ be preached, that he
shut up: To proclaim the acceptable year arose again from the dead, how do some
of the Lord and the day of vengeance of among you say that there is no
our God: to comfort all that mourn: To resurrection of the dead? But, if there be
appoint to the mourners of Sion: and to no resurrection of the dead, then Christ
give them a crown for ashes, the oil of is not risen again. And, if Christ be not
joy for mourning, a garment of praise for risen again, then is our preaching vain;
the spirit of grief....” ) and your faith is also vain. ...But now is
Introductory Collect (called Preface) Christ risen from the dead, the first-fruits
Most dear Brethren, let us with supplication of them that sleep. For by a man came
prevail upon God, Who because of the ruin of the death; and by a man the resurrection of
entire world was pleased to send His only the dead. And, as in Adam all die, so
Begotten Son, Who assumed the true form of a also in Christ all shall be made alive...”
human from the flesh of the Virgin, that in this, [See Psalms 109:1, 8:8].)

Sequence: Dan 3:1-45 Then Nabuchodonosor, in fury and in wrath,
(Beginning of Daniel chapter 3, listed in commanded that Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago
the Lectionary of Luxeuil instead of a should be brought: who immediately were
Psalm, only today. The Alleluia may be brought before the king. And Nabuchodonosor
Psalm 150, or the Song of the Three the king spoke to them and said: Is it true, O
Youths, in the Vigil of the Resurrection.) Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago, that you do not
King Nabuchodonosor made a statue of gold, of worship my gods, nor adore the golden statue that
sixty cubits high and six cubits broad: and he set I have set up? Now therefore if you be ready, at
it up in the plain of Dura of the province of what hour soever you shall hear the sound of the
Babylon. Then Nabuchodonosor the king sent to trumpet, flute, harp, sackbut and psaltery and
call together the nobles, the magistrates and the symphony and of all kind of music, prostrate
judges, the captains, the rulers and governors, and yourselves and adore the statue which I have
all the chief men of the provinces, to come to the made: but if you do not adore, you shall be cast
dedication of the statue which king the same hour into the furnace of burning fire.
Nabuchodonosor had set up. Then the nobles, the And who is the God that shall deliver you out of
magistrates and the judges, the captains and my hand? Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago
rulers, and the great men that were placed in answered and said to king Nabuchodonosor: We
authority, and all the princes of the provinces, have no occasion to answer thee concerning this
were gathered together to come to the dedication matter. For, behold, our God, Whom we worship,
of the statue which king Nabuchodonosor had set is able to save us from the furnace of burning fire
up. And they stood before the statue which king and to deliver us out of thy hands, O king. But if
Nabuchodonosor had set up. Then a herald cried He will not, be it known to thee, O king, that we
with a strong voice: To you it is commanded, O will not worship thy gods nor adore the golden
nations, tribes, and languages: That in the hour statue which thou hast set up. Then was
that you shall hear the sound of the trumpet and Nabuchodonosor filled with fury: and the
of the flute and of the harp, of the sackbut and of countenance of his face was changed against
the psaltery and of the symphony and of all kind Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago: and he
of music: ye fall down and adore the golden commanded that the furnace should be heated
statue which king Nabuchodonosor hath set up. seven times more than it had been accustomed to
But if any man shall not fall down and adore, he be heated. And he commanded the strongest men
shall the same hour be cast into a furnace of that were in his army to bind the feet of Sidrach,
burning fire. Upon this therefore, at the time Misach and Abdenago and to cast them into the
when all the people heard the sound of the furnace of burning fire. And immediately these
trumpet, the flute and the harp, of the sackbut and men were bound and were cast into the furnace of
the psaltery, of the symphony and of all kind of burning fire, with their coats and their caps and
music: all the nations, tribes and languages fell their shoes and their garments. For the king’s
down and adored the golden statue which king commandment was urgent and the furnace was
Nabuchodonosor had set up. And presently at heated exceedingly, and the flame of the fire slew
that very time some Chaldeans came and accused those men that had cast in Sidrach, Misach and
the Jews, And said to king Nabuchodonosor: O Abdenago. But these three men, that is, Sidrach,
king, live for ever. Thou, O king, hast made a Misach and Abdenago, fell down bound in the
decree that every man that shall hear the sound of midst of the furnace of burning fire. And they
the trumpet, the flute and the harp, of the sackbut walked in the midst of the flame, praising God
and the psaltery, of the symphony and of all kind and blessing the Lord.
of music shall prostrate himself and adore the [Plainchant:]
golden statue: And that if any man shall not fall Then Azarias standing up prayed in this manner:
down and adore, he should be cast into a furnace and, opening his mouth in the midst of the fire, he
of burning fire. Now there are certain Jews said:
whom thou hast set over the works of the Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers,
province of Babylon, Sidrach, Misach and and Thy Name is worthy of praise and glorious
Abdenago: these men, O king, have slighted thy for ever:
decree. They worship not thy gods, nor do they For Thou art just in all that Thou hast done to us,
adore the golden statue which thou hast set up.

and all Thy works are true, and Thy ways right, Put us not to confusion, but deal with us
and all Thy judgments true. according to Thy meekness and according to the
For Thou hast executed true judgments in all the multitude of Thy mercies.
things that Thou hast brought upon us and upon And deliver us according to Thy wonderful
Jerusalem the holy city of our fathers: for works, and give glory to Thy Name, O Lord.
according to truth and judgment Thou hast And let all them be confounded that shew evils to
brought all these things upon us for our sins. Thy servants: let them be confounded in all Thy
For we have sinned and committed iniquity, might, and let their strength be broken.
departing from Thee: and we have trespassed in And let them know that Thou art the Lord, the
all things. only God, and glorious over all the world.
And we have not hearkened to Thy Alleluia: Psalm of Praise 150
commandments, nor have we observed nor done (Or use the Song of the Three Youths for
as Thou hadst commanded us, that it might go the Alleluia, see the Paschal Vigil.)
well with us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise ye the Lord in His
Wherefore all that Thou hast brought upon us and holy places: praise ye Him in the firmament of
every thing that Thou hast done to us, Thou hast His power. Praise ye Him for His mighty acts:
done in true judgment: praise ye Him according to the multitude of His
And Thou hast delivered us into the hands of our greatness. Praise Him with sound of trumpet:
enemies that are unjust and most wicked and praise Him with psaltery and harp. Praise Him
with timbrel and choir: praise Him with strings
prevaricators, and to a king unjust and most and organs. Praise Him on high sounding
wicked beyond all that are upon the earth. cymbals: praise Him on cymbals of joy: let every
And now we cannot open our mouths: we are spirit praise the Lord. Alleluia!
become a shame and reproach to Thy servants Gospel John 20:19-31 (St. Thomas believes in
and to them that worship Thee. the Resurrection after seeing Christ.)
Deliver us not up for ever, we beseech Thee, for 19 Now when it was late that same day, the first
Thy Name’s sake, and abolish not Thy covenant. of the week, and the doors were shut, where the
And take not away Thy mercy from us, for the disciples were gathered together, for fear of the
sake of Abraham Thy beloved and Isaac Thy Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said
servant and Israel thy holy one: to them: Peace be to you.
To whom Thou hast spoken, promising that Thou 20 And when he had said this, he showed them
wouldst multiply their seed as the stars of heaven his hands and his side. The disciples therefore
and as the sand that is on the sea shore. were glad, when they saw the Lord.
For we, O Lord, are diminished more than any 21 He said therefore to them again: Peace be to
nation and are brought low in all the earth this you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you.
day for our sins. 22 When he had said this, he breathed on them;
Neither is there at this time prince or leader or and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Spirit.
prophet or holocaust or sacrifice or oblation or 23 Whose sins you shall forgive, they are
incense or place of first-fruits before Thee, forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain,
That we may find Thy mercy: nevertheless in a they are retained.
contrite heart and humble spirit let us be 24 Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who is
accepted. called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus
As in holocausts of rams and bullocks and as in came.
thousands of fat lambs: so let our sacrifice be 25 The other disciples therefore said to him: We
made in Thy sight this day that it may please have seen the Lord. But he said to them: Except I
Thee: for there is no confusion to them that trust shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and
in Thee. put my finger into the place of the nails, and put
And now we follow Thee with all our heart and my hand into his side, I will not believe.
we fear Thee and seek Thy face. 26 And after eight days again his disciples were

within, and Thomas with them. Jesus cometh, the but also so that + they may be reborn even to
doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and the birth of a second new race though the
said: Peace be to you. heavenly washing. Returning to His origin, He
27 Then he saith to Thomas: Put in thy finger led us toward the Heavenly kingdom. O
hither, and see my hands; and bring hither thy Stratagem of Divine providence, O inestimable
help of reparation: through the Virgin, glorious
hand, and put it into my side; and be not faithless, life is restored to us, that same life which was
but believing. believed lost though disobedience by the wood of
28 Thomas answered, and said to him: My Lord, the tree. By water, the sins of the world are
and my God. washed away: through the same water which the
29 Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen world perceived as having destroyed it.
me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they Therefore we offer these spotless gifts through
that have not seen, and have believed. pure devotion, O Highest Progenitor, and raising
30 Many other signs also did Jesus in the sight our hands we celebrate the pious Sacrifice
according to the instructions of Thy Son Jesus
of his disciples, which are not written in this
Christ through Whom...
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
31 But these are written, that you may believe
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God: and that Bishop only if present
believing, you may have life in his name. Dominica Octavae. Pasche. Benedictio
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of May God whose only-begotten Son was pleased
the Preface) Always said aloud. to appear on this day to His Disciples while the
Grant, we beseech Thee Almighty God, that we doors were closed, be pleased to fill you by the
who worship the solemnity of the Lord’s gift of his blessing, and be pleased to open the
Resurrection may arise from the death of the doors of the heavenly kingdom to you. Amen.
spirit by the renewal of Thy Spirit, through the And may He Who cut away wounds of doubt
same Holy Spirit who reigneth with Thee and from their breasts by taking on the wounds of His
Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ throughout ages of Body, grant that by Faith you may believe that He
ages. Amen. is Risen and that you may be without the stains of
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio all deficiencies. Amen
(Preface in the Roman Rite) And may you, who believe He is God and Lord,
It is worthy and just, necessary, salvific and along with Thomas whose exclamations and
permitted for us to give Thee thanks Almighty bowing down were drawn forth from him, be
God. Unto Thy Glory the members of mortals strong enough to be watchful against all evils in
are inconsistent in the offering of the praises of this age, and be strong enough to stand present in
our redemption, because the human race was the congregation of the Saints in the future.
freed from death of hell: the chains at the seats in
spiritual shadows were binding. The Word Amen.
through Whom all were brought into being in the May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
beginning, descended into Mary, who herself was without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
amazed that His birth was by a Virgin. She of ages. Amen.
brought forth man and God conjoined, Who is May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
still Thy Son, O highest, Almighty God, Whom and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
she knew was born before, and she knew He was ever with you. Amen.
before the beginning of the World by nature. For Confraction arrangement for Close
the Salvation of the human race from the tyranny
of the enemy, He ascended the Cross and left the of Easter: 13 Particles for Low Sunday and
temple of His body for a brief time without Christ’s Ascension. Thirteen Particles of
coercion, voluntarily, triumphant, shattering the the Host of Low Sunday and the Feast
gates of the lower world, that the pristine lives of the Ascension, is an image of Christ
that were of old might by restored. Nor did He with His twelve Apostles; it is not usual
yield Himself only to atone for the sins of men, to distribute from all thirteen Particles.

Post Communion him who who is the source of all harm. Through
[Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen! our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee
in many languages, and the Paschal and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen
Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.] Epistle Acts 3:1-13 (Ss. Peter and John heal a
Refreshed with spiritual nourishment and lame man through the Name of our Lord
renewed with the food of heaven: by the Body
and Blood of the Lord; let us return due praise Jesus Christ, at the Beautiful gate of the
and thanks to our God and Lord Jesus Christ, as temple. “And, as he held Peter and John,
we pray for His inexhaustible mercy, so that we all the people ran to them, to the porch
may have the divine gifts of the Sacraments unto which is called Solomon's greatly
the increase of Faith and perfection of eternal wondering. But Peter, seeing, made
Salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who answer to the people: Ye men of Israel,
reigneth with His unoriginate Father and the Holy why wonder you at this?”)
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 66 (Heb.
67) Deus misereatur. May God have
Second Sunday After Easter mercy on us and bless us: may He cause
(Propers for Sundays after Pascha, after the the light of His countenance to shine
Octave and before the last Sunday before upon us; and may He have mercy on us.
Ascension. The Old Testament Lection may be (Verses 7-8 may be used as the Alleluia.)
repeated from the Close of Easter, last week, for Gospel John 3:16-24
the weeks in the Paschal season: Isaiah 61:1-7. ) (“For God so loved the world...”)
During this week: 16 For God so loved the world, as to give his
Beginning the evening before today, at only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in
the Beginning of Night read the Book of him, may not perish, but may have life
Acts throughout this week. At Matins everlasting.
through the week read the Gospel for 17 For God sent not his Son into the world, to
this Mass instead of the Matins judge the world, but that the world may be saved
Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the by him.
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song 18 He that believeth in him is not judged. But
of the Three Youths are from Week V. he that doth not believe, is already judged:
The Divine Liturgy: because he believeth not in the name of the only
[The Paschal Candle is lit.] begotten Son of God.
Old Testament: Isaiah 61:1-7 (See above.) 19 And this is the judgment: because the light is
come into the world, and men loved darkness
Introductory Collect
rather than the light: for their works were evil.
O God Who in the humiliation of Thy Son raised 20 For every one that doth evil hateth the light,
up the fallen world: Give joy to Thy Faithful so and cometh not to the light, that his works may
that Thou mayest make those whom Thou hast not be reproved.
rescued from the snares of death to enjoy eternal 21 But he that doth truth, cometh to the light,
joys. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who that his works may be made manifest, because
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages they are done in God.
of ages. R. Amen 22 After these things Jesus and his disciples
Collect Before the Epistle came into the land of Judea: and there he abode
O God in Whose marvelous precepts is the with them, and Baptized.
restoration of humanity: dissolve the works of the 23 And John also was baptizing in Ennon near
devil and shatter the death-bearing chains of sin Salim; because there was much water there; and
so that, when all which is malignant has been they came and were baptized.
destroyed the mercy that redeems, will conquer 24 For John was not yet cast into prison.

Post Nomina and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
O Lord, may the Holy Offering always confer ever with you. Amen.
Salvation so that what the Mystery bestows may Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
be perfected by virtue. Through our Lord Jesus Post Communion
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy [Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen in many languages, and the Paschal
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.]
Grant, We beseech Thee O Lord, that the
the Preface) Always said aloud.
reception of Thy Holy Things purify us and make
O God Who hast made us participants in the us worthy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Communion of the One Highest Divinity through reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
the observance of this sacrifice: we beg Thee.
of ages. R. Amen
grant that just as we recognize Thy Truth, let us
also win it for the dead. through our Lord Jesus Attend, O Lord Our God, so that through this, we
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy who have received in Faith may be cleansed of
errors and freed from all dangers, through our
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
It is worthy and just through Christ our Lord Who Third Sunday After Easter
because of pitiful human errors was pleased to be
born of the Virgin, and through the pain of death, (Propers for Sundays after Pascha.)
freed us from eternal death and conferred eternal During this week:
life upon us by His Resurrection. To Whom the Beginning today at the evening before,
Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the at the Beginning of Night read the
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly Gospel of St. John throughout this week.
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with At Matins for today through Tuesday
exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech this week, read the Gospel for this Mass
Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with instead of the Matins Resurrection
suppliant confession saying: Gospel. The verses before the Second
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
Three Youths are from Week VI.
Bishop only if present
The Divine Liturgy:
Dominica .I. Post Octavas Paschae.
Benedictio (First Sunday after the [The Paschal Candle is lit.]
Sunday after Pascha, that is, II Pascha.) Old Testament: Isaiah 61:1-7 (Lection for
May Almighty God who by His freely-given Paschal Season, from the Octave.)
mercy created you; may He give hope to you of Introductory Collect
rising again in the Resurrection of His Only- O God Who in the humiliation of Thy Son raised
begotten Son. Amen. up the fallen world: Give joy to Thy Faithful so
May He raise you from the tombs of your faults, that Thou mayest make those whom Thou hast
who raised Him from the dead. Amen. rescued from the snares of death to enjoy eternal
So that you may live happily with Him without joys. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
end, Whom you believe truly arose from the reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
dead. Amen. of ages. R. Amen
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Collect Before the Epistle
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
O God in Whose marvelous precepts is the
of ages. Amen.
restoration of humanity: dissolve the works of the
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
devil and shatter the death-bearing chains of sin

so that, when all which is malignant has been 14 But the water that I will give him, shall
destroyed, the mercy that redeems will conquer become in him a fountain of water, springing up
him who is the source of all harm. Through our into life everlasting.
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and 15 The woman saith to him: Sir, give me this
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen water, that I may not thirst, nor come hither to
Epistle Acts 2:22-28 draw.
(St. Peter admonishes the people for 16 Jesus saith to her: Go, call thy husband, and
crucifying Christ. Also, he reminds come hither.
people that David predicted Christ’s 17 The woman answered, and said: I have no
Resurrection in the Psalm 15, which he husband. Jesus said to her: Thou hast said well, I
quotes.) have no husband:
18 For thou has had five husbands; and he
Gradual entire Psalm 67 (Heb. 68) Exurgat
whom thou now hast, is not thy husband. This
Deus. Let God arise, and let His thou hast said truly.
enemies be scattered (Alleluia: V 33-36) 19 The woman saith to him: Sir, I perceive that
Gospel John 4:5-42 thou art a prophet.
(Jesus offers living water to the woman 20 Our fathers adored on this mountain, and you
at the well who had five husbands. say, that at Jerusalem is the place where men
[Gen. 33:19, Gen. 48:22; Jos. 24.32]) must adore. [Deut. 12:5]
5 He cometh therefore to a city of Samaria, 21 Jesus saith to her: Woman, believe me, that
which is called Sichar, near the land which Jacob the hour cometh, when you shall neither on this
gave to this son Joseph. mountain, nor in Jerusalem; adore the Father.
6 Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore 22 You adore that which you know not: we
being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the adore that which we know; for salvation is of the
well. It was about the sixth hour. Jews. [4 Kings 17:41]
7 There cometh a woman of Samaria, to draw 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the
water. Jesus saith to her: Give me to drink. true adorers shall adore the Father in spirit and in
8 For his disciples were gone into the city to buy truth. For the Father also seeketh such to adore
meats. him.
9 Then that Samaritan woman saith to him: How 24 God is a spirit; and they that adore him, must
dost thou, being a Jew, ask of me to drink, who adore him in spirit and in truth. [1 Cor. 3:17]
am a Samaritan woman? For the Jews do not 25 The woman saith to him: I know that the
communicate with the Samaritans. Messias cometh (who is called Christ); therefore,
10 Jesus answered, and said to her: If thou didst when he is come, he will tell us all things.
know the gift of God, and who he is that saith to 26 Jesus saith to her: I am he, who am speaking
thee, Give me to drink: thou perhaps wouldst with thee.
have asked of him, and he would have given thee 27 And immediately his disciples came; and
living water. they wondered that he talked with the woman.
11 The woman saith to him: Sir, thou hast Yet no man said: What seekest thou? Or, why
nothing wherein to draw, and the well is deep; talkest thou with her?
from whence then hast thou living water? 28 The woman therefore left her waterpot, and
12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, who went her way into the city, and saith to the men
gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and there:
his children, and his cattle? 29 Come, and see a man who has told me all
13 Jesus answered, and said to her: Whosoever things whatsoever I have done. Is not he the
drinketh of this water, shall thirst again; but he Christ?
that shall drink of the water that I will give him, 30 They went therefore out of the city, and came
shall not thirst for ever: unto him.

31 In the mean time the disciples prayed him, Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
saying: Rabbi, eat. Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen
32 But he said to them: I have meat to eat, Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
which you know not. It is worthy and just through Christ our Lord Who
33 The disciples therefore said one to another: because of pitiful human errors was pleased to be
Hath any man brought him to eat? born of the Virgin, and through the pain of death
34 Jesus saith to them: My meat is to do the will freed us from eternal death, and conferred eternal
of him that sent me, that I may perfect his work. life upon us by His Resurrection. To Whom the
35 Do not you say, There are yet four months, Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the
and then the harvest cometh? Behold, I say to Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly
you, lift up your eyes, and see the countries; for Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with
they are white already to harvest. exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech
36 And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with
gathereth fruit unto life everlasting: that both he suppliant confession saying:
that soweth, and he that reapeth, may rejoice
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
37 For in this is the saying true: That it is one Bishop only if present
man that soweth, and it is another that reapeth. Dominica .II. Post Octavas Pasche.
38 I have sent you to reap that in which you did Benedictio (Second Sunday after the
not labor: others have labored, and you have Sunday after Pascha, that is III Pascha.)
entered into their labors. May God Who conferred to you the boon of
39 Now of that city many of the Samaritans redemption and the honor of His adoption,
believed in him, for the word of the woman through the Resurrection of His only-begotten
giving testimony: He told me all things Son, confer upon you the award of His blessing.
whatsoever I have done. Amen.
40 So when the Samaritans were come to him, And you received the gift of eternal liberty from
they desired that he would tarry there. And he Him Who redeems; may you also be made co-
abode there two days. inheritors of eternity by Him who is generous.
41 And many more believed in him because of Amen.
his own word. And joined with Him, with Whom you arose by
42 And they said to the woman: We now believe, believing in Baptism, may you be worthy to live
not for thy saying: for we ourselves have heard well in the heavenly region. Amen.
him, and know that this is indeed the Savior of May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
the world. without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Post Nomina of ages. Amen.
O Lord, may the Holy Offering always confer May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Salvation so that what the Mystery bestows may and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
be perfected by virtue. Through our Lord Jesus ever with you. Amen.
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of Post Communion
[Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
the Preface) Always said aloud.
in many languages, and the Paschal
O God Who hast made us participants in the Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.]
Communion of the One Highest Divinity through Grant, We beseech Thee O Lord, that the
the observance of this sacrifice: we beg Thee. reception of Thy Holy Things purify us and make
grant that just as we recognize Thy Truth, let us us worthy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
also win it for the dead. through our Lord Jesus reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages

of ages. R. Amen. and one soul...” The disciples shared
Attend, O Lord Our God, so that through this, we everything they owned.. Contrast this
who have received in Faith may be cleansed of with the Epistle the following Sunday,
errors and freed from all dangers through our about Ananias and Saphira.)
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and Gradual and Alleluia Psalm 68 (Heb. 69)
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen. Salvum me fac Deus. Save, me, O God,
for the waters are come in even unto my
soul. (Mid-Pentecost of the Byzantines:
Mid Pascha (Wednesday after the Third remembering the waters of death,
Sunday after the Resurrection of our Lord. overcome by the Resurrection. Verses
Called Mid-Pentecost by Byzantines. 14, 33-36 may be used as the Alleluia.)
Matins: Continue the Gospel of St. John at Gospel Luke 24:36-48
the Beginning of Night. The Matins verses (After Resurrection, Jesus appears in the
continue to be from Week VI. Today and the rest midst of the disciples, eats with them.)
of the week, use the Gospel of today’s Mass 36 Now whilst they were speaking these things,
instead of the Matins Resurrection Gospel. Jesus stood in the midst of them, and saith to
The General Lections from the Lorrha-Stowe them: Peace be to you; it is I, fear not.
Mass may be added to Lections today.) 37 But they being troubled and frightened,
The Divine Liturgy: supposed that they saw a spirit.
[The Paschal Candle is lit.] 38 And he said to them: Why are you troubled,
Old Testament: Isaiah 61:1-7 (Lection for and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
Paschal Season, from the Octave.) 39 See my hands and feet, that it is I myself;
Introductory Collect handle, and see: for a spirit hath not flesh and
bones, as you see me to have.
O God Who in the humiliation of Thy Son raised
40 And when he had said this, he showed them
up the fallen world: Give joy to Thy Faithful so
his hands and feet.
that Thou mayest make those whom Thou hast
41 But while they yet believed not, and
rescued from the snares of death to enjoy eternal
wondered for joy, he said: Have you here any
joys. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
thing to eat?
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
42 And they offered him a piece of a broiled
of ages. R. Amen fish, and a honeycomb.
Collect Before the Epistle 43 And when he had eaten before them, taking
O God in Whose marvelous precepts is the the remains, he gave to them.
restoration of humanity: dissolve the works of the 44 And he said to them: These are the words
devil and shatter the death-bearing chains of sin which I spoke to you, while I was yet with you,
so that, when all which is malignant has been that all things must needs be fulfilled, which are
destroyed, the mercy that redeems will conquer written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets,
him who is the source of all harm. Through our and in the psalms, concerning me.
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and 45 Then he opened their understanding, that
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen they might understand the scriptures.
Epistle Acts 4:31-35 46 And he said to them: Thus it is written, and
(“And, when they had prayed, the place thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise again
was moved wherein they were from the dead, the third day: [Ps. 18:6]
assembled; and they were all filled with 47 And that penance and remission of sins
the Holy Ghost; and they spoke the word should be preached in his name, unto all nations,
of God with confidence. And the beginning at Jerusalem.
multitude of believers had but one heart 48 And you are witnesses of these things. [Acts

Post Nomina May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
O Lord, may the Holy Offering always confer and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Salvation so that what the Mystery bestows may ever with you. Amen.
be perfected by virtue. Through our Lord Jesus Confraction arrangement in the
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Missal: [Use 5 Particles of the Daily Host as
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen the image of the five senses of the soul.]
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of Post Communion
the Preface) Always said aloud. [Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
O God Who hast made us participants in the in many languages, and the Paschal
Communion of the One Highest Divinity through Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.]
the observance of this sacrifice: we beg Thee. Grant, We beseech Thee O Lord, that the
grant that just as we recognize Thy Truth, let us reception of Thy Holy Things purify us and make
also win it for the dead. through our Lord Jesus us worthy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen of ages. R. Amen
Attend, O Lord Our God, so that through this, we
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
who have received in Faith may be cleansed of
It is worthy and just through Christ our Lord Who errors and freed from all dangers through our
because of pitiful human errors was pleased to be Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
born of the Virgin, and through the pain of death
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
freed us from eternal death, and conferred eternal
life upon us by His Resurrection. To Whom the
Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the (Adoration of the Cross follows the Mass:)
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly Prayer During the Adoration
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with of the Holy Cross
exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech
V. O Lord Jesus Christ Most Glorious creator
Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with
of the world Who with Splendor of equal Glory
suppliant confession saying:
to the Father and the Holy Spirit wast pleased
Proper Blessing of the Day by a to accept pure flesh and and permitted Thy
Bishop only if present most glorious palms to be nailed to the pillory
Not given in Egbert, so do last Sunday's: of the Cross so that Thou might shatter the
gates of hell and free the human race from
May God Who conferred to you the boon of death.
redemption and the honor of His adoption, R. Have mercy upon me who am miserable: who
through the Resurrection of His only-begotten am born down in my sins and sullied by an
Son, confer upon you the award of His blessing. unclean lip: please do not abandon me O
Amen. Glorious Lord but please absolve me for I have
And you received the gift of eternal liberty from carried out evil deeds. Hear me, prostrate in the
Him Who redeems; may you also be made co- worship of Thy Life-giving Cross, so that in this
inheritors of eternity by Him who is generous. holy sollemn act I may be cleansed and worthy to
Amen. attend Thee Who Livest and reignest with Thine
And joined with Him, with Whom you arose by unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit throughout
believing in Baptism, may you be worthy to live all ages of ages. Amen.
well in the heavenly region. Amen. V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee ascending
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain the Cross and bearing the Crown of Thorns:
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages R. I beg Thee to liberate me from the angel of
of ages. Amen. death.

V. O Lord Jesus Christ I adore Thee wounded devil and shatter the death-bearing chains of sin
upon the Cross: Gall and vinegar Thy drink: so that, when all which is malignant has been
R. I beg Thee that Thy death be my life. destroyed, the mercy that redeems, will conquer
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee him who who is the source of all harm. Through
descending into hell freeing the captives: our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee
R. I beg Thee, do not let me go into the and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen
punishments of hell. Epistle Acts 4:36-5:11 (The man who does
V. O Lord Jesus Christ I adore Thee ascending not share but keeps things for himself is
into heaven and sitting at the right hand of the punished. At the previous Liturgy, Mid-
Father: Pascha which was during the week, the
R. I beg Thee have mercy upon me. disciples share everything they have;
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee coming in they “had but one heart and one soul.”)
Gradual and Alleluia Psalm 69 (Heb. 70)
R. I beg Thee that in Thy coming Thou dost not
enter into judgement with me Thy sinful Servant Deus in adjutorium. O God, come to my
but I beg Thee that Thou cast away my sins assistance: O Lord, make haste to help
before Thou judge me. Amen. me. (Alleluia: Verses 5-6.)
(Sing “Before Thy Cross” Gospel John 9:1-38 (Jesus heals the man who
see 6th Hour of Holy and Great Friday.) was born blind to glorify God, and Jesus
reveals Himself as the Son of God.)
Fourth Sunday After Easter 1 And Jesus passing by, saw a man, who was
blind from his birth:
(Propers for Sundays after Pascha, after the 2 And his disciples asked him: Rabbi, who hath
Octave and before the Fifth Sunday.) sinned, this man, or his parents, that he should be
During this week: born blind?
Beginning today at the evening before, 3 Jesus answered: Neither hath this man sinned,
at the Beginning of Night read the Book nor his parents; but that the works of God should
of Acts throughout this week. At Matins he made manifest in him.
throughout the week read the Gospel for 4 I must work the works of him that sent me,
this Mass instead of the Matins whilst it is day: the night cometh, when no man
Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the can work.
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of
of the Three Youths are from Week VII. the world.
The Divine Liturgy: [Paschal Candle lit.] 6 When he had said these things, he spat on the
Old Testament: Isaiah 61:1-7 (Lection for ground, and made clay of the spittle, and spread
Paschal Season, from the Octave.) the clay upon his eyes;
Introductory Collect 7 And said to him: Go, wash in the pool of
Siloe, which is interpreted, Sent. He went
O God Who in the humiliation of Thy Son raised
therefore, and washed, and he came seeing.
up the fallen world: Give joy to Thy Faithful so
8 The neighbors therefore, and they who had
that Thou mayest make those whom Thou hast
seen him before that he was a beggar, said: Is not
rescued from the snares of death to enjoy eternal
this he that sat and begged? Some said: This is
joys. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
9 But others said: No, but he is like him. But he
of ages. R. Amen
said: I am he.
Collect Before the Epistle 10 They said therefore to him: How were thy
O God in Whose marvelous precepts is the eyes opened?
restoration of humanity: dissolve the works of the 11 He answered: That man that is called Jesus

made clay, and anointed my eyes, and said to me: How did he open thy eyes?
Go to the pool of Siloe, and wash. And I went, I 27 He answered them: I have told you already,
washed, and I see. and you have heard: why would you hear it
12 And they said to him: Where is he? He saith: again? Will you also become his disciples?
I know not. 28 They reviled him therefore, and said: Be thou
13 They bring him that had been blind to the his disciple; but we are the disciples of Moses.
Pharisees. 29 We know that God spoke to Moses: but as to
14 Now it was the Sabbath, when Jesus made this man, we know not from whence he is.
the clay, and opened his eyes. 30 The man answered, and said to them: Why,
15 Again therefore the Pharisees asked him, herein is a wonderful thing, that you know not
how he had received his sight. But he said to from whence he is, and he hath opened my eyes.
them: He put clay upon my eyes, and I washed, 31 Now we know that God doth not hear
and I see. sinners: but if a man be a server of God, and doth
16 Some therefore of the Pharisees said: This his will, him he heareth.
man is not of God, who keepeth not the Sabbath. 32 From the beginning of the world it hath not
But others said: How can a man that is a sinner been heard, that any man hath opened the eyes of
do such miracles? And there was a division one born blind.
among them. 33 Unless this man were of God, he could not
17 They say therefore to the blind man again: do any thing.
What sayest thou of him that hath opened thy 34 They answered, and said to him: Thou wast
eyes? And he said: He is a prophet. wholly born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And
18 The Jews then did not believe concerning they cast him out.
him, that he had been blind, and had received his 35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out: and
sight, until they called the parents of him that had when he had found him, he said to him: Dost
received his sight. thou believe in the Son of God?
19 And asked them, saying: Is this your son, 36 He answered, and said: Who is he, Lord, that
who you say was born blind? How then doth he I may believe in him?
now see? 37 And Jesus said to him: Thou hast both seen
20 His parents answered them, and said: We him; and it is he that talketh with thee.
know that this is our son, and that he was born 38 And he said: I believe, Lord. And falling
blind: down, he adored him.
21 But how he now seeth, we know not; or who [39 And Jesus said: For judgment I am
hath opened his eyes, we know not: ask himself: come into this world; that they who see
he is of age, let him speak for himself. not, may see; and they who see, may
22 These things his parents said, because they become blind.
feared the Jews: for the Jews had already agreed 40 And some of the Pharisees, who
among themselves, that if any man should were with him, heard: and they said unto
confess him to be Christ, he should be put out of him: Are we also blind?
the synagogue. 41 Jesus said to them: If you were blind,
23 Therefore did his parents say: He is of age, you should not have sin: but now you
ask himself. say: We see. Your sin remaineth.]
24 They therefore called the man again that had
been blind, and said to him: Give glory to God. Post Nomina
We know that this man is a sinner. O Lord, may the Holy Offering always confer
25 He said therefore to them: If he be a sinner, I Salvation so that what the Mystery bestows may
know not: one thing I know, that whereas I was be perfected by virtue. Through our Lord Jesus
blind, now I see. Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
26 They said then to him: What did he to thee? Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen

Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
the Preface) Always said aloud. without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
O God Who hast made us participants in the of ages. Amen.
Communion of the One Highest Divinity through May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
the observance of this sacrifice: we beg Thee. and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
grant that just as we recognize Thy Truth, let us ever with you. Amen.
also win it for the dead. through our Lord Jesus Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Post Communion
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen [Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio in many languages, and the Paschal
Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.]
(Preface in the Roman Rite) Grant, We beseech Thee O Lord, that the
It is worthy and just through Christ our Lord Who reception of Thy Holy Things purify us and make
because of pitiful human errors was pleased to be us worthy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
born of the Virgin and through the pain of death reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
freed us from eternal death and conferred eternal of ages. R. Amen
life upon us by His Resurrection. To Whom the Attend, O Lord Our God, so that through this, we
Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the who have received in Faith may be cleansed of
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly errors and freed from all dangers through our
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen
Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with
suppliant confession saying:
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Fifth Sunday After Easter,
Bishop only if present Sunday before the Ascension
Dominica .III. Post Octavas Pasche.
During this week:
Benedictio (Third Sunday after the
Octave after Pascha, that is IV Pascha.) Beginning today at the evening before,
Merciful God, grant that these people who have at the Beginning of Night read the
celebrated the healing paschal solemnity: that all Gospel of St. John throughout this week,
Thy sheep who have been shorn be rooted in Thy including at the Ascension and the rest
desire, and may they who hope to be pleasing to of the week. At Matins through the
Thee obtain for one another that which is is beginning of the week read the Old
needful. Amen. Testament reading of the day instead of
May they set their gaze on Thee; may they hold the Matins Resurrection Gospel. The
Thee in their heart; may they hymn Thee with verses before the Second Canticle of
their voices; may they beseech Thee with their Moses and the Song of the Three Youths
prayers. May they shun what Thou hast are from Week VIII. Starting today, do
forbidden; may they choose what Thou hast the Rogations: at least read the Lections.
commanded; may they embrace what Thou hast The Divine Liturgy:
said; may they fulfill what pleases Thee. Amen. [The Paschal Candle is lit.]
So that in Him, mystically by means of the Old Testament: Isaiah 61:1-7 (Lection for
Sacrament of Thy faith, which has been perfected Paschal Season, from the Octave.)
and manifested, they may lovingly receive God in Introductory Collect
the Eucharist. By the Blood which has been O God Who confers this upon us by Thy Grace so
poured forth as prophesied, they understand with that we might be made justified apart from the
a new mind that they have been redeemed by faithless and blessed apart from the unworthy:
Him. Amen.

attend to Thy works, attend unto Thy gifts, so that with His Disciples. To Whom the Angels give
the resolution to persevere does not fail in those praise, the Dominations Worship, the Powers of
in whom there is justification of Faith, through the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly Virtues
our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth with Thee and the Blessed Seraphim together with
and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech
Collect Before the Epistle Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with
O God Who art merciful in works, just in suppliant confession saying:
judgments, bountiful in gifts: increase Thy mercy Proper Blessing of the Day by a
upon us; and since Thou art the source of good Bishop only if present
things and favors, preserve that which Thou hast Benedictio De Ieiunio. Vel
bestowed, so that Thou might discover that which Dominica .IIII. (Fourth Sunday after the
Thou hast crowned; through our Lord Jesus Octave after Pascha, that is, V Pascha,
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy literally the fasting day: beginning of the
Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen Rogation fast.)
Epistle Acts 16:19-36 May Almighty God be pleased to be attentive to
(Paul and Silas are released from prison your devotion, and grant you the gift of His
after an earthquake frees them, but they blessing. Amen.
stay; the prison-keeper is converted, and May He forgive you all the evil you have carried,
the magistrate frees them.) and grant the forgiveness which you may ask
from Him. Amen.
Gradual Psalm 70 (Heb. 71) In te Domine.
And thus may He accept the old fast and the
In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped: let me offerings of prayers, so that He may avert from
never be put to confusion deliver me in you every adversity which you deserve as a
Thy justice, and rescue me. (The retribution of sins, and may He pour forth in you
Alleluia may be verses 21-24.) the gift of the Spirit, the Paraclete. Amen.
Gospel Mark 7:31-37 (Jesus heals a man who May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
was deaf and dumb.) without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Post Nomina of ages. Amen.
O Lord, we beseech Thee, truly grant that we May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
may achieve the state of that salvation, the pledge and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
of which we receive in this Mystery, through our ever with you. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen Post Communion
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of [Say Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen!
the Preface) Always said aloud. in many languages, and the Paschal
Hymns in the Vigil of the Resurrection.]
Look Favorably upon these gifts which we
Grant, We beseech Thee O Lord, that the
sacrifice, that they may be acceptable to Thee,
reception of Thy Holy Things purify us and make
and always exist for our Salvation; through our
us worthy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen
of ages. R. Amen
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Attend, O Lord Our God, so that through this, we
(Preface in the Roman Rite) who have received in Faith may be cleansed of
It is worthy and just: that the postulants fulfill errors and freed from all dangers through our
their devotions so that we might grasp the faith Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
by devotion during the time after the Resurrection the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen.
when our Lord Jesus Christ dwelled in the flesh

Rogation Processions fatigue sets in. Sometimes Masses are done at
each Church, in which case, some people are in
(Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the Procession, and some stay for the Masses. If
before Ascension). a Bishop is visiting the Churches in the Diocese,
Note: The Rogation days are marked by a Mass will be celebrated at each Church by that
fasting and pilgrimages to the Churches in the Priest.) At each Hour:
area, beginning with a Mass, and continuing with Begin the Hour as in the Breviary, all
Litanies, Collects, and Readings during the walking quietly and listening to the reading.
Processions to other Churches. In some cases, a The Litany of the Saints from the Stowe-
Mass may be done at a destination Church. The Lorrha Missal would be sung before or after the
Rogations do not begin Sunday evening, but Psalms of that Hour (after the beginning of the
Monday early morning. (The “giving up of Hour), and the congregation responds, while
Easter” is not in place of the Rogations.) walking.
According to footnotes by Dom Pierre Salmon in The Collects for the Rogation Saint(s)
the Luxiel Lectionary, the Diocese of Arles took of the Church, Chapel or Shrine the Procession is
six hours to complete one day of the Rogations. going toward are sung after the Daily Collect of
Congregations of several Parishes in a Diocese, the Hour. The Procession stops and kneels or
or in a city or region, walk together. bows for the Collects.
Some Gallican Missals give Rogation Then the Epistle is sung loudly and
Collects for a few Saints: St. Peter, St. Paul, St. enunciated clearly by a Reader or Deacon as the
Stephen, St. Martin of Tours, and St. Gregory the Procession continues walking quietly.
Great. Churches were probably named after them. In place of the Gradual (after the Epistle,
The Order of Service for the Rogations before the Litany of St. Martin), the Irish
is apparent when the Epistle readings are “Trisagion” Collects from Matins may be sung by
examined, and the Stowe-Lorrha Missal is all, while walking.
familiar. The Epistle readings cover the General Then the Litany of St. Martin of Tours
Epistles, and the books of Tobias, Judith, and (from the Stowe-Lorrha Missal) is sung, and the
Esther. Most of them are very long readings, congregation responds, while walking.
done while walking a distance. These fit into an Next, before the Gospel, the people are
augmented Hour, or the Mass. There is a strict censed without the words of the Offering of the
fast on these three days, so only liquids and a Gifts, and the Book of the Gospels are Censed.
light fasting picnic meal might be required. Rest The Procession halts while the Holy Gospel is
stops must be provided. A head-covering is sung loudly and clearly by the Deacon or Priest,
highly suggested for both men and women; the and the people say after the Gospel, “Pray for us,
hooded cape of the Cele De, or a hat, is helpful in and lift up the Gospel to us,” and they are blessed
Processions. This must be a quiet Procession, not with the Book of the Holy Gospels.
a circus parade. A Cross, and Icons or banners Then the Procession continues as the
should lead the Procession. The clergy remains Prayer of the Community of the Brethren (long
vested during the journey, or at least in stoles. A form) is read, not ending with the Creed and Our
cope should be worn over the other vestments. Father yet, and other supplicatory Litanies (in
A Mass may be done at the beginning of Appendix V of this Breviary) if the congregation
the Procession of the day at the largest Church, has not yet arrived at its next destination. Finally,
after Matins (at the Second Hour), using the the Creed and Our Father are said.
Stowe-Lorrha Missal. Immediately following At the destination Church, Chapel, or
that, the Third Hour Procession begins. All the Shrine, the Priest or Bishop blesses the place,
people Process together to the various Churches. says the Collects of the Saints again, and all rest
(Either a Mass may begin or end the Processions; for a short while. Then they all continue. (They
better to be at the beginning, before too much may all file into and out of the Church, Chapel or

Shrine in an orderly way to pay their respects.) destination Church, and the rest of the Mass (the
At the end of the Rogations, after the Creed and Our Father are in the Mass). This
Ninth Hour, they arrive for Vespers at the final method of doing the Procession would take much
destination, and sing Vespers together. The Priest more time than the augmented Hours. The
or Bishop may end with the final Benediction Byzantine Rite has some memory of its Trisagion
from the Stowe-Lorrha Missal. This usage was Hymn being sung in a Procession that arrived at
probably usual. The Priest would lead his the main Cathedral just in time for the Great
congregation on the entire pilgrimage, or a Entry, so there is precedent for this method, but
Bishop would lead his Diocese from Church to the method most often used in Processions of the
Church. There is no need to wait until the proper Western Rite in living memory followed the
Hour to continue these Hours, because it is augmented Hours, and only one Mass for each
common in some Rites such as the Byzantine day is given in the Gallican Missal.
Rite to do prayers for an Hour in anticipation of If more than one Mass is done in the
that Hour (unless rest is needed), if the prayers day, only the Priest or Bishop of a Parish
will continue from a Mass. For example, the Celebrates the Mass at that Church. The
Byzantine Rite has a Vespers service for congregation may receive Holy Communion
Pentecost Monday, including kneeling prayers, once at the Church where their Confession has
that occur immediately after the Divine Liturgy been heard. Try not to Celebrate a Mass between
of Pentecost Sunday is completed. the Sixth and Ninth Hours.
If Masses were done at any destination Rogation Collects for St. Peter, St.
Church, the Bishop or Priest who would be Paul, St. Stephen, St. Martin of Tours, and St.
Celebrating the Mass would stay at that Church Gregory the Great. These do not need to
with a few Acolytes and congregation, and not be done in a Church named after the Saint: in
travel from Church to Church. Deacons or other Irish custom, a Church or Chapel was often
clergy could lead the Procession of the other named after the patron or family who had built the
congregations. The clergy who would be in the Church, such as the Dowling Chapel in
Procession begin the Mass as usual, but vest Clonmacnoise. The presence of a small Chapel
before the opening Litany of the Saints, and skip dedicated to a Saint, or an Icon, or relic of a Saint
the opening Offering of the Gifts. Then they lead is sufficient for a Procession to a Church. A small
their congregation on the Procession to the first outdoor Shrine dedicated to a Saint, such as a
Church (agreed upon beforehand). Meanwhile, at Shrine in a cemetary, is also sufficient for a
the Church the Procession will be arriving, at the Procession to it. (If a Procession goes to other
same time the Procession begins, the Mass Shrines, Collects for those Saints should be said.
begins, including the Offering of the Gifts and all See the Feasts from February through November,
Collects. The Collects of the Saint are said just if the Saints are not below.) The following
before the Epistle, and this would also be done in Collects are done when facing the icon or relic of
the Procession on the way to the Church. After the Saint:
the long Epistle and Gradual (Irish “Trisagion”) Collect for St. Peter
is the Litany of Supplication of St. Martin of O God, the refuge of the poor, the hope
Tours, from the Stowe-Lorrha Mass, and if there of the humiliated, and salvation of the miserable,
is still some distance to walk, other supplicatory clemently hear us, Thy kneeling suppliants:
Litanies would be said. The Celebrant at the through Blessed Peter intervening for us, of the
destination Church also adds other supplicatory foundation of Thy Church, during this three day
Litanies if needed, if the Procession has not fast. And grant tranquillity from tribulations, and
arrived yet. As the Procession enters the likewise from our enemies of these times, so that
destination Church, the Celebrant says the prayer those who the justice of Thy scourgings rightly
before the censing. The people are censed, and afflict, may be consoled with the abundance of
hear the Holy Gospel and sermon in the Thy mercy, by the persistence of Blessed Peter

himself, through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth Another Collect for St. Stephen
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, throughout We beseech Thee, O Lord, that the
all ages of ages. R. Amen. prayer of Thy blessed Levite and martyr escort
Collect after the Collect for St. Peter our extended prayers in this fast, so that Thy
Almighty and eternal God, Who to mercy may attend to our afflictions, and may we
Blessed Peter the Apostle didst bestow, by the be encouraged by his prayers. Through Christ
keys of the heavenly kingdom, the power to bind our Lord, Who reigneth with the Father and the
and loosen souls, and didst give [him] the Office Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
of High Priest, hear our prayers of propitiation in R. Amen.
this time of fasting, and by his intercession, we Collect for St. Martin of Tours
beseech Thee that we may be freed from deaths Stretch forth Thy right hand unto thy
of our sins.* Through Christ our Lord, Who people praying for mercy in the time of their fast,
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, that through interceding, Blessed Martin, that we
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. may avoid imminent terrors, and receive the
[* Romans 6:23.] solace of immortal life, and grasp eternal joy.
Collect for St. Paul Through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth with the
Behold, O Lord, we beseech Thee, our Father and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of
infirmities, and in these days of this fast, which ages. R. Amen.
are three in Consecration, three in number, by Another Collect for St. Martin of Tours
Thy interventing, Blessed Apostle Paul, quickly O God, the author of fasting, the
help us by faith, that those whom Thou dost institutor of abstinence, Who embracing the form
correct with justice, Thou may console with of a fast cleared away the overabundance of
mercy. Through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth gluttony, so that in us moral sobriety might reign.
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, throughout Look upon, and be favorable to, O Lord these
all ages of ages. R. Amen. suppliants who are empty during this three day
Another Collect for St. Paul fast of abstinence; and by the interceding,
Hear O Lord, we beseech Thee, our cries greatest of men, Blessed Martin, be won over and
in the days of fasting, which are three in number, infuse the grace of Thy Blessing in all of us, so
of the Trinity, of the Holy; and by interceding, that as this fast was established unto the habit of
Blessed Paul our teacher and doctor, let offense fear of Thee, it may conquer gluttony of appetite.
of delinquencies depart, for Thy mercy is to Thus may Thine illumination overcome the tinder
always grant forgiveness, by tears of suppliants. of our sins in our senses. Through Christ our
Through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth with the Lord, Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy
Father and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
ages. R. Amen. R. Amen.
Collect for St. Stephen Collect for St. Gregory the Great
Grant, we beseach Thee Almighty and Almighty, eternal God, fasting and
merciful God, that by the weakness with which satisfied by Thy Gifts, even perfected by the
we are afflicted in these days of fasting, that the leanness which is pleasing to Thee, we suppliants
magnified, blessed Levite Stephen show forth aid appeal to Thy Majesty that the shadows of sins be
of intervention, who has shown forth, an imitator expelled from our hearts in this time of fasting.
of the Lord in suffering first in the blood of the Through our interceding, great and high Priest
martyrs; and may he ever be a perfect, supporting Gregory, create openness to the Divine Mysteries,
and swiftly pardoning advocate. Through Christ and make us approach the True Light which is
our Lord, Who reigneth with the Father and the Christ. Through Christ our Lord, Who reigneth
Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. with the Father and the Holy Spirit, throughout
R. Amen. all ages of ages. R. Amen.

Another Collect for St. Gregory the Great O Lord, Thou art merciful to those who keep
Almighty, eternal God, by Whose order vigil with Thee during the (Triduum) three days
flesh is restrained from wantonness by the Rogation, likewise may they be worthy of Thy
emptiness of fasting; may our flesh, disciplined mercy. May they appeal to Thee with meagre
by sobriety, know its Sower: through the fasting and hymns. Amen.
intercessions of the highest Apostolic father, [“innixius” “meagre,” or “a little,” a
Gregory. In this fast, grant that all those who Gaelic Latin term.]
believe in Thee, the Spotless One, may practice Let that great mercy by which Thou fed the
the Faith so that, if they fast, they might strive gathering, never fail along the way. Moreover, be
against and escape the brambles. May Thy pleased to reward Thy people with Thy grace
protection against these protect the virtuous, O during the fast. Amen.
Almighty Father, through Christ our Lord, Who But as Thou fed this gathering with blessed
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, bread, O King of Glory, likewise be pleased now
throughout all ages of ages. R. Amen. to restore these people who celebrate these three
Proper Blessing of the Day by a days to Thee with the solemnity of Litanies.
Bishop only if present
Bless them, O Lord, through our Lord Jesus
Benedictio in Rogatione. [Monday, Christ, Who reignest with the Father and the Holy
Tuesday, Wednesday before Ascension] Spirit, throughout the ages of ages. Amen.
O Lord, please visit these thy servants and May the blessing of God the Father, the Son, and
handmaids that they be worthy to be willingly the Holy Spirit, and the peace of the Lord be ever
subject to the gift of Thy blessings. Amen. with you. Amen.
Free them from the time of evil, and give them
During the Rogation days:
times of peace, and repay them with eternal
rewards. Amen. At the Beginning of Night continue reading the
And thus this group in awe of Thee in the three Gospel of St. John. At Matins read the Old
days of fasting, having eaten the blessed bread, O Testament reading of the day instead of the
King of Glory, so now be pleased to restore this Matins Resurrection Gospel. The verses before
people by solemnity of rejoicing to Thee in the the Second Canticle of Moses and the Song of the
three day celebration. Amen. Three Youths are from Week VIII.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Rogation Monday (First Day Rogations.)
of ages. Amen. Matins: Daniel 9:12-19
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Third Hour: James (ALL); Gospel: Matthew
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be 5:17-26
ever with you. Amen. Sixth Hour: I Peter 1:1 - 5:11; Gospel:
Matthew 7:1-12
Alia Benedictio. [Another Blessing Ninth Hour: Tobias (ALL); Gospel:
during the Rogation days.] Matthew 6:1-13
Regard, O Lord, Thy family with their faces
bowed down, begging the gift of Thy blessings. Rogation Tuesday (Second Day.)
Amen. Matins: Joel 1:13 - 2:11
Rule them from Thy heights, and from the Third Hour: II Peter (ALL); Gospel:
abundance of Thy bounty, free them from evil Matthew 13:1-23
times, and give them a time of peace, so that in Sixth Hour: I John (ALL); Gospel: Luke
the present time they may remain constant and 12:15-31
secure, and may they be free to come into eternal Ninth Hour: Judith (ALL); Gospel: Matthew
joy. Amen. 5:31-48

Rogation Wednesday (Third Day.) The Divine Liturgy:
Matins: Hosea 5:1 - 6:6 Old Testament: Acts 1:1-11 (as OT)
Third Hour: II John 1 - 11, III John 1-12; (The Ascension into heaven of our Lord
Gospel: Matthew 4:13-17; 11:28-30 Jesus Christ.)
Sixth Hour: Jude (ALL); Gospel: Matthew Introductory Collect
21:28-32 O God who by the exhortation of Doctrine
Ninth Hour: Esther (ALL); Gospel: through the Gospel, hast decreed that Thy Church
Matthew 6:14-33 have affection for things set on high, moreover to
the heights unto which the Savior of the world
Other Seasons’ Processions or arose: Grant unto thy Suppliants to imitate in
Special Hours mind what many beheld in the flesh, so that in the
The Rogations before Ascension are the second coming of the Mediator, they who believe
greatest of the penitential pilgrimage in Thy promises may be enriched by Grace,
Processions. Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ Who
St. Patrick’s day falls in Lent: it could reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
have a shorter Procession of augmented Hours throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
after an early Mass, using the Abecedarian Hymn Collect Before the Epistle
to St. Patrick in place of the Gradual, and Grant us Almighty and merciful God, that just as
Collects and readings from his Mass and from that we are certain the Savior of the human race is
week in Lent (from the Book of Propers). A enthroned with Thee in Thy Majesty and also
Procession of this kind could have more than one remains with us unto the end of the World, we too
reader, so that all hear the prayers and readings. may experience what this prefigures, through the
At the beginning of Lent during the same our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Synodikon, a Procession of Icons occurs in the Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
Byzantine Rite. The Feast of St. Martin of Tours ages. Amen
before Advent could have a Procession: for St. Epistle Ephesians 4:1-13 (The body of Christ,
Martin, World War I Armistice Day, and the end of “unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”)
the plague of influenza in 1918. Another I, therefore, a prisoner in the Lord, beseech you
Procession could occur on All Saints Day, with that you walk worthy of the vocation in which
Collects for the Saints and the Departed, and the you are called; With all humility and mildness,
Hymn “Altus Prosator,” offering a Christian with patience, supporting one another in charity;
focus. Careful to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond
of peace; One body and one Spirit; as you are
The Ascension of our called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one
faith, one baptism; One God and Father of all,
Lord Jesus Christ who is above all, and through all, and in us all.
(from the Gothic Missal) But to every one of us is given grace, according
Matins: to the measure of the giving of Christ. Wherefore
At the Beginning of Night continue he saith: Ascending on high, he led captivity
reading the Gospel of St. John. At captive; he gave gifts to men. [Psalm 67:19].
Matins today and the rest of this week Now, that he ascended, what is it, but because he
read the Old Testament reading and also also descended first, into the lower parts of the
the Gospel for this Mass instead of the earth? He that descended is the same also that
Matins Resurrection Gospel. The verses ascended above all the heavens, that he might fill
before the Second Canticle of Moses all things. And he gave some apostles, and some
and the Song of the Three Youths are prophets, and other some evangelists, and other
from Week VIII. some pastors and doctors; For the perfecting of

the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the 3 And if I shall go, and prepare a place for you, I
edifying of the body of Christ; Until we all meet will come again, and will take you to myself; that
into the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the where I am, you also may be.
Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure 4 And whither I go you know, and the way you
of the age of the fullness of Christ. know.
[The Epistle may continue: Eph 4:14-16] 5 Thomas saith to him: Lord, we know not
That henceforth we be no more children, tossed whither thou goest; and how can we know the
to and fro and carried about with every wind of way?
doctrine, by the wickedness of men, by cunning 6 Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth,
craftiness by which they lie in wait to deceive: and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by
But, doing the truth in charity, we may in all me.
things grow up in him who is the head, even 7 If you had known me, you would without
Christ; From whom the whole body, being doubt have known my Father also: and from
compacted and fitly joined together, by what henceforth you shall know him, and you have
every joint supplieth, according to the operation seen him.
in the measure of every part, maketh increase of 8 Philip saith to him: Lord, show us the Father,
the body, unto the edifying of itself in charity.] and it is enough for us.
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 71 (Heb 72) 9 Jesus saith to him: Have I been so long a time
Deus judicium tuum. Give to the king with you; and have you not known me? Philip,
Thy judgment, O God: and to the King’s he that seeth me seeth the Father also. How
Son Thy justice: To judge Thy people sayest thou, Show us the Father?
with justice, and Thy poor with 10 Do you not believe, that I am in the Father,
judgment. (Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father in me? The words that I speak to
sitting on the right hand of God the you, I speak not of myself. But the Father who
Father, is the Just Judge. The Psalm of abideth in me, he doth the works.
David at an end: not end of Psalms, but 11 Believe you not that I am in the Father, and
of a group of Psalms, end of Paschaltide. the Father in me?
See II Epiphany: end of persecutions and 12 Otherwise believe for the very works’ sake.
the return of Christ from Egypt. Amen, amen I say to you, he that believeth in me,
Alleluia: Verses 17-20.) the works that I do, he also shall do; and greater
Gospel John 13:33-35; AND 14:1-14; AND than these shall he do.
Luke 24:49-53. (“I shall go and prepare a place 13 Because I go to the Father: and whatsoever
for you.” Jesus the Way, the Truth, the you shall ask the Father in my name, that will I
Life. From St. Luke: the Ascension. do: that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Jn 13:33 Little children, yet a little while I am 14 If you shall ask me any thing in my name,
with you. You shall seek me; and as I said to the that I will do.
Jews: Whither I go you cannot come; so I say to Lk 24:49 And I send the promise of my Father
you now. upon you: but stay you in the city, till you be
34 A new commandment I give unto you: That endued with power from on high.
you love one another, as I have loved you, that 50 And he led them out as far as Bethania: and
you also love one another. [Lev. 19:18] lifting up his hands, he blessed them.
35 By this shall all men know that you are my 51 And it came to pass, whilst he blessed them,
disciples, if you have love one for another. he departed from them, and was carried up to
14:1 Let not your heart be troubled. You heaven. [Acts 1:9]
believe in God, believe also in me. 52 And they adoring went back into Jerusalem
2 In my Father’s house there are many with great joy.
mansions. If not, I would have told you: because 53 And they were always in the temple, praising
I go to prepare a place for you. and blessing God. Amen.

Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of Post Communion
the Preface) Always said aloud. Grant, We beseech Thee O Lord, that the
O Lord, we make this sacrifice for the Ascension reception of Thy Holy Things purify us and make
of Thy Son into the Heavens. Grant, we beseech us worthy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Thee, that by this commerce of worship, though reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, unto ages
Him we may arise unto Glory, through the same... of ages. R. Amen
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Attend, O Lord Our God, so that through this, we
(Preface in the Roman Rite) who have received in Faith may be cleansed of
It is truly worthy and just through Christ our errors and freed from all dangers through our
Lord, Who was killed for our sins and rose for Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
our justification, Who Ascended above all the the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. R. Amen
heavens and was exalted unto the Throne of Thy
Glory, and sat at Thy right hand, and bade the Sunday after Ascension
sending of the promised Holy Spirit unto the sons (Propers of the Fifth Sunday in the
of adoption. Wherefore, rejoicing in the midst of
cycle of six Sundays.)
Thine altars, O Lord of Virtues, we offer Thee
sacrifices of praise + with the angels and During this week:
archangels through Christ our Lord saying... Beginning today at the evening before,
Proper Blessing of the Day by a at the Beginning of Night read the Book
Bishop only if present of Acts throughout this week At Matins
throughout the week read the Gospel for
/ Benedictio. In Ascensa Domini
this Mass instead of the Matins
May Almighty God Whose only-begotten Son
Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the
penetrated the heights of the Heavens bless you,
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song
and open unto you the way of ascending to where
of the Three Youths are from Week IX.
He is. Amen.
The Divine Liturgy:
May He propitiously grant: that as after His
Resurrection He was manifested, seen by the Old Testament:[none listed.]
Disciples, likewise may He be seen by you Introductory Collect
coming peacefully in judgment. Amen. O God Who preserves us by ruling and justifies
And may you experience, as He promised, Him by being merciful, save us from the tribulations
Whom you believe is seated with the Father and of this time and pour out eternal joy upon us,
remains with you even unto the end of the world. through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Amen. Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain ages. Amen.
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Collect Before the Epistle
of ages. Amen. O God, the teacher of those who hope in Thee,
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son absolve us from all our depraved entanglements
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be and do not be satisfied that we remain bound by
ever with you. Amen. any chains of iniquity, so that the Source of all
Confraction arrangement for the peace may henceforth be the Source of a healthy
Ascension: 13 Particles for Low Sunday and freedom through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
Christ’s Ascension. Thirteen Particles of reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
the Host of Low Sunday and the Feast throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
of the Ascension, is an image of Christ Epistle Acts 18:22 - 19:12
with His twelve Apostles; it is not usual (A better Baptism, of Christ; and St. Paul
to distribute from all thirteen Particles. teaches in Asia.)

And, going down to Caesarea, he went up to word of the Lord, both Jews and Gentiles. And
Jerusalem and saluted the church; and so came God wrought by the hand of Paul more than
down to Antioch. And, after he had spent some common miracles. So that even there were
time there, he departed and went through the brought from the body to the sick, handkerchiefs
country of Galatia and Phrygia, in order, and aprons; and the diseases departed from them;
confirming all the disciples. Now, a certain Jew, and the wicked spirits went out of them.
named Apollo, born at Alexandria, an eloquent Gradual Psalm 72 (Heb. 73) Quam bonus
man, came to Ephesus, one mighty in the Israel Deus. How good is God to Israel,
scriptures. This man was instructed in the way of to them that are of a right heart! (Verses
the Lord; and, being fervent in spirit, spoke and 26 and 28 may be used as Alleluia.)
taught diligently the things that are of Jesus, Gospel John 17:1-26 (Jesus’s prayer for the
knowing only the baptism of John. This man whole world; Vespers of Holy and Great
therefore began to speak boldly in the synagogue. Friday. “...I pray for them: I pray not for
Whom when Priscilla and Aquila had heard, they the world, but for them whom thou hast
took him to them and expounded to him the way given me: because they are thine: And
of the Lord more diligently. And, whereas he was all my things are thine, and thine are
desirous to go to Achaia, the brethren exhorting mine; and I am glorified in them....”)
wrote to the disciples to receive him. Who, when
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
he was come, helped them much who had
believed. For with much vigor he convinced the the Preface) Always said aloud.
Jews openly, showing by the scriptures that Jesus Hear, O Lord, the prayers of those who make the
is the Christ. offering: receive the Sacrifices; forgive sins;
And it came to pass, which Apollo was through the intercessions of the Saints, permit our
at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the dear ones who sleep in Christ refreshment in the
upper coasts, came to Ephesus and found certain land of the living, Through our Lord Jesus Christ
disciples. And he said to them: Have you Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? But throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
they said to him: We have not so much as heard Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
whether there be a Holy Ghost. And he said: In (Preface in the Roman Rite)
what then were you baptized? Who said: In It is worthy and just, equal and just for us, here
John's baptism. Then Paul said: John baptized and everywhere, to give thanks to Thee, Holy
the people with the baptism of penance, saying Lord, the Father Almighty, Eternal God, Who art
that they should believe in him who was to come a loving Father to us. Thou remainst Lord by
after him, that is to say, in Jesus. Having heard Thy Power because Thou wast pleased to adopt
these things they were baptized in the name of the as Sons those whose Progenitor had made them
Lord Jesus. And, when Paul had imposed his servants and, by Heavenly regeneration, raised to
hands on them, the Holy Ghost came upon them; life those whose earthly conception had
and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. consigned them to death . Thee O Almighty God,
And all the men were about twelve. And, All the Angels Hymn, Saying:
entering into the synagogue, he spoke boldly for Proper Blessing of the Day by a
the space of three months, disputing and
Bishop only if present
exhorting concerning the kingdom of God. But,
when some were hardened and believed not, Dominica .I. Post Ascensionem.
speaking evil of the way of the Lord before the Domini. Benedictio [Egbert out of order]
multitude, departing from them, he separated the May the Lord pour forth the shower of His
disciples, disputing daily in the school of one blessings upon you, and open His heavenly
Tyrannus. And this continued for the space of treasure chamber of clarity unto you. Amen.
two years, so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the And may the Lord make you participants in

eternal life, and co-inheritors of the heavenly Lections and Propers of the Saint days being
kingdom. Amen. celebrated; Masses on Tuesday take the Lections
May the Holy Spirit find worthy habitation in of Sunday as well as the Lections of the Saint
you, and may you rest in His glorious majesty, days being celebrated, and either the Saint's
peacefully in your hearts. Amen. Propers, or if no special Propers for the Saint,
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain then General Propers; Masses on Thursday and
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Saturday must take the Lections of Thursday as
of ages. Amen. well as Lections of the Saint days being
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son celebrated, and either the Saint's Propers or if no
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be special Propers for the Saint, then General
ever with you. Amen. Propers. The order of Collects, Lections, and
Confraction arrangement for Sunday: Psalms given here matches the order of the Celtic
(In the Missal.) 9 Particles for Sundays. Rite Mass (Divine Liturgy.)
Sunday Bishop’s Blessings from the
Post Communion
Pontificale of Egbert have different themes each
In prayer we ask for Divine mercy so that these week, and seem to comment on the Celtic
health-creating Sacraments which have been Lections, especially the Gospel of the day. (Note:
taken into our bodies may purify our souls, and the Epistles were chosen from the Byzantine
our bodies, and may they encourage bodies and Lectionary, but spread out to the Celtic Season of
hearts unto hope for Heaven, Through our Lord Pentecost. Not every part of the books of the
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the Gospels is done; there are very few parts of the
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Gospels that are skipped, but these are not in the
Byzantine Lectionary either.)
For an explanation of the cycles of
Beginning of Night and Matins which are in
cycles of ten weeks in Matins, and two weeks in
the Beginning of Night, please see the Breviary,
Pentecost Season which is now included in the Lorrha-Stowe
Propers and Lections Missal and the Hours of Bangor, True Worship of
the Undivided Church. The Matins cycle is given
Proper prayers for most of the year are in the history of the Apostle Peter (which starts
different every Sunday, however, in Pentecost, page 400 of this volume), to show the witness
the Propers in Celtic sources are in a cycle of six accounts.
sets that repeat. The cycle of six Propers in this In the Byzantine Rite, musical modes
season does seem to fit into the Lections, so that are tied to the cycle of prayers, which in the
themes are tied into bundles of six. Lections and Byzantine Rite is in a cycle of eight (arranged by
Psalms do change every Sunday and Thursday in St. John of Damascus in the 8th century). In the
the season of Pentecost. Celtic Rite, while using the four diatonic and two
Thursdays in Pentecost use the same enharmonic modes (totaling six) on usual days or
Proper prayers as the previous Sunday, and also during the Pentecost cycle, it would be possible
some of the daily Collects in the Ordinary of the to use the two most chromatic, and traditionally
Mass. Fast days usually do not allow a Liturgy most important, modes for the Paschaltide
on that day, unless it is a major Feast day of the services. The Celtic (and Roman) Hymn of the
Lord or the Blessed Virgin Mary, therefore, Angel at the lighting of the Paschal Candle is
Masses for Saints (fixed days) are moved to the very similar in both melody and words to the
nearest Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Byzantine Tone 6, or Greek Hypolydian mode,
Masses on Sunday must take the which is the most chromatic mode.
Lections and Propers of Sunday as well as

Pentecost not be confounded for ever. And you shall know
that I am in the midst of Israel: and I am the Lord
(Gothic Missal) your God, and there is none besides: and my
people shall not be confounded for ever. And it
During this week:
shall come to pass after this, that I will pour out
Beginning today at the evening before, my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your
at the Beginning of Night read the daughters shall prophesy: your old men shall
Gospel of St. John throughout this week dream dreams, and your young men shall see
At Matins this week read the Old visions. Moreover upon my servants and
Testament reading and also the Gospel handmaids in those days I will pour forth my
for this Mass instead of the Matins spirit. And I will show wonders in heaven: and in
Resurrection Gospel. Verses before the earth, blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The
Second Canticle of Moses and the Song sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon
of the Three Youths are from Week X. into blood: before the great and dreadful day of
The Divine Liturgy: Pentecost is one of the Lord doth come. And it shall come to pass,
the three major Feasts of the year; with 65 that every one that shall call upon the name of the
Particles in the Confraction. Tomorrow, Lord shall be saved: for in mount Sion, and in
Monday, is the actual fifty-day Feast of Jerusalem shall be salvation, as the Lord hath
Pentecost, but it is celebrated today in said, and in the residue whom the Lord shall call.
anticipation. (The Paschal Candle may be lit; Introductory Collect
St. Peter preaches the Resurrection.) O God, the illumination and life of those who
Old Testament: Joel: 2:21-32 (Land, beasts believe, the indescribable One, Whose gifts are
and people are told not to fear: the Lord celebrated by the greatness of the testimony of
has done great things, people will know the festival of this day, Grant that Thy People
“I am the Lord your God, and there is grasp with the mind what was taught by wonders,
none besides: and my people shall not be so that the Adoption which the Holy Spirit has
confounded for ever.” Then, the Lord invoked upon them may have nothing lukewarm
will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and in choice nor diverse in faith, through the same
in the last days, everyone that calls on Holy Spirit Spirit Who reigneth with Thee and
the Name of the Lord will be saved.) our Lord Jesus Christ throughout all ages of ages.
Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoice: for the Lord Amen.
hath done great things. Fear not, ye beasts of the Collect Before the Epistle
fields: for the beautiful places of the wilderness We beseech Thee O Lord that the Paraclyte Spirit
are sprung, for the tree hath brought forth its who proceeds from Thee illumine our minds and
fruit: the fig-tree and the vine have yielded their guide us to every good work as the Son of Truth
strength. And you, O children of Sion, rejoice promised, through the Same Holy Spirit Spirit
and be joyful in the Lord your God: because he Who reigneth with Thee and our Lord Jesus
hath given you a teacher of justice, and he will Christ throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
make the early and the latter rain to come down
Epistle: Acts 2:1-21 (At Pentecost, which was
to you as in the beginning. And the floors shall
be filled with wheat, and the presses shall the day the Law of Moses was given, a
overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore to mighty rushing wind comes upon the
you the years which the locust and the bruchus Apostles and they are filled with the
and the mildew and the palmer-worm have eaten: Holy Spirit, and they go out and speak in
my great host which I sent upon you. And you all known and foreign languages to all
shall eat in plenty and shall be filled: and you people in Jerusalem. This reverses the
shall praise the name of the Lord your God who curse of Babel; God is able to speak with
hath done wonders with you; and my people shall intelligent understanding of languages.)

And when the days of the Pentecost were manifest day of the Lord come. And it shall
accomplished, they were all together in one place. come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, name of the Lord shall be saved. [Joel 2:32]
as of a mighty wind coming; and it filled the Gradual: Psalm of Praise for Pentecost:
whole house where they were sitting. And there Psalm 149 (Heb. 149) Cantate Domino.
appeared to them parted tongues, as it were of Alleluia. Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: let
fire; and it sat upon every one of them. And they His praise be in the church of the saints. Let
were all filled with the Holy Ghost; and they Israel rejoice in Him that made him: and let the
began to speak with divers tongues, according as children of Sion be joyful in their king. Let them
the Holy Ghost gave them to speak. Now there praise His Name in choir: let them sing to Him
were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, with the timbrel and the psaltery. For the Lord is
out of every nation under heaven. And, when this well pleased with His people: and He will exalt
was noised abroad, the multitude came together the meek unto salvation.
and were confounded in mind, because that every The saints shall rejoice in glory: they
man heard them speak in his own tongue. And shall be joyful in their beds. The high praises of
they were all amazed and wondered, saying: God shall be in their mouth: and two-edged
Behold, are not all these that speak, Galileans? swords in their hands: To execute vengeance
And how have we heard, every man our own upon the nations: chastisements among the
tongue wherein we were born? Parthians and people: To bind their kings with fetters: and their
Medes and Elamites and inhabitants of nobles with manacles of iron: To execute upon
Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and them the judgment that is written: this glory is to
Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the all His saints. Alleluia.
parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Alleluia Psalm of Praise 150 (Heb. 150)
Rome. Jews also and proselytes, Cretes and Laudate Dominum in sanctis. Praise ye
Arabians; we have heard them speak in our own the Lord in his holy places (Alleluia for
tongues the wonderful works of God. And they Easter, Christmas and Pentecost.) (The
were all astonished and wondered, saying one to Douay translation “choir” probably does
another: What meaneth this? But others, not match earlier Roman Latin which the
mocking, said: These men are full of new wine. Celts would have used, that said
But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up “dance.” The three Feasts of the Lord
his voice and spoke to them: Ye men of Judea which call for 65 Particles of the
and all you that dwell in Jerusalem, be this Confraction, may have allowed
known to you and with your ears receive my instruments, such as harps and plucked
words. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, lyres, psaltery or bowed instruments,
seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this trumpets, brass, woodwinds and organs,
is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel: timbrel, bells, cymbals and other
And it shall come to pass, in the last days (saith percussion, and voices; i.e., a full
the Lord), I will pour out of my Spirit upon all orchestra and chorus.)
flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall Alleluia, Alleluia. Praise ye the Lord in His holy
prophesy: and your young men shall see visions; places: praise ye Him in the firmament of His
and your old men shall dream dreams. [Is. 44:3; power. Praise ye Him for His mighty acts: praise
Jl 2:28] And upon my servants, indeed, and upon ye Him according to the multitude of His
my handmaids will I pour out in those days of my greatness. Praise Him with sound of trumpet:
spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show praise Him with psaltery and harp. Praise Him
wonders in the heaven above and signs on the with timbrel and choir: praise Him with strings
earth beneath; blood and fire and vapour of and organs. Praise Him on high sounding
smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and cymbals: praise Him on cymbals of joy: let every
the moon into blood, before the great and spirit praise the Lord. Alleluia.

Gospel: John 14:15-29 (Jesus tells the Holy 29 And now I have told you before it come to
Apostles: that He will ask the Father, pass: that when it shall come to pass, you may
and the Father will send the Holy Spirit believe.
that He may live with them forever. The Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Holy Spirit will help us to keep the the Preface) Always said aloud.
words of truth in our minds.) We beseech Thee, O Lord, that our gifts be
15 If you love me, keep my commandments. blessed by the dignity of Thy Holy Spirit through
16 And I will ask the Father, and he shall give Whom we, being set apart from our sins, were
you another Paraclete, that he may abide with you reborn as sons of Thine adoption, through the
for ever. same Holy Spirit Who reigneth with Thee and our
17 The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot Lord Jesus Christ throughout all ages of ages.
receive, because it seeth him not, nor knoweth Amen.
him: but you shall know him; because he shall Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
abide with you, and shall be in you.
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
18 I will not leave you orphans, I will come to
you. It is truly worthy and just for us to always, here
19 Yet a little while: and the world seeth me no and everywhere, to give thanks unto Thee and to
more. But you see me: because I live, and you glory in Thy works O Lord holy Father Almighty
shall live. and eternal God; especially on this day on which
20 In that day you shall know, that I am in my the Most Holy Pascha of Fifty days is contained
Father, and you in me, and I in you. in the Sacraments, and is acquired through the
21 He that hath my commandments, and observance of the repeated cycles of the festivals,
keepeth them; he it is that loveth me. And he that and is proclaimed by the Holy Spirit through the
loveth me, shall be loved of my Father: and I will diversity of languages which had been made in
love him, and will manifest myself to him. confusion. Today the Apostles, hearing anew a
22 Judas saith to him, not the Iscariot: Lord, sound from the Heavens, took up the only symbol
how is it, that thou wilt manifest thyself to us, of Faith and bestowed the Gospel of Thy glory
and not to the world? unto the nations: Christ our Lord, through
23 Jesus answered, and said to him: If any one Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the Angels give praise,
love me, he will keep my word, and my Father the Dominations Worship, the Powers of the
will love him, and we will come to him, and will Heavens tremble, and the heavenly Virtues and
make our abode with him. the Blessed Seraphim together with exaltation
24 He that loveth me not, keepeth not my words. celebrate. With Whom, we beseech Thee, bid
And the word which you have heard, is not mine; that our voices also be admitted, with suppliant
but the Father’s who sent me. confession saying:
25 These things have I spoken to you, abiding Proper Communicantes of Pentecost
with you. ...and celebrating the most sacred day of the
26 But the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, whom the Pentecost of our Lord Jesus Christ on which the
Father will send in my name, he will teach you all Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles,
things, and bring all things to your mind, Proper Blessing of the Day by a
whatsoever I shall have said to you. Bishop only if present
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto In Vigilia. Pentecostes. Benedictio
you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. (Vigil of Pentecost is Sunday. Do all
Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. three Bishop's Blessings. In the
28 You have heard that I said to you: I go away, Byzantine Rite, there is a long “kneeling
and I come unto you. If you loved me, you service” at the end of Sunday's Liturgy
would indeed be glad, because I go to the Father: for Pentecost Monday, by anticipation.
for the Father is greater than I. The Bishop's Blessings for the Day of

Pentecost and final Vespers may be done In Die Pentecostes Ad Vesperum.
immediately at the end of the Mass in Benedictio (Vespers at the end of the
anticipation, or done together with Day of Pentecost)
today's blessing after the Peace; these O Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave Thy Spirit to Thy
are for Monday; they may KNEEL.) disciples, give the gift to Thy Catholic church.
May Almighty God bless you, for Whose Amen.
Paraclete Spirit you prepared your minds through So that whosoever may be reborn from water and
the observation of the fast, and you honor on the the Holy Spirit may be preserved by His
solemnity of the present day with praises. Amen. protection. Amen.
May you have such innocence so that you look May charity overflow in her [the church], poured
like newly born again infants, so that you may be out through the Holy Spirit, and overshadow and
able to be a temple of the Holy Spirit Himself cover all the multitude of sins. Amen.
where He Himself is present. Amen. May He rest, pleased in her, Who once rested
Thus, may the Holy Spirit make you today glorious among the Apostles. Amen.
worthy to be His habitation, so that tomorrow He May He bless you from the heavens, Who
may pour Himself into your minds, dwelling with through the Cross of His Passion, redeemed you
you forever, so that when the course of this on the earth; to Whom the honor, and the
present life has been run, He may lead you unto dominion, and the kingdom, and the power, unto
the heavenly kingdom. Amen. ages of ages. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain May the blessing of the Father, and of the Son,
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages and of the Holy Spirit remain with you always.
of ages. Amen. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Confraction arrangement for
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Pentecost 65 (In the Missal.)
ever with you. Amen. Added together, five, seven, eight, nine,
In Die Pentecostes Benedictio (Day of eleven, twelve and thirteen come to
Pentecost, Monday) sixty-five which is the number of
May God, Who this day wast pleased to illumine Particles of the Host of Easter,
the minds of the Disciples with the infusion of the Christmas and Pentecost. For all of them
Paraclete Spirit, make you to be filled with His are comprised in Christ. 65 Particles for
blessing and to exult with the gifts of the same Easter, Christmas and Pentecost. The
Spirit. Amen. arrangement of the Confraction at Easter
May that Fire which appeared above the and Christmas is: 14 Particles in the
Disciples purge the contamination of your sins, upright of the Cross, 14 Particles in the
and may the infusion of His Light illumine your crosspiece, twenty Particles in its circlet:
hearts. Amen. five pieces to each quarter; 16 pieces to
May He Who wast pleased that diversity of the Crosses: 4 to each one. One
tongues unite in the confession of the one Faith, Particle, for the Celebrant of the Mass is
make you to persevere in the same Faith, and in the middle as the image of the Secrets
though this, from Hope, make you to achieve the kept in the heart. The upper part of the
splendor. Amen. shaft of the Cross is for the Bishops, the
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain left portion of the crosspiece is for
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Priests; the right portion of the
of ages. Amen. crosspiece is to the grades lower than
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Priest; the lower portion of the stem is
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be to monastics and penitents; the upper
ever with you. Amen. left quadrant is for young clerics; the
upper right quadrant is to children; the

lower left is for those who are truly Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
repentant; the lower right is for those the Preface) Always said aloud.
who are married and those who have We beseech Thee that Thou grant these and all
never before received Communion. who sleep in Christ a place of refreshing light and
[Illustrated at Pascha. For further peace. Just like those who through the merits of
information, see the note after the Mass.] sins had been detained with suffering in the
Post Communion darkness of Hell, we pray that of Thy mercy Thou
[Not specific for this day; use the general shalt grant forgiveness and command them to
Post Communion in the Lorrha-Stowe pass over into rest and into the first resurrection,
Missal, which is appropriate for and that Thou bid them to join the company of
Pentecost.] Thy Saints and Elect, that they may be Thy
portion in the land of the living, through our Lord
The Pentecost Season Cycle Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
of Six Sundays, Propers.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Lections in Propers It is worthy and just for us to give Thee thanks O
In Pentecost Season in this book, to save room, Lord holy Father Almighty and eternal God, unto
first are Proper prayers. After that are the Thee are due praises; unto Thee is due the
Lections and Bishop's Blessings. Use four ribbon worship of holy ceremony: the acclamation of
bookmarks stitched together: 1) for the Ordinary Thine indescribable wonders; unto Thee is due
of the Mass, 2) for Propers in this cycle, 3) for celebration by the veneration of devoted mind.
Lections, and 4) for Saint Days. Therefore we praise Thee, we bless thee, we
Proper Prayers for the Cycle of Adore Thee, the indescribable creator of all
Six Sundays in Pentecost Season things: Through Christ our Lord, through Whom,
[Substitute in the Propers unto Thy Majesty, the Angels give praise, the
of the Ordinary of the Mass.] Dominations Worship, the Powers of the Heavens
Week 1 is the first Sunday after Pentecost. tremble, and the heavenly Virtues and the Blessed
Weeks are numbered by Sundays after Pentecost. Seraphim together with exaltation celebrate.
With Whom, we beseech Thee, bid that our
Week 1, and Weeks 7, 13, 19, 25 voices also be admitted, with suppliant
confession saying:
Introductory Collect
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
O God who manifests Thine Omnipotence to us
Dangerous Prayer”) (First week in cycle.)
by the greatest forbearance and mercy, increase
Truly holy, truly blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ,
Thy Mercy upon us so that Thou may make us,
Thy Son, who came from Heaven and became
who hasten to Thy promises of heavenly Good
man, that He might come into the world and
things, to be partners through our Lord Jesus
became a victim so that He might dwell in us so
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
that He Himself might make us priests, Who the
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
day before...
Collect Before the Epistle
Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
Almighty and eternal God, whose power of
Post Communion
mercy is unending, graciously regard the
supplicatory service of our humility, that with Fed by the bread of Life and having drunk the
mind obedient to Thee, the perpetual aid of Thy cup of Salvation, dear brethren, let us give thanks
defenses may protect us through our Lord Jesus to God the Father, seeking His mercy, so that He
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy may be pleased to bestow this holy gift of His
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Blessing, which we desire unharmed and
inviolate, in honor of His Name. Through our

Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father the innumerable host of the heralds imitated by
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. our praises, which in Thy sight proclaim without
Amen. ceasing saying:
Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
Post Communion
Week 2, and Weeks 8, 14, 20, 26 Having received the Sacrament of the Heavenly
Introductory Collect Body, and renewed by the Chalice of eternal
Almighty God, direct us in the life of Salvation, let us give thanks and praise to God
righteousness, so that we may follow that life and the Father Almighty. Through our Lord Jesus
may ponder what we may be able to plead as an Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy
excuse before Thee on the Day of Judgment. Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
ages. Amen. Week 3, and Weeks 9, 15, 21
Collect Before the Epistle Introductory Collect
Almighty God, we suppliants entreat the Beloved Brethren, let us beseech the Eternal
immense and tremendous clemency of Thy love, majesty of God that He watch over the Holy
that by Thy universal aid, the trials of the dangers Church throughout all the space of the World.
of the world, of our faults, and of the times may May He allow the Priesthood to associate
fall away from us and that uninhibited devotion honorably; may He grant the People Life eternal;
to religion always remain in Thy catholic Church: May He grant suitable assistance to virgins,
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with widows, orphans, and penitents, or whoever is in
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of need, and answer their worthy petitions: May He
ages. Amen. give Guidance to travelers; healing to those who
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of sorrow; help to those that labor, Through our
the Preface) Always said aloud. Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
The names having been heard and enumerated, the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
let us beseech the loving and merciful God that Amen.
He be pleased to accept these offerings. That He Collect before the Epistle
suffer no one of these for whom this gift is O God Who art abundantly forgiving, and
offered to be beyond His aid. Whether living or therefore wast willing to assume the humility of
of the dead, given to excellence or given to sin, the flesh, so that Thou mightest leave us an
may He direct them either to grace or to example of humility, so that we might be made
forgiveness; through our Lord Jesus Christ Who steadfast in whatever our sufferings might be,
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit grant that we might hold forever the good things
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. we have been given, and have learned from Thee,
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio and whenever we are made to fall in sins, we may
It is worthy and just O Holy Father Almighty be lifted up by penitence, through Thee our Lord
God to give praise unto the loving honor of Thy Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the
majesty, to celebrate the proclamation of Thy Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
wonders with devoted minds. We recognize, Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
believe, follow, and pray Thee, O the Preface) Always said aloud.
incomprehensible and indescribable Lord, and The names of those who offered having been
ever-tremendous Creator of all things, through read, may our entreaties win Divine Mercy, that
Jesus Christ Thy Son The God and Lord of our He make those who offer the gifts to be at peace,
Salvation, and we offer this pure Sacrifice unto and that He accept that which they who burn with
Thy Glory, with the angels and archangels and love of Him offered to be consumed unto an odor,

an odor of sweetness. May He grant the dead for Week 4, and Weeks 10, 16, 22
whom this is offered, blessedness, and the living Introductory Collect
grace of His fidelity, and may He not refrain from May our voice ascend to the ears of Thy
giving that which is profitable even unto those Clemency, O God, and may Thy Mercy descend
who are undeserving of Grace, and may He not upon us. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
deny the reward of beatification even to those for reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
whom this oblation is not offered, through our throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father
Collect before the Epistle
and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Amen. May the offering of our service be pleasing to
Thee, O Lord, and may it absolve us of our guilt,
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
and free us from immanent evil, Through our
It is worthy and just, Truly equal and just, O Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
Transcendent, incomprehensible, and eternal the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
God, for us to whom Thou dost not refrain from Amen.
nurturing because of Thy Great Mercy. Who is
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
able to worthily praise Thy Power Whose divinity
is not understood by mortal mind; Whose the Preface) Always said aloud.
immensity is not explicable by sermons? Let it They, who believe, offer these gifts and offerings
therefore suffice that we love Thee O Father; we unto Thee, O Lord of the Powers: By Thy Name,
venerate Thee O Lord; we acknowledge Thee O receive these humble fulfillments of the debt of
Creator; we welcome Thee O Redeemer: Grant honor, for the peace of Thy Church, for the
O Most clement Dominator that we may be able commemoration of all Saints, for the purity of the
to climb the route of the narrow, rough path Priests and Ministers, for placid secular leaders,
which Thou dost mandate, through which we for sufficiency in all things, and peaceful times,
may be strong enough to come to eternal for the perseverance of virgins and the continence
blessedness, nor let us be held back by any of widows, for the support of orphans, and for the
impeding obstacle, but may the course of the path alleviation of penitents, and for the repose of the
itself be eternal Salvation unto us, through Christ dead, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
our Lord, through Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with It is worthy and just, O invisible, inestimable and
exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech immense God and Father of our Lord, Jesus
Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with Christ, Who, Himself instituting the form of this
suppliant confession saying: eternal Sacrifice, offered Himself to Thee as the
Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays. first Sacrifice, and was the first given to be
Post Communion offered. Yea, Almighty God, all the Angels praise
Having been fed by spiritual Food, let us pray Thee, saying:
unto the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.
that even when there is laxity of mortification of Post Communion
the flesh, our spiritual fellowship may still abide Having received Thy Body, O Lord, and having
in all things. through our Lord Jesus Christ Who drunk from Thy Chalice: May it work in our
reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit inner parts: grant, O God Almighty, that no stain
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. of sin remain where the pure and holy
Sacraments have entered: through our Lord Jesus
Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy
Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.

Week 5, and Weeks 11, 17, 23 Week 6, and Weeks 12, 18, 24
Introductory Collect Introductory Collect
O God Who preserves us by ruling and justifies Most beloved brethren, let us who are bound by
by being merciful, save us from the tribulations the many chains of our deficiencies, take refuge
of this time, and pour out eternal joy upon us, in the only cure: Divine Forgiveness; and by
through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with humility in this Sacrifice, let us beseech the Lord
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of Whom we offend daily by our perverse works,
ages. Amen. that, just as He defends us from all contamination
Collect before the Epistle by His right hand, He make us inheritors of the
O God, the teacher of those who hope in Thee, Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus
absolve us from all our depraved entanglements, Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy
and do not be satisfied that we remain bound by Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
any chains of iniquity, so that the Source of all Collect Before the Epistle
peace may henceforth be the Source of a healthy Incline Thine ear, Almighty God, and be the
freedom; through our Lord Jesus Christ Who guide of the life of us who are present, that Thou
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit mayest reward us in the future, Through our Lord
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
the Preface) Always said aloud. Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Hear, O Lord, the prayers of those who make the the Preface) Always said aloud.
offering: receive the Sacrifices; forgive sins; The names of those for whom this is offered
through the intercessions of the Saints, permit our having been read, let us beseech the Lord, that He
dear ones who sleep in Christ, refreshment in the accept these gifts that are offered for them among
land of the living, Through our Lord Jesus Christ the Saints whose commemoration is made by us,
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit so that our memorials may be pleasing. Let us
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. pray for these who have preceded us into the
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Lord’s peace, so that they may be preserved from
It is worthy and just, equal and just for us, here the horrors of Tartarus, and be sheltered in the
and everywhere, to give thanks to Thee, Holy bosom of Abraham. May He be pleased to revive
Lord, the Father Almighty, Eternal God, Who art them in His first Resurrection which is coming,
a loving Father to us. Thou remainest Lord by Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
Thy Power, because Thou wast pleased to adopt Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
as Sons those whose Progenitor had made ages. Amen.
servants, and, by Heavenly regeneration, raised to Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
life those whose earthly conception had It is worthy and just, equal and just, for us here
consigned to death: Thee, O Almighty God, All and everywhere, to give praise to Thee, Holy
the Angels Hymn, Saying: Lord Almighty Father, Eternal God. Who hast
Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays. freed us from eternal death and from the furthest
Post Communion reaches of Hell. Death came through a woman,
In prayer we ask for Divine mercy, so that these but life came through the Virgin; ruin through
health-creating Sacraments which have been wood, but health came through wood. In Jesus
taken into our bodies, may purify our souls and Christ is the end of dying. He restored the
our bodies, and may they encourage bodies and eternity of His life to the body, He Whom all the
hearts unto hope for Heaven, Through our Lord Heavens owe a hymn and, without ceasing,
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Father and the proclaim Thy Glory saying:
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Confraction: 9 Particles for Sundays.

Post Communion The Divine Liturgy:
Let us give thanks to Almighty God, because He, Old Testament: (Not listed for today.)
out of His benign clemency, hath fed us, who Epistle Gal.6:8-14 (“For what things a man
hope, with Heavenly bread and spiritual drink; so shall sow, those also shall he reap.” Sow
that, by the pouring out of His Holy Spirit upon in the spirit: glory in the Cross of Christ,
those in whom the virtue of the Heavenly food not circumcision of the flesh. See the
will come, the Grace of Sincerity may persist. Feast of the Circumcision, January 1/14,
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with appropriate to the start of a season.)
the Father and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages
Gradual (Altus Prosator, the Abecedarian
of ages. Amen.
Hymn by St. Colm cille, may be done
for All Saints, or a Hymn of the
Lections and Bishop's Blessings
Apostles, either Hymn 2 “The
in Pentecost Season Congregation of the Brethren,” or the
[Substitute in the Ordinary of the Mass. Be sure “Hymn of the Apostles,” the Kyrie,
to use both the Propers and Lections every week.] Hymn 3 in the Antiphonary of Bangor.)
Alleluia entire Psalm 147 (Heb. 147:12-20)
First Sunday after Pentecost Lauda Jerusalem. Praise the Lord, O
(1 Pentecost) Jerusalem (This concerns speech, as in
Beginning All Cycles in the Year: Pentecost: the faithful in the heavenly
Beginning of Night: Book of Acts Jerusalem or all the Saints, and also
Matins: First Sunday in the cycle of ten peace and plenty. It also may concern
Sundays for the verses before the Our Lady of the Sign.)
Second Canticle of Moses, the Song of Gospel Matthew 16:24-27 (“Then Jesus said to
the Three Youths, and the Matins his disciples: If any man will come after
Resurrection Gospel. This is the first me, let him deny himself, and take up
week in Pentecost season that the Matins his cross, and follow me.” The following
Resurrection Gospel of the Matins cycle Sundays throughout the Season of
is used. In Pascha, the Gospel of the Pentecost have the theme of faith and
Sunday is used instead, and in Lent, an overcoming sin. Note that a definition
Old Testament reading is used. of sin includes sin as individuals and
Mass: First Sunday in the cycle of six also as nations, as we read in the
Sundays. Today begins both cycles: of Apocalypse within the week after
the six Sundays of Propers for the Pascha, and the Gospel of the Thursday
Divine Liturgy, and the ten Matins after VII Pentecost. In the Thursday
Resurrection Gospels. after VI Pentecost, the Epistle reminds
us that charity is a way to overcome sin.)
Today is one of the commemorations of Proper Blessing of the Day by a
All Saints during the year. A second Bishop only if present
date, November 1st, the Celtic New Benedictio. De Sancta Trinitate Require
Year, is the major commemoration of All Retro In Octabas Penecostes
Saints and All Souls; see the Fixed-day (Perhaps for Ember seasons? Blessing
Feasts. Taking up the Cross of Christ is during the entire Octave of Pentecost.)
emphasized today, for all of God’s Almighty Trinity one and true, God the Father,
people. There is also a remembrance and the Son and the Holy Spirit. [Amen.]
that we are in the Apostles’ fast, and all (Omnipotens trinitas unus et verus deus
of the Apostles except for St. John were pater et filius et spiritus sanctus.)

In Sabbato Benedictio (Saturday?) (Benedicat vobis dominus et custodiat
May Almighty God bless you Who created vos. illuminet faciem suam super vos et
everything out of nothing, and grant unto you misereatur vestri. Amen.
remission of all of your sins in Baptism by the Convertet vultum suum ad vos et det
Holy Spirit. Amen. vobis pacem. Amen.
And may He Who gave the same Holy Spirit in Quod ipse. Amen. Benedictio dei.
tongues of fire unto His disciples, Himself Amen.)
thoroughly illumine your heart, and arise
constantly in His love. Amen.
Moreover, cleansed of all sins by His gift, may Thursday after the First
you be worthy to be His temple, defended by His Sunday after Pentecost
aid from all adversities. Amen. Today and all Thursdays in Pentecost
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Season, Propers (and Old Testament) are
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of the previous Sunday, or use Daily-
of ages. Amen. general Propers. A Saint day uses the
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Lections for Thursday with the Saint's
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Propers and Lections. Confraction is for
ever with you. Amen. a Daily Liturgy or the Saint day. If a
Mass will not be done on Thursday, read
Dominica Octava. Post Pentecosten. these and Sunday's Lections on the
Benedictio previous Sunday.
May the Almighty Trinity One and True God, the Epistle Romans 2:10-16 (No respect of
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, give to
persons in God: glory, honor, and peace
you to want to know faithfully, discern truthfully,
to every one who improves the lives of
to hold fast sincerely. Amen.
others; the work of the law written in
May He implant the equity and immutability of
their hearts. Not the hearers but the
His essence in your minds so that He does not
doers of the law are justified... “a law to
permit you to ever go astray from Him through
diverse fantasies. Amen.
So, may He make you to persevere in His faith Gradual Psalm 73 (Heb. 74) Ut quid Deus.
and charity, so that through them after a while, O God, why hast Thou cast us off unto
He may lead you to His unending manifestation the end: why is Thy wrath enkindled
and vision. Amen. against the sheep of Thy pasture?
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain (Verses 16-17, 22, 12, for Alleluia.)
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Gospel Matthew 4:17-5:25 [26] (“From that
of ages. Amen. time Jesus began to preach, and to say:
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Do penance, for the kingdom of heaven
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be is at hand...” Jesus chooses fishermen to
ever with you. Amen. be disciples; He preaches the Beatitudes,
Similitudes, and about the Law. The
Dominica .I. Post Pentecosten. "Sermon on the Mount," begins the
Benedictio [Ember days, not the Octave teachings of the Pentecost Season
of Pentecost; see note at end of Advent.] Verse 26 may be included.)
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He Proper Blessing of the Day by a
make His face to shine upon you, and have mercy Bishop only if present
on you. Amen. This blessing may also be for an Ember
May He convert His will toward you and give Day during the first week after
you peace. Amen. Pentecost. De Sancta Trinitate

May the Three-fold Majesty bless you: the a lectionary reference in Luxeuil,
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and forgive Bobbio, or Galican sources. However,
you everything by which you have wickedly the consecutive Byzantine lectionary
comported yourselves. Amen. provided a structure for the Epistles, and
In the days of the examination, may He find you the consecutive order here also was
so excellent, as the quality purified by the font of found to match the content of the Gospel
regeneration. Amen. readings.)
May they who before Thee humble themselves, (Today is the same reading as the
and request our blessing, encounter Thy mercy General Lection for the Apostles:
always and everywhere. Amen. another remembrance of All Saints, this
May He bless you; watch over you; protect you; time the holy Fathers of the Church.
and defend you; and may He Himself look down “Being justified by faith, let us have
upon you from the heavens, He who is your peace with God...” Also, glory in
Redeemer on earth. Amen. tribulations... “For if, when we were
May He vitalize your bodies and souls, and lead enemies, we were reconciled to God by
you to the heavenly kingdom. Amen. the death of His Son; much more, being
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain reconciled, shall we be saved by His
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of life.” Again: taking up the Cross.)
ages. Amen. Gradual Psalm 74 (Heb. 75) Confitebimur
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son tibi. We will praise Thee, O God: we
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be will praise, and we will call upon Thy
ever with you. Amen. Name. We will relate Thy wondrous
works: when I shall take a time, I will
II Sunday after Pentecost judge justices. (Vs. 10-11 as Alleluia.)
(Second Sunday of the cycle of six Gospel Matthew 6:19-25 [26]
Sundays) (Lay up treasures in heaven, not in earth.
“If thy eye be single, thy whole body
During this week:
shall be full of light.” No man can serve
At the Beginning of Night read the two masters. The single eye is not an
Gospel of St. John throughout this week. eye of pride, but humble faith. Verse 26
Matins: Week II throughout this week, may be included, “Behold the birds of
for the verses before the Second Canticle the air, for they neither sow, nor do they
of Moses, the Song of the Three Youths, reap, nor gather into barns: and your
and the Matins Resurrection Gospel. heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not
The Divine Liturgy: you of much more value than they?”
Old Testament: Is. 28:1-7 [S] (“Woe to the This also alludes to the desert fathers,
crown of pride, to the drunkards of who lived a life without material goods.)
Ephraim, and to the fading flower the Proper Blessing of the Day by a
glory of his joy... the priest and the Bishop only if present
prophet have been ignorant through Dominica .II. Post Pentecosten.
drunkenness... they have not known him Benedictio
that seeth.” Beware of pride, even pride May the Lord be propitiated concerning the
of one's faith and one's church. multitude of your sins, and cleanse you of all
Appropriate for a celebration of the holy your diseases. Amen.
fathers, as implied by the Epistle.) May He redeem your life from destruction, and
Epistle Rom 5:1-10 (The rest of the Sundays may He fulfill the good things of your desires.
and Thursdays of Pentecost did not have Amen.

May He take away from you a heart of stone and The Divine Liturgy:
give you a heart of flesh. Amen. Old Testament: Is. 40:28-41:4 [S]
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain (“Knowest thou not, or hast thou not
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,
of ages. Amen. Who hath created the ends of the earth:
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son He shall not faint, nor labor, neither is
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be there any searching out of His wisdom.
ever with you. Amen. It is He that giveth strength to the weary,
and increaseth force and might to them
Thursday after II Pentecost that are not. Youths shall faint, and
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or labor, and young men shall fall by
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses infirmity. But they that hope in the Lord
these Lections with the Saint's own shall renew their strength, they shall take
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily wings as eagles... Who hath wrought
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. and done these things, calling the
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on generations from the beginning? I the
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into Lord, I am the first and the last.”)
previous Sunday. Epistle Romans 3:21-4:3 (Justified by faith.
Epistle Romans 3:19-26 (All have sinned and The works of God are greater than the
need the glory of God. We must be works of men. “What shall we say then
justified by faith: justified freely by the that Abraham hath found, who is our
grace of God, through the redemption father according to the flesh? For if
that is in Jesus Christ. For a definition Abraham were justified by works, he
of sin, see First Sunday after Pentecost hath whereof to glory, but not before
about the Thursday after VII Pentecost.) God. For what saith the scripture?
Gradual Psalm 75 (Heb. 76) Notus in Judea. Abraham believed God; and it was
In Judea God is known (See the Feast of reputed to him unto justice.” Gen. 15:6)
the Circumcision, January 1/14, for Gradual Psalm 76 (Heb. 77) Voce mea.
content. Verses 11-13 as the Alleluia.) I cried to the Lord with my voice
Gospel Matthew 7:1-6 (Verses 12-14 as the Alleluia. This
(Judge not, that you may not be judged... Psalm asks and answers: “Thy way, O
cast out first the beam out of thy own God, is in the holy place: who is the
eye. Do not throw pearls before swine.) great God like our God? Thou art the
God that dost wonders. Thou hast made
Thy power known among the nations:
with Thy arm Thou hast redeemed Thy
III Sunday after Pentecost people, the children of Jacob and of
(Third Sunday of the cycle of six Joseph.”)
Sundays) Gospel Matthew 7:7-11
During this week: (Ask and it shall be given to you; seek
The Beginning of Night: read the Book and you shall find... If you being evil
of Acts throughout this week. know how to give good gifts to your
Matins: Week III throughout this week, children, God the Father in heaven will
for the verses before the Second give good gifts to those that ask Him. -
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three not as material gifts, but salvation. And,
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection we can only be saved by the gift of
Gospel. God.)

Proper Blessing of the Day by a Gospel Matthew 7:12-21 (Do unto others as
Bishop only if present you would have them do unto you.
Dominica .III. Post Pentecosten. Enter at the narrow gate. Beware of
Benedictio false prophets. By their fruits you shall
May Almighty God bless you through the know them. Not everyone who says
reassuring words of our mouth, and may He be Lord Lord will enter into the kingdom of
united to your heart through sincere love in an heaven, but those who do the will of the
eternal bond. Amen. Father. Faith and works are not separate
May you flourish in the things of the present from each other, but the works must be
world; may you acquire the fulness of justice; done by the grace of God, not something
may you rejoice perpetually in the fruits of most created, but God Himself. This and the
sincere charity. Amen. Epistle of today are directly against
May the Lord bestow upon you eternal gifts, so Pelagianism and similar heresies such as
that after this time has been passed in joy, you created grace or irresistible grace.)
may receive eternal joy. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain IV Sunday after Pentecost
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Spiritually and physically raising us from the
of ages. Amen.
dead, and stopping the blood.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
(Fourth Sunday of the cycle of six
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
ever with you. Amen. Sundays)
During this week:
Thursday after III Pentecost At the Beginning of Night read the
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or Gospel of St. John throughout this week.
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses Matins: Week IV throughout this week,
these Lections with the Saint's own for the verses before the Second
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on Gospel.
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into The Divine Liturgy:
previous Sunday. Old Testament: Is. 41:8-14 [S]
Epistle Romans 4:4-12 (“... For I am the Lord thy God, Who
(Belief in God, not doing works, brings take thee by the hand, and say to thee:
salvation. But, see note at the First Fear not, I have helped thee...”)
Sunday after Pentecost about the Epistle Romans 6:1-11 (Dead to sin but alive
Thursday after VII Pentecost. Similar to in Christ: “...Know you not that all we
the previous Sunday: Gen. 17:10,11.) who are baptized in Christ Jesus are
Gradual Psalm 77 (Heb. 78) Attendite. baptized in his death? For we are buried
Attend, O my people, to my law: incline together with him by baptism into death;
your ears to the words of my mouth. I that, as Christ is risen from the dead by
will open my mouth in parables: I will the glory of the Father, so we also may
utter propositions from the beginning... walk in newness of life...”)
(Do some of the Psalm, or the entire Gradual Psalm 78 (Heb. 79) Deus venerunt
Psalm. If selecting verses: you may gentes. O God, the heathens are come
choose verses 3-4, 12, 35-37. For the into Thy inheritance
Alleluia, you may choose verses 67-72, (This is a case where the Psalm asks for
or the beginning, or other verses.) revenge, but Jesus Christ gives mercy.

At least it asks for self-control: helps our infirmities. “For we are saved
“Remember not our former iniquities; let by hope. But hope that is seen is not
Thy mercies speedily prevent us: for we hope. For what a man seeth, why doth
are become exceeding poor.” Verse 13 he hope for? But, if we hope for that
may be used as the Alleluia. As in many which we see not, we wait for it with
Psalms, the end of the Psalm is much patience.”)
more calm. “But we Thy people, and the Gradual Psalm 79 (Heb. 80) Qui regis Israel.
sheep of Thy pasture, will give thanks to Give ear, O Thou that rulest Israel:
Thee for ever: We will shew forth Thy Thou that leadest Joseph like a sheep.
praise, unto generation and generation.”) (Mentioning the vineyard, reminding us
Gospel Matthew 9:18-26 (Raising the ruler’s of the Apostles. Verse 20 as Alleluia.)
daughter from the dead, healing the Gospel Matthew 10:22-33 (You will be hated
woman with an issue of blood for twelve by all men for Jesus’s sake, but
years, and the woman’s faith healed her. persevere unto the end, and you will be
Jesus Christ healed women, raising girls saved. “Every one therefore that shall
from the dead, and healing afflictions.) confess me before men, I will also
Proper Blessing of the Day by a confess him before my Father who is in
Bishop only if present heaven...” People hated Jesus first, they
Dominica .IIII. Post Pentecosten. will hate His disciples more, especially
Benedictio those disciples who follow God rather
May the Lord cleanse your minds from all that is than the world.)
malicious, and fill it again with perpetual
sanctification. Amen.
V Sunday after Pentecost
May He mercifully be attentive to your prayers,
and be pleased to forgive all sins. Amen. (Fifth Sunday of the cycle of six
May He Who is merciful fulfill your wishes by Sundays) During this week:
faith, and when you are alarmed, may He Who The Beginning of Night: read the Book
faithfully fights repel [the danger]. Amen. of Acts throughout this week.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Matins: Week V throughout this week,
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages for the verses before the Second
of ages. Amen. Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Gospel.
ever with you. Amen. The Divine Liturgy:
Old Testament: Is. 42:5-9 [S]
Thursday after IV Pentecost (“...I the Lord have called thee in justice,
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or and taken thee by the hand, and
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses preserved thee. And I have given thee
these Lections with the Saint's own for a covenant of the people, for a light
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily of the Gentiles: That thou mightest open
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. the eyes of the blind, and bring forth the
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on prisoner out of prison, and them that sit
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into in darkness out of the prison house...”)
previous Sunday. Epistle Romans 9:18-33 (The created person
Epistle Romans 8:22-27 (Waiting for the should not judge God their Creator. God
Resurrection of the dead, the Spirit will save both Gentiles and Jews who
have faith. Some thought deformity or

leprosy was caused by sin or the sins of May He convert your community from all errors,
the parents, but Jesus said it is for the and open to you the way of peace and charity.
glory of God. For a definition of sin, see Amen.
note at the First Sunday after Pentecost May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
about the Thursday after VII Pentecost. without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
“But Israel, by following after the law of of ages. Amen.
justice, is not come unto the law of May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
justice. Why so? Because they sought it and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
not by faith, but as it were of works. For ever with you. Amen.
they stumbled at the stumbling-stone. (Friday is the last day of the Apostles’
As it is written: Behold, I lay in Sion a or Pentecost fast, i.e., the fast is
stumbling-stone and a rock of scandal; relaxed Saturday this week.)
and whosoever believeth in him shall not
be confounded.” [Is 8:14, 28:16 In
Greek "scandalum" also means stone.)
Thursday after V Pentecost
Gradual Psalm 80 (Heb. 81) Exultate Deo. Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
Rejoice to God our helper: sing aloud to
these Lections with the Saint's Propers.
the God of Jacob. (Verse 17 as Alleluia.)
Confraction is for a Daily Liturgy, or
Gospel Matthew 11:1-27 (Jesus tells St. John
from the Saint's day. If a Divine Liturgy
the Baptist’s disciples of Jesus’ works is not done on Thursdays, incorporate
which are from God, and then Jesus Lections into previous Sunday.
talks about St. John the Baptist. Also, no Epistle I Corinthians 1:1-9 (A prayer of St.
person knows the Father but the Son and
Paul, rejoicing in the faithfulness of
those whom He reveals Him. - This day
God, blessing the Church at Corinth, to
is usually after the Feast of St. John the
all that invoke the Name of Jesus Christ.
Baptist in June. Also, “But whereunto
St. Paul gives thanks and asks that the
shall I esteem this generation to be like?
people be made rich in Him in words
It is like to children sitting in the market
and knowledge.)
place. Who crying to their companions
say: We have piped to you, and you have Gradual Psalm 81 (Heb. 82) Deus stetit. God
not danced: we have lamented, and you hath stood in the congregation of gods:
have not mourned. For John came and being in the midst of them He
neither eating nor drinking; and they judgeth gods. (Verse 8 as an Alleluia.
say: He hath a devil. The Son of man Jesus quotes this Psalm in arguments
came eating and drinking, and they say: with the Pharisees and Sadducees,
Behold a man that is a glutton and a especially the verse, “I have said: You
wine drinker, a friend of publicans and are gods, and all of you the sons of the
sinners. And wisdom is justified by her most High. But you like men shall die:
children.”) and shall fall like one of the princes.”)
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Gospel Matthew 13:24-30
Bishop only if present (The wheat and the tares. Not to tear up
the weeds and hurt the good roots, but
Dominica .V. Post Pentecosten. Benedictio.
the weeds will be burned at the harvest.
May Almighty God bless you by His mercy, and
This refers to good and evil people, and
instill in you a sense of saving wisdom. Amen.
the Last Judgement.)
May He enrich you with the documents of the
(Friday in the Fifth week after Pentecost, is the
Catholic faith, and reward you who persevere in
last day of the forty-day Apostles’ or Pentecost
holy works. Amen.
fast, i.e., the fast is relaxed Saturday.)

VI Sunday after Pentecost May He subjugate in you all resistance of flesh
and blood, and confer a wealth of perpetual
(Sixth Sunday of the cycle of six
charity. Amen.
Sundays) May He make you to stand fast in this present
During this week: age, so that He does not separate you from the
At the Beginning of Night read the inheritance of the heavenly paradise. Amen.
Gospel of St. John throughout this week. May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Matins: Week VI throughout this week, without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
for the verses before the Second of ages. Amen.
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Gospel. ever with you. Amen.
The Divine Liturgy:
Old Testament: Is. 44:24-28 [S] Thursday after VI Pentecost
(“Thus saith the Lord thy redeemer, and Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
thy maker, from the womb: I am the Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
Lord, that make all things...” Then the these Lections with the Saint's own
Lord lists a few of His works.) Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
Epistle I Corinthians 7:24-35 Liturgy, or from the Saint's day. If a
(Concerning celibacy and marriage, and Divine Liturgy is not done on
thinking about God, tribulation of Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
women in marriage. Same Epistle previous Sunday.
almost as the Dormition of the Blessed Epistle I Corinthians 12:27-13:3 (“Now you
Virgin Mary.) are the body of Christ, and members of a
Gradual Psalm 82 (Heb. 83) Deus quis member.” St. Paul lists the different gifts
similis. O God, who shall be like to of people in the church, all one body, but
Thee? Hold not Thy peace, neither be different parts: “first apostles, secondly
Thou still, O God. (Verse 19 as Alleluia.) prophets, thirdly doctors; after that
Gospel Matthew 15:10-28 (“Not that which miracles; then the graces of healings,
goeth into the mouth defileth a man: but helps, goverments, kinds of tongues,
what cometh out of the mouth...” interpretations of speeches... And I
“Every plant which my heavenly Father show unto you yet a more excellent way.
hath not planted, shall be rooted up... If I speak with the tongues of men, and
blind and leaders of the blind...” Also: of angels, and have not charity, I am
the woman who says crumbs fall to the become as sounding brass, or a tinkling
dogs has her daughter healed by Jesus, cymbal...” Refers to Psalm 150, the
because of her faith, even though she is orchestra of people is not a collection of
of Canaan. Jesus has mercy on those of instruments, but people’s lives that
the right faith, but not always those who harmonize together in God’s praise.)
call themselves religious leaders.) Gradual Psalm 83 (Heb. 84) Quam dilecta.
Proper Blessing of the Day by a How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord
Bishop only if present of hosts! My soul longeth and fainteth
Dominica .VI. Post Pentecosten. Benedictio. for the courts of the Lord. (Verses 12-13
May the Lord remove from you the stains of all may be used for the Alleluia.)
deceits, and endow you with the reward of pure Gospel Matthew 19:16-30 (The young man
goodwill. Amen. who called Jesus good, but could not
follow Him, because he did not want to

sell his possessions. “It is easier for a shepherd, and at the fountains of waters
camel to pass through the eye of a He shall give them drink...”)
needle...” “With men this is impossible: Epistle II Corinthians 1:12-20 (Our glory is in
but with God all things are possible.” the grace of God... not according to the
“...and many that are first, shall be last: flesh, as “it is” and “it is not,” but by the
and the last shall be first.” The “needle promises of God, “it is.” The Apostolic
gate” into Jerusalem required that Church emphasized this point of view
merchants unload their camels, which when discussing God: rather than "Thou
then had to enter on their knees. Heaven shalt not" of the Ten Commandments,
is given by grace, not by adding "Blessed" of the Beatitudes.)
possessions or attainments, as either the Gradual and Alleluia Psalm 84 (Heb. 85)
Calvinist or Augustinian predestination Benedixisti Domine. Lord, thou hast
proven by riches, or the Nestorian or blessed Thy land: Thou hast turned away
Pelagian view of Christ as “attaining” the captivity of Jacob. (Verses 11-14 as
heaven. See “On the Incarnation Alleluia.) “...Mercy and truth have met
Against Nestorius” by St. John Cassian. each other: justice and peace have
This passage was also used by Arians kissed...” Notice that the Bishop's
who did not believe in Christ's Divinity, Rationale combines mercy and justice.
but Christ Himself proves His
Gospel Matthew 22:23-33
understanding, and again and again
proves His Divinity; see Sunday V (The Sadducees question Christ about
Pentecost. Only with God are all things the Resurrection citing Deut. 25:5. “For
possible.) in the Resurrection they shall neither
marry nor be married; but shall be as the
angels of God in heaven.” “...He is not
VII Sunday after Pentecost the God of the dead, but of the living.”)
(First Sunday of the cycle of six Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Sundays) Bishop only if present
During this week: Dominica .VII. Post Pentecosten.
The Beginning of Night: read the Book Benedictio Seventh Sunday After
of Acts throughout this week. Pentecost: (first Sunday in cycle of six)
Matins: Week VII throughout this week, May the Lord hearken unto the prayers of our
for the verses before the Second humility and may He give you the Grace of His
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three Blessing and the reward of eternal Salvation.
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection Amen.
Gospel. Always and everywhere: may you please the
The Divine Liturgy: Lord and rejoice with His praises. Amen.
May He dissolve the chains of all of your sins
Old Testament: Is. 49:8-13 [S]
and may He make you to arrive at eternal glory.
(“Thus saith the Lord: In an acceptable Amen.
time I have heard thee, and in the day of May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion abide
salvation I have helped thee... That thou unto ages of ages be pleased to sustain us unto
mightest say to them that are bound: ages of ages. Amen.
Come forth: and to them that are in May the Blessing of God the Father and the Son
darkness: Shew yourselves... They shall and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
not hunger, nor thirst, neither shall the ever with you.
heat nor the sun strike them, for He that Amen.
is merciful to them, shall be their

Thursday after VII Pentecost VIII Sunday after Pentecost
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or (Second Sunday of the cycle of six
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses Sundays)
these Lections with the Saint's own
During this week:
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. At the Beginning of Night read the
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on Gospel of St. John throughout this week.
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into Matins: Week VIII throughout this
previous Sunday. week, for the verses before the Second
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
Epistle II Corinthians 4:18-5:9
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
(We look at the things that are not seen, Gospel.
because these are eternal. ...we have a
The Divine Liturgy:
building of God, a house not made with
hands, eternal in heaven...) Old Testament: Jer. 16:19-21 [S] (“O Lord,
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 85 (Heb. my might, and my strength, and my
86) Inclina Domine. Incline Thy ear, O refuge in the day of tribulation: to Thee
Lord, and hear me: for I am needy and the Gentiles shall come from the ends of
poor. (Verse 15 as Alleluia: “And Thou, the earth, and shall say: Surely our
O Lord, art a God of compassion, and fathers have possessed lies, a vanity
merciful: patient, and of much mercy, which hath not profited them. Shall a
and true.”) man make gods unto himself, and they
are no gods? Therefore behold I will this
Gospel Matthew 25:31-46
once cause them to know, I will shew
(Christ as judge, judging all the nations, them my hand and my power: and they
the sheep from the goats. “...For I was shall know that my Name is the Lord.”)
hungry, and you gave me to eat; I was
Epistle II Corinthians 12:20-13:2
thirsty, and you gave me to drink: I was
a stranger, and you took me in: naked, (St. Paul warns that he will judge those
and you covered me: sick, and you who cause strife in the Church.) “For I
visited me: I was in prison, and you fear lest perhaps, when I come, I shall
came to me.” Christ will judge the not find you such as I would, and that I
nations. This Gospel is similar to the shall be found by you such as you would
Apocalypse, where it is revealed that not. Lest perhaps contentions, envyings,
Christ will judge each nation’s Church. animosities, dissensions, detractions,
As clubs, organizations, churches, whisperings, swellings, seditions, be
towns, or any nationality, the same rules among you. Lest again, when I come,
of good behavior apply as the rules for God humble me among you; and I
individual Christians. The desert fathers mourn many of them that sinned before
said that a nation refers to our own sins and have not done penance for the
needing correction; see the Principal uncleanness and fornication and
Faults in the Institutes and Conferences lasciviousness that they have committed.
of St. John Cassian. Each nationality is Behold, this is the third time I am
built by our faith and works, and our coming to you. In the mouth of two or
own responsibility to order the laws of three witnesses shall every word stand. I
the nation to help the needy. Ultimately, have told before, and foretell, as present
if we have not done so, then we as and now absent, to them that sinned
individuals will be judged. See Dan. before, and to all the rest, that, if I come
12:2; John 5:29.) again, I will not spare.”

Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 86 (Heb. if you are in the faith. The Douay says
87) Fundamenta ejus. The foundations in verse 7 about “reprobates,” “That is,
thereof are in the holy mountains: The without proof, by having no occasion of
Lord loveth the gates of Sion above all showing our power in punishing you.”
the tabernacles of Jacob. (Verses 6-7 This is an over-veneration of clergy; St.
may be used as the Alleluia.) Paul suggests that those who are of the
Gospel Mark 4:24-34 (Measure for measure: faith should not be evil-doers, but that
we will get what we give. Also, the seed their works should be one with their
in the earth, and the mustard seed. Jesus faith, showing those who teach to be
explains everything in parables.) overly redundant instead of better than
the faithful. And, “For the rest,
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
brethren, rejoice, be perfect, take
Bishop only if present exhortation, be of one mind, have peace;
Dominica .VIII. Post Pentecosten. and the God of peace and of love shall
Benedictio. Eighth Sunday After be with you.”)
Pentecost: (in cycle of six Sundays, the Gradual and Alleluia: Entire Psalm 87
second Sunday) (Heb. 88) Domine Deus salutis. O
May the Grace of the Lord Sanctify you and Lord, the God of my salvation: I have
preserve you from all evil. Amen. cried in the day and in the night, before
May He guard you from all evil and purify your Thee. Let my prayer come in before
spirits and bodies. Amen. Thee: incline Thy ear to my petition.
May He bind you to Himself with the chain of (In the Gospel, Christ will answer those
His Charity and may His peace abound in your afraid of the waters, see Psalm 88. See
hearts. Amen. Mid-Pascha. Verse 3 as Alleluia.)
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion abide
Gospel Mark 4:36-41 [Verse numbering varies
unto ages of ages be pleased to sustain us unto
ages of ages. Amen. between Bibles.] (On a ship, Jesus stills
May the Blessing of God the Father and the Son a storm saying, Peace, be still. The
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be disciples ask, “Who is this that both
ever with you. wind and sea obey him?” Note that one
of the Bishop's blessings that is difficult
to assign, in the beginning of Lent or
Thursday after VIII Pentecost Pre-Lent, is concerned with Christ
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or walking on the water. However, in this
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses case, Christ only stops a wind storm.)
these Lections with the Saint's own
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily IX Sunday after Pentecost
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. (Third Sunday of the cycle of six
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
previous Sunday. During this week:
Epistle II Corinthians 13:3-13 The Beginning of Night: read the Book
(Proof of Christ: He is not weak but of Acts throughout this week.
mighty in you. He was crucified Matins: Week IX throughout this week,
through weakness; we are weak in Him. for the verses before the Second
But He lives in the power of God, and Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
we shall live with Him. Prove Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
yourselves in the faith; trust yourselves Gospel.

The Divine Liturgy: And may you be strengthened, to be filled with
Old Testament: Jer. 26:12-16 [S] the inspiration, by which you may please Him
(“...Now therefore amend your ways, forever. Amen.
and your doings, and hearken to the May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion abide
voice of the Lord your God: and the unto ages of ages be pleased to sustain us unto
Lord will repent Him of the evil that He ages of ages. Amen.
hath spoken against you... But know ye, May the Blessing of God the Father and the Son
and understand, that if you put me to and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
death, you will shed innocent blood ever with you.
against your own selves, and against this
city, and the inhabitants thereof. For in Thursday after IX Pentecost
truth the Lord sent me to you, to speak Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
all these words in your hearing...”) Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
Epistle Galatians 1:1-10, 1:20-2:5 these Lections with the Saint's own
(Do not leave the faith for heresies, or Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
keep customs rather than teachings of Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
Jesus Christ. “For do I now persuade If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
men, or God? Or do I seek to please Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
men? If I yet pleased men, I should not previous Sunday.
be the servant of Christ.” St. Paul goes Epistle Galatians 2:21-3:7
to Jerusalem with Barnabus and Titus, (“Are you so foolish, that, whereas you
and Titus being uncircumcised is began in the Spirit, you would now be
disputed.) made perfect by the flesh...” The
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 88 (Heb. children of Abraham are those who hear
89) Misericordias Domini. The mercies the faith, not those who only do the law.
of the Lord I will sing for ever. I will St. Paul quotes Genesis 15:6, “Abraham
show forth Thy truth with my mouth to believed God, and it was reputed to him
generation and generation. (Or, may unto justice.” Note Jan. 1st, the Feast of
select verses: such as 2-3 and 6-7. the Circumcision: Psalms 13 and 52.)
Verses 48-53 as the Alleluia.) Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 89 (Heb.
Gospel Mark 5:1-17 (Gadarene swine: Jesus 90) Domine refugium. Lord, Thou hast
lets demons from the man he cures go been our refuge: from generation to
into the “unclean” swine; the swine run generation. (“Before Abraham was, I
into the sea. The man is cured, but the am.” Christ is before all ages, but man
city is afraid, and asks Jesus to leave.) needs wisdom to find Him. Verses
Proper Blessing of the Day by a 14-17 may be used as the Alleluia.)
Bishop only if present Gospel Mark 6:2 -7
Dominica .VIIII. Post Pentecosten. (“A prophet is not without honor, but in
Benedictio his own country.” “And He wondered
Ninth Sunday After Pentecost: (in cycle because of their unbelief.” “And He
of six Sundays, the third Sunday) called the twelve; and began to send
May the Lord increase the bounty of His Blessing them two and two, and gave them power
in you and confirm you in the hope of the over unclean spirits.” Jesus finds that
Heavenly Kingdom. Amen. those who saw Him growing up do not
May He correct your actions, improve your lives, notice the miracles of God in Him. But
order your morals, and lead you to the inheritance see St. James of Jerusalem Dec. 27th, and
of the Heavenly Paradise. Amen. also the Apostle Jude.)

X Sunday after Pentecost Proper Blessing of the Day by a
(Fourth Sunday of the cycle of six Bishop only if present
Sundays) Dominica .X. Post Pentecosten.
During this week:
Tenth Sunday After Pentecost: (in cycle
At the Beginning of Night read the of six Sundays, the fourth Sunday)
Gospel of St. John throughout this week. May God Who is the Life of mortals and the
Matins: Week X throughout this week, Salvation of sinners cleanse you of the stains of
for the verses before the Second sin. Amen.
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three May He endow you with virtue, sanctify your
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection souls, purify your desires, and bestow upon you
Gospel. the companionship of the holy angels. Amen.
The Divine Liturgy: So that by spotless faith and labor you may be
Old Testament: Is. 40:26-41:12 [S] found worthy to pass over to the inheritance of
(A general Old Testament: “... Every eternal heavenly joys. Amen.
one shall help his neighbor, and shall say May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
to his brother: Be of good courage...”) without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Epistle Galatians 3:8-14 (Faith and the law: of ages. Amen.
Gentiles justified by faith; God says to May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Abraham, “In thee shall all nations be and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
blessed.” St. Paul quotes Genesis 12:3; ever with you. Amen.
Ex. 44:20. Those only under the law are
under a curse: they cannot possibly do Thursday after X Pentecost
everything that is in the law. St. Paul
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
quotes Deut. 27:26, “Cursed is every
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
one, that abideth not in all things, which
these Lections with the Saint's own
are written in the book of the law to do
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
them.” “...The just man liveth in faith.”
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
[Hab. 2:4] “But the law is not of faith;
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
but: he that doth those things shall live
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
in them.” [Lev. 18:5] Christ, on the
previous Sunday.
Cross, redeemed us from the curse of the
law, “Cursed is every one that hangeth Epistle Galatians 3:15-22 (Promises were
on a tree.” (Deut. 21:23). made to Abraham and to his seed, which
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 90 (Heb. is Christ... not seeds. “...He saith not:
And to his seeds, as of many; but as of
91) Qui habitat. He that dwelleth in the
aid of the most High shall abide under one...” [Gen 22:18] The law does not
make earlier promise void; Christ will
the protection of the God of Jacob.
(“The Devil Tempts Christ and Flees give the promise to the faithful.)
from His Presence.” Feb 15/ 28, quotes Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 91 (Heb.
this Psalm, see Mt. 4:6-7 Verses 9-16 92) Bonum est confiteri. It is good to
may be used as the Alleluia). give praise to the Lord: and to sing to
Gospel Mark 8:1-13 (Seven loaves and fishes, Thy Name, O most High. (Verse 16 as
with seven baskets left over, feeding
four thousand people. Then Pharisees Gospel Mark 8:27-33 (Jesus asks His
ask for a sign from heaven, as if the disciples, “Whom do men say that I
seven loaves and fishes weren’t enough.) am?” and then, “Whom do you say that I

am?” and St. Peter answers, “Thou art Abraham according to the promise.
the Christ.” Then Jesus tells them that “But, before the faith came, we were
Jesus will suffer, be rejected, and be kept under the law shut up, unto that
killed, and after three days rise again. faith which was to be revealed.
St. Peter does not want to believe that Wherefore the law was our pedagogue in
Christ will die, so Jesus calls him Satan, Christ; that we might be justified by
“because thou savorest not the things faith. But, after the faith is come, we are
that are of God, but that are of men.” no longer under a pedagogue.”
This is near the Transfiguration.) Although not under a teacher, we need
guidance and discussion.)
XI Sunday after Pentecost Gradual Psalm 92 (Heb. 93) Dominus
regnavit. The Lord hath reigned, He is
(Fifth Sunday of the cycle of six
clothed with beauty: the Lord is clothed
Sundays) with strength, and hath girded Himself.
During this week: (Matching this time of year; perhaps
The Beginning of Night: read the Book Irish colonies in Western hemisphere.
of Acts throughout this week. Matins: Verse 5 may be used as the Alleluia.)
Week I throughout this week, for the Gospel Mark 9:13-29 (The disciples of Jesus
verses before the Second Canticle of could not cast out a dumb spirit, and
Moses, the Song of the Three Youths, Jesus says they have little faith. The boy
and the Matins Resurrection Gospel. had been afflicted since infancy, and
The Divine Liturgy: thrown into fire and water. The father of
Old Testament:Ezekiel. 3:17-21 [S] the boy asks to be helped in his unbelief.
(“Son of man, I have made thee a Jesus heals the boy, and tells the
watchman to the house of Israel: and disciples that this kind of spirit only goes
thou shalt hear the word out of my with prayer and fasting. Fire and water
mouth, and shalt tell it them from me...” also were known at that time as
God requires that the wicked or just who “elements” and would have been treated
have fallen from goodness be warned, as an allegory of anger and despair.
and if they either continue to sin or turn Without talking over problems in prayer,
from their sin, the watchman is saved, these difficult sins that can possess a
“thou hast delivered thy soul.” But if person cannot be solved.)
they have not been warned, then “I will Proper Blessing of the Day by a
require his blood at thy hand.” Without Bishop only if present
first stating that there is a problem, and Dominica .XI. Post Pentecosten.
talking over problems, there is no way to Benedictio Eleventh Sunday After
solve problems.) Pentecost: (fifth Sunday in cycle of six)
Epistle Galatians 3:23 – 4:5 (About Pentecost: May the Lord be pleased to be attentive to your
Christ taught them about the law, but prayers of devotion and grant you the gifts of His
that we might be justified by faith. “For Blessing. Amen.
as many of you as have been baptized in Likewise may He protect you from the present
Christ, have put on Christ.” “There is age with his aid, so that He make you to be
neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither inhabitants of paradise in the future. Amen.
bond nor free: there is neither male nor And thus may He bless your hearts with His
female. For you are all one in Christ sanctification, and sanctify you with His blessing,
Jesus.” Christ redeemed us so that we so that He may choose to live with you, yea
could be adopted as sons, seed of indeed, in you eternally. Amen.

May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain and mother; and shall cleave to his
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages wife.” [Gen. 2:24] “What therefore God
of ages. Amen. hath joined together, let not man put
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son asunder.” An explanation of adultery.
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Then young children are brought to
ever with you. Amen. Jesus, and He says to allow the children
to come to Him and do not forbid them,
Thursday after XI Pentecost “for of such is the kingdom of God.”
We must receive the kingdom of God as
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
little children, or we will not enter.
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
Often these passages are interpreted to
these Lections with the Saint's own
force a couple to stay in an abusive
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
situation, but Jesus is not saying that; He
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
is upholding the family, and telling
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
families to support family and children.
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
Individuals and governments lose focus
previous Sunday.
on the needs of families, spending
Epistle Galatians 4:21-31 (St. Paul explains
money instead on vanities, as though
the children of Abraham: Ishmael and relationships can be thrown away.)
Isaac, as one a child of bondage, and the
other of freedom. [Gen 16:15; Gen 21:2]
We are the children of the free, no matter XII Sunday after Pentecost
whose genetic children we are, meaning
(Sixth Sunday of the cycle of six
that Christ is of the promise, not the law.
“So then, brethren, we are not the Sundays)
children of the bondwoman but of the During this week:
free; by the freedom wherewith Christ At the Beginning of Night read the
has made us free.” The descendants of Gospel of St. John throughout this week.
Ishmael, and all humanity, may inherit Matins: Week II throughout this week,
through Christ. We are all free in Him. for the verses before the Second
“But that Jerusalem which is above is Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
free; which is our mother.” [Gen 21:10] Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
However, Galatians 4:4-6 explains that Gospel.
the Blessed Virgin Mary is made under The Divine Liturgy:
the law, so that we may receive the
Old Testament: Ezekiel. 5:5-12 [S]
adoption of sons. [Is 54:1; Lk 23:29]
This day is near the Dormition of the (“Thus saith the Lord God: This is
Blessed Virgin Mary, and her Birthday; Jerusalem, I have set her in the midst of
see the readings for those days.) the nations, and the countries round
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 93 (Heb. 94) about her. And she hath despised my
judgments, so as to be more wicked than
Deus ultionum. The Lord is the God to
the Gentiles; and my commandments,
whom revenge belongeth (Verses 17-19
more than the countries that are round
may be used as the Alleluia.)
about her...” God condemns Jerusalem,
Gospel Mark 10:1-15 [16] (Pharisees and warns that the people will eat
question Jesus about divorce. [Deut. eachother, and, “A third part of thee
24:1] Jesus answers that God created shall die with the pestilence, and shall be
them male and female. [Gen. 1:27] “For consumed with famine in the midst of
this cause a man shall leave his father thee: and a third part of thee shall fall by

the sword round about thee: and a third Epistle Galatians 5 (St. Paul reminds us to be
part of thee will I scatter into every free and stand fast, and follow one law
wind, and I will draw out a sword after “Thou shall love thy neighbor as
them.” Negative references to Jerusalem thyself.” [Lev 19:18, Mt 22:39; Mk
are almost always about a person who 12:31, Jas 2:8] “Walk in the spirit...”
refuses to address their problems: they Fruits of flesh and spirit. “The fruit of
will fall ill, suffer from violence, and the Spirit is, charity, joy, peace, patience,
could lose their home or situation: benignity, goodness, longanimity,
(In the Old Testament, there are mildness, faith modesty continency,
layers of meaning: the First Conference chastity.” The term “leaven” is used
of Abbot Nesteros to John Cassian, here as something that corrupts; in the
Chapter VIII. The layers are historical, Gospels Jesus also uses “leaven” to
spiritual, and within spiritual: allegorical show how faith can increase and spread,
finds parallels in events often in the Mt 13:33, but Jesus also warns against
present; anagogical is prophetic of larger the bad “leaven” of the Pharisees: Mt
ideas, often in the future; and tropological 16:6. In all cases, leaven is teachings,
offers a moral internal explanation so that and also a warning that words can hurt,
we find a representation of a problem in as this Lection says: “But if you bite
the soul of a person, often from the past. and devour one another; take heed you
Abbot Nesteros says, “Whence also be not consumed one of another.”)
Solomon when he had summed up the Gradual Psalm 95 (Heb. 96) Cantate
manifold grace of the Church, added, Domino. Sing ye to the Lord a new
[Prov 31:21] ‘for all who are with her are canticle (Psalm order switched with
clothed with double garments.’ But of Thursday of this week to match themes:
spiritual knowledge there are three kinds, today truth and justice, the themes of the
tropological, allegorical, anagogical, of Bishop's rationale.) (Vs. 11-13 Alleluia.)
which we read as follows in Proverbs:
Gospel Mark 10:17-31 (A young man calls
[22:20] ‘But do you describe these things
to yourself in three ways according to the Jesus good Master, and Jesus rebukes
largeness of your heart.’ ...And so these him, and then asks if he has observed the
four [including historical] previously law, and he has. But when Jesus tells
mentioned figures coalesce, if we desire, him to sell his possessions and give to
into one subject, so that the same the poor, the man goes away. “...But
Jerusalem can be taken in four senses: many that are first, shall be last: and the
historically as the city of the Jews; last, first. God’s justice is mercy. Love
allegorically as the Church of Christ, is not selfish.)
anagogically as the heavenly city of God Proper Blessing of the Day by a
which is the mother of us all, Bishop only if present
tropologically as the soul of man, which Dominica .XII. Post Pentecosten.
is frequently subject to praise or blame Benedictio
from the Lord under this title...”) Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost: (in
(The term “enemies” is also cycle of six Sundays, the sixth Sunday)
used in many cases in the Old Testament May the Lord enrich you with His Grace and
to show internal, tropological sins. These strengthen you with His heavenly blessing.
are not nationalistic: note that Gentiles Amen.
are included in salvation: Psalm 21, May He defend you from all adversity and
Psalm 95, Is. 42:1, Mt. 12:21, Mt 12:18, always protect you for the sake of His faithful
Mt 24:14.) mercy. Amen.

May He be pleased to answer your petitions and XIII Sunday after Pentecost
grant you forgiveness of all your sins. Amen.
(First Sunday of the cycle of six
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Sundays)
of ages. Amen. During this week:
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son The Beginning of Night: read the Book
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be of Acts throughout this week.
ever with you. Amen. Matins: Week III throughout this week,
for the verses before the Second
Thursday after XII Pentecost Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or Gospel.
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
The Divine Liturgy:
these Lections with the Saint's own
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily Old Testament: Ezekiel 14:12-23 [S]
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. (If a land will sin against God, famine,
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on beasts, sword, or sickness will come, but
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into if Noah, Daniel, and Job will be in the
previous Sunday. land, they alone will deliver their souls
Epistle Galatians 6:2-10 by their justice, sons and daughters will
(Do good works also, “For what things a not be saved. “Yet there shall be left in
man shall sow, those also shall he reap.” it some that shall be saved, who shall
“Bear ye one another’s burdens; and so bring away their sons and daughters:
you shall fulfill the law of Christ.” “Be behold they shall come among you...
not deceived; God is not mocked. For And they shall comfort you, when you
what things a man shall sow, those also shall see their ways, and their doings:
shall he reap. For he that soweth in his and you shall know that I have not done
flesh of the flesh also shall reap without cause all that I have done in it,
corruption. But he that soweth in the saith the Lord God.” See last Sunday's
spirit of the spirit shall reap life Old Testament concerning symbols.)
everlasting.”) Epistle Ephesians 1:22-2:3 (2:13?)
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 94 (Heb. (Christ is the head of all the Church,
95) Venite exultemus. Come let us which is His Body. God saves us from
praise the Lord with joy: let us joyfully the prince of the spirits of the air that
sing to God our Savior. Let us come works on the children of unbelief. But
before His presence with thanksgiving; God has raised us up together in Christ.
and make a joyful noise to Him with Those who were afar off are near by the
psalms. For the Lord is a great God: and blood of Christ. - should be to 2:13.)
a great King above all gods. (Psalm Gradual and Alleluia Psalm 96 (H 97)
order switched with last Sunday to Dominus regnavit. The Lord hath
match themes.) (Verses 6-9 as Alleluia.) reigned, let the earth rejoice: let many
Gospel Mark 10:42-45 islands be glad. Clouds and darkness are
(The greater person should be the round about Him: justice and judgment
servant of all. “For the Son of man also are the establishment of His throne.
is not come to be ministered unto, but to (Verses 11-12 as the Alleluia.)
minister, and to give His life a Gospel Mark 10:46-end (Jesus heals the blind
redemption for many.”) Bartimeus, who asks simply that he may
see, and Bartimeus follows Jesus).

Proper Blessing of the Day by a Gospel Mark 11:12-19 (Jesus curses the fig
Bishop only if present tree, and in Jerusalem entered the temple
Dominica .XIII. Post Penecosten. and cast out those who sold and bought
Benedictio in the temple, and the money changers.
May He give you the reward of His blessing, and “And he taught, saying to them: Is it not
fill you with the Spirit of truth and peace. Amen. written, My house shall be called the
Moreover, may you traverse the Way of salvation house of prayer to all nations? But you
with devoted mind, so that, for your salvation, have made it a den of thieves.” [Isa.
you may evade the snares of defects which pull 56:7; Jer. 7:11] He did not allow any to
you down. Amen. carry a vessel through the temple. The
And thus may you be made devoted in His chief priests plot to destroy Him. In the
supplication, and in return to be sincere in your evening He went out of the city, and,
delight, so that you may be able to be secure to verse 20, the fig tree was dried up from
come to the heavenly kingdom. Amen. the roots. Reminder of Holy Week.)
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages XIV Sunday after Pentecost
of ages. Amen. (Second Sunday of the cycle of six
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
ever with you. Amen. During this week:
At the Beginning of Night read the
Thursday after XIII Pentecost Gospel of St. John throughout this week.
Matins: Week IV throughout this week,
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or for the verses before the Second
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
these Lections with the Saint's own Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily Gospel.
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
The Divine Liturgy:
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into Old Testament: Ezekiel 18:1-21 [S]
previous Sunday. (God corrects a parable, saying that
Epistle Ephesians 2:19-3:7 (No more strangers people should not say, “The fathers have
but fellow citizens with the Saints, Jesus eaten sour grapes, and the teeth of the
Christ being the cornerstone. The children are set on edge.” In other
building grows into a holy Temple of the words, that people inherit their parents'
Lord. “In Whom you also are built sins. Instead, God says, “Behold all
together into an habitation of God in the souls are mine: as the soul of the father,
Spirit.” St. Paul says he is a minister so also the soul of the son is mine: the
towards all in the Church, including soul that sinneth, the same shall die.
Gentiles. Today near a major Feast.) And if a man be just and do judgment
and justice” [truth and mercy], and has
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 97 (Heb.
not sinned, and has been merciful to the
98) Cantate Domino. Sing ye to the poor and hungry, “...then He shall surely
Lord a new canticle: because He hath live.” God says that if a son sins, then
done wonderful things. (Verses 4-9 as he shall die and his blood shall be upon
Alleluia; similar to Psalm 150, “...Sing him. But if a son does well, he shall not
praise to the Lord on the harp, on the die for the sins of his father, but will
harp, and with the voice of a psalm: with live. “And you say: Why hath not the
long trumpets, and sound of cornet...”)

son borne the iniquity of his father? May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Verily, because the son hath wrought without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
judgment and justice, hath kept all my of ages. Amen.
commandments, and done them, living, May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
he shall live. The soul that sinneth, the and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
same shall die: the son shall not bear the ever with you. Amen.
iniquity of the father, and the father shall
not bear the iniquity of the son. The Thursday after XIV Pentecost
justice of the just shall be upon him, and
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
the wickedness of the wicked shall be
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
upon him. But if the wicked do penance
these Lections with the Saint's own
for all his sins which he hath committed,
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
and keep all my commandments, and do
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
judgment, and justice, living he shall
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
live, and shall not die.”)
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
Epistle Ephesians 4:14-19 (We are not previous Sunday.
children tossed to and fro on every wind Epistle Ephesians 4:24-5:2
of doctrine by the wickedness of men.
(“And put on the new man, who
We do truth in charity. Do not walk as
according to God is created in justice
the Gentiles walk in the vanity of their
and holiness of truth...” And grieve
mind, in the blindness of their hearts.)
not the holy Spirit of God; whereby you
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 98 (Heb. are sealed unto the day of redemption...
99) Dominus regnavit. The Lord hath And be ye kind one to another... And
reigned, let the people be angry: He that walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us
sitteth on the cherubims, let the earth be and hath delivered himself for us, an
moved. (Verses 5-9 as the Alleluia.) oblation and a sacrifice to God for an
Gospel Mark 11:27-33 (They came again to odor of sweetness.”)
Jerusalem. The chief priests ask by what Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 99 (Heb.
authority does Christ do these things. 100) Jubilate Deo. Sing joyfully to
Jesus answers with His own question: God, all the earth: serve ye the Lord with
was the baptism of St. John the Baptist gladness. (Verses 4-5 as the Alleluia.)
from heaven or men. They answered Gospel Mark 12:28-34
that they didn’t know, and Jesus said to
(A scribe asks what is the first
them that He would not tell them by
commandment of all. Jesus answered,
what authority He did these things.)
from Deut. 6:4-5, “Hear, O Israel: the
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Lord thy God is one God. And thou
Bishop only if present shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy
Dominica .XIIII. Post Pentecosten. whole heart, and with thy whole soul,
Benedictio and with thy whole mind, and with thy
May the blessing of the Lord abide with you whole strength... And the second is like
everywhere, and may He always make you to to it: Thou shalt love they neighbor as
adhere to Him. Amen. thyself.” - Lev. 19:18. This is also found
May He sanctify you with His blessing, Who was in Rom. 13:9; Gal. 5:14; James 2:8 The
pleased to mightily fashion you. Amen. scribe agrees, and Jesus tells him that he
May He be the excellent cause for you to live is not far from the kingdom of God.
joyfully, so that He make you a co-inheritor of After that no man dared ask another
heavenly blessing. Amen. question.)

XV Sunday after Pentecost See I Thess. 5:1-8, Thursday after XVIII
Pentecost. St. Paul also reminds us to
(Third Sunday of the cycle of six pray at all times “in the Spirit.”)
Sundays) Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 100 (Heb.
During this week: 101) Misericordiam et judicium. Mercy
The Beginning of Night: read the Book and judgment I will sing to Thee, O
of Acts throughout this week. Lord. (Bishop's Rationale. “I walked in
Matins: Week V throughout this week, the innocence of my heart, in the midst
for the verses before the Second of my house.” A meditation on the
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three Blessed Virgin Mary. V. 2 as Alleluia.)
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection Gospel Mark 13:14-37 (The abomination of
Gospel. desolation... warnings about the end of
The Divine Liturgy: the world. Watch out for false prophets.
Old Testament: Is. 63:15-64:4 [S] “...And then shall they see the Son of
(Praying for greater zeal for God, and man coming in the clouds, with great
less ignorance. Asking God why He has power and glory.” Parable of the fig
allowed people to err and harden their tree... when the branch is tender, know
hearts, and asking God to return, and that summer is near. “But of that day, no
come down. “From the beginning of the man knoweth.” In the Greek, the term
world they have not heard, nor perceived “generation” is not related to a time
with the ears: the eye hath not seen, O period only, but also generation meaning
God, besides thee, what things thou hast a group related to each other by one
prepared for them that wait for thee.”) purpose, such as the Church.. “And what
Epistle Ephesians 6:10-24 (“Be strengthened I say to you, I say to all: Watch.”)
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
in the Lord... put on the armor of God...
to stand in all things perfect” We do not Bishop only if present
wrestle with flesh, but with principalities Dominica .XV. Post Pentecosten.
and powers, against wickedness in high Benedictio
places, etc. St. Paul also refers to the May Almighty God, Who is conscious of your
spiritual vestments of clergy; this same infirmities, grant unto you the reward of His
reading is used at Ordinations: “...your benediction. Amen.
loins girt about with truth and having on And may He who bestows upon you the love of
the breastplate of justice; And your feet praying, bestow the aid of consolation. Amen.
shod with the preparation of the gospel So that from Him, in Whose creations of
of peace; In all things taking the shield goodness you believe; may you grasp the aid of
of faith, wherewith you may be able to the present and the future life. Amen.
extinguish all the fiery darts of the most May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
wicked one. And take unto you the without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
helmet of salvation and the sword of the of ages. Amen.
Spirit (which is the word of God); By May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
all prayer and supplication, praying at all and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
times in the spirit; and in the same ever with you. Amen.
watching with all instance and
supplication for all the saints; And for Thursday after XV Pentecost
me, that speech may be given me, that I Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
may open my mouth with confidence, to Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
make known the mystery of the gospel.” these Lections with the Saint's own

Propers. Confraction is for a Daily your graves, and will bring you out of
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. your sepulchres, O my people: and will
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on bring you into the land of Israel. ...And
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into shall have put my spirit in you, and you
previous Sunday. shall live, and I shall make you rest upon
Epistle Philippians 1:8-14 (St. Paul prays that your own land: and you shall know that I
“your charity may more and more the Lord have spoken, and done it, saith
abound in knowledge, and in all the Lord God.”)
understanding.” “Filled with the fruit of Epistle Philippians 1:12-20 (Brethren grow
justice...” Many of the brethren are confident to preach the Gospel in the
growing confident to speak the word of bands of St. Paul. Some preach out of
God without fear in the “bands” of St. love of Christ, while others preach
Paul. St. Paul wants them to have Christ to get St. Paul into more trouble.
charity, but also grow in knowledge, and St. Paul rejoices that Christ is preached,
confidence to spread the Gospel.) no matter why. “...so now also shall
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 101 (Heb. Christ be magnified in my body, whether
102) Domine exaudi. Hear, O Lord, my it be by life, or by death.”)
prayer: and let my cry come to Thee. Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 102 (Heb.
(Verses 28-29 as the Alleluia.) 103) Benedic anima. Bless the Lord, O
Gospel Luke 5:12-16 (A man full of leprosy my soul: and let all that is within me
asks to be made clean, and Jesus heals bless His holy Name. (The first verse
him. Jesus asks the man to show himself may be repeated as an antiphon. Verses
to the priest and make an offering but 19-22 may be used as the Alleluia.)
not to tell anyone, but this increases Gospel Luke 5:27-32 (Jesus asks a publican
Jesus’s fame. Jesus then retires to the named Levi to follow Him. When the
desert and prays. This emphasizes the Pharisees question Jesus sitting with
mercy of God; a different emphasis than publicans and sinners, He says, “They
the miracle of the ten lepers, in St. Luke that are whole, need not the physician:
17:12-19.) but they that are sick. I came not to call
the just, but sinners to penance.” Also,
XVI Sunday after Pentecost about those who have died: even though
their bodies may be corrupt, they may be
(Near the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.)
resurrected from the dead; see the Old
(Fourth Sunday of the cycle of six
Testament for today. There is no
Sundays) During this week: guarantee for those who have fallen
At the Beginning of Night read the away through their own will. In the case
Gospel of St. John throughout this week. of angels, some of them fell, and some
Matins: Week VI throughout this week, Saints pray for them, but we only know
for the verses before the Second that God might have mercy on sinners.)
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection Bishop only if present
Dominica .XVI. Post Pentecosten.
The Divine Liturgy:
Old Testament: Ezekiel 37:1-14 [S] May Almighty God purge the stains of your sins
(The field of bones, one of the and illumine you with His blessing. Amen.
prophecies of the Resurrection. “...Thus May He fill you with the gifts of spiritual virtues;
saith the Lord God: Behold I will open may He make you to persevere in your

commitment to good things. Amen. Matins: Week VII throughout this week,
May He kindly accept your humility, and enrich for the verses before the Second
you with His reward of faith. Amen. Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Gospel.
of ages. Amen. The Divine Liturgy:
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Old Testament: Ezekiel 37:21-25 [S]
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be (“...Behold, I will take the children of
ever with you. Amen. Israel from the midst of the nations
whither they are gone: and I will gather
Thursday after XVI Pentecost them on every side, and will bring them
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or to their own land...”)
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses Epistle Colosians 4:2-18 (Prayer, wisdom,
these Lections with the Saint's own speech, etc.: “Be instant in prayer;
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily watching in it with thanksgiving:
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. praying withal for us also, that God may
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on open unto us a door of speech to speak
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into the mystery of Christ...” “Walk with
previous Sunday. wisdom towards them that are
Epistle Philippians 1:20-27 (St. Paul says he without...” “Let your speech be always
would want to die a Martyr to be in in grace seasoned with salt; that you may
Christ, but he can teach better in the know how you ought to answer every
flesh. “For to me, to live is Christ: and to man....” Then St. Paul salutes his
die is gain.” Have conversation worthy helpers; then, “be mindful of the
of Christ “with one mind laboring bands...” St. Paul then gives names of
together for the faith of the Gospel.” laborers in Christ that need prayers,
The word “Martyr” means witness: a which is a reminder; one of the reasons
person who tells others about God.) to pray without ceasing is that the many
Gradual and Alleluia:Psalm 103 (H 104) laborers in Christ all need our prayers.)
Benedic anima. Bless the Lord, O my Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 104 (Heb.
soul: O Lord my God, Thou art 105) Confitemini Domino. Give glory
exceedingly great. (V. 30-35 Alleluia.) to the Lord, and call upon His Name:
Gospel Luke 6:6-11 (Jesus heals a man with a declare His deeds among the Gentiles.
withered hand in the synagogue on the Sing to Him, yea sing praises to Him:
Sabbath. Jesus asks if it is lawful on the relate all His wondrous works. Glory ye
Sabbath to do good or evil, to save life in His holy Name: let the heart of them
or to destroy. This fills people with rejoice that seek the Lord. Seek ye the
madness, and they talk together about Lord, and be strengthened: seek His
what they would do to Jesus.) Face evermore. (Or, the first four verses
as the Gradual. This is the source of the
sample Gradual and Alleluia in the
XVII Sunday after Pentecost Lorrha-Stowe Missal. V. 42-43 Alleluia.)
(Fifth Sunday of the cycle of six Gospel Luke 9:57-62 (A man says to Jesus that
Sundays) he will follow Jesus wherever He goes.
During this week: Jesus answers, “The foxes have holes,
The Beginning of Night: read the Book and the birds of the air nests; but the son
of Acts throughout this week. of man hath not where to lay His head.”

Jesus asks another to follow Him, and but God who proveth our hearts.” St.
the man wants to bury his father first, Paul is glad to teach these people:
and Jesus says “let the dead bury their “Whereas we might have been
dead: but go thou, and preach the burdensome to you, as the apostles of
kingdom of God.” About another who Christ; but we became little ones in the
wants to say goodbye, He says, “No man midst of you, as if a nurse should cherish
putting his hand to the plough, and her children; So, desirous of you, we
looking back, is fit for the kingdom of would gladly impart unto you not only
God.” Jesus wants us to seek Him the gospel of God but also our own
always, before our worldly activities.) souls; because you were become most
Proper Blessing of the Day by a dear unto us.”)
Bishop only if present Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 105 (Heb.
Dominica . XVII. Post Pentecosten. 106) Confitemini Domino. Give glory
Benedictio to the Lord, for He is good: for His
May Almighty God surround you with His mercy endureth for ever. Who shall
heavenly protection, and fill you with the gift of declare the powers of the Lord?... (Or,
His blessing. Amen. the first five verses, the first paragraph,
And may He grant to you that as you rest only on as the Gradual. V. 47-48 Alleluia.)
the hope of heavenly grace, you may be fortified Gospel Luke 10:38-42 (Ss. Martha and Mary:
by heavenly protection. Amen. St. Martha is busy, while St. Mary sits at
So that you may seize solace in this world of the Lord’s feet and hears His word. St.
mortal life, and be strengthened to embrace Martha asks why St. Mary does not help,
eternal joy. Amen. but Jesus says that St. Mary has chosen
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain the better part which will not be taken
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages from her: hearing the Word of God.)
of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son XVIII Sunday after Pentecost
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
(Sixth Sunday of the cycle of six
ever with you. Amen.
Thursday after XVII During this week:
At the Beginning of Night read the
Pentecost Gospel of St. John throughout this week.
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or Matins: Week VIII throughout this
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses week, for the verses before the Second
these Lections with the Saint's own Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. Gospel.
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on The Divine Liturgy:
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
Old Testament: Joel 2:12-18 [S]
previous Sunday.
(“Now therefore saith the Lord: Be
Epistle I Thess 2:1-8 (St. Paul mentions
converted to me with all your heart, in
having been treated shamefully at fasting, and in weeping, and in
Philippi, but he has taught truthfully: mourning. And rend your hearts, and
“But as we were approved by God that not your garments, and turn to the Lord
the Gospel should be committed to us; your God: for He is gracious and
even so we speak, not as pleasing men, merciful, patient and rich in mercy, and

ready to repent of the evil. Who fathers. These are in the Rule of St.
knoweth but He will return, and forgive, John Cassian, read by the Benedictine
and leave a blessing behind Him... The Order, and the Rule of St. Mael Ruain.
Lord hath been zealous for His land, and The desert fathers grouped these faults
hath spared His people.” “Repent” progressing from physical to spiritual, in
means to repair, including emotions.) pairs: gluttony and fornication,
Epistle I Thess 2:9-20 (St. Paul reminds them coveteousness and anger, wandering of
that he and teachers of the faith have the mind and despair, vain-glory and
been blameless. He gives thanks that pride. The worst is pride. All of these
they have received the Word not as from are problems that need to be treated as
men but as the Word of God “who illnesses: whether physical, of habits and
worketh in you that have believed.” St. behaviors, emotional mood disorders, or
Paul gives thanks for the people without delusional problems.)
ceasing, because they have kept the faith Proper Blessing of the Day by a
in the face of persecutions. He says: Bishop only if present
“For what is our hope or joy or crown of Dominica .XVIII. Post Pentecosten.
glory? Are not you, in the presence of Benedictio
our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? May Almighty God surround you with the
For you are our glory and joy.”) perpetual aid of His right hand, and fill you with
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 106 (Heb. the gifts of His blessings. Amen.
107) Confitemini Domino. Give glory May He defend you from all depravity, and grant
to the Lord, for He is good: for His you to rejoice in heavenly gifts. Amen.
mercy endureth for ever. Let them say So that cleansed of body and mind, you may
so that have been redeemed by the exhibit such excellent service to Him, that by that
Lord... [Or, use verses 8-14 as the service you may be strengthened by following
Gradual.] Verses 22, 31-32, and 42-43 His atonement. Amen.
may be used as the Alleluia.) May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Gospel Luke 11:14-26 (Jesus casts out a devil without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of
from a dumb man, and the man speaks. ages. Amen.
Some say that Jesus casts out spirits by May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Beelzebub the prince of devils, and and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
others ask for a sign from heaven. ever with you. Amen.
Christ says, “every kingdom divided
against itself, shall be brought to Thursday after XVIII Pentecost
desolation, and house upon house shall Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
fall. And if Satan also be divided against Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
himself, how shall his kingdom these Lections with the Saint's own
stand?...” “But if I by the finger of God Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
cast out devils; doubtless the kingdom of Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
God is come upon you.” He that is not If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
with me, is against me. The unclean Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
spirit gone out of a man, and returns previous Sunday.
with seven other spirits more wicked Epistle I Thess 5:1-8 (Children of the day, and
than himself. See Sunday after the not of the night. The day of the Lord
Circumcision. In total, the wicked spirit shall come as a thief in the night.
and seven other spirits are the eight Watch, and be sober. Breastplate is of
Principal Faults described by the desert faith and charity; helmet is the hope of

salvation. These are also vestments of The Divine Liturgy:
clergy; see Ephesians 6:10-24, the Old Testament: Jer. 7:1-7 [S]
Lection for Sunday XV after Pentecost.) (“...Make your ways and your doings
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 107 (Heb. good: and I will dwell with you in this
108) Paratum cor meum. My heart is place. Trust not in lying words, saying:
ready, O God (Verses 5-8a as Alleluia.) The temple of the Lord, the temple of
Gospel Luke 11:27-54 (Jesus admonishes the the Lord, it is the temple of the Lord.
people, especially Pharisees and For if you will order well your ways and
Lawyers. “Blessed is the womb that your doings: If you will execute
bore thee, and the paps that gave thee judgment between a man and his
suck. But He said: Yea rather, blessed neighbor, If you oppress not the stranger,
are they who hear the word of God, and the fatherless, and the widow, and shed
keep it.” Jesus says the only sign given not innocent blood in this place, and
this generation is the sign of Jonah the walk not after strange gods to your own
prophet. No man puts a lamp under a hurt, I will dwell with you in this place:
bushel. The light of thy body is thy eye; in the land, which I gave to your fathers
if thy eye be single, thy whole body will from the beginning and for evermore.”)
be lightsome... Pharisee complains about Epistle I Thess 5:9-13, 24-28 (Better to read
washing, and Jesus tells them about I Thess 5:9-28 without skipping the
being clean within. Woe unto you verses between, which matches the
Pharisees... tithing herbs and passing Gospel: God has not made us for wrath,
over judgment and charity of God you but purchasing salvation through Jesus
love the uppermost seats, salutations; Christ, whether we watch or sleep we
sepulchres that appear not; lawyers also: may live together with Him. Pray
load men with burdens they cannot bear without ceasing. Jesus Christ is faithful
and you do not touch them; build the to you and will do it.)
monuments of the prophets and your Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 108 (H 109)
fathers killed them... blood of prophets Deus laudem meam. O God, be not
required; woe to lawyers taken away the Thou silent in my praise (This Psalm is
key of knowledge and you yourselves not appropriate unless explained. Verse
have not entered in, and those entering 8 pertains to Judas Iscariot, the betrayer
in you have hindered.) of Christ. One might select verses: 4,
21, 26-28a “Instead of making me a
return of love, they detracted me: but I
gave myself to prayer. But Thou, O
XIX Sunday after Pentecost Lord, do with me for Thy Name’s sake:
(First Sunday of the cycle of six because Thy mercy is sweet. Do Thou
Sundays) (Fourth set of the cycle:) deliver me, for I am poor and needy: and
my heart is troubled within me. Help
During this week:
me, O Lord my God: save me according
The Beginning of Night: read the Book to Thy mercy. And let them know that
of Acts throughout this week. this is Thy hand: and that Thou, O Lord,
Matins: Week IX throughout this week, hast done it. They will curse and Thou
for the verses before the Second wilt bless.” The very serious
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three condemnation in this Psalm sometimes
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection is the only thing that will get people's
Gospel. attention; but God saved Nineveh, even

though Jonah had been swallowed by a Thursday after XIX Pentecost
whale, because Nineveh repented. This
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
Psalm with the Gospel means that those
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
in high places rarely help the poor, and
these Lections with the Saint's Propers.
those who are corrupt are removed from
Confraction is for a Daily Liturgy, or
power. And, this has a tropological, or
from Saint day. If a Divine Liturgy is
internal meaning: one must be most
not done on Thursdays, incorporate
careful about pride, and one must be
Lections into previous Sunday.
willing to lift up one's heart that has not
Epistle II Thess 2:1-12 [13] (Do not be moved
been fed with love because of that pride.
Verses 30-31 may be used as the or terrified by spirit, word, or epistle.
Alleluia. “I will give great thanks to the Let no man deceive you. “...unless there
Lord with my mouth, and in the midst of come a revolt first, and the man of sin be
many I will praise Him: because He hath revealed, the son of perdition, who
stood at the right hand of the poor, to opposeth and is lifted up above all that is
save my soul from persecutors.”) called God or that is worshiped, so that
Gospel Luke 12:2-12 (Nothing covered that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing
himself as if he were God.” Jesus will
shall not be revealed. Do not fear those
destroy liars, beginning with the wicked
who can kill the body. Confess me
one. St. Paul gives thanks for brethren.)
before men, him shall the Son of man
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 109 (Heb.
also confess before the angels of God.
“...And whosoever speaketh a word 110) Dixit Dominus. The Lord said to
against the Son of man, it shall be my Lord: Sit Thou at my right hand:
forgiven him: but to him that shall Until I make thy enemies thy footstool.
blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, it (Verses 4-7 as Alleluia. Our Lord quotes
shall not be forgiven.” The Holy Spirit this to the Pharisees and Sadducees.)
shall teach you in the same hour what Gospel Luke 12:54-13:17 (Hypocrites can
you must say.) read weather but not the time. Galileans
Proper Blessing of the Day by a who had suffered under Pilate were not
Bishop only if present sinners above others in Galilee. Unless
you do penance, you shall all perish the
Dominica .XIX. Post Pentecosten.
same way. The Parable of the fig tree:
for three years gave it fertilizer, but it
May Almighty God purify the hidden places of
still gave no fruit so the vineyard dresser
your hearts, Who bestowed the increase of His
cut it down. Jesus healed a woman in
blessing upon you. Amen.
the synagogue on the Sabbath who was
May He strip you of all dangers of this present
bowed together eighteen years and could
life, and endow you with the ornaments of
not look up. The ruler of the synagogue
spiritual virtues. Amen.
said six days you ought to work, but
Supported by His aid, thus may you serve Him on
Jesus said everybody would loose their
earth, so that you may prevail to be joined to Him
ox or ass on the Sabbath and lead them
in the heavens. Amen.
to water. “And ought not this daughter
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo,
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
these eighteen years, be loosed from this
of ages. Amen.
bond on the Sabbath day? ...all his
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
adversaries were ashamed: and all the
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
people rejoiced for all the things that
ever with you. Amen.
were gloriously done by him.”)

XX Sunday after Pentecost Gospel Luke 13:18-30 (The kingdom of God
is like a grain of mustard seed... like
(Second Sunday of the cycle of six
leaven hid in three measures of meal till
Sundays) the whole was leavened; try to enter by
During this week: the narrow gate: “But when the master
At the Beginning of Night read the of the house shall be gone in, and shall
Gospel of St. John throughout this week. shut the door, you shall begin to stand
Matins: Week X throughout this week, without, and knock at the door, saying:
for the verses before the Second Lord, open to us. And he answering,
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three shall say to you: I know you not, whence
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection you are” and there will be weeping and
Gospel. gnashing of teeth... “And there shall
The Divine Liturgy: come from the east and the west, and the
Old Testament: Jer. 17:7-14 [S] north and the south; and shall sit down
in the kingdom of God.” The last that
(“Blessed be the man that trusteth in the
shall be first; and they are first that shall
Lord, and the Lord shall be his
be last. “Leaven” here means heavenly
confidence. And he shall be as a tree
faith, and is a good thing. The gathering
that is planted by the waters, that
of the faithful is mentioned in several
spreadeth out its roots towards moisture:
Old Testament readings.)
and it shall not fear when the heat
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
cometh... The heart is perverse above all
things, and unsearchable, who can know Bishop only if present
it? I am the Lord who search the heart, Dominica .XX. Post Pentecosten.
and prove the reins: who give to Benedictio
everyone according to his way, and May Almighty God exclude universal adversity
according to the fruit of his devices. As from you, and be pleased to pour forth the gift of
the partridge hath hatched eggs which His blessing upon you. Amen.
she did not lay: so is he that hath May He make your hearts attentive to holy
gathered riches, and not by right: in the doctrine so that you are able to be filled with
midst of his days he shall leave them, eternal benefits. Amen.
and in his latter end he shall be a fool... So understanding with perseverence and
O Lord, the hope of Israel: all that persisting with intelligence, and entering among
forsake Thee shall be confounded: they the adversity of the world without scorn, you may
that depart from Thee, shall be written in be made co-inheritors with the blessed spirits.
the earth: because they have forsaken the Amen.
Lord, the vein of living waters...”) May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Epistle II Thess 2:13-3:5 (Hold the traditions without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
you have learned. Not all men have of ages. Amen.
faith, but God has faith. “And the Lord May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
direct your hearts, in the charity of God, and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
and the patience of Christ.”) ever with you. Amen.
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 110 (Heb.
111) Confitebor tibi Domine. I will Thursday after XX Pentecost
praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
heart: in the council of the just, and in Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
the congregation. (Verses. 9-10 as the these Lections with the Saint's own
Alleluia.) Propers. Confraction is for a Daily

Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. XXI Sunday after Pentecost
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
(Third Sunday of the cycle of six
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
previous Sunday. Sundays)
Epistle I Timothy 1:1-14 (St. Paul tells St. During this week:
Timothy to keep the faith, and do not The Beginning of Night: read the Book
turn to genealogies or the law which is of Acts throughout this week.
made for sinners. St. Paul often begins Matins: Week I throughout this week,
saying, “Grace, mercy and peace, from for the verses before the Second
God the Father and from Christ Jesus Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
our Lord.” St. Paul says what to teach: Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
“Now, the end of the commandment is Gospel.
charity from a pure heart, and a good The Divine Liturgy:
conscience, and an unfeigned faith.” In Old Testament: Is. 49:1-5 [S]
older translations: contumelious means (“Give ear, ye islands, and hearken, ye
belligerant.) people from afar. The Lord hath called
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 111 (Heb. me from the womb, from the bowels of
112) Beatus vir. Blessed is the man that my mother he hath been mindful of my
feareth the Lord: he shall delight name. And he hath made my mouth like
exceedingly in His commandments. a sharp sword: in the shadow of his hand
(Like Psalm 1. Verses 7-9 as Alleluia.) he hath protected me; and hath made me
Gospel Luke 14:16-35 (Banquet invitations; as a chosen arrow: in his quiver He hath
excuses: bought a farm; bought five hidden me. And He said to me: Thou art
yoke of oxen; married a wife. The lord my servant Israel, for in thee will I glory.
says to bring in the poor, feeble, blind, And I said: I have labored in vain, I have
and lame; then go into the highways and spent my strength without cause and in
hedges and compel them to come in. vain: therefore my judgment is with the
“None of those men that were invited, Lord, and my work with my God. And
shall taste of my supper.” Any who do now saith the Lord, that formed me from
not hate father, mother, wife, children, the womb to be his servant, that I may
brethren, sisters, own life, cannot be my bring back Jacob unto him, and Israel
disciple. “And whosoever doth not carry will not be gathered in the eyes of the
his cross and come after me, cannot be Lord, and my God is made my
my disciple.” Whoever builds a tower strength.”)
plans first to make sure there is enough Epistle I Timothy 3:1-13 (“...if a man desire
money to finish. A king will send an the office of a bishop, he desireth a good
embassy for peace if he has too few in work.” This is one of the readings at the
his army. “Salt is good. But if the salt Consecration of a Bishop, and is also
shall lose its savor, wherewith shall it be about clergy. “It behoveth therefore a
seasoned? It is neither profitable for the bishop to be blameless, the husband of
land nor for the dunghill, but shall be one wife, sober, prudent, of good
cast out. He that hath ears to hear, let behavior, chaste, given to hospitality, a
him hear.”) teacher; Not given to wine, no striker but
modest, not quarrelsome, not covetous;
but one that ruleth well his own house,
having his children in subjection with all
chastity. But, if a man know not how to

rule his own house, how shall he take Thursday after XXI Pentecost
care of the church of God?...Moreover,
Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
he must have a good testimony of them
Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
who are without; lest he fall into
these Lections with the Saint's own
reproach and the snare of the devil.
Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
Deacons in like manner... The women
Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
in like manner... For they that have
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
ministered well shall purchase to
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
themselves a good degree and much
previous Sunday.
confidence in the faith which is in Christ
Epistle I Timothy 3:14 - 4:8 (How to behave
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 112 (Heb. in the house of God: “And evidently
great is the mystery of godliness, which
113) Laudate pueri. Praise the Lord, ye
was manifested in the flesh, was justified
children: praise ye the Name of the
in the spirit, appeared unto angels, hath
Lord. (Verses 5-9 as the Alleluia.)
been preached unto the Gentiles, is
Gospel Luke 16:1-13 (Rich man with a believed in the world, is taken up in
steward, and the steward reduces the glory.” But beware, because, “in the last
bills of debt so that the debtors will times some shall depart from the faith,
receive him into their houses. Jesus says giving heed to spirits of error and
to make friends of the mammon in doctrines of devils. Speaking lies in
iniquity that when you shall fail they hypocrisy and having their conscience
may receive you into everlasting scared, Forbidding to marry, to abstain
dwellings. Faithful in least... No man from means, which God hath created to
can serve two masters; you cannot serve be received with thanksgiving by the
God and mammon.) faithful and by them that have known the
Proper Blessing of the Day by a truth... For bodily exercise is profitable
Bishop only if present to little; but godliness is profitable to all
Dominica .XXI. Post Pentecosten things, having promise of the life that
Benedictio now is and of that which is to come.”
May Almighty God allot your days in His peace, Also, any food is good, if it is blessed.)
and grant unto you the gift of His blessing. Gradual and Alleluia:
Amen. Psalm 113 B [second part of Psalm 113]. (Heb.
May He free you from all that is disturbing, and 115) 113: In exitu Israel. When Israel
consolidate your minds in the tranquility of His went out of Egypt. 113 Part B: Not to us,
peace. Amen. O Lord, not to us; but to Thy Name give
So that, adorned with the gems of faith, hope, and glory. (Psalm 113 A verses are
charity; you may pass through this life uninjured numbered 1-8, and Psalm 113 B verses
and pass through to eternity free of all care. are again numbered 1-18. See Sunday
Amen. XXIII Pentecost for the first part. The
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain second part of Psalm 113 is for both the
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Gradual and Alleluia today, while the
of ages. Amen. first part of Psalm 113 on Sunday XXIII
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Pentecost is only for the Gradual.)
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be (Verses 13-18 of this section of Psalm
ever with you. Amen. 113 may be used as the Alleluia: The
dead are they who do not live in Christ,
Who gives eternal life.)

Gospel Luke 16:19-31 (The poor man Lazarus (We hope in the living God Who is the
goes to heaven, while the rich man goes Savior of all men, especially the faithful.
to hell. God’s answer to the plea of the Be an example in word, conversation,
rich man who wants to warn others of charity, faith, chastity. Attend to
his fate: “If they hear not Moses and the reading, exhortation, doctrine. Do not
prophets, neither will they believe, if one neglect the grace that is in thee given by
rise again from the dead.”) imposition of hands of the priesthood.
Meditate upon these, be wholly in these,
to save thyself and others that hear thee.)
XXII Sunday after Pentecost Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 114 (Heb.
(Fourth Sunday of the cycle of six 116:1-9) Dilexi. I have loved, because
Sundays) the Lord will hear the voice of my
During this week: prayer. (Verses 6-9 as the Alleluia:
At the Beginning of Night read the “The lord is the keeper of little ones...”)
Gospel of St. John throughout this week. Gospel Luke 17:12-19
Matins: Week II throughout this week, (Leprosy was also considered a disease
for the verses before the Second of sin. Ten lepers are cured, one returns
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three with thanksgiving. Jesus asks where are
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection the nine, but also says “arise, to thy way;
Gospel. for thy faith hath made thee whole.”)
The Divine Liturgy: Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Old Testament: Is. 43:1-11 [S] Bishop only if present
(“And now thus saith the Lord that Dominica .XXII. Post Pentecosten.
created thee, O Jacob, and formed thee, Benedictio
O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed May the grace of the blessing of the Lord always
thee, and called thee by thy name: thou protect you, and defend you from every evil.
art mine. When thou shalt pass through Amen.
the waters, I will be with thee, and the May [the grace of the blessing of the Lord]
rivers shall not cover thee: when thou cleanse you from every stain of sins, and may it
shalt walk in the fire, thou shalt not be make you to be peaceful in eternity. Amen.
burnt, and the flames shall not burn in May the Lord kindly keep you in mind
thee... Fear not, for I am with thee: I will everywhere, and be pleased to pour out upon you
bring thy seed from the east, and gather the works of His blessing. Amen.
thee from the west. I will say to the May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
north: Give up: and to the south: Keep without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
not back: bring my sons from afar, and of ages. Amen.
my daughters from the ends of the earth. May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
And every one that calleth upon my and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Name, I have created him for my glory, I ever with you. Amen.
have formed him, and made him. Bring
forth the people that are blind, and have Thursday after XXII
eyes: that are deaf, and have ears...
Before me there was no God formed, Pentecost
and after me there shall be none. I am, I Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
am the Lord: and there is no savior Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
besides me.”) these Lections with the Saint's own
Epistle I Timothy 4: 9-16 Propers. Confraction is for a Daily

Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar. The Divine Liturgy:
If a Divine Liturgy is not done on Old Testament: Is. 42:1-4 [S]
Thursdays, incorporate Lections into (“Behold my servant, I will uphold him:
previous Sunday. my elect, my soul delighteth in him: I
Epistle I Timothy 5:1-10 (Honor widows that have given my spirit upon him, he shall
are widows indeed, without children or bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He
grandchildren. Let them pray night and shall not cry, nor have respect to person,
day. She that lives in pleasures is dead neither shall his voice be heard abroad.
while living. The Order of Widows The bruised reed he shall not break, and
should be one of the Holy Orders.) smoking flax he shall not quench: he
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 115 (Heb. shall bring forth judgment unto truth.
116:10-19) Credidi. I have believed, He shall not be sad, nor troublesome, till
therefore have I spoken; but I have been he set judgment in the earth: and the
humbled exceedingly. (The numbering islands shall wait for his law.”)
begins on verse 10, because this Psalm Epistle I Timothy 5:22-6:11 (“Impose not
in Hebrew is combined with the hands lightly upon any man, neither be
previous one, but it is obviously a partaker of other men’s sins. Keep thy
separate Psalm. The previous Psalm self chaste.” Do not teach strife. Desire
ends in a similar way to the ending of of money is the root of all evil.
other Psalms. The subject matter “...pursue justice, godliness, faith,
reminds us of the “chains of sin” and charity, patience, mildness.”)
“chain of charity.” Vs. 17-19 Alleluia.) Gradual: Psalm 113A (Heb.114) In exitu Israel
Gospel Luke 17:20-37 (“The kingdom of God When Israel went out of Egypt, the
comes not with observation: neither shall house of Jacob from a barbarous people:
they say: behold here, or behold there. Judea was made his sanctuary, Israel his
For lo, the kingdom of God is within dominion. (See Thursday after XX1
you.” Do not follow after false leaders. Pentecost; for the second part of 113.)
“for as the lightning that lighteneth from Alleluia: Psalm 116:1-2 (Heb. 117)
under heaven, shineth unto the parts that O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise
are under heaven, so shall the Son of Him, all ye people. For His mercy is
man be in His day.” It will be similar to confirmed upon us: and the truth of the
the days of Noah and Lot. Do not turn Lord remaineth for ever. (This is the
back to take your things.) entire Psalm, the shortest Psalm, which
could only be used as an Alleluia, and
that could explain number confusions. It
XXIII Sunday after Pentecost needs a different Psalm as Gradual.
(Fifth Sunday of the cycle of six Psalm 113 in Greek numbering is the
Sundays) same as the Hebrew numbered Psalms
114 and 115. This first part of Psalm
During this week:
113 has a Resurrection theme of the
The Beginning of Night: read the Book opening of the rocks. Psalm 96 has a
of Acts throughout this week. similar theme, “the mountains melted
Matins: Week III throughout this week, like wax.” The theme, “with God all
for the verses before the Second things are possible,” matches the Gospel
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three today. St. Columbanus of Luxeuil lists
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection the Psalm of the Resurrection as Psalm
Gospel. 65, which isr Hebrew 66.)

Gospel Luke 18:15-30 (Jesus allows infants to Thursday after XXIII
be brought to Him. “Whosoever shall
not receive the kingdom of God as a
child, shall not enter into it.” A young Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
man comes to Christ who follows the Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
law, but won’t give up his possessions. these Lections with the Saint's own
Easier for a camel to pass through the Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
eye of a needle than the rich to enter Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
kingdom of God. Things impossible If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
with men are possible with God. Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
Whoever gives up his ties in this world previous Sunday.
will receive life everlasting. About the Epistle I Timothy 6:12-21 (“Fight the good
camel and needle: One of the gates into fight of faith...” Keep the commandment
Jerusalem was called the needle, because spotless, blameless, for the coming of
it was very small; when a larger gate was Jesus Christ; “Which in His times He
closed, people had to go through “the shall shew who is the blessed and only
needle.” A loaded camel would have to Mighty; the King of kings, and Lord of
be unloaded, and the camel would have lords; Who only hath immortality, and
to go in on its knees; a familiar image. inhabiteth light inaccessible, Whom no
These riches are also of the details and man hath seen, nor can see: to Whom be
problems, including of the law: those honor and empire everlasting. Amen.”
who have not followed the spirit may Charge the rich to trust in the living
have a lot of baggage to unload first.) God, not uncertainty of riches. Do good,
Proper Blessing of the Day by a be rich in good works, give easily,
Bishop only if present communicate to others...)
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 117 (Heb.
Dominica .XXIII. Post Pentecosten.
Benedictio 118) Confitemini Domino. Give praise
May the Almighty Lord open your heart in His to the Lord, for he is good: for His
law, and humble your spirits unto the grasping of mercy endureth for ever. Let Israel now
heavenly mandates. Amen. say, that He is good... (Verses 17, 22,
Moreover, may He announce to you for the and 28-29 may be used as the Alleluia. )
salvation of your souls through the mouth of our Gospel Luke 18:35-43 - 19:1- end.
mortality, so that He make divine faith acceptable (Probably pertaining to the Feast of St.
to you. Amen. Martin, including references to putting
So that, enlivened by divine sermons, you may be the cape on the ground. See the Feast of
worthy to come uninjured unto eternal St. Martin of Tours, Nov. 11th, which has
blessedness with them who have been vigilant for its own set of Propers. Note that this is
you. Amen. Thursday, and the Feast of St. Martin is
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain similar to the American Thanksgiving
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages on a Thursday. Near Jericho: Jesus heals
of ages. Amen. a blind man, sees the publican Zacheus
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son who had climbed the tree, and dines with
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be him. Parable of noble in far country and
ever with you. Amen. the ten talents. Then, Jesus goes to
Jerusalem, and enters Jerusalem on an
ass - Palm Sunday - then throws out
money changers in temple.)

XXIV Sunday after Pentecost Blessed are the undefiled in the way: who walk in
the law of the Lord.
(Sixth Sunday of the cycle of six
Blessed are they that search His testimonies: that
Sundays) seek Him with their whole heart.
During this week: (Verses 165 and 175 may be used as an
At the Beginning of Night read the Alleluia, with 117:22. This matches the
Gospel of St. John throughout this week. Gospel of the day. “The stone which the
Matins: Week IV throughout this week, builders rejected; the same is become the
for the verses before the Second head of the corner. Much peace have
Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three they that love Thy law, and to them there
Youths, and the Matins Resurrection is no stumbling-block. My soul shall
Gospel. live and shall praise Thee: and Thy
The Divine Liturgy: judgments shall help me.”)
Old Testament: Is. 42:18-21 [S] Gospel Luke 20:9-19 (Parable: the Lord of the
(“Hear, ye deaf, and, ye blind, behold vineyard sent three servants to collect
that you may see. Who is blind, but my the fruit, and they were beaten and
servant? Or deaf, but he to whom I have turned away. [Isa. 5:1; Jer. 2:21] Then
sent my messengers? Who is blind, but the Lord sent his Son, and the
he that is sold? Or who is blind, but the husbandmen killed him. The Lord will
servant of the Lord? Thou that seest destroy them and give the vineyard to
many things, wilt thou not observe others. Jesus asks what is meant by
them? Thou that hast ears open, wilt Psalm 117:22, “The stone, which the
thou not hear? And the Lord was willing builders rejected, the same is become the
to sanctify him, and to magnify the law, head of the corner?” Also Ps 118:165; Is
and exalt it.”) 28:16; Acts 4:11; Rom 9:33; 1 Peter 2:7.
Epistle Titus 1:5-2:1 (Ordination of Priests: Jesus says whosoever falls on that stone
will be bruised, but upon whomsoever it
without crime, husband of one wife,
shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
faithful children, etc. Also Bishops.
Jesus is the cornerstone.)
Warnings about Crete, especially of
those who do not want to hear the truth. Proper Blessing of the Day by a
“All things are clean to the clean: but to Bishop only if present
them that are defiled, and to unbelievers, (Bishop's Blessings in the Pontificale of
nothing is clean: but both their mind and Egbert go to week XXIII Pentecost;
their conscience are defiled.” They say repeat last week's Bishop's Blessing,
they know God, but their works are which fits the Lections of this week.)
abominable. “But speak thou the things
that become sound doctrine.”) Thursday after XXIV
Gradual and Alleluia:
Psalm 118 (Heb. 119) Beati immaculati.
Blessed are the undefiled in the way: Propers are of the previous Sunday, or
who walk in the law of the Lord. (Psalm Daily-general Propers. A Saint day uses
118 is read near All Saints Day; also said these Lections with the Saint's own
for the dead. The entire Psalm 118 may Propers. Confraction is for a Daily
be done as a Sequence if possible; the Liturgy, or from the Fixed Day calendar.
longest Psalm, 176 verses. If selecting If a Divine Liturgy is not done on
only a few verses, the first two verses Thursdays, incorporate Lections into
may be used in a Gradual:) previous Sunday.

