Be A Better Campaign Master, Book One Building The World PDF
Be A Better Campaign Master, Book One Building The World PDF
Be A Better Campaign Master, Book One Building The World PDF
Table of Contents
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK...................................................................................................................08
DRAWING YOUR COASTLINES..........................................................................................................10
SINGLE LANDMASS..................................................................................................................11
EPIC WORLD................................................................................................................................14
ADDING THE GEOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................17
POLAR REGIONS.........................................................................................................................60
CITIES AND SETTLEMENTS...............................................................................................................64
RESOURCE SETTLEMENTS.....................................................................................................65
TRAVELER AND TRADER SETTLEMENTS............................................................................67
NATIONS, FACTIONS, AND EMPIRES..............................................................................................87
NATION AND FACTION GENERATOR....................................................................................89
Table of Contents
ADVENTURING LOCATIONS..............................................................................................................93
CRYPTS, TOMBS, AND DUNGEONS...................................................................................103
BRINGING YOUR WORLD TO LIFE.................................................................................................. 108
OTHER ASPECTS OF YOUR WORLD............................................................................................. 111
THE ADVENTURE BEGINS............................................................................................................... 114
WORLDBUILDING WORKSHEETS................................................................................................. 115
ADVENTURING LOCATION....................................................................................................115
GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURE.....................................................................................................116
WORLDBUILDING QUESTIONNAIRE............................................................................................. 120
SAMPLE MAPS.................................................................................................................................... 130
Hey there! What’s kickin’?
For me? Nostalgia. I’ve been thinking about the past a lot lately, and
specifically, how it relates to gaming in my life. I’m coming up on 30 years
of age, which means I’ve spent over half of my life participating in the
single greatest hobby the world has ever seen: roleplaying games.
Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I remember that pencil-necked kid who
spent entire days scribbling RPG ideas down in his journal. I remember filling
that journal with worlds and campaign setting ideas invented in the moment.
I remember the excitement of fleshing out these new worlds for my players to
wander around in and adventure across.
But I also remember running into that first, scary obstacle – realizing
exactly what building a world entails, and the fear that it might be too
big for me. I remember closing my journal, putting it down, and ultimately
discarding every single one of those worlds – not because they weren’t good,
but because they were unfinished, and I was afraid, overwhelmed, and unsure
of where to go next.
I suppose, at the time, I just wasn’t ready for it. After all, building an
entire world is a grand task. But as I got older, I tried new strategies
to build my worlds quickly, or even on the fly while exploring them with my
friends. I discovered new methods to focus on the important aspects of my
world, instead of getting bogged down in the bottomless pit of trivial things
that would inevitably scare me away from an otherwise worthwhile pursuit.
This book contains the world-building strategies and techniques that would
have kept 14-year-old me going. The goal of this material is to help you
construct the framework of your own homebrew RPG setting, and show you how
to fill it in with wondrous details and fantastic aspects. It is the very
same book I would take back in time to give my younger self some much needed
guidance to harness my virtually endless inspiration. My hope is that it
does the same for you now.
Michael Barker
How to use this book
This book was designed for you to follow along with it, We will start our map by creating the basic landmass
step-by-step. of your world. This might be an entire continent, a
landlocked region of a larger landmass, a small island
Page by page, we will build a world together, starting chain, or even multiple continents, depending on what
with your world’s map. We’ll fill this map with you want for your homebrew world. Think as big (or as
everything from geographical features, to cities and small) as your needs merit.
other settlements, and beyond. Of course, if you’ve
already built your world and are looking at different Next, we’ll add some natural features to your world,
ways to flesh it out, you can also benefit by skipping such as mountains, forests, rivers, and lakes. These
around to the various chapters and sections at your geographical locations will provide a backdrop for the
leisure. action of your campaign, and bring your world to vivid
life. We’ll look at a variety of roll tables to help you
While this book is focused on helping you create a make these locations more unique and tailored to your
world within the fantasy genre, the tips found within own world.
can help you create a realm (or realms) that are
inspired by any flavor, including science fiction and After the geographical features of your world are
even modern influences. placed, we’ll begin populating the world with towns,
cities, and other settlements. These are the places
Either way, by the end of the book, you’ll have a where many of your stories will be told! We’ll also have
fleshed-out, interesting, and unique world sitting in a look at the geographical features you created in the
front of you. And it will be yours. previous section, and how they would affect the cities
and settlements located within them.
What kind of world will you create? segments of coastline or continental shapes right
out of the atlas. Mixing different things together
Will it be a large, continental landmass, ruled by an can result in a very rewarding and unique end-
arcane empire? Or a smaller, scattered archipelago, product.
inhabited by tribal elves, constantly threatened by
roving pirate clans? Perhaps you want your players to 3. Get Messy: Don’t worry about the map being
adventure around a specific region of a larger world pretty. In fact, the uglier the better to start. This
instead, similar to Tolkien’s Middle-Earth – only yours applies for all future sections of this book as well.
will be centered around an arcane university, and given If you draw something gorgeous, it will be difficult
an emphasis on political intrigue and deception. for you to justify using your eraser, which will be
the best tool at your disposal during this process.
No matter the world, it all starts with drawing your
coastlines... 4. Cool is the Rule: If it looks cool, you’re doing it
right! Remember that this is your world, and you’ll
Tips for Drawing your Coastlines be playing games inside of it for years to come. If
you ever find yourself not liking the way it looks,
1. Go Nuts: Don’t be afraid to draw chaotically, like don’t be afraid to use the eraser on your pencil and
you’re creating a fractal. Coastlines can alternate redo certain parts. Also, don’t feel restricted by
from rugged to smooth quite often, even in our our natural world – if you think something looks
own world. or feels cool, go with it, even if science would
2. Real-World Inspiration: Crack open an atlas, disagree with you.
and take a look at the coastlines of our real- Now let’s choose what type of world we’ll be building…
world landmasses. Don’t be afraid to copy certain
creating a Region
1. Terra Incognita: Ensure that your
world isn’t completely surrounded
by water. The landmass should run
off the edge of your sheet of paper,
insinuating that there is more to
your world than meets the eye.
creating an Archipelago
1. Roll for it!: Grab a handful of dice
and roll them across your sheet
of paper. Draw a coastline around
half of the dice in order to create
the large island in the chain, then
remove those particular dice. Then
draw a coastline around half of
the remaining dice for a mid-sized
island. Continue this process, rolling
more dice as needed, until you have
a visually pleasing archipelago. You
can do this with any small object,
really – beans, buttons, the bones
of your enemies, etc.
If you’re looking for an emphasis on high seas action, naval travel
2. Leave Empty Space: You might find between locations, and grimy borderland towns, an archipelago
yourself adding too many islands to might be what you’re looking for!
your map. I know this problem has
plagued me in the past, so if the
map starts to become cluttered, don’t be afraid to break out your eraser. Empty space (in this case, ocean)
can help to make the filled space more apparent and important. You want a focal point on your map, and
too many islands can take away from that.
3. More Terra Incognita: If you want to add an unknown area to your world, similar to the region world type,
try having the largest island in your chain run off the map a bit. This way, if you ever decide you want to
expand the world around your archipelago, you’ll have a great place to start!
