Wellsite Information Transfer Specification

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The key takeaways are that different companies have proprietary formats for transmitting rig-site data electronically, decreasing overall utility and increasing costs. The paper discusses the development of a standardized format called WITS to address this issue.

The goal of WITS is to standardize formats for rig-site data content and telecommunication requirements to allow easy and economical information transfer between rigs and central sites.

The WITS specification has two main components - the Software Standards Subcommittee which standardized the digital data format, and the Telecommunication Data Transmission Subcommittee which standardized the file transfer process.

Wellsite Information Transfer

Specification (WITS) for

Digital Rig-Site Data
R.E. Jantzen, BP Exploration Inc.; R.D Foreman, SPE, Amoco Production Co.; L. Keltner, EPISTAT;
and R.S. McCoy, * SPE, RSM Assocs.

Summary. Information of many kinds, including drilling and mud-logging parameters, is transmitted electronically from rigs to central
sites. The format of the transmitted information depends, at present, on the business entities involved in the information-transfer transac-
tion. Many different formats exist, decreasing the overall utility of information obtained at the rig site and increasing processing costs
for the industry. Standardization of formats for information content and telecommunication requirements was attempted by the Informa-
tion Transfer Committee (lTC), a subcommittee of the IntI. Assn. of Drilling Contractors' (IADC' s) Rig Instrumentation and Measure-
ment (RIM) Committee, which formulated a set of guidelines addressing the broad needs of the industry. This paper explains the rationale
for the standardization effort; outlines the process by which the specification was established; and describes the requirements, concept,
components, and benefits of the resulting WITS.

Different service and operating companies have proprietary for- discussed in this paper. The formatting and content of data and data
mats for electronic data transmission-e.g., tape, direct line, micro- telecommunications are discussed separately.
wave, commercial telephone service, or satellite-that are used
depending on the companies involved and the agreements reached Process
between them. Many digital formats were created and are main- The SSS was initially formed by a group of representatives of service
tained, each at substantial cost, by service companies and opera- and operating companies, primarily computer-software-system de-
tors. When a new relationship is established between a service velopers and drilling engineers, who had acute problems with the
company and an operator, modifications and adaptations of formats profusion and mismatch of rig-data formats. Most were involved
often must be made to allow the data collection and analysis sys- in the process of either writing new formats or constructing sys-
tems of the two entities to "talk" to each other, again at signifi- tems to translate existing formats.
cant cost. To ensure that any proposed standard was complete and accept-
The result is that a great deal of rig data that might be useful able to the industry as a whole, an extreme effort was made to in-
to operators in evaluating rig performance and in monitoring and volve representatives from as many operating and service companies
controlling drilling is often not collected or transmitted because of as possible. A great majority of major operators and service com-
the cost and complexity of format matching and modification. Costs panies, as well as many smaller specialty service companies, were
in dollars of this "failure to communicate" are difficult to meas- represented on the SSS. In addition, electronic-communication ex-
ure; there is, however, no disagreement within the drilling indus- perts were recruited. The effort, which continued through the life
try that they are quite large. of the SSS, extended to Europe, Australia, and Asia. Liaison was
A solution to the information-transfer format and telecommuni- maintained with several European companies and organizations,
cation standard problem has thus been the overriding goal of the and progress of the SSS was reported regularly to several Asian
ITC. Creation of a standard that can be implemented easily by both industry organizations.
operating and service companies should allow information trans- The goal of the standardization effort was broad but concrete:
fer to be established quickly and economically between rig and cen- To define the information content and format of the data stream
tral sites. The lTC's work was divided between the Software transmitted from a rig to a central site either by telecommunica-
Standards Subcommittee (SSS), which was responsible for format- tions facilities or by hard media. To avoid omissions in the specifi-
ting of the digital data, and the Telecommunication Data Trans- cation, we needed an inventory of parameters currently in use in
mission Subcommittee (TDTS), which was responsible for file the following areas: (1) geology and drilling, (2) operating, (3) meas-
transfer, or telecommunication, of the data. Both subcommittees urement while drilling (MWD), (4) wireline, (5) rig, (6) cementa-
followed the guidelines of the IntI. Standards Organization (ISO) 1 tion, (7) drillstem testing, and (8) miscellaneous free-format forms
(Fig. 1). The ISO model creates a framework for defining stan- and two-way message transmission. Companies providing data col-
dards for linking all communication and computing functions in an lection services in these areas were polled for descriptive lists of
"open-architecture" fashion. "Open" refers to the ability of an the parameters currently in use.
end system of one company to connect with the end system of We also conducted a seminar to familiarize the industry represen-
another company that conforms to the reference model and associat- tatives op the SSS with the major existing formats and data-
ed protocols. This is particularly important for the drilling indus- transmission systems. The seminar presented information on general
try, which is composed of large numbers of diverse operating and methods of data transmission and formatting, different hard-
service companies, each of which may need to exchange increas- ware/software systems currently in use, and the nature and con-
ingly more data in the future. The model is partitioned into seven tent of several specific formats. The seminar also included site visits
layers, each of which is composed of a group of logically connect- and presentations at the Amoco Production Co., Arco Oil & Gas
ed functions. Co., Mobil E&P Services, and Tenneco Oil & Gas Co. data centers.
The TDTS fundamentally addressed the physical and data link After the inventory of data parameters was accumulated and
functions (Layers 1 and 2, respectively, of Fig. 1), and the SSS representatives were familiar with the current status of formats,
addressed the session, presentation, and application functions (Lay- the SSS produced a set of requirements that, when implemented
ers 5 through 7, respectively, of Fig. 1). The ISO's open-system in the WITS, would satisfy the present and future needs of the serv-
interconnection (OSI) standard, 1 which was used as a guideline to ice and operating companies. The requirements were used to con-
develop a standard for the particular requirements of the drilling struct a logical framework, or concept, for the specification. Once
environment, forms the underlying structure of the specifications the concept for WITS was complete, special work groups of ex-
perts formulated the specific components of the specification.
The specification is now complete, and WITS will be published
'Now at INFOSTAT Systems Inc.
by the API as a recommended practice. This paper reviews and
Copyright 1989 Society of Petroleum Engineers summarizes the key points of the WITS. A review board under the
SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989 291
Computer Reader
7 APPlICATI~N NNENONICS Layer Transmission Layers
1 and 2 (throw-away
6 PRESENTRTI~N customization)
} "'". '''',.,,''""'' . . .00 2 1 and 2
5 SESSION t SOfTWARE SlANDAI'D t 3 1 through 3 (will
read some E-Log
4 1 through 4 (LIS

