Anthe Sample Paper 2018

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Sample Paper (VIII Studying) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018

Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018

(For VIII Studying)
(The questions given in sample paper are indicative of the level and
pattern of questions that will be asked in ANTHE-2018)

1. The element which is mainly electroplated on car 4. The force which is only attractive in nature is
parts, bath taps, bicycle's handlebars etc., to give (1) Gravitational force
shiny appearance is (2) Electrostatic force
(1) Zinc (2) Aluminium (3) Magnetic force
(3) Chromium (4) Copper (4) Both electrostatic and magnetic force
2. In the figure given below, an ideal pendulum oscillates 5. Read statement-1 and statement-2 and choose the
in vacuum between two extreme positions A and B. correct option.
If it goes from position A to position B and then Statement-1 : In some situations, friction facilitates
returns from position B to mean position C in 3 s, the motion and in some situations, it opposes the
then it will complete 3.5 oscillations in motion.
Statement-2 : Friction force always opposes the
relative motion between two surfaces in contact.
Choose the correct option.
A B (1) Only statement-1 is correct
(2) Only statement-2 is correct
C (3) Both statement-1 and statement-2 are correct
(1) 14 s (2) 4 s
(4) Neither statement-1 nor statement-2 is correct
(3) 1.14 s (4) 2 s
6. Which of the following is made up of a large number
3. Water is filled upto same height in two identical of ester units?
closed containers A and B. Container A has vacuum
(1) Teflon (2) PVC
over the water while container B has air over the
water. At the same depth of both the containers (3) Bakelite (4) Polyester
there is an opening on which identical balloons A 7. Consider the following :
and B are attached as shown in the figure given Fibre A - Rayon
below. Then Fibre B - Natural fibre which is a polymer of glucose
Fibre C - First fully synthetic fibre
Vacuum Air Identify A, B and C and choose the correct option.
Strongest Least Fibre known
fibre disastrous as artificial
fibre on silk
Balloon A Balloon B catching fire
Container-A Container-B
(1) A B C
(1) Balloon-A will bulge more than balloon-B
(2) B C A
(2) Balloon-B will bulge more than balloon-A
(3) C B A
(3) Both the balloons will bulge equally
(4) None of the balloons will bulge (4) C A B

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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018 Sample Paper (VIII Studying)
8. In which of the following liquids phosphorus is Which of the following is the correct reason for the
generally stored ? increase in the yield of maize grown in
(1) Alcohol (2) Sugar solution June-September 2015?
(3) Water (4) Kerosene (1) Gram grown in October-March, 2014-15 utilizes
all the nutrients present in the soil
9. Which of the following elements is non-ductile?
(1) Silver (2) Gold (2) Maize grown in June-September, 2014 leaves
most of the nutrients for the growth of maize in
(3) Carbon (4) Copper next year
10. Consider the following figure.
(3) Gram grown in October-March, 2014-15
replenishes the soil with nitrogen for better growth
of maize
(4) Gram grown in October-March, 2014-15 takes
Zn Zn Fe Al
Case-I Case-II Case-III Case-IV
the nutrients left by maize grown in
In which of the given cases a gas is released? June-September 2014 and transfers it to maize
grown in June-September 2015
(1) I and III (2) II and III
13. Regarding wildlife sanctuaries, which of the following
(3) I and II (4) II and IV
statements is/are incorrect?
11. A man took 375 ml of water in a beaker and
dissolved 2-3 teaspoons of sugar in it and also (I) They provide protection to wild animals.
added half a spoon of powder 'A' to this solution. He (II) Capturing of animals is permitted here.
kept the solution in a warm place. After 4-5 hours he
observed the smell of alcohol coming from that (III) They provide suitable living conditions to wild
solution. animals.