It’s time to fill your blank canvas with the mystical and wondrous landscapes that your adventurers will journey
across for years to come. Your cities, cultures, and political boundaries will all be profoundly affected by the
decisions you make here, so remember the golden rule: if it looks cool, you’re doing it right!
Collision Course
In the natural world, tectonic plates are on a constant collision course,
creating mountain ranges and other geographical anomalies as they
slowly, yet relentlessly, smash into each other.
Here are some tips on how you can emulate this natural occurrence in your own world:
1. Draw faint circles around your blank map. Three or four should do. These circles will represent
the tectonic plates in your realm.
2. For each circle, roll a d4, where each result is a cardinal direction (N, S, E, and W). You can also
choose which direction you wish, or roll a d8 instead, including the intercardinal directions
(NE, NW, SE, and SW) in your results.
3. Draw a faint arrow on each circle, depicting the result on the die. This arrow depicts the
direction each tectonic plate is moving in your realm.
4. In the places where the tectonic plates are colliding, draw a mountain range.
5. In the places where they are drifting apart, either draw a mountain range with volcanic activity,
or split your landmass into two separate regions, separated by a thin channel of water and
small islands.
6. Keep in mind that, in the real world, mountains make up around 10 percent of our planet.
Aim for that amount when you’re creating your own realm, unless you find yourself with an
inspirational reason to purposefully deviate from that ratio.
1. In anger, an almighty goddess pulled the mountains of this world up with her bare hands.
2. An ancient magical device exploded thousands of years ago, forcing the land to shift violently. Many
volatile mountain ranges resulted from this detonation.
3. A gargantuan dragon collided with this world like a meteor falling from the sky. The impact created a
jagged crest of vicious mountains.
4. Built by the ancient titans, this mountain once served as a wall to keep encroachers out of their
territory. It is now weathered and crumbling.
Who is the most famous assassin in the world? Who did they assassinate?
21 21
mountain features
d100 Geographical Feature
51-52 A formation of cliffs with arching tops, forming a fallen elemental’s ribcage.
53-54 Squat, crumbling mountains riddled with holes, creating eerie music when wind passes through
55-56 A formation that appears to be the petrified, decrepit form of a draconic creature.
57-58 Cliffs that glitter and gleam – but only in the moonlight.
59-60 A mountain of translucent, crystalline minerals, growing from the ground like a cresting wave.
61-62 A mountainous formation with a man-made tunnel through the center.
63-64 A time-defying mountain range suspended in the midst of eruption, its shattered pieces float-
ing peacefully.
65-66 Mountains that form an unmistakable “X” shape from a bird’s-eye-view.
67-68 Cliffs of red clay, once the home of mountain creatures who dug labyrinthian cave dwellings.
69-70 The immense grooves of this mountain range give it the appearance of having been pulled into
existence by some divine or infernal hands.
71-72 A concealed peak, shrouded constantly by clouds.
73-74 A gorgeous, tree-covered mountain, sitting upon the bank of a large lake.
75-76 Numerous jagged peaks, not considerably tall, but covered with thick moss.
77-78 This range of hills forms a strange, region-spanning runic pattern that can be seen from the
79-80 An angular, gray formation of cliffs, carved into the shape of a half-finished humanoid face.
81-82 Ruby red plateaus stacked on top of one another to impossible heights.
83-84 Dormant volcanoes with small lakes sitting calmly in their craters.
85-86 Rolling blue hills that seem to stretch for miles.
87-88 An odd volcano that expels mud, its eruptive materials hardening, expanding the volcano with
each day.
89-90 Tall, cylindrical formations of rocks.
91-92 Mountains that steam and fester, acidic and volatile.
93-94 A colossal crater, with razor-sharp ridges flanking its rim.
95-96 A young, region-spanning mountain range of black rock.
97-98 A single, jagged mountain that towers from within a large body of water.
99-00 This mountain is little more than a massive pile of rubble, shattered long ago by something
Taking it further: In nature, many of the slope lines would likely become other ridgelines branching off. Keep
branching! Also, consider small, rounded foothills around the edges of mountain ranges.
• The god of the natural world, saddened by the encroachment of modern civilizations into his
domain, weeps a raging river out of his home – a magical forest.
• An ancient fire giant has been trapped beneath the arctic ice for generations. Only now that she is
awakening has that ice begun to melt into large, raging waterways.
• A powerful wizard, in order to run the watermills of his industry at faster speeds, has called upon
the elemental arts to create a rushing river in his territory. Emerging from a doorway into the
elemental plane of water, it begins at his tower in the north, and runs all the way to the southern
• A slain god upon a mountaintop, his dark, mineral-rich blood flowing out to sea. Priests the world
over make pilgrimages to this river of divine blood, drinking of its essence, and experiencing vivid
visions of the past, the future, and alternate presents.
• The waters of this river aren’t formed by any natural precipitation. Instead, the water is the blood
of the world itself, flowing up to the surface from the ground beneath.
What stories are told to children in your world to keep them from getting into trouble?
life in the watershed
Oftentimes, multiple rivers will coalesce at the same point when heading out
to sea. These locations, packed with many different waterways in the same
area, are known as “watersheds.” They can exist in both small or large areas of
your realm, and can provide you with some great inspiration for cultures and
civilizations in and around them.
Try adding one of these watersheds to your map, and think about the kinds of settlements and civilizations
that would spring up around such a prevalent source of food, trade, and fresh water. Your world may thank
you for it!
Tips for Creating Lakes 3. Surrounding Spaces: Consider the area around
your lakes as ripe for adventure and story.
1. Where the River Flows: Lakes are often created Everywhere you place a lake, start thinking about
by the rivers that flow into them. Try ending one the natural wildlife and societies that will begin
or two of your rivers at a lake instead of the usual developing around it.
crater lake
In the real world, places that have been struck by meteorites sometimes become geographic
phenomenons themselves. These craters, if located in regions with high precipitation, can
become lakes as rainfall fills them with water.
Here are some other, more fantastical ways to introduce crater lakes into your world:
• A mighty demon was cast down upon the material plane and created a massive crater
upon impact.
• This chrome-dotted crater is filled with starsteel, from the last starfall that took place
over a thousand years ago.
• Said to have been dug out by a progenitor dwarven race, this crater lake feeds the
countryside by the thousands. Many travel from far and wide to pray at its steep banks.
inland waters
Inland seas have served as natural barriers and
interesting geographical features in the real
world for almost all of recorded history. Check
out the Black Sea, located between Europe and
Western Asia.
“We build the worlds we wouldn’t mind living in. They contain scary things, problems, but
also a sense of rightness that makes them alive and makes us want to live there.”
– Anne McCaffrey
Here are some more fantastical elements to fill your world’s oceans:
1. Liquid metal
2. Acid
3. Blood
4. Lava
5. Arcane energy
6. Insects
7. Tar
8. Nothing. This sea is an empty, dry bowl of harsh winds and swirling dust.
Are the nobles of your world’s most empirical nation decided by popular vote or
34 bloodline?
Ocean Features
Check out this optional roll table for inspirational ways to turn your ordinary oceans into something more
majestic and distinct:
What is more valuable in your world? A single cow, or a single gold coin?
ocean features
d100 Geographical Feature
51-52 Time moves at a different pace for those who sail upon this ocean’s waters.