8. WITS should provide a good technological entry point for users
9. WITS should provide a good migration path for existing
Fig. 1-Relatlonshlp between ISO OSI model for communi- systems.
cations and WITS standard. 10. Most rig-to-central-site data-communication needs should be
satisfied by WITS.
11. Existing standards (official or de/acto) should be used wher-
ever possible.
12. The specification should be international.

r ' ....- OPTIONAL Concept. Many alternatives, from establishment of a standard

HEADER specifying the exact content and format of each data item (which
would require continual updating and modification of the specifi-
cation) to adoption of some existing system in its entirety (which
APPROVED would make use difficult for some systems and would raise costs
BY BOTH considerably), were considered. The requirements, however, could
PARTIES be satisfied only by a specification encompassing the two extremes.
Thus, the WITS is layered. It has five levels, each more com-
plex and comprehensive than the preceding one (Fig. 2). Each lev-
el includes all the features of the preceding level. A system
_+-~""'---I- IADC-WITS implemented by the lowest level of WITS will be completely com-
patible with systems implemented by higher levels (Table 1).
Levell-Predefined Records. Rig information can be organized
into logical groups of parameters-e.g., depth-based drilling pa-
rameters, tripping information, cementing data, etc.-called
"records." These records contain relatively similar information
for all wells. The first level specifies the exact content and format
FUTURE IADC of each of the most common rig-data records.
All data record formats are predefined to meet the requirements
of the WITS levels, which are based on Schlumberger's2 Log In-
Fig. 2-Multilayered concept of WITS standard. formation Standard (LIS), and are compatible with the proposed
API Digital Log Interchange Standard (DLIS). 3 No LIS header and
trailer records are required, and, because the data records are prede-
auspices of the API Petroleum Industry Data Exchange Standards fined, no data specification records are required.
Subcommittee will periodically monitor the implementation of WITS Implementing the first level is thus straightforward and inexpen-
and consider revisions. sive, because the specification serves as a "cookbook" with all the
details of implementation. More than 50 % of existing data require-
Description ments should be satisfied by systems implementing this level of
Requirements. Requirements for the specification were derived WITS. The Parameter and Record Definition section contains a com-
from the needs of service and operating companies and the nature plete description of the records included in Level 1.
of existing information-transfer systems. Level2-Modified Records. For greater flexibility, this level pro-
1. WITS should be adaptable to the needs of large and small data vides the mechanism for adding up to five additional parameters
systems. per record. The predefined records, as in the first level, are used
2. WITS should be easy to change within the scope of the speci- with the LIS header, trailer, and data-format specification (DFS)
fication as the needs of the industry and individual information sys- records. In addition, special bidirectional dialogue commands are
tems change. included that permit the receiver to control the records and the in-
3. The costs of implementing simple systems using WITS should terval being transmitted. Thus, a system implemented according
be low. to the first level of WITS would be completely compatible with
4. The long-term software costs for systems using WITS should the second level.
be as low as possible. Level 3- WITS-Compliant (Customized) LIS. The remaining lev-
5. Systems implementing WITS should be able to handle both els of the specification involve the use of components of Schlum-
real-time and batch data. berger's LIS and the API's proposed DLIS. Therefore, these data
6. Data transmission in standard format should be efficient. records can also be considered to be customized. Schlumberger de-
7. WITS should be capable of implementation on a full range fined LIS as an information-interchange format for well informa-
of computing hardware-e.g., from personal computers to main- tion that is designed to work with various types of computers to
frames. record different types of information in a taped or a real-time data-