Epistle Titus 1:15-2:10 Sundays: only the first two Sundays are in this
(All people should behave themselves set. If more Sundays are needed, Sundays from
well. “All things are clean to the clean; Epiphany that were not done may be used.)
but to them that are defiled and to During this week:
unbelievers, nothing is clean; but both The Beginning of Night: read the Book
their mind and their conscience are of Acts throughout this week.
defiled. They profess that they know Matins: Week V throughout this week,
God; but in their works they deny him; for the verses before the Second
being abominable and incredulous and to Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
every good work reprobate. But speak Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
thou the things that become sound Gospel.
doctrine.” Then St. Paul lists virtuous The Divine Liturgy:
behavior in different age groups. These Old Testament:
virtues include charity.) (There is no Old Testament Lection
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 119 (Heb. listed for this week. It would be possible
120) Ad Dominum. In my trouble I to read Isaiah 58:13-14, about rest on the
cried to the Lord: and He heard me Sabbath, a comment on the Epistle.)
(Verses 7 and 1 as the Alleluia. “With Epistle Hebrews 4:1-13 (Entering into the
them that hated peace I was peaceable: Lord’s rest: the seventh day. “For if
when I spoke to them they fought Jesus had given them rest, He would
against me without cause.”) never have afterwards spoken of another
Gospel Luke 20:20-40 (Spies ask Jesus is it day. There remaineth therefore a day of
lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar or rest for the people of God.” “For the
not. Jesus has them show Him a penny, Word of God is living and effectual, and
asks whose image and inscription are on more piercing than any two edged
it, and they say Caesar’s. Jesus says, sword; and reaching unto the division of
“Render therefore to Caesar the things the soul and the spirit, of the joints also
that are Caesar’s: and to God the things and the marrow, and is a discerner of the
that are God’s.” Then Sadducees thoughts and intents of the heart.
question Him about the Resurrection: the Neither is there any creature invisible in
man with seven brothers and one wife. His sight: but all things are naked and
Jesus says, “The children of this world open to His eyes, to Whom our speech
marry, and are given in marriage: but is.” The Commandment: “not dishonor
they that shall be accounted worthy of the Sabbath day,” is interpreted as the
that world, and of the resurrection from day of rest, an eternal ever-present state
the dead, shall neither be married, nor of contemplation, a continuous rest or
take wives...” “Now that the dead rise Sabbath of silence and prayer, according
again, Moses also shewed at the bush, to St. John Cassian. Conference of desert
when he called the Lord, the God of father Abbot John Chapter VIII quoting
Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the Isaiah 58:13-14, which also compares
God of Jacob, for He is not the God of the perfections of the Coenobite and
the dead, but of the living: for all live to Anchorite. Also, First Conference of
Him.” [Deut. 32:40]) Abbot Isaac, Chapter III, on keeping
thoughts held on God in prayer, and
XXV Sunday after Pentecost Second Conference of Abbot Isaac,
(First Sunday of the cycle of six Chapter X. Other references in this
Epistle: Gen. 2:2; Ps. 94:11; Ps. 94:8;
Sundays) (Fifth set of the cycle of six

Heb. 3:7. Also see Psalm 120:4, from Matins: Week VI throughout this week,
another viewpoint today, the Lord that for the verses before the Second
keeps Israel never slumbers nor sleeps.) Canticle of Moses, the Song of the Three
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 120 (Heb. Youths, and the Matins Resurrection
121) Levavi oculos. I have lifted up my Gospel.
eyes to the mountains, from whence help Or, if inserting other Sundays first, or
shall come to me. My help is from the moving this Sunday to the last Sunday
Lord, Who made heaven and earth. before Advent, you may follow the cycle
(Verses 5-8 may be used as an Alleluia.) in the Beginning of Night and Matins
Gospel Luke 20:41-end that continues the weeks, not breaking
(Christ quotes Psalm 109. “How say the cycle to insert this Sunday.
they that Christ is the son of David? ... The Divine Liturgy:
The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou on Old Testament: Is. 33:2-9 [10?] [S]
my right hand, Till I make thy enemies (“O Lord, have mercy on us: for we have
thy footstool. David then calleth Him waited for Thee: be Thou our arm in the
Lord: and how is he his son?” Jesus morning, and our salvation in the time of
then warns the disciples against the trouble. At the voice of the angel the
scribes, who pretend long prayer, dress people fled, and at the lifting up thyself
well, take the first seats, devour the the nations are scattered...”)
houses of widows. Keep Jesus in mind Epistle Heb 7:1-6 (St. Paul gives an analogy
at all times, and His rest will be greater of the priest Melchisedech, king of
than the habitual prayers of men.) Salem, without genealogy, a priest
Proper Blessing of the Day by a forever as the Son of God. Salem means
Bishop only if present peace. “But he, whose pedigree is not
(Bishop's Blessings in the Pontificale of numbered among them, received tithes
Egbert go to week XXIII Pentecost; of Abraham, and blessed him that had
repeat Sunday the XXIII's Bishop's the promises.”)
Blessing, which also fits the Lections of Gradual Psalm 121 (Heb. 122) Laetatus sum
this week and next week.) in his. I rejoiced at the things that were
(No Thursday Lections are given.) said to me: We shall go into the house
of the Lord. (Verses 6-9 as Alleluia.)
Last Sunday after Pentecost Gospel Luke 21:20-36 (When Jerusalem is
(or XXVI Sunday after Pentecost) surrounded by an army, then desolation
is at hand. The end of the world. “And
(Skip or add Sundays before this Sunday so that
then they shall see the Son of man
this is the Last Sunday after Pentecost. Since
coming in a cloud, with great power and
Advent starts on Nov. 13/26, the Last Sunday
majesty.” Analogy of the fig tree when
after Pentecost would fall on one of these dates:
it has green shoots; when these things
Nov 6/19; Nov 7/20; Nov 8/21; Nov 9/22; Nov
are happening, the kingdom of God is at
10/23; Nov 11/24; or Nov 12/25. For those who
hand. “Watch ye, therefore, praying at
are celebrating the American Thanksgiving as St.
all times, that you may be accounted
Martin's Day, delay Advent if necessary only a
worthy to escape all these things that are
day or two. St. Martin's Day is important.)
to come, and to stand before the Son of
(Second Sunday of the cycle of six
man.” On the first Sunday in Advent,
Sundays) During this week: next week, there is a similar Gospel.)
At the Beginning of Night read the (No Thursday Lections are given.)
Gospel of St. John throughout this week.

General Festival readings: Missal, and add the Bishop's Blessing of the kind
of Saint (below).
Lections and Blessings For Lections: Use the General Lections
for other occasions. (below) for the kind of Saint with Movable date
The General Festival Propers and Lections are to Lections.
fill in for the many Saints who do not have Appropriate Hymns may be added.
specific Propers and Lections. Bishop's Blessings for Ferias (days of
For the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. the week), Hours, and other occasions, are also
John the Baptist: see their Feast dates on the after the other Propers, and may be added.
fixed days. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the only
Saint whose Feast day does not move from fast For One Martyr
days, or from Holy Week, Holy and Great Friday, Is. 60:4-16
Holy Saturday, or even Pascha. Combine her Ps 41:3b
Feast days with any other Festival day or Sunday. II Timothy 2:3-3:12
All other Saints, including Holy John 15:17-16:4
Apostles: move their Feast dates away from Holy Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Week and the Week after Pascha to the first Bishop only if present
available date after St. Thomas Sunday (the In Natale Unius Martyris. Benedictio
Octave of Pascha). (Funerals must be moved [The blessing at the birthday into
except in an emergency.) On Pentecost, likewise, heaven, the day they were Martyred, of
Saints may be mentioned, but move their Feast to one Martyr.]
the nearest day. May the Lord bless you through the intercession
Most of the time, to honor the Fast of His Blessed Martyr [N.], and defend you from
dates through the year, there is no Mass on every evil. Amen.
Monday, Wednesday, or Fridays. Saints would May He extend unto you the right hand of His
be combined to the closest Sunday, Tuesday, atonement, who received Him through the
Thursday, and Saturday, or the closest date on sufferings of his passion. Amen.
which a Mass will be celebrated. This also So that you may be worthy to have his
allows more people to attend and learn about the association in heaven, whose triumph you
Saints. The schedule must be decided in advance. celebrated on earth with devoted minds. Amen.
Lections and Propers for the Holy May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Apostles: See the General Propers and Lections without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
for Apostles, after the Propers on Feb. 15th. Also of ages. Amen.
look at the fixed date. For the Evangelist Saints May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Mark and Luke, see their fixed days and the and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Lections and Propers for the Apostles. ever with you. Amen.
For some special Saints such as St.
Patrick, St. Martin of Tours, and St. Laurence, the For Many Martyrs
Irish had some special Propers and/or Lections;
Is. 65:13-66:2
see the Fixed date. Always look on a fixed date.
Apoc. 6:9-7:17
On a Mass for the Dead at a funeral or
Luke 21:9-19
memorial that is not a short commemoration after
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
a Sunday Mass: do not combine with Saints, etc.
See funeral and special Lections below. Bishop only if present
Combine Saint days with Movable Benedictio In Natale Plurimorum
Sunday or daily Propers and Lections. Martyrum [Blessing at the birthday into
For Propers: Use the General Propers heaven, the day they were Martyred, of
for the kind of Saint from the Lorrha-Stowe several Martyrs.]

May the Lord bless you, through the intercession For Many Confessors
of His Blessed Martyrs NN., and free you from Lamentations 3:25-42
all adversities. Amen. I Timothy. 6:7-16
May their intercession commend you to Him in John 15:1-16
Whose sight their death is precious. Amen. Proper Blessing of the Day by a
So that, as they, through various torments,
Bishop only if present
became inheritors of the tribe of the heavenly
kingdom, likewise, you may be worthy to In Natale Plurimorum Confessorum.
associate [with them], through the demonstration Benedictio [Blessing at the birthday
of good works. Amen. * into heaven, the day they passed from
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain their mortal life, of several Confessors.]
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages May the Lord make you blessed, through the
of ages. Amen. examples of His Holy Confessors NN., and
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son make you defended against every adversary, by
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be their intercession. Amen.
ever with you. Amen. May their intercession make you joyful, whose
[* Note: Faith is dead without works; but festivity you [the flock*] celebrate with rejoicing.
works does not replace faith in any way. Amen.
The greatest of all these is charity.] So that, following their example **, you may be
able to arrive at the heavenly promise. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
For One Confessor without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
II Timothy 3:16-4:8 of ages. Amen.
Ps 55:9 May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Ps 20:7 and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Matthew 25:14-23 ever with you. Amen.
Proper Blessing of the Day by a [* a play on the word "ouantes" which
Bishop only if present points to sheep and rejoicing. “...Eorum
In Natale Unius Confessoris [Blessing vos efficiat suffragio felices. quorum
at birth into heaven, the day they passed festivitatis diem celebratis ouantes.”
from this mortal life, of one Confessor.] ** We imitate them as examples, not the
May the Almighty Lord give you His bountiful same as the incorrect view of merits.
blessing, Who adopted blessed N. because of “Quo eorum imitantes exempla. ad
the virtue of his (her) confession. Amen. caelestia peruenire possitis promissa.”]
And may He Who made (him/her) to brandish
bright miracles, [Himself] adorn you with For a Bishop
increase of good works. Amen. Ezech 34:1-31
So that by (him/her) whose examples you have Hebrews. 12:28-13:21
learned, and by whose intercession you are John 10:1-16
protected, and whose death you celebrate this day (The general Bishop's Blessing is from the Gothic
on earth, you may be able to join [with him/her] Missal, see St. Patrick, March 17th. That Bishop's
in the celestial region. Amen. Blessing may be used for any Bishop.)
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
of ages. Amen. For Many Bishops
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Ezech 34:1-31
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be I Peter 1:3-20; 5:1-15
ever with you. Amen. Matthew 5:13-19

Requiem Alia Benedictio (Another Benediction)
I Corinthians. 15:51-58 May God, the eternal arranger of all He foresees,
John 5:19-20;11:25-26 and lover of all things, guide your way, with the
gathering of the angels and the prayer of the
General Requiem Saints. Amen.
I Thess. 4:12-18 May Raphael, who led the way, the great
John 5:19-20;11:25-26 protector of Tobias, be present with you, so that
you may avoid diabolical entrapments, and
humanity may be worthy to follow Christ, the
Requiem for a Bishop Way of truth and life. Amen.
Is. 26:2-20 May the shield of Him Who is invincible be with
I Corinthians. 15:1-22 you as you come and go, so that you may have
John 6:48-59; 12:25-26 everything rooted out that is useless to minds and
bodies, and may pursue speedily everything that
Anniversary of a Church is worthy to be desired. Amen.
Is. 54:1-56;7 May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Eph. 2:8-22 without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Ps 86:1 of ages. Amen.
Matthew. 21:10-17 May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Before Departing on a Pilgrimage ever with you. Amen.
I Timothy. 3:14-16
Luke 9:51-56; 12:35-37 On Completion of a Pilgrimage
Proper Blessing of the Day by a On Returning from a Pilgrimage
Bishop only if present Romans 15:17-29
Pro Iter Agentibus [for missions or John 4:45-54
pilgrims, literally agents - active verb.]
May Almighty God, Whose mercy is known Professing of Virgins or for a Virgin
everywhere, and Who hast mercy on those who Saint
serve in His path; may He clemently direct your Is. 61:10-62:7 or Is. 61:10-62:7
journey, and lead you unharmed to the desired I Corinthians 7:25-40 or Romans 7:24-8:4
place. Amen. Luke 1:39-56 or Matthew 25:1-13
May you be worthy to continually accompany the
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
gathering of the angels, guided in all things and
guarded against all [adversity], having returned, Bishop only if present
may you have traveled the remainder of your In Natale Unius Virginis. Benedictio
journey unharmed. Amen. [Blessing at the birthday into heaven, the
And thus, having traveled the path through the day they passed from this mortal life, of
present age, balancing by cooperation, just as if one virgin.]
you were avoiding the allurements of Egypt; and May the Lord Who bestowed the reward of
through a life of righteousness, may you win the virginity and the glory of suffering of blessed N.
reward of unfading joy. Amen. the virgin, bless you. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain And through the aid of the one who was
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages deserving may you be able to overcome the
of ages. Amen. weaknesses of your gender, and the madness of
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son all that pursues you, and may you be able to
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be overcome the allurements of the old bodies and
ever with you. Amen. machinations of the ancient enemy. Amen.

As she certainly, though fragile in gender, secure vigilance in faith concerning the Lord.
struggled with manly fortitude, may you, living, Amen.
therefore be strong enough to triumph over Through the power of preaching to the people,
adversaries in this mortal life, and overcome the may all that you preach from your mouth may
ancient enemy, and win through to the heavenly ever be held in your heart. Amen.
kingdom. Amen. May the Lord ever hear you in your time of
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain prayer, and may He give you adherence to the
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages council of correctness, and may you be worthy to
of ages. Amen. evade the influence of demons. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
ever with you. Amen. of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
When the Bishops ought to announce and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
that the people pay a tenth ever with you. Amen.
Mal. 1:6-11
I Corinthians. 9:7-12 Blessing when a king calls a Synod of Bishops
Luke 20:45-21:5; Matthew 6:2-4 (Not part of Consecration, but a Synod.)
Benedictio Super Regem Dicenda
Lections and Propers for Holy Orders, and Tempore Synodi [* See note above.
some blessings for kings or presidents, are for This prayer is for the king hosting the
general interest; these are not the complete Bishops, providing them with room and
services of either Ordinations or investiture; board etc., and sometimes being the one
those are in another book due to lack of space who calls them together.]
here. There is also no space here for the May the Lord bless thee and protect thee, as He
Consecration of a Church, the Consecration of willed that thou wouldst establish thy rule over
a Cemetery, etc. His people. Likewise, may He establish joy in
the present age, and make thee to be a co-
participant of eternal joy. Amen.
Blessing at a Synod of Bishops The clergy and the people whom He willed by
(Not part of a Consecration, but at a His influence to be gathered together for thy
Synod.) sanctification, for thy stewardship, and for thy
Benedictio Super Synodum [folios 128 administration throughout length of days, to be
v, 130: see note] made joyfully governed. Amen.
May Christ the Son of God, Who is the To the point that they, obeying divine teachings,
Beginning and the End, pour forth the fullness of avoiding every adversity, rejoicing in all that is
His charity upon you. Amen. good, following Thy ministry in faith and love,
And may He who made you to come to the and in the present age may they enjoy the
completeness of this council, make you to be tranquility of peace, and may they be deserving to
cleansed from every contagion of error. Amen. achieve in the eternal kingdom with Thee. Amen.
So that being made unencumbered by any May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
accusation, and having discharged your duty without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
through the gift of the Holy Spirit, may you of ages. Amen.
return uninjured to the seat of your [Episcopal] May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
sees. Amen. and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
May He ever effect your numbers, so that when ever with you. Amen.
the Judge comes watching over you, He may
perceive you as faithful, and reward you for your

Blessing over the clergy without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
(not an Ordination, but at a Synod) of ages. Amen.
Benedictio Super Sacerdotes [Blessing May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
over the clergy of a church. This prayer and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
may be added to prayers for the meeting ever with you. Amen.
of a Synod of Bishops, or at the time of
Ordinations of major clergy.] Feria .III. Benedictio Cotidiana
O God, Who after the rising of the glorious [Occasional Blessing for a Tuesday.]
Resurrection, has promised that He would never May the Lord listen to the prayers to your
be far from His worshipers: [mayest Thou] give humility, and give you the grace of His blessing,
these Priests that grace by which they may be and the reward of eternal salvation. Amen.
perfected, by discipline and by fervent [work] in May He dissolve the chains of all your sins, and
Thy charity. Amen. make you to enter into eternal glory. Amen.
Answer their prayers, for the forgiveness of the May He increase in you the abundance of His
people; O Thou Who didst not reject to call the blessing, and confirm you in the hope of the
just unto the crown. Amen. heavenly kingdom. Amen.
Please teach them, O Lord, by holy doctrines, and May He correct your actions; may He repair your
increase their works of the fruit of justice. Amen. life; may He organize your habits; and may He
So that by the supplication of [these] pastors, the lead you to the blessing of the heavenly Paradise.
congregation may avoid hell, and may be worthy Amen.
to achieve the glory of the eternal kingdom. And by His great intention, may He restore your
Amen. strength, and set you in eternal peace. Amen.
May the Lord give you eternal joy, so that in the May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
day of judgment, you may be worthy to enter into without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
the number of the elect, and of the unfading of ages. Amen.
crown of glory. Amen. May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages ever with you. Amen.
of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Feria .IIII. Benedictio Cotidiana
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be [Occasional Blessing for a Wednesday.]
ever with you. Amen. May the Lord be willing to listen to your
devotions, and grant the gift of His blessing to
Other Bishop's Blessings: you. Amen.
(These are for days of the week, etc. See note May He protect you in the present age so that He
above about the General Propers and Lections.) make you inhabitants of Paradise in the future.
Feria .II. Benedictio. Cotidiana May He bless your hearts with His sanctification,
[Occasional Blessing for a Monday.] and sanctify you with His blessing, so that indeed
May Almighty God, because of His clemency, He may choose to live in you forever. Amen.
bless you, and pour into you a sense of saving May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
wisdom. Amen. without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
May He nurture you with the writings of the of ages. Amen.
faith, and reward you for persevering in holy May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
works. Amen. and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
May He convert your gathering from errors, and ever with you. Amen.
open to you the way of peace and charity. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain

Feria .V. Benedictio. Cotidiana blessing upon Thy people; from Whom the many
[Occasional Blessing for a Thursday.] noxious things have been purged, and the good
May the Lord give you the protection of His has been restored. Amen.
blessing, and fill you with the spirit of truth and Encircle them with Thy spiritual wall, so that
peace. Amen. continual sanctity abides in them. Give them a
Thus, may you follow the way of salvation with time of tranquility, and quiet security and peace,
devoted minds, may you have the health to avoid so that they may be able to enter into eternal joy.
the thefts and traps of the wrongdoers. Amen. Amen.
So may you be made devoted in this supplication, May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
and genuinely rejoice together, so that you are without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
able to enter secure into the heavenly kingdom. of ages. Amen.
Amen. May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages ever with you. Amen.
of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Benedictio. Cotidiana
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be [Daily blessing for guidance.]
ever with you. Amen. O Lord, because of Thy faith, bestow wise right
faith, proven patience, the virtue of abstinence,
Feria .VI. [Occasional Blessing for a Friday; and eternal life. Amen.
outside of a Liturgy, for the Cross.] Be pleased, O Lord, to bless all of us, so that
May Almighty God bless you, and separate your Thou mayest lead and correct us: so that we may
minds from everything that is malignant, and be worthy to enter into eternal rewards. Amen.
guide you in what He has taught, and provide you Bless us with all of Thy clemency, and together
with what He has required, and fill you with with the angels, fill us with spiritual food. Amen.
every good spiritual virtue. Amen. May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
So that He strengthen you in the faith; discipline without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
your interactions; multiply you in virtues; heal of ages. Amen.
your diseases; turn your anxieties into joy; give May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
you caution in your prosperity; cleanse you of and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
iniquity; lift you up into tranquility; and lead you ever with you. Amen.
to eternal life. Amen.
May He pour forth His grace into you; may He Benedictio. Cotidiana [Daily blessing for grace.]
forgive your offenses; may He remit your crimes; Bless, O Lord, Thy family, who desires to
may He instill discipline in you; may He bestow discover the grace of Thy blessing. Amen.
mildness upon you; may He enforce His Stretch forth Thy hand from heaven, and touch
corrections in you; and may He preserve in you a the head of each one of them. Amen.
pure life. Amen. May the grace of Thy blessing descend upon
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain these people, as the rains poured down and
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages watered the face of the earth. Amen.
of ages. Amen. Thus, all may sense the touch of Thy hand, and
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son receive the joy of the Holy Spirit, and be blessed
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be forever unto eternity. Amen.
ever with you. Amen. Bless, O Lord, Thy creation, and please bless
them with peace. Amen.
Feria .VII. Benedictio May He bless you from the heavens, Who
[Occasional Blessing for a Saturday.] through the Cross and the Blood of His Passion,
We beseech Thee, O Lord, to bestow Thy was pleased to redeem you on earth. Amen.

May the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the peace of the and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Lord be ever with you. Amen. ever with you. Amen.
[* Qui vobis benedixerit a deo aeterno
Benedictio Cotidiana sit benedictus. qui vobis nocuerit a deo
[Daily Blessing for times of trouble.] sit separatus. Amen. - Contains a curse.]
May the Lord recognize His very own sign on
you, and confer the gift of His mercy upon you. Benedictio. Ad Matutinum. De Cotidianis
Amen. [For Matins, for the Bishop's Flock]
May He subdue wars, sweep away famine, Never forsake Thy vineyard which Thou wast
bestow peace, and cast far away all insidiousness pleased to establish, but make it to ever grow.
of the enemy. Amen. Amen. *
May He behold the grieving of those who are Do not let the hedges suffocate it, nor birds
worthy; may He hear the voice of your sorrow; ravage it. Amen.
and may He wipe away the tears from every face. But be near it always, and every day make it to
Amen. bear fruit. Amen.
May He forgive your sins, and grant perfect Do not let the enemy plant tares in it, but let it be
charity. Amen. worthy to ever produce fruit unto Thee. Amen.
May He bless you from heaven, Who through the May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Cross and Blood of His Passion, was pleased to without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
redeem you on earth. Amen. of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the peace of the and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Lord be ever with you. Amen. ever with you. Amen.
[*Also in the Byzantine Bishop's blessing.]
Benedictio. De Cotidianis Diebus
[Caution: this contains a curse. For Benedictio. Vespertina. De Cotidianis Diebus
those who have been abused.] [Blessing at Vespers for every day.]
May Almighty God protect you from all evil and Good Shepherd, Who does not know sleep, watch
preserve you in all good. Amen over and guard this congregation of souls. Amen.
May He separate the host of adversaries from you And do not let them be fatigued by the terrors of
and prepare innumerable friends. Amen the night; stretch out the heavenly covering upon
May He separate you from your illicit them. Amen.
contaminations and may He join you by affection Bless all of these whose heads are bowed in
to heavenly virtues. Amen. humility unto Thee, with the sanctification of Thy
May He make the earth to be fruitful for you and right hand. Amen.
grant you the serenity of heaven and bestow upon May He bless you from the heavens Who
you perfect charity. Amen. redeemed you on earth through the Cross of His
May He fill you with His blessing and exalt you Passion, to Whom is the honor, and the authority,
in the thrones of the heavenly kingdom. Amen. and the rule, and power, unto ages of ages.
May those who blessed you be blessed by the Amen.
eternal God; may those who harmed you be May the Blessing of God the Father, and the Son,
separated from God. Amen. * and the Holy Spirit, and the peace of the Lord be
May he grant you heavenly blessing and lead you ever with you. Amen.
through to the enduring life without end. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
of ages. Amen.

These histories of the Five of the “Acts” written by Leucius
Charinus (or Leutius according to Augustine)
Twelve Apostles are in the were of Saints Peter, John, Andrew, Thomas, and
order of the Bobbio Paul, and portions of these were read aloud and
condemned in the Second Council of Nicea in
Apostles' Creed. 787 (also called the Seventh Ecumenical Council,
Lections and Propers of the Twelve which re-admitted icons to the eastern churches).
Apostles are after February 15th, after the Patriarch St. Photius I of Constantinople in the
Movable Feasts, and the histories of the Twelve ninth century, said (codex 114), that this
Holy Apostles. The Feast of the Twelve Apostles collection called The Circuits of the Apostles
and the Twelve Apostles of Ireland is July 15th. were full of foolishness, self-contradiction,
The synopsis of the Life of the Holy Apostle Paul falsehood, and impiety (according to Wace).
is January 25th. St. Patrick the Apostle to Ireland Epiphanius in the fourth century (Haer. 51.427)
is March 17th. St. Mark the Evangelist is April said that Leucius was a disciple of St. John who,
25th. St. Luke the Evangelist is October 1st. with St. John, opposed the Ebionites. (Ebionites
Cautions on Sources were Christians who still maintained Jewish
The histories below are abridged. There practices and had beliefs similar to Arianism that
are many contradictions in the accounts of the Jesus was not divine, which was later absorbed
travels of the Holy Apostles, and some of these into Islam). Other writers said that these writings
are noted. Because there is such a great love for were Docetist, denying the humanity of Christ,
the Holy Apostles; each nation wished to claim and almost denying the humanity of the Apostles.
an Apostle and often added a bit to the life. Some St. Gregory of Tours said that the repetitious
fathers considered the apocryphal Apostles' lives detail in the Acts of Andrew was “tiresome.”
completely spurious fiction, or made up to Some felt it was unfair that these “Acts” had been
promote heresies. Some books are only excluded from Canonical Scripture, even though
fragments, and recently more fragments have these were very controversial.
been found. Sometimes truth has been found in Many of the other “Acts” by other than
archeology: names of forgotten places or local Leucius were also heretical. The newly
kings have been found, matching names in discovered passages found at Mt. Athos of the
Apostles' histories not known elsewhere, such as Acts of Philip make clear that the book diverged
in the case of St. Thomas in India. The Holy sharply from Orthodoxy. Ten more apocryphal
Apostles lived in the era of the greatest books collected into the Historia Certaminis
persecution of the Christian Church, and books Apostolici ("History of the Apostolical Contest")
were lost. All of the Twelve Holy Apostles are were by Abdias of Babylon, “pseudo-Abdias,” or
listed in the Holy Gospels and the Book of Acts. Obadiah. Abdias was Consecrated by Saints
Their work reached the world. Eleven of the Simon and Jude, and is also commemorated Oct.
Twelve were Martyred; St. John survived being 28th. (See M.B. Riddle, in his Apocrypha of the
boiled in oil and other tortures. New Testament, 1870.) These books may have
The Life of the Apostles, other than been compiled in the second century, or sixth
Canonical Scripture, has a few sources, usually century, or tenth century. If early, these were
Syriac (eastern Aramaic) and Greek. English translated from Hebrew into Greek by Eutropius,
translations were made by Montague Rhodes a disciple of Abdias, and from Greek into Latin in
James (M. R. James) in his book, The the third century by Julius Africanus (from the
Apocryphal New Testament, Oxford: Clarendon family who conquered Africa, i.e., Carthage) who
Press, 1924. (Also see Easton's Bible Dictionary was a friend of Origen, as noted by Tropaeus
of 1897, Encyclopedia Anglicana 1911, etc. Africanus. Because later references were made
Many of the translations were done in the late in the book to the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome,
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.) and also Rufinus, some scholars dated the book

to 910 (at least for those references, which may both by Holy Apostles Convent, P.O. Box 3118,
have been made by later copyists). R.A. Lipsius Buena Vista, Colorado 81211. Although the life
(19th century) said these books were compiled in of the Apostle Thomas, for example, resembles
the late sixth century in a Frankish monastery, one of the stories in the Hindu revival, the late
using abridged and purged Gnostic apocrypha as Hindu story probably was borrowed from the
a source. Constantin von Tischendorf and the earlier Christian, because the earlier Christian
Codex Apocryphus Novi Testimenti of Johann archeological names were found. But, all were
Albert Fabricius published the late text. embellished. On the other hand, stories of great
Another source of texts was the “Golden wonder-working Saints such as the St. Gregory
Legend” (originally Legenda Sanctorum, the Wonderworker that the east calls “the great,”
'Readings of the saints') by Jacobus de Voragine or St. Patrick, had proofs which the biographers
around 1260. (Note the interest in the Saints after said “stood to this day” of their wonders: St.
the sack of Constantinople in the Crusades; Gregory moved a hill, planted a tree on the edge
people wanted stories to go with their stolen of a river and the river would not overflow, etc.
relics). De Voragine, although he spoke Latin, St. Patrick's monks escaped king Laogaire even
used his imagination when deriving etymologies though the king searched with all his army for
for names, and miracles are embellished, but he them; see “The Deer's Cry.” There is no way to
records miracles with an historical counterpart, pull apart these histories to find truth; Biblical
such as St. Agatha's relics preventing the eruption references may be trusted to the critical eyes of
of Mt. Aetna, which is similar to the relic of the those who included them in the Canon, but the
blood of St. Januarius (Gennaro) preventing the rest of the histories have only one proof: the
eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. Some of his sources entire world began to follow Christianity because
are Orthodox, some not. of the great wonders of the Apostles, Bishops,
Books condemned as heresy may have and disciples who followed. And it was the entire
had errors in only a few sections, but the entire world: archaeologists have found evidence that
books would be rejected in order to prevent some of the “revivals” and changes to Chinese
confusion. Often, the heretical parts were added Taoism, such as that Quan Yin became female,
later, but kept in them because people weren't were due to a very popular basilica dedicated to
sure what information was correct. Even though the Blessed Virgin Mary; the news at first went
heretical material was purged from some editions, everywhere with the Apostles and their followers.
the books were still controversial. Another
controversy was between nations: if one Christian The Apostles in the Creed
country wanted to conquer another Christian The complete Nicene Creed should be used in
country, all that would be needed was to discredit prayers at all Masses and Hours. However, an
the presence of an Apostle there: see St. Thomas Apostles' Creed in the Bobbio Missal is an
and the donation of India to Portugal; St. Andrew informative and typically Celtic essay, and also
in Scotland was used as a political protection. matches the last twelve Gradual Psalms (in Greek
Another compiler and editor was numbering: Psalms 122 to 133). Faith and its
Symeon Metaphrastes, meaning translator, or profession links us to the past and the future by
editor, who lived in the second half of the tenth God’s Charity. This Creed shows the Apostles:
century; feast dates Nov. 9th or 28th St. Symeon “...the twelve hours of the day are illumined by
Mataphrastes paraphrased earlier tradition, and the light of the Sun; unto whom Thou didst say
he would have used late Greek. He purged out 'ye are the light of the world'.” (from a Collect
heretical material, but even so, these “Acts” must before the Epistle.)
be read with caution, since these were The life of the Apostles teach us the
condemned by councils. See the recent Creed, according to insights of the Irish Saints.
translation: The Lives of the Holy Apostles and From the Bobbio Missal (St. Columbanus):
also The Life of the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, “The Symbol of Faith was collected into

12 articles of the Apostles and assigned with thou, Simon Bar-jona; for flesh and blood hath
caution: not revealed this unto thee, but My Father, Who
“Peter said, ‘I believe in God the Father is in heaven.” It is through this faith in Jesus that
Almighty.’ we see the Father, explained at length in St.
John said, ‘I believe in Jesus Christ, His only John's Gospel, for example: St. John 5:21-24
Son, God and our Lord.’ “For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and giveth
James said, ‘He was born of Mary, the Virgin, life: so the Son also giveth life to whom he will.
through the Holy Spirit.’ For neither doth the Father judge any man, but
Andrew said, ‘He suffered under Pontius Pilate; hath given all judgment to the Son. That all men
was crucified and buried.’ may honor the Son, as they honor the Father. He
Philip said, ‘He descended into hell.’ who honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the
Thomas said, ‘He arose on the third day.’ Father, who hath sent him. Amen, amen I say
Bartholomew said, ‘He ascended into Heaven, unto you, that he who heareth my word, and
[and] sat at the right hand of God the Father believeth him that sent me, hath life everlasting;
Almighty.’ and cometh not into judgment, but is passed from
Matthew said, ‘From there He will come to judge death to life.” (and John 14:6). St. John 10:14, “I
the living and the dead.’ am the good shepherd; and I know mine, and
James, the son of Alpheus, said: ‘I believe in the mine know me.” St. John 10:30, “I and the Father
Holy Spirit.’ are one.” St. John 6:48, “I am the bread of life.”
Simon Zelotes said: ‘I believe in the Holy Nor was St. Peter the only one who
Church.’ recognized Christ as the Son of God; St. Philip
Judas, the brother of James, said: ‘Through Holy and St. Nathanael (some say is St. Bartholomew)
Baptism [there is] remission of sins.’ did so before St. Peter (Jn 1:45-51).
Matthias said, ‘The resurrection of the flesh and St. Peter comments on the rock in I Peter
eternal life. Amen.’ 2:4-8, saying that the Lord Jesus Christ is the
“This is what was collected and cornerstone and foundation of the Church; it is
cautiously attributed to the 12 Apostles. For it is God's faith that is the Rock on which the Church
the Faith of the Saints in God. Unto the persons is built. St. Peter does not seek honor for himself
named, its name is the divine Gift of Faith. It is as taking the name of rock, but he asks all of us to
our Portion. This Faith unites God and man. have that faith. He also says that those who lead
This Faith joins the present and the future. others should be gentle leaders: I Peter 5:2-3. Nor
Furthermore, Faith makes the invisible visible. is St. Peter a replacement rock for Christ the
After the grave, Faith opens the way to the cornerstone; his faith leads us to Christ Who St.
Heavenly race, even to the Kingdom of Heaven. Peter acknowledged is the Head of the Church.
Therefore those who are constant in the (Mt 21:42, Ps. 117:22; Acts 4:11, Romans 9:33;
confession of the Faith are not able to fear the 1 Peter 2:7) And, we too may be the stones
wrath that is coming from on high.” made in that Image: Lk 19:40, “To whom he
said: I say to you, that if these shall hold their
“Peter said, ‘I believe in God the Father peace, the stones will cry out.” 1 Peter 2:1-10:
Almighty.’ Saints Peter and Paul are “Preeminent “...Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual
Apostles.” His name given by Jesus, “Peter” or house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual
“Cephas” means stone or rock, before that he had sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ...”
been called Simon. Jesus called him Cephas Jesus tells St. Peter, “...upon this rock I will build
because of St. Peter's faith in Christ as the Son of my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail
God (Mt 16:16-19, Mark 8:29, after Jesus had fed against it.” (Mt. 16:18).
the 5000 and healed the man born blind, which Jesus gives St. Peter the keys to heaven
no Old Testament Prophet had done). For this, (Mt 16:19), but also Jesus gives all of the Twelve
St. Peter is called “All Wise,” or in Greek, Apostles the ability to loose or bind sins, and the
“Pansouphas.” Jesus told St. Peter, “Blessed art ability to lead others to heaven (Mt 10:2-42). St.

Peter's mission to be a “fisher of men” (Mt. 4:19) pay so as not to scandalize them (Mt 17:22-23).
is the same mission that God the Father calls us St. Peter did not realize that forgiveness must be
to: even in the Old Testament God asks Job if he much greater than seven times. (Mt. 18:21-22).
can pull out leviathan with a hook (Job 40:20), In St. Matthew 19: 26-30, St. Peter does not
because Job questions God. This is a faith that understand quite as well as St. John about losing
moves mountains (Mt 17:19, Mt 21:21, Mk onesself to be saved; when Jesus said that with
11:23), but is a stumbling stone that confounds God all things are possible, St. Peter says,
the wise (Mt 21:42, 44). St. Peter was married; “Behold we have left all things, and have
Jesus heals his mother-in-law (Mt. 8:14-15). St. followed thee: what therefore shall we have?:
Peter was brother of St. Andrew; both were Jesus said to them: “Amen, I say to you, that you,
fishermen (Mt. 4:18). Saints Peter, James, and who have followed me, in the regeneration, when
John were the only Apostles who witnessed the the Son of man shall sit on the seat of his majesty,
daughter of the ruler of the Synagogue being you also shall sit on twelve seats judging the
raised from the dead (Mark 5:35-43). twelve tribes of Israel. And every one that hath
At the Transfiguration (see July 26th), left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or
which St. Peter witnessed with the Apostles mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my
James (the Greater, son of Zebedee) and John (Mt name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and
chapter 17:1-13), Mt 17:4, St. Peter wants to shall possess life everlasting. And many that are
make a tabernacle for Jesus, Moses, and Elias. first, shall be last: and the last shall be first.”
(St. John Chrysostom says that Moses and Elias Jesus never stopped trying to teach St.
symbolize spiritually the Law and Prophets, two Peter, and of course, we benefit by that. When
secret visions of God, and also the dead and the
Jesus curses the fig tree, later that day, St. Peter
living, as Elijah was taken to heaven in a chariot
notices it is withered, and Jesus tells them to have
of fire.) But the Father in heaven reveals that
the faith of God. (Mark 11:21-23) “Amen I say to
Jesus is the Son of God, and three Apostles see
you, that whosoever shall say to this mountain,
the Divine Light of Christ.
Be thou removed and be cast into the sea, and
St. Peter makes mistakes very often,
shall not stagger in his heart, but believe, that
and is corrected by Jesus, and later by St. Paul.
whatsoever he saith shall be done; it shall be done
As he said in his first Epistle, 4:8, “But, before all
things, have a constant mutual charity among unto him.” (Staggering, or hesitation, was a
yourselves; for charity covereth a multitude of concern to desert fathers of Sceti; for this reason
sins,” and he is referring first to God's charity they began most prayers with the first line of
towards him. His faith is great, but not as great Psalm 69, Deus in adjutorium, “O God come to
as God's, and in no way does he replace Christ at my assistance: O Lord, make haste to help me.”
any time. St. Peter tried to walk on the water to not that God hesitates, but often we do.) Saints
Jesus, but his faith was not strong, and he sunk, Peter, James, and John also ask Jesus when the
until Jesus made his faith strong again (Mt end of the world will come (Mark 13:3). Saints
14:22-33). Jesus challenges St. Peter to be wary Peter and John are sent into Jerusalem to prepare
of the law (Mt 15:15): what goes out of the for the Paschal meal (Lk 22:8).
mouth is more important than laws about washing St. Peter told Jesus that Jesus should not
of cups. wash his (St. Peter's) feet at the footwashing,
St. Peter told Jesus that Jesus should not which Jesus corrected, saying that he must be
suffer and die, and Jesus strongly rebukes him: washed (Jn 13:6-10). At the Last Supper, St.
“Who turning, said to Peter: Go behind me, Peter still asks Jesus where He will go (Jn 13:36).
Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou Jesus predicts that St. Peter will deny him three
savorest not the things that are of God, but the times before the cock crows (Mt 26:33-34). Also
things that are of men.” (Mt. 16:21-23). St. Peter at the Last Supper, Jesus points out that they
said that Jesus did pay his taxes, but Jesus would be counted among wicked, and the
explains that the sons are free, even though he did Apostles take up two swords (in the room) (Lk

22:38). At the garden of Gethsemane, Saints the words of eternal life! And we believe and are
Peter, James, and John fall asleep instead of sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the
watching with Jesus (Mt 26:40, 43, 45). When living God.” (St. John 6:53-59). St. Peter had
Jesus was arrested, St. Peter tried to defend Jesus learned wisdom from Jesus, and could understand
by cutting off the ear of the servant of the high some theology: II Peter 3:8-9, St. Peter was able
priest, named Malchus even after Jesus had told to understand that “one day with the Lord is as a
Peter to “Put up thy sword into the scabbard. The thousand years, and a thousand years as one
chalice which my Father hath given me, shall I day...” from Psalm 89:4 Greek numbering.
not drink it?” (Jn 18:10-11, Lk 22:50-51). Then Jesus had many followers at the
Jesus heals Malchus. Jesus had even said to St. beginning of His ministry: at the two times that
Peter, “Get thee behind me, Satan!”, not that he fed those who followed Him, it states that
Jesus was rejecting St. Peter or equating him with there were 5,000 families, and another time
the betrayer, but that St. Peter could be wrong 7,000. But people stopped following Jesus when
and stubborn at times. He challenged the leadership at the Temple, and
Even after St. Peter denied Jesus three when He was Crucified. After the Resurrection,
times (Mt 26:58, 70, 72, 74) before the cock the Apostles and disciples gathered at the Sea of
crowed at dawn when Jesus was at trial before Galilee (Mt 28, Mk 16), but returned to
His Crucifixion, St. Peter came back to the other Jerusalem, where there were only 120 followers
disciples, and was able to meet Jesus soon after including in that number the Twelve Apostles and
St. Mary Magdalene at the Resurrection (John the Seventy-Two lesser Apostles, according to the
20:2, etc.). (The Celtic people use the image of Book of Acts 1:15. Therefore, when the Holy
the crowing cock, because cock in Latin is “galli” Apostles (and tradition says all of the disciples
which is also Gallicans, or Galatians in Latin, or who had remained) received the Tongues of Fire
Celtoi in Greek, emphasizing the greatness of St. of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and St. Peter
Peter, and a wake-up call to penitence, not to end began preaching in many languages, he converted
his discipleship. From Hymn 2 in the three thousand souls in a single hour (Acts
Antiphonary of Bangor, “The Community of the 2:14-41), and through miracles in the Name of
Brethren,” by St. Hilary of Poitiers.) Jesus Christ such as curing the lame (Acts
When Jesus asks St. Peter, after the 9:32-34). and raising the dead (Acts 9:36-42),
Resurrection, three times to “feed my sheep” (Jn healing many others (Acts 5:15), and preaching,
21) it is as if Jesus knows that St. Peter needs to about five thousand came to believe in Christ
affirm Christ three times. St. Paul admonished (Acts 4:4), St. Peter beginning the increase of the
St. Peter in most of the Epistle to the Galatians, Christian faith that spread throughout the world.
because St. Peter, when he first came to Antioch, It is his work at Pentecost and afterward that all
would not eat with the gentile Christians, and the Apostles think of St. Peter as a leader (Mt
expected them to follow Jewish customs. St. 10:2) with active courage, a courage he did not
Peter is the first Bishop of Antioch, where the seem to have before that. St. Peter is
people were first called “Christians,” that is, little “Coryphaeus” in Greek, or lead singer, because
Christs (Acts 11:26), although they were taught the Holy Gospel is sung by the Bishop, Priest, or
first by Saints Barnabas and Paul. Also see St. Deacon in church, not just spoken, and St. Peter
Peter's turning back again to Rome to face his may have sung his sermons.
Martyrdom, below. St. Peter fulfilled his mission The work of St. Peter was not easy; he
in spite of many of his own shortcomings. and St. John were brought before the Sanhedrin
St. Peter was not usually patient, but two times and defied them. (Acts 4:7-22, Acts
active. After the Lord told many disciples about 5:18-42). Christians needed to keep their vows,
the true Bread of Life and His suffering to come, and two who promised the Holy Spirit to give
many left Him, but when He asked the Twelve everything to the church died because they
Apostles, “Will ye also go away?” St. Peter secretly held back some of their gifts (Acts
replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast 5:1-10).

Apocryphal sources state that, in the first reptiles; and a voice commanded Peter to slay
three years after the conversion of St. Paul them all and eat, and not to consider unclean
(Galatians 1:18), St. Peter visited these places and what God had purified (Acts chapter 10,
Consecrated many Bishops, starting out from remembered at the 9th Hour, about 3:00 P.M. On
Jerusalem, after his release from prison there: Sundays, the time for dinner in the Celtic Rite,
Caesaria of Palestine, Sidon, Beirut, Byblus, also see Mt 22:1-14, Lk 14:7-24). (The most
Tripolis of Phoenicia, Orthosia, Antrada, the important banquet is the holiest Mystical Supper
island of Aratos, Balanaea, Paltos, Gavalla, and of the Lord, but St. Peter's vision was to
Laodicaea. Then he went to Lydda, Joppa, and overcome lesser food laws.) St. Peter also
Caesarea (Acts 9:32-10:2). Then he went to Baptized Cornelius, a Roman centurion in
Antioch Acts 11:26, the principal city of Syria Caesaria.
(and in Galatians, we read that St. Paul had St. Peter reached Jerusalem around the
already been in Antioch), and Consecrated year 50. The Apostle Paul said, “Then, after
Bishops for other cities: Syracuse in Sicily, and three years, I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter,
Taormina. Then St. Peter went to Tyana of and abode with him fifteen days.” (Galatians
Cappadocia (where the modern Turkey is), and 1:18). The First Apostolic Council in Jerusalem
to Ancyra of Galata (of the Galatians, where the was chaired by St. James the Righteous, Bishop
people spoke one of the “P” Gaelic languages). of Jerusalem (see Dec. 27Th; also called St. James
Then to Sinope of Pontus, and met his brother the of the Knees, or the Brother of the Lord, one of
Apostle Andrew, and they taught together. Then the Seventy Lesser Apostles, not of the Twelve
Peter went to Amastris in the middle of the Apostles, but leader of the Holy Apostles in
province of Pontus, then to Gangra of Jerusalem, according to the Book of Acts). Even
Paphlagonia, Claudiopolis of Pontus and though St. Peter spoke at the Council at
Bithynia, and Nicomedia, and then paused in Jerusalem, he was not the chair of the Council.
Nicaea. He returned to Jerusalem for Passover. Ss. Peter, Paul, and the other Apostles met and set
In Acts 11:19, it says that, because of the down the 85 Apostolic Canons of church rules. It
persecution of Christians that began after St. is St. Peter who defends the Gentiles and says
Stephan, the Apostles traveled into Phenice, that they should not need to be circumcised or
Cyprus, and Antioch, but preached to the Jews follow all the food laws, Acts 15:1-21.
first, [St. John 4:22, Mark 7:24-30. St. Mark All the Apostles agreed. All the Apostles
7:27, 4 Kings 17:41.]. St. Paul mainly preached believed that Christ is the Divine Son of God, and
to Gentiles, and St. Peter mainly preached to they believed that Christ is Risen from the dead.
Jews. Galatians 2:7- 8, and St. Paul admonished Otherwise, why would St. Peter have preached
St. Peter for his refusal (at first) to eat with the the sermon at Pentecost, or how, with what Holy
Gentile Christians at Antioch. Spirit would he have been able to speak in
St. Peter did support the work of mission foreign tongues? And why would the Christians
to the Gentiles, Acts 2:9-10, “And when James, have continued to be persecuted if they did not
Cephas [Peter], and John, who seemed to be agree with St. Stephen who preached the
pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto Resurrection? Eusebius quotes St. Clement of
me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands Alexandria who said that Saints Peter, James, and
of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, John chose St. James the Righteous as Bishop of
and they unto the circumcision. Only they would Jerusalem because they did not seek out honor;
that we should remember the poor; the same and, they were called to missions in many places.
which I also was forward to do.” In Acts 8:14, St The Ebionites, heretics who were also called
Peter confirms the Samaritans in the Holy Spirit; “Judiasers” not as a slight to their Jewishness, but
St. Peter defended eating with the Gentiles in because they sought to overthrow the divinity and
Acts 11. St. Peter had a vision of a sheet lowered redemption of Christ on the Cross, named St.
down from heaven, with many different kinds of James the Righteous as leader of their group, not
four-legged creatures including swine and that he agreed: St. James was martyred for

defending Jesus Christ in the Temple (see Dec. Adriatic, and for Smyrna, and also a bishop who
27th). Others named St. Peter as the sole Apostle apostasized, leaving the Christian faith and going
because he more often kept the lesser Jewish laws over to Simon Magus. Then St. Peter went to
that some wanted to keep. These sought to break Macedonia Consecrating Bishops for Philippi,
the unity fostered at the first Apostolic Council, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Patras. Then St.
and ignore that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Peter sailed for Taormina Sicily. Then St. Peter
Church. (The Celtic Rite retains prayers in every left Sicily for Rome.
Mass underlining unity of the church.) In the Canonical Book of Acts: With the
St. Paul rebukes St. Peter, not St. James Apostles Philip and John, Peter rebuked a
the Righteous, for treating the Gentile Galatian [different] Simon, who was a Samaritan sorcerer
Christians as inferior to the Jewish Christians, who had been Baptized but then wished for
even though he was a leader in missions. The Ordination only so that with the power of the
rebuke is several chapters long, to the end of the Holy Spirit he could have personal gain (Acts
book, explaining freedom through God compared 8:5-25). Here we learn (Acts 8:3-4) that the
to enslavement by the law, but it is a friendly reason the Apostles preached far away from
rebuke, within the unity of faith. Centuries later, Jerusalem soon after Pentecost was because Saul,
some claimed that St. Peter instituted several who later was called St. Paul, was, before his
Feasts (using names for the feasts that were three conversion, persecuting the Church in Jerusalem.
centuries after Christ, such as the Feast of the The persecution of the Church led to its spread.
Cross), and that he ignored the Resurrection of St. Peter preached and healed
Christ not celebrating Pascha, and only using throughout the city of Rome. Simon Magus
Sunday because a Gnostic group did, even though declared his hatred of the holy Apostle Peter in
Sunday represented the Eighth Day, the the middle of the city, also pretending to do the
Resurrection, and he denied Christ. But the rock same works as St. Peter, using demons disguised
of faith of St. Peter is faith in Christ, and every as persons supposedly raised from the dead. The
interaction of Christ with St. Peter proves that St. Apostle Peter looking at these works, would
Peter continued to grow in that faith. make them vanish. Simon also called himself
St. Peter may have also visited Corinth. A Christ, and did other blasphemous things, which
group of Christians identified as “of Cephas” St. Peter rebuked. Hegesippus, an historian who
were in Corinth: I Corinthains 1:10-12. lived soon after the Apostolic era, tells of the
Again, St. Paul and St. Peter went on miracles of St. Peter. In his epistle to the Martyrs
separate journeys: St. Peter again to Antioch, then Nerion and Archillius, Marcellus the Roman, a
to Synnada a city of Phrygia, and then again to disciple of Simon Magus who later was
Nicomedia, then to Ilium, a city near the converted by St. Peter, tells of this youth raised
Hellespont, and then again returned to Jerusalem. from the dead. In his shame at not being able to
He had a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ do the miracles of St. Peter, and also because his
telling him to “Arise, Peter, and go to the West: dog had torn his clothes off him, Simon did not
the time hath come for it to be enlightened by thy show himself in Rome for a full year, until the
preaching. I shall remain with thee forever.” (St. emperor Nero succeeded Claudius, and after
Peter had a long struggle against a magician hearing some praise of Simon, sought him out.
named Simon Magus, who had been arrested by Simon began his deceptions and use of demons
emperor Claudius, but the emperor changed his again. Simon Magus died because he pretended
mind and ordered a statue set up between the two to fly to heaven, but his demons would not
bridges over the Tiber River, with the inscription, support him when St. Peter prayed to Jesus Christ
“Simon, the holy god.” This was recorded by St. to dispel them, and Simon crashed to the ground
Justin the Philosopher, and St. Irenaeus of and died the next day. St. Peter continued to
Lyons.) At that time, St. Peter said farewell, preach and converted many, but the emperor
visited Antioch again, met the Apostle Paul again, Nero considered Simon his friend, and was angry.
Consecrated Bishops for Tarsus, Laucas on the Nero waited several years before killing St. Peter.

St. Peter Consecrated Linus as first some time. An angel told him to return to Rome,
Bishop of Rome (first Pope of Rome, not St. and that he would soon be crucified. (There is a
Peter, in both the Celtic and Roman Rites). Then tradition that the hill, called “Tor” of Glastonbury
St. Peter left for Tarraco in Spain, then Sermium, was founded by St. Joseph of Arimathaea, and a
another city in Spain, then Carthage in Africa, Church was founded there dedicated to the
then he went to Egypt. Blessed Virgin Mary. It is said that St. Joseph
Then, receiving a revelation, he went to brought the Holy Grail to that monastery at that
Jerusalem, where the most holy Birthgiver of time. Also, St. Simon the Zealot, one of the
God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, was near death, Twelve, was said to have visited Britain. Later
and he was present with all the other Apostles persecutions of Christians by Roman emperors,
also called there for her Dormition, which took especially Diocletian, wiped out most of the
place about twenty years after the Lord’s Christians from that area except for some who
Ascension according to the Byzantine Acts (some escaped north to the lands of the Picts, later
say twelve years, because it happened before the called Scotland, see St. Andrew; but the
death of St. James in 44 A.D., who was killed by monastery of Glastonbury still was a place of
Herod Agrippa I, see St. James son of Zebedee. pilgrimage, and was revived by the Irish later. St.
The Book of Acts tells when Herod Agrippa I Patrick, Consecrated as a Bishop in 432 A.D.,
was from Britain, whose father was a Deacon,
died, Acts 12:21-23, very soon after he had killed
probably to avoid taxes, and he was taken into
St. James. Acts 12:1-2, and it is known from
slavery by pirates after the fall of Rome. After
other historians when Herod Agrippa I died).
escaping from slavery in Ireland, St. Patrick did
In the Book of Acts, Herod saw that not return to Britain, but to France, see Nov. 11 th,
some crowds were pleased with the beheading of and Nov. 25th for St. Martin and St. John Cassian,
St. James the Greater, so he put St. Peter into and the Bishops Consecrated by St. Martin such
prison, set extra guards and put St. Peter in chains as St. Germanus of Auxerre, see May 28th, and St.
because it was near Passover. At midnight, St. Vincent of Lerins, May 24th, were better equipped
Peter was freed (Acts 12: 4-19). (The Celtic to train him in the faith. The people of France,
Church asks to “break the chains of sin” and also Britain, and Ireland all spoke forms of Gaelic and
that we have a “holy chain of Charity,” in prayers knew Latin. Ireland retained Gaelic, but France
after the Epistle and in the Litany of St. Martin. developed a new language based on Latin,
And, according to Bede, the historian of the early Gaelic, and some other influences. The English
English church, a Mass for the dead was said for language came to Britain after the Angles and
a man who was captive, and every time the Mass Saxons arrived.)
was said, he was loosed from his chains. The St. Peter arrived in Rome for a third time
Irish from Lindisfarne had missionized in the area in the twelfth year of the reign of the emperor
where the event took place. His captors released Nero. St. Peter then Consecrated Clement as
him because they were amazed at this daily Bishop (see Nov. 23rd, an interesting history).
miracle. Pope Vitalian sent filings from Saint Two of Nero's concubines converted to
Peter's chains to Oswy, King of Northumbria in
Christianity, and took vows of chastity, which
the seventh century. Wall, J. Charles. (1912),
made Nero very angry at St. Peter. The historian
Porches and Fonts. Pub. London: Wells Gardner
Hegesippus says that the faithful pleaded with St.
and Darton. P. 295.) The Celtic Rite is devoted to
Peter to hide himself and depart from Rome. St.
St. Peter as well as St. John. St. Peter understood
Peter at first refused, but his flock pleaded that
that the only real chains on us are the chains of
sin; he asks Christians to keep from sin in his the Church needed him there, and so he left the
Epistles. From Jerusalem St. Peter returned to city. When St. Peter went beyond the city gates,
Egypt, and then traveled through Africa, Rome, he saw the Lord Jesus Christ coming toward him.
and Milan, and to Photice. Bowing to the Lord, St. Peter asked, “Whither
goest Thou, Lord?” (“Quo vadis, Domine?” or
St. Peter went to Britain where he stayed
"Pou Hupageis, Kurios?"), The Lord said, “I go

to Rome, to be crucified anew!” and then the that they would have been burned, as St.
Lord vanished. St. Peter understood that the Lord Polycarp, and also it would have been noted that
would take his place if he did not suffer, and their death was due to blame for the fire. Also, it
remembered what the Lord had said to him, would have been difficult for St. Clement to beg
predicting his death (St. John 21:18-19). St. for the body of St. Peter on a day when the entire
Peter wrote in his second Epistle 1:13-14 to his city blamed the Christians for the fire. The
flock, “Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this Annuario Pontificio said he was executed in 64 or
tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in 67. The ancient historian Josephus said that
remembrance; knowing that shortly I must put off Roman soldiers often crucified people in different
this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ positions to amuse themselves; crucifixion upside
hath showed me.” He then returned to Rome, down would not cause suffocation, as upright
where he was arrested by the soldiers. (The crucifixion does.
Church of Quo Vadis is near the Catacombs of St. Clement begged the body of St. Peter,
Callistus, and has a stone which may have Jesus' and took his body down from the cross, washed
footprints, although these could have been made it, and with the faithful and clergy, interred it with
by a pilgrim as an offering for the healing of his honor. They also buried the bodies of Herodion
feet, since the original is in the Basilica of St. and Olympus and the others who suffered with
Sebastian.) them. St. Clement of Rome, in his Letter to the
St. Symeon Metaphrastes says that St. Corinthians (Chapter 5), written 80-98, speaks of
Peter was arrested together with a multitude of Peter's martyrdom in the following terms: "Let us
the faithful, with Saints Clement, Herodion, and take the noble examples of our own generation.
Olympus. They were ordered decapitated, but St. Through jealousy and envy the greatest and most
Peter was to be crucified, as he was not a Roman just pillars of the Church were persecuted, and
citizen. When they arrived at the place of came even unto death… Peter, through unjust
execution, the emperor saw that Clement was a envy, endured not one or two but many labors,
kinsman so they set him free, but Herodion and and at last, having delivered his testimony,
Olympus were beheaded, together with a departed unto the place of glory due to him."
multitude of faithful. A few centuries later, the relics of St.
In the Acts of Peter, it says that he was Peter were moved again to a place of honor
crucified upside-down at his own request, saying, within the city of Rome by the emperor
“I am not worthy to be crucified as my Christ, Constantine because of a miraculous cure of
upright; for thus He was crucified, so as to look leprosy that St. Peter did for the emperor through
to the earth, where He would descend into hades his intercessions. Before that time, the burial
to deliver the souls therein. Crucify me head place of St. Peter had been outside the walls of
down, that I may look to heaven, whither I will the city (where St. Paul was buried, where there
go.” He was crucified in great torment, as Christ, is a church called “St. Paul's Outside the Walls”).
with nails in his hands and feet, and died on the The date of this translation is January 18th, hence
29th of June, in the year of our Lord 67 (See St. the date of the Throne of St. Peter in Rome on
Paul; who was beheaded the same day, or a year that date. However, others have said that the
apart). Some modern sources say he lived from 1 place of burial was discovered by St. Constantine
to 64 A.D. shortly after the great fire of Rome, on Palantine Hill, and he built the basilica of St.
which Nero said was the fault of the Christians, Peter at that location, and he had to destroy a
and place St. Peter's death on October 13 of 64 cemetery and build at a difficult location on a hill
ten years after Nero ascended his throne on the rather than an easier place nearby because of the
“regnal day”, but, although persecutions started location of the burial place. The basilica was
then, Saints Peter and Paul were not Martyred rebuilt by Michaelangelo during the Renaissance,
until 67, a year before the death of Nero, because and the new structure is the largest church
it would have been more likely in the first case building in the world. In 1950s and the 1960s,
ancient bones were found that could be the relics

of St. Peter, although not identified. In the because it became the eastern Roman capital.
Basilica of St. Peter, there is a Latin Creed There were also major Patriarchates in Jerusalem,
without the “Filoque” addition on the back wall Antioch which has since moved to Damascus,
behind the high altar. and much later, Kiev, then Moscow, and other
Since Rome was the center of the Slavic countries (Serbia, Romania, Georgia), as
Roman empire, it claimed primacy in the church, well as those churches in India that were not
but the Twelve Holy Apostles were equal. Even Coptic Syrians or Portuguese. Pope Celestius
though St. Peter had been first Bishop of Antioch gave St. Patrick the Pallium for Ireland
(see Feb. 22nd, also mentioned in the 9th century (indicating independence), but the Irish continued
Roman Liber Pontificalis.), St. Peter was adopted using the calendar of St. Peter until Ireland was
by the city of Rome forced to adopt the later Roman (i.e.,
There have been controversies since the Alexandrian) calendar; see calendar controversies
Great Schism between the Patriarchates of Rome in St. Colman of Lindisfarne Feb. 18th, etc. The
and all the others about the role of St. Peter. independence of the Irish church was not honored
Although St. Peter was Bishop first at Antioch, after 1172. After that time Irish were not allowed
his teaching and death in Rome is used by the to attend their own seminaries, had lands on the
Roman church which calls St. Peter the first continent confiscated, and had to practice
Pope. In the list given by the Lorrha-Stowe “Roman” rites, due to policies of king Henry II of
Missal towards the end of the Gelasian Canon, England and the Roman Pope Adrian
the list of Roman Popes begins after the Blessed Breakespeare, an Englishman. Milan is under
Virgin Mary and all the Apostles, with St. Linus. Rome but it is considered a separate Patriarchate,
(This commemoration of a course of Bishops allowed to practice its own Rite. Patriarchates
occurs because of St. Patrick's consecration by other than Rome or Constantinople have not
the Roman Pope Celestius in 432.) St. Irenaeus participated in a modern dialog. The term “Vicar”
of Lyons (disciple of St. Polycarp who was a applied to Pope means “in place of” Christ, which
disciple of the Apostle John) in Against the is not correct doctrine. Our Lord Jesus Christ is
Heresies, Book III, Chapter 3, 1-3 said that St. head of the entire Christian Church.
Linus was appointed by Saints Peter and Paul, Both Epistles of St. Peter are Canonical,
but he sets Saints Peter and Paul apart as and were examined rigorously by those in the
Apostles, not first Bishops. 3, “ The blessed early Church who were careful to exclude from
apostles, then, having founded and built up the the Bible any books written under assumed
Church, committed into the hands of Linus the names. Both First and Second Peter are written
office of the episcopate.” Others such as in an educated Greek style; in I Peter 5:12 it says
Dionysius of Corinth said that Saints Peter and that Silvanus acted as secretary, which may mean
that Silvanus corrected grammar and style. In the
Paul established churches in Rome and Corinth
first Epistle, St. Peter writes from Rome, calling
(in a letter to Pope Soter of 170 A.D., quoted by
the place “Babylon” (as Rome is called in the
Eusebius), and later still, St. Jerome said that St.
Apocalypse of St. John). The first Epistle talks
Peter had a 25 year Episcopate in Rome, which is
about the “Royal Priesthood.” The second
contradicted by the fact that he did not stay in
Epistle was questioned early. Objections to the
Rome as its Bishop, but spent much time in other early date of these Epistles are caused by the date
lands, and also it would have extended his of the Jewish diaspora, even though the Acts of
controversy with the sorcerer Simon Magus much the Apostles and the Epistles of Paul refer to
longer. Jews in Antioch and many other cities all over the
Rome as the great city-state that ruled world who had lived there ever since the captivity
the world in antiquity was considered first mainly in Babylon. There were many Martyrs before
by political influence; Alexandria, also a large Nero. Christians had experienced persecutions
wealthy city, thought of itself as second. Later by those who did not like revenues reduced at
Constantinople thought of itself as second temples. Eusebius states that major persecutions

began after the fire in Rome under Nero in 64 not St. Paul, and also contradicts St. Peter's
A.D., who tried to blame Christians for it. condemnation of Simon Magus who was a
(History book 2, 24.1). Some think the second gnostic teacher who would have believed in such
Epistle was copied from the Epistle of St. Jude, encratite views. Today, popular depictions of St.
and some think that St. Jude was copied from it, Peter are apocryphal themselves: depicting St.
or that it is similar to the second century pseudo- Peter as an old bearded man holding the keys to
Epistle of Clement; but around 96 A.D. in 1 heaven, who sits at the pearly gates at the
Clement there were already references to II Peter. entrance into heaven, sometimes behind a desk,
Eusebius quotes Origen referring to II Peter. It and judges (in place of Christ, and in the east in
was included in the Biblical Canon in the 4th c. place of St. John the Baptist) everybody who
The Gospel of St. Mark, which is out of dies, lined up before the gates. There were
order to the life of Jesus according to early several such spurious books.
fathers, but records what St. Peter had told St. St. Symeon Metaphrastes (meaning
Mark about Jesus, is completely Canonical. editor or translator, who lived in the second half
The books attributed to St. Peter outside of the tenth century; dates Nov. 9th or 28th) edited
of the Canon of Scripture (apocryphal books) the Acts of Peter and other sources so that
have some history, but much error, and therefore Orthodox tradition could be preserved without
these are quoted only sparingly and with care. Gnostic content, and it is from his work that some
There was an ancient writing convention to sign of the travels of St. Peter are derived.
the name of a great Saint to sell books, called Two Feasts of St. Peter: his throne at
pseudepigraphical; this is considered fraud, but Antioch and at Rome, are celebrated in January
this is the main problem when trying to include a and February.
history of the Holy Apostles; there are so many of The Feast of the Throne of St. Peter in
these books, and just because they are ancient Rome January 18 / 31 celebrates a miracle that
does not make them true. Some of these have happened after his death: a cure from leprosy that
oral history mixed with fantasy. This fantasy has he gave to the Emperor Constantine, which also
been called symbolic, but it distracts from the eased the persecution of Christians. (This feast
purpose of the Cross or the humanity of Christ day is disputed by some who thought it was an
redeeming us. However, sometimes there are eighth century legend, although it is not disputed
useful images. While the Canonical Gospel of St. by Oengus or his glossator.)
Matthew 27:51-54, records an earthquake, the The Epiklesis (“Post Mysterium”): On
veil of the temple being ripped, graves opened, January 18th, at the Throne of St. Peter in Rome,
and the dead rising again, it is the Gospel of Peter the Celtic Rite includes a Proper in the “Post
that describes the descent into hell of Jesus. But Mysterium” that is the Epiklesis. This prayer
the rest of that book is not useful at all. The appears on this date, as if it originally was a
noncanonical sayings of St. Peter from various prayer composed by St. Peter. The Senior Priest
apocryphal sources are just as ridiculous as the or Bishop says: “We who serve, offer these
bad theology in those books, especially regarding prescribed Holy Gifts of our Salvation, that Thou
St. Peter's attitude towards women (such as may be pleased to send Thy Holy Spirit upon this
saying that St. Peter's daughter asked to be Sacrifice so that it may be changed into a
paralyzed so that she would not be married) legitimate Eucharist for us in the Name of Thee,
totally contrary to the healing of paralysis that Thy Son and the Holy Spirit, in the
Jesus did very often, and that St. Peter himself transformation of the Body and Blood of our
did. In Acts 9:40-41, St. Peter raises Tabitha Lord Jesus Christ; and may it be unto us who eat
from the dead, and “lifted her up,” meaning off and drink, Life eternal and the eternal Kingdom.
her bed so that she could walk, for example. This Through Himself, Christ Our Lord who reigneth
encratite view (encratites forbade marriage and with Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all
meat) is also contradicted on the Celtic calendar ages of ages. Amen.” The Lorrha-Stowe Missal
which places St. Thecla with St. Peter at Antioch, places the “Post Mysterium” prayers not

immediately after the “Most Dangerous our Savior. And likewise in being Crucified, St.
Prayer” (the Words of Institution), but after the Peter shows that he always follows Jesus Christ
“Examination and Fraction” prayers, just before and willingly takes up His Cross. Every Collect
the Lord’s Prayer and the Peace. The Celtic Rite on the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul in the Celtic
calls the Eucharist the “Offering.” This prayer Rite is beautifully expressed, and shows the
was certainly used more often than one day a continuation of the teachings of the Holy Spirit at
year, with any other specific Post Mysterium for Pentecost in the Apostles and the Church. In both
a Feast day. The Byzantine Rite only wrote down the Celtic Rite and also the Byzantine Rite, this
its Epiklesis recently, according to Isabel date is considered a major Feast that all attend,
Hapgood (1922); it had passed down its prayer of with unique prayers. In the Byzantine Rite, this
Consecration by oral tradition, because it was day ends the Apostles’ fast in summer, but in the
considered too sacred to be written down and Celtic Rite, although on this day the fast is
perhaps used by those who were not truly relaxed and it is near the end of the fast, the fast
Ordained. Notice that the Throne of St. Peter and continues for forty days after Pentecost, and
Byzantine Epiklesis prayers are almost the same. twelve days of fasting in remembrance of the
The Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul on June Apostles are added to the four seasons of the
29th is the date on which both of the great year, at the times now called the “Ember Days” in
Apostles reposed. [Although others disagree: the Roman Rite. This was part of an early Celtic
Augustine of Hippo said in his Sermon 295: "One Rule.
day is assigned for the celebration of the Matches Psalm 122 (Hebrew 123): “To
martyrdom of the two apostles. But those two Thee have I lifted up my eyes; Who dwellest in
were one. Although their martyrdom occurred on heaven. Behold, as the eyes of servants are on
different days, they were one."] The Cross of St. the hands of their masters; As the eyes of the
Peter is also celebrated on the Celtic calendar on handmaid are on the hands of her mistress: so are
January 11th on the same day Christ returned from our eyes unto the Lord our God, until He have
Egypt, either celebrated in January by those who mercy on us. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have
were too busy farming in June, or originally mercy on us: for we are greatly filled with
celebrated in January. On June 29th we are contempt. For our soul is greatly filled: we are a
blessed with the sermons of St. Paul and the keys reproach to the rich, and contempt to the proud. ”
of St. Peter. The Epistle of the day tells us to
hope, but that if we are certain, then we do not John said, ‘I believe in Jesus Christ, His
hope. God is silent to us so that we may learn only Son, God and our Lord.’ The Gospel of St.
patience, as St. Peter learned. Also, the Gospel of John is clear about Who Christ IS. (St. John 1:1,
the day is the Beatitudes and Similitudes, because “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
this day is about the Holy Apostles and also about was with God, and the Word was God.”, St. John
us, and yet most of all it is about our Lord Jesus 8:58, “Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say to
Christ Who gives the blessings. We are reminded you, before Abraham was made, I am.”) and also
that, although St. Peter denied Christ three times, states that God sent His Only-Begotten Son
he also vowed he loved our Lord Jesus Christ [3:16]. Belief in Christ also takes us to heaven,
three times and would feed the Lord’s sheep. We as Jesus ascended as a man, and was not
are reminded of the Conversion of St. Paul swallowed by His Divinity [Council of
(January 25th) in which, although being converted Chalcedon against the Monophysites]. Psalm
to the faith, still St. Paul needs instruction from 123 reminds us that with God, Israel is not
others in the Christian faith, and hence swallowed up, explaining Christ's Natures which
understands from the beginning the necessity of include both Divine and human, and the human is
the holy Succession of teachings and tradition, not “swallowed up” in the Divine. Christ is not
which he so wonderfully passed along in many swallowed up in the Father, but is a distinct
great Epistles. In his beheading, St. Paul shows Person, while being One God with the Father and
us that the head of the Church, Jesus Christ, is the Holy Spirit. When St. John himself was put

into boiling oil, he neither drowned in “water like unto John for his wisdom and his virginity.”
insupportable” nor was burned. St. John is the This is a reference to the idea of “chastity,” which
only one of the Twelve Apostles who did not die St. John Cassian and St. Basil both say is more
as a Martyr. difficult than celibacy; chastity is the continuous
Some of the greatest Bishops were St. contemplation of God without any other
John's disciples: St. Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna adulterating thoughts, meaning without any
(Jan. 26th), Martyr, a direct disciple of St. John, distractions. St. Basil said that he had never
and St. Irenaeus of Lyons (Aug. 26th) who wrote known a woman but would not consider himself
“Against the Heresies,” a direct disciple of St. in as high a state as chastity, but the Apostle John
Polycarp. The epistles of St. Polycarp reiterate was especially noted for maintaining chastity: in
the writings of St. Paul, and the writings of St. contemplation or constant prayer.
Irenaeus of Lyons defend Christianity against The Apostles Peter, James, and John
every philosophical and irrational attack, mostly were also together at the raising of Jairus’
“gnostic” heresies that belittle God the Father daughter Mark 5:37, and at the Garden of
Himself. (See the problems of the Gnostic Gethsemane just before Jesus’ arrest Mt 26:37.
heresies under the Apostle Thomas in India). St. St. John and St. Peter are sent into Jerusalem to
John was able to understand and describe the prepare for the Paschal meal, Luke 22:8.
indescribable. St. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, was For Christians, the Passion of Christ
a leader at the beginning of a Gallican church that including the Last Supper and Crucifixion is the
in later centuries was to teach such students as St. Passover, even though the Last Supper occurred a
Patrick of Ireland, so the Irish also considered day earlier than Passover. Only St. John included
themselves to be in the Apostolic Succession of
a note that the Christian Last Supper was a day
St. John as well as others such as St. Mark, since
before Passover: John 18:28; which is why
followers of the desert fathers from the school
Christians use risen bread in the Eucharist: not
established by St. Mark also settled in the region
only a play on “He is Risen,” and the leaven of
of southern France. Irish monks tended to wear
faith spreading through the lump of dough (Mt
white, but black clerical clothing came from St.
John's sooty clothing opposing the pagans. 13:33, Lk 13:20-21), but also because the
unleavened bread was not used at the Last
St. John (in Greek Ioannis), was a son of
Zebedee. Saints James the Greater (older) and Supper. St. John, not naming himself anything
John were called Boanerges, the “Sons of but the disciple whom Jesus loved, leans on Jesus
Thunder,” and they were brothers. Church during the Last Supper (St. John 13:23-25).
tradition says that Zebedee was married to Tradition says that St. John was the
Salome, a daughter of Joseph (who was other Apostle with St. Peter who followed Jesus
Betrothed to Mary), so John would have been after the arrest of Jesus, but it is only St. John of
born a step-nephew of Jesus. He was the all the Twelve Apostles who stays with the
youngest of the Twelve Apostles. Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, directly
The Apostles Peter, James, and John under the Cross (St. John 19:25-27), and becomes
were especially close to Jesus, being with Him at the adopted son of Mary as well. Christ says
the Transfiguration Mt 17:1. The Irish celebrated from the Cross to her, “Woman, behold thy son,”
July 26th / August 8th, (the Byzantine churches did and to John, “Behold thy mother.” (John
not fix a date for this celebration until the fourth 19:26-27), and St. John cared for her after that,
century, according to Lossky and Ouspensky in and he cared for her until she reposed (making
The Meaning of Icons). St. John is seen as him an adopted brother of Jesus).
contemplative, while St. Peter is seen as active Saints John and Peter ran to the tomb
and hesitant, according to John Eriugina. (See St. after they heard it was empty after the
Peter.) On Sept. 26th, St. John is used as an Resurrection (St. John 20:2-10). St. John was
example in the case of another Saint named with St. Peter when the lame man was healed in
Colman: the Glossator of Oengus says, “he was the Temple (Acts 3). St. John was also with St.

Peter at other times: thrown into prison (Acts Gospel, and the first Epistle I John 1:1-5, 4:14.
4:3), and visiting converts in Samaria (Acts 8:14). The term “Theologian” does not mean a student
St. John wrote a Gospel, Epistles, and of theology, as incorrectly used today, but is an
the Apocalypse, also called the Book of ancient Christian term reserved for very few of
Revelation of St. John the Divine. He is called the Saints, a Saint with the highest and greatest
“Divine” because of his Divine inspiration to insight and focus. St. Peter, whose faith is the
write the Apocalypse, or also as St. John of rock that Jesus Christ said is the foundation on
Patmos where he wrote the Apocalypse. He is which Jesus would build His Church, is not
one of few Saints called “Theologian,” and is one called a Theologian, but “Pansouphas” or All-
of the four Evangelists (Gospel writers). St. John Wise, meaning all-wise for man, but not with the
was a youth when he became an Apostle, and was highest vision of one named “O Theologos.”
a very old man when he died. He wrote the This also shows the contemplative nature of St.
Gospel of St. John later in his life, when his John, differing from the active nature of St. Peter
understanding of Greek was better than his early (an observation of John Eriugina). St. John’s
years, and when he had seen the destruction of Gospel explains how St. Peter's faith (the rock)
the temple at Jerusalem. must be revealed by the Father Himself through
Of the writers of the four books of the Jesus Christ. Although St. John the Theologian
holy Gospels, St. John is the one who soars to the wrote (Jn 1:1), “In the beginning was the
heavens giving us direct news of God, and Word...,” St. John also said, 1 John 3:18 “My
therefore St. John is given the symbol of the little children, let us not love in word, neither in
eagle, one of the four Kerubs or Cherubs from the tongue; but in deed and in truth.” “Word” is of
prophecy of Ezekiel. See the “Traditio” read at God, carried out, not just contemplated.
the beginning of Palm Sunday, and also about the The name used in the Gospel and the
Apostle Matthew below, about the four Kerubs. first Epistle is the “Apostle and Evangelist John.”
There is a wonderful Explanation of the New The last two Epistles of St. John uses the name
Testament by Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop the “Presbyter” (“Prester John”) or “Elder John”,
of Ochrid in Bulgaria (died around 1108, a leader of worship, who wrote when he was very
Byzantine commemoration Dec. 31st), translated old (“elder”). Eusebius quotes Papias; and later
by Father Christopher Stade (see Sources under Jerome and Gelasius agree, in saying that there
Bible and Commentary.) Blessed Theophylact were two Saints named John, one the Apostle and
says that St. John received the other three Evangelist, and one the Presbyter who wrote the
Gospels after St. Matthew the Evangelist had second and third Epistle of John and possibly the
been Martyred, and was asked if they were Apocalypse. The Johns have two memorials in
composed according to the truth. He not only Ephesus. Those who thought there were two
approved the other Gospels, but when he Saints named John still supported the validity,
composed the Gospel of St. John he completed antiquity, eye-witness accounts, and inspiration
what they had omitted, and elaborated what they by the Holy Spirit of both Johns. The Gospel,
had touched on briefly. Blessed Theophylact also three Epistles, and Apocalypse of St. John are
says that St. John spoke about God the Word in Canonical. However, the Orthodox and Celtic
the beginning of his Gospel so that “no one tradition is that it is the same St. John who wrote
would think that God the Word was a mere man, all the books.
that is, without divinity.” Presbyter John or “Prester” John, also
Blessed Theophylact also points to St. has a Medieval legend of a paradise that inspired
John’s title “Theologian.” The title “Theologian” world travel, and it was said that he will return
(Theo meaning God, and Logos meaning Word), and help overcome religious conflicts against
meant that St. John was one of the few Saints to Christians. In the Middle Ages he was also
talk about God the Word, and the Nature of God associated with the Holy Grail. Or, it is possible
Himself, as in the first chapter of St. John's that the confusion occurred when the Apostle

John became much older, because he stressed Zacharia...” [St. John the Baptist]. (The
God is love. Or, there may be a confusion with Byzantine Feast of St. John's repose is May 8 th/
St. John the Baptist the Forerunner, who in 21st, when myrrh comes from his burial place.)
Byzantine tradition would greet those at the On May 25/ June 7 St. John the Baptist
moment of death who had not had an opportunity is actually the commemoration, as in the
in their lives to hear about Christ, so that they Byzantine Rite, the third finding of his head.
could be saved. (Notice that St. John the Baptist, But, Oengus's verse: “To thee comes the Feast of
not St. Peter, is the traditional greeter into Johannes, loveable pillar of virginity...” The
heaven.) Glossator of Oengus says, “Of John the
In Celtic calendars there is some Evangelist, but not his falling asleep [sed non
confusion between St. John the Apostle and dormitatio eius].”
Evangelist and St. John the Baptist. But, St. John On June 24th, the same date as the
the Baptist would not have been able to write Nativity of St. John the Baptist, Oengus lists a
those Epistles after being shut up in prison by day for St. John of arriving at Ephesus after being
Herod and killed. Also, the traditional place of exiled by emperor Domitian (after St. John was
burial of St. John the Baptist was Sebaste in boiled in oil). Note that the apocryphal history of
Samaria, not Ephesus. Celtic sources add the St. John says that the exile was to Patmos.
name bordgal to the Apostle John, an Old Irish On Aug 3/16, Oengus says, “John’s
title combining the ideas of valor and over the metropolis” meaning Jerusalem; that is the day
border. Feasts of St. John: when St. Stephen's body was discovered in
Oengus's verse for Dec. 27th/ Jan 9th: Jerusalem; but the apocryphal history of St. John
“The sound sleep of John in Ephesus - splendid said that he left Jerusalem soon, which is a
bordgal - with the ordination of James His conflict with his care of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
brother, who is highest.” [“His” brother: brother Modern controversies about St. John go
of the Lord; this is St. James the Righteous, not much further than mentioning two (or more)
of the Twelve.] possible Canonical Saints named John who wrote
November 19/ Dec 2 A basilica of John. Epistles; they attack the Holy Gospel itself and
On February 24th in the Byzantine Rite is the other books of St. John. If one seeks to attack
the first and second finding of the head of St. the Divinity and humanity of our Lord Jesus
John the Baptist. In the calendar of Oengus, Feb. Christ, it is much easier to simply attack the
24th is the “bisextus” day: on leap year, a day is writings of the Holy Apostle John. His writings
added after Feb. 24th, (Feb. 25th), and the rest of seem to be attacked most often, perhaps because
the days of February are moved one day. Oengus their sense and profound inspiration is apparent,
says, “The Passion of Peter’s successor, of noble and these need wisdom to understand them. The
John seek ye: on the day on which is bisixtus Irish read the entire Gospel of St. John in one
every fourth year.” The St. John who is secretary week in the Hour of the Beginning of Night
(not successor) to St. Peter is St. John Mark, that (alternating with the Book of Acts every other
is, the Evangelist Mark; but, a “Passion” that is a week). The Apocalypse, also called the Book of
minor commemoration and not the major Saint Revelation of St. John the Divine, has selections
day implies something about relics, that is, the read in the week immediately following Pascha,
finding of St. John the Baptist's head. and some other times during the year.
On May 6th / 19th is the day of the major St. John said at the end of the Gospel
Feast of St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist that there were so many teachings of our Lord
according to Oengus, and the Apostle John, the Jesus Christ that, “I suppose that even the world
day that St. John survives both poison and being itself could not contain the books that should be
thrown into boiling oil by Domition. But, The written” (John 21:25). Scripture is part of
Martyrology of Tallaght: “Matteus; Secundianus; Tradition. St. John Cassian quotes The First
Jacobus and translation of Johannis son of Conference with Abbot Nesteros, Chapter XVI,

“And the Psalmist ...says: [Psalm 118 Greek or and Elizabeth Dowling, 2008. ISBN:
119 Hebrew:] ‘Blessed are they that are undefiled 978-0-557-00229-0.]
in the way: who walk in the law of the Lord. The Gospel of St. John has many
Blessed are they that seek His testimonies.’... familiar quotes of our Lord Jesus Christ: “In the
and by this clearly shows that no one can beginning was the Word...” (John 1:1); “For God
properly come to seek God’s testimonies unless so loved the world...” (John 3:16); “I am the
he first walks undefiled in the way of Christ by bread of life...” (John 6:35, 48); “Except you eat
his practical life... [Prov. 17:16] ‘What use are the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his Blood,
riches to a fool? For a senseless man cannot you shall not have life in you...” (John 6:54);
possess wisdom.’ But so far is this true and “...no man can come to me, unless it be given him
spiritual knowledge removed from worldly by my Father.” (John 6:66); “Amen, amen, I say
erudition, which is defiled by the stains of carnal to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” (John 8:58);
sins, that we know that it has sometimes “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of
flourished most grandly in some who were the world.” (John 9:5); “I am the door...” (John
without eloquence and almost illiterate. And this 10:9); “I am the good shepherd.” (John 10:11); “I
is very clearly shown by the case of the Apostles and the Father are one.” (John 10:30); “I am the
and holy men, who did not spread themselves out resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me,
with an empty show of leaves [pages in a book, although he be dead, shall live...” (John 11:25);
or the law], but were bowed down by the weight “...Jesus wept.” (John 11:35); “And I, if I be lifted
of the true fruits of spiritual knowledge: of whom up from the earth, will draw all things to myself.”
it is written in the Acts of the Apostles: [Acts (John 12:32); “He that receiveth whomsoever I
4:13] ‘But when they saw the boldness of Peter send receiveth me, and he that receiveth me
and John, and perceived that they were ignorant receiveth Him that sent me.” (John 13:20);
and unlearned men, they were astonished.’...” “...love one another, as I have loved you...” (John
The Apostles wrote testimonies, but also 13:34, 15:12, and 15:17); “I am the way, the
they left a legacy of oral Tradition which the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father,
Church holds in reverence. Wisdom is always but by me.” (John 14:6); “I will ask the Father,
greater than the law; one cannot say “solely and He shall give you another Paraclete, that he
Scripture” if one cannot read, which includes may abide with you forever...” (John 14:16); “...I
knowing meaning of words and ideas. [Spiritual am in the Father, and you in me, and I in
Fruits of the Holy Spirit are in Isaiah 11:2-3 and you...” (John 14:20); “Peace I leave with you, my
Galatians 5:22-23 “And the spirit of the Lord peace I give to you...” (John 14:27); “I am the
shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom, and of true vine, and my Father is the
understanding, the spirit of counsel, and of husbandman.” (John 15:1); “I am the vine, you
fortitude, the spirit of knowledge, and of are the branches...” (John 15:5); “As the Father
godliness. And he shall be filled with the spirit of hath loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in
the fear of the Lord” “But the fruit of the Spirit my love.” (John 15:9) “Greater love than this no
is, charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, man hath, that a man lay down his life for his
goodness, longanimity, Mildness, faith, modesty, friends...” (John 15:13); “...ask, and you shall
continency, chastity. Against such there is no receive; that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24);
law.” and Galatians 3:5 “He therefore who giveth “My kingdom is not of this world...” (John
to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among 18:36); ‘...there came out blood and water.’ (John
you; doth he do it by the works of the law, or by 19:34). “Peace be to you.” (John 20: 19, 21) “As
the hearing of the faith?” See the Meditation on the Father hath sent me, I also send you.” (John
Virtues and Faults in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal and 19:21). “...lovest thou me?... Feed my
the Hours of Bangor, True Worship of the sheep.” (John 21: 15,16,17).
Undivided Church, As used in the Celtic Orthodox The Gospel of St. John is famous for
Christian Church. Maelruain Kristopher Dowling short quotes, but it is the Gospel which shows, at

great length, the logical development of teaching Gospel as Jesus walking on the water John 6:20,
our Lord gave concerning the spirit of the Law “It is I, be not afraid,” which is not a central
and our relationship to God, and also the location, and seems forced.
relationship of Jesus to God the Father, and His The Irish greatly appreciated poetic
humanity to His Divinity. Jesus is one in essence understanding. A “chiastic” structure means that
with the Father in heaven, the Father’s Only the subject matter themes repeat in an A, B, C, B,
Begotten Son in heaven, fully Divine, and at the A form, or a simpler A, B, A form, or a more
same time fully a human. The Gospel of St. John complex A, B, C, D, E, D, C, B, A form. These
shows that Jesus instituted all seven Sacraments. smaller groups are tied together in larger bundles
Jesus sent out Apostles. St. John also shows that of groups of chiastic themes, with the central
the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, and is themes in the groups also grouped A, B, C, B, A,
given to the Apostles by Jesus. This doctrine of finally including the entire book in a great
the Holy Spirit would become a controversy later chiastic outline. An Old Testament passage might
in the Church that would divide the Church (see fall outside of the structure, although not
the history of Spain in the Apostle James the necessarily. (The chiastic structure is more
Greater). complex than the most ancient poems which
St. John wants us to keep the Lord's repeat themes in groups as A, A, B, B, C, C, D,
doctrines: the branches which are not of Jesus D, E, E, etc., or some poems which repeat themes
will be cast forth by the father (John 15:1, 6). In alternating A, B, A, B, C, D, C, D, etc. These are
the Epistle II John verse 9 he says, “Whosoever repeated ideas, not rhymes or rhythms.)
revolteth and continueth not in the doctrine of Different interconnected centers may be
Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the found; an example:
doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the A. 8:19a They said therefore to him: Where is
Son.” The Church does not ignore false doctrine thy Father? Jesus answered: Neither me do you
within itself because: “If any man come to you know, nor my Father:
and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into B. 8:42 Jesus therefore said to them: If God
the house nor say to him: God speed you. For he were your Father, you would indeed love me.
that saith unto him: God speed you, For from God I proceeded, and came; for I came
communicateth with his wicked works” (The not of myself, but he sent me:
Epistle: II John verses 10 and 11). The Irish C. 9:8 The neighbors therefore, and they who
considered themselves the church of St. John had seen him before that he was a beggar, said:
because of their love for teachings and correct Is not this he that sat and begged? Some said:
doctrine; the Irish Creed in the Lorrha-Stowe This is he.
Missal is the original Nicene Creed. B. 9:33 Unless this man were of God, he could
Some scholars questioned that one not do any thing.
author could write the Gospel of St. John. The A. 10:19 A dissension rose again among the
Roman Catholic Priest John Gerhardt, and later Jews for these words.
Peter Ellis in The Genius of John, discussed an [The middle section is the miracle of
overall outline of the Gospel of St. John called healing the blind man. This miracle never had
chiastic poetic structure. Gerhardt’s work refutes occurred in the Old Testament, only through
those who seek to remove “extraneous” passages Jesus. This man begged Jesus, and Jesus had
from the Bible. (Bishop Maelruain has some of granted this miracle, proving that when Jesus
John Gerhardt’s working notes for the treatise; in begs the Father, His requests are granted. This
1971-1972, Kristopher Dowling took 120 hours also alludes to Jesus' poverty on earth, pointing to
of class time on St. John's Gospel with John His divine Incarnation; and, He gives light to the
Gerhardt at Brooklyn Preparatory School, later a blind. A chiastic structure shows connections and
theology course at St. John's University.) insights.]
Gerhardt and Ellis find the main theme of the The Apocalypse of St. John (also called

the Book of Revelation) has always been Prochorus. Although there isn't detail about the
considered the most difficult book to interpret in sojourn in Egypt when Jesus was born in the
the Bible. It is about the Last Judgment, the Protevangelium of James, any travels of St. John
Resurrection of the dead and the life in the age to with the Blessed Virgin Mary just before her
come. It has some famous passages, such as “I Dormition in Jerusalem probably would have
am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the been mentioned, unless this happened when all
end...” (Apoc. 1:8, 21:6, 22:13); “Holy, Holy, the Apostles gathered for the first Apostolic
Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, Council.
and who is to come.” (Apoc. 4:8); “Behold, I The Blessed Virgin Mary, Birthgiver of
come quickly...” (Apoc. 3:11, quoted several God, reposed ten to twelve years after the
times...22:20). “And I saw a new heaven and a Resurrection of Christ, (although the Byzantines
new earth.” (Apoc. 21:1); “Behold, I make all in the work of St. Symeon Mataphrastes say
things new.” (Apoc. 21:5). In Greek, the phrase twenty years to the time at or after the Apostolic
“I come quickly” grammatically suggests that the Council around 50 or 51, which would have been
Lord is immediately with us, but the Last after St. James son of Zebedee was beheaded by
Judgement will not be at a time we may predict. Herod Agrippa I, making it impossible for all the
This phrase has caused controversy, but St. John Apostles to gather in Jerusalem), and according
and St. James in their Epistles tell us to wait to many, she never moved from the environs of
patiently for the Lord. Jerusalem. Until her Dormition, it is better to
The apocryphal Acts of John were associate St. John with Jerusalem (as on Oengus's
probably by Leucius Charinus; traditionally the calendar: the celebration of the finding of the
writer was St. Prochorus, one of the original relics of St. Stephen in Jerusalem calls it “John's
seven Deacons. There were many witnesses to city,” Aug. 3rd. Also see St. Paul, Jan. 25th.)
miracles of St. John such as surviving boiling oil, Tradition says that she died at Gethsemane farm,
but the dates where St. John was are not as and first her soul was taken to heaven by Christ,
certain. The beginning of this history is less witnessed by the Apostles, and then when
certain than later events. examined after three days because St. Thomas
After Pentecost, it is said by some that arrived late, her body was not found, and her
St. John traveled to Asia Minor and stayed a long tomb was empty. If all the Apostles were present,
time there. The Apocalypse says that he was on this would have occurred in 43 or 45 A.D., on the
the island of Patmos when it was written (Apoc. 15th (or 16th) of August, when she would have
1:9). There is some controversy about Ephesus; been about 60 years old. The very early and
although all agree that St. John lived in Ephesus reliable Protevangelium of James, more
for a long time, the early Acts of John did not say trustworthy than later theorists, talks about the
that the Blessed Virgin Mary moved to Ephesus birth of St. Mary, her Entrance into the Temple at
with St. John. In 1841, a German Roman age three, the Annunciation and Birth of Christ,
Catholic Augustinian nun, Anne Catherine how St. John the Baptist was saved from Herod
Emmerich, said that St. Mary's tomb was in when an infant, and finally details about the
Ephesus. (There is also a house in Ephesus Dormition, or Falling-Asleep (death) and burial
where she and St. John were said to have lived.) of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Jerusalem.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was betrothed However, St. John also briefly met St.
at a young age to the older St. Joseph. If she was Andrew in Ephesus, according to the Acts of St.
fifteen at the time of Betrothal, and Jesus was Andrew. Although the Acts of Peter said that he
crucified and resurrected at age thirty three, then preached in other countries very soon, others said
she would have been forty nine at the time of the that the Apostles did not scatter to preach to
Crucifixion and Resurrection. She was not too people outside of Jerusalem until increased
old to travel just after Pentecost, but she is not persecution of Christians by Herod Agrippa I
mentioned in the shipwreck with St. John and St. (Acts 12:1-17). When St. Paul arrived in

Ephesus, there was already a community of the running to help, found John alive after forty days
brethren there (Christians with Priscilla and and nights at sea. After he recovered, they went
Aquila, Acts 18:27). St. John must have been in on to Ephesus.
Ephesus already. In Acts 16:6 the Holy Spirit did St. John decided that they should not
not allow St. Paul to go to Asia, Mysia and reveal themselves, so they went to work at a bath
Bithynia on his second missionary journey, house near the residence of the chief citizen
probably because St. John or another Apostle was Dioscorides, who owned the bath house. St. John
already there. St. John came back to Jerusalem at worked as fire-man and Prochorus as water man.
that time with other Apostles to the first Apostolic The caretaker of the bath house was a very strong
Council in Jerusalem in 51 A.D. (or so). St. Paul woman named Romana who beat John. She also
calls Saints Peter, John, and James the Righteous claimed they were runaway slaves, and falsely
“pillar of the Church.” St. Paul also states they had papers drawn up to make them permanent
were in agreement with him (Galatians 2:9). slaves. Demons lived at the bath house, and
(There was a second century apocryphal gnostic when it was built a human sacrifice of a youth or
book called the Secret Book of John, supposedly maiden had been put into the foundation. Three
by John, but instead fabricated, a fantastic times a year on certain dates a youth or maiden
romance.) would be killed by the demon. Dioscorides did
According to the Acts of John not allow his son Domnus to go to the bath house
[abbreviated]: St. John chose the last lot deciding when the demons would attack, but one day the
which lands he would missionize after Pentecost: demon attacked anyway and Domnus was
that he would go to Asia Minor. [See above: strangled. Romana was afraid of punishment, so
Jesus had ordered him to care for the Blessed St. John raised Domnus from the dead. His
Virgin Mary; St. John spent a number of years father found out Domnus had died, and
with her until her Dormition.] But when he set Dioscorides died himself of grief. Then St. John
out on his mission, he went with one of the seven went to Dioscorides and raised him also.
Deacons chosen by Christ: St. Prochorus. St. Romana tore up the false papers of slavery. St.
Prochorus concentrates on the many miracles of John catechized and Baptized Romana, Domnus,
Saint John, especially in the overthrowing of and Dioscorides, and also cast out all the demons.
many demons worshiped by people in gentile On a feast day of the pagan goddess
nations. St. Prochorus does not record much on Artemis when everybody in the city wore white,
the theology of St. John except for short sermons; St. John wore his sooty clothes from the bath
and also says that St. John was informed by the house and stood at a prominent place just under
Holy Spirit when people were planning evil the statue. The people were very angry about the
against him, and that many great miracles were soot where he stood, and they began to throw
done in Christ’s Name. stones at him, but none of the stones would touch
St. John sighed three times, but realized him, only striking and breaking the statue. Then,
that his lack of trust in the Lord would cost him an earthquake and heat killed two hundred out of
more difficulties. For his three sighs, he knew he their own fear, but St. John raised them again,
would have peril at sea, and told Prochorus to and many asked for instruction and Baptism. St.
meet him in Ephesus and wait three months. His John also healed a man who had been paralyzed
ship was wrecked in a storm, and all were washed for twelve years. (Black clothing for clergy
onto land one mile from Seleucia but John. represented St. John's sooty clothing, and also
Prochorus was blamed for sorcery, while St. John represented being dead to the world.)
was blamed for stealing the goods. Prochorus A demon from the temple of Artemis
was arrested and put in jail, but was released by a pretended to be a magistrate from Palestine with
passing notarius, and then walked forty days to arrest warrants for the “sorcerers” John and
Mareotis which is by the sea. While resting, he Prochorus. He gave money to two court officers
saw a wave throw a man onto the beach, and to put the Saints in a house and kill them.

Romana and Dioscorides found out, and escape of the Apostle John from the tub of
Dioscorides confronted the officers saying that it boiling oil into which he was cast in Rome before
was against the law to imprison untried persons, the Porta Latina by Domitian’s order.”] (April
especially not in a house. Dioscorides said they 28th is also listed as another date on which Noah
could stay in his house until the charges could be leaves the ark.) From The Martyrology of
tried and the accuser found. The demon Tallaght: “Matteus; Secundianus; Jacobus and
appeared in his disguise, loudly calling John and translation of Johannis son of Zacharia...” Note
Prochorus sorcerers, and attracted a large crowd the confusion of St. John the Baptist son of
in front of the house of Dioscorides. Ss. John and Zacharias with St. John son of Zebedee.
Prochorus were taken by the crowd to the temple There is a relationship in the Latin
of Artemis. At the prayer of John, the idol of the language of Jonah and John, and also oil with the
temple of Artemis fell, and then the temple belly of the whale. From the prayers before a
collapsed. Then John asked the demon how long funeral: “Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant,
he had lived there, and the demon replied two as Thou didst free Jonah from the belly of the
hundred forty nine years, and that he had incited whale.” In Latin: “Libera, Domine, animam
the officers and people against John. St. John servi tui, sicut liberasti Ionam de ventre ceti.”
commanded the demon to leave in the Name of The late Latin term for oil is cetum. So, this
Jesus Christ, and the demon left the city. Many miracle of St. John the Evangelist would have
people believed and were Baptized, but some reminded people of the miracle of Jonah in the
delivered him to the Proconsul who bound John whale, which was a Sign of Christ on the Cross
and took him to the Emperor Domitian in Rome. and His Resurrection from the dead [Lk
Domitian began a persecution of 11:29-32]. The chastisement at sea of St. John is
Christians (because temples were missing similar to Jonah, and it is the same day as the
revenues). He made John drink poison, but that commemoration of Noah leaving the Ark, and
did not harm him. Then he put John into boiling God's promise concerning the sea.
oil, and John came out without any marks. A Both the two Natures of Christ and the
church was later built near the Latin gate to miracle of St. John surviving being placed in a
commemorate that miracle, called “San Giovanni vat of boiling oil is also reflected in the General
a Porta Latina.” Tertullian says that the entire Epistles: 1 John 4:3, St. John says that Jesus
colosseum was converted to Christianity after the Christ is not a phantom or an illusion: “And
miracle of the boiling oil. The people said “Great every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is
is the God of the Christians!” and Domitian come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that
decided John was immortal and causing more spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it
trouble because of this publicity, so Domitian should come; and even now already is it in the
exiled John to Patmos. The Feast day for St. world.” And Jesus Christ is truly Divine, 1 John
John surviving boiling oil was May 6th /19th in 2:22-23: “Who is a liar but he that denieth that
both the Celtic and Roman calendars, although Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth
after 1960 the Romans dropped it. the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the
In the Celtic calendar, that is the Feast Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that
day of the Apostles Matthew and John. While the acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also..” St.
Celtic glossator of Oengus says that St. John was John explains God's relationship simply, 1 John
banished to Ephesus, most agree that St. John 4:8: “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for
was banished to Patmos. The glossator of Oengus God is love.” It is most fitting that the Bobbio
says, “Egressio Noe de arca. Hic cadit euasio Apostles' Creed line for St. John is, “I believe in
incolomis sancti Iohannis apostoli et euangelistae Jesus Christ, His only Son, God and our Lord...”
ad imperium Cesaris Domiciani i dolium and his Gradual Psalm is 123 “...perhaps they
feruentis olei missi ante portam Latinam apud had swallowed us up alive... perhaps our soul had
Romam” [“Noah leaves the ark. Here comes the passed through a water insupportable...” [Oil

does not support weight. But we look to the to Apollonides. St. John wrote, “John, the
healing oil of God's anointing, His Christ.] Apostle of Christ, to the spirit of divination who
On the ship to Patmos, a young officer dwelleth in Apollonides the rhetor: I command
fell overboard, and the crew claimed that this was thee, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to come out of
because they did not serve the gods well enough the image of God and never again to enter into
that they prayed to. St. John prayed, and through any other man. Depart from this island, and
the Name of Jesus Christ, the man was thrown remain ever in the wilderness.” When Prochorus
onto the ship by a great wave. St. John also brought the letter to Apollonides, the unclean
calmed a storm, saving the ship, and healed crew spirit came out of him immediately, and he was
from severe dysentery. The entire crew of the filled with joy and calmness. He went with
ship was instructed and Baptized before they Prochorus to the city of Flora, and had St. John
landed at Patmos. St. John insisted that they take released from his chains and prison. They
him to exile on Patmos, even though the crew returned to the house of Myron, and Apollonides
wanted St. John to stay with them because he told them about his many years possessed by the
protected them from dangers. St. John told them demon, and his release when Prochorus came.
that if they stayed in the grace they had received St. John then taught them about the power of the
from our Lord Jesus Christ, that they would not Crucified, our Lord Jesus Christ. The entire
be harmed in any place. Patmos was a penal family was Baptized. The governor set St. John
colony with salt mines. Prochorus said the at liberty. Chrisippida wanted to wait for her
inhabitants were free on the island, just not free husband to join her in belief, but even though he
to leave the island. was sympathetic, he had to wait until his term as
According to Prochorus, they arrived in governor was over. She and her son were
the city of Flora on Patmos. A wealthy man Baptized first, and St. John sent them back to live
named Myron took them into his home. He was with her husband until her husband could be
father-in-law of the governor Laurence, had a Baptized. He told Myron and his family to give
wife named Phoni, three sons who were orators, the money they intended to give to St. John to the
and a married daughter Chrisippida. The eldest poor, asking, as always, that Myron give the
son Apollonides was possessed by a demon, and money to the poor out of his own hands.
he fled the house when St. John came there. A man named Basil married to a woman
Apollonides wrote a letter to his father that said named Grace asked St. John to help her to
John and Prochorus were evil magicians, and that conceive a child. St. John told them that they
Coenops, a magician who the people thought was must believe in Jesus Christ first, and when they
a god, said that John should be thrown to the were Baptized, then their wish was granted, and
beasts and put to death. Myron told his wife he they had a son whom they named John.
would punish them. The Holy Spirit always told A magistrate named Chrysus and his
St. John what others said about him. wife Seline had a son who was possessed. St.
Myron took the letter to the governor, John admonished the magistrate for sins, who
who put John and Prochorus in jail and then tried then said that he believed in the Crucified Christ
them. St. John told the governor about Jesus and begged to follow the Lord, St. John took the
Christ, who was crucified and rose on the third child’s right hand, sealed it with the sign of the
day, and the governor said that this speech was Cross three times while praying, and the evil
silly which had caused John to be exiled in the spirit departed. Next day, coming to St. John
first place, and that his brother-in-law with money, they asked for Baptism, and St. John
(Apollonides) should be returned to his home at told them to give the money to the poor. “For the
once. John said he would not stop preaching, but seal of Christ ye do not require money, but only a
that he had no faults with his brother-in-law, and pure faith. As for this money, distribute it among
asked the governor to send Prochorus to him, and those in need, and receive freely the grace of
also asked the governor if he could write a letter Christ.” St. John then Baptized them in the name

of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Many persuaded St. John to have mercy on Karus, and
people came to Myron’s house and were gestured Karus to prostrate himself. Then his
instructed and Baptized by St. John. deafness and muteness was taken away, and he
Three years later: In the marketplace asked for Baptism, which St. John gave him.
near the temple of Apollo a crowd of faithful and There is a long section in the Acts of
unbelievers gathered. Priests of Apollo told them John about the magician Coenops, who caused
not to listen to the fraud exiled for sorcery who many difficulties for a long time, just as Simon
insulted their immortal gods. In reply, St. John Magus had plagued St. Peter. [Here abbreviated].
said, “Behold, in the Name of Christ, your house Coenops lived in wilderness by choice
shall be made desolate!” The temple fell but with unclean spirits, and he sent an invisible
nobody was hurt. The priests beat John and took demon to the house of Myron. St. John
him to the governor saying that John the exile demanded the reason the demon had come. The
destroyed the temple of Apollo through sorcery. demon said that the priests of Apollo had asked
The governor Aquila bound St. John and Coenops to go to the city, but the demon had been
Prochorus in chains and put them in the deepest sent instead to send the soul of John to eternal
dungeon. Myron and Apollonides asked that judgment. The demon told St. John that he had
John and Prochorus be sent to them, using their already killed a man, but he did not bring
possessions and their persons as collateral. Coenops the soul. St. John asked the demon why
Myron told them to stay at home for their safety. he obeyed Coenops, and he replied that all the
St. John said Christ did not send him to rest in power of Satan was with Coenops who had a
houses, but as “lambs among wolves” and “we covenant with the princes of darkness, and they
must go through many tribulations to enter into obeyed eachother. St. John then told the demon
the kingdom of the heavens.” to bear, in the that he was an Apostle of Jesus Christ, and
Name of Christ, dishonor, beatings, persecution commanded him to never enter the dwellings of
and to die daily for Christ. men, nor return to Coenops, but go from the
The next day a foreign paralytic offered island into torment. When that demon did not
to share his small meal with St. John. St. John teturn, Coenops sent another, but the same thing
agreed, but heard a widow weeping about her happened. Then Coenops sent two demons, one
only son at home who had become possessed, to kill, and the other to watch and to bring back
and she did not know where the temple of Apollo word. The demon that went in had the same
had gone so she could have the curse lifted. St. thing happen, but the one on watch told Coenops.
John cured her son in the Name of Jesus Christ, Coenops took many demons with him to
although in confusion she thought St. John was a the city. Many people worshipped Coenops.
priest of Apollo. Then St. John returned to the Coenops told the crowd to compare his wonders
paralytic and asked who would serve the meal, to John. Coenops pretended to raise a father who
and the man said he had inconvenienced them to had drowned, but St. John didn't do that miracle,
ask them to serve him. But St. John said, “Nay, saying that Christ had sent him to teach rather
in the Name of Jesus Christ, rise up and serve than bring dead from the sea., and the signs of
us.” The man then was healed, and rose up Coenops would soon come to nothing. Coenops's
serving them with joy, praising God. The next “miracles” were done with illusions, phantoms,
day he came to St. John and was Baptized. and demons in disguise. The boy said that
A well-educated Jew named Karus Coenops had raised his father, and another boy
disputed with St. John over the Pentateuch (first that was slain was produced (in an illusion) with
five books of the Bible). St. John showed him his murderer, and the crowd almost beat St. John
many prophecies about the work and coming of to death for being false, and left his body without
Christ. After discussion, Karus told St. John to burial. But, at about 2:00 A.M., St. John told
be silent because he was confused. Then Karus Prochorus to tell Myron that he was alive and
became deaf and mute. The philosopher Areotes would come there again. The gathered disciples

rejoiced and found St. John by the sea, standing the third day, and sent his disciples and ministers
in prayer. St. John told them not to be deceived into the world to preach His kingdom. He gave
by the signs of Coenops who only created us authority over unclean spirits by the Holy
phantoms. He told them to stay away from Spirit, and also the power to work miracles and
Coenops and stay at Myron’s house. healings of illnesses, and because of this all
Coenops then came back to the seaside nations are turning to the true God and Creator of
where St. John was, with the crowds and the all. John pleaded with them not to close ears or
three demons posing as those he had resurrected, hearts, but leave the lies and come to the light of
and told him that he had left him alive to see truth. He continued teaching, and many believed
greater wonders. Coenops dove into the sea. The and were Baptized in the house of Myron.
crowd shouted Coenops' greatness, but St. John A well educated Jew named Philo in that
put his arms in the shape of a Cross and city had a wife who had leprosy. In the
commanded the demons not to depart. And then marketplace, Philo debated for three days, taking
St. John prayed, “O God and Father of our Lord the opposite view of St. John on the books of
Jesus Christ, Who by the figure of Thy Cross Moses. Finally, St. John said, “Philo, Philo, the
didst enable Thy servant Moses to put Amalek to holy Scriptures do not require verbosity, but
flight: bring down in the abyss of the sea the obedience to their teachings with a pure heart.”
deceiver Coenops, that he may never see the sun St. John said to a man with a fever, placed on the
again, or be numbered among the living.” There ground by his kinsfolk, “In the Name of Jesus
was a great thunder and waves, but Coenops did Christ, arise and go to thy home.” The man rose
not emerge, being taken as Pharoah’s army. St. up and thanked John, glorifying God. Philo ran
John then told the demons to depart from the to John and asked, “Teacher, what is love?” John
island in the Name of Jesus Christ who was answered, “O observer of the law, God is love
crucified and rose on the third day, and the and he who hath love hath God!” [1 John 4:7, 12,
demons vanished. Family members who thought 16, 21, 1 John 5:1-3] Philo invited John home
their loved ones had returned told St. John to with him for the love of God so that they could
bring them back. The crowd waited for the return eat bread together. As they entered his home,
of Coenops. They sat on the sand three days and Philo’s wife was healed. Then Philo changed his
nights, and three of their children died from mind, and asked St. John not to be angry with
hunger and thirst. St. John then prayed for all the him, but give himself and his wife Baptism. St.
people to open their hearts, and told the people to John instructed them and Baptized them.
depart home for food and drink. Then he prayed A priest of Apollo who had visited
for Jesus to raise the children from the dead, and Coenops tempted St. John to heal his son who
they returned to life. Some confessed that St. was lame in both feet so that he could believe in
John was a teacher, and they had been deceived. the Crucified one. St. John told him, “If thou
The next day the city appeared at believest in Christ, He will heal thy son.” The
Myron’s doorstep and called for St. John, and man said he wanted the healing first and then he
Myron did not want St. John to go out. But St. would believe. St. John then told the man that he
John did not fear, and went out and taught them spoke blasphemy, and the priest of Apollo fell
[a Creed]: about Jesus Christ our Lord the true down with both of his feet lame. St. John then
Benefactor and guiding Light of men’s souls, sent Prochorus to the house where the lame child
who had taken pity on the race of men in was, with the message that he should rise up and
ignorance and deception, and was incarnate of the come to him. The boy rose up and followed
holy Virgin and without change became man Prochorus. The paralysed priest saw his healed
though still God, like us in every way but in sin. son, and cried out for mercy. St. John then took
He was crucified by His own will, and by death pity on him, making the sign of the Cross three
did away with death, overcoming hades and times over him, and he was healed, and the priest
delivering the souls who were there. He arose on and his son were Baptized with their household.

St. John also healed a man who had swords from the priests. Then, St. John entered
suffered from dropsy (swelling) for six years, to the city and preached about Christ at the arcade.
the point that he could not speak or walk. He A priest of Zeus had a son named Monan
wrote to St. John to have mercy, and St. John who bathed daily at the bath house in the city, and
wrote back that he should regain his health, and one day he was strangled by a demon in the bath
the man was completely healed. The man and the house. His father asked St. John to help, and St.
crowd there asked immediately for Baptism, and John went to the bath house and raised Monan
St. John instructed them and Baptized them. from the dead. St. John went into the bath house,
Governor Aquila’s wife was in labor for and asked the evil spirit how long it had lived
three days and near death, and St. John’s prayers there. It answered, “Six years. I formerly dwelt
delivered the child without harm. He told the in the bath house at Ephesus owned by
mother that she should wait forty days until she Dioscorides, whose son I strangled. Then I was
would be Baptized, but the governor was cast out by thee. But I beseech thee, cast me not
immediately Baptized. The governor was told to out from this place!” St. John said, “In the name
give the money he intended to give to John to the of Jesus Christ the Crucified, I command thee to
poor. St. John Ordained Priests to celebrate the depart from this island and never again to dwell
Divine Liturgy with new members of the Church. among men, but in a wild and uninhabited place.”
After three years in Flora, Ss. John and The demon vanished immediately. The priest
Prochorus went to Myrinousa, another city on then fell at St. John’s feet, saying he and his
Patmos. They arrived August 1st. A young man household were at the service of and would
was in chains to be sacrificed to a river demon follow St. John. St. John instructed the family,
that looked like a wolf, who was worshiped as a and Baptized them all. They stayed seven days.
god locally. This sacrifice happened the first of Then they traveled to another city named
every month, in the fourth hour of the day (10:00 Phlogeon, and almost all of the people of that city
A.M.). St. John spoke to the demon, and it was came to hear St. John. A widow who had raised
still. St. John asked it how long it had been there, her son alone since he was three years old came
and it said one hundred sixty five years. St. John to St. John and asked him to take a demon away
commanded it in the Name of Jesus Christ the from her recently possessed son. She had spent
Son of the living God to depart and never return all her money on pagan priests who did nothing.
to the island, and to dwell in the desert and St. John told her to bring her son. She went home
desolate places. The demon vanished. The man and said, “Come, let us go to John, the Apostle of
who had led St. John there asked who he was to Christ, so thou mayst be healed.” Immediately,
command the gods, and St. John told him that he the demon left the boy. When she brought the
was an Apostle of Jesus Christ the Son of God, boy, the crowd was amazed, and many believed
and that the one they called a wolf was an evil and were Baptized by St. John. St. John and
spirit, and Christ sent St. John to expel demons Prochorus stayed there for three days.
and show the truth. Then the man asked St. John St. John knew that on the fourth day
to make him a servant of Christ, and John taught there would be a celebration of a feast of the
him and Baptized him in the river. pagan god Dionysus (Bacchus), so he went near
While St. John was teaching at the river, their temple and told the people not to participate
the priests of the evil spirit brought out the youth and to repent and have faith in Jesus Christ,
to be sacrificed bound in iron. They waited long, reminding them they were made in the image of
and St. John told them that he had cast out the God and honored with reason. St. John ignored
wolf demon, and they should release the youth, the priests when they came out and said to move
the image of God. This amazed and embittered away because he was disturbing their feast. The
the priests of Zeus. St. John told the boy to priests mingled, and lured the crowd away from
return to his parents in the city, who were not St. John. Then they bound John and took him far
allowed to be at the sacrifice. St. John took away, beat him, left him for dead,.and returned to

their festival. As St. John lay on the ground, he from God. After teaching a long time, St. John
prayed, saying, “O God and Father of our hope, Baptized Noetian, who brought St. John to his
Jesus Christ: as it was Thy good pleasure to do home. When St. John entered the house, all the
through Samson, bringing down the pillars of the idols fell and crumbled to dust. Noetian’s wife,
great temple of the Philistines, so now grant the two sons, and the household servants were also
destruction of this temple of prodigality!” The Baptized. St. John and Prochorus stayed there
temple fell, crushing only the twelve priests. The ten days, and after that they left Myrinousa and
people freed St. John and asked not to be slain. went to Karo, three miles away, and were
The sorcerer Noetian had a wife named received by a Jew named Faustus, who was
Phora and two sons, Raz and Polycarp (St. Baptized with his family. They stayed in Karo a
Polycarp of Smyrna, January 26th?). Noetian had long time.
many books on conjuring demons, and was angry The governor of Patmos was replaced as
when the temple fell. He said he didn’t blame St. the administrator of the Cyclades Islands by a
John for making the temple fall, but St. John man named Mark, a pagan Greek but sympathetic
should raise the twelve priests from the dead to to Christians, who visited all the cities on the
show his goodness of heart. But St. John said island. A rich widow Procliana had a son,
that the twelve would not have been the only ones Sosipater. The devil enticed Proclaina to seduce
to perish out of many people if they were worthy. her own son, but he resisted. Sosipater heard St.
Noetian claimed that he himself could raise them John preaching one day, and told him a story
from the dead, and went away and conjured about a woman named Apati, which means
twelve demons disguised as the priests. The deception, who sought to seduce her son, Mi-
demons said they could not slay St. John, nor apatomenos which means undeceived. Sosipater
appear where he was, and that Noetian should said it was right to praise the son and hate the
bring the people to them to look at them. The mother. St. John told him to go home at peace,
Holy Spirit revealed this to St. John, who told with his mother as mother and not Apati.
Prochorus to take another path to the demons and Sosipater begged St. John to come home with
tell them, “Thus saith John the Apostle of Christ: him, and St. John and Prochorus went. Procliana
Get ye from this island to a dry place.” Noetian was angry that her son had brought others to the
told the people to come and see the twelve house. After they left, she made him stay home
priests, and then they should slay John, but before until he would fulfill her lust, but Sosipater
the people arrived, Prochorus had banished them. followed after St. John for four days. His mother
Noetian was unable to conjure them again, and found him, grabbed him, then claimed Sosipater
after many hours, the people realized that he was had unlawfully tried to seduce her. The governor
a fraud. When St. John came he told them not to Mark heard only one side of the story and
slay Noetian. St. John said, “My children, let ordered that Sosipater be sewn into a leather sack
darkness pass into darkness. But since ye are full of poisonous snakes and thrown into the sea,
sons of light, go to the light; and the darkness will but St. John went to the governor and told him
not be able to overtake you, for the truth of Christ that the son was blameless. Procliana claimed
is within us.” [1 John 1.] The next day many that St. John had convinced her son to assault his
came to be Baptized, and St. John taught and mother, and witnesses said she kept herself at
Baptized two hundred twenty in the river. home and was discreet, so the governor ordered
Noetian tried to turn the water into blood by that St. John face the same penalty. St. John
sorcery, but St. John purified the water by the prayed silently to God. The earth quaked, and the
prayer, “O Lord Jesus Christ, as Thou didst once governor’s and Procliana’s hands withered. St.
divert and invisibly lay low those against Thy John and Sosipater waited near the bags of
Prophet Elisha, so lay low Noetian and blind him, snakes. St. John prayed aloud to God to restore
that he may regard Thee with the eyes of his all. The earth stopped shaking and their hands
soul.” Blinded, Noetian realized he needed mercy were healed. The governor invited St. John to

come eat with him, and St. John went to his what he should do. A voice came to him saying,
house and taught him, and the governor was “John, John,” and St. John asked what the Lord
Baptized. Then, St. John told Sosipater to return commanded. The Lord told St. John to wait and
home, which was against his will. St. John and pray another ten days without food. After that
Prochorus came with him. Procliana had repented time, the angels came down to St. John and told
with many tears. St. John forgave her, taught her him many great things beyond normal human
and she was Baptized. After that, she stood comprehension. Prochorus returned, and was
outside her house and gave money to the poor. immediately sent out for pen and paper, and he
Nearly all the people of Patmos believed returned again two days later, when St. John
in Christ after awhile. When the Emperor dictated the revelations he had received. The
Domitian was assassinated and the Emperor was tradition that St. John wrote the Apocalypse is
Nerva [96-98 A.D.] who did not persecute recorded by the early writers St. Clement of
Christians, St. John was freed and allowed to go Alexandria, Origen, St. Irenaeus of Lyons (who
where he wanted. St. John decided to return to was a disciple of St. Polycarp, and St. Polycarp
Ephesus. The people of Patmos wept, so St. John was a disciple of St. John), and Eusebius.
told them they were not concerned with the The next day St. John suggested that
salvation of others. But they persuaded St. John they teach the people in the countryside of the
to write down the events of Christ’s life, and island before departing. They went to a place
Christ's teachings. St. John and Prochorus went called Agrikia, which had a priest of Zeus named
outside the city about a mile to Katapavsis which Eucharis who had a blind son who listened to St.
means Cessation, and climbed a high mountain. John. He was pleased with the teachings, and
St. John fasted and prayed, and on the third day asked St. John to pray for him so that he could
he had Prochorus go and get ink and paper from see St. John. St. John healed him by the sign of
the city and return. St. John told him to leave the Cross, and the boy’s father Eucharis seeing
him with the paper two days, but when Prochorus this miracle asked St. John to instruct him also,
returned, St. John was still standing in prayer. St. and the entire household was Baptized. The next
John had Prochorus stand to the right of him, and day they left by a ship for Ephesus, all weeping
a loud thunder scared Prochorus who fell down. and saying farewell. St. John blessed them with
St. John then raised him up and told him to sit the peace of the Lord, and they departed.
there. Then St. John dictated the holy Gospel of The ship carried many who were
St. John, which begins, “In the beginning was the traveling to Asia Minor. After fourteen days, they
Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word left the ship at a city three miles form Ephesus.
was God...” After two days they were finished The Christians in Ephesus found out, and met
writing the Gospel, and descended the mountain, them saying, “Blessed is he that cometh in the
returning to Sosipater’s house. Then the next day name of the Lord!” Dioscorides had reposed
he asked Sosipater to bring good parchment, and since they had left Ephesus, but Domnus took
Prochorus was told to copy the entire Gospel, so them home, and from there St. John taught many.
that both Patmos and Ephesus could have copies. St. Clement of Alexandria (+217 A.D.)
While Prochorus wrote, St. John Ordained said that in the cities around Asia, St. John saw a
Bishops and Priests for the churches of Patmos. young man with potential for good, and St. John
The Gospel was brought into the Church. taught and Baptized him. St. John entrusted this
On Patmos it is also recorded that St. young man to the Bishop of that city, who did
John wrote the Apocalypse, some say before the instruct the young man in the Scriptures, but did
Gospel of St. John. St. John and Prochorus left not watch his activities. The youth began to
the city to a cave in the wilderness. (Now there is drink, steal, and became friends with thieves who
a monastery above that cave.) St. John spent ten led him into the mountains as their leader to rob
days with Prochorus and ten days alone. When he travelers on the roads. St. John came back to that
was alone he ate nothing, but only prayed, asking city, and asked the Bishop there to return the

treasure he had left in the Bishop’s safekeeping, they should teach the commandment of love.
that is, the young man who was learning the fear Jerome (September 30th) says that when St. John
of God. The Bishop said the the youth had became very weak, his disciples carried him to
perished: his soul was dead, but his body was a the church, but he could only say, “Little
highway robber. St. John searched out the youth children, love one another.” as his sermon. St.
himself, asking the robbers to take him to their John explained to some close disciples that the
leader. St. John cried out to the youth, “My son, reason he would only repeat this instruction was
return to thy father and despair not in thy fallen because it is the Lord’s commandment, and “if ye
state! Thy sins shall I take upon myself! Stop keep it, it is enough.”
and wait, for the Lord hath sent me to thee!” The St. John and St. Prochorus spent nine
young man stopped and fell at the Saint’s feet, years in the first visit to Ephesus, and fifteen
very ashamed and trembling. St. John kissed him years in exile on Patmos, and another twenty six
and led him back to the city, rejoicing that he was years back in Ephesus living at the house of
bringing back a lost sheep. St. John instructed Domnus [a total of 50 years after the Dormition
him in repentance, and forgave him. The youth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, his young age as an
continued after that in goodness and peace. Apostle of Jesus Christ adding to almost 80 years
Another Christian found himself in debt old, although other sources say he was 94 or 104.
without and penniless, and he asked a sorcerer to 18 years old in 33 A.D., plus 26 more years
give him deadly poison to kill himself. This caring for the Blessed Virgin Mary, plus the last
sorcerer gave him the poison, but the Christian 50 years adds to 94 years.]
went home with it, and made the sign of the Very early one morning before the sun
Cross over the cup, and when he drank it all the had risen, he asked seven of his followers
harm was taken from the cup [don't try this]. Still including Prochorus to come with him and bring
needing to escape his creditors, he went back and spades. They went outside the city to a place
asked for stronger poison. The sorcerer was where he told them to sit. St. John went a little
surprised to see him, but gave him a stronger apart and prayed. Then he returned and told his
poison, and the same thing happened again. He disciples to dig a cross-shaped trench as long as
went back to the sorcerer a third time, saying that St. John was tall. He continued to pray.
the poisoner was incompetent. The sorcerer asked Afterwards, he lay in the trench and told
what he had done. The man said that he only had Prochorus that he should go to Jerusalem, and
made the sign of the Cross over the cup before live the rest of his life there. He embraced each
drinking it. The sorcerer tested his poison on a disciple and told them to cover him with his
dog, who died immediately. The sorcerer went mother earth, and they put some earth on him to
with the Christian to the Apostle and described his knees. He embraced them again and told
what had happened, and he asked to be taught them to cover him to the neck. Then he told
about Christ, and was Baptized. The Christian Prochorus to put a thin veil over his face and
was told to bring an arm load of hay which the embrace him for the last time because it was the
Apostle turned to gold by the sign of the Cross last time he would be seen in this life. They were
and prayer, so that the Christian could pay his all filled with grief, and they embraced him
debts and keep his household. Then the Apostle again. Some say that when the sun arose he
returned to Ephesus to the house of Domnus, surrendered his spirit. The disciples returned to
where he converted many more people. the city and told what had occurred in great
St. John spent his last years as an detail. The people of the city begged them to
ascetic, eating only bread and water, not cutting show the site, but when they returned to the
his hair, and dressing in simple linen clothes. He grave, St. John was not there, only his shoes.
did not have the strength to preach even around They then remembered the words the Lord said to
Ephesus, but he did continue teaching Bishops of the Apostle Peter, “If I will that he tarry until I
the Church as long as possible, especially that come, what is that to thee?” “They all then

glorified God, the Father, and the Son, and the repose of St. John on the Byzantine calendar,
Holy Spirit, who is due all glory and honor to the which is another Feast of St. Michael on Western
ages of ages. Amen.” calendars, although on the Celtic Calendar the
St. John died of old age, after a life of date for St. Michael is May 9th.) The Byzantine
hardship which included tortures. A small town Rite also celebrates a Feast of St. John on the 26th
near Ephesus, Selçuk, is believed by some people of September, and also in the week after
to be the location of the burial place of St. John. Christmas, although they move the dates of the
Because Apocalypse 22:20, Jn 21:23, celebrations during that week by one day each,
and Mt 16:28 talk about being alive at the coming giving the holy Birthgiver of God a special day of
of Christ's kingdom, some believe that St. John commemoration the day after Christmas. The
never died. Greek grammar implies that Celtic Rite celebrates St. James who is the
“quickly” or “immediately” means near or with brother of the Lord with St. John during
us, always with us as St. Matthew 28:20 says. Christmas week; which is the day of the
The words “this generation” Mt 24:34 also imply installation of St. James in the Patriarchate of
in Greek any group which is banded together as a Jerusalem, it is possible that this day might be the
unit, not only one group of children, but one date of the assignment of the missions to the
faith. In that case, St. John could live a mortal Apostles, a conjecture needs examination.
life span, but be raised at the Last Judgment with Matches: Psalm 123 (Hebrew 124): “If it
all the other Saints. In several places in Scripture had not been that the Lord was with us, let Israel
it is said that repentance might bring temporary now say: If it had not been that the Lord was with
reprieve from the end of the world, as in the Book us, When men rose up against us; perhaps they
of Jonah: the city of Ninevah is not destroyed. had swallowed us up alive: When their fury was
The Byzantine date for the repose of St. enkindled against us; perhaps the waters had
John is May 8th. See the calendar controversy swallowed us up. Our soul hath passed through a
February 17th: the calendar according to the torrent: perhaps our soul had passed through a
Alexandrian (Roman) calculation was a few days water insupportable. Blessed be the Lord, Who
different from the older Roman calendar, and this hath not given us to be a prey to their teeth. Our
may have resulted in the date of celebration being soul hath been delivered as a sparrow out of the
May 6th in Tallaght, Oengus, and also the Roman snare of the fowlers: The snare is broken; and we
calendar for the date of John escaping boiling oil. are delivered. Our help is in the Name of the
Oengus does not mention St. John in his poem, Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”
only the glossator mentions him: see May 1st. It
is quite possible that an event that occurred in James said, ‘He was born of Mary, the
Rome is commemorated correctly on Roman Virgin, through the Holy Spirit.’ This is James
calendars, but events further away from Rome the “Greater” (older). The name “James” is the
might have other dates, such as the Dormition of same as “Jacob.” The English name “James”
the Blessed Virgin Mary, see January 18th and came from a linguistic switching of letters in Old
August 15th. The repose of St. John is mentioned Irish or Scottish Gaelic, and since a Scottish king
December 27th in the Celtic calendar, but St. John used the Gaelic name “James,” and supported the
English translation of the Scriptures, the name
is also commemorated that same date on the
“James” stuck for New Testament names. The
Byzantine calendar.
name Yaakov is translated as Jacob in English
On May 8th in the Byzantine Rite (May
language Old Testaments. St. James' Hebrew
21st new calendar) a fragrant myrrh or ash comes
name is Yaakov Ben-Zebdi (or Bar-Zebdi). The
from the grave of St. John and the sick are healed
name James in Latin is Iacobus, and in Greek is
then by the prayers of the holy Apostle. (Some Iacovos (in Greek “b” is pronounced “v;” the
Roman sources such as Butler’s think that the spelling changed). The French use the name
date of St. John surviving the boiling oil may “Jacques.” Traces of Gaelic are also heard in
actually be derived from the May date of the eastern Spain, which uses either Jacome or Jaime,

and Catalonia Jaume. In western Spain, Jacob is Only Ss. Peter, John, and James
Iago, and Saint James is “Sant'Iago” or witnessed the Transfiguration of the Lord on
“Santiago.” Another interesting switch occurred Mount Tabor, which in the Celtic Rite is
in Portugal and Galicia, “Sant Iago” became San celebrated the day after the Feast of St. James the
Tiago, and Tiago became “Diego,” a popular Greater, July 26th. St. Matthew 17:1-9; St. Mark
name. (“San Diego,” Latinized as Didacus of 9:2-8; St. Luke 9:28-36.
Alcalá, died Nov. 12, 1463; a friar minor; reputed In spite of the brothers’ greatness, Jesus
to be a wonderworker; not to be confused with St. admonishes them concerning who will sit on His
James the Greater.) right and left in the kingdom of heaven after the
There were at least four New Testament Last Supper (St. Matthew 20:20-23). This is read
Saints named James, see the poem Dec. 27th/ Jan Dec. 27th, and the same theme is in St. Luke
9th. St. James “the Greater” meaning elder, of the 22:24-30. “...My chalice indeed you shall drink;
Twelve, son of Zebedee was the brother of St. but to sit on my right or left hand, is not mine to
John, and these brothers are called Boanerges, give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared
sons of thunder (St. Mark 3:17). St. James of the by my Father.”) Saints James and John wanted to
Knees “Brother of the Lord” also called St. James call down the fire of the Lord on unbelievers
the Righteous, who was not “of the Twelve,” but (Luke 9:54-56), but Christ forbade them. In
of the “Seventy” Apostles; see Dec. 27 / Jan 9,
Images, these brothers are not on Christ's right
was the uncle of St. James son of Zebedee. St.
and left sides. Instead, Christ is sitting on His
James “the Less” son of Alphaeus, “of the
Throne in heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary is on
Twelve,” was brother of St. Matthew. St. James
His right (our left), and St. John the Baptist is on
son of Cleophas was “of the Seventy.”
His left (our right), both in an attitude of prayer.
Both Saints named James (of the Twelve)
This Icon is called the “Deesis” which means
in the Bobbio Creed have something to do with
“prayer,” and in Byzantine churches is the main
the Holy Spirit, humility, and the Blessed Virgin
Mary. There is confusion with St. James the theme of the Icon Screen separating the Altar
Righteous, first Bishop of Jerusalem, also called from the Nave, (again, a connection of St. James
St. James of the Knees because he knelt before the Greater and St. John with the Blessed Virgin
Jesus at Christmas, and always respected the Mary: she, not St. James, sits on the right-hand of
Blessed Virgin Mary, and was a son of St. Joseph God, but he venerates her, and St. John cared for
by Joseph’s former wife Salome (no relation to her from the time of Jesus' crucifixion.)
Salome in Herod's family). A sister of St. James After the Resurrection and Ascension of
the Righteous was another Salome who married Christ, and after Pentecost, St. James traveled
Zebedee. St. James the Righteous was much older through many countries. Spanish tradition says
than St. James the Greater. that he went to Spain, preaching the Word of
The Blessed Virgin Mary is compared to God, before his Martyrdom in Jerusalem in 44
Mount Sion, in one Lection, which could not be A.D. Some early historians said that he had not
touched by men (see Psalm 124 for St. James the left Jerusalem when he was Martyred: (Clement
Greater). St. Catherine's monastery at Mt. Sinai, of Alexandria, Stromateis VI; Apollonius, quoted
has images of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the by Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History
burning bush (in “Our Lady of the Sign”); VI.xviii). However, St Paul said after 44 A.D.
Divinity was within her but she was not burned. that he did not want to “build on someone else's
After Ss. Andrew and Peter were called foundation” Romans 15:20, or visit Spain,
by Jesus, Jesus called Saints James and John (Mt Romans 15:24 (although that might refer to St.
4:21-22, Mark 1:19-20), also fishermen on the Peter and his disciples who also traveled to
sea of Galilee. Both Saints James and John were Spain). During the Roman Empire, travel was
with their father by the sea when Jesus called easier than it was in later Dark Ages. There were
them, “And they forthwith left their nets and reasons for Apostolic presence in many lands.
father, and followed Him.” Mt 4:22. In Salduba or Saldyva, (also called

Saraqusta, Zaragoza, or Saragossa, in the below. A Hermogenes is mentioned as deserting
kingdom of Aragon), on Jan. 2nd, 40 A.D., St. St. Paul in Asia in II Tim. 1:15. A Saint
James saw the Blessed Virgin Mary on the bank Hermanagoras, also called Hermogenes, was the
of the Ebro River at Caesaraugusta in Iberia, first Bishop of Aquileia. Another later
while he was preaching the Gospel. He saw her Hermogenes was a heretic who believed in the
on a pillar, preserved in the Basilica of Our Lady pre-existence and infinity of matter, sounding
of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Spain, and is called vaguely Arian, argued against by Tertullian.)
Nuestra Seňora del Pilar, commemorated on Hermogenes sent his student, Philetus,
October 12th with a nine day event, "Las Fiestas but the wisdom of the Holy Spirit filled St.
del Pilar." The Spanish explorer Christopher James, so nobody could dispute with him, and
Columbus “discovered” the new world on Philetus could not open his mouth. Philetus
October 12 in 1492, so this day is now called El returned to Hermogenes; told him that St. James
Dia de la Hispanidad. (See St. Brendan of proved his wisdom with miracles; nothing could
Clonfort, May 16th/29th, who traveled to the new overcome him; and he told his teacher to abandon
world about 900 years earlier than Columbus. sorcery and become the disciple of St. James.
Portuguese fishermen also traveled there before Hermogenes summoned demons to hold Philetus
Columbus.) On October 12th, a flower offering of in one spot, daring St. James to deliver him.
a very large cloak is made to the Virgin Mary, Philetus sent word secretly to St. James. St.
called Ofrenda de Flores. The Fiestas include James sent his towel, telling Philetus to hold the
speeches, bands, dances, gigantes y cabezudos towel and say, “The Lord looseth the fettered; the
which are giant paper mache figures, concerts, Lord setteth aright the fallen,” a quote from
exhibitions, “vaquillas” bulls, bull festival, and Psalm 145:7b-8 Greek numbering. Philetus said
fireworks. (Bull fighting is not Christian; blood this and was loosed from the demons, who fled.
sports or bull cults dating from Roman times Philetus went to St. James, learned the faith, and
were forbidden by Apostolic Canons.) was Baptized.
It was the 12th century Bishop Diego Hermogenes was angry, and sent
Gelmirez who gathered information in the demons; in short, the demons were bound by the
Historia Compostellana about both St. James's Angel of the Lord. St. James asked the Angel of
vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Zaragoza, the Lord to release them, if the demons would
and also the relics of St. James in Compostela, bring Hermogenes. Hermogenes arrived
see Fletcher, Richard A. (1984), Saint James's immediately. The Apostle James asked the
Catapult: The Life and Times of Diego Gelmirez demons why they had not bound Philetus as
of Santiago de Compostela. Oxford University Hermogenes had commanded them, the demons
Press, http://libro.uca.edu/sjc/sjc.htm St. James said, “We cannot even touch a fly in thy house.”
returned to Jerusalem (or mostly stayed there), The Apostle then told Philetus that the Lord
where his preaching was like thunder (Mark taught them to “render good for evil,” which he
3:17), preaching Jesus Christ as the true Messiah. had learned with his brother St. John (St. Luke
The Byzantines had a colony in the 9:54-56, also the Sermon on the Mount, St.
south of Spain (around Cordoba) before and after Matthew 5:38-42), replacing vengeance with
the Filoque was invented in Spain, from about mercy. St. James told Philetus to release
552 to 624. (The Council of Toledo was 589). Hermogenes from the demons. Then the Apostle
Other Byzantine sources place St. James told Hermogenes that the Lord wants voluntary
only in the area around Jerusalem. St. James servants, and to go as he wished. Hermogenes
often debated with the scribes and Pharisees who replied that the demons would slay him if he left
hired a sorcerer named Hermogenes to debate and St. James’ home, and that he needed St. James’
shame St. James. (Note: The meaning of the defense against them. So St. James gave
name Hermogenes is derived from Hermes, Hermogenes his staff which he used for traveling.
although it seems similar to Hermenegild, see When he arrived home, Hermogenes saw his

errors, gathered all his books of sorcery, and date for St. James, although the summer date is
brought them to St. James. He fell at James’ feet, the Vigil of the Transfiguration in the earlier
and said, “True servant of the true God, who Celtic calendar). St. Peter escaped from prison
deliverest the souls of men from perdition! Have (Acts 12: 4-17), but St. James was Martyred. The
mercy upon me, and accept thine enemy as thy year of St. James' Martyrdom, 44 A.D., is known
disciple!” He learned the holy faith and was according to when Herod Agrippa I died, Acts
Baptized, and burned his books of sorcery, and 12:21-23, known from other histories of the time.
later did miracles in the Name of Jesus Christ. The discovery in Spain of the relics of
Some time shortly before the Martyrdom St. James the Greater needs a prologue.
of St. James the Greater, the Dormition (Falling- According to St. Gregory of Tours, the Arians in
Asleep) of the Blessed Virgin Mary occurred. Spain, which included the king, called themselves
Because eleven of the Twelve Holy Apostles “catholic,” while the Orthodox Christians who
were present when Christ took her soul to believed the Nicene Creed, that Jesus Christ is the
heaven, the Dormition can be dated by the true Son of God, were called “Roman.” The
Martyrdom of St. James the Greater, who died Byzantine area of southern Spain (“Spania”)
only eleven years after the Crucifixion, and was would have been called “Roman,” because it was
the first of the Twelve Apostles to suffer ruled by the Roman Emperor of the East; whereas
Martyrdom, according to the Acts of the the city of Rome in Italy was ruled by various
Apostles. (But see St. John above.) His feast day Germanic barbarians. The time was well before
is July 25th in both the Celtic and Roman Rites, the “Holy Roman Empire.”
and April 30th in the Byzantine Rite. Spain had an early strong veneration of
Those who had hired Hermogenes to relics tied to miracles proving Orthodoxy over
overcome St. James were angry at his conversion. Arianism. A relic of St. Stephen was in the
They appealed to Herod Agrippa to begin a Nicene church on the plain of Osset in the
persecution of the Christians and put St. James to province of Lusitania, which had a miraculous
death. Eusebius who was Bishop of Caesaria of fountain in the shape of a Cross that was filled on
Palestine, writes that on the way to his the day of our Lord’s Resurrection from no
Martyrdom, St. James son of Zebedee was source but heaven. (See the description on St.
accompanied by an accuser named Josiah, who Stephen's day, Dec. 26th/ Jan 8th. St. Gregory's
had seen the error of his accusation when he saw description is confusing, because he claimed that
the courage, innocence and holiness of Apostle, the plain of Osset in Lusitania was in Galitia,
and confessed that Christ must be the Messiah. which remained Christian through times when the
Josiah was condemned with St. James. Along the rest of Spain was Arian. However, the Roman
road to the place of execution the Apostle James town of Osset is just southwest of Seville in
healed a paralyzed man. Just before the south-west Spain, and Lusitania was the older
execution, Josiah was able to ask St. James to name for Portugal with a little more territory. But
forgive him for his former unbelief and slander to Osset was in the north of “Spania,” which was
the king. The Apostle embraced him and kissed the name of the Byzantine colony on the southern
him, saying, “Peace be with thee!” Then they coast of present Spain. It is possible that there
both ended their lives together, bowing their were Celtic Orthodox in the north in Galitia, and
necks to the sword. In Acts 12:1-3 it states, “And Byzantine Orthodox in the south coast in Spania,
at the same time Herod, the king, stretched forth but most of the people in the middle, especially
his hands, to afflict some of the church. And he Toledo, were Arian. The Orthodox areas of Spain
killed James, the brother of John, with the sword. also venerated St. Martin of Tours, see Nov. 11 th.
And, seeing that it pleased the Jews, he Great miracles were granted by the merciful God
proceeded to take up Peter also. Now it was in in their churches.)
the days of the Azymes [flat bread, i.e. the eight It was not unusual for Arian clergy in
days of Passover].” (closer to the Byzantine Feast Spain or Pelagian clergy in Britain to try to fake a

miracle. In both cases, a person pretending to be that the Holy Spirit “proceeded from the Father,
blind said that they now could see, but then they and together with the Father and the Son is
had their eyes truly shut by God and became worshiped and glorified.” (See St. Basil the
blind for the rest of their life. This happened in Great, January 1st, who wrote “On the Holy
front of the Spanish king Leovigild, at the hand Spirit.” The “Filioque” forces a hierarchy within
of the heretical Arian bishop Cyrila from the the Godhead: Son less than Father, and Holy
kingdom of the Vandals in North Africa in the Spirit less than Father and Son - not an equal
480s. Arians taught that Jesus Christ was only a Person of the Holy Trinity: an Arian concept.)
human prophet, not the divine Son of God, an Many doctors of the church in the East rejected
idea which was politically correct to pagans and the “Filioque” vehemently: see the Bishop St.
later Moslems. Arianism started in Alexandria, Amphilochius, November 23rd, who convinced
and became the majority religion through emperor Theodosius I that the Arians should not
northern Africa, Spain, part of France, and much be allowed to hold their assemblies. Note that the
of the territory of the Patriarchate of Antioch, Irish did not include the “Filioque” in the Lorrha-
before it was overthrown in France by St. Martin Stowe Missal.
of Tours, in the east by St. Gregory Nazianzus Arianism survived in Isaac Newton and
and St. Basil, and overthrown later in Spain. others who had a great influence upon the “age of
On Nov. 1st/14th, in the Russian Prologue reason.” Miracles do not fall within the bounds
of Ochrid, there is a feast day of a St. of human logic, only Divine logic. Fourth
Hermenegild, Hermenegildo, or Ermengild, century writers such as Saints Basil, Gregory
prince in Visigothic Spain, who was raised Arian; Nazianzus, and John Cassian wrote against
but, influenced by his Orthodox wife Ingund, the Aristotle, who also upheld human logic over the
daughter of the Frankish king Sigebert I, St. Divine. The Church fathers compared the Logos,
Hermenegildo converted to Orthodoxy. (The the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, with the
name Hermenegildo is a Visigothic name in truth from heaven or true Reason. Human reason
Spanish form. “Ermen” means “whole, entire” alone could not reach to the stars. See the
while “gild” means “sacrifice, value”; together, Byzantine Christmas Hymn, and also Egbert's
meaning “complete sacrifice.” From “Behind the Epiphany Bishop's Blessing for Final Vespers:
Name” website.) He led a revolt against his father “Let us suppliants entreat God, the author of
Leovigild, asking for (nearby) Byzantine military wonders and virtues: may He Who revealed the
help, which was not given, due to the strength of light of the world by the light of the Star, when
the Visigothic armies. Imprisoned, he was the magi came to array themselves on the floor as
Martyred by his heretic father when he refused a constellation, in humility to the King; may He
Holy Communion from an Arian Bishop on Himself grant to the ignorant forgiveness, and to
Easter, April 13, 585 (Roman date of his Feast). those, though unbelieving, to be able to recognize
Leovigild died soon after St. Hermenegildo died. Him...” [Latin: sidere is a homonym, meaning
His brother Reccared became king and both to bow down, and also a constellation of
converted to Orthodoxy in 587, and he insisted stars. Latin: agnoscendum- realize; ignoscenda-
that the whole country of Spain convert with him. forgive. Greek roots: agnoscendum-
He convened the Council of Toledo (in central unbelieving; ignoscenda-ignorant.])
Sapin) in 589, which ratified the non-Orthodox One story says that the son of St.
“Filioque,” which assumes a procession of the Hermenegild, Athanagild, born 585; was brought
Holy Spirit from the Father “and the Son,” the to the Byzantine Empire, was raised there, and
same as Arian emanation theory. later married Flavia Juliana, a Byzantine princess
The Council of Toledo said that the (it is also said that the Visigoths in Spain had
“Filioque” bolstered the idea that Christ is come from the area of Pontus in Cappadocia, part
Divine. They replaced the Nicean Creed agreed of the Byzantine Empire; in any case, Spanish
upon by the first Ecumenical Council, which said genetics can be traced to that area). The great-

grandson of Hermenegild, Ervig, became the king Compostela. If the relics were brought late, it
of Spain in 680, endorsing the use of the would be worthy to venerate the relics of St.
“Filioque” and also writing laws against Jews. James the Greater in any case. Iria Flavia was a
The heretical addition to the Creed eventually Celtic-iberian port on the northwest coast of
spread to the countries controlled by Spain on the Roman road between Braga and
Charlemagne (after the year 800), and then the Astorga. In the sixth century a Bishopric was
rest of the Roman Patriarchate including Ireland shared between Iria Flavia and Compostela. The
after the Norman king Henry II of England, who Bishopric was moved to Compostela in 1095. Iria
was given Ireland by Pope Adrian Brakespeare in Flavia is now called Padrón (after St. James).
1170. (The Byzantines endorsed Normans in The cult of St. James in Compostela
England, since the Norse also married into the supplanted the Galician cult of St. Priscillian who
Byzantine royal family, and it was the Normans was Martyred in 385 by other (Arian?) bishops,
of England who enforced the “Filoque” in venerated in the north of Iberia, according to
Ireland.) However, Byzantine histories state that Henry Chadwick (1976), Priscillian of Avila,
Charlemagne, not Spain, enforced the change of Oxford University Press. Roman Catholics do
the Creed in his so-called “Holy Roman Empire,” not believe that one cult was instituted to
which later led to the Great Schism between supplant the other, but it is probable that St.
Eastern Patriarchates and the Roman Patriarchate Priscillian defended the faith against the Arian
(as in Rome, Italy). heresy because of the year of his Martyrdom.
Much later, after the ninth century, St. The discovery of the relics of St. James occurred
James became the Patron of Spain. The discovery after the Council of Toledo of 589. The Arians
of the relics of St. James at Compostella occurred and the promoters of the “Filioque” were both in
during the reign of king Alfonso II (791-842) and central Spain. Santiago de Compostela is in the
Bishop Theodemir of Iria, and the pilgrimage northern Celtic region of Spain, spelled Galicia or
route was immediately established at that time, Gallaecia. They once spoke a Celtic dialect
promoted in the Codex Calistinus. Earlier called Gallego, but now they speak Spanish.
tradition does not mention Compostela or Iria (Another Celtic region of Europe in
Flavia; for centuries St. James's relics were Russia is also called Galicia or Galizien. St. Paul
undiscovered. Another tradition says that the wrote to the Galatians, another Celtic area.)
relics of St. James are in the church of St. On November 1, 1884, the relics of St.
Saturnin at Toulouse [south of France], or relics James were called authentic by a Papal Bull of
are divided between Compostela and Toulouse. Pope Leo XIII, Omnipotens Deus. In 1908, the
The 12th century Bishop Diego Gelmirez Catholic Encyclopedia stated there were
said that after St. James was Martyred by Herod “difficulties” with the tradition, and: “Although
Agrippa I, disciples of St. James took his body the tradition that James founded an apostolic see
over the sea to Iberia, landing on the coast of in Iberia was current in the year 700, no certain
Galicia at Iria Flavia, and buried the body inland mention of such tradition is to be found in the
at Santiago de Compostela. Or, another version: genuine writings of early writers nor in the early
St. James was decapitated by Herod Agrippa I councils; the first certain mention we find in the
himself, and then the body was taken by angels ninth century, in Notker, a monk of St. Gall
(not mentioned in early apocrypha), and then the [Irish monastery] (Martyrologia, 25 July),
body sailed in an otherwise empty boat without Walafrid Strabo (Poema de XII Apostoli), and
rudder to the north of Spain at Iria Flavia, was others.” Some do not believe the tradition, such
surrounded by a huge rock, and the relics were as Louis Duchesne, but the Bollandists defend it,
later moved to Compostela. Or, it is possible that in their Acta Sanctorum, July VI and VII, with
the relics of St. James the Greater were brought further sources. (See St. Bartholomew, Aug. 25th,
to Spain by boat a short time before they were another miraculous translation of relics over the
discovered in Iria Flavia and brought to sea. Also see St. Clement, Nov. 23rd, who was

thrown into the sea, but the sea receded every Asturias, son of Alfonso II, and after that, the
year from that spot three miles.) battle cry was “Santiago y cierra Espaňa” (“St.
While it may be easy to condemn the James and strike for Spain”); this was soon after
later cult of St. James the Moor-slayer and the the relics of St. James were discovered at
infamous Spanish Inquisition, it was the zeal Compostela. Cervantes, in Don Quixote, said, “St
against false prophets that may have led to harsh James the Moorslayer, one of the most valiant
acts. (Saints John and James were called the sons saints and knights the world ever had ... has been
of thunder, signaling the lightning): St. Matthew given by God to Spain for its patron and
24:23-27 “Then if any man shall say to you: Lo protection.” The novel Don Quixote was sarcastic
here is Christ, or there, do not believe him. For about an age of chivalry which Cervantes said
there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, never existed.
and shall show great signs and wonders, An early and worthy Martyr, St. Vincent
insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the of Zaragoza died in 304 A.D. from the Diocletian
elect. Behold I have told it to you, before-hand. persecutions; he was a Saint who lived four
If therefore they shall say to you: Behold he is in centuries before the Moors took Zaragossa. But
the desert, go ye not out: Behold he is in the in the name of St. Vincent, in 1415, the Spanish
closets, believe it not. For as lightning cometh Inquisition said that Moors and Jews would
out of the east, and appeareth even into the west: seduce Christian women, and a man could not
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” know if the children in his house were really his;
Most people focus on those later atrocities by the this panic-causing slander caused horrific
Christians, but what happened when most of retaliation against Moors and Jews. The Order of
Spain was conquered by the Moors in the first Santiago, or caballeros santiaguistas, a military
place may have caused some later reactions. order, fought the Moors. It was a great honor to
After the Moors took most of Spain, be a member, wearing the cross of St. James.
only a little of Spain remained under Christian The Medieval pilgrimage, the “Way of
rule in the north, but gradually alliances were St. James,” was from France to Spain over the
made, because the Moors tolerated the practice of Pyrenees mountain range, to Compostela at the
Christianity although they taxed it heavily. The far northwest corner of Spain in Galatia. They
Spanish Moors far surpassed Christian carried scallop shells on their hats or clothes, also
continental Europe in arts and sciences (although called cockles of St. James, in French “coquille
the famous “Moorish” architecture from southern St. Jacques;” in German, “Jakobsmuschel,” or
Spain might be a style from Byzantine Spania). "mussel (or clam) of St. James;” in Dutch
Slowly, the Christians in the north of Spain “Jacobsschelp,” or “shell of St James.” They
brought military pressure on the south, also had forms signed to prove that they had
culminating in the overthrow of all the Muslims completed each stage of the pilgrimage route.
and Jews in 1492 by king and queen Ferdinand The end of the route focused on the relics in the
and Isabella. This was done in the name of the cathedral of “Santiago de Compostela,” and
Apostle James, who they called “Santiago pilgrims tried to arrive by his feast, July 25th.
Matamoros” or St. James the Moor-slayer, a Another odd bit of history: the central
strange title for one of the Twelve Holy Apostles. African Kingdom of Congo honors St. James,
(St. Emilian of Autun, Aug. 22nd, fought because the Portuguese brought Christianity to
the Muslim invasion of France in 725, and seven that kingdom in 1483 (while they were starting
years later Charles Martel stopped the invasion; their slave trade). King Afonso I of Kongo, also
in some circumstances there may be a reason for called Myemba a Nzinga, who was the second
war, but not the atrocities.) Christian king, saw a vision of St. James and the
It was said that St. James appeared in heavenly host in the sky with his armies and the
armor in the battle of Clavijo in the Reconquista armies of his rival Mpanzu a Kitima, and this
in 844 A.D. Under Ramiro I (c.790–850) of frightened the enemy away. After that, July 25th

became a national holiday, St. James day, the 1:44). He remained celibate, and became a
most important holiday, and also tax day and the disciple of St. John the Baptist by the Jordan river
day that men were drafted. Some of the slaves (Mt chapter 3, John 1:35-40, with St. John the
brought from the Congo continued the Apostle). According to the Gospel of St. John,
celebration of St. James in Haiti and Puerto Rico. St. Andrew left John the Baptist when he pointed
Matches Psalm 124 (Hebrew 125): “They out the Messiah saying, “Behold, the Lamb of
that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Sion: he God!” Andrew followed Jesus after that, first
shall not be moved for ever that dwelleth in asking him “Rabbi! Where dwellest Thou?” and
Jerusalem. Mountains are round about it: so the Christ replied, “Come and see.” And then St.
Lord is round about His people, from henceforth Andrew wanted to introduce Jesus to his brother
now and for ever. For the Lord will not leave the Simon, who became St. Peter (St. John 1:41).
rod of sinners upon the lot of the just: that the just Some traditions say that the calling of
may not stretch forth their hands to iniquity. Do the “fishers of men” (halieis anthropon) was a
good, O Lord, to those that are good, and to the calling to a closer discipleship, and occurred after
upright of heart. But such as turn aside into St. John the Baptist was put into prison by Herod,
bonds, the Lord shall lead out with the workers of and after Saints Andrew and Peter had met Jesus.
iniquity: peace upon Israel.” [Mt 4:18-20, Mark 1:16-18, Luke 5:8-11, 6:14,
John 1:38-42]. (See St. Peter.) St. Peter had to
Andrew said, ‘He suffered under Pontius feed his family. St. Andrew and St. Peter at first
Pilate; was crucified and buried.’ Andrew was lived in the same house (Mark 1:21-29).
“first-called” (Protocletos) Apostle of Jesus St. Andrew asked questions of Jesus in
Christ, one of St. John the Baptist's close the Gospels, but there is almost no mention of St.
disciples who became a disciple of Jesus Andrew in the Book of Acts except the list in
immediately after the Lord was Baptized. St. Acts 1:13. St. Andrew is one of the four Apostles
Andrew is the brother of St. Peter. In the Bobbio who asks Jesus when His prophecy about the end
Creed, being first-called is a reminder that of Jerusalem will be fulfilled. At that time, Jesus
immediately after the Baptism of death that Jesus warns them not to follow false prophets. Mark
predicted and fulfilled, Jesus first calls Adam, 13:2-6 [Eph. 5:6; 2 Thess. 2:3]. St. Andrew asks
Eve, and all the Saints of the Old Testament from Jesus how five loaves and two fish could feed so
Hades, immediately at the Ninth Hour (3:00 many [as 5000 families], and Jesus answers by
P.M.) of Holy and Great Friday when He gave up feeding the multitude with the five loaves and
the ghost. This is called the “First Resurrection.” two fish, and there were twelve baskets left, St.
“And the graves were opened: and many bodies John 6:8-13. When Gentiles (probably
of the saints that had slept arose.” Mt 27:52. This representative of king Abgar in Edessa) came to
raises all humanity from sin and is the payment Jesus requesting an audience, Saints Andrew and
(redemption) that Christ has made for us by His Philip tell Jesus. Rather than going to Edessa in
Crucifixion. Psalm 125, “When the Lord brought Syria, which was outside of Roman territories,
back the captivity of Sion: we became like men and was preferred as a protector of Israel and
comforted...” reminds us of our rescue. Judea by many of the Jews, instead Jesus said,
St. Andrew's name (Andreas) means “The hour is come, that the Son of man should be
manhood, or valor, and is Greek; his Hebrew or glorified.” St. John 12:20-23. From this, we learn
Aramaic name is unknown. From the time of the to pay attention to the Lord but not any false
second or third century B.C., many Jews were
prophets; never underestimate the power of God;
given Greek names. All churches, East and West,
and the will of God must be followed, not the
celebrate his Feast day on Nov. 30th / Dec. 13th.
political power of man, which is only temporary.
He was the younger brother of the
(The good St. Judas went to Edessa after
Apostle Peter, and their father was a Jew named
Pentecost; see St. Jude).
Jonah (Mt 16:17, John 1:42). St. Andrew was
Some of the apocrypha differ about St.
born in Bethsaida on the shore of Galilee (John

Andrew's life after Pentecost. One epic poem lot was to spread the Gospel in Bithynia, the
differs from the Greek Acts of Andrew: Yale Propontis, Chalcedon, Byzantium, Thrace,
Studies in English, Albert S. Cook, Editor, VII Macedonia, to the Black Sea and the River
Andreas: The Legend of St. Andrew, translated Danube, as well as Thessaly, Hellas, Achaia,
from the Old English by Robert Kilburn Root, Amisus, Traezus, Heraclea, and Amastris. St.
New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1899. This Andrew went to each of these areas and cities,
is available in full, including introduction and preaching the Christian Faith with the help of
notes, by the Gutenberg Project Almighty God, joyfully bearing pain for Christ’s
http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/readfile? sake.
fk_files=172366&pageno=1 St. Andrew held an iron Cross while he
Root suggests the manuscript might have been a taught, which drove away demons and healed
copy of what had been an eighth century Scottish diseases. From time to time, he worked with
manuscript about St. Andrew. Scotland claimed other Apostles such as St. John and St. Matthias.
relics of St. Andrew since the early eighth St. Andrew stayed for two years in
century, but the story seems greatly embellished. Nicaea and Ordained a Priest there. Then he
“...The action of the story brings in a voyage, went to Nicomedia, a large city, and he Baptized
which the Greek narrative dismisses with a few Greeks there. Then he went to Chalcedon near
words, merely as a piece of necessary machinery. the Propontus, Scoutari near Byzantium, and then
The Old English poem, on the contrary, expands Neocastra, where many were converted and
the incident into many lines. A storm is Baptized. Then he went to Pontoheraclea, and
introduced and described with great vigor; we see then to Amastrida in the province of Bithynia,
the circling gull and the darting horn-fish; we and he Ordained Priests there.
hear the creaking of the ropes and the roaring of Then he went to Sinope, a city of
the waves. Every mention of the sea is dwelt Pontus, and there his brother St. Peter came to see
upon with lingering affection, and described with him. (Christians in Sinope have two marble
vivid metaphor. It is now the "bosom of the thrones of these Apostles, and an ancient wonder-
flood," now the "whale-road" or the "fish's bath." working Icon of the holy Apostle Andrew.)
Again it is the "welter of the waves," or its more Then he went on to Neocaesaria in
angry mood is personified as the "Terror of the Cappadocia and then to Samosata, a colony of
waters." In the first 500 lines alone there are no Greek philosophers. The All-Wise preaching of
less than 43 different words and phrases denoting the Apostle overcame the Hellenic reasoning as a
the sea.” Root also gives a synopsis; it differs spider’s web. They were persuaded by both his
greatly from the Greek Acts of Andrew. words and miracles, and the entire group believed
The Acts of Andrew were mentioned by in Christianity and were Baptized. (All Twelve
the early historians Eusebius and Epiphanius. Apostles are called “All-Wise,” see St. Peter and
These were probably written by Leucius St. John. “Theologian” is a term reserved to very
Charinus; M. R. James said that they were from few Saints, not even all of the Twelve Apostles,
about 260 A.D., from his edition in 1924. Pope although the words of St. Andrew at his
Gelasius I rejected this and the Gospel of St. Martyrdom show a great depth of understanding.)
Andrew in the Decretum Gelasianum, due They convened a Synod at Jerusalem, as
probably to embellishments and gnostic stated in the Acts of the Apostles “And the
influences. These were edited by Constantin von Apostles and elders came together to consider
Tischendorf; the Acta Apostolorum apocrypha, this matter” Acts 15:6, about the circumcision of
Leipzig, 1821. Another legend of St. Andrew is converts around 50 A.D. They decided that the
in the Passio Andreae, published by Max Bonnet Gentiles who joined the Christian Church needed
(Supplementum II Codicis apocryphi, Paris, to put away their sins, but they did not need a
1895). These Acts are abbreviated here. physical sign such as circumcision. They were
After Pentecost, the Apostle Andrew's guided in this decision by the Holy Spirit.

After Pascha, the holy Apostle Andrew, brought the city of Constantinople back from the
with the Apostles Matthias and Thaddaeus, went Arian heresy that had been enforced by the
to the city of Chorassan in the lands bordering eastern emperor Valens. It was through St.
Mesopotamia. St. Andrew stayed with them only Gregory Nazianzus that Orthodoxy was re-
a few days, leaving them to preach in that area established in Constantinople. St. Andrew's
while he returned to the area east of the Black presence at Byzantium is important because few
Sea, this time to the Alani and Abasgians. places lost their Orthodoxy but returned again,
Multitudes converted to the Christian Faith in with a remnant holding the Orthodox faith.
these cities. He then went to the peoples of Zygi, St. Andrew then traveled to Pontus on
the Bosporians and the straits of Kafa, where he the Black Sea, to Scythia and the Chersonese.
traveled a long time, and many were Baptized. (The Scythians were nomadic; their art was the
Then he went to the city of Byzantium same as what is called “Celtic knot-work.” See
(Constantinople) around 38 A.D., where he The Decorative Art of Russia. The Romanians
performed many miracles and instructed many in claimed to be the Scythians, although many other
the knowledge of God, bringing many to the groups probably had that inheritance. According
Light, and they built a Church in honor of the to Lavinia Stan, Lucian Turcescu, Religion and
Birthgiver of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Politics in Post-Communist Romania, Oxford
Andrew Consecrated Stachys, one of the Seventy University Press, 2007, p.48, the Romanian
Apostles of Christ, to be their Bishop (see St. Orthodox Church claims that St. Andrew
Bartholomew). St. Paul mentions Stachys in his preached to the Daco-Romans in Dobrogea,
Epistle to the Romans 16:9. (This was before an which was Scythia Minor. It is interesting that
“Apostolic See” existed in Byzantium, but the some Scottish claim that the word “Scot” is
good intentions are similar to those of St. Joseph derived from Scythia, although in Gaelic it meant
of Arimathaea who brought the Light of Christ to any people, Irish or Scottish, from the north.)
Britain, even though Britain would suffer much St. Andrew reached the River Dnieper in
tribulation in the centuries that followed. This is the land of the Rus, and stopped to rest on the
also similar to the good intentions of St. Brendan shore beneath the hills of Kiev, climbed a hill,
the Navigator who brought the Light of Christ to and set a cross on it; a cathedral dedicated to St.
the Americas, long before they were called the Andrew stands there, but instead of the mountain
Americas, but 1000 years after that in the 1500ds, of evidence that the Indian church gives for St.
a great plague killed so many millions of Thomas on a hill outside of Chennai (Madras),
“natives” of both South and North America that the presence of St. Andrew in Kiev is backed by
the teachings were only faint memory left in old few traditions. The Kievian prophecy of St.
Irish ogham script on some rocks, and some Irish Andrew about the future city of Kiev is in the
style churches.) Radzivill Chronicle, a 13th century history of
St. Andrew went west to Heraclea of Kiev from the 5th to 13th centuries; the existing
Thrace, converted many, and Consecrated Apelles copy from the 15th century. The early historian
Bishop for them. Some say that Heraclea had a Eusebius quoting Origen, says that St. Andrew
Bishopric before Byzantium (Constantinople), or, went as far as the Volga and Kiev, preaching in
the gaps in the Orthodox Succession of the Scythia along the Black Sea, where is modern
Bishopric of Byzantium caused some to say that southern Ukraine, and also that St. Andrew
Heraclea had earlier Succession, and that preached in Asia Minor. St. Andrew is one of the
Byzantium's connection to St. Andrew was Patron Saints of Romania and Russia, although
tenuous. Constantinople was very influenced by that area did not become Christian until 987 A.D.
the whims of the Emperors, being the seat of the Both the Greeks of Constantinople and
eastern part of the Roman Empire. See St. Ukraine claim St. Andrew, although prior to 987
Gregory Nazianzus (March 29 / April 11; he died A.D., most of the people of the Rus worshiped a
in 391 A.D.), who as Bishop of Constantinople false god of fire, and Byzantium was not a large

See until St. Constantine in the early 300ds. Aegeates said that Jesus was nailed to
Some modern scholars do not believe any story the Cross by the Jews for preaching such fables
of travel to a distant land with a small population, and empty words. Andrew replied that the
but the Apostles planted Christianity everywhere mystery of the Cross, if he could recognize it,
they were called by the Lord, as in the case of Ss. showed how the Creator of the human race loved
Thomas, Bartholomew, and Philip; and the us so much that he voluntarily endured these
Romans had military training camps in distant sufferings; knew ahead of time when He would
places. The claims to St. Andrew gave Kiev suffer; knew that he would be Resurrected on the
immediate importance and independence after third day; and at the Mystical Supper, told of His
their conversion in 987. The many betrayal in both the future and the past; and of
wonderworking Saints of Ukraine and Russia His own will He went to the place where He
since the conversion of Kiev would not base the would be given into the hands of the Jews.
foundation of Christianity in Kiev on a falsehood. Aegeates said he was astonished that an
St. Andrew then passed through lands to intelligent man would follow One Who was
the north where Novgorod now stands, and then crucified on a cross, whether voluntarily or
went to visit Rome. Then St. Andrew went to the involuntarily. St. Andrew then told him he
Greek land of Epirus and came to Thrace. He should listen to the great mystery of the Cross.
passed through many other lands, finally reaching Aegeates said that is was no mystery, but a form
the Peloponnese, and in the Achaian city of of execution. St. Andrew said the Cross is the
Patras, he stayed with a respected man named mystery of man's renewal, if Aegeates could
Sosius, who he healed from sickness, and listen patiently. Aegeates said he would listen
eventually he converted the entire city of Patras patiently, but if St. Andrew did not do what he
to Christ and healed many people. He healed a was told that he would be given the same mystery
ruler's wife of a severe eye infection, and refused of the Cross. St. Andrew said that if he were
money, converting the city instead; she was afraid, he would never glorify the Cross.
converted later. He was crucified on a cross by an Aegeates called St. Andrew insane with audacity
envious ruler of the city of Patras, Aegeates not to fear death. St. Andrew said it was not
Antipator. St. Andrew's Priests and Deacons of audacity but faith, for “precious is the death of
the Church of Achaia gave an eyewitness account the saints,” but “grievous is the death of sinners.”
of his suffering, abbreviated below. St. Andrew then continued to preach on
St. Andrew would not sacrifice to idols. the mystery of the Cross, hoping Aegeates would
To Aegeates, St. Andrew said that if Aegeates believe and save his soul. Aegeates wondered
were a judge of men he should recognize his how a lost soul could find faith. St. Andrew said
“Judge Who is in the heavens, and, in he could learn how men's souls are lost, to see the
recognizing Him, to worship Him; and, having salvation of the Cross. “The first man brought
worshiped the true God, to turn away from false death into the world through the tree of
deities.” Aegeates asked if he was the Andrew disobedience, and it was necessary for the human
who destroyed temples of the gods and lured race that death be abolished through the tree of
people into the sorcery that the Roman emperors suffering. And as the first man, who brought
had ordered to be destroyed. death into the world through the tree of
St. Andrew replied that the Roman disobedience, was fashioned of pure and virgin
emperors had not acknowledged the teachings of earth, so it was fitting that Christ, the perfect
the Son of God who came for our salvation. Man, Who is at the same time the Son of God
Idols are not gods but unclean demons who hate Who fashioned the first man, be born of the pure
the human race and teach men to anger God and Virgin, that He might restore the everlasting life
make Him turn away; and then demons enslave which was lost by all men; and as the first man
and deceive men, until their naked souls leave sinned, stretching forth his hands toward the tree
their bodies with nothing left but sins. of the knowledge of good and evil, so was it

fitting for the salvation of man that the Son of hindrance to my martyrdom, but do ye
God stretch forth His hands upon the Cross yourselves, as good athletes and warriors of
because of the incontinence of men’s hands, and Christ, prepare yourselves to endure patiently all
that for the sweet fruit of the forbidden tree He manner of wounds and tortures on your bodies.
eat bitter gall.” And if ye must needs fear torments, fear only
Aegeates said St. Andrew could say those which are endless and know that the terrors
things to those who would listen, but he still must and threats of men are like smoke: once they
obey Aegeates' command to sacrifice to the gods. appear, they vanish suddenly. If ye must needs
If St. Andrew would refuse he would be beaten fear sufferings, fear those which begin, never to
with staves and crucified on the cross that he end. But transitory sufferings, if they are
glorifies. St. Andrew said that he offered incense insignificant, are easily borne; and if they are
to the one, true, and omnipotent God every day; great, they come quickly to an end, releasing the
not animal sacrifice of the flesh of bullocks nor soul from the body. But terrible are those
blood of goats, but the spotless Lamb offered as a sufferings which are everlasting. Wherefore, be
Sacrifice on the Altar of the Cross. “All the ye ready, that, through transitory sufferings ye
faithful believers commune of His All-pure Body may pass over to eternal joy, where ye will
and partake of His Blood, though this Lamb rejoice and ever flourish and reign with Christ.”
remaineth whole and alive, even though He is St. Andrew taught the people the entire
truly sacrificed; they all truly eat His Flesh and night. The next morning, Aegeates Antipater had
drink His Blood, eve though, as I say, He ever St. Andrew brought before his tribunal. Aegeates
remaineth whole, unblemished and alive.” again demanded that St. Andrew abandon “this
Aegeates asked how such a thing could foolishness” and cease to preach about Christ, so
be, and St. Andrew answered that if Aegeates that he could share happiness in this life, because
wanted to learn, then he should become a disciple it is insane to be voluntarily tortured. St. Andrew
and he would learn. Aegeates threatened torture replied: “I would rather share thy happiness when
to make St. Andrew teach him. St. Andrew said, thou wilt believe in Christ and reject the idols; for
“I am amazed that thou, an educated man, Christ hath sent me to this land, in which I have
speakest so thoughtlessly...” and he asked acquired not a few people for Him.”
Aegeates if these mysteries of God could be Then Aegeates said that he would force
learned by dragging them from St. Andrew by St. Andrew to sacrifice to the gods so that the
torture. “Thou hast heard of the mystery of the people who had been deluded by Christ may also
Cross; thou hast heard also of the mystery of the abandon those teachings and also sacrifice to the
Sacrifice. If thou wilt believe that Christ, the Son gods, whose temples in every city in Achaia have
of God Who was crucified by the Jews, is the true been deserted, and the gods that have been
God, I will disclose to thee how He, having died, angered may be mollified, and the people would
liveth, and how, being offered as a sacrifice and then "abide with us in fraternal love.” If not, then
eaten, He remaineth whole in His kingdom.” St. Andrew would be tortured and “suspended
Aegeates was very angry, and put St. upon a cross, such as thou dost glorify.”
Andrew into prison. Many supporters of St. The holy Andrew replied: “Hearken, O
Andrew from that region called for his release, offspring of death, doomed to everlasting
and would have slain Aegeates, but the holy torments! Listen to me, the servant of the Lord,
Apostle did not allow it, saying: “Turn not the the Apostle of Jesus Christ! Hitherto I have
peace of our Lord Jesus Christ into the diabolic conversed with thee meekly, desiring to teach
tumult; for our Lord, when He was given over to thee the holy Faith, that thou, as a man of
death, showed great patience. He did not intellect, might recognize the truth and, rejecting
contradict; He did not cry out; His voice was not the idols, might worship God Who liveth in the
heard in the streets. Wherefore, do ye also keep heavens. But since thou remainest obdurate and
silence and be calm. I forbid you to offer any dost imagine that I am afraid of thy tortures,

devise for me the most terrible of tortures thou ardently loved, which I have unceasingly sought.
knowest; for I will become all the more pleasing Take me from among men and give me to my
to my King, the more grievous the torments I Teacher, that, through thee, He Who redeemed
endure for Him.’ me through thee may receive me.”
Aegeates had St. Andrew stretched out Then he removed his clothing and gave
and beaten, three at a time, alternating seven it to the torturers. They lifted him up on the
times, and then St. Andrew was made to stand cross, binding his hands and feet with cords; and
and was brought before the judge. The judge crucified him head-downwards and lifted him up.
said, “Listen to me, O Andrew, and shed not thy Around him stood about twenty thousand people;
blood in vain; for if thou wilt not obey me, I will including Stratocles, the brother of Aegeates, all
crucify thee on a cross.” the people cried out: “Unjustly doth this holy
“To this the holy Andrew answered: ‘I man suffer thus!” St. Andrew strengthened those
am a slave of the Cross of Christ, and I desire who believed in Christ and exhorted them to
death on a cross. Thou canst escape everlasting endure temporary sufferings, teaching them that
torment if, having tested mine endurance, thou no torment can compare with the reward.
wilt believe in Christ; for I grieve over thy The people then went to the home of
damnation more than mine own sufferings. My Aegeates, pleading loudly: “This honorable, holy
sufferings will end in a day, or two days at best; man, this kind, good-natured, meek and all-wise
but thy sufferings will not come to an end even teacher, should not suffer, but should be taken
after a thousand years. Wherefore, do not down from the cross; for, though this is already
increase thy torments; kindle not for thyself the second day on which he is on the cross, he
everlasting fire.’ still teacheth the truth.”
Aegeates, in his anger, ordered that the Aegeates feared the people, so he went
holy Apostle Andrew be crucified on a cross, his back to take St. Andrew down from the cross.
hands and feet bound without nails, to lengthen When St. Andrew saw Aegeates, he said:
the suffering of St. Andrew before his death. “Wherefore hast thou come hither, Aegeates? If
When the servants of Aegeates brought thou wishest to believe in Christ, the portal of
St. Andrew to the place of crucifixion, the people grace will be opened to thee as I have promised.
cried out: “Wherein hath this righteous man and But if thou hast come only to take me down from
friend of God sinned? Why are they leading him the cross, I do not wish to be taken from the cross
to crucifixion?” St. Andrew begged them not to alive; for I already see my King; I already
interfere. St. Andrew was happy to walk to the worship Him; I already stand before Him. Yet I
cross, and he never stopped teaching. When he suffer for thee, because the everlasting perdition
was near the place where he would be crucified, prepared for thee awaiteth thee. Take care of
seeing the cross, he cried loudly: “Hail, O Cross thyself while thou mayest, lest thou desire to
sanctified by the flesh of Christ and adorned by begin when thou art no longer able to do so.”
His members as with pearls! Until the Lord was The servants were unable to touch him
crucified upon thee, thou was a thing abhorrent to when they went to untie him from the cross. Very
men; but now they love thee and embrace thee many people tried to untie St. Andrew, but their
with yearning, for the faithful know what joy hands became numb, and they were not able.
thou containest, and what reward is prepared for Then the holy Apostle Andrew cried with a loud
enduring thee. With boldness and joy I come to voice: “O Lord Jesus Christ, do not allow me to
thee. Accept me with gladness, for I am a be taken down from the cross on which I have
disciple of Him Who was lifted up on thee! been suspended for Thy Name; but receive me, O
Receive me, for I have always loved and desired my Teacher, Whom I have loved, Whom I have
to embrace thee, O precious cross which received known, Whom I confess, Whom I desire to see,
from the members of the Lord beauty and through Whom I have become what I am! O
glorious adornment, a beauty long desired, Lord Jesus Christ, receive my spirit in peace, for

the time hath come for me to go to Thee and look and claims to be where the relics of St. Andrew
upon Thee Whom I have so ardently desired! were kept. However, tradition says that the relics
Receive me, O good Teacher, and do not permit were moved. St. Jerome, who died A.D. 419,
me to be taken down over-soon from the cross, said that the relics of St. Andrew were taken from
before Thou receivest my spirit!” Patras to the Church of the Holy Apostles in
A light from heaven bright as lightning Constantinople, following the order of the Roman
illuminated him for all to see, shining around him emperor Constantius II around 357.
for half and hour, so bright that sinful man was Some relics of St. Andrew are in the
unable to look at him. St. Andrew departed in the “National Shrine of Saint Andrew”, St Mary's
brilliant light, to stand before the Lord. Roman Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Afterwards, a woman named Maximilla, See March 30 / April 12 for Riaghail, Regulus, or
who was of a noble family, and who had led a Rule, who was a missionary to Scotland, in the
virtuous and holy life, took down his body with tower of St. Rule. Also, Oct 11 / 24 St. Cainnech
great honor. She embalmed it with costly (Kenneth, pronounced “Kenny”). Oengus said
ointments, and laid it in the tomb in which she about Cainnech, “Aghaboe was his principal
herself had intended to be interred. church and he has a Recles (recluse or
Aegeates was angered, and thought monastery) at Kill-Rigmonaig in
about how to punish people who had challenged Alba.” (Rigmond.) (These relics are three fingers
him, and he intended to denounce Maximilla of Saint Andrew's right hand, a part of one of his
before the emperor. But suddenly a demon arms, one kneecap, and one of his teeth.) In 736
attacked and tortured him, and Aegeates died in a Pictish monarch acquired the relics of St.
the middle of the city. The people told his Andrew and brought them to Rigmond, in Fife or
brother Stratocles that Aegeates had died, and he Cill Rimhinn, and the monastery changed its
ordered him buried, but refused to take any of his name to St. Andrew's, the location of the modern
property, saying: “O my Lord Jesus Christ, grant town of St. Andrews. The manuscripts that tell
not that I touch any of my brother’s treasures, lest this history include one in the Bibliothèque
I be defiled by his sin; for, loving vain Nationale, Paris, which had been willed to Louis
possessions, he dared to slay the Apostle of the XIV of France by Jean-Baptiste Colbert; and in
Lord.” All of his brother's wealth was distributed the British Library, London, in the Harleian Mss.
both to the poor, and also he built a diocesan They say that a monk named Regulus or Rule
house on the site where the Saint’s relics lay. brought the relics to the Pictish king Oengus mac
After a while, Stratocles reposed; a good Fergusa (729-761).
shepherd of the wise flock. Maximilla also The problem with the account is that
distributed her gold to the poor, and founded two Regulus or Rule was one of the monks who went
monasteries: one for men, and one for women, with St. Colm Cille (Columba) to Iona in
and later reposed and went to heaven. 573-600; it is possible that the relics were already
The Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle in Ireland or Scotland much earlier than that. The
Andrew took place on the last day of the month relics may have been brought by Acca, Bishop of
of November, in the city of Patras in Achaia. The Hexam when he was driven from Hexam in 732,
prayers of the Apostle Andrew have given great and founded a See, perhaps at St. Andrews,
blessings to the people. All of the people feared instead of Galloway. Some say that the relics of
God, and “there was no one who did not believe St. Andrew arrived in Scotland from
in our God and Savior, Who desires to save all Constantinople by supernatural means (see St.
men and lead them to a knowledge of the truth, to Bartholomew and St. James the Greater). Others
Whom be glory for ever. Amen.” say that very early Christians brought relics of the
St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Patras. Holy Apostles north to Scotland and Ireland
A Basilica of St. Andrew in Patras (Patrae) in when they were escaping the persecutions of
Achaea stands over the place of his crucifixion, emperors such as Diocletian. Some Apostles may

have visited the area of Scotland in person; in speak the word of God to the King without
1320, the Declaration of Arbroath said that having their mouth covered with their hand in
Scotland was converted to Christianity by St. order that the word of God would not strike the
Andrew the First-Called, who taught the King dead. People back then and current tended
Fordunna. Scot is similar to Scythia, which is to gradually go to the much more elaborate
noted by Gaelic historians, and Fordunna (people Churches of the Roman Catholics and slowly the
in the dark north region) to Black Sea. Culdee Churches died out. The remaining
A legend says that in a battle against Culdee priests were rounded up during the 11th
pagans that was joined by the English, king or 12th century and taken to St. Andrews to live
Ungus, either Oengus mac Fergusa (729-761) or out their lives with their families [they were no
Oengus II (830-834), saw a saltire (“X”) in the longer allowed to preach]. The Culdee priest
sky and said that St. Andrew was watching and believed in marriage among other things that was
praying for them, and if they would win, then St. in conflict with Rome. James MacBain is
Andrew would grace them with his Patronage. looking to find the old book he has telling the
This may be the earliest known tradition of the story of the Culdees. Bye for now! Le deagh
saltire (“X”) shaped cross. The Scottish Church, dhurachd, Rodney. Mar sin leat a nis” (This
like the Church in Kiev, needed an independent does not address the question of why the Roman
claim for their Succession; the Irish and Scottish churches seemed more elaborate; perhaps the
were attacked in the Synod of Whitby for various buildings were bigger than small stone churches;
disobediences such as an “Old Calendar” and the or perhaps the Culdee Priests, after they were no
eastern tonsure instead of the “crown of thorns” longer allowed to attend seminary, and may have
haircut of continental Europe, even though now it no longer had access to Liturgical materials, were
is known that the Irish followed an earlier Roman simply leading some simple prayers.)
calendar than the Romans followed at the time When Constantinople was sacked, which
(see Feb. 18th, St. Colman of Lindisfarne, who took place not in a day but for many years; the
died in A.D. 676). Scotland claimed St. Andrew relics of St. Andrew were taken to Amalfi Italy in
as its Patron Saint about the middle of the tenth 1208, by Pedro, cardinal of Capua. Relics of St.
century, and later the “X” shaped cross became Andrew are kept in the Duomo de Sant'Andrea in
their national flag and seal from 1180. Many Amalfi, Italy, in a tomb in its crypt. Amalfi
parish churches in Scotland are named after St. claims to have “the rest of” the relics of St.
Andrew, or it is possible that these are ancient Andrew, but others have relics as well, and not all
Fordunna shrines. In Rome, the national Scottish the relics were removed from Constantinople at
church is called Sant'Andrea degli Scozzesi. the time of the sacking of the city.
It is said that the Cele De, Culdees, or Later, St. Andrew's head was given by
those dedicated to God, were starved on the site the Byzantine leader Thomas Palaeologus to the
of the modern St. Andrew's golf course; the Cele Roman Pope Pius II in 1461, after the fall of
De were married monastics who refused to give Constantinople to the Turks in 1453; perhaps for
up Irish Rule. The source for this is a family safe-keeping, perhaps as a plea for help from
record of the event; enough of a source to Rome. That relic became one of the great
venerate the place. From Rodney Hopper: treasures of St. Peter's Basilica, in one of the four
“What I have learned through a Scottish Historian central piers. In 1964, Pope Paul VI of Rome
and 22nd Hereditary Chief of the Clan MacBean sent those relics of St. Andrew back to Patras, in
(MacBain) is that the Culdees Catholics were in an overture to the Greek Orthodox Church: the
competition with the Roman Catholics. Their small finger, part of the cranium, and small parts
Churches were plain and simple, and the priests of the cross of St. Andrew. On May 8, 2008, the
did not address Mass at the congregation but on relic believed to be Andrew's head was
at angle of them. This idea may go back to the “returned” to Amalfi Cathedral from Patras.
Time of King David when the priest would not Relics of St. Andrew are also in the

Church of St. Andrew and St. Albert in Warsaw, the designer of the Confederate flag claimed that
Poland, and in smaller reliquaries in many other he used that cross so that it would not be a
places in the world. Malta also had a veneration religious symbol but only a device of heraldry,
for St. Andrew, recorded in a visit by Mgr. Pietro changing the flag from an upright cross. (As in
Dusina in 1497 to the village of Luqa. Many modern times, the Celtic Cross has been
countries also claim his Patronage. He is claimed incorporated into devices for groups that have
by Scotland, Russia, Romania, Greece, Amalfi, nothing to do with anything Celtic or Christian.)
Luqa in Malta, and Prussia. Most of the relics are Matches Psalm 125 (Hebrew 126):
in Amalfi, Italy; some in Edinburgh, Scotland. “When the Lord brought back the captivity of
The tradition of the “St. Andrew's Sion: we became like men comforted. Then was
Cross” which is shaped like an X is late. Notice our mouth filled with gladness: and our tongue
that in the Martyrdom above, the Acts of Andrew, with joy. Then shall they say among the Gentiles:
known by St. Gregory of Tours, the shape of the The Lord hath done great things for them. The
cross is not specified. [In Monumenta Germaniae Lord hath done great things for us: we are
Historica II, cols. 821-847, translated in M.R. become joyful. Turn again our captivity, O Lord,
James, The Apocryphal New Testament (Oxford) as a stream in the south. They that sow in tears
reprinted 1963:369.] The only unique aspects of shall reap in joy. Going, they went and wept,
the crucifixion of St. Andrew were that he was casting their seeds. But coming, they shall come
bound and not nailed to prolong his suffering; he with joyfulness, carrying their sheaves.”
was crucified upside-down; and could not be
taken down until he died. The later image of St. Philip said, ‘He descended into hell.’
Andrew's “X” cross may have been the twisting Jesus shows us that He goes to the furthest
bonds, or the cross may have leaned over during reaches of our confusion, sin, or apathy, beyond
his suffering. The “X” cross is called the “Crux freeing captives from Hades (the verse for St.
decussata” or the “Saltire Cross.” A legend grew Andrew). St. Philip starts with great faith, but
up that St. Andrew requested that he be crucified later he no longer understands, but the Lord is
by a different kind of Cross than the Lord Jesus merciful, descending into the hell of confusion to
Christ, because he was unworthy of the Lord's teach him, and Jesus continues to teach us. The
Cross. [F. Dvornik, The Idea of Apostolicity in Psalm 126 is a reflection of the Parables of Christ
about the foundation of faith being built on God.
Byzantium and the Legend of the Apostle Andrew
[St. Luke 6:47-49.] St. Philip mainly traveled
Dumbarton Oaks Studies, IV (Cambridge) 1958;
with St. Bartholomew.
Judith Calvert, "The Iconography of the St.
St. Philip, also from Bethsaida by the sea
Andrew Auckland Cross" The Art Bulletin 66.4
of Galilee, was called the day after Ss. Peter and
(December 1984:543-555) p. 545, note 12:
Andrew, according to the Gospel of St. John
according to Louis Réau, Iconographie de l'art
1:43-44. The Gospel does not say that Philip
chrétien III.1 (Paris) 1958:79, “the Andrew cross
names Jesus as the Messiah, but Philip does say
appears for the first time in the tenth century, but that Moses and the Prophets point to Jesus: St.
does not become the iconographic standard John 1:45-46 “Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith
before the seventeenth.” Calvert could not find a to him: We have found him of whom Moses in
sculpture of St. Andrew's saltire cross earlier than the law, and the prophets did write, Jesus the son
an early twelfth century capital from Quercy, of Joseph of Nazareth. And Nathanael said to
although other kinds of iconographic him: Can any thing of good come from Nazareth?
representations are not mentioned by her, such as Philip saith to him: Come and see.”
the vision in the sky in Scotland.] Nathanael is more explicit when he sees
The Saltire Cross is used in many flags: Jesus: St. John 1:49 “Nathanael answered him,
Scotland, within the Union Jack of England, and said: Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art
Nova Scotia, Tenerife, and the naval jack of the king of Israel.” (See St. Peter; St. Nathanael
Russia. The Confederate flag uses that cross, but says this first of all the Apostles.) Some say that

Bartholomew was the surname of St. Nathanael. The apocryphal Acts of Philip tells of his
Although Mt 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14, and teaching and martyrdom at Hierapolis. The
Acts 1:13 are quoted to support St. Philip paired Apostles Philip and Bartholomew taught together,
with St. Bartholomew: these are only lists of the with Philip's sister Mariamne, who also taught.
Twelve Apostles, not an isolated pair; St. Philip is They went to Greece, Phrygia, and Syria. In the
always fifth in the list. city of Hierapolis, the proconsul's wife was
When Jesus was about to do the miracle converted by the Apostle Philip. (See St.
of the five loaves and two fish, He asked St. Bartholomew for the details of the Martyrdom of
Philip, familiar with costs, the price of bread, [St. the Holy Apostle Philip.) A grapevine grew in
John 6:5-7] and St. Philip said “Two hundred three days where St. Philip had been crucified.
pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them...”. A longer version of The Acts of Philip
Outsiders, probably emissaries from was discovered by François Bovon and Bertrand
king Abgarius of Edessa seeking healing for their Bouvier in 1974, in the Xenophontos monastery
king, approached St. Philip first at the time of on Mt. Athos: a fourteenth century copy of a
Palm Sunday, St. John 12:21, indicating that St. fourth century manuscript. The non-Canonical
Philip had knowledge of foreign languages before “Acts” of the Apostles are heretical with Gnostic
Pentecost (or they spoke Aramaic. See St. Jude.) (probably Manichean) additions that go against
At the Last Supper, in St. John 14:8-21 the rest of Scripture: such as absolute
St. Philip asks Jesus to show us the Father and it vegetarianism, including using vegetables and
would be enough, but Jesus said to him, “Have I water instead of bread and wine in religious
been so long a time with you and have you not services, and women such as St. Philip's sister, St.
known me? Philip, he that seeth me seeth the Mariamne, as major clergy. And there are talking
Father also. How sayest thou: Shew us the animals and the slaying of a dragon. Counter to
Father? Do you not believe that I am in the Father another report of the married state of St. Philip by
and the Father in me? The words that I speak to St. Clement of Alexandria; the “Acts” preached
you, I speak not of myself. But the Father Who absolute celibacy. Even so, there are a few
abideth in me, He doth the works...” Even though beautiful moments, such as Apostle Philip's
at the beginning of his discipleship, St. Philip was calling including a blessing by Saints Peter and
able to find references pointing to a Messiah in John, and a divine call from Jesus, in the words:
Moses and the Prophets, he was confused at the “Hurry Philip! Behold, my angel is with you, do
Last Supper. It is good for our sakes that St. not neglect your task” and “Jesus is secretly
Philip asked this question, because this passage walking with him.” (ch. 3).
also describes the Holy Spirit proceeding from Other apocryphal works were attributed
the Father [St. John 14:16-17], and it gives clear to Apostle Philip, including a Gospel, but that is
instruction about the Holy Trinity. Jesus gives not a Canonical book, not being of certain source.
further instruction to St. Judas (not Iscariot) and Matches Psalm 126 (Hebrew 127):
the other Apostles [St. John 14:22-16:28] “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in
concerning the Holy Trinity and Himself. vain that build it. Unless the Lord keep the city,
In chapter 8 of the Book of Acts, St. he watcheth in vain that keepeth it. It is vain for
Philip acts in the power of the Holy Spirit to you to rise before light: rise ye after you have
convert the Samaritans and a eunuch of Ethiopia sitten, you that eat the bread of sorrow. When He
of great authority under their queen. (Some shall give sleep to His beloved: behold, the
people do not connect the Apostle Philip with the inheritance of the Lord are children: the reward,
Philip in the Book of Acts, but there is no reason the fruit of the womb. As arrows in the hand of
to doubt their connection; Eusebius connected the the mighty: so the children of them that have
two.) St. Clement of Alexandria claimed that St. been shaken. Blessed is the man that hath filled
Philip was married had children, and one of his the desire with them: he shall not be confounded
daughters was married. when he shall speak to his enemies in the gate.”

