Azolla (Azolla Pinnata) As A Feed Ingredient in Broiler Ration

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International Journal of Poultry Science 1 (1): 29-34, 2002

© Asian Network for Scientific Information 2002

Azolla (Azolla pinnata) as a Feed Ingredient in Broiler Ration

Biplob Basak, 1 Md. Ahsan Habib Pramanik, 1 Muhammad Siddiqur Rahman,
Sharif Uddin Tarafdar and 1 Bimol Chandra Roy
Department of Poultry Science, 2 Department of Dairy Science,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh

Abstract: An experiment was conducted with 120 seven days old Vencobb commercial broiler chicks and continued up to 42
days of age to determine the feasibility of Azolla (Azolla pinnata) as a feed ingredient in broiler ration. The broilers are randomly
allotted to four dietary treatments; T1 (control diet without Azolla meal), T2 (diet with 5% Azolla meal), T3 (diet with 10% Azolla
meal) and T4 (diet with 15% Azolla meal) diets replacing sesame meal by Azolla meal. The composition of Azolla meal contained
25.78% crude protein, 15.71% crude fibre, 3.47% ether extract, 15.76% ash and 30.08% nitrogen free extract on the air-dry
basis. Live weight, production number and protein efficiency were (P< 0.01) significantly improved at the level off 5% Azolla
meal in broiler ration. Feed conversion ratio and energy efficiency were significantly (P< 0.01) improved in diet with 5% Azolla
meal and control diet. Total cost Tk/kg broiler was significantly (P<0.05) better in the diet with 5% Azolla meal. Dressing
percentage was significantly (P<0.01) increased on diet with 5% Azolla meal. Giblet percentage on dietary treatment T4
significantly (P<0.05) increased than other treatments. It can be conducted that use of Azolla meal up to 5% in the broiler
ration found to improve performance and may be used in broiler diet as a safe level. Azolla meal had no deleterious effect on
the palatability of broiler diets.

Key words: Azolla meal, composition of Azolla, broiler, body weight, protein and energy efficiency and dressing percent

