066 Ohara
066 Ohara
066 Ohara
Collection List 66
O’Hara Papers
O’HARA PEDIGREE ............................................................................12
I. ESTATE PAPERS...............................................................................13
I.i. Title Deeds ......................................................................................13
I.i.1. County Sligo Estate ..................................................................13
I.i.2. Dublin City Estate ....................................................................20
I.ii. Mortgages.......................................................................................21
I.ii.1. Dublin City and County Sligo .................................................22
I.ii.2. County Sligo............................................................................23
I.ii.3. Dublin City Estate ...................................................................25
I.iii. Legal Papers ..................................................................................26
I.iii.1. Legal Cases ............................................................................26
I.iii.2. Assorted Legal papers ............................................................34
I.iii.3. Assorted Legal papers: Dublin Estate ....................................43
I.iii.4. Dublin Estate: Old Custom House .........................................47
I.iii.5. Land Transactions: County Sligo ...........................................49
I.iii.6. Miscellaneous Deeds and Rentals ..........................................53
I.iii.7. The O’Hara Tontine ...............................................................56
I.iv. Leases ............................................................................................58
I.iv.1. County Sligo Estate ................................................................58
I.iv.2. Leases; Dublin City Estate .....................................................70
I.v. Estate Rentals .................................................................................74
I.v.1. General Estate Rentals.............................................................74
I.v.2. Rentals: County Sligo Estate ...................................................75
I.v.3. Rentals: Dublin City Estate .....................................................79
I.vi. Accounts with Agents and Stewards: County Sligo Estate...........80
I.vii. Accounts with Stewards ...............................................................82
I.viii. Accounts and Receipts relating to payments made to labourers;
County Sligo Estate ..............................................................................83
I.ix. Bills and Receipts..........................................................................85
I.ix.1. General estate expenses ..........................................................85
I.ix.2. ‘Annaghmore Estate Monthly Estate Returns’.......................88
I.ix.3. County Sligo Estate; Cash Ledgers, Wages and Receipt Books
I.ix.4. Accounts with Public Bodies..................................................90
I.x. Land Commission; Correspondence and Papers ............................91
I.x.1. Correspondence .......................................................................92
I.x.2. Papers.......................................................................................93
I.xi. Dublin City Estate; Accounts ........................................................94
I.xi.1. Accounts with agents..............................................................94
I.xi.2. Accounts: Public Bodies.........................................................94
I.xi.3. Dublin City; General Papers...................................................94
I.xii. Surveys and Valuations................................................................95
I.xii.1. Surveys of County Sligo Estate.............................................95
I.xii.2. Valuations..............................................................................97
I.xiii. Maps............................................................................................98
I.xiii.1. County Sligo.........................................................................98
I.xiii.2. Dublin City Estate Maps ....................................................102
I.xiv. Estate Correspondence ..............................................................102
I.xiv.1. County Sligo Estate; Agents, Stewards, Legal Advisers,
Tenants, etc. ....................................................................................102
I.xiv.2. Estate Correspondence; Dublin City Estate .......................113
I.xv. Estate Enterprises .......................................................................115
I.xv.1. Mines and Quarries..............................................................116
I.xv.1.a. Accounts .......................................................................116
I.xv.1.b. Correspondence ............................................................116
I.xv.2. Timber .................................................................................116
I.xvi. County Sligo Estate: General Papers.........................................117
I.xvii. Estate Farm...............................................................................120
I.xvii.1. Stock Books etc. ................................................................120
I.xvii.2. Accounts ............................................................................121
I.xvii.3. Estate Farm: Income Tax...................................................122
I.xvii.4. Labourers...........................................................................123
I.xviii. Other Estates ...........................................................................123
I.xviii.1. Cooper Estate ...................................................................123
I.xviii.1.a. Legal Papers ..............................................................123
I.xviii.1.b. Leases ........................................................................123
I.xviii.1.c. Rentals .......................................................................124
I.xviii.1.d. Surveys and Valuations.............................................124
I.xviii.2. Fermanagh Estate .............................................................124
I.xviii.2.a. Title deeds .................................................................124
I.xviii.2.b. Surveys ......................................................................124
I.xviii.2.c. Correspondence and Papers.......................................124
I.xviii.3. Cookson Estate .................................................................124
I.xviii.4. Other Estates: General......................................................125
II. HOUSEHOLD RECORDS .............................................................127
II.i. Housekeeping Accounts...............................................................127
II.i.1. Account Books ......................................................................127
II.i.2. Bills and Receipts..................................................................128
II.ii. Buildings and Maintenance.........................................................130
II.ii.1. Bills and Receipts etc...........................................................130
II.ii.2. Household; Plans and Sketches............................................131
II.iii. Recipe Books/ Cellar Books etc. ...............................................132
II.iv. Servants......................................................................................133
II.v. Insurance Policies etc..................................................................133
II.vi. Inventories..................................................................................134
II.vii. Leases........................................................................................135
II.viii. Assorted Bills, Bonds and Receipts.........................................135
III. FAMILY PAPERS .........................................................................137
III.i. Family members .........................................................................137
III.i.1. Kean O’Hara (the elder), d. 1675........................................137
III.i.1.a. Papers ............................................................................137
III.i.1.b. Personal Accounts and Papers ......................................137
III.i.2. Kean O’Hara (the younger), d. 1719. .................................137
III.i.2.a. Correspondence.............................................................138
III.i.2.b. Correspondence of Kean O’Hara (the elder) and Kean
O’Hara (the younger)..................................................................138
III.i.2.c. Papers ............................................................................139
III.i.2.d. Personal Accounts and Papers ......................................140
III.i.3. Charles O’Hara (the elder), d. 1776....................................141
III.i.3.a. Correspondence.............................................................141
III.i.3.b. Correspondence of Kean O’Hara (the younger) and
Charles O’Hara (the elder).........................................................142
III.i.3.c. Papers ............................................................................142
III.i.3.d. Personal Accounts and Papers ......................................143
III.i.4. Charles O’Hara (the younger), b. 1746................................145
III.i.4.a. School Copy Books.......................................................145
III.i.4.b. Legal Papers..................................................................146
III.i.4.c. Personal Papers .............................................................146
III.i.4.d. Family and Personal Correspondence...........................148
III.i.4.e. Political Correspondence ..............................................151
III.i.4.f. Political Papers ..............................................................152
III.i.4.g. Registration of Voters on the O’Hara estate in County
Sligo ............................................................................................155
III.i.4.h. Local Administration ....................................................156
III.i.4.i. Financial Papers.............................................................157
III.i.4.j. Correspondence of Charles O’Hara (the elder) and
Charles O’Hara (the younger)....................................................157
III.i.5. Charles King O’Hara ..........................................................158
III.i.5.a. Certificates and Commissions.......................................158
III.i.5.b. School Copy Books ......................................................159
III.i.5.c. Diaries ...........................................................................159
III.i.5.d. Personal Papers .............................................................159
III.i.5.e. Personal and Family Correspondence...........................160
III.i.5.f. Political Correspondence...............................................163
III.i.5.g. Letter Books..................................................................164
III.i.5.h. Correspondence of Charles O’Hara (the younger) and
Charles King O’Hara ..................................................................164
III.i.5.i. Political Papers ..............................................................164
III.i.5.j. Registration of Voters....................................................165
III.i.5.k. Local Administration ....................................................165
III.i.5.k(a) Poor Relief.............................................................165
III.i.5.k(b) Local Administration; Militia and Yeomanry.......167
III.i.5.k(c) Justice of the Peace/Magistracy ............................168
III.i.5.k(d) Excise ....................................................................169
III.i.5.k(e) Local Administration; General..............................170
III.i.5.k(f) National Schools, etc. ............................................170
III.i.5.l. Personal Accounts and Papers .......................................170
III.i.6. Charles William O’Hara, b. 1817, d. 1898 ..........................172
III.i.6.a. Certificates and Commissions.......................................172
III.i.6.b. Diaries...........................................................................172
III.i.6.c. Political Papers..............................................................172
III.i.6.d. Personal and Family Correspondence...........................172
III.i.6.e. Political Correspondence ..............................................173
III.i.6.f. General Correspondence ...............................................174
III.i.6.g. Letter Books..................................................................175
III.i.6.h. Registration of Voters etc. ............................................176
III.i.6.i. Local Administration .....................................................176
III.i.6.j. National Schools............................................................177
III.i.6.k. Personal accounts and papers .......................................177
III.i.6.k(a) Bank Books, Account Books and Cash Receipt
Books ......................................................................................177
III.i.6.k(b) Bills and Receipts..................................................177
III.i.6.l. General Papers ...............................................................178
III.i.7. Charles Kean O’Hara...........................................................178
III.i.7.a. Certificates and Commissions.......................................179
III.i.7.b. Diaries...........................................................................179
III.i.7.c. School Copy Books.......................................................180
III.i.7.d. Personal Correspondence..............................................180
III.i.7.e. Sporting/Horses.............................................................184
III.i.7.f. Special Topics of Correspondence – Local Administration
III.i.7.f(a) Militia.....................................................................186
III.i.7.f(b) Local Administration – Magistracy .......................186
III.i.7.f(c) National Schools etc...............................................187
III.i.7.g. General Correspondence [Political and Local Affairs].188
III.i.7.h. Irish Landowners’ Convention .....................................189
III.i.7.i. Irish Unionist Alliance...................................................189
III.i.7.j. Unionist Anti-Partition League......................................190
III.i.7.k. United Irish League ......................................................190
III.i.7.1. Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation.................................190
III.i.7.m. Recruiting/ Prisoners of War/ Ex-Servicemen ............191
III.i.7.n. Letter Books..................................................................193
III.i.7.o. Personal accounts and papers .......................................193
III.i.7.o(a) Bank Books, Account Books and Cash Receipt
Books ......................................................................................193
III.i.7.o(b) General ..................................................................194
III.i.7.p. General papers ..............................................................196
III.i.8. Frederick William and Muriel O’Hara ...............................196
III.i.8.a. Family Correspondence ................................................196
III.i.8.a(a) Letters from Donal Frederick and Elizabeth O’Hara
III.i.8.a(b) Letters from Kean William O’Hara.......................199
III.i.8.a(c) Letters from Rose O’Hara .....................................201
III.i.8.a(d) Letters from other family members.......................203
III.i.8.b. General Correspondence of Frederick William and Muriel
III.i.8.c. General Papers of Frederick William and Muriel O’Hara
III.i.8.d. Personal accounts and correspondence.........................205
III.i.8.e. Bank Books, etc. ...........................................................206
III.i.8.f. Cash Books etc. .............................................................206
III.i.9. Donal Frederick and Elizabeth O’Hara ...............................206
III.i.10. Dermot Charles O’Hara ....................................................206
III.i.11. Lady Rose Peyton [widow of Kean O’Hara (the elder)] ...207
III.i.12. Kean O’Hara [the Composer; brother of Charles O’Hara (the
elder). c. 1712-1782].......................................................................207
III.i.13. Lady Elizabeth Hyndford [mother of Lady Mary Carmichael,
wife of Charles O’Hara (the elder)] ................................................208
III.i.14. Margaret O’Hara [wife of Charles O’Hara (the younger)]
III.i.15. Mary O’Hara [daughter of Charles O’Hara (the younger)] –
III.i.16. Charlotte Digby [daughter of Charlotte O’Hara and Robert
Digby] .............................................................................................208
II.i.17. Catherine Streatfeild............................................................208
III.i.18. Anne Charlotte O’Hara [wife of Charles William O’Hara]
III.i.19. Margaret Sarah Cooper [sister of Charles William O’Hara]
III.i.20. Richard Edward O’Hara ....................................................209
III.i.21. Errill Robert O’Hara ..........................................................210
III.i.22. Kean William O’Hara [son of Frederick William and Muriel
O’Hara] ...........................................................................................210
III.i.23. Rose O’Hara [daughter of Frederick William and Muriel
O’Hara] ...........................................................................................210
III.i.24. Jane Frances Cooper ..........................................................210
III.i.25. Maeve O’Hara....................................................................211
III.i.26. Family Members; General Papers......................................211
III.ii. Marriage and testamentary material ..........................................215
III.ii.1. Marriage settlements...........................................................215
III.ii.2. Family Settlements .............................................................218
III.ii.3. Testamentary material ........................................................220
III.ii.3.a. Wills of Family Members ............................................220
III.ii.3.b. Wills – Non Family Members .....................................222
III.ii.3.c. Testamentary; Correspondence and Accounts.............224
III.iii. Trusts ........................................................................................229
III.iv. Miscellaneous ...........................................................................231
III.v. Photographs ...............................................................................247
There were two main branches of the O’Haras in County Sligo, the
O’Hara Buidhe (yellow) and the O’Hara Riogh (speckled). It was from
the O’Hara Buidhe (anglicised as O’Hara Boy) that the O’Haras of
Annaghmore were descended. As was the case with the other Gaelic
landowners in County Sligo, the O’Haras were originally Roman Catholic
in religion. On the death of Tadgh O’Hara in 1616, however, his two sons,
Tadgh and Kean were brought up as Protestants by the Court of Wards.
This strengthened the family’s hold on their property and, unlike other
prominent Gaelic families, they escaped the Cromwellian and Williamite
confiscations with their lands intact.
died childless, his nephew, Charles William Cooper (1817-97) inherited
the estate. He was the son of Arthur Brooke Cooper who had married
Charles King O’Hara’s sister, Jane Frances O’Hara. A condition of the
inheritance was that Charles William took the name of O’Hara, which he
did in 1860. The Coopers themselves had long been prominent
landowners in County Sligo, albeit on a smaller scale than the O’Haras.
Unlike the O’Haras, the Coopers were an Anglo-Irish family by descent,
and the marriage symbolised the integration of the O’Haras into the
Anglo-Irish landed elite of County Sligo. Charles William O’Hara also
had political ambitions, serving as Conservative MP for County Sligo
from 1859 to 1865. He was prominent in local affairs, serving
successively as High Sheriff and Deputy Lieutenant of County Sligo.
His son, Charles Kean O’Hara, contested the parliamentary election for
County Sligo in 1883, but failed to be elected. In 1902 he was appointed
Lord Lieutenant for the County and during the First World War he played
a prominent role in the recruiting campaign. Following the war he worked
strenuously to secure employment and pensions for ex- servicemen, his
efforts being acknowledged by an O.B.E in 1920. Like his predecessors,
he was a keen sportsman, running his own pack of hounds, the O’Hara
harriers, even during the Civil War. He also held annual point-to-point
meetings at Claragh, County Sligo and was an excellent polo player. He
was succeeded by his brother, Frederick William O’Hara (1875-1949),
who in turn was succeeded by his son Donal Frederick. Donal Frederick
passed on the estate to his eldest son, Dermot Charles, the present head of
the family.
The Estates
At the beginning of the sixteenth century the O’Haras owned some 16,000
acres in County Sligo. As the century progressed, some of this land was
lost to new settlers such as Richard Boyle and John Crofton, and
additional property was forfeited during the Cromwellian and Williamite
confiscations. The O’Haras did, however, succeed in retaining
considerable property through the strategem of converting to
Protestantism. Their holdings were centred in the barony of Leyney,
which had long been the family stronghold. Through the marriage of Kean
O’Hara to Rose Newman in the seventeenth century, the O’Haras also
acquired property in Dublin city, principally around Essex Street and
Crane Lane. In addition, from the eighteenth century onwards the family
owned property in England, principally in Yorkshire and Lancashire,
which was secured on the marriage of Charles O’Hara (the younger) to
Margaret Cookson. There are a small number of documents relating to
this property in the collection.
Despite its extent, the Sligo estate brought in an annual rental of only £91
at the beginning of the eighteenth century. The figure rose rapidly,
however, in the course of the century, with Charles O’Hara (the younger)
claiming an income of £3,700 from his estate in Sligo in 1803.
Nevertheless, the family suffered from recurring financial problems
throughout the eighteenth century, which led to the family regularly
remortgaging their properties in County Sligo and Dublin City and,
finally, to the institution of a tontine on the Sligo estate in 1792. Despite
this, the O’Haras had a reputation as ‘improving’ landlords and Charles
O’Hara (the elder) made attempts to introduce both mining and linen
weaving to the estate. These ventures proved largely unsuccessful,
however, and further drained the family’s resources, but the tontine
stabilised the finances. Moreover, the family increased their landholdings
through their intermarriage with the Coopers and through strategic
purchases. In 1876, Charles William O’Hara owned over 21,000 acres in
County Sligo.
The rents from the Dublin property provided the family with a valuable
alternative source of income to that derived from their County Sligo
estate. The property included the site on Essex Street on which the
original Custom House was built. The family’s legal entanglements over
these lands continued over a long period and are well documented in the
collection. In the nineteenth century, the Clarence Hotel was built on the
O’Hara property at Wellington Quay.
As a result of the agrarian agitation and political pressure for reform in the
1880s and 1890s, the government introduced various legislative measures
which brought about a revolution in the ownership of land. Following the
Land Purchase Acts of 1903 and 1909, the O’Haras attempted to sell part
of their estate through the Land Commission, but the sale did not proceed,
and it was only in the 1920s that the bulk of the O’Hara lands finally
passed into the hands of the former tenants. Unlike other landed families,
however, the O’Haras continued to live in County Sligo and remained
resident at Annaghmore.
The arranging and cataloguing of the uncatalogued parts of the collection
was undertaken by Dr Andrew Shields, the holder of the National Library
Studentship in Irish History for the year 2001-2. His Collection List
includes the items previously listed in the Hayes catalogue at the
appropriate points.
considerable interest to local historians, while the papers of the composer
Kean O’Hara provide material for students of the history of music.
O’Hara Pedigree
Charles King Mary Arthur Brooke Cooper = Jane Frances Robert Digby = Charlotte
b. 1785 d. 1854 b. 1783, d. 1874
Arthur Brooke = Elizabeth Trulock Charles William = Annie Charlotte Margaret Mary Jane Jane Charlotte
d. 1845 d. 1859 b. 1817, d. 1898 Streatfeild Sarah Caroline Henrietta Anne
Assumed surname d. 1888 d. 1877 d. 1867 d. 1852
O’Hara in 1860
Charles Kean Arthur Richard William Henry Alexander Frederick = Muriel Erill Charlotte Mary Annie Emily Jane Kathleen
b. 1860 Cooper Edward Henry Streatfeild Perceval William Henn Robert Jane b. 1864 Frances Margaret Marian b. 1876
d. 1947 b. 1862 b. 1863 d. 1866 b. 1870 b. 1871 b. 1875 b. 1879 b. 1859 d. 1879 b. 1867 b. 1868 b. 1872 d. 1901
d. 1934 d. 1949 d. 1878 d. 1949 d. 1956 d. 1921 d. 1882 d. 1897 d. 1949
Donal Frederick = Elisabeth Linnell Francis Cooper Kean William Rosaleen Muriel Marian Emily
b. 1904 b. 1906 b. 1912 b. 1914 b. 1914
The documents include legal papers, such as deeds, mortgages and leases,
and material relating to the running of the estate including rentals,
accounts and agents’ correspondence. While these records are not
complete, they constitute a substantial and valuable record of the
administration of the O’Hara properties and provide information on
patterns of landholding, land values, rents, and estate practice from the
end of the seventeenth century through to the twentieth century.
grant by Teige O’Hara to Manus McSharry of lands at
Carrowmore and other lands in County Sligo, 22 April
1616. Also copy of same. Copy dated 1728 of inquisition
post mortem on Thaddeus alias Teige O’Hara of Coolanny,
County Sligo, who died 5 October 1616, son and heir of
Cormac O’Hara who died in 1612, 98 pp [text in Latin].
4 items, 1613-1616.
MS 36,286 /13 Draft release dated October 1704 between Olivia O’Hara
and Kean O’Hara relating to the estate of her husband
Charles O’Hara of Killoran, County Sligo.
1 item, 1704.
MS 36,286 /18 Deed [in Latin] between Kean O’Hara (son of Kean the
younger) and Cooper O’Hara.
1 item, 8 June 1734.
MS 36,286 /19 Deed of assignment for a term of five hundred years dated
10 June 1741 from Sir Edward Crofton to Lord Doneraile
of the O’Hara estate in County Sligo and property in the
City of Dublin.
1 item, 1741.
County Sligo from Robert French to St George Caulfield.
2 items, 15 and 16 February 1764.
MS 36,286 /26 Discovery brought against Charles O’Hara (the elder) and
Charles O’Hara (the younger) by Patrick Boyd and Francis
Fetherstone [?] in respect of their property in County Sligo,
1 item, 1767.
Killoran from Rev Josiah Hern to Charles O'Hara (the
younger), until a debt for £67 2s 9d is paid.
25 February 1779.
1 item, 28 April 1826.
MS 36,287 /15 Deed between William Martin and Charles King O’Hara
relating to lands in Rathnarrow, County Sligo and Grafton
Street, Dublin.
1 item, 2 July 1828.
[torn in half, needs repair]
MS 36,288 /4 Deed of assignment and trust from George Powell, Senior
to Joseph Sandford of lands in Clara, County Sligo and
Errott, County Roscommon.
1 item, 17 December 1845.
MS 36, 288 /6 Copies and drafts of fee farm grants from Reverend
Samuel Craig and others to Charles King O’Hara, relating
to lands in County Sligo.
4 items, 1856-9.
MS 36, 288 /10 Grant of Glebe lands dated 19 June 1877 between the
Commissioners of Church Temporalities in Ireland and
Charles William O’Hara relating to lands in Killoran
County Sligo.
1 item, 1877.
MS 36, 288 /12 Copy conveyance from Charles William O’Hara, Charles
Kean O’Hara, Christopher l’Estrange and Anthony Maude
to the Waterford and Limerick Railway Company of lands
at Tullaghan, Carrowmore, and other lands in County
Sligo, 12 September 1895.
1 item, 1895.
MS 36, 288 /13 Draft deed of conveyance between Charles Kean O’Hara
and Tobercurry Rural District Council of lands at
Tobercurry County Sligo to be used for the building of
labourers’ cottages, 30 July 1909.
1 item, 1909.
MS 36, 288 /15 Land Registry folio 16758 showing Henry King as the
owner of lands in Billa, County Sligo.
1 item, 1967.
MS 36, 289 /5 Fine between Charles O’Hara and Kean O’Hara relating to
property at Crane Lane, Dublin, 1704. Also recovery and
indenture for a fine relating to the same property.
4 items, 1704.
John Jenkins and Richard Fenner to Mary Taylor.
1 item, 26 January 1710.
MS 36, 289 /8 Bargain and Sale in the form of a lease and release [release
missing] from Charles O’Hara (the elder) to his brother,
Kean O’Hara of the Bear Inn, Crane Lane, and other
property in Crane Lane, Dame Street and Essex Street,
1 item, 2 November 1734.
I.ii. Mortgages
Composed of mortgages and assignments of property in the period 1656
to 1856. They are grouped by those applying generally to the O’Hara
properties in the County of Sligo and the city of Dublin and those
applying to each property separately.
MS 36, 290 /2 Mortgage for £4,000 on the O’Hara lands in County Sligo
and property in the city of Dublin from Charles and Kean
O’Hara and others to Hamilton Gorges, 12 March 1738.
Also agreement relating to same between James Cane and
William Knox, 3 July 1750.
2 items, 1738-50.
MS 36, 290 /4 Mortgage for £2,000 on the O’Hara lands in County Sligo
and their property in the City of Dublin from Charles
O’Hara, Kean O’Hara and Hamilton Gorges to Sir John St.
Leger and Lord Doneraile, 20 October 1741, and related
4 items, 1740-1.