53-54 This ocean’s treacherous waters are said to be commanded by a powerful sorceress.
55-56 This ocean is filled with life, and it is impossible to look into the waters and not see movement.
57-58 This ocean is home to a benevolent race of beings who bestow gifts on the good, and punish-
ments on the evil.
59-60 This ocean is the last refuge of a tribe of nomadic sailors.
61-62 The tides of this ocean are incredibly unpredictable.
63-64 This powerful ocean controls the moons orbiting the world.
65-66 The tops of many lost, ancient structures peer just above the waterline of this sea.
67-68 Many miles of this ocean are always frozen, no matter the season.
69-70 This gigantic ocean is comprised of fresh water.
71-72 An aquatic ooze thrives in this thick and gooey sea.
73-74 This ocean boils with the fury of numerous active volcanoes beneath its surface.
75-76 This ocean has risen quickly over the past few decades, forcing surrounding societies to adapt.
77-78 The salt of this sea can be used to create a powerful explosive.
79-80 This ocean is said to be the corpse of a colossal water elemental.
81-82 Those that can find a way to dive to the bottom of this ocean will find a labyrinth of underwa-
ter waves with breathable air.
83-84 This ocean’s waters have been touched by the feywild, and its waters can be carved into ele-
mental blades.
85-86 Those who sail this ocean’s currents return without memory.
87-88 This ocean is draining mysteriously, much to the chagrin of those who rely on it for trade and
89-90 Many island cities can be found upon this ocean – some abandoned; others thriving.
91-92 This ocean is said to be the final resting place of a deity.
93-94 This ocean has become toxic from ancient necrotic energies that stir in the deep.
95-96 This ocean was recently parted, creating a dry roadway up its center for any travelers brave
enough to use it.
97-98 This ocean is divided up the middle by an impassable reef wall, constructed by two warring
aquatic factions.
99-00 This ocean is the result of an arcane catastrophe long ago, and it's still teeming with magical
creatures as a result.
2. Draw in a windy river that drains your lake out to the sea,
remembering that water flows to the lowest elevations.
3. Add detail in the form of wave effects and thicken the southern coast of the lake to add dimension
and match the overall coastline. You may also add tributaries, which are smaller rivers or streams that
flow into a larger river.
Tips for Creating forests 3. Imagine: In the next section of the book, you will
begin placing your first settlements and cities.
1. Free Reign: Take this opportunity to look at the Start considering now how different geographical
blank spaces on your map, and sketch out possible features such as forests will affect the people
areas for two or three forests. Where will your living nearby. Get excited about this prospect! This
forests look best? Where would they be most is when your world will begin coming to life.
surprising? Choose what you think works best!
magical woodlands
I’m hard-pressed to find a fantasy world in fiction or tabletop roleplaying games that doesn’t
have some sort of magical forest in it. But even those without an enchanted forest or two still
contain certain regions of the world where magic has altered the local geography into a place
of magic and mystery. What makes these locations great is that the effect they have on the
people and wildlife residing within them is specific.
For example, there is a magical forest in my homebrew world of Enchea called the Crimson Wood. But instead
of just saying, “this forest is magical in myriad ways,” and being done with it, I decided that this forest would
cause hallucinations to those trekking through it. This specificity makes it easier on me as a Game Master
to decide what will happen if the characters end up traveling through it. It will also help the characters in my
games understand what the exact ramifications of using the road through the forest might be.
This is one of those cases where painting with fine strokes is a better idea than being broad and nonspecific
about something.
3. Add some texture using a mix of rounded and pointy lines. Experiment and
find what looks good for the forest you want to create.
Are there any animals in the world that are illegal to hunt or kill?
43 43
Dark, murky, and teeming with exotic life, jungles are reasoning notwithstanding, feel free to remove it!
the source of mystery that many adventurers crave. To
go a day in a jungle without experiencing the dangers 2. Separate and Equal: Try to find a location inside
of vicious carnivores or deadly diseases is a lucky day your world where a rainforest can exist without
indeed. connecting to a more usual forest. This separation
will help your jungle feel more natural, unique, and
Tips for Creating Jungles interesting in your world.
1. Weigh Your Options: Vast rainforests don’t 3. Where the Rivers Are: Look at the places on
necessarily fit into every fictional world, so your map where many rivers intersect, creating
consider them a rarity, or totally optional for watersheds or other large tributaries. Oftentimes,
yours. If placing a jungle inside your realm makes if the rest of the climate is right, these are excellent
the whole world feel more inconsistent, magical places for jungles.
4. The vines of the strangler trees are sentient, and can move as swiftly as any adventurer.
5. The local sabrecats use their razor-sharp bone blades to slice through thick foliage and ambush
their prey.
6. It takes an especially perceptive traveler to notice the pits of quicksand in this jungle.
“In Ireland, novels and plays still have a strange force. The writing of fiction and the
creation of theatrical images can affect life there more powerfully and stealthily than
speeches, or even legislation. Imagined worlds can lodge deeply in the private sphere,
dislodging much else, especially when the public sphere is fragile.”
– Colm Toibin
1. Is your world relatively large? If so, you could create tropics of your own, running through the
center of your realm in the same way they run along the center of the Earth.
2. Is your world fairly small? If you want your world to be smaller and more easily traversable for
potential adventurers, it’s entirely possible that there will be no jungles, or that the entire realm
will be covered in large tropical areas.
Consider the Carribean region of the Earth, for example. Almost all of this region finds itself inside a
tropical biome. Africa, however, is large enough to contain many differing climates, from desert to
rainforest, and beyond.
1. Plot out a forest as you normally would, but make the edges
more jagged. On the top edge, make curvy spikes especially
3. Draw in spiky leaves and tree tops that mimic palm trees without trunks and other exotic
tropical plants. Experiment and find what looks good. You may even draw some lone palm trees near the
edges of the main forest to emphasize the feel of a tropical region.
naturally arid
In the real world, mountains tend to block the moisture of ocean air, trapping the wet,
coastal areas between the mountains and the ocean, and creating dry desert regions
behind them. Here’s a way to simulate this phenomenon in your world:
1. Imagine that there is a moist wind blowing over your realm, emanating from the sea.
2. Find the places where this wind would be blocked by a mountain range.
3. Place a desert behind the mountain range, where it would not receive this ocean breeze.
4. Place a coastal, fertile land on the opposite side of the mountains.
5. Consider what great trade empires might thrive in the fertile region.
6. Consider what other unique cultures might inhabit the desert region.
1. Draw some wavy lines for the ridges of dunes and a few pointed,
curved outcroppings. These rocky outcroppings are not like any
I’ve seen in a real desert, but I’ve found they give your desert a
rugged and fantastical feel.
2. Use thin, sweeping lines to indicate the subtle lift of the desert
sand up to the ridgelines and pointed outcroppings. Draw more thin,
sweeping lines around the region to give it a barren, windswept feel.
3. Add some rocks and lightly shade the dunes and outcroppings. Optionally add a cactus or other desert
objects, depending on the style of desert you are wanting to portray.
