5G NW Transformation

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5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 3

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Use Cases ................................................................................................................................................. 5

2.1 Use Case Categories .......................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Enhanced Mobile Broadband ....................................................................................................... 6

2.1.2 Connected Vehicles ...................................................................................................................... 6

2.1.3 Enhanced Multi-Media .................................................................................................................. 7

2.1.4 Massive Internet of Things ............................................................................................................ 7

2.1.5 Ultra Reliable Low Latency Applications ...................................................................................... 8

2.1.6 Fixed Wireless Access .................................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Use Case Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 9

3. Standardization & Industry Landscape ................................................................................................... 12

3.1 Industry Standards Organizations ..................................................................................................... 12

3.1.1 3GPP .......................................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.2 5GTF – 5G Technical Forum ...................................................................................................... 14

3.1.3 ITU - International Telecommunications Union .......................................................................... 15

3.1.4 IETF ............................................................................................................................................ 15

3.1.5 Additional SDOs & Forums ......................................................................................................... 15

4. 5G Core ................................................................................................................................................... 16

4.1 Core Network Functions .................................................................................................................... 17

4.2 5G Core Interactions ......................................................................................................................... 19

4.3 5G Core and EPC Interworking Variants........................................................................................... 21

4.4 Network Slicing .................................................................................................................................. 22

4.4.1 High-level Architecture ................................................................................................................ 23

5. RAN ......................................................................................................................................................... 24

5.1 Layer 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 25

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

5.2 Layer 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 25

6. Wireless Self-Backhaul ........................................................................................................................... 30

7. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 30

Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................... 32

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................... 38

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


The evolution of the 5G New Radio and Next Generation Core is a major driver for innovation. By
introducing three new improved characteristics - low latency, distribution, and through-put - new business
opportunities are able to be addressed. 3GPP is the main standards body where 5G is being addressed
with Release 15 with expected completion in May of 2018. As standards evolve, 5G technology will
transform networks and operations in new ways. Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure (NFVI) is
one area in which technology and operational models will change.

Automation and orchestration will transform how networks of the future are built and operated. Network
transformation will happen through large scale adoption of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV),
orchestration of network services, and automated network management. Artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and adoption of new 5G technologies will transform network operation models and business
economics leading to the creation of widely distributed, highly dense, high bandwidth mobile networks. Use
cases like immersive Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality (AR/VR) and Autonomous Driving can change
how humans consume and interact with technology. These new use cases and other emerging use cases
will alter consumption patterns and lead to the creation of new services and new revenue opportunities for

In this paper, some of the emerging use cases, standardization, architecture and technology advancements
with the fifth generation of mobile networks are explained.


If a common sentiment from 5G can be distilled, it’s that 5G will be an innovation engine, bringing disruptive
change across industries and society. Worldwide mobile subscriptions now total around 7.4 billion; by 2021,
the number will grow to 9 billion. IoT devices with cellular subscriptions will leap from 400 million today to
1.5 billion by 2021. 1 5G will accelerate this transformation and create new use cases, new revenue streams,
and new business models for industries and consumers. Industries will benefit from 5G by connecting
physical world devices to the internet in order to create innovative products or services, provide a better
customer experience, increase efficiency, and/or improve safety. With 5G, industries will have connectivity
that is customized for their requirements and the agility to move quickly to meet customer needs.

5G, being the next generation mobile networking standard, brings several new components. Two of the
most important features are low latency (< 10ms) and high through-put (Multi-Gbps). Using these new
enhancements, operators will be able to address the market by addressing new use cases. 5G enhances
the use cases that LTE is able to minimally address today, and brings new revenue streams to operators
by leveraging new solutions that LTE was not able to serve. 3GPP Release 15 defines 5G and is expected
to be completed by mid- 2018. In preparation for the launch of 5G over the years to come, operators have
many tasks to accomplish for 5G technology transformation.

When reviewing the life cycle of the wireless telecommunications industry, technology leaps have occurred
roughly every 5-10 years for the past three decades. Since LTE’s first deployment in 2010, LTE has been
the most rapidly deployed wireless technology. There have been many advancements in LTE (for example.
LTE-Advanced) and yet the industry is striving for another leap to 5G by 2020. Because LTE is so widely
adopted and successfully deployed, many features targeted for 5G will actually debut on LTE networks.

1 Ericsson Mobility report. Nov 2016

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

The network architecture for 4G is connection-oriented and based on centralized mobility anchor points.
With the exploding demand indicated in the Use Case Requirements section, it is clear that the LTE
architecture will be unable to satisfy the scalability, latency, or overall experience required in future
networks. Fortunately, there is momentum and innovation in the industry toward meeting the requirements
of 5G use cases. The new 5G architecture brings improved radio units with a much faster air interface when
compared to LTE and a new Service Based Architecture for the Core.

Figure 1. 5G Converged Architecture.

5G promises ubiquitous wireless coverage. Radios leveraging licensed and/or unlicensed spectrum, small
cells, macro LTE eNodeBs, fiber, microwave, leased Ethernet, or satellite backhaul will be considered when
offering services. Given the service performance requirements, it is possible that not all services will be
available in all areas of ubiquitous coverage. It will be essential to maintain continuity, as devices change
locations and move between different types of networks.

Figure 1 indicates how functions will be involved in providing network services. Each service will have
certain characteristics, such as QoS or Mobility. These services can be assigned to dedicated and/or shared
network slices. Each network slice will be realized by creating one or more virtual networks, each of them
with certain performance characteristics. User-subscribed services will be mapped to the slices. With the
potentially infinite number of network slices that will be needed, a strong Network Function Virtualization
Infrastructure (NFVI) will be necessary. Orchestration, Analytics, and automation will play a key role in
transforming a network to support and run the 5G network.

The revolution towards the 5G innovation engine is well underway. In following sections, the technology
and transformation required to leverage 5G is explained.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


With the prospect of universal availability of instantaneous communications, a high level of guaranteed
QoS, and lower cost points, 5G is looking to pave the way for new use cases and new business
opportunities. 5G architecture is expected to accommodate a wide range of use cases with requirements
providing a wide range of capabilities in terms of latency, coverage, bandwidth and robustness.

5G is also expected to meet another important challenge; it will provide an end-to-end network and cloud
infrastructure using network slicing making it possible to meet the various requirements of a diverse set of
use cases.

Numerous use cases with a wide variety of applications are on the rise with a highly varied range of
performance attributes such as mobility, data speed, latency and reliability. The supporting user data rates
could range from a few kbps for some IoT devices where power consumption will be extremely low, to
multiple Gigabits per second used by Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) or high quality multi-
media applications. Mobility supported by the use cases could range from fixed wireless high capacity, high
data rate applications to high velocity trains or aircraft at speeds of 500 mph.

Ultra-low latency, in the order of 0.5 ms, is needed to enable real-time applications like industrial automation
and is very different from smart home applications that may be more delay tolerant. Reliability is critical for
remote surgery and health care monitoring, but may be less so for some remote sensors and meters in
smart cities. A wide variety of use cases are considered and chronicled as part of forming the basic
requirements for 5G in multiple studies.