Here, powder 'A' added is of (IV) Here, animals live in artificial settings.
(1) Yeast (2) Lactobacillus (1) (II) and (IV) (2) (I) and (II)
(3) Paramecium (4) Amoeba (3) (IV) only (4) (II) and (III)
12. In the given bar graph, yields of different crops in 14. A farmer needs to spray 2,4-D in his crop field. This
successive years are shown. indicates that

160 (1) He wants to make his crop resistant to drought

140 (2) There are undesirable plants in his crop field
Crop yield (kg/acre)

120 (3) His crop requires more nitrogen

100 (4) His crop is suffering from bacterial and fungal

15. Nucleolus is present in




(1) Cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells

(2) Nucleoid of prokaryotic cells
(3) Cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells
[Jun-Sept [Oct-Mar [Jun-Sept [Jun-Sept
2014] 2014-15] 2015] 2016] (4) Nucleus of eukaryotic cells

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Sample Paper (VIII Studying) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018


2 22. If x and y are the number of possibilities that A can

16. The rational number lies between and is assume such that the unit digit of A and A3 are
7 3
same and the unit digit of A2 and A3 are same
2 4 respectively, then the value of x – y is (where A is
(1) (2)
5 7 a single digit number)
3 2 (1) 4 (2) 2
(3) (4)
7 3 (3) 3 (4) 5
17. The square root of sum of the digits in the square of 23. In the given figure, AC and BD are the diagonals of
121 is kite ABCD with AB = AD while AG and ME are the
(1) 4 (2) 3 diagonals of rectangle AEGM. If AD = DG and BG
(3) 6 (4) 9 is a line segment, then x – y equals
18. What percent is 285 of the number 475? A E

(1) 150% (2) 90%

(3) 60% (4) 50%
42° x y
19. A dice is thrown once. The probability of getting the B M D G
square of the number appearing on the dice to be a
multiple of 9, is
1 2
(1) (2)
3 3
1 1 C
(3) (4)
2 6 (1) 21° (2) 48°
20. In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, (3) 42° (4) 68°
ADE  50 and ACE  BED  90. The value 24. The following frequency distribution table shows the
of EAC  ABC  2DAC is weekly wages of 600 workers of a factory.
Class - Interval Frequency
(Weekly wages in `) (Number of Workers)

500 - 525 48
525 - 550 52
550 - 575 55
575 - 600 96
(1) 20° (2) 10°
600 - 625 88
(3) 30° (4) 40°
625 - 650 85
5.6( x  3)
21. If  24 , then the value of (2x + 1) is 650 - 675 46
(1) 0 (2) 1 675 - 700 98

(3) 2 (4) 3 700 - 725 32

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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018 Sample Paper (VIII Studying)

Which class interval of weekly wages has the 25. If a, b, c and d are four odd perfect cube numbers,
maximum number of workers? then which of the following is always a factor of

(1) 575 - 600  3 a  3 b 2  3 c  3 d  ?

(1) 6
(2) 625 - 650
(2) 8
(3) 650 - 675
(3) 3
(4) 675 - 700 (4) 9


26. One morning, Sachin starts moving from point A and
reaches at point B. From point B he takes a right
turn and walks towards point C. At point C he stops
and observes that his shadow is lying behind him. (1) (2)
The position of point A with respect to point B is
(1) North (2) South-west
(3) North-east (4) South
(3) (4)
27. 'Jharkhand' is related to 'Ranchi' in the same way as
'Gujarat' is related to
(1) Ahmedabad 29. The next term in the following series is
(2) Gandhinagar 1, 2, 5, 16, 65, 326, ?
(3) Vadodara (1) 1956 (2) 1957
(4) Surat (3) 1955 (4) 1987
28. The next figure in the following pattern is 30. Rachit saw a word 'GROCERY' written on a
signboard in rear-view mirror of his car. The image
that Rachit saw in the mirror was
(1) (2)
(3) (4)


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Sample Paper (IX Studying) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018

Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018

(For IX Studying)
(The questions given in sample paper are indicative of the level and
pattern of questions that will be asked in ANTHE-2018)