MS 36, 290 /7-8 Two copies of assignment of mortgage for £2,000 on the
O’Hara lands in County Sligo and property in the City of
Dublin from William Harward and Charles O’Hara (the
elder) to Sir Henry Cavendish, 4 July 1760.
2 items, 1760.
MS 36, 290 /9 Assignment of mortgage for £5,000 in relation to lands at
Annaghbeg and Lisnafahy and other lands in County Sligo
from Richard Gethin, Charles King O’Hara, Arthur Brooke
Cooper, and Jane Frances Cooper to Frederick Eyre
Trench, and John Smith Furlong, 17 January 1825.
1 item, 1825.
MS 36, 290 /10 Assignment of mortgages for £9,000 and £3,000 on the
O’Hara lands in County Sligo and their property in the City
of Dublin from Richard Gethin to Thomas Williams,
‘Secretary to the Governor and Company of the Bank of
Ireland’, 24 December 1827.
1 item, 1827.
MS 36, 290 /11 Assignment of mortgage for £8,307 on the O’Hara lands
in County Sligo and property in the City of Dublin from
Alexander Crichton, John Gethin, George Dodwell,
Richard Gethin, Richard Williams, the Governor and
Company of the Bank of Ireland to William John Digby,
17 April 1838.
1 item, 1838.
MS 36, 291 /3 Mortgage between Charles O’Hara (the elder) and Charles,
Bishop of Killalla and Achonry relating to lands of
Ballincarne, Killvarnet, Carrowreale, Corhownagh,
Drumdereigh and Cashel and Cohaily in Leyney, County
1 item, 21 January 1726.
Ballincarne, Killvarnet, Carrowreale, Corhownagh,
Drumdereigh and Cashel and Cohailly in Leyney, County
Sligo, 6 September 1729; plea in the case of Robert
Houlding versus Charles O’Hara in respect of a debt, 15
January 1730.
3 items, 1729-30.
MS 36, 291 /9 Receipt from Eyre Trench to Charles O’Hara (the elder) for
the part settlement of a mortgage on lands in County Sligo.
1 item, 1772-4.
MS 36, 291 /11 Two copies of a further mortgage for £1,000 on lands at
Knockmullen, County Sligo between Charles O’Hara (the
younger) and Abraham Boyd, 1 August 1811.
2 items, 1811.
MS 36, 291 /13 Mortgage for £3,000 on lands at Rathnarrow, Gortakiron
and other lands in County Sligo between Charles O’Hara
(the younger), Charles King O’Hara and Joseph Meredith
as security for a debt of £3000 owed by Charles O’Hara
(the younger) to Meredith. Also draft of same.
2 items, 1821.
MS 36, 291 /18 Draft release from a mortgage on Coopershill Estate for
£8000 and interest by Arthur Cooper O’Hara.
1 item, 1898.
MS 36, 292 /1 Mortgage for £200 on the Robinson’s Head, Crane Lane
between Kean O’Hara, John Stanton, John Hussy, Charles
Daly, James Daly and Honora Daly.
20 March 1704.
MS 36, 292 /2 Mortgage for £400 on the O’Hara property in Essex Lane,
Dublin between Kean O’Hara, John Jenkins, and Richard
Fenner and Denis Daly and Mary Taylor, 12 August 1707.
Also a bargain and sale of the same house from Kean
O’Hara (the younger) to John Jenkins and Richard Fenner,
11 August 1707 and related deed dated 27 January 1710.
3 items, 1707-10.
MS 36, 292 /3 Mortgage for £1000 on premises at Merrion Square,
Dublin between Charles O’Hara (the elder) and Jeremiah
Vickers, 27 November 1708.
1 item, 1708.
MS 36, 292 /5 Mortgage for £7,000 on property at the ‘East Wall’ and
Essex Street, Dublin between Charles O’Hara and
Abraham Boyd, 24 June 1806.
1 item, 1806.
MS 36, 293 /1 The replication of Sir Paul Davis and Lady Mary Davis, his
wife to Kean O’Hara and Rose O’Hara, Sir William Usher
and Robert Bowyer, defendants.
6 pages, undated
[needs conservation]
MS 36, 293 /2 Legal paper relating to the case of George Perceval and
Mary Perceval v Kean O’Hara in relation to ‘lands in the
County of Sligoe’, undated.
2 items, undated.
MS 36, 293 /3 Paper relating to the case of Sir John and Lady Rose
Peyton (plaintiffs) against Lewis Jones and Adam O’Hara.
1 item, 1665.
MS 36, 293 /4 Judgement in the case of Godfrey Woodward and Robert
Braborne to pay Rose O’Hara £60; copy of final concord
between Ignatius Browne of the city of Dublin ,
complainent, and Kean O’Hara, defendant, concerning
lands in County Sligo, 2 February 1674 [Latin]; a claim by
Luca (?) Wroker against Charles O’Hara and his wife Joan,
1677 [Latin].
3 items, 1674-81
MS 36, 293 /6 Legal papers relating to the theft of stock from lands at
Learga and Bolahy [?], County Sligo.
2 items, 1692-7.
MS 36, 293 /7-9 Chancery bill and other legal papers relating to the case
of Charles O’Hara v Kean O’Hara, concerning the estate of
their brother, Adam (deceased) of Ardcree, County Sligo.
Includes an account of the value of the estate of ‘Adam
O’Hara’ and of ‘what it was lett for in or about the year
1681’ and a chancery bill of Charles O’Hara of Killoran,
concerning the O’Hara estate in Sligo and elsewhere,
giving a detailed account of the acquisition of lands.
19 items in three folders, 1678-96.
MS 36, 293 /10 Assignment of debt judgement against Sir John and Lady
Rose Peyton from Robert Ware to Richard Oldworth.
1 item, 1694.
MS 36, 293 /11 Legal papers relating to the suit of John and Rose Peyton
v Robert Boardman.
1 item, 1695.
MS 36, 293 /13 Legal papers concerning the case of Lewis Jones v. Kean
O’Hara and others, in relation to Adam O’Hara’s lands in
County Sligo.
3 items, 1711-13.
MS 36, 293 /14 Depositions taken in Colooney in the case of Charles
O’Hara v Kean O’Hara, concerning the settlement of the
estate of their father, Kean O’Hara.
1 item, 1693.
MS 36, 293 /15 The answers of Kean O’Hara to the bill of complaint of
Sir John Peyton and Rose Peyton, concerning the O’Hara
property in County Sligo and the former’s entry into
possession of same, 24 October 1695.
1 item, 1695.
MS 36, 294 /5 Copy of an order from the Clerk of the Crown for the
parishes of Killoran, Kilvarnet and Achonry, for six days
labour to Kean O’Hara.
1 item, 1714.
MS 36, 294 /7 ‘The several answers of Col. John Irwin, one of the
defendants to the supplemental bill of complaint of Kean
O’Hara’, 1718
1 item, 1718.
4 items, 1696-1727.
MS 36, 294 /11 Papers relating to the judgement in the case of Terence
Egan v Charles O’Hara (the elder).
4 items, 1726-30.
MS 36, 294 /12 State of the case of Charles O’Hara (the elder) relating to
his wish to mortgage entailed parts of the O’Hara estate.
1 item, undated.
MS 36, 294 /17 ‘A short state of the case of Charles O’Hara, Esquire’ (the
1 item, undated [mid-eighteenth century].
MS 36, 294 /18 Letters from Daniel Horan to Mary O’Hara and from
Mary O’Hara to Peter McCormick concerning the case of
Daniel Horan’s brother at the Sligo Assizes.
2 items, 1750.
MS 36, 294 /19 State of the case of Charles O’Hara (the younger).
1 item, 1752.
MS 36, 294 /20 Legal papers relating to the case of Ralph Burton and
Elizabeth Burton, executors of the estate of Lord
Doneraile, v Charles O’Hara (the elder) and others
concerning the debt arising from the O’Haras’ mortgage of
their property in County Sligo and Dublin city to Lord
9 items, 1752-58.
MS 36, 294 /21 Two cases for counsel [Ambrose Harding and Simon
Bradstreet] in relation to the settlement of the estate of
Kean O’Hara in County Sligo.
2 items, 1754.
MS 36, 294 /24 ‘The joint and severall answers of Charles O’Hara [(the
younger)] and Margaret O’Hara to the bill of complaint of
the Right Honourable George Grenville Nugent Temple.’
1 item, 1761.
MS 36, 294 /25 Bonds and accounts of Charles O’Hara (the younger) to
the Honourable John Butler relating to the debt owed by
O’Hara to Butler and the legal proceedings that arose from
7 items, 1778-92.
MS 36, 294 /27 Papers relating to the case of Catherine Caulfield v
Charles O’Hara (the younger) concerning a debt of £2000,
also relating to an annuity to be paid to Jane Hamilton out
of the above debt.
3 items, 1789-99.
MS 36, 294 /28 Legal papers in relation to the case of Francis Reynolds v
Charles O’Hara and Bryan Correstine, concerning the
latter’s lease on lands at Rathnarrow, County Sligo.
15 items, 1798-99.
MS 36, 295 /1 Bill of costs for reviving judgement in the case of Joseph
Meredith v Charles O’Hara (the younger).
1 item, 1799.
MS 36, 295 /3 Bill of costs relating to the case of Charles O’Hara (the
younger) v McMahon.
1 item, 1805.
MS 36, 295 /4 Legal papers relating to the case of Sir Charles Malcolm v
John Pasley, concerning the Crofton Estate in County
Sligo. Includes searches, bills of costs and copy decree.
(See Land Transactions, I.iii.5.)
11 items, 1806-42.
MS 36, 295 /7 Bill of costs relating to the case of the assignees of William
Shepheard, a bankrupt, v Charles O’Hara (the younger).
1 item, 1809.
MS 36, 295 /9 Decree dated 30 January 1819 in relation to arrears of rent
owed on lands at Annaghbeg, County Sligo, by Thady
Tinion, labourer, to Charles O’Hara (the younger).
1 item, 1819.
MS 36, 295 /11 Affidavit of Charles King O’Hara in relation to the case
of Francis J. Scott v O’Hara, relating to a dispute over
ownership of ‘good and chattels’, including stock, claimed
by Scott to be his property, 20 June 1821.
1 item, 1821.
MS 36, 295 /12 Civil bill of ejectment against John James, a tenant at
Claragh on the O’Hara estate in County Sligo.
1 item, 1825.
MS 36, 295 /17 Solicitors’ [Furlong & La Touche] bill of costs in relation
to the case of Sir Charles Malcolm v John Pasley relating
to lands at Billa, purchased by Charles King O’Hara in
1 item, 1843.
MS 36, 295 /18 Solicitor’s bill of costs in relation to the case of Charles
King O’Hara and others v ‘the casual ejector’.
1 item, 1842-43.
MS 36, 295 /19 Writ for possession issued to James Smith of lands at
Shancough occupied by Charles King O’Hara, 15 July
1 item, 1843.
MS 36, 295 /20 Correspondence and legal papers re various cases relating
to evictions on the O’Hara estate in County Sligo.
4 items, 1844-46.
MS 36, 295 /21 Copy opinion of Mr Sergeant Richard Warren on the case
submitted to him on behalf of Charles William Cooper
(later O’Hara) relating to Charles Cooper’s inheritance of
the O’Hara estate.
2 items, 1845.
MS 36, 295 /22 Eviction decree against James Simpson and others in
relation to lands at Castleliney, County Sligo.
1 item, 1850.
MS 36, 295 /24 Legal documents, reports and papers re the case of the
Meredith minors v Charles King O’Hara, relating to fee
farm grants of lands at Ballinabull and Knockmullen,
County Sligo.
6 items, 1861-62.
MS 36, 295 /25 Civil bill of ejectment against Jane Burrows, Lewis
Burrows and others in relation to lands at Shancough,
County Sligo. Also legal papers and receipts relating to
1 item, 1864.
MS 36, 295 /28 Copy judgement from the Exchequer Division of the High
Court in the case of Archibald Vass and the Dublin,
Wicklow and Wexford Railway Company.
1 item, 1884.
MS 36, 295 /30 Various schedules of deeds relating to the O’Hara title to
the estate in County Sligo; 4 items, 1898-1928.
involving Kean O’Hara, Isabella O’Hara (née Gore, widow
of Adam O’Hara who died 1687, half-brother of Kean), Sir
John Peyton and his wife Rose, widow of Kean O’Hara and
mother of the said Kean, 20 January 1690 [Latin].
2 items, 1685-90.
Manor of Coolaney, County Sligo.
1 item, 18 December 1718.
MS 36,296 /21 Bill of costs from John Goodwin to Charles O’Hara (the
1 item, 1734.
MS 36,296 /22 Plea in the case of Ralph and John Knox versus Charles
O’Hara in respect of a debt, 8 January 1731 [Latin]; deed
of assignment of the ‘yearly and other rents’ arising from
the O’Hara estate in County Sligo from Charles O’Hara to
Ralph and John Knox as security for a debt of £1300 owed
by them to O’Hara, 23 September 1735.
2 items, 1731-35.
record in the plea side of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland
for £2740 14s 4d between Ralph and Jon Knock and
Charles O’Hara (the elder).
1 item, 14 April 1752.
MS 36,296 /28 Legal papers relating to the suit between Burton (executor
of the will of 3rd Viscount Doneraile) v Charles O’Hara
(the elder), concerning a mortgage on property in Dublin
and County Sligo.
1 item, c.1752-8.
MS 36,296 /32 Letter, account and summons relating to a bond for £200
entered into by Charles O’Hara (the elder) and Frances
4 items, 1765-6.
MS 36,296 /34 Summons for Charles O’Hara (the elder) to appear before
the Kings’ Court on account of money owed by him for
work done by John Wright.
1 item, 23 January 1776.
Buckingham; 1 item, 1786.
MS 36,296 /42 Letter, bond and account relating to the debt of Charles
O’Hara (the younger) to Widow Nangle.
3 items, 1802-14.
MS 36,296 /46 Letter from B William enclosing a bill relating to the Irish
Coroner’s Bill, to Charles O’Hara (the younger).
2 items, 1810.
MS 36,296 /48 Memorandum of an agreement between Charles O’Hara
(the younger) and Abraham Boyd relating to a debt of
£13,131 4s 2½d owed by O’Hara to Boyd, with a related
2 items, 1813.
to deeds from 1800- 27.
1 item, undated.
County Sligo.
1 item, 1856.
MS 36,297 /21 Solicitor’s bill of costs and letter from Hunt and Curry to
Charles Cooper [later O’Hara].
2 items, 1859.
MS 36,297 /24 Legal letters from McMahon and Tweedy and the Landed
Estates Court relating to various legal and estate matters.
5 items, 1867-1905.
MS 36,297 /27 Solicitor’s bill from Messrs Tweedy and Son to James
1 item, 1882.
2 items, 1884-90s.
MS 36,297 /40 List of deeds and leases relating to the O’Hara estate.
2 items, c.1935.
MS 36,297 /42 Note relating to a bill ‘filed about 10 years ago against
Charlotte Trench.’
1 item, undated.
MS 36,297 /43 A ‘foreign’ plea relating to the case of James Devaney and
Thomas Doyle.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,297 /47 Notes relating to the sale of property worth over £20.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,297 /52 Parts of a legal paper (pages 32, 38-47) relating to the
O’Hara’s estate in County Sligo.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,298 /1 ‘State of the case of Kean O’Hara’ and other legal papers
in relation to his title to the Newman property in Dublin
6 items, c. 1610-38.
the payment of a judgement debt to Newman by Parke.
1 item, 10 July 1656.
MS 36,298 /14 Notes concerning a project that ‘Mr O’Hara [Kean O’Hara
(the younger) ?] has ‘applied to me for’, signed by William
1 item, 1693.
MS 36,298 /16 Petition by Sir John Peyton and Lady Rose Peyton to the
Lord Chancellor of Ireland relating to their case against
James Crampton, concerning their property in Dublin [?].
1 item, undated.
bill of complaint of Sir John Peyton’ concerning property
in the City of Dublin, July 1702.
1 item, 1702.
MS 36,298 /27 Bill of costs of solicitor [Richard Leedmore] in relation to
searches made in the Rolls Office concerning the O’Hara
title to their lands in Dublin, 29 October 1795.
MS 36,298 /36 Legal letter from William Curry relating to the receipt of
1 item, 1852.
MS 36,298 /37 Original and copy agreement and release from Jacob
Martin to John Motherwell, Alicia Martin, Frances Martin
and Edward Martin; also a discharge relating to an annuity
due to Alicia Martin (Charles King O’Hara is mentioned in
the preamble to the latter document).
3 items, 1852-63.
MS 36,298 /38 Notices to quit in relation to premises at Wellington Quay,
Dublin, 1884.
2 items, 1884.
MS 36,298 /40 Draft release ‘from a legacy of £5,000 from the will and
codicil of Charles King O’Hara, bequeathed to William
John Digby’, relating to the O’Hara property on
Wellington Quay, Dublin between Robert Duke, Sarah
Rebecca Digby, John Kenelm Digby, Wingfield Digby,
William French Digby and Charles William O’Hara, 22
May 1896.
1 item, 1896.
MS 36,299 /1 Copy grant of £50 per annum for ninety years to Jacob
Newman in return for his leasing of lands at Essex Street
free of rent to the Crown, 17 November 1621. Also copy
surrender by Jacob Newman in relation to same, 20 August
2 items, 1621-39.
MS 36,299 /4 Copy of grant by the Crown to Griffith Bodurda [?] of
lands at the ‘new’ Custom House, Dublin, 3 July 1675.
1 item, 1675.
MS 36,299 /6-7 Five copies of Kean O’Hara’s case as to his title to the
lands on which the Old Custom House was built in Essex
Street, Dublin, undated.
5 items in two folders, undated.
MS 36,299 /8-9 Legal papers respecting Kean O’Hara’s title to the lands
on which the Old Custom House was built in Essex Street,
Dublin, including drafts of two petitions by him to the
Crown and legal opinions regarding same by the Irish law
13 items in two folders, undated. [c. 1706-13.]
MS 36,299 /10 Draft of petition by Charles O’Hara (the elder) to the Earl
of Hartington, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, concerning his
title to lands at Essex Street, Dublin on which the Old
Custom House was built, also two drafts of same.
3 items, undated [c. 1757-58]
drafted by J. L. Townsend, 24 June 1794.
MS 36,300 /5-10 Legal papers relating to Charles King O’Hara’s
purchase of lands at Billa, County Sligo. As these land
were sold by order of the Court of Chancery in the case of
Sir Charles Malcolm v John Pasley relating to the Crofton
estate in County Sligo, these papers include materials
relating to that and related cases and assorted deeds, such
as marriage settlements and mortgages relating to the
Crofton estate.
37 items in six folders, c. 1711-1842.
9 items; 1710-45
4 items; 1755-67.
8 items; 1767-1814
5 items; 1819-23
5 items, 1826-38
6 items; 1838-42
MS 36,300 /12 Further legal papers relating to the case of Sir Charles
Malcolm v John Pasley.
4 items, various dates.
MS 36,300 /13 Copy wills and probates of Sir Edward Crofton, Sir
Matthew Lowther Crofton, and of Emily Pogson [?].
3 items, 1736-1837.
MS 36,301 /4 Chancery and other searches, relating to Godfrey and
Carey Lill.
16 items, 1844.
MS 36,301 /10 Brief for counsel in relation to the case of Robert Bowie v
Charles William and Charles Kean O’Hara, re building of
embankment near Ballisodare beach, County Sligo.
1 item, 1863.
MS 36,301 /13 Chancery and other searches against the Rev Robert
15 items, 1843.
10 items, 1842-66.
MS 36,301 /19 Legal documents and papers relating to the sale of Lloyd
Estate, County Sligo and in particular to Charles Kean
O’Hara’s claim to ‘exclusive ownership’ over the wood at
Carrowclooneen included in the sale. Includes map.
8 items, 1906-8.
MS 36,301 /20 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from Fenton and Lyons
and McMahon and Tweedy, Solicitors, relating to his
conveyance of lands at Tobercurry, County Sligo to
Tobercurry Rural District Council to be used for the
building of labourers’ cottages.
3 item, 1909.
MS 36,301 /22 Letter from Fenton and Lyons, Solicitors, to Charles Kean
O’Hara relating to the sale of his estate, enclosing a copy
of the declaration of title of Charles Kean O’Hara.
2 items, 1908-9.
rents arising from lands at Ballinabull, County Sligo.
24 items, 1912-4.
MS 36,301 /27 Notes relating to the sale of land to tenants of the O’Hara
estate in County Sligo.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,302 /5 Order by the Lords ‘Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament
assembled’ in relation to the costs of appeals to the Irish
House of Lords, 20 November 1680.
1 item, 1680.
1 item, 31 December 1851.
MS 36,302 /19 Rental and particulars of the lands at Balinabull and other
lands in County Sligo, part of the estate of Meredith
Thompson, to be sold in the Landed Estates Court, 1866.
1 item, 1866.
MS 36,302 /24 Deed of conveyance from William Elliott, Percy
Wickman, Edith Frances Eastwood, Catherine Anna Moore
and others to Charles Kean O’Hara of the fee farm rents
arising from lands at Ballinabull and Knockmullen, County
1 item, 12 March 1934.
MS 20,283 Letters mainly to Charles O’Hara (the younger), and also
to various members of the O’Hara family, with
miscellaneous papers, re tontine.
c. 400 items in 18 folders, 1798-1875.
1 item, 1853.
I.iv. Leases
This section consists of leases for the estates in County Sligo and Dublin
C ity from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. Before 1770 they
are listed individually; subsequently, in the case of the County Sligo
estate, they are grouped chronologically.
MS 36,304 /3 Lease for two years of lands at Rathnarrow [?] from Adam
O’Hara to Terlagh O’Rourke, 7 May 1672.
lease of lands at Learga obtained from Cormac
McDermott, 12 April 1679.
MS 36,304 /12 Lease for 31 years of lands at Corray from Kean O’Hara
to Elinor McDonagh, 20 June 1713. Also discharge in
relation to same.
2 items, 1713.
Patrick Hara, 30 November 1762.
MS 36,304 /18 Lease for twenty one years of lands at Carraghankieran [?]
between Kean O’Hara and Christopher Bowen, 20
February 1716.
MS 36,304 /20 Lease for nineteen years of lands at Kilvarnet and other
lands in County Sligo between Charles O’Hara (the elder)
and Hugh McLorimar, 17 July 1727.
MS 36,304 /21 Lease for three lives of lands at ‘Scotch Claragh’ from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Richard Phibbs, 20 June
MS 36,304 /22 Lease for three lives of lands at Claragh between Charles
O’Hara (the elder) and Richard Phibbs, 31 August 1734.
MS 36,304 /25 Lease for three lives of lands at Corroghiron [?] from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Thomas Cole, 15 August
MS 36,304 /28 Lease for three lives of lands at Finlogh and Laghta from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Richard Duke, 16 September
1 item, 1740.
MS 36,304 /29 Lease for three lives of lands of Finlogh and Laghta from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to John Keogh, 19 February
1 item, 1746.
MS 36,304 /30 Lease for three lives of lands at Tullaghan [?] from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Robert Sterling, 15 April
MS 36,304 /31 Lease for eleven years of the corn mill at Ardree from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Paul Cunningham, 9 July
MS 36,304 /32 Lease for three lives of ‘the House next to Henry
Wright’s’ in the barony of Leyny, County Sligo from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to John Davis, weaver, 12 July
MS 36,304 /33 Lease and counterpart of lease for three lives of lands at
Ardree from Charles O’Hara (the elder) to George Stokes,
10 April 1745.
MS 36,304 /36 Lease for two lives from Charles O’Hara (the elder) to his
brother, Kean O’Hara for lands at Nymphsfield.
1 item, 1 November 1746.
