Unit 2A: Vocabulary List - American English File 3B (Second Edition) 4204

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This list is to be used just as a reference to review vocabulary. It is highly recommended to
check the book to have a thorough analysis of all lexical contents.
v = Verb adj = Adjective exp = Expression/Collocation
n = Noun adv = adverb prep = Preposition

Word Definition Examples
be worth something To have a value in money. One of the pictures is worth $200,000.
Be worth + Gerund (exp) Used to say that something is The film is well worth seeing.
interesting, useful, or helpful.

Used to say that someone It’s worth checking the details of the
should do something because contract before you sign it.
they will gain something from it.
Borrow (v) To use something that belongs Can I borrow your textbook for a minute?
to someone else and that you
must give back to them later.
Can/could afford (exp) To have enough money to buy How can he afford to eat out every evening?
or pay for something.
Charge (v) To ask someone to pay a She was charged $70,000 for a leather belt.
particular amount of money for
Inherit (v) To receive money, property Pam inherited a fortune from her grandmother.
etc. from someone after they
have died.
Owe (v) To need to pay someone for I still owe you for the taxi.
something that they have done
for you or sold to you, or to need
to give someone back money that
they have lent you.
Raise (money) (v) To collect money that you can They are raising funds to help needy teenagers.
use to do a particular job or help
Waste (v) To use more money, time, Don’t waste your money on that low-quality
energy etc. than is useful or radio.
Put aside (v) To hold something in reserve You should start putting aside some money
for some purpose; To save. for your wedding.
In cash (exp) money in the form of coins or The shop charges less if the customer pays
notes rather than checks, credit in cash.
cards etc.
Real estate (n) Property in the form of land There’s been a fall in the value of real estate.
or houses.
ATM / Cash Automated teller machine This bank doesn’t charge the customers for
machine (n) using its ATMs.

Bill (n) A written list showing how The bill for the repairs came to $650.
much you have to pay for
services you have received,
work that has been done or
food you have eaten.
Coin (n) A piece of metal, usually flat I used to collect coins when was a child.
and round, that is used as
Loan (n) An amount of money that you It’ll be years before we’ve paid off the loan.
borrow from a bank.
Mortgage (n) A legal arrangement by which We’ve taken a 30-year mortgage.
you borrow money from a
bank or similar organization
in order to buy a house, and
pay back the money over a
period of years.
Live off (v) To get your income or food Dad lost his job and we had to live off
from a supply of money or welfare.
from another person.
Live on (v) To have a particular amount I don’t know who they manage to live on
of money to buy food and $600 a month.
other necessary things.
Spender (n) Someone who spends The most important spenders are clients
money. who most frequently use state-of-the-art
Saver (n) Someone who saves money Mutual funds have been attractive to small
(in a bank). savers.
Hopefully (adv) A way of saying what you hope Hopefully, I’ll be back home by ten o’clock.
will happen, which some people
think is incorrect.
Figure out (v) To think about a problem or Can you figure out how to fix the
situation until you find the answer equipment?
or understand what has
Argue (v) To disagree with someone in We can hear the neighbors arguing every
words, often in an angry way. night.

To state, giving clear reasons, It could be argued that building a hospital in

that something is true, should this area might improve the quality of life.
be done, etc.
Bargain (n) Something you buy cheaply or There are no bargains in the clothes shops
for less than its usual price. at the moment.
Wallet (n) A small flat case, often made He took a credit card out of his wallet.
of leather, that you carry in
your pocket, for holding
paper money, bank cards,

Save (v) To keep money in a bank so He managed to save enough to buy a small
that you can use it later, house.
especially when you
gradually add more money
over a period of time.
Straight (adv) Immediately, without delay, I’ve got a meeting straight after lunch.
or without doing anything
else first.
Installment (n) One of a series of regular Some customers prefer to pay by
payments that are made until installments.
all of an agreed amount has
been paid.
Cheap (adj) Not liking to spend money. She’s too cheap to take a taxi to go home.

Word Definition Examples
Lorry (n) (BrE) A large, heavy motor We thought the road was being shaken by
vehicle for transporting goods or a heavy lorry, but then my uncle said it was
troops; a truck. an earthquake.

Break down(v) If a machine or vehicle breaks Our car broke down and we had to push it
down, it stops working. off the road.
Headmaster/Pri The head of a school, college, Low-performing schools need better
ncipal (n) or other educational institution. principals.
Improve (v) To (cause something to) get Iand teachers.
thought the best way to improve my
better. French was to live in France.
Café (n) A small restaurant selling light There's a little café on the corner that
meals and drinks. serves very good coffee.
Gadget (n) A small device or machine with Have you seen this handy little gadget - it's
a particular purpose. for separating egg yolks from whites.
Raise (money) To get money together for a It is hoped that the event will raise £50,000.
(v) purpose, especially for charity.
Kayak (v) To travel in or use a kayak. He's found inspiration while kayaking on
the ocean.
Boiling (adj) Very hot. We don't usually have such boiling hot
Paddle (n) A short pole with a wide, flat There were four paddles inside the canoe,
part at one end or both ends, and the four soldiers each took one.
used for moving a small boat or
canoe through the water.

