FK3u Analog 485

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PLC with analog input and

output instructions

Clock module description:

Set the clock when the M8015 should be set,Restore run M8015 reset。D8018 for the year,
D8017 for the month, D8016 for the day,D8019 for weeks, D8015 for hours, D8014 for
minutes, D8013 for seconds.Can use the clock data to read the instruction TRD to read the
clock data to the general register,Or use the clock to write to the instruction TWR to modify
the clock, using this instruction does not need to set the bit M8015.
PID rithmetic instructions:
This directive is used to carry out PID control of the PID computing program。
S1: set the target value; S2: the current value (the value of feedback back);
S3:PID control parameters, occupy the S3 start of the 9 consecutive D registers。
S3 channel number for PID;S3+1 ratio coefficient KP;S3+2 for integral coefficient KI;S3+3
is the differential coefficient KD;The error coefficient S3+4 is KE,PID processing is
performed only if the error is greater than this value;S3+5 output upper limit value PMAX;
S3+6 output lower limit value PMIN;S3+7 backup; S3+8 standby; D: control value output;

Automatic communication between CAN hosts

Data Station No. Data Station No. Data

CA Station No. exchange exchange exchange
N area area area
mun 0 D3500-3515 8 16
icati 1 D3516-3531 9 17
on 2 D3532-3547 10 18
exa 3 D3548-3563 11 19
mpl 4 D3564-3579 12 20
e: 5 D3580-D359 13 21
LD 6 14 22
M80 7 15 23
02 The implementation of a power / / said

M8181 //CAN SET host communication

MOV K0 D8121 / / station number is 0
Station number 0 PLC as long as the D3500-3515 to write data,Other station number PLC as
long as the reading of their own D3500-3515

The data is equal to the D3500-3515 data read station number 0。Station number 0 PLC to read
their own D3516-3531 data, etc.

D3516-3531 data read station No. 1.

CAN communication between the host of the PLC and other CAN_H connected to the
CAN_H,CAN_L is connected with other CAN_L PLC, and the transmission distance is far.,To
connect the terminal resistance on the PLC board,The corresponding code switch (the upper
left corner of the 2) to play in the ON bit。
9、RS232 communication port (S terminal 8 core): default communication protocol:FX3u,
The baud rate can be changed via S2 DIP switch # 3:

State OFF ON
Dial switch

No. 1 SPI extension 16 SPI extension 32

No. 2 SPI extension is valid CS5532 extension is
No. 3 9600 38400
No. 4 Factory trial

10、Serial data transmission:

Special explain Special relay explain

White 3 pin RS485 communication port

D8120 RS485 M8121 When the data is sent, the data is sent, and
Communication the automatic reset is sent.
format definition

D8121 RS485 M8122 Send a request, when the M8122 position,

communication once the communication port is free to
station number setting start sending data, start the automatic reset
D8122 Send data surplus M8123 When the data is received, the data can be
automatically set after receiving a frame
data, and the user should reset the position
after receiving the data.
M8124 The data receiving center, receiving the
data reduction
White 3 pin RS232 communication port
D8126 RS232 M8125 When the data is sent, the data is sent, and
communication the automatic reset is sent.
D8127 format definition
RS232 M8126 Send a request, when the M8126 position,
communication once the communication port is free to
station number setting start sending data, start the automatic reset

D8128 Send data surplus M8127 When the data is received, the data can be
automatically set after receiving a frame
data, and the user should reset the position
after receiving the data.
M8128 The data receiving center, receiving the
data reduction
M8129:Communication timeout tag, when the host issued a command, from the time
the machine did not respond to the M8029, D8129 will set the bit

