Technical Note TN 105 Asphalt Surfacing of Concrete Bridge Decks

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july 2011


Asphalt Surfacing of Concrete

Bridge Decks 105
This Technical Note provides information regarding asphalt It is generally accepted that in high speed zones there
surfacing of concrete bridge decks. The Note also includes a can be an increased crash risk if the road surface has low
discussion of surface texture (macro-texture) requirements texture.
on bridges in high speed zones.
VicRoads guidelines include a minimum initial sand patch
This Technical Note does not apply to bituminous surfacing surface texture for long term surfacing treatments of 1.2 mm.
of timber or steel bridge decks and specialist advice should This guideline is applicable to facilities in high speed zones
be sought for these situations. with an operating speed of 90kph and higher and with more
Sprayed seals are uncommon as wearing surfaces on than 1000 vpd.
concrete decks in Victoria. Specialist advice should also be
sought for these situations. SELECTION OF SURFACE
Concrete decks in high speed zones with greater than
WHY SURFACE A CONCRETE BRIDGE 1000 vpd will generally require a wearing course typically
DECK? consisting of 30mm of Open Graded Asphalt (OGA) or
Concrete bridge decks can be used as the wearing surface 35mm of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) or 20mm Ultra Thin
for roads and there are many examples around Victoria Asphalt (UTA). Both OGA and UTA are placed on a layer of
where the surface of the deck is used in this manner. 30mm of Dense Graded Asphalt (DGA) which is provided to
Refer Figure 1. This type of deck must be constructed to protect the deck during future resurfacing.
ensure that sufficient surface texture is provided and the A DGA wearing course will generally be suitable for other
longitudinal profile provides a smooth ride for motorists. concrete bridge deck locations. The type of DGA should
be selected in accordance with VicRoads Code of Practice
500.22 Selection and Design of Pavements and Surfacings.
In this case, the selection is based on traffic volume and
proportion of heavy vehicles.

Bridge decks should be surfaced using the following steps:
Cleaning, repair and preparation of concrete surface
Application of prime, or primerseal. Most decks with
an asphalt wearing course are pretreated with a
prime only. Where a primerseal is used it must be an
emulsion primerseal rather than a cutback primerseal
to avoid cutters from cutback bitumen affecting the
Figure 1: Concrete wearing surface
asphalt layers, and
Bituminous surfacing may be applied to bridge decks for Application of tack coat, asphalt regulation if required,
various reasons. These include: and asphalt wearing course.
assisting in regulating the surface and to provide a Further details are provided below.
smooth ride for road users
protecting the bridge deck from wear and tear due to Preparation of Concrete Deck
traffic Where a bituminous surfacing is proposed for a concrete
protecting the bridge deck from water ingress and deck, the concrete curing compound must be compatible
subsequent damage, and with the bituminous materials. Where an incompatible
providing a consistent surface texture along the curing compound e.g. a chlorinated compound, is used it
roadway. must be removed prior to bituminous surfacing.

keeping victorians connected


The concrete deck should be swept clean of any loose Asphalt. Care should be taken to ensure pick up of the tack
material. Any oil deposits should be removed using a coat does not occur. Damaged areas should be rectified.
suitable solvent such that the bituminous materials will
adhere to the surface. Application of Asphalt Regulation Course
The concrete deck surface should be completely dry to Some types of bridge deck (e.g. prestressed concrete
ensure that moisture vapour does not blister the bituminous beams) have an inherent hog or sag and level changes
surfacing. in the concrete deck necessitating regulation. The deck
should be regulated with asphalt to provide a consistent
Any gaps over expansion joints should be temporarily
level surface.
filled and/ or covered to ensure the gap is not filled with
aggregate or asphalt during surfacing works. Regulation Gap Graded Asphalt may be used for regulation
where the level correction is between 10mm to 30mm.
Where the concrete deck has larger cracks (larger than
A Size 10mm Type H DGA should be used for regulation
micro cracking), specialist advice should be sought for
between 25mm to 35mm thick.
preparation works and repair of the cracks should be
undertaken. Application of Asphalt Wearing Course
Prime The asphalt layers should be placed in accordance with the
contract requirements.
The deck should be primed using an emulsion prime or
cutback bitumen prime to overcome any residual cement Care needs to be taken in the selection of construction
dust and ensure good bonding of the asphalt layers. Typical equipment for asphalt works on concrete bridge decks.
application rates of 0.2 to 0.3L/m2 (residual) are usually Where large or heavy equipment is expected further
used. Specialist advice should be sought to confirm the specialist advice should be sought from bridge structure
required application rate. Polymer modified primes should specialists. Normally rollers should only be operated in
not be used as these are too viscous for concrete decks. static mode, as vibratory rolling is not permitted.

The prime must be fully cured before any further works During placement, the asphalt layer will cool extremely
are undertaken. Curing time depends on the type of prime, quickly because concrete bridge decks are good heat
application rate and weather. A minimum of 4 hours curing conductors. It is therefore very important to have the rollers
for quick dry emulsion primes, to a few days for cutback working closely behind the asphalt paver.
bitumen primes should be expected. No traffic should be Where an asphalt wearing course is placed over a regulation
allowed on the prime during curing to avoid damage. Refer layer of asphalt, a tack coat between these layers is required.
Figure 2. Damaged areas must be rectified. The cured prime
In locations where OGA is used a free-draining edge is
should provide a consistent colour.
Prior to application of the tack coat and asphalt, the surface
should be inspected for blisters or bubbles. Any blisters or DENSITY TESTING
bubbles must be repaired prior to the asphalt being placed.
Compaction of the asphalt layer is normally demonstrated
by taking cores, or using a nuclear density gauge. Coring
is not recommended on bridge decks since reinstatement
of the core cannot guarantee the replacement of the
waterproof layers, and there is a risk of damaging the deck.
The asphalt placed on the concrete deck should be
considered a separate lot, and excluded from test lots of
density testing of asphalt on adjacent pavement sections.
Refer Figure 3.
Compaction may be demonstrated using approved
procedural basis as provided in VicRoads Standard Section
407, Clause 407.22(c).

Figure 2: Pick up of prime by construction traffic

Application of Tack Coat

The primed surface must be swept clean. A tack coat is
required prior to placement of asphalt. The tack coat should
be a cationic rapid setting type of emulsion and applied in
accordance with VicRoads Standard Section 407 Hot Mix


At some stage the wearing surface will need to be removed For further information on bituminous surfacing of concrete
and replaced with a new asphalt layer. Note that great bridge decks, please contact the following:
care should be taken when removing the wearing surface,
Cassandra Simpson: Ph 9881 8928
as removal using cold planning machines includes risk of
damaging the concrete deck. Controlled cold planning Email
using a fine tooth profiler may reduce the risk of damaging John Esnouf : Ph 03 5434 5015
the deck.
The exposed surface should be inspected for any damaged
areas to the deck, and repaired prior to placement of the
new surface.

Roadway Test Lots

Flexible Pavement
Asphalt Surfaced

Lot One
on Bridge

Lot Two


Lot One

Figure 3: Example of lot testing

VicRoads Code of Practice 500.22 Selection and Design of
Pavements and Surfacings
VicRoads, Standard Section 407 – Hot Mix Asphalt

Technical Consulting believes this publication to be correct at time of printing and does not accept responsibility for any
consequences arising from the use of the information herein. Readers should rely on individual judgement and skill to
apply information to particular issues.

keeping victorians connected

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