Halfway (adv) In the middle of something, or at New York City is halfway between Boston
a place that is equally far from and Washington, DC.
two other places.
Drive sb crazy To make someone upset or We love our two-year-old, but sometimes
(exp) annoyed. she drives us crazy.

Wildlife (n) Wild animals collectively; the You can watch the wildlife in the Amazon.
native fauna (and sometimes It´s astonishing!
flora) of a region.
Host (n) 1. The presenter of a television The most famous Chilean Tv host is Don
or radio program. Francisco.
2. A person, place, or
organization that holds an event
to which others are invited.
Sponsor (v) To support a person, We're trying to find companies to sponsor
organization, or activity by us.
giving money, encouragement,
or other help.
Rainforest (n) A dense forest rich in The Brazilian government is absolutely
biodiversity, found typically in committed to protecting their rainforest.
tropical areas with consistently
heavy rainfall.
Infested (adj) Being in a problem by having a The street was infested with rats.
large number of animals or
Current (n) A body of water or air moving in Many huge currents of water move through
a definite direction, especially the oceans often helped by the winds.
through a surrounding body of
water or air in which there is
less movement.
Straight (adj) Continuing in one direction The dog seemed to be coming straight
without bending or curving. at/for me.
Melted (adj) Having turned soft or into a I love melted chocolate.
Blisters (n) A small bubble on the skin filled Her lips were covered with blisters.
with serum and caused by
friction, burning, or other damage.

Bandage (v) To tie a bandage (a long, narrow You must bandage that cut.
piece of cloth) around an injury or
part of someone's body.

Heat (n) Hot weather conditions. The oppressive heat was making both men
Exhaustion (n) The state of being absolutely He worked to the point of complete
tired. exhaustion.
Charity (n) An organization that gives money, Several charities sent aid to the flood
goods, or help to people who victims.
are poor, sick, etc.

Word Definition Examples
Remind someone To make someone remember That song always reminds me of our first
of (exp) someone that they know or date.
something that happened in
the past.
Inhabit (v) To live in a particular area or The woods are inhabited by many wild
place. animals.
Currently (adv) At the present time. He is currently working on his second novel.
Servant (n) Someone, especially in the past, Many young people became domestic
who was paid to clean someone’s servants.
house, cook for them, answer the
door, etc. and who often lived in
the house.
Success (n) When you achieve what you The experiment was a big success.
want or intend.
Shoot (a film) (v) To take photographs or make They will shoot the film in New Zealand.
a film of something.
Wound (v) To injure someone with a Gunmen wounded 5 people in an attack
knife, gun, etc. today.
Tomb (n) A stone structure above or They buried their mother in a family tomb.
below the ground where a
dead person is buried.
Alley (n) A narrow street between or The alley led to the railway bridge.
behind buildings, not usually
used by cars.
Chase (after) (v) To quickly follow someone or The dogs saw the thief running and chased
something in order to catch them. him.

Remaining (adj) The remaining people or things Add the remaining ingredients and cook the
are those that are left when the chicken for 30 minutes.
others have gone, been used,
or been dealt with.
Revival (adj) A process in which The authorities have expectations of economic
something becomes active or revival.
strong again.
Seize (v) To take hold of something Suddenly, he seized my hand.
suddenly and violently.
(the) Homeless (n) People who have nowhere to live, We distribute food and blankets to the
and who often live on the streets. homeless on the streets.
Disadvantaged Having social problems, such as a There are lots of disadvantaged areas in
(adj) lack of money or education, which the city.
make it difficult for you to
Prebooked (adj) Reserved in advanced. You need to have a prebooked hotel
Plot (n) The events that form the main The plot was a little confusing and the
story of a book, film, or play. acting left a lot to desire.

Script (n) The written form of a speech, He writes all the scripts for his movies.
play, film, etc.
Cast (n) All the people who perform in The entire cast of the movie got paid
a play, film, etc. millions of dollars.
Dub (v) To change the original spoken I saw a British film dubbed into French.
language of a film or television
program into another language.

Thriller (n) A book or film that tells an Psycho is Hitchcock's greatest psychological
exciting story about murder thriller.
or crime.
Scary (adj) Frightening. The film is both scary and funny.
Review (n) An article or opinion in a The paper published a favorable review of
newspaper or magazine that Tom Cruise’s latest movie.
gives an opinion about a new
book, play, film, etc.
Sequel (n) A book, film, play, etc. that She is writing a sequel to her first book.
continues the story of an
earlier one, usually written or
made by the same person.
Soundtrack The recorded music from a Can we have the movie soundtrack on a DVD?
Be set (v) If a film, play, story, etc. is set Her new novel is set in Spain.
in a particular place or period,
the action takes place there
or then.
Own (v) To have something which Many more people now own their own
belongs to you, especially homes.
because you have bought it,
been given it, etc. and it is
legally yours.

