Title Are You A Global Teacher?

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Are you a global teacher?

It’s Message:

The illustration or the clip art conveys that being a global teacher you should know everything or
you know every aspect of life. Like in the picture, you can see there is a computer and book, it
means that a teacher should not just depend on books but, also he/she should get other opinions or
additional information from the computer and would not just stick in one information. Because a
global teacher is not just concerned in imparting knowledge but, how much knowledge she could
share to his/her pupils to make them knowledgeable one.
Next is, being a global teacher we should always have the love in teaching as well as to our pupils
as we love our own child, relative or parents. That, we should know the strengths and weaknesses
of each of our pupils/students.
Another, to be considered as global teacher you should be useful in the community especially if
there are activities in the said community and lastly, being a global teacher you should be
internationally and globally competent, that wherever you go you are always excelling in your
own way or through the skills, knowledge and values that you have.

My Reflection:

As a global teacher you have a great responsibility in school, to your pupils/student and to the
community. As a global teacher you should not just give your service but, give it with passion
and dedication. And also as a global teacher you should be molded as a wholesome individual
that wherever you go you will still bring and recognize by people for what you are as a teacher.
Globally Competitive Teacher

To become a globally competitive teacher, an educational instructor must hone his or her skills for the
global educational market. For example, learning languages will broaden a teacher's skills and
make him or her more a more viable candidate for teaching positions in other countries. Other skills, such
as communication and people skills, may also allow a teacher to complete on a global scale. Part of being
a globally competitive teacher may also have to do with the way a teacher instructs students; teachers who
"think globally" will prepare students to be citizens of the world.

Globally Competitive Teaching Methods

• Political Discussions - Teachers who stay abreast of current events and involve the classroom in debates
about global issues will be more globally competitive. By drawing from the world around them, these
teachers will pass on wisdom and a sense of universality to their students.
• Projects And Activities - The most globally competitive teachers will use global topics as the basis of
classroom projects and activities. For example, murals or collages depicting the cultures and customs of
different countries might be an effective way to teach global values to students. Classroom discussion is
often used to augment projects and activities - sometimes, questionnaires or tests regarding world customs
may be used to reinforce knowledge.
• Travel - Trips or homestay opportunities for teachers (and possibly students) may contribute to making
instructors more globally competitive. For example, a trip to Latin America, Europe, or Africa may result
in an expanded consciousness, and a new awareness of the "global village"; teachers will then pass this
new awareness onto their students.

Teachers who want to become, or remain, globally competitive should continue learning as they pursue
their careers; staying abreast of new developments in pop culture, technology, politics, and education will
help teachers to understand the world outside of their country's borders.
Global Teacher

A global teacher is an educator that incorporates various global issues into their curriculum including
multiculturalism, economic, environmental and social issues. The teacher expands the scope of their
viewpoint beyond the normal boundaries of the local classroom, as students learn about diversity and how
they fit into the global society.

According to The Guardian, global teaching is used to "give students a global awareness and emphasize
the fact that we work in a global market and if the students can develop interpersonal relationships with a
sense of global citizenry, then they will be successful in all that they do".

As the world becomes more interconnected, teachers are diversifying their approach to education. Today,
global teaching is not only applied in the classroom, but on social media platforms which expose students
to a large and diverse population of ideas and cultures.

Global teaching encompasses a range of interests that can cover anything from how other students live in
another culture to environmental issues. Global teaching facilitates an open-minded approach; it
implements lessons that illustrate the perspective of other people in the world that may not have the same
cultural values and traditions as the students. It is important to learn about other cultures to gain a deeper
understanding of how to approach global issues and communicate more effectively.
Global Education

There are many definitions of global education, and the definitions themselves are a source of rich
discussion and debate. This definition was written by the World Studies Trust at the beginning of the
Global Teacher Project.

Global Education is a way of approaching everything we teach and how we teach it. It broadens horizons
and encourages exploration of all subjects from a global perspective. It contributes to the whole
curriculum and enhances our understanding of the world.

Global education involves learning about those problems and issues that cut across national boundaries,
and about the interconnectedness of systems—ecological, cultural, economic, political and technological.
Global education involves perspective taking—seeing things through the eyes and minds of others—and
it means the realization that while individuals and groups may view life differently, they also have
common needs and wants.

Global Education stimulates curiosity, motivates learning, and thus contributes to the raising of standards

Global Education studies different cultures and countries and the issues that face them, and develops an
understanding of the impact our actions have on them

Global Education reflects the global nature of our society and responds to the diverse backgrounds and
experiences of the children in the classroom. It recognizes the entitlement of those children to receive an
education which reflects this diversity

Global Education recognizes the importance of expanding the horizons of children who live in less
diverse communities

Global Education develops skills and attitudes which enable people to take responsibility for their own
lives and the world we live in and become active global citizens

Global Education looks at the ways in which every-day life and experience affect and are affected by the
wider world
Global education is as much about the relationships within a classroom as it is about relationships
between countries.

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