1. 5G Use Case and Services, White Paper by 5G Americas, 29 November 2017 2

2. NGMN 5G White Paper, NGMN, 17 February 2015 3
3. The 5G Business Potential, Ericsson, February 2017 4
4. 5G Use Cases and Requirements White Paper by Nokia, April 27 5
5. 5G Use Cases, presentation by Ericsson, 2015 6

In the following sections, the emerging key use cases and categories that will be supported by 5G are


The following is a general and well accepted grouping of use cases that will be supported by 5G:

1. Enhanced Mobile Broadband

2. Connected Vehicles
3. Enhanced Multi-Media
4. The Massive Internet of Things
5. Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Applications
6. Fixed Wireless Access (Early 5G Deployments)


5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) is characterized by broadband data access in specific locations such
as crowded spaces or office areas, across a wide coverage area, or in a high-speed public transport system.
It provides maximum user experience with connectivity both indoors and outdoors while delivering high
QoS broadband even in challenging network conditions. Multi-user interaction, Augmented Reality and
Context Recognition are essential features for this category of use cases. Several sub-use cases in this
category are:

• Hot Spots – Broadband Access in Dense Areas

o This use case relates to providing high enhanced broadband access in densely populated
areas such as high-rise building complexes, urban city centers, crowded areas, and
• General Broadband Everywhere
o This use case relates to providing a consistent user experience, guaranteeing improved
user speeds of estimated 50+ Mbps everywhere towards a mobile and a connected society.
The user data has to be delivered consistently across the coverage area
• Public Transport
o Public transport is about providing broadband access in public transport systems such as
high-speed trains. The use case consists of providing robust communication link and high
quality mobile internet for information, entertainment, interaction or work
• Smart Offices
o This use case in characterized by heavy data use in an Indoor Environment. Hundreds of
users require ultra-high bandwidth to serve intense bandwidth applications. Low latency
served by a distributed user plane could also be leveraged in this scenario
• Specific Events
o This use case requires providing very high connection density in scenarios such as in
Stadiums, concerts and Large Gatherings where several hundred thousand users are
served at high data rates with low latency. This would bring the ability to serve content such
as instant replays or 360 degrees viewing to all users


The category of use cases for mobile communications related to Connected Vehicles is going to be an
important driver for 5G. This category of use cases entails supporting advanced safety applications
mitigating road accidents, improving traffic efficiency, smoother traffic for emergency vehicles. These
applications require a concerted framework with features supporting ultra-low latency for warning signals,
higher data rate to share video information between vehicles and infrastructure, high mobility, high reliability
and scalability features. The following are the key communication framework and use cases that need to
be established for Vehicle to Everything Communications (V2X):

• The V2X communication encompasses data exchange between vehicles and other
infrastructure to improve road safety and increase traffic. V2X communications as defined
in 3GPP consists of four types: V2V, V2I, V2N and V2P
• V2V and V2P communications are essentially between vehicles or between vehicles and
vulnerable road users (for example, pedestrian, cyclist) to provide information about
location, velocity and direction to avoid accidents
• V2I transmission is between a vehicle and a road side unit (RSU). V2N transmission is
between a vehicle and a V2X application server. An RSU is used to extend the range of a

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

V2X message received from a vehicle by acting as a forwarding node. V2I includes
communications between vehicles and traffic control devices in the road vicinity


This category of use cases is targeted towards providing high quality media everywhere to meet the growing
demands of consumer media consumption. The targeted users are regular consumers of media, pay TV
operators, broadcasters, new content owners, aggregators, and OTT providers. These use cases aim to
provide high quality video anywhere and meet all TV consumer demands. Recent developments of 4K, 8K
3D Videos, expanded use of HD TV, streaming audio and video services, and interactive video on the go
over growing number of devices, are key driving factors for this family of use cases. The enhanced data
capacity, the high data rates and the enhanced broadcast/multicast features will essentially serve these
use cases aiming to provide TV for in-home screens and realize the media vision for mobile TV. Some of
the Enhanced Multi-Media use cases are as follows:

Broadcast Services
These services distribute real time and non-real-time content, are typically heavy on the downlink, and
provide a feedback channel for interactive services in wide distributed areas. Sub-use cases consist of:

• Delivering news and information in audio and video everywhere to customers in all geographic
• Delivering local services within 1 to 20 kms that includes scenarios such stadium events,
advertisements, fairs, conventions and emergency services
• Delivering services in a larger distribution within 1 to 100 kms that includes scenarios such as
communicating traffic jams, disaster emergency warnings, and jetcetera
• Delivering services at a national level, complimentary to broadcast radio or television, providing
benefits for the automotive industry

On Demand and Live TV

This use case is based on scaled-up content delivery on live TV or on demand providing high quality video
using enhanced data capacity and data rates.

Mobile TV
Entertainment and video streaming on smart phones, tablets and other devices in high mobility
environments such as trains, cars and airplanes defines this use case.


The category of use cases in Massive Internet of Things essentially addresses the emerging Low Power
Wide Area (LPWA) needs for low cost devices, extended coverage and long battery life. The use cases in
the category of massive Internet of Things are expected to make up a large part of the new types of services
and use cases that 5G systems will address. This category consists of growing use cases with a massive
number of devices such as sensors, actuator, cameras, and etcetera.

This family of use cases are expected to be pervasive in urban, sub-urban and rural areas providing
metering, city or building lights management, environment monitoring (pollution, temperature, noise,
etcetera), and traffic control, among many other applications. The combined number of these services is
expected to require supporting a very high density of devices with different characteristics in a common

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

communication framework. Massive IoT covers a wide spectrum of use cases across many industries and
societies, as shown in Figure 2.

Climate/agriculture monitoring
Livestock tracking Utilities
Smart metering
Smart grid management

Transport and logistics

Fleet management
Goods tracking Smart cities
Parking sensors
Smart bicycles
Massive Waste management
Smart lighting
Flood monitoring/alerts
Environmental monitoring
(water, air, noise, etc.) Smart buildings
Smoke detectors
Alarm systems
Home automation

Industrial Consumers
Process monitoring and
Kids/senior tracker
Maintenance monitoring
Medical monitoring

Figure 2: Massive IoT Verticals Enabled by 5G Technologies 7


These set of use cases are the Critical IoT applications that will have very high demands on reliability,
availability and extremely low latency where the volumes are typically much smaller, but the business value
is significantly higher. As listed in table 1, the latency range for these type of use cases ranges from .5
milliseconds to 5 milliseconds. These use cases also fall into the category of mission-critical machine type
communication use. The mission-critical MTC is envisioned to enable real-time control and automation of
dynamic processes in various fields, such as industrial process automation and manufacturing, energy
distribution, intelligent transport systems. These applications and use cases requires communication with
very high reliability and availability, as well as very low end-to-end latency going down to millisecond level.