Introduction when they supply part of the total protein or when they are
Now a days, poultry industry as one of the most profitable included as a source of pigment for egg and broiler skin.
business of agriculture in Bangladesh that provides nutritious With those considerations, the experiment was under taken with
meats and eggs for human consumption within the shortest the following objectives:
possible time. Recently, broiler industry has become a rapidly I) To investigate the performance of broilers fed Azolla at
developing enterprise among the other sector of poultry different dietary levels.
production. Large numbers of farms are being established in ii) To compare the production cost of broilers provided with
different parts of the country, which create employment diets containing different levels of Azolla in the broiler ration.
opportunities to the peoples. But they are facing some problems.
The two major problems are higher price and non-availability of Materials and Methods
feed ingredients to the growth of commercial poultry enter price. The experiment was conducted at Bangladesh Agricultural
The feed cost incurred about 60-65% of the total cost of poultry University (BAU) poultry farm, Mymensingh to study Azolla (Azolla
production and cost incurred about 13% of the total feed cost of pinnata) as a feed ingredient in broiler ration. The experiment was
the poultry production (Singh, 1990; Banerjee, 1992). Availability started with 7 days old Vencobb commercial broiler chicks and
of quality feed at a reasonable cost is a key to successful poultry continued up to 42 days of age.
operation. To sustain in the competitive market already develop in
Bangladesh it would be wise to use unconventional feed to the Collection and preparation of Azolla meal: Azolla was collected
diet formulation to reduce the production cost for poultry. from a few ponds located at Bangladesh Agricultural University
In poultry industry, the production of broiler is very rapid in Soil Science farm. It was then dried in the sun. After sun drying,
Bangladesh due to its quick return. But the farmers are facing it was ground and stored in the plastic bags until used for feeding.
difficulty with the availability and high price of the feed
ingredients. FAO program focuses on increasing the feed base Layout of the experiment: Chicks were equally and randomly
production systems to locally available feed resources in divided and distributed in four dietary treatments groups (T1, T2,
developing countries (Sansoucy, 1993). Among the fed proteins T3 and T4) having three replications in each. Each dietary treatment
plant originates are less costly than animal protein. Limited works group consists of 30 chicks distributed in three replicated pens (R1,
have been done in our country on the use of unconventional feeds R2 and R3) with 10 chicks in each. The layout of the experiment is
in poultry diets and these are quite inadequate (Rahman and Reza, shown in Table 1.
1983; Hossain et al., 1989; Bul Bul and Islam, 1991) to mark
generalized conclusion. Table 1: Layout of the experiment
The water fern Azolla (Azolla pinnata) is an unconventional feed Dietary Number of birds Total number of birds
ingredient. Azolla is a free floating fresh water fern belonging to treatments per replication
the family Azollaceae and order Pteridophyta. There are six species ------------------------------
of Azolla. It is commonly found in tropics and sub-tropics. It R1 R2 R3
grows naturally in stagnant water of drains, canals, ponds, rivers, T1 10 10 10 30
haors-baors, marshy lands. Anabaena-azollae, living in the cavity T2 10 10 10 30
of Azolla leaf, can fix high amount of atmospheric dinitrogen due T3 10 10 10 30
to presence of symbolic algae in the leaves (Becking, 1979). Azolla T4 10 10 10 30
is a potential feed ingredient for broilers (Singh and Subudhi, Grand total 120
1978). Azolla is reach in protein, total protein is 25-30%. Other Where, T1= Control diets without Azolla meal; T2 = Control diets
constituents in Azolla are minerals, chlorophyll, carotinoids, amino with 5% Azolla meal; T3 = Control diets with 10% Azolla meal; T4
acids, vitamins etc. It is also a potential source of nitrogen and is = Control diets with 15% Azolla meal
a potential feed ingredient for livestock (Lumpkin, 1984; Pannerker,
1988). In addition Boyd (1968) Subudhi and Singh (1977); Preparation of the experimental diets: Four-broiler starter and four
Maurice et al. (1984) started that inclusion of aquatic plants at low broiler finisher diets were replacing sesame meal by Azolla meal.
levels in poultry diets had shown better performance, specially However, to adjust the nutrient level of the diets proportion of

Basak et al.: Azolla (Azolla pinnata) as a Feed Ingredient in Broiler Ration

Table 2: Composition of the starter diets (g/kg)

Ingredients Treatments
T1 T2 T3 T4
Maize 520 500 490 490
Rice polish 150 145 140 110
LNB 60% 90 90 90 90
Sesame meal 95 70 35 0
Soybean meal 140 140 140 155
Azolla meal 0 50 100 150
Common salt 5 5 5 5
Vit –Min. Premix 2.5g + + + +
Calculated nutrient composition
ME Kcal/kg 2915 2903 2906 2901
CP% 22.11 22.17 21.91 22.10
CF% 3.47 4.06 4.65 5.15
Ca% 1.15 1.17 1.17 1.18
Av. P% 0.52 0.49 0.45 0.41
Lysine% 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.13
Methionine% 0.49 0.47 0.43 0.41
Tryptophan% 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.20
Cystine% 0.35 0.34 0.32 0.31

Table 3: Composition of the finisher diets (g/kg)