292 SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989

acquisition environment. The target information includes sensor Record Definition. The framework for the general structure of all
responses (i.e., logs) and any interpretation parameters. records-i.e., a fixed header, a main body, and a limited customiz-
The LIS format uses a hierarchy for storing and retrieving data. ing trailer-was established. The header parameters remain fixed
This hierarchy separates the physical representation (i.e., the phys- from record to record, while the main body contains the specific
ical dimensions of the information or the space it occupies) from data items pertaining to each particular record type. The trailer per-
the logical information (i.e., type and organization of the informa- mits a small amount of flexibility to expand the main body with
tion). This allows LIS to work with various types of media, such operator-selected data items.
as magnetic tape, disk, and communication lines. Record Header. The fixed-record header entry contains the (1)
Each LIS data set is kept logically complete by recording on that well identification, (2) sidetrack/hole section number, (3) record
data set all the information required to interpret the data. This al- identification, (4) sequence number, (5) date, (6) time, and (7) ac-
lows LIS to adapt to new concepts and technology while maintain- tivity code. The well identification consists of 16 alphanumeric
ing compatibility with previously written LIS data sets. characters identifying the well from which the data are derived.
The LIS format has become a de facto standard in the wireline The sidetrack/hole section number further defines this source. The
industry. It is currently used to exchange a wide spectrum of in- record identification contains the numerical code for the record type,
formation, including wireline logs, core measurements, seismic re- and the sequence number identifies the sequential position of that
cordings, and vertical seismic profile (VSP) data. partiCUlar record within the data stream with respect to other records
LIS allows a great deal of flexibility in specifying the content of the same type. Date and time serve as key fields to help identify
and format of data records and offers the ability to change format the record. The activity code is a numerical code identifying the
and content easily. It is, however, more difficult to implement, and wellsite operation in progress at the time that the record was
thus more costly, than the first two layers of WITS. Full implemen- generated.
tation of LIS can be very difficult and expensive, so a WITS- Customizing Trailer. A limited number of entries are designed
compliant version was defined for the specification that is completely to be "spares," which, contain null-value data if no modification
compatible with the first two layers of WITS and with full implemen- is made to the record. Each spare entry, however, may be replaced
tation of LIS, except that it 'lacks some flexibility of full LIS im- by another parameter definition. In this way, if only one or two
plementations. Restrictions for the implementation of LIS in Level extra parameters are required, they may be added to an existing
3 are noted later. record instead of creating a new record.
LeveI4-LIS 1979 (LIS 1). This level removes the restrictions, Predefined Record Types. Levell of the multilayered WITS uses
but maintains the extension of WITS-compliant LIS. ,Full implemen- fixed-format records. With the parameter listing serving as the ba-
tation of the original LIS offers much flexibility for virtually all sis for record content, a group of predefined records was speci-
types of rig data. It is complex and expensive to implement, but fied. These record types were established by two criteria: rig activity
is an excellent solution for comprehensive data systems that acquire, and the frequency of generation and/or required interval for moni-
analyze, and store large amounts of rig data from many sources. toring of the parameters. All common rig activities were addressed,
In keeping with the layered concept, any existing or future im- and the parameters applicable to each activity were grouped
plementation of LIS I will be able to read data transferred accord- together. With these guidelines, 25 record types have been defined
ing to Layers 1,2, or 3 of WITS. to date.
LevelS-LIS 1984 (LIS 2). This is an extension, or superset, 1. General, time-based records serve as the basic records gener-
of LIS 1 that allows increased abilities to handle information of ated from the wellsite, regardless of rig activity. As such, they are
various types, but it is currently unpublished. It appears to include the most general as far as data content is concerned, though they
all the extensions needed for WITS rig-site data communication; are heavily weighted toward sensor data rather than computed data.
the layered concept of WITS is thus maintained, allowing systems The frequency of generation may range from a few seconds to sever-
implementing LIS 2 to read data transferred according to Layers al minutes, depending on the degree of detail required by the
1, 2, 3, or 4 of the specification. operator.
2. Depth-based drilling records are generated on the basis of
changes in the total well depth. The frequency of generation might
Parameter and Record Definition typically be one record for each foot or each new hole drilled.
With the adoption of the multilayered approach, there was a clear 3. Drilling-connection records record information pertaining to
need for the definition of a standard listing of parameter and unit connections made during drilling-e.g., the addition of new drill-
mnemonics for use in all layers, as well as a group of fixed, prede- pipe to the string. Data content includes maximum makeup and
fined records to meet the requirements of Levell. Furthermore, breakout torque readings, average and maximum pulling and run-
guidelines for future addition of records and expansion of parame- ning speeds, and duration ofthe connection. Frequency of genera-
ter and unit mnemonics needed to be specified. tion is one record per connection.
4. Hydraulics records contain predominantly computed hydraulics
Parameter Definition. Input was used from operators and vendors information-i.e., fluid velocities and circulating-system pressure
with extensive experience in the setup and maintenance of real-time losses. Frequency of generation is on a regular time basis while
drilling information data bases, at the wellsite and in regional data drilling fluid is circulated.
centers, to establish a comprehensive listing of wellsite-generated 5. Time-based tripping records contain information pertaining
parameters. The number of parameters currently exceeds 400 and to the tripping of the drill string or to the running of a casing/liner
includes sensor-derived measurements of drilling parameters and string, including running/pulling speeds, block position, and hook-
fluid properties, computer-derived values (e.g., hydraulics and drill- load readings. These are more detailed records of the trip than the
ing exponents), and manually entered data (e.g., lithological descrip- connection-based tripping records. Frequency of generation depends
tions and hydrocarbon-show evaluations). Both geological and on the degree of detail required, but usually ranges from a few sec-
drilling engineering needs were addressed. onds to one minute.
For each parameter, two unique mnemonics were assigned. One 6. Connection-based tripping records contain summary informa-
mnemonic used a maximum of four characters for compatibility tion pertaining to each connection of a trip or casing run. Included
with the current version of LIS (LIS 1), while the second expand- in this record are maximum running/pulling speeds, maximum hook-
ed to a maximum of eight characters for future application within load, and time to pull and handle the stand. Frequency of genera-
the LIS 2 environment (Table 2). tion is once per connection.
This listing serves as the basis for the parameter entries in the 7. Survey/directional records contain directional survey data de-
predefined records and for the future construction of customized rived from one of a number of sources-e.g., single-shot, multishot,
records. A glossary containing a short description of each parame- and MWD tools. Frequency of generation is one record per sur-
ter accompanies the record listing. vey measurement.

SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989 293


Frequency of Generation: Transmit one complete record at specified time interval

Mnemonic Parameter Rep Byte Mnemonic Units
Field Parameter Description LIS 1984 LIS 1979 Code Length SI Metric FPS
-- -- -- ---
1 Well identifier WELLID WID 65 16 - - -
2 Sidetrack number STKNUM SKNO 79 2 - - -
3 Record identifier RECID RID 79 2 - - -
4 Sequence number SEaNUM SaNO 79 2 - - -
5 Date DATE DATE 73 4 - - -
6 time TIME TIME 73 4 - - -
7 Activity code ACTCOD ACTC 79 2 - - -
8 Measured hole depth DRDEPTM DMEA 68 4 M M F
9 Vertical hole depth DRDEPTV DVER 68 4 M M F
10 Measured bit depth DRDEPTB DBIT 68 4 M M F
11 Block position BLKPOS BPOS 68 4 M M F
12 Penetration rate ROPA ROPA 68 4 M/S M/H F/H
13 Average hookload HKLDA HKLA 68 4 N T KLB
14 Maximum hookload HKLDX HKLX 68 4 N T KLB
15 Average surface WOB WOBSA WBSA 68 4 N T KLB
16 Maximum surface WOB WOBSX WBSX 68 4 N T KLB
17 Average surface rotary
torque TaSX TaSX 68 4 NM KDNM KFLB
18 Maximum surface rotary
torque TaSX TaSX 68 4 NM KDNM KFLB
19 Surface rotary speed RPMSA RSSA 79 2 - - -
20 Standpipe pressure SPP SPP 68 4 PA KPA PSI
21 Casing (choke) pressure CHKP CHKP 68 4 PA KPA PSI
22 Pump stroke, Rate 1 SPM1 SPM1 79 2 - - -
23 Pump stroke, Rate 2 SPM2 SPM2 79 2 - - -
24 Pump stroke, Rate 3 SPM3 SPM3 79 2 - - -
25 Total active mud-tank volume TVOLTACT TVTA 68 4 M3 L BBL
26 Active mud-volume gainlloss TVOLCACT TVCA 68 4 M3/S LIMN B/MN
27 Flow out MFOPC MFOP 79 2 - - -
28 Mud flow out MFOA MFOA 68 4 M3/S LIMN G/MN
29 Mud flow in MFIA MFIA 68 4 M3/S LIMN G/MN
30 Mud density out MDOA MDOA 68 4 KGM3 KGM3 LB/G
31 Mud density in MDIA MDIA 68 4 KGM3 KGM3 LB/G
32 Mud temperature out MTOA MTOA 68 4 DEGK DEGC DEGF
33 Mud temperature in MTIA MTIA 68 4 DEGK DEGC DEGF
34 Mud conductivity out MCOA MCOA 68 4 SliM MMHO MMHO
35 Mud conductivity in MCIA MCIA 68 4 SliM MMHO MMHO
36 Accumulated stroke count STKSC STKC 79 2 - - -
37 Lag strokes LAGSTKS LSTK 79 2 - - -
38 Return depth DRDEPTMP DMPS 68 4 M M F
39 Total gas TOTGASA GASA 68 4 % % %
40 Spare 1 SPARE1 SPR1 68 4 - - -
41 Spare 2 SPARE2 SPR2 68 4 - - -
42 Spare 3 SPARE3 SPR3 68 4 - - -
43 Spare 4 SPARE4 SPR4 68 4 - - -
44 Spare 5 SPARE5 SPR5 68 4 - - -

8. MYJV formation evaluation records contain the formation eval- 14. Lagged, continuous mud-property records contain the sensor-
uation variables measured by MWD tools, including gamma ray, derived properties of the drilling fluid-e.g., density, temperature,
formation-resistivity, and porosity-tool data. Frequency of gener- conductivity, and gas. The records are generated automatically with
ation is normally on a regular time basis, such as once per minute. an incremental change in depth of returns. To permit comp"lrison
9. MYJV mechanical-property records contain mechanical param- of "in" and "out" properties of the drilling fluid, the "lagged in"
eters measured by MWD tools, including downhole weight on bit and "lagged out" values are also recorded. Frequency of genera-
(WOB) and downhole torque. Frequency of generation is on a regu- tion corresponds to the frequency selected for the depth-based drill-
lar time basis, such as once per minute. ing records.
10. Formation-pressure-evaluation records predominantly con- 15. Cuttings/lithology records contain details of the microscopic
tain computed information relating to the formation-pressure eval- examination of cuttings from the wellbore, including lithological
uation performed at the wellsite, including pore pressure, fracture type and description, as well as test results from the cuttings, such
pressure, kick tolerance, and overburden pressure. Frequency of as bulk density and calcimetry. The records are generated for each
generation is on either a depth or a time basis. sample examined, as determined by the sampling requirements for
11. Mud-tank volume records permit detailed monitoring and re- the well.
cording of the drilling-fluid tank system. Frequency of generation 16. Hydrocarbon-show records serve as "addenda" to the cut-
is on a time basis, determined by the degree of detail required. tings/lithology records and are generated when hydrocarbon shows
12. Cycle-based chromatographs contain the results of chromat- are indicated. Record content includes such items as fluorescence,
ographic separation of the gas drawn from the returning mud stream. solvent cut, and oil stain.
Frequency of generation is one record per cycle of the chromat- 17. Cementing records contain data relating to cementing activi-
ograph. ty at the wellsite-e.g., pressures, flow rates, and volumes pumped.
13. Depth-based chromatographs serve as depth-based summaries They are generated on a time basis, with the interval determined
of chromatographic analyses, featuring average and maximum read- by the required degree of detail.
ings for individual gas constituents over the depth intervals. Fre- 18. Drillstem-testing records contain data relating to well test-
quency of generation is at regular intervals-e.g., each foot, and ing activity and are generated on a time basis consistent with the
is based on a change in the chromatograph sample depth. required degree of detail.
294 SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989


-- -- ----
!l'ARA. -U -II


- ..........-
11 __

~ • -
t t


- . sm..