Process Automation
• These use cases are centered on information integration enabling process automation
useful in oil and gas, chemicals, energy and water industries. The application here covers
pumps, compressors, mixers, monitors of temperature, pressure, flow and etcetera. 8

7 https://www.ericsson.com/assets/local/publications/white-papers/wp_iot.pdf
ARC Advisory Group

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

Automated Factories
• These use cases involve communication transfers enabling time-critical factory automation
that are required in many industries across a wide spectrum that includes metals,
semiconductor, pharmaceuticals, electrical assembly, food and beverage etc. Applications
for these use cases fall into functions related to material handling, filing, labeling,
palletizing, packaging, welding, stamping, cutting, metal forming, soldering, sorting,
printing presses, web drawing, picking and placing, and etcetera.
Tactile Interaction
• These use cases involve interaction between humans and systems where humans
wirelessly control real and virtual objects and the interactions require a tactile control signal,
and audio or visual feedback. Robotic controls and interactions include several scenarios
where most applications are found in manufacturing, remote medical care and autonomous
cars. These tactile interactions require real-time reactions in the order of sub-milliseconds.
Emergency, Disasters and Public Safety
• These use cases require robust and reliable communications in case of natural disasters
such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, etcetera. These use cases may require
accurate location identification and quick communication exchanges between users and
systems. Energy efficiency in user battery consumption and network communications are
critical for these use cases. Public safety organizations require enhanced and secured
communications. Public safety use cases include requirements like real time video and the
ability to send high quality pictures.
Urgent Health Care/ Remote Surgery
• These use cases are envisioned around applications that will conduct remote treatment.
Applications include monitoring and surveillance of patients remotely and communications
with devices such as ECG, pulse, blood glucose, blood pressure, and temperature
monitors. These critical remote patient treatments and heath care responses, based on
monitored data, can be immediate, automatic, or semi-automatic. Remote surgery
applications in a mobile scenario in ambulances, in disaster situations, and in remote areas
require providing precise control and feedback communication mechanisms. Latency,
reliability and security of these messages are critical for remote medical health


Fixed Wireless Access could be one of the first use cases to be addressed in early 5G deployments. The
combination of fiber and 5G will be part of the same network in the future. This use case is an important
application of the enhanced broadband features of 5G. Fixed networks with 5G are expected to complement
fiber to provide very high-speed data rates. Fixed wireless use cases using 5G are geared towards mass-
market distribution of on-demand high bandwidth content.


The specific requirements for different use cases can be significant depending on the service being
delivered. Listed in Table 1 are some early estimations on 5G use case requirements.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

Table 1. Use Case Requirements.

Use Case User Data Rate Latency Mobility

Hotspots: Broadband DL: 300 Mbps –500 10 ms 0 – 120 km/h

Access in Dense Mbps
UL: 50 Mbps – 100

Broadband DL: 25– 50 Mbps 10 ms 0 – 120 km/h

UL: 10 – 25 Mbps

Homes and Offices DL: 1 Gbps – 5 Gbps 10 ms Pedestrian

UL: 100 - 500 Mbps

Public Transport, DL: 25 – 50 Mbps 10 ms Up to 500 kmph

MBB in Cars, High
Speed Trains UL: 10 – 25 Mbps

Broadband Access in DL: 10 - 25 Mbps 10 ms Pedestrian

Events & Large
Gatherings UL: 25 - 50 Mbps

Connected Vehicles: DL: 1 - 5 Mbps 1 ms 0 – 160 km/h

UL: 1 - 5 Mbps

Connected Vehicles: DL: 1 - 5 Mbps 5 ms 0 – 160 km/h

UL: 1 - 5 Mbps

Connected Vehicles: DL: 1 - 5 Mbps 1 ms 0 – 160 km/h

UL: 100 kbps - 1 Mbps

Moving Hotspots DL: 10 - 50 Mbps 10 ms 0 – 160 km/h

UL: 5 - 25 Mbps

Enhanced Multi- DL: 50 - 200 Mbps 10-50 ms 0 – 8 km/h

Media: Live TV
UL: 500 kbps

Enhanced Multi- DL: 50 - 200 Mbps 10-50 ms 0 – 80 km/h

Media: On Demand
UL: 500 kbps

Enhanced Multi- DL: 10 - 50 Mbps 10-50 ms 250 – 500 km/h

Media: Mobile TV
UL: 500 kbps

Massive IoT: Sensor DL: 1 – 100 kbps 50 ms - hours 0 – 500 km/h

Networks (Connected

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

Roads, Railways,
Buildings, Smart UL: 1 – 100 kbps
Cities, Parking,
Lighting, Environment

Massive IoT: Smart DL: 1– 100 kbps 50 ms - hours Pedestrian

UL: 1 – 100 kbps

Massive IoT: DL: 100 kbps - 5 Mbps 1 - 5 ms 0 – 120 km/h

UL: 100 kbps – 5 Mbps

Massive IoT: DL: 1 – 100 kbps 1 - 5 ms Pedestrian

UL: 1 – 100 kbps

Industry Process DL: 100 kbps - 10 Mbps 0.5 – 1 ms Pedestrian

UL: 100 kbps – 10

Automated Factories DL: 100 kbps – 10 0.5 – 1 ms Pedestrian


UL: 100 kbps – 10


Tactile Interaction DL: 100 kbps - 10 Mbps 0.5 – 1 ms Pedestrian

UL: 100 kbps – 10


Emergency Services, DL: 100 kbps – 10 1 - 5 ms 0 – 120 km/h

Public Safety Mbps

UL: 100 kbps – 10


Urgent Health Care DL: 100 kbps – 10 1 - 5 ms 0 – 120 km/h


UL: 100 kbps – 10


Fixed Wireless DL: 100 kbps - 5 Mbps 10 ms Pedestrian

UL: 100 kbps – 1 Mbps

The business potential for 5G will be enabled by the use cases in Table 1. Although some scenarios may
be addressed by LTE today, 5G will enhance them and/or make new use cases possible.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


Several industry associations have been researching 5G since 2013. The work has included identifying
use cases for 5G, requirements for 5G, studying how to measure performance and researching technical
concepts for 5G. 5G Americas published an excellent White Paper highlighting these pre-standards
research efforts 9 that highlighted the dozens of 5G research projects worked across the globe. This early
5G research is allowing 5G to be rapidly standardized in organizations like 3GPP, ITU, ETSI, IETF and
more. Some of the key Industry Standards Organizations (SDOs) involved in 5G are highlighted in the
following section. It’s important to note that 5G standardization is primarily driven through 3GPP. Many
supporting technologies are needed such as Orchestration, Analytics, NFVI and more. These supporting
technologies are driven by other organizations such as OPNFV, OpenStack, OpenDaylight and others.


5G standards are being reviewed and standardized in multiple SDOs and forums. This section will describe
a few of the ongoing activities in some of those SDOs.

3.1.1 3GPP

3GPP is the primary driver for developing 5G standards; however, other organizations will develop
standards that could supplement or be used by 3GPP (for example, ITU, IETF, ETSI, ATIS). 3GPP began
their efforts on 5G with a RAN 5G workshop 10 in September 2015. The workshop preceded RAN Plenary
#69 which approved a study item on channel modeling above 6 GHz. Since then, 3GPP has progressed
from 5G study items, to now developing normative 5G implementable standards.

3GPP then began to study use cases for 5G and from the use cases developed requirements. This work
was performed in the 3GPP Services work group (SA1). These requirements were then used to help guide
in the selection of technical concepts by other work groups. One of their key documents is: ‘Service and
Markets Technology Enablers (SMARTER) for next generation telecommunications’ with 4 approved
Technical Reports (TR 22.861, 22.862, 22.863, 22.864) and the SA1 Service Requirements for the 5G
system; Stage 1 (TS 22.261). Following is a diagram pictorially showing the four key groups for 5G services
and markets.

9 http://www.5gamericas.org/files/2114/0622/1680/2014_4GA_Summary_of_Global_5G_Initiatives__FINAL.pdf
10 http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/workshop/2015-09-17_18_RAN_5G/

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

Network Slicing &

Network Operations

Migration &


Drones &

Connectivity & Robotics



Critical Data

eCity, etc.