Ingredients Treatments
T1 T2 T3 T4
Maize 580 570 570 560
Rice polish 175 165 145 130
LNB 60% 90 90 90 90
Sesame meal 55 40 10 0
Soybean meal 95 80 80 65
Azolla meal 0 50 100 150
Common salt 5 5 5 5
Vit. –Min. Premix 2.5g + + + +
Calculated nutrient composition
ME Kcal/kg 3010 3002 3003 2990
CP% 19.39 19.20 19.04 18.95
CF% 3.37 3.93 4.46 5.01
Ca% 1.06 1.09 1.10 1.15
Av. P% 0.47 0.45 0.41 0.40
Lysine% 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.91
Methionine% 0.43 0.41 0.38 0.37
Tryptophan% 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.15
Cystine% 0.32 0.30 0.28 0.27

soybean meal and rice polish was little changed. Nutrient levels of Table 4: Chemical composition of Azolla meal
the diets were adjusted in accordance with the BSTI (1988) feeding Constituents Percentage
standard. The composition of the experimental diets shown in Dry matter 90.8
Table 2 and Table 3. Crude protein 25.78
Crude fibre 15.71
Management: The experimental birds were managed properly Ether extract 3.47
including housing environment, providing floor space, feeder and Nitrogen free extract 30.08
waterer space, litter management, lighting management, Total ash 15.76
sanitation, immunization and medication. During the
managemental period, body weight, feed consumption etc. are meal are presented and discussed under the following subheading.
recorded and dressing percentage also recorded.
Chemical composition of the Azolla: Chemical composition of the
Statistical analysis: All the recorded and calculated data were Azolla was analyzed and presented in the Table 4. The analysis was
analyzed for ANOVA (Steel and Terrie, 1980) using a Completely carried out following the method of AOAC (1990) and Kjeldhal
Randomized Block Design (CRD) with the help of computer method was used for crude protein estimation. The analysis was
packaged program MSTAT. Least Significant Differences (LSD) was done in the Department of the Poultry Science Laboratory,
calculated to compare the variations between the treatments were Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh for proximate
ANOVA showed significant differences. The dressing yield composition.
parameters were converted to the percentage of their respective The dry matter of Azolla was 90.8 percent. The result are almost
body weights for statistical analysis. similar with earlier observation of Tamang & Samanta (1993), Ali
and Leeson (1995); Ghosh (1978).
Result and Discussion The crude protein level of Azolla was found 25.78 percent. The
The result on chemical composition and feeding effect to Azolla result was close to crude protein level found by the

Basak et al.: Azolla (Azolla pinnata) as a Feed Ingredient in Broiler Ration

Table 5: Weekly average body weight (g/bird) of the broilers at different dietary treatments
Age in week Treatments SED (LSD) and level
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ of significance
T1 T2 T3 T4
Initial week (1st week) 126.67 126.67 126.67 128.33 3.12NS
2nd week 240.00 236.67 226.67 225.00 10.54NS
3rd week 525.00 541.67 486.67 486.33 30.07NS
4th week 830.00 846.00 794.00 772.00 42.96NS
6th week 1199.00ab 1230.00a 1115.00bc 1073.33c 116.65**
7th week 1579.00b 1637.00a 1462.00c 1394.33d 76.86**

Table 6: Weekly average feed consumption (g/ bird) of the broilers at different dietary treatments
Age in week Treatments SED (LSD) and level
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of significance
T1 T2 T3 T4
2nd week 335.00 343.33 343.33 341.67 13.54NS
3rd week 460.00 453.33 443.33 443.33 16.33NS
4th week 635.00 648.33 655.00 653.33 21.86NS
6th week 791.67 763.33 785.00 798.33 22.55NS
7th week 981.33 896.67 906.67 913.33 16.75NS

Table 7: Feed conversion ratio of broilers at different dietary treatments

Age in week Treatments SED (LSD) and level
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of significance
T1 T2 T3 T4
2-4 week 2.04 2.02 2.20 2.24 0.158NS
5-6 week 2.30ab 2.10a 2.55bc 2.7c 0.341*
2-6 week 2.17a 2.06a 2.38b 2.50b 0.258**

Table 8: Protein efficiency of broilers at different dietary treatments

Age in week Treatments SED (LSD) and level
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of significance
T1 T2 T3 T4
2-4 weeks 2.23 2.25 2.11 2.03 0.148NS
5-6weeks 2.26ab 2.48a 2.07bc 1.92c 0.299*
2-6 weeks 2.18ab 2.47a 2.10b 1.98 0.285**