1. Two stones, having masses in the ratio of 3 : 2, are 4. If the displacement of a particle is equal to zero,
dropped from the heights in the ratio of 4 : 9. The then its distance
ratio of magnitudes of their linear momenta just
before reaching the ground is (neglect air resistance) (1) Must be equal to zero
(1) 4 : 9 (2) 2 : 3 (2) Can't be equal to zero
(3) 3 : 2 (4) 1 : 1
(3) Can be negative
2. Two point masses M and 3M are placed at a
distance L apart. Another point mass m is placed in (4) May or may not be equal to zero
between on the line joining them so that the net
5. Velocity-time graph of a block of mass 100 g sliding
gravitational force acting on it due to masses M and
on a horizontal concrete floor under the action of a
3M is zero. The magnitude of gravitational force
constant force of 5 N is shown below. The
acting due to mass M on mass m will be
magnitude of frictional force acting on the block due
 
GMm 1  3 to the floor is
3GMm 80
(2) 2

L 1 3 

 
GMm 1– 3
L2 40

GMm 1– 3  20
3. Two persons just manage to push a block from left
to right direction along a horizontal level road with 2 4 6 8 Time (s)
uniform velocity. When the same block is pushed
by three persons in same direction a constant (1) 4 N (2) 5 N
acceleration of 0.2 ms–2 is produced in the block. If
(3) 3 N (4) Zero
the five persons push the block in same direction
together, then the magnitude of acceleration of the 6. The boiling point of a liquid X is 20°C more than that
block will be [Assume that each person applies the of water. Boiling point of X is
force equal in magnitude]
(1) 353 K (2) 373 K
(1) 0.4 ms–2 (2) 0.6 ms–2
(3) 0.8 ms–2 (4) 1 ms–2 (3) 393 K (4) 120 K

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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018 Sample Paper (IX Studying)

7. The physical state of matter that consists of super 10. Pehal and Ishaan were making 100 g sugar solutions
energetic and super excited particles in the form of with concentration by mass 20% and 50%
ionised gases is respectively. Pehal added 20 g of sugar in her
solution whereas Ishaan evaporated 20 g of water
(1) Solid from his solution. Now, the two solutions were mixed
(2) Liquid to form a final solution. The concentration by mass
of final solution is
(3) Plasma
(1) 28% (2) 45%
(4) Gas
(3) 40% (4) 60%
8. Consider the following diagram.
11. Select the incorrect statement regarding that
10 mL 10 mL 10 mL
organelle of animal cell which has its own DNA and

(1) The energy required for various chemical activities

needed for life is released by it in the form of
ATP molecules
In beaker A, a solution is made by dissolving 2-3 (2) Its outer membrane is deeply folded while the
inner membrane is very porous
crystals of potassium permanganate in 100 mL of
water. 10 mL of this solution is added in another (3) Its deeply folded membrane creates a large
beaker 'B' and the volume is made 100 mL by adding surface area for ATP-generating chemical
water. Same process is repeated again by taking reactions
10 mL of solution from beaker B to C and
(4) It is able to make some of its own proteins
subsequently from beaker C to D. The solution with
the least concentration is 12. Hard matrix of a particular type of connective tissue
is composed of calcium and phosphorus
(1) A (2) B
compounds. The cells embedded in this matrix are
(3) C (4) D
(1) Fibroblasts
9. Consider the following box
(2) Osteocytes
Fog, Mist, Sponge, Clouds, Pumice
(3) Chondrocytes
Total number of aerosols is (4) Mast cells
(1) Two 13. Four sugar solutions A, B, C and D of different sugar
concentrations were taken to perform an experiment
(2) Three at constant temperature to show the phenomenon of
(3) Four osmosis. After few hours, the changes in the level of
solutions observed are depicted by the given
(4) Five diagrams.

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Sample Paper (IX Studying) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018
According to the observation, correct order of sugar
concentration of those solutions is
Semipermeable Semipermeable
B membrane B membrane C (1) A > C = B > D (2) A > D > B = C
(3) D > B = C > A (4) C = B > D > A
Level of solution D No change in the 14. The cells of which tissue differentiate to form different
dropped down level of solutions types of permanent tissue?