What special ways do the political leaders in your world execute heinous criminals?
The wetlands of many worlds are renowned for their Oftentimes, this might be a dark forest or jagged
murky waters and sinister reputation. In a world of mountain range, but swamps fit well in these
light and love, swamps are where the more sinister locations too. If it suits your world, choose a place
creatures play. From tribal fiends to long-lost liches, for more sinister happenings to occur, and place
these areas will pave the way for the darker and more your swamp nearby.
horrific adventures at your table. 3. Life Abundant: Swamps aren’t just spooky, grim
Tips for Creating Swamps places, though – they are often fertile, beautiful
landscapes, teeming with life and overgrown with
1. Below Sea Level: Find an area on your map where all manner of tree and shrub. The waters host
many rivers travel, yet isn’t quite coastal. This many fish and reptiles, the trees are home to birds
region might be a place where water seems to sit of all kinds. Don’t be afraid to make your wetlands
and fester. A perfect place for a swamp. places of beauty, as well as dark mystery.
2. Evil Lands: Many fictional worlds and campaign
settings contain a place where evil forces reside.
If you’re looking to emulate reality when it comes to your wetlands, try placing lots of smaller swamps
around your map, instead of just one or two big ones.
Did all the races in your world emerge out of one primordial race?
57 57
swamp features
d100 Geographical Feature
51-52 This swamp is shrouded in an endless fog, and many who enter never leave.
53-54 This swamp is the source of constant thunderous sounds said to be a demigod battling end-
lessly beneath its murky waters.
55-56 This swamp is riddled with craters that belch lightning erratically.
57-58 This swamp is long and thin, having formed from the banks of a mighty river.
59-60 A pair of towering mountains have begun to degrade into mud, forming a swamp in the valley
of their bases.
61-62 This swamp is shallow, but covers most of the region, forcing people to grow submerged
crops, such as rice, to survive.
63-64 This is a swamp shrouded in shadows, magically unaffected by natural light.
65-66 This swamp is surrounded by a large stone wall. It is a decrepit well for giants.
67-68 This series of swamps runs from one coastline to another, the mighty footprints of a god.
69-70 This swamp is small in area, but very deep, and the home to a primal aquatic race.
71-72 This swamp has a stark red color, said to be cursed with blood magic.
73-74 This swamp is peaceful, and contains no predators. Its insects make harmonious music.
75-76 This swamp covers the top of a plateau, dripping its muck onto the dry lands below.
77-78 This swamp is the source of nutrients for a gargantuan tree.
79-80 This swamp is said to be the resting place for a group of heroes who carried a mighty magical
item when they were felled here.
81-82 Every part of this swamp is brightly colored, with intricate patterns.
83-84 The mud from this swamp, when mixed with holy water, is a powerful repellent of the undead.
85-86 This swamp is known for being a source of precious metals, if you can traverse its poisonous
water and flora.
87-88 This swamp has formed over a buried tomb, and undead emerge from the murk often.
89-90 This swamp known for its delicious water berries.
91-92 This wetland teems with green plantlife, smelling of rich, dark soil.
93-94 This swamp is inhabited by massive bats who feed on creatures stuck in the mud.
95-96 The trees in this swamp weep when nearby innocents are threatened.
97-98 This swamp is the location of a banished necrotic deity.
99-00 A tribe of humanoid herons maintain a secretive but friendly community within the depths of
this wetland.
2. Draw in some plant life. This adds texture and also indicates
that the area is not just water.
How deep do the oceans run? Are there any sentient societies down there?
59 59
Polar Regions
Even the coldest, most barren landscapes contain mountain peaks or lands infused with ice magic.
life and interesting adventures. Some of the best These can benefit from a “polar” twist as well!
immersive descriptions in your campaign can occur
in the marvelous reaches of the freezing tundras and 2. Drawing Blank Spaces: Polar regions are not
snow dunes of your realm. It’s time to add these areas easily drawn in the traditional sense of the word.
to your world. Actually, many polar areas will be left blank, as
large glacial regions and massive sheets of ice
Tips for Creating Polar Regions are usually featureless. Still, you should lightly
highlight or shade in the icy areas of your realm, so
1. Polar by Any Other Name: Sure, the word “polar” you can easily describe the climate to a traveling
specifically refers to those regions located the party of adventurers that journey there.
farthest north or south in your realm, but consider
the other frozen regions of your world, such as high
aurora unnaturalis
In the real world, the magnetic poles of the Earth combine with the solar winds of our
Sun in order to create one of the most beautiful phenomena on the planet: the Auroras,
or the “Northern Lights.”
So what if you want to place something similar in your fantasy realm, but want to give
it a fantastical or arcane twist? Roll on this feature table to spice up your auroras.
1. In the far North or far South of your world draw a jagged coastline
and some small jagged islands. These island will become floating
2. Draw vertical lines coming down from the most jagged corners
of your coastline and close the bottom edge off to indicate
where it hits the water. Now you have a landmass (or ice mass) that protrudes
from the water.
3. Add wavy lines around the edges of the coast to indicate water, and sketch in some thin wandering lines
on the arctic surface.
Now you’ve created the vast landscapes that make up the foundations of your world. You’ve created stretching
mountain ranges, raging rivers, dense forests, and magically mysterious landscapes. Many amazing adventures
will take place in this realm, but first, we need to add the most important part of any world – the people.
The cities and other settlements that dot your world will be the stage on which your stories will be told. Your
task now is to decide where to put them, so let’s get started…
Are the town garrisons generally considered fair? Or are they more often considered
65 corrupt? 65
the two types of settlements
d100 Resource d100 Resource d100 Resource
26 Lumber 51 Rye 76 Crab
27 Silk 52 Salmon 77 Sunflower
28 Coconut 53 Salt 78 Tobacco
29 Paint 54 Wheat 79 Oranges
30 Marble 55 Sand 80 Swordfish
31 Bison 56 Dyes 81 Talc
32 Nickel 57 Tourism 82 Elk
33 Illicit drugs 58 Porcelain 83 Tea
34 Timber 59 Magical metals 84 Jewelry
35 Oat 60 Chickens 85 Oil
36 Bananas 61 Ivory 86 Trout
37 Fresh water 62 Tin 87 Wine
38 Oysters 63 Shrimp 88 Woodland game
39 Cabbage 64 Cotton 89 Zinc
40 Armor 65 Medicine 90 Carts, Wagons, etc.
41 Paper 66 Cloves 91 Whales
42 Cherries 67 Arable land 92 Leathers and hides
43 Parsley 68 Crawfish 93 Medicine
44 Cocoa 69 Lobster 94 Furniture
45 Pearls 70 Olives 95 Luxury oils
46 Grapefruit 71 Sapphires 96 Horses
47 Platinum 72 Silver 97 Naval ships
48 Clay 73 Stone 98 Art and antiques
49 Sugar 74 Coral 99 Exotic creatures
50 Incense 75 Sulfur 100 Fabrics and Textiles
What does a farmer in your world worry about more? Famine or vicious creatures?
the two types of settlements
traveler and trader settlements 1. Tale of Two Cities: Place some of these settlements
in between the larger, resource-based cities you
What happens when two large cities are too far apart
placed previously. Imagine where they might crop
to make for a one-day trip? Oftentimes, if the road
up out of small encampments and mobile trade
between two settlements is frequently traveled,
traveler and trade cities will begin to rise out of what
was once a small encampment. These settlements are 2. Let’s Go to the Market: Even traveler/trade cities
usually known for their comfortable inns, debaucherous have a thriving marketplace. Oftentimes, more
taverns, and packed market districts. so than other cities! If you’re looking for an easy
adventure hook, or just want to see what’s hot
Place some of these settlements around your realm,
at the market today, use the resource table from
using the following guidelines:
before to see what people are trading.