II I t f I
Fig. 3-Example of DFS of predefined record.

19, Configuration records contain details of the drillstring ge- Documentation of Predefined Records. The content of predefined
ometry, wellbore geometry, pump specifications, vendor identifi- records was established to facilitate a simple implementation into
cation, etc. These records are used to provide the data base with the LIS format. Within LIS, each predefined reCord is described
descriptions of the environments in which other data are collected. by a DFS record. Each parameter block within the DFS describes
A new record is generated after one or more data items in the record an item of the predefined record. A DFS parameter block (Fig.
are changed. 3) has the following entries: data-item mnemonic, service identifi-
20. Mud-report records contain information normally measured cation, service-order number, unit mnemonic, API codes, file num-
and recorded at the well site on the drilling-fluid report. A record ber, size, null, number of samples, representation code, and process
is generated for each new report. indicators. Of these, the following are documented for each item
21. Bit-report records contain information pertaining to the drill in the record: the data item and unit mnemonic (from the data dic-
bit-e.g., type, manufacturer, size, and jets. Frequency of gener- tionary), the representation code (the binary format of the data),
ation is once per trip in or trip out for a bit (i.e., two records per bit). and size (the number of bytes taken up by the data, as determined
22. Comment records permit descriptive information to be in- by the representation code in the case of numerical data).
cluded within the data stream or data tape and can be generated Table 2 shows the general layouts of a predefined record. In the
at any time. case of unit-mnemonic definition, two alternatives are supplied. The
23. Well-identification records contain such information as oper- first set of units is SI metric; the second is FPS (i.e., Imperial, or
ator, well name, well location, and elevations. In addition, custom English, units). For any particular application, the set of units to
field identifiers indicate where customization of spare fields in prede- be used should be decided in advance because no switching between
fined records was milde. The record is normally generated only sets can occur.
at the beginning and end of tapes or at the beginning of a data As a further definition of a particular item, the service identifi-
transfer. cation entry of the DFS parameter block was adopted for identifY-
24. Vessel-motionlmooring-status records are used with floating ing the sources of certain parameters. For example, if the data item
rigs and are generated at time intervals determined by prevalent is fluid density, the service identification might contain the mud-
weather conditions and the degree of detail required by the operator. balance, differential-pressure, nuclear, or buoyancy measurement.
This may prove useful in later analysis, where the degree of data
25. Weatherlseastate records provide environmental information
accuracy may be questionable.
to the operator. The frequency of generation is on a time basis,
determined by prevalent weather conditions and the degree of de- Standard Null-Value Usage. Two standard null values are used
tail required by the operator. within the records in the place of missing numerical data. (1) When

SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989 295

1. Data sent in either direction will be self-contained LIS data sets.
TABLE 3-PARAMETER MNEMONIC SUFFIXES 2. Bidirectional commands are to be transmitted as LIS comment
Suffix Definition
3. The bidirectional command syntax, Command
A Average
C Cumulative
I Instantaneous
command should be '$WITS$' linked with a mnemonic (e.g.,
N Minimum $WITS$SETCLOCK TIME = 13:47:50 DATE=01l06/87).
X Maximum 4. Both the "sender" and "receiver" can send bidirectional
5. Higher-level WITS-LIS senders should have the ability to proc-
a sensor fails or when any condition causes an invalid data value ess custom-format requests.
in a field, that field must contain the number -8888. (2) If a data
item is simply not available or is unrequested, it should contain Intrarlg Transfer Protocol
the number -9999. Note that this applies only to numerical data. This protocol allows various computers at the rig site to share in-
Fields defmed as text fields (Code 65) would contain a blank string formation. In cases where several service companies gather data
or "not available" message. at the wellsite but only one transmits the composite data stream
to town, the various other data sources pass the information to the
Guidelines for Further Parameter and Record Defmition. To vendor. This particular method is intended for the transfer of data
maintain consistency in the creation of new parameter mnemon- in a real-time rather than a batch mode, but it can easily be adapted
ics, follow these guidelines. to a batch-transfer method.
1. Where a new parameter naturally falls within a group of ex-
isting parameters, the mnemonic should follow the general form Physical Connection. For simplicity and ease of use, we recom-
of the group. For example, bit parameter mnemonics have B as mend use of an RS-2324 serial connection with 25 pin connectors,
a prefix, mud-report parameter mnemonics have MR as a prefix, etc. a data communication equipment (DCE) connection at the collec-
2. When a parameter has several variations-e.g., minimum, tion port (i.e., receiver), and a data terminal equipment (DTE) con-
maximum, or average-the parameter mnemonic should have a nection at the transmission port (i.e., transmitter). The communi-
common root, with a suffix (see Table 3) indicating the type of read- cation rate is decided between parties (300 to 9,600 bits/sec). Un-
ing. For example, for hookload readings, the standard four-character less otherwise specified, a rate of 1,200 bits/sec should be assumed.
mnemonics are HKLI, HKLN, HKLX, and HKLA. Short-haul modems may be used where necessary.
3. The eight-character mnemonic should be as similar to the four-
character mnemonic as possible, and the extra characters should Software Protocol. No error detection, correction, or retransmis-
be used for easier interpretation of the variable. sion of data is allowed. Flow control/pacing is handled by an
4. Customized records must follow the general structure of the "XON/XOFF" method. Data are converted to ASCII, using only
predefined records. seven bits (printable characters), before they are sent. Communi-
5. The key entry of a record, other than date and time (which cation parameters are eight data bits, one stop bit, and no parity.
appear in the header), should be on the first entry of the main body
of the record-i.e., Entry 8. Transmission. A transmission session comprises a series of data
sets, each of which represents a group of related data items (e.g.,
several cementing data items from the same time interval). A data
Final Documentation. The final documentation for the parameter set may be mad,e up of only one item, or it may comprise many
and record definition consists of a detailed layout for each of the items. In fact, successive data sets may contain different numbers
predefined records, with a glossary of definitions for each record of items. A data set begins with a pair of ampersand characters
entry, a standard list of parameter mnemonics, a standard list of (&&) (HEX 26) followed by a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF).
unit mnemonics and conversions, and guidelines for future ex- A data set is terminated by a pair of exclamation marks (!!) (HEX
pansion. 21) and CR/LF. Again, each data set is made up of one or a num-
ber of data items that are separated by a CR/LF (HEX OD, OA).
WITS·Compliant LIS Format
Because LIS is a clearly defined format specification, we were able Data Items
to define a set of restrictions to the specification that satisfied the Each data item corresponds to a predefined record variable. Each
requirements of WITS Layer 3. item consists of an "identifier" and a "value" portion.
File Header Records. The service sublevel name should be The identifier consists of four characters. Characters 1 and 2 iden-
"WITS" and the version number (e.g., WITSOI). tify the predefined record. Characters 3 and 4 identify the item with-
File Trailers. File, tape, and reel trailers are required. in that record. For example, Resistivity 1 Depth (DRl) is Item 11
Data Specification Records (Type 64). Entry Block 13 is not al- of Predefined Record 8 (MWD formation-evaluation record); thus
lowed. This implies that only one way represents depth (e.g., as identifier = 0811.
a data channel). Only a Type 0, Subtype 1 data specification block The value portion of the data item is "free form" to a degree.
is allowed. All API curve codes may be set to zero. "Fast" chan- It may be a text string, or it may represent a number. A text string
nels (e.g., spectrum data) are allowed. Fields may be represented must be the same length as specified in the record. It may contain
by an Inst. of Electronic & Electrical Engineers 4-byte floating point spaces, special characters, etc., but not && or !!. A numerical value
number (representation code ;::= 128). may be any length desired but must include at least one number.
Data Records. Only one data frame per data record is allowed. Ifpresent, a negative sign must be the first character. There should
The maximum number of data record types is 32, and the range be no leading spaces or zeros. A decimal point, if present, may
of data record types is from 0 to 31. fall anywhere before the CR/LF. For example, with the example
Physical Records. The maximum length is 1,024 bytes. Physi- of Resistivity 1 Depth, the full data item might be 08113561.35
cal record trailers (file number, record number, and check sum) CR LF.
must be present.
Logical Records. The maximum length is 64,000 bytes. Example Transmission Session
The example transmission session consists of data sets containing
Bidirectional Format four data items (Resistivity 1 Depth, Resistivity 1 Reading, Gam-
In addition to the compliance to LIS, a set of five specifications ma Ray 1 Depth, Gamma Ray 1 Reading).
is included in the WITS Layer 3 so that bidirectional messages can && CR LF
be sent within the context of the specification data stream. 08113561.35 CR LF

296 SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989


Baud Rate for CPU-to-CPU Connection

Function 300 1,200 Above 1,200
Character set Full ASCII Full ASCII Full ASCII
Data flow DTR/DSR or DTR/DSR or DTR/DSR or
either method)
Byte structure 7 data bits 8 data bits 8 data bits
1 parity bit

Mark parity, Mark parity, Mark parity,

RCVR need not RCVR need not RCVR need not
check receiver check receiver check receiver

1 start bit, 1 start bit, 1 start bit,

2 stop bits 1 stop bit 1 stop bit
Device interface RS232C Pins 1, RS232 Pins 1, RS232 Pins 1,
2,3, and 7 2,3, and 7 2,3, and 7

Use Pins 6 and 20 Use Pins 6 and 20 Use Pins 6 and 20

flow control flow control flow control

ISO 2110-1980E ISO 2110-1980E ISO 2110-1980E

D Connector D Connector D Connector
Medium interface CCITT V.21 CCITT V.23 Not specified
(Bell 103) (Bell 212)
defines frequency defines frequency
and levels and levels
Restrictions Optional linefeed Optional linefeed Optional linefeed