Massive MTC Enhanced Mobile Broadband

Inventory Augmented Ultra-high-definition High Mobility
Management & Virtual Reality & Hologram (Trains, planes, etc.)

Figure 3. 3GPP Identified Key Use Cases for 5G Services & Requirements. 11

In March 2017, 3GPP approved the work plan for the initial releases of 5G standards. 12

3GPP RAN #75 (March 2017) approved 5G work plan (see RP-170741)

Figure 4. 3GPP 5G Standardization Milestones.

The first phase of 5G NR will focus on Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)
and Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLCC) use cases with the introduction of extremely

11 http://www.3gpp.org/news-events/3gpp-news/1786-5g_reqs_sa1
12 http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/tsg_ran/TSG_RAN/TSGR_75/Docs/RP-170741.zip

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

short Transmission Time Internal (TTI), enabling basically 1 ms or less radio layer latency. The use case
with massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) is foreseen in a later phase due to the recently
introduced NB-IoT and LTE-M solutions in Releases 12 and 13.

The 5G System architecture is being defined to support data connectivity and services enabling
deployments to use techniques such as Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networking.
The 5G System architecture shall leverage service-based interactions between Control Plane (CP) Network
Functions where identified.

The 5G-RAN will include both a 5G New Radio (currently being called a gNB) and/or LTE Radios (eNBs)
connected to the Next Generation 5G Core (NG Core). The gNBs and/or eNBs provide the user plane and
control plane protocol terminations towards the UE. The architecture is illustrated in Figure 5. This
architecture is being worked in 3GPP and will be finalized for Option 3 Non-Standalone in December of
2017 followed by the Standalone architecture middle of 2018. This can be seen in the timeline in Figure 4.







gNB Xn gNB


eNB Xn eNB

Figure 5. NG-RAN Architecture.


Some operators wanted to trial and possibly commercially deploy multi-vendor 5G equipment ahead of the
3GPP standards. These operators formed groups to develop essential specifications supporting early 5G
systems. The two most high-profile groups include the KT 5G-SIG (5G Special Interest Group) and the
Verizon 5G-TF (5G Technical Forum). The specifications and equipment deployed in these early 5G
systems may be quite different from the vendor equipment compliant with the 3GPP 5G specifications.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

The KT 5G-SIG has the goal to realize the world’s first 5G trial service at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter
Olympic Games. KT has published their 5G specifications. 13

The Verizon 5G-TF was formed in late 2015 for fixed wireless deployments in the 28 GHz and 39 GHz
bands. Verizon has also published their 5G specifications. 14


The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is a standardization group within the United Nations
which has taken on a key role by defining 5G requirements and laying out their 5G timeline (which has
mostly aligned with the 3GPP 5G plans). The ITU nomenclature for 5G is IMT-2020.

One of the key 5G documents is the ITU IMT-2020 5G Requirements ITU-R M [IMT-2020.TECH PERF
REQ] 15 to be approved November 2017. This document identifies the minimum performance requirements
for IMT-2020, such as the peak data rates, throughput, latency, spectral efficiency, mobility and more.

As standards organizations (like 3GPP and 3GPP Organizational Partners) develop 5G standards, they will
also need to perform simulations of their proposals to determine the system performance of their proposals
and ensure the proposal meets the ITU IMT-2020 requirements. The detailed technical proposals along
with performance data will be submitted to the ITU for evaluation. The final proposal along with necessary
performance data is due into ITU-R by July 2019. The ITU will then evaluate proposals and approve IMT-
2020 technologies.

3.1.4 IETF

IETF has been a key part of protocols used by 3GPP, including IPv4, IPv6, SIP, Radius, Diameter, WebRTC
and many more. IETF will continue to play an integral role for developing protocols that will be leveraged
by 3GPP for 5G technology.



As was noted in the introduction, 5G will fully leverage NFV (Network Function Virtualization) and SDN
(Software Defined Networks) to provide more flexible networks and allow for new features to be rapidly
developed and deployed. Work is progressing on NFV in the ETSI ISG NFV group and SDN is progressing
in OpenDaylight (ODL) and the Open Network Foundation (ONF). To take full advantage of NFV and SDN,
open source code will be needed and such work is proceeding in key industry groups such as: ONAP (Open
Network Automation Platform), OPNFV (Open Platform for NFV), OpenStack and more. Each group is
focused on different specific Open Source aspects.

5G Americas

5G Americas has been a key voice in the 5G effort. 5G Americas was one of the first organizations in the
world to publish 5G recommendations well ahead of other efforts. 5G Americas has worked with operators
across the Americas region to collect their 5G requirements, provide 5G technical and policy

13 https://www.kt.com/eng/biz/kt5g_02.jsp
14 http://www.5gtf.net/
15 https://www.itu.int/md/R15-SG05-C-0040/en

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

recommendations; file spectrum recommendations with governments and also has signed cooperative
agreements with global 5G organizations; including: The 5G Infrastructure Association (Europe), the 5G
Forum (Korea), IMT-2020 Promotion Group (China), the Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Forum
(Japan) and TeleBrasil. 5G Americas has published several 5G papers 16 with relevant information that the
reader may use as a useful resource. Some topics include: 5G Technical Recommendations, 5G Spectrum
Recommendations, Understanding Information Centric Networking and Mobile Edge Computing, and more.

4. 5G CORE

To support and enable the known and unknown use cases previously mentioned, a new core network was
defined. This new core network is called the 5G Next Generation Core (NG-Core or NGC) to go along with
the 5G New Radio (NR). Two architectures were proposed in Release 15 - a full reference point
representation and a service-based representation (Figure 6). As standards progressed, the new Service-
Based Architecture (SBA) was selected for architecture going forward. The 5G NGC architecture is defined
as service-based and the interaction between network functions are represented in two ways: Network
functions within the 5G Control Plane (5GC); and Network Functions connecting to the 5G Control Plane
from the RAN network. Network Functions within the 5G CP shall only use service-based interfaces for
their interactions. This is different than LTE architecture where all of the core has a reference point
representation. Reference point interfaces will continue to exist within the Radio and User Plane (UP). In
addition to SBA, two other new concepts have been included: Control Plane / User Plane (CP/UP) split;
and Network Slicing.

The 5G core standardization defines the functional architecture where implementation technologies can be
evolved and replaced over time. A few key principles that guide this architecture are:

• Prioritize interfaces to support multi-vendor integration

• Scale UP and CP functionality independently
• Allow for a flexible deployment of UP separate from the CP
• Support authentication for both IMSI-based and non IMSI-based identities
• Allow for different network configurations in different network slices
• Abstract transport layer for 3GPP NFs

16 http://www.5gamericas.org/en/resources/white-papers/

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


Nnrf Nudm Npcf Nnef Naf

Nausf Namf Nsmf


N1 N2


Data Network
N3 N6
UPF (e.g. operator or
5G Internet)

Figure 6. 3GPP 5G Core Service-based Architecture.

