Alkalinity and Hardness

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Litopenaeus vannamei

By: Carlos A. Ching ([email protected])


Total alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acids. It also indicates the
total amount of titratable bases in the water, mostly bicarbonates (HCO3ˉ ), carbonates
(CO3²ˉ ) and hyroxides (OHˉ ). Bicarbonate is the main form of alkalinity. Carbonate and
hydroxide can be significant in the face of high algal activity, certain water types, or certain
water residues.
In a L. vannamei culture pond, water alkalinity should not be less than 80 mg/L CaCO3 if
good growth/survival rates are to be obtained (Limsuwan, 2005). When water alkalinity is
low, broad pH variations occurr (Figure 1) resulting in shrimp stress, reduced growth, and
even mortality.

Figure 1. pH changes during a 24-h period in waters with total high or low alkalinity
levels (Wurts & Durborow, 1992.)

January - March 2007 1

High alkalinity
During periods of rapid photosynthesis resulting from dense phytoplankton populations,
alkalinity is dramatically increased (pH >9.0) due to excess carbonate release from
- -2
2HCO3 + phytoplankton = CO2 (photosynthesis) + CO3 + H20
-2 -
CO3 + H20 = HCO3 + OH-

High alkalinity levels (200 - 300 mg/L CaCO3) with pH levels >8.5 halt shrimp molting
process due to excess salt losses.
Reducing phytoplankton populations by major water exchange or applying algicidal
products can result in lower alkalinity levels, even though the latter is not recommended,
due to dissolved oxygen losses which can be too stressful for shrimp.
The application of calcium carbonate can also aid to decrease alkalinity since it is a source
of calcium. This treatment will tend to decrease potentially high pH levels during
photosynthesis, since increased calcium ion concentrations will result in the precipitation of
both calcium carbonate and inorganic phosphorus. Both events cause decreased pH.

Low alkalinity
Low alkalinity can result from the inflow of low alkalinity fresh water and/or from the
presence of mollusks such as mussels that absorb carbonated salts and filter the
phytoplankton in the water column as a feed source, resulting in crystal clear, low alkalinity
Sodium bicarbonate and slaked (hydrated) lime are the most appropriate chemicals for the
control of low alkalinity. Even though slaked lime is most popular, we should also
remember that the use of balanced feeds results in increased alkalinity due to the production
of carbonate ions.

Water alkalinity and hardness

The concepts of water alkalinity and water hardness are frequently confused. The origin of
this confusion is that both parameters are expressed in terms of mg/L carbonate.
Nevertheless, alkalinity measures the amount of bases (such as carbonates, bicarbonates,
phosphates, hydroxides, etc.) present in the water, while water hardness represents the total
concentration of bivalent salts (calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.), but it does not explain
which of these elements is the source of hardness. Both calcium and magnesium are the
most common sources of water hardness, but calcium is most important for shrimp because
of its involvement in the molting process. The desirable hardness level for shrimp
aquaculture is 80-200 mg/L CaCO3 .

January - March 2007 2

The effects of alkalinity on pond's primary productivity
Alkalinity has indirect effects on the primary productivity in the pond. At low alkalinity
levels, some elements are no longer available for microalgae. Phosphorus fertilizers
become insoluble when CaCO3 concentrations drop below 20 mg/L. In such case, the
application of lime is required aiming to increase total alkalinity thus improving
phosphorus availability for phytoplankton bloom.

In shrimp aquaculture, alkalinity has shown to be a major factor to attain good production.
Measuring this parameter weekly is important for shrimp farming, but in the face of
mollusk (i.e., mussel) fouling or low salinity/low alkalinity water inflow, alkalinity should
be measured more frequently.
It is also important to master the management practices needed for a pond with high or low
alkalinity levels. The appropriate monitoring of water alkalinity and its effect on the health
of L. vannamei will make the difference in terms of production bottom line.

● Limsuwan, Charlor. 2005. Cultivo intensivo de camarón blanco. Boletín Nicovita,
Edición Octubre-Diciembre 2005.
● Wurts, W. A. and R. M. Durborow.1992. Interactions of pH, carbon dioxide, alkalinity
in fish ponds. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication N° 464.

Tumpis Edition

Editors: Dagoberto Sánchez [email protected] Carlos Ching [email protected]

Máximo Quispe [email protected]

January - March 2007 3

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