(4)Lease for 21 years of lands at Cloondalrare [?]from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Daniel Sweeny, Walter
Henry and others, 25 May 1749.
4 items, 1749.
MS 36,305 /3 Lease for one life of lands at Cultibar from Charles O’Hara
(the elder) to James O’Hara, 3 January 1753.
5 items, 1755.
MS 36,305 /12 Lease for 15 years of part of the lands of Legavarry from
Peter McCormick to Edward Fausett, John McCormick
and others, 29 January 1756.
MS 36,305 /14 Lease for three lives of part of the lands of Lisduff from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Thomas McNees, 15 June
MS 36,305 /15 Lease for three lives of part of the lands of Lisduff from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to William McCormick, 15
June 1758.
MS 36,305 /16 Lease for three lives of part of the lands of Lisduff from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Charles Parke, 11 July 1758.
MS 36,305 /17 Lease for three lives of lands at Rathgran from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to William Masterson, 11 July 1758.
MS 36,305 /19 Lease for three lives of lands at Legnadiefy from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to Erasmus Lloyd, 19 March 1759.
MS 36,305 /20 Lease for 21 years of the mill at Ardree from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to Paul Cunningham, 26 September
MS 36,305 /21 Lease for 21 years of the mill at Coolany from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to Paul Carty, 29 September 1759.
MS 36,305 /24 Lease for three lives of lands at Coolany from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to John Haw, 8 October 1760.
MS 36,305 /25 Lease for 21 years of part of the lands of Coolany from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Charles Teige, 9 August
MS 36,305 /26 Lease for 22 years of part of the lands of Rathosey from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to John Hara, Bryan Cassidy
and others, 14 August 1762.
MS 36,305 /27 Lease for 22 years of part of the lands of Rathosey from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Matthew Gilligan and
Bartholemew Gilligan, 20 August 1762.
MS 36,305 /28 Lease for 21 years of part of the lands of Rathosey from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Michael Boyle and others, 20
August 1762.
MS 36,305 /29 Lease for 22 years of part of the lands of Rathosey from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Paul Higgins, Luke Gilligan
and others, 20 August 1762.
MS 36,305 /30 Lease for three lives of part of the lands of Rathosey from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to James Armstrong, 9 August
MS 36,306 /1 Lease for three lives of part of the lands of Rathosey from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Archibald Armstrong, 31
October 1764.
MS 36,306 /2 Lease for three lives of part of the lands of Rathosey from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to James Armstrong, 31
October 1764.
MS 36,306 /3 Lease for three lives of ‘a park & plott’ at Coolany from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to John and Joseph Murdagh
[?], 21 August 1762.
MS 36,306 /8 Two copies of lease for three lives of part of the lands of
Coolany from Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Thomas
Armstrong, 21 November 1762. Relates to bleach mill at
MS 36,306 /10 Lease for 21 years of ten acres of arable pasture and bog
in Rahosey from Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Paul Carty,
10 August 1765.
MS 36,306 /11 Lease for three lives or 59 years of the Bleach Mills and
25 acres at Coolany from Charles O’Hara (the elder) to
Thomas Armstrong, 15 August 1765.
MS 36,306 /15 Lease for three lives of ‘tenements and ground’, including
the ‘linen mill’ at Coolany from Charles O’Hara (the elder)
to Robert Hall, 31 August 1763.
MS 36,306 /17 (1) Lease for three lives of a ‘house, plott & park’ at
Coolany between Charles O’Hara (the elder) and John
Haw, 11 August 1764.
(2) Lease for three lives of lands at Coolany from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to Thomas Masterson, 3 October 1764.
(3) Lease for ‘his own life’ of a house and ‘plott’ at
Coolany from Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Henry Glenny,
weaver, 12 November 1764.
3 items, 1764.
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to John Murdagh, 12 June 1765.
Lease for seven years of the Fair Park and ‘Custom’ of
Coolany from Charles O’Hara (the elder) to John Murdagh,
12 June 1765.
2 items, 1765.
MS 36,307 /3 Lease for four lives or sixty one years of the corn mill and
part of the lands of Coolany from Charles O’Hara (the
elder) and Charles O’Hara (the younger) to Thomas
Armstrong, 7 September 1768 [3 copies].
MS 36,307 /8 Lease for 31 years of the town and lands of Learga from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to ‘Doctor’ Bryan Higgins, 10
April 1767.
MS 36,307 /11 Lease for three lives of lands at Rathosey from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to John Bleakly, 3 July 1768.
MS 36,307 /12 Lease for three lives of lands at Rathosey from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to James Bleakly, 3 July 1768.
MS 36,307 /13 Lease for three lives of lands at Rathosey from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to Hugh Marques, 2 July 1768.
MS 36,307 /14 Lease for three lives of lands at Rathosey from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to John Haw, 5 August 1768.
MS 36,307 /15 Lease for three lives of lands at Rathosey from Charles
O’Hara (the elder) to John Murdagh, 5 August 1768.
[1 needs conservation].
MS 36,311 /8-9 Leases relating to the O’Hara estate in County Sligo,
1801. 16 items in two folders, 1801.
7 items, 1831-40.
MS 36,314 /1 Lease for 118 years of lands at Wood Quay from the City
of Dublin to Jacob Newman, 18 January 1604.
MS 36,314 /2 Lease for thirty years for premises in Dame Street, Dublin
from Jacob Newman and John Newman to George
O’Bodeley for £20 per year, 20 October 1630. Also lease
for thirty years for property in Dublin from Jacob Newman
to George Bodeley, 25 October 1630.
2 items, 1630.
MS 36,314 /9 Lease for one year of lands at Dames Mills from Jane
Newman to Lawrence Hudson, 3 March 1659. [2 copies]
MS 36,314 /10 Lease for 7 ½ years of premises in Dublin City from Jane
Newman, Kean O’Hara and William Scott to Humphrey
Jervis, 3 February 1662.
MS 36,314 /12 Lease for 31 years of premises in Dublin City [‘Cassies [?]
Tower’] from Jane Newman to John Parker, 18 July 1664.
MS 36,314 /13 Lease for 99 years of her property in Dublin City from
Rose O’Hara to Gerald Dillon, 19 January 1673.
MS 36,314 /15 Lease for 21 years of a house at St. Stephen’s Green from
Robert Wingfield to Rose O’Hara, 18 June 1678.
MS 36,314 /16 Draft lease for an unspecified term of the premises known
as the ‘Cook’s Hall’ on Damask Street from Lady Rose
Peyton to Richard Swann, 1683.
MS 36,314 /17 Lease for seven years of a house in Williams Street from
Mary Dyer to Lady Rose Peyton, 20 August 1690.
MS 36,314 /18 Lease for three years of a house at Crane Lane from Lady
Rose Peyton to Charles Chambers, apothecary, 5 August
1693. Lease of a house at Crane Lane from Rose Peyton to
Jonas Wordsworth, 17 October 1693.
MS 36,314 /19 Lease for 15 years of the Phoenix Tavern on Crane Lane
from Sir John and Lady Rose Peyton to Richard Kellett
and Matthew Newport, 25 March 1697.
MS 36,314 /20 Draft lease for 31 years of the ‘ware house’ at Crane Lane
from Rose Peyton to Henry Sharpe; 1 item, 1700.
MS 36,314 /21 Lease for 31 years of The Bear at Crane Lane from Kean
O’Hara to Matthew Connor, 13 March 1704. Lease for 20
years of The Bear at Crane Lane from Kean O’Hara to
Matthew Connor, 5 August 1709.
MS 36,314 /22 Lease for 31 years of The Bear at Crane Lane from
Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Charles Wynne, 29
September 1756.
MS 36,314 /23 (1)Draft lease for one year of the ‘Weigh House’ at Essex
Street, Dublin from Kean O’Hara to Peter Ward, merchant.
(2-3) Also two articles of agreement relating to same,
(4)Lease for 61 years of a ‘house and wast[e] land’ at
Crane Lane from Kean O’Hara to Peter Ward, 12 June
(5)Lease for 61 years of the ‘Coach House and Stables’ at
Crane Lane from Kean O’Hara to Peter Ward 12 June
5 items, 1714.
MS 36,314 /24 Lease for 61 years of a house in Crane Lane from Kean
O’Hara to Nathaniel Rothery, 17 March 1715.
MS 36,314 /25 Lease for 61 years of part of the Clarendon Arms at Crane
Lane from Kean O’Hara to Enoch Mason, 17 May 1715.
Lease for 61 years of part of the Clarendon Arms at Crane
Lane from Kean O’Hara to John Mossop, 17 May 1715.
MS 36,314 /27 (1) Lease for 31 years of two houses in Crane Lane from
Charles O’Hara to John Noll, 1 May 1755.
(2) Lease for three lives of a ‘gateway and passage’ in
Essex Street from Charles O’Hara to George Falkiner, 24
July 1755.
2 items, 1755.
MS 36,314 /28 Draft lease for two years of the Old Custom House from
Charles O’Hara to Charles Cobbe Broadway, 3 April 1793
and related declaration of trust
2 items, 1793.
to Messrs Tweedy and Son.
2 items, 1885.
MS 36,315 /13 Draft lease for 950 years of premises at Wellington Quay
from William John Digby, Charles William O’Hara and
Charles Kean O’Hara to James Dollard. Also letter from
Joseph Dollard to McMahon and Tweedy, Solicitors.
2 items, 1884.
MS 36,316 /4-13 Bound rentals of the O’Hara estate in County Sligo and
the City of Dublin, 1868-72. Includes accounts of estate
liabilities (rents, rent charges and quit rents, income tax,
county cess, etc] and agents’ expenses.
10 items in ten folders, 1868-72.
MS 36,317 /1-9 Bound rentals of the O’Hara estate in County Sligo and
the City of Dublin, 1873-82. Includes accounts of estate
liabilities (rents, rent charges and quit rents, income tax,
county cess, etc) and agents’ expenses.
9 items in nine folders, 1873-82.
MS 36,317 /10 Bound rental of the O’Hara estate in County Sligo and the
City of Dublin, 1906. Includes accounts of estate liabilities
(rents, rent charges and quit rents, income tax, county cess,
etc) and agents’ expenses.
1 item, 1906.
MS 36,318 /3 Bound rent ledger and wages book 1693-96, with details of
tenancies and rents paid on the O’Hara estate in County
Sligo. Also includes accounts of payments made to
labourers on the O’Hara estate [in poor condition].
1 item, 1693-96.
MS 36,318 /6 ‘An account of yearly rent and duties that were payed by
the severall tenants of Ffinlagh in the Barrony of Lyney
and County of Sligo … to Charles O’Hara, deceased from
… 1678 … to 1704.’
1 item, 1704.
MS 36,318 /7-8 Rent rolls and accounts relating to the O’Hara estate in
County Sligo.
20 items in two folders, 1719-27.
MS 36,318 /15 List of rentals paid on the County Sligo estate in May
1763 and November 1763, showing an increase of £6 18s
1 item, 1763.
MS 36,318 /18 Copy rental of the estate of Charles O’Hara (the younger)
in County Sligo.
1 item, 1785.
MS 36,318 /25 The gross amount of rental due on the O’Hara estate.
1 item, November 1815.
MS 36,318 /27 Papers detailing the increase in rents on the O’Hara estate
in County Sligo.
2 items, 1816- 9.
MS 16,737 Rental and account book of estate of Charles King O’Hara,
of Annaghmore, County Sligo, May-Nov 1848.
MS 36,319 /10 Accounts of rents and tithes due on the O’Hara estate in
County Sligo.
2 items, 1869.
MS 36,320 /1-9 Bound rentals for the O’Hara estate in County Sligo.
Includes accounts of estate liabilities (rents, rent charges
and quit rents, income tax and county cess) and agents’
accounts [some in poor condition].
9 items in nine folders, 1909-18.
MS 36,322 /12 Undated index [?] to names in the rentals for the O’Hara
estate in County Sligo; undated ‘list of names to be
changed in the Rental’;
2 items, undated.
1 item, 1927-48.
MS 36,322 /15 List of lands and their yearly value on the O’Hara estate in
County Sligo.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,323 /11 Rental account of Working Men’s Club, Wellington Quay,
1 item, 1900-1.
The agents’ accounts give details of the services performed by agents and
stewards, expenses incurred, rents received, arrears due and the dispersal
of rental income. They are mainly drawn up on paper sheets, some of
which are lightly bound together. They are arranged where possible by
individual agent or steward.
3 items, 1756-57.
MS 36,324 /11 Account of Charles O’Hara (the elder) with the Rev.
Adam Caufield in relation to lands at Cloonacurragh.
1 item, 1762.
MS 36,324 /14 Estate accounts with Bryan Dunn and Joseph Meredith.
1 item, 1780.
MS 36,324 /19 Accounts of Charles O’Hara (the younger) with Thomas
9 items, 1811-15.
MS 36,325 /6 Account of Mrs Moran with Bryan Dunn, steward on the
O’Hara estate in County Sligo. Includes details of
payments for jam, sugar, tea and snuff.
1 item, 1789.
MS 36,326 /8 Bound volume containing accounts of payments made to
labourers, 1799-1802. Also contains lists of ‘Kennel
Hounds’ and pups born at Annaghmore, c. 1786.
MS 36,326 /21 Receipts and bills from Thomas Perry and Son (successors
to Main, Kempt and Co), relating to work done on the
O’Hara estate.
5 items, 1863.
38 items, 1855-64.
MS 36,326 /25 Receipt for payment made to Patt McDonagh for cutting
1 item, 3 June 1875.
MS 36,327 /3 Bill of costs from Peter Corristine for work done on the
O’Hara estate in county Sligo.
1 item, undated,
[poor condition].
This section contains bills and receipts from agents, tenants and
merchants. It includes receipts for rents due to and owed by the O’Haras
in relation to various lands in County Sligo. It also includes bills and
receipts for the sale and purchase of stock, accounts with animal feed
merchants, veterinary surgeons and the makers of agricultural machinery.
There are also bills and receipts relating to general estate expenditure.
MS 36,328 /1 Bills and receipts relating to general estate expenses
3 items, 1678-95.
MS 36,328 /17 Bills and receipts received from George Blackman for
appraising and slaughtering cattle and sheep on the O’Hara
estate in County Sligo.
12 items, 1792.
MS 36,329 /17 Bills and receipts relating to general estate expenses.
50 items, 1914.
8 items, 1882 [lacks January, February, September and
October 1882].
7 items, 1883 [lacks August to September 1883].
11 items, 1884 [lacks March 1884].
12 items, 1885.
12 items, 1886.
12 items, 1887.
I.ix.3. County Sligo Estate; Cash Ledgers, Wages and Receipt Books
MS 34,283 Bound Cash Ledger for the ‘Estate of Major Charles Kean
O’Hara in County Sligo’.
1 item, 1926-49.
19 items, 1801-19.
MS 36,335 /12-17 Receipts relating to the payment of the poor rates and
tithes due on the O’Hara estate in County Sligo, 6 folders:
4 items, 1713-1802.
34 items, 1812-46.
5 items, 1863-69.
18 items, 1870-78.
7 items, 1880-87.
10 items, 1889-96.
This section consists of papers and correspondence relating to the
operations of the Congested Districts Board and the Irish Land
Commission. It also contains correspondence dealing with the sale of part
of the O’Hara estate to the Land Commission. They are listed
I.x.1. Correspondence
MS 36,336 /9 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from W.T. Cosgrave,
concerning the vesting of untenanted land on the O’Hara
estate in County Sligo in the Land Commission.
3 items, 1924.
I.x.2. Papers
I.xi. Dublin City Estate; Accounts
I.xii. Surveys and Valuations
MS 36,341 /11 Costs of Peter O’Connor for surveying part of the estate of
Charles O’Hara (the younger).
1 item, 1817.
MS 36,341 /12 A survey of conacre on the lands of Ratharion by order of
Mr John Middleton. Also lists tenants and rents paid.
1 item, 1818.
MS 36,341 /14 Peter O’Connor’s bills for surveying part of the O’Hara
3 items, 1819.
‘Of Meadow Land’, 1865
‘Of Meadow Land’, 1866.
3 items, 1864-66.
MS 36,341 /24 Return from John Morison of a survey done for Charles
William O’Hara at Annaghmore.
1 item, November 1866.
I.xii.2. Valuations
1 item, 1859.
I.xiii. Maps
MS MAP 122 (a-b) S Sketch maps of the ‘Mymlough River at the Old
Castle’ and of the ‘Quarry in Mymlough River’.
2 items, n.d.
MS MAP 123 S Bound survey of the O’Hara estate in County Sligo, with
maps (hand-coloured) by William Dowell, 1716.
1 item, 1716.
MS MAP 126 S Sketch map of the proposed new road to Ardcree bridge
by Richard Teely [?].
1 item, 7 October 1759.
MS MAP 127 (d) Cloonacurragh
MS MAP 127 (e) Ranaghanmore.
MS MAP 129 (a-f) Copy maps [probably copied by Charles O’Hara (the
younger)]of lands on the O’Hara estate in County Sligo.
4 items, c. 1770s/1780s.
MS MAP 129 (a) S ‘Part of Claragh’
MS MAP 129 (b) S ‘Map of Nymphsfield’
MS MAP 129 (c) M ‘East Finlough’
MS MAP 129 (d) M ‘Claragh’
MS MAP 129 (e) S Lands at Mymlough and Carrownmacarrick
MS MAP 129 (f) S ‘Annaghmore desmense’.
MS MAP 130 (a-j) Survey maps of lands on the O’Hara estate in County
Sligo by Farrell [?] Mulvihill, 10 items in two folders, c.
MS MAP 130 (a) M Cultychiny
MS MAP 130 (b-c) S Rathnarrow [2 maps]
MS MAP 130 (d) M East Glan
MS MAP 130 (e) M Cloonacurragh.
MS MAP 130 (f-j) S Part of the demesne of Nympsfield
Cloonacarrow (5 Maps).
MS MAP 131 (a-k) Survey maps of lands on the O’Hara estate in County
Sligo by Thomas Mackey (hand-coloured), c. 1793- 1805.
MS MAP 131 (a) M Ranaghan
MS MAP 131 (b) S Ardcree
MS MAP 131 (c) S Killoran
MS MAP 131 (d) S Rahosey
MS MAP 131 (e) S Finlough
MS MAP 131 (f) S Nymphsfield bog
MS MAP 131 (g) M Finlough and Laghta
MS MAP 131 (h) M Killoran
MS MAP 131 (i) S Annaghbeg.
MS MAP 131 (j) S Cultiliney
MS MAP 131 (k) M Mullinigrogane
MS MAP 132 L Map of County Sligo (hand-coloured) presented to
Charles O’Hara (the younger) for ‘his zeal and active
service in defence of his King and country in the year 1798’
[in poor condition –torn].
MS MAP 133 (a-w) Survey maps of lands on the O’Hara estate in County
Sligo by Peter O’Connor.
23 items, c. 1814- 33.
MS MAP 133 (a) M Claragh (hand-coloured)
MS MAP 133 (b) M Finlogh (hand-coloured)
MS MAP 133 (c) S Cloonacurragh
MS MAP 133 (d) S Finlogh East
MS MAP 133 (e) S Cloghoge
MS MAP 133 (f) S Killoran
MS MAP 133 (g) S Ranaghan
MS MAP 133 (h-i) S Rathnarrow [2 maps]
MS MAP 133 (j) S Cloonbanniff
MS MAP 133 (k) M Corkagh [?]
MS MAP 133 (l) S Glan
MS MAP 133 (m) S ‘The McFadden’s Servants’; unidentified location.
MS MAP 133 (n) S Belavady
MS MAP 133 (o-p) S Caragauneen [2 maps]
MS MAP 133 (q) S ‘Brennan’s Farm’, unidentified location.
MS MAP 133 (r) S Caraunacleighy [?]
MS MAP 133 (s) S Kilmacteige
MS MAP 133 (t) S Cloonacurragh
MS MAP 133 (u) S Killoran
MS MAP 133 (v) S Gortakeerin
MS MAP 133 (w) S Cloonacurragh.
MS MAP 134 M Sketch map [in poor condition] of the ‘old road from
Sligo to Coolany’.
1 item, 1815.
1 item, 1837.
MS MAP 140 (a-d) S Assorted survey maps [on tracing paper?] of lands
on the O’Hara estate in County Sligo by Cornelius
4 items, undated.
1 item, 1928.
MS MAP 149 (a-m) S Sketch maps showing the extent of the Newman/
O’Hara property in Dublin City as held under Jacob
Newman’s leases of 1605 and 1639 and by the ‘patent of
1720’, annotated in Charles O’Hara (the younger’s)
handwriting [maps show the site of the Old Custom House
and Iseult’s tower].
13 items in two folders, undated [c. 1770s/1780s].
This section consists of letters from land agents, stewards and legal
advisers relating to the administration of the County Sligo estate. The
subjects discussed include the condition of tenants, the sale and purchase
of land, the granting of leases, the fixing and payment of rent and the
general maintenance of the properties. Some letters also contain
references to the condition of the country and agrarian agitation. They are
listed chronologically.
MS 36,344 /3 Letters to Kean O’Hara from ‘E. Percivale’ concerning the
payments of rents due on lands in County Sligo.
2 items, 1709-10.
MS 36,344 /11 Letter from Luke Wall to [Charles O’Hara (the elder)?]
concerning lands at Ballyduff, County Sligo; 1 item, 1761.
relating to Robert Birch’s position as receiver over the
O’Hara estate.
37 items, 1758-78.
MS 36,344 /15 Letter dated 1 February 1803 from Thomas Gunnan [?] to
Charles O’Hara (the younger)[?] regarding the proposed
appointment of a receiver over the O’Hara estate.
1 item, 1803.
MS 36,344 /17 Letter dated 11 May 1804 from Charles O’Hara (the
younger) to Rose Moran re ‘hogshead of flax seed’
purchased for the labourers at Annaghmore.
1 item, 1804.
MS 36,344 /20 Letters [many undated] and short notes from Charles
O’Hara (the younger) to Dan Corrane concerning the
administration of the O’Hara estate in County Sligo.
16 items, c. 1816-19.
1 item, 5 January 1820.
MS 20,333 Letters to Charles King O’Hara from Ann O’Connor of
Coolany, County Sligo, concerning alleged trespass by
Robert Medelton.
11 August 1831.
MS 36,344 /33 Letters to Richard Beere from William Fowler and Owen
Navin concerning estate matters.
5 items, 1844-57.
MS 36,344 /36 Letters to Charles William O’Hara from Richard Beere
(agent) concerning the administration of the O’Hara estate
in County Sligo.
5 items, 1855-63.
MS 36,344 /40 Letters to Charles William O’Hara from J [?] Olpherts and
William Gethin, concerning the proposed eviction of
Gethin,1863. Letter to Richard Beere from Elizabeth
Motherwell concerning leases held by her on the O’Hara
estate in County Sligo. Also draft of Charles William
O’Hara’s reply to her with regard to same. Correspondence
between John Phillips and Richard Beere (agent) in
relation to estate affairs.
6 items, 1863-4.
MS 36,344 /41 Letters to Richard Beere from W Burke and others relating
to the Thompson estate, sold in the Landed Estates Court in
7 items, 1864-6.
condition of lands rented by Brinkley at Rathmore, County
Sligo. Correspondents include Brinkley himself, John J.
Tweedy, Solicitor, and Frederick Fownes Hamilton, the
O’Hara’s land agent [Some of these letters in very poor
16 items, 1868-69.
MS 36,344 /52 Unsigned memorandum [probably by Frederick Fownes
Hamilton] concerning the ‘No Rent’ campaign on the
O’Hara estate in Sligo.
1 item, 1881.
14 items, 1904-35.