Thomas said, ‘He arose on the third day.’ 3nd (the Roman Rite changed that date recently),
St. Thomas was a witness to the Resurrection, and October 6/19 in the Byzantine Rite.
allowing the Lord to show the miracle that He Secondary dates include July 3rd in the Celtic and
still has deep wounds and He is physically risen. Roman Rites, which is a translation of his relics
St. Thomas completes the Apostles' witness of the from Mylapore on the coast of Marina Beach in
Resurrection; his belief in the Resurrection Chennai (Madras) in India to Edessa. The
overcoming doubts; connecting the belief in the Byzantine Rite also commemorates the Arabian
Resurrection with a journey of faith. St. Thomas or Arapet Icon of the Theotokos (Birthgiver of
is also known, in the Protevangelium of James, to God, or Deigenetrix, the Blessed Virgin Mary)
have had a similar occurrence at the death of the Sept. 6th, which appeared when St. Thomas took
Blessed Virgin Mary, witnessing her ascent into his mission to Ethiopia, Arabia, and India.
heaven. St. Thomas traveled the farthest, to the The history of St. Thomas is mostly in
region that is modern Pakistan and India, and apocryphal works. Tradition says that St.
perhaps as far as China, which at that time Thomas was born in Galilee in the town of
changed its main deity to be more feminine to Paneada to poor parents. Instead of children's
compete with a church dedicated to the Blessed games, he studied the law of Moses and did
Virgin Mary. There is archaeological evidence physical work. It is said that he was a fisherman,
for St. Thomas's presence in India and Pakistan. but his history in India implies that he was also a
The Aramaic name Tau'ma pronounced carpenter. St. Thomas heard and saw Jesus in the
T'oma, or Thomas means twin. Didymus means cities and villages, but when St. Thomas was
twin in Greek. (St. John 11:16; 20:24; and 21:2). called as an Apostle is not mentioned.
“Thomas called Didymus” means “Twin called When Lazarus was four days in the
Twin.” His given first name is omitted in tomb, before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead,
Scripture, but tradition says that he was yet St. Thomas said, “Let us also go, that we may die
another Apostle with the first name of “Judas,” with him” (St. John 11:16). This refers to going
although not the same “Judas” as either the good to Judea to visit Lazarus who has died; the other
St. Jude, or the betrayer of Christ Judas Iscariot. Apostles did not want to go. St. Thomas has the
The lists of the Twelve Apostles in Scripture and greatest faith in Jesus, willing to walk to death
Apocryphal books shows two of the Twelve Holy with Jesus in Judea, going furthest for the Lord.
Apostles named Judas, and Thomas as yet St. Thomas and St. Philip question Jesus
another Holy Apostle in the same lists. The twin during the Last Supper, in St. John 14:5. Jesus
of Thomas is unknown; he is not a twin of Jesus says that the disciples know the way where He is
as one apocryphal book says. The Ever-Virgin going. St. Thomas says, “Lord, we know not
Mary had only one Son, although both Jesus and whither thou goest; and how can we know the
St. Thomas were carpenters according to the way?” And Jesus replies to St. Thomas: St. John
apocryphal history of St. Thomas in Pakistan or 14:6-7 “...I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
India. The other Apostles were mostly fishermen, No man cometh to the Father, but by me. If you
although very different from one another. A twin had known me, you would without doubt have
may have understood the questions and doubts known my Father also: and from henceforth you
found in people from places where a much larger shall know him, and you have seen him.” (This
and more crowded population lived, where one's is another opportunity for us to hear Jesus
identity seems to be dissolved. Twins were teaching about the relationship between Him and
sometimes seen as a curse, creating difficulties of His Father in heaven.) St. Thomas seeks this
providing food in poor families, and inheritance Way, and although he seems less brave than
problems in the rich. previously, he is willing to go. Psalm 127,
There are several Feast days of St. “Blessed are all they that fear the Lord: that walk
Thomas: In all churches, there is a celebration of in His ways...” matches the life of St. Thomas.
St. Thomas the Sunday after Pascha. The main St. Thomas traveled outside the Roman Empire;
Feast day, in the Celtic Rite is December 21st / Jan further than St. Bartholomew, St. Philip, St. Jude

in Edessa; further than those who were reputed to Because at first St. Thomas doubts the
have been in Spain and Britain, or Scythia and Resurrection (in St. John's Gospel), he is also
Russia. The area of preaching of St. Thomas called “Doubting Thomas,” which is as unfair as
included Persia, India, and perhaps China. saying, “Denying Peter.” This passage of
In St. John 20:19-31, we hear how St. Scripture points to the need for faith. Because St.
Thomas was not present with the other Apostles Thomas does believe after seeing Jesus, he is also
when Jesus first visited them in their room after called St. Thomas the believer. Most Christian
the Resurrection. St. Thomas doubts the Lord’s Churches do not deny St. Peter's contributions,
Resurrection, saying, “Except I shall see in His but many Christians doubt the mission of St.
hands the print of the nails, and put my finger Thomas to the east. There are many evidences of
into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into St. Thomas in the east, more than any other
His side, I will not believe.” But after eight days, Apostle in other places.
when Jesus again visited them in the room with St. Ephraem the Syrian (from Edessa),
St. Thomas present, after wishing them peace, the said in the 4th century: “It was to a land of dark
Lord turned to St. Thomas and told him to put his people he was sent, to clothe them by Baptism in
finger into His side, and be not faithless but white robes. His grateful dawn dispelled India's
believing. The Scripture does not say that St. painful darkness. It was his mission to espouse
Thomas did such a thing. He said to Jesus, “My India to the One-Begotten. The merchant is
Lord and my God.” Jesus then told him, and all blessed for having so great a treasure. Edessa
of us, “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou thus became the blessed city by possessing the
hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen, greatest pearl India could yield. Thomas works
and yet have believed.” The Lord blesses us for miracles in India, and at Edessa Thomas is
our faith in His Resurrection, we who did not see destined to baptize peoples perverse and steeped
Him in person on earth. in darkness, and that in the land of India.” From
It is St. Thomas who emphasizes that the Hymns of St. Ephraem, edited by Lamy (Ephr.
same Lord Who suffered is the Lord Who came Hymni et Sermones, IV).
back from the dead. The Risen Lord Jesus Christ All of the “Acts” of the Apostles that are
is not an illusion, or a phantom, or even some not part of Canonical Scripture must be read with
kind of different being that would not suffer pain, caution. The Acts of Thomas emphasizes works
but the same Lord, fully human and fully Divine: instead of theology. The original was in Syriac
a similar realization as the Apostle John's (Aramaic) translated into Greek; the surviving
teaching on Jesus as the Word of God. The Syriac version purged the worst of the Gnostic
questions and the demonstration given to St. heresies. The Acts of Thomas is from the first or
Thomas help us to realize the truth of the second century, but was probably embellished in
Resurrection. This important passage is always later copies. It portrays Christ as a heavenly
read in the Close of “Bright Week,” the Sunday redeemer above and beyond Creation; a form of
after Pascha, in all Churches, whether Celtic, Gnosticism which is the Monophysite heresy.
Byzantine, or Roman, called “The Close of (And, after the time of St. Thomas in India, the
Pascha” in the Celtic Rite, “St. Thomas Sunday” Gnosticism of Mani, or Manicheanism which
in the Byzantine Rite, or “Low Sunday” in the emphasized emanations, dualism, avatars, and de-
Roman Rite. (The other readings for the “Close emphasized Jesus, took over almost all of India.
of Pascha” in the Celtic Rite: Isaiah 61:1-7 Mani means “pearl,” but was not the great pearl
“...The acceptable year of the Lord...”; and for that St. Thomas was.)
the Epistle, I Corinthians. 15:12-28 “...But now Hindu pagan religions existed in India
is Christ risen from the dead, the first-fruits of before the first century, although not in their
them that sleep...”; and a Sequence that is present forms; Buddhism was the major religion
specified, Daniel 3:1-45 the first part of Daniel in India then. The Hindu revival which took over
before the Song of the Three Youths.) most of the Buddhists and Christians started in

the southeast side of India, on the other coast St. Judas (Thaddeus) to Edessa after Pentecost to
from India's concentration of Christians. The preach there, at the invitation of Abgar, the king
Hindu revival did not only rely on the ancient of Edessa (now Urfa). See St. Jude. The Apostle
Vedas, but added ideas that had not appeared “Judas Thomas” is not the same as the Apostle
before the coming of St. Thomas such as a trinity, Jude who was sent to Edessa: The Acts of Judas
although the Hindu triune gods fight and play Thomas (between 180 – 230 A.D.); Eusebius,
tricks on eachother. The Hindu revival also Historia Ecclesiae 13.12, and also 1.13; III.1; St.
borrowed inspirational stories, such as the Ephrem the Syrian; Doctrine of the Apostles,
building of an imaginary palace attributed to a Syrian, 3rd Century.
Hindu hero; this story is very similar to the Acts The area St. Thomas was to go to was
of Thomas. One scholar attributes many traits of mostly east of the Caspian Sea, was huge,
modern Hinduism to the sect of Manicheans difficult to travel to because of the expense,
(gnostic “Christians” who followed a Syrian distance, and dangers of the road, had the largest
named Mani). This scholar also has gathered population in the world, and like Greece and
information about the coming of St. Thomas to Rome was pagan and fierce. (Some of this area is
India, from an Indian Christian point of view. now Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.) St. Thomas was
Prof. M. M. Ninan's Biblical and Apologetic discouraged, so the Lord appeared to him in a
Studies: The Development of Hinduism. vision, giving strength and a command to be
www.oration.com/~mm9n/articles/dev/ brave. The Lord Jesus also said He would be
(St. Bartholomew also went to lands to with St. Thomas. Soon the Lord showed St.
the east. St. Bartholomew copied the Gospel of Thomas an easy way to travel.
St. Matthew from the Aramaic and brought it The King of India, named Gundafor,
with him to India. The “Gospel of St. Thomas” is wanted to build the most wonderful palace for
not the same as the Gospel of St. Matthew, but it himself ever, rivaling the Roman emperors, and
is an early apocryphal book.) he had heard that at Palestine there were very
The word “India” refers to the place skilled architects, and sent a trustworthy
where there are diverse polytheistic pagan merchant named Abban (or Habban, or Appu) to
religions collectively called “Hinduism.” The Palestine to search for one. (Perhaps because of
name “Parthia” referred to countries far to the the second temple built by “Herod the Great,” the
east of the Roman Empire; including and beyond tetrarch of Galilee appointed by the Roman Mark
countries such as Persia, much like “Scots” Antony in 37 B.C.; see St. Matthew 2:1. Indian
means northern, and refers to Irish and Scottish. kings hired architects from anywhere in the
From the Acts of Thomas: (The Christian world, but India also had huge stone castles
story pre-dates the pagan story like it; in the case before Christ, which were copied in much later
of St. Thomas, it is important to show such centuries by Moslems and others in the Middle
precedence. Later gnostic and pagan changes East.) The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Abban
show the danger of forgetting the originals.) in the marketplace, and said to him: “Wilt thou
After Christ Ascended into heaven and not purchase a captive of Mine, who is a builder
the Holy Spirit came to the Apostles at Pentecost, by trade?” Abban replied: “Yea.” The Savior
lots were cast to see where each of them should then pointed St. Thomas out to Abban, and they
preach the Word of God. The lot of St. Thomas agreed to a price of three pounds of silver. The
was to go far to the east, to India, and to the Master and Lord of all Christians then signed the
Parthians, Medes, Persians, Hyrcanians, and bill of sale, in writing, saying: “I, Jesus, son of
Bactrians. The documentation of St. Thomas in Joseph the carpenter, do sell My slave Thomas to
India is from very early sources; other Apostles Abban.” Then Abban went to St. Thomas and
have less documentation, such as St. James the showed him the bill of sale, and asked him if he
Greater teaching in Hispania or Judea. were truly a slave. St. Thomas immediately said,
Before going to India, St. Thomas sent “Yea. He is my Lord, and in His compassion,

hath paid a tremendous sum as ransom for me.” went away after having some blood. Then dogs
Thomas then followed and served Abban. That came and tore the body to pieces. One black dog
evening, the Lord Jesus appeared to St. Thomas took the right hand into the banquet hall and
in a vision, and showed him the silver, saying, dropped it in sight of everyone. Everyone asked
“Know thou the price of thy purchase. May My whose hand it was. The lute player told them, “A
grace be ever with thee.” Abban took St. strange and fearful mystery hath taken place
Thomas, and they set sail. among us: either God or a messenger of God is
[Archeologists unearthed a story in India with us among those reclining at this feast. For I
recorded by M. M. Ninan on his website, that St. saw how the wine-master struck a certain man,
Thomas had the purchase price of Jesus, the 30 and I heard that man say: ‘May I see thy right
pieces of silver, which had come to St. Thomas hand dragged about by a dog in the sight of
when the field of blood was sold to the Priests many!’ And this, as ye can see, has taken place.”
who did not want the “blood money,” and with Then all present were afraid.
that bought his passage to India. The Nair tribe The king heard about the event after the
who took St. Thomas in as a guest claims to own banquet was ended, and summoned the Apostle
four pieces of silver paid to them which they did Thomas to him. The king said, “Enter the palace
not spend because it was given by a guest. It is and bless my daughter who hath been given in
untarnished, and can be dated to the first century marriage.” The Apostle entered the bed-chamber,
from Palestine.] and taught the couple the way to preserve pure
They stopped at the city of Andrapolis, virginity in chastity, and then he prayed over
and heard trumpets and other instruments them and blessed them, and left the room. The
playing. Heralds proclaimed that the king was couple both had a dream where they saw Jesus
giving his daughter in marriage, and everybody Christ who appeared to them as the Apostle
must attend: rich, poor, slaves, and travelers, and Thomas, and embraced them with love. The
if any did not come the king would judge them. husband said to the Lord, “Thou wast the first to
St. Abban and St. Thomas went to the wedding at leave us. How is it, then, that thou hast come
the palace. St. Thomas took the last place, ate hither again?” The Lord answered, “I am not
nothing, and spent the time in thought. A person Thomas, but his Brother [as Thomas was an
near asked him, “Why did you come here, when Apostle]. All who have renounced the world and
you do not eat or drink?” St. Thomas answered follow Me, as he hath done, will not only be My
that it was the will of the king, but he did not brethren in the life to come, but will also inherit
come to eat or drink. A woman who was a Jew My kingdom. Wherefore, do not forget, O My
played the lute for each person (l’oud, a Middle- children, what My brother hath counseled you;
Eastern instrument which became popular in and if, in accordance with his advice, ye preserve
Europe many centuries later). She sang in your virginity inviolate, ye will be counted
Hebrew to St. Thomas, “One is the God of the worthy of imperishable crowns in My heavenly
Jews, Who hath made heaven and the earth.” The bridal-chamber.” And then the Lord vanished.
Apostle was glad to hear this, and asked her to They both woke from sleep, and both discovered
repeat her song several times. The wine-master that they had had the same dream, and then they
struck him in the face because he was not prayed the rest of the night. [Note: the Church
participating much, saying to be happy, not sad; does not condemn marriage or children, but each
and drink with the rest of the company. The person has their own calling in life. St. Thomas
Apostle Thomas said to him in Hebrew, “May the knew that the daughter of this king would be
Lord reward thee for this even in this life! May I involved in the things of this world, tied to her
see the hand which struck me dragged about by a father’s and husband’s earthly kingdoms if she
dog in the sight of many!” Soon the wine-master consummated the marriage, but as a virgin, she
went to the well outside to bring water for guests would be more free to learn about the Kingdom
to mix with their wine. A lion slew him, and of heaven. Celibacy is encouraged, but marriage

is a Sacrament of the Church, allowing children. London, 1864: Latin Translation by A. Assemani;
Christ blessed and healed children, Mt. 19:14.] Vindobonae, 1856; Didascalia in Coptic,
In the morning, the king visited them in Ethiopic, and Arabic. Also see Medlycott, p. 33
their rooms, and found the new couple sitting ff. “...the whole Persia of the Assyrians and
apart from each other. He asked them why they Medes, and of the countries round about
were not together, and they told him, “We are Babylon…. even to the borders of the Indians and
praying to God to give us the strength to preserve even to the country of Gog and Magog” received
our virginity until death, so that we may be given “the Apostles’ Hand of Priesthood from Aggaeus
eternal crowns in the bridal-chamber of heaven, the disciple of Addaeus.” (Cureton, pp. 32, 33,
as the Lord who appeared promised.” The king 34). 20th Century Discussions: Medlycott, pp
realized that the stranger had convinced them to 33-37 alias Menachery, STCEI, II, 20-21,
do this, and he sent servants to arrest St. Thomas, Farquhar, p. 26 ff. St. Ephrem (or Ephraem) the
but he and Abban had already sailed for India. Syrian (from Edessa), 4th c. (d 373). In his forty-
There are many sources saying that St. second of his "Carmina Nisibina" he talks about
Thomas went to Parthia (greater Persia including St. Thomas in India and the return of his relics to
part of India): St. Clement of Alexandria, (died Edessa. Medlycott, India and the Apostle St.
235 A.D.) Origen (3rd c., died 254?), in the third Thomas (London, 1905). (There is also a tradition
chapter of his Commentary on Genesis (quoted that St. Thomas met the Magi on his way to
by Eusebius) Farquhar, p. 30. 20th Century India.) St. Gregory Nazianzus, the Theologian,
Discussions: Perumalil, pp. 50,51.E. R. Hambye, Bishop of Nazianzus and Constantinople 4th c. (d.
“Saint Thomas and India”, The Clergy Monthly 389) “What? were not the Apostles strangers
16 (1952). Comes, S. J., “Did St. Thomas Really amidst the many nations and countries over
come to India?”, in Menachery (Ed).) STCEI, II. which they spread themselves?…Peter indeed
Farquhar, pp. 30,31. Eusebius of Caesarea 4th may have belonged to Judea; but what had Paul
century (d. 340) (Historia Ecclesiastica, III.1) in common with the gentiles, Luke with Achaia,
quotes Origen about Pantaenus' visit to India. Andrew with Epirus, John with Ephesus, Thomas
Patrologia Graeca (Migne), 19-24., 20.215 with India, Mark with Italy?” 20th Century
J.C.Panjikaran, Christianity in Malabar w.s.r.t. Discussions : Medlycott, pp, 42,43; Perumalil pp.
The St. Thomas Christians of the Syro-Malabar 43,44. F. St. Ambrose of Milan 4th century (d.
Rite, Orientalia Christiana, VI, 2 (23), Roma I, 397) “...India to Thomas, Persia to Mathew..”
April 1926, p.99 esp. for reference to Pantaenus’ Migne, P-L 140 1143. (Also see 17. 1131,
Indian visit. 17.1133, for the knowledge of Indian geography
There are also many sources that say that and customs.) 20th Century Discussions:
St. Thomas went to India: The Acts of Judas Medlycott, pp. 43, 44. Perumalil, pp.
Thomas (between 180 – 230 A.D.) Dr. Wright 44.45,Perumalil and Menachery (STCEI I, II),
(Ed.), Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, London, Migne Edns.; Wm. A. Jurgens, Faith of the Early
1871 (Syriac Text in Vol.1, English translation in Fathers: etc. History of Christianity-Source
Vol. II); Rev. Paul Bedjan, Acta Martyrum et Materials by M. K. George, CLS, Madras, 1982
Sanctorum, Vol. III, Leipsic-Paris, 1892.A. E. and the Handbook of Source Materials by Wm.
Medlycott, India and the Apostle Thomas, G. Young.D. Ferroli, The Jesuits in Malabar, Vol.
London 1905, Appendix, pp. 221 -225. I. Bangalore, 1939, esp. notes and documents p.
(Although some say that Medlycott's scholarship 71 ff.; W.S. Hunt, The Anglican Church in
was fabricated.) Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiae Travancore and Cochin, Kottayam, 1920, esp. p.
13.12, and also 1.13; III.1. (Eusebius includes a 27, p.33 pp. 46-50; G.T. Mackenzie, i.c.s.,
reference to Pantaenus visit to India.) Doctrine “History of Christianity in Travancore”, in The
of the Apostles, Syrian, 3rd Century Cardinal Mai, Travancore State Manual, Vol-II, Edited by
Scriptorum Veterum Nova Collectio, Rome, Nagam Aiya, Trivandrum 1906 pp. 135-233;
1838. W. Cureton, Ancient Syriac Documents, Menachery, STCEI, I, II.

Also: St. Jerome (342- 420); St. The young couple who had pledged to
Gaudentius (Bishop of Brescia, before 427); St. preserve their virginity heard that the Apostle was
Paulinus of Nola (died 431); St. Gregory of Tours preaching in India, and they came to India to find
(died 594); St. Isidore of Seville in Spain (died him. This time, the Apostle Thomas had the time
630). “This Thomas preached the Gospel of to instruct them in the Christian Faith, and they
Christ to the Parthians, the Medes, the Persians, received Baptism. [If they had started a family,
the Hyrcanians and the Bactrians, and to the they would not have been able to journey.] The
Indians of the Oriental region and penetrating the virgin was named in Baptism Pelagia, later
innermost regions and sealing his preaching by Martyred. The young man was named in Baptism
his passion he died transfixed with a lance at Dionysius, later a Bishop. They both returned to
Calamina, a city of India, and there was buried the land where the Apostle had first met them,
with honor.” The Venerable Bede (c. 673-735). with St. Thomas’s blessing, and then they began
In India, Abban told king Gundafor that to teach others the glories of Jesus Christ. They
he had brought a builder from Palestine who established churches in their cities.
could build palaces to please the king. The king King Gundafor wanted to learn how the
joyfully brought St. Thomas to the place where construction was going, and after two years he
he planned to build his palace, a place with trees sent messengers to inquire if it was near
and springs, and the king asked St. Thomas to completion. The Apostle told the messengers that
draw a plan for approval. The king was about to the palace was almost finished, it only needed its
journey for three years and wanted the palace roof. The king was pleased, and he sent St.
completed when he returned. The Apostle Thomas more gold so that the roof could be
Thomas drew a detailed structural plan with a especially beautiful. St. Thomas thanked heaven
reed pen (the method of drawing blueprints until for more gold, and prayed to God, “I thank Thee,
the late 20th century). The palace’s eastern side O Lord Who lovest mankind, that Thou arrangest
had many windows to let in the light; the western the salvation of men in divers ways!” Again St.
side had many doors to let in breezes; the north Thomas gave every cent of it to the poor, and he
end had ovens so that their heat would be away continued to preach the Word of God.
from the rest of the palace; and the south side had The king finally heard that St. Thomas
fountains just outside to keep the palace cool. (A had not begun construction on his palace, but had
similar plan to Hadrian's Villa at Tibur, now given away all the gold, and was instead going
Tivoli, in Italy, with gardens cooled by a long about the towns and cities preaching some new
pool. Roman emperor Hadrian lived from 76 to God and working miracles. The king had his
138, and he took a long tour, rebuilding many servants arrest St. Thomas and bring him to the
monuments through the Roman empire, but also king. Then the king asked St. Thomas if he had
causing a terrible war against the Jews, including built the palace. St. Thomas answered, “I have
sacking of Jerusalem.) The king was delighted, built it; and it is, moreover, a magnificent and
and said that truly St. Thomas was a great beautiful one.” The king then said, “Let us go
craftsman fit to serve a king. The king gave St. and look upon thy palace.” The Apostle replied,
Thomas much gold, silver, wheat, wine, oil, and “During thy lifetime thou canst not see this
other provisions, for the cost of the foundations. palace; but when thou wilt depart from this life,
St. Thomas told the king that it was not the thou wilt see it and, dwelling in it with joy, thou
proper month to begin construction; it should be shalt live there for eternity.” The king thought St.
started in October. When the king departed on Thomas was mocking him, and he threw St.
his three year journey, St. Thomas went to the Thomas into prison with the merchant Abban,
building site, and gave all the gold, silver, and intending to have them flayed alive and then
foods to the poor. The Apostle Thomas spent burned on a pyre. Abban accused St. Thomas of
every minute of every day preaching the Gospel ruining both of their lives through deceit, but St.
of Christ to the people who came to him. Thomas said, “Do not be afraid; the time hath not

yet come for us to die. We will live, and in word. He asked his brother, “From where can I
freedom; and the king will hold us in honor for have acquired a palace in the heavens?” The
the palace I have built for him in the kingdom of brother said, “Truly, in the heavens there is such a
heaven.” palace, the like of which thou hast never seen
That night the king’s brother Gad under the sun, and of which thou art unaware. It
became ill, and sent a messenger to the king was built for thee by Thomas, whom thou holdest
saying, “Because of thy grief I also fell into in prison. I have seen it and marveled at its
melancholy, and from this I have become ill, and indescribable beauty, and asked to dwell in but a
now I am near death.” Then Gad died. Now the corner of it, but that was not permitted me; for the
king forgot his sorrow of the loss of material angel who was leading me said: ‘It is not possible
wealth and became terribly full of grief over the for thee to dwell therein, for this palace belongeth
death of his brother. The angel of the Lord took to thy brother and was built by Thomas who is
the soul of the dead man to the mansions of known to thee.’ I asked the angel to let me return
heaven to show him the indescribable palaces to thee, that I might purchase the palace of thee.
there. One was more wonderful than all the And thus, if thou lovest me, give it to me and take
others. The angel asked the soul of the man in instead all my property!”
which palace would he want to dwell. The soul Finally, the king was glad both over his
of the man looked at the most beautiful of all the brother’s return to life and also that a palace was
palaces and said, “If it were permitted me to built for him in the heavens. But, rather than
abide in but a corner of this palace, I would need selling his palace to his brother, he said, “My
nothing else.” But the angel said to the soul of beloved brother, I have promised not to refuse
the man, “Thou mayest not dwell in this palace, thee anything which is under mine authority on
for it belongeth to thy brother, with whose gold earth; but I did not promise thee that palace
the stranger Thomas, who is known of thee, built which is in heaven. But if thou wishest, we have
it.” Then said the soul: “I entreat thee, lord: let an architect who may erect just such a palace for
me go to my brother, and I will buy this palace thee also.” Then the king sent servants to release
from him, for he is yet unaware of its beauty, and St. Thomas and the merchant Abban from prison.
having purchased it, I will return hither again.” The king went to the holy Apostle and fell at his
The angel then returned the soul to the feet, begging forgiveness for his sin committed in
body of the man, and he returned to life. He ignorance. The Apostle gave thanks to God, and
woke as if he had been only asleep, and began to teach the king and his brother the
immediately asked those who were there if they Christian Faith, and they were moved with love
could bring his brother the king to his side as in their souls. They were soon Baptized and
soon as they could. The king heard that his taught to live as Christians, and they gave great
brother was revived, and with great joy ran to his alms to the poor, erecting mansions in heaven for
side and saw that it was true that he was alive. them both. The Apostle stayed with them for
The man who was risen from the dead then told some time, and then journeyed on to preach in
the king he was certain that the king had wept for other cities and towns.
him as his brother, and would have given half his Sources for a 1st c. king Gondophares:
kingdom to free him from death. The king told Acts of Judas Thomas was written between 180 –
him that was true. The brother then asked the 230 A.D.); in chapter 17 he is king of northern
king, if he loved him so much, to give him one India (Indian-Parthian). “It is impossible to resist
single gift. The king told him that everything he the conclusion that the writer of the Acts [of
owned in his kingdom he would give to him, and Thomas] must have had information based on
swore an oath. Then his brother asked the king, contemporary history. For at no later date could a
“Then give me the palace which thou hast in the forger or legendary writer have known the
heavens, and in return take all my property.” The name.” (Medlycott 1905). In 1872, the name of
king was disturbed by this and could not say a king Gondophares was discovered on a votive

inscription of his 26th year of reign, and also on did miracles in the Name of the Lord Jesus
coins found in Kabul and the Punjab. King Christ. They received the seed of Faith and it
Gondophares began his reign in 21 A.D.; twenty sprouted in their hearts.
six years later would have been 47 A.D., within The Dormition of the Birthgiver of God,
the time-frame when St. Thomas visited him. An the ever-virgin Mary was about to take place. All
early document describes shipping routes in the the Apostles including St. Thomas were called to
Arabian Sea; the Acts of Thomas in chapters 2 and Jerusalem just before that, caught up on clouds of
3 shows the same route, and connects St. Thomas heaven and brought by the angels directly to
to the west coast of India. W.H. Schoff (tr. & Gethsemane. Even so, St. Thomas was so far
ed.), The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea: Travel distant that he arrived the third day after the day
and Trade in the Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the blessed Birthgiver of God was buried.
the First Century (London, Bombay & Calcutta St. Joseph of Arimathaea was said to be
1912). Pliny also describes the trade route. the writer of The Passing of Mary, an early
After leaving the area ruled by king apocryphal book. He says that St. Thomas was
Gondophares, St. Thomas took his mission the only witness to the Dormition (also called the
further south to the same Pandyan Kingdom that Assumption) of Mary, when she was taken into
had sent embassies to the court of Augustus heaven. St. Thomas's witness of the empty tomb
Caesar. In Indian Christian tradition, St. Thomas is also noted in the Protevangelium of James,
landed in Kodungallur in AD 52, in the company another early apocryphal book. In both books,
of a Jewish merchant Abbanes (Hebban). There the other Apostles were taken to the bedside of
were Jewish colonies in Kodungallur since the Blessed Virgin Mary in Jerusalem, most
ancient times and Jews continue to reside in caught up in a cloud by angels, to witness her last
Kerala till today. moments, but St. Thomas was not able to arrive
He entered a city, humble, hair at the bedside of the Blessed Virgin Mary before
unwashed, face pallid, body emaciated, and her falling asleep unto death.
clothing tattered, but his words and deeds were In The Passing of Mary, St. Thomas saw
wonderful. The people had a habit of so many the Blessed Virgin Mary rise bodily to heaven as
years of ungodliness that he realized it would be he was arriving, while he was still in the cloud
difficult to move them. He used kind words to over her tomb. He cried out to her, “Whither
enlighten them, rather than force and strictness, goest thou, O all-holy one?” And she removed
which would have been of no use. The people her cincture (girdle), and gave it to St. Thomas,
saw his works, wisdom, sensibility, and began to saying, “Receive this, my friend.” And then she
listen to his preaching, asking him about his was gone. Then St. Thomas descended and found
origin, religion and purpose with them. St. the other Apostles keeping watch over the
Thomas said that he was a disciple of Christ, sepulchre. He sat down, and was sad that he had
“Who, because He is God Who loves mankind, not been with her when she had reposed, as the
Himself became a Man, that He might give to other Apostles had been. He said to them, “We
those who believe on Him everlasting life, are all disciples of the Master; we all preach the
salvation of soul, and other ineffable and same thing; we are all servants of one Lord, Jesus
indescribable blessings.” He also told them about Christ. How, then, is it that ye were counted
the crucifixion of the Lord and the Resurrection, worthy to behold the repose of His Mother, and I
and the Ascension of the Lord in the presence of was not? Am I not an Apostle? Can it be that
his disciples. He told them, “I am one of the God is not pleased with my preaching? I beseech
twelve servants of the Word who witnessed all you, my fellow disciples: open the tomb, that I
the miracles He performed. I am come to you out also may look upon her remains, and embrace
of love for you, and to preach unto you the them, and bid her farewell!” The other Apostles
infinite compassion and boundless mercy of doubted him (as in the Gospel of St. John, when
God.” He told them many other things and also St. Thomas doubted Jesus). The other Apostles

had to see the empty tomb and the girdle, again divine presence of the Lord Jesus Christ among
teaching the truth of the Resurrection of the dead us Himself. People wanted to see Jesus and
through St. Thomas. worship Him, even climbing a tree as St.
They opened the tomb, but discovered Zacheus; we are allowed to venerate the Holy
that her body had been transported to paradise, Eucharist.]
immortal and without decay. [She was taken After the angels returned St. Thomas to
bodily to heaven even before the second coming India, he stayed in Mylapore, enlightened many
of Christ, when at the general Resurrection, the with the words of the Gospel, and did a great
righteous will receive imperishable bodies. miracle. A pagan priest killed his son and told
Byzantine icons of her have an eight pointed star everybody that St. Thomas had done the crime. A
on her shoulders and forehead, symbolizing that mob took St. Thomas, and demanded that the
the eighth day of Creation will be the General court torture him. No witnesses could be found
Resurrection, according to St. Gregory to save St. Thomas, so he begged the judge and
Nazianzus, see March 29th. In the Celtic Rite, the people if he could ask the murdered man who
number of Confraction Particles for her and also killed him, in the Name of God. They all went to
for Martyrs is also eight.] the body, and St. Thomas prayed to heaven first,
The Blessed Virgin Mary also appeared then said to the corpse, “In the Name of my Lord
to all the Apostles together with her Son, our Jesus Christ, I command thee, young man: tell us
Lord Jesus Christ. When the Apostles gathered who slew thee!” And the man said, “My own
for meals after the Ascension, they also left a father slew me!” All cried, “Great is the God
place at the table for their Master, and cut a which Thomas proclaimeth!” They freed St.
portion of bread, placing it at the head of the table Thomas, but the pagan priest fell into the pit he
as Christ’s portion. After eating, they would had dug for Thomas. Many people believed in
elevate this bread, saying, “Great is the Name of Christ and were Baptized.
the Holy Trinity! O Lord, Jesus Christ, help us!” St. Thomas traveled further, preaching
Then each would eat a small piece of that bread. Jesus Christ to Kalamida which was ruled by
After the Dormition of the Birthgiver of God, king Mazdai. He converted a woman named
they also sat down to eat, but at the end of their Sindikia, who was a niece of Migdonia, the wife
prayers, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to of Karizius who was the royal favorite. Sindikia
them and said, “Rejoice, for I am with you all the taught Migdonia the truth about Jesus Christ, so
days of your life!” And when they saw her, they that she would believe in the one God, the
said, “All-holy Birthgiver, save us!” Then they Creator of the universe. Migdonia asked to see
were all convinced that the Mother of God, like St. Thomas and hear his teaching. Sindikia told
her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, was truly her to dress in rags so she would not be
resurrected on the third day and had been recognized, and then they would go to hear him
assumed in her body into the heavens. Ever together. They went and found St. Thomas
since, a piece of bread has been set aside in her preaching to the poor about many things: about
name. In Byzantine service books this is called the Lord Jesus Christ, and also death, Gehenna,
the elevation of the Panagia, because the bread is and the kingdom of heaven. Migdonia became
triangular for the Blessed Trinity and also the convinced, and when she returned home she
Virgin Mary. The words of this are almost stayed away from unbelievers. She also began to
exactly the same as the ancient Roman service of abstain from worldly pleasures, including marital
“Benediction,” although the Byzantine Rite does relations with her unbelieving husband Karisius.
not use holy Eucharist. In Celtic practice, a Her husband was so upset that he asked king
Particle of the Holy Eucharist may be used for an Mazdai to send his own consort queen Tertiana to
evening Benediction, but would not be consumed convince Migdonia to continue marital relations.
at that time. [It is rare today that modern Queen Tertiana and Migdonia were related to
churches venerate the Holy Eucharist, Who is the eachother. However, Tertiana also went to hear

St. Thomas, and he Baptized both Tertiana and Communion, “This all-holy Body, which is
Migdonia, both of the women deciding on become a Sacrifice, and this most precious Blood,
chastity. which hath been shed on the Cross to redeem us
St. Thomas continued to work miracles from our sins, grant us salvation and the
among both the poor and the rich, but the king remission of sins, impart to us health of soul, and
and his friend Karizius investigated and found the these are a sincere Sign of the kingdom of heaven
foreigner Thomas had convinced them to end and eternal blessedness.” A voice from heaven
marital relations with their husbands. The king’s was heard, saying, “Verily I say unto you: fear
son Wazan and others in the royal household, and not, but have faith!”
also many of the poor were also followers of Then the Apostle returned to his prison
Thomas. The king and his friend became angry, cell, locking it behind him through prayer.
and had St. Thomas arrested and put in prison. Tertiana, Migdonia, and another woman named
The king tried the Apostle, asking him Marcia wished to stay in prison with him, sharing
first if he was a slave or freeman. St. Thomas his suffering, but he told them, “My daughters
answered, “I am a slave of Him over Whom thou and fellow laborers of our Lord Jesus Christ,
hast no authority.” The king said, “I see that thou hearken to my final word. Tomorrow, I go to my
art a wicked slave who hast escaped thy master Master, to receive the reward of my manifold
and come to this land to corrupt people and labors. And I rejoice and am glad for this; for the
confuse our wives. Who is thy master?” St. time of my recompense hath arrived. But remain
Thomas replied, “My master is the Lord of ye firmly in the Faith, neither be doubting nor
heaven and of earth, the God and Author of all downcast when ye see me die; for this death is
creation. He hath sent me to preach His holy not a true death, but rather a release and
Name and to lead the people out of error.” Then redemption of the body, which I joyfully accept,
the king told him to cease this speech, that is that I may enjoy life everlasting and the delights
deceiving the whole country and by cleverness thereof, which will come also to you if ye keep
turned their wives away from them. Then the the Faith unto the end.” He shut the cell door.
king commanded the Apostle to give their wives They wept knowing that Mazdai would kill him.
back to them in their former love and relations, or Karizius suggested to the king that he
if not be put to death. St. Thomas replied, “It make St. Thomas worship the god of the sun so
doth not become the handmaids of Christ to have that the God of St. Thomas may become angry
marital relations with iniquitous men, nor for the and no longer keep him from harm. When they
faithful to be defiled by the impious and led St. Thomas before the idol of the god of the
unbelieving.” sun, it melted before them like wax. A multitude
Then the king tried to torture St. of unbelievers came to believe on Jesus Christ
Thomas, putting the Apostle's feet on plates of because of this, but the pagan priests were angry
hot iron, but water appeared and cooled the iron. that their idol was destroyed. The jailers also told
He cast St. Thomas into a fiery furnace, he was the king that St. Thomas was able to open his cell
unharmed next day. Back in prison, at midnight door and come and go as he pleased, and that the
the cell opened through his prayers to let in king’s wife and son had already visited him there.
Christian visitors, so he could tell them to be But when the king went to the prison, the doors
steady in the Faith, not let a temporal death stop were secure, and he was amazed. The king went
them, so they could find everlasting life. He into the cell and asked St. Thomas again if he was
taught many things and counseled them. Then he a slave or freeman. St. Thomas answered, “I am
left his prison and went to a house where he a slave of my Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the true
Baptized many in the Name of the Father, the God and dwells in the heavens. He hath sent me
Son, and the Holy Spirit, and also celebrated the here, that I may save many among you.” The
holy Offering of the Lord in the Divine Liturgy. king answered, “I am weary of thy divinations.
He told them after they had received Holy Therefore, I will put thee to the death that thou

deservest, that I may deliver my people from thy Acts of Thomas has a time jump of more than a
sorceries and crimes.” The king wanted to kill St. century.
Thomas, but was afraid of so many Christians. Years later, king Mazdai had another son
The king with his soldiers took St. who became possessed of a demon. Nobody was
Thomas outside the city; the Christians thought to able to cure him, so the king thought that if he
see a miracle. But a mile outside the city, the opened the grave of St. Thomas and took out a
king gave St. Thomas to five soldiers, and told bone and touched it to the cheek of his son, the
them to take St. Thomas into a mountain and run demon would go away. St. Thomas then
him through with spears. The king went further appeared to king Mazdai in a dream, saying,
to the city of Axium. The son of the king, “Thou didst not believe in me when I was alive,
weeping, Wazan, and a man named Siphor and do you think you will find help from me when I
others hurried to the Apostle and caught up with am dead? Do not remain in unbelief; My Lord
him and the soldiers. St. Thomas asked Jesus Christ will have mercy and be gracious to
permission of the soldiers to pray, and said, “O thee. Take soil from my grave and put it on thy
Lord my God, Thou hope and redemption of the son, and he will be healed, because I am not one
faithful: lead me to Thee this day, that my soul to remember wrongs.” However, the dream made
may not be hindered in its ascent. Behold, I have the king desire more to open the grave of the holy
completed the work which Thou hast assigned to Apostle. When the grave was opened, he did not
me, and have carried out Thy commands. As Thy find the relics, because a Christian had already
slave didst Thou sell me; therefore, render unto opened the grave and taken the relics to
me my freedom this day.” The Apostle Thomas Mesopotamia so they could be enshrined in a
blessed the Christians, and Ordained Siphor Church there (note: that was a much later time).
Priest and Wazan Deacon, commanding them to King Mazdai did take some earth from the grave
increase the numbers of Faithful. St. Thomas site, and put it on the neck of his son, saying, “O
turned to the soldiers and told them to carry out Lord Jesus Christ, through the prayers of thy
the king’s order. They ran him through with five Apostle Thomas, heal my son, and I will believe
spears near the city of Mylapore. in Thee!” The demon left his son immediately,
The Christians wept, and wrapped St. and the boy was restored to health. King Mazdai
Thomas’s body in a rich cloth purchased by and all his nobles finally received holy Baptism
Tertiana for a shroud, and they buried him with from the Priest Siphor. The idols were then
honor in ground set aside for royalty. [At that broken and temples destroyed, and in their place
time, it was not always common for the pagans to churches were built. The Word of God spread.
burn their corpses. The Hindu revival had not yet The king asked for the prayers of the faithful, and
taken place.] After the burial, Priest Siphor, the Priest Siphor said to them, “Pray all of you
Deacon Wazan, and Tertiana wept beside the for king Mazdai, that he may receive mercy from
grave. The Apostle Thomas appeared to them, our Lord Jesus Christ and the remission of his
ordering them to return to the city and keep the sins!” And all prayed for the king. The king also
Christians in the Faith. He told Tertiana and tearfully begged his former wife and friend,
Migdonia to preserve their piety with the help of Tertiana and Migdonia for forgiveness for all the
the Master Christ. Priest Siphor and Deacon evil he had done to them and to the Apostle
Wazan governed the Church wisely. But Tertiana Thomas. Where St. Thomas had been buried,
and Migdonia were tortured long by their many miracles took place to the glory of God, the
husbands king Mazdai and Karizius. Finding Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
they would not submit even if death were Chennai, once called Madras, has a
threatened, the king and Karizius allowed them small hill near it called “St. Thomas Mount,” the
their freedom, and then the women followed a place where St. Thomas was killed. He was
strict rule of abstinence and prayer day and night, Martyred in 72 A.D. Chennai also has the
and helped the Church greatly. After that, the Dioceses of Saint Thomas of Mylapore, which

had St. Thomas's body until his relics were St. Gregory of Tours (died 594) tells of a
translated to Edessa. pilgrim named Theodore who gave an account
The southern king of India released the also that the relics of St. Thomas had been taken
relics of St. Thomas to Edessa in 232. The name to Edessa, long after the time of the Apostles.
of the king is “Mazdai” in Syriac, or “Misdeos” Medlycott, India and the Apostle St. Thomas
in Greek, and “Misdeus” in Latin. In India. the (London, 1905).
name “Bazdeo” on the Kushan coins of The relics of St. Thomas were taken by
Vasudeva I, transfer the “M” to a “B” or “V” Crusaders to Italy in 1258, from the Greek island
which was common in Classical Greek and of Chios. It is possible that the city of Edessa
Indian names; and the “V” in “deva” also may be (Urfa) was not safe for the relics, see the Apostle
pronounced as a “U” as it is in Latin; which may Jude and the Mandylion (Holy Face of Christ
explain how “deva” becomes “deus.” The coin icon made “without hands”); and Greeks had
says, in the Kushan language and Greek script taken the relics to the island of Chios for
with the Kushan letter for “sh”: “Shaonanoshao safekeeping. The year 1258 was during the time
Bazodeo Koshano”: “King of kings, Vasudeva the of the sack of Constantinople, when the
Kushan”.. Mario Bussagli, L'Art du Gandhara, Crusaders considered any relic or icon to be
p255. Rabban Sliba, a Martyrologist, said on the theirs. The relics of St. Thomas are now in
day dedicated to Misdeus, his family, and St. Ortona, Italy.
Thomas: “Coronatio Thomae apostoli et Misdeus Some Eastern Churches say that St.
rex Indiae, Johannes eus filius huisque mater Thomas brought Christianity to China in 64 A.D.,
Tertia” (“Coronation of Thomas the Apostle, and and Japan in 70 A.D. There were Christian
Misdeus king of India, together with his son tombstones in China dated 84 A.D. Some
Johannes (thought to be a latinization of Vizan) archeologists discovered a basilica dedicated to
and his mother Tertia”) Rabban Sliba. Mario the Mother of God in China that may have
Bussagli, L'Art du Gandhara, p255. Some claim became so popular that the Chinese changed the
that the Syriac Acts were written in 232 when the Boddhisatva (Buddhist) and Taoist god Guanyin
relics were returned. to a female form from the formerly male
Egeria, in the Itineraria Egeriae in 380 Avalokiteśvara, to draw the attention of the
visited the church of St. Thomas in Edessa where people back to their former beliefs, although the
the relics were kept. She noted that the church Taoists claim that Guanyin did not have that
was new, which, if the relics were returned in lineage. Guanyin is known as the “queen mother
232, the church would have been less than 150 of the west.” There was a documentary on this a
years old, and probably newer than that. number of years ago.
St. Ephrem (or Ephraem) the Syrian There are writings attributed to St.
(from Edessa), 4th c. in his forty-second of his Thomas. As the Acts of Thomas says, he brought
"Carmina Nisibina" he talks about St. Thomas in a copy of the Gospel, most probably of St.
India and the return of his relics to Edessa by a Matthew, and certainly in the original Aramaic,
merchant. Medlycott, India and the Apostle St. not Greek, to India with him. (Aramaic was the
Thomas (London, 1905). 20th Century language spoken by Syrians, and many Indians
Discussions: Medlycott, pp.21-32 alias knew it). But this is not the same book as the
Menachery (Ed.), STCEI, II, p. 18 ff. Gospel of St. Thomas, a controversial document.
An early Syrian calendar of an early St. Cyril of Jerusalem from the fourth century, in
date, for July 3rd: “3 July, St. Thomas who was Cathechesis V, said, “Let none read the gospel
pierced with a lance in India. His body is at Urhai according to Thomas, for it is the work, not of
[the ancient name of Edessa] having been brought one of the twelve apostles, but of one of Mani's
there by the merchant Khabin. A great festival.” three wicked disciples.” This refers to followers
Medlycott, India and the Apostle St. Thomas of Manicheaism, which was a popular heresy,
(London, 1905) unfortunately one of the heresies that fled to

India, and therefore that Gospel was a forgery. In Kerala India, the church has a
(Manichaeism separates those who are perfect tradition that St. Thomas (called St. Thomas of
and pure from the less perfect; similar to the Mylapur) brought his mission there. The small
Cathars of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in village of Palayoor near Guruvayoor, which was
France; elements of Manichaeism can be seen in a port at the time, was where he landed. That
the writings of Blessed Augustine of Hippo, who village was a priestly community; which would
had converted from that group; those who are mean of the priest caste. In 52, St. Thomas left
predestined to salvation can use the rest of the north for the southern Kerala State,
humanity, the impure, as cannon fodder. Note the establishing the “Seven and Half Churches,” the
similarity of the Papal donation of India to the “Ezharappallikal.” The location of these
Portuguese which allowed slavery.) The Gospel churches are: Kodungallur, Kollam, Niranam,
of Thomas was discovered in a Coptic translation Nilackal (Chayal), Kokkamangalam, Kottakkayal
in 1945; it says it is the work of Didymos Judas (Parayoor), Palayoor (Chattukulangara), and
Thomas. It is part of what is called the Nag Thiruvithamcode Arappally (Trayancore) the half
Hammadi library, discovered near the Egyptian church.
village of Nag Hammadi, near the monastery of An epic, the Manimekalai, written
Chenoboskion. However, scholars then found an between the 2nd and 3rd century, is from south
earlier Greek translation on fragments of papyrus, India. It talks about the “Nasrani” people in
first found at Oxyrhynchus in the 1890s. India, called the “Essanis” (similar to the
The Pistis Sophia (written in 250 to 300 “Essenes,” a first century Jewish/Christian sect).
A.D.) was another document that claimed [Nazaranis or Nazarenes referred to
authorship by St. Thomas, a Gnostic piece of some of the Christians in India, but the two terms
writing, claiming “three witnesses” to writing “all meant different things; both heretical Syrian and
of his words:” Thomas, Philip, and Matthew. Persian Christians. The Nasrani, Malankara, or
Also, that St. Mary Magdalene would interpret Syrian, were not the same groups.
those witnesses (Pistic Sophia 1:43). Nazaranis were those in the church
The Acts of Thomas is the history of St. founded by Thomas of Cana, who were in
Thomas given here, with much historical truth in Malabar, and linked to the Nestorian Church of
it, although the translation to Edessa was later Seleucia in 450 A.D.: Eugene Tisserant, Eastern
than the document says. Christianity in India, Calcutta, 1957.
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas perhaps Nazarenes were those linked to the
written in Syria in the late second century, but the Jewish “Nazarene” Christians, not to Jesus Christ
earliest known manuscript in sixth century in of the town of Nazareth, but to those who had
Syriac, has the miracles in the childhood of Jesus, taken a Nazarene vow as Sampson (see St. Paul,
including the legend of the twelve sparrows made Jan. 25th, who took this vow, but was slandered
out of clay by Jesus on the Sabbath day, who and almost killed by those who did not believe
came alive and flew away. It is thought to be it). These Nazarenes had fled to Edessa, Syria
early because St. Irenaeus of Lyons refers to it; before Jerusalem fell in 66 AD. Some doubt that
(St. Irenaeus was a disciple of St. Polycarp of the town of Nazareth existed before the third
Smyrna, who was a disciple of the Apostle John). century A.D., which was a slander, but the
Because Christianity is not the majority Nazarene vow was known to Christians such as
religion in India; because early heretical sects St. Paul. Michael Baigent, et al, The Messianic
such as Nestorians, Monophysites, and especially Legacy, London, 1987.]
Manicheans, etc., went to India; and because the [Cosmas Indicopleustes (522 A.D.,
others lost touch with India for centuries; there (called the Alexandrian) visited the Malabar
was an attitude of all the other Patriarchates that Coast, and mentions Syrian Christians in
the church of St. Thomas on the southwest coast Christian Topography. He says that in “Kalliana”
of India had disappeared or did not exist. (Quilon, Kollam, or Collum), there is a bishop

consecrated in Persia. St. Thomas is called Korttan, a Christian of Kodungallur
“Mar Thoma Sleeha” “Lord/Saint Thomas the (Cranganore), by King Vira Raghava. The date is
Apostle” by the Syrian Christians. The presence estimated to be around 744 AD.
of those calling themselves “Syrian” Christians In 822 AD two Nestorian Persian
has created controversy as late as the 20th century; Bishops Mar Sapor and Mar Peroz came to
some wonder if Nestorians and Monophysite Malabar, to occupy their seats in Kollam and
non-Chalcedonian Syrians were those who called Kodungallur, to look after the local Syrian
themselves the “Thomas Church” in India, and Christians. [Syrian and St. Thomas Christians
the actuality of a continuous Succession from St. were not the same.] Also, the embassy of Alfred
Thomas did not exist; but there were continuous in 833 described the Nestorian Syrian Christians
references to a Church of St. Thomas in India. as being prosperous and enjoying high status in
What probably happened in this case is the Malabar coast.
similar to what happened when the Portuguese, Marco Polo, in the Description of the
and much later Protestants, landed on the west World, also called Il Milione, said he visited
coast of India only to find an already functioning South India in 1288 and 1292, although he was in
Christian community, and then they brought their China in 1288. But, in 1292, he probably stopped
Bishops and sought to put their own stamp on in Sri Lanka (Ceylon), and on the western
some of the Church in India. Or, the strong Malabar coast of India at Quilon (Kollam), he
connection to the Syrian city of Edessa to the met some “Nasranis” or Nazaranis or Nazarenes
Church in India caused the Indian Church to take (Syrian or Persian Christians) who told him about
on some characteristics of the Syrians when some St. Thomas and his miraculous tomb on the
of the Syrians became non-Chalcedonian, and eastern [?] coast of India (Coromandel). The
only non-Chalcedonians were visiting the Indian Spanish and Portuguese read Marco Polo's
church, including those who had left the Middle account, and then they sought out Christian India.
East such as Nestorians, Manichaens, and (Some say that Indian Christians did not use the
Monophysites. The Orthodox Patriarchate of term “Christian,” but other terms. There was also
Antioch took on all the churches of the East at a in use the term “Isse” for Jesus, which some say
certain point, and when the Turks took Antioch, the gnostics and pagans turned into Ishwara.)
moved the Antiochian Patriarchal seat to Jordanus Catalani, a French missionary,
Damascus, Syria; but by that time, the ability to came to Surat in 1320. He had a mission in
travel and visit other Patriarchates, whether in Gujarat, and then Quilon in 1323, and also visited
Europe or India, had ceased, and the Indian Christian communities in Calicut, Mangalore,
Church was left with whomsoever had been able Thane, and Broach north of Thane. The Roman
to go there. But, even if small in size, there was Catholics credit him with bringing the first
always an Orthodox Indian Church that remained Bishop, and bringing a message of good wishes
loyal to their original establishment, just as there to the local rulers from the Holy Father, the Pope
had always been an Orthodox Patriarchate in in Rome, meaning that whatever had gone on
Alexandria that was not the same church as the before, they started over, or did not recognize as
Egyptian Copts.] having any validity. Although at that time the
St. Gregory of Tours (died 594) tells of a Roman Church was very negative towards right-
pilgrim named Theodore who gave an account of believing Orthodox Christians as evidenced by
a large beautiful monastery and church built their attitudes towards the Orthodox Patriarchates
where the Martyrdom of St. Thomas had taken of the Middle East and Russia, but in India there
place. Medlycott, India and the Apostle St. were many admixtures of various beliefs.
Thomas (London, 1905). Such a pilgrim [See Bishop Paul de Ballester-
probably would have noticed if this were not an Convallier, Martyr (1927-1984) in his article,
Orthodox Church; no mention is made of that. “Why I Abandoned Papism.” He did not cite
A copper plate grant was given to Iravi references of the sources of these documents, but

he was concerned about an article from 1647 in had a huge book burning, and forced all the
Spain. “This article described a decision of the Indian Christians in India that they could to
Holy Inquisition that anathematized as a heretic practice Roman Catholic Latin Rites (a familiar
any Christian who dared believe, accept or preach situation to those who know Irish history.)
to others that he supported the apostolic validity However, the language, names, and some of the
of the Apostle Paul. ...already during two earlier Rites, did have some Indian characteristics.
occasions, namely in 1327 and 1331, the Popes Some Portuguese missionaries were famous, such
John XXII and Clemens VI had condemned and as Francis Xavier, 1506-1552, but he called for an
anathematized any one who dared deny that the inquisition to separate “rice Christians” from the
Apostle Paul during his entire apostolic life was real ones, and require all people in the province
totally subordinate to the ecclesiastical of Goa to become Christian. The violent
monarchical authority of the first Pope and king inquisition did not begin until eight years after
of the Church, namely the Apostle Peter [sic.; St. the death of Frances Xavier (who, in spite of the
Peter was the first Bishop of Antioch, not Rome; inquisition he requested, has incorrupt relics).
Linus was the first Bishop of Rome, so this The Romanus Pontifex sent the Papal
implies that all church authority should rest in the Bull (from Pope Nicholas V) giving the Indian
Patriarchate of Antioch]. And a lot later Pope continent and Church to the Portuguese, (King
Pius X in 1907 and Benedict XV in 1920, had Alfonso V) in January 8, 1455, giving Portugal
repeated the same anathemas and the same dominion over all the lands it had discovered or
condemnations.” from August 6, 2009, on the conquered during the Age of Discovery, also
25th anniversary of the Martyrdom. permitting slavery of any people conquered (a
http://theorthodoxchurch.info/blog/articles/2009/ non-Christian, repugnant practice). The full text
10/why-i-abandoned-papism-by-bishop-paul- is pp. 13-20 (Latin) and pp. 20-26 (English) in
ballaster-convolier/ The Anglicans, in their European Treaties Bearing on the History of the
thirty-nine “Articles of Religion,” repudiate all United States and Its Dependencies to 1648,
the Eastern Patriarchates other than the Pope of Washington, D.C., Frances Gardiner Davenport,
Rome, and then also condemn the Pope as well.] Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1917-37-
Up through the twentieth century, clergy Google Books. Reprint edition, 4 vols., (October
in the Orthodox Indian church have spoken not 2004), Lawbook Exchange,
only the language Malayalam, but also Aramaic ISBN 1-58477-422-3.
which is Eastern Syriac, and would recite the In the eighteenth century, Protestant
Lord's Prayer in Aramaic. If the church were not missionaries also came to India, and again put
rich, it had made up for it in holding on to the their stamp on an indigenous Christian
language of the Lord. If the church did not have community, again making “rice bowl Christians”
the teachings of a writer such as St. Basil guiding who would follow those who gave them food.
them and keeping them in the true faith, the In 1729 the Roman Latin Bishop of
distance was great to the other Patriarchates, but Madras-Mylapore had doubts about the
they had endured in spite of other influences. authenticity of the tomb of San Thome (Thomas)
Until the Portuguese burned the books of the St. in the Cathedral. (The relics of St. Thomas had
Thomas Church in India, they had their own been removed to Edessa in 232). The Bishop
ancient teachings. wrote to the “Sacred Congregation of Rites”
Portuguese Christians arrived in India in requesting information, but did not publish
the late 15th century, found a church already in Rome's reply. (T.K. Joseph, Six St. Thomases of
existence there, and tried to establish the Latin South India, Chengannur, 1955). In 1871, again
Rite, although many still followed the eastern (St. the Roman clergy in Madras had doubts, "strong
James) Rite; probably similar to the Rite in disparagement of the special sanctity of the
practiced in Jerusalem. The Church of St. localities [viz. San Thome, Little Mount, and Big
Thomas (not the Syrians) say that the Portuguese Mount identified by the Portuguese after 1517]

and the whole story connecting St. Thomas with different claims to the Holy Apostles, where they
Mailapur.” Henry Yule, Marco Polo, Vol. II, traveled and what they did, which are often
London, 1903. In 1886 the Roman Pope Leo claimed in support of the importance of a country
XIII made a statement about the “visit” of St. and its church, 2. often controversies they
Thomas to India, that he “travelled to Ethiopia, encountered or that happened soon after still exist
Persia, Hyrcania and finally to the Peninsula somewhat, with alliances against their messages,
beyond the Indus” Leo XIII, Humanae Salutis and 3. the positive good influence of the Holy
Auctor. In 1923 that letter from Pope Leo XIII Apostles touched the entire world, and no matter
was quoted by Pope Pius XI. It quotes the Acts how small or short-lived, still may be found in
of Thomas, but with no reference to south India. some of the people and their attitudes.
In Nov 13, 1952, again the Vatican (the There are controversies caused by the
“Congregation for the Causes of Saints”) Roman support of the non-Chalcedonian Syrian
addressed the Christians in Kerala stating that it church over the Chalcedonian historical Church
was “unverified” that St. Thomas landed at of India and its Catholicos, and some legal and
Cranganore on Nov. 21, 52 A.D. T.K. Joseph, Six financial problems including splits and court
St. Thomases of South India, Chengannur, 1955. cases in India. The Indian churches have also
In 1996, the researcher Ishwar Sharan received a been ignored by other Orthodox churches,
letter from the Vatican replying to his inquiry although the Indian churches are not small in
about the 1952 Vatican statement, saying that numbers of members. The Orthodox Indian
they “have not found in their Archives the letter Church is called the Malankara Church and has
supposedly written by this Congregation on 13th three and a half million believers, but there is
November 1952.” They also said that the life of more than one group calling itself that: The
the Apostle Thomas was a matter for historical autocephalous Malankara Orthodox Syrian
research, not “within the Congregation's Church also called the Indian Orthodox Church,
competence.” Around the early to mid 1990s, the whose Patriarch is called the Catholicos of the
Vatican began a closer alliance with the non- East; and the Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church,
Chalcedonian Syrian church, as they said, whose Patriarch is called the Catholicos of India.
without a thorough examination of the history. Another Orthodox group, with a population of
In September 27, 2006, Pope Benedict 900,000, is the Mar Thoma Church. The Syrian
XVI made a speech at the Vatican emphasizing Church in India in communion with Rome, calls
only the northern part of St. Thomas's mission itself the “Syro-Malabar Catholic Church,” and
from the Acts of Thomas, i.e. Syria, Parthia has four million people. [These churches have
(Persia / Iran) and Gandhara (Western India / many immigrants to the United States of
Pakistan), although he said that after the time of America; it is not difficult to meet their clergy
St. Thomas, Christianity also reached southern and examine their beliefs, whether or not they are
India. India viewed this negatively (not out of Chalcedonian, and their Apostolic Succession.]
sentiment, but because of St. Thomas's influence Matches Psalm 127 (Hebrew 128):
in all of India), and after seeing other evidence of “Blessed are all they that fear the Lord: that walk
St. Thomas's presence in southern India, the in His ways. For thou shalt eat the labors of thy
Pope soon modified his position. Even so, there hands: blessed art thou, and it shall be well with
are historians who do not believe that the thee. Thy wife as a fruitful vine, on the sides of
historicity of St. Thomas is based on more than thy house. Thy children as olive plants, round
fictional accounts, such as Stephen Neill, in the about thy table. Behold, thus shall the man be
History of Christianity in India: The Beginnings to blessed that feareth the Lord. May the Lord bless
1707 A.D., Cambridge, 1985. It is easy to find thee out of Sion: and mayest thou see the good
those who doubt. things of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. And
This is a long history, but the conflicts mayest thou see thy children’s children: peace
surrounding St. Thomas show: 1. there are upon Israel.

Bartholomew said, ‘He ascended into mentioned in the lists. In all the Gospels, St.
Heaven, [and] sat at the right hand of God the Bartholomew's words and works are not
Father Almighty.’ indicating the heavenly activity mentioned. In the Gospel of St. John, St.
of St. Bartholomew. The Psalm is 128, “Often Bartholomew is never mentioned, but St.
have they fought against me from my youth ... Nathanael is always mentioned in the company of
but they could not prevail over me...” since he St. Philip in that Gospel.
was flayed alive. With St. Thomas, he taught in About St. Nathanael: he was called by
places to the east, keeping Christ in mind no St. Philip [St. John 1:45-51]. Jesus said about
matter what other philosophies would be Nathanael, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom
encountered. The glossator of Oengus said, there is no guile.” When Nathanael said, “Rabbi,
“Bartholomew is interpreted as the son of the Thou art the Son of God; Thou art the King of
One Who suspends the waters [the firmament in Israel.” Christ said, “Because I said unto thee, I
heaven?], however he was cut apart with the saw thee under the fig-tree, thou believest;
sword in India under Astrag king of India.” [The greater things than these shalt thou see... Amen,
Greeks state that Astrag was the brother of the amen, I say to you, you shall see the heaven
king of Greater Armenia; St. Bartholomew opened and the angels of God ascending and
preached successfully in India, but although descending upon the Son of man.” (seeing God in
mostly successful in Greater Armenia, when he heaven, as Israel, “seeing God”). Some say that
traveled there fell to a plot by the king’s brother.] Jesus' words "Before Philip called you, when
In Greek: "Bartholomaios" comes from the you were under the fig tree, I saw you", is a
Aramaic “bar-Tôlmay,” meaning son of Tolmay Jewish expression meaning studying the Torah.
(Ptolemy) the name of the Greek General and After the Lord’s Resurrection, Nathanael
kings in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, or “son is called one of the closest to the Lord, “There
of the furrows” (perhaps a ploughman). Many were together Simon Peter; and Thomas, called
people assume that this is a family name. “Bar” Didymus; and Nathanael, of Cana in Galilee; and
means “Son of” and “Tholomeus” was a common
the sons of Zebedee; and two others of His
name among both the Greeks and Jews.
disciples.” (John 21:2).
Celtic Rite feast dates: His Martyrdom is
The source of confusion of Saints
celebrated on Aug. 25th, and June 13th for
Bartholomew and Nathanael may come from the
“Bartholomew the active.” Roman feast date:
East, where St. Bartholomew preached. A
Aug 24th. Byzantine dates: June 11th Martyrdom
fourteenth century Nestorian Bishop,
and Aug. 25th Translation of relics. (His August
metropolitan of Soba, Ebedjesu (“Sobiensis”),
Festival is associated with fairs and markets. The
glossator of Oengus states in a note after Sept. and Elias, the bishop of Damascus, noted that
30th, that the Feast of St. Bartholomew Aug. 25th Saints Bartholomew and Nathanael were the
is one of the most Major Feasts of the year.) same man, as noted by William Smith and
The Byzantines differentiate St. Samuel Cheetham, in A Dictionary of Christian
Bartholomew from St. Nathaniel, with different Antiquities (1875), from their source, Giuseppe
Feast dates. The Horologion To Mega of the Simone Assemani Bibliotheca Orientalis iii.i. pp.
Greeks says, “some say that Bartholomew and 30ff. Assemani said in Bartholomaeum cum
Nathanael are the same person.” (also noted in Nathaniele confundunt Chaldaei Assemani,
The Lives of the Holy Apostles translated by Bibliotheca Oriental;is, iii, pt 2, p. 5 (noted by
Reader Isaac E. Lambertsen and the Holy Smith and Cheetham), “the Chaldeans confound
Apostles Convent, P.O. Box 3118, Buena Vista, Bartholomew with Nathaniel.” John P. Meier
CO 81211, U.S.A.) St. Bartholomew is always does not agree that these two Saints were one
mentioned with St. Philip in the Gospels of Saints man. (It was common for apocryphal books to
Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and the Book of Acts, misappropriate names or identities of Apostles,
whether next to Philip in a list of the Twelve, or but here there is some confusion between the
in a small discussion, but St. Nathanael is never Gospel of St. John and the other Gospels.)

Pseudo-Abdias of Babylon wrote The Baptized. The governor Nicanor's wife was dying
Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle of a snake bite. She commanded slaves to carry
Bartholomew, the earliest record of St. her to the Apostles when her husband was not
Bartholomew. These were collected by Johann home. She was healed, and believed in Christ.
Albert Fabricius, in his Codex Apocryphus Novi When the governor Nicanor returned
Testimenti, I. 341 ff. Eusebius of Caesarea, in home, and was told about his wife; he had the
the Ecclesiastical History (v 10), says that after Apostles and Mariamne arrested, and Stachys'
the Ascension of Christ, Saint Bartholomew house set on fire. A great crowd watched the
brought the Gospel of St. Matthew to India in his Apostles Philip and Bartholomew, and
mission there. Other traditions take St. Mariamne, being dragged through the streets of
Bartholomew to Ethiopia, Mesopotamia, Parthia, the city. People mocked and beat them, and they
and Lycaonia, and he brought Christianity to were cast into prison. The governor then judged
Armenia with St. Jude (Thaddeus). them at the tribunal. All the pagan priests
From the apocryphal traditions demanded the governor to slay the “sorcerers.”
(abbreviated): One of the Twelve Apostles of The governor had St. Philip stripped naked,
Christ, St. Bartholomew’s lot after Pentecost was thinking that his clothing contained magic
to go with the Apostle Philip to preach the Gospel charms, but he could find nothing. Then they did
in Syria and Asia Minor. At first they were the same to St. Bartholomew, and nothing was
separated, and while St. Philip was converting the found. When they approached Mariamne to strip
people of Lydia and Mysia, St. Bartholomew was her naked, she was transformed into a flame for
preaching in towns nearby. The Lord then told all to see, and the ungodly people fled from her.
Bartholomew to go to the aid of the Apostle The Apostles were condemned to crucifixion.
Philip, and he did, accompanied by St. Philip’s St. Philip suffered first, crucified head-
sister Mariamne, a virgin, who also preached. (A downwards, tied to the cross by cords which were
newly found apocryphal book claims that she was passed through holes made in his ankles, before
Ordained as well; it is not known whether or not the door of the temple of the serpent, and also
that book is accurate.) They endured floggings, people cast stones at St. Philip. Then they
imprisonment, and stoning, for Christ. In a crucified St. Bartholomew by the wall of the
village of Lydia they met the Apostle John the temple, but a great earthquake opened the earth,
Evangelist and Theologian, and they all went to which swallowed the governor, all the priests and
the land of Phrygia. They preached in Hierapolis. a great multitude of unbelieving people. All the
That city was full of idols, especially a false deity survivors both pagans and believers, were afraid,
which was a huge viper, and other snakes. They begged the Apostles to have mercy on them, and
all prayed together, and the huge viper was slain also the people rushed to take down the crucified
as if with a spear by the power of Christ. Then St. Apostles. St. Bartholomew was not suspended
John left them to preach elsewhere. Other high up, and was on his cross for a shorter time,
Apostles, Ss. Thomas and Jude, may have so they were able to remove him. But the holy
preached in Hierapolis as well. (Snake worship Apostle Philip was higher up so they could not
was common in Greece, Asia Minor, and India.) remove him, and was almost dead, and it was the
A man in the city of Hierapolis named will of God that St. Philip should enter heaven.
Stachys had been blind for forty years. The holy The Apostle Philip prayed for his enemies, that
Apostles prayed, and he was given his sight, and the Lord forgive them for their sins and enlighten
also spiritual enlightenment in the preaching of their minds to understand the knowledge of the
Christ. After Stachys was Baptized, the Saints truth. The earth opened and the people were cast
lived in his home, which became a gathering out alive, except for the governor and the priests
place for crowds to hear preaching, and the Saints of the serpent. All confessed the power of the
healed the sick, and drove demons from the Lord Jesus Christ with a loud voice, asking for
possessed. Many people believed and were holy Baptism. They almost had removed St.

Philip from his cross, and they found that he had to the king, saying they sought instead for souls
expired, and they took down his body. St. of men to be brought to the mansions of heaven
Philip’s sister Mariamne had watched everything, (see St. Thomas). King Polymius believed in
and she kissed his body, and rejoiced that he was Christ, and was Baptized with all his household:
counted worthy to suffer for Christ. queen and daughter, a multitude of nobles and a
St. Bartholomew Baptized all those who great number of people. Ten or more cities were
now believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and Baptized at that time, in a highly populated area.
Consecrated Stachys a Bishop. The Apostle The pagan priests were angry; the idols
Philip was buried with honor. A grapevine grew were destroyed; temples abandoned; and they
in three days where St. Philip had been crucified were no longer rich. They convinced the king’s
and his blood had fallen. [Note that many later brother Astiagus to slay Bartholomew because
tales “grew up” from such occurrences: one can the gods were offended. Astiagus waited, then
see how the story of Jack and the beanstalk might seized the Apostle Bartholomew in the city of
have changed over the centuries.] After a few Albanus and crucified him head-downwards. The
more days, Mariamne went to Lycaonia, and she Apostle suffered with joy, and did not stop
preached the Word of Christ successfully, at the preaching the Word of God even though
end of her days peacefully reposing in the Lord. suspended on the cross. Astiagus would not
St. Bartholomew went to India, and listen, but the Apostle helped the faithful to keep
spent a long time preaching about Jesus Christ Faith, and told the unbelievers to know the truth
through cities and villages, healing the sick in His and turn from the darkness of the demons to the
Name. He illumined many pagans and built light of Christ. He then ordered that the Apostle
churches, and also translated the Gospel of St. be flayed alive (the skin stripped from him),
Matthew into the local language and presented it which might have been done because some
to the people. (He also left them with a Gospel people thought that sorcerers' powers were in
written in the Hebrew language, which was their clothing (see above at the time Ss. Philip
brought one hundred years later to Alexandria by and Bartholomew were crucified the first time).
the Christian philosopher Pantenus. The “Gospel Through all of this, the Apostle continued to
of St. Thomas” is an apocryphal book, not the teach the Word of God! Finally, the tyrant
same. It is not certain if there are copies of the ordered the head of the Apostle taken from his
Gospel translated by St. Bartholomew because body to quiet him. This was June 13th or 11th.
the Portuguese burned books in India when they Tradition says: Hanging upside down, the
arrived. See St. Thomas. The Church in India Apostle’s legs, directed in his life toward heaven,
calls itself the Church of St. Thomas, because St. still pointed there. (The Irish say “son of the one
Thomas went furthest and taught longest.) who suspends the waters.”)
St. Bartholomew then traveled to The glossator of Oengus uses the word
Greater Armenia. The demons who were in the in Latin “decollatus,” which means literally either
idols were silenced, after saying that “cut apart” or “decapitated,” both appropriate.
Bartholomew was tormenting them and would He was active throughout the world, and when
drive them out. The people were also cleansed Martyred, would not stop preaching the Word of
by the approach of the Apostle, and many God. In icons, often he holds a knife, with his
converted to Christ. The king of Greater Armenia, flayed skin over his arm. (In Byzantine icon
Polymius, had a daughter possessed by a demon, screens in front of the altar, edged weapons are
who complained that Bartholomew might drive not shown. In a depiction of St. Bartholomew by
him from her. The king wanted St. Bartholomew Michaelangelo, he put his own face on the skin.)
found, and when he came, the demon fled and the People in Azerbaijan believe that St.
girl was healed. The king gave St. Bartholomew Bartholomew was Martyred where the Maiden
camels loaded with gold, silver, pearls, and Tower is in the city now called Baku, which in
precious stones. The Apostles sent all of it back the first century was part of Caucasian Albania;

and he was flayed and crucified upside-down. and should dance and leap for joy, etc...
An Orthodox church was built in the nineteenth “Welcome, welcome, O Apostle of the Lord!”
century at that site, but it was destroyed by the The people of Lipari wanted to build a
Soviets in 1936. The Martyrdom of the holy church for the the holy Apostle, but the lead
Apostle Bartholomew occurred in about the year coffin would not move. The Bishop had a vision
A.D. 90. Faithful who were present took his body which told him to bind it with ropes and two
down from the cross, with his head and skin, and heifers would carry it where the Apostle
placed them in a leaden coffin, and buried them Bartholomew wanted, about a mile away.
in Albanus (now Baku) in Greater Armenia. Another account says that the coffin was carried
Great miracles of healing occurred through the by the children when it was too heavy for the
relics of the holy Apostle, and many more men of Lipari to carry it. There was a volcano on
unbelievers were converted to Christ. the island of Pryhanus near Lipari which sprayed
A writer from Constantinople from the Lipari with boiling water, which continued while
sixth century, Theodorus Lector, said that in 507 the heifers carried the coffin. By the power of
or 508 A.D., the emperor Anastasius took the God, the island of Pryhanus moved a mile distant
relics of the Apostle Bartholomew from Albanus that day, and no longer threatened Lipari. (See
and had them translated to the city of Dura- St. Januarius, Sept. 19th, who protects the city of
Europos in Mesopotamia. (Emperor Anastasius Naples from Vesuvius.) At the coffin's resting
had recently re-founded Dura according to Smith place, Bishop Agathon and the people erected a
and Cheetham). The Persians took control of that beautiful Church. This translation of these relics
city in 574 A.D., and some citizens of Dura took is commemorated August 25th, a major feast.
the relics and fled to the shore of the Black Sea, There is a solid silver and gold statue of
where they were ambushed by their enemies. St. Bartholomew, usually in the Cathedral, which
The relics were thrown into the Black is carried through the town every year August
Sea with the relics of four other Saints they were 24th. One year, the statue became very heavy, and
carrying: the Martyrs Pappias, Lucian, Gregory had to be set down. The men rested, and then
and Acacius. This blessed the sea, and the relics tried to lift it again, but again it became even
traveled over the sea. (See St. Clement, Nov. 23rd, heavier after a few seconds. They tried a third
a Pope, who was thrown into the sea in Crimea; time, and had to set it down again. In a few
the sea receded every year three miles.) seconds, the walls collapsed further down the hill
According to St. Gregory of Tours (De in an earthquake. The statue of St. Bartholomew
Gloria Martyrum, i.33.), the relics of the holy had prevented the death of the townspeople.
Apostle Bartholomew traveled through the Black The relics of the Apostle that were at the
Sea, through the narrow strait of the Hellespont, Cathedral of St. Bartholomew in Lipari included
the open seas of the Aegean and the Ionian to the a large piece of skin and many bones. Later, the
island of Lipari off the coast of Sicily. Then, the island of Lipari was captured by Arabs, and the
relics of St. Pappias went to Amila in Sicily; the relics were scattered, but St. Bartholomew
relics of St. Lucian to Messina; the relics of St. appeared to a monk and told him where his relics
Gregory to Kolimi in Calabria on the mainland; were, and these were gathered together again
and the relics of St Acacius to the city of Ascalus. miraculously, and translated to the city of
The Apostle Bartholomew sent a vision to the Beneventum (or Benevento) near Naples in 803.
local Bishop Agathon, telling him that his relics Then, in 983, a portion of them was transferred to
had arrived in Lipari. The Bishop went to the Rome by the Holy Roman Emperor Otto II, at the
shore with his clergy and faithful, and there was basilica of San Bartolomeo all'Isola, which later
the lead coffin, not sunk beneath the waves. The was given to an ancient medical center, and
Bishop wondered aloud how the island of Lipari caused St. Bartholomew also become known as a
had come to possess that wealth and great Patron of hospitals and medicine. (from Project
treasure. He said that the island was made great, Gutenberg). Also, some of St. Bartholomew's

skull was given to Frankfurt, and an arm of St. Matthew said, ‘From there He will
Bartholomew was given to Canterbury Cathedral. come to judge the living and the dead.’ St.
In World War II, the silver statue of St. Matthew was a publican, or tax collector, who
Bartholomew in Lipari would have been melted converted. It is through the humility of the
by the Fascists to help pay for the war, but when publican, “have mercy on me a sinner,” that we
they weighed it, it only weighed a couple of learn that Christ came to save sinners, and God's
ounces, even though it was very heavy. St. judgment is mercy, and therefore his line from the
Bartholomew is associated with miracles having Bobbio Creed is about the Judgment of God; and
to do with with weights. Because he was flayed may also signify that he was from a family of
alive, he is also the Patron Saint of tanners. Priests, who considered themselves judges. His
The Byzantines also record a miracle of Psalm (129) is of the greatest humility “Out of
Joseph the Hymnographer, who received a the depths I have cried to Thee...” St. Matthew's
portion of the relics of the holy Apostle mission was mainly in Africa.
Bartholomew and took them to his monastery St. Matthew the Evangelist (writer of the
near Constantinople. He then prayed and fasted first of the four Gospels) has a Hebrew name:
forty days, asking the Apostle and the Lord Jesus Mattay or Mattithyahu (“Gift of Yahweh”), in
if he should compose hymns, and what would be Greek Matthaios. He is one of the sons of
worthy of the Saint. On the eve of the Feast of Alphaeus (brother of St. James the Less). He is
St. Bartholomew, he had a vision in the sanctuary also known as the tax collector (publican) in St.
of the Saint in bright white, who took the Book of Matthew 10:3 and 9:9. In the Gospels of Saints
the Holy Gospels from the Altar and placed it on Mark and Luke, the person who is the publican is
his breast, saying, “May the right hand of called “Levi:” “Levi son of Alphaeus” is called as
Almighty God bless thee, and may waters of one of the Twelve Apostles in St. Mark 2:14,
heavenly wisdom be poured forth upon thy “Levi” is called one of the Twelve Apostles in St.
tongue; may thy heart be a temple of the Holy Luke 5:27 and 5:29, all in the same circumstance
Spirit, and thy hymnody delight the whole as a publican. In lists of the Twelve Apostles, he
world.” Then the Apostle became invisible. St. is called “Matthew” in St. Matthew 10:3, St.
Joseph began composing Hymns for the Apostle Mark 3:18, St. Luke 6:15, and Acts 1:13. In
but also for the Birthgiver of God, St. Nicholas, these early portions of the Synoptic, or history
and others. [Note that this prayer of St. Gospels, only the Twelve Apostles are
Bartholomew reflects the meaning recorded by emphasized as called by Jesus, and therefore
the Celtic glossator of Oengus, “the son of the “Matthew” and “Levi” must be the same.
One Who suspends the waters.”] The name “Levi” signifies that he was
Matches Psalm 128 (Hebrew 129): from a family of Priests, which may have been
“Often have they fought against me from my forced to be tax collectors by the Romans (who in
later centuries forced Christian clergy families
youth, let Israel now say. Often have they fought
such as the family of St. Patrick to collect taxes).
against me from my youth: but they could not
The people of his country despised tax collectors,
prevail over me: The wicked have wrought upon
and usually publicans such as he were corrupt
my back: they have lengthened their iniquity.
and kept some money for themselves.
The Lord Who is just will cut the necks of
Some modern writers confuse St. James
sinners: let them all be confounded and turned the Less, also a son of Alphaeus, with Levi, but
back that hate Sion. Let them be as grass upon only one son would have been a publican, and
the tops of houses: which withereth before it be there are other brothers among the Twelve as
plucked up: Wherewith the mower filleth not his well. Although St. Matthew had been a sinner, he
hand: nor he that gathereth sheaves his bosom. was no worse than the Pharisees, as our Lord
And they that passed by have not said: The taught in the Parable of the Publican and the
blessing of the Lord be upon you: we have Pharisee in the Gospel of St. Luke, chapter
blessed you in the Name of the Lord.” 18:9-14, “...for everyone that exalteth himself

shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself In the book, The Explanation by Blessed
shall be exalted.” Theophylact of the Holy Gospel According to St.
This exaltation reaches its pinnacle in Matthew, the tradition of the Orthodox Church
Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, beginning with the that the Gospel of St. Matthew was written first is
Beatitudes in Chapter 5, “Blessed are the poor in emphatically stated in the Preface, by both St.
spirit; for theres is the kingdom of heaven...” St. Sophronius of Jerusalem, and also by Blessed
Matthew witnessed this great Sermon before he Theophylact (who lived from about A.D. 1050 to
was called as a disciple, according to his Gospel. about A.D. 1108). Blessed Theophylact states
But when he was invited to follow Jesus by the that a Jew who believes in Christ is content to
Lord Himself, St. Matthew immediately gave up know that Christ is descended from Abraham and
his tax collecting and followed Him (Mt 9:9). king David, and the first Gospel was mainly
Jesus also came to St. Matthew’s house and dined written for the Jews who were followers of Jesus
with him and his tax collecting friends, to the Christ. Blessed Theophylact states that the
horror of the Pharisees (Mt 9:10-13), but Jesus Gospel of St. Matthew was composed eight years
reminded the Pharisees that, “They that are whole after the Ascension of Christ. The Gospel of St.
need not a physician, but they that are sick.” St. Mark who was a disciple of St. Peter and one of
Matthew was one of the Twelve chosen by Jesus the Seventy disciples of Christ other than the
(Mt chapter 10), and witnessed the miracles and Twelve most important Apostles was composed
teachings of Jesus, as well as following the orders ten years after the Ascension of Christ (which
of Christ to go out and teach and heal. was faithfully recorded from what St. Peter told
The Apostle and Evangelist Matthew’s St. Mark, but was not in order). The Gospel of
contribution as the writer of the first Gospel is St. Luke, also one of the Seventy disciples, was
underlined at the service of the “Opening of the written fifteen years after the Ascension of Christ.
Ears,” the Traditio, of the Catechumens and The Gospel of St. John the Apostle and
Faithful before the Liturgy of Palm Sunday in the Evangelist was written thirty-two years after the
Celtic Rite. We hear about all four Gospels, and Ascension of Christ.
the Kerubs (from Ezekiel) that symbolize them. St. Matthew especially taught among the
“The Gospel is properly called the Good people of Galilee, Judaea, and around Palestine.
Announcement and particularly, it is the After the Lord’s Crucifixion, Resurrection,
announcement/ Annunciation of Jesus Christ our Ascension, and after the descent of the Holy
Lord: However, the Gospel is descended from Spirit at Pentecost, St. Matthew remained near
Him because it announces and discloses these Jerusalem long enough to write the Gospel of St.
things which were spoken through His Prophets: Matthew in the dialect of Hebrew known to
He came in the flesh: as was written: I have Jesus, called Aramaic (Eastern Syriac), which
said: Behold I am with you.” [Of the four was commonly used by the Jews after their
angels:] “...the aspects of those to the right, the captivity in Babylon, and was the language
first was like unto the Face of a man, the second spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ when he taught
like unto the face of a Lion; of those the left the in Israel. The Jewish Christians in Jerusalem had
first was like the face of a bull and the second requested St. Matthew to write the Gospel.
what that of an Eagle...” The four Evangelists are According to St. Sophronius of
all represented by the four living creatures in Jerusalem (Patriarch there from A.D. 634 to 638),
Ezekiel and Apocalypse 4:7. St. Matthew's Kerub St. Matthew “was the first to compose the Gospel
is a man, and is sometimes represented with of Christ, in Judea in the Hebrew language for
wings as the Kerubs are angels, which are those of the circumcision who believed. It is
messengers or news-bringers in Greek. These unknown by whom it was later translated into
symbols were assigned according to the Greek.” St. Sophronius states about the Gospel
beginnings of the Gospels; St. Matthew’s Gospel of St. Matthew, “The Hebrew text is preserved to
only tells the birth of the Savior and of the this day in the library of Caesarea that was most
“unabridged order of the generations.” diligently assembled by the Martyr Pamphilus.

The Nazarenes of Berroia in Syria, who use this pillars. And for another reason are there four
text, gave me permission to copy it. From this Gospels: because these contain four elements:
one is easily convinced that where the Evangelist teachings, commandments, warnings, and
makes use of the testimony of the Old Testament promises. To those who believe the teachings
Scriptures, either himself, or in the person of our and observe the commandments, God promises
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, he does not follow the good things that are to come. But those who
the authority of the Seventy [the Septuagint - do not believe the teachings and do not keep the
Greek Old Testament], but of the Hebrew text. It commandments, He threatens with the
is from the latter that these two passages come: punishments that are to come.” He makes four
“Out of Egypt have I called My Son” [St. divisions of the good things announced by the
Matthew 2:15, from Hosea 11:1, Exodus 4:22 Gospels as well, “namely, remission of sins,
Israel the nation-Son, Psalm 2:7, Psalm 115:16 being counted as righteous, ascent into the
Greek Septuagint or 116:16 KJV, Romans 9:4-8] heavens, and adoption as sons by God. It also
and “He shall be called a Nazarene” [St. Matthew announces that we can receive these things easily.
2:23, from Numbers 6:2-21, the term “Nazirite” For we ourselves have not labored to obtain these
or “Nazarite” means one separated, or good things, nor have we received them as a
consecrated to God, Judges 13:5-7, 16:17 about result of our own accomplishments, but by God’s
Samson living his entire life “for the child shall grace and love for man we have been deemed
be a Nazirite unto God from the womb,” and worthy of such good things.” (The four books,
Isaiah 11:1, the Messiah as a rod - netzer - out of The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of the
the stem of Jesse; also see St. Paul.] In Matthew Holy Gospel According to... are highly
1:23, “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and recommended reading. All four are translated
shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His and published by Chrysostom Press, P.O. Box
Name Immanuel, which, being interpreted, is 536, House Springs, MO 63051. They are also
God with us.” is a quote from Isaiah 7:14, in the available through St. Nectarios Press.)
original Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and also From apocryphal tradition (abbreviated):
the translation in the Greek Septuagint, but not in St. Matthew left Jerusalem soon after he wrote
modern Hebrew Bibles. There was a change in the Gospel of St. Matthew, and preached the
Hebrew texts after the first century to suppress Good News in many lands. He worked in
this line from Isaiah because it predicted the birth Macedonia, Syria, Persia, Parthia, and Media, and
of Jesus Christ. The fact that St. Matthew in other places, establishing churches where he
referred to the original Hebrew Scriptures went. He patiently suffered tortures, beatings,
according to St. Sophronius is important, because thirst and hunger, and God helped him endure.
it shows that the Hebrew text also included the His lot was to go to Ethiopia, and he traveled all
original wording of Isaiah. (For a summary of through that country, enlightening that country.
the writing of the Septuagint, which was used as The Glossator of Oengus writes: St.
the reference for most of the Christian use from Matthew, an Apostle [and Evangelist], Matius
Apostolic times, see St. Simeon at the apostolus et euangelista Domini decollatus est in
Presentation of the Lord, February 2nd.) eclesia iuxta altare in ciuitate quae uocatur
Blessed Theophylact quotes four Danam; quae est in Etiopia, sub rege Nirtgo (leg.
passages from the Gospel of St. Matthew, and Hyrtaco?) In Ethiopia passus est. [There is some
shows how the four Gospels may teach us the confusion with the Martyrdom of St. Matthias in
virtues of courage (Matthew 10:28), prudence the Martyrdom of St. Matthew.]
(Matthew 10:16), righteousness (Matthew 7:12), St. Matthew was led by the Holy Spirit
and self-control (Matthew 5:28). He also states, to go to a city called Mirmena in a country of
“For another reason are there four Gospels: cannibals. He converted a few people and built a
because these are pillars of the world. As the small church, appointing Platon who had traveled
world is divided into four parts: east, west, north, with him as Bishop. Seeking a quiet place for
and south, it was right that there also be four prayer for the conversion of the people, St.

Matthew climbed a nearby mountain, prayed and “Lord, into Thy hands I surrender my soul!” and
fasted. He stayed in the open without shelter. went to the bliss of heaven. But Fulvian was not
The Lord came to him as a handsome youth done with his doubts: after placing the unburned
holding a staff in his right hand. The youth body of St. Matthew on a golden bier, in rich
greeted Matthew and held out the staff to him, clothing, he had an iron coffin made, and sealed
telling Matthew to plant the staff outside the door the body of St. Matthew in it with lead, and had it
of the church he had built, and it would grow into thrown into the sea. But in the night, St. Matthew
a great tree with wonderful fruit and a stream of appeared to Bishop Platon, and told him that the
pure water flowing under it, and that those who next day his coffin would be on the shore to the
would wash in the water would gain the beauty of east of the prince's palace. Bishop Platon brought
the grace of God, and those who eat the fruit a huge crowd with him to the shore; all saw the
would forget their habits of aggression and coffin floating on the waves to shore. With great
become meek persons. St. Matthew returned praises to God for saving St. Matthew's body
with the staff, but met the wife and son of from fire and water, even prince Fulvian and his
Fulvian, the ruler of the city. These two were nobles believed in Jesus Christ as the only true
possessed by demons, who cried out, and St. God. Prince Fulvian was taught the true faith and
Matthew expelled the demons. St. Matthew was Baptized immediately, and was given the name
greeted by Bishop Platon and clergy; the staff Matthew, at a command of a voice from heaven.
was planted, and grew into a tree immediately, Within a week the prince had smashed
with fruit and a stream beneath. The entire city all the idols, had his nobles Baptized, and within
came to see, eat the fruit, and drink the water. three years was Ordained a Priest, then a Bishop,
Preaching the Gospel in their own language, St. and the son of the prince a Deacon, and then
Matthew Baptized all of the city in the spring, successor to his father. Ethiopia became the
and all became peaceful and beautiful. earliest Christian country in the world. Bishop
Although prince Fulvian was happy Matthew and the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew
about his wife, he became angry that the city had stand together before the Throne of God, praying
left its gods, and Fulvian was convinced by the for us to the Lord, that we may inherit the
demons to kill the Apostle. In short, at first the everlasting kingdom of God.
warriors sent to St. Matthew couldn't see him or Matches Psalm 129 (Hebrew 130): “Out
take him because of darkness. More warriors of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord,
couldn't take St. Matthew because of a fearful hear my voice: Let Thy ears be attentive to the
great light. Fulvian was also struck blind when voice of my supplication. If Thou, O Lord, wilt
he went himself, but St. Matthew cured his mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it? For
blindness. Then Fulvian blamed St. Matthew for with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by
sorcery, and was going to take him to the palace reason of Thy law I have waited for Thee, O
to burn St. Matthew, but St. Matthew insisted that Lord. My soul hath relied on His word: my soul
it be done right away on the spot. The great fire hath hoped in the Lord. From the morning watch
went out, and St. Matthew was unharmed, and even until night: let Israel hope in the Lord.
Fulvian again blamed sorcery, and ordered more Because with the Lord there is mercy: and with
wood, and guarding the fire with twelve gold Him plentiful redemption. And He shall redeem
idols. But, when St. Matthew prayed, the idols Israel from all his iniquities.”
melted like wax in a thunderclap, and unbelievers
were burnt, and unstoppable flames stretched to James, the son of Alpheus, said: ‘I
Fulvian serpent-like. Fulvian asked for mercy, believe in the Holy Spirit.’ (The names “James”
and St. Matthew rebuked the fire, and again, and “Jacob” are the same.) Little is known about
Fulvian was saved and the serpent vanished. him, but that he was one of the Twelve, and
Fulvian was going to release St. Matthew from showed the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The
the fire, but at that moment, St. Matthew prayed, Byzantine Rite Hymn for St. James asks for

forgiveness for sins. The Psalm that matches him There is a tradition that he was Martyred
(Psalm 130) recalls the first Beatitude, “Blessed at Ostrakine (or Ostrachina) in Lower Egypt,
are the poor in spirit,” which is a blessing upon nailed to a Cross, for having violated the Torah,
the humble. even though he was a follower of all the Jewish
He is mentioned as “James the Less” laws, because he was preaching the Gospel.
meaning younger, with his mother: Mk 15:40: However, Romans, not Jews, practiced
“Mary the mother of James the younger and of Crucifixion, usually for rebellion, not for Jewish
Joses”; Mk 16:1, Mt. 27:56: “Mary the mother disputes. Other tradition says that pagans in
of James.” He is also called “son of Alphaeus:” Egypt, not the Jews, crucified him. At that time,
Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 1:13; and Acts 1:13. the area around Alexandria had many conflicts
See the poem about the Saints named between pagans, Jews, and later Christians; there
“James” on Dec. 27th, in the history of St. James were often riots between these groups. A
the Righteous, who is not the same as St. James carpenter's saw is the symbol associated with him
son of Alphaeus (St. Jerome and the Roman in icons, because it is also noted that his body
church confused the two, but St. James the was later sawed to pieces (like St. Simon). The
Righteous was one of the 70 lesser Apostles, not Martyrology of Tallaght and the glossator of
of the Twelve). The quote about the Holy Spirit Oengus, both ancient sources, say that he was
also fits St. James the Righteous, who was also Martyred in north Persia after preaching in Syria.
called “St. James of the Knees” for his humility. Matches Psalm 130 (Hebrew 131):
There is another confusion, with St. “Lord, my heart is not exalted: nor are my eyes
James son of Cleopas, see St. John 19:25. lofty. Neither have I walked in great matters: nor
Cleopas is the husband of one of the Marys; some in wonderful things above me. If I was not
have said that Cleopas is that Mary's father and humbly minded; but exalted my soul: As a child
Alphaeus is the same Mary's husband, which was that is weaned is towards his mother, so reward in
accepted by many in the early church. my soul. Let Israel hope in the Lord: from
Alphaeus is also the name of the father henceforth now and for ever.”
of St. Matthew (Levi) Mk 2:14, and Mt 9:9. Lists
of the Twelve Apostles often list St. Matthew Simon Zelotes said: ‘I believe in the
next to St. James son of Alphaeus. (The other Holy Church.’ Simon means “hearing,” and the
“James” among the Twelve Apostles is James, Church must listen to God through Tradition,
son of Zebedee, brother of St. John, called the Scripture, and Holy Communion. The Psalm for
Greater, often seen with Saints Peter and John.) St. Simon pictures a man who found a resting
St. James received the gift of the Holy place for the Lord; the description of meekness
Spirit at Pentecost with the other Apostles, and interchangeable with St. Jude.
was said to be aflame with the zeal of the Holy St. Simon the Zealot was not the same
Spirit, and with his father Alphaeus and the Simon as St. Peter. Nor was he the ancient St.
Apostle Andrew traveled through Judea, Edessa, Symeon who held Jesus Christ in his arms when
Gaza, and Eleutheropolis, teaching and healing. Jesus was an infant, saying, “Now let Thy servant
St. James preached among the gentiles, smashed depart in peace...” He is not the good St. Judas
idols and destroyed their temples, and drove evil either, called Judas Zelotes in a second century
spirits from the people. He brought a great Epistle of the Apostles (Epistula Apostolorum), or
multitude to Christ, and was the Apostle known even St. Thomas, who is called Judas Thomas,
as the “Divine Seed,” sowing the Word of God, which means Judas the twin. St. Simon the
the Gospel of Christ, in many people’s hearts. He Zealot is listed separately in the Gospel lists of
planted faith, and burned the thorns of the Twelve Apostles in Luke 6:15 and Acts 1:13.
ungodliness. Less is said about him than about He is also called Kananaios, or Kananites so that
the other Apostles, including the Holy Apostles he is not confused with Simon Peter (St. Matthew
Jude, Simon the Zealot, and even Matthias who 10:4, St. Mark 3:18). The Hebrew word qana,
was chosen after the Ascension of Christ. means zealous, but Jerome and others translated

this as from the town of Cana, which would have forbid a man to put away (divorce) his wife in
been “Kanaios”, or from the area of Canaan, or order to take a rank such as Bishop, but St.
perhaps from an ancient group of Canaanites. Simon’s marriage could be said to have been
There is confusion also with the St. annulled, not lasting even one day. “Leaving his
Simon who was one of the children of St. Joseph own bride for the love of Christ, Simon wedded
before St. Joseph was betrothed to the Blessed his soul to the Heavenly Bridegroom.” Christ is
Virgin Mary: all of whom became Apostles, the Bridegroom, but He did not form
although all but St. Jude were of the Seventy, not relationships with females or males of a sexual
the Twelve. (St. Mark 6:3 lists the sons of St. nature (Mt 19:12). St. Simon left all interest in
Joseph: Saints James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon, things of this world, his soul joined to the Lord
and lists the daughters simply as “sisters.” St. Jesus Christ in the Heavenly kingdom.
James “of the Knees” became St. James the Where was heaven? As the Psalm 138:8
Righteous, first Patriarch of Jerusalem. See St. says, “If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there;
Jude, who would only call himself “brother of if I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art
James.” If St. Simon the brother of St. Jude were there.” (read on All Saints day.) As St. Paul said
St. Simon Zealotes, and Saints Simon and Jude to the Athenians, “For in him we live, and move,
preached together, then it would have made sense and have our being... For we are also His
for St. Jude to call himself “brother of Simon,” offspring.” (Acts 17:28). The Lord Jesus Christ
but he did not; they were only friends.) said, “Behold, the kingdom of God is within
Tradition says that St. Simon the Zealot you.” [or in the midst of you.] ( St. Luke 17:21).
was born in the town of Cana by the Sea of The Lord Jesus quoted a Psalm, “God standeth in
Galilee, not far from Nazareth (but see above). the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among
His family was known to the Lord and the the gods... I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you
Birthgiver of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary. St.
are children of the Most High... Arise, O God,
Simon was the bridegroom in the marriage of
judge the earth; for thou shalt inherit all nations.”
Cana (although some think that St. Jude was the
(Psalm 81). We are made in the Image of God,
Bridegroom). St. Simon had invited many people
therefore the kingdom of God must be within and
to his wedding, including the Blessed Virgin
among us. St. Simon worshiped the Lord Jesus
Mary and the Lord Jesus Christ Who had not
begun his ministry in public yet, although some Christ as the Son of the living God, and therefore
Apostles also came to the wedding. The Lord he wanted to follow Him. (The Essence of God
Jesus Christ turned water into wine because of a as seen in Person: read the Explanation of the
shortage (St. John 2:1-11). Kontakion of St. Orthodox Faith of St. John of Damascus, one of
Romanos the Melodist (Byzantine Rite), “At the the most difficult subjects to describe; in earthly
wedding in Cana, I made water into wine at the terms it cannot be described.)
behest of My all-pure Mother. There also, O On Pentecost all the Apostles received
Simon, I made thy heart zealous to follow Me in the gift on tongues from the tongues of the fire of
faith; I Who alone know what is in the heart.” the Holy Spirit, and all of them were able to
The image of Christ the Bridegroom of preach the Word of God in any language. St.
our mother the Church is associated with the Simon preached to Egypt, Mauritania, Libya,
marriage at Cana. The banquet of that Marriage Numidia, Cyrenia, and Abkhazia (a region on the
also represents the true wine Jesus gives us in His northeast shore of the Black Sea), and St. Simon
Holy Communion being the “good wine,” brought many pagans there to the Christian Faith.
superior to the water of the commentaries on the St. Simon was equated with St. Simeon
law. The six water pots may represent the of Jerusalem, the second Patriarch of Jerusalem
“Mishnah” and “Talmud,” which Christ changes. after the Martyrdom of St. James the Righteous.
Because St. Simon left his own wedding St. Simon is said to have gone to Britain
party to follow after Jesus Christ, he is known as with St. Joseph of Arimathaea, and it is said St.
“Zelotes” or “the Zealot.” The Apostolic Canons Peter also visited there. (St. Joseph of Arimathaea

is said to have established a Church and many lands, including Italy.) In icons, St. Simon
monastery dedicated to the holy Birthgiver of Zelotes has a saw with him, to show the means of
God, the Ever-virgin Mary at the hill of his Martyrdom (according to one source).
Glastonbury, bringing with him the Holy Grail.) Matches Psalm 131 (Hebrew 132): “O
Some sources say that in Britain St. Simon the Lord, remember David, and all his meekness.
Zealot was crucified by idolators and buried. How he swore to the Lord, he vowed a vow to the
This is from an early source, St. Dorotheus, God of Jacob: If I shall enter into the tabernacle
Bishop of Gaza, A.D. 300. St. Nicephorus, of my house: if I shall go up into the bed wherein
Patriarch of Constantinople A.D. 758-829, also I lie: If I shall give sleep to my eyes, or slumber
said that St. Simon the Zealot traveled to Britain. to my eyelids: Or rest to my temples: until I find
However, later Roman and Celtic sources say that out a place for the Lord, a tabernacle for the God
St. Simon was buried in Babylon. The Feast of of Jacob. Behold, we have heard of it in Ephrata:
Saints Simon and Jude on October 28th are for we have found it in the fields of the wood. We
their Martyrdom and burial in Babylon. will go into His tabernacle: we will adore in the
Some of the history of St. Simon was place where His feet stood. Arise, O Lord, into
gathered by St. Isidore of Seville in De Vita et Thy resting-place: Thou and the ark, which Thou
Morte, and that the later Golden Legend (Legenda hast sanctified. Let Thy priests be clothed with
Aurea) from 1260 has a longer history. In this, justice: and let Thy saints rejoice. For Thy
St. Simon teaches in Egypt, and then teaches servant David’s sake, turn not away the face of
with St. Jude in Persia and Armenia, and they Thy anointed. The Lord hath sworn truth to
share the feast day of October 28th because both David, and He will not make it void: Of the fruit
were Martyred in Armenia (a later source than the of thy womb I will set upon thy throne. If thy
Celtic source which says Babylon). Other children will keep my covenant, and these my
testimonies which I shall teach them: Their
traditions place St. Simon in the Middle East and
children also for evermore shall sit upon thy
Africa. The Ethiopians (see St. Matthew) say he
throne. For the Lord hath chosen Sion: He hath
was crucified in Samaria, and Justis Lipsius said
chosen it for His dwelling. This is my rest for
that St. Simon was sawed in half in Suanir,
ever and ever: here will I dwell, for I have chosen
Persia. Moses of Chorene says St. Simon died in
it. Blessing I will bless her widow: I will satisfy
Weriosphora or in Caucasian Iberia. Another
her poor with bread. I will clothe her priests with
tradition says that he died peacefully in Edessa. salvation: and her saints shall rejoice with
Another tradition said that he was killed by the exceeding great joy. There will I bring forth a
Romans in Palestine because of a Jewish horn to David: I have prepared a lamp for my
rebellion. Other sources point to the city of anointed. His enemies I will clothe with
Nikopsia, near Dzhigentia, which is now a ruined confusion: but upon him shall my sanctification
city thirteen miles from Sukhumi near the shores flourish.”
of the Black Sea. A Church was erected there on
the site of the Saint’s death that was renovated in Judas, the brother of James, said:
1875. St. Simon may have traveled to all these ‘Through Holy Baptism [there is] remission of
places, and may have been tortured in all of them, sins.’ In Greek Ιούδα, Also known as St.
but it is not certain in which he was Martyred. Thaddeus. In St. John 14:22 we see that he is the
Or, it might have been a confusion of names at St. Judas that is not the Iscariot (in other words,
the time, although the names Persia, Dzhigentia, the good Apostle Judas). The “James” who is the
and Britain are not at all similar, and the Apostle Judas' brother is St. James the Righteous,
languages of Gallican and Persian are not similar. first Bishop of Jerusalem, also called “the brother
(There were Gallican people near the Black Sea of the Lord” and “St. James of the Knees”
who spoke a “P” Gaelic, similar to the Gaelic of because he knelt at the manger when Christ was
Britain, although mostly they were in Galich, not born, and continued in adoration, sharing with
Dzhigentia. Gallican people were scattered in Him his inheritance from St. Joseph, even though

Jesus was not directly the son of St. Joseph (see The Epistle of St. Jude emphasizes that
December 27th). St. James the Righteous was the in Christian Baptism we should give up our sins.
son of St. Joseph by St. Joseph's first marriage, of (Our Baptism is entering into the Offering of
the Seventy Apostles, not the Twelve. The Christ on the Cross that takes away our sins, but
Apostle Judas was so humble that he wanted to that also requires giving up sin, and repairing any
be referred to as “brother of James,” because he damage we have caused). St. Jude intercedes for
was sorry that he and the other brothers (other those in the greatest need. The Psalm designation,
than St. James) had complained that the birth of Psalm 132, is about the unity of the brethren, and
Jesus would cause a reduction in their the anointing oil of God, and may be used for the
inheritance, lacking brotherly love; and the Alleluia on Feasts of Saints Simon and Jude.
brothers other than St. James not listening to our St. Jude was born in Nazareth and was
Lord at first, lacking faith (St. John 7:5, and the one of the sons of Joseph. The mother of Jude
Epistle of St. Jude 1:1). For this reason, he might was Salome, daughter of Haggai who was the son
be thought of as a “prodigal son;” he learns that of Barachiah, a brother of St. Zacharias who was
there is so much more than a physical inheritance. the father of St. John the Baptist. St. Jude
When St. Jude realized the truth that Jesus Christ married a woman named Mariam.
is the Son of God, and came to save sinners, even There is some dispute about whether or
his step-brothers, he gladly followed the Lord. not he wrote the General Epistle of St. Jude in the
St. Luke 6:12-16, and Acts 1:13 list a Bible: in verse 17 he refers to “the Apostles,” as
“Judas of James,” in the Twelve; which has been if outside of them, but St. Jude had great
interpreted as son of James by some modern humility, calling himself the brother of James,
interpreters, but by tradition is the brother of and not of the Lord, and he thought of himself as
James. There is a reference to St. Jude as the the least of the Holy Apostles.
brother of Jesus (Mt 13:55-57 and Mark 6:3). There is further confusion about the
Baptism is fitting as his motto, because name Judas. The Epistle of the Apostles (Epistula
even though he was a step-brother of Jesus, he Apostolorum), a second century book against
had to be transformed through Holy Baptism to gnostic heretics, is signed by St. Jude, as “Judas
be able to be Christian, and he understood that the Zealot,” not the same Judas, but some have
true brotherhood is as a member of the Church. confused them. He is also called “Thaddeus /
No Christian becomes Christian by inheritance, Lebbaeus in St. Matthew 10:3, possibly to
but by Holy Baptism. distinguish him from Judas Iscariot. The Apostle
Note: a heresy that has to do with the Thomas is also called Judas Thomas (Thomas
“divine right of kings,” invented by Charlemagne meaning “twin,” Judas being his first name), so
around 800, focuses on physical inheritance of there is confusion with St. Thomas as well.
divine right and power rather than the inheritance There is also some confusion with a St. Jude who
of heaven through Baptism and the Redemption was the son of St. Clopas and St. Mary, a cousin
by Christ of all humanity on the Cross. of the Blessed Virgin Mary, born in the town of
Charlemagne invented a physical relationship Paneas in Galilee which was rebuilt by the
between St. Mary Magdalene and Jesus to try to
Romans and renamed Caesarea Philippi. St.
prove this inheritance, but such an inheritance
Clopas was one of the Seventy, and was Martyred
would make worldly man and physical
because he was devoted to the Risen Christ; and
connections higher than God, also reinventing the
St. Mary was also one of the women followers of
Twelve Tribes of Israel, which is unnecessary.
This heresy also caused a self-destructive Christ. The 14th century writer Nicephorus
secularism. Christ had chosen not to have Callistus said that St. Jude was the Bridegroom at
physical relationships: Mt 19:12; Mt 22:30, Lk the wedding at Cana, although others said that St.
20:35. (Although Jesus is the Bridegroom of the Simon the Zealot was the Bridegroom at Cana;
Church, a spiritual relationship through the the confusion may be that Ss. Simon and Jude
Resurrection, which is different: Mt 25:1-13). are celebrated the same day.

Some people think that this Apostle October 28th he is remembered together with St.
Thaddeus was of the Seventy Apostles, not of the Simon. The Acts of Simon and Jude, by Abdias,
Twelve, but the mission of bringing the letter Bishop of Babylon, may have been the source of
from Jesus and the cloth to Edessa to king confusion in the Celtic Martyrologies of St.
Abgarus was important enough for one of the Jude's passion in Babylon.
Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ to visit. After The Armenians say, however, that Saint
Pentecost St. Jude spread the Gospel of Christ to Jude was Martyred in 65 A.D. in Beirut, Lebanon
many lands, according to the church historian with St. Simon the Zealot. The country of
Nicephorus: Judaea, Galilee, Samaria, Idumaea, Armenia accepted Christianity in 301 A.D., but
Arabia, Syria, and Mesopotamia. (Note the same they say that Saints Jude and Bartholomew first
Nicephorus who thought he was the bridegoorm led missions to their land, and honor them at St.
at Cana. Others say that St. Jude also preached in Thaddeus monastery.
Libya, Beirut, Persia, and Armenia.) He came to The body of St. Jude was brought from
the home of king Abgar in Edessa, who had heard Beirut to Rome, and has been in a crypt in St.
the Gospel from another St. Thaddaeus, one of Peter's Basilica since the mid-15th century.
the Seventy Apostles. [It is also a tradition that Before that time, it is said that the relics of St.
king Abgar had received a napkin with the Image Jude were in an Armenian monastery on an island
of Christ, the “cloth of Edessa,” and a letter from in northern Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan, or in a more
Jesus before His Passion; see below.] St. Jude distant place in the Pamir mountains, although
completed in Edessa what had not been finished. there is dispute where the body had been.
It is said that St. Jude preached in Persia, The Feast days of St. Jude, July 1 and
and wrote his Catholic Epistle in that land, in October 28, may also be used to venerate the
Greek. He was concerned that ungodly people cloth of Edessa, also called the Mandylion. St.
had come among the believers, and were Jude is the Patron of lost causes.
practicing sins in the name of Christian freedom. St. Jude may be depicted in icons with
St. Jude expounds on the Holy Trinity, the several different symbols:
incarnation of Jesus Christ, the difference 1. Carrying in his hands or near his chest the
between good and evil angels, and the last Mandylion, or Image made without hands, the
judgment. He also asks us to turn away from icon portrait of Christ on cloth;
sins, patiently keep duties, faith, prayer, and love. 2. A flame above his head, representing his
He tells us to help those in error to return to the presence at Pentecost of the Twelve, and that he
faith, but avoid heretics who will perish like the was the good Judas, not Iscariot (and note that in
people of Sodom. He states that it is not enough the Bobbio Apostles' Creed, he proclaims
to turn from paganism to Christianity, but also Baptism, which may also be interpreted as
that we should do the good works of Christians. Chrismation in the Holy Spirit as well);
He reminds us of the punishments due to those 3. with a club, axe or halberd, since he was
who do not keep themselves from sin. Martyred by one of those weapons;
St. Jude reached the lands around Mt. 4. a scroll or a book (the Epistle of St. Jude);
Ararat, converting pagans to Christians. But the 5. or holding a carpenter's rule.
envious pagan priests tortured him, and then hung St. Jude is also known as a Patron Saint of
him on a cross and ran him through with spears. Hospitals, and in the U.S., St. Jude's Children's
He departed this life into heaven. (Saints Hospital that helps children in desperate cases.
Bartholomew and Jude are honored by the During the reign of the emperor
Armenian Church as Patron Saints.) The Celtic Dometian (A.D. 81-96), two grandsons of St.
calendar states that his main Festival is his burial Jude were brought to the emperor because of
in Babylon. Another source states that St. Jude is slanders, as they were descendants of David and
reported as suffering Martyrdom together with St. kinsmen of the Lord. At the time, they were
Simon the Zealot in Persia. On July 1st and employed in working the land with their own

hands. The emperor set them free when he saw visible and speedy help where help is
they were no political danger to him. almost despaired of. Come to my
In Europe, St. Jude became known as assistance in this great need that I may
the Patron Saint of desperate situations, lost receive the consolation and succor of
causes, and impossible problems, and it is Heaven in all my necessities,
claimed that this is because the General Epistle of tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
St. Jude stresses that the faithful should persevere -- (Mention your request) and that I may
in the same way that their ancestors did when praise God with thee and all the elect
there are difficult problems. It is also thought throughout eternity. I promise, O blessed
that, perhaps because European Christians rarely Jude, to be ever mindful of this great
had access to their own copy of Scripture, they favor, and I will never cease to honor
confused the good St. Judas with the betrayer of thee as my special and powerful patron,
Christ, Judas Iscariot, and therefore people forgot and to do all in my power to encourage
his veneration; this is not the likely reason, since devotion to thee. Amen. Or:
at least he had a General Epistle, and some of the Saint Jude, Hope of the Hopeless, Pray
other Apostles such as St. Simon were not well for me
known in the West either. It is more likely that The Bobbio verse for St. Jude Matches Psalm
Europeans did not associate the authority of an 132 (Hebrew 133): “Behold how good and how
Apostle with the humility of St. Jude. pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in
During the time while the city of unity: Like the precious ointment on the head,
Constantinople was being sacked, orders of that ran down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron.
European monks also sought to establish Which ran down to the skirt of his garment: As
monasteries in eastern lands. The Dominicans the dew of Hermon, which descendeth upon
(Order of Preachers), not satisfied with rejecting mount Sion. For there the Lord hath commanded
the reading of Psalms (in response to the Cathars blessing, and life for evermore.”
in France), founded a mission in Armenia in
1216. Quite probably, they learned about the Brought by St. Jude to Edessa:
veneration of St. Jude there, and brought his The Cloth of Edessa, the Mandylion (cloth),
veneration back to Italy, Spain, and the U.S., after or Acheiropoietos (Made Without Hands)
Christians were driven from Armenia, starting in (May be commemorated with St. Jude)
the 1700ds. Around the 1920s, the Dominicans There are many accounts of the cloth of
and Claretians around Chicago started a strong Edessa. Early accounts only stress the letter from
devotion to St. Jude. Roman Catholics say a Christ to the king of Edessa, Abgar V
prayer asking for intercessions from St. Jude for (pronounced Avgar), but the wonder-working
nine days, followed by a written public nature of the Image, and the account that it might
thanksgiving with the prayer in a newspaper. It is have been a full portrait folded to show the Face
a simple devotion asking for intercessions: of Christ according to a 6th century source, the
Most Holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful same as the Shroud of Turin, shows other
servant and friend of Jesus, the name of evidences of its early origin. (There were early
the traitor who delivered thy beloved Images of Christ: There are very early statues of
Master into the hands of His enemies Christ the Good Shepherd in the Cleveland
hath caused thee to be forgotten by Museum of Art; and other early portraits and
many, but the Church honors and statues of Christ.) This cloth is also called
invokes thee universally as the patron of Acheiropoietos (Αχειροποίητος, literally "not-
hopeless cases, of things despaired of. made-by-hand") or the Mandylion (a Greek
Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make corruption of the Latin word "Mantellum"
use, I implore thee, of that particular meaning “cloak, mantel; hand-towel; napkin;
privilege accorded to thee, to bring towel, or cloth” (see William Whitaker's Words, a

Latin on-line dictionary). Christ has come into that one of the angels gave the linen to St. Mary
the world; the Holy Spirit reveals all true icons as Magdalene; another that the wife of Pilate,
made without hands; and Christ among us means Procula, gave it to St. Luke. Whatever the
that His Image may be seen. source, it was an early relic.
There is a Scriptural mention of Jesus It was said that King Abgarus had
talking with representatives from another country leprosy (similar to the story of Constantine at the
seeking His aid, although it is not stated that it is Throne of Peter, Jan 18th), and sent his servant
Edessa, but the timing near His Passion matches Ananias (or Hannan) as a messenger to Jesus,
the history of the cloth of Edessa. Tradition requesting Jesus to come and heal him, and also
states that Jesus was approached by the invited Jesus to stay at Edessa as a safe place to
messenger from king Abgarus named Ananias. In live, and if Jesus could not come, Ananias (or
Scripture, we hear about the fame that came to Hannan) might make a painting of Jesus which
Jesus when Lazarus was raised from the dead. would heal him.
This happened a while before the messenger King Abgar's letter to Jesus:
came to Jesus from the king of Edessa; because "In my thoughts I have arrived at
after the miracle of Lazarus, Jesus had left the two possible conclusions, that
area near Jerusalem and “went into a country near either you are God and have come
the desert, unto a city that is called Ephrem, and down from heaven to achieve these
there he abode with his disciples;” St. Matthew things or you do these things
19:1, “...the coasts of Judea, beyond Jordan...” because you are the Son of God...I
St. Luke 19:1 “...he walked through Jericho.” have heard that the Jews murmur
Jesus then returned to Bethany only six days against you and wish to do you
before Passover, just before His Passion: St. John harm. My city is quite small, but it
11:54 to 12:1. Then the short passage where is honorable, and there is a place in
Jesus is approached by a messenger or the it for both of us."
messenger and others: St. John 12:20-23 “Now Jesus sent a letter in reply:
there were certain Gentiles among them, who "Blessed are you with your faith in
came up to adore on the festival day. These me, although you have not seen
therefore came to Philip, who was of Bethsaida of me. Indeed, it has been written of
Galilee, and desired him, saying: Sir, we would me that those who saw me would
see Jesus. Philip cometh, and telleth Andrew. not believe in me, so that those
Again Andrew and Philip told Jesus. But Jesus who have not seen me would have
answered them, saying: The hour is come, that faith and life. With regard to what
the Son of man should be glorified.” After this you have written, that I should
passage Jesus continues to talk about his Passion come to you, it is necessary for me
and death in more detail. Edessa (now Urfa) was to accomplish here that for which I
a city in what is now southeast Turkey, in the was sent and, after it has been
country of Parthia, whose capital was Ctesiphon done, to return to Him who sent
on the Tigris River, not under Rome, according to me. but when I have been taken up,
Frank C. Tribbe, Portrait of Jesus? (1983). I will send one of my disciples to
The holy cloth may have been given to you, to cure your illness and to give
king Abgar when St. Jude came to his country, if life to you and yours."
it was the burial linen of Christ. An apocryphal King Abgarus would be healed because of his
book, the Gospel of the Hebrews 9:1, states, after faith, but not entirely healed; after the Ascension
His Resurrection, Jesus gave one of the linen of our Lord Jesus Christ a disciple went to the
burial cloths: “The Lord, after he had given the king. Ananias was not able to paint the portrait,
linen cloth to the priest's slave, went to James and but Jesus put a cloth on His own Face, and the
appeared to him.” Other apocryphal books said Image was imprinted. When the letter and Image

arrived at Edessa, King Abgarus was partly the entire area of Ireland. A “palladia” was for
healed, but St. Thomas sent St. Jude after protection, and also signified an honor. (In this
Pentecost to go to Edessa, and the king was account St. Jude seems to be of the 70 Apostles,
completely healed, and then Baptized. (Or, the not the Twelve, but for such an important relic
letter arrived, and then the Image with St. Jude.) and letter, the only known one by our Lord Jesus
King Abgar, after smashing idols at the Christ Himself, one of the Twelve would have
city's gate, placed the cloth with the image above taken on that important mission.)
the entrance, glued onto wood, with a gold frame The pilgrim Egeria, from Gaul or Spain,
decorated with pearls. King Abgar also wrote in 384 A.D., saw the correspondence between
over the icon in the gateway, “O Christ our God, king Abgarus and Jesus, and was given a tour by
no one who hopes in Thee will be put to shame.” the Bishop of Edessa. She records miracles of
Later, when Ma'nu VI, or great-grandson of king the rescue of the city of Edessa from the Persians.
Abgar returned to paganism, the Bishop added She mentions a gate where Ananias came in with
walls to the gate by night, covering the Icon, with the letter from Jesus, but not the Image, or any
a burning lamp before it, sealed beneath a tile. other mention of the cloth of Edessa. However,
The icon was not rediscovered until the great even though she was taken through Edessa by the
flood of that city in 525. (Notice that many in Bishop for three days, inspecting everything she
India also returned to paganism because the could, the cloth of Edessa was still walled up in
heresy of Mani, called Manichaenism, weakened that gate. Nobody found the Cloth until 525.
their Christian faith so much that they took on The Doctrine of Addai [Thaddeus] 13,
ideas of multiple returning gods, and gave up from the year 400, says that Hannan painted the
Christianity. That heresy spread from Syria to Image of Christ, and King Abgar put the Image in
India, and plagued many Christian communities.) one of his palaces, and King Abgar was cured of
Eusebius' History Ecclesiastica, I, xiii. his illness, and converted to Christianity with
Epistle of Jesus Christ to Abgarus King of Edessa most of his country.
(1.13.5 to 1.13..22), written in 325, talks about According to Procopius of Caesarea,
the letters written between Jesus and king there was a major flood in the year 525 of the
Abgarus and the mission of St. Jude. Eusebius Daisan River (next to Edessa) which flowed into
said that he had copied and translated the letters the Euphrates River, killing thirty thousand
in the Syriac chancery documents of the letter people, a third of the city, and damaging or
from king Abgar to Jesus, and the reply from destroying many buildings. When the city was
Jesus. Although Eusebius mentions letters but being rebuilt, a cloth which had the face of a man
not the Image on the cloth, there are many other on it was found in a wall above one of the gates
accounts in early Syriac of the Image. Eusebius of Edessa. Procopius also wrote about an event
may not have known about the Image because it in 544, when he noted that Edessa was taken back
was behind the gate wall. from the Persians because of the letter sent from
After Pentecost, the Twelve Apostles Jesus to Abgar. The image was found in the time
cast lots, and the Apostles Thomas was to go to of Emperor Justinian, after Bishop Eulabius of
Parthia (including India), far to the east. St. Edessa had a vision of the holy Mother of God,
Thomas knew of the correspondence between on the night of a Persian invasion by the Persian
king Abgar and Jesus, and he assigned St. king Chozroes. The image also made a copy of
Thaddaeus (St. Jude) to take Jesus' reply to king itself on the tile. The same lamp was still burning
Abgar, in order to fulfill the promise of Jesus, and inside the wall. The lamp gave out oil, which is a
also to carry the most holy cloth to Abgar for miracle that occasionally is found in Orthodox
safekeeping. Relics were considered precious, churches; and the Bishop of Edessa used some of
and called “palladia.” Note that in later centuries, that oil in a fire to destroy the Persians.
Pope Celestine gave St. Patrick of Ireland a In the reign of Justinian during the 6th
“Pallium” as a token of St. Patrick's authority in century, a vivid portrait icon of Christ was made

at St. Catherine's monastery in the Sinai; very (London: Doubleday) 1991, suggested that there
similar in features to the features of the “Shroud are two copies of the cloth of Edessa: one a face
of Turin.” It is possible that a traveling monk on a square cloth, and another a whole figure on a
studied the cloth of Edessa that had just been rectangular cloth, and at least one of them may be
revealed to the world. the Shroud of Turin. Wilson says that there were
Evagrius Scholasticus said, in his Byzantine reports of one original and two copies.
Ecclesiastical History, in 593, that Edessa was In 944 Constantinople sent military help
taken back from the Persians because of the to Edessa, and the cloth of Edessa was given back
Image on the cloth, which he called a “God-made to the Christians in exchange for Muslim
image, not made by hands” (Acheiropoietos, or prisoners, and then it was taken to Constantinople
Αχειροποίητος, literally "not-made-by-hand"). (commemorated August 16th/29th in the Byzantine
Some say that he originated the legend of the Rite), at the time of emperor Romanus I, of
cloth, but that does not explain that it was found Constantinople, who kept it in the Chapel of the
in the wall with the Face already imprinted on it Pharos at the Great Palace. The cloth at this time
as recorded by Procopius; or that king Abgarus was said to not appear as a painted portrait, but an
did have a well-known letter from Jesus. unclear shroud. This was called the “sindon,” or
In 609, the Sassanians took Edessa, and burial shroud and linens in the inventory of 1201.
the cloth disappeared. In 1999 the historian It stayed in that chapel until 1204.
Andrew Palmer visited Urfa, where the Arabs in But when the Crusaders sacked the city
Urfa (Edessa) told him that in 609 the cloth was of Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade (starting
thrown into a well where the city's Great Mosque in 1204), the cloth was removed and taken to
is: Not possible if it was exchanged in 944. Europe, and there was no record made of where
St. John of Damascus (died in 749, who the cloth went. A French knight, Robert de Clari,
lived in a Moslem territory) uses the example of said in 1203 that he had seen the cloth at the
the cloth of Edessa as an image “not made by Church of St. Mary of Blachernae, writing that
hands” in the work, On Holy Images. St. John of “...the sydoine in which our Lord had been
Damascus said this was a strip of cloth or oblong, wrapped, stood up straight every Friday, so that
not square. He and a few others argued for icons; the figure of our Lord could be plainly seen
the Iconoclastic controversy was resolved in the there.” In 1204 after many relics were stolen, the
Seventh Ecumenical Council of 787, and icons same Robert de Clari said that neither Greek nor
were brought back to Byzantine churches in 843. Frenchman knew what had become of it. The
(The Mandylion is a favorite Icon.) sack of Constantinople lasted 60 years.
During the 8th and 9th centuries, Edessa In 1241 a part of the relic, or what was
and the cloth were in the hands of the Turks; but, believed to be, was sold by Baldwin II of
an eighth century account said that an imprint of Constantinople to Louis IX of France, and placed
Christ's whole body was on a canvass and kept in in Sainte Chapelle in Paris. This was mentioned
a church in Edessa, quoting a man from in the inventories of 1534 and 1740, by Gerard of
Constantinople named Smera: “King Abgar St. Quentin de l'Isle de Paris. It disappeared
received a cloth on which one can see not only a again in the French Revolution. This is the
face but the whole body.” (The Latin says, “[non Sainte Chapelle in Paris, not the Sainte Chapelle
tantum] faciei figuram sed totius corporis figuram in Chambery where the Shroud of Turin was
cernere poteris.”); from Vatican tenth century housed. The Vatican claims to have two copies,
codices, Codex Vossianus Latinus, Q69, and although these are painted. (One of these icons
Vatican Library, Codex 5696, fol.35, which was toured the U.S. a few years ago.)
published in Pietro Savio, Ricerche storiche sulla Another important Icon should be noted:
Santa Sindone Turin 1957, found by Gino the “Veil of Veronica.” In the legend, St.
Zaninotto. Ian Wilson, in Holy Faces, Secret Veronica wiped the face of Jesus on the way to
Places: The Quest for Jesus' True Likeness the Cross, and the Image of Christ appeared on

the cloth. However, in a 4th century pilgrim not chosen as one of the Twelve until much later,
account of Jerusalem, Veronica was a devout after the Resurrection and Ascension.
Christian woman who had a statue of Jesus in St. Clement of Alexandria says, in
front of her house, and pilgrims would place Stromateis vi.13, “Not that they became apostles
cloths over the front of the face of the statue, through being chosen for some distinguished
imprinting an image. These images were very peculiarity of nature, since also Judas was chosen
popular, because they captured a perfect likeness along with them. But they were capable of
of our Lord. Her name means “true icon,” “Vera- becoming apostles on being chosen by Him who
icona.” Or Bernice, also “Vera- icon.” foresees even ultimate issues. Matthias,
accordingly, who was not chosen along with
Matthias said, ‘The resurrection of the them, on showing himself worthy of becoming an
flesh and eternal life. Amen.’ St. Matthias was apostle, is substituted for Judas.”
the Twelfth Apostle, chosen by lot after the (It is said that St. Justus, the other
Resurrection (recorded in the Book of Acts, Apostle of the Seventy who was not chosen when
1:13-22, and 1:26, Psalm 68:26, and Psalm St. Matthias was chosen, became Bishop of
108:8), to replace Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Eleutheropolis, although the village on that site
Christ. This was after the Apostles returned to was destroyed by emperor Vespasian in 68 A.D.,
Jerusalem from Galilee after the Ascension of our and did not gather together into a city and have
Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 1:12). He had witnessed the title of Eleutheropolis until 200 A.D., by
everything about Christ's Resurrection, and Septimius Severus, and the first historical Bishop
because he was chosen after the Ascension, he of that city was from the fourth century.
represents the final Resurrection. Nonetheless, it would make sense if St. Justus
St. Matthias is also called Madian by the was Martyred by Vespasian in 68 A.D., along
Irish. The Syriac version of Eusebius calls him with the many others Martyred at that time.)
Tolmai, not the same as Bartholomew. St. When the Holy Spirit descended upon
Clement of Alexandria in the Stromata says that the Apostles as tongues of fire at Pentecost, St.
others had said he was Zacchaeus, Luke Matthias received the Holy Fire with the Twelve.
19:11-27, however, Zacchaeus the Publican was Acts 2:3-4, “...and it sat upon every one of them:
the first Bishop of Caesarea: Apostolic and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost...”
Constitutions 7.46. The French called St. Acts 2:14, “But Peter standing with the eleven
Zacchaeus St. Amadour, the founder of [others], lifted up his voice, and spoke to them...”
Rocamadour. The Clementine Recognitions It is said that after he was chosen as one
(apocryphal, quoted by Origen) point to Barnabas of the Twelve, St. Matthias preached in Judea,
as Matthias, who was one of the 70 Apostles. closest to home. He had studied the law, but
Hilgenfeld (nineteenth century) thinks he is the preached to both Jews and Gentiles.
same as Nathanael in the Gospel of John A Coptic apocryphal book says that he
(although others think that Nathanael is also preached in Ethiopia (one of the earliest
Bartholomew). countries to convert to Christianity), with St.
The Apostle Matthias was born in Andrew. (From the Synopsis of Dorotheus
Bethlehem and was of the tribe of Judah. As a “Matthias preached the Gospel to barbarians and
child, he studied the law in Jerusalem under holy meat-eaters in the interior of Ethiopia, where the
St. Symeon (called the “God-receiver,” the man sea harbor of Hyssus is, at the mouth of the river
who said about Christ, “Now let Thy servant Phasis. He died at Sebastopolis, and was buried
depart in peace...” St. Luke 2:29-35, see Feb. 2nd). there, near the Temple of the Sun.”) Descendants
St. Matthias became a disciple of Jesus when of Jewish priests live in Ethiopia, and it is said
Jesus Christ was about thirty years old and began that they took the Ark of the Covenant and have
to preach the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ sheltered it, therefore, St. Matthias would have
chose him as one of the Seventy Apostles just been preaching to those who knew the Law. It is
below the Twelve in rank, Luke 10:1-24. He was said that in Ethiopia, St. Matthias endured being:

dragged, beaten, suspended from a pillar, cut with Christians, and Romans, the high priest Annas
an iron blade, and burned, but he survived held his position only three months and was
joyfully for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. removed from office, so his handling of the case
(There may be some confusion with St. Matthew of St. Matthias was very soon after the murder of
in this telling.) There are more circumstances of St. James. See also the history of St. Paul, Jan.
his life recorded in apocryphal books: 25th, where a priest called Ananias also caused
St. Matthias also preached in Macedonia trouble for him.) Some of the Jews who did not
to Greeks who forced him to drink a poison that believe in Jesus brought St. Matthias to Jerusalem
caused blindness, but saying the Name of Christ, to Annas, who summoned the Sanhedrin and
St. Matthias suffered no harm. [Torments of the called for a trial of the Apostle Matthias.
Martyrs were brought upon them by unbelievers, Annas told them, “All the world, and
and were not self-inflicted.] St. Matthias healed this assembly, knows what reproach our people
over two hundred and fifty men who had been have brought upon themselves - and not of our
blinded by that same poison, laying hands on own will, but through the corruption of a few
them and praying in the Name of Christ. who have departed from us and through the
The devil appeared as a young man who insatiable self-interest, or rather tyranny, of the
urged pagans to slay St. Matthias since he was Roman prefects. One ought not even mention
putting an end to the worship of the gods. For these introducers of new heresies who have
three days, the holy Apostle was invisible. Then deceived so many thousands of the people. Ye
St. Matthias revealed himself; they took him to yourselves know how many of them have been
the prison, bound him, and demons appeared slain by the Roman soldiers; thus perished
gnashing their teeth. The following night the deceivers and deceived alike, covering our race
Lord appeared in a great light to St. Matthias, with ignominy! Such were the originators of the
released him from bonds and prison. At daybreak, heresies: Judah the Galilean and Theudas the
the Apostle stood and preached Christ to the sorcerer; yet with their destruction the very
people. Those who ran to hit the Apostle with memory of them was wiped out. But among all
their hands were swallowed by the earth. Others such heretics arose the chief heretic, Jesus of
who saw that accepted Christ and were Baptized. Nazareth. He called Himself the Son of God, and
God, and many did He amaze with His sorcerous
The Apostle Matthias returned to
signs and wonders, drawing to Himself the hearts
Judaea, preaching the Word of God and restoring
of men and preaching the abrogation of the law;
sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, life to the
for which He was condemned by the law He
dying, healing the lame, cleansing lepers, and
blasphemed. What is there to say? Do we not
casting out demons. He told the people that
know that the law was given to Moses by God
Moses was a holy Prophet, and to keep the sacred
Himself, that the patriarchs and the prophets kept
Law, but at the same time believe in Jesus Christ
it, to whom God gave the power to perform such
who had been prophesied by Moses and the other
miracles as Jesus was not able? Who doth not
Prophets. He told them that Jesus Christ was sent
know Moses to be a man who conversed with
by God the Father for the salvation of the world,
God as with a man? Who doth not know Elijah,
and was incarnate of the pure ever-Virgin Mary.
who was taken up into paradise on a fiery
St. Matthias interpreted Prophecies concerning
chariot? Who hath not heard that the dead man
Christ, and converted many people of Israel to
who was thrown down upon the bones of Elisha
belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.
was restored to life? And the other favorites of
At that time the high priest at the temple God performed great miracles, yet not one of
in Jerusalem was Annas, and he slew St. James them dared do such a thing as Jesus: to
the Righteous, the Brother of the Lord (see Dec. appropriate for Himself the honor due to God and
27th), having him thrown from the pinnacle of the to institute a new law! The prophets, inspired by
temple. (Because of the murder in the temple of the Holy Spirit, spake, full of humility; but He
St. James who was called Righteous by the Jews, uttered His own fabrications with pride and

attained such a degree of insanity that he and the holy Apostle Matthias explained the
subjected the chief priests and princes to entire Old Testament prophecy and how it
censorious reproach, and called the scribes and concerned our Lord Jesus Christ, from Abraham,
Pharisees hypocrites. Did any of the prophets do Isaac, and Jacob, to raise up such a Man from
the like? And for His pridefulness He met a their seed, through Whom all the tribes of the
fitting end, receiving a retribution in accordance earth would be blessed. Also he pointed to Psalm
with His deeds. O that His memory had perished 71:17, “In Him shall be blessed all the tribes of
with Him, and that no one had resurrected His the earth, all the nations shall call Him Blessed.”
teaching, which had died with Him! It is Then St. Matthias told them about the bush that
particularly grievous that the temple of God, the burned but was not consumed, and how it
holy city and the laws of our fathers are enslaved prophesied the incarnation of Christ from the
to the Romans, and that there is no deliverer to pure Virgin, foretold in Isaiah 7:14, “Behold, a
feel sympathy and pain with us. They drag us Virgin shall conceive in the womb, and shall
before their tribunals though we are innocent, and bring forth a Son and His Name shall be called
we must bear it; they hold us captive, and we give Emmanuel.” [Emmanual means God with us.]
our tacit consent; they rob us, and we utter not a Moses said about Christ, “The Lord Thy God
sound; and - most grievous of all - the Galileans shall raise up to thee a Prophet of thy brethren,
betray us into the hands of the Romans, like me: Him shall ye hear.” [Deuteronomy
shamelessly accusing us and our people of 18:15]. He also pointed to the voluntary
murdering Jesus, Whom they say was innocent. sufferings of Jesus as prophesied by Isaiah, about
It would be better to destroy these few Galileans
lifting up the serpent on the staff, “He was led as
than have this holy place and our whole people
a sheep to the slaughter.” [Isaiah 53:7] and “He
subjected to destruction by the Romans. Of two
was numbered among the transgressors.” [Isaiah
evils, if one cannot avoid both, it is best to choose
5:12]. And the Prophet Jonah who was unharmed
the lesser - the more bearable. And this disciple
from the belly of the great whale was a prediction
of Jesus who now standeth before us is worthy of
of the Resurrection of the Lord on the third day
death; but first let him reflect. We will not
deprive him of time for reflection, for we desire [Jonah 2:1-11].
not his destruction, but his correction. Let him Hearing St. Matthias explain the
choose one of two alternatives: either follow the prophecy in detail enraged Annas, and he said to
law given by God through Moses, and thereby St. Matthias, “How darest thou infringe upon the
preserve his life, or call himself a Christian, and law? Knowest thou not the well-known words of
die.” the Scriptures: If there arise among thee a
The holy Apostle Matthias lifted his prophet, or one who dreameth a dream, and he
hands in response and said, “Men and brethren! I give thee a sign or wonder, and the sign or
do not wish to say much concerning the wonder come to pass which he spake to thee,
accusation which ye lodge against me. For me saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye
the name Christian is not a crime, but glory. For know not... that prophet, or that dreamer of a
the Lord Himself saith through the Prophet dream, shall die?” [Deuteronomy 13:1-2,5] St.
[Isaiah 65:15] that in the last days His servants Matthias answered, “He of Whom I speak is not
shall be called by a new name. The high priest only a prophet, but the Lord of the prophets! He
Annas cried out: “Is it not a crime to consider the is God, the Son of God, to which His miracles
holy law as nought, not to honor God, and to bear true witness! Wherefore, I believe in Him
listen to empty tales of sorceries?” St. Matthias and hope to be unshaken in my confession of His
said in reply, “If you will listen to me, I will all-holy Name!” Annas replied, “If they give thee
explain to you that the teaching proclaimed by us time for reflection, wilt thou repent?” St.
is not full of myths and sorcery, but the very truth Matthias answered, “May I never fall away from
borne witness to by the law long ago.” the truth which I have already received. I believe
Then the high priest consented to listen, with all my heart and openly confess that Jesus of

Nazareth, Whom ye rejected and gave over to Colchis. In the modern region of Adjara in
death, is the Son of God, Who is of one essence Georgia, a marker at Gonio (Apsaros) shows
and equally everlasting with the Father; and I am where St. Matthias is buried; but oddly for any
His servant.” sort of major Saint, this is in the ruins of a Roman
Annas then stopped his ears and gnashed fortress, not a church. Christians in Georgia
his teeth, crying out, “He blasphemeth! He certainly would have built a church there if it
blasphemeth! Let him hear the law!” And they were the burial place of an Apostle.
opened the book of the Law, and read, The Abbey of St. Matthias in the oldest
“Whosoever shall curse God shall bear his sin. German town, Trier (Treves), house the relics of
He that nameth the Name of the Lord, let him die St. Matthias. His relics were brought to Trier by
the death: let all the congregation of Israel stone St. Helena, the Empress, and mother of St.
him with stones.” [Leviticus 24:15-16]. Then Constantine I (the Great). (The Lectionary of
Annas said to the holy Apostle Matthias, “Thy Treves is used in the Celtic Lectionary in a great
words bear witness against thee; thy blood be on part of the Season of Pentecost.)
thine own head!” St. Matthias was condemned It is said that St. Matthias wrote a
by Annas to stoning. They led him to Gospel, but it is now lost. (It may have been a
Bethlaskila, the house of those slain by stoning. Gospel, or it may have been one of the
When they arrived at the place, St. pseudopigraphical works.)
Matthias said to those who had brought him, “Ye Matches Psalm 133 (Hebrew 134):
hypocrites! Rightly did the Prophet David speak “Behold, now bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of
of those like you: ‘They shall hunt down the soul the Lord: Who stand in the house of the Lord , in
of the righteous man, and the innocent blood shall the courts of the house of our God. In the nights
they condemn.’ [Psalm 93:21]. The same was lift up your hands to the holy places, and bless ye
spoken by the Prophet Ezekiel of such men, that the Lord. May the Lord out of Sion bless thee,
they will ‘slay the souls which should not He that made heaven and earth.”
die’ [Exekiel 13:19].” After he said this, two
witnesses placed their hands on his head as the General Lections and Propers
law demanded, and testified that he had
blasphemed God, the law of Moses; and these for the Twelve Apostles:
two were the first to cast stones at St. Matthias. All twelve of the Apostles including St.
St. Matthias asked that these first two stones be Matthias, and also others who were accepted as
buried with him to witness to his sufferings for Apostles such as St. Paul and St. Patrick, have
Christ. Others threw stones, and the Apostle major Feast days. Most Apostles have more than
lifted his hands and gave up his spirit to the Lord one Feast day in the year. Often feast dates are a
and Savior Jesus Christ. The Sanhedrin different date in Celtic, Byzantine, and Roman
beheaded St. Matthias with a sword, saying that calendars. The Apostles' feasts were considered
he had been an opponent of Caesar. Christians the “Twelve Major Feasts,” although the Feasts
buried the body of St. Matthias, glorifying God. of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin
Even though it is said that St. Matthias Mary were considered more important than these.
was stoned by the Jews at Jerusalem and then The specific and general Lections are
beheaded (cf. Tillemont, Mémoires pour servir à given here. Most of the general Propers are in the
l'histoire ecclesiastique des six premiers siècles, I, Lorrha-Stowe Missal, as Propers for Apostles,
p. 406-7); Hippolytus of Rome said that Matthias although some Apostles have specific Propers for
died of old age in Jerusalem. Nicephorus says, in them. The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul on June
(Historia eccl., 2, 40), that Matthias preached the 29th does not have general, but specific Lections
Gospel in Judea, and then in Ethiopia, and that is and Propers, and the Saint days for Holy Apostles
a synonym for Colchis in Caucasian Georgia, a in the week after Christmas are also unique, as is
place far from Ethiopia, and was crucified in St. Patrick of Ireland. Also note other general

Lections and Propers. Psalms and the Bobbio (pre-1955 Dedication of a church of Apostles
Creed verse are unique to each Apostle. Philip & James. Modern Roman date: May 3)
May 1/14 St. Philip C, R (Philip’s name May 1st
Dates for the Celebrations of the originally stood alone, not with St. James,
Apostles, in chronological order: according to manuscripts of Hieronymianum.)
Celtic: C; Roman R; Byzantine B. (modern Roman changed the date to May 3)
(Sources include: for Celtic dates, Oengus, and May 1/14 St. Matthew C (lesser commemoration)
the Martyrology of Tallaght. For Roman, Butler's May 6 / 19 St. John C, (Before Latin gate) C, R
and other lives of Saints. For Byzantine: the May 6 / 19 St. Matthew C (lesser commemoration)
Orologion to Mega. The Byzantine dates are May 8/ 21 St. John B
different from Celtic and Roman, but the Celtic (May 14 modern Roman date for St. Matthias)
dates are from early centuries. If doing the May 10/ 23 St. Simon Zelotes B
Celtic Rite, use the Celtic dates of celebration.) (May 25 / Jn 7 is for St. John the Baptist) C, B
Nov 14 / 27 St. Philip B May 30 / June 12 St. Thomas Nativity C
Nov 18 / Dec 1 Consecration of churches of June 11 / 24 St. Bartholomew B
Saints Peter and Paul C June 13/ 26 St. Bartholomew “the Active” C
Nov 19 / Dec 2 Consecration of the Basilica of June 19/ July 2 St. Judas brother of James B
St. John C June 22/ July 5 St. James son of Alphaeus C
Nov 30/ Dec 12 St. Andrew C, R, B June 24 / July 7 St. John C (arrival in Ephesus
Dec 21 / Jan 3 St. Thomas C, (R older date) after the event of May 6th: after boiled in oil).
Dec 26 (St. James brother of the Lord) B June 26 / July 9 St. John (with Paul) R
Dec 27 (St. James brother of the Lord) C June 29 / July 12 Saints Peter and Paul C, R, B
Dec 27 / Jan 9 St. John C, R (Specific Lections and Propers, see June 29.)
Jan 11 / 24 Cross of St. Peter C (relic?) June 30 / July 13 Twelve Apostles B
Jan 16/ 29 Chains of Peter B July 1 / 14 Ss. Simon Zelotes and Jude brother of
Jan 18 / 31 (Throne of) St. Peter (his relics curing James C
St. Constantine of leprosy at Rome) C, (R July 3 / 16 St. Thomas translation of relics C,
pre-1960) (See notes that day: first Epiklesis.) R (recent addition on their calendar)
Jan 25 / Feb 7 The Baptism or Conversion of St. July 15 / 28 The Twelve Apostles, together with
Paul C, R the Twelve Apostles of Ireland C
Jan 31 / Feb 13 St. John (with Cyrus) R July 25 / August 7 St. James son of Zebedee (the
(Feb 6/ 19 a Bishop Andreas in Patras, probably Greater, which means older) C, R
not Apostle Andrew, Ordination in Achaia. C) Aug 1 / 14 St. Peter church ad Vincula (St. Peter
Feb 22 / March 7 / 6 St. Peter at Antioch C, R, B in chains R pre-1960)
Feb 23 / March 8 / 7 St. Matthias C Aug 9/ 22 St. Matthias B
Feb 24 / March 9 / 8 St. Matthias (or Feb 25 leap Aug 24 / Sept 6 St. Bartholomew R
year, until 1969, no longer celebrated this day) R Aug 25/ Sep 7 St. Bartholomew C
Feb 25/Mar 10 Finding of St. Paul's Head C (In Sept 21 / Oct 4 St. Matthew C, R
the Byzantine Rite, this is close to finding St. Sept 26 / Oct 9 St. John B
John the Baptist's head the first and second Oct 6 / 19 St. Thomas B
times, Feb 24th) Oct 7 / 20 St. Matthew C
Sunday after Pascha St. Thomas C, B, R (older) Oct 9 / 22 St. James son of Alphaeus B
March 25 / April 7 Passion of St. James of the Oct 18 / 31 St. Philip C
Knees, Bishop of Jerusalem, (with the Oct 22 / Nov 4 St. Matthew C
Annunciation). (Confusion of Jameses). C Oct 23 / Nov 5 St. James brother of the
April 22 / May 5 St. Philip C Lord and St. James son of Zebedee B
April 30 / May 13 St. James son of Zebedee B Oct 28/ Nov 10 St. Simon Zelotes and St. Judas
May 1/14 St. James son of Alphaeus C, R brother of James C, R

Dates for the Celebrations of the St. James son of Zebedee (the Greater):
Apostles, Grouped by Apostles: C: July 25 / August 7
(Feast dates may be Martyrdoms, translations of R: July 25 / August 7
relics, or different calendar calculations.) B: April 30 / May 13;
Dates: Celtic: C; Roman R; Byzantine B. Oct 23 / Nov 5 (with St. James brother of the
St. Peter: Lord)
C: Nov 18 / Dec 1 Consecration of churches of St. Andrew: Nov. 30 / Dec 12, C, R, B
Saints Peter and Paul St. Philip:
Jan 11 / 24 Cross of St. Peter (his chains? C: April 22 / May 5;
Unknown.); May 1/14 (Philip’s name on May 1st
Jan 18 / 31 (Throne of) St. Peter (emphasis of originally stood alone, not with St. James on
his relics curing St. Constantine of leprosy at May 1st, according to manuscripts of
Rome, saving boys who would have been Hieronymianum.)
killed, and also beginning the conversion of Oct 18 / 31
St. Constantine); R: May 1/14 or May 3 St. Philip former date
Feb 22 / March 7 / 6 Throne at Antioch; (modern Roman changed the date to May 3
June 29 / July 12 Saints Peter and Paul after 1955)
(specific Lections and Propers, see June 29 / B: Nov 14 / 27
July 12); St. Thomas:
R: Jan 18 / 31 (before 1960) Throne of St. Peter C: Dec 21 / Jan 3 St. Thomas;
(emphasis of the See of Rome; although St. Sunday after Pascha;
Peter was first Bishop of Antioch.) Not May 30 / June 12 Nativity;
done now. July 3 / 16 St. Thomas translation of relics
At Antioch: Feb 22 / March 7 / 6; R: Dec 21 / Jan 3 St. Thomas (no longer use this
June 29 / July 12 Saints Peter and Paul (their date);
relics); Sunday after Pascha (not named as such
Aug 1 / 14 (before 1960) St. Peter church ad today);
Vincula (St. Peter in chains) not done now. July 3 / 16 St. Thomas translation of relics
B: Jan. 16/ 29 chains; (modern)
Feb 22 / March 7 / 6 At Antioch; B: Sunday after Pascha;
June 29 / July 12 Saints Peter and Paul Oct 6 / 19
St. John, son of Zebedee, brother of James: St. Bartholomew (Nathaniel in some sources):
C: Nov 19 / Dec 2 Consecration of St. John's C: June 13/ 26 “the Active” The name
Basilica Bartholomew means “Son of Him who
Dec 27 / Jan 9 (with St. James brother of the suspends the waters.” according to the
Lord); glossator of Oengus. Others say it means
May 6 / 19 Before the Latin gate, survived “son of Ptolomy,”
boiling oil, (with St. Matthew same date) August 25 / Sept 7 Date of his Passion.
Jn 24/ July 7 (arrival in Ephesus after event R: August 24/ Sept 6
of May 6th: after he had been boiled in oil) B: June 11 / 24,
R: Dec 27 / Jan 9 (alone); August 25/ Sept 7 (translation of relics from
Jan 31 / Feb 13 (with Cyrus); Anastasiopolis to Lipari by floating coffin.)
May 6 / 19 (Before Latin gate, survived St. Matthew (Levi):
boiling oil); C: May 6 / 19 (with St. John);
June 26 / July 9 (with Paul); Sept 21 / Oct 4
B: May 8/ 21 (Healing dust comes from his tomb Oct 7 / 20
today); Oct 22 / Nov 4
Sept 26 / Oct 9 (Repose, on their calendar.) R: Sept 21 / Oct 4

B: Nov 16 / 29 St. James, the brother of the Lord:
St. James son of Alphaeus (the Less): C: Dec 27, his Consecration as Bishop of
C: June 22/ July 5 Jerusalem;
R: May 1/14 (pre-1955 Dedication of a church March 25 / April 7 Passion of St. James of the
of Apostles Philip and James. Modern Roman Knees, although there is a confusion of which
changed the date to May 3) James this is (with the Annunciation today)
B: Oct 9 / 22 B: Dec 26;
St. Simon Zelotes: Oct 23 / Nov 5 with St. James son of
C: July 1 / 14; Zebedee
Oct 28/ Nov 10
R: Oct 28/ Nov 10 If using the Irish Propers and Lections, please
B: May 10 / 23 use the Irish Feast dates.
St. Judas brother of James (Lebbaeus
Thaddeus): Mass for an Holy Apostle:
C: July 1 / 14;
Introductory Collect
Oct 28/ Nov 10
R: Oct 28 / Nov 10 [Use the Introductory Collect for
B: June 19 / July 2 Apostles, Martyrs and Holy Virgins in
St. Matthias: the Celtic Missal.]
C: Feb 23 / March 8 / 7 Collect Before the Epistle
R: Feb 24 / March 9 / 8 (or Feb 25 leap year, [Use the Collect for Apostles, Martyrs,
until 1969); (Note: see the “bisextus day” in and Holy Virgins in the Celtic Missal.]
February.) Specific Epistles for some of the
modern date: May 14 Apostles:
B: Aug 9 / 22
[Irish Lectionaries From Continental Irish
Twelve Apostles:
monasteries which continued ancient tradition]:
C: July 15 / 28 The Twelve Apostles, together
[B] - Bobbio Missal (7th - 8th c);
with the Twelve Apostles of Ireland, instituted
[L] - Luxeuil Lectionary (7th - 8th c);
by St. Adomnan, “little Adam”
[C] - Paris (7th c).;
see Sept 23 / Oct 6.
[T] - Treves Bible (Trier, 8th c.);
R: (No date where all Twelve are celebrated
[S] - Sélestat Lectionary, or Epistle (7th -8th c);
[W] - Wurzburg Lectionary (8th c).
B: June 30 / July 13 (Church of 12 Apostles in
[*] - A few Lections were supplied from other
Constantinople, established by St.
parts of the year or other traditional or Byzantine
sources. See “Epistles” before Pentecost Season.
Also every Thursday through the year.
Epistle for St. Peter: II Pet 1:[11] 12-21 [B]
St. Paul:
(St. Peter describes the voice of the Father at the
C: Nov 18 / Dec 1 Consecration of churches of
Transfiguration “...this voice coming down to
Saints Peter and Paul
Him from the excellent glory: This is my beloved
Jan 25 / Feb 7 The Baptism of St. Paul (and
Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him...”
St. Peter also says that is is not a fable, but that
Feb 25/Mar 10 Finding of St. Paul's Head;
the Apostles were eyewitnesses, and that we keep
June 29 / July 12 Saints Peter and Paul
in memory these things, but “...Understanding
(specific Lections and Propers on that day).
this first, that no prophecy of scripture is made by
R: Jan 25 / Feb 7 The Conversion of St. Paul;
private interpretation...” St. Peter reminds us that
June 26 / July 9 (with St. John);
prophecy only came by the Holy Ghost. In the
June 29 / July 12 Saints Peter and Paul.
next chapter he begins by reminding people that
B: June 29 / July 12 Saints Peter and Paul.
there were always false prophets.)

Epistles for St. Andrew: Vigil Nov. 29th: Gal. 1:2 if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to
[*Vatican pericopes] (“And all the brethren who God by the death of His Son; much more, being
are with us, to the churches of Galatia.” Perhaps reconciled, shall we be saved by His life.
referring to where Andrew taught later.) Or, it Graduals and Alleluias,
could mean chapters 1 and 2 (From Chapter 1: A specific Psalm for each Apostle:
“...If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that The Gradual Canticles (Greek Psalm
which you have received, let him be anathema... numbering). Also below is commentary
If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant and the Bobbio Apostles’ Creed.
of Christ...”)
Gradual for St. Peter
Epistle for Andrew, Mass Nov 30th: I Cor. 4:9
[*Vatican pericopes] (“For I think that God hath Psalm 122 (Heb. 123) Ad te levavi.
set forth us apostles, the last, as it were men To Thee have I lifted up my eyes; Who dwellest
appointed to death: we are made a spectacle to in heaven. Behold, as the eyes of servants are on
the world, and to angels, and to men.” “...We are the hands of their masters; As the eyes of the
fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ; handmaid are on the hands of her mistress: so are
we are weak, but you are strong; you are our eyes unto the Lord our God, until He have
honorable, but we without honor...”) mercy on us. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have
Epistle for St. Thomas: Philippians 4: 10 - end - mercy on us: for we are greatly filled with
[*Vatican pericopes] (St. Paul thanks the contempt. For our soul is greatly filled: we are a
Philippians for a gift they have sent, which no reproach to the rich, and contempt to the proud.
other church sent. This is a reminder that St. (From the Apostles' Creed from the
Thomas served in a unique church that also was Bobbio Missal: “Peter said, 'I believe in
supportive of his efforts, until he was betrayed God the Father Almighty.'” St. Peter is
and Martyred.) called “All Wise,” not “Theologian,”
Epistle for St. Matthias: Romans 5:1-10 (general because even though he did not expound
Epistle below), and may read Acts 1:12-26, or on God the Word, St. Peter recognized
Acts 1:21-26, the choosing of St. Matthias.) that Jesus Christ is the Son of God the
Father. His name “Peter” or “Cephas”
General Epistle for the Apostles:
means “rock;” formerly named Simon.)
Romans 5:1-10 [B]
Gradual for St. John
Being justified therefore by faith, let us
have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Psalm 123 (Heb. 124) Nisi quia Dominus
Christ: By Whom also we have access through If it had not been that the Lord was with us, let
faith into this grace, wherein we stand, and glory Israel now say: If it had not been that the Lord
in the hope of the glory of the sons of God. And was with us, When men rose up against us;
not only so; but we glory also in tribulations, perhaps they had swallowed us up alive: When
knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And their fury was enkindled against us; perhaps the
patience trial; and trial hope; And hope waters had swallowed us up. Our soul hath
confoundeth not: because the charity of God is passed through a torrent: perhaps our soul had
poured forth in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, passed through a water insupportable. Blessed be
Who is given to us. For why did Christ, when as the Lord, Who hath not given us to be a prey to
yet we were weak, according to the time, die for their teeth. Our soul hath been delivered as a
the ungodly? For scarce for a just man will one sparrow out of the snare of the fowlers: The
die; yet perhaps for a good man some one would snare is broken; and we are delivered. Our help
dare to die. But God commendeth his charity is in the Name of the Lord, Who made heaven
towards us; because when as yet we were sinners, and earth.
according to the time, Christ died for us; much (St. John, Evangelist, writer of the fourth
more therefore, being now justified by His Blood, Gospel, Theologian, “the Divine,” son of
shall we be saved from wrath through Him. For Zebedee, brother of St. James,

designated as the Eagle in the "Traditio" in the Apostles’ Creed: “James said, ‘He
of St. Ambrose. The Bobbio Missal was born of Mary, the Virgin, through
designation for St. John in the Apostles’ the Holy Spirit.’”)
Creed: “John said, ‘I believe in Jesus Gradual for St. Andrew
Christ, His only Son, God and our Psalm 125 (Heb. 126) In convertendo.
Lord.’” Notice “enkindled fury,” When the Lord brought back the captivity of
“swallowed up,” and “water Sion: we became like men comforted. Then was
insupportable” which are prophetic our mouth filled with gladness: and our tongue
about St. John. The boiling oil did not with joy. Then shall they say among the Gentiles:
kill him. This is also about St. John's The Lord hath done great things for them. The
teaching regarding the divinity and Lord hath done great things for us: we are
humanity of Christ: the ocean of divinity become joyful. Turn again our captivity, O Lord,
did not swallow up the humanity of as a stream in the south. They that sow in tears
Christ. 1 John 4:2-3, “...Every spirit shall reap in joy. Going, they went and wept,
which confesseth that Jesus Christ is casting their seeds. But coming, they shall come
come in the flesh, is of God: And every with joyfulness, carrying their sheaves.
spirit that dissolveth Jesus, is not of (The “First Called:” Referring to the
God: and this is Antichrist...” At the Bobbio Apostles' Creed verse assigned
same time, God must be in us: 2 John to St. Andrew: that in the Crucifixion,
5:11-12, “And this is the testimony, that Christ began the Resurrection, bringing
God hath given to us eternal life. And Adam, Eve, and all the Old Testament
this life is in His Son. He that hath the Prophets and Saints out of Hades. This
Son, hath life. He that hath not the Son, is also called the “First Resurrection,”
hath not life.” St. John is also called the another reminder of St. Andrew the
Theologian, which means someone who “First-Called.” Designation in the
can speak about the Word – logos, of Bobbio Missal for St. Andrew in the
God – Theos. Notice also the reference Apostles’ Creed: “Andrew said, ‘He
to oil, in Latin, being a pun on the word suffered under Pontius Pilate; was
whale; an allegory of John and Jonah.) crucified and buried.’”)
Gradual for St. James, son of Gradual for St. Philip
Zebedee Psalm 126 (Heb. 127) Nisi Dominus
Psalm 124 (Heb. 125) Qui confidunt Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in
They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount vain that build it. Unless the Lord keep the city,
Sion: he shall not be moved for ever that dwelleth he watcheth in vain that keepeth it. It is vain for
in Jerusalem. Mountains are round about it: so you to rise before light: rise ye after you have
the Lord is round about His people, from sitten, you that eat the bread of sorrow. When He
henceforth now and for ever. For the Lord will shall give sleep to His beloved: behold, the
not leave the rod of sinners upon the lot of the inheritance of the Lord are children: the reward,
just: that the just may not stretch forth their hands the fruit of the womb. As arrows in the hand of
to iniquity. Do good, O Lord, to those that are the mighty: so the children of them that have
good, and to the upright of heart. But such as been shaken. Blessed is the man that hath filled
turn aside into bonds, the Lord shall lead out with the desire with them: he shall not be confounded
the workers of iniquity: peace upon Israel. when he shall speak to his enemies in the gate.
(St. James the Greater, the older James, (Bobbio Missal designation for St. Philip
son of Zebedee, brother of St. John. in the Apostles’ Creed: “Philip said, ‘He
Saints James and John were called descended into hell.’”)
Boanerges, the “Sons of Thunder.”
Bobbio Missal designation for St. James

Gradual for St. Thomas Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord:
Psalm 127 (Heb. 128) Beati omnes. Lord, hear my voice: Let Thy ears be attentive to
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord: that walk the voice of my supplication. If Thou, O Lord,
in His ways. For thou shalt eat the labors of thy wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it?
hands: blessed art thou, and it shall be well with For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: and
thee. Thy wife as a fruitful vine, on the sides of by reason of Thy law I have waited for Thee, O
thy house. Thy children as olive plants, round Lord. My soul hath relied on His word: my soul
about thy table. Behold, thus shall the man be hath hoped in the Lord. From the morning watch
blessed that feareth the Lord. May the Lord bless even until night: let Israel hope in the Lord.
thee out of Sion: and mayest thou see the good Because with the Lord there is mercy: and with
things of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. And Him plentiful redemption. And He shall redeem
mayest thou see thy children’s children: peace Israel from all his iniquities.
upon Israel. (St. Matthew, also called Levi, former
(St. Thomas, called Didymus, "twin," tax collector, Evangelist, writer of the
traveled furthest, and learned to have first Gospel, Kerub of the "Man" in the
faith in Christ after the Resurrection, "Traditio." Bobbio Missal designation
celebrated the Sunday after Pascha. He for St. Matthew in the Apostles’ Creed:
also came latest after the Dormition of “Matthew said, ‘From there He will
the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Bobbio come to judge the living and the dead.’”
Missal designation of St. Thomas in the Notice that the Psalm is appropriate for
Apostles’ Creed: “Thomas said, ‘He prayers for the dead; especially to ask
arose on the third day.’” ) the Just Judge.)
Gradual for St. Bartholomew Gradual for St. James, son of
Psalm 128 (Heb. 129) Saepe expugnaverunt Alphaeus
Often have they fought against me from my Psalm 130 (Heb. 131) Domine non est
youth, let Israel now say. Often have they fought Lord, my heart is not exalted: nor are my eyes
against me from my youth: but they could not lofty. Neither have I walked in great matters: nor
prevail over me: The wicked have wrought upon in wonderful things above me. If I was not
my back: they have lengthened their iniquity. humbly minded; but exalted my soul: As a child
The Lord Who is just will cut the necks of that is weaned is towards his mother, so reward in
sinners: let them all be confounded and turned my soul. Let Israel hope in the Lord: from
back that hate Sion. Let them be as grass upon henceforth now and for ever.
the tops of houses: which withereth before it be (St. James the Less, the son of Alpheus;
plucked up: Wherewith the mower filleth not his the younger Apostle James. Bobbio
hand: nor he that gathereth sheaves his bosom. Missal designation of St. James in the
And they that passed by have not said: The Apostles’ Creed: “James, the son of
blessing of the Lord be upon you: we have Alpheus, said: ‘I believe in the Holy
blessed you in the Name of the Lord. Spirit.’”)
(St. Bartholomew "the active." Bobbio Gradual for St. Simon Zelotes
Missal designation for St. Bartholomew Psalm 131 (Heb. 132) Memento Domine
in the Apostles’ Creed: “Bartholomew O Lord, remember David, and all his meekness.
said, ‘He ascended into Heaven, [and] How he swore to the Lord, he vowed a vow to the
sat at the right hand of God the Father God of Jacob: If I shall enter into the tabernacle
Almighty.’” ) of my house: if I shall go up into the bed wherein
I lie: If I shall give sleep to my eyes, or slumber
Gradual for St. Matthew to my eyelids: Or rest to my temples: until I find
Psalm 129 (Heb. 130) De profundis out a place for the Lord, a tabernacle for the God

of Jacob. Behold, we have heard of it in Ephrata: of lost causes. He is called the brother of
we have found it in the fields of the wood. We St. James the Righteous, sons of St.
will go into His tabernacle: we will adore in the Joseph by his first wife. Bobbio
place where His feet stood. Arise, O Lord, into designations for St. Judas, the brother of
Thy resting-place: Thou and the ark, which Thou James in the Apostles’ Creed: “Judas, the
hast sanctified. Let Thy priests be clothed with brother of James, said: ‘Through Holy
justice: and let Thy saints rejoice. For Thy Baptism [there is] remission of sins.’”)
servant David’s sake, turn not away the face of Gradual for St. Matthias:
Thy anointed. The Lord hath sworn truth to Psalm 133 (Heb. 134) Ecce nunc benedicite
David, and He will not make it void: Of the fruit Behold, now bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of
of thy womb I will set upon thy throne. If thy the Lord: Who stand in the house of the Lord , in
children will keep my covenant, and these my the courts of the house of our God. In the nights
testimonies which I shall teach them: Their lift up your hands to the holy places, and bless ye
children also for evermore shall sit upon thy the Lord. May the Lord out of Sion bless thee,
throne. For the Lord hath chosen Sion: He hath He that made heaven and earth.
chosen it for His dwelling. This is my rest for (St. Matthias, last called, just before
ever and ever: here will I dwell, for I have chosen Pentecost. The Bobbio Missal
it. Blessing I will bless her widow: I will satisfy designation for St. Matthias in the
her poor with bread. I will clothe her priests with Apostles’ Creed: “Matthias said, ‘The
salvation: and her saints shall rejoice with resurrection of the flesh and eternal life.
exceeding great joy. There will I bring forth a Amen.’”)
horn to David: I have prepared a lamp for my
anointed. His enemies I will clothe with Specific Gospels for some of the
confusion: but upon him shall my sanctification
(St. Simon Zelotes, thought to be the Gospel for St. Peter:
bridegroom at the marriage at Cana Luke 22:31-32, and John 21:18-19, and Luke
where the water was turned into wine. It 21:12-17 [B] (See Ss. Peter & Paul.) (St. Luke
is said that he taught in Jerusalem. 22:31-32
Bobbio designation for St. Simon in the 31 And the Lord said: Simon, Simon, behold
Apostles’ Creed: “Simon Zelotes said: ‘I Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift
believe in the Holy Church.’” This you as wheat:
Psalm may be used as the Gradual in 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail
Feasts of Saints Simon and Jude.) not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy
Gradual for St. Judas brother of brethren.
St. John 21:18-19
Psalm 132 (Heb. 133) Ecce quam bonum 18 Amen, amen I say to thee, when thou wast
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for younger, thou didst gird thyself, and didst walk
brethren to dwell together in unity: Like the where thou wouldst. But when thou shalt be old,
precious ointment on the head, that ran down thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another
upon the beard, the beard of Aaron. Which ran shall gird thee, and lead thee whither thou
down to the skirt of his garment: As the dew of wouldst not.
Hermon, which descendeth upon mount Sion. 19 And this he said, signifying by what death he
For there the Lord hath commanded blessing, and should glorify God. And when he had said this,
life for evermore. he saith to him: Follow me.
(May be used for the Alleluia on Feasts AND
of Saints Simon and Jude. This is the St. Luke 21:12-17
good Judas not Iscariot, known as patron

12 But before all these things, they will lay their AND (Do both together.)
hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you St. John 21:15-19
up to the synagogues and into prisons, dragging 15 When therefore they had dined, Jesus saith to
you before kings and governors, for my name’s Simon Peter: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me
sake. more than these? He saith to him: Yea, Lord,
13 And it shall happen unto you for a testimony. thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him:
14 Lay it up therefore in your hearts, not to Feed my lambs.
meditate before how you shall answer: 16 He saith to him again: Simon, son of John,
15 For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, lovest thou me? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou
which all your adversaries shall not be able to knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed
resist and gainsay. my lambs.
16 And you shall be betrayed by your parents and 17 He said to him the third time: Simon, son of
brethren, and kinsmen and friends; and some of John, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved, because
you they will put to death. he had said to him the third time: Lovest thou
17 And you shall be hated by all men for my me? And he said to him: Lord, thou knowest all
name’s sake.) things: thou knowest that I love thee. He said to
Gospel for St. Matthew: him: Feed my sheep.
Matthew 9:9- (13?) [T] (The calling of St. 18 Amen, amen I say to thee, when thou wast
Matthew.) younger, thou didst gird thyself, and didst walk
“And when Jesus passed on from hence, he saw a where thou wouldst. But when thou shalt be old,
man sitting in the custom house, named Matthew: thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another
and he saith to him: Follow me. And he arose up shall gird thee, and lead thee whither thou
and followed him. And it came to pass as he was wouldst not.
sitting at meat in the house, behold many 19 And this he said, signifying by what death he
publicans and sinners came, and sat down with should glorify God. And when he had said this,
Jesus and his disciples. And the Pharisees seeing he saith to him: Follow me.
it, said to his disciples: Why doth your master eat OR
with publicans and sinners? But Jesus hearing it, St. Luke 6:6-19
said: They that are in health need not a physician, 6 And it came to pass also on another Sabbath,
but they that are ill. Go then and learn what this that he entered into the synagogue, and taught.
meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice. And there was a man, whose right hand was
[Osee, or Hosea 6:6, Psalm 50:18-19, St. Mt. withered.
12:7] For I am not come to call the just, but 7 And the scribes and Pharisees watched if he
sinners.” would heal on the Sabbath; that they might find
General Gospel Lections for the an accusation against him.
8 But he knew their thoughts; and said to the man
who had the withered hand: Arise, and stand forth
Matthew 4:18-20 and John 21:15-19 [B]; in the midst. And rising he stood forth.
or Luke 6:6-19 [*] 9 Then Jesus said to them: I ask you, if it be
St. Matthew 4:18-20 lawful on the Sabbath days to do good, or to do
18 And Jesus walking by the sea of Galilee, saw evil; to save life, or to destroy?
two brethren, Simon who is called Peter; and 10 And looking round about on them all, he said
Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea (for to the man: Stretch forth thy hand. And he
they were fishers). stretched it forth: and his hand was restored.
19 And he saith to them: Come ye after me, and I 11 And they were filled with madness; and they
will make you to be fishers of men. talked one with another, what they might do to
20 And they immediately leaving their nets, Jesus.
followed him. 12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went

out into a mountain to pray, and he passed the May Almighty God, Who raised Blessed Apostle
whole night in the prayer of God. Andrew unto the highest thrones, through the
13 And when day was come, he called unto him Passion of the Cross, Himself grant that you may
his disciples; and he chose twelve of them (whom follow in his footsteps in good works. Amen.
also he named apostles): And may you be worthy to obtain him as a
14 Simon, whom he surnamed Peter, and Andrew particular partron, so that he himself intercede
his brother, James and John, Philip and that you may be strong enough to attain joyfully
Bartholomew, to the kingdom of heaven. Amen.
15 Matthew and Thomas, James the son of And may you be worthy to see him reigning in
Alpheus, and Simon who is called Zelotes, heaven, whose most solemn day you gratefully
16 And Jude, the brother of James, and Judas celebrate. Amen.
Iscariot, who was the traitor. May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
17 And coming down with them, he stood in a without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
plain place, and the company of his disciples; and of ages. Amen.
a very great multitude of people from all Judea May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
and Jerusalem, and the sea coast both of Tyre and and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Sidon, ever with you. Amen.
18 Who were come to hear him, and to be healed
of their diseases. And they that were troubled Bishop's Blessing:
with unclean spirits, were cured.
General Blessing for an Apostle:
19 And all the multitude sought to touch him, for
virtue went out from him, and healed all. In Natale Unius Apostoli [The blessing
at the birthday into heaven, the day they
passed from this mortal life or were
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Martyred, of one Apostle.]
the Preface) Always said aloud. May God who granted you to be established in
[Use both the first and second Ad Pacem the Apostolic principles, be pleased to bless you
listed in the Celtic Missal.] through the intercessions and examples of His
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Apostle N. Amen.
(Preface in the Roman Rite) And may He who desires that you be adorned
[Use the first Dignum, and also for with the armor of their examples and writings,
Martyrs and Apostles in the Celtic defend you from the snares of the Adversary
Missal.] through Apostolic protection. Amen.
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most So that you may come through to the inheritance
of the eternal fatherland through their
Dangerous Prayer”)
intercessions, and through whose doctrine you
[Use the Post Sanctus for Apostles, hold on to integrity of the faith. Amen.
Martyrs, Saints or Virgins in the Celtic May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Missal.] without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
of ages. Amen.
Proper Blessing of the Day by a May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Bishop only if present, specific or and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
general Blessing: ever with you. Amen.

Confraction arrangement for the

Saint Andrew on the Feast Day: Holy Apostles: (In the Missal.)
Benedictio in Die Sancti Andreae 11 Particles for the Holy Apostles.
(Nov 30 / Dec 13) Eleven Particles of the Host of the

Apostles is an image of the incomplete devil with one of the hairs of her head. Iafer the
number of the Apostles due to the Sin of Black was that devil’s name, and he is the same
Judas. [Although the eleven would as Lucifer. And afterwards she put him under a
apply to those Apostles chosen before dunghill, and there he confessed that it was he
the Ascension of our Lord, they also that had tempted Adam and Eve and Cain and
apply to others with the title of Apostle Christ and Judas and others, and Juliana also. He
such as St. Matthias, St. Paul, or St. endured his snares i.e: his binding, because
Patrick. The universe always has fewer Juliana bound him bodily with chains, it is told
Apostles than are needed; we pray to that he was bound by the virgin for his sins. This
avoid the temptation of Judas. St. happened under Maximianus the General and
Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest indeed is Elesius the Prefect (local magistrate) and also her
great, but the laborers are few. Pray ye husband in the province of Nicomedia where she
therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he suffered. [See Nov. 11th: St. Martin of Tours.
send forth laborers into His harvest.” Also, an index of such incidents is listed there.]
The shape of the Cross is a Celtic Cross, From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
pictured in the Celtic Missal.] Oengas Bishop of Raith na nEpscop; Aed Glas
Post Communion (the Grey, also October 29th); Robni Abbot.
[Use the Post Communion for the (Also today: Saints Philemon and Onesimus.)
Apostles, Martyrs and Holy Virgins in
the Celtic Missal.] 17 Feb / Mar 2 (Mar 1 leap year)
Everyone proclaims it as far as the great
Calendar Continued: sea,
16 Feb / March 1 (Feb 29 leap year) the Feast of Cormac the purely-good,
To the virgin Juliana, with the Feast of Fintan the prayerful,
a splendid name to the clouds rim, of vast Clonenagh.
for whom a devil that suffered yoking Feast of Cormac etc. Cormac Bishop,
vomited the tidings of his wickedness. the purely-good. Bishop of Ath Truim in Bregia,
(Juliana, Virgin Martyr. “A devil that or a successor of Patrick from Ath Truim Hui
suffered yoking vomited the tidings of his Loeguiri in Meath. [Cormac’s modern name is
wickedness.” *29 Feb leap, note in intro.) Fortchern, TSI. Fortchern was son of Feidlimidh,
To the virgin Juliana. Juliana was in a son of Leoghaire. Fortchern did not want to be
dungeon, (the pagans) enjoining idol-worship Bishop, because his father had given lands to the
upon her. And at night the Devil came to her in Church, and the gift would be void if he became
an angel’s shape, to tempt her to that worship. Bishop after Lomman, a Bishop under St. Patrick.
But a good angel came to her hand said: Fortchern gave the Bishopric to Cathlaid the
“Knowest thou who is conversing with thee?” “I pilgrim, but after his time many of the Bishops of
know not,” she answered. “The Devil,” quoth he; Truim were of the family of Fortchern. The
“and he has not deceived thee. Fasten him to thee modern name of the town is Trim. Oengus lists
if thou wish him to tell thee his tidings.” So she him as Fortchern on Oct, 11th, not as Cormac.]
fastened him, and he declared to her his wiles Feast of Finntan. Fintann son of Gabrin,
from the beginning of the world. “I,” quoth he, son of Corcran, son of Eochaid, son of Bresal,
“am Iafer Niger: ‘tis I that tempted Adam and son of Dian (?), son of Condiae, son or Art cirp,
Eve to sin, and Cain to kill Abel. But indeed son of Coirbre Nia, son of Cormac, son of
every evil that is done in the world, ‘tis I that Oengus.
frame them all.” At the Feast of Finntan the prayerful of
Juliana, i.e. a Roman virgin who bound a Clonenagh Fifteen years and six score [when he

was 75 years old] was the age of Finntan a- See Sept. 28th) succeeded Finian at Clonard,
chanting psalms over the brink of a well. Colmb of Tir de glais (Colm of Terryglass) (Dec.
Generous Finntan never consumed during his 13th) studied under Finian at Clonard, Fintan
time (Feb. 17th) studied under Colmb of Tir de glais
(Aught) save bread of woody barley and clayey and was Abbot at Clonenagh founded by Colmb
water of clay. of Tir de glais, Caimin (March 23rd) lived at
I have found something to protect this host, etc. Iniscaltra founded by Colm of Terryglass.]
Comgall recited this stave to Fintan when he Also, Finan of Lindisfarne today, who
beheld a thousand Saints together with him. died A.D. 661, succeeded Aedan at Lindisfarne
Berchan sang to the stone on which Fintan had on the northeast coast of England, and was
been Baptized: responsible for Consecrating Bishops for mission
Wondrous is this anvil of victory which has work throughout England. (For Lindisfarne, see
chanced on my time! Aedan Aug. 31st, Finan Feb. 17th, and Colman
Feb. 18th). Bishop Finan began his mission to
Whoso shall turn it thrice will surely come again.
England in 651. Bede says that English of all
Fintan of Cluain ednech, i.e. In Leix of classes of society came to hear the Word of God
Leinster is Cluain ednech. and instruction and discipline of Irish masters.
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Finan built a large church out of oak with a
Fintan of Cluain Eidnech Abbot; Dachonna son thatched roof in the Irish style. Theodore of
of Odrain; Brelach son of Fichellaigh; Midu son Tarsus, the Archbishop of Canterbury (who was
of Fachtna at Slige; Fidchellaig; Ossani Bishop; Greek) came to the dedication of the new church
Loman in Ath Truim with his companions (also at Lindisfarne (near York). The Sees of
October 11th); Lurech son of Cuanach; Fortchern Canterbury and Lindisfarne were friendly. The
and Cael Ochtra; Aeda; Aeda; Aeda (three Romans and those English interested in mission
different Aedas); Cormacci Bishop; Conani; work had no problem with the Irish, begging the
Cumeane Bishop and Lacteani Priest; Ossani and Irish to help with their mission, but Wilfred of
Sarani; conaill; Colmani and Lactani Bishop; York, a Saxon, created trouble caused by
Finnsigi virgin; All of these reposed in Ath jealousy, wanting them to change their rule to a
Truim. newer Roman rule. At that time, the Church in
In The Saints of Ireland, Fintan’s repose Ireland was “autocephalous,” honoring Rome, but
is 603. He was taught by Colman of Terryglass, with independence, due to the Pallium that had
and taught other great Saints such as Comgall, been given to St. Patrick in 432 A.D.
who later taught Columban of Luxeuil and The four problems with the Irish in
Bobbio. Oengus the Culdee (Cele De) also was England according to Wilfred:
instructed at Fintan’s school, and later went to 1) The Tonsure of the Irish. (Instead of the
Maelruain’s school at Tallaght. Fintan’s school “crown of thorns” newer Roman tonsure: clipped
was crowded, but very austere. Nearby ascetics at the end of the hair in a bowl shape, according
tried to force Fintan to relax his rule, but he was to Bede the Irish shaved the edge of their hairline
warned by an angel and provided them with good near their scalp. The difference in tonsure was
food and conversation. When the monks left, the defined: literally, which end of the hair was cut.
monastery was put back on its strict rule. The Icons of Irish Saints look like Byzantine Icons of
well of Fintan was a place of veneration until a St. Nicholas and St. Basil the Great in hair style;
Protestant owner in queen Elizabeth I’s time the Greek tonsure of the fourth century was the
diverted water to keep visitors away. [Their same as the Irish. Icons of the east were ignored.
succession: Fortchern (Feb. 17th or Oct. 11th) and Rome had taken some of the styles of the Goths.)
Coemhan etc., Finian of Clonard (Dec. 12th),
2) The date of Pascha celebrated by the
Senach (not March 8th , which is Senan of Inis
Iona monks in Lindisfarne. (See St. Colm cille of
Cathaig, and not Senach of Clonard Aug. 21st.
Iona, June 9th. St. Cummian Nov. 12th convinced

everybody else in Ireland to change the calendar. and Holy Communion together, and continued to
St. Colm cille wanted to keep the calendar of St. receive Holy Communion in the Church. Wilfred
Patrick. It was through the date of Easter that St. ignorantly accused the Irish of not having the
Patrick made such an impression on the king’s anointings with oil, but the Lorrha-Stowe Missal
family and all the druids, and converted many proves that these anointings were there. Modern
Irish including great poets and singers. St. Colm Protestants do not have these anointings. The
cille was trained as a poet, and knew that the Irish had all of the Sacrament of Baptism
date of Pascha must overturn pagan beliefs. The practiced from the earliest Christian Church.)
Irish at that time calculated the Vernal Equinox a 4) The use of several Collects in the
few days earlier than Romans and Byzantines, Offering of the Divine Liturgy. (The Celtic
which could cause Pascha to be almost a month Missal has these: there is little difference between
different some years. St. Patrick's calendar was the Roman Collects of the early period and the
the older Roman date of Pascha, the calculation Celtic Collects, and the Celtic Divine Liturgy is
of St. Peter, and celebrated by St. Columcille and shorter by hours than the Byzantine Liturgies at
monks of Iona; Cummian was convinced that the that time, but perhaps Wilfred and others who
“Roman” date of Pascha was different because complained had never visited anywhere else. If
when he went to Rome, it had changed its date to they had visited Jerusalem, for example, they
the Alexandrian calculation. Wilfred of York did would be in church all day every Sunday in the
not know that St. Peter used an earlier Divine Liturgy of St. James, which is supposed to
calculation. See the 25th of May - Dunchad of be celebrated in every Byzantine Rite Church on
Iona who changed the calendar date at Iona; both the Feast day of St. James of the Knees, first
Oengus and his glossator to commemorate him in Bishop of Jerusalem. Few churches attempt it.)
the calendar.) Letters of St. Columbanus of St. Gregory the Great did not condemn
Luxeuil and Bobbio (see Nov. 23rd) include a the Celtic practices. Instead, he said, “Where the
calculation of the Irish date of Pascha. faith is one, differences of custom do no harm to
3) The Irish Baptismal Rite. (Recorded in Holy Church.” (St. Gregory had traveled more.)
full in the Celtic Missal. The Baptism includes King Oswy had murdered king Oswin,
Chrismation and First Communion, and the Priest but after that he tried to be a good king. His wife,
is allowed to Chrismate [perform the Sacrament queen Eanfleda, built a monastery at Gilling
of Confirmation] with the Oil of Chrism which where Oswin had fallen so that prayers might be
has been already consecrated by a Bishop, in the said for both kings. Trumhere, an Anglo-Saxon
same manner that the Byzantine Rite does. The trained at Lindisfarne was the first Abbot of
Irish form of Baptism has a full exorcism, Gilling. Oswy also built St. Mary’s Church and
anointing of oil of catechumins, salt, recitation of Monastery at the mouth of the Tyne. Irish and
the Creed, blessing and exorcism of water, triple Anglo-Saxons worked together at these
Immersion, etc. It also washes the feet at the end, monasteries, and also worked together at Iona.
not another cleansing, but the “Command” to go After St. Aedan professed the royal princess
out and do likewise to others, admitting the new Hilda, Finan professed the Northumbrian princess
Communicant as a full member with both the Ebba, the sister of Oswy and Oswald. Ebba was
remission of sins and also the responsibility to established at the double monastery at
bring the Gospel to others. This action has Coldingham. Finan Baptized the Mercian king
similarity to the Byzantine Rite, although not at Peada at Oswy’s royal village Admurum (At-the-
Baptism, both in the foot-washing at Holy Wall), which now is Newcastle (see Diuma May
Thursday and also the Baptism of Christ where 5th). Finan also Baptized king Sigebert of the
Christ’s entrance into the water cleansed the East Saxons at that same village. Sigebert had
water. The newly Baptized person has put on Cedd’s help until the plague (see Jaruman under
Christ, and their first action is to bless water. Diuma, May 5th).
Infants were always given Baptism, Chrismation, The date of Pascha was difficult to bear

in England. King Oswy celebrated according to From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
the Lindisfarne date, while his queen Eanfleda Colman in Muriab to the north of Mona is
celebrated the Roman date with Canterbury, as Colman; Molibba in Ui Echach of Ulster or in Ui
she had been Baptized by Roman monks. Finan Garrchon; Oengus; Daniel Bishop; Nem Bishop
would not change the date of Pascha to the date of Droma Bertach always five days before Great
recognized by Rome, because he was under Lent. Huidhrim from Druim Dresna (or Dresa);
discipline to Iona. (Even though they did not Saint Lasre virgin in Glenn Medoin.
believe in infallible Archbishops, the Irish [St. Vincent of Lerins, Feb. 18th,
Church had been granted independence for according to the Byzantine Rite calendar, listed in
centuries already under the Pallium given to St. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Protopresbyter
Patrick.) The Priest Ronan tried to convince Michael Pomazansky. On the Roman calendar he
Finan to change the date. Under Finan’s is celebrated May 24th: see his history May 24th.]
jurisdiction, all of England became Christian, and The Saints of Ireland by Mary Ryan
after struggles and plagues, England returned to D'Arcy says that Colman of Lindisfarne died in
Christianity. Finan’s missionaries managed to A.D. 676, the third Bishop of Lindisfarne, an
reclaim London. (See Feb. 18th for more Irish monk from Iona, following the Iona rules
information on the conflict of Wilfred.) and calendar. (See Aedan the first Bishop, Aug.
In the Byzantine Rite: Mariamne, virgin, 31st, and Finan the second Bishop, Feb. 17th.)
the sister of the Apostle Philip. (See Apostle King Oswy looked to Colman as a spiritual
Philip.) father. Irish and Anglo-Saxon monks trained in
Lindisfarne covered England with teachers.
18 Feb / Mar 3 (Mar 2 leap year) There was no controversy with the monks from
the Roman Canterbury; the Lorrha-Stowe Missal
The chaste Colman departed
commemorated St. Augustine of Canterbury.
(and) my Liba whom thou mentionest, (Other predecessors of St. Patrick are
on the fair Feast with holiness commemorated in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal: such
of Rutulus (and) Silvanus. as St. Martin of Tours, St. Hilary of Poitiers, and
Rutulus and Silvanus with them a St. Gregory, probably St. Gregory the
departure of Colman and Liba (Moliba) Great of Rome who sent the mission to
He went etc. i.e. Colman from Ard bo in Canterbury.) Anglo-Saxons interested in the
Cenel Eogain, or in Scotland to the west of faith were filling the schools at Clonard, Bangor,
Monad. Or Colman of Ard bo on the shore of Glasnevin, Lismore, Clonmacnoise, Armagh and
Lough Neagh. Or Colman Ciarda from Cluain others in Ireland, without charge either for their
rois on the northern shore of Lough Derg. education or their food and lodging.
Colman son of Aed, son of Guaire, son The Pascha calendar controversy (see
of Amalgaid, son of Muredach, son of Cairthenn, Finan, Feb. 17th) became so great a problem
son of Erc, son of Eochaid, son of Colla Uais. under St. Colman that he and many monks,
Others say that he is Colman son of Aed, including some of the Anglo-Saxon born monks,
who is in Ardbo on the shore of Lough Neagh, left England altogether. Wilfred had returned to
etc. [The translator forgot to include these lines in Northumbria from a mission on the continent,
the typesetting.] and immediately started an attempt to reform
Moliba in Hui Echach (Iveagh) of Irish practices to reflect current Roman usages
Ulster; or in Hui Garrchon in the Fortuatha of (see Finan Feb. 17th). Wilfred studied three years
Leinster. Moliba, son of Lainnedon, son of in Lindisfarne before his travels to France and
Finntan, son of Lugaid, son of Enda Boguine, son Rome, but did not value Irish missions. Wilfred
of Conall Gulban, son of Niall of the Nine attacked discipline rather than theology, and
Hostages. Wilfred was ignorant of Eastern tonsure in Icons
such as at St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai.