This new representation of the 5G Core Architecture network functions (for example, Access Management
Function (AMF)) within the control plane enables other authorized network functions to access their
services. Communications with these nodes will leverage HTTP based APIs, replacing protocols like
Diameter. The overall design and other potential benefits include:

• NR standalone mode (SA) Option 2, without dependency on legacy networks

• Flexible and extensible architecture based on SBA
• Easier integration with third party software using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
• Multi-slice User Equipment (UE), single UE simultaneously connecting to multiple services over
multiple slices with optimized access and mobility signalling.
• Improved QoS concepts
• Simultaneous access to local and centralized networks within the same data connection
• Mobility on Demand concepts
• Preparing for non-3GPP access integration


When it comes to the network functions themselves, several new nodes have been defined. Many of the
requirements for the functions described in the following text are still being discussed within 3GPP Release
15. The primary Network Functions (NFs) and their capabilities as they are defined in the standards process
today are:

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

Authentication Server Function (AUSF)

• Contains mainly the EAP authentication server functionality

• Storage for Keys

Core Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF)

• Termination point for RAN CP interfaces (N2)

• UE Authentication & Access Security.
• Mobility Management (Reachability, Idle/Active Mode mobility state handling)
• Session Management Function (SMF) selection
• Non- Access Stratum (NAS) signalling including NAS Ciphering and Integrity protection,
termination of MM NAS and forwarding of SM NAS (N1).
• N2 signalling for sending/receiving Mobility Management (MM) information to the RAN such as MM
specific N2 information, and forwarding of N2 Session Management (SM) information such as QoS.
• Likely to include the Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF)

Data Network (DN)

• Services offered
o Operator services
o Internet access
o 3rd party services

Network Exposure Function (NEF)

• Provides security when services or Application Functions (AF) access 5G Core nodes
• Can be thought of as a proxy, or API aggregation point, or translator into the Core Network

NF Repository Function (NRF)

• Provides profiles of Network Function (NF) instances and their supported services within the

Policy Control Function (PCF)

• Expected to have similarities with the existing policy framework (Policy and Charging Rules
Function - PCRF) in 4G
• Updates to include the addition of 5G standardized mobility based policies

Session Management Function (SMF)

• NAS handling for SM

• Sending QoS/policy N2 information to the Access Network (AN) via AMF
• Idle/Active aware
• UE IP address allocation & management
• Policy and Offline/Online charging interface termination
• Policy enforcement control part
• Lawful intercept (CP and interface to LI System)
• User Plane (UP) selection and termination of N4 interface

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

Unified Data Management (UDM)

• Expected to have similar functionality as the HSS in Release 14 for the Evolved Packet Core

User Plane Function (UPF)

• Allows for numerous configurations which essential for reduction of latency in 5G

• Can be collocated in the core network, pushed all the way out the customer site, or anywhere in
• Anchor point for Intra-/Inter-RAT mobility
• External IP point of interconnect
• Packet routing and forwarding
• QoS handling for User Plane
• Packet inspection and PCC rule enforcement
• Lawful intercept (UP Collection)
• Roaming interface (UP)
• Traffic counting and reporting

Application Functions (AF)

• Services considered to be trusted by the operator

• Can access Network Functions directly or via the NEF
• Un-trusted or third-party AFs would access the Network Functions through the NEF


Service and operations within the Next Generation Core have been defined using two different
mechanisms: Request-Response and Subscribe-Notify. A given Control Plane Network Function can
provide one or more NF Services. A NF Service consists of operations based on either a request-response
or subscribe-notify model. Communications in these models use HTTP based APIs, replacing protocols like
Diameter from 4G.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

Service Based Interface (SBI)

NF Service A1 Request NF Service A1
Producer Consumer

NF Service B1 Subscribe NF Service B1

Consumer Notify Producer

NF Service Operation

Figure 7. Network Function Service Models.

An NF service is a capability exposed by a NF (NF Service Producer) to other NFs (NF Service Consumer)
through a service-based interface. Network Functions may expose one or more NF services.

There are two elementary operations provided by NFs through a service-based interface:

• "Request-response": A Control Plane NF A (NF Service Producer) is requested by another

Control Plane NF B (NF Service Consumer) to provide a certain NF service, which can include
performing an action and/or providing information. NF-A response provides NF service results
based on the information provided by NF-B in its request. In order to fulfil the request, NF-A may
in turn consume NF services from other NFs. In Request-response mechanism, communication is
one-to-one between two NFs (consumer and producer) and a one-time response from producer to
a request from consumer is expected within a certain timeframe.

• "Subscribe-Notify": A Control Plane NF-A (NF Service Consumer) subscribes to NF Service

offered by another Control Plane NF-B (NF Service Producer). Multiple Control Plane NFs may
subscribe to the same Control Plane NF Service. NF-B notifies the results of this NF service to the
interested NF(s) that subscribed to this NF service. The subscription request from consumer may
include notification requests for periodic updates or notification triggered through certain events (for
example, the information requested gets changed, reaches certain threshold, etcetera). This
mechanism also covers the case where NFs (NF-B) are subscribed to certain notifications implicitly
without explicit subscription request (for example, due to successful registration procedure).

NF Service discovery, authorization and registration are framework mechanisms that enable the use of NF

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


When introducing a 5G Core Network, it is assumed that EPC/LTE networks need to support existing
EPC/LTE handsets and inbound roamers. Different alternatives exist to enable support for mobility between
5GC and EPC (only MME and SGW in EPC):

• Re-attach without keeping IP address

o VoLTE calls do not survive, New registration in IMS required
• Handover attach with loose interworking (keeping IP address) – in 3GPP “mobility without Nx”
o Connecting SGW to SMF/PGW-C and H-UPF/PGW-U over S5, mimicking Wi-Fi
interworking. Avoids new registration in IMS, but no seamless voice call continuity
o “IRAT mobility” with tight CN-level interworking between EPC and 5GC (idle or active
mode variants)
o Required for VoLTE
o Connecting SGW to SMF/PGW-C and H-UPF/PGW-U over S5, and MME to AMF over
Nx(S10): potential for short voice interruption. Requires QoS translation between 5GC
and EPC

A solution with common SMF/PGW-C, UPF/PGW-U, PCF/PCRF, and UDM/HSS is assumed to enable
mobility support.

Re-attach without keeping Handover attach with

Tight interworking
IP address loose inter-working
(“IRAT Handover”)
(keeping IP address


IP Network IP Network IP Network

Services Services Services





New IMS registration No new IMS registration No new IMS registration

No voice call continuity No voice call continuity Seamless voice call continuity

Figure 8. 5G Core and EPC Interworking Variants.

It is expected that service requirements regarding seamless mobility for services such as VoLTE need to
be fulfilled when the user moves between 5G and 4G systems. For seamless mobility between LTE/NR
and LTE, a solution is required where the UP anchor is not relocated to avoid a change of IP address.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


Next-generation 5G networks will cater for a wide range of new business opportunities, some of which have
yet to be conceptualized. They will provide support for advanced mobile broadband services such as
massive media distribution. Applications like remote operation of machinery, tele-surgery, and smart
metering all require connectivity, but with vastly different network service characteristics. The ability to
provide customized connectivity will benefit many industries around the world, enabling them to bring new
products and services to market rapidly, and adapt to fast-changing demands, all while continuing to offer
and expand existing services. But how will future networks provide people and enterprises with the right
platform, with just the right level of connectivity?

