Impact of Cash Conversion Cycle On Firm's Profitability

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International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies

Volume 1, Issue 3, October - 2018

Impact of Cash Conversion Cycle on Firm’s

Hashini AMC Nanayakkara MS
Department of Accounting and Finance, Department of Accounting and Finance,
Faculty of Management and Finance, Faculty of Management and Finance,
University of Ruhuna, Wellamadama, Matara, University of Ruhuna, Wellamadama, Matara,
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Abstract:- Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) is the most changes in CCC impacts on the profitability since it is an
widely used evaluation method to measure the risks and important component of WCM. The previous research
returns associated with liquidity management and findings have been shown the different opinions regarding the
profitability. Since corporate companies are extremely Beverage Food and Tobacco companies in connection with
concerned about how to sustain and improve the CCC.
profitability they have to keep an eye on the factors
influenced the profitability. Therefore the main purpose of II. LITERATURE REVIEW
the study is to identify the impact of CCC on profitability
used companies in Sri Lanka. For this purpose data were Management of liquidity and profitabilty can be changed
collected from twenty listed companies in the Beverage on CCC. Early work done by “Ref [24]” if the firm deduction
Food and Tobacco industry sector covering the period its liquidity the profitabilty would be high. Management of the
from 2015 to 2017. The profitability of companies was liquidity and profitability has set in a crucial effect in todays
measured in terms of Return on Equity (ROE) and Return competetive. As the results represent that there is a negative
on Assets (ROA) taking into account two years period between profitability and liquidity.
from 2015 to 2017 the CCC was by Inventory Conversion “Ref [24]” as stated by True and Solono, (2007)
Period (ICP), Debtor Conversion Period (DCP), and investigated the impact of WCM on the firms’ profitability of
Payable Conversion Period (PCP). In this study, regression a sample of small and medium sized Spanish firms. They
and correlation statistical techniques were used to estimate based that managers can build value by deduction their
the relationship between CCC and profitability. Results inventories and the number of days for which their accounts
revealed that ICP and DCP has positive strong are arrears. Besides, abbreviation the CCC also develops the
relationship with the profitability. Further the study found firms’ profitability.
that the PCP are negatively affected to the ROE and ROA.
According the study reveals that CCC negatively “Ref [8]” reported that the firms’ profitability and
correlated with the profitability and CCC has significant liquidity are affected by WCM in his analysis. Pooled data are
impact on profitability. These results suggested that selected for carrying out the research for the era of 2006-2008
managers can create value for their shareholders by for assessing the companies listed in stock market of Vietnam.
reducing the number of days of account receivables and He focused on the variables that include profitability,
inventories to a reasonable extend. conversion cycle and its related elements and the relationship
that exists between them. From his research it was found that
Keywords:- Cash Conversion Cycle, Return on Assets, Return the relationships among these variables are strongly negative.
on Equity, Listed Companies, Working Capital Management. This denotes that decrease in the profitability occurs due to
I. INTRODUCTION increase in CCC. It is also found that if the number of days of
account receivable and inventories are diminished then the
Working capital management (WCM) is considered as profitability will increase numbers of days of accounts
the lifeblood of a business. WCM is a very significant receivable and inventories.
component of business finance because it directly affects the
liquidity and profitability of the company. The management of III. METHODOLGY
working capital plays a significant role in a company’s In this study, twenty Beverage Food and Tobacco
survival and growth. Working Capital (WC) is required for companies listed in CSE are taken to find the effect of CCC on
functioning day to day transactions smoothly. In order to profitability. For this purpose, the researcher used secondary
manage WC effectively a firm has to be aware about the CCC. data from financial statements covering 2015 and 2017.
Therefore, the CCC, is the most significant part of WCM and Regression analysis is used to examine the impact of CCC on
it indicates how long it takes to convert their goods and profitability. The following linear regression models was
services into cash. It helps to protect liquidly power which is applied in this study to investigate the relationship between
the main factor on profitability. CCC and profitability.
Besides, most of the managers’ decisions are depended
on firms’ financial performance. Therefore they always try to
increase profit from many sources. And they ignore the impact
of CCC on profitability. But they must think that how the

International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies
Volume 1, Issue 3, October - 2018
Accordingly two regression models were developed. property in order to maintain the profitability of companies of
a satisfactory level.
 Model 2:
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Model 1(ROE) Model 2(ROA)

RSq=0.602, F=18.123, RSq=.351 , F=10.491,
P=.000 P=.000
B Std. sig B Std. sig
Error Error
Constant 51.617 12.002 .000 1.521 0.157 .000
ICP 0.072 0.017 .000 0.001 0.000 .000
DCP 126.377 24.439 .000 0.124 0.321 .021
PCP -243.843 113.885 .039 -1.605 1.494 .046

Table 1: Regression Analysis

n= 40
Source: SPSS data


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