The corresponding communication

No. name content
0(位 OFF) 1(位 ON)
B0 Data length 7 8
B1 Parity bit b2 b1
B2 (0,0):No verification
(0,1):Odd ODD
B3 Stop bit 1
(1,1):偶校验 EVEN 2
B4 Transfer b7 b6 b5 b4 b7 b6 b5 b4
B5 ratebps {0,0,1,1}:300 {0,1,1,1}:4800
B6 {0,1,0,0}:600 {1,0,0,0}:9600
B7 {0,1,0,1}:1200 {1,0,0,1}:19200
B8 Start symbol nothing yes(D8124)
B9 Terminator nothing yes(D8125)
B10 Do not use
B12 communication B15 b14 b13 b12
B13 protocol {0, 0, 0, 0}:MITSUBISHI FX2N protocol
B14 (from machine)
B15 {0, 1, 0, 0}:MODBUS RTU (from
{1, 0, 0, 0}:RTU MODBUS (host, IVRD,
IVWR instruction)
{1, 1, 0, 0}:Free communication (RS
instruction, with CCD check)

When M8120 reset, the implementation of RS, the parameters are for the RS485 port, when the
M8120 set, the implementation of RS, the parameters are for the RS232 port.

CCD instruction:
S specified by the n components as the starting point of the data, the sum of their data and CRC
calibration data Stored in D. with D.+2, D.+3.This example and the check on the D0, CRC
check in D3, D2.
十一、Communication with frequency conversion or instrument::
The corresponding communication

D0 for reading the station number (high 8) and the command code (low 8), such as the value of
H103 D0, is the number of stations
1, read the order 3。D1 to read the data address,D2 the first address of the data returned by the
receiving frequency conversion or instrument., Receive data, such as channel 0, M8123 will set
the bit。H1,High 8 bit channel, low 8 bit read a number。Through the channel 0 (485 channels),
read the 1 data. If the bit H101, is through the channel (RS232 channel) 1 to read the 1 data.
write in
D0 to write the number of stations (high 8) and command code (low 8),Such as the value of

H106 is D0, that is, station number 1, write a single data command 6 D1 for the data to be
written to the address,D2 to write the first address of the frequency conversion or
instrumentation data。H1, high 8 bit for the channel, low 8 bit write a number。Through the
channel 0 (485 channels), write 1 data。If it is H101, is through the channel (RS232 channel) 1
to write 1 data。Write complete M8122 automatic reset.
Twelve, high speed count: SPD instruction (support X0-5), if the encoder is a circle of 360
pulses, 2 times the 720 pulse can be obtained, 4 times, then you can get 1440 pulses, thus
improving the resolution of the encoder.
Count input Single phase Up and down Count input Single phase 2 Up and down
meter Number frequency Number direction
number direction switch Counter number switch

X0 C235 M8235 X0 C241 M8241

X1 C236 M8236 X1 C242 M8242
X2 C237 M8237 X2 C243 M8243
X3 C238 M8238 X3 C244 M8244
X4 C239 M8239 X4 C245 M8245
X5 C240 M8240 X5 C246 M8246
Count input Counter Count input Dual phase 4 Up and down
direction (only Counter number Read)
X0(A 相) C250 M8250 X0(A 相)C253 M8253
X1(B 相) X1(B 相)
X2(A 相) C251 M8251 X2(A 相)C254 M8254
X3(B 相) X3(B 相)
X4(A 相) C252 M8252 X4(A 相)C255 M8255
X5(B 相) X5(B 相)
C247 (X0, X1), C248 (X2, X3), 249 (X6, X7) for the non double phase counter。

13 、 High speed pulse and pulse width modulation : Support and 8 pulse rushed out of the
Y0-7 (PLSY, PLSV, PLSR, DRVA, DRVI, DSZR, ZRN, DVIT) or 6 way pulse width
modulation Y0-5 (PWM), frequency 100K.

