Illustrated Medical Dictionary: Melloni's

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Melloni’s illustrated

Medical Dictionary
Just published -
ideal medical
reference for
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Clear, concise definitions Numerous tables and charts

For the person whose job requires knowledge of health science terminology, Melloni’s is the
reference to turn to. Medical words, definitions, concepts - all are explained clearly and quickly
in a unique visual format. Readers get a concise and rapidly comprehended store of knowledge.
Retention is improved, too, because with Melloni’s they’re not just reading a definition, they’re
seeing it!

One reviewer said,

“If a dictionary could euer get on a best seller list, Melloni’s should! Readable, interesting format,
beautiful illustrations - highly recommended!”

#{244}R’ 1979/532 pages/27,085 entries/2,537 illustrations/$ 18.95

. Williams & Wilkins

Publishers of medical and scientific books for 80 years.

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April Volume3l6 Number2 1981

T. P. Kenakin : A Pharmacological Method to I. Jurna Changes

: in the Activity of Nigral
Estimate the pI(1 of Competitive Inhibitors of Neurones Induced by Morphine and Other Opiates
Agonist Uptake Processes in Isolated Tissues 89 in Rats with an Intact Brain and After Prenigral
Decerebration 149
F. Ebner: The Inhibition by (±)-Propranolol of
the Positive Inotropic Effects of (±)-Isoprenaline K. Yamada, T. Furukawa : The Yawning Elicited
and (-)- Noradrenaline. Competitive Antagonism by a- Melanocyte- Stimulating Hormone Involves
and Saturable Uptake 96 Serotonergic- Dopaminergic- Cholinergic Neuron
Link in Rats 155
J. Sanchez-Chapula : Multiple Effects of
Putative a;AdrenOceptor Agonists on the Electrical V. H. Kwok, F. Mitchelson: Comparison of the
and Mechanical Activity of Guinea-Pig Papillary Antimuscarinic Activity of Mianserin and
Muscle 108 Amitriptyline in the Cat Superior Cervical
Ganglion 161
A. Sollevi, P. Hjemdahl, B. B, Fredholm:
Endogenous Adenosine Inhibits Lipolysis Induced F. Lembeck, J. Donnerer: Postocclusive
by Nerve Stimulation Without Inhibiting Cutaneous Vasodilatation Mediated by
Noradrenaline Release in Canine Subcutaneous Substance P 165
Adipose Tissue in vivo 112
H. A. Tritthart, H. Windisch, S. Heuberger:
D. Branco, I. Azevedo, A. Sarmento, The Effects of the Bradycardia- Producing
w. Osswald : The Fate of Isoprenaline in the Compound Alinidine on Action Potentials and
Isolated Rabbit Aorta. Radiochemical and Tension Development in Cardiac Fibres 172
Morphological Observations 120
M. Kohlhardt, K. Haap: The Blockade of Vmax
M.T. Alderdice, R. 1. VoIle: Multiple Actions of of the Atrioventricular Action Potential Produced
-Bungarotoxin on Acetylcholine Release at by the Slow Channel Inhibitors Verapamil and
Amphibian Motor Nerve Terminals 126 Nifedipine 178
H. Kilbinger, R. Kruel: Choline Inhibits U. Martin, M. Baggiolini: Dissociation
Acetylcholine Release Via Presynaptic Muscarine Between the Anti-Anaphylacti and the Anti-
Receptors 131 H istaminic Actions of Ketotifen 186
E. Habermann, H. Bigalke, I. Heller: Inhibition
of Synaptosomal Choline Uptake by Tetanus and Short Communication
Botulinum A Toxin. Partial Dissociation of Fixation S. R. M. Johansson, R. G. G. Anderson:
and Effect of Tetanus Toxin 135 Decrease of Some Metabolic and Physiologic
H. Bigalke, G.Ahnert-Hilger, E. Habermann: Effects of Diazoxide by Propranolol in Rat 190
Tetanus Toxin and Botulinum A Toxin Inhibit
Acetylcholine Release from but not Calcium
Uptake into Brain Tissue 143 Indexed in Current Contents

Springer International
I Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s
ISSN 0028-1298 NSAPCC
Arch Pharmacol
316(2) 89-194 (1981)
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