DBT Diary Card Adult Green
DBT Diary Card Adult Green
DBT Diary Card Adult Green
Targets Emotions
Urge Action 0-5 0-5 Urge Action Urge Action Urge Action Urge Action 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5
SUICIDAL IDEATION: 0 = No thoughts 1 = Fleeting thoughts 2 = More intense 3 = Very Intense 4 = Developing specific plan 5 = Acting on plan
INTENSITY: 0 = Not at all 1 = A bit 2 = Somewhat 3 = Rather Strong 4 = VERY Strong 5 = EXTREMELY STRONG
How often did you fill in your diary card? _____ DAILY ______ 2 / 3 X’S WK ______ 1X WK Urge to quit therapy? _______
Times needed to use telephone consultation? _______ Times did use telephone consultation? ______
DBT Skills UseD
Fill in the number for the degree to which you used the skill.
1. Realized afterwards that I should have used skill.
2. Thought about skill but chose not to use it.
3. Realized afterwards that I did use skill effectively.
4. Mindfully tried to use skill but wasn’t effective.
5. Mindfully used skill effectively.
Wise Mind: Accessed wisdom. Know truth. Be centered and calm. Balanced Emotional Mind and Reasonable Mind. Meditate.
Observe: Just notice the experience. “Teflon mind.” Control your attention. Smell the roses. Experience what is happening.
Core Mindfulness
Describe: Put experiences into words. Describe to yourself what is happening. Put words on the experience.
Participate: Enter into the experience. Act intuitively from wise mind. Practice changing the harmful and accepting yourself.
Nonjudgmental stance: See but don’t evaluate. Unglue your opinions. Accept each moment.
One-mindfully: Be in-the-moment. Do one thing at a time. Let go of distractions. Concentrate your mind on the task at hand.
Effectiveness: Focus on what works. Learn the rules. Play by the rules. Act skillfully. Let go of vengeance and useless anger.
Objective effectiveness: DEAR MAN: Describe. Express. Assert. Reinforce. Mindful. Appear confident. Negotiate.
Interpersonal Eff.
Acquire positives in the short term: Doing pleasurable things that you can do now.
Acquire positives in the long term: Making choices that match morals and values.
Build mastery: Try to do one (hard or challenging) thing a day to make yourself feel competent and in control.
Cope ahead: Imagine how you would skillfully cope with a situation before you are in it.
PLEASE: Reduce vulnerability, treat: Physical illness, balance Eating. Avoid drugs, balance Sleep. Exercise daily.
Letting go of emotional suffering: Attending to emotional experiences.
Managing extreme emotions: Crisis survival skills, mindfulness of current emotions, apply emotion regulation skills.
Troubleshooting emotion regulation: Steps to follow when changing your emotion doesn’t work.
TIPP: Temperature. Intense exercise. Progressive muscle relaxation. Paced breathing.
Distract: Wise Mind ACCEPTS Activities. Contributing. Comparisons. Emotions. Pushing away. Thoughts. Sensations.
Self-soothe with the 5 senses. Enjoy sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch. Be mindful of soothing sensations.
IMPROVE the moment: Imagery. Meaning. Prayer. Relaxation. One thing in the moment. Vacation. Encouragement.
Distress Tolerance
Pros and cons: think about the +/- aspects of tolerating distress and the +/- aspects of not tolerating distress (engaging in impulsive behavior)
Observing your breath: Breathing to center yourself.
Half-smile: If you can’t change your feelings, change your face. Create posture of acceptance, willingness, and openness to experience.
Awareness exercises: Focus attention on allowing yourself to tolerate distress.
Radical acceptance: Choose to recognize and accept reality. Freedom from suffering = acceptance of facts from deep within / not approval.
Turning the mind: Choosing over and over again to accept even though emotion mind wants to reject reality.
Willingness: Doing what is needed in each situation.
Validate yourself