Due to (prep) Because of something. She has been absent from work due to

Available (adj) Something that is available is Tickets are available from the box office.
able to be used or can easily
be bought or found.

Someone who is available is Collins was not available for a meeting on

not busy and has enough Thursday night.
time to talk to you.

Word Definition Examples
Behave (v) To act in a particular way. She always behaves well/badly when her
aunts come to visit.
Choirmaster (n) The director of a choir (an His skill was so great that they wished to make
organized company of singers). him official choirmaster of the Cathedral.

Turn into (v) To cause to become (a Every single good child’s book has been
particular kind of thing or turned into a Disney movie.
person); transform into.
Accomplished With a lot of skills. He was accomplished in all the arts.
(adj) on (v)
Take To begin to perform or deal with Everybody will take on new responsibilities
something. this year.
Quarter (n) A school term of about 12 I promise I will get better grades next
weeks (3 months). quarter.
Do well (v) To be successful, especially in He’s doing very well at college.
work or business.
Aim (n) A clearly directed intent or Our aim is to win the competition.
Housework (n) The work involved in taking care I hate doing the housework if I don´t have
of a home and family, for enough time to clean properly.
example cleaning and cooking.
Delighted (adj) Very pleased, happy or Pat was delighted with her new house.
Hug (n) An act of putting your arms She gave her mother a big hug.
around somebody and holding
them tightly, especially to show
that you like or love them.
Wonder (v) To ask yourself questions or Shouldn't you phone home? Your parents will be
express a wish to know about wondering where you are.
Prodigy (n) A young person who is Mozart was an infant prodigy, composing
unusually intelligent or skillful for music at the age of four.
their age.
Hymn (n) A song of praise (glorification) to The service began with a touching hymn.
God, a country, etc.
Forbidden (adj) Not allowed, especially by law. Smoking is forbidden in the movie theater.
Outstanding Clearly very much better than It's an area of outstanding natural beauty.
(adj) what is usual.
Excel in sth (v) To be extremely good at Rebecca always excelled in languages at
something. school.
Rebel (v) To refuse to obey rules or If you are too strict with teenagers, they often
people in authority. rebel.

Give up (v) To stop doing a regular activity He's given up driving since his illness.
or job.
Take up (v) To begin to do something. I’m not very good at golf – I only took it up
Shocked (adj) Feeling very upset or surprised. He was shocked to discover that he had no
money left in his account.
Resent (v) To feel angry because you have He resents having to explain his work to
been forced to accept someone other people.
or something that you do not
Bring up (v) To care for a child until it is an An aunt brought him up.
Whether (conj) If, or not. She asked me whether I was interested in
working for her.
Figure sth out To understand or solve It takes most people some time to figure
(v) something. out new software.
Encourage (v) To inspire with courage, spirit, She was encouraged to continue by her
or hope. teachers.

On sb’s own If you do something on your Bridget learned to tie her shoes on her own
(exp) own, you do it without help from when she was three.
anyone else.
Succeed in (v) To achieve the desired aim or He succeeded in winning the
result. championship.
Pushy (adj) Behaving in an unpleasant way The pushy cocktail waiter kept asking me if
by trying too much to get I wanted another drink, even though I hadn't
something or to make someone finished the first one.
do something.
Tax (n) Money that you have to pay to Tax on cigarettes should be higher.
the government so that it can pay
for public services.
Priest (n) A person who is qualified to The ordination of women priests is
perform religious duties and forbidden in the Catholic church.
Nun (n) A member of a religious She was wearing a nun’s habit and leather
community of women who sandals.
promise to serve God all their
lives and often live together in a
In charge of In control or with overall The Director is in charge of the project, and
(exp) responsibility. is responsible for the production.
Cheat (v) To act dishonestly or unfairly in She always cheats at cards.
order to gain an advantage.
Grade (v) To give a mark to (a student or a We should grade students on effort, not
piece of work). ability.
Hand in (v) To give something to someone Have you handed in your history essay yet?
in a position of authority.
Behavior (n) The manner of conducting The normal behavior of children changes
oneself. when it rains.
Bathtub (n) A large, long container that you I can´t have a bathtub in my bathroom
put water in and then get into to since it is not spacious.
wash your whole body.
Appointment (n) An arrangement for a meeting. She has an appointment for an interview

Off (adv) In absence from or suspension We are taking a year off to visit as many
of regular work or service. unknown countries as possible.
Punish (v) To make someone suffer He promised to punish severely any
because they have done officials found guilty of electoral fraud.
something wrong or broken.
the law.
Be suspended Be made to leave school or job Dave was suspended from school for a
(exp) for a short time, especially week.
because they have broken
the rules.
Apply (v) To make a formal request, She applied for a job with the local
usually written, for something newspaper.
such as a job, a place at
a university, or permission to do

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