Are there any folk heroes commonly referred to in stories and ballads?
67 67
Mountain Towns
d20 Mountain Town Description
1 This dusty mining town sits in a mountainous cul de sac with only one way in or out.
2 The huts in this hunting village are made from the skins of the very mountain stags that inhab-
it the range.
3 This village was built around a mountaintop monastery once the peak was found to bear a rare
and delicious fruit.
4 This mountain village serves as a waypoint between two larger cities on either side of the
range – the debauchery practiced by the travelers here knows no bounds.
5 This mountain town is built upon a water source that causes its inhabitants to go blind, but
gives them truesight.
6 This town has a military that is known for their prowess using shields made from the stone
around them.
7 The small mountain town is unsuspecting, but is actually the front for an assassin’s guild.
8 This town has a powerful oracle, who can read futures, but only for the price of a memory.
9 Near the peak of a mountain, this town breeds griffons of all kinds.
10 The elves that live in this mountain town hate the forest, and seek to build an empire of stone.
11 This mountain town is perched next to a lush river and waterfall.
12 This small town is built within the shattered head of a monument that was carved out of this
13 This once-thriving small town was used to summon a pitiless horde of devils, who now rule
these mountains.
14 This town worships earth elementals, and the people constantly build, empowered by their
granite leiges.
15 Master jewelers seek this town for its gorgeous and rare stones.
16 This mountain town is actually an abandoned ambush point, full of traps and kept up by crafty
17 This mountain town is known for its guild of lycanthrope hunters.
18 This small town is the only way to pass through the mountains quickly, and is protected by a
large gate on either side.
19 The direwolves of the mountain mysteriously protect the inhabitants of this town.
20 This mountain town is overrun by ghouls.
Are people generally allowed to marry freely? Or are most marriages arranged?
71 71
Swamp Towns
d20 Swamp Town Description
1 This hamlet is built on stilted buildings and wooden boardwalks.
2 This small village is home to the Gatorskins, a group of brave hunters that slay the dangerous
local reptiles.
3 This town is defended by a skilled town guard, known for fighting on the back of riverbears –
large otters, skilled in both running and swimming.
4 The locals here must travel in pairs, just in case one person falls into the swallowing mud of
the swamp.
5 Farmers on stilts till the fertile marshland soil, growing aquatic produce.
6 This marshy village thrives on the capture and export of rhino-fins, massive, horned fish con-
sidered a delicacy by many affluent connoisseurs.
7 Fire is outlawed here, as the gasses emitted from the swamp are highly flammable. The locals
light their homes with bioluminescent fungi.
8 Special craft that “skim” the swamp’s surface are used for transportation here.
9 The women in this marshland settlement serve as its warriors, a tradition established by a leg-
endary figure known as the Bog Queen.
10 The settlers of here have magically adapted to the environment – many possess gills and fins.
11 The locals are adept spear-throwers, hurling their weapons expertly and winding them back
using attached leather cords.
12 A band of dwarven craftsmen has settled here. The weapons they quench in the murky waters
of the swamp have a greenish, rippled tinge to them.
13 Wild halflings live peacefully among the gnarled roots of the massive swamp trees growing
here – but they set elaborate traps to dissuade outsiders from approaching.
14 A tribe of savage frogmen lives beneath the yellowed bones of an ancient black dragon – their
chieftain holds court from inside a massive eye socket.
15 The winding, widespread waterways of this marshy village make it an ideal trading post.
16 This swampland settlement is as diverse as they come. It was established by a group of elven,
dwarven, and human exiles, driven from their respective homelands.
17 The medicine man in this marsh hermitage is a retired cleric, famed for the cure he developed
for a destructive plague.
18 The tavern here serves “swamp swill,” a potent spirit brewed using the pungent waters of the
surrounding marshlands.
19 This remote village was founded by a usurped king. He and his scattered followers scrape out a
meager living in the mud now.
20 The massive swamp spiders have been domesticated by the wild elves dwelling here – they
attack from above on their arachnid mounts.
Do the people of your world petition to multiple gods? Or are they loyal to just one?
Coastal Towns
d20 Coastal Town Description
1 This people of this fishing village have taken on the characteristics of fish, and outsiders are
not welcome.
2 This small port houses a secret safe house that can protect anyone from anything – for the
right price.
3 This small settlement is nestled inside of a large coastal grotto.
4 This small peninsula village is slowly being swallowed as the sea level rises.
5 The largest lighthouse ever built warns sailors of the treacherous rocks, and guides them
through massive storms.
6 The greatest culinary academy for many miles resides in the center of this village.
7 The people of this village make a living salvaging the graveyard of boats just off the coast.
8 This town contains multiple competing gambling houses.
9 This town has two distinct classes: the immensely rich in their mansions on the coast, and the
poor serfs and servants inland.
10 Overfishing has caused nearly everyone to abandon this once great fishing village.
11 The ruler of this land holds the citizens of this town hostage by threatening to destroy the
dam and flood the city.
12 The main mode of transportation through this city is by way of the many canals that run
through it.
13 Due to pollution coming from deep underground, the citizens of this city have gone mad with
14 This city was suspended in time to save it from a tidal wave but caster responsible died before
unfreezing it.
15 The sheer cliffs of this settlement make it impregnable from the sea hundreds of feet below.
16 A great religious leader resides in and rules this coastal city-state.
17 The primitive, tribal frog people of this town await the signs of a great prophecy that foretells
the swallowing of the entire world by the water.
18 The last artisan of a dying art has retired to this town and refuses to teach his art to anyone
not worthy.
19 In this city, the punishment for poaching on land or sea is death.
20 Magma slowly dribbles from a volcano into the coastal waters of this town.
2. Add windows, doors, and other details. You could even add a
fence, a wheelbarrow, or a minecart to add some character to
your town.
3. Add some chimneys, roof lines, shading and other details. Every town might look different, so play
around with it.
Are the naval ships powered by oar, sail, or something else entirely?
Coastal Cities
d20 Coastal City Description
1 Built upon a cliff overlooking the ocean, the town’s miners rappel down the sides in order to
mine a rare and valuable gem – the swooping pterodactyls are to be feared, however.
2 This city is known for its man-made harbor, which stretches miles into the ocean to allow for
hundreds of docked ships.
3 This city is built out of the wreckage of a massive battleship.
4 This city is actually a flotilla of lashed-together vessels, connected by precarious bridges and
tangles of rigging. It’s anchored now along the coast.
5 The lord of this sprawling coastal port is a retired pirate – his city is founded with pillaged gold.
6 The locals of this coastal settlement dine on reef sharks – the deadly fish is a delicacy, though
dangerous to net.
