Carmen Lorenza1

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Affirmative(verb to eat) Affirmative (verb to drink)

Affirmative (verb to swim)

I eat I _____________ I
You eat You ____________ You
He eats He ___________ He
She eats She ___________ She
It eats It ___________ It
We eat We ____________ We
You eat You ____________
You ________________
They eat They ____________
They ________________

The spelling rules for the third person singular (he/ she/ it)
1- Most verbs : add( -s)
Work : works
2- Verbs ending in –ch / -sh / -ss/ -o/ -x : add (-es)
Go : goes watch : watches wash : washes miss : misses fix : fixes
3- Verbs ending in a consonant + y, change the (y) into (i) and add –es →(- ies)
Study : studies fly: flies carry : carries
C + y → ies
4- Verbs ending in a vowel + y, only add (-s)
Play : plays say : says pray : prays
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple tense:
a- School ________________(to finish) at three o’clock.
b- My mum _________________(to like) classical music.
c- Toni __________________(to play) football every Saturday.
d- My cousin ________________(to go) to school by bus.
e- My grandparents ___________________(to speak) French.
f- My grandfather ___________________(to love) pizza.
g- Paul and Kate _____________________(to study) English every day.
h- Kate _____________________(to study) maths at university.
i- My brother ________________ (to do) his homework on the bus.
j- Children _________________(to like) eating a lot of chocolate.
k- She ____________________(to watch) TV every evening.
l- He _____________________(to stay) at home on Saturdays.
The form : affirmative, negative and interrogative
AFIRMATIVE Negative (long form): verb to drink
I --------------------- I ___________________________ ------------------I--
You ------------------ You_________________________ -------------------
He -------------------- He__________________________ ---------------------
She ---------------------- She_________________________ ------------------------
It ----------------------- It__________________________ ------------------------
We ------------------------ We_________________________ ------------------------
You ------------------------ You________________________
They ------------------------ They________________________ ----------------------

Exercise 2:Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs in brackets.
a- I ______________________(not , to like) playing football.
b- _______________________( you/ to like) playing football with your friends?
c- _______________________(he/ to listen) to rap music?
d- She _____________________(not, to listen) to rock music.
e- My friends ______________________(not, to go) swimming on Saturdays.
f- ___________________________(your friends/ to go) swimming every Saturday?
g- My friend ______________________(not, to live) in Beirut.
h- _______________________(your friend/ to live) in Zalka?
i- He ____________________(to speak) Italian.
j- She __________________(to wash) her hands when she ________________(to eat) a
k- They _________________(to watch) TV in the evenings.

The form: short answers

Question Affirmative (short answer) Negative (short answer)
Do I work? Yes, I do No, I do not OR No, I don’t
Do you work? Yes, you do No, you do not OR No, you don’t
Does he work? Yes, he does No, he does not OR No, he doesn’t
Does she work? Yes, she does No, she does not OR No, she doesn’t
Does it work? Yes, it does No, it does not OR No, it doesn’t
Do we work? Yes, we do No, we do not OR No, we don’t
Do you work? Yes, you do No, you do not OR No, you
Do they work? Yes, they do No, they do not OR No, they
Question Affirmative(short answer) Negative(short answer)
HAS SHE GOT? _________________________ ___________________________
DO YOU STUDY? __________________________ ___________________________
Does he eat? ___________________________ ___________________________
IS SHE? ___________________________ ____________________________
HAVE YOU GOT? ____________________________ ____________________________
Do we eat? ____________________________ ____________________________
Does he catch? ____________________________ ____________________________
ARE THEY? _____________________________ ____________________________
Exercise 3:Write true short answers about you.
a- Do you like eating chocolate?______________________________________________
b- Does your friend go to school on Sundays?____________________________________
c- Does your mother work in a hospital?________________________________________
d- Does your father have a car?_______________________________________________
e- Do your friends like swimming in August?_____________________________________
f- Do you get up early on Sundays?____________________________________________

Exercise 4:Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

a- Samir studies English at school.
b- Children like football.
c- They have got a new car.
d- They have got a new car.
e- He has a pen.
f- He has got a pen.
g- He is a doctor.
h- They are intelligent students.
much, many

1. Have you got _ books?

2. I don't have _ time to do sport.
3. How people came to the meeting?
4. Are there _ students in the class?
5. I didn't see of the film because I fell asleep.
6. How coffee did you buy?
7. How cups of coffee did you buy?
8. Not students passed the exam.
9. They didn't give me information.