(1) Sclerenchyma tissue (2) Collenchyma tissue

(3) Parenchyma tissue (4) Meristematic tissue

Semipermeable Semipermeable
membrane membrane 15. Amongst them, who classify all living organisms into
A D five kingdoms?
(1) Ernst Haeckel (2) Robert Whittaker
Level of solution D Level of solution D
dropped down raised up (3) Carl Woese (4) Charles Darwin

16. If ab = bc = ab, then b + c always equals 19. If p and q are two distinct irrational numbers, then which
of the following is always an irrational number?
1 1 p
(1) (2) bc
bc 2 (1) (2) pq
(3) 1 (4) bc p 2q  qp
(3) (p + q)2 (4)
17. Which of the following is a factor of 2x4 + 1 + 3x2? pq
20. In the given figure, if r || s, p || q and u || t, then c
(1) 1 + 2x2 equals
(2) 4 + x2 p
(3) 2x2 – 1
c E b
(4) 3 + x2 r
18. The graph of the equation 5x – 3y = 10 cuts the a
x-axis at the point H G s
⎛ 10 ⎞
(1) ⎜ 0,
⎝ 3 ⎟⎠

(2) (–2, 0) M u
(3) (2, 0) (1) a – b (2) 2a + b
(4) (0, 0) (3) a + b (4) b – a

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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018 Sample Paper (IX Studying)

21. If 8a  64b  c  24 3 abc , where a, b, c  0, then 24. In the given figure, ABC  EDA. If X and Y are
which of the following can be true? points lying on AD and EG respectively such that
(1) 2 3 a  4 3 b  3 c  0   1 . The value of is always

(2) 2 3 a  4 3 b  3 c A

(3) a + b + c = 0

(4) a = b = c
22. In the given figure, if AB intersects CD at O, D
CB || AD || EF || GH, BH = AE and OH = OE, then
which of the following is not always correct? C
O (1) Greater than 1
E F (2) Equal to 1
A D (3) Less than 1
(1) BC = AD 3
(4) Equal to
(2) OC = OD 2
25. In the given ABC, E is a point on AD.
(3) GH = EF
If AEB, ADB and ACD are equal to 180° – k1,
(4) OB = OD 180° – k 2 and 180° – k 3 respectively, then
k1 : k2 : k3 equals
23. A tile is in the shape of a rhombus whose diagonals
are (x + 5) units and (x – 8) units. The number of
such tiles required to tile on the floor of area
(x2 + x – 20) sq. units is
 
2( x  6)
(1) E
( x  2)

x4 
x 2 B D C

2( x  4) (1) 1 : 2 : 3
( x  8) (2) 2 : 3 : 4
(3) 3 : 4 : 5
x 8
(4) (4) 1 : 3 : 5
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Sample Paper (IX Studying) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018


26. An insect moves in a field as shown in the following 28. The number which replaces '?' in the following pattern
diagram. If the insect starts moving towards east is
initially, then finally it is moving towards
? 231

Finally moving
96 24
Initial point
(1) South-West (2) South-East K G

(3) North-West (4) North-East (1) 18 (2) 28

27. Which figure will replace '?' in the following figure
(3) 144 (4) 164
29. A person threw a standard dice 3 times. He obtained
two distinct odd prime numbers in two throws and an
even number which is not a factor of 18 in the third
throw. The sum of all the numbers on the opposite
faces of numbers obtained in the three throws is

(1) 9 (2) 12

(3) 10 (4) 15

30. Mr. Smith has a bag A. Bag A has n numbers of
bag B. Each bag B has n numbers of bag C. Each
bag C has n numbers of one rupee coins in it. If one
bag B is removed from bag A, then the total number
of coins left in bag A is
(1) (2) (1) n(n – 1)(n + 1)

(2) n(n – 1)

(3) n2(n + 1)
(3) (4)
(4) n2(n – 1)


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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018 Sample Paper (X Studying)

Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018

(For X Studying)
(The questions given in sample paper are indicative of the level and
pattern of questions that will be asked in ANTHE-2018)