7 The town guard carry hooked, bladed staves – as useful as a weapon as they are for pulling
ships into dock.
8 The mage’s guild in this port is known for training tempest mages, who use their abilities to
temper storms and brings ships safely into port.
9 This city once thrived, until a submerged tomb broke open and flooded the town with dis-
ease-ridden corpses.
10 This coastal city is said to have the ability to generate – and protect itself against – deadly
11 This coastal city is dedicated to keeping the news of the region in the ears of its people. A net-
work of cryers walks the coast, keeping everyone informed.
12 The beauty of this coastal city is deceptive – it is home to the bloodiest battle arena in the
region. The losers are floated out to sea.
13 Benevolent aquatic creatures protect the shores of this city, and the inhabitants offer food in
14 The people of this city have used magic to grant themselves water-breathing abilities, and
keep their vaults and banks beneath the waves.
15 This coastal city is built atop myriad coastal plateaus, connected by intricate and masterful
16 This coastal city was built too close to the resting place of a great old one. The people were
driven mad.
17 This city is known for breeding and training sharks.
18 This coastal city is built within the hollowed-out shell of a colossal turtle.
19 This city is built along a gorgeous and temperate coast. The large fireflies provide light to it
20 This coastal city is the chosen spawning ground of a seafaring demigod.
What is the survival rate for those who visit the doctor?
81 81
Polar Cities
d20 Polar City Description
1 Built on a large sheet of ice, this city’s imports and exports keep the people alive and in luxury.
2 The route to this city is near impossible to trek without a skilled ranger to navigate through
the blizzards.
3 Carved out of a massive slab of glacier, this indoor city is known for the weaponsmiths that
forge their arms and armor out of the magical ice.
4 This arctic city is hewn from the ice itself, sculpted by cryomancers of the highest caliber.
5 Constant snowstorms shield this city from the outside world – but the riches contained with-
in still draw many foolhardy travelers to its walls.
6 Contrary to their species, the elves of this frigid city have built their city under a snow-capped
peak, burrowing deep into the earth to escape the chill of this land.
7 A council rules this city, known as the Six Lords of Winter. Each is responsible for a different
facet of the city’s infrastructure and economy.
8 A soaring, spiked wall of ice has been raised in the center of town, separating two warring
noble families.
9 The annual Ice Diving festival is in full swing here – dozens of brave (or foolish) men and wom-
en diving into the frigid waters for gold and glory.
10 A great, wooly beast is stuffed and displayed in this city’s town hall. Legends say the settle-
ment’s founder slayed the creature and survived the frigid tundra by sleeping inside of it for
11 This city is famed for a peculiar drink known as the ice-flow – so cold that when drank, frosty
breath curls from the drinker’s mouth.
12 The thick walls of this polar city have withstood countless sieges by the nearby ice giants –
the guards are also master giant slayers.
13 Ice is shipped from this city to the nearby settlements. These huge, frozen blocks are used to
preserve meat and produce.
14 The ice from this polar city is cured with arcane recipes, so it doesn’t melt until a command
word is spoken.
15 This polar metropolis is home to an ancient clan of dwarves who seek their long-lost deity.
16 This polar city subsists on the elemental whales that swim beneath its icy waters.
17 This city is home to the Ice Khan, a violent and destructive warlord.
18 An active volcano has melted a ring in the ice around its base, and a city has thrived there for
19 This polar city is known for the large, dwarven stone carvings that surround it. When the polar
winds blow, it plays haunting hymns.
20 Fire-blooded tieflings populate this tundra city, melting the ice with their potent fire magic.
While these names might be too on-the-nose for you Using Latin, you discover a cool-sounding name
and your world, you can bet they will be remembered for a prominent volcano in your world (Ignis). Your
by your players amid hundreds of other names and marshland village finds a name in an Old English root
titles. Sometimes, simplicity is the most effective word (Marisk). Delving into ancient Akkadian, you
method. come across the perfect name for the wide, life-
giving river that runs through a desert of your world
Utilize Your Lore
The internet is an awesome resource for finding cool
An easy way to inject a little history into your world
and unique words to use in your world – just be
without exposition is to utilize your lore in the names
wary of throwing too many unfamiliar or hard-to-
of your settlements and features. Think about the
pronounce names at your players.
great events and legendary figures of your world, and
honor them by eternalizing their names.
Now that you’ve placed an array of settlements around your realm, it’s time to figure out how each of these
independent locations are related. It’s time to build the nations of your world…
Ethnic Origins
Many fantastical worlds are inhabited by a number of various species such as elves,
dwarves, halflings, orcs, and a near infinite quantity of others. We oftentimes see
entire nations and empires primarily consisting of one race. If you’re looking to create
this in your own world, now is the time!
Go through the borders you have drawn and, if you wish, designate each land as the property of a
powerful nation of a certain race. The regions you do not designate will be melting pots of the various
races of people that live nearby. This can be a great way to see where political tensions might rise!
Are lycanthropes a prominent threat in the world? Or are they just a legend?
Nations, Factions, and Empires
Almost done! Here are the nations I’ve decided on to populate
Enchea, based on the decisions I’ve made thus far in the world
building process:
There is more to your realm than just the towns and cities spread across it. Your adventures will take place in
a variety of locations in the wilderness, including fortresses, caverns, crypts, ancient ruins, and dungeons.
With the national borders you’ve just created in mind, feel free to fill some of the remaining blank space in
your world with these fun and interesting locales. They can also be used inside or underneath the cities you’ve
already placed.
Are there any racial tensions in your world? Or do people get along quite peacefully?
93 93
Flawless in design and invaluable for a nation’s defense, fortresses can turn the tide in any war.
Has anyone ever done unlawful and heinous experiments on magic users in your
95 world? 95
how to draw fortresses
1. Start with your main towers (bastions), and block in basic walls
connecting them.
3. Add some texture to roofs, and bits of shading on walls and towers. Add tall, thin,
windows, a flag or two, and if you want you can place your castle on a hill to make it look more
Does resurrection magic exist? How does this affect the politics in your world?
Serving as the relics of an ancient world, ruins bring both mystery and culture to the realm.
What is the average life expectancy among the wealthy in your world? Among the
97 poor? 97
d100 Ruin Description
51-52 A sinkhole swallowed up this once-great castle.
53-54 This primeval castle built by scores of elementals was destroyed when they turned on each
55-56 These ruins have an odd hue and shape, and further inspection reveals them to be the
remains of a colossal golem, now hollow.
57-58 These ruins are the collapsed remains of an interplanar portal.
59-60 This was once a halfling bank, situated to reach many cultures, but it was overrun with
61-62 These ruins are a series of well-hewn pillars, once ornate, and now detritus.
63-64 Nothing but large, scattered stones remain of what was once a mighty royal memorial.
65-66 This hanging garden has collapsed, and all of its exotic flora have grown around it.
67-68 Demolished to be rebuilt, this armory’s remains instead fell prey to a swarm of rock- eating
69-70 A monument to science, this ancient orrery is now in pieces.
71-72 This stone, star-shaped building exploded mysteriously.
73-74 This sacrificial temple sits in the middle of a lake, marred by the ever rising water.
