Transgenic Animal Farm
Transgenic Animal Farm
Transgenic Animal Farm
G.E. Seidel, Jr
Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested in transgenic farm-animal
research between 1983 and 1997, much of it by the private sector, primarily
for producing pharmaceutical products. Questions that arise are: What have
investors and taxpayers received for this investment? What will they receive
in the future? and What returns are likely from additional investment? Future
transgenic farm-animal research will be dependent on perceived answers to
such questions.
Research in transgenic farm animals has a unique character. Thousands
of person-years of effort, much of it from the private sector, have been
expended without yielding any product. Huge emphasis has been placed
on refining techniques, rather than on using techniques to answer
biological questions or to develop potential practical applications. To some
extent, this may be explained by the newness of the endeavour and by the
daunting number of unknown quantities. Like embryo transfer, transgenic
research is pushed along by the soaring imagination of people who would
apply the technology. One other oddity of transgenic farm-animal research
is the large number of review papers (Wall, 1996). There is nearly one
review paper for every three data papers, a situation that probably arises
because programme chairpersons are excited about new approaches and
techniques, and transgenic approaches certainly are exciting to think about.
Transgenic research with farm animals generally is undertaken with one
of three broad goals (Fig. 18.1). One goal is to create animals for special
non-agricultural purposes such as producing pharmaceuticals in milk
(Wright et al., 1991) or xenografts for replacing human tissues. When only
a very few animals are needed to have a saleable pharmaceutical product,
and the value of the product is high enough to justify costs both for
creating and caring for the animals, this goal will be achievable and easily
justified commercially.
A second goal is to produce either improved farm animals, for example,
those that grow more efficiently, or improved animal products, for example,
milk that yields more cheese. While such objectives start with creation of
one or two animals, a resulting line of animals must survive and reproduce
successfully with little or no further technological interference. This can be
a formidable task and, because the line must be characterized, will not
immediately result in a product that will cover the costs of developing the
technology. The commercial advantage to the phenotype of individual
transgenically altered animals usually will be less than 10% over herd mates
(possibly excluding a transient spike of profit from novelty or exclusivity).
Moreover, to be acceptable in production agriculture, the transgenic animals
would have to be certified as healthy and not require special care. In the
short term, few transgenic lines will meet the requirements for agricultural
application. However, some decades from now, such applications may be
relatively common.
The Future of Transgenic Farm Animals 271
The field of transgenic farm animals may be entering a ‘golden age’. The
power of transgenic technology has been proven in the mouse model;
many hundreds of papers are published each year that effectively test
hypotheses not easily tested by other methods (Wall, 1996). Also, we have
accumulated an extensive foundation of technology for transgenic farm
animals, both in making standard transgenic techniques more reliable (see
other chapters in this volume), and in developing new techniques such as
somatic-cell cloning (Campbell and Wilmut, 1997).
At this point in evolution, human society places great emphasis on
applications of science and technology. Since use of transgenic technology
in farm animals, almost by definition, is an application, this will be viewed
favourably by both public and private funding sources. As a basis for
developing applications, there currently is an explosion of information from
272 G.E. Seidel, Jr
model systems such as the mouse, and from simpler systems such as
Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans and prokaryotes (Miklos and Rubin,
1996). Moreover, tremendous opportunity exists for spin-off applications
resulting from sequencing the human genome. As suggested earlier,
transgenic technology has a charismatic quality about it that affects both
scientists and administrators, including those at funding agencies. As public
funding has levelled off, funding from private sources is more than making
up the difference for transgenic farm animal research. Thus, there are good
prospects for a ‘golden age’, particularly if communication and collaboration
are optimized.
One great thing about scientific research is that new techniques and new
approaches constantly come along to solve old problems or create entirely
new possibilities. Some of these innovations have been anticipated by those
working in a given area, for example sequencing DNA, cloning adult
animals or developing mammalian artificial chromosomes. Of course, it is
difficult to anticipate when individual techniques will become available
(Gomory, 1983).
Some techniques or concepts that affect their application cannot be
anticipated, or at least not by the majority of people working in the field.
For example, few reproductive physiologists foresaw the polymerase chain
reaction, gametic imprinting, embryonic stem cells or transgenic technology
itself. I do not mean to imply that researchers were entirely ignorant of
these possibilities. For example, many of us struggled with the fact that
parthenogenetic embryos develop encouragingly for a while, but never to
term, and some had vague notions of possible mechanisms approximating
gametic imprinting (Markert, 1982). But it took considerable research to
build a sufficient body of evidence to understand how imprinting would
both constrain and explain experimental outcomes.
As much as for basic research, the expense, long generation interval and
long time lag from experimentation to observation of results in farm animals
greatly limit commercial applications of transgenic technology (Wall, 1996).
On top of these logistical constraints, there are special issues raised through
commercialization such as: (i) safety to animals or consumers of the animals,
especially regarding side effects; (ii) consumer acceptance, even if there are
no known problems; (iii) possibilities of escape and contamination of wild-
animal genomes; (iv) competition from simpler approaches and systems;
and (v) problems with extreme phenotypes.