King Oswy had been Baptized at St. Peter and St. Colm cille, and the king said he
Lindisfarne, and he and his court kept the Iona had no wish to oppose the keeper of the keys of
Vernal Equinox and Pascha, but his queen heaven. (See the Apostles: used politically.)
Eanfleda and their son Alchfrid kept the Colman had to reject Oswy’s ruling.
Canterbury and Roman date of Pascha which was The Church is the “First Estate,” and must not
the same date as the other Patriarchates at that take orders from a secular authority, especially in
time. The Iona date was the earlier Irish matters of ecclesiastical calculations of the most
calculation, based on the practices of St. Patrick, important date of the year. Colman felt that,
who managed to convert a country of pagans by unless Rome issued a statement forbidding the
means of the lighting of the Paschal fire. The Iona calculations, he had to keep the Iona date.
pagans did not worship fire after that, but learned Colman resigned as the Abbot Bishop of
that God, the Creator of all things, is not only the Lindisfarne, and left his friend king Oswy to
source of light, but also the Resurrection. Patrick return to Ireland, with many Irish monks. A few
managed to recruit many poets who memorized monks remained to continue the missions. At
the entire Bible, and spread the Gospel rapidly. least thirty Anglo-Saxon monks also left England.
St. Colm cille wanted to keep the Irish calculation Although Colman intended to return to
of the Vernal Equinox because it saved nations. Iona, he settled his community on the island of
The Iona calculation followed by Colm Inisbofin, and later in Mayo a second monastery
cille, Aedan, Finan, and Colman, was the earlier for the English brethren under the Abbot Gerald,
Roman practice, the Pope’s own Paschal cycle, son of an Anglo-Saxon king. The monks of the
traditionally of St. Peter. Wilfred’s “Catholic English cloister, “Mayo of the Saxons,” were
Easter” was the Alexandrian calculation, and unlike the later Anglo-Normans who destroyed
there was a three century controversy between the faith. English continued to go to Mayo until
Alexandria and Rome over the calculations. the time of the English Protestants. Inisbofin
Calendar controversies signal a political tug-of- became a penal colony of Irish Roman Bishops in
war within the Church. Cummian (see Nov. 12 th) the time of Cromwell. Some of these Roman
had brought a newer calculation from Rome. Bishops escaped, such as Bishop Lynch of
A Synod was held at the town of Clonfert in Galway. to Gyor in Hungary, carrying
Whitby, and Wilfred convinced those gathered to the Confert Icon, the Weeping Madonna (the
reject the Iona date of Pascha and also other Irish “Irish Madonna”), believed to be the work of a
practices. The Abbess Hilda presided at the Flemish painter Peter Pourbus of Bruges. On
Synod, held at her monastery. Colman presented March 17 (St. Patrick’s day), 1697, this Icon wept
his case first, but Wilfred (wrongly) stated that St. blood beginning at 6:00 A.M. in Hungary, for
Peter had started all the customs at Rome. See three hours, continuing when the Icon was taken
the Throne of St. Peter in Rome, a month before from the wall. This was witnessed by faithful
this, on Jan. 18th; on that date in the “Post and also by the mayor, military commandant,
Secreta” or “Post Mysterium” of the Celtic Mass governor, the Calvinist and Lutheran ministers,
after the Fraction and just before the “Our and a Jewish Rabbi, according to documents left
Father,” St. Peter might have written the by them. This Icon is over the Altar of the Gyor
Epiklesis, because the form used universally in Cathedral in Hungary.
the Church is on that date. But other Roman
customs such as the later tonsure and Alexandrian 19 Feb / Mar 4 (Mar 3 leap year)
calendar were not instituted by St. Peter. St. Peter
is the first Bishop of Antioch, see Feb. 22nd.
Announce thou with Paulus’ Passion
Wilfred said that the Lord had told St. the Passion of Marcellus, a victorious
Peter “...and I will give unto thee the keys of the diadem.
kingdom of heaven,” which Colman had to agree. Baethine great, treasurous,
This forced king Oswy to make a choice between the shining son of Cuana.

Passion of Paulus and Marcellus. 21 Feb / Mar 6 (Mar 5 leap year)
Baethine, son of Cuana (?) son of Caem The calling of quireful Fintan,
(?), son of Enna, i.e. of Tech Baithini in the west after contempt for the world,
of Meath. Three ‘Houses’ of Baithine, i.e. Tech
Baithin in Meath, Tech Baithin in Tyrconnell,
on the fair Feast with splendor (?)
Tech Baithin in Airtech to the west of Cruachan of Verulus (and) Jucundus.
of Connaught, as is said: Verulus and Jucundus
Four names were counted: Boethine Fintan Corach. i.e. on his pilgrimage he
strong, victorious, son of Findach, (Boethine) went into Connaught, and they took pledges from
vigorous son of Brenan, (Boethine) son of Alla, him to come again, alive or dead. And in
(Boethine son of Cuana. Baithin son of Findach, Lemchoill in Tir ua nDuach and Laigis in Finntan
son of Eochaid, son of Barr, son of Cairthenn, son Corach: or in Cluain Aitchen in Laigis, or in
of Colum, son of Lugna, son of Eogan, son of Brenainn’s Clonfert he is. i.e. Coir ‘choruses’ are
Guaire, son of Erc, son of Lugaid, son of Conall, sung at his grave, and not praise. Corach, i.e. a
son of Amergen. [Oengus notes four possible pledge whether alive or dead to come back again.
Boethines. Boethine son of Cuana was the son of Or the shrine wherein were his relics made turns
a man born among packs of hounds or wolves.] of it (?). Or ‘tis he that made adjustments (cora)
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: in the order of the new rite, as
Baeithin son of Cuanach Bishop; Maol through the merits of Saint Columba
Dobarchon; Nodtat Bishop; Dego son of and most worthy Bathin,
Nemuaill; Fechine moccu Cainchi from Lemmag; may the most heavenly host of
Odran of Tir Oenaig. Adamnan, assist us. [See Jan. 31st.]
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of As is so in Cluain eidnech are the four Finntans:
Tallaght [see also January 19th for the poem about Finntan Corach, Senach the rough,
Paul the Hermit who is listed in The Martyrology friendly Colman son of Comgall,
of Tallaght on that day. Today the Passion of St. a trio of them with valorous warfare, one
Paul may be the same Saint.]: after the other in the Abbacy.
Four namesakes that have been written, From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Baethine, strong, victorious: Fintain Coraigh i.e. in Lemchaill or in Cluain
the son of Finnach; the [vigorous] son of Eidnech; Colman of Ard Bo on the brink of Loch
Brenaind; nEchach; Cronan of Cell Becc.
the son of Alla; the son of Cuana.
(Baethin son of) Brenaind, disciple and brother of
Columba. Baethin son of Finnach in Inis St. Peter in Antioch (Apostle)
Baethin. Baethin son of Alla in Cluain da Feb 22/Mar 7 (Mar 6 leap year)
Andobair. Baethin son of Cuanu in Tech Baethin In Antioch the installation of Peter,
in the west of Meath.
wisdom declares it:
the birth of Laurence, a full answer,
20 Feb / Mar 5 (Mar 4 leap year) with Thecla’s radiant Feast.
Gaius the Bishop, his suffering is not General Lections for Apostles without
hidden, specific readings; the Gradual Psalm for St. Peter:
round whom were slain 122. (See Apostles. On a Sunday, do both Sunday
- mournful tale! - thirty wise champions. and the Apostle Peter. In Lent, also do the Lenten
Gaius, Pope Martyr, with 30 champion readings of the day.)
[Orthodox jurisdictions emphasize this
Martyrs. Under Carullo or Caro he suffered
date, as St. Peter was the first Bishop of Antioch

before he was in Rome. However, the association of Commending the Soul When it Goes Forth
of Psalm 18 and the Transfiguration with St. from the Body” one of the verses says, “Free, O
Peter, and the Byzantine style Epiklesis, are from Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst free
the Throne of St. Peter in Rome on Jan. 18/ 31, Thecla from the three torments.”
which coincides with the announcement in Rome
of the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which
actually occurs near the time of the St. Matthias (Apostle
Transfiguration. The festival of St. Peter in Feb 23/Mar 8 (Mar 7 leap year)
Antioch, according to the Glossator of Oengus, is Matthias the Apostle
associated with some of the things attributed to for Christ’s sake suffered tortures:
Rome in “The Acts of Peter;” see St. Peter.
Today’s feast reminds us that the “Rock” is the
may he protect us to heaven
faith of St. Peter, which was demonstrated in with every one who serves Him! [Christ]
many places, not in one of these alone.] (Lections are for Apostles without
Installation of Peter in Antioch. “In specific readings, although the choosing of St.
Antioch Peter’s hair was clipped (tonsured) and Matthias in Acts should be an Epistle. See the
there he made his first preaching, and there the Apostles. May combine with Sunday.) Roman
names ‘Christianus’ and ‘ecclesia’ were date of celebration: Feb 24. Celtic Rite date:
invented.” At Antioch, the Throne of Peter the Feb 23. Gradual Canticle, 133. See Apostles,
Apostle who was freed from chains, recalled the above.
son of Theophilus the prefect from the dead to Matthias, Apostle Martyr, or the Apostle
life, led the church of Antioch for seven years and Madian. [Madian is the Irish name for St.
refuted Simon the magician. [Antiochiae, Matthias.] St. Matthias was stoned to death.
Cathedra Sancti Petri Apostoli; qui e uinculis Ernine of Leighlin on this day with
liberatus, cum Theophili praefecti filium Madian.
mortuum ad uitam reuocasset, Ecclesiae
Antiochenae septem annis praefuit, pulso Simone “bisextus every fourth year”
mago] Martyrologium, at Feb. 22nd. The first
preaching of St. Peter is recorded in the Book of 24 Feb/Mar 9
Acts as the day of Pentecost, before Antioch. St. (leap year Feb 24 & 25, Mar 8&9)
James of the knees was Bishop of Jerusalem, so At the Passion of Lucianus,
perhaps although St. Peter preached at Pentecost, a Priest who crucified devils,
this date was the day his own Patriarchate of
Antioch first heard his preaching. St. Peter was
(is) an Abbot of Iona, a splendid intellect,
brought to Rome later, where he was Martyred.] Cummine fair, aged.
Birth of Laurence, i.e. a Deacon in [The Old / New calendar dates in leap
Rome: he was a sage who replied to the heathen. year are strange; on this day the day is divided
Feast of Thecla. See Sept. 23rd for her into two days. The extra day is not at the end of
history. The Celtic dates for St. Thecla are Feb. the month in any traditional church. On leap year
22nd with St. Peter at Antioch (not St. Paul), June only: celebrate the Passion of Lucianus on Old
Calendar February 24th / New Calendar March 8th,
1st, Sept. 23rd, and Nov. 17th. The Byzantines
and add the extra day on February 25th / March
celebrate her in Sept. 24th or 26th, and there is a
9th, venerating St. John that is Peter’s successor
dispute over two different St. Theclas who were
Martyrs. See St. Paul, Jan. 25th. The Psalm for St. on that day. On Feb. 24 th in the Byzantine Rite
Peter, associated with the Bobbio order of the is the first and second finding of the head of St.
Creed, mentions a handmaid as well as a servant. John the Baptist, probably commemorated here.
The glossator sometimes confuses names. The
The Celtic Rite and the Byzantine Rite remember
St. John who is secretary (not successor) to St.
St. Thecla as very important. In the Celtic “Office

Peter would be John Mark, that is, the Evangelist 26 Feb / Mar 11 (leap year, Feb 27 / Mar 11)
St. Mark. St. Linus was first Bishop of Rome,
the calling of Alexander
and St. Ignatius second Bishop of Antioch.]
into the station of the Saints:
Lucianus, Priest Martyr, crucified devils.
on the same Festival - a full fire -
Feb 24th leap year.) (See Jan 7th. Also on Dec.
24th, Byzantine Oct. 15th.) Or: The Passion of the births of the Tercels.
Peter’s successor [?], of noble John seek ye: on calling of Alexander
the day on which is bisixtus every fourth year, births Tarcellorum
i.e., Feb 25th only in leap year. [On crucifying From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
devils: see Nov. 11th: an index of incidents is Cornani (or Cronani) Saint of Glenn Esa (or
listed in the history of St. Martin of Tours.] Aesa); Beccani of Cenn Saile; Moennae; Ethni;
This is the angel’s sentence to the Saints Saint Aedlugha.
concerning the intercalary day: [See note Feb. [On leap year: celebrate these commemorations
27th.] The bisextus to insert every fourth on Old Calendar February 27th. New Calendar
year ...festival to this host that it disturb not thy March 11th, both usual or a leap year.]
Cummine, Abbot of Iona, son of Finding John the Baptist’s
Dinertach. He brought the relics of Paul and
Peter to Disert Cumin in the precinct of Roscrea, head
and they fled from him to Roscrea. Feb 27/ Mar 12 (leap year, 28 Feb / Mar 12)
At the passion of Abundius, if we dare in
Finding Paul ’s head (Apostle) lays,
(are) the Feast of Comgan without
Feb 25/Mar 10 (leap year Feb 26 / Mar 10)
reproach (and) the finding of Johns’ head.
The head of Apostle Paul, (See the Beheading of St. John the
the splendid pious champion, Baptist: for Propers and Lections, Aug. 29).
has been found on the Feast Abundius, Martyr
of the man of the manacle, Comgan without reproach
thy Eolas strenuous, abstinent. Finding of the head of John the Baptist
See the Apostles. Use the Psalm for St. Feast of Comgan. Comgan of Glenn
Paul, and may use Psalm 138: use the General Uissen. Comgan with the foreigners, i.e.
Lections, not for St. Paul's conversion Jan 25. Comgan, mernoc, Moelchu. Mirili, Moeldub,
Finding of the head of the Apostle Paul. Teldub, Tebard Aidne, six sons of Uthenne,
Petronilla the daughter of Peter the Apostle found Fedlimid’s daughter.
the head of Paul the Apostle forty years after his A populous (?) tower, through...
execution by Nero. [filia Petri apostoli inuenit Sister of Colum of the eminent clan of
caput Pauli apostoli post .xl. annos post great Conall (was) his mother.
decollationem eius a Nerone.]” Comgan son of Diarmait, son f Dega,
Eolas the strenuous, abstinent, man of son f Fir corp, son of Mog cirp, son of Cormac,
the manacle son of Ailill Olomm.
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Finding St. John the Baptist’s head Feb 27/ Mar
Cianani Abbot; Caimsae virgin; Croni of 12 (See the Beheading of St. John the Baptist:
Tamlachta (Tallaght); Saint Ciarani. Aug. 19).
[On leap year: celebrate these commemorations Three score years, lasting, good, and two
on Old Calendar February 26th/March 10th. New hundred by rules is reckoned,
Calendar March 10th, both usual or a leap year.] after the treachery which the men used

to practice, John the Baptist’s head was Consecration as Bishop. The Martyrology of
hidden. Tallaght does not list him today although it does
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: on Nov. 25th, possibly because it only lists later
Comgain of Glenn Uissen; Comman moccu Irish Saints, not earlier Latin and Greek Saints
Temne. today. At one time he was controversial within
[Note: See February 24th, the day the Rome because of his opposition to the extremes
extra day is added in leap year in the Celtic Rite. of Augustine of Hippo, and supported
In the Byzantine Rite, on Leap Year the 27th and monasticism more than Diocesian structure, but
28th both move: the extra day is inserted after the according to Butler’s Lives of the Saints his feast
26th. The reason that the 29th is not added to the day is July 23rd and referred to as “Saint.”]
end of the month is that this would make the [On leap year: celebrate the commemorations for
celebration of the calendar of Saints difficult: today on Old Calendar February 29th. New
missing a Saint appearing only every four years, Calendar March 13th, both usual or a leap year.]
such as St. John Cassian in the Byzantine Rite.]
[On leap year: celebrate the 1 Mar / 14
commemorations for today on Old Calendar On the calends of the month of March -
February 28th. New Calendar March 12th, both
usual or a leap year. ]
not haughty are they at prayer to them, -
Senan, Moinenn, Moses,
28 Feb / Mar 13 (leap year, Feb 29 / Mar 13) David of Cell Muini.
Senan, Moinenn, Senan, i.e. Abbot of
On the Feast of Sillan of Bangor Inis Cathaig [March 8th]: son of Gerrchenn, son
ten shapely holy virgins, of Dubthach, son of Deice, son of Imchad, son of
with the Passion of a manly host, Corb. [trans. note: Senan’s pedigree is thus in LL.
end the train of February. 351b: Senan Inis Cathaig M Eirggind M
Sillan of Bangor (Bennchor), Priest, Dubthaig M Decce M Imchada M Cuirb. M
successor of Comgall of Bennchor. means macc, which means “son of.”]
10 Virgin Martyrs. Moses, and David of Cell Muini. Moisi
Of Sillan,i.e. an Abbot of Bennchor or Maisi, a monk out of Egypt. Or Moses son of
[Bangor], i.e. a Priest. Sillan a Priest and a Amra. (St. Moses the Black, Ethiopian, Martyr,
successor of Comgall of Bennchor. Priest, monk, d. 405. Byzantine date Aug. 28th.)
[February 29th is the celebration of the Moinenn, i.e. a Bishop’s psalmist (was)
feast of St. John Cassian according to the Moinenn, and a successor of Brenainn of
Byzantine Rite. See Nov. 25th for his history in Clonfert. [Brenden of Clonfert.] Dauid, i.e.
the Celtic Rite. Oddly, in the Byzantine Rite their David of Cell Muine of southern Britons.
“bisextus” on Feb. 27th would not allow for a [Moinenn is probably the Moses meant.]
Saint day on the 29th, but according to the
Byzantine calendar his day would be either the 2 Mar / 15
28th or 29th. The Irish called him the “Bishop of If thou remember Feasts
Constantinople” because of his Ordination to the on the Passion of Lucilia (there are)
Deaconate by St. John Chrysostom, but St. John the nativity of Old Paul, a sound rampart,
Cassian was trained in monasticism by the Desert
Fathers in Egypt, and brought this training and
(and) the fair Feast of Fergna of Iona.
Lucilia, Martyr. Old Paul (his nativity),
his Rule to southern Gaul, that is, southern
sound rampart. Of Old Paul, i.e. of Paul of the
France. He was raised as high as the holy
Priesthood, by Pope Innocent I. St. Patrick desert. [See January 19th, and February 19th ?]
Fergna of Iona [trans note: Adamnan’s
studied in that region of France before his
Virgnous. According to Martyr. Don. He was son

of Failbe, see Reeves’ Columba 224, 372, 463.] Cartach will come to you, a man with
Fergna, i.e. Fergna the Briton, Abbot of appearance of belief,
Iona. Fergna son of the poet, son of Finntan, son a son will be born to Carthach (i.e.
of ..., son of son of Cuinnid, son of Daithem, son Molua mac ochae) he is not at all magnified.
of Cas, son of Fraech, son of Cumscrach (?). This then is the Cartach, Ciaran’s
St. Theodotus of Cyrenia, d. 326, Bishop. fosterling, who was sent on a pilgrimage to Rome
by Ciaran for having forgathered with a woman,
3 Mar / 16 of whom he begat Molua mac ochae.
At the Passion of Florianus Ciaran: Ciaran of Saiger episcopus
episcopurum. (Bishop of Bishops.) [LL. 352b.] Of
there are two preeminent stars, Dal Birn was he, and Uar was the name of his
Cele Crist - fair injunction! - well, as Patrick said: [see Sept 9th: other Ciaran.]
my Macru son of Senan. Seek Uar, build a convent on its brink,
Florianus, Martyr after thirty lasting, fair years we shall
Cele Crist, i.e. of cell Celi Crist in Hui meet there, (I and) thou.
Dunchada in Leinster. Pious Ciaran, a noble coarb, senior of
Mo Macru son of Senan. Mo achru, i.e. the Saints, a jewel in rank,
an Abbot of Cluain ednech in Leix, or of Tech a marvellous birth, champion of the
Tachru beside Tamlachtu. King, to whom great Saiger is an abode (and)
4 Mar / 17 Son of Lugna, a sea of vast knowledge,
Declare the Bishop’s regal, well he takes land - a shore that is not false -
on the day on which Doom will spread
brilliant suffering in Rome happy is everyone who shall be his fellow.
with a vast angelic host, Liadaine (Ciaran’s mother) was in her
Lucius a lucid light. sleep on her bed - a saying not wrong -
Lucius, Bishop (Pope) Martyr in Rome, when she turned her face to heaven a
a lucid light. Passion, i.e. he was beheaded in star fell into her mouth.*
Rome under Gallienus and Valerian. Thereof was born the wondrous birth,
St. Gerasimos of the Jordan, guarded by a lion. Ciaran of Saiger, let him be mentioned by thee,
and thence - a saying without pride -
5 Mar / 18 Luaigne declared that he was not his son.
Unsilently their renown has sprung [*Translator’s note: As to the
impregnation by the impact of light, see
over the eastern sea: Carthach royal, Conybeare Philo 242, citing Plutarch de Iside
city-possessing Ciaran 368D and Herodotus 3.28. Ciaran preceded St.
the hostful of Saigir. Patrick, and so he would have been born in pagan
Ciaran of Saigir, city possessing, Ciaran times, with explanations of his birth similar to
of Saigir. Greek myth, possibly to explain his interest in
Carthach (or Cartach) son of Fian, royal, Christianity which was not learned at home.]
in Saigir; and Carthach son of Oengusa of Druim Liadaine, daughter of Maine Cerr, son of
Ferdaim (or Fertain); Colmani ifir (? perhaps Oengus, of the race of Lugaid son of Ith, (was)
infirmi, or Isirni). Cartach, then a fosterling of mother of Ciaran of Saiger, and he was born in
Ciaran of Saiger and a son of the king of the Findtracht Glere, and after his birth the angels of
Eoganacht of Cashel, and in Cairbre ua Ciarda is the Lord tended him, and ranks of heaven
his stead, i.e. Druim Fertain, and Inis Uachtair on Baptized him. And ‘tis in Corcu Luigdech first
Loch Silenn is his also, and he is Mochutu’s that in Ireland the Cross was believed in, for it is
foster father, as my-Ite said: thirty years before Patrick that Ciaran took

Saiger, as it said: Seek etc. never have eaten one cake of them.
A son that is born in Tulach Tenn, pure A manchet of barley and pure water, that
shall be his union with us: was my dinner every time,
many a monk and gentle nun after him this is the relish that I was accustomed
Conall will take. to, two rots of sea-fern.
‘Tis then that Ciaran foretold Conall and Two fawn-hides, head to head, a grave
Fachtna of Ross Ailithir: and it is Ciaran that left (?) at my side, a stone under my head,
to Etersceoil kingship and leadership for ever. a wet quilt over me always, every single
And ‘tis he that left to the king of the Corcu- day and every single night.
Luigde a provincial king’s honor-price, because There (is) my Saiger every time!
they first had the belief in the Cross, and because Whoever shall reach it will be pure:
Cell Ciarain was disputed (?) by them. And it is to everyone apart there will be
Ciaran is also the senior of the Saints of Ireland: Communion, to the end of five days and ten.
Ciaran son of Luaigne... son of Dua, son Now Cairnechthe Bald was the scribe of
of Conall, son of Cairbre, son of Buan, son of Ciaran of Saiger. ‘Tis he that wrote the
Imbuan... Lethtren, son of Amalgaid, son of wonderful manuscript, namely Ciaran’s Journey,
Loeguire, Birn b...son of Oengus of Ossory. with its many various illuminations, and this
Wondrous, now, was the holy Ciaran of book still remains in Saiger. And let everyone
Saiger. Many cattle he had, for there were ten who shall study it give a blessing on the soul of
doors to the shed of his kine and ten stalls for Cairnech the Bald, and on my own soul. [This
every door, ... and there were ten calves in every mention of this book is by its original writer.]
stall, and ten cows with every calf. So long as he [*Note: “ten foolish cows with every little fool
was alive Ciaran consumed not any kind, small or (calf)” reads in Old Irish, “deich mba mboetha im
great, of their relish (obsonim) nor of their great gach mboethan.” sounds like a mooing cow!
produce: but distributed it to the poor and needy Also, see Jan. 1st and April 1st about fools: dumb
of the Lord. Moreover Ciaran had fifty horses beasts witnessed the Lord’s birth, but animals
broken-in for ploughing and for tilling the earth, cannot have enough understanding. Both days
but it seems that of what they tilled he ate not a near a New Year's. Jan. 1st is the Circumcision.]
single cake so long as he was alive. This was his (Irish Bishops earlier than St. Patrick:
dinner every night, a little bit of barley-bread, and Ailbhe, Sept. 12th; Ibar, April 23rd; Declan July
spring-water as drink with it, and two roots of 24th; and Ciaran. Also St. Sedulius, from Ireland,
sea-fern (a sea-weed?) As relish for it. Now skins but not serving in Ireland, Feb. 12th.) Modern
of fawns was the raiment that he wore, and a wet spelling: Kieran of Saigher. Saiger is pronounced
quilt over them outside. A bolster of stone was at “Saier.” Clear Island, the most southern point of
his head when he used to sleep. Ireland, is St. Ciaran’s birthplace. He was of
Ut dixit Ciaran: Munster royalty, and studied at Tours and Rome
Ten doors on the booley of my kine, ten where he was Consecrated a Bishop. Saiger
stalls for every red-faced door, (Seirkeran) was his cell in upper Ossory in the
ten calves for every stall, without midlands, and became a great monastery. His
torment, ten foolish cows with every little fool mother Laiden cared for a convent for women.
(calf).* Ciaran is called Sezin in Brittany, and Piran in
Of my confession to Mary’s Son, though Cornwall. In Wales Ciaran of Saiger is listed as
all that seems to you strange, the second name in the list of Abbots, in the list at
never went in under my tooth so much St. Illtud’s Monastery. He was not an Abbot at
as a fleshworm of the relish. St. Illtud’s, but he was an Abbot that they kept a
Fifty young horses [lit. foals] in my fair record of. Piran has a chapel at Perranzabuloe,
church in Saiger, which till the ground, “St. Piran in the Sands.” Piran is confused with
on my conscience, O pleading Christ! I Ciaran, but he has exactly the same life-story, so

it must be the same Saint. The chapel at 8 Mar / 21
Perranzabolue was perfectly preserved for 800 Senan of Inis Cathaig
years, “almost perfect in its solid masonry, with
its sculptured corbels and zig-zag ornaments so
gibetted Narach’s foe.
complete one might imagine it was one of our old Conandil, victorious pillar,
Irish oratories transplanted to the Cornish shore.” Bishop Beoaed the warlike.
Senan of Inis Cathaig gibbetted Narach’s foe
6 Mar / 19 Conandil, victorious pillar
May they protect us after piety Beoaed the warlike
Senan of Inis Cathaig, Crochais, i.e.
straightway to God’s kingdom, Senan hanged, i.e. he fettered the monster named
The splendid host that was slain Cathach, from which Inis Cathaig is named.
on the Feast of Victorinus. Therefore he fettered it, since it killed the smith
Victorinus, and a host of Martyrs whose name was Narach, and Senan brought the
Cairbre the Bowed, and Maelruain and smith to life, that is, brought him out of the
Maeldub and Muadan and Odran and Julian [and monster’s belly. The monster was a foe to the
Lenin’s daughters] of Cell ingen leir Lenin in Hui smith, and Senan was a hangman to the monster.
Briuin Cualann in hoc die [on this day]. [Dates [trans. note: see Lismore Lives, II. 2199-2236 and
related to St. Maelruain (or Mael Ruain): March Celt. Zeitschr. iii. 221.]
6th, July 7th, Oct. 1st. Dates related to Tallacht, or Quaedam bestia quae in hac insola ante
Tamlachta: Jan. 3rd, April 1st, Oct. 26th.] Senan habitabat et ab ea insola nominatur, for the
Also, Fridolin today, venerated in monster used to battle against a multitude out of
Germany and Switzerland, a sixth century Irish it, multos occidebat in regionibus circa insolam,
monk in Sachingen Germany near Basle on the inde Inis Cathaig nominatur, sed per Senan ligauit
Rhine. Fridolin came to Poitiers under Clovis I, eam catena ferrea secundum historiam, uel uirtute
and around 507 restored the church of St. Hilary Dei prohibuit eam, unde dicitur “he hanged the
of Poitiers (see Jan. 13th, and possibly May 5th), foe in a fetter,” i.e. the enmity that it had in battle,
and with the relics of St. Hilary founded churches he hung that in an drach, i.e. in a fetter, ut nec
and monasteries up the river Rhine. Some say malum ulli faceret. Or Senan hung the foe of
Fridolin was in Poitiers a century later at the time Narach, i.e. a certain smith qui fuit in illa regione
of Clovis II. (St. Hilary's Hymn: also known as quique Narach nominatur, quem occidit bestia
the Community of the Brethren, Hymn Two in quae dicitur Cathach. So Senan hung that which
the Antiphonary of Bangor, see after the Mass.) was enmity to Narach the smith. Hic sepulcri
Irish took St. Fridolin’s route along the Rhine on eius dies memortur.
pilgrimages to Rome; Fridolin’s monastery at Senan son of Gerrchenn etc.
Chur or Coire in the Grisons still has Irish art. Narach the smith, hospitality with valor,
went in a boat on the sea:
7 Mar / 20 over the hair of ocean he surely went
Dear the godly pair away into Inis Cathaig. [Hair means streams,
that deserves not reproach from our song, when he had crossed half the water the
Felicitas the hallowed, persecuting monster took him:
Perpetua the excellent. this is related to Senan: ‘tis then he was
Felicitas the hallowed, and Perpetua the praying.
excellent. Felicitas and Perpetua apud The cleric goes with fierceness too the
Cartaginem in Affrica bestiis datae sunt. edge of the green sea,
Mochelloc and Mettan of Tuaim atha, a he bound the monster out from him, for
virgin, and Cairitan of Druim lara on this day. he was a foe of Narach’s.

He comes to Narach - good the fight - 40 Martyrs with a great host.
who was safe, who was quite alive; Death of 40 soldiers, etc.,i.e. forty
the track of the monster was white, the soldiers who were cast into a cold lough by
miracle is magnified by Senan. Licinius son of Lucine son of Constantine’s sister.
Connadil, i.e. at Ess mac nEirc in And every one was put round about the lough so
Connaught. Conna, this is the name, and his that they might not come out of it till they were
mother gave per pietatem additamentum syllabae drowned. ‘Tis then that the sun shone to them
dil, i.e. dear, to me or to God, Conna, i.e. pillar or out of the bottom of the lough [sol ob signum
house-post. Conna, i.e. the name, and his mother supernae claritatis et consolationis emicuit
gave it the addition of a syllable from affection, Drummond Missal]. And since the heathen could
i.e. dil ‘dear’ to me is he, i.e. Conna-dil, or do nothing to them, they were taken out of the
Conainne, i.e. of Cell Connainne in Hui Maini of lough, their legs were broken, and then they were
Connaught, i.e. in Sogan, a daughter of the burnt. Quadraginta milites Lucino filio sororis
mother of Senan of Inis Cathaig. Constantini imperatoris, prius aqua dampnati sunt
Bishop Beoid, i.e. Beo-aed, i.e. living et postea cruribus fractis igne combusti sunt.
fire: of Aed Carna in Mag Luig in Connaught. Forty soldiers, alas! In the east were
Bishop Beo[a]id, son of Olcan, son of Cuman, cast into a cold lough: the sun shines to them,
son of Maidne, son of Tren, son of Len, son of much of glowing heat, in the bottom of the great
Lugaid Mac-con. lough.
Today is the Abbot-Bishop Senan of Inis Forty Martyrs of Sebaste were Martyred
Cathaigh or Scattery Island. There are about by Licinius in 320, after emperor St. Constantine
twenty-two Seanans on Irish calendars. Senan had legalized Christianity in 313. According to
took on the river god of the Sinaan (Shannon), St. Basil, forty Christian soldiers were put on a
who had his sanctuary on Inis Cathaigh, named frozen lake at night; only one did not stay, but he
after the monster Cathach, a dragon-like creature was replaced by a soldier who died with the
which Senan killed according to Oengus. [Senan others. They were stiff but alive in the morning
freed a smith from the monster; a smith was because of a glowing warmth, but were then
often a pagan wizard: St. Patrick’s “The Deer’s burned to death. These were Ss. Cyrion (Quirio),
Cry” asks for protection from Christ against Candidus, Domnus, Hesychius, Heraclius,
smiths; but Narach the smith became a prophet Smaragdus, Eunoicus, Valens, Vivianus,
like Jonah. The miracle wrought by Senan helped Claudius, Priscus, Theodulus, Eutychius, John,
people turn to God.] Senan died in A.D. 560 and Santhias, Helianus, Sisinius, Angius, Aetius,
was buried in his island monastery. In 563, Flavius, Acacius, Ecdicius, Lysimachus,
students at Senan’s school at Inis Cathaig from Alexander, Elias, Gorgonius, Theophilus,
the European continent divided into groups of ten Dometian, Gaius, Leontius, Athanasius, Cyril,
and went to the monasteries of Finian, Brendan of Sacerdon, Nicholas, Valerius, Philoctimon,
Clonfert, Finbarr, Ciaran and Senan. The Keanes Severian, Chudion, Aglaius, and Meliton.
of County Clare were hereditary keepers of the St. Gregory of Nyssa, Roman date
Clogan Or (golden bell) of St. Senan, now in the (modern?) See Jan. 10th. (Also see St. Basil Jan
National Museum. See March 1st, St. Cannera 1st, St. Gregory Thaumaturgis Nov. 17th.)
Jan. 28th. Senan is not Senach (see Aug. 21st).
10 Mar / 23
9 Mar / 22 To the angels has been summoned
The death of forty soldiers Constantine the fair (and) luminous,
with a great host that was brighter, by whom was found the angelical shaft,
to whom the sun arose the tree of the Lord’s Cross.
with paeans in a black dark place. Constantine the fair and luminous, who

found the “angelical shaft, the tree of the Lord’s detail. He also wrote a “Pedigrees of the Saints”
Cross.” Constantin, i.e. Constantine, son of and in it a “Book of Litanies” listing the Saints in
Helena, by whom Christ’s Cross was found. intercessory prayer. He died around A.D. 842.
Constantine, son of Helena, de quo Hironimus Constantine, i.e. son of Fergus,
dicit quod in principio uitae suae bonus, sed in successor of Mochutu of Rathen in Delbna Ethra
fine malus fuit, quia in Arrianam perfidiam in Meath, i.e. a king of Britain, who left his realm
conuersus sic uitam finiuit. (See May 21st.) and came on his pilgrimage to Rathen in the time
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: of Mochutu. He was also king of Scotland, and
Silvester Bishop; Torman and son of Cruadeni (or he sold the goodness of the earth for pilgrimage
Meic Thormain meic Cruaidhen); Saint Setnae; in order to gain heaven. So he gave himself to
Failbe Bed Abbot of Iae (Failbe the Little, Abbot manual labor like any monk a-serving God; and
of ‘I); Fir Fuighill Bishop. ‘tis he that marked out the church, i.e. of Rathen,
and dug its dyke, and bettered Cepach Cusatin
11 Mar / 24 ‘Constantine’s Plot,’ to the south of Rathen.
They are attendants (?) of our Lord Great then was his bellyful, to wit, the dinner of a
hundred, ‘tis this that satisfied him: so Mochutu’s
in the Kingdom above kingdoms, leavings were given to him. Mochutu sained his
Libren, perennial Senan, mouth, and (then) he used to consume only the
Constantine king of Rathen. same quantity as any (other) monk. And though
Libren; Senan; Constantine king of his bellyful was lessened his strength was not
Rathin [not the emperor St. Constantine]. diminished. [Trans note: Compare Brigit’s
They are comrades of our God. Or “a miracle, Thes. Pal. Hib. II. 344.]
prayer on the feast of Oiblen’s son [leg. Greatly, indeed, did the monks profit by
grandson], Oengus among princes” (is another his humility for the strength of a hundred was in
reading). i.e. Oengus son of Oingoba, son of him. Now he asked Mochutu to let him go into
Oiblen, of the community of Cluain Eidnech, ‘tis Scotland, to visit his children and his kindred.
he that composed the Martyrology in Tallaght. Mochutu gave him permission, and (he went and)
[And verses beginning each fixed day. This is came again. His share of dinner had been laid up
from the later glossatur; obviously, Oengus for him so long as he was in the east, and was put
himself didn't write it.] on a hide before him, mixed up together, both the
Oengus sang: clerics’ pottage and milk and corn [grain], and
I have asked of my king, merciful, mighty, some of it had turned to worms. So he took his
excellent is his heart-story - that Christ may be girdle around him and ... (the share) towards him
very indulgent to me so long as I am in the flesh. with his two (?) hands till it was clear to him that
Oengus (or Aengus) the Cele De (or he had consumed it all. Then the clerics’ leavings
Culdee) wrote the “Feilire” which are the verses were brought to him, and them he consumed
for each day. Cele De means “Companion of steadily (?) and pleasantly, for the majordomo
God.” He was educated by Fintan at Clonenagh, was keeping them so that nothing of the meal was
lived as an Anchorite at Disert Enos, and in the left without being consumed. “Get thee to the
monastery at Tallaght under St. Maelruain (see oakwood tomorrow and ply thy wrath (on the
July 7th, more about Oengus). He pretended at trees).” “Why didst thou impose on me to go and
first to be an unlearned servant. He returned to receive the Sacrament at the beginning of last
Clonenagh after St. Maelruain’s death (about night as I went. Never has any unfairness come
792). The “Feilire” appeared around 800, but to me which I would liken to it. Every unfairness
was finished under St. Maelruain, according to its that ever befell me I cast from me with all my
preface. Oengus drew from histories; most of the might. Every good that I had I made lasting (?)”
Saints on his list are from centuries before, and Thereafter he went throughout the oakwood and
the later glossator was able to provide great clears it.

Another time he was in the dyke, doing good plight in which ye are, until we gave it up
his work. The clerics dined, and he was forgotten. for the Lord. I had seven fortresses in my power
Thereat he became angry, and he flung from him [he owned or built them?], and a queen for every
out of the dyke a shovelful of clay upon the fortress, and gold and silver and herds of horses
skylight of the refectory, so that his ration came and kine for every fortress. I left all that I might
to him out of the platter of every monk in the be in servitude here for love of the Lord. If a
house. respite were granted for me, and for Him who has
Thereafter Mochutu goes to seek him. sent me, there would be a reward.” A lot was cast
The streams of sweat were then over him from between the congregations of Finnen and Ciaran
the vehemence of the toil. Mochutu puts his and Colum cille. “What Bishop of you would go
palm under Constantine’s brow and puts it (the with Diarmait to expel Mochutu?” Diarmait was
palm) under his own brow. “Well, O cleric,” says first sent to expel Mochutu, and he is unable to do
Constantine, “‘tis the sweat of his own tonsure so, wherefore Mochutu blessed Diarmait. Then
that heals every one.” “Thou hast injured came the turn of the community of Clonmacnois.
(thyself),” says Mochutu: “if thou hadst not said They went to their cells. Came the turn of the
that, even the dew of thy grave would have community of Cluain Cuangusa at the end of
healed every one.” Ardgal. “I will go,” says their erenagh, “to expel
In the week before Constantine’s death, him.” Then the erenagh of Cluain Congussa goes
as they were at Mass in their church, Mochutu to expel Mochutu. “Wilt thou expel me?” Says
saw Satan over Constantine’s head. “What Mochutu. “Thou shalt not be in the Abbot’s
brought thee there?” Says Mochutu. “This is a seat,” says the cleric. “Thou shalt have neither
monk of mine,” quoth Satan, “for the world is on heaven nor earth,” says Mochutu; “and may thy
his conscience.” “Probably this is little,” says erenagh always be a servant of wisps and
Mochutu. “It is equal (?) in him, though it be mockery in assemblies and meetings!” “Woe to
little.” “Well, O cleric,” says Mochutu, “deliver him who takes thee and by whom thou art taken!”
thy confession.” “I declare, my lord,” says says the prior of Cell Ached. “A blessing,” says
Constantine, “that on my conscience there is Mochutu; “and with thee will be the dignity of
nothing of the world, save only that I think I thy church.” “Take him away,” says the sub-
should like the flagstone on which thou repeatest erenagh of Clonmacnois: “let not the fellow
thy paternoster to be over my face (when I am delay, a wordy log (?) in the church.” “May
buried,” “It shall be so indeed,” says Mochutu. neither heaven nor earth be thine,” says Mochutu,
“And get thee, O Satan, into the pillar-stone to “and cold and hunger carry off thy successor
the south of the cell, and thou shouldst cause no always!” “‘Tis a great pity what ye do,” says the
hurt there save to one who shall resist the prior of Durrow. “‘Tis thou (says Mochutu) who
Church.” will be prior and erenagh always in thy place.”
Now this is the Constantine aforesaid “Drag him down!” says the erenagh of Durrow.
who obtained the three years’ respite from “Hatred of thy congregation upon thee (says
Blathmec and Diarmait, the two sons of Aed Mochutu), and on thy successor always! And may
Slane, and from the congregation of Finden and a finger be always needed to teach thee in
Ciaran and Colum cille, not to expel Mochutu meeting and to teach thy successor.”
from Rathen. ‘Tis to that same Constantine that Then he turned to the community of
the clerics of Leth Cuinn and the household of the Clonard, and cursed a part of them and blessed
children of Aed Slane made the evil petition, after another part.
coming to ask a respite the second year not to Blathmec himself went up to him, and
expel Mochutu from Rathen. “He is the same Cronan the Red, Ciaran’s successor. “Why have
churl,” says every one, “and he will not be ye come?” says Mochutu. “To expel thee,” says
welcome this time.” “‘Tis an evil petition, O Blathmec. “Thou shalt not,” says Mochutu.
youths,” says Constantine, “for we were in the “Thou shalt not be in the Abbot’s seat against

him(?)” quoth he. “Then I will expel thee from for Rome to take back the Pallium that Pope
the seat in which thou art, and I will rob thee of Celestius had given St. Patrick which had
heaven and earth, so that neither king nor crown- allowed Ireland to be independent, giving St.
prince shall be from thee.” Patrick a See encompassing a country, not just as
a Metropolitan Bishopric for a city. The glossator
12 Mar / 25 says Ireland is St. Gregory's “share,” which gives
Before reaching his territory away this intention, perhaps being spread by
Roman monasteries in Ireland. Irish monastic
the organ of a hundred victories, schools used the Irish Rule, the most rigorous and
[in t-organ ceit buadae] highly educated, but monasteries of Benedictines
vehement Gregory of Rome, and Augustinians were established in Ireland;
for Christ’s sake crucified his body. becoming influential because of Viking attacks.]
Gregory of Rome “for Christ’s sake From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
crucified his body” Gregory of Rome, i.e. of the Gregorius Pope of Rome. Ostensio Petri
Children of Dega was he, and Abbot of Rome Grigorio recusanti principatum. Muridanus
[Pope]. And ’tis he that bequeathed his body in a Bishop and forty others; Egonus and six others;
case on the river Tiber, with an ounce of gold on Donata; Basilissa daughter of Cionis; Zonus;
its breast, i.e. the ounce of virginity, and God sent Dunus; Alaxandrus; Johannis and forty four
it to Arann, and from it the strand on which it others; Silvanus; Innocentius; Rasius; Migdonus;
came is named, and therein are his relics, as Macus; Dorothus; Gorgonus; Macedonus;
Fercertne the poet of Cu-roi prophesied, saying, Euncus; Maximus; Ruginus; Petrus and ten
“Judgment will be born,” etc. Descendant of others; Jovianus; Ilarius; Concessus; Spirna;
Dega, son of Sen, Gregory of Ardmail, Abbot of Pionus; Smragdus (or Sinragdus); Eradus;
Rome of full Latium, goes into Erin, for it is in Eraclus; Marias; Nestorius; Eugenius; Quirinus;
his share. For Erin the noble island wherein keen Zefanus; Felicis; Pilippus; Antonius. Also: Garalt
Gregory will be chief of the pure fair Goedil, the of Mag Eo (also March 13th in some sources);
race of bright Goedel that branches, though Mochua Ailiuin (or Dochualen, or Dachuailen, or
severe, I will say. [Translator’s note: See the son of (mac) Guaire D., i.e. Mochuailen); Dagani
prophecy in Celt. Zeitschr. III, 37, Ticfa brathair Bishop; Cilleni of Lilchach; Sancti Maele
buada, etc.] [sic: St. Gregory sent monks to Corgais. [Note about Mochua Ailiuin: “Mo” or
Canterbury to the Angles and Saxons, not Irish.] “My” is a term of endearment found in many
[Note: See the Venerable Bede, 632-735, Irish Saint names, added as a prefix, such as
Benedictine monk in Northumbria, in The “Molua” which means “my Lua.”]
Ecclesiastical History of the English People
(Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum), 13 Mar / 26
regarding St. Gregory, Pope, Dialogist, who, May my Coemoc convoy us
upon seeing two young boys who were Angle, to the eternal protection which will be;
decided to send St. Augustine to the Angles of
Canterbury to convert them; until that time St. (and) Cuangus the chaste with science,
Gregory was unfamiliar with the northern lands. from Liath mor- a goodly pair!
The Irish were impressed with the effort made by Mo Choemoc
the Roman monks for the Angles and Saxons. Cuangus the chaste, from Liath mor
The few dozen monks sent with St. Augustine of i.e. nouissimus dies forsmbi in init.
Canterbury were not nearly enough and required [translator’s version using words he was familiar
Irish help to teach the English people. To say that with: “on which is the shrovetide.”]
St. Gregory came from Ireland is stretching facts. My Coemoc i.e. of Laith Mochoemoc in Eli.
Or, the glossator was from a later period than My Coemoc son of Beoan, son of
Oengus, and was already trying to make a case Mellan, son of Nessan, son of Erc, son of Cairid.

My Coemoc, i.e. son of Beo-Aed. [Translator’s James (Iacoib) and Luke, sons of
note: There are verses on Mo Chaemoc’s Nessan, who prayed continuously
fabulous age - 404 years - in LL. 353, foot, and James i.e. frater Domini. Ordinatio
357 left margin.] Iacobi fratris Domini in Hierusalem. Lucas
Cuangus, i.e. a blind son he. Of euangelista over a sea’s hair [rays of light or
Cuangus son of Ailill. anything that looks like hair], i.e. on the sea-brink
From Liathmor, i.e. in southern Eli, from is his city. [Dec. 27th: see Ss. James and John.]
Liath they are simul, i.e. from Liathmor in Eli of Sons of Nessan from the island to the
Munster. south of Rechru, i.e. tres fratres, from Inis mac
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Nessain i Fingal, or in Bregia, i.e. Monesi with
Macedonus and his wife; Patricia and daughters; Nesloga and Dicolla the Red. [Translator’s note:
Modesta; Chionus; Saturninus; Silvus; Januarius; Secht mic Nesain, Diucaill, Muridach, qui et
Petronus; Zosimus; Modestinus; Salivus; Cionus; Cronan (.i. crabdech .d.) Cairell, Fland, et hi
Castacius. Also: Mochaemoc of Liath Mor; quatuor in Enga sunt. Nessi uero et Nessluga in
Conchend son of Lucennain; Cuangusa son of insula sunt, Beoan i Fid Chulend, LL. 352a.]
Ailella; Colmain (or Colman) of Cluain Tibrinne From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
(also March 9th); Iacobus the Apostle brother of the Lord; the
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of Ordination of Luca (Luke) the Evangelista;
Tallaght: Longinus; Lucius Martyr; Salvus; Paulus; Silvus;
The life-time of Mochoemoc of Liath, Saturninus; Ingenua; Spinosus; Innocentius;
nor lords nor princes hide it: Efiro; Regulus and four others. Also: and the
four hundred and fourteen years, three sons of Nesani who are Monissu and
’tis no mistake, ’tis no lie. Sessloga (or Nesslug, or Neslogha, or Nessloga)
and Diucaill; Trenech; Diucaill (?) deirg (the red);
14 Mar / 27 Tiu daughter of Eltin (or three daughters of
Dionysius the Bishop Eltine); Saint Eugenius.
[Note from May 1st: St. James of the
whose trains are loveable: Knees was the first Bishop of Jerusalem, also
May Christ’s surname convoy us! called the Brother of the Lord, a son of St. Joseph
May Salvator save us! who witnessed Christ’s birth and worshiped Him
Dionysius, Bishop from then on, who was the first Bishop of
Salvator Jerusalem, see the Protevangelium of St. James -
Dionysius the Bishop: this may be commemorated May 1st, Dec. 27th and March 15th.
Dionysius of the cycle, i.e. cicli, ut alii putant. He was not one of the twelve Apostles, but of the
The cycle does not come till the end of 535 years Seventy. See his history Dec. 27th. There is a
after a proper ogtach (?). [maybe ‘octave’ repetition of some December feast days in March,
misspelled?] [This Dionysius has something to do such as St. Eugenia who is also commemorated
with calendar calculations, probably not the March 16th, and Dec. 25th or 24th, perhaps as a
Areopagite Oct. 9th/22nd, but of Alexandria, see Vigil of St. Patrick, or the original Pascha. This
Nov. 17th /30th.] St. Benedict of Nursia, see is similar to the two commemorations of some of
March 21. the Saints such as the Dormition of the Birthgiver
of God on Aug. 15th, also commemorated as the
15 Mar / 28 date of the announcement in Rome on Jan. 18th.
Declare James’ sovranty: In the case of the Saints named James, there is
confusion in the calendars of Oengus and The
Luke over the sea’s hair: Martyrology of Tallaght: see March 25th which is
they loved muttered prayer to Christ, listed as the “Passion of James” the Brother of the
the sons of Nessan from the isle. Lord, but is actually the date of commemoration

of St. James son of Cleophas, and is also he answered, “and I know not her fate.” Then the
misnamed as son of Alphaeus.] king recognizes her, and thus she was saved and
The Celtic dates of the celebration of St. the monastery. Thereafter a hill-fire was made
Luke the Evangelist include the Ordination of St. for the harlot. Ipsa est Eugenia [quae] pasa est
Luke March 15th, Sept. 21st, the Passion of St. sub imperatore Comodo in Necomedia [et] pasio
Luke Oct. 1st, and the translation of the relics of eius in die natalis Domini. Malantia item
St. Luke on Oct. 18th. His history is October 1st. [nomen] mulieris post quam Euagenia pasa est.
[She suffered on the day of Christmas; but she is
16 Mar / 29 commemorated Dec. 24th by the Byzantines and
Dear save unto the Devil was Eugenia on Romans, moved to the day before. She may be
celebrated both March 16th and Dec. 24th, because
earth. she is an important Saint. The O.E. Martyrology
Abban, angelic bush of gold, places her on December 26th.] In four quartrains
lucid Finan the leper. at foot of LL. 357, ‘Sergius’ is “Severus,’ ‘Protas’
Eugenia the dear is ‘Prothius,’ the two eunuchs are called
Abban bush of gold Eugenia’s fosterlings (dalta) [the Greeks say
Finan the leper servants - doulos], and Elinus is stated to be
“Dear save to the Devil, etc.” Abbot of Elopolis (Heliopolis).
Eugenia daughter of Philip. (See also Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
Byzantine and Roman date: Dec. 24th; see note Tallaght:
March 15th about some December dates.) By Commodus the name of the king of yore,
command of the emperor Commodus, Philip went who sent Philip into the land,
to take the kingship of Alexandria and Egypt, and into the place God appointed,
brought with him his wife, Claudia, his two sons, whose name is Mesopotamia.
Sergius and Habitus, and his daughter Eugenia,
and her two eunuchs, Protas and Iacinthus, along Eugenia, the discreet daughter
with her. It happened one day that she and her to Claudia and to Philip.
eunuchs were passing by the monastery of Edeb Protus, Hyacinthus, together,
(?), and this is what the monks were then her two rightful fosterlings.
chanting: “The gods of the heathen are demons, [or ‘iunaich’ ‘her two eunuchs’;
but the Lord hath made the heavens.” Said she: see Sept. 11 / 24.]
“Sad it is for us if it is demons whom we
worship. Truly I will go and offer myself to the Severus, Avitus, inseparable,
God whom these adore.” So she goes and her two brothers after the flesh.
assumes a man’s form, for there were no women Helenus, with whom she studied,
in the monastery, and was Baptized. Elinus was the Abbot of Heliopolis, most fair.
the name of the Bishop who catechized and
Baptized her in Egypt. Steren vero nomen maigi Eugenia, ’twas a glorious birth,
qui [sub]uertit Etiopaim. Such was her suffered for the mighty faith,
choiceness that after the death of the head of the she endured hardship on account of it,
monks she was appointed to the headship of the she was put to death by Commodus.
monastery. And a harlot tempted Eugenia to lie
with her. But when nought was gotten from her Abban maccu Cormaic, from Mag
the harlot said that Eugenia had outraged her. So Arnaide in Hui Cennselaig and from Cell Abbain
then came the king of the country to retaliate in Hui Muiredaig.
upon her, and he was her father, Philip. Finan the leper, from Colum-cille’s
Whereupon she called him to her apart, and she Swords, or from Cluain mor Maedoic in Leinster,
said to him, “”Hadst thou a daughter?” “I had,” or from Inisfallen on Loch Lein in Munster.

(Abban may have been named after a [There are several Sinells; first, the earliest
second century Martyr, see May 13th, or this person St. Patrick Baptized March 17th and April
could be that Abban.) 5th, also another Sinell March 26th who wrote an
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: old Rule who may also be Sinell of Cleenish, and
Hilarius; Titianus; Tasianus; Castoris; Dionisius; some others named Sinell. The Saints of Ireland
Nonus; Sirenus; Eugenius; Julianus; Jovanus; lists Sinell of Cleenish Island in Lough Erne in
Amphus; Curiaca; Maria; Milisa; Ascliophidotus; Fermanagh on November 12th.]
Sampilianus; Serenus; Grigneus; Eugenia and ten Or Lassair is the name of Brainin’s
others. Also: Denach of Inis Detna; Abbani seventh daughter, and in Cell Ingen Brainin in
moccu Chormaic (also Oct. 27th); Finani loboir Leix (are her relics), and Clidna is the name of
Suird no Cluana Moir (Finan the Leper of Sord or another daughter of his, from whom is (named)
of Cluain Mor); Saint Curitanus Bishop and Tonn Clidna “Clidna’s Wave.” [See Sept. 12th:
Abbot of Ros Mind Bairend; Bishop Feithmeic Lassren, i.e. Molaisse of Daminis son of
from Cell Tuama (or Tuamma); Laudani. Natfraich. (Not Lassair, but related?) The
“twelve Apostles of Ireland” is July 15th. Also
Saint Patrick, Bishop see Sept. 9th other dates of these Apostles, with a
prophecy of St. Patrick’s. St. Patrick is the chief
(Apostle to the Irish)
of Ireland's Apostles.] [Old Patrick, another Saint,
March 17/March 30 is on August 24th.]
The flame of a splendid sun, Many early sources on St. Patrick exist,
the Apostle of virginal Erin, such as the Preface to the Hymn of St. Sechnall,
may Patrick, with many thousands, called, “Audite omnes, ” about the life of St.
Patrick. (See St. Secundinus, the Latin name of
be the shelter of our wretchedness. St. Sechnall, Nov. 27th, and also bringing of the
(See Propers and Lections below. St. holy relics from Rome, Oct. 1st.) There are two
Patrick, the Apostle to the Celtic people, and the versions of the commentary [F, and B]:
people of continental Europe who were brought F] “Audite omnes, etc.” Sechnall filius
back to knowledge after the dark ages by Irish Restituti of the Lombards of Letha, and of
monks, and the people of the American Darerca sister of Patrick made hunc hymnum,
continents as Irish writing has been found here and Secundinus was Romanum nomen eius; but
both from before Christ and also later in the early the Gaels made Sechnall of it. The place (of its
Christian era. The Psalm is a telling of the life of composition was) Domnach Schnaill; the time,
St. Patrick and what happened to his enemies that of Aed mac Neill, or of Loegaire; (as to its
through the hand of God, not the armies of men. cause, it was) for the praise of Patrick it was
If today is a Sunday, do each Proper and Lection made; vel causa pacis fecit, quia nocuit quod dixit
for the Sunday in Lent first, but also do the Secundinus: “a good man (were) Patrick, were it
Propers and hymns for St. Patrick. In ancient not for one thing, viz, nisi quod minime
Irish tradition, the fast is eased slightly today.) praedicaret caritatem.” Et iratus est ei Patricius et
Flame of a splendid sun, etc. (“Lasair dixit: “propter caritatem non praedico, quia alii
grene. Patraic id est pater civium.”) He was sancti post me venient in insulam et indigebunt
given his name Patrick, or Patricius, when he was obsequio hominum (et ideo) relinquo caritatem
Consecrated Bishop by Pope Celestius in 432. praedicare;” et ideo fecit Secundinus hunc
Sinell son of Finnchad is the first person hymnum causa pacis. Fecerunt pacem Patricius
whom Patrick Baptized in Ireland, and Nassan of et Secundinus. It is the first hymn that was made
Cork (is commemorated) cum Patricio in hoc die. in Ireland. Secundum ordinem alphabeti factus
[translator’s note: Patrick’s pedigree LL. 347a. est; twenty-three capitula in it, four lines to each
His household and his Jewish origin LL 353d. capitulum and fifteen syllables in each line.
LL is the Book of Leinster (Liber Leinster).] There are further three places in it in which there

is found ‘in’ sine sensu causa rhythmi. Now As to Patrick, his origin was of the
when Sechnall had finished making this eulogy, Britons of Her-cluaide; Calpurn was his father’s
he went to show it to Patrick, to whom he said, “I name, Fotaid his grandfather’s, who was a
have made a eulogy for a certain son of life, and I deacon. Conchess further, was his mother;
should like thee to hear it.” “My welcome to a Lupait and Tigris were his two sisters.
eulogy (of any) of the household of God,” said Now Patrick had four names, viz.
Patrick. But Sechnall began his hymn at “Beata Succat, his name with his parents; Cothraige, his
Christi” [the second verse], that Patrick should name when he was in service to four persons;
not hear for whom it was made till the whole Magonius, his name from Germanus; Patricius,
should have been recited. However, when from Pope Celestine. [Note: in the travels of St.
Sechnall uttered Maximus in regno caelorum, Germanus to Briton, “Magonius” is not
dixit Patricius, “How could homo be maximus in mentioned, but he would have had companions.]
caelo?” Dixit Secundinus: “pro positivo positus But as to the cause of Patrick’s coming
est hic superlatinus.” On the conclusion of the into Ireland, it happened in this wise, viz., seven
recital, “(Give) me the reward for it,” said sons of Sechtmaide, a king of the Britons, were in
Sechnall. “Thou shalt have it,” said Patrick, “the exile, and they plundered Armorica of Letha.
number of hairs that are on thy cloak, i.e. on thy There chanced upon them at that time in
hood, the like number of sinners (shall go) to Armorica a body of Britons of Hercluaide: here
heaven, for the hymn.” “I will not take that,” said Calpurn mac Fotaid, Patrick’s father, was slain,
Sechnall. “Thou shalt have,” said Patrick, “this and Patrick and his two sisters were there taken
boon: everyone who shall recite it at lying down prisoners afterwards. The sons of Sechtmaide
and rising up shall go to heaven.” “I accept that,” then went over-sea to Ireland, where Lupait was
said Sechnall, “but the hymn is long, and not subsequently sold, viz. in Conalle Muirthemne;
everyone will be able to commit it to memory.” Patrick was sold in Dal Araide to Miliuc mac Ua
“Its grace,” said Patrick, “shall be on the last Buain, and to his three brothers; and they sold his
three capitula.” “Deo gratias,” said Sechnall. two sisters in Conalle Muirthemne, but they knew
Longobardus genere, ut dixit Eochaid ua not each other’s lot.
Flannucain: Well, four persons, one of them being
Sechnall, son of Ua Baird, Miliuc, bought Patrick, and hence he got the
victory of the world, name “Cothraige,” from the circumstances that he
of seed pure-fierce, whiteness of color, was servant to a household of four. But when
Lombards of Italy. Miliuc saw that he was a faithful slave, he bought
[Note: Some of the Lombards were Arian. him from the other three, so that he served only
Secundinus, also known as Sechnall, did not have Miliuc, for seven years after the fashion of the
this problem. St. Martin of Tours and St. Hilary Hebrews; and he suffered great tribulation in the
of Poitiers strove against the Arians in Gaul; wilds of Slemish in Dal Araide, while herding
others strove against Arianism in other lands.] Miliuc’s swine. It chanced now that Miliuc saw a
Longbardi dicti sunt eo quod barbam vision of the night, viz, he thought he saw
longam habent. Cothraige coming to him into the house where he
As to Succat, (it was) Patrick’s name was, having a flame of fire over his head and out
apud parentes eius; Cothraige, nomen eius apud of his nostrils and ears; and it seemed to him that
Miliuc; Magonius, apud Germanum; Patricius, a the fire played threateningly over him to burn
papa Celestino. [Succat from his parents, him, but he drove it from him and it did him no
Cothraige as a slave under Miliuc, Magonius as a harm; but his son and his daughter who were in
monk under Germanus, Patrick as Bishop.] the same bed with him, these the fire burnt to
B] “Audite omnes.” Locus huius hymni ashes, and the wind scattered those ashes all over
Domnach Sechnaill: it is that Schnall who made Ireland. Thereupon Cothraige was summoned
hunc hymnum for Patrick. before Miliuc, who told him his vision; and

Cothraige gave judgement on it as follows: “The Sechnall in great anger. Sechnall had just
fire thou sawest in me is the faith of the Trinity finished Mass except going to Christ’s Body,
which glows in me; it is that faith I shall preach when it was told him that Patrick was coming to
to thee in after time, and thou wilt not believe; the place in great anger against Sechnall. The
but thy son and thy daughter will believe, and the latter thereupon left the oblation on the altar, and
fire of grace will burn them.” Now when St. bowed down to Patrick, who drove the chariot
Patrick was born, he was brought to the blind over him; but God raised the ground around him
flat-faced youth to Baptize him: the Priest’s name hinc et inde so that it did not harm him. “What
was Gorianas. As he had no water with which to has happened to me?” Asked Sechnall. Patrick
perform the Baptism, he made the sign of the replied, “What is that one thing dixisti, that I did
Cross over the ground with the babe’s hand, and not fulfill? For if I do not fulfill charity, I am
water came out, et lavavit Gorianas faciem suam, guilty in respect of God’s commandment. God
and after that his eyes were opened, and he, a knows that it is for charity that I do not preach it;
person who had not learnt letters before, read out for there shall come post me in hanc insulam
the Baptismal office. ‘sons of life’ who shall stand in need of being
Tempus autem, that of Loegaire mac served ab hominibus.” “I did not know,” said
Neill, king of Ireland; causa in order to praise Sechnall, “that it was not through remissness thou
Patrick. For Sechnall had said to Patrick, “when didst so.” Then said the angel to Patrick, “All
shall I make a eulogy for thee?” Patrick replied, that shall be thine.” So they made peace then,
“I wish to have no eulogy of me in my lifetime.” Patrick and Sechnall. And whilst they were
Dixit Sechnall, “non interrogavi utrum faciam, going round the cemetery, they heard a choir of
sed quando faciam.” Dixit Patricius, “si facias, angels singing around the oblation in the church;
venit tempus,” for Patrick knew that the time of and what they sang was the hymn beginning,
his death was near at hand. Sechnall, son of “Sancti venite Christi corpus,” etc. [“Ye Holy
Restitutus, made hunc hymnum for Patrick, for he Ones come forth: Eat ye the Body of Christ...”
was a pupil of Patrick’s, and also filius sororis of Communion Hymn, The Antiphonary of Bangor];
Patrick; he was descended from the Lombards of hence this hymn is sung in Ireland when one goes
Letha, ut dixit Eochaid Ua Flannucain: to the Body of Christ, from that time onward.
Sechnall made Ui Bard, of the victory, And after that, Patrick sent Sechnall to
victory of world’s men, Rome, for some of the relics of Paul and Peter
of seed pure-fierce, whiteness of color, and other Martyrs, (as amends) for the blame he
Lombards of Letha. had laid upon him: those are the relics that are in
Longobardi dicti sunt eo quod habent longam Armagh in the shrine of Paul and Peter.
barbam. Secundinus ‘secans delicta’ aliorum, vel Now when Sechnall had finished the
‘secedens ipse a delictis’ interpretatur. composition of his eulogy, he went to show it to
Now when Sechnall was making this Patrick, and when he had come to Patrick, he said
hymn, there happened to be a fair held near to him, “A eulogy that I have made for a certain
Domnach Sechnaill, and a message went from ‘son of life;’ I want you to hear it.” Patrick
Sechnall to forbid it, and went unheeded. replied, “I welcome a eulogy of any man of
Thereafter Sechnall went back, and raised his God’s household.” But Sechnall began his hymn
hands to God, and the earth swallowed thirteen at “beata Christi custodit,” that Patrick should not
chariots of them cum suis equitibus, et ceteri in perceive for whom the hymn was made till it had
fugam exierunt. been all recited. But when Sechnall recited
Vel haec est causa, viz. because of the “Maximus namque in regno caelorum,” Patrick
annoyance Sechnall gave Patrick, in saying, “a shifted about from place to place, et dixit, “How
good man were Patrick were it not for one thing, can a human being be ‘maximus’ in regno
viz. the small extent to which he preaches caelorum?” Dixit Sechnall, “Pro positivo est hic;
charity.” When Patrick heard it, he went to or, it is many of his own race that he excels.”

“Good is the answer,” said Patrick. Now when who shall recite at lying down and at rising up its
Sechnall had finished reciting the hymn, there last three capitula, ut est:
came up a man and a woman having food with “A hymn thou hast chosen in thy life
them for Patrick, viz. curds and butter: Bera Will be a Lorica of protection for
nomen viri et Brig nomen mulieris. Said Patrick, everyone.” [Lorica means breastplate, or armor.]
“A house in which this hymn shall be recited This is the first hymn that was made in
before dinner, shall never have scarcity of food; Ireland. It is in alphabetical order more
and further a new house in which it shall be Hebraeorum sed non per omnia. There are in it
recited prius, shall have around it a watch twenty-three capitula, four lines in each, and
(consisting) of Patrick with Ireland’s Saints.” As fifteen syllables in each line; et si quis invenerit
it was made manifest to Colman Ela et aliis cum plus minusue, in eo error est. There are two or
eo; and as it was made manifest to Kevin cum three place in which there is ‘in’ sine sensu sed
suis, when he came out of the church one Sunday causa rhythmi etc. (The opening words are)
into the refectory. At hymnum hunc cantavit, similitudine Moysis dicentis, “Audite caeli quae
Patricius cum multis patribus apparuit ei; et ter loquar,” et David dicentis, “Audite haec omnes
cantavit, et tunc quidam stultus dixit, “cur gentes.”
canimus hunc hymnum sic?” et dixit Kevin, “that [All the Greek “Kontakion” Hymns have
is not good,” said he, “quia apparuit nobis twenty four verses for the letters of the Greek
Patricius cum suis discipulis quamdiu alphabet; the Irish Latin Abecedarian poems used
cantabamus hymnum.” the same number, twice twelve, adding a subject
When the recitation of the hymn was verse at the end to do so, since the Latin alphabet
complete, Sechnall said, “(Grant) its reward to has only twenty-three letters. The Abecedarian
me.” “Thou shalt have it,” said Patrick, the Hymn of St. Columba of Iona, without the last
number of days that there are in anno, the like verse, beginning with the letter D for God in
number de animabus peccatorum (shall be Latin, would lose its entire meaning. This form
permitted) to go to heaven for the making of the may have been taught to the Greeks by St. Siadal,
hymn.” “I shall not accept that,” said Sechnall, who taught poetic forms in Athens, see Feb. 12th.
“for I deem it little, and the eulogy is good.” [Note: the “last three capitals,” the last
“Thou shalt have,” said Patrick “(granted to thee three verses of the “Abecedarian” or alphabetical
that) as many as are the threads in the cloak of poem, begin with the letters “X,” “Y,” and “Z;”
thy cowl, so many sinners shall go to heaven, for but in another source for this hymn, the twenty-
the sake of the hymn.” “I shall not accept (that fourth verse, the “Subject” verse, begins with the
either),” said Sechnall, “for what believer is there letter “P” for Patricius. The last Subject verse is
that will not take with him as many as that to in other sources than the Liber Hymnorum in
heaven, without his praising a man like thee at Latin. The hymn should include the last Subject
all?” “Thou shalt have (this),” said Patrick, “of verse, because that is the only verse with the
Ireland’s sinners seven every Thursday, and “Breast-plate” blessing, and asks the Saint to pray
twelve every Saturday (admitted) into heaven.” for us and with us. Without it, we would be
“It is (too) little,” said Sechnall. “Heaven for saying that contemplation of merits or qualities of
everyone who shall recite it at lying down and at the life of St. Patrick would be sufficient for our
rising up, shall be thy boon,” said Patrick. “I salvation, which is not correct doctrine. It would
shall not accept (even) that,” said Sechnall, “for be best to memorize the end verses beginning
the hymn is long, and not everybody will be able with verse “X,” because that verse begins with
to remember it.” “All is grace,” said Patrick, “on the word “Christos” which is spelled with an “X”
its last three capitula.” “Deo gratias,” said in Greek. Although Orthodox Christians would
Sechnall. accept a blessing from a hymn in the same way
The angel promised the same thing to that we would accept a blessing from a wonder-
Patrick on the Cruach, viz., heaven to the person working icon, we do not count years of grace or

points off a tally of sins. One must always pray During his study in France, St. Patrick
for the world, as St. Patrick and St. Sechnall did. accompanied St. Germanus of Auxerre (see May
[A literal translation is after this Mass, 28th) on a journey to Briton to decide the
by Bishop Maelruain (Kristopher Dowling). controversy surrounding a heresy promoted by
Ludwig Bieler's translation is not literal or Palagius Britto. This heresy said that one could
doctrinal. Bieler omits the subject verse attain heaven by ones’ own efforts, without God’s
(Patricius), replaces “with Christ” with “in union help. Through both argument and also great
with Christ” in verse five. In the eighth verse the miracles, including the destruction of a city in
term “stigmata” is used in the original text, and Briton, the people were completely convinced
should not be translated “marks.” that God must help us every step of the way to
[It is especially worthy to read on the heaven. Some monks such as Saints John Cassian
three days (“triduum”) of St. Patrick’s feast, and Vincent of Lerins were accused of being
according to Tirechan in the Book of Armagh “semi-Palagians” because they believed in the
(March 17th through the 19th, or starting on the goodness of following a Rule, fasting, etc.
Vigil). Muirchu states in his Life of Patrick that However, these good works were always done
all persons who sang this Hymn on their last day with the great faith that God alone could save
would be saved by the intercession of St. Patrick. them. The Germanus who accompanied St. John
The preface to the hymn states that the last three Cassian, see Nov. 25th, was not the same person
“capital” verses, and the last Subject verse, as St. Germanus of Auxerre the teacher of St.
should be sung every day when waking and lying Patrick, see May 28th, even though they lived
down. In the Genair Patraic (which Bieler says is around the same time, and St. Patrick studied in
800 A.D. because footnotes and margin notes are southern France. St. John Cassian traveled to
later, but might be contemporary with St. Patrick) Palestine, Egypt, Constantinople, was a close
the hymn of Secundinus is called a protection, a disciple and friend of St. John Chrysostom, and
Lorica (breast-plate) or prayer of special power, then lived in Marseilles. St. Vincent of Lerins,
as is the “Deer’s Cry.” The text is from the see May 24th, had a monastery in southern France
Antiphonary of Bangor, written by St. Sechnall at that time. The monastic views in southern
(Secundinus) who was a close disciple of St. France were from the desert fathers in Egypt.
Patrick who came with him from the continent.] See Tirechan, July 3rd, who wrote a history of St.
St. Patrick, Apostle to Ireland Patrick including his time in southern France.
See the glossator of Oengus above. When St. Patrick first returned to Ireland
There is too much to say about St. Patrick: his as a Bishop, he and the monks lit a fire before the
birth in Briton or Brittany, his capture by druids could light their fire in Tara, the seat of the
opportunists and his slavery in Ireland, his escape king of Ireland. The chief druid (pagan religious
by means of the angel Victor who appeared as a leader) said that if the fire of St. Patrick (which
bird, his studies in Gaul and Italy under St. happened to be the fire of Holy Pascha) were not
Germanus and others, his Consecration as Bishop put out, it would take over the whole country. St.
(after Palladius) by Pope Celestine in 432, his Patrick composed a prayer called “The
conversion of the entire nation of Ireland to Breastplate” or “Lorrica,” “The Deer’s Cry.”
Christianity, with no area left there that was not When his monks were trying to escape the
Christian. There were four Bishops in Ireland soldiers of king Laoghaire, they repeated this
previous to St. Patrick, not including Palladius, prayer, and the soldiers only thought they saw
but each was Bishop of a small area; they were deer passing them. One little fawn had a satchel
Consecrated on the continent or in Rome: Ailbe of books: the youngest monk Benin carrying the
at Emly (Sept. 12th), Ibar at “Little Ireland” (April books. Since the monks managed safe passage,
23rd), Declan (July 24th), and Ciaran of Saiger Christianity spread. There were many attempts
(March 5th). (Torannan, i.e. Palladius, a Bishop on St. Patrick’s life, and his charioteer Odran died
before St. Patrick, June 12th, caused controversy.) when he switched places with St. Patrick. The

king’s son Feidlimidh and many others converted book was to be read on the three days of St.
to Christianity, and Armagh became the seat of Patrick’s Feast, The Tripartite Life. A Hymn
the Church in Ireland, leaving Tara a sheep-field. about the life of St. Patrick by Secundinus,
The druids had twice before this (November 27th, October 1st) “Audite Omnes”
predicted the coming of Christianity: first when written in Abecedarian form, is described above
Christ died on the Cross, a druid told the king in the commentary by the glossator. The Hymns
Conchobor that God had just been killed in “The Deer’s Cry” and “Audite Omnes” are
Rome (see Christmas for the poem). The king included here. Psalm 139 was chosen for his
vowed that he would destroy Rome, and Feast day because it is almost a telling of the life
immediately the king fell dead. At that time, of St. Patrick and what happened to his enemies
Ireland had a powerful military with ingenious through the hand of God, not the armies of men,
weapons, but Christ came into the world to save and much of this Psalm is similar to St. Patrick’s
sinners. Another time the druids predicted that prayer, “The Deer’s Cry.”
their garment which was a single large cloth [See Tirechan, July 3rd, an author of a
wrapped around them would be replaced by a life of St. Patrick. He says that St. Patrick studied
garment with a neck-hole, and the religious extensively both at Auxerre under St. Germanus,
leaders would chant strange words, “Amen, see May 28th and October 1st, and also at Lerins,
Amen.” The third time the druids predicted see May 24th.]
Christianity they looked directly into the light of Also today: St. Gertrude who died in
the Risen Christ in the fire of Pascha, and A.D. 659, an Abbess who brought Fursey and his
realized that their fires would no longer have the two brothers: Foillan (see October 31st) and
place of honor. It is worthy to read more about St. another Irish Saint named Ultan (see May 2 nd) to
Patrick than given here, see books below. Nivelles in France to teach her monks and nuns
It is said that St. Patrick destroyed all the Liturgy, Scripture, sacred chant, and singing of
snakes in Ireland. This could mean heretics the Psalms. She and her mother were generous in
there, but it also could have meant a pagan snake endowment of monasteries. On the eve of March
worship. Snake cults were known among the 17, she sent messengers to Ultan at Fosses to ask
Greeks, and the prayers of the Saints killed great for his prayers. He sent word to have no fear, the
vipers, and sent demons away who came in the next day she would depart with joy; St. Patrick
form of pythonic spirits. (See St. John the would take her to heaven with chosen angels on
Apostle, and the Book of Acts 16:16.) But his own Feast day.
physically, Ireland has no snakes, which is Mass for St. Patrick
astounding, as snakes have been known to ride Old Testament
ships and even modern airplanes from place to Ezechial 34:1-31 (The Old Testament reading
place. In the lives of the Apostles, we see for today in Lent may also be done.)
earthquakes, collapse of temples, melting of (Prophecy, “Woe to the shepherds of
idols, etc., so these acts of St. Germanus of Israel...” and prophecy of the coming of
Auxerre and St. Patrick were equal to the Twelve Christ. This could also be a warning to
Holy Apostles. the Bishops which came before St.
St. Patrick’s bell survives to this day, but Patrick who did not convert all of
his miraculous pastoral staff of Jesus Christ that Ireland, compared to the rapid
St. Patrick carried was destroyed in the Protestant conversion of all of Ireland that
Reformation. A thorn tree at St. Patrice in France happened under St. Patrick. Also,
near Tours that bloomed in midwinter survived “...and will cause the evil beasts to cease
into the 20th century, but is now gone. St. Patrick out of the land...” After St. Patrick, there
wrote an autobiography called his Confession. A were no more snakes in Ireland, either
bardic poem on the life of St. Patrick, the Genair people of lying tongues, or literally, no
Patraic was written by St. Fiacc. A three-part physical snakes.)

Introductory Collect stretched out cords for a snare: they have laid for
[Also, use the Introductory Collect for me a stumbling-block by the wayside.
this week in Lent.] I said to the Lord: Thou art my God:
O Lord God Almighty who dost answer the hear, O Lord, the voice of my supplication. O
intercessions of the Saints for us, grant, we Lord, Lord, the strength of my salvation: Thou
beseech Thee, that we may exult in the example hast overshadowed my head in the day of battle.
of Saint Patrick, the confessor and High Priest Give me not up, O Lord, from my desire to the
and rejoice in his advocacy for us. Through wicked: they have plotted against me: do not
Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Thou forsake me, lest they should triumph.
Holy Spirit throughout ages of ages. Amen. The head of them compassing me about:
Collect Before the Epistle the labor of their lips shall overwhelm them.
[Use the Collect for Apostles, Martyrs, Burning coals shall fall upon them; Thou wilt
and Holy Virgins in the Celtic Missal. cast them down into the fire: in miseries they
Also, use the Collect Before the Epistle shall not be able to stand. A man full of tongue
for this week in Lent.] shall not be established in the earth: evil shall
catch the unjust man unto destruction.
Epistle Hebrews 12:28 – 13:21, [Lux.]
I know that the Lord will do justice to
(“...For our God is a consuming fire. Let the needy: and will revenge the poor. But as for
charity of the brotherhood abide in the just, they shall give glory to Thy Name: and
you...” “...Jesus Christ, yesterday, and to the upright shall dwell with Thy countenance.
day; and the same forever...” The
Alleluia [Response from the Martyrology of
ordering of the Church.)
or Corinthians II 5:11-20, Philippians 4:19-20. Oengus for St. Patrick’s Day, translated
[Wur.] (“...If then any be in Christ a new by Whitley Stokes, D.C.L.
creature, the old things are passed away, Alleluia, Alleluia. The flame of a splendid sun,
behold all things are made new... For the Apostle of virginal Erin, may Patrick, with
God indeed was in Christ, reconciling many thousands, be the shelter of our
the world to Himself, not imputing to wretchedness. Alleluia.
them their sins; and He hath placed in us Hymns may be chanted here or at Holy
the word of reconciliation. For Christ Communion: such as the breastplate
therefore we are ambassadors, God as it Hymns: Audite omnes, and the Deer’s
were exhorting by us...” “And may my Cry. See after the Propers for this Mass.
God supply all your want, according to Gospel John 10:1-16, [Lux.] OR
His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Now Matthew 18:18-22, and Luke 10:1-20 [Wur.]
to God and our Father be glory world [Lux.] St. John 10:1-16
without end. Amen.”) 1 Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not
Gradual Psalm 139. (The Gradual Psalm for by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up
today in Lent should also be done.) another way, the same is a thief and a robber.
Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: 2 But he that entereth in by the door is the
rescue me from the unjust man. Who have shepherd of the sheep.
devised iniquities in their hearts: all the day long 3 To him the porter openeth: and the sheep hear
they designed battles. They have sharpened their his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name,
tongues like a serpent: the venom of asps is under and leadeth them out.
their lips. 4 And when he hath let out his own sheep, he
Keep me, O Lord, from the hand of the goeth before them: and the sheep follow him,
wicked: and from unjust men deliver me: who because they know his voice.
have proposed to supplant my steps: the proud 5 But a stranger they follow not, but fly from
have hidden a net for me: And they have him, because they know not the voice of

6 This proverb Jesus spoke to them. But they AND
understood not what he spoke to them. St. Luke 10:1-20
7 Jesus therefore said to them again: Amen, amen 1 And after these things the Lord appointed also
I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. other seventy-two: and he sent them two and two
8 All others, as many as have come, are thieves before his face into every city and place whither
and robbers: and the sheep heard them not. he himself was to come.
9 I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he 2 And he said to them: The harvest indeed is
shall be saved: and he shall go in, and go out, and great, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore
shall find pastures. the Lord of the harvest, that he send laborers into
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to his harvest.
kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may 3 Go: Behold I send you as lambs among wolves.
have life, and may have it more abundantly. 4 Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes; and
11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd salute no man by the way. [4 Kings 4:29]
giveth his life for his sheep. [Isa. 40:11; Ezech. 5 Into whatsoever house you enter, first say:
34:23, Ezech. 37:24] Peace be to this house.
12 But the hireling, and he that is not the 6 And if the son of peace be there, your peace
shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the shall rest upon him; but if not, it shall return to
wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth: you.
and the wolf catcheth, and scattereth the sheep. 7 And in the same house, remain, eating and
13 And the hireling flieth, because he is a drinking such things as they have: for the laborer
hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep. is worthy of his hire. Remove not from house to
14 I am the good shepherd; and I know mine, and house. [Deut. 24:14; 1 Tim. 5:18]
mine know me. 8 And into what city soever you enter, and they
15 As the Father knoweth me, and I know the receive you, eat such things as are set before you.
Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep. 9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say to
16 And other sheep I have, that are not of this them: The kingdom of God is come nigh unto
fold: them also I must bring; and they shall hear you.
my voice, and there shall be one fold and one 10 But into whatsoever city you enter, and they
shepherd. receive you not, going forth into the streets
thereof, say:
OR 11 Even the very dust of your city that cleaveth to
[Wur.] St. Matthew 18:18-22 us, we wipe off against you. Yet know this, that
18 Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind the kingdom of God is at hand.
upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and 12 I say to you, it shall be more tolerable at that
whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, shall be day of Sodom, than for that city.
loosed also in heaven. 13 Woe to thee, Corozain, woe to thee, Bethsaida.
19 Again I say to you, that if two of you shall For if in Tyre and Sidon had been wrought the
consent upon earth, concerning any thing mighty works that have been wrought in you,
whatsoever they shall ask, it shall be done to they would have done penance long ago, sitting
them by my Father who is in heaven. in sackcloth and ashes.
20 For where there are two or three gathered 14 But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and
together in my name, there am I in the midst of Sidon at the judgment, than for you.
them. 15 And thou, Capharnaum, which art exalted unto
21 Then came Peter unto him and said: Lord, heaven, thou shalt be thrust down to hell.
how often shall my brother offend against me, 16 He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that
and I forgive him? Till seven times? despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that
22 Jesus saith to him, I say not to thee, till seven despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me.
times; but till seventy times seven times. 17 And the seventy-two returned with joy, saying:

Lord, the devils also are subject to us in thy at York resented St. Patrick and often did
name. not include his commemorations. St.
18 And he said to them: I saw Satan like lightning Patrick was always commemorated in
falling from heaven. Europe and Ireland.)
19 Behold, I have given you power to tread upon May He who accepted the servitude of the one he
serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of had freed from servitude; for the sake of the
the enemy: and nothing shall hurt you. freedom of many from the slavery of sin;
20 But yet rejoice not in this, that spirits are likewise make us examples to the salvation of
subject unto you; but rejoice in this, that your others. Amen.
names are written in heaven. May the shepherd who lay down His life for his
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of sheep lead us in the blameless way unto
the Preface) Always said aloud. salvation. Amen.
[Use the first Ad Pacem from the Celtic May He who took up His life again find us
Missal first. Then the following for St. blameless on the day of judgment, so that we may
Patrick. Then, for Lent.] rise with Him into eternal joy. Amen.
We beseech Thee Author of Blessings and Source May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
of Sanctification that Thou be pleased to bless without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
and sanctify this Sacrifice and by means of the of ages. Amen.
intervention of the Blessed High Priest Patrick May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
grant forgiveness of sins to us Thy servants. and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
ever with you. Amen.
R. Amen.
Confraction arrangement for Saint
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Patrick: 11 Particles for the Holy Apostles.
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
Eleven Particles of the Host of the
[Use the first Dignum, and also for Apostles is an image of the incomplete
Martyrs and Apostles in the Celtic number of the Apostles due to the Sin of
Missal. Then for this week in Lent.] Judas. [Eleven are for the Apostles
[ending from the Preface for the Apostles chosen before the Ascension of our
and All the Saints]: Lord, and to other Apostles such as St.
...through our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom all Matthias, St. Paul, or St. Patrick. Mt
the Angels, Archangels, Prophets and Apostles, 9:37-38, “The harvest indeed is great,
Martyrs and Confessors, Virgins, and All of the but the laborers are few. Pray ye
Saints, with a perpetual hymn and unwearied therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he
praises, with the four beasts and the twenty four send forth laborers into His harvest.”
elders [Re.4:4-11, 5:8-14] harmonize, saying: The Cross is a Celtic Cross.]
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most Communion Hymns:
Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post [Use Audite Omnes, and the Deer's Cry,
Sanctus for Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or below, during Holy Communion and the
Virgins in the Celtic Missal.] Ablutions, or earlier in the Mass.]
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Post Communion [Also use the Post
Bishop only if present Communion for this week in Lent.]
For St. Patrick: (Not from the Grant we beseech Thee O Lord, that we be
Pontificale of Egbert, but the Gothic strengthened by Thy Life-Giving Sacrament and
Missal. At York, because Bishop the prayers of the High Priest, Saint Patrick
Palladius had retreated to Scotland and Through Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee
was replaced by St. Patrick, given the and the Holy Spirit throughout ages of ages.
Pallium by Pope Celestius; the English R. Amen.

Hymns for St. Patrick, and the He will come into possession of joy with Christ
Triduum: three Festival days: in the heavenly kingdom.
F [Fidelis]
God’s faithful minister and His distinguished am-
Audite omnes, an abecedarian hymn bassador,
on St. Patrick, Teacher of the Irish He gives the good an Apostolic ex-ample and
by St. Secundinus, a “Breastplate” Hymn, one of model,
the great protections, especially verses X, Y, Z, Preaching as he does to God’s people in words as
and the Subject verse. well as in deeds,
The original text probably had a much So that him whom he converts not with words he
more beautiful chant. The musical setting below inspires with good conduct.
is a simple chant, but not associated with this G [Gloriam]
hymn. Notes move at the end of each line. Glory has he with Christ, honor in the world,
He who is venerated by all as an angel of God.
-c7acvRv fcdcfctcv]cvTv gv jchcgcycvv]vcYvcyvvtv ]cvTvcdcfcscqvv ] God has sent him, as He sent Paul, an Apostle to
the gen - tiles,
A [Audite omnes amantes] To offer men guidance to the kingdom of God.
Hear ye all, lovers of God, the holy merits H [Humilis]
Of the man blessed in Christ, Pa-trick the bishop, Humble is he of mind and body because of his
How for his good ways he is likened to the an - fear of God;
gels, The Lord abides upon him because of his good
And because of his perfect life is deemed equal to deeds;
the Apostles. In his righteous flesh he bears the stigmata of
B [Beata Christi] Christ;
Christ’s holy precepts he keeps in all things, In His Cross alone, his sole comfort, he glories.
His works shine bright among men, I [Impiger]
And they follow his holy and wondrous ex - am- Untiringly he feeds the faithful from the heavenly
ple, banquet,
And thus magnify God the Father in the heavens. Lest those who are with Christ faint on the way;
C [Constans] Like bread he gives to them the words of the
Constant in the fear of God and steadfast in his Gos-pel,
faith, Which are multiplied like manna in his hands.
Upon whom the Church is built as on Peter; K [Kastam]
And his Apostleship has he received from God He preserves his body chaste for love of the
The gates of Hell will not pre - vail against him. Lord;
D [Dominus] This body he has prepared as a temple for the
The Lord has chosen him to teach the barbar- ian Holy Spirit,
tribes, And he keeps it such by purity in all his act-ions;
To fish with the nets of his teaching, He offers it as a living sacrifice, acceptable to
And to draw from the world unto grace the the Lord.
believ- ers, L [Lumenque]
Men who would follow the Lord to His Enflaming light of the world, great one of the
heavenly seat. Gospel,
E [Electa] Lifted up on a candlestick, shining unto all the
He sells the choice talents of Christ’s Gospel age -
And collects them among the Irish hea - thens The fortified city of the King, founded upon a
with usury; mountain,
As a reward for the great labor of his voy - age, Wherein there is great abundance of the Lord.

M [Maximus] S [Sacrum]
Greatest indeed will be called in the kingdom of He finds a holy treasure in the Sa - cred Volume
heaven And perceives the Savior’s divinity in His flesh.
The man who fulfills with good deeds the holy It is a treasure he purchases with holy and perfect
words he teaches, works.
Who by his good example is a leader and model ISRAEL his soul is called -- “see - ing God.”
to the faith - ful, T [Testis]
Who in purity of heart has con-fidence in God. A faithful witness of the Lord in the Catholic
N [Nomen] Law,
Boldly he proclaims the Name of the Lord to His speech is spiced with divine revelations,
the heathens, That human flesh may not decay, eaten by
And gives them eternal grace in the bath of worms,
salvation. But be salted with heavenly savor for sacrifice.
He prays to God daily for their sins, U [Verus]
For them he offers sacrifices, worthy in the A true and renowned tiller of the Gospel field,
eyes of God. His seeds are Christ’s Gospels.
O [Omnem] These he sows from his God-inspired mouth into
For the sake of God’s law he despises all the ears of the wise,
worldly glory; And cultivates their hearts and minds with the
Compared to His table he considers all else as Holy Spirit.
trifling; X [Xps (Greek for Christos)]
He is not moved by the violence of this world, Christ chose him to be His vi - car on earth.
But, suffering for Christ, he rejoices in He frees captives from a two-fold ser - vitude:
adversity. The great numbers whom he liberates from
P [Pastor] bondage to men,
A good and faithful shepherd of the flock won for These countless ones he frees from the yoke of
the Gospel, the devil.
God has chosen him to watch o - ver God’s Y [Ymnos]
people Hymns, and the Apocalypse, and the Psalms of
And to feed with divine teaching His folk, God he sings,
For whom, following Christ’s example, he And explains them for the edification of God’s
gives forth his soul. people.
Q [Quem] He believes the law in the Trinity of the holy
Who for his merits the Savior has raised him to Name,
the dignity of a pontifex, And he teaches one Substance in Three Persons.
In heavenly things he instructs the army of the Z [Zona]
clergy, Girt with the Lord’s girdle day and night,
Providing them with heavenly rations, besides He prays unceasingly to God the Lord.
vest- ments - He will receive the reward for his immense labor-
The rations of divine and sacred texts. With the Apostles will he reign, holy, over
R [Regis] Israel.
He is the King’s herald, inviting the faithful to subject verse [Patricius]
the wedding. May Bishop Patrick pray for all of us,
He is richly clad in a wedding garment, That the sins which we have committed be
He drinks heavenly wine from heavenly cups blotted out immediately,
And gives God’s people the spiritual cup to May we ever sing Patrick’s prais - es,
drink. That we may ever live with him. [Amen.]

THE DEER'S CRY I arise today, through the strength of Heaven:
(THE BREASTPLATE OF ST. light of Sun, brilliance of Moon,
splendour of Fire, speed of Lightning,
swiftness of Wind, depth of Sea,
(St. Patrick composed this hymn in the time of stability of Earth, firmness of Rock.
Loegaire son of Niall. The cause of its composition,
however, was to protect St. Patrick and his monks I arise today, through God’s strength to pilot me:
against deadly enemies that lay in wait for the God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide
clerics. This is a breast-plate of faith for the me,
protection of body and soul against devils and men God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me,
and vices. When anyone shall repeat it every day God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to guard
with diligent intentness on God, devils shall not dare me,
to face him; it shall be a protection to him against God’s way to lie before me, God’s shield to protect
every poison and envy; it shall be a defense to him me,
against sudden death; it shall be a breast-plate to his God’s host to secure me:
soul after his death. St. Patrick sang this hymn against snares of devils, against temptations of
when ambushes were laid against his coming by vices,
Loegaire, that he might not go to Tara to sow the against inclinations of nature, against everyone who
Faith. Those who were lying in ambush saw wild shall wish me ill,
deer (St. Patrick and the monks), with a fawn (St. afar and anear, alone and in a crowd.
Benen) following them carrying the books, and let
them pass. St. Patrick arrived at Tara; his Easter fire I summon today all these powers between me (and
was the first spring light, conquering darkness.) these evils):
against every cruel and merciless power that may
I arise today through a mighty strength, the oppose my body and my soul,
invocation of the Trinity, against incantations of false prophets, against black
through belief in the Threeness, laws of heathenry,
through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of against false laws of heretics, against craft of
creation. idolatry,
against spells of women [any witch] and smiths and
I arise today through the strength of Christ with His wizards,
Baptism, against every knowledge that endangers man’s body
through the strength of His Crucifixion with His and soul.
through the strength of His Resurrection with His Christ to protect me today
Ascension, against poison, against burning, against drowning,
through the strength of His descent for the against wounding,
Judgment of Doom. so that there may come abundance of reward.
I arise today through the strength of the love of Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Cherubim Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
in obedience of Angels, in the service of the Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Archangels, Christ in breadth, Christ in length, Christ in height,
in hope of resurrection to meet with reward, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
in prayers of Patriarchs, in predictions of Prophets, Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
in preachings of Apostles, in faiths of Confessors, Christ in every eye that sees me,
in innocence of Holy Virgins, in deeds of righteous Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today through a mighty strength, Auser to a new river bed to stop damage to crops.
the invocation of the Trinity, St. Gregory called him “the man of God
through belief in the Threeness, Frediano,” an example of faithfulness in a
through confession of the Oneness difficult time. Even after the Great Schism (1054)
of the Creator of creation. the monks of his community were known for
Salvation is of the Lord. discipline, and some Canons of his monastery
Salvation is of the Lord. were asked to reform the rule of the Lateran
Salvation is of Christ. Church, giving them the title “Lateran Canons of
May Thy Salvation, O Lord, be ever with us. St. Fridian.” Ss. Brigid and Patrick were called
[Amen.] members of the “Canons Regular of the Lateran
in Rome” because of this connection. (It is hard
18 Mar / 31 to say if there was any other influence of the Irish
With the great troop of Martyrs besides discipline in the Lateran; Rome otherwise
took away monasteries from the Irish and stopped
whose faults were not many, them from their role as educators in Ireland and
beside Timothy was reckoned Europe beginning in the 12th century.)
a score of glorified soldiers. Repose in 978 or 979 of the king St.
Timothy, Martyr, and a host of Martyrs, Edward the Martyr, of England. His relics are
glorified soldiers. Timothy, he may be the pupil wonderworking, miracles of the relics are feast
of Paul the Apostle. days: Feb. 13th, today, and June 20th. The relics
Mochta i.e. Bishop of Louth: on this were hidden during the reformation; rediscovered
day. Domangart son of Eochaid of Sliab in 1931 and given to the Russian Church Outside
Slanga,and Bishop Mac Cairthind of Clochar on Russia. They are now in Woking, Surrey, in St.
this day. . Edward the Martyr Orthodox Church. (The
Also, Fridian or Frediano today, who Anglican church and the English government
died in A.D. 588. His body is in Lucca, Italy, and claimed these relics, but in court, the Russian
his relics are preserved in a glass case uncorrupt. Church quoted the “39 Articles of the Faith” of
He was the son of a king of Ulster, educated and the Anglicans to prove that they had no interest:
Ordained to the Priesthood in Ireland. He went “Article XXII. 'Of Purgatory.' The Romish
on a pilgrimage to Italy, and was impressed by Doctrine concerning Purgatory, Pardons,
the holy men in the hermitages in Monte Pisano Worshipping, and Adoration, as well of Images as
near Lucca, and stayed there. Because of his of Reliques, and also invocation of Saints, is a
holiness and austerity he was called to be a fond thing vainly invented, and grounded upon
Bishop in Lucca by John III about 560. He no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant to
founded or restored twenty eight churches in the Word of God.” In 1982 the court ruled in
twenty eight years, and also battled Arianism that favor of those who would venerate St. Edward.
came with Lombard invasions. He rebuilt the In 2007 St. Edward the Martyr Orthodox Church
cathedral (San Frediano) and dedicated it to the changed to a Greek Old Calendar jurisdiction,
three Deacons: Saints Vincent, Stephen, and when the Russians re-joined Moscow.)
Laurence. St. Fridian founded a community at
Lucca which shared his austere discipline. Two 19 Mar / Apr 1
later charters exist for that monastery, one signed My Lachtoc with Gregory,
by Bishop Felix in 685, and and one signed by
king Cunibert in 688. Lucca was a stop for Irish the loveable champion who is higher:
and other pilgrims for centuries. Pope St. Joseph, name that is nobler -
Gregory the Great wrote about him in his Jesu’s pleasant fosterer.
Dialogues (discussions with Saints) before 604; St. Joseph betrothed to holy Mary the
that Fridian through a miracle diverted the river Deigenetrix and foster-father of Jesus Christ.

(Also listed today in The Martyrology of departure of Polycronius, Bishop
Tallaght.) Joseph, i.e. Mary’s spouse: it is nobler Polycronius i.e. suffered in the city of Babylon
to call him ‘Jesu’s foster-father’ than “Joseph.” under Decius.
spouse of Mary the virgin. (On March 17th, the St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne.
Roman calendar has St. Joseph of Arimathea.) The Roman Martyrology lists the first
My-Lachtoc, i.e. Lachtain of Achad ur in century Photina (“Light”) today, the Samaritan
Ossory. woman “at the well” (St. John chapter 4), with
Gregory, i.e. Abbot of Rome, i.e. Pope. Joseph and Victor her sons, the army officer
Gregory pontifical. (The “Dialogist.”) The Sebastian, Anatolius, Photius, the sisters Photis,
Martyrology of Tallaght says: Grigorius Parasceve [“Friday”] and Cyriaca, who “all
Ordination. He is called “the Great” in Europe; confessed Christ and attained Martyrdom.” The
and is honored in the east, although they use the Greeks say St. Photina also went to Carthage,
name “Gregory the Great” for St. Gregory the preaching the Gospel and suffering three years’
Wonderworker, an early Saint, see Nov. 17th. imprisonment. St. Victor, an officer in the
Pope St. Gregory the Dialogist did not like the imperial army, became governor in Gaul and
Patriarch of Constantinople using the title converted St. Sebastian (who was highly revered
“Ecumenical Patriarch” because it sounded as in the German Church). These Martyrs were
though he might be infallible. In later centuries, brought to Rome where some were burned over a
the Roman Patriarch assumed “infallibility,” slow fire and flayed, and the rest were tortured
although it was not official dogma until the late and then beheaded. The Spanish say that St.
19th century. But, it was one of the two points Photina converted and Baptized Domnina who
that divided the Patriarchates in the Great was Nero’s daughter with one hundred servants.
Schism. Pope St. Gregory sent St. Augustine of (The Church historian Baronius suggests that this
Canterbury to convert the Angles and Saxons, as commemoration had come to Rome by way of
recorded by the Venerable Bede. monks from Monte Cassino. There was a Syrian
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of convent of St. Photina on Mount Sion at
Tallaght: Jerusalem.) St. Photina is celebrated among the
Auxilinus episcopus et coepiscopus et Greeks, although Butler and Attwater say the
frater Sancti Patricii episcopi. Vel Auxilinus story is “purely legendary,” based on their
nomen eius. Patricius dixit. modern prejudices. However, note that these
Auxilius thy name here below, Martyrs do not appear in the Martyrology of
I have ordained thee my successor. Tallaght on today’s date. Unfortunately, some
Thou art a sister’s son, O friend, months of the Martyrology of Tallaght do not list
[son of Patrick’s sister] the earliest Saints, so this list of Martyrs cannot
thou art a Bishop, thou art an Anchorite. be checked throughout the year. The name
Seven sons of Restito of Longbardis (‘lengthy “Photina” is “Svetlana” in Russian, and “Lucia”
beards’ - people of Lombardy) i.e. Sechnall . or “Claire” in Latin, although St Lucia of
Nechtain . Dabonna . Mogornan . Darioc . Syracusa, Feb. 6th/ 19th is later than first century.
Auxilinus . Lugarnath., [See March 24th: this Also not St. Lucia, Dec. 13th/ 26th. The Sebastian
note may apply there also. See March 17 th about celebrated January 20th was also a later Saint, and
Sechnall's hymn about St. Patrick, also, Nov. 27th] suffered under the emperor Diocletian. His name
is derived from the city in Samaria, “Sebaste.”
20 Mar / Apr 2 The name “Victor” was a very popular Latin
The departure of Polycronius, name, of different Martyrs on many dates.)
Also, Cuthbert of Lindisfarne is today,
a holy Bishop who is nobler: who died in 687 A.D. In the Cathedral of Durham
he stept a step that is straighter, until the Reformation, the altar screen of the
with a great host that was bolder. cathedral had an icon of St. Cuthbert, with the

words, “St. Cuthbert, Patron of Church, City and day that St. Aedan of Lindisfarne had died that
Liberty of Durham, an Irishman by birth of royal same hour. After that he went to Melrose which
parentage who was led by God’s Providence to had been founded by Aedan and now was in the
England.” Bede says that as a boy of eight, care of Abbot Eata and Prior Boisel, Anglo-
Cuthbert was cared for by a widow Kenswith in Saxons educated in Christ by Aedan. Cuthbert
Melrose in northern England. In an Irish life of arrived on horseback holding a lance with an
the Saint, he was born at Kells in Meath, and this attending squire, since he was royalty.
was also depicted in stained glass windows in the In 661 when Eata was named Abbot of
Cathedral at Durham before these windows were Ripon by Finan, Cuthbert went also as guest
demolished in the time of Edward VI. Cuthbert’s steward. When king Alcfrid who had donated
mother was the Irish princess Saba, grand- Ripon monastery demanded that the Lindisfarne
daughter of Muircerthach, king of Ireland, from a monks abandon Celtic traditions (see Finan Feb.
manuscript in the Cottonian Library. In Ancient 17th), every one of the brethren returned to
Rites of Durham it says that he was Baptized Melrose. At that time, Cuthbert began missionary
“Mulloche in the Irish tongue, the which is in work, visiting every little village, cottage, and far
English as much as to say Cuthbert.” hill. At the same time, Boisel was dying of the
Bede entirely skips the life of St. Patrick plague, and he sent for Cuthbert to read the
when discussing Irish Bishops, and covers up or Gospel of St. John to him, dividing it so it could
changes pieces of history, such as his blanket be completed before he died. (These divisions
condemnation of the Britons (Welsh) who did not are read at the Hour of the Beginning of Night.)
missionize the Anglo-Saxons. They may indeed For six centuries after, that Book of the Gospels
have attempted to do so, but the Saxons were was placed on the altar on Cuthbert’s Feast day.
killing Welsh and making them leave their homes Cuthbert became Prior but also contracted the
at that time, and Bede was an apologist for plague. Hearing that the brethren had prayed
Angles and Saxons. The tale of King Arthur of through the night for his recovery, he sent for his
the Britons implies that in most cases, the Saxons staff and shoes and rose from his bed, but he
did not give the Britons a chance to converse with never regained his full strength.
them. It is possible that the Church might not St. Colman left Lindisfarne when the
have missionized those who were considered at new date of Pascha was enforced in all England.
odds with the country. This is the mistake of (The “new” calendar date being followed at the
“philatelism,” the love of an exclusive ethnicity, time by Rome and Greece was in fact an
because it fails to reach out to others, and in Alexandrian invention; the older Iona date for
doing so, often brings the downfall of the country Pascha had been the traditional date of St. Peter,
as well. In the 600ds king Justinian set up a fort St. Patrick, and St. Colm cille of Iona.) Cuthbert
against the Saracens at St. Catherine’s Monastery was in a dilemna: he would not tolerate discord,
rather than missionize them (see Nov. 25 th). In but he also wanted to be true to the traditions of
1453 the Moslems took Constantinople. Colm cille. Tuda (Oct. 21st) was named Bishop
Saba (pronounced “Sava” as the Greek of Lindisfarne, Eata was named Abbot, and
name) had domestic troubles which brought her Cuthbert was named Prior. Wilfred of York had
misfortune, so she went on a pilgrimage to Rome. made even the Saxons bitter with the dispute
She gave Cuthbert into the keeping of Kenswith about the date and the tonsure of the Irish, so the
in north Briton near Aedan of Lindisfarne (Aug. first job of the new appointees was to bring peace
31st) so she could continue her difficult journey. to the Church. Cuthbert decided not to argue, so
In August in 651 Cuthbert had a vision he left Lindisfarne for a small island among the
as he was tending sheep, of hosts of angels in Farne islands south of Lindisfarne, and lived
great streaming light (like hair, as the Irish say there eight years. He grew so little barley on that
about light rays) ascending towards heaven with island that people believed that the angels must
an exceedingly bright soul. He learned the next have given him bread. Little sea shells called

“Cuthbert’s beads” grow there, and are found ailments. Cuthbert appeared to sailors at sea in
nowhere else on that coast. Cuthbert blessed the 12th century in a mitre, and used his staff
these little shells and gave them to people, and sometimes as an oar, sometimes as a tiller, to save
the fishermen believed that Cuthbert made them them from shipwreck. No one doubted this. In a
himself. Pilgrims traveled to him, and his healing battle between Scotland and England, the people
skill was so great that he was called the of Hexam in Wilfred’s church asked for aid, and a
wonderworker of Briton. Priest had a dream that St. Wilfred went south to
He had to leave his island in obedience fetch St. Cuthbert to help save the people. King
to a joint summons from Theodore Archbishop of Alfred hiding at Glastonbury from the Norse was
Canterbury, king Edfrid and Abbess-princess encouraged to victory by Cuthbert. Canute the
Alfleda to administer the absent Wilfred’s See of Dane visited the tomb of Cuthbert barefoot to ask
Hexam. (Wilfred left Hexam because of the for protection. William the Conqueror intending
controversy he had caused.) Cuthbert begged to avenge the deaths of the Normans slain by the
Eata to exchange Hexam for Lindisfarne, and inhabitants of the region was moved at the tomb
Eata agreed. Cuthbert was Consecrated Bishop by of Cuthbert to respect the Sanctuary of the
Theodore and six attending Bishops at York on Church of Durham. Cuthbert’s corporal used to
Pascha Sunday 685. Although a Bishop, he cover the Chalice was considered a holy relic,
continued missions to every region. (In Scotland and soldiers marched under it until the time of
at Dull, he built an oratory with a large stone Henry VIII. Poets and writers mention Cuthbert.
Cross before it and a cell for himself. The Irish Cuthbert’s Gospels were transcribed by
monk Dabius came after him there, and another two Bishops about 700, a work of Irish art.
Adamnan founded a monastery there which was Prince and later king Alfrid who had stayed long
the beginning of the University of St. Andrews.) in Ireland and Iona because of his love of study
Cuthbert knew after Christmas of 686 helped endow schools that Bede says the Irish
that he would die soon, so he resigned monks founded everywhere with their churches.
Lindisfarne and returned to Farne. He died Bede wrote two lives of Cuthbert.
March 20, 687, and one of his brethren lit two Also today: Willibrord, the English
torches on the summit of the rock as an arranged monk who began Anglo-Saxon mission work on
signal to Lindisfarne that their Bishop was dead. the continent. He was a Northumbrian from
In 875 the monks of Lindisfarne fled the Ripon who went in 678 to train for twelve years
Danes, and carried the body of Cuthbert and the in Ireland before he left in 690 for Friesland.
Holy Gospels, beginning more than a hundred (Boniface did not arrive in Germany until 716,
years of a wandering See. A book was written and St. Killian of Wurzburg was already martyred
about the travels of Cuthbert’s bones, as traveled there before that in 689 - see July 8th.)
in death as in life! Finally he came to rest at
Durham, which became in his name one of the 21 Mar / Apr 2
richest churches, after Toledo in Spain. St. To the world he was many victories,
Cuthbert’s bones rest somewhere in the Cathedral
of Durham. The corner stone of that cathedral
Benedict the stout pillar:
was laid by the Irish king of Scotland, Malcolm on the same festival, a hostful sea,
Ceanmore, also called Malcolm III, in 1093. conspicuous Endae of Arran.
Sanctuary was granted to any criminal Benedict, i.e. summus abbas
or innocent by just touching a door handle of the monachorum Europae. i.e. caput monochorum
church at Durham, and its Bishops were treated E[u]rope (Benedict of Nursia, reposed 543. He
as royalty. All the English people looked to told monks to read the Institutes and Conferences
Cuthbert, more than to Queen Etheldreda, king of St. John Cassian (Nov. 25th), still done. See
Edmond, or Thomas of Canterbury. He was a Mar. 14th. His sister Scholastica, Feb. 10th.)
wonderworker Saint for all difficulties and And Enna of Cremthainn Brea. Enna,

i.e. son of Conall the Red, son of Daimin, and his MoMaedoc of Alba, daughter of
mother was daughter of Ainmire, king of Fir Feradach? My Maedoc, i.e. son of Midgna, son
Arda. of Meite (?), son of Naindid, son of N... son of
Endae of Arran (or Enda of Aran) was Crimthan, son of Cathair Mor.
an ex-warrior, son of king Conall Derg of Oriel. St. Caimin lived at Iniscaltra at Lough
He was supposed to marry a girl in his sister Derg in the Shannon, named “Holy Island”
Fanchea’s convent, but she died suddenly, and because of Caimin, one hundred years after
Fanchea persuaded Enda to study for the Colmb of Tir de glais (Colm of Terryglass).
Priesthood, at Candida Casa or Rosnat in Caimin died A.D. 653. His half-brothers were
Galloway. In about 484, Enda obtained a grant of Guaire king of Connacht and Cummian of
the Aran Islands from Aengus, king of Cashel, Clonfert. Caimin wrote a commentary on Psalm
who was married to a sister of Enda. Aran suited 118, a fragment of which still exists. “Caimin’s
him as a place of religious retreat, barren and Psalter” was written and illuminated later than his
lonely, with no fire, only the fire of the love of time, but may have been copied from his Psalter
God. Ryan in Irish Monasticism says that Enda’s (this is in the Franciscan library, Killiney in
monastery in the Aran Islands had a character all County Dublin). The Danish pirates used the
its own. Enda’s grave beside the sea has about Shannon river for a highway, so Iniscaltra was
one hundred and twenty seven Saints he taught plundered many times, first in 836 by Turgesius.
around it. Oengus says “it will never be known Its shrines, relics and books were drowned in
until the day of judgment the countless number of 922, but survived until its last Abbot died in
Saints whose remains are mingled with the soil of 1010. In about 1009 Brian Boru restored
Aran.” Many Saints visited or lived on Aran: St. Iniscaltra, and again made a school there, a few
Brendan the Navigator, Finian of Clonard, Jarlath miles from his palace at Kincora. [Their
of Tuam, Carthage the Elder of Saigher. Colum succession: Fortchern (Feb. 17th or Oct. 11th) and
cille said Aran is the Sun of the West, another Coemhan etc., Finian of Clonard (Dec. 12th),
Rome, whose pure earth it was as worthy to be Senach (modern sources incorrectly give his day
buried in as near Ss. Peter and Paul. It was a as March 8th , which is Senan of Inis Cathaig, not
refuge for those escaping persecution before the Senach of Clonard Aug. 21st. Also see Sept. 28th)
coming of Enda to Aran. Enda died A.D. 535. succeeded Finian at Clonard, Colmb of Tir de
St. Pachomius, died 348, father of glais (Colm of Terryglass) (Dec. 13th) studied
Cenobites; see a description of his Rule under St. under Finian at Clonard, Fintan (Feb. 17th)
Gregory Nazianzus March 29th. studied under Colmb of Tir de glais and was
Abbot at Clonenagh founded by Colmb of Tir de
22 Mar / Apr 4 glais, Caimin (March 23rd) lived at Iniscaltra
The high suffering of Secundus, founded by Colm of Terryglass.]
St. Nicon and 200 Martyred in Sicily by
fair in words of might: Decius.
a strong light over the sea’s rampart,
Failbe the hero (?) of Iona. 24 Mar / Apr 6
Secundus. Failbe of Iona. Failbe, i.e. Splendid the lustrous couple
Abbot of Colum cille’s Hi.[Iona.]
which plenteous penitence washed:
23 Mar / Apr 5 fair Scire who loved fasting for three days,
The daughter, with a vast host, Mochtae pious, devout.
Scire the faster for three days and
of Feradach who is highest: Mochtae the pious, both penitents Scire, i.e. in
from Christ he sets forth nobleness, Cell Scire in Meath. Mochta, i.e. Bishop of
my Maedoc, Alba’s diadem. Louth. [Mochta Lugmaid.]

Domangart son of Eochaid. fast is eased: meat is not eaten today within Lent,
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of but milk, eggs, wine, fish, are allowed.
Tallaght: [See March 19th: part of this “Crucifixion and Conception of Jesus
note may apply to ancestor of Mochta?] Christ on one pious festival.” (The original date
Mochta’s tooth, ’tis no empty fame, of the Crucifixion, although the Crucifixion on
[‘Fiacail’ means tooth. ‘Fiach’ is raven.] Holy and Great Friday is commemorated on the
three hundred years, lasting its tribute, movable calendar. At the Annunciation, the
[‘Fiacc’ Bishop is a disciple of Patrick.] sorrow of Mary is remembered with her joy.)
without a word of error over it upwards, Also, St. James the Righteous, his
without a morsel of relish over it downwards. Passion. And, the Patriarch Isaac, the day he was
Also, MacCartan (‘son of Cartan’) on offered by Abraham.
this day. He was a companion and bodyguard for On March 25th/ April 7th, the
St. Patrick, later Consecrated a Bishop and Annunciation was and is still celebrated as a
assigned to a druidic stronghold, Clogher in fixed date, because of its relationship to
Tyrone. Tirechan in the Book of Armagh says Christmas. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ,
that MacCartan’s niece Brigid was present at the Pascha or Easter, according to the First
founding of Clogher, and this is the only mention Ecumenical Council, is the first Sunday after the
of St. Brigid in the lives of St. Patrick. After first full moon after the Vernal Equinox, as
founding the church there, St. Patrick preached determined by solar and lunar calendars of the
nearby for three days and nights at nearby Patriarchs of the Church. The original date of the
Lemain, and St. Brigid fell asleep during the Resurrection is March 27th, but that is celebrated
preaching, and dreamed a prophetic dream about on the movable calendar. St. Mary Magdalene is
the church in Ireland. The Cloch-oir, or golden celebrated on March 28th, and she taught about
stone of the druids, is preserved at Clogher. A the Resurrection. The movable calendar is used
pagan noble who harassed the Christians was instead of the fixed calendar for the dates of the
converted, and his grandson, Tigernach of Crucifixion and Resurrection so that they match
Clones, succeeded MacCartan as Bishop of the day of the week (of the Fall of man and
Clogher. “The Tripartite Life tells that Patrick Creation) and phase of the moon (of the Offering
gave MacCartan a case for relics, his own staff of the Passover), and match the original time of
and his own Bible. Tradition claims that the the Lord’s Crucifixion and Resurrection,
inner yew box of the famous reliquary, the according to Church tradition. The Church
Domnach Airgid now in the National Museum, is calculated this from ancient times, and although
the very relic case Patrick gave to MacCartan.” the “Old Calendar” does not match modern
The manuscript Bible found folded in the yew astronomy, the Lord and the Saints all accept our
box is also traditionally ascribed to MacCartan. prayers on Old Calendar days. On the Orthodox
Christian movable day of the Resurrection of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Fire lights without
The Annunciation of the help of human hands in the Church of the Holy
Blessed Virgin Mary Sepulchre in Jerusalem, in most years different
from the date of Pascha of the Roman and
(March 25/Apr 7)
Protestant churches. From Pre-Lent through the
Meet are the Crucifixion Pentecost Season, all Sundays depend on these
and Conception of Jesus Christ Orthodox movable dates. See February 17th
on one pious Festival about calendar controversies at Lindisfarne; the
with the Passion of James. Irish calendar was earlier than the Alexandrian.
This is a very important fixed day; the Another rule is that the Resurrection must fall
Mass is done even if it is on Holy and Great after the first day of Passover as it did when Jesus
Friday; it is combined with the movable day. The was crucified and rose from the dead.)

The glossator of Oengus says: The Catechism using the Creed and the Our Father as
Crucifixion and Conception, etc., i.e. it is clear to the outline. He was Bishop of the Aleutians and
everyone that they are on the same festival. Or a Alaska until 1907 when he returned to Russia,
corait ‘in a yoke’ (is the right reading), and and he was made Patriarch in Russia in 1917, and
Caimin of Inis Celtra on the same day. In was persecuted in Russia. He reposed on the
Nazareth of Galilee the Annunciation of the Lord Annunciation of the Birthgiver of God.
through Gabriel the Archangel unto Mary the The Annunciation of our Lady, the
Virgin, when the Angel said, “behold, you will Birthgiver of God, the most Blessed Ever-Virgin
conceive and bear a Son, and call Him Jesus; and Mary. The history of the Apostles and Evangelists
the same day He suffered under Pontius Pilate. may fit into several pages, but entire books have
Our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and been devoted to the life of the Virgin Mary. Her
conceived and the world was made. suffering, watching her beloved Son die on the
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Our Cross, is only one of the many difficulties she
Lord Jesus Christ was crucified; and conceived; faced. Her parents were Ss. Joachim and Anna,
and the universe was made and was made clean; as told in the Protevangelium of James. They
the Passion of James the brother of the Lord; and were both very old, and because it was a miracle
the conception of the virgin Mary; and offering of that they were able to have a child, they dedicated
Isaac by his father Abraham on Mount Moria. the Blessed Virgin Mary to the temple, delaying
This is also the fixed date of the Passion her entrance until she was three years old (see
of James, and the offering of Isaac by Abraham, Nov. 21st) On that feast is described the fifteen
another theme we hear on Holy and Great Friday. steps she climbed, by herself, into the Temple.
Also, the Passion of James the Apostle She lived in the temple, being taught by the
of the Knees, son of Alphaeus [? see Dec. 27th] angels, until she was fifteen years old and
and the offering of Isaac by Abraham. [In both Betrothed to St. Joseph. Her first great test was
Oengus and the Martyrology of Tallaght, this the Annunciation, when she was to be with child,
James son of Alphaeus is confused with James of but without any involvement with a man to
Jerusalem called the “Brother of the Lord.” It is accomplish this. The penalty for adultery was
stranger still, because the James this day listed in stoning to death, so she was at great risk. A
the Martyrology of Tallaght is not the James son greater risk occurred when Jesus was born,
of Alphaeus, but James the son of Cleophas. See because king Herod sought to kill all the children
the poem about the Jameses Dec. 27th.] Iacop in Bethlehem, and St. Joseph had real lineage
Gluinech [James of the Knees] i.e. son of from the ancient king David. She, St. Joseph,
Alphaeus suffered, or son Cleofath or the son of and the infant Christ escaped into Egypt, where
Joseph the brother of the Lord, and first Primate they moved from town to town in great fear. The
after Christ in Jerusalem: for thirty years he ruled pagan idols in the Egyptian towns had a tendency
the Church in Jerusalem. Iacobi i.e. James the to fall down when the infant Jesus was brought
son of Alphaeus brother of the Lord and Bishop there. The Holy Family returned to Judea when
of Jerusalem who was struck in the head with a Christ was two years old, going to live in
fuller’s club, and then thrown head-first from the Nazareth because of the harsh rule of the Herod
pinnacle of the temple and perished. This was who ruled around Jerusalem, not the same Herod
done by the tribe of Judah. And in this day the who had killed the innocent children in
conception of Saint Mary in her mother’s womb. Bethlehem. (Another of the family of Herod
Also, the repose of St. Tikhon, New ruled in Galilee, but he was less of a problem at
Martyr, in 1925 in Russia, Patriarch, who the time the holy family returned.)
established Orthodox churches in America. He She “kept in her heart” other events, and
endorsed a translation, in 1921, Isabel Florence then told the Apostles and Evangelists, who wrote
Hapgood's Service Book of the Holy Orthodox- them down in the Gospels. At the Crucifixion,
Catholic Apostolic Church. He also wrote a Jesus told St. John, the only Apostle present, to

take His mother as his own, and told His mother of the month of May is also dedicated to her in
to take the Apostle. After that, she lived in the the Celtic Church, possibly because of the
same house with the Apostle John; see the Finding of the True Cross May 3rd and her
Apostle John. When she reposed in Jerusalem, association with the Crucifixion. April 1st is the
all the Apostles gathered together, caught in visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary with St.
clouds and brought to Jerusalem. She was buried Elizabeth in the Celtic Rite.
in Gethsemane, and miraculously her body was Mass of the Annunciation
also taken to heaven within three days after that, Old Testament:
which was discovered by St. Thomas. (See the (Phrase from Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the
Apostle Thomas, and also the Dormition of the Lord Himself shall give you a sign.
Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15th). Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear
St. Joseph had older children by his a Son, and His Name shall be called
previous wife Salome, but the Blessed Virgin Emmanuel.”) (Appropriate to this day.)
Mary always remained a Virgin her entire life, OR
having no other children than Jesus. (See the (From the Entrance into the Temple:
history of St. James the Righteous, the “Brother Exodus 19:7-12 Preparing for the
of the Lord” Dec. 27th, and St. Jude the “Brother Lord’s coming on Mount Sinai: the
of James” Oct. 28th.) It is wise to read many Blessed Virgin Mary had in her womb
books about her such as the Protevangelium of the infinite power of our Lord Jesus
James. She is always considered the greatest of Christ in her womb, yet, she did not die.
the Saints, and in her icons Jesus is always Also, obedience to the Lord on the part
portrayed as well. St. Luke painted icons of her of the people. See note on the Thursday
(see St. Luke Oct. 1st), which she blessed, and after XI Pentecost: concerning Galatians
work miracles to this day. Icons of “Our Lady of 4:21-31, and also Galatians 4:4-6. These
the Sign” show her as the burning bush, with the readings have something to do with this
Christ child in her but she not being burned, Exodus reading, “...God sent His Son,
praising God; such icons are very popular at the made of a woman, made under the
monastery of St. Catherine's in the Sinai. See law...” This does not imply an
also St. Vincent of Lerins May 24th and St. John immaculate conception, but a woman
Cassian Nov. 25th, both of whom upheld the use who is chosen, “That He might redeem
of the term “Theotokos,” “Deigenetrix” or them who were under the law: that we
“Birthgiver of God,” also interpreted as “Mater might receive the adoption of sons. And
Theou” or “Mother of God,” and they argued because you are sons, God hath sent the
against Nestorianism. She is a woman, and Jesus Spirit of His Son into your hearts,
is both God and man. crying: Abba, Father.”)
The Blessed Virgin Mary has several
Introductory Collect
Feast days. Byzantine dates were added to the
Roman (and Celtic) calendar by Pope St. Sergius Almighty and eternal God Who wast pleased by
I in the 600ds. Some of the dates celebrated by the joining of Thy Word to earthly members
the Celtic Church for her are not the same as the through truly venerable Mary, we beg for Thy
Roman and Byzantine dates, but the Celtic immense clemency that we might proclaim by her
Church also celebrated her Feasts on Roman veneration and achieve Thy satisfaction through
dates as well, not emphasizing older Irish dates of Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the
celebration. The announcement of her Dormition Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
in Rome in January is a major date in the Celtic Collect Before the Epistle
Church, even though the actual date of the Hear us O Lord Holy Father , Almighty God Who
Dormition on August 15th and 16th is the official wast pleased to illumine the whole world from
Irish celebration of the Dormition. The beginning the shelter of the womb of blessed Mary. We

suppliants pray to Thy Majesty that although we Because He hath regarded the humility of His
are not adequate in accomplishments by her handmaid;
Motherhood and Protection may we be deserving: for, behold, for henceforth all
We, Thy servants, beg Thee, O Lord, that we may generations shall call me blessed.
enjoy the joys of Blessed Mary whose acts blot Because He that is mighty hath done great things
out the hand-writing of our sins through her to me;
child, Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and Holy is His Name.
and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. And His mercy is from generation unto
Amen. generations,
Epistle Heb 2:11-18 (“...Wherefore it behoved to them that fear Him.
Him in all things to be made like unto He hath shewed might in His arm;
His brethren...”) He hath scattered the proud in the
Gradual Psalm 44 (Heb. 45) Eructavit cor conceit of their heart.
meum My heart hath uttered a good He hath put down the mighty from their seat
word: I speak my works to the king. My and hath exalted the humble.
tongue is the pen of a scrivener that He hath filled the hungry with good things;
writeth swiftly. Hebrew title: Unto the and the rich He hath sent empty away.
end, for them that shall be changed, for He hath received Israel His servant,
the sons of Core, for understanding. A being mindful of His mercy.
canticle for the Beloved. (Entire Psalm, As He spoke to our fathers;
as a Sequence for the Gradual on the to Abraham and to His seed for ever.
Annunciation. The Magnificat may be [Alleluia!]
the Alleluia. The Blessed Virgin Mary is
the fount of the Synoptic, or story, [This is used at night, Byzantine Rite:
Gospels. Her beauty is in her words: Hail! Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, O
“Thou art beautiful above the sons of Virgin Birthgiver of God: Blessed art thou among
men; grace is poured abroad in thy lips; women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, for
therefore hath God blessed thee for thou hast borne Jesus Christ, the Savior of our
ever.” Her prayers protect us, “Gird Thy souls.
sword upon Thy thigh, O Thou most Later 15th century version, Europe:
mighty.” She is shown in prayer icons, Hail! Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.
the “Deesis” on the right hand of Christ, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is he
with St. John the Baptist on the left hand fruit of thy womb, Jesus! Holy Mary, Mother of
side. “The queen stood on thy right God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of
hand, in gilded clothing: surrounded our death.
with variety. Hearken, O daughter, and
see, and incline thy ear: and forget thy Gospel Luke 1:26-38 (The Annunciation of
people and thy father’s house.”) the Blessed Virgin Mary.)
The Magnificat (St. Luke 1:46-55)
[Alleluia, Alleluia!] Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
the Preface) Always said aloud.
-vv cacccfcgccfcccfcgcvvcfvv vfcgcvv fv crcc] O Lord, may the Holy Spirit Who filled the
viscera of blessed Mary with the truth of His

-vv v fcvv fcvv vfv vcgcvv vfcvv vfcvv fcvv v fv v dcvv fcvv vscvv qv c] splendor, be pleased to take up the gifts set forth
upon Thine altar through our Lord Jesus Christ
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
My soul doth magnify the Lord:
throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
(Preface in the Roman Rite) ever with you. Amen.
It is truly worthy and just O Almighty God Who Confraction arrangement for the
hast taught us to serve the Mystery by wonders, Deigenitrix 8 Particles for the Virgin Mary
and by the indescribable, the Sacraments through and Holy Martyrs.
Venerable Mary, in whom chastity remained [The Upper Central Particle is for the
intact, modesty unbroken, conscience firm in that Celebrant.] Eight Particles of the Host
she knew she was the mother of her Lord, Jesus. of the Holy Martyrs as an image of the
Wherefore more joy came to her who was made octonary New Testament; [This has two
joyful because of her burden: because the Virgin meanings: 1) The Eighth Day of
conceived: because she bore the Lord of Heaven Creation, the Resurrection of the Dead;
in the enclosed space of her vitals: because the 2) The Eight Fold New Testament
Virgin bore a Son. O Great Clemency of Deity, according to St. Athanasius: 4 Gospels;
She who did not in truth change and was a Acts and Epistles; Revelation; the
mother and after giving birth to a Son remained a “Didache”, the teachings of the Holy
Virgin. She was gladdened by two things: she Apostles; and Pastor of Hermas. Since
was gladdened by the gifts: she was gladdened the time of this Missal, the last two have
because, though a Virgin, she gave birth: she was been deleted from the Bible.] The Cross
gladdened because she brought forth our is a two barred Cross arranged in the
redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom... shape of a vesica, pictured in the Missal:
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most four Particles in a column, two Particles
Dangerous Prayer”) on the right, and two Particles on the
[Use the Post Sanctus for the Apostles, left. See The Meaning of Icons by
Martyrs, Saints or Virgins in the Missal.] Lossky and Ouspensky for an
explanation of the icon “Our Lady of the
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Sign.” Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Bishop only if present include an eight-pointed star on her veil,
Benedictio. Adnuntiatio Sanctae Mariae as she was the first after Christ to
[The blessing at the Annunciation of the experience the Resurrection of the Dead,
Blessed Virgin Mary.] the Eighth Day of Creation.
O God, Whom the heavens cannot capture, [Hymns at Communion: below.]
deigned to be enclosed in the temple of the Post Communion
virginal uterus, so that the mother would have the We beg Thee O Lord, attend to Thy faithful ones
unblemished wholeness, and the fruit from the that by the intercession of Blessed Mary who
spirit, and incorruption from childbirth; grant faithfully assumed Him in mind and body He
unto Thy church, a guardian angel, Who foretold protect that which he was pleased to establish
the Son of Mary by conceiving Faith. Amen. Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
And sanctify Thy congregation by that blessing throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
which without human seed formed the Redeemer
in the Virgin's womb. Amen. These Hymns may be done as
So that with Thee protecting the church, it may Communion Hymns:
exalt for the sake of the congregation of the “A Hymn to Mary” from the Cross Vigil,
people, just as Mary will deserve to be glorified from the Liber Hymnorum, is the most
for the sake of the precious fruit. Amen. appropriate today.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain “The Magnificat” may be done during
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Holy Communion
of ages. Amen. A very similar Hymn to the Celtic “A
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son

Hymn to Mary” is also appropriate, as it encouragement of persecutors of Christians,
is sung in Lent in the Byzantine Rite. according to St. Gregory of Tours in his Glory of
“To Thee the Champion Leader,” or in the Martyrs. See January 22nd, March 26th, and
Greek, “Ti Ipermaho,” from the Akathist August 5th, 10th, and 11th, dates for this Cassianus
Hymn and Little Compline. or others of the same name.
[Pronounce Greek as Latin: this has been Celloc, fallen in Letha after many days.
transliterated into Latin letters.] In Letha has fallen etc. i.e. the day on which he
died. Or Letha nomen fontis uel silue, [et] ibi

-vvqv v av vav v ]v vfv dv vwv ]v vSv Dv vfv Dv Sv vav v sv dv fv gv Fv Dv Sv Fv ev v]

obiit. Or it may in Rome of Latium that
Mocheloc from Cell Mochelloc in Hui Coirbri
Muman died; sed uerius est quod Cillin son of
Ti i–per-ma-ho, stratigo ta nikitiri - a, Tulodran from Cathir meic Conchaid, quae nunc
To thee the champion leader of victor- y non est in Letha dicitur hic i.e. Letha is the name

-vav v av vav vfv dv wv v]v Sv Dv v vfv vDv Sv v vav vsv v dv vfv gv Fv Dv Sv Fv ev v]

of a great wood in the Desi of Munster, et in ea
ciuitas illa olim fuit. [et in ea illa ciuitate R.]
Sinchell of vast Cell Achid Sinchell of
Os litrothisa ton dei-non evharistir -i - a, Cell achid in Offaly. Of Sinchell, i.e. of the
with all thy city, I write off'rings of thanksgiving Sinchell senior, in Offaly in Leinster. Three

-vv dv v fv v gv vgv vgv $FvvHv v vtv v]v vSv Dv v vfv v vDv Sv v vav vsv Dv Sv v vqv v] hundred years - fine satisfaction - that was
Sinchell’s age, with thrice ten years brightly,
without sin, without ease.
Ana grapho si, e po - lis sou, The-o-to- ke. Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
O Birthgiver of God, thou hast delivered me, Tallaght:

-vvav av vfv dv wv ]v Sv Dv v vfv vDv Sv v av v sv v dv v v fv v vgv v Fv Dv Sv Fv ev ] The men of Heaven, the men of earth, a
surrounding host,
it seemed to them, ’twas the day of doom, the
'All os ehou- sa to kratos aprosmahi-ton, death of Sinchell.
From terrors; But as thou hast invincible power, There has not come, there will not come, from

-vv dv v vfv vgv vgv vgv v $FvvHv v vtv ]v v Sv Dv v vfv Dv Sv v av v vsv Dv Sv v v qv ] Adam,
one more austere, more strict, in piety.
There has not come, there will not come, a saying
Ek pantion me kin-ou-non elevther-o-son, of many,
Dost thou free me From every kind of danger, another Saint more welcome to the men of
-vv gv vgv v iv vjv hv vtv v ]v v h,vvGv v vgv fv v dv v vsv v fv dv v vSv Dv sv v qv v] Heaven.
[Similar lines in Oengus for Molua Aug 4th.]
Sinell (or Sinchell) of Killeagh (or Cell
Ina kra-zo si, Haire, Nim-phi a-nimphevte. Achid) was of Leinster nobility, and one of St.
So to thee, may I cry: Hail! O Bride Unwed - ded.
Patrick’s earliest converts. The community at
Killeagh was second only to Brigid’s Kildare in
north Leinster. Sinell wrote “Pious Rules and
26 Mar / Apr 8 Practices” in Old Irish. [There are several Sinells
In Letha has fallen my Celloc after listed; first, the earliest person St. Patrick
(many) days: Baptized, commemorated March 17th and April
5th, also another Sinell March 26th who wrote an
the Feast of the perennial Sinchell old Rule who may also be Sinell of Cleenish, and
of vast Cell Achid. some others who are related to other Saints.
Cassianus from Italy was a teacher Another source lists Sinell of Cleenish Island in
Martyred by his young students at the Lough Erne in Fermanagh on November 12th.]

27 Mar / Apr 9 convent on a high hill above Salzburg. Rupert
On the sixth of the calends of April, preached in Bavaria, Bohemia, Noricum, and
Styria. Churches were being built everywhere.
after loosing the souls, The Duchy of Salzburg put his likeness with the
Jesus -- a mighty tale -- Irish Vigilius on their coins, and old German
has arisen out of the womb of the earth. rubentaler. Rupert is the Apostle to the Bavarians.
Called the “loosing, i.e. of hell.” The From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
translator notes that the loosing of hell, that is, Fintan os psalmorum (‘mouth of the Psalms’); the
Christ’s descent into hell and freeing those in coming of the relics of Sillan.
hell, is celebrated on March 26th in the O.E.
Martyrology, the original date of Holy Saturday. 28 Mar / Apr 10
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: [today] The May she call us, may she save us past
Resurrection of the Lord. [See the note at the
Annunciation on March 25th: the original date of pains,
Pascha is not the date it is celebrated, because it may she sain us, may Mary magnify us,
is celebrated on the movable calendar, always a the great Magdalena!
Sunday, and calculated by the Patriarchs. Some Mary Magdalena. [Her main Feast is
separated the Crucifixion, Holy Saturday, and the July 22 , reflected Jan. 19th.] Maria Magdalena

Resurrection, while the Celtic Christians found (Magdalene), the Feast of her conversion to
the “three days” to be a continuous event. See Christ is here mentioned. [Today she preaches
Holy and Great Friday through the Vigil and Christ’s Resurrection from the dead. Her
Mass of Pascha. Also see notes on May 5th and conversion occurred earlier than Christ’s
25th. Also, note that May 15th was the original Resurrection, but she is the first to discover the
Pentecost. Most of the year, the Sundays empty tomb. The Resurrection is a movable date:
(“Movable” days) are organized around how see March 25th and 27th.] From The Martyrology
many weeks before Pascha, after Pascha, or after of Tallaght: Maria Magdalena... [She promotes
Pentecost the week is. Sundays before and after the Resurrection and Redemption, offering an egg
Christmas and Epiphany are closer to the fixed to the emperor, symbolizing the Resurrection, and
solar dates, because Christmas and Epiphany are the egg turned red. She does not promote lineage
determined by fixed dates. The calendar of the or “divine right of kings,” an idea invented and
Saints is determined by “fixed” dates, or dates on promoted by Charlemagne after 800 A.D. She
the solar calendar, except St. Thomas Sunday.] was cured of seven devils by Christ.]
Also, Rupert today, Bishop, traditionally (Repose of Archbishop Iacovos in 2005,
an Irish Saint who was first to missionize in the championed civil rights, promoted Orthodox
valley of the Danube. He died in A.D. 718. He unity in the Americas, founding “SCOBA,” the
brought a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary from “Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in
Ireland, and founded a church where is now the America;” SCOBA did not accept all Canonical
Shrine of Our Lady of Alt-Oetting. Rupert was Orthodox Bishops, and participated in dialog with
violently expelled from Worms, but soon after Rome. He was forced to resign in 1996 because
that, Theodo, duke of Bavaria, requested him to of his defense of American Orthodoxy.)
begin missionary work in southern Germany. His
Episcopal See was Juvavum, now called Salzburg 29 Mar / Apr 11
because of the salt mines he started there. His At the Festival of Baite’s daughters,
church and monastery was dedicated to St. Peter
and followed the Irish Rule, with help from Irish
the Passion of a great, modest host,
monks he recruited. It followed Benedictine Rule on the feast of a virginal man,
much later. His sister or niece, Erintrude (June Gregory of Nazianzum.
30th), became the first Abbess over Nonnberg, a St. Gregory of Nazianzum, the Theologian.

Baite’s daughters’ passion. were not correct in saying that Nazianzum was in
At the festival etc. i.e. Ethne and Sodelb, Armenia. Cappadocia, where modern Turkey lies,
who used to nurture Christ [LL. 358b], and they bordered Armenia.) The town of Nazianzus was
are in Tech ingen mBoiti beside Swords. Ethne near Neocaesarea in Cappadocia, where St.
and Sodelb are their names, and Christ used to Gregory the Wonderworker (see Nov. 17th) had
come in the shape of a babe, so that He was in been Bishop from 240 to about 265 or 270 A.D.,
their arms and they might be kissed by Him, and and had predicted heresies, but not much of the
He Baptized them, and as the Apostles predicted teachings and liturgics of St. Gregory the
and those likewise received the faith which was Wonderworker were left, according to St. Basil,
from them (the Apostles). because many of the people had turned to
Gregory, i.e. in the land of Armenia he Arianism. The father of St. Gregory Nazianzus,
is. [The Byzantines also celebrate his father, who also named Gregory, had been converted from a
is also named St. Gregory, and is also a Bishop: heretical sect to Christianity by his wife Nonna,
St. Gregory Bishop of Nazianzus, not the and soon was made Bishop. St. Gregory had a
Theologian, but the father of St. Gregory the brother Caesarius who became a physician to the
Theologian, on January 1st , i.e. Today is for St. court at Constantinople and a sister Gorgonia.
Gregory son of Gregory.] (See August 26 th, St. His mother Nonna dedicated the younger St.
Irenaeus of Lyons. See May 9th, the Roman date Gregory to God before he was born. He was sent
of the feast of St. Gregory Nazianzus.) as a boy to be educated in Caesarea, at a school
From The Martyrology of under Carterius. It is possible that this same
Tallaght: ...Ordination of Grigorius; Grigorius of Carterius later was Abbot over monasteries in
Nazarenus in Armenia. [Cappadocia is near Antioch in Syria, and was an instructor of St.
Armenia, but St. Gregory was not Armenian.] John Chrysostom. (Another possible teacher of
St. Gregory Nazianzen, who died in 391 St. Basil and St. Gregory in Athens or
A.D., and is celebrated in the Celtic Rite March Constantinople in their early years - Libanius,
29th, in the Byzantine Rite January 25th and at the was one of the teachers of St. John Chrysostom in
Byzantine feast of the Three Hierarchs January Antioch.) Instead of going to Constantinople
30th, and in the Roman Rite May 9th. with St. Basil, St. Gregory made a pilgrimage in
St. Gregory Nazianzus is considered one his youth to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem in
of the highest authorities in the Church, and is Palestine, and traveled to Alexandria, to visit his
one of the few Saints honored among the brother who was a student there. St. Athanasius
Byzantines as a “Theologian” (see the notes on was Bishop in Alexandria at that time, but was
the term “Theologian” under St. John the Apostle probably suffering exile (his second banishment
and St. Peter). St. Gregory managed to stop the lasted from 340 to 347), because St. Gregory did
heresy of Arianism through his Five Theological not mention him. St. Gregory went to Athens
Orations and other sermons, such as his Orations next because of the reputation of its great
on Baptism and on Pentecost. (See others such as teachers, and met St. Basil again.
St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Aug. 26th, who also fought St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory
many “gnostic” heresies, and St. John Cassian, Nazianzus had known each other since their
Nov. 25th, who fought the Nestorian and Pelagian school days. They may have met in Caesarea, but
heresy.) St. Gregory of Nazianzus was a life-long certainly were students together at the university
friend of St. Basil the Great who died Jan. 1st, 379 in Athens, studying with some of the greatest
(see Jan. 1st). Details of their lives are given in pagan and Christian philosophers of that time.
the history of St. Basil, Jan. 1st. St. Basil also (St. Basil wrote a pamphlet, how a Christian
fought the Arian heresies, especially in such could make use of a pagan education, meaning
writings as “On the Holy Spirit.” what we call “liberal arts,” intended to show how
St. Gregory was born at Arianzus, an an education in public speaking, logical thinking
estate near Nazianzus, in Cappadocia. (The Irish through studying philosophy, and a disciplined

mind could be useful in Christian education. The or because St. Gregory had a brother who was a
Christian faith was called the “true philosophy,” physician in the court in Constantinople, St.
as St. Gregory proved. St. Basil, St. Gregory Gregory went to Constantinople to help bring
Nazianzus, and St. John Chrysostom were all back the Orthodox faith, and to overcome the
educated this way, and were known for logical Arians and Sabellians there. It was known that
sermons. They were later called the “Three St. Gregory still held his Bishop’s See in the
Hierarchs” of the East.) small town of Sasima on the border of the two
St. Basil decided to try to live as a divisions of Cappadocia, even while he was
monastic after his education, and asked St. living at Constantinople for a number of years.
Gregory to join him at his retreat near his St. Gregory had stayed many years as a
mother’s estate (St. Gregory jokes about St. visiting Bishop in Constantinople and carefully
Basil's bad cooking, rescued by St. Basil's taught the doctrine of the Holy Trinity: One God
Sainted mother). However, St. Gregory was the in Three Persons. St. Gregory first had a small
son of an elderly Bishop (also named Gregory church in Constantinople, called Anastasia, which
Nazianzus). St. Gregory’s father and mother means the Resurrection.
Nonna asked him to live closer to them, so St. In 380, the new Orthodox emperor
Gregory only occasionally visited St. Basil. The Theodosius expelled the Arians from churches,
elder Bishop Gregory Ordained his son Gregory and had St. Gregory officially transferred from
as Priest to help him in his old age, and at that his little See of Sasima to the official post as the
point St. Gregory made a long visit to his friend Patriarch of the great See of Constantinople. St.
St. Basil, angering the people in his father’s Gregory was given the throne of the Cathedral,
church, who expected him to do the duties of the but was Patriarch of Constantinople only a short
Priesthood. St. Gregory explained that he needed time, from 380 A.D. to June of 381 A.D.
some time to accept his new position, which he St. Gregory displayed his education and
did not deserve. He returned to his parents’ his faith in his Five Theological Orations, which
neighborhood to work as a Priest. St. Gregory used all the logic of the Greeks and all the
was not present at the election of St. Basil at wisdom of Scripture to prove that the Essence of
Caesarea, but he wrote letters to the other God, or Nature of God, is One, while the Persons
Bishops saying that St. Basil was the best choice of God are Three and distinct, always existing
because of his Orthodoxy. and not confused. He emphasized the “Being” of
Later, St. Basil Consecrated St. Gregory God. As he said in his Last Farewell, God must
Bishop to try to prevent the reduction of the have existed before time, because otherwise there
Diocese of Caesarea that had been caused by the would be a time when he was not, and he would
emperor Valens, who was an Arian heretic. The be a creature, lower than man, because man lives
emperor had divided the region of Cappadocia to serve God; while God is merciful to man and
into two provinces to reduce its political and therefore, if not the great God before time, would
Christian religious power. St. Basil was Bishop be lower than man. St. Gregory gives several
of Caesarea, which had been the capital and also examples of the Nature of God, and why God is
Diocese of all of Cappadocia before the division. greater than all limits, is eternal, before time, not
Nazianzus was in the newly made province, with limited to a body, etc. St. Gregory felt it was
the new capital of Tyana. St. Basil had St. very important for everybody who attended
Gregory Consecrated Bishop and installed in the Church to understand these things, because it is
small town of Sasima on the border of the necessary to believe that God is Almighty, that
provinces to attempt to prevent some of the the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ is truly of
politics of the new Bishop of the new province. the same Nature as the Father, and the Holy Spirit
In 373 St. Gregory returned to Nazianzus to assist proceeds from the Father and is also of the same
his very old father, and in 374 at age 100 his Nature. If each member is not capable of
father died. In spite of St. Gregory’s small See, understanding these truths, the Church would be

reduced to confusion, and would fall away from retire to his prayers at Nazianzus to keep peace.)
the saving energy of God. St. Gregory said he In his “Last Farewell,” his resignation
believed infants should be Baptized, but brought addressed to the visiting Bishops, the court, and
up to learn about God. He objected to ignorance the people of the city of Constantinople, he
in adult Christians, who refused to learn the true speaks of his many years of service as Bishop in
Faith, or who willfully followed heresies. (See Constantinople. He must have served there long
St. Martin of Tours, November 11th: the Arians before St. Basil died in 379 A.D. St. Gregory was
were powerful in both the East and West, and also ill around the time of St. Basil’s death, and
caused great troubles for many Christians.) could not travel to be at his friend’s side.
St. Gregory’s work against the Arians He retired to secluded monastic life, to
led to the Second Ecumenical Council in 381 at his garden and fountain, where he could spend
Constantinople, and he presided over part of that his days kneeling in prayer. There he still fought
Council. See St. Amphilochius Nov. 23rd, who the heresy of Apollinarius (also spelled
defended the Faith against Arianism at Apollinaris), and in a letter to Cledonius, a Priest
Constantinople and was one of the Bishops of Nazianzus, he quoted Orthodox writers against
attending the Second Ecumenical Council. See heresies. St. Gregory the Wonderworker of
St. John Chrysostom, and St. John Cassian, both Neocaesarea had predicted many of the heresies
Nov. 25th on the Celtic calendar. (St. John in the next centuries and defended the Orthodox
Chrysostom was Patriarch of Constantinople later faith (see Nov. 17th), and so did St. Gregory
that St. Gregory, separated by another Bishop. Nazianzus. (Only now does secular science dare
St. John Cassian stayed for a short while at to talk about what happened before time; but St.
Constantinople before going to Marseilles in Gregory Nazianzus clarifies the truth in Christ.)
southern France to teach, and was a friend of St. When St. Gregory arrived at
John Chrysostom. It is not certain how long St. Constantinople, he could only gather a handful of
John Cassian had been in Constantinople, but Orthodox Christians to the little Anastasia
first he had stayed a long time in the desert of (Resurrection) church, but when he retired,
Egypt with another monk, St. Germanus, not the almost the entire city was Orthodox and virtuous
same person as St. Germanus of Auxerre (May because of his teaching.
28th), even though they lived around the same St. Gregory Nazianzus died in 391 A.D.
time. St. Patrick studied in southern France, St. Sedulius, Feb. 12th, may have been
where St. John Cassian taught.) influenced by St. Gregory. St. Sedulius supported
St. Gregory retired from the seat of Orthodox doctrine, taught poetry in Athens, and
Patriarchate of Constantinople at the height of his in the long poem the Carmen Paschale, he
fame, at the Second Ecumenical Council, in 381 developed his themes in a similar way as the
A.D. He wanted to retire after knowing that Theological Orations of St. Gregory Nazianzus.
Orthodoxy would be upheld, and he did not want St. Gregory Nazianzus himself wrote a
the church divided by factions that were against poetic history of his own life. It is best to read
him personally. Although the Arians no longer his writings, as some seem to be sources of Celtic
had power by 381 A.D., St. Gregory says in the writings, perhaps through those who later studied
Last Farewell that some in the emperor’s court them and taught in southern France. (These are
serve the emperor but not God. They preferred a too long to quote in a few sentences.) Some
better singer and orator, a man who would quotes and phrases of St. Gregory that are present
preside at parades and wear rich vestments, etc. in Celtic writings, especially the Celtic Liturgy:
(St. Gregory states with sarcasm. This problem In the Oration on the Holy Spirit,
killed St. John Chrysostom a century later. St. paragraph XXVIII, St. Gregory mentions a
John Chrysostom challenged the court and its “golden chain,” which the Irish call the “golden
love of wealth but always wanted to return to the chain of charity.” Speaking about the Holy Spirit:
city to serve its people; St. Gregory was eager to “For if He is not to be worshiped, how can He

deify me by Baptism? But if He is to be about this time in Egypt, namely Antony, the two
worshiped, surely He is an Object of adoration, Macariuses, Heraclius, Cronius, Paphnutius,
and if an Object of adoration He must be God; Putubastus, Arsisius, Serapion, Piturion,
the one is linked to the other, a truly golden and Pachomius, Apollonius, Anuph, Hilarion, and a
saving chain. And indeed from the Spirit comes register of other Saints.” Also see St. John
our New Birth, and from the New Birth our new Cassian, Nov. 25th, who records visits with
creation, and from the new creation our deeper several desert Saints of Egypt. In the Pachomian
knowledge of the dignity of Him from Whom it is Rule, a Psalm was sung twelve times a day, while
derived.” And, Irish prayed to be free of chains the Rule of St. Maelruain called for twelve or
of sin. In the Oration on Theophany, or Birth of thirteen Psalms to be read each night at the
Christ, paragraph XVII, “Revere the enrollment “Beginning of Night,” and another twelve or
on account of which thou wast written in heaven, thirteen at “Midnight,” but fewer Psalms were
and adore the Birth by which thou wast loosed read in the day Hours, more Psalms read in
from the chains of thy birth, and honor little “Matins,” and overall, there were eight divisions
Bethlehem, which hath led thee back to Paradise; of Hours each day when Psalms were read. Some
and worship the manger through which thou, of the Irish and some recent monks on Mt. Athos
being without sense, wast fed by the Word...” also read all 150 Psalms every day.)
In the Oration on Pentecost in paragraph Pentecost, and the Eucharist, took place
II he mentions the fiftieth day, as being the day in the upper chamber because “God must come
glorifying seven times seven days, and the eighth down to us, as I know He did of old to Moses;
day of creation being the day of Resurrection and on the other that we must go up to Him, and
glorifying the seven days. “Thus the veneration that so there should come to pass a Communion
paid to the number Seven gave rise also to the of God with men, by a coalescing of the
veneration of Pentecost. For seven being dignity...” From the Oration on Pentecost XII.
multiplied by seven generates fifty all but one (Later Medieval design of castles reserved the
day, which we borrow from the world to come, at upper rooms for the aristocrats, with the “keep”
once the Eighth and the first, or rather one and below for the towns people, so an upper room
indestructible. For the present Sabbatism of our was considered a place of higher status.)
souls can find its cessation there, that a portion St. Gregory reminds us that the “demon
may be given to seven and also to eight (so some of noonday” confuses us with the light of the sun,
of our predecessors have interpreted this passage but in reality midday is night, lit only by the
of Solomon).” (The tradition in the Church of an physical sun, which indicates astronomical
eight-pointed star on the shoulder in icons of the knowledge. St. Gregory paid attention to nature,
Blessed Virgin Mary points to this Eighth Day, although he kept the Orthodox viewpoint on the
because she was taken to heaven first after Jesus causes of natural occurrences in the second
Ascended. See Apostle Thomas. It is possible Theological Oration.
that this is the source of this “Eighth Day,”
although it is also mentioned very early by St. 30 Mar / Apr 12
Justin Martyr. Although St. Gregory quotes Psalm Declare my Cua of Balla,
118 saying “God is praised seven times a day” in
paragraph III of this same Oration, in fact both
a bag with abundant sovranty:
the Byzantine and Celtic Rites read the Hours Colman from beautiful Land,
eight times a day, but the Hours are assigned at the Feast of devout Tola.
different titles. The Celtic Rule follows a similar Tola the devout
form as the Egyptian or ancient Pachomian Rule Cua of Balla
of prayer. The Rule of Pachomius is described in Colman from beautiful Land
the Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen, Book III, Declare, etc. Mochua of Balla out of Fir
Chapter XIV, “Of the holy men who flourished Cera in Connaught. Balla quasi bulla, i.e. as a

mass of water the well was lifted up from named after him, therefore, St. John Climacus
Bennchor (Bangor) in Ulster to Balla in Cera. Abbot of Thola near Sinai might have been
[Translator’s note: See O’Davoren’s Glossary, named Tola. The Irish Tola has a lineage: both
No. 259.] his family and monastic “Desert” in Meath.
Colman, i.e. Mocholmoc from Land These names on the same date may be a
Uachaill. Uachall i.e. nomen demonis qui multis coincidence, but if “Thola” could not be found in
nocebat [uocebat] in illa regione, et Colman iecit the Sinai, it is possible that the Irish term “Disert”
eum in piscinam, et ab eo Fiscena nominatur. [L.] may have been misinterpreted “Desert,” and the
Colman from Line i.e. Erlain, whose church is many long visitations of Irish and other Saints to
beside Cassan linne in Fir arda. Or Colman from the deserts of Sinai and Egypt might have
Lann, i.e. Macc Luachain in the west of Meath. resulted in an Irish Abbacy at Sinai. The name
Also, Riaghail, Regulus, or Rule today, “Climacus” refers to his book, the “Ladder.”
who was a missionary to Scotland. He was an From the introduction to The Ladder of
Abbot of Muicinish in Lough Derg in the Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus, Holy
Shannon river before going to St. Cainnech’s Transfiguration Monastery, Boston 1991, ISBN
monastery at Rigmond, the ancient name of St. 0-943405-03-3 “...So greatly is this God-inspired
Andrew’s. Although some say that a Greek monk book esteemed in the Orthodox Church that its
in the fourth century brought the relics of St. author, St. John Climacus, is celebrated twice a
Andrew, there is a record of the relics of St. year - on 30th March (the day of his repose), and
Andrew being brought to that place in the eighth the Fourth Sunday of the Great Lent [Byzantine
century in the time of Irish Abbot Tuathal who Rite]. Each monastic community in the Orthodox
died in 747. Some say that the name of the fourth Byzantine Rite reads The Ladder during each day
century Greek monk was Regulus or Rule, but of the Great Lent, in their common dining hall (or
others that he is the same as Riaghail, a sixth refectory) during the daily meal. This is a period
century Irish monk. (See Nov. 30th the Feast date of strict fasting, struggle, prostration and
of St. Andrew. St. Andrew’s relics were brought extensive prayers; when only one meal is eaten in
to St. Andrews in Scotland, later the last place the day and after 3 pm, and water is only
where the Cele De were forced to live in a consumed during 3-6pm.”
concentration camp by the Protestants until the [The Ladder of Divine Ascent is similar
Cele De died out. Now that place of the last to the Conferences and Institutes of St. John
stand of the Cele De is St. Andrews golf course. Cassian, and/or The Rule of St. Maelruain. All of
See Oct. 11th: St. Cainnech had a monastery at these books should be read by Orthodox
Kill-Rigmonaig in Alba, which is Rigmond, the seminarians. The Conferences and Institutes of
earlier name of St. Andrew’s.) St. John Cassian are instructions from the Desert
Tola son of Dunchad, son of Bresal, son Fathers, required among Benedictines. See Nov.
of Sirchad, son of Fiacha Find, from Disert Tola 25th. The Irish often slept on cold stone in winter
in the upper part from Dl Cais: from Disert Tola without fires. The Irish suggested water drinking
in Delbna mor of Meath. [Translator’s note: LL. habits in the Rule of St. Maelruain, but not one
350f. Tolai epscuip craibdig LL. 358a.] From time of day; people of Mediterranean descent do
The Martyrology of Tallaght: Tola, a pious not need as much water; the “thirst factor” of
Bishop... [See below.] northern peoples requires a far greater daily water
Also, St. John Climacus, celebrated in consumption. Water was not consumed before
the Byzantine Rite today. Note that the Celtic Divine Liturgy except for health reasons among
Calendar lists a “devout Tola,” and in the sick or elderly. Going without water for a day
Martyrology of Tallaght says “Tola, a pious risks heat stroke. Muslems copied Mediterranean
Bishop,” listed with Irish, not Latin or foreign Christian habits of fasting including a water fast
Saints (see tomorrow, March 31st). The place during the daytime hours for a month each year,
founded by an Abbot in Ireland was usually and the practice of praying several times a day.]

“The Ladder, by means of thirty steps Anissus of the fork-shaped cross. Of
(or logoi), calls us to the spiritual life; it inspires, Anesius, i.e. a Martyr, [A]nesius martir optimus
instructs, speeds the reader towards the ‘things on fuit i.e. from Enach Darien in Offaly, i.e. a nun.
high,’ and points-out the dangers and pitfalls. [Translator’s note: “The glossator of L.B. mistook
Each step describes the origin of a certain virtue this African Martyr for an Irish Saint, that of L.
or passion and the path it can take us. The Ladder for a nun.” It is possible and probable that a nun
does not offer us a formula to accomplish took the name of this Martyr and both are
salvation, for ‘the life you have is hidden with celebrated. Most Christians take a Saint name for
Christ in God’ (Col. 3:3), but ‘Let us try to learn their Baptismal name. The Martyrology of
Divine truth more by toil and sweat than by mere Tallaght lists this name first, among Latin or early
word, for at the time of our departure it is not Christian Saints, which include Saints from
words but deeds that will have to be shown’ (Step Africa. Note Tola, March 30th, who has a lineage,
26:36).” but may be also confused with another Saint.]
“At the age of 16, St. John joined Mount The repose of St. Innocent of Alaska in 1879.
Sinai monastery (built at the site of the Burning
Bush where Moses spoke to God). Then, at the The Visitation of the BVM
age of 35, he isolated himself from the world and
lived as a hermit for 40 years at a monastery 1 Apr / 14 Apr
church called Thola, about 10 kilometres from April’s calends ennoble Ambrose,
the Mount Sinai monastery. He later became the with much of purity:
Abbot of Sinai and lived to the age of 80, having he takes what is greater happiness,
reposed in the Lord in the year 603 one of Mary’s Feasts.
AD.” [Bishop Kalistos Ware dates the birth and The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
repose of St. John Climacus plus or minus fifty Mary with St. Elizabeth, and the first singing of
years for each date, which implies no specific the Magnificat. [Again commemorated Dec. 18th,
information on his life, monasticism, and the as a reminder during the week before Christmas.]
years of his Abbacy at Mount Sinai. A book may Maria i.e. commad in hoc die no chanad
be written in one country and be copied and si in cantaic i.e. Magnificat, post Christi
brought to another; note an Irish character to the conceptionem in domu Elisabeth, ar isin oct kl.
book. In his introduction of the Paulist Press April ro compred Crist, et postea tribus mensibus
edition, Bishop Kalistos has an interesting exactis uel paulo plus uenit ad Elisabeth, teste
comparison of the eight sins of St. John Climacus etiam Luca, et remansit ibi quasi per tres menses
and other lists, beginning with the list of usque ad natiuitatem Iohannis. Mariae natiuitas
Evagarius, including such as St. John Cassian, the est ut alii putant, sed uerius [est] ut a[lii] sentiunt
Rule of St. Maelruain, etc.] quod in hoc die fecit Magnificat in domu
“Megalynarion (Hymn of the Byzantine Rite): Elisdabet, quia in octauis kl. Aprilis ante
“Like that lofty ladder which Jacob was concepit, et post modumuenit ad domum
reaching to the Heavens, even so, by thy godly Elisdabet, ut Lucas refert, et remansit ibi quasi
words, thou hast raised a ladder that bringeth all per tres menses, id est usque ad natiuitatem
the faithful unto the heights of virtue, O blessed Iohannis. [The Blessed Virgin Mary first sings the
Father John [Climacus].” Magnificat when she visits St. Elizabeth - St.
Luke 1:39-57, and stays for about three months
31 Mar / Apr 13 until the nativity of St. John the Baptist on June
The fork-shaped cross of Anissus, 24th. Some say that this is the nativity of the
with a white train that was swifter, Blessed Virgin Mary, but it is only the date on
for ever puts a top which she first sings the Magnificat.] From The
Martyrology of Tallaght: Sancta Maria Nativity...
on the swarm of the host of March. (There is no explanation for this date, especially

as the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Antiphonary of Bangor). Relics of Columban,
recorded by Oengus, the Byzantines, and the Caidoc and Fricor were preserved there. Caidoc
Romans as Sept. 8th. May was always dedicated and Fricor lived the rest of their lives in Riquier’s
to the Blessed Virgin Mary, see the Finding of the community, and were buried in his church. Four
True Cross May 3rd, however, and there are some Feast days were named at St. Riquier’s for them:
sources that said she was prematurely born.) January 24th, April 1st, March 31st, and May 30th.
Also today: Ambrose, i.e. who April 1st was an older Roman New
composed hymns, et episcopus [Bishop] Years, and near this time Psalm 52, read on the
Mediolani [Milan] ciuitatis in Italia.. Ymnidicus movable calendar, reminds us of the Feast of
et episcopus Mediolani in Italia. St. Ambrose, Fools. See the Circumcision on Jan. 1st.
Bishop of Milan, died in 397 A.D. He is Today we are reminded of the faith of St.
commemorated on the Celtic calendar April 1st, John the Baptist, the opposite of a fool, a faith in
on the Byzantine calendar Dec. 7th, and on the Christ from his mother’s womb. St. John the
Roman calendar Dec. 7th. He wrote some of the Baptist points to a need for faith in God. The
prayers that were most favored in the Celtic Magnificat references Isaiah 8:13-18 “Sanctify
Church, and some of the music and Liturgical the Lord of hosts Himself: and let Him be your
forms in Milan were Celtic. He was a leader fear; and let Him be your dread. And He shall be
against Arianism and paganism (see St. Martin of a sanctification to you: but for a stone of
Tours Nov. 11th: Arianism was a terrible stumbling and for a rock of offense to the two
problem). He wrote about many areas of the houses of Israel...,” read at the Purification of the
Faith: commentaries on Scripture, dogmatics, Virgin Mary and the bringing of Christ into the
Sacraments, duties of clergy, monastic and moral temple, Feb. 2nd. The Epistle that day comments
life, and hymns. Saints Gervasius and Protasius, about Abraham: St. Paul to the Hebrews, 7:7-26,
see June 19th, were venerated by St. Ambrose as “And (as it may be said) even Levi who received
examples of Saints who held the faith against tithes paid tithes in Abraham; For he was yet in
Arianism. St. Ambrose also encouraged the the loins of his father [grandfather] when
veneration of other Saints; see May 20th. Much Melchisedech met him.” The Jewish community
of the library at Bobbio founded by St. expected the Messiah to come from Bethlehem,
Columbanus of Luxeuil and Bobbio (see Nov 23) from the house of David, from Judah, not from
was later kept at Milan. To this day, Milan is a Levi, says St. Paul, although St. Paul shows that
Patriarchate within the Roman jurisdiction, and is Melchisedech was a Priest before Levi. The
one of the few cities allowed to use its own Magnificat ends, “...He hath received Israel his
service book, called the Ambrosian Rite. servant, being mindful of His mercy. As He
Aedan of Cell Aedain Leith in Ulster, spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed
and Tuan son of Cairell, from Tamlachta in for ever.” Modern science traces genetics only to
Bairche, and Cellach, a successor of Patrick, in the tribe of Levi, but this is strange, because Levi
hoc die [on this day]. was only divided from father and his brothers,
Also, Caidoc and Fricor today, two Irish from the other tribes, by one generation, and all
missionaries in Picardy France who landed there of the sons of Abraham and Isaac should be
about 622. They preached along the Roman road. closely linked: implied by St. Paul in tracing the
At Centule now St. Riquier, their “intermeddling” generations of Abraham.
caused violence against them. A young nobleman,
Riquier defended them and invited them into his 2 Apr / 15 Apr
home, and became a fervent convert, cutting his The great host of Amphianus,
hair and giving up silk robes and a jeweled girdle.
Later he took Orders, and in 625 founded the
from which the Devil was sorrowful,
monastery of Centule following the Irish Rule of passed, after a hard battle,
St. Columban (see Nov. 23rd, the Rule found in into the noble happy peace.

great host of Amphianus, Brigit holds him at the Baptism, etc. Tigernach,
Bronach virgin, from Glenn Sechis, and i.e. of Offaly or Ui Barrchi, and, quod uerius est,
Conall son of Aed in this day. Bronach (sixth he is in Cluain Euis oof Hui Barrchi out of the
century) had a bell that was found in 1885 when west of Leinster is he.
an old oak blew over in a storm, hidden in the Of Cluain Eois, i.e. (Eoas is) the name of
fork of two branches. People had heard the bell Concobar’s swineherd who used to be there.
ringing before that. The church of Kilbroney is a [Translator’s note: In LL. 358r. Marg. Oois (sic)
mile from Rostrevor in County Down. Bronach is said to be the name of a swineherd of the king
is in the Martyrologies of Tallaght and Donegal, a of Airgeill (ainm muccida rig Airgiall), who was
virgin of Glenshesk and of Kilbroney. Rostrevor in that stead before Tigernach.]
churchyard has her cross, and in the church her [Rig means “king,” the king of Airgeill.
bronze bell. Some say that this is the “swineherd” that told
Concobar about the death of Christ at the moment
3 Apr /16 Apr it occurred. Concobar said immeciately after
The host of noble Evagrius hearing that the God of the universe had come
into the world but that Rome had killed Him, that
has escaped by ways of tribulations, he (Concobar) would destroy the country of
a forty of kings with two fair hundreds. Romans that had killed Christ, and although he
The host of Evagrius, i.e. 240, in ciuitate intended this as something good, the kingdom of
Chomis hic cum suis sociis passus est. [in the God is not of this world, and instead Concobar
city of Chomis he suffered with them. Evagrius had a hemorrhage and died, which prevented him.
and a host, Martyrs.] (See Nov 25th: defining the The technology and strategy described in the Tain
“Eight Principal Faults” may have been his.) Bo Cuailnge might have made it possible for the
Comman son of Domangen in this day. Celts, spread over Galatia, Italy, Gaul, and
Briton, to defeat Rome. See the poem Dec. 25 th.
4 Apr / 17 Apr See the Tain Bo Cuailnge: a swineherd was a pre-
Sing pious Tigernach, Christian, i.e. pagan: priest, or sorcerer, or shape-
for Christ’s sake he vanquished every lust shifter. Two appear in that story as red and white
bulls, ‘How now, brown cow.’ The monk who
out of whom burst a stream of knowledge, wrote the Tain claimed that it was an ancient pre-
(Tigernach) of beautiful Cluain Euis. Christian tale that he was setting to writing. The
(Clones.) warfare in the Tain is similar to the Mahabarata
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: or of the ancient Greeks: the main hero employs
Tigernach Bishop of Cluain Eois . He was a something akin to a fully mechanical armored
singer. Sing Tigernach, i.e. Tigernach son of tank. A “swineherd” who had converted would be
Cairbre, son of Cathair, of Leinster, or of Leix like St. Cyprian. If he had only had a vision of
was Tigernach’s father, or of Hui Bairche. Christ’s crucifixion at the time of the actual
Darfraich daughter of Eochaid son of Crimthann, Crucifixion of Christ, it would have seemed
king of Airgeill, from Rigraith over Clochar was significant to the Irish, because it meant that they
his mother. Now Cairbre brought him under had hoped for Christ before they were converted.
cover to Kildare. He goes into the guest-house. A swineherd was often advisor to a king, similar
Brigit sees a watch of angels above the house. to “shepherd” and “pastor” which meant Bishop
She asked who was there. “One young warrior is in Christian nomenclature. To name a place after
there,” says the attendant. “Look thou still,” him might mean that this person had left his
quoth Brigit. He looks. “There is,” he says, “a former ways and even encouraged the king to
little infant in the young warrior’s bosom.” embrace Christianity. See note Dec. 25th about
“Good is the infant,” says Brigit. Brigit goes into Concobar’s swineherd from a much earlier time.]
the guest-house, and the child is Baptized, and

Tigernach sang: Saints from the Book of Lismore, p. xxvii, and LL.
A bittock of a cake of bright barley, this is my 358.]
portion on the board: The three athlaechs [men who became
a spring of watercress and warm water, this is monks in their old age] of Ireland: Beccan Cula’s
my share every night. son (April 5th), and Mochua, Lonan’s son, and
What has brought thee, O Cuachan, over Enda of Arann (see Feb. 9th).
Muadan’s hair (i.e. from below)? Patrick’s Baptism, etc. [the first person
An angel said St. Patrick Baptized] i.e. Sinell son of Findchad,
“Thy piety and thy devotion and Guaire’s of the Hui Garrchon, he is the first person whom
generosity.” Patrick Baptized in Ireland.
Tigernach’s mother was Darfraich. ‘Tis [There are several Sinells listed; first, the
to her that Cechtamair of Druim Dubain said, earliest person St. Patrick Baptized,
after being unable to split the tree while building commemorated March 17 and April 5th, also

her oratory: another Sinell March 26th who wrote an old Rule
O Darfraich! O mother of holy Tigernach! who may also be Sinell of Cleenish, and some
let come thy help which was not slow, split the others who are related to other Saints. The Saints
tree anigh the wright. of Ireland lists Sinell of Cleenish Island in Lough
Tigernach son of Cairbre, son of Fergus, Erne in Fermanagh on November 12th.]
son of Enda, son of Laban, son of Briun, son of Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
Eochaid, son of Daire Barrach, son of Cathair Tallaght: Bresal son of Diarmait son of Cerball
Mor. once made a great feast for his father, and there
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of was naught lacking to it save a cow with livers of
Tallaght: Tigernach of Cluain Eois, or Oois, i.e. tallow. [See Stokes ZCP III, 572-3]. Bresal heard
from Oois, the name of the king of Oriel’s of such being with the nun of Cell Elgraige in the
swineherd, who was in that place before sanctuary of Cenannus. Luachair her name. So
Tigernach. What he asked of the cleric alongside Bresal went to buy it, and he offered seven cows
Fochart was that his name should be given to the and a bull to the nun for it, and she did not give it
place. Or, it was a great tree that was there to him. And Bresal took the cow by force, and
formerly, i.e. eo aisse, i.e. a yew, ut dicitur Eo gave the cow with the feast to his father in
Rosa, i.e. eo roasa. Or eo aisse, i.e. tree of acorns, Cenannus, for it was then a royal fortress. The
i.e. oak, ut dicitur thus, aiss mast on which swine nun after being outraged came to Diarmait and
are fed. complained bitterly of the outrage done to her by
Bresal. Unde poeta cecinit:
5 Apr / 18 When they were most merry at the carousal
On the great Feast of Beccan mac Cula, he heard a voice without,
the [white-skinned] nun comes to them
with the victory of piety, whom Bresal had outraged over her cow.
Patrick’s excellent Baptism
has been kindled in Ireland. ‘Unjust is what thou has done,’ said Diarmait,
Béccán mac Cula, victory of piety, ‘O Bresal of the smooth words.
Patrick’s most excellent baptism kindled in There has been wanton folly,
Ireland. thou shalt go to death for it.’
Cula’s son, i.e. Cula was his other, and [next stanza out of place]
in Imliuch Fia in Fir Cula Breg is Beccan. Fia is ‘Well, O Becan of the virtues,’
the name of a well, Cula the name of his mother, said Colum Cille without hurt.
and of the race of Cremthann is he. Of the Dal ‘I am the [white-faced?] safeguard
Cais was Beccan, and ‘tis he that raised Bresal that he has brought on to thy land, on to thy
Brecc from death. [Translator’s note: see Lives of foundation.’

And Diarmait said, ‘Thou shalt suffer Herenius the Bishop, thousands were
death for what thou hast done, that is, for great, (celebate) “virginal bush in the vine of the
outraging the nun.’ Thereupon Bresal is taken by white Lord.” Bishop Cathub and Cronbecan in
Diarmait to Linn Bresail (Bresal’s Pool) on this day. From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Abaind Lorgaid, and there drowned. Ordinatio Patricius.
Diarmait afterwards repented of the
drowning of his son, and ’tis then he said to 7 Apr / 20
Colum Cille, taking counsel of him, ‘Is there any Finan the squinting, of Cenn Etig,
help for me at all for the deed that I have done?’
quoth he. ‘There is,’ said Colum Cille, ‘that is,
around whom is much of clamor:
go to the ex-layman who is in the island, namely a champion of Christ was Cainde,
Becan.’ ‘I dare not go to him,’ said he. ‘I will go from wolf-haunted Sliab Bledmae.
with thee,’ said Colum Cille. Fínan the squinting of Cenn Etig;
When the two arrived they found Becan Cainde, champion of Christ from wolf-haunted
building [weaving] a wall, with a wet quilt about Sliab Bledmae. Finan Camm, i.e. crooked was
him, and praying at the same time, ut dicitur: his eye, of Cennetig in sliab bladma. Of the
Building [spinning] a wall, and Cross-vigil, Corcu-duibne was he.
prostration, pure prayer, A salmon of red gold came: it went in the west
tears from him without avail, after sunset,
the virtue of Becan, without aught of sin. against the womb of white Beccnat, (Finan’s
mother) so that it became her husband,
Hand on a stone, hand upraised, i.e. when she was bathing in Loch Lein: ut
knee bent against a rock, dicitur:
eye ever shedding tears, Now thou hast no earthly father: the Holy
and lips praying. Ghost has saved thee, has fostered thee.
Unde dicitur Becan of the virtues. When Inde alius dixit:
Becan looked on Diarmait, this is what he said, Becnat, daughter of vast Idgna, the precious
‘Under the earth, thou parricide!’ At the word stone that was not scanty: like the Son of the
Diarmait sinks to his knees in the earth. Virgin, Finan Camm was born of her.
‘Diarmait is under my protection, O Becan,’ said In Becnat’s womb thou wast for a while, for
Colum Cille. Unde Colum Cille: ‘Indeo a thou wast conceived through God’s word:
Becain,’ ut diximus. And Becan said to Colum an earthly father thou hast not, the Holy Ghost
Cille, ‘[white-faced ?] is the protection.’ ‘Quarter has saved thee, has fostered thee.
to Diarmait,’ said Colum Cille, ‘because of my Finan Camm brought wheat into Ireland, i.e.
humiliation.’ ‘It shall be given [shall go] though the full of his shoe he brought. Declan brought
reluctantly,’ said Becan. ‘Diarmait has come to the rye, i.e. the full of his shoe. Mo-domnoc
thee for solace, that is, for the raising of his son.’ brought bees, i.e. the full of his bell: and in one
Becan lifts his free hand up, and prays thrice, and ship they were brought. [See Feb. 13th, Mo-
fifty Bresals were brought out of Hell at every domnoc’s bees.] [Declan: see July 24th, a pre-
prayer of Becan’s, and he restored his son to Patrician Bishop, so these were early Saints.]
Diarmait. Finan is entitled to true circuits, a measure of
wheat for every household,
6 Apr / 19 the full of his brazen shoe, a tribute that no
Herenius the Bishop, great Saint had taken.
Finan Camm with power brought wheat out of
whose thousands are great, the country of Letha:
was a fair virginal bush the full of his brazen shoe of our seed went
in the vine of the white Lord. into Ireland.

[Celtic people were in many places: “Galatia” 9 Apr / 22
near Armenia, “Gaul” in modern France, areas The triumph of seven innocent holy
around modern Vienna, and Briton, Ireland,
Scotland, etc. There are Celtic writings on rocks
in the continent of North America, some think in every household it should be told,
both before and during the Christian era. Finan whose blood it is that does not perish
Camm may be very early, but included because of on the fair feast of Quadratus.
the great deed of providing both food and people. Of seven holy virgins, i.e. at Sirmium (in
If the Irish commemorated people of the Old Pannonia) ciuitatem hae septem uirgines passe
Testament, it is possible that he would have been sunt. VII. uirgines quae in unum meruerunt
included even if he lived before the Christian era. coronari, LL. 358d.
The poem about the fish is very old, and seems to Whose blood perishes not, i.e. his (leg.
be similar to a Greek or Roman myth, and has their) blood still remains in the place where they
been repeated in books about mythology.] suffered. [Translator’s note: in O.E. Mart. p. 56,
Of Cenn-etig, i.e. Etech, the nurse of the their names are given as Saturnina, Hilarina,
Fians, was slain there. Or Cell eti (is the right Dominando (?), Rogantina, Serotina, Donata,
reading) from the flying of the (pet) scallcrow Paulina. Note also, this is the day after a Feast of
that Brenainn sent out of the north from Cluain St. Januarius, whose blood also does not perish.
ferta Brenainn. See September 19th.]
Bladma, i.e. from Blad son of Conmac
Cas Clothach, grandson of Tachall son of 10 Apr / 23
Cermait, son of the Dagda, a quo nominatur. Or
Blad son of Breogan, a quo Sliab Bladma.
The cross of Apollonius the Presbyter -
Also, Brenach or Brynach in Wales for Christ’s sake treasures are acquired (?)
today, from the fifth century. He is called from Ross Eo - happy name!
“Brenach the Irishman” in the Welsh Triads. He Cuannae royal, excellent.
frequently had the vision and conversation of Apollonius the presbyter, i.e. a Priest or
angels, and the mountain where they came to him a Bishop.
was later called “Carn-Engyli” the Mountain of Cuana, i.e. of Ross eo in Maglacha in the
the Angels. His church was at the mountain’s west of Bregia. Cuana son of Midorn, son of
foot, the principal church of the district. Dub-ratha, son of Enda, son of Niall of the Nine
8 Apr / 21 Erednat (virgin) and Berchan Aego and
The death of Januarius the Martyr: Midgus on this day.
great was the tower of his temple: From The Martyrology of
Tallaght: ...Erednaton virginis et Sancti
not reproached by his community Midgussa; Berchani of Eig; Cuannae virgin in
has been Cennfaelad Abbot of Bangor. Mag Locha in Brega i.e. in Ros Eo.
From The Martyrology of
Tallaght: ...Januarius... [See also July 10 th, and 11 Apr / 24
Sept. 19th: not known if these are the same St.
Januarius.] If this is the St. Januarius near
May my treasurous Aedoc protect us,
Naples, he is a famous early Martyr, celebrated for he is a warlike kinsman, - a grandson -
Sept. 19. A relic of his blood in a small enclosed save that he has been hallowed -
glass turns to liquid on his feast day every year, of Dunlang the firm, multitudinous.
and is said to prevent volcanic eruption: see Grandson of Dunlang the firm,
tomorrow, which mentions a relic of the same (grandson of Dowling) May my treasurous
kind. Maedoc protect us, i.e. of Cluain mor, i.e.