The answer: flexibility. The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) world has already started
the journey to delivering elastic connectivity. Technologies like SON (Self-Organizing Networks) and
virtualization are enabling a drastic change to take place in network architecture, allowing traditional
structures to be broken down into customizable elements that can be chained together programmatically
to provide just the right level of connectivity, with each element running on the architecture of its choice.
This is the concept of network slicing that will enable core networks to be built in a way that maximizes

As we move deeper into the Networked Society, with billions of connected devices, lots of new application
scenarios, and many more services, the business potential for service providers is expanding rapidly. And
5G technologies will provide the key to tap into this potential, ensuring that customized communication can
be delivered to any industry.

Being able to deliver the wide variety of network performance characteristics that future services will
demand is one of the primary technical challenges faced by service providers today. The performance
requirements placed on the network will demand connectivity in terms of data rate, latency, QoS, security,
availability, and many other parameters — all of which will vary from one service to the next. But future
services also present a business challenge: average revenues will differ significantly from one service to
the next, and so flexibility in balancing cost-optimized implementations with those that are performance-
optimized will be crucial to profitability.

In addition to the complex performance and business challenges, the 5G environment presents new
challenges in terms of timing and agility. The time it takes to get new features into the network, and time to
put services into the hands of users’ needs to be minimized, and so tools that enable fast feature
introduction are a prerequisite.

Above all, overcoming the challenges requires a dynamic 5G core network.

Network slicing is one of the key capabilities that will enable this flexibility, as it allows multiple logical
networks to be created on top of a common shared physical infrastructure. The greater elasticity brought
about by network slicing will help to address the cost, efficiency, and flexibility requirements imposed by
future services.

The concept of flexibility applies not only to the hardware and software parts of the network, but also to its
management. For example, setting up a network instance that uses different network functions optimized
to deliver a specific service needs to be automated. Flexible management will enable future networks to
support new types of business offerings that previously would have made no technical or economic sense.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


Network slicing allows networks to be logically separated, with each slice providing customized connectivity,
and all slices running on the same, shared infrastructure. This is a much more flexible solution than a single
physical network providing a maximum level of connectivity.

Virtualization and SDN are the key technologies that make network slicing possible. As shown in Figure 9,
network slices are logically separated and isolated as systems that can be designed with different
architectures, but can share functional components. One slice may be designed for evolved MBB services
providing access to LTE, evolved LTE and NR devices; another may be designed for an industry application
with an optimized core network control plane, different authentication schemes, and lightweight user plane
handling. Together, the two slices can support a more comprehensive set of services and enable new
offerings that are cost-effective to operate.

To support a specific set of services efficiently, a network slice should be assigned different types of
resources, such as infrastructure — including VPNs, cloud services, and access — as well as resources
for the core network in the form of VNFs.

Next Generation
Core Network

Core network
instance <a>

Core network
instance <b>
Access Core network
instance <c>


Core network
instance <n>

Figure 9. Next Generation Core with Network Slices.

As illustrated in Figure 10, network slicing supports business expansion since it lowers the risks associated
with introducing and running new services — the isolated nature of slices protects existing services running
on the same physical infrastructure from any impact. An additional benefit of network slicing is that it
supports migration, as new technologies or architectures can be launched on isolated slices.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

Logical System
Robotics Vehicular Enterprise Other Service/Product
Cust 1 Cust n Cust 1 Cust n Cust 1 Cust n Cust 1 Cust n Management

Network slice 1
Accessslice x Transport Core Service Cloud OSS/BSS/EMS Network Slice
Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources
Access Transport Core Service Cloud OSS/BSS/EMS
Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources Resources Management

Compute Storage Networking

Access Cloud
(including NFVO/NFVI)

Common (WAN) Transport


Figure 10. Network Slicing in Support of Business Expansion.

Evolving standards should allow network architecture to develop in a radical or revolutionary way. By
steering away from a one-size-fits-all approach, evolving standards will allow for a whole palette of
architectures from which different network slices can be designed. The introduction of a selection
mechanism like Dedicated Core Network — which allows for multiple parallel architectures — is one step
in the right direction as the industry continues to move forward towards rapid standardization.

5. RAN

5G includes radio equipment being called the 5G New Radio (NR) and the evolved LTE (eLTE) radio.
Simulations will be required to demonstrate these technologies to meet the IMT-2020 requirements of the
ITU along with ITU approval of these technologies. The base stations for the 5G-NR radios are anticipated
to be called gNodeB.

The key requirements for the 5G radio (as noted previously) are to provide low latency (<5ms) with much
higher through-put (Multi-Gbps) when compared to the eNB. Three of the primary use cases mentioned in
Use Case Categories from the radio perspective are:

• Enhanced mobile broadband with higher data rates, higher density, higher user mobility, devices
with highly variable user data rates, fixed mobile convergence and small-cell deployments
• Massive Internet of Things, which focuses on use cases with massive number of devices (for
example, sensors and wearables). This group of use cases is particularly relevant to new
verticals, such as smart home and city, smart utilities, e-Health, and smart wearables
• Critical communications, with lower latency, higher reliability and availability to enable, services
like industrial control applications and tactile Internet. These requirements can be met with an
improved radio interface, optimized architecture, dedicated core resources, and dedicated radio

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

3GPP is redesigning and optimizing the radio for 5G to meet these requirements. A few of the major
changes are highlighted in sections 5.1 and 5.2.

5.1 LAYER 1

Since 5G is an evolutionary technology, 3GPP is taking an evolutionary approach and redesigning Layer
1. The design is based on extensive simulation work and many different proposals being considered from
scientists and researchers. Some of the key physical layer changes for NR include:

• Support for new millimeter bands (Rel-15 will support frequencies up to 37-40 GHz with even higher
frequencies expected in future releases). Note: existing LTE bands (sub 6 GHz) will also be
supported by NR; however, not all bands will be supported initially as it will take time to work out
the technical details
• Much wider channel bandwidths are supported. The maximum channel bandwidth per NR carrier
is 400 MHz in Rel-15 (wider channel bandwidths are expected in future releases)
• Multiple subcarrier spacing options are allowed depending on the frequency of the channel being
used. Subcarrier spacing can vary between 15 KHz and 240 KHz for below 6 GHz spectrum and
120 to 240 KHz for spectrum greater than 6GHz
• Subframes are fixed at 1ms and frame length is 10 ms
• Support for mini-slot transmissions with a duration shorter than a regular slot. Mini-slots can be
beneficial for low-latency transmissions
• Will retain Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based waveforms
• 12 subcarriers per Physical Resource Block (PRB)
• Channel coding to use Low Density Parity-Check (LDPC, replacing Turbo coding used in LTE)
• Control channels to use Polar or repetition coding
• Support for gNB Beam management for UL and DL

This summarizes only the NR Physical Layer; for additional details, see 3GPP: TS 38.201, TS38.211,

5.2 LAYER 2

Layer 2 is split into the following sublayers: Medium Access Control (MAC), Radio Link Control (RLC),
Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) and SDAP (Service Data Adaptation Protocol). Figures 11 and
12 depict the Layer 2 architecture for downlink and uplink, where:

• The physical layer offers to the MAC sublayer transport channels

• The MAC sublayer offers to the RLC sublayer logical channels
• The RLC sublayer offers to the PDCP sublayer RLC channels
• The PDCP sublayer offers to the SDAP sublayer radio bearers
• The SDAP sublayer offers to 5GC QoS flows

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

QoS Flows

QoS flow QoS flow

SDAP handling handling

Radio Bearers


Security Security Security Security

RLC Channels

Segm. Segm. Segm. Segm.