MS 36,345 /15 Letter from McMahon and Tweedy to Charles Kean
O’Hara relating to the proposed purchase of the Ballinabull
head rents.
1 item, 24 June 1913.
MS 36,345 /20 Letter from George Smith to Major Charles Kean O’Hara
with copy reply on reverse concerning his resignation as
land steward on the O’Hara estate in County Sligo.
1 item, 1917.
MS 36,345 /21 Letter to Charles Kean O’Hara from Pat Simon (tenant)
relating to a fence that needs to be built on his land in
1 item, 1917.
MS 36,345 /22 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from the Food Control
Committee for Ireland concerning jam made on the estate.
2 items, 1918.
MS 36,345 /25 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from the Oxford Down
Sheep Breeders’ Association and from the Shorthorn
[Cattle] Society of Great Britain, with receipts of payments
for registration of cattle.
21 items. 1921-29.
MS 36,345 /27 Letters and forms relating to the registration of dairy cattle
on the O’Hara estate, to Charles Kean O’Hara from the
Department of Land and Agriculture.
30 items, 1924-30.
O’Hara, on general estate affairs, including ‘Rathmore
grazing’, ‘Glan Mountain grazing’ etc.
18 items, 1937-49.
2 items, 1805.
MS 20,318 Letters to Charles King O’Hara with some drafts of letters
by him, re property at Wellington Quay, Dublin.
42 items in 4 folders, 1825-1830.
MS 36,346 /13 Letter dated 16 May 1868 from Battersby and Co,
Solicitors, re ‘Mr Ceppi’s’ acceptance of a lease on No. 8
Wellington Quay.
1 item, 1868.
I.xv.1. Mines and Quarries
I.xv.1.a. Accounts
I.xv.1.b. Correspondence
I.xv.2. Timber
MS 36,349 /5 Unbound notebook [in poor condition] containing ‘return
of timber’ sold from the O’Hara estate, 1824-25.
1 item, 1824-25.
MS 36,350 /6 Notes relating to payments by the O’Hara estate.
1 item, 1708.
MS 36,350 /12 Rate levied on townlands and cost of the Billa bridge to
the proprietors.
1 item, undated [nineteenth century].
MS 36,350 /17 List of tenants on the O’Hara estate, detailing rent paid,
size of holding and time left on lease.
1 item, 1819.
MS 36,350 /21 Receipts and letter relating to rent paid and arrears due by
Thomas Lang to Richard Beere.
5 items, 1857.
MS 36,350 /24 Notes relating to rent owed and paid by various tenants on
the O’Hara estate.
1 item, c.1928.
MS 36,350 /25 Permit under the Forestry Act (1928) for Charles Kean
O’Hara to cut down trees at Annaghmore. Also a copy of
the Act and application form for a grant for planting trees.
3 items, 1930.
MS 36,350 /28 Blank ‘Agistment agreement’ for grazing.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,351 /6 Grazing book, shows amounts paid by local farmers for the
grazing of cattle, horses and sheep for the ‘grazing
season[s]’ on lands owned by Charles Kean O’Hara in
those years.
1 item, 1934-48.
MS 36,351 /7 Bound volume containing a list of ‘The Leyny Herd of
Pedigree & Attested Aberdeen Angus cattle’.
1 item, c. 1958-61.
I.xvii.2. Accounts
MS 36,352 /3 Cash received by Peter McCormick for wheat and oats for
the use of Charles O’Hara (the elder).
1 item, 1754.
MS 36,352 /9 Receipts relating to payments made to suppliers to the
Annaghmore estate farm.
37 items, 1919.
61 items, 1929-31.
62 items, 1932-35
I.xvii.4. Labourers
I.xviii.1.b. Leases
1 item, 3 December 1754.
I.xviii.1.c. Rentals
I.xviii.2.b. Surveys
MS 36,362 /1 Conveyance in the form of a lease and release (release
missing) of lands at York and Lancaster from Margaret
Cookson to Edward King and Henry Waddington.
1 item, 27 June 1780.
MS 36,363 /3 Lease for three lives of the Curragh Coffee House, Kildare
Town from Thomas Pasley to Viscount Jocelyn, Sir Ralph
Gore Booth, Robert Clements and Charles O’Hara (the
1 item, 30 June 1761.
MS 36,363 /4 Rental of the estate of Laurence Dundas in County
Roscommon and County Sligo.
1 item, 1762.
1 item, 1868.
MS 36,367 /10 57 items, 1867.
MS 36,367 /11 99 items, 1868.
MS 36,367 /12 90 items, 1869.
MS 36,367 /13 114 items, 1870.
MS 36,367 /14 122 items, 1871.
MS 36,367 /15 106 items, 1872.
II.ii. Buildings and Maintenance
MS 36,373 /2-3 Bills, receipts and accounts for maintenance work done at
the O’Hara residence in County Sligo, such as glass fitting,
lock fitting and chimney sweeping.
Two folders:
13 items, 1743-99.
12 items, 1800-79.
MS 36,373 /5 Bill from Bryan Correstine for painting and slating work
done at ‘the dwelling house’ at Nymphsfield.
1 item, 1806.
MS 36,373 /14 Correspondence of Charles King O’Hara in relation to the
building of the O’Hara residence at Annaghmore.
Correspondents include John Lynn, architect, James
Gamble and W Collins.
20 items, 1823-26.
MS 36,373 /20 Letter to Charles William O’Hara from Ross Murray &
Co, Engineers, Dublin re proposed work to be carried out
on the coach houses and dairy and other works carried out
by them at Annaghmore. With certificates authorising
payments to them by J F Fuller, architect, and accounts
16 items, 1873-75.
MS 36,374 /2-3 Architectural drawings by John Lynn, architect, showing
his designs for the O’Hara residence at Annaghmore. Also
rough sketches of same and a letter to Charles William
O’Hara from W. H. Lyme, architect, enclosing these
‘drawings’, which he found while ‘arranging some papers
18 items in two folders, c. 1822-76.
MS 36,375 /4 Cellar book of Charles King O’Hara [?].
1 item, 1840-54.
II.iv. Servants
86 items in four folders, 1862-1941.
II.vi. Inventories
MS 36,378 /7 Valuation of household furniture and effects at
Annaghmore by E Roulette.
1 item, 25 June 1940.
II.vii. Leases
MS 36,379 /2 Draft lease for the term of the life of the tenant of
Annaghmore House from the Annaghmore Estates
Company to Charles Kean O’Hara.
1 item, 30 October 1940.
MS 36,381 /5 61 items, 1785.
MS 36,381 /6 45 items, 1786.
MS 36,381 /7 25 items, 1787.
MS 36,381 /8 27 items, 1788.
MS 36,381 /9 21 items, 1789.
MS 36,381 /10 44 items, 1790.
MS 36,381 /11 61 items, 1791.
MS 36,381 /12-14 136 items in three folders, 1792.
MS 36,381 /15 57 items, 1793.
This subgroup comprises the largest part of the archive and consists of
personal items such as diaries, certificates, commissions, personal account
books, political correspondence and personal correspondence. The
material is organized by individual family members, beginning with the
male heirs. Where necessary, the individual’s papers have been divided
into personal, general and political papers. The largest part of this group
consists of the papers of Charles Kean O’Hara.
Kean O’Hara (the elder) succeeded to the O’Hara estate on the death of
his brother, Teige O’Hara in 1634. Like Teige, he had been brought up as
a Protestant by the Court of Wards, after the death of their father, Cormac
O’Hara. Kean O’Hara was married twice; first to Anne Loftus, daughter
of Sir Adam Loftus, and then to Rose Newman, daughter of John
Newman of Dublin City. Rose Newman had been married to William
Crofton before this marriage. After Kean’s death, she married Sir John
Peyton, Governor of Ross Castle, County Kerry. Only a small amount of
material relating to Kean O’Hara (the elder) is in the collection. It
includes papers that appear to have been generated by him or to have been
associated with him.
III.i.1.a. Papers
Kean O’Hara (the younger) inherited the O’Hara estate on the death of his
brother, Adam, in 1684. He married Elinor Matthew, daughter of George
Matthew of Thomastown, County Tipperary in 1701. Unlike her husband,
Elinor O’Hara was a Roman Catholic, although their wedding took place
in an Anglican Church and their children were brought up in the Church
of Ireland. Kean O’Hara (the younger) was appointed High Sheriff of
County Sligo in 1701. The papers include material which appears to have
been generated by him or to have been associated with him.
III.i.2.a. Correspondence
MS 20,383 Letters to and by members of the O’Hara family and
connections, principal correspondents being Kean O’Hara
(the elder) and Kean O’Hara (the younger), subjects mainly
estate matters and parliamentary affairs.
III.i.2.c. Papers
1 item, 1702.
MS 36,387 /8 Medical prescriptions for Elinor O’Hara.
2 items, 1730-3.
III.i.3.a. Correspondence
4 items, 1752.
III.i.3.c. Papers
7 items, undated [c. 1740s.1750s].
MS 36,389 /4 Draft [slightly torn] of an ‘Act for raising money to pay the
debts of Charles O’Hara, Esquire.
1 item, undated [mid-eighteenth century].
MS 36,390 /1-6 Personal bills, bonds and receipts of Charles O’Hara (the
elder) and his wife, Lady Mary O’Hara, relating to personal
expenses such as travel, lodgings, repairs, school expenses
(of their sons, Charles and William) and the funeral
expenses of Elinor O’Hara.
Six files:
15 items, 1718-30.
43 items, 1731-40.
62 items, 1741-50.
45 items, 1751-60.
7 items, 1761-80.
1 item, undated.
MS 16,707 Receipt book of Charles O’Hara (the elder) and Lady Mary
June 1756- Dec. 1758.
MS 36,390 /12 Bonds of Charles O’Hara (the elder) to Gerard Dusign and
others, and associated papers.
5 items, 1756-72.
MS 16,708 Receipt book of Charles O’Hara (the elder) and Lady Mary
MS 36,390 /15 Charles O’Hara (the elder’s) account with Robert Birch,
including orders to pay and receipts, but ‘as he afterwards
became bankrupt and his assigns were paid these accounts
signify little’.
4 items, 1759-77.
MS 36,390 /16 Charles O’Hara (the elder’s) account with Sir Henry
1 item, 1760-5.
MS 36,390 /18 Charles O’Hara (the elder’s) accounts with Mayne and
Needham, John Falton and Hubert Lynnot.
3 items, 1770-5.
MS 36,390 /20 A draft act for raising money to pay the debts of Charles
O’Hara (the elder).
5 sheets, undated.
Charles O’Hara (the younger) was born in 1746 and educated at Oxford,
where he received a BA in 1767 and MA in 1771. He went on to practise
law at the Irish bar. He inherited the O’Hara estate on the death of his
father in 1776. In the same year he won a seat for Dungannon in the Irish
House of Commons. In 1783 he became MP for County Sligo, a seat
which he held until his death in 1822. He was also prominent in local
government, holding the position of Governor of County Sligo from 1784
to his death and was High Sheriff for the county from 1785-86. Like his
father, he was friendly with Edmund Burke and his son, Richard Burke.
His papers contain much interesting political material relating to the
question of Catholic Emancipation and his opposition to the Act of Union.
They also contain drafts of and notes for speeches he made on various
political questions.
MS 36,391 /3 Notes on the Bible and general theological questions by
Charles O’Hara (the younger).
46 items, undated.
MS 36,393 /3-4 Sermons and notes for sermons possibly by or to be read
by Charles O’Hara (the younger), undated. Also hand-
written extracts on religious themes from Sherlock’s
Letters and notes by an unidentified writer on religious
20 items in two folders, undated [late eighteenth/early
nineteenth century?].
1 item, 1801.
MS 36,393 /14 Poem [in English and Latin] in Charles O’Hara (the
younger’s) handwriting on the death of the Rev R
Chambers, Killoran, County Sligo, 1810. Also a copy of
his gravestone inscription and of inscription on monument
erected to his memory.
3 items, 1810.
MS 20,393 Letters from Charles O’Hara (the elder), to his son Charles
(the younger), regarding his studies, but with reference to
political events, with associated items, including receipt for
the admission of Charles (the younger) to the Middle
MS 20,293 Letters to Charles O’Hara (the younger) from members of
the family of James King, Dean of Raphoe, containing
many references to political topics.
51 items, c. 1775-1803.
MS 36,394 /4 Undated letter from Frederick Eyre Trench [nephew of
Charles O’Hara (the younger)] to Charles O’Hara
concerning a debt owed by the latter to Charlotte Trench.
Also notes relating to the same by Charles O’Hara (the
2 items, c. 1799.
MS 36,394 /10 Letter from Ann Langan to Charles O'Hara (the younger),
relating to papers obtained from Loyd’s Coffee House,
1 item, 2 June 1818.
MS 36,394 /11 Letter to Charles O’Hara (the younger) from Mary Walsh,
in relation to her brother, Paul, ‘who joined the Navy
upwards of twenty years ago’.
1 item, 20 September 1818.
MS 20,287 Letters to Charles O’Hara (the younger) from Caesar
Colclough, Chief Justice of Prince Edward Island, mainly
regarding political matters.
41 items in 5 folders, 1806-1818.
MS 20, 300 Letter to Charles O’Hara (the younger) from Henry John
Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, regarding measures for
relief of distress in Sligo.
17 January 1817.
MS 20,395 Letters to Charles O’Hara, MP, Dublin, concerning the
effects of the embargo on Irish trade with France.
9 items, March 1778.
MS 36,396 /6 Account of linen and linen yarn production in Ireland from
1786-1797, in Charles O’Hara (the younger’s)
1 item, undated [1797?].
MS 36,396 /9 Notes for and drafts of speeches opposing the Act of Union
by Charles O’Hara (the younger), 1800.
7 items, c. 1800.
/22 Various acts, including an ‘index to the Road Act’ [2
copies] in Charles O’Hara (the younger’s) handwriting, 9
items, undated.
/23 The ‘New Oath of Allegiance’, 3 items, undated.
/24 On ‘Conciliation’ [must ‘protect the honest and well-
affected’], 1 item, undated.
/25 ‘On the general conduct of ministers’ [general
criticisms of Pitt’s ministry], 2 items, undated.
/26 Paper currency and ‘exchange’, 2 items, undated.
MS 36,397 /1 List of tenants who had not voted on the O’Hara estate.
Includes their addresses and the date on which they had
registered as voters.
1 item, undated [late eighteenth century].
1 item, 1797.
MS 36,400 /3-4 Duplicate set of Typed copies by Valentine O'Hara of
letters from Edmund Burke to Charles O'Hara (the elder)
and Charles O'Hara (the younger).
3 items in two folders, 1761-88 [copies made in 1935].
Charles King O’Hara was born in 1785 and educated at Trinity College
Dublin. He was a major in the County Sligo militia and also a justice of
the peace for the county. In the early 18th century he served as a
Commissioner of Excise for County Sligo and County Donegal. During
the famine years he was a Poor Law Guardian for County Sligo, serving
as Chairman of the Board in 1846-47 and as Treasurer of the Relief
Committee for Lower Leyney. In his will he bequeathed the O’Hara estate
to his nephew, Charles William Cooper, on the condition that he take the
name O’Hara.
MS 36,401 /2 Bachelor of Arts degree of Charles King O’Hara received
from Trinity College, Dublin.
1 item, 1806.
III.i.5.c. Diaries
6 items, 1823-31.
MS 36,405 /2 Correspondence, accounts and papers relating to Charles
King O’Hara’s membership of the Friendly Brothers and of
the Freemasons.
19 items, 1820-22.
MS 20,327 Letters to Charles King O’Hara from Francis Gould of
Hormead Bury, Herts, concerning matters of general
interest including the coronation of Queen Victoria.
110 items, 1838-47.
MS 36,405 /10 Letter to Charles King O’Hara from John Sproule [?],
relating to the Irish Industrial Exhibition, 1853. Also
catalogue relating to same.
2 items, 1853-54.
III.i.5.f. Political Correspondence
1 item, 1829.
MS 36,408 /2 Copies of resolutions passed at a meeting held to establish
a Brunswick Club in Sligo.
2 items, 1828.
16 items, 1833-9.
MS 36,410 /10 Blank undated questionnaire sent to clerks of the Poor
Law Unions, with questions on state of potato crops and
the numbers in the workhouses.
1 item, undated [1845-46?].
MS 36,410 /16 List of landed proprietors in the district of the ‘Lower half
barony of Leyny’ who had already subscribed to the Relief
1 item, undated [c. 1846?].
15 items, 1801-14.
MS 36,411 /4-6 Returns of recruits to the Sligo Militia. Also returns of the
‘strength and stations’ of the Sligo Militia.
3 folders
5 items, 1809-12.
5 items, 1813.
21 items, 1814.
31. Includes copy of letter from ‘Captain Rock’ to James
Davy, Carrowmore, County Sligo, 1826 and depositions
concerning a ‘foul combination’ against Alexander Sim,
owner of a corn mill at Coolany. Other correspondents
include ‘A. Crossley’ and Edward Hickman.
4 folders:
15 items, 1826-30.
21 items, 1830-1.
16 items, 1832-3.
15 items, 1838-44.
III.i.5.k(d) Excise
1 item, 1824.
MS 36,416 /3-4 Bound cash and general account books of Charles King
Two folders:
1 item, 1823-25.
1 item, 1837-60.
III.i.6. Charles William O’Hara, b. 1817, d. 1898
Charles William Cooper (son of Arthur Brooke Cooper and Jane Frances
O’Hara, the sister of Charles King O’Hara) was born in 1817 and was
educated at Trinity College, Dublin. On the death of his father in 1854 he
inherited the Cooper estate at Coopershill, and on the death of his uncle
Charles King O’Hara, in 1860 he inherited the O’Hara estate. In the same
year he changed his name to O’Hara, this being a condition of the
inheritance. In 1858 he married Anne Charlotte Streatfeild, daughter of
Richard Shuttleworth Streatfeild of the Rocks, Uckfield, Sussex. He was
High Sheriff of County Sligo in 1849 and later served as Deputy
Lieutenant of the County. He was MP (Conservative) for County Sligo
from 1859-65, being the last member of the O’Hara family to sit in
Parliament. His papers include a great deal of material relating to social
and political conditions in County Sligo in the latter half of the nineteenth
III.i.6.b. Diaries
MS 36,420 /2 Letters from Charles Kean O’Hara to his parents, Charles
William and Annie Charlotte O’Hara, relating to family
and personal matters.
2 items, 1872 (1 undated).
MS 36,421 /1 Printed circular letter from Edward Joshua Cooper and Sir
Robert Gore Booth regarding the County Sligo election, 25
March 1857. Printed tally and ‘state of gross poll’ for the
County Sligo election, April 1857.
2 items, 1857.
draft reply], concerning the proposed construction of a
railway line between Claremorris and Coolaney.
1 item, 1890.
MS 36,422 /7-8 General correspondence of Charles William O’Hara,
primarily relating to estate affairs, his donations to various
charities and his personal finances, 1880-96.
Correspondents include E. F. Hewson, Molly Crofton,
John J. Tweedy, John F. Walker and John Ribton Gore.
58 items in two folders, 1880-96.
MS 20.353 Letter book of Charles William Cooper (later O’Hara),
mainly concerning estate and local affairs in County Sligo.
1 volume, 1843-1893.
MS 36,424 /1 List of County Sligo Grand Jury for the summer assizes.
1 item, 1858.
2 items, 1868.
and national clubs and societies, hotel bills and
subscriptions to newspapers].
30 folders
37 items, 1859-60.
24 items, 1861.
42 items, 1862.
39 items, 1863.
56 items, 1864 -65.
65 items, 1866-67.
20 items, 1868.
52 items, 1869-70.
72 items, 1870-71.
44 items, 1873.
36 items, 1874.
33 items, 1875.
73 items, 1876-77.
34 items, in two folders, 1878.
43 items, 1879-80.
43 items, 1881.
28 items, 1882.
37 items, 1883.
39 items, 1884.
37 items, 1885.
26 items, 1886.
29 items, 1887.
39 items, 1888-89.
33 items, 1890.
82 items in two folders, 1891-92.
28 items, 1893.
65 items, 1894-95.
31 items, 1896.
The papers of Charles Kean O’Hara represent one of the largest sections
in the archive. Charles Kean O’Hara was born in 1860 and educated at
Eton. He unsuccessfully contested the 1883 election as a Conservative
candidate for County Sligo. On the death of his father in 1898 he inherited
the estate. In the same year he was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of
County Sligo and in 1902 became Lord Lieutenant of the county. During
the First World War, he was involved in the recruiting campaign in
County Sligo, and subsequently worked to ensure employment and
pensions for ex-servicemen and their widows, his efforts being publicly
acknowledged in 1920 by the award of an O.B.E. Moreover, in 1924 he
was appointed a Peace Commissioner by the Irish Free State government.
III.i.7.b. Diaries
MS 36,431 /6 (2) 1925.
MS 36,431 /7 (1) 1927.
MS 36,431 /7 (2) 1928.
MS 36,432 /1 1929.
MS 36,432 /2 (1) 1930.
MS 36,432 /2 (2) 1931.
MS 36,432 /3 (1) 1932.
MS 36,432 /3 (2) 1933.
MS 36,432 /4 (1) 1934.
MS 36,432 /4 (2) 1935.
MS 36,432 /5 (1) 1936.
MS 36,432 /5 (2) 1937.
MS 36,432 /6 (1) 1938.
MS 36,432 /6 (2) 1939.
MS 36,432 /7 (1) 1940.
MS 36,432 /7 (2) 1941.
MS 36,432 /8 (1) 1942.
MS 36,432 /8 (2) 1943.
MS 36,434 /5 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from M S [Margaret
Sarah] Cooper, relating to personal and family affairs.
1 item, 1884.
MS 36,434 /14 General correspondence of Charles Kean O’Hara,
principally concerning his financial affairs and his
donations to various charities and local societies.
35 items, 1908-18.
MS 36,434 /17 Letter from [?] Dowell to Charles Kean O’Hara relating to
a vacancy at Skreen Post Office.
1 item, 2 December 1918.
5 items, 1921-24.
MS 36,434 /31 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from Bill Scarlett relating
to an audit of accounts.
3 items, 1934.
MS 36,434 /32 Letter from an unidentified correspondent relating to
financial and personal matters.
1 item, 1937.
III.i.7.e. Sporting/Horses
MS 36,435 /7 Correspondence of Charles Kean O’Hara relating to the
purchase of foxhounds. Correspondents include Major
A.H. Watt, Middleton, County Cork, C. Haynes,
Mullingar, County Westmeath, J.W. Murland,
Annsborough, County Down and Frank Wise, Adare,
County Limerick.
13 items, 1905-43.
MS 16,830 Minute book of the Irish County Polo Club Union, also
containing accounts and correspondence, 1890-1930.
MS 36,435 /10 Bankbooks, cheque stubs and accounts relating to the Irish
County Polo Club Union.
21 items, 1906-22.
MS 36,435 /13 Race cards and flyers for point-to-point meetings of ‘Mr.
O’Hara’s Harriers’ at Claragh, County Sligo.
21 items, 1889-1940.
MS 36,435 /16 Letter to Charles Kean O’Hara from the Irish Turf Club
concerning a point-to-point meeting of ‘Mr. O’Hara’s
Harriers’. Also newspaper cuttings relating to same.
3 items, 1941.
(1-9) Rulebooks of the Irish County Polo Club Union, 1910-14.
[some duplicates]; 9 items, 1910-14.
(10) List: County Limerick Hounds;1 item, 1904
(11) List: United Hunt Club Fox-Hounds; 1 item, 1928.
(12) Cutting from magazine article on polo, including a
reference to Charles Kean O’Hara as ‘one of the small
group who helped to make a big success of polo in
Ireland’; 1 item, undated.