Minimum Acceler DSZ The OPR ZRN

Number of Pulse ation / R, DVIT Origin Number
pulse Output tag output creep
output pulses disabled decelera DVIT interrupt return speed of
frequency speed
tion direct inputs crawling
Y0 D8132 M8147 M8141 D8144 D8145 M808 D8080 D8220 D8090 D8072
Y1 D8134 M8148 M8142 D8146 D8147 M808 D8081 D8221 D8091 D8073
Y2 D8136 M8149 M8143 D8148 D8149 M808 D8082 D8222 D8092 D8074
Y3 D8138 M8150 M8144 D8150 D8151 M808 D8083 D8223 D8093 D8075
Y4 D8140 M8151 M8145 D8152 D8153 M808 D8084 D8224 D8094 D8076
Y5 D8142 M8152 M8146 D8154 D8155 M808 D8085 D8225 D8095 D8077
Y6 D8166 M8153 M8155 D8156 D8157 M808 D8086 D8226 D8096 D8078
Y7 D8168 M8154 M8156 D8158 D8159 M808 D8087 D8227 D8097 D8079
14、Interrupt description:
1, external interrupt support X0-X5, the interrupt number as follows:
Rising edge Falling edge Interrupt inhibit

X0 I0 I1 M8050
X1 I100 I101 M8051
X2 I200 I201 M8052
X3 I300 I301 M8053
X4 I400 I401 M8054
X5 I500 I501 M8055
2,Timer interrupt pointer to I600, interrupt disable time range I601 (1MS) -I699 (99MS)
3,Counter interrupt pointer
Pointer number Interrupt inhibit
I10 M8059
15、Third party Programming Software Description: can be compatible with the programming
software Developer7.8 GX or 8.52、8.86 Version, create a new project:

Set the program step to 8000 steps:

settings, set
the baud rate
and the

communication port to download:

Enter the ladder diagram editing interface, write your program:

Download the program: select the program, according to the implementation of the start

PLC Communication port definition
The corresponding communication parameters of the D8120:
item name content
0(位 OFF) 1(位 ON)
B0 Data length 7 bit 8 bit
B parity bit b2 b1
1 (0,0):No check
B (0,1):odd number ODD
(1,1):even parity check EVEN
B3 stop bit 1 位 2 位
B transfer b7 b6 b5 b4 b7 b6 b5 b4
4 rate bps {0,0,1,1}:300 {0,1,1,1}:4800
B {0,1,0,0}:600 {1,0,0,0}:9600
{0,1,0,1}:1200 {1,0,0,1}:19200
{0,1,1,0}:2400 {1,0,1,0}:38400
B8 start symbol no yes(D8124)
B9 terminator no yes(D8125)
B10 null
B1 communicating B15b14b13b12
2 protocol
{0,0,0,0}:Mitsubishi FX2N Agreement (slave)
B1 {0,1,0,0}:MODBUS RTU (Slave machine)
{1,1,0,0}:Free communication (with RS instruction)

example:Set PLC as MODBUS RTU slave, station number

5、PLC Station number setting

The special register D8121 is the address at which PLC485

communicates, with a range of: 0-31. This setting is associated with

The D8120 PLC can do this when it is powered on.。

6、frame structure

8Bit address 8Bit function nX8Bit data 16BitCRC check

code code
Modbus protocol using the RTU(Remote Terminal unit
mode, each byte in 2 hexadecimal numbers, valid data range of
0, AANF。

Refers to the address of a

PLC module,rang:0~31
function code

PLC support function Code 01 (read M

Intermediate Relay No03)05 (setting up a
single M relay)。

The reported or set data is sent by register

(data address), each register consists of two

bytes, for the definition of register number,

see Appendix A.