... ARQ

Logical Channels

Scheduling / Priority Handling

MAC Multiplexing UE1 Multiplexing UEn


Transport Channels

Figure 11. Downlink Layer 2 Structure.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

QoS Flows

QoS flow
SDAP handling

Radio Bearers

Security Security

RLC Channels

Segm. Segm.

Logical Channels


MAC Multiplexing


Transport Channels

Figure 12. Uplink Layer 2 Structure.


The main services and functions of the RRC sublayer include:

• Broadcast of System Information related to AS (Access Stratum) and NAS (Non-Access Stratum)
• Paging initiated by 5GC or NG-RAN
• Establishment, maintenance and release of an RRC connection between the UE and NG-RAN
• Security functions including key management
• Establishment, configuration, maintenance and release of Signaling Radio Bearers and Data Radio
• Mobility functions
• QoS management functions
• UE measurement reporting and control of reporting
• Detection of and recovery from radio link failure
• NAS message transfer to/from NAS from/to UE


Traditional radio equipment has been a rack of physical hardware located at the cell site. The hardware
may be at the base of the tower with cables up to the antenna, or may include baseband processing
hardware at the base of the tower with the RF components adjacent to the antenna. A Cloud RAN typically

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

removes portions of the physical hardware handling baseband processing and moves that functionality into
the cloud. The split of base station functionality between a Central Unit (CU) and Distributed Unit (DU) has
a strong dependency on the transport layer that links the two (known as fronthaul). Figure 13 shows possible
options for splitting the radio protocol stack. High performance transport enables lower layer functional split
(for example, Option 6 or 7), while low performance transport can still enable functional split but only at
higher layers (for example, Option 2 or 3).

Benefits of virtualization include:

• Automatically scale network capacity as demand changes

• Launch exciting new services in days or even hours, not months
• Run real-time services based on what's happening around your customers
• Manage and steer capacity from anywhere in the network to anywhere it's needed
• Ease to upgrade cloud based hardware lower cost and lower power base station equipment
• Dual connectivity between 5G and LTE with vRAN to mitigate trombone routing issues

In 3GPP Rel-15, one higher layer split will be standardized (Option 2) while lower layer split continues to
be studied.

High- Low- High- Low- High-


Data Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6 Option 7 Option 8

High- Low- High- Low- High-



Figure 13. Possible Splitting Options for Radio Protocol Stack.


Network Slicing will be supported within RAN to provide differentiated treatment of the bearer data
depending on the type of data and user subscription. With RAN network slicing, it is possible for Mobile
Network Operators (MNO) to consider customers as belonging to different tenant types with each having
different service requirements that govern in terms of what slice types each tenant is eligible to use based
on Service Level Agreement (SLA) and subscriptions. Following are some of the 3GPP RAN Network
Slicing requirements:

• RAN shall support a differentiated handling of traffic for different network slices which have been
pre-configured. How RAN supports the slice enabling in terms of RAN functions (i.e. the set of
network functions that comprise each slice) is implementation dependent
• RAN shall support the selection of the RAN part of the network slice, by one or more slice ID(s)
provided by the UE or the CN which unambiguously identifies one or more of the pre-configured
network slices in the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN). The Accepted Network Slice Selection
Assistance Information (NSSAI) is sent by the Core Network (CN) to User Equipment (UE) and
RAN after network slice selection

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

• RAN shall support policy enforcement between slices as per service level agreements. It should
be possible for a single RAN node to support multiple slices. The RAN should be free to apply the
best Radio Resource Management (RRM) policy for the SLA in place to each supported slice
• RAN shall support QoS differentiation within a slice
• RAN shall support resource isolation between slices. RAN resource isolation may be achieved by
means of RRM policies and protection mechanisms. A shortage of shared resources in one slice
should not break the service level agreement for another slice. It should be possible to fully dedicate
RAN resources to a certain slice. How RAN supports resource isolation is implementation
• The RAN and the CN are responsible to handle a service request for a slice that may or may not
be available in a given area. Admission or rejection of access to a slice may depend on factors
such as support for the slice, availability of resources, support of the requested service by other
slices, etcetera

Architectural decisions for Network Slicing are still being worked in 3GPP RAN3 TS 38.301 section 17.3.

Some examples of RAN network slices may include:

• MTC - Machine Type Communication

• Real-time local video (possibly handled by Mobile Edge Computing)
• Public Safety
• Mobile Health

CN MBB Slice
• Video Streaming Support
• MMS Support
• Voice Calls and Features
• Service Continuity
RAN Slice #1 • Charging Support
• Data Path Optimization

Smart RAN Slice #2


RAN Slice #3
CN IoT Slice
MVNO • Small Data Optimization
UE • Battery Conservation
RAN Slice #4
• Charging Support
• …..
Fixed Access Slice #1

Fixed Access Slice #2

• MVNO Operator Feature Set
• MBB Support
• Operator Specific Charging
• ….

Figure 14. Network Slice Example.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


The increased density of access nodes needed to meet performance objectives poses considerable
deployment challenges (for example, backhaul availability, backhaul capacity and scalability). The use of
wireless backhaul for such access nodes addresses some of these challenges. Wireless backhaul has
been used in the past, using proprietary technologies.

Several groups are looking to address these new distribution needs, including 3GPP, CPRI, and IEEE to
name a few. Another key question relates to splitting the fronthaul between the Lower Layer (RF) and
Higher Layer (digital processing) which will help with Cloud RAN deployments.

Similar to 4G, 5G will leverage multiple backhaul technologies depending upon the product type (indoor
femtocell vs. outdoor macro cell) along with the available resources (urban environment with fiber available
vs. rural environment with ample spectrum available for wireless backhaul).

Wireless self-backhauling in the radio access network can enable simple deployment and incremental
rollout by reducing reliance on the availability of wired backhaul at each access node location. Network
planning and installation efforts can be reduced by leveraging plug and play type features including self-
configuration, self-organization, and self-optimization.

Self-backhauling can leverage the advantages of mmWave RAT, which provides wide bandwidth and high
spectral reuse due to narrow beams supported on both link end points.

Based on the deployment scenario, access and backhauling can share the same frequency resources –
referred to as Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) – or operate in different bands, for example, mmWave
RAT for backhaul and sub-6/LTE for access.

3GPP SA1 has defined requirements for wireless self-backhauling, including:

• Leveraging of NR and E-UTRA for self-backhaul links

• Operation in indoor and outdoor scenarios
• Flexible partitioning of radio resources between access and self-backhaul
• Autonomous configuration of access and self-backhaul functions
• Multi-hop transport to enable flexible extension of range and coverage area
• Autonomous topology adaptation to minimize service disruptions
• Topological redundancy to enhance reliability and capacity, and reduce latency.

3GPP RAN Plenary has approved IAB/self-backhauling as an NR project starting at the end of calendar
year 2017.


5G system architecture has to be highly adaptable to meet the performance expectations to serve new and
legacy use cases, services, business models, infrastructure usage approaches and radio access needs
that will emerge with 5G.