Sreemannaryana et al. (1993) and is consistent with Subudhi and 1994) but in Azolla meal it was 56.6 percent (Tamany et al., 1992).
Singh (1977); Fujiwara et al. (1947). Singh (1977) also reported So use of higher level of Azolla meal may had deleterious effect on
that the crude protein might vary from 25-37.36 percent. body weight as in T3 (140% Azolla meal) and T4 (15% Azolla meal).
Ether extract content of Azolla was 3.47 percent. Though the While Cambel (1984) found better result using 10% and 15%
composition may vary but similar result was reported by Subudhi Azolla meal.
& Singh (1977) and Sreemannaryana et al. (1993). But variation in The higher level of Azolla (T3 and T 4) meal resulted poor growth
ether extract value was reported by Ali and Lesson (1995) and than T1 and T2 treatments. This might be due to higher level of
Querubin et al. (1986b). They found 1.58 and 2.63 percent of NDF in Azolla meal is the main limiting factor for efficient utilization
ether extract. On the other hand, Buckingham et al. (1978) and in monogastic animals (Buckingham et al., 1978). Tamany et al.
Fujiwara et al. (1947) reported 5.1 and 4.4 percent ether extract. (1992) reported higher lignin i.e. 17.48% might cause poorer
Crude fibre level in Azolla meal was 15.71 percent. The results are growth as against the diet containing 10 and 15 percent Azolla
similar with the earlier observation of Querubin et al. (1986b) for meal.
Azolla pinnata. On the other species of Azolla (Azolla microphylla)
they found 15.02 percent crude fibre. Feed consumption: Feed consumption was almost similar in
Nitrogen free extract (NFE) content of Azolla sample was 30.08 different dietary treatments and the differences were non
percent. The result is similar with the observation of Bhuyan et al. significant at all ages of the experimental period (Table 6). The
(1998); Ali and Leeson (1995); Querubin et al. (1986b). results are similar with the earlier observation of Bhuyan et al.
Ash content of Azolla was 15.76 percent. The results are (1998) and Querubin et al. (1986a). They found that the inclusion
consistent with Buckingham et al. (1978) who reported 15.50 of Azolla in broiler diet did not affect feed consumption upto 15%.
percent of ash in Azolla pinnata. Similar result also found by Castillo et al. (1981) and
Sreemannryana et al. (1993). But Bested and Morento (1985)
Body weight: The body weights of broiler were shown in Table 5. stated that Azolla affected the palatability of the feed and reduced
The body weight differed significantly at 5 and 6 weeks of age. In feed consumption.
both the weeks almost similar trend in body weight were
obtained. In this experiment, the diet containing of 5% level of Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR): Feed conversion ratios obtained in
Azolla meal was best in respect of body weight (1637g) while different treatments are shown in Table 7. Feed conversion ratios
control diet was second the best (1579g) in 6 weeks of age. The obtained by the treatments by the T2 and T1 were respectively
result is similar with the earlier observation of Subudhi and Singh 2.06 and 2.17 during 2-6 weeks of age which were very close to
(1977). the standard (1.87:1) (Shalev and Pasternak, 2000). The feed
In this experiment sesame meal was replaced by Azolla meal. The conversion ratios differ significantly among the treatment during
digestible protein percent in sesame meal was 89.9 percent (NRC, 5-6 weeks and 2-6 weeks periods. Poorest feed conversion ratio

Basak et al.: Azolla (Azolla pinnata) as a Feed Ingredient in Broiler Ration

Table 9: Energy efficiency of broilers at different dietary treatments

Age in week Treatments SED (LSD) and level
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of significance
T1 T2 T3 T4
2-4 weeks 16.89 17.16 15.94 15.43 1.125NS
5-6weeks 14.56ab 15.87a 13.14bc 12.15c 2.79**
2-6 weeks 15.76a 16.52a 14.34b 13.79b 1.98**