75-76 This aviary was overtaken by its inhabitants, and is now in tatters as they ravaged the inside.
77-78 This open-air ceremonial temple fell to the elements centuries ago.
79-80 This hollow dragon turtle shell served as a bunker, but has been gnawed away by scavengers.
81-82 This centaur war villa was destroyed by a terrible cyclone.
83-84 This abandoned and run-down mansion has partially collapsed in on itself.
85-86 This shrine to a dark god was demolished by the forces of good, but its pieces – and some of
its power – remain.
87-88 This mighty memorial wall was destroyed by a malevolent force, and still magically burns in
89-90 This crystal fortress was once a beacon of hope, but the forces who built it were defeated.
91-92 This structure was made of innumerable bones of all sizes, but has degraded and collapsed.
93-94 This entire city was ravaged by a violent arcane tempest.
95-96 This wooden structure was once a shop to buy all manner of wondrous items,
– until they came to life and destroyed it.
97-98 This lodge was filled with stuffed trophies of all kinds, from aberrations to magical beasts.
99-00 This garden of statues has been defaced and sacked.
2. Add some additional rubble around the edges, and then add
details like windows, doors, steps, and an old road.
3. Shade lightly trying to find places where the light would be unlikely to reach.
2. Heavily shade in all or most of the opening and add some rocks
and rubble nearby.
3. Shade the rocks and the hill or mountain. Then add some thin lines near the rocks to give the ground
some texture.
When was the last time a prominent political leader was assassinated?
Crypts, Tombs, and Dungeons
The dead have their homes too, as do the monsters and adventurers squatting within.
1. Draw some double doors and some prominent pillars on either side.
3. Add some details to the door, steps leading to the doors, and some rocky ground.
Before you are vast and beautiful landscapes, winding trails and cobbled roads, beacon cities of civilization, and
the evils that threaten to snuff out the light. Your world is nearly complete. In fact, if you wanted to, you could
stop right here and start running games! On the map and worksheets you’ve filled out, there is undoubtedly
enough information and inspiration to provide for a large number of adventure hooks and stories to fuel your
campaigns for years.
But if you’re looking for that extra unique flare, that world-encompassing storyline that will set your homebrew
campaign setting from any other, let’s continue on just a little further in this journey.
Listed in this section are some optional ways to spice up the overall flavor of your world. This might be the
visual “feel” of the realm itself, or it could possibly include a worldwide storyline or current event that will shape
the setting into something completely unique. This isn’t necessarily something the adventurers will be involved
in (though it may provide plenty of adventure hooks), but it will create a living, breathing backdrop, and give
your world an arc of its own. Feel free to adapt, adjust, or add to the list as you see fit. After all, it’s your world!
Cold War
1. Select two nations on opposite ends of the world. These nations are now involved in a competitive, non-
violent “cold war.”
2. Other nations and factions will find themselves caught in the middle of this struggle, and will suffer from
the poverty and embargoes caused by the conflict. Many people are starving and desperate. Likewise, some
will have pledged support to one side or the other.
3. Certain goods and resources will be hard to come by, as trade is disrupted. The adventurers may come
across military encampments, guarding roads and passes, and staging themselves for imminent conflict.
Cities and settlements may be sympathetic or hostile towards one side of the cold war or the other.
Will these two nations ever make peace? Or will it escalate into a bloody, full-scale conflict?
Imminent Invasion
1. Ensure there is a wild, uncharted area off the edge of your map. If there is none, imagine there is another
unknown landmass across the sea, or perhaps another plane of existence.
2. The settlements nearest the uncharted lands report invasive movement into the realm by a large, powerful
3. Settlements fall, one by one, to the invading force, while neighboring nations mobilize to meet the threat. Or,
alternatively, close their gates and prepare for imminent siege. Until this problem is solved, one borderland
settlement will be sacked every in-game month.
4. The invasion is ignored or brushed off until a valuable resource or strategic position is lost to the invading
force – only then will the powers of the world take notice.
Who are these invaders? What do they want? How can the people stop them?
Write a popular idiom for your world, such as “don’t play with fire.”
bringing your world to life
The Dangers of Technology
1. Place five dangerous magical item symbols around your world. They can be whatever you choose, but they
must be powerful.
2. A faction or country has discovered one of these items, alerting the world to their existence. Now everyone
is looking for the remaining four.
3. A rumor has circulated that these magical items offer absolute power to the one who combines them into
a single entity.
4. Lastly, create a secret organization, dedicated to ensuring these items remain hidden.
How will the world deal with this? Will nations go to war over these items? Will they mutually agree to destroy
them all? What if someone with evil intentions got their hands on them?
Chaotic Climatology
The world is changing gradually. Every three months of in-game time (or faster/slower, if desired), do the
1. Forests become jungles.
2. Jungles become deserts.
3. Deserts become lakes.
4. Lakes become forests.
5. What happens when the important item sought after by a party of adventurers is now at the bottom of a
lake? Is the population of the realm used to this? Do they evacuate the city once per year before it sinks to
the bottom of a lake, only to move in again after the lake grows into a forest?
Roman Nationalism
If you’re looking to add an ancient Roman historical spin to your world, do the following:
1. Choose one city to serve as the capital and hub of all political dealings.
2. Ensure that all the world’s roads eventually lead to this city.
3. This city will be the home of a large and influential senate. Every d6 months, they vote on something that
might change the entire world.
4. Every d8 months, a prominent political figure is assassinated.
5. Ensure that there is a wild, uncharted territory off the edge of the map. This might even be across the sea.
Powerful, tribal armies frequently raid the settlements near this uncharted territory.
World War
Alliances can be powerful ways to defend your territory, but they can oftentimes do more damage than good.
In those times, the entire world might go to war. If you’re interested in inserting this game-changing story into
your world, do the following:
1. Choose one nation to invade another.
2. Choose a third nation to invade the first, due to their invasion of the second.
3. Continue this process until every nation is at war.
4. Perhaps this is a free-for-all, with every nation on their own. Or you might choose two or three distinct
sides that enter the war against each other. Either way, the landscape will change drastically.
5. Along the borders between any warring nations, draw fortifications and symbols to denote armies and
10. Do the gods care about what happens on the By answering these questions, you should be well
material plane? on your way to laying the foundations of a great
pantheon in your world! Ultimately, remember
11. Is there one god who stands above the rest? that if adding a pantheon doesn’t make your
12. Are there any malevolent gods? If not, what about world better immediately, feel free to wait a bit.
demons or devils? It’s a decision that can be made down the road.
“There are two worlds we live in: a material world, bound by the laws of physics, and the world
inside our mind, which is just as important.”
– Alan Moore
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.”
– Carl Sagan
This book is not only designed to give you advice on We can’t wait to see the worlds you build using this
how to build a campaign world for your roleplaying book. But remember, a world full of blank spaces isn’t
game – but it also has an exact, step-by-step unfinished – it’s a world full of opportunities.
process to do so. As you embark on the journey to
create your world using this book, remember these
four simple but imperative things:
“Nay, be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not
of trade, but of thought.”
– Henry David Thoreau
So now what?