Maedoc son of Midgna, son of Mita, son of The royal Bishop Tassach (t-Assach), i.e.
Nindid, son of Nazar, son of Crimthann. For he Patrick’s artisan and Bishop, from Raith Colpthai
is a warlike kinsman, i.e. of Leinster are both of in Leth Cathail in Ulster. [Translator’s note: For
them. From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Moedoc the tradition that he administered the Communion
descendant of Dunlang in Cluain Mor... to the dying Patrick, see Fiacc’s hymn 53, Thes.
The Archbishop of Ireland, i.e. Senior Pal. Hib. II. 319. One of the three artisans of
son of Mael da lua on the 11th of April rested in Ireland, also see Conlaed May 3rd, Daig August
peace, ut quidam dixit: 18th.] From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Tassagi.
Son of Mael da-lua, of the industrious Tassach was one of St. Patrick’s makers
study, his death to Ireland is terrible; of crosses, croziers, shrines, etc. and builder of
in guerdon of his just deeds from long churches. He was first Bishop of Raholp in
ago he found heaven on the eleventh of April. County Down. “Some historians think that it is
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: possible that Assic of Elphin and Tassach may be
Filonis and two hundred forty seven others... the same person.” (Asicus or Assic, April 27th.)
(Usually Oengus would emphasize days of a [Justin Martyr on the Roman calendar
multitude of Martyrs, sometimes the Martyrology today; see August 4th for the Celtic date.]
of Tallaght is different. See note after Sept. 30th.)
15 Apr / 28
12 Apr / 25 An excellent flame that is unebbing,
Christ - a difficult work - that vanquishes urgent desires,
allotted to the relic of the Cross: fair was the precious stone,
Bishop Julius, Abbot of the people, Rodan, the lamp of Lorrha.
noble chief of Peter’s See. Ruadan, i.e of the Eoganacht of Cashel
Julius, i.e. a Pope and Bishop (of Rome) is he, i.e. Abbot of Lothra. [Ruadani Lothra, LL.
is he. Of the people, i.e. of Rome. This is what 358f.] [Possibly the scribe of the Celtic Missal.
Gregory [Pope] says, that Pope Julius was a Lothra is another name for Lorrha.]
confessor i.e. in the Martyrologium Romanum. Ruadhan (Ruan, Rodan) is today. He
was one of the “twelve Apostles of Ireland,” [see
13 Apr / 26 July 15th, Sept. 9th] and was trained by Finian of
With his chief host happy because of Clonard. His monastery at Lorrha in north
Tipperary has given us that great treasure, the
the ... of every mouth, Gospel of St. Maelruain also known as the
Christ’s champion went well, “Lorrha-Stowe Missal.” (The name “Stowe” was
may Paul the Deacon shelter us! added much later because it was discovered in the
Paul the Deacon library of the Duke of Buckingham at Stowe.)
Mo-cammoc of Inis cain, and Riachaill The book shrine, the “Cumdach” for the Lorrha
son of Buachaill, and the sons of Torchur or Missal is from much later, about 1023-1052,
Terchur of Loch mac Neill (?) in this day. commissioned by Donagh the son of Brian Boru,
(St. Martin of Rome, Martyr, see April 20th.) and it says it is the work of “Dunchad of the
family of Cluain.” The Missal, containing the
14 Apr / 27 Gospel of St. John, a Divine Liturgy, Sacraments
The royal Bishop, thy Assach, of Unction, Baptism and Chrismation, some
general Proper prayers for the Mass and a few
gave when he came to him, the Body of blessings, had most of its prayers dating to the
Christ, fifth or sixth centuries or earlier, with a few Saint
the truly strong King, commemorations as late as the ninth century.
at the Communion, unto Patrick. Some say that it was found in the ruins of a wall

of the O’Kennedy Castle at Lackeen a few miles of this event, the children of the king of Tara
away from Lorrha about 1735, another account were converted to Christianity, which TSI notes
says it had been taken to Austria in the Irish under numerous Saint days. The influence of
monastery at Ratisbon and came into the Tara decreased, and after Diarmuid there were no
possession of an Irish soldier in the Austrian more assemblies of druids. St. Ruadhan died in
army in 1784: John Grace, and from the Grace A.D. 584. Macalister says that “the name ‘king
family into the possession of the Duke of of Tara’ appears in the Annals of Ulster in 670,
Buckingham. Eventually it went back to Ireland 737, 764.” Tara continued to be the seat of the
to the Royal Irish Academy. (Irish served in the high king, but not a druid seat after St. Ruadhan.
Austrian army and also the Russian army at that St. Ruadhan did not curse the individuals who
time - see the writings of the “Baron later converted to Christianity, but the druid
Munchausen,” and the Irish were included among assemblies, which certainly stopped meeting
those who fought the Turks. Those who had since the time of the fifth and sixth centuries.
protected all of Europe were given gifts such as The secular education of the poets (the bards)
great horses, but had their possessions taken was not cursed, but promoted by St. Patrick and
when they returned home to Ireland, because it St. Colm cille (see Jan. 29th and Oct. 12th). St.
was illegal for an Irishman to have such great Ruadhan was uncompromising in his Orthodox
possessions, so the “donation” by the Grace faith, and was the teacher of St. Maelruain the
family seems entirely possible.) Cele De, who founded Tallaght (see July 7th).
St. Ruadhan was said to have cursed
Tara, which afterwards was deserted. Aed Guaire, 16 Apr / 29
a king of Connacht had decapitated an emissary With royal Carissima,
of the high king Diarmuid and then fled to
Ruadhan for sanctuary. Even though no person,
whose graveyard is Roman;
however criminal, was supposed to be dragged the Feast of the Deacon Felix
out of sanctuary as long as he stayed within a runs to thee swiftly.
church or monastery, Diarmuid dragged Aed Carissima, i.e. at the Feast of Carissima
Guaire out and all the Saints of Ireland went to a virgin, nobilis et carne et spiritu.
Tara to curse it. One story says that Brendan
negotiated with Diarmuid for the release of Aed 17 Apr / 30
Guaire for fifty horses with blue eyes and golden At the Feast of Peter the Deacon,
bridles, but a year and a half later these “horses”
returned to their original state as seals in the
who advanced to victorious Martyrdom,
middle of a horse race. (This story is reminiscent with his followers, a fair assembly,
of the golden snake of St. Spiridon, Dec. 12th, Donnán of chilly Eig.
which was turned to coins until a debt was repaid Of Deacon Peter, i.e. he suffered in
by a person who had begged St. Spiridon for Antioch.
help, at which time the coins returned to being a Stephen and Laurence and George, and
snake.) The Saints of Ireland notes that there are the infants in Bethlehem, and Peter the Deacon,
many anachronisms in the stories of Ruadhan and and Donnan of Eig, with all the masters of the
all the Saints cursing Tara. But, if it occurred world, are commemorated on this day.
later than many of those Saints lived, it would Ego, i.e. name of a well in Caithness in
have been possible for earlier Saints to be the north of Scotland, et ibi Donnan cum suis
included, since the Saints are eternally alive in martyrium subiit, id est, quaedam femina diues
Christ, and St. Ruadhan may have brought their inuidebat ei, quia antequam Donnan ibi habitaret
relics. Some Saints listed as helping St. Ruadhan illic pascebantur peccora eiusdem femine. Haec
would have been children while others would ergo propter hoc [note: propter inuidiam quam
have been buried, but, in spite of TSI’s belittling circa illos habebat, LL. 371b.] quibusdam

latronibus persuaisit ut interficerent Donnanum and the island of Eigg was pasture land for the
cum suis; sed cum idem latrones illus uenissent sheep. She used sea pirates to kill the monks.
inuenerunt eos in oratorio psalmodiam cantantes, The monastery at Eigg was restored afterwards,
et ebi nec potuerunt eosdem interficere. Dixit and Donnan continued to be venerated on the
autem Donnanus discipulis suis: Eamus in island. The 52 monks’ names are in the
pransatorium ut hi nos possint interficere ubi Martyrology of Tallaght, compiled A.D. 792.
uiuere carnaliter solebamus, quia quandiu simus Ega, i.e. the proper name of a place.
ubi Deo satisegimus placere mori non possumus, ‘Tis there that Donnan suffered: the name of a
ubi uero carni benefecimus carnis dispendium fountain in All-Saxain [literally ‘Old Saxons,’ all
soluemus. Sic igiitur in pransatorio ooccisi sunt. from Ags. eald? ], or in Caithness, and there
Cethror ar choecait chena, be se lin ... Thus, then, Donnan, with their family, fifty-four (in number)
they were slain in the refectory, a tetrad and fifty, suffered.
this is the number that went to martyrdom From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
together with Donnan. Petrus Deacon; Furtunatus; Quintus; Marcianus;
Donnan of Eig, i.e. Egha is the name of Barucus; Mapolicius; Gallus; Victoricius;
a river in Scotland. Or it is an island, and ‘tis Donatus; Januarius; Maconus; Hermoginis;
there is Donnan, or in Caithness in the north of Ministrus; Marcianus; Jacobus. Also: Locheni of
Scotland, and there holy Donnan died with his Cunga; Donnani of Eig nomen fontis with the
community, to wit, fifty five (leg. 52) in number. fifty two others. These are: Aedani; Iarloga;
‘Tis this Donnan that went to Colum cille to get Mairic; Congaile; Lonain; Meic Lasre; Iohain;
him for a soulfriend, and Colum cille said to him, Ernain; Ernini; Baethini; Rotain; Andrelis;
“I will only be soulfriend,” quoth he, “to folk of Carilis; Rotain; Fergusain; Rectaire; Connidi;
white martyrdom [monasticism], i.e. I will not be Endae; Meic Loga; Gurentii; Iuneti; Corani;
(thy) soulfriend, for thou and the whole of thy Baetani; Colmain; Iernlugi; Lugaedo; Luctai;
community with thee will go to red martyrdom.” Grucind; Cucalini; Cobrain; Conmind; Cummini;
And this was fulfilled. Then Donnan with his Baltiani; Senaig; Demmain; Cummeni; Iarnlugi;
community goes into Galloway and takes up his Finain; Findchain; Findchon; Cronani;
abode where the queen of the country’s sheep Modomma; Cronain; Ciarain; Colmain; Nauermi;
used to be. That is told to the queen. “Let them Demmani; Ernini; Ailchon; Donnani. Also:
all be killed,” she says. “That is not pious,” says Eochaid of Less Mor; Aedan son of Garbain;
every one. So men come to them to slay them. Lugaid son of Garbain; Lugaid son of Dructa.
The cleric was then at Mass [“Offering”]. “Grant [On most days, names of the Martyrology of
us a respite till the Mass ends,” says Donnan. “It Tallaght have not been included, because the
will be granted,” they say. The whole number is history of each Saint isn't there. However, today,
at once slain. [Translator’s note: Donnani Ega fifty four of them are in one Martyrdom.]
(nomen fontis) cum suis, id est, lii. LL. 359a, Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
where their names are given in the gen. sg.] Tallaght: Stephen and Laurence and George, and
Donan is an Abbot Martyr. (Very few Irish Saints the babes in Bethlehem, and Peter the Deacon,
outside of Ireland are listed by Oengus; for and Donnan of Eig, with all the Martyrs of the
example, he does not list Kentigern Jan. 14th, but world, this day is commemorated.
he does list Donan.) Donan was from Iona, and
built many churches following the same path as 18 Apr / May 1
Ninian in Scotland, at Kirkmaiden next to On the Feast of Septimus,
Whithorn, at Kildonnans in Colmonell, Ayrshire,
Sutherland, and finally at the island of Eigg
declare that noble Deasons were solaced.
where he and his monks were Martyred. Laisrén, a victorious flame,
Although the people of the area seemed favorable gentle Abbot of Leighlin.
to the Christians, a pagan queen ruled the area, On the Feast of Septimus declare. Seven

(septem) noble Deacons died then. [Or] Pascha celebrated at that time in Rome and other
Septimius is a proper name. Lugna, son of Patriarchates, which caused great trouble in
Maenach, son of Fiachna, son of Ros, son of Erc, Lindisfarne and Iona.) An 11th century shrine of
son of Tren, son of Dua, son of Mac niad, son of relics (not Laserian’s own bones, but relics of
Mac con, son of Lugaid. Hi sunt .vii. Germaini many other Saints he brought back from Rome
eius i.e. Bishop Brannaib, Causan, Factna, Lugna, for Aedan of Ferns) is now in the National
Lochan in Hui Echach, Cailcin, Mainchine of Museum in Dublin.
Culcais. (Ireland had the Pallium given to St.
Abbot of Rathchell, king of the synod, Patrick, and the Irish Church was autonomous,
son of Maithgemm of Monad. yet it continued being friendly with the Patriarch
Molaisse, a flame of fire, with the quires of Rome, even after Rome betrayed them to the
in partnership, i.e Molaise of Lethglenn to Anglo-Normans. Rome had already begun to
console seven Deacons who died there. i.e. exert influence at the time of Laserian: the same
Molaisse, son of Cairell, son of Ardgal, son of Pope St. Gregory the Great had sent St.
Muredach Redneck, and Domangort, son of Augustine of Canturbury (May 24th, Nov. 16th ) to
Eochaid, son of Cairell, in Lethglenn, and the Angles and Saxons, and later Popes soon after
Ernene, son of Finan, son of Cairell. [Translator’s upheld the Roman date of Pascha and many other
note: Maithgemm of Monad: is Molaisse’s Roman practices, causing the Irish who had
mother: cf. LL, 372b, where she is called helped missionize the Angles and Saxons such as
daughter of Aedan mac Gabrain, King of Ss. Aedan and Colman of Lindisfarne (Aug. 31st
Scotland.] Laserian or Leighlin or Molaise today, and Feb. 18th) to leave England. The Angles
who died A.D. 639. Together with Cummian of continued to subjugate the Britons into Wales.)
Clonfert (see Nov. 12th and Feb. 17th and 18th Also, Cogitosus, the biographer of St.
Fintan and Colman, for more information about Brigid of Kildare, on this day. He wrote the Life
the Paschal controversy), he agreed to use the of St. Brigid. The manuscript is in the (Roman)
Roman reckoning of the date of Pascha at the Dominican Convent in Eichstadt in Bavaria.
national synod of 630 A.D. (The Roman
reckoning at that time, from Alexandria, was 19 Apr / May 2
synchronized with the other Patriarchates; the Famous Hermogenes went,
Irish had another reckoning of the date of Pascha
was from an older tradition that came from Rome
after achieving his fight,
with St. Patrick from the traditions of St. Peter.) to Jesus - a splendid change!
Laserian went to Rome with others in a out of the coldness of his poor body.
delegation to investigate the question, and at his Hermogenes, (or Hermoginis) i.e. a
return and report, all the monasteries except the proper name, i.e. the wizard that made a great
monastery of Colm cille on Iona adopted the new contention against James, son of Zebedee, et
reckoning of Pascha in A.D. 633. Laserian was a postea credidit. In Armenia ciuitate Militana
grandson of Aedan, an Irish king in Scotland, Hermogenis passus est. [Translator’s note: “The
nephew of St. Blane. Laserian studied in Iona legend is thus given in LL. 359, marg. sup.:
and Rome, and was ordained by Pope St. Gregory Hermogenis magus prius, et per Iacobum Zebedi
the Great. Laserian succeeded Goban as Abbot filium Deo credidit. Et iste Fletum suum
of the monastery of Leighlin in Carlow. Pope discipulum misit ad Iacobam, et ipse credidit
Honorius consecrated Laserian as first Bishop of Deo. Et (Hermogenes misit) demones ad
Leighlin in Carlow in 633, and appointed him as Iacobum ut alligarent eum, sed angelus alligauit
legate to Ireland (the Pope Honorius who was eos ignitis funibus. Et Iacobus misit demones ad
later condemned as a heretic for supporting Hermoginem... manibus post tergum connexis, et
monotheletism; he had earlier tried to help with sic post multa tormenta credidit Deo et Iacobo.]
the mission to England, but promoted the date of The passion of Heradius (leg. Heraclius?

Herodion?) [in Latin: Heradii, LL. 359b.] defense of Orthodoxy against the heresy of the
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of Monothelites which believed that Christ had only
Tallaght: Hermoginis magus prius et per Iacobum a divine will (a form of Monophysitism), instead
Zebedi filium Deo credidit. Et iste Fletum suum of both human and divine. The Council he called
discipulum misit ad Iacobum. et ipse credidit in 649 condemned the Monothelite heresy. In
Deo. Et Hermogines misit demones ad Iacobum 653 he was taken from Rome to Constantinople
ut alligarent eum. Sed angelus alligauit eos under threat of force, and after torture and exile,
ignitis funibus. Et Iacobus misit demones ad starved. (The notes from the Martyrology of
Hermoginem (...g...) manibus post tergum Tallaght point to an incident in the life of St.
emexis, et sic post multa tormenta credidit Deo et Martin of Tours. Pope St. Martin of Rome died
Iacob. [See St. James the Greater.] Sept. 15th, 655. The Byzantines celebrate him
St. Paphnutius, monk, desert Father. April 13th. His feast in Rome is Nov. 12th, the day
(Byzantine date) He was at the first Ecumenical after St. Martin of Tours, but the day before the
Council in 325. Some say that he said that clergy beginning of Advent, not usually a Feast day.)
who were married should be able to have children
after Ordination. He defended the Church against 21 Apr / May 4
Arianism. (See St. Gregory Nazianzus, March In Scotland with purity,
29th, and St. John Cassian, Nov. 25th.)
after leaving every happiness,
20 Apr / May 3 our brother Mael-rubai went from us
With the suffering of Herodius, with his mother.
Mael rubai, i.e. the feast of Mael-rubai’s
a Presbyter who crucified desire, obit, and of the kindred of Eogan was he, but his
the Feast in Rome - right noble stead! - church is in Scotland, and this is the feast of his
of the Saints of the whole of Europe. obit. His mother, now was Subthan daughter of
The Feast of the Saints of Europe, i.e., a Comgall, or daughter of Setna; and in Apurcrosen
great tree there was in Rome; and the heathen (Applecross) is his church.
worshiped it, till the Christians fasted on the Maelrubha, Martyr, lived from 642 to
Saints of Europe that the tree might fall, et statim 722 A.D. Maelrubba was of the Niall line on his
cecidit. [The translator - Whitley Stokes - has father’s side, and his mother’s side was of
some untranslated Old Irish in a note on this Comgall’s Irish Picts. He was educated to the
date.] From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Priesthood at Bangor (which Comgall had
Communis sollemnitas omnium sanctorum et founded). Maelrubha founded Applecross, an
virginum Hiberniae et Britanniae et totius offshoot of Bangor. The Applecross brethren
Europae et specialiter in honorem Sancti Martini went to both the areas of the Picts and Scottish
(Martin) episcopi. Et familiae Ego eliuatio. And Dalriada, and many place names all over
Saint Sobarthein and Saint Sedrac Bishop Sinaig Scotland are derived from Maelrubha’s name
(Sinach) and Flaind (Flann) and Mael Ochtraig. (Maree, Mulruby, Mary, Murry, Summuruff,
[See November 11th, the Feast of St. Martin of Summereve). (The name “Mary” here is
Tours, the story of the tree falling.] Marginal shortened from Maelrubha.) The Celtic territory
notes from The Martyrology of Tallaght: i.e. a grew to include the rough western area between
large tree that was in Rome, and the heathen used Loch Carron and Loch Broom, and the southwest
to worship it. And the Christians in Rome fasted areas of the Isle of Skye and eastern Ross. He
on all the Saints of Europe, and on Martin in walked the high roads and low roads for fifty
particular, for it to fall, et statim cecidit. years, with a reputation as a holy man and
St. Martin I, Pope of Rome, Martyr. He wonder worker, and everybody claimed him as
and St. Maximos the Confessor (Aug. 13 th and their patron. The little island of Inis Maree in the
Jan 21st who also should be called Martyr) died in narrow Loch Maree was the favorite isle of the

Saint. There was an oratory, cemetery, and holy Roman date: May 1 (explained Dec.
well. The well had a reputation of “power 27th). Celtic date: April 22. Passion of Philip chief
unspeakable” over cases of insanity. (St. martyr Oct 18 (St. Luke on the Roman calendar).
Maelrubha’s intercessions are still sought in October 22nd is St. Philip of Heraclea of A.D.
Scotland for mental illness.) 304, not St. Philip the Apostle.
According to Scottish records, St.
Maelrubha was a Martyr at the hands of the 23 Apr / May 6
Vikings at Urquhart. A church was built at the The light of Bishop Ibar
spot where he died. A mound outside Applecross,
Cloadh Maree, is said to be his grave. Within a
who has smote heresy’s head:
radius of six miles of the area near there at one a splendid flame over a sparkling wave:
time were all the rights of sanctuary, which meant in Becc-eriu he departed.
that a person fleeing judgment could stay there Of Bishop Ibar, i.e. Iubar son of Lugna,
and not be arrested as long as he did not leave the son of Maccu Cuirc, son of Corp, son of Cairbre,
area. Irish Abbots continued at Applecross for a son of Niall, son of Eochaid, a quo the Hui
while. Failbhe died in 737; “Comharb of Echach of Ulster, son of Sen, son of Rosen, son
Maelrubha” died at sea with twenty two religious; of Tren, son of Rogen, son of Airnel, son of
“MacOigi of Aporcrossan” died in 801, according Maine the Great, son of Fidach Forga, son of
to the Annals of Ulster. Feradach, son of Ailill Erann, son of Fiacha, son
of Oengus Turbech T.
This is Bishop Ibar that had the conflict
Philip the Apostle with Patrick, and ‘tis he that left the roads full
(April 22/May 5) and the store-rooms empty in Armagh. So Patrick
May Philip the Apostle protect us, is angered with him and said: “Thou shall not be
(he) who is vaster than any sea, in Erin,” says Patrick. “Erin shall be the name of
the place in which I am wont to be,” says Bishop
whose name, from the Father’s mystery, is Ibar, unde Becc-Erin ‘little Ireland’ is named, i.e.
the wide mouth of a lamp. an island which is in Hui Cennselaig out in the
For Propers and Lections, see Apostles. sea. [See June 12th: a conflict caused Ibar’s
May combine with Sunday. [Verses of Oengus monks to be taken from him.] [Beg Eri, “Little
may be used for the Alleluia; these refer to the Ireland,” is a little island in Wexford harbor.]
Gospel of St. John 14:8-31. Gradual Psalm 126.] St. Ibar was one of four pre-Patrician
Philip, i.e. in Phrygia he was buried, Irish Bishops: Ailbe, Ibar, Declan, and Ciaran.
Cum esset Pilipus .lxxxvi. annorum in Erapoli Peace was made between St. Ibar and St. Patrick
Gallorum ciuitate Frigia[e] lapitatus est. [In Latin when St. Ibar agreed to call his little island
the name is “Pilip.”] “Ireland.” An image of Bishop Ibar on that island
May Philip protect us: in the mystery of was venerated continuously. It survived attempts
the Father, i.e. in the mystical Canon: ‘mouth of a to burn it in the 17th century. Ibar was also called
lamp,” i.e. os lampadis interpretatur .xx. autem Iberian by some; northern Spain was the original
annis post passionem Domini Pilipus euangelium home of the Irish. (See Dec. 11th: Ibhar is “yew.”)
praedicauit Scitis et aliis gentibus: ad ultimum [Bishops' dates: see March 5th. Nuns: July 6th.]
uero, cum esset annorum .lxxxuii. In Heropoli
ciuitate Frigiae crucifixus et lapidatus est. Ex 24 Apr / May 7
eadem tribu erat et ciuitate cum Petro et Andrea. The triumph of the three innocent children
Philip the Apostle’s nativity. in the furnace, - a famous group:
From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Pilippus the Apostle nativity [which could also
the passion of George, a sun of victories,
mean his birth into heaven, i.e. his death].... with thirty great thousands.

The Feast of the Three Youths: The twelve thousand Martyrs died for the faith.)
triumph of the three innocent children, i.e. Byzantine date: April 25th.
Sedrac, Misac, Abdinago (are) their names with St. Mark was born of the tribe of Levi,
the Chaldees; Ananias, Acareas, Misael their the priestly cast of the Jews. He was called John
names with the Hebrews: And 30,729 [Ananias, (Johanan), or John Mark, but his Latin name
Azarias, Mishael in Latin, Translator’s note: This Mark is better known. He took the name Mark
is a gloss on co trichait mor mile.] The trio of before he departed to Rome and foreign lands
them was put by Nebuchadnezzar (Nabdocnotsar) with St. Peter to preach the Gospel. In the
into a fiery furnace ablaze, but God preserved tradition of patristic writers, St. Mark was one of
them, so that the fire did them no hurt. the Seventy Apostles, and was an eye-witness of
[Note: the “Song of the Three Youths” is many of the events he records in his Gospel.
sung at the “Close of Pascha,” that is, one week St. Mark was the youth in the Garden of
after Pascha, and also at Matins each day, at the Gethsemane who followed after the Lord, was
Vigil Mass for Pascha, and many other times. wrapped in a linen sheet, and escaped naked
Their story is in the Book of Daniel, chapter 3. when the soldiers tried to grab him (St. Mark
The Passion of St. George is an important Feast 14:51-52). Tradition says that his simple wrap
on Byzantine and Roman calendars.] indicates that he probably went out of the house
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: “the that was in the Garden of Gethsemane (small
Passion of George with thirty one thousand, two farm owned by St. Mark's family) when he heard
hundred seventy nine...” Note: in the early days the multitude arrive in the middle of the night.
of the Church, great numbers of Christians were In the Book of Acts 12:1-12, it states that
often Martyred in one day. The glossator of the mother of St. Mark was named Mary, and she
Oengus lists 30,729, and the Martyrology of owned a house in Jerusalem where St. Peter hid
Tallaght lists 31,279. Number differences were after his miraculous escape from prison with the
due to counts of families, but almost always help of the angel. During the persecution of
relatively close numbers in the sources. Christians after the Lord’s Ascension into heaven,
St. George, Martyr, soldier Saint, in this house was a haven for some of the Apostles
Nicomedia Palestine, by emperor Diocletian in and other Christians, and also a place of worship.
303, at the time when Diocletian began his St. Mark heard many things about Jesus there,
persecution of Christians. An apocryphal story and prayed with them. He became a close
says that St. George slew a dragon (in Beirut or follower of the Apostle Peter, who acted as his
Libya). In icons, he is often shown with St. spiritual father. In I Peter 5:13, St. Peter calls St.
Demetrius, another early soldier Saint. He is the Mark his son. St. Mark was the nephew of the
Patron of several countries. Apostle Barnabas, another one of the Seventy,
also a Levite, born on the island of Cyprus. St.
25 Apr / May 8 Barnabas also introduced St. Mark to St. Paul
Noble Mark in Egypt when St. Paul had just been converted and had
newly arrived in Jerusalem. St. Mark was the
who deserves no word of neglect; closest co-worker of St. Peter, and close to St.
a rod of gold, a vast ingot, Paul, and followed their directions.
the great Bishop Mac-caille. In about 44-45 A.D., the Jerusalem
Mark the Evangelist: he suffered in Christians had a terrible persecution caused by
Alexandria. (One of the 70 Apostles.) their increased numbers, which led to famine
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: among them. The malice of those who wished to
Marcus Evangelista... Celtic Rite Dates for St. suppress Christians increased, including breaking
Mark: April 25, May 18th, June 10 which Oengus into their homes and taking possessions including
calls the “chief feast.” (July 10th is a date on food stores. (Property has been stolen in modern
which a host of his followers were Martyred; times in Jerusalem.) Hearing about the condition

of the Christians in Zion, the faithful in the city of about eight years after the Ascension, the Gospel
Antioch raised a great collection, and sent it by of St. Luke was written fifteen years after the
St. Paul and Barnabas who were then in Antioch. Ascension and the Gospel of St. John was written
They brought this money to Jerusalem, and when thirty two years after the Ascension.
they returned to Antioch, they took St. Mark with Some modern academics say that the
them on this first missionary journey. St. Mark Gospel of St. Mark was the first Gospel written
assisted them in preaching the Word of God. because they look at the age of the Greek copy of
After Antioch, they left for Seleucia on the Gospel of St. Matthew, not the Hebrew or
the sea, then traveled by ship to Cyprus, and Aramaic original. Why would St. Bartholomew
traveled the island from east to west, from bring a copy of the Gospel of St. Matthew in
Salamis to Paphos. In Paphos, the Proconsul Hebrew with him to India, if an earlier Gospel in
Sergius brought Ss. Barnabas and Paul to him to Greek were available? Some wonder why the
hear the Word of God. A Jewish sorcerer named Gospel of St. Matthew seems more complete than
Elymas with a surname Bar-jesus (Joshua), used the Gospel of St. Mark, and why it is similar in
tricks and delusions to try to persuade the some ways. St. Mark is careful to write down
proconsul from belief in Christ. St. Mark watched from his memory what St. Peter told him, so he
as St. Paul, only using his word, struck the did not write about the events concerning the
sorcerer blind, but in the city of Perga, St. Mark birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, as St. Matthew and
left the Apostles Paul and Barnabas and returned St. Luke did. In many ways the Gospels of Ss.
to Jerusalem. (Some wonder why he did not stay Matthew, Mark, and Luke agree, because all
with the Apostle Paul, but he may have wanted to stayed together for a time in Jerusalem after the
visit home, as the Apostles did occasionally.) Ascension, but as Blessed Theophylact says in
When he arrived in Jerusalem, St. Mark his introduction to the Gospel of St. Matthew,
contacted St. Peter, and left with him when he they do not agree on all details; what one leaves
went on his journey to Rome (see the Apostle out the other includes.
Peter). There were already Christians in Rome at In the Celtic Rite, all four Gospels are
that time. At Pentecost in Jerusalem (Acts extensively used in the Lectionary. Some other
2:10-41), some who heard St. Peter’s sermon Lectionaries do not include much of the Gospel
were from Rome, and anybody who had of St. Mark, as it repeats what the others say, but
governmental or other business had to travel to the Celtic Rite reflects all the views, including of
Rome, including Christians who spread their faith St. Peter. At the Celtic Rite Opening of the Ears,
wherever they went. By preaching and miracles, the “Traditio,” the instructions to Catechumens
St. Peter increased the number of both Jewish and before the Offering of the Lord in the Divine
Gentile Christians in Rome. Liturgy of Palm Sunday, the four Gospels are
The Christians in Rome demanded explained in terms of the four Kerubs from
something in writing from St. Peter so they could Ezekiel: “Hear the Gospel according to Mark: ‘
read about the Lord Jesus Christ whenever they The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the
met. They asked St. Mark to write all the words Son of God. As it is written in Isaias the prophet:
that St. Peter had spoken to them about the Lord, Behold I send my angel before thy face, who
so he wrote the Gospel of St. Mark. The Apostle shall prepare the way before thee. A voice of one
Peter approved the Gospel of St. Mark to be read crying in the desert: Prepare ye the way of the
in churches, and all accepted it as divinely Lord, make straight his paths.’ Mark the
inspired. (See the note in the history of the Evangelist, bearing the figure of a Lion for the
Apostle Matthew about the four Gospels. The wilderness, begins, saying ‘a voice crying in the
Gospel of St. Mark is correct, but not always in wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord’.
the order of events. It was the second Gospel Further it is because the unconquerable One
written, about ten years after the Ascension of the rules. We find examples of the many aspects of
Lord. The Gospel of St. Matthew was written this Lion which are found in the saying: Judah

my son is a lion’s whelp: of my seed, lying thou that when the holy family of the Birthgiver of
dost sleep like a lion as just like a lion cub, who God who is the ever-virgin Mary, St. Joseph, his
will awaken Him?” The publishers of the current children from his previous marriage including the
edition of the Explanation of Blessed Theophylact young St. James the Righteous, and the holy Lord
of the Holy Gospel According to St. Mark Jesus Christ as an infant, traveled through the
(Chrysostom Press, P.O. Box 536 House Springs, towns of Egypt, the idols fell from a temple in
Mo, 63051) have included an introduction one of the towns they stayed in. Some people
translated from an anonymous Russian by Isaac from the land of Egypt witnessed the first sermon
Lambertson. A quote from this shows that it is of the Apostles at Pentecost, as Scripture states
appropriate to the Lion in the wilderness, “God (Acts 2:9-11), “Parthians, and Medes, and
has given us His word, not for us merely to Elamites, and inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea,
acquaint ourselves with divine teaching out of and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia, and
curiosity, and not that, having acquired an Pamphylia, Egypt, and the parts of Libya about
understanding of the sublime truths of that Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews also, and
teaching, we may take pride in them as our proselytes, Cretes, and Arabians: we have heard
personal treasure. This would be a misuse of the them speak in our own tongues the wonderful
divine gift and a sin which is offensive to God. works of God.” St. Mark was the first of the
God has given us the sacred Scriptures that we Apostles to preach in Egypt, announcing that the
may employ them for the salvation of our souls, people were free of the devil, and immediately a
unto the glory of His Name. God reveals the multitude accepted the Christian faith.
knowledge of the truths of salvation only to the First St. Mark went to the city of
humble, while He hides them from the proud,... Pentapolis in Cyrene (a northern part of Libya),
(Matthew 11:25, I Peter 5:5)” and preached there, establishing a Church. Then
After Rome, the Apostle Peter told St. the Holy Spirit told him to go to Alexandria, the
Mark to go to a city at the northern end of the principal city in Egypt, and he sailed there. He
Adriatic Sea called Aquilea to preach. It was a reached Alexandria on the second day of sailing,
wealthy city, called by some a second Rome. and went to the city gates at the area of the city
(Venice, a much later city, was built in the nearby called Medion. At the city’s gates his sandal split
lagoon). St. Mark established a church there, and in two, which he felt was a favorable sign. He
also preached in neighboring towns. After that saw a cobbler nearby, and asked the cobbler to fix
St. Peter told St. Mark to go to Egypt in the ninth his shoe. The cobbler accidentally ran his awl
year of the reign of the emperor Claudius (A.D. through his hand, and cried out the Name of God.
49), according to the historian Eutychius, St. Mark spit on the ground and made clay, and
Patriarch of Alexandria. There was a large putting it on the cobbler’s hand, said, “In the
Jewish colony in mostly pagan Egypt at that time, Name of Jesus Christ Who liveth forever, be thou
which had been there since the time of Alexander whole!” And the wound, that had been gushing
the Great and his general Ptolemy Lages. blood, completely sealed and the hand of the
(This Jewish community was part of the cobbler was healed. The cobbler told St. Mark,
reason the translation into Greek of the Old “I beseech thee, O man of God: come thou to my
Testament had taken place, because one of the home and abide with me, thy servant, if even for
Ptolemaic kings, Ptolemy Philadelphus, felt that a day, that thou mayest share my meal; for thou
the library of Alexandria should include a history hast now shown me mercy.” The Apostle told
of the Jewish people who lived there. The him, “May the Lord bestow upon thee the Bread
Septuigint, or book of the Seventy, was translated of life, the Bread of heaven!” Then the
by seventy Hebrew scholars from Jerusalem in tradesman took his hand and led the Apostle
separate rooms, and agreed in every word when it Mark to his home. When they entered in, St.
was complete. See Feb. 2nd concerning St. Mark said, “May the blessing of the Lord be upon
Symeon.) The people in Egypt also remembered this place! O brethren, let us pray to God!” After

they prayed and sat down to the table, the cobbler Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch just before St.
asked, “Father, who art thou? And from where Paul's second missionary journey, St. Mark met
does the power come that is in thy speech?” them again, and he and his uncle went to his
Saint Mark told him that he is the servant of the uncle’s native land, to Cypress (Acts 15:36-40).
Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Son of God. When St. Mark stayed with St. Barnabas for awhile to
the cobbler said he would like to see this Son of preach, and then returned to Egypt. After
God, St. Mark told him, “I will show Him to spending more time in Egypt, St. Mark again
thee!” Then St. Mark told him the Gospel of returned to St. Peter, and brought St. Peter to
Jesus Christ, and also the prophecy in the Old Egypt to establish more churches there. They
Testament concerning Jesus. The man said, “I also went to Babylon to establish a Church, (on
have never heard of the Scripture thou explainest the Euphrates, or perhaps a city named Babylon
to me. I have only heard of the Iliad, the Odyssey near Alexandria, or sometimes meaning Rome).
and what they teach Egyptian youths.” St. Mark There, St. Peter wrote the first general Epistle to
told him that the wisdom of this world is foolish the Christians of Asia Minor. (I Peter 5:13). St.
in the eyes of God (I Corinthians 1:18-22). The Mark then stayed in Egypt until the eighth year of
cobbler believed sincerely, and accepted holy the reign of the emperor Nero (A.D. 62).
Baptism with his whole household and many St. Mark also went to Rome to help St.
people in that area. At Baptism the cobbler was Paul preach the Gospel, while St. Paul was in
named Ananias. Every day the numbers of chains (A.D. 61 to 63). The Epistle to the
Christians in Medion increased. Colossians 4:9-14, and the Epistle to Philemon a
The rulers of the city of Medion heard citizen of Colossa 1:23-24 tells how St. Mark and
that the foreigner was among them blaspheming others helped him then, including Mark,
their gods and hindering the sacrifices, and they Aristarchus, Jesus that is called Justus, Epaphras,
wanted to kill him. St. Mark heard about this, Demas, and Luke. (St. Paul was sending Tychicus
and Consecrated Ananias a Bishop, Ordained and Onesimus to them in Colossa.) St. Mark also
three Priests: Malchus, Sabinus, and Cedronus, was instructed by St. Paul to go to the Colossians
seven Deacons and eleven lesser clergy for the to bring back the faithful from false teachers who
ministry of the Church. (St. Mark was the first were leading them astray. (Colossians 4:10,
Bishop before Ananias.) Then St. Mark fled back 2:8-18). It is not certain where St. Mark spent the
to Pentapolis in Cyrene, spending two years next few years. St. Mark was in Ephesus before
there, Consecrating Bishops and Ordaining the Martyrdom of the Apostle Paul (A.D. 67).
Priests and other clergy for surrounding regions Ephesus was the homeland of the Bishop
and cities. When he returned to Alexandria, he Timothy, and also was a place where several
found the Christians had increased in number, Apostles, including the Apostle John, preached.
and a church had been built near the sea at a place St. Paul wrote to Timothy in Ephesus to come to
called Bukulus. St. Mark knelt down and gave Rome and bring St. Mark, “for he is profitable to
glory to God when he saw the church. He stayed me for the ministry.” (II Timothy 4:11). St. Mark
in Alexandria for a long time. After Christians then saw the Martyrdom of both Ss. Peter and
had grown to a multitude, the Christians openly Paul in Rome who were Martyred at the same
spoke out concerning the idols of the Greeks. time. St. Paul was beheaded because he was a
The pagan rulers heard that St. Mark was again in citizen of Rome, but St. Peter was crucified.
the city, healing the sick, making the deaf to hear, After the Martyrdom of his teachers, St.
restoring sight to the blind, and they sought again Mark went to Egypt again. The library at
to kill St. Mark, but they could not find him. Alexandria was the greatest in the world, holding
After establishing the Church well in many volumes of pagan scholarship. St. Mark
Alexandria, St. Mark left. It is not known started a Christian catechetical school because of
whether he was present at the Council of the the interest in scholarship at Alexandria. Later,
Apostles (A.D. 50 or 51). When the Apostles this school would teach several Fathers of the

Church, such as Pantenus, Clement, Dionysius of Eusebius Bishop of Caesaria in
Alexandria, Gregory the Wonderworker Palestine, and Nicephorus Xanthopoulos, both
(Thaumaturgis) see Nov. 17 , and their students. church historians, kept the writings of Philo, a
It is the writings of the Fathers who studied in Jewish philosopher, who said, “They [the
this school which brought the wisdom of the Christians] have set aside all care for transitory
Christian Church to us. (The writings of the riches and do not concern themselves over their
Saints which exist today in Latin and Greek, possessions, considering nothing on earth their
collected by Migne, in small print fill literally a own or dear to them. Some of them, forsaking all
large wall of books). Later heresies such as concern for the things of this life, depart from the
Arianism and Monophysitism which plagued cities and make their abode in solitary places and
Alexandria must not be blamed on these oases, avoiding the company of men who do not
blameless early Christians. (See the difficulties of share their view of life, so as not to be caused by
St. Athanasius, May 2nd.) The worst of the them to stumble in virtue. They hold abstinence
heresies did not ensnare all of the Alexandrians as and the mortification of the flesh to be the sole
much as they did the Christians in other lands. basis upon which a good life may be founded.
Irish missionaries brought many in Europe back None of them eats or drinks before the onset of
to the Orthodox faith. Scholarship does not the evening, and certain of them eat only every
prevent future heresy: we must always be on fourth day. Others, skilled in the interpretation
guard. St. Mark also wrote down the Divine and understanding of the divine Scriptures, being
Liturgy as used by the Apostles, for Alexandria. full of thirst for knowledge and nurturing
St. Mark also went to the other cities of themselves on the spiritual food of the knowledge
Egypt, and also interior lands in Africa, Libya, of God, spend their time in the study of the
Cyrenaica and Pentapolis. Pagan temples Scriptures and often neglect to eat until the sixth
collapsed, idols toppled and were shattered, and day. None of them ever drinks wine, and they all
the people, when they saw many miracles eschew the eating of meat, adding only salt and
including healing of sick and cleansing of lepers, hyssop [an herb that tastes like thyme] to their
came to the truth and were enlightened, Baptized diet of bread and water. Among them there live
in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy women who have trained themselves in the life of
Spirit. Even the pagans and Jews praised the virtue and have become used to it to such an
virtue of the Egyptian Christians, and Egypt extent that they remain virgins until their old age.
became a famous center of Christian asceticism. And they preserve their virginity not because they
The Irish monks later modeled are compelled to do so, but of their free volition,
themselves after the monks at the hermitages of inspired by zeal and love for wisdom, which
Scetis in Egypt. Scetis is thought to be the first leads them to repudiate carnal pleasures and to
monastic community of Christians. It is said the strive to acquire not mortal, but immortal
“Scotus” or northern Celts sang according to the offspring, such as the soul which loves and
tones set by St. Mark, taught directly by some yearns for God is alone able to beget. The sacred
monks of Egypt. (Those who seek historically Scriptures are explained by them allegorically, by
accurate Irish Liturgical music may research the delving into their inner and hidden sense and
early tones or modes. Some fragments of music mysteries; for the Scriptures, in their opinion, are
of the ancient Irish Church match some portions like a living entity: the expression of their words
of church music of the Egyptians and Ethiopians; constitute their visible body, and the sense and
music preserved from the ancient Church. These mysteries which underlie this expression
are likely the tones sung by the Irish before other constitute their invisible soul. They rise up early
influences came into Ireland and Scotland. There to glorify and pray to God, to chant and to listen
were also influences of the music of the far East to the word of God, the men and women separate
in Alexandria because of ancient trade routes into from each other. Some of them do not break their
India: see the Apostle Thomas.) fast for a period of weeks. They hold the seventh

day in great veneration. Preparing themselves for In 310 A.D., a church was built over the
it and for their other feast days, they lie down to tomb of St. Mark. Five hundred years later, the
rest on the bare ground. Their divine services are heresy of Monophysitism (that Christ has only a
performed for them by Priests and Deacons, over Divine nature and did not suffer for us), and the
whom a Bishop exercises oversight.” The Moslems, had weakened the Orthodox Church at
writings of the Desert Fathers, such as collected Alexandria. In 828 A.D. the relics of St. Mark
in the Conferences by St. John Cassian (Nov. were moved to Venice, near Aquilea in the north
25th), St. John Climacus, of the Ladder (March Adriatic where St. Mark had preached. His relics
30th), and the Sayings of the Desert Fathers remain there in San Marcos church, which also
compiled by Benedicta Ward, are worthy to read. has an ancient manuscript of the Gospel of St.
Their harsh asceticism contrasts with their humor Mark on Egyptian papyrus, which tradition says
in a rather “Irish” style, including the worldly was written by the Evangelist himself.
Bishop who asks a famous monk for a word
[instruction], and the monk replies, “If you hear 26 Apr / May 9
that I am at a place, do not go there.” Cyrillus, a fair victim (Martyr),
The suffering and death of the holy
Apostle and Evangelist Mark in Alexandria are
suffered spearpoints of battle (?);
recorded by Symeon Metaphrastes (9th century). unto Christ he sang praise,
The year when St. Mark was Martyred, Pascha with a vast host around him.
was April 24th, which coincided with a false deity Cyrilius, i.e. a Bishop in Jerusalem.
Serapis. St. Mark celebrated the Divine Liturgy
of Pascha, and a pagan mob attacked St. Mark’s 27 Apr / May 10
church, binding St. Mark in thongs. They Angels used to carry him,
dragged him through the streets, and shouted,
“Let us lead this bullock to the trough!” St. Mark
that (?) he might go out of dungeons,
bore this, and prayed, “I thank Thee, O Lord noble Alexander, Abbot of Rome,
Jesus Christ, that Thou hast counted me worthy to the pious one.
endure these sufferings in Thy Name.” The Alexander Abbot of Rome [2nd c. Pope].
ground had many sharp stones, so the body of St. Also, Asicus (Assic) on this day, first
Mark was torn, and blood from the great wounds Bishop of church and monastery of Elphin in
stained the path. Then they threw St. Mark into Roscommon. Tirechan in the 7th century says that
prison, and met together to decide how he should Bishop Assic made altars and square book cases
be killed. At midnight the angel of the Lord and patens for St. Patrick. Tirechan saw three
appeared to the Apostle and strengthened him for patens by Assic, in the churches in Armagh,
his Martyrdom, and also the Lord Jesus Christ Elphin, and Donough Patrick. Elphin became an
appeared to St. Mark and comforted him. In the important school of art. It is possible that this
morning, again the mob dragged St. Mark school produced such masterpieces as the
through the streets of the city of Alexandria, and processional Cross of Cong and the Tara brooch,
he said,“Into Thy hands, O Lord, do I surrender both in the National Museum in Dublin. (See
my spirit!” then died due to loss of blood. After April 14th, Tassach: perhaps Tassach and Assic
they saw that he was dead, the pagans decided to are the same, both “the” artificer for St. Patrick.)
burn the body of St. Mark. When they lit the fire,
darkness came with a great clap of thunder and 28 Apr / May 11
the earth quaked, and rain and hail extinguished Christopher with Cronan of Ross Cree
the fire. The storm scattered the impious pagans.
Christians took the body of the holy St. Mark,
with starkness;
and put it in a stone tomb at a place where they on their Feast without vain glory
prayed, but not in a church building. many soldiers went to Martyrdom.

Noah leaves the Arc. (From The two others;... Lictoris and seventy others;...
Martyrology of Tallaght: Egressio Noe de arca. Lucianus and eighty others;... an important day.
See May 6th, again: “Noah leaves the ark.”) Cronan, i.e. Cronan son of Aele [?] was
Christopher, i.e. a doghead. Pious was he, i.e. great-grandson of Oela (?) who was first
he (and he) suffered under Decius. He was a called Mochua. Of Roscrea, i.e. in the Eili of
cleric with purity, he was the devout Christian; Munster.
before the call without reproach over sea his There are both men and women Saints
proper name was Christopher. with the name Cronan. St. Cronan of Roscrea was
i.e. a doghead: (connchen) he suffered educated at Clonmacnoise, and was of the sept
under the persecutor Decius. Reprobus [ugly and territory of Ely O’Carroll. Cronan left his
head] was his name before faith. Of Christopher, difficult-to-reach monastery and moved close to a
and with him, 10,404. Whoever fasts on his feast main road so that the poor could have access to
will find rest with the Lord. [Omnis qui ieiunat in him. The Book of Dimma (7th century) was written
feria eius requiem inueniet apud Dominum.] because of him: Cronan asked Dimma to
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: ...Cristifori transcribe the Gospels, but Dimma said he would
with one thousand four hundred four. Omnis qui only do it for one day from sunrise to sunset.
ieiunat in feria eius requiem inueniet apud Deum. Cronan told him to work, and Dimma continued
[Either the glossator of Oengus or the without stopping for forty days and nights until
Martyrology of Tallaght made an error.] he finished the 74 pages. At the end of the
[Translator, Whitley Stoke's note: hn Gospel of St. Matthew, Dimma asks for “A
oun o anhr apo tou genous twn prayer for Dimma, who wrote it for God, and a
kunokefalwn, ghs twn anqrwpofagwn, Acta blessing.” This book was enshrined by Tatheus
S. Christophori et S. Marinae, cited by Herzfeld, O’Carroll in 1150 in a silver casket with brass
O.E. Mart. P.229.] and lapis lazuli. When the English suppressed
The name “Christopher” means “Christ- monasteries, it was hidden in a crevice in a
bearer:” Christ carries the burden of the world; mountain in Tipperary, later found by two boys in
St. Christopher found that the Christ-child is a 1789. It is now in Trinity College, Dublin.
heavy burden to carry across a stream. St. Cyril of Turov, Belarus, Russia, d.
Christopher is the Christian name of “Reprobus,” 1182? author of many works. Compared the
“dog-faced” or ugly. St. Christopher came from Resurrection to melting ice in spring, melting
Cana; “dog-faced” is a Latin as well as Irish pun hearts of the ungodly. In Turov a miraculous
(in Irish, doghead: connchen. In Latin dog: stone Cross is now growing in size, 1 cm. a year.
canis). See May 10th/ 23rd- Bennchor (Bangor), Turov is in an area of radiation from Chernobyl.
has a verse comparing Abbots to “sharp nosed
dogs.” The Litany of Irish Saints does not use the 29 Apr / May 12
popular Irish name “Christopher,” but instead the The Martyrdom of German the Priest:
name “dog-face”; perhaps the name of the author.
Christ, great was His affliction!
The Irish may also have had a liking for the
Greek philosopher before the Christian era, Coningen a fair pillar,
Diogenes, who called himself a “cynic” - literally, on the same Festival as Fiachnae.
a dog; seeking honesty and humility. The modern Coningen i.e. Fiachra Coningen, i.e a
term “cynic” has little to do with a man who great nail was on him like a wolf’s claw.
could say to Alexander the Great, “get out of my Coningen, fair was his grasp: a wolf’s claw on
light.” See St. Justin, Aug. 4th. Byzantine date: him as regards its length. Ronan of Liath(ross),
St. Christopher of Palestine Aug. 30th. let it be read by us, Ross taine is the name of his
Great Martyrdoms today from The church. Or of the Ciningni (?) of Mag Femin was
Martyrology of Tallaght: ...Pollionis and one he. Or Coningen, i.e Condingen, i.e. a man of the
hundred eighty two others;... Victorina and fifty community of Mochutu of Lismore in the Desi of

Munster he is, and of the Coningnig, a tribe to the brother of Coemgein of Glendalough and Abbot
north of Sliab Cua, and at Ard Finnain he is. Sed of Tir-da-glas.
uerius est hoc, i.e. Coningen was by some chance James, the Lord’s brother [of the 70; the
with a she-wolf, sucking, with her cubs, milk “Righteous”] and Matthew the Apostle are here.
from her udders; and Coach of Cell Findmuine Philip, i.e. Philip the Apostle: this is not
among the Hui Finechglais in Leinster was so his birthday but his repose and read in the
called, and ‘tis she that was a pupil of Mac tail of Passion of the Apostles. From The Martyrology
Cell culinn, and on account of her the clerics of of Tallaght: ...The Nativity of Philipus Apostle;
Leinster reviled him. [translator’s note: Cf. the Jacobus Apostle brother of the Lord... [Philip’s
legends of Wolf-Dieterich, Romulus and Remus, name on May 1st originally stood alone,
and in Herodotus the birth of Cyrus.] according to manuscripts of Hieronymianum.
Note that Oengus mentions St. Philip alone in his
30 Apr / May 13 verse today, although the glossator also mentions
They end the train of April, St. James and also St. Matthew. St. Philip's
for it is industriously that thou recountest, major feast day is April 22nd. St. Matthew dates:
May 1st, Nativity of Matthew May 6, Sept 21,
Rónán the Gray of Ross Uanni: October 7th, October 22nd.]
in Rome, the cross of Quirinus. [St. James of the Knees was the first
Ronan, i.e. of Ronan of green Liathros, Bishop of Jerusalem, see his history on Dec. 27th
i.e. at Senbuaile in Conailli Murthemne he is, vel and the poem from the Martyrology of Tallaght.
in alio loco. Or Roman l. r., i.e. of Liathros, i.e. Also see the Protevangelium of St. James. He was
unum nomen. Or Ronan of Lethros from us, i.e. not one of the Twelve Apostles, but one of the
out of Ireland is he. Huanni, i.e. name of a river. Seventy, and his position as first Bishop of
Lethrois i.e. nomen ciuitatis. Huanni i.e. nomen Jerusalem led all the Apostles and Bishops when
amnis. they met at Councils. Roman date of celebration:
Cross of Quirinus, i.e. a Pope. From May 1 with Philip according to Gelasian and
The Martyrology of Tallaght: ...Quirinus; Papa Gregorian Sacramentaries traced to the dedication
and thirty others... Dagarius and forty seven of the Church of the Apostles at Rome, originally
others... dedicated to Ss. Philip and James by Pope John
[Oengus’ Glossator’s verses:] III A.D. 563. Celtic dates of celebration of St.
January’s Saints, February’s Saints, James of the Knees: March 15th another date
the Saints of March, the Saints of April, when his Ordination at Jerusalem is
may they save me manifestly commemorated; Dec. 27th, and May 1st. St. James
from every terrible temptation! died in the year 62. Both Oengus and the
Martyrology of Tallaght confuse the “Brother of
Apostle Philip the Lord” with James the son of Alphaeus or
Later, the Apostles Matthew, and James the son of Cleophas; the location where
each James preached and died was different
James 1 May / 14 according to the poem. On July 15 th in the Celtic
On the calends of May (is) Neth-Cóeme; Rite, the Twelve Apostles are commemorated.]
the nativity of Philip who is highest. Also today: Brieuc, an Irish son of an
Ulster prince, who was a missionary monk and
Then began what is noblest, founder of a monastery at the present place called
Jesu’s delightful preaching. St. Brieuc in Brittany. (He had been on
See the Apostles. pilgrimage to Rome.)
(From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Beginning of the fortelling of Jesus Christ.) Another poem in the margin of the
Neth-choeme (My-Coeme), i.e. he was a Martyrology of Tallaght today:

I put myself under the protection may have led to the omission by Oengus; or else,
of Mary virgin maiden, it was an omission of a lost page in a book, and
of Brigit fair and fervent, Oengus not having the information at hand.)
of Cuangus of great purity, St. Athansius I the Great, Pope of
of Moninne and Midnat, Alexandria (the title used by the Patriarchs of
of Scire, Sinech, Samthann, Alexandria), reposed today in 373. At the first
of Caite, Cuaca, Coemell, Ecumenical Council in 325, he led the Bishops in
condemning Arianism. He also named the Canon
of Craine (?), Coip, Cocnat,
of Books of the New Testaments of the Bible. (In
of Ness the glorious of Ernaide, the Lorrha-Stowe Confraction, the “Eight-fold”
of Derbfiled and Becnat, New Testament: (4) four Gospels; (5) then the
of Ciar and Crone and Cailann, Acts and Epistles; (6) Revelation; and (7) the
of Lassar, Locha,and Luaithrenn, “Didache”, the teachings of the Holy Apostles;
of Ruinne (?), Ronnat, Rignach, (8) and the Pastor of Hermas.) He also wrote a
of Sarnat, Segnat, Sodelb, history of St. Anthony, one of the great desert
and of the virgins everywhere, fathers (also see St. Gregory Nazianzus March
north, south, east, west. 29th and St. Basil Jan. 1st).
I put myself under the protection He endured great persecutions by the
of the chosen Trinity, Arians, who had started in Alexandria, and he
of the prophets, of the true Apostles, was banished by Arians more than once, first to
of the monks, of the Martyrs, Trier in the Rhineland, and then to Rome, which
took up his cause, but in spite of two local
of the widows and the Confessors,
Councils, was not heeded by the other
of the virgins and the faithful,
Patriarchates. Following the death in 346 of
of the Saints and the holy Angels, Gregory, the Pope of Alexandria who had
against every ill to safeguard me replaced Athanasius, he returned to Alexandria to
against demons and evil men, the acclaim of the majority of the people. In 350,
against (dornom ?) and foul weather, when Constantius, the Arian emperor of the East,
against sickness and straits, became sole emperor of Rome, the order for the
against cold and hunger, banishment of St. Athanasius was again made,
against distress and (escu[n]i ?), and in 356 he was almost arrested and escaped to
against vengeance and dishonor, Upper Egypt. There he wrote Four Orations
against contempt and despair, Against the Arians; and An Apology to
against misfortune and straying, Constantius; and An Apology for His Flight. The
new Arian bishop George of Laodicea also
against the plague of wrathful doom,
persecuted Orthodox Christians, and hearing
against the evil of hell full of monsters,
reports of that, St. Athanasius wrote History of
with its abundance of torments. the Arians, and said that Constantius was a
precursor to the Antichrist. In 361, Constantius
2 May / 15 died, and the unpopular bishop George was
The departure of Saturninus, murdered. St. Athansius returned to Alexandria
who has come unto Christ, as Patriarch. The next year he convened a
council which promoted unity no matter what the
with the death after a long sigh differences in terminology, which helped to
of Nechtán, Patrick’s fosterling. define the Holy Trinity as one God in three
(Some records of early Saints were lost, Persons. But, in 362, the new emperor Julian (the
but the controversies surrounding St. Athanasius, Apostate) who opposed Christianity, banished St.
despite his Orthodox doctrine against the Arians, Athanasius again, and he stayed in Upper Egypt

until Julian died in 363. When Valens (another a “people's” Saint, and was not the same person
Arian) became emperor two years later, St. as the George that had opposed St. Athanasius.
Athanasius was banished again, but he only As to selling wheat: at that time, the Christians
stayed in the suburbs at his ancestral tomb until were not the majority in the huge city of
Valens was convinced to reinstate him. St. Alexandria, which had three main groups: pagan
Athanasius had been banished five times. He with its renowned library and school of
reposed May 2, 373. philosophy, Jewish with the scholars who had
St. Athanasius wrote other works, translated the Old Testament into the Greek of the
including Against the Heathens, Incarnation of Septuagint, and Christian with the earliest of the
the Word of God; On the Holy Spirit; Letters to Christian schools founded by St. Mark (see April
Serapion; Life of St. Antony; works of Biblical 25th). Alexandria was also a great trading port on
exegesis; letters of the proceedings of the Council the Mediterranean which connected Rome with
of Nicea in 325; a list of the New Testament the Red Sea and the much larger metropolises
Canonical books; and other works on discipline. and spices of India, which meant that those who
The Creed called the “Athanasian Creed” is traded goods such as wheat were a large
thought to be 5th century Gallican, but if it was by merchant class, not the Christian church. And,
St. Athanasius and transmitted to Gaul by St. the See of Alexandria included both Egypt and
John Cassian or another of those who had Libya; the secular government of Rome was
brought the teachings of the desert fathers to the taking most of its wheat from Libya; which was
south of France, then it might be authentically rapidly changing the landscape from green fields
his. The Athanasian Creed is said as an oath by to the desert it is today; Rome, not Athanasius,
Orthodox Bishops at their Consecration; it is caused famine. Rome eventually caused the
much more detailed than the Nicean Creed. downfall of Rome. St. Athanasius lived poorly
The relics of St. Athanasius were among desert father friends in Upper Egypt when
removed to Rome at some point, and in 1973, the he was banished; he tried to emulate St. Anthony
relics were given to the Coptic church of St. of the desert, and was acclaimed by the majority
Mark in Alexandria by Pope Paul VI (ironic, as every time he returned from a banishment.
the Copts are Monophysites). The theological Nechtan. Nechtain, Patrick’s fosterling,
writings of St. Athanasius are very good, but the of Cell Umhe in Conailli, and he was a son of
Christology of his time was not well understood, Liamain, i.e. Liamain daughter of Carplann
and translations of arguments into languages with [Calpurn] was his mother, and at Findabair Aba
little vocabulary to describe such things as the on the brink of the Boyne in Bregia is Patrick’s
essence of God before time, made it very hard for fosterling. When he was dying and Patrick at his
people to fully appreciate the differences between departure, he asked for a drink, for Patrick beheld
the Arians and the Orthodox; see St. Leo, Nov. his reward and his glory in heaven before he died.
10th, and the Arabic linguistic problems. (To this Liamain daughter of Calpurn, Patrick’s
day, there are admirers of the Arian views of sister, Nechtan’s mother.
Isaac Newton. Heresies are described in the Also, another St. Ultan today, a brother
Lorrha-Stowe Missal and the Hours of Bangor, of Fursey and Foillan who helped missionize in
True Worship of the Undivided Church, France and who died in A.D. 686. Ultan is
+Maelruain Kristopher Dowling and Elizabeth pronounced “Ool-thawn,” a very old Celtic name.
Dowling, ISBN 978-0-557-00229-0.) (Ultan of Ard Breccáin is listed by Oengus on
Some say that St. George (April 24th) Sept. 4th, and the glossator says, “Ultan was
was slaying the “dragon” of Athanasius, who was elected into the Abbacy of Mochta in Louth, and
also accused of selling grain that was supposed to before him Fursa had been put there out.” which
be for the people, or punishing people with a might be the same Ultan, but TSI makes no
heavy hand (some of the libels that led to one of reference to the Ultan on Sept. 4th that Oengus
his banishments); St. George was seen as more of lists. The Sept. 4th Ultan is famous for both

feeding and caring for children orphaned after a (Today is the Old Feast of her Conception by Ss.
plague, and also protecting Ireland from invading Joacham and Anna; if not premature, her birth
ships by holding up his left hand, his right hand would be around Feb. 2nd). From The Martyrology
not being free when he was asked. That Ultan of Tallaght: “Discovery of the Cross of Christ;
said that if his right hand had been free it would the Conception of the Virgin Mary...”]
have protected Ireland forever, but his left hand The prime finding of the wood of the
would only stop that one invasion.) Cross, i.e. the authentic finding of Christ’s Cross
The St. Ultan celebrated on May 2nd in the time of Constantine son of Helena. i.e.
labored in St. Fursey’s mission in East Anglia and iuentio sanctae Crucis Christi quando inuenta est
then rejoined Fursey on the continent in France. in tempore Constantini filii Helenae, et ideo
Ultan administered several Irish centers such as inuenta est crux, quia quando Romani cum Tito et
Fursey’s monastery at St. Quentin at Nivelles (see Vespasiano succenderunt Hierusaalem, tunc
Oct. 31st, St. Quentin’s Feast day happened to abscondita est crux in .xlmo anno post passionem
also be the date Foillan was Martyred, that Ultan Domini. [See Sept. 15th.] “...discovery of the
saw in a vision). After Foillan, Ultan governed Holy Cross of Christ which was found at the time
Perrone. Amatus, who had been banished by of Constantine the son of Helen, and therefore the
Theodoric, found refuge in the monastery at Cross was found, because the Romans under
Peronne when Ultan was in charge, according to Titus and Vespasian destroyed Jerusalem, and the
records. Ultan helped teach the Liturgy, Scripture, Cross was stolen in the fortieth year after the
and chant to St. Gertrude’s monks and nuns at Passion of the Lord.” [The Byzantines say that
Nivelles. (See March 17th: at the end of St. the Cross was found March 6th, and the vision of
Gertrude’s life, Ultan sent reassuring word to her the Cross in the sky in Jerusalem in 351 took
that St. Patrick and his chosen angels would place May 7th, not a vision of St. Constantine that
accompany her to heaven on his own Feast day.) led to the legalization of Christianity in 313. But
Ultan finally ruled the hospice for pilgrims and May 3rd has always been the date of both the
the monastery at Fosses that Foillan had built by finding and the vision of the Cross in the West.
the generous endowment of Gertrude’s mother. See the “Throne of Peter” Jan 18th. Note that the
Ultan died at Fosses in 686, and Fosses became years 313 and 351 are about a century before St.
another Irish monastery in France. A little “Hill Patrick converted all of Ireland; the correct date
of St. Brigid” has a chapel dedicated to her that would have been correctly remembered.]
looks down on the town of Fosses. The great Feast of the Virgin Mary.
“Conception of the Virgin Mary. [LL. 360a i.e.
Finding of the True Cross this beginning of her, as others believe, but in the
month of February or in March the fact is this,
(May 3/ 16) that she was born after seven months [Dec. 2nd?],
(And Feast of Mary) as has been told, or any other Feast of hers, as
The first finding of Christ’s Cross you please (quae libet).” LB. See Rev. H
Thurston, S.J. in The Month, May, 1904.] [See
with (its) many virtues: Dec. 18th] This date for the Conception of the
the death of Conlaed, a fair pillar: Virgin Mary would make her birth on Sept. 8th a
the great feast of the Virgin Mary. premature birth of only four months' gestation.
[Today and September 15th at the This date does not refer to the Annunciation, as
Dedication of the First Church in Jerusalem we that date is exactly nine months away from
remember both the True Cross and the Virgin Christmas. The days of May are dedicated to the
Mary. The First Church was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, although the actual meaning of this
Blessed Virgin Mary, the first among the Saints. is obscured. See May 7th, some controversy as to
There is a connection of the Annunciation with which date these occurred; that day also says the
the actual date of the Crucifixion; see March 25 th. “conception of the Virgin Mary in utero.”]

Death of Conlaed. He was a Bishop of to purge from the breast of the faithful,
Kildare, and wolves devoured him in Sceich whatsoever transgression of the precepts might
Condlaid beside Liamain in Mag Laigen. expel us from paradise, and may the confession
Conlaaed Bishop of Kildare. Con-laed i.e. half of the Name of Christ reform us unto paradise,
(leth) to wolves (coin), because wolves devoured through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with
him when he was proceeding to Rome in despite Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of
of Brigit. And he was Brigit’s chief artisan, and ages. Amen.
from him Leth Conlaid in Kildare is named. Hear us O Lord Holy Father , Almighty God Who
Roncenn nomen eius prius. [See Aug. 18th and wast pleased to illumine the whole world from
April 14th, the three greatest artisans of Ireland; the shelter of the womb of blessed Mary. We
they had importance and rank as Bishops.] suppliants pray to Thy Majesty that although we
Conleth (Conlaed) was especially known as an are not adequate in accomplishments, by her
artificer in metals and a copyist and illuminator. Motherhood and Protection may we be deserving:
Cogitosus says that in Kildare a golden crown We, Thy servants, beg Thee, O Lord, that we may
was suspended above Brigid’s tomb, and a silver enjoy the joys of Blessed Mary whose acts blot
crown above Conleth’s tomb. A crozier belonging out the hand-writing of our sins, through her
to Finbar of Termon-Barry made by Conleth is in child, Christ our Lord, Who reigneth with Thee
the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin. and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages.
Also: Mochonna of Daire with Conlaed. Amen.
Mass: Finding of the True Cross Epistle Phil. 2:5-11
Introductory Collect (Jesus as Divine, humbling Himself to
be obedient to death, and to Whom every
Beloved, let us glory in the Cross of our Lord
knee should bow and tongue confess.)
Jesus Christ and let us rejoice with all our minds,
and with great reverence, and joy of spirit, Gradual Psalm 134 (Heb. 135) Laudate nomen
celebrate the feast of this day: because Our Lord Praise ye the Name of the Lord, O you,
and Savior Himself hung upon it and triumphed His servants, praise the Lord: You that
over the devil. Through this Cross, the desires of stand in the house of the Lord; in the
concupiscence which evilly seduced by the courts of the house of our God... Thy
allurement of the tree are checked by the Name, O Lord, is for ever: Thy
bitterness of gall: that which deceived by the memorial, O Lord, unto all generations.
sweetness of the apple is restrained by the (Finding of the True Cross, and Feast of
sharpness of vinegar, O Savior Who reigneth with Dedication of all Churches and the
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of Cross. The Cross had been a curse, but
ages. Amen now is the Sign of the Lord, His
Almighty and eternal God Who wast pleased by memorial.)
the joining of Thy Word to earthly members Alleluia Psalm 134: 13, 21
through truly venerable Mary, we beg for Thy Alleluia, Alleluia! Thy Name, O Lord, is for ever:
immense clemency that we might proclaim by her Thy memorial, O Lord, unto all generations.
veneration and achieve Thy satisfaction, through Blessed be the Lord out of Sion, Who dwelleth in
Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Jerusalem. Alleluia!
Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Gospel Matthew 13:44-50
Collect Before the Epistle (The Kingdom of Heaven is like a
Grant us, O Almighty God, that through the treasure hidden in a field, a pearl of great
Mystery of the Cross of Thine only-begotten Son, price, and the net full of fishes, where
the cup of venom of the old serpent which tries the good fish are kept and the bad cast
the faithful may pass by, through the healing out. The angels will separate good from
which Christ commanded. May the Cross be able bad.)

Post Nomina Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
O Lord Jesus Christ Who wast suspended on the Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post Sanctus of
pillory of the Cross and in the likeness of a Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or Virgins in
servant which Thou didst accept, Thou didst cry the Celtic Missal.]
out unto the Father “Why hast Thou forsaken Proper Blessing of the Day by a
me?” and asked that He forgive Thy persecutors,
Bishop only if present V. KAL. Maii.
we suppliants implore clemency that Thou may
be pleased to grant that which was provided and Inventio Sanctae Crucis. Benedictio
demanded by the Father for the restoration of the [Finding of the Holy Cross. Blessing.]
humility of the flesh, now, by the same means, May Almighty God Who restored the race of
may endure by the power of Thy Divinity unto humanity through the Passion and gibbet of the
eternity, O Savior Who reigneth with Thee and Cross of His Only-Begotten Son Jesus Christ,
the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. bless you. Amen.
Amen And may He grant to you, that with all the Saints,
may you, with devoted minds, be able to
Ad Pacem (“Secret,” said audibly)
comprehend what the length, breadth, height and
O Lord, may the Holy Spirit Who filled the the depth [*] of the same Cross may be. Amen.
viscera of blessed Mary with the truth of His To what extent you deny yourselves and bear the
splendor, be pleased to take up the gifts set forth Cross, thus in the present life you are able to
upon Thine altar through our Lord Jesus Christ follow our Savior through the course, so that you
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit may be worthy to be received among the chorus
throughout all ages of ages. of angels after death. Amen.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio May He Whose Dominion and Kingdom remain
(Preface in the Roman Rite) without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
It is worthy and just Almighty God to fulfill the of ages. Amen.
debt of Sacrifice unto Thee and to raise unceasing May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
praises of Thee and to set side by side the and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
examples of Adam who dwelled in paradise, and ever with you. Amen.
the Redeemer of the human race: Adam was [*] longitudo. latitudo. sublimitas et
indeed first, but Christ is better: Adam was of profundum.
earth; Christ is of Heaven: Adam was formed Confraction arrangement for the
from Earth; Christ was conceived by a Word: Deigenitrix 8 Particles for the Virgin Mary
Then, Eve was deceived by the tempting devil; and Holy Martyrs. [Upper Central
Now, Mary is illumined by the Announcing Particle is for the Celebrant.] The
Angel: Then, by the invidious serpent, Man who Meaning of Icons by Lossky and
was created is bound; Now, through the Ouspensky: “Our Lady of the Sign;” The
beginning of mercy, man who endures is freed: Annunciation, March 25th, eight-pointed
Then, Man because of inattention is commanded star; and May 2nd, St. Athanasius who
to be banished from paradise: Now, the thief arranged the Canon of the eight-fold
merits paradise for confessing Christ: Therefore New Testament.
we suppliants pray Thee, O Most clement Father,
Post Communion
through the inexplicable Sacrament of the Cross,
and through the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Satisfied and refreshed with spiritual food let us
Christ Thy Son, that on this day on which we venerate Almighty God the Father for all that has
celebrate His Cross, we may celebrate with been done [for us] through our Lord Jesus Christ
Spiritual joy and modest exultation, and may He His Son Who reigneth and remaineth with Him
accept our humble voices in praise with the with the Holy Spirit unto eternal ages of ages.
Powers saying: Amen.
Hear us God the Almighty Father and grant what

we ask: through our Lord Jesus Christ Who [The Choir or Chanter should sing the
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit thoughout Hymn “Before Thy Cross” while the
all ages of ages. Amen. Congregation venerates the Cross.]
(During veneration: This Hymn is sung three
Prayer During the Adoration times. Russian melody):
of the Holy Cross
V. O Lord Jesus Christ Most Glorious creator -cvv v vsv v]cv vtcvv v wcvv]ccvvtcvv v v vgcvv v hcc]
of the world Who with Splendor of equal Glory Be-fore Thy Cross, we bow
to the Father and the Holy Spirit wast pleased
to accept pure flesh and permitted Thy most
glorious palms to be nailed to the pillory of the
-cvc7jcchcvcc7jcgcc]cch,vc7Jvchvcgcvc]cv$fcvv \v
Cross so that Thou might shatter the gates of down and wor - ship,
hell and free the human race from death.
R. Have mercy upon me who am
miserable: who am borne down in my
-vv%fcc%fcc]cv ctcvv ccycvc]cctccvcgcvvcchcc]cctcvc%rcc]ct,c–
sins and sullied by an unclean lip: please and Thy Re– sur– rec- tion we glor-i - fy.
do not abandon me O Glorious Lord but
please absolve me for I have carried out (Or the Greek melody below sung three
evil deeds. Hear me, prostrate in the times. Notes are natural unless flatted in
worship of Thy Life-giving Cross, so this mode, with minor thirds:)
that in this holy solemn act I may be
cleansed and worthy to attend Thee -vv cgc]cv vctcecvvccrctcvvc]cv6hcvíjcv6ycvv Tcc]
Who Livest and reignest with Thine
Be - f ore Thy Cross,
unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit
throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee ascending -vv v v v cíu.cc6hcvv v cicíuvc]c6yctvccRcv]ccTcvv
the Cross and bearing the Crown of Thorns: Christ our Sav - ior,
R. I beg Thee to liberate me from the
angel of death.
V. O Lord Jesus Christ I adore Thee wounded
-cvíjvv6hccgc6HccíJcc]v v gcfcvv vcv dcFcGccvv fvcv v vdcvv v cecc]
upon the Cross: Gall and vinegar Thy drink: do we wor - ship and bow down,
R. I beg Thee that Thy death be my life.
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee
descending into hell freeing the captives:
-cvgccgcvvc6yvvcíuccivc]cíjcvvcv6hccvcgc6HccíJc6hvv v cgcctc}
R. I beg Thee, do not let me go into the and Thy Resurrection we glor - i - fy.
punishments of hell.
V. O Lord Jesus Christ I adore Thee ascending 4 May / 17
into heaven and sitting at the right hand of the On the Passion of Anatherius
R. I beg Thee have mercy upon me.
my fair Cua went,
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee coming in the son of famous Cummíne,
Judgement: on the Feast of Silvanus the Deacon.
R. I beg Thee that in Thy coming Thou Of Anatherius i. papa et martyr. I. papa
dost not enter into judgement with me et sub Maximiano passus est.
Thy sinful Servant but I beg Thee that Son of Cummene. Mochua, son of
Thou cast away my sins before Thou Cumnene, from Sliab Oeblinne (Eiblinne) in
judge me. Amen. Munster.
Of Silvanus episcopus ciuitatis Gazae.

Siluain deochain. educated in Ireland or Lindisfarne, including
Aedo son of Bricc (also Feb. 28th, July Diuma (May 5th), Ceallach (Oct. 6th), Trumhere,
30th, and Nov. 10th). Jaruman, Ceadda or Chad brother of Cedd.
A date is not listed for Jaruman, so he
5 May / 18 may be commemorated with Diuma. Bishop
The Deacons Euthymius Finan Consecrated Jaruman as fourth Bishop of
Mercia. (Jaruman was Irish born and spent much
and Hilary past pains, time at Lindisfarne.) Bede says that Jaruman
They went on the day of Festival finally completed the conversion of the East
whereon our Lord had Ascended. Saxons. In 601 Mellitus, who had been sent by
The Deacon Justinus, i.e. Deacon Ius Pope St. Gregory the Great, had been forced to
who is in Connaught at Fidarta in Mag Ai, and flee London. In the south, paganism regained its
‘tis he that Baptized Ciaran of Cluain, and of foothold, but the East Saxon king Sigebert was
France was he, ut quidam putant i. sanctus Baptized in Northumbria by Finan of Lindisfarne,
Eustinus diaconus apud Alaxandriam pasus est, et and Finan sent Cedd educated in Lindisfarne and
in Gallia sancti Hilari episcopi et martirum. Ireland to preach Christ’s Gospel to Sigebert’s
Eutimus et non Iustinus, up quidam codices people. In 664 a plague killed Cedd and all his
habent. [Eutimus, not Justinus, as some MSS. Priests but one, and Christianity was gone from
have it.] (St. Hilary of Poitiers - see Jan. 13th.) that area. The people reverted to charms, temples,
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: and idols. Jaruman turned the people again to the
Ascensio prima Domini nostri Iesu Christi. faith. Bede’s information about Jaruman was
[The original Ascension, 40 days after from a disciple of Jaruman who accompanied him
Pascha, see May 15th the original Pentecost, through the whole area. The people destroyed or
March 25th the original Good Friday, and March left their fanes and altars, reopened their churches
27th the original Pascha. Of course, Pascha is and named Christ as true God. Jaruman returned
calculated on the first Sunday after the first full and served in Mercia until he reposed in 669.
moon after the vernal Equinox as calculated by (St. Irene of Thessaloniki, wonder-
the Orthodox calendar, but the remembrance of worker today.)
the original dates is kept in the Church.]
Also, Diuma first Bishop of Mercia on St. John and St. Matthew,
this day, who died in A.D. 658. Prince Peada
married king Oswy’s daughter around 653, and Holy Apostles
was Baptized by Bishop Finan of Lindisfarne, Escape of St. John from
and asked for missionaries into Mercia (central
England, around modern Liverpool). Diuma was Boiling Oil (May 6/19)
chosen, and brought three others with him. A man who has written without stint
(Diuma was Irish, and the others were Anglo- fair stories of Christ crucified:
Saxons trained by St. Aedan of Lindisfarne, venerated by princes is the great nativity
including Cedd, Adda and Bettin.) Finan
consecrated Diuma Bishop of all the Mercians at of Matthew the magnified (Evangelist)
the request of Peada. (Bede remarks that the lack (See the Apostles for both Saints.)
of clergy made it necessary for one Bishop to rule St. John: Roman dates of celebration:
so many people; unusual then.) Diuma lasted as Dec. 27; before the Latin gate May 6; with Cyrus
Bishop only two years, but brought many to Jan. 31; with Paul June 26. Celtic Rite dates: Dec.
Christ. His monastery was dedicated to St. Peter, 27; escape of John from boiling oil, before the
the present Peterborough, and was called “the Latin gate May 6; John and Paul June 26th.
first resting place of Christianity in central Gradual Canticle, 123.
England.” Mercia’s first five Bishops were either Nativity of St. Matthew: Roman date of

celebration: Sept. 21 Celtic Rite dates: Nativity 7 May / 20
of Matthew May 6, Sept. 21, Oct. 7, Oct. 22, and My Cuaroc with Breccan,
May 1st with Philip and James the Righteous.
Gradual Canticle, 129.
two champions who are purest,
The Gospel specific for St. Matthew in they loved Christ who is dearest,
the Lections for the Apostles is appropriate for in Daire Echdromma.
both Apostles on this day. Only through God’s (Mo-Cuaróc)
mercy was St. John also saved from boiling oil. Ingressio Noe in arcam. [Noah enters the
God is merciful on sinners, including Publicans ark. See April 28th and May 6th.]
such as St. Matthew. Both Saints. Matthew and Of Breccan, i.e. of (Daire) Echdroma
John were very fruitful, writing the first and last and of Quiaran the same as Mochuaroc. Breccan,
Holy Gospels. St. John also wrote Epistles and i.e. of Druim Breccain, which is in the border of
the Book of Revelation. However, in all icons, at Dalaradia and Dalriada, or of Daire Echdroma in
the right hand and left hand of Jesus is the Hui Censelaig.
Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
called “least in the kingdom of heaven,” but who Agnitio sanctae crucis. Conceptio Mariae .i.
is always pictured next to Christ, because St. utero. [This is another Celtic date for the
John the Baptist Baptized our Lord. The two conception of the Virgin Mary; see Dec. 18th, and
Psalms illustrate death and resurrection. May 3rd: and controversy as to the date.]
Two Apostles: St. Matthew and St. John
.From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Matteus;
Secundianus; Jacobus and translation of Johannis
8 May / 21
son of Zacharia... Victor and Maxim, for Christ
Egressio Noe de arca. Hic cadit euasio they have brought themselves:
incolomis sancti Iohannis apostoli et euangelistae for affection towards the King
ad imperium Cesaris Domiciani i dolium whom they have loved
feruentis olei missi ante portam Latinam apud
Romam “Noah leaves the ark. Here comes the
they bathed them in their blood.
Martyrs. Victor, i.e. the decapitation of
escape of the Apostle John from the tub of
Victor under the Emperor Maximian in the city
boiling oil into which he was cast in Rome before
called Mediolanum. From The Martyrology of
the Porta Latina by Domitian’s order.”
Tallaght: Victoris; Maximus...
See also April 28th, another date that says
Noah leaves the ark. Today is nine days later.] St. Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
John, Apostle, Evangelist, and Theologian, also Tallaght: Eighth ides of May [May 8th] in
called “the Divine.” There is a relationship in Glastonia, i.e. in Glastonbury, Saint Indrath
Latin of Jonah and John, and oil with the belly of Martyr, i.e. Indrechtach the faithful, i.e. for the
the whale. From the prayers before a funeral: faith he suffered Martyrdom.
“Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou Also, sixth century Gibrian today, who
didst free Jonah from the belly of the whale.” In with his brother Tressan (Feb. 7th) missionized
Latin: “Libera, Domine, animam servi tui, sicut with the permission of Archbishop Remigius in
liberasti Ionam de ventre ceti.” “Cetum” is late the area around Rheims in the forest near the
Latin for oil. This miracle is a reminder of Jonah Marne in France. The family of brothers and
in the whale, the Sign of Christ on the Cross, His sisters were all missionaries, including the
Resurrection from the dead, Noah and the Ark, brothers Gibrian (May 8th), Tressan of Avenay
and the chastisement at sea of St. John. All (Feb. 7th), Helan, Germanus (not the earlier
miracles remind us of Christ’s Resurrection. Germanus of Auxerre), Veron, Abramus, Petron
This is the major Feast of St. Matthew and the sisters Franchia, Promptia, and Possena.
the Apostle and Evangelist. There are parishes of St. Gibrian, St. Helan, St.

Vran, Abraham, Strand and a grotto of Petron. man. This may be the story of Garganus which
Also, Wiro, Plechelm, and Otger today, is commemorated here: quando quaesiuit [aliquis]
missionaries to the Netherlands. Wiro died in suum taurum et missit sagittam in taurum, et sua
739 A.D. The name Maelmuire (Votary of Mary) sagitta in semet ipsum rediuit, et per hoc signum
was Wiro’s original Gaelic name, and he was manifestatus est Michael occidenti.
born in County Clare. Wiro and Plechelm were Revelatio Michaelis archangeli... Quirilli
Irish Priests, and the Deacon Otger began passio... From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
together as pilgrims to Rome, and stayed together Revelation of Michael the Archangel; Festivity of
after that. Wiro and Plechelm were Consecrated the Apostles; id est reliquiarum Thomas and John
Bishops in Rome, perhaps by St. Sergius I, who and Andrew... (Their relics.)
was from the East, and instituted the four major Santan Great-head in Cell, i.e. (Cell) da
Feast days of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the les. Bishop Sanctain, i.e. of Cell da leis is he, as
Roman Rite, borrowed from Byzantine tradition. Oengus says, [or] of Cell espuic Sanctain in Hui
(The Irish and Celtic Rite already had Feast days Cellaig in the east of Leinster.
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but the Roman Rite Also, an Irish hermit named Beatus
did not before that time: the Roman Rite before today, an Apostle to Switzerland. The place of
that emphasized the Twelve Apostles as major his hermitage is now called Beatenburg. He may
Feast days.) The two Bishop Saints were on have been first or third century, it is unclear.
record as attending a Synod called by Pope [The Romans also list St. Gregory of
Sergius in 697. After returning to Ireland, they Nazianzus the Theologian today, who also saved
came back to Europe and settled in the the city of Constantinople from the Arian heresy.
Netherlands on land given by Pepin of Herstal See March 29th. He is celebrated in the Celtic
near Roermond. They called the land “St. Peter’s Rite March 29th, Byzantine Rite Jan. 25th and the
Hill” and they built a monastery and church there Byzantine feast of the Three Hierarchs Jan. 30 th,
dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Because of and in the Roman Rite May 9th.]
their tireless preaching, they were called the Mass: St. Michael the Archangel
Apostles of the Guelderland. Pepin went barefoot
during Lent and other times as a penance from Introductory Collect
Wiro or Plechelm. All three companions were [Use the Introductory Collect for
honored in the Low Countries. Apostles, Martyrs and Holy Virgins in
[Today is the Byzantine commemoration the Celtic Missal.]
of the repose of St. John, different from the Celtic Collect Before the Epistle
date. A miracle happens every year at his place Eternal Almighty God Who in the Beginning
of repose: see May 6th , Dec. 27th, and May 25th.] made the creation of the Universe from nothing
with the cooperation of the Word: Thou didst
St. Michael the Archangel powerfully adorn Angelic substance with
conspicuous splendor. We suppliants beg Thee
May 9/22 and pray that Thou be pleased to hearken to our
The great manifestation of Michael (the prayers in this solemnity in honor of Archangel
Archangel); Michael which is beneath the invocation of Thy
to the world it was a proven story: Name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
May the Passion of fair Cyril who was reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
Epistle Apoc 12:7-11
Bishop Sanctáin the famous. (The battle in heaven of Michael and his
(See Sept. 29th, another manifestation of
angels, and the dragon is cast out of
St. Michael.) Manifestation, i.e. on Mount
Garganus, of Michael, i.e. the proper name of a

Gradual Psalm 137 (Heb. 138) Confitebor Proper Blessing of the Day by a
tibi (entire Psalm) Bishop only if present
Alleluia Psalm 137 verses 1b – 2, 6, and 8.) (Of the week, or general Blessing for
I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: Confessors, replacing “Confessors” with
for Thou hast heard the words of my mouth. “Archangel Michael and all Angels”.)
I will sing praise to Thee in the sight of the Confraction arrangement for Saint
angels: I will worship towards Thy holy temple, Michael the Archangel: 7 Particles for
and I will give glory to Thy Name. For Thy Saints and Virgins. [The Particle where
mercy, and for Thy truth: for Thou hast magnified the bars cross is the Celebrant’s
Thy holy Name above all. Particle.] Seven Particles of the Host of
Gospel Matthew. 17:1-9 Saints and Virgins except the most
(The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus important ones as the image of the Seven
Christ.) Gifts of the Holy Spirit. (St. Michael
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of and all the Angels are among the most
the Preface) Always said aloud. important of the Saints, but this
Be pleased to hear the prayers of Thy people O Confraction arrangement is also
Lord, which are made in this temple for the honor appropriate for them.)
of Thy Holy Archangel Michael, and may our Post Communion [Use the Post
offering unto Thee for his solemnity be Communion for the Apostles, Martyrs
acceptable. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who and Holy Virgins in the Celtic Missal.]
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. 10 May / 23
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Into the other world’s realm of peace,
(Preface in the Roman Rite) wherein is every temple’s noise,
It is Truly worthy and just O Almighty God, in may the hostful one convey us,
today’s festivities which are in honor of Blessed
Archangel Michael, in those places founded and
Comgall the gifted, of Bangor.
Comgall son of Setna, son of Eochaid,
dedicated and in Thy Name, for the Holy
son of Broen, son of Forgo, son of Ernan, son of
Mysteries by the company of all the Saints who
Crimthan, son of Eochaid, son of Lugaid, son of
are faithful to Thee. That one chose to be a
Ross, son of Imchad, son of Feidlimid, son of
friend: let Him chose to be an advocate for us
Cass, son of Fiachra Araide.
before Thee. Among the Saints, let our crown be
forgiveness. May imitation of the Saints make us Of Bennchor [Bangor]: Bennchor is so
free of punishment. May their unceasing prayer called because Conall Cernach, son of Amargen,
confer Salvation upon us, through Christ our went on a raid into Pictland, and carried off many
Lord, through Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the cows. ‘Tis then he heard that Cuchulainn was
Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the killed; so he put (chuir) the horns (benna) of the
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly cows into the earth. Inde dicitur Benn-chor.
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with [translator’s note - For another etymological
exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech legend about Bennchor see the dindsenchas of
Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with Indber mBiccni, Rev. Celt. xvi. 75.]
suppliant confession saying: Mael-geimrid dixit:
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most Bangor delightful, pure, place of
forgiveness of crimes:
Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post Sanctus
a time will be for the power of the
for Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or Virgins
Abbots: it will be a dwelling of sharp-nosed dogs.
in the Celtic Missal.]
[“St. Christopher” was the name given to

“Reprobus” which means “dog-faced” or ugly. Comgall spoke Pictish as well as Irish,
He came from Cana, so “dog-faced” may be a and also trained Moluag of Lismore (June 25th),
Latin pun. The name “Christopher” was popular who took other Bangor monks and founded over
among the Irish, and possibly there were Abbots one hundred monasteries in Scotland. Comgall,
of that name. See April 28th - St. Christopher.] with Cainnech of Aghaboe, sponsored Colm cille
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: in a successful interview with Pictish king Brude.
“Comgaill of Bennchor (Bangor) [Abbot] ninety In Comgall’s lifetime two of his monks:
one years of age, and of his principality Meadhren and Maelrubha went from Bangor to
[Abbacy], fifty years and three months and ten Applecross. Bangor had a great influence on
days...” St. Comgall of Bangor died A.D. 603. Christian Scotland for three centuries until the
He was the founder of Bangor. (The Antiphonary Norse came.
of Bangor was used there; see Hymns in this It is said that the sea pirates (Vikings or
book, and the Hours.) De Blacam in The Black Norse) murdered 900 brethren at Bangor, and
North says that Columban was not afraid of despoiled the casket of Comgall. The Abbey was
Romans or Gauls: Bangor-by-the-Sea gave him restored in 1125 by Malachy, but in 1172 Henry
confidence against the world. Comgall spent II of England excluded “mere Irish” from Bangor.
many years at Clonenagh under Fintan (Feb. 17th) The Franciscans came in 1469, and a century
who had a very strict rule. Later his companions later, the Augustinians. England seized Bangor in
at Glasnevin included Colm cille, Cainnech, and 1617 when it seized the O’Neill estates.
Ciaran of Clonmacnoise. About 555 Comgall St. Cathal, Cataldus or Cataldo is an
founded Bangor in Ulster, thirteen miles from Irish Saint from the seventh century, who died in
Belfast on the south shore of Belfast Lough. It Italy at Taranto. There are many churches,
was a cluster of wooden buildings, known for hospitals, etc. named for him in Italy, Sicily,
scholarship and Sainthood. The Saints of Ireland Malta, and France. Cathal’s name also appears in
said that Bangor had seven choirs continuously Latin and Greek on the eighth pillar in the nave
chanting hymns to God. (The Rule calls for of the Byzantine Basilica of the Nativity in
prayers in shifts so that monks could have some Bethlehem. Cathal was a student at Lismore in
sleep. Others say that the practice was two shifts: Waterford, who became a professor there and
most monks would sing all the Hours but went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. He was
Beginning of Night and Midnight; on a rotating shipwrecked on his return in Taranto. Later he
schedule some would cover those Hours.) was buried in the Cathedral at Taranto with a
Some said that the severe Rule brought small gold Cross saying “Cataldus Rachau,”
the punishment of God on Comgall in terrible which might mean Rath Cua or Rathan. Taranto
diseases of his last years, but the large enrollment was destroyed by Saracens in 927. On May 10 th
of students at Bangor is “almost unbelievable.” in 1071 when the Cathedral was being rebuilt, the
From the Martyrlogy of Donegal: he “kindled in body of Cataldus was discovered. Four miracles
the hearts of men an unquenchable fire of the occurred when the body was being moved to its
love of God.” Comgall trained Columbanus (Nov. new place of honor in the new Cathedral. More
23rd) and gave him twelve monks to go with him, is known about the many miracles after that than
including St. Gall (Oct. 16th). This was the his life, but he is known both in Ireland and Italy.
“second conversion of Gaul,” but was not well-
received there by Bishops who had Arian 11 May / 24
doctrine and were jealous of their dioceses. St.
Columbanus taught many, and founded a great
The triumph of Job without oblivion,
monastery at Luxeuil and then another in to the King of Clouds he was manifest:
northern Italy at Bobbio, both of which have my Critóc, a fair servant (of God),
surviving books of Propers and Lections fitting and the Presbyter Cormac.
Celtic Liturgics. The triumph of Job, i.e. his liberation

from his Martyrdom: or his death, i.e. when he after this Lua, where St. Flannan’s church was.
routed the Devil, et liberatus est de martyrio Friar’s Island just off Tipperary on the Shannon is
suo. .i. liberatio Ioib de marterio suo, qui passus more famous for a legend about St. Patrick. On
est per .xxx. annos, sed temptatus est in lxx.ix. the flat rock of the island, a hoof mark is in the
anno aetatis sae et postea uixit .cxl. annis. rock. It is said that when escaping pagans, St.
My-Critoc, i.e. on the brink of the Patrick had no choice but to jump the river on
Dodder in Hui Dunchada in the east of Leinster. horseback, and the island is an eighth of a mile
Presbyter Cormac, i.e. Cormac the Priest away from the shore, so the horse’s hoof marks
in Ached Sinche, i.e. in Ached Findniche. And in were deep in the rock. Unfortunately, the river
Aran he is. ‘Tis he that asked the Devil how he was dammed in 1929, so the island is now under
should reach heaven: to whom the Devil said: “If water, although Lua’s stone oratory was moved to
I were a cleric,” etc. [LL. 360d et marg. inf.] a hill top on the site of Brian Boru’s palace
[Concerning devils, both the Righteous Job, and overlooking the Shannon.
also the Priest Cormac: see Nov. 11th: similar Also, St. Cathan was an Abbot-Bishop
incidents are listed in the history of St. Martin of founder of Kingarth in Scotland. He was an Irish
Tours, and an index of such incidents is there.] Pict and friend of Comgall and Cainnech. Blane
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Job of Dunblane was his successor and nephew.
Prophet;... Mochritoc i.e. Critan son of Illadon Churches called “Cillchattan” commemorate
and Priest Cormac and in Arann he is; It is he Cathan among the southern Picts, and many
who asked the Devil how he might attain Heaven churches commemorate Blanel (Aug. 10th).
ad quem Diabolus dixit (margin note); Dia mba Saints Cyril and Methodius (Bulgaria).
cleirech (Margin note, instruction to clerics:) (Methodius died in 885). They promoted native
If he be a cleric, let him not be wrathful. languages in their missions, and translated
Let not his voice be raised. Let him not swear Scripture and Liturgics into Slavonic, which is
falsely. Old Bulgarian. They invented an alphabet for
Let him not be greedy. Let him not be treasure this: the Glagolitic alphabet; and the later Cyrillic
loving. alphabet was named after St. Cyril.
Let him not be miserly, lying.
Let him not be fault-finding at meals. 12 May / 25
Do not slander thy fellow. Cyriacus who was crucified,
Thy side half-bare, thy bed half-cold who comes to us with three hundreds:
From Christ, God’s Son, mayest thou have thy Ailithir, a beloved name,
reward. with hallowed Erc Nascai.
Absence from thy bodily family Cyriacus, i.e. idem et Iudas. Cyriacus
until the day of thy death. qui crucem Christi inuenit. Et Iudas nomen e[ius]
Grassless earth over thee prius.
at the end of thy journeying. Ailither, i.e. a proper name: in Mucc-inis
Knowledge, steadfastness, patience, in Lough Derg he is.
Silence without muteness. Erc, i.e. of Telach lis in Hui Echach of
Humility, purity, patience. Ulster.
Take not the world, O cleric. Nascai, i.e. a tie (nasc) used to be round
St. Lua may be today; one of the many his neck so long as he was in the water a-praying
Luas, from the early 7th century. This Lua was i.e. a tie that used to be under his neck while he
educated at Bangor and Clonard, and was of was in the river a-washing.
nobility of mid-west Limerick. One of his pupils Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
was Bishop Flannan. A city, Killaloe, was named Tallaght: Fourth ides May (May 12th). Ailither

[Alitherius or Peregrinus de Cella of the two that site was built by the Anglo-Saxons in 685
Peregrinorum. - Peregrino is a wanderer or founded by Hean whose successor was named
pilgrim.] from Cell ind Ailithir in Garmna in Conan, and endowed by a local prince Cissa.
western Connacht, and from Cluain Geise in Mag That monastery was also chosen as the place to
Geise in Mag Trega; and he was a kinsman of stay by Laurence O’Toole, the ambassador from
Muadan the pilgrim from Cell Muadain in Sliab the last king of Ireland, Roderick O’Connor,
Choirpre, et fertur germanos fuisse. Or, he may when Henry II would not let him leave England
have been from Corco Moga, and his name and return to Ireland. This Saint Abban may
Lugaid. appear March 16th in Oengus, although The Saints
St. Pancratius (Consecrated Bishop for of Ireland states that his Feast is May 13th.
Taormina by St. Peter). He is described as an There is no notes in the translations of
eloquent man in the history of St. Peter. the glossator, so there is no way to know if Abban
According to St. Gregory of Tours in the Glory of appears today. [Whitley Stokes’ translations
the Martyrs, not far from the wall in the city of sometimes had typesetting errors at page turns.]
Rome is the tomb of the Martyr Pancratius. If a
person swears a false oath near the Martyr’s 14 May / 27
tomb, near the railings beneath the arch where the
clerics usually stand to chant the psalms, he will
Corona and Victor,
either be seized by a demon or fall down and with their unabated train:
breathe out his spirit (die). Therefore anyone on the same Festival, a perennial sea!
who wishes to guarantee the truth sends those the fair Feast of Carthach of Rathen.
who would swear an oath to this tomb, and either Corona, i.e. uxor alicujus miitis, i.e. a
believe the truth or witness the judgment of the soldier of the king of the Romans, Corona and
Martyr of their falsehood. Victor: sub Antonino imperatore [et sub Salucio.
F.] in Alaxandria isti passi sunt.
13 May / 26 Of Carthach, i.e. Mochutu of Lismore,
The holy household of Ceratus and or Findall his brother’s name (is the right
reading). St. Carthage (Cuda, Mochuda,
Probus Carthach) died in A.D. 637. (He is not Carthage
after the ways (of this world): the Elder of Saiger; see March 21st.) Carthage
after long bitter crosses, was born Cuda, taking the name of the elder
a hexad and six hundreds. Carthage because of the devotion he had to his
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: master. He became the disciple of the elder
Taracus; Probus; Andronicus; Affrodissius; Carthage at age twelve, when he was herding
Sabinus; Agripa; Maria; Lucius; Credula; sheep and heard chanting of the Psalms at the
Quirilla; Perpetua; Grissus; Lucius; Gerbassus; monastery at the foot of Slemish mountain.
Saturninus; Alaxandrus; Sabinus and five Carthage Mochuda traveled to the other great
hundred six others; Maximus. Also: Saint Abbots after his ordination: to Comgall of
Mochonnae and Maeli Doid; Dublittrech Bangor, Molua of Clonfert and Colman Elo at
(Dublittir) Find (the fair). Lynally. Carthage Mochuda settled at Rahan near
The earliest recorded Irish Saint, Abban, Lynally, on Colman Elo’s advice. Even though
Abben, or Abba, went to Roman Briton to be Rahan monastery grew and flourished in his 40
Baptized, according to O’Hanlon, Fitzpatrick, years there, Carthage was an outlander from what
and Butler-Atwater. “Summe Chronicles sey this is the modern Kerry, and was asked to depart. At
was in yere of oure Lord 165.” Abban founded a Pascha time in 635 the prince Blathmac took
monastery in Berroccense (now Berkshire), in the Carthage by the hand and led him out. When he
place now called “Abingdon,” (don or dun being reached his native Munster the prince of the
Gaelic for fortress or seat). A new monastery at Decies of Waterford knelt before him, asked his

blessing, and offered him land. Carthage [It could be Timothy and Mavra or Maura,
Mochuda founded the holy city of Lismore on Martyred in 286 under Diocletian, Byzantine
that land, in the valley of the river Blackwater. feast day May 3rd, but they hung on their crosses
Although he lived only two more years, he saw for 9 days, and therefore this could represent the
his community continue in the new location. day of their repose or burial. An icon of Mavra in
Endowments and men came to Lismore from the village of Maherado on Zakynthos, Greece is
Ireland, England, and the continent. The Rule of wonderworking.]
Carthage survives. (Molua or Lua of Lismore is Saran, i.e. Saran son of Airachor (?), of
from the Scottish Lismore.) Inis more in Hui Mac Caille in Munster. Or in
Lismore was known after that as a place Hui Liathain, of Duiblitir, i.e. Abbot of Findglas
of pilgrimage and retirement for Irish kings, such Cainnig beside Dublin.
as Turlough king of Thomond and father of Saints Dympna and Gerebern, thought to
Flannan of Killaloe in the 7th century (Dec. 18th), be from the seventh century, missionized in
and many others after that. In the 12th century Belgium. Dympna is the patroness of epileptics,
Strongbow’s son and English army burned and mentally disturbed, and the possessed. In the
plundered Lismore: the church, abbey, convent, thirteenth century, veneration of her church and
and leper hospital. Prince John, son of Henry II hospice for the sick were very widespread, so a
built his castle of Lismore in 1185 over the ashes life of her was written from oral tradition, which
of the abbey, which was retaken and given to then said that she was the daughter of a Christian
Bishops of Lismore. The castle much later was mother and a pagan Irish king, much earlier than
the home of Sir Walter Raleigh, and then the the thirteenth century. When her mother died, her
Duke of Devonshire, and is still in that family. father could find no one as beautiful as she had
(The American Kennedy family married into this been, so he tried to make Dympna the queen.
family: Kathleen the sister of John F. Kennedy She fled with her mother’s chaplain, Gerebern,
married the oldest son of the Duke.) In 1814 a and a court attendant and his wife. They were
book was discovered behind a walled-up attacked and Martyred at Gheel, which is 25
doorway with a crozier of oak. The manuscript is miles from Antwerp, by those hired by the king.
the Book of Lismore, containing history and At Gheel, the bodies of Dympna and
romances, a 15th century copy of the Book of Gerebern were in two marble coffins, but
Monasterboice. A copy was made of it in 1839 Gerebern’s relics were stolen and are enshrined at
by O’Curry, and this is in the Irish Academy. The Sonsbeck in the Rhineland by the “holy robbers
crozier is on permanent loan from the Marquis of of Xanten” who obtained these relics for their
Hartington to the National Museum in Dublin. city. Gheel and the surrounding area became an
“out-patient” facility; as miracles brought
15 May / 28 thousands of people. Those who lived for
The Grace of the septenary Spirit generations at Gheel treated the sick, becoming
specialists in helping the mentally ill. The
dropt on a bright white train (Pentecost); hospital in Gheel is still considered one of the
Timothy: wealthy Saran; best places for treatment of mental problems. (As
the Feast of vast Duibliter. our Lord taught us to help others in need,
The grace etc. The grace of the although He is the source of miracles. The people
septenary [seven-fold] Spirit showered at the first of Gheel did not depend solely on the help of
Pentecost upon the Apostles with their household Dympna, but instead built hospitals and learned
on this day. [Pentecost is fifty days after Pascha, the most advanced treatments to help people,
only celebrated on the Movable calendar, but this along with continuing prayers for them.) Ireland
date was the original Pentecost. The original as well as Gheel observes Dympna’s Feast day.
Pascha was March 27th.] At her Feast day, pilgrimages are made by those
Timothy, not Paul’s disciple but another. who are not “mad or sick.” Churches in Belgium

other than her main church in Gheel have altars and the sea.” “Truly,” says Mac Ardae, “we
dedicated to her. A church and votive shrine in know of no free race between us and the sea that
Massilon, Ohio is the national shrine of St. would have a right to reign over us.” Becc
Dympna in America, located at the Massillon replied: “The son that is born to Findlug to-night,
State Hospital in north-east Ohio. It is fitting that he will be thy king for ever.” Now a swift rain
her Feast day is the date of the first Pentecost of came from the source of the Jordan and dropt on
the Apostles, as the Holy Spirit is the Healer of Brenainn at the time of his Baptism. Wherefore
our spiritual ills. he was called Brendinus, that is, a rain (broen)
(St. Isidore of Chios, Martyred 251 swift (dian) from above (de-anuas); or at the time
under Decius, the relics were translated to (denus) of his Baptism. [translators note: see
Venice.) Recueil des textes etrangers, Paris, 1888. Lives of
Saints from the Book of Lismore, p. 100, 349-350.]
16 May / 29 [St. Brendan the Navigator] of Cairnech, i.e. out of Tuilen: of the
Cornish Britons was he. Of Cairnech from
The calling of Brénann of Clúain Tuilen near Kells of the Kings.
into the eternal victorious Kingdom: Of Suanach’s descendant, i.e. of Rathen
the holy death of devout Carnech: Hui Suanaig, i.e. Fidmuine is his name, and
the noble Feast of Súanach’s descendant. Fidairle is his brother’s name. And the feast of
Brendini of Cluain Ferta (Brendan of Buite from Manister cum his quia in hoc die
Clonfert) Of Brenann, i.e. son of Findlug, suscitauit Mael caich, transiens amnem siccis
grandson of Alta of Ciarraige Luachra, i.e. in Hui pedibus. [translator’s note: “But Buite’s day is,
Mac Caille, in Clonfert. Brenaind son of Findlub, according to the Martyrology, Dec. 7th. The
son of Clchu, son of Alta, son of Ogaman, son of legend of Maelcaich is obscure to me.” Buite is
Fidchuire, son of Delbra, son of Eunne, son of mentioned again Dec. 7th by Oengus.]
Uasalec (?), son of Ard oman, son of Modta, son The union of Cainnech and of Barre, and
of Ciar, son of Fergus. [13 generations!] of Brenann both one and other:
Bernaind son of Findlug, son of Elchu, whoever outrages any one of them the
son of Aelta, of the Ciarraige Luachra of Alltraige miracles of the trio (will be) punishing him.
Caille. At the same time with Oengus son of St. Brendan of Clonfert reposed in 577.
Natfraich, king of Munster, was he born. It is his He also was a descendant of Fergus MacRoy, as
mother who beheld the vision. It seemed to her was Brendan of Birr (Nov. 29th) St. Brendan of
that an ingot of gold fell into her bosom, and her Clonfert is better known as St. Brendan the
two paps flamed on her beast. Findlug related Navigator, who wrote the Navigatio Brendani
that vision to his soul-friend, Bishop Erc son of which was read for centuries, and guided others
Ogaman, son of Fidach. And Erc said that a across the Atlantic Ocean. [Although we do not
marvellous child would be born of the woman have graffiti of St. Brendan himself in North
who beheld the vision. Then Bishop Erc saw America, modern sources say that it is possible
this: it seemed to him that a glow of fire was over that Brendan landed in America before Columbus
the district of Altraige, and that it was full of or Leif Erickson, but there is new proof. In the
angels from heaven to the ground. Bishop Erc Old Irish alphabet called “Ogham” there is a
went on the morrow to Findlug’s house and took Christmas message on a rock in West Virginia,
the boy into his bosom, and put his protection and visible only in the light of the winter solstice.
his union to him. That is the night whereon Becc This message is in the languages of Old Irish and
mac De the prophet chanced to be in the house of also an old Algonquin, a native language. There
Mac Ardae son of Fidach, king of Ciarraige are other Irish sites in America, some that appear
Luachra. The king asked him: “What seest thou to be earlier even than the time of Brendan.]
for us to-night, O Becc?” “I see” (says Becc) Bishop Erc took charge of Brendan
“that thy king is born between thee in the west when he was a year old, and gave him to the care

of Ita (Jan. 15th). A holy well was attributed to similar to those found in the state of Florida.
Ita’s prayer, and Erc Baptized Brendan in water Later Norwegians around 800 A.D. “discovered”
from that well. (At that same place much later, Iceland and found Irish books, bells and staffs
Brendan founded a monastery in Tobernamolt, a already there. (A few modern travelers
few miles from Ardfert in County Kerry.) Erc reproduced old Irish leather boats and sailed from
tutored Brendan from age six until he was fully Florida to Ireland and Ireland to Florida, in 1966,
educated. For a short while Brendan stayed with 1969, and 1976-77.) The Navigatio Brendani was
Jarlath of Tuam, Finian of Clonard, and Enda of translated in the Middle Ages into French,
Aran. Erc blessed Brendan’s training with others, English, German, Flemish, Spanish and Italian.
but asked him, “Come back to me that you may Unfortunately, Christopher Columbas in
receive Priestly Orders from my hands before I 1492 had a very different attitude towards native
die.” Brendan was Ordained by Erc at Tralee. peoples than the earlier Irish monks; Columbus
St. Brendan founded many monasteries. enslaving and starving those in Africa and the
Clonfert became a great monastic school. He Caribbean who were unfortunate enough to meet
founded a convent at Annaghdown for his sister him. Christopher Columbus was educated at the
Briga. A disciple of Brendan made a cell at University of Pavia which was founded in 825,
Skellig Michael with its Way of the Cross and “under the superintendence” of the Irish Dungal,
600 stone steps at the edge of the cliff. Brendan and Columbus went to Galway to search out
founded a monastery on the island of Inchiquin more information on Brendan before making his
where Fursey later came (Jan. 16th). Brendan also voyage. When Cortez went to Mexico, people
built a church on Inisglora (County Mayo near saw ships and expected gentle monks instead of
Belmullet, the burial place of the children of Lir soldiers; they had history of previous visits,
of Irish history). perhaps interrupted when the Vikings began
He also traveled to West Africa, and raiding Ireland.
communities can trace their roots to him there. St. Brendan died in A.D. 583 at
There were over 3000 monks in his communities. Annaghdown at the convent he had built for his
Moinenn (March 1st) who was with Brendan sister Briga, and was buried in his Clonfert
throughout, succeeded him at Clonfert. Brendan Cathedral. (For more about birds, see St. Patrick
also converted Colman MacLenini, the royal bard March 17th; the poem about St. Victor and birds
of Cashel, later Bishop and founder of Cloyne Dec. 29th; and the repose of St. Martin Nov. 11th.)
(Nov. 24th). A Crossan who was irreligious, was
given peace by the prayers of St. Brendan, and 17 May / 30
asked, “What of good have I ever done to have
earned this death?”
The hosting of Adrio, of Victor, of Basilla:
The “twelve Apostles of Ireland” they unyoked,
together visiting Finian at Clonard saw a without a whit of weakness,
beautiful flower from the Land of Promise (‘Hy- on a height of the blessed kingdom.
Brasil’) a heaven on earth, and Brendan of Birr From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
was supposed to go find it, but Brendan of Andrionis; Victoris; Basilla;... (St. Adronicus of
Clonfert went instead. A crew of 60 men in the 70 Apostles.)
Ireland prepared boats and themselves with forty Also, St. Maildulf died in 673; an Irish
days of prayer and fasting. The description of monk in southern England in Wessex. A Bishop
their travels in the Navigatio Brendani describes named Agilbert started a mission; he was born in
birds who sang the Psalms of the daylight Hours, France, studied at Jouarre in France, an offshoot
which St. Brendan names because he was amazed of Luxeuil. Maildulf visited Agilbert, and built a
that the birds sang the Psalms, volcanoes in cell in the woods of Ingleborne which became the
Iceland, mountains of ice in the north Atlantic monastery of Maildulf’s burg, now Malmsbury.
Ocean, and then a land with fruit and flowers Maildulf was known as being constant in prayer,

hearing the voice of God, and also being skilled 19 May / June 1
in philosophy and the learning of his time. He Urban’s pure train:
also practiced fasting and penitence, and recited
the Psalter as the Irish did. Maildulf recited the
lusts wounded them not:
Psalter in all weather, in winter immersed to the their names are bright
shoulders in a stream that flowed close to his cell. by means of the rain of their blood.
(see the Rule of St. Maelruain.) Aldhelm, in a [St. Urban and many Martyrs.] Of
letter to Willibrord, the English missionary who Urbanus, i.e. Urban Bishop of Rome, sub Aurilio
studied for twelve years in Ireland, said that as Alaxanndro pasus est. From The Martyrology of
the stars sparkle in the firmament, more Tallaght: Urbanus Confessor; Decii regis;
numerous were the Saints from Ireland. Eunucorum martirum;...
Maildulf’s student who succeeded him as Abbot:
Aldhelm, was the first Anglo-Saxon classical 20 May / June 2
scholar. A deed of Bishop Leutherius gave the
Abbot Aldhelm “that portion of land called
The great blood of Marcellosus
Maidulesburg.” Aldhelm was a Preist. Later the went under the moist earth:
monastery became Benedictine. A 12th century on the same Festival are to be entreated
church there has carvings of the Twelve Apostles, Gervasius (and) Protasius.
considered great artwork. That church also had Mercellosa, a virgin and Martyr.
the first organ; although early Irish Hymns would Colman of Daire mor and Daniel of
have been accompanied by harp. Louder Tulach, and Mac Laithbe of Domnach more and
instruments were forbidden in some Patriarchates Crom Dithraib of Inis crainn in hoc die (“in hoc
because the words of the Hymns would not be die” means “today”).
heard, but installing an organ is a tribute to the Saints Gervasius and Protasius are today
musical interest of the people of that church. and June 19th, as if there is some confusion about
the month. According to notes in the Glory of the
18 May / 31 Martyrs by St. Gregory of Tours, they were
The Feast of Mark who has been Martyred during the reign of Nero, 54 to 68 A.D.
St. Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan (see April 1 st),
discovered their bodies in 386 A.D., and
my Maedóc great and treasurous: presented these Saints as champions against
my Domnóc a triumphant diadem: Arianism. (Although the heretic Arius and his
the Feast of Bran the Little from Cláined. followers lived later than the two Saints, those
Of Mark, i.e. a Pope, i.e. the Evangelist. who sought to make less of the divinity of Jesus
He has been crowned, i.e. from the nations he had Christ the Son of God by compromising with
the dignity of an Apostle after separating from pagan idols were often considered Arians, even
Peter. From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Marcus those who lived before Arius.) St. Ambrose also
Evangelist; [See his history April 25th. Celtic assisted in the discovery of Saints Agricola and
dates for St. Mark: April 25, May 18, June 10 Vitalis at Bologna in 393 A.D., and Nazarius and
which Oengus says is the chief day for St. Mark.] Celsus at Milan in 395 A.D. Oengus and the
My-Maedoc, i.e. of Fid duin in the south Martyrology of Tallaght list several dates for one
of Ossory. or more Saints named Vitalis, but not Agricola,
My-Domnoc, i.e. of Tipra Fachtnai in although some have similar names on the same
Ossory. dates as Saints named Vitalis. Although the Celtic
Cloenad, i.e. a church which is in Hui sources do not mention a Saint spelled Nazarius,
Faelain in Leinster. they have several listings of a Saint or Saints
named Celsus, whose Passion is Dec. 23rd,
together with all the Saints of Africa. On the

same dates with Celsus is a Zefanus (Stephen). 22 May / June 4
Saints Gervasius and Protasius were held up as The soul of Rónán the Fair
champions against Arianism in Gaul in the mid-
fifth century, because of the power of the
went to starry heaven,
(Spanish) Visigoths in Gaul. Later, Irish with bright prolific man,
missionaries to Gaul such as St. Columbanus and Báithéne son of Finda.
St. Fursey brought Nicene Orthodox Catholic Of Ronan, i.e. of Land Ronain Find in
Christianity again, returning the favor the French Hui Echach of Ulster, i.e. Ronan the Fair son of
had given the Irish in training Saints Patrick, Saran, son of Colchu, son of Tuathal, son of
Secundinus, and others. (See St. Patrick, March Cruindbel, from whom are the Hui Cruindbeoil,
17th.) St. Patrick had been given his Christian son of Fedilmid, son of Fiachra, son of Colla
training in Gaul under St. Germanus of Auxerre, Fochri. From The Martyrology of
not the same Germanus who accompanied St. Tallaght: ...Ronani Find from Lann Ruadan;...
John Cassian. Baithine, i.e.. Baithin of Inis Baithin in
the east of Leinster in Dal Mesincorp. And Trea
21 May / June 3 daughter of Ronan, king of Leinster, was mother
of Baithin son of Findach. From The
Timothy, a marvellous Martyr
Martyrology of Tallaght: Baithini son of
- a great company of the wheat of God - Finnach...
Colmán zealous leper, And it is thus Baithin was born, i.e.
Barrfind of Druimm Cuilinn. Finnach, a robber, chanced to be one day in the
Of wheat, because the Saints are God’s top of a thorn-tree over the well, intending to rob
wheat, or detoirim i. tuirmim: nde dixit quidam ‘I and plunder the church. Cred came to the well to
reckon” (is the right reading) wash her hands, and when Finnach saw her he
O mill, that hast ground much of wheat longed for her, et cecidit semen eius virile super
(tuirind). nasturtii surculum coram eam. Tunc edit virgo
It was not a grinding on serblenn (?), surculum super quem fuit semen, and thence was
thou groundest on Cerball’s grandsons. born Baithin the ever-living. Howbeit it is God’s
The grain which the mill grindeth, ‘tis miracle that caused it, ut dixit:
not oats, but it is red wheat: Creda, good was the woman, daughter of
of the fruit of the great tree is the feed of Ronan king of Leinster,
Maelodrain’s mill. with her dear church, constant, pure, the
i.e. two sons of Blathmec son of Aed Slaine, mother of Baithin son of Findach.
namely, Dunchad and Cathal, who were slain by Findach the robber was stealing in the
Marcan of Leinster in a certain mill. “Tis those thorn-tree over the well,
two sons of Blathmec that are called ‘the red when a liquid seminis eius virilis went to
wheat.’ the soft-topped sprig of cress.
Colman the leper, [Colman Cron] i.e. Since the keen robber looked on the
Colman of Mag eo (leg. eu? En?) In Dal Cais. daughter of Ronan the very smooth
Barrind i.e. in Fir cell, which is in the when she went to wash her hands, Cred
south of Meath, i.e. Barrind son of Muredach, son the star-strong daughter of Ronan.
f Fiacha, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages. (v. The girl ate the sprig whereon was the ...
LL. 347d). Of Druim Cuilinn, i.e. in Fir cell, seed.
which is in Leinster. And thence, dear the fight, ever-living
(Ss. Constantine and Helen, Byzantine Baithin was born.
date.) [Note: Whitley Stokes translated the Old Irish
into Latin in a few places; he may not have liked

this story. The Irish had included it because they [And St. Vincent of Lerins.]
were not shy about describing physical things, Augustine, i.e. he was of the folk of
even if some had sinned. Translator’s note Gregory of Rome [St. Gregory the Great, Pope]
(relating to his translations of Sanskrit) “- Cr. The and [he was] Bishop of England [Angle-Saxon].
story of the nymph Adrika and Uparicharas, [St. Augustine of Canterbury, not Augustine of
Mahabharata. Adi-parva 2371-2392.” Whitley Hippo.] i.e. when he passed on to the Lord in his
Stokes noted some Christian stories resemble 70th year, Augustine had been in the true
Hindu stories, but Hindu revival stories resemble Episcopate forty years (also Nov. 16th. See St.
Christian stories. See the Apostle Thomas.] Aedan of Lindisfarne Aug. 31st for the history.)
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Hermes i.e. a Pope of Rome.
Baithini son of Finnach; Ronani Find from Lann Colman, i.e. he is one of the three
Ruadan; Luigsech virgo; the seven sons of Eodus Colman Mors of Meath, i.e. Colman of the coffer,
from Maigin; the three nuns of Druim da Dart and Colman son of Luachan, of Land Luachain,
[also Sept. 3rd]; Conaill of Inis Cael; Caisin of and Colman of Land Ela.
Senduma. Colman, i.e. of Tir da glas, and
A Saint Ruadan, Rumon, Ruan, or could Augustine episcopus Laudaciae in eodem die
be Ronan: feast days: May 22nd and June 1st. He cum Colman, qui duxit omnem gentem Anglorum
served at Tavistock in Devonshire England, an [ad] Christum, qui missus est a Grigorio cum .xl.
“Irish Scot.” He built himself an oratory in the discipulis ad praedicandum uerbum Dei Britaniae
forest district where he labored. Three very old insolae. (Colman of Terryglass also on Dec. 13th.)
churches in Cornwall have his name. Aidbe, .e. Aidben, nomen sancti, and
St. Boethian today was a 7th century Irish there is his church, to the south of Imlech, i.e. up
missionary in France. Laon was along the route in the breast of Sliab Crot; and ‘tis there was
of Irish pilgrims to Rome and the Holy Land. Conaing hua Daithh in devotion to the end of
Boethian settled near the church of St. Vincent, seven years. Or Aidbi, i.e. a Saint who is in a
then founded the monastery of Pierrepont near portion of land i Connaught, i.e. Abbot of Tir da
Laon. Boethian was Martyred nearby, and his glas. There is his church, to the south of Imlech;
shrine is a place of pilgrimage. [St. Vincent of or in Brechmag in Cera in the west of Connaught.
Lerins, on the Roman Martyrology is May 24th.] Or Aidben is the Saint’s name. Or Aidben, i.e.
living Aed, eo quod uiuus est in mirabilibus, i.e.
23 May / June 5 in Tuatha Firtir in Connaught he is. Brechmag is
The fair host of Epectitus, the name of a monastery.
St. Joanna the Myrrh-bearer (either May
which is boldest and strongest,
24 or June 27th).
after suffering at the hands of impious St. Vincent of Lerins, of Gaul (France)
men, was attended by angels. on the Roman Martyrology, reposed on or before
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: 450 A.D. The Byzantine Rite date is Feb. 18th. In
Gobban of Mairge from Tech Scuithin; the calendar of Oengus or the Martyrology of
Cremthand of Mag Duma; Faolchon; Comman; Tallaght, there are many different Saints named
Strofan of Cluain Mor; Nechtlaicc Bishop. “Vincentius,” but none say “Lerins.” The lost
pages in these books may also be a problem.
24 May / June 6 Lerins is more than one island, and there were
Augustine the Bishop: monasteries throughout this island group. The
monastery where St. Vincent lived is also called
Hermes a great lord of thousands: St. Honorat, after its founder St. Honoratus. St.
Colmán a beloved pillar: Vincent was a contemporary with the founder
Aidbe the northern of Tír (dá glas). Honoratus, and others also stayed there such as

Hilary, later Bishop of Arles. Faustus, later The accusation also ignores the great miracles St.
Bishop of Riez. Oengus includes both Augustine Germanus of Auxerre was able to perform
of Hippo on Aug. 28th, and Augustine of through the grace of God. St. Germanus of
Canterbury May 24th and Nov. 16th, who had been Auxerre studied under the monastery at Lerins.
sent to the Angles and Saxons (England) by St. See St. Martin of Tours, Nov. 11th, and
Gregory the Great. The calendar of Oengus also the persecution of Orthodox Christians in Gaul
includes St. John Cassian Nov. 25th. (France) by Arians. Also see St. Columbanus,
The Roman Bishops accused St. Vincent Nov. 23rd, who still had problems with some
and all those in monasteries in southern Gaul Arian rulers in France. Some monastics in Gaul
(France) at that time of “Semi-pelagianism,” had strict ascetic practices, and held the Orthodox
which is not the heresy of Pelagianism, but a faith rather than fall to the Arian heresy. St.
rejection of the extremes of the Blessed Vincent states that he was a monastic living in a
Augustine. “Semi-pelagianism” also combined secluded monastery, where he could follow the
Faith and Works, believing that monastic labors Psalmist’s instructions to “Be still, and know that
done in faith and love could indeed lead one into I am God.” Psalm 45:11.
heaven, although they never said what Pelagius St. Vincent of Lerins mentions Pope
had said: that a monk could get to heaven without Celestine of blessed memory, and Pope Celestine
God’s grace, or that original sin was non-existent. died in A.D. 432, so the book by St. Vincent, A
Pope Celestine rebuked those from Commonitory was written after this date during
southern Gaul who had anti-Augustine teachings. the Papacy of Sixtus III; around 434 A.D. Note
St. Vincentius, in a letter called, “if the case be that in Chapter XXXII of A Commonitory, St.
so,” said that novelty was not with those of the Vincent agrees with Pope Celestine, upholding
[Semi-Pelagian] Massilian view, but with the antiquity instead of novelty. Cyril, Bishop of
others, such as Prosper and Augustine’s Alexandria, was still alive.
followers. The Orthodox Church calls Augustine St. Vincent of Lerins is known for A
of Hippo “Blessed,” not “Saint.” See Orthodox Commonitory, “an aid to memory,” which he also
Dogmatic Theology by Protopresbyter Michael calls a Rule. He calls himself “Peregrinus,” the
Pomazansky, which explains original sin, the Irish or Gallic name for a pilgrim or wanderer. In
necessity of God’s grace in the Holy Spirit, and this book, he shows how to tell the difference
explains the problems with some Augustinian between Doctrine and heresy. There is no
doctrines in his later years (and also names St. mention of “Semi-Pelagianism” in this work. In
Vincent of Lerins supporting correct doctrine). the book A Commonitory, he wrote a very similar
See St. John Cassian, Nov. 25th, who also had Creed to the Athanasian Creed, which is less
problems in southern Gaul with followers of concise, but has a full explanation.
Blessed Augustine who spoke against him, See Finian of Clonard, Dec. 12th, who
although he did not answer, in spite of St. John was believed to pattern his Rule after Llancarfan
Cassian's friendship with St. John Chrysostom which followed the strict Rule of Lerins. Note
and St. Leo, later Pope, and his book denouncing that the Rule of Lerins was followed by many of
Pelagius and Nestorius, On the Incarnation the Irish monasteries which had been trained by
Against Nestorius which was read into the St. Finian. See Tirechan, July 3rd, who wrote a
Ecumenical Council of Ephesus. history of St. Patrick that included his study at
St. Patrick studied at Lerins as well as at Lerins. See St. Columbanus, and Chonon of
Auxerre under St. Germanus, see May 28th; with Lerins, and a dispute on the date of Easter and the
St. Germanus fought the heresy of the Pelagians Rule of Lerins by St. Gregory the Great, who
in Briton, and Pope Celestine Consecrated St. generally wanted easier monastic Rules. (See the
Patrick in 432, so this accusation by Pope Venerable Bede, in the Ecclesiastical History of
Celestine and others of those in the region of the English People.) Another monk of St.
Lerins of being “Semi-Pelagian” is very harsh. Columbanus named Athala had spent time at the

“ancient monastery” at Lerins, and continued Photinus who he calls “rabid dogs” who “bark
with St. Columbanus until he reposed. See St. against the Catholic faith: Photinus, by denying
Columbanus, Nov. 23rd. the Trinity; Apollinaris, by teaching that the
(An 8th century Irish monk traces Irish nature of the Word is mutable, and refusing to
church lineage through St. Mark the Evangelist acknowledge that there are two substances in
who taught in Egypt, the desert fathers in Egypt, Christ, denying moreover either that Christ had a
St. John Cassian at Lerins, and St. Germanus of soul at all, or that He had a rational soul, and
Auxerre. St. Patrick said that he visited southern asserting that the Word of God supplied the place
France.) The Germanus who accompanied St. of the rational soul; Nestorius, by affirming that
John Cassian in Palestine, Egypt, and there were always or at any rate that once there
Constantinople was not the same person as St. were two Christs.” (Chapter XIII).
Germanus of Auxerre the teacher of St. Patrick, In Chapter XV St. Vincent of Lerins
even though they were contemporary. explains how the Blessed Virgin Mary is truly the
A quote from A Commonitory, Chapter Mother of God, Theotokos or Deigenitrix which
III, is appropriate in this modern era, when there mean Birthgiver, from the time that the Son of
are so many opinions as to Orthodox Doctrine. God, Jesus Christ, was in her womb. His clear
“What then will a Catholic Christian do, and concise catechism on the Mother of God
if a small portion of the Church have cut itself off being the Birthgiver before the birth of Christ is
from the communion of the universal faith? something we should consider. Every child is
What, surely, but prefer the soundness of the made in the Image of God, as Psalm 81, “Ye are
whole body to the unsoundness of a pestilent and gods; and all of you are children of the Most
corrupt member? What, if some novel contagion High.” In the Byzantine churching, the Priest says
seek to infect not merely an insignificant portion the first time a baby enters the church, “Now let
of the Church, but the whole? Then it will be his thy servant depart in peace...,” because every
care to cleave to antiquity, which at this day child is an Image of Jesus Christ. (See Dec. 28th
cannot possibly be seduced by any fraud of the Holy Innocents, and Feb. 2nd St. Simeon and
novelty. the Feast of the Presentation.) Christ is important
“But what, if in antiquity itself there be after He is born, and important in the womb of
found error on the part of two or three men, or at the Mother of God, and every child is important.
any rate of a city or even of a province? Then it St. Vincent’s letter against the heresy of
will be his care by all means, to prefer the Eutyches was read and approved by the Fourth
decrees, if such there be, of an ancient General Ecumenical Council in 451 A.D. According to
Council to the rashness and ignorance of a few. Pomazansky, St. Vincent of Lerins defended
But what, if some error should spring up on Orthodoxy against the Nestorian heresy, and he
which no such decree is found to bear? Then he also persuaded Attila the Hun not to attack Rome,
must collate and consult and interrogate the which saved Europe, at least for a time.
opinions of the ancients, of those, namely, who,
though living in divers times and places, yet Apostle John
continuing in the communion and faith of the one
Catholic Church, stand forth acknowledged and 25 May / June 7
approved authorities: and whatsoever he shall To thee comes the Feast of Johannes,
ascertain to have been held, written, taught, not loveable pillar of virginity:
by one or two of these only, but by all, equally, Dionysius the sure, the bold:
with one consent, openly, frequently, persistently,
Dunchad of chilly Iona.
that he must understand that he himself also is to
Of John the Evangelist, but not his
believe without any doubt or hesitation.”
falling asleep [sed non dormitatio eius]. [St.
St. Vincent of Lerins defends the faith John, Apostle, Evangelist, and Theologian, also
against heresies of Nestorius, Apollinaris, and

called “the Divine” - Roman dates of celebration: Modomnoc; ...; Priest Cael of Cell Mor.
Dec 27th, before the Latin gate May 6th, with Also today: Venerable Bede or Beda,
Cyrus Jan 31st, with Paul June 26th. Celtic Rite who died May 25, 732, and who wrote Historia
dates: Dec 27th, escape of John from boiling oil ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, (The Ecclesiastical
May 6th, May 25th, John and Paul June 26th. In the History of the English People), a good book about
Byzantine Rite, this day is near one of the the mission to the Angles and Saxons. The only
findings of the head of St. John the Baptist.] criticism is a misunderstanding of the struggles of
Of Dionysius, i.e. a Bishop of Milan. Or the Britons who, because of persecutions by
Lannan, nomen proprium, from Cluain ard na Angles and Saxons, were not able to join the
liath in Ciarraige Ae, et ideo dicebatur Litana mission to the English. The Britons are now
quia litanas canebant .i. ymnos et psalmos. called the Welsh. Also see St. Augustine of
Dunchad, i.e. Abbot of Colum cille’s Hi Canterbury May 24th and Nov. 16th, who began
[Iona]. i.e. Dunchad son of Cenn-faelad, son of the mission to the Angles, sent by Pope St.
Maelcoba, son of Aed, son of Ainmire, Abbot of Gregory the Dialogist (the Great) of Rome. Bede
Hi. ‘Tis under him that the community of Hi is remembered as a Church historian, not a Saint.
accepted the lawful Easter. [translator’s note: i.e.
the Roman Easter, see Reeves, Columba, 379.] 26 May / June 8
(See March 27th, June 9th, and Nov. 12th, although
The meet reception of Colmán Stellán
the Irish celebrated Holy Pascha on the first
Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal declare without dumbness:
Equinox, their calculation of the Vernal Equinox Béccán who loved vigils:
was different from others. They also remembered in Clonard (was) his abode.
the fixed (solar) date that Pascha actually Of Colman Stellan, i.e. of Tir da glas.
occurred on March 27th. The Irish were accused Beccan, i.e. of Cluain Ard mo Beccoc in
of keeping the wrong Pascha at the Synod of Muscraige Breogain in Munster, and this is his
Whitby in 688, and also of having the wrong abode, Cluain ard. Or at Tech hua Conaill in Hui
hair-style, as recorded by Bede - see note under Briuin Cualann.
Finan Feb. 17th. The Irish calculation of Pascha From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
was actually the older Roman calculation (of St. Colman Stallain of Tri da Glas (Terryglass);
Peter), but the Romans and Greeks had changed Becain of Cluain Aird.
their calendar to an Alexandrian calculation. Iona
held on to the older Roman and Irish calculation
longer than the rest of Ireland. Dunchad Abbot of
27 May / June 9
Iona must have been a later Abbot, yet Oengus Aculius the Presbyter,
and his glossator list him, but he is not mentioned with his train that is holiest:
in modern sources of Saints. See June 12th about his blood before every tribe
Torannan, also called Palladius. Earlier than has been spilt on the roads.
Dunchad, Adamnan of Iona tried to change the Bishop Cillin of Tech Talain, and
Irish calendar in Iona to the newer Pascha Echfritan son of Ossa, and Bishop Eithern of
calculation, but the brethren could not be Domnach Mor here.
convinced to move the date from the tradition
they had inherited from St. Colm cille. St.
Adamnan, Sept. 23rd, lived from 624-704, and 28 May / June 10
was instrumental in stopping women from May he convoy us to the angels,
participating in military campaigns.) the loveable prosperous swarm,
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Germanus, sun of our elders,
Duncad Abbot of Iae (I, or Iona) i.e. son of Cinn tutor of Patrick of Armagh!
Faeladh; Mocholla daughter of Doma;

German, [Germanus] i.e. Patrick’s several Martyrs, taking some of the earth stained
master. [St. Germanus of Auxerre, also Oct. 1st. with the blood of the Martyr Alban away with
See St. Patrick, March 17th. A student of St. him in exchange. He was also saved from a fire,
Germanus also named Germanus is listed July 3rd. and although he had fallen and broken his leg on
Germanus is also mentioned on July 31st.] his journey, he was healed by a being in shining
Furudran in Land Turu, and Faelan and robes. According to the historian Constantius, St.
seven Bishops of Tech na comuirce here. [In the Germanus also directed some untried troops in a
Litany of the Irish Saints, there are many groups battle of defense against some Saxons and Picts
of “seven holy Bishops” for large areas.] who were not Christian, and instead of causing
St. Germanus died in 440 A.D. In his death, through shouting “Alleluia” in a rocky
early life, the historian Constantius states that St. valley, the British troops frightened the enemy
Germanus of Auxerre was a married soldier. away with the echos. Some say a city was
When the town elected him to the Episcopate, he swallowed by a curse on Pelagians.
put aside his secular life, and lived apart from his Pelagianism was a heresy similar to
wife. After his Consecration, he was known for Arianism, rejecting original sin and the need for
fasting and wearing of uncomfortable clothing. God’s grace to obtain salvation, an “attainment”
He studied and defended the faith against system. It seemed to refute the extremes of
heresies. St. Germanus of Auxerre was the Augustine, but it ignored the imperfections of
teacher of St. Patrick in France, before St. Patrick humanity, and ignored our need for help from
returned as a Consecrated Bishop to Ireland (see God, and ignored the need for spirituality. Bede
March 17th). St. Germanus overthrew Pelagian says, “A few years before the arrival [of
heretics in Britain with Bishop Lupus of Troyes, Germanus], the Pelagian heresy introduced by
and also with St. Patrick, and many miracles were Agricola, son of Severianus a Pelagian prelate,
associated with St. Germanus while he was alive had seriously infected the faith of the British
and also after his repose. (See the Succession, or Church.” Some say the problem was not as great
“course,” of the Irish, at end of this article.) as Bede says, but Pelagians were powerful and
In the Ecclesiastical History of the rich, meaning that they probably exerted political
English People, Bede writes about St. Germanus as well as theological influence. The story of the
of Auxerre in book I, chapters 17 through 21. armies of Saxons and Picts against the Britains
Bede quotes Constantius' Life of Germanus also implies that some heresies were popular
[written 475 A.D.]. Bede was not in favor of St. among Angles and Picts before Bishops such as
Patrick because of disputes about who was the St. Patrick came to teach the true Christian faith.
first Bishop in Ireland, which St. Patrick himself Pelagianism was rejected by the Fourth
did not claim, so Bede does not mention St. Ecumenical Council in Ephesus in 381 in
Patrick's study with St. Germanus: The glossator connection with Nestorianism (St. John Cassian
of Oengus: “Now Patrick had four names, viz. wrote On the Incarnation against the Nestorians,
Succat, his name with his parents; Cothraige, his which was read into the Ecumenical Council,
name when he was in service to four persons; which covered both the Pelagian and Nestorian
Magonius, his name from Germanus [monastic heresies, which amount to the same heresy), so
name]; Patricius, from Pope Celestine.” (There although it is not as well known a heresy as
were five or six Orthodox pre-Patrician Bishops Arianism, it is firmly rejected by the Church.
in Ireland, see St. Patrick, March 17th.) The most extreme views of Blessed Augustine of
The miracles in Britain by St. Germanus Hippo (“radical predestination,” or that a person
of Auxerre listed by Bede include stopping a could be created either good or evil by God,
storm at sea, overcoming arguments of the denying free will and also our Redemption on the
Pelagians, giving sight to the blind, and healing a Cross) which later led to Calvinism, were a
crippled boy, and more. St. Germanus also visited reaction to the heresy of Pelagius. Just as Arians
the tomb of St. Alban and deposited relics of in Spain tried false healings that led to blindness,

likewise Pelagians in Britain faked healings that England, and later the Irish missionary monks
led to disease because of the offensive fakery. came to England in great numbers, bringing
Miracles from God are welcomed by true education and full Orthodox Christianity to the
Christians, but faking a miracle provokes God to Angles and Saxons, and also to the continent of
anger. See St. Martin of Tours (Nov. 11th). Europe in the next few hundred years. St.
Bede states that after his visits to Britain, Augustine of Canterbury (May 24th) had brought
St. Germanus visited Ravenna (the city of the Christianity to Kent, but he had too few monks,
Byzantine Emperor in Italy), and obtained peace and few coming from Rome and the continent,
for the people of Amorica (Brittany). He was which had its own troubles with Arians and
received in Ravenna by the emperor Valentinian barbarians. See St. Aedan of Lindisfarne (Aug.
with his mother Placidia, and there Germanus 31st), and St. Cuthbert (March 20th). Irish monks
reposed. His body was carried back to his own continued the work of the Church in Gaul.
city, with signs and miracles. There is a connection of St. Germanus of
St. Gregory of Tours thought that St. Auxerre with Lerins (see St. John Cassian, Nov.
Germanus of Auxerre had died at Rome and his 25th, and St. Vincent of Lerins, May 24th). Liturgy
body was brought to Auxerre sixty days later and and Ritual of the Celtic Church, edited by F. E.
buried. Unlike Bede, he probably had not read the Warren, 1881, page 79, quotes, in Latin, an
Vita by Constantius. anonymous author from the 8th century who
Soon afterwards, according to Bede, in traces lineage in the early churches of the Gauls
the fifth year of Marcian’s reign, Valentinian was and Irish. He says St. Germanus of Auxerre and
murdered by supporters of the patrician Aetius St. Lupus were trained in two lineages: one
who had been executed by Valentinian, and then lineage at Lerins which could trace its teachings
the Roman Empire of the West fell to barbarians. to St. Mark the Evangelist; the other lineage in
Much grief and chaos came to the Continent of Gaul, through St. Irenaus of Lyons, who was the
Europe and to Britain due to invasions of Angles, disciple of St. Polycarp, who was the disciple of
Saxons, and Jutes. Roman soldiers were no St. John the Apostle and Evangelist. The
longer able to defend lands such as Britain, and companion of St. Cassian, St. Germanus of
except for a few attempts, such as in the legend of Constantinople, not mentioned, may have
King Arthur, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes changed his name, or St. Honorius is another
quickly pushed the Britons off their land into the monk who helped St. John Cassian in Gaul. St.
areas called Wales and Cornwall. (Bede claims Germanus of Auxerre was a different person than
that the Angles and Saxons came into Britain St. Germanus of Constantinople. St. John Cassian
because they were invited by the Britains to traveled to Palestine, Egypt, Constantinople with
defend them from the Picts. However, according St. John Chrysostom, and then he founded two
to Constantius and Bede himself, both the Picts monasteries in Marseilles in southern France.
and the Saxons attacked the Britains before this Translation from the Latin is by Bishop
time, at the battle which St. Germanus of Auxerre Maelruain (Kristopher Dowling). “And here is
won through the troops shouting “Alleluia,” another course [line of teachings, Liturgics, and
which would have occurred in the early 400ds.) sometimes Succession] which is held at the
After they moved west, the Britons were known present time among the Scots and which is passed
as “Welsh” or “Cornish.” Bede claims that the down. That Blessed (St.) Mark the Evangelist
worst sin of the Britains was that they did not [see April 25th], as referred to by Josephus and
missionize Angles and Saxons, but Saxons and Eusebius in the fourth volume, diligently
Angles destroyed many monasteries and clergy, preached through all of Egypt and Italy so that
and Britons were killed on sight if they attempted [in] one Church all of the Saints whether in glory
to start a mission among the Angles or Saxons. unto God in the highest or by the Lord’s Prayer
The Irish were converted to Christianity and Amen would sing universally. This was his
just before the Britains were pushed out of prediction of unity, and afterwards he made the

Gospel from the mouth of St. Peter the Apostle. Nativity of St. Thomas
Blessed Jerome affirms this course which is said
at the present time among the Scots, that Blessed (May 30/ June 12)
Mark sang, and after him, St. Gregory Nazianzus A holy Apostle of our Lord,
whom Jerome said was a Magistrate, and Blessed in depths of wisdom,
Basil and his brother St. Gregory [of Nyssa], and the nativity of Thomas without
Saints Anthony, Paul, Macarius, or John, and suddenness.
Malchus, as sung in the order of the Fathers.
[Many important Saints: Gregory Nazianzus, the Passion of Eutychius without fear.
Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, etc. studied in the (See the Apostles.)
Egyptian deserts with those who were trained in (See St. Thomas and the first Sunday after
the lineage of St. Mark, such as the desert Saints Pascha). Roman date: Dec 21. Celtic Rite dates:
Anthony, Paul, Macarius or John, and Malchus. Dec 21, Nativity of Thomas May 30, translation
St. John Cassian also studied under some of the July 3. Gradual Canticle, 127.
same Egyptian desert fathers very soon after that Eutychius, i.e. a Pope. Gobban an Abbot
time.] And afterwards, most Blessed Cassian had and Saergus of Druim hic (this). From The
a companion named Blessed Honorius, and they Martyrology of Tallaght: Gobban (or Goban)
lived at the monastery of Lerins [founding it], and Abbot of Airdne i.e. of Dairinse [and March 26th].
after him Blessed Honoratus was the first Abbot, Also, St. Maugille or Madelgisilus was
and St. Caesarius was the Bishop in Arles, and an Irish missionary to France who died in A.D.
Blessed Procharius was the Abbot who was at 685. Maugille was a disciple of Fursey in East
that monastery, whom they sing of in this Anglia (see Jan. 16th), and became Fursey’s Prior
Succession, who Blessed Lupus and Blessed at Lagny, and was Fursey’s companion when he
Germanus dwelled as monks in this monastery, proposed to visit England. However, Fursey died
and they sang according to the norms of the Rules on that journey at Peronne, and Maugille went to
of this Succession. And afterwards, they attained St. Riquiers at Centule (see Caidoc and Fricor
the Episcopal throne of the highest honor with April 1st who converted St. Riquiers to
reverence and sanctity of them. And afterwards, Christianity). Soon Maugille was teaching with
they preached among the Britons and the Scots his own cell and oratory at the river Authie near
(Irish), as stated in the life of Bishop Germanus Monstrelet. Maguille’s body was entombed in
of Auxerre and the life of Blessed Lupus the Abbey church at Centule. On his Feast day a
confirms, who taught Patrick spiritually the holy procession was made to Monstrelet, and then
letters, and nurtured him in the faith, and great miraculous healing would occur.
predicted that he would become the Archbishop
among the Scots and the Britons.” 31 May / June 13
The suffering of Chrysogenus
29 May / June 11 with Petronilla’s Passion,
May Pollio’s great host convoy us May’s month, with many thousands,
to the starry heaven, with two chief feasts thou shalt close it.
with Cummain the pure and good, (Two feasts: not the great Feasts at the
daughter of loveable Allén! start of May, but the last two days: of the Apostle
Cumain, i.e. a female Saint, and in Ard St. Thomas and Ss. Chrysogenus, and Petronilla
Ulad she is. Cuman a virgin in Dal Buinde in daughter of St. Peter.)
Ulster. From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Of Petronilla, i.e daughter of Peter the
Cumman (Cumne) virgin i.e. daughter of Alleain Apostle, quae Gregorio atestante absque ferri
(Aillen) from Daire Ingine Aillen (ingine or ingen incisione in pace quieuit.
means daughter of).

1 June / 14 Deoclitiano imperatore passus est.
Give heed to Thecla’s Feast, Passio sancte femine que Blandine que
omnes superauit penas. [St. Blandine Martyr,
which has a right for us to sing it, woman.]
with vast noble host Nannid of Cluain Uinsenn and Senan
in front of the celends of June. and Forannan of Lue, and Aedan of Cluain
Thecla, i.e. she was a virgin and was Domuill, and Luran, son of Conan, here.
crowned with Martyrdom. St. Algise or Adalgisius was an Irish
(The Byzantines venerate Justin missionary to the northeast of France, who died
“Philosopher” today; see Celtic date Aug. 4th.) in A.D. 686. Algise with his brothers Gobain (see
Other Celtic dates for St. Thecla are June 30th) and Etto (see July 10th) were all
February 22nd with St. Peter at Antioch, not St. disciples of Fursey (see Jan. 16th). The brothers
Paul, and Nov. 17th. The Byzantines celebrate her settled in the forest of Thierache in Picardy and
in September, on the 24th or 26th, and there is a missionized the area around Arras and Laon.
dispute over two different St. Theclas who were Their hermitage, the “Cellula” or little cell or
Martyrs. See St. Paul, Jan. 25th for the discussion. monastery, had a town grow around it later called
The Celtic and Byzantine Rites remember St. St. Algise. Many small missions such as the
Thecla as a very important Saint. In the Celtic Cellula were financially supported by Ireland,
“Office of Commending the Soul When it Goes which continued to give support even when they
Forth from the Body” one of the verses says, themselves were under difficulties later caused by
“Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou the Anglo-Normans restricting all monastic
didst free Thecla from the three torments.” activities in Ireland. In 970 the Irish Forannan
One of the Saints named Ruadan, Abbot of St. Michael in Thierache moved the
Rumon, or Ruan is today. This Ruadan served at relics of Algise to his monastery church there.
Tavistock in Devonshire England, and was an St. Photinus (Pothinus) Bishop of Lyons
“Irish Scot.” He built himself an oratory in the and Companions, Martyrs, in 177. St. Pothinus
forest district where he labored. Three very old was ninety when he was beaten to death in the
churches in Cornwall have his name. He has two reign of Marcus Aurelius; after a Christian legion
feast days: May 22nd and June 1st. had won a victory by prayers in 174, but
Another St. Ronan or Renan, sixth or Christians were locally persecuted. (St. Irenaeus
seventh century, an Irish Saint who missionized had come from the east, and although he was the
around the areas of Laon, Quimper, and St. successor to St. Pothinus, St. Irenaeus was the
Brieuc, in the villages of St. Ronan, Laurenan, direct disciple of St. Polycarp of Smyrna who
Lan Renan in Brittany is on this day. A way of was the disciple of St. John the Apostle.) From:
penance call the great Tromenie (‘Tour of Life of Les Petits Bollandistes: Vies des Saints,
Refuge’) has been walked every 6 years over its by Msgr. Paul Guérin (Bloud et Barral: Paris,
ten miles, and is performed at least once in 1882), Vol. 6; Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a
Breton tradition by each Breton. compilation based on Butler's Lives of the Saints,
and other sources by John Gilmary Shea
2 June / 15 (Benziger Brothers: New York, 1894).
Erasmus the Bishop,
a splendid flame, with vigorous ardor, 3 June / 16
took unto Christ a triumphant train, A soldier of Christ into the border of Erin,
three hundred praiseworthy thousands. a high name over the sea’s wave:
[The early Erasmus, not the late Coemgen the chaste, fair warrior,
Medieval Erasmus. Also 300,000 souls.] in the Glen of two broad loughs
Erasmus, i.e. Bishop of Antioch et sub (Kevin of Glendalough).

Coemgen, i.e. a dear birth (gein). 4 June / 17
(Caemgin Abbot of Glenn da Locha.) Or a dear Apollinaris
mouth (gin), or dear was his utterance [like
“Chrysostom”, which means golden-mouth].
went to God’s kingdom straightway,
Coemlog was his father’s name, Coemgel (‘dear- with his virginal train;
bright’) his mother’s name, Coeman and at the translation of Martinus.
Nethchoem the names of his brothers. Apollinaris, i.e. Assionus (?), was
The Feast of Thomas in this day. Bishop Bishop of Hierapolis Erapole ciuitatis erat, et
Brandub, Sillein and Moninne a virgin, and discipulus Petri apostoli, et in Rauenna
Affein of Cell Affein near Glendalough here. praedicauit et postea flagellis a paganis cessus
St. Coemghen or Coemgan or Comgan is est, et post uii. dies in Christo quieuit.
called Kevin in English. He came from a noble [Translator’s note: The glossator confounds
family of Leinster. He died A.D. 618, and was Apollinaris of Hierapolis, the Christian writer,
buried in the Church of Our Lady. Coemgen, with the Martyr Apollinaris of Ravenna.]
although an Abbot, chose to be a Priest but not a Of Martin, i.e. Martin’s relics were
Bishop. He lived in a pre-Christian tomb cut out translated on this festival, i.e. bringing him into
of a rock, which had to be reached by boat and a the Bishopric, vel translatio corporis eius de
climb 30 feet above the water. A community sepulchro in alium locum i.e. his relics from
formed around him anyway. Several churches place to place, i.e. his relics were fetched out of
and a monastery were built there. Coemgan also the monastery in which he died to the great city,
lived in Scotland at times, and he is remembered et non statim.
in Argyll. His monastic Rule was in verse, and a St. Breaca was with St. Brigid of
poem of his is in the O’Longain Manuscripts in Kildare. She came into Cornwall with a large
the Irish Academy. He was also involved with pilgrimage of Irish religious, and is remembered
music, and his harp was preserved until the 12th in parishes of her name. Of her companions: St.
century, when so many things were destroyed. Uni is remembered in two churches; Germocus
His city survived until the 11th century, and seven who was a royal prince is remembered in the
kings are buried there in the Reefert, or Sepulchre parish of Germo; Wynnerus is remembered in the
of Kings. However, in the 12th century, Laurence parish of Gwinear.
O’Toole brought back the Rule and tried to live St. Buriana (sixth century) was at the
as St. Coemgan, and an O’Toole was among southwestern tip of England at Cornwall, near
those arrested at the site of the old monastery on St. Ives, Feb. 3rd, and near St. Warna; St. Warne’s
June 3rd during the Penal days of the 1700ds. The Bay in Scilly is named for him. He came over
monastery was in peril from Anglo-Normans from Ireland in a little hide covered wicker boat.
until its final destruction in the 16th century. Five miles from Lands End opposite Scilly island
There is a legend from the 12th century is the town of St. Burian where the oratory of
that at Glendalough a willow tree with willow Buriana stood. She was a king’s daughter from
leaves bore apples every year. St. Kevin’s apples Donegal, called Bruinseach (not a spelling in
were in great demand all over Ireland. The tree Oengus). King Athelstan erected her church,
came to bear apples because a young boy living because he had prayed in Buriana’s oratory when
under Coemgan’s care asked for an apple, and St. he had an expedition against the Scilly Isles; he
Coemgan blessed one of his willow trees, and promised that, if successful, he would erect a
immediately it began to bear apples. Another tree college of clergy “Eglos-Berrie.” The king gave
at Glendalough was the yew planted by Coemgan the church the privilege of sanctuary (no one
near the door of the Cathedral. In 1835 a could be arrested or prosecuted while remaining
landlord cut it down to make furniture, and local on church grounds). The English kings continued
people gathered the fragments of wood as relics. patronage of that church until much later.
St. Metrophanes of Constantinople, d. 326.

5 June / 18 Nendrum. Colman went to MacNisse for advice
The Martyrdom of Marcianus, when founding the church at Dromore. While a
student at Nendrum, Colman was given charge of
many triumphs mangified it, younger boys including Finian future Abbot of
one of a mighty man, a goodly number, Movilla. At least two churches in Scotland and
another of a virginal maiden. Wales have his name: Inis mo-Cholmaig and
Marcianus, i.e. in Egypt. Virginal Llangolman, and his name is on Scottish and Irish
maidens, i.e. Agatha cum aliis uirgini[bu]s. calendars. “St Colman’s pillow,” a stone at the
site of his monastery, witnesses his asceticism.
6 June / 19 Colman influenced many through his disciples.
The perfect suffering of Amantius, The Irish list of Saints includes 200 Colmans.
(‘tis) an evil deed if thou conceal it.
8 June / 21
Mael-aithgin with pure goodness
The reception of holy Job after triumph
went under ground to a shelter.
Maelaithgin, i.e. from Telach and bloodless battle;
Maelaithgin in Cairbre, [or] of Tech Mail in The feast of Medrán, a great solace;
cairbre Hui Ciardai, or in Mag locha in the west the Feast of Murchú with great grace.
of Bregia. White battle, i.e. it was not red
St. Jarlath was a descendant of Fergus Martyrdom that carried him off: not by red
MacRoy the warrior. St. Patrick taught St. Benen; Martyrdom was he killed. [translator’s note: As to
St. Benen taught St. Jarlath (A.D. 550); and he white Martyrdom and red Martyrdom, see Thes.
was placed at Clonfuis. Jarlath’s pupils included Pal. Hib. II. 247.] [White: asceticism.]
Ss. Brendan the Navigator (of Clonfert) and Of Medran, i.e. Medran and Murchon,
Colman MacLenini later of Cloyne. Brendan told two brothers, in Cell Murchon among the Hui
Jarlath he was not to remain at Clonfuis but Ailella. Medran and Murchu, sons of Hua
should go east, and where his chariot wheel Machtheni, et ne[s]cio ubi sunt isti. St. Muirchu
should break, he was to build his church. It broke (Murchon (Murchu) mc. h. (moccu) Machteni)
at Tuam. Bishops' rings from Tuam had a broken was a seventh century writer of lives of St.
chariot wheel engraved on them after that. Patrick and St. Brigid. His life of St. Patrick was
written on the order of Bishop Aed of Sletty.
7 June / 20 Bishop Bron of Caisel Irrae, of the Hui
The calling of Paul the Martyr, Fiachrach of Moy, and Eirmedach of Cong, and
Luaidrenn of Corann are here.
after a great deed with starkness.
The Feast of Colomb without evil, 9 June / 22
the great descendant of Artae. May they convoy us to the eternal
Of Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, qui
sub Arriano rege Constantinopoli passus est. [St. Kingdom, wherein is ever a lucid light,
Paul of the 2nd century, but the city was not Baethíne, high, angelical,
named “Constantinople” before St. Constantine.] Colomb Cille the lustrous!
Of Colman, i.e. my Colmoc of Druim Of Baithine, of Colum cille, i.e. Baithin
Mor in Hui Echach of Ulster: two Columbs, i.e. son of Brenand, son of Fergus, and Colum cille
Columb the smith and Columba monachus, and son of Feidlimid, son of Fergus.
Coeman and Mochonna and Bishop Pol here. Colum cille, fair his color, (and) his
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Columbae comrade Baithen, always thou shouldst put their
monachi... St. Colman’s teachers were Ss. Ailbe feast here on the same day of the solar month.
of Emly and Mo-Choe (also called Coelan) of Colum cille (“Dove of the Church’) i.e.

he was a dove for his gentleness: ‘of the church’ shall be done,” says the cook. He bores the
from his coming from the church, from Telach mixing-stick of the broth so that it became a pipe,
Dubglaise, to meet the neighboring children, and and through the pipe butter was poured and
this was what they used to say among them: “Has mixed with the broth. The folk of the monastery
our little dove come from the church?” i.e. from notice the goodly appearance of the cleric and
Telach Dubglaise in Tir Luigdech in Cenel talk of it among themselves. That is revealed to
Conaill. Now Cremthann was his original name, him, and this he said: “May your successors be
Colum pro simplicitate dictus est, cille ‘of the always murmuring! Well then,” says he to the
church,’ for his coming from the church, i.e. from servant, “what dost thou put for me every night
Telach Dubglaisse in Tir Lugdach, quia ibi into the broth?” “It is done in thy presence,” says
nutritus est et egit suos psalmos. the lad: “unless it came out of the hand or out of
‘Tis that Colum cile who from his youth the stick with which the broth is mixed, I know of
gave vast love to Christ. Once upon a time naught else therein save broth alone.” (The trick)
[translator’s words] comes an angel from heaven is revealed to the cleric. “Happiness, and a
- Axal was the name of the angel that used to goodly countenance for ever,” says he, “to thy
come to Colum cille, quasi Auxil, ab auxilio - successor!” And this is fulfilled.
This he said to Colum cille: “O Colum cille, take ‘Tis then that Baithin related to him the
virginity around thee,” says the angel. “I will not noteworthy vision, to wit, three thrones were seen
take it,” says Colum cille, “until a reward therefor by him in heaven, namely, a throne of gold and a
be given to me.” “What reward dost thou throne of silver and a throne of glass. “That is
demand?” says the angel. “I declare,” says clear,” says Colum cille. “Ciaran son of the
Colum cille, “it is not one reward, but four.” wright has the throne of gold on account of his
“Say then,” says the angel. “I will say,” answers honor and because of his hospitality. Thou
Colum cille; “death in repentance and death of thyself, O Baithin, hast the throne of silver
hunger, and death in youth - for bodies become because of the purity and lustre of thy devotion.
hideous through old age...” “That and more is The throne of glass is mine, for though my
given to thee,” says the angel: “Thou wilt be a devotion is fair, I am often frail and I am carnal.
chief prophet of heaven and earth.” That was Colum cille son of Feidlimid, son of
fulfilled for him. He went into pilgrimage: he Fergus, son of Conall, son of Niall of the Nine
was young when he was dead, and he died of Hostages. Ethne, daughter of Dimma mac Noe,
hunger: it was, however, voluntary hunger, and son of Eochaid, son of Cairbre the poet, son of
this was the cause of that hunger, i.e. Ailill the Great, son of Breccan, son of Fiacc, son
Once he went round the graveyard in of Daire Barrach, son of Cathair the Great, was
Iona and he saw an old woman cutting nettles to Colum cille’s mother.
make broth thereof. “Why art thou doing that, Colum fair, mighty form, face ruddy,
thou poor little thing?” says Colum cille. “O broad, radiant,
darling Father,” she answered, “I have a single body white, fame without falsehood, hair
cow and she has not yet borne a calf, and I am curly, eye gray, luminous.
expecting it; and this (broth) is what serves me The sound of Colum cille’s voice, great
for a long time back.” Colum cille then its sweetness above every (bard’s) train,
determines that nettle-broth should serve him to the end of fifteen hundred paces, with
more for ever, dicens “Since in expectation of the vastness of courses, so far it was clear.
one uncertain cow one is in this great hunger, it [His voice could be heard for a mile over the
were meet for us though great were the hunger ocean’s noise, better than most bards’.]
wherein we should be. For better is what we Good was the trio which the king [St.
expect certainly, regnum perenne.” So he said to Patrick], son of Calpurn, son of Otide, foretold:
his servant, “Give thou to me every day nettle- Coemgen, Colum cille fair, Senan from
broth without butter or milk along with it.” “It Inis Cathaig.

From The Martyrology of Tallaght: monasteries connected to St. Colm cille accepted
Columbae Cille et Baithini; Umalgaid son of the new date of Pascha, and later Iona and
Eac[h]dach; Dafinna son of Declain; Mothorae of churches loyal to St. Colm cille in Scotland and
Domnach Cliabra; Cruimther mc. h. Nessi (same Ireland accepted the “new” calendar. [The Celtic
as Priest moccu Nessi). Orthodox Christian Church keeps the later
(St. Dallan Forghaill, Jan. 29th, a bard, Byzantine date for Pascha, because of an equally
was protected by St. Colum cille, and wrote a remarkable reason: that the holy fire of Pascha
poem in obscure language about St. Colm cille, lights by itself in the Church of the Holy
worthy to read, called the “Amra Colmcille.”) Sepulchre at Jerusalem then. St. Patrick was not
St. Colm cille (Colmcille, or Columba of wrong in keeping the early date of Pascha, it had
Iona) was born A.D. 521 and died June 9th A.D. tradition and acceptance of Saints, and Irish
597 without illness as he foretold. He made a pagans were certainly overturned by the date the
circuit of his island, returned to the monastery, Christains lit the Paschal fire.]
and continued a transcription of the Bible. Colum cille was a prince of Tirconnell
Having written, “But they that seek the Lord shall (Donegal), and a great great grandson of Niall of
lack no good thing,” he put down his pen and the Nine Hostages of the line of Ulster kings.
said, “Let Baithin write what follows.” Baithin Colum cille’s mother’s side was of Leinster
succeeded him as Abbot of Iona. Forty nine Irish kings. Three cousins were kings in Ireland. Colm
Abbots ruled Iona in the line of Conal Gulban cille chose to be a Hiero-monk, but a Priest, never
until 1202. His nephew, Adomnan of Iona, wrote a Bishop. He carried Christianity to Scotland and
the book, Life of St. Columba (available in northern England through his Island of Iona. The
English translation through Penguin, 1995, Duke of Argyll spoke highly of him. He was
translated by Richard Sharpe), worthy to read. cared for as an infant by the Priest Cronaghan,
Mary Ryan D’Arcy in The Saints of Ireland gives and later Colm cille named a church after him in
him six pages; more than for St. Patrick. County Derry (Kilcronaghan). His education was
St. Colm cille defended the older method by Finian of Movilla (Sept. 10th), Finian of
of calculating Easter, a difference in calculation Clonard (Dec. 12th ), and Mobhi of Glasnevin
of the Vernal Equinox. See St. Colman of (Oct. 12th), and he studied music and poetry in
Lindisfarne (Feb. 18th), who returned from Leinster in the Bardic School of Gemman.
England over the calendar controversy at the Colm cille built his first church at Derry
Synod of Whitby. St. Colm cille referred to the in 545, his favorite place. Then he built Durrow,
older method of calculating the calendar as St. then Kells, which became important in the 9th
Patrick’s, which had been traditionally St. Peter's century when monks fleeing Iona from Vikings
calendar; the Vernal Equinox a few days earlier. came to Kells, and made it the Columban
St. Patrick used the earlier date to overturn the monastery. He also founded Swords, Drumcliff,
pagan myths of the sun god, the Christian Paschal Tory, and more, a total of 37 monastic churches
fire being first. (The methods of calculations are in Ireland. Yet, Colm cille is most famous for his
available in the writings of Cummian of Clonfert, island exile at Iona. He founded Iona with twelve
in Latin in Migne’s Patrologia. See Cummian companions when he was 42, “wishing to be an
Nov. 12th. See May 25th, Dunchad of Iona, who exile for Christ.” Finian of Movilla had brought
changed the calendar date at Iona early enough a Psalter from Rome, and Colm cille wanted to
for both Oengus and his glossator to copy it. (Perhaps it was more than a book of
commemorate him. The “new” calendar used a Psalms; it may have been musical notation.) The
later Equinox, based on Alexandrian calculation, high king Diarmuid ruled against Colm cille, “To
but accepted by other Patriarchates as well.) The every cow its calf, to every book its copy.”
calendar controversy began at a national Synod in According to another story from Cul Dremne,
630 A.D., the return of Cummian and Laserian Curnan son of the king of Connacht struck and
from Rome in 633. First all others but the killed the son of Diarmuid’s chief steward during

a game of hurling. Curnan fled to Colm cille for audience among all classes of the Picts.) The
sanctuary but Diarmuid had Curnan put to death Pictish king Brude at first was not interested in
anyway, violating the sanctuary of the monastery. speaking to Colm cille, but Comgall of Bangor
(A person entering sacred grounds such as a and Cainnech of Aghaboe who both spoke Pictish
church would not be under the law of the state as arranged a meeting, and all three with Colm cille
long as he or she remained within that church.) spoke to Brude, who became a friend of Colm
Whatever the cause, the king of cille’s for life. Brude granted him the Island of
Connacht joined with two northern princes, first- Iona, even though it was already in the
cousins of Colm cille, Fergus and Domhnaill, and possession of the rival Irish king Conall. There is
made war against Diarmuid, defeating him at Col no record of any battle between the Irish colony
Dremne but losing 3000 dead on the field. and the Picts after the meeting with Brude.
A Synod of “seniors” (according to the The ritual of coronation ceremonies was
Celtic Missal, this would mean Bishops and recorded, in the crowning of king Aedan of the
Abbots) met to discuss Colm cille’s part in the Irish colony in Scotland by Colmcille. The line
war, and St. Colm cille appeared before them. of Irish kings in Scotland lasted until 1286. In
Even so, Brendan of Birr saw holy angels with 575 Colm cille obtained freedom from paying
Colm cille. Finian of Movilla, his former teacher, tribute from the Irish colony to Ireland at the
also testified in Colm cille’s favor. Colm cille’s Convention of Drumceat in Ireland, which also
confessor (sources do not agree on the person) helped in relations with the Picts. He also then
pronounced the penance of exile from Ireland pleaded the cause of the Irish Bards, reorganizing
forever: Colm cille visited Ireland often to take them into a national system of schools. He built
care of his communities, but only for short visits. many churches and schools in Scotland. At every
His earliest biographers such as Adamnan of Iona church he founded he gave a Book of the
do not mention the penance, but instead Gospels, “three hundred splendid lasting copies”
missionary zeal sending him to Iona. Bede said from his pen alone. [In preparing many texts on
about him that, “There came from Ireland into the computer, I notice that the act of copying
Britain a famous Priest and Abbot, a monk by texts opens the mind to retain information, so it is
habit and life whose name was Columba to understandable how many of the monks
preach the Word of God.” There are also many memorized the Psalms, Gospels, and many the
references by Oengus’s glossator about Colm entire Bible.] He kept the austere rule through it
cille’s reactions to other Saints, including his all, sleeping on a stone pillow, keeping vigils and
demands to copy books. Colmcille landed on fastings. However, he provided a pallet for his
Iona two years after the battle of Cul Dremne. monks, not requiring of them the same degree of
Iona is off the coast of Irish-occupied harsh discipline. His poetry expresses the longing
territory, the kingdom of Argyll (eastern Gael) in for Ireland, in one poem envying a sea gull who
the west of Scotland. It had already been may fly where he likes. He said that angels of
occupied by Odhrain of Latteragh (d. 549), who heaven crowded every leaf of the oaks of Derry
had founded churches in Iona, Mull, and Tiree. when the monks chanted the praises of God.
Irish kings in Scotland before that had been Baithin noticed with other monks that a certain
buried in the cemetery on Iona (Reilag Odhrain), fragrance filled the air at a certain hour and great
including king Gabhrain who died in 560 after joy filled them. Because of the prestige of the
losing a battle with the Picts. Colm cille, monastery at Iona, sixty Irish, Scottish, and
however, came “not to destroy but to save, not to Norwegian kings are buried there, including the
conquer but to civilize.” (His mission was to Irish Scottish kings Duncan and MacBeth, not quite
in Scotland although he was not unfriendly to the the same as Shakespeare portrayed them.
Picts, while Lua of Lismore or Molua, June 25th, The Book of Kells is attributed to St.
and others, were to the Picts. Lua was successful, Colm cille, with added later illuminations from
with over 100 monasteries, and a responsive the ninth century. It shows illuminations of the

Blessed Virgin Mary and other Saints that prove St. Mark 10 June / 23
the veneration of Saints in Ireland, and its detail
is remarkable, in some places 158 ribbon They meet on the same road:
interlacements in one square inch, with no flaws happy is he who found them,
even under magnification. It is said to be the best the chief feast of Mark - a conspicuous
piece of illuminated manuscript art in the world. diadem -
The Book of Kells is in Trinity College in Dublin. with the triumphant Feast of Barnabas.
Some facsimilies exist in rare book collections. Of Mark, i.e. the evangelist, in
Reproductions are not anywhere as clear and Alexandria est, et leuiticus fuit, et excelsi
flawless as the original. interpretatur. [Celtic dates for St. Mark: See
The Book of Durrow is also attributed to April 25 for his history; May 18, June 10. July
St. Colum cille, who is said to have completed it 10? Oengus says that today is the “chief feast.”
in only twelve days. The cover for the Book of The Martyrology of Tallaght does not have the
Durrow was made by Flann, son of Malachy king earlier Saints for a few weeks.] Lections and
of Ireland (877-916), but this “cumdach” (book Propers, See the Apostles.
shrine) has disappeared. This book is in Trinity Of Barnabus, i.e. a disciple of the
College in Dublin. The National Museum has Apostle Paul.
another Durrow memorial: a later crozier of the
11th century.
St. Colum cille’s Psalter which caused 11 June / 24
the copyright war, called the Cathach of the Basilla the victorious
O’Donnells or the Cathach of St.Columba was who was borne from us into bliss:
partially destroyed because of dampness, but 58 the Feast of Macc táil the hallowed,
pages, from Psalm 31 to Psalm 106 still exist, and at the Passion of Fortunatus.
are now housed in the Irish Academy in Dublin. Basilla a virgin.
Mary Ryan D’Arcy in The Saints of Ireland says Of Mac tail, i.e. of Cell Chuilinn (or
that Finian of Movilla had brought the original Culinn) in Leinster, and Eogan the wright, son of
Psalter from Rome. (Notations or illuminations Dergan, was Mac tail’s father. And this is why he
may contain the melodies sung by St. Colum cille was called ‘son of adze’ [Mac tail] because of his
for these Psalms. However, it does not look as being the son of a wright.
though there is any sort of musical notation. The Eogan was his name at first till he took the ...
writing is in “majuscule” rather than minuscule. ‘son of adze’ was his name thenceforward,
The seventy Psalms still intact are almost half the though he was chaste (and) a cleric.
Psalter, and if the pages are large the writing Of Fortunatus, a Bishop.
would be large, just as a choir-book would be in
large writing for a choir to see. Rather than
musical notation, he may have been seeking the
12 June / 25
arrangement of pages convenient for reading.) The Feast of the pious Coemán,
A large number of St. Colm cille’s to whom ‘Sanctlethan’ is an appellation,
poems are housed in the Bodleian Library at Torannán lasting, deedful,
Oxford England, and the Burgundian Library in over the wide ship-abounding sea.
Brussels. Of Coeman, i.e. of Airdne Coemain in
St. Ephrem the Syrian, either on June 8th, Hui Cennselaig on the brink of Loch Garman.
9 , or 10th, reposed in 373. He taught Orthodoxy
Sanctlethan, i.e. queen of a king of
in Edessa, which, although the earliest See, was Leinster, Santlethan was her name, and with her
beset with all sorts of heretical and gnostic sects. was Coeman in bondage when he was a little lad,
He also wrote hymns, etc. and Bishop Ibar took him from her through a
great contest, and Sanctlethan gave her word to

him (Ibar) that the lad should hear her name, and “Bartholomew the active”
that he would carry off Bishop Ibar’s monks from
him, though he was greatly entreating for them; the Apostle June 13/ 26
and this was fulfilled. (See April 23rd.) Probably his nativity.
Torannan, i.e. who is in Scotland, i.e. With Bartholomew the active -
Palladius, who was dispatched by St. Peter’s thou art weak if thou heardest not of him,
successor to Ireland before Patrick to teach them Macc nissi the chaste of Clúain
[the Irish]. He was not accepted in Ireland, so he went from us to the kings (of heaven).
went into Scotland: or Torannan, i.e. Mo-Thairen [See the Apostles. Celtic dates:
of Telach Fortcheirn and of Druim Cliab in Martyrdom Aug. 25. “Bartholomew the active”
Cairbre mor in the north is he. [translator’s note: June 13, probably his nativity. Byzantine dates:
See Thes. Pal. Hib li, 312, and Martyrology of June 11 and Aug. 25. Roman date: Aug. 24.
Donegal, p. 166n., where Dr. Todd identifies Byzantines are careful to differentiate St.
Torannan with Ternan.] Bartholomew from St. Nathaniel; they have
[See St. Patrick, March 17th: Palladius different Feast dates. Gradual Canticle, 128.]
was sent first to Ireland before St. Patrick. The The holy Apostle Bartholomew.
venerable Bede, author of the history of the Bartholomew is interpreted as the son of
English church, avoids mentioning St. Patrick in the One Who suspends the waters, however he
his entire book, and seems bitter about the Irish, was cut apart with the sword in India under
in spite of great help given to the Angles and Astrag king of India. Bartholomew the Apostle
Saxons by Irish monks. Bede came from preached the Gospel in India, and there he
Yorkshire, which is in the north, the area suffered under Astrag king of India, that is to say,
especially helped by Irish monks at Lindisfarne, was cut apart with a sword. [Aug. 25th is his
an island next to the city of York. But, there may Martyrdom. The word “decollatus” means
have been a tradition in that area of Torannan, i.e. literally either “cut apart” or “decapitated” in
Palladius, having been unfairly replaced. Most context; it is traditional that St. Bartholomew was
histories say that Palladius died, and was replaced flayed alive. He was active throughout the world,
by St. Patrick only then. Or, Palladius may have and when Martyred was given greater and greater
preferred to live in Scotland. Early Christians had tortures because he would not stop preaching the
escaped Roman persecution and went to Scotland Word of God. The Greeks say that St.
according to Scottish histories, where there was Bartholomew preached successfully in India, but
already a ready-made community, and then he although mostly successful in Greater Armenia,
died before he had the chance to establish more when he traveled there fell to a plot by the king’s
of the Church. Later, at the “Synod of Whitby” brother Astrag in Greater Armenia, not India.]
in the north of England, Wilfred of York put an Mac nisse, i.e. an Abbot of
end to Irish customs and teaching, and many Irish Clonmacnois: he is one of the eight men that
monk-missionaries returned to Ireland, such as came with Ciaran to Clonmacnois. Mochuma
St. Colman of Lindisfarne (Feb. 18th). Or Bede and Crumtheranof Cluain Tiprat and Cairill in Tir
was upset that some Irish left York, or that they rois, and Damnat of Sliab Betha (are) here. And
had an ancient Rule. St. Patrick upheld the the feast of Damnat of Sliab Betha on this day
Orthodoxy of the Church, and should have been together with Bartholomew.
mentioned by Bede. See St. Germanus of Auxerre
May 28th. See the 25th of May - Dunchad Abbot
of Iona changes the date of Pascha to the Roman 14 June / 27
celebration. There were other pre-Patrician Both of them meet on the same festival -
Bishops in Ireland, but none of these were a hostful sea! -
Consecrated for the whole country. St. Patrick Nem the vigorous descendant of Bern,
got along with them: see March 5th for a list.] with Benedict the victorious

Nem, i.e. a Pope [senior Bishop] who is 16 June / 29
in Aran, and he is a successor of Enda of Aran, My champion, Quiricus, (Mo gérat in
and of the Dal Birn of Ossory he is, and a brother
of Ciaran of Saiger. Nem great-grandson of
Giric), round whom a holy host was slain,
Bern. (Nem mc. h. (moccu) Birn). He was called the equal or like of him
by three names, to wit, Nem and Pupu and hath not been found of the world’s sons.
Cailbe. Nem primum nomen eius a parentibus. (One of the great Martyrdom days.)
Pupu apud Scottos, id est papa, eo quod Giricc: that is, the Quiricus that suffered
cathedram Petri petiuit, Cailbe .i. cael-beo in Antioch. [Ciricus] [Also: Cyriacus, Qyriacus,
(‘meagre-alive’), eo quod himines mirabantur Cyricus, Ciricus, or Cyr. Martyred 304 in Tarsus
eum uiuere (pro macie). [translator’s note: thus in or Antioch, under Diocletian. Some place him
F. at June 15, i. calbe ca[e]lbeo eo quod omnes July 15th, or July 30th. St. Amator of Auxerre
mirarentur pro macie uiuere.] Whence Senan of brought relics from Antioch to France in the 4th
Inis Cathaig sang: Abbas almus amabilis - century, St. Patrick trained by St. Germanus of
Romae rector docibilis, papa pastor probabilis - Auxerre, May 28th; and this devotion continued
Caelbe custos regiminis. among Irish. Places and churches named after St.
A successor of Peter and Paul, Cailbe came from Quiricus are found in Italy, France, England, and
the east from Rome, Nem, great-grandson of the Middle East; and a monastery built near
Bern, a bright brother, whose name is Pupu of Constantinople for Quiricus by the emperor St.
Aran. Constantine, and a church near Jerusalem. But
Benedict an Abbot of monks, and this these were built without his mother's name St.
may be the feast of bringing his relics into a Julitta, Joulitta, or Julietta, who offered St.
shrine. Quiricus as a Martyr before herself; probably to
Cumman the Little, a virgin, of Cell make sure he would not be pagan. There is an
Cuimne in Tamnacha and Ciaran of Belach duin expression among Arabic Christians, an adult
here. saying to a child, “may I die before you.” They
would have found it offensive to let a child die
15 June / 28 first. The Holy Innocents in Bethlehem are
A blessing on the champion, considered Christian Martyrs. There have been
many child Martyrs up to the present; often
who loved Christ well and truly: children are attacked when Christianity is
With whom went a host greatly valorous, attacked, as in the forced marches of the
Vitus the marvellous child. Armenians in the early 20th century, and also in
Vitus: he suffered under the judge present-day Darfur in western Sudan.]
Valerianus. The glossator of Oengus says, “Quiricus
Sinell, descedant of Liathan, and was an infant, and three months short of his third
Colman son of Corordan of Milius in Darbraige birthday. His mother’s name was Julita, and
Coininnsi here. under general Alexandro, under his presidium
[There are several Sinells: the earliest (garrison), they suffered, and they had been
person St. Patrick Baptized March 17th and April discovered at Tarsus Cilicia, and they had fled the
5th; a Sinell March 26th who wrote an old Rule city of the Iconorum. (Literally the city of icons:
who may also be Sinell of Cleenish, and other Antioch.) Eleven thousand four hundred and four
Saints. TSI (modern) lists Sinell of Cleenish were slain in addition to Quiricus, Alexander
Island in Lough Erne in Fermanagh on Nov. 12th.] being the president.” [Three months short of the
St. Vougay or Vio, an Irish Bishop in third birthday is 33 months; in months the same
Brittany. as the years before our Lord was crucified.] See
[Today is the feast of St. Jerome in the St. Ultan who cared for children, Sept. 4th, note
Byzantine Rite. See Sept. 30th.] after Sept. 30th, and Holy Innocents Dec. 28th.

From The Martyrology of Tallaght: maic Luachain in Meath in uno die cum Moling.
Cethig Bishop of Saint Patrick [either a Bishop A high champion of the king, a strong,
Consecrated by Saint Patrick, or Pope Celestine, i.e. besides being a champion of the (heavenly)
who Consecrated Patrick]... King he is a strong brother of ours; and according
Ss. Berthold and Amandus, late fifth, to that Moling alone is in the stave. Vel sic quod
early sixth centuries, came from Ireland into the uerius, for it is in the commentary on the
area of Rheims, France, under Bishop Remigius. Martyrology which from the time of the Saints is
(See Gibrian May 8th.) Berthold was a solitary; he in Armagh, i.e. Comling (?) who is a champion of
built an oratory, and later was Abbot of the the King along with him, and superiority to the
community that grew around him, where the city King sic. Velut sic, ut episcopus sapit ‘the bush
of Chaumont now is. There were miracles after of gold,’ i.e. Moling, with a king’s champion who
his death, and in 1045 a larger church and was a brother of his, together with Moling, and
monastery were built there. Amandus lived and superiority to Moling according to that.
died as a solitary around Beaumont; Remigius Once as Moling was in the Taiden, he
giving his last rites. The body of Amandus was saw Mael-doburchon son of Cellach coming
moved to Chaumont beside Berthold. towards him, seeking his horses. The guesthouse
of multitudes was Mael-doburchon’s house. He
17 June / 30 was especially good to Moling because Moling
The golden bush over borders, was his soul-friend. He salutes Moling. “We are
on a search, O cleric,” says Maell-doburchon.
the splendid son over tribes, “On a search for Christ that is,” says Moling.
a high champion of the (heavenly) king, “Awful is that deed which the Jews have done,
a strong kinsman, a fair soldier, crucifying Christ.” “We would spend all our
Moling of Lúachar. might in saving Him,” says Mael-doburchon.
Moling, i.e. as he was leaping over a Moling then betakes himself (i.e. goes) into the
certain water in Luachair Degad in Munster, ‘tis midst of a thornbrake and sets his cowl on a pole
then the old woman said: “Well has Moling the in the midst of the brake. “Supposing Christ
scholar leaped in Luachair.” Hence he is Moling were the cowl, how wouldst thou rescue Him?”
Luachair, and Dairchel (had been) his name: Mael-doburchon cast his raiment from him, and
Moling Luachair (Luaim), qui prius with his hands he put the brake past him till he
Dairchill nominatus est, son of Faelan the wright reached the cowl, so that it was between his arms.
now was he. Moling said: “That is the way I would rescue Christ,” says
When I am among my elders I am a Mael-doburchon; and there were streams of blood
proof of the prohibition of sport; when I am out of his fingers. “Wondrous is that!” says
among the mad (young) folk they think that I am Moling: “thou shalt have the guerdon [belt]
the youngest of them. thereof with Christ: the men of hell will never
[Theognis says: En men mainomenois spill blood from thee, and devils will never
mala mainomai, en de dikaiois Tanton contend for thy soul. Go thou monk yonder,”
anqrwpwn emi dikaiotatos.] says Moling to the rag (the cowl) for which
Moling was once traversing Luachair Mael-doburchon was seeking. The rag gets
Degad with an old woman in his company; and forward and lays itself on the haunches of the
his pace was too fast for the old woman, so she steed in the place where he was. So Mael-
said to him: “‘Tis well thou leapest the doburchon took it with his horses to his house.
rushry” (Luachair) quoth she. Hinc Moling Said Moling to Adamnan in framing the
Luachair. Or it may have been over a puddle in law: [translator’s note - Presumably the Cain
Luachair that he was leaping when she reproved Adamnain, as to which see Reeves, Columba, pp.
him. I.e. Dairchill was his name at first. l.li.] It is meet for you if ye visit him, Mael-
And Colman son of Luachan, of Land doburchon son of Cellach, that you leave your

blessing on Mael-doborchon’s house. and its blossom will be on me externally.” “Thou
Moling of Luachair a fosterling of shalt not have it,” says Moling, “for thou
Maedoc of Ferns. From Maedoc he got Tech deservest it not.” “Well,” says the Devil, “bestow
Moling. Of the Hui Dega moir of Leinster was the full of a curse upon me.” “What good (were
he. Now they used to be carried past him over that) to thee?” asks Moling. “Easy to say, O
the Garb east and west between Leinster and cleric,” he answers: “the mouth from which the
Ossory. “My conscience,” says he, “it seems to curse on me shall come, its venom and its hurt
me pleasant and harmonious when the... is will be against thee.” [translator’s note: See
brought over the Garb eastward. Horror seizes O’Donovan, Battle of Moira, p. 30n as to the
me when it is brought over it westward.” Great effect of an undeserved curse.] “Go,” says
tribulation had he in founding the Taiden, from Moling, “thou hast no right to a blessing.” “Better
devils and packs of wolves and evil men crossing were it for me,” says he, “that I had. How shall I
him. earn it?” “By service to God,” says Moling.
I have brought (saith he) a branch from “Woe is me,” says the Devil, “I cannot bring it.”
Dubglas to my house for dread of final death: “Even a trifle of study.” “Thy study is not
set ye its end under heavy waves against the trees greater, and it helps me not.” [translator: i.e. I am
of Findmas (?) more of a student than you.] “Fasting then,” says
I have brought a branch, saith he, to my Moling. “I am fasting since the beginning of the
house for fear of final death: world, and not the better am I.” “To make
it will protect many souls on the road of genuflexion,” says Moling. “I cannot bend down
star-beautiful heaven. forward, for backwards are my knees.” “Go
Once as he was praying in his church he forth,” says Moling: “I am unable to teach thee or
saw a youth coming in to him. Purple raiment he to save thee.”
wore and a distinguished form had he. “That is [Translator’s note:: see Melusine, vi 172,
well, O cleric,” says he. “Amen,” says Moling. vii 39, 63, viii 77, ix, 193: ‘Les pieds ou les
“Why dost thou not salute me?” says the youth. genoux a rebours,’ and Harrison Prolegomena to
“Who art thou?” says Moling. “I am Christ the the Sudy of Greek Religion p. 234n. So in
Son of God,” he answers. “I know not that,” says Northern India, the churel, a kind of bhut or
Moling. “When Christ used to go to converse ghost, has his feet turned backwards, see Crooke,
with God’s servants, not in purple, nor royally, Popular Religion, pp. 149, 169, and Grierson,
used he to go, but in the shapes of the wretched, Bihar Peasant Life, p. 408, s.v. Kichin: see too
to wit, of the sick and of the leper Christ was Indian Antiquary for August 1881, p. 229n.] [See
wont to be.” “Is it unbelief that hast in me?” says Feb. 15th, Temptation of Christ. See Nov. 11 th,
the youth; “whom dost thou suppose to be here?” incidents about St. Martin of Tours, and an index.
“I suppose,” says Moling, “that it is the Devil for Backward knees are a human genetic condition.]
my hurt.” “Ill for thee is the unbelief,” says the Thereof said the Devil:
youth. “Well,” says Moling, “here is thy He is pure gold, he is the sky round the sun, he is
successor, the Gospel of Christ,” raising the a vessel of silver with wine
Gospel. “Do not raise it, O cleric,” saith the he is an angel, he is holy wisdom, whosoever
Devil: “likelier it is I whom thou thinkest. I am doth the will of the King.
the man of tribulations.” “Wherefore hast thou He is a bird round which a trap closes, he is a
come?” says Moling “If” (says the Devil) “thou leaky ship in perilous danger,
shouldst go into a tub of honey and bathe therein he is an empty vessel, a withered tree, who doth
with thy raiment (on), its odor would remain not the will of the King above.
upon thee unless thy raiment should be washen.” He is a fragrant branch with its blossom, he is a
“Why does that seem (good) to thee?” asks vessel full of honey,
Moling. “Because, though thy blessing do he is a precious stone with its goodness (who so)
nought else to me, its good luck and its goodness doth the will of the Son of God of heaven.