1. Fill in the gaps with some / any / a /an

1. There aren't _____ children in the playground 6. Have you got _____ money?
2. There are _____ people in that room 7. They haven't got _____ computer in their room
3. He isn't wearing _____ uniform 8. There aren't _____ books in my rucksack (mochila)
4. Is there _____ fruit left? 9. Is there _____ good cinema in your town
5. There is _____ bread left 10. There aren't _____ parks near my house

2. Fill in the gaps with some, any, a or an

1. There are .......... potatoes on the table 6. He never wears .......... uniform
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an
7. There aren't ........ tickets for the concert
2. Are there ....... books on your desk? left
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

3. Is there ........ coffee left? 8. There are ......... apples in the basket (cesta)
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

4. Have you got ....... brothers or sisters? 9. She isn't wearing ........ dress
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

5. He hasn't got ........ money 10. Is there ........ sugar in your tea?
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

11. He hasn't got ........ girlfriend

a) some b) any c) a d) an
3. Correct the following sentences (use contractions if possible)
1. He hasn't got some friends 6. Is there some people?
2. He hasn't got a teacher English 7. He's doctor
3. There isn't some food in the fridge 8. There isn't some water in my glass
4. There aren't no bananas left 9. Is there some pens left?
5. There are some childrens in my car 10. Are there a children?

4. Fill in the gaps with : there is/there are/ There isn't / there aren't / Is
there / Are there

1. __________ any sugar in the 6. ____________ any fruit? 9. ____________ any

cupboard 7. ____________ any petrol ?
2. ____________ any people? tickets? 10. ____________ any
3. ____________ some coffee 8. ____________ any tea in books
4. ____________ any stamps my cup 11. ____________ some
left children
5. ____________ any money in
my pocket

5. Choose the correct 4. ¿Hay mucha gente? 8. Hay cerveza

answer a) Are there much people? a) There's beer
1. Hay niños b) Is there much people? b) There's some beer
a) There is some children c) Are there many people? c) Is beer
b) There are some children
c) There are children 5. No hay dinero 9. No hay dinero
a) There isn't no money a) There isn't money
2. ¿Hay agua? b) There aren't money b) Isn't money
a) There's water c) There is no money c) There isn't any money
b) Is there any water?
c) Are there some water? 6. ¿Hay pan? 10. No hay gente
a) Is there bread? a) There isn't any people
3. Hay gatos b) There is bread? b) There aren't any people
a) There are some cats c) Is there any bread? c) There isn't no people
b) There are cats
c) There is cats 7. ¿Hay plátanos?
a) Are there any bananas?
b) Is there any bananas?
c) Are there some
6. Look for the translation on the right and match
1. No hay gente A. There's some money
2. No había niños B. Was there any water?
3. No había dinero C. There were some people
4. ¿Había niños? D. There's no water
5. Había gente E. There weren't any children
6. No hay agua F. There aren't any people
7. Hay dinero G. Were there any children?
8. ¿Había agua? H. Were there any people?
9. ¿Había gente? I. There wasn't any water
10.No había agua J. There wasn't any money

7. Complete the sentences with: there is/there isn’t/there are/ there aren’t/
is there /are there
1. _______________ any money 7. _______________ a thief in this town (thief= ladrón)
2. _______________ some petrol
3. _______________ no sugar in my tea 8. __________ some new flats in my street
4. _______________ any children? 9. ______________ a television in my room
5. _______________ no maps in my class 10. ___________ any beautiful girls in my class
6. _______________ any lamps in this room
1. Fill in the gaps with some / any / a /an

1. There aren't _____ children in the playground 6. Have you got _____ money?
2. There are _____ people in that room 7. They haven't got _____ computer in their room
3. He isn't wearing _____ uniform 8. There aren't _____ books in my rucksack (mochila)
4. Is there _____ fruit left? 9. Is there _____ good cinema in your town
5. There is _____ bread left 10. There aren't _____ parks near my house