(13) Constitution and Rules of the Irish Masters of Harriers
Association; 1 item, undated.
III.i.7.f(a) Militia
2 items, 1897.
MS 36,439 /1 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from Father Doyle, parish
priest of Colloney, and McMahon and Tweedy (solicitors)
concerning Lugnadeffa National School.
2 items, 1915.
than the area around Ballina’. Includes copy of threatening
letter sent to Garvey by the I.R.A.
2 items; 1922-23.
MS 36,441 /2 Draft Irish Land Bill, 17 July 1903. Also printed House of
Commons return of agricultural prices in Ireland, 1881-
2 items, 1903-11.
MS 36,442 /1 Correspondence of Charles Kean O’Hara relating to his
membership of the Irish Unionist Alliance. Topics
discussed include the question of how the Southern
Unionist Committee should respond to Northern Unionist
tactics on the Home Rule bill. Correspondents include J B
Powell, Lord Midleton, John E. Walsh and Lord Iveagh.
18 items, 1917-19.
MS 36,445 /2 1 item, 1903
MS 36,445 /3 1 item, 1904.
MS 36,445 /4 2 copies; 2 items, 1905.
MS 36,445 /5 2 copies, 1906, with a ‘report of the proceedings at the
Second Annual General Meeting of the Royal Patriotic
Fund Corporation’, 24 May 1906; 3 items, 1906.
MS 36,445 /6 1 item, 1907.
MS 36,445 /7 1 copy, 1913 with report of the Corporation’s Annual
General Meeting, 11 June 1914; 1 item, 1913-14.
the Central Advisory Committee for Ex-Servicemen and
Ex-Sailors. Also includes correspondence with officials of
the War Office and the British Ministry of Pensions.
8 folders:
16 items, 1914-15.
51 items, 1916.
100 items in two folders, 1917.
73 items in two folders, 1918.
91 items in two folders, 1919.
MS 36,446 /14 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from Chris [?] Fowler and
F MacDonell of the County Sligo Local War Pensions
Committee. Topics discussed include civil distress in
County Sligo, the outbreak of ‘fever’ in County Sligo in
1917, the representation of ‘labour’ on the committee and
the employment of disabled soldiers and sailors.
14 items, 1916-19.
MS 36,447 /8 Circulars issued to the Area Advisory Committees in the
Irish Free State by the British Ministry of Pensions.
29 items, 1924-30.
MS 36,447 /12 Letters to Charles Kean O’Hara from the Bandon branch
of the British Legion, asking for financial assistance
following the burning down of their premises. Also letters
from John Winn, Tobercurry, an ex-serviceman, asking
Charles Kean O’Hara to recommend him to the British
Legion ‘for boots and clothing.’
2 items, 1936-37.
MS 36,449 /1-11 Bank books of Charles Kean O’Hara, in relation to his
accounts with the Bank of Ireland, Dublin and Sligo.
11 folders:
MS 36,449 /15 Receipt for £510 2s 8d paid into the Bank of Ireland
account of Charles Kean O’Hara.
III.i.7.o(b) General
MS 36,450 /4 17 items, 1873-82.
MS 36,450 /5 40 items, 1883.
MS 36,450 /6 39 items, 1884.
MS 36,450 /7 38 items, 1885-7.
MS 36,450 /8 59 items, 1889-93.
MS 36,450 /9 65 items, 1894-8.
MS 36,450 /10-11 158 items in two folders, 1907-9.
MS 36,451 /1 85 items, 1913-4.
MS 36,451 /2-3 173 items in two folders, 1915-7.
MS 36,451 /4 141 items, 1918-9.
MS 36,451 /5 5 items, 1925-34.
MS 36,451 /6 80 items, 1940.
MS 36,451 /7 60 items, 1941.
MS 36,451 /8 70 items, 1942.
MS 36,451 /9 59 items, 1943.
MS 36,451 /10 66 items, 1944-5.
MS 36,451 /16 Letter from the bank of Ireland to Charles Kean O’Hara
relating to bank charges.
1 item, 4 October 1929.
MS 36,452 /1 1898-1908 and 1908-16.
MS 36,452 /2 1916-25 and 1937-47.
Frederick William O’Hara inherited the O’Hara estate on the death of his
brother, Charles Kean O’Hara, in 1947. He had earlier inherited the
Cooper estate on the death of another brother, Arthur Cooper O’Hara, in
1934. He was born in 1875 and educated at Rossall. Frederick William
served as a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy in the First World War. In 1903
he married Muriel Helen Isabella Rice Henn, daughter of Francis
Blackburne Henn of Paradise, Ennis, County Clare. He was appointed
High Sheriff of County Sligo in 1911. The correspondence of Frederick
William and Muriel O’Hara is principally made up of letters from their
children and other family members. This correspondence would be of
particular interest to researchers interested in the fortunes of Irish landed
families in the twentieth century. The letters also deal with the varied
experiences of family members during the Second World War.
MS 36,454 /3-4 Letters to Frederick William and Muriel O’Hara from
their son, Donal Frederick, mainly written from Haileybury
College, Hertfordshire, England where he was a student,
primarily relating to family and personal affairs. Includes a
number of school reports and accounts. Also Haileybury
year book for 1919.
100 items in two folders, c. 1918-22.
MS 36,454 /6 Letter from Donal O’Hara, with a note from his sister Rose
on the reverse, to their mother, Muriel O’Hara, mainly
relating to personal and family affairs.
1 item, 1923.
include letters from Latvia, principally relating to personal
and family affairs.
36 items, 1928.
Kenya, describing his experiences as a civil servant in the
colonial government in Kenya. Letters also relate to
personal and family affairs.
12 folders:
23 items, 1935
21 items, 1936.
20 items, 1937.
22 items, 1938.
13 items, 1939.
17 items, 1940.
9 items, 1941-2.
12 items, 1943.
12 items, 1944.
27 items, 1945 [letters include accounts of a visit home to
England and Ireland by Donal Frederick and Elizabeth
24 items, 1946.
17 items, 1947.
MS 36,456 /13 Letters from Donal Frederick O’Hara and his wife
Elizabeth, to Frederick William and Muriel O’Hara, mainly
relating to family matters.
4 items, 1948.
MS 36,457 /9-10 38 items in two folders, 1931 [some describing a visit
made to France by Kean William O’Hara].
MS 36,459 /11 Letters to Frederick William and Muriel O’Hara from
their son, Kean William, mainly dealing with personal and
family affairs, 1945. Some dealing with his experiences on
active service with the RAF stationed at Habbiniya, Iraq.
The letters also contain accounts of his travels in Israel,
Syria and the Lebanon.
51 items, 1945.
MS 36,460 /5 Letters [some incomplete] to Frederick William and Muriel
O’Hara from their daughter Rose, primarily relating to
personal and family affairs.
26 items, 1932.
and family affairs. Includes an account of the liberation of
her husband, John Logan, a prisoner of war in Germany, by
American troops near Millhausen.
85 items in four folders, 1945.
MS 36,463 /4 Letters and post cards from John Logan [husband of Rose
O’Hara] to Frederick William and Muriel O’Hara, from
prisoner of war camps in Germany.
10 items, 1941-44.
III.i.8.b. General Correspondence of Frederick William and Muriel
150 items in two folders, 1947.
III.i.8.e. Bank Books, etc.
MS 36,467 /2 Blank bank book of Muriel O’Hara with pages torn out,
relating to her account with the Bank of Ireland, Coolaney.
1 item, 1959.
Donal Frederick O’Hara inherited the O’Hara estate in 1949 on the death
of his father, Frederick William O’Hara. He was born in 1904 and was
educated at Haileybury College. From 1938 to 1948 he served as a civil
servant in Kenya. In 1936 he married Elizabeth Sandbach Linnel,
daughter of Richard Sandbach Linnel of Duddon, Tarporley, Cheshire.
Dermot Charles O’Hara, son of Donal Frederick, was born in 1938 and
was educated at Wellington and the Royal Agricultural College in
Cirencester. He inherited the O’Hara estate when it was made over to him
by his father. He is the present head of the family.
MS 36,470 /1 Notebook of Dermot Charles O’Hara containing notes on
‘Agriculture and Botany’ from the Royal Agricultural
College, Circencester, England.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,471 /6 Loosely bound book with manuscript musical notation.
Includes pieces of music entitled ‘The Wreath’, ‘The
Morning Call of the Swiss Pastors’ and ‘By Those Eyes’.
16 sheets, undated.
III.i.18. Anne Charlotte O’Hara [wife of Charles William O’Hara]
MS 36,476 /4 Notebook diary of ‘Trip to America with Richard Edward
1 item, September 1884.
MS 36,480 Notebook containing details relating to the bank account of
Jane Frances Cooper.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,483 /14 Bound volume containing manuscript lyrics and music for
popular ballads.
1 item, undated [mid-nineteenth century?].
MS 36,484 /3 ‘A statement of the position of Mrs Charlotte Brown, both
as to capital and income,’ [possibly a relation of Anne
Charlotte O’Hara].
1 item, 1863.
to various diocesan magazines. Principally relates to the
parish of Killoran, County Sligo and subscriptions to
Rathbarrow parish church.
1 item, 1929-61.
MS 36,484 /25 Christmas greeting card from Lisalie Maude.
1 item, undated.
1 item, 25 May 1776.
MS 36,486 /7 Marriage settlement of Richard Shuttleworth Streatfeild
and Charlotte Brown [2 copies].
2 items, 8 June 1833.
MS 36,487 /11 Instructions for E R Maunsell to draw up a marriage
settlement between William Cecil Godfrey and Miss
1 item, 1885.
MS 36,487 /13 Drafts and copies of transfer of mortgage for £2,970 upon
estates in the County of Sligo upon the trusts of the
marriage settlement of Charles William O’Hara and Annie
Charlotte Streatfeild from the Reverend Sir George
Croxton Shiffner, baronet, to Christopher Arthur l’Estrange
and another. Also draft of original mortgage, dated 1861.
4 items, 1890-4.
MS 36,487 /14 Draft costs relating to the trust of the marriage settlement
of Charles William O’Hara and Annie Charlotte Streatfeild
from John J Tweedy, Solicitors.
1 item, 1895.
1 item, 1740.
1 item, 1860.
Consists principally of the wills and testaments (both copies and originals)
of members of the O’Hara family and, in some cases, of their spouses’
relatives. It also includes correspondence relating to disputes and
questions that arose over the terms of the settlements under the wills. The
earliest of these documents date from the 1630s. The wills themselves are
divided into those relating to family members and those relating to non-
family members. They are listed chronologically in both cases.
MS 36,489 /9 Grant of administration for Kean O’Hara from the
Prerogative Court of the estate of Mary Anne O’Hara [his
1 item, 1739.
MS 36,489 /12 Will of Charles O’Hara (the younger), with various drafts
of same.
3 items, 1800.
MS 36,489 /14 Will and draft will and codicils to the will (and copy) of
Charles King O’Hara.
8 items, 1825-84.
MS 36,489 /15-16 Various drafts and copies of the last will and codicil of
Charles William O’Hara.
8 items in two folders, 1855-94.
MS 36,489 /18 Draft will and codicils to the will of Jane Frances Cooper.
3 items, 1865-68.
MS 36,489 /19 Will and probate of will of Mary Jane Cooper [sister of
Charles William O’Hara]. Also draft release by Alexander
and Edward McKinstry of Charles William O’Hara and
Frederick Fownes Hamilton from claims on the estate of
Mary Jane Cooper, 1889.
3 items, 1876-89.
MS 36,489 /22 Copy probate of the will of Christopher Carleton
l’Estrange, husband of Charlotte Anne O’Hara.
1 item, 1889.
MS 36,490 /10 Copy of last will and testament of Reverend Dean Digby.
1 item, 10 January 1812.
MS 36,490 /13 Will of Francis Reynolds.
1 item, 11 December 1814.
MS 36,490 /20 Last will and codicil of John Black, with draft and related
4 items, 1831-3.
MS 36,490 /28 Copy probate of will of Henry Traill of ‘Austin Friars in
the City of London’ and copy grant of his estate.
2 items, 1835-42.
MS 36,491 /4 Case of Elinor O’Hara ‘as guardian of her three sons’,
relating to the disposal of the estate of Kean O’Hara (the
younger) between them, undated.
1 item, early eighteenth century.
MS 36,491 /14 Case for the opinion of Councillor Furlong in relation to
the will of Peter Burns.
1 item, 1822.
1 item, 1890.
MS 36,491 / 35 ‘Abstract of dealings with the estate of the late Mr
Alexander Perceval since 12 July 1861’ by Freshfield and
Williams, Solicitors.
1 item, 1881.
Correspondents include Barclays Bank, Ford and Warren
(solicitors) and Charles Kean O’Hara.
70 items in two folders, 1931-6.
MS 36,492 /17 Letters from Hunt, Nicholson and Co, Durnford and
Thomlinson and others to Charles Kean O’Hara, regarding
the deaths and wills of R J Streatfeild and Miss S
28 items, 1937.
MS 36,492 /19 Notes relating to lands left by Adam O’Hara in his will,
and the ‘jointure lands’ of Elinor O’Hara.
2 items, undated.
III.iii. Trusts
position as a trustee of the estate of her deceased husband,
William Cooper.
6 items, 1833-40.
MS 36,493 /15 Letter from B H Hunt to Keane and Tweedy relating to the
O’Hara trusts.
1 item, 9 April 1861.
MS 36,494 /1-2 Valuations and accounts relating to the trust for the will
of R J Streatfeild.
Two folders:
MS 36,494 /1 3 items, 1931-5.
MS 36,494 /2 8 items, 1937-42.
MS 36,494 /3 Letters from Hunt, Nicholson, Adams and Co, Solicitors to
Charles Kean O’Hara, relating to the estate and trust of R J
Streatfeild, of which Charles Kean O’Hara is a trustee, with
handwritten draft replies on the reverse of some.
16 items, 1934-6.
III.iv. Miscellaneous
MS 20,358 Letter from Edward Crofton to his uncle [probably Lord St.
George], c. 1700.
MS 20,360 Letter to Thomas Crofton, Dean of Elphin, from his
daughter, Sarah Fulerton, relating to collecting rent from
Mr Maggan.
29 May, undated [early nineteenth century].
MS 20,369 Letter to his father Michael Hart from John Hart, a marine
serving aboard the ship Poictius off Flushing, 2 January
MS 36,495 /5 Anecdotes including ‘Dram drinking’, ‘Asses Milk’ and
‘Did you ever see a man hanged’, by an unidentified
1 item, undated [early nineteenth century].
MS 36,495 /11 Bond in trust from John Goodwin and Patrick Archbold to
Gerald Burke.
1 item, 11 November 1735.
MS 36,495 /15 Pages from catalogues featuring guns, traps and ladies
3 items, undated.
MS 36,495 /17 Notes concerning ‘an act to prevent the detestable
consequence of hoaghing cattle, burning houses, barns,
haggards and corn and for other purposes’.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,495 /20 Notes concerning the planting of trees and the pruning and
growing of rhubarb.
3 items, undated.
10 items, undated.
MS 36,495 /30 Flyer for ‘Fred Thomas’ cheap shoe shop’, Great
Brunswick Street, Dublin.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,495 /31 Printed prayer in Irish, torn from a book, headed ‘1847’.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,495 /35 Certificate from the Navy Pay Office relating to the death
of Nicholas McCarthy.
1 item, 14 October 1797.
MS 36,495 /37 Copy of assignment upon trust from James Brown, M.P,
esquire to the Reverend G C Shiffner, 26 October 1858.
Copy of scheme for division of stocks of James Brown,
deceased, 1877.
2 items, 1858-77.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,496 /11 Notes with French phrases and their English translations.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,496 /16 Love letter from George Dodwell to Miss Jones of Bath.
1 item, 1786.
MS 36,496 /17 Two pages from The Graphic, 1 January 1870, with article
and illustration on ‘In the Kennel’.
2 items, 1870.
MS 36,496 /18 Bound notes on hierarchy and ranking of knights and other
men, entitled ‘Knightes of the Bathe not to precede other
Knights in the Handwriting of Sir Richard St Genroie’.
11 pages, early-seventeenth century.
MS 36,496 /19 Cheque book, with list of remittances on the inside cover.
1 item, undated.
MS 36,497 /2 Blank Royal Dublin Society Horsebreeding Scheme forms.
7 items, nineteenth century.
MS 36,498 /1-3 Bound printed books, with pages torn out, formerly used
as files for storing estate accounts and receipts.
3 items, 1783-1801.
MS 36,499 /6 Sketches, paintings of flowers, silhouettes and postcard.
7 items, undated.
MS 36,647 - Two boxes of envelopes containing stamps, mostly 20th
36,648 century Free State stamps, but some foreign stamps also;
c. 68 envelopes in 2 folders
[Note: Withdrawn: These may be issued only with the
permission of the Keeper of Manuscripts]
20th century
MS 36,649 /3 Report from Committee on State of Inland Navigation
(8) (1800)
MS 36,649 /4 An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the
(4) better Payment of the Army and their Quarters (1805)
those raised by Loans; - the Amount of all Sums issued on
account of the Interest of the National Debt, the
Reduction of the National Debt, or of General
Expenditure; - The Total Amount of the Capital of Funded
Debt existing in each Year; distinguishing the Part
standing in the Names of the Commissioners of the
Sinking Fund; - The Total Amount of the Capital of
Unfunded Debt; distinguishing Exchequer Bills from
other Evidences of Unfunded Debt. For every Year ending
the 5th of January 1799 to the 5th January 1811, both
inclusive (1811)
MS 36,649 /7 Report from the Select Committee upon the Civil List
(1) [incomplete] (1813)
MS 36,649 /7 Notice des tableux des ecoles primitives de l’Italie, de
(5) l’Allemagne, et de plusiers autres tableux de differentes
ecoles, expose dans le grand salon du Musee Royal
(Paris, 1815)
MS 36,649 /8 Burrow, Rev. E.J.: A Second Letter addressed to the Rev.
(7) William Marsh, Vicar of St. Peter’s, Colchester,
contrasting the Doctrines of the Church oif England, from
the Reformation to the present Time, with those Principles
which have frequently, but improperly, been denominated
Evangelical (London, 1819)
MS 36,649 Smith’s City and Country Almanack for the Year of Our
/10 (1) Lord 1834 (Dublin, 1834)
MS 36,649 First Report and Proceedings of the General Railway
/10 (4) Committee appointed at a Public Meeting held at the
Commercial Buildings, on Friday, the 22nd day of
November, 1838 (Dublin, 1838)
MS 36,649 Loose pages from The Queen, The Lady’s Newspaper and
/11 Court Chronicle [Various issues].
11 pp, 1867-68
MS 36,649 A List of the Grove Fox Hounds, the Property of Viscount
/12 (6) Galway (Worksop, 1884)
MS 36,649 The Treaty and the Orgiginal Document No. 2 (c. 1922)
/12 (10)
MS 36,649 Fox, M. Agnes: The Outer Courts (1944)
/12 (11)
MS 36,649 The Church Catechism Broken into Short Questions
/13 (1) (undated)
MS 36,649 Hebrew New Testament for the Use of the Jews (Undated)
/13 (9)
MS 36,649 Scenes in the Wildernesss (London, undated)
/13 (10)
MS 36,649 Printed poems concerning the Irish Land League
/13 (11) (undated)
MS 36,649 Virgil: Georgic IV [by WLD] (undated)
/13 (13)
MS 36,649 ‘Land Law - France and Ireland’ (Undated)
/13 (14)
MS 36,649 Printed map of part of Holland (undated)
/13 (15)
MS 36,649 ‘Piguenit’s Tables of Money, Weights, measures, &c.’