Table 10: Cost of production and profit/ broiler at different dietary treatments
Variables Diets SED (LSD) and level
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of significance
D1 D2 D3 D4
Cost per chick (Tk./chick) 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 --
Miscellaneous cost (Tk./chick) 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 --
Cost per kg starter diet (Tk.) 12.61 12.31 12.00 11.80 --
Cost per kg finisher diet (Tk.) 12.26 11.92 11.64 11.32 --
Feed cost (Tk./ broiler) 39.00a 37.57b 36.99c 36.35d 0.802**
Feed cost (Tk./ kg broiler) 26.91ab 24.89b 27.77a 28.72a 2.38*
Total cost (Tk./broiler) 68.95a 67.52b 66.94c 66.30d 0.802**
Total cost (Tk./kg broiler) 47.57bc 44.73c 50.24ab 52.39a 4.10*
Sale (Tk./broiler) 94.41a 98.17a 86.80b 82.29b 10.66**
Profit (Tk./broiler) 25.46ab 30.65a 19.86bc 15.99c 10.99**
Profit (Tk./kg broiler) 17.43ab 20.27a 14.76bc 12.61c 4.10*

Table 11: Meat yield traits of male and female broilers of different dietary treatments
Variable Sex Treatments SED (LSD) and level of significance
T1 T2 T3 T4 Mean T S Tx S
Dressing % M 69.58 72.92 67.84 69.86 70.05 4.36** 1.75NS 0.758NS
F 69.18 71.40 68.64 67.70 69.23
Maen 69.38b 72.16a 68.24b 68.78b
Abdominal fat % M 1.42 1.28 1.39 1.39 1.37 0.435NS 0.416NS 0.089
F 1.53 1.51 1.28 1.59 1.48
Maen 1.48 1.40 1.33 1.49
Giblet % M 5.12b 5.17b 6.46a 6.21a 5.77 0.971* 0.487NS 1.58**
F 5.98b 5.98b 5.55c 6.66a 6.04
Maen 5.55c 5.62bc 6.01b 6.44a

was obtained in treatment T4 (2.5) that was similar to the treatments was highly significant during 5-6 and 2-6 weeks of age
treatment T3 (2.38). These might be due to higher fibre content of (Table 9). At 5-6 weeks of age the energy efficiency was best at T2
Azolla. group, which differ significantly than T3 and T4 but not from T1. At
Feed conversion ratios decreased significantly at 10 and 15% 2-6 weeks of age energy efficiency was best at both T2 and T1, and
Azolla meal in the diet. Similar results are reported by Querubin et poorer energy efficiency in T3 and T 4 treatment groups. The
al. (1986a). Higher level of fibre and tannin in aquatic plant may be protein efficiency and energy efficiency showed similar trend.
responsible for decreased the nutrient utilization and ultimately
decreased FCR (Muzlar et al., 1978). Buckingham et al. (1978) Survivability: No bird died in any treatment during the
reported the high level of NDF in Azolla affected the utilization of experimental period. So, survivability was cent percent in all
feed or feed efficiency in monogastic animals. dietary treatment groups. This indicates that Azolla meal had no
any deleterious effects on broilers. The results are similar with
Protein efficiency: Protein efficiencies were calculated for different Castillo et al. (1981) who also found no toxic effect of dietary
treatments shown in Table 8. The best protein efficiency was Azolla on broiler.
observed in treatment T2 at all periods. On the other hand, T2 had
2.48 and 2.37 during 5-6 weeks and 2-6 weeks, which differed Cost of production: Except feed cost, other cost was constant
significantly than other treatments. T3 and T4 had poorer protein and feed cost was only factor that differed the total production
efficiencies. These probably due to the low digestibility make Azolla cost of broiler. The total cost per broiler was highest in D1 (68.95
meal and may be unfit as the sole source of feed for broilers Tk/broiler) and gradually lower in D2 (Tk. 67.52), D3 (Tk. 66.94) and
(Buckingham et al., 1978). D4 (Tk. 66.30) dietary treatments and the difference was
As in dietary treatment T2 diet was formulated with minimum significant between treatments (Table 10). As the Azolla is an
(5%) level of Azolla meal and T1 (control) diet was formulated unconventional feed and the price per kg was lower than sesame
without Azolla meal. Poorer digestibility and higher fibre content meal and that is why the feed cost and total production cost per
in Azolla meal may be responsible for poorer protein efficiency in broiler was highest in the D1 group and the cost gradually lower
T3 and T4. Khatun (1996) found lower digestibility in Azolla piñata in the other treatment groups for the same reason. But total cost
at increasing level in the diet. Digestible protein level in Azolla is and feed cost per kg broiler were higher in D3 and D4 groups,
56.6% (Tamany et al., 1992) where as digestible protein which differed significantly fro D1 and D2 dietary groups. The
percentage in sesame meal is 89.8% (NRC, 1994) and that is why body weight in Dietary treatments T3 and T4 were low (Table 5).
the control diet and diet containing 5% Azolla meal might have So, the total costs of production per kg broilers were increased
shown better result. which reduced profit. Total cost per broiler was highest in D1 but
the profit per broiler highest in D2, which was statistically similar
Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency of broiler at different dietary with D1. The main cause of highest profit in broiler in D2 and D1