He is a blind nut that is not...(?) He is a stinking 18 June / July 1
rottenness, a withered tree, With fair happy Báithín Furudrán
he is a branch of a crab-apple without blossom
whoever doth not the will of the King.
with keenness.
(Whoso) doth the will of the Son of God of Moenán’s virginal sons,
heaven is a brilliant sun round which is summer, from beautiful Land Léri
is a dais of God of heaven, is a pure crystalline Baithin... Furudran, i.e. Baithin and
vessel. Furudran, two sons of Moenan, two sons of
He is a race-horse over a smooth plain, the man Maenan son of Colgan, of Land Luachar (Lere) in
that strives after the kingdom of great God; Bregia.
he is a chariot that is seen under a king that bears
off victories... 19 June / July 2
He is a sun that warms holy heaven, a man for Their blood went on roads
whom the great King is thankful,
he is a temple prosperous, noble, he is a holy
before hosts with boldness:
shrine which gold bedecks. To the King (of heaven) Gervasious (and)
He is an altar on which wine is dealt, round Protasius were obedient. [Martyrs.]
which a multitude of melodies is sung, Gervasius and Protasius, i.e. two
he is a cleansed chalice with liquor, he is fair brothers, fuerunt ab una matre .i. Virilia, et patre
white-bronze, he is gold. uno .i. Vitale, et in Medolanensi urbe passi sunt,
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Edani et pater eorum .i. Vitalis, in Rabesina urbe
(Aedan) the Black; Cellain son of Finain; decollatus est: nec narratur sub quibus regibus uel
Totholain; Colmain son of Luachain; the sons of consulibus passi sunt. Et in Elcedie sunt reliquia
Nechtan of Druim Bricci; Moling Luaim sua, quae Ambrosio per somnium ostensa sunt.
(Luachair); Mochommoc son of Doborchon. Ss. Gervasius and Protasius, today and
The Saints of Ireland says that St. Moling May 20th, as if there is confusion of the month.
succeeded St. Aedan as Bishop of Ferns, and died (See history May 20th). St. Ambrose of Milan (see
in A.D. 697. He reluctantly left his foundation at April 1st) discovered their relics, and held up their
Techmolin [Teach Moling, House of Moling]. He veneration as champions against the Arian
wrote well in Latin and Irish. Robbers released tendencies of his time. These early Saints lived
him when they discovered he was a poet. He was before the heretic Arius, but they were Martyred
almost as prolific as Colm cille. He obtained for their belief in the divinity of Christ.
remission in 693 of the tribute of oxen which the The repose of St. John Maximovitch of
high kings had taken from Leinster since 106, and San Francisco and Shanghai in 1966; Bishop,
all Leinster honored him. After awhile he Wonderworker, who saved an entire community
resigned from Ferns to return to Techmolin (now of Orthodox from the communists in China. He
St. Mullins in Carlow, a place of pilgrimage). used native languages when he served the Divine
The twelfth century Gerald Cambrensis Liturgy, not only serving in Slavonic, but also
mentions Moling’s book in the Irish language, Greek, Chinese, Dutch, French, and English. He
and a history written in 1626 to 1640 by Father never missed his prayer Office, no matter where.
Keating made use of the Yellow Book of Moling. http://saintjohnwonderworker.org/lifeidx.htm
That manuscript is now lost. Some writings of
Moling may be found elsewhere, such as an 20 June / July 3
invocation of St. Brigid (patroness of travelers) in The Passion of Paul (and)
a 15th century German Reisesegan or blessing
before a trip. The Book of Mulling was a Gospel
Cyriacus with that great host,
not by Moling but made prior to 800 A.D. and Faelán with that victory,
named for him. That book is highly illuminated. that splendid mute.

Faelan, i.e. of Raith Erenn in Scotland, (See the Apostles.) Roman date: May 1st
near Glenn drochta in the west it is. Faelan the with Philip according to Gelasian and Gregorian
Dumb, from Srath Erenn in Scotland. From The Sacramentaries traced to the dedication of the
Martyrology of Tallaght: Faelain amlabair (the Church of the Apostles, originally dedicated to
dumb) in Srath Eret (or Erenn, or Erann) in Alba. Ss. Philip and James at Rome by Pope John III
A.D.563. St. Philip’s name on May 1st originally
21 June / July 4 stood alone, according to manuscripts of
Ainle famous, hostful, Hieronymianum. Celtic Rite dates: Dec 27 (with
St. John), and June 22. Gradual Canticle, 130.
against whom bursts the monsterful sea; Alphaei, i.e. son of Alphaeus.
Cormac was a fair cleric, Cronan, i.e. he was Abbot of Ferns. A
the beautiful grandson of Liathán. successor of my Maedoc of Ferns the same as
Ainle, i.e. ain-le, i.e. delightful his color Mochua of Luachair, Abbot of Ferns.
(li) i.e. a fair youth was he, and he is Diarmait Also called “James the Less” less
from Disert Diarmata in Hui Muredaig. meaning younger, appearance of the Lord before
Cormac, i.e. at Durrow of Colum cille he the Ascension. [St. James son of Alphaeus and
is. Cormac, i.e. of the Hui Liathain of Durrow in also St. James son of Cleophas are sometimes
Meath. To him said Colum cille: “Abide,” says confused with St. James the Brother of the Lord,
he, “here in Durrow.” “I will not stay so long as for example, on March 25th. See the poem about
thou dost not leave with me some of thy relics.” the different Saints James on Dec 27th. Little is
“Some of them shall go to thee.” “Thy hand for said about him; less than about the other Apostles
it,” says Cormac. Colum cille stretched out his and Evangelists, including Saints Jude, Simon the
hand, Cormac lopped the little finger off him. Zealot, and even Matthias who was chosen after
“Bitterly hast hour visited me, O Cormac!” says the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ.]
Colum cille: “howbeit, wolves shall eat thee for
it.” And this was fulfilled. [See Onchu Feb. 8th: 23 June / July 6
another Saint who collected living relics.] Commemoration of my Coe [Mo Coe],
‘Tis that Cormac who sought to go
oversea after Colum cille, and the sea rose against there is nothing that escapes us:
him, and allowed him not to pass it because of the may the famous happy champion
determination that Colum cille’s word should be from Oendruim protect us!
fulfilled in that wise. Mo-chue, i.e. Mochoe who is in
Bishop Suibne here. Noendruim in Ulster, i.e. nine ridges which are in
St. Diarmuid founded the monastery the island wherein his church is. Or Oendruim,
Castledermot in Kildare in 818, a few years i.e. one hill in the whole island; and in Loch Cuan
before his death in A.D. 823. (See Aug. 17th, it is. i.e. Mochua of Luachair if he be from
Cormac MacCuileanain was educated there.) Lismor Mochutu. From The Martyrology of
Many of Castledermot’s Crosses remain today. Tallaght: Mocoe Preist Abbot of Noendruim;
[1918: murder of Tsar Nicholas and Faelani sancti et filarum Moinani.
family in Ekaterinasberg, new calendar July 4th.] A sleep without fading of flesh Mochoe
of Oindruim slept: (Of) the folk of the
St. James, son of Alpheus congregation in which the sage abode he found
none save their great-grandsons. To Mochoe the
(June 22/ July 5) beautiful sand the little bird from the skies, three
With James (son) of Alphaeus, strains from the tree-top, fifty years in each
twice eight hundred, a brilliant following: strain. [in the Martyrology of Donegal p 177]
the Feast of one who loved not bodily ease, St. Caylan or Mochae was the founder of
mighty Cronán of Ferns. the monastery of Nendrum, who when just a boy

was blessed and destined for the church by St. [Also today:] Cormac of Senchoimid,
Patrick, on June 26th, but today is his feast and Lon in Cell Gobra, and Gaibrein here.
according to Oengus. He was the son of Bronach After our Lord Jesus Christ and the
and grandson of Miluic who had enslaved St. Blessed Virgin Mary who is the first among the
Patrick as a youth. Miluic unfortunately would Saints, the Feasts of St. John the Baptist are most
not meet with his former slave, instead locking major. St. John the Baptist appears together with
himself inside his house and setting fire to it, but the Blessed Virgin Mary in icons called “Deesis”
his son and daughters and grandsons are all which means “prayer.” In the center of these
Saints of the church. See Dec. 11th, Jan. 1st, and icons our Lord Jesus Christ the Almighty
Jan. 24th. Mochae went into the woods with his (Pantocrator in Greek) sits on His holy Throne in
brethren to cut wattles to build his church, and he heaven, and the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John
heard a beautiful bird sing three songs in the the Baptist stand facing Him on either side,
blackthorn bush beside him. The bird was an bowing in an attitude of prayer. The holy
angel of God, and each song took fifty years to Birthgiver of God, the Virgin Mary is on Christ’s
complete, but Mochae did not know this. When right hand (our left hand when we face the icon),
he returned with his load of wattles, the church and St. John the Baptist on Christ’s left hand (our
was completed and strangers were there (150 right hand). Often the holy Apostles and other
years had passed), and they built a shrine at the Saints appear to each side of the Blessed Virgin
spot Mochae heard his angel. “If one Angel’s Mary and St. John the Baptist, also in prayer,
song can be so sweet and so beguiling, what a joy which is the outline of the Byzantine icon screen
to listen to the chorus of all the heavenly choirs.” on either side of the royal doors leading to the
(Leontius Bishop of Tsarevo, Martyred Altar. This icon appears on Saints’ calendars and
in 1918.) other places throughout the early Church. Soldier
Saints such as St. George and St. Michael appear
Birth of St. John the Baptist on Deesis icons without swords or spears,
because Saints in this icon are not in an attitude
June 24 / July 7 of defense but supplication, as in the Parable of
John the Baptist’s royal nativity, the Publican and the Pharisee, asking, “Lord have
if thou hast attended diligently, mercy.” This is also the Celtic attitude of prayer:
at the removal without disgrace they continue to pray for themselves and for all of
of John the son (of Zebedee) to Ephesus. us, and we also pray for the Saints and ask them
The Nativity of John the Baptist (June for their prayers, as one unified Church.
24th). At the removal i.e. receptio Iohannis (See the Gospel reading on Dec. 27th and
apostoli ad [E]ffesum de exilio post Domitianum. note July 25th: Ss. John and James, although very
The Holy Forerunner and Prophet, St. important Apostles, are not pictured as close to
John the Baptist, “Friend of the Bridegroom,” the Throne of the Most High God in the Deesis
was the one who Baptized Christ. Icon; see Mt 20:20-23 about St. John and his
This is a major Feast day of the Celtic brother St. James, “...My chalice indeed you shall
calendar, half a year from Christmas. Other Feast drink; but to sit on my right or left hand, is not
dates of St. John the Baptist: The Conception of mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is
St. John the Baptist, Sept. 24th; the Passion of St. prepared by my Father.” also, Lk 22:24-27). In
John the Baptist, Aug. 29th, a fast day. spite of the high place the Church has always
See the Psalms in Matins for more notes, given to St. John the Baptist, Jesus Christ
and the Rule of St. Columba. in the Lorrha-Stowe reminds us in Matthew 11:11, “Amen, I say to
Missal and the Hours of Bangor, True Worship of you, there hath not risen among them that are
the Undivided Church, +Maelruain Kristopher born of women a greater than John the Baptist;
Dowling and Elizabeth Dowling, ISBN yet he that is the lesser in the kingdom of heaven
978-0-557-00229-0.) in greater than he.” The next line translated from

the Greek is used in the Celtic Mass, “The high priest, was killed, and the same ungodly
kingdom of heaven tolerates sieges and the impious men who later arranged the crucifixion
forceful take it.” Greek and Latin, but usually of our Lord Jesus Christ. The existence of The
mistranslated in English, “and from the days of Protevangelium of James was known from an
John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of early era, but was not included in canonical
heaven suffereth violence and the violent bear it Scripture; it does not say much about the Lord
away,” which would be a negative attack on Jesus Christ or His teachings. It also covers the
heaven rather than the persistence of prayer, as in events of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin
the Parable of the unjust judge who finally listens Mary Birthgiver of God, her Nativity, and entry
to the widow that kept asking for a favor. into the Temple. It is worthy, not heretical.
Saints Elizabeth and Zacharias may also Many of the most important Apostles of
be commemorated today and on the Conception Jesus Christ were disciples of St. John the Baptist
of St. John the Baptist (Sept. 24th). first, and he truly prepared the way of the Lord.
St. Luke chapter 1 records the birth of When Jesus came to him to be Baptized, St. John
St. John the Baptist. When the elderly high priest the Baptist realized that his cousin (through Ss.
Zacharias entered the temple at the time of Mary and Elizabeth), Jesus, was the one he had
incense (Sept. 24th), the Archangel Gabriel said predicted, and he said he was not worthy to
that his elderly wife would conceive and bear a unlatch the sandals on our Lord’s feet. But our
son named John, who would go before God “in Lord insisted that He be Baptized (see Jan. 6 th,
the spirit and power of Elias.” St. Zacharias did Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord). Soon
not believe the angel at first, and was struck after that, the ministry of St. John was cut short
dumb during the entire gestation of St. Elizabeth. by the ruthless wiles of Herod. St. John himself
During her gestation, the Blessed Virgin Mary said (St. John 3:27-30): “A man cannot receive
met her, and St. John the Baptist leaped in her any thing, unless it be given him from heaven.
womb (see April 1st). When St. Elizabeth gave You yourselves do bear me witness that I said
birth to St. John the Baptist (today's Feast), his that I am not Christ, but that I am sent before
father St. Zacharias wrote “His name is John,” Him. He that hath the bride is the bridegroom;
not a family name, and he was suddenly able to but the friend of the bridegroom, who standeth
speak, and sang a Canticle. and heareth him, rejoiceth with joy because of the
More about the birth of the Blessed bridegroom’s voice. This my joy therefore is
Virgin Mary and the birth of St. John the Baptist fulfilled. He must increase; but I must decrease,”
is in the Apocryphal text, The Protevangelium of because he knew that Christ is God Himself, and
St. James, which tells that St. Zacharias the high would preach the Gospel of truth.
priest of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, the Jesus continued the practice of Baptism,
father of St. John the Baptist, was killed, and St. but changed its purpose, as recorded by the Book
Elizabeth the mother of St. John the Baptist hid in of Acts and St. Paul. St. John the Baptist
a cave with her infant son. (Luke 11:51, “...From preached the Baptism of repentance; Christ added
the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, salvation and enlightenment. The Baptism of St.
who was slain between the altar and the John was mostly a renewal; the Baptism of Jesus
temple...”) St. John the Baptist was raised in the Christ included people of all ages, welcoming
wilderness in hiding until he came preaching them to the kingdom of heaven. St. Matthew
repentance to the people of Israel (Luke 1:80). 18:1-14 shows Christ’s attitude toward children,
It is very strange that the good and God- that we all should have the faith of little children.
fearing St. Zacharias, who was High Priest when St. John the Baptist was killed by Herod
St. John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus Christ the Tetrarch (Matthew 14:1-12), as remembered
were born, should be replaced with such corrupt in the entire Church on Aug. 29th/ Sept. 11th. His
and ungodly priests as those who said nothing beheading in payment for a dance and because of
when St. John the Baptist, the son of a former an oath, was not only sad for the disciples of

Jesus and St. John the Baptist, but also for all the Collect Before the Epistle
Hebrew people. Jesus Christ had the lineage of O God, Who this day of the Nativity of Blessed
the king through St. Joseph as far as the world John the Baptist, consecrated as incomparable
knew, but the line of the Herodians had no among men, grant us from the example of him
lineage, were appointed by foreigners, and their who proclaimed that he was not worthy to bind
hatred for Prophets, including Herod the Great’s the sandal of the One who followed, that we
killing of the innocents in Bethlehem, proved that ‘make straight the path,’ through the One Who
they were unfit to even pretend to lead the Jews followed, our Lord Jesus Christ, ...
of that time. See the history of St. James the Epistle Acts 13:16-47 (St. Paul preaches to
Brother of the Lord on Dec. 27th concerning the Jews, but turns to the Gentiles who
Herod. When unworthy leaders of any nation believe in Christ.)
persecute the faithful in their countries, they have
Gradual: Psalm 140 (Heb. 141)
lost their fitness to govern. The Irish of the time
of the calendar of Oengus believed that Ireland Domine clamavi I have cried to Thee, O
would be destroyed beginning on a Tuesday, Aug. Lord, hear me: hearken to my voice,
29th at the Third Hour (9:00 A.M.) at the Last when I cry to Thee. Let my prayer be
Judgment, in payment for the death of St. John directed as incense in Thy sight: the
the Baptist (see Aug. 29th/ Sept. 11th). St. John lifting up of my hands, as evening
Chrysostom preached against swearing oaths sacrifice. Set a watch, O Lord, before
because an oath had killed St. John the Baptist. my mouth: and a door round about my
Today’s festival included bonfires, lips... (Birth June 24; Conception, Sept.
which some say was for the solstice. The words 24., for St. Zacharias burning incense St.
of St. John the Baptist, “He must increase; but I Luke 1:9-23.) A psalm of David.
must decrease” might remind us that the days Gospel St. Luke 1:5-80 (his Nativity.)
grow shorter after the summer solstice, but, Post Nomina
Christians took over the solstice gave it meaning. O Lord, by the gifts of Thine Altar, we are ground
St. John was conceived at the time of incense in out for the celebration of [this feast] that we owe
the Temple, on Sept. 24th when St. Zacharias in honor of the birth of St. John the Baptist, who
would have entered the temple to offer incense, proclaimed the Savior of the world unto
therefore, it is easy to see that St. John the salvation, through...
Baptist’s birthday is today. It is also possible from Ad Pacem
this to calculate the Nativity of Christ (see the Grant, O Lord, we beseech Thee, that Thy people
Annunciation March 25th and the Conception of may be endowed with the fullness of the effect of
St. John the Baptist on Sept. 24th). The Psalm for the devotion of the Nativity of Blessed John the
today reflects the conception of St. John the Baptist, whom Thou permitted to prepare the
Baptist in Jerusalem at the time of incense. people for Thy Son, through...
Mass: Nativity St. John Baptist Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
Old Testament: Isaiah 40:1-11 It is worthy and just, Almighty God, in today’s
(“...the voice of one crying in the Feast in which Blessed John was brought forth,
wilderness...”) who heard the voice of the Mother of the Lord
Introductory Collect even though not yet born, and thus came to the
We beseech Thee, Almighty and eternal God, closed womb and leapt in prophetic exultation of
Who made this day of the Nativity of Blessed human salvation, who being conceived, banished
John the Baptist honorable and distinguished for the sterility of his Birthgiver, and being born,
us, that Thy Forerunner, who arose greater than freed the tongue of his father. Who alone of all
all those born of women, might commend our the Prophets heralded Him Who is the Redeemer
fragility to thy loving-kindness. Through... of the world: he came forth so that the effect of
purification might be conceived by the nature of

water. He washed Him, Who Himself is the according to St. Athanasius: 4 Gospels;
author of the Baptismal sanctification of the Acts and Epistles; Revelation; the
waters of the Jordan, Jesus Christ our Lord, “Didache”, the teachings of the Holy
through Whom... Apostles; and Pastor of Hermas. Since
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most the time of this Missal, the last two have
Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post Sanctus been deleted from the Bible.] The shape
of the Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or of the Cross is two barred, as a vesica.
Virgins in the Celtic Missal.] St. John the Baptist appears in icons
called “Deisis” which means praying to
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
God, with Christ in the center sitting on
Bishop only if present His Throne, and the Blessed Virgin Mary
VIII. KAL. Iulii. In Natale Sancti on Christ’s right hand, and St. John the
Iohannis Baptistae [The blessing at the Baptist on His left hand (our right side).
birth of St. John the Baptist, the day of Post Communion
his birth on earth. June 24 / July 7.] [Use the Post Communion of the
May Almighty God bless you through the Apostles, Martyrs, and Holy Virgins in
intercession of Blessed John the Baptist, whose the Celtic Missal.]
nativity we celebrate today, and may He grant
that you may experience the patronage of him
whose solemnity you celebrate. Amen.
25 June / July 8
Under his protection may you be defended from Sinchell’s Feast, Telle’s Feast:
all adversaries, and may you enjoy all good they were Erin’s heights:
things; who knew the coming of the Redeemer of with my Luóc pure, brilliant,
the world while not yet born, and whose birth the sun of Lismore of Alba.
took away the sterility of his mother, and being Sinchell junior, of Cell Achid in Offaly.
born loosed the tongue of his father. Amen. Telle, i.e. of Tech Telli near Durrow in
Since [St. John the Baptist] pointed out the Lamb the west of Meath. Ideo Telli dicitur quia stratum
himself: by Whose Sacrifice you are redeemed, eius fuit in tellure.
by Whose wool you are clothed in virtue, and by St. Molua, Loluag, Murlach, of Lua,
Whose innocence you are strengthened to imitate; Lugaigh, or Moluoc (all different spellings, the
so that you may be strong enough to be joined “Mo” is a prefix of endearment) was very
with Him in the joyful eternal kingdom. Amen. successful as a missionary to the Scottish Picts.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain “in Scotland [n-Albain], i.e. of Cell Dalga in
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Ardgal.” He died A.D. 592, after founding over
of ages. Amen. one hundred monasteries (“Kilmoluags”), no less
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son than St. Colm cille (see June 9th). His mission
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be was to the Picts, while Colm cille’s mission was
ever with you. Amen. to the Irish colonies. Molua arrived in Scotland a
Confraction arrangement for Saint year before Colm cille, and he established
John the Baptist: 8 Particles for the himself on the grassy island of Lismore off the
Virgin Mary and Holy Martyrs. [The coast of Scotland. Molua was accompanied by
Upper Central Particle is for the Comgall the founder of Bangor who was a Pict
Celebrant.] Eight Particles of the Host and spoke Pictish (see May 10th: Monks trained at
of the Holy Martyrs as an image of the Bangor taught many thousands: missionaries sent
octonary New Testament; [This has two out from Bangor included Molua, Columbanus,
meanings: 1) The Eighth Day of Gall, Maelrubha, etc.). Comgall went to king
Creation, the Resurrection of the Dead. Brude to obtain royal sanction for the work of
2) The Eight Fold New Testament Molua, and the sanction was granted. Molua was

more successful than Colm cille in eastern Seven brothers. Gregorius hos septem
Scotland where the Picts were more concentrated. fratres non in Roma sed in Tiburtina Italiae urbe
His missions ranged from Lismore and passos esse cum sua matre refert. i.e. septim filii
neighboring islands to Drumalban into eastern sancte Simproae [leg. Symphorosae] feminae
Pictland, through mountain passes and river cum sua matre Simprosa martirio coronati sunt in
valleys. Every monastery he founded was a hoc die. [See Whitely Stokes’ note on June 30 th,
center for dependent churches. All the also see note July 10th about St. Felicitas also
monasteries looked to Lismore, and to Bangor with seven sons, and the Machabees.]
which sent many monks to Scotland to help St. Joanna the Myrrh-bearer (either May
teach. Maelrubha (April 21st) a century later was 24th or June 27th).
also involved in much of the missionary work.
Moluag died on June 25, 592 in eastern Scotland 28 June / July 11
in Nairnshire, and his grave is marked by a In great Leccan of Meath
carved slab of sandstone at the Rossmarkie
church, although Lismore claims that his body
(is) Crummíne with splendor,
was brought back and he was buried there, which on the same Festival with piety
is equally possible. When the Pictish language the white Passion of Fabianus.
and culture was absorbed by the Scots (Irish), In Leccan, i.e. in Hui mac Uais in
Lua’s importance was obscured and some of his Meath.
achievements were merged into the memory of Cruimine, i.e. ever without sadness, as
the Iona monks. (some one) said:
Thrice three score years the age of the
26 June / July 9 pious Crumine: without illness, without grief, he
Vast is their suffering, their Passion, changed color after Mass, after celebration.
for I have searched into it, Fabianus, i.e. a Pope in Rome. [Aug 5th
Gallicanus, the fair sun, in the Byzantine Rite: Ss. Fabian and Antherus
Johannes and Paulus. (Antheros).]
Gallicanus, i.e. a legate of the King of (St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Roman date
the Romans who came to the country of the today, Byzantine: Aug. 23rd, Celtic: Aug. 26th.
Franks, i.e. a Martyr. See history Aug. 26th. His teacher, St. Polycarp,
Johannes and Paulus i.e. duo fratres sunt, Jan. 26th, was a direct disciple of the Holy
et in Roma passi sunt sub Iuliano Cesare. Apostle John.)
Gallicanus, Iohannis et Paulus Martyres in Roma
passi sunt.
(See June 23rd, Caylan or Mochae Saints Peter and Paul
grandson of Miluic.) Passion of Peter and Paul
St. Corbican was an Irish monk who
(June 29/July 12)
missionized in the Low Countries in the 7th or 8th
centuries. He lived as a solitary, and instructed The Feast of Paul and Peter,
the peasants in the faith. with vastness of crying unto them:
the noise of battle which is on the world’s
27 June / July 10 breasts, does not surpass it.
They have been proven by Martyrdom, Special Propers and Lections today; do
whose seas are great and heavy, not use General Apostles' Propers and Lections.
seven brothers, warriors, Of Paul, i.e. Paul of the tribe of
Benjamin, in Legiscali (sic) natus, in Tarso
in Rome of broad Latium.
nutritus est, in Hierusalem eruditus est, in Via

Ostensii decollatus est, et ibi sepultus est in Epistle Romans 8:15-27 (Specific for today:
miliario secundo a Roma ad austrum. Peter son the Spirit of adoption as sons; the Spirit
of John, of the tribe of Naphthalim, erat, et de helps us to pray for what we need.)
prouincie Galileae uico Beraida, cruce passus est Gradual and Alleluia:
sub Nerone Cessare. Psalm 122 for St. Peter (Heb. 123) Ad te levavi.
See the Apostle Peter. The history of St. To Thee have I lifted up my eyes; Who
Paul: Jan. 25th. Their Martyrdom in Rome is dwellest in heaven. (From the Apostles'
today; and see Jan. 11, the cross of St. Peter. The Creed from the Bobbio Missal: “Peter
Gospel, describing everything they did, is the said, 'I believe in God the Father
Beatitudes. The Epistle is their preaching to the Almighty.'” St. Paul’s Psalm emphasizes
Gentiles: that we may be adopted as sons, not the difficulties the Apostles had, and St.
only by a nation, but by God Himself. Peter’s Psalm emphasizes the faith of the
(The Celtic Rite does not reduce the Apostles. Verse 1 may be used as the
length of the Pentecost fast according to the Alleluia, with the verse for St. Paul.)
Apostles’ feast on June 29th, but relaxes the fast AND
today, and continues the Pentecost fast until the Psalm 141 for St. Paul. (Heb. 142) Voce mea.
forty days are completed. The fast from the week I cried to the Lord with my voice.
after Pentecost is according to the movable days.) (Conversion Jan 25, Ss. Peter and Paul,
(References to St. Peter: Roman dates etc. St. Paul spoke and wrote more than
of celebration: June 29 (Peter and Paul), Chair at any other Apostle. The Psalm ends,
Rome Jan 18, Chair at Antioch Feb 22, church ad “Bring my soul out of prison, that I may
Vincula Aug 1. Celtic Rite dates: Cross of Peter praise Thy Name: the just wait for me,
Jan 11, Throne of Peter for curing Constantine until Thou reward me.” for the many
Jan 18, Throne at Antioch Feb 22, June 29 Peter times St. Paul was saved from prison
and Paul. Gradual Canticle: 122. On the Feast and other danger. Of understanding, for
of Ss. Peter and Paul there are different Lections. David, a prayer when he was in the cave.
Mass for Apostles Peter and Paul Verse 8, the last verse, may be used as
Introductory Collect [Also use Introductory the Alleluia, with the verse for St. Peter.)
Collect for Apostles, Martyrs and Holy Gospel Matthew 5:1-16
Virgins in the Celtic Missal.] (Specific for this Feast day: the
Almighty and eternal God Who consecrated this Beatitudes and Similitudes.)
day of the most blessed Apostles Peter and Paul Ad Pacem, Always said aloud.
as a testimony, Grant that Thy Church which is [Also use both first and second Ad
spread over the entire world may ever be Pacem listed in the Celtic Missal.]
governed by the instruction of the Apostles, O God, the maker of peace, O God the giver of
through whom the Church adopts the basis of its grace, give us Thy peace and grant that as we
religion, through our Lord Jesus Christ Who celebrate the feasts of Thy Holy Apostles Peter
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit and Paul, through their intercession, we may
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. merit the securing of peace and forgiveness of
Collect Before the Epistle [Also use the sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who reigneth
Collect for Apostles, Martyrs, and Holy with Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages
Virgins in the Celtic Missal.] of ages. Amen.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, hear Thy people who Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
implore Thee by the patronage of Thy Holy
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
Apostles Peter and Paul that they be able to
secure Thine aid and serve with devotion. [Also use the first Dignum]
Through ... It is worthy and just for us always and
everywhere to give Thee thanks, Holy Lord

Almighty and eternal God, especially on this day the sermon, and each, by intercession, strive to
in honor of Thy most blessed Apostles and lead you to that homeland, and to that end, the
Martyrs, Peter and Paul, which by Thy choice one by the Cross and the other by the sword, may
were consecrated unto Thee: that Saint Peter’s they strive to come to this present day. Amen.
secular art of fishing would be turned to divine May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
dogma so that the human race might be draw up without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
from the depths of this world by the nets of Thy of ages. Amen.
precepts. On the other hand with the Apostle May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Paul, Thou didst change the mind with the name, and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
and he who had previously been concerned with ever with you. Amen.
the persecution of the Church now rejoiced [Quatinus petrus claue. paulus sermone]
because of heavenly commands that he have the Confraction arrangement for Saints
Doctrine. Paul was made blind that he might see. Peter and Paul: 11 Particles for the Holy
Peter denied, but believed. Thou gavest him the Apostles. Eleven Particles of the Host
keys of the heavenly kingdom. Through the other, of the Apostles is an image of the
Thou didst confer the knowledge of divine law incomplete number of the Apostles due to
upon the praying nations. Since Paul introduced, the Sin of Judas. [Although the eleven
Peter opened, both won the prize of eternal would apply to those Apostles chosen
virtue. Thy right hand raised Peter as he sunk into before the Ascension of our Lord, they
the water while walking upon it. Thy right hand also apply to others with the title of
made Paul, floating for three days from the ship Apostle such as St. Matthias, St. Paul,
wreck on the depths of the open sea, to escape or St. Patrick. The universe has fewer
death. Peter conquers the gates of hell, Paul Apostles than are needed; we pray to
conquers the sting of death. Paul was condemned avoid the temptation of Judas. Mt
to lose his head because the head of Faith was 9:37-38, “The harvest indeed is great,
acknowledged by the nations. Peter likewise but the laborers are few. Pray ye
followed the track leading to the Cross, so that therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he
the head, which all of us follow is Christ, by send forth laborers into His harvest.”]
whose merits all the Heavenly Host...
Post Communion
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
[Use the Post Communion for the
Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post Sanctus for Apostles, Martyrs and Holy Virgins in
Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or Virgins in the Celtic Missal.]
the Celtic Missal.]
Proper Blessing of the Day by a 30 June / July 13
Bishop only if present The triumph of Saul and Timothy,
.III. KAL Iulii. Natalis Apostolorum the bed-death of wealthy Job,
Petri et Pauli. Benedictio [The blessing
at the birth into heaven, the day of
draw a fair conclusive (?) bolt
Martyrdom, of the Apostles Peter and on the host of dear June.
Paul. June 29/ July 12.] Victory of Saulus (Zoilus ?). [translator’s
May Almighty God bless you, Who established note: The Irish scribes seem to have confused St.
us in the solid faith of the church, by the salvific Paul whose commemoration is on June 30th with
confession of Blessed Peter. Amen. the martyr Zoilus, whose day is June 27th
And may He, with his most graceful defense, (according to other Martyrologies).] St. Job of
watch over those whom He instructed, by the the Old Testament died wealthy, but went through
most holy preaching of Blessed Paul. Amen. great tribulations before that.
Peter, by means of the key, and Paul, by means of St. Gobain was an Irish Saint who

traveled from Ireland with St. Fursey (see Jan. Mary, the Theotokos by Holy Apostles Convent,
16th). Gobain died A.D. 670. They went to P.O. Box 3118, Buena Vista, Colorado 81211,
Burghcastle in England and then to France to the “When the Saviour made water into wine at his
great forest near Oise. Gobain preached for many wedding, at the behest of His all-pure Mother,
years in that area, but finally was Martyred by Simon’s heart was smitten with the love for
barbarians at the place where the town of St. Christ so much so that he forsook his own bride.
Gobain later grew. Bede mentions him in his He then left the wedding festivities and his very
writings. The forest was also named after him, home and followed after Jesus.” Kontakion of St.
unfortunately a place of heavy fighting in World Romanos the Melodist (a Hymn of the Byzantine
War I. A crystal called St. Gobain glass was also Rite), “At the wedding in Cana, I made water into
named after him. Algise (see June 2nd) with his wine at the behest of My all-pure Mother. There
brothers Gobain (June 30th) and Etto (see July also, O Simon, I made thy heart zealous to follow
10th) were all disciples of Fursey. Me in faith; I Who alone know what is in the
The Saints of Ireland lists Rupert’s sister heart.” Also see The Lives of the Holy Apostles,
or niece from Ireland, Erintrude, who became the St. Simon the Zealot, Isaac E. Lambertsen and
first Abbess over Nonnberg, a convent on a high Holy Apostles Convent. Notice that the Psalm
hill above Salzburg. (See Rupert March 27th). for St. Simon pictures a man who found a resting
Three hundred years later the convent and church place for the Lord, and describes the Church.
were rebuilt by the emperor Henry because her The banquet of the Marriage of Cana also
intercession caused a cure of epilepsy. (Her represents the wine Jesus gives us in His Holy
convent was the setting for “The Sound of Communion being the “good wine,” superior to
Music.”) the water of the commentaries on the law, the six
water pots which represent the “Mishnah” and
St. Simon Zelotes, “Talmud.”
Note that in St. Jude, the ultimate in
and St. Judas, the brother humility, so humble that he never took on the title
of James (Thaddeus) “brother of the Lord” as did St. James the
Righteous Bishop of Jerusalem, but only “brother
(July 1/ 14) of James.” This is because St. James the
On the marvellous calends of July, Righteous “of the Knees” knelt at the manger at
Mary whom Matthew magnifies, Christ's birth, but St. Jude, a brother of that St.
the death of Aaron, mighty in wisdom: James, would not share his birthright from St.
Simon and Thaddaeus. Joseph; until much later Christ shared all eternity
(See the Apostles' Propers and Lections.) and a place in His kingdom with his foster
St. Simon: Roman date: Oct 28th. Celtic brother St. Jude. His Psalm speaks of unity of
dates: July 1st, Oct 28th burial in Babylon. brethren, and also implies Holy Baptism and
Gradual Canticle, 131. Chrismation, “Behold how good and how
St. Judas, the brother of James: Roman pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in
date: (Thaddeus) Oct 28th Celtic dates: July 1st, unity: Like the precious ointment on the head,
Oct 28th burial in Babylon. Gradual Canticle, 132. that ran down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron.
St. Simon Zelotes, and St. Judas, the Which ran down to the skirt of his garment: As
brother of James (Thaddeus). the dew of Hermon, which descendeth upon
Thaddaeus (Tatha) i.e. qui Iudas dicitur, mount Sion. For there the Lord hath commanded
frater Iacobi filii Alphei. blessing, and life for evermore.” Rather than
Aaron’s death, i.e. Aaron died on Mount strife between brothers, he has found unity, and
Hor. overflowing mercy, “eleison,” meaning anointing
St. Simon was the bridegroom in the oil of God. This is the St. Jude of lost causes, of
marriage of Cana. From The Life of the Virgin whom people ask intercessions.

2 July / July 15 with St. Patrick, according to the Acts of Kieran
The bed-death of Bishop Euticius, (Ciaran). The Irish Germanus missionized many
districts in Wales, traveled to Spain and Gaul, and
of Damasus with splendor: was Martyred in Normandy. On the Isle of Man
the Passion of kingly Processus: he is honored as their Apostle.
the great torture of Martinianus. Edessa City, miracles in July: St.
Of Damasus, i.e. Bishop of Rome. Of Gregory of Tours, in the Glory of the Martyrs,
Processus.. Of Martinianus, who suffered in records miracles that happened in the city of
Rome. Edessa in Syria during the entire fifth month
(July). Usually Edessa was a dry region, with
wells deeper than one hundred feet needed to find
Translation of St. Thomas water, but in the month of July one only had to
(July 3/16) dig a few feet to find water. Flies would not land
The Martyrdom of Cyrion: Christ! on carcasses during this whole month, and the
It is not the prayer of paltry ones: government did not collect customs fees, so a
great many people came to market. Even so,
the translation of praiseful Thomas: during this month no quarrels arose among
the excellent feast of Dartinne people. When the festival was over, customs
Moving of relics of St. Thomas. (See were again collected, the flies returned, and water
the Apostles.) Celtic dates: first Sunday after again sank to a depth of a hundred feet
Pascha, Dec 21st, Nativity May 30th, translation underground. A wind and rainstorm also cleansed
July 3rd. Gradual Canticle, 127. the courtyard of the church where all the people
Thomas’ translation, i.e. he was had been during the festival, so that all the trash
transferred, i.e. the bringing of him from India to and debris from the festival were removed, and
Edessa, a city beside the river Euphrates. [Edessa the courtyard looked as though no one had ever
was the place where king Abgar had reigned, and walked there. Also, similar to the story of the
Agbar had received a letter and icon “made lamp before the Shroud of Edessa which was an
without hands” on a cloth from Jesus Christ.] exact Image of Christ, there was a lamp before
Tartinne, i.e. a virgin, from Cell aird in the tomb of St. Thomas in his church at Edessa
Hui Garchon in the west of Leinster. which did not need oil, but burned without
St. Tirechan, who wrote a memoir of St. ceasing. St. Gregory of Tours said that the church
Patrick, a Breviarium, written 670-700, preserved of St. Thomas built in Edessa was “spectacularly
in the Book of Armagh. Tirechan came from large and carefully decorated and constructed.”
Mayo, and was a cleric in Meath. He was a About the lamp, he says, “No wind blew it out,
disciple of St. Ultan of Ardbraccan (see Sept. 4th : no accident extinguished it, and its brightness did
St. Ultan died in 657; he cared for many children not diminish. The lamp continues to burn because
orphaned by a plague). St. Ultan had notes on St. of the power of the Apostle that is unfamiliar to
Patrick that Tirechan used. Tirechan tells us that men but is nevertheless associated with divine
St. Patrick traveled to Gaul, Italy, the Tyrrhenian power. Theodorus, who visited the spot, told this
Sea, Auxerre, and Lerins. [See St. Patrick, March to me.” (See Apostles for the Cloth of Edessa.)
17th. See St. Germanus of Auxerre, May 28th. See St. Anatolius, Patriarch of
St. Vincent of Lerins, May 24th.] Constantinople, who with Pope St. Leo of Rome
St. Germanus today, a disciple of called the Council of Chalcedon. St. Anatolius
Germanus of Auxerre, who visited Briton in 448. was against the Eutychians (Monophysites) and
Germanus was an Irish colonist in Briton (before Nestorians. The Council of Chalcedon made
the area became England), and he met Germanus Constantinople equal with Rome, which angered
of Auxerre, and asked to take the name Germanus St. Leo (Nov. 10th). St. Anatolius was Martyred
for himself. Later he was a Bishop in Ireland in 458 by followers of Dioscorus.

4 July / 17 oratory dedicated to St. Andrew. She was famous
The good great ordination of Martin, for building many monasteries in England,
Scotland, and Ireland. In Scotland she built
if thou... with eyes: Chilnecase in Galloway where “a flourishing
with a hundred wondrous martyrs; community of nuns perpetuated her virtues.” She
Findbarr of Inis Doimle. was buried at Andresey, when she reposed, and
Martin’s good ordination, i.e. his her tomb was noted for frequent miracles.
ordination into the Bishopric of Tours.
[Toirindse] (See Nov. 11th, St. Martin of Tours.) 6 July / 19
Findbarr of Inis Teimle, between Hui Moninne of the Mountain of Cuilenn
Censelaig and the Dessi of Munster. Of Inis
Doimle, there he is in Inis Doimle or Temle, i.e. was a fair pillar:
in darkness (temel) was the island until there she gained a triumph, a hostage of purity,
came two sons of Aed, namely Findbarr and a kinswoman of great Mary!
Barrfind, two sons of Aed of Ath cliath, son of Moninne, i.e. Moninne of Sliab Cuilinn,
Dallan, son of Liathan, soon of Briun, son of who was previously named Darerca. Or Sarbile
Eogan, son of Brecc, son of Art cuirp, son of was her name previously. But a certain dumb
Fiacha Suigde. poet fasted at her that his speech might come to
St. Andrew of Crete, Hymnographer, 8th him. And this was the first thing he said, i.e. nin
century. nin [sic LL. Monindin L.] Hence the nun was
Russian Royal family, Martyrs, 1918, on called Mo-ninne, and the poet Ninine eces.
the new calendar date of July 4th. Moninne quasi Monana, the nuns used to call her.
[So in LL. 371c, 13.]
5 July / 18 A sister of Mary, i.e. she was a virgin like Mary.
[Not literally her sister, but a nun.]
To the Martyr Agatho with his train, Nine score years together, according to rule
a fair assembly, without fear,
Christ has granted - perfect peace - without folly, without fault, without error, it was
great love of Him, with awe. Moninne’s age.
Agatho, i.e. in Lombardy is Agatho et in Moninne was said of her, of the devout holy
illa ciuitate quae uocatur [A]gatha, et ab illo virgin with beauty:
nominata est haec ciuitas. Longbarde dicti sunt a Monanna, ‘tis a gracious name the girls used to
longua barba. say.
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Or from this the name was said, of the nun for her
Fergusa from Uamag (or ho Hummigh); Etain invocation
virgin of Tuaim Noa. from Ninnen the poet - the better thereof - who
The Saints of Ireland lists a Modwena besought her for her prayer.
today (see tomorrow for two others), of I will tell it out to you her own name usually,
Polsworth, ninth century. This Modwena cured Darerca for her time clave to her till she took it,
the disease of king Ethelwolfe’s son. When her the agnomen.
monastery was destroyed in Ireland by Norse, Moninne, daughter of Mochta son of
king Ethelwolfe gave her permission to build two Lilach, son of Lugaid, son of Ross, son of
Abbies at Polsworth in Warwickshire. He also Imchath, son of Feidlimid, son of Cass, son of
gave his sister Edith who was a widow, so that Fiacha Araide.
she could be a professed nun, after Edith was St. Modwena (Moninne, Edana) reposed
educated at Polsworth. Edith later became the A.D. 516., and had many convents. Killeavy
second Abbess. Modwena lived some years as a near Newry in Down continued until the 12th
solitary on the island of Andresey, named after an century. She sought guidance from St. Ibar for

her nuns at Beg-Eri, and received her veil from Rule of St. Maelruain is used for Psalms for
St. Patrick. St. Brigid gave her a silver shrine as evening Hours, and the Rule of the Céli Dé. The
recorded in Irish Annals. In Scotland the modern “Gospel of St. Maelruain” is another name for the
names of Edinburgh and Maiden Castle are Celtic Missal or Lorrha-Stowe Missal.]
associated with the name Medena or Mo-Edana, From two Prefaces to The Speckled Book
in the Breviary of Aberdeen Nov. 19th. Skene (the Martyrology of Oengus, or Félire Óengusso
says, in Celtic Scotland, that Edinburgh was Céli Dé) concerning Tallacht and St. Maelruain:
supposedly named for a fort there built by king The Place of this work of art is Cuil
Edwin, but long before that was Edana’s Bennchuir (Bangor) in Mag Rechet, in the
sanctuary and a place of pilgrimage. territory of Hui Failgi, as regards its
Another St. Modwena today (Moninna) commencement: in Cluain Eidnech, however, the
of Whitby, around 650-700. King Aldfrid of greater part of it: in Tamlachtu (Tallacht) Libren
England who had stayed in Ireland to study for the completion of it all (to wit, in the time of
twenty years asked the Irish Abbess Modwena to Abbot Maelruain it was composed).
be the second Abbess of Whitby after the death of Its Author was Oengus son of Oengoba,
Hilda around 680. The king’s sister Elfleda was son of Oiblen, of the community of Cluain
trained in monastic administration and religious Eidnech.
rule, at the request of the king. After Modwena In the Time of Cobthach Coelbreg (it
finished helping Elfleda, Modwena returned to was composed).
Ireland, and Elfleda became Abbess of Whitby. Now this is the Cause. Once upon a
(St. Sisoes, Anchorite after St. Anthony, time he (Oengus) fared from Disert [Desert, a
d. 429.) place of prayer] Oengusa in Munster to Cuil
Bennchuir (Bangor), going to get Maelruain in
7 July / 20 Tamlachtu for (his) soul friend (spiritual elder,
With a great and beautiful host of the ‘anamchara’). And he saw a grave in the
church, and (all) over it was full of angels up to
Parmenius, steadfast troop, heaven. So Oengus asked the Priest of the
Mael-rúain has attained heaven, church, “who has been buried there?”
splendid sun of the Gaels’ island! “A certain wretched ex-layman who
Of Parmenius, i.e. a presbyter de familia dwelt in the place,” says the Priest.
Policroni, qui praedicauit uerbum Dei post “What good has he done?” says Oengus.
praecisam lingam sub Decio, in ignem missus et “Truly we used not to see,” says the
non nocuit ei, sed gladio decollatus est cum Priest, “any good done by him, save that on lying
omnibus sociis suis. Parmenius, smeared with down and rising up he recounted the Saints of the
honey, who was on fiery gridirons. world, as is the custom of ex-laymen.”
Maelruain (or, Mael Ruain), i.e. in “O God of heaven,” says Oengus,
Tamlachta, i.e. Maelruain son of Colman, son of “whoso should make a song of praise for the
Senach, son of Agnaide, son of Mochta, son of Saints, great would be his guerdon! [armor-belt]”
Cuindid, son of Fiacha, son of Mael. i.e. in So then he began the Martyrology at
Tamlachta. Colman is his father’s name and Sech once. Howbeit in Tamlachtu it was completed.
his mother’s name. [For a list of his oentu or Four and twenty syllables in every
societas, see LL. 371c, 13.] quatrain, and if there be more or less, it is an
[St. Maelruain's dates: March 6th, July error.
7 , Oct. 1st. Tallacht or Tamlachta: Jan. 3rd, April
To Fothuth of the Canon, now, Oengus
1st, Oct. 26th. Note: Tamlachta means a plague first showed the Martyrology, when he went on
memorial, and it was founded by St. Maelruain. the hosting (with the army, the “host”) of Dun
Tallacht lasted seventy years, important during Cuair with Ireland’s clerics along with him,
that time, but destroyed by Norse invaders. The including Connmach, a successor of St. Patrick;

and it is on that hosting that clerics were freed cornblades grew through his hair by reason of the
from hosting [from the draft], for it is Fothuth greatness of the service.
that passed the judgment whereby the churches of So it happened there that a little boy was
Ireland were freed, as he himself said: [Sept. 23rd, studying his Psalms with Maelruain, and once
St. Adamnan releases women from the draft.] upon a time the cleric went to the church and
“The Church of living God, leave to her charged the boy to learn his lesson by heart, so
what is hers: let her right be apart as best it has that he might be ready to repeat it before him.
been. The boy, however, runs away, for he did not
“Every true monk that is, be it on his expect that thing, and he came to the kiln to
pure conscience, for the church to which it is due Oengus. So Oengus asked him “what was the
let him work like any slave. matter?” The boy tells him. “Come hither,” says
“Every freeman then, who is without Oengus, “and put thy head on my knee, and
(monastic) rule, without obedience, is allowed to sleep.” Thus was it done. Afterwards the boy
go to the battle of noble Aed son of Niall. arose. Then said Oengus: “Repeat thy lesson, my
[“Allowed...” king’s wishes are his commands.] son.” So the boy says somewhat more than the
“This is the right regulation, neither lesson. “What is that thing, my son?” Says
great nor small, let every slave of God [monk] Oengus. “I have the whole lection,” says the boy.
serve without fault and without sin.” “Depart,” says Oengus, “and confess not whom
Then he showed to Oengus the Song of thou hast visited.” So the boy goes and sets forth
the Canon and the Song of the Complaint, and the lesson to Maelruain, and Maelruain perceived
they made their union there, and each of them that he had somewhat more, and asked him:
blessed the other’s work of art, and they left “Whom didst thou visit, my son?” “I know not,”
many graces on him who should recite it often. says the boy. “That is a lie indeed,” says the
Many, indeed, are the graces of the cleric, “tell me quickly.” “I know not,” says the
Martyrology, as it recounted in the last prologue boy, “but I came to the kiln, and I fell asleep with
(the epilogue, which is a Synodicon). my head on the knee of the kiln-man.” “That is
That Oengus, then, was an humble, true,” says Maelruain: “that man is Oengus the
lowly servant to God, and ‘tis he that used to prophesied one!” And then he comes forth
chant his psalms thus, while he was a Disert suddenly and brought only one shoe on him, and
Oengusso, to wit, fifty in the river with a withe sought the kiln. “Well, O Oengus,” says he, “it
round his neck and tied to the tree; fifty under the was not meet for thee to lie unto us, for meeter
tree, and fifty in his cell. (150 every day.) were it for us to be serving thee than thou us.”
Thereafter he repaired to Maelruain that Then Maelruain brought Oengus with
he might get him as a soulfriend. him with great honor, and Oengus knelt to him,
Now it is that Maelruain who decided and they make their union the union in heaven
that he would not take land in Tamlachtu until and earth. So thus it was then that Oengus was
Michael (the Archangel), with whom he had a revealed to Maelruain. (St. Oengus accepted the
friendship, should take it; and because of that rule of St. Maelruain, and became a monk and a
agreement there are in Tamlachtu relics Cele De, meaning servant of God, in Tallaght.)
consecrated to [St.] Michael. Now once upon a From The Martyrology of Tallaght: ...Maol Ruain
time after that decision it happened that an (Mael Ruain) Bishop of Tamlachta (Tallaght)...
epistle, together with a sod, was cast from heaven
to Maelruain (as a token) that he might take land; 8 July / 21
and thus then Tamlachtu has been acquired. Broccán the scribe gained a noble triumph
Afterwards Oengus, in guise of a slave,
came to him, and Maelruain entrusted to Oengus
without any fall:
the care of the (corn, i.e. wheat) kiln. He took with Diarmait, sure flame,
that in hand, and this is related, that the bright sun of Glenn Uissen.

Broccan, i.e. in Moethail Broccain in “Filoque,” about the Holy Spirit, changing the
Dessi of Munster. Or Broccan Patrick’s scribe Christian Creed, and a factors leading to the
this, and in Brechmag in Hui Dorthan is his Great Schism dividing Orthodox Romans.
church. Charlemagne ascended the throne in 800. See St.
Diarmait, i.e. My-Dimoc of Glenn James the Greater, and Council of Toledo in 569.)
Uissen. His foster-mother said, caressing him, Some early Irish practices in Wurzburg,
“This is my Dimoc,” whence Modimoc is (said) including penitential Rogation processions (after
today, like Moedoc, i.e. Aedoc. Mo Dimoc in the Fifth Sunday after Pascha), are still practiced.
Hui Bairrche; he had been before in Glenn Uissen St. Kilian was named as an intercessor for the
with Comgan. Franconians at the Last Judgment. (See Firmus,
St. Kilian of Wurzburg, Irish missionary, of Feidlimid from Cell mor dithruib Aug. 9 th,
Apostle to the Germans and Austrians; (today is Kilian of Wurzburg was educated at Kilmore.)
the translation of his relics), Martyred in A.D. From The Martyrology of Tallaght: ...Saint
689, born about 640 in Mullagh in County Cavan, Celiani (Kilian) Scotti martiris cum suis fratribus
and trained at Kilmore. He went to the land of Aed and Tadg and Amarma coniuge regis
the Franks with Colman and Totnan about 680, Gothorum truncati a preposito dommus regiae in
and in that completely pagan land planted a Cross ippodoronia [hippodromo] palatii regii.
on Kreusberg hill, the “Mount of the Cross.” The St. Procopius, Martyred in 303.
three went to Rome where Pope Conon blessed
their mission and gave St. Kilian permission to be 9 July / 22
a traveling Bishop with a fixed See in Wurzburg. The splendid announcement of Onchu:
They returned in the winter of 689. They had
many converts, including Duke Gosbert, but he
soon comes every one who entreats him:
was married to his deceased brother’s wife he loved devotion to Christ,
Geilana, and Kilian declared the union invalid. Garbán the fair of Cenn sáli.
This angered Geilana, and when Gosbert was Of Onchu, i.e. son of Blathmec. Onchu
absent she had the three missionaries murdered and Finan the leper of Raith Blaithmic in the
and their bodies hidden. Christianity survived; in Upper Dal-caiss (are) in Cluain Mor in one
708 Gosbert’s son Helon built a church in his sepulchre. Moling sang: Dear the pair who are at
castle dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. rest (?) by the cross at the shrine in the south,
Fifty years after their Martyrdom the remains Onchu, who loved not the despicable world,
were recovered and translated (transferred) to a Finan the leper, the hand of the benefits.
church. Boniface named Wurzburg a Bishopric For the membra, i.e. relics, of Finan the
in 741 in honor of St. Kilian. Pope Zachary gave leper and Onchu (Onchon) are in the same place
permission in 752 on July 8th for the relics of the in Cluain Mor.
three Saints to be translated to the new cathedral Garban, Priest of Cenn Saile, i.e. in
on the exact spot of their Martyrdom, the site of Fingal, east of Swords, or in Hui Echach of
the present cathedral, and a place of pilgrimage. Munster, and My Goroc of Sruthair on this day.
Surviving books in Wurzburg from the St. Pancratius (Pancras) of Taormina,
7th and 8th century: a Gospel book, Lectionary, a Sicily, Bishop Martyr, first century. Consecrated
copy of Muirchu’s Life of St.Patrick from 699, by Ss. Peter and Paul.
etc. The library at Wurzburg was not destroyed,
as were many books in Ireland. (The sources 10 July / 23
from St. Columbanus at Luxeuil and Bobbio are Declare the suffering of seven brethren,
preferred, not influenced later by Charlemagne
who resided in Wurzburg and Paris. Clement, the
unto whom a dungeon was Christ’s Cross,
head of Charlemagne’s Paris school retired to Cúán, Mark - great the repose -
Wurzburg in 818. Charlemagne promoted the twice six thousands of Martyrs!

[It is not certain which St. Mark this is, her relics were there. St. Anatolius (see July 3rd)
or it could be others Martyred in Alexandria.] who led the Council, suggested that scrolls with
Of seven brothers, i.e. at Rome. Seven the doctrines of the Monophysites and Orthodox
sons of Saint Felicitas Matris, qui in Roma passi be placed in her tomb and sealed, in the presence
sunt cum sua matre. [Seven brothers: Januarius, of the emperor Marcian, and kept guarded for
Felix, Philippus, Silvanus, Alexander, Vitali, three days. When the tomb was opened, the
Marcialis (according to Ob. Et mart. Of Christ scroll of Orthodox doctrine was in her right hand,
church). See St. Symphorosa, June 27th , and II and the Monophysite scroll was below her feet.
Maccabees ch. 7, a situation caused by Antiochus In 620, the relics were moved to Constantinople
Epiphanes.] [See also April 8th, and Sept. 19th - after Chalcedon was defeated by the Persians.
not known if this is the same St. Januarius.] During the iconoclast controversy, her relics were
Cuan, i.e. of Maethail Broccain in Desi thrown into the sea, but recovered by Orthodox
of Munster. From The Martyrology of Tallaght: fishermen Sergius and Sergonos, and taken to the
Cuain in Airbre in Ui Cennselaig. island of Lemnos. The relics were returned to
St. Etto, Eton, or Ze today, an Irish Constantinople in 796. When the city was sacked,
missionary to Belgium, d. A.D. 670. He worked in 1206, her head was taken by knights Templar
with Fursey in East Anglia (see Jan. 16th), and to Nicosia in Cyprus. Other relics are in Rovinj
traveled to Rome on pilgrimage with Fursey. Croatia, in a basilica dedicated to her.
Etto was Consecrated a Bishop in Rome, and then Benedict, i.e. caput monachorum, vel
was sent to the Low Countries. He was Abbot- alius. (Note: Benedictines read St. John Cassian.)
Bishop of the monastery of Fescan in the village Son of Cu-logae, i.e. Failbe, i.e. in
of Dompierre, and worked to spread the Faith: in Curcne, from Disert maic Con-locha in the west
the Canton of Avesnes, in Buinvilliers near Arras, of Meath, sed Falbe uocatur.
and in Liesse. Both Liesse and Fescan celebrated St. Drostan today, first Abbot of Deer
his Feast with a great procession escorting his Monastery which had been a fort in the district of
relics. Algise (June 2nd) with his brothers Gobain Buchan. The 8th century Book of Deer is the
(June 30th) and Etto (July 10th) were all disciples oldest Bible manuscript of Scottish literature,
of Fursey (Jan 16th). with a history of the foundation of the Abbey at
the end written in Irish, the earliest example of
11 July / 24 Scottish Gaelic in existence. (The book is in
With the Martyrdom of the queen, Cambridge University in England.) Churches
along the northeast Scottish coast have origins in
Euphemia the hostful, Drostan, a disciple of Colm cille, one of the
Benedict strong pillar, Apostles of Scotland. He was of the Irish royal
Cú-lógae’s devout son. family of Cosgrach. After establishing the
Euphemia, i.e. a virgin and Martyr sub monastery at Deer (which flourished for a
Deoclitiano imperatore et proconsule Prisco in thousand years), Drostan spent the later part of
urbe Chalcidone in partibus E[u]ropae passa est. his life as a hermit. But, he also built Glenesk in
Appellianus uero inimicus Christianorum Angus where he is famous for miracles. The
accusauit eam coram praeside, et suasit ei ut Breviary of Aberdeen has his Feast day Dec. 15th
puniret eam, quia non sacrificaret idolis. [also and says “his relics are preserved in a stone tomb
Sept. 16th in O.E. Mart.] at Aberdour where many sick persons find relief.”
St. Euphemia was one of those Martyrs “Drostan’s Fair,” was celebrated Nov. 14th.
who endured terrible tortures, and died of wounds Aberdeen and Argyll kept his Feast day July 11th.
from a bear in the arena at Rome, Sept. 16th, 305. St. Sigisbert today, a disciple of
Today is her miracle at the Council of Chalcedon Columbanus at Luxeuil (Nov. 23rd), who traveled
in 451. She had taught in the city of Chalcedon, to Switzerland after their wandering exile.
across the Bosphorus from Constantinople, and Although Columbanus went on to Italy, Sigisbert

left the group of monks at Chur in the Swiss in Gaul (France), Consecrated by St. Peter,
Alps. He is called the Apostle of the Grisons, Baptized local prince Defenson, and his people.
because he built his cell and oratory there in the St. Julian healed, expelled demons, and raised the
mountain wilderness around A.D. 614, later dead. He was not Martyred, but at his death
becoming Dissentis monastery. He died in 625. appeared in daylight at lunch to prince Defenson.
St. Olga, Orthodox grandmother of St. Also today, St. Serapion, Patriarch of Antioch?
14 July / 27
12 July / 25 May the Bishop Jacob
Unto the angels has departed Nazarius, who is most holy convoy us!
the story of every synod: we beseech him, we entreat him,
Felix he went well, with a decad of infants.”
with his great melodious (?) host. Iacob. “I know not who this Jacob
Nazarius, i.e. Bishop of Laith [Mor] is.” (Oengus). (Also, St. Aquila of the Seventy.)
Mochoemoc in the southern Eli. St. Menulphus
of Menou today, an Irish Bishop of Quimper and The Twelve Apostles,
founder of St. Menoux in Bourges.
St. Veronica (or Bernice), niece of Herod of Jesus and of Ireland
I. She was cured by Christ of an issue of blood (Major Feast)
upon touching Christ's hem, and later wiped His 15 July / 28
Face on the way to the Crucifixion, and her cloth
was imprinted with His Holy Image. Sources: The Twelve Apostles,
Eusebius in his Historia Ecclesiastica (vii 18); who surpass every number,
Acta Pilate, 4th century. A pilgrim visiting before a countless host Jesus distributed
Jerusalem in the 4th century said that the house of them throughout the race of Adam.
Veronica had a statue of Christ outside where General Lections and Propers for the
pilgrims would make images on cloth. (“True Apostles; with all the Gradual Psalms, see after
Image” - Vera Icon, or, “Nika,” victory. Bernice: Feb. 15th. Synopsis of the Life of the Twelve
Greek pronunciation of “B” as “V.”) Also Oct. Apostles. Also, the Twelve Apostles of Ireland.
23rd and Feb. 4th Roman dates. The True Image of “Seventeen years after the Passion of the
the Face of Christ on the Cloth “Made Without Lord, the Apostles spread the teaching of the
Hands” is the cloth of Edessa, see the Apostles. Evangelists into all the world. St. Adomnan
established this solemnity among the Irish
13 July / 26 (Scotos), and on this day they do games of skill
Sweet the name with splendor [sports?].” (In hoc die missi sunt Apostoli ad
of Evangelus the hallowed, praedicandum [euangelium] per totum mundum
quasi .xuii. anno post passionem Domini.
with my Sílóc of the kingfolk Adomnanus illam sollempnitatem apud Scotos
he went into the noble realm of peace. constituit. In hoc die, ut ferunt periti.) [Note the
With my Siloc, i.e. of Cluain deochra, play on the names “Adomnan” and “Adam” by
i.e. in Hui Dega, i.e. of Cell mo-Siloc, in Hui Oengus and the glossator. There is a Byzantine
Dega in Hui Cennselaig, or in Cluain da Aithgeid. “Synaxis,” or gathering of the Twelve Apostles
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: on June 30th, the day after the Feast of Ss. Peter
Mosiloc of Cluain Daetcain (?) (or ‘o Cluain da and Paul; that Feast was established early, but
aithgeid’, or ‘Cluana daithgen’, or Chluana usually is within the forty-day Apostles' Fast in
doechra’). the Celtic Rite. Feasts usually had a three-day
St. Julian of Cenomanis (LeMans) 1st c. celebration, with a focus on the primary day.]

“The Twelve Apostles: Saints Simon, 16 July / 29
Madian and Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas, Every day will go to thee,
Thaddaeus, Peter, Andrew, Philip, Paul, John and
the two Jameses.” [Of the Twelve Apostles. See
if only thou wilt resort to Christ,
Dec. 27th, the four Jameses; two are of the the prayer of the child Mammes,
Seventy, not the Twelve; the two “of the Twelve” with a gentle host (of martyrs).
are here. St. Paul is equal to the Twelve, but not Mammetis then, i.e. genitive of the name
“of the Twelve” although he is in this Irish list.] Mammes, quia .xu. Annorum erat quando pasus
Ireland’s twelve Apostles: Two Finnians, est martirium. (Could be St. Marina of Antioch,
two chaste Columbs, Ciaran, Cainnech, fair July 17th? Or, more likely it is St. Mamas,
Comgall, two Brenainns, Ruadan with beauty, Mammas, Mammes, or Mammet of Caesarea in
Ninnid, Mo-bi, son of Natfraech, i.e. Molaise. Cappadocia, also Aug. 17th, which the Byzantines
[Irish Saints: Two Finnians: Findbarr of Mag Bili celebrate Sept. 2nd. Martyred in 275 at age 15; his
(Finian of Movila) Sept 10th 575; and Finten parents, Theodotus and Rufinaon, Martyrs, with
(Finian) of Clonard Dec. 12th 549; two chaste him. A lion was his companion. He evaded taxes,
Columbs: Colm cille of Iona June 9th 597 and therefore possibly the reason for the September
Colomb of Tir da glais or Colm of Terryglass date, when the Byzantines collected taxes.
Dec. 13th May 24th 552 (a third Columba could be Soldiers captured him, but he saw a lion attacking
counted as an Apostle to the continent of Europe, a lamb, and he saved the lamb, jumped on the
Columba of Luxeuil and Bobbio Nov. 23rd 615); back of the lion, and came back to town.)
Ciaran, Sept 9th 545; Cainnech (Caindech or St. Sinach MacDara today, and Sept. 28th
Kenneth) Oct. 11th 600; fair Comgall (Comgaill) his main Feast day. Today a pilgrimage of fishing
May 10th 603; two Brenainns: Brendan of boats carry holy water in a bottle in the prow.
Clonfert “the Navigator” who traveled to St. Athenogenes, Martyr under Diocletian.
America (Hy-Brasil) May 16th 577 and Brendan
of Birr Nov. 29th 571; Ruadan (Rodan or 17 July / 30
Ruadhan) April 15th 584; Ninnid (Ninnidh) (6th May the prayers horum atque harum
century) Jan 18th; Mo-bi, son of Natfraech, i.e.
Molaise (or Laisren) April 18th 639 (or on Sept
magnify us,
12th or Aug. 12). Of every Martyr whom we recount,
(This list includes twelve Irish Saints with the host of the Scillitae.
later than St. Patrick, March 17th/30th, who was From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Consecrated by Pope Celestius in 432, and died Flainni (Flann) of Inber Becce; Corpnatae (or
493. Bishops were in Ireland before St. Patrick Craebnat); Sistan Priest on Loch Melge.
(see March 5th); but he is the chief Apostle of St. Turninus, 7th c., was an Irish monk
Ireland. Also: St. Adamnan is Sept 23rd, 704. who accompanied Foillan (see Oct. 31st) in the
Also see St. Sinell, Nov. 12th. Today, July Netherlands. He missionized around Antwerp.
15th/28th is usually after the 40 day Apostles' fast At his death near the end of the century his relics
after Pentecost. Include St. Patrick in prayers.)] were taken into the principality of Liege and
Also: St. Vladimir of Kiev, Apostle to enshrined in a monastery on the Sambre.
the Rus (called “equal to the Apostles”); he sent St. Fredegand, 7th c., was an Irish monk
envoys to study religions in 987 and was at Dorne in Belgium around Antwerp, Monstier
Baptized with his country in 988. He reposed in near Namur, and St. Omer in the diocese of Arras.
1015. (St. Quiricus: see June 16th.) He was with Foillan in the Low Countries (see
(On July 28, 1994, Bishop Maelruain Oct. 31st, and Fursey Jan. 16th). Some say he was
had a compression fracture of his spine, and with the Anglo-Saxon Willibrord who trained for
while healing began the translation of the Lorrha- twelve years in Ireland and then missionized in
Stowe Missal.) Europe. A statue was erected to Fredegand in

Dorne on May 1st in the 16th century, and that is forgather with him for anything unless he would
credited with averting a great plague. help in doing yon great (deed of) lowliness. Thus
In the Bulgarian Orthodox (Byzantine) is it done, and through the king’s help she offered
Church: Ss. Clement and Companions, the (to God) the causeway, and through that deed the
Seven Apostles of Bulgaria (9th to 10th centuries), divine grace comes on himself, and he serves the
establishing the monastery at Okhrida. Clement Lord, and he and Christina did not forgather.
died in 927 A.D. His Feast day isJuly 27 th, but all [The O.E. Mart has a different legend. The Irish
the Companions are celebrated today, including history is similar to Ss. Cyprian and Justina: St.
Ss. Clement, Nahum, Sabas, Angelarius in Cyprian before his conversion was trying to win
Bulgaria, and St. Gorazd of Albania who was Justina for another young man, and when
under Ss. Cyril and Methodius. Ss. Cyril and Cyprian’s attempts failed, he converted to
Methodius may not have traveled to Bulgaria, but Christianity. Ss. Cyprian and Justina are effective
they are included among the other Companions, intercessors against curses and possessions.]
because these Bishops were in charge of the
missions. St. Clement is also called Slovensky. 19 July / Aug 1
These mission efforts led to the conversion of the The holy prayer of Sisennius,
Rus. (The Irish, when describing a mission, often
refer to “Seven Holy Bishops” as founders,
- thou art weak unless thou hope for it, -
because it takes several trained and dedicated who comes quickly at thy wish,
clergy to establish a new church in an area. A with a great alert troop.
Litany of Irish Saints many groups of “Seven Of Sisinnus, i.e. Sisinnus dux clarus de
Holy Bishops.”) See another St. Clement on July familia Nerue imperatoris, sed a Clemente papa
19th and Nov. 23rd, probably the names’ sake of baptizatus est cum omni familia sua. .i.ccc.xxx. et
this later St. Clement. The emperor Trajan exiled .iii. nobiles, et illi tres fuerunt amici Neronis, per
the first St. Clement to the Crimea. In spite of istum Deo cred[id]erunt, sed per Theodoram
slavery and terrible conditions, he built many coniugem prius iste credidit; nec passio eius
churches, and was Martyred in the sea there. The narratur hic. Sisinnus “dux clarus,” famous
sea receded from his shrine once a year. The general of the family of Nero the emperor, but
location of the first Clement is near the second. was Baptized by Pope Clement with all of his
family, three hundred and thirty three nobles, and
18 July / 31 those three were friends of Nero who came to
May the host of the queen, believe in God through him (Sisinnus), but
through Theodora his wife he first came to
the hallowed Christina, believe, but neither is his Passion told here.
with a heptad of brethren, (For Clement see Nov. 14th, Nov. 21st,
convoy us into the noble peace! and Nov. 23rd. The history is at Nov. 23 rd.
Of the queen i.e. Christina: from her is Sisinnus was Baptized by St. Clement.)
named Lacus Christinae, near Rome, the distance St. Seraphim of Sarov – see Jan 2/15.
of a journey of three ostents. [Translator’s note:
According to Rhabanus an ostent was one- 20 July / Aug 2
sixtieth of an hour: see O’Donovan’s note, Battle Alert are the woman-children,
of Moira, p. 332. It seems synonymous with unga
(Lat. uncia) the twelfth part of a moment, Thes.
Sabina noble, abundant (?),
Pal. Hib. II 10, 13.] Or Christina: this is a story of Romula the Roman (?):
the Romans, that by her was made one causeway with Curufin the devout.
from Rome to Mount Garganus. Thus did this Romula, i.e. in Rome she was.
happen: a certain man, to wit, a king, gave vast Curphine, i.e. in Hui Fidgente in
love to her, but she said that she would not Munster is Curufin or Curbin.

(Celtic date of the Prophet Elijah or Mobi of Inis Cuscraid [my Biu], i.e.
Elias is Aug. 29th / Sept. 11th, with the Passion of beside Dun da lethglas.
St. John the Baptist. Celtic date of the Prophet
Ezekiel is not tomorrow; perhaps should be Palm 23 July / Aug 5
Sunday because of the Kerubs of the Traditio.) At the suffering of Vincentius
a swarm went to Christ:
21 July / Aug 3
in Rome - it was a succession of elders,
The high cross of Helius the martyr,
- twice nine good soldiers.
magnified a grave-abounding cemetery: (Possibly Trophimus, Theophilus, and
the Passion of happy Praxedes 13 others in Lycia, Martyrs, and Apollinarios and
with shapely virgins. Vitalios Bishop Martyrs of Ravenna. Some
of Praxides, i.e. a virgin and Martyr. months of the Martyrology of Tallaght do not
have early Saints, but many days are same as the
22 July / Aug 4 Byzantines; these may be added ad libitum.)
The blessed nativity of Mary Magdalen, (Today on the Roman calendar is St.
John Cassian: at one time controversial within
the diadem of every host; Rome because of his opposition to the extremes
the Passion of noble Apollonius; of Augustine of Hippo, but according to Butler’s
my Biu of Inis Cúscraid. Lives of the Saints listed July 23rd. See the Celtic
Magdalena, so called from Magdalum date Nov. 25th. His Byzantine date is Feb. 29th.)
uico in quo nata est vel nutrita, quae soror
Lazriani fuit. Sed .xuiii. Mulieres in comitatu 24 July / Aug 6
Christi erant. Et .iiii. Ex illis uocabantur nomine If thou hast a right, O Erin,
quod est Maria prima mater Domini secunda
mater filiorum Zebedei, que fuit soror matris to a champion of battle to aid thee,
Domini tertia mater filiorum Alfei, et ipsa soror thou has the head of a hundred thousands,
matris Domini fuit. Quarta Magdalena Maria. Declan of Ardmore.
i.e. ‘tis she that sat at Christ’s feet, and poured oil Declan, i.e. from Ardmore in the Dessi
over His head and over His feet, and washed of Munster, i.e. Declan of Ardmore, son of Erc,
them with her tears and cleansed them with her son of Nia, son of Brian, son of Eogan Brecc, son
hair; and He gave her forgiveness of her sins, and of Artcirb, son of Fiacha Suigde. From The
the Pharisee upbraided Him for letting a harlot Martyrology of Tallaght: Declan of Ard Mor...
near Him. [Not a harlot, a rumor spread about her See April 7th: Declan brought rye to Ireland in his
in Rome. She strove with seven lustful demons, shoe. See Feb. 13th, Mo-domnoc brought bees,
which did not overcome her because of her April 7th Finan Camm brought wheat, according
goodness, and Christ cleansed her of those to Oengus; all three on the same boat to Ireland.
demons. St. Mary Magdalene was first to witness St. Declan was one of the pre-Patrician
the Resurrection of Christ, and proclaimed His Bishops: Saints Ailbe, Ibar, Declan, and Ciaran
Resurrection: see March 28. She told Tiberius (see March 5th). St. Declan, a prince of the
Caesar at dinner about the Resurrection of Christ, Decies, was given to fosterage for his education
and he said that it was impossible, that if it were to a Christian guardian. In Rome, he studied and
possible the egg she was holding would turn red; was consecrated. St. Patrick later allowed him to
and it turned red. Feast dates for her: March 28 th keep the Bishopric at Ardmore in Waterford. St.
and Jan. 19th , a reflection of July 22nd.] Declan’s relics are in his nine-by-thirteen foot
Apolnair, i.e. Apollinaris, Bishop of oratory at Ardmore. The later Medieval cathedral
Ravenna, qui sub [Ve]spasiano imperatore passus has two Ogham stones; one says “the loved one.”
est. There also is a 95 foot high round tower, St.

Declan’s Well, and the ruins of another church. The Transfiguration
St. Christina of Tyre, 3rd c, great Martyr.
Also Ss. Romanus and David, previously of our Lord Jesus Christ
Boris and Gleb. (July 26/ August 8)
At the Passion of Jovianus
St. James with his fair train of pure gold
(the Greater, meaning elder) was the Transfiguration, at daybreak,
(July 25/ August 7) of Jesus on Mount Tabor.
Transfiguration today. [The Byzantine
My Colmóc, my Silóc, and Roman date is August 6th.] Psalm 18 and the
with Nessán if we dare: Gospel for the Transfiguration is also at the
the death of John’s brother, Throne of St. Peter Jan. 18th. Ss. Peter, John, and
James without reproach. James all saw Christ Transfigured, and knew that
(See the Apostles. St. James the Greater, He IS the Son of God. In January the
because he was the older James, brother of St. Announcement of the Dormition of the Blessed
John the Evangelist, sons of Zebedee, called Virgin Mary is also on the Throne of St. Peter, so
Boanerges, the “Sons of Thunder.” St. James was there is an association of the Dormition with the
the first of the Apostles to fall to Martyrdom, in Transfiguration, nine days apart in the Byzantine
A.D. 44. The St. James of Compostela.) Celtic Rite from August 6th to 15th, but twenty one or
date and Roman date: death of St. James July 25. twenty two days in the Celtic Rite from July 26 th
Gradual Canticle, 124. to Aug. 15th or 16th .
Repose of St. Anna, mother of the (A cycle of prayers may be either
Blessed Virgin Mary, and wife of St. Joachim. through a “Novenna” of nine days or a twenty-
Repose of St. Euphraxia of Tabenna, virgin nun four verse “Abecedarian” Hymn, or the earlier
(4th c), and St. Julia of Tabenna. Repose of St. twenty-two section Hebrew Psalm 118. A Hymn
Olympias Deaconess of Constantinople (d. 408). called the “Dies Irae” which was a reduction of
My Colmoc, i.e. Colman hua Liathain, a the Irish Abecedarian Altus Prosator was used
fosterling of Moling; and in Tech Moling he is until the 1950s in Requiem Masses for the dead
and in Les mor Mochutu. in the Roman church. A nine-verse Kyrie is a
Mo-Siloc, i.e. a fosterling of Moling of reduction of the 40-verse “Kyrie” hymn, called
Luachair, and in Tech Moling he is, or in Les mor “The Hymn of the Apostles,” from the
Mochutu. Antiphonary of Bangor, Hymn 3, similar in
Nessan, i.e. Deacon Nessan in Munster, content to the Abecedarian Hymns; so the nine
i.e. Nessan his name, et diaconus fuit, and in day “Novenna” might be related to forty day
Mungarit he is. periods of prayer and fasting. But: the Lectionary
Brother of John James (Iacob) son of of Luxeiul observed the Transfiguration on the
Zebedee, frater Iohannis, ab Herode Agrippa same date as the Syrian date [St. Wiliborod];
passus est in Hieruslem, et qui prius passus est de there is no information about a prayer cycle
apostolis, sed cum Iacobo filio Zebedeii memoria before the Dormition in the Antiphonary of
martiris Cristifori celebratur apud Romanos. Bangor; and after coming out of the 40 day
Iacobbus apostolus filius Zebedei, frater Iohannis Pentecost fast there is no other fast (see note on
apostoli et euangeliste, qui ab Herode rege June 29th, which is not the end of the Pentecost
decollatus est. Huius sacratissima ossa ab fast). However, the admonishment that “This
Ierusolimis ad Hisppanias translata et in ultimis kind can go out by nothing but by prayer and
fimbri[is] earuum condita celeberrima illarum fasting,” St. Mark 9:28 is immediately after the
gentium ueneracione excoluntur. [See Dec. 27th: Transfiguration in the Gospel of St. Mark.)
about confusion between Saints named 'James.'] The habit of observing the Throne of St.

Peter, the Transfiguration, and the Dormition all Feasts of St. Peter: Cross of Peter Jan
during the winter fast on the dates of the 11th, Throne of Peter at Rome for curing
Announcement in Rome makes sense, especially Constantine Jan 18th, Throne at Antioch Feb 22nd,
if all the people were busy during the summer Apostles Peter and Paul June 29th. Roman date:
caring for their crops, while in the winter fast church ad Vincula Aug 1st.
they would come to church to escape the “damp,” Feasts of St. John: Dec. 27th with St.
which could mean standing water in many areas. James the Brother of the Lord, escape of John
In the summer these Feasts seem scattered from boiling oil June 6th. Roman dates: before the
although these are ancient dates, while in the Latin gate May 6th, with Cyrus Jan 31st, with Paul
winter fast they are all related, although the dates June 26th.
are half a year away from the correct dates. This Feast of St. James the Greater July 25th.
is reminiscent of the Feasts of the Nativity of Moses: Pentecost was the giving of the
Christ and St. John the Baptist, which are six Law and now is of the Holy Spirit (see May 15th).
months from each other, and have a special Elijah’s ascension Aug. 29th (with St.
relationship to eachother. St. John Chrysostom's John the Baptist); the Byzantine date is in July.
symbols of Moses and Elijah in the The Transfiguration is in the three
Transfiguration: Perhaps the Byzantine date of Synoptic Gospels. In The Meaning of Icons,
the Ascension of Elijah relates to the “living,” Ouspensky and Lossky claim that Rome always
and therefore not during a fasting season, and the celebrated the Transfiguration on the Second
date of Moses relates to the “departed.” Moses’ Sunday in Lent; not so! The Celtic Rite, with
lent is variously called the summer fast or the earlier Roman dates, pre-dated Alcuin's changes.]
Advent fast; it refers to any forty day fast. Christ On Mount Tabor, i.e. in the tribe of
is Lord of all faithful, both living and departed.) Nephthalim, on a mountain of Galilee.
The Irish emphasize through the Propers Transfiguration of Christ on mount Tabor in the
of the Mass that Moses and Elijah annunciated presence of Moses and Elias as witnessed by
the word in the Old Testament as taught by the Peter, John and James.
Holy Spirit, and look to the law of Moses, and St. Tomman of Mungairit, and Furudran here.
John the Baptist is sent in the spirit of Elijah. But Also, St. Paraskevi (which means Friday,
Christ IS the Word of God. Hence, the Apostle although literally preparation), in 180.
John is also present, and wrote St. John 1:1, “In Imprisoned by emperor Antoninus Pius, released
the beginning was the Word...” From the Bobbio after she healed his blindness (as she had thrown
Apostle’s Creed, St. John said, “I believe in Jesus some of the boiling oil she was standing in at his
Christ, His only Son, God and our Lord.” St. face). He stopped persecutions; he died in 161,
James also teaches about the Incarnation of Christ and the next emperor, Marcus Aurelius, resumed
according to the Bobbio Apostles’ Creed: “He persecution of Christians, because people blamed
was born of Mary, the Virgin, through the Holy Christians for a plague. Later she was Martyred
Spirit.” St. Peter emphasizes belief in Jesus by the Roman governor Tarasius. Her relics are
Christ as the Son of God, and in the Bobbio in Constantinople. It was fitting that a healer of
Apostles’ Creed description of him he said, “I the blind should be on the Transfiguration.
believe in God the Father Almighty.” See Mass for the Transfiguration
comments about “Theologian” under Ss. John Old Testament: Mal 4:4-6
and Peter. St. John is seen as contemplative, (Remember the law of Moses; the Lord
while St. Peter is seen as active and hesitant, will send Elias the Prophet to prepare the
according to St. John Eriugina. (The St. James day of the Lord, and he will prepare
here is the brother of St. John. Mt 17:1 states them or God will strike the earth.)
“And after six days, Jesus taketh unto him Peter
Introductory Collect
and James, and John his brother, and bringeth
them up into a high mountain apart.”) Most dear brethren, let us beseech as suppliants

the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, God: Who to Hath rejoiced as a giant to run the way. His
this day did give the name of the holy festival of going out is from the end of heaven, And His
the Transfiguration as today’s solemnity, and the circuit even to the end thereof: and there is no
appearance; and the illumination; and the one that can hide himself from His heat. The
declaration so that His fame and majesty may law of the Lord is unspotted, converting souls:
shine forth without ceasing, and the light of the testimony of the Lord is faithful, giving
sanctity may always appear, and that the people wisdom to little ones. The justices of the Lord
may remain consecrated in His Name. are right, rejoicing hearts: the commandment of
Collect Before the Epistle the Lord is lightsome, enlightening the eyes. The
Most dear brethren, let us beseech our God and fear of the Lord is holy, enduring for ever and
Savior Jesus Christ Who was transfigured on ever: the judgments of the Lord are true, justified
Tabor, that we remember that it is through His in themselves, More to be desired than gold and
grace alone that we may obtain forgiveness of our many precious stones: and sweeter than honey
sins... and the honeycomb. For Thy servant keepeth
Epistle 2 Peter 1:16-21 them: and in keeping them there is a great
(St. Peter describes what he witnessed reward. Who can understand sins? From my
on Mount Tabor: the Transfiguration.) secret ones cleanse me, O Lord: and from those
of others spare Thy servant. If they shall have no
Gradual [Ezech 20:40-42a]
dominion over me, then shall I be without spot:
In my holy mountain, in the high mountain of and I shall be cleansed from the greatest sin. And
Israel, saith the Lord God, there shall all the the words of my mouth shall be such as may
house of Israel serve me; all of them, I say, in the please: and the meditation of my heart always in
land in which they shall please me. Thy sight. O Lord, my helper and my redeemer.
And there will I require your first-fruits and the Alleluia.
chief of your tithes with all your sanctifications.
Gospel Mark 9:1-9 (The Transfiguration
I will accept of you for an odor of sweetness,
when I shall have brought you out from the of our Lord Jesus Christ on the mountain.)
people and shall have gathered you out of the Post Nomina
lands into which you are scattered: and I will be O God, Who art rich in all mercies, Father of
sanctified in you in the sight of the nations. And glory, Who wast able to declare Thy Son a light
you shall know that I am the Lord. unto all the nations, through faith He showeth
In my holy mountain, in the high mountain of forth mercy: by liberation to captives; by sight
Israel, saith the Lord God, there shall all the to the blind; by forgiveness of sins, O Lord who
house of Israel serve me; all of them, I say, in the art generous in Thy Christ: Forgive us.
land in which they shall please me. Ad Pacem (the “Secret,” but said
Alleluia Psalm 18 (Heb. 19) Coeli enarrant audibly)
(Same as Throne of St. Peter, Jan 18/31, O God who today through Thine Only begotten
because it is about the Transfiguration.) Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, dost provide
Alleluia. Alleluia. sanctification unto eternal Salvation, Grant, we
The heavens shew forth the glory of God: and beseech Thee that the Holy Spirit who inspired
the firmament declareth the work of His hands. the Prophets of the Old Covenant to write of the
Day to day uttereth speech: and night to night Covenant to come descend upon the entire
sheweth knowledge. There are no speeches nor assembly of the Church by that blessing and that
languages, where their voices are not heard. He protect those joined to Thy Church.
Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth: and Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
their words unto the ends of the world. He hath (Preface in the Roman Rite)
set His tabernacle in the sun: and He, as a It is Truly Worthy and just, O Almighty God,
bridegroom coming out of His bride chamber, because Thou didst work wonders among the

people showing forth Thy mercy and saving aid 13 Particles for Low Sunday
unto the nations, declaring this day that on which and Christ’s Ascension. Thirteen
Prophets and Apostles, adoring the Divinity of Particles of the Host of Low Sunday
the King upon Mount Tabor shown forth by the and the Feast of the Ascension, is an
radiance of His Light: therefore let all the earth image of Christ with His twelve
exalt with profuse joy and those on high intone Apostles; it is not usual to distribute
the hymn of the power of Thy glory, saying... from all thirteen Particles.
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most Post Communion
Dangerous Prayer”) Look down and be merciful to Thy people and
Truly Holy, Truly blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ grant that the Divine Sacrament may be effective
Thy Son Who on this day as proof of His for the absolving of all sins through our Lord
Heavenly Nature showed forth His Majesty Jesus Christ Thy Son Who reigneth with Thee
Christ our Lord, Who the day before He and the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages Amen.
Proper Blessing of the Day by a 27 July / Aug 9
Bishop only if present The bed-death of Simeon the monk:
May God the Light Who revealed the Glory of he was a great sun to the earth:
His Son to the Apostles be pleased to bestow His with the suffering of a lovable host
Blessing upon you. Amen. in Antioch high (and) vast.
By the example of Moses and Elias who were Of Simeon the monk who suffered at
obedient to Him, may He guide you upon the Antioch. [St. Simeon the Stylite: Jan 5th, July 27th
path of virtue to the eternal homeland. Amen. monk in Antioch. The other St. Simeon: Feb. 2nd.]
May He bestow an innocence spirit and mind
upon you and such power upon your mind so
that you may understand the mystery of the law.
28 July / Aug 10
Amen. Vast is their aid,
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain with their radiant host.
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Theophilus an angelic tower of gold;
of ages. Amen. Pantaleo the lucid.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Theophilus and Pantaleo are Martyrs.
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Theophilus, i.e. Bishop of Antioch, Pantaleo .i.
ever with you. Amen. martir et i[n] Necomedia pasus est.
Confraction arrangement for the St. Panteleimon (all things merciful),
Transfiguration: (In the Missal.) born Panteleon (all things like a lion), he changed
[The Confraction number not specified. his name. He was a doctor who took no pay, an
Either it would be considered the same “Unmercenary”. Baptized by Hermolaus (Priest),
as a Sunday Liturgy, or it would be and Martyred with Hermolaus, Hermippus, and
considered a Feast of Christ and the Hermocrates by emperor Maximian. He could
Apostles, remembering His Divinity, not be executed until he had finished his prayers,
with thirteen Particles. Or, it would be and after beheading, his body could not be
appropriate to remember the Holy burned. (Yesterday in the Byzantine Rite.)
Trinity and the orders of heaven, with (The Byzantine Rite celebrates the
nine Particles. See note at Epiphany.] Apostles of the Seventy today. See these names
9 Particles for Sundays. Nine on August 10th at the Feast of St. Lawrence.
Particles of the Host of a Sunday is an Some Celtic Feasts are two weeks different from
image of the nine Households of Heaven the Byzantine Feasts.)
and the nine Grades of the Church. OR

29 July / Aug 11 And Mac tail (leg. Natail) of Cell
Lupus and Simplicius, manach in the west of Ossory, and Bishop
Germanus, Patrick’s tutor, and Iarnoc the Sickly,
Bishops without a whit of reproach; and Fallamon here. From The Martyrology of
Prosper with a virginal train - Tallaght: ...Iarnoc ailithir (a pilgrim) uagh ina
the kingly stars! curp (chaste in his body) (or uithir ‘sickly’)...
Lupus et Semplex et Prossus .iii.er (See May 28th, St. Germanus of Auxerre.)
eipiscopi sunt. Lupus et simplicc episcopi, qui St. Joseph of Arimathea, who buried our
sub Dioclitiano imperatore passi sunt. Lord Jesus Christ in his own tomb. It is said that
he was imprisoned and then banished from
30 July / Aug 12 Jerusalem, and that he traveled everywhere
Christ’s law they used to chant, teaching the Gospel, and reposed in Britain.
There are late legends about him founding a
with mysteries they used to search it out; church in Glastonbury. Many Christians founded
with their host no heedlessness was found, churches in the north, in Britain, Scotland, and
Abdon and Sennis. Ireland, because they fled the terrible
Abdon and Sennis .i. qui in Roma sub persecutions of the earliest centuries, and
Decio imperatore pasi sunt. .i. duo martires et although the Christians did not continue in the
Romae passi sunt gladio. [Died by the sword in north except for small pockets before Ss. Patrick
Rome under emperor Decio.] and Augustine of Canterbury, still there were
Christian traditions that may have continued
31 July / Aug 13 there. Some of the Apostles were said to travel to
July’s host, with many thousands, Britain: see St. Peter, St. Simon, and St. Andrew.
a lofty pillar closes it:
A splendid Bishop out of Ireland, The Macchabees (August 1/14)
Colmán son of Daráne. To the calends of August
Colman son of Darine, i.e. his mother’s eighty great thousands
sister was Darine, and he was a fosterling of hers.
have caused much vigor
Or Darine nomen matris eius, i.e. at Clar Dairi
moir in Mag Airb is Darine’s son, and Natail at the Feast of the sons of Maccabee.
from Cell manach in the west of Ossory, on the (Mass, see below: the Epistle and
same day with him. i.e. from Daire mor meic Bishop's Blessing.)
Darane in Mag Airb he is, and Rathail (sic) from Maccabee, i.e. seven sons cum matre sua
Cell manachin the west of Ossory in uno die: (.i. Mochaba) passi sunt in Antiocia ab Antiacho
from Daire mor meic Darans between Ossory and qui dicitur Epifanes in Dalpia ciuitate Armenia. F.
Ele of Munster. (Seven sons: Martyrs Abimus, Antoninus, Gurias,
Colman son of Darine, then, i.e. Darine Eleazar, Eusabonus, Alimus, and Marcellus; their
was sister of Colman’s mother, and he was her mother Solomonia; and their teacher Eleazar.)
fosterling. Now Sanct, Darine’s sister, was (The Byzantines fast two weeks before
Colman’s mother. Darine was barren, but Sanct Aug. 15th, the “Dormition Fast.” However, Celtic
was prolific. So Darine asked for Colman at once Christians fast in the winter after the Epiphany,
after his birth. To her then Sanct gives him, so around the time of the Announcement of the
that Darine fostered him, and hence he is called Dormition in Rome, the forty day winter fast, the
Colman son of Darine; and he is at Daire mor in “Jesus’ fast” after His Baptism; together with
Mag Airb between Ossory and Ele. [The same Great Lent. There is no tradition of fasting around
legend is related in l.l. 350c, and 372b, where the time of the August Dormition in the Celtic
Sant is called ingen Gesi, ‘daughter of Gese.’] Rite because it is just after the forty day Pentecost

fast. The Celtic Rite does not reduce the length Use the Gradual and Alleluia Psalm and
of the Pentecost fast according to the Apostles’ Gospel of the previous Sunday or
feast on June 29th; another August fast would Thursday. (Or of the Cross:)
extend the Pentecost fast through a great part of Gradual Psalm 134 (Heb. 135) Laudate nomen
the Pentecost season. See the Transfiguration July Praise ye the Name of the Lord, O you,
26th: novena or abecedarian fast. There is always His servants, praise the Lord: You that
a fast on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and stand in the house of the Lord; in the
fasting on vigils is acceptable. Monasteries and courts of the house of our God... Thy
individuals may fast longer if they wish.) Name, O Lord, is for ever: Thy
St. Pellegrinus or Peregrinus today, 7th memorial, O Lord, unto all generations.
century Irish missionary to Italy. “Peregrinus” (Finding of the True Cross, May 3;
meant a traveler in the Middle Ages, usually Feast of Dedication of the first Church in
Irish, not on a pilgrimage, but who was traveling Jerusalem and all Churches and of the
for his soul’s good to another land for years or the Cross, Sept 14 Alleluia. Although the
rest of his life. Mount Pellegrino in the Italian Cross had been a curse, now it is the
Alps is named after an Irish traveler who lived as Sign of the Lord, His memorial.)
a solitary, and is a patron of Modena and Lucca. Alleluia Psalm 134: 13, 21
His chapel through the centuries has been ruined Alleluia, Alleluia! Thy Name, O Lord, is
and restored a number of times, and was for ever: Thy memorial, O Lord, unto all
expanded into a hospice and an inn. In memory generations. Blessed be the Lord out of
of the Saint a bell is rung in winter evenings to Sion, Who dwelleth in Jerusalem.
direct lost travelers; long poles placed along the Alleluia!
road that mark it in the worst snow; a dog always No Gospel is listed for this day; use the nearest
kept ready for rescue work; and free lodging and Sunday or Thursday.
board are offered to the poor for three days. (If using the procession and veneration
In Russia and Ukraine, the anniversary of the Cross then either this Gospel:
of the Baptism of the Rus in 988, with an optional Matthew 13:44-50 (Kingdom of Heaven
blessing of waters of a city. In Constantinople is like a treasure hidden in a field, a
there was a procession of the Cross on this day to pearl of great price, and a net full of
prevent August sicknesses; the reason, in today's fishes, where the good fish are kept and
Bishop's Blessing, the first line speaks about the the bad cast out. At the end, the angels
“purification of the nations, and the healing of will separate good from bad.)
souls.” There were many Martyrs today. or the Byzantine Passion Lection:
Have people read the books of the St. John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, and
Macchabees. At Matins, in Chapter, or 30-35.
in private. These books may be quoted
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
for the Old Testament, or give a synopsis
at the sermon. Bishop only if present
Use the Propers for Martyrs throughout KAL Augusti. Benediction in Natale
the Mass. Machabeorum [The blessing at the birth
Epistle: Romans 5:11-18 into heaven, the day of Martyrdom, of
(Epistle for this day: the offense of the Machabees. The Books of the
Adam; the grace of God. This is fitting Machabees are Biblical Apocrypha. The
for an optional procession of the Cross.) first line refers to a procession and
Or, for the Cross: Phil. 2:5-11 (Jesus as veneration of the Cross today to prevent
Divine, humbling Himself, obedient to illnesses, not related to the Machabees,
death; to Whom every knee should bow but to illnesses that often happened in
and tongue confess.) August.]

Hear the prayers of the suppliants, Almighty VIII of the same era). St. Basil went naked and
Maker of things, Who art the glorious reward of in chains. One Holy and Great Friday he ate
the faith of the Saints, and the purification of the meat on the Cathedral steps and rebuked every
nations, and the healing of souls. Amen. person who judged him, because we are not
Thus, may this family which has gathered for supposed to judge others. When he died, the
today's solemnity of the Machabees, also acquire same Tzar Ivan was one of his pall bearers, and
the gift of salvation, and offer prayers unto the then Tzar Ivan built the beautiful and eccentric
offering of Thy majesty. Amen. Cathedral of St. Basil for him in Moscow.
So that, by the intercession of the Machebee
Martyrs, whose triumph we celebrate today, may 3 Aug / 16
this devoted people hasten with Thy permission, John’s metropolis (Jerusalem),
to where the Martyrs are worthy to ascend, by
Thy hand. Amen.
a splendid Feast with splendor,
May He bless you from the heavens, who in which was found with holiness
suffered for you on earth. Amen. the noble body of Stephen.
The Confraction number is 8 for Martyrs. Stephen’s noble body, i.e. here was
discovered [A.D. 415] the body of Stephen the
first Martyr of the New Testament, et sic
2 Aug / 15 inuentum est .i. Lucianus prespiter ecclesie quae
With that great mother, est in uilla Capargan corpus Stefani martiris
Theodota that durable one, Christianis demonstrauit: [h]aut longe ab
went at the triumph Hierusalem haec uilla distat (sic). Sed Gamalel
scriba legis qui fuit in uno sepulcro cum Stefano
those three good children. demonstrauit per uisionem Luc[i]ano dicens: Ego
Theodota, i.e. with her three sons suis in Gamalel et Nicodimus nepos meus et Abi[l]us
Bithinia, sub Diaclitiano imperatore passi sunt. dilectissimus filius meus in uno sepulcro cum
In hoc die passio trium sororum Stefano sumus, et manifesta Christianis ut ossa
uirginum in Roma .i. Fides, Spes, Caritas .i. eius manifestentur. From The Martyrology of
dicitur Sapientia. [names: Faith, Hope, Charity.] Tallaght: Inventio corporis Zefanus... [Dec. 26th.]
Teothota cum tribus filiis (or fuis); Ss. Dalmatus and Faustus, 5th c., against
Zefanus Bishop; Zefanus Deacon; Felix; the Nestorian heresy in the 3rd Ecumenical
Lucianus; Musitania; Niceta; Paulus. Also: Council of 431.
Comgan celi De; Cobran of Cluain Cuallachta; St. Anthony the Roman, Abbot of
Lonan son of Lasre; Fechine Priest. Novgorod, died in A.D. 1147.
Pope St. Stephen, Martyred 257,
merciful on those who rejoined the church after
heresy or apostasy. The “Martyrdom” was
4 Aug / 17
related to conflicts he endured in the church. Blithe will he be after arriving (in
Vestments look the same as street clothes of that heaven),
time, but he said that a separate outfit not used in great is my confidence in him,
daily wear should be worn by clergy at the Mass. the holy royal champion,
St. Basil Fool for Christ in Moscow,
reposed 1552. He stole from the rich, gave to the
Molua Mac ochae.
poor, rebuked the Tzar Ivan the Terrible for not Blithe will he be etc. Molua, son of
paying enough attention in church and being ochae [Molua Mac ochae]. i.e. ‘armpit,’ from
Cluain ferta Molua, and from Sliab Bladma and
harsh on the innocent (note that Ivan himself
rom Druim Snechta in Fernmag, et in aliis locis.
wrote church hymns, although his treatment of
‘Molua son of ochae,’ thus did he get his name.
others was appalling, much like England's Henry
Comgall of Bennchor [Bangor] once chanced to

be wending his way with his household. It are your counsels besides?” “Here is mine for
happened that they heard somewhat, the cries of thee,” says Molua: “take Christ’s Gospel to thee,
the infant in the tussock of rushes. Vel Comgall and let someone uplift it before thee, and kneel to
ambulans quodam die cum sociis, et eliuans it till thou gettest a soulfriend out of it.” “Go
oculos suos ad celum uidit angelos a terra thou for it,” says Comgall, “for thou art the
ascendentes usque ad celum non longe a uia, et youngest.” So he goes and fetches a gospel.
misit unum de socis ut uideret isionem, sed Comgall looked at him and said: “Since in thy
postquam uenit nil dignum inuenit. He (one of hand it happens to be, ‘tis thou shalt be my
Comgall’s monks) gives his kick to the rush- soulfriend.” So that it is his fosterling, who was
brake, and sees a babe in the midst of it, and soulfriend to him; and Comgall saw a head on
brings it in his armpit. Comgall asked him: everyone within, and they saw similiter.
“what hast thou found?” He answered, “I have Now ‘tis Molua that was soulfriend to
found a babe.” “What didst thou with it?” says David of Cell Muine, and to Coemoc and to
Comgall. “I gave my kick to it,” says the monk, Maedoc and to Comgall, ut quidam dixit: Molua
“and I have brought it in my armpit.” “This shall was soulfriend to David over the slow... sea, and
be its name,” says Comgall, “My-kick son of to Coemoc and to Maedoc and to Comgall.
armpit,” i.e. for its being found in the rushry, or Now this is that Molua who never killed
for the kick which the monk gave to the brake of a bird or any other living thing, and Mael-anfaid
rushes in which it was. (Mac oche, i.e. son of saw the bird bewailing him. Of him too
armpit, for apud uteres ‘armpit’ is called ochae.) Mithiden, my-Ita’s angel, gave the testimony
Thereafter then it was fostered by Comgall. when my-Ita was reproaching him for his
‘Son of ochae,’ i.e. son of armpit, for this forgetfulness (during) three days in not bringing
is the story: when Cmgall of Bennchor was her food; for her portion used to be brought to her
traveling his road he saw a service of angels from heaven every noon. So the angel said:
(coming) to a bank of rushes which was a little The men of heaven, the men of earth - mighty the
distance from the road. So he said to one of his gloom it seemed to them that Lugaid’s death was
community: “Go and see what is in yon bank of Doomsday. [My-ita, or Ita: see January 15 / 28,
rushes.” The man went and gave a kick at the fosterer of Saints.]
bank, and beholds a babe in the midst of it, and Never came, never will come, never will
brings it in his armpit. Then Comgall asked him: reach (heaven) another Saint whose honor is
“What didst thou fund? The man said: “I found a vaster with God.
little babe.” Said Comgall: “What hast thou done Or Never came, never will come - course of
to it?” He replied, “I gave my kick at it, and I valor - another Saint to whom the welcome of
have brought it under my armpit,” etc. the men of heaven will be greater.
Now it came to pass, when Molua was a Marginal notes from The Martyrology of Tallaght:
student, Comgall and he came cum caeteris to the Molua was soul-friend to David
church. It is manifested to Comgall that all who across the tranquil sea
were therein were without a head on anyone of and to Maedoc and to Mochoemoc
them. “So Comgall sained their eyes, and they and to Comgall.
see similiter. They marvel greatly. “Hence is Angelus cecinit:
this,” says Comgall: “my soulfriend has died, and The men of Heaven, the men of earth, a mighty
I am headless [without a “soulfriend” - anmchara inheritance,
- a monastic elder or Father Confessor to guide they thought it was Doomsday, Lugaid’s death.
him, not necessarily the person to give
Absolution, but the person who would offer both There has not come, there will not come, a bright
stern criticism and uplifting encouragement], and course,
ye, too, are headless, for a man without a another Saint more welcome to the men of
soulfriend is a body without a head.” “And what Heaven.

[Similar lines in MT for Sinchell on with Trypho, he also refuted Jewish viewpoints;
March 26th.] St. Justin explains the Old Testament prophecy
Nine hundred of Bennchor [Bangor], six hundred concerning Christ.
of Oentreb, Some confuse Justin’s Apology given to
five hundred of Condere of the combats, Marcus Aurelius with tolerance from the
the son of Carthach the just, was soul-friend to emperor; but emperors were not yet tolerant.
them after Comgall. After the first Apology of Justin, the emperors
[From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Adrian, Antoninus, and Marcus Aurelius did
“Justus; Crescentionis; Sacinthus; Justinus; write letters that allowed Christians to believe in
Heremetus; Florianus; Eraclus; Iseus; Philistina; God (St. Justin quoting Adrian), but Christians
Mimus Bishop; Zefanus; Laurentus. Also: had prayed for mercy on Roman military troops,
Moluae son of Ochae of Cluain Ferta; Berchan of and the emperors wrote these letter because of
Cluain Sasta; Midnat of Cell Lucinni.” St. Justin, mercy given them by God. These letters did not
Martyr, is probably included in today's list in prevent these same emperors from persecuting
The Martyrology of Tallaght. See Dec. 5th, a and committing horrifying murders of Christians,
Bishop Justin, probably a different Justin.] much like Stalin in the 20th century. (Saints listed
St. Justin Martyr, born 110-114, died as Martyrs under Marcus Aurelius or Antonius:
A.D. 165, a Gentile (Roman?) who lived in Polycarp of Smyrna Jan 26th; Paraskevi July 26th
Samaria near Jacob’s well, at Flavia Neapolis, because Christians were blamed for a plague;
now Nablous. Roman date, April 14th; Byzantine Photinus (Pothinus) Bishop of Lyons June 2nd ;
date, June 1st. (See Jan. 26th about St. Polycarp, and probably Irenaeus of Lyons Aug. 26th. Many
who some supposed died in 167 A.D., perhaps Christians escaped persecutions to the north in
confusing him with Justin). Ireland at the Aran Islands, and “Scotia.” Melito
St. Justin is noted for “Apologies” and also had a dialog with Marcus Aurelius.) There
“Dialog” proving Christianity by philosophy; were fewer Martyrdoms under Marcus Aurelius's
most of his writings have not survived. He corrupt son Commodus, because, although he
studied many philosophies: of Aristotle, promoted gory arena spectacles that made people
Pythagorus, the Stoics, and especially Socrates, examine their culture and the moral costs of such
and was for a while a follower of Plato. He entertainments, he was lazy about defending
finally left all these philosophies for Christ. He pagan temples against Christian conversions.
refutes the philosophies in both his second St. Gregory of Tours listed Roman
Apology and his dialog with Trypho. St. Justin emperors and Senate who were especially noted
brought the “Light of the world” to intellectuals. for the Martyrdom of Christians after the
He told them wisdom is false and hollow if it is Resurrection of Christ in his “History of the
not meant for all humanity, and the philosophy of Franks,” Book I, sections 24 to 35, before the
Socrates is impotent. invasion of barbarian tribes, and before the
St. Justin writes about his own persecution of Diocletian. In section 36 St.
conversion by a holy man on the Mediterranean. Gregory mentions the reign of the emperor
In the First Apology he explains that Christians Constantine who stopped the persecution of
are not atheists even though they do not worship Christians, and also the birth of the great St.
idols made of stones and metals, because Martin of Tours. The worst of the emperors listed
Christians worship the one true God who created by St. Gregory were Nero, Domitian, Trajan,
the universe: he may have heard St. Paul on Antoninus (who, St. Gregory said, caused the
Mars hill in Athens (Acts chapter 17). Martyrdom of Justin), emperors Decius,
He probably traveled much, including Valerianus and Gallienus, He also notes the
Ephesus and Rome, teaching wherever he went. problems caused by the barbarian invader Chroc
He wore his philosopher’s gown to emphasize the king of the Alamanni or Germans, then
true philosophy of Christianity. In the dialog Diocletian. After Christianity was made legal by

Constantine, some later emperors again Charites, Paeon, and Liberianus, who suffered at
persecuted Orthodox Christians: Valens who was Rome.” The list also includes Euelpistus and
an Arian heretic, and Maximus. Valens Hierax.) This list may be their Christian names
persecuted St. Basil the Great and other Orthodox instead of their Roman names (or on Aug. 8th).
Christians (see Jan. 1st), and divided the country The name Chariton means charity and
of Cappadocia to make it less powerful, because love. The name Charites means charity and love.
Cappadocia had been entirely Orthodox since “St. The name Paeon means a song. The name
Gregory the Great,” also called St. Gregory the Liberianus means somebody who makes an
Wonderworker of Neocaesarea in Cappadocia, offering (no “t” in the name), or perhaps someone
from the early third century (see Nov. 17th). who is free (if the name were “Libertianus”).
Weakened by its division, that entire region was The names may be further explained by their
later defeated by the Turks, and became Turkey. confessions. When about to be Martyred by
Although St. Gregory of Tours does not mention Rusticus the prefect: Chariton said, “I am a
the emperor Julian the Apostate, he also caused Christian by the command of God.” Charites
great persecution of Christians, until the time of said, “I am a Christian by the grace of God.”
St. Martin of Tours who was about to be Euelpistus a servant of Caesar said, “I too am a
Martyred, but Julian the Apostate's life was cut Christian, having been freed by Christ; and by the
short by a mysterious Saint, probably Mercurius, grace of Christ I partake of the same hope.”
who returned from the dead in ancient armor to Hierax said, “Yes, I am a Christian, for I revere
stop Julian. When reading about Martyrdom of and worship the same God... I was a Christian,
10,000 Christians, remember that the largest city and will be a Christian.” Paeon said, “I too am a
in Europe only had 50,000 people, much later in Christian.... From our parents we received this
the Middle Ages. good confession.” Euelpistus said, “I willingly
St. Justin and his friends were Martyred heard the words of Justin. But from my parents
(beheaded) by Rusticus, the prefect of Rome, in also I learned to be a Christian.” Rusticus asked
A.D. 165, under Marcus Aurelius, who where their parents were. Euelpistus said, “In
persecuted and killed thousands of Christians. Cappadocia.” Hierax said, “Christ is our true
The Greeks said that he died by hemlock father, and faith in Him is our mother; and my
poisoning, perhaps because he was a philosopher. earthly parents died; and I, when I was driven
It was said that Crescens, a cynic, stirred up the from Iconium in Phrygia, came here.” Liberianus
persecution which caused the Martyrdom of St. said, “I too am a Christian, for I worship and
Justin and friends. The emperor Marcus Aurelius reverence the only true God.”
thought of himself as a philosopher and would In discussing the Martyrdom with the
have been persuaded by his pompous vanity to prefect Rusticus, St. Justin said about believing
kill those his “fellow” philosophers did not like. he would go to heaven, “I hope that, if I endure
(The Martyrology of Tallaght mentions these things, I shall have His gifts. (Some
Crescentionis as one of the Martyrs, which may translations say, “I shall have what He teaches.”)
be a confusion.) See St. Christopher, April 28th, Rusticus asked if Justin thought he would ascend
also called Reprobus, meaning “dog-faced,” into heaven and receive some recompense. Justin
which could also mean “cynic;” perhaps a replied, “I do not suppose it, but I know and am
philosopher convert to Christianity. Also, Saints fully persuaded of it.” In response to a command
“Faith, Hope, and Charity with their mother to worship idols, Justin said, “No right-thinking
Wisdom,” were venerated in the Roman person falls away from piety to impiety...
Martyrology in the sixth century on Aug. 1st, with Through prayer we can be saved on account of
a vague history involving beheading. (These our Lord Jesus Christ, even when we have been
sound like gnostic names, see St. Irenaeus against punished, because this shall become to us
gnostics, but also likely Christian names.) A salvation and confidence at the more fearful and
short fragment mentions “Justin, Chariton, universal judgment seat of our Lord and Savior.”

Then all the Christians said, “Do what you will, Martyrs by St. Gregory of Tours. See Jan. 22nd,
for we are Christians, and do not sacrifice to March 26th, and Aug. 5th, 10th, and 11th, dates for
idols.” (This was refuting of the pagans, who this Cassianus or others of the same name.
through their will worshiped themselves and their St. Pontius or Pons was Martyred at
desires as idols of the mind, but this worldly Cimella in France in 258; his relics later
pagan “will” would have no effect on the translated to Languedoc. It was said that he
Christians’ true path in eternity, because the helped convert the emperor Philip the Arab, but
Christians said, Thy will be done.”) when the emperor died in 249, he fled to Gaul.
At his Martyrdom, St. Justin said, “I (Pontius seems a strange name for a Christian,
have endeavored to learn all doctrines; but I have but there was also a Pope then of the same name.)
acquiesced at last in the true doctrines, those
namely of the Christians, even though they do not 6 Aug / 19
please those who hold false opinions.” He also
said he adhered to “right dogma” (“meta Sixtus, a Roman Bishop,
dogmatos orthou,” or Orthodox dogma). “...we bore upwards a buoyant troop,
worship the God of the Christians, whom we with my Cua, triumphant pillar,
reckon to be one from the beginning, the maker from multitudinous Clondalkin.
and fashioner of the whole creation, visible and Sixtus a Roman Bishop, i.e. [Pope] at
invisible; and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Rome. Xisdus episcopus Romae sub Decio in
God, who had also been preached beforehand by Roma passus est .i. apud templum Martis, et
the prophets as about to be present with the race cecidit pars templi et comminuta est quando
of men, the herald of salvation and teacher of Xistus cum duobus diconis gladio decollati sunt.
good disciples. And I, being a man, think that
[Apud Athenas autem natus. F.] et eruditus .i.
what I can say is insignificant in comparison with
Xistus, sed prius philosophus, postea uero
His boundless divinity, acknowledging a certain
discippulus Christi, et Romae papa fuit. .cccx.
prophetic power” [being able to speak about
cum eo. (He was Martyred and 310 with him.)
God], “since it was prophesied concerning Him
(The Transfiguration is July 26/ Aug. 8
of whom now I say that He is the Son of God.
in the Martyrology of Tallaght and Oengus.)
For I know that of old the prophets foretold His
appearance among men.”
The prefect Rusticus ordered them to be 7 Aug / 20
scourged and beheaded, and afterwards some of Announce the five and thrice fifty years
the faithful secretly removed their bodies and laid - vigor which thou hast observed -
them in a suitable place.
seven persons without disgrace
5 Aug / 18 have slept in Ephesus
Seven men in Ephesus, i.e. in a cave
The splendid suffering of Herentius near Ephesus, i.e. septem fratres in Effeso
deserves a loving commemoration, dormientes, et haec sunt nomina eorum .i.
with holy Oswald whom we implore, Maximianus, Malcus, Dionisius, Manianus,
the noble overking of the Saxons. Iohannes, Serapio, Constantinus, sed et alia
Osualt, i.e. Flann fina mac Ossa. nomina habent: Achellius, Diomedius, Eugenius,
[translator’s note: the scholiast here confounds Stephananus, Probatus, Sambatus et Ciricius.
Oswald with Aldfrid, see Plummer, Baeda ii. 159. Sed Decius imperator eos iusit tondi .i. berrad
The venerable Bede has the history of St. moghadh forro [‘a slave’s tonsure upon them’]
Oswald, king-Martyr and wonderworker.] propter uiliatatem formae illis ut peneterent sub
St. Cassianus from Italy, Martyred by illa specie, et iusit eos anteire eum Effesum et
his young students at the encouragement of permanerent ibi donec ipse post eos illus ueniret,
persecutors of Christians. See Glory of the et ut puniret eos ibi in conspectu amicorum

suorum. Postquam uero audierunt Decium Effeso Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
apropincantem latuerunt se in spelonca montis Tallaght: Seven Christians went into a cave to
Cellei. Deccius autem clausit specum positis avoid persecution under Decius and Velerianus.
lapidibus ori eius, et post multum temporis And the cave was closed on them, for it was not
aperuit quidam habitans in monte, Diabus known that they had entered it. They were asleep
nomine, os speloncae, uolens agee de illis in it for a hundred and fifty-five years, until
lapidibus maceriem circa pecora sua, & and after Christian kings came into power in the world and
they had risen out of their sleep, as it seemed to men began to build cities. And people went to
them, one of them went out through the door of the cave where they were, and took away its
the cave to buy food, and thereafter he produced stones for building. And after rising from sleep,
his money in ciuitate. “Get out, O man,” say as they thought, one of them went to buy food.
they: “what thou hast is ancient money: it will not And he proffered his money in the city. ‘Hence,
be taken here.” “What’s that?” says he: “what O man,’ said the people of the city, ‘ancient coin
makes ancient money of it?” “In the time of is what thou hast; it will not be accepted from
Decius,” they answer, “it was coined; and that is thee; in the time of Decius it was made,’ they
a hundred and fifty-five years ago, and there is said, ‘and one hundred and fifty-five years have
now a Christian king, even Constantine son of gone since that money circulated, and a Christian
Helena.” Whereupon he knew his history, and king is here now, namely, Constantine, son of
rendered thanks to God, and related all his tales. Helena.’ So then he knew his situation, and he
And his companions were then brought out of the gave thanks to God. And he told his true tale in
cave by the Bishop of Ephesus, qui vocabatur full. And his companions were brought out of the
Marinus, and they related all their tidings to the cave, and the king was afterwards brought to hold
rex, even Constantine. Or it was in the time of speech with them. And they told their true story
Theodosius son of Arcadius that the came out of to him. And the Christians and God’s Name were
it; and by that miracle God’s name was magnified magnified because of that miracle.
and the Resurrection was affirmed.[Septem Ss. Marinus the soldier and Asterius the
fratrum dormientium in Effeso, id est senator, who wrapped St. Marinus in his toga.
Maximianus, Malchus, Dionisius, Ianuarius, Martyred in 260.
Iohannes, Serapion, Constantinus, qui in tempore Martyrdom of St. Dometius of Persia
Decii morientes post .clu. Annos resurrexerunt with companions, an ascetic on the east shore of
praedicare mundo, regnante Teothosio filio the Euphrates, at Theodosiopolis near Nisibis,
Arcadii, L.L. 361b.] when threatened with Priestly Ordination, fled to
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: a cave near Kura with two disciples. They were
Seven brothers dormientium in Effeso, they are: always singing, and the emperor Julian the
Maximianus; Malchus; Dionisius; Januarius; Apostate traveling by during the war, heard them
Johannes; Serapion; Constantinus; qui in tempore and had the cave walled up, in 363; or, according
Decii morientes post one hundred fifty two annos to the Horologian, they were stoned to death.
resurrexerunt predicare mundo . regnante St. Or (Horus) of the Thebaid, Egypt;
Teothosio son of Arcadius; Sopronius; Donatus ascetic, reposed 390. He said, “This is the
Bishop; Vastinus; Ausentus; Affra; Veneria and monk's celebration of Pascha: the lifting up of the
fifty other Martyrs. Also: Moloce i.e. from mind to unity with God.” [I remember my third
Telach Olaind; Senain; Temnani of Linn (pool) grade teacher, “Miss Orr,” who said to think like
Duachail; Darii dor (see Aug 8th); Cronain of Mag fondue, stretch your mind; yet she was very strict;
Bile (Movilla). (“Seven Sleepers in Ephesus” may her memory be eternal.]
Aug. 4th in the Byzantine Rite. The Byzantines St. Pimon the ill, wonderworker, reposed
record the names as “Maximilian, Jamblicus, 1110.
Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian and
Constantine;” see the Latin names above.)

8 Aug / 21 Tiberianus; Teodorus; Julianus; Laudaicus;
The Feast of Beóán son of great Nessán Primus; Policarpus; Sixtus; Nemiodanus;
Judacus; Fintinnus and eleven others. Also: Nath
- it is no prayer of paltry ones: Priest in Achad Conaire; three daughters of Ailill;
Colmán a praiseful Bishop, Barran virgo; Priest Riagan; Feidlimthe; Ultain;
from the Isle of the White Cow Laeban; Moloce; Mac Liac; the four sons of
(Inishbofin). Ercan; the four sons of Dimman; Breccain;
of Beoan, i.e. from Fid cuilinn in Hui Ciarain; Udnochtain; Coritain hi omnes in Cell
Faelain. Of Beoan, son of Nessan in Fid cuilinn. Mor Dithruib quiescunt; Rathnat of Cell
Colman, i.e. a pilgrim, from Colum Rathnaite; Colman son of Baeith in Druim
cille’s Hi (Iona) and from Inis bo finde in the sea Raithe. (Rathnat and Colman under Aug 5th in
west in Connemara in the western part of some sources).
Connaught. Of Colman of Inis bo finde: he The Saints of Ireland lists Phelim (Felim
rested in the eightieth year of his age. or Feidlimid) on this day. [“Felim” is a play on
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: the word poet, and the name of a class of bards.
Secundus; Serianus; Victorianus; Ostensus; See today: Firmus of “Feidlimid” from “Cell mor
Albanus; Ciriacus; Largus; Crescentianus; dithruib.”] His great-grandfather was Dubthach,
Smragdus; Secundus; Faustinus; Felix; Nazarus; chief poet of Ireland and the first to honor St.
Eutianus; Juliana; Trifonia; Maria; Donata; Patrick at Tara. Felim was one of six brothers, all
Mecrona; Agapa virgin and seventeen others; in religion. Felim was educated by Colm cille.
Choruntonis; Diomedis; Secundinus; Corpoforus. Kilmore [Cell mor dithruib] grew around Felim’s
Also: Colmani Bishop of Inis Bo Finne; eighty hermitage. He was Consecrated Bishop, although
anno etatis eius quieuit; Darii virginis; Curchach Kilmore was not an official “See” at that time.
of Cluain Lothur; Beoani sono of Nessani in Fid Felim’s church was rebuilt and is now the
Chuilend. Protestant Cathedral of Kilmore. Kilian who
The Saints of Ireland mentions another went to Franconia (now in Bavaria) in about 680
St. Ultan today, an 8th century Irish Priest monk was educated at Kilmore. (See St. Kilian of
and solitary at St. Peter’s monastery at Craik, Wurzburg July 8th, Apostle to the Germans.)
who was noted for the art of illumination.
St. Myron Bishop of Crete, farmer, d. 350. Saint Laurence, or Lawrence
St. Emilian the Confessor, Bishop of (August 10/23)
Cyzicus, d. 820, defender of icons.
The full cross of Laurence the Deacon,
9 Aug /22 to his poor body was hard:
with a sound, noble, well-colored host,
Consider thou the Passion of Antony
(and) Firmus, a mighty family: fair Bláán of Cenn Garad.
(See Bishop's Blessing for St. Laurence.)
in Ached cain is buried Nathí Of Laurence the Deacon, i.e. Laurentius
the pious Presbyter. archidiaconus Xipsti [Sixtus] papae Romae fuit,
Community of Firmus, of Feidlimid et sub Decio [sic] passus est in Roma. With an
from Cell mor dithruib with all who may rest army, i.e. seventy soldiers in number.
there. Blaan, i.e. Balaan Bishop of Cenngarad,
In Ached, i.e. in Ached Conairi in Luigni and Dun Blaain (Dumblane) was his chief
of Connaught. Nathi o Achu[d] Chonaire hi monastery, and of Cenngarad was he, i.e. in
Luigniff (sic) Connacht. Galloway.
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: the The blessing on the day of the
Passion of Antonius; Firmus; Rusticus; Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, Deacon, keeper of
Permonius; Crescentianus; Largus; Tiburtus; the Chalice, some say the Holy Grail.

According to St. Ambrose of Milan, St. Also: Blaani Bishop of Cenn Garad in Gallgoedil;
Laurence said during his Martyrdom on a heated Mael Ruain cum suis reliquiis sanctorum
gridiron, “This side’s done, turn me over and martirum et virginum ad Tamlachtain venit;
have a bite.” (“Assum est, inquit, versa et Cummine Abbot of Druim Bo.
manduca.”. ) Venerated by all Christian churches. A church with relics of Laurentius at
The Byzantine Rite says that emperor Valerian Brioni in Italy needed a new roof and beams.
killed St. Laurence; and that he died in 258, One of the beams was too short, and the Bishop
Valerian was emperor from 253 to 260. Decius did not have the money needed to have another
was emperor only until 251. [Pope Sixtus I d. in brought from the forest. The Bishop prayed: “O
128. St. Lawrence was Deacon to Pope Sixtus II, most blessed Laurentius, you who was glorified
also Martyred A.D. 258.] by being placed in a fire and who always cherish
The Glossator of Oengus suggests that and assist the poor, consider my poverty, because
the “70 soldiers” were also celebrated today: my neediness has no resources for another beam
perhaps the 70 Apostles other than the Twelve, to be brought here.” Then the short beam grew
July 28th in the Byzantine Rite; often it seems that longer than was needed, and had to be cut shorter.
Byzantine and Celtic Feasts are separated by Splinters of this extra wood were given out, and
about two weeks. [The “Seventy Apostles” other healed the sick and blind. From St. Gregory of
than the “Twelve Apostles,” are Saints: James the Tours in his Glory of the Martyrs.
Brother of the Lord, Mark the Evangelist, Luke St. Cassianus: see Aug. 5th.
the Evangelist, Cleopas the brother of Joseph the St. Blane, nephew and successor of
Betrothed, Symeon the son of Cleopas, Barnabas, Cathan the founder of the monastery at Kilgarth
Justus, Thaddaeus, Ananias, Stephen the in Scotland (May 11th). Aedan, the Irish king in
Archdeacon; Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Scotland, was Blane’s father. Blane was educated
and Parmenas of the seven deacons; Timothy, by Comgall of Bangor and Cainnech of Aghaboe,
Titus, Philemon, Onesimus, Epaphras, Archippus, returning to Cathan after that and succeeding him
Silas, Silvanus, Crescens, Crispus, Epenetus, as Abbot-Bishop. The place called “Dunblane”
Andronicus, Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus,, on the south side of Bute in Kingarth was named
Apelles, Aristobulus, Herodion, Agabus, Rufus, for him, and was his chief monastery. Churches
Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobus, Hermas, named after him: Kilblane, Kilblain, Dunblane,
Linus, Gaius, Philogogus, Lucius, Jason, and Petblane. Churches commemorating him are
Sosipater, Olympas, Tertius, Erastus, Quartus, at Kirkmahoe, Caerlaveroch, Southend in
Euodias, Onesiphorus, Clement, Sosthenes, Kintyre, Glenshira near Inveray on Loch Shiel,
Apollos, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Carpus, Caibeal Bhlathain, Lochearnhead and near Old
Quadratus, Mark called John, Zenas, Aristarchus, Meldrum in Aberdeenshire, and in Daviot in
Pudens, Trophimus, Mark, Artemas, Aquila, Aberdeenshire. In Cumberland in the southern
Fortunatus and Achaicus.] part of the kingdom of Strathclyde beyond
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Solway there are more churches with the name of
Laurentius Archdeacon and Martyr in Rome and Blane. He died about 590 and is buried in
eleven men and thirteen virgins. Felicissimus; Kingarth in Bute. The monastery at Kilgarth
Zefanus; Crescentionis; Arcareus; Quirillus; lasted until it was destroyed by Vikings; in 794
Quintus; Geminus; Agapa; Perpetua; Petronilla; A.D., the Irish Annals recorded, “the devastation
Crispina; Menella; Maria; Juliana; Innocentia; of all the islands of Britain by the heathen.”
Terentia; Isiodora; Ostensa; Affra; Crescentia; Mass for St. Laurence: Use the Propers
Perpetua; Felicitats; Portianus; Crestus and for Martyrs in the Missal.
twenty eight others; Ciriacus; Ciricus;
Exsuperatus; Eugenius; Pastoris; Pontianus; Bishop's Blessing for Saint
Largus; Leocis; Leocipus; Sevus; Cassianus and
Laurence: Benedictio Sancti Laurentii
thirty others; Anna (Hannah) mother of Samuel.

May the most grace-filled blessing of the Holy Tiburtius, i.e. a Martyr in Rome sub
Trinity descend upon you, who celebrate with Fabiano praeside passus est. From The
most devoted minds, the festival of the blessed Martyrology of Tallaght: Tiburtus and
Deacon and glorious Martyr Laurence. Amen. [*Valerianus...] [* NOT, needs citation!]
[*] May you be worthy to be supported by his St. Adhract (Attracta, or in the
intercession and be strengthened by his example. Martyrology of Tallaght, Etracta virgin; or
Who was not broken by the cruel torture, but Indecta virgin) on this day, daughter of Talan.
throughout the most monstrous cruelty of She took the veil from St. Patrick, and devoted
torments, he was able to speak the most glorious her life to the poor and sick. “Attracta sent her
confession of Christ. Amen. servant Mochain in search of a site, one near
And may God Almighty, Who gave him the seven roads that it might be more easily
celestial glory to get up again in triumph for accessible to as many as possible of the needy.
having gone through the most severe kinds of Mochain found such a spot at Lough Gara in
diverse torments; likewise Himself, grant to you Sligo, and there arose Killaraght - cell of Attracta.
the vigor of faith to cast away the contamination Her hospice there flourished for more than a
of sins, and to be endowed with incorruptible thousand years, until 1539.” The Saint’s cross
crowns of glory with all of the elect. Amen. was preserved through the Middle Ages in the
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain hereditary keepership of the O’Mochain family.
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Two of Munchin’s sisters had convents
of ages. Amen. adjoining his: Rose of Kilrush, and Lelia or
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Liadhain of Killely on Aug. 11th - see Munchin
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Jan. 2nd. From the Martyrology of Tallaght, “the
ever with you. Amen. daughters of Dutu; the daughters of Senach; the
[* Illius mereamini suffragiis fulciri. daughters of Donnan.”
exemploque roborari (strengthened like St. Suzanna Virgin Martyr, and Pope
an oak tree). qui nec seuitia / torquente Gaius, 296.
(twist or torture) frangi. nec St. Euplus of Catania, Martyred 304.
inmanissima tormentorum crudelitate a Repose of Father Georges Florovsky,
gloriosissima christi confessione potuit 1979. He attempted to correct Roman-influenced
labi. Amen.] additions in the Byzantine Rite by Peter Mohyla
(or Mohila, d. 1646), such as the change in
11 Aug / 24 Absolution in the Sacrament of Confession. In
Beseech Aireran of the wisdom, the Sacrament of Reconciliation from St. Gall, at
the Absolution, the Priest says, “...May God be
whose fame is not hidden: appeased and grant His servant -N- the
with [*Valerian the pure] [* NOT, needs dispensation of mercy unto the right way of
citation!], Life...” But the Mohila additions in the Russian
Tiburtius the strenuous and prudent. Confession, after the Priest asks God for
[* Valerian may have been the emperor forgiveness for the person being Absolved, adds,
who killed St. Laurence in 258; see yesterday. “And I, his unworthy Priest, through the power
See March 4th, June 15th, Aug. 4th, and Sept. 14th.] given unto me by Him, do forgive and absolve
Airennen from Tech Airennen in Meath, thee from all thy sins, in the Name of the Father,
or Abbot of Mael-ruain’s Tallaght. Aireran, i.e. and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
from Tech Airerain in Meath: and lector of translation Isabel F. Hapgood, 1922. (Others also
Clonard, or in Clondalkin. Or Abbot of Tallaght use this formula; influenced by Russians.)
after Mael-ruain. From The Martyrology of Compare this with the Absolution in the
Tallaght: Airerain the wise and Abbot of Greek “Mikron Evhologion” or “An Orthodox
Temlachta (Tallaght) after Mael Ruain Prayer Book” (Holy Cross Orthodox Press,

Brookline, MA, 1977, translated by Fr. John von clergy, and the Holy Spirit proceeding from
Holzhausen and Fr. Michael Gelsinger ISBN Father and Son; the Roman “Filioque.” The
0-916586-09-X LOC catalog 77-077642) which observations of Georges Florovsky were
emphasizes the forgiveness of God, “My spiritual criticized by Nikolai Berdyaev (a Marxist).
child, who has confessed to my humble person, I, Vladimir Lossky (author with Leonid
humble and a sinner, have no power on earth to Ouspensky of The Meaning of Icons), and John
forgive sins, but God alone; but through that Zizioulas, the Chairman of the Academy of
divinely spoken word which came to the Apostles Athens, were students of Florovsky. In 1955 he
after the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, was fired from St. Vladimir's Seminary for
saying, 'Whosoever sins you remit, they are implying Alexander Schmemann had plagiarized.
remitted, and whosoever sins you retain, they are
retained,' we are emboldened to say: Whatsoever 12 Aug / 25
you have said to my humble person, and The calling of Lassrén of the Isle of
whatsoever you have failed to say, whether
through ignorance or forgetfulness, whatever it
Muredach the great (and) magnified:
may be, may God forgive you in this world, and With a holy train that ebbs not;
in the world to come.” [also] “...may that same the Feast of famous Segéne.
God forgive you all things, through me a sinner, Laisren, i.e. Molaisse. Molaisse son of
both in this world and in the world to come, and Declan, from Inis Muiredaig in the north.
set you uncondemned before His terrible Segene, i.e. Abbot of Iona, and
Judgment Seat. Having no further care for the Muiredach from Cell Alaith hic.
sins which you have confessed, depart in peace.” Crisantus, or Chrysanthus, with the
Nicon D. Patrinacos (A.M., D. Phil. virgin Daria, Martyrs, recorded by St. Gregory of
Oxon) in “The Church Sanctifies Us,” a short Tours in the Glory of the Martyrs. Many healings
publication of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese occurred at their tomb, and other Christians who
of America (1970s?), says about Confession, pp. venerated them and were visiting the tomb were
42 and 46 “When man finds himself in the state walled up there by an unbelieving emperor. The
of guilt (sin) no other man is, in the long run, able double tombs were discovered later, together with
to resolve the guilt and restore the individual to silver pitchers of the group of Christians that had
inner harmony, because no man can reassemble been filled with wine as an offering before the
successfully broken values in the soul of any Divine Sacrifice (Eucharist). Also see Dec. 19th,
other man. This because none of us has and for Daria Oct. 20th.
command over the values we believe in, since no St. Molaise (today or Sept. 12th), died
one is responsible for their being in us. We all A.D. 563. He brought earth from Rome’s
seem to believe that those values are the rules of Colosseum to Devenish Island, in Lough Erne in
our lives and yet we cannot explain how they Fermanagh, and the round tower still stands there.
originated in us. ...The forgiveness granted is not He was Abbot of its school from about 530 A.D.
offered by the Confessor [Priest] himself as if he The oldest surviving “cumdach” or book-shrine
could grant or withhold forgiveness as one human encloses the manuscript Gospels of Molaise of
being to another. When Christ said to His Devenish. The design of Gospel covers is the
disciples that the sins which you forgive are same as Byzantine covers: in the center is usually
forgiven in heaven and the sins which you do not a Cross, and around it are the four Evangelists
forgive are not forgiven in heaven, He meant His represented by the four Kerubs. [See the Palm
disciples as instruments of the Holy Spirit and not Sunday “Traditio” lesson to catechumens on the
merely as human beings.” symbolism of the beginning of the four Gospels
Although the Ordination of a Priest and the Kerubs]. On the Molaise Gospel cover it
gives him the power to Absolve, the modern is still possible to read three of the names: Leo,
Russian form of this prayer implies infallibility of Aquila, Homo with Mark, Johan, Math. (In Irish

lists there are 16 Saints named Mo-laise or 14 Aug / 27
Laserian.) From The Martyrology of Tallaght: ... With the calling of Fortunatus
Molassi son of Declain of Inis Muredaig... (See
July 24th for Declan, if this is the same Declan.)
over a sea of shipful ocean,
Saints Anicetas (Unmercenary, the Feast of Fachtnae, son of Mongach,
converted governor) and Photius of Nicomedia the son of the wright, a fair captive.
Martyred in 288 or 304 by Diocletian. Son of the wright, i.e. Bishop and Abbot
St. Alexander Bishop of Comana in of Dairinis, i.e. Mael-anfaid’s Dairinis in Hui
Cappadocia 3rd century, the charcoal burner who Cennselaig, and his father was a wright.
had been a philosopher, and became a Bishop Fachtna, i.e. from Ross Ailithiri, i.e.
(see St. Gregory Thaumaturgis Nov. 17th). St. Abbot of Mael-anfaid’s monastery.
Alexander's story is one of those which had some Of the hairy son, i.e. a great mane was
elements incorporated into the much later on him when he was born: hence every one used
Arabian Nights; a dark man found with wisdom. to call him ‘hairy son.’ [As in Esau and Jacob.]
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: The
13 Aug / 26 Assumption of Maria the Virgin [of the dates
Hippolytus the Martyr, from Oengus and others, this is the earliest, or it
is a Vigil]; Fortunatus; Dimetrus; Felix; Euticius;
marvellous was his troop; Fortuna; Juliana; Bermia; Paulus; Eraclus;
with a host vast and noble, Dissus; Parinus; Possessoris; Prosalm; Sinlaia;
my Maedóc, diadem of the Gaels. Vincentia and three others (some sources say six
Hippolytus, i.e. who believed in God others). Also: Fachtna son of Mongaig from Ros
through St. Laurence, i.e. regulus prius, et passus Ailithir; Dinil son of the wright (‘mac in tsair’);
est cum familia sua numero .xix. utriusque sexus. ‘Mac in tsaeir’ (Fachtna son of Mongaig) Bishop
sub Decio (sic) [imperatore] passus est. [St. and Abbot of Darinis Maeli Anfaid; Broccain son
Hippolytus and 18 others in 258, Martyred by of Lugdach; Cummini; Coemain; Aicclig.
Valerian. Baptized by Laurence (Aug. 10th).] St. Factna was among 27 Bishops of his
My-Maedoc, i.e. from Fid duin in the lineage at Rosscarbery in Cork, in the same
south of Ossory. ancestry as St. Ciaran of Saiger (March 5th).
St. Maximos the Confessor, Martyred in [Factna is called the Abbot of Mael-anfaid’s
662, defender of Orthodoxy (with Pope St. monastery by Oengus’ glossator because he was
Martin I of Rome). They fought the heresy of not the first Abbot.] Fachtna had an earlier
Monotheletism which said that Christ had only foundation near Youghal, and there St. Brendan
one divine will instead of a divine and human of Clonfert came to teach with him, whom he
will, a form of Monophysitism. The emperor knew well since both of them had been cared for
Constans caused him to have his tongue torn out, by St. Ita as young children (Jan. 15th). His school
his right hand removed, and had him starved in at Ross existed for 300 years; destroyed by
exile. (Also, Jan 21st. Also see Pope St. Martin I, Vikings. After the Norse there were secular
April 20th who died Sept. 15th, 655.) See the owners of the monastery called “airchenechs,”
book: Free Choice in St. Maximus the Confessor, but they allowed monks to live there, perform
Joseph P. Farrell, D. Phil (Oxon), St. Tikhon's their religious services, and produce manuscripts.
Seminary Press, South Canan, PA, 1989, with a An Anchorite named Fergus died there in 866.
foreward by +Bishop Kallistos (Ware) of The tenth century Manual of Geography,
Diokleia, University of Oxford. 136 lines of verse in the Book of Leinster, was
St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, Bishop, written by the teacher MacCosse of Rosscarbery
monastic, writer, whose relics are incorrupt and who was imprisoned by the Norse but ransomed
work wonders. d. 1783. by Brian Boru. The Anglo-Normans were partly
Norse, hence “Nor-mans”; they had conquered

France and then after some generations nothing to stop (including the destruction of Irish
conquered England. The Normans believed they monasteries in Africa that had been founded by
were the rightful rulers of France, England, and St. Brendan). Some Byzantines and Romans
Ireland, and destroyed much of the country of today claim that the Holy Spirit allowed the Irish
Ireland in 1168, and Rosscarbery disappeared Liturgics, Propers, and Lections to fall into
along with many Irish monasteries. disuse, but this was a political persecution.
[Normans also served under the Luckily, some books of the Irish Saints have been
Byzantine court as mercenaries, and were in kept, and these prayers may be heard again.]
strength in Sicily. Normans England had help St. Marcellus, Bishop of Apamea (see
from Rome and Byzantium in taking and Sept 28th).
keeping Christian Ireland, removing all native
Irish from their own monasteries in Ireland and Forefeast of the Feast of the
continental Europe. The “Rus” in Russia, a word
in Latin meaning from the country, were also Dormition of the Blessed
Vikings with connections to the Byzantine court. Virgin Mary: Vigil of the
The Roman Pope who granted England the right
to take Ireland and destroy it was Norman Apostles (August 15th/ August 28th)
English: Pope Adrain Breakespeare. Also see On the great feast of her commemoration,
Aug. 13th: a few centuries before that, Byzantium very Mother of our Father,
had not protected Rome from invaders, instead with a host of kings, right splendid
demanding a high tribute from Rome, which,
after a while of receiving no help for the tribute,
Rome had refused to pay, so Byzantium tortured (and) Fer dá chrích, a fair champion.
and put to death Pope St. Martin I, named after (The First day of Commemoration of
St. Martin of Tours, along with St. Maximos the the Dormition of the Mother of God. The Feast
Confessor. This also led to the Great Schism. lasts for a few days: see the Protevangelium of
[Alcuin, a Roman apologist at the time James. For Lections and Propers, see the 16th of
of the Schism, claimed Irish roots and training, August. This took place twelve or twenty years
but he was able to continue teaching in Paris by after the Lord’s Ascension into heaven.) (The
changing the Irish Rule and Lectionary of St. Martyrology of Tallaght places the Dormition of
Columban and writing notes in margins with the Virgin on August 14th to 16th, but Oengus says
Roman post-Schismatic thinking. the 15th and 16th of August.)
[Great ignorance and darkness fell Famous king of Clochar, i.e. Bishop of
across Western Europe after the Great Schism, Druim clochair. Clochar, i.e. an assembly; or
because of the closing of the Irish schools in clochar, i.e. cloch oir, i.e. a stone (cloch) round
Europe and Ireland. None of the early Irish would which was gold (or), which the heathen had and
call a Bishop “infallible” in any nomenclature: worshiped. And out of it a devil used to speak:
such as the Constantinopolitan “Ecumenical” Cermand Cestach was his name, and it was the
Patriarch; or “Judge of the Universe” of chief idol of the north. That is the short stone on
Alexandria, or the “Pontifex Maximus” of Rome. thy right hand as thou enterest the temple of
(See comments under St. John Cassian who had Clochar; and the places of the joints of gold and
the rank of Priest, Nov. 25th: infallibility of a silver still remain in it, ut vidimus ipsi. [See Nov.
Bishop tended to rear its head when clergy of 11th: similar incidents and an index are listed in
lesser rank discussed theology with a Bishop.) the history of St. Martin of Tours.] [Note: St.
[Later, the Crusades not only caused the Peter's name means “stone” and the gold he had
sack of the city of Constantinople, but also was of his faith. The January announcement of
Saladin’s systematic destruction of Christians in the Dormition in Rome occurs on the same date,
the continent of Africa, which the Europeans did Jan. 18th, as the Throne of St. Peter in Rome.

Possibly somebody of a Celtic name meaning at the time of her death as a blessing. A
stone, as did the name Petros, was associated psalm of David against Goliath.)]
with the Dormition.] Gospel Matthew 4:18-20; John 21:15-19 or
Man of two districts, i.e. Abbot of Luke 6:6-19 (General Lections for
Dairinis, or Bishop Mac carthinn. Aed is truly Apostles.) A reading may be made
the man’s name, grandson of Aithmet, with many during the Sermon of the appropriate
deeds: his name at Clochar of the churches was part of the Protevangelium of James, or
afterwards Bishop Mac cairthinn, ‘Man of two the notes on the lifting up of the Panagia
districts’ was his name at first, a true brother with as practiced in the Byzantine Rite.
victory, with fame, to Mael-ruain, Oengus’ tutor, Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
and from him Mael-ruain brought Fer da chrich’s
the Preface) Always said aloud.
bell, which is in Tallaght.
St. Macarius, d. in 1550, near Novgorod. [Use the second Ad Pacem listed in the
He had traveled to Russia from Italy to find Celtic Missal, for Apostles, Martyrs, and
Orthodoxy. He was a hermit, then Priest-Abbot; Holy Virgins.]
he also built a church dedicated to the Dormition. Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
St. Chariton, 3rd century monastic in the (Preface in the Roman Rite)
Judean desert. (The Skete of St. Chariton seeks [Use the first Dignum, and also for
help to rebuild. See Sept. 28th.) Martyrs and Apostles and Saints in the
(Repose of Joseph the Elder of Mt. Celtic Missal.]
Athos, 1959.) Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
Mass: Apostles at the Dormition Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post Sanctus for
(OR, use tomorrow's Mass.) Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or Virgins in
(Lections and Propers for Apostles, with the Celtic Missal.]
the Blessed Virgin Mary, as this is the Proper Blessing of the Day by a
day of the celebration of the gathering of Bishop only if present (Use the general
the Apostles keeping vigil around her. )
blessing for the Apostles.)
Introductory Collect
Confraction arrangement for the
[Use the Introductory Collect for
Apostles: 11 Particles for the Holy Apostles.
Apostles, Martyrs and Holy Virgins in
the Celtic Missal.] Post Communion [Use the Post Communion
Collect Before the Epistle for the Apostles, Martyrs and Holy
[Use the Collect for Apostles, Martyrs, Virgins in the Celtic Missal.]
and Holy Virgins in the Celtic Missal.]
Epistle Romans 5:1-9 Dormition of the Blessed
(General Epistle for the Apostles.) Virgin Mary
Gradual and Alleluia
August 16 / 29 (Celtic Date)
[The Vigil uses the Psalm of the (This may be combined with the
previous Sunday or Thursday, or the Fore-feast on August 15/28.)
Psalm for the Dormition: Entire Psalm
143 (Heb. 144) Benedictus Dominus
At the cross of Adrio,
Blessed be the Lord my God, Who with a train that loved not lawlessness;
teacheth my hands to fight, and my the Nativity of Mary, a virginal, strong
fingers to war. My mercy, and my diadem, the holy Mother of my Prince.
refuge: my support, and my deliverer. (Note that ‘Nativity’ of a Saint meant
(Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, their entry into life i.e.: their “falling asleep” in
Aug. 15 and 16. Remembering incidents the Lord.)

(For the icon of Edessa, see the Apostle celebrate this day with fitting solemnity through
Jude.) Jesus Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee
Mary’s nativity: dormitatio Marie. And and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Mael-coisne of Cell Maele-coisne in Hui Maini in Amen.
Connaught on the same feast as Mary the Mother Collect Before the Epistle
of Jesus. [Note: there is a celebration of the O God, Who didst not allow to pass away that
announcement of the Dormition in Rome on Jan. work of the making of the world, which Thou
18th. The date for the Dormition on Aug. 16th is created by the imperious command alone: Thou
different from both Byzantines and Romans, but made a house for Thyself in the belly of the
it reflects more than one day for this Feast, and Virgin, and rather that the race not depart from
may be the commemoration of her body being Thee, Thou didst reveal an unheard of mystery to
taken from the grave to heaven, see the Apostle the ages: He Whom the heights of the Heavens
Thomas.] From The Martyrology of Tallaght: The could not contain was enveloped in the tiny
Nativity of Saint Maria (the Dormition)... womb of a girl. Let us suppliants pray that
Also, St. Diomedes the Physician of through the intercession of Blessed Mary, Thy
Tarsus, Martyred by Diocletian in Nicea between Birthgiver, Thou make those from whom, and for
298 and 311. whom, Thou took on mortal flesh to achieve the
St. Chairemon (Chaeremon) of Egypt... victory for which they yearn, O Savior of the
see St. John Cassian, Nov. 25th, Conferences with world, Who reignest with the Father and the Holy
desert fathers. Spirit throughout the ages of ages. Amen.
Mass for the Dormition of the Epistle I Corinthians 7:25-40 (Concerning
Blessed Virgin Mary, Deigenetrix virgins and marriage. See note Thursday
(Birthgiver of God) after XI Pentecost: concerning Galatians
Old Testament: [From the Entrance into the 4:21-31, and also Galatians 4:4-6,
Temple: Exodus 19:7-12] similar to the Exodus reading for the
(Preparing for the Lord’s coming on Blessed Virgin Mary, but this movable
Mount Sinai: the Blessed Virgin Mary day appears sometime around now.)
touched the Lord Jesus Christ and did Gradual Psalm 4: 2, 4, 7, 9-10
not die. Also, obedience to the Lord on (Psalm 4 is from Advent: Mary’s soul
the part of the people. See note on the was carried to heaven just as Christ’s
Thursday after XI Pentecost: concerning body was carried by the Mother of God
Galatians 4:21-31, and also Galatians during Advent.)
4:4-6. These readings have something to When I called upon Him, the God of my justice
do with this Exodus reading, “...God heard me: when I was in distress, Thou hast
sent His Son, made of a woman, made enlarged me.
under the law...” not an immaculate Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer.
conception, but a woman who is chosen, Know ye also that the Lord hath made his holy
“That He might redeem them who were one wonderful: the Lord will hear me when I
under the law: that we might receive the shall cry unto Him.
adoption of sons. And because you are The light of Thy countenance, O Lord, is signed
sons, God hath sent the Spirit of His Son upon us: Thou hast given gladness in my heart.
into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father.”) In peace in the selfsame I will sleep, and I will
Introductory Collect rest: For Thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me
How inexplicable but proclaimable is the in hope.
Sacrament of the noble day of the Birthgiving of When I called upon Him, the God of my
the Lord. Among men the Assumption of the justice heard me: when I was in distress, Thou
Virgin is unique. Therefore, O Lord, let us hast enlarged me.

Alleluia - Sequence Entire Psalm 143 up of the Panagia” or “Benediction.”
(Heb. 144) Benedictus Dominus See the Apostle Thomas, who witnessed
Blessed be the Lord my God... her going to heaven, and describes the
(Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Panagia.
See the Protevangelium of St. James. Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
Remembering incidents at the time of the Preface) Always said aloud.
her death as a blessing. A psalm of O God Who sets forth the plan of the universe,
David against Goliath.) Who abode spiritually in the Saints and
Alleluia. Alleluia. Blessed be the Lord my God, corporeally in the Virgin, by whose great
Who teacheth my hands to fight, and my fingers nurturing gestating of Thee, she blossomed in
to war. My mercy, and my refuge: my support, meekness, grew in Grace, rejoiced in peace and
and my deliverer. My protector, and I have excelled in Piety. From the Angel there is the
hoped in Him: Who subdueth my people under ‘Full of Grace’; From Elisabeth there is the
me. Lord, what is man, that Thou art made “blessed are thou”; From the nations by
known to him? Or the son of man, that Thou attributes, she is called “Blessed one” the mystery
makest account of him? Man is like to vanity: his of whose childbirth is joy to those of us who are
days pass away like a shadow. Lord, bow down faithful, and whose Child set forth this Feast. We
Thy heavens and descend: touch the mountains, suppliants pray to Thee, that Thou bestow upon
and they shall smoke. Send forth lightning, and this gathering the same peace which Thou
Thou shalt scatter them: shoot out Thy arrows, bestowed upon the Disciples at the time of the
and Thou shalt trouble them. Put forth Thy hand Assumption of Thy Mother, O Savior of the
from on high: take me out, and deliver me from world, Who reignest with the Father and the Holy
many waters: from the hand of strange children. Spirit, throughout the ages of ages. Amen.
Whose mouth hath spoken vanity: and their right Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
hand is the right hand of iniquity.
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
To Thee, O God, I will sing a new
canticle: on the psaltery and an instrument of ten It is truly worthy and just O Almighty God Who
strings I will sing praises to Thee. Who givest hast taught us to serve by wonders the Mystery,
salvation to kings: who hast redeemed Thy and by the indescribable, the Sacraments through
servant David from the malicious sword: deliver Venerable Mary, in whom chastity remained
me, and rescue me out of the hand of strange intact, modesty unbroken, conscience firm in that
children: whose mouth hath spoken vanity: and she knew she was the mother of her Lord, Jesus.
their right hand is the right hand of iniquity: Wherefore more joy came to her who was made
whose sons are as new plants in their youth: their joyful because of her burden: because the Virgin
daughters decked out, adorned round about after conceived: because she bore the Lord of Heaven
the similitude of a temple: their storehouses full, in the enclosed space of her vitals: because the
flowing out of this into that: their sheep fruitful in Virgin bore a Son. O Great Clemency of Deity,
young, abounding in their goings forth: their oxen She who did not in truth change, and was a
fat. There is no breach of wall, nor passage, nor mother and after giving birth to a Son, remained a
crying out in their streets. Virgin. She was gladdened by two things: she
They have called the people happy, that was gladdened by the gifts: she was gladdened
hath these things: but happy is that people whose because, though a Virgin, she gave birth: she was
God is the Lord. Alleluia. gladdened because she brought forth our
redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom...
Gospel Luke 1:39-56 (The Visitation of
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
the Blessed Virgin Mary with St.
Elizabeth, and the Magnificat.) Discuss Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post Sanctus of
in the Sermon the appropriate part of the the Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or Virgins
Protevangelium of James, and the “lifting from the Celtic Missal.]

Proper Blessing of the Day by a Sign.” Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Bishop only if present include an eight-pointed star on her veil,
.XVIII. KAL. Septembris. Adsumptio as she was the first after Christ to
Sanctae Mariae [The blessing at the experience the Resurrection of the Dead,
Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Eighth Day of Creation.
the “Falling-Asleep” of St. Mary. Post Communion
August 15 or 16 / Aug 28 or 29.] We beg Thee O Lord, attend to Thy faithful ones
May Almighty God, Who was pleased to redeem that by the intercession of Blessed Mary who
the human race by the birthgiving of Blessed faithfully assumed Him in mind and body He
Mary, be pleased to fill you with His blessing. protect that which he was pleased to establish
Amen. Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
And may you always and everywhere experience throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
patronage of her, from whose chaste womb you
may be worthy to receive the Author of life. 17 Aug / 30
Amen. Mammes the Martyr has suffered
And may you who gather at her celebration this great pain on a hard cross,
day with devoted minds, carry back with you
gifts of spiritual joy and eternal rewards. Amen.
with a fair crimeless following:
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain the bed-death of Temnén the monk.
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages Mammes, i.e. apud Caesaream
of ages. Amen. Capodacie sub Auriliano imperatore passus est
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Mammes. Sub Alaxandro praeside Auriliani
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be imperatoris passus, et hic mulcebat feras cum
ever with you. Amen. pastoribus suis et praedicabat illis uerbum Dei et
Confraction arrangement for the audiebant illum. Qui mulsit lac a ferinis uel a
feris, et cui euangelium datum est, et passus est
Deigenitrix (In the Missal.)
sub Auriliano imperatore in ciuitate Cesariae
8 Particles for the Virgin Mary and Holy Capadociae prouinciae, et puer erat annorum .x.u.
Martyrs. [The Upper Central Particle is for the quando passus est. Vel Mammes, i.e. sanctus is
Celebrant.] Eight Particles of the Host in Langres in Frankland, [fil il-Longanaib i
of the Holy Martyrs as an image of the Frangcaibh], et nobilis martyr et confessor fuit,
octonary New Testament; [This has two sicut incolae loci illius afirmant. He suffered, i.e.
meanings: 1) The Eighth Day of that Saint is in Langres in Frankland, and he was
Creation, the Resurrection of the Dead; a Martyr. (See July 16th, celebrated by Byzantines
2) The Eight Fold New Testament Sept. 2nd.)
according to St. Athanasius: 4 Gospels; Of Temnen, i.e. from Land Fuachail on
Acts and Epistles; Revelation; the the brink of Casan Line in Ard. i.e. from Land
“Didache”, the teachings of the Holy Uachaille on the brink of Cassan Linne.
Apostles; and Pastor of Hermas. Since Taimthiu, i.e. death upon him sine violentia
the time of this Missal, the last two have persecutoris.
been deleted from the Bible.] The Cross St. Cormac MacCuileanain was both
is a two barred Cross arranged in the king of Munster and Bishop of Cashel, and a
shape of a vesica, pictured in the Missal: scholar. At his death in 908 the Abbot brought
four Particles in a column, two Particles his body to Castledermot where Cormac had been
on the right, and two Particles on the educated, for burial. (See Diarmuid June 21st
left. See The Meaning of Icons by founder of Castledermot).
Lossky and Ouspensky for an St. Myron the Martyr of Cyzicus, about 250.
explanation of the icon “Our Lady of the

18 Aug / 31 for St. Patrick, and Sept. 9th for St. Ciaran .
Cresséne’s son, my Ernóc, These are among the greatest Saints of Ireland.]
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: [See
magnified the Lord’s company. the poem about Daig on Dec. 19th: from the
A gracious man of our wheat margin notes in MT for that day.]
(was) Daig the good, great son of Cairell. Saints Florus and Laurus of Illyria,
My Ernoc, i.e. son of Creisine from sculptors, studied with Proctos and Maximos.
Raith Noe in Hui Carrchon in the Fortuatha of Martyred after healing the son of a pagan priest,
Leinster, or from Cell draignech in Hui Drona, their incorrupt relics were discovered in a dry
i.e. from Rath Noe etc. ind Huaib Garrchon i well when horses were seen drinking there.
Fortuathaib Laigen, no o Chill Draignech ind
Huib Drona. 19 Aug / Sept 1
To our tuirenn, i.e. to our whet, because The cross of the Martyr Magnus,
the Saints are God’s wheat. [translator’s note:
According to Tigernach, Rev. Celt.xvi. 417, with a train triumphant, blooming:
Ignatius said: Christi enim frumentum sum, et Mochta the great, good leader:
dentibus bestiarum moliar (leg. molar). Sitos Enán of Druimm Ráthe.
eimi Qeou, kai di odontwn qhriwn Mochtae, i.e. Bishop of Louth: sithbe,
alhqomai, ina kaqaros artos eureqw, i.e. a long ridge of earth: sic Mochtae, i.e. long is
Ignatius, Ep. ad Romanos, 4. Ignatius talks about his renown always. Mochtae’s tooth, no empty
“artos” which is risen bread. See Paschal Vigil.] fame, three hundred years, lasting his tribute,
Daig, i.e. Daig son of Cairell: a smith without a word of error over it up, without a bit
and artisan was he and a scribe was this Daig. of relish over it down. It was not niggardliness
‘Tis he that made 300 bells and 300 croziers and with Mochtae of the garth of Louth: three
300 gospels, and he was Ciaran of Saiger’s chief hundred Priests, two hundred Bishops along with
artisan. Daig son of Cairell, son of Laisre, son of him. Eighty psalm-singing nobles his household
Dallan, son of Eogan, son of Niall of the Nine -vastness of courses - without ploughing, or
Hostages. Daig son of Cairell, of Inis cain Dega reaping, or drying, without work save only study.
in Conaille Muirthemne. The three chief artisans Though he be cunning at carving cold stones,
of Ireland, to wit, Tassach (April 14th) with though he be skilled at plying an axe, though
Patrick, and Conlaed (May 3rd) with Brigit, and sweet his chant at songs, I have heard that he who
Daig (Aug. 18th) with Ciaran; and those were does not study is dull.
three Bishops. [The three artisans were Bishops, Enan of Druim rathe, in the west of
and also served under three Bishops, who Meath, i.e. Enan son of Ernin, son of Cael, son of
probably commissioned their work. These were Aed, son of Art cuirp, son of Nia Corb. In the
the three greatest of the Irish artisans. Irish west of Meath is Druim raithe.
artisans and scribes were known for complexity, Marginal notes from The Martyrology of Tallaght:
speed of completion, and great composition. There was no miserliness for Mochta, of the court
Note that Brigit is of the rank of Abbess-bishop, of Lugmad,
which is not a Sacramental office, but of such three hundred Priests, a hundred Bishops were
authority that she controlled her lands without along with him.
interference from any other person in the church, Eighty Psalm-singing noble youths
and also she was able to commission art. The his household, vastness of courses.
clerical title of Bishop is not mentioned for Daig, Without tilling, without reaping, without drying,
but he certainly led people to God through art, so without toil save only study.
he is like Brigit, with a particular gift from God Also: the Irish St. Cummian of Bobbio, a
that he used to serve God and bring others to Bishop in Ireland before coming to Bobbio [in
God. See February 1st for St. Brigit, March 17th Italy near Milan; founded by St. Columbanus of

Luxeiul and Bobbio] in his later years, and ended after Finnian, and Abbot of Clonard was he.
his days as Abbot. He died at age 95 after 17 or [Some modern sources incorrectly give his day as
21 years in Bobbio, in A.D. 730, during the reign March 8th , which is Senan of Inis Cathaig, not
of Liutprand king of the Lombards who reigned Senach of Clonard. Also see Sept. 28th.]
from 712-744. (Apparently the Lombards had
given up Arianism by that time; see Ursus of 22 Aug / Sept 4
Aosta Feb. 1st, and Fridian of Lucca March 18th.) Pray for the prayers of Timothy
King Liutprand erected a tomb for him at Bobbio
because of the intercessions of St. Cummian.
the pupil of splendid Paul:
St. Andrew Stratelates ("the General") entreat the holy youths
and 2,593 soldiers with him in Cilicia. (Magnus? of the holy Emilianus..
Meaning great.) Of Timothy. Gregory [Pope St. Gregory
the Great, the Dialogist] says that this Timothy
20 Aug / Sept 2 was a Martyr who suffered in the time of the
Dioscorus a champion most manly, Kings, and not the disciple of Paul the Apostle.
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Timotheus the
has suffered for Christ, disciple of Paulus (in via Ostensi)...
Pamphilius, most marvellous flame! Of Emilianus Emilanus eum .uii. Filiis
with a bright host. passus est. Cum filiis uiii.
Dioscorus, i.e. a presbyter in the Thebaid St. Emilian of Autun, Bishop of Nantes,
fuit centum monachos habens. Dioscori... in France, d. in 725, who protected Autun from
Pampilli episcopi cum clero suo. Muslim attacks from over the Pyrenees in Spain.
Pamphilus, i.e. a Martyr and Bishop, and Rather than taking a pacifist Christian position,
many with him: a Martyr and a Presbyter of he exhorted the people to take up the sword to
Eusebius Bishop of Caesarea: he suffered under defend France and the church; “O! All you strong
Diocletian. From The Martyrology of Tallaght: men of war who are still stronger in the faith:
...Pampilius Bishop cum clero suo... take into your hands the shield of this divine
Repose of Blessed Seraphim Rose (Sept. Faith, mark on your foreheads the sign of the
2, 1982), who translated the Vita Patrum, (the Cross, cover your heads with the helmet of
Life of the Saints) by St. Gregory of Tours, and salvation, and protect your chests with the armor
also wrote and translated many other books of the Lord. Then after taking up this religious
valuable to Orthodoxy and the Western Rites. armor, soldiers of Jesus Christ, do yet more.
Take your strongest weapons of war, your
21 Aug / Sept 3 sharpest swords of the best steel, and come
On the Feast of Vincentius together to combat and smash the miserable
enemies who like furious beasts slaughter our
beseech to help thy soul, Catholic brothers. It is the moment to say with
Bishop Senach the eloquent, Judas Macabeus: 'Be strong and make you ready
of vast Clonard. that you may fight with these people, which are
Of Vincentius, i.e. a Bishop, i.e. Unnic agreed together to destroy us and our sanctuary.
Tuignech in Hui Dortain, i.e. a Bishop. Or Better is it for us to die in battle, than to see our
Uncenti (is the right reading), so that he may be people and our sanctuary in such a miserable
Unnic in Tugniath, or Uncan Tuigneth. state.'” In a second battle, St. Emilian stood with
Senach, i.e. Abbot after Finnian, i.e. the soldiers. He was wounded, but kept exhorting
Failbe’s fosterer, and a successor of Finnen, and them until he died. Autun was sacked, but seven
in Cluain Fine in Fir Itha is Bishop Senach, or in years later, at the Battle of Poitiers, Charles
Cluain fota Libran, i.e. from Cluain fota macc Martel stopped the Muslim invasion of France.
Fin[e] in the west of Fir telach, the first Abbot Christianity promotes non-violence, but

this was defensive war, an exception. At His spelled: Eogan, Eoghain, Eugene, or Owen,
Passion, our Lord said, St. Luke 22:36-38 “...But Eogain is pronounced Owen. Eugene is a
now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and common Greek name (pronounced “Ev-ghen-ee-
likewise a scrip; and he that hath not, let him sell os”) meaning well-born, which also applies to a
his coat, and buy a sword. For I say to you, that descendant of princes. Eogan was the first Bishop
this that is written must yet be fulfilled in me: of Tyrone, and an O’Neil prince: Tyrone is “Tir-
And with the wicked was he reckoned. For the Eoghain,” land of Eoghain. As a youth, raiders
things concerning me have an end. [Isa. 53:12] carried Eogan to Wales where he was rescued by
But they said: Lord, behold here are two swords. the Abbot of Rosnat or Whithern in Galloway.
And he said to them, It is enough.” St. John Some say he was a missionary in Briton and on
18:10-11 “Then Simon Peter, having a sword, the Continent. Two other Irish boys were with
drew it, and struck the servant of the high priest, him: Tighernach later of Clones, and Coirpre of
and cut off his right ear. And the name of the Coleraine. Eogan had a monastery and school at
servant was Malchus. Jesus therefore said to Kilnamanagh in Wicklow, and later a church at
Peter: Put up thy sword into the scabbard. The Ardstraw, and then he was appointed Bishop of
chalice which my Father hath given me, shall I Tyrone. His nephew was Kevin of Glendalough
not drink it?” St. Matthew 26:52 “Then Jesus (June 3rd) who was a pupil of Eogan’s at
saith to him: Put up again thy sword into its Kilnamanagh. Eogan died in A.D. 618.
place: for all that take the sword shall perish with (St. Irenaeus of Lyons in the Byzantine
the sword.” [Gen. 9:6; Apoc. 13:10] [Notice only Rite. His history: see Aug. 26th, most probably
two swords, not a multitude, and even then, our the Celtic Rite date. The Roman date, June 28th, is
Lord warns that taking up the sword will end recent, only since the 1920s according to Butler.)
badly.] Concerning Spain: see the Apostle St.
James the Greater. 24 Aug / Sept 6
New Bishop-Martyr Gorazd (Pavlik) of With the series of the host of Zenobius
Prague, killed by Nazis in 1942, with clergy, lay
persons, and a village, for saying that it was his
(?), whose tidings have been heard,
fault that a group of resistance fighters had Patrick Senior, a champion of battle,
hidden in Ss. Cyril and Methodius Cathedral in the dear fosterer of our sage.
Prague. The Nazis closed all Orthodox churches (“Old Patrick,” Ostiary.)
in Czechoslavakia; until the end of WWII. Patrick Senior, i.e. at Ross dela in Mag
locha in Patrick Senior. Or Patrick Senior in is
23 Aug / Sept 5 Glastonbury of the Gaels, that is, a monastery in
At the Passion of Fortunatus, the south of England, and Scotti used to dwell
there, i.e. from Ross-dela in Meath, i.e. in Mag
with whom went warriors, locha precisely he is. Vel quod uerius est, i.e. in
on the same Festival, a world’s talk! the south-west of England is his convent, et Scotti
the Feast of Eogan of Ard sratha. habitabant eam et peregrinationem... Senphatraicc
Of Fortunatus and five others,, i.e. in o Ross dela im-Maig locha, sed uerius est
Antioch. commad he nGlastingibercc na nGoidel i
Of Eogan of Ard sratha, i.e. Eogan son ndesciurt Sachsan ata Senphatraicc. Scotti enim
of Bishop Erc of Slane, son of Dega, son of prius in perigrinatione ibi habitabant.
Brancu, son of Armuir, son of Caither, son of Of Patrcius Abbot and Bishop of ross
Imchad, son of Dubtaige, son of Ross, etc. Mac dela: of Patricius doorward [should read
d’epscop Erc Slane, ut periti ferunt. Eogain “Ostiary”] and Abbot of Armagh. From The
epscuip (Bishop of) Aird sratha. Martyrology of Tallaght: ...Patricius hostiarii et
Many Irish names are lost in Anglicized, abbatis of Ard Macha...
Latinized, or changed spellings. Eogain is also [Note: the translator forgot to translate

all the Irish for August 24th and included some St. Nathaniel; they have different Feast dates.
mistranslation. “And there is his “commad” Gradual Canticle, 128. (After September 30th the
meaning community at Glastonbury... and the glossator of Oengus says that August 25th, St.
desert of the Saxons also known as that of Sean- Bartholomew's day, is a major Feast in the year.)
Patrick.” “Desert,” a place of monastic retreat: as Apostle Bartholomew proceeded into
in “desert fathers.” However, the Scotts were first India perrexit et in ea passus est sub Astrige rege
in their pilgrimages and dwelling there. Also the eorum i.e. gladio decollatus est, uel uiuus
Feast of Patrick and Bishop of Ross dela and sepultus est, post pellem rasam suam de corpore
Patrick the ostiary and Abbot of Armagh. The toto ante, et sic uitam finiuit. (Bartholomew
original text is not “doorward” but Ostiary. He proceeded into India, and suffered under king
was the keeper of the crypt and treasury of the Astrig, either hacked by the sword or buried alive
cathedral which would have included holy relics, after all of his skin was stripped off, and thus his
chalices, etc., equivalent of the Byzantine life was finished.) [The end of the Latin of the
“Archimandrite,” who keeps relics, books, etc.] Glossator of Oengus on the left side of page 191
The younger St. Patrick’s day is March 17th. that exists is: ...uiuus sepultus est [in ciuitate quae
St. Cosmas of Aetolia (Kosmas Aitolos), dicitur Cariatharbe L.] post pellem rasam totam
reposed 1779 in Albania, almost Martyred by the de toto corpore. ... “buried alive after his skin was
Turks, but reposed before execution. He was a entirely stripped from his body.”] From The
monk who visited villages in far areas of Greece Martyrology of Tallaght: The Passion of
and Albania to revitalize the Orthodox churches, Bartholomew the Apostle...
and Baptize adults who had no church or Priest,
for 25 years, founding over 200 schools and
churches. He prophesied telephone, airplanes,
26 Aug / Sept 8
aerial bombs. (Faith is constant, not nation; St. The triumph of Abundius the Martyr,
Cosmas brought Orthodoxy back to Greece.) to celebrate it arise!
to heaven with a very pious host
St. Bartholomew, Martyrdom he has passed after hardship.
[St. Irenaeus of Lyons.]
(August 25/Sept 7) Romae... sanctorum martyrum, Irenaei et
The story of his suffering Abundii, qui Decio imperatore... coronam
has been declared on every side promeruerunt, Mart. Rom.. [Note: The translator
even to the streamy sea: has a type-setter’s error on his page 191: the top
after a great cross he has been crowned, of the page has no 26th of August on the Latin and
Irish side, and only a few words in the Latin.]
the triumphant Bartholomew. (Also Martyr St. Adrian with 33 Martyrs.)
(See the Apostles.) St. Irenaeus of Lyons. (The translator did
Celtic dates: “Bartholomew the active” not include everything on this day.) St. Irenaeus
June 13th, probably his nativity; and Martyrdom died in 202 or 203 A.D., at the time of a great
Aug. 25th. Roman date: Aug 24th. Byzantine dates: persecution of Christians, although there is no
June 11th, and his Martyrdom Aug. 25th. record of his particular Martyrdom. St. Irenaeus
Bartholomew or “Bartholomeus” means confessed Jesus Christ. He wrote Against the
“son of Him Who suspends the waters” (see June Heresies, and described and overcame many
13th). His name may also mean “son of Ptolomy,” errors concerning the Lord God which had spread
a Greek dynasty name of rulers of Alexandria, in many places. He was taught and Consecrated
which might explain his mission to India to try to by St. Polycarp (see Jan. 26th), who was taught
convert Greeks there. After death, his lead coffin and Consecrated by St. John the Apostle of our
was carried over sea to Lipari Sicily. The Lord Jesus Christ. His Apostolic Succession is of
Byzantines differentiate St. Bartholomew from authority, power, and brilliance.

His writings have been considered very suffered; and no Christ who flew away from
important in the Church, both East and West. He Jesus before the passion; but Him who was born
overcame many “gnostic” sects. India could have it knew as Jesus Christ the Son of God, and that
benefited from his writings when they began to this same suffered and rose again, as John, the
emphasize Manichaen tendencies. His writings disciple of the Lord, verifies, saying: 'But these
are useful in overcoming any “new age” ideas, are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the
and in understanding the Apocalypse and the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing ye
most difficult of interpretations of symbolism in might have eternal life in His name,' (Jn 20:31)
the Gospels; and he pointed out the problems in foreseeing these blasphemous systems which
any heresy. Heresy means a reduction in belief in divide the Lord, as far as lies in their power,
God, and such a reduction breaks the first saying that He was formed of two different
Commandment of God, because any reduction in substances. For this reason also he has thus
belief separates us from God. The work of St. testified to us in his Epistle: 'Little children, it is
Irenaeus overturning major early false doctrines the last time; and as ye have heard that Antichrist
in the Christian Church saved the Church from doth come, now have many antichrists appeared;
breaking apart in chaos. The “legion” of heresies whereby we know that it is the last time. They
were drowned as swine in the ocean of truth. went out from us, but they were not of us; for if
The multiplicity of heresies overcome by they had been of us, they would have continued
St. Irenaeus are too many to list, but most of the with us: but [they departed], that they might be
heresies involved splitting God the Father into made manifest that they are not of us. Know ye
good and evil parts (see the problems of therefore, that every lie is from without, and is
Augustine of Hippo in his later years saying that not of the truth. Who is a liar, but he that denieth
God created some to be evil, and the refutations that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist.' [I John
of St. Vincent of Lerins, St. John Cassian, etc.), 2:18, apparently a quotation from memory].”
or calling the “God” of the Old Testament St. Irenaeus made one possible mistake;
different from the “God” of the New Testament, he thought that Christ was crucified as an old
or saying that Christ did not really overcome the man, and taught for at least ten years. If Christ
devil at Pascha and the devil rules the world or was born two years before Herod I died in 4 B.C.,
even created the world, or that there are all sorts it would have been possible for Christ to have
of emanations, splits of God, etc. (If unsure about been older when He was crucified and
a “new” “spiritual” idea, first refer to Against the resurrected, but not in line with the rest of
Heresies. None of these “new” ideas are new.) Christian tradition. Christ was wise at a young
Modern scholars accuse another Saint - age (St. Luke 2:41-51). St. Irenaeus does mix up
Gregory of Nyssa (Jan. 10th), of writing works the date of the rule of the Roman emperor Trajan.
which he attributes to the earlier St. Gregory the Trajan only ruled for a few years, not from the
Wonderworker, see Nov. 17th, because St. time of Christ, although St. John the Apostle
Gregory the Wonderworker predicts so many reposed during Trajan's reign. If the Resurrection
heresies that occurred after his repose one or two had occurred later, it would not fit the other
centuries later, such as the many heresies of the Apostles' missions. There is evidence that the
fourth century attacking Christ as Divine, both Apostle St. Thomas had visited an Indian king
God and man. St. Gregory Nazianzus, (March earlier than St. Irenaeus supposes, and that St.
29th), explains the importance of understanding James the Greater had been executed in 44 A.D.
more than the heretical Greek philosophy of St. Irenaeus is correct in stating that Jesus taught
emanations; but much earlier, St. Irenaeus for more than one year; tradition states that our
described similar heresies. St. Irenaeus points out Lord taught for three years.
that St. John the Apostle also predicted heresies: The Irish looked to St. Martin of Tours
“The Gospel, therefore, knew no other son of (Nov. 11th), St. Hilary of Poitiers (Jan. 13th), and
man but Him who was of Mary, who also St. Ambrose of Milan (April 1st) as the teachers of

their teachers, but St. Irenaeus taught, Ordained, consonant to the Church, and involve their
and founded many churches in Gaul and greater votaries in the utmost impiety; these opinions,
France. The wisdom of St. Irenaeus which was in even the heretics beyond the Church's pale have
the very early French churches is found passed never ventured to broach; these opinions, those
down to the Irish. St. Irenaeus says, in Against presbyters who preceded us, and who were
the Heresies, Book I, chapter 3, that he is resident conversant with the apostles, did not hand down
among the “Keltae,” i.e., that part of Gaul to thee. For, while I was yet a boy, I saw thee in
(France) which is in the area of Lyons, and Lower Asia with Polycarp, distinguishing thyself
speaks a Celtic language (the “P” Brythonic in the royal court, and endeavoring to gain his
language called Gaulish, related to the languages approbation. For I have a more vivid recollection
of Breton, Galatia, and modern Welsh). He was of what occurred at that time than of recent
born a Greek or Syrian who had grown up in events (inasmuch as the experiences of
Smyrna, but when he lived in Lyons in southern childhood, keeping pace with the growth of the
France, it is said that he learned the Celtic soul, become incorporated with it); so that I can
language, although he wrote in Greek. See St. even describe the place where the blessed
John Cassian, Nov. 25th: the Irish traced some of Polycarp used to sit and discourse-his going out,
their spiritual lineage to St. John the Apostle, St. too, and his coming in-his general mode of life
Polycarp, and St. Irenaeus of Lyons. Many of the and personal appearance, together with the
Irish monks such as St. Patrick (March 17th), discourses which he delivered to the people; also
studied in the early monastic schools of France. how he would speak of his familiar intercourse
The Irish returned the missionary favor some with [the Apostle and Evangelist] John, and with
centuries later when the French had been overrun the rest of those who had seen the Lord; and how
with complacency and some Arian attitudes. he would call their words to remembrance.
Irish monasteries in France such as those founded Whatsoever things he had heard from them
by St. Columbanus, St. Fursey, St. Fiacre, and respecting the Lord, both with regard to His
many others, were responsible for returning miracles and His teaching, Polycarp having thus
fervent Christianity to France. Perhaps because received [information] from the eye-witnesses of
of the influence of St. Irenaeus, Irish monastics the Word of life, would recount them all in
believed that education in Christian doctrine was harmony with the Scriptures. These things,
very important for all Christians, and developed through God's mercy which was upon me, I then
their great monastic schools teaching Christians listened to attentively, and treasured them up not
from all classes of society. Earlier pagan Romans on paper, but in my heart; and I am continually,
had not included all classes of society in by God's grace, revolving these things accurately
education, and this destroyed the Roman in my mind. And I can bear witness before God,
civilization from within. The Irish were also that if that blessed and apostolical presbyter had
influenced by the early Egyptian monastics, who heard any such thing, he would have cried out,
since the time of St. Mark the Evangelist and stopped his ears, exclaiming as he was wont
founding the first Christian seminary in to do: "O good God, for what times hast Thou
Alexandria, had also promoted monastic schools. reserved me, that I should endure these things?
See Jan. 26th the Feast of St. Polycarp. also June "And he would have fled from the very
28th the Roman Rite date, and Aug. 23rd the spot where, sitting or standing, he had heard such
Byzantine Rite date. See St. John Cassian, Nov. words. This fact, too, can be made clear, from his
25th, and St. Vincent of Lerins, May 24th.) Epistles which he dispatched, whether to the
St. Irenaeus is embarrassed by the neighboring Churches to confirm them, or to
heresies, from the second fragment of lost certain of the brethren, admonishing and
writings of St. Irenaeus: “These opinions, exhorting them.” And he begins Against the
Florinus, that I may speak in mild terms, are not Heresies: “Inasmuch as certain men have set the
of sound doctrine; these opinions are not truth aside, and bring in lying words and vain

genealogies, which, as the apostle says, 'minister Apostle or St. Polycarp would speak to heretics.
questions rather than godly edifying which is in Book III, Chapter III, part 4, “But Polycarp also
faith,' and by means of their craftily-constructed was not only instructed by apostles, and
plausibilities draw away the minds of the conversed with many who had seen Christ, but
inexperienced and take them captive, These men was also, by apostles in Asia, appointed bishop of
falsify the oracles of God, and prove themselves the Church in Smyrna, whom I also saw in my
evil interpreters of the good word of revelation. early youth, for he tarried [on earth] a very long
They also overthrow the faith of many, by time, and, when a very old man, gloriously and
drawing them away, under a pretense of most nobly suffering martyrdom, departed this
knowledge, from Him who rounded and adorned life, having always taught the things which he
the universe; as if, forsooth, they had something had learned from the apostles, and which the
more excellent and sublime to reveal, than that Church has handed down, and which alone are
God who created the heaven and the earth, and all true. To these things all the Asiatic Churches
things that are therein. By means of specious and testify, as do also those men who have succeeded
plausible words, they cunningly allure the simple- Polycarp down to the present time,-a man who
minded to inquire into their system; but they was of much greater weight, and a more stedfast
nevertheless clumsily destroy them, while they witness of truth, than Valentinus, and Marcion,
initiate them into their blasphemous and impious and the rest of the heretics. He it was who,
opinions respecting the Demiurge [false god]; coming to Rome in the time of Anicetus caused
and these simple ones are unable, even in such a many to turn away from the aforesaid heretics to
matter, to distinguish falsehood from truth.” And the Church of God, proclaiming that he had
he calls the heretics unclean, “...to whom also the received this one and sole truth from the
Lord says, 'Why call ye Me Lord, Lord, and do apostles,-that, namely, which is handed down by
not the things which I say to you?' For men of the Church. There are also those who heard from
this stamp do indeed say that they believe in the him that John, the disciple of the Lord, going to
Father and the Son, but they never meditate as bathe at Ephesus, and perceiving Cerinthus
they should upon the things of God, neither are within, rushed out of the bath-house without
they adorned with works of righteousness; but, as bathing, exclaiming, "Let us fly, lest even the
I have already observed, they have adopted the bath-house fall down, because Cerinthus, the
lives of swine and of dogs, giving themselves enemy of the truth, is within." And Polycarp
over to filthiness, to gluttony, and recklessness of himself replied to Marcion, who met him on one
all sorts. Justly, therefore, did the apostle call all occasion, and said, "Dost thou know me? ""I do
such 'carnal' and 'animal,' who through their own know thee, the first-born of Satan." Such was the
unbelief and luxury do not receive the Divine horror which the apostles and their disciples had
Spirit, and in their various phases cast out from against holding even verbal communication with
themselves the life-giving Word, and walk any corrupters of the truth; as Paul also says, 'A
stupidly after their own lusts: the prophets, too, man that is an heretic, after the first and second
spake of them as beasts of burden and wild admonition, reject; knowing that he that is such is
beasts; custom likewise has viewed them in the subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of
light of cattle and irrational creatures; and the law himself.' There is also a very powerful Epistle of
has pronounced them unclean.” [Book V, Polycarp written to the Philippians, from which
Chapter VIII, 4.] Also, in Book II, Chapter XI, 1: those who choose to do so, and are anxious about
“They are like the dog of Aesop, which dropped their salvation, can learn the character of his
the bread, and made an attempt at seizing its faith, and the preaching of the truth. Then, again,
Shadow, thus losing the food.” This is a serious the Church in Ephesus, founded by Paul, and
charge, that the heretics have lost Christ, the having John remaining among them permanently
Bread of Life. It is a warning of nominalism. until the times of Trajan, is a true witness of the
He says that not even St. John the tradition of the apostles.”

Some questions concerning the Celtic worthy”) prayer in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal is a
Liturgy and the gnostic categories listed by St. praise of many qualities of God. These qualities
Irenaeus of Lyons: are not subordinate to each other, nor warring,
The gnostics tried to fit Christianity into nor negating or limiting, nor a limited number to
pre-conceived pagan categories, such as the fulfill some man-made invention. There is no
Pythagorean. St. Irenaeus lists the heretical worry in using these terms, which are all used in
gnostic “Aeons,” or emanations of God and their Holy Scripture in praise of God's Holiness.
characteristics, not the same as the list of the Although the gnostics claimed that their
qualities of God in the Lorrha-Stowe (Irish) philosophies were revealed every time a Christian
Missal. The Lorrha-Stowe qualities are not prayer used any of their terms, their terms were
separated from God or personified as separate borrowed from the Christian prayers, not the
deities. When numbers are used in the Lorrha- other way around, as St. Irenaeus points out in his
Stowe Missal, they do not add to thirty, but sixty- first book of Against the Heresies. To turn around
five, pointing to the Resurrection of Christ, not an out of fear of the appearance of gnosticism and
invented deity system,. When listing the Twelve cease to praise God's good qualities, because we
Apostles as the twelve hours of daylight (Lorrha- can never comprehend God, is to cease all
Stowe Collect before the Epistle for Apostles, Liturgical praise.
Martyrs, and Holy Virgins), this is to say that The gnostic heresies re-write Holy
they are sent out (the meaning of “Apostle”) to Scripture; there is nothing worthwhile in them;
show the Light of Christ, not forces divided from they do not lead to Christ's salvation; they replace
each other. The “eight-fold New Testament” has worship with delusion; and do not call Jesus
a reverent meaning in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal. Christ “Lord.” They are not the truth.
Later gnostics in India followed Mani, in
a very complex belief system called 27 Aug / Sept 9
Manicheanism that recombined with Hinduism, The troop of the purified martyr
bringing the Hindu revival there. In the Hindu
revival system, three gods who were not
Rufinus the fair with melodiousness:
necessarily the most important in the earlier to the holy rampart of the King of Clouds
Vedic era were redefined as the “Trimurty” in it went by means of spear-points of battle.
imitation of the Holy Trinity, but these were of Rufus, i.e. in the city of Capua he
created gods (like the gnostic), and also like the suffered. [translator’s note: His mass is found in
gnostic Aeons, they would argue with each other, “tham yldran maessebocum,” O.E. Martyrology,
and try to limit the powers of the others. The p. 154.]
qualities of God do contrast with each other: “O St. Pimen the Great, desert father, who
Lord Almighty God Who dost test Thy Saints died around 450 at 110 years old. There are
with a measure and glorifies without measure, many books about his important sayings; see St.
Whose precepts have a goal and rewards have no John Cassian, Nov. 25th, and see collections of
end,” but these qualities complement each other, sayings of desert fathers. Some of his sayings:
they do not fight [from the “Dignum” of the “If man seems to be silent, but his heart
Holy Martyrs in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal]. The condemns others, then he is always speaking.
co-existence of “goal” and “no end” are part of There may be a man who talks all day long, but
the mysterious infinity that can only be found in he is actually silent, because he says nothing
God. Indeed, it is yet another proof that God is unprofitable. ...It is useful to observe three
only good, and does not fight Himself. God things: to fear God, to pray often, and to do good
creates all to be good. God does not make some for one's neighbor.” As many desert fathers, he
good and some evil, God does not “predestine” was interested in overcoming deadly faults, not
some to damnation; God allows His creation to theology. “Once, a monk from another country
have free will. The usual Dignum (“Truly it is came to the saint to receive his guidance. He

began to speak about sublime matters difficult to Rome: Alexandria or Constantinople. (Augustine
grasp. The saint turned away from him and was was from the See of Alexandria. Although St.
silent. They explained to the bewildered monk John Cassian lived near Alexandria in his early
that the saint did not like to speak of lofty years, he then supported St. John Chrysostom as
matters. Then the monk began to ask him about the Patriarch of Constantinople, and after that
the struggle with passions of the soul. The saint lived in the south of Gaul [France] under Rome.
turned to him with a joyful face, "Now you have After writing the Institutes [Rule] and
spoken well, and I will answer." Conferences of the Desert Fathers from
Alexandria, St. John Cassian in his old age also
28 Aug / Sept 10 wrote seven books in support of St. John
May Quiricus protect us Chrysostom, On the Incarnation against
Nestorius, at the suggestion of Archbishop Leo,
with his train fair (and) catholic: who later became Pope St. Leo the Great of
Hermes suffered a great sigh: Rome. These books were read into the
(Augustine) the conspicuous one out of Ecumenical Council of Ephesus. St. John
Africa. Cassian never answered the diatribes against him
Cyriacus, i.e. a Martyr: with his train, written by Augustine and his followers.)
i.e. 903 [persons]. The sanctity of Augustine was not based
(Martyr St. Moses the Black is March 1st.) upon his years of monastic life, but supposed
The famous one out of Africa, i.e. simple theology. And yet, his later extreme
Augustine, i.e. that may be Augustine theology assigned the Holy Trinity duties, and
sapientissimus librorum. i.e. the wisest of the added great complexity to how people may be
Africans. [The Byzantines refer to him as redeemed by Christ. Even though the Lord God
“venerable” Augustine, not “Saint” Augustine; is omnipotent and omniscient, it is a central
some of his writings on sin and predestination to theme of our faith that the Lord allows us to
damnation are not accurate in Orthodox dogma. choose between good and evil (He gives us “free
See Pomasansky’s Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. will”), and does not assign some of us to be bad
St. John Cassian, Nov. 25th and St. Vincent of at birth. After three days in the belly of the great
Lerins, May 24th opposed later extreme doctrine fish, Jonah was faithful (in the Old Testament
of Augustine. Also see St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Book of Jonah); and the brother of the prodigal
Aug. 26th. The calendar of Oengus includes both son in the Parable taught by our Lord Jesus Christ
Augustine of Hippo on Aug. 28th, and Augustine remained faithful, but God also forgives sinners
of Canterbury May 24th and Nov. 16th.] who repent. Jesus died for sinners.
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: The Orthodox view of “Predestination”
Augustinus Bishop [in margin: ‘magni’ - great... is that men (and women) are made in the Image
a later note, perhaps added by a later Augustinian and Likeness of God, and therefore we are all
monastery in Ireland.] predestined to be Saints, although we also carry
Augustine wrote many books, which with us original sin which is a tendency to sin,
were impressive and caused many to call him and we might turn away from and fall from grace.
wise. The early works on the city of God were We must accept God’s grace and act in synergy
widely read. Unfortunately in his later years, he (together) with God’s grace. We are born with
wrote new extreme doctrine which created a rift original sin, and our life is a struggle towards
between monastics and others in the church, and salvation, which is achieved only by the help of
caused the persecution of St. John Cassian who the grace of God. In the miracle of the blind
had supported St. John Chrysostom against the man, he was healed by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nestorians. The later extreme views of Augustine When the people said that the blind man must
might have been tied to an argument as to which have sinned, or his parents must have sinned,
Patriarchate would be second in Primacy after causing him to be born evil, Jesus Christ said that

no, his blindness was to show the glory of God: The main reasons that factions supported
in healing the blind man. Sometimes the glory of Augustine and Alexandria over Constantinople
God shows how marvelous His many works are, are lost today, because the regions of Alexandria
but the Lord does not make things evil. (See the in Egypt and the rest of Africa are mostly not
Conference of St. John Cassian with Abbot Christian, but neither is the city of Constantinople
Theodore On the Death of Saints.) which is now Istanbul. The political argument for
Augustine proposes a great barrier to the primacy of Alexandria based on the presence
salvation. He does not assign possible or of Augustine in that See has lost its meaning.
probable actions of God based on Scripture, but Later sects such as Lollards, Calvinists,
he claims that God must act in a certain way etc. sometimes used Augustine's extreme
because God sees the future: he assigns duties to predestination to convince followers that they
God. If this were the case, of course God would would have no consequences for their actions if
have destroyed the city of Ninevah instead of the actions were carried out in God's name.]
forgiving the people who had repented (Jonah
chapter 3). To think we may predict God’s
actions based on God’s absolute knowledge and Passion of St. John the
perfection is as if we were to look into the corona Baptist; Beheading of Saint
of the sun and think that is all there is to the sun.
God may predict all things, but He also is capable
John the Baptist
of calling us friends, giving us freedom, having FAST day. (August 29th/ Sept 11th.)
conversation with us as our Lord Jesus Christ did Announce the suffering of John the
with the greatest intelligence, and also able to Baptist,
nurture us as a Father does with His children,
helping us towards salvation.
a world with piety,
The image of the Augustinian salvation, with nine virginal hundreds,
of being snatched from the jaws of spiritual death on Elijah’s ascension.
without any possible participation in the process, [See June 24th, the Nativity of St. John
is too extreme, and deceives us into the kind of the Baptist, and Sept. 24th, the Conception of St.
thinking of a lax person who might have delayed John the Baptist. See note after New Fruits, Sept.
Baptism because they would prefer to spend their 1st, and after Sept. 30th on the major Feast days.]
adult life in sin, and then believed that it is God’s (St. Elijah: Same date as the beheading
duty or preference to snatch sinners from the jaws of St. John the Baptist in the Celtic Rite, but not
of soul death rather than to have them leaning on the same day of Elijah in the Byzantine Rite.)
the bosom of the Lord through their life. And, Declare the passion of St. John the
ultimately forgetting that one has been snatched Baptist. [Ioain in Irish.] ideo dicitur eo quod ipse
from the jaws of death, but instead thinking that prius babtisma fecit, uel quia Christum babtizauit.
one “deserved” or was predestined to some kind Non decoliatio eius uere hic fuit, sed inuentio
of salvation, while others do not deserve it or are corporis eius in secunda uice, quia in uere ante
not “predestined” to it. It is not as though a pascha f... et in Edisa [Emisma LL. 362a] eiuitate
person could not be snatched from soul death Fenicie in ... et in Sebaste ... sepultus est et in
(that would be the same extreme, saying that they sequente pascha post ... Christi passus est.
had to be either successes or failures), but that Dear John’s decapitation in great Macerunda,
our Lord has redeemed, or bought, us by the [translator’s note: Macheruntha, Tigernach, Rev.
Cross. The Lord rains on the just and unjust and Celt. Xvi. 408. As to the death of John the Baptist
also blesses the entire universe, but we cannot and the miracles wrought by his head, see the
predict how or why, or we would be naming the Yellow Book of Lecan, p. 159b.]
place and the hour of the Lord’s return which we Sebaste - the course is written - the name of the
have been warned against in Scripture. village wherein he was buried.