1. The power of engine of a car of mass 1200 kg is 2 2
25 kW. The minimum time required to reach a velocity (1)  (90 – i ) (2)  i
1 1
of 90 km/h by the car after starting from rest is
(1) 15 s (2) 25 s (3) i (4) 90° – i
(3) 60 s (4) 12 s 4. Choose the incorrect statement among the following.
2. The effective resistance in between the points A
and B in the circuit given below is (1) When a body is immersed fully or partially into
a fluid, it experiences an upward force that is
14  A B 5
equal to weight of the fluid displaced by it
9  48  (2) A stone is tied with a light spring balance using
10  20  15  a light string. As this stone is slowly lowered
into the water, the reading of the spring balance
8 6 decreases till it touches the bottom of the
(1) 23  (2) 32  container as shown in the figure given below
(3) 12  (4) 45 
3. In the arrangement given below, there are two Spring balance
rectangular glass slabs placed side by side as
shown. A ray of light is incident from air onto the
surface of glass slab-1 having refractive index 1 at
an angle of incidence i. Thereafter, it moves through Water
glass slab-2 of refractive index 2 and after emerging Stone
from the glass slab-2, it reflects from a smooth
horizontal plane mirror. The angle  which reflected (3) Lactometer is used to measure the purity of a
ray makes with the mirror is sample of milk
i Air (4) The density of the object can be measured in
1 kgcm–3
Glass Slab-1
5. A concave lens is required to correct
2 (1) Myopia (2) Presbyopia
Glass Slab-2
(3) Hypermetropia (4) Cataract
6. Four moles of a compound 'X' weigh 176 g.
Compound 'X' is

 (1) CO (2) CH4

Plane Mirror (3) CO2 (4) NaCl

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Sample Paper (X Studying) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018
7. On the basis of given information, identify 'X'. 11. Select the correct option w.r.t. excretory parts that
Atomic Mass No. of No. of No. of Symbol
occur in pairs in human beings.
No. No. Electrons Protons Neutrons
(1) Ureter, urethra and urinary bladder
1 1 1 A B X
(2) Urinary bladder and urethra only
(1) H (2) Ne
(3) H+ (4) He2+ (3) Kidney and ureter

8. Addition of water to calcium oxide, is an example of (4) Urethra and kidney

(1) Combination and endothermic reaction 12. Match the following symptoms/conditions with their
associated endocrine glands labelled as A, B, C, D
(2) Combination and exothermic reaction
and E in the outline sketch of human being as given
(3) Decomposition and endothermic reaction below and select the correct option.
(4) Decomposition and exothermic reaction
9. Rajat and Ashima have got two different solutions A
and B respectively. The concentration of hydronium
ion is more in case of solution A. Solution B turns
pink in the presence of phenolphthalein while A turns B
the colour of pH paper orange. The pH of solutions
A and B can respectively be
(1) 7, 13 (2) 13, 14 C
(3) 2, 14 (4) 14, 13

10. 'X' and 'Y' are two metallic elements. 'Y' is more
reactive than 'X'. The reaction of 'Y' with iron oxide is
highly exothermic and is used to join railway tracks.
Y does not react with hot or cold water but reacts
with steam to form its oxide. 'X' reacts with sodium
(a) Increases heart rate.
hydroxide to produce a gas 'Z' which burns with pop
sound. 'X' is also a constituent of brass. Which of (b) Regulates carbohydrate, protein and fat
the following statements are not correct for 'X', 'Y' and
(i) 'Y' is aluminium and 'X' is copper. (c) High blood sugar level.
(ii) Oxides of 'X' and 'Y' are amphoteric. (d) Faster breathing rate.
(iii) 'Y' forms a compound with formula YCl3 with
chlorine. (a) (b) (c) (d)
(iv) 'X' is used for galvanisation. (1) C B D C
(v) 'Z' is oxygen. (2) A E B D
(1) (i), (ii) & (iii) (2) (ii), (iii) & (iv) (3) D C E A
(3) (i) & (iv) (4) (i) & (v) (4) A B D A