Here are some ways I would get a campaign started in this new world:
1. Start Small: Choose a specific location in your world. This could be a town, city, fortress, or tiny island. You
have already created enough in terms of adventure hooks and plot devices to get going without hesitation.
Maybe one of the local villages is overrun by ogres, or a haunting has been reported at a nearby fortress.
Either way, your world is now rife with possibilities for story and adventure.
2. Work Outward: Slowly but surely add the surrounding locations into your campaign, using the adventure
ideas and hooks you’ve created throughout the book to spur the players into action. You’ve now created
enough of a framework to allow for even the most sandbox of campaigns.
3. Never Stop: The world-creation process should never end. That’s the fun part in all of this. As each campaign
you run passes by, the history of your world is continuously written. Don’t be afraid to erase and replace
the items on your map, even long after this initial process has finished.
1. How many moons orbit your world? __________
2. How many astrological symbols are there in the night sky? __________
3. How many suns are there in the sky? __________
4. Is land ownership important for a citizen’s social status? __________
5. How dangerous is the winter here? __________
6. What kind of music is popular among the common people?
7. What was the largest naval battle ever fought?
8. Which is more popular? Wine or ale? __________
9. What is the most common household pet in the realm?
10. What is the most common name in your realm?
11. Is there a sigil that represents the world as a whole?
12. Who is the most famous assassin in the world? Who did they
13. How do the wealthy classes like to spend their money?
14. What color usually signifies nobility?
15. What stories are told to children in your world to keep them from
getting into trouble?
16. What color is the sky?
17. Are there any holy cities in your world?
18. Did one race of people come before the others?
19. Have there been any major wars in recent history?
20. What is the most widely celebrated holiday?
21. How many seasons are there in your world? __________
22. Are ancient relics scattered around the world?
23. Are the nobles of your world’s most empirical nation decided by
popular vote or bloodline?
24. What is more valuable in your world? A single cow, or a single gold
25. Are diseases and plagues prevalent?
26. What sort of unsavory creatures come out at night?
27. Does a common language exist?
28. What is the most common musical instrument?
29. What is the strangest festival celebrated in your realm?
30. Are there any animals in the world that are illegal to hunt or kill?
31. What is your world called?
32. Who is the most famous musician in the world?
33. Are politicians widely revered? Or are they widely distrusted?
34. What is the most famous battle in the history of your world?
35. What is the most dangerous creature in the sea?
36. What is the most common natural disaster in your world?
37. What is regarded as the most dangerous form of magic?
38. Are dragons a myth, a frequent sight, or nonexistent?
39. What special ways do the political leaders in your world execute
heinous criminals?
40. Who is the most famous general in your world?
41. Did all the races in your world emerge out of one primordial race?
42. Does gunpowder exist?
43. How deep do the oceans run? Are there any sentient societies down
44. How high are the tallest city walls in your world?
45. Do the gods ever walk upon the world as physical beings?
46. Write a poem about a famous king.
47. What kind of music is popular among the wealthy elite?
48. How many days are there in a year?
49. Are the town garrisons generally considered fair? Or are they more
often considered corrupt?
50. What does a farmer in your world worry about more? Famine or
vicious creatures?
51. Are there any folk heroes commonly referred to in stories and ballads?
52. What is the fastest way to travel from one place to another?
53. What is viewed as an honorable way to die?
54. Are people generally allowed to marry freely? Or are most marriages
55. Do the people of your world petition to multiple gods? Or are they
loyal to just one?
56. Is slavery a common sight in the world?
57. What is generally regarded as the most dishonorable crime in the land?
58. What color are the clouds?
59. Do many people smoke?
60. Is overpopulation an issue anywhere in the world?
61. How would a beggar react if they witnessed someone performing
62. How many bedrooms would a middle-class home contain?
63. Are the naval ships powered by oar, sail, or something else entirely?
64. What is the survival rate for those who visit the doctor?
65. What ancient empire is regarded as having been the most powerful?
66. Are there large expanses of evil caverns underneath the world?
67. Who is the most powerful mage in the world?
68. Do any of the world’s monarchs have any secret deals?
69. Are bloodletting and other superstitious healing beliefs a commonality?
70. Is the world round, flat, or some other shape?
71. What colors are the moons?
72. How many days are there in a week?
73. Are lycanthropes a prominent threat in the world? Or are they just a
74. Are the people primarily monotheistic?
75. Are there any racial tensions in your world? Or do people get along
quite peacefully?
76. Are visions and prophecies a commonality?
77. Has anyone ever done unlawful and heinous experiments on magic
users in your world?
78. Does resurrection magic exist? How does this affect the politics in
your world?
79. What is the average life expectancy among the wealthy in your world?
Among the poor?
80. Are there airships in your world?
81. Has anyone ever scaled the tallest mountain in your world?
82. Are teachers rather wealthy? Or are they terribly poor?
83. What special types of metal are there in your world?
84. Is there a single threat that all the people of the world must join
together to face?
85. When was the last time a prominent political leader was assassinated?
86. What do the people of your world regard as “the final frontier”?
87. What nation or empire is regarded as having the most military might?
88. What is the most widely desired resource?
89. How is meat stored in wealthy homes? Is magic involved?
90. Write a popular idiom for your world, such as “don’t play with fire.”
91. Are books very rare/valuable in the world?
92. Does your world have a lottery?
93. Is there a common birth defect plaguing the world?
94. Do adventurer’s guilds exist?
95. What do the different regions of the world call their currency?
96. Is there a place in your world where one nation of people is
encroaching on another?
97. What is the most evil organization in the world, and what is keeping
them from rising up?
98. Do the poorest of the poor have access to the food they need?
99. Fill in the blank: “All roads lead to ______________.”
100. What exists outside of your world? Anything?
101. What is the largest breed of fish in the sea? Has anyone ever caught
102. On a scale from one to ten, how dangerous is sea travel?
103. What is the most common beast of burden in your world?
104. How safe are the highways?
105. Are there illicit substances in your world? What kind? How are they
106. Has a mage ever been kidnapped for their power?
107. Is cult activity prevalent?
108. Who is the most powerful politician in the world?
109. How easy is it to travel between planes?
110. If the heir to the throne of your most prominent nation were
kidnapped, how would the nation react?
111. Has an entire city ever been destroyed by a natural disaster?
112. Is the world named after a famous person or event? If not, where did
it get its name?
113. Is being an adventurer very profitable? Or is it reserved for the poor
classes with nothing left to lose?
114. How old is the world?
115. Who is the most famous artist in the world?
116. Is there a single, diplomatic world entity? Something like a fantasy
“United Nations”?
117. What percentage of the world’s population are males?
118. Are the undead a serious threat in your world? Or just a myth?
119. Does the world revolve around the sun? Or vice-versa?
120. Has a malevolent power ever tried to control the entire realm?
book one: building the world
By Michael Barker
From the basic shape of your world, to the warring populations that inhabit
it, you are the decider. You will pull the mountains out of the earth and make
the raging rivers flow into the vast seas. You will scatter magical forests and
arid deserts across the land, separating the cities and villages that you alone
will build from the ground up.
You’ve been waiting too long to finish your homebrew RPG campaign setting.
Now is the time to forge your realm for years to come.
Now is the time to build your own world.
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