0812.97 CR LF DATA SET 1 Character Set. A full ASCII character set or alphabet is im-
08173565. 13 CR LF plemented in WITS.
081897.1 CR LF Data Flow Control. This method of controlling the flow of data
&& CR LF between equipment prevents one device from being overloaded with
08113561.61 CR LF data from another device. There are two ways of achieving this,
08121.02 CR LF DATA SET 1 and both are supported in WITS. The hardware method uses Pins
08173565.39 CR LF 6, "data set ready" (DSR), and 20, "data terminal ready" (DTR),
0818100.4 CR LF on the RS232C Connector D interface. 4 When the DTR pin has
!! CR LF a signal, data can be transferred. When this signal is turned off
by the receiver, however, the sender will stop sending data.
Telecommunications and Data Transmission The second method uses software to control data flow. A special
With the concept of a multilayered approach and the knowledge XOFF character sequence is sent to the sending device, indicating
of the data type and format, the telecommunication subcommittee that the receiving system cannot accept more data. When the receiver
established the file-transfer pathway to move the digital data from can accept more data, it sends an XON signal to the sender. This
the rig site to a central site. Referring again to the model in Ref. method does not require the use of Pins 6 and 20 on Connector D.
1 and Fig. I, the physical and data-link layers were related to a Byte Structure. Bytes consist of seven data bits, two stop bits,
drilling environment. When specifications are recommended in a and one start bit for 300 baud, and eight data bits, one stop bit,
field as large and diverse as telecommunications, compromises are and one start bit for 1,200 baud and higher. Mark parity is used
necessary. The IADC's RIM committee developed these specifi- on the transmitting end with no parity at the receiver.
cations in anticipation of industry requirements. Device Interface. The RIM committee recommendation also calls
for the standard use of the ISO 211 0-1980E connector, commonly
known as the 25-pin D connector. The following signal configura-
Physical Layer_ The physical layer provides for the transparent tion is specified:
transmission of the bit stream between the connected physical trans-
mission media. It can also be described as the electrical interface. Pin Signal
Although this layer includes communication between a computer
and a peripheral device, the RIM committee decided to deal with 1 Frame ground
computer-to-computer interface only. 2 Transmit data
Before the committee recommended the physical-layer standard, 3 Receive data
three baud-rate scenarios were reviewed: 300, 1,200, and > 1,200. 7 Signal ground
Table 4 summarizes the recommendations, which call for use of For hardware flow control, Pins 6 (DSR) and 20 (DTR) may be
a subset of the Electronic Industries Assn.'s electrical interface. 4 used. The RS232C standard has some shortcomings, most of which
This is by far the most popular standard for serial binary data in- are associated with electrical interference. It is a single-ended
terchange in use today. This American standard has an international interface-i.e., all signal changes are relative to a single ground
equivalent known as CCITT V.21 produced by the Consultative or reference point. Electrical conditioning problems or interference
Committee for IntI. Telephone and Telegraph. 5 can thus result in data errors, which can be minimized by observ-
ing the RS232C standard for cable length (15 m [49 ftD or by using
Technical Considerations_ Five technical areas were addressed in a shielded cable in an electrically noisy environment.
the evaluation of the drilling industry's needs for the physical lay- Medium Interface. WITS recommends the use of Bell 103 mo-
er (Table 4). dems, which are equivalent to CCITT V.21 moderns, for a 300-baud
SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989 297
transmission rate and the use of Bell 212 modems, which are equiva- Although KERMIT fulfills many of the lTC's selection criteria
lent to CCITT V.23 modems, for baud rates of 1,200. These stan- for an international standard, there are some negative aspects to
dards are common in the telecommunication industry and account its use.
for virtually all data-communication modems in use for baud rates 1. The KERMIT FTP requires a full duplex communication
up to 1,200. channel.
2. It is not a true real-time, bidirectional protocol, but a protocol
Data-Link Layer. The data-link layer of the ISO model handles that deals with discrete fIles.
the transfer of a unit or fIle of information between the host devices 3. It does not establish the communication link.
at either end of the physical link. This function can be accomplished 4. The FTP does not monitor the communication line.
by either hardware or software systems. There was considerable 5. Efficiency deteriorates when eight Big Binary fIles (e.g., the
discussion about which approach would best suit the needs of the WITS-restricted LIS format) are handled or when communication
drilling industry. Several committee members favored the use of is delayed (e.g., in single- and double-satellite hops).
such hardware systems as modems or statistical multiplexors. These Even though there are some negative aspects to this FTP, the
are essentially off-the-shelf black-box devices that, when placed overall advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Thus, the ITC adopt-
at either end of a short- or long-haul communication link, will al- ed the KERMIT FTP to fulfIll the requirements for the ISO OSI
low data transfer. Some models come with error-correction capa- data-link layer in a drilling environment.
bilities, which ensure that corrupt data will not be received. Despite
the relative ease of implementation of this solution, this approach Conclusions
has some serious shortcomings. First, a specific device will nor- The greatest and most easily visualized benefits of using WITS are
mally communicate only with a similar model at the other end of the cost and time savings. Most rig data can be handled adequately
the link. This could lead to a multiplicity of hardware in an opera- by Layer I of the specification, and WITS documents can be used
tor's office. Second, for competitive reasons, the committee did to construct programs that easily implement the specification.
not recommend particular brands of hardware. Third, although WITS provides a common language for information exchange
deregulated in the U.S., the use of communication hardware is tight- between service and operating companies. When service is to be-
ly regulated in almost every other country. This could lead to se- gin, the two companies simply decide which layer of WITS is to
vere operational problems in getting hardware approved for use be used in information transfer (depending on the requirements and
in certain countries. Because the goal of the ITC was to recom- limitations of the current situation), and transmission begins when
mend an international standard, the use of certain hardware that a communication link and an FTP are established. As long as the
is not internationally accepted is not appropriate. The ITC is aware two companies know that they have data formatting and reading
that certain operators may choose a hardware solution to the fIle- programs that correctly implement the WITS layer, no lengthy
transfer problem for domestic application. For an international stan- reprogramming, testing, or debugging will have to occur.
dard, however, a software solution is recommended. We anticipate that as WITS is implemented by a wide range of
operating and service companies, third-party vendors will produce
File-Transfer Protocol. A review of the potential software solu- implementations of all specification layers that will be available as
tions to this problem revealed the existence of several fIle-transfer off-the-shelf software or hardware/software components, making
protocols (FTP's) designed to transfer data over a communication additional cost and time savings available. Many third-party soft-
link. An FTP is a formal set of conventions that governs the for- ware vendors are eager to enter the market for rig-to-central-site
matting and transferring of sequential information fIles over an asyn- information-transfer systems, but have been reluctant to do so in
chronous communication link. This section addresses the data-link the past because of the large number of incompatible formats in
layer (Layer 2) and the transport layer (Layer 4) (Fig. 1). The net- use. WITS should encourage competition between vendors.
work layer (Layer 3) is not applicable. The existence of standardized data formatting and reading pro-
The purpose of this layer in the communication link is to trans- grams not only makes rig-to-central-site data transfer easier, but
fer a unit of data between host devices at either end of the physical also makes possible the transfer of pertinent information between
link, particularly to transfer rig-site data from a sender at the rig service companies at a site or between operator central sites. The
site to a remote receiver. This function can be accomplished by capability for data transfer between service companies promotes
hardware, software, or combination systems. the use of advanced analysis methods that use data from diverse
The five requirements for the transmission of digital rig-site data sources to make inferences and decisions. The capability for trans-
are bidirectional communication, error correction, the ability to han- fer between operators allows easy sharing of information in part-
dle 8-bit binary data, hardware or software flow control, and the nerships or in other joint efforts.
ability to operate with no knowledge of data or data formats. Additional issues that will be addressed in the final standards but
Several FTP's were evaluated. Many were specific to certain that are not presented in this paper are the standardization of oper-
hardware systems, but the one that most closely met the lTC's criter- ator drilling forms and the multiplexing of mUltiple rig-site con-
ia was called KERMIT. 6 The KERMIT FTP was developed at tractors' data to a communication operator, perhaps a data-logger
Columbia U. to connect an ever-growing number of micro- and unit. This networking of independent data sources is necessary to
personal-computer users with various large mainframes. Although avoid excessive communication costs and complications.
not in the public domain, use of KERMIT does not require a license,
and it is freely distributed by Columbia U., which requires that Acknowledgments
anyone implementing the protocol follow their liberal policy on com- L.H. Robinson, chairman of the RIM committee, was instrumen-
mercial use. 7 tal in establishing and coordinating the RIM subcommittees. L.
The KERMIT FTP has many advantages. Fluornoy initiated the original ITC. R.L. Graff assisted in the or-
1. It ensures error-free transfer of ASCII and binary data fIles. ganization and planning of committee activities. The IADC's RIM
2. The FTP is well-documented and includes protocol and users committee is indebted to the many operating and service compa-
manuals. nies that provided staff and logistical support for this project: Amoco
3. It is widely used and can be implemented on more than 200 Production Co., Anadrill/Schlumberger, Arco Oil & Gas Co., BP
different machines and operating systems, including personal com- Exploration Inc., Datalog Inc., Digitran, Exploration Logging
puters. U.S.A. Inc., Exxon Production Research Co., Gearhart Industries
4. The system is well supported by Columbia U., which oper- Inc., Geoservices Inc., Halliburton Services, Martin-Decker, Mobil
ates a users hotline. E&P Services Inc., NL Baroid Logging Systems, Petrolog, Schlum-
5. KERMIT distribution centers are located in the U.S., the U.K., berger, Shell Oil Co., Sonat Exploration, Stratagraph, Teleco Oil-
France, and Germany. field Services, and Tenneco Oil Co.
6. The FTP satisfies the efficiency requirements of the explora- We are indebted to the many people who contributed their ef-
tion industry. forts and skills to the information-transfer working subcommittees.