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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018 Sample Paper (X Studying)
13. Identify the odd one out from I, II and III separately 14. At higher altitudes, air becomes rarer and amount of
and select the correct option for those odd ones. oxygen per litre of air decreases.
Increase in all of the following would compensate this
I. Intestinal juice, Pancreatic juice, Saliva, Bile juice. decrease for performing normal biological functions of
II. Mucus, Pepsin, Trypsin, Lipase. our body, except
(1) The concentration of haemoglobin
III. Amino acid, Glycerol, Hydrochloric acid, Glucose. (2) The number of red blood cells
(1) Intestinal juice, Lipase, Glucose (3) The temperature of the body
(4) The rate of breathing
(2) Saliva, Trypsin, Amino acid 15. Which among the following organisms divide into many
daughter cells simultaneously by multiple fission?
(3) Bile juice, Pepsin, Amino acid
(1) Amoeba (2) Plasmodium
(4) Bile juice, Mucus, Hydrochloric acid (3) Hydra (4) Planaria

16. If a2 + b2 + c2 = 14, then ab + bc + ca is always 19. A cylindrical vessel open at the top has a base
greater than or equal to diameter 56 cm. If the total cost of painting the outer
(1) 0 (2) 14 curved surface of the vessel is ` 352 at the rate of
(3) –1 (4) –7 ` 0.2 per 100 cm2, then the height of the vessel is
17. In the given figure, if ABC is a triangle, D and E are (1) 15 m (2) 10 m
the points on BC such that ADC ~ AEB, then
(3) 6 m (4) 12 m
is always equal to 20. Out of the given four quadrilaterals, in which of the
A following, the diagonals always bisect each other at
right angles?
(1) Trapezium (2) Rhombus
(3) Rectangle (4) Kite
21. If the HCF and LCM of 48 and 56 are respectively
B D E C l
h and l, then the value of is
(1) (2)
CE AB (1) 40 (2) 42
AD CE (3) 36 (4) 44
(3) (4)
22. The system of linear equations 5x + my = 10 and
1 1 1
18. The value of  … is 4x + ny = 8 have infinitely many solutions, where m
2 7 7  10 28  31 and n are positive integers. Then, the minimum
4  28 2  31 possible value of (m + n) is equal to
(1) (2)
3 3
(1) 9 (2) 5
28  4 31  2
(3) (4) (3) 6 (4) 10
3 3
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Sample Paper (X Studying) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2018

23. The quadratic equation abx2 + acx + b(bx + c) = 0 25. The common difference of an arithmetic progression
has non-zero equal and rational roots. The values of
a and c respectively cannot be equal to (ab  0) in which a15  a6   , is (where an is the nth term
(1) 4 & 49 (2) 49 & 16
(3) 4 & 64 (4) 8 & 49 of the given AP)

⎡ tan30  sin60  cosec30 ⎤

4 3
24. The value of ⎢ is equal to (1) –2 (2)
⎣ sec 0  cot 60  cos30 ⎥⎦ 2
(1) 8 (2) 3 2 3
(3) (4) 3
(3) 4 (4) 16 2


26. If EXTRANEOUS  XEOENARTSU, then Taxpayer PAN Allotted
PERFECTION ? Status During FY


27. Out of the following four options, three possess the
COMPANY 1,01,973
same property, while one is different from the others.
Choose the correct odd option. FIRM 2,43,789
(1) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
HUF 70,196
(3) Dr. Manmohan Singh LOCAL AUTHORITY 4,333
INDIVIDUAL 2,76,45,257
(4) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
TRUST 46,308
28. The value of ‘a’ in the following pattern is TOTAL PAN ALLOTTED 2,81,89452

4 8 12 29. In which category of taxpayer status, the number of

PAN allotted is fourth highest during FY 2013-14?
2 16 39 a
(1) FIRM
10 15 20
(1) 71 (2) 16 (3) HUF
(3) 25 (4) 61 (4) ASSOCIATION OF PERSONS
Directions : (Q.29 to Q.30) 30. The difference between the number of PAN allotted to
Read the given table and answer the following questions.
In this table data about the PAN allotment during FY (1) 69526 (2) 66637
2013-14 is given. (3) 27 (4) 2862
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Note : Answer key of Sample Paper is available at &


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