Basak et al.: Azolla (Azolla pinnata) as a Feed Ingredient in Broiler Ration

groups were body weight of broilers. As the body weight were treatments. The highest dressing percentage was observed for T2
higher in D2 and D1 increase the profit for the same. treatment. Dressing yield among the treatments were 69.38,
72.16, 68.28 and 68.78 percent for T1, T2, T3 and T4 treatments
Meat yield characteristics: The effect of dietary treatments on the respectively. Dressing yield of male was slightly higher than female
dressing percentage, giblet percentage and abdominal fat but the difference was not significant. Abdominal fat in different
percentage of broilers are shown in Table 11. dietary treatments and in different sexes were more or less similar
and the difference were not significant. Giblet yield differed
Dressing percentage: Dressing percentage among the different significantly among the different dietary treatments. The highest
treatments differed significantly. T2 had had the best dressing giblet yield was obtained in T4 and second highest in T3 where as
yield while the other treatments had almost similar dressing yield. comparatively less for T1 and T2 groups.
In T2, average dressing percentage was 72.16 (Mixed sex) where From the above discussion it may be concluded that:
as male and female birds were 72.92 and 71.40 respectively in the i) Azolla is a good source of protein and may be used upto 5%
same treatment0. Hayse and Marion (1973) obtained similar result level in the broiler diet for better performance.
(72.04 and 70.08 percent eviscerated yield for male and female ii) Azolla meal had no deleterious effect on palatability of the
broilers). As body weight was higher (Table 5) in T2 treatments, diets.
so the dressing percentage also became higher than the other iii) Azolla meal is an unconventional feed ingredients at low price
dietary treatments. and may be used as a poultry feed to reduce feed cost.
However, further research using large number of birds with similar
Abdominal fat: Abdominal fat was not significantly affected by objectives is needed before giving final recommendation to use
dietary treatments and sexes (Table 11). However, females had Azolla meal as a feed ingredient in broiler ration.
slightly more abdominal fat than males. The results are consistent
with Plavnik and Hurwitz (1983). Treatment and sex interaction on REFERENCES:
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during 2-6 weeks and in 5-6 weeks of age. T1 and T2 had better Cambel, I. M., 1984. Growth performance of broilers fed with
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Basak et al.: Azolla (Azolla pinnata) as a Feed Ingredient in Broiler Ration

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