If he has been struck, if he has been slain, if he Johannas,” named after St. John the Baptist, or
has been axed - mighty the cause - each listed by name. Use these Propers for the
his like - pleasant the jewel - will never be on Beheading of St. John the Baptist, and the
Banba’s shore. General Requiem Propers, and prayers for the
The world’s women, save a few of them, burn in departed. Note that today the Glossator mentions
the fire of Doom: that the third hour from dawn, on a Tuesday, in
to speak to them is unmeet after the murder of spring (but today, in spring-like weather), two
John. “ale-houses” (places of commerce) will fall.]
In vengeance for the killing of John Mass St. John the Baptist Passion
comes the Besom out of Fanait [translator’s note: Old Testament: Isaiah 43:1-44: 5
See as to this O’Curry’s Lectures, pp. (The Lord reminds people that He
421,423,426,428, and cf. Scopabo eam in scopa brought them through troubles, through
terens, Proph. Isaiae xiv. 23.] to expurgate Ireland the wilderness, and the people will
at the end of the world, as Aileran of the Wisdom respond.)
foretold, and Colum cille, i.e. at terce precisely
Introductory Collect
will come the Besom out of Fanait, ut dixit
Colum cille: “Like the grazing of two horses in a Beloved brethren, Let us in unity beg God the
yoke will be the diligence with which it will Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with
cleanse Erin.” humble confession and devoted supplication, that
Of the Besom Aileran said: “Two He enlighten, bless and sanctify us through the
alehouses shall be in one garth side by side. He intercessions of the Holy Martyr, John the
who shall go out of one house into the other will Baptist, who today celebrate the passion of that
find no one before him alive in the house he will Voice of Prophecy, that Precursor of the Word,
enter, and no one alive in the house from which that law of the straight way of the Enlightening
he will go. Such will be the swiftness with which Light, so that He who shed His holy blood for the
the Besom shall go out of Fanait.” Truth may be pleased to establish our prayers
Riagail said: “Three days and three before God. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
nights and a year will this plague be in Ireland. reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
When a boat on Loch Rudraigi shall be clearly throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
seen from the door of the refectory, then comes Collect Before the Epistle
the Besom out of Fanait.” In honor of Thy blessed Martyr, John the Baptist,
A Tuesday in spring, now, is the day of whose passion we celebrate today, let us who
the week on which the Besom will come in serve offer a solemn festival unto Thy Majesty by
vengeance for John’s passion, as Moling said: these praises, O Almighty God, suppliantly
On John’s festival will come the onslaught, which beseeching that we may be encouraged by Thee
will search Ireland from the south-east, Who givest [all good things] through the prayers
a fierce dragon that will burn every one it can, of him whose example we follow. Through our
without communion, without sacrifice, etc. Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and
[translator’s note: see another copy from a the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages.
Brussels MS in Celt Zeitschr. i. 455.] Amen.
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: The Epistle Hebrews 11:33-12:7 (All of old who
Passion of Johannis Baptista in Emisma ciuitate had wonders done because of faith did
Feniciae. The Dormition of Helesei Prophet. not receive the promise; all who the
Receptio Heli. ... Lord loves He chastises.)
[All those who are commemorated as Sequence [no Alleluia] Psalm 142 entire:
Martyrs for the Cross of Christ on this day, Hear, O Lord, my prayer: give ear to my
including those for September 11th in modern supplication in Thy truth: hear me in Thy justice.
times, may be remembered as the “Johns and And enter not into judgment with Thy servant:

for in Thy sight no man living shall be justified. triumph in honor of Thy Martyr and may the
For the enemy hath persecuted my soul: he hath symphony of Thy faithful people combine with
brought down my life to the earth. He hath made heavenly and celestial Powers which stand at Thy
me to dwell in darkness as those that have been right hand, testifying in unity of voice, and saying
dead of old: and my spirit is in anguish within three times:
me; my heart within me is troubled. Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
I remembered the days of old: I Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post Sanctus
meditated on all Thy works: I meditated upon the of the Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or
works of Thy hands. I stretched forth my hands Virgins from the Celtic Missal.]
to Thee: my soul is as earth without water unto
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Thee. Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit hath
fainted away. Turn not away Thy face from me: Bishop only if present
lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. .IIII. KAL. De Passione Sancti
Cause me to hear Thy mercy in the morning: for Iohannis Baptiste [Blessing at the
in Thee have I hoped. Passion of St. John the Baptist, the day
Make the way known to me, wherein I he was beheaded. August 29 / Sept 11.]
should walk: for I have lifted up my soul to Thee. May Almighty God Who granted that you repeat
Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord; to Thee often the solemnities of Blessed John the Baptist,
have I fled: teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art grant unto you to celebrate these solemnities with
my God. Thy good spirit shall lead me into the devoted mind, and moreover may God grant that
right land: for Thy Name’s sake, O Lord, Thou you receive the gift of His blessing. Amen.
wilt quicken me in Thy justice. Thou wilt bring And may he who, for his pronouncement
my soul out of trouble: and in Thy mercy Thou concerning the law, was put back into
wilt destroy my enemies. And Thou wilt cut off imprisoning darkness, free you by his
all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant. intercession from the allurement of works of
Gospel St. Matthew 14:1-14 darkness. Amen.
(The Beheading of St. John the Baptist.) And may he who, for the truth that God is the
head of all things, did not delay to give himself to
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
death, make you to win through by his coming to
the Preface) Always said aloud. the head which is Christ. Amen.
Look down, we beg Thee, O Almighty God, upon May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
the offerings of Thy people which we offer unto without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Thee is this festival of Thy blessed Martyr and of ages. Amen.
Baptist, John, that by the sanctification of the May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
perfect, cleansing sacrifice, we may earn from and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Thee remission of our sins, Through our Lord ever with you. Amen.
Jesus Christ Who reigneth with Thee and the [In the Advent Season, the preparation
Holy Spirit throughout all ages of ages. Amen. of Christ coming to us, the Lections
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio which speak of St. John the Baptist point
(Preface in the Roman Rite) to St. John as herald of Advent. But at
It is worthy and just, advantageous and Salvific the passion of St. John the Baptist, the
for us to always give thanks to Thee, Almighty advent is the coming to Christ.]
and merciful God, with the offerings of the Confraction arrangement for Saint
sacraments of the feast of the beheading of Thy John the Baptist: 8 Particles for the
Martyr, and recorded by the Evangelist, and offer Virgin Mary and Holy Martyrs. [The
this propitiation upon this altar upon the shining Upper Central Particle is for the
metal plate. Let the offering of our praise be Celebrant.] Eight Particles of the Host
pleasing to Thee O Lord. May it be a hymn of of the Holy Martyrs as an image of the

octonary New Testament; [This has two Introductory Collect
meanings: 1) The Eighth Day of [Proper of this Sunday in Pentecost.]
Creation, the Resurrection of the Dead. Collect Before the Epistle
2) The Eight Fold New Testament [Proper of this Sunday in Pentecost.]
according to St. Athanasius: 4 Gospels;
Epistle (With this Sunday’s Epistle said first:)
Acts and Epistles; Revelation; the
“Didache”, the teachings of the Holy I Corinthians 9:7-15 (Eating of the fruits,
Apostles; and Pastor of Hermas. Since not muzzling oxen, sharing the harvest.)
the time of this Missal, the last two have (And/Or, I Corinthians. 9:7-12, (for tithing.)
been deleted from the Bible.] The shape Gradual and Alleluia
of the Cross is two barred, as a vesica. (Gradual and Alleluia are of the Sunday.)
St. John the Baptist appears in icons Gospel (With this Sunday’s Gospel said first:)
called “Deisis” which means praying to Matthew 12:1-8, John 4:35-38; 6:48-52
God, with Christ in the center sitting on (Disciples eat the corn in the field on the
His Throne, and the Blessed Virgin Mary Sabbath; the fields are ready for harvest,
on Christ’s right hand, and St. John the one man sows, another reaps; “I am the
Baptist on His left hand (our right side). bread of Life.”)
Post Communion [Use the Post (Or, if this is for tithing:
Communion for Apostles, Martyrs, and Luke 20:45-21:5; and Matthew 6:2-4)
Holy Virgins in the Celtic Missal.] Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
the Preface) Always said aloud.
Mass for New Fruits [For this Sunday in Pentecost.]
(First Sunday in September after the Passion of Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
St. John the Baptist, or Labor Day, if celebrated (Preface in the Roman Rite)
around this time. The secular day may be used, [Proper of this Sunday in Pentecost.]
because: Sept. 1st originally was the day that
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
taxes were taken in the Byzantine Empire (days
of great Martyrdoms), but in the early Church, Bishop only if present
tithing day and the major harvest festival was [A Bishop's Blessing in Matins for this
also after the Feast of the Beheading of St. John day. There are also blessings for spiritual
the Baptist. Feasts of St. John the Baptist were fruit during Pre-Lent, the first Sunday in
near major events in the year. In the 1800ds, a Lent, Palm Sunday, and Holy Pascha.]
harvest festival was moved to the last weeks of Benedictio. Ad Matutinum. De
September in Germany. Originally the American Cotidianis (In Matins, for the Bishop's
holiday of Thanksgiving was in early October, Flock, similar to Byzantine blessing.)
but was moved to late November, nearer to the Never forsake Thy vineyard which Thou wast
older Feast of St. Martin, Nov. 11/24, which is pleased to establish, but make it to ever grow.
the traditional Christian “carnival” before Amen.
Advent. Harvest festivals originally were in the Do not let the hedges suffocate it, nor birds
beginning of September for fruits and some ravage it. Amen.
grains. In the Byzantine Rite, the Mass for New But be near it always, and every day make it to
Fruits is combined with a later Transfiguration in bear fruit. Amen.
August 8/23, although that is early for a harvest Do not let the enemy plant tares in it, but let it be
festival of fruit.) worthy to ever produce fruit unto Thee. Amen.
Old Testament: May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Joel 2:21-27 (The fruits of the earth.) without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
(And/Or: Mal. 1:6-11, (if this is for tithing.) of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be called “Holy Island.” See Dec. 25/ Jan 7th,
ever with you. Amen. “Aedan the Great.”)
[Confraction of a Sunday, 9 Particles.] Paulinus, i.e. Bishop of Nola, a town in
Post Communion Italy.
[Proper of this Sunday in Pentecost.] Of the widow, i.e. quia uidua tradidit
eum pro filio suo in seritium Genserici [genere,
generi, genero] regis Vandalorum. i.e. gens in
30 Aug / Sept 12 Affrica.
A delightful virgin Agapa, St. Aedan (or Aidan) of Lindisfarne, died
who is a sun to your Saints; 651 A.D. Aedan was trained in Scattery Island in
the reward above rewards St. Senan’s monastery (see March 8th), and was
she has attained with her noble sisters. part of the Iona mission. St. Oswald, the English
Agatha, i.e. a virgin. Agapa, i.e. a virgin king, friend of Colm cille (June 9th), asked for
in Sicilia passa est. Multa tormenta sub Decio help from Iona.
imperatore uel Quintiliano consulari i.e. in urbe At the fall of the Roman Empire, pirates
Catinentium. [Same as Feb. 5th?] and “Picts” attacked Christian Britons, and the
Passio Agapae et Chionae et h-Erennae. Britons turned to anybody for help. Instead of
[Greek calendar at 16 April. Agapis Eirinis helping them, the pagan Angles, Saxons and Jutes
drove the Christian Britons into Wales and
kai Chionias, martiron parthenon. Agapis,
Cornwall, beginning at their arrival around 449.
Eirinis, and Chionias, Martyred virgins.] From
(The “Welsh” are the ancient Britons of the
The Martyrology of Tallaght: The Passion of
‘Arthurian’ legend.) The Britons did not send
Agapa and Chiona and Herenna and Gaudentia.
missions to the English, who had betrayed them,
Also...Johannis and three thousand three hundred
displaced them and had despoiled many
monasteries. (Yet Bede calls the Briton’s 150
St. Christopher of Palestine (Byzantine
year refusal to missionize an “unspeakable
Rite date), Celtic date is April 28th.
crime,” in Book I chapter 22 of his Ecclesiastical
St. Fantinus of Calabria, wonderworker,
History of the English People, because the Britons
reposed 1000; founded a monastery, but it was
did not forgive the Angles and Saxons. Bede
destroyed in Sicily. He went to Greece, changed
quotes “their own historian Gildas.”) At the
seawater to fresh on ship.
bidding of Pope St. Gregory the Great, St.
Augustine of Canterbury (May 24th, Nov. 16th)
31 Aug / Sept 13 had landed at the southeastern tip of England in
They declare the end of August, Canterbury of Kent with 40 monks in 597.
Aedán the brilliant sun (Augustine of Canterbury, May 24th, is not the
of Inis Medcoit, whom we praise, same as Augustine of Hippo, Aug. 28 th.) St.
with Paulinus of the widow. Augustine of Canterbury was successful in
converting the high king of the north and south of
(St. Aedan of Lindisfarne.) Aedan, from
England to Christianity, but in 616 at the death of
Cell Mor in Mennat Tire in Airgeill. Or in the
the Saxon Ethelbert much of the mission failed.
north-east of England is Inis Medcoit, and Aedan
Then in the north, the Northumbrian King Edwin
therein, i.e. at Inis Cathaig, or in the north-west of
who had been Baptized in 627, was Martyred in
Little England is Inis Medcoit, and Aedan therein.
633 by the pagan kings Cadwallon and Penda.
(Lindisfarne was also called Melrose, according
Bishop Paulinus of York who was sent to the
to Montalembert, “not the Cistercian Melrose...
north in 625 was driven back to Kent. Then, only
but a more ancient and more holy Melrose.” See
Deacon Justus remained in the north.
Oengus’ glossator has some confusion of names,
King Oswald had a vision before a battle
thinking that Aedan came from “Cell Mor in
in December of 634 when facing Cadwallon near
Mennat Tire in Airgeill.” Lindisfarne is also now

Hexham. St. Colm cille appeared to him, The Irish churches and schools reached
spreading his cloak over the sleeping troops, and as far south as the Thames river in England, and
told him to take the Cross as the standard. Irish Bishops and monks were in Mercia, East
Oswald made a Cross and his entire army knelt Anglia as far as Glastonbury. The kings of
before it, asking the One True God to be with Northumbria spoke Irish after that for a hundred
them when they faced the larger numbers of years, and Lindisfarne became a more important
Cadwallon’s army, the powers of darkness. center than Canterbury in Northumbria, Essex
Cadwallon himself was killed in battle, and the and Mercia. Only in the southeast corner of
victory was complete. (Afterwards the place was England in Kent were the Roman monks
called “Heavenfield.”) Oswald established a successful alone. Roman and Irish helped each
fortress at Bamborough, and then asked for other in the conversion of Wessex and East
missionaries from Iona. Anglia. Some of the Irish foundations were in
First, the good monk Corman attempted Coldingham, Melrose, and Lastingham in
to help, but he returned to Iona in despair. Aedan Northumbria; Ripon and Whitby in Yorkshire;
was a Bishop in Ireland but was residing in Iona, Burghcastle in Suffolk; Saint Bees in Lancashire;
and he said that the Anglo-Saxons should be Malmsbury in Wessex among the Saxons; and
given the milk of easy doctrine first until they Bosham in Sussex.
were capable of God’s more sublime precepts. The calendar controversy became
The seniors then named Aedan for the task of difficult, because Canterbury celebrated Pascha
missionizing England. (Also, the news of according to the Roman usage, while Aedan
Cummian of Clonfert’s findings about the date of celebrated according to the Iona usage which had
Pascha came to Iona, but no one in Iona paid been the calendar of St. Patrick (see June 9th).
attention to that. See Feb. 18th, Nov. 12th). The rest of Ireland already celebrated according
In 635 Aedan settled his See on to the Roman usage. During the time of Aedan
Lindisfarne, an island just off the east coast of the confusion was tolerated by all including
northern England, very close to York, and Honorius of Canterbury and Felix of East Anglia.
opposite Oswald’s fortress castle at Banborough. They said that Aedan was holy and just and could
The island is three miles long and a mile wide, not be expected to keep a different date for Easter
and only enough buildings were built there so the than those who had sent him. Bede greatly
monks could live and pray. They kept no money honors St. Aedan (Bede was trained in
or cattle, and gave everything to the poor that was Northumbria), except that Bede was not happy
given to them by the rich. Visitors received about the calendar. St. Aedan served at
ordinary food and accommodations, even kings. Lindisfarne for 17 years, and Irish were in charge
They wore the white homespun of the Irish, with there only a total of 30 years (see Colman of
the Irish tonsure that also came under attack later Lindisfarne, Feb. 18th). St. Aedan died at
at the Synod of Whitby. Their scholarship and Bamborough leaning on an outside pillar of his
missionary zeal was unsurpassed, covering church there. Bede says that much later when
England with schools, music, and churches. Bamborough was destroyed by pagans, that pillar
Early English writing is in Irish penmanship, and refused to burn, and was venerated in the new
all English children who enrolled at the schools church as a relic.
received as complete an education as could be The nun Heiu was professed by Aedan
found in Ireland or the continent, according to as the first nun of Northumbria, sometimes
Bede. Aedan also trained many English as clergy. identified with Begu of Bees Head. Heiu was
He selected in many places twelve Saxon youths, over the cloister at Hartlepool. Heiu departed
often ransomed from slavery, “to educate them in inland, and Aedan asked the royal princess Hilda
Christ.” After his schools were established, all to succeed Heiu. Harltepool later relocated to
native English Bishops were ordained by the Irish Whitby. (Hilda had intended to become a nun on
except for one, who was taught by the Irish. the continent at Chelles or on the shore of the

Marne which was part of the Irish Luxeuil and In the fourteenth century, the evil king
already a place Saxon nuns lived.) “the black prince” Edward of England did not
The Book of Lindisfarne or the destroy the sanctuary of Fiacre, even though he
Lindisfarne Gospels is in Irish style illumination was known to commit the worst war crimes
and writing. Durham also lists Aedan as its first (look up William Wallace). Edward took some of
Bishop, and the See of Lindisfarne was relocated the relics of St. Fiacre with him, intending to
to Durham when it was abandoned because of bring them to England. As he traveled through
Vikings. Bede is also buried at Durham. A Normandy, king Edward put the relics of Fiacre
carrying case fell into Norman hands at Mortain on the altar at Montloup which had a chapel
in France after the Norman conquest of England, dedicated to St. Fiacre. But when he tried to
which can be traced to Eada or Eata, one of the move the relics again, the strength of men could
disciples of Aedan of Lindisfarne. not move them from that place. Soon afterwards
(The Irish Bishops who led Lindisfarne king Edward died, which the French considered a
in its first 30 years: see Aedan, Finan Feb. 17 th, punishment for the irreverence to their Saint.
and Colman Feb. 18th). (Also see Dec. 25/ Jan 7, In the fifteenth century, when Henry V
another date for “Aedan the Great,” listed in The of England made war on France, many Irish
Martyrology of Tallaght.) fought on the side of the French against him.
Another important Irish Saint today: St. Because St. Fiacre was Irish, Henry had his
Fiacre who missionized in France, the patron of soldiers pillage the monastery of Meaux. Soon
gardening; died A.D. 670. In about 626 Fiacre king Henry fell ill with a fistula (a tunnel formed
went to Bishop Faron of Meaux in France, who between two organs or to the outside of the body
had been blessed in childhood by St. Columbanus caused by infection), after that called the malady
of Luxeuil (see Columbanus Nov. 23rd). The of St. Fiacre. King Henry said that the Irish on
Bishop gave Fiacre a hermiitage at Breuil in La earth favored the French, but also the Irish in
Brie and he cleared the land and produced a heaven. King Henry V of England died on the
wonderful garden of vegetables and flowers. He Feast of St. Fiacre in 1422 at a chateau near Paris.
knew all the healing herbs as well as the ones for Kings richly decorated the tomb of St.
food. People came for his healing, but especially Fiacre. Miracles continued for many centuries at
for his prayer. Meaux and Blois. He cured kings and queens, as
Thirty churches in France were named well as the poor that he cared for so much in life.
for St. Fiacre, and two villages in La Brie and in Louis XIII of France and his queen Anne of
Plouagat. Most Breviaries in France had an Austria were traveling, and the king became ill at
office of nine lessons for him, according to Bede. Lyons. His wife traveled on foot to the shrine of
These are named for St. Fiacre: a hermitage in St. Fiacre, attributed as the source of the king’s
Ireland south of Kilkenny that was a place of recovery. Women did not enter his oratory; she
pilgrimage; churches in Scotland including St. prayed only at the door. After twenty childless
Fiacre’s church and cemetery in the parish of years, she gave birth to Louis XIV. During her
Nigg next to St. Fickers Bay near Aberdeen; the life great gifts were given to the shrine.
horse-drawn cabs of Paris because the first of
these was hired out of the Hotel St. Fiacre, an inn 1 Sept / 14
with a picture of the Saint over its door. His On the calends of September
name appears in the Scottish Dunkeld Litany. A
mystery play about his life was very popular.
Caecilia with righteousness,
Churches were filled with flowers on his Feast four virginal hundreds,
day, including the churches in Meaux, and the twenty and three thousands.
church of St. Ferdinand in Paris. Many churches (One of the great Martyrdom days.)
had relics of St. Fiacre. In Brittany a pardon was Cecilia (or Cicilia) virgin and Martyr
held at a dedication to St. Fiacre. (i.e.: iiii.milia.cccc. & xx & ihs, that is, four

thousand four hundred twenty one) and Joshua Mark 8:15; Herod (Agrippa) puts Jesus Christ on
son of Naue or Joshua son of Nun. (Iesu mac trial before the Crucifixion, St. Luke 23:7-15; and
Nuin.) [The name in Hebrew “Yeheshua” is the is killed by worms, Acts 12:21-24. St. John the
same name as Jesus. Joshua or Jesus means Baptist complained about the Herodians' abuse of
“savior.” Joshua son of Nun saved the Hebrew God’s law, and this led to St. John's beheading.
people in their physical needs, But Jesus Christ Orthodox Christians should not covet,
Son of God saves all people who believe in Him, but pay taxes. Christians do not disobey the law
both in their body and soul. Through Jesus Christ unless it requires us to “burn incense” to an
is the Resurrection of the Dead and life eternal; earthly king who calls himself a god, or asks us
and instead of crossing the Jordan river, we are to harm another person. The great Martyrdom,
Baptized and saved from death, and our Sept. 1st was considered an important date on the
“promised land” is the kingdom of heaven, which Christian calendar: see note at the end of Sept.
is the Church on earth and in heaven.] 30th; and another great Martyrdom June 16th.]
St. Cecilia is both today and Nov. 22nd.
The event of the Martyrdom of so many 2 Sept / 15
thousands of Christians occurred on a Roman tax Praise thou Theodota with Senán,
date and another “new year”: Sept. 1st in both
Rome and Byzantium. See note after Aug. 29th
they are noble:
about the Mass for new fruits. St. Simeon the With fair Christ is their guerdon:
Stylite was a prominent feast day in Byzantium with their train they are dear.
on Sept. 1, (see Jan. 5th, Celtic and Roman dates with Senan, i.e. from Lathrach Briuin in
for St. Simeon). On a tax date, citizens were Hui Faelain, i.e. with Senan in Lathrach
taxed and then required to publicly burn incense (Laithrech) Briuin in Hui Faelain.
to the pagan Roman emperor-god, which
Christians refused to do, and which led to so 3 Sept / Sept 16
many being Martyred. Colmán of Druimm Ferta,
The Martrydom of the Holy Innocents
(Dec. 28th) also occurred near an enrollment date
Longarad a delightful sun,
called by Caesar Augustus, St. Luke 2:1-5. Mac nisse with thousands, from great
Herod’s grandson Herod (Agrippa) allows Conderi.
himself to be called a god, without giving glory Colman of Druin ferta, i.e. Colman from
to God, and is struck down immediately with Cluain ferta Mongain in Hui Faelain, and
worms; calling an earthly king a god was present Mongan (was) in Hui Failgi, and Druim ferta is a
in the Herodian line. (Herod’s grandson Herod hill near the church, a place wherein many
had been fostered in the court at Rome, and was miracles used to be wrought (by Colman). Of
much more Roman in religion than anything else. Druim ferta i.e. collis iustz ciuitatem, ibi sanctus
Herod the Great the “tetrarch” himself, although Colman mirabilia multa fecit. Colman i.e. o
known for building the second temple, had Cluain [ferta] Mongan in Huib Failge. Druim
participated in burning incense to the Roman ferta collis iuxta ciuitatem, et fecit Colman
gods while visiting Rome, and also had no natural mirabilia ibi. Quies Colmain cum omnibbus
feeling, killing his own children and the holy patribus. Qui fecit uinum ter de aqua fontis, i.e. [a
innocents St. Matthew 2:1-19. When Herod the hill near the city, where Colman wrought many
Great died, Archelaus his son reigned in Judea so miracles.. Colman i.e. o Cluain [ferta] Mongan
that St. Joseph took his family to Nazareth (St. in Huib Failge. Druim ferta a hill near the city,
Matthew 2:22-23); and his grandson Herod and Colman wrought many miracles there. Of
Agrippa beheaded St. John the Baptist St. Colman with all the Fathers. ] Who thrice made
Matthew 14:1-12, St. Mark chapter 6; Jesus wine of well-water, i.e. the first time for Colum
warns against the words of Herod (Agrippa), St. cille: the second time for Fechine of Fore, when

he gave his eyes to him: the third time for Ruadan Condeire, i.e. wolf-oakwood [cuan-daire], i.e. an
of Lorrha. And that well is in darkness behind oakwod in which wolves used to be, i.e. (there
Ruadan’s flagstone east in his graveyard; and was) an oakwod there formerly, et in eo lupi
everyone on whom water comes in that graveyard habitabant. [and wolves dwelt there.]
his soul is not punished. Marginal notes from The Martyrology of
Lon-garad Coisfind (Whiteleg) etc. In Tallaght: Seven id. sep. Quies Colmain cum
Mag Tuathait in the northern part of Ossory, i.e. omnibus fratribus qui fecit uinum ter de aqua
in Hui Forcellain, i.e. in Mag Garad, in Disert fontis [Seven for Colmain with all of the
Garad precisely, and in Cell Gabra in Sliab brethren who on three occasions made wine from
Mairgi in Les Longarad. well water. ] i.e., the first time for Colum cille,
White-leg, i.e. great bright hair through the second time for Fechine of Fobar, when he
his legs [“hair” in Celtic terms also means rays of gave his eyes to him, the third time for Ruadan of
light, as in the “hair” of the tail of a comet], or Lothra (Lorrha). And that well is in darkness
bright-white were his legs. He was a master of behind Ruadan’s flagstone on the east side in his
study and jurisprudence and history and poetry. graveyard. And every one about whom water
To him once came Colum cille (as a guest), and comes in that graveyard his soul is not tormented.
he his books from the latter, and Colum cille left Modern sources list St. MacNessi, first
a (banning) word on his books, i.e. “May that as Bishop of Connor on this day.
to which thou showest inhospitality be of no St. Anthimus of Nicomedia (city of
profit after thee!” And this has been fulfilled, for Diocletian) in Bithynia, 303, Martyr. Or, St.
still the books remain and no one studies them. Anthimus of Rome (also from Bithynia) (Sant'
When Lon was dead the book-satchels Antimo) died 303, Martyr, Roman date May 11th.
that were in the cell where Colum cille dwelt fall. Diocletian killed more than 20,000 Christians in
All are silent at that noisy shaking of the books. A.D. 303, perhaps two different Martyrs.
[in L.” now when he was dead all the book-
satchels fall, for there were books of every 4 Sept / Sept 17
science in the room in which Colum cille was; In the great sinless (?) Kingdom,
and Colum cille, and everyone in the house,
marvel. Thus in LL.: This is said, that on the
wherein little ones are blooming,
night of Lon-garad’s death Ireland’s book- greatly play his children
satchels and her gospels and her books of round Ultan of Ard Breccáin.
instruction fell from their shelves, as if they (Children in Paradise: see Mt 19:14 “But
understood that never would there come any one Jesus said to them: Suffer the little children and
like Lon-garad.] Then said Colum cille: forbid them not to come to me; for the kingdom
“Longarad,” saith he, “the master of every art in of heaven is for such.” Ultan saves innocents
Ossory, has just now died.” “May it be long till whose parents died of a plague, and is granted by
that comes true!” says Baithine. “Disbelief (be) God the power to stop an invasion. But he was
in thy successor!” says Colum cille. Then he asked too soon by the king to stop all future
made this stave: Dead is Lon of Cell Garad, great invasion.) [See Dec. 28th, Holy Innocents killed in
the misfortune! For Ireland over her border ‘tis Bethlehem by Herod; June 16th, Quiricus child
ruin of study and schools. Martyr with thousands; note after Sept. 30th.]
Son of Cnes, i.e. Cnes of Dal Cethirn Ultan quasi altan ‘razor,’ for his
was his mother, i.e. Conchaide’s daughter, et ab keenness and sharpness in miracles and marvels.
ea nominatus est Mac nissi, i.e. (Son) of Cnes. He used to be called ‘the cleric of the children,’
Or Mac cneise, i.e. of Patrick’s skin [cnes], for for after the (plague called) Buide Connaill every
with Patrick he was fostered and used to sleep. babe without maintenance was brought to Ultan,
Caeman Brecc was his real name. Fobrec was his so that often fifty, or a hundred-and-fifty, of them
mother’s name. Oengus his own first name. were with him at the same time, and he himself

used to feed them, i.e. the children of the women ‘tis a little thing that whitens the visage of Ultan
whom the Buide Connaill had killed. This is great-grandson of Conchobar. [Not great-
what Ultan used to do, to cut off the cows’ grandson, but descendant; see below.]
teats...and pour milk into them, and the babes a- ‘Tis great labor to strive for the height in the
playing around him. [If there was no one to milk valley:
them, the cows would be almost bursting; cows to strive for perfection with the Son of God, this
must be milked every twelve hours.] is what would make the cheeks white.
Thus then he used to wend, with his Ultan son of Ernan, son of Gabran, son
Gospel on his back, (hanging) without any strap of Senach, son of Muiredach, son of Talglonn,
to it! son of Broccan, son of Cormac, son of Tadg, son
At that time Diarmait son of Cerball was of Cian, son of Ailill Olomm. From The
king of Ireland. There happened (to come) a vast Martyrology of Tallaght: Ultan moccu
seafleet (of foreigners), which filled most of Conchobair in Ard Brecain ‘and soror eius Cron
Erin’s estuaries. Great fear affects Diarmait, and in Galaum Lagen’ (in margin)
then he said: “Yon ‘cleric of the children,’ who (Another Ultan, a brother of Fursey or
wends with his Gospel on his back and no strap Fursa, 7th century, see May 2nd, or it might be the
to it, in him let us put our trust that the plague same Ultan; but that Ultan helped missionize
may be taken from us.” So envoys are sent from France after missionizing in East Anglia.)
Diarmait to Ultan. Then was Ultan feeding the (St. Babylas of Antioch, see Jan 24th.)
children when the messengers arrived, and they
tell him their errands. “That is a shame,” says 5 Sept / 18
Ultan, “that ye did not leave me alone till my With Breccbúaid,
right hand was free. My hand that is free, i.e. the
left hand, I will raise it against these ships. But if
who has been called out of Erin,
it were my right hand no foreigner would ever thou shalt reckon holy Eolang of Ached
invade Ireland.” So that hence is (the proverb) Bó, a beauteous pillar, a triumph of piety.
“Ultan’s left hand against the evil!” With Brecc-buaid, etc. i.e. Breccin of
Thus F: Then was Ultan feeding certain children, Tuaimm drecon in Brefne of Connaught. Or
with a bit of porridge in his lips and some of it on Buaid ‘victory’ i.e. men and women going to
his finger, when the king’s gillie arrived. Ultan Martyrdom together with him, for that is a victory
spake not to the gillie, but uplifted his left hand. for him, for ‘tis he that had preached to them the
Then the gillie repaired to the king and told this word of God.
to him, and the king understood that the cleric Eolach, i.e. in Achad bo Cainnig he is.
had raised his left hand in order to expel the fleet. St. Sarbelis (Sharbil) and Babaia of
Wherefore from that time to this is (the proverb) Edessa 2nd c.
“Ultan’s left hand against every evil.’
The feeding of his fosterlings by Ultan... 6 Sept / 19
He wrecked, destroyed, stranded thrice fifty ships With Macc cuilinn of Luscae
with his left hand.
Had it been the right hand that noble Ultan raised
thou apportionest (?) a fair couple:
against them from us hence the Feast of Scíath here we have,
no foreigner would ever have come here or there (and that) of Colomb of bright Ross
into the land of Erin. Glandae.
[F adds two quatrrains by Cron, Ultan’s Lusk, i.e. in Fingall, i.e. a house that was
sister, beginning “A Cron is gnim mar.”] built of weeds (lusrad) was there formerly, and
Moninne sang: hence the place is named Lusca, quasi lusrad-
Not from a blow on anyone’s face are all the thech, because the modern ‘tech’ (‘house’) was
clerics red: formerly ‘cae’. Macc cuilinn, i.e. Luachan mac

culinn, ut alii putant. Cuinnid was his name at Is commemorated, i.e. Maire secundum
first. Cathmog his father’s name. romanos. [Mary according to the Romans.]
Sceithe, i.e. from Fert Sceithe in Mary’s nativity is commemorated here. [not
Muscraige tri maige in Munster. deadened] on a scanty meal, for pit means a meal,
Colum croxaire, i.e. a scribe at Ross quasi dixisset [as is said] thou shouldst not fast
Giallain in Hui Liathain in Munster he is, i.e. on Mary’s Feast. [No fasting today.] [translator’s
Colum of Domnach Imchlain in Hui Liathain. Or note: So in the Greek Kalendar, the Nativity of
Colum of domnach mor Maige Imchlair. Colum, the Theotokos (in Greek, or Deigenetrix in Latin,
i.e. crossaire, of Ross, the same as Colum or Birth-giver of God in English), but in LL. 362c
Midisil. natiuitas Mariae matris Iesu [Birth of Mary the
Martyrdom of Saints Faustus (Priest), mother of Jesus] is at Sept. 5 th. See the legend,
Abibus (Deacon) and Dionysius (Reader) of O.E. Mart. Pp 164, 235.]
Alexandria (in 250), with companions: Adronicus From The Martyrology of Tallaght today:
(a soldier), Andropelagia, Cyriacus (acolyte), Navititas Mariae matris Iesu. [Birth of Mary the
Cyriacus (another person), Theocistus (sea Mother of Jesus.]...
captain), Macarius, Andreas, Sarpambo, Thecla (a Also, St. Disibode, died A.D. 700, an
woman's name), and Caldote. Died under Decius. Irish mssionary to Bingen in Germany, now
(Oengus does not list others. See Dec. 15th;) Mount St. Disibode or Disenberg overlooking the
(Byzantine Rite: St. Michael, see Sept. 29th.) Nahe. Hildegarde von Bingen much later wrote a
life of Disibode from oral tradition, whom she
7 Sept / 20 credited with her revelations. She lived after the
The pure suffering of Sinotus, Great Schism, but her writings and Hymns have a
much earlier outlook, especially about the most
whose traces are shining: holy Mother of God. Disibode lived an austere
the host of Anastasius which was slain, life, devoted to the sick and poor, and unfailing in
and the multitude of their miracles. answers to his prayers. In his mission he was
[Synotus of O.E. Mart. Also, St. Sozon accompanied by Giswold, Salust and Clement.
of Cilicia, Martyred 304. St. Eupsychius of New Martyr St. Alexander Jacobson, 1930.
Caesarea in Cappadocia, Martyred by Julian the Mass: Birth of the Virgin Mary
Apostate.] Old Testament: Exodus 19:7-12
(For the Virgin: going up to Mount
Feast of the Birth of the Sinai, the people cannot come too close.
Virgin Mary, Birthgiver of See note on Thursday after XI Pentecost:
on Galatians 4:21-31, 4:4-6, similar to
God. (September 8/ 21) this Exodus reading, “...God sent His
Thou shalt commemorate Mary: Son, made of a woman, made under the
thou art not deadened on a scanty meal: law...” not an immaculate conception,
but “That He might redeem them who
with Timothy after (the world’s) ways,
were under the law: that we might
and three hundreds of martyrs. receive the adoption of sons. And
(An earlier Irish Lectionary puts her because you are sons, God hath sent the
Nativity around May 7th, a premature baby, but Spirit of His Son into your hearts,
Sept. 8th is in all Celtic calendars at the time of crying: Abba, Father.”)
the Martyrology of Tallaght. A commemoration of Introductory Collect
the Blessed Virgin Mary is at the Finding of the
Almighty and eternal God Who wast pleased by
True Cross on May 3rd, because the original date
the joining of Thy Word to earthly members
of the Crucifixion and Annunciation both were on
through truly venerable Mary, we beg for Thy
March 25th, on Irish and Roman calendars.)

immense clemency that we might proclaim by her of Thy power: To make Thy might known to the
veneration and achieve Thy satisfaction through sons of men: and the glory of the magnificence of
Christ our Lord Who reigneth with Thee and the Thy kingdom. Thy kingdom is a kingdom of all
Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. Amen. ages: and Thy dominion endureth throughout all
Collect Before the Epistle generations. the Lord is faithful in all His words:
Hear us O Lord Holy Father , Almighty God Who and holy in all His works. The Lord lifteth up all
wast pleased to illumine the whole world from that fall: and setteth up all that are cast down.
the shelter of the womb of blessed Mary. We The eyes of all hope in Thee, O Lord: and Thou
suppliants pray to Thy Majesty, that although we givest them meat in due season. Thou openest
are not adequate in accomplishments, by her Thy hand: and fillest with blessing every living
Motherhood and Protection may we be deserving: creature.
We, Thy servants, beg Thee, O Lord, that we may The Lord is just in all His ways: and
enjoy the joys of Blessed Mary whose acts blots holy in all His works. The Lord is nigh unto all
out the hand-writing of our sins through her them that call upon Him: to all that call upon Him
child, Christ our Lord, Who reigneth with Thee in truth. He will do the will of them that fear
and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages of ages. Him: and He will hear their prayer, and save
Amen. them. the Lord keepeth all them that love Him:
Epistle Eph 6:1-9 but all the wicked He will destroy.
(For the Virgin: honor thy father and Alleluia: (end of Psalm 144: verse 21)
mother; no respect of persons in Christ.) Alleluia. Alleluia. My mouth shall speak the
Gradual: Entire Psalm 144 (Heb. 145) praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless His holy
Exaltabo te Deus I will extol Thee... Name for ever; yea, for ever and ever. Alleluia.
(She will be the Mother of our Lord; a [In addition to the above Psalm:
reflection of the Magnificat. This also From the XV Sunday after
tells the story of Ss. Joachim and Anna Pentecost: Optional, only if this
in the Protevangelium. Also repeat is near that Sunday.]
Sunday’s Psalm, if it is Psalm 100.) Gradual: Psalm 100: 2-3
I will extol Thee, O God my king: and I will bless I will sing, and I will understand in the
Thy Name for ever; yea, for ever and ever. Every unspotted way, when Thou shalt come to
day will I bless Thee: and I will praise Thy Name me. I walked in the innocence of my
for ever: yea, for ever and ever. heart, in the midst of my house. I did
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be not set before my eyes any unjust thing:
praised: and of His greatness there is no end. I hated the workers of iniquities.
Generation and generation shall praise Thy
works: and they shall declare Thy power. They Alleluia: Psalm 100: 1, 6-7
shall speak of the magnificence of the glory of Alleluia, Alleluia. Mercy and judgment
Thy holiness: and shall tell Thy wondrous works. I will sing to Thee, O Lord. My eyes
And they shall speak of the might of Thy terrible were upon the faithful of the earth, to sit
acts: and shall declare Thy greatness. They shall with me: the man that walked in the
publish the memory of the abundance of thy perfect way, he served me. He that
sweetness: and shall rejoice in Thy justice. worketh pride shall not dwell in the
The Lord is gracious and merciful: midst of my house: he that speaketh
patient and plenteous in mercy. The Lord is unjust things did not prosper before my
sweet to all: and His tender mercies are over all eyes. Alleluia.
His works. Let all thy works, O Lord, praise Gospel Luke 2:41-51 (Jesus teaches in the
Thee: and let Thy saints bless Thee. They shall Temple at Jerusalem when He was
speak of the glory of Thy kingdom: and shall tell twelve years old.)

Ad Pacem, Always said aloud. without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
O Lord, may the Holy Spirit Who filled the of ages. Amen.
viscera of blessed Mary with the truth of His May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
splendor, be pleased to take up the gifts set forth and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
upon Thine altar through our Lord Jesus Christ ever with you. Amen.
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit Confraction arrangement for the
throughout all ages of ages. Deigenitrix 8 Particles for the Virgin Mary
Dignum and Holy Martyrs. [The Upper Central
It is truly worthy and just O Almighty God Who Particle is for the Celebrant.] Eight
hast taught us to serve by wonders the Mystery Particles of the Host of the Holy Martyrs
and by the indescribable, the Sacraments through as an image of the octonary New
Venerable Mary, in whom chastity remained Testament; [This has two meanings: 1)
intact, modesty unbroken, conscience firm in that The Eighth Day of Creation, the
she knew she was the mother of her Lord, Jesus. Resurrection of the Dead; 2) The Eight
Wherefore more joy came to her who was made Fold New Testament according to St.
joyful because of her burden: because the Virgin Athanasius: 4 Gospels; Acts and
conceived: because she bore the Lord of Heaven Epistles; Revelation; the “Didache”, the
in the enclosed space of her vitals: because the teachings of the Holy Apostles; and
Virgin bore a Son. O Great Clemency of Deity, Pastor of Hermas. Since the time of this
She who did not in truth change and was a Missal, the last two have been deleted
mother and after giving birth to a Son remained a from the Bible.] The Cross is a two
Virgin. She was gladdened by two things: she barred Cross arranged in the shape of a
was gladdened by the gifts: she was gladdened vesica, see the Mass Confractions. See
because, though a Virgin, she gave birth: she was The Meaning of Icons by Lossky and
gladdened because she brought forth our Ouspensky, “Our Lady of the Sign.”
redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ through Whom... Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary include
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most an eight-pointed star on her veil, as she
Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post was the first after Christ to experience
Sanctus of the Apostles, Martyrs, Saints the Resurrection of the Dead, the Eighth
or Virgins from the Celtic Missal.] Day of Creation.
Proper Blessing of the Day by a Post Communion
We beg Thee O Lord, attend to Thy faithful ones,
Bishop only if present
that by the intercession of Blessed Mary who
Benedictio in Nativitate Sanctae Mariae faithfully assumed Him in mind and body, He
[Blessing at the Nativity of Saint Mary, protect that which he was pleased to establish,
Sept. 8 /Sept 21; when she was born on Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
earth.] throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
May Almighty God be pleased to bless you with
His protection, Who made this day to be
illumined and famous, through the birth of
9 Sept / 22
Blessed Mary. Amen. Great the Festival that filleth countries,
And may He Who willed that His Son be born that shaketh swift ships,
through her, defend you by her intercession from (the Festival) of the Wright’s son beyond
adversity. Amen. kings, the fair feast of Cíarán of Clúain.
So that in the present age, by her attributes and (Also, an Irish Saint Osmanna today,
prayers, you may prevail to have full enjoyment patroness of Fericy-en-Brie in France.)
of eternal good fortune. Amen. (St. Severian of Sebaste, killed soon
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain

after the 40 Martyrs, and Martyr St. Straton.) Colum cille. [Another version given in The
The great festival of Ciaran of Cluain. Ssaints of Ireland under Ninnidh, Jan. 18th.]
Beoan the Wright, of Lathranna Molt of Dal Now when Ciaran finished his work, he
Araidi, was his father. Now Darerca was his asked Finnen, “What shall be done?” “Let it be
mother, as Ciaran himself said: with what follows (thee),” says Finnen.
Darerca my mother, she was not a bad Thereafter she (the dun cow) follows Ciaran, so
woman, [translators note: meaning an excellent that her hide is the goodly relic which is called
woman.] ‘the Hide of Ciaran’s Dun.’
Beoan the wright my father, of Latharna Three and thirty years had Ciaran
Molt. completed when he died. Ireland’s Saints had
In the house of the son of the wright he was fasted for his death, for the whole of Ireland
reared. would have been his had not that been done.
Then when the proper time (?) came he Odran of Letracha Odrain and Mac cuillinn of
asked his father to give him something by which Lusk went to relate to him for what they had
he might effect his learning, for he meditated fasted. “Ye have permission.. To go to sain the
going to Clonard to Finnen, the tutor of Erin’s air before us,” says Ciaran, “and what ye seek
Saints, in order to learn. Said Beoan: “Go will be given to you.” So then he composed the
through the herds,” quoth he, “and what will verses beginning:-
follow thee take.” A dun cow follows him, and Stay for me, O King of splendid heaven.
that became ‘Ciaran’s Dun.’ Twelve measures (of [The poem is in LL. 374c: cf. Also Cormac’s
milk) it used to yield at the same time, i.e. a Glossary, s.v. cacaid.]
measure for each of the twelve Apostles of Cutting short Ciaran’s life, and sending
Ireland. [The Apostles of Christ: Simon, Madian Colum cille over sea, and expelling Mochutu
(Matthias), and Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas, from Rathen, those are the three bad stories of the
Thaddaeus, Peter, Andrew, Philip Paul (added Saints of Erin. The three worst counsels that
later), John and the two Jameses. The twelve were done through the counsel of the Saints, i.e.
Apostles of Ireland: Two Finnians, two chaste cutting short Ciaran’s life, and banishing Colum
Columbs, Ciaran, Cainnech, fair Comgall, two cille, and putting Mochutu out of Rathen. [See
Brenainns, Ruadan with beauty, Ninnid, Mo-bi, March 11th.]
son of Natiraech, i.e. Molaise [Fiacc?]. See July Now Patrick had foretold him (Ciaran)
15th for Twelve Apostles. Also, St. Patrick is three score years before his birth. Comlach,
called an Apostle in the Lorrha-Stowe Mass.] Patrick’s leper, went oversea to collect Saints’
Now when Ciaran was beginning to relics and he brought the relics to the place where
make [copy] a Gospel with Finnen, Colum cille Bothcraind (or ‘a wooden bothy’) is today. A
came to Finnen to study. “Dost thou deem it great elm-tree was there then with a hollow in it.
pious (?) to make a Gospel?” says Finnen to him, The book-satchel is put into the hollow and the
“for every one is making it. Ciaran alone has the satchel in which were the relics. On the morrow
book of it.” “It is pious,” says Colum cille, “and they arise. Though they were quick, they saw
I will go to Ciaran.” He goes accordingly. neither the hollow nor the satchel. They fall to
Ciaran was then preparing his Gospel lesson, and cutting the tree and nothing can they do to it, for
this especially is what he said: “Whatsoever ye every chip which they struck from it would come
wish men to do unto you, that do ye unto them.” again upon it. Thereafter Comlach goes into
Colum cille enters the hut. “Dost thou share the Connaught an tells (this) to Patrick. “‘Tis true,”
book with me?” says Colum cille. “It is not easy says Patrick: “those relics are not superfluous for
(says Ciaran) for me to refuse it, since that which him who shall come there; for, at the end of three
we have just said is against us unless we give it. score years from today, a son, of whom Erin and
So let the book with (my) blessing, be thine,” Alba will be full, will be born, and there will be
says Ciaran. “Half of Ireland to thee!” says his church, and (only) one in a hundred out of it

will be in hell, and there will be thy own relics,” Bishop of Salzburg Austria, and Colgu teacher of
says Patrick. “They will not be,” says Comlach, Alcuin. Alcuin had trouble receiving letters from
“unless thy relics shall be there (also).” “My Colgu, and unfortunately Alcuin changed the
debroth,” says Patrick, “I am willing if God is Irish lectionary so that the Lections and Psalms
willing.” Accordingly Patrick’s relics are in the would not be sequential, but he did claim Irish
griandal of Clonmacnois, ut alii putant. [as others instruction.) Suibhne (Sweeney) who died in
think.] A.D. 810 was teacher of geographer Dicuil
Ciaran son of Beoan, son of Olcan, son whose works finished in 825, and had
of Corc, son of Cuiniu, son of Cuinnid, son of information about the Nile River and the Red Sea
Fiac, son of Mal, son of Carthach, son of Laisre, found nowhere else, which came from 8th century
son of Lasrin, son of Altra (?), son of Gluinech, Irish pilgrims to Jerusalem, and also had
son of Corpre, son of Lug, son of Mid, son of information about Iceland from Irish monks.
Dub, son of Lugna, son of Feidlimid, son of Believing that St. Ciaran would bring all
Eochaid, son of Bresal Ban, son of Dega, son of to heaven who rested in his graveyard, “those of
Reo-soirche. the royal blood divided it among themselves.”
(This is a different Ciaran than Ciaran of These include king Diarmuid who made large
Saiger on March 5th, but also very early.) grants after a victory over Guaire (also buried
“St. Kieran of Clonmacnoise” (Ciaran of there), and saying that no king of Meath should
Cluain) died in A.D. 545, examining the history take as much as a drink of water from there
of Clonmacnoise. The monastery is located where without paying for it. Tenth-century Abbot Flann
the ancient chariot road crosses the Shannon built the stone cathedral and also the Cross of the
river. Ciaran saw Diarmuid MacCearbhail sailing Scriptures. Connacht King Fergal O’Rourke built
down the river, and Ciaran called to him, “come the oldest now existing part of the round tower.
to me for you are a king and mark out the church Conchobar brought a gift of many townlands and
and offer the harbor to me.” “I am not a king,” asked to be buried there in the eleventh century.
said Diarmuid. Ciaran replied, “You will be king In 1167 king O’ Ceallaigh (O’Kelly) added a
tomorrow.” Four centuries later, artists showed sepulchre and chapel for his family. Dervorgilla
Ciaran and Diarmuid together setting the first (see Jan. 1st; her sin led to the downfall of
stake, on the Cross of the Scriptures. After seven Ireland) built the Celtic Romanesque Nuns
months, or some say after seven years, Ciaran Church. The last high kings are also buried there:
died of the plague, but his Eclais Beg (little Turlough and Roderick O’Connor.
church) where he is buried is a place of Although the Danes under Turgesius
pilgrimage. The Imda Chieran or cow-skin which tried to defile Clonmacnoise, Turgesius installing
was his bed is a holy relic. Ciaran’s father was his wife Ota as priestess to be an oracle on the
Beoit a chariot-maker from Antrim, his mother high altar, Clonmacnoise survived and rebuilt. It
was the Kerry-born Darerca, so he had northern was not destroyed until the Anglo-Normans who
and southern parentage. Clonmacnoise was the began plundering it in 1178. Later in the
greatest monastic school after Armagh, laying reformation, queen Elizabeth destroyed the city.
claim to a league of churches that covered half of A poem about the kings buried at
Ireland. It combined secular and religious study, Clonmacnoise:
and left Gaelic and Latin historical records (see In a quiet watered land, a land of roses,
Fiacc Oct. 12th). The Book of the Dun Cow, the Stands Saint Kieran’s city fair;
Annals of Tigernach (Tierney), the Annals of and the warriors of Erin in their famous
Clonmacnoise were all compiled there. generations Slumber there.
Those who were famous in There beneach the dewey hillside
Clonmacnoise include Fogartach (Fogarty) the sleep the noblest Of the clan of Conn.
Sage commemorated with a Cross. (Later famous Each below his stone with name in branching
people included Arno who succeeded Virgilius as Ogham And the Sacred knot thereon.

There they laid the seven kings of Tara, (named after Mochaoi, the former Abbot) in
There the sons of Cairbre sleep - County Down was Finian’s first school, and his
Battle-banners of the Gael that in Kieran’s plain teacher was an older seminarian, Colman later of
of crosses Now their final hosting keep. Dromore. The Abbot of Rosnat in North Briton
And at Clonmacnoise they laid the men of Teffia, came to visit Mochaoi, and Finian went with him
And right many a lord of Breagh; when he departed. Finian was in Scotland 20
Deep the sod above Clan Creide and Clan Conaill years as a student and then missionary. Finian
Kind in hall and fierce in fray. was on the east coast of Scotland (Pictland) as far
Many and many a son of Conn the Hundred- north as Dornoch, and places are named for him
Fighter In the red earth lies at rest; in Ayreshire, Angus, and Caithness according to
many a blue eye of clan Colman the turf covers, the historian Simpson. In about 540, he made a
Many a swan-white breast. pilgrimage to Rome, and returned to Movilla in
Ireland, five miles from Bangor, bringing
10 Sept / 23 Biblical manuscripts. Oengus says he brought the
A kingpost of red gold with purity, Mosaic Law, perhaps Old Testament, to Ireland.
(There were already Psalms. Colm cille
over the swelling (?) sea (he came) with transcribed that “preciously conceived”
law, a sage for whom Ireland is sad, manuscript at Dromin, the Psalter now in the Irish
Findbarr of Mag Bili. Academy in Dublin called the Cathach of the
(St. Barypsabas in Dalmatia O’Donnells. Some think there was musical
[Yugoslavia], 1st or 2nd century; tradition says that notation hidden in the illumination, which is why
he took a vial of Christ's blood to Rome. Colm cille copied a particular manuscript: Colm
(Martyr Saints Menodora, Metrodora cille had been brought up as a bard and a cleric.)
and Nymphodora at Nicomedia, 305 to 311. The school of Movilla had many
(St. Pulcheria the empress, who lived in students. Finian’s penitential Code, 53 canons for
chastity even after marriage, and called the Third his monks still exists in manuscripts in the
Ecumenical Council against Nestorios, d. 453.) libraries of St. Gall, Paris, and Vienna. Finian
Findbarr, i.e. of Mag bile in Ulster. died A.D. 575. Tradition says that “he sleeps
Findbarr i. Finden. It was Finden of Mag Bile among miracles in his own city of Movilla.”
first brought the law of Moses into Ireland. Or it
is to the Gospel that the name of ‘law,’ was given 11 Sept / 24
this, or it is Findia that first brought the whole The Passion of Protus and Hyacinthus:
Gospel to Ireland, for it is Finnian of Mag bile
that brought Colman’s Gospel to Ireland. it was with abundance of sorrow.
[translators note - A less creditable achievement Sillán, the psalm of every sick man,
is ascribed to this Saint in the preface to the hymn is sung in fair Imbliuch (Cassáin).
of S. Mugint, infra Nov. 1st. If the same Finden, The passion of Protus and Hyacinthus
then the law came after repentance; he had (Pais, Prothi, Protatius, Proteus, Prothus, Prate,
“brought” the law down on himself. St. Paul says Proto, or Pratt; and Iacinthi, Jacinto, or Giacinto),
Christians should uphold the law, but they must these were two eunuchs who came to the Faith
follow the Holy Spirit; see the Epistle to the with St. Eugenia i.e. two eunuchs of Eugenia and
Romans. The Celtic people had the Brehon law; with her, they came to the Faith. Or i.e. two men
more detailed than Roman law and very fair.] of Eugenia’s family. Frothi i.e. in Roma. [i.e. in
Finnian of Mag bile, son of Cairbre, son Rome.] (See Dec. 24th and poem on March 16th.
of Ailill, son of Trichem, son of Fiacc, son of They were Martyred during emperor Valenrian I
Imchad, son of Bresal, son of Sirchad, son of or Galianus, 3rd c.) Their tomb in the catacombs
Fiacha the Fair. of Rome had burned bones, indicating
St. Finian of Movila: Mahee Island Martyrdom by burning.

Sillan, i.e. from Imbliuch Cassain in Dega, son of Cronn, son of Eochaid, son of
Cualnge. Salm, i.e. oratio, of every feeble one, Lugaid, son of Mros, son of Imchad, son of Cass,
i.e. every one who used to be in sore sickness: for son of Feidlimid, son of Cas, son of Fiacha
this was the wish of them all, to see the hair of Araide. Molaisse of Daiminis, i.e. son of
Sillan’s eyebrow so that they might die swiftly, Natfraich: on Loch Erne he is. Molaisse sang:
for this was the peculiarity of that hair, every one The land we found has been found,
who would see it in the morning died at once. a broad loch is our mountain-field,
Now Sillan happened (to come) to Lethglenn, and a common cemetery from Gaels,
Molaisse comes early in the morning round the God the Father’s own domain.
graveyard. Sillan of the Hair happens to meet Dam-inis, i.e. the oxen (daim) of Conall
him. “This hair,” says Molaisse, “shall not be the Red son of Daimine, used to be therein.
killing every one,” plucking it out perforce. Then (Hence) it was named.
Molaisse, after seeing the hair, dies at once, and St. Ailbe or Ailbhe; among four native
hence Sillan dictus est (Sillan of the Hair). pre-Patrician Irish Bishops Consecrated in Rome:
Also: St. Ia, Martyr with 9000 in Persia Ss. Ailbhe, Ibar, Declan, and Kieran (Ciaran) of
under Sapor II in 363; when she died, the sun Saigher or Saiger (see March 5th). This history is
darkened and the air filled with fragrance. from the Benedictines, but Oengus also says St.
St. Theodora 490, penitent nine years for Ciaran brought the city of Saiger to Christianity
one sin, wonder-worker, tamed beasts, healed, 30 years before St. Patrick.
brought water from a dry well; posed as a male Ailbhe built the church at Emly, 14
monk, discovered as a woman on her repose. miles west of Cashel, and a monastic school with
St. Ephrosynus the Cook, monk, 9th it, in existence for 300 years before it was burned
century; too simple to learn letters. One night by Vikings. The school was important in the sixth
when the elder slept, St. Ephrosynus gave three century. Oengus also places Ailbe on Dec. 30th,
apples to him from Paradise. Next morning the and he should be commemorated both today and
elder learned that he often walked in Paradise. St. December. (See Feb. 12th, St. Sedulius was first
Ephrosynus was praised by the community, so he trained by St. Ailbe, Germanized as Hildebert,
retreated to the desert. according to Colgan.) About Irish Saints in
Britain, Bollandists say that St. David of Wales'
12 Sept / 25 mother was Irish, and he was Baptized by Ailbhe.
Celebrate Ailbe’s Feast (St. Autonomous from Italy, Martyred in
Bithynia in Soreoi during the reign of Diocletian.
with Fled the luminous (and) buoyant; St. Cornutus, Bishop of Iconium,
on the Feast of Laissrén the beautiful Martyred under Decius or Valerian.
from multitudinous Daminis. (St. Julian of Galatia Martyr with 40
Of Ailbe i.e. from Imlech Ibair. Ailbe others, in A.D. 300; the Martyrology of Tallaght
son of Olcan, son of Arra, son of Dala, son of has several dates for Julian, including Sept. 21st.)
Laiter, son of Imros, son of Fer-tlachta, son of
Celtchar. 13 Sept / 26
Fled, i.e. name of a virgin in the Declare two and twenty Martyrs
Fortuatha of Leinster, daughter of a king of
Leinster, of Tech Fleide in Hui Garrchon. with much holiness:
Lassren, i.e. Molaisse of Daminis, from together with the champion of battle,
Loch Erne, i.e. Molaisse son of Natfraich, of Dagán of Indber Dóile
Daminis, of the Eoganacht of Cashel was he, and of Dagan a Priest, son of Colmaid, of
one of the twelve Bishops of Erin. (July 15th .) Imber Doile. Of Dael, i.e. Dael the name of a
Molaisse son of Natfraich, son of river in the common frontier of Hui Fenechlais
Barran, son of Conbran, son of Tuilsiu, son of and Dal Mascorp in the Fortuatha of Leinster in

the east of Leinster. Cornilius passus est, sed non in eodem anno.
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Felicissimus; Secundinus; Teodolus; Timotheus; Cornelius Pope in Rome and Ciprianus Bishop in
Litorus; Agustus; Nectarus; Marulionis; Cartagine (Carthage); Dionisius Bishop and three
Secundus; Depletorus; Pectorus Bishop; Beatus; others; Saturus; Felicis; Honorus; Dimetrus; Zeta;
Parmenius; Quintus; Lodorus; Geurgus. Also: Maria; Romula; Epartius and eighteen others;
Dagan Priest son of Colmada of Inber Doile; Johannis; Petrus; Zefanus; Matheus. Also [Irish]:
Neman moccu Duib. Coeman Becc at Ros Ech in Caille Follamain; the
daughters of Colum in the Cremthanna; Mael
14 Sept / 27 (Vigil) Tolaig of Druim Faindle (or Druim Niad. Some
To thee leaps the Feast of Coemán Brecc, sources give the last two names on Sept. 13th).
St. Cyprian of Carthage, Bishop Martyr,
with a learned (?) pair: 258. He enforced penance; re-baptized those
the chaste Passion of vast Cyprian; baptized by heretics, but strove for unity. “He can
fair suffering of Cornelius. no longer have God for his Father who has not
[Vigil for the Holy Cross and Dedication. the Church for his mother; ...he who gathereth
This is the Byzantine day of the Cross.] elsewhere than in the Church scatters the Church
of Coeman Brecc, i.e. Caeman Brecc, of Christ”
from Ross ech in Caille Fallamain in Meath is he, Repose of St. John Chrysostom, Sept.
and Mac Rustaing along wiith him, and the pair 14th A.D. 407, the “Golden-Mouthed,” Patriarch
of them were children of the same mother. Or in of Constantinople, writer of many sermons. Feast
Ross liac is Caeman Brec. Now the grave of Mac dates: Byzantine: Nov. 13th; Celtic (and history
Rustaing is in Ross ech. No woman can see it confusing him with his supporter St. John
sine crepitu ventris eius, or without a loud foolish Cassian) see Nov. 25th; Roman: Jan. 27th for the
laugh afterwards: as says the poet: translation of his relics to Constantinople in 438
1. Critan was noble Mac Rustaing’s A.D., when the emperor begged for forgiveness
name, Garbdaire was the name of Mac Samain, for his father banishing and causing the death of
2. Mac Rustaing’s grave thou sayest in St. John Chrysostom in exile. (Also: Jan 30th,
Ross ech without shame, “Three Hierarchs,” with St. Basil, and St.
If she sees it every woman talks, pedit Gregory Naziansus; Byzantine date.)
and laughs aloud. [translator added Latin, not in
the original Irish text: it might be embarrassing.]
Cornelius, Pope of Rome, Cornelius etc. Feast of the Dedication
Romane urbis episcopus rexit eclesiam sub Of the first Church in
Gal[lian]o et Valeriano annis .x.u., cui ob
Christum martirio coronato sucessit Lucius. (St.
Jerusalem and all Churches,
Cornelius the Centurian, 1st century. In the and Commemoration of the
Byzantine Rite on Sept 13th.)
True Cross
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, in Africa,
etc. Cyprian the African primum gloriose (September 15th /September 28th.)
retoricam docuit. Deinde christianus factus, At the consecration of the basilica of
Cicilio suadente, omnem substantiam suam Mary,
erogauit, et postea episcopus Kartaginis a strong rampart:
constitutus est. Huius ingenium superfluum est
texere, [cf. De praeterito historiam dexere (leg. Cyrinus without vainglory
Texere), Trip Life, 2.] cum sole clariora sint opera went with a great host to Martyrdom.
eius. Passus est sub Valeriano et Galliano Of the basilica, i.e. a church, basilica
principibus persecutione octaua die quo Romae (basilikh), i.e. a royal house. Dedication of all

Churches and the First Church, the Basilica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
Mary, and the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus was built and took on a greater importance. At the
Christ, which was found May 3rd, and presented time of the Crucifixion of our Lord, the place of
on the Vigil of the Feast of the Dedication, Sept. Crucifixion and His burial were outside the walls
14th. Sept. 15th is a major Feast, including special of Jerusalem, but less than ten years later in 40
Lections for both the Church and Baptistry. A.D., Jerusalem was expanded so that the place
[Basilica: means “king,” and like the herb “basil,” of the Crucifixion and burial were inside the
means sweetness. On the Cross of our Lord Jesus walls. Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. There
Christ, “king” in three languages: Greek: “Basil,” is a note concerning this written by the glossator
Latin: “Regis,” and Hebrew: “Malak.”] of Oengus at the Finding of the True Cross, May
The Basilica of Mary in Jerusalem was 3rd. Although the Romans had built a pagan
the first large Christian Church; built before the temple over the place of the Crucifixion and
Holy Sepulchre (Resurrection) Church. Sept. 15th burial of Christ after those events, the Christians
is one week (the “octave,” or close of the festival) remembered the location where these events had
after the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. taken place. St. Constantine the Great removed
The Annunciation (see March 25th) was the the pagan temple entirely, and was responsible
original date of our Lord's Crucifixion, although for building the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.]
Pascha is actually celebrated after the Vernal Also today: Bonifacius the fourth Bishop
Equinox and the first full moon. The Blessed in Rome from Gregory, postulauit a Focate
Virgin Mary is the first among the Saints, and in principe donari ecclesie. Also, Cyrinus, a Bishop
her icons are always circles of sorrow under her and Martyr. (Pope St. Martin of Rome Martyred
eyes reminding us of the Crucifixion. She stood Sept. 15th, 655. See Celtic feast date April 20th.
under the Cross at the Crucifixion, is mentioned Byzantine feast date is April 13th; Roman feast
prominently in Byzantine prayers in Holy Week, date is Nov. 12th after St. Martin of Tours.)
and is close to Christ in “Deesis” or prayer icons. Note: the XVI Sunday after Pentecost
A church dedicated to another Saint Gradual and Alleluia, Psalm 102, also
would have a special celebration on that Saint’s pertains to this Feast. Do not move that
Feast day (“titular”), and a commemoration Sept. Gradual and Alleluia to the Sunday
15th / 28th for the founding of all churches and nearest this Feast, however. On this
their dedication to God. Celtic and Roman Rites Feast we also bless the Name of the
emphasize the Finding of the True Cross on May Lord, which is a reminder of the Lord’s
3rd. On Sept. 14th, there was a miracle of the Holy Name on the Feast of the Circumcision.
Cross in the sky, saying “in this sign conquer,” Mass: Feast of the Dedication of
and then the Cross was used as a battle standard; all Churches and the Holy Cross
but that was only part of the conversion of St.
Old Testament: Genesis 28:10-22
Constantine: see the Throne of St. Peter Jan. 18th.
In the Byzantine Rite, the Dedication of the (Jacob has the vision of the ladder to
Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Resurrection) in heaven, and also dedicates the spot to
Jerusalem is commemorated Sept. 13th, but the God as a place of worship forever.)
earlier Basilica of St. Mary in Jerusalem is not Introductory Collect
commemorated, only the Holy Cross Sept. 14th. Beloved brethren let us with faithful affection,
A later post-schism Roman holiday, the begging with bowed humility, venerate God Who
“sorrows of the Virgin Mary” is on this day; mandated the ornamentation of the Temple, Who
perhaps a remnant of this Feast of the Dedication. dedicated the altar to His martyrs and confessors,
It would seem that St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome to protect temples which have been dedicated to
should have a secondary importance to St. Mary’s His Name by spiritual watering. May they be
Basilica in Jerusalem, but also, since the time that embellished by our art, so that we may bring
the Basilica of St. Mary in Jerusalem was built, honor to the day of this annual festival. May we

be worthy to be partakers of the heavenly slew the firstborn of Egypt from man even unto
temples. Let us pray therefore that we may be beast. He sent forth signs and wonders in the
saved through the intercessions of the blessed midst of thee, O Egypt: upon Pharaoh, and upon
Martyrs whose relics we venerate with faithful all his servants. He smote many nations: and
love in this place: Through our Lord Jesus Christ slew mighty kings: Sehon king of the Amorhites,
Who reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit and Og king of Basan, and all the kingdoms of
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Chanaan. And gave their land for an inheritance:
Collect Before the Epistle for an inheritance to His people Israel.
O God, Who consecrated the breadth of this place Thy Name, O Lord, is for ever: Thy
unto Thy cult for the Salvation of those who memorial, O Lord, unto all generations. For the
believe, where by the daily invocation of Thy Lord will judge His people: and will be entreated
Name consolation doth not decline, we seek Thy in favor of His servants. The idols of the gentiles
piety so that the memorials which are sacrificed are silver and gold, the works of men’s hands.
upon the altars with devoted minds may be They have a mouth, but they speak not: they have
prepared unto the curing of souls and for Thy eyes, but they see not. They have ears, but they
supplicant family. May Thou judge to be elect hear not: neither is there any breath in their
and royally resplendent in that heavenly mouths. Let them that make them be like to
Jerusalem, those who sacrifice offerings, them: and every one that trusteth in them.
thankful, with praises unto Thee in the Temple. Bless the Lord, O house of Israel: bless
Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who reigneth with the Lord, O house of Aaron. Bless the Lord, O
Thee and the Holy Spirit throughout all ages of house of Levi: you that fear the Lord, bless the
ages. Amen. Lord. Blessed be the Lord out of Sion, Who
Epistle I Corinthians. 3:9-17 dwelleth in Jerusalem.
(“...For other foundation no man can lay, Alleluia Psalm 134: 5-6, 13-14
but that which is laid; which is Christ Alleluia, Alleluia. For I have known that the
Jesus... you are the temple of God and Lord is great: and our God is above all gods.
the Spirit of God dwelleth in you...”) Whatsoever the Lord pleased He hath done, in
Gradual Psalm 134 (Heb. 135) Sequence, or heaven, in earth, in the sea, and in all the deeps.
with Alleluia: Laudate nomen Praise ye Thy Name, O Lord, is for ever Thy memorial, O
the Name of the Lord (Finding of the Lord, unto all generations. For the Lord will
True Cross, May 3; Feast of Dedication judge His people: and will be entreated in favor
of the first Church in Jerusalem and all of His servants. Alleluia.
Churches and of the Cross, Sept 15. Gospel John 10:22-28 (The Feast of the
Alleluia. Verses 5-6 and 13-14.) Dedication in Jerusalem in winter. The
Praise ye the Name of the Lord, O you, His sheep hear the voice of Christ, and
servants, praise the Lord: You that stand in the Christ gives them life everlasting.)
house of the Lord; in the courts of the house of Post Nomina
our God. Praise ye the Lord, for the Lord is Glory to Thee our Lord God, King of the ages,
good: sing ye to His Name, for it is sweet. For creator of humans, Who hast consecrated the
the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto Himself: Israel bounds of the Temple unto perpetual devotion by
for His own possession. For I have known that the patronage of the Holy Martyrs, where, by
the Lord is great: and our God is above all gods. daily devotions, Thou art offered unto Heaven
Whatsoever the Lord pleased He hath done, in because Thou wast opened in the world:
heaven, in earth, in the sea, and in all the deeps. Therefore may our proclamation, O Lord, be
He bringeth up clouds from the end of united in today’s offering, and may the prayer of
the earth: He hath made lightnings for the rain. a contrite heart ascend into the presence of Thy
He bringeth forth winds out of His stores: He Majesty, and for Thy loving-kindnesses respond

with serenity to the petitions of each one who is May it be victory over enemies; may it be a
in this temple, whose anniversary of watch over their encampments; may it be concord
establishment is today granting the faithful their in the home; may it be in the path to come.
requests. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who Amen.
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit So that in the future, the most High Shepherd will
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. watch and serve His flock, which, by the
Ad Pacem conquering pure Lamb, has been turned* unto
O God Who restores the consecration of the Thy salvation. Amen.
Temple for us throughout the years, and always [*Turned as in guided; not the Judas-
restores well-being by Thy Holy Mysteries, hear goat but God the Shepherd who uplifts.
the prayer of Thy people and grant that whoever “Ut pastor in futuro gregem servet
petitions for the well-being of this Temple may incolumen. quae nobis conversa est
join the rejoicing of the congregation which agno vincente in salutem.”]
established it. Through our Lord Jesus Christ To deign to bless this people by the Sign of the
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit Holy Cross, so that in the day of Judgment,
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. nothing is able to separate them from Thee.
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio Amen.
May He bless you from heaven, Who by the
(Preface in the Roman Rite)
Cross of His Passion redeemed you on earth; to
It is worthy and just Almighty God to renew the Whom is the honor, and the majesty, unto ages of
honor for the annual dedication of this Tabernacle ages. Amen.
whose virtue is great and piety is plentiful: we May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
beg Thee, look down from Heaven and regard without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
and visit this house so that Thou will willingly of ages. Amen.
hear anyone that invokes Thy Name within it and May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
forgive their offenses. Here Thy Priests offer the and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
praises of Sacrifices; Here the Faithful fulfill their ever with you. Amen.
vows; Here restitution of sins is made; Here
Confraction arrangement for the
lapsed Faith is repaired; Here Thou Thyself dost
judge discerning between the good and the bad... Deigenitrix 8 Particles for the Virgin Mary
Proper Blessing of the Day by a and Holy Martyrs. [See her Nativity,
Sept. 8th, and note May 3rd.]
Bishop only if present
Post Communion
.XVIII. KAL. Octobris. Exultatio
Sancte Crucis. Benedictio [See May 3rd, Finding of the Cross.]
[This blessing is specifically for this day. Final Gospel: Luke 19:1-10
The Blessing at the Exaltation of the Reading in the Baptistry (Zacheus
Holy Cross Sept 14 or 15/ Sept 27 or 28. climbs the tree, and when Christ goes to
In the Martyrology of Tallaght, on this his house for dinner offers half of his
day, also the dedication of all churches.] goods to the poor, and is saved.)
May God Who didst convert the gibbet of the
blessed Cross, which in ancient times was used Prayer During the Adoration
for condemnation unto punishment, into life for of the Holy Cross
those who are redeemed; grant that Thy people be Mid-Lent, Mid Pascha,
sustained by its guardianship, and armed with Commemorations of the Holy Cross
such a banner. Amen. V. O Lord Jesus Christ Most Glorious creator
May the Cross be the foundation of their faith: of the world Who with Splendor of equal Glory
hope in suffering, aid in adversity, and support in to the Father and the Holy Spirit wast pleased
prosperity. Amen. to accept pure flesh and permitted Thy most

glorious palms to be nailed to the pillory of the (This Hymn is sung three times.
Cross so that Thou might shatter the gates of Russian melody):

-cvv v vsv v]cv vtcvv v wcvv]ccvvtcvv v v vgcvv v hcc]

hell and free the human race from death.

R. Have mercy upon me who am miserable: who

am born down in my sins and sullied by an Be-fore Thy Cross, we bow
unclean lip: please do not abandon me O
Glorious Lord but please absolve me for I have -cvc7jcchcvcc7jcgcc]cch,vc7Jvchvcgcvc]cv$fcvv \v
carried out evil deeds. Hear me, prostrate in the
down and wor - ship,
worship of Thy Life-giving Cross, so that in this
holy solemn act I may be cleansed and worthy to
attend Thee Who Livest and reignest with Thine
-vv%fcc%fcc]cv ctcvv ccycvc]cctccvcgcvvcchcc]cctcvc%rcc]ct,c–
unoriginate Father and the Holy Spirit throughout and Thy Re– sur– rec- tion we glor-i - fy.
all ages of ages. Amen. (Or the Greek melody below sung three
times. Notes are natural unless flatted in
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee ascending this mode, with minor thirds:)
the Cross and bearing the Crown of Thorns:

R. I beg Thee to liberate me from the angel of

-vv cgc]cv vctcecvvccrctcvvc]cv6hcvíjcv6ycvv Tcc]
death. Be - f ore Thy Cross,

V. O Lord Jesus Christ I adore Thee wounded -vv v v v cíu.cc6hcvv v cicíuvc]c6yctvccRcv]ccTcvv

upon the Cross: Gall and vinegar Thy drink:
Christ our Sav - ior,
R. I beg Thee that Thy death be my life.
-cvíjvv6hccgc6HccíJcc]v v gcfcvv vcv dcFcGccvv fvcv v vdcvv v cecc]
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee
do we wor - ship and bow down,
descending into hell freeing the captives:

R. I beg Thee, do not let me go into the

-cvgccgcvvc6yvvcíuccivc]cíjcvvcv6hccvcgc6HccíJc6hvv v cgcctc}
punishments of hell. and Thy Resurrection we glor - i – fy.

V. O Lord Jesus Christ I adore Thee ascending 16 Sept / 29

into heaven and sitting at the right hand of the
A great trio that is not wretched:
my Ninn, the cry of every mouth:
R. I beg Thee have mercy upon me. in Iona Laissrén the happy,
with Laissrén the great of Min.
V. O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee coming in a trio, i.e. three great chiefs, i.e.
Judgement: Moenenn of Cluain Conairi Toman in the north of
Hui Faelain, Laissren Abbot of Iona, and Laissren
R. I beg Thee that in Thy coming Thou dost not Mor, i.e. Laisren of Men, great-grandson of
enter into judgement with me Thy sinful Servant Loeguire.
but I beg Thee that Thou cast away my sins Laissren of the Men, i.e. Molaisse of
before Thou judge me. Amen. Men-crochat, i.e. Men name of a river with a
bridge (drochat) across it, and in Leix it is. Or of
[Choir or Chanter sing this Hymn while Men-crochet, i.e. min-drochet (‘smooth bridge’):
people venerate the Cross.] a certain congregation of many Saints was once

for some reason at that town and a certain robber, of Luxeuil (Nov. 23rd) and St. Gall (Oct. 16th).
one of the inhabitants, said: “Smoothly do all Roding became the Abbot and founder of
those come to us tonight,” as if he said Beaulieu in the Argonne. His ancient monastery
“industriously they come;” and one of the visitors is still there. (A biography was written of Roding
said: “This shall be till doomsday the name of the before 1046 by Richard of St. Vannes.)
place, Mindroichet.” St. Sophia and her daughters Faith,
Molaisse, great-grandson of Lugar. In Hope, and Love (Faith, Pistis, or Vera. Hope,
Hui Fairchellain is his church. Elpitha, or Nadezhda. Love, Agape, or Lyubov.)
Laissren Abbot of Colum cille’s Hi 2nd century Martyr under Hadrian.
[Iona]. With Laissren of Men, i.e. Molaisse of Also, 156 Martyrs in Egypt, in the year
Men-crochait, i.e. Men nomen amnis, and there is 310; these included Bishops Peleus, Nilus, and
a great confluence (?) across it, and in Leix it is. Silvanus, Priest Zeno, monks Patermuthius and
Laissren, i.e. Abbot of Colum cille’s Hi. Elias, and a blind man who knew the Scriptures
Molaisse of Mena drochit. Mena nomen amnis by heart, John. Also, Saints Lucy and Geminian
and (there is) a bridge across it, and from it the of Rome, Martyred 290 (not the St. Lucy of
church is named, and Molaisse great-grandson of Syracuse or St. Gemianius).
Logar in Hui Fairchellain is his church. Or Min, a St. Lambert, Bishop of Maastricht
great river which is between Dalaradia and (Belgium). A Bishop early in life, he retired to a
Tyrone, and Molaisse is on its brink. monastery in humility; re-installed by a later
(St. Ninian of Scotland, Bishop, 432.) king. As a Bishop, he dared travel to many pagan
(St. Ludmilla of Bohemia, grandmother areas successfully. He criticized the king for
of St. Wenceslaus, Martyred 921.) staying with his mistress, Martyred in 705.

17 Sept / 30 18 Sept / Oct 1

Euphemia without reproach, They sped into heaven,
tell her Passion at a year’s end, seven hundred blooming soldiers,
Broccán of Ross Tuirc thou shouldst at the fair reproachless birth,
declare, Énán of Druimm Ráthe.
at the excellent Feast of Ríaguil. Enan (or Enain) i.e. in Meath, in the
Euphemia a virgin and Martyr, in 303. west of Meath is Enan of Druimm raithe.
[In some martyrologies Sept. 16th, also see July From The Martyrology of Tallaght: ...
11th.] She survived the wheel, fiery furnace, a pit Medetus and five hundred thirteen others (five
of poisonous snakes surviving with the Sign of hundred sixteen, some sources). (St. Methodius
the Cross, but was overcome by wild beasts. of Olympus in Lycia, Bishop Martyr who died in
Feme Cairell’s daughter, a Virgin and 311 according to St. Jerome, who refuted some of
Martyr, i.e. Feme of the prayer (?) in Mag Itha. the teachings of Origen and defended Orthodoxy.
Broccain of Ross tuirc, i.e. in Mag See St. Gregory Thaumaturgis Nov. 17th, St. Basil
Raigni in Ossory and in Cluain Imarchuir, i.e. Jan 1st, and St. Gregory Nazianzus Mar 29th.) St
Flannan son of Toirdelbach came sometimes to Eumenius, Bishop of Gortyna in Crete, 7 th c. St.
the place, so that he was carried into the meadow, Ariadne, who hid in a rock, 2nd century.
and hence Cluain Imorchuir, ‘meadow of
carrying,’ is said. 19 Sept / Oct 2
Of Riaguil, i.e. Riaguil from Mucc-inis He sped with a famous multitude,
on Loch Derg. to Christ, a loveable satisfaction -
St. Roding, Rodingus, or Rouin was an
Irish misionary to France who died A.D. 680.
with the host of preeminent kings,
Roding was another companion of Columbanus Januarius, a dear commemoration!

(In Italy known as San Gennaro, Enair in St. Matthew , Apostle
Irish. Wonderworker, protects around Naples.)
Januarius, i.e. a Martyr, et prespiter (Sept 21/Oct 4)
Felicis episcopi ciuitatis tapstuae. From The May the hostful champion protect us
Martyrology of Tallaght: Januarius Martyr... into the high sparkling station,
St. Januarius was Bishop of Benevento, the bright sun with beauty,
and his companions: Festus, Proculus, and Sosius Matthew the strong shining rampart!
(deacons), Desiderius (reader), and Eutychius and (See the Apostles, and St. Luke Oct. 1st.)
Acutius (laymen) at Pozzuoli (near Naples). St. (Bobbio Missal designation for St. Matthew in
Januarius suffered under Diocletian 305 A.D., the Apostles’ Creed: Matthew said, ‘From there
after protecting many other Christians. He He will come to judge the living and the dead.’
survived a fiery furnace and wild bears in Celtic dates: Nativity of Matthew May 6, Sept
Pozzuoli, but he was beheaded. In Naples, Italy, 21. Roman date: Sept 21 Gradual Canticle, 129.)
his blood in a reliquary turns liquid on his Feast St. Luke the Evangelist, Celtic dates:
days. This miracle was recorded in 1389; vials of his Ordination March 15th, Sept. 21st, his Passion
the blood are kept in a reliquary, and brought Oct. 1st, and translation of his relics Oct. 18th.
close to relics of his head, then liquifies, on Sept. St. Matthew, an Apostle [and
19th his Martyrdom, Dec. 16th (for the 1631 Evangelist], Matius apostolus et euangelista
eruption of Mt. Vesuvius that was halted by the Domini decollatus est in eclesia iuxta altare in
relics), and Saturday before the first Sunday in ciuitate quae uocatur Danam; quae est in Etiopia,
May for his reunification. The liquification takes sub rege Nirtgo (leg. Hyrtaco?) In Ethiopia
place slowly sometimes. When the blood did not passus est.
liquify there were disasters: a plague in 1527 and From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
earthquake in 1980. The Saints protect us from Mateus Apostle and Evangelist and Luca
great dangers if we ask for their intercessions. Evangelist; Edonus; Victoris; Sedrac Bishop;
Only faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may move Eufemia and twenty six other Martyrs; Johannis;
mountains, St. Matthew 17:19-20; see Nov. 17th, Julianus; Zefanus; Petrus; Ciricus; Mammetis;
St. Gregory Wonderworker who moved Clementis. Also: Saran son of Tigernain (or
mountains, and see St. Bartholomew. Other Tigernach) son of Moenach.
Saints named Januarius: April 8th and July 10th.
22 Sept / Oct 5
20 Sept / Oct 3
Pantaleo (and) Mauricius,
Let us beseech the virgins,
their great hosts, what are they?
may they visit our assemblies!
six hundred - a fair army of warriors
may the queen Daroma
- and twelve thousands.
with her host protect us! Pantaleo, i.e. a legate of the Romans i.e.
Doroma, i.e. a virgin with her five filius cuiusdam senatoris nomine Extargius in
companions. ciutate Nicomedia sub Maximiano imperatore
St. Eustace or Eustathius (2nd century), persecutore Christianorum passus est. [See July
who saw a stag with a Cross in its antlers. He 28th. St. Panteleimon, the “all merciful.”]
was a military officer, Placidus before Baptism, Muric (Mauricus) in Sedunum (Sion,
under emperor Trajan. St. Eustace escaped to a Sitten) a city of Gaul Muricius cum sociis suis
small town in Egypt with his family. The sub Maximiano Cessare passus est. I.e. a nomine
emperor sent envoys to find him to defeat Mauricius cui adherebat turba fidelium, id est .u.
barbarians, which he did, but after the defeat, milia & .d.c. (cum sex milibus et .d.c.) et passi
Trajan had died, and the emperor Hadrian caused sunt cum Mauricio in loco Agaunus apud montes
the whole family of St. Eustace to be Martyred. Alpae sup (sic) Maximiano. Pantaleo autem

passus est cum .iii. Uiris in ciuitate Nicomedia women. Now these are the four laws of Erin:
sub Maximiano imperatore. [in loco qui dicitur Patrick’s law, not to kill the clerics; and
Acaunus inter montes Alpie iuxta fontem Rodanis Adamnan’s law, not to kill women: Daire’s law,
fluminis.] [In O.E. Mart the number who suffered not to kill kine; and the law of Sunday, not to
with him is given as 6,600.] Dates of a great transgress at all (thereon). [See July 7th, about
number of Martyrs were considered very monastics granted release from having to fight in
important: see note at end of Sept. 30th. From Irish wars, “Patrick’s law.”]
The Martyrology of Tallaght: Mauricius Martyr... Admirable was Adamnan. Great was his
Vitalis cum omnibus sociis eorum id est six love of God and his neighbor. ‘Tis by him that
thousand six hundred sixty six in Sacina ciuitate the great holy relics were collected in one shrine,
super fluuium Rodanum. Pantaleonis Martyr and and that is the shrine that Cilline Pontifex son of
Hermologus Priest... [the early] Erasmus and five Dichloch brought to Ireland to make peace and
thousand nine hundred eighty one other Martyrs.. compact between Tyrconnell and Tyrone. This is
St. Phocas the Gardener of Sinope, M. 320. the number of the relics, as Adamnan sang. [in
LL follow eighteen quatrains enumerating the
23 Sept / Oct 6 relics.]
To Adamnán of Iona, St. Adamnan or Eunan lived from 624
to 704 A.D. He was born in Donegal and related
whose troop is radiant, to Colm cille. He studied at Iona. In his
noble Jesus has granted the lasting childhood he was a favorite of southern prince
liberation Finachta later high king of Ireland, and Adamnan
of the women of the Gaels. was his chaplain and confessor at Tara. In 679
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Adamnan was elected Abbot of Iona, at that time
Marcus Evangelist; Liberus Bishop; Sosius; Tecla as important as Armagh. Adamnan continued to
virgin; Evasnit. Also: Adomnani Abbot of Iona be Finachta’s ambassador in matters of state.
and Saint Sarani and Coimnatan. Conich (or Adamnan also tried to move Iona from
Conaing) son of Luachanain. St. Colm cille’s calculation of the date of Pascha
Of Adamnan Abbot of Iona. i.e. a (see Colm cille, June 9th ), but the brethren would
diminutive of the name Adam. Adamnan son of not do it. See May 25th and Feb. 17th about the
Ronan, son of Tinne, and Ronnat the name of his Pascha date controversy. This is not mentioned
mother. i.e. Adamnan son of Ronan, son of by Oengus or his glossator about St. Adomnan.
Tinne, son of Aed, son of Colum, son of Setna, A pupil of Adamnan was English prince
son of Fergus, son of Conall son of Niall of the Aldfrid who stayed in Ireland twenty years
Nine Hostages. It came to pass that Adamnan because of his love of literature, and after that
was once travelling in Mag Breg with his mother became king of Northumbria. Adamnan went to
on his back, and they saw two battalions smiting Aldfrid as ambassador from Finachta to obtain
eachother. It happened, moreover, that Ronait release of sixty Irish made captive in 684 without
saw a woman, with an iron sickle in her hand, provocation by the English king Ecfrid. Bede said
dragging another woman out of the opposite that Ecfrid died the following year for this reason.
battalion, and the sickle was in her pap. For at Adamnan wrote the Life of Columba,
that time women as well as men used to be about Colm cille, in print translated by Richard
delivering battle. Then Ronait said: “Thou shalt Sharpe, 1991, Penguin Books, very worthy to
not carry me out of this place, until women are read, an early complete biography. A copy was
freed for ever from things of yon kind,” i.e. from made before 713 and is the oldest manuscript in
fighting and hosting. Then Adamnan promised Switzerland in the Library of St. Gall. (St. Gall
that thing. There chanced to be a great also was from Iona, and brought important books
convention in Ireland. So Adamnan with the pick with him to Switzerland, so that library is one of
of Ireland’s clerics went (thither) and freed the the oldest in the world. England burned many

books in Ireland; most Irish books are only Commending the Soul When it Goes Forth from
preserved on the continent. One very early copy the Body” one of the verses says, “Free, O Lord,
of the Life of Columba, by Dorbene, Abbot of the soul of Thy servant, as Thou didst free Thecla
Iona who died in 713, was found in the town from the three torments.”
library of Schaffhausen in Switzerland in 1845.) See Feb. 22nd, St. Peter Throne in
Adamnan wrote Holy Places of Palestine which Antioch: the glossator of Oengus says St. Tecla is
is a description of the Holy Land around the year a companion of St. Peter in Antioch instead of St.
700, using information from Arculf who had been Paul. Note that the Psalm for St. Peter, associated
a pilgrim to the Holy Land. Bede abridged the with the Bobbio order of the Creed, mentions a
work in his Historia Ecclesiastica. Copies of the handmaid as well as a servant. Her feast today is
unabridged manuscript are in Berne and Paris. very appropriate on the same day as St.
He also wrote about hell, see The Fis Adamnain, Adomnan, who released women from the military
translated in An Irish Precursor of Dante, C. S. draft. (In modern times, some women want to
Boswell, XVIII in The Grimm Library, 1908. experience combat, but in the day of Adomnan,
(Other writers of the seventh century are escaping the military draft was a great gift.)
Cogitosus, Tirechan, and Muirchu.) Adamnan’s Other Celtic dates for St. Thecla are June
Abbey at Dull later became the University of St. 1st and Nov. 17th, for her Martyrdom, which may
Andrews by Montalembert. be the other Thecla, “she was a virgin and was
Also: St. Iraida of Egypt, Martyr, crowned with Martyrdom.” Or, these may be
beginning of 4th century. dates of her arrest and final execution. Roman
St. Tecla, Virgin Martyr, companion of dates: Aug. 19th from 300 A.D., and another St.
the Apostle Paul (today in the Martyrology of Thecla of Iconium on Sept. 23rd. Byzantine
Tallaght). She heard him speak for three days and dates: Sept. 24th, but Sept. 26th 355 A.D. is the
nights in Iconium (described as a city of Icons, date they say the other St. Thecla was Martyred.
perhaps Antioch according to the glossator of There are detractors of St. Tecla: St.
Oengus on another Saint day). Her mother Sophronius I of Jerusalem (Patriarch A.D. 634 –
wanted her betrothed, but St. Tecla had vowed 638), in “The Life of the Evangelist Luke,”
virginity, and the mother beat her, starved her, strongly was against St. Thecla as companion to
sent her to a judge who burned her, but she St. Paul, and also St. Paul's baptism of the lion.
survived. At Antioch, with St. Paul (according to (See St. Paul, Jan. 25th, St. Luke Oct. 1st. St.
Ochrid), an elderly man desired her, but she Sophronius also preserved Jerusalem by giving
escaped, and she then was accused, and thrown to the city to the Muslims.) Church historian Priest
wild beasts who would not harm her. She was George Poulos gives a non-traditional account, in
freed, and then she preached and brought many to volume four of his series of Orthodox Saints,
the faith, including Tryphena the widow. Then, (Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, MA,
with St. Paul's blessing (or insistence), St. Tecla 1982), he says the September St. Thecla or
retired as a solitary to Seleucia, and healed and Thekla (Byzantine or Roman) was Martyred with
taught there. A jealous doctor sent some men to four other nuns named Martha, Mary, Ennatha,
rape her; when she knew she could not escape, and Marianne by the apostasy of their parish
asked the Lord that she be swallowed by a rock, priest who happened to be named Paul, who gave
and she died. St. John Chrysostom commented them to the idol worshiping king Saverios and the
about her going to Christ with virginity in one sorcerer Nirse in Persia. After months in prison,
hand and Martyrdom in the other. Her Martyrdom the apostate priest became the nuns' executioner,
is similar to many others, and often the different but he himself was strangled when one of his new
Saints named Tecla are confused; her steadfast “friends” stole the money from greedy apostate.
example shows the great zeal of the Martyrs, Intercessions asked of the St. Thecla of
teachers, healers, and virgins of the early church. Iconium, Companion of St. Paul, are fruitful; her
She is greatly honored; in the Celtic “Office of traditional history could not be fabricated.

Conception of St. John the nine months from that she gave birth to our Lord.
Those who dispute the date of the birth of our
Baptist (Sept 24/ Oct 7) Lord Jesus Christ have not noticed the time of
The conception of noble John the Baptist, year when St. Zacharias would have been in the
who is greater than can be told: Holy of Holies before the altar of incense in late
September. All Orthodox Churches have always
who is the most wondrous
celebrated the date of Christmas on December
that has been born of men, save Jesus. 25th. Note that two Saints, the ever-virgin Mary
(Use the same Propers and Lections as the Birthgiver of God and St. John the Baptist are
for the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, June 24th. pictured in icons on the right and left of Christ,
Today is an important day on the Church the “Deesis” or prayer icon; these two are
calendar, and this date helps determine that considered the most important Saints in the
Christmas is indeed on Dec. 25/Jan 7.) Church. See June 24th for some of his history.]
Conception of John the Baptist. Faelchu See Dec. 30th on Oengus’ calendar:
of Findglas, and Lith daughter of Cainnech from Mansuetus. The Saints of Ireland says that his
Mag locha, and Cellachan of Cluain tiprat in Feast day is today.
Ulster, and Caelchu from Lui erthir in this day. St. Grimonia or Germana with an Irish
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: companion Proba or Preuve, are honored in
Conception of St. John the Baptist. Sirus; Soissans in France at the town of La Chapelle.
Andocus; Martialis; Tuitsus; Felix; Lupus They were Martyred in the forest of Thierache,
Bishop; Victoria; Secundola; Maria; Faustina; and a church built over their grave was famous
Elizabeth; Secunda; Victoria; Rusticus Bishop; for miracles. Their relics were translated in the
Silvanus; Zefanus; Silurinus; Julianus; Iohannis; 13th century to another town at Lesquilles, and in
Crizoforus; Marcus; Stragilus; Liberus Bishop; the 16th century to an abbey near Douai.
Nobilis; Petrus; Linus; Cornilius; Priscilla and Grimonia had fled from her pagan father in
twenty two others. Also: Cailchon of Cluain Ireland in the fourth century to live a Christian
Airthir; Cellachan of Cluain Tiprat; Failchon life. Her history was kept by Benedictine monks.
(Failchu) of Findglaiss and the daughters
(filiarum) of Cainnech from Mag Locha.
25 Sept / Oct 8
Today, Saints Elizabeth and Zacharias,
and also June 24th, on St. John's Nativity. With the train of Eusebius,
[Note: This date can also be predicted by which freed every surfeiting banquet,
the event as recorded in the Protevangelium of with the Festival of the loveable man,
James and the Gospel of St. Luke 1:5-23 which the Feast of Barre from Cork. [Finbarr]
may be used today, where the high Priest Of Eusebius. Experts declare that no
Zacharias is in the temple at the time of incense. banquet hurts if the cross of God and of Eusebius
Incense was used in the temple once a year in late be put over it, though it be a surfeit. Eusebius a
September according to Jewish tradition, Bishop. [Patron of digestive ailments?]
although Christians may use incense at church at Bairre, i.e. of the children of Brian, son
any time. Nine months from today is the Nativity of Eochaid Muigmedon, was Barre of Cork, and
of St. John the Baptist, June 24th . Psalm 140:2 Imchad of Cell Clochair (or Cell Drochat) in Ard
“Let my prayer be directed as incense in Thy Ulad in this day with Barre. And Imchad of Cell
sight: the lifting up of my hands; as evening Iochair (sic) in Aird in this day.
sacrifice.” That Psalm may be used today as the Barre, also called Finbarr, founded many
Gradual. See the Annunciation, March 25th - the churches, and finally the church and monastery in
Blessed Virgin Mary conceives our Lord Jesus the coreaigh which means marshy place, which
Christ when Zacharias’ wife St. Elizabeth is six became the city of Cork on the river Lee. Finbarr
months pregnant. St. Luke 1:36, 41, 56-57, and is the first Bishop and patron Saint of Cork and

the territories of the sept of prince Tighernach. 27 Sept / Oct 10
Finbarr’s father was master metalworker for the Our two heart’s-champions,
prince Tighernach. In 1941 a metal work shop
was found at Garranes not far from Cork, perhaps
their cross was not distasteful (?),
Rath Raithlean where Finbarr was born. The may Cosmas (and) Damianus
excavated pieces are in the Museum at Cork. convoy us to our property!
Unfortunately Finbarr’s Gospel book has Cosmas, Damianus two brothers and
disappeared. A Protestant church stands where Martyrs, i.e. two sons of Theodota, et sub
Finbarr’s church stood. A retreat of Finbarr’s, the Dioclitiano imperatore in ciuitate Egia passi sunt.
island of Gougane Barra with cliffs and waterfalls (Martyred in 287, twins from Arabia who healed
in a mountain lake west of Cork, is a popular people in the port of Aegea, now Ayas, in Roman
pilgrimage the first Sunday after Sept. 25th. Syria in the gulf of Issus. They charged nothing
St. Euphrosyne of Alexandria, virgin for healing, and their healings were miraculous;
monastic, disguised as a eunuch of the emperor in one case grafting a leg from a person from
Theodosius named Smaragdus, a strict monastic Ethiopia who had just died to a person whose leg
for 38 years under Agepetus, not recognized by was ulcered. They were hung on a cross, stoned,
her own father Paphnutius until she revealed shot by arrows, and then were beheaded. Their
herself on her deathbed in 470. Paphnutius also younger brothers were Martyred at the same time:
became a monk, in that same cell for ten years. Anthimus, Leontius and Euprepius. Churches
(The great earthquake at Constantinople were dedicated to them in Jerusalem, Egypt, and
in 447, and the teaching of the prayer called the Mesopotamia, and relics were in Cyrrus in Syria.
Trisagion, or “Thrice Holy.” A similar “Thrice In the sixth century, Emperor Justinian brought
Holy” prayer is in Matins: see the Paschal Vigil. the relics to Constantinople. In 1581 their skulls
(St. Sergius of Radonezh, Abbot, were in Clares convent in Madrid; and relics were
Baptized Bartholomew, reposed in 1392.) also in Rome, Bamburg, Munich, Bremen, and
Vienna; more than one set of skulls: there are
26 Sept / Oct 9 three sets of brother Saints named Cosmas and
Colmán from Land Elo, Damian! Byzantine dates: Nov. 1st from Asia
Minor; July 1st from Rome; and Oct. 17th from
with perfection of high studies, Cilicia. While Ireland and Europe had a second
so that he is - splendid cry - All Saints' Day Nov. 1st, that date commemorates
the great John of Erin’s sons. all “Unmercenary” Saints in the Byzantine Rite:
Colman, i.e. Colman, son of Beogna of healers who receive no pay, a class of Saints.)
Land Ela, i.e. Ela nomen mulieris quae ante St. Calistratus of Carthage and 49
Colman in illo loco habitabat, et ab ea nominatur soldiers, in 304. St. Calistratus was the grandson
ciuitas ie. Lann Ela. Vel ela proprium nomen of Neochorus, who had been Baptized by the
amnis proximantis eclesiae. Colman Ela Dixit: Apostles, and it was because he survived being
Exurgam dilucolo, confitebor Domino, quia non thrown into the sea after being beaten that the
est inane sperare in Domino. (Or Ela the name of other 49 believed, then all were Martyred.
a river etc. Colman ela said etc.) A Byzantine date for the Evangelist
John: he was like unto John for his Mark, see April 25th, and Aristarchus and Zena.
wisdom and his virginity. [This refers to St.
Colman being like St. John the Evangelist and 28 Sept / Oct 11
Theologian, known for wisdom and chastity. The two bright Findios
This also happens to be the date in the Byzantine
Rite of the repose of St. John the Apostle and
are to be asked for every aid:
Evangelist, which they also celebrate May 8th, the great train of humble Marcellus:
May 6th in the Irish and Roman calendars.] with the Festival of infirm Junillus.

Two Findios, and Gillas, i.e. in Aran The evils of Aurilian caused Aurilian's death, and
these two Saints are. Or Findia gillda, i.e. finden after that, St. Chariton was released and traveled
of Clonard is commemorated here. Or Gillae is to Jerusalem. But on his way there he was
the name of a Saint. Or two Findias. Some say accosted by robbers, and instead of returning
that it is he who used to be in Whitern in the home, he stayed, first in Pharon, then to Jericho,
Rena, si uerum est. To findia, a boy, i.e. Finnian then Souka, the great Lavra, founding
of Clonard and he was a lad when he wrought the communities at these places. He died in 350,
miracle on account of which he is here very elderly. (That monastery seeks to rebuild.)
commemorated. Or may be ‘two Finnias’ would (St. Mark the Shepherd and 33 soldiers
be right here, i.e. two Finnias who are in Aran, Martyred under Diocletian.)
the Feast of the two of them is on this day of this
solar month. Or maybe de India gelia is the right St. Michael the Archangel
(reading) there, sicut Gregorius testatur, id est
Marcellus cum suis sosiis de India erat. (Sept 29/ Oct 12)
Of Marcellus, i.e. Marcialis. [St. At the fight with the multitudinous dragon
Marcellus, Bishop of Apamea (see Aug. 14th). by Michael the strong, victorious,
Martyred 389.] the white sided hostful soldier
Of Junell, i.e. from the east is he; or in will slay wrathful Antichrist.
Corcu-baiscinn in Munster he is. Of Julillus, i.e. Archangel Michael (Also see May 9th.)
infirmus. The soldier (whose name, Mi-cha-el) is
St. Sinach MacDara is today, also July interpreted ‘qui sicut Deus,’ on Mount Garganus.
16th on a day of pilgrimage for him. At (Monte Gargain.) From The Martyrology of
MacDara’s island off the Connemara coast Tallaght: Dedicatio basilicae Michaelis
fishermen either dip their sails three times or if archangeli in Monte Gargano.
they do not have sails will sign themselves with Hoc die facta est dedicatio basilicae
the Cross. The gable stone oratory still stands on Michaelis, ordo dominicae diei, et uestes albae
that island. He died in the fifth or sixth century. super altare, et sine labore seruili, comunicatio
(There are no Saints listed by Oengus spelled corporis et sanginis Christi et elimosinarum in
“Sinach,” but there are several names “Senach” pauperes et praedicatio Michaelis turbis.
who are related to Mobi, Finden, Maedoc, Will slay Antichrist. [See Irish
Maelruain, etc. and there is a Bishop Senach Apocrypha for more information: a very accurate
successor of Finnian, Aug. 21st [The Saints of prediction about modern times.] (See note about
Ireland incorrectly gives his day as March 8th, St. Gall on October 16th.)
which is Senan of Inis Cathaig, not Senach of Angels are also called “Bodiless
Clonard. Also see Sept. 28th.]) powers,” and were created before people were
(St. Wencelaus of Bohemia, Martyred 935.) (Psalms 8 and 148). The word “Angel” means
St. Chariton (see Aug. 15th), companion messenger. In Hebrew, the term is “Malakh” (also
to St. Tecla? (see Sept. 23rd), was one of the first king). Jesus Christ brings a message as He is the
founders of a monastery in Palestine, beginning Word of God, and is called in the Old Testament,
the tonsuring of monks. His monks also kept a “the Angel of the Lord,” but that does not make
rule of eating only once a day after sunset any of the Archangels the same as Jesus Christ.
(“Compline” or the meal); Irish monastic In Genesis chapter 18, the three “Angels” are not
communities ate once a day at the 9th Hour. angels as in Bodiless Powers, because Abraham
Eating after sunset makes some sense in a hot calls them, together, “Lord,” which is only used
desert environment. He had come from Iconium to address God. The first mention of the Name of
(see note in St. Tecla, city of Icons). Brought to God at the beginning of Genesis is “Elohim,” a
trial under Aurelian. St. Chariton was beaten so plural and singular together indicating the Holy
much that his whole body was one great wound. Trinity, not angels. People may bring a message,

which is why St. John the Baptist, who was the There are other Archangels mentioned in
first to point to Christ, is often given wings in the apocryphal book of Enoch: Saints Uriel,
Byzantine icons, but that does not make a person Raguel, Sariel, and Jarahmeel.
an “angel” as in a Bodiless Power. The Bodiless There are many visitations of the
Powers most often are messengers. The names of Archangels. Byzantine Rite date Sept. 6th: St.
the Archangels were not given in the early Old Michael the Archangel at Colossae (Chonae, or
Testament. The Seven Archangels are before the Kona, the city of the Colossians), a city of
Throne of God. There are nine orders of angels. Phrygia on the Lycus. Pagans tried to destroy the
The word “demon” also means church by diverting two rivers toward it, but the
messenger, but those that are called demons are Archangel Michael stood in the waters carrying a
angels who fell away from heaven because in cross, diverting the water underground, leaving
their pride they refused to serve, and only bring only a wonder-working spring. A similar event
destruction. The most prideful demon, called is attributed to St. Gregory Thaumaturgis, see
Lucifer or Satan (both names meaning 'light'), Nov. 17th. In the Kremlin in Russia,
was so pleased with his own perfection that he commemorating this miracle, the Chudov
would not obey God (Apocalypse 12:9). Monastery was where the Tzars were Baptized.
The chief of the Bodiless Powers is the Archangel Michael appeared in Mt.
Archangel Michael. The name “Michael” in Gargano in Italy near Naples on Sept. 29th; in 490
Hebrew is “Who is like God” (in Latin, given by and for the next few years, in a grotto consecrated
Oengus's glossator: ‘qui sicut Deus’), a question. by St. Michael. A bull was found there, and St.
St. Michael is loyal to God, and he especially Michael asked to end the pagan practices
battles prideful Satan. St. Michael will lead concerning bulls. (See bullfighting in Spain
God's heavenly armies and slay the Antichrist. under the Apostle James.)
St. Michael is mentioned in Daniel 10:13, 21, and Roman date June 9th: at Hadrian's tomb
12:1, St. Jude 1:9, and the Apocalypse 12:7. in Rome St. Michael told Pope St. Gregory I (590
Other Angels and Archangels, such as to 604), that a plague would be lifted from the
the Archangels Gabriel and Raphael, are also city, and afterwards Hadrian's tomb was called
celebrated today. The name “Gabriel” means the Castel Sant'Angelo.
“the strength of God.” Biblical references: St. St. Mael Ruain's monastery at Tallaght
Luke 1:5-20, where the Archangel Gabriel visits (also called Tamlachtu) was dedicated to a place
the priest Zacharias and tells him about his son where the Archangel Michael had visited to stop
John who will prepare the way of the Lord; and a plague. St. Mael Ruain directed his monks to
also the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary sing the Hymn to St. Michael often, including the
(March 25th): where Archangel Gabriel tells her Sixth Hour (noon) on Sundays.
she is to bear the Lord Jesus Christ and yet There are many other visitations of
remain a virgin, St. Luke 1:26-38. Some say it is Archangel Michael, such as at Mt. San Michel in
Milton who identified him with a trumpet; France, and more modern visitations.
Byzantine iconography identifies St. Gabriel with St. Gabriel has also made many
a lily, representing the Annunciation. Milton appearances, including (June 11th) writing the
borrowed ideas from St. Basil, such as music Byzantine Hymn to the Theotokos (Deigenetrix,
curing the savage beast; but St. Basil does not or Birthgiver of God) called “It is Truly Meet...”
mention the Archangel Gabriel with a trumpet. This was given to a monk on Mt. Athos in Karyes
St. Gabriel also appears in Daniel 8:15-26, and Cathedral in the tenth century. A solitary monk
9:20-27, giving skill and understanding. was saying prayers in front of the Altar. At the
For St. Raphael, the healer, see the Book Canticle of the Magnificat, a strange monk
of Tobias. The name “Raphael” means “God named Gabriel “...began to sing the next verse,
heals,” and it is thought that he moved the waters 'For He has regarded the low estate of His
of the healing pool in St. John 5:1-4. handmaiden….,' but then began to chant

something the disciple had never heard before, 'It Mass for Archangel Michael
is truly meet to bless Thee, Oh Theotokos, ever- and All the Angels
blessed and most pure, and the Mother of our
Introductory Collect
God…' Then the stranger continued with, 'More
honorable than the Cherubim.…' When asked to [Use the Introductory Collect for
write these wonderful words, the stranger agreed, Apostles, Martyrs and Holy Virgins in
but only a roof tile was found, so the stranger the Celtic Missal.]
write the words with his finger, and then Collect Before the Epistle
disappeared. The icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Eternal Almighty God Who in the Beginning
glowed. (From the Antiochian Archdiocese). made the creation of the Universe from nothing
The Celtic Rite (and Roman Rite) with the cooperation of the Word: Thou didst
celebrated all the Angels on St. Michael’s day, powerfully adorn Angelic substance with
September 29th, who is the chief of the conspicuous splendor. We suppliants beg Thee
Archangels, and also on May 9th. Other feast and pray that Thou be pleased to hearken to our
days for angels include March 24th. The Romans prayers in this solemnity in honor of archangel
added other dates in 1921, claiming these dates to Michael which is beneath the invocation of Thy
be Byzantine dates, but these are not the dates in Name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who
the Greek “Orologion to Mega.” reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit
(Also, St. Cyriacus, one of the long-lived throughout all ages of ages. Amen.
monks under a monastery of St. Chariton, see Epistle Apoc 12:7-11 (The battle in heaven of
Sept. 28th; he ate only raw vegetables, and kept Michael and his angels, and the dragon
his strength and large size to 109 years old, is cast out of heaven.)
despite this diet and many fasts. The sun never Gradual Psalm 137 (Heb. 138) Confitebor tibi
saw him eat or be angry. St. Cyriacus also fought I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my
heresies such as Origen's. Reposed A.D. 557. whole heart: for Thou hast heard the
(Also, St. Mary of Palestine, who left for words of my mouth. I will sing praise to
the desert of Souka with a basket of beans and a Thee in the sight of the angels: I will
bottle of water, and for 18 years never lacked worship towards Thy holy temple, and I
either; met in her life by disciples of St. Cyriacus, will give glory to Thy Name.
and they buried her later.) (St. Michael the Archangel) For David
(Also, four noble Persians who were himself. Verse 8 may be the Alleluia:
Martyred by king Sapor, of his family, 4th century. Alleluia, Alleluia. The Lord will repay for me:
Dada a nobleman, Gobdelas the king's son, Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever. O despise
Kasdoa the king's daughter, and Gargal who had not the works of Thy hands. Alleluia.
been a pagan priest.) [And: optional in addition, this Alleluia:
(St. Theophanes the merciful of Gaza, Psalm 102: 20-22, Psalm 103: 1-4]
who died of dropsy, but his relics gave myrrh. Alleluia, Alleluia. Bless the Lord, all ye His
The Greek word for mercy, “eleison,” means angels: you that are mighty in strength, and
anointing oil.) execute His word, hearkening to the voice of His
Note: the XVI Sunday and Thursday orders. Bless the Lord, all ye His hosts: you
after Pentecost Gradual and Alleluia, ministers of His that do His will. Bless the Lord,
Psalms 102 and 103, also pertains to this all His works: in every place of His dominion, O
Feast, but do not move those Psalms. my soul, bless thou the Lord. ...Bless the Lord,
See the Feast of the Dedication; the O my soul: O Lord my God, thou art exceedingly
Feast of St. Michael is 15 days later. great. Thou hast put on praise and beauty: and art
Psalm 137 falls in the order that suggests clothed with light as with a garment. Who
it was intended for the Feast of St. stretchest out the heaven like a pavilion: Who
Michael on May 9 / 22, used today. coverest the higher rooms thereof with water.

Who makest the clouds Thy chariot: Who walkest May God Who for our salvation makes use of the
upon the wings of the winds. Who makest Thy ministry of His angels, preserve you by their
angels spirits: and Thy ministers a burning fire. protection, and strengthen us by their
Alleluia. custodianship. Amen.
Gospel Matthew. 17:1-9 May He give you pure minds, and chaste joining
(The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ.) of bodies, Who assures their equality to all of the
Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of elect. Amen.
May He grant them most certain trust of His
the Preface) Always said aloud.
eternity; may He Himself confirm you with the
Be pleased to hear the prayers of Thy people O virtue of the perseverance of faith, hope, and
Lord, which are made in this temple for the honor charity, and may He lead you unto their society of
of Thy Holy Archangel Michael and may our blessedness. Amen.
offering unto Thee for his solemnity be May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
acceptable. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Who without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit of ages. Amen.
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
(Preface in the Roman Rite) ever with you. Amen.
It is Truly worthy and just O Almighty God in
today’s festivities which are in honor of Blessed In Die Sancti Michaelis Archangeli
Archangel Michael, in those places founded and [Blessing on the day of Saint Michael
dedicated, and in Thy Name for the Holy the Archangel, at two times during the
Mysteries by the company of all the Saints who year: May 9/22; Sept 29/Oct 12.]
are faithful to Thee. That one chose to be a May the beginning of the light of the angels bless
friend: let Him chose to be an advocate for us you, who He made His co-citizens and consorts
before Thee. Among the Saints let our crown be among the thrones of the highest. Amen.
forgiveness. May imitation of the Saints make us By whose ministrations your life is protected on
free of punishment. May their unceasing prayer earth, so that freed from visible and invisible
confer Salvation upon us through Christ our enemies, you may be worthy to enter into eternal
Lord, through Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the rewards. Amen.
Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the [*] Joined in their act of veneration, borne up by
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly the aid of Archangel Michael whose memory you
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with celebrate today, most devotedly on the fertile
exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech lands, so that you may enjoy his society in the
Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with heavens. Amen.
suppliant confession saying: May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
Post Sanctus (Before the “Most without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
Dangerous Prayer”) of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
[Use the Post Sanctus for Apostles,
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Martyrs, Saints or Virgins in the Celtic
ever with you. Amen.
[* literally, “among whose” (“Inter
Proper Blessing of the Day by a
quorum” venerationem) but meaning
Bishop only if present (Two blessings:) "joined in the act of veneration"]
.VI. KAL. Octobris. Basilice Sancte Confraction arrangement for Saint
Michaelis Archangeli. Benedictio. Michael the Archangel: 7 Particles for
[Blessing on the day of Saint Michael
Saints and Virgins. [The Particle where
the Archangel. Sept 29/ Oct 12.]
the bars cross is the Celebrant’s

Particle.] Seven Particles of the Host of St. Amphilochius, who read his work on the Holy
Saints and Virgins except the most Spirit. He is best known for his translation of the
important ones as the image of the Seven entire Scripture, both Old and New Testaments,
Gifts of the Holy Spirit. (St. Michael into Latin; twice. He also wrote Lives of desert
and all the Angels are important Saints, fathers, and biographies of Christian teachers of
but this is appropriate for them.) the first four centuries. He had been educated in
Post Communion [Use the Post Rome, lived in monasteries in the East, returned
Communion for the Apostles, Martyrs to Rome as a Priest, giving sermons which
and Holy Virgins in the Celtic Missal.] caused many Roman noble ladies to give up the
world and become nuns. In 385 he retired to a
30 Sept / Oct 13 monastery in Bethlehem, where he spent the rest
of his life in studies and scholarly works.
After September’s swarms [Oengus’ Glossator notes after Sept. 30th:
(comes) the sound, well-tongued sage, on the Major Feasts of the Year]
fair Jerome of Bethlehem, Patrick’s day (March 17th), Quiriacus’
whom our sisters used to visit. day (June 16th), the day of Laissren with keenness
(In Latin, Hironimus. In Irish, Cirine, (Sept. 16th), the day of Beoc without decay (Dec.
[meaning “Priest.”]) Our sisters, i.e. Paula and 16th), they have the roof of every quarter of the
Eustochium etc. (quibus poscentibus uetus year. [These were considered the equinoxes and
testamentum transtulit Hironimus.) to Jerome solstices on the Celtic calendar.]
(Hironimus) they used to come, i.e. a widow, Little Christmas (Jan. 1st, the Octave of
Paula, and her daughter, Eustochium, i.e. sociae Christmas) and Patrick’s feast (March 17th)
Cirine (? of Jerome). Adamnan’s Feast (Sept. 23rd), Martin’s Feast
Bethil, i.e. from Bethleham Iudaeae. (Nov. 11th), Ciaran’s Feast (Sept. 9th), Molaisse’s
(Bethlehem of Judah.) Feast (Aug. 12th), I tell you without hurry (?), let
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: them be remembered by you together on the same
Ieronimus (Heronimus or Jerome) Priest in week-day. [The translator, Whitley Stokes, notes:
Bethleem (Bethlehem). Antoninus translation [of “Thus in the present year (1904) these days all
his relics]; Licastus; Celsius; Fictoris; Zefanus; fall on a Friday.” - the same day of the week.]
Desideus; Johannis; Desiderius; Honorius Columb’s feast (June 9th), the Feast of
Bishop; Noe; Maria. Also: Failani; Saint Connae; bright Quiriacus (June 16th), and the calends of
Creber; Brigitae; Senan; Mochonna of Cuairne; September (Sept. 1st), Bartholomew’s Feast (Aug.
Lassar daughter of Lochain; Bronchein of Lethet 25th), say vigorously, Mary’s nativity (Sept. 8th),
Corcaige; Ailither (pilgrim) Bishop; Lugaid of Michael’s Feast (Sept. 29th), ‘tis meet to reckon
Airther Achaid; Mobi Clairenech (also Oct 12th) those feasts in every house on the same (week-)
(or nun - cailleach) of Domnach Brocc; Comsid day.
Priest of Domnach Aires; Rothan and Daigri from [Calends, or the first day of September,
Cluain Acuir; Bresall (or Bresal) from Durthach is honored in the “say vigorously” list, while All
(or Derthach) (also May 18th), Faelan of Raith Saints on Celtic New Year, November 1st, is not
Aidme; Airmer Craibdech (the pious) from mentioned in this list. September 1st was the
Brechmag; Loegaire Bishop from Loch Con. Roman tax day resulting in many thousands of
Saint Jerome (Hieronomus, Cirine, or Martyrs; great Martyrdoms are the most
Priest), died A.D. 419, Celtic and Roman dates important Saint days. Christians paid taxes, but
Sept. 30th, and Byzantine date June 15th. The would not worship the emperor with incense,
Byzantines tend to refer to him as “Blessed,” but hence the Martyrdoms. The glossator notes
he is a Doctor of the Church, which means a equinoxes and solstices, then Feasts “without
respected teacher of Orthodox truth. He met St. hurry,” and some greater Feasts “say vigorously.”
Gregory of Nazianzus (the Theologian), and met All of these are great Feasts, but with fervent

prayer on the “say vigorously” dates. A Feast Of Priscus, i.e. a Martyr.
such as St. Quiricus the infant-Martyr is another Of Luke, the Evangelist.
day of great Martyrdom. The Byzantine Of Germanus, i.e. a Bishop and Patrick’s
Horologion To Mega (Wrologion To Mega) tutor; of Germanus, Bishop of the city Auxerre.
begins their church calendar on September 1st, [See his history May 28th.]
near the Celtic Feast of New Fruits which is the Feast of the Holy Relics, i.e. when the
first Sunday after the Beheading of St. John the relics of Peter and Paul with Mary’s hair and... of
Baptist (Aug. 29th). See Aug. 29th and Sept. 1st. the great shrine which is in Rome came with
[Another date of a great number of Sechnall [Secundinus, see Nov. 27th] to Armagh.
Martyrs: Sept. 22nd. It is possible that the date of Or it is then that Maelruain’s reliquary was
the conception of St. John the Baptist Sept. 24th completed. Or it is to the community of Tallaght
near the Jewish new year was considered another that istae reliquiae were brought, and with them
date of new beginning, another New Year; all they are, ut dicunt alii. Some say that in Armagh
New Years were noticed.] are istae reliquiae, i.e. the shrine of Peter and
(Saints of Armenia: St. Gregory the Paul, and it is Sechnall that brought them hither.
Illuminator, reposed in old age in 335, who (Aduentus reliquiarum Iesu Christi et Mariae et
survived many years of torture, finally releasing apostolorum et martyrum et profetarum et
his tormentor the king from the torments of uirginum.) i.e. aduentus reliquiarum Marie
madness; Baptized him, and then St. Gregory Virginis et apostolorum et martirum et ceterorum
became the first Bishop. St. Gregory's son St. canctorum do Thamlachtu Maela Ruain no i n-
Aristanes was the second Bishop; St. Aristanes Ard Macha, ut quidam ferunt i.e. i scrin Phoil
had been one of the Bishops in the First ocus Phetair no betis istae reliquiae, & commad
Ecumenical Council. Before his conversion, the he Sechnall dosperad ad Hiberniam. [Dates
king had tortured and Martyred a convent of related to St. Maelruain: March 6th, July 7th, Oct.
nuns: Saints Rhipsimia, Gaiana, and 35 other 1st. Dates related to Tallacht or Tamlachta: Jan.
nuns. The earliest places to embrace Christianity 3rd, April 1st, Oct. 26th.] From The Martyrology of
included the city of Edessa, the country of Tallaght: Luke Evangelist; Adventus reliquiarum
Ethiopia, part of India which had several Iesu Christi et Mariae et apostolorum et martirum
princedoms, and the country of Armenia.) et profetarum et virginum...
(Also, St. Michael first Bishop of Kiev, (Note that the Feast of the relics of the
who Baptized the Rus.) Saints Peter and Paul and the hair of the Virgin
Mary to Armagh is also a Lady Day in Ireland.
St. Luke the Evangelist The Russians celebrate the “Protecting Veil of the
Holy Birthgiver of God” today; commemorating
Oct 1 / 14 the church of Blachemae in Constantionple
The triumph of Priscus, the Passion of dedicated to the Holy Birthgiver of God, when a
Lucas: vision of her extending her protecting veil was
the Festival of German, a sun of songs: seen in 911. This is appropriate to the Feast day
the Feast of the holy noble relics of St. Luke, who painted icons of her, and wrote
about the Annunciation and Christmas. On this
in the front of October. day, they also celebrate St. Ananias, one of the
(Lections and Propers: General for Seventy who Baptized St. Paul, and also St.
Apostles.) Romanos the Melodist, who composed music
Celtic dates: the Ordination of St. Luke dictated by the Holy Mother of God. )
March 15th, Sept. 21st, the Passion of St. Luke St. Luke the Evangelist and Apostle (in
Oct. 1st, and the translation of the relics of St. Latin “Lucanus”) was one of the Seventy
Luke on Oct. 18th. The Roman and Byzantine Apostles, not the Twelve Apostles. He wrote the
Feast of St. Luke is Oct. 18th. Gospel of St. Luke and also the Acts of the

Apostles. St. Luke was born in Antioch, a city of also gave the Seventy Apostles the power to work
Syria. He was a gentile, but he thoroughly studied miracles in His Name, and St. Luke was able to
the Law of Moses and the Prophets, and also go “before the Face” of the Lord Jesus Christ.
medicine (Colossians 4:14), and painting, or When the Lord Jesus Christ accepted
“writing” icons. St. Paul talks about St. Luke in suffering and death on the Cross for the whole
the Epistle to the Colossians 4:10-15. The quality world, St. Luke stayed in Jerusalem. He was
of Greek in the Gospel of St. Luke and the Book probably among those who stood “afar off” and
of Acts is better than other New Testament saw the Lord being Crucified. St. Luke was
writers, even than St. Paul, according to some. blessed by seeing the Lord on the day of His
St. Luke's Icons of the Birthgiver of God Resurrection, and speaking with the Lord (St.
show the Blessed Virgin Mary holding the infant Luke 24:13-32). In grief and doubt over the
Jesus; they are wonder-working Icons. (Orthodox Crucifixion and reports of the Resurrection from
Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary show Jesus the myrrh-bearing women, St. Luke went
with her: In the “Deesis,” Jesus Christ sits in His traveling to the town of Emmaus with another
Throne as Almighty God between the Blessed disciple named Cleopas, and on the road became
Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist, and both of the traveling companion of the Lord Jesus Christ.
them are turned toward the Lord in an attitude of The Lord appeared “in another form” (St. Mark
prayer. In the Icon “Our Lady of the Sign” the 16:12, St. Luke 24:16). On the way, the Lord
infant Jesus appears in her womb, for example, in told them all the Prophecy “beginning with
an Apse from Spain that is in the Cloisters Moses” which proclaimed His coming in the
Museum in New York. In most other Icons, she Scriptures. When they arrived at the town, they
holds the infant Jesus in her arms.) St. Luke took stayed at a house, and when the Lord took bread
the time to listen to the Blessed Virgin Mary and and blessed it and gave it to them, they suddenly
write down what she recollected: St. Luke 2:51, recognized Him as the Lord Jesus Christ. Then
“And His mother kept all these words in her the Lord vanished, and after that they said to each
heart.” After the Resurrection and Ascension of other, “Did not our heart burn within us, while He
Christ, she stayed with the Apostle John in talked with us along the way, and while He
Jerusalem, and other Disciples visited her often, opened to us the Scriptures?”
because she was both holy and a friend. At least Rather than staying the night in
three Icons were painted by St. Luke of the Emmaus, Ss. Luke and Cleopas returned
Birthgiver of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, with immediately to Jerusalem, where they told the
the infant Jesus, such as the one discovered on others about the Resurrected Lord. The Apostles
the Greek island of Tinos; and these are wonder- were probably in the house of St. Mark’s family
working healing icons. Tradition says that St. at their farm in Gethsemane. The Apostles told
Luke brought those icons to her in her lifetime for them that the Lord is truly Risen, and had
her approval. She said, when she saw them, “May appeared to Simon. When Ss. Luke and Cleopas
the grace of Him Who was born of me and my told the others all that had happened, the Lord
mercy be with these icons!” St. Luke also Jesus Christ appeared again to all of them, and
painted icons of Ss. Peter and Paul. blessed them with His peace. He showed them
While Jesus Christ was teaching, His He is not just a phantom by showing the print of
fame spread to other cities, including Antioch. the nails in His hands and feet, and also eating
St. Luke traveled from Antioch to Galilee to hear broiled fish and a honeycomb. The Lord shared
the Lord. (St. Luke may have already converted the food with the others. Then the Lord Jesus
to Judaism: at first Jesus taught the Jews.) The Christ did for the Eleven Apostles and the others
Lord chose St. Luke to be one of the Seventy who were there with them what He had done for
Apostles, who with the Twelve Apostles were Ss. Luke and Cleopas: He explained all the
sent two by two to preach the Word of God and Prophecy in the Scripture concerning Him (Luke
the coming of the kingdom of God. The Lord 24:18-49). The Lord told them, “Thus it is

written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and were Christians. On the way he passed through
to rise again from the dead, the third day: And the Samaritan city of Sebaste, and preached the
that penance and remission of sins should be Gospel. The incorrupt relics of St. John the
preached in His Name, unto all nations, Baptist were at Sebaste. St. Luke wanted to take
beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses the relics with him, but the Christians there, who
of these things. And I sent the promise of my had been taught by the Lord Himself (St. John
Father upon you: but stay you in the city till you 4:1-42), would not let St. Luke remove the relics.
be endued with power from on high.” So St. Luke removed the right arm of St. John the
St. Luke was graced with hearing twice Baptist, that had been placed on the Lord Jesus’
from Jesus Himself all the Prophecy concerning head during His Baptism. St. Luke arrived in
the Lord. This is why, in all the Church, there is Antioch with this precious relic. He stayed there
Prophecy from the Old Testament read on the until he traveled with St. Paul on St. Paul’s
holy day of the Resurrection of our Lord, either second missionary journey. Some ancient writers
in the Vigil before the beginning of the Offering said that St. Paul was one of his kinsmen,
of the Divine Liturgy as in the Celtic Rite, or in although St. Luke was not born a Jew as was St.
the Byzantine Rite Saturday morning. There are Paul. (See St. Paul, Jan. 25th / Feb. 7th.)
twelve Prophecies read at Pascha in the Celtic St. Paul and St. Luke traveled to Greece,
and Byzantine Rites. The specific readings vary and the Apostle Paul directed St. Luke to
according to usage: for example, the Patriarchate establish the Church in the city of Philippi, part
of Constantinople does not have the same of Macedonia. St. Luke spread Christianity there
readings as the Patriarchate of Antioch. Note that for several years. At the end of St. Paul’s third
the Kerub for St. Luke in the Traditio of Palm missionary journey he met St. Luke in Philippi.
Sunday, a bull, states that St. Luke represents The faithful chose St. Luke with St. Paul, to go to
both Old and New Testaments. Corinth to collect alms for the poor Christians in
In the Gospel of St. Luke, it appears that Palestine (II Corinthians 8:18-19). After Corinth,
the Ascension of our Lord into the heavens St. Luke went with St. Paul to Palestine, stopping
occurred in Bethany immediately after this (Luke at the churches on the islands of the Aegean in
24:50-53), but the Gospel of St. John and the Phoenicia and Judaea. St. Luke stayed with St.
Acts of the Apostles by St. Luke both point out Paul when the Apostle was put in prison in
that the Ascension occurred after forty days. St. Caesaria of Palestine. Then when St. Paul was
Thomas was not there when Christ first came sent to Rome to stand trial, St. Luke did not leave
among them after the Resurrection, so only ten him. He nearly lost his life in the voyage with St.
Apostles and some others were in the room (a Paul (Acts chapters 27-28).
“minion”). A week later Christ returned to correct When they arrived in Rome, St. Luke
St. Thomas, and confirm all of us in belief in His and others including Ss. Mark and Aristarchus,
Resurrection (St. John 21:24-31). Also, Jesus continued to stay with St. Paul (Colossians
appeared to the Apostles on the sea of Galilee (St. 4:10-12, Philemon 1:23-24). In Rome St. Luke
John chapter 21). In the Book of the Acts of the wrote the Gospel of St. Luke and also the Book
Apostles (usually called “Acts”), the Lord of the Acts of the Apostles. The Gospel of St.
showed many proofs of the Resurrection for forty Luke was composed fifteen years after the
days on earth (Acts 1:3), and the Lord probably Ascension of our Lord. In the Gospels of St.
ate with them more than two or three times. Then Luke and St. Matthew, some of the early life of
the narrative of St. Luke in the Book of Acts Jesus Christ is told. These childhood narratives
confirms the Gospel of St. John (Acts 1:1-12). fulfill Prophecy, especially of Isaiah, and for this
After the Lord Jesus Christ ascended reason Prophecy is also read in the Vigil of
into the heavens, St. Luke remained in Jerusalem Christmas. St. Luke remembered the words of St.
with the other Apostles. After Pentecost, he went James the Righteous, the Brother of the Lord (see
to Antioch, his home town, where there already Dec. 27th), and also the Blessed Virgin Mary. St.

Luke 2:51. He listened to others, “who from the he says, ‘Only Luke is with me.’ (II Timothy
beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of 4:11). Luke wrote another excellent book entitled
the Word.” (Luke 1:2). The Lord revealed many The Acts of the Apostles, a history which ends
Prophecies to St. Luke and Cleopas as they with Paul’s two-year stay in Rome, that is, in the
walked to Emmaus and the others gathered fourth year of Nero’s reign. This leads us to
together at the Resurrection; Prophecies about the believe that The Acts of the Apostles was written
Lord's Birth, to His Crucifixion and Resurrection. in Rome. The tale of the journey of Paul and
The Apostle Paul, who had formerly persecuted Thecla, and other stories such as the baptism of
the Christians, also had a great memory for the lion, should not be counted among the
details. St. Luke himself was an eyewitness of canonical Scriptures, although at the beginning of
Christ on many occasions. St. Paul encouraged the ministry of St. Paul, St. Luke was not with
St. Luke in his writing of the Gospel, and also him all the time. For it is not possible that he
commanded St. Luke to write the Acts of the who was inseparable from the Apostle should not
Apostles. The Martyr Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyre, have known of this act among all his other acts.
said that St. Luke wrote the Gospel at the Tertullian also mentions a certain elder in Asia at
command of the Apostle Peter, and the Acts of that time, a companion of the Apostle Paul, who,
the Apostles at the command of the Apostle Paul. when it was proven in the presence of John that
However, St. Sophronius of Jerusalem later talks he was the author of this book, confessed that he
about the possessiveness of St. Paul. had written it out of love for Paul. Some say that
The Blessed Theophylact points out that this is why Luke does not mention himself as the
the opening words, “most excellent Theophilus,” author. Whenever Paul says in his own Epistles,
or better translated from Greek, “most mighty ‘according to my Gospel,’ (Romans 2:16, etc.) It
Theophilus” (St. Luke 1:3) would apply to any is clear that he means the Gospel written by
Christian. “Everyone who loves God and Luke. But Luke learned the Gospel not only
exercises dominion over his passions is a from the Apostle Paul, who was not with the Lord
‘Theophilus’ and ‘most mighty,’ and it is he who at that time, but from the other Apostles. [such as
is truly worthy to hear the Gospel.” The Acts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. James the Righteous,
the Apostles also begins with a dedication to and all the other Apostles, as well as his own eye-
Theophilus., and is connected to the former book, witness of the Lord Jesus Christ.] He himself
in other words, the Gospel of St. Luke. clearly states this at the beginning of his work,
In “The life of the Evangelist Luke saying, ‘even as they were handed down to us by
According to St. Sophronius of Jerusalem,” it those who from the beginning were
says that St. Luke stayed with St. Paul in all his eyewitnesses.’ (St. Luke 1:1-2) Therefore he
foreign travels, although this is somewhat wrote the Gospel as he had heard it. But he wrote
contradicted by St. Luke's stay in Antioch and the Acts based on what he himself had
later in Macedonia, and others such as Ss. Silas experienced. Luke’s relics were taken up and
and Timothy also sometimes with St. Paul instead carried to Constantinople, together with the relics
of St. Luke. “Luke, a physician of Antioch, was of the Apostle Andrew, in the twentieth year of
not unacquainted with Greek culture, as is shown the reign of Constantius.”
by his writings. He was a companion of the (About St. Thecla see Sept. 23rd: The
Apostle Paul and followed him in all his journeys Celtic dates for St. Thecla are with St. Peter at
to foreign lands. Luke wrote the Gospel to which Antioch, not St. Paul Feb. 22nd, June 1st, Sept.
Paul himself refers when he says, ‘And we have 23rd, and Nov. 17th. The Byzantines celebrate her
sent with him the brother, whose praise is in the in September, on the 24th or 26th, and there is a
Gospel throughout all the churches.’ (II dispute over two different St. Theclas who were
Corinthians 8:18). And in his letter to the Martyrs. Also see St. Paul, Jan. 25th.)
Colossians he says, ‘Luke, the beloved physician, The “Traditio,” the Opening of the Ears
greets you.’ (Colossians 4:14). And to Timothy to the Catechumens before the Offering of the

Divine Liturgy of Palm Sunday (see St. Matthew) his two years in chains, and he left Rome for
says this about the Gospel of St. Luke, explaining churches he had already established. St. Luke
the Kerubs from Ezekiel: “Hear the Gospel continued to stay with St. Paul. Soon the emperor
according to Luke: ‘1 Forasmuch as many have Nero began to persecute the Christians in Rome.
taken in hand to set forth in order a narration of The Apostle Paul returned then to Rome to
the things that have been accomplished among preach to the Romans and make them strong in
us; 2 According as they have delivered them unto the faith, and share Martyrdom with them if it
us, who from the beginning were eyewitnesses pleased God. The pagans arrested St. Paul and
and ministers of the word: 3 It seemed good to put him into prison again. St. Luke alone stayed
me also, having diligently attained to all things with the Apostle Paul at that time, suffering with
from the beginning, to write to thee in order, most him. St. Paul said he was a victim doomed to be
excellent Theophilus, 4 That thou mayest know slaughtered (II Timothy 4:6,10-11).
the verity of those words in which thou hast been St. Luke probably witnessed the
instructed. 5 There was in the days of Herod, the Martyrdom of the Apostle Paul in Rome.
king of Judea, a certain priest named Zachary, of However, St. Luke was not then Martyred, but
the course of Abia; and his wife was of the spread the faith after the Martyrdom of St. Paul
daughters of Aaron, and her name Elizabeth.’ throughout Italy, Dalmatia, Gaul, Macedonia, and
Luke, the Evangelist bears the aspect of a bull as Achaia which borders Macedonia. He lived for
his emblem: Our Savior is the Sacrifice and many years. When he was old, he visited Egypt
therefore Luke is compared to the bull. It is also and endured many tortures for Jesus. He first
because it contains the two horns of the two traveled through all of Libya, and converted
Testaments and the four feet of the four Gospels.” many in the Thebaid of Egypt. He Consecrated a
The priest Zachary offered sacrifices, successor of Bishop Ananias in Alexandria,
therefore the bull, and also was a priest according Consecrating Abilius. Bishop Ananias had
to the Old Testament Law, but heralding the New carried out the work of St. Mark for twenty-two
Testament. St. Luke is the longest Gospel, in years (see St. Mark, April 25th). St. Luke
many places tying together the four Gospels, both returned to Greece, establishing more churches,
in the early childhood of Jesus and also the especially in Boetia. St. Luke died as a Martyr
Resurrection, and also quotes Old Testament when he was eighty-four years old, throughout
Prophecy. The Gospel of St. John also ties his adult life teaching and preaching the Gospel
together all four books, but does not include the of Christ, doing miracles in His Name, and
childhood of Jesus. (Hearing the “Opening of the establishing churches. St. Luke was crucified on
Ears” is required before Baptism, and therefore it an olive tree instead of a cross. His body was
is read Palm Sunday every year for any who may buried in Thebes, the name of the principal city
be Baptized at Pascha, and also to remind all to of Boetia. His holy relics healed many.
think about the meanings of the Gospels. This In the second half of the fourth century
reading is in the Celtic Rite, and a longer version the relics of St. Luke were transferred to
is available by St. Ambrose of Milan, and was in Constantinople, which then was the capital of the
use in that Diocese. The Church has always used Eastern Empire. The relics were found because
symbols, Parables, and many means to convey they healed diseases of the eyes. The emperor
the truth, such as these symbols of the four Constantius, son of the emperor Constantine the
Kerubs in Ezekiel symbolizing the four books of great, learned from the Bishop of Achaia that the
the Gospels. However, the Church must describe body of St. Luke reposed in Thebes of Boetia.
its own symbols, because these are not the Constantius sent Artemius who was prefect of
“same” as the symbols found in other religions. Egypt to translate the relics of St. Luke to the
These symbols must be defined according to capital. When the relics arrived at the seaside
Scripture and Tradition of the Church alone.) near Constantinople, a eunuch named Anatolius
St. Paul was released from prison after who was a principal chamberlain, who had an

incurable illness, approached the reliquary and who had been Christian princes in Argueti,
attempted to help carry it, and the disease left him Martyred in 730 by drowning in Imereti by
before he could walk far. Then he carried the Caliph Emil-el-Mumenim. They prayed for
reliquary to the Church of the Holy Apostles forgiveness for all who asked for their
where the relics of St. Luke were kept with the intercession, and lightning and a voice said it
relics of the Apostles Andrew and Timothy. would be so. Their relics are in the monastery of
Modzameta in Georgia.
2 Oct / 15
Eleutherius the Martyr, St. Mark Oct 3 / 16
thou veneratest his Feast, Mark’s noble nativity in Egypt,
at the same time on one line the declaration of every mouth!
with the Passion of Eusebius. Candida, the happy sun;
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: the fair nativity of Colmán Ela.
Euliter... [Eleutherius and Leonides of [See April 25th for St. Mark's life.]
Constantinople, and many infants martyred with Of Mark the Evangelist, in this day, may
them; Aug. 8th in the Byzantine Rite. Or, it may he go unto the angels. From The Martyrology of
be the Eleutherius who accompanied St. Tallaght... Natale Marcus Evangelist... Candida,
Dionysius the Areopagite; see Oct. 9th.] i.e. a virgin. Colman Ela, i.e. of Land Ela in Tir
Of Eusebius, Bishop and Martyr, i.e. chell. [St. Dionysius the Areopagite: see October
Pope of Rome, quen Grigorius confessorem esse 9th. There are several dates for a St. Dionisius in
refert, et non martirem. the Celtic calendar,.]
Omne, the name at first of the son of a Also today: St Hesychius the Chorebite.
king of Leinster, and he was given in hostageship He died after an illness and came back to life,
to a king of Conn’s Half (the northern half of then for twelve years, was silent in a cell.
Ireland) (of Leth Cuind), and the king gave him Founder of “Hesychasm” or silence, 6th century.
into Brigit’s hand to secure his father’s obedience Just before he finally reposed, the monks of the
to her. So one day Brigit’s disciples (the nuns) Holy Mountain begged for instruction, and he
said to her: “Delightful is this little said, “He who ponders on death cannot sin.”
hostage” (gillan). “This shall be his name,” says Later, the “Hesychasts” were not only silent, and
Brigit, “Gillan.” or, “’tis lovely the little hostage defenders of icons; but had a theology of distance
(giallan) is to-day,” said they. “Giallan will be from God. Although the Orthodox Church
his name for ever,” said Brigit. He is a Saint in upholds Gregory Palamas as a Saint for
Cell Gillain in Leinster. promoting that theology, it is controversial, but
St. Andrew, fool for Christ, reposed 911 the banner of “Palamism” became that of
after extreme prayer and fasting. St. Andrew and defending monastic silence, and monasticism in
his disciple Epiphanius saw the vision of the general, and for that he has a following.
protection of the Veil of the Mother of God (Palamism seems to contradict Saints John of
October 1, 911, in an all-night vigil, see Oct. 1st. Damascus regarding “Essence” and “Person,”
Also today: Saints Cyprian and Justina. and Gregory Nazianzus the theologian regarding
St. Justina converted to Christianity, brought her the Natures of Christ, both as Divine and human.)
family into the faith, and then a young man
employed the magician Cyprian who had come 4 Oct / 17
from Carthage to Antioch to send demons to
attack her. She overcome many attacks with the Beseech Marcellus the Bishop,
Sign of the Cross, then Cyprian was converted, with the vastness of his vigor,
Baptized, and soon Ordained a Priest and Bishop. at the suffering of the virgin,
Also: Saints David and Constantine the bright-limbed Balbina.

Balbine, i.e. in the east she is. Or Cell Aitgin (Cui Aithgen) in Leix, or from Cell
Bicsech of Cell Bicsige in Hui macc Uais in Chuair in Hui Failge (Cuil Bennchoir in Offaly,
Meath. Buluina virgin and Martyr. or in Lurc on the shore of Lough Erne. Or in
St Stephen Stiljanovic, Serbian king, d. Daire Mochua in Ciarraige Luachra.)
1515; fought Turks and Latins, in repose there St. Macarius, Martyr, 1590, under the
was a light from his incorrupt relics. Turks.
Today is the Byzantine's date for St. Paul
the Simple or “Old Paul”, disciple of St. Antony; Apostle Matthew
Celtic date Jan. 19th.
St. Ammon of Nitria in Egypt, d. 350. Oct 7 / 20
With Matthew (and) Bishop Marcus
5 Oct / 18 was slain a host with hardship (?),
A fragment of the precious stone, the Feast of Cellach the keen
with a host of marvelous Martyrs, with a fair, melodious following.
Sínech Fergnae’s daughter, (See the Apostles.)
St. Matthew, i.e. the Evangelist. Mark,
of Crúachu Maige Abnae. i.e. a Bishop and Evangelist. According to
A fragment of the precious stone, i.e.
Gregory, a Pope Rome et confessor secundum
Sinech (virgin) daughter of Fergnae, or good
Grigoorium. Marcus Episcopus et non
(ergna) is she herself, in Cruachan Maige Abna in
euangelista [Bishop, not the Evangelist].
Eoganacht of Cashel. Sinech, i.e. Fergna is her
Of Cellach, i.e. in Hui Mail is Deacon
father’s name. Or she is ergna, i.e. good, from
Cellach (or Cellaigi), in Disert Cellaig to the
Cruachan Maige Abna, i n-Eoganacht Chasil.
south-east of Glendalough he is. Cellach the
Also: Adventus reliquiarum Sanctorum
Saxon from Glenn da Locha (Glendalough). He
Hibernensium quas Mac ind eicis (son of the
was not English (Angle), but he came from the
poet) congregauit. (From The Martyrology of
English to the Irish, because he was Irish. St.
Cealleach was one of the Irish Bishops of Mercia
St. Charitina, Virgin Martyr, under
in central England (see Diuma May 5th). (Modern
calendars place him yesterday; dates move.) He
St. Dionysius of Alexandria, (Nov. 17th).
is one of 33 Ss. Cealleach. As a disciple of Colm
St. Eudocimus of Vatopedi, unknown,
cille, he came from Iona to Lindisfarne. He was
found in 1841, the incorrupt relics holding an
consecrated by Finan and became the second
icon were named.
Bishop of Mercia after Diuma. After years of an
Episcopate that was too difficult, he went back to
6 Oct / 19 Iona, and retired to Ireland where he reposed.
Lucell the Abbot of Clúain, (Mercia was a large kingdom, and had too few
with vigorous Báithine (Aed), clergy there. St. Bede says that the kingdom of
Fer dá chrích (man of two countries), Mercia remained pagan longest, and had formerly
attacked Christians before their conversion. The
a triumphant kingpost; history of their conversion is on May 5th.)
the gentle Bishop Lugdach. Saints Sergius and Bacchus, Martyred
Lucell Abbot of Cluain (Clonmacnois), a under emperor Maximian, who sent them to the
successor of Ciaran of Cluain. Syrian Antiochus to be Martyred, 303.
Boithene, I know not where he is, unless Also today, St. Polychronus, worker in a
he is Baithene mac Alla. vineyard who built a church, then a Reader,
Fer da chrich, from Daire eidnech and Ordained as Priest for zeal against the Arians.
from Dire na flann in Eoganacht of Cashel. After 325 and the First Ecumenical Council of
Of Bishop Lugaid (or Lugach), from Nicea, Martyred by Arians.

Also: 99 ascetics of Crete who died on desert Christian, emphasizing asceticism. This is
the same day when their elder, St. John, was shot probably not the same Pelagius who spread the
by an arrow by mistake and killed. St. John had heresy of attainment instead of enlightenment of
spent so much time on his knees that he could not the Holy Spirit, who was called “Pelagius Britto,”
stand, and could not kneel; he did not look condemned in the Third Ecumenical Council of
human. The patella (knee caps), were ruined. St. Ephesus. This Pelagius is contemporary with the
Mael Ruain of Tallaght described him, and asked heretic, so the name “Pelagius” is approached
for moderation while reading the Psalms. See the with caution.
Lorrha-Stowe Missal and the Hours of Bangor,
True Worship of the Undivided Church, 9 Oct / 22
+Maelruain (Kristopher Dowling) and Elizabeth On the Feast of Eusebius there went up,
Dowling, ISBN 978-0-557-00229-0.
Repose of Joseph, Bishop of Manchuria,
along the ways (to heaven),
in 1925. He cared for those who had escaped the a vast host of kings,
communists with only the clothes on their backs, fifty and three hundreds.
but he caught an infection, and died. A ten year Of Eusebius, i.e. a Pope.
old paralyzed boy who asked him for prayers Saints Dionysius the Areopagite, and
could then walk. Dionysius of Paris are not the same. St.
St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist: Dionysius the Areopagite was Martyred in 96
Celtic dates: Nativity of Matthew May 6, Sept A.D., according to the Menology of St. Basil, and
21, Oct. 7th, and also May 1st with the Apostles St. Sophronius of Jerusalem; he was burned alive
Philip and James. Roman date: Sept. 21st. in Athens under emperor Domitian. Before the 7th
(Byzantine dates as Celtic, with October 22nd.) century, his history never mentions him leaving
Gradual Canticle, 129. “Out of the depths I have Greece. After the seventh century his name is
cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice” connected with Cotrone in Calabria and Paris
France. All ancient calendars and the Byzantine
8 Oct / 21 calendar date for St. Dionysius the Areopagite is
They left power with splendor Oct. 3rd. The Roman date is Oct. 9th, and there are
several Celtic dates in October (Dionisius).
for eternal possession of the Kingdom, (There is also St. Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria
a bevy of virginal girls Nov. 17th in Roman usage, who wrote against the
at the white Passion of Faustinus. idea of random chance.) “Dionysius” was a
A bevy of girls, i.e. in Cell na noebingen common name (after a pagan god), not a Hebrew
‘the Church of the holy girls’ in the precinct of name, often shortened to “Dennis” or “Denis.” St.
Armagh, i.e. seven girls. Or maybe they are the Dionysius the Areopagite was the first Bishop of
holy virgins who are in Cell na n-ingen to the east Athens. St. Paul taught on Areopagus hill in
of Armagh. Athens where the philosophers met; see the Book
St. Thais, reposed 340, penitent woman. of Acts chapter 17, and St. Paul gave one of his
St. Pelagia the Martyr, under emperor most beautiful sermons about Who is God. (See
Numerian. See St. Paul, Jan 25th, his Martyrdom. St. Paul, Jan. 25th, and St. Justin Aug. 4th.) Some
Written about by St. John Chrysostom, she of the philosophers believed him, and were
climbed on her roof, asked God to take her before converted to Christianity. Among them was St.
the soldiers could arrest her, and was dead before Dionysius the Areopagite.
she fell. She was a disciple of St. Lucian, see Because of the confusion of Saints
Oct. 15th, Dec. 24th, and Jan 7th. named Dionysius, the authorship is questioned of
Byzantine Saint named Pelagia who also books on Christian philosophy by “Dionysius the
went under the name Pelagius, who reposed in Areopagite.” These books were brought to Paris,
461, converted from a harlot, who then became a but were not authored by the St. Dionysius of

Paris, so they may be authentically authored by Paris. Hilduin translated these writings into Latin
the earlier St. Dionysius. Many books have been [from Greek], and also wrote a life of St.
lost or cannot be attributed to particular authors, Dionysius which confused the two Saints. (Who
so the books that had been brought to Paris are knows if his translation was accurate either.) The
usually called “Pseudo-Dionysius” in the spirit of writings of the earlier St. Dionysius the
scholastic doubt, and because the spirit of these Areopagite may be authentic, but the life of St.
early ideas seemed strange to modern readers. Dionysius by Hilduin was certainly a work of
St. Gregory of Tours records (the later) fiction. For the next seven hundred years people
St. Dionysius of Paris who was born in Italy and referred to Hilduin’s life of Dionysius, who he
sent into Gaul in 250 A.D. with six other says was assigned to Paris by Pope St. Clement I.
missionary Bishops. This Dionysius is mentioned Hilduin’s fiction also describes the Martyrdom of
in the Martyology of Jerome. Later writers say a Saint who could not be put to death by wild
that the Martyrs St. Rusticus and Eleutherius beasts, fire, or crucifixion; and even after he was
were the Priest and Deacon of that Bishop beheaded on Montmartre, rises to his feet and
Dionysius (see Oct. 2nd), and together they carries his head, being led by an angel two miles
established Christian worship on an island in the to the site of the Abbey of Saint-Denis. This
Seine at Lutetia Parisiorum (Paris). Because of Martyrdom is not mentioned by either St.
their effective preaching, they were imprisoned Gregory of Tours or St. Sophronius of Jerusalem
for a long time, and then beheaded. Their bodies (see above). (This is a similar story to the Spanish
were thrown into the Seine, and then the bodies El Cid, which was not entirely a fable, but made
were taken out of the river and buried. Later a use of a corpse of the leader tied to his horse so
chapel was built over the graves, which became that his troops would not lose heart, and the
the Abbey of Saint-Denis, founded by king enemy would falter. Although people were
Dagobert I (who died A.D. 638). St. Gregory of impressed by miracles, adding embellishments to
Tours records about St. Martin, Nov. 11th, that the miracles would make people come to disbelieve
history of the Church in Gaul (France) did not the true miracles. These embellishments by
begin with St. Martin. St. Gregory of Tours tells Hilduin also brought the early Greek writings of
of seven holy Bishops who were consecrated and St. Dionysius the Areopagite into doubt.)
sent to various cities there in the middle of the The writings of the St. Dionysius from
third century. These were Saints: Catianus (or Athens use Greek philosophical terms, but his
Gatianus) of Tours; Trophimus of Arles; Paulus books are often said to be by “Pseudo-
of Narbonne; Saturninus of Toulouse; Dionysius Dionysius,” because they are similar to some
of Paris; Stremonius of Clermont; and Martialis early Christian writing such as of St. Irenaeus of
of Limoges. According to St. Gregory of Tours, Lyons. Any person trying to explain Christianity
St. Martin was the third Bishop of Tours, and was to pagans of the first or second centuries might
Consecrated in 371 A.D. St. Gregory said that have used terms and classifications similar to St.
the See of Tours was vacant for thirty seven years Dionysius the Areopagite. Modern translations
after the episcopacy of Catianus. (Note that St. of his works are often not the best.
Irenaeus of Lyons was also an early Bishop.) The earliest mention of these books was
A confusion between St. Dionysius of at Constantinople in 533 A.D., but they were
Athens and St. Dionysius of Paris grew from the rejected by Hypatius as forgeries. Some say the
gift of books. In 827, Hilduin was the Abbot of books were in a fifth century style. The author
Saint-Denis when a gift to the emperor of the has never been identified.
West, Louis the Pious, from the emperor of the Some claim that the “Pseudo-Dionysius”
East, Michael II came to his Abbey in Paris. This invented his own presence at the eclipse of the
was a copy of the writings of St. Dionysius the sun, the Crucifixion of our Lord, and the death of
Areopagite. They happened to arrive in Paris on the Blessed Virgin Mary, but, his philosophy is
the eve of the Feast of [the other] St. Denis of not derived from other fifth century writings.

Philosophical arguments, such as about light, are Fintan of Druim Ing Hua Segain. ‘Of
first century (“And this is the judgment: because Fintan an Abbot,’ Fintani Dromma Ing.
the light is come into the world, and men love Saints Eulampius and Eulampia Martyrs
darkness rather than the light: for their works under Maximian in Nicomedia.
were evil.” St. John 3:19.) Light was St. Theotecnus, Martyr under Maximian
misunderstood by heretical gnostic factions in Antioch. He had been a Roman officer.
influenced by Zoroastrians, but St. Dionysius St. Bassian, 5th c. ascetic in
does not represent the fantastic side-issues that Constantinople.
St. Irenaeus of Lyons complains about in his St. Theophilus the Confessor, 8th century,
important book, Aganist the Heresies. upholder of icons.
Saints such as Irenaeus of Lyons (Aug. The Martyrs of Zographou monastery at
26th), Gregory Thaumaturgis (Nov. 17th), Gregory Mt. Athos. The monks of Mt. Athos were
Nazianzus (March 29th), and Hilary of Poitiers tortured and killed by the Latins in 1282. The
(Jan 13th) predicted later heresies and ideas. St. Muslims had never tortured them before. After
Hilary's comments on “ungodly” in Psalm 1 are that, the East rejected a false union with Rome.
uncanny about today's atheism. All these Saints
were trained in the ancient Greeks' logical 11 Oct / 24
thinking, and true Christian philosophy. Of the trio whom we commemorate,
Many people point to “mystical”
interpretations of Scripture, but do not include St.
splendid are their multitudes:
Dionysius, or “Pseudo-Dionysius,” who wrote Fortchern, Lommán the scaly,
many books, including Mystical Theology, The Cainnech descendant of Dála.
Divine Names, The Heavenly Hierarchies, The Fortchern, Lamman, i.e. Fortchern son
Ecclesiastical Hierarchym and On the Mother of of Loeguire, son of Niall, and in Ath truim he is.
God. These were valued both East and West for Or Fortchern, i.e. in Cell Fortcheirn in Hui Grea
their mystical and theological content, though are Fortchern and Lomman. Of Ath truim in
their authorship was questioned. These works bregia are both of them i.e. Fortchern son of
inspired Orthodox writers such as the 7th century Loeguire of Ath truim in Laeguire in the east of
St. Maximos or Maximus the Confessor who Meath, and Lomman there also, in Ath truim. Or
wrote against Monotheletism (see Aug. 13th). Fortchern of Cell Fortchirn in Hui Drona.
Also: St. Dimitrios of Alexandria, Cainnech of Achad bo in eodem die.
Bishop from 189 to 231, eleventh Bishop after St. Caindech, i.e. son of Aed Alaind is he,
Mark. He sent St. Pantaenus, the head of the and Achad bo is his principal church, and he has
Christian school in Alexandria, to India at the an abbey-church in Cell Rigmonaid (St.
request of Indians, and they found the Gospel of Andrews) in Scotland. Cainnech of Ached bo
Matthew in Aramaic there that had been left by Cainnig.
the Apostle Thomas: see the Prologue of Ochrid.) Lomman the scaly, i.e. scales of leprosy on him.
Ss. Andronicus and Athanasia, 4th c. Caindech maccu Dalan, i.e. son of Ae
ascetics. Alaind was he, and Achad bo is his principal
St. Stephen of Serbia, blinded by Turks, church. Cainnech once went to Finden to ask for
1468. a place in which he might dwell. “I see none
there,” says Finden, “for every one has taken
10 Oct / 23 before thee.” “What is that empty place there?”
Three hundred and three tens, asks Cainnech. “The demon of that road (?) Is
there,” says Finden, “proving the ecclesiastics.”
with a man fair, unstealthy, “Let me go to him to expel him,” says Caindech.
Fintan the fair, a vine’s root, “May it be easy for thee!” says Finden. When the
the pillar of Druimm Ingaird. demon beheld him coming towards him, he said

this: “O bald, little cloak!” says he, “this is not acquired the relics of St. Andrew and brought
thy path.” “Leave the place in which thou art at them to Rigmond, and the monastery changed its
once,” says Caindech. Thereat the demon arose name.
and left it, and thereafter Cainnech inhabits the Also today: Saints Zinaïs and Philonilla,
place. “Before God, my dear brethren,” says Martyrs, 1st c. Sisters in Tarsus, known to St.
Caindech to the folk who were along with him, Paul. Ascetics in a cave, and wonder-working
“there was no limb of knowledge (?) There; healers, Martyred by stoning.
neither my right hand nor my left came in contact St. Theophanes, Bishop Confessor, “the
with him,” etc. [F. has: “the limb by which my branded,” tortured 25 years and branded on his
disgrace was caused thou hast never seen.”] face for veneration of icons; Consecrated Bishop
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: ...Cainnig after the end of iconoclasm. Reposed in 847.
moccu Dalann eighty four anno etatis suae.
(See February 17th, Fortchern..) 12 Oct / 25
St. Cainnech (Kenneth or Canice) of Declare Fiacc (and) Fiachra,
Aghaboe lived from 517 to 600 A.D. Kenneth is
one of the most popular names in Scotland.
at the same time - great is their treasure! -
Cainnech’s father was born in Ulster, a scholar my Bí, strong that triumph!
and bard. Cainnech studied under St. Finian of that fair, flatfaced one.
Clonard and also was a student in the same (Fiacc below.)
school with Ss. Comgall of Bangor, Kieran of Mobi, i.e. of Glasnevin on the brink of
Clonmacnoise, and Colum cille in Mobhi’s the river Liffey on the north side. Mobi son of
school at Glasnevin (see Mobi Oct. 12th , one of Beoan, of Corco tri of the Luigni of Connaught.
the “Twelve Apostles of Ireland”). St. Cainnech Uaine, Findbarr’s daughter, was his mother. In
founded Aghaboe and Kilkenny. (Cainnech is Cell maic Taidg was he conceived and brought
pronounced “Kenny.”) He was an Irish Pict and forth, and of a dead woman he was begotten [?].
spoke Pictish, so he spent much of his life as a Table-faced was he, for the earth pressed him
missionary in Scotland. He was with Colm cille down, so that he was one flat board. Mobi the
and Comgall (June 9th and May 10th) when they Table-faced of Glasnevin in (the country
went to king Brude of the Pictish people to obtain occupied by) the Danes. Berchan was Mobi’s
permission to missionize in the area from the name. Beoaith son of Senach was his father’s
bases of Lismore and Iona. Iona formerly had a name, and Huanir the Fair, daughter of Finnbarr,
church called “Killchainnech,” and Cainnech his mother’s name. Mobi etc. (not translated in
often traveled with Colm cille. His churches in text). (One of the twelve Apostles of Ireland.)
Dalriada Scotland were on the islands of Coll, From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Mobi
Tiree, Mull, South Uist and Cantyre. He was Clarenech (Table-faced) son of Beoaid of Corco
also the patron of Kennoway in Fife. He had a Tri of the Lugni of Connacht. Uan Find daughter
church Laggan-Kenny on the east end of Loch of Barrfind was his mother. Berchan Abbot of
Laggan. A monastery at Miaden Castle had Glas Noiden; Fiac and Fiachra eius filius cum eo
flourished, although now it is in ruins. Oengus in Slebte. Sillnatain. Becc (Little); Aedain;
said about Cainnech, “Aghaboe was his principal Diarmait; Baitheni; Failain; Breccain.
church and he has a Recles (monastery) at Kill- St. Mobhi or Mobi was a nickname for
Rigmonaig in Alba.” (See Nov. 30th and March Berchan Abbot of Glasnevin, and was one of St.
30th). The name of St. Andrews in Scotland (now Finian’s disciples at Clonard. He was one of the
a golf course) was the later name of Rigmond in twelve Apostles of Ireland. Students who became
Scotland. (The Cele De made a last stand at that Saints came to visit Mobi, including Colm cille,
monastery, and were not allowed to continue after Comgall, Ciaran of Clonmacnoise, and Cainnech
they died out, nor were they allowed to leave by of Aghaboe. Tradition says that Colm cille and
the Protestants.) In 736 a Pictish monarch his companions swam the river Tolka during high

flood waters to get to Vespers in the church on eighth century, but from a much earlier pre-
the other side. Mobi died of the plague in A.D. Christian time, although it was written by means
545, and his school did not continue long after. of an aural vision of Fergus and also based on
Declare Fiacc and Fiachra, i.e. narra oral tradition. The places in the Tain Bo Cualinge
(rarra) Fiacc of Slebte, i.e. Fiacc Bishop of Slebte match the topography of the areas described
and Fiachra his son. Fiacc of Slebte in Hui exactly; but the venerable Bede was not accurate
Bairche, & Fiachra filius eius, et cum eo est. in his description of Hadrian's wall, or his history
Omne, i.e. a small church; the name of a of Briton. The Genair Patraicc should not be
place in a wood between Achad Aball and Cluain dated to its last addition of a footnote in the
mor Maedoic, et ibi sunt Fiac and Fiachra. Omin eighth century; it is an accurate portrayal.) St.
i. Simul. Or Omin Becc nomen loci in silua quae Patrick Consecrated several Bishops.
est eter Cluain Moir Moedoic Achad Aball, & is Ss. Fiacc and Sedulius were very early
annsein ata Fiach (sic), ut periti ferunt. Omin, i.e. Irish Saint-poets who trained others in the writing
a small plain between Cluain mor Maedoic and of great Hymns and in educational methods that
Achad Aball, and there is Fiacc, as experts say. could allow the Celtic Saints to recite 150 Psalms
[‘Fiacail’ means tooth. ‘Fiach’ is raven. from memory, and allow the Irish to study all
See notes on poem March 24th.] areas of classical learning including religion and
St. Fiacc or Fiach that Dubthach, the philosophy, history and law, music, science,
royal bard of Leinster at Donaghmore suggested languages, grammar and rhetoric, the ability to
him as Bishop of Leinster to St. Patrick. Fiacc express ones’ self in various styles. The Irish
was a good man, “the husband of one wife” [a knew, besides various forms of Gaelic; Latin,
requirement for a Bishop: 1 Timothy 3:2] and of Greek, and sometimes Hebrew and Syriac also
only one child. He was also a poet and next to called Aramaic. St. Maelruain’s Rule stressing the
Dubthach in the Bardic Order. St. Fiacc offered value of education and the requirement of monks
himself immediately at St. Dubthach’s to teach carries on this tradition. When the Irish
suggestion, and St. Patrick gave him an were no longer allowed to teach on the continent
“Alphabet” [probably an Abecedarian, a poetic of Europe, a dark age of ignorance of all areas of
brief manual on Christian doctrine], and Ordo for learning occurred, coinciding with the time of the
Sacraments and the Offering of the Mass. “And Great Schism. Chaos in law caused many wars
Patrick conferred the degree of Bishop upon and violence in society, not only a loss of
Fiacc; and he gave to Fiacc a cumdach [box] religious training. See St. Patrick, March 17 th, in
containing a bell, and a minister [relics] and a a discussion of the Genair Patraicc. See Feb.
crozier, and a poolire [leather satchel for books].” 12th: St. Sedulius founded a school of poetics that
St. Patrick also gave him seven religious to start influenced Greeks and Romans in his time.
his community. St. Fiacc’s son is St. Fiachra, and Also today: Saints Tarachus, Probus and
they are buried at Sletty in Leix with “three Andronicus Martyred under Diocletian.
twenties of his disciples.” The Byzantines venerate St. Martin of
(St. Dallan Forghaill is on Jan. 29th, Tours today, unknown reason; see Nov. 11/24.
another bard protected by St. Colum cille.) St. Cosmos of Maluma near Gaza, friend
St. Fiacc’s metrical Life of St. Patrick or of St. John of Damascus, 8th century, who helped
Genair Patraicc called the “Hymn of Fiacc” has St. John of Damascus compose the Byzantine
footnotes which cause scholars to date it as eighth Octoechos (“Eight Tones” or cycle of eight). In
century, which ignores the information contained the Celtic Rite, Pentecost Season has a cycle of
in this Hymn, whether passed on orally until the six weeks, but the rest of the year Propers for
eighth century and written then, or written much every Sunday. The Byzantine Rite uses the Eight
earlier but copied later. (The Tain Bo Cuailnge, Tones all year. St. Cosmas also wrote a Canon for
was an early Irish epic about a war in Ireland Palm Sunday and St. Lazarus Saturday, which is
similar to the Greek Iliad, written down in the the Vigil for Palm Sunday in the Byzantine Rite.

13 Oct / 26 Petka. The Greek island of Chios also celebrates
Comgan and Marcill St. Petka because of she stopped a terrible storm
there in 1442.
with the breadth of their wisdom, Byzantines celebrate the Martyrs
the Feast of fair Findsech, Nazarius, Gervasius and Protasius today, honored
the purified (?) princess. by St. Ambrose. In the Celtic and Roman Rites
Of Findsech, i.e. from Irnaide in Hui May 20th and June 19th.
Airennain in Cenel Eogain (Tyronne); or may be
in (Irnaide) should be in Sliab Guairi in Gailenga. 15 Oct / 28
Findsech a virgin, and Ernaide the name of her The foremost suffering of the Mauri
convent in Sliab Guari in Galenga. From The
Martyrology of Tallaght: Marcellus Bishop; has been heard throughout the troopful
Martialis... Maria; Marcia; Munesana; Marcus world:
Bishop... Also: Finnsige virgin i.e. of the Irnaide; many afflictions (?) they endured,
Comgani cele De (culdee). after bitter dungeons of fetters.
St. Comghan, Comgan, or Coman was Of the Mauri, i.e. a great race of men.
son of Ceallach (Kelly) king of Leinster. [The Moors. Not the same group as Mauri in
Kentigerna of Loch Loman (Jan. 7th) was his New Zealand.] From The Martyrology of
sister and Fillan (Jan. 9th) his nephew. Comgan Tallaght: Maurorum... [There were many
came with his sister and seven other missionaries Christians in the continent of Africa. When
into western Ross at Lochalsh in Scotland. attacked by the Saracens, neither Rome nor
Kilchoan and Killelan in Lochalsh are named Byzantium helped them. The later story of king
after Comgan and Fillan. He also worked in Richard the Lionhearted and Saladin in the
churches in Islay at Loch Melfort, Ardnamurchan Crusades is not often fully told: king Richard
in Knoydart, in Skye and North Uist, Kiltearn and betrayed a treaty, and since Richard had used
Turriff in eastern Ross. Turriff was an important Africans as allies in his war, Saladin took revenge
religious center until it came into lay possession on the African Christians, sending many to
in the 13th century. slavery, “bitter dungeons of fetters.”
Also today: Saints Carpus and Papylus, Oengus and his glossator wrote this
Martyred under Decius in 251. centuries before Richard the Lionhearted, so the
St. Benjamin the Deacon, Persian, practice of slavery was already in place and
Martyred under king Yezdegeherd, about 412. known to the Irish, who condemned it. See Oct.
St. Zlata, or “golden,” of Meglin, 16th, Ciar. Instead of releasing the captives as our
Martyred in 1796 by Turks. Lord directed in St. Matthew 25:36 and 43, the
Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, and English
14 Oct / 27 continued the practice in the 15th through 19th
The Feast of the Bishop Calixtus, centuries. Ethiopia remained Christian, however.]
announce on one line Also today: St. Lucian, Martyr (see Jan.
7th), Martyrdom.
with the suffering St. Euthymius the New in Salonica, 9th
of the virginal Bishop Paulinus century, ascetic, some of his life lived as a stylite.
of Calixtus, i.e. a Pope of Rome who
suffered under Alexander [under Macrinus, 16 Oct / 29
according to O.E. Mart., p. 186]. Colum the
presbyter of Loch Melge here. Cíar with three fair hundreds
Also today: St. Petka, or Pareskeva, the - (and) four tens (went) to that triumph;
Serbian in Epibata, ascetic, returning home, 11th Ríaguil ran that course,
century. There is a spring in Belgrade of St. and Colmán from that Cell Rúad.

Riagail, i.e. a Saint of Mucc-inis in Nov. 23rd). Theodebert was overthrown, dressed
Lough derg. as a monk and mocked, and put to death by
Colman, i.e. Bishop of Cell Ruaid in Thierry’s murderous mother. Then Columbanus
Dalaradia. Colman of Cell Ruaid on the shore of went on to Italy to avoid further dealings with
Loch Loig in Ulster, and he was a Bishop. Thierry who had originally exiled him from
From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Caere Luxeuil. However, St. Gall became ill and could
in Africa and three hundred eighty other Martyrs not travel further than Switzerland. The Priest
(Ciar is also Jan. 5th)... Ceire filiae Duib Reae... Willimar nursed Gall to health. Then Gall found
Also today in the Byzantine Rite: St. a site for a solitary cell and oratory, and disciples
Longinus; see Oct. 23rd. soon gathered there.
St. Eliph went to Toul in France, was On a Sunday, Nov. 23rd, 615, St. Gall
imprisoned there, but set free miraculously. He announced that it was revealed to him that
had been an Irish prince who chose the life of Columbanus had died in the night, and he wished
poverty as a monk. His preaching converted to Offer the Holy Eucharist for Columbanus.
about 400 people before Julian the Apostate had Gall sent the Deacon Magnoald to Bobbio to ask
him beheaded in the year 362. His sisters and about the Abbot's last moments. Magnoald
brother Eucharius also shared in his Martyrdom. returned bringing Columbanus’ staff which he
They were buried at Mount Eliph, and had given to St. Gall. In the 9th century, records
commemorated there, but in the 10th century his say that St. Columbanus’ staff hung over the Altar
relics were moved to Cologne. His history was in the church of St. Gall. (It is preserved in
from the Benedictines and McManus. Bavaria in two fragments encased in silver
St. Gall or Gallen is one of the closest of croziers at Kempten and in the monastery
the disciples of St. Columbanus of Luxeuil and founded by Magnoald at Fussen).
Bobbio (see Nov. 23rd), and founder of one of the Gunzo, Duke of Alemania, offered St.
most important libraries and religious centers in Gall the Bishopric of Constance. Around 627, six
Europe. St. Gall died in A.D. 640. Educated in monks came from Luxeuil asking St. Gall to be
Bangor, St. Gall had the gift of facility with their Abbot. In spite of their offers, he chose to
languages. The city of St. Gall in Switzerland continue preaching and instructing the
was founded by St. Gall, who planted a Cross in abandoned people in the mountainous parts of the
the wilderness there in A.D. 612. When St. country. At Arbon on Lake Constance, at the
Columbanus and Irish companions were exiled place where Willimar had greeted the monks, St.
from Luxeuil, and traveling through Switzerland, Gall died on the Feast of St. Michael the
St. Columbanus felt that the Alemans people Archangel. (Note: Irish calendars, including
needed missionizing. St. Gall and some others Oengus, have the Feast of St. Michael Sept. 29th,
stayed there, while Columbanus himself went so the Feast of St. Gall on Oct. 16th might have to
with a few others on to Italy and Bobbio. do with bringing of his relics to his resting place).
St. Columbanus and all with him Scholars and teachers came to St. Gall.
including St. Gall went to Bregenz on Lake A benefactor, Talto was called the “Protector
Constance. At Arbon nearby was a holy Priest Hibernorum” in early records. Copies of deeds
Willimar who was glad of their arrival, saying, also still exist from 670 and 680, giving gifts to
“Blessed are those who come in the Name of the the monastery. Irish continued to go there and
Lord.” St. Gall began to preach and instruct, teach, and an official charter was granted in 720
quickly learning the Teutonic language, which is by Charles Martel who appointed the Priest
not similar at all to either Latin or Gaelic, but Otmar to guard the relics of St. Gall. The
might have been similar enough to the Saxon monastery and area of St. Gall had more and
language; there were English studying at Irish more property added to it. Many churches nearby
monasteries. All went well until the war between and much further away were named after St. Gall.
kings Theodebert and Thierry (see Columbanus In the ninth century, the school became

famous for its copies of Gregorian Chant. (Irish Alphaeus, and Dec. 27th about Saints named
music from Bangor may have been replaced by James; May 1st is early, but not the Celtic date.
“Gregorian” music.) The library of St. Gall has a The Cross of Philip Oct. 22nd is both a Roman
very large collection of Irish manuscripts of the and Celtic date but is St. Philip of Heraclea of
7th, 8th, and 9th centuries, and a 9th century catalog A.D. 304, not St. Philip the Apostle). Byzantine
of these books: Gospels, Bibles, and illuminated Feast for St. Philip: Nov. 14th, starting their
manuscripts, some of which had come from Advent fast (Advent a day later than Celtic Rite).
Ireland in the 8th century. An 8th century Latin- Apostle Philip: Gradual Canticle, 126. “Unless
German dictionary is there in Irish handwriting, the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that
the first record of the Teutonic language. build it...” St. Philip: From the Bobbio Apostle’s
Creed, he said, ‘He descended into hell.’
17 Oct / 30 Oengus's verse from another day may be
Much suffered the Martyr, used as the Alleluia:
heavenly Nicodemus, with his train, “May Philip the Apostle protect us,
(he) who is vaster than any sea,
a fair union, whose name, from the Father’s mystery,
the strong expeller of demons. is the wide mouth of a lamp.”
Ss. Cosmas and Damian in the Trifoniae i. uxor Deci regis Romanorum.
Byzantine Rite, see Sept. 27th. Also Hosea, or Drofime i. Uxor Deci imperatoris Romanorum.
Osee, in the Byzantine Rite, the writer of one of [Note says see St. Tryphonia in the O.E. Mart.
the most obscure Old Testament Books of Pp. 188. Decius’ wife is Herennia Etruscilla.]
Prophecies, but also which predicted our Lord. From The Martyrology of Tallaght: Luca
St. Andrew of Crete, against iconoclasm. Evangelist translation [of his relics]; Pilippus
He rebuked the heretic emperor in the Church of Martyr; Lucus; Victorinus; Hermetis; Taxus;
Mamas. He was Martyred in 767 by that emperor. Petrus; Januarius; Bressius; Victricis; Leucius;
Agna; Victoricus; Tecla; Maria; Fithionia;
St. Philip and St. Luke Victoria; Cicilia and other Martyrs; Eunucheus;
(Oct 18/ 31) Victoris; Faustinus; Martialis; Potiolus;
Januarius; Euticis; Paulus; Simfronianus;
Verily with the Passion of Philip, Beresepia. Also: Trifonia uxoris Decii. Also:
a chief martyr who enlarges us; Mothecca of Ruscach; Moluanen of Tamlachta
To the abstinent Tryphonia (Tallaght); Colmani Abbot son of Coirtgid.
fair Christ gave aid. St. Monon was a 7th century Irish Saint
(See the Apostles for Lections and Propers.) who missionized in Belgium. More than thirty
Not known if this is the Apostle Philip. churches in Belgium are dedicated to Irish Saints
The Martyrology of Tallaght lists St. who came and missionized Belgium. Monon
Luke, translation of relics today. The Celtic dates lived as a hermit in the forest of the Ardennes,
for St. Luke the Evangelist include the Ordination preaching the Gospel. He was Martyred at
of St. Luke March 15th, Sept. 21st, the Passion of Nassogne in Belgian Luxemburg.
St. Luke Oct. 1st, and the translation of relics of St. Julian of Persia near the Euphrates;
St. Luke Oct. 18th; see Oct. 1st. The Roman and and St. Didymus the Blind of Alexandria, both
Byzantine Feast of St. Luke is Oct. 18th. were ascetics living in different places, both
Passion of Philip chief martyr Oct. 18th knew when emperor Julian the Apostate died.
(not known if this is the Apostle Philip; it is St. Both reposed later than 362.
Luke, and may have been St. Philip the Apostle). St. Peter of Cetinje, Metropolitan of
Celtic Rite date for St. Philip: April 22nd. Roman Montenegro, reposed in 1830, lived a strict
dates: May 1st (See James the Less, son of ascetic life while overcoming strife. His relics
are uncorrupt. Overcame Napoleon in Dalmatia.