CRC check code

CRC(Cyclical Redundancy check is used to check the

address, function code and data, which consists of two
bytes, which is generated by the transmission device and
attached to the data frame, if the checksum calculated by
the received data is inconsistent with the checksum added
to the data, Errors occur. About

CRC generating function, see attached B。

7. command interpretation
7.1 Read D register, function code 03
When the PLC module receives the correct query command, it responds to
the command and sends the data back to the host computer. The format is as
Read D register command frame format in 8 bytes)
Field Field description
01 address 1
03 function code 3
00 Start address high byte
00 Starting address 0
00 High number of bytes
03 Low number of bytes, read 3 data
CRCHi CRC high byte
CRCLo CRC lower byte

PLC Module response frame format

Field Field description
01 address 1
03 function code 3
06 Response data bytes
D0Hi Thefirsthighbyteofdata
D0Lo Thefirstlowbyteofdata
D1Hi Thesecondhighbyteofdata
D1Lo Seconddatalowbyte

D2Hi 3rdDataHighByte
D2Lo Thirddatalowbytes
CRCHi CRC high byte
CRCLo CRC [计] lower byte
Set up a single D register, function code 06

After receiving the correct setting command, the PC sends

the set data query command and the setting data PLC
module, sets the specified data as the data carried in the
command frame, and returns the data as it is to respond. If
the setting is not successful, it will not answer. The format is
as follows:
Set command frame format

Field Field description

01 address 01
06 function code 06
00 Set data address high bytes
02 Set data address low byte, address
00 Set data high bytes
03 Set the data to a low byte with a
data value of 03
CRCHi CRC high byte
CRCLo CRC lower byte

PLC module response frame format

Field Field description
01 address 01
06 function code 06
00 Set data address high bytesSet data
02 address low byte, address 2
00 Set data high bytes
03 Set data low bytes, data 3
CRCHi CRC high byte
CRCLo CRC [计] lower byte

Read the M command frame format, here's the read M0-M7

Field Field description

01 address 01
01 function code 01
00 Read data address high byte
00 Read data address low byte,
address 00
00 High number of bytes read
08 Low number of bytes read with a
data value of 08
CRCHi CRC high byte
CRCLo CRC lower byte
PLC Module response frame format

Field Field description

01 address 01
01 function code 01
01 Number of bytes returned

Data returned, byte low corresponding to M0,

00 maximum bit corresponding to M7 / 0 for
contact disconnect 1 for contact on。

CRCHi CRC high byte

CRCLo CRC lower byte

Setting M command frame format, below is an example of
setting M0

Field Field description

01 address 01
05 function code 05
00 The address high byte of the
00 position M
FF Set M0, the data is:FF00
00 When M0 is reset, the value is:
CRCHi CRC high byte
CRCLo CRC lower byte

PLC Module response frame format

Field Field description

01 address 01
05 function code 05
00 The address high byte of the position M
00 AddresslowbyteofbitM,addressM0
FF Set M0, the data is:FF00
00 When M0 is reset, the value is:0000
CRCHi CRC high byte
CRCLo CRC [计] lower byte

Appendix A data address definition

data type Address range

register D 0~4095
switching value 0-1023

the upper computer does not respond if the data address or the non - existent data
address is not supported by the reading device . If the upper computer does not support
the data address or the data address that does not exist , the device does not respond . if
the upper computer does not support the function code which is not supported by the
device , the device does not respond . [email protected]

Appendix B:Calculation method of CRC16 check

CRC(Cyclical Redundancy Check)Consisting of two bytes, the generation function is

as follows:

1、CRC Computing function

WORD ModbusCRC(BYTE * pData, BYTE len)

BYTE byCRCHi = 0xff; BYTE

byCRCLo = 0xff; BYTE

byIdx; WORD crc;


byIdx = byCRCHi ^* pData++;

byCRCHi = byCRCLo ^ gabyCRCHi[byIdx];
byCRCLo = gabyCRCLo[byIdx];
crc = byCRCHi; crc <<= 8;
crc +=byCRCLo; returncrc;

CRC Code

table high

byte BYTE

gabyCRCHi[] [email protected]















0x80,0x41,0x00,0xc1,0x81,0x40,0x00,0xc1,0x81,0x40, [email protected]

0x80,0x41,0x00,0xc1,0x81,0x40 };

CRC Code table high byte

BYTE gabyCRCLo[] =

{ 0x00,0xc0,0xc1,0x01,0xc3,0x03,0x02,0xc2,0xc6,0x06,

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