Transgenic procedures often produce extreme phenotypes, and nature
tends to select against such extremes. There seems to be one best fit to the
environment for most species, so with natural selection individuals within a
species end up being similar in colour, size, shape and behavioural
characteristics. Dramatic changes in physiology usually are incompatible
with normal life cycles. For example, if cattle or horses were to
superovulate naturally each reproductive cycle, the simultaneous
development of multiple fetuses would lead to abortion. Very extreme
phenotypes, such as sheep that produce an excess growth hormone, which
leads to diabetes (Rexroad et al., 1991), or excess growth in pigs, which
may lead to arthritis (Pursel et al., 1990), are not practicable or compensable
by husbandry practices, and may be ethically inappropriate as well. Also,
there is the serious limitation that animals with extreme phenotypes often
fail to reproduce (Pursel et al., 1990).
While there are costs (Box 18.1), there may be considerable benefits to
extreme phenotypes, as long as they are not too extreme. Although animals
with such phenotypes would not survive in nature, the farmers who use
them in production agriculture may survive well economically.
One other constraint to development of new genetic variants, especially
dramatic ones, is the need to study them in various genetic configurations.
The Future of Transgenic Farm Animals 275
Long-term prospects
demand the products rather than hold them in suspicion. Moral scruples, as
usual, will be sedated by convenience, economics and improved health.
An interesting aspect of animal husbandry is that what is good for the goose
is not necessarily good for the gander. In most farm animals, the ideal
278 G.E. Seidel, Jr
female in a herd or flock has what are termed good maternal traits such as
mothering ability, appropriate milk or egg production, small to moderate
size, high fertility and early puberty. On the other hand, males and females
to be slaughtered for meat should have a different set of traits. These are
termed terminal-cross traits and include desirable carcass characteristics such
as juiciness and tenderness, rapid growth rates, and moderate to large
animal size. To some extent, maternal and terminal traits are antagonistic,
and therefore inappropriate to have in the same animal or same breed.
While these differences are, in fact, exploited by having different lines of
animals for different purposes, gross inefficiencies still result. For example,
in a maternal line, half of the offspring are of the ‘wrong’ sex. Because only
a few males are needed for breeding, most males that have the maternal-
cross characteristics have suboptimal carcasses and are, therefore, a by-
product. To some extent this might eventually be circumvented with sexed
semen, a product that is not available commercially at this time.
One could enhance these sex differences transgenically. To continue
the above example, extra growth could be designed into the male. By
adding androgen-response elements to the regulatory regions of growth
genes and inseminating sexed semen, one could specify that the growth
gene would be activated either by secretion of testosterone as the testis
matures or, if the animal is castrated or female, by an implant with
androgenic properties. Exploiting such naturally occurring methods of
regulating genes would seem a high priority for transgenic research.
Sex differences also might be exploited by adding genes to the Y
chromosome which, therefore, would only be expressed in males of the line
(Wall and Seidel, 1992). The Y chromosome is nature’s artificial
chromosome. It is one of the smallest chromosomes in most species and has
few genes; most of the chromosome has no known function. Also, most of
the chromosome is hemizygous, which simplifies many aspects of
application. The Y chromosome would seem to be a good place to add
cassettes of genes. Another potentially exploitable fact is that XYY males are
fertile and usually have normal XY sons. This allows for the possibility of
transplanting an entire Y chromosome, custom modified in a cell line, to a
one-cell embryo to serve as a vector.
more sensible. To the extent that research funding is used for litigation
rather than for the advancement of science, resources, especially time and
intellectual energy are wasted.
Possible solutions
There are no simple solutions to these problems. Nor are the problems so
different from those that have occurred with other human endeavours
throughout history.
Communication could be encouraged by designing participatory, rather
than passive scientific meetings. Another idea is the research consortium.
Such consortia have been set up for companies working with high-speed
computing and, in the USA, amongst the large automobile manufacturers to
develop more efficient, safer automobiles. I suspect that private companies
doing transgenic research would be much better off collectively if some
types of research were done under the umbrellas of such consortia where
findings were exchanged, thus making the whole field more efficient.
Timing to commercialization, particularly of agricultural transgenic products,
might be reduced by years, making certain transgenic endeavours profitable,
instead of commercial failures.
Perhaps there should also be changes to the patent system. Patents
currently are clumsy, time-consuming, and expensive to formulate and use.
Inventors in the USA may wait 1 year from publication of their results before
filing for a patent without losing potential patent rights. Such time delays are
not permitted in all countries. Delays ideally might even be longer than 1
year in some circumstances. Perhaps it would be workable to have a two-
phase time delay. For example, the right to patent for basic research use
might expire after 1 year and for commercial applications after 2 years after
publication. The principle would be to get information published
expeditiously without having to give up the right to patent. Of course, most
commercial entities would want to apply for patents sooner rather than later.
It seems to me that misuse of ‘submarine’ patents and similar approaches
aimed at undermining competitors (Petroski, 1998) are unethical when the
health and nutrition of people and animals are at stake.
One other clearly unfair happenstance is that we give undue credit to
timing of discoveries. For example, if one group files a patent application 1
day before another group, or publishes a paper 1 week before another
group, priority is given to the first group in establishing ownership rights
both legally and intellectually. Obviously, if ideas are to be used as
commodities to gain wealth, there must be rules to define ownership of
intellectual property as there must for real property, but the group that is 1
day ahead is not necessarily more deserving, and rushing to publication
results in sloppy science. A rational example of how dating is dealt with on
a routine basis is that when citing literature, we use the year, not the
The Future of Transgenic Farm Animals 281
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