ANSWER : 1. any 2. some 3. a 4. any 5. some 6. any 7. a 8. any 9. a 10. any

2. Fill in the gaps with some, any, a or an

1. There are .......... potatoes on the table 6. He never wears .......... uniform Answer:
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an 1. (a)
7. There aren't ........ tickets for the concert 2. (b)
2. Are there ....... books on your desk? left 3. (b)
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an 4. (b)
5. (b)
3. Is there ........ coffee left? 8. There are ......... apples in the basket (cesta) 6. (c)
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an 7. (b)
8. (a)
4. Have you got ....... brothers or sisters? 9. She isn't wearing ........ dress 9. (c)
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an 10. (b)
5. He hasn't got ........ money 10. Is there ........ sugar in your tea?
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

11. He hasn't got ........ girlfriend

a) some b) any c) a d) an

3. Correct the following sentences (use contractions if possible)

1. He hasn't got some friends 6. Is there some people?
2. He hasn't got a teacher English 7. He's doctor
3. There isn't some food in the fridge 8. There isn't some water in my glass
4. There aren't no bananas left 9. Is there some pens left?
5. There are some childrens in my car 10. Are there a children?

1. -He hasn't got any friends / He's got 6. -Are there any people?
some friends 7. -He's a doctor
2. -He hasn't got an English teacher 8. -There is some water in my glass / There
3. -There isn't any food in the fridge / isn't any water in my glass /There is no
There's some food in the fridge water in my glass
4. -There are no bananas left/ There aren't 9. -Is there a pen left? / Are there any
any bananas left pens left?
5. -There are some children in my car 10. -Is there a child? / Are there any
4. Fill in the gaps with : there is/there are/ There isn't / there aren't / Is
there / Are there

1. __________ any sugar in the 6. ____________ any fruit? 9. ____________ any

cupboard 7. ____________ any petrol ?
2. ____________ any people? tickets? 10. ____________ any
3. ____________ some coffee 8. ____________ any tea in books
4. ____________ any stamps my cup 11. ____________ some
left children
5. ____________ any money in
my pocket
ANSWER : 1. There isn't 2. Are there 3. There is 4. There aren't 5. There isn't 6. Is
there 7. Are there 8. There isn't 9. Is there 10. There aren't 11. There are

5. Choose the correct 4. ¿Hay mucha gente? 8. Hay cerveza

answer a) Are there much people? a) There's beer
1. Hay niños b) Is there much people? b) There's some beer
a) There is some children c) Are there many people? c) Is beer
b) There are some children
c) There are children 5. No hay dinero 9. No hay dinero
a) There isn't no money a) There isn't money
2. ¿Hay agua? b) There aren't money b) Isn't money
a) There's water c) There is no money c) There isn't any money
b) Is there any water?
c) Are there some water? 6. ¿Hay pan? 10. No hay gente
a) Is there bread? a) There isn't any people
3. Hay gatos b) There is bread? b) There aren't any people
a) There are some cats c) Is there any bread? c) There isn't no people
b) There are cats
c) There is cats 7. ¿Hay plátanos?
a) Are there any bananas?
b) Is there any bananas?
c) Are there some

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)

6. Look for the translation on the right and match

1. No hay gente A. There's some money
2. No había niños B. Was there any water?
3. No había dinero C. There were some people
4. ¿Había niños? D. There's no water
5. Había gente E. There weren't any children
6. No hay agua F. There aren't any people
7. Hay dinero G. Were there any children?
8. ¿Había agua? H. Were there any people?
9. ¿Había gente? I. There wasn't any water
10.No había agua J. There wasn't any money
1. F 2. E 3. J 4. G 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. H 10. I

7. Complete the sentences with: there is/there isn’t/there are/ there aren’t/
is there /are there
1. _______________ any money 7. _______________ a thief in this town (thief= ladrón
2. _______________ some petrol
3. _______________ no sugar in my tea 8. __________ some new flats in my street
4. _______________ any children? 9. ______________ a television in my room
5. _______________ no maps in my class 10. ___________ any beautiful girls in my class
6. _______________ any lamps in this room

1. There isn't 2. There is 3. There is 4. Are there 5. There are 6. There aren't 7.
There is/there isn't
8. There are 9. There is/there isn't 10. There aren't

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