19 Oct / Nov 1 20 Oct / Nov 2
May Eusterius be an aid to us, The Passion of Eutychius,
who has been slain by means of tortures, with Fintan Maeldub - great is that shout!
may the host of Sosius convoy us, the fair sun at that mountain,
(and) save us past pains! of those splendid Children of Eogan.
Beronicus and Maignenn Abbot of (St. Eutychius is Aug. 24th in the
Kilmainham, and Crinan of Cui Connlaigh, and Byzantine Rite, a disciple of St. John the
Cronan of Tuaim grene, and Faelan here. Evangelist and Theologian.)
The Byzantines commemorate the Holy Fintan Maeldub of Daermag Hua Duach
Prophet Joel of the Old Testament, who in Ossory. Now Maeldub was his proper name;
prophesied the coming of the Holy Spirit, the but he and Fintan of Cluain Eidnech in Leix made
outpouring the Grace, the holy Church, and the a union and each of them gave his name to the
dreadful last Judgment. other in commemorationem societatis eius.
St. Varus, Varys, Warus, Ouaros; Martyr, Maeldub: Maeldub, however, they say
Roman officer in Egypt, Martyr in 304 under that he was of the Eoganacht of Cashel: or he is
Maximian. A Christian woman, St. Cleopatra, of the race of Brian son of Eochaid Muidmedon,
took his relics to Palestine on pretext that it was i.e. Maeldub son of Amalgad, son of Fothad, son
her husband, and built a church over the relics at of Conall Glune, son of Brian, son of Eochaid
Edna near Tabor in Palestine, some say Syria in Muidmedon.
Dera; the Saint visited her when her son died. St. ‘Tis that Maeldub whom Fechin of Fore
Varus and St. John the Baptist are known as took with him as a fosterling and set him to study.
Saints who may be asked for intercessions for His good work and his devotion increased so that
those who are unbaptized. This is an important Fechin made him cellarer for the congregation;
consideration in the Byzantine Rite, which does and of his race is the Muinter Maelduib. After
not pray for those who are unbaptized within a his death Fechn said:
Divine Liturgy; because the Byzantine Maeldub, foe of the bad dark devils,
Confraction adds Particles to the Chalice which save his cloak and his sheet of linen, he
represent only the faithful departed. However, in possessed nothing of the world.
the Celtic Rite, the entire Confraction is Christ, The witness which Michael bore as to
and although it is only given to the nine grades Maeldub, good was he for whom he gave it:
of the living (Baptized Christians) in the Church since he entered noble religion he set not
(the Body of Christ), it is permissible to pray for his ear to a pillow.
those who were not Baptized in our Liturgy, Michael’s witness as to Maeldub - great
because Christ did not die for the Righteous but the witness as to a son of man,
for the sinners. Why else focus on the Cross at save the King of the stars, Mary’s Son,
the Mass? St. Patrick took responsibility for all there is none better for praying to.
in his care, including those who had not been Though I should say ‘my back is sore,’ it
Baptized. We do not believe that all will be would not be after carrying a heavy burden:
saved; if a person chooses to reject Christ, that is the crooked midge would not be weary
by their own hand, because they rejected God, so (from the burden) of the evil or error which
the Celtic church does not fall under the heresy of Maeldub wrought.
Origen, but at the same time, we would not stop I will bear witness as to Maeldub, it is
praying for people; and it is especially true that not the witness of a rash man,
any Saint would pray continuously in the love of that a midge would carry in its claw all
God and his neighbor. the sin that Maeldub committed.’
St. Prochorus of Pchinja, 11th century ascetic. [Note from translator: Cf. The Quran xcix: And
whosoever shall have wrought an ant’s weight of

good shall behold it; and whosoever shall have Imchad, son of Lam feola, son of Cliathaire, son
wrought an ant’s weight of ill shall behold it.”] of Focha, son of Dubthach Donn.
Also today: The virgin Daria was an Said Colum cille:
early Martyr with Crisantus, also spelled O little vassal of mighty God, O son of
Chrysanthus, as recorded by St. Gregory of Tours Telchan, O churl,
in the Glory of the Martyrs. Many healings she bare a hard son to my company the
occurred at their tomb, and other Christians who mother that bore thee, O Fintan, i.e. O Munnu!
venerated them and were visiting the tomb were crucified, i.e. he suffered from leprosy,
walled up there by an unbelieving emperor. The and Mochua son of Lonan healed him of the
double tombs were discovered later, together with leprosy.
silver pitchers of the group of Christians that had Munnu son of Tulchan said this below:
been filled with wine as an offering before the Gift of knowledge and gift of a house
Divine Sacrifice (Eucharist). Also see Aug. 25th from me to the grandson of Lonan of Meath,
and Dec. 19th. gift of a son of whom Ireland will be
St. Artemius, commander of all the full, reward of his rising to Tulchan’s grandson.
armies of the emperor St. Constantine, who also There fell by Findtan the Fair a king for
witnessed the Cross in the sky, and transferred every tooth in his head,
relics of St. Andrew from Patras, and St. Luke and shortly before Doom will fall by him
from Thebes, to Constantinople. Martyred by the a king to whom flower-swarded Tara is due.
emperor Julian the Apostate in 362 by weights From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
and beheading, shortly before Julian perished in Dasciometis with twelve thousand; Dasus;
battle against the Persians. Eutecus; Zomeus; Gagus; Modestus; Deseus;
St. Artemius, died 1545 at age thirteen Macerus; Macarius; Dicieus; Justus; Johannis;
from exposure, but 28 years later, his incorrupt Beatus; Zefanus; Puerus; Geurgius. Also: moccu
body only covered with branches gave healing. Gairb Abbot of Mag Bile (Movilla); Sillan
St. Gerasim the new, ascetic, 1579. magister (teacher or master).
St. Ignatius Martyred Oct. 8, 1814 by Also: Fintan i.e. son of Tulchain with his
Turks, commemorated today by the Byzantines. monks that were under his discipline (yoke): two
hundred thirty three which he did not burn up
21 Oct / Nov 3 with the fire of his judgment whose names are:
A splendid flame with the Fathers’ fervor, Lasrani; Commani; Domdachain; Comgain;
Adomnain; Discreti; Cilleni; Broceni; Critani;
Fintan, true gold proven! Osseni; Cairilli; Sarain; Dairchelli; Cronani;
Telchán’s son, brave, abstinent, Suignain; Critain; Deoni; Rioli; Brandubi;
a battle soldier trustful, crucified. Uiblani; Ailteni; Fingailli; Segini; Conmaili;
Fintan, i.e. Munnu, i.e. Fintan, i.e. Cummini; Orcani; Oengusa; Ultain; Anfudain;
Munnu [pedigree] son of Telchan the wizard. He Cilchini; Locheni; Emini; Zrafain; Oebleain;
was called Fintan because of the union which he Conchille; Celaig; Ernini; Sognathi; Mailani (or
and Fintan of Cluain eidnech in Leix formed, so Failani); Maeli Cosni; Nemani; Corain; Lonain;
that the name of each was given to the other in Lonain; Colmain; Vindicus; Blaithmeic; Maani;
commemoratione societatis, i.e. Munnu son of Sarani; Beoni; Conani; Aedgni; Alteni; Cummini;
Techclan, of Tech Munnu in Hui Cennselaig and Daborchon; Cronani; Cummeni; Murbeu; Segini;
in Meath. Dirathi; Cillini; Ociani; Mael Bresail; Furudrani;
Munnu and Digde [Munnu cuius soror Iarnbuidi; Colmain; Gorenni; Cronani; Aedain;
Digi] (Munnu) son of Telchan, son of Dega, son Commain; Uilnani; Cronani; Ailitherii; Colmain;
of Tren, son of Dubthach, son of Ban son of Findbairr; Noeri; Dermata; Lannani; Maili
Fiacha Araide, son of Feidlimid Rechtaid, son of Gaimrid; Cobrain; Commain; Cronain; Erconi;
Carthach, son of Daigre, son of Erc, son of Critani; Liburti; Cobrani; Colmani; Hilgeni;

Findichii; Berchani; Airetain; Colmain; Bricceni; Fiachra Fechtnach’s son, the proud.
Gormurni; Colmani; Marcani; Cronani; Laesirbi; They broke bond and word
Brocani; Conbrain; Lasrain; Findchain; against the wanton wretched Devil.
Mochollae; Colmain; Menni; Maelduib; Conbriti;
Conbesaig; Dicullo; Conamlo; Mael Corgis; They fear neither wealth nor ill-fortune,
Ninmon; Conocain; Cuoc; Failani; Cilleni; nor burning exposed to the red fire.
Erneni; Librani; Gobbani; Scellain; Conani; [day of judgement]
Gurburti; Donnani; Conbruit; Colmani; Breccani; They sit upon seats in the presence of angels,
Failani; Anfudain; Locheni; Becani; Saeran; after the victory of hard vexatious battle.
Finani; Meic Lasre; Ultani; Sarani; Gurchon;
Columbae; Ultain; Colmani; Huilnani; Silain; The everlasting blessing of Christ from Heaven
Rioci; Locheni Maelodrain; Morani; Octani; on the dear pious austere school.
Echtbrain; Notani; Blaitmeic; Diogeni; Gurdoci; May we be under His safeguard on earth,
Cumma; Uuali; Anfudain; Dicollo; Uillani; with Heaven beyond for our wretched souls!
Fiachnae; Condorchon; Setani; Samueli; Eboci;
Nemani; Mael Dogair; Airgenain; Arconi; Noi; Another poem:
Trianani; Commae; Caeteni; Iucarii; Gurgaile; Great Munnu son of mighty Tulchan,
Fergil Condoci; Cantani; Ailbicti; Murdani; son of Trian, son of Daig, son of Dian,
Rioci; Eloci; Budgoctheni; Gaimdogari; son of Dubthach Donn, who was a king,
Bicduelo; Artgeni; Conalto; Coilmani; Liadnachi; son of Maan and son of Roede.
Dulmeni; Iunerti; Dicollo; Failchon; Mael Rubai;
Fidbothaig; Conbesaig; Congnathi; Duathlo; Roede and Conn Crinna together,
Mancheni; Eochthech; Miuchbriti; Eugeni; two fair sons of Feidlimid.
Ferdomnaig; Finnain; Bluttini; Beoain; Feidlimid Rechtaid of the Maig,
Toichthech; Dicollo; Tulchani; Coemain; Uindini; son of Tuathal, son of Feradach.
Dermaitai; Dimmai; Cronain; Dotain; this is the
family Mundu. [This list is a ‘class’ at school that Feradach Find Fechtnac of Fal,
the writer wishes to commemorate; receiving an the son of Crimthann Nia Nair.
education as a monk was difficult, both in content ... over evey height,
of instructions and in the discipline, the “fire of the son of Lugaid son of the Three Finds.
his judgment.” The names listed often have Latin
endings “i” meaning “of so-and-so.” Names The Three Finds of Emain, without reproach,
may drop a final “i” or may replace the “i” with a glorious sons of Eochu Feidlech,
“us” if they are Latin names.] of that kingly host whose fame is fair,
Also: Mochuoc descendant of Liathan; is the noble bright race of Munnu.
Mancheni lobor (a leper); Mael Aithgeain. Also, St. Tuda lived only a few months
Marginal notes from The Martyrology of after taking over Lindisfarne on the northeast
Tallaght: coast of England from Colman when Colman left.
Two hundred, three and thirty Tuda died of the plague in 664, but brought
of the community of noble [masclach ?] stability to Lindisfarne after so many Irish monks
with the community of Tulchan’s vigorous son, left England. He helped Jaruman (see May 5th
though they were tuneful they used to sing under Diuma) as one of the signers of the deed
lamentations. for St. Peter’s Monastery in Mercia. After Tuda,
[i.e., ‘after the music of the Ordo and the next Bixhop was Eata, who was Aedan’s
Mass they used to sing lamentations of favorite of the youths trained at Lindisfarne:
wailing and tears for the love of God.’] Eata had been training noviatiates at Melrose.
The descendant of Tuathal Techtmar protected After Eata Cuthbert took over Lindisfarne (see
them, March 20th).

Also, St. Wendel, 6th century, today who Baptized many people at one time, and eventually
missionized near Trier Germany in the sixth all of Hierapolis. Traveled much in Syria and
century. He was returning from a pilgrimage to Mesopotamia. Reposed at the end of the second
Rome from Ireland, and settled in a solitary place century. Considered Apostle to Hierapolis.
near Trier, in western Germany. He missionized St. Lot, fifth c. ascetic, aflame with Christ.
between the Rhine and Moselle rivers. He was Deliverance of Russia from Lithuanians
buried at Tholey where his cell was, which through the protection of the Blessed Virgin
became a place of wonders and miracles, Mary. Such events have occurred in other places;
including stopping plague. A village grew around protection from war is good, but not nationalism.
that place, becoming the town of St. Wendel. His
cell later became the Benedictine Abbey of 23 Oct / Nov 5
Tholey. Later some said he was a herdsman, but The departure of Longinus
icons of him from that town show him as an Irish
monk with a staff and Gospel. There are many
to the Kingdom that is highest:
places in Germany and also the United States he wounded - deed that is noblest!
named after Wendel, Wendell or St. Wendell, - Jesus’ splendid delightful side.
named by people from Germany. The departure of Longinus, Longinus
St. Hilarion, disciple of St. Anthony in and Egitianus nomina militum qui iuxta crucem
the desert, returned near his home to Maiuma in Christi steterunt. Longinue who wounded
Palestine to practice asceticism, but trying to Christ’s side and preached after his tongue had
escape praise left to live in Egypt, Sicily, been cut out. [The soldier who pierced Christ’s
Dalmatia, and then Cyprus. Reposed 372. side at the Crucifixion of our Lord. See Irish Life
St. Hilarion, Bishop of Meglin, reposed 1164. of Longinus, Egerton 91, fo. 13a.]
St. Philotheos, saved from the Turks by Egitanus dedit uinum acetum sibi, et
the Mother of God, lived his life in Mt. Athos, his Longinus uidens signa quae fuerunt in illa die i.
body was discovered in the wilderness with a solem obscuratum et petras scisas et terram
great light around it. tremitam, credidit in Dominum Iesum, et
habitabat in Cessaria ci[ita]te Capodochie et in
St. Matthew, Apostle regione prouince quae est in Assia Minori, habens
quitam uitam monocorum, et uixit annis xx.viii,
22 Oct / Nov 4 et sub praeside Octauiano passus est. From The
The cross of Philippus the Bishop, Martyrology of Tallaght: Passion of Longinus
with whom a pious host was slain; Martyr qui Christum pupugit in latus suum. Qui
Matthew, diadem of every kingdom, etiam predicauit post precisam lingam suam.
with the Passion of Eusebius. The Prologue of Ochrid does not
mention that Longinus's tongue was cut out, but
(See the Apostles for St. Matthew.)
this is an early testimony. How else would so
Philip: at Adrianople in Thrace Philip
many have believed the testimony of one soldier
and Eusebius suffered.
about so great a miracle as the Resurrection? A
From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
soldier in Rome, who pierced the side of our Lord
Matteus Apostle; Pilippus Bishop...
Jesus Christ at His Crucifixion, and also among
St. Matthew: Celtic Rite dates: Nativity
the soldiers guarding His Holy Tomb who
of Matthew May 6, Sept 21, Oct. 7th, Oct. 22nd,
witnessed the great angel at His Resurrection
and May 1st with Philip and James. Roman date:
from the dead, St. Longinus, unlike the others,
Sept 21st. Psalm: Psalm 129, “De Profundis”
could not be bribed. Both the Byzantines and
“Out of the depth I have cried to Thee.”
Irish say that he went to Cappadocia. He was
St Abercius, Bishop of Hierapolis in
Martyred under Octavius, according to the
Phrygia. Emperor Antoninus, 138-161, smashed
glossator of Oengus.
idols, drove demons out of the possessed, and

24 Oct / Nov 6 St. Anastasius, Martyr under Diocletian,
The noble announcement of Severus, weaver, Martyred in Dalmatia in the town of
‘tis better for thee if thou know it: St. Tabitha, 1st c., from Joppa, raised
he has ascended to high heaven from the dead by St. Peter in Lydda. Tabitha
with forty pious ones. means doe.
Erc, Sinell’s daughter, of Imliuch, and
Finngan son of Airchinnech, of Diamair, and 26 Oct / Nov 8
Daliba from Cuil mic Lurchairi, and Lonan of Nassad; Beóán; Mellán,
Cluain Tibrinne, and two Colmans here.
[There are several Sinells: the earliest in every way I weave them together:
person St. Patrick Baptized, commemorated the Feast of Mac Íair’s (four) daughters
March 17th and April 5th; another March 26th who - dear is the just tetrad.
wrote an old Rule who may be Sinell of Cleenish, Nassan, Beoan, Mellan, i.e. in Tamlachta
and some others who are related to other Saints. near Loch Bricrenn, i.e. three Saints of Britain in
The Saints of Ireland lists Sinell of Cleenish Is. in the same church in Hui Echach of Ulster, near
Lough Erne in Fermanagh on Nov. 12th.] Tamlachta Maccu-cuill on Loch Bricrenn. Three
St. Elesbaan emperor of Ethiopia, who Saints of Britain, in una ecclesia sunt, i.e. in
was a monk for fifteen years in thanks for a Tamlachta Mennann at Loch Bricrenn.
victory over persecutors of Christians in A tetrad, i.e. Iar’s four daughters, i.e.
neighboring Arabia, reposed in 555. Dairblinn and Dairmill and Coel and Comgall, in
St. Arethas, Martyr when he was 95 Cell na n-ingen south of Tamlachta in Hui
years old, with 4000 others in the town of Dunchada, or in Tech na mBretan in the precinct
Negran, put to death in A.D. 523 by Dunaan of Kells, as some say, i.e. of Cell na n-ingen
governor of Omir in Arabia, who St. Elesbaan beside Maelruain’s Tamlachta. [Dates related to
(above) was trying to defeat, on the order of St. Maelruain: March 6th, July 7th, Oct. 1st. Dates
emperor Justinian. After the defeat of Dunaan, related to Tallacht, also called Tamlachta: Jan. 3rd,
the city installed a new Christian ruler, and a new April 1st, Oct. 26th.]
Bishop, and rebuilt the Cathedral of the Holy St. Demetrios, or Dimitrios, Martyred in
Trinity, and also a church for the holy Martyrs. 306 A.D. Born in Salonica, Thessalonica, red-
haired. Called Myrrh-bearing “0 Myrovlytes;”
25 Oct / Nov 7 his relics exude Myrrh. A Roman officer under
Four tens, two fifties, emperor Maximian, who had made Thessalonica
his capital; and with pagan sports and sacrifices
with Maximus who comes to us after a victory, St. Demetrios and St. Nestor were
with the feast of Christ’s chosen man denounced. With the blessing of St. Demetrios,
Lassrén the great son of Nascae. St. Nestor defeated a champion named Lyaios or
Laisren, i.e. from Ard macc Nascai (?) In Lyaeus in the arena, similar to David defeating
Ulster, i.e. from Art maic Nasca on the shore of Goliath. St. Nestor was beheaded, St. Demetrius
Loch Laig in Ulster. From The Martyrology of was impaled, and St. Demetrius's servant Lupus
Tallaght: Maximus and others... Lasrianus filii was beheaded. In the 7th century, the relics of St.
Nasci and Maeluidir... Demetrios gushed myrrh; protecting Thessalonica
Saints Marcian Reader, and Martyrius from attacks. The relics are in the crypt of the
Sub-deacon at the Cathedral in Constantinople, Church of St. Demetrios in Thessalonica. In
Martyrs, beheaded in 355 A.D. by Arians. St. icons, St. George is shown spearing a dragon, and
John Chrysostom built a church over their relics. St. Demetrios a man; protecting the city by
See St. Gregory Nazianzus, March 29th, who military and spiritual means.)
brought Constantinople back to Orthodoxy. St. Joasaph, Martyred in 1536 by the Turks.

27 Oct / Nov 9 Liber Hymn. 138, 143 where he misrenders
Erc of treasurous Domnach Mór: caillecha by ‘women’, Atkinson The Irish Liber
Hymnorum, ii. 17 , where he misrenders caillecha
Abbán an Abbot fair and train-having: by ‘hags,’ although the preface honestly says of
Odrán strong, noble (and) buoyant; the Saint: ‘coniugem habuit et in mala uita cum
Colmán grandson of Fiachra. illa fuit.’]
Erc of Domnach mor, i.e. of Mag Nuadat (Abban may have been named after a
near Lathrach Briain in Hui Faelain (in the north second century Martyr - see May 13th.)
of Hui Faelain). From The Martyrology of Tallaght:
Abban, great-grandson of Cormac, i.e. Tarsus; Policarpus; Gaius; Euminus; Noconus;
from Cell Abban in Hui Muiredaig and from Mag Leogus; Metrobus; Diodorus; Marcianus; Lucius;
Ernaidi in Hui Cennselaig, i.e. in Hui Buidi; and Euminia; Eulalia; Insola; Anastasia; Victus;
a great-grandson of Cormac is he himself; and Protus; Gaius; Silinus; Januarius; Cerionis;
this is the feast of his nativity. Longus; Medrotus; Petrus; Tarreus; Cominus;
Abban, son of Laignech, son of Florentius; Celsius. Also: Abbani moccu
Cainnech, son of Imchad, son of Cormac, son of Chormaic (also March 16th); Augustin of
Cucorp. Seventeen pure-shaped years, in Bennchor (Bangor); Colman descendant of
addition to the number three-hundred, the age of Fiachra in Senbotha Fola; seven sons of Stiallain,
Abban, shapely lord, while he was in the body. from Raith. Also: Bishop Erc of Domnach Mor
Odran, i.e. Odran from Letir Odrain in Maige Luadat; Odrani Priest in Letracha or from
Munster and from Tech Airerain in Meath, or I (Iona); Rectini craibdech (the devout); Colmain;
from Colum cille’s Hi; or he is in Gair maic Airennain from Tech Airennan in Mide.
Moga, i.e. an island in Corco-Duibne, and by Marginal notes from The Martyrology of Tallaght:
swimming he went into it. Brendinus profetauit.
Odran, i.e. a Priest: from Tech Airennain O Odran, thou shalt be a master,
in Meath, or from Lettracha Odrain in Munster. ply not thy perversities on me.
Or from Relic Odrain in Columcille’s Hi. Thou shalt be one bearing Colum
Colman descendant of Fiachra, i.e. in [wagon ?] with Mochaeme.
Senbotha fola in Hui Cennselaig; and in his Over Ui Neill, over Connacht
church are the ducks, and they are not touched, westwards,
for though by mistake at night they are put into and over the region of Echtge,
water on a fire, and all the woods of the world are the relics of Colum grandson of
burnt under the caldron, the water does not get Crimthann
hot until they are taken out (and put) into the shall be borne to Inis Celtra.
same pool (in which they were before). ‘The relics of Colum son (great-
If thou have (aught), spend on Sunday grandson) of Crimthann were taken by
for God’s sake: Mochoeme of Tir da Glas and by Odran the
If thou have not, thou shouldst buy: if Master on a wain over Echtge, southwards to Inis
thou buy not, thou shouldst weep. Celtra, to Caimine of Inis Celtra.’ [The poem also
A Priest, practicing coition, small is his appears in a late Franciscan copy on December
profit in Baptizing; 13th, but spoken by Mochoeme at the Baptism of
Baptism comes not from him, after Odran, when Odran wept.]
visiting his nun. [The following poem about Fasting
[translator’s note: see the preface to Cuchuimne’s belongs next to Nov. 13th, at the start of
hymn: “Cuchuimne has studied science half way: the Advent Fast, or before the weeks of
the other half which remains he has left for sake the Ember days. St. Mael Ruain stated
of his nuns.” “Cuchuimne role suthe co drumne the “Pentecost Fast” is forty days, so this
al-leth aile arata re leic ar a chaillecha.” Todd, “Fast of the Apostles” is another time.]

Lent of the Apostles, twelve days, Several miles away his kinsman, king
it must needs be kept Guaire of Connacht was eating his festal meal
three days every quarter, a clear course when angels took the food away from him before
the Prophets of righteousness proclaim. his eyes. The king and his attendants chased after
the angel and the food, and came to Colman’s
The first Wednesday, Friday dear, door. (There is a pathway in the rock terrain
the first Saturday of that month, around Burren called the “road of the dishes.”)
provided it is from March, a good work, The king relented, and with the Saint founded
its beginning, its commencement. Kilmacduagh, the church of the son of Duac.
Colman was the first Bishop of the
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday of the course, territory called the diocese of Kilmacduagh in
is the second week of July. Galway. Colman’s crozier is in the National
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Museum of Dublin. It had been in the possession
the third week of September. of the O’Heynes of the barony of Kiltartan,
descendants of Guaire, and their kinsmen the
And in the third full week O’Shaughnessys. The crozier had been used to
of December, excellent the meeting, take oaths and prove innocence or guilt. In
the three same days fittingly Kilmacduagh the oratory of St. John may be as
are kept fasting for the Son of the good and great old as the time of St. Colman. There are also
God. other later but notable ruins at that site, including
a church and leaning tower older than Pisa.
This is the order of the fasting St. Nestor, see St. Demetrios yesterday.
upon which He puts obligation, Also, St. Nestor the chronicler of
with the good-will of my bountiful King: Russian ecclesiastical history, much like Bede,
no meat, no wine, no female. reposed A.D. 1114.
St. Andrew, prince of Smolensk, who hid
It is sanctification for one merely in a monastery for 30 years, reposed 1390.
to fast on the Ember days, St Procula Claudia, or Procula, Proculla,
without murmuring, a sinless cause, Procla, Prokla, Procle, Procles, or Claudia. wife
great the reward of it before the Apostle. of Pontius Pilate, who tried to warn Pilate against
killing Christ. She became a Christian. More is
The prayer of the twelve good men in the 4th century Gospel of Nicodemus, in the
to the King of Heaven, a strength that is not false, 'Acts of Pilate.'
May I attain to Paradise, lasting its fame,
After the fast of lent of the Apostles. St. Simon Zelotes, and
Modern sources list Colman of St. Judas, the brother
Kilmacduagh on Oct. 29th, but Oengus places a of James (Thaddeus)
St. Colman today. There are many Colmans. Burial in Babylon of both.
Colman was the son of Duac, born about 550 in
Kiltartan in Galway and died A.D. 632. He was
(Oct 28/ Nov 10)
educated on Enda’s monastery on the Aran Ample is their assembly:
Islands, and later he moved to Burren in County Babylon their burial-ground:
Clare. He loved prayer and long fastings. Thaddaeus and Simon,
According to one legend, he was without food on huge is their host.
the Sunday of Pascha after a long Lenten fast. (See the Apostles.)
(See the Rules of Fasting: the Irish Lenten Fast St. Simon: Celtic dates: July 1st, Oct 28th
could extend from Jan. 7th through to Pascha.) burial in Babylon. Byzantine date: May 10th.

Roman date: Oct 28th. Psalm: 131. 30 Oct / Nov 12
St. Judas, the brother of James: Celtic Two hundred and sixty in full
Rite dates: July 1st, Oct 28th burial in Babylon.
Byzantine date: June 19th. Roman date:
on the same Festival - a sea of triumphs!
(Thaddeus) Oct 28th. Psalm: 132. Ernach a virgin, a lofty pillar;
(Use the Psalm for St. Simon as the Gradual, and Colmán descendant of Gúale.
the Psalm for St. Judas as the Alleluia.) Slana, i.e. sound, with naught wanting in
Thaddaeus [in Irish - Tathae] and Simon them. Or in slane in Bregia they all are, ut ferunt;
Thaddeus and Simon, i.e. Judas, alio sed in uno die morti sunt quodam cassu. [Slana
nomine, Simon Cannaneius. Tatha qui Iudas means “health,” sound or whole.]
dicitur, sed non proditor Christi. Simon Ernach, a virgin, i.e. in Dun in Ciarraige
Cannaneus qui dicitur frater Iudae apostoli. From Ae in Connaught: [or] in Dun da en in Dalaradia.
The Martyrology of Tallaght: Simonis Cannanei Colman, i.e. in Land Mocholmoc in Hui
and Tatheus Apostles... Gaela or Gaile, i.e. of Gailine of the tribes of
St. Simon Zelotes, and St. Judas (Jude, Ulster. Colman great-grandson of Gale, i.e. of
Thaddeus, and Lebbaeus), the brother of James. the Gailinne was he, i.e. a tribe in Ulster. In Land
St. Judas is not the ungodly Judas Iscariot, but the Mocholmoc, however, he is, or in Cammas
holy St. Jude famous for intercessions in lost Comgaill.
causes. Lebbaeus means “ardent.” Thaddeus Of Mo-cholmoc, Abbot of Cammas,
means “he who renders praise.” great-grandson of Cuala or grandson of Gaile, of
Another Byzantine Feast of the Gailinne of Ulster is he, and in Land Mocholmoc
Encircling Veil of the Mother of God, see Oct. 1st. he is.
Also: St. Petka. Saints Terence and Apostles of the 70: Cleopas, Tertius,
Neonilla, Martyrs with seven children. Mark, Justus and Artemas, 1st c. Also, St.
St. Steven, writer of Canons, ascetic; 807. Zenobius, Priest, with his sister St. Zenobia,
St. Arsenius of Pec, Bishop; 1266; Martyrs, from Aegae in Cilicia, about 285 A.D.
protected Orthodoxy. St. Milutin of Serbia, wonderworker,
St. Athanasius, Patriarch of who has incorrupt relics; he built forty churches,
Constantinople, defender of Orthodoxy; 14th and defended Orthodox theology from a false
century. union with Rome. He was married twice after
St. Dimitri of Rostov, Bishop ascetic and being a widower; to the Hungarian princess
writer of lives of Saints, reposed 1709. Elisabeth; then to the Byzantine princess
Simonida. Reposed 1320.
29 Oct / Nov 11 Holy John Kochurov, Priest, Martyred in
May the host of Quintus with great fervor 1917 in Russia by communists. He had first
established a church in America in Chicago,
protect us against every danger! returning to Russia.
they gained victory after forgiveness
at Táimthene’s quieting. 31 Oct / Nov 13
Of Quintus a Martyr et multi cum eo. Quintinus fair, crucified;
Tamthene a virgin proprium nomen uirginis.
Some modern sources list Colman of
Faelán with many bands,
Kilmachduagh today, but Oengus lists him Oct. they declare, with a host of fathers,
27th, where the notes on him are placed. the lofty end of October.
Also: St. Anastasia the Roman, Martyred (See note after Sept. 30th about important
under Decius, around 250. St. Abraham the Feasts: Nov. 1st is not the most important day of
Recluse, reposed 360. St. Timothy of many Saints. But the Vigil of a Feast day such as
Esphigmenou, Martyred by Turks, 1820. All Saints is a fast day.)

Quintinus, i.e. a Martyr: he was expelled Fosses, and Foillan placed Ultan as Abbot over it.
from the city of Rome under the emperor Foillan himself preferred missionary preaching,
Maximianus, and he came to the city of Amiens which he carried out with the help of the nobles
Abinensium (leg. Ambianorum), et ibi passus est Erchinoald and the family of Pepin of Landen, in
sub Riciouaro prefecto. Quintinus in Gallia sub the area of Brabant. A companion on these
Maximiano imperatore passus est. journeys was the Irish Fredegand (July 17th), who
Faelan, i.e. Fursu’s brother, i.e. an Abbot became Abbot of Kerkelodor near Antwerp.
in Gaul, i.e. Fursa’s brother, and he was a Martyr. Foillan sang the vigil of the Feast of St.
St. Foillan or Fullane was an Irish Quentin in Nivelles on Oct. 31st 655. (The night
missionary to England and then Belgium, who before St. Quentin's day of Oct. 31st.) After the
died in A.D. 655. The town of Foses in Belgium vigil Foillan went back on the road of his
has a great pageant for him every seven years missionary journey, and there he became a
called the March of Foillan, and his relics are Martyr. The night after his departure, Ultan had a
taken from town to town in a procession (see vision of a snow white dove whose wings dripped
Rogations before the Ascension; processions at with blood, ascending to heaven. On Jan. 16th,
certain times are a tradition). Fursey (see Jan. two months later, the mangled body of Foillan
16th) missionized East Anglia with his brothers was found in the forest of Seneffe. When his
Foillan, Ultan, and others, and king Sigebert built body was brought to Nivelles the mayor of the
them a monastery at Burghcastle in Suffolk. palace, Grimoald, and the Bishop of Poitiers,
When Fursey set out on a pilgrimage to Rome Dado, came there and assisted in carrying it into
twelve years later, Foillan governed the English the monastery. (The mayor of a palace, or
mission, and he continued there until pagan steward, had most of the power in France, often
Mercians destroyed it. The monks took as many more power than a king, and acted as a regent or
books and church valuables as they could carry, governor.) Foillan’s books and other things were
and fled to France. By the time they arrived, treasured in Gertrude’s convent. Nivelles and
Fursey had died and was buried in Peronne (he Fosses were both centers of Irish missions.
died in 648), and already many pilgrims visited Fosses was destroyed in 880 by
the tomb of Fursey where great miracles Norsemen (Normans or Danes). The Scots (Irish)
occurred. A monastery for the exclusive use of had been in control of it until that time. (Later
Irish was built at that site, the first monastery of Medievals gave all Irish monasteries in Europe to
its kind on the continent of Europe. Foillan was the English, because they did not understand that
the first Abbot of the monastery at Peronne, but the earlier term “Scot” which meant “north”
he did not stay long. Abbess Gertrude of Nivelles referred to the Irish, and the Irish who settled in
heard about Foillan and Ultan, and invited them the land of the Picts were called “Scottish” as
to Nivelles to teach her monks and nuns the opposed to “Pictish;” and therefore later when
Liturgy, Scripture, and sacred chant. In the “Scotland” was under the control of the English,
Breviary of Paris it says, “Rome at that time took they assumed that anything “Scottish” belonged
care to have the relics of the Saints and holy to the English as well.) St. Foillan is
Books brought to [St. Gertrude].” She also sent commemorated in a number of churches in
to Ireland for other holy men to teach her and her France and Belgium: Fosses on Jan. 16th when his
people “the canticles of the Holy Law which the body was found; Namur on Oct. 31st when Foillan
Irish had almost by heart.” (Music for the Psalter was Martyred, the date of Ultan’s vision; at
would have been known at that time.) Mechlin and Tournai on Nov. 5th. The “March of
The monastery of Vossuensis was built Foillan” is done in September.
on the banks of the Sambre for “Saints Fullane St. Bee, Begha, or Begu was an Irish
and Ultaneus, brothers of St. Furseus” (Latin nun living in England in the seventh century. Her
endings). Gertrude’s mother was Blessed Itta, and father was a king, and she wished to enter the
she gave Foillan a tract of land for a monastery at religious life against his wishes. An angel

appeared and gave her a bracelet engraved with a Liturgy. The Liturgy uses General Requiem
Cross. The night before her wedding, she escaped Lections. If this day falls on a Sunday, do the
across the Irish sea to the northwest of England. Propers and Lections used for the Sunday as well
She spent time as a recluse, praying and caring as the Propers and Lections for All Saints.)
for the poor and sick, but then she left that life Also today: Lonan - festival without
and presented herself to St. Aedan of Lindisfarne shame - was a son of his, and Drustic, daughter of
so that she could give her vows as a nun. (Some the king of Britain, was his mother. She was
say that Bee is the same as Heiu who had also innocent, but she was not timid,
given her vows before Aedan, who gave up her she was a virgin [at the beginning of the tale, or a
position at Hartlepool in favor of the royal nun], full was her hardship, so that she gave love
princess Hilda. The Venerable Bede says about to Rioc. (A tale is told of another appearing in
Hilda and Begu: when Hilda died, Begu in the form of Rioc, etc.)
another cloister saw Hilda in a glorious light Also today: St. Benignus of Dijon was
ascending to heaven with the tolling of bells. The Martyred, and then buried in a large sarcophagus.
community gathered in the chapel to pray for Because of the large size of it, the local Bishop
Hilda, and found out by messengers the next day Gregorius did not believe it was the tomb of a
that Hilda had died.) Bee’s monastery on the Christian Saint, even though miracles occurred
promontory called by her name was in use for there. (St. Gregory of Tours records this in his
nine hundred years. A twelfth century record tells Glory of the Martyrs: this St. Gregorius happened
that Bee’s bracelet was used as a relic, and if to be his great-grandfather.) Bishop Gregorius
something was sworn on it, that statement would learned by a vision that the tomb indeed was the
be accepted without further question. tomb of a Saint, and then he rebuilt the tomb, and
Byzantine Rite dates: Apostles of the found the history of the Martyr Benignus, who
70: Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles had been Martyred in molten lead. “Many people
and Aristobulus, 1st c. St. Epimachus of pour wine and cider into the depressions that
Alexandria, Martyred about 250; overthrew idols, were made on top of the stone to which
then was tortured and beheaded. St. Nicholas of Benignus’ feet were affixed with molten lead.
Chios, Martyred by the Turks in 1754. Then, once eyes afflicted with inflammation or
some other sores are soaked with this liquid,
1 Nov / Nov 14 immediately the illness leaves and they are
healed.” St. Benignus also saved a family from a
All Saints, Celtic New Year,
plague of the groin. Eventually the plague was
and All the Departed turned from the region of Clermont through the
Lonán, Colmán; Cronán; prayers of the holy Bishop St. Gallus.
In the Byzantine Rite: Saints Cosmas
with their bright sunny following:
and Damian: see note Sept. 27th. November 1st is
the hosts of Hilarius sure multitudinous a limited “All Saints” in the Byzantine Rite, only
ennoble stormy All Saints Day. for “Unmercenaries,” i.e., physicians who
(See special Mass below. [In Irish worked for free; i.e., one might say, Irish Saints,
“stormy All-Saints Day” is: “soerait samain or anybody who will pray for others. See note
sianaig.” The word “samain” is a pun on the word also on Oct. 19th / Nov. 1st for St. Varus; the Irish
“day” related to Old French, and also the name of pray for all people, asking for God's mercy, the
the month of November, the first month, in Irish, point of All Saints and All Souls day.
“Samhain” pronounced “sah-vahn.”] See note In the Russian Prologue of Ochrid, a St.
after Sept. 30th on dates of many Saints. The Hermenegildo or Ermengild today, prince in
Celtic All Saints day includes All Souls. The Visigothic Spain raised Arian. (More complete
entire congregation should be present, with lists history, see the history of St. James the Greater in
of names of the departed that are read during the Spain. The Byzantine colony of “Spania,” which

was in the southern part of Spain, was an attempt Epistle I Thess. 4:12-18 (The Resurrection of
to protect the failing Roman empire.) St. the Dead: the dead shall rise first.)
Hermenegildo's Orthodox wife Ingund was the Sequence: Psalm 138 and Altus Prosator.
daughter of the Frankish king Sigebert I. St. No Alleluia. On the Vigil as well.
Hermenegildo converted to Orthodoxy, and his Psalm 138 (Heb. 139) Domine probasti
father objected. He led a revolt against his father “Lord, Thou hast proved me, and known
Leovigild, asking for Byzantine help, which was me: Thou hast known my sitting down,
not given because they were under siege. and my rising up.” “...Whither shall I go
Imprisoned, he was Martyred by his heretic father from Thy Spirit? or whither shall I flee
when St. Hermanegildo refused Communion from Thy face? If I ascend into heaven,
from an Arian Bishop on Easter, April 13, 585. Thou art there: if I descend into hell,
See St. Stephen, Dec. 26th, about a miracle that Thou art present...” “Prove me, O God,
happened in Osset, in the Byzantine colony of and know my heart: examine me, and
Spain that caused an unbelieving Spanish king to know my paths. And see if there be in
die. St. Hermenegildo's brother Reccared became me the way of iniquity: and lead me in
king soon after, and converted to Orthodoxy, the eternal way.” (See Sunday after
convening the Council of Toledo in 589. That Pentecost, a Saints' day. Psalm 147.)
Council ratified the non-Orthodox “Filioque,”
Altus Prosator St. Colum cille
which the Spanish saw as a way to fight
Arianism, even though it assumes a procession of Abecedarian Hymn of the history of the
the Holy Spirit from the Father “and the Son,” universe, original in Latin. Translation
the same as Arian or Gnostic emanation theory. by Bernard, D.D., and Atkinson, LL.D.,
The son of St. Hermenegild, Athanagild, born London, 1898. (The later Dies Irae
585, escaped with his mother to the Byzantine plagiarizes it, starting at the letter R, the
Empire, was raised there, and later married Flavia Last Judgment. Last verse “D” for
Juliana, a Byzantine princess. The great-grandson DEUM, God. Hymn for All Saints Day
of Hermenegildo, Ervig, became the king of and Church Consecrations. “Dies Irae”
Spain in 680, allowing the “Filioque” without may be same music, Irish keening song.
reference to Orthodox views on the subject, and A [Altus]
also writing laws against Jews. More than two The High Creator, Ancient of Days, and
centuries later, the Byzantines rejected the Unbegotten
“Filioque” attributing its promotion to was without origin of beginning and without end;
Charlemagne, not earlier kings in Spain. He is and shall be to infinite ages of ages
Also today: Saints James, James, and with Whom is Christ the only begotten and the
Dionysius, Martyred by Turks in 1520, after Holy Spirit,
converting some of the Turks. coeternal in the everlasting glory of the Godhead.
We set forth not three gods, but we say there is
Mass for All Saints and Souls:
One God,
Introductory Collect [Use the Introductory saving our faith in three most glorious Persons.
Collect for the Apostles, Martyrs, and
Holy Virgins and also the Mass of the B [Bonos]
Dead in the Celtic Missal, including He created good Angels, and Archangels, the
names of the departed.] orders
Collect Before the Epistle of Principalities and Thrones, of Authorities and
[Use the Collect Before the Epistle for Powers,
the Apostles, Martyrs, and Holy Virgins, that the Goodness and Majesty of the Trinity might
and also for the Mass of the Dead in the not be inactive
Celtic Missal, with names of departed.] in all offices of bounty,

but might have creatures in which seduced,
it might richly display heavenly privileges by a the Devil falls a second time, with his satellites;
word of power. by the horror of whose faces and the sound of
whose flight
C [Caeli] frail men, stricken with fear, should be affrighted,
From the summit of heaven’s kingdom, from the being unable with carnal eyes to look upon them;
brightness of angelic station, who now are bound in bundles with the bonds of
from the beauty of the splendor of his form, their prison-houses.
through pride Lucifer, whom He had made, had
fallen; H [Hic]
and the apostate angels too by the same sad fall He, removed from the midst, was cast down by the
of the author of vainglory and stubborn envy, Lord
the rest remaining in their principalities. The space of the air is closely crowded
with a disordered crew of his rebel satellites;
D [Draco] invisible,
The Dragon, great, most foul, terrible, and old, lest men infected by their evil examples and their
which was the slimy serpent, more subtle than all crimes,
the beasts no screens or walls ever hiding them,
and fiercer living things of earth, should openly defile themselves before the eyes of
drew with him the third part of the stars into the all.
of the infernal regions and of divers prisons, I [Inuehunt]
apostate from the True Light, headlong cast by the The clouds carry the wintry floods from the
parasite. fountains of the sea--
the three deeper floods of Ocean --
E [Excelsus] to the regions of heaven in azure whirlwinds,
The Most High, foreseeing the frame and order of to bless the crops, the vineyards and the buds;
the world driven by the winds issuing from their treasure
had made the heaven and earth. The sea and houses;
waters He established; which drain the corresponding shallows of the sea.
likewise the blades of grass, the twigs of shrubs;
sun, moon, and stars; fire and necessary things; K [Kaduca]
birds, fish, and cattle; beasts and living things: The tottering and despotic and momentary glory
and lastly man first-formed to rule with prophecy. of the kings of this present world is set aside by the
will of GOD!
F [Factis] Lo! the giants are recorded to groan beneath the
So soon as the stars, the lights of the firmament, waters
were made, with great torment, to be burned with fire and
the angels praised for His wondrous handywork punishment;
the Lord of the vast mass, the Builder of the and, choked with the swelling whirlpools of
heavens, Cocytus,
with praise giving proclamation, meet and overwhelmed with Scillas, they are dashed to
unceasing; pieces with waves and rocks.
and in noble concert gave thanks to the Lord,
of love and choice, not from endowment of nature. L [Ligatas]
The waters that are bound up in the clouds the
G [Grasatis] Lord ofttime droppeth,
Our first two parents having been assailed and lest they should burst forth all at once, their

barriers being broken Q [Quis]
from whose fertilizing streams as from breasts, Who hath ascended to Sinai, the appointed
gradually flowing through the regions of this earth, mountain of the Lord,
cold and warm at divers seasons, Who hath heard the thunders beyond measure
the never failing rivers ever run. pealing,
Who the clang of the mighty trumpet resound,
M [Magni] By the divine powers of the great Who hath seen the lightnings gleaming round
GOD is suspended about,
the globe of earth, and thereto is set the circle of Who the flashes and the thunderbolts and the
the great deep, crashing rocks,
supported by the strong hand of GOD Almighty; Save Moses the judge of Israel’s people?
promontories and rocks sustaining the same,
with columns like to bars on solid foundations, R [Regis]
immoveable like so many strengthened bases. The day of the Lord, the King of Kings most
righteous, is at hand:
N [Nulli] a day of wrath and vengeance, of darkness and
To no man seemeth it doubtful that hell is in the cloud;
lowest regions, a day of wondrous mighty thunderings,
where are darkness, worms, and dread beasts, a day of trouble also, of grief and sadness,
where is fire of brimstone blazing with devouring in which shall cease the love and desire of women
flames, and the strife of men and the lust of this world.
where is the crying of men, the weeping and
gnashing of teeth, S [Stantes]
where is the groaning of Gehenna, terrible and Trembling we shall be standing before the
from of old judgment seat of the Lord,
where is the horrid, fiery, burning of thirst and and shall give account of all our deeds;
hunger. seeing also our crimes set before our eyes,
and the books of conscience open before us,
O [Orbem] we shall break forth into most bitter cries and sobs,
Under the earth, as we read, there are dwellers, we the necessary opportunities of action being
know, withdrawn.
whose knee ofttimes bendeth in prayer to the Lord;
for whom it is impossible to unroll the written T [Tuba]
book -- As the wondrous trumpet of the First Archangel
sealed with seven seals, according to the warnings soundeth,
of Christ -- the strongest vaults and sepulchres shall burst
which He Himself had opened, after He had risen open,
victorious, thawing the (death) chill of the men of the present
fulfilling the prophetic presages of His Advent. world;
the bones from every quarter gathering together to
P [Plantatum] their joints,
That Paradise was planted by the Lord from the the ethereal souls meeting them
beginning and again returning to their proper dwellings.
we read in the noble opening of Genesis;
from its fountain four rivers are flowing, U [Uagatur]
and in its flowery midst is the Tree of Life, Orion wanders from his culmination the meridian
whose leaves for the healing of the nations fall not; of heaven,
its delights are unspeakable and abounding. the Pleiades, brightest of constellations, being left

behind, Gospel John 5:19-20; 11:25-26
through the bounds of Ocean, of its unknown (The Son does the Father’s works; “I am
eastern circuit; the Resurrection and the Life; he that
Vesper circling in fixed orbits returns by her believeth in me, although he be dead,
ancient paths, shall live; and every one that liveth and
rising after two years at eventide; believeth in me shall not die for ever.”)
(these), with figurative meanings, (are) regarded as Ad Pacem, (Secret, or Collect of
the Preface) Always said aloud.
X [Xristo] [Use the first two Ad Pacem for the
When Christ, the most High Lord, descendeth Apostles, Martyrs, and Holy Virgins and
from heaven, also the Mass of the Dead in the Celtic
before Him shall shine the most brilliant sign and Missal, including names of the
standard of the Cross; departed.]
and the two chief luminaries being darkened, Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio
the stars shall fall to the earth, as the fruit from a (Preface in the Roman Rite)
fig-tree, [Use the first Dignum, and then for the
and the surface of the world shall be like a fiery Holy Martyrs; the Apostles and all the
furnace. Saints; and also of the Dead in the Celtic
Then shall the hosts hide themselves in the caves Missal.]
of the mountains. Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
Dangerous Prayer”)
Y [Ymnorum]
[Use the Post Sanctus for the Apostles,
By chanting of hymns continually ringing out,
Martyrs, Saints or Virgins in the Celtic
by thousands of angels rejoicing in holy dances,
and by the four living creatures full of eyes,
Proper Blessings of the Day by a
with the four and twenty happy elders,
casting down their crowns beneath the feet of the Bishop only if present: Four
Lamb of GOD, complete Blessings:
the Trinity is praised with eternal threefold KAL. Novembris. Omnium Sanctorum
repetition. [Blessing for the All Saints day in
November, and an opportunity to list
Z [Zelus] many Saints or special Patron or Titular
The raging fury of fire shall consume the Saints. In the third verse: we copy their
adversaries, examples, not just gain heaven by the
unwilling to believe that Christ came from GOD works or merits of the Saints.]
the Father; May the Lord bless you through the prayers of
but we shall forthwith fly up to meet Him, His Saints, [NN.], and free you from the snares of
and so shall we be with Him in divers orders of adversities. Amen.
dignities May He commend you to glorious intercession of
according to the everlasting merits of our rewards, them, whose death is precious in His sight.
to abide in glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
So that just as they chose the inheritance of the
DEUM [God] Heavenly Kingdom through diverse torments,
Who can please GOD in the last time, likewise you may deserve to be in their company
when the glorious ordinances of truth are changed? through the demonstration of good works. Amen.
Who but the despisers of this present world? May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages

of ages. Amen. to have some commemoration of St.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son Hilary today. The prayer below refers to
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be the first words of St. Hilary's Hymn.
ever with you. Amen. Otherwise, the festival of All Saints also
may use the Psalm, and Altus Prosator
Benedictio in Die Omnium Sanctorum Sive Ad for Gradual. This blessing for St. Hilary
Vesperum of Poitiers also may be used at his
[Blessing on the day of All Saints, the proper Feast. - (Elizabeth Dowling).]
Vespers the evening before the day. [Note in the critical text: "The
Vespers Nov 1, but according to modern blessing for Hilary is out of order, being
calendars Oct. 31/ Nov. 13 evening.] given among the forms for All Saints. It
Grant, Almighty God, that all the orders of the is given at the usual date, 13 January, in
heavenly Virtues, and the Holy Birthgiver of God the Freising Benedictional (B). Martin
Mary, and Thy Holy Apostles, Martyrs, and Hilary are the first two names
Confessors, Virgins, and all of the Saints, whose among the confessors in the Litany of
glorious festival we celebrate today, always and the Dedicatio ecclesiae in Egbert. Apart
everywhere help us so that through their from the New Testament Saints, the
intercessions, we may be strong enough to seize Macchabees, the two festivals of the
life eternal. Amen. Cross, Laurence, Hilary and Martin are
With Thy aid overshadowing the faithful of Thy the only Saints commemorated in the
people, O Lord, and by the intercessions of Thy Egbert Benedictional."]
Saints, at whose festival day we rejoice, make us O God, the Founder of faith; the Grantor of the
to be freed from every adversity, and to rejoice in Priesthood; the Gatherer of the people; the
eternal felicity with them. Amen. Sanctification of the Confessor; Who armed
O God, the Creator of all things; the Regenerator Hilary with virtue, so that he was militant in faith
of the human race; Creator of all that is in to Thee, grant these to be Thy family through his
heaven, on earth, and in hell; Who hears the intercessions, who worship [Christ] the High
prayers of all from the beginning of the world; Priest in faith with prayers. Amen.
grant through their intercessions cleansing of all May he intercede with Thee for us, who of old
sins, so that we may be strong and without sin stood as a champion for Thee against the heretics.
enough to seize the eternal kingdom. May He Amen.
bless you. Amen. So that with Thee bestowing good things, people
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain without number may honor, that which the Priest
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages sweated out in faith. May that one bless you.
of ages. Amen. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
ever with you. Amen. of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
Benedictio. KAL. Novembris. Natale Sancti and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
Hilarii [For St. Hilary because of his Hymn.] ever with you. Amen.
[St. Hilary wrote the Hymn, "The
Community of the Brethren," Hymn 2 in Benedictio Omnium Sanctorum [The blessing
the Antiphonary of Bangor, a long Hymn for All Saints: at two times of the year,
on the Life of Christ and all the November 1 / Nov. 14, and the Sunday
Brethren, or Saints. A Bishop explains after Pentecost.]
that it is appropriate to meditate on that May Almighty God bless you through the most
Hymn. Therefore, it is also appropriate glorious intercession of all the Saints, and may

He be pleased to most peacefully accept your nobleman and a brehon by profession, which was
humble blessing. Amen. a judge of the complex Irish laws. He was of
And may you be worthy, with their aid, to be king Loeghaire’s inner circle, and he alone paid
guided unto the heavens to the fellowship of St. Patrick homage when St. Patrick was assailed
those departed, whose most joyous triumph you on the Hill of Slane on Easter Saturday before the
celebrate on earth with sincerity of heart. Amen. king and druid priests. St. Patrick Ordained him
So that, cleansed from the stains of worldly Priest and Bishop. In his church at Tralee St.
contamination, and adorned with shining lamps Brendan the Navigator (of Clonfert) was tutored
of all virtues, and gracefully joined together with by Erc from age six until Ordination. Erc had a
the heavenly flock, and with the Bridegroom hermitage at Slane which later became a famous
coming, may you run out to greet [Him], monastic school, educating a king of France,
illumined with the sparks of good works. Amen. Dagobert II in the seventh century. Vikings
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain plundered the round tower in 948 destroying “the
without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages best of bells” and Erc’s crozier and shrine. The
of ages. Amen. shrine was again plundered in 1170 by Diarmuid
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son MacMurrough and Strongbow (see Jan. 1st).
and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be Also: Saints Acyndinus, Pegasius,
ever with you. Amen. Anempodistus, Aphthonius, Elpidephorus of
Confraction arrangement for All Persia, with 7,000 others, Martyred by king Sapor
Saints: 7 Particles for Saints and Virgins. in 355.
[The Particle where the bars cross is the St. Marcian of Cyrus in Syria, 387,
Celebrant’s Particle.] Seven Particles of wonderworker ascetic.
the Host of Saints and Virgins except the St. Victorinus, Bishop of Patav, Martyr,
most important ones as the image of the A.D. 303.
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
(Although the most important Saints are 3 Nov /Nov 16
also included on this day, all others are Announce Hilarius over the great sea:
included. It would also be appropriate to Murdebar a synod’s diadem:
use 9 Particles for the nine orders in the the fair Festival of Corcu-nutan;
Church and households of heaven, and
also because it is usually for Sunday, the
at the Feastday of Cóemán of Enach.
St. Hilary, i.e. a Pope of Rome, i.e. a
day of the Resurrection reminding us
Bishop and Abbot of Poitiers, who composed the
that we all look for the Resurrection of
hymn beginning ‘Hymnum dicat.’ Over a mighty
the Dead.)
sea, i.e. over the great sea was he, i.e. over the
Post Communion [Use the Post-
Red Sea, from the South, i.e. out of Egypt was
Communion for the Apostles, Martyrs, he. (Note that St. Hilary is the author of the
and Holy Virgins and also the Mass of Hynm, “The Community of the Brethren,” Hymn
the Dead in the Celtic Missal, including 2 in the Antiphonary of Bangor. See the Bishop's
names of the departed.] Blessing for him for All Saints' day above.)
[Notes in the Glory of the Martyrs by St.
2 Nov / Nov 15 Gregory of Tours: Queen Radegund, daughter of
The senior of our land’s Apostles, king Thuringia, had been captured by king
Patrick, a primal pillar, Chlothar in A.D. 531 and married to him. King
bestowed a blessing of triumph Chlothar killed her brother, and she left married
life and founded a convent at Poitiers, which
on Bishop Erc of Sláne. venerated Saint Hilary of Poitiers. Radegund had
St. Erc (reposed A.D. 512) was a young Agnes as Abbess, and used the Rule of Bishop

Caesarius of Arles who died in 542. Around 568 5 Nov / 18
Radegund sent servants to Constantinople, and The Passion of Domninus the
they brought back relics of the True Cross from
emperor Justin II, which Radegund put into a
silver reliquary. The True Cross caused many round whom man-children were slain:
miracles. On other journeys, they also visited Very full of God’s grace
Jerusalem and other lands, bringing back relics of was Colmán of Glenn Delmaicc.
all the holy Martyrs and Confessors. According Domnini, or Domangin, a Bishop of
to St. Gregory of Tours, miracles associated with Alexandria.
the True Cross include a great light in the church Apostles of the Seventy: Saints Patrobus
on the vigil night of Good Friday, which the nuns Bishop of Neapolis; Hermes of Philipopolis,
kept without any candles being lit. Also, the oil (Rom. 16:14); Linus Bishop [first Pope] of
in the lamps before all the relics would bubble Rome, (II Tim. 4:21), Gaius of Ephesus, (Rom.
over as if the oil was boiling, and exude more oil 16:23); and Philologus of Synope, (Rom. 15:16).
from them which had to be captured in vessels Ss. Galaction and Episteme, from
beneath the lamps, which St. Gregory witnessed. Edessa in Phoenicia, ascetics who were married
He also mentioned a miracle of a blind girl but took vows before living as married, and lived
receiving her sight there. Radegund died in 587 on Mt. Publion, in the men's and woman's
A.D. She is not listed as a Saint, but she is called monastery. Martyred 253. For Edessa, see St.
by St. Gregory of Tours “comparable to Helena in Thomas and St. Jude.
both merit and faith.” She increased the fame of St. Jonah, Bishop of Novgorod, d. 1570,
Poitiers, and thereby their patron Saint Hilary.] with wonder-working relics that did not burn in a
Also today: St. Acepsimus, Bishop of fire.
Naeson, Persian, Martyred by king Sapor. St.
Elias of Egypt, ascetic. 6 Nov / 19
Though men destroyed them
4 Nov / 17
by splendid Martyrdom,
Dear the sun without suddenness,
the host of Adrianus
with a great fearless train,
has gone to mysterious heaven.
Perpetua without reproach, Fedbair a virgin of Botha eich uaichnich
the excellent conjux Petri. in Tir ratha, and Aedan son of Colca (?) From
Without fear, i.e. at suffering for Christ’s Land Abaich in Ulster here.
sake. Conjux... of Peter before his Apostleship. St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople,
Tigernach of Daire melle here. [The translator has Martyred in 351 by Arians.
a typographical error of dates, but these Saints are St. Varlaam of Chutinsk, the
for the 4th of November.] Wonderworker, ascetic on the Volkhov river.
St. Nicander, Bishop of Myra in Lycea, Relics worked wonders: at one time raising the
and St. Hermas, or Hermaeus, or Hermaios, dead, another time Tsar Ivan left his staff.
Priest. Ordained by Apostle Titus of the Seventy.
Martyred: survived many tortures, but then were 7 Nov / 20
buried alive. 1st or early 2nd c. Not known if this
is the same St. Hermas who wrote the popular
The vast troop of Eusebius,
early book, The Pastor of Hermas. though sore was their slaying,
St. Joannicius, ascetic wonderworker, has found - a mighty choice! -
from Bithynia, large in stature, supported icons. a great land on the plain of heaven.
Reposed 846. Finntan and Colman of Inis Mocholmoc
and Sodalach an Anchorite here.

St. Florentius was successor to St. 9 Nov / 22
Arbogast, a solitary at Alscase and Abbot of Donatus and Damianus,
Surburg and Shutteran monasteries and finally
Bishop of Strasbourg. Arbogast was buried, at
they were not shameless revilers:
his request, on a mountainside reserved for at the same Festival with ease (?)
criminals, but soon afterwards a church was built the feast of wealthy Sínech.
over his tomb. Florentius built another church for Also, Benen, also called Benignus
all Irish pilgrims who came there, called St. second Bishop at Armagh. Benen son of Sesgne
Thomas outside the walls; a monastery under was the successor of St. Patrick at Armagh. (See
Irish Rule. March 17th, St. Patrick, “The Deer's Cry.”) From
Also today: St. Hieron and companions, The Tripartite Life: “...Howbeit, the enemy who
Martyred A.D. 298. His companions' names, were waiting to ambush them, saw eight deer
were Saints: Hesychius, Nicander, Athanasius, going past them, and behind them a fawn with a
Mamas, Barachius, Callinicus, Theogenes, bundle on its back. That was Patrick with his
Nikon, Longinus, Theodore, Valerius, Xanticus, eight, and Benen behind them with his tablets on
Theodulus, Callimachus, Eugene, Theodochus, his back.” Sesgne gave Benen to be fostered by
Ostrichius, Epiphanius, Maximian, Ducitius, St. Patrick, because the young boy would not part
Claudian, Theophilus, Gigantius, Dorotheus, from him, and Benen grew to sing all the Psalms,
Theodotus, Castrichius, Anicetas, Themilius, and later was Ordained and Consecrated.
Eutychius, Hilarion Diodotus and Amonitus. Also: Ss. Onesiphorus and Porphyrius,
Martyrs Saints Thessalonica, Auctus and Martyred under Diocletian.
Taurion, in the city of Amphipolis near Kavala, St. John the Dwarf, (Kolobos which
Macedonia. means Dwarf), ascetic, disciple of St. Pambo, and
St. Lazarus of Mt. Gelasius, ascetic: teacher of St. Arsenius the great. St. Pambo told
Stylite, wonderworker, 11th century. St. John to water a stick, which he did every day
for three years. The Prologue of Ochrid says that
8 Nov / 21 the stick grew leaves; other accounts said it did
In heaven (is) the shout of Claudinus: not; but, it showed the obedience of St. John, who
had to haul water many miles and give some to
a fair train went without satires, the stick each day. St. Pambo said, see the fruits
at the Festival that fills territories of obedience; in one version he served the stick's
of Barrfind the great son of Aed. fruit. St. Paisios was another student of St.
Cry of Caludinus, that is, around him Pambo, and St. Paisios was directed to become a
was his shout: his wail that it might reach solitary, while St. John the Dwarf was directed to
heaven. gather a community. 5th c.
Barrfind. Barrind son of Aed, i.e. in St. Matrona of Constantinople, Abbess,
Achad Caillten in Hui Drona to the west of the reposed 492 after 75 years ascetic, 100 years old.
river Barrow, i.e. in Hui Reithe to the south of Saints Euthymius reposed 990, and his
Lethglenn. Barrfind of Inis Doimle they say nephew Neophytus early 11th c., Abbots of
however. Docheiariou, Serbia.
(There is no special Octave of All St. Simeon Metaphrastes, who removed
Saints. The Feast of St. Martin of Tours Nov. 11th heretical material from lives of Holy Apostles,
/ 24th is the traditional end of All Saints; the last and wrote many important works. Reposed 960;
Feast before the Season of Advent.) his relics exude Myrrh. (See the Apostles.)
In the Byzantine Rite, a commemoration St. Theoctista of Paros, an ascetic for 35
of the Archangel Michael and all the Angels, years, lived in a church abandoned in a Saracen
established by a local Council at Laodicea in the invasion in the island of Lesbos. She had escaped
4th c. (See Sept. 29th.) being sold into slavery, and she hid. d. 881.

10 Nov / 23 Also today: Another commemoration of
Aed son of Brecc, of the kingfolk; some of the 70 Apostles: Olympas, Erastus,
Quartus, Herodion, Sosipater and Tertius.
he was almost greater than death:
St. Orestes, doctor, unmercenary, Martyr
he is high in the great Kingdom, under Maximinus during Diocletian.
the champion of the race of hundred- St. Nonnus, Bishop of Edessa and then
battled Conn. Heliopolis, brought 30,000 Arabs to the Christian
Or, spelled Aedo son of Brice. faith, including some who had been great sinners.
Pope St. Leo the Great reposed in 461, Returned to Edessa when Bishop Ibo died.
who was one of the defenders of St. John Reposed 471.
Chrysostom and St. John Cassian against the
heretics Nestorios and Pelagius. St. Leo also St. Martin of Tours
spoke out against Monophysitism, and in the
Council of Chalcedon in 451 his Tome was read, “The mount of gold of the western world.”
saying that since Christ suffered on the Cross and (Nov 11/24)
ascended to heaven as a man as well as God, then Carbre of Cúil Rathin -
man was now glorified in heaven, (and therefore royal grace over the great sea!
it could not be said that divinity had swallowed Saint Martin - a noble simile -
Christ's humanity). The prayer at Pascha, “O
happy fault” refers to the sin of Adam that caused
the mount of gold of the western world.
Jesus Christ to come to earth as a man and raise (Celtic Propers are given for St. Martin
man to be higher than the angels. Some churches of Tours, but not for most Saints. The Propers are
accused him of Roman meddling, but after from the Bobbio Missal, also with an unusual
Chalcedon it was required that Bishops speak Bishop's Blessing from Egbert. St. Martin of
Greek, due to some linguistic problems that had Tours was one of the spiritual predecessors of St.
caused the Monophysite viewpoint in Egypt, and Patrick of Ireland, and it is fitting that his Feast,
therefore the result was much more a meddling of one of the greatest Saint days of the early Church,
the Greeks than the Romans, see St. Anatolius, is within two days of the end of the Church
July 3rd (meddling: see the “Eighth Ecumenical Lectionary. St. Martin is a great wonder-working
Council and St. Photios, Feb. 6th). However, the Saint. The life of St. Martin of Tours by St.
most ancient Christian countries, Ethiopia and Gregory of Tours is very worthy to read.)
Armenia, who had not previously been Cairbre of Cui raithin in the north of
Monophysite, were upset about the imposition of Dalaradia, a Bishop. From the Byzantine
Greek Bishops after Chalcedon, and they took up calendar: St. Menas, Martyr, ascetic. d. 304. St.
the non-Chalcedonian position after that. Stephen of Decani, king of Serbia, Martyr, 1336.
Ss. Victor and Stephanis, Martyrs, early 2nd c. St.
Also, Europe became more and more
Vincent the Deacon of Sargossa, Spain, Martyred
under the administrative and Liturgical dictates of
304. St. Theodore the Studite, defended icons,
Rome, leading to the “Ultramontane” rule of
reposed in Constantinople in 826. St. Urosica
Rome over countries and Rites “north of the
king of Serbia, chaste, has myrrh-exuding relics.
mountains.” The Pallium of St. Patrick given in
Saint Martin, i.e. holy Martin Bishop of
A.D. 432 gave the Irish church independence
Tours in Frankland [France or Gaul]: of Gallia
from Rome for several centuries. Chalcedon was
Lugdunensis was he. Martin a soldier, honor not
in A.D. 451, and St. Patrick and his Bishops were
slight, of Gallia Lugdunensis, a fully-gentle son
clearly Orthodox in doctrine, never accepting any
of the race of the kings, son of Manualt and
heresy, but by the late twelfth century Rome did
not allow Irish clergy to serve in Irish churches,
(St. Martin was one of the greatest
or Irish students to attend their own seminaries.
wonderworking Saints, and those who were after
By then, Rome had accepted the “Filioque.”

St. Martin in France taught St. Patrick. Irish later humility, aided those in trouble, clothed the
brought back monasticism to Europe after the naked, and kept nothing for himself from his
barbarians had destroyed education there. See military pay but the bare necessities of food. He
Nov 23/ Dec 6, St. Columbanus of Luxeuil, who saved no money for the next day, but following
brought back monasticism to France.) Although the holy Gospels, gave his money to the poor.
there isn't space for his full life, below is an Carrying only his arms and military
abbreviated history of St. Martin. dress, in an unusually severe winter that had
The main history of St. Martin was killed many with the cold, he saw a poor man
written by his student, Sulpitius Severus (see Jan. without clothing at the gate of the city of Amiens
13th), in his work, Sulpitius Severus on the Life of (Ambianensium civitas, or Samarobriva).
St. Martin, as well as in letters and dialogues. Although the poor man asked everybody who
There are many accounts of the miracles passed him for help, only Martin stopped. Martin
of St. Martin of Tours, both during his lifetime had already given away most of his clothing,
and many more at his tomb after his repose. except for the cloak which was his only warmth.
Places which venerated St. Martin were often the So, he took his sword, and cut the cloak in two
areas that rejected the popular heresy of equal parts, giving one to the poor man, and
Arianism, and embraced a full Orthodox wrapping the rest around himself. The
Christianity. (See the Apostle James the Greater, bystanders laughed, because he looked only
about Arianism in Spain. The Celtic part of Spain partly dressed, but many also felt guilty, knowing
that venerated St. Martin of Tours was the that they should have also done something
pilgrimage site of St. James the Greater. The similar, especially as they had more clothing
veneration of St. Martin of Tours in Galicia, the layers. The next night, St. Martin had a vision of
Celtic area, was promoted by the local Bishop Christ, and the Lord was wearing the part of the
Martin of Braga before his death in 580.) cloak that Martin had given away. He heard
St. Martin was born at Sabaria (Sarwar) Jesus say, “Martin, who is still but a catechumen,
in Pannonia, far to the east, but his family moved. clothed me with this robe.” (As the Lord said,
He was raised in Ticinum (Pavia) in Italy. His “Forasmuch as ye have done these things to one
father was a soldier, and then a military tribune, a of the least of these, ye have done them unto me.”
very high rank. As a youth, Martin was in the St. Matthew 25:40.) Martin did not use this
imperial guard under Constantine and then Julian incident to build dangerous spiritual pride, but
Caesar (Julian the Apostate). In spite of family remained humble, and as he was now twenty
ties to the military, Martin wanted to be in the years old, he received holy Baptism [at this later
service of God. At age ten, against his parents’ age because his parents had forbidden it]. He did
wishes, he begged to be a catechumen in the not retire from his military service at once,
Church. At age twelve he desired to be a hermit, because his military tribune who had become his
but his young age prevented this. When he was tent companion told him that when his office
fifteen, the ruling powers of the state issued an expired, he too would retire from the world. So
edict that sons of veterans should be enrolled for St. Martin delayed leaving the military for two
military service, and he was seized and put in years, although he participated only in name.
chains, and forced to take the military oath. He Many barbarians were coming into the
only took one servant, and instead of acting as a two divisions of Gaul. Julian Caesar (the
master, he cleaned his servant’s boots, ate meals Apostate) brought an army together at the city of
with him, and usually acted the part of the Borbetomagus (Vaugiones, or Worms). The
servant. He had not been Baptized yet, and for emperor distributed a “donative” to each soldier,
three years kept himself from the usual soldier’s one by one, as was the custom. St. Martin did not
vices. He was not yet a new creature in Christ, think it would be proper to receive the gift and
but he fervently prepared himself for Baptism. then leave the service, so he thought this would
He practiced self-denial, kindness, patience, be a good opportunity to seek discharge. He told

Julian, “Hitherto I have served you as a soldier: The Arian heresy then was spreading
allow me now to become a soldier to God: let the rapidly, especially in Illyria, and St. Martin
man who is to serve thee receive thy donative: I almost alone fought the Priests who were traitors.
am the soldier of Christ: it is not lawful for me to He was publicly scourged and forced to leave the
fight.” Julian was very angry, and thought Martin city. Then he went to Italy. Martin learned that
was afraid of the battle on the next day. St. the Church in the two divisions of Gaul was
Martin replied, “If this conduct of mine is troubled because St. Hilary had been exiled by
ascribed to cowardice, and not to faith, I will take the heretics. Therefore, Martin stayed in Milan,
my stand unarmed before the line of battle and established a monastery for himself there.
tomorrow, and in the Name of the Lord Jesus Auxentius, the originator and leader of the Arians
Christ, protected by the Sign of the Cross, and (in Milan) persecuted St. Martin, and finally
not by shield or helmet, I will safely penetrate the expelled him from Milan. St. Martin escaped to
ranks of the enemy.” Martin was put into prison, the island of Gallinaria (near Albium Ingaunum,
but on the next day, ambassadors were sent by the now Allenga, on the Gulf of Genoa. The island
enemy to ask for peace, and surrendered both was named because of birds that were half-tame,
themselves and all their possessions. Sulpitius and still is called Gallinaria). He took a good
Severus comments that Christ prevented anyone Priest with him to the island, and survived there
from suffering death. (St. Basil the Great went to by eating plant roots. By mistake he ate
school with Julian the Apostate, see Jan. 1st.) hellebore, a very poisonous grass. When he felt
After that, Martin sought St. Hilarius, the strength of the poison increase inside him and
Bishop of Poitiers (Pictava, the city of the he was near death, he prayed, and his pains went
Pictones or Pictavi, see Jan. 13th, Nov. 3rd, and away. Soon after that, he learned that the king
possibly also May 5th). St. Hilarius ordained St. had been penitent, and had granted permission for
Martin to the Diaconate. However, St. Martin Bishop Hilarius to return. Therefore, St. Martin
said he was unworthy to perform the required set out for Rome to meet St. Hilarius.
actions of a Deacon in the Divine Service, so St. St. Hilarius already had departed from
Hilary realized that Martin would accept a Rome, so St. Martin followed him, and then
position of danger to himself, and made him an founded a monastery close to the town. A
exorcist (a lower rank than Subdeacon). St. catechumen seeking instruction joined him, but
Martin did not refuse. Soon afterwards he had a he caught a fever and weakness. St. Martin went
dream telling him to visit his native land, to away for three days, and when he returned found
convert his heathen parents. St. Hilary with tears the catechumen dead, before he had received holy
told him to return. Martin predicted sufferings on Baptism. The body was laid out in public, and
the journey, which came true; he fell into the honored by the brethren, but St. Martin was in
hands of robbers in the Alps, was almost killed by tears. Then he told the others to leave the cell
an axe, and St. Martin converted the robbers. (room) where the body lay, and he bolted the
After passing Milan, the devil took the door and lay down on top of the departed
form of a man and met St. Martin on the road. catechumen. “...But then, laying hold, as it were,
The devil asked St. Martin where he was going, of the Holy Spirit, with the whole powers of his
and he said he was going where ever the Lord mind...” He prayed for a while, and then
called him. The devil said that the devil would perceived by means of the Spirit of God that the
resist him. Martin quoted Psalm 117:6 (Greek power (virtue) was present, he rose and looked at
numbering): “The Lord is my helper: I will not the face of the dead man, and waited for the
fear what man can do unto me.” The devil then mercy of God. After two hours, the dead man
vanished from sight. St. Martin’s mother was set began to move a little, trembling, and his eyes
free from heathenism, but his father continued to opened “for the practice of sight.” Then, turning
practice his errors. But many others were saved to the Lord [an icon?] he gave thanks with a loud
by his example. voice, filling the cell with exclamations. Those

who had waited outside rushed in, and saw the St. Martin was the most important thing to
man, who was given holy Baptism immediately. consider. A Bishop named Defensor gave the
He lived for many years after that, and witnessed most opposition. He was rebuked by something
to the powers (virtues) of St. Martin. He also told that seemed to be chance, because the reader who
how, when he had left his body, he was taken to was to read did not appear, and a person who was
the tribunal of the Judge, and was in gloomy standing by grabbed the Psalter and read the first
places in the common crowd, and received a verse he opened to: “Out of the mouth of babes
severe sentence. However, two angels told the and sucklings thou hast perfected praise because
Judge that he was the man that Martin was of thine enemies, that thou mightest destroy the
praying for, and then he was ordered to be led enemy and the avenger.” (In the Latin Vulgate,
back by those angels and given to Martin, and the word “avenger” is “defensor.” Psalm 8:3.
received back his life. After this St. Martin had The people shouted their agreement, and St.
the reputation of an Apostle. [An infant who dies Martin was officially elected Bishop.
before receiving holy Baptism is not considered As Bishop, St. Martin did not give up
condemned. But, an adult catechumen who had his humble clothing, but remained as a monk,
probably listened to many worldly philosophies, although he took up all the duties of a Bishop.
and had many opportunities to sin, with the He stayed at a cell near the church, but so many
consenting reason of an adult, would need not people came that he moved to a monastery two
only an association with other Christians, but also miles from the city in a secret spot. “For, on one
the Sacrament of holy Baptism, or it would be side, it was surrounded by a precipitous rock of a
very difficult to receive salvation. There were lofty mountain, while the river Loire had shut in
exceptions among the early Martyrs who were the rest of the plain by a bay extending back for a
killed first, but their Martyrdom which they did little distance; and the place could be approached
not ask for, was considered sufficient. Baptism only by one, and that a very narrow passage.” St.
should be sought after with great urgency. God is Martin made a cell of wood for himself, and his
merciful, but we do not judge the mercy of God.] eighty disciples also made small retreats for
Again, St. Martin saved another man, a themselves at that place. They all prayed
slave of a wealthy man named Lupicinus, who together, ate together after the hour of fasting, no
had tried to hang himself. The man was able to one drank wine except in illness, and they wore
rise up and walk without any apparent brain rough clothing. Many had been nobles, but all
damage after St. Martin did the same things he shared everything, with no possessions. Many of
had done in praying for his catechumen. these monks became Bishops of other cities.
St. Martin was also called to be Bishop St. Martin brought Christ to regions that
of Tours around that time. The area of Tours was had not accepted the Lord before. “Certainly,
on both sides of the Loire river, and the town of before the times of Martin, very few, nay, almost
Tours had been called Caesarodunum. However, none, in those regions had received the Name of
St. Martin did not want to leave his monastery. Christ; but through his virtues and example that
One of the citizens of Tours named Ruricius Name has prevailed to such an extent, that now
pretended his wife was ill, and asked St. Martin there is no place thereabouts which is not filled
to come out. Many citizens lined the roads, either with very crowded churches or
forcing St. Martin to come to the city. The people monasteries. For wherever he destroyed heathen
of Tours and also neighboring cities gave their temples, there he used immediately to build either
votes for St. Martin. [Early Bishops were churches or monasteries.”
approved by the people.] They all said that St. In one case, a temple he destroyed had a
Martin was the most worthy. A few persons, even pine tree next to it that had been dedicated to a
among the Bishops, thought St. Martin was demon. Martin had kept the people quiet while
unworthy, his clothing mean, and his hair the temple was destroyed, but they strongly
disgusting. Most people said that the character of protested when he began to cut down the tree. A

pagan proposed that they cut the tree down, and or windows into the divine, and as such, are
St. Martin should stand under it, and if the tree simply honored.)
did not crush him, they would believe. The tree St. Martin had more difficulty casting
leaned in one direction, so the pagan crowd stood out demons, but he did cast them out. A report
at the opposite side. As the tree fell, Martin made that barbarians were coming to the town turned
the Sign of the Cross, and the tree swung “like a out to be the work of sixteen demons, who had
spinning top” to the opposite side, almost caused fear in the people so that St. Martin would
crushing the crowd standing there. After that, have to leave. St. Martin learned this when a
almost all of the pagans standing there desired to possessed person was ordered to tell the truth
take the Name of Christ in holy Baptism. about the rumors. The city then calmed down.
In another place, Martin set fire to an St. Martin cleansed a leper by kissing him at the
ancient and celebrated temple, but the fire spread gate into Paris, and the crowd was very upset at
to a connected house. St. Martin climbed on the this. But the next day, the man came to the
roof of the house, and stopped the flames from church with healthy skin and gave thanks.
spreading to it. Threads from the sackcloth of St. Martin
Another town called Leprosum resisted also did miracles for the sick. These were tied
his wish to destroy their temple, and injured him. around the fingers or placed around the neck, and
He went outside the town, and spent three days in drove disease away. [Probably the source of the
sackcloth and ashes, fasting and praying the modern idea of tying a string around a finger to
entire time. Two angels with spears and shields remind a person of something. We are supposed
came to him, saying they were sent to make the to be reminded of God, and pray without
rustics go away, and protect St. Martin. Martin ceasing.] A man named Arborius, an ex-prefect,
returned to the village, and he razed the temple to and very holy and faithful, had a daughter with a
the foundations, reducing the altar and images to very high fever. Arborius received a letter from
dust, as the crowd quietly looked on. The people St. Martin, and placed it over her bosom, and
realized that they were standing still through the immediately the fever left. At once Arborius
power of the God of St. Martin, and they all brought her to St. Martin and had her consecrated
shouted that the Lord God should be worshiped. to God as a perpetual virgin, and asked St. Martin
Once, while overthrowing a temple at to place on her the dress of virginity. A saintly
Aedui, a man drew his sword to cut off Martin’s man, Paulinus had cataracts, “a pretty thick cloud
head, but St. Martin offered his bare neck, and as having grown over [the eye] had already covered
the sword swung, the man collapsed backwards. up its pupil.” St. Martin touched the eye with a
Then seeing the power of God, asked for pardon. painter’s brush, and the pain went away, restoring
(Today we would try to preserve ancient the health of the eye.
art work in museums, but at that time the people St. Martin alone did not flatter the
thought those images were the gods, so the only emperor Maximus after the civil wars, although
way to show the people that the statues were only other Bishops did. “Even if he had to make suit
rock and metal was to destroy them. Because of to the sovereign for some things, he commanded
the habit of former pagans of keeping statuary, rather than entreated him; and although often
the Orthodox Church in the East prefers painted invited, he kept away from his entertainments...”
flat icons, but in the early Church there were St. Martin did not want to go to the banquet
statues of Jesus Christ as well, such as the one in because the war had killed many soldiers, and of
front of the house of “Veronica,” a woman who the other two emperors, one had been killed and
had been cured by Jesus Himself. Some small the other had his kingdom taken away. Finally
very early Christian statues are in the Cleveland the king convinced him that soldiers had only
Museum of Art, for example: Jesus as the Good been killed on an open field of battle, and that the
Shepherd, and also Jonah and the whale, etc. position of emperor was taken only in defense.
Icons are not gods to be worshiped, but images, When St. Martin came to the banquet, he was

given a place of honor, and a chalice which the pride said that he was Elias. The multitudes
king expected to be blessed and handed back to believed him, so the man said he was really
him. But St. Martin had brought a Priest with Christ, and this deception fooled a bishop named
him, and after blessing and drinking, he handed Rufus, who worshiped him. At a later date this
the chalice to his Priest instead. This impressed Bishop was deposed. The brethren also told
the emperor that St. Martin was not trying to Sulpicius that in the East another man claimed to
flatter him. St. Martin had previously warned the be John. These two men were practicing the arts
emperor that if he went into Italy to wage war of the devil, because of course they were not the
against the emperor Valentinianus, then Maximus Lord and John. Sulpicius said this is a sign of the
would have a victory after the first attack, but die Antichrist when false prophets come. Around
soon afterwards. After the first attack, this time, after prayer was offered, the devil
Valentinianus was put to flight, but he regained appeared beside St. Martin in his cell. The devil
his strength the next year, and Maximus was was surrounded by a purple light, clothed in a
taken and slain in the walls of Aquileia. royal robe, with a crown of precious stones
St. Martin often talked with angels. He around his head, shoes inlaid with gold, with a
also perceived the devil in his many disguises. peaceful face full of joy, so that he would not
St. Martin was not fooled by the disguises, so the appear evil at all. Saint Martin at first was
devil did not bother with the disguises after a amazed, but stood silently. The devil broke the
while, but began with foul curses. Once the devil silence, saying, “Acknowledge, Martin, who it is
rushed into his cell with a bloody horn, and that you behold. I am Christ; and being just
claimed to have slain one of St. Martin’s people. about to descend to earth, I wished first to
After this St. Martin called the brethren together manifest myself to thee.” However, St. Martin
and had them search all the cells, but the brethren still kept silent. The devil said, “Martin, why do
were unharmed, but one peasant hired to bring you hesitate to believe, when you see? I am
wood from the forest was missing. It was then Christ.” Then the Spirit revealed the truth to St.
learned that one of his oxen had thrown his head Martin, and he said, “The Lord Jesus did not
free of the thongs, and while the peasant was predict that He would come clothed in purple;
tightening them, had been gored in the groin. and with a glittering crown upon His head. I will
The devil disguised himself as Jupiter, Mercury, not believe that Christ has come, unless he
or Minerva, all Roman pagan gods. Crowds of appears with that appearance and form in which
demons also accused St. Martin of many crimes. He suffered, and openly displaying the marks of
St. Martin, knowing these were lies, was not His wounds upon the Cross.” After this, the devil
affected. Other brethren heard these abuses vanished like smoke, and left a disgusting smell.
towards St. Martin. The devils also accused the St. Martin, who was not superstitious, told the
brethren who had sinned after Baptism, saying others about this, and Sulpicius Severus,
that pardon was not possible. St. Martin replied, believing in the honesty and sincerity of so great
“If thou, thyself, wretched being, wouldst but a wonder worker as St. Martin, believed this.
desist from attacking mankind, and even, at this Sulpicius Severus says, “Never did a
period, when the day of judgment is at hand, single hour or moment pass in which he was not
wouldst only repent of your deeds, I, with a true either actually engaged in prayer; or, if it
confidence in the Lord, would promise you the happened that he was occupied with something
mercy of Christ.” Another young man who else, still he never let his mind loose from
wanted to look holy said he was visited by prayer.” “No one ever saw him enraged, or
angels, but instead, the devil gave him a purple excited, or lamenting, or laughing; he was always
robe. When the other monks insisted that St. one and the same: displaying a kind of heavenly
Martin see the robe, it vanished before them. happiness...”
A young man in Spain had many signs, In one of his letters, Sulpicius Severus
gaining authority among the people, and with tells about “How St. Martin passed from this Life

to Life Eternal.” St. Martin knew his end was was held back from martyrdom. He who was
near, but the clerics in a neighboring town were able to acquire the virtues of the Lord was worthy
having an argument. Even though he knew his to defend those in tribulation; who has the power
health was failing, he traveled to the other town to raise the dead.
with some monks. On the way he saw some Collect Before the Epistle
waterfowl rapidly eating fish in a lake. St. Martin We entreat Thy clemency O God whose Light
commanded them to stop and go to a desert place, showed forth Thy Glory through Thy High-priest
because they reminded him of the demons that and Confessor Martin, whose joy of transition,
devour souls. The birds immediately stopped we celebrate today, that he be pleased to defend
eating and took flight together. [The Irish have Thy Church which is in tribulations: he who was
images of birds as sometimes good and granted a portion of Faith and could raise the
sometimes bad.] St. Martin and his monks dead.
helped the monks in the town they were visiting Epistle II Timothy 3:16-4:8
to work out their disagreements, but then St. (Teach the Scripture inspired of God.)
Martin told them that his health was failing. The
Gradual and Alleluia: Psalm 145 (Heb.
monks pleaded with him to continue to live and
help them. St. Sulpicius Severus describes the 146) Lauda animas Praise the Lord...
conflict between desire for heaven and love for Alleluia, of Aggeos and Zacharias.
his monks that St. Martin faced. He was willing Praise the Lord, O my soul: in my life I will
to continue vigils and fastings with his monks, praise the Lord: I will sing to my God as long as I
but it was his time to repose. He refused even the shall be.
comfort of a straw bed at the end, and reposed on Put not your trust in princes: in the
his usual sackcloth and ashes. A heavenly light children of men, in whom there is no salvation.
illumined the ashes at the end. The monks were His spirit shall go forth, and he shall return into
also in conflict: in grief for losing their loving his earth: in that day all their thoughts shall
guide, and also in joy for his going to heaven. perish.
The wonders of St. Martin have not Blessed is he who hath the God of Jacob
ceased. In 1918, during war and a terrible for his helper, whose hope is in the Lord his God:
plague, the avian influenza which included Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all
coughing up blood, and was often fatal, killing things that are in them. Who keepeth truth for
millions of people, was stopped around the time ever: who executeth judgment for them that
of the Feast day of St. Martin. Also, Armistice suffer wrong: who giveth food to the hungry. The
occurred on November 11th. Many such wonders Lord looseth them that are fettered: the Lord
associated with St. Martin of Tours are recorded. enlighteneth the blind. The Lord lifteth up them
that are cast down: the Lord loveth the just. The
Mass for St. Martin of Tours
Lord keepeth the strangers; He will support the
Old Testament: Jer. 17:7-14 fatherless and the widow: and the ways of sinners
(The man who trusts in the Lord.) He will destroy.
Introductory Collect The Lord shall reign for ever: Thy God,
Let us beseech holy God who is wondrous in His O Sion, unto generation and generation.
Saints and His confessor Martin, that we may Alleluia Psalm 145:1-2
celebrate this venerable day and that we may be Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise the Lord, O my soul:
coworkers of this man who is counted among the in my life I will praise the Lord: I will sing to my
Apostles and was gathered unto the Martyrs and God as long as I shall be.. Alleluia!
reveals them in our time. There is no doubt that Gospel Matthew 25:14-21
one is a martyr in Heaven who was a confessor (The Parable of the Talents: the man
while in the world, for we do not know that who had received much and gained
Martin was not of the Martyrs, but rather that he more.)

Post Nomina Always said aloud. exaltation celebrate. With Whom, we beseech
Let us beseech the mercy of the bounty of God Thee, bid that our voices also be admitted, with
the Father Almighty that by the intercessions of suppliant confession saying:
His Holy and most blessed High-priest, Martin, Post Sanctus (Before the “Most
whose feast we celebrate today. By his Dangerous Prayer”) [Use the Post Sanctus
intervention, may we be found worthy of of the Apostles, Martyrs, Saints or
forgiveness through the mercy of the Lord. Virgins in the Celtic Missal.]
Ad Pacem Always said aloud. Proper Blessing of the Day by a
Give ear to our prayers O Lord which we defer to Bishop only if present
Thee in this commemoration of Thy Holy Benedictio in Natale Sancti Martini Episcopi
Confessor and Priest and Bishop Martin and [The blessing on the birthday into
grant that just as he was found pleasing in Thy heaven, the day he left this mortal life,
sight and stood nobly in Thy service, we may of St. Martin the Bishop. November 11/
likewise be encouraged to good works through Nov. 24.]
his supplication, through our Lord Jesus Christ O God, Who predestined that Martin be a Bishop,
Who reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit so that because of Thy perpetual grace Thou
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. commandest him to be bound to the fulfillment of
Dignum, Contestatio, or Immolacio the prayers of the people; he upon whom Thou
(Preface in the Roman Rite) didst confer the glorious merits of a Confessor.
It is worthy and just O Almighty God to honor Amen.
Thee in the praises of Thy Martin, who was Direct these people to the fruits of the good
inflamed by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Just as works that they esteem in the Priest [Martin], for
he was found perfect in Faith in his very first the praise of Thy Name. Amen.
campaign itself: when Christ was hid in a beggar And may these people pursue Thy service,
and the beggar accepted the cloth, just as the through the intercession of him, who, for the sake
Lord put on the world as a garment. O Joyous of Thy reward, through joyous servitude, won
Charity by which the Divine works, O Clemency, through to the great reward. Amen.
by a glorious division, a soldier was clothed and a May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain
royal inestimable gift made because it was without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages
worthy of clothing God. Thou wast willing to of ages. Amen.
take away the prize of this Confessor; Thou wast May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son
pleased that out of love, Martin did not fear the and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be
torments of the persecutor for he was secure in ever with you. Amen.
the glorification of suffering. Through the Deus qui martinum presulem * tuum ita
quantity of cloth he cut off, he was found worthy predestinasti ut eum tuae gratiae
to clothe Christ and to behold, O Soul of perenniter iuberes astringi. erige vota
immense goodness, O Virtue and Venerable populi. qui praetulisti gloriosa merita
Power, He received the office of High-priest and confessori. Amen.
through the observance of a steadfast life of Proficiat his ad fructum boni operis.
discipline, he received the Apostolic power to quicquid in sacerdote amplectuntur. pro
heal those that hoped and supply those in need. laude tui nominis. Amen.
This power is Thine O Lord, and it is not [Note the complex Gallic Latin grammar
summoned by the tongue, but by Virtue, O Christ here, translated: “...the good works that
our Lord, through Whom, unto Thy Majesty, the they esteem...” which indicates that there
Angels give praise, the Dominations Worship, the is a connection between the good works
Powers of the Heavens tremble, and the heavenly of St. Martin and the people.]
Virtues and the Blessed Seraphim together with Et eius intercessione hic populus

consequatur veniam. qui te remunerante 12 Nov / 25
felici servitio pervenit ad palmam. There has been given,
Quod ipse. Amen. Benedictio.
with wisdom, science and much prudence,
[* Although the people elected him and to my Cumman of beautiful warfare,
other Bishops, St. Martin was chosen by the fair Tall (Fota) son of Fiachnae.
God. This prayer literally “dances” Also, Sinell of Cleenish Island in Lough
around the issue of election by the Erne in Fermanagh on this day (6th century). He
people still allowing God to choose His was trained by Finian of Clonard, and considered
Bishop and give His grace; see the one of “Twelve Apostles of Ireland.” (Although
definitions of “presulem,” according to not on the list of the Twelve that are listed by the
William Whitaker's Words, a Latin glossator of Oengus July 15th, unless by another
dictionary: “patron/ protector; prelate/ name or date.) Cleenish had the most severe
bishop/ Church dignitary; dancer leading ascetic Rule. In spite of the frugal and unsavory
procession.” St. Martin also kept his diet and many other difficulties, this attracted
monastic habits while he was a Bishop, applicants. Columban came first to learn at
and much later, monks were accused of Cleenish before enrolling at Bangor. There are
being “Semi-pelagian,” meaning that several Sinells: the earliest person St. Patrick
they were half-accused of trying to get to Baptized March 17th and April 5th; also another
heaven by good works. Of course, faith Sinell March 26th who wrote an old Rule who
and works must go together; “Faith may also be Sinell of Cleenish, and some others.
without works is dead.” St. James 2:17, See also another Sinell June 15th, and a Sinell
St. Matthew 5:16, in the Similitudes, St. father of St. Erc Oct. 24th. Sinell of Cleenish may
Matthew 11:2, concerning the works of be confused with the Sinell St. Patrick Baptized.
Christ. St. Matthew 11:12, in the Cummine, king of West Munster, was a
original Greek and Latin, “The kingdom sage. Cummian of Clonfert was involved in the
of Heaven tolerates sieges, and the change to the new Pascha in the national synod in
forceful take it.” which is quoted as one A.D. 630 (see Laserian April 18th about the
of the Communion prayers prior to Holy controversy, and Feb. 17th, St. Finnan, about the
Communion in the Lorrha-Stowe Missal. accusations against the Irish). Cummian was born
Nowhere does Holy Scripture say that in Donegal. The report brought back from Rome
works are sufficient without grace or was that Greeks, Hebrews, Scythians, Egyptians,
faith, the Pelagian heresy. Instead, here, and Romans all celebrated Pascha on the same
we have the Augustinian idea of day, which that year was an entire month
predestination imposed by Egbert.] different from the Pascha on the Irish calendar.
Confraction arrangement for St. (The Iona calendar had been the calendar of St.
Martin of Tours: 7 Particles for Saints Patrick and St. Peter; the A.D. 630 Roman
calendar was a new Alexandrian calculation.)
and Virgins. [The Particle where the
After the report, in 633 the calendar in Ireland
bars cross is the Celebrant’s
corresponded with the universal Church except in
Particle.] ...the image of the Seven Gifts
Colm cille’s Iona. Iona held its date of Pascha for
of the Holy Spirit. (Or: 11 Particles for
at least 30 more years, during the time when
the Apostles, as St. Martin was the
monks from Iona helped the Angles. The English
Apostle to the Gauls and spread
king Oswald requested help from Iona; thirty
Christianity to the entire area of Europe.)
years later Colman of Lindisfarne (Feb. 18th) left
Post Communion [Use the Post
England rather than change the date of Pascha
Communion of the Apostles, Martyrs according to Colm cille’s Rule, along with many
and Holy Virgins in the Celtic Missal.] other Irish monks who had educated the novice

English Christians: more monks than St. Continuous Prayer
Augustine of Canterbury had brought with him
[1 Thess. 5:17], “Pray without ceasing.”
from Rome. (See May 25th, Dunchad of Iona
Keeping in mind: “This is the work of God, that
changed the calendar early enough for Oengus to
you believe in Him whom He hath sent.” [John
commemorate him.) The “Paschal Epistle” of
6:29]. “But other fell into good ground, and
Cummian survives, listing Paschal cycles,
brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some
including one “that which Patrick our father
sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.” [Mt 13:8] St. Ignatius
brought.” St. Patrick had a different way of
of Antioch: “And pray ye without ceasing in
determining Pascha. (The oldest copy of
behalf of other men; for there is hope of the
Cummian’s letter is in the library in St. Gall,
repentance, that they may attain to God.” Jer. 8:4,
Switzerland, and a copy also is in the Patrologia
“Thus saith the Lord: Shall not he that falleth, rise
of Migne, which also has the ancient “Paschal
again? And he that is turned away; shall he not
Song,” the Carmen Paschale, of Sedulius in
turn again?” The Pastor of Hermas, commandment
Volume 19.) Letters of St. Columbanus (see Nov.
IX, “Prayer must be made to God without ceasing
23rd) are of great interest, including a calculation
and with unwavering confidence... Wherefore do
of the Irish date of Pascha (see Feb. 17th, Finan).
not cease to make the request of your soul, and
Roman date for Pope St. Martin of
you will obtain it...” Our Lord Jesus Christ is the
Rome Martyred Sept. 15th, 655. See Celtic date
Cross and Center of our spiritual life, and only
April 20th. Byzantine date April 13th. This is the
God will bring virtue. See Holy and Great Friday.
day after St. Martin of Tours, but the day before
Deus in adjutorium: From Psalm 69, said
the beginning of Advent, not usually a Feast day.
in the deserts of Scete, that we not hesitate:
Also, Byzantine Saints: St. John the
“O God, come to my assistance; O Lord,
Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria, “If you seek
make haste to help me.”
nobility, seek it not in blood but in virtue, for in
The Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ,
virtue lies true nobility.” Reposed in 620, fleeing
God's Son, Savior, have mercy on me a sinner.”
a Persian attack, to Cyprus where he was born.
Angelic Salutation, Blessed Virgin Mary:
The relics were wonderworking.
“Hail! Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,
St. Nilus of Sinai, reposed 450; he had
O Virgin Birthgiver of God: Blessed art thou
come from Constantinople. He recommended
restraint for physical desires, but prayer for among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy
spiritual desires. womb, for thou hast borne Jesus Christ, the
St. Nilus of Athos, ascetic on the “Holy Savior of our souls.”
Rocks,” relics exuded myrrh from top of the hill 15th century European version:
to the sea, but the disciples of St. Nilus prayed “Hail! Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.
that it would stop because of so many visitors, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is he
and it did. He died in 1651. St. Nilus predicted fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of
the telephone, airplane, and submarine. He also God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of
said that the way of life of the Saints of Mt. Athos our death.”
would end when the Holy Mountain would be
covered by strings and ribbons; and in the 20th Prologue to Félire Óengusso
century Mt. Athos was covered by electric wires Céli Dé
and roads. He also warned about 20th century
vanity. Tomorrow, at the beginning of Advent, [On the first Sunday and Monday of
we begin meditations on the Last Judgment; Lent, and Feb. 15th, which is Christ overcoming
appropriate to the warnings of St. Nilus.) the devil after being tempted, this part of the
[Advent begins November 13/ Old Prologue of Oengus may be read. It is difficult
Calendar November 26, on the Ides of November. verse to read aloud, practice it. (Or, read the
See the beginning of the calendar.] Greek “Synodikon,” from at the earliest A.D.

747; one MSS is from 1111, but all MSS include They have been brought out of dungeons
added portions over the centuries, emphasizing (and) afterwards (put) on crosses: the hosts
Saints and overcoming heretics.) The Prologue reviling them after flaying them with sword-
of the “Félire Óengusso Céli Dé” is from around edges.
800; Félire means Martyrology. It has eighty-five Joyous at every violent death, whose
verses, emphasizing overcoming all ungodliness horror is excessive; many tortures before this they
and all kings but the King of heaven, our used to endure (with) splendid valor.
Redeemer. As Oengus says, it is Christ They all have suffered – this lamentable
overcoming the devil at the Crucifixion and thing – a great deed of valor – for a true addition
Resurrection that is being celebrated. The word of reward from Jesus Son of Mary.
“Sain” means “Sign of the Cross.”] Woe worth every one who has killed
them, who has dared to slay them! After their
Sain, O Christ, my speech, O Lord of the short labor they are without age like Him.
seven heavens! Let the guerdon of devotion be The great kings of the pagans wail ever
given to me, O King of the bright sun! in burning: the hosts of Jesus without a fall, they
O bright Sun that illuminest heaven with are joyous after triumph.
much of holiness! O King that rulest angels, O The sinners with the abundance of their
Lord of men! cruelty, by whom they have been slain, their
O Lord of men, O King righteous, truly splendor has perished, their strongholds are
good, let every profit be mine for (my) praise of desolate.
thy kingfolk. These are they who after their afflictions
Thy kingfolk whom I praise, for 'tis have reached the Kingdom: their graveyards
Thou art my sovran, I have borne in mind unconcealed, they are bordgala of thousands.
constancy in beseeching them. [Valor “gal” that spreads beyond
I pray a prayer to them: may what I have borders “bord.”] [See Dec. 27th.]
taken protect me – the fair people with beauty, The soldiers who have crucified them,
the king-folk I have commemorated. though they were strong in fight, their pains they
I have commemorated the kingfolk are great, their graves are unknown.
around the King above the clouds, some upon Not so are Jesu's soldiers: they have
beautiful (feast) days, others under vehement reached a radiant homestead: after them their
tears. devout bodies (are) in shrines of sparkling gold.
May it profit me for my comfort, for I They are grand before multitudes,
am a wretched weary one, the course which this Christ's kingfolk after their wounds: the kings of
host has run according to the commandments of the world after (having had their) desires, it has
this King! truly passed away from these.
They have hewed out roads which fools Herod and Pilate under whom our Lord
deem not easy: before going to the Kingdom had suffered, their powers have been ended, their
they have suffered tribulations. pains abide for ever.
They have been impaled before hosts, Jesus, though He has been crucified, our
and they with their virtues: they have been Lord, our champion, over every element that He
crushed in assemblies, they have been slain had created has arisen a perfect King.
before kings. Though Nebuchadnezzar the red, very
They have been torn with spear-points: valiant, was king of the world, since he departed
they have been racked in pieces: they have been with his household his sovranty has been
burnt over fires, on white-hot gridirons. destroyed.
They have been cast to wild beasts by Not so is Old-Paul the monk, whose
merciless ruffians: they were scourged – a hard hermitage is gloomy: by his holy name with great
course – through the fiery furnaces. grace every happy host was sained.

Though a sword has cut down mighty Even (in) the land where we are, whose
John the Baptist, in the world here he has been wicked ones are wealthy: of God's might –
magnified, in God's realm he has been crowned. a famous sound, - there is one who has preached
Herod with his queen, by whom he has to us.
been slain with many paeans, neither earth nor Tara's mighty burgh perished at the
delightful heaven has received him – a hard death of her princes: with a multitude of
course! venerable champions the great Height of Machae
The holy name of Apostle Peter, every (Armach) abides.
synod invokes it: to a believer it seems unworthy Right-valiant Lóiguire's pride has been
that he should utter Nero's name. quenched – great the anguish; Patrick's name,
Nero, not known is his grave: 'tis just, he splendid, famous, this is on increase.
was not godly: the world with a multitude of The Faith has grown: it will abide till
people magnified Peter's little tomb. [The largest Doomsday: guilty pagans who are carried off,
church.] their raths are not dwelt in.
(There is) a chief seat for Nero in the Rathcroghan, it has vanished with Ailill
forefront of pain: Paul the Apostle – lofty pillar – offspring of victory: fair the sovranty over
attains the plains of heaven. princes that there is in the monastery of
Nero's sovranty has vanished: it is very Clonmacnois.
far from this: Paul's name – lasting the choice – Choirs lasting, melodious, around
this is a-flowing (like a tide). Clarán, if thou shouldst mention him: with the
Though haughty was Pilate's queen out victorious tumult of great Clanmacnois.
of abundance of down, her splendor has vanished Ye have nothing that is dearer than the
since she went into a place of mould. love of God, if ye can achieve it, adoration of the
Not so is Mary the Virgin, beloved is her Cloudy King: 'tis thence ye will not be mournful.
strong fortress: Adam's race, a lofty ambit, Aillenn's proud burgh has perished with
magnifies her, with a host of angels. its warlike host: great is victorious Brigit: fair is
Though fair and many were the sons of her multitudinous cemetery.
wrathful Decius whom we love not, neither Emain's burgh it hath vanished, save that
known nor very great is the name of any of them its stones remain: the cemetery of the west of the
on earth. world is multitudinous Glendalough.
Not so is Quiricus the child: great tales A lamp lucid (and) beautiful is Ferns the
of him have been set forth: fair was the shout of mighty, good-great: the proud throng in the rath
his battle: it has filled the burghs of the world. of Bécc son of Eogan abides not.
Let the minds of us all be for God's Why do not ye all see the judgments of
people whom we hide not: 'tis a profit if we prove the same King? Bécc son of Eogan abides not,
it, the prologue which we give. Aed [Aedan of Ferns] son of Sétna abides.
The might of the world is a lie to every The old cities of the pagans, wherein
one whose abode it is. This is all the might, great ownership has been acquired by long use, they
love for Mary's Son. are waste without worship, like Lugaid's House-
Though great are the world's kings, site.
whose strongholds thou seest, a hundred hundred The cells that have been taken by pairs
times nobler are Jesu's lowly soldiers. and by trios, they are Romes with multitudes,
Though they are lowlier before men, with hundreds, with thousands.
with the noise of their crying, they will be high Heathendom has been destroyed, though
above the Kingdom's height through ages of ages. fair it was and wide-spread: the kingdom of God
The wretched world wherein we are, the Father has filled heaven, earth and sea.
transitory is its kingdom: the King that ruleth We have something nearer before our
angels is lord of every land. eyes – a holy psalm – of God's virtue, a vehement

saying, today at the world's end. have gone to Thee in cloudy heaven!
Donnchad the wrathful, ruddy; chosen, There is not in the year, O Christ, if
or victorious Bran of the Barrow, visiting their Thou hearest, a day that a community would not
tombs takes not from me the weariness of come to Thee in the other world.
weakness. It is manifest, O Prince, O King (whose)
MaelRuáin after his pious service, the lords are numbered, we will declare with
great sun on Meath's south plain, at his grave swiftness each day's noble lights.
with purity has healed the sigh of every heart. Our booklets we will search them,
The Lord is equally just if his flocks are enquiring for every one: we will go without any
scrutinized: He ever [de]minishes his foes, He neglect right forward to the year.
ever magnifies his champions. This shall be the body of our structure,
The famous kings have been stifled: the timber that will not be obscure – a number of fair
Domnalls have been plagued: the Ciaráns have chapters equal to the number of the days of the
been crowned: the Cronáns have been magnified. year.
The great mountains of evil have been That there may not be falling to a bad
cut down with spear-points: forthwith have understanding, every chapter swiftly will declare
mountains been made of the valleys. every day's feast.
Though we may have evil combating, a The days of these great months up which
battle with the bold Devil; to aid us, a lofty pillar, this lasting sun runneth, for this splendid
the same Christ remains. multitude we will not forget to acclaim them.
Though haughty are earthly kings in Nones and ides, a series of calends with
robes that are brightest, they will perish after truth, on Thy margin with whiteness they shall be
abundance, each goes before another. in their line.
The fair King with piety, Jesus over a Thou wilt follow the days in thy pious
wave of flood – He was happily born of Mary – booklets: thou wilt follow according to writing
abides after them all. the feast assiduously.
Weakened hath been the might of the Unless thou understand thus the order
Devil with his dark despicable host: ever abides that is on our lays, I declare it before assemblies,
in perfection the strong might of our King. 'tis a blind direction to men.
If we should run under His diadem, His Let us make an increase of guidance to a
part will come: since He is not slow (or) feeble, bad understanding: every chapter swiftly will
there will be no inability there. declare each day's feast.
Let our will be firm, let us strive after The days of the solar months, to sing
what is dearer: since 'tis this that is nobler, let us them shall not delay me, except twice six fair
all love Jesus! calends, so that our lay may not be tedious.
O Jesus I beseech Thee, because of the From one New Year's Day to another
intercession of these hosts: (be) Thy desire this nought shall delay me along paths, save five and
great good, their numbering may I be able to sixty and three hundred noble chapters.
make! In seeking the feasts whose radiance is
May I do Thy will, O King of hostful mighty search with diligence of keenness
Zion! May I be for ever with Thy kingfolk in the industriously the order of the chapters.
eternal victorious kingdom! The order of the chapters with their
May I be on Thy hand in the realm assiduous lays, 'tis this, according to writings,
wherein Thou art! A blessing of every bordgal* which is on the feastdays.
on Thy sovranty, O Jesus! [*Valor “gal” that The holy prince of the elements, Christ
spreads beyond borders “bord.” See Dec 27th.] Son of holy Mary, Jesus, beloved pillar, let Him
O Jesus, I profess to manifest Thy lead on before the race of men.
kingfolk according to the order (in which) they [In Latin, “elements” means letters, or word.]

Sources, and of interest Prayers, Hymns, Propers, etc., would be copied
from place to place; later Roman Missals had
Celtic Propers, Lectionaries, Hymns
incorporated many Gallican prayers; Byzantine
A chart of many Lections is found in the
and various Irish manuscripts had some prayers
introduction to Le Lectionnaire de Luxeuil. Several
in each others' books. Although the Paschal Mass
Lectionaries and Missals that have Lections, with
is from the mis-named “Missale Gothicum,” to
all the readings, are included. (Our abbreviations
cite a particular source is to point toward a
do not confuse Paris with Psalm, so these
provenance, not toward the first author.) The
abbreviations are different than Salmon's.):
“Missale Gothicum” is mis-named; from The
[L] - Luxeuil Lectionary (7th-8thc),
Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913, by Charles George
[B] - Bobbio Missal (7th-8thc),
Herbermann, Edward Aloysius Pace, Condé
[C] – Paris from Saint-Denis (7thc),
Bénoist Pallen, John Joseph Wynne, and Thomas
[T] - Treves Bible (Trier, 8thc.),
Joseph Shahan. “The Missale Gothicum (Vatican,
[S] - Sélestat Lectionary [Old Testament] or
Queen Christina, MSS. 317) – Described by
Sélestat Epistle from Alsace (7th-8thc),
Delisle, No. 3, A MS of the end of the seventh
[W] - Würzburg Lectionary (8thc)
century, which once belonged to the Petau
Library.” The Missale Gothicum was originally in
Le Lectionnaire De Luxeuil. (The Luxeuil
the abbey Fleury. A note from the 15th century at
Lectionary) (7th - 8th c). (Paris Bibl. Nat. 9427.)
the beginning led some scholars to attribute it to
Édition et Étude Comparative... Dom Pierre
Narbonne which was Visigothic. However, in
SALMON, Abbé de Saint-Jérôme 1943, 1944,
both included Saints and in character, it seems to
Abbaye Saint-Jérome, Roma. Collectanea Biblica
be from Autun, according to Mgr. Duchesne,
Latina, Vol. 7, 9. (Because it includes a Feast of
citing Masses for the feasts of St. Symphorian
St. Genevieve, it has been attributed to Paris, but
and St. Léger (d. 680). The Catholic
this manuscript was discovered at Luxeuil,
Encyclopedia of 1913 says that many of the
founded by St. Columbanus of Luxeuil and
prayers are Roman, but the editors may have
Bobbio, and follows the Gallican Missals closely.)
missed the fact that by that time, Roman Missals
had copied Gallican prayers into them. Masses of
Bobbio Missal (7th-8th c). (MS. Paris Latin 13246)
the “Gothic Missal” are all Gallican as to order.
edited by E. A. Lowe, notes and studies by Dom
Printings of the “Missale Gothicum” have been
André Wilmart (in French), E. A. Lowe, and H. A.
by Tommasi (Codices Sacramentorum, Rome,
Wilson. 1917-1924, Henry Bradshaw Society,
1680), Mabillon (De Liturgiá Gallicaná, Paris,
Vol. LIII, LVIII, LXI. (53, 58, 61.) Edited text in
1685), Muratori (Liturgia Romana Vetus, Venice,
Latin, notes in English.
1748), Neale and Forbes (op cit), and in Migne's
“Patrologia Latina” (Vol. LXXII). (The difference
Missale Gallicanum Vetus, (Vatican, Palat. 493), is
between a Visigothic Missal and a Gallican
fragmentary; some portions were used here.
Missal from Autun might also be that the
character of a Gallican Missal would not be
Expositio Antiquae Liturgiae Gallicanae, edited by
mixed with the Visigothic “Filioque” which had
E. C. Ratcliff, M.A., Regius Professor of Divinity,
been promoted in Toledo in 589, but not yet
Cambridge University, President of the Henry
saturated France.)
Bradshaw Society, Vol. XCVIII. 1971 Moore and
Tillver, Chichester, England. (A discussion of a
Pontificale of Egbert (York), National Library of
Gallican Missal, from Autun, Bibliothèque
Paris (Written between 735-766 A.D., or some say
municipale, MS. 184, early 9th c., ascribed to be
the 10th century, because the handwriting of the
from the area around Tours.)
manuscript is later. But, the existing 10th c.
manuscript may be a copy of a book written one
Missale Gothicum (“Gothic Missal”) (Often,
hundred- fifty years earlier.) Surtees Society, Vol.

27, Ed. Silvestre de Sacy, in “Palaeographie The Antiphonary of Bangor, and the Early Irish
Universelle.” (For the Bishop's Blessings). Monastic Liturgy, Michael Curran, MSC, 1984
Irish Academic Press, Kill Lane, Blackrock, Co.,
Das Älteste Liturgiebuch Der Lateinischen Kirche, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 0-7165-0338-7.
Ein Altgallikanisches Lektionar Des 5/6. JHS Aus (Although he did not translate The Antiphonary of
Dem Wolfenbütteler Palimsest – Codex Bangor, he showed how the rubrics point to a
Weissenburgensis 76., P. Alban Dold, 1936 Druck clear order of the Hours of the Office of prayer.)
Und Verlag, Kunstverlag Beuron / Hohenzollern.
The Irish Liber Hymnorum, Edited from the Mss.
St. Gallen Manuscript F.F. iii, the source of the With Translations, Notes, and Glossary, by J. H.
Rite of Reconciliation. Bernard, D.D. And R. Atkinson, LL. D. (From
two manuscripts, one in the Library of Trinity
Lorrha-Stowe Missal: In the Royal Irish Academy, College, Dublin, and other other in the Franciscan
under "Stowe Missal" R.I.A. MS D ii 3: Cat. No. Convent, Dublin. These contain many Hymns,
1238, c. A.D. 792-803 [or earlier], Vellum: 15cm x including the Hymn of Secundinus to St. Patrick,
12cm (5 5/8” by 4 ½”), 67 leaves (incomplete, see March 17th/ 30th.) Vol. 1. Text and
missing one "carpet" illuminated page). The Introduction; Vol. II. Translations and Notes.
Lorrha-Stowe Missal consists of the Gospel of St. London, 1898.
John, followed by the Ordinary of the Mass,
prayers ("Propers") to be inserted into the Mass Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, A Collection of Old-
for a few occasions (Masses for Apostles, Irish Glosses, Scholia Prose and Verse, edited by
Martyrs, Virgins, Living Penitents, and the Dead), Whitley Stokes, D.C.L. and John Strachan, LL.D.
the Rite of Baptism and Chrismation, some minor 1901, 1903. Cambridge: at the University Press,
blessings and exorcisms of water, Holy Unction, London.
and then a Treatise on the Mass, and a few Vol. I. Biblical Glosses and Scholia. (Mostly
prayers which are from a very torn page. In one “The Milan Glosses on the Psalms,” Liber Sancti
place, a piece of vellum folded over was re-sewn Columbani De Bobio, or Book of Saint
into the wrong order; this piece of vellum is Columbanus of Bobbio. Also Codex Paulinus
folios 30, 30v, 31, and 31v, and when matching Wirziburgensis, or Glosses on the Pauline
this piece of vellum with the Prayer of St. Epistles of Würzburg, with some short works.)
Ambrose which it breaks between folios 12 and Vol. II. Non-Biblical Glosses and Scholia; Old-
13, then the Mass is in order. See the notes in the Irish Prose: Names of Persons and Places:
Lorrha-Stowe Missal and the Hours of Bangor, Inscriptions: Verse: Indexes. (Includes St. Fiacc's
True Worship of the Undivided Church. Hymn about St. Patrick.)

The Antiphonary of Bangor in the Ambrosian Rules

Library at Milan. Part I: Facsimile (W. Griggs), Sancti Columbani Opera (Scriptores Latini
transcription [not translation], introduction, Hiberniae Volume II), The Rule of St.
edited by F. E. Warren, 1893-1896, Henry Columbanus (monastic Rule and also the Hours,
Bradshaw Society Vol. 4, 10, London. (The especially of Matins). Edited (and translated) by
manuscript was written between 680 and 691 at G. S. M. Walker, 1970, The Dublin Institute for
the monastery of Bangor in Ireland. It is known Advanced Studies.
as the Antiphonary of Bangor, but contains six
canticles, twelve metrical hymns or poems, sixty- The Rule of Tallaght, (found in the Franciscan
nine collects for use at canonical hours, seventeen Convent in Merchants' Quay, Dublin,
collects on behalf of special persons or for use on miscellaneous papers G. 36, which are copies
special occasions, seventy anthems and versicles, probably by John Colgan and Fr. Louis Dillon
the Creed, and the Pater noster, cf. v. 1, Introd.) before 1635) Edited (and translated) by Edward

Gwynn, from the Hermathena No. XLIV Second Oengus began his Martyrology there. The middle
Supplemental Volume. 1927, Dublin and London. part of it he composed in Clúain Eidnech. In
(This includes the Teaching of Mael Ruain, and Tamlachtu [Tallaght], however (i.e. In the kiln), it
Rule of the Céli Dé, notes to both, and notes and was completed, to wit, in the time of (abbot)
corrections to Monastery of Tallaght.) Maelruain it was composed. Four-and-twenty
syllables in every quatrain, and if there be more
Ordo Monasticus In Veteri Scotiae Monasterio De or less, as aforesaid, it is an error...” [The verse
Kil Ros (The Rule of the Cele De, or Culdees of at the beginning of each day, is not in perfect
Kilross) Migne Patrologia Latin Vol. 59. meter in the English translation, but in Old Irish it
is perfect. The comments of the Irish glossator
The Celtic Monk, Rules and Writings of Early are Old Irish and Latin, which has been left
Irish Monks, Uinseann Ó Maidin OCR, 1996 untranslated here.] The explanation is also in the
Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Prologue to the verses. Oengus compares the
and Spencer, Massachusetts. ISBN suffering weak Martyrs with the proud powerful
0-87907-565-1 (alk. Paper) kings, the kings who in death burn and their
This book has The Rules of: Ailbe, Comghall, homes crumble and their works are forgotten, but
Colmcille, Ciarán, the Grey Monks, Cormac the Saints live forever in radiant joy, in heavenly
MacCiolionáin, Carthage, an incomplete mansions, and their works are always
fragment, Céli Dé, Tallaght. Also, a short remembered. (And this may be a Synodikon for
introduction, and an introduction to the sections the first Sunday and Monday of Lent.) Then
including manuscript numbers. Oengus says, lines 277-288, “O Jesus, I profess
to manifest Thy kingfolk according to the order
Saints (in which) they have gone to Thee in cloudy
The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee: Félire heaven! There is not in the year, O Christ, if
Óengusso céli dé, which was later copied and Thou hearest, a day that a community would not
called “The Speckled Book,” Lebar Brecc. come to Thee in the other world. It is manifest, O
Verses every day, and their explanation by the Prince, O King (whose) lords are numbered, we
glossator, edited and translated from ten Old Irish will declare with swiftness each day's noble
manuscripts from around 800 A.D. by Whitely lights.” The commemoration of Saints is not just
Stokes, 1905, London, Henry Bradshaw Society, to ask for their intercessions, but that we
V. 29. Why Oengus wrote the book: “This is the remember every day that they are numbered
Cause. Once Oengus went to Cúil Bennchor among the elect, and their number is the order of
[Bangor] in Mag Rechet: he saw a grave there, the calendar; not a mind-numbing succession of
and all between heaven and the ground over the days and troubles or an envious look at our
grave was full of angels. So he asked the priest betters, but a joyful naming of the numbered
of the church: 'Who has been buried in yonder salvation of the eternally living Saints from day
grave?' 'A wretched old man who was in the to day; their salvation and ours.
place,' says the priest. 'What good used he to do?'
says Oengus. 'I used not to see any special good The Martyrology of Tallaght, from the Book of
done by him,' says the priest. 'What thing at all Leinster and MS. 5100-4 in the Royal Library,
used he to do?' says Oengus. 'He recounted the Brussels. Edited, with introduction, translations,
saints of the world,' says the priest, 'such of them notes and indices, by Richard Irvine Best and
as he remembered, on lying down and getting up, Hugh Jackson Lawlor, 1931, London.
as is the custom of all ex-laymen.' 'O my God of
heaven,' said Oengus, 'whosoever should The Saints of Ireland, by Mary Ryan D'Arcy,
compose in poetry a song of praise for the saints, 1974, Irish American Cultural Institute, St. Paul,
great were his guerdon therefor, since grace of MN, ISBN 0-85342-733-X and ISBN
yon greatness came upon the ex-layman.' So 0-9614900-0-4, LOC catalog 74-83242. (“TSI”)

Butler's Lives of the Saints, Complete Edition, new introduction and notes by D. H. Farmer.
Edited, Revised and Supplemented by Herbert Revised edition 1990, Penguin Books, London,
Thurston, S.J. and Donald Attwater, in four England.
Volumes. Imprimatur: E. Morrogh Bernard. 1956
P. J. Kenedy & Sons, New York, Library of Life of St. Columba, Adomnán of Iona, translated
Congress 56-5383. by Richard Sharpe, 1991 Penguin Books,
London, England.
“St. Columba, Abbot, (A.D. 597)” By S. Baring-
Gould, From The Lives of the Saints June 1874. The Ladder of Divine Ascent, [St.] John Climacus,
(It is worthwhile to read a life of St. Columba, or translation by Colm Luibheid and Norman
Colm cille of Iona. There is not enough room to Russell, Introduction by +KALLISTOS Ware.
include much in this book.) 1982, Missionary Society of St. Paul, New York,
Paulist Press, Ramsey, N.J.. ISBN 0-8091-2330-4
Vita Patrum, The Life of the Fathers, by St. and 0-8091-0312-5.
Gregory of Tours, translated from the Latin and
French by Fr. Seraphim Rose and Paul Bartlett, The Life of the Virgin Mary, The Theotokos,
Edited, with introductory material by Fr. viewed and treated within the framework of
Seraphim Rose. (Some history of the church in Sacred Scriptures, Holy Tradition, Patristics and
Gaul is in the introduction. The word “Life” is other ancient writings, together with the
singular, because the “Life” is the Life of the One Liturgical and Iconographic Traditions of the
True Living God in them.) 1988, St. Herman of Holy Orthodox Church. Written and Compiled
Alaska Brotherhood, Platina, California. ISBN (1989) by Holy Apostles Convent, P.O. Box
0-938635-23-9. 3118, Buena Vista, CO 81211. ISBN
Glory of the Martyrs, [St.] Gregory of Tours,
translated with an introduction by Raymond van The Lives of the Holy Apostles, Saints Peter, Paul,
Dam, 1988 by Liverpool University Press, P.O. Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,
Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX. Oxford University Thomas, Matthew, James, Jude, Simon, Matthias,
Press ISBN 0 85323 236 9. Mark, Luke, and James. From the Menology of
St. Dimitri of Rostov in Russian and The Great
Free Choice in St. Maximus the Confessor, Joseph Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church in Greek,
P. Farrell, D. Phil (Oxon) (+PHOTIOS), St. translated by Reader Isaac E. Lambertsen and
Tikhon's Seminary Press, South Canan, PA, 1989, Holy Apostles Convent. 1988 Holy Apostles
with a foreward by +Bishop Kallistos (Ware) of Convent, P.O. Box 3118, Buena Vista, CO
Diokleia, University of Oxford. 81211. ISBN 0-944359-00-0

The Disputation with Pyrrhus of our Father Also refers to Apostles: Holy Apostles Convent
Among the Saints Maximus the Confessor, (1999) The Orthodox New Testament, Vol. I: The
Translated from the Greek by Joseph P. Farrell, Holy Gospels, Dormition Skete, Buena Vista CO,
D. Phil (Oxon), (+PHOTIOS) St. Tikhon's ISBN 0-944359-13-2 .
The Voice of the Eagle, Homily on the Prologue to
Ecclesiastical History of the English People with the Gospel of St. John, John Scotus Eriugena,
Bede's Letter to Egbert and Cuthbert's Letter on translated with an introduction and reflections by
the Death of Bede. [Historia ecclesiastica gentis Christopher Bamford (although we could do
Anglorum], by [the Venerable] Bede. The History without Bamford's reflections). [Opposed to
translated by Leo Sherley-Price 1955, revised by radical Augustinianism, John Scotus Eriugena,
R. E. Latham. Translation of the minor works, “the Irishman,” was a mystic, and surrounded by

heavenly light at his death; controversial, but or Siadal in the Latin fathers of Migne; his
much more Orthodox than the rest of Europe, Carmen Paschale has a new translation, but until
giving insight into Irish attitudes.] 1990, now, was never completely translated into
Lindisfarne Press, RR 4, Box 94 A-1, Hudson, English; only available in Latin and translations
NY 12534. In Edinburgh, Britain ISBN into all European languages but English; except
0-86315-516-2, or U.S. ISBN 0-940262-36-3. for what Milton plagiarized, as noted, again
extensively, in Migne. Obviously, it is a good
The writings of many Saints translated into idea to teach Biblical and later Greek and Latin to
English from Greek and Latin in the late 19th all capable students, but English translations
century, were collected into a series: The Ante- reach more people.)
Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene Fathers of the
Christian Church. Editors: Philip Schaff, D.D., “On the Life and Wonders of our Father among
LL.D., Prof. Of Church history in Union the Saints, Gregory the Wonderworker” in the
Theological Seminary N.Y., and Henry Wace, new series, The Fathers of the Church, Volume 98,
D.D. Principal of King's College, London; with St. Gregory Thaumaturgus translated by Michael
many translators. Saints: Athanasius, Basil, John Slusser of Duqesne University, Catholic
Cassian, John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, University of America Press, Washington D.C.,
Gregory Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Pope 1998 (does not include the Twelve Topics, and
Gregory the Dialogist, Hilary of Poitiers, there is some confusion). St. Gregory
Polycarp, Irenaeus of Lyons, Clement, Justin Thaumaturgis by St. Gregory of Nyssa was not
Martyr, Sulpitius Severus (on St. Martin of included by Schaff and Wace, but he is a very
Tours), Vincent of Lerins, and many others. important Saint.
These volumes also include early apocryphal
works such as the Protevangelium of James, the Other History, Icons, Modern Books
Didache, Pastor of Hermas, Apostolic Councils, Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described, Adrian
various Acts of Apostles, etc. Publisher Wm. B. Fortescue, 1934 Burns, Oates & Washbourne ltd.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, London, England. (Rubrics of the traditional
Michigan, reprinted these volumes in 1982 by Roman Rite often fit the Ordinary of the Mass of
photo offset. These are available on the internet, the Lorrha-Stowe Missal. For example: The
under Schaff, although not as easy to navigate as raised arms is the “orans,” the ancient pose of
before. Volume IX, Ss. Sulpitius, Vincent, and prayer in Byzantine Icons of “Our Lady of the
Cassian have an ISBN 0-8028-2101-4.) Sign.” Fortesque was a great scholar.)

Cassian on Chastity, Institute 6, Conference 12, The Desert Christian, Sayings of the Desert
Conference 22, Introduction and Translation by Fathers, The Alphabetical Collection
Terrence G. Kardong, 1993, Assumption Abbey [Apophthegmata Patrum], translated and with a
Press, 418 3rd Ave. West, Richardton, North foreward by Benedicta Ward, S.L.G., 1975
Dakota. (Pamphlet. The 19th century Rev. Edgar Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York ISBN
C. S. Gibson did not translate these chapters in 0-02-623860-8.
Volume IX of the Eerdmans series above.)
The History of the Franks, [St.] Gregory of Tours,
A more complete compilation was made of Greek translated with an Introduction by Lewis Thorpe,
and Latin Fathers (in Greek and Latin) called the Penguin Books, 1974, London, England. (The
Migne Patrologia. However, these books are not bloody history of how the barbarians in France
translated into English, although they have found Christianity again under king Clovis, and
extensive notes, again, in Greek and Latin. how Christianity had to be rediscovered after the
Together, these are a wall of books, only fall of Rome. This book also has lists of Bishops
available in some college libraries. (See Sedulius of Tours, and some Saints.)

How the Irish Saved Civilization, Thomas Cahill, The Orthodox Church, by +KALISTOS (Timothy
1995, Nan A. Talese, Doubleday, New York. Ware). The early editions are more complete.
ISBN 0-385-41848-5. (Popular writer, not First published in 1963, with the author name of
always complete; too enamored of Augustine.) Timothy Ware. Penguin Books, Bungay, Suffolk,
The Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church by F.
E. Warren, B. D. Fellow of St. John's College, The Orthodox Way, +KALLISTOS Ware, 1979,
Oxford. 1881, reprinted 1979, Eastern Orthodox St. Vladimir's Seminary, Crestwood, NY. 10707,
Books, P. O. Box 302, Willits, CA 95490. printed in Great Britain. ISBN 0-913836-583.

The Meaning of Icons [Der Sinn de Ikonen] by Orthodoxy, the Romance of Faith, by Gilbert
Leonid Ouspensky and Vladimir Lossky, Keith [G. K.] Chesterton. 1959, reprint Image,
translated by G. E. H. Palmer and E. Doubleday, New York. ISBN 0-385-01536-4.
Kadloubovsky. 1982 St. Vladimir's Seminary (Western writer but good.)
Press, Crestwood, New York. ISBN
0-913836-77-X and ISBN 0-913836-99-0 (pbk.). Sinai and the Monastery of St. Catherine, by John
Galey, introduction by Kurt Weitzmann and
Mere Christianity, by C. S. [Clive Staples] Lewis, George Forsyth. 1979 and 1980, Doubleday &
1943, Macmillan Publishing Company, New Company, Inc. Garden City, New York ISBN
York. ISBN 0-02-086830-8. (Western writer, but 0-385-17110-2.
very good.)
The Vision of God, by Vladimir Lossky, translated
The Book of Kells, Described by Sir Edward from French by Asheleigh Moorhouse, Preface
Sullivan, Bart. With additional commentary from by John Meyendorff, 1963The Faith Press,
An Enquiry into the Art of the Illuminated Bedfordshire, Great Britain, SBN 7164-0315-3.
Manuscripts of the Middle Ages by Johan Adolf
Bruun. 1920. reprint 1986, Studio Editions, Way of the Ascetics, The Ancient Tradition of
London. ISBN 1-85170-035-8 (cased), ISBN Discipline and Inner Growth, Tito Colliander,
1-85170-196-6 (paper). translated by Katharine Ferré, introduction by
Kenneth Leech. 1985, St. Vladimir's Seminary
Painted Labrynth, The world of the Lindisfarne Press, Crestwood, NY 10707. ISBN
Gospels, Michelle P. Brown, 2003, 2004, The 0-88141-049-7.
British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1
2D8. ISBN 0-7123-4811-5. The Decorative Art of Russia, Introduction by
Marina Bowater, Portland House, New York,
Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, A Concise 1990, by Studio Editions Ltd., reprinted from
Exposition, by Protopresbyter Michael Slavonic and Eastern Ornamentation, printed
Pomazansky, translated from Russian by under the authority of his Majesty Emperor
Hieromonk Seraphim Rose, with blessing of the Alexander II, 1887. ISBN 0-517-01774-1, with
late Archbishop AVERKY of Syracuse and Holy color transparencies courtesy of Christies,
Trinity Monastery, and printed with the blessing Sothebys, The Winter Palace, Raymond F. Piper
of Archbishop ANTHONY of Western America Collection and Marina Bowater. The typical
and San Francisco (Russian Church Outside “Scythian” (same as Celtic style) knotwork can
Russia). 1963, revised by the author 1973, be found in 11th to 15th century plates from
printed 1984, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, Novgorod, Kiev, Galitch, Pskov, Belozersk,
Platina, CA. Library of Congress catalog Polodsk, Grodno, Kovel, Viazma, Vilno, Tver,
84-051294. 15th to 17th century Smolensk, Sloutzk, and 15th
century Moscow. The same knotwork is also

found in 13th century Armenia. This knotwork Some use was made of Wikipedia in finding
decoration was used in illuminations in books, sources; these were checked.
but not icons on boards. However, just as the
later Scottish took all the monasteries that As to sources of Byzantine Hymns (from Lorrha-
belonged to the “Scots” in Europe, because the Stowe Missal and the Hours of Bangor, True
word that had meant from the north, “Scot,” later Worship of the Undivided Church): The
only applied to the land above England, the Bridegroom Hymn AB 10, at Midnight in the
Romanians claimed the inheritance of all of the Celtic Breviary, is abbreviated in the Byzantine
Scythians. Rite Bridegroom Hymn during Holy Week. “Fiery
Creator of the Light giving Light” AB 9, is
Byzantine Sources (for comparison) abbreviated in the Byzantine Hymn “Phos
Service Book of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Hilarion.” “The Hymn of the Apostles,” AB 3, has
Apostolic Church, compiled, translated, and forty verses that imply a response of “Kyrie
arranged from the old Church-Slavonic service eleison,” other than the beginning and ending
books of the Russian Church and collated with verses which end “Alleluia;” this may have
the service books of the Greek Church by Isabel become the “forty-fold Kyrie” which is sung only
Florence Hapgood, 1922, endorsed by TIKHON, as the responses in the Byzantine Rite, and which
Patriarch of Moscow and of all Russia, 1921. became the “Kyrie” in the later Tridentine Roman
Printed by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Rite. The Greek “Kontakion” Hymns were
Archdiocese, Englewood, New Jersey. Reprint originally Abecedarian Hymns, i.e., each letter of
1975. the alphabet began a new verse, but these are
shortened to one verse in modern Byzantine
Mικρον Ευχολογιον [Mikron Evxologion] An practice. Irish Abecedarian Hymns pre-date the
Orthodox Prayer Book, Translated [from Greek] Byzantine Kontakion. The Irish Caelius Sedulius,
by Fr. John von Holzhausen and Fr. Michael or St. Siadal, taught poetry in Athens including
Gelsinger, Edited by Fr. N.M. Vaporis, in Greek Irish bardic forms. (Hymns were often shared;
and English. Holy Cross Orthodox Press, words of hymns such as the Roman “O Antiphons”
Brookline, Massachusetts, 1977. ISBN can be found in the Byzantine Christmas Eve
0-916586-09-X (Used as a source in a Vespers Canon. The purpose of this book is not to
discussion of Absolution prayers, in our Volume criticize or compare Rites and specific prayers, but
I, page 382.) to offer more of the Propers and Lections for
worship of the ancient undivided Church.)
Divine Prayers and Services of the Catholic
Orthodox Church of Christ, Compiled and The Orthodox view of St. Peter was spelled out in
arranged by the Late Reverend Seraphim Nassar. The Primacy of Peter in the Orthodox Church by
1938 Mary, Elizabeth, and Sadie Abraham. 1979 John Meyendorff, et al. (1963), (St. Vladimir's
The Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Seminary Press, Crestwood, NY, ISBN
of North America, Englewood, New Jersey. 978-0-881-41125-6), and
Approved and authorized by +Metropolitan “Peter's Primacy in the New Testament and the
PHILIP. Early Tradition" in The Primacy of Peter by
Veselin Kesich (1992) St. Vladimir's Seminary
The Prologue of Ochrid was used as a reference, Press, 61-66.
and the sources were checked. Not every
Russian or Byzantine Saint, or even all Saints on Holy Bible, and Commentary on Scripture
the Martyrology of Tallaght, have been included The Holy Bible, Douay-Rheims Version, Revised
in this book. by Bishop Richard Challoner, A.D. 1749-1752.
Translated from the Latin Vulgate. (There are a
Also, Byzantine calendars, lists of Saints, etc. few places where the translation is not perfect,

but it is much closer than most other translations, these days when heretical re-writes of history
and much more complete, with Greek numbering abound, it is refreshing to see actual scholarship.)
of the Psalms, used extensively as a source of
Psalms.) Reprinted 1989, Tan Books and Irish Biblical Apocrypha, Selected Texts in
Publishers, Inc., P. O., Box 424, Rockford, Translation, edited by Máire Herbert and Martin
Illinois 61105. McNamara MSC, 1989, T&T Clark Ltd., 59
George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LQ Scotland.
The Orthodox New Testament, Volume I ISBN 0-567-09524-X (While prophecy can be
Evangelistarion, The Holy Gospels, Volume 2, fantastical, this is not “new age” material.)
Praxapostolos, Acts, Epistles, and Revelation,
1999 and 2000 Holy Apostles Convent, P.O. Box There are many more sources, some mentioned in
3118, Buena Vista, CO 81211 the body of this book, but limited space here.
Gospels ISBN 0-944359-17-5; Epistles ISBN
0-944359-18-3 (A little awkward in places, but Companion book (notes on the Mass, Hours,
best of the recent Orthodox translations and Psalms)
commentaries.) Lorrha-Stowe Missal and the Hours of Bangor,
Warning about Protestant “Greek interlinear” True Worship of the Undivided Church +Maelruain
Bibles: it is necessary to understand Greek Kristopher Dowling and Elizabeth Dowling, 2008,
grammar regardless. Some wrongly change the ISBN 978-0-557-00229-0). (Full translation of the
grammatical tense. St. Luke 22:19 “anamyhsin,” Lorrha-Stowe Missal, the Antiphonary of Bangor,
should not be “remembrance;” this should be Hours, other services such as Funeral, etc., notes,
“keeping in memory” or “keeping in mind.” meditations, full Psalter.)

The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of The Bishop Maelruain (Kristopher Dowling):

Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew, St. Mark, www.CelticChristianity.org
St. Luke, St. John (in four volumes). By Blessed Celtic Orthodox Christian Church,
Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria. P.O. Box 2712, Akron, OH, 44309.
Printed with the blessing of Archbishop ALYPY
of Chicago, Detroit, and the Midwest America, of Prayers for the Dying
the Russian Church Outside Russia. 1992, 1993,
1994, 1997, 2007. Translated from the original and Funeral
Greek by the publishers: Chrysostom Press, P.O. Note: Use the Mass for the dead in the
Box 536, House Springs, MO 63051. Celtic Missal, and the Propers for the
Chrysostom Press, Beck & Kriegel, P.C. The dead in the Missal. The other materials
Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of The Holy which may be used, below, are from the
Gospel According to St. Matthew: Casebound Ambrosian Rite, which is the same as
ISBN 0-9635183-0-5, Perfect ISBN the Celtic Propers in all respects, and
0-9635183-1-3. The Explanation by Blessed was derived from Celtic missions. A
Theophylact of The Holy Gospel According to St. funeral service is found in the Bobbio
Mark: Casebound ISBN 0-9635183-2-1, Perfect Missal. The terms "servant" or
ISBN 0-9635183-3-X. The Explanation by "handmaid" may both be used in the
Blessed Theophylact of The Holy Gospel case of a woman. Sing the Hymn to the
According to St. Luke: Casebound ISBN Archangel Michael at the end of
0-9635183-4-8 Perfect 0-9635183-5-6. The Unction, when the Soul goes forth from
Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of The Holy the Body, and as a Hymn at the Requiem
Gospel According to St. John: Casebound ISBN Mass (included with the Hymns). Use
978-1-889814-08-7 Perfectbound ISBN the complete Psalms in the Psalter, in
978-1-889814-09-4. (Very good exegesis. In Greek - Latin numbering.

Prayers [before] the Soul Goes sins. Receive, O Lord, Thy servant in the good,
Forth from the Body and free his (her) soul from all the dangers of
[Use these prayers with the Sacrament of hell, and from the snares of punishments, and
Unction, and Holy Communion.] from all tribulations.
The Lord said to His disciples, in my Name ye Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
shall cast out demons, and ye shall lay thy hands didst free Noah from danger.
upon the sick and they will become well. Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Psalm 49: The God of gods, the Lord hath didst free Elijah and Enoch from tasting death in
spoken: and he hath called the earth... the world.
[Use the text of the Psalm in the Psalter.] Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Prayer: didst free Abraham through faith and believing.
Heal, O Lord, this Thy servant N. whose bones Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
are troubled and whose spirit is greatly defiled. didst free Lot from Sodom and the flaming fire.
Please convert them and heal him (her) through Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Thy spiritual medicine and rescue his soul didst free Isaac from the hand of his father
(Use the Sacrament of Unction, which includes Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Anointing, Holy Communion, and Absolution.) didst free Jacob through the benediction of Thy
Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Office of Commending the Soul didst free Moses from the hand of Pharoah, king
When it Goes Forth from the Body of the Egyptians.
+ Fare thee well in Christ. Peace be with thee. Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Amen. didst free Job from his sufferings.
As thy soul goes forth from this world, let it go Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
forth in peace. In the Name of God the Father didst free Jonah from the belly of the whale.
Almighty Who created thee. In the Name of Jesus Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Christ the Son of the Living God Who suffered didst free David from the hand of Saul the king,
for thee. In the Name of the Holy Spirit Who is and Goliath, and from all of the chains of his sins.
poured forth in thee. In the Name of the Angels Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
and Archangels, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, didst free Daniel from the Lion's den.
Innocents, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins, and all Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
of the souls of the Saints who are pleasing to didst free three youths, from the fiery furnace and
God. Today mayest thou be placed with them in the hand of the iniquitous king.
peace, may thy place and habitation be in the Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Holy Heavenly Jerusalem. May Saint Michael the didst free Suzanna from false accusation.
Archangel, who was meritorious to lead the Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
heavenly armies, take thee up. May the Holy didst free human race by Thy Passion.
Angels lead thee and guide thee into the Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
Heavenly Jerusalem. May Saint Peter the Apostle didst free Peter and Paul from prison.
to whom the Lord handed down the keys to the Free, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, as Thou
heavenly kingdom, take thee up. Go forth in didst free Thecla from the three torments.
peace, in the Name of the Father, an of the Son, Thus be pleased to free, O Lord, the soul of this
and of the Holy Spirit, Who will illuminate thee human being, and allow him (her) to dwell with
in life eternal and raise thee in the first Thee in the heavenly good things of Thy
resurrection in the newest Day. Lord Jesus Christ kingdom, Who with the Father and the Holy
the Good Shepherd, receive the soul of Thy Spirit lives and reigns unto ages of ages. Amen.
servant N. in peace, and forgive all of his (her)

Rite of Funeral servant, for before Thee, no man is justified,
unless all of their sins have been granted
After the Soul has Gone Forth from
forgiveness by Thee. Therefore we beseech Thee,
the Body, Preparation of the Body that they do not bear Thy condemnation who are
[Use the full text of the Psalms, commended unto Thee by true supplication of the
Greek numbering in the Psalter.] Christian faith, but sustained by Thy grace, may
With faithful affection of memory, dear this one be worthy to evade the condemnation of
brethren, let us implore the mercy of our Lord for vengeance, who lived marked with the Sign of
the commemoration of our dear - N. - whom the the Trinity, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy
Lord hath assumed from the temptations of this Son, Who with Thee lives and reigns together
world so that He Himself may be pleased to with the Holy Spirit, through all ages of ages.
bestow a resting place of peace and quiet, and Amen.
remit all of the offenses of his slips of Pour forth Thy mercy on thy dead
conscience, and grant him forgiveness of his sins. servant - N. - O Lord, that he not receive the
May the Lord wipe away and cleanse whatever condemnation unto punishments because of his
guilt he (she) has in this world; through the works; he remembered Thy desires in prayers so
wholeness of His unfathomable faith, and His that this true faith would join him to the crowd of
loving kindness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ the faithful and may Thy mercy join him to the
His Son, Who with Him lives and reigns God in Angelic chorus through our Lord Jesus Christ,
unity with the Holy Spirit, through all ages of Thy Son, Who with Thee lives and reigns
ages. Amen. together with the Holy Spirit, through all ages of
God, in Whom all live and by Whom our ages. Amen.
bodies are not lost by dying, but are changed for
the better, Thee we suppliants beseech, that Thou After this, there is the continuous
command that the soul of Thy servant - N. - be chanting of the Psalms, and the
lifted up by the hand of Thy Holy Angels, placed washing of the corpse.
in the bosom of Thy friend Abraham the 1. Antiphon:
Patriarch, and resuscitated on the most new Day Lead me O Lord in Thy justice and direct my
of the great Trial, and whatsoever fault they may ways in Thy sight.
have contracted because of the lying devil, do Psalm 1: Blessed is the man...
Thou, O faithful and merciful one, wash away 2. Antiphon:
with Thy forgiveness, through our Lord Jesus Do not give him over to hell, O Lord, neither give
Christ, Thy Son, Who with Thee lives and reigns his soul unto corruption.
together with the Holy Spirit, through all ages of Psalm 15: The inscription of a title to David
ages. Amen. himself. Preserve me, O Lord, for I have put trust
Receive, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant in thee...
(or handmaid) - N. - which Thou wast pleased to 3. Antiphon:
free from the prison of this world, and free their See, O Lord, my humility, and forgive me all my
soul from the principalities of darkness and a sins.
place of torment so that absolved of all of the Psalm 24: To thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my
chains of sin, they be born into eternal blessing of soul...
quiet and light, and deserve to be resuscitated 4. Antiphon:
among Thy Saints and elect in the glory of the Thou art, O Lord, my protector, into Thy hand I
Resurrection, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy commend my spirit.
Son, Who with Thee lives and reigns together Psalm 30: In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me
with the Holy Spirit, through all ages of ages. never be confounded:..
Amen. 5. Antiphon:
Do not enter into judgment with Thy My soul hath thirsted for the Living God: I will

come forth and submit myself before the Face of living. Bring my soul out of prison,
God. Psalm 141 I cried to the Lord with my voice:
Psalm 41: As the hart panteth after the fountains with my voice I made supplication to the Lord...
of water;...
6. Antiphon: The body is sent in a coffin with and six candles
Behold, God is my helper, and the Lord is the set about the bier.
sustainer of my soul.
Psalm 53: Save me, O God, by thy name, and Wake for the Dead
judge me in thy strength...
Because of the necessity that the Psalms be sung
7. Antiphon:
and the three lessons read, then let the first watch
Into Paradise may the Angels lead thee, and with
read “fifty” psalms. With the Antiphon : Guide
glory may the holy Martyrs of God receive thee.
me O Lord in Thy Justice.
Psalm 61: Shall not my soul be subject to God?
V. (Ps 1) Blessed is the man... Through Ps 52
for from him is my salvation...
Let the second read the next "fifty" Psalms with
8. Antiphon:
the Antiphon: Behold God is my helper: and the
Throughout my life I praised Thee, O Lord: give
Lord is the protector of my soul. Save me, O
me rest with the Saints in the land of the living
God, by thy name, and judge me in thy strength. ...
and save me.
through Ps 117
Psalm 71: Give to the king thy judgment, O God:
Again let the third gathering read the next “fifty”
and to the king's son thy justice..:
with the Antiphon: Uphold me according to thy
9. Antiphon:
word, and I shall live: and let me not be
Remember O Lord that which is my lot, what
confounded in my expectation. Blessed are the
man liveth who will not see death?
undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the
Psalm 82: O God, who shall be like to thee? hold
Lord. ... until the end of Ps. 150
not thy peace, neither be thou still, O God...
10. Antiphon: Lord, send Thine Angel, my
Another set of Double Antiphons.
protector who raiseth me from the dust of the
V. My Redeemer liveth and shall renew me
earth so that I may be able to run to meet the
V. My bones shall be renewed and while in my
Resurrection with Thy Saints.
flesh I will behold the Lord God.
Psalm Ps 91 It is good to give praise to the Lord:
Psalm 50 Have mercy on me, O God, according
and to sing to thy name, O most High...
to thy great mercy...
11. Antiphon:
V. Thou commandest that I be born, O Lord,
Let our cry come unto Thee, O Lord.
fulfill Thy promise that I rise again
Psalm 101 Hear, O Lord, my prayer: and let my
V. I come at Thy command, do not abandon me
cry come to thee...
for Thou at Faithful.
12. Antiphon:
Psalm 53 Save me, O God, by thy name, and
Uphold me according to thy word, and I shall
judge me in thy strength...
live: and let me not be confounded in my
V. I believe that the Lord will not abandon me
nor condemn me when He cometh in judgement
Psalm 118 Blessed are the undefiled in the way,
V. But my Redeemer, the Faithful God, will be
who walk in the law of the Lord...
merciful to me.
13. Antiphon:
Psalm 56: Have mercy on me, O God, have
This is my rest for ever and ever: here will I
mercy on me: for my soul trusteth in thee...
dwell, for I have chosen it.
V. Thou created me, O Christ, I come at Thy
Psalm 131 O Lord, remember David, and all his
V. Forgive me O God; forgive me O Mighty free
14. Antiphon:
me from the hand of death.
Thou art my hope, my portion in the land of the
Psalm 85: Incline thy ear, O Lord, and hear me:

for I am needy and poor. 17. O Thou Who raised Lazarus
This Antiphon is for a Deacon or Priest: V. Grant eternal rest to him/her/them O Lord.
V. I have become a stranger to my brethren as 18 In Thy hand O Lord do I commend my spirit.
thou ordained. V. In Thee have I hoped, O Lord.
V. Thou didst call me O God: behold, I come:
accept me. Chants for when the Body is
Psalm 68: Save me, O God: for the waters are
come in even unto my soul... carried to the Church:
I. I exalted Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast
Psalms for when the Body is sustained me; lead my soul out of the inferno;
Save me O Lord from among those descending
carried to the Church: into the lake.
A Sequence II. Thou didst create me from the earth,
1 We shall be filled with the good things of thy endowed me with flesh: O Christ my Redeemer,
house; revive me on the newest day.
V. For thy arrows are fastened in me : and thy III. Thy right hand, O Lord, sustained me; and
hand hath been strong upon me. taught me Thy discipline.
2 Before I waste away IV. With Christ our life appeared: so let it appear
V. I am afflicted and humbled exceedingly: with Him in Glory.
I roared with the groaning of my heart. V. Lord, Lord, when shall I come unto Thy
3 My flesh is endowed judgement?
V. For He will not change His mind VI. I have soiled my soul set in flesh; before
4 With but the few days Thou shatter me: have mercy.
V. Hear, O Lord, my prayer: and let my cry come VII. O Lord, send forth thine Angel, my
to thee. protector that he rouse me so that I may hasten to
6 Which Thou hast granted me the resurrection with Thy Saints.
V. If I had been just, my mouth
7 I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are equity: The coffin is placed at the foot of the altar with six
and in thy truth thou hast humbled me. candles about it. If the deceased is a Priest, the
V. Remember O Lord the work of Thy hand. head is toward the altar and the face is covered
8 Free me with a chalice veil.
V. Have mercy on me O God, have mercy on me. The Requiem Mass is
9 Does not God know?
V. Let the dead get up and arise. Offered.
10 I know because of The Celtic Mass with the Propers
V. O God come to my assistance. of the Departed in the Missal, and
11. My desire these Lections and prayers:
V. I am one who has spoken
Requiem: Epistle: I Corinthians. 15:51-58;
12 Pour forth tears O eyes
Psalm: 138; Gospel: John 5:19-20; and 11:25-26;
V. I labored with sobbing.
(Final Gospel below; said at the end of the Mass).
13 My eyes are full of tears
General Requiem Epistle: I Thess. 4:12-18;
V. O all of you who have passed over
Psalm: 138; Gospel: John 5:19-20; and 11:25-26;
14. The chains are loosened
(Final Gospel below; said at the end of the Mass).
V. Cleanse me entirely
Requiem for a Bishop Old Testament: Is.
15. Return to me
26:2-20; Epistle: I Corinthians. 15:1-22; P: 138
V. Unto Thee O Lord do I arise.
or 139 or 147 (appropriate to the man) Gospel:
16. So that thou shalt not fear in spirit
John 6:48-59; 12:25-26; (Final Gospel below;
V. May the Lord harken unto thee.
said at the end of the Mass).

The final Gospel: The Passion Reading: the day of judgement may he/she stand forth and
[Matthew 26:17-29] Thou command that he/she be revived with Thy
And on the first day of the Azymes, the disciples Saints and Elect. Through O Lord Jesus Christ....
came to Jesus, saying: Where wilt thou that we V. May the Chains be loosed
prepare for thee to eat the pasch? But Jesus said: R. Cleanse me entirely
Go ye into the city to a certain man, and say to Following the Gospel according to Saint
him: the master saith, My time is near at hand, John (Chapter 6)
with thee I make the pasch with my disciples. All that the Father giveth to me shall come to me;
And the disciples did as Jesus appointed to them, and him that cometh to me, I will not cast out.
and they prepared the pasch. But when it was Because I came down from heaven, not to do my
evening, he sat down with his twelve disciples. own will, but the will of him that sent me. Now
And whilst they were eating, he said: Amen I say this is the will of the Father who sent me: that of
to you, that one of you is about to betray me. And all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing;
they being very much troubled, began every one but should raise it up again in the last day. And
to say: Is it I, Lord? But he answering, said: He this is the will of my Father that sent me: that
that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, he shall every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in
betray me. The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is him, may have life everlasting, and I will raise
written of him: but woe to that man by whom the him up in the last day.
Son of man shall be betrayed: it were better for Into Thy hand O Lord, I commend my spirit.
him, if that man had not been born. And Judas R. In Thee have I hoped, O Lord.
that betrayed him, answering, said: Is it I, Rabbi?
He saith to him: Thou hast said it. And whilst Chant while the body is
they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and
blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and taken from the Church
said: Take ye, and eat. This is my body. And to the tomb.
taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to I. Throughout my life I praised Thee O Lord.
them, saying: Drink ye all of this. For this is my II. Remember what my substance is for hast
blood of the new testament, which shall be shed thou made all the children of men in vain?
for many unto remission of sins. And I say to III. My soul sticks to the ground: vivify me O
you, I will not drink from henceforth of this fruit Lord according to Thy promise.
of the vine, until that day when I shall drink it IV. Carry me into the land of the living: they
with you new in the kingdom of my Father. await me.
V.. Redeem me O Lord V. See my humiliation and deliver me: for I
V. Unto to Thee O Lord, do I arise. have not forgotten the law.
Prayer over the body (before leaving the VI. Thou didst command me to be born, O Lord.
church): VII. I believe that Thou shall not abandon me.
We implore Thy Mercy, Eternal Almighty God, VIII. Thou didst create me O Christ.
Who wast pleased to create man in Thine image IX. Truly my days shall be few: grant me rest
that the spirit and soul of Thy servant - N. - who with Thy Saints, O Lord.
at this time has been taken out of human things
and Thou hast summoned to Thyself: receive At the tomb.
him/her gently and mercifully. Do not let him/her X. May Christ Who called thee, receive thee;
be under the domination of the shadow of death may the Angels lead thee unto the bosom of
nor let chaos or shadow of darkness hold him/her Abraham.
but rather may he/she be cleansed of the stains of XI. May this be my repose unto ages of ages.
all of their sins and gathered into the bosom of XII. The Lord slays and restores to life: may He
Abraham the Patriarch, and rejoice to have to a lead thee from the inferno and lead thee back.
place of light and place of refreshment: and on XIII. May the Lord protect thee from all evil

may the Lord preserve thy soul. I will give glory to thee because thou hast heard
Psalm 120: I have lifted up my eyes to the me: and art become my salvation.
mountains, from whence help shall come to me... The stone which the builders rejected; the same is
Psalm 22: The Lord shepherds me: and I shall become the head of the corner.
want nothing... This is the Lord's doing: and it is wonderful in
Psalm 23: The earth is the Lord's and the fulness our eyes.
thereof: the world, and all they that dwell This is the day which the Lord hath made: let us
therein... be glad and rejoice therein.
Psalm 24: To thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my O Lord, save me: O Lord, give good success.
soul... Blessed be he that cometh in the name Lord. We
Psalm 30: In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, Iet me have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.
never be confounded: deliver me in thy justice... The Lord is God, and he hath shone upon us.
Psalm 31: Blessed are they whose iniquities are Appoint a solemn day, with shady boughs, even
forgiven, and whose sins are covered... to the horn of the alter.
Psalm 32: Rejoice in the Lord, O ye just: praise Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art
becometh the upright... my God, and I will exalt thee. I will praise thee,
Psalm 40: Blessed is he that understandeth because thou hast heard me, and art become my
concerning the needy and the poor : the Lord will salvation.
deliver him in the evil day... O praise ye the Lord, for he is good: for his
Psalm 41: As the hart panteth after the fountains mercy endureth for ever.
of water; so my soul panteth after thee, O God... Psalm 4:9
Psalm 50 Have mercy on me, O God, according In peace in the selfsame I will sleep, and I will
to thy great mercy... rest:
Psalm 53 Save me, O God, by thy name, and Let Thy Mercy, O Lord, be upon us, for we have
judge me in thy strength... hoped in Thee.
Psalm 56 Have mercy on me, O God, have All that the Father has given unto me, comes unto
mercy on me: for my soul trusteth in thee... me and I shall revive him on the newest day.
Psalm 66: May God have mercy on us, and bless May the Lord preserve thee from all evil, may the
us: may he cause the light of his countenance to Lord preserve thy soul.
shine upon us, and may he have mercy on us... Let us pray, dear brethren of the spirit of
Psalm 69: O God, come to my assistance; O our beloved - N. - whom the Lord has been
Lord, make haste to help me... pleased to free from the snares of this world and
Psalm 70: In thee, O Lord, I have hoped, let me age, whose body has been borne to the tomb: that
never be put to confusion:... the Faith of God please gather him/her into the
Psalm 85: Incline thy ear, O Lord, and hear me: bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that
for I am needy and poor... when the day of judgement comes He make
Psalm 101: Hear, O Lord, my prayer: and let my him/her to arise and be set among the Saints and
cry come to thee... elect at His right hand. May He grant this through
Psalm 129: Out of the depths I have cried to our Lord Jesus Christ Who with the Father and
thee, O Lord:... the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns throughout all
Psalm 139: Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil ages of ages. Amen.
man: rescue me from the unjust man... Completing the required faithful office
Psalm 149: I have cried to the, O Lord, hear me: of the burial of the human body according to
hearken to my voice, when I cry to thee... custom, let us faithfully implore God in Whom
Psalm 117:19-end Open ye to me the gates of all live that He revive the body of our beloved -
justice: I will go into them, and give praise to the N. - which is interred by us in infirmity into the
Lord. This is the gate of the Lord, the just shall Order of the Saints and command his spirit to be
enter into it. gathered among the Saints and Faithful. Grant

this through our Lord Jesus Christ Who with the lives and reigns throughout all ages of ages.
Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns R.Amen.
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. May the Lord bless thee and protect
After the burial: thee. May the Lord reveal His face unto thee and
have mercy. May the Lord turn His Face to thee
Unto Thee, O Lord, do we commend the
and give thee peace. R. Amen.
soul of Thy servant N and he/she who is dead to
Eternal rest grant him/her, O Lord
the world may be alive unto Thee and that
R. And may perpetual light shine upon him/her.
however he/she may have entered into sin
And may his/her soul rest in peace.
through the fragility of mundane interaction,
R. Amen.
Thou blot out guilt because of Thy most merciful
Faith. through our Lord Jesus Christ Who with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns Hours of the Antiphonary of Bangor
throughout all ages of ages. Amen. Read Antiphons before, between, and after Psalms.
O God, Thou art the eternal lover of All Hours begin: + O God come to my assistance.
human souls redeem from exile in all the R. O Lord make haste to help me.
torments of hell the soul of Thy Servant - N. -
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
who while in body truly held to Thy Faith so that
preserved from the confines of hell he/she may be the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now,
called to associate with the Saints. through our and ever unto the ages of ages. R. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ Who with the Father and the St. Brendan's Daytime Psalms
Holy Spirit, lives and reigns throughout all ages From the Navigatio Brendani
of ages. Amen. 2nd Hour (just after dawn)
It is indeed arrogant for a human to dare Saturday Antiphon AB 106:
to commend a human, for a mortal to dare to Look upon Thy servants and Thy works, O Lord.
commend a mortal, for ashes to dare to commend (Ps. 89:16a)
ashes unto Thee O Lord our God, but since earth Sunday Antiphon AB 105:
receives earth and sand is reduced again to sand, @ Return O Lord, how long? and be entreated in
while all flesh is returned to its origin: we shall favor of Thy servants. (Ps. 89:13)
appeal tearfully unto Thy Faithfulness, O God Daily Antiphon AB 108:
Most Faithful Father and ask that Thou lead the And let the brightness of the Lord our God be
soul of this Thy servant - N. - from the vile chasm upon us. (Ps. 89:17)
of this world unto his/her native land. Receive Fastdays’ Antiphon AB 107:
him/her into the bosom of Abraham, Thy friend, We are filled in the morning with Thy mercy.
and let a refreshing rain pour forth upon him/her. (Ps. 89:14)
Let him/her be preserved from the fierce Christmas Antiphon AB 98:
billowing flames of hell and allow him/her to @ For today night is diminished, days are
participate in repose of the blessed. And whatever enlarged, shadows are shattered, illumination is
his/her sins might be, O Lord, release him/her increased and the loss of night is translated into a
from the punishments of his/her sins and forgive wealth of Light.
them by the extreme leniency of Grace: Do not Psalm 50 (Heb. 51) Miserere Have mercy on me
let him/her receive the punishments due his/her Psalm 62 (Heb. 63) Deus Deus meus ad te
sins, but let him/her experience the sweet Psalm 89 (Heb. 90) Domine refugium
goodness of Thy forgiveness: And when the end Sunday Collect AB 16:
of the world dawns upon all of the high world, Be our protector this day, O Lord, Holy Father
may he/she, gathered into the congregation of all Almighty, eternal God, Who feels pity: the
the Saints, arise with the elect and be summoned bestower of mercy, our helper, leader and
unto Thy right hand. through our Lord Jesus Illuminator of our hearts. Guard, O Lord, our
Christ Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit,

thoughts, conversations, and acts that we may be to shine upon us, O Lord, and have mercy on us.
able, O Lord, to be pleasing in Thy sight, (paraphrase of: Psalm 66:2)
obedient to Thy will and walk in the correct way Psalm 66 (Heb. 67) Deus misereatur
for the rest of our life: Who reignest unto the Psalm 69 (Heb. 70) Deus in adjutorium
ages. Amen. Psalm 115 (Heb. 116:10-19) Credidi
Sunday Collect AB 17: Sunday Collect AB 19:
We pray Thee, Most High, show forth the light of Spare O Christ, Thy Suppliants who pray at the
the sun, Christ, Who is called Orient; be with us, Sixth Hour in as much as Thou wast lifted up
O Lord: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen. upon the Cross for all: Who reignest unto the
Fast days Collect AB 27: ages. Amen.
O Lord, hear us Thy suppliants who repay Thee All other Days Collect AB 29:
with thanks in this first hour of the day, O our Almighty, Eternal God, Who wrought great things
Lord God, Who redeemed us by Thy Holy Blood, for us at the Sixth Hour: ascended the Cross and
accept our prayers and petitions as the first fruits illumined the darkness of the world: Be pleased to
that are offered Who reignest unto the ages. likewise illumine our hearts: Who reignest unto
Amen. the ages. Amen.
Daily Collect AB 122: Ending: Community of the Brethren Prayers,
O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Eternal God, Who Credo, Our Father.
illuminates the day and lights by light, O Lord, 9th Hour (around 3:00 P.M.)
take not Thy mercy from us: restore unto us the Antiphon: Behold how good and how pleasant it
joy of Thy Salvation, and confirm us by Thine is for brethren to dwell together in unity. (Ps:
original Spirit, that the Bearer of Light might be 132:1)
born in our hearts, through Thee, O Jesus Christ: Psalm 129 (Heb. 130) De profundis
Who reignest unto the ages. Amen. Psalm 132 (Heb. 133) Ecce quam bonum
Ending: Community of the Brethren Prayers, Psalm 147 (Heb. 147:12-20) Lauda Jerusalem
Credo, Our Father. Sunday Collect AB 20:
3rd Hour (around 9:00 A.M.) Hear O Christ the prayer of all who pray at the
Antiphon: Sing praises to our God, sing ye: sing Ninth Hour, just as Thou didst attend to Cornelius
praises to our King, sing ye wisely. (Ps. 46:7) by the Angel Who reignest unto the ages. Amen.
Psalm 46 (Heb. 47) Omnes gentes plaudite Fast Days Collect AB 30:
Psalm 53 (Heb. 54) Deus in nomine tuo The Ninth Hour of the day is offered unto Thee,
Psalm 114 (Heb. 116:1-9) Dilexi I have loved O Lord, with simple supplication: in that Divine
Sunday Collect AB 18: wonders are shown to Thy worshippers, by
Through the Third Hour let us beg for the imitation of them, may our hearts also be
clemency of Christ, that He grant us His illumined: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen.
perpetual Grace: Who reigneth unto the ages. Other Days Collect AB 121:
Amen. Our dearest brethren gather for the Ninth Hour, the
All other Days Collect AB 28: time at which the Thief confessed and the
We who rely upon Thee, bow in prayer to Thee, O Kingdom of Paradise was promised to him:
Lord Christ, Who sent the Holy Spirit at the Third likewise may we confess our sins, O Lord, that we
Hour of the day unto the praying Apostles: may gain the Kingdom of the Heavens and deserve
Mandate for us, who beg Thee, participation in the eternal life: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen.
same grace of forgiveness: Who reignest unto the Ending: Community of the Brethren Prayers,
ages. Amen. Credo, Our Father.
Ending: Community of the Brethren Prayers, Vespers (sunset)
Credo, Our Father. Antiphon: A hymn, O God, becometh Thee in
6th Hour (noon) Sion: and a vow shall be paid to Thee in
Antiphon: Cause the Light of Thy Countenance Jerusalem. (Ps: 64,2)

Psalm 64 (Heb. 65) Te decet A hymn Antiphon 11: By the prayers and examples of the
Psalm 103 (Heb. 104) Benedic anima Apostles, Martyrs and Confessors, have mercy
Psalm 112 (Heb. 113) Laudate pueri upon us, O Lord.
Gloria AB 116 (with Antiphons) Antiphon 12: Glory and honor to the Father and to
(1) Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and
peace to men of good will. We praise Thee; we unto ages of ages. Amen.
bless Thee; we worship Thee; we glorify Thee; Optional: AB 9 “Fiery creator of
we magnify Thee; fire” (see Paschal Vigil)
(2) we give thanks to Thee for Thy great mercy. AB 21 Daily Collect (for any season): O Lord we
(3) O Lord heavenly King, God the Father call upon Thee at this time of Evening: Grant our
Almighty; O Lord, the Only Begotten Son of prayers; deny our sins: Who reignest unto the
God, Jesus Christ; O Holy Spirit of God, and all ages. Amen.
of us say, Amen. AB 31 Evening Before a Liturgy Collect: May
(4) O Lord the Son of God the Father: Lamb of our Evening prayer ascend to the ears of Thy
God Who takest away the sin of the world, have divine Majesty and may Thy Blessing descend
mercy upon us. upon us, O Lord, for we have hoped in Thee: Who
(5) Receive our prayer; Thou Who sittest at the reignest unto the ages. Amen.
right-hand of God the Father: Ending: Community of the Brethren Prayers,
(6) Have mercy upon us, Credo, Our Father.
(7) for Thou only art holy, St. Maelruain's Rule:
(8) Thou only art the Lord, (Sitting is allowed during longer Psalm reading.)
(9) Thou only art the Lord, The Beginning of Night (BN, around 9:00 P.M.),
(10) Thou only art glorious; and Midnight (M). Psalm rules for a week:
(11) with the Holy Spirit The Liturgical day begins at Vespers at sunset.
(12) in the glory of God the Father. Beginning of Night on “Sunday” is the modern
Antiphon 1: Every day will we bless Thee, and “Saturday night.” Do 12 or 13 Psalms each Hour.
we will praise Thy Name forever and unto ages BN and M: Antiphon only before the first Psalm:
of ages. We have acted wrongfully, we have done iniquity.
Antiphon 2: Be pleased, O Lord to keep us Thou O Lord, Who are our faithful Father, spare
sinless today. us. In peace in the selfsame I will sleep, and I will
Antiphon 3: Blessed art Thou, O Lord, God of rest: For Thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me
our Fathers, and may Thy Name be laudable and in hope.
glorious unto the ages. Amen. (Between Psalms, whisper: “O God come to my
Antiphon 4: Have mercy on us, O Lord, have assistance, O Lord make haste to help me.”)
mercy on us. Sun. BN From Psalm 1 (Heb 1) Beatus vir
Antiphon 5: Give ear, O Lord, to my words, M From Psalm 14 (Heb 15) Domine quis habitabit
understand my cry. Hearken to the voice of my Mn BN From Ps 26 (Heb 27) Dominus illuminatio
prayer, O My King and my God. (Ps. 5:2-3) M From Psalm 38 (Heb 39) Dixi custodiam
Antiphon 6: And in the morning hear my voice. Tues BN From Psalm 51 (Heb 52) Quid gloriaris
Antiphon 7: In the morning shall my prayer M From Psalm 64 (Heb 65) Te decet
come before Thee, O Lord. Wed. BN From Psalm 76 (Heb 77) Voce mea
Antiphon 8: Throughout days and nights, hours M From Psalm 88 (Heb 89) Misericordias Domini
and moments, have mercy upon us, O Lord. Thurs BN From Ps 101 (Heb 102) Domine exaudi
Antiphon 9: By the prayers and examples of the M From Ps 113 (Heb 114 & 115) In exitu Israel
Saints, have mercy upon us, O Lord. Fri BN From Psalm 125 (Heb 126) In convertendo
Antiphon 10: By the prayers and examples of the M From Psalm 138 (H 139) Domine probasti
Angels, Archangels, Patriarchs, and Prophets, (After the 12 or 13 Psalms are done, do the Our
have mercy upon us, O Lord. Father, and “O God come to my assistance...”)

On the Seventh Day (Saturday, modern Friday Peter were severed: Who reignest unto the ages.
evening) there is a rest from Psalms; do the Cross Amen.
Vigil instead, very useful especially in Holy Week. M: Night before Liturgy Collect AB 37:
St. Maelruain's Rule: At the Beginning Through the Hour of Midnight the Angels
of Night, one week now read the Gospel of St. rejoiced at the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ,
John, three chapters each night; the next week read likewise, we ought to rejoice in Thy Peace, O
the Book of Acts, four chapters each night. Stand Almighty God: Who reignest unto the ages.
during the Gospel of St. John; in a community, a Amen.
person may be blessed to do this reading. Sitting M: Fast day Collect AB 57:
is allowed during the reading of the Book of Acts. Let a shout go out at Midnight that we may be
See the Movable Calendar for the schedule. found prepared for the Bridegroom: Who reigneth
Collects after Psalms at the Beginning of Night unto the ages. Amen.
BN Daily Collect AB 22: We pass the time of Ending: (Both BN and M: No Community
night in Thy praises, O Christ: have pity on all prayers these Hours, only Credo and Our Father.)
who beseech Thee from the heart: Who reignest Matins (Vigil) St. Columbanus's Rule:
unto the ages. Amen. Psalm Rules: There is a Rule for Saturday
BN Night before Liturgy Collect AB 32: O God, and Sunday Matins by St. Columbanus, and a
Who illumines the chaotic darkness of the nights, different Rule for other days of the week in Matins
and brightens the thickness of gloom, we pray to by St. Maelruain. Psalms are interspersed by
Thee: preserve our hearts in the works of Thy Canticles and Antiphons in both of these complex
statutes: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen. Rules. Doing all 150 Psalms in a day is not
BN Night before Liturgy Collect AB 33: recommended by Ecumenical Councils, but a few
We beseech Thy mercy throughout the times of on Mt. Athos and some Irish Saints did it.
day which have unfolded and the times of night If combining Vespers, Beginning of
which have overtaken them, O God, that filled Night, and Matins into one All-Night Vigil, you
with Divine thoughts we may be able to reject the may use St. Maelruain's Psalms at Beginning of
works of darkness: Who reignest unto the ages. Night and Midnight for the day (see chart), without
Amen. Matins Psalms, but with Antiphons, Canticles etc.
BN: Peace (said every Night) AB 34 There is no room here to put all of
BN: Antiphon: We have acted unjustly, we have Matins, due to publishing limitations. Please refer
wrought iniquity. (Ps. 105:6b) to Lorrha-Stowe Missal and the Hours of Bangor,
BN: Collect: Thou hast redeemed, O Lord, us by by +Maelruain (Kristopher Dowling) and
Thy Holy Blood: now encourage us in all things, Elizabeth Dowling, also for commentary, Litanies,
O Jesus Christ Who reignest unto the ages. etc. The Resurrection Gospels are for meditation:
Amen. Matins Resurrection Gospels:
BN: Antiphon: Abundant peace is for those who On the morning of the “Great Sabbath of
are attentive to Thy Law, O Lord and there is no the Lord,” on the third day (Holy and Great
scandal in them. (Ps. 118:165) Friday being the first day, so the beginning of
BN: Collect: May Thy peace, O Lord, King of Sunday, traditionally at the time of Matins), our
Heaven, always pervade our vitals, so that we may Lord Jesus Christ IS Risen from the dead.
not fear the terror by night: Who reignest unto the Orthodox Christians read the “Resurrection
ages. Amen. Gospels” in a cycle during Sunday Matins
M: the Hymn of the Bridegroom, AB 10 through the year. (In the Celtic Rite, a ten week
(Every night: written in full in the Parish Service cycle was specified in Antiphons for the weeks in
for Midnight in Holy Week.) the Antiphonary of Bangor. The Byzantine Rite
M: Daily Collect AB 23: uses an eleven week cycle.) These accounts vary
O Jesus, mercifully visit those who pray at in the Holy Gospels, but their meaning is clear:
Midnight just as by Divine power the chains of our Lord Jesus Christ is Risen from the dead.

The Resurrection Gospels in the Celtic and Peter” to meet Jesus in Galilee (St. Mark
Rite, arranged according to the Paschal Lections, 16:7). But they flee in great fear and didn't tell
sources are from Luxeuil L, Bobbio B, Treves T): anybody, and after resting St. Mary Magdalene
I. Vigil of The Resurrection of our Lord, goes back to the sepulchre, and Jesus meets her,
Pascha Matthew 28:1-20 (to the end) [L,B,T] so she does tell the disciples that Jesus was alive,
At the sepulchre: Saints Mary Magdalene and but they did not believe her. (Note that St. Mark
another Mary meet the angel who rolls back the took his notes from St. Peter.)
stone and tells them that Christ is risen; guards IV: Tuesday of the Resurrection: Mark
are paralyzed with fear; Jesus meets the disciples 16:12-20 [L] Mary Magdalene, Jesus with
who adore Him; the guards go back to the chief eleven. See the second week: this sections starts
priests and are bribed to lie; the eleven Apostles with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
gather on a mountain in Galilee, meet Jesus there, V: Wednesday of the Resurrection:
adore but some doubt; Jesus tells them, “All John 11:1-45 [L] “I am the Resurrection.” The
power is given to me in heaven and in earth;” raising of Lazarus.
commands them to teach all nations everything VI: Thursday of the Resurrection: John
He has commanded them, and to Baptize in the 20:1-9 [L] St. Mary Magdalene goes to the
Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; sepulchre when it is still dark, sees that it is open
and says “behold I am with you all days, even to and empty, and runs to find St. Peter “and the
the consummation of the world.” other disciple whom Jesus loved” (St. John), and
II: Dawn of the Resurrection: Luke tells them: St. John 20:2, “They have taken away
24:1-12 [B] Women at the sepulchre find an the Lord out of the sepulcher, and we know not
empty tomb and go in. Two angels tell them the where they have laid him.” Saints Peter and John
Lord is risen, they tell the Apostles who do not then went out to the sepulcher, but St. John
believe it at first, but St. Peter goes and sees the outran St. Peter. (St. John was much younger).
empty tomb. [may continue with Luke 24:13-35 St. John 20:5 “And when [St. John] stooped
Jesus and two on the road to Emmaus, not in the down, he saw the linen cloths lying; but ye he
Celtic Paschal readings of the season, but the same went not in.” St. John 20:6-9 “Then cometh
event covered by another Gospel in the Celtic Rite: Simon Peter, following him, and went into the
IV: Mark 16:12-20.] In St. Luke, the story of the sepulcher, and saw the linen cloths lying. And
Resurrection is told, St. Luke 24:22-24 “Yea and the napkin that had been about his head, not lying
certain women also of our company affrighted us, with the linen cloths, but apart, wrapped up into
who before it was light, were at the sepulcher, And one place. Then that other disciple also went in,
not finding his body, came, saying, that they had who came first to the sepulcher: and he saw, and
also seen a vision of angels, who say that he is believed. For as yet they knew not the scripture,
alive. And some of our people went to the that he must rise again from the dead.” Here they
sepulcher, and found it so as the women had said, are not met by an angel, and all are confused, and
but him they found not.” and St. Luke 24:33-35 the Apostles leave.
And rising up, the same hour, they went back to VII: Friday of the Resurrection: John
Jerusalem: and they found the eleven gathered 20:11-18 [L] Later, St. Mary Magdalene at the
together, and those that were with them. Saying: sepulchre sees two angels, then she sees Jesus
The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Himself, and she adores Him, calling Him
Simon [Peter]. And they told what things were Rabboni, which means Master.
done in the way; and how they knew him in the VIII: Saturday of the Resurrection:
breaking of bread.”] John 21:1-14 [L] [may read to verse 25.] The
III: Monday of the Resurrection: Mark miracle of St. Peter drawing 153 fish, eating with
15:47-16:11 [L] Women enter the sepulchre very Jesus, and Jesus' command to St. Peter to “feed
early and meet an angel inside, who tells them my sheep.”
that Christ is risen and to go tell the “disciples IX: First Sunday after Pascha: John

20:19-31 [W] Eating with Jesus; doubts and faith Most Holy Martyrs of the Most high God
of St. Thomas and believers, including those Most strong warriors of Christ the King
who have not seen Jesus. Most mighty generals of God’s army
X: Mid-Pascha, Wednesday after the Victors in the Heavens singing to God: Alleluia.
Third Sunday after Pascha: Luke 24:36-48, [T]
[may read to verse 53.] Theme of Pascha: Jesus Most excellent Christ, God of the Heavens,
eats with disciples; Jesus gives them His Peace; Of the Cherubim: Unto Whom, seated with the
and disciples in temple praising the Lord. Holy Father,
The Chorus of Angels and shining martyrs,
Another Matins Canticle (Hymn): Unto Thee, the Saints proclaim: Alleluia.
Hymns for Saints on their Feasts or
O Magnificence, Thou first, for all [Thou] died
Titulars, or for intercession at any time.
on the Cross, Who, when death was trod down,
Examples of Hymns: for St. Patrick
illumined the world. Thou didst ascend unto the
(Audite Omnes by St. Secundinus,); for
Heavens unto the right hand of God
the Blessed Virgin Mary (in the Cross
Unto Thee, the Saints proclaim: Alleluia.
Vigil, Magnificat, Champion Leader,
etc.); for St. Martin of Tours; Feasts of
As a spiritual army with strengthened heart,
the Lord or the Apostles (the Apostle’s
The Holy Apostles followed Thee,
Hymn, AB3, or Community of the
Who with the Cross itself cast out death:
Brethren AB2); All Saints Day and
Unto Thee, the Saints proclaim: Alleluia.
Church Consecration (Altus Prosator by
St. Colum cille). Canticles and Hymns
Christ, Thou art the mighty aid of the Martyrs
are scattered through this book. Here is
Who fight for Thy Holy Glory
one that was missed: a Hymn for
Who with the victor go forth from this age.
Saturdays, Saints and Martyrs:
Unto Thee, the Saints proclaim: Alleluia.
(Choose an appropriate Hymn.)
O Lord, Thy brilliant praised power
Collects before the Hymn
Which through the Holy Spirit strengthens the
Sunday Collect AB 66: Martyrs
Holy Lord, Illumination and true Salvation unto Which confounds the devil and conquers death,
those who believe: Lordly Resurrection of Unto Thee, the Saints proclaim: Alleluia.
brightness, Light of our hearts, let us be worthy
to be, by the knowledge of the Trinity and Protected by the high hand of the Lord,
perception of the Unity: children of Light, and They stand strengthened against the devil
members of Christ, and a temple of the Holy Servants to faith of the eternal Trinity.
Spirit. Who reignest unto ages of ages. Amen. Unto Thee, the Saints proclaim: Alleluia.

Hymn and Procession to the Cross Truly they reign with Thee, O Christ God,
Sundays AB 12 Who by merit of suffering have crowns
Sunday Collect during Great Lent AB 86: And filled with the fruits of eternity they rejoice.
Thine Only Begotten was made the dawn’s first Unto Thee, the Saints proclaim: Alleluia.
light in days of old, Who came to wash away our
sins through the Cross. Who reigneth with Thee Let us, suppliants implore the Grace of Christ
and the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages. Amen. God; That we may be perfect in His glory
And in the Holy City, Jerusalem of God
Hymn and Procession to the Cross The Trinity, with the Saints, we may say:
Saturdays and Saints’ Days AB 11 Alleluia.

AB 80 Collect for Saints and Departed: For the Abbot
Let us venerate Thy Resurrection O Christ, Antiphon AB 42: The Lord preserve him and
through which we may be worthy to be saved give him life, and make him blessed upon the
unto eternity, throughout all ages of ages. Amen. earth. (Ps. 40:3a)
Antiphon: May the Lord keepeth thee from all
Ending for the Hours: Prayer of evil: may the Lord keep thy soul. (Ps. 120:7)
the Community of the Brethren: Antiphon: May the Lord keep thy coming in and
thy going out; from henceforth now and forever.
Long form [Short form is after the Parish
(Ps. 120:8)
Service during Holy Week.] For the Brethren
Antiphon AB 40: Remember not our former Antiphon AB 43: Keep us, O Lord as the apple
iniquities; let Thy mercies speedily prevent us, of Thine eye; protect us under the shadow of Thy
for we have become exceedingly poor. (Ps 78:8) wing. (Ps. 16:8b)
Prayer: Help us, O God of our Salvation, for the Prayer: Be pleased to protect and sanctify all of
Glory of Thy Name’s sake. them, O Almighty God Who reignest unto the
Prayer: O Lord free us and forgive our sins ages. Amen.
because of Thy Name.
Prayer: Give not the soul of one who trusts in For the Brotherhood
Thee over to the beasts. Antiphon AB 44: Thou, O Lord wilt preserve us
Prayer: Forget not the souls of Thy poor ones and keep us from this generation forever.
unto the end. (Ps. 11:8)
Prayer: Respect Thy promises, O Lord: Who Prayer: Hear our prayers for our brethren, that
reignest unto the ages. Amen. Thou wilt have mercy upon them O God: Who
reignest unto the ages. Amen.
For Our Sins (Ps. 69:2)
Antiphon AB 40’: O God, come to my For Peace of Peoples and Kingdoms
assistance: O Lord, make haste to help me. Antiphon AB 45: The Lord will give strength to
Prayer: Hasten, O Lord to free us from all of our His people: the Lord will bless His people with
sins: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen. peace. (Ps. 28:11)
Prayer: Be pleased to grant peace to all,
For the Baptized Almighty God: Who reignest unto the ages.
Antiphon AB 41: Save, O Lord, Thy People and Amen.
bless Thine inheritance: and rule them and exalt
them for ever. (Ps. 27:9). For Blasphemers
Prayer: Have mercy, O Lord, On Thy Catholic Antiphon AB 46: Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth
Church, which Thou didst ransom by Thy Holy forever: O despise not the works of Thy hands.
Blood: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen. (Ps. 137:8)
Prayer: O Lord God of Virtues, do not let those
For the Priests here remain in sin: Who reignest unto the ages.
Antiphon AB 41’: Arise, O Lord into Thy resting Amen.
place, Thou and Thine ark, which Thou hast
sanctified. (Ps. 131:8) For the Impious
Antiphon: Let Thy priests be clothed with justice Antiphon AB 47: Judge them, O God. Let them
and let Thy Saints rejoice. (Ps. 131:9) fall from their devices: according to the multitude
Prayer: May all Thy Saints rejoice in Thee O of their wickednesses cast them out: for they have
Lord, they who hope upon Thee in all Truth: provoked Thee, O Lord. (Ps. 5:11b)
Who reignest unto the ages. Amen.

Prayer: May they who trust in themselves be Antiphon AB 102: These are the ones who came
confounded, O Lord, but not we who trust in forth in great tribulation and washed their stoles
Thee: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen. and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb.
Prayer AB 52: O God, Who hast bestowed the
For those who Journey crown of martyrdom unto Thy Saints and Elect,
Antiphon AB 48: O Lord, save me: O Lord, give we beseech Thee, O Lord, that through their
good success. (Ps. 117:25) examples, we who have not earned such glory
Prayer: Grant a successful journey to Thy may obtain forgiveness: Who reignest unto the
servants: Who reignest unto the ages. Amen. ages. Amen.

For Grace unto Pilgrims For those who are in Tribulations

Antiphon AB 49: Let all Thy works, O Lord, Antiphon AB 53: Unto Thee will I cry, O Lord;
praise Thee, and let Thy Saints bless Thee. O my God, be not silent to me. (Ps. 27:1a)
(Ps. 144:10) Antiphon: The Lord of virtues is with us; the
Prayer: Our souls give Thee thanks for Thine God of Jacob is our protector. (Ps. 45:8)
innumerable good works, O Lord: Who reignest Prayer: O Our Helper, the God of Jacob, have
unto the ages. Amen. mercy upon us, O Lord Who reignest unto the
ages. Amen.
For the Charitable Collect AB 54: Holy among the Saints, the
Antiphon AB 50: He hath distributed, He hath spotless Lamb: Glorious in the Heavens,
given to the poor: His justice remaineth forever Marvelous upon the Earth, grant us, O Lord,
and ever. His horn shall be exalted in glory. according to Thy Great Mercy that for which we
(Ps 111:9) petition and pray to Thee, O God: Who reignest
Prayer: O Lord, repay those who gave alms in unto the ages. Amen.
this world in Thy Holy Kingdom: Who reignest
unto the ages. Amen. For Martyrs
Antiphon AB 103: In memory of Thy Martyrs,
For the Infirm O Lord, harken to the prayer of Thy servants, O
Antiphon AB 51: And they cried to the Lord in Christ.
their tribulation: and He delivered them out of Antiphon AB 104: In the invocation of Thy
their distresses. (Ps. 106:6) Holy Martyrs, have mercy, O God, upon Thy
Prayer: Grant, O Lord, Thy servants health of Suppliants.
mind and body: Who reignest unto the ages. Prayer AB 55: We pray the eternal Name of Thy
Amen. Virtue, Almighty God, that Thou makest us to be
equal to the Martyrs and all of Thy Saints:
For Captives companions in example, similar in Faith,
Antiphon AB 51’: Arise, O Lord, help us and vigorous in devotion, alike in suffering, and
redeem us for Thy Name’s sake. (Ps. 43:26) fruitful in the Resurrection: Who reignest unto
Antiphon: Our help is in the Name of the Lord. the ages. Amen.
(Ps. 123:8)
Prayer: Be pleased to save us through the For Penitents Antiphon AB 56: Have mercy on
invocation of Thy Name: Who reignest unto the me, O God, according to Thy great mercy.
ages. Amen. (Ps. 50:3)
Prayer: Grant, O Lord, forgiveness to those
For Martyrs who out of Faith are penitent unto Thee,
Antiphon AB 101: After fires and swords, according to Thy great mercy, O God: Who
crosses and beasts the Saints are borne with great reignest unto the ages. Amen.
triumph into the Kingdom and rest.

Credo (Nicene, Lorrha-Stowe Missal) wholesomeness, unto the refinement of religion,
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, unto the increase of fear of the Divine; Through
maker of heaven and earth and of all things our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who is the King
visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus of Kings and Lord of Lords, and glory of those to
Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God. Born of come, reigning and remaining, One with [Thee
the Father before all ages. Light of light, true and] the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages. Amen.
God of true God. Born, not made, of one Antiphon AB 102: These are the ones who came
Substance with the Father: through Whom all forth in great tribulation, and washed their stoles,
things were made. Who for us men, and for our and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb.
Salvation descended from heaven. And was Sunday Collect AB 67: These were, O Lord,
Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary: those who with joy were awash with blood while
And was born man. And was crucified also for rejecting the enticing allurements of this world,
us: under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was by glorious suffering: they conquered death by
buried. And He rose on the third day, according death; and reflecting that all hidden from that
to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: and Light will be thrown down in the end, they tasted
sitteth at the right hand of God the Father. And life from suffering, and from death, victory. We
He shall come again with glory to judge both the ask Thee, O Christ, that we may be worthy to be
living and the dead: Whose Kingdom shall have helped by their prayers: the prayers of those
no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the whose like we are unable to be, through Thee, O
Lord and Giver of life: Who proceedeth from the Christ, Who liveth, guidest and reignest with the
Father. Who with the Father and the Son together Father and the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages.
is worshiped and glorified: Who spake by the Amen.
Prophets. And in one, Holy, Catholic, and An. AB103: In memory of Thy Martyrs, O Lord,
Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the harken to the prayer of Thy servants, O Christ.
remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection Sunday Collect during Great Lent AB 87:
of the dead. + And the life of the world to come. Remembering the triumphs of Thy Martyrs, who
Amen. endured the darts of suffering of Thee, we
implore Thee, that through their examples, we
The Divine Prayer AB 36
may be worthy of forgiveness of our sins. Who
Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed be reignest unto the ages. Amen.
Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be An. 104: In the invocation of Thy Holy Martyrs,
done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day have mercy, O God, upon Thy Suppliants.
our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we Collect when Exorcism is performed AB 97:
forgive our debtors and lead us not into O God, Who hast lavished Thy kingdom upon
temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen. Thy martyrs, be pleased to grant us sinners
forgiveness. By suffering for the Faith, these
Intercessory Prayers For Martyrs were worthy of their Crown. We, however,
Antiphon AB 101: After fires and swords, beg of Thee, remission of our iniquities and
crosses and beasts, the Saints are borne with great prevarications and we beg of Thee mercy,
triumph into the Kingdom and rest. Through Thee, O Jesus Christ Who reignest unto
Collect AB 61: O Lord Almighty God Who the ages. Amen.
dost test Thy Saints with a measure and glorifies Collect AB 124: O Holy and glorious, wondrous
without measure, Whose precepts have a goal and powerful martyrs whose works please the
and rewards have no end, hear our prayers Lord, and in whose assembly He is joyful, the best
through their examples, and grant that they help intercessors and mightiest protectors, remember us
us by their patronage: unto the perfection of always in the sight of the Lord, that we be worthy
Faith, unto the fruition of good works, unto the of help by the Lord, Who reigneth with the Father
good of prosperity, unto the reward of and the Holy Spirit unto ages of ages. Amen.


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