298 SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989

In particular, J. Bland, T. Broussard, A. Citerne, T. Guidry, J.W. 2. Log Information Standard, customer tape subset, Schlumberger, Houston
Hebert II, Y.M. Jan, R. Kastor, P. Kelly, D. Kroger, C. Martin, (Oct. 1976) 48. •
R. Rose, M. Schultz, P. Segrest, W. Simmons, L.A. Sinor, and 3. Froman, N.L.: "DLIS: API Digital Log Interchange Standard," The
M. Taylor were instrumental in defining the records and parame- Log Analyst (Sept.lOct. 1989) 30, No.5, 390-94.
4. "Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communica-
ters and the restricted LIS model. E. Gass, J. W. Hebert II, D.J.
tion Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange," Electron-
Lafferty, R. Lake, D. Lovenvirth, P.C. McGuff, V. Neathery Jr., ic Industries Assn., EIA Standard RS-232-C (Aug. 1969).
E. Olstad, T. Sommer, and C. Sonnier aided in evaluating and lab- 5. "Data Communications over the Telephone Network," American Nat!.
oratory testing a file-transfer system. I. Brouwer, R. Isaacs, D. Standards Inst., CCITT Yellow Book, CCITT V-Series Recommenda-
Lafferty, M. Lawrence, E. Oistad, A. Orban, C. Sonnier, R. Wil- tions (1981) VITI.I.
liams, and R. Wolfe integrated the mnemonics and record formats. 6. da Cruz, F.: KERMIT, A File Transfer Protocol, Digital Press, Bedford,
G. Gaggero introduced the LIS format to the committee. MA (1986) 379.
Additional special thanks are due R.L. Graff, D.J. Lafferty, P.C. 7. da Cruz, F.: "Policy on Commercial Use and Distribution of 'Kermit,'''
McGuff, V. Neathery Jr., E. Olstad, A. Orban, R. Rose, M. - Columbia U. Center for Computing Activities, New York City (Sept.
Schultz, W. Simmons, M. Taylor, and R. Veenkant, whose con-
tinuous support, dedication, and enthusiasm for the project made SPEDE
this publication possible.
Original SPE manuscript received for review March 15, 1987. Paper accepted for publica·
1. "Reference Model of Open System Interconnection," American Nat!. tion June 29, 1989. Revised manuscript received June 9, 1989. Paper (SPE 16141) first
Standards Inst., ISO/TC97/SCI6, Document No. 27 (June 1979). presented at the 1987 SPElIADC Drilling Conference held in New Orleans, March 15-18.

SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1989 299

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