Separation of the user plane from the control plane is one of the key technological changes in the path to
5G evolution. Considering that 5G use cases and deployment architectures may lead to significant wireless
bandwidth densities, it’s clear that distribution of the traffic towards the edge is imperative for 5G networks.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

While it can be argued that 4G cores can be distributed further out to address the need, the connection
oriented architecture makes distribution cumbersome. Thus, with separate user plane functions distributed
along with edge-computing solutions and Distributed Mobility Management (DMM), allowing the breakout
of the traffic closer to the edge, it will be possible to push out data-heavy application processing (such as
enhanced video services, immersive user experience, virtual reality, and vehicle-to-vehicle/infrastructure
communications). This shift avoids backhaul costs and bottlenecks, and meets 5G latency requirements.

Technology enhancements in the 4G Core will be used to inform and guide the development of 5G
standards and technologies. Most of the technology is in place, and key projects are under way. The path
will require continued 4G development for legacy device support and 5G development as specifications
become available. The result will be a core that is small but supports the numerous use cases posed by
5G through configuration and the support of numerous underlying technologies.

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project

4G Fourth Generation Mobile Networks

5G Fifth Generation Mobile Networks

AF Application Function

AMF Access and Mobility Management Function

APs Access Points

ARPF Authentication Credential Repository and Processing Function

AUSF Authentication Server Function

BF Beamforming

BL Bandwidth Reduced Low Complexity

BS Base Station

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

CIOT Cellular IoT

CN Core Network

C-U Control/ User Plane

C Plane Control Plane

CU Central Unit

CUPS Control and User Plane Separation

D2D Device-to-Device

DCN Dedicated Core Network

DCF Distributed Coordination Function

DCI Downlink Control Indicator

DCN/DECOR Dedicated Core Network

DÉCOR Dedicated Core Networks

DL Downlink

DMRS Demodulation Reference Signal

DN Data Network

DRB Data Radio Bearer

DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

DU Distributed Unit

EBF Elevation Beam Forming

eLAA Enhanced LAA

eLWA Enhanced LWA

eMBB Enhanced Mobile Broadband

eMBMS Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service

EMTC Enhanced Machine Type Communication

eNodeB Evolved NodeB

Evolved Packet Core also known as System Architecture

Evolution (SAE)

EPC/SAE Evolved Packet Core/System Architecture Evolutions

EPS Evolved Packet System

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (based on


FD Frequency Division

FD Full Dimension as in FD-MIMO

FDD Frequency Division Duplex

GBR Guaranteed Bit Rate

GHz Gigahertz

GTP General Packet Radio Service Tunneling Protocol

GTP-C GPRS Tunneling Protocol - Control

GTP-U GPRS Tunneling Protocol User Plane

HLCom High Latency Communications

HLR Home Location Register

HPLMNs Home Public Land Mobile Networks

HSPA High Speed Packet Access

High Speed Packet Access Plus (also known as HSPA Evolution

or Evolved HSPA)

HSS Home Subscriber Server

HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access

ICT Information and Communication Technology

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IMT International Mobile Telecommunications

IoT Internet of Things

ISG Information Services Group

ISO International Standards Organization

ITU International Telecommunications Union

ITU-T ITU-Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

KPIs Key Performance Indicators

LAA Licensed Assisted Access

LCM Life Cycle Management

LDPC Low Density Parity-Check

LI Lawful Intercept

LSA Licensed Shared Access

LTE Long Term Evolution

LTE-U LTE for Unlicensed Spectrum

4G LTE Fourth-Generation Long Term Evolution

LWA LTE Wireless Local Area Network Aggregation

M2M Machine-to-Machine

MANO Management Nodes

MBMS Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services

MBMS-GW Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services – Gateway

MGCF Media Gateway Control Function

MEC Mobile Edge Computing

MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output

MIOT Massive Internet of Things

MME Mobility Management Entity

mMTC Massive Machine Type Communications

mmWave Millimeter Wave

MNO Mobile Network Operator

MOCN Multi-Operator Core Network

MRO Mobility Robustness Optimization

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

MSC-S/MGW Mobile Switching Center – Server/Media Getaway

MTC Machine Type Communications

MTC-M2M Machine Type Communications/Machine-to-Machine

MTC_SIB Machine Type Communication System Information Block

MU-MIMO Multi-User Multiple-Input Multiple-Output

MWC Mobile World Congress

NAS Non-Access Stratum

NB-IoT Narrowband IoT

NFC Near Field Communications

NG Next Generation

NGC Next Generation Core

NGMN Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance

NFV Network Function Virtualization

NSD Network Service Descriptors

NSSAI Network Slice Selection Assistance Information

NR New Radio

OEMs Original Equipment Manufacturers

OTA Over-The-Air

OTT Over-the-Top

PCC Policy and Charging Control

PCEF Policy and Charging Enforcement Function

PCF Policy Control Function

PDN Public Data Network

PDSCH Physical Downlink Shared Channel

PDU Packet Data Unit

P-GW Public Data Network Gateway

PLMN Public Land Mobile Network

PS Packet Switched

PSM Power Saving Mode

QCI QoS Class Identifier

QoE Quality of Experience

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

QoS Quality of Service

RAN Radio Access Network

REST Representation State Transfer

RESTful Representation State Transfer based

RLC Radio Link Control Layer

RRC Radio Resource Control

RRM Radio Resource Management

RTP Real-time Transport Protocol

SA System Architecture

SCG Secondary Cell Group

SDN Software-Defined Networking

SDOs Standards Development Organization

SEA Security Anchor Function

SeGW Security Gateway

SGW Serving Gateway

SIM Subscriber Identity Module

SMARTER Services and Markets Technology Enablers

SMF Session Management Control Function

SON Self-Optimizing or Self-Organizing Network

TDD Time Division Duplex

TD-LTE Time Division LTE

ToS Type of Service

TDD Time Division Duplex

UDM Unified Data Management

UE User Equipment

UIC International Union of Railways

Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (also known as


U Plane User Plane

UPGW User Plane Gateway

UPF User-Plane Function

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas

URLCC Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication

UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network

V2X Vehicle-to-Everything

VCC Voice Call Continuity

VNF Virtualization of Network Functions

VoLTE Voice-over-LTE

ViLTE Video over LTE

WI Work Item

5G Network Transformation: © Copyright 2017 5G Americas


The mission of 5G Americas is to advocate for and foster the advancement and full capabilities of LTE
wireless technology and its evolution beyond to 5G throughout the ecosystem's networks, services,
applications and wirelessly connected devices in the Americas. 5G Americas' Board of Governors members
include América Móvil, AT&T, Cable & Wireless, Cisco, CommScope, Entel, Ericsson, HPE, Intel, Kathrein,
Mavenir, Nokia, Qualcomm Incorporated, Samsung, Sprint, T-Mobile US, Inc. and Telefónica.

5G Americas would like to recognize the significant project leadership and important contributions of project
co-leaders Jeff Collins of Ericsson and Arun Rajagopal of Sprint as well as representatives from member
companies on 5G Americas’ Board of Governors who participated in the development of this White Paper.

The contents of this document reflect the research, analysis, and conclusions of 5G Americas and may not
necessarily represent the comprehensive opinions and individual viewpoints of each particular 5G Americas
member company.

5G Americas provides this document and the information contained herein to you for informational purposes
only, for use at your sole risk. 5G Americas assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this
document. This document is subject to revision or removal at any time without notice. No representations
or warranties (whether expressed or implied) are made by 5G Americas and 5G Americas is not liable for
and hereby disclaims any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary
damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this document and any information contained in this

© Copyright 2017 5G Americas


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