/13 (16-23) with other miscellaneous printed papers (Undated)
III.v. Photographs
Aberdeen (Lady).............................. 191 Beach, R. (surveyor)........................ 102
Act of Union (1801) .................... 7, 154 Beere, Richard (land agent).. 18, 50, 57,
Adams, Thomas............................... 157 58, 82, 105, 106, 107, 119, 171, 174,
Adelaide Hospital ............................ 194 208, 209, 226, 229, 234
Adey, Stephen Thurston .................... 56 Belfast ............................................. 198
Aldworth, Mary ............................... 140 Belfast Telegraph ............................ 236
Alexander, Ian ................................. 214 Bell, Robert ....................................... 73
Alexander, William ........................... 52 Benthan, parish................................ 125
Allen, George .................................. 204 Beresford
Allen, Henry A ................................ 181 Jonathan........................................ 17
Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Office Susan .......................................... 209
......................................................... 133 Berrin, Thady .................................. 123
Allowny, James ................................. 41 Berwick, Duke of ............................ 139
Anderson, Charles ............................. 71 Bicknell, Robert .............................. 109
Annaghmore Estates Company .. 90, 91, Bigg, C. (Miss)................................ 157
113, 122, 135 Bigger, William............................... 114
Antrim, County Birch, Robert ............. 37, 103, 104, 144
Crebilly ............................... 138, 221 Black
Luminary .................................... 138 Anthony...................................... 223
Archaeological Society.................... 234 Charles........................................ 230
Archbold, Patrick............................. 233 James (steward) ............ 85, 112, 230
Ardree John .................................... 223, 230
Mill ............................................... 18 Blackman, George............................. 87
Argentina ......................................... 197 Blandford, Marquis of ..................... 148
Armagh, County .............................. 142 Bleakly, James................................... 66
Armstrong, Archibald................ 64, 232 Bleakly, John..................................... 66
Armstrong, C. .................................. 150 Blenehasett, Dr................................ 131
Armstrong, James .............................. 64 Blennerhasset, Rowland .................. 126
Armstrong, Richard ......................... 245 Blest, Albert .................................... 150
Armstrong, Thomas............... 49, 65, 66 Bloxham Toole and Co (stockbrokers)
Armstrong, William................. 183, 232 ......................................................... 205
Arthur Jackson and Son Ltd ............ 134 Bloxham, Taylor & Martin
As You Like it................................... 233 (stockbrokers).................................. 205
Astle, Thomas.............................. 16, 56 Blucher (General)............................ 159
Austria ............................................. 237 Boardman, Robert ............................. 27
Baker, Robert..................................... 28 Bodeley, George........... See O’Bodeley:
Balfour, Arthur James ..................... 173 George
Ballinacarrow Parish Council.......... 113 Bodurda, Griffith............................... 48
Ballinamuck Estate.......................... 164 Boland, P......................................... 110
Bank of Ireland.. 46, 177, 194, 195, 206 Boleros, Lushington and Co, Messrs. 46
Barclay, George (solicitor) ................ 38 Boswell, Frances ............................... 37
Barclays Bank.................................. 229 Boure, Joseph .................................. 152
Barlow, James ................................... 37 Bourke, William.............................. 107
Barnewell, Robert.............................. 46 Bowen, Christopher........................... 60
Barracks Office, Dublin................... 113 Bowen, William .............................. 103
Barrett, William (agent)..................... 81 Bowie, Robert ........................... 51, 105
Barry, Redmond .............................. 163 Bowlby, C W (Lt Col)..................... 182
Barry, Richard ................................... 20 Bowyer, Robert ................................. 26
Bateman, Barnett and Faulkes Boyd, Abraham ...... 24, 26, 38, 39, 105,
(solicitors).......................................... 37 114, 157
Bath ................................................. 127 Boyd, Henry .................................... 101
Bathurst Boyd, Patrick....................... 16, 21, 219
Caroline (Lady)............................. 50 Boyle, Alexander............................... 46
James (Sir) .............................. 18, 50 Boyle, James ................................... 119
Batt, John Thomas ............................. 56 Boyle, Michael .................................. 64
Battersby and County (solicitors) .... 115 Boyle, Richard................................. 159
Battle of Badajio.............................. 168 Braborne, Robert ............................... 27
Battle of Talavera ............................ 232 Brackett, W N (estate agent) ........... 231
Bradley, Neal................................... 103 Burton, Ralph .................................... 30
Bradstreet, Simon .............................. 30 Butler Bros ...................................... 183
Brady, Richard................................. 116 Butler, The Honourable John ............ 30
Brehoni, Andeon ............................... 35 Butler, Thomas........................ 105, 141
Brehony, Patrick................................ 64 By Those Eyes................................. 208
Brehony, Thady ................................. 64 Calvin, William E.............................. 53
Brennan, Patrick ........................ 66, 100 Campbell, William .......................... 182
Brennan, William .............................. 66 Canada
Brereton Montreal ............................. 197, 198
Charlotte ....................................... 17 Ottawa ........................................ 198
William ......................................... 17 St. John’s .................................... 198
Bresset, Francis ................................. 34 Cane, James....................................... 22
Brett, Bernard ...................... 45, 80, 103 Cane, John......................................... 22
Brett, Matthew................................... 73 Canterbury, Archbishop of.............. 139
Brett, Patrick.................. 60, 64, 80, 102 Carlick, Thomas .............................. 209
Brinkley, Richard ............................ 107 Carlisle, Frederick (Earl of) ............ 237
British and Foreign Life and Fire Carlow, County
Assurance Company........................ 133 Kellistown .................................. 148
British Broken Hill Proprietary Carmichael
Company Ltd................................... 181 Anne (Lady) ............................... 219
British Chronicle ............................. 154 Elizabeth.....See Hyndford, Elizabeth
British Farmers’ Fund...................... 213 (Lady)
British Legion.................................. 193 James ............See Hyndford (Earl of)
British Ministry of Pensions ............ 192 Mary .......... See O’Hara: Mary (nee
British Press, The ............................ 233 Carmichael)
British Red Cross Society........ 191, 235 William....................................... 141
Britton, Elizabeth............................... 32 Carnaghan, William .......................... 96
Britton, John ...................................... 32 Carnell, James ................................. 104
Britton, Mary ..................................... 32 Carrique Ponsonby
Brown, Charlotte ..................... 213, 217 James .............. 16, 30, 126, 215, 219
Brown, James .................. 111, 227, 235 Mary ..See O’Hara: Mary (daughter
Brown, Janson and Co.... 181, 194, 195, of Charles the elder)
228, 230 Carroll, Henry ................................. 106
Browne, Charles H .......................... 184 Carroll, James.................... 19, 104, 106
Browne, F. R. .................................. 117 Carroll, John.................................... 219
Browne, Ignatius ............................... 27 Carson, John...................................... 62
Browning, Colin Arrott ................... 245 Carthy, Denis..................................... 35
Brunswick Club............................... 165 Carty, Cormac ................................... 63
Brunswick Society........................... 158 Carty, Frank..................................... 188
Buckingham (Duke of) .................... 232 Carty, John ........................................ 65
Buckingham, Marquis of 31, 37, 38, 54, Carty, Paul................................... 63, 65
56, 147 Case, Jacob........................................ 47
Budgett, W. Hill .............................. 209 Cassidy, Bryan .................................. 64
Burke, Edmund............ 7, 153, 157, 183 Castle Park College, Dalkey... 196, 199,
Burke, Gerald .................................. 233 203
Burke, J G........................................ 192 Castlestewart
Burke, James (solicitor)..................... 55 Countess of................................... 17
Burke, John........................................ 13 Dowager Countess of ................. 224
Burke, Richard......................... 157, 212 Earl of........................................... 17
Burke, William ........................ 107, 157 Catholic Emancipation .................... 152
Burke’s ‘Landed Gentry’................. 181 Caufield
Burns, Peter ..................... 223, 226, 229 Adam .................. 15, 16, 65, 81, 222
Burrow, Rev. E.J ..................... 243, 244 Anne (nee O’Hara) ...................... 23
Burrowes, Ismena .............................. 31 Anne (nee O’Hara) ....................... 27
Burrowes, James.............................. 167 Family ........................................ 142
Burrows, Jane .................................... 33 Toby ................... 23, 27, 37, 59, 142
Burrows, Lewis ................................. 33 Caulfield, Catherine .......................... 31
Burton................................................ 37 Caulfield, St George.......................... 16
Burton, Benjamin .............................. 59 Cavendish, Sir Henry .......... 22, 51, 145
Burton, Elizabeth............................... 30
Central Advisory Committee for Ex- Connor, Roger ................................... 60
Servicemen and Ex-Sailors.............. 192 Connors, Hugh (huntsman) ............. 123
Chamber’s Edinburgh Journal........ 245 Conservative Registry Fund ............ 165
Chambers, Charles............................. 71 Conway, Henry Seymour ................ 142
Chambers, Gladys ........................... 113 Cook, Francie Mervyn..................... 213
Chambers, R. (Reverend) ................ 148 Cookson
Chapwell, Richard ............................. 44 Margaret ...... See O’Hara, Margaret
Charles the 1st ................................... 47 (nee Cookson)
Cheshire Cookson Estate........................ 124, 125
Godley ........................................ 161 Coolaney and Claremorris Railway . 19,
Tarporley .................................... 206 52, 107, 109, 174
Chetwood, Knightley......................... 44 Coolaney Dispensary............... 165, 166
Church of Ireland Sustenation Fund 194 Coolaney Strike Committee ............ 189
Church Representative Association. 179 Coolaney, Richard, Lord Baron of .... 14
Cicero .............................................. 145 Cooper
Clapham, parish............................... 125 Anne ............................. 40, 219, 229
Clare, County Arthur Brooke . 8, 23, 123, 172, 216,
Ennis................................... 196, 204 219, 220, 226
Clarence Hotel................................... 42 Bryan .......................................... 193
Clark, Alfred.................................... 173 Catherine Jane ............................ 123
Clarke, Patrick ................................... 31 Charles William...........See O’Hara:
Clarke, Rupert ................................... 57 Charles William
Cleary, Murtagh................................. 63 Charlotte Anne (sister of Charles
Cleaver, Euseby............................... 158 William)................................. 174
Cleaver, John ................................... 158 E. G. ........................................... 124
Cleaver, William ............................. 158 Edward ................................. 29, 163
Clements, Robert ............................. 125 Edward Henry ............................ 186
Clifford, Elizabeth ........................... 223 Edward Joshua.............. 40, 173, 232
Clifford, Herbert...................... 162, 163 Edward Synge ...................... 39, 123
Clifford, Richard ............................. 223 Elizabeth (sister of Arthur Brooke)
Clonbrock (Lady) ............................ 191 ............................................... 216
Clutterbuck, James ............................ 29 J A .............................................. 213
Cobbe Broadway, Charles ............... See Jane Frances ....... See O’Hara: Jane
Broadway, Charles Cobbe Frances (daughter of Charles the
Colclough, Adam............................. 231 younger)
Colclough, Caesar ........... 151, 152, 231 Joshua Edward............ 123, 151, 153
Cole, Thomas..................................... 60 Josiah.......................................... 140
Coleman, Michael ............................. 34 Kate ............................................ 174
Coleman, Richard.............................. 63 Margaret Sarah (sister of Charles
Coleman, Roger................................. 40 William)......... 181, 209, 221, 227
Coleman, Sarah ............................... 226 Mary Jane (sister of Charles
Colle ................................................ 242 William)......................... 221, 227
Colleary, Owen........ See Kallery, Owen Richard ......................................... 38
Colleary, Patrick.............................. 224 William Henry............ 123, 215, 230
Collins (Archdeacon)....................... 183 Cooper Estate .... 25, 123, 124, 172, 196
Collins, W........................................ 131 Cope, Henry .................................... 141
Colvin, William ............................... 112 Cope, William ................................. 141
Comerforde, Michael....................... 118 Corn Laws ....................................... 165
Commissioner of Public Works. 40, 112 Corrane, Dan ................................... 104
Commissioners for Wide Streets45, 114 Correstine, Bryan ...................... 31, 130
Commissioners of Array.................. 140 Corristine, Peter................................. 85
Commissioners of the news sheet...... 21 Cosgrave, W.T. ................................. 93
Conan, Michael Edward .................... 57 Cottingham, George .......................... 94
Condon, James................................. 137 Coughlan, Bartley ........................... 164
Congested Districts Board................. 92 Countess of Belvidere, Jane .............. 24
Coningham, Paul ............................... 67 County and Open Cup Polo
Conington, E. H. (parish priest, Tournaments.................................... 185
Coolaney) ........................................ 110 Cowen, George.................................. 26
Connellan, Thaddeus ....................... 161 Cowley, Peter .................................. 172
Connor, Matthew............................... 72 Cox, John ........................................ 229
Cox, Richard.................................... 143 Sarah Rebecca .............................. 47
Craig, Reverend Samuel.................... 19 William........... 41, 73, 174, 216, 226
Crampton, James ............................... 44 William French............................. 47
Crawford, Edward ............................. 73 William John 23, 40, 47, 73, 74, 159,
Crawford, W.................................... 240 219, 226, 227
Crean, Laurence............................... 149 Wingfield...................................... 47
Crichton, Alexander ............ 23, 25, 173 Dignam, Cornelius (map maker) ....... 98
Crofton Dillon, Gerald.................................... 45
Edward..... 13, 15, 17, 22, 25, 40, 50, Dirgenane, Daniel ............................. 28
139, 231 Dixon, William................................ 150
Henry ............................................ 34 Dodwell, George ........... 18, 23, 25, 237
John ................................ 13, 34, 222 Dollard, James................................... 74
Maltby (Sir) ................................ 195 Dollard, Joseph............................ 47, 74
Matthew Lowther ......................... 50 Doneraile, Lord ............... 15, 22, 30, 37
Molly .......................................... 175 Donoughmore (Lord) ...................... 191
Thomas ....................................... 232 Dopping, Samuel............................. 231
William ................................. 53, 222 Douglas, A H (agent) ...................... 111
Crosthwaithe, John .......................... 243 Douglas, Marmion............................. 74
Crow, Elizabeth ................................. 44 Douglas, Mary Anne ......................... 74
Crow, John .................................. 44, 71 Dowdall, Luke................................... 34
Crow, William ................................... 44 Dowell, William (map maker)........... 98
Crown and Peace Office.................. 187 Down, County ................................. 205
Cruise, Mr........................................ 103 Annsborough .............................. 185
Cullen, Annie................................... 182 Cromlyn Lodge .......................... 204
Cumberland ..................................... 146 Hillsborough Park ...................... 204
Cunkisk, James F............................. 182 Downshire
Cunningham Montgomery, Sir Henry17 Family ........................................ 204
Cunningham Mountjoy, Henry.......... 17 Doyle, Father........................... 110, 188
Cunningham, Paul ....................... 61, 63 Doyle, Thomas .................................. 43
Curry, William................................... 18 Drew, Elizabeth................................. 30
Cyprus ............................................. 204 Drummond, Thomas ....................... 232
Dalrymple, Robert ........................... 113 Drummy, John................................. 113
Daly, Charles ..................................... 25 Dublin City....21, 22, 23, 26, 70, 74, 79,
Daly, Denis........................................ 25 80, 94
Daly, Honora ..................................... 25 Blind Quay ............................. 45, 79
Daly, James ....................................... 25 Capel’s Tower .............................. 70
Daly, Peter ......................................... 37 Cassies Tower .............................. 71
Damer, James .................................... 30 Chichester House.......................... 45
Darley, William ................................. 46 Circular Road ............................... 94
Davey, Samuel................................. 157 Clarence Hotel...................... 74, 115
Davis, John ........................................ 61 Crane Lane20, 21, 25, 44, 45, 71, 72,
Davis, Lady Mary.............................. 26 79
Davis, Sir Paul................................... 26 Clarendon Arms....................... 72
Davis, William................................. 224 Phoenix Tavern........................ 72
Davy, James..................................... 169 Robinson's Head ...................... 20
Deanes, Henry ................................... 53 The Bear ............................ 21, 72
Defoe, Daniel................................... 245 Custom House ..... 26, 47, 48, 49, 73,
Delamuiry, Mr ................................... 35 102, 113, 114
Department of Land and Agriculture Damask Street ........See Dublin City:
......................................................... 112 Dame Street
Derrig, Mary.................................... 108 Dame Lane ................................... 44
Devaney, James ................................. 43 Dame Street ................ 21, 44, 70, 71
Devon Commission ......................... 158 Cook’s Hall.............................. 71
Digby Dames Gate .................................. 71
Charlotte ..................................... 208 Dames Mills ........................... 45, 71
Dean (Reverend)......................... 222 Dublin Castle........................ 45, 213
Family......................................... 164 East Wall ...................................... 26
John Kenelm................................. 47 Essex Bridge................................. 45
Minors (case of)............................ 32 Essex Lane.................................... 25
Robert ........... 17, 208, 216, 223, 229 Essex Quay................................... 49
Essex Street ... 20, 21, 26, 44, 47, 48, Farry, James ...................................... 17
49, 71, 72, 73, 79 Fausett, Edward................................. 63
Weigh House............................ 72 Fawcett, Henry ................................ 174
Foundling Hospital ....................... 94 Fawcett, W. ..................................... 166
Grafton Street ............................... 18 Fenner, Richard ........................... 21, 25
Great Brunswick Street............... 235 Fenry, John...................................... 113
Iseult’s Tower........See Dublin City: Fenton and Lyons (solicitors)... 52, 110,
Isolt’s Tower 205, 228
Isolt’s Tower................... 20, 71, 102 Ferall, William ................................ 105
Meath Hospital ........................... 172 Fergusson, Anthony ........................ 223
Merrion Square ............................. 26 Fermanagh, County ......................... 124
Newman estate........................ 43, 44 Boho ........................................... 124
Old Custom House........................ 21 Reyfad ........................................ 124
South Quay ................................. 114 Fetherstone, Francis ............ 16, 21, 219
St. Stephen’s Green ...................... 71 Ffolliott, Margaret ........................... 191
Trinity College............ 159, 171, 172 Field, John (solicitor) .................. 57, 58
Wellington Quay.. 21, 26, 46, 47, 73, Finan, Patrick .................................. 182
74, 75, 79, 80, 94, 98, 102, 105, Finan, Thady ..................................... 67
110, 114, 115, 161 Fine Gael ......................................... 194
Williams Street ............................. 71 Finland ............................................ 197
Wood Quay....................... 44, 70, 71 Finlay, John ....................................... 30
Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Railway Fitzgerald, George........................... 144
Company ........................................... 34 Fitzharris, Edward (Sir)................... 137
Duffy, James...................................... 73 Fitzsymons, Walter ........................... 15
Duke, Richard.................................... 60 Fleming, Archibald ........................... 59
Duke, Robert ..................................... 47 Fleming, John.................................... 29
Dundas, Laurence ............................ 126 Fleming, Richard............................. 150
Dunn, Bryan (steward) .. 81, 82, 83, 121 Fleming, Robert............................... 139
Durkin, Thomas........................... 20, 53 Fodden, Thomas................................ 53
Dusign, Gerard .......................... 24, 144 Food Control Committee for Ireland111
Dyer, Mary ........................................ 71 Forbes, Miles..................................... 59
East India Company ........................ 150 Ford and Warren (solicitors) ... 229, 231
Eastwood, Edith Frances ................... 56 Ford, Edward............................. 79, 113
Eaton, Joanne..................................... 27 Forestry Act (1928) ......................... 119
Eaton, Richard ................... 82, 104, 162 Foster, John Leslie .......................... 241
Eaton, William................................... 27 Fowler, Chris................................... 192
Eckersall, Emannuel ......................... 48 Fowler, Frank .................................. 231
Edgeworth, Francis............................ 53 Fowler, William .............................. 106
Edgeworth, Usher............................ 123 Fox, M. Agnes................................. 246
Egan, Conor....................................... 35 France...................................... 200, 237
Egan, Cornelius (steward) ................. 82 French, James (barrister) ................... 29
Egan, Terence.................................... 29 French, Robert................................... 16
Egypt ............................................... 201 Freshfield and Williams (solicitors) 228
Election Act (1801) ......................... 151 Fulerton, Sarah ................................ 232
Eliott, Alexander (Sergeant Major) ... 70 Fuller, J. F. (architect) ..................... 131
Elizabeth I........................................ 232 Furlong .............................................. 46
Elliard, Catherine............................. 225 Furlong (Councillor) ....................... 226
Elliot, Olwine .................................... 13 Furlong, Richard ............................... 54
Elliott, William.................................. 56 Furlong, William ......... 32, 54, 105, 114
Elrington, Maria Catherine................ 25 Gahan, Daniel.................................. 126
Equitation School, Weedon, Northants Gallagher, Felix................................. 93
......................................................... 231 Gallagher, J (Reverend)................... 170
Estate Management and Supply Gallagher, John ................................. 62
Association ...................................... 196 Galway, County
Estonia............................................. 197 Loughrea .................................... 149
Eton College ............ 173, 175, 178, 213 Moate.......................................... 174
Everard, C. H................................... 173 Tiaquin ....................................... 164
Everard, Ignatius ............................... 38 Gamble, James ................................ 131
Falkiner, George................................ 72 Garda Siochand ............................... 112
Falton, John ............................. 145, 149 Garvey, John ................................... 188
Geering, Richard ............................. 126 Haileybury College, Hertfordshire . 197,
General Accident Fire and Life 199, 201, 203
Assurance Corporation .................... 133 Haire, William................................. 150
General Committee of the Roman Hall, Robert....................................... 65
Catholics.......................................... 153 Hamilton, Frances Catherine........... 230
General Post Office, Dublin ............ 114 Hamilton, Francis .............................. 39
George III .......................................... 49 Hamilton, Frederick Fownes .... 42, 107,
Germany .. 159, 191, 197, 202, 203, 236 108, 109, 118, 175, 176, 177, 178, 221,
Dresden....................................... 162 224, 230
Gethin Hamilton, Henry................................ 54
John ........................................ 23, 25 Hamilton, J. C ................................... 42
Mary ............................................. 25 Hamilton, James................................ 20
Percy........................................... 140 Hamilton, Jane................................... 31
Peter............................................ 174 Hamilton, Maxwell ......................... 124
Richard .. 23, 24, 25, 39, 46, 73, 103, Hamilton, Miss................................ 218
105, 160, 163, 235 Hampshire
Richard the younger...................... 25 New Forest ................................. 150
William ....................................... 107 Handcock, W. N.............................. 166
Gibbons, Stanley ............................. 204 Hara, John ......................................... 64
Gilligan, Bartholemew ...................... 64 Hara, Patrick........ See O’Hara: Patrick
Gilligan, Luke.................................... 64 Harding, Ambrose ............................. 30
Gilligan, Matthew.............................. 64 Hardy, Robina ................................. 246
Gladstone's Land Act......................... 33 Hargreaves, Francis........................... 49
Glenny, Henry ................................... 65 Harrison, Henry............................... 113
Glinny, Henry.................................... 96 Harrow ............................................ 127
Glinny, James .................................... 96 Harrowby (Countess of) .................. 215
Glynn, Thomas ................................ 181 Hart, John ........................................ 232
Godfrey, William Cecil ................... 218 Hart, Michael................................... 232
Goodwin, John. 21, 36, 37, 74, 141, 233 Hartington, Earl of ............................ 48
Gordon, John ................................... 141 Harvie, John ...................................... 73
Gore Booth Harvie, William................................. 73
Aideen ........................................ 204 Harward, Mr.................................... 144
Jocelyn (Sir)................................ 191 Harward, William.............................. 22
Lady............................................ 191 Haw, John.............................. 63, 65, 67
Ralph (Sir) .......................... 125, 126 Haynes, C. ....................................... 185
Robert (Sir)................................. 173 Healy, J J ......................................... 112
Gore, John Ribton............ 174, 175, 177 Henery, Paul...................................... 62
Gore, William Ormsby .................... 163 Henn
Gorges, Hamilton .............................. 22 Francis Blackburne............. 196, 213
Gould, Francis ................................. 162 Muriel...... See O’Hara: Muriel (nee
Government of Ireland Act (1920) .. 190 Henn)
Gowen, Andreas ................................ 63 Henry, Charles................................... 62
Grady, William the younger ............ 126 Henry, Edmond ............................... 211
Graham, Thomas ..................... 100, 124 Henry, Edmund ............................... 225
Grainger, William.............................. 30 Henry, F B....................................... 187
Grange school, Totteridge, Henry, Patrick ................................... 31
Hertfordshire ................................... 201 Henry, Paul........................................ 63
Graves, Samuel (Captain)................ 169 Henry, Richard ................................ 115
Great Northern Railway Co............. 195 Henry, Walter.............................. 31, 62
Great Southern and Western Railway Herbert McCarthy, Mary................. 173
Co .................................................... 195 Hern, Josiah (Rev)............................. 17
Gregg, Patrick.................................. 233 Heron, Denis Caulfield.................... 245
Grenville, George .......... 16, 30, 37, 118 Hewson, E. F. .................................. 175
Griffin, Robert ................................. 219 Hickey, N ........................................ 211
Griffith, Henry........................... 28, 173 Hickman, Edward............................ 169
Griffith’s Valuation ..................... 97, 98 Higginbotham, Edward ..................... 73
Grimstead, Lady Sarah ................ 18, 51 Higginbottom, Thomas.................... 114
Guarini, Battista............................... 207 Higgins, Andrew ............................... 38
Gunnan, Thomas ............................. 104 Higgins, Bryan ...................... 35, 62, 66
Gunning, Thomas ............................ 161 Higgins, John..................................... 59
Higgins, Michael ......................... 59, 63 Irish Transport and General Workers
Higgins, Mr ..................................... 152 Union............................................... 187
Higgins, Paul ..................................... 64 Irish Turf Club................................. 185
Hill, Arthur (Lord)........................... 204 Irish Unionist Alliance ... 179, 189, 190,
Hillas, George.............................. 66, 99 194
Hillsborough and Fitzgerald and Irish Women’s Association ............. 191
McCormick (solicitors) ................... 205 Irvine, Henry ..................................... 18
Hinde and Cheeke (solicitors) ......... 110 Irwin family..................................... 104
Hodgson, Mary................................ 203 Irwin, Henry .................................... 156
Hogg, Johnathan................................ 74 Irwin, John (Colonel) .......... 15, 28, 168
Home Grown Timber Committee.... 117 Irwin, Mr ........................................... 43
Horan, Daniel .................................... 30 Israel................................................ 201
Horan, James ..................................... 62 Iveagh (Lord) .................................. 190
Horan, Martin .................................... 62 Jamaica............................................ 149
Horan, Thomas .................................. 96 St John’s ..................................... 151
Houlding, Robert ......................... 23, 24 James I............................................... 13
Houston (General) ........................... 229 James II ........................................... 139
Howard, Edward........................ 17, 223 James Johnston and Co (brewer)..... 127
Howard, Mr ..................................... 145 James, John ....................................... 32
Howe, Thomas................................... 24 James, Thomas .................... 40, 55, 141
Howey and Armstrong (solicitors) .. 113 Jellett, W. K..................................... 190
Howley, M J .................................... 111 Jenkins, John ............................... 21, 25
Hudson, Lawrence............................. 71 Jervis, Humphrey .............................. 71
Hughes, Stephen.............................. 173 Jocelyn, Viscount ............................ 125
Hume, A. W..................................... 180 Johnston, Andrew.............................. 65
Hunt, Curry, Nicholson, Adams and Co Jones, Douglas (solicitor).................. 42
(solicitors)... 41, 46, 217, 227, 228, 229, Jones, Edwin Godden...................... 241
230, 231 Jones, family ................................... 149
Hunter, Joseph ................................. 162 Jones, Frances ............. 54, 68, 222, 225
Hunter, William............................... 170 Jones, Francis .................................. 149
Huntingdonshire Jones, L ........................................... 211
Norman Cross............................. 152 Jones, Lewis .................... 26, 27, 35, 59
Hussy, John ....................................... 25 Jones, Loftus ........................... 142, 222
Hutchinson, John ............................... 45 Jones, Robert ..................................... 39
Hyndford, Earl of ............................ 219 Jones, Thomas ............................. 18, 25
Hyndford, Elizabeth (Lady)..... 141, 208 Kallery, Owen ................................... 65
I.R.A ........................................ 188, 189 Kellett, Richard ................................. 72
Ibbotson, John ................................. 229 Kelly, Thomas ................................. 211
Imperial Mining Company .............. 116 Kennedy, Michael (solicitor) 32, 40, 50,
Incumbered Estates Court.... 40, 55, 124 51, 106
Independent Tyreril Infantry ........... 151 Kenya ...................................... 198, 199
Independent Tyreril Volunteers....... 153 Kisumu ....................................... 198
India................................................. 203 Keogh, John................................. 61, 65
Insolvent Debtors Court .................. 235 Keoghanan, Darby............................. 64
Iraq .................................................. 200 Kerry, County.................................. 126
Habbiniya ................................... 201 Dingle......................................... 162
Irish Landowners Convention ........ 189 Kildare Town
Irish Church Act (1869)................... 124 Curragh Coffee House................ 125
Irish Church Temporalities Killanin (Lord) ......See Morris, Michael
Commission......................... 41, 91, 124 Killoran, Laurence............................. 64
Irish Constabulary ........................... 154 Kilroy, W.W. (auctioneer)................. 93
Irish County Polo Club Union . 185, 186 Kilvarnet Charitable Fund............... 166
Irish Evangelical Society................. 243 Kilwarlin House .............................. 204
Irish Game Protection Association .. 110 King, Charles................................... 149
Irish Industrial Exhibition (1853) .... 162 King, Edward .................... 56, 125, 216
Irish Land Act (1903) ...................... 189 King, Frances .................................. 140
Irish Land Act (1908) ...................... 189 King, Henry......... 17, 20, 149, 153, 163
Irish Land Commission ... 13, 91, 92, 93 King, James ..................................... 149
Irish land League ............................. 246 King, Robert.................................... 163
Irish Landowners Convention . 189, 194 King, William.......................... 132, 231
Kirk, Cornelius .................................. 38 Limerick, County ............................ 126
Kirkwood Adare .......................................... 185
Eliza............................................ 150 Lindsay, Samuel................................ 86
Samuel .......................................... 62 Linnel
Kirwan, W P .................................... 107 Richard Sandbach....................... 206
Knock, John....................................... 37 Little, Joseph ................................... 204
Knock, Ralph..................................... 37 Litton, Edward................................... 18
Knox, Arthur ..................................... 24 Lloyd Estate ...................................... 52
Knox, John .................................. 36, 71 Carrowclooneen ........................... 52
Knox, Mitchelburne......................... 156 Lloyd, Charles ................................... 16
Knox, Ralph....................................... 36 Lloyd, Erasmus ................................. 63
Knox, William ..................... 22, 60, 103 Lloyd, William .................................. 36
l’Estrange Lloyd, William (Bishop of Killala) . 138
Anne ........................................... 191 Lloyd’s Bank........................... 194, 227
Charlotte Anne.............See: Cooper: Local War Pension Committee........ 192
Charlotte Anne (sister of Charles Locke, John ............................. 145, 159
William) Lodge’s Peerage.............................. 215
Christopher ................. 173, 213, 219 Logan
Christopher Arthur...... 107, 218, 220 Anne ........................................... 214
Christopher Carleton............. 19, 222 John .............. 34, 200, 202, 203, 214
Elizabeth ..................................... 191 RoseSee O’Hara: Rose (daughter of
Estate .......................................... 228 Frederick William)
Evelyn......................... 191, 204, 206 London Bank................................... 194
Jeanette Frances.......................... 220 London Hibernian Society .............. 162
Peter............................................ 206 Londonderry (Lord)......................... 213
L’Orlando Serenata......................... 207 Long, John....................................... 240
La Partenza ...................................... 207 Longford Estate............................... 126
La Touche Bank .............................. 208 Lord Bishop of Killalla and Achonry,
La Touche, Messrs (solicitors) ... 32, 39, Charles .............................................. 23
40, 157, 171, 208 Lorimar, Hugh................................... 80
Lancashire ....................................... 125 Lorton (Lord) .......................... 160, 170
Lancaster ......................................... 125 Lorton (Viscount)............................ 163
Land Act (1896) ................................ 93 Lowe, Frederick .............................. 156
Land Act (1909) ................................ 92 Lowther, George ............................... 25
Land League .................................... 172 Luck, AH (Captain)......................... 174
Landed Estates Court 19, 26, 41, 53, 55, Lunchahan, Thady............................. 62
102, 107 Luttrell, Henry................................. 139
Lane Horan, M ................................ 111 Lycester, Ralph ........................... 30, 57
Lang, Thomas.................................. 119 Lyme, W. H. (architect) .................. 132
Langley, Charles.............................. 126 Lynch, Isabella .................................. 74
Langley, William Henry.................. 126 Lynn, John (architect) ............. 131, 132
Larkin, John....................................... 70 Lynn, Marmaduke ............................. 70
Latvia....................................... 197, 198 Lynnot, Hubert ................................ 145
Laying, Charles (map maker) .......... 101 Lynsay, James ................................... 66
Layny, C. (map maker).................... 101 Lyons, Alexander (solicitor) ........... 113
Lea, L .H.......................................... 188 Lyons, Henry................................... 162
Lebanon........................................... 201 M’Gloan, William ............................. 58
Leedmore, Richard (solicitor)............ 46 MacDonell, F................................... 192
Leeds ............................................... 231 MacDowell (Lady) .......................... 191
Leinster, Duke of ............................. 147 Mackay, Thomas (map maker).... 95, 99
Leitrim, County ............................... 126 Mackenbach, G ............................... 182
Crossbolly................................... 123 MacKenzie, C P .............................. 187
Glenbegg..................................... 123 MacKenzie, C P. ............................. 112
Gortneglough.............................. 123 MacKenzie, Mr ............................... 108
Lemass, John ..................................... 74 MacNamara, Anthony ....................... 68
Lenany, Martin .................................. 62 MacNeill, John (Professor) ............. 183
Lennon, Remigius ........................... 149 MacSharry, Brian .............................. 59
Lewis, Christopher .......................... 156 Maggan, Mr..................................... 232
Lill, Carey.................................. 51, 222 Mahon, Andrew............................... 107
Lill, Godfrey.............................. 51, 222 Mahon, Bryan.................................. 189
Maidstone ........................................ 234 McDonagh, Elinor............................. 59
Main, Kempt and Co ......................... 84 McDonagh, Patt................................. 85
Malcolm ............................................ 50 McDonagh, Terence .................... 15, 35
Malcolm, Sir Charles....... 18, 31, 32, 50 McDonnell, Elizabeth.................. 18, 32
Malone, Richard ................................ 45 McDonogh, Cahell ............................ 53
Malta................................................ 210 McDonogh, Garrow .......................... 53
Manders, Humphrey ........................ 114 McDowell, J .................................... 113
Marques, Hugh .................................. 66 McGetnick, James ............................. 17
Marshall, Robert................................ 22 McGough, Mary.............................. 224
Martin, Abraham ............................... 39 McGovern, Elizabeth ...................... 206
Martin, Alicia .................................... 46 McGowen, Bridget (servant)........... 106
Martin, Edward.................................. 46 McGuinness, John ............................. 30
Martin, Frances.................................. 46 McGuire, Arthur................................ 17
Martin, Jacob ..................................... 46 McHale, Michael............................. 188
Martin, James .................................. 230 McHugh, Laughlin ............................ 95
Martin, John..................................... 106 McHugh, Neal ................................... 61
Martin, Thomas ............................... 138 McKeon, John ................................. 108
Martin, William ................. 18, 223, 229 McKinstry
Mason, Enoch.................................... 72 Alexander ................................... 221
Masterson, Thomas ................... 65, 118 Arthur William ........... 109, 220, 227
Masterson, William ... 63, 65, 83, 95, 98 Edward ....................................... 221
Mathew Evelyn ........................................ 182
Charles.......................................... 72 family ......................................... 227
Elinor ............... See O’Hara: Elinor Jane Frances Ellen ...................... 220
Elizabeth ............................. 142, 218 Marie Victoria ............................ 220
George ..... 15, 29, 37, 113, 215, 218, McLean, John.................................. 150
225 McLean, T. .............................. 113, 150
Maude, Anthony F (agent) ... 19, 92, 94, McLorimar, Hugh ............. 60, 103, 120
109, 110, 115, 182, 189, 218 McLoughlin, Daniel .......................... 46
Maude, Kathleen Lisalie.................. 213 McLoughlin, Henry......................... 188
Maude, Lisalie ................................. 215 McMahon .......................................... 31
Maunsell, E R .................................. 218 McMahon and Tweedy (solicitors) .. 19,
Mayne................................................ 55 41, 42, 47, 52, 53, 74, 92, 93, 107, 108,
Mayne and Needham....................... 145 109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 174, 175, 188,
Mayo, County.......................... 117, 188 205, 217, 218, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232
Mc Manus, Patrick .......................... 103 McMann, Edward............................ 111
McAulay, Jonathan.......................... 103 McManus, Mortogh........................... 35
McBride, Robert.............................. 162 McManus, Sarah ............................. 103
McBryan, Farrell ............................... 61 McManus, Terence............................ 62
McBryan, Michael............................. 61 McMurry, Tumultogh........................ 58
McCarrick, Andrew........................... 28 McNees, Thomas............................... 63
McCarrick, Bryan .............................. 28 McSharry, Manus........................ 14, 58
McCarrick, James ............................ 108 McSharry, Thomas ............................ 58
McCarrick, Roger............................ 109 Meade, Francis ................................ 111
McCarrigg, Connor............................ 61 Meath (Lord) ................................... 189
McCarthy, Nicholas......................... 235 Meath, County
McCarthy, Thomas .......................... 161 Dunboden ................................... 229
McCarvick, Patrick............................ 40 Medelton, Robert............................. 106
McCoristine, Terence ........................ 36 Meredith minors ................................ 33
McCormick, John ........................ 17, 63 Meredith, D ..................................... 104
McCormick, Mathew......................... 54 Meredith, Herbert.............................. 55
McCormick, Michael....................... 104 Meredith, James .............................. 104
McCormick, Peter .... 16, 30, 54, 59, 61, Meredith, Joseph 17, 25, 31, 32, 78, 81,
62, 63, 80, 81, 103, 120, 121 103
McCormick, Philip .......................... 234 Meredith, Matthew.......................... 161
McCormick, William......................... 63 Meredith, R D............................ 81, 114
McDaniell (tenant)........................... 103 Meredith, Thomas James....... 40, 55, 82
McDermott Estate............................ 111 Metcalf, John..................................... 36
McDermott, Cormack............ 23, 49, 59 Midas............................................... 207
McDermott, Owen........................... 138 Middle Temple ................................ 148
Middlesex ................................ 223, 224 Neilane, Augustin.............................. 61
Middleton, John................................. 96 Nelson, Francis................................ 204
Midland Great Western Railway . 19, 97 New York........................................ 161
Midleton (Lord)............................... 190 Newman
Millen, J........................................... 188 Estate .......................................... 102
Mills, John ................................. 29, 144 family ........................................... 94
Minan, James..................................... 96 Jacob......... 20, 47, 70, 102, 218, 220
Ministry of Labour .......................... 188 Jane....................................... 71, 218
Ministry of Pensions................ 192, 193 John .20, 43, 46, 70, 71, 94, 220, 224
Mirbeau, Octave .............................. 246 Katherine .................................... 215
Mitchell, Gilbert .............................. 109 Rose............ See O’Hara: Rose (nee
Molloy, James ................................. 183 Newman)
Monaghan, Esmond........................... 63 Newnham, Edward (Sir).................. 155
Monk Mason, John ............................ 17 Newport, Matthew............................. 72
Monsell, William......................... 21, 29 Nicholson Estate.............................. 125
Monteith, James Stuart .................... 161 Noll, John .......................................... 72
Montgomery ...................................... 50 North American Colonial Association
Montgomery, James .......................... 50 of Ireland ......................................... 171
Moore, Betty (Lady)........................ 141 Northern Assurance Company 133, 134
Moore, Catherine Anna ..................... 56 Northern Bank Ltd .......................... 205
Moore, Thomas ................................. 84 Notley, H S...................................... 184
Moran, Mrs........................................ 83 Nugent, John ................................... 157
Moran, Patrick ................................. 172 O’Bodeley, George ........................... 70
Moran, Rose .................................... 104 O’Brien, Donough........................... 184
Morison, John.................................... 97 O’Brien, James.................................. 92
Morren, Denis.................................. 118 O’Brien, William............................. 245
Morrison, Arthur ............................. 114 O’Cloane, Loughlen .......................... 59
Morrison, Mary ............................... 112 O’Connell, Daniel ..................... 57, 164
Morrison, Mrs.................................... 93 O’Connell, John .............................. 234
Morrow, Patrick............................... 123 O’Connor, Ann................................ 106
Mossop, John..................................... 72 O’Connor, Charles .......................... 166
Motherwell, Elizabeth ..................... 107 O’Connor, Daniel (Sergeant) .......... 150
Motherwell, John............................... 46 O’Connor, Donal (Sir)....................... 13
Mottley, Walter ................................. 71 O’Connor, Peter (surveyor).. 32, 95, 96,
Moule, William ................................. 73 98, 100
Moulesworth, Robert......................... 71 O’Connor, Thomas............................ 59
Mousson, Thomas (ironmongers).... 127 O’Dalaigh, Roda ............................. 211
Mr O’Hara’s Harriers ..................... 185 O’Donnell, Dermod........................... 53
Mullany, Bartholomew.................... 232 O’Donnell, Terence........................... 64
Mullen, Edward ............................... 104 O’Dowd, John ................................. 189
Mulligan, John............................. 73, 74 O’Dowell, Peter............................... 108
Mullin, Patrick................................. 223 O’Fey, Cormac.................................. 35
Mullingar and District Area Advisory O’Finan, Donall Duff ........................ 59
Committee ....................................... 192 O’Flynn, Thomas .............................. 58
Mulvihill, Farrell ............................... 99 O’Gorman, Peter ............................... 96
Munster Bank Ltd............................ 177 O’Hara
Murdagh, John....................... 64, 66, 67 Adam ..14, 23, 26, 27, 34, 35, 53, 58,
Murdagh, Joseph ............................... 64 59, 74, 140, 211, 229
Murland, J.W................................... 185 Alexander Perceval..................... 181
Murphy, Cornelius..................... 96, 101 Anna Maria........ See O’Hara: Mary
Murphy, Daniel J. .............................. 74 Anne (nee Mathew)
Murphy, Patrick................................. 73 Anne Charlotte (nee Streatfeild) 108,
Murtagh, John.................................... 63 172, 173, 209, 217, 218, 221, 227
Nangle, Widow.................................. 38 Annie Frances (daughter of Charles
Napoleon ................................... 84, 159 William)......................... 209, 213
National Assurance Company ......... 133 Anthony...................... 149, 183, 214
National Museum of Ireland............ 182 Arthur Cooper ..... 25, 124, 180, 183,
Naughton, family............................... 39 196, 203, 222, 227, 228
Navin, Owen.................................... 106 Charles Kean ... 8, 19, 20, 21, 34, 47,
Neary, Mr. ....................................... 117 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 73, 74, 75, 85,
90, 92, 93, 94, 106, 109, 110, Elinor (nee Mathew).. 15, 28, 29, 36,
111, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119, 45, 74, 80, 140, 141, 143, 144,
120, 122, 134, 135, 173, 175, 215, 220, 225, 229
178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, Elizabeth (nee Linnell) ...... 196, 198,
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 199, 206, 210, 214
190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, Errill Robert................................ 210
196, 203, 204, 205, 210, 213, Frances ........................... 8, 141, 172
214, 222, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231 Francis Cooper ................... 203, 210
Charles King 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, Frederick William ... 8, 94, 110, 112,
25, 32, 33, 39, 40, 46, 47, 49, 50, 113, 115, 173, 181, 196, 197,
51, 54, 55, 73, 78, 79, 82, 84, 90, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203,
94, 96, 97, 105, 106, 113, 114, 204, 205, 206, 210, 213, 218, 228
115, 119, 125, 131, 133, 134, Henry............................................ 36
152, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, Henry Hutchinson ...................... 221
163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, Isabella (nee Gore) ........... 14, 28, 35
169, 170, 171, 172, 184, 221, James .............................. 36, 62, 142
224, 226, 228, 229, 230, 238 James Arthur .............................. 160
Charles William8, 19, 21, 33, 41, 42, Jane Frances (daughter of Charles
47, 51, 52, 55, 58, 73, 74, 75, 83, the younger).... 23, 211, 216, 221,
91, 93, 97, 101, 105, 107, 108, 226
109, 115, 119, 123, 124, 127, Joan .............................................. 27
131, 132, 133, 158, 160, 162, Joan (wife of Francis Cooper) ... 203,
172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 210
178, 180, 181, 209, 213, 217, John .............................................. 62
218, 219, 220, 221, 226, 227, Kean (of Jamaica)....................... 151
228, 230 Kean William .... 182, 199, 200, 201,
Charles, son of Kean the elder14, 20, 205, 210
27, 28, 34, 35, 53, 76, 211, 220 Kean, son of Kean the younger ... 15,
Charles, the elder ... 7, 15, 16, 17, 21, 21, 22, 24, 61, 62, 140, 142, 207,
22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 218, 221
45, 48, 54, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, Kean, the elder. 7, 14, 23, 26, 27, 28,
65, 66, 67, 72, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 34, 35, 43, 44, 49, 53, 58, 71, 72,
90, 97, 103, 117, 118, 120, 121, 117, 137, 138, 139, 211, 218,
125, 127, 140, 141, 142, 143, 220, 224
144, 145, 148, 157, 158, 183, Kean, the younger . 7, 14, 15, 20, 23,
184, 207, 208, 212, 215, 216, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 44,
219, 224, 225, 229 45, 48, 59, 60, 72, 75, 79, 80, 86,
Charles, the younger .... 7, 16, 17, 21, 94, 97, 102, 103, 113, 116, 120,
24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 124, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140,
39, 45, 46, 48, 49, 54, 56, 57, 66, 141, 142, 211, 215, 220, 221,
72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 90, 95, 224, 225, 229, 231
96, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 113, Maeve......................... 204, 211, 214
114, 118, 125, 131, 142, 143, Margaret (nee Cookson) 30, 31, 150,
144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 208, 216
150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, Marian Emily (daughter of Frederick
156, 157, 158, 163, 164, 208, William)................................. 213
211, 213, 216, 219, 221, 225 Mary (daughter of Charles the elder)
Charlotte ........ See Trench: Charlotte ............................... 144, 215, 219
Charlotte (daughter of Charles the Mary (daughter of Charles the
younger). 132, 134, 208, 216, 217 younger)........... 17, 161, 208, 212
Charlotte (daughter of Charles Mary (nee Carmichael) 30, 103, 127,
William)......................... 217, 230 142, 143, 144, 208, 215, 216,
Cooper .......................................... 15 219, 225
Cormack ......................... 13, 14, 117 Mary (sister of Charles William) 173
Daniel ......................................... 150 Molly .See O’Hara: Mary (daughter
Dermot Charles........... 204, 206, 207 of Charles the elder)
Donagh ....................................... 117 Muriel (nee Henn) ..... 196, 197, 198,
Donal Frederick . 113, 182, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204,
198, 199, 206, 210, 211, 214 205, 206, 210, 213, 218
Oliver.......................................... 140
Olivia ...................................... 14, 35 Pastor Fido ..................................... 207
Patrick........................................... 59 Patrickson, William........................... 40
Richard Edward .......... 181, 209, 210 Patriotic Fire Office......................... 133
Richard Errill ...................... 180, 181 Perceval
Roger ............................................ 13 Alexander .. 160, 162, 217, 221, 228,
Rose (daughter of Charles William) 230, 232
............................................... 213 Ann............................................. 229
Rose (daughter of Frederick Anne ........................................... 180
William). 197, 201, 202, 203, 210 family ................................. 126, 160
Rose (nee Newman)... 26, 27, 28, 29, George .......................................... 26
34, 35, 44, 45, 71, 72, 75, 86, Jane............................................. 208
137, 207, 214, 220, 224 Lola ............................................ 181
Teige................. 13, 14, 58, 117, 214 Mary ..................................... 26, 224
Teige, the younger ........................ 14 Nora............................................ 191
Valentine.... 116, 142, 157, 183, 210, Spencer....................................... 163
214, 225 William............................... 113, 140
William, son of Charles the elder William (Rev)............................... 15
....................... 143, 144, 146, 148 William, (Rev).............................. 15
Winifrid (daughter of Kean the Perceval Estate ................................ 219
younger)........................... 29, 215 Percivale, E. .................................... 103
O’Hara Perry, Thomas and Son ..................... 84
Charles Kean .............................. 122 Peter Lawson and sons, Nurserymen
O’Hara Tontine.................................. 56 ......................................................... 134
O’Malley Irwin, George .................. 173 Peterson, A ...................................... 174
O’Nert, Cormack ............................... 35 Pettit, Garet ....................................... 28
O’Reilly, Edward............................. 232 Peyton
O’Reilly, Myles John....................... 232 John (Sir) ..13, 26, 27, 28, 35, 44, 45,
O’Rourke, Terlagh............................. 58 72
Offaly, County................................. 164 Rose (Lady) See O’Hara: Rose (nee
Office of the Inspector of Taxes ...... 122 Newman)
Oldworth, Richard ............................. 27 Phibbs and Phibbs (solicitors) ......... 106
Olpherts, J........................................ 107 Phibbs, Edith ................................... 204
Olpherts, Richard............................. 105 Phibbs, Harloe ................................. 123
Olpherts, William ............................ 176 Phibbs, Matthew.............................. 234
Ontario, Peterborough ..................... 161 Phibbs, Richard ................................. 60
Order of St John of Jerusalem ......... 235 Phibbs, Robert ................................. 233
Order, Thomas................................. 153 Phibbs, Thomas ........................... 17, 40
Orkney, Earl of ................................ 126 Phibbs, William............... 153, 162, 212
Ormonde family .............................. 236 Phibbs, William Harlow (Colonel).. 233
Ormsby, Coote................................... 14 Phibbs, William Henry...................... 55
Ormsby, George .............................. 156 Philadelphia Board School, Upper
Ormsby, Matthew .................... 139, 140 Hellesdon ........................................ 209
Ormsby, Robert ............................... 167 Philips, John ...................................... 54
Ormsby, William ............................... 39 Phillips, John ................................... 107
Owens, Samuel.................................. 36 Phillips, John L................................ 209
Oxford Down Sheep Breeders’ Phillips, Nicholas ............................ 137
Association ...................................... 112 Phipps, Samuel.................................. 56
Page, Samuel ................................... 162 Phoenix Assurance Company.......... 231
Palmer, Thomas................................. 59 Pims, Richard .................................. 181
Palmerston (Lord)............................ 212 Pitt, William .................................... 153
Palmerston, Viscount (3rd).See Temple, Plunket, William Conyngham ......... 152
Henry John Plunkett, Patrick ................................ 34
Parke, Charles.................................... 63 Plymley, Peter ................................. 241
Parke, Robert ..................................... 43 Pogson, Emily ........................... 50, 223
Parker, John ....................................... 71 Pogson, Graham Myers ................... 223
Parochial Committee for the United Pogson, Thomas .............................. 223
Parishes of Killoran ......................... 166 Poictius............................................ 232
Pasley ................................................ 50 Poor Law Boundary Commission ... 167
Pasley, John ..................... 18, 31, 32, 50 Poor Law Commissioners ......... 97, 166
Pasley, Thomas................................ 125 Poor Law Valuation .......................... 97
Population Act (1821) ..................... 170 Royal Agricultural College,
Powell and Co (estate agents).......... 231 Circencester............................. 206, 207
Powell, Edward ................................. 35 Royal Agricultural Improvement
Powell, George ............................ 19, 35 Society of Ireland ............................ 119
Powell, J. B...................................... 190 Royal Agricultural Society of Irealnd
Powell, Robert ................................... 35 ......................................................... 245
Pratt, Joseph..................................... 188 Royal Bank of Queensland.............. 206
Prendergast, Francis .......................... 57 Royal Dublin Society .............. 112, 238
Prince Edward Island....................... 152 Royal Exchange Assurance Company
Provident Life Office....................... 133 ................................................. 133, 134
Provincial Bank of Ireland....... 134, 175 Royal Irish Aid Fund....................... 193
Purdue, Edward ............................... 114 Royal Irish Constabulary......... 188, 189
Quail, James .................................... 169 Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation .. 190,
Quin, John ......................................... 63 191
Quin, Timothy ................................. 168 Runnian, Patrick.............................. 222
Quinn, B. (parish priest (Lavagh).... 110 Rush, William ................................. 139
Quinn, Maurice.................................. 59 Russell, Mr ...................................... 102
Quinn, Thomas ................................ 109 Ruston and Hornsby Ltd ................. 180
RAF ......................................... 200, 201 Ruthin School.................................. 171
Ram, Abell......................................... 45 Rutledge, Daniel.............................. 104
Ram, Andrew................................... 207 Rutledge, Davit ............................... 108
Ratchford, Mr .................................. 103 Rutledge, George............................. 120
Reid, John........................................ 114 Rutledge, Gorman ............................. 60
Relief Committee for Lower Leyney Ruttle, George ................................... 35
......................................................... 167 Ryan, Denis Humphreys ................... 73
Remnant, Frederick William ....... 57, 58 Ryan, Mary........................................ 73
Repeal Association .......................... 234 Ryan, Michael ................................... 73
Representative body of the Church of Ryukyu Islands................................ 162
Ireland.............................................. 179 Sandford, Joseph ............................... 19
Reynolds Sandhurst College ........................... 180
Francis .......................................... 18 Santry, Richard ‘Lord Baron of......... 44
James ............................................ 18 Saunders, Anderson........................... 14
John .............................................. 18 Savage
Mary ............................................. 18 Estate .............................. 51, 52, 126
Reynolds, Francis ...................... 31, 223 Richard ......................................... 39
Reynolds, Henry.............................. 185 Robert (Reverend) ...... 19, 36, 51, 54
Rice, Thomas................................... 126 Scarlett, Bill..................................... 183
Richardson, Edward .......................... 29 Scarlett, Henry................................. 181
Ridge, James.................................... 149 Scarlett, J W .................................... 209
Ridge, John...................................... 149 Scarrett, Richard................................ 71
Ridley, Sir Matthew White................ 56 Scott, Francis J. ................................. 32
Riga ................................................. 198 Scott, James....................................... 71
Robbins, Joseph................................. 37 Scott, William ....... 20, 71, 73, 215, 218
Robinson, Henry................................ 90 Shadwell, Charles.............................. 50
Robinson, Mr..................................... 31 Shakespeare..................................... 233
Robinson, Richard ........................... 142 Shamrock Club................................ 194
Rocke, John ..................................... 157 Sharp, Lyolin................................... 232
Rockingham (Lady) ......................... 235 Sharpe, Henry............................ 72, 131
Rogers, Patrick ................................ 192 Shelley, John Nichols........................ 57
Roscommon, County .. 19, 54, 126, 156, Shepheard, Wallwyn ......................... 56
222 Shepheard, William........................... 31
Ashford ....................................... 148 Sheridan, Thomas............................ 207
Ballyfarnon ................................. 156 Shiffner, G C (Reverend) ................ 235
Errott............................................. 19 Shiffner, George Croxton (Baronet) 218
Ross Murray & Co, Engineers......... 131 Shorthorn [Cattle] Society of Great
Ross, J.............................................. 181 Britain.............................................. 112
Rothery, Nathaniel............................. 72 Sierra Leone .................................... 150
Rowan, Robert................................... 29 Silliers, David.................................... 54
Rowlette and McMullen .................. 134 Sim, Alexander................................ 169
Sim, Allison .................................... 110
Simmons, John .................................. 54 Caarowncarrick ............................ 99
Simon, Pat (tenant) .......................... 111 Cabragh ........................................ 55
Simpson, James ........................... 33, 54 Caragauneen ............................... 100
Simpson, Lancy ................................. 14 Caraunacleighy........................... 100
Simpson, William............................ 161 Carbury......................... 35, 176, 232
Sinn Fein ......................................... 189 Carhownagh ................................. 24
Sligo Agricultural Society ....... 119, 183 Carneely ....................................... 15
Sligo and Thurles Poor Law Unions 166 Carraghankieran ........................... 60
Sligo Battalion of Militia................. 158 Carrigenemalone .......................... 15
Sligo Board of Conservators............ 204 Carrowgavneen............... 62, 96, 100
Sligo Champion ............................... 205 Carrowkeale ........................... 15, 17
Sligo Constitutional Club ................ 204 Carrowleny ............................. 16, 61
Sligo Dispensary.............................. 166 Carrowmacarrick .......................... 95
Sligo Grand Jury...... 153, 170, 176, 186 Carrowmore. 14, 20, 58, 59, 99, 104,
Sligo Militia..................... 156, 167, 168 109, 169, 170
Sligo Poor Law Union ..................... 166 National School ..................... 109
Sligo Protestant Association............ 165 Carrowmullen............................... 31
Sligo Recruiting Committee ............ 191 Carrowmurray ............................ 101
Sligo, County 19, 22, 23, 24, 30, 74, 75, Carrownabanny .......................... 101
76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 95, 97, 116, 117 Carrownacliagh .......................... 224
Abbeytown ................................... 17 Carrownaganaghar........................ 99
Achonry .................................. 28, 41 Carrownageeragh ......................... 96
Annachmore ....... See Sligo, County: Carrownaleca.............................. 100
Annaghmore Carrowncarrick............................. 60
Annaghbeg... 23, 32, 76, 84, 99, 176, Carrownecrivy............................ 211
219 Carrownegeeragh ................... 61, 66
Annaghmore .... 7, 13, 22, 42, 58, 78, Carrownegrevagh ......................... 16
80, 84, 85, 88, 90, 91, 94, 97, 99, Carrownmacarrick ........................ 99
100, 101, 104, 106, 110, 113, Carrowreagh ............................... 103
116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, Carrowreale ................ 15, 23, 24, 62
127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, Cartron.......................................... 17
135, 138, 141, 144, 148, 160, Castleliney.................................... 33
170, 171, 175, 181, 184, 194, Castlemanor.................................. 15
203, 214, 218, 220, 229 Catron........................................... 40
Ardcree ..................... 27, 98, 99, 150 Clara ......See Sligo, County: Claragh
Ardnaglass .................................. 222 Claragh ...8, 32, 60, 96, 99, 100, 101,
Ardree............................... 61, 63, 96 108, 179, 185
Corn Mill.................................. 61 Cloghoge .................................... 100
Assaden, manor of ........................ 13 Clonamahon ................................. 55
Ballinabull 33, 52, 53, 55, 56, 98, 99, Clonbaniff..................................... 59
111 Clonkeary ..................................... 15
Ballinacarne................ 15, 23, 24, 62 Cloonacarrow ............................... 99
Ballintrahare ................................. 17 Cloonacurragh 15, 16, 18, 19, 24, 49,
Ballinvally .............................. 29, 55 59, 63, 65, 67, 81, 95, 96, 99,
Ballisodare. 41, 51, 90, 97, 100, 101, 100, 101, 104, 106, 118
105, 117, 189, 211, 223 Cloonamahon ................... 54, 55, 99
Ballycummin ................................ 39 Cloonbaniffe....... 14, 60, 62, 66, 100
Ballyduff..................................... 103 Cloondalrare ................................. 62
Ballymurray.................................. 15 Cloondrihara................................. 66
Bana[?]ed...................................... 17 Cloonmore.................................. 223
Bannamussen................................ 15 Cohailly ............................ 15, 23, 24
Beghey.................................. 54, 101 Colooney .............See Sligo, County:
Belavady ..................................... 100 Coolaney
Billa ... 17, 18, 20, 25, 32, 33, 34, 50, Coohaley ...................................... 62
54, 101, 106, 107, 118 Coolaney ..13, 14, 15, 17, 34, 40, 49,
Billy ............See Sligo, County: Billa 54, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 76, 95, 96,
Bloomfield.................................. 230 98, 100, 101, 105, 106, 107, 110,
Boho ........................................... 109 111, 113, 116, 131, 165, 166,
Bolahy .......................................... 27 168, 169, 176, 186, 187, 206
Bunowen....................................... 17 Bleach Mill .............................. 65
Castle Manor............................ 36 Knockadoe.................................... 58
Corn Mill.................................. 66 Knockanna.................................... 59
Linen Mill ................................ 65 Knockdoo ............See Sligo, County:
Coolaney castle............................. 15 Knockadoe
Coolanny....................................... 14 Knockdorra................................... 58
Coolanny Castle............................ 13 Knockly ...................................... 223
CoolanySee Sligo, County: Coolaney Knockmullen . 17, 24, 33, 40, 53, 56,
Coolavin ............................. 166, 176 98, 99, 124
Cooper’s Hill .............................. 160 Knocknarea................................... 52
Corhaunnagh................................. 60 Lachoyle ....................................... 61
Corhawnegh.................................. 15 Laghta............. 14, 35, 53, 60, 61, 99
Corhownagh ........................... 23, 24 Laragor ....................................... 110
Corkagh ...................................... 100 Larga ............................................ 62
Corran................................. 151, 176 Largan .......................................... 96
Corray..................................... 15, 59 Larkhill......................................... 53
Corroghiron .................................. 60 National School ............... 53, 188
Creebane ....................................... 62 Lavally.......................................... 39
Crockacullion ............................. 101 Learga......................... 23, 27, 59, 66
Crofton Estate......................... 31, 50 Legavarry ....................... 62, 63, 109
Cuivan ........................................ 101 Legnadiefy.................................... 63
Cultibar ........................... 62, 90, 160 Lehenag ........................................ 15
Cultychiny .................................... 99 Leighcarrowhowagh..................... 53
Curhawnagh.................................. 62 Leyney13, 15, 19, 23, 24, 54, 61, 62,
Derinch ....................................... 101 74, 75, 97, 102, 108, 120, 139,
Drumdereigh and Cashell 15, 23, 24, 151, 167, 170, 176, 211
62 Leyny.......See Sligo, County: Leyney
Drumderrig ..........See Sligo, County: Lisalough.................................... 101
Drumderrig and Cashell Lisbrislane .................................. 101
Earlesfield................................... 118 Lisduff ........ 18, 32, 63, 76, 109, 121
East Glan ...................................... 99 Lismackbryne ............................... 17
Edernine........................................ 15 Lisnafahy.................... 16, 23, 35, 59
Excise office ............................... 169 Lisnagore.................................... 101
Finlogh14, 35, 53, 60, 61, 75, 96, 99, Lisnifasher.................................... 59
100 Lissaneena .................................... 40
Finlough. See Sligo, County: Finlogh Lissanenagh.................................. 99
Glan ...................... 62, 100, 104, 113 Loghanacranoge ........................... 17
Gortadrasa................................... 101 Longhill ........................................ 31
Gortakeeran .............. 25, 61, 95, 100 Lugaduffy ..................................... 32
Gortnadrass................................... 62 Lugavarry ..................................... 32
Kennygrelly .................................. 54 Lugawarry .................................. 116
Killadoene..................................... 15 Lugnadeffa ................. 109, 117, 188
Killala ........................................... 40 National School ..................... 188
Killaraght.................................... 170 Lugnaduffy ................................... 18
Killasser.................................. 24, 98 Markree ...................................... 232
Killbrattan..................................... 15 Meemlough..........See Sligo, County:
Killoran.... 14, 16, 19, 23, 27, 28, 35, Mymlough
40, 41, 66, 77, 95, 96, 98, 99, Moyush....................................... 101
100, 108, 148, 166, 172, 214, Muckelty .................................... 101
220, 222 Mymlough 14, 19, 51, 52, 54, 98, 99,
Killvarnet.............See Sligo, County: 126
Kilvarnet Nymphsfield .. 21, 24, 61, 84, 90, 95,
Kilmacteige................................. 100 96, 99, 116, 120, 121, 130, 131,
Kilmakoween.............................. 100 133, 147
Kilmorgan................................... 223 Old Market House ...................... 112
Kilvarnet 15, 16, 24, 28, 60, 62, 109, Owenmore River .......................... 92
166, 224 Rabarren ....................................... 16
Kinagreely .......... See Sligo, County: Rahosey ............................ 65, 98, 99
Kinnagrelly Ranaghan...................... 99, 100, 223
Kinnagrelly .... 14, 19, 20, 51, 52, 53, Ranaghanmore........................ 65, 99
126 Rashine......................................... 15
Rathbarron ...................... 61, 99, 100 SS Bengore Head..................... 197, 198
Rathbarrow ................................. 214 SS Melmore Head............................ 197
Rathgran ........................... 62, 63, 65 SS Torr Head........................... 197, 198
Rathmore ..... 18, 25, 50, 51, 65, 108, St Genroie Richard (Sir).................. 237
113 St John Ambulance Brigade ............ 184
Rathnarrow .... 18, 25, 31, 39, 58, 61, St. George (Lord) ............................ 231
64, 95, 98, 99, 100 St. Laurence, James..................... 18, 25
Rathosey ....... 60, 64, 66, 67, 96, 117 St. Leger, Noblett ............................ 166
Ravarron ....................................... 16 St. Leger, Sir John............................. 22
Riverstown.......................... 123, 131 Stanton, John ............................... 20, 25
Sandyhill....................................... 68 Sterling, Robert ................................. 61
Scotch Claragh.............................. 60 Sterne, William ................................. 41
Seevness ....................................... 61 Stewart, George............................... 189
Sessuecommon ............................. 55 Stewart, Isaac .................................. 105
Shancough ................ 15, 25, 33, 101 Stirling, Luke..................................... 35
Shanganagh................................... 96 Stokes Bros. & Pim (accountants)... 205
Shangough .................................... 62 Stokes, George54, 59, 61, 121, 150, 163
Shanmullagh ................................. 15 Stokes, George J.............................. 182
Sligo Harbour ............................. 170 Stokes, Thomas ................................. 18
South........................................... 100 Stone, Doak and Company (stock
Streedagh .................................... 149 brokers) ........................................... 205
Tanrego....................................... 101 Straubenzee family.......................... 125
Tawnavoultry.............................. 101 Straubenzie, Henrietta Maria........... 222
Templehouse120, 126, 135, 160, 222 Streatfeild
Thady............................................ 14 Anne Charlotte ........................... 226
Tireragh ...................................... 176 Catherine .................................... 208
Tirerill................................. 151, 176 Estate .......................... 228, 229, 231
Tirreragh ..................................... 176 Richard ....................... 181, 209, 231
Tobercurry ...... 20, 52, 111, 186, 193 Richard James ... 213, 214, 228, 229,
Tullaghan................................ 20, 61 230, 231
Tullaghra....................................... 15 Richard Shuttleworth.......... 172, 217
Tullybegg...................................... 15 S (Miss) ...................................... 229
Tyreragh ................................. 38, 54 Stuart, Andrew Godfrey .. 18, 25, 50, 51
workhouse................................... 166 Sturges, Samuel................................. 18
Sligo, County (Cooper Estate) Suffolk
Knockinagrough ......................... 123 Kisgrove ..................................... 223
Sligo, County Agricultural Society . 204 Sullivan, John (Income tax agent)... 122
Sligo, County Board of Poor Law Sullivan, William ............................ 113
Guardians ........................................ 166 Sun Fire Office (assurance company)
Smith Furlong, John .................... 17, 23 ......................................................... 133
Smith, Anne....................................... 40 Sussex.............................................. 231
Smith, George.......................... 111, 185 Uckfield...................................... 172
Smith, J (Bank of Ireland agent)...... 109 Swann, Richard ................................. 71
Smith, James................................ 29, 33 Sweden ............................................ 197
Smith, John...................... 17, 23, 29, 83 Sweeny, Daniel ................................. 62
Smith, John Chaloner ........................ 40 Symonds, Richard ............................. 27
Smith, Jonathan ............................... 107 Syria ................................................ 201
Smith, William ................................ 138 Tabuteau, Bartholomew .................. 161
Smith, William (Rt Hon) ................... 71 Taylor, Alfred Edwin ........................ 73
Smyth, Edward ................................ 108 Taylor, J C....................................... 109
Smyth, James..................................... 37 Taylor, Mary ............................... 21, 25
Solomon, Benjamin Nehemiah........ 246 Taylor, T.E. ..................................... 173
Southern Irish Loyalist Relief Teely, Richard ................................... 98
Association ...................................... 193 Teige, Charles ............................. 61, 64
Southern Unionist Committee ......... 190 Telford, David ................................... 74
Southwell (Lady)............................. 215 Temple, Henry John ................ 152, 161
Southwell (Lord) ............................. 216 Temple, The Right Honourable George
Spalpeen Labourers ........................... 83 Grenville Nugent............................... 30
Spinney’s Ltd .................................. 204 Tennison, Richard ........................... 138
Sproule, John ................................... 162
Territorial and Reserve Forces bill Usher, Sir William ............................ 26
(1907) .............................................. 186 Van Straubenzee, Thomas............... 125
Texas ............................................... 161 Vass, Archibald ................................. 34
The Cup of O’Hara......................... 211 Venables, Anne ............................... 208
The Golden Pippin................... 207, 235 Verschoyle Estate.............................. 52
The Graphic..................................... 237 Vesey, George ................................... 36
The Morning Call of the Swiss Pastors Vickers, Jeremiah.............................. 26
......................................................... 208 Victoria, Queen ............................... 162
The Queen ....................................... 245 Vincent, Carter (solicitor) ................. 42
The Wreath ...................................... 208 Waddington, Henry ................. 125, 216
Thomas Dockrell Sons Ltd (solicitors) Walker, family................................... 39
......................................................... 115 Walker, George ............................... 144
Thomas, Fred................................... 235 Walker, John F ................................ 175
Thomas, William ............................... 73 Walker, Joseph ................................ 106
Thompson (Miss) .............................. 22 Walker, William................................ 44
Thompson Estate ............................. 107 Wall, Luke....................................... 103
Thompson, Elizabeth......................... 55 Walsh, Charles .................................. 37
Thompson, Meredith ................. 55, 105 Walsh, J. W . ..................................... 33
Thompson, Phillip ........................... 123 Walsh, John E.................................. 190
Thompson, William................... 55, 102 Walsh, Mary.................................... 151
Thomson, H. .................................... 151 Walsh, Paul ..................................... 151
Throckmorton, Sir John................... 241 Walter, Edward ............................... 139
Thrustout, John.................................. 38 Ward, Peter........................................ 72
Timoney, P ...................................... 182 Ware, Henry ...................................... 44
Tinion, Thady .................................... 32 Ware, James (Sir) ............................ 143
Tipperary, County ........................... 219 Ware, Robert ..................................... 27
Thomastown ............................... 225 Warnock, Alan M............................ 205
Tobercurry Rural District Council.... 20, Warren, Sergeant Richard ................. 33
111 Waterford and Limerick Railway
Tom Thumb...................................... 207 Company ........................................... 20
Toole, W. P...................................... 199 Waterhouse, George .......................... 26
Toole, William................................... 54 Waters, Thomas............................... 108
Townsend, J. L. ................................. 49 Watt, A.H. (Major).......................... 185
Trahon, J.......................................... 183 Webber, Daniel ......................... 38, 163
Traill, Henry .................................... 224 Webber, Daniel Webb ..................... 163
Trawley (Lord) ................................ 215 Weld, William ................................. 224
treason ............................................... 43 Wellington (Duke of) ..... See Wellesley,
Trench Arthur
Charlotte ............... 38, 148, 150, 221 Wentworth, Lord Deputy of Ireland.. 47
family.......................................... 148 West of Ireland Brick and Tile
Frederick Eyre ...... 24, 148, 150, 221 Company ......................................... 110
Henry .......................................... 180 West Yorkshire Militia.................... 174
Trench, Frederick Eyre...................... 23 Westmeath, County
Trench, Power ................................. 161 Mullingar.................................... 185
Trench, Robert................................. 126 Westmoreland ................................. 146
Trinity College, Dublin ................... 158 Westmoreland, Earl of....................... 48
Trumble, Thomas ........................ 43, 62 Westmoreland, Lord.......................... 49
Turner, Hatton ................................... 57 Wexford, County
Turner, John....................................... 57 Duffery Hall ............................... 231
Turner, Thomas ............................... 161 Whiteside, Thomas............................ 18
Tweedy, John Johnstone. See McMahon Whitestone, Robert............................ 73
and Tweedy (solicitors) Wickman, Percy ................................ 56
Tyler, James....................................... 66 William Abbatt and Co ................... 183
Tyler, Robert ..................................... 66 William II ........................................ 139
Tynan, Andrew........................ 150, 223 William, B ......................................... 38
Tyrawley, Baron (2nd) .................... 142 Williams, Arthur ............................. 114
Tyrconnell, Lord.............................. 139 Williams, B C (solicitors).................. 38
Union Assurance Society Ltd .......... 134 Williams, Bigoe Charles ................... 56
Unionist Anti-Partition League ....... 190 Williams, James ................................ 66
United Irish League ......................... 190 Williams, Richard ....................... 23, 25
Williams, Shepheard.......................... 49 Working Men’s Club........... 74, 80, 115
Williams, Thomas ............................. 23 Wormald, John ................................ 215
Willis, Gilbert de L.......................... 189 Wright, Henry ................................... 61
Willson, Henry .................................. 28 Wright, John...................................... 37
Wilson, Daniel................................. 245 Wroker, Luca (?) ............................... 27
Wilson, Ellen ................................... 182 Wynne Estate .............................. 19, 55
Wilson, Francis.................................. 57 Wynne, Charles ................................. 72
Winewiser, Frederick ........................ 74 Wynne, family................................. 164
Wingfield, Edward ............ 35, 140, 163 Wynne, John.............................. 40, 115
Wingfield, Robert...................... 71, 137 Wynne, John Arthur (Rt Hon)......... 226
Winn, John....................................... 193 Wynne, Mary................................... 222
Wise, Frank ..................................... 185 Wynne, Owen.................. 150, 153, 164
Wolfe, Arthur .................................... 48 Wynne, Richard Beavere................. 230
Wood Yeates, Isaac...................................... 74
Elizabeth ..................................... 215 York ................................................ 125
Wood, James ................................... 107 Yorkshire................................. 125, 146
Wood, John........................................ 65 Spennithorne............................... 222
Wood, William Shelleys.................... 58 Yorkshire and Lancashire Regiment186
Woodtown ......................................... 55 Yorkshire Insurance Company 133, 134
Woodward, Godfrey .......................... 27 Young, John .................................... 225
Wordsworth, Jonas ............................ 72 